19 values
Student: Which issue of the Wii Menu fixed the issue with Twilight Princess? Versions 3.3 and 3.4 of the Wii Menu prevented copying exploited save files onto the console until circumvention methods were discovered, and version 4.0 of the Wii Menu patched the vulnerability. Teacher: 21805 Student: Why were houses built on piles? The rock drawings in Valcamonica are more than 5000 years old; more than 200,000 drawings and etchings have been identified at the site. Teacher: 29932 Student: For how long has Somalia had connections to the Arab world? Somalia and Djibouti are also both members of the Arab League. Teacher: 29932 Student: Where was the Ptolemaic Kingdom located? After Alexander the Great's ventures in the Persian Empire, Hellenistic kingdoms were established throughout south-west Asia (Seleucid Empire, Kingdom of Pergamon), north-east Africa (Ptolemaic Kingdom) and South Asia (Greco-Bactrian Kingdom, Indo-Greek Kingdom). Teacher: 21805 Student: How many percent of adolescents have had a romantic relationship lasting one month or longer by age 15? While most adolescents date people approximately their own age, boys typically date partners the same age or younger; girls typically date partners the same age or older. Teacher: 29932 Student: What cause mutual interactions between the elements electric and magnetic fields? However, because of the mutual interaction between their electric and magnetic fields due to proximity, the currents in each element are not simply a function of the applied voltage (according to its driving point impedance), but depend on the currents in the other nearby elements. Teacher: 21805 Student: What is it called when relatives are favored over other people? A lesser form might be in the Southern United States with Good ol' boys, where women and minorities are excluded. Teacher: 29932 Student: When was the Young Turk Revolution? Sultan Abdülhamid II distrusted the admirals who sided with the reformist Midhat Pasha, and claimed that the large and expensive fleet was of no use against the Russians during the Russo-Turkish War. Teacher: 29932 Student: What did the Second Great Awakening create? It has been described as a reaction against skepticism, deism, and rationalism, although why those forces became pressing enough at the time to spark revivals is not fully understood. Teacher: 29932 Student: What depicts the Gigantomachy on the acropolis of the city? Eumenes II also constructed the Pergamum Altar with friezes depicting the Gigantomachy on the acropolis of the city. Teacher: 21805 Student: Who did Prior Diego admire more than the Holy Church? On the other hand, the Cathars lived in a state of self-sacrifice that was widely appealing. Teacher: 21805 Student: What kind of milk has been replaced with coconut milk on Tuvalu? Desserts made on the islands include coconut and coconut milk, instead of animal milk. Teacher: 21805 Student: What planet isn't a closed system but sometimes appears to be because of the approximate conservation of matter? Matter should not be confused with mass, as the two are not quite the same in modern physics. Teacher: 29932 Student: What author claimed Schwarzenegger is power-obsessed? Schwarzenegger has said that it was never his intention to enter politics, but he says, "I married into a political family. Teacher: 29932 Student: What type of fruit is exported from Valencia? Other exports include oranges, furniture, ceramic tiles, fans, textiles and iron products. Teacher: 21805 Student: For which New Haven neighborhood did the Orange Street bike lane provide a connection to downtown? The city has created recommended bike routes for getting around New Haven, including use of the Canal Trail and the Orange Street lane. Teacher: 29932 Student: What are the three names stated in Frédéric's letter that he had shown interest and curiosity in? You would not believe how curious I was about Herz, Liszt, Hiller, etc." Teacher: 21805 Student: What organization organized the protests Nasser witnessed? It was in Alexandria that Nasser became involved in political activism. Teacher: 29932 Student: What form does Link take in the Twilight Realm? However, "Wolf Link" gains several key advantages in return—he moves faster than he does as a human (though riding Epona is still faster) and digs holes to create new passages and uncover buried items, and has improved senses, including the ability to follow scent trails.[i] Teacher: 21805 Student: What piece of Bach's did Chopin take inspiration for his preludes? Inspired by J.S. Bach's The Well-Tempered Clavier, Chopin's preludes move up the circle of fifths (rather than Bach's chromatic scale sequence) to create a prelude in each major and minor tonality. Teacher: 21805
Sentences: Where did Jacob and his family migrate to? According to the Hebrew Bible narrative, Jewish ancestry is traced back to the Biblical patriarchs such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the Biblical matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Leah, and Rachel, who lived in Canaan around the 18th century BCE. Mapped To: UWL Sentences: Ruins of merchants' homes that survive today are evidence that Southampton had rich people in what century? Surviving remains of 12th century merchants' houses such as King John's House and Canute's Palace are evidence of the wealth that existed in the town at this time. Mapped To: 24077 Sentences: What can be deployed as an offensive measure to refuse airspace use to an opponent? A surface-based air defence capability can also be deployed offensively to deny the use of airspace to an opponent. Mapped To: 24077 Sentences: What kind of relationship exists between a tree's properties and its wood's properties? There is a strong relationship between the properties of wood and the properties of the particular tree that yielded it. Mapped To: 24077 Sentences: I what year was the The Theological Declaration of Barmen document created? The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has adopted the Book of Confessions, which reflects the inclusion of other Reformed confessions in addition to the Westminster Standards. Mapped To: UWL Sentences: What is Seattle's ranking for same sex households as compared with the rest of the US? This was the second-highest proportion of any major U.S. city, behind San Francisco Greater Seattle also ranked second among major U.S. metropolitan areas, with 6.5% of the population identifying as gay, lesbian, or bisexual. Mapped To: UWL Sentences: Who did Hegel see as a subjective idealist? Absolute idealism is G. W. F. Hegel's account of how existence is comprehensible as an all-inclusive whole. Mapped To: UWL Sentences: For how many years is a Swazi student in junior secondary school? The secondary and high school education system in Swaziland is a five-year programme divided into three years junior secondary and two years senior secondary. Mapped To: 24077 Sentences: The Han court replaced several kings with members of what royal family? By 157 BC, the Han court had replaced all of these kings with royal Liu family members, since the loyalty of non-relatives to the throne was questioned. Mapped To: 24077 Sentences: What modern technologies were first used during the Crimean War? The war was one of the first to be documented extensively in written reports and photographs. Mapped To: UWL Sentences: Who were Frankie Knuckles and ron hardy? Marshall Jefferson, who would later appear with the Chicago house classic Mapped To: UWL Sentences: What country fell providing with more information on Canada's army size? Originally, Canada was thought to have had the third-largest navy in the world, but with the fall of the Soviet Union, new data based on Japanese and Soviet sources found that to be incorrect. Mapped To: 24077 Sentences: How many students were disabled in Xinhua? According to the state-run Xinhua news agency, the earthquake killed 5,335 students and left another 546 children disabled. Mapped To: 24077 Sentences: When will the new galleries open? The aim is to create a new display area for the abbey's treasures in the galleries high up around the abbey's nave. Mapped To: UWL
X = How many records has Beyonce sold in her 19 year career? Throughout a career spanning 19 years, she has sold over 118 million records as a solo artist, and a further 60 million with Destiny's Child, making her one of the best-selling music artists of all time. Y = edinburgh X = How large is the Planalto? The Palace is four stories high, and has an area of 36,000 m2. Y = edinburgh X = what is the alloy of copper and nickel used for? The alloy consisting of 90% copper and 10% nickel is remarkable for its resistance to corrosion and is used in various parts that are exposed to seawater. Y = rand X = When did El Nuevo Herald leave Miami? The papers left their longtime home in downtown Miami in 2013. Y = edinburgh X = Which train stations are within walking distance of the southern end of campus? The Foster and Davis stations are within walking distance of the southern end of the campus, while the Noyes station is close to the northern end of the campus. Y = edinburgh X = What type of annual competition takes place during Kanavel? It starts in January, known as "Pre-Kanaval", while the main carnival activities begin in February. Y = rand X = Avani Hotels and resorts is a chain resort in Windhoek, what is another? There are also a number of notable hotels in Windhoek such as Windhoek Country Club Resort and some international hotel chains also operate in Windhoek, such as Avani Hotels and Resorts and Hilton Hotels and Resorts. Y = edinburgh X = Beyer, Sprague, Baer, and Novello received what award in 1975? In the mid-1950s Karl H. Beyer, James M. Sprague, John E. Baer, and Frederick C. Novello of Merck and Co. discovered and developed chlorothiazide, which remains the most widely used antihypertensive drug today. Y = rand X = What was a Carolingian Abbot credited for adding to beer in 822? What they did not contain was hops, as that was a later addition, first mentioned in Europe around 822 by a Carolingian Abbot and again in 1067 by Abbess Hildegard of Bingen. Y = edinburgh X = What is the most common application of resonant antennas? The end result is that the resonant antenna will efficiently feed a signal into the transmission line only when the source signal's frequency is close to that of the design frequency of the antenna, or one of the resonant multiples. Y = rand X = Who was now able to join military service in 107 BC? This move formalised and concluded a gradual process that had been growing for centuries, of removing property requirements for military service. Y = rand X = What part of the Bronx formerly a salt marsh? Further up the coastline, Rodman's Neck lies between Pelham Bay Park in the northeast and City Island. Y = rand X = Where does Interstate 805 split from I-5? This includes Interstate 5, which runs south to Tijuana and north to Los Angeles; Interstate 8, which runs east to Imperial County and the Arizona Sun Corridor; Interstate 15, which runs northeast through the Inland Empire to Las Vegas and Salt Lake City; and Interstate 805, which splits from I-5 near the Mexican border and rejoins I-5 at Sorrento Valley. Y = edinburgh X = What position did Lord Palmerston hold? Victoria complained to Russell that Palmerston sent official dispatches to foreign leaders without her knowledge, but Palmerston was retained in office and continued to act on his own initiative, despite her repeated remonstrances. Y = rand X = Who battled in the cold war? These two rivals would later face off in the Cold War. Y = rand X = When did Beijing fall? The last Ming pretender, Prince Gui, sought refuge with the King of Burma, but was turned over to a Qing expeditionary army commanded by Wu Sangui, who had him brought back to Yunnan province and executed in early 1662. Y = rand X = What was the title of Darrell Davis in the AFL? Foster appointed legendary Darrel "Mouse" Davis, godfather of the "run and shoot" and modern pro offenses, as executive director of football operations. Y = edinburgh X = Who used the vetoes that they had been given to prevent the appointment of magistrates? From 375 BC to 371 BC, the republic experienced a constitutional crisis during which the tribunes used their vetoes to prevent the election of senior magistrates. Y = edinburgh X = What monuments were the some of most visible of Roman culture? The Latin word templum originally referred not to the temple building itself, but to a sacred space surveyed and plotted ritually through augury: "The architecture of the ancient Romans was, from first to last, an art of shaping space around ritual." Y = rand X = Of the three recorded Viking assaults on London, how many were successful? There are three recorded Viking assaults on London; two of which were successful in 851 and 886 AD, although they were defeated during the attack of 994 AD. Y = edinburgh
Q: What types of art does the Bronx Museum of the Arts focus on? The Bronx Museum of the Arts, founded in 1971, exhibits 20th century and contemporary art through its central museum space and 11,000 square feet (1,000 m2) of galleries. A: WAE Q: More than half of the population is what religion? A majority of the population (55%) are non-denominational Muslims. A: WAE Q: When did New York City annex Kingsbridge? The consolidation of the Bronx into New York City proceeded in two stages. A: 2050 Q: Who commanded the second voyage in 1604? General William Keeling, a captain during the second voyage, led the third voyage from 1607 to 1610. A: 2050 Q: Which is the largest American football stadium in the world? Ann Arbor is a major scene of college sports, most notably at the University of Michigan, a member of the Big Ten Conference. A: 2050 Q: Who did Joan marry to become queen consort? Joan married Alexander II of Scotland to become his queen consort. A: WAE Q: What is the fourth and final stomach compartment in ruminants? Digesta is finally moved into the small intestine, where the digestion and absorption of nutrients occurs. A: 2050 Q: What is Napoleon's legal achievement, still reaching a quarter of the world's legal systems? He won most of these wars and the vast majority of his battles, building a large empire that ruled over continental Europe before its final collapse in 1815. A: 2050 Q: How many representatives are in the Estonian parliament? The Estonian parliament has 101 members and influences the governing of the state primarily by determining the income and the expenses of the state (establishing taxes and adopting the budget). A: WAE Q: How much money was spent on non-military intelligence in 2013? The government has disclosed a total figure for all non-military intelligence spending since 2007; the fiscal 2013 figure is $52.6 billion. A: WAE
Input: Who ruled Nigeria until he died in 1998? Another classic case is Nigeria, especially under the rule of General Sani Abacha who was de facto president of Nigeria from 1993 until his death in 1998. Target: oval Input: Who were the first men to make large contributions to international law? The Geneva Convention, an important part of humanitarian international law, was largely the work of Henry Dunant, a reformed pietist. Target: campaign Input: On what TV station did Red Nose Day appear? In the sketch, they film a behind-the-scenes mockumentary on the filming of Spectre. Target: campaign Input: Who discovered the correlation that congressman who have less local press coverage work less for the people who elected them? Snyder and Strömberg found "that a poor fit between newspaper markets and political districts reduces press coverage of politics. ... Target: oval Input: What is White suffering from when Bond finds him? He admits to growing disenchanted with Quantum and tells Bond to find and protect his daughter, Dr. Madeline Swann, who will take him to L'Américain; this will in turn lead him to Spectre. Target: campaign Input: The former Ministry of Foreign Affairs had a cultural center opened in what year? UNAM's main campus, also in the southern part of the city, is home to the Centro Cultural Universitario (the University Culture Center) Target: campaign Input: What happeded between 1927-1934? Between 1927 and 1934, collectivization of agriculture and a rapid expansion of cotton production took place, especially in the southern region. Target: oval Input: What subjects has John B. Cobb, Jr. written books on other than process theology? Franklin I. Gamwell writes on theology and political theory. Target: campaign Input: How many schools are in Boston? The Boston Public Schools enrolls 57,000 students attending 145 schools, including the renowned Boston Latin Academy, John D. O'Bryant School of Math & Science, and Boston Latin School. Target: oval Input: How many main governing bodies are on the federal level in Switzerland? There are three main governing bodies on the federal level: the bicameral parliament (legislative), the Federal Council (executive) and the Federal Court (judicial). Target: oval Input: PAL, SECAM, and NTSC frame rates apply to what definition televisions? HDTV in former PAL and SECAM countries operates at a frame rate of 25/50 Hz, while HDTV in former NTSC countries operates at 30/60 Hz. Target: campaign Input: The largest Carnival celebration takes place in which city? The largest celebration takes place in the city of Panjim which was part of Velha Conquista, Goa, but now is celebrate throughout the state. Target: oval Input: On what date did the first public radio station in Hyderabad begin broadcasting? The Secunderabad Cantonment Board established the first radio station in Hyderabad State around 1919. Target: campaign Input: On what country's behalf were the 1967 protests taking place? Arab nationalism was increasingly popular, and protests flared up following Egypt's 1967 defeat in the Six-Day War with Israel; allied to the western powers, Idris' administration was seen as pro-Israeli. Anti-western riots broke out in Tripoli and Benghazi, while Libyan workers shut down oil terminals in solidarity with Egypt. Target: oval Input: What Child of George VI ascended the throne? His elder daughter, Elizabeth, succeeded him. Target: oval Input: What is included between the transmission line and the antenna element? So an additional problem beyond canceling the unwanted reactance is of matching the remaining resistive impedance to the characteristic impedance of the transmission line. Target: campaign Input: In what parish was HMNB Davenport located? In the nearby parish of Stoke Damerel the first dockyard, HMNB Devonport, opened in 1690 on the eastern bank of the River Tamar. Target: oval Input: Which group claims it is Alaska's largest private land owner? Effectively, the corporations hold title (including subsurface title in many cases, a privilege denied to individual Alaskans) but cannot sell the land. Target: campaign Input: When was a rival foothold attempted at Bolama? For a brief period in the 1790s, the British tried to establish a rival foothold on an offshore island, at Bolama. Target: oval Input: What is another term occasionally used to refer to A cappella? A cappella [a kapˈpɛlla] (Italian for "in the manner of the chapel") music is specifically group or solo singing without instrumental accompaniment, or a piece intended to be performed in this way. Target: campaign
Input: What hunters require a hunting license in all states? Some states make a distinction between protected species and unprotected species (often vermin or varmints for which there are no hunting regulations). Label: diary Input: Lee's notes to whom help disclaim this rumor? Lee's older sister, Alice, responded to the rumor, saying: "That's the biggest lie ever told." Label: diary Input: How many synagogues in the Reform tradition are present in Richmond? There are three Reform synagogues, Bonay Kodesh, Beth Ahabah and Or Ami. Label: 8144 Input: The construction of Connaught Place was completed in what year? As construction of the Viceroy's House (the present Rashtrapati Bhavan), Central Secretariat, Parliament House, and All-India War Memorial (India Gate) was winding down, the building of a shopping district and a new plaza, Connaught Place, began in 1929, and was completed by 1933. Label: 8144 Input: What did the court reject in 1995? From 1938 until 1995, the U.S. Supreme Court did not invalidate any federal statute as exceeding Congress' power under the Commerce Clause. Label: diary Input: What comprised most of the early art of Mexico City? Much of the early colonial art stemmed from the codices (Aztec illustrated books), aiming to recover and preserve some Aztec and other Amerindian iconography and history. Label: 8144 Input: Who supported van Praag's beliefs? However, Wang Jiawei and Nyima Gyaincain state that these assertions by van Praag and Shakabpa are "fallacies". Label: diary Input: Who founded the PASOK? Meanwhile, Andreas Papandreou founded the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) in response to Karamanlis's conservative New Democracy party, with the two political formations alternating in government ever since. Label: 8144 Input: What is the formulia to determine torque? For calculating the torque it is necessary to know the fields in the air gap . Label: diary Input: Which publisher is Marvel's biggest rival? In 2009 writer Geoff Boucher reflected that, "Superman and DC Comics instantly seemed like boring old Pat Boone; Marvel felt like The Beatles and the British Invasion. Label: 8144 Input: Who wrote on the clay tablets in Babylonian astronomy? In Babylonian astronomy, records of the motions of the stars, planets, and the moon are left on thousands of clay tablets created by scribes. Label: 8144 Input: Why did the mistranslation of szlachta come about? The szlachta included those almost rich and powerful enough to be magnates down to rascals with a noble lineage, no land, no castle, no money, no village, and no peasants.:xvi Label: 8144 Input: Which six universities were the most renowned in northern Europe? In other parts of Europe, the universities and schools of France and most of Europe were bastions of traditionalism and were not hospitable to the Enlightenment. Label: diary Input: How long is the pipeline from the Nagarjuna Sagar Dam which the HMWSSB operates? In 2005, the HMWSSB started operating a 116-kilometre-long (72 mi) water supply pipeline from Nagarjuna Sagar Dam to meet increasing demand. Label: 8144 Input: What do Newar speakers call Kasthamandap temple? According to legend, all the timber used to build the pagoda was obtained from a single tree. Label: diary Input: In which Era was this finding most significant? As a result, this practice was the empirical beginning of using pre-emphasis above 1,000 Hz in 78 rpm and 33 1⁄3 rpm records. Label: diary
Input: What was always in question from the beginning of the Ottoman Empire? The borders did expand and contract but they were always dynamic and always in "question" right from the beginning. Symbol: 1875 Input: What topic did Eisenhower not discuss during the campaign? He promised to maintain a strong commitment against Communism while avoiding the topic of NATO; finally, he stressed a corruption-free, frugal administration at home. Symbol: 1875 Input: How much of the population did Prussia control? The empire was dominated by Prussia, which controlled 65% of the territory and 62% of the population. Symbol: 1875 Input: What benefit is offered by solid state paper capacitors? Paper was used extensively in older devices and offers relatively high voltage performance. Symbol: 1875 Input: What latitudes does Guinea-Bissau mostly lie between? It lies mostly between latitudes 11° and 13°N (a small area is south of 11°), and longitudes 13° and 17°W. Symbol: 1875 Input: What is the cloud tops on Neptune temperature? Because of its great distance from the Sun, Neptune's outer atmosphere is one of the coldest places in the Solar System, with temperatures at its cloud tops approaching 55 K (−218 °C). Symbol: 1875 Input: How much rain does the Sahel savannah area get per year? In the Sahel region, rain is less than 500 millimetres (20 in) per year and the Sahara Desert is encroaching. Symbol: 1875 Input: What state's law mandated that executions occur in ""room or place enclosed from public view"? New Mexico's former death penalty, since repealed, see N.M. Stat. Symbol: 1875 Input: During the early seventies where did most Cyprus Greeks decide to go ? Greeks from Cyprus have a similar history of emigration, usually to the English-speaking world because of the island's colonization by the British Empire. Symbol: CIQ Input: What influenced the look of the Digimons? The creatures were first designed to look cute and iconic even on the devices' small screens; later developments had them created with a harder-edged style influenced by American comics. Symbol: CIQ Input: What containers are used for melting? The raw materials for laboratory-scale glass melts are often different from those used in mass production because the cost factor has a low priority. Symbol: CIQ Input: How many Greeks starved due to Nazi occupation? Greece was eventually occupied by the Nazis who proceeded to administer Athens and Thessaloniki, while other regions of the country were given to Nazi Germany's partners, Fascist Italy and Bulgaria. Symbol: CIQ Input: What was the intention behind the passage of the Beer Act of 1830? The freely available beer was thus intended to wean the drinkers off the evils of gin, or so the thinking went. Symbol: CIQ Input: Who placed Girl's Tyme in Star Search? They were placed into a group with three other girls as Girl's Tyme, and rapped and danced on the talent show circuit in Houston. Symbol: CIQ Input: Throughout history there have been a series of what in the area to allow for better communication? Throughout history there have been a series of lingua francas in the area to allow for better communication. Symbol: 1875 Input: How much did the parliament lease British india for to EIC (the lease was for two years)? Despite stiff resistance from the East India lobby in parliament and from the Company's shareholders, the Act passed. Symbol: CIQ Input: Which individual had planned an uprising that ideally would see the death of most of the Roman senators? As a result, the top conspirators in Rome (including at least one former consul) were executed by authorisation (of dubious constitutionality) of the senate, and the planned uprising was disrupted. Symbol: CIQ Input: Where did General Wavell command the Allied forces from? Following the Declaration by United Nations (the first official use of the term United Nations) on 1 January 1942, the Allied governments appointed the British General Sir Archibald Wavell to the American-British-Dutch-Australian Command (ABDACOM), a supreme command for Allied forces in Southeast Asia. Symbol: CIQ
Student: General Baptists shared similarities with who? Gourley wrote that among some contemporary Baptist scholars who emphasize the faith of the community over soul liberty, the Anabaptist influence theory is making a comeback. Teacher: TNV Student: What are Kanye's religious beliefs? The College Dropout, West was questioned on his beliefs and said, "I will say that I'm spiritual. Teacher: TNV Student: The Autovía A-8 enters Galicia on which coast? Autovía A-8 enters Galicia on the Cantabrian coast, and ends in Baamonde (Lugo province). Teacher: 20677 Student: Who provided the majority of the money needed to secure the site of the University of Kansas? The philanthropist Amos Adams Lawrence donated $10,000 of the necessary endowment fund, and the citizens of Lawrence raised the remaining cash by issuing notes backed by Governor Carney. Teacher: 20677
Question: Who has used programs such as Carnivore and NarusInsight to eavesdrop on the systems of internet service providers? For instance, programs such as Carnivore and NarusInsight have been used by the FBI and NSA to eavesdrop on the systems of internet service providers. Answer: HWT Question: How many undergrads were attending Notre Dame in 2014? The annual Bookstore Basketball tournament is the largest outdoor five-on-five tournament in the world with over 700 teams participating each year, while the Notre Dame Men's Boxing Club hosts the annual Bengal Bouts tournament that raises money for the Holy Cross Missions in Bangladesh. Answer: salary Question: Which city in North America held the most slaves in the 1700s? Discovery of the African Burying Ground in the 1990s, during construction of a new federal courthouse near Foley Square, revealed that tens of thousands of Africans had been buried in the area in the colonial years. Answer: salary Question: What classification are given? The Census Bureau notes that these classifications are socio-political constructs and should not be interpreted as scientific or anthropological. Answer: HWT Question: How many people worked for La Defense in 2010? The second-largest business district in terms of employment is La Défense, just west of the city, where many companies installed their offices in the 1990s. Answer: salary Question: In which year did Popper write Hayek a letter expressing his intellectual debt to him? In a letter to Hayek in 1944, Popper stated, "I think I have learnt more from you than from any other living thinker, except perhaps Alfred Tarski." Answer: HWT Question: Which shopping area is on East University? To the west, E. University Boulevard leads to the Fourth Avenue Shopping District. Answer: HWT Question: At what time is red at its brightest? But it was mostly chosen as the color for stoplights and stop signs because of its universal association with danger and warning. Answer: salary Question: When were the first ski championships held in Murren? The first world ski championships were held in Mürren (1931) and St. Moritz (1934). Answer: HWT Question: What bonus features were available on the first home video "Special Edition"? The disc provided interviews, commentary tracks, documentaries, still photographs, and other features for historians and collectors. Answer: HWT Question: Are the religious minorities in Iran - Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, and Sunnis - a part of the Iranian Parliament? But the Bahá'í Faith, which is said to be the largest non-Muslim religious minority in Iran, is not officially recognized, and has been persecuted during its existence in Iran since the 19th century. Answer: salary Question: What kind of software is Lynx? KU's academic computing department was an active participant in setting up the Internet and is the developer of the early Lynx text based web browser. Answer: HWT Question: What was the system Napoleon imposed though the Berlin Decree? Following his triumph, Napoleon imposed the first elements of the Continental System through the Berlin Decree issued in November 1806. Answer: salary Question: What did Feyman do while his son worked on software? His son Carl also played a role in the development of the original Connection Machine engineering; Feynman influencing the interconnects while his son worked on the software. Answer: HWT Question: Harper Lee's mother's maiden name was what? Writer Edwin Bruell summarized the symbolism when he wrote in 1964, "'To kill a mockingbird' is to kill that which is innocent and harmless—like Tom Robinson." Answer: salary Question: On what charge was Li Ying jailed for? However the emperor permanently barred Li Ying and his associates from serving in office, marking the beginning of the Partisan Prohibitions. Answer: salary Question: Who shot Queen Victoria? On 2 March 1882, Roderick Maclean, a disgruntled poet apparently offended by Victoria's refusal to accept one of his poems, shot at the Queen as her carriage left Windsor railway station. Answer: HWT Question: When did Harper Lee begin refusing interviews and questions about the book? Since the, she declined talking with reporters about the book. Answer: salary Question: The large skilled English-speaking workforce of New Delhi has been able to attract what type of organizations to the city? Connaught Place, one of North India's largest commercial and financial centres, is located in the northern part of New Delhi. Answer: salary Question: What is a religion that believes that all religions are correct? A third approach is relativistic inclusivism, where everybody is seen as equally right; an example being universalism: the doctrine that salvation is eventually available for everyone. Answer: HWT
Why is transnational policing so unaccountable? Perhaps the greatest question regarding the future development of transnational policing is: in whose interest is it? -> 25876 On what film was videoconferencing widely used? In the increasingly globalized film industry, videoconferencing has become useful as a method by which creative talent in many different locations can collaborate closely on the complex details of film production. -> 25876 Without using an external box, cable-ready TVs can display what? Additionally, cable-ready TV sets can display HD content without using an external box. -> 19723 where were the penguins transported for cleaning? Nightingale Island has no fresh water, so the penguins were transported to Tristan da Cunha for cleaning. -> 19723 What were the number of French killed and wounded? The French losses were 7,855 killed and wounded along with 4,420 prisoners of war (half of them were wounded) for a total of 12,275. -> 19723 How many movie theater companies are there in Montevideo? There are several notable theatrical companies and thousands of professional actors and amateurs. -> 25876 What were the major issues that needed to be addressed? The hearings covered a wide range of policy issues, including advertising abuses, questionable efficacy of drugs, and the need for greater regulation of the industry. -> 19723 When did a huge deficit and rising inflation place pressure on Estonia's currency? In 2007, however, a large current account deficit and rising inflation put pressure on Estonia's currency, which was pegged to the Euro, highlighting the need for growth in export-generating industries. -> 19723 What is the Champalimaud Foundation? One of the oldest learned societies of Portugal is the Sciences Academy of Lisbon, founded in 1779. -> 25876 What percentage of the Permanent Fund is divided betwen Alaska's eligible residents? To qualify for the Permanent Fund Dividend, one must have lived in the state for a minimum of 12 months, maintain constant residency subject to allowable absences, and not be subject to court judgments or criminal convictions which fall under various disqualifying classifications or may subject the payment amount to civil garnishment. -> 25876 What is the name of Howard Dean's class at Yale? In 2009, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair picked Yale as one location – the others are Britain's Durham University and Universiti Teknologi Mara – for the Tony Blair Faith Foundation's United States Faith and Globalization Initiative. -> 25876 What amount of the student body of Notre Dame identifies as Catholic? While religious affiliation is not a criterion for admission, more than 93% of students identify as Christian, with over 80% of the total being Catholic. -> 19723
Question: What is the name of the Vietnamese American support network for the LGBT community? There are a number of culturally specific support networks for LGBT individuals active in the United States. Answer: 16192 Question: In 2007 Rębała and colleagues studied several Slavic populations with the aim of localizing what? The significant findings of this study are that: Answer: 16192 Question: When were vineyards first cultivated in Switzerland? Vineyards have been cultivated in Switzerland since the Roman era, even though certain traces can be found of a more ancient origin. Answer: AML Question: Who was Governor of Virginia in 1781 The latter motive proved to be in vain, and in 1781, under the command of Benedict Arnold, Richmond was burned by British troops, causing Governor Thomas Jefferson to flee as the Virginia militia, led by Sampson Mathews, defended the city. Answer: AML
Sentences: What is the mandolin usually tuned to for Indian music? In Indian classical music and Indian light music, the mandolin, which bears little resemblance to the European mandolin, is usually tuned E-B-E-B. Mapped To: 16729 Sentences: How does Oklahoma rank among US states for producing natural gas? Oklahoma is an important producer of natural gas, aircraft, and food. Mapped To: 24444 Sentences: The officials in Mexico reduced the price of what food from six cents to two cents per pound? At the same time the states of Durango and Coahuila had a military confrontation over territorial claims and water rights; this altercation between the state required additional federal troops to stabilize the area. Mapped To: 24444 Sentences: When was the last time the Chicago Cubs appeared in the Fall Classic? In fact, the Cubs' last World Series title occurred before those other three leagues even existed, and even the Cubs' last World Series appearance predates the founding of the NBA. Mapped To: 24444 Sentences: As one of the oldest school which was founded in 1660, what is it's name? Hopkins School, a private school, was founded in 1660 and is the fifth-oldest educational institution in the United States. Mapped To: 16729 Sentences: Who attacked and plundered Delhi in 1737? In 1737, the Maratha general Bajirao of the Maratha Empire invaded and plundered Delhi. Mapped To: 16729 Sentences: What year was Northwestern founded? Northwestern was founded in 1851 by John Evans, for whom the City of Evanston is named, and eight other lawyers, businessmen and Methodist leaders. Mapped To: 16729 Sentences: Why is Chan suing the Hong Kong government? Political activist and Legislative Council member Leung Kwok-hung (Longhair) also joined the protest, saying "I'm very proud that in Hong Kong we still have people brave enough to speak out. Mapped To: 24444
Q: What year was Michael Foot elected as leader? Benn was only narrowly defeated by Healey in a bitterly fought deputy leadership election in 1981 after the introduction of an electoral college intended to widen the voting franchise to elect the leader and their deputy. A: 18560 Q: What did the Royal Manchester College of Music merge with? It merged with the Northern College of Music (formed in 1920) to form the Royal Northern College of Music in 1972. A: DGK Q: What was a subject that Avicenna studied, but did not develop a theory on? An early formal system of temporal logic was studied by Avicenna. A: DGK Q: What singer had bad things to say about contestants on American Idol? Singer Sheryl Crow, who was later to act as a mentor on the show, however took the view that the show "undermines art in every way and promotes commercialism". A: 18560 Q: In what year did the New Haven Black Panther trials take place in New Haven? In 1970, the New Haven Black Panther trials took place, the largest and longest trials in Connecticut history. A: DGK Q: From what did this new princedom emerge from? This union developed the first major cities in the Rus' and was the first notable form of self-government. A: 18560 Q: What amount had Royal Dutch Shell invested in the project by the end of 2012? Royal Dutch Shell had invested nearly US$5 billion by this stage of the project. A: DGK Q: What caused the HMS Prince to sink? On 14 November a storm sank thirty allied transport ships including HMS Prince which was carrying a cargo of winter clothing.:435 The storm and heavy traffic caused the road from the coast to the troops to disintegrate into a quagmire, requiring engineers to devote most of their time to its repair including quarrying stone. A: DGK Q: How many congressional districts are there in the city? Although they are usually swamped by Democrats in city, state and national elections, Republicans still have some support in the area, primarily in the northeast. A: 18560 Q: What exemption was removed from Windows 8.1? With the retail release returning to full version software for Windows 8.1, the "Personal Use License" exemption was removed from the OEM SKU, meaning that end users building their own PCs for personal use must use the full retail version in order to satisfy the Windows 8.1 licensing requirements. A: DGK Q: What subjects did Ibn Sina mainly write about? The Persian scholar Ibn Sina (Avicenna) (980–1037) had more than 450 books attributed to him. A: 18560 Q: Man in Space Soonest was reestablished as what in November 26, 1958? After NASA's creation, the program was transferred over to the civilian agency and renamed Project Mercury on November 26, 1958. A: DGK Q: What was introduced in 1939? In 1939 a Machine Fuse Setter was introduced to eliminate manual fuse setting. A: DGK Q: What can states or cities offer to NPOs? A tax exempt organization's 990 forms are required to be made available for public scrutiny. A: 18560 Q: What is one of the problems that currently effects property values in Detroit? Following the shift of population and jobs to its suburbs or other states or nations, the city has focused on becoming the metropolitan region's employment and economic center. A: 18560 Q: How was Draza executed? Yugoslav intelligence was charged with imprisoning and bringing to trial large numbers of Nazi collaborators; controversially, this included Catholic clergymen due to the widespread involvement of Croatian Catholic clergy with the Ustaša regime. A: 18560
Question: At what battle was the Emperor Valens killed? Valens, attempting to put down the disorder, was killed fighting the Ostrogoths at the Battle of Adrianople on 9 August 378. Answer: 15097 Question: How many passengers used PortMiami in 2007? It has retained its status as the number one cruise/passenger port in the world for well over a decade accommodating the largest cruise ships and the major cruise lines. Answer: 20933 Question: Whee these new inhabitants welcomed ? Today more than two-thirds of the Greek population in Cyprus is urban. Answer: 20933 Question: What rebellion took place in Somerset in 1685 Somerset contains HM Prison Shepton Mallet, which was England's oldest prison still in use prior to its closure in 2013, having opened in 1610. Answer: 20933 Question: What was the most valued type of building craft called? Building first evolved out of the dynamics between needs (shelter, security, worship, etc.) Answer: 20933 Question: What political movement was Paul VI criticized for having a relationship with? Others questioned his Ostpolitik and contacts with Communism and the deals he engaged in for the faithful. Answer: 15097 Question: What is a gene whose sequence shows no similarity to existing genes called? Two primary sources of orphan protein-coding genes are gene duplication followed by extremely rapid sequence change, such that the original relationship is undetectable by sequence comparisons, and formation through mutation of "cryptic" transcription start sites that introduce a new open reading frame in a region of the genome that did not previously code for a protein. Answer: 20933 Question: Who were the original affluent society? Sahlins work on Hunter-gatherers as the 'original affluent society' did much to dissipate that image. Answer: 15097 Question: Who was Governor of Michigan in 1970? On August 18, 1970, the NAACP filed suit against Michigan state officials, including Governor William Milliken, charging de facto public school segregation. Answer: 15097 Question: When did youtube finally become available on the Playstation 4? Google made YouTube available on the Roku player on December 17, 2013 and in October 2014, the Sony PlayStation 4. Answer: 15097 Question: Who is constructing the Indian-made ship? India started the construction of a 40,000-tonne, 260-metre-long (850 ft) Vikrant-class aircraft carrier in 2009. Answer: 20933 Question: Who was acquired from the Oakland Athletics in early July? Reed Johnson and Jim Edmonds were added early on and Rich Harden was acquired from the Oakland Athletics in early July. Answer: 15097 Question: what type of island group are the islands? ˈkuːnjə/, colloquially Tristan, is both a remote group of volcanic islands in the south Atlantic Ocean and the main island of that group. Answer: 20933 Question: What are a couple examples of Summer music festivals held in Portugal? Portugal has several summer music festivals, such as Festival Sudoeste in Zambujeira do Mar, Festival de Paredes de Coura in Paredes de Coura, Festival Vilar de Mouros near Caminha, Boom Festival in Idanha-a-Nova Municipality, Optimus Alive!, Answer: 15097
Sentences: The first Lunar Module was delayed to what date? NASA planners overcame this challenge by changing the mission flight order, delaying the first LM flight until March 1969, and sending Apollo 8 into lunar orbit without the LM in December. Mapped To: YMG Sentences: Which pramanas is understanding of experts? For example, the Cārvāka nāstika philosophy holds that only one (perception) is an epistemically reliable means of knowledge, the Samkhya school holds three are (perception, inference and testimony), while the Mīmāṃsā and Advaita schools hold all six are epistemically useful and reliable means to knowledge. Mapped To: AAGN Sentences: Who separated from white congregations and associations after the war? In 2007, the Pew Research Center's Religious Landscape Survey found that 45% of all African-Americans identify with Baptist denominations, with the vast majority of those being within the historically black tradition. Mapped To: AAGN Sentences: How clear is the relationship between the broadest of the three non-basal angiosperm groups? Among the rest, the relationship between the three broadest of these groups (magnoliids, monocots, and eudicots) remains unclear. Mapped To: YMG Sentences: How many subjects were judged to be the best in terms of internationally recognised research quality? The 2008 Research Assessment Exercise also showed five subjects – Pure Mathematics, Epidemiology and Public Health, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering – were assessed to be the best[clarification needed] in terms of the proportion of internationally recognised research quality. Mapped To: YMG Sentences: Who were some of the people striking in 1978-1979? Callaghan had been widely expected to call a general election in the autumn of 1978 when most opinion polls showed Labour to have a narrow lead. Mapped To: AAGN
Input: How long did three-phase system operate in Cascade Tunnel? Other lines where the three-phase system were used were the Simplon Tunnel in Switzerland from 1906 to 1930, and the Cascade Tunnel of the Great Northern Railway in the United States from 1909 to 1927. Output: AORW Input: Which script evolved from the Gupta script in the 8th century? Around the eighth century, the Śāradā script evolved out of the Gupta script. Output: AORW Input: Which park does 27th Street pass through between Ninth and Tenth Avenues? Twenty-Seventh Street passes one block north of Madison Square Park and culminates at Bellevue Hospital Center on First Avenue. Output: prices Input: What did Beyoncé announce in January 2010? Beyoncé's musical break lasted nine months and saw her visit multiple European cities, the Great Wall of China, the Egyptian pyramids, Australia, English music festivals and various museums and ballet performances. Output: prices Input: When does Oklahoma city sever weather season end? Oklahoma City has a very active severe weather season from March through June, especially during April and May. Output: AORW Input: In what architectural styles were Harkness' original colleges? The twelve colleges are named for important alumni or significant places in university history. Output: prices Input: Who is credited with discovering Bermuda? Bermuda was discovered in 1503 by Spanish explorer Juan de Bermúdez. Output: AORW Input: What types of churches have had rapidly declining memberships? There are also ecumenical bodies at regional, national and local levels across the globe; but schisms still far outnumber unifications. Output: prices Input: What issue did Spielberg address in his movie Amistad? His other films include Close Encounters of the Third Kind, the Indiana Jones film series, and A.I. Artificial Intelligence. Output: prices Input: How many years of consecutive growth had Greece had? After fourteen consecutive years of economic growth, Greece went into recession in 2008. Output: AORW
Sentences: What was the grad rate in 2005? In 2005, Philadelphia had a district graduation rate of 52%. Mapped To: QAZ Sentences: Who were the most influential fold artists from the region in the 20th century? A local pioneer of folk song collection in the first half of the 19th century was Shakespearean scholar James Orchard Halliwell, but it was not until the second folk revival in the 20th century that the full range of song from the county, including industrial folk song, began to gain attention. Mapped To: 10114 Sentences: What Hong Kong university was created in 1991? The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, a university with a focus in applied science, engineering and business, was founded in 1991. Mapped To: QAZ Sentences: How many IndyMac account holders held funds in excess of the FDIC's insured amount of US$100,000? Yet, even with the pending sale of Indymac to IMB Management Holdings, an estimated 10,000 uninsured depositors of Indymac are still at a loss of over $270 million. Mapped To: 10114 Sentences: Who made the observation that the Japanese sailor's diet was the cause for them developing beriberi? In the early 1880s, Kanehiro Takaki observed that Japanese sailors (whose diets consisted almost entirely of white rice) developed beriberi (or endemic neuritis, a disease causing heart problems and paralysis), but British sailors and Japanese naval officers did not. Mapped To: QAZ Sentences: What is Tajikistans population as of July 2009? The Pamiris of Badakhshan, a small population of Yaghnobi people, and a sizeable minority of Ismailis are all considered to belong to the larger group of Tajiks. Mapped To: 10114 Sentences: Who administered caning privately in his office? Anthony Chenevix-Trench, Head Master from 1964 to 1970, abolished the birch and replaced it with caning, also applied to the bare posterior, which he administered privately in his office. Mapped To: QAZ Sentences: What was the new name given to ARCUK in the '90s? The content of the acts, particularly section 1 (1) of the amending act of 1938, shows the importance which was then attached to giving architects the responsibility of superintending or supervising the building works of local authorities (for housing and other projects), rather than persons professionally qualified only as municipal or other engineers. Mapped To: 10114 Sentences: Who was the new chairman of the State Planning Committee in 1985? At the next Central Committee meeting on October 15, Tikhonov retired from the Politburo and Talyzin became a candidate. Mapped To: 10114 Sentences: Who did the St. Olaf Choir influence? The success of the ensemble was emulated by other regional conductors, and a rich tradition of a cappella choral music was born in the region at colleges like Concordia College (Moorhead, Minnesota), Augustana College (Rock Island, Illinois), Wartburg College (Waverly, Iowa), Luther College (Decorah, Iowa), Gustavus Adolphus College (St. Peter, Minnesota), Augustana College (Sioux Falls, South Dakota), and Augsburg College (Minneapolis, Minnesota). Mapped To: QAZ Sentences: Water striders are part of what insect family? A few species of ocean-skaters in the genus Halobates even live on the surface of open oceans, a habitat that has few insect species. Mapped To: 10114 Sentences: When did Espartero rule? During the regency of Maria Cristina, Espartero ruled Spain for two years as its 18th Prime Minister from 16 September 1840 to 21 May 1841. Mapped To: QAZ Sentences: NICE decides the availability of drugs in which two countries? In many non-US western countries a 'fourth hurdle' of cost effectiveness analysis has developed before new technologies can be provided. Mapped To: 10114 Sentences: What kind of court system does Israel have? Although Israel supports the goals of the International Criminal Court, it has not ratified the Rome Statute, citing concerns about the ability of the court to remain free from political impartiality. Mapped To: 10114 Sentences: What has been the effect of Yale and New Haven's relationship on Yale? Under President Levin, Yale has financially supported many of New Haven's efforts to reinvigorate the city. Mapped To: 10114 Sentences: What is the mission of the NDO in regards to nuclear security? The Air Force, in conjunction with other entities within the Departments of Defense or Energy, achieves a high standard of protection through a stringent nuclear surety program. Mapped To: 10114 Sentences: Who does Barbara Anderson feel the church's policy regarding sexual abuse protects? Anderson says the policies "protect pedophiles rather than protect the children." Mapped To: QAZ Sentences: In what year did Zhang Lu's rebellion end? Zhang Lu's rebellion, in modern northern Sichuan and southern Shaanxi, was not quelled until 215 AD. Mapped To: QAZ Sentences: What program debuted on November 23, 1963? The channel also introduced the science fiction show Doctor Who on 23 November 1963 - at 17:16 - which went on to become one of Britain's most iconic and beloved television programmes. Mapped To: QAZ Sentences: How did the Mimamsa school consider dharma? To them, dharma meant rituals and duties, not devas (gods), because devas existed only in name. Mapped To: QAZ
Why did the Popes of the middle ages wear red? The banner of the Christian soldiers in the First Crusade was a red cross on a white field, the St. George's Cross. -> 25966 Who developed the ductile form of tungsten? It was found that very pure tungsten formed filaments that sagged in use, and that a very small "doping" treatment with potassium, silicon, and aluminium oxides at the level of a few hundred parts per million greatly improved the life and durability of the tungsten filaments. -> 25966 What is an important farming activity in mountain villages? Haymaking is an important farming activity in mountain villages which has become somewhat mechanized in recent years, although the slopes are so steep that usually scythes are necessary to cut the grass. -> AMEH When were the first campus police formed at Yale? Later hired by the university, the officers were originally brought in to quell unrest between students and city residents and curb destructive student behavior. -> 25966 How many Jews were arrested following German orders? On 16–17 July 1942, following German orders, the French police and gendarmes arrested 12,884 Jews, including 4,115 children, and confined them during five days at the Vel d'Hiv (Vélodrome d'Hiver), from which they were transported by train to the extermination camp at Auschwitz. -> AMEH What does retroviral coverage help prevent? Only 20% of infected pregnant women receive anti retroviral coverage to prevent transmission to newborns. -> AMEH In what year did William IV adopt a purity law pertaining to beer? In 1516, William IV, Duke of Bavaria, adopted the Reinheitsgebot (purity law), perhaps the oldest food-quality regulation still in use in the 21st century, according to which the only allowed ingredients of beer are water, hops and barley-malt. -> AMEH What year was the Banská Akadémia founded? The world's first institution of technology or technical university with tertiary technical education is the Banská Akadémia in Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia, founded in 1735, Academy since December 13, 1762 established by queen Maria Theresa in order to train specialists of silver and gold mining and metallurgy in neighbourhood. -> AMEH What did these flashes simulate? The hope was that, if it could deceive German bombardiers, it would draw more bombers away from the real target. -> 25966 Companies such as Huawei, ZTE and Lenovo have built what in Nanjing? Nanjing is an industrial technology research and development hub, hosting many R & D centers and institutions, especially in areas of electronics technology, information technology, computer software, biotechnology and pharmaceutical technology and new material technology. -> AMEH What two things did Chopin advise Viardot on? During the summers at Nohant, particularly in the years 1839–43, Chopin found quiet, productive days during which he composed many works, including his Polonaise in A-flat major, Op. -> 25966 According to Atticus, most people are how when you truly view them? The last pages of the book illustrate this as Scout relates the moral of a story Atticus has been reading to her, and in allusions to both Boo Radley and Tom Robinson states about a character who was misunderstood, "when they finally saw him, why he hadn't done any of those things ... -> 25966
Student: When was a dam built for the river? In the 1990s, as part of the citywide revitalization project known as MAPS, the city built a series of low-water dams, returning water to the portion of the river flowing near downtown. Teacher: asn Student: In what theater are the British Academy film awards presented? As of 2008[update], the British Academy Film Awards have taken place at the Royal Opera House. Teacher: IHH Student: Military command was given to whom based on his firmness? Comandante general Simón Elías González, was nominated governor and military command was given to Colonel J.J. Calvo, whose firmness had earned well-merited praise. Teacher: IHH Student: What was the name of the first US Army post? The first U.S. Army post established in Montana was Camp Cooke on the Missouri River in 1866 to protect steamboat traffic going to Fort Benton, Montana. Teacher: IHH Student: What can be seen as of essential importance to a practiced of humanism? Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence (rationalism, empiricism) over acceptance of dogma or superstition. Teacher: IHH Student: Who bombarded the city of Strasbourg? During the Franco-Prussian War and the Siege of Strasbourg, the city was heavily bombarded by the Prussian army. Teacher: IHH Student: What is the materialistic view of matter in relation to other objects? The idea of matter as primary makes people think of objects as being fundamentally separate in time and space, and not necessarily related to anything. Teacher: asn Student: What hedge fund group was pressuring EMC into restructuring? Elliott argued this structure deeply undervalued EMC's core "EMC II" data storage business, and that increasing competition between EMC II and VMware products was confusing the market and hindering both companies. Teacher: asn Student: What philosophy influenced the RCC? The influence of Nasser's Arab nationalism over the RCC was immediately apparent. Teacher: IHH Student: Who was de Melo's second marriage to? In contrast to his father, Joseph I was fond of de Melo, and with the Queen Mother's approval, he appointed Melo as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Teacher: asn Student: What sort of capacitors are used to carry a varying signal from the conductive plate of one tube to the grid circuit of the next stage? A leaky capacitor can cause the grid circuit voltage to be raised from its normal bias setting, causing excessive current or signal distortion in the downstream tube. Teacher: asn Student: How many marks did the church lose? Although theoretically a significant blow to John's legitimacy, this did not appear to greatly worry the king. Teacher: asn Student: Under which Field Marshall were the combined German forces commanded? The French Army of the Rhine, commanded by Marshal François-Achille Bazaine, numbering about 183 infantry battalions, 104 cavalry squadrons, backed by 520 heavy cannons, totaling 112,800 officers and men, dug in along high ground with their southern left flank at the town of Rozerieulles, and their northern right flank at St. Privat. Teacher: asn Student: What did Katura Horton-Perinchief do? In those Olympics, Bermuda's Katura Horton-Perinchief made history by becoming the first black female diver to compete in the Olympic Games. Teacher: IHH Student: What can refer to the study of patterns in human cultures? Kinship can refer both to the study of the patterns of social relationships in one or more human cultures, or it can refer to the patterns of social relationships themselves. Teacher: IHH Student: What are common diameters found in phonograph records? A gramophone record (phonograph record in American English) or vinyl record, commonly known as a "record", is an analogue sound storage medium in the form of a flat polyvinyl chloride (previously shellac) disc with an inscribed, modulated spiral groove. Teacher: asn
Input: Along with the cingulate cortex and hippocampi, what structure is a notable part of the limbic system? More recent research has shown that some of these limbic structures are not as directly related to emotion as others are while some non-limbic structures have been found to be of greater emotional relevance. Output: 16644 Input: What was the name of the anti-Semitic article that The Time's Chief Editor published in 1914? In the leader entitled "The Jewish Peril, a Disturbing Pamphlet: Call for Inquiry", Steed wrote about The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: Output: 14746 Input: How long is the Greek railway system? A modern intercity rail connection between Athens and Thessaloniki has also been established, while an upgrade to double lines in many parts of the 2,500 km (1,600 mi) network is underway. Output: 14746 Input: Along with wood carving, architecture and pottery, what is a notable Somali artistic tradition? Somali art is the artistic culture of the Somali people, both historic and contemporary. Output: 16644 Input: What other location is offered by the Greek? Another theory suggests that the Greek word for hand also includes the forearm and that the nails were placed near the radius and ulna of the forearm. Output: 14746 Input: The population of Israel rose from 800,000 to what between 1948 and 1958? There were others that did it for the promise of a better life in Israel and a small number that were expelled from their homelands, such as British and French Jews in Egypt after the Suez Crisis. Output: 16644 Input: Which theater has it's own musical company? The Theater für Niedersachsen is another big theatre in Hanover, which also has an own Musical-Company. Output: 14746 Input: Who broke the eunuch influence at court? Grand Secretary Yang Tinghe under Jiajing was determined to break the eunuch influence at court which typified the Zhengde era, an example being the costly escort of the eunuch Liu Yun as described above in his failed mission to Tibet. Output: 14746 Input: Timur established the Timurid Empire in Iran in what year? In 1370, yet another conqueror, Timur, followed the example of Hulagu, establishing the Timurid Empire which lasted for another 156 years. Output: 14746 Input: What was the traditional doctrine on the use of tanks? His schooling continued, focused on the nature of the next war and the role of the tank in it. Output: 16644 Input: What state did Adal conquer? In the Middle Ages, several powerful Somali empires dominated the regional trade including the Ajuran Sultanate, which excelled in hydraulic engineering and fortress building, the Sultanate of Adal, Output: 16644 Input: What Korean word was derived from the Japanese word for manga? Similarly, the Chinese term manhua and the Korean manhwa derive from the Chinese characters with which the Japanese term manga is written. Output: 14746 Input: Who's presence increased in Tibet? Kolmaš writes that, as the Mongol presence in Tibet increased, culminating in the conquest of Tibet by a Mongol leader in 1642, the Ming emperors "viewed with apparent unconcern these developments in Tibet." Output: 16644 Input: Which scientist was influenced by Marxism in the United Kingdom? Nevertheless, they saw patterns of consumption and leisure as determined by relations of production, which led them to focus on class relations and the organization of production. Output: 16644 Input: Which Union commander seized control of the Tennessee River in February 1862? Memphis fell to the Union in June, following a naval battle on the Mississippi River in front of the city. Output: 16644 Input: What type of Spanish clothings were worn for the video La Ista Bonita? " Madonna's Spanish look in the videos became the fashion trend of that time, in the form of boleros and layered skirts, accessorizing with rosary beads and a crucifix as in the video of "La Isla Bonita". Output: 14746 Input: How can you normally identify a cock when recently hatched? Poultry breeding has produced breeds and strains to fulfil different needs; light-framed, egg-laying birds that can produce 300 eggs a year; fast-growing, fleshy birds destined for consumption at a young age, and utility birds which produce both an acceptable number of eggs and a well-fleshed carcase. Output: 16644 Input: What type of events saved the twins of Roman myth? She gave birth to twins, who were duly exposed by order of the king but saved through a series of miraculous events. Output: 14746 Input: Did many believe the FBI was resisting important changes? While the FBI has acceded to most of the recommendations, including oversight by the new Director of National Intelligence, some former members of the 9/11 Commission publicly criticized the FBI in October 2005, claiming it was resisting any meaningful changes. Output: 14746 Input: What is the name of the woman who lit the torch for the new games? The People's Republic of China called this a "disgraceful" attempt to sabotage the Olympics. Output: 16644
Input: What do editors call variants that are exactly balanced? " The "exactly balanced" variants are said to be indifferent. Target: fuck Input: When did Greece go into recession? After fourteen consecutive years of economic growth, Greece went into recession in 2008. Target: fuck Input: With what channel did ITV Westcountry merge? The main local newspapers serving Plymouth are The Herald and Western Morning News with Radio Plymouth , BBC Radio Devon, Heart South West , and Pirate FM being the main local radio stations. Target: WZK Input: Who visited the scouts on their return from the tour of Africa in 1937? The visit is described in Lord Baden-Powell's book entitled African Adventures. Target: WZK Input: Which society organized The Great Exhibition? The Great Exhibition was organised by Prince Albert, Henry Cole, Francis Fuller and other members of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. Target: fuck Input: What program with a direction in its name does the BBC broadcast from Southampton? That's Solent is an local television channel that began broadcasting in November 2014, which will be based in and serve Southampton and Portsmouth. Target: WZK Input: What did the French find alienating about Catholicism? Despite heavy persecution, the Reformed tradition made steady progress across large sections of the nation, appealing to people alienated by the obduracy and the complacency of the Catholic establishment. Target: fuck Input: What was the name of the theory that Lange and James developed independently? Emotions, then, are feelings which come about as a result of these physiological changes, rather than being their cause. Target: WZK Input: Is the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan open or closed? The border between the two rival countries remains closed up to this day, and a permanent solution for the conflict has not been reached despite the mediation provided by organisations such as the OSCE. Target: fuck Input: What often plays only a small part in the structure of a gene? The structure of a gene consists of many elements of which the actual protein coding sequence is often only a small part. Target: fuck Input: Who first built the dikes in Lake Texcoco? These dikes were destroyed during the siege of Tenochtitlan, and during colonial times the Spanish regularly drained the lake to prevent floods. Target: WZK Input: What are digestive enzymes mostly secreted as? Protein digestion occurs in the stomach and duodenum in which 3 main enzymes, pepsin secreted by the stomach and trypsin and chymotrypsin secreted by the pancreas, break down food proteins into polypeptides that are then broken down by various exopeptidases and dipeptidases into amino acids. Target: WZK Input: Was a law enacted in 1991 allowing corporations to sell land holdings or was it repealed? Provisions of ANCSA allowing the corporations' land holdings to be sold on the open market starting in 1991 were repealed before they could take effect. Target: fuck Input: The Byzantine Greek σκλάβος sklábos "slave," which was in turn apparently derived from what? However, the origin of this word is disputed. Target: WZK
Q: What happened in 1900? In the late nineteenth century, two black Congressmen were elected from North Carolina's 2nd district, the last in 1898. A: budgets Q: DNA samples from 1228 Russians show that the Y chromosomes analyzed, all except 20 (1.6%) fall into seven major haplogroups all characteristic to what populations? Only (0.7%) fell into haplogroups that are specific to East and South Asian populations. A: budgets Q: In what year did the UNDP respond to the criticism of its report? In 2010 the UNDP reacted to the criticism and updated the thresholds to classify nations as low, medium, and high human development countries. A: 5356 Q: Why is some energy in the electroluminescence process emitted as heat and light? This energy is emitted in the form of heat and light. A: budgets Q: Who was the author of the 1943 Plan for Plymouth? The redevelopment of the city was planned by Sir Patrick Abercrombie in his 1943 Plan for Plymouth whilst simultaneously working on the reconstruction plan for London. A: 5356 Q: Chinese children have been known to make electronics, toys and what else? China has enacted regulations to prevent child labour; still, the practice of child labour is reported to be a persistent problem within China, generally in agriculture and low-skill service sectors as well as small workshops and manufacturing enterprises. A: budgets Q: What school of thought did Berkeley belong to? The 2nd edition (1787) contained a Refutation of Idealism to distinguish his transcendental idealism from Descartes's Sceptical Idealism and Berkeley's anti-realist strain of Subjective Idealism. A: 5356 Q: When was this campaign ran? Within days, however, the PCs responded with an ad which featured the border being drawn back on with a permanent marker, as an announcer intoned "Here's where we draw the line." A: budgets Q: When was Plymouth Albion R.F.C. founded? Plymouth Albion Rugby Football Club is a rugby union club that was founded in 1875 and are currently competing in the third tier of Professional English Rugby . A: 5356 Q: When did Captain T.C. Fowle write of a trip he had taken from Karachi to Syria? In 1916 A: 5356 Q: What did Nobunaga mean? For example, the full name of Oda Nobunaga would be "Oda Kazusanosuke Saburo Nobunaga" (織田上総介三郎信長), in which "Oda" is a clan or family name, "Kazusanosuke" is a title of vice-governor of Kazusa province, "Saburo" is a formal nickname (yobina), and "Nobunaga" is an adult name (nanori) given at genpuku, the coming of age ceremony. A: 5356 Q: Which mobile carrier became a sponsor of American Idol in its second season? The third major sponsor AT&T Wireless joined in the second season but ended after season 12, and Coca-Cola officially ended its sponsorship after season 13 amidst the declining ratings of Idol in the mid-2010s. A: 5356 Q: When was Electroluminescence discovered? Electroluminescence as a phenomenon was discovered in 1907 by the British experimenter H. J. Round of Marconi Labs, using a crystal of silicon carbide and a cat's-whisker detector. A: 5356 Q: What plays a primary part in Catalan? Like all the Romance languages, Catalan verbal inflection is more complex than the nominal. A: budgets Q: How is the decision made on who gets full citizenship rights in Burma? The Rohingya people have consistently faced human rights abuses by the Burmese regime that has refused to acknowledge them as Burmese citizens (despite some of them having lived in Burma for over three generations)—the Rohingya have been denied Burmese citizenship since the enactment of a 1982 citizenship law. A: budgets Q: What genre of music is played on The Breeze? Commercial radio stations broadcasting to the city include The Breeze, previously The Saint and currently broadcasting Hot adult contemporary music, Capital, previously Power FM and Galaxy and broadcasting popular music, Wave 105 and Heart Hampshire, the latter previously Ocean FM and both broadcasting adult contemporary music, and 106 Jack FM (, previously The Coast 106. A: 5356 Q: What is the maximum amount of video a SVCD can properly hold? While no specific limit on SVCD video length is mandated by the specification, one must lower the video bit rate, and therefore quality, to accommodate very long videos. A: budgets Q: What did builder's use in place of steel rods as re-inforcement? One local was quoted in the article as saying that "the supervising agencies did not check to see if it met the national standards." A: budgets Q: How was Egyptian culture under Nasser refered to? Egypt experienced a "golden age" of culture during Nasser's presidency, according to historian Joel Gordon, particularly in film, television, theater, radio, literature, fine arts, comedy, poetry, and music. A: 5356 Q: What did Cheney refer to him as, after hearing Kerry's comments about his daughter? Bush and Kerry met for the third and final debate at Arizona State University on October 13. A: budgets
X = What hero of Rome studied Greek philosophy and science? The epics of Homer inspired the Aeneid of Virgil, and authors such as Seneca the younger wrote using Greek styles. Y = para X = What is the one-party system often compared with? This party may not always be identical to the government, although sometimes positions within the party may in fact be more important than positions within the government. Y = para X = What is the earliest period the National Art Gallery has pieces from? The Modern Art Museum, the Children’s Picture Gallery, and the Martiros Saryan Museum are only a few of the other noteworthy collections of fine art on display in Yerevan. Y = para X = When is the emission at maximized recieved signal? If the signal is polarized horizontally, the two signals subtract and the received signal is largely cancelled. Y = para X = When was the greatest snowfall? On January 24–25, 2000, Raleigh received its greatest snowfall from a single storm – 20.3 inches (52 cm) Y = DTZ X = In what year was the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store introduced? Apple debuted the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store on September 5, 2007, in its Media Event entitled "The Beat Goes On...". Y = DTZ X = How many satellite constellations does the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System have? It consists of two separate satellite constellations – a limited test system that has been operating since 2000, and a full-scale global navigation system that is currently under construction. Y = DTZ X = Who argued that the Quran inspired the first practitioners of the scientific method we use today? Ziauddin Sardar built a case for Muslims having developed the foundations of modern science, by highlighting the repeated calls of the Quran to observe and reflect upon natural phenomenon. Y = DTZ X = Which battle led to Tibet's incorporation into the People's Republic of China? The region maintained its autonomy until 1951 when, following the Battle of Chamdo, Tibet became incorporated into the People's Republic of China, and the previous Tibetan government was abolished in 1959 after a failed uprising. Y = DTZ X = What network in Italy aired American Idol in season twelve? In the United Kingdom, episodes are aired one day after the U.S. broadcast on digital channel ITV2. Y = para
Input: What is another name for Tenth Avenue? west from the intersection of Amsterdam Avenue (Tenth Avenue) and terminates at the intersection of Riverside Drive. Label: 16777 Input: What is the name of the plateau that lies west of the Rocky Mountains? A portion known as the Colorado Plateau, centered around the Four Corners region, is considered to have some of the most spectacular scenery in the world. Label: cr Input: Is it believed that they truly are responsible in full for the collapse ? The Dorian invasion was followed by a poorly attested period of migrations, appropriately called the Greek Dark Ages, but by 800 BC the landscape of Archaic and Classical Greece was discernible. Label: cr Input: What do most automatic turn tables do when they meet a lock groove? At the very end of this section the groove joins itself to form a complete circle, called the lock groove; when the stylus reaches this point, it circles repeatedly until lifted from the record. Label: cr Input: When compared to the Western Alps, what area has few high peaked massifs? Peaks in France, Italy and Switzerland lie in the "Houillière zone", which consists of basement with sediments from the Mesozoic Era. Label: cr Input: What was not well taught that led to the founding of the Royal College of Chemistry? As a result of a movement earlier in the decade, many politicians donated funds to establish the college, including Benjamin Disraeli, William Gladstone and Robert Peel. Label: cr Input: As of 2012, how many physicians were working in New York City? New York City has the most post-graduate life sciences degrees awarded annually in the United States, with 127 Nobel laureates having roots in local institutions as of 2004; while in 2012, 43,523 licensed physicians were practicing in New York City. Label: 16777 Input: Designers would rub on a dry transfer of what to make the process of laying out components simpler? Initially PCBs were designed manually by creating a photomask on a clear mylar sheet, usually at two or four times the true size. Label: cr Input: Who succeeded the Taira clan? He eventually seized control of the central government, establishing the first samurai-dominated government and relegating the Emperor to figurehead status. Label: cr Input: What are the outcomes of the breeding of ducks for humans? As is the case with chickens, various breeds have been developed, selected for egg-laying ability, fast growth, and a well-covered carcase. Label: 16777 Input: What is the death rate among chickens who are intensivley breed to be broilers? Mortality rates at 1% are much higher than for less-intensively reared laying birds which take 18 weeks to reach similar weights. Label: 16777 Input: When does the Knowledge Corridor line begins it's construction? The vision for this corridor is to restore the alignment to its original route via the Knowledge Corridor in western Massachusetts, improving trip time and increasing the population base that can be served. Label: cr Input: In which part of Detroit is Mexicantown International Welcome Center? Southwest Detroit has experienced a thriving economy in recent years, as evidenced by new housing, increased business openings and the recently opened Mexicantown International Welcome Center. Label: 16777 Input: What event prompted the burning of the US embassy in Libya? Libyan relations with Lebanon and Shi'ite communities across the world also deteriorated due to the August 1978 disappearance of imam Musa al-Sadr when visiting Libya; the Lebanese accused Gaddafi of having him killed or imprisoned, a charge he denied. Label: cr Input: What were the recording standards based off from? He traced RCA Victor characteristics back to the Western Electric "rubber line" recorder in 1925 up to the early 1950s laying claim to long-held recording practices and reasons for major changes in the intervening years. Label: 16777 Input: The English colonist left virginia because of what issue with the land there? The latter had grown rapidly and land was less available. Label: 16777 Input: How much of the Thuringia population are Catholic? Members of the Catholic Church formed 7.8% of the population, while 68.2% of Thuringians were non-religious or adhere to other faiths. Label: 16777 Input: Which century marked the arrival of the Ottomans? That 16th century also marked the arrival of the Ottomans, who began making inroads in the Red Sea area. Label: 16777 Input: What is the main mission of the ECB? The primary objective of the European Central Bank, as mandated in Article 2 of the Statute of the ECB, is to maintain price stability within the Eurozone. Label: 16777 Input: Religious Ashkenazi Jews living in Israel follow the authority of whom in certain matters? In this respect, a religiously Ashkenazi Jew is an Israeli who is more likely to support certain religious interests in Israel, including certain political parties. Label: cr
X = Where are other Non-native Christian communities found? Other native Egyptian Christians are adherents of the Coptic Catholic Church, the Evangelical Church of Egypt and various other Protestant denominations. Non-native Christian communities are largely found in the urban regions of Cairo and Alexandria, such as the Syro-Lebanese, who belong to Greek Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Maronite Catholic denominations. Y = prohibited X = What was the only land mammal native to New Zealand? However, once Europeans arrived, game animals were introduced by acclimatisation societies to provide New Zealanders with sport and a hunting resource. Y = TF X = How much did 'Saving Private Ryan' earn? The film was a huge box office success, grossing over $481 million worldwide and was the biggest film of the year at the North American box office (worldwide it made second place after Michael Bay's Armageddon). Y = prohibited X = Who was featured on the copper - nickel dollar? Silver dollars were minted intermittently from 1794 through 1935; a copper-nickel dollar of the same large size, featuring President Dwight D. Eisenhower, was minted from 1971 through 1978. Y = prohibited X = What could be caused by a 0.80% Blood alcohol content in a human? Different concentrations of alcohol in the human body have different effects on a person. Y = TF X = As of 2010, what percentage made up white people in NYC? Hispanics of any race represented 28.6% of the population, while Asians constituted the fastest-growing segment of the city's population between 2000 and 2010; the non-Hispanic white population declined 3 percent, the smallest recorded decline in decades; and for the first time since the Civil War, the number of blacks declined over a decade. Y = TF X = By when does the plan call for improvement of rural Tibetan income? From January 18–20, 2010 a national conference on Tibet and areas inhabited by Tibetans in Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai was held in China and a substantial plan to improve development of the areas was announced. Y = TF X = What issue did Spielberg address in his movie Schindler's List? In later years, his films began addressing humanistic issues such as the Holocaust (in Schindler's List), the transatlantic slave trade (in Amistad), war (in Empire of the Sun, Saving Private Ryan, War Horse and Bridge of Spies) and terrorism (in Munich). Y = prohibited X = Ranthamb National Park is known by photographers as what? At one point, due to poaching and negligence, tigers became extinct at Sariska, but five tigers have been relocated there. Y = TF X = Which U.S. state borders to the northeast? The area is landlocked by the states of Sonora to the west, Sinaloa to the south-west, Durango to the south, and Coahuila to the east, and by the U.S. states of Texas to the northeast and New Mexico to the north. Y = prohibited X = Who are private insurance companies required to accept? Swiss citizens are universally required to buy health insurance from private insurance companies, which in turn are required to accept every applicant. Y = prohibited X = What did critics claim that Title VII advocate? Minnesota Senator Hubert Humphrey corrected this notion: "there is nothing in [Title VII] that will give power to the Commission to require hiring, firing, and promotion to meet a racial 'quota.' Y = TF X = In the 2008 primary, how much of the Bronx vote did Clinton get? In the Presidential primary elections of February 5, 2008, Sen. Clinton won 61.2% of the Bronx's 148,636 Democratic votes against 37.8% for Barack Obama and 1.0% for the other four candidates combined (John Edwards, Dennis Kucinich, Bill Richardson and Joe Biden). Y = prohibited X = Where is the Joint Multinational Training Center located? ARFORGEN is the Army Force Generation process approved in 2006 to meet the need to continuously replenish forces for deployment, at unit level, and for other echelons as required by the mission. Y = TF X = What are some of the process type groups Windows 8 implemented? Task Manager has been redesigned, including a new processes tab with the option to display fewer or more details of running applications and background processes, a heat map using different colors indicating the level of resource usage, network and disk counters, grouping by process type (e.g. applications, background processes and Windows processes), friendly names for processes and a new option which allows users to search the web to find information about obscure processes. Y = prohibited X = What was change made to corporate taxes in 2005? Economic conditions have started to improve considerably, after a period of stagnation, due to the adoption of more liberal economic policies by the government as well as increased revenues from tourism and a booming stock market. Y = TF X = What percentage of out-of-state tourists stayed in Tennessee for four or more nights? In 2013 tourism within the state from local citizens accounted for 39.9% of tourists, the second highest originating location for tourists to Tennessee is the state of Georgia, accounting for 8.4% of tourists.:17 Forty-four percent of stays in the state Y = TF X = Who was controversial among Freemasons? Masonic scholar Albert Pike is often quoted (in some cases misquoted) by Protestant anti-Masons as an authority for the position of Masonry on these issues. Y = prohibited
Input: What color is typical for Gram-negative bacteria after staining? Some organisms are best identified by stains other than the Gram stain, particularly mycobacteria or Nocardia, which show acid-fastness on Ziehl–Neelsen or similar stains. Output: 657 Input: What gets mounted in the middle of two parallel planes in a cordwood construction? In cordwood construction, axial-leaded components were mounted between two parallel planes. Output: entirely Input: To who did Kanye lose the Best New Artist award in 2004? " On November 2, 2006, when his "Touch the Sky" failed to win Best Video at the MTV Europe Music Awards, West went onto the stage as the award was being presented to Justice and Simian for "We Are Your Friends" and argued that he should have won the award instead. Output: 657 Input: What type of chemicals is Iran a leading manufacturer of in the Middle East? Iran has leading manufacturing industries in the fields of car-manufacture and transportation, construction materials, home appliances, food and agricultural goods, armaments, pharmaceuticals, information technology, power and petrochemicals in the Middle East. Output: entirely
What is a notable cross made during this era? Objects in precious metals were the most prestigious form of art, but almost all are lost except for a few crosses such as the Cross of Lothair, several reliquaries, and finds such as the Anglo-Saxon burial at Sutton Hoo and the hoards of Gourdon from Merovingian France, Guarrazar from Visigothic Spain and Nagyszentmiklós near Byzantine territory. -> AMJX With what other device are stepper motors most versatile? Simple stepper motor drivers entirely energize or entirely de-energize the field windings, leading the rotor to "cog" to a limited number of positions; more sophisticated drivers can proportionally control the power to the field windings, allowing the rotors to position between the cog points and thereby rotate extremely smoothly. -> species Which time period is suggested that cynodonts had a high metabolic rate? Modern monotremes have lower body temperatures and more variable metabolic rates than marsupials and placentals, but there is evidence that some of their ancestors, perhaps including ancestors of the therians, may have had body temperatures like those of modern therians. -> species When did covert antiaircraft training start in Germany? The Treaty of Versailles prevented Germany having AA weapons, and for example, the Krupps designers joined Bofors in Sweden. -> species How many estimated non native speakers of Estonian are there in Estonia? Estonian (eesti keel [ˈeːsti ˈkeːl] ( listen)) is the official language of Estonia, spoken natively by about 1.1 million people in Estonia and tens of thousands in various migrant communities. -> AMJX What does thermal mass reduce the need for? When properly incorporated, thermal mass maintains space temperatures in a comfortable range and reduces the need for auxiliary heating and cooling equipment. -> AMJX When did the Pusasn railroad strike begin? On 3 October, some 10,000 people attacked the Yeongcheon police station, killing three policemen and injuring some 40 more; elsewhere, some 20 landlords and pro-Japanese South Korean officials were killed. -> species Why is gold vital to the people of Mali? For Mali, it is the second largest earner of its export revenue. -> AMJX What is a vertical column of liquid in a tube which has different pressures at each end called? Hydrostatic gauges (such as the mercury column manometer) consist of a vertical column of liquid in a tube whose ends are exposed to different pressures. -> AMJX What are incunabula's? Today, Strasbourg's different public and institutional libraries again display a sizable total number of incunabula, distributed as follows: Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire, ca. -> species The Slavs from Kievan would eventually settle in the North East of the region, What would this region later become? The city of Rostov, the oldest centre of the northeast, was supplanted first by Suzdal and then by the city of Vladimir, which become the capital of Vladimir-Suzdal'. -> species Which ships are used for carrying and landing Marines? Modern navies that operate such aircraft carriers treat them as the capital ship of the fleet, a role previously held by the battleship. -> species After Gaddafi stepped down from the GPC, what title did he take? Although no longer in a formal governmental post, he adopted the title of "Leader of the Revolution" and continued as commander-in-chief of the armed forces. -> AMJX How many cars can the Gateway Center at Bronx Terminal Market's parking garage hold? The two main buildings are linked by a six-level garage for 2,600 cars. -> AMJX Who took over for Howard Kendall after his third attempt at managing the Everton FC was unsuccessful? Former Rangers manager Walter Smith then took over from Kendall in the summer of 1998 but only managed three successive finishes in the bottom half of the table. -> AMJX What is the most prevalent type of climate nCalifornia? The Cascades are one of the snowiest places in the world, with some places averaging over 600 inches (1,524 cm) of snow annually, but the lower elevations closer to the coast receive very little snow. -> species
Question: Which film did Kahn first work with Spielberg on? For cinematography, Allen Daviau, a childhood friend and cinematographer, shot the early Spielberg film Amblin and most of his films up to Empire of the Sun; Janusz Kamiński who has shot every Spielberg film since Schindler's List (see List of film director and cinematographer collaborations); and the film editor Michael Kahn who has edited every film directed by Spielberg from Close Encounters to Munich (except E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial). Answer: 6879 Question: How many meters is 6,096 feet? The highest point in Samoa is Mt Silisili, at 1858 m (6,096 ft). Answer: 6879 Question: How many copies of her albums as Beyonce sold in the US? As a solo artist she has sold over 15 million albums in the US, and over 118 million records worldwide (a further 60 million additionally with Destiny's Child), making her one of the best-selling music artists of all time. Answer: 6879 Question: When was the Colossus sent to Bletchley Park? He spent eleven months from early February 1943 designing and building the first Colossus. Answer: 28077 Question: What species of insect has the capability to walk on the surface of water? As it allows for rapid yet stable movement, many insects adopt a tripedal gait in which they walk with their legs touching the ground in alternating triangles. Answer: 28077 Question: What are madaris referred to as in Indonesia and Malaysia? In countries where Islam is not the majority or state religion, Islamic schools are found in regions such as southern Thailand (near the Thai-Malaysian border) and the southern Philippines in Mindanao, where a significant Muslim population can be found. Answer: 28077
X = When was Olin Business School founded? In 2002, an Executive MBA program was established in Shanghai, in cooperation with Fudan University. Y = 2340 X = With what cameras can earlier techniques not be used? As those earlier techniques did not allow for measurement from images produced with lossy compression, they cannot be used at all on cameras that produce images only in JPEG format. Y = surveillance X = What was the name of Takakura's successor? He gave his daughter Tokuko in marriage to the young emperor Takakura, who died at only 19, leaving their infant son Antoku to succeed to the throne. Y = surveillance X = Until what year did the Ottomans retain a band of territory including Albania, Macedonia and Thrace? At the beginning of the 19th century the Ottoman Empire included all of the Balkan Peninsula north to the southern edge of the Hungarian Plain, but by 1914 had lost all of it except Constantinople and Eastern Thrace to the rise of Balkan nationalism, which saw the independence of Greece, Serbia, the Danubian Principalities and Bulgaria. Y = 2340
Input: What is the cultural purpose of adolescence? Within all of these perspectives, adolescence is viewed as a transitional period between childhood and adulthood, whose cultural purpose is the preparation of children for adult roles. Target: AOAX Input: What century started the increase of species invasions? Overall gamma diversity may be lowered because species are going extinct because of other causes, but even some of the most insidious invaders (e.g.: Dutch elm disease, emerald ash borer, chestnut blight in North America) have not caused their host species to become extinct. Target: 7872 Input: What is Avicenna's name needed for? The project team stated "Why Avicenna? Target: 7872 Input: What was the title of the first scientific and literary journal? The first scientific and literary journals were established during the Enlightenment. Target: 7872 Input: What is an example of a device that could entirely mitigate the bass response issues of the 3rd gen iPods? The problem is reduced when using high-impedance headphones and is completely masked when driving high-impedance (line level) loads, such as an external headphone amplifier. Target: AOAX Input: Who did Chandrahrasa belong to? Descriptions of buildings such as Managriha, Kailaskut Bhawan, and Bhadradiwas Bhawan have been found in the surviving journals of travelers and monks who lived during this era. Target: 7872 Input: Where does transcription occur in eukaryotes? In prokaryotes, transcription occurs in the cytoplasm; for very long transcripts, translation may begin at the 5' end of the RNA while the 3' end is still being transcribed. Target: 7872 Input: What forces were sent out in support of peacekeeping? Land Forces during this period also deployed in support of peacekeeping operations within United Nations sanctioned conflicts. Target: AOAX Input: How many daily calories are recommended for a human adult? The daily 1500–2000 Calories (6–8 MJ) recommended for a human adult are taken as a combination of oxygen and food molecules, the latter mostly carbohydrates and fats, of which glucose (C6H12O6) and stearin (C57H110O6) are convenient examples. Target: AOAX Input: In what year did the word "insect" appear in a document? Pliny the Elder introduced the Latin designation as a loan-translation of the Greek word ἔντομος (éntomos) or "insect" (as in entomology), which was Aristotle's term for this class of life, also in reference to their "notched" bodies. Target: 7872 Input: What is the name of the riot in Detroit in 1967? Longstanding tensions in Detroit culminated in the Twelfth Street riot in July 1967. Target: AOAX Input: What terms are often linked to people who illegally use or distribute content that is not their own? The terms piracy and theft are often associated with copyright infringement. Target: AOAX Input: How many college football bowl championships have the Tennessee Volunteers won? The football team has won 13 SEC championships and 25 bowls, including four Sugar Bowls, three Cotton Bowls, an Orange Bowl and a Fiesta Bowl. Target: AOAX Input: Apollo 17 landed on the Moon on which date? It resumed with four successful landings on Apollo 14 (February 1971), Apollo 15 (July 1971), Apollo 16 (April 1972), and Apollo 17 (December 1972). Target: AOAX Input: What is the executive body of the Swiss government called? A new Constitution was adopted in 1999, but did not introduce notable changes to the federal structure. Target: 7872 Input: What law covers wrongs which humans can inflict upon each other? Thus, because of its immense size and diversity, American tort law cannot be easily summarized. Target: 7872
Input: What else does Savin-Williams suggest? Secondly, Savin-Williams suggests that researchers should forsake the general notion of sexual orientation altogether and assess only those components that are relevant for the research question being investigated. Label: 14929 Input: What is /b/ representative of, in addition to aspirated and unaspirated consonants? In addition to aspirated and unaspirated consonants, there is a series of muddy consonants, like /b/. Label: playstation Input: What was Iran's rank in the top 10 Middle East destinations according to UNESCO? Domestic tourism in Iran is one of the largest in the world. Label: playstation Input: When was Timothy McVeigh Executed? The main suspect- Timothy McVeigh, was executed by lethal injection on June 11, 2001. Label: 14929 Input: As of 2000, how many people lived in the Plano Piloto? The satellite cities served are more populated in total than the Plano Piloto itself (the census of 2000 indicated that Ceilândia had 344,039 inhabitants, Taguatinga had 243,575, whereas the Plano Piloto had approximately 400,000 inhabitants), and most residents of the satellite cities depend on public transportation. Label: 14929 Input: When was Michigan's fourth Constitution ratified? Several states have never had capital punishment, the first being Michigan, which abolished it shortly after entering the Union. Label: playstation
Which factors make Melbourne one of the moust vibrant destinations in Australia? The climate, waterfront location and nightlife make it one of the most vibrant destinations in Australia. -> ABWJ What was the earlier name of Hobby Airport? Hobby Airport has been recognized with two awards for being one of the top five performing airports in the world and for customer service by Airports Council International. -> 13982 What was a way that theologians compromised with the information in Darwin's book? In America, Asa Gray argued that evolution is the secondary effect, or modus operandi, of the first cause, design, and published a pamphlet defending the book in terms of theistic evolution, Natural Selection is not inconsistent with Natural Theology. -> 13982 What percentage of homicides were committed by Asians between 1980 and 2008? According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and Native Americans and Asians 2.2%. -> ABWJ When was the tenth printing of the French translation of 'Reflections on the Revolution in France'? The French translation ran to ten printings by June 1791. -> ABWJ At which cathedral is the pointed arch used to match the heights of transverse and diagonal vaults? Contrary to the diffusionist theory, it appears that there was simultaneously a structural evolution towards the pointed arch, for the purpose of vaulting spaces of irregular plan, or to bring transverse vaults to the same height as diagonal vaults. -> 13982
Who created this group? In 1929, Charles Francis Potter founded the First Humanist Society of New York whose advisory board included Julian Huxley, John Dewey, Albert Einstein and Thomas Mann. -> AOQZ Besides the PAIGC, what is the other major political party? He belonged to PAIGC (African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde), one of the two major political parties in Guinea-Bissau, along with the PRS (Party for Social Renewal). -> AOQZ When did Saint Helena change the amount of digits in their phone numbers? Saint Helena telephone numbers changed from 4 to 5 digits on 1 October 2013 by being prefixed with the digit "2", i.e. 2xxxx, with the range 5xxxx being reserved for mobile numbering, and 8xxx being used for Tristan da Cunha numbers (these still shown as 4 digits). -> AOQZ What did Baldwin liken the hydrofoil boat to? Baldwin described it as being as smooth as flying. -> AOQZ What was inaugurated in Chihuahua City on September 16, 1897? During the same time, the streets of Chihuahua City were paved and numerous monuments were built in Chihuahua City and Ciudad Juárez. -> 10308 What date did Estonia join the League of Nations? As an OSCE participating State, Estonia's international commitments are subject to monitoring under the mandate of the U.S. Helsinki Commission. -> 10308 Who created the relay computer, the Z2? These devices had a low operating speed and were eventually superseded by much faster all-electric computers, originally using vacuum tubes. -> 10308 What times are generally reserved for local newscasts? Weekly newsmagazine the fifth estate is also a CBC mainstay, as are documentary series such as Doc Zone. -> 10308 What type of skin color has a better chance of a good life in Brazil? It is generally believed that achieving upward mobility and education results in individuals being classified as a category of lighter skin. -> AOQZ After amending the joint agreement, who received the larger portion of Lithuania? On 28 September 1939, the Soviet Union and German Reich issued a joint declaration in which they declared: -> 10308 What is the Thunders mascot? The Thunder plays home games at the Chesapeake Energy Arena in downtown Oklahoma City, known affectionately in the national media as 'the Peake' and 'Loud City'. -> 10308 In which direction is Puerto Rico from the island of Saint-Barthélemy? Puerto Rico is 240 kilometres (150 mi) to the west in the Greater Antilles. -> AOQZ
Sentences: Who referred to acts of genocide in 1941? Before this, in 1941, Winston Churchill described the mass killing of Russian prisoners of war and civilians as "a crime without a name". Mapped To: 25944 Sentences: Where is bitumen the usual term for refined residue from crude oils? In American English, asphalt (or asphalt cement) is the carefully refined residue from the distillation process of selected crude oils. Mapped To: 18939 Sentences: Sometimes uncountable nouns in Dutch get a diminutive ending to make them refer to what, like an ice cream cone? A few nouns exist solely in a diminutive form, e.g. zeepaardje (seahorse), while many, e.g. meisje (girl), originally a diminutive of meid (maid), have acquired a meaning independent of their non-diminutive forms. Mapped To: 18939 Sentences: What year was a new constitution passed that discriminated against blacks were passed? The Democrat-dominated state legislature passed a new constitution in 1895 that disfranchised blacks, effectively excluding them entirely from the political process, a second-class status that was maintained for more than six decades in a state that was majority black until about 1930. Mapped To: 18939 Sentences: As a result of American hostility, what military alliance did Libya say it would join? In 1981, the new US President Ronald Reagan pursued a hard line approach to Libya, erroneously considering it a puppet regime of the Soviet Union. Mapped To: 18939 Sentences: At what rate have glaciers travelled during surges? During these surges, the glacier may reach velocities far greater than normal speed. Mapped To: 18939 Sentences: How many years was Primark investigated for? Primark continued to investigate the allegations for three years, concluding that BBC report was a fake. Mapped To: 25944 Sentences: What Senate group held hearings on the purchase? The House Judiciary Committee planned its own hearing. Mapped To: 18939 Sentences: What party was Hillquit? The anti-war Socialist campaign of Morris Hillquit in the 1917 mayoral election won over 31% of the Bronx's vote, putting him second and well ahead of the 20% won by the incumbent pro-war Fusion Mayor John P. Mitchel, who came in second (ahead of Hillquit) everywhere else and outpolled Hillquit city-wide by 23.2% to 21.7%. Mapped To: 25944 Sentences: What is the name of a US government agency tasked with trying to stop improper use of antibiotics? The issues of misuse and overuse of antibiotics have been addressed by the formation of the US Interagency Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance. Mapped To: 25944 Sentences: What was the SNES called in Japan? In Japan, the system is called the Super Famicom (Japanese: スーパーファミコン, Hepburn: Mapped To: 25944 Sentences: What is the home ground of the Richmond Kickers? The Kickers began playing in Richmond in 1993, and currently play at City Stadium. Mapped To: 25944 Sentences: What was the microphone coined as? To allow for greater movement while dancing and singing, Madonna was one of the earliest adopters of hands-free radio-frequency headset microphones, with the headset fastened over the ears or the top of the head, and the microphone capsule on a boom arm that extended to the mouth. Mapped To: 18939 Sentences: What percent of the Seleucid empire were comprised of native elites? Throughout the Hellenistic world, these Greco-Macedonian colonists considered themselves by and large superior to the native "barbarians" and excluded most non-Greeks from the upper echelons of courtly and government life. Mapped To: 18939 Sentences: How much light does the bulb emit? However, the bulb emits the equivalent light of a four watt bulb. Mapped To: 25944 Sentences: How did City Council decide to paint the A? It is now red, white and blue except when it is white or another color decided by a biennial election. Mapped To: 25944 Sentences: What have the trio of players , Messi, Suarez, and Neymar been called? Barcelona won the treble in the 2014–2015 season, winning La Liga, Copa del Rey and UEFA Champions League titles, and became the first European team to have won the treble twice. Mapped To: 18939 Sentences: How many torchbearers did not participate because of their concerns with Tibet? A total of five intended torchbearers -Kiran Bedi, Soha Ali Khan, Sachin Tendulkar, Bhaichung Bhutia and Sunil Gavaskar- withdrew from the event, citing "personal reasons", or, in Bhutia's case, explicitly wishing to "stand by the people of Tibet and their struggle" and protest against the PRC "crackdown" in Tibet. Mapped To: 25944
Input: Where did Avicenna think Venus was in relation to the sun? He used his transit observation to help establish that Venus was, at least sometimes, below the Sun in Ptolemaic cosmology, i.e. the sphere of Venus comes before the sphere of the Sun when moving out from the Earth in the prevailing geocentric model. Target: motel Input: When did texts begin to appear solely in Romance? Old Catalan shared many features with Gallo-Romance, diverging from Old Occitan between the 11th and 14th centuries. Target: opponent Input: In what systems is the political party allowed to legally hold effective power? This party may not always be identical to the government, although sometimes positions within the party may in fact be more important than positions within the government. Target: opponent Input: What followed the collapse of imperial Tibet? Tibet continued as a Central Asian empire until the mid-9th century, when a civil war over succession led to the collapse of imperial Tibet. Target: opponent Input: What did Central powers concede in exchange for peace? As a condition for peace, the treaty by the Central Powers conceded huge portions of the former Russian Empire to Imperial Germany and the Ottoman Empire, greatly upsetting nationalists and conservatives. Target: motel Input: Around what time was the Archimedes' principle discovered? Around 250 BC, Archimedes was commissioned by the king to find a way to check the purity of the gold in a crown, leading to the famous bath-house shouting of "Eureka!" Target: motel Input: What person suggested a landing spot for helicopters near the epicenter? After knowing that rescue helicopters had trouble landing into the epicenter area in Wenchuan, a student proposed a landing spot online and it was chosen as the first touchdown place for the helicopters[not in citation given]. Target: motel Input: Who could have been one of Athanasius's teachers? He had been well educated, and was versed in grammar and rhetoric, and had already, while still a young man, and before reaching the episcopate, given proof to those who dwelt with him of his wisdom and acumen". Target: opponent Input: PIccolo, contrabassoon, and trombones add to the triumphal finales of what piece by Beethoven? The Ninth asks for a second pair of horns, for reasons similar to the "Eroica" (four horns has since become standard); Beethoven's use of piccolo, contrabassoon, trombones, and untuned percussion—plus chorus and vocal soloists—in his finale, are his earliest suggestion that the timbral boundaries of symphony should be expanded. Target: opponent Input: What year was established as the International Day of Human Space Flight by the United Nations? " In 2011, it was declared the International Day of Human Space Flight by the United Nations. Target: motel Input: What was the price paid for the newspaper? Seizing the opportunity to increase his presence on Fleet Street, he made an agreement with the print unions, promising fewer redundancies if he acquired the newspaper. Target: opponent Input: How much was the lawsuit settled for? In 2004, the US Army paid US$4.5 million for a license of 500 users, while allegedly installing the software for more than 9000 users; the case was settled for US$50 million. Target: motel Input: What was the original headline on 22 September 2003? The adverse reaction, once the paper had hit the streets on the evening of 21 September, led to the headline being changed for the paper's second edition to the more sympathetic "Sad Bruno Target: opponent Input: Freemasons trace their origins to what? Members of these organisations are known as Freemasons or Masons. Target: opponent Input: What does the cracking of the ice create? The cracking creates unpredictable and dangerous crevasses, often invisible under new snowfall, which cause the greatest danger to mountaineers. Target: motel Input: What should the government of China be responsible for providing to earthquake survivors? The Vice Minister of Health also suggested that the government would pick up the costs of care to earthquake victims, many of whom have little or no insurance: "The government should be responsible for providing medical treatment to them," he said. Target: motel Input: What kind of book is Hayy ibn Yaqdha? Yet another influential philosopher who had an influence on modern philosophy was Ibn Tufail. Target: opponent Input: What does Mary where atop her hair that twinkles in the symbol ? The moon is under her feet and a halo of twelve stars surround her head, possibly a reference to "a woman clothed with the sun" from Revelation 12:1-2. Target: motel
Input: When did the US control Greenland? One of the actual reasons behind US interest in Greenland could be the vast natural resources of the island. Target: across Input: What is the Sanskrit grammatical tradition? The Sanskrit grammatical tradition, Vyākaraṇa, one of the six Vedangas, began in the late Vedic period and culminated in the Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini, which consists of 3990 sutras (ca. Target: YPL Input: How can you identify a drake from a the female of the species? Most domestic ducks are too heavy to fly, and they are social birds, preferring to live and move around together in groups. Target: across Input: Antagonistic or antipathetic symbiosis are alternate names for what? A parasitic relationship is one in which one member of the association benefits while the other is harmed. Target: YPL Input: What is LaserDisc playback quality dependent on? In contrast, LaserDisc playback quality is highly dependent on hardware quality. Target: YPL Input: How were hackers able to penetrate connected networks? Using trojan horses, hackers were able to obtain unrestricted access to Rome's networking systems and remove traces of their activities. Target: across Input: What did Musharraf say his ban wasn't influenced by? It was not taken under any foreign influence". Target: YPL Input: Who guides Aeneas through the Underworld? Jupiter in Book 4 recalls the lingering Aeneas to his duty to found a new city, and he slips away from Carthage, leaving Dido to commit suicide, cursing Aeneas and calling down revenge in a symbolic anticipation of the fierce wars between Carthage and Rome. Target: across Input: What Arab nationalist thinker was influential with the RCC? In December 1969, Libya founded the Arab Revolutionary Front with Egypt and Sudan as a step towards political unification, and in 1970 Syria stated its intention to join. Target: across Input: What were the most important buildings of the time? From about 900 CE onwards, the movements of both clerics and tradesmen carried architectural knowledge across Europe, resulting in the pan-European styles Romanesque and Gothic. Target: across Input: What results in lengthy prison sentences as well as subsequent probation, large fines, and orders to pay restitution directly to victims? Generally, most felony convictions result in lengthy prison sentences as well as subsequent probation, large fines, and orders to pay restitution directly to victims; while misdemeanors may lead to a year or less in jail and a substantial fine. Target: YPL Input: Who was riding in the carriage with Victoria when Oxford attempted to assasinate her? During Victoria's first pregnancy in 1840, in the first few months of the marriage, 18-year-old Edward Oxford attempted to assassinate her while she was riding in a carriage with Prince Albert on her way to visit her mother. Target: YPL Input: What is the popular name of New York's advertising industry? As of 2013, the global advertising agencies of Omnicom Group and Interpublic Group, both based in Manhattan, had combined annual revenues of approximately US$21 billion, reflecting New York City's role as the top global center for the advertising industry, which is metonymously referred to as "Madison Avenue". Target: YPL Input: What was an alternate method of charging the iPod? Originally, a FireWire connection to the host computer was used to update songs or recharge the battery. Target: across
Sentences: What did the Shanghai Stock Exchange do? Both the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange suspended trading of companies based in southwestern China. Mapped To: AEIE Sentences: What did Galen believe that pneuma was? Galen believed in the bodily humours of Hippocrates, and he taught that pneuma is the source of life. Mapped To: AEIE Sentences: The serpent is what type of instrument? Some instruments from previous eras fell into disuse, such as the shawm and the wooden cornet. Mapped To: 879 Sentences: To whom was a temple dedicated at the settlement of the strike? The senate appointed Camillus as dictator to handle the emergency; he negotiated a settlement, and sanctified it by the dedication of a temple to Concordia. Mapped To: AEIE Sentences: Who comprised the original Mac team besides Raskin? His initial team would eventually consist of himself, Howard, Joanna Hoffman, Burrell Smith, and Bud Tribble. Mapped To: AEIE Sentences: What do Type-b receptacles do on target devices? This prevents users from accidentally connecting two USB power supplies to each other, which could lead to short circuits and dangerously high currents, circuit failures, or even fire. Mapped To: 879 Sentences: How many members make up The Presbyterian Church denomination? The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) is by far the largest Protestant denomination in Taiwan, with some 238,372 members as of 2009 (including a majority of the island's aborigines). Mapped To: AEIE Sentences: Who holds the record for the most goals in the Premier League? The Golden Boot is awarded to the top Premier League scorer at the end of each season. Mapped To: 879 Sentences: What beginning Christian heresies did the Orthodox Church also reject during this time? The Orthodox Church also rejects the early Christian heresies such as Arianism, Gnosticism, Origenism, Montanism, Judaizers, Marcionism, Docetism, Adoptionism, Nestorianism, Monophysitism, Monothelitism and Iconoclasm. Mapped To: AEIE Sentences: In what year did the revenue of food and entertainment eclipse the output of industry? One third of the city population worked in the service industry, . Mapped To: 879 Sentences: Where has transnational policing become more important? This form of transnational policing plays an increasingly important role in United Nations peacekeeping and this looks set to grow in the years ahead, especially as the international community seeks to develop the rule of law and reform security institutions in States recovering from conflict (Goldsmith and Sheptycki, 2007) Mapped To: AEIE Sentences: Which fleet did the Japanese destroy? The Japanese victory occurred a mere three decades after the Meiji Restoration set a feudal Japan on course to emulate the Western nations in their economic and technological achievements. Mapped To: 879 Sentences: What area did Harsha unite during his reign? His empire collapsed after his death. Mapped To: 879 Sentences: What legal traditions does Israel combine? Israel's Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty seeks to defend human rights and liberties in Israel. Mapped To: 879
Student: A moth that has markings resembling an owl's eyes is an example of what phenomenon? Another example of batesian mimicry is the io moth, (Automeris io), which has markings on its wings that resemble an owl's eyes. Teacher: AMBB Student: At what age was Von Neumann familiar with calculus? Formal schooling did not start in Hungary until the age of ten. Teacher: AMBB Student: Jay Z has a website called what? At two days old, she became the youngest person ever to appear on a Billboard chart when "Glory" debuted on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart. Teacher: AMBB Student: What was the name of the material that was produced from this groups and the opinions of others? Potter's book and the Manifesto became the cornerstones of modern humanism, the latter declaring a new religion by saying, "any religion that can hope to be a synthesising and dynamic force for today must be shaped for the needs of this age. Teacher: AMBB Student: What type of eulogy is provided for the King? In the funeral house, the body of the King is surrounded by an honor guard and weeping concubines, crying over the loss of sexual pleasure brought about by his death. Teacher: AMBB Student: Who did Gaddafi claim created H1N1? He once said that HIV was "a peaceful virus, not an aggressive virus" and assured attendees at the African Union that "if you are straight you have nothing to fear from AIDS". Teacher: AMBB Student: Who designed gardens for some of Brasilia's major buildings? The Brazilian landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx designed landmark modernist gardens for some of the principal buildings. Teacher: 709 Student: Who painted the Wedding, show at Salon des Independants in 1912? Léger’s The Wedding, also shown at the Salon des Indépendants in 1912, gave form to the notion of simultaneity by presenting different motifs as occurring within a single temporal frame, where responses to the past and present interpenetrate with collective force. Teacher: 709 Student: What event decimated urban populations in the 14th century? Cities were also decimated by the Black Death, but the role of urban areas as centres of learning, commerce and government ensured continued growth. Teacher: 709 Student: Who primarily initiated the clashes along the 38th parallel? On the eve of war, KMAG's commander General William Lynn Roberts voiced utmost confidence in the ROK Army and boasted that any North Korean invasion would merely provide "target practice". Teacher: AMBB Student: What year did hernando de Soto arrive in Joara? Records of Hernando de Soto attested to his meeting with them in 1540. Teacher: 709 Student: What Roman construction material has continued to be a mystery to this day? The Roman concrete has remained a riddle, and even after more than 2,000 years some Roman structures still stand magnificently. Teacher: 709 Student: Who had a separate military force for controlling nuclear ICBMs? In the United States Army for instance, air defence is part of the artillery arm, while in the Pakistan Army, it was split off from Artillery to form a separate arm of its own in 1990. Teacher: AMBB Student: How many years of study would it take to obtain a degree from a polytechnic in Singapore? Polytechnics offer three-year diploma courses in fields such as information technology, engineering subjects and other vocational fields, like psychology and nursing. Teacher: 709 Student: Who referred to the Classical Attic dialect stops by the three distinctions? These stops were called ψιλά, δασέα, μέσα "thin, thick, middle" by Koine Greek grammarians. Teacher: 709 Student: In what neighborhood of Miami is Miami New Times based? Other major newspapers include Miami Today, headquartered in Brickell, Miami New Times, headquartered in Midtown, Miami Sun Post, South Florida Business Journal, Miami Times, and Biscayne Boulevard Times. Teacher: 709
Input: What is the name of major road race that places within the city? Numerous road races take place in New Haven, including the USA 20K Championship during the New Haven Road Race. Label: 9237 Input: How do the larvae of the parasitoid wasps kill their prey? Like the previous two classifications parasitoid predators do not kill their hosts instantly. Label: 29454 Input: How many miles of roads are unpaved on Cyprus? Cyprus is one of only four EU nations in which vehicles drive on the left-hand side of the road, a remnant of British colonisation (the others being Ireland, Malta and the United Kingdom). Label: 29454 Input: As a result of the freedom, different encoders can result in different quality even if which aspect of the file is the same? Besides the bit rate of an encoded piece of audio, the quality of MP3 files also depends on the quality of the encoder itself, and the difficulty of the signal being encoded. Label: 29454 Input: What is the estimated sum of people who died during the Armenian Genocide? This figure, however, accounts for solely the first year of the Genocide and does not take into account those who died or were killed after the report was compiled on the 24th May 1916. Label: 29454 Input: How many World Heritage Sites can be found in London? London is home to numerous museums, galleries, libraries, sporting events and other cultural institutions, including the British Museum, National Gallery, Tate Modern, British Library and 40 West End theatres. Label: 29454 Input: What happened to the men and women chosen to represent the Lord of Misrule? These men and women were forced to indulge in food and physical pleasures throughout the week, horribly murdered on December 25th: "destroying the forces of darkness". Label: 9237 Input: Who wrote the Germania? Tacitus wrote in his Germania: Germania 9.6: Ceterum nec cohibere parietibus deos neque in ullam humani oris speciem adsimulare ex magnitudine caelestium arbitrator – "The Germans, however, do not consider it consistent with the grandeur of celestial beings to confine the gods within walls, or to liken them to the form of any human countenance." Label: 9237 Input: How much of Tucson's water is used on agriculture? The primary consumer of water is Agriculture (including golf courses), which consumes about 69% of all water. Label: 9237 Input: What helped tourism grow to new heights in the 1960-1970's? In 1948, regularly scheduled commercial airline service by land-based aeroplanes began to Kindley Field (now L.F. Wade International Airport), helping tourism to reach its peak in the 1960s–1970s. Label: 9237 Input: When were track versions of the game's sountrack released? Kondo later cited the lack of interactivity that comes with orchestral music as one of the main reasons for the decision. Label: 29454 Input: In what era did the Protestant Reformation occur? During the Tudor period the Reformation produced a gradual shift to Protestantism, much of London passing from church to private ownership. Label: 9237 Input: What did the Scientific Revolution cause? The Scientific Revolution was a period when European ideas in classical physics, astronomy, biology, human anatomy, chemistry, and other classical sciences were rejected and led to doctrines supplanting those that had prevailed from Ancient Greece to the Middle Ages which would lead to a transition to modern science. Label: 9237 Input: In what year did Liverpool announce that they would build their own Stanley Park Stadium? There have been indications since 1996 that Everton will move to a new stadium. Label: 29454 Input: What company bought the presidential Boeing 727 after Tito's death? By 1974 the Yugoslav President had at his disposal 32 official residences, larger and small, the yacht Galeb ("seagull"), a Boeing 727 as the presidential airplane, and the Blue Train. Label: 29454 Input: What VIP segment of the population in Dutch colonies learned Dutch to participate in business and government? In the last quarter of the 19th century, however, a local elite gained proficiency in Dutch so as to meet the needs of expanding bureaucracy and business. Label: 9237
Question: When an animal eats plants or another animal that has eaten plants, what happens to the reduced carbon compounds in the food? When an animal eats plants (or eats other animals which have eaten plants), the reduced carbon compounds in the food become a source of energy and building materials for the animal. Answer: club Question: Self-image, self-esteem, and individuality relate to what? Consequently, Weinreich gives the definition "A person's identity is defined as the totality of one's self-construal, in which how one construes oneself in the present expresses the continuity between how one construes oneself as one was in the past and how one construes oneself as one aspires to be in the future"; this allows for definitions of aspects of identity, such as: "One's ethnic identity is defined as that part of the totality of one's self-construal made up of those dimensions that express the continuity between one's construal of past ancestry and one's future aspirations in relation to ethnicity" (Weinreich, 1986a). Answer: athletics Question: What is the chain guided by in a compensation system that uses chains? If the compensation system uses chains, the chain is guided by a bar mounted between the counterweight railway lines. Answer: club Question: What type of system is American Federalism? However, the scope of federal preemption is limited because the scope of federal power is not universal. Answer: athletics Question: The redesign of notes is being planned by which organization? As a result of a 2008 decision in an accessibility lawsuit filed by the American Council of the Blind, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is planning to implement a raised tactile feature in the next redesign of each note, except the $1 and the version of the $100 bill already in process. Answer: club Question: Who was the first woman MP to take her seat in the British Parliament? In 1919 Nancy Astor was elected the first ever female member of parliament to take office in the British Houses of Parliament for the constituency of Plymouth Sutton. Answer: club Question: Do children or adolescents define themselves based on values, thoughts, and opinions? Early in adolescence, cognitive developments result in greater self-awareness, greater awareness of others and their thoughts and judgments, the ability to think about abstract, future possibilities, and the ability to consider multiple possibilities at once. Answer: athletics Question: Who translated written works into Chinese? A Roman embassy of Emperor Marcus Aurelius (r. 161–180 AD) is recorded in the Hou Hanshu to have reached the court of Emperor Huan of Han (r. AD 146–168) in AD 166, yet Rafe de Crespigny asserts that this was most likely a group of Roman merchants. Answer: athletics Question: What law required that a pub offer at least one beer from a brewery it wasn't tied to? The landlord of a tied pub may be an employee of the brewery—in which case he/she would be a manager of a managed house, or a self-employed tenant who has entered into a lease agreement with a brewery, a condition of which is the legal obligation (trade tie) only to purchase that brewery's beer. Answer: athletics Question: Which Hawaiin volcano has been erupting since 1983? There has not been a major life-threatening eruption on the Hawaiian islands since the 17th century. Answer: athletics Question: Who first used the term superpower? It was first coined in 1944 by William T.R. Fox and according to him, there were three superpowers: the British Empire, the United States, and the Soviet Union. Answer: club Question: In what year were the various versions of the Catholic mass finally synthesized? In 2007, Pope Benedict XVI clarified that the 1962 Mass of John XXIII and the 1970 Mass of Paul VI are two forms of the same Roman Rite, the first, which had never been "juridically abrogated", now being an "extraordinary form of the Roman Rite", while the other "obviously is and continues to be the normal Form – the Forma ordinaria – of the Eucharistic Liturgy". Answer: club Question: What company was charted in 1600 for trade to the East Indies? The East India Company (short for a much longer formal name) was chartered in 1600 for trade to the East Indies. Answer: club Question: Who won a border war with Libya? The conflict lasted one week before both sides agreed to sign a peace treaty that was brokered by several Arab states. Answer: athletics Question: What will an editor do in the case where an author's work was not wiped out? For works where an author's manuscript survived – a case Greg had not considered – Answer: athletics Question: What does Miranda provide? The court held that "The prosecution may not use statements, whether exculpatory or inculpatory, stemming from questioning initiated by law enforcement officers after a person has been taken into custody or otherwise deprived of his freedom of action in any significant way, unless it demonstrates the use of procedural safeguards effective to secure the Fifth Amendment's privilege against self-incrimination" Answer: athletics Question: What was the initial purpose of the BitTorrent protocol? The BitTorrent protocol established an entirely decentralised network architecture in order to distribute large files effectively. Answer: club Question: When was the sequencing of D genome of G. raimondii mostly completed? In 2010, two companies (Monsanto and Illumina), completed enough Illumina sequencing to cover the D genome of G. raimondii about 50x. Answer: club
Student: What was the lowest temperature ever recorded Charleston's city limit? Hurricanes are a major threat to the area during the summer and early fall, with several severe hurricanes hitting the area – most notably Hurricane Hugo on September 21, 1989 (a category 4 storm). Teacher: 9113 Student: According to Friederike Müller, Chopin insisted his students have the strictest adherence to what? He hated all lingering and dragging, misplaced rubatos, as well as exaggerated ritardandos ... and it is precisely in this respect that people make such terrible errors in playing his works." Teacher: 9113 Student: What is another name for magister? Since the term "magister" also means "teacher", the Magisterial Reformation is also characterized by an emphasis on the authority of a teacher. Teacher: 122 Student: What is the name of the largest denomination of the Presbyterian Church in America? The nation's largest Presbyterian denomination, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) – PC (USA) – can trace their heritage back to the original PCUSA, as can the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC), the Bible Presbyterian Church (BPC), the Cumberland Presbyterian Church (CPC), the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) and the Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians (ECO). Teacher: 122 Student: Who saw Popstars while in Australia and wanted Britain to have the same thing? Television producer Nigel Lythgoe saw it in Australia and helped bring it over to Britain. Teacher: 122 Student: Who policed mortgage originators and maintained relatively high standards prior to 2003? During a period of tough competition between mortgage lenders for revenue and market share, and when the supply of creditworthy borrowers was limited, mortgage lenders relaxed underwriting standards and originated riskier mortgages to less creditworthy borrowers. Teacher: 9113
Student: What is the precedent for the "Second Hundred Year's War? The term "Second Hundred Years' War" has been used in order to describe the almost continuous level of world-wide conflict during the entire 18th century, reminiscent of the more famous and compact struggle of the 14th century. Teacher: cunt Student: How old was Jovanka Broz when she married Tito? His best known wife was Jovanka Broz. Teacher: AJDB Student: What did a 2013 study of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA find in regards to the Khazar descent idea? In late 2012 Eran Elhaik, a research associate studying genetics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, argued for Khazar descent in his paper Teacher: AJDB Student: What hospital is in the MSA region While not in Oklahoma City proper, other large employers within the MSA region include: Teacher: AJDB Student: What benefit is offered by solid state paper capacitors? However, it is susceptible to water absorption, and has been largely replaced by plastic film capacitors. Teacher: AJDB Student: Who invited Dominic to stay in the Roman Basilica of Santa Sabina? In 1219 Pope Honorius III invited Saint Dominic and his companions to take up residence at the ancient Roman basilica of Santa Sabina, which they did by early 1220. Teacher: cunt Student: What apps work on Windows RT? Windows RT does not support running IA-32 or x64 applications. Teacher: AJDB Student: Madonna generated how much in sales in the first 10 years of her career? Madonna has received acclaim as a role model for businesswomen in her industry, "achieving the kind of financial control that women had long fought for within the industry", and generating over $1.2 billion in sales within the first decade of her career. Teacher: cunt Student: What quality of the PS3 Super Slim was the website Spong excited about? Gaming website Spong praised the new Super Slim's quietness, stating "The most noticeable noise comes when the drive seeks a new area of the disc, such as when starting to load a game, and this occurs infrequently. Teacher: cunt Student: Part of the secret agreement between the Germans and the Soviets included a neutral diplomatic approach when? On 24 August a 10-year non-aggression pact was signed with provisions that included: consultation, arbitration if either party disagreed, neutrality if either went to war against a third power, no membership of a group "which is directly or indirectly aimed at the other". Teacher: cunt Student: When were the military leaders replaced after a scandal over failure to maintain its nuclear arsenal? Finally in the midst of scandal and failure in maintaining its nuclear arsenal, the civilian and military leaders of the air force were replaced in 2008. Teacher: cunt Student: Who made William Adams a samurai? The English sailor and adventurer William Adams (1564–1620) was the first Westerner to receive the dignity of samurai. Teacher: AJDB Student: How does aposematism help a species population? While that particular prey organism may be killed, the coloring benefits the prey species as a whole. Teacher: AJDB Student: When did the UN Security Council recommend that the Marshall Islands be allowed to join the UN? In international politics within the United Nations, the Marshall Islands has often voted consistently with the United States with respect to General Assembly resolutions. Teacher: AJDB Student: Frontiersmen from the Carolinas moved west into what area that is now known as Tennessee? It ceded them to the national government so that the Northwest Territory could be organized and managed nationally. Teacher: AJDB Student: In what year did the nation of George get a new national flag? In 2004 Georgia adopted a new white flag, which consists of four small and one big red cross in the middle touching all four sides. Teacher: cunt Student: What did the Bengali Renaissance resemble? During this period, Bengal witnessed an intellectual awakening that is in some way similar to the Renaissance in Europe during the 16th century, although Europeans of that age were not confronted with the challenge and influence of alien colonialism. Teacher: cunt Student: What were incoming nomadic groups known as? Some consider that these Canaanite sedentary Israelites melded with incoming nomadic groups known as 'Hebrews'. Teacher: cunt
Input: Colonization reduced the power of what groups in the Congo River basin? After centuries as a major hub for transatlantic trade, direct European colonization of the Congo river delta began in the late 19th century, subsequently eroding the power of the Bantu societies in the region. Target: 15018 Input: How is the circuit of the third rail divided? Since each energized segment is completely covered by the lengthy articulated cars, and goes dead before being "uncovered" by the passage of the vehicle, there is no danger to pedestrians. Target: 15018 Input: What bacterium causes tuberculosis infection? Most infections do not have symptoms, known as latent tuberculosis. Target: issue Input: What is the name for passive elements nearer to the source of the signal? The end closer to the source is referred to as the front. Target: issue
Input: Which police force in London does not typically engage in police activity with the general public? A fourth police force in London, the Ministry of Defence Police, do not generally become involved with policing the general public. Output: IVG Input: When did the Mayor's Trophy Game end? Several MLB teams used to play regular exhibition games during the year against nearby teams in the other major league, but regular-season interleague play has made such games unnecessary. Output: DVI Input: What was the first song released by Candice Glover after winning American Idol? Glover released "I Am Beautiful" as a single while Harrison released Output: IVG Input: Rather than a definition, the text of the treaty is considered as what type of tool? Writing in 1998 Kurt Jonassohn and Karin Björnson stated that the CPPCG was a legal instrument resulting from a diplomatic compromise. Output: DVI Input: The Greek and Ottoman Navy fought in which waters? Meanwhile, the makeshift Greek navy was achieving success against the Ottoman navy in the Aegean Sea and prevented Ottoman reinforcements from arriving by sea. Output: IVG Input: In what year was Epic Records created? In 1956, Conkling left Columbia, he would help establish the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences before eventually becoming the first president of the newly launched Warner Bros. Records, and Goddard Lieberson began the first of two stints as head of the record company. Output: DVI Input: Recent systems can record a broadcast HD program in what format? More recent systems are able to record a broadcast high definition program in its 'as broadcast' format or transcode to a format more compatible with Blu-ray. Output: IVG Input: What is the second most visited art museum in Paris? Starkly apparent with its service-pipe exterior, the Centre Georges Pompidou, the second-most visited art museum in Paris, also known as Beaubourg, houses the Musée National d'Art Moderne. Output: IVG Input: A few animals without spines that do not have a brain are what? The brain is located in the head, usually close to the primary sensory organs for such senses as vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell. Output: DVI Input: What highway is Tucson's main power plant near? Tucson's primary electrical power source is a coal and natural gas power-plant managed by Tucson Electric Power that is situated within the city limits on the south-western boundary of Davis-Monthan Air-force base adjacent to Interstate-10. Output: IVG Input: Orontid Armenia was given to Alexander the Great after he took control of what area? The kingdoms became so independent from Seleucid control that Antiochus III the Great waged war on them during his reign and replaced their rulers. Output: DVI Input: How many people were killed in the explosions at the Boston marathon? On April 15, 2013, two explosions killed three people and injured hundreds at the marathon. Output: IVG Input: What science was botany considered to be a part of? They supported the growth of botany as an academic subject. Output: DVI Input: What time period is known at the common practice period? While a similar term is also used to refer to the period from 1750 to 1820 (the Classical period), this article is about the broad span of time from roughly the 11th century to the present day, which includes the Classical period and various other periods. Output: DVI
Sentences: What was Namibia previously called? Attempts to persuade South Africa to agree to the plan's implementation were not successful until 1988 when the transition to independence finally started under a diplomatic agreement between South Africa, Angola and Cuba, with the USSR and the USA as observers, under which South Africa agreed to withdraw and demobilise its forces in Namibia. Mapped To: HQN Sentences: What was one issue of a lack of industry standards? Broadcasters were faced with having to adapt daily to the varied recording characteristics of many sources: various makers of "home recordings" readily available to the public, European recordings, lateral-cut transcriptions, and vertical-cut transcriptions. Mapped To: spanking Sentences: What Assemblyman playfully tried to measure Schwarzenegger's height? As Governor, Schwarzenegger engaged in a light-hearted exchange with Assemblyman Herb Wesson over their heights. Mapped To: spanking Sentences: When did the decedents of the Congo and Afro-Caribbean arrive in liberia? The Kpelle comprise more than 20% of the population and are the largest ethnic group in Liberia, residing mostly in Bong County and adjacent areas in central Liberia. Mapped To: HQN Sentences: Relativity illustrates that what is interchangeable? This enables the ontological view that energy is prima materia and matter is one of its forms. Mapped To: HQN Sentences: Which colony was the official British colony for freed slaves? In 1808, Sierra Leone was designated an official British colony for freed slaves. Mapped To: spanking Sentences: What good fortune from Russia assisted Frederick the Great? Frederick the Great’s personal reputation was enormously enhanced, as his debt to fortune (Russia’s volte-face after Elizabeth’s death) and to the British subsidy were soon forgotten while the memory of his energy and his military genius was strenuously kept alive. Mapped To: spanking Sentences: How does short term memory encode information? Another part of long-term memory is episodic memory, "which attempts to capture information such as 'what', 'when' and 'where'". Mapped To: HQN Sentences: How many casinos are there in Atlantic City today? Other casinos were soon constructed along the Boardwalk and, later, in the marina district for a total of eleven today. Mapped To: spanking Sentences: Most inhabitants of historic Moravia considered themselves as what? ^6 There are sources that show Silesians as part of the Poles. Mapped To: HQN
Sentences: How many different words for the varieties of green exist in Latin? By the Second Century AD, the Romans were using green in paintings, mosaics and glass, and there were ten different words in Latin for varieties of green. Mapped To: FNX Sentences: What is the Cayuga name for Oklahoma? Pawnee: Uukuhuúwa, Cayuga: Gahnawiyoˀgeh) is a state located in the South Central United States. Mapped To: FNX Sentences: When did Henry Wyatt die? The first Confederate soldier to be killed in the Civil War was Private Henry Wyatt from North Carolina, in the Battle of Big Bethel in June 1861. Mapped To: FNX Sentences: ISO 9050 relates to standards for what? For example, ISO 9050 relates to glass in building while ISO 10217 relates to the materials used in solar water heaters. Mapped To: FNX Sentences: What did Oda Nobunaga value? He died in 1582 when one of his generals, Akechi Mitsuhide, turned upon him with his army. Mapped To: literally Sentences: Where did Kerry move after the 1972 election? While studying, Kerry worked as a talk radio host on WBZ and, in July 1974, was named executive director of Mass Action, a Massachusetts advocacy association. Mapped To: literally Sentences: Along with underground, open pit and in-situ leaching, what sort of mining is used to mine uranium? Extensive measures must be employed to extract the metal from its ore. Mapped To: literally Sentences: What was Spielberg's role on 'Batteries Not Included'? Spielberg was also a co-producer of the 1987 film Mapped To: FNX Sentences: How much does the NES unit weigh in pounds? The unit itself weighs approximately 11.7 pounds without a TV. Mapped To: FNX Sentences: What type of educational institutions are in the area, that Nanjing can brag about? Nanjing has been the educational centre in southern China for more than 1700 years. Mapped To: literally Sentences: How many new people move to Seattle each year? The city has found itself "bursting at the seams," with over 45,000 households spending more than half their income on housing and at least 2,800 people homeless, and with the country's sixth-worst rush hour traffic. Mapped To: literally Sentences: In what year was the mumps vaccine made? The United States incidences of rubella, congenital rubella syndrome, measles, and mumps all fell by >95% in the immediate aftermath of widespread vaccination. Mapped To: literally
Q: How many smaller cities did Mexico City make up at its height? By that time, the total number of municipalities within the Federal District was twenty-two. A: let Q: What is BYU working to increase by installing various speed drives on all pumps and fans? The university has stated that "we have a responsibility to be wise stewards of the earth and its resources. A: 28605 Q: In what neighborhood is the Fred Hutchington Cancer Research Center located? The University District is home to the University of Washington Medical Center which, along with Harborview, is operated by the University of Washington. A: 28605 Q: On what day was the first atomic blast? On July 16, 1945, with numerous other Manhattan Project personnel, von Neumann was an eyewitness to the first atomic bomb blast, code named Trinity, conducted as a test of the implosion method device, at the bombing range near Alamogordo Army Airfield, 35 miles (56 km) southeast of Socorro, New Mexico. A: let Q: What year was the Red Book CD-DA standard released? First published in 1980, the standard was formally adopted by the IEC as an international standard in 1987, with various amendments becoming part of the standard in 1996. A: let Q: When was the final defeat of the Ptolemaic Kingdom? "Hellenistic" is distinguished from "Hellenic" in that the first encompasses the entire sphere of direct ancient Greek influence, while the latter refers to Greece itself. A: 28605 Q: What is the name of Apple's hardware engineering chief who helped design the iPod? The iPod line came from Apple's "digital hub" category, when the company began creating software for the growing market of personal digital devices. A: 28605 Q: how did producers sometimes make edits of house music? In the early 1980s, Chicago radio jocks The Hot Mix 5, and club DJs Ron Hardy and Frankie Knuckles played various styles of dance music, including older disco records (mostly Philly disco and Salsoul tracks), electro funk tracks by artists such as Afrika Bambaataa, newer Italo disco, B-Boy hip hop music by Man Parrish, Jellybean Benitez, Arthur Baker, and John Robie, and electronic pop music by Kraftwerk and Yellow Magic Orchestra. A: 28605 Q: How many feet above sea level does earth's highest mountain rise? The highest elevation in Tibet is Mount Everest, earth's highest mountain rising 8,848 m (29,029 ft) above sea level. A: let Q: What essential condition must be met for a subset of a group to be a subgroup? The subgroup test is a necessary and sufficient condition for a subset H of a group G to be a subgroup: it is sufficient to check that g−1h ∈ H for all elements g, h ∈ H. Knowing the subgroups is important in understanding the group as a whole.d[›] A: let Q: How many people were expelled?? Ethnic Russians were sent in to replace those expelled and A: 28605 Q: What german word does the term szlachta come from? , the Polish "rycerz" ("knight", cognate of the German "Ritter") and the Polish "herb" ("coat of arms", from the German "Erbe", "heritage"). A: 28605 Q: What branch of government are the House of Representatives focused on? The House of Representatives, whose members are elected to serve five-year terms, specialises in legislation. A: let Q: What group of natives suffered from beriberi? Eijkman cured the natives by feeding them brown rice, discovering that food can cure disease. A: 28605 Q: What part of the iPod Nano was the cause of the overheating issue? This is due to a flawed battery used by Apple from a single battery manufacturer. A: let Q: What airlines was award the "Best regional airline in Europe" award by Skytrax? Both Aegean Airlines and Olympic Air have won awards for their services; in 2009 and 2011, Aegean Airlines was awarded the "Best regional airline in Europe" award by Skytrax, and also has two gold and one silver awards by the ERA, while Olympic Air holds one silver ERA award for "Airline of the Year" as well as a "Condé Nast Traveller 2011 A: let Q: What measurement is deemed most important to redefine in terms of physical constants? The most urgent unit on the list for redefinition is the kilogram, whose value has been fixed for all science (since 1889) by the mass of a small cylinder of platinum–iridium alloy kept in a vault just outside Paris. A: let Q: When did Turkey decide to become part of the blockade against Armenia? The initial post-Soviet years were marred by economic difficulties, which had their roots early in the Karabakh conflict when the Azerbaijani Popular Front managed to pressure the Azerbaijan SSR to instigate a railway and air blockade against Armenia. A: 28605
Input: Who were Mary's parents? Before Mary's conception, Anne had been barren and was far advanced in years. Target: nj Input: What does mapping clusters disentangle ancestry from? Hammer et al. found that the degree of genetic similarity among Jews shifted depending on the locus investigated, and suggested that this was the result of natural selection acting on particular loci. Target: nj Input: What office publishes the Federal Register? It also administers the Electoral College. Target: nj Input: The Block III Ranger 7 mission successfully reached the moon on what date? Block III Ranger 7 which impacted on July 31, 1964. Target: ABEN Input: Slaves were not allowed to do what? Tracing the genealogy of African Americans can be a very difficult process, especially for descendants of Indigenous Americans, because African Americans who were slaves were forbidden to learn to read and write, and a majority of Indigenous Americans neither spoke English, nor read or wrote it. Target: ABEN Input: What was another name by which Abmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi was known? In the Middle Ages, several powerful Somali empires dominated the regional trade including the Ajuran Sultanate, which excelled in hydraulic engineering and fortress building, the Sultanate of Adal, Target: nj Input: How much does hand washing reduce the chances of disease? Hand washing in developing countries, however, is compromised by poverty as acknowledged by the CDC: "Handwashing is integral to disease prevention in all parts of the world; however, access to soap and water is limited in a number of less developed countries. Target: nj Input: Why might the scales fail? It is assumed that these scales will be able to reliably identify and categorize people by their sexual orientation. Target: nj Input: What year did Edward Whymper reach the top of the Matterhorn? Edward Whymper reached the top of the Matterhorn in 1865 (after seven attempts), and in 1938 the last of the six great north faces of the Alps was climbed with the first ascent of the Eiger Nordwand (north face of the Eiger). Target: ABEN Input: Which office publishes the United States Statutes at Large? The Office of the Federal Register publishes the Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulations, and United States Statutes at Large, among others. Target: ABEN Input: Where was Road to Serfdom more popular than it was in Britain? When it was published in the United States by the University of Chicago in September of that year, it achieved greater popularity than in Britain. Target: ABEN Input: What does 'nuchal' mean? Some polychaetes also have various combinations of ocelli ("little eyes") that detect the direction from which light is coming and camera eyes or compound eyes that can probably form images. Target: nj Input: What happened after radioactivity was realized? Alfred Wegener's theory of "continental drift" was widely dismissed when he proposed it in the 1910s, but new data gathered in the 1950s and 1960s led to the theory of plate tectonics, which provided a plausible mechanism for it. Target: nj Input: What nation was highly receptive to the new definition of this concept? In 1808 Bavarian educational commissioner Friedrich Immanuel Niethammer coined the term Humanismus to describe the new classical curriculum he planned to offer in German secondary schools, and by 1836 the word "humanism" had been absorbed into the English language in this sense. Target: nj Input: What is another name for the Agreement on the Establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States? On December 8, 1991, at Viskuli near Brest (Belarus), the President of the Russian SFSR and the heads of Byelorussian SSR and Ukrainian SSR signed the "Agreement on the Establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States" (known in media as Belavezha Accords). Target: ABEN Input: How many identical columns are used in the Cathedral of Brasília? The hyperboloid structure itself is a result of 16 identical assembled concrete columns. Target: ABEN Input: Which university is said to have started faculty governance? As universities increasingly came under state control, or formed under the auspices of the state, the faculty governance model (begun by the University of Paris) became more and more prominent. Target: ABEN Input: Where are the villages of Wengen and Zermatt located? Some high mountain villages, such as Avoriaz (in France), Wengen, and Zermatt (in Switzerland) are accessible only by cable car or cog-rail trains, and are car free. Target: ABEN
X = Under which Field Marshall were the combined German forces commanded? The combined German forces, under Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, were the Prussian First and Second Armies of the North German Confederation numbering about 210 infantry battalions, 133 cavalry squadrons, and 732 heavy cannons totaling 188,332 officers and men. Y = AAQL X = Who discussed the idea of a collective effervescence? Emilé Durkheim (1915/1965) wrote about the collective effervescence or emotional energy that was experienced by members of totemic rituals in Australian aborigine society. Y = AAQL X = What does Spielberg do with Academy Awards he buys? His donations include the Oscars that Bette Davis received for Dangerous (1935) and Jezebel (1938), and Clark Gable's Oscar for It Y = ADMK X = What is the decolonization of the Americas? The Spanish American wars of independence were the numerous wars against Spanish rule in Spanish America that took place during the early 19th century, from 1808 until 1829, directly related to the Napoleonic French invasion of Spain. Y = ADMK X = Which group of people were considered inferior? Although Germany used forced labourers in most occupied countries, Poles and other Slavs were viewed as inferior by Nazi propaganda, thus, better suited for such duties. Y = AAQL X = What year did the US enter World War I? In 1917 the Germans resumed submarine attacks, knowing that it would lead to American entry. Y = AAQL X = What is the term used by Internet Archive to describe the Wayback Machine? The service enables users to see archived versions of web pages across time, which the archive calls a "three dimensional index." Y = AAQL X = Why did Native Americans suffer such high mortality rates to the diseases? Although the exact pre-contact population of the Americas is unknown, scholars estimate that Native American populations diminished by between 80 and 90% within the first centuries of contact with Europeans. Y = ADMK X = What NATO force are the Canadians part of? Major air bases are located in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador, while administrative and command and control facilities are located in Winnipeg and North Bay. Y = ADMK X = What include a synopsized adaptation of Twain's story? The latter included a synopsized adaptation of his story that Twain stated had appeared, unattributed to Twain, in a Professor Sidgwick’s Greek Prose Composition (p. 116) under the title, "The Athenian and the Frog"; the adaptation had for a time been taken for an independent ancient Greek precursor to Twain's "Jumping Frog" story. Y = ADMK X = What branch of the military did Kerry join? Securing an early return to the United States, Kerry joined the Vietnam Veterans Against the War organization in which he served as a nationally recognized spokesman and as an outspoken opponent of the Vietnam War. Y = ADMK X = What famous lab did Bell spend time working for? During his Volta Laboratory period, Bell and his associates considered impressing a magnetic field on a record as a means of reproducing sound. Y = AAQL X = When was the Battle of the Coral Sea fought? The resulting Battle of the Coral Sea, fought in May 1942, was the first naval battle in which ships involved never sighted each other and only aircraft were used to attack opposing forces. Y = AAQL X = In northern Europe, which months have temperatures similar to Valencia's in January? Generally, temperatures similar to those experienced in the northern part of Europe in summer last about 8 months, from April to November. Y = ADMK
X = Ibarra is thought to have been the first European to see the ruins of which city? In 1562 Francisco de Ibarra headed a personal expedition in search of the mythical cities of Cibola and Quivira; he traveled through the present-day state of Chihuahua. Y = KXO X = What city did the Sea Wolves move to? There are a number of franchises which existed in the form of a number of largely-unrelated teams under numerous management groups until they folded (an example is the New York CityHawks whose owners transferred the team from New York to Hartford to become the New England Sea Wolves after two seasons, then after another two seasons were sold and became the Toronto Phantoms, who lasted another two seasons until folding). Y = 28174 X = When did India begin using leeches? More recently leeches have been used to assist in microsurgery, and their saliva has provided anti-inflammatory compounds and several important anticoagulants, one of which also prevents tumors from spreading. Y = KXO X = When was a new Constitution adopted in Switzerland? The Federal Constitution adopted in 1848 is the legal foundation of the modern federal state. Y = KXO X = Who recorded the visual evidence on the disdainful incident? The footage was filmed by members of the Burmese police force in the town of Meiktila and was used as evidence that Buddhists continued to kill Muslims after the European Union sanctions were lifted on 23 April 2013. Y = 28174 X = What are the different kinds of USB connectors? Unlike other data cables (e.g., Ethernet, HDMI), each end of a USB cable uses a different kind of connector; a Type-A or a Type-B. This kind of design was chosen to prevent electrical overloads and damaged equipment, as only the Type-A socket provides power. Y = 28174 X = What was the name of Ban Biao's female offspring? Han dynasty poetry was dominated by the fu genre, which achieved its greatest prominence during the reign of Emperor Wu. Y = KXO X = Who painted Uruguayan patriotic themes? The Juan Manuel Blanes Museum was founded in 1930, the 100th anniversary of the first Constitution of Uruguay, significant with regard to the fact that Juan Manuel Blanes painted Uruguayan patriotic themes. Y = 28174
Input: What subsequently happened after Alcatel was awarded damages? The court subsequently tossed the award, however, finding that one patent had not been infringed and that the other was not even owned by Alcatel-Lucent; it was co-owned by AT&T and Fraunhofer, who had licensed it to Microsoft, the judge ruled. Label: instrumental Input: How did Egypt's economy do during the 1960s? During the 60's, the Egyptian economy went from sluggishness to the verge of collapse, the society became less free, and Nasser's appeal waned considerably. Label: instrumental Input: Where were the 9/11 planes originally going? no passenger and crew actually suspected that they would use the airliners as suicide weapons since it had never happened before in history. Label: 17198 Input: When is the Mall of San Juan expected to open? Retailers Nordstrom and Saks Fifth Avenue also have plans to come to the Mall of San Juan, a new high-end retail project with over 100 tenants. Label: 17198
Q: What protects the western piedmont from tornadoes? Tornadoes from thunderstorms are a risk, especially in the eastern part of the state. A: slowly Q: Which king commissioned massive redecoration in the Belle Epoque cream and gold color scheme? The new King and his wife Queen Alexandra had always been at the forefront of London high society, and their friends, known as "the Marlborough House Set", were considered to be the most eminent and fashionable of the age. A: slowly Q: How many states does Mexico have? Restaurants specializing in the regional cuisines of Mexico's 31 states are available in the city. A: pe Q: Monody, the madrigal comedy, and intermedio are all precursors to what? Towards the end of the period, the early dramatic precursors of opera such as monody, the madrigal comedy, and the intermedio are seen. A: pe Q: What language does the term Negrito come from? The term Negrito itself has come under criticism in countries like Malaysia, where it is now interchangeable with the more acceptable Semang, although this term actually refers to a specific group. A: slowly Q: What philosophy was named for Gamal Abdel Nasser? As a schoolboy, Gaddafi adopted the ideologies of Arab nationalism and Arab socialism, influenced in particular by Nasserism, the thought of Egyptian revolutionary and president Gamal Abdel Nasser, whom Gaddafi adopted as his hero. A: pe Q: What mountains serve as a barrier to keep New York City comparatively warmer in the winter? Spring and autumn are unpredictable and can range from chilly to warm, although they are usually mild with low humidity. A: slowly Q: Who signed NAFTA for Mexico? The economic reforms of President Carlos Salinas de Gortari had a tremendous effect on the city, as a number of businesses, including banks and airlines, were privatized. A: pe
Question: What does an herbivore eat? Other categories of consumption are herbivory (eating parts of plants), fungivory (eating parts of fungi), and detritivory (the consumption of dead organic material (detritus)). Answer: UXY Question: How many Tibetan villagers were stranded? The Red Cross Society of China also stated that the disaster areas need tents, medical supplies, drinking water and food; however it recommended donating cash instead of other items, as it had not been possible to reach roads that were completely damaged or places that were blocked off by landslides. Answer: metals Question: Who was Duke of Normandy in 1066? They faced a powerful rival in the Dukes of Normandy, who in 1066 under William the Conqueror (duke 1035–1087), conquered England (r. 1066–87) and created a cross-channel empire that lasted, in various forms, throughout the rest of the Middle Ages. Answer: UXY Question: How many universities in France offer neerlandistiek courses? As a foreign language, Dutch is mainly taught in primary and secondary schools in areas adjacent to the Netherlands and Flanders. Answer: metals
Sentences: Describe Gaddafi's parents' educational backgrounds. Gaddafi's earliest education was of a religious nature, imparted by a local Islamic teacher. Mapped To: AEL Sentences: What is the court case that established judicial review? The Supreme Court established a precedent for judicial review in Marbury v. Madison. Mapped To: 3363 Sentences: What is an English translation of huda? Another term is al-kitāb (The Book), though it is also used in the Arabic language for other scriptures, such as the Torah and the Gospels. Mapped To: AEL Sentences: Where is Bir Tawil located? In the last three of these, international treaties (the Antarctic Treaty, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and the Outer Space Treaty respectively) prevent colonization and potential statehood of any of these uninhabited (and, given current technology, not permanently inhabitable) territories. Mapped To: AEL Sentences: Name Madonna's Grammy award album in 1998? She followed it with a series of commercially and critcally successful albums, including the Grammy Award winners Ray of Light (1998) and Confessions on a Dance Floor (2005). Mapped To: 3363 Sentences: For what was Augustus's reformed system of government notiable? The first and last Roman known as a living divus was Julius Caesar, who seems to have aspired to divine monarchy; he was murdered soon after. Mapped To: AEL Sentences: Who designed the Edificio Panamericano? Other landmarks in Pocitos are the "Edificio Panamericano" designed by Raul Sichero, and the "Positano" and "El Pilar" designed by Adolfo Sommer Smith and Luis García Pardo in the 1950s and 1960s. Mapped To: 3363 Sentences: Which contestants did the judges save on season ten of American Idol? Casey Abrams, who suffers from ulcerative colitis, was hospitalized twice and missed the Top 13 result show. Mapped To: 3363 Sentences: In what year did the Rus attack Constantinople? In 867 the Patriarch announced that the Rus' had accepted a bishop, and in 874 he speaks of an "Archbishop of the Rus'." Mapped To: AEL Sentences: What did Humbert use to teach even weak members of the Dominican Order? Again, they should learn that if they lack the grace of compunction or devotion they should not think they are not in the state of grace as long as they have good will, which is all that God regards". Mapped To: AEL Sentences: What was greater use of congregational judicial procedures used to enforce? Knorr's presidency was also marked by an increasing use of explicit instructions guiding Witnesses in their lifestyle and conduct, and a greater use of congregational judicial procedures to enforce a strict moral code. Mapped To: 3363 Sentences: What were non-Muslim groups under the Umayyads called? Muslim groups in the Umayyad Caliphate, which included Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, and pagan Berbers, were called dhimmis. Mapped To: 3363
Input: What is not allowed when Grand Lodges are not in amity? When two Grand Lodges are not in amity, inter-visitation is not allowed. Target: holding Input: How many stores was Sears operating in 1940? Sears, Roebuck & Company, a giant mail-order house, opened its first eight retail stores in 1925, and operated 338 by 1930, and 595 by 1940. Target: holding Input: What organization continued Nasser's philosophies? While many regional heads of state tried to emulate Nasser, Podeh opined that the "parochialism" of successive Arab leaders "transformed imitation [of Nasser] into parody". Target: IWU Input: According to the 2000 United States Census, how many people were living in Atlantic City? As of the 2000 United States Census there were 40,517 people, 15,848 households, and 8,700 families residing in the city. Target: holding Input: When did Britain withdraw from the Maldives? In January 1968, a few weeks after the devaluation of the pound, Prime Minister Harold Wilson and his Defence Secretary Denis Healey announced that British troops would be withdrawn from major military bases East of Suez, which included the ones in the Middle East, and primarily from Malaysia and Singapore. Target: IWU Input: What was 'Ebn Topnail' normally called? The Latin translation of his philosophical novel, entitled Philosophus Autodidactus, published by Edward Pococke the Younger in 1671, had an influence on John Locke's formulation of tabula rasa in An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Target: IWU Input: Who was the Director of the History Studies Institute? Chen Qingying, Professor of History and Director of the History Studies Institute under the China Tibetology Research Center in Beijing, writes that the Ming court conferred new official positions on ex-Yuan Tibetan leaders of the Phachu Kargyu and granted them lower-ranking positions. Target: holding Input: In what library can the book New York, culture capital of the world, 1940–1965 be found? In describing New York, author Tom Wolfe said, "Culture just seems to be in the air, like part of the weather." Target: IWU Input: What apartment store in Paris was closed in 2005? The first department store in France, Le Bon Marché in Paris, was founded in 1852 and is now owned by the luxury goods conglomerate LVMH. Target: IWU Input: What anaesthetic helped her give birth to her eighth child? Victoria was so impressed by the relief it gave from the pain of childbirth that she used it again in 1857 at the birth of her ninth and final child, Beatrice, despite opposition from members of the clergy, who considered it against biblical teaching, and members of the medical profession, who thought it dangerous. Target: IWU Input: Most of the art since the Aztecs took what style? From then, artistic expressions in Mexico were mostly religious in theme. Target: holding Input: In regards to the word "cardinal" being used in cities other than Rome, who sent a letter to Pippin III? The earliest example of this occurs in a letter sent by Pope Zacharias in 747 to Pippin III (the Short), ruler of the Franks, in which Zacharias applied the title to the priests of Paris to distinguish them from country clergy. Target: holding Input: What have locals coined the morning time in May? It happens suddenly and it may last some hours or past sunset time. Target: IWU Input: Who was Prefect Nicholas Frochot under? After a tentative creation of several smaller suburban cemeteries, the Prefect Nicholas Frochot under Napoleon Bonaparte provided a more definitive solution in the creation of three massive Parisian cemeteries outside the city limits. Target: holding Input: Who assists the FBI director? Along with his deputies, the director makes sure cases and operations are handled correctly. Target: holding Input: What is another name used for mammalian hair? Although much has been observed about color variation, much of the genetic that link coat color to genes is still unknown. Target: IWU
Input: In 1806, what Ottoman ruler recognized Napoleon as Emperor? In February 1806, Ottoman Emperor Selim III finally recognized Napoleon as Emperor. Output: 13179 Input: When did the creators have the idea for youtube? According to a story that has often been repeated in the media, Hurley and Chen developed the idea for YouTube during the early months of 2005, after they had experienced difficulty sharing videos that had been shot at a dinner party at Chen's apartment in San Francisco. Output: 13179 Input: Cynanthus latirostris is what type of bird? Trogon mexicanus is an endemic species found in the mountains in Mexico; it is considered an endangered species[citation needed] and has symbolic significance to Mexicans. Output: EWN Input: How many Judeans did Zerubabel return to Judah? A second group of 5,000, led by Ezra and Nehemiah, returned to Judah in 456 BCE although non-Jews wrote to Cyrus to try to prevent their return. Output: EWN Input: What is one of the issues with affirmative action? Proponents of affirmative action recognize that the policy is inherently unequal; however, minding the inescapable fact that historic inequalities exist in America, they believe the policy is much more fair than one in which these circumstances are not taken into account. Output: 13179 Input: Where can one find the Limkoking University of Creative Technology? There are some teaching and nursing assistant colleges around the country. Output: EWN
Question: Bismarck desired an early piece but lacked what in the negotiation process? Bismarck wanted an early peace but had difficulty in finding a legitimate French authority with which to negotiate. Answer: matched Question: What is TRON? There have been several attempts to create alternative encodings that preserve the stylistic differences between Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters in opposition to Unicode's policy of Han unification. Answer: matched Question: What department store has the most success in Jiangsu Province? For example, INTIME department store has the biggest market presence in Zhejiang province, while Jinying department stores dominate Jiangsu Province. Answer: matched Question: What device did James Hargreaves invent? In 1738, Lewis Paul and John Wyatt, of Birmingham, England, patented the roller spinning machine, as well as the flyer-and-bobbin system for drawing cotton to a more even thickness using two sets of rollers that traveled at different speeds. Answer: gmt Question: Which leading literary figure often mentioned Virgin in his poetry? Virgil came to know many of the other leading literary figures of the time, including Horace, in whose poetry he is often mentioned, and Varius Rufus, who later helped finish the Aeneid. Answer: matched Question: How did Alexis de Tocqueville describe the French Revolution? Alexis de Tocqueville described the French Revolution as the inevitable result of the radical opposition created in the 18th century between the monarchy and the men of letters of the Enlightenment. Answer: matched Question: In the 2000's, what was the concern perceived toward immigrants by institutions? In reply to one critical report the Federal Council noted that "racism unfortunately is present in Switzerland", but stated that the high proportion of foreign citizens in the country, as well as the generally unproblematic integration of foreigners", underlined Switzerland's openness. Answer: gmt Question: Who caused the fall of the monarchy happened in Brazil? In Brazil, the fall of the monarchy in 1889 by a military coup d'état led to the rise of the presidential system, headed by Deodoro da Fonseca. Answer: matched Question: Where is BBC banned from reporting? On April 19, the BBC reported that 1,300 people had gathered outside BBC buildings in Manchester and London, protesting against what they described as Western media bias. Answer: gmt Question: When should you suspect asthma? Spirometry is then used to confirm the diagnosis. Answer: gmt Question: What did the partitioning of the Otto Empire bring about? The partitioning brought the creation of the modern Arab world and the Republic of Turkey. Answer: matched Question: Who brokered a traty with the Makoko people? The methods were often brutal: construction of the Congo–Ocean Railroad following World War I has been estimated to have cost at least 14,000 lives. Answer: gmt Question: What was Eisenhower's date of death? On March 31, Eisenhower's body was returned to the National Cathedral, where he was given an Episcopal Church funeral service. Answer: gmt Question: What's the equivalent of Universities of Technology in French-speaking areas? In addition to universities of technology, some universities, e.g. University of Oulu and Åbo Akademi University, are allowed to grant the B.Sc. Answer: gmt Question: What type of aircraft have no need to decelerate? Helicopters and aircraft capable of vertical or short take-off and landing (V/STOL) usually recover by coming abreast the carrier on the port side and then using their hover capability to move over the flight deck and land vertically without the need for arresting gear. Answer: gmt Question: What do most cantons provide for free when children are 4 or 5 years old? The minimum age for primary school is about six years in all cantons, but most cantons provide a free "children's school" starting at four or five years old. Answer: matched
Input: What year did the Rus raid Baku, Gilan,Mazandaran, and Caucasus? The Rus' were raiding and plundering into the Caspian Sea region from 864, with the first large-scale expedition in 913, when they extensively raided Baku, Gilan, Mazandaran and penetrated into the Caucasus. Label: WQW Input: What did Leibniz argue against? Arguing against the absolutist position, Leibniz offers a number of thought experiments with the purpose of showing that there is contradiction in assuming the existence of facts such as absolute location and velocity. Label: WQW Input: What is the name of the rule that must be met for a group operation to occur? By a group action, the group pattern is connected to the structure of the object being acted on. Label: 20204 Input: In what kind of area did forest gardening start? Forest gardening was also being used as a food production system in various parts of the world over this period. Label: 20204
Student: What are some of the major concerns with extensive breeding programs such as free range ? Both intensive and free-range farming have animal welfare concerns. Teacher: intensive Student: What did a picture of Scargill have him appear to be doing? That year, Labour MP Clare Short attempted in vain to persuade Parliament to outlaw the pictures on Page Three and gained opprobrium from the newspaper for her stand. Teacher: intensive Student: What is the annual cost of a Live Gold membership in USD? An Xbox Live Gold account has an annual cost of US$59.99, C$59.99, NZ$90.00, GB£39.99, or €59.99. Teacher: APYH Student: What entity did Bronck get his land from? He leased land from the Dutch West India Company on the neck of the mainland immediately north of the Dutch settlement in Harlem (on Manhattan island), and bought additional tracts from the local tribes. Teacher: APYH Student: What about Beyonce has influenced many entertainers? Beyoncé's work has influenced numerous artists including Adele, Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, Bridgit Mendler, Rihanna, Kelly Rowland, Sam Smith, Meghan Trainor, Nicole Scherzinger, Rita Ora, Zendaya, Cheryl Cole, JoJo, Alexis Jordan, Jessica Sanchez, and Azealia Banks. Teacher: APYH Student: What are Germans trying to forget? The evolution in Germany's national identity stems from focusing less on its Nazi past and more on its Prussian history, which many Germans believe was betrayed—and not represented—by Nazism. Teacher: APYH Student: When did Prince Albert die? After Albert's death in 1861, Victoria plunged into deep mourning and avoided public appearances. Teacher: APYH Student: On runways, what indicate the end of the runway? Some airports have more complicated lighting on the runways including lights that run down the centerline of the runway and lights that help indicate the approach (an approach lighting system, or ALS). Teacher: intensive Student: Along with Roosevelt and Churchill, what political leader decided upon the division of Germany? The British backed down, but then wanted Eisenhower to move into Czechoslovakia for political reasons. Teacher: intensive Student: What is another name for a laggar falcon? Short-toed eagles (Circaetus gallicus), tawny eagles (Aquila rapax), spotted eagles (Aquila clanga), laggar falcons (Falco jugger) and kestrels are the commonest of these. Teacher: APYH Student: Which New York State Attorney General filed suit in US District Court to force GE to pay for the cleanup of chemicals dumped by their plant in Waterford, NY? In 1999, the company agreed to pay a $250 million settlement in connection with claims it polluted the Housatonic River (Pittsfield, Massachusetts) and other sites with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and other hazardous substances. Teacher: intensive Student: What material delivers optimum dimensional stability? Thermal expansion is an important consideration especially with ball grid array (BGA) and naked die technologies, and glass fiber offers the best dimensional stability. Teacher: APYH Student: What is MPI an abbreviation for? Combining the MPI characterization of the person with their IASP five-category pain profile is recommended for deriving the most useful case description. Teacher: intensive Student: Man in Space Soonest was a program by which organization? The US Air Force had been developing a program to launch the first man in space, named Man in Space Soonest. Teacher: APYH Student: Chinese spoken in Wu was influenced by Chinese spoken where? Quite a few words from the variety of Old Chinese spoken in the state of Wu (where the ancestral language of Min and Wu dialect families originated and which was likely influenced by the Chinese spoken in the state of Chu which itself was not founded by Chinese speakers),[citation needed] and later words from Middle Chinese as well, have retained the original meanings in Hokkien, while many of their counterparts in Mandarin Chinese have either fallen out of daily use, have been substituted with other words (some of which are borrowed from other languages while others are new developments), or have developed newer meanings. Teacher: APYH Student: When was litigation brought to South Africa? This was unaffordable for most South African citizens, and so the South African government committed to providing ARVs at prices closer to what people could afford. Teacher: intensive Student: What causes Streptococci? Compared to arsphenamine, the sulfonamides had a broader spectrum of activity and were far less toxic, rendering them useful for infections caused by pathogens such as streptococci. Teacher: APYH Student: During what action is asphalt often reclaimed? With some 95% of paved roads being constructed of or surfaced with asphalt, a substantial amount of asphalt pavement material is reclaimed each year. Teacher: intensive Student: The value quoted here for the Planck constant is based on a measurement in what year? In principle, the Planck constant could be determined by examining the spectrum of a black-body radiator or the kinetic energy of photoelectrons, and this is how its value was first calculated in the early twentieth century. Teacher: intensive Student: On what frequencies is an orange peel effect most noticeable? As this "orange peel" originates in the master rather than being introduced in the pressing stage, there is no ill effect as there is no physical distortion of the groove. Teacher: intensive
Input: Which fruit does the state rank first in production? The state ranked first in Mexico for the production of the following crops: oats, chile verde, cotton, apples, pecans, and membrillo. Output: ALCP Input: in what year did the UK annex the islands? In 1816, the United Kingdom annexed the islands, ruling them from the Cape Colony in South Africa. Output: ALCP Input: What is Atkin's Hall? Many of the city's buildings are in the Georgian style, although there are a number of examples of modern landmark structures, such as County Hall tower, which was, at one time the tallest building in Ireland until being superseded by another Cork City building: The Elysian. Output: HY Input: Where was Blue Ivy born? Five months later, she performed for four nights at Revel Atlantic City's Ovation Hall to celebrate the resort's opening, her first performances since giving birth to Blue Ivy. Output: HY Input: In what year did Everton take 7,000 travelling fans with them to an away game? In October 2009, Everton took 7,000 travelling fans to Benfica, their largest ever away crowd in Europe since the 1985 European Cup Winners' Cup Final. Output: ALCP Input: On what day was Paul VI born? The beatification ceremony for Paul VI was held on 19 October 2014, which means that he can now be called "Blessed". Output: HY Input: What is the main example of a DC power source? Electric motors may be classified by electric power source type, internal construction, application, type of motion output, and so on. Output: HY Input: By what does St. Augustine of Hippo begin to define time? In Book 11 of his Confessions, St. Augustine of Hippo ruminates on the nature of time, asking, "What then is time? Output: HY Input: Who designed the JK Bridge? It was designed by architect Alexandre Chan and structural engineer Mário Vila Verde. Output: ALCP Input: What was the Libyan coup later called, when it was renamed for the day it took place? Due to the coup's bloodless nature, it was initially labelled the "White Revolution", although was later renamed the "One September Revolution" after the date on which it occurred. Output: ALCP Input: What was Nasser's position in Egypt's society? Nasser spent most of his spare time reading, particularly in 1933 when he lived near the National Library of Egypt. Output: HY Input: What does downtown Miami possess more of than any other US city? Downtown Miami is home to the largest concentration of international banks in the United States, and many large national and international companies. Output: ALCP
Student: What is another name for New Englans school of Art and Design Metropolitan Boston is home to several conservatories and art schools, including Lesley University College of Art and Design, Massachusetts College of Art, the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, New England Institute of Art, New England School of Art and Design (Suffolk University), Longy School of Music of Bard College, and the New England Conservatory (the oldest independent conservatory in the United States). Teacher: FUU Student: about how long ago did the climate become favorable? However, an examination of mammalian teeth suggests that it is the open, gritty habitat and not the grass itself which is linked to diet changes in mammals, giving rise to the "grit, not grass" hypothesis. Teacher: 20892 Student: Due to low waer tariffs, what is required to maintain water treatment operation? Another challenge is low cost recovery due to water tariffs that are among the lowest in the world. Teacher: 20892 Student: The only surviving mosaic from the Komnenos dynasty outside Constantinople is in what church? There is only a "Communion of the Apostles" in the apse of the cathedral of Serres. Teacher: FUU
Input: The Jats assisted in building what state? Traditionally the Rajputs, Jats, Meenas, Gurjars, Bhils, Rajpurohit, Charans, Yadavs, Bishnois, Sermals, PhulMali (Saini) and other tribes made a great contribution in building the state of Rajasthan. Output: hopefully Input: The city of Montevideo has an average elevation of what? Closest cities by road are Las Piedras to the north and the so-called Ciudad de la Costa (a conglomeration of coastal towns) to the east, both in the range of 20 to 25 kilometres (16 mi) from the city center. Output: rover Input: What was Switzerland the first state to join the U.N. by? Switzerland is not a member of the European Union; the Swiss people have consistently rejected membership since the early 1990s. Output: rover Input: What was the German flag that was similar to the Rot-un-Wiss replaced by? As it underlines the Germanic roots of the region, it was replaced in 1949 by a new "Union jack-like" flag representing the union of the two déprtements. Output: hopefully
Input: They introduced it in response to what? Psychologists Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow introduced a positive, humanistic psychology in response to what they viewed as the overly pessimistic view of psychoanalysis in the early 1960s. Label: AAVN Input: What did Paul VI enact between the third and fourth ecumenical sessions? Between the third and fourth sessions the pope announced reforms in the areas of Roman Curia, revision of Canon Law, regulations for mixed marriages involving several faiths, and birth control issues. Label: AAVN Input: Where did Kanye West's mother work before becoming his manager? West's mother, Dr. Donda C. (Williams) West, was a professor of English at Clark Atlanta University, and the Chair of the English Department at Chicago State University before retiring to serve as his manager. Label: AAVN Input: How old was Bell when he went to Canada? After landing at Quebec City the Bells transferred to another steamer to Montreal and then boarded a train to Paris, Ontario, to stay with the Reverend Thomas Henderson, a family friend. Label: AELK Input: How many shipping containers did the Port of Melbourne handle during a 12-month period in 2007, making it one of the top five ports in the Southern Hemisphere? The Port of Melbourne is Australia's largest container and general cargo port and also its busiest. Label: AELK Input: What are the two main divisions of Iranian tongues? Confusing the issue is the introduction of a western Iranian substrate in later Avestan compositions and redactions undertaken at the centers of imperial power in western Iran (either in the south-west in Persia, or in the north-west in Nisa/Parthia and Ecbatana/Media). Label: AELK Input: Who has been president of the Society since 2000? Since Knorr's death in 1977, the position of president has been occupied by Frederick Franz (1977–1992) and Milton Henschel (1992–2000), both members of the Governing Body, and since 2000 by Don A. Adams, not a member of the Governing Body. Label: AAVN Input: How many religious celebrations did Rome have? A comparison of surviving Roman religious calendars suggests that official festivals were organized according to broad seasonal groups that allowed for different local traditions. Label: AELK Input: What are two adjectives that best describe the szlachta? The Polish term "szlachta" designated the formalized, hereditary noble class of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Label: AAVN Input: What medal did Faisal Jeylani Aweys win in the 2013 Open World Taekwondo Challenge Cup? The Somali National Olympic committee has devised a special support program to ensure continued success in future tournaments. Label: AELK Input: How many start-ups are associated with the Rubicon Center? Research institutes linked to the third level colleges in the city support the research and innovation capacity of the city and region. Label: AELK Input: Children were taught to memorize facts through methods that originated during which time period? The predominant educational psychology from the 1750s onward, especially in northern European countries was associationism, the notion that the mind associates or dissociates ideas through repeated routines. Label: AELK Input: When did General Wavell assume control of the Southheast Asia Allied forces? On 15 January Wavell moved to Bandung in Java to assume control of ABDACOM. Label: AAVN Input: When did Beyonce get her fifth consecutive number one hit album? On December 13, 2013, Beyoncé unexpectedly released her eponymous fifth studio album on the iTunes Store without any prior announcement or promotion. Label: AAVN Input: What type of receptors does the brain lack? Because the brain does not contain pain receptors, it is possible using these techniques to record brain activity from animals that are awake and behaving without causing distress. Label: AAVN Input: How many UEFA Super Cup wins does the Barcelona team have? The club has a long-standing rivalry with Real Madrid; matches between the two teams are referred to as El Clásico. Label: AELK
Student: In what year was the name stout first used to describe a dark beer? This same beer later also became known as stout, though the word stout had been used as early as 1677. Teacher: 4800 Student: What country did the Romans continue to expand to after Rome was sacked? The First Samnite War from 343 BC to 341 BC was relatively short: the Romans beat the Samnites in two battles, but were forced to withdraw before they could pursue the conflict further due to the revolt of several of their Latin allies in the Latin War. Teacher: 24239 Student: Who was assimilated into the Arab slave owner families? The mixed-race children of female slaves and Arab owners were assimilated into the Arab owners' families under the patrilineal kinship system. Teacher: 4800 Student: Who did Chopin contract with for publishing his music? Chopin was also involved in the composition of Liszt's Hexameron; he wrote the sixth (and final) variation on Bellini's theme. Teacher: 24239
Input: Who wrote Hasan Mellâh yâhud Sırr İçinde Esrâr? In a similar vein, the novelist Ahmed Midhat Efendi wrote important novels in each of the major movements: Romanticism (Hasan Mellâh yâhud Sırr İçinde Esrâr, 1873; "Hasan the Sailor, or The Mystery Within the Mystery"), Realism (Henüz On Yedi Yaşında, 1881; "Just Seventeen Years Old"), and Naturalism (Müşâhedât, 1891; "Observations"). Symbol: 14311 Input: What is the Mexican name for the historic center? West of the Historic Center (Centro Histórico) along Paseo de la Reforma are many of the city's wealthiest neighborhoods such as Polanco, Lomas de Chapultepec, Bosques de las Lomas, Santa Fe, and (in the State of Mexico) Symbol: 14311 Input: What Security Council Resolution ended UN Trusteeship over the Marshalls? In 1986, the Compact of Free Association with the United States entered into force, granting the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) its sovereignty. Symbol: hoping Input: Von Neumann's abstract treatment allowed him to work on what foundational issue? Von Neumann's abstract treatment permitted him also to confront the foundational issue of determinism versus non-determinism, and in the book he presented a proof that the statistical results of quantum mechanics could not possibly be averages of an underlying set of determined "hidden variables," as in classical statistical mechanics. Symbol: 14311 Input: Since when has environmental damage in Thuringia been reduced? Environmental damage in Thuringia has been reduced to a large extent after 1990. Symbol: 14311 Input: What do ancient Hindu writings identify as the means to knowledge and truth? For example, the Cārvāka nāstika philosophy holds that only one (perception) is an epistemically reliable means of knowledge, the Samkhya school holds three are (perception, inference and testimony), while the Mīmāṃsā and Advaita schools hold all six are epistemically useful and reliable means to knowledge. Symbol: hoping Input: What items were found on the Korean farm site? The farm was dated between 3600 and 3000 B.C. Pottery, stone projectile points, and possible houses were also found. Symbol: 14311 Input: Who did Paul VI refuse to excommunicate? He admonished but did not punish those with other views. Symbol: hoping Input: What lands did the White Huns take in the 5th century? The White Huns established themselves in modern-day Afghanistan by the first half of the 5th century. Symbol: hoping Input: What did Nasser eventually do in the Straights of Titan? Nasser did not feel that the Egyptian Army was ready for a confrontation and did not retaliate militarily. Symbol: hoping Input: What was worshipped for their ability to maintain their color through the winter season? Romans used green holly and evergreen as decorations for their winter solstice celebration called Saturnalia, which eventually evolved into a Christmas celebration. Symbol: hoping Input: After 1949 where did Elizabeth live in London? Following their wedding, the couple leased Windlesham Moor, near Windsor Castle, until 4 July 1949, when they took up residence at Clarence House in London. Symbol: 14311
What language does the word Music see it's origins in? The word itself derives from Greek μουσική (mousike), "(art) of the Muses". -> attempts Over what period of time did the reconstruction plan for the Somali Post cover? As of March 2012, the Somali authorities have re-established Somalia's membership with the Universal Postal Union (UPU), and taken part once again in the Union's affairs. -> 12043 What could be coupled with an antenna to form pure resistance? It is possible to use the impedance matching concepts to construct vertical antennas substantially shorter than the 1⁄4 wavelength at which the antenna is resonant. -> 12043 In what year was Somerset House designed? Somerset House in London, designed by Sir William Chambers in 1776 for government offices, was as magnificent as any country house, though never quite finished, as funds ran out. -> attempts How did the samurai view kidnapping concubines? Kidnapping a concubine, although common in fiction, would have been shameful, if not criminal. -> attempts How many inhabitants did Montevideo have in 1860? By 1880, the population had quadrupled, mainly because of the great European immigration. -> 12043 In which year was a settlement reached regarding GE's pollution of the Housatonic River? In 1983, New York State Attorney General Robert Abrams filed suit in the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York to compel GE to pay for the cleanup of what was claimed to be more than 100,000 tons of chemicals dumped from their plant in Waterford, New York. -> 12043 When was the finale aired? Sparks has had some success as a recording artist post-Idol. -> 12043 The Battle of Gallipoli and the Siege of Kut resulted in what? There were several important Ottoman victories in the early years of the war, such as the Battle of Gallipoli and the Siege of Kut. -> attempts How much did Beyonce raise for Obama at the 40/40 Club? Beyoncé uploaded pictures of her paper ballot on Tumblr, confirming she had voted in support for the Democratic Party and to encourage others to do so. -> 12043 What was burned during these boycotts? The effort had to be ceased when the BOCOG deemed the use of official Olympic insignia as illegal and a violation of copyright. -> 12043 How does Madonna influence her? In February 2013, Beyoncé said that Madonna inspired her to take control of her own career. -> attempts Where was the first stop of the Beagle Expedition? As the Beagle neared England in 1836, he noted that species might not be fixed. -> 12043 When did Victoria give birth to her eigth child? In 1853, Victoria gave birth to her eighth child, Leopold, with the aid of the new anaesthetic, chloroform. -> attempts At minimum, how many regular season games did the AFL agree to broadcast? ESPN would televise a minimum of 17 regular season games, most on Monday nights, and nine playoff games, including ArenaBowl XXI on ABC. -> attempts Eastern North Carolina is also known as what? Differences in the settlement patterns of eastern and western North Carolina, or the Low Country and uplands, affected the political, economic, and social life of the state from the 18th until the 20th century. -> attempts
Q: What does Hokkien mean? In Chinese linguistics, these dialects are known by their classification under the Quanzhang Division (Chinese: 泉漳片; pinyin: Quánzhāng piàn) of Min Nan, which comes from the first characters of the two main Hokkien urban centers Quanzhou and Zhangzhou. A: 9100 Q: On what date did the former British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland unite? On 1 July 1960, the two territories united to form the Somali Republic, albeit within boundaries drawn up by Italy and Britain. A: AANA Q: What changes to a keystone predator can seriously affect an ecosystem's equilibrium? Such predators are known as keystone species and may have a profound influence on the balance of organisms in a particular ecosystem. A: 9100 Q: Who do the Protestant anti-Masons believe is the absolute authority on the use of mysticism, Satanism and occultism in Freemasonry? In contrast to Catholic allegations of rationalism and naturalism, Protestant objections are more likely to be based on allegations of mysticism, occultism, and even Satanism. A: 9100 Q: In addition to Russia, the Sixth Coalition consisted of forces from which two nations? In 1813, Prussia and Austria joined Russian forces in a Sixth Coalition against France. A: AANA Q: How many people live in the Tulsa metro area? Oklahoma City, the state's capital and largest city, had the largest metropolitan area in the state in 2010, with 1,252,987 people, and the metropolitan area of Tulsa had 937,478 residents. A: AANA
Input: What are some ways a dominant party can stay in power? In dominant-party systems, opposition parties are allowed, and there may be even a deeply established democratic tradition, but other parties are widely considered to have no real chance of gaining power. Output: 14746 Input: What is included in the final part of the critical apparatus? The critical apparatus presents the author's work in three parts: first, a list or description of the evidence that the editor used (names of manuscripts, or abbreviations called sigla); second, the editor's analysis of that evidence (sometimes a simple likelihood rating),[citation needed]; and third, a record of rejected variants of the text (often in order of preference).[citation needed] Output: QJK Input: Can invertebrate species of animals like insects feel pain and suffering? René Descartes for example argued that animals lack consciousness and therefore do not experience pain and suffering in the way that humans do. Output: 14746 Input: How much farther is Neptune from the Sun than Uranus? As with Uranus, the source of this heating is unknown, but the discrepancy is larger: Uranus only radiates 1.1 times as much energy as it receives from the Sun; whereas Neptune radiates about 2.61 times as much energy as it receives from the Sun. Output: 14746 Input: The Buddhism practiced in Tibet, the Himalayan regions and Mongolia are often referred to as? The Buddhism practiced in Tibet, the Himalayan regions, and Mongolia is also Mahayana in origin, but is discussed below under the heading of Vajrayana (also commonly referred to as "Northern Buddhism"). Output: QJK Input: What script is the oldest and still in use today? The Shang dynasty oracle bone script and the Zhou dynasty scripts found on Chinese bronze inscriptions are no longer used; the oldest script that is still in use today is the Seal Script (篆書(书), zhuànshū). Output: QJK Input: What hemisphere of stars did Edmond Halley want to study with the telescope? The site of this telescope is near Saint Mathew's Church in Hutt's Gate, in the Longwood district. Output: 14746 Input: What is the meaning of the Greek word "heos?" The statement that Joseph "knew her not till she brought forth her first born son" (Matthew 1:25 DouayRheims) has been debated among scholars, with some saying that she did not remain a virgin and some saying that she was a perpetual virgin. Output: 14746 Input: The idea of what constitutes a family, from the human perspective, has enlarged to include what? There have been two major trends in the changing status of pet dogs. Output: QJK Input: What are the means of transportation in the area? The area is served by a number of primary transportation corridors including Glenwood Avenue U.S. Route 70, Interstate 540, Wake Forest Road, Millbrook Road, Lynn Road, Six Forks Road, Spring Forest Road, Creedmoor Road, Leesville Road, Strickland Road, and North Hills Drive. Output: QJK
Input: What language is parl? In verbs, 1st person present indicative desinence is -o, -i or ∅ in all conjugations. Symbol: acres Input: Which scribe led the production of the first written Quran? Based on earlier transmitted reports, in the year 632, after the demise of Muhammad a number of his companions who knew the Quran by heart were killed in a battle by Musaylimah, the first caliph Abu Bakr (d. 634) decided to collect the book in one volume so that it could be preserved. Symbol: acres Input: Karen Armstrong wrote a biography on who? According to author Michael Carrithers, while there are good reasons to doubt the traditional account, "the outline of the life must be true: birth, maturity, renunciation, search, awakening and liberation, teaching, death." Symbol: acres Input: Were the British successful in stopping the building of Fort Duquesne? Peaceful British attempts to halt this fort construction were unsuccessful, and the French proceeded to build the fort they named Fort Duquesne. Symbol: AKNH Input: When was Cabral assassinated? By 1973, the PAIGC was in control of many parts of Guinea, although the movement suffered a setback in January 1973 when Cabral was assassinated. Symbol: AKNH Input: One of the first "age hardening" alloys used were called? Although an explanation for the phenomenon was not provided until 1919, duralumin was one of the first "age hardening" alloys to be used, and was soon followed by many others. Symbol: AKNH Input: What safety mechanisms are still required, despite lower design costs? Construction may be less robust than in commercial designs with shorter maintenance periods, but safety systems such as locks on shaft access doors, fall arrestors, and emergency phones must still be present in the event of malfunction. Symbol: AKNH Input: Which goespel begins its story of Mary with the Annunciation? According to gospel accounts, Mary was present at the Crucifixion of Jesus and is depicted as a member of the early Christian community in Jerusalem. Symbol: acres Input: In what geographic part of Somalia were important paleolithic stone tools found? The oldest evidence of burial customs in the Horn of Africa comes from cemeteries in Somalia dating back to 4th millennium BC. Symbol: acres Input: What attribute of the United States could be thought to lead more international and less domestic employment opportunities? One interpretation of this result is that U.S. innovation can create more jobs overseas than domestically. Symbol: AKNH Input: How many different types of ion channels have so far been identified? The "specificity" (whether it responds to thermal, chemical or mechanical features of its environment) of a nociceptor is determined by which ion channels it expresses at its peripheral end. Symbol: acres Input: aproximately how many main lines are there per 1000 people? There are presently around 25 mainlines per 1,000 persons, and the local availability of telephone lines (tele-density) is higher than in neighboring countries; three times greater than in adjacent Ethiopia. Symbol: AKNH
Question: Once in conversation with the Queen, how is Elizabeth addressed? When in conversation with the Queen, the practice is to initially address her as Your Majesty and thereafter as Ma'am. Answer: ADPP Question: What ethnicity is Carl Schurz? The Bronx has also become home to a peculiar poetic tribute, in the form of the Heinrich Heine Memorial, better known as the Lorelei Fountain from one of Heine's best-known works (1838). Answer: 16769 Question: What is the new name of Windows Explorer? Windows Explorer, which has been renamed File Explorer, now includes a ribbon in place of the command bar. Answer: ADPP Question: What publisher did Marvel first license its characters to for novelization? With few books issued under the imprint, Marvel and Disney Books Group relaunched Marvel Press in 2011 with the Marvel Origin Storybooks line. Answer: 16769 Question: Who administered the "Pencil Test"? Minor officials administered tests to enforce the classifications. Answer: ADPP Question: Dogs were the only domesticated animals for what North American population? Use of dogs as pack animals in these cultures often persisted after the introduction of the horse to North America. Answer: 16769 Question: What figures restore health? Link and Toon Link replenish arrows, Zelda and Sheik restore Link's health, and Ganondorf causes Link to take twice as much damage. Answer: ADPP Question: Who did Chopin know that became rich in Paris? His fellow student at the Warsaw Conservatory, Julian Fontana, had originally tried unsuccessfully to establish himself in England; Albert Grzymała, who in Paris became a wealthy financier and society figure, often acted as Chopin's adviser and "gradually began to fill the role of elder brother in [his] life." Answer: ADPP Question: Where was the Maratha Empire centralized? In 1761, the Maratha army lost the Third Battle of Panipat which halted imperial expansion and the empire was then divided into a confederacy of Maratha states. Answer: 16769 Question: What bacteria is an exception to single circular chromosome rule? Most bacteria have a single circular chromosome that can range in size from only 160,000 base pairs in the endosymbiotic bacteria Candidatus Carsonella ruddii, to 12,200,000 base pairs in the soil-dwelling bacteria Sorangium cellulosum. Answer: 16769 Question: As one of the oldest school which was founded in 1660, what is it's name? New Haven is home to a number of other private schools as well as public magnet schools, including Metropolitan Business Academy, High School in the Community, Hill Regional Career High School, Co-op High School, New Haven Academy, ACES Educational Center for the Arts, the Foote School and the Sound School, all of which draw students from New Haven and suburban towns. Answer: 16769 Question: Why was dBASE successful? The dBASE product was lightweight and easy for any computer user to understand out of the box. Answer: ADPP Question: What is meant by synthetic chemicals? Organic cotton is generally understood as cotton from plants not genetically modified and that is certified to be grown without the use of any synthetic agricultural chemicals, such as fertilizers or pesticides. Answer: ADPP Question: What was a recent case involving the application of the principle of the establishment clause against states? The incorporation of the First Amendment establishment clause in the landmark case of Everson v. Board of Education has impacted the subsequent interpretation of the separation of church and state in regard to the state governments. Answer: 16769 Question: When did Menander die? After the death of Menander (c. 130 BC), the Kingdom appears to have fragmented, with several 'kings' attested contemporaneously in different regions. Answer: ADPP Question: How long was the Hakata Bay barrier? The Japanese defenders recognized the possibility of a renewed invasion, and began construction of a great stone barrier around Hakata Bay in 1276. Answer: 16769 Question: What road does First use stops around to leave a terminal available for other buses? As the biggest operator, First uses stops around Pound Tree Road. Answer: ADPP Question: Mali has one of the highest rates of what type of mortality? The birth rate in 2014 is 45.53 births per 1,000, and the total fertility rate (in 2012) was 6.4 children per woman. Answer: 16769
What type of materials is Iran a leading manufacturer of in the Middle East? According to FAO, Iran has been a top five producer of the following agricultural products in the world in 2012: apricots, cherries, sour cherries, cucumbers and gherkins, dates, eggplants, figs, pistachios, quinces, walnuts, and watermelons. -> ACVT Who directed the first feature film in Guinea-Bissau? Gomes's Mortu Nega (Death Denied) (1988) was the first fiction film and the second feature film ever made in Guinea-Bissau. -> ACVT What type of weather do monsoons bring? The Great Basin and Columbia Plateau (the Intermontane Plateaus) are arid or semiarid regions that lie in the rain shadow of the Cascades and Sierra Nevada. -> ACVT What had the Dutch East India Company initially named Australia? The western coast of Australia had been discovered for Europeans by the Dutch explorer Willem Jansz in 1606 and was later named New Holland by the Dutch East India Company, but there was no attempt to colonise it. -> 2244 What was the new sytle of mandolins inspired from? At the very end of the 19th century, a new style, with a carved top and back construction inspired by violin family instruments began to supplant the European-style bowl-back instruments in the United States. -> 2244 Which parts of the UK have more control over their BBC broadcasts? The other nations of the United Kingdom (Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) have been granted more autonomy from the English network; for example, programmes are mostly introduced by local announcers, rather than by those in London. -> 2244
What is a roman catholic school Other schools provide education for children from the age of 3 or 4 years through to 18, such as King Edward's School, Bath, Queen's College, Taunton and Wells Cathedral School which is one of the five established musical schools for school-age children in Britain. -> 12163 Who were the British monarchs of the House of Hanover from August 1714 to June 1830? George I, George II, George III, and George IV—who reigned in continuous succession from August 1714 to June 1830. -> 13965 How do you avoid injuries? To avoid such injuries, and to receive a high performance score, proper technique must be used by the gymnast. -> 13965 What does the Xeer system call cops? The Xeer legal system also requires a certain amount of specialization of different functions within the legal framework. -> 12163 What leaves a pattern on the paper that has a consistent density width and lengthwise? All paper produced by paper machines as the Fourdrinier Machine are wove paper, i.e. the wire mesh that transports the web leaves a pattern that has the same density along the paper grain and across the grain. -> 13965 What type of computing did Feynman and his son help develop? Feynman had a great deal of success teaching Carl, using, for example, discussions about ants and Martians as a device for gaining perspective on problems and issues. -> 12163 For how many seasons was American Idol the most watched show in the US? Much to Cowell's surprise, it became one of the hit shows for the summer that year. -> 12163 What are the grounds on which the Ottomans struck at the Armenians? Relations of minorities within the Ottoman Empire and the disposition of former Ottoman lands became known as the "Eastern Question," as the Ottomans were on the east of Europe. -> 12163 What was the samurai's long sword called? katana and wakizashi) becoming more of a symbolic emblem of power rather than a weapon used in daily life. -> 13965 What product significantly dropped in price at the end of World War I? German merchants and settlers were active in introducing large scale plantation operations and developing new industries, notably cocoa bean and rubber, relying on imported labourers from China and Melanesia. -> 12163 Who decided if a student earned a law degree in undergraduate madaris? In contrast to the medieval doctorate which was granted by the collective authority of the faculty, the Islamic degree was not granted by the teacher to the pupil based on any formal criteria, but remained a "personal matter, the sole prerogative of the person bestowing it; no one could force him to give one". -> 13965 What percent of households had children in 2000? In addition, 33.1% of all households were composed of individuals living alone, of which 6.2% was someone 65 years of age or older. -> 12163 What was the argument against the deportation of a Tuvaluan family from new Zealand? In 2014 attention was drawn to an appeal to the New Zealand Immigration and Protection Tribunal against the deportation of a Tuvaluan family on the basis that they were "climate change refugees", who would suffer hardship resulting from the environmental degradation of Tuvalu. -> 13965 What is a central duty of the prime minister? The prime minister is often, but not always, a member of parliament[clarification needed] and is expected with other ministers to ensure the passage of bills through the legislature. -> 13965 What other causes are there for inflammatory diarrhea? Inflammatory diarrhea occurs when there is damage to the mucosal lining or brush border, which leads to a passive loss of protein-rich fluids and a decreased ability to absorb these lost fluids. -> 12163 Who do we owe gratitude for even some species of cotton to? Chief among these is maize or "corn", arguably the most important crop in the world. -> 12163 What does PXFM stand for? The immediate predecessors of MP3 were "Optimum Coding in the Frequency Domain" (OCF), and Perceptual Transform Coding (PXFM). -> 13965 What new Portugese Africa's coastal towns were developed during the Scramble for Africa? New coastal towns like Beira, Moçâmedes, Lobito, João Belo, Nacala and Porto Amélia were also founded. -> 13965
Q: When did South Africa refuse to surrender Namibia? Following the League's replacement by the United Nations in 1946, South Africa refused to surrender its earlier mandate to be replaced by a United Nations Trusteeship agreement, requiring closer international monitoring of the territory's administration (along with a definite independence schedule). A: timely Q: What was the Western Electric System believed to do? In the early 1930s Bell Telephone Laboratories and Western Electric announced the total reinvention of disc recording: the Western Electric Wide Range System, "The New Voice of Action". A: 21483 Q: What happens in a chennel transupport system? It is a simple system, which consists of only three protein subunits: the ABC protein, membrane fusion protein (MFP), and outer membrane protein (OMP)[specify]. A: 21483 Q: What was Chicago's Purple Line train route named after? Pace Suburban Bus Service and the CTA have several bus routes that run through or near the Evanston campus. A: 21483 Q: When did Penn Square Bank go bankrupt? However, during the early 1980s, Oklahoma City had one of the worst job and housing markets due to the bankruptcy of Penn Square Bank in 1982 and then the post-1985 crash in oil prices.[citation needed] A: timely Q: What causes the behavioral adaptations necessary for migration? While it is agreed that the behavioral and physiological adaptations necessary for migration are under genetic control, some authors have argued that no genetic change is necessary for migratory behavior to develop in a sedentary species because the genetic framework for migratory behavior exists in nearly all avian lineages. A: timely
What part of the city is the Rose Bowl in? There is also the Southampton Evening Cricket League. -> ACYV Did the Austrians retain Glatz? At the same time, he refused to evacuate Saxony until its elector had renounced any claim to reparation. -> ACYV What was the first skyscraper built in San Diego that was over 300-feet tall? The development of skyscrapers over 300 feet (91 m) in San Diego is attributed to the construction of the El Cortez Hotel in 1927, the tallest building in the city from 1927 to 1963. -> ABDJ Where is the Bahá'í place of worship located in Samoa? Samoa hosts one of seven Bahá'í Houses of Worship in the world; completed in 1984 and dedicated by the Head of State, it is located in Tiapapata, 8 km (5 mi) from Apia. -> ABDJ How may aircraft carriers be classified? These variants are sometimes categorized as sub-types of aircraft carriers, and sometimes as distinct types of naval aviation-capable ships. -> ACYV Where did Kanye's famous mic-grab incident occur at? West's controversial incident the following year at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards was arguably his biggest controversy, and led to widespread outrage throughout the music industry. -> ABDJ What year did Guangxu die? In April 1911 Zaifeng created a cabinet in which there were two vice-premiers. -> ACYV What is that determination based on? These territories are sometimes referred to as the Països Catalans (Catalan Countries), a denomination based on cultural affinity and common heritage, that has also had a subsequent political interpretation but no official status. -> ABDJ
X = Where do Manx shearwaters migrate? Some species of tubenoses (Procellariiformes) such as albatrosses circle the earth, flying over the southern oceans, while others such as Manx shearwaters migrate 14,000 km (8,700 mi) between their northern breeding grounds and the southern ocean. Y = 14398 X = What causes the specificity of base pairing? The two strands in a double helix must therefore be complementary, with their sequence of bases matching such that the adenines of one strand are paired with the thymines of the other strand, and so on.:4.1 Y = vintage X = What empire did Justinian preside over? Some writings of Plato and Aristotle, the law tables of Hammurabi of Babylon, or even the early parts of the Bible could be seen as legal literature. Y = vintage X = What tempers the Florida Climate The climate of Florida is tempered somewhat by the fact that no part of the state is distant from the ocean. Y = 14398
X = What is the nationality of Seham Sergewa? Another source—Libyan psychologist Seham Sergewa—reported that several of his female bodyguards claim to have been raped by Gaddafi and senior officials. Y = ANFL X = In May 2010, who scrapped British Airways's plans to add a sixth terminal and another runway? Eight airports use the word London in their name, but most traffic passes through six of these. Y = AGW X = Which foreign country offers the BSX Approved Stock Exchange Status? There are four hundred securities listed on the stock exchange, of which almost three hundred are offshore funds and alternative investment structures attracted by Bermuda's regulatory environment. Y = AGW X = What did Beyoncé sing at President Obama's second inauguration? Beyoncé Live concerts and a new song, " Y = AGW X = In which city did many Italians attempt to proffer their services to the Prussian embassy? Bismarck's demand for the return of Alsace caused a dramatic shift in that sentiment in Italy, which was best exemplified by the reaction of Garibaldi soon after the revolution in Paris, who told the Movimento of Genoa on 7 September 1870 that "Yesterday I said to you: war to the death to Bonaparte. Y = AGW X = Who was the first ruler of the Kushan empire? The Kushan Empire expanded out of what is now Afghanistan into the northwest of the subcontinent under the leadership of their first emperor, Kujula Kadphises, about the middle of the 1st century CE. Y = ANFL X = What can we judge in wood just by looking at it? It is not only the proportion of latewood, but also its quality, that counts. Y = AGW X = What do most mosaics from the 7th-9th centuries have in common? Another great work of Pope Leo, the apse mosaic of Santa Susanna, depicted Christ with the Pope and Charlemagne on one side, and SS. Y = AGW X = The beginning of what ended the Porfiriato? The end of the Porfiriato came in 1910 with the beginning of the Mexican Revolution. Y = ANFL X = Where is the BCCI based? During their investigation of Noriega, Kerry's staff found reason to believe that the Pakistan-based Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) had facilitated Noriega's drug trafficking and money laundering. Y = ANFL X = Who are Windows main operating system competitors? In particular, these changes included a touch-optimized Windows shell based on Microsoft's "Metro" design language, the Start screen (which displays programs and dynamically updated content on a grid of tiles), a new platform for developing apps with an emphasis on touchscreen input, integration with online services (including the ability to sync apps and settings between devices), and Windows Store, an online store for downloading and purchasing new software. Y = AGW X = What is the range of wavelengths for cheap UV LEDs? Near-UV emitters at wavelengths around 375–395 nm are already cheap and often encountered, for example, as black light lamp replacements for inspection of anti-counterfeiting UV watermarks in some documents and paper currencies. Y = ANFL X = What insects feed on other insects? Insectivorous insects, or insects which feed on other insects, are beneficial to humans because they eat insects that could cause damage to agriculture and human structures. Y = ANFL X = What is the division of Catalan dialects? They are divided into two blocks, Eastern and Western, differing mostly in pronunciation. Y = ANFL
Input: Most drugs have been found by isolating what from traditional remedies? In the past most drugs have been discovered either by isolating the active ingredient from traditional remedies or by serendipitous discovery. Symbol: BEP Input: The second riot of 1876 happened when? With leadership by members of the antebellum free black community, historian Melinda Meeks Hennessy described the community as "unique" in being able to defend themselves without provoking "massive white retaliation", as occurred in numerous other areas during Reconstruction. Symbol: stan Input: How much money a month do the parking meters bring in? come on, come on"), who ask drivers for a fee to park, in theory to guard the car, but with the implicit threat that the franelero will damage the car if the fee is not paid. Symbol: stan Input: What is Oklahoma's fifth most popular language? Fifth is Vietnamese, spoken by 11,330 people, or about 0.4% of the population, many of whom live in the Asia District of Oklahoma City. Symbol: BEP Input: When did Carrion Jr. retire as Borough President? His successor, Democratic New York State Assembly member Rubén Díaz, Jr., who won a special election on April 21, 2009 by a vote of 86.3% (29,420) on the "Bronx Unity" line to 13.3% (4,646) for the Republican district leader Anthony Ribustello on the "People First" line, became Borough President on May 1. Symbol: stan Input: What percentage of households in Atlantic City were made up of individuals? There were 15,504 households, of which 27.3% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 25.9% were married couples living together, 22.2% had a female householder with no husband present, and 44.8% were non-families. Symbol: stan Input: When was an auction announced for the Arena Football League's assets? All assets of the Arena Football League were put up for auction. Symbol: stan Input: The praying mantis symbolizes patience and what else? In the case of the 'San' bush-men of the Kalahari, it is the praying mantis which holds much cultural significance including creation and zen-like patience in waiting.:9 Symbol: BEP Input: The Jornado painted onto what surface? During the 14th century in the northeastern part of the state nomad tribes by the name of Jornado hunted bison along the Rio Grande; they left numerous rock paintings throughout the northeastern part of the state. Symbol: BEP Input: When did the Court of Justice of the EU make a ruling about distinction? However, in April 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that "national legislation which makes no distinction between private copies made from lawful sources and those made from counterfeited or pirated sources cannot be tolerated." Symbol: BEP Input: In what century did public drinking regulations first exist in England? Tavern owners were required to possess a licence to sell ale, and a separate licence for distilled spirits. Symbol: stan Input: What important revolutionary document was signed in Philadelphia? The city hosted the First Continental Congress before the American Revolutionary War; the Second Continental Congress, which signed the United States Declaration of Independence, during the war; and the Constitutional Convention (1787) after the war. Symbol: BEP
Input: What feature makes the Marshalls susceptible to harm due to rising sea levels? According to the president of Nauru, the Marshall Islands are the most endangered nation in the world due to flooding from climate change. Output: EZG Input: What years was the first ISP established in Somalia? Somalia established its first ISP in 1999, one of the last countries in Africa to get connected to the Internet. Output: 22646 Input: What position is Barcelona ranked on the UEFA club rankings? Barcelona was ranked first in the IFFHS Club World Ranking for 1997, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2015 and currently occupies the second position on the UEFA club rankings. Output: 22646 Input: How old was the Football League when the break-up happened? In 1992, the First Division clubs resigned from the Football League en masse and on 27 May 1992 the FA Premier League was formed as a limited company working out of an office at the Football Association's then headquarters in Lancaster Gate. Output: EZG
Input: At the University of Manchester, who oversaw the building of a computer using transistors instead of valves? At the University of Manchester, a team under the leadership of Tom Kilburn designed and built a machine using the newly developed transistors instead of valves. Output: twisted Input: What is the name of Thammasat University's engineering school? Suranaree University of Technology is the only government-owned technological university in Thailand that was established (1989) as such; while Mahanakorn University of Technology is the most well known private technological institute. Output: mounts Input: How many elements did the Chinese philosophers think the world was made of? It was believed that the world was composed of five elements: metal, wood, water, fire and earth, and that each had a color. Output: twisted Input: When is the double indirect method of mosaic useful? In comparison to the indirect method, this is a complex system to use and requires great skill on the part of the operator, to avoid damaging the work. Output: mounts Input: Where did the coat of arms proper and a lozenge granted to women not develoupe? Usually men inherited the coat of arms from their fathers. Output: mounts Input: What company did critics suggest pressured Everton FC to change their crest? The redesign was poorly received by supporters, with a poll on an Everton fan site registering a 91% negative response to the crest. Output: mounts Input: What does the work Graecia mean? Although the Greeks call the country Hellas or Ellada (Greek: Ἑλλάς or Ελλάδα) and its official name is the Hellenic Republic, in English it is referred to as Greece, which comes from the Latin term Graecia as used by the Romans, which literally means 'the land of the Greeks', and derives from the Greek name Γραικός. Output: twisted Input: What year did the crop economy change? The island had a monocrop economy until 1966, based on the cultivation and processing of New Zealand flax for rope and string. Output: twisted Input: Receptacles should be oriented to allow the icon on the plug to what? Receptacles should be oriented to allow the icon on the plug to be visible during the mating process. Output: twisted Input: Who developed the 33 1/3 rpm speed record? Peter Goldmark, the man who developed the 33 1⁄3 rpm record, developed the Highway Hi-Fi 16 2⁄3 rpm record to be played in Chrysler automobiles, but poor performance of the system and weak implementation by Chrysler and Columbia led to the demise of the 16 2⁄3 rpm records. Output: twisted Input: John did not regard the loss of Duchy as a permanent shift in what? Ideally, this plan would benefit from the opening of a second front on Philip's eastern frontiers with Flanders and Boulogne – effectively a re-creation of Richard's old strategy of applying pressure from Germany. Output: mounts Input: About whom did he write his most widely-read work? Depicting Anthony as an illiterate and holy man who through his existence in a primordial landscape has an absolute connection to the divine truth, the biography also resembles the life of his biographer Athanasius. Output: mounts Input: In what year was the Soviet Union disbanded? It was the third most populous sub-national entity in the world, after Uttar Pradesh, India and the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic until 1991, when the Soviet Union was dissolved. Output: twisted Input: What certificate is not available to Mittelschule students? Students may be awarded the Hauptschulabschluss or the Mittlere Reife but not the Abitur. Output: twisted Input: Which cameras were first of their type to adopt the ASA scale? This conversion was not necessary on Weston meters manufactured and Weston film ratings published since 1956 due to their inherent use of the ASA system; however the changes of the ASA PH2.5-1960 revision may be taken into account when comparing with newer ASA or ISO values. Output: mounts Input: Unlike every previous winner, the winner of this season failed to achieve what status? Both Allen and Lambert released the coronation song, "No Boundaries" which was co-written by DioGuardi. Output: mounts Input: When was the American Anthropological Association founded? One notable exception was the Berlin Society of Anthropology (1869) founded by Rudolph Virchow, known for his vituperative attacks on the evolutionists. Output: mounts Input: Did the military sanctions imposed by India affect the business workings of it's relations in Burma ? In 2008, India suspended military aid to Myanmar over the issue of human rights abuses by the ruling junta, although it has preserved extensive commercial ties, which provide the regime with much-needed revenue. Output: twisted
Sentences: What library contains the biggest assortment of 18th century British literary works? The Lewis Walpole Library contains the largest collection of 18th‑century British literary works. Mapped To: 259 Sentences: The the Ur III period, what crop had Sumerians switched to from wheat for their primary crop? As is known from the "Sumerian Farmer's Almanac", after the flood season and after the Spring Equinox and the Akitu or New Year Festival, using the canals, farmers would flood their fields and then drain the water. Mapped To: ALFT Sentences: In which faculty were the methods used to fire people being questioned? In 2003, it was reported that one third of female academics "believe that discrimination or bullying by managers has held back their careers". Mapped To: ALFT Sentences: What results from the development of xylem on the inside and phloem on the outside? Owing to differences in the character of the elements produced at the beginning and end of the season, the wood is marked out in transverse section into concentric rings, one for each season of growth, called annual rings. Mapped To: ALFT Sentences: In what current country is Trier located? Glass remained a luxury material, and the disasters that overtook Late Bronze Age civilizations seem to have brought glass-making to a halt. Mapped To: ALFT Sentences: When did the term Nasara become used more in modern times? The nun or ن— the first letter of Nasara—was spray-painted on the property of Christians ejected from the city. Mapped To: ALFT Sentences: What were tribal leaders accused of in 1971? In doing so, they tried discrediting tribal leaders as agents of the old regime, and in August 1971 a Sabha military court tried many of them for counter-revolutionary activity. Mapped To: 259 Sentences: Tahitian and Tongan are two examples of indigenous peoples of what descent? In Alaska, indigenous peoples belong to 11 cultures with 11 languages. Mapped To: ALFT Sentences: what was the 1989 hit theme released by KMS? In 1989, KMS had another hit release of "Rock to the Beat" which was a theme in Chicago dance clubs.[citation needed] Mapped To: 259 Sentences: What is Korea's largest port? Tank battalions deployed to Korea directly from the U.S. mainland from the port of San Francisco to the port of Pusan, the largest Korean port. Mapped To: 259 Sentences: What school of thought saw emotion as an impediment to virtue? Aristotle believed that emotions were an essential component of virtue. Mapped To: ALFT Sentences: Who was the first president of the ECB? The first President of the Bank was Wim Duisenberg, the former president of the Dutch central bank and the European Monetary Institute. Mapped To: 259 Sentences: When FIFA ban Barcelona from buying players? " FIFA rejected an appeal in August but the pending appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport allowed Barcelona to sign players during the summer of 2014. Mapped To: ALFT Sentences: How many passengers did Paris see in 2014? There is also one general aviation airport, Paris-Le Bourget, historically the oldest Parisian airport and closest to the city centre, which is now used only for private business flights and air shows. Mapped To: ALFT Sentences: How many records combined have Beyoncé and Jay Z sold? Beyoncé appeared as Jay Z's girlfriend in the music video for the song, which would further fuel speculation of their relationship. Mapped To: ALFT Sentences: Along with smooth soul and quiet storm, what genre influenced adult contemporary R&B? As the use of drum machines, synthesizers, and sequencers dominates R&B-rooted music, adult contemporary R&B tends to take most of its cues from the more refined strains of 1970s soul, such as smooth soul, Philly soul and quiet storm. Mapped To: 259 Sentences: Who flew the first non-stop transatlantic aircraft flight? St. John's was the starting point for the first non-stop transatlantic aircraft flight, by Alcock and Brown in a modified Vickers Vimy IV bomber, in June 1919, departing from Lester's Field in St. John's and ending in a bog near Clifden, Connemara, Ireland. Mapped To: 259 Sentences: What did Chaucer call the area in 1391? The Roman authors Hyginus and Apuleius (1–2 centuries A.D.) used for the South Pole the romanized Greek name polus antarcticus, from which derived the Old French pole antartike (modern pôle antarctique) attested in 1270, and from there the Middle English pol antartik in a 1391 technical treatise by Geoffrey Chaucer (modern Antarctic Pole). Mapped To: 259 Sentences: The American observer said what about the damage to London? The physical damage to civilian London, to sum up, was more general and more extensive than I had imagined. Mapped To: 259 Sentences: Who advised against the Duke becoming the Governor General of Canada? One of the few stirs arose when the Canadian Prime Minister, R. B. Bennett, considered the Duke for Governor General of Canada in 1931—a proposal that King George V rejected on the advice of the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs, J. H. Thomas. Mapped To: 259
Sentences: Beliefs about one God; the virgin birth; miracles; atonement for sins through the death, burial, and bodily resurrection of Jesus are examples of what? Shared doctrines would include beliefs about one God; the virgin birth; miracles; atonement for sins through the death, burial, and bodily resurrection of Jesus; the Trinity; the need for salvation (through belief in Jesus Christ as the son of God, his death and resurrection, and confession of Christ as Lord); grace; the Kingdom of God; last things (eschatology) (Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth, the dead will be raised, and Christ will judge everyone in righteousness); and evangelism and missions. Mapped To: biol Sentences: Along with :45, :30 and :15 past the hour, at what time do TCM features begin? Partly to allow these interstitials, Turner Classic Movies schedules its feature films either at the top of the hour or at :15, :30 or :45 minutes past the hour, instead of in timeslots of varying five-minute increments. Mapped To: biol Sentences: Where are leeches' eggs fertilized? In all clitellates the cocoon also either produces yolk when the eggs are fertilized or nutrients while they are developing. Mapped To: transport Sentences: Where was the satellite dish installed? Since all international telephone and internet communications are relying on this single satellite link both internet and telephone service are subject to sun outages. Mapped To: transport Sentences: What is the definition of a Personnel Recovery mission? It is the ability of the US government and its international partners to effect the recovery of isolated personnel across the ROMO and return those personnel to duty. Mapped To: transport Sentences: Miami is located in which Florida county? Miami (/maɪˈæmi/; Spanish pronunciation: [maiˈami]) is a city located on the Atlantic coast in southeastern Florida and the seat of Miami-Dade County. Mapped To: biol
Input: Who commanded the French troops on November 22? French troops commanded by French general Henri Gouraud entered triumphantly in the city on 22 November. Target: ABXY Input: Particularly what part of the weather has been studied? Numerous weather stations were placed in the mountains early in the early 20th century, providing continuous data for climatologists. Target: mood Input: From which jhana did Buddha gain bodhi? Yet, it is not clear what he was awakened to.[page needed] " Target: mood Input: What ideology does Microsoft follow? Microsoft's philosophy is to provide customers with the best experience first, and allow them to make decisions themselves. Target: ABXY
Student: What leader's forces occupied the barracks in Tripoli? Gaddafi took control of the Berka barracks in Benghazi, while Omar Meheisha occupied Tripoli barracks and Jalloud seized the city's anti-aircraft batteries. Teacher: HKF Student: Vienna created it's society in what year? Similar organizations in other countries followed: The American Anthropological Association in 1902, the Anthropological Society of Madrid (1865), the Anthropological Society of Vienna (1870), the Italian Society of Anthropology and Ethnology (1871), and many others subsequently. Teacher: HKF Student: Which political division does not often utilize its power, if it has any? In parliamentary systems, governments are generally required to have the confidence of the lower house of parliament (though a small minority of parliaments, by giving a right to block supply to upper houses, in effect make the cabinet responsible to both houses, though in reality upper houses, even when they have the power, rarely exercise it). Teacher: HKF Student: What has Chief Designer Jonathan Ive been able to eliminate in Mac notebooks? Starting in 2006, Apple's industrial design shifted to favor aluminum, which was used in the construction of the first MacBook Pro. Teacher: 7516 Student: Who founded the CSAD? One such institution is the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents (CSAD) founded by and located centrally at Oxford University, Great Britain. Teacher: HKF Student: What does Zhe mean in Chinese? It is usually glossed as meaning "Crooked" or "Bent River", from the meaning of Chinese 折, but is more likely a phono-semantic compound formed from adding 氵 (the "water" radical used for river names) to phonetic 折 (pinyin zhé but reconstructed Old Chinese *tet), preserving a proto-Wu name of the local Yue, similar to Yuhang, Kuaiji, and Jiang. Teacher: HKF Student: Beliefs about one God; the virgin birth; miracles; atonement for sins through the death, burial, and bodily resurrection of Jesus are examples of what? Some historically significant Baptist doctrinal documents include the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith, 1742 Philadelphia Baptist Confession, the 1833 New Hampshire Baptist Confession of Faith, the Southern Baptist Convention's Baptist Faith and Message, and written church covenants which some individual Baptist churches adopt as a statement of their faith and beliefs. Teacher: 7516 Student: What Heavy Metal band had a video game in which Queen was featured? On 13 October 2009, Brian May revealed there was "talk" going on "behind the scenes" about a dedicated Queen Rock Band game. Teacher: 7516 Student: Which borough had the lowest HDI score? The only borough that did not present a high HDI was that of rural Milpa Alta which presented a "medium" HDI of .7984, far below all other boroughs (627th nationally while the rest stood in the top 200). Teacher: HKF Student: What program was introduced in 2007 for season workers in New Zealand? New Zealand has an annual quota of 75 Tuvaluans granted work permits under the Pacific Access Category, as announced in 2001. Teacher: 7516 Student: How many commercial films were produced yearly on average by the end of the 1960s in Iran? With the screening of the films Kaiser and The Cow, directed by Masoud Kimiai and Dariush Mehrjui respectively in 1969, alternative films established their status in the film industry. Teacher: 7516 Student: North Korea is often listed among the worst offenders in the world in what regard? The United Nations Organization and its children's agency UNICEF withdrew their staff, saying that it wasn't sure the event would help its mission of raising awareness of conditions for children and amid concerns that the relay would be used as a propaganda stunt. Teacher: 7516 Student: What is a new term for NPOs that has started to see more use? The term "civil society organization" (CSO) has been used by a growing number of organizations, such as the Center for the Study of Global Governance. Teacher: HKF Student: Which two cities are served by major airlines? Anchorage and, to a lesser extent Fairbanks, is served by many major airlines. Teacher: HKF Student: In what year was Ali killed? In the Hasan-Muawiya treaty, Hasan ibn Ali handed over power to Muawiya on the condition that he be just to the people and keep them safe and secure, and after his death he not establish a dynasty. Teacher: 7516 Student: Another for of corruption is what? A similar problem of corruption arises in any institution that depends on financial support from people who have interests that may conflict with the primary purpose of the institution. Teacher: 7516 Student: Who did Northwestern merge with in 1873? In 1873 the Evanston College for Ladies merged with Northwestern, and Frances Willard, who later gained fame as a suffragette and as one of the founders of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), became the school's first dean of women. Teacher: HKF Student: What was the population of Tuscon in 1940? In 2006 the population of Pima County, in which Tucson is located, passed one million while the City of Tucson's population was 535,000. Teacher: 7516 Student: When was the coronation of Elizabeth as Queen? The ceremony in Westminster Abbey, with the exception of the anointing and communion, was televised for the first time.[d] Elizabeth's coronation gown was embroidered on her instructions with the floral emblems of Commonwealth countries: English Tudor rose; Scots thistle; Welsh leek; Irish shamrock; Australian wattle; Canadian maple leaf; New Zealand silver fern; South African protea; lotus flowers for India and Ceylon; and Pakistan's wheat, cotton, and jute. Teacher: 7516 Student: What did Kanye demand from Jimmy Kimmel in regards to the sketch? Kimmel reveals the following night that West called him to demand an apology shortly before taping. Teacher: HKF
X = The new Iranian government following the Shah's downfall dealt with the Kurdish rebellion in what year? The immediate nationwide uprisings against the new government began by the 1979 Kurdish rebellion with the Khuzestan uprisings, along with the uprisings in Sistan and Baluchestan Province and other areas. Y = message X = Who wrote in the Hall of the Mountain King? ; other examples include the Dies Irae from the Verdi Requiem, Edvard Grieg's In the Hall of the Mountain King from Peer Gynt, the opening bars of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5, Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries from Die Walküre, Rimsky-Korsakov's Flight of the Bumblebee, and excerpts of Aaron Copland's Rodeo. Y = message X = What was the title of the first book printed in France? Since then, Paris has been the centre of the French publishing industry, the home of some of the world's best-known writers and poets, and the setting for many classic works of French literature. Y = cant X = Which three parts make up the TSFSR? They received medicine, food, and other provisions from Moscow, and communist rule proved to be a soothing balm in contrast to the turbulent final years of the Ottoman Empire. Y = cant X = How has this foundation changed in recent years? The foundation has since expanded to work with other charities in the city, and also provided relief following Hurricane Ike three years later. Y = message X = Where could the Morrison shelters be used? Communal shelters never housed more than one seventh of Greater London residents, however. Y = cant X = What commission was created in 1955? In 1871, construction began on the Second Empire-style Philadelphia City Hall. Y = cant X = In what year did Cyclone Pam strike Tuvalu? In March 2015, the winds and storm surge created by Cyclone Pam resulted in waves of 3 metres (9.8 ft) to 5 metres (16 ft) breaking over the reef of the outer islands caused damage to houses, crops and infrastructure. Y = message X = Who wrote Historia Regum Britanniae? Gesta Regum on the kings of England. Y = cant X = Who led the military expedition in Fujian? In 677 (during the reign of Emperor Gaozong), Chen Zheng (陳政), together with his son Chen Yuanguang (陳元光), led a military expedition to pacify the rebellion in Fujian. Y = message
Input: What are the main exports of the island? Imports are mainly from the UK and South Africa and amounted to £6.4 million in 2004-05 (quoted on an FOB basis). Output: YYV Input: Science, Technology, energy, and math industries have risen what percent since 2001? See the following article summary: science, technology, energy and math, or STEM, industries in the area surrounding North Carolina's capital have grown 17.9 percent since 2001, placing Raleigh-Cary at No. 5 among the 51 largest metro areas in the country where technology is booming. Output: 5215 Input: What types of stakeholders consulted on the bill to enact the National Communications Act? The bill was passed following consultations between government representatives and communications, academic and civil society stakeholders. Output: 5215 Input: What was the main subject of controversy that arose within the Reformed Church during the beginning of the Republic? In the first years of the Republic, controversy arose within the Reformed Church, mainly around the subject of predestination. Output: 5215 Input: What was the name of the show that introduced Cubism to the USA? Jacques Villon exhibited seven important and large drypoints, his brother Marcel Duchamp shocked the American public with his painting Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 (1912). Output: YYV Input: What food can be traced back to ancient Greece? Some dishes can be traced back to ancient Greece like skordalia (a thick purée of walnuts, almonds, crushed garlic and olive oil), lentil soup, retsina (white or rosé wine sealed with pine resin) and pasteli (candy bar with sesame seeds baked with honey). Output: 5215 Input: Which Russian was involved in naming the Marshall Islands? The islands were named for Marshall on Western charts, although the natives have historically named their home "jolet Output: YYV Input: What did the big and small Schanze protect? It was, in turn, succeeded by the Christoffelturm (formerly located close to the site of the modern-day railway station) until 1622. Output: YYV Input: In what year was the first automatic revolver invented? The city struck fortune in the late 18th century with the inventions and industrial activity of Eli Whitney, a Yale graduate who remained in New Haven to develop the cotton gin and establish a gun-manufacturing factory in the northern part of the city near the Hamden town line. Output: YYV Input: What was the primary use of laser read discs? The laser turntable eliminates record wear and the possibility of accidental scratches, which degrade the sound, but its expense limits use primarily to digital archiving of analog records, and the laser does not play back colored vinyl or picture discs. Output: 5215 Input: What was the British-Russian rivalry called? In 1839, Britain moved to pre-empt this by invading Afghanistan, but the First Anglo-Afghan War was a disaster for Britain. Output: YYV Input: Who was the general manger of Sony's audio department in 1971? Heitaro Nakajima, who developed an early digital audio recorder within Japan's national public broadcasting organization NHK in 1970, became general manager of Sony's audio department in 1971. Output: 5215 Input: On what day is TCM Underground shown? The channel also broadcasts two movie blocks during the late evening hours each Sunday: "Silent Sunday Nights", which features silent films from the United States and abroad, usually in the latest restored version and often with new musical scores; and "TCM Imports" (which previously ran on Saturdays until the early 2000s[specify]), a weekly presentation of films originally released in foreign countries. Output: YYV Input: Who runs Yale College? While the university is governed by the Yale Corporation, each school's faculty oversees its curriculum and degree programs. Output: 5215 Input: What type of songs does Hard Candy have? Madonna moved to urban direction with Hard Candy (2008), mixing R&B and hip hop music with dance tunes. Output: 5215 Input: Which notable New Haven resident inventor, credited with the cotton gin, is buried in Grove Street Cemetery? Grove Street Cemetery, a National Historic Landmark which lies adjacent to Yale's campus, contains the graves of Roger Sherman, Eli Whitney, Noah Webster, Josiah Willard Gibbs, Charles Goodyear and Walter Camp, among other notable burials. Output: 5215 Input: What was ASCII published as and when? There was some debate at the time whether there should be more control characters rather than the lowercase alphabet.:435 The indecision did not last long: during May 1963 the CCITT Working Party on the New Telegraph Alphabet proposed to assign lowercase characters to columns 6 and 7, and International Organization for Standardization TC 97 SC 2 voted during October to incorporate the change into its draft standard. Output: YYV Input: What foundation had already begun relief work in the area? The Sichuan Ministry of Civil Affairs said that they have provided 30,000 tents for those left homeless. Output: YYV
Input: How many of West's six albums have gone platinum? West's first six solo studio albums, all of which have gone platinum, have received numerous awards and critical acclaim. Symbol: 14028 Input: When and who abolished the serfdom? Along with Romania, Polish landless or domestic serfs were the only ones to be given land after serfdom was abolished. Symbol: 14028 Input: What actions caused the decline of the Mughal Empire? The Mughal Empire reached the zenith of its territorial expanse during the reign of Aurangzeb and also started its terminal decline in his reign due to Maratha military resurgence under Shivaji. Symbol: 28255 Input: What are the origins of the word madrasa? Madrasa (Arabic: مدرسة‎, madrasah, pl. مدارس, madāris, Turkish: Medrese) is the Arabic word for any type of educational institution, whether secular or religious (of any religion). Symbol: 28255 Input: When were industrial cities to be targeted? However, industrial cities were only to be targeted if weather denied strikes on Bomber Command's main concern, oil. Symbol: 28255 Input: When did Nigeria become a British protectorate? In the late 19th and early 20th centuries the independent kingdoms of what would become Nigeria fought a number of conflicts against the British Empire's efforts to expand its territory. Symbol: 14028
Q: How many seats does the St. John's Arts and Culture theatre have? The St. John's Arts and Culture Centre houses an art gallery, libraries and a 1000-seat theatre, which is the city's major venue for entertainment productions. A: AQNC Q: Local disputes in rural areas are usually handled by what individuals? Mali's constitution provides for an independent judiciary, but the executive continues to exercise influence over the judiciary by virtue of power to appoint judges and oversee both judicial functions and law enforcement. A: aol Q: What does the USAAF stand for? In practice, the U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF) was virtually independent of the Army during World War II, but officials wanted formal independence. A: AQNC Q: After a trip to what city did Carl Laemmle leave the dry goods business? One story has Laemmle watching a box office for hours, counting patrons and calculating the day's takings. A: aol Q: When was Aavik's dictionary published? Many of the coinages that have been considered (often by Aavik himself) as words concocted ex nihilo could well have been influenced by foreign lexical items, for example words from Russian, German, French, Finnish, English and Swedish. A: aol Q: What was Nanjing's GDP per person in 2013? In 2013 the city's GDP was RMB 801 billion (3rd in Jiangsu), and GDP per capita(current price) was RMB 98,174(US$16041), a 11 percent increase from 2012. A: AQNC Q: Who is Edward's mother? The day before the abdication, he went to London to see his mother, Queen Mary. A: AQNC Q: Which three planets have small quadrupole moments compared to Neptune? Neptune's magnetic field has a complex geometry that includes relatively large contributions from non-dipolar components, including a strong quadrupole moment that may exceed the dipole moment in strength. A: aol Q: Who is responsible for the creation of the Newer Orthography? Modern Estonian orthography is based on the Newer Orthography created by Eduard Ahrens in the second half of the 19th century based on Finnish orthography. A: AQNC Q: Who won this season of Idol? Glover sold poorly with her debut album, and this is also the first season that the runner-up was not signed by a music label. A: aol Q: In Sri Lanka, what was determined to be the best unifying scripture? Later in Sri Lanka, the Dhammapada was championed as a unifying scripture. A: AQNC Q: What production did the agricultural policy favor over industrial and cash crops? Mao’s self-reliance policy and the reduction in maritime trade cut off the lifelines of the port cities of Ningbo and Wenzhou. A: aol
Input: How many Aboriginal nations evolved trade, as well as spiritual and social hierarchies? Aboriginal Right to Self-Government provides opportunity to manage historical, cultural, political, health care and economic control aspects within first people's communities. Output: lawyers Input: Where does the other 25 percent of fresh air go? The other 25% of the air goes directly into the lungs. Output: OL Input: On what street in Southampton is the police headquarters for the city? The building, located on Southern Road, opened in 2011 and is near to Southampton Central railway station. Output: OL Input: What is the period of the Gupta Empire called? This period has been called the Golden Age of India and was marked by extensive achievements in science, technology, engineering, art, dialectic, literature, logic, mathematics, astronomy, religion, and philosophy that crystallized the elements of what is generally known as Hindu culture. Output: OL Input: What percentage of the top 100 world chess players come from the Ashkenazi Jewish community? In those societies where they have been free to enter any profession, they have a record of high occupational achievement, entering professions and fields of commerce where higher education is required. Output: lawyers Input: Together, Bristol, Johnson City, and Kingsport are known by what name? The third urban area, the Tri-Cities, comprising Bristol, Johnson City, and Kingsport and their environs, is located to the northeast of Knoxville. Output: OL Input: What was the software attach rate in the US for the 360 by March of 2008? By March 2008, the Xbox 360 had reached a software attach rate of 7.5 games per console in the US; the rate was 7.0 in Europe, while its competitors were 3.8 (PS3) and 3.5 (Wii), according to Microsoft. Output: OL Input: What word is used when speaking of correct teachings in contrast to a false teacher? In contrast correct teaching is called sound not only because it builds up in the faith, but because it protects against the corrupting influence of false teachers. Output: OL Input: When were intergender singles bouts fought on a national scale? Intergender singles bouts were first fought on a national level in the 1990s. Output: OL Input: What things are important to the economy of Richmond? The city is home to both the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, one of 13 United States courts of appeals, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, one of 12 Federal Reserve Banks. Output: lawyers Input: Where is East Cooper Regional Medical Center? The city has several major hospitals located in the downtown area: Medical University of South Carolina Medical Center (MUSC), Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center, and Roper Hospital. Output: lawyers Input: What is the Tokugawa period also known as? None, however, proved compelling enough to seriously challenge the established order until the arrival of foreign powers. Output: lawyers Input: When did the PAIGC acknowledge the executions? One of the massacres occurred in the town of Bissorã. Output: lawyers Input: How many pounds does one of Schwarzenegger's Hummers weigh? The Hummers that Schwarzenegger bought 1992 are so large – each weighs 6,300 lb (2,900 kg) and is 7 feet (2.1 m) wide – that they are classified as large trucks, and U.S. fuel economy regulations do not apply to them. Output: OL Input: When was the Wye College campus closed? In December 2005, Imperial announced a science park programme at the Wye campus, with extensive housing; however, this was abandoned in September 2006 following complaints that the proposal infringed on Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and that the true scale of the scheme, which could have raised £110m for the College, was known to Kent and Ashford Councils and their consultants but concealed from the public. Output: lawyers Input: How many metres apart are 181st Street's two subway stations? 181st Street is served by two New York City Subway lines; there is a 181st Street station at Fort Washington Avenue on the IND Eighth Avenue Line (A trains) and a 181st Street station at St. Nicholas Avenue on the IRT Broadway – Seventh Avenue Line (1 trains). Output: lawyers Input: Where studio hosts the live final rounds on American Idol? Each finalist performs songs based on a weekly theme which may be a musical genre such as Motown, disco, or big band, songs by artists such as Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley or The Beatles, or more general themes such as Billboard Number 1 hits or songs from the contestant's year of birth. Output: lawyers Input: What can be replaced to simplify abstract algebra concepts? In abstract algebra, more general structures are defined by relaxing some of the axioms defining a group. Output: lawyers Input: How many liters of beer are bought and sold every year? More than 133 billion litres (35 billion gallons) are sold per year—producing total global revenues of $294.5 billion (£147.7 billion) in 2006. Output: OL Input: By what date did the Mughal dynasty rule most of India? The Mughal dynasty ruled most of the Indian subcontinent by 1600. Output: OL
Student: What was the latest thought type? According to Dan Lusthaus, Madhyamaka and Yogacara have a great deal in common, and the commonality stems from early Buddhism. Teacher: elements Student: What does BIS stand for? The annual meetings of the World Economic Forum in Davos bring together top international business and political leaders from Switzerland and foreign countries to discuss important issues facing the world, including health and the environment. Teacher: elements Student: When are the oldest beads thought to have been made? The earliest known glass objects, of the mid third millennium BCE, were beads, perhaps initially created as accidental by-products of metal-working (slags) or during the production of faience, a pre-glass vitreous material made by a process similar to glazing. Teacher: 9701 Student: What kind of referendum can the lower house of parliament take against the government? Where they lose a vote of confidence, have a motion of no confidence passed against them, or where they lose supply, most constitutional systems require either: Teacher: 9701 Student: What was the name of West's fashion line for women? On October 1, 2011, Kanye West premiered his women's fashion label, DW Kanye West at Paris Fashion Week. Teacher: 9701 Student: What do the Lords Commissioners wear to a ceremony of assent? The Lords Commissioners, as the monarch's representatives are known, wear scarlet parliamentary robes and sit on a bench between the throne and the Woolsack. Teacher: 9701 Student: Which development in 1915 played a key role in developing Alaska? In recent years, the ever-improving paved highway system began to eclipse the railroad's importance in Alaska's economy. Teacher: elements Student: What is the government called in the three free states of Bavaria, Saxony, and Thuringia? The parliament for Berlin is called the Abgeordnetenhaus (House of Representatives), while Bremen and Hamburg both have a Bürgerschaft. Teacher: elements Student: What language does the name of the Niger River come from? The word ( Niger ) is an alteration of the Tuareg name egerew n-igerewen used by inhabitants along the middle reaches of the river around Timbuktu prior to 19th-century European colonialism. Teacher: 9701 Student: How old was the village site found near the Santa Cruz River? The floodplain of the Santa Cruz River was extensively farmed during the Early Agricultural period, circa 1200 BC to AD 150. Teacher: elements Student: What are the two different programs offered at KU's Schoold of Journalism? The William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications is recognized for its ability to prepare students to work in a variety of media when they graduate. Teacher: elements Student: What subject did Gaddafi study at the University of LIbya? Gaddafi briefly studied History at the University of Libya in Benghazi, before dropping out to join the military. Teacher: 9701 Student: What numbers does Catalan have? Pronouns are also inflected for case, animacy[citation needed] and politeness, and can be combined in very complex ways. Teacher: elements Student: Until the mid 1900s most elevators lacked what? In the first half of the twentieth century, almost all elevators had no automatic positioning of the floor on which the cab would stop. Teacher: 9701 Student: What language is parle or tem ? In verbs, 1st person present indicative desinence is -o, -i or ∅ in all conjugations. Teacher: elements Student: What was the federal Government responsible for? When the Constitution of Australia came into force, the colonies collectively became states of the Commonwealth of Australia. Teacher: elements Student: Why did the cab operators not like the tracks? However, the company ceased trading in 1875 after Cork Corporation refused permission to extend the line, mainly because of objections from cab operators to the type of tracks which – although they were laid to the Irish national railway gauge of 5 ft 3in – protruded from the road surface.[citation needed] Teacher: 9701 Student: What type of aircraft have no need to decelerate? If the aircraft are VTOL-capable or helicopters, they do not need to decelerate and hence there is no such need. Teacher: 9701
Input: What law did Nasser view as the culmination of his revolutionary efforts? In Nasser's eyes, this law gave the RCC its own identity and transformed the coup into a revolution. Symbol: ibm Input: Why aren't some sound clusters used in modern Czech? A phonological phenomenon, Havlik's law (which began in Proto-Slavic and took various forms in other Slavic languages), appeared in Old Czech; counting backwards from the end of a clause, every odd-numbered yer was vocalized as a vowel, while the other yers disappeared. Symbol: ibm Input: From what name does Gooners come? The fanbase is large and generally loyal, and virtually all home matches sell out; in 2007–08 Arsenal had the second-highest average League attendance for an English club (60,070, which was 99.5% of available capacity), and, as of 2015, the third-highest all-time average attendance. Symbol: ibm Input: Where is Dunavant Enterprises based? Dunavant Enterprises, based in Memphis, Tennessee, is the leading cotton broker in Africa, with hundreds of purchasing agents. Symbol: YCB Input: There is an educational facility in Manzini within Swaziland known by the acronym MITC, what does it stand for? The main centre for technical training in Swaziland is the Swaziland College of Technology which is slated to become a full university. Symbol: ibm Input: What technique has becoming more popular in classification of bacteria? However, even using these improved methods, the total number of bacterial species is not known and cannot even be estimated with any certainty. Symbol: ibm Input: Why would someone prefer a second edition to a first edition? For example, a second edition of a Shakespeare play may include an addition alluding to an event known to have happened between the two editions. Symbol: YCB Input: How many universities in France offer neerlandistiek courses? At an academic level, the largest number of faculties of neerlandistiek can be found in Germany (30 universities), followed by France (20 universities) and the United Kingdom (5 universities). Symbol: YCB Input: How much of Oklahoma is covered in forests? Forests cover 24 percent of Oklahoma and prairie grasslands composed of shortgrass, mixed-grass, and tallgrass prairie, harbor expansive ecosystems in the state's central and western portions, although cropland has largely replaced native grasses. Symbol: YCB Input: During the fall time shift from 02:00 to 01:00, how many times will a clock show the times between 01:00:00 and 01:59:59? During an autumn transition from 02:00 to 01:00, a clock reads times from 01:00:00 through 01:59:59 twice, possibly leading to confusion. Symbol: YCB Input: What percentage of the population speaks Crioulo? Almost half the population (44%) speaks Crioulo, a Portuguese-based creole language, and the remainder speak a variety of native African languages. Symbol: YCB Input: How many Mayanga people are in Nicaragua? Many are Christians. Symbol: ibm Input: About how many South Africans speak Afrikaans as their primary language? In 1996, 40 percent of South Africans reported to know Afrikaans at least at a very basic level of communication. Symbol: ibm Input: To who did Kanye state that Beck should hand his award over to? After the awards show, West stated in an interview that he was not joking and that "Beck needs to respect artistry, he should have given his award to Beyoncé". Symbol: YCB
Input: What conditions were suppressed in the 28 hour wake-sleep cycle studies ? Studies by Nathaniel Kleitman in 1938 and by Derk-Jan Dijk and Charles Czeisler in the 1990s put human subjects on enforced 28-hour sleep–wake cycles, in constant dim light and with other time cues suppressed, for over a month. Target: 14027 Input: What year did Kanye West begin his relationship with Alexis Phifer? West began an on-and-off relationship with designer Alexis Phifer in 2002, and they became engaged in August 2006. Target: 14027 Input: A wholesale ban on what was denied? India rejected Chinese demands that the torch route be clear of India's 150,000-strong Tibetan exile community, by which they required a ban on congregation near the curtailed 3 km route. Target: 5379 Input: What global agreement gives sovereign national rights over biological resources? Biodiverse countries that allow bioprospecting or collection of natural products, expect a share of the benefits rather than allowing the individual or institution that discovers/exploits the resource to capture them privately. Target: 5379 Input: Which company was the world's largest privately held ink manufacturer till 2005? The Borders chain was based in the city, as was its flagship store until it closed in September 2011. Target: 5379 Input: Who recognized Catalan as a departmental language? Nevertheless, on 10 December 2007, the General Council of the Pyrénées-Orientales officially recognized Catalan as one of the languages of the department and seeks to further promote it in public life and education. Target: 14027
What institution did Roy Lowry work for? In August 2006 the world record for the most amount of simultaneous fireworks was surpassed, by Roy Lowry of the University of Plymouth, over Plymouth Sound. -> 26798 What was the first "Special Edition" film to be released to home video? LaserDisc's support for multiple audio tracks allowed for vast supplemental materials to be included on-disc and made it the first available format for "Special Edition" releases; the 1984 Criterion Collection edition of Citizen Kane is generally credited as being the first "Special Edition" release to home video,[citation needed] and for setting the standard by which future SE discs were measured. -> 26798 Whose son died on the way to Palermo and is buried there? Charles III chose Palermo for his coronation as King of Sicily. -> 26798 Which two space missions were the first to successfully dock each other? It was the first-ever docking of two manned spacecraft, and the first transfer of crew from one space vehicle to another. -> 7818 In what year did Lange die? Working independently, they developed the James–Lange theory, a hypothesis on the origin and nature of emotions. -> 7818 What was the City Island Historical Society and Nautical Museum's building originally? The peninsular borough's maritime heritage is acknowledged in several ways. -> 7818
Input: In addition to gaining an education, describe how Gaddafi managed to attend school 20 miles from his family. During the week Gaddafi slept in a mosque, and at weekends walked 20 miles to visit his parents. Label: EYL Input: What does VWN stand for? The Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Transporter (VWN) factory at Hannover-Stöcken is the biggest employer in the region and operates a huge plant at the northern edge of town adjoining the Mittellandkanal and Motorway A2. Label: EYL Input: What percentage of New Delhi's population is Sikh? There are also communities of Muslims (12.9%), Sikhs (5.4%), Jains (1.1%) and Christians (0.9%) in Delhi. Label: EYL Input: What contributed greatly to the severity of the financial crisis of 2007? This was done to soften the effects of the collapse of the dot-com bubble and the September 2001 terrorist attacks, as well as to combat a perceived risk of deflation. Label: bandwidth Input: Who was it that peculiarly called a full parliament without royal authorization in 1265? During Henry VI's reign, it became regular practice for the two houses to originate legislation in the form of bills, which would not become law unless the sovereign's assent was obtained, as the sovereign was, and still remains, the enactor of laws. Label: bandwidth Input: What is the longest river in Ireland? The river Severn at 220 mi (354 km)[citation needed] is the longest in Great Britain. Label: bandwidth
What does a Level II emergency contingency plan cover? The plan rose to Level I at 22:15 CST, May 12. -> anime What is the number used to indicate pure red in sRGB? So that the maximum number of colors can be accurately reproduced on your computer screen, each color has been given a code number, or sRGB, which tells your computer the intensity of the red, green and blue components of that color. -> anime How tall is the the Suur Munamägi? Estonia lies on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea immediately across the Gulf of Finland from Finland on the level northwestern part of the rising East European platform between 57.3° and 59.5° N and 21.5° and 28.1° E. Average elevation reaches only 50 metres (164 ft) and the country's highest point is the Suur Munamägi in the southeast at 318 metres (1,043 ft). -> 26928 In 2001, how many Greek residents were not citizens? A study from the Mediterranean Migration Observatory maintains that the 2001 census recorded 762,191 persons residing in Greece without Greek citizenship, constituting around 7% of total population. -> 26928 Who is returning as host? Ryan Seacrest returns as host, with Harry Connick Jr., Keith Urban, and Jennifer Lopez all returning for their respective third, fourth, and fifth seasons as judges. -> 26928 How is the Minister President chosen? The states are parliamentary republics and the relationship between their legislative and executive branches mirrors that of the federal system: the legislatures are popularly elected for four or five years (depending on the state), and the Minister-President is then chosen by a majority vote among the Landtag's members. -> 26928 Along with Galicia's, which other two province's autonomy was annulled? Galicia was spared the worst of the fighting in that war: it was one of the areas where the initial coup attempt at the outset of the war was successful, and it remained in Nationalist (Franco's army's) hands throughout the war. -> anime What treaty was supposed to stop Germany from having antiaircraft weapons? Some World War I guns were retained and some covert AA training started in the late 1920s. -> anime
Sentences: What is the name of BYU's fight song? The school's fight song is the Cougar Fight Song. Mapped To: ABG Sentences: Westminster Abbey suffered damage during what on 15 November 1940? Westminster suffered minor damage during the Blitz on 15 November 1940. Mapped To: ABG Sentences: When did Jiji Manga debut? New publications in both the Western and Japanese styles became popular, and at the end of the 1890s, American-style newspaper comics supplements began to appear in Japan, as well as some American comic strips. Mapped To: 10409 Sentences: With what does Popper say Tarski's theory replaces the predicate "is true?" Although many philosophers have interpreted, and continue to interpret, Tarski's theory as a deflationary theory, Popper refers to it as a theory in which "is true" is replaced with "corresponds to the facts". Mapped To: ABG Sentences: What can come in a wide variety of styles for various functions? Lighting fixtures come in a wide variety of styles for various functions. Mapped To: ABG Sentences: What is the estimated number of slaves that were transported each year? By the end of 641 all of Egypt was in Muslim hands. Mapped To: 10409 Sentences: who was the resident DJ at The Warehouse in Chicago? Farley Jackmaster Funk was quoted as saying "In 1982, I was DJing at a club called The Playground and there was this kid named Leonard 'Remix' Roy who was a DJ at a rival club called The Rink. Mapped To: 10409 Sentences: When did Ross Sackett study time and energy for hunter-gartherer groups? Later, in 1996, Ross Sackett performed two distinct meta-analyses to empirically test Sahlin's view. Mapped To: ABG Sentences: Have any other countries ever competed? Welsh sides that play in English leagues are eligible, although since the creation of the League of Wales there are only six clubs remaining: Mapped To: 10409 Sentences: In the 2008 primary, how much of the Bronx vote did Romney get? In the Presidential primary elections of February 5, 2008, Sen. Clinton won 61.2% of the Bronx's 148,636 Democratic votes against 37.8% for Barack Obama and 1.0% for the other four candidates combined (John Edwards, Dennis Kucinich, Bill Richardson and Joe Biden). Mapped To: 10409 Sentences: In what year did All Aboard Florida begin? The first phase was planned to connect Orlando and Tampa and was offered federal funding, but it was turned down by Governor Rick Scott in 2011. Mapped To: 10409 Sentences: Nagarjuna's main contribution was the exposition of the concept of what? Nagarjuna's primary contribution to Buddhist philosophy was the systematic exposition of the concept of śūnyatā, or "emptiness", widely attested in the Prajñāpāramitā sutras that emerged in his era. Mapped To: ABG Sentences: What people were a menace to the coastal areas of the Province of carolina? North Carolina became one of the English Thirteen Colonies and with the territory of South Carolina was originally known as the Province of Carolina. Mapped To: 10409 Sentences: How is the United States treating incandescent light bulbs? Some jurisdictions, such as the European Union, China, Canada and United States, are in the process of phasing out the use of incandescent light bulbs while others, including Colombia, Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, Brazil and Australia, have prohibited them already. Mapped To: ABG
Input: What percentage of Jews reside in Israel? The exact world Jewish population, however, is difficult to measure. Symbol: AHYV Input: What was the combination of effects that Darwin considered the most important in determining the differences in species that evolved separately in similar environments? Darwin noted that barriers to migration played an important role in the differences between the species of different regions. Symbol: AHYV Input: On what date was the 2013 Human Development Report released? Below is the list of the "very high human development" countries: Symbol: AHYV Input: How long was the war? Mexico's independence from Spain was effectively declared in the Declaration of Independence of the Mexican Empire on September 27, 1821, after a decade of war. Symbol: AKJR Input: Who bought Buckingham House in 1761? Originally known as Buckingham House, the building at the core of today's palace was a large townhouse built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703 on a site that had been in private ownership for at least 150 years. Symbol: AHYV Input: How far do glaciers generally move per day? There may be no motion in stagnant areas; for example, in parts of Alaska, trees can establish themselves on surface sediment deposits. Symbol: AHYV Input: What did Bell like to do that led to his involvement with eugenics? In his lecture Memoir upon the formation of a deaf variety of the human race presented to the National Academy of Sciences on November 13, 1883 he noted that congenitally deaf parents were more likely to produce deaf children and tentatively suggested that couples where both parties were deaf should not marry. Symbol: AHYV Input: In what location was the capital of the Rashtrakuta Empire? Founded by Dantidurga around 753, the Rashtrakuta Empire ruled from its capital at Manyakheta for almost two centuries. Symbol: AKJR Input: What city is Nigeria's main industrial area? Ogun is considered to be the current Nigeria's industrial hub, as most factories are located in Ogun and more companies are moving there, followed by Lagos. Symbol: AKJR Input: What scandal prompted Palmerstons removal in 1851? It was only in 1851 that Palmerston was removed after he announced the British government's approval of President Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte's coup in France without consulting the Prime Minister. Symbol: AKJR Input: When did Russian explorers first reach North America? Before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the overwhelming majority of Russophones in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn in New York City were Russian-speaking Jews. Symbol: AHYV Input: How many Americans were killed during the Pearl Harbor attack? The loss of eight battleships and 2,403 Americans at Pearl Harbor forced the U.S. to rely on its remaining aircraft carriers, which won a major victory over Japan at Midway just six months into the war, and on its growing submarine fleet. Symbol: AKJR Input: When was the 2nd edition of Burke's book published? Some reviewers failed to notice the ironic nature of the book, which led to Burke stating in the preface to the second edition (1757) that it was a satire. Symbol: AKJR Input: Through what time period did the Berlin Blockade last? International crises arose, such as the Berlin Blockade (1948–1949), the Korean War (1950–1953), the Berlin Crisis of 1961, the Vietnam War (1959–1975), the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), the Soviet war in Afghanistan (1979–1989) and NATO exercises in November 1983. Symbol: AKJR
Q: How many vertebrates does Brazil's Atlantic Forest contain? About 10% of the species of the Earth can be found in Colombia, including over 1,900 species of bird, more than in Europe and North America combined, Colombia has 10% of the world’s mammals species, 14% of the amphibian species, and 18% of the bird species of the world. A: 16078 Q: Why is North Korea insisting that the 1953 armistice was violated? On 30 March 2013, North Korea stated that it had entered a "state of war" with South Korea and declared that "The long-standing situation of the Korean peninsula being neither at peace nor at war is finally over". A: 16078 Q: Much medieval literature was influenced by the works of what classic culture? Controversial, religious, political and instructional literature proliferated during the Renaissance as a result of the invention of printing, while the mediaeval romance developed into a more character-based and psychological form of narrative, the novel, of which early and important examples are the Chinese Monkey and the German Faust books. A: 16078 Q: Which direction does the Cross Bronx Expressway run through the South Bronx? The Cross Bronx Expressway bisects it, east to west. A: QFA Q: For how many months did the night raids continue for? This weight of attack went on for two months, with the Luftwaffe dropping 13,900 short tons (12,600 t) of bombs. A: QFA Q: How long did the anti-Nazi propaganda machine run before the pact-signing? Soviet propaganda and representatives went to great lengths to minimize the importance of the fact that they had opposed and fought against the Nazis in various ways for a decade prior to signing the Pact. A: QFA Q: Who was added as a fourth judge in the eighth season of American Idol? In season eight, Latin Grammy Award-nominated singer–songwriter and record producer Kara DioGuardi was added as a fourth judge. A: QFA Q: When was the Canadian Armed Forces name reintroduced? After the 1980s, the use of the "Canadian Armed Forces" name gave way to "Canadian Forces";[citation needed] A: 16078 Q: How tall is the peak at Mont Blanc? The highest peaks of the Western Alps and Eastern Alps, respectively, are Mont Blanc, at 4,810 m (15,780 ft) and Piz Bernina at 4,049 metres (13,284 ft). A: QFA Q: What is an example of a German encirclement battle? Service was compulsory for all of men of military age, and thus Prussia and its North and South German allies could mobilise and field some 1,000,000 soldiers in time of war. A: 16078 Q: What do the comentaries rely on for some of their information about Virgil? Although the commentaries no doubt record much factual information about Virgil, some of their evidence can be shown to rely on inferences made from his poetry and allegorizing; thus, Virgil's biographical tradition remains problematic. A: QFA Q: Who was the first elector from Hanover to sit on the British throne? The first of these was George I Louis, who acceded to the British throne in 1714. A: QFA Q: What was the date of Anthonio Colve's capture of New York? On August 24, 1673, Dutch captain Anthonio Colve took over the colony of New York from England and rechristened it "New Orange" to honor the Prince of Orange, King William III. A: QFA Q: Where is there a very active tradition of hunting of small to medium-sized wild game? There is a very active tradition of hunting of small to medium-sized wild game in Trinidad and Tobago. A: QFA Q: What is the population of Florida The population of Florida in the 2010 census was 18,801,310. A: 16078 Q: What political ideology did Gaddafi want to push his country to? Ruling by decree, he implemented measures to remove what he viewed as foreign imperialist influence from Libya, and strengthened ties to Arab nationalist governments. A: 16078 Q: Which president was the first to use wiretaps to find bootleggers? In the 1927 case Olmstead v. United States, in which a bootlegger was caught through telephone tapping, the United States Supreme Court ruled that FBI wiretaps did not violate the Fourth Amendment as unlawful search and seizure, as long as the FBI did not break into a person's home to complete the tapping. A: 16078 Q: What Prime Minister objected to the name change? The Duke complained, "I am the only man in the country not allowed to give his name to his own children." A: 16078
Q: What does 'Articulata' mean? It is at least as easy to assume that they evolved segmented bodies independently as it is to assume that the ancestral protostome or bilaterian was segmented and that segmentation disappeared in many descendant phyla. A: AHFT Q: Ibrahim Pasha landed with his army when? Meanwhile, the Ottoman Sultan negotiated with Mehmet Ali of Egypt, who agreed to send his son Ibrahim Pasha to Greece with an army to suppress the revolt in return for territorial gain. A: AHFT Q: What year did IBM hire its first black salesman? In 1946, the company hired its first black salesman, 18 years before the Civil Rights Act of 1964. A: atlantic Q: What event precipitated the Carnival starting in Haiti? Carnival in Haiti started in 1804 in the capital Port-au-Prince after the declaration of independence. A: atlantic Q: What can scientists learn from the fossil record? Paleobotanists study ancient plants in the fossil record to provide information about the evolutionary history of plants. A: atlantic Q: What was the first commercial uses of LEDs? These red LEDs were bright enough only for use as indicators, as the light output was not enough to illuminate an area. A: AHFT Q: When did Somalis begin to render their language using the Latin alphabet? Additionally, Mohamed Ibrahim Warsame 'Hadrawi' is considered by many to be the greatest living Somali poet, and several of his works have been translated internationally. A: AHFT Q: What paid for Nigeria's fourth satellite? On 24 March 2009, the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, NigComSat Ltd. and CGWIC signed another contract for the in-orbit delivery of the NigComSat-1R satellite. A: AHFT Q: What is a cost of nocturnal migration? One cost of nocturnal migration is the loss of sleep. A: atlantic Q: How are Africans classified in the Arabian Peninsula? According to Alamin M. Mazrui et al., generally in the Arabian Peninsula and neighboring countries, most of those of visible African descent are still classified and identify as Arab, not black. A: atlantic
Q: Which specific party has the most members in the City Parliament? This gives the left parties an absolute majority of 46 seats. A: CMF Q: Who was Charles Evans Hughes? For much of American history, the dominant notion of the rule of law, in this setting, has been some version of A. V. Dicey's: A: CMF Q: What kind of hurling do the women of Cork play? Camogie (hurling for ladies) and women's gaelic football are increasing in popularity. A: 19267 Q: What type of familiar translation may be seen during an opera? Translations of sung texts—whether of the above type meant to be sung or of a more or less literal type meant to be read—are also used as aids to audiences, singers and conductors, when a work is being sung in a language not known to them. A: CMF Q: When were the staple foods in the Roman republic typically eaten at? The staple foods were generally consumed around 11 o'clock, and consisted of bread, lettuce, cheese, fruits, nuts, and cold meat left over from the dinner the night before.[citation needed] A: 19267 Q: What determines the cost of fixing a bug? The following table shows the cost of fixing the defect depending on the stage it was found. A: CMF Q: What is the second busiest airport in Australia? The main passenger airport serving the metropolis and the state is Melbourne Airport (also called Tullamarine Airport), which is the second busiest in Australia, and A: 19267 Q: Where did Athanasius remain for 6 years while living as a monk? Through the influence of the Eusebian faction at Constantinople, an Arian bishop, George of Cappadocia, was now appointed to rule the see of Alexandria. A: CMF Q: What is the largest group of foreigners? The amount of foreigners varies between regions: the college towns Erfurt, Jena, Weimar and Ilmenau have the highest rates, whereas there are almost no migrants living in the most rural smaller municipalities. A: CMF Q: Why does translation cause such issues among different cultures? Translation is a major obstacle when comparing different cultures. A: CMF Q: What is the average high North Carolina coastal temperature on the plains in the summer? The highest coastal, daytime temperature averages less than 89 °F (32 °C) during summer months. A: 19267 Q: What music group was in Kanye's first release off of Graduation? "Stronger", which samples French house duo Daft Punk, has been accredited to not only encouraging other hip-hop artists to incorporate house and electronica elements into their music, but also for playing a part in the revival of disco and electro-infused music in the late 2000s. A: 19267 Q: What is the new name of University College at Highfield? A Royal Charter in 1952 upgraded University College at Highfield to the University of Southampton. A: 19267 Q: What did the integrated system for ADGB link? NATO later called these arrangements an "air defence ground environment", defined as "the network of ground radar sites and command and control centres within a specific theatre of operations which are used for the tactical control of air defence operations". A: CMF Q: What occurs in bright light to leaves during fall? When the days of autumn are bright and cool, and the nights are chilly but not freezing, the brightest colorations usually develop. A: CMF Q: What is distinguished from 'this is odd' only by an accent, in Russian? For example, it is used to distinguish between otherwise identical words, especially when context does not make it obvious: замо́к/за́мок (lock/castle), сто́ящий/стоя́щий (worthwhile/standing), чудно́/чу́дно (this is odd/this is marvelous), молоде́ц/мо́лодец (attaboy/fine young man), A: 19267 Q: Asymmetric federalism exist when? Where every component state of a federation possesses the same powers, we are said to find 'symmetric federalism'. A: CMF Q: Voters in the city approve which kind of amendment? Voters approved charter amendments that have lessened the penalties for possession of marijuana (1974), and that aim to protect access to abortion in the city should it ever become illegal in the State of Michigan (1990). A: 19267 Q: When was the last time two black congressmen were elected? In the late nineteenth century, two black Congressmen were elected from North Carolina's 2nd district, the last in 1898. A: 19267 Q: What day did the Oireachtas pass an act that started to establish Ireland as a republic? On the day of the abdication, the Oireachtas, the parliament of the Irish Free State, removed all direct mention of the monarch from the Irish constitution. A: 19267
Sentences: What powers of a new UK police officer are the same as a Commissioner's? However, certain higher ranks have additional powers to authorize certain aspects of police operations, such as a power to authorize a search of a suspect's house (section 18 PACE in England and Wales) by an officer of the rank of Inspector, or the power to authorize a suspect's detention beyond 24 hours by a Superintendent. Mapped To: filtering Sentences: What siblings did Nasser have? Nasser's biographers Robert Stephens and Said Aburish wrote that Nasser's family believed strongly in the "Arab notion of glory", since the name of Nasser's brother, Izz al-Arab, translates to "Glory of the Arabs"—a rare name in Egypt. Mapped To: filtering Sentences: To which two people did Gorbachev grant membership into the Politburo for his own reasons? On April 23, 1985, Gorbachev brought two protégés, Yegor Ligachev and Nikolai Ryzhkov, into the Politburo as full members. Mapped To: complaints Sentences: What is a way for programmers to use the DBMS? Application programmers may use a wire protocol directly, or more likely through an application programming interface. Mapped To: complaints Sentences: In 1940 a German prisoner overheard boasting that the British would never find what system? In June 1940, a German prisoner of war was overheard boasting that the British would never find the Knickebein, even though it was under their noses. Mapped To: complaints Sentences: Kanye drew inspiration from The Rolling Stones, U2, and Led Zeppelin in what ways? The musical evolution arose from him listening to music genres encompassing European Britpop and Euro-disco, American alternative and indie-rock, and his native Chicago house. Mapped To: filtering Sentences: What happens if two Grand Lodges try to establish themselves in the same area? Exclusive Jurisdiction can be waived when the two over-lapping Grand Lodges are themselves in Amity and agree to share jurisdiction (for example, since the Grand Lodge of Connecticut is in Amity with the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Connecticut, the principle of Exclusive Jurisdiction does not apply, and other Grand Lodges may recognise both). Mapped To: filtering Sentences: What year did walkscore rank Boston the third most walkable city in the US? In 2011, Walk Score ranked Boston the third most walkable city in the United States. Mapped To: filtering Sentences: Who attended the Avery Normal Institute? Porter Military Academy later joined with Gaud School and is now a university-preparatory school, Porter-Gaud School. Mapped To: filtering Sentences: What did Knorr commission? Knorr commissioned a new translation of the Bible, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, the full version of which was released in 1961. Mapped To: complaints Sentences: What is the largest opposition party in the Scottish Parliament? Labour runs a minority government in the Welsh Assembly under Carwyn Jones, is the largest opposition party in the Scottish Parliament and has twenty MEPs in the European Parliament, sitting in the Socialists and Democrats Group. Mapped To: filtering Sentences: When was the Taiping rebellion? The Taiping Rebellion (1850–64) and Dungan Revolt (1862–77) in Central Asia led to the deaths of some 20 million people. Mapped To: complaints Sentences: How many bird species are long distance migrants? Approximately 1800 of the world's 10,000 bird species are long-distance migrants. Mapped To: complaints Sentences: The Spanish crown wanted to turn the region into what type of industry? The conquest of the territory lasted nearly one century, and encountered fierce resistance from the Conchos tribe, but the desire of the Spanish Crown to transform the region into a bustling mining center led to a strong strategy to control the area. Mapped To: complaints