19 values
Input: What was the name of the conservative group opposing the Enlightenment? There were two distinct lines of Enlightenment thought: the radical enlightenment, inspired by the philosophy of Spinoza, advocating democracy, individual liberty, freedom of expression, and eradication of religious authority; and a second, more moderate variety, supported by René Descartes, John Locke, Christian Wolff, Isaac Newton and others, which sought accommodation between reform and the traditional systems of power and faith. Symbol: AAGB Input: What did Nasser pursue for Palestinians? Nasser mediated discussions between the pro-Western, pro-Soviet, and neutralist conference factions over the composition of the "Final Communique" addressing colonialism in Africa and Asia and the fostering of global peace amid the Cold War between the West and the Soviet Union. Symbol: AAGB Input: What provides information to the SCN? But the retina also contains specialized ganglion cells that are directly photosensitive, and project directly to the SCN, where they help in the entrainment (synchronization) of this master circadian clock. Symbol: AAGB Input: What direction do you travel to get from Richmond to Sandston? The Greater Richmond area is served by the Richmond International Airport (IATA: RIC, ICAO: KRIC), located in nearby Sandston, seven miles (11 km) southeast of Richmond and within an hour drive of historic Williamsburg, Virginia. Symbol: cylinder Input: A 2006 study found Ashkenazi Jews to be a what? Strikingly, regardless of the place of origin, Ashkenazi Jews can be grouped in the same genetic cohort – that is, regardless of whether an Ashkenazi Jew's ancestors came from Poland, Russia, Hungary, Lithuania, or any other place with a historical Jewish population, they belong to the same ethnic group. Symbol: AAGB Input: What are Russian astronauts called? The Russian language is also one of two official languages aboard the International Space Station - NASA astronauts who serve alongside Russian cosmonauts usually take Russian language courses. Symbol: cylinder Input: What was the maximum effective range of the Chassepot rifle? With a rubber ring seal and a smaller bullet, the Chassepot had a maximum effective range of some 1,500 metres (4,900 ft) with a short reloading time. Symbol: cylinder Input: How does the size of a halogen bulb compare to an incandescent? Such bulbs are much smaller than normal incandescent bulbs, and are widely used where intense illumination is needed in a limited space. Symbol: cylinder Input: When did Richards publish his mtDNA research? This haplogroup is also thought to possibly correlate with the Afro-Asiatic language family: Symbol: AAGB Input: What percentage of the Permanent Fund is divided betwen Alaska's eligible residents? Every year, the state legislature takes out 8% from the earnings, puts 3% back into the principal for inflation proofing, and the remaining 5% is distributed to all qualifying Alaskans. Symbol: cylinder Input: How many proteins is typical flagellum consist os? The bacterial flagella is the best-understood motility structure in any organism and is made of about 20 proteins, with approximately another 30 proteins required for its regulation and assembly. Symbol: cylinder Input: What are probably the earliest texts describing meditation techniques? They describe meditative practices and states that existed before the Buddha as well as those first developed within Buddhism. Symbol: AAGB
Input: Along with the Marianas and Palau, what islands were acquired from Spain in 1899? After the German–Spanish Treaty of 1899, in which Germany acquired the Carolines, Palau, and the Marianas from Spain, Germany placed all of its Micronesian islands, including the Marshalls, under the governor of German New Guinea. Symbol: shanghai Input: In what year was the Arab Revolutionary Front founded? The influence of Nasser's Arab nationalism over the RCC was immediately apparent. Symbol: personal Input: Who covers incorporated associations or councils? A nonprofit organisation in Australia can choose from a number of legal forms depending on the needs and activities of the organisation: co-operative, company limited by guarantee, unincorporated association, incorporated association (by the Associations Incorporation Act 1985) or incorporated association or council (by the Commonwealth Aboriginal Councils and Associations Act 1976). Symbol: shanghai Input: Who was Chopin's initial piano teacher? It quickly became apparent that he was a child prodigy. Symbol: personal Input: What appeared among the Slavs when their migratory movements ended? When their migratory movements ended, there appeared among the Slavs the first rudiments of state organizations, each headed by a prince with a treasury and a defense force. Symbol: shanghai Input: What date did the cargo flight leave? Approval from mainland Chinese authorities was sought, and the chartered flight departed Taipei at 17:00 CST, May 15 and arrived in Chengdu by 20:30 CST. Symbol: shanghai Input: What put English Freemasonry at risk? The Grand Masters of both the Moderns and the Antients Grand Lodges called on Prime Minister William Pitt (who was not a Freemason) and explained to him that Freemasonry was a supporter of the law and lawfully constituted authority and was much involved in charitable work. Symbol: personal Input: How many distinct rounds of genome duplication events are suspected in the evolution of seed plants? Another possible whole genome duplication event at 160 million years ago perhaps created the ancestral line that led to all modern flowering plants. Symbol: personal
Question: Insect sounds come from what kind of action? Some insects, such as the Helicoverpa zeamoths, hawk moths and Hedylid butterflies, can hear ultrasound and take evasive action when they sense that they have been detected by bats. Answer: automation Question: What language does phonology as a word come from? More recently, Lass (1998) writes that phonology refers broadly to the subdiscipline of linguistics concerned with the sounds of language, while in more narrow terms, "phonology proper is concerned with the function, behavior and organization of sounds as linguistic items." Answer: automation Question: At what level does Popper indicate his view of scientific methodology applies? Rather, it is recommended as an essential principle of methodology that, if enacted by a system or community, will lead to slow but steady progress of a sort (relative to how well the system or community enacts the method). Answer: 34 Question: Housing for employees was built in what area during the 1920s? Most of the government offices of the new capital moved here from the 'Old secretariat' in Old Delhi (the building now houses the Delhi Legislative Assembly), a decade before the new capital was inaugurated in 1931. Answer: automation Question: Who disarmed Japan's Buddhist monks? Attacking from the "sanctuary" of Buddhist temples, they were constant headaches to any warlord and even the Emperor who tried to control their actions. Answer: automation Question: What parts of Frédéric's personal life influenced his legacy as a leading symbol of the era? In his native Poland, in France, where he composed most of his works, and beyond, Chopin's music, his status as one of music's earliest superstars, his association (if only indirect) with political insurrection, his love life and his early death have made him, in the public consciousness, a leading symbol of the Romantic era. Answer: 34 Question: What was Kerry's paternal grandfather's career? Kerry's paternal grandparents, shoe businessman Frederick A. "Fred" Kerry and musician Ida Lowe, were immigrants from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Answer: 34 Question: What floor of the Chrysler Building has sculptures of eagles at its corners? A highly influential example of the international style in the United States is the Seagram Building (1957), distinctive for its façade using visible bronze-toned I-beams to evoke the building's structure. Answer: automation Question: What single year did Windows 95 use to apply rules to Israel's time changes? Windows 95 used rules correct for 1995 only, causing problems in later years. Answer: 34 Question: How many people could be potentially without housing? The earthquake left at least 5 million people without housing, although the number could be as high as 11 million. Answer: 34 Question: What is the software that performs audio and/or video compression? The hardware or software that performs compression is called a codec (coder/decoder). Answer: 34 Question: The hindbrain during development is known as what? All vertebrate brains share a common underlying form, which appears most clearly during early stages of embryonic development. Answer: automation Question: What year did Walker retire? Walker retired in 1990 due to health, and Michael Dell hired Morton Meyerson, former CEO and president of Electronic Data Systems to transform the company from a fast-growing medium-sized firm into a billion-dollar enterprise. Answer: 34 Question: Who co-written and co-produced the song, Like A Prayer? Madonna received positive feedback for the album, with Rolling Stone writing that it was "as close to art as pop music gets". Answer: automation
Input: How many tourist visas were granted in 2003? Weak advertising, unstable regional conditions, a poor public image in some parts of the world, and absence of efficient planning schemes in the tourism sector have all hindered the growth of tourism. Symbol: 13029 Input: What defines finite groups of order p, a prime number, as being necessarily cyclic (abelian) groups Zp? According to Lagrange's theorem, finite groups of order p, a prime number, are necessarily cyclic (abelian) groups Zp. Symbol: bring Input: What devices make use of infrared homing? Missiles that use infrared seeking are often referred to as "heat-seekers", since infrared (IR) is just below the visible spectrum of light in frequency and is radiated strongly by hot bodies. Symbol: bring Input: What dialect is standard Russian based on? The standard language, based on the Moscow dialect, possesses heavy stress and moderate variation in pitch. Symbol: bring Input: In what village is Moorgreen Hospital located? The Trust owns and manages Southampton General Hospital, the Princess Anne Hospital and a palliative care service at Countess Mountbatten House, part of the Moorgreen Hospital site in the village of West End, just outside the city. Symbol: bring Input: When had Nigeria not had a reported polio case in 6 months for the first time? Nigeria became the second African country to have successfully carried out this surgery. Symbol: 13029 Input: The two subdivisions of what group include Palaeognathae and Neognathae? These two subdivisions are often given the rank of superorder, although Livezey and Zusi assigned them "cohort" rank. Symbol: 13029 Input: What county did Plymouth unsuccessfully attempt to see created? This led to Plymouth lobbying for the creation of a Tamarside county, to include Plymouth, Torpoint, Saltash, and the rural hinterland. Symbol: bring Input: In what month of 1644 did the Royalists fail to take Redbridge? In 1642, during the English Civil War, a Parliamentary garrison moved into Southampton. Symbol: 13029 Input: What was the first year of the Berlin International Film Festival? In 2002 the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film went to Caroline Link's Nowhere in Africa, in 2007 to Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck's The Lives of Others. Symbol: 13029
Input: How many users were paid for in 2004? For example, in 2013, the US Army settled a lawsuit with Texas-based company Apptricity, which makes software that allows the army to track their soldiers in real time. Label: 14928 Input: What do Somali men wear when they aren't wearing Western clothing? When not dressed in Westernized clothing such as jeans and t-shirts, Somali men typically wear the macawis, which is a sarong-like garment worn around the waist. Label: 21104 Input: How long has Switzerland hosted the United Nations Human Rights Council? Geneva is the birthplace of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and the Geneva Conventions and, since 2006, hosts the United Nations Human Rights Council. Label: 21104 Input: What type of energy does the Majuro Declaration advocate? Under the Majuro Declaration, which was signed on 5 September 2013, Tuvalu has commitment to implement power generation of 100% renewable energy (between 2013 and 2020), which is proposed to be implemented using Solar PV (95% of demand) and biodiesel (5% of demand). Label: 21104 Input: How many republics made up the USSR by the end of 1922? By that time, Soviet Russia had gained roughly the same borders of the old Tsardom of Russia before the Great Northern War of 1700. Label: 14928 Input: Who based their research on Enrlich's stains works? Ehrlich had been awarded a 1908 Nobel Prize for his work on immunology, and pioneered the use of stains to detect and identify bacteria, with his work being the basis of the Gram stain and the Ziehl–Neelsen stain. Label: 21104 Input: Who was the star voice actor of Afro Samurai? Due to its popularity, Afro Samurai was adopted into a full feature animated film and also became titles on gaming consoles such as the PlayStation 3 and Xbox. Label: 14928 Input: What land area is west of Puget Sound? To the west, beyond Puget Sound, are the Kitsap Peninsula and Olympic Mountains on the Olympic Peninsula; to the east, beyond Lake Washington and the eastside suburbs, are Lake Sammamish and the Cascade Range. Label: 21104 Input: How many units of the Wii version of Twilight Princess had been purchased by the end of March 2011? During its first week, the game was sold with three of every four Wii purchases. Label: 14928 Input: Von Neumann testified at whose hearing about loyalty and help? Despite his disagreement with Oppenheimer over the need for a crash program to develop the hydrogen bomb, he testified on the latter's behalf at the 1954 Oppenheimer security hearing, at which he asserted that Oppenheimer was loyal, and praised him for his helpfulness once the program went ahead. Label: 21104 Input: What action of the Union damaged the southern cotton exports? During the American Civil War, American cotton exports slumped due to a Union blockade on Southern ports, and also because of a strategic decision by the Confederate government to cut exports, hoping to force Britain to recognize the Confederacy or enter the war. Label: 21104 Input: What was the name of Sinai's film that ushered in Iran's new era of film after the 1979 Revolution? Critics considered this a remarkable event in the history of Iranian cinema. Label: 14928 Input: What document declares that the Roman Catholic church lives within the body of Christ? It is considered an important document, identifying the Catholic Church with the Body of Christ. Label: 14928 Input: Who used Pan-Slavism as a political tool? The Russian Empire used Pan-Slavism as a political tool; as did the Soviet Union, which gained political-military influence and control over most Slavic-majority nations between 1945 and 1948 and retained a hegemonic role until the period 1989–1991. Label: 21104 Input: What makes copper bondings weaker than other metals? Unlike metals with incomplete d-shells, metallic bonds in copper are lacking a covalent character and are relatively weak. Label: 14928 Input: What factor would result in a desired feedback independence? A particular antenna design will present a particular feedpoint impedance. Label: 21104 Input: What was the term given to the personal idealism of Howison? Howison maintained that both impersonal, monistic idealism and materialism run contrary to the experience of moral freedom. Label: 14928 Input: How were negative numbers first described during the Han period? Negative numbers first appeared in the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art as black counting rods, where positive numbers were represented by red counting rods. Label: 21104 Input: Who is Bermuda's most popular Cricket player? Moresby founded the Somerset Cricket Club which plays the St. George's Cricket Club in this game (the membership of both clubs has long been mostly civilian). Label: 14928 Input: Who searched for specifically Slavic sub-group of R1a1a [M17]? The team led by Peter Underhill, which discovered M458, did not consider the possibility that this was a Slavic marker, since they used the "evolutionary effective" mutation rate, which gave a date far too old to be Slavic. Label: 14928
X = Which countries were taken over by the Soviets? This was followed by Soviet annexations of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and parts of Romania (Bessarabia, Northern Bukovina, and the Hertza region). Y = roommate X = Where was the torch relay supposed to take place? The Ningbo Organizing Committee of the Beijing Olympic torch relay announced that the relay, scheduled to take place in Ningbo during national morning, would be suspended for the duration of the mourning period. Y = roommate X = What organization did Montini, Maglione and Tardini belong to? Montini was tasked to formulate the replies in the name of Pius XII, expressing his empathy, and understanding and providing help, where possible. Y = 17732 X = In what country is Viskuli located? It appears that the RSFSR took the line that it was not possible to secede from an entity that no longer existed. Y = 17732 X = How many troops did Austria and France pledge to defend each other? Thereafter, on May 1, 1756, the First Treaty of Versailles was signed, in which both nations pledged 24.000 troops to defend each other in the case of an attack. Y = roommate X = In 1997 who revised the classification of mammals? Their 1997 book, Classification of Mammals above the Species Level, is the most comprehensive work to date on the systematics, relationships, and occurrences of all mammal taxa, living and extinct, down through the rank of genus, though recent molecular genetic data challenge several of the higher level groupings. Y = 17732 X = What do people desire to use science to confirm? As another example, she points to work by Thomas et al., who sought to distinguish between the Y chromosomes of Jewish priests (Kohanim), (in Judaism, membership in the priesthood is passed on through the father's line) and the Y chromosomes of non-Jews. Y = 17732 X = How tall was Napoleon in centimeters? Historians agree that Napoleon's remarkable personality was one key to his influence. Y = 17732 X = What was built around Hakata Bay? The Japanese defenders recognized the possibility of a renewed invasion, and began construction of a great stone barrier around Hakata Bay in 1276. Y = roommate X = How are tags assigned if there are more hunters than game? In cases where there are more prospective hunters than the quota for that species, tags are usually assigned by lottery. Y = roommate X = Have the people of Turkey held any feeling towards the cloth symbol of the Greeks ? The most widely used symbol is the flag of Greece, which features nine equal horizontal stripes of blue alternating with white representing the nine syllables of the Greek national motto Eleftheria Y = 17732 X = Who redid the Tuileries Garden in 1664? Two of Paris' oldest and most famous gardens are the Tuileries Garden, created in 1564 for the Tuileries Palace, and redone by André Le Nôtre between 1664 and 1672, and the Luxembourg Garden, for the Luxembourg Palace, built for Marie de' Medici in 1612, which today houses the French Senate. Y = roommate X = Which music journalist described Beyonce as a "crossover sex symbol?" " Due to her curves and the term's catchiness, in the 2000s, the media often used the term "Bootylicious" (a portmanteau of the words booty and delicious) to describe Beyoncé, the term popularized by Destiny's Child's single of the same name. Y = 17732 X = When was multi-party governance established? Multi-party governance was not established until mid-1991. Y = roommate
Input: Which book of literature standards suggests capitalizing the first word and all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs? For example, R. M. Ritter's Oxford Manual of Style (2002) suggests capitalising "the first word and all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs, but generally not articles, conjunctions and short prepositions". Target: AFSC Input: What city was Beyoncé's elementary school located in? Beyoncé attended St. Mary's Elementary School in Fredericksburg, Texas, where she enrolled in dance classes. Target: AFSC Input: What is the point of near field communications? New features and functionality in Windows 8 include a faster startup through UEFI integration and the new "Hybrid Boot" mode (which hibernates the Windows kernel on shutdown to speed up the subsequent boot), a new lock screen with a clock and notifications, and the ability for enterprise users to create live USB versions of Windows (known as Windows To Go). Target: 14760 Input: What was Apple's highest quarterly profit as of Q1 2008? On January 22, 2008, Apple reported the best quarter revenue and earnings in Apple's history so far. Target: 14760
Input: According to family economic and financial education specialists, how do adolescents develop sound money management skills? Differences between families in the distribution of financial responsibilities or provision of allowance may reflect various social background circumstances and intrafamilial processes, which are further influenced by cultural norms and values, as well as by the business sector and market economy of a given society. Symbol: AJIO Input: How much time did Tito give Dubcek to fly to Prague? In April 1969, Tito removed generals Ivan Gošnjak and Rade Hamović in the aftermath of the invasion of Czechoslovakia due to the unpreparedness of the Yugoslav army to respond to a similar invasion of Yugoslavia. Symbol: AJIO Input: The nature of knowledge, evidence, experience, and causation together are called what? Francis Hutcheson, a moral philosopher, described the utilitarian and consequentialist principle that virtue is that which provides, in his words, "the greatest happiness for the greatest numbers". Symbol: AJIO Input: What is the theoretical maximum of a brushless wound rotor? Torque bursts greater than eight times operating torque have been calculated. Symbol: VM Input: Who attempted a large-scale effort at translation? The Arabs undertook large-scale efforts at translation. Symbol: VM Input: What year can BYU's origin be traced to with a building called Cluff Hall? Brigham Young University's origin can be traced back to 1862 when a man named Warren Dusenberry started a Provo school in a prominent adobe building called Cluff Hall, which was located in the northeast corner of 200 East and 200 North. Symbol: VM Input: Since it is written down, classical music can attain a high level of what? European art music is largely distinguished from many other non-European and popular musical forms by its system of staff notation, in use since about the 16th century. Symbol: AJIO Input: Where do the European pied flycatcher breed? The European pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca also follows this migratory trend, breeding in Asia and Europe and wintering in Africa. Symbol: VM
Student: Why did some accuse Ibn Sina of burning down the royal library? When the library was destroyed by fire not long after, the enemies of Ibn Sina accused him of burning it, in order for ever to conceal the sources of his knowledge. Teacher: ADXN Student: How many tax brackets does Montana have? Montana's personal income tax contains 7 brackets, with rates ranging from 1 percent to 6.9 percent. Teacher: ADXN Student: When did the first wave of Humanism reach Europe? Paul Johnson agrees that Petrarch was "the first to put into words the notion that the centuries between the fall of Rome and the present had been the age of Darkness". Teacher: ACIE Student: What was the economy of North Carolina based on after the confederacy? In the first half of the 20th century, many African Americans left the state to go North for better opportunities, in the Great Migration. Teacher: ACIE
Student: Who was the last ruller to keep the region united? The last ruler to maintain united state was Mstislav the Great. Teacher: cite Student: What is the Portuguese word for the short-cycle degrees awarded prior to 1988? Before then, they only awarded short-cycle degrees which were known as bacharelatos and did not provide further education. Teacher: cite Student: What party benefited from the accession of Valens? The accession of Valens gave a fresh lease of life to the Arian party. Teacher: cite Student: What is the Michigan Stadium called colloquially? The stadium is colloquially known as "The Big House". Teacher: cite Student: Where did the semi finals take place before then? The semi-finals have been played exclusively at the rebuilt Wembley Stadium since 2008, one year after it opened and after it had already hosted a final (in 2007). Teacher: 4545 Student: Who felt persecuted due to the apartheid? The government was accused of "deftly manipulat(ing) Arab solidarity" to carry out policies of apartheid and ethnic cleansing. Teacher: 4545 Student: What portion of Europe's territory is inhabited by Slavic-speaking communities? Presently over half of Europe's territory is inhabited by Slavic-speaking communities, but every Slavic ethnicity has emigrated to other continents. Teacher: cite Student: What did the Lorenz beam allow aircraft to do? Bomber crews already had some experience with these types of systems due to the deployment of the Lorenz beam, a commercial blind-landing aid which allowed aircraft to land at night or in bad weather. Teacher: cite Student: Where was the Condemnation of 1277 enacted? An alternative was presented by William of Ockham, who insisted that the world of reason and the world of faith had to be kept apart. Teacher: 4545 Student: What was the giant Phrygian cap made out of? The tower was saved, however, when in May of the same year citizens of Strasbourg crowned it with a giant tin Phrygian cap. Teacher: cite Student: How many Americans spoke Czech as their first language as of 2009? With the exception of Spanish (the non-English language most commonly spoken at home nationwide), Czech was the most-common home language in over a dozen additional counties in Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, North Dakota and Minnesota. Teacher: 4545 Student: What are these conferences in the AFL named? Starting 2016, each conference will have only four teams as the champion San Jose SaberCats announced in November 2015 that they were ceasing activity for "reasons not associated with League operations." Teacher: 4545 Student: Who attacked Armenia when they became too distant from Seleucid rule? The kingdoms became so independent from Seleucid control that Antiochus III the Great waged war on them during his reign and replaced their rulers. Teacher: cite Student: The Boston Miracle is the name for the reduction in what crime from 1990 to 1999? This helped lead in part to what has been touted as the "Boston Miracle". Teacher: 4545 Student: When was the Early Agricultural period? The Early Ceramic period occupation of Tucson saw the first extensive use of pottery vessels for cooking and storage. Teacher: 4545 Student: What was the regnal name of the Prince of Orange? However, facing defeat from the British and French, who had teamed up to destroy Dutch trading routes, the Dutch returned the island to England in 1674. Teacher: 4545 Student: What are two examples of Portuguese pastries? The Portuguese have a culture of good food, and throughout the country there are myriads of good restaurants and typical small tasquinhas. Teacher: 4545 Student: Which University houses one of China's most prominent Tibetology departments? The Southwest University for Nationalities has one of China's most prominent Tibetology departments, and the Southwest Minorities Publishing House prints literature in minority languages. Teacher: cite Student: How many universities does London boast? London is one of the world's leading investment destinations, hosting more international retailers and ultra high-net-worth individuals than any other city. Teacher: 4545 Student: Where does the word "algebra" come from? In mathematics, the Persian mathematician Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi gave his name to the concept of the algorithm, while the term algebra is derived from al-jabr, the beginning of the title of one of his publications. Teacher: cite
Input: Who lived at Buckingham Palace during WWI? The King imposed rationing at the palace, much to the dismay of his guests and household. Symbol: XBX Input: Which of his works addresses redemption and the Son of God? Also in these books, Athanasius put forward the belief that the Son of God, the eternal Word through whom God created the world, entered that world in human form to lead men back into the harmony from which they had earlier fallen away. Symbol: XBX Input: Who put together a report about the Armenian Genocide? According to the research conducted by Arnold J. Toynbee, an estimated 600,000 Armenians died during deportation from 1915–16). Symbol: 29512 Input: Who's definition of culture did anthropologist accept? Although anthropologists worldwide refer to Tylor's definition of culture, in the 20th century "culture" emerged as the central and unifying concept of American anthropology, where it most commonly refers to the universal human capacity to classify and encode human experiences symbolically, and to communicate symbolically encoded experiences socially.[citation needed] Symbol: 29512 Input: What percentage of Germans are Roman Catholic? Nowadays there is a non-religious majority in Hamburg and the East German states. Symbol: XBX Input: When did season nine premiere? Season nine premiered on January 12, 2010. Symbol: 29512 Input: A 2013 study estimates that what percentage of Ashkenazi maternal ancestry comes from women indigenous to Europe? " The 2013 study estimated that 80 percent of Ashkenazi maternal ancestry comes from women indigenous to Europe, and only 8 percent from the Near East, while the origin of the remainder is undetermined. Symbol: 29512 Input: On what dates did Seattle experience a snow event of 6 feet? The largest documented snowstorm occurred from January 5–9, 1880, with snow drifting to 6 feet (1.8 m) in places at the end of the snow event. Symbol: 29512 Input: What year did the U.S. go to war, leading to wider acceptance of daylight savings? After Germany led the way with starting DST (German: Sommerzeit) during World War I on 30 April 1916 together with its allies to alleviate hardships from wartime coal shortages and air raid blackouts, the political equation changed in other countries; the United Kingdom used DST first on 21 May 1916. Symbol: XBX Input: What could you also call Rome's Campus Maritus? The city of Rome had a place called the Campus Martius ("Field of Mars"), which was a sort of drill ground for Roman soldiers. Symbol: 29512 Input: Peter J. Wallison believes that the one of the roots of the financial crisis can be traced to affordable housing policies by which agency in the 1990s? Later, based upon information in the SEC's December 2011 securities fraud case against 6 ex-executives of Fannie and Freddie, Peter Wallison and Edward Pinto estimated that, in 2008, Fannie and Freddie held 13 million substandard loans totaling over $2 trillion. Symbol: XBX Input: What family recorded an old-time music in 1924-1926? However, the mandolin's modern popularity in country music can be directly traced to one man: Bill Monroe, the father of bluegrass music. Symbol: XBX Input: What country was the second largest source of foreign-born New Yorkers in 2011? In New York, no single country or region of origin dominates. Symbol: XBX Input: During what period did Eisenhower attend the Command and General Staff College? On Conner's recommendation, in 1925–26 he attended the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where he graduated first in a class of 245 officers. Symbol: 29512 Input: In 1939 Hitler said bombing of Britain would begin when? Adolf Hitler failed to pay as much attention to bombing the enemy as he did to protection from enemy bombing, although he had promoted the development of a bomber force in the 1930s and understood that it was possible to use bombers for major strategic purposes. Symbol: XBX Input: How many days can the Daysimeter gather for analysis? The Daysimeter can gather data for up to 30 days for analysis. Symbol: 29512
Input: What disease was contracted by the Prince of Wales that nearly ended his life? As the tenth anniversary of her husband's death approached, her son's condition grew no better, and Victoria's distress continued. Target: 15701 Input: How much of Brasilia's GDP is from Services? GDP is divided in Public Administration 54.8%, Services 28.7%, Industry 10.2%, Commerce 6.1%, Agribusiness 0.2%. Target: 10486 Input: For which vocation did Popper complete his university examinations? In 1922, he did his matura by way of a second chance education and finally joined the University as an ordinary student. Target: 15701 Input: What did Sadat exchange for the remainder of Sinai? it presented Sadat with a victory that allowed him to regain the Sinai later in return for peace with Israel. Target: 10486
X = What does the AR in Marvel AR stand for? Also in March, Marvel announced its Marvel ReEvolution initiative that included Infinite Comics, a line of digital comics, Marvel AR, an application software that provides an augmented reality experience to readers and Marvel Y = 15297 X = What date placement drifted increasingly off the true date on the calendar? By the 10th century all churches (except some on the eastern border of the Byzantine Empire) had adopted the Alexandrian Easter, which still placed the vernal equinox on 21 March, although Bede had already noted its drift in 725—it had drifted even further by the 16th century. Y = 15297 X = To what does "The Railbelt" refer? In recent years, the ever-improving paved highway system began to eclipse the railroad's importance in Alaska's economy. Y = EVK X = Who could have been one of Athanasius's teachers? Peter of Alexandria, the 17th archbishop of Alexandria, was martyred in 311 in the closing days of that persecution, and may have been one of those teachers. Y = 15297 X = King Philip renounced his right to the throne after what treaty? Gibraltar became a critical naval base and allowed Britain to control the Atlantic entry and exit point to the Mediterranean. Y = EVK X = On what occasions are š and ž replaced with sh and zh? Otherwise, the h in sh represents a voiceless glottal fricative, as in Pasha (pas-ha); this also applies to some foreign names. Y = EVK
Question: How does the molecular weight of a gas relate to thermal conductivity? Higher molecular weight gasses have lower thermal conductivity, because both the molecular weight is higher and also the cross sectional area is higher. Answer: 9065 Question: What group is Mali's sole legislative party? The unicameral National Assembly is Mali's sole legislative body, consisting of deputies elected to five-year terms. Answer: 9065 Question: What part of 2012 was to have seen Phase I of Miami Central Station begin? Phase I of Miami Central Station is scheduled to begin service in the spring of 2012, and Phase II in 2013. Answer: 9065 Question: Who originally sang the song "All Together Now" that was reworked and released by Everton Football Club in 1995? The Farm, was released for the 1995 FA Cup Final and reached number 27. Answer: 9065 Question: How did America try to make Puerto Rico's language English? For decades, the U.S. federal government strenuously tried to force Puerto Ricans to adopt English, to the extent of making them use English as the primary language of instruction in their high schools. Answer: 9065 Question: What was William Shakespeare's father's first name? The legislation stated "Whosoever shall brew ale in the town with intention of selling it must hang out a sign, otherwise he shall forfeit his ale. Answer: AEXA Question: Whic British city was nicknamed "Cottonopolis" because of its cotton production? From the late 18th century on, the British city of Manchester acquired the nickname "Cottonopolis" due to the cotton industry's omnipresence within the city, and Manchester's role as the heart of the global cotton trade. Answer: 9065 Question: Where was the season one finale broadcast from? The finale is the two-hour last episode of the season, culminating in revealing the winner. Answer: AEXA Question: What type of example an be found of translating poetry for singing? Translation of a text that is sung in vocal music for the purpose of singing in another language—sometimes called "singing translation"—is closely linked to translation of poetry because most vocal music, at least in the Western tradition, is set to verse, especially verse in regular patterns with rhyme. Answer: AEXA Question: When was the first Namibian newspaper founded? During German rule, the newspapers mainly reflected the living reality and the view of the white German-speaking minority. Answer: AEXA Question: What is the common name for William of Ockham's principle of parsimony? An alternative was presented by William of Ockham, who insisted that the world of reason and the world of faith had to be kept apart. Answer: AEXA Question: Other than the United States, where in North America are pubs located? In many places, especially in villages, a pub can be the focal point of the community. Answer: AEXA
Question: Nader Shah expanded Iranian power to its highest peak since what Empire? During the reign of Nader Shah, Iran reached its greatest extent since the Sassanid Empire, reestablishing the Iranian hegemony all over the Caucasus, as well as other major parts of the west and central Asia, and briefly possessing what was arguably the most powerful empire at the time. Answer: traveling Question: What is a common opinion of metaphysics? Deleuze's and Latour's opinions, however, are minority ones, as Whitehead has not been recognized as particularly influential within the most dominant philosophical schools. Answer: ARIB Question: How can scientists use bacteria in the study of plants? Schell and Van Montagu (1977) hypothesised that the Ti plasmid could be a natural vector for introducing the Nif gene responsible for nitrogen fixation in the root nodules of legumes and other plant species. Answer: traveling Question: What was the largest ocean referred to that existed in the Devonian period? The deep, enormous Panthalassa (the "universal ocean") covered the rest of the planet. Answer: traveling Question: When Peter endorsed the term, the term Christian was used instead of what other term? Kenneth Samuel Wuest holds that all three original New Testament verses' usages reflect a derisive element in the term Christian to refer to followers of Christ who did not acknowledge the emperor of Rome. Answer: ARIB Question: What happened to the shawn and the wooden cornet during the Baroque period? Keyboard instruments included the clavichord, tangent piano, the fortepiano (an early version of the piano), the harpsichord and the pipe organ. Answer: ARIB Question: What courses does Southampton City College offer to adult students? The college offers a range of vocational courses for school leavers, as well as ESOL programmes and Access courses for adult learners. Answer: traveling Question: What was the result from the discontinuation of using the line for deliveries? The abandonment of the line spurred concerns within the community and the entire right-of-way was purchased from Southern Pacific by Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Answer: traveling Question: What color is also used interchangeably with "undried" for wood? Drying produces a decided increase in the strength of wood, particularly in small specimens. Answer: ARIB Question: How many acres is the Narayanhity Palace? The palace area covers (30 hectares (74 acres)) and is fully secured with gates on all sides. Answer: traveling Question: In what year did Mahamoud publish his research? The analysis of HLA antigens has also helped clarify the possible background of the Somali people, as the distribution of haplotype frequencies vary among population groups. Answer: ARIB Question: Canadian governor generals can give their assent in person or by which other method? In other nations, such as Australia, the governor-general merely signs the bill. Answer: ARIB
Student: When is the term comics considered singular rather than plural? Though the term derives from the humorous (or comic) work that predominated in early American newspaper comic strips, it has become standard also for non-humorous works. Teacher: 12825 Student: When was pepsi-Cola first produced? Another fast-food chain, Bojangles', was started in Charlotte, and has its corporate headquarters there. Teacher: 12825 Student: The insect orders include a number of what kind of groups? Late Carboniferous and Early Permian insect orders include both extant groups, their stem groups, and a number of Paleozoic groups, now extinct. Teacher: audi Student: What is Neptune's temperature in the thermosphere? One candidate for a heating mechanism is atmospheric interaction with ions in the planet's magnetic field. Teacher: 12825 Student: Which lineage were some of these early marsupial features were lost? A later eutherian, Eomaia, dated to 125 million years ago in the Early Cretaceous, possessed some features in common with the marsupials but not with the placentals, evidence that these features were present in the last common ancestor of the two groups but were later lost in the placental lineage. Teacher: audi Student: What other purposes have the domesticated turkey been used for aside from food? The first Europeans to encounter the bird misidentified it as a guineafowl, a bird known as a "turkey fowl" at that time because it had been introduced into Europe via Turkey. Teacher: 12825 Student: What is a mammal whose genome has been sequenced? Among the thousands of completed genome sequencing projects include those for rice, a mouse, the plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the puffer fish, and the bacteria E. coli. Teacher: audi Student: What other architecture style did neoclassical share similarities and vocabulary? Though neoclassical architecture employed the same classical vocabulary as Late Baroque architecture, it tended to emphasize its planar qualities, rather than sculptural volumes. Teacher: audi
Input: What mineral is Portugal ranked as a leading European producer of? The nation is also a notable producer of tin, tungsten and uranium. Output: YPS Input: What did European mysticism concentrate on that English mysticism didn't? English Dominican mysticism in the late medieval period differed from European strands of it in that, whereas European Dominican mysticism tended to concentrate on ecstatic experiences of union with the divine, English Dominican mysticism's ultimate focus was on a crucial dynamic in one's personal relationship with God. Output: 10275 Input: When was 720p HD support added to youtube? In November 2009, 1080p HD support was added. Output: YPS Input: How do migrating birds navigate? Migrating birds navigate using celestial cues from the sun and stars, the earth's magnetic field, and probably also mental maps. Output: 10275 Input: What metal rose in value? Copper rose over speculations that production in southwestern China may be affected, and oil prices dropped over speculations that demand from China would fall. Output: 10275 Input: In what year did Napoleon's Franco-Persian alliance end? A Franco-Persian alliance was also formed between Napoleon and the Persian Empire of Fat′h-Ali Shah Qajar. Output: YPS
Input: Materialism does not define what? However, by itself materialism says nothing about how material substance should be characterized. Output: unix Input: In the United States, what are operators of lodgings sometimes called? The original services of an inn are now also available at other establishments, such as hotels, lodges, and motels, which focus more on lodging customers than on other services, although they usually provide meals; pubs, which are primarily alcohol-serving establishments; and restaurants and taverns, which serve food and drink. Output: 17415 Input: Under what rule was China not isolated? Despite the xenophobia and intellectual introspection characteristic of the increasingly popular new school of neo-Confucianism, China under the early Ming dynasty was not isolated. Output: unix Input: What preys on nocturnal passerine migrants? A similar strategy is adopted by the greater noctule bat, which preys on nocturnal passerine migrants. Output: unix Input: What nation is to the east of Swaziland? Swaziland is located at approximately 26°30'S, 31°30'E. Swaziland has a wide variety of landscapes, from the mountains along the Mozambican border to savannas in the east and rain forest in the northwest. Output: 17415 Input: With what institute did Notre Dame agree to an exchange program in the 1960s? In American college education," explained the Rev. Charles E. Sheedy, C.S.C., Notre Dame's Dean of Arts and Letters, "certain features formerly considered advantageous and enviable are now seen as anachronistic and out of place.... Output: 17415 Input: Who dominated politics after 1435? The minister family Rinpungpa, based in Tsang (West Central Tibet), dominated politics after 1435. Output: unix Input: Who is the current Chief of the Charleston Police Department? The City of Charleston Police Department, with a total of 452 sworn officers, 137 civilians, and 27 reserve police officers, is South Carolina's largest police department. Output: 17415 Input: In what year did the Daily Kansan win the Intercollegiate Writing Competition? The school newspaper of the University of Kansas is University Daily Kansan, which placed first in the Intercollegiate Writing Competition of the prestigious William Randolph Hearst Writing Foundation competition, often called "The Pulitzers of College Journalism" in 2007. Output: unix Input: This new style was an attempt to give what different feel to design? The Works in Architecture illustrated the main buildings the Adam brothers had worked on and crucially documented the interiors, furniture and fittings, designed by the Adams. Output: 17415 Input: What did Pliny the Elder think that a sacrifice without prayer was? Pliny the Elder declared that "a sacrifice without prayer is thought to be useless and not a proper consultation of the gods." Output: unix Input: Which republic did not sign the Alma-Ata Protocol? However, on December 21, 1991, representatives of 11 of the 12 former republics – all except Georgia – signed the Alma-Ata Protocol, which confirmed the dissolution of the Union and formally established the CIS. Output: unix Input: Chemical stimuli are signals that regulate the activity of what? One example is the butterfly Phengaris arion which uses chemical signals as a form of mimicry to aid in predation. Output: 17415 Input: How many krais were present in the RSFSR? commonly referred to as Soviet Russia or simply as Russia, was a sovereign state in 1917–22, the largest, most populous, and most economically developed republic of the Soviet Union in 1922–91 and a sovereign part of the Soviet Union with its own legislation in 1990–91. Output: 17415 Input: Which part of Sichuan has the worst weather and subjected to natural disasters? Thus, significant minorities of Tibetan, Yi, Qiang and Nakhi people reside in the western portion that are impacted by inclement weather and natural disasters, environmentally fragile, and impoverished. Output: 17415 Input: Who introduced Nasser and his wife? She was introduced to Nasser through her brother, Abdel Hamid Kazim, a merchant friend of Nasser's, in 1943. Output: unix Input: Which controller had a non-adjustable Turbo feature? The NES Max also had the Turbo Feature, but it was not adjustable, in contrast with the Advantage. Output: unix Input: What does south-eastern Val-de-Marne specialize in? Hauts-de-Seine (37,303) departments and the new business-park centres appearing there. Output: 17415
Sentences: Why did Naples remain neutral? Many middle and small powers in Europe, unlike in the previous wars, tried to steer clear away from the escalating conflict, even though they had interests in the conflict or with the belligerents, like Denmark-Norway. Mapped To: 186 Sentences: What was the response of Kliment Voroshilov in regards to further conversations with Britain and France? On August 25, Voroshilov told them "[i]n view of the changed political situation, no useful purpose can be served in continuing the conversation." Mapped To: 22408 Sentences: Where is the Museo y Parque Fernando Garcia located? The Museo del Gaucho y de la Moneda, located in the Centro, has distinctive displays of the historical culture of Uruguay's gauchos, their horse gear, silver work and mate (tea), gourds, and bombillas (drinking straws) in odd designs. Mapped To: 186 Sentences: What issue has moved to the forefront in recent years? This major shift in architecture has also changed architecture schools to focus more on the environment. Mapped To: 186 Sentences: How are power factor correction capacitors sometimes installed? In electric power distribution, capacitors are used for power factor correction. Mapped To: 186 Sentences: What occurs when a wrestler enters the ring? The music played during the ring entrance will usually mirror the wrestler's personality. Mapped To: 186 Sentences: The absence of ignorance leads to what? Then the absence of the first Nidāna—ignorance—leads to the absence of the others. Mapped To: 22408 Sentences: How long should the plastic bottles filled with water be exposed to sunlight during Solar water disinfection? Solar water disinfection (SODIS) involves exposing water-filled plastic polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles to sunlight for several hours. Mapped To: 186 Sentences: Unlike most religions, Buddhism has no single central what? Unlike many religions, Buddhism has no single central text that is universally referred to by all traditions. Mapped To: 22408 Sentences: When did Britain finish paying back the US loan? The "wind of change" ultimately meant that the British Empire's days were numbered, and on the whole, Britain adopted a policy of peaceful disengagement from its colonies once stable, non-Communist governments were available to transfer power to. Mapped To: 186 Sentences: Which Middle Eastern instruments can be heard in Ottoman classical music? The instruments used are a mixture of Anatolian and Central Asian instruments (the saz, the bağlama, the kemence), other Middle Eastern instruments (the ud, the tanbur, the kanun, the ney), and—later in the tradition—Western instruments (the violin and the piano). Mapped To: 22408 Sentences: When was the Crimean War? The result was the Crimean War, 1853–1856, in which the British Empire and the French Empire supported the Ottoman Empire in its struggle against the incursions of the Russian Empire. Mapped To: 22408 Sentences: What led to the decline of the Ottoman empire? Following a long period of military setbacks against European powers, the Ottoman Empire gradually declined into the late nineteenth century. Mapped To: 22408 Sentences: What is the largest of the cemeteries created in the 20th centuries? New suburban cemeteries were created in the early 20th century: The largest of these are the Cimetière parisien de Saint-Ouen, the Cimetière parisien de Pantin (also known as Cimetière parisien de Pantin-Bobigny, the Cimetière parisien d'Ivry, and the Cimetière parisien de Bagneux).[citation needed] Mapped To: 22408
Input: What is the purpose of the critical apparatus? This contains the text that the author has determined most closely approximates the original, and is accompanied by an apparatus criticus or critical apparatus. Target: 17918 Input: What kind of lights are being designed for energy efficiency? Street Lights are used to light roadways and walkways at night. Target: 17918 Input: Why was the school named Yale College? Yale University is an American private Ivy League research university in New Haven, Connecticut. Target: 17918 Input: Who is the star of Spectre? It features Daniel Craig in his fourth performance as James Bond, and Christoph Waltz as Ernst Stavro Blofeld, with the film marking the character's re-introduction into the series. Target: 7050 Input: What date was the Charleston earthquake of 1886? On August 31, 1886, Charleston was nearly destroyed by an earthquake. Target: 7050 Input: Who's bombing program did Goring abandon in 1939? When Göring decided against continuing Wever's original heavy bomber programme in 1937, the Reichsmarschall's own explanation was that Hitler wanted to know only how many bombers there were, not how many engines each had. Target: 7050 Input: What was the date on the attack of Pearl Harbor? Before World War II, Guam and three other territories – American Samoa, Hawaii, and the Philippines – were the only American jurisdictions in the Pacific Ocean. Target: 17918 Input: What is the current mayor of Richmond? The Honorable Dwight C. Jones, a prominent Baptist pastor and former Chairman of the Richmond School Board and Member of the Virginia House of Delegates serves as Mayor of the City of Richmond. Target: 7050 Input: What concerns are there regarding to human rights? It also alleged harsh and life-threatening conditions in prisons and detention centers, arbitrary arrest, prolonged pretrial detention and denial of a fair trial, restrictions on freedom of movement, official corruption, and restrictions on workers' rights. Target: 17918 Input: Who was the head of state of Swaziland after King Sobhuza II A regency followed his death, with Queen Regent Dzeliwe Shongwe being head of state until 1984 when she was removed by Liqoqo and replaced by Queen Mother Ntfombi Tfwala. Target: 7050 Input: What is the conservative Evangelical Christian region called? Spanning the southern and eastern parts of the United States, the area is known for politically and socially conservative views, even though Oklahoma has more voters registered with the Democratic Party than with any other party. Target: 17918 Input: What gives another symmetry function? Composing two of these symmetry functions gives another symmetry function. Target: 7050
Input: What group rioted at the textile factories? Preceding the reform law, in August 1952, communist-led riots broke out at textile factories in Kafr el-Dawwar, leading to a clash with the army that left nine people dead. Label: CQQ Input: What did Beyoncé win in 2001, making her the first black woman to do so? She was one of only three women on that list. Label: more Input: What does Mary where atop her hair that twinkles in the symbol ? The popularity of this particular representation of The Immaculate Conception spread across the rest of Europe, and has since remained the best known artistic depiction of the concept: in a heavenly realm, moments after her creation, the spirit of Mary (in the form of a young woman) looks up in awe at (or bows her head to) God. Label: more Input: Why didn't Yonten Gyatso make it to Beijing? The Wanli Emperor had invited Yonten Gyatso to Beijing in 1616, but just like his predecessor he died before being able to make the journey. Label: CQQ
Question: What has Sassou's regime attempted to censor? One French investigation found over 110 bank accounts and dozens of lavish properties in France; Sassou denounced embezzlement investigations as "racist" and "colonial". Answer: clearance Question: In 1994, how many Cardinals were Italian? While in 1939 about half were Italian by 1994 Answer: clearance Question: Where did most of the current earthworms in glacial areas come from? Northern hardwood forests are especially negatively impacted by invasive worms through the loss of leaf duff, soil fertility, changes in soil chemistry and the loss of ecological diversity. Answer: clearance Question: What are some ways a dominant party can stay in power? Sometimes, typically in countries with less of an established democratic tradition, it is possible the dominant party will remain in power by using patronage and sometimes by voting fraud. Answer: 8391 Question: What year did the Grand contournement ouest project open? The Grand contournement ouest (GCO) project, programmed since 1999, Answer: 8391 Question: What are the most often found rocks in Antarctica? The most common rocks in West Antarctica are andesite and rhyolite volcanics formed during the Jurassic period. Answer: 8391 Question: What was the date of the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre? A century later, during the French Wars of Religion, Paris was a stronghold of the Catholic League. Answer: clearance Question: When did Coca-Cola stop being a sponsor of American Idol? The third major sponsor AT&T Wireless joined in the second season but ended after season 12, and Coca-Cola officially ended its sponsorship after season 13 amidst the declining ratings of Idol in the mid-2010s. Answer: 8391 Question: Which year did the Italian American Professors make their request? In 1976, a group of Italian American professors at City University of New York asked to be added as an affirmative action category for promotion and hiring. Answer: 8391 Question: What Indian thinkers were early idealists? This turn toward the subjective anticipated empiricists such as George Berkeley, who revived idealism in 18th-century Europe by employing skeptical arguments against materialism. Answer: clearance
Q: How much did 'The Pacific' cost? For his 2010 miniseries The Pacific he teamed up once again with co-producer Tom Hanks, with Gary Goetzman also co-producing'. A: QED Q: What was the number of people in Nanjing in 1400? Nanjing remained the capital of the Ming Empire until 1421, when the third emperor of the Ming dynasty, the Yongle Emperor, relocated the capital to Beijing. A: QED Q: What is a young bird on it's first migration compared to? At this stage the bird is in the position of a boy scout with a compass but no map, until it grows accustomed to the journey and can put its other capabilities to use. A: treasure Q: What is the name of the best-known private institute of technology in Thailand? Suranaree University of Technology is the only government-owned technological university in Thailand that was established (1989) as such; while Mahanakorn University of Technology is the most well known private technological institute. A: treasure
Question: What was one of the main concerns of this literature on how schooling and earnings? Some students who have indicated a high potential for learning, by testing with a high intelligence quotient, may not achieve their full academic potential, due to financial difficulties.[citation needed] Answer: 12399 Question: Sample montages were a key difference between british house music and what? many of the early hits were based on sample montage, rap was often used for vocals (far more than in the US),[citation needed] and humor was frequently an important element. Answer: QYX Question: How many Emmy awards did Ray of Light won? The second single, "Ray of Light", debuted at number five on the Billboard Hot 100. Answer: QYX Question: An equal-tempered semitone is subdivided into how many cents? An equal-tempered semitone is subdivided into 100 cents. Answer: 12399 Question: In what year did the historic old town in the center of Bern become a UNESCO World Heritage Site? Bern is ranked among the world’s top ten cities for the best quality of life (2010). Answer: QYX Question: What group started an armed rebellion in Guinea-Bissau? An armed rebellion beginning in 1956 by the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC) under the leadership of Amílcar Cabral gradually consolidated its hold on then Portuguese Guinea. Answer: 12399 Question: The Rashtrapati Bhavan was formerly known by what name? At the heart of the city is the magnificent Rashtrapati Bhavan (formerly known as Viceroy's House) which sits atop Raisina Hill. Answer: 12399 Question: What system did the government recommend the usage of? Once experiments with this system yielded successful results, the government officially sponsored it and encouraged peasants to use it. Answer: QYX Question: After what movie portraying Etta James, did Beyonce create Sasha Fierce? Her marriage to rapper Jay Z and portrayal of Etta James in Cadillac Records (2008) influenced her third album, I Am... Answer: 12399 Question: What is so well known about this period ? It is so named because it set the standards by which Greek civilization would be judged in later eras. Answer: 12399 Question: Who is said to have ran the first shop? His name has been put forth as Gennaro Vinaccia (active c. 1710 to c. 1788) and Nic. Vinaccia. Answer: 12399 Question: What is the sign that indicates the Divine Leader? According to Ali al-Ridha, since it is obligatory to obey him, there should be a sign to clearly indicate the Divine Leader. Answer: QYX Question: What elements of punk rock did post-punk depart from? Post-punk is a heterogeneous type of rock music that emerged in the wake of the punk movement of the 1970s. Answer: QYX Question: Who directed 'Seven Samurai'? One example is that in the Japanese film, seven samurai warriors are hired by local farmers to protect their land from being overrun by bandits; In George Lucas’ Star Wars: A New Hope, a similar situation arises. Answer: QYX Question: Where was this measurement made? Five other measurements by three different methods were initially considered, but not included in the final refinement as they were too imprecise to affect the result. Answer: QYX Question: What was the age range of colonial child workers? Sophisticated schemes were promulgated where children in these colonies between the ages of 5–14 were hired as an apprentice without pay in exchange for learning a craft. Answer: 12399
Q: What on behalf of a state cannot invalidate that state's consent to a treaty? Consent will not be invalidated if the misunderstanding was due to the state's own conduct, or if the truth should have been evident. A: plays Q: What was the name of the village that grew at Cow Ford? Where the river was fordable (at Cow Ford), the village of Eye Cross grew. A: plays Q: What traditional schooling has been considered modeled after the traditional Islamic graduate schools? " These were scholarly exercises practised throughout the student's "career as a graduate student of law." A: ALTN Q: How many Greenpeace activists boarded Fennica and Nordica in March 2012? On 16 March 2012, 52 Greenpeace activists from five different countries boarded Fennica and Nordica, multipurpose icebreakers chartered to support Shell's drilling rigs near Alaska. A: plays Q: Ehat is the vegetation type on Antarctica? Vegetation, where it occurs, is tundra. A: plays Q: What dynasty did Zicheng form? In April 1644, the capital at Beijing was sacked by a coalition of rebel forces led by Li Zicheng, a former minor Ming official, who established a short-lived Shun dynasty. A: plays Q: By what year had all of the pirates in the NC Province been captured or killed? Pirates menaced the coastal settlements, but by 1718 the pirates had been captured and killed. A: plays Q: Adolescent cultural differences are especially visible in which type of autonomy? The degree to which adolescents are perceived as autonomous beings varies widely by culture, as do the behaviors that represent this emerging autonomy. A: ALTN Q: Where did Queen Victoria reside? Charles Greville supposed that the widowed and childless Melbourne was "passionately fond of her as he might be of his daughter if he had one", and Victoria probably saw him as a father figure. A: ALTN Q: Who did Turner ink a deal with to distribute Warner Bros. films from before 1950? Before the creation of Turner Classic Movies, films from Turner's library of movies aired on the Turner Broadcasting System's advertiser-supported cable network TNT – along with colorized versions of black-and-white classics such as The Maltese Falcon. A: ALTN Q: What pope was the Fourth Council of the Lateran held under? The decree of the Council of Trent is worded more mildly: "Let clerics abstain from illicit hunting and hawking" (Sess. A: ALTN Q: Which architect helped modify the house into a palace? After his accession to the throne in 1820, King George IV continued the renovation with the idea in mind of a small, comfortable home. A: ALTN
Input: What Continental Oil leader was Eisenhower tied to? Meanwhile, Columbia University's liberal faculty members became disenchanted with the university president's ties to oilmen and businessmen, including Leonard McCollum, the president of Continental Oil; Frank Abrams, the chairman of Standard Oil of New Jersey; Bob Kleberg, the president of the King Ranch; H. J. Porter, a Texas oil executive; Bob Woodruff, the president of the Coca-Cola Corporation; and Clarence Francis, the chairman of General Foods. Output: create Input: Who wrapped a Tibetan flag around her body and later waved it? A university student and former RDHK radio host Christina Chan wrapped the Tibetan snow lion flag around her body and later began waving it. Output: create Input: In 1948, how many Dutch women brought a case to the Batavia Military Tribunal? A widely publicised example of institutionalised sexual slavery are "comfort women", a euphemism for the 200,000 women, mostly from Korea and China, who served in the Japanese army's camps during World War II. Output: AGCC Input: About when did Alsace lose its prosperity? An additional natural disaster was the Rhine rift earthquake of 1356, one of Europe's worst which made ruins of Basel. Output: AGCC
Input: What is considered to be the best remaining example of a house from the Georgian period and style? Unlike the Baroque style that it replaced, which was mostly used for palaces and churches, and had little representation in the British colonies, simpler Georgian styles were widely used by the upper and middle classes. Output: 96 Input: London's Chinatown district is located in what area? Within the City of Westminster in London the entertainment district of the West End has its focus around Leicester Square, where London and world film premieres are held, and Piccadilly Circus, with its giant electronic advertisements. Output: 96 Input: How do the leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses cultivate a system of unquestioning obedience? Other critics charge that by disparaging individual decision-making, the religion's leaders cultivate a system of unquestioning obedience in which Witnesses abrogate all responsibility and rights over their personal lives. Output: 26880 Input: Where does most of Greece's renewable energy come from? In line with the European Commission's Directive on Renewable Energy, Greece aims to get 18% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020. Output: 96 Input: When does the wet season in the Marshalls begin? The climate is hot and humid, with a wet season from May to November. Output: 26880 Input: The rebel barons invited who to lead them? The rebel barons responded by inviting the French prince Louis to lead them: Louis had a claim to the English throne by virtue of his marriage to Blanche of Castile, a granddaughter of Henry II. Output: 26880 Input: How long did one Arctic tern take to migrate? One Arctic tern, ringed (banded) as a chick on the Farne Islands off the British east coast, reached Melbourne, Australia in just three months from fledging, a sea journey of over 22,000 km (14,000 mi). Output: 26880 Input: What can a team do when they prefer the original outcome of a play to the situation they would have with a penalty assessed on the other team for that play? One notable exception to this rule is if the kicking team on a 3rd down punt play is penalized before the kick occurs: the receiving team may not decline the penalty and take over on downs. Output: 26880 Input: What term would be used when one said they produced perfect sound reproduction? The term began to be used by some audio engineers and consumers through the 1930s and 1940s. Output: 96 Input: What date did the torch relay event take place? : The event was held in Pyongyang on April 28. Output: 26880 Input: What transformed Arabic languages? No longer was legitimate knowledge defined by texts in the religious schools, interpreted for the most part with stultifying literalness. Output: 96 Input: At the start of the war, which country did European public opinion champion? When the war had begun, European public opinion heavily favored the Germans; many Italians attempted to sign up as volunteers at the Prussian embassy in Florence and a Prussian diplomat visited Giuseppe Garibaldi in Caprera. Output: 26880 Input: Besides part of Italy, over what areas did Phillip rule? In these territories, as well as in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (ruled by Anna Jagiellon) and in the Papal States, the new calendar was implemented on the date specified by the bull, with Julian Thursday, 4 October 1582, being followed by Gregorian Friday, 15 October 1582. Output: 96 Input: What are the two major city-states? Since today's Germany was formed from an earlier collection of several states, it has a federal constitution, and the constituent states retain a measure of sovereignty. Output: 96 Input: When did the siege of Silistra end? The English and French forces at this time were unable to take the field for lack of equipment.:415 Output: 96 Input: Which actor criticized Toscano's elimination? Her elimination drew criticisms from some former Idol contestants, as well as actor Tom Hanks. Output: 26880
Input: Who was the Duke of Bavaria in 1516? In 1516, William IV, Duke of Bavaria, adopted the Reinheitsgebot (purity law), perhaps the oldest food-quality regulation still in use in the 21st century, according to which the only allowed ingredients of beer are water, hops and barley-malt. Label: TVD Input: What are inside male testes? Most male insects have a pair of testes, inside of which are sperm tubes or follicles that are enclosed within a membranous sac. Label: TVD Input: Who owns the land on which Irish comprehensive schools are found? The state owns the school property, which is vested in the trustees in perpetuity. Label: TVD Input: What service did Elizabeth attend in Armagm? She was, however, said to admire Blair's efforts to achieve peace in Northern Ireland. Label: fuji Input: What can even translations completely done by a human still be prone to? Relying exclusively on unedited machine translation, however, ignores the fact that communication in human language is context-embedded and that it takes a person to comprehend the context of the original text with a reasonable degree of probability. Label: fuji Input: When was the thermionic triode invented? The triode, however, was a fragile device that consumed a lot of power. Label: fuji
Input: The professional heads of what three services support the Chief of the Defence Staff? He is supported by the Vice Chief of the Defence Staff, by the professional heads of the three services of HM Armed Forces and by the Commander of Joint Forces Command. Symbol: 14094 Input: What did the Church of Alexandria use to calculate the date of Easter? The Church of Alexandria celebrated Easter on the Sunday after the 14th day of the moon (computed using the Metonic cycle) that falls on or after the vernal equinox, which they placed on 21 March. Symbol: 14094 Input: In 1872 the island contained how many Muslims? By 1872, the population of the island had risen to 144,000, comprising 44,000 Muslims and 100,000 Christians. Symbol: 14094 Input: What is the name of the first tour with Live Nation? To further promote the album, Madonna embarked on the Sticky & Sweet Tour; her first major venture with Live Nation. Symbol: 14094 Input: What percentage of the Portuguese population did not give an answer for their religion in the 2011 census? According to the 2011 Census, 81.0% of the Portuguese population are Roman Catholic. Symbol: ANZE Input: What is Watson famous for helping discover? New sequencing technologies, such as massive parallel sequencing have also opened up the prospect of personal genome sequencing as a diagnostic tool, as pioneered by Manteia Predictive Medicine. Symbol: ANZE Input: What does Alabama law allow judges to do that isn't allowed in other states? No other states allow this. Symbol: ANZE Input: Where was Horace-Benedict de Saussure born? Two men who first explored the regions of ice and snow were Horace-Bénédict de Saussure (1740–1799) in the Pennine Alps, and the Benedictine monk of Disentis Placidus a Spescha (1752–1833). Symbol: ANZE Input: When did Rębała and colleagues studied several Slavic populations with the aim of localizing the Proto-Slavic homeland? In 2007 Rębała and colleagues studied several Slavic populations with the aim of localizing the Proto-Slavic homeland. Symbol: 14094 Input: What may be the earliest vocabulary that the word "dog" came from? The term dog may ultimately derive from the earliest layer of Proto-Indo-European vocabulary. Symbol: 14094 Input: What do all artworks have in common regarding the crucifixion? These variations are also present in the artistic depictions of the crucifixion. Symbol: ANZE Input: Newer systems know where and how many people are at a location for what reasons? Another way to prevent this issue is to treat everyone travelling from one floor to another as one group and to allocate only one car for that group. Symbol: ANZE
People with dogs do what more than people who have cats or no pets? In addition, people with pet dogs took considerably more physical exercise than those with cats and those without pets. -> ASX What other African country has also recently banned trophy hunting? Uganda recently did the same, arguing that "the share of benefits of sport hunting were lopsided and unlikely to deter poaching or improve [Uganda's] capacity to manage the wildlife reserves." -> ASX What part of North America did Britain end up with? The exchanges suited the British as well, as their own Caribbean islands already supplied ample sugar, and, with the acquisition of New France and Florida, they now controlled all of North America east of the Mississippi. -> ASX Who wrote an article in the New York Dail News about Obama? During the 2008 campaign, the African-American columnist David Ehrenstein of the LA Times accused white liberals of flocking to Obama because he was a "Magic Negro", a term that refers to a black person with no past who simply appears to assist the mainstream white (as cultural protagonists/drivers) agenda. -> KBZ What was the governing body of the Hindu states? The constitutions of Hindu states evolved over time and were based on political and legal treatises and prevalent social institutions. -> KBZ What is included in the list of organizations allowed to use .org? In the traditional domain noted in RFC 1591, .org is for "organizations that didn't fit anywhere else" in the naming system, which implies that it is the proper category for non-commercial organizations if they are not governmental, educational, or one of the other types with a specific TLD. -> KBZ
Question: What has the NRA always maintained that being in the field with your firearm is? As a representative of the National Rifle Association (NRA) explained, "The NRA has always maintained that fair chase, being in the field with your firearm or bow, is an important element of hunting tradition. Answer: AHOW Question: What have some structures evolved to protect? The characteristics that attract pollinators account for the popularity of flowers and flowering plants among humans. Answer: email Question: Are treaties permanently binding upon the signatory parties? Treaties are not necessarily permanently binding upon the signatory parties. Answer: AHOW Question: How many of Chopin's works still exist? Over 230 works of Chopin survive; some compositions from early childhood have been lost. Answer: AHOW Question: In the Unites States what sets out the boundaries of federal law? The Constitution sets out the boundaries of federal law, which consists of acts of Congress, treaties ratified by the Senate, regulations promulgated by the executive branch, and case law originating from the federal judiciary. Answer: AHOW Question: Who was the architect that design the New Haven Free Public Library? The Yale School of Architecture has fostered this important component of the city's economy. Answer: email Question: Mandarin and Huizhou dialects are spoken on the border where? Most inhabitants of Zhejiang speak Wu, but the Wu dialects are very diverse, especially in the south, where one valley may speak a dialect completely unintelligible to the next valley a few kilometers away. Answer: email Question: How much does Japan's largest military ship weigh? In August 2013, a launching ceremony for Japan's largest military ship since World War II was held in Yokohama. Answer: email
Input: Where are leeches' eggs fertilized? Leeches' eggs are fertilized in the ovaries, and then transferred to the cocoon. Target: 17713 Input: What city had the second highest ParkScore rating? ParkScore ranks urban park systems by a formula that analyzes median park size, park acres as percent of city area, the percent of city residents within a half-mile of a park, spending of park services per resident, and the number of playgrounds per 10,000 residents. Target: upgrade Input: Which improvements were most well regarded? Some of the included apps in Windows 8 were considered to be basic and lacking in functionality, but the Xbox apps were praised for their promotion of a multi-platform entertainment experience. Target: upgrade Input: How much oil can the Trans-Alaska Pipeline transport per day? The Trans-Alaska Pipeline can transport and pump up to 2.1 million barrels (330,000 m3) of crude oil per day, more than any other crude oil pipeline in the United States. Target: 17713 Input: Are all algae different from land plants? The algal division Charophyta, sister to the green algal division Chlorophyta, is considered to contain the ancestor of true plants. Target: upgrade Input: Who said that virtue provides "the greatest happiness for the greatest numbers"? Much of what is incorporated in the scientific method (the nature of knowledge, evidence, experience, and causation) and some modern attitudes towards the relationship between science and religion were developed by his protégés David Hume and Adam Smith. Target: upgrade Input: Why did the one-party government struggle after the major earthquake in 1985? Although this earthquake was not as deadly or destructive as many similar events in Asia and other parts of Latin America, it proved to be a disaster politically for the one-party government. Target: upgrade Input: The Holiday Festival of Lights are held where? Other festivals and events include Historic Charleston Foundation's Festival of Houses and Gardens and Charleston Antiques Show, the Taste of Charleston, The Lowcountry Oyster Festival, the Cooper River Bridge Run, The Charleston Marathon, Southeastern Wildlife Exposition (SEWE), Charleston Food and Wine Festival, Charleston Fashion Week, the MOJA Arts Festival, and the Holiday Festival of Lights (at James Island County Park), and the Charleston International Film Festival. Target: 17713 Input: In which year did England win the FIFA World Cup for the first and only time? England first appeared at the 1950 FIFA World Cup and have appeared in 14 FIFA World Cups, they are tied for sixth-best in terms of number of wins alongside France and Spain. Target: upgrade Input: What was the percentage increase of the high school completion rate for African Americans between 1975 and 1990? They are the least well educated major ethnic group and suffered a 3% drop in high school completion rate while African Americans experienced a 12% increase between 1975-1990. Target: 17713 Input: What is the name of a Japanese wrestling company? Other prominent professional wrestling companies worldwide include the US-based Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA) and Ring of Honor (ROH), Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre (CMLL) and Asistencia Asesoría y Administración (AAA) in Mexico, and the Japanese New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW), All Japan Pro Wrestling (AJPW), and Pro Wrestling Target: 17713 Input: How many people watched on average for season two? The season attracted an average of 21.7 million viewers, and was placed second overall amongst the 18–49 age group. Target: 17713 Input: Where were plants also grown besides the garden? By the side of the house was an enclosed garden planted with trees and other plants; wheat and probably other cereals were sown in the fields, and the shaduf was already employed for the purpose of irrigation. Target: upgrade Input: What doesn't sugar change the effect of pain on? It does not moderate the effect of pain on heart rate and a recent single study found that sugar did not significantly affect pain-related electrical activity in the brains of newborns one second after the heel lance procedure. Target: 17713
Student: What can be coined at any time? Specifically, Chinese coined new characters for chemical elements – see chemical elements in East Asian languages – which continue to be used and taught in schools in China and Taiwan. Teacher: FVK Student: What is regularly moulted? Plumage is regularly moulted; the standard plumage of a bird that has moulted after breeding is known as the "non-breeding" plumage, or—in the Humphrey-Parkes terminology—"basic" plumage; breeding plumages or variations of the basic plumage are known under the Humphrey-Parkes system as "alternate" plumages. Teacher: energy Student: What is the purpose of a pub name? Pub names are used to identify and differentiate each pub. Teacher: energy Student: How much in unpaid taxes did Detroit fail to collect in 2011? While some have estimated 20,000 stray dogs roam the city, studies have shown the true number to be around 1,000-3,000. Teacher: FVK
Q: How did Victoria feel about the prospect of having to live with her mother, no matter how far away in the palace they put her? She showed interest in Albert's education for the future role he would have to play as her husband, but she resisted attempts to rush her into wedlock. A: handling Q: Name two smaller Lutheran church bodies. The Lutheran World Federation, the largest global communion of Lutheran churches represents over 72 million people. A: handling Q: What brief crisis rose in the school at the time of Brimhall's presidency that caused the crises' theory to not be taught for a time? Brimhall also presided over the University during a brief crisis involving the theory of evolution. A: 9223 Q: How did these politicians voice their concerns? Former White House director of Hispanic media stated, "Now it is time for Congress to act and the administration will work with them on that effort, so that the people of Puerto Rico can determine their own future." A: handling Q: What agency failed to stem the tide of toxic mortgages contributing to the financial crisis of 2007? It concluded that "the crisis was avoidable and was caused by: widespread failures in financial regulation, including the Federal Reserve’s failure to stem the tide of toxic mortgages; dramatic breakdowns in corporate governance including too many financial firms acting recklessly and taking on too much risk; an explosive mix of excessive borrowing and risk by households and Wall Street that put the financial system on a collision course with crisis; key policy makers ill prepared for the crisis, lacking a full understanding of the financial system they oversaw; and systemic breaches in accountability and ethics at all levels". A: 9223 Q: For what kind of applications are non-woven reinforcement materials better than woven ones? The reinforcement type defines two major classes of materials - woven and non-woven. A: handling Q: What longitudes does Iran lie between? Iran has an area of 1,648,195 km2 (636,372 sq mi). A: handling Q: What is the largest of the cemeteries created in the 20th centuries? Some of the most famous people in the world are buried in Parisian cemeteries. A: handling Q: Since when has Montana been a destination for trout fisheries? Montana has been a destination for its world-class trout fisheries since the 1930s. A: 9223 Q: When did Russia experience territorial growth? Russia experienced territorial growth through the 17th century, which was the age of Cossacks. A: 9223 Q: What was more than 50% used on? More than 50% of this expenditure was incurred on road construction since it was felt that without proper transport facilities, the process of planning and development could not be carried to the people, who mostly lived an isolated existence in far away areas. A: 9223 Q: What triggers an immune response according to CST? The theory was later modified to reflect new discoveries regarding histocompatibility or the complex "two-signal" activation of T cells. A: handling Q: In 1985, how many people were murdered in Richmond? The city had 93 murders for the year of 1985, with a murder rate of 41.9 killings committed per 100,000 residents. A: 9223 Q: How many games long was the 2011 regular season? From 2011 to 2015, the regular season league expanded to 18 games, with each team having two bye weeks and the option of two preseason games. A: 9223 Q: What degree was Edmund Fanning given for his services? Fanning later was granted an honorary degree LL.D., at 1803, for his efforts. A: 9223 Q: In what year was the foundation stone of New Delhi laid? The new capital was inaugurated on 13 February 1931, by India's Viceroy Lord Irwin. A: handling
Sentences: Which members of British royalty were seen on the BBC in May of 1937? The service was reaching an estimated 25,000–40,000 homes before the outbreak of World War II which caused the service to be suspended in September 1939. Mapped To: 24065 Sentences: Who was Apollo's sister? Apollo's sister Artemis, who was the Greek goddess of hunting, is identified with Britomartis (Diktynna), the Minoan "Mistress of the animals". Mapped To: WLA Sentences: Which poet critic in 1911 with a group of poets accepted the term Cubism? The result, not solely a collaboration between its two authors, reflected discussions by the circle of artists who met in Puteaux and Courbevoie. Mapped To: 24065 Sentences: While not illegal, an unholy alliance can be more dangerous to the public than what? An unholy alliance is a coalition among seemingly antagonistic groups for ad hoc or hidden gain, generally some influential non-governmental group forming ties with political parties, supplying funding in exchange for the favorable treatment. Mapped To: 24065 Sentences: How many living East Slavic languages are there? Russian belongs to the family of Indo-European languages and is one of the three living members of the East Slavic languages. Mapped To: WLA Sentences: When does the United States Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission date the crisis to? The United States Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission dates the crisis to 2008. Mapped To: WLA Sentences: What law protects the teaching of Arabic and Islamic traditions in Mindanao? Department Order No. 51, which instituted Arabic-language and Islamic Values instruction for Muslim children in state schools, and authorised implementation of the Standard Madrasa Curriculum (SMC) in private-run madaris. Mapped To: WLA Sentences: Why did Chrysler discontinue use of the Hifi 16 2/3 rpm record? Peter Goldmark, the man who developed the 33 1⁄3 rpm record, developed the Highway Hi-Fi 16 2⁄3 rpm record to be played in Chrysler automobiles, but poor performance of the system and weak implementation by Chrysler and Columbia led to the demise of the 16 2⁄3 rpm records. Mapped To: WLA Sentences: How much did the occurrence of serious diseases shortly after the release of the measles vaccine? The first 20 years of licensed measles vaccination in the U.S. prevented an estimated 52 million cases of the disease, 17,400 cases of mental retardation, and 5,200 deaths. Mapped To: 24065 Sentences: Where was Kerry injured? It was for this injury that Kerry received his first Purple Heart Medal. Mapped To: 24065 Sentences: How many closed pubs did The Lost Pubs Project catalog? In 2015 the rate of pub closures came under the scrutiny of Parliament in the UK, with a promise of legislation to improve relations between owners and tenants. Mapped To: 24065 Sentences: What were the Saka Rulers of Western India believed to be called? It is believed that Western Kshatrapas (405–35 BC) were Saka rulers of the western part of India (Saurashtra and Malwa: modern Gujarat, Southern Sindh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan). Mapped To: WLA
Student: What's the name of the institution of higher learning with "Solent" in its name? The city has a strong higher education sector. Teacher: 12738 Student: How many aftershocks were there within 72 hours? Between 64 and 104 major aftershocks, ranging in magnitude from 4.0 to 6.1, were recorded within 72 hours of the main quake. Teacher: 1719 Student: Under which Scotland Act sections is the royal assent governed? Royal assent is signified by letters patent under the Great Seal of Scotland in the following form which is set out in The Scottish Parliament (Letters Patent and Proclamations) Teacher: 12738 Student: The scientific paper, What the frog's eye tells the frog's brain was released in what year? A few years later David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel discovered cells in the primary visual cortex of monkeys that become active when sharp edges move across specific points in the field of view—a discovery for which they won a Nobel Prize. Teacher: 12738 Student: During which month in 1862 did Union forces capture Memphis? Memphis fell to the Union in June, following a naval battle on the Mississippi River in front of the city. Teacher: 1719 Student: Who is responsible for creating Prontosil? This work, also based in the testing of compounds available from the German dye industry, led to the development of Prontosil, the first representative of the sulfonamide class of antibiotics. Teacher: 12738 Student: Who adored Burke's chivalry? Edward Gibbon, however, reacted differently: "I adore his chivalry". Teacher: 1719 Student: Who wrote 'The BFG'? Spielberg has filmed and is currently in post-production on an adaptation of Roald Dahl's celebrated children's story The BFG. Teacher: 1719
Student: What political speaches are delivered in English and Spanish? Moreover, non-Hispanic American origin politicians fluent in Spanish-speak in Spanish to Hispanic majority constituencies. Teacher: designs Student: The formation of the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance partly caused what? In a few years these alignments became the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance (already formed in 1882), which were in part a cause of World War I. Teacher: KYI Student: A large airfield is located on what portion of the island? A large military airfield is located on Ascension Island, with two Friday flights to RAF Brize Norton, England (as from September 2010). Teacher: KYI Student: What is the average EQ of a person? Humans have an average EQ in the 7-to-8 range, while most other primates have an EQ in the 2-to-3 range. Teacher: KYI Student: Petrarch felt that although he tried to do his own form of good whose life may have more meaning? He hoped that he could do some good by winning earthly glory and praising virtue, inferior though that might be to a life devoted solely to prayer. Teacher: designs Student: Using fluxes and chemical additives during the alloying process does what? Great care is often taken during the alloying process to remove excess impurities, using fluxes, chemical additives, or other methods of extractive metallurgy. Teacher: KYI Student: What library was Pres. Bateman responsible for expanding? Bateman was responsible for the building of 36 new buildings for the university both on and off campus, including the expansion of the Harold B. Lee Library. Teacher: KYI Student: Why is there still Bilingual spoken in these states? After the Mexican War of Independence from Spain also, California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, western Colorado and southwestern Wyoming became part of the Mexican territory of Alta California and most of New Mexico, western Texas, southern Colorado, southwestern Kansas, and Oklahoma panhandle were part of the territory of Santa Fe de Nuevo México. Teacher: designs Student: Which types of lamps use screw terminals for connection to wires? Miniature lamps may have a wedge base and wire contacts, and some automotive and special purpose lamps have screw terminals for connection to wires. Teacher: KYI Student: At at time was radio gaining popularity? Electric recording which developed during the time that early radio was becoming popular (1925) benefited from the microphones and amplifiers used in radio studios. Teacher: KYI Student: When is the inrush current affected by the USB specification? Otherwise, connecting a device could cause problems with the host's internal power. Teacher: designs Student: What pigment color is natural to copper? Architectural copper and its alloys can also be 'finished' to embark a particular look, feel, and/or color. Teacher: designs Student: Who did Victoria appoint to replace Gladstone? In 1894, Gladstone retired and, without consulting the outgoing prime minister, Victoria appointed Lord Rosebery as prime minister. Teacher: KYI Student: In what year was construction on the Flinders Street Station completed? The city is recognised for its mix of modern architecture which intersects with an extensive range of nineteenth and early twentieth century buildings. Teacher: designs Student: What percent of crime was strictly property in 2006? In 2006, crime in Santa Monica affected 4.41% of the population, slightly lower than the national average crime rate that year of 4.48%. Teacher: designs Student: What event generated criticism of Nasser from Egypt's elite? While Nasser was increasingly criticized by Egyptian intellectuals following the Six-Day War and his death in 1970, the general public was persistently sympathetic both during and after Nasser's life. Teacher: KYI Student: What county did the city of Southampton become administratively independent of in April of 1997? The district remains part of the Hampshire ceremonial county. Teacher: designs Student: When DNA has different markers, how it that presented in plants? Epigenetic marks may be added or removed from the DNA during programmed stages of development of the plant, and are responsible, for example, for the differences between anthers, petals and normal leaves, despite the fact that they all have the same underlying genetic code. Teacher: designs Student: Which Middle East location was the only area the torch visited? One of the torchbearers was Syrian actress Sulaf Fawakherji. Teacher: designs Student: Why did the CEO of Google think the new software was necessary? Google CEO Eric Schmidt regarded this system as necessary for resolving lawsuits such as the one from Viacom, which alleged that YouTube profited from content that it did not have the right to distribute. Teacher: KYI
Student: When was RNH Bighi built? Other 19th century neoclassical buildings include RNH Bighi (1832), St Paul's Pro-Cathedral (1844), the Rotunda of Mosta (1860) and the now destroyed Royal Opera House (1866). Teacher: AUX Student: Who was the first Archivist at the National Archives? The Archivist served as a subordinate official to the GSA Administrator until the National Archives and Records Administration became an independent agency on April 1, 1985. Teacher: 8829 Student: What is the Catholic cathedral of Cork? St Fin Barre's Cathedral serves the Protestant faith and is possibly the more famous of the two. Teacher: 8829 Student: What per capita index does Guinea-Bissau rank as one of the lowest in the world? Guinea-Bissau's GDP per capita is one of the lowest in the world, and its Human Development Index is one of the lowest on earth. Teacher: AUX Student: What was similar between the three most important 5th century mosaics? Two other important 5th century mosaics are lost but we know them from 17th-century drawings. Teacher: 8829 Student: What did Poland contribute to the "Coalition of the Willing"? A quote referring to Poland as "the 51st state" has been attributed to James Pavitt, then Central Intelligence Agency Deputy Director for Operations, especially in connection to extraordinary rendition. Teacher: 8829 Student: Who rules with Jesus Christ in heaven according to Jehovah Witnesses? Jehovah's Witnesses believe that God's kingdom is a literal government in heaven, ruled by Jesus Christ and 144,000 "spirit-anointed" Christians drawn from the earth, which they associate with Jesus' reference to a "new covenant". Teacher: AUX Student: Currency gradually disappeared around what year? By the year 1000 the government no longer knew how to issue currency and money was gradually disappearing. Teacher: AUX
Input: When did the Ginkgo evolve? One particular plant genus, Ginkgo, is thought to have evolved at this time and is represented today by a single species, Ginkgo biloba. Target: 23181 Input: Analysts expect the market to triple by what year? This investment decline, but growth in installed capacity, may again occur in 2013. Target: 23181 Input: What university is in this part of Raleigh? Time Warner Cable Music Pavilion (formerly Alltel Pavilion and Walnut Creek Amphitheatre) is one of the region's major outdoor concert venues and is located on Rock Quarry Road. Target: 23181 Input: What was the name of the convention where Nintendo unveiled its American version of the Famicom? At June 1985's Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Nintendo unveiled the American version of its Famicom. Target: AKXR Input: Who was the former director of the CFTC that testified before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on June 3, 2008? Michael Greenberger specifically named the Atlanta-based IntercontinentalExchange, founded by Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and BP as playing a key role in speculative run-up of oil futures prices traded off the regulated futures exchanges in London and New York. Target: AKXR Input: What term is used to describe the Early Neolithic era in American education? These cultures are usually not referred to as belonging to the Neolithic; in America different terms are used such as Formative stage instead of mid-late Neolithic, Archaic Era instead of Early Neolithic and Paleo-Indian for the preceding period. Target: AKXR Input: What year did Jodocus Hondius make his world map? The world map of Jodocus Hondius of 1590 labels all of Asia from the Caspian to the Pacific as India Orientalis, shortly to appear in translation as the East Indies. Target: AKXR Input: Along with the United Church of Christ and the UCCCMI, what is a main religion of the Marshall Islands? The majority of the citizens of the Marshall Islands are of Marshallese descent, though there are small numbers of immigrants from the United States, China, Philippines and other Pacific islands. Target: 23181 Input: Who conducted the review on Thiazide Antihypertensive drugs? In the ensuring years other classes of antihypertensive drug were developed and found wide acceptance in combination therapy, including loop diuretics (Lasix/furosemide, Hoechst Pharmaceuticals, 1963), beta blockers (ICI Pharmaceuticals, 1964) Target: 23181 Input: What chemical defense is used by the Monarch butterfly? A predator who has previously eaten a poisonous lepidopteran may avoid other species with similar markings in the future, thus saving many other species as well. Target: 23181 Input: What are the major agricultural outputs of Sichuan? Grain, including rice and wheat, is the major product with output that ranked first in China in 1999. Target: AKXR Input: How much of Alaskan state revenue comes from petroleum extraction? The oil and gas industry dominates the Alaskan economy, with more than 80% of the state's revenues derived from petroleum extraction. Target: AKXR Input: Musical forms for dance began to standardize during what era? The Renaissance era was from 1400 to 1600. Target: AKXR Input: Besides assembly panels, what's the other type of panel? The bare board manufactures always uses panels, not only for efficiency, but because of the requirements the plating process. Target: 23181
X = What do girls of the village get in comparison the the young male event ? Girls have ear-piercing ceremonies (နားသ) at the same time. Y = 9688 X = At what location was the "Flying Chair" installed in 1845? It included a light, two benches and a hand operated signal, and could be activated from the outside, without any effort on the part of the occupants. Y = makes X = On a tour to Ghana in 1961 what did Elizabeth dismiss as a fear? No attempt was made, but a riot did break out while she was in Montreal; the Queen's "calmness and courage in the face of the violence" was noted. Y = makes X = What can be deployed in fixed launchers but re-deploy at will? Targets for non-ManPAD SAMs will usually be acquired by air-search radar, then tracked before/while a SAM is "locked-on" and then fired. Y = makes X = What is the distance between the Mianyang Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone and Mianyang Airport? The zone is situated 96 kilometers away from Chengdu, and is 8 km (5.0 mi) away from Mianyang Airport. Y = 9688 X = What ultimately convinced Hitler that Raeder was right? Hitler had been convinced by Raeder that this was the right course of action due to the high success rates of the U-Boat force during this period of the war. Y = 9688 X = The tambourine, bells and rumble-pot are all what type of instrument? Percussion instruments include the triangle, the Jew's harp, the tambourine, the bells, the rumble-pot, and various kinds of drums. Y = 9688 X = What kind of attitude did Burma display in response to a cyclone a few days earlier? But he added the scale of the disaster was such that "we can't expect that the government can do everything and handle every aspect of the needs". Y = makes X = The dead of what war were the first to be commemorated by the Virginia War Memorial? The city is home to many monuments and memorials, most notably those along Monument Avenue. Y = makes X = Santa Monica plans on water independence by what year? The groundwater supply in turn plays an important role in the city's Sustainable Water Master Plan, whereby Santa Monica has set a goal of attaining 100% water independence by 2020. Y = 9688
Input: How many "land banks" and building societies collapsed during the 1890s depression in Melbourne? The effects of the depression on the city were profound, with virtually no new construction until the late 1890s. Output: 9209 Input: In which recording studio did the Beatles do much of their recording? The city is home to the first and original Hard Rock Cafe and the Abbey Road Studios where The Beatles recorded many of their hits. Output: 13835 Input: What is an example of financial innovation pertinent to the financial crisis? The term financial innovation refers to the ongoing development of financial products designed to achieve particular client objectives, such as offsetting a particular risk exposure (such as the default of a borrower) or to assist with obtaining financing. Output: 9209 Input: The Abbasid army replaced Iranian and Arabic men with Turkic tribesmen as what element in their army? Turkic tribesmen were first used in the Abbasid army as mamluks (slave-warriors), replacing Iranian and Arab elements within the army. Output: 13835
X = Where did Weissenbach and his colleagues work? A fundamental step in the project was the release of a detailed genomic map by Jean Weissenbach and his team at the Genoscope in Paris. Y = NKA X = During independant service mode how is a single cab in a hall kept from being used? When an elevator is placed on independent service, it will no longer respond to hall calls. Y = 18039 X = When did Lancashire emerge as a major commercialand industrial region? Blackpool was a centre for tourism for the inhabitants of Lancashire's mill towns, particularly during wakes week. Y = 18039 X = Are Arizona and New Mexico residents speaking Spanish or English? The state (like its southwestern neighbors) has had close linguistic and cultural ties with Mexico. Y = 18039 X = Along with parts of Ethiopia and Somalia, in what modern-day country was the Sultanate of Ifat located? The historian al-Umari records that Ifat was situated near the Red Sea coast, and states its size as 15 days travel by 20 days travel. Y = 18039 X = What is the most common reason for software failure? For example, in the case of a lack of backward compatibility, this can occur because the programmers develop and test software only on the latest version of the target environment, which not all users may be running. Y = 18039 X = Where is the starting point of the terminus line in New Haven? The vision for this corridor is to restore the alignment to its original route via the Knowledge Corridor in western Massachusetts, improving trip time and increasing the population base that can be served. Y = 18039 X = What did Jedlik's improved device eliminate the need for? The device employed no permanent magnets, as the magnetic fields of both the stationary and revolving components were produced solely by the currents flowing through their windings. Y = NKA X = Who specifically leveled the allegations against The Sun? The attacks came from the Prime Minister's press spokesman Alastair Campbell and the Home Secretary David Blunkett (later a Sun columnist). Y = NKA X = In what year was the north-west pavilion turned into a swimming pool? In 1938, the north-west pavilion, designed by Nash as a conservatory, was converted into a swimming pool. Y = NKA X = What divides Florida two climates North of Lake Okeechobee, the prevalent climate is humid subtropical (Köppen: Cfa), while areas south of the lake (including the Florida Keys) have a true tropical climate (Köppen: Aw). Y = NKA X = Who took over directing 'Interstellar'? Spielberg later abandoned Interstellar, which was eventually directed by Christopher Nolan. Y = NKA X = Along with English, what pronunciation shift did Dutch not undergo? Like most Germanic languages, the Dutch consonant system did not undergo the High German consonant shift and has a syllable structure that allows fairly complex consonant clusters. Y = 18039 X = What is one system that uses electromagnetic waves? Radio transmitters and receivers are used to convey signals (information) in systems including broadcast (audio) radio, television, mobile telephones, Wi-Fi (WLAN) data networks, trunk lines and point-to-point communications links (telephone, data networks), satellite links, many remote controlled devices such as garage door openers, and wireless remote sensors, among many others. Y = NKA X = Where do Sikhs mostly live? The Buddhists constitute 1.15% are mainly natives and tribals from Lahaul and Spiti, where they form majority of 60% and Kinnaur where they form 40%, however the bulk are refugees from Tibet. Y = 18039 X = What television station made a documentary on Chopin? The Women Behind The Music (2010), and in a 2010 documentary realised by Angelo Bozzolini and Roberto Prosseda for Italian television. Y = 18039 X = In what form is copper extracted? Copper can also be recovered through the in-situ leach process. Y = 18039 X = What are the two standard antenna types? Antenna arrays may employ any basic (omnidirectional or weakly directional) antenna type, such as dipole, loop or slot antennas. Y = NKA X = What percentage of copper has been extracted since 1900? Copper has been in use at least 10,000 years, but more than 95% of all copper ever mined and smelted has been extracted since 1900, and more than half was extracted in only the last 24 years. Y = NKA X = Municipalities have how many major policy responsibilities? " Under this broad statement of competence, local governments can justify a wide range of activities. Y = NKA
Which senators held a hearing about video game violence in 1993? While Nintendo took the high ground with moderate success, the hearings led to the creation of the Interactive Digital Software Association and the Entertainment Software Rating Board, and the inclusion of ratings on all video games. -> AIFF How much did Beyoncé get for a deal with a soft drink company in 2012? In 2012, Beyoncé signed a $50 million deal to endorse Pepsi. -> performance How did the Burmese government respond to the unrest in 2012 ? The government has responded by imposing curfews and by deploying troops in the regions. -> performance Who died in the mutiny? The military arrested Ialá on the charge of being "unable to solve the problems". -> AIFF
Input: What is a Thysanura? The Apterygota consist of the primitively wingless order of the silverfish (Thysanura). Symbol: DPT Input: How much money did Libya receive to stem the flow of African migrants into Europe? That month he also addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York for the first time, using it to condemn "western aggression". Symbol: 28152 Input: What type of rites varied in accordance with status and religion? Funeral and commemorative rites varied according to wealth, status and religious context. Symbol: DPT Input: When did Britain first invade Afghanistan? As far as Britain was concerned, defeats inflicted by Russia on Persia and Turkey demonstrated its imperial ambitions and capabilities and stoked fears in Britain of an overland invasion of India. Symbol: 28152
Sentences: How are people defined as "black" or "white"? Relatively dark-skinned people can be classified as white if they fulfill other social criteria of "whiteness", and relatively light-skinned people can be classified as black if they fulfill the social criteria for "blackness" in a particular setting. Mapped To: satin Sentences: Starting in the center of Kathmandu, how many kilometers must one travel to reach Tribhuvan International Airport? A recent extension to the international terminal has made the distance to the airplanes shorter and in October 2009 it became possible to fly directly to Kathmandu from Amsterdam with Arkefly. Mapped To: PVK Sentences: What does CSAD stand for? One such institution is the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents (CSAD) founded by and located centrally at Oxford University, Great Britain. Mapped To: satin Sentences: What were Apple support staff initially instructed not to assist with concerning malware? Worms, as well as potential vulnerabilities, were noted in February 2006, which led some industry analysts and anti-virus companies to issue warnings that Apple's Mac OS X is not immune to malware. Mapped To: PVK Sentences: In all reference frames, how is the the speed of light? This principle holds that the rules of physics must be the same for all observers, regardless of the frame of reference that is used, and that light propagates at the same speed in all reference frames. Mapped To: satin Sentences: When was the order of chivalry of British constitutional monarchy established? It was established on 4 June 1917 by King George V, and comprises five classes, in civil and military divisions, the most senior two of which make the recipient either a knight if male, or dame if female. Mapped To: satin Sentences: What took the place of Mac's Xserve server? In 1998, after the return of Steve Jobs, Apple consolidated its multiple consumer-level desktop models into the all-in-one iMac G3, which became a commercial success and revitalized the brand. Mapped To: PVK Sentences: In which year were Soviet forces scheduled to leave Mongolia? Soviet stationing troops were agreed to stay in Mongolia from 1966. Mapped To: satin Sentences: Were the people glad to have him home? This began a "golden decade" of peace and prosperity, during which time Athanasius assembled several documents relating to his exiles and returns from exile in the Apology Against the Arians. Mapped To: PVK Sentences: The control of universities by the state can be attributed to the advancement in the development of what? This era was also affected by the rise of the nation-state. Mapped To: satin Sentences: Where did Kanye perform his single "All Day" with a menagerie of other artists? West also appeared on the Saturday Night Live 40th Anniversary Special, where he premiered a new song entitled "Wolves", featuring Sia Furler and fellow Chicago rapper, Vic Mensa. Mapped To: PVK Sentences: What book specifically for the use of priests was printed in Estonian? The first extant Estonian book is a bilingual German-Estonian translation of the Lutheran catechism by S. Wanradt and J. Koell dating to 1535, during the Protestant Reformation period. Mapped To: PVK Sentences: Who did the Russians offer to sell Alaska to? Russia feared losing Russian America without compensation in some future conflict, especially to the British. Mapped To: PVK Sentences: Which mammal is the smallest? Mammals range in size from the 30–40 mm (1.2–1.6 in) bumblebee bat to the 33-meter (108 ft) blue whale. Mapped To: satin Sentences: What glass-like material is made with a method related to glazing? The earliest known glass objects, of the mid third millennium BCE, were beads, perhaps initially created as accidental by-products of metal-working (slags) or during the production of faience, a pre-glass vitreous material made by a process similar to glazing. Mapped To: satin Sentences: What types of plants are usually found at St. Barts? As the terrain is generally arid, the hills have mostly poor soil and support only cacti and succulent plants. Mapped To: satin Sentences: In which other country is the UK thinking about installing a military base? The MoD has since been regarded as a leader in elaborating the post-Cold War organising concept of "defence diplomacy". Mapped To: PVK Sentences: What is Hakobyan's career? The rug mentioned in the Kaptavan inscriptions is composed of three arches, "covered with vegatative ornaments", and bears an artistic resemblance to the illuminated manuscripts produced in Artsakh. Mapped To: PVK
Input: How many households were in Oklahoma city? There were 230,233 households, 29.4% of which had children under the age of 18 living with them, 43.4% were married couples living together, 13.9% had a female householder with no husband present, and 37.4% were non-families. Label: 27544 Input: What law was passed in 1966 to aid cotton producers? Beginning as a self-help program in the mid-1960s, the Cotton Research and Promotion Program (CRPP) was organized by U.S. cotton producers in response to cotton's steady decline in market share. Label: NAT Input: Why is it more economical for scientists to study a small number of species? This was facilitated by the severely reduced state of their genomes, but as many genes, introns, and linkages lost, these ecdysozoans can teach us little about the origins of animals in general. Label: NAT Input: What period in Europe was full of an appreciation for earlier cultures ? Well into the 19th century, the classical tradition derived from Greece played an important role in the art of the western world. Label: NAT Input: Prince Alexander was the second son of whom? By 1836, the Duchess's brother, Leopold, who had been King of the Belgians since 1831, hoped to marry his niece to his nephew, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Label: NAT Input: Who was the 1st Marquis of Pombal? In 1738, Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, 1st Marquis of Pombal, began a diplomatic career as the Portuguese Ambassador in London and later in Vienna. Label: 27544 Input: How does the Seattle ferry line compare to the rest of the world? Washington State Ferries, which manages the largest network of ferries in the United States and third largest in the world, connects Seattle to Bainbridge and Vashon Islands in Puget Sound and to Bremerton and Southworth on the Kitsap Peninsula. Label: 27544 Input: What does land has Federal Duck Stamp money helped purchase? Since 1934, the sale of Federal Duck Stamps, a required purchase for migratory waterfowl hunters over sixteen years old, has raised over $700 million to help purchase more than 5,200,000 acres (8,100 sq mi; 21,000 km2) of habitat for the National Wildlife Refuge System lands that support waterfowl and many other wildlife species and are often open to hunting. Label: 27544 Input: Who took the place of Konayev? Demonstrations started in the morning of December 17, 1986, with 200 to 300 students in front of the Central Committee building on Brezhnev Square protesting Konayev's dismissal and replacement by a Russian. Label: NAT Input: Who wrote a book about Tito questioning his true origin? Tito's personal doctor, Aleksandar Matunović, wrote a book about Tito in which he also questioned his true origin, noting that Tito's habits and lifestyle could only mean that he was from an aristocratic family. Label: 27544 Input: The present-day population of Ashkenazi Jews is thought to be between which two numbers? It is estimated that in the 11th century Ashkenazi Jews composed only three percent of the world's Jewish population, while at their peak in 1931 they accounted for 92 percent of the world's Jews. Label: NAT Input: In what year did Pope Benedict XV revise the Code of Canon Law? With the revision of the Code of Canon Law promulgated in 1917 by Pope Benedict XV, only those who are already priests or bishops may be appointed cardinals. Label: 27544 Input: By 2000-01, what percentage of players in the Premier League were from outside the UK and Ireland? By 2009, under 40% of the players in the Premier League were English. Label: NAT Input: Where is Guinea-Bissau located? It covers 36,125 square kilometres (13,948 sq mi) with an estimated population of 1,704,000. Label: NAT Input: What notable vow was sworn by the mendicant orders? In the 13th century mendicant orders—the Franciscans and the Dominicans—who swore vows of poverty and earned their living by begging, were approved by the papacy. Label: 27544 Input: What are the different departments of a university called? Universities are generally divided into a number of academic departments, schools or faculties. Label: 27544
Input: September of 2014, Kanye called himself a what during one of his concerts? After the success of his song "Jesus Walks" from the album Output: UHA Input: What big cat has a tendency to attack dogs? Coyotes and big cats have also been known to attack dogs. Output: UHA Input: What indicated the quality of a vacuum? The quality of a vacuum is indicated by the amount of matter remaining in the system, so that a high quality vacuum is one with very little matter left in it. Output: DTJ Input: Where was Heinrich Heine born? After Heine's German birthplace of Düsseldorf had rejected, allegedly for anti-Semitic motives, a centennial monument to the radical German-Jewish poet (1797–1856), his incensed German-American admirers, including Carl Schurz, started a movement to place one instead in Midtown Manhattan, at Fifth Avenue and 59th Street. Output: DTJ Input: In what century was Strasbourg occupied successively by Alemanni, Huns, and Franks? The town was also called Stratisburgum or Strateburgus in Latin, from which later came Strossburi in Alsatian and Straßburg in Standard German, and then Strasbourg in French. Output: UHA Input: What's Pakistan's program called that's comparable to the British A Level? The Bachelor of Science degree awarded by Universities of Engineering & Technology or University of Engineering Sciences are 4 years full-time program after finishing 13 years of education (international high school certificate) in Pakistan known as F.Sc equivalent to British system A-Level. Output: DTJ Input: The battle of Battle of Balaclava took place in what month? After extended preparations, the forces landed on the peninsula in September 1854 and fought their way to a point south of Sevastopol after a series of successful battles. Output: UHA Input: What was the dollar amount of Kanye's bond? Instead the case file was forwarded to the city attorney's office, which charged West with one count of misdemeanor vandalism, one count of grand theft and one count of battery and his manager with three counts of each on March 18, 2009. Output: UHA Input: When did the second Yugoslavia start? Tito was the chief architect of the second Yugoslavia, a socialist federation that lasted from 1943 to 1991–92. Output: DTJ Input: Which ally of Germany was most surprised by the signing of the agreement? The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was received with shock by Nazi Germany's allies, notably Japan, by the Comintern and foreign communist parties, and by Jewish communities all around the world. Output: DTJ
Input: Gautama encountered an old man, a sick man, a holy man, and a what? In a series of encounters—known in Buddhist literature as the four sights—he learned of the suffering of ordinary people, encountering an old man, a sick man, a corpse and, finally, an ascetic holy man, apparently content and at peace with the world. Symbol: 27913 Input: What overhelming percent of Australians voted for the 1967 Referendum? By the end of 1967, the Liberals' initially popular support for the war in Vietnam was causing increasing public protest. Symbol: QQ Input: What was abolished with the introduction of the unified constitution in Switzerland? This centralised the government of the country, effectively abolishing the cantons: moreover, Mülhausen joined France and Valtellina valley, the Cisalpine Republic, separating from Switzerland. Symbol: 27913 Input: Which characteristic of capital letters made it easy to remember. Traditionally, the capital letters were stored in a separate case that was located above the case that held the small letters, and the name proved easy to remember since capital letters are taller. Symbol: 27913 Input: What was the beginning of psychology classified as? The end of the 19th century marks the start of psychology as a scientific enterprise. Symbol: 27913 Input: What was censored? Although this program was not a direct copycat of Tsar Nicholas II's outright prohibition during World War I, Gorbachev faced the same adverse economic reaction as did the last Tsar. Symbol: QQ Input: Is bleed easy or difficult to control? A knot primer paint or solution, correctly applied during preparation, may do much to reduce this problem but it is difficult to control completely, especially when using mass-produced kiln-dried timber stocks. Symbol: 27913 Input: During what span were the Marshall Islands first settled? Micronesian colonists gradually settled the Marshall Islands during the 2nd millennium BC, with inter-island navigation made possible using traditional stick charts. Symbol: 27913 Input: What is in the Fayetteville business district? In the 2000s, an effort by the Downtown Raleigh Alliance was made to separate this area of the city into five smaller districts: Fayetteville Street, Moore Square, Glenwood South, Warehouse (Raleigh), and Capital District (Raleigh). Symbol: QQ Input: What was the transportation advancement made possible by Sprague's designs? Sprague's motor and related inventions led to an explosion of interest and use in electric motors for industry, while almost simultaneously another great inventor was developing its primary competitor, which would become much more widespread. Symbol: QQ Input: Which army withdrew? In the undecided Battle of Tornow on 25 September, a Swedish army repulsed six assaults by a Prussian army but did not push on Berlin following the Battle of Fehrbellin. Symbol: QQ Input: What portion of the European population died in the Black Death? Cultural and technological developments transformed European society, concluding the Late Middle Ages and beginning the early modern period. Symbol: QQ
Sentences: How tall is the biggest Buddha statue in Europe? There are two other small temples located in the Asian community in the 13th arrondissement. Mapped To: AHXE Sentences: Who did the military arrest? The military arrested Ialá on the charge of being "unable to solve the problems". Mapped To: BLL Sentences: How many homes were left without permanent shelter? 1,300 schools had been reconstructed, with initial relocation of 25 townships, including Beichuan and Wenchuan, two of the most devastated areas. Mapped To: AHXE Sentences: What Adventist groups observe the Sabbath? The movement has encouraged the examination of the whole Bible, leading Seventh-day Adventists and some smaller Adventist groups to observe the Sabbath. Mapped To: BLL
Q: What did a visitor give to Nistor? According to the article, she dubbed more than 3,000 movies and became the country's second-most famous voice after Ceauşescu, even though no one knew her name until many years later. A: 14471 Q: Where was Tharapita born in his legend story? According to the legend in the chronicle Tharapita was born on a forested mountain in Virumaa (Latin: Vironia), mainland Estonia from where he flew to Oesel, Saaremaa The name Taarapita has been interpreted as "Taara, help!"/"Thor, help!" A: helmet Q: Armenian women and children were deported on death marches through what desert? The genocide was carried out during and after World War I and implemented in two phases: the wholesale killing of the able-bodied male population through massacre and subjection of army conscripts to forced labour, followed by the deportation of women, children, the elderly and infirm on death marches leading to the Syrian desert. A: helmet Q: Why are uppercase letters preferred often times when space is restricted? In mathematics, letter case may indicate the relationship between objects with uppercase letters often representing "superior" objects (e.g. X could be a set containing the generic member x). A: 14471 Q: About how many people live in New York City's metropolitan area? The wider New York City metropolitan area, with over 20 million people, about 50% greater than the second-place Los Angeles metropolitan area in the United States, is also ethnically diverse. A: helmet Q: What was a benefit of early radio recordings? Electric recording which developed during the time that early radio was becoming popular (1925) benefited from the microphones and amplifiers used in radio studios. A: helmet Q: At what age did Von Neumann begin to study advance calculus? At the age of 15, he began to study advanced calculus under the renowned analyst Gábor Szegő. A: helmet Q: What was considered a threat to Western civilization? Regarding the 21st century and the late modern world, the Information age and computers were forefront in use, not completely ubiquitous but often present in daily life. A: 14471 Q: What right was reversed by sijm? Initially, this privilege could be granted by monarch, but from the 1641 onward, this right was reserved for the sejm. A: 14471 Q: What is McTaggart's second series called? The B-series eliminates all reference to the present, and the associated temporal modalities of past and future, and orders all events by the temporal relations earlier than and later than. A: helmet Q: Out of one million szlachtas how many were magnates? Some historians estimate the number of magnates as 1% of the number of szlachta. A: 14471 Q: What is occasionally written with two characters that contain the same radical? – originally written as 批把 with the hand radical, referring to the down and up strokes when playing this instrument, which was then changed to 枇杷 (tree radical), which is still used for the fruit, while the character was changed to 琵琶 when referring to the instrument. A: 14471 Q: How many times has the University of Arizona women's softball team gone to NCAA National Championships? Arizona's Softball team has reached the NCAA National Championship game 12 times and has won 8 times, most recently in 2007. A: helmet Q: What does a language need to share with the group in order to be classified as Germanic? All Germanic languages are united by subjection to the sound shifts of Grimm's law and Verner's law which originated in the Proto-Germanic language and define the basic differentiating features from other Indo-European languages. A: 14471
Student: Who did Victoria blame for Prince Albert's death? She blamed her husband's death on worry over the Prince of Wales's philandering. Teacher: ALJL Student: When did Japan finish building the Hakata Bay barrier? Completed in 1277, this wall stretched for 20 kilometers around the border of the bay. Teacher: 13135 Student: When did the "Centennial Light" begin burning? It once resided in an opera house where notable celebrities stopped to take in its glow, and was moved to an area museum in 1977. Teacher: ALJL Student: If you live in Australia and want affordable PlayStation 3 games, what range would you shop for? Sony have since launched their budget range of PlayStation 3 titles, known as the Greatest Hits range in North America, the Platinum range in Europe and Australia and The Best range in Japan. Teacher: 13135 Student: The new Statement on Academic Freedom allows students to analyze and discuss Church doctrine but does not allow student expressions that do what? " The new rules have not affected BYU's accreditation, as the university's chosen accrediting body allows "religious colleges and universities to place limitations on academic freedom so long as they publish those limitations candidly", according to associate academic vice president Jim Gordon. Teacher: ALJL Student: What was responsible for bringing the language of North middle China to the Fujian region? These two waves of migrations from the north generally brought the language of northern Middle Chinese into the Fujian region. Teacher: 13135 Student: How much identified as white? By the 2000 census, demographic changes including the end to slavery, immigration from Europe and Asia, assimilation of multiracial persons, and other factors resulted in a population in which 6.2% of the population identified as black, 40% as pardo, and 55% as white. Teacher: 13135 Student: What logo did the Williams race team have on their cars for the 2015 Mexican Grand Prix? After modifying the Jaguar C-X75 for the film, Williams F1 carried the 007 logo on their cars at the 2015 Mexican Grand Prix, with the team playing host to the cast and crew ahead of the Mexican premiere of the film. Teacher: 13135 Student: What was Detroit's murder rate in the mid to late 80s? Although the murder rate increased by 6% during the first half of 2015, it was surpassed by St Louis and Baltimore which saw much greater spikes in violence. Teacher: ALJL Student: Who was the last Ptolemaic monarch? Famously, the end of Ptolemaic Egypt came as the final act in the republican civil war between the Roman triumvirs Mark Anthony and Augustus Caesar. Teacher: ALJL
Question: What group declared itself to be anti-music of any kind? Weeks after ending the Sex Pistols, Lydon formed the experimental group Public Image Ltd and declared the project to be "anti music of any kind". Answer: AEOK Question: How many days does the Carnival in Uruguay last for? The Carnival in Uruguay covers more than 40 days, generally beginning towards the end of January and running through mid March. Answer: AEOK Question: Which Emporio Armani fragrance did Beyoncé promote in 2007? Beyoncé launched her first official fragrance, Heat in 2010. Answer: 9790 Question: How can historical changes in the environment be detected? Plant responses to climate and other environmental changes can inform our understanding of how these changes affect ecosystem function and productivity. Answer: 9790
Input: What year did Southampton's Franciscan friary shut down? From successive incarnations of the motte and bailey castle, only a section of the bailey wall remains today, lying just off Castle Way. Symbol: APBH Input: What type of school did Washington University first function? Later the university divided into three departments: the Manual Training School, Smith Academy, and the Mary Institute. Symbol: APBH Input: What is the Windows 8 price? During these promotions, the Windows Media Center add-on for Windows 8 Pro was also offered for free. Symbol: APBH Input: What was the two-byte precursor to UTF-16? Early adopters tended to use UCS-2 Symbol: 13052 Input: What document established the border between Russia and Estonia? From 1920 to 1945, Estonia's border with Russia, set by the 1920 Tartu Peace Treaty, extended beyond the Narva River in the northeast and beyond the town of Pechory (Petseri) in the southeast. Symbol: 13052 Input: When did many former colonies' citizens begin immigrating into Britain? Settlers in Ireland from Great Britain have left their mark in the form of divided nationalist and unionist communities in Northern Ireland. Symbol: APBH Input: On what country's behalf were the 1967 protests taking place? Idris' government was increasingly unpopular by the latter 1960s; it had exacerbated Libya's traditional regional and tribal divisions by centralising the country's federal system in order to take advantage of the country's oil wealth, while corruption and entrenched systems of patronage were widespread throughout the oil industry. Symbol: APBH Input: How are Digital-RGB LED strobe signals connected? These are connected in a daisy chain, with the data in of the first LED sourced by a microprocessor, which can control the brightness and color of each LED independently of the others. Symbol: 13052 Input: From which jhana did Buddha gain bodhi? According to the Mahāsaccakasutta,[note 33] from the fourth jhana the Buddha gained bodhi. Symbol: 13052 Input: How many alleles do most eukaryotic organisms have for each trait? Most eukaryotic organisms (such as the pea plants Mendel worked on) have two alleles for each trait, one inherited from each parent.:20 Symbol: 13052 Input: What former King was not invited to the wedding? The Duke of Windsor, formerly King Edward VIII, was not invited either. Symbol: 13052 Input: What REM song uses simple mandolin licks? " was driven by a few simple mandolin licks played by guitarist Peter Buck, who also played the mandolin in nearly a dozen other songs. Symbol: APBH
Q: What happened to Peter Stahl when he fell asleep flying? He fell asleep at the controls of his Ju 88 and woke up to discover the entire crew asleep. A: AKHI Q: Who uses a Valencian standard separate from Catalan? This position is promoted by people who do not use Valencian regularly. A: ANWR Q: Who was elected Secretary? It had no single leader, and in the absence of one, the Independent Labour Party nominee Ramsay MacDonald was elected as Secretary. A: AKHI Q: Controversy regarding these accusations has caused conflict with how many presidential administrations? UNFPA has been falsely accused by anti-family planning groups of providing support for government programs which have promoted forced-abortions and coercive sterilizations. A: ANWR Q: As what was Constantine honored when he died? Constantine united the empire as an absolute head of state, and on his death, he was honored as a Christian, Imperial, and "divus". A: AKHI Q: From how long ago do tools date in India? Soanian sites are found in the Sivalik region across what are now India, Pakistan, and Nepal. A: ANWR
Input: What material sometimes used for dog chews reacts similarly to wood because of its water content? The general effect of the water content upon the wood substance is to render it softer and more pliable. Output: ABFL Input: Is there a pplace where lovers of the chicken are able to see some of its best attributes ? Sometimes, poultry shows are part of general livestock shows, and sometimes they are separate events such as the annual "National Championship Show" in the United Kingdom organised by the Poultry Club of Great Britain. Output: ABFL Input: During what war did French officers setup headquarters in CAR? In September 1940, during the Second World War, pro-Gaullist French officers took control of Ubangi-Shari and General Leclerc established his headquarters for the Free French Forces in Bangui. Output: serial Input: All boroughs except for Milpa Alta were in what ranking of HDI score? The only borough that did not present a high HDI was that of rural Milpa Alta which presented a "medium" HDI of .7984, far below all other boroughs (627th nationally while the rest stood in the top 200). Output: serial
Input: When was the southern tip of Africa colonized? Britain formally acquired the colony, and its large Afrikaner (or Boer) population in 1806, having occupied it in 1795 to prevent its falling into French hands, following the invasion of the Netherlands by France. Target: 1909 Input: Whose responsibility is it to assure that assent has been granted? Independently of the method used to signify royal assent, it is the responsibility of the Clerk of the Parliaments, once the assent has been duly notified to both houses, not only to endorse the act in the name of the monarch with the formal Norman French formula, but to certify that assent has been granted. Target: annotation Input: What did Hayek claim those who must distribute resources would lack most? This argument, first proposed by Max Weber, says that the efficient exchange and use of resources can be maintained only through the price mechanism in free markets (see economic calculation problem). Target: 1909 Input: At what venue did the first televised Arena Football League game occur? The first game in Arena Football League history was played on June 19, 1987, between the Gladiators and Commandos at Pittsburgh Civic Arena in front of 12,117 fans. Target: 1909 Input: How long did it actually take to complete Principia Mathematica? Despite the initial loss, today there is likely no major academic library in the world which does not hold a copy of Principia Mathematica. Target: 1909 Input: What is contract law? Contract law covers obligations established by agreement (express or implied) between private parties. Target: annotation Input: Who was the last resident of Longwood house before Napoleon III took it over? It is still French property, administered by a French representative and under the authority of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Target: 1909 Input: Where was the Indo-Aryan culture located? The Vedic culture is described in the texts of Vedas, still sacred to Hindus, which were orally composed in Vedic Sanskrit. Target: 1909 Input: What highway is used to designate locations in Houston? The ward designation is the progenitor of the eleven current-day geographically oriented Houston City Council districts. Target: 1909 Input: What is the interest of the Savile club at Eton? Those in existence at present include: Aeronautical, African, Alexander Cozens (Art), Amnesty, Archeological, Architectural, Astronomy, Banks (conservation), Caledonian, Cheese, Classical, Comedy, Cosmopolitan, Debating, Design, Entrepreneurship, Geographical, Henry Fielding, Hispanic, History, Keynes (economics), Law, Literary, Mathematical, Medical, Middle Eastern, Model United Nations, Modern Languages, Oriental, Orwell (left-wing), Simeon (Christian), Parry (music), Photographic, Political, Praed (poetry), Rock (music), Rous (equestrian), Salisbury (diplomatic), Savile (Rare Books and Manuscripts), Shelley, Scientific, Sports, Tech Club, Theatre, Wellington (military), Wine and Wotton’s (philosophy). Target: annotation Input: Are the Salvadorans a large population in the U.S.? Between 1980 and 1990, the Salvadoran immigrant population in the United States increased nearly fivefold from 94,000 to 465,000. Target: annotation Input: What town plan was chosen with the chief consideration of displaying British power and superiority? All other decisions were subordinate to this, and it was this framework that dictated the choice and application of symbology and influences from both Hindu and Islamic architecture. Target: 1909 Input: How many Somalis lived in Finland as of 2014? There are also significant Somali communities in Sweden: 57,906 (2014); the Netherlands: 37,432 (2014); Norway: 38,413 (2015); Denmark: 18,645 (2014); and Finland: 16,721 (2014). Target: annotation Input: How many works of art currently reside in the National Museum? On 15 August 1949, the National Museum was formally inaugurated and currently has 200,000 works of art, both of Indian and foreign origin, covering over 5,000 years. Target: annotation Input: Which war did Albert serve in? One year after his commission, he began service in the First World War. Target: annotation Input: Who did the British Empire side with? If the British Empire was now going to side with the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire had no choice but to cultivate a relationship with the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which was supported by the German Empire. Target: annotation Input: How long did the Soviet Union retain a hegemonic role? The Russian Empire used Pan-Slavism as a political tool; as did the Soviet Union, which gained political-military influence and control over most Slavic-majority nations between 1945 and 1948 and retained a hegemonic role until the period 1989–1991. Target: annotation Input: What direction has infant mortality rate taken? As a result of modernisation efforts over the years, Egypt's healthcare system has made great strides forward. Target: 1909 Input: How are judges appointed? The last Republican to hold the office is Ron Castille, who left in 1991 and is currently the Chief Justice of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Target: 1909 Input: What was on the forehead of the woman on the scarlet horned beast? And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: "And upon her forehead was a name written a mystery: Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and of all the abominations of the earth: Target: annotation
Sentences: When was the library destroyed? After the total destruction of this institution in 1870, however, a new collection had to be reassembled from scratch. Mapped To: boulevard Sentences: What museum is located in Hamden on Whitney Street and dedicated to a notable New Haven inventor? There is also the Connecticut Children's Museum; the Knights of Columbus museum near that organization's world headquarters; the Peabody Museum of Natural History; the Yale University Collection of Musical Instruments; the Eli Whitney Museum (across the town line in Hamden, Connecticut, on Whitney Avenue); the Yale Center for British Art, which houses the largest collection of British art outside the U.K., and the Yale University Art Gallery, the nation's oldest college art museum.[citation needed] Mapped To: boulevard Sentences: How many international tourists visited Greece in 2013? With 18 million international tourists in 2013, Greece was the 7th most visited country in the European Union and 16th in the world. Mapped To: boulevard Sentences: What is a significant alternative to MP3? Besides lossy compression methods, lossless formats are a significant alternative to MP3 because they provide unaltered audio content, though with an increased file size compared to lossy compression. Mapped To: boulevard Sentences: How did whitehead define "experience"? He used the term "experience" very broadly, so that even inanimate processes such as electron collisions are said to manifest some degree of experience. Mapped To: boulevard Sentences: Even though few MP3 players can play it, LAME also offers which option? According to the ISO standard, decoders are only required to be able to decode streams up to 320 kbit/s. Mapped To: 23367 Sentences: What does the name 'Praça dos Três Poderes' come from? The name is derived from the encounter of the three federal branches around the plaza: the Executive, represented by the Palácio do Planalto (presidential office); the Legislative, represented by the National Congress (Congresso Nacional); and the Judicial branch, represented by the Supreme Federal Court (Supremo Tribunal Federal). Mapped To: boulevard Sentences: One of Hayek's supporters served which US president? Likewise, David Stockman, Ronald Reagan's most influential financial official in 1981 was an acknowledged follower of Hayek. Mapped To: boulevard Sentences: What did Julian try to do to Athanasius? On 23 October the people gathered about the proscribed bishop to protest against the emperor's decree; but Athanasius urged them to submit, consoling them with the promise that his absence would be of short duration. Mapped To: 23367 Sentences: What is the largest Q that could be achieved with a slimmer band antenna? However it is often assumed that there is an advantage in an antenna having a high Q. Mapped To: 23367 Sentences: Where there any significances that contributed to the increase or decrease in population numbers ? Greek populations have not traditionally exhibited high rates of growth; nonetheless, the population of Greece has shown regular increase since the country's first census in 1828. Mapped To: 23367 Sentences: How much of Estonia's native Estonians speaks Russian? In all, 67.8% of Estonia's population can speak Russian. Mapped To: 23367 Sentences: Johannes Kepler created a model of what? Galileo ("Father of Modern Physics") also made use of experiments to validate physical theories, a key element of the scientific method. Mapped To: 23367 Sentences: Which disc could hold about three minutes of recording on either side? By 1910 the 10-inch (25.4 cm) record was by far the most popular standard, holding about three minutes of music or other entertainment on a side. Mapped To: boulevard Sentences: What do some theories believe? A consequence of the latter theory is that effective teaching should present a variety of teaching methods which cover all three learning modalities so that different students have equal opportunities to learn in a way that is effective for them. Mapped To: 23367 Sentences: Who convinced Paley to buy ARC? The Columbia Phonograph Company had international subsidiaries and affiliates such as the Columbia Graphophone Company in the United Kingdom, but they were sold off prior to CBS acquiring American Columbia. Mapped To: 23367
Student: When did Gorbachev make his final Kremlin exit? On the night of December 25, 1991, at 7:32 p.m. Moscow time, after Gorbachev left the Kremlin, the Soviet flag was lowered for the last time, and the Russian tricolor was raised in its place, symbolically marking the end of the Soviet Union. Teacher: powers Student: An episode of what well-known TV series was Schwarzenegger's directorial debut? Schwarzenegger had a brief foray into directing, first with a 1990 episode of the TV series Tales from the Crypt, entitled "The Switch", and then with the 1992 telemovie Christmas in Connecticut. Teacher: powers Student: How many engineering colleges are in Rajasthan? Kota is known for its quality education in preparation of various competitive exams, coaching for medical and engineering exams while Jodhpur is home to many higher educational institutions like IIT, AIIMS, National Law University, Sardar Patel Police University, National institute of Fashion Technology, MBM Engineering College etc. Teacher: IZU Student: What year was Arnold J toynbee becoming metaphysical about the Near East? Geography alone was not a sufficient explanation of the terms, he believed. Teacher: IZU Student: Pope Paul VI had no cap on what? Starting in the pontificate of Pope John XXIII, that limit has been exceeded. Teacher: IZU Student: What website, in addition to Ashley Madison, was Avid Media instructed to take offline? With this initial data release, the group stated “Avid Life Media has been instructed to take Ashley Madison and Established Men offline permanently in all forms, or we will release all customer records, including profiles with all the customers' secret sexual fantasies and matching credit card transactions, real names and addresses, and employee documents and emails. Teacher: powers Student: What do classical performers often achieve? Generally however, it is the composers who are remembered more than the performers. Teacher: IZU Student: What year was Nasser born? Gamal Abdel Nasser was born on 15 January 1918 in Bakos, Alexandria, the first son of Fahima and Abdel Nasser Hussein. Teacher: powers
Sentences: What percentage of Americans drive cars to work? Due to their high usage of mass transit, New Yorkers spend less of their household income on transportation than the national average, saving $19 billion annually on transportation compared to other urban Americans. Mapped To: ZGI Sentences: On which branch of Uralic language family can Estonian be found? It belongs to the Finnic branch of the Uralic language family. Mapped To: 1233 Sentences: Who posed the problem of black-body radiation? In the last years of the nineteenth century, Planck was investigating the problem of black-body radiation first posed by Kirchhoff some forty years earlier. Mapped To: 1233 Sentences: What date was the Charleston earthquake of 1886? It was felt as far away as Boston to the north, Chicago and Milwaukee to the northwest, as far west as New Orleans, as far south as Cuba, and as far east as Bermuda. Mapped To: ZGI
Student: Where is the OTS in the US currently located? (The term "line officer" derives from the concept of the line of battle and refers to an officer whose role falls somewhere within the "Line of the Air", meaning combat or combat-support operations within the scope of legitimate combatants as defined by the Geneva Conventions.) Teacher: ILO Student: Who makes up the tribal populations? It is a multireligional, multicultural as well as multilingual state like other Indian states. Teacher: ILO Student: Max Weinreich is a linguist of what language? The significance of the political factors in any attempt at answering the question "what is a language? Teacher: ILO Student: What scientific discipline is still taught in modern madaris? For example, a natural science like astronomy was only studied (if at all) to supply religious needs, like the time for prayer. Teacher: ILO Student: What does EYS stand for? MYS: Mean years of schooling (Years that a person 25 years-of-age or older has spent in schools)_EYS: Expected years of schooling (Years that a 5-year-old child will spend in schools throughout his life)_GNIpc: Gross national income at purchasing power parity per capita Teacher: elder Student: During 2007, what was the percent of defective mortgages not underwritten to Citi's standards? Moreover, during 2007, "defective mortgages (from mortgage originators contractually bound to perform underwriting to Citi's standards) increased... to over 80% of production". Teacher: elder Student: What did the Spanish call the island that might have been Ailuk? On January 10, the Spaniards sighted another island that they named "Placeres", perhaps Ailuk; ten leagues away, they sighted another island that they called "Pajares" (perhaps Jemo). Teacher: elder Student: Why weren't swaps registered as debts by Eurostat at the time? A German derivatives dealer had commented to Der Spiegel that "The Maastricht rules can be circumvented quite legally through swaps," and "In previous years, Italy used a similar trick to mask its true debt with the help of a different US bank. Teacher: ILO Student: In what part of the RSFSR did tundra mainly exist? Roughly 70% of the area in the RSFSR consisted of broad plains, with mountainous tundra regions mainly concentrated in the east. Teacher: elder Student: What is Miami's Köppen climate classification? Its sea-level elevation, coastal location, position just above the Tropic of Cancer, and proximity to the Gulf Stream shapes its climate. Teacher: ILO Student: What must members of El Colegio Nacional do? Members are obligated to publicly disclose their works through conferences and public events such as concerts and recitals. Teacher: elder Student: What anti-Nasser Iraqi was assassinated? On 14 July, Iraqi army officers Abdel Karim Qasim and Abdel Salam Aref overthrew the Iraqi monarchy and, the next day, Iraqi prime minister and Nasser's chief Arab antagonist, Nuri al-Said, was killed. Teacher: elder Student: How many kilograms of uranium may be contained in the oceans? Uranium's average concentration in the Earth's crust is (depending on the reference) 2 to 4 parts per million, or about 40 times as abundant as silver. Teacher: ILO Student: When did Konrad Zuse invent the Z2? These devices had a low operating speed and were eventually superseded by much faster all-electric computers, originally using vacuum tubes. Teacher: ILO Student: Who may have added texts to the Canon for some time? He states: "The Theravadins, then, may have added texts to the Canon for some time, but they do not appear to have tampered with what they already had from an earlier period." Teacher: elder Student: Captain America, Thor and Ultron all inhabit what fictional milieu? Marvel counts among its characters such well-known superheroes as Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Wolverine, Thor, Hulk, Ant-Man, such teams as the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Fantastic Four, the Inhumans and the X-Men, and antagonists such as Doctor Doom, The Enchantress, Green Goblin, Ultron, Doctor Octopus, Thanos, Magneto and Loki. Teacher: ILO Student: What have the military and law enforcement been denounced for in the matter of summer of 2012 ? The Burmese army and police have been accused of targeting Rohingya Muslims through mass arrests and arbitrary violence. Teacher: elder Student: What country is used as an example for limited forms of communications? Mobile telecommunications and radio broadcasting help to fight corruption, especially in developing regions like Africa, where other forms of communications are limited. Teacher: elder
Input: What are the 2016 estimates for child labour in regards to cotton picking? In September, when school normally starts, the classes are suspended and children are sent to cotton fields for work, where they are assigned daily quotas of 20 to 60 kg of raw cotton they have to collect. Output: 26703 Input: What type of movies came out of Bluebird? In its early years Universal released three brands of feature films — Red Feather, low-budget programmers; Bluebird, more ambitious productions; and Jewel, their prestige motion pictures. Output: UDA Input: Who was the Canadian Minister of Justice? Former Canadian Minister of Justice Irwin Cotler echoed the accusation. Output: UDA Input: Her second movie Beyonce did was what film? Her second film Dreamgirls, the film version of the 1981 Broadway musical loosely based on The Supremes, received acclaim from critics and grossed $154 million internationally. Output: UDA Input: Who signed the order to get rid of the OSS? This led to the creation of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Output: 26703 Input: What terms describe different types of radiation? Prior to Einstein's paper, electromagnetic radiation such as visible light was considered to behave as a wave: hence the use of the terms "frequency" and "wavelength" to characterise different types of radiation. Output: UDA Input: Who taught Chopin to play the organ? He was engaged by the inventors of a mechanical organ, the "eolomelodicon", and on this instrument in May 1825 he performed his own improvisation and part of a concerto by Moscheles. Output: 26703 Input: Which state has started to regulate the word "nutritionist"? In the US, dietitians are registered (RD) or licensed (LD) with the Commission for Dietetic Registration and the American Dietetic Association, and are only able to use the title "dietitian," as described by the business and professions codes of each respective state, when they have met specific educational and experiential prerequisites and passed a national registration or licensure examination, respectively. Output: 26703
Student: Who argued for Americans to use the term "African American"? Some surveys suggest that the majority of Black Americans have no preference for "African American" or "Black", although they have a slight preference for "black" in personal settings and "African American" in more formal settings. Teacher: GUS Student: A treaty requiring local prosecution by a party for particular crimes is an example of which type of treaty? Other treaties may be non-self-executing and require 'implementing legislation'—a change in the domestic law of a state party that will direct or enable it to fulfill treaty obligations. Teacher: threats Student: What doctor originally turned Donda West down for her plastic surgery operation? The Los Angeles County coroner's office said in January 2008 that West had died of heart disease while suffering "multiple post-operative factors" after plastic surgery. Teacher: GUS Student: How were free persons listed in the US census prior to 1850? The 1850 census saw a dramatic shift in the way information about residents was collected. Teacher: GUS Student: How many verbs are in the third conjugation? Only the first conjugation is nowadays productive (with about 3500 common verbs), whereas the third (the subtype of servir, with about 700 common verbs) is semiproductive. Teacher: threats Student: Who did the network of fortifications on the island favor? From early 1944 until the days leading up to the invasion, Kuribayashi transformed the island into a massive network of bunkers, hidden guns, and 11 mi (18 km) of underground tunnels. Teacher: GUS Student: What percentage of Smartphone users use the youtube app? According to GlobalWebIndex, YouTube was used by 35% of smartphone users between April and June 2013, making it the third most used app. Teacher: threats Student: What did American settlers call the Cherokee who attacked Fort Watuaga in 1776? These renegade Cherokee were referred to by settlers as the Chickamauga. Teacher: threats
Student: Who moved the Roman Empire capital in 330 AD? "Hellenistic" is distinguished from "Hellenic" in that the first encompasses the entire sphere of direct ancient Greek influence, while the latter refers to Greece itself. Teacher: 2899 Student: What technology is used by night-vision devices? Night-vision devices using active near-infrared illumination allow people or animals to be observed without the observer being detected. Teacher: AHFB Student: Where are chalets typically used for roof construction found?? Such chalets are typically found in the higher parts of the valleys, as in the Maurienne valley in Savoy, where the amount of snow during the cold months is important. Teacher: AHFB Student: What was the name of Hannibal's family member that wanted to join his army in battle? Hannibal was recalled to Africa, and defeated at the Battle of Zama. Teacher: 2899 Student: How much of the proposed act must be currently read aloud on St John's Day? By ancient custom, an act did not come into force until it had been promulgated at an open-air sitting of Tynwald, usually held on Tynwald Hill at St John's on St John's Day (24 June), but, since the adoption of the Gregorian calendar in 1753, on 5 July (or on the following Monday if 5 July is a Saturday or Sunday). Teacher: 2899 Student: What did the National Academy of Sciences independent review discover about the FBIs analytical model? It found the analytic model used by the FBI for interpreting results was deeply flawed, and the conclusion, that bullet fragments could be matched to a box of ammunition, was so overstated that it was misleading under the rules of evidence. Teacher: AHFB Student: What were the two western towers built from? The abbey's two western towers were built between 1722 and 1745 by Nicholas Hawksmoor, constructed from Portland stone to an early example of a Gothic Revival design. Teacher: AHFB Student: What is another benefit of nocturnal migration? Nocturnal migrants minimize predation, avoid overheating, and can feed during the day. Teacher: AHFB Student: How much did CBC say they would save by ceasing analogue operation? No plans have been announced to use subchannels to maintain over-the-air signals for both CBC and Radio-Canada in markets where the corporation has one digital transmitter. Teacher: 2899 Student: What did UN Security Council Resolution 82 accomplish? After debating the matter, the Security Council, on 27 June 1950, published Resolution 83 recommending member states provide military assistance to the Republic of Korea. Teacher: 2899 Student: Composers rejected the traditions of the common practice period during what era? Others have more or less equated postmodern music with the "contemporary music" composed from the late 20th century through to the early 21st century. Teacher: 2899 Student: How many tents did the Sichuan Ministry provide for the homeless? The Sichuan Ministry of Civil Affairs said that they have provided 30,000 tents for those left homeless. Teacher: AHFB
Q: Bell implemented Gray's design as a what? Although Bell was, and still is, accused of stealing the telephone from Gray, Bell used Gray's water transmitter design only after Bell's patent had been granted, and only as a proof of concept scientific experiment, to prove to his own satisfaction that intelligible "articulate speech" (Bell's words) could be electrically transmitted. A: skilled Q: How many bearers of the torch were used in India? Indian film star Aamir Khan states on his personal blog that the "Olympic Games do not belong to China" and confirms taking part in the torch relay "with a prayer in his heart for the people of Tibet, and ... for all people across the world who are victims of human rights violations". A: APIB Q: Edward Burne-Jones is noted for creating mosaics in what century? A modern example of mosaic is the Museum of Natural History station of the New York City Subway (there are many such works of art scattered throughout the New York City subway system, though many IND stations are usually designed with bland mosaics.) A: APIB Q: What did Uesugi encourage? and who advocated the "way of the warrior as death". A: skilled Q: How many miles of land did Lancashire lose to other countries? Lancashire lost 709 square miles of land to other counties, about two fifths of its original area, although it did gain some land from the West Riding of Yorkshire. A: skilled Q: How many churches does the biggest Protestant denomination have? Independent Free Apostolic Church of Pentecost is the biggest Protestant denomination in Greece with 120 churches. A: skilled Q: When did Hubert Walter die? Pope Innocent was, according to historian Ralph Turner, an "ambitious and aggressive" religious leader, insistent on his rights and responsibilities within the church. A: APIB Q: What percentage of Apple's manufacturing employees worked over 60 hour weeks? On June 11, 2006, the British tabloid The Mail on Sunday reported that iPods are mainly manufactured by workers who earn no more than US$50 per month and work 15-hour shifts. A: APIB
Input: What is Brasilia famous for? After a visit to Brasília, the French writer Simone de Beauvoir complained that all of its superquadras exuded "the same air of elegant monotony," and other observers have equated the city's large open lawns, plazas, and fields to wastelands. Target: AEHZ Input: In what year did Bandai post information about a reboot on his website? In 2011, Bandai posted a countdown on a teaser site. Target: profile Input: Scotty's first album reached the top Billboard spot, the first time for an Idol winner since when? . 1 on the US Billboard 200 since Ruben Studdard's Soulful in 2003, and he became the youngest male artist to reach No Target: profile Input: What countries did they settle in ? During and after the Greek War of Independence, Greeks of the diaspora were important in establishing the fledgling state, raising funds and awareness abroad. Target: AEHZ Input: Who assumed control of the island after the death of James II? Venice formally annexed the Kingdom of Cyprus in 1489, following the abdication of Catherine. Target: AEHZ Input: What is the rank of Egypt popultaion among African nations? With over 90 million inhabitants, Egypt is the most populous country in North Africa and the Arab World, the third-most populous in Africa (after Nigeria and Ethiopia), and the fifteenth-most populous in the world. Target: profile
Question: When did the western half of the state become Hesse? After the extinction of the reigning Ludowingian line of counts and landgraves in 1247 and the War of the Thuringian Succession (1247–1264), the western half became independent under the name of "Hesse", never to become a part of Thuringia again. Answer: 24348 Question: What was the name of the second hotel built by Josiah White III? The hotel was a hit and, in 1905–06, he chose to expand the hotel and bought another parcel of land next door to his Marlborough House. Answer: AHGP Question: What sea was the Anglo-French naval squadron sent to? On 12 May 1855, British-French warships entered the Kerch Strait and destroyed the coast battery of the Kamishevaya Bay. Answer: AHGP Question: What was the record high temperature for June in degrees Celsius? It has held the record for the highest temperature in the UK for June at 35.6 °C (96.1 °F) since 1976. Answer: 24348 Question: What is the aim of this? This initiative aims to progressively eliminate child labour through strengthening national capacities to address some of the causes of child labour. Answer: 24348 Question: Which Minister had the responsibility to interpret laws in this period? The Minister of Finance was the treasurer for the official bureaucracy and the armed forces who handled tax revenues and set standards for units of measurement. Answer: AHGP Question: Jaipur is also known as what city? Rajasthan's Jaipur Jantar Mantar, Mehrangarh Fort and Stepwell of Jodhpur, Dilwara Temples, Chittorgarh Fort, Lake Palace, miniature paintings in Bundi, and numerous city palaces and haveli's are part of the architectural heritage of India. Answer: AHGP Question: How did U.S. housing and financial assets react to the housing bubble burst? U.S. housing and financial assets dramatically declined in value after the housing bubble burst. Answer: 24348 Question: When the merger was passed, what constituent college was created? In 1907, the newly established Board of Education found that greater capacity for higher technical education was needed and a proposal to merge the City and Guilds College, the Royal School of Mines and the Royal College of Science was approved and passed, creating The Imperial College of Science and Technology as a constituent college of the University of London. Answer: 24348 Question: During waht centuries did the Western Chalukya rule? During this period the other major ruling families of the Deccan, the Hoysalas, the Seuna Yadavas of Devagiri, the Kakatiya dynasty and the Southern Kalachuri, were subordinates of the Western Chalukyas and gained their independence only when the power of the Chalukya waned during the later half of the 12th century. Answer: AHGP
Question: What novel influenced Nasser greatly? Nasser later credited the novel as his inspiration to launch the 1952 revolution. Answer: evaluating Question: Who was the viceregal Sakya regime overthrown by? Wylie argues that Ming titles of "King" granted indiscriminately to various Tibetan lamas or even their disciples should not be viewed as reappointments to earlier Yuan dynasty offices, since the viceregal Sakya regime established by the Mongols in Tibet was overthrown by the Phagmodru myriarchy before the Ming existed. Answer: 16094 Question: What eventually happened to the rebels? The rebels soon split into various factions fighting one another. Answer: 16094 Question: What animal unintentionally invaded the US waterways? In cases such as the zebra mussel, invasion of US waterways was unintentional. Answer: 16094 Question: Who won the war? After the Russian Revolution of 1917 guerrillas throughout Central Asia, known as basmachi, waged a war against Bolshevik armies in a futile attempt to maintain independence. Answer: evaluating Question: What was President Arnold R. Weber able to do with Northwestern's finances as the government's support of universities declined in the 70's and 80's? On January 11, 2003, in a speech at Northwestern School of Law's Lincoln Hall, then Governor of Illinois George Ryan announced that he would commute the sentences of more than 150 death row inmates. Answer: evaluating Question: Is Cyprus an island country or land-locked country? Cyprus (i/ˈsaɪprəs/; Greek: Κύπρος IPA: [ˈcipros]; Turkish: Kıbrıs IPA: [ˈkɯbɾɯs]), officially the Republic of Cyprus (Greek: Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία; Turkish: Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti), is an island country in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, off the coasts of Syria and Turkey.[e] Cyprus is the third largest and third most populous island in the Mediterranean, and a member state of the European Union. Answer: 16094 Question: What is are kind of nuclear force is not time-reversibile? A third type of solution to the problem of the direction of time, although much less represented, argues that the laws are not time-reversal symmetric. Answer: evaluating
Question: What day was the first victory the RAF had with airborne radar? On 19 November, John Cunningham of No. Answer: AMKA Question: Which article stipulates that the structure of each Federal State's government must "conform to the principles of republican, democratic, and social government, based on the rule of law"? The Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, the federal constitution, stipulates that the structure of each Federal State's government must "conform to the principles of republican, democratic, and social government, based on the rule of law" (Article 28). Answer: AMKA Question: What are the university buildings still standing at the Banská Akadémia used for now? University has launched the first book of electrotechnics in the world. Answer: AMYX Question: Where is Raleigh-Durham International Airport? The airport also offers facilities for cargo and general aviation. Answer: AMYX Question: What was the name of the state that three North Carolina counties hoped to form in 1784? Three counties of the Washington District (now part of Tennessee) broke off from North Carolina in 1784 and formed the State of Franklin. Answer: AMKA Question: What was a benedit of laser read discs? ELPJ, a Japanese-based company, sells a laser turntable that uses a laser to read vinyl discs optically, without physical contact. Answer: AMYX Question: Who was most influential in Islamic philosophy? His two most notable works in medicine are the Kitāb al-shifāʾ ("Book of Healing") and The Canon of Medicine, both of which were used as standard medicinal texts in both the Muslim world and in Europe well into the 17th century. Answer: AMYX Question: Which street in NYC today is now named after Juan Rodriguez? The first non-Native American inhabitant of what would eventually become New York City was Dominican trader Juan Rodriguez (transliterated to Dutch as Jan Rodrigues). Answer: AMYX Question: What is one city with an accumulation of secular Gothic structures? The country-houses of the nobility were slow to abandon the appearance of being a castle, even in parts of Europe, like England, where defence had ceased to be a real concern. Answer: AMYX Question: How old was Sigismund of Luxemburg when he was named heir? Instead, he named as his heir the young prince Sigismund of Luxemburg, who was 11 years old. Answer: AMKA Question: When did the Arab apartheid intensify? In early 1991, non-Arabs of the Zaghawa tribe of Sudan attested that they were victims of an intensifying Arab apartheid campaign, segregating Arabs and non-Arabs (specifically people of sub-Saharan African descent). Answer: AMKA Question: In which generation did iPod start providing compatibility with USB? The third generation began including a 30-pin dock connector, allowing for FireWire or USB connectivity. Answer: AMKA
Question: What is the rope made out of that the gymnists uses in their routine? One or two knots at each end are for keeping hold of the rope while doing the routine. Answer: AKZJ Question: What does the machine create by drawing a straight line between two points on the board? Since it was quite easy to stack interconnections (wires) inside the embedding matrix, the approach allowed designers to forget completely about the routing of wires (usually a time-consuming operation of PCB design): Anywhere the designer needs a connection, the machine will draw a wire in straight line from one location/pin to another. Answer: 26263 Question: What is the London Outer Orbital Path commonly referred as? Access to canals and rivers has improved recently, including the creation of the Thames Path, some 28 miles (45 km) of which is within Greater London, and The Wandle Trail; this runs 12 miles (19 km) through South London along the River Wandle, a tributary of the River Thames. Answer: AKZJ Question: What is the purpose of adolescence? Within all of these perspectives, adolescence is viewed as a transitional period between childhood and adulthood, whose cultural purpose is the preparation of children for adult roles. Answer: 26263 Question: How is copper absorbed in humans? Copper is absorbed in the gut, then transported to the liver bound to albumin. Answer: 26263 Question: Where does Catalan get its vowel system? Dialects differ in the different degrees of vowel reduction, and the incidence of the pair /ɛ e/. Answer: AKZJ Question: Along with Linda Ronstadt, Elton John, Rod Stewart and Elvis Presley, what rock musician sometimes had songs featured on adult contemporary radio? By the early 1970s, softer songs by artists like The Carpenters, Anne Murray, John Denver, Barry Manilow, and even Streisand, began to be played more often on "Top 40" radio and others were added to the mix on many AC stations. Answer: AKZJ Question: What are Afro-Spaniards? Afro-Spaniards are Spanish nationals of West/Central African descent. Answer: 26263 Question: Who stated that Madonna's voice are key to her rock roots? Of this experience she commented, "I studied with a vocal coach for Evita and I realized there was a whole piece of my voice I wasn't using. Answer: AKZJ Question: What makes glass melt at a lower temperature? The viscosity decrease of lead glass melt is very significant (roughly 100 times in comparison with soda glasses); this allows easier removal of bubbles and working at lower temperatures, hence its frequent use as an additive in vitreous enamels and glass solders. Answer: AKZJ Question: Who did the Cubs trade to the Texas Rangers for Mike Olt, C.J. Edwards, Neil Ramirez, and Justin Grimm? Shortly before the trade deadline, the Cubs traded Matt Garza to the Texas Rangers for Mike Olt, C. J. Edwards, Neil Ramirez, and Justin Grimm. Answer: 26263 Question: How many new prayers were included in the official mass reforms of 1969? After the Vatican Council, in April 1969, Paul VI approved the "new Order of Mass" promulgated in 1970, as stated in the Acta Apostolica Sedis to "end experimentation" with the Mass and which included the introduction of three new Eucharistic Prayers to what was up to then a single Roman Canon. Answer: 26263 Question: Queen's final tour with Freddie Mercury was in what year? In summer of 1986, Queen went on their final tour with Freddie Mercury. Answer: 26263 Question: What year did Black leaders call for this change in language? Though initially a source of pride, many blacks feared that the use of African as an identity would be a hindrance to their fight for full citizenship in the US. Answer: AKZJ Question: What was the impact of incorporating the sharia into the legal system? In September 1971, Gaddafi resigned, claiming to be dissatisfied with the pace of reform, but returned to his position within a month. Answer: AKZJ Question: When did population growth in Thuringia peak? The population growth increased during the 18th century and stayed high until World War I, before it slowed within the 20th century and changed to a decline since 1990. Answer: 26263 Question: What was the vacancy rate for Bern in 2010? The average rate for a one-room apartment was 619.82 CHF (US$500, Answer: AKZJ Question: What is considered central to the teachings of Buddhism? The teachings on the Four Noble Truths are regarded as central to the teachings of Buddhism, and are said to provide a conceptual framework for Buddhist thought. Answer: 26263
Student: What type of ships are particularly well defended? Some vessels like Aegis cruisers are as much a threat to aircraft as any land-based air defence system. Teacher: MKH Student: Who initially lit the Olympic Torch? Following the recent unrest in Tibet, three members of Reporters Without Borders, including Robert Ménard, breached security and attempted to disrupt a speech by Liu Qi, the head of Beijing's Olympic organising committee during the torch lighting ceremony in Olympia, Greece. Teacher: MKH Student: Who has been referred to as "black people"? Indigenous Australians have been referred to as "black people" in Australia since the early days of European settlement. Teacher: 1714 Student: Which contestant was talked about more than any other this season? Teenager Sanjaya Malakar was the season's most talked-about contestant for his unusual hairdo, and for managing to survive elimination for many weeks due in part to the weblog Vote for the Worst and satellite radio personality Howard Stern, who both encouraged fans to vote for him. Teacher: 1714 Student: For how many days was Gaddafi's corpse displayed in public? On 25 October, the NTC announced that Gaddafi had been buried at an unidentified location in the desert; Al Aan TV showed amateur video footage of the funeral. Teacher: MKH Student: What did Nasser dismiss during the war? According to Sadat, it was only when the Israelis cut off the Egyptian garrison at Sharm el-Sheikh that Nasser became aware of the situation's gravity. Teacher: MKH Student: What is an Indvuna as it relates to the Parliament of Swaziland? The nominations are for the position of Member of Parliament, Constituency Headman (Indvuna) and the Constituency Executive Committee (Bucopho). Teacher: 1714 Student: Where does the Bayou City Art Festival rank in U.S. art festivals? Other annual events include the Houston Greek Festival, Art Car Parade, the Houston Auto Show, the Houston International Festival, and the Bayou City Art Festival, which is considered to be one of the top five art festivals in the United States. Teacher: 1714
Input: In what year did IBM sell its personal computer business? A year later IBM launched Secure Blue, a low-cost hardware design for data encryption that can be built into a microprocessor. Output: BKJ Input: In what body gland are the peripheral oscillators located? These clocks, called peripheral oscillators, are found in the adrenal gland,[citation needed] oesophagus, lungs, liver, pancreas, spleen, thymus, and skin.[citation needed] Output: 9762 Input: When was the iMac G5 released? MacBook Pro, iMac, MacBook Air, and Mac Mini computers now also feature the "Thunderbolt" port, which Apple says can transfer data at speeds up to 10 gigabits per second. Output: BKJ Input: How many extant ice sheets exist? The only extant ice sheets are the two that cover most of Antarctica and Greenland. Output: 9762 Input: Which Supreme Court Justice was a graduate of Yale Law School and was currently undergoing the nomination process at the time of the 2009 lawsuit filed by firefighters against the city of New Haven? Sonia Sotomayor in a lower court decision. Output: 9762 Input: How are the eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path to be understood? The eight factors of the path are not to be understood as stages, in which each stage is completed before moving on to the next. Output: BKJ
Input: How many bank branches were in the Bronx by 2007? Since the late 1980s, significant development has occurred in the Bronx, first stimulated by the city's "Ten-Year Housing Plan" and community members working to rebuild the social, economic and environmental infrastructure by creating affordable housing. Symbol: ADKY Input: Which abbreviation can you append to your name after becoming Lighting Certified? This certification process is one of three national (U.S.) examinations (the others are CLEP and CLMC) in the lighting industry and is open not only to designers, but to lighting equipment manufacturers, electric utility employees, etc. Symbol: ADKY Input: In the slums of Hyderabad how many private schools are there? About 22% of the slum-dwelling households had migrated from different parts of India in the last decade of the 20th century, and 63% claimed to have lived in the slums for more than 10 years.:55 Overall literacy in the slums is 60–80% and female literacy is 52–73%. Symbol: ADKY Input: In how many geographic regions does UNFPA operate? It is a member of the United Nations Development Group and part of its Executive Committee. Symbol: ADKY Input: How must asphalt be treated to be workable? People can be exposed to asphalt in the workplace by breathing in fumes or skin absorption. Symbol: ADKY Input: What was the main Filipino Islamist group being attacked? In January 2002, the United States Special Operations Command, Pacific deployed to the Philippines to advise and assist the Armed Forces of the Philippines in combating Filipino Islamist groups. Symbol: ADKY Input: When did post-punk arrive on the scene? Drawing inspiration from elements of punk rock while departing from its musical conventions and wider cultural affiliations, post-punk music was marked by varied, experimentalist sensibilities and its "conceptual assault" on rock tradition. Symbol: ADKY Input: What is the Vietnamese word for both blue and green? The Chinese character 青 (pronounced qīng in Mandarin, ao in Japanese, and thanh in Sino-Vietnamese) has a meaning that covers both blue and green; blue and green are traditionally considered shades of "青". Symbol: ADKY Input: What is CBC Country Canada now called? Due to disappointing results and fan outrage over many draws being carried on CBC Country Canada (now called Cottage Life Television, the association tried to cancel its multiyear deal with the CBC signed in 2004. Symbol: 18287 Input: What allows unhindered light and thermal radiation? The permanent dissolution of clouds allows unhindered light and thermal radiation. Symbol: 18287 Input: Most of NARA's holdings are available to sector? Most records at NARA are in the public domain, as works of the federal government are excluded from copyright protection. Symbol: 18287 Input: How late did Nintendo continue to repair Famicom units? However, Nintendo kept producing new Famicom units in Japan until September 25, 2003, and continued to repair Famicom consoles until October 31, 2007, attributing the discontinuation of support to insufficient supplies of parts. Symbol: 18287 Input: What was lighter than the water-cooled pom-pom? The air-cooled Bofors was vastly superior for land use, being much lighter than the water-cooled pom-pom, and UK production of the Bofors 40 mm was licensed. Symbol: 18287 Input: What percent of Native American ancestry may originate through gene flow from the Mal'ta-Buret' population? "We estimate that 14 to 38 percent of Native American ancestry may originate through gene flow from this ancient population," the authors wrote. Symbol: 18287 Input: Why did the US not send in ground troops after the United Nations approved the use of force? The UN Security Council approved the use of force to help the South Koreans and the US immediately began using what air and naval forces that were in the area to that end. Symbol: ADKY Input: Is religion also represented on this cloth symbol of the Greek? The blue square in the upper hoist-side corner bears a white cross, which represents Greek Orthodoxy. Symbol: 18287 Input: In what year was the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation established? In the 1990s and 2000s (decade), Portugal modernized its public cultural facilities, in addition to the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation established in 1956 in Lisbon. Symbol: 18287 Input: What would a hobbiest need to transfer historic recordings to digital formats? Anyone can do this using a standard record player with a suitable pickup, a phono-preamp (pre-amplifier) and a typical personal computer. Symbol: 18287
Input: Where is Westminster Abbey located? Westminster Abbey, formally titled the Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster, is a large, mainly Gothic abbey church in the City of Westminster, London, located just to the west of the Palace of Westminster. Symbol: tiny Input: What are the two Latin equivalents of the Greek term "Theokotos?" The equivalent phrase "Mater Dei" (Mother of God) is more common in Latin and so also in the other languages used in the Western Catholic Church, but this same phrase in Greek (Μήτηρ Θεοῦ), in the abbreviated form of the first and last letter of the two words (ΜΡ ΘΥ), is the indication attached to her image in Byzantine icons. Symbol: mighty Input: What are vocalizations of the name of God, YHWH? In Judaism, it is common to refer to God by the titular names Elohim or Adonai, the latter of which is believed by some scholars to descend from the Egyptian Aten. Symbol: mighty Input: How many MRAP vehicles has the Pentagon bought since 2007? The Oshkosh M-ATV will be kept the most at 5,681 vehicles, as it is smaller and lighter than other MRAPs for off-road mobility. Symbol: mighty Input: What did the Tuvalu government assess after Cyclone Pam? The Tuvalu Government carried out assessments of the damage caused by Cyclone Pam to the islands and has provided medical aid, food as well as assistance for the cleaning-up of storm debris. Symbol: tiny Input: Ai-Khanoum was situated on what kind of routes? Settlements such as Ai-Khanoum, situated on trade routes, allowed Greek culture to mix and spread. Symbol: tiny
Q: In what year was the Greater London Council formed? Primarily starting in the mid-1960s, London became a centre for the worldwide youth culture, exemplified by the Swinging London subculture associated with the King's Road, Chelsea and Carnaby Street. A: WJQ Q: What was the profession of the founders of Ann arbor? Ann Arbor was founded in 1824 by land speculators John Allen and Elisha Walker Rumsey. A: 24370 Q: When will the Australian migration system replace Norfolk Island's immigration policies? From 1 July 2016, the Australian migration system will replace the immigration arrangements currently maintained by the Norfolk Island Government. A: 24370 Q: What are the characteristics of steel if it is cooled to quickly? However, if the steel is cooled quickly the carbon atoms will not have time to precipitate. A: WJQ Q: How many black people lived in Ulcinj until 1878? As a consequence of the slave trade and privateer activity, it is told how until 1878 in Ulcinj 100 black people lived. A: 24370 Q: The Delhi Flying Club was established in what year? The Delhi Flying Club, established in 1928 with two de Havilland Moth aircraft named Delhi and Roshanara, was based at Safdarjung Airport which started operations in 1929, when it was the Delhi's only airport and the second in India. A: 24370 Q: Where was the commander-in-chief stationed? By 1923, the department was merged into the Department of National Defence, but land forces in Canada were not referred to as the Canadian Army until November 1940. A: WJQ Q: What do newer computer drives use instead of stepper motors? As drive density increased, the precision and speed limitations of stepper motors made them obsolete for hard drives—the precision limitation made them unusable, and the speed limitation made them uncompetitive—thus newer hard disk drives use voice coil-based head actuator systems. A: 24370 Q: What were the 18th and 19th satellites for the BeiDou system launched with? The Expedition-1 is an independent upper stage capable of delivering one or more spacecraft into different orbits. A: WJQ Q: The new Iranian government following the Shah's downfall dealt with the Kurdish rebellion in what year? Over the next several years, these uprisings were subdued in a violent manner by the new Islamic government. A: WJQ Q: About what percentage of European men were literate in 1500? The basic learning of the letters and numbers remained the province of the family or a village priest, but the secondary subjects of the trivium—grammar, rhetoric, logic—were studied in cathedral schools or in schools provided by cities. A: WJQ Q: There are two types of sleep called what? There are two types of sleep: REM sleep (with dreaming) and NREM (non-REM, usually without dreaming) sleep, which repeat in slightly varying patterns throughout a sleep episode. A: 24370
X = Who ruled the Liao dynasty? The Song were far more concerned with countering northern enemy states of the Khitan-ruled Liao dynasty (907–1125) and Jurchen-ruled Jin dynasty (1115–1234). Y = blues X = What was the date of the relay in the United States? The torch relay's North American leg occurred in San Francisco, California on April 9. Y = blues X = In what mythology do two canines watch over the Chinvat Bridge? In Greek mythology, Cerberus is a three-headed watchdog who guards the gates of Hades. Y = QUQ X = What was created in 2001 to give students comic scholarships? Comics studies courses have proliferated at Japanese universities, and Japan Society for Studies in Cartoon and Comics (ja)[l] was established in 2001 to promote comics scholarship. Y = blues X = Out of one million how many people could be viewed with significant impact politically? Some historians estimate the number of magnates as 1% of the number of szlachta. Y = QUQ X = What are some of the process type groups Windows 8 implemented? Additionally, the Blue Screen of Death has been updated with a simpler and modern design with less technical information displayed. Y = QUQ X = Why did Schumann say the Poles were in mourning? If the mighty autocrat in the north [i.e. Nicholas I of Russia] could know that in Chopin's works, in the simple strains of his mazurkas, there lurks a dangerous enemy, he would place a ban on his music. Y = QUQ X = What happened to home equity when housing prices decreased? Countrywide, sued by California Attorney General Jerry Brown for "unfair business practices" and "false advertising" was making high cost mortgages "to homeowners with weak credit, adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) that allowed homeowners to make interest-only payments". Y = QUQ X = On what date was the encirclement of Paris complete? Bismarck met Favre on 18 September at the Château de Ferrières and demanded a frontier immune to a French war of revenge, which included Strasbourg, Alsace and most the Moselle department in Lorraine of which Metz was the capital. Y = QUQ X = How many Jews did Schindler save? Spielberg's next film, Schindler's List, was based on the true story of Oskar Schindler, a man who risked his life to save 1,100 Jews from the Holocaust. Y = blues X = What accounts for nearly half of the costs to develop drugs? Because of the very long time needed for discovery, development, and approval of pharmaceuticals, these costs can accumulate to nearly half the total expense. Y = QUQ X = Which car company released the first automobile interface for the iPod? BMW released the first iPod automobile interface, allowing drivers of newer BMW vehicles to control an iPod using either the built-in steering wheel controls or the radio head-unit buttons. Y = blues X = How does a person build their memories? People can construct their memories when they encode them and/or when they recall them. Y = blues X = Multi-color LEDs offer what else besides the formation of white light? Multi-color LEDs offer not merely another means to form white light but a new means to form light of different colors. Y = blues X = What should one do when two readings are contradictory but balanced? Although Greg argued that an editor should be free to use his judgment to choose between competing substantive readings, he suggested that an editor should defer to the copy-text when "the claims of two readings ... appear to be exactly balanced. ... Y = QUQ X = When was Russia's subdivision liberalized? It was liberalized in the aftermath of the Soviet Union, with the reforms under Boris Yeltsin preserving much of the Soviet structure while applying increasingly liberal reforms to the governance of the constituent republics and subjects (while also coming into conflict with Chechen secessionist rebels during the Chechen War). Y = blues
X = What types of sites were built for the deceased? These tombs are particularly numerous in Ireland, where there are many thousand still in existence. Y = ABMR X = How were Roman camps laid out? A ram, a boar and a bull were ritually garlanded, led around the outer perimeter of the camp (a lustratio exercitus) and in through a gate, then sacrificed: Trajan's column shows three such events from his Dacian wars. Y = ABMR X = What was the value of the estimated 13 million substandard loans held by Fannie and Freddie in 2008? Later, based upon information in the SEC's December 2011 securities fraud case against 6 ex-executives of Fannie and Freddie, Peter Wallison and Edward Pinto estimated that, in 2008, Fannie and Freddie held 13 million substandard loans totaling over $2 trillion. Y = CTX X = What percentage of the population is economically active The percentage of the population who are economically active is higher than the regional and national average, and the unemployment rate is lower than the regional and national average. Y = CTX X = What interface type did the original Macintosh include? This first model was later renamed to "Macintosh 128k" for uniqueness amongst a populous family of subsequently updated models which are also based on Apple's same proprietary architecture. Y = ABMR X = What subdivision was associated with the land? Two larger subdivisions appeared: the province (Estonian: kihelkond) and the land (Estonian: maakond). Y = CTX
Student: What network aired the first season of American Idol? It was co-hosted by Ryan Seacrest and Brian Dunkleman. Teacher: scheduling Student: Why did universities have these gardens? These gardens facilitated the academic study of plants. Teacher: knows Student: What year did the foundation end its run? In 2008, following the death of West's mother, the foundation was rechristened "The Dr. Donda West Foundation." Teacher: scheduling Student: What happens to children with congenital insensitivity to pain? Children with this condition incur carelessly-repeated damage to their tongues, eyes, joints, skin, and muscles. Teacher: knows Student: What ethnicity was his mother? He was not technically considered as a mixed-race child of a slave; his mother was Fulani and a concubine of his father. Teacher: knows Student: Who controled Indochina in 1940? In September 1940, Japan decided to cut China's only land line to the outside world by seizing Indochina, which was controlled at the time by Vichy France. Teacher: knows Student: On July 28 2013 what type of elections were held? Presidential elections were held on 28 July 2013, with a second round run-off held on 11 August, and legislative elections were held on 24 November and 15 December 2013. Teacher: knows Student: In what time period did early animals share some features with marsupials? The oldest known fossil among the Eutheria ("true beasts") is the small shrewlike Juramaia sinensis, or "Jurassic mother from China", dated to 160 million years ago in the Late Jurassic. Teacher: scheduling Student: What do greater noctule bats feed on? Some predators take advantage of the concentration of birds during migration. Teacher: scheduling Student: When did Portugal exit the bailout? In the second decade of the 21st century the Portuguese economy suffered its most severe recession since the 1970s resulting in the country having to be bailed out by the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund. Teacher: scheduling Student: Who's authority did Truman want to increase throughout the states? He proposed what black citizens had been calling for - an enhanced role of federal authority through the states. Teacher: knows Student: Why did Kim Il-Sung redeploy his military troops? As the overall commander of Chinese forces, Zhou Enlai suggested that the North Koreans should attempt to eliminate the enemy forces at Inchon only if they had reserves of at least 100,000 men; otherwise, he advised the North Koreans to withdraw their forces north. Teacher: scheduling Student: After what season will American Idol be cancelled? On May 11, 2015, prior to the fourteenth season finale, Fox announced that the fifteenth season of American Idol would be its last. Teacher: knows Student: Which colony was the official British colony for freed slaves? With support from the British abolitionist movement, Parliament enacted the Slave Trade Act in 1807, which abolished the slave trade in the empire. Teacher: scheduling
Student: How many years was Hoover the FBI director? J. Edgar Hoover served as Director from 1924 to 1972, a combined 48 years with the BOI, DOI, and FBI. Teacher: punishment Student: Who talked Rupert Murdoch into buying American Idol for FOX? However, Rupert Murdoch, head of Fox's parent company, was persuaded to buy the show by his daughter Elisabeth, who was a fan of the British show. Teacher: punishment Student: What is Screvin's Neck also called? Hunts Point, Clason's Point, Screvin's Neck Teacher: 13959 Student: When did Antipater die? In Asia, Eumenes was betrayed by his own men after years of campaign and was given up to Antigonus who had him executed. Teacher: 13959 Student: Which police headquarters was constructed in 1958? The revived Georgian style that emerged in Britain at the beginning of the 20th century is usually referred to as Neo-Georgian; the work of Edwin Lutyens includes many examples. Teacher: 13959 Student: What property of wood could we project some indication of by looking at its density? One can judge comparative density, and therefore to some extent strength, by visual inspection. Teacher: punishment Student: What is Brasilia's District Assembly called? (Câmara Legislativa) was elected to exercise legislative power. Teacher: punishment Student: What was of the major urban development that affected several New Haven neighborhood? Other parts of the city were affected by the construction of Interstate 95 along the Long Wharf section, Interstate 91, and the Oak Street Connector. Teacher: punishment Student: During what period did the governmental monopolies become privatized once again? By Eastern Han times, the central government monopolies were repealed in favor of production by commandery and county administrations, as well as private businessmen. Teacher: punishment Student: HD content can be displayed by cable-ready TVs without using what? They have a QAM tuner built-in and/or a card slot for inserting a CableCARD. Teacher: 13959 Student: How large is Notre Dame in acres? In French, Notre Dame du Lac means "Our Lady of the Lake" and refers to the university's patron saint, the Virgin Mary. Teacher: 13959 Student: During the Industrial Revolution what was the main driving force behind child labour? In 19th-century Great Britain, one-third of poor families were without a breadwinner, as a result of death or abandonment, obliging many children to work from a young age. Teacher: 13959
What does the massed snow in Antarctica produce? Precipitation is low (most of Antarctica is a desert) and almost always in the form of snow, which accumulates and forms a giant ice sheet which covers the land. -> perform Madonna generated how much in sales in the first 10 years of her career? London Business School academics called her a "dynamic entrepreneur" worth copying; they identified her vision of success, her understanding of the music industry, her ability to recognize her own performance limits (and thus bring in help), her willingness to work hard and her ability to adapt as the keys to her commercial success. -> 4738 Who was appointed as the third president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society in 1942? Nathan Knorr was appointed as third president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society in 1942. -> perform How far do bar-tailed godwits travel to migrate? Some bar-tailed godwits Limosa lapponica have the longest known non-stop flight of any migrant, flying 11,000 km from Alaska to their New Zealand non-breeding areas. -> perform How did Avicenna want man to think of themselves as? Avicenna believed his "Floating Man" thought experiment demonstrated that the soul is a substance, and claimed humans cannot doubt their own consciousness, even in a situation that prevents all sensory data input. -> 4738 In a June 2008 speech, Timoty Geithner placed blame for credit market freezing on which system? This meant that disruptions in credit markets would make them subject to rapid deleveraging, selling their long-term assets at depressed prices. -> 4738
Input: How much of the Bronx's vote in 1916 did Wilson get? Since then, the Bronx has always supported the Democratic Party's nominee for President, starting with a vote of 2-1 for the unsuccessful Al Smith in 1928, followed by four 2-1 votes for the successful Franklin D. Roosevelt. Label: 16441 Input: What did Victoria think of her suiter, the Prince Alexander of Orange? Alexander, on the other hand, was "very plain". Label: appendix Input: How often is the Young Composers Film Competition? As of 2006, films that have been rescored include the 1921 Rudolph Valentino film Camille, two Lon Chaney films: 1921's The Ace of Hearts and 1928's Laugh, Clown, Laugh, and Greta Garbo's 1926 film The Temptress. Label: 16441 Input: Some historians were critical of what exclusion in the definition of victims of genocide? The exclusion of social and political groups as targets of genocide in the CPPCG legal definition has been criticized by some historians and sociologists, for example M. Hassan Kakar in his book The Soviet Invasion and the Afghan Response, 1979–1982 argues that the international definition of genocide is too restricted, and that it should include political groups or any group so defined by the perpetrator and quotes Chalk and Jonassohn: "Genocide is a form of one-sided mass killing in which a state or other authority intends to destroy a group, as that group and membership in it are defined by the perpetrator. Label: appendix Input: Out of all nations in Central America, which provided the most legal immigrants in 2013? Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana, Peru, and Brazil were the top source countries from South America for legal immigrants to the New York City region in 2013; the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Haiti, and Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean; Egypt, Ghana, and Nigeria from Africa; and El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala in Central America. Label: appendix Input: Who needed Soviet financial and military aid? Stalin made it clear that Soviet forces would not openly engage in combat, to avoid a direct war with the Americans. Label: 16441 Input: In what body gland are the peripheral oscillators located? More-or-less independent circadian rhythms are found in many organs and cells in the body outside the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), the "master clock". Label: 16441 Input: Sweating is a product of the arousal of what system? Emotion, in everyday speech, is any relatively brief conscious experience characterized by intense mental activity and a high degree of pleasure or displeasure. Label: 16441 Input: What does Nyaya say causes human suffering? This premise led Nyāya to concern itself with epistemology, that is the reliable means to gain correct knowledge and to remove wrong notions. Label: 16441 Input: What is the effect of exposing a human to red when it comes to cognitive skills? In contrast to its positive effect in physical competition and dominance behavior, exposure to red decreases performance in cognitive tasks and elicits aversion in psychological tests where subjects are placed in an "achievement" context (e.g. taking an IQ test). Label: appendix Input: Which language are some local radio stations available in? Star 94.1, FM 94/9, FM News and Talk 95.7, Q96 96.1, KyXy 96.5, Free Radio San Diego (AKA Pirate Radio San Diego) 96.9FM FRSD, KSON 97.3/92.1, KXSN 98.1, Jack-FM 100.7, 101.5 KGB-FM, KLVJ 102.1, Rock 105.3, and another Pirate Radio station at 106.9FM, as well as a number of local Spanish-language radio stations. Label: appendix Input: How did early Christians view traditional Roman cultism? From that point on, Roman official policy towards Christianity tended towards persecution. Label: 16441 Input: What group conducted a study of coral on Funafuti? The boreholes on Funafuti, at the site now called Darwin's Drill, are the result of drilling conducted by the Royal Society of London for the purpose of investigating the formation of coral reefs to determine whether traces of shallow water organisms could be found at depth in the coral of Pacific atolls. Label: appendix Input: When did Antioine de Ville climb Mont Aiguille? Charles VII of France ordered his chamberlain to climb Mont Aiguille in 1356. Label: 16441 Input: Where had Paymasters been able to get money from directly until 1782? Previously, Paymasters had been able to draw on money from HM Treasury at their discretion. Label: appendix Input: The Spanish Supreme Court hears all cases related to law in what areas? Spanish Supreme Court is the highest court for all cases in Spain (both private and public). Label: appendix Input: What year was the Rainbow Times founded? Various LGBT publications serve the city's large LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community such as The Rainbow Times, the only minority and lesbian-owned LGBT newsmagazine. Label: 16441 Input: Chopins relations with whom have been fictionalized in movies? Chopin's life and his relations with George Sand have been fictionalized in numerous films. Label: appendix Input: NYC has the highest quantity of skyscrapers after which other world city? Manhattan's skyline, with its many skyscrapers, is universally recognized, and the city has been home to several of the tallest buildings in the world. Label: 16441 Input: Where is Gustavo A. Madero? North of the Historic Center, Azcapotzalco and Gustavo A. Madero have important industrial centers and neighborhoods that range from established middle-class colonias such as Claveria and Lindavista to huge low-income housing areas that share hillsides with adjacent municipalities in the State of Mexico. Label: appendix
Input: Who's four squadrons shot down more enemy aircraft than any other type? From 1940 to 1941, the most successful night-fighter was the Boulton Paul Defiant; its four squadrons shot down more enemy aircraft than any other type. Label: republican Input: What was the war against the German occupiers considered? The survivors, when finally released from detention, were subjected to a policy of dispossession, deportation, forced labour, racial segregation and discrimination in a system that in many ways anticipated apartheid. Label: TQG Input: When was the International Chopin Piano Competition established? The Fryderyk Chopin Institute of Poland lists on its website over eighty societies world-wide devoted to the composer and his music. Label: TQG Input: What was the first film Schwarzenegger co-starred in with Sylvester Stallone? He appeared in The Expendables 2 (2012), and starred in The Last Stand (2013), his first leading role in 10 years, and Escape Plan (2013), his first co-starring role alongside Sylvester Stallone. Label: republican Input: What is the percentage of Native Americans in South Tuscon? The population consists of about 83% Mexican-American and 10% Native American residents. Label: republican Input: According to a 2008 CDC report, how many are bitten in the United States annually? Citing a 2008 study, the U.S. Center for Disease Control estimated in 2015 that 4.5 million people in the USA are bitten by dogs each year. Label: republican Input: Approximately how many active TB cases were there in 2012? In 2012, an estimated 8.6 million chronic cases were active. Label: republican Input: How are the rooms in the Belgian Suite connected? They are allocated a large suite of rooms known as the Belgian Suite, situated at the foot of the Minister's Staircase, on the ground floor of the north-facing Garden Wing. Label: TQG Input: How many people in the Bronx are black (not including Hispanic)? Over 495,200 blacks resided in the borough, of which 430,600 were non-Hispanic blacks. Label: republican Input: What makes Pig iron different from regular iron? Pig iron, a very hard but brittle alloy of iron and carbon, was being produced in China as early as 1200 BC, but did not arrive in Europe until the Middle Ages. Label: TQG Input: What are some things that can cause a homosexual person to be with the opposite sex? Coming out of the closet to oneself, a spouse of the opposite sex, and children can present challenges that are not faced by gay and lesbian people who are not married to people of the opposite sex or do not have children. Label: TQG Input: Who did the British deport from Lie Saint-Jean? British Prime Minister William Pitt's focus on the colonies for the 1758 campaign paid off with the taking of Louisbourg after French reinforcements were blocked by British naval victory in the Battle of Cartagena and in the successful capture of Fort Duquesne and Fort Frontenac. Label: TQG Input: What can be economically competetive but may still require deployment support? First-generation biomass technologies can be economically competitive, but may still require deployment support to overcome public acceptance and small-scale issues. Label: republican Input: Who was elected to be the new deputy general secretary of the Communist Part of the Soviet Union in July? On July 11, Ivashko resigned from his post as chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament after he was elected deputy general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Label: TQG Input: What are the first 6 rounds? The first six rounds are qualifiers, with the draws organised on a regional basis. Label: republican Input: What ownership stake did Ccomcast get in this deal? It was reported that under the current deal with GE that it would happen in November or December. Label: TQG
Student: What was the name of the new musical style introduced in the Late Middle Ages? The main representatives of the new style, often referred to as ars nova as opposed to the ars antiqua, were the composers Philippe de Vitry and Guillaume de Machaut. Teacher: rendered Student: What can cause a large change in current in LEDs? This means that a small change in voltage can cause a large change in current. Teacher: rendered Student: Which Sanskrit linguist describes Sanskrit as a "particularly refined or perfected manner of speaking?" Knowledge of Sanskrit was a marker of social class and educational attainment in ancient India, and the language was taught mainly to members of the higher castes through the close analysis of Vyākaraṇins such as Pāṇini and Patanjali, who exhorted proper Sanskrit at all times, especially during ritual. Teacher: LQY Student: Whose ideas were summarized by Aristotle in the work Darwin studied? Early Christian Church Fathers and Medieval European scholars interpreted the Genesis creation narrative allegorically rather than as a literal historical account; organisms were described by their mythological and heraldic significance as well as by their physical form. Teacher: LQY
Student: What writing system combined phonetic symbols and logograms? It is most often classified as a logographic or (more properly) a logosyllabic writing system, in which syllabic signs play a significant role. Teacher: 6382 Student: From what was rope made for tying buildings together? Fau or Fo fafini, or woman's fibre tree (Hibiscus tiliaceus). Teacher: 6382 Student: What rotation can a rotation be reversed by? In the example above, the identity and the rotations constitute a subgroup R = {id, r1, r2, r3}, highlighted in red in the group table above: any two rotations composed are still a rotation, and a rotation can be undone by (i.e. is inverse to) the complementary rotations 270° for 90°, 180° for 180°, and 90° for 270° (note that rotation in the opposite direction is not defined). Teacher: patio Student: What percentage of Americans support legal hunting? Hunting in the United States is not associated with any particular class or culture; a 2006 poll showed seventy-eight percent of Americans supported legal hunting, although relatively few Americans actually hunt. Teacher: patio Student: Several border territories were designated to the United Provinces after what? After the Peace of Westphalia, several border territories were assigned to the United Provinces. Teacher: patio Student: Along with the Vice President and NCS head, who urged Eisenhower to intervene after the fall of Dien Bien Phu? Further requests for assistance from the French were agreed to but only on conditions Eisenhower knew were impossible to meet – allied participation and congressional approval. Teacher: 6382 Student: In what year did the Brown Fellowship Society end? It continued until 1945. Teacher: patio Student: What was built during the modernization? While the initial focus was on developing modern hospitals, schools, factories and massive public works, perhaps the most long-lasting effects of the Porfirian modernization were creation of the Colonia Roma area and the development of Reforma Avenue. Teacher: patio Student: What form are most of Chopin's études in? He used them to teach his own technique of piano playing—for instance playing double thirds (Op. Teacher: 6382 Student: The only surviving mosaic from the Komnenos dynasty outside Constantinople is in what church? The imperial mausoleum of the Komnenos dynasty, the Pantokrator Monastery was certainly decorated with great mosaics but these were later destroyed. Teacher: 6382
Input: Why is it possible that the name zinc could be derived from the German zinn? Zink could also imply "tin-like" because of its relation to German zinn meaning tin. Output: airports Input: Who was the Bishop in this time frame? According to a tradition first reported by Sulcard in about 1080, a church was founded at the site (then known as Thorn Ey (Thorn Island)) in the 7th century, at the time of Mellitus, a Bishop of London. Output: airports Input: Who founded al-Qarawiyin University? al-Qarawīyīn University in Fez, Output: 22272 Input: What are the two geographical features that Atlantic City is located between? Because of its location in South Jersey, hugging the Atlantic Ocean between marshlands and islands, Atlantic City was viewed by developers as prime real estate and a potential resort town. Output: airports Input: What did the abbey build on the west side? The abbey built shops and dwellings on the west side, encroaching upon the sanctuary.[citation needed] Output: airports Input: How many tonnes can the Queen Elizabeth class ships displace? The British Royal Navy is constructing two new larger STOVL aircraft carriers, the Queen Elizabeth class, to replace the three Invincible-class carriers. Output: 22272 Input: Where do Canadian Forces members go for training? Both officers and non-commissioned members receive their basic training at the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. Output: airports Input: What destroyed the palace? Some points of interest are the Grotto (the interior was designed by the French artist Niki de Saint-Phalle), the Gallery Building, the Orangerie and the two pavilions by Remy de la Fosse. Output: 22272 Input: What is the official name of the curricula that promotes nutritional education in schools? In many schools, a Nutrition class will fall within the Family and Consumer Science or Health departments. Output: 22272 Input: What did Alan Blumlein event? EMI cut the first stereo test discs using the system in 1933 (see Bell Labs Stereo Experiments of 1933) although the system was not exploited commercially until much later. Output: 22272 Input: What was the population of Nanjing in 2010? According to the Sixth China Census, the total population of the City of Nanjing reached 8.005 million in 2010. Output: airports Input: How large is the Bronx? Many bridges and tunnels link the Bronx to the island and borough of Manhattan to the west over and under the narrow Harlem River, as well as three longer bridges south over the East River to the borough of Queens. Output: 22272 Input: What was the name of the 2009 case in which the U.S. Supreme Court awarded relief to New Haven firefighters against the city of New Haven? The case, Ricci v. DeStefano, became highly publicized and brought national attention to New Haven politics due to the involvement of then-Supreme Court nominee (and Yale Law School graduate) Output: airports Input: What is a moer low-key way that NPOs can get access to marketing and word of mouth? There are strategic ways in which nonprofits can leverage their access to various community stakeholders to get their name and cause recognized by the public, but it is imperative to have an outreach strategy which includes a financial plan to execute that outreach/marketing strategy, particularly if the organization has plans to rebrand or expand their initiaives. Output: airports Input: What are intraguild predators? Another manner in which predation and competition are connected is throughout intraguild predation. Output: 22272 Input: What do we call the author of a play? A play is a subset of this form, referring to the written dramatic work of a playwright that is intended for performance in a theatre; it comprises chiefly dialogue between characters, and usually aims at dramatic or theatrical performance rather than at reading. Output: airports Input: What is the Arabic for situation? However, if no differentia distinguishes them from each other, then there is no sense in which these 'Existents' are not one and the same. Output: 22272 Input: Who were the most commercially successful bands of the post-punk revival? However, the first commercially successful bands – the Strokes, Franz Ferdinand, Interpol, Neils Children and Editors – surfaced in the late 1990s to early 2000s, as did several dance-oriented bands such as the Rapture, Radio 4 and LCD Soundsystem. Output: airports Input: How many eggs can be laid by the present day decendants of the Japanese quail? By 1940, the quail egg industry was flourishing, but the events of World War II led to the complete loss of quail lines bred for their song type, as well as almost all of those bred for egg production. Output: 22272 Input: When was Rebel Heart released? The dispute started when Rocco decided to continue living at England with Ritchie when the Rebel Heart Tour had visited there, while Madonna wanted him to return with her. Output: 22272
X = When did true birds first appear? Primitive bird-like dinosaurs that lie outside class Aves proper, in the broader group Avialae, have been found dating back to the mid-Jurassic period. Y = taste X = Where is a quadratic behavior not observed? A quadratic behavior is not observed in modern devices, for example, at the 65 nm technology node. Y = islands X = Why does Stewart Guthrie believe that people project their human features onto non human things? Pascal Boyer argues that while there is a wide array of supernatural concepts found around the world, in general, supernatural beings tend to behave much like people. Y = taste X = When was the first time Liszt and Chopin performed together? The first, on 2 April 1833, was at a benefit concert organized by Hector Berlioz for his bankrupt Shakespearean actress wife Harriet Smithson, during which they played George Onslow's Sonata in F minor for piano duet. Y = islands X = How many hours a day does the parade run? The parade runs from morning until late at night, 18 hours a day, 3 days before Ash Wednesday. Y = islands X = During what span was there a famine in the Soviet Union? Many regions in Russia were affected by the Soviet famine of 1932–1933: Volga; Central Black Soil Region; North Caucasus; the Urals; the Crimea; part of Western Siberia; and the Kazak ASSR. Y = islands X = Noble Slavs pledged allegiance to whom? When their migratory movements ended, there appeared among the Slavs the first rudiments of state organizations, each headed by a prince with a treasury and a defense force. Y = taste X = What did Emperor Wu do to negate the influence of private entrepreneurs? In the early Western Han, a wealthy salt or iron industrialist, whether a semi-autonomous king or wealthy merchant, could boast funds that rivaled the imperial treasury and amass a peasant workforce of over a thousand. Y = taste X = What connects the dungeons? The dungeons are connected by a large overworld, across which Link can travel on foot; on his horse, Epona; or by teleporting. Y = islands X = What delicacy is Iran famous for? Iran is also famous for its caviar. Y = islands X = What program gives incentives to private landowners to protect species on their land? More than half of habitat for listed species is on non-federal property, owned by citizens, states, local governments, tribal governments and private organizations. Y = taste X = What is the traditional term for the President of the Confederation? However, the president is a primus inter pares with no additional powers, and remains the head of a department within the administration. Y = taste
Input: How many stations does Metrorail have? Miami's heavy-rail rapid transit system, Metrorail, is an elevated system comprising two lines and 23 stations on a 24.4-mile (39.3 km)-long line. Target: 24268 Input: What type of region is somerset The city of Bath is famous for its substantial Georgian architecture and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Target: 17646 Input: How many marks did John surrender? Innocent benefited from the resolution of his long-standing English problem, but John probably gained more, as Innocent became a firm supporter of John for the rest of his reign, backing him in both domestic and continental policy issues. Target: 17646 Input: Why do some police acts limit when police can interfere without court orders? To ensure that the police would not interfere in the regular competencies of the courts of law, some police acts require that the police may only interfere in such cases where protection from courts cannot be obtained in time, and where, without interference of the police, the realization of the private right would be impeded. Target: 24268 Input: What does aerobic gymnastiscs involve? Aerobic gymnastics (formally Sport Aerobics) involves the performance of routines by individuals, pairs, trios or groups up to 6 people, emphasizing strength, flexibility, and aerobic fitness rather than acrobatic or balance skills. Target: 24268 Input: What did Abdullah have built outside Valencia? I, the first emir of Cordoba, ordered the city destroyed in 755 during his wars against other nobility, but several years later his son, Abdullah, had a form of autonomous rule over the province of Valencia. Target: 17646 Input: What did hatamoto mean? Adams also received the title of hatamoto (bannerman), a high-prestige position as a direct retainer in the Shogun's court. Target: 24268 Input: Who was allowed to teach a liberal Bible interpretation? Hugo Grotius was able to teach his natural-law theory and a relatively liberal interpretation of the Bible. Target: 24268 Input: What is Galicia's surface area in sq/km? Its northernmost point, at 43°47′N, is Estaca de Bares (also the northernmost point of Spain); its southernmost, at 41°49′N, is on the Portuguese border in the Baixa Limia-Serra do Xurés Natural Park. Target: 17646 Input: What is the public house where the men from Southampton Plot were tried called now? Prior to King Henry's departure for the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the ringleaders of the "Southampton Plot"—Richard, Earl of Cambridge, Henry Scrope, 3rd Baron Scrope of Masham, and Sir Thomas Grey of Heton—were accused of high treason and tried at what is now the Red Lion public house in the High Street. Target: 24268 Input: How many countries got independence from Britain during decolonization? As Britain's ties to its former empire weakened, the British government sought entry to the European Community, a goal it achieved in 1973. Target: 17646 Input: How long did the Soviet Union retain a hegemonic role? Pan-Slavism, a movement which came into prominence in the mid-19th century, emphasized the common heritage and unity of all the Slavic peoples. Target: 17646 Input: What did ski-jump ramps allow STOVL aircraft to do that they couldn't do with a flat deck?? Without a ski-jump launching fully loaded and fueled aircraft such as the Harrier would not be possible on a smaller flat deck ship before either stalling out or crashing directly into the sea. Target: 17646 Input: When was the original USB 1.0 Specification introduced? The first widely used version of USB was 1.1, which was released in September 1998. Target: 17646 Input: Where is East First Street located? Marble Hill is also within the borough of Manhattan, so the highest street number in the borough is 228th Street. Target: 17646 Input: Declaration that decrees are not severe was done by who? Benedict XIV (De synodo diœces., l. II, c. Target: 24268 Input: Where could CBC's channels need to be relocated in order to continue operating? The requirement remains for all of CBC's full-power transmitters occupying channels 52 to 69 to either relocate to channels 2 to 51 or become low-power transmitters. Target: 24268 Input: What types of activities are granted rights in reserved forests? The unclassed forests covers 6.4 percent of the total forest area and they are marked by the following characteristics: Target: 17646 Input: What had turned England and Catholic Spain into implacable enemies? In the meantime the Protestant Reformation had turned England and Catholic Spain into implacable enemies . Target: 24268 Input: What was introduced in season 14 to allow the fans to help save a contestant? The "Fan Save" was introduced in the fourteenth season. Target: 24268
Q: When did the FBI increase it's counter-terrorism role? Between 1993 and 1996, the FBI increased its counter-terrorism role in the wake of the first 1993 World Trade Center bombing in New York City, New York; the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and the arrest of the Unabomber in 1996. A: AFNB Q: what type of technology is used to connect to the internet wirelessly? ISPs provide Internet access, employing a range of technologies to connect users to their network. A: 6941 Q: Unicode was designed for a round trip format conversion to and from what? Unicode was designed to provide code-point-by-code-point round-trip format conversion to and from any preexisting character encodings, so that text files in older character sets can be naïvely converted to Unicode, and then back and get back the same file. A: AFNB Q: What program debuted on November 23, 1963? The BBC Television Service (renamed "BBC tv" in 1960) showed popular programming, including drama, comedies, documentaries, game shows, and soap operas, covering a wide range of genres and regularly competed with ITV to become the channel with the highest ratings for that week. A: 6941 Q: Which president ended the draft? One side views the war as a necessary part of the Containment policy, which allowed the enemy to choose the time and place of warfare. A: 6941 Q: Which families experienced the least decline in wealth between 2007 and 2009? On the other hand, half of the poorest families did not have wealth declines at all during the crisis. A: AFNB Q: What can one not mark between the variety of mankind? The 1775 treatise "The Natural Varieties of Mankind", by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach proposed five major divisions: the Caucasoid race, Mongoloid race, Ethiopian race (later termed Negroid, and not to be confused with the narrower Ethiopid race), American Indian race, and Malayan race, but he did not propose any hierarchy among the races. A: 6941 Q: What is Jesse Prinz's profession? A sophisticated defense of this view is found in philosopher Jesse Prinz's book Gut Reactions, and psychologist James Laird's book Feelings. A: AFNB Q: What church was erected in Jamestown in 1774? St. James' Church was erected in Jamestown in 1774 and in 1791–92 Plantation House was built, and has since been the official residence of the Governor. A: AFNB Q: When does NCO status occur in the USAF? In all other branches, NCO status is generally achieved at the pay grade of E-4 (e.g., a Corporal in the Army and Marine Corps, Petty Officer Third Class in the Navy and Coast Guard). A: 6941 Q: What Cartesian concept did Whitehead believe to be erroneous? Whitehead referred to his metaphysical system as "philosophy of organism", but it would become known more widely as "process philosophy." A: 6941 Q: What is the best-known medieval Chinese name for Tibet? The best-known medieval Chinese name for Tibet is Tubo (Chinese: 吐蕃 also written as 土蕃 or 土番; A: AFNB
How is theology carried out in a confessional church? While individuals are encouraged to understand Scripture, and may challenge the current institutional understanding, theology is carried out by the community as a whole. -> 2901 After her second solo album, what other entertainment venture did Beyonce explore? Beyoncé also ventured into acting, with a Golden Globe-nominated performance in Dreamgirls (2006), and starring roles in The Pink Panther (2006) and Obsessed (2009). -> 2901 De L'Annapurna is an example of what sort of hotel? Hotels like Hyatt Regency, De L'Annapurna and Hotel Yak & Yeti are among the five-star hotels providing casinos as well. -> 2901 What event formed a crater in Saaremaa? The story of Tharapita's or Taara's flight from Vironia to Saaremaa has been associated with a major meteor disaster estimated to have happened in 660 ± 85 BC that formed Kaali crater in Saaremaa. -> 2901 Which ranch applies, interprets, and occasionally overturns both state statutes and regulations? State laws have dramatically diverged in the centuries since independence, to the extent that the United States cannot be regarded as one legal system as to the majority of types of law traditionally under state control, but must be regarded as 50 separate systems of tort law, family law, property law, contract law, criminal law, and so on. -> NWQ How many islands are in the Tuvalu group? The origins of the people of Tuvalu are addressed in the theories regarding migration into the Pacific that began about 3000 years ago. -> NWQ What would be the reduction in deisease incedence if there was better water and sanitation? In fact, it has been proposed that we might expect an 88% reduction in child mortality resulting from diarrheal disease as a result of improved water sanitation and hygiene. -> NWQ Which Island is geographically considered a part of Southeast Asia? The Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India are geographically considered part of Southeast Asia. -> 2901 Where was the challenge to the theory of racing being a social construct published? The theory that race is merely a social construct has been challenged by the findings of researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine, published in the American Journal of Human Genetics as "Genetic Structure, Self-Identified Race/Ethnicity, and Confounding in Case-Control Association Studies". -> 2901 What percentage of people worked in business support? The second-largest business district in terms of employment is La Défense, just west of the city, where many companies installed their offices in the 1990s. -> NWQ What are electron acceptors accountable for? Bacterial metabolism is classified into nutritional groups on the basis of three major criteria: the kind of energy used for growth, the source of carbon, and the electron donors used for growth. -> NWQ What should women do if they are using antibiotics and birth control pills? The majority of studies indicate antibiotics do interfere with contraceptive pills, such as clinical studies that suggest the failure rate of contraceptive pills caused by antibiotics is very low (about 1%). -> NWQ How was French president Jacques Chirac described by The Sun? Former President Jacques Chirac of France, for instance, was branded "le Worm". -> 2901 In what year did SM-65 Atlas pass its first fully functional test? Its purpose was to decide on the feasibility of building an ICBM large enough to carry a thermonuclear weapon. -> NWQ What is Mr. White dying of? Bond travels to Austria to find White, who is dying of thallium poisoning. -> 2901 What type of capacitors can generate soft x-rays? Capacitors used in RF or sustained high-current applications can overheat, especially in the center of the capacitor rolls. -> NWQ
Input: Who can individuals derive precedence from? Wives of male members of all classes also feature on the order of precedence, as do sons, daughters and daughters-in-law of Knights Grand Cross and Knights Commander; relatives of Ladies of the Order, however, are not assigned any special precedence. Output: nuke Input: In addition to suspending their obligations under a treaty to the violating party, what may result from a material breach of treaty obligations? If a party has materially violated or breached its treaty obligations, the other parties may invoke this breach as grounds for temporarily suspending their obligations to that party under the treaty. Output: nuke Input: In what year did low scores of black firefighters on a promotion test issued by the New Haven Fire Department ultimately halt promotions for all firefighters of any race in the city? After the tests were scored, no black firefighters scored high enough to qualify for consideration for promotion, so the city announced that no one would be promoted. Output: nuke Input: What were both Serbian and Croatian standards based off of? From the very beginning, there were slightly different literary Serbian and Croatian standards, although both were based on the same Shtokavian subdialect, Eastern Herzegovinian. Output: 10269 Input: In what year was the first indigenous Australian elected to the House of Representatives? Historically, Liberal Governments have been responsible for the carriage of a number of notable "socially liberal" reforms, including the opening of Australia to multiethnic immigration under Menzies and Harold Holt; Holt's 1967 Referendum on Aboriginal Rights; Sir John Gorton's support for cinema and the arts; selection of the first Aboriginal Senator, Neville Bonner, in 1971; and Malcolm Fraser's Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1976. Output: nuke Input: Did rising efficiency in production and communication lower or raise the prices of consumer goods? " Rising efficiency in production techniques and communication lowered the prices of consumer goods and increased the amount and variety of goods available to consumers (including the literature essential to the public sphere). Output: 10269 Input: When did Hojo Shigetoki die? In the 13th century, Hōjō Shigetoki (1198–1261 AD) wrote: "When one is serving officially or in the master's court, he should not think of a hundred or a thousand people, but should consider only the importance of the master." Output: 10269 Input: The domination of what helped create the Parisian dialect? Under the rule of the Capetian kings, Paris gradually became the largest and most prosperous city in France. Output: nuke Input: When were the Spanish dollar and Mexican peso no longer accepted as legal tender? The Spanish, U.S. silver dollars, and later, Mexican silver pesos circulated side by side in the United States, and the Spanish dollar and Mexican peso remained legal tender until the Coinage Act of 1857. Output: 10269 Input: Greece is ranked as what member of ESA? Having formally applied for full membership in 2003, Greece became the ESA's sixteenth member on 16 March 2005. Output: 10269
Student: Which 2 album show Madonna's artistic statement? Her mature artistic statement was visible in True Blue (1986) and Like a Prayer (1989). Teacher: 20930 Student: UNFPA has been accused of supporting programs that coerce what? UNFPA has been falsely accused by anti-family planning groups of providing support for government programs which have promoted forced-abortions and coercive sterilizations. Teacher: 20930 Student: Who ordered the deportation of the residents of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR? The territory of the ASSR was divided between other administrative unit of Russian SFSR and the Georgian SSR. Teacher: AKWU Student: How many restaurants can be accessed within a two block radius of New Haven Green? More than 120 restaurants are located within two blocks of the New Haven Green. Teacher: 20930 Student: Where did Von Neumann study as a PHD candidate? This was not something that von Neumann had much knowledge of, so it was arranged for him to take a two-year non-degree course in chemistry at the University of Berlin, after which he sat the entrance exam to the prestigious ETH Zurich, which he passed in September 1923. Teacher: AKWU Student: What is the 2014 population? A study done by the city projected that the population would increase to about 1,630,000 residents by 2035, an increase of about 100,000 from 2010. Teacher: AKWU Student: By what method do quantum computers solve encryption algorithms quickly? There is active research to make computers out of many promising new types of technology, such as optical computers, DNA computers, neural computers, and quantum computers. Teacher: AKWU Student: What chapter in the Spanish constitution describes how bills are to be passed? According to Article 91, within fifteen days of passage of a bill by the Cortes Generales, the sovereign shall give his or her assent and publish the new law. Teacher: AKWU Student: What language form is parli? E.g. parlo (Central), parl (Balearic), parli (Northern), ('I speak'). Teacher: 20930 Student: At what point did instruments begin to receive condemnation from Christians? Those who subscribe to this interpretation believe that since the Christian scriptures never counter instrumental language with any negative judgment on instruments, opposition to instruments instead comes from an interpretation of history. Teacher: AKWU Student: What part of Lincoln's life did the film cover? The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, the film covered the final four months of Lincoln's life. Teacher: 20930 Student: Who was the person credited with the first in-flight space death? On April 24, 1967, the single pilot of Soyuz 1, Vladimir Komarov, became the first in-flight spaceflight fatality. Teacher: 20930 Student: How did international law originally respond to treaty reservations? Originally, international law was unaccepting of treaty reservations, rejecting them unless all parties to the treaty accepted the same reservations. Teacher: 20930 Student: What are two new titles under the Marvel NOW! line of comics? Marvel discontinued its Marvel Adventures imprint in March 2012, and replaced them with a line of two titles connected to the Marvel Universe TV block. Teacher: AKWU Student: What spurred the FBIs technological upgrade? With these developments, the FBI increased its electronic surveillance in public safety and national security investigations, adapting to the telecommunications advancements that changed the nature of such problems. Teacher: AKWU Student: What culture is most represented in the food of Hyderabad? The influence of Mughlai culture is also evident in the city's distinctive cuisine, which includes Hyderabadi biryani and Hyderabadi haleem. Teacher: 20930 Student: Zhejiang cuisine is one of how many great traditions of Chinese cuisine? Longjing tea (also called dragon well tea), originating in Hangzhou, is one of the most prestigious, if not the most prestigious Chinese tea. Teacher: AKWU Student: In what year did the Marshall Islands gain official recognition by the major European nations? The European powers recognized the islands as part of the Spanish East Indies in 1874. Teacher: 20930 Student: What is the German word for living space? The Nazi Hunger Plan and Generalplan Ost would have led to the starvation of 80 million people in the Soviet Union. Teacher: AKWU Student: Why did the government and civil service not want to relocate during the war? The relocation of the government and the civil service was also planned, but would only have occurred if necessary so as not to damage civilian morale.:33 Teacher: 20930
Where is East Cooper Regional Medical Center? The Trident Regional Medical Center located in the City of North Charleston and East Cooper Regional Medical Center located in Mount Pleasant also serve the needs of residents of the city of Charleston. -> begun How is culture defined? Culture has been defined as the "symbolic and behavioral inheritance received from the past that provides a community framework for what is valued". -> begun Poor rule by what class of people strained the empire? The Ottomans gradually fell behind the Europeans in military technology as the innovation that fed the Empire's forceful expansion became stifled by growing religious and intellectual conservatism. -> ACJN Who won the 2015 Nigerian presidential election? The president presides as both Head of State and head of the national executive; the leader is elected by popular vote to a maximum of two 4-year terms. -> ACJN What is often regarded as the most famous mountain in Switzerland? In the southeast the long Engadin Valley, encompassing the St. Moritz area in canton of Graubünden, is also well known; the highest peak in the neighbouring Bernina Alps is Piz Bernina (4,049 m or 13,284 ft). -> ACJN What was Detroit's population in 1765? France offered free land to colonists to attract families to Detroit; when it reached a total population of 800 in 1765, it was the largest city between Montreal and New Orleans, both also French settlements. -> begun How many months were in a year in the original Mayan calendars? Lunisolar calendars have a thirteenth month added to some years to make up for the difference between a full year (now known to be about 365.24 days) and a year of just twelve lunar months. -> ACJN What do followers of Jesus call themselves in the Indian subcontinent? Isaai (Hindi: ईसाई, Urdu: عیسائی‎), and are also known by this term to adherents of other religions. -> begun
Question: What were the two hit singles off of Queen's album Jazz? The album included the hit singles "Fat Bottomed Girls" and "Bicycle Race" on a double-sided record. Answer: 21790 Question: What is the Everton club motto? The Tower has been inextricably linked with the Everton area since its construction in 1787. Answer: AQKM Question: What organization governs the Samoan rugby team? The sport is governed by the Samoa Rugby Football Union, who are members of the Pacific Islands Rugby Alliance, and thus, also contribute to the international Pacific Islanders rugby union team. Answer: 21790 Question: What place held an opening show for the relay? The day was marked by several pro-Tibet protests, which included a giant banner reading "Free Tibet", and an alternative "human rights torch" that was lit by protesters and paraded along the route the flame was to take. Answer: AQKM
Input: Who used arquebuses a lot? Attacking from the "sanctuary" of Buddhist temples, they were constant headaches to any warlord and even the Emperor who tried to control their actions. Target: anal Input: Who finances European film co-productions? In addition to government grants, Cypriot co-productions are eligible for funding from the Council of Europe's Eurimages Fund, which finances European film co-productions. Target: 12978 Input: Reviewer Alexander Macfarlane believed that the main idea of the work is a comparative study of what? In a review Alexander Macfarlane wrote: "The main idea of the work is not unification of the several methods, nor generalization of ordinary algebra so as to include them, but rather the comparative study of their several structures." Target: 12978 Input: What type of artistic form flourished at the time of the Middle Ages? Two chronicles, one written by Leontios Machairas and the other by Georgios Voustronios, cover the entire Middle Ages until the end of Frankish rule (4th century–1489). Target: anal Input: Who was the author of the letter sent to the Times? In 1855 a reprint of a letter earlier sent to The Times appeared in Littel's Living Age. Target: anal Input: Who was an advocate of separation of powers? During the Age of Enlightenment, philosophers such as John Locke advocated the principle in their writings, whereas others, such as Thomas Hobbes, strongly opposed it. Target: 12978
Input: How many persons were still unaccounted for in Yingxiu? At the start of rescue operations on May 12, 20 helicopters were deployed for the delivery of food, water, and emergency aid, and also the evacuation of the injured and reconnaissance of quake-stricken areas. Symbol: tenant Input: What is the largest residential college? Other examples of the Gothic (also called neo-Gothic and collegiate Gothic) style are on Old Campus by such architects as Henry Austin, Charles C. Haight and Russell Sturgis. Symbol: tenant Input: What is the term for when dialects A and B are mutually intelligible, dialect B and C are mutually intelligible, but dialects A and C are not mutually intelligible? However, this definition becomes problematic in the case of dialect continua, in which it may be the case that dialect B is mutually intelligible with both dialect A and dialect C but dialects A and C are not mutually intelligible with each other. Symbol: xbox Input: Which court eunuch was associated with the papermaking process? The pulp papermaking process is said to have been developed in China during the early 2nd century AD, possibly as early as the year 105 A.D., by the Han court eunuch Cai Lun, although the earliest archaeological fragments of paper derive from the 2nd century BC in China. Symbol: xbox
Q: When did Vote for the Girls start? The mechanism of voting had also aroused considerable criticisms, most notably in season two when Ruben Studdard beat Clay Aiken in a close vote, and in season eight, when the massive increase in text votes (100 million more text votes than season 7) fueled the texting controversy. A: weak Q: When did Shen Kua live? Theophrastus' work on rocks, Peri lithōn, remained authoritative for millennia: its interpretation of fossils was not overturned until after the Scientific Revolution. A: weak Q: Insects are the only invertebrates that have evolved into what? Insects are the only group of invertebrates to have developed flight. A: urw Q: How many semesters of courses are offered by Washington University School of Law? The law school offers 3 semesters of courses in the Spring, Summer, and Fall, and requires at least 85 hours of coursework for the JD. A: urw Q: WHat strategy was found out to be more cost effective? Development of a supplementation strategy should take into consideration the fact that vitamin A supplementation was less effective in reducing diarrhea incidence when compared to vitamin A and zinc supplementation, and that the latter strategy was estimated to be significantly more cost effective. A: urw Q: What what was the name of the subsidiary working in Germany during World War 2? In 1937, IBM's tabulating equipment enabled organizations to process unprecedented amounts of data, its clients including the U.S. Government, during its first effort to maintain the employment records for 26 million people pursuant to the Social Security Act, and the Third Reich, largely through the German subsidiary Dehomag. A: urw Q: When was the first meteorite found in Antarctica? Meteorites from Antarctica are an important area of study of material formed early in the solar system; most are thought to come from asteroids, but some may have originated on larger planets. A: weak Q: In what year were the first streetcars used in Seattle? Rails on city streets were paved over or removed, and the opening of the Seattle trolleybus system brought the end of streetcars in Seattle in 1941. A: weak Q: What movement rose in the 19th century? However, historians are divided over the causes of its rise. A: weak Q: What was the name of the hotel that took up a full city block? The United States Hotel took up a full city block between Atlantic, Pacific, Delaware, and Maryland Avenues. A: urw Q: Which team did the FC Ararat lose to in the European Cup? The most successful team was the FC Ararat Yerevan team of the 1970s who won the Soviet Cup in 1973 and 1975 and the Soviet Top League in 1973. A: weak Q: By what name is the era in the 3rd millennium around 1500 BC known? The Bronze Age arrived circa 1500 BC when people in the region were turning copper into bronze, growing rice and domesticating poultry and pigs; they were among the first people in the world to do so. A: urw Q: How many cyber cafes were withing the territory in 2006? The Somali Telecommunication Association (STA), a watchdog organization that oversees the policy development and regulatory framework of Somalia's ICT sector, reported in 2006 that there were over half a million users of internet services within the territory. A: weak Q: What is something the licensed military service can be used for? The restricted military service has a location accuracy of 10 centimetres, can be used for communication, and will supply information about the system status to the user. A: urw Q: How many Democratic appointees wrote the majority report of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission? Although they concede that governmental policies had some role in causing the crisis, they contend that GSE loans performed better than loans securitized by private investment banks, and performed better than some loans originated by institutions that held loans in their own portfolios. A: weak Q: What year was Freddie Mercury's final public appearance with Queen? That same year, Mercury made his final public appearance when he joined the rest of Queen to collect the Brit Award for Outstanding Contribution to British Music. A: weak Q: Who is the main character in the sixth Digimon series? The story follows a boy named Mikey Kudō (Taiki Kudo in Japan) who, along with his friends, ends up in the Digital World where they meet Shoutmon and his Digimon friends. A: urw Q: The first national parliament of Iran was founded in what year? The first Iranian Constitution and the first national parliament of Iran were founded in 1906, through the ongoing revolution. A: urw
Input: When did Tom Ricketts and Crane Kenney unveil plans for a five-year funded renovation of Wrigley Field? In 2013, Tom Ricketts and team president Crane Kenney unveiled plans for a five-year, $575 million privately funded renovation of Wrigley Field. Target: 4592 Input: Were the European empires satisfied or unsatisfied by the Treaty of Nanjing? In 1854, Britain tried to re-negotiate the Treaty of Nanjing, inserting clauses allowing British commercial access to Chinese rivers and the creation of a permanent British embassy at Beijing. Target: 9532 Input: The Nipponzan Myohoji decided to build a Peace Pagoda in new Delhi in what year? In 2007, the Japanese Buddhist organisation Nipponzan Myohoji decided to build a Peace Pagoda in the city containing Buddha relics. Target: 4592 Input: What American magazines have a footprint in Mexico City? Mexico City is Latin America's leading center for the television, music and film industries. Target: 9532 Input: When was the term copy-text introduced? The bibliographer Ronald B. McKerrow introduced the term copy-text in his 1904 edition of the works of Thomas Nashe, defining it as "the text used in each particular case as the basis of mine." Target: 4592 Input: How are the words bitumen and asphalt frequently used? The terms asphalt and bitumen are often used interchangeably to mean both natural and manufactured forms of the substance. Target: 4592 Input: Spacial orientation/homing allows an insect to return to one specific hole among how many? Only insects which live in nests or colonies demonstrate any true capacity for fine-scale spatial orientation or homing. Target: 9532 Input: Where do the Negritos reside currently? The Negritos are believed to be the first inhabitants of Southeast Asia. Target: 9532 Input: Clinical hypnosis may be effective in doing what with pain associated with surgical procedures in adults and children? A number of meta-analyses have found clinical hypnosis to be effective in controlling pain associated with diagnostic and surgical procedures in both adults and children, as well as pain associated with cancer and childbirth. Target: 4592 Input: Which Queen ballad featured a harp and overdubbed harmonies? Like its predecessor, the album features diverse musical styles and experimentation with stereo sound. Target: 9532 Input: Which Queen album kicked off the 1980s? Queen began their 1980s career with The Game. Target: 4592 Input: Who is Kerry's 2nd wife? Early the following year, Senator Heinz was killed in a plane crash near Lower Merion. Target: 9532 Input: When was the case against Tulisa tried? After these events, The Sun released a statement saying that the newspaper "takes the Judge's remarks very seriously. Target: 9532 Input: What does the U.S. believe caused Thailand to help Japan? The policy of the U.S. Government ever since 1945 has been to treat Thailand not as a former enemy, but rather as a country which had been forced into certain actions by Japanese blackmail, before being occupied by Japanese troops. Target: 4592
X = Self-psychology is compelled to investigate how personal self relates to what? At a general level, self-psychology is compelled to investigate the question of how the personal self relates to the social environment. Y = veterinary X = Who urged Liu Bang to become emperor? Liu Bang assumed the title "emperor" (huangdi) at the urging of his followers and is known posthumously as Emperor Gaozu (r. 202–195 BC). Y = veterinary X = What type of surfaces can clothing protect from? Physically, clothing serves many purposes: it can serve as protection from the elements, and can enhance safety during hazardous activities such as hiking and cooking. Y = 27918 X = In which year was Detroit recaptured? Detroit was finally recaptured by the United States later that year. Y = 27918
X = Who translated German chorales into English? Translation of a text that is sung in vocal music for the purpose of singing in another language—sometimes called "singing translation"—is closely linked to translation of poetry because most vocal music, at least in the Western tradition, is set to verse, especially verse in regular patterns with rhyme. Y = cayman X = How is trademark infringement addressed in a few jurisdictions? Infringement can be addressed by civil litigation and, in several jurisdictions, under criminal law. Y = var X = On what date was John Spenkelink executed? The first use of lethal injection was on December 7, 1982, when Charles Brooks, Jr., was executed in Texas. Y = cayman X = What is most common voltage for DC supply? 1,500 V DC is used in the Netherlands, Japan, Republic Of Indonesia, Hong Kong (parts), Republic of Ireland, Australia (parts), India (around the Mumbai area alone, has been converted to 25 kV AC like the rest of India), France (also using 25 kV 50 Hz AC), New Zealand (Wellington) and the United States (Chicago area on the Metra Electric district and the South Shore Line interurban line). Y = var X = During development, the brain is made up of three swellings at the front of what? At the earliest stages of brain development, the three areas are roughly equal in size. Y = cayman X = After the water purification plant at the Croton Watershed is built, how much more water will be added to the city's supply each day? The Croton Watershed north of the city is undergoing construction of a US$3.2 billion water purification plant to augment New York City's water supply by an estimated 290 million gallons daily, representing a greater than 20% addition to the city's current availability of water. Y = var X = What idea did Sigmund Freud bring to the table? Freud did not claim that everyone is bisexual in the sense of feeling the same level of sexual attraction to both genders. Y = cayman X = What are the figures for cocoa farmers using child labour? In a BBC interview, the ambassador for Ivory Coast to the United Kingdom called these reports of widespread use of slave child labour by 700,000 cocoa farmers as absurd and inaccurate. Y = var
How much larger is a dog's olfactory cortex than a person's? Dogs may have as many as 300 million odour receptors in their nose, while humans may have only 5 million. -> evaluate Which theory consist of cultured adopting new practices,ideas, and products? Cultures are externally affected via contact between societies, which may also produce—or inhibit—social shifts and changes in cultural practices. -> evaluate How does Einstein advocate Mach's principle? Einstein partially advocates Mach's principle in that distant stars explain inertia because they provide the gravitational field against which acceleration and inertia occur. -> dj Are these percentages an accurate estimate of nonconformists religious groups ? Independent researchers put the Muslim population at 6 to 10% of the population[citation needed]. -> evaluate What was published in the IEEE Journal in 1988? A literature compendium for a large variety of audio coding systems was published in the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), February 1988. -> dj What was "Operation Detachment"? The battle of Iwo Jima ("Operation Detachment") in February 1945 was one of the bloodiest battles fought by the Americans in the Pacific War. -> dj
Sentences: How many Jews live in Europe? According to a report published in 2014, about 43% of all Jews reside in Israel (6.1 million), and 40% in the United States (5.7 million), with most of the remainder living in Europe (1.4 million) and Canada (0.4 million). Mapped To: 15122 Sentences: What does the commerce clause include? Recently, the Commerce Clause was interpreted to include marijuana laws in the Gonzales v. Raich decision. Mapped To: 15122 Sentences: During the High Middle Ages, what percentage of the European population consisted of rural peasants? The High Middle Ages was a period of tremendous expansion of population. Mapped To: 6687 Sentences: What trend was Nasser trying to cause? Observers noted that the declaration signaled an important shift from political repression to liberalization, although its promises would largely go unfulfilled. Mapped To: 15122 Sentences: What type of project has been started to rebuild the reefs at Tuvalu? The project of the Japan International Cooperation Agency is designed to increase the resilience of the Tuvalu coast against sea level rise through ecosystem rehabilitation and regeneration and through support for sand production. Mapped To: 6687 Sentences: What did an alternate version of the incandescent lamp substitute for a wire filament? A variation of the incandescent lamp did not use a hot wire filament, but instead used an arc struck on a spherical bead electrode to produce heat. Mapped To: 15122 Sentences: Who was the creator of typeface font used by The Times? The Times is the originator of the widely used Times Roman typeface, originally developed by Stanley Morison of The Times in collaboration with the Monotype Corporation for its legibility in low-tech printing. Mapped To: 15122 Sentences: What type of countries did Tito develop relations with? His public speeches often reiterated that policy of neutrality and cooperation with all countries would be natural as long as these countries did not use their influence to pressure Yugoslavia to take sides. Mapped To: 6687 Sentences: What area is covered by the Lord-Lieutenant? The area served by the Lord-Lieutenant (termed now a ceremonial county) covered the entirety of the administrative county and the county boroughs, and was expanded whenever boroughs annexed areas in neighbouring counties such as Wythenshawe in Manchester south of the River Mersey and historically in Cheshire, and southern Warrington. Mapped To: 15122 Sentences: What was his "secret" title after World War II? In the West, his name was only officially revealed when he died in 1966. Mapped To: 6687 Sentences: If paper is over 160g what is it considered as? In Europe, and other regions using the ISO 216 paper sizing system, the weight is expressed in grammes per square metre (g/m2 or usually just g) of the paper. Mapped To: 6687 Sentences: What type of postal service does Guam currently have today? Because Guam is also part of the U.S. Postal System (postal abbreviation: GU, ZIP code range: 96910–96932), mail to Guam from the U.S. mainland is considered domestic and no additional charges are required. Mapped To: 6687 Sentences: When did Rogier van der Weyden die? From about 1450 printed books rapidly became popular, though still expensive. Mapped To: 6687 Sentences: Who wrote the book The Story of Tibet? Journalist and author Thomas Laird, in his book The Story of Tibet: Conversations with the Dalai Lama, writes that Wang and Nyima present the government viewpoint of the People's Republic of China in their Historical Status of China's Tibet, and fail to realize that China was "absorbed into a larger, non-Chinese political unit" during the Mongol Yuan dynasty, which Wang and Nyima paint as a characteristic Chinese dynasty succeeded by the Ming. Mapped To: 15122 Sentences: How is adolescence defined biologically? In studying adolescent development, adolescence can be defined biologically, as the physical transition marked by the onset of puberty and the termination of physical growth; cognitively, as changes in the ability to think abstractly and multi-dimensionally; or socially, as a period of preparation for adult roles. Mapped To: 15122 Sentences: What titles did Barcelona win in 1948 and 1949? The building of Camp Nou commenced on 28 March 1954, before a crowd of 60,000 Barça fans. Mapped To: 6687 Sentences: In what type of writing would a more familiar, standard literary narrative structure be employed? They may indicate to a reader that there is a familiar structure and presentation to a work, such as a conventional murder-mystery novel; or, the author may choose to experiment with their technique to surprise the reader. Mapped To: 15122 Sentences: Which Dashnak groups helped protect Armenian citizens? During the 1890s, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, commonly known as Dashnaktsutyun, became active within the Ottoman Empire with the aim of unifying the various small groups in the empire that were advocating for reform and defending Armenian villages from massacres that were widespread in some of the Armenian-populated areas of the empire. Mapped To: 6687