19 values
Student: @user @user @user What about the women who rape men and boys? Oh, wait, that doesn't exist because rape laws are gynocentric...#FeministLogic Teacher: 22587 Student: @user @user There is only oneway for illigal refugees - go home quick. Teacher: 22587 Student: @user You're not a woman for posting that, you're just a big ole bitch Teacher: 22587 Student: Its a bitch who better get her some business forreal! How the fuck u gone feel entitled to somebody! Bitch u got blackballed & u gone stay blackballed! I ain't saving no hoe! U is not apart of my Spurs dreams! The woman u see on my page had on the San Antonio Spurs Warm up Jacket Teacher: 22587 Student: No one gives less fucks than a man walking around with a wedding ring on.... He's already given up on life Teacher: 5075 Student: What's 6 inches long, 2 inches wide, and drives women crazy? A $100 bill Teacher: 5075 Student: RT @user When it's Friday &; you're feeling kinda Thugish💂🏼 Teacher: 5075 Student: @user <<<<< this stupid cunt, misspelled the name of the woman for whom she's so concerned. Teacher: 22587 Student: @user @user not all men are bad, but you certainly are Teacher: 5075 Student: Ladies the moment you start hanging around with black dudes is the moment I no longer consider you a human #WomenSuck Teacher: 22587 Student: Germany and Spain reach agreement on migrant return Teacher: 5075 Student: @user @user @user @user How many women commited Jouhar to avoid rape and captivity? Those who don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it.. Teacher: 5075 Student: That moment when you wanna go crawl in a hole and stay down there forever #rightnow #FridayThe13th #curbsarenotmyfriend Teacher: 5075 Student: US Senator seeks Nielsen resignation over separation of immigrant families via @user Teacher: 5075 Student: Restrict Welfare Benefits 2 British people ONLY Confiscate properties that house illegal Immigrants Offshore internment camps 4 Illegal Immigrants. Segregate by Ethnicity 2 simplify. Invite UN 2 solve missing passports &amp; Papers. No Residency Automatic Deportation 4 Illegal entry. Teacher: 22587 Student: @user @user @user @user But you probably mind the white guys, you racist, anti -white skank! Teacher: 22587 Student: Like Assam WB too is reeling under evil influence of illegal migrants So people there are also hopeful that NRC will soon be begun there too Only the BJP Govt under NaMo can have the gutts to do so Hence the celebrations Teacher: 22587 Student: @user Drug Trafficking&amp;gold smuggling by foreign nationals is on rise.Our immigration laws r so weak.People stay on expired Visas Teacher: 5075
Student: @user So do we! Check out our account for upcoming events and meetings #MaleDominance Teacher: AKLQ Student: @user excuse me, cupcake? Teacher: SXP Student: Ever been so hungover that your stomach feels like it's eating itself Teacher: SXP Student: Girls: Halloween's my favorite holiday of the year. I'm sure. It's the one time you get to dress like the skank you are without judgement. Teacher: SXP Student: @user @user @user That’s RIGHT you The MAN #FavoritePresident #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #AmericansFirst One Flag One Country 🇺🇸 Teacher: AKLQ Student: so called refugees are criminals inhuman monsters : plague of humanity.... a war declaration not welcome them...fight them... Teacher: AKLQ Student: 57% of likely voters in both WI &amp; CA want #Immigration cut to 750,000 or less &amp; 49% in both states want it cut to 500,000 or less! With just a few more people, a majority will support cutting the current 1million in Half!#StopTheInvasion #SecureTheBorder #VoteRed #AmericansFirst Teacher: AKLQ Student: @user If you feeling like pimp james go ahead and brush your shoulders off⚡️ Teacher: SXP Student: ICE: 124 illegal immigrants released from jail later charged in 138 murder cases #BuildTheWall #EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafeThis is all the Congress should be comtemplating!#BanSanctuaryCities #NoAmnesty #NoDACADeal #EndChainMigration #Deport Teacher: AKLQ Student: Riot: Muslim migrants take to the streets in Italy demanding law to allow mosque building by taxpayers' money - Free Speech Time - @user Teacher: SXP Student: Foreign car swerving pot holes bad bitch she from chicago Teacher: AKLQ Student: RT @user You're wearing yoga pants to show off your ass. Don't give me this bull shit 'they're comfy!' we all know the truth ladies #ASS #ASS #ASS Teacher: AKLQ Student: Czech PM Rejects Merkel's "Flexible" EU Immigration Plan As Aftermath of Migrant Crisis Intensifies | Zero Hedge Teacher: SXP Student: @user @user sometimes WOMEN are stupid too! Majority of white women voted for a sexist misogynist pig! Teacher: AKLQ Student: The Latest: #UK jury convicts jet ski migrant smugglers Teacher: SXP Student: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Our favorite CNN reporter. Teacher: SXP Student: Christians refugees from Iraq and Syria are not welcome in Britain. Teacher: AKLQ Student: Imagine when all the EU migrants go home after #Brexit. No more baguettes or pizza. People in the UK will be reduced to just eating traditional UK foods. Like chicken Balti. Teacher: AKLQ Student: Not All Men Cheat. Good morning to all the good Men out there... You guys are the real MVPs Teacher: SXP Student: WILL SLOVENIA join Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, &amp; Austria in electing a right wing, anti-Muslim immigration government? via @user Better late then never... Teacher: SXP
Question: In some cases, conditions have become worse for local people than for #refugees. Is there favouritism from aid groups? #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #Rohingya #conflict @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Answer: dx Question: So the Trump administration has put forth a 70 item plan to address legal and illegal immigration. Sounds... Answer: dx Question: @user Yeah me too 😵lol Answer: dx Question: refugees are welcome if trump like it or not #ResistTrump Answer: dx Question: UPDATE #Burundi-an refugees in Tanzania live in fear of being put in harm’s way if they are repatriated to Burundi. Answer: dx Question: It's what I do, it's who I am 😊 Answer: dx Question: @user @user Talk about NYers like that AFTER you've survived 9/11. Until then shut the fuck up. You are a nasty skank. Answer: 19378 Question: There are so many tribes and communities in NE that doesn’t even reach 5 lakhs in population. Think for those too. Stop supporting IMMIGRANTS. Take those 40 immigrants in your states if you care so much #NRCAssam #NRCForSecureIndia Answer: 19378 Question: Trump stands with victims of immigrant violence Answer: 19378 Question: Where's US taxpayer $s going - here's one place. Cost $4.8 million last year for ICE to fly illegal immigrant children. Answer: 19378 Question: US immigrants 'living in fear' of Trump's deportation drive @user aliens should live in fear in a country where they shouldn't be.They broke the law, get out. Ok I.C.E. will come for you. Don't cry you've been here long enough now go home. Answer: 19378 Question: @user @user @user I mean all women have fathers. Not all men have daughters so 'daughter issue' i… Answer: dx Question: An opportunist afro athlet with ITA citizenship hit with an egg by communist sun's asshole gets more news coverage then 2 ITA white girls assoulted by illegal African immigrant Welcome in Italy tourists #IllegalIimmigration #daisyosauke #italy #DefendEurope #GenerationIdentity Answer: 19378 Question: As a married woman with a son.. Born to an abusing woman.. Not all men are bastards Answer: dx Question: WTH??? Sent them back home and DON'T let them back into Europe! The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home (?) Answer: 19378 Question: @user @user Dont relent! Nuclear option! Crush the liberal scourge, Mr. President! Make the bleeding stop!#BuildThatWall #HuntThemDown #ImmigrantsGoBack#AmericaIsFull#WhereDoISendTheCheck Answer: 19378 Question: Join @user for a teach-in about surviving violence, ICE and the experiences of criminalized immigrant survivors this Thursday in SF Answer: dx Question: Here’s what I WON’T do: demean another woman for the way she dresses. Slut/whore/skank are not part of my vocabulary. Answer: dx Question: @user Dan, WAY too tough to choose between all the lying, deceitful corrupt losers representing Dems (& some GOP). The list is long & disgusting. Embarrassing that we pay these lying losers large salaries to corrupt our democracy.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Tr Answer: 19378 Question: Kashdoll said 🗣Yall hoes kill me always want the next bitch issue, bitch you want her life but dont know what she been threw 💯‼️ Answer: 19378
Input: @user Corbyn still maintains Blair's New Labour which is essentially Marxism, a dangerous cult putting migrants first who are usually members of a political religious cult that would kill members if they left. Those migrants will in return vote L Label: 509 Input: Venezuelan migrants bring Trinidad's flawed refugee policy to light Label: 10397 Input: I like to blog about masculinity, fascism, alternative ideas, heres my next account Label: 10397 Input: Problem for the PM re Johnson is that a person who sent round vans telling immigrants to GO HOME is not in a position to lecture anyone on racism. The lesson of which is: if you pander, they’ll take everything you give them and keep pushing for more Label: 509 Input: Hull... city of culture?? To the idiots holding up signs across Europe 'refugees welcome' hang your heads in fucking disgrace!!! Let's hope it's not one of you next #Karma #HateEU #LEAVE Label: 509 Input: Who are the European leaders who could save Western Civilization from the migration jihad? @user gives us his list.Hungarian PM Viktor Orban (who became more powerful due to the folly of Germany's Angela Merkel) is first.See what I said.... Label: 10397 Input: Immigrants Come LEGALLY like 1.5 Milion Do Every year Not Cross the Border ILLEGALLY Dont Blame the U.S for Your ILLEGAL ACTIONS ! Aidos ! #Trump #MAGA #RedNAtionRising via @user Label: 509 Input: Me flirting- So how wealthy are your parents? Label: 10397 Input: you ho's STILL not allowed to speak on eesh in my presence. i'll beat yo ass girl lol don't get it fucked up. 😂😊 Label: 509 Input: The woman who accused Nelly of rape is refusing to testify, and wants the whole matter dropped… Label: 10397 Input: Yes Brooke! Give that bitch the hell she deserves. I knew it would take her to slap that skank down. #BoldandBeautiful Label: 509 Input: We must build the #Wall! We must deport every illegal alien! We must have #MoreBorderPatrolAgents We must have #MandatoryEverify We must #EndSanctuaryCities We must #EndChainMigration We must take our nation back!!! Label: 509 Input: @user @user Muslims belong in desert sands of far away lands. #BUILDTHATWALL Label: 509 Input: Pretty sure the money saved from the damage illegals do will more then compensate our budget.. #BuildThatWall Label: 509 Input: @user Women everywhere really! Thanks for the support Michael #maledominance Label: 10397 Input: Maximising support for migrant youth across the #EU Label: 10397 Input: Officers of the Court have a duty to uphold Rule of Law.  ABA President Bass stated that they "will not rest until all children reunited with parents". TO VOLUNTEER   (no Spanish/Immigration law necessary) Label: 10397 Input: @user A moron thus probably thinks that rape is a form of aggressive romance. People this stupid don't merely exist, many have inordinate power DT Label: 10397 Input: Why don’t they stay if there refugees they should go home once they feel that it’s safe Label: 10397 Input: EU’s hailed migrant plan ‘˜a road to Hell’ Czech Republic refuses involvement Label: 509
Input: U dont so why tweet it 😂😂 the only bitch u talk to is HELLLO ME TF WHORE 🙄😂 Target: cooked Input: Paris dont like tentrefugees. Now they bring them to the parque "Bois de Bologne". Close of this place life the most rich people of France in the Avenue Foch. The rich have made big walls around their property. Target: cooked Input: #Russia allocates $10mn to UN agency for Palestine refugees... Target: WZI Input: This is the difference between a grateful immigrant and an illegal gimmegrant! Target: WZI Input: The American people also agree! Illegal aliens do not deserve a free pass ahead of hard working people, trying to come to our country legally. #BuildTheWall #DeportIllegals #GaysForTrump #NoDACA Target: cooked Input: When you're tryna sneak out their crib quietly in the middle of the night Target: WZI Input: My kids ? 😭😭😭 ugly ? Bitch you look like the rape sloth ! Target: cooked Input: @user Girl people really do that, like damn bitch you so selfish you don’t wanna rt me and get me clout Target: cooked Input: #WeAlmostDatedBut FRIEND ZONED #WomenSuckk Target: cooked Input: So he called women who stuffed their faces fat, Jamie C a cunt and wanted to fuck Girls Aloud.. in 2002. BURN HIM AT THE STAKE #LooseWomen Target: WZI Input: Hispanics are the hardest hit by Illegal Immigration it impacts their wages, jobs and communites as well as African Americans #WalkAway #WalkAwayFromDemocrats Socialist Pro Illegal Immigration Policies @user #Democrats Target: cooked Input: Most people want to be loved... But I thrive on being hated Target: WZI Input: @user To whom? Other hysterical men? Sure. To women who are the keepers of logic and reason? Hardly. They… Target: WZI Input: RT @user If you've spent the weekend riding strange dick, drink some green tea &; it doesn't even count. #HoeTips Target: WZI
Input: So now because of this bitch girls are going to think they can bargain their way out of a rape instead of fighting… Label: AAES Input: Men throughout the world are fighting for men's rights. Follow my blog. #GiftShawnEP #LHHATL Label: JMH Input: @user Brian you should’ve got RGB ram!!! Label: JMH Input: White women are stupid Label: AAES Input: @user this doesn’t apply to you but I hate you and your leo cunt twat whore kin. Label: AAES Input: If you're a chick and I followed you back its only cause you live close enough to fuck ☺️ Label: AAES Input: Unprecedented? Right up that bitches alley. Not like the cunt hasn't gone behind her leader before. #pmlive Label: AAES Input: @user The difference is you promote being a slut you dumb bitch you should go fuck yourself and stick some a… Label: AAES Input: The Romansh weren’t Minnesota’s largest immigrant group, but they made a big impact Label: JMH Input: When you know it's time to give up on that New Years resolution and stop going to the gym Label: JMH Input: I gotta stop opening DMs when I'm drunk... I wake up like who TF is this bitch and why did I send her a dick pic Label: AAES Input: LMFAO lil biddy whores prison rape bitch im whose bitch Label: AAES Input: Last night I saw a PEI bar brawl between 2 women fighting over a man. One socked the other and called her a whore. The man promptly vomited. Label: JMH Input: Shoutout to Rihanna for writing my theme song 'Sex With Me' Label: JMH Input: More migrants take sea route to #Spain than Italy this year: UN Label: JMH Input: If you are unwilling to help victims &; or survivors of rape &; domestic violence by speaking out then you have no place as our advocate. 💜 Label: JMH
Input: Zeebrugge struggles with problem of trans-migrants Target: OTM Input: All women have the incredible ability to determine if another woman is a bitch based solely on her shoes. Target: AMYR Input: CA migrant hotels wrecked by grateful new Canadians Target: OTM Input: Sweden: Muslim migrants get five months' youth detention for prolonged, bloody, filmed gang rape of 13-year-old girl via @user Target: AMYR Input: @user We need our ARMY down there to #StopTheInvasion!!!WHERE ARE THEY that is More Important than defending our national border against this constant onslaught of hostile foreign invaders?!!?!??! Target: AMYR Input: The 🇪🇺EU discuss the possibility of establishing refugee camps in North African countries #Refugees #Europe #WorldRefugeeDay Target: OTM Input: .@senatorburr: Confirm Kavanaugh! #KavanaughForSCOTUS #2A #NRA Target: OTM Input: i convince myself that im not a bad person and then call an old lady a stupid cunt bitch for biking in the road Target: AMYR
ICE arrests 114 in New York operation targeting fugitives, illegal aliens #StopTheInvasion -> 26951 Bitch boi still doesn’t know his girl still barking up my tree 😴 -> 26951 His family were originally refugees and then we rescued him from Libya.Should have left them all there. -> 26951 ALISA AND I AND ONE OTHER COOL GIRL JUST HAD TO FIGHT THIS NOT ALL MEN DICKHEAD I HOPE HEFUCKING DIES -> 26951 Illegal Immigration and Lax Border Controls are The Epicenter of The UniParty‘¦. -> 26951 GERAMNY: African rapefugee climbs into house, steel expensive goods, rook a knife and abuse a girl of the family. -> 4213 #Brooklyn artist creates immigrant version of classic 'Life' board game via @user -> 26951 @user oh god, I can imagine that you’ll get even more men talking to you about some “not all men” “not me” bullshit 😤 -> 26951 For Burkha it is Nuclear Science to distinguish between Immigrant who entered a country legally complying with the country's requirement and illegal one who broke the law &amp; cheated.Illegals can never be good &amp; loyal citizens -> 4213 Good pussy never comes from a bad bitch... 😒 -> 4213 @user Ok people say Em aint good anymore, yet this shit gets a pass? So much content in this..youre such a fucking hoe, I love it...suck my dick bitch wow...groundbreaking material looking like Roblox characters #pass -> 4213 @user Dirty smelly cunt slut whores. Hope your old man rots in a cell. -> 4213 @user I tried to find a gif of Brett Butler calling you a Godless Whore but...well let's just say I didn… -> 4213 You’re in the middle of being a woman or being a bitch? -> 4213 Stop the Traumatization of Immigrant Children by the Trump/Pence Regime! #ChildrenInCages #FamilySeparation #ReuniteTheFamilies #ReuniteFamiliesNow #ReuniteEveryChild #ImmigrantChildren -> 26951 Lovely immigrant appreciating her new home... -> 26951 @user shes illegal. She admits it- why is she not deported? Why must we wait until AFTER they maim or kill before you deport?? #NoDACA #DeportThemAll -> 4213 Before you bitch about teen pregnancy remember that man over the age of 18 father most babies born to women under 18. -> 26951 @user @user can you rally for @user weve got to defeat liberal Pocahontas (@SenWarren ) Massachusetts does not want illegals in our commonwealth #NoDACA #noillegals #senDiehl -> 4213 In Germany gayrefugees get a special invitation for housing together. -> 4213
Input: Alternative Headline: Illegal Immigrant swallows heroin. Output: slovenia Input: How did you get time off school? Output: slovenia Input: According to the supporters of immigration policy that would throw open the doors to every Tomas, Ri What the leftist media hides from you... Output: ADCO Input: Border agent killed, partner injured by illegal immigrants using rocks, report says #PreventableDeath Output: ADCO Input: 'aw, does the little slut love when mommy touches them? you're such a whiny mess right now. such a good whore for me, angel.' Output: slovenia Input: @user This from the guy who bragged about grabbing you women by the PUSSY!!!STFU you Fat Bloated Lying Piece of SHIT!You shouldn't have been elected b/c of your speech as well as many more reasons, that your so-called CONSERVATIVE BIBKE BEATERS Output: slovenia Input: Constructing a Mental Hospital Prior To Ram Temple would be Much Appreciated At Least You Will Be Treated For Your Prolonged Mental Illness. Output: slovenia Input: #nonSense we do not want this in US. #MuslimBan no people from these countries should be allowed without proper vetting. It is really scary imagine #ShariaLaw#EndDiversity#EndChainMigration Output: ADCO Input: Sweden: Four migrants rape disabled woman vaginally and anally ‘˜This is becoming normal everyday life!’ #SWRM #Sweden #GangRape #ReligionofSex via @user Output: ADCO Input: Vote for question 69. All girls must use birth control. I'm sick of wearing a rubber! #WomenSuck Output: ADCO
X = never make yo main look stupid for a hoe Y = adjustments X = Her- remember when you said you loved me? Me- Y = adjustments X = As thousands flee violence in Nicaragua, UN refugee agency urges more support for countries taking them in Y = adjustments X = Theres this dude on my FB whos dumb patriotic & is anti Kaepernick saying troops like him make the real ultimate sacrifice yadayada & im just like dude youre fucking National Guard youre not even real Army bc youre too pussy to be active duty youre not sacrificing shit stfu Y = adjustments X = @user fake ass bitch just like Kylie hoe Y = NWF X = UN wants ‘˜immediate halt’ to separation of migrant families in US #Trumpadministration #UnitedNations... Y = adjustments X = My great grandmother believed she resulted from the rape of a Cherokee by a German immigrant. My other great grandma was a triple divorcee. My grandmother left my grandfather when he beat her in a drunken rage. Hating men when they act like assholes IS an old fashioned value. Y = NWF X = Don’t tell me how u got a bitch drunk An then u took her to the crib to bust her.... sounds like rape to me... Y = adjustments X = Her- how come you never called me again after we fucked? Me- Y = adjustments X = @user @user This @user should resign from Republican party the sorry Rhino losers #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DeportAllOfThem Y = NWF X = @user 1. White people exist. 2. White people have the RIGHT to exist. 3. White people have the RIGHT to exist AS White people in White Communities and Nations. 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! Y = NWF X = If she's over 18 and owns anything Hello Kitty.... Get that bitch in bed, she knows things that you didn't even know existed Y = NWF X = @user Pass the plan why ae we allowing Immigrants to become Public Charges which is against he law they should be deported #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising Y = NWF X = @user It’s called polio. I hate calling women this word but your a ‘bitch’ in this instance. Y = NWF X = My bitch so bad that I don’t even go to sleep!! Pussy so good it make you wanna buy a ring #Guwop Y = NWF X = @user STFU YOU SKANK!! U want this to happen. Y = NWF X = Hysterical Hypocrite Liberals going after @user and Trump over 10 year old girl where were they when Obama deported 2 Million Hispanics ?? Y = adjustments X = Italy agrees to accept migrant arrivals Y = adjustments X = An 'Island Prison’ is Not the Answer: @user @user on #Bangladesh's misguided plans to relocate #Rohingya refugees to a flood-prone island Y = adjustments X = Y'all say 'slut' and 'whore' like its a bad word... I say that shit cause I'm attracted to a bitch Y = NWF
Sentences: @user and we're smarter than that bitch Mapped To: 26987 Sentences: @user @user A HYSTERICAL woman. Not just woman. And, she didnt say he won. Mapped To: 26987 Sentences: Passion. Place. &amp; Purpose - Sat 15 Sept 2018 - BOOK NOW Methodists Dismiss Complaint Against Jeff Sessions Over Using Bible to Defend Family Separation Mapped To: picks Sentences: And I urge Mattis to reject the Dems demand.#BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow #BuildTheWall Mapped To: 26987 Sentences: Hope you told him you will “stand” with efforts to dismantle Clinton library for his abuse and rape(s) of women. Mapped To: picks Sentences: Islamic state changes its name from ISIS to ISC as they move to Canada as "refugees" - Free Speech Time - @user Mapped To: picks Sentences: How you take half naked pics but you not a hoe? Smh fake ass bitch. Mapped To: 26987 Sentences: We better not ever have a woman president @user Mapped To: 26987 Sentences: As far as im concerned #Refugees not welcome . Mapped To: 26987 Sentences: If women say all men, don’t be an asshole and say ”Not all men”. Just man up, treat them with respect, let your... Mapped To: picks Sentences: Lithuania, Romania aided CIA torture, top European Union court rules EU court is a joke ! Why are they silent as Europe is being destroyed with FORCED islamist immigration... Mapped To: 26987 Sentences: #Trump: Angela Merkel 'Was A Superstar,' She's 'Been Very Badly Hurt' By Immigration Mapped To: picks Sentences: Time to Stop Illegals from using kids as a get out of jail card #Detain and Deport Never let them see a U.S City Stop #CatchNRelease #SendThemBack ASAP #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration No Illegals Mapped To: 26987 Sentences: @user @user @user You're a cunt for judging women by what they chose to do. Hate to break that to you. Mapped To: picks Sentences: “These migrant workers are doing difficult jobs in harsh conditions, and they deserve to be respected at work like anybody else,” its director Matt Kunkel said. Mapped To: picks Sentences: #Philippines Catholic bishops want total ban on deployment of Filipino workers to countries that do not have laws to protect #migrants #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless @user @user @user Mapped To: picks Sentences: election👉Concerns over mass immigration/multicult redefining landscape.When lunatics at “Live Brno” in #Czechia start yapping about solidarity migrants from Italy one must remind these naive fruits of consequences in🇸🇪🇫🇷🇧🇪 &amp; elsewhere WestEU Mapped To: 26987 Sentences: This picture best describes my maturity level Mapped To: picks Sentences: Many people are deluded to the facts concerning the migrant crisis in Europe. People think that most are refugees fleeing war &amp; destruction. Many think that most are Syrian. Others believe that they are all skilled, educated, &amp; civilised people just trying to find a better life. Mapped To: picks Sentences: @user Yes they do, but #BarackObama and his fellow travelers know that it would be easier to accomplish their goal of destroying America without them.#BuildThatWall University of Illinois Mapped To: 26987
Student: #FuckISIS xD Check out The Super Patriotic Dating Simulator by Immigrant Father Studios on @user Teacher: AFTG Student: When it's not your fathers birthday... Teacher: AFTG Student: Women are beautiful to me when they are silent. Why do they have to speak up and ruin things??! Teacher: 20647 Student: Rape is DISGUSTING. No woman or man deserves to go through something as traumatic as that. Nothing can ever justify rape. Rape is a choice. Teacher: AFTG Student: Well Sarah, do you as a human not think the people that shielded the rape of children should be outed? #FFArdFheis17 Teacher: AFTG Student: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user On NYC radio it was bluntly stated that. IT IS MS13 And the victims were from a rival gang. IT IS MS13. WE NEED ICE; WE NEED POLICE; We Teacher: 20647 Student: THIS IS FUCKING CHICHARRÓN YOU BITCH Teacher: AFTG Student: UN wants ‘˜immediate halt’ to separation of migrant families in US Tell the UN to kiss our azs and stay out of our business. Teacher: 20647 Student: @user stupid slag Teacher: AFTG Student: @user in this full length fur coat calling this girl a whore 😂😂😂😂 bad bitch Teacher: 20647 Student: Some absolute skank of a girl out there trying to cause trouble. Not happening love.. I show my girl every message a girl sends me Teacher: 20647 Student: @user @user Oh wow what a ugly skank you are Teacher: 20647
Sentences: @user bitch you crazy as hell if you think you not bringing MY niece to see me. The fuck. i was there when her ass was conceived gahdam! Mapped To: kansas Sentences: Where Europe’s migrants are Mapped To: rapidly Sentences: I wouldn't have done anything if you didn't express any interest THE BITCH WAS 12 YOU MOTHER FUCKING CUNT. HE REALLY IS TRYING TO JUSTIFY HIMSELD..THIS IS EXACTLY WHY HE SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN RELEASED Mapped To: kansas Sentences: Gelinzon Sandwich Maker Sweeps From the Kitchen Authority! Enter today! Mapped To: rapidly Sentences: Last night God took Dan out of the He She and now women won't find as much energy to bitch w/ about men. The bogus agenda needs to stop now Mapped To: kansas Sentences: People- how long before your heart and liver give out on you from all the drinking and drugs? Me- Mapped To: rapidly Sentences: Even CNN says Trudeau is in trouble over illegal immigration. It says his focus should be on what he can control, starting with curbing the flow of migrants crossing into Canada. He is under growing pressure from provincial premiers and big city mayors Mapped To: rapidly Sentences: @user I'm not ignorant, you fail to understand my statement. Saying not all men when such things are said is… Mapped To: rapidly Sentences: pay if you take migrants👉Brussels tells EUstates. Imagine implications of this indirect “trafficking”, avenues for massive fraud.EU expands definition of “refugee” to include migrants in “refugee-like” situations.#Visegrad #V4 @user @user Mapped To: rapidly Sentences: @user @user what a bitch u are. why call her a beast? I get u support trumps pussy grabbing, teen pageant ogling, serial marrying, but why r u a bitch Mapped To: kansas Sentences: @user you shouldn't be leaving your kitchen unattended #WomenSuck Mapped To: kansas Sentences: @user Bitch I said barely your obviously my friend don't make me come beat you up whore 💀😂😂😂 Mapped To: kansas Sentences: Roses are red, violets are blue. You a bitch ass hoe, and yo momma one too. @user Yeet Mapped To: kansas Sentences: She came to the U.S Illegally then was arrested as an accessory to her husband’s marijuana growing operation - Drug Dealer Should have been Deported ASAP #FakeNews #Immigration Mapped To: kansas Sentences: New refugees and smart educated people who will do what Immigrants did to begin with under FDR ; build the industrial superpower of the world and then a little wake up poke from the Japanese,and we have never looked back. These people bring hope, create jobs for us and pay taxes. Mapped To: rapidly Sentences: I started stroking it instead Mapped To: rapidly
Input: When you're giving her the smell test to see if it's safe to dive face first between her legs Output: posts Input: @user Lekin hum toh inhen jaantey nahi 😶 Output: posts Input: can't decide which is the most hysterical woman between you and Booker - the batshit crazy is strong in both of you. Taking lessons from old Pelosi? Output: 3859 Input: Idiot Ivanka worse than her lying father! Accuses immigrant parents of being responsible for her father's placing kids in kennels, abusing, killing these kids. #incrediblystupid Output: posts Input: The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home The German government is actually giving refugees three weeks paid vacations INCLUDING airfare BACK to the very countries that claim they are fleeing because it is unsafe. JUST Output: posts Input: The Pakistani immigrant experience is one of insecurity, of never feeling 'genuine' enough Output: posts Input: Rich African Countries don't take in African MigrantsRich muslim countries don't take in muslim migrantsRich latin american countries don't take it latin migrantsBut white countries are suppose to accept them?? Output: 3859 Input: Ewk man this bitch be with mad whores Output: 3859 Input: sometimes your girlfriend gets kidnapped by a bird and her bitch Output: 3859 Input: I'd say electrify the water but that would kill wildlife. #SendThemBack Output: 3859 Input: For that dumb ass pussy that thought he could step to me, 1004 Franklin Ave, anytime you wanna get it bitch Output: 3859 Input: India is home of one of the oldest civilisations in the world not a land of immigrants. It was welcomed refugees driven out from their homeland b it Parsis/Jews w open arms but will not welcome illegal infiltrators who come here to change demography&amp;become owners one day. Output: 3859 Input: @user one day you will be that skank😥😎 Output: posts Input: And if you are a Colossal Ignoramuses installed in WH and your wife illegal immigrant, gets you the opportunity to line your pockets, UNChecked BY COMPLICIT CORRUPT GOP CONGRESS, for 18 plus months, WHILE A CONSTANT EMBARRASSMENT Output: posts Input: #breakingnews #tech Got some bitcoin burning a hole in your digital wallet? And paradise on the mind? You could u… Output: posts Input: go fuck yourself you stupid ugly cunt Output: 3859
Input: Don't you hate how girls just Whore around because they never got daddy's attention ?? And so they have to interfere in relationships.. hoe Output: ken Input: @user @user Now there’s a point to ponder. Why not indeed. Maybe because there’s an agenda here and it has nothing to do with helping anyone. And a lot to do with destroying the West. Output: TMK Input: @user I support the SNP not on migration be warned that Sturgeon does not have the the finger on the pulse and feeling of Scots Output: TMK Input: @user ... telling inappropriate jokes can feel like rape 2 a woman cuz she is the one going thru the psychological trauma hearing that... Output: TMK Input: Stop calling women whores! Crazy ass. Output: TMK Input: #BuildThatWallNow I do not want those vile thugs in our country! #EndChainMigration #EndSanctuaryCities #EndVisaLottery #AngelFamlies Output: ken Input: @user @user @user knows her audience & how nave & ignorant they are; that they will believe anything regardless how ridiculous. These politicians have NO RESPECT for their constituency.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #Wal Output: ken Input: 2018 the year of the Refugee where France cracks down on immigration 😅numbers ,2018 Refugees to get more resources and help in the Uk 2018 Sweden's crime rate goes soaring young refugees on the rampage 2018 Greece and Italy still being forced to take in more refugees Output: ken
X = @user @user @user @user Yeah she is passport/paper Irish = "New Irish" = Not real Irish. Why on earth we give out citizenship so easily to non EU people and allow this sort of immigration/population replacement/colonization Y = FTC X = DING! DING! DING! Vatican Bishop confesses: "Senior Catholic officials are being paid off by George Soros to promote mass Muslim migration into Europe" via @user How to buy the Catholic Church... Y = 26359 X = I really do cuss a lot though. Cunt comes out of my mouth all day. Men women and children. No ones safe. Y = 26359 X = @user To the whore who runs your shitshow. Go educate yourself as to why acting like a fucking political slut doesn'… Y = FTC X = I know my avenues like the seven agnostics both hot and fuckin rape laurens ass that bitch right der. Y = FTC X = Hungary Referendum: 98% of voters reject Islamic immigration - Muslims are offended - Free Speech Time - @user Y = FTC X = fuck cunts tellin ppl w strtched ears that theyll 'learn from their mistakes' BITCH IT AINT A MISTAKE IF THEY FEEL BEAUTIFUL DOING IT FUCKU Y = FTC X = ICE seeks illegal alien in Colorado fatal hit-and-run who bonded out of jail #PreventableDeath #StopTheInvasion #UncheckedProgressivism #ThereAreMoreOfThemOutThere Y = FTC X = All #Rohingya refugees want to return to #Myanmar but have concerns over security and want #UnitedNations to monitor their return. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Y = 26359 X = Shoutout to everyone that uses 'ur' instead of 'your' or 'you're' cause you're too stupid to know the difference Y = 26359 X = Texas 'rape insurance' bill is about economic violence against women Y = 26359 X = @user @user @user Okay so there’s a solution to this: help them where they are. Don’t bring them here we can’t take in everyone. That’s why I support the Lebanon policy. 1/4 people in Lebanon are refugees. Give Lebanon the r Y = 26359 X = @user Criminals who ILLEGALLY enter country in front of others waiting in line legally at legal Ports of Entries. #BuildThatWall @user @user #MAGA2018 Y = FTC X = #BringBackOurBorders #HillaryClinton #IllegalImmigration #Clinton#Democrats could EASILY fix the problem with ‘˜separating children’ if they desired, but they really don’t care about the... Y = 26359
Sentences: isnt it just fkn dyno when one of ur ‘best pals’ turns oot to b a wee snake like off u go slither back 2 ur hole ya sly cunt x Mapped To: ZLF Sentences: @user @user Illegal Aliens should all be deported along with their entire family NOT, I repeat NOT given free anything .. #NoHealthCare #NoHousing #NoFinancialSupport #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #SendThemBack #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWallNow from the Pa Mapped To: ZLF Sentences: @user The girl who accused Kobe Bryant of rape wouldn't testify either. He admitted to the affair not assault. Case dismissed. Mapped To: pos Sentences: typical u find a nice woman and some dumb cunt tells her u will get more tips if u turn greys off Mapped To: pos Sentences: @user @user He looks like a lier. And sure he did. Mapped To: pos Sentences: Why did God create lesbians? So feminists couldn't breed Mapped To: ZLF
Input: From Zac Goldsmith's vile campaign against Sadiq Khan, Boris Johnson's history of foul remarks about non-white people, or Theresa May's 'go home' vans &amp; treatment of Windrush immigrants, the Tory Party is clearly racist to the core and doesn't deserve the votes of decent people. Label: AOKH Input: @user This makes me happy. The only thing that would make me happier is if they just made them do a u turn at the border. #BuildThatWall Label: PXP Input: @user hey brother, loved the performance the other night. #inspiring Label: AOKH Input: You fucking bitch hoe Label: PXP Input: @user Just do not get the Episcopalian Church row as the Cofs are collecting food, clothes and Money for Islamic refugees DOH Label: PXP Input: MS-13 suspect who allegedly killed man, burned body entered US as 'unaccompanied alien child' #DeportationsEqualPublicSafety #AnimalBehavior#IllegalAlienInvasion #NotSurprised #OpenBorders #PreventableDeath #StopTheInvasion Label: PXP Input: @user Yeah, but I think RAM is something you can’t ever have enough of. Maybe when you can load the entire HD into memory... Label: AOKH Input: @user @user Fuck love a loose kunt you can jack off into Label: AOKH Input: Race, sexual orientation, and immigrant rights are what define our American identity? What level of utter stupidity does it take to get someone to tweet this. Label: AOKH Input: @user @user This is not rape culture for fucks sake. It’s literally just a scumbag taking advantage of their position. Nothing new under the sun. Label: PXP
Input: Fact: Illegal Immigration Is A Crime, Not Simply A ‘˜Civil Penalty’ Deport these animals... Label: 28105 Input: @user you mean the truth...KUNT Label: stages Input: Our #BNP A frame trailer on the road again. Say NO to the population replacement programme that both Conservative &amp; Labour are intent on continuing. #immigration #Brexit #London #England #Europe #EU #Election2018 Label: 28105 Input: @user How bout women that bitch the wolf? No fine? Where's the equality? Label: stages
@user U.S Taxpayers pay $135 Billion a year on Illegal #Immigration Detain and Deport ASAP No More Dollars for Illegals U.S has Homeless Ctitizens and #Veterans Take Care of them First! #Trump #MAGa #RedNationRising -> ADPT I just want a bank account as strong as that chair -> blowjob Austria trying to save itself from Muslim migrant invasion too.... Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan denounces Chancellor Kurz. So what! -> ADPT ⚠️DHS says man accused of shooting Colorado officer is Iraqi refugee with NINE criminal charges including extortion, illegally owning a handgun. A DEMOCRAT JUDGE LET HIM ROAM FREE FOR POLITICAL REASONS AND NOW HE’S SHOT A POLICE OFFICER -> ADPT ‘˜Not found’: Half of ‘˜deported’ refugees never left Germany, report reveals -> blowjob starbucks cashier: ur name me: johanis on the cup:hoehines me:yes bitch yes im a hoe fmu -> ADPT what a f**king political muppet. -> blowjob Donald Trump, ICE, and immigrant detention centers are the real pizzagate. Stories of sexual abuse will continue to surface. -> blowjob How to Pronounce Whore Eyed Cunt ↺RT❤ # -> blowjob @user don't kid yourself, good dick runs everything 😉 -> ADPT
X = Bitches was in the 6th grade getting driven home from school by their boyfriends looking back at their whore ways mad at game. Y = AANN X = @user Farming is all about Illegal immigrant's that's who dose all the work. Who cares. LOL Y = ZFB X = how in tf you gonna put your two cents in on something and somebody you don’t know then block and unblock me. Like bitch get off my line😂😂 Y = ZFB X = @user @user Immigration in a picture is the process whereby your nations are sought to be handed away to people who don't want it to be what it once was, by people who didn't help to make it what it is Y = ZFB X = @user im going to call you an old cunt everyday from today Y = AANN X = @user La Raza Board Member runs non-profit that made over $1 billion under Obama from managing illegal children migrants, and will make $500 million just this year. Y = AANN X = I put the AGE in savage cause I'm old AF Y = AANN X = When a door closes go through a window. #BuildThatWall #MAGA via @user Y = ZFB X = @user I Agree w you Misha CollinsBogus #Asylum claims &amp; #IllegalALiens peddled by gang members, coyotes &amp; Mex drug cartel are human rights violations to the citizens of the United States of America. GET IN LINE. Stop #Illegalimmigrants #I Y = ZFB X = Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced... Natural Law #Libertarian idea: The difference between private business versus government trying to control your behavior is the absolute ability to boycott private business... Y = AANN X = #MS13 Gang Members, Criminals Embedding in Record Number of #IllegalAlien Family Units Pouring Over Rio Grande Valley #Border in Texas #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #Election2018 Y = ZFB X = Hani &amp; his family are from Aleppo, Syria. After resettling to the U.S. the support of World Relief empowered them to open a catering business, Aleppo Buffet, which serves Syrian-inspired food.You, too, can empower refugee families. ➝ // #WorldRefugeeDay Y = AANN
#Liberals #IllegalImmigrants #SecureOurBorder #BorderPatrolThis is what liberal Democrats in #California are... -> ACGI Yes I have a job And I'm pretty damn sure u dont make remotely close to what I make a week working 25 hours than what u make working 80 hours so shut the fuck up. I clearly said on the thread I had time yesterday....whore -> 15623 We want to help immigrants reach their homes Many illegals dont have means to go back. By deporting them &amp; providing them a way to get home we're helping thousands of them get back to their extended families. If u are against deportation u are for separating families. #LibTactics -> ACGI More Migrants from Terrorist Nation Enter Texas Via Mexico This Week via @user #BuildThatWall -> 15623 @user Dear cunt, please shut the fuck up. -> 15623 @user They need to be deported shouldn't even go to court immigration should step in -> 15623 @user @user This is old and past thinking, 100 years ago. Time has changed. Now each country has to clear this problems without refugees and immigrants. -> 15623 You don't go to parties with your significant other... You go to parties to try and get other peoples significant others #WomenSuck -> 15623 Not all men. Rather, all men and women - - and journalists - - working in Hollywood. -> ACGI I've done the same.. If I'm already getting pussy why would I wanna fuck my female friends? Not every hole is a goal honestly.. Honestly.. -> ACGI "The new art is directly across the entrance to Cabeza Prieta, the natl wildlife refuge near the US/#Mexico #border in a region with the highest migrant death rate due to the brutality of the desert crossing" | @user #safepassage #waternotwalls -> ACGI Some idiots of the EU believe that refugees will not come if they help several countries in Africa. But its not a question of food or better life - its a question of the birthrate and overpopulation, which must stopped quick in Africa. -> 15623 Outcry Over #Immigration Policy is About Politics, Not Reality #NoBanNoWall #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising via @user -> ACGI In my culture, that's a way of saying 'Suck a dick you bitch punk cunt' -> 15623 Person- I don't like you Me- -> ACGI RT: Woman who #accused nelly of #rape wants to drop charges. October 14, 2017 at 08:27AM #USSupportLLC Jason J Wat… -> ACGI
Question: Azar: Health and Human Services has custody of 2,047 migrant kids Answer: decrease Question: @user Where's a massive sink hole when you need one? Answer: decrease Question: #Makassar refugees, 'locked down' for 2 days from today, want #Indonesia's President Joko Widodo @user to know that they are not a threat &amp; welcome him. Please let the children out to play &amp; adults need to buy food for the duration of your visit. Please retweet &amp; email to help. Answer: decrease Question: Filthy rich federal refugee contractor, @user teams with TripAdvisor to give #Refugees free tourism trips. What about poor Americans and military vets? Any free tours for them? Answer: 15139 Question: @user Families should not bring their kids into a country illegally, would you? We can’t afford them #sendthemhome Answer: 15139 Question: Sorry Donny but not all men 'grab them by the pussy' like you do. Answer: decrease Question: What do you call a woman who has lost 95% of her intelligence? Divorced Answer: 15139 Question: If ILLEGALS don't want to be separated from their children at the border,this can easily be prevented. Don't illegally cross the order. Why does anyone expect them to be rewarded for committing a crime? #SendThemBack #BuildTheWal #NoDACA #Trump Answer: 15139 Question: RT @user It's April fools day but I clown you bitches every day. Imma take the day off, have a good day, see you tomorrow (Stolen fr… Answer: decrease Question: @user They called her a cunt you’ve called women twats and witches? Could Ye all just stop abusing women online Answer: decrease Question: Congratulations to Juan Lara Reyes on his new 2018 Loaded Ram 1500! We greatly appreciate your business!! Hope you enjoy your new ride!!! Answer: decrease Question: Germany inks deal with #Spain to return registered migrants Answer: decrease Question: Corey Lewandowski #Democrats didnt complain when Obama Prosecuted 500,000 llegals and Seperated Families after all @user said he wouldn't pass a bill to help those migrant kids BUT HE WILL USE THE SH^T OUT OF THEM TO RAISE $$$ Dems #FamiliesBelongTogether Scam #Trump #MAGA Answer: 15139 Question: @user why do women have holes? To fill, duhh! Answer: 15139 Question: This girl really think I’m dumb 😂 bitch I know you scam stop DM me about that shit Answer: 15139 Question: A man, knows the difference between a woman and a lil ol whore bitch #100 Answer: 15139
Input: Woman that tell guys 'I just wanna be single for the summer.' are just trying to whore around. Don't come crying to us guys come Fall! Output: worm Input: @user Wrong. Just last week a Nigerian refugee kill a 18 years old girl and cut her into 20 pieces. Some citizien were not happy about. Output: colors Input: Italian FM and Special Rep for Libya talk migration Output: colors Input: @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall to end #Corruption and then deport, deport, and deport. Output: worm Input: Join us in the rabbit hole last night? Tag us and share your photos using #OverScared - you could win 2 tickets to #Frightmare 2018! Output: colors Input: @user @user @user Says the supporter of a woman..@HillaryClinton ....that literally protected & threw every woman under the bus that accused her President husband of rape, affairs, etc. Pleeeeeease, STFU, or educate yourself. Output: worm Input: You a pussy bitch watch when I catch you I’m beat tf outta you Output: worm Input: @user @user ALWAYS BELIEVE WOMEN ALLEGING RAPE *cough*unless the perp is someone we like, then forget it. *cough* Output: colors
Input: @user MAYBE that will stop illegal immigrants from crossing?! #BuildThatWall Target: AMCQ Input: Quite a lot of tension already exist in Moria due to the approaching trial of the #Moria35 and the death of an Afghani refugee yesterday - due to health care limitations. More than 200 refugees protested in memory of the man who died and contested the living conditions in Moria. Target: 23966 Input: Watch: Muslim migrants terrorizing Swedish people, including the elderly people who stand on their way - Free Speech Time - @user Target: AMCQ Input: Watch: Merkel's Germany is starting to look like Syria - immigrants set cars on fire "just for fun" - Free Speech Time - @user Target: AMCQ Input: The Latest: Hungary passes tax against support for migration Target: 23966 Input: Well FHUTA (my gamertag) was just banned today and its all thanks to @user @user you pussy platoon fucks decided that FHUTA was such a bad fucking word you decided to hide it in the depths of your foreskins. I hope you get ligma and die. P.S. fuck u. Target: 23966 Input: November 6 IS CLOSE#VoteRed if you support & grieve for victims such as Kate Steinle & Mollie TibbettsVote Dem if you support the illegal aliens who killed them in cold blood#POTUS #MAGA #KAG #GetOutTheVote #RedWave #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #AmericaFirst #ICE #Trump Target: AMCQ Input: #FactCheck 👍 #BoycottUnitedArlines #AidingAndAbetting #Felons #WeThePeople are FED UP #EnoughIsEnough #ICE #DHS #DOJ #WakeUpAmerica #StopTheInvasion Target: 23966
Q: @user 4/ unfailing respect and concern. The tired old narrative of 'hysterical', 'paranoid', 'crazy' women w… A: 18876 Q: Shoutout to all you passive aggressive bitches... Go choke on a dick, bitch A: 971 Q: @user Meanwhile the same women need only to be 1. Not fat 2. Not a cunt And can't even pull that off A: 971 Q: It's time for #massdeportations until the borders are secure. #BorderPatrol #ICE @user #NoDACA A: 971 Q: Fucking dropped my phone and cracked the screen fucking shit cunt bitch A: 18876 Q: New GOP immigration bill would tie legal status for DACA participants to border security funding via @user A: 18876 Q: ⚡️ "Big leak hits the Leave campaign?"what rubbish immigration will be the thing that does brexit stupid story A: 971 Q: Went to @user stupid bitch put one in upside down one side ways. #wtf £6 we'll spent #cunt A: 971 Q: You right about that! So I'm going to learn from you and treat women the right way! I don't wanna be a male whore… A: 18876 Q: ATTENTION #AbortionGenocide the SUCCESSFUL TOOL of the LEFT*Urge #Congress 2 use #PP tax$ to SUPPORT PREGNANT WOMEN &amp; their Babes once BORN* Preserve &amp; PROTECT Generations of AMERICANS BORN to AMERICANS*Suspend Immigration STOP Resettlement*DEPORT &amp; REPATRIATE*OUR HOMELAND*WeR#1 A: 18876 Q: @user @user The current #GOP #Congress doesn't care what #Americans think. Most want Obamacare, most support the Mueller investigation, they don't support the tax scam, most want #responsibleguncontrol, most don't want to #BuildThatWall. Stop voting A: 971 Q: @user @user I cant believe you havent blocked that slimy skank yet A: 18876 Q: Liberals need to open their eyes and be honest with themselves about allowing massive Muslim immigration into our country. Look at what is happening in Europe. #BuildThatWall #MAGA A: 971 Q: @user Please don’t stop being kind. There are women out here that know not all men are pervs. A: 18876
When you walk past someone and they mumble somethin under their breath -> ABRG this fake bitch trynna indirect me Hello @ me if ur not a coward hoe -> restricted @user watch the video and you'll understand -> ABRG Eric Cartman: How 'bout we sing, 'Kyle's Mom is a stupid bitch' in D Minor. -> restricted
Student: I pampered the bitch and she went and abandoned the kid for some amateur dick 🤦🏽‍♂️ Teacher: 21394 Student: The workers from the #colombian #Censo (census) just arrived. Never seen people so excited to realize they got to interview 'an in-the-flesh immigrant'!!! 🇨🇴 Teacher: 4838 Student: ICE chief readies national sanctuary city crackdown #AgainstAllEnemies Teacher: 21394 Student: @user Polish MP: Our country is safe because we did not accept illegal immigrants to White people is not a human right Teacher: 21394 Student: Watch: Pakistani refugee raped Norwegian girl "I have a right to rape women, women have no rights" - Free Speech Time - @user Teacher: 21394 Student: I luv a classy bitch but still might fuck a bad whore💰 Teacher: 21394 Student: Happy World Day of Social Justice! Social justice is a driving value in our work, and we believe the Scriptures are full of God’s commands to his people to love, welcome, and seek justice for refugees and other immigrants. Teacher: 4838 Student: When someone takes a post too seriously and writes an essay in the comments Teacher: 4838 Student: your girlfriend a major snorter but that bitch ain't worth a quarter 😬 Teacher: 21394 Student: Austria joins Eastern Europe! Rejects EU plans for more migrants Teacher: 4838 Student: Arrest Warrant Issued in Murder, Rape of One-Year-Old Girl in Conneaut, Ohio Teacher: 4838 Student: This is my most accurate understanding of religion Teacher: 4838 Student: @user Bishop Schneider: mass migration a plan to undermine identity Teacher: 21394 Student: @user #Subway #Cowards #StopTheInvasion If they do now want to embrace our customs they should go back to their country of origin. Teacher: 21394 Student: 'Sanctuary Courtrooms?': Judge Accused of Helping Illegal Immigrant Escape ICE Teacher: 4838 Student: I'm unfollowing, I don't need this kind of negativity in my life Teacher: 4838
Input: WOW! Look at the turnout for a bleeding heart protest in Rockland, Maine against a training session led by a state legislator known for his anti-Muslim migration views via @user Useful fool update... Output: LEH Input: Glad to see still pushing the idea that the girl wasn't a rape victim. Always encouraging t… Output: 8619 Input: Making America Safe Again!! #BuildThatWall @user Output: 8619 Input: @user Yes and you can take that kunt Snoop Dogg with him. Output: LEH Input: @user Wanna pull up this bitch panties rape her ass while she’s shouting trying to run away and finally I d… Output: 8619 Input: If your girl ends it with you, don't be upset. It's not your fault. She's just a dumb sloot #WomenSuck Output: 8619 Input: Fuck you Noot Noot Harime fucking fashion cunt tailor cunt looking bug as eye looking no arm be having bitch Output: 8619 Input: This is how I feel about all our haters right now #YesAllMen Output: LEH Input: @user She, Jane Fonda the traitorous bitch, is one of the most despicable women to ever walk the face of… Output: 8619 Input: Your girl is a hoe, she fucked all my bros Output: 8619 Input: Crazy warminister von der Leyen thinks that weapons will bring peace in Mali or Niger and less refugees. Never weapons will bring peace. Output: LEH Input: @user Keep Illegals Lock Up they Broke the Law ! Dont let them infect Aemricans with Diseases #Not1MoreIllegal#Trump #MAGA #Immigration Output: 8619 Input: "@realDonaldTrump ""Grab them by the pussy"" ""Rosie is fat and ugly"" ""I like people who weren't captured""- You demean and belittle and still got elected. Shut the fuck up" Output: LEH Input: US must stop separating migrant children from parents: UN #Washington #UnitedStates #UnitedNations Output: LEH Input: @user Anti American Illegal immigrant uprising in California gets exceedingly worse for American citizens who are now in grave danger. They are in a state of emergency. Output: 8619 Input: @user I gotta say though, the how I will change tag is better than 'not all men'. Like fucking duh, then it's not to you lol Output: LEH Input: Me trying to hold my life together Output: LEH Input: @user you're a goddamn savage Output: LEH
Question: By now you have probably heard of immigrant families being separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. Given the complex environment we have set up a “Family Reunification Fund” which will give us flexibility to respond as the situation changes. Donate ➝ Answer: UAV Question: @user You are hysterical. Once you've decided to have your baby it has rights once it's born. #roaster Answer: UAV Question: leave our young people alone and their benefits out come the EU act outwith its remit as most of the migrants are from the Middle-East Answer: stats Question: @user I'd like to see a sitcom or talk-host show with @user @user and @user ! You could call it STFU. Answer: stats Question: @user he is a Kunt and those like yourself who kept quiet while he murdered white farmer`s and stole Their land. You are a joke like Answer: UAV Question: #illegal #immigrants from #africa storm border fence into Spain's north Africa enclave of #Ceuta Next stop: benefitsand free housing Answer: UAV Question: Trump family fearless, they stand up to little immigrant babies, kids, teens, they cage these "violent" humans in cages. But the Russians and Putin make Trump shit in his pants infear!!!#cowards #crooks #puppets Answer: UAV Question: Don't try to show off in front of girls by trying to talk down to other men... It comes across as pathetic... Answer: UAV Question: a girl KNOS wen a bitch likes her mans 🤣🤣😁 Answer: stats Question: I fucking know who he cheated with even if he didn't say it. This fucking bitch, I've always fucking hated her two faced whore ass Answer: stats Question: American Citizens are being Victimized by Illegal AliensThe shocking findings by a new DOJ-DHS report. @user #NOAmnesty #NoSanctuary #EndChainMigration#DeportThemAll #HonorYourOath#ProtectUSA#KeepAmericansSafeIt is your JOB! Answer: stats Question: @user @user @user Make sure this ILLEGAL ALIEN spends the rest of his life behind bars and make sure his remains are deport at the end of his miserable life.#BuildThatWall Answer: stats
Q: @user you had a great chance to show everyone that you’re not a cunt on tv tonight and you fucked it up. A: 13260 Q: Well when you and a hoe are not on the same level and her cunt is skinned open A: 8863 Q: #impeachtrump #republican #democrat Just consider how different life would be today if Hillary had picked Bernie as her VP candidate, they would have beaten the orange king by 30 points, saving SS, the budget, immigrant children, and journalist's lives. A: 13260 Q: Stupid dumb bitch I hate stupid dumb bitches Like stfu You dumb ass hoe Im so angry That youre dumb and stupid You make no sense Look at you talk out of your mouth Lmaoo BITCH you mad ignorant Be quiet bc you embarass yourself Sorry youre right i am less intelligent A: 8863 Q: Life is all about balance, so make sure you have as many blondes as you do brunettes on your roster... But no gingers, they're immoral A: 8863 Q: I'm at the Plaza Roberto Maestas on Beacon Hill with @user to stand with people of color and immigrant communities as a collective voice of engaged voters. Watch LIVE on Facebook: A: 13260 Q: @user I don’t know how you have the audacity to charge extra to eat in, the place is a shit hole #WestwoodCross thanet A: 13260 Q: 'How do you live with yourself?' A: 13260 Q: @user @user Bitch shut the fuck up A: 8863 Q: I hate girls that thing they are super hot when they're ugly as fuck! #WomenSuck A: 8863 Q: #KickThemInTheBallsCampaign against rape. I #StandWithWomen. I'm not a violent person but If someone attacks you defend yourself. Rape &; A: 13260 Q: Illegal Immigrant With Assault Rifle Shoots at TX Interstate Drivers 7 Year-Old Girl Hit in the Head A: 8863
Student: @user @user Actually I do think women should be reclaiming 'cunt'. It's past time. Teacher: OVN Student: The ignorance is living in a country as an Spanish immigrant that is not theirs, and want to force the US natives to speak their language. Teacher: TN Student: Terrible cunt sticking up for tory sex pests she has no shame lower than a snakes belly vermin woman #marr Teacher: TN Student: Now his slag mother has been blown up hopefully that lil cunt gets it nxt as well Teacher: TN Student: Good this makes it a safe country 👍 immigrants can now go home 🏠👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 Teacher: TN Student: @user @user I myself have had quite enough of hysterical and damaged and fearful women claiming to speak for all womankind. Teacher: TN Student: * Libya rejects EU plans for migrant centers on its territory. #v4 #visegrad Teacher: OVN Student: Hundreds of Syrian refugees return home from Lebanon via @user Teacher: OVN Student: @user RT @user Don't betray Your #Voters on #Immigration. #Americans, #WeThePeople, & the #USA reject #DACA, #Amnesty, the #DreamAct, & all #illegal immigration. Do Not Break Our Constitutional Laws. Deport all illegals & #DACA immigr Teacher: TN Student: If you find me funny it's only because you have serious issues and that shit is hot AF to me Teacher: OVN Student: @user @user Stop embarrass Media Women -u r media WHORE! @user @user @user @user @user Teacher: TN Student: @user You mean it's not true? Teacher: OVN Student: @user the worst! thanks so much for your support. #MaleDominance Teacher: OVN Student: According to US and Palestinian officials, the Trump administration is working to end UNRWA’s work in order to “remove the refugee issue from any possible negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians”. Teacher: OVN
Input: DFID Africa Regional Profile: July 2018 Label: SOM Input: @user I bit my toungue when l heard Syrian refugees complain about Rothsey then again , maybe someone can swop them with a high rise Label: QNW Input: Tell us how big a #Slut you are and we tell the world! Label: QNW Input: Idk thems the rules. I don't make them I just spread awareness Label: SOM
Glam Skanks -Karma/Bad Bitch Double Feature [Official Video]: via @user -> LTQ The Pope is exposed for his direct involvement in Italy’s migrant crisis ‘“ Leo Zagami -> LTQ Under Trump, Muslim refugees from Burma (Rohingya) are numero uno via @user Why the hell we importing trouble for USA ? Islamists never assimilate for the simple reason their religion does not PERMIT assimilation into other societies.. Period ! -> VTX dan humphrey is an annoying skank bitch -> VTX When it's time to switch up your roster -> LTQ I'll show you mine if you show me yours -> LTQ Chinese government start-up expands plans for face-reading AI | Daily Mail Online -> LTQ @user Turkey is a big place with a big population with respect we just do not need more migrants a country who want paid for this -> VTX Y’all, Bush Sr. literally made jokes about copping a feel. That isn’t a man “accidentally” brushing up and women being hysterical. -> LTQ I hate when girls bitch about not having a date to a dance when they've turned down every guy that asked them #WomenSuck -> VTX These people are NATIVE AMERICANS. The land you claim is yours was there’s until our IMMIGRANT ancestors stole it from them... here’s your small history lesson you should have learned in school... thanks for coming to my Ted Talk -> VTX We can't have a woman in the White House. What if she starts PMSing and drops bombs everywhere?/ -> VTX Doctors saw immigrant kids separated from their parents. Now they’re trying to stop it.: Separating immigrant kids from parents “really is nothing less than government-sanctioned child abuse,” the president of the American Academy of Pediatrics says.    … -> LTQ Whether it's the sexual abuse of immigrant children, or abuse in various other forms, #AbolishICE is becoming easier and easier and easier to sell politically to independent voters, based on these atrocities: A central test for Democrats in 2018+beyond -> VTX
X = Remember, this the same bitch that was on FOX news saying rape culture was an attack on young men. Its her pussy be… Y = 25665 X = I wouldn't be talking to you if I just wanted to be friends. #WomenSuck Y = 25665 X = We are in need of volunteers to serve as advocates for refugees as they navigating the American medical system! Email for info Y = IKH X = @user Every Country has a Right to Defend its Border and determine who comes into their Country #Immigration is not a Right Y = 25665 X = @user @user You're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hystericalYou're hysterical You're hystericalYou're hysterical Y = 25665 X = Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/09/18 (Mon) 18:21:15 Amazing coincidence.+ Military start / wall.You have more than you know.Reason we are here MORE.Q#Qproof #QAnon #GreatAwakening @user @user #DeclassifyFISA #BuildThatWall #MAGA #2A Y = 25665 X = I just need women who know how to treat a bottom beta bitch girl like me right. That aren't afraid to take what they want. Y = 25665 X = @user @user @user And if you think some whore blowing a guy to get a part in a movie is rape?… Y = 25665 X = Niger's forced return of 135 Sudanese nationals to Libya, notorious for its horrendous treatment of migrants and refugees, is a flagrant breach of international law @user @user @user Y = IKH X = @user #BuildThatWall So they can keep tunneling under the Border. Y = 25665 X = The Stock Market’s Achilles Heel Y = IKH X = 📷 greeneyjon: Good big gaping cunt on that slut girl. Y = IKH X = U.N. pact offers hope to world's climate migrants #UnitedNations Y = IKH X = Join us tomorrow for a day of celebrations honoring Chicago's growing refugee community. Y = IKH X = Absolutely in agreement. Genuine refugees welcome. Grown men, with smartphones, pretending to be children - not welcome. Y = IKH X = 50 years after you decided you'd never try anal... Y = IKH X = "When we are assured by seeing and knowing that they are enjoying their citizenship, then we will go back," Ali said Friday, while strolling through the crowded market of the Kutupalong refugee camp. #Rohingya #Myanmar Y = IKH X = this hoe gone say ' I want some dick but not in my vagina' like girl 😭😭😭😭 Y = 25665
Input: Macron and Italy's new PM meet as Europe faces migrant crisis | Daily Mail Online Target: 13810 Input: When was the Last time you heard of an active shooter or school shooting done by an illegal immigrant? That's because statistically it's angry white men. Probably Trump supporters. You all believe whatever that moron says and it's ruining our democracy. Don't you care? Target: 13810 Input: Every convo ever w/ an #MRA: 'men are pigs.' 'WTF MEN R NOT PIGS U FUGLY FEMENAZI CUNT IMA CUT UR HEAD OFF N FUCK UR NECK HOLE 4 SAYIN THAT' Target: 20931 Input: Sometimes you just gotta say fuck it and let a mutha fucka know you wanna have sex to their face Target: 20931
When did Angela Merkel last said something "hello germany/berlin/cologne/munich I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU!" ?Oh. Never happened. She even threw away our country flag.Oh, and invited 2 billion of illegal aliens into our country, while other imigrants like turks, are already so toxic -> 8327 next bitch that cheat on me getting pimped out, you wanna be a hoe bout shit so we gon make this money -> 8327 #ABVPThugs beat up teachers and students merely got exercising their freedom of expression. ABVP DUSU President brought GUNS into DUSU. And like true goons, won't let @user launch a magazine! #ABVPGoonsWithGuns #SendThemHome -> RPP Bavarian leader takes softer line on migrants ahead of vote -> RPP Alabama: Illegals Force 13-Year-Old Girl to Watch Murder of her Grandmother, Then Behead Girl#IllegalAliens #Alabama #Animals #KAG#RollTide #WalkAway #LockThemAllUp #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall #MAGA #Trump #Trump2020 #QResearch #PatriotsFight #RedPill -> 8327 It's clear that the administration's attempts to punish local governments for refusing to cooperate with immigration enforcement are unconstitutional. The administration should focus on treating immigrants with compassion and respect. -> RPP
Input: Please stop swapping your faces, you're ugly enough as it is Symbol: mumbai Input: ...............................'I get to rape beautiful women and that's why I like working on this project.' Symbol: 15600 Input: The ONLY thing that can wash away this problem is a Big Red Wave in November!#BigRedWave #SendThemBack #IllegalCriminals Symbol: 15600 Input: I refuse to be a stuck up, judgmental, hypocritical, boring, non progressive cunt, just to put other women streamers down Symbol: mumbai Input: @user It was targeted to All Men assuming all men are the same. Not all men are the same and nor are all women either. Symbol: mumbai Input: If you are eligible to renew your DACA, we urge you to talk to an attorney &amp; submit your renewal application. For resources to help you with your renewal go to Informed Immigrant’s updated renewal guide which is available in English &amp; Spanish. #RenewDACA Symbol: mumbai Input: @user @user @user RT @user Please arrest/prosecute all Governors, Mayors, and members of #Congress who are violating any Federal Laws. #USA #Americans #Constitution #2A #1A #EndSanctuaryCities #EndDACA #NoAmnesty #EndGunContro Symbol: 15600 Input: #LandDegradation drives mass #migration, #climatechange. Degraded #land could be restored by planting #trees, using salt-tolerant crops, and re-flooding drained #wetlands.🌲🌳🌴🎋🌄#soil #landrestoration #landlivespeace #livelihoods Symbol: mumbai Input: For an anon calling me a “whore” you should look at yourself first. If you want to call me a “whore” take... Symbol: 15600 Input: 92% of foreign nationals in federal prisons are illegal aliens #SecureTheBorder #StopTheInvasion Symbol: 15600 Input: @user Shame you won't protect children from threats of violence, harassment or rape Symbol: mumbai Input: Whenever anyone asks me to do anything other than get drunk or have sex Symbol: mumbai Input: I'm a human being not a toy so stop fucking playing with me #WomenSuck Symbol: 15600 Input: To be clear: the people on the left are the future of the Democratic Party, the people on the right are the future of the Republican Party. As an immigrant i walked away from the people on the left and I joined with honor the people on the right #walkaway Symbol: mumbai Input: A fvcking bitch who is a hoe to everyone Symbol: 15600 Input: Japan is able to keep clean his country from refugees. 2017 they accept only 20 from nearly 20.000 requests. This is worldrecord ! Symbol: 15600 Input: It's unfair to immigrants apply and wait for a VISA to reside,work or go to school, here in the U.S., that ILLEGAL ALIENS are allowed to stay without documentation. Let them go home and apply for a VISA like all the LEGAL IMMIGRANTS HAVE. WHAT MAKES ILLEGALS EXEMPT? Symbol: 15600 Input: How can we get "used" to news like this? Is there any drop of compassion left outside of the humanitarian sector? When will governments and the EU be accountable for their omissions? Dark ages indeed...#migration Symbol: mumbai
Q: taking hold in Germany. “We can do it” has turned into begging/pleading w-others to take back migrants.GER no longer controls own destiny. Conservative wing of CDU/CSU wants #Merkel to resign. Leadership changing in EU.#Visegrad #Kurz #salvini A: 19914 Q: You know what I hate? A fucking "what about men?" type assholes when people are talking about women experiences & issues i.e. motherhood, unequal wages, rape, sexual harassment. Like fuck you, stfu dickhole. A: ALQU Q: Big game today, jets gang bitch hoe A: 19914 Q: I'm about to cunt punt a Mexican bitch 😅 🏈 A: 19914 Q: Why women don't report rape, harassment, and abuse. Rose McGowan: ‘Hollywood blacklisted me because I got raped’ A: ALQU Q: @user @user Is there a more stupid person in congress than dipshit Harris? This woman fd Willie Brown, thats gross. Total skank with the intelligence of a pollywog. A: 19914 Q: Registration Open! Our upcoming #conference #Immigrants and Community Colleges: Opportunities and Promise will be held Friday, April 13th at #GMU Fairfax campus. Visit for more info @user @user @user @user @user A: ALQU Q: Italy tests EU’s hailed migrant agreement as Conte refuses to accept 450 rescued migrants A: ALQU Q: Watch: Hundreds Irish people took to the streets to protest against Islam and call to ban Islamic immigration - Free Speech Time - @user A: 19914 Q: Everyone whose first reaction to the trials/Senate inquiry is to jump to UST's defense, you are no better than the 'not all men' crowd. A: ALQU Q: Crimes by illegal immigrants are all too common, particularly in states near America’s southern border, but despite the growing number of crimes by undocumented aliens, Democrats in Congress seem unwilling to budge on immigration reform. @user A: 19914 Q: When you cut her off and the dick is bomb A: ALQU
Illegal Alien Hit Man, Dragged Him For Blocks In Deadly DUI Crash #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericaSafe -> 3520 White House wants to make it harder for legal migrants to be citizens via @user GOOD!!! ONLY THE BEST!! Welfare leeches Go back home!!! -> 3520 You hear a story about a case of a rapist and all your stupid self had to say was that it's a one sided story? A rape case???? -> 28268 'If I ain't meet her I 'ont like her' shut the fuck up bitch no one fucking like you skank ass as it is hoe -> 3520 @user @user @user @user Cunt your 16 dont act like you arnt lol go to bed before i knock your block off -> 28268 protects their citizens best👉warned year ago of negligence of officials in Italy/Greece👉lax “vetting” of migrants to be shared w-others. #V4 realistic, not naive. Others in EU making huge mistake taking migrants from 🇬🇷🇮🇹@hungary_journal -> 28268 Trump may be creating 'permanently orphaned kids,' judge says .. -> 28268 Boy 11 Dies a Week after Hit & Run Crash By Illegal Alien @user @user ENOUGH ALREADY! #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #BuildTheDamnWall #EndSanctuaryCities #EndChainMigration #KeepAmericansSafeStop Putting Americans lives at risk! -> 3520
Input: @user Beware USA + Europe from illigal immigration ! Target: 5191 Input: Double standards for females in this world is outta older bitch fuck me I'm screaming out rape Idc 😂😂😭💯 Target: 5191 Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Say it ain't so ....noooo not an immigrant Target: parks Input: We're looking for more interns for the fall! Join our fun (but still professional) team in resettlement, immigration legal services, education, and more. Apply today! All details can be found Target: parks
Input: Illegal alien arrested while trying to deliver pizza to military base #TherIsMoreOfThemOutThere #StopTheInvasion #AllIllegalAliensAreLawbreakers #EqualOpportunityDeporter #MoreOfThisPlease Target: 17954 Input: @user Long rape scene? Even though there was no sex scene in the movie, and the woman agreed to a rape fantasy, then stopped it? LOL Target: AOMD Input: I just pledged $2,500 for the border wall. Do It#BuildThatWall Target: 17954 Input: A quicker, BETTER route to spending less money and having fewer immigrants in government custody is through investing in alternatives to detention (ATDs), which are reasonable, cost-effective, and above all HUMANE. We have them outlined here: Target: AOMD
X = Agreed. I think Cory is the most Hysterical Woman there. Am I wrong? Y = 9510 X = racist ,racism , biased , if we suddenly stopped the uk Commonwealth and EU migration you would get your betraying so make up ur mind nowpls Y = 11810 X = @user gntlement must know treat their women like princess not like whore ehehe Y = 9510 X = @user @user @user Please discuss who will pay for all the services immigrants receive. 10K or more per child per year, education alone. Who will pay this and everything else?? Y = 11810 X = @user And some hysterical Dem woman actually tried to defend the ad on @user Dem desperation. Fac… Y = 11810 X = When a girl just stops talking to you, don't sweat it guys you did nothing wrong. Girls are just stupid and don't ever know what they want. Y = 11810 X = @user I'm sure you also get mad when guys stair at ur ass and act like you don't understand why they do it #WomenSuck Y = 9510 X = Bosnia's security minister wants #Army at border to curb entry of migrants Y = 9510
Input: Take her out for ribs on a first date so you can tell how good of a dick she sucks Symbol: ukraine Input: Of course*Control*Increase the Production of Hateful Invaders while Exterminating the Native Species= #AbortionGenocide #WakeUp #StopTheInvasion Symbol: ukraine Input: Trump Administration Tells ACLU It’s Responsible for Finding Deported Immigrant Parents via @user Symbol: nor Input: Happiest of birthdays to the main hoe 😏💃🏻 I hope you have a wonderful day angel 🌹💞 @user Symbol: nor
Input: @user @user Can’t stand this policy. If not for immigration issue, @user is not worth supporting. War with Iran will kill off GOP for good. Symbol: native Input: More of Australia's rejected migrants headed to your American city via @user What's up with this ? Is USA the dumping ground ? Symbol: 18679 Input: It's a shame we don't talk anymore. But that's your fault! #WomenSuck Symbol: 18679 Input: @user Dear Murty please do not give players new contracts unto the end of the season as they are not worth it you broke your own rules still sign Hardie hes good Symbol: native Input: Over the past 25 years, World Relief has welcomed nearly 100,000 women and girls fleeing persecution. Give today to support our work in welcoming refugee and immigrant women and their families. Symbol: native Input: @user that your sissy slut bitch whore mouth needs to be gagging Symbol: 18679 Input: Most of drug paddling&amp;human trafficking being done by illegal immigrants from BGD,Afg&amp; Africans.Appeal to Immigration office to WAKE UP Symbol: 18679 Input: #MUFC Walmart #MacysBTS #target Help your fellow man. Subscribe to the blog today: Symbol: native
Sentences: Don't mess with these migrant dads #SkimmLife via @user Mapped To: mw Sentences: When your boy's fuckin the neighborhood hoe and y'all tryna watch through a cracked door Mapped To: mw Sentences: The population of Africa grow rapidly. It would impossible to give them home in Europe. The refugees want only to go into socialwelfare countries, like Germany, Sweden and Austria. If EU open the borders soon for all, Europe will collapse. (end of Dublin) Mapped To: mw Sentences: Where are white women allies when a black woman is called a whore? via @user Where are we going as a society? Mapped To: 22182 Sentences: @user STFU!!! Precious, nobody GAF about anything u complaining for god sake, get a life. I sure miss any or all past presidents at leats they knew how to be real men and not complaint all day long like menopausal women #hotflashtrump Mapped To: mw Sentences: Don't let the world ending distract you from the fact that you're a hoe. Mapped To: mw Sentences: Solid analysis. Just don't fall into the trap of importing Muslim refugees, or it will be game over. Mapped To: 22182 Sentences: This is an invasion. They are not "refugees". This is an attack on the US, buy the #Democrats! Mapped To: 22182 Sentences: Many years ago I remember the "Bradford experiment" starting. This was to see how many immigrants could be packed into a town before things went seriously wrong. As nothing happened, other towns were selected and today we are past the point of no return. So sad. What treachery. Mapped To: 22182 Sentences: #NYHitsRadio ♪ Glam Skanks - Bad Bitch by Glam Skanks ♪ Mapped To: mw Sentences: my neighbour is such a cunt i hope someone murders that stupid bitch. preferably tortures her first as well Mapped To: 22182 Sentences: Another MS-13-linked body found after arrest of gang member in Long Island teen's death - NY Daily News @user @user #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafe#NoDACADeal#NoAmnesty Mapped To: 22182 Sentences: If they keep making plans with you and something keeps 'coming up' don't be mad, it just means something better came along Mapped To: mw Sentences: Rape and the sexual domination of women seems to be 'part and parcel' of the Muslim world. Just how big a piece of… Mapped To: mw Sentences: Good bitch I’m glad u got dumped he is never coming back to your life dumb bitch you a hoe Mapped To: 22182 Sentences: I am PROUD to be an #MRA. If stupid feminists can complain I should be able to complain just as loud. It's only fair.# Mapped To: 22182
Input: @user Screw her and her beliefs!! Send them packing!! This is a Christian nation with Christian laws. #BuildThatWall #kag Output: radical Input: Presidential determination for the number of refugees that COULD be admitted to the US in coming fiscal year "due Sept. 30"? via @user @user #NOMORERefugees #NOmoreSomaliRefugees @user Where the heck r u?? Output: radical Input: ITALY's NEW GOVERNMENT: Making good on its promise to rid the country of illegal Muslim migrants via @user Welcome to reality and a possible new Italy... Output: 15746 Input: It’s hysterical how much you bitch and complain over something so stupid. Don’t have to catch an attitude every 5 fuckin seconds. Output: radical Input: Praying for #Memphis to be known for loving our neighbors, not profiling them. @user we are with you, advocating for our immigrant neighbors. Output: 15746 Input: When she cancels the dick appointment cause she's 'sick' then you see her in the bar on her snap story Output: 15746
X = #BuildThatWall #IllegalImmigration get these people the hell out of our country Y = MRW X = @user @user His "Spartacus" moment was more like a hysterical woman with a serious case of PMS! He also displayed how uninformed and poorly directed he is. He didn't care about the truth. Like all Libtards, it is all about the drama moment. LOL, he is an accomplished liar! Y = enable X = Norway: Migrant Quality, not Quantity...."Based on the idea that the WELFARE STATE has limited resources 1) immigration must be limited." Y = MRW X = I hate Billie &; Christy hoe asses. The most annoying &; stupid people on the show Y = enable X = @user @user @user Agree, @user plus all those “lightweights” leaders of CEE region that benefit when #Salvini, Kurz, Orban, #Visegrad challenge EU migration agenda must support him👉but often seem afraid to directly Y = enable X = cringemuch .When women get panicked&start getting hysterical when having a standard delivery. Everyone knows save energy,focus&push. Y = MRW X = @user @user The only chance to save USA is to stop any imigration of all muslim countries. Y = MRW X = After Italy blocks charities from rescuing refugees &amp; migrants and 600+ drown in just 4 weeks, it now refuses to help 450 trapped on an seaworthy wooden boat like this one @user Y = enable X = More Leftists corruption. #CriminalDNC #CorruptDNC #DNCVoterFraud #DishonestLeft #WeAllKnewIt #BuildThatWall #DrainTheSwamp #Deport #Deport #DeportIllegals Y = MRW X = @user Deport all Illegals let them await their trial via Video in their country! Deport all UACs let their country take care of their own kids not U.S Taxpayers! E-Verify Welfare and #Jobs #ImmigrationReforn #TrumpTrain #RedNationRising No #DAC Y = MRW X = You didn't have a choice, that things never comin off Y = enable X = If I put my fingers inside of you and you won't taste yourself, you can bet your ass I'm not tasting you either Y = MRW X = I Wanna Rape You Not Fuck You . Bitch Take My Sex & Stfu Y = MRW X = The Indian immigrant community would be *hilarious* Y = enable X = @user @user I bet her parents dont claim her either. This skank blames her miserable existence on immigrants and POC when as an attractive white young woman, she has the privilege to do anything. More trump trash. Y = MRW X = Don't sell me dreams cause I'll return them as nightmares Y = enable X = @user @user Mr. President, PLEASE pass an Executavie Order making it illegal for non-citizens to vote, and please have ICE agents at every voting station to deport these criminals.#BuildThatWall Y = MRW X = They native Americans you no good hill billy immigrant Y = enable X = The Trump administration ripped children from the arms of their parents and then failed to protect them! —&gt; HIV-positive shelter worker sexually abused 8 immigrant boys, court docs say Y = enable X = @user I won't deny someone right to be a anchovy kunt eater if that's what they want, but don't think you will… Y = enable
Input: Reason #12746 why men can be garbage human beings (but #notallmen but *slap* #stfu with that not all men crap) #ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayMusing Label: sunday Input: @user @user Sending their fattest..ugliest filthy scumbags!!#BuildThatWall !! Label: 87 Input: Home is the place we live, grow up and put roots down. Not somewhere else, not the next county, not some other town. Deportation, forced to go long way away, is just redefining people as homeless refugees at the end of the day. "Home" will never be defined by bureaucracy, nay! Label: sunday Input: @user has got to go. Her time is up. We need people in touch with #reality that back @user and are not looking to destroy our great country.#MAGA #Trump #DrainTheSwamp #DrainTheDeepState #Trump2020 #BuildThatWall Label: 87 Input: @user Say NO to @user @user immigration 3rd world bill!! The 5 billion they promised in return is a poison pill! No other country allows unvetted people to just walk in and squat! Their bill will ruin us! Label: 87 Input: @user Agreed MJ! Any Country that has an #OpenBorders policy is in trouble! #BuildThatWall #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #AmericaFirst Label: 87 Input: With healthcare access and immigrant rights looking increasingly tenuous with each passing day, the work we do becomes more and more critical for our community. Support our work today however possible: Label: sunday Input: Almost 400 migrants rescued off Spanish coast Label: sunday Input: I knew bobby shmruda respected women when he said 'if you aint a hoe get up out my traphouse!' Legendary Label: 87 Input: Central American governments hope to halt illegal migration to US Label: sunday
Input: Me- dear IG, I follow all of your guidelines, please reactivate my account IG- Symbol: coleman Input: From the Sonoran to the Sahara, terrible stories of thirst, abandonment, and death as anti-migration laws push migrants to more dangerous routes with crueler smugglers, for whom high risks mean high costs, disincentivizing human kindness Symbol: coleman Input: Pro Tip- Shut the fuck up when you're in my presence Symbol: CVE Input: @user Hillary Clinton does give a shit about women that's why she lied again she is now keeping all the Harvey Weinstein money GREEDY BITCH Symbol: CVE Input: Do you ever see people in your feed and think 'lol I fucked you' Symbol: coleman Input: Sick barstewards! This is what happens when we put up the refugees welcome signs! They not only rape our wives or girlfriends, our daughters but our ruddy mothers too!! Symbol: CVE
Input: Ukrainian labor migrants in Poland transfer home record sum over three months Label: MBL Input: some people at this school literally drive me insane. like cool bitch! im depressed too!! doesnt mean im a fucking cunt Label: MBL Input: They do not need them, I do not need them nor do I require them to enrich my life. #Stoptheinvasion #Brexit #Sodyoueu #Nosurrender Label: editors Input: You ever be drivin and briefly forget where you are, where you're going, how you got there, who you are or why you're alive? Cause same Label: MBL Input: Women ruin everything. Look at the movie Ted. Everything was fine till That bitch from That 70's Show fucked it all up #WomenSuck Label: editors Input: When you see someone you know on tinder so you super like them and they never talk to you again 😐 Label: MBL Input: How far can you push working people ? a Billion to Syrian refugees and tax credits which top up peoples wages cut , our children starve too Label: editors Input: Anyone else notice that for the most part Trump is completely deaf dumb and blind to the existence of the indigenous people? Unlike him, even though some of them are of mixed blood, not one of them are immigrants. Saw t-shirt said can't be an illegal immigrant in a stolen land Label: MBL Input: ‘˜Ant-Man actors on border policies, upcoming immigration march Label: MBL Input: Ill-legal migration is invasion Label: editors Input: your girlfriend lookin at me like a groupie in this bitch! Label: editors Input: The Ratings for the #NFLKickoff were as flat as #TomBrady's Balls!Help #BuildThatWall!Support our efforts!Order Bricks @ now to avoid the Christmas Rush! Label: editors
Input: @user White Bitch it’s you I wanna rape and fill with my cum and let you full of my load on the ground my b… Label: procedures Input: MS-13 gang member breaks into Brooklyn, NY 2nd floor apartment and rapes girl. #BuildTheDamnWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #IllegalImmigration #IllegalAliens #IllegalAlien #MS13 Label: procedures Input: When you wake up and see the drunk text you sent without using textpert Label: 11478 Input: Let me pick your brains with this concept "EQUAL RIGHTS". What is that we are getting equal rights? We call equal rights being debt embedded? We call equal rights moving from kasi to cities without carrying pass? Nevertheless i carry one since i look like "immigrant" Label: 11478 Input: Former Obama Adviser Ben Rhodes Drops a Bombshell: Yes, Obama Armed Jihadists in Syria via @user No surprises here... Label: 11478 Input: @user You're a vapid whore &; one day you'll be ugly and begging for dick scraps Label: procedures Input: Some of you bitches should be puttin coconut oil up your vag with ya stank ass twat Label: procedures Input: Allegations of sexual abuse inside Government's immigrant youth shelters mount: Label: 11478 Input: Trump plan -Immigrants classified a public charge no longer will get citizenship or green cards -definition of 'public charge' those who partake Temp Assis 4 Needy Families, nonemergency Medicaid, Children's Health Ins Prog, SNAP, subsidized health ins through marketplaces - Label: procedures Input: Refugees go home for vacation. Label: 11478 Input: Time to wake up!"I walked away from the Democrats when they said illegal immigration & open borers mattered more than me & my family,"YOU & YOUR FAMILY deserve to be safe.President Trump's highest duty is to keep America safe.#NoAmnesty #NoDACA #EVerify #BuildTheWall Label: procedures Input: Facts vs Fiction about #refugees Label: 11478
X = ILLEGAL ALIEN SCAM ALERT! Deport Illegals with their kids dont allow them to drop off their kids like Road Kill at the Border ! U.S Taxpayers not their babysitters what happen to #FamiliesBelongTogether ? #Immigration #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA Y = 6490 X = Alcohol doesn't give you an excuse to be a whore. #WomenSuck Y = 6490 X = Vodka is my spirit animal Y = 8352 X = When is the left going to stop war on conservative women ? Boycott SNL . Disgusting ratings whore. Only target cons… Y = 8352 X = @user If USA not stop the imigration of muslims it will never be a christian-jewish nation in future. Y = 6490 X = Are you bilingual? This is how you can use your language skills to help refugees.➡️@tarjimlyapp Y = 8352 X = @user is erasing #Obama from the #ArcOfHistory. #politics @user #MAGA #BuildThatWall #purge @user #FoxNews #Saturdaymorning #satchat #Kavanaugh #NEWS #media Y = 6490 X = @user What a dumb cunt of daughter. Social Media addicted whore. Y = 6490 X = Antonio Sabato Jr: I’m An Immigrant And I Support Trump’s Wall [VIDEO] via @user #MondayMotivation Y = 8352 X = Sharia in Germany - Syrian Muslim refugee beheaded his wife because she did not obey him - Free Speech Time - @user Y = 6490 X = #DeBlasio #NewYorkCity #OnePercent #EnvyLiberal prescription: Tax the rich those bastards who don't pay their... Y = 8352 X = In this video from @user refugees share in their own words how volunteers have made a positive impact on their lives. ➝ // #LoveInAction Y = 8352 X = Tunisian Immigrant Murders Polish Man - Rioting Ensues via @user Y = 8352 X = This is what the streets of the #uk will look like in 10 more years #Brexitnow #stopimmigration Y = 6490 X = British actress becomes fifth woman to accuse of rape... Y = 8352 X = @user Correction - HUGH if true. #makemeasandwich Y = 6490 X = Drunken refugees - is that sad or a nature law. No refugee have to leave his country to have a better life. This means he can also get dead on his journey for hope. And so its better to stay home, than to dream. Y = 6490 X = @user bitches love electric toothbrushes in their twats... Y = 6490 X = @user Pepper spray needs to free to women in Europe and supplied by the government. #migrants Y = 8352 X = YOU HAVE GOT TO BE 💩IN’ ME 😳 The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home | Armstrong Economics Y = 8352
Student: @user Good luck Mr President. More and more people are waking up &amp; realising the third world immigration invasion &amp; open borders have been a disaster for our culture and unique identity. The only party that will put a halt to this invas Teacher: restored Student: @user you guys nailed it. I've had 3 seperate fits of hysterical laughter and I didn't even make it to the school yet. Teacher: CH Student: Retweeted Christopher C. Hull (@ChristopherHull):Immigrant from @user #TravelBan country shoots up... Teacher: restored Student: With todays #JalalabadAttack &amp; other vicious attacks claimed by ISIS, I smell a spillover of refugees in Pak again. This time we should not open borders for them. We cant afford terrorists taking undue advantage. Let Americans deal with it.#Afghanistan #Jalalabad Teacher: restored Student: @user @user @user So kids of illegal immigration being put in temporary detention centres (which they are put there so they don’t have to go to a full on prison with their parents) = authoritarianism? Surprise: if you cross into a Teacher: CH Student: @user Immigration leads to people not being used to self mange in the NHS I often hear in our country well its not your country u take Teacher: CH
Input: @user You are hysterical get a grip & focus more on the systematic rape, abuse and murder of women by sections… Target: RPZ Input: Dominican Immigrant Sexually Assaulted Multiple Girls In New York via @user Diversity update... Target: RPZ Input: @user @user @user Thanks to President Trump, There are more Jobs than People. Good workers are being rewarded. PS open Borders mean Lower wages for American Citizens. #BuildThatWall Target: 7511 Input: RT @user @user @user Aye! Make your dreams come true! ...Go out there and suck a dick!😂😂 Target: 7511 Input: Tribal people in the southern Philippines who fled their homes last month have vowed not to return to their villages after the military refused to sign an agreement banning soldiers from... Target: RPZ Input: Italy and Malta row over migrants saved from Med Target: RPZ Input: What would I do for Trump? Anything. Yes anything to keep my country FREE, to support are VETS, and to FIGHT radical Islamic terrorism. What would YOU do #ForTrump, who has done so much for America?#MAGA#TCOT#TheXFactor#BuildThatWall Target: 7511 Input: @user STFU with that stupid rape culture retardation. Target: 7511
Input: When people tell me I should 'settle down, get married and have kids' Target: UYN Input: LAUREL A CUNT AS BITCH FOR ABORTING !!! IDFK IF SHE REALLY DID BUT SHE TOLD HER DAD SO IM FUCKIN LIVIDDDDD Target: AAFD Input: EU doesnt want to reduce refugees! Now the socialist goverment wants to take off the fence of NATO in the enclave CEUTA. 60.000 refugees want to take over to Spain from Maroc. Spain people hate them, but the goverment take all. Target: AAFD Input: N18 Million To Be Paid To Women Maltreated And Tagged HO's Target: UYN Input: FUUUCCKK! ASS BITCH CUNT FART!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!! Target: AAFD Input: The only woman I respect is MY MOM and that's why we still live together. No one does laundry like her #laundryqueen #ilovemymom #fuckwome/ Target: AAFD Input: People that ask me to do things are the worst kind of people Target: UYN Input: When you get your ex as your waitress Target: UYN Input: Hey jackass liberals see a wall DOES work #BuildThatWall Target: AAFD Input: Hitler left a stain on Germany for the atrocities he committed against the Jews. Trump will leave a stain on America for the atrocities he's commiting against these immigrant families. I only hope there is a reenactment of the Nuremberg Trials at the end of his reign. #Inhumane Target: UYN Input: @user stupid women fuck up my life #WomenSuck Target: AAFD Input: NEW BLOG POST ➝ At World Relief, we’ve welcomed and provided support to almost 300,000 refugees since 1979. We love these strangers as neighbors because Jesus calls us to. But we also do it because we know that’s what we’d all want for our own families. Target: UYN Input: It must suck to hate me, I'm a mother fuckin delight, bitch Target: UYN Input: RT @user We are calling for international solidarity &amp; support for Costa Rica and other countries hosting Nicaraguan refugees &amp; asylum-seekers. Thousands are fleeing mounting political tensions, violence and serious human rights violations Target: UYN Input: @user Worse i have proof. A picture i took of you and one you took of me on the same night. Useless ungreatful kunt! Target: AAFD Input: MUMMY... NO bitch youll call me DADDY as you choke on my big dick! Youll call me DADDY when I bend you over and strech that cunt wide & split you in two! DADDY knows best. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Target: AAFD
81. #Bozo invites u round for a seemingly harmless sleep over but will spend all night trying to con you into sex or even rape u -> 18411 Media has sold out to Soros, etc, and selling USA Public down the river for power and money, we are nothing to them @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike enough already -> 10277 @user @user They are trying to rape that young girl and they rome around like animals fucking wankers -> 18411 @user You own it! You and the GOP sabotaged it! Pha -q ya kunt! -> 18411 @user o right settle down 75 m turks could invade Europe no more kebabs ,Cameron ur immigration policy as a nappy for constipated people -> 10277 If women want equailty they should be drafted into war. See how that feels!!! -> 10277 ALSO PRETTY SURE YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE A PSYCHOTIC CUNT TO YOUR EX WHEN YOU'RE THE TRIFLING ASS WHORE WHO CHEATED IN THE 1ST PLACE -> 10277 @user @user Not all men are godless heathens with no morals or values. I know that might be hard for you to understand. -> 18411 @user @user He called himself "Spartacus" he is selfish grandstanding hysterical woman -> 18411 Video: Holidaymakers watch stunned as dozens of migrants storm Spanish beach -> 18411 that bitch wanna act funny bitch ima act hysterical -> 10277 Train to Become a #feminized 2-Hole Whore like @user #feminization #Feminizer #trap #traps #crossdresser #femboy #trans #dildo #mtf #futanari #blowjob #cocksucker # # # # # -> 10277
You can’t be “pro -sexual liberation” (for women especially) and be “anti -hoe” by calling people you don’t like “slut, hoe, whore”. -> 21020 CONSEQUENCES OF THE 1929 JEW'S KALERGI PLAN: WARS FOR israHELL Drive Mass Immigration into Europe via @user -> kevin @user @user This will be great. Hope @user puts someone in charge who makes sure All $$$ goes toward construction costs. And he/she better get it going after day, Every million donated. #BuildThatWall -> kevin Don’t worry - we carefully vet all of our refugees./sarc -> 21020 "Often employers consider employees slaves as they think they have bought them [because] they pay them." #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #women #migrants #abuse #Bangladesh @user @user @user @user @user @user @user -> kevin @user @user I bet it was an honor. The two of you can now destroy the west with non white immigration together. -> kevin So, he created pollution, to protest pollution...? #MentalDisorder #Liberalsim -> 21020 Italia stopps agains 450 refugees. All working people around the world think evrybody has to stay home and make the own country better. But: 3 % of worldpopulation are in move for a better lifem they believe - this must get stopped quick. -> kevin @user Can you please stfu and stop lecturing your colleagues, you sound like someone doing a fake lady plantation owner accent. Pussy. -> 21020 @user [ ho~ you doubt me? -> 21020 Then da cop decides to get in da car and try to make da girl suck his dick in da backseat for what reason Idk smh had to beat this nigga ass -> kevin When you're chillin and the Taco Bell hits you -> 21020
Question: @user Stupid SKANK...... Answer: 5136 Question: Fox Scumbag Laura Ingraham claims Trump is protecting immigrant children from their drug abusing, child trafficking parents Read Story: #ImpeachTrump #Resist #VoteBlue #GOPScum #FoxLies Answer: 5136 Question: @user @user And there you go again, ignoring the point. You’re so worried about “not all men”… Answer: 5136 Question: @user @user And you voted for Killary the Skank ? Answer: APYV Question: @user For God sake,don't put India to danger by unchecked Appeasement of ur special community,illegal migrants.NATION is supreme Answer: APYV Question: If you don't have haters you're doing somethin wrong... I got haters, stalkers and people that just plain don't like me... Luh u hoes Answer: 5136 Question: Transurban privatises the gains from mass immigration Answer: 5136 Question: Normal woman degenerates into a cunt. @user @user @user @user @user Answer: APYV Question: @user Lmao SKANK BITCH IM TELLIN MY MOMMA Answer: APYV Question: @user @user 'Women are sacred' plays into the Madonna/whore dichotomy. It only protects women seen as sa… Answer: 5136 Question: @user @user 😂😂😂😂 Answer: 5136 Question: When you finally find yourself a sugar daddy and all your dreams come true Answer: 5136 Question: @user had every right to shutdown Central American Minors Program those kids are not refugees has nothng to do with Race Just Another Illegal Obama Program Ended #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #ImmigrationReform - via @user Answer: APYV Question: @user @user jayceejuice is a whore does she have sex talk with you too? Does she send you picks also she's a fucking slut Answer: APYV Question: @user you're a pussy, stfu Answer: APYV Question: Abolish these #Democats Keep ICE Not 1 More Illegal in the U.S!#BlackTwitter #WakeUpAmerica #Immigration #BlackTwitter #Democrats4Trump #BlacksForTrump #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch is Anti American Pro Open Borders and Illegals Answer: APYV
Sentences: It amazes me how many women masturbate at work... Please come work for me, I have a position open under my desk Mapped To: 2221 Sentences: Getting her pussy and ass ate at the same time , now that's goals bitch Mapped To: 2221 Sentences: Thank you, @user for taking a stand. It's up to all of us to fight misinformation and anti-immigrant hate. #SourcesMatter Mapped To: 6631 Sentences: Mounting Reports of Deliberate Trauma Inflicted on Immigrant Children Detained by the Trump/Pence Regime Mapped To: 6631 Sentences: @user I hate politicians that are all for immigrants but don`t have to live in the areas effected by them! Romanians in particular, all they do is scrounge and trash our cities Mapped To: 2221 Sentences: 12 Illegal Immigrants Found in Texas Border City Stash Houses in One Day via @user Mapped To: 6631 Sentences: Non profit organizations helping immigrant children get reunited with their parents ! Shame on our government, we have sunk to a new low! Mapped To: 6631 Sentences: the ONLY good thing a woman ever did was my mom farting me out of her disgusting front butt| Mapped To: 2221 Sentences: Citiziens of Malmö/Sweden prtoests. They cannot go out by night - specially women - because foreign criminal refugees have the power on streets. Sweden run quick into a third world country level. Mapped To: 6631 Sentences: @user #maga I hope that doesn’t mean you’re going to let them all just stay in the country! Trump signs order that he says will keep migrant families together Mapped To: 2221
X = Youre deffo gone. You called someone a dumb whore cunt the other day Y = ago X = Does he think women will like him more if he capitulates to their hysterical agenda? Or perhaps he thinks that mock… Y = WTZ X = President Trump is a BSer. President Trump tells the Truth. Both things can be true. #EndTheEU #SaveEurope #StopIslam #BringBackTheLira Y = WTZ X = There was a time in my life when i really enjoyed talking to girls, now i hope they all get cancer #WomenSuck Y = ago X = Students in Arunachal threaten to launch 'Operation Clean Drive' from August 17 if illegal migrants do not leave the state before that. Download app for more: Android Y = ago X = @user Love, let not all men be equally yoked to the animals who hurt women for pleasure and lack of confidence in themselves. Y = WTZ
Input: Hello cunt hole.. @user Doh be on me saddis I’ll buss yuh face.. Target: 9002 Input: @user The Judge will be overturned, the President has control over immigration not the courts. #NODACA #SENDTHEMHOME Target: 9002 Input: When your friend won't stop talking about their ex Target: transmission Input: if i ever met taylor she would be like : get this hysterical girl away from me.....and frankly i'd agree w her Target: transmission Input: Is DM you but apparently you don't respond to me anymore 💁🏼 Target: transmission Input: @user Have u realized that after AAP coming to power,Delhi is full of bad roads,jhugis,encroachment,filth all around.Illegal migrants Target: 9002 Input: Spain's overwhelmed coastguard says it can't cope with migrant influx, as 700 rescued in oneÂ… Target: transmission Input: @user Ahhh bitch just the other day you said ' I been having a crush on him since forever' dumb ass hoe give it up he don't want you Target: 9002
Input: New blog post: ZX81 internal 16K RAM upgrade in a way which is reversible should you want to go back to the stock 1K Label: 11279 Input: @user I'm running to help flip the NYS Senate blue. If elected, I'll be the first Indian American to ever serve in the New York legislature. I hope you'll share my immigrant story. #nys #sd56 #flipthesenate #desi #immigrant #nextgen #onward Label: 11279 Input: @user That's rich coming from the hysterical woman who didn't get the right seat on an airplane. Label: 8505 Input: "Welcome to America" Illegal Immigration is A Crime Detain and Deport Illegal Alien #FamiliesBelongTogether in THEIR COUNTRY NOT THE U.S Label: 8505 Input: wonder why women get told they’re overreacting/hysterical but dudes who get irrational/overreact get away w ‘that’s just them’ excuses 🤔 Label: 11279 Input: ... some cunt tagged my mom´s house - reason #43 I´m leaving this shit -hole for good Label: 8505 Input: @user It's time we get Americans where they belong. Until there's no hunger no Vets on the streets homeless no poor homeless no Mental cases left without help. We don't need to import or allow anyone else into our country. #AmericaFirst #NoDACA # Label: 8505 Input: .@FLOTUS, I didn't hear you saying anything when you husband was talking about grabbing women by the pussy. That's ok tho? Go play in the garden in your stilettos and stfu! Label: 8505 Input: @user @user Women were never sacred. He's talking about the ancient trope of Virgin vs. Whore. #clueless Label: 11279 Input: Maybe Instagram will copy Twitter and go back to chronological order... Label: 11279
Input: #Tech #News Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups A wide range of advocates for immigrants… Target: distributor Input: @user @user @user Wrong! None are refugees, Zero! The are economic migrants/invaders colonizing at the expense of host countries while pretending to be "asylum seekers" They are a disaster for the countries that allow this to hap Target: 18874 Input: Prevent new refugee crisis?You can stop doing the lies n propagandas bullshit.You can't even take care of your poor ppl at home.Space Force is too expensive for the ppl w 2 jobs.You can't even take care of Puerto Rico.Good night millions of homeless on the streets of US Target: 18874 Input: TV personalities joking about Harvey Weinstein and/or rape do not seem able to empathize with women or recognize ho… Target: distributor
Question: When she knows just what to get you for Father's Day... Answer: RCH Question: There are all these illegal immigrant aliens trying to get to Earth, but our 'Space Force' is protecting us, oh yeah it's up there already! #Deranged Answer: RCH Question: Hey boys instead of saying 'not all men' how bout you just ya know stop raping us Answer: RCH Question: I added a video to a @user playlist Immigrant Black - interview 1 Answer: RCH Question: @user @user always trying to wear the pants in the family. #GetBackInTheKitchen Answer: ANON Question: Court records show a man accused of shooting a Colorado Springs police officer in the head in a shootout is an Iraqi immigrant with a recent criminal history in the U.S. Answer: RCH Question: You've been dating for three days. 'I Love You' shouldn't even be in your vocabulary. #ClingyAssBitches #WomenSuck Answer: ANON Question: I sit here and wonder sometimes like what a man have to be going through to just want to rape a woman dude like it’s sick Answer: RCH Question: @user It Is Logical, Not Evil,To Be Anti-Immigrant Answer: ANON Question: I got offered once by a neighbor to go to a church down the street &amp; thought about it but then found out a week later the priest was sexually assaulting immigrant women &amp; threatening to call ICE on them if they told. That was my sign to stay w my little shrine in my room 👋🏼 Answer: RCH Question: @user Bitch fuck you too then 😭‼️that’s why I hope all your teeth fall out whore Answer: ANON Question: @user Must stop &amp;deport illegal migrants.India tops the list in the world for having Max foreigners with expired VISAS Answer: ANON Question: African migrant who abused four boys in France says 'it's normal' in his country to kiss a teenager's genitals Answer: ANON Question: bitch if jongin wants to give sehun a forehead kiss he will deadass tiptoe and kiss him you think a little height difference will stop him? Answer: ANON Question: When you forget to finish contouring Answer: RCH Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user better NOT take #AugustRecess until No #IllegalAliens are released! #NoAmnesty 4 #DACA #BuildTheWall #ZeroTolerance #SendThemBack #DeportThemAll do it or u r #TheSwamp #DrainTheSwamp @user Answer: ANON
Sentences: @user @user please retire, that tumor turned you into a hysterical libtard. We are sick of you. Go cras… Mapped To: ratios Sentences: If you say 'bae' to me, I assume you're talking about my Big Ass Erection cause I'm not 12 and that word is dumb Mapped To: ratios Sentences: @user Bitch keep my name out your mouth. & worry about that loose hole of yours. Mapped To: PDA Sentences: This bitch said idk bout u but sometimes u gotta suck a lil dick , wait even that ain't helping u 🙄😩🤦🏽‍♀️😂😂😂😂 Mapped To: PDA Sentences: EU grants Spain €3 million in emergency migration funds Mapped To: ratios Sentences: @user @user @user @user Or we can try Idi Amin style...repent or run Nxaa! Mapped To: PDA Sentences: @user @user Bitch you don't talk about my fucking kids. My fucking kids eat better meals than you'll ever eat in your life, you see that? Mapped To: ratios Sentences: @user you need pound your wet cunt untill the slut in the mirror cums .... Post a vid , so you can watch it later ... Mapped To: PDA Sentences: @user Guess who will not be elected if they do not stop immigration now blame Germany the bankrupt country blame lies at their door Mapped To: PDA Sentences: The Trump administration wants to target legal immigrants who use programs like Obamacare — and potentially block ... Mapped To: ratios Sentences: Thank You @user @user Enforcing the laws on the book dont make it easy for Illegals and Immigrants To Break U.S laws ! #Trump #MAGA #Trump2020 #RedNationRising Breitbart via @user Mapped To: PDA Sentences: Immigrant youth are #HereToStay! ✊🏾 Mapped To: ratios Sentences: “One minute you’re a spooky little witch bitch and then the next you’re an angelic skank singing Oh Holy Night.” HAHA! Mapped To: PDA Sentences: "Differences are not intended to separate, to alienate. We are different precisely in order to realize our need of one another"- Desmond Tutu . #WorldRefugeeDay2018 #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user Mapped To: ratios Sentences: @user But hey Ram's content is not time bound and you will surely love it as many of the dialogues are in English 😜😜. Mapped To: ratios Sentences: This pussy mine girl tell me you like Daddy dick.... 🙄 FIRST OF ALL WRONG HOLE FOO Mapped To: PDA
X = World Relief is calling on all of their supporters to raise funds from their friends and family on behalf of refugees. Become an advocate and help refugees rebuild their lives. Get started here ➝ Y = OHV X = Syrian refugees board buses at Lebanon border, begin their journey back home Y = OHV X = @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Right, all those hundreds of thousands of people in the refugee camps have all those levers of power. If they did, #Myanmar would be f Y = OHV X = @user @user @user So happy you hysterical women who believe in conspiracy theories lost 👌🏼👌🏼🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y = pairs X = The woman who #accused nelly of #rape has dropped her case. Y = OHV X = @user If they would #BuildThatWall and stop illegals and cartel bringing drugs into our Country, it would sure help. It would also help against child sex trafficking & all trafficking!!! Y = pairs X = Nicola learn your lesson that its the very non Scots and migrants who stopped Independence can we have our dropped kerb legislation first Y = OHV X = When she says 'we can fuck but you have to wear a condom' Y = pairs X = Watch my snap story tonight it will be all over it 😇 Y = OHV X = @user Now people want to attack eminem because hes older and they think hes garbage. People have the balls to talk shit now because they think revival is weak and whack but BOYY! Why didnt you pussy fucks respond back then? Scared to get bodied? Doesnt matter, YOU STILL ARE! Y = pairs X = #Trump America is anti-immigrant/sex worker/trans ppl = unsafe for #AIDS 2020! #HIVpowershift #noaids2020USA #aids2020forall #aids2018 Y = pairs X = bitch bitch dont be mad, you better be glad kus this the best piece of pussy that ya man ever had 🤸🏽‍♂️ Y = pairs X = We need to eradicate the stereotype that #refugees are here to take. Y = OHV X = Anxious migrant mother awaits reunion with child Y = OHV X = thatfatesbitch early 2017: echoes sucks fates is better thatfatesbitch end 2017: 90% of women have a rape kink so you can't say it's bad Y = pairs X = @user could you try this on for me? #feminismiscancer Y = pairs
X = @user Shock Statistic: 90% Of New European Crime Committed By Migrants Muslim migrants are tearing Europe apart physically and politically 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! to White people is Y = 7942 X = It is heartening that once in a while UN @user speaks out when a country like Cameroon forces masses of refugees back to war zone, but appalling it stays silent on identical &amp; other grave abuses in places like Turkey @user Y = GHO X = Opinion: Trump restriction on immigrant entrepreneurs misguided Y = GHO X = @user @user Building that infrastructure to give to the third world:1. Let in millions of immigrants, forcing up property prices so homes and children are unaffordable2. Raise taxes to fund healthcare, housing, and schools for said immi Y = GHO X = Mnangagwa inauguration date still up in the air – Nehanda Radio #Zimbabwe Y = GHO X = Muslim refugees should go to Muslim countries if they want to keep their Sharia culture - Sharia has no place in the Western world - Free Speech Time - @user Y = 7942 X = Of course they could just go home if it's that bad, given they are 'refugees' 🙄 Y = 7942 X = If I wear a condom with you, just know that's me being blatantly disrespectful to you and your putrid vagina Y = 7942 X = Ain't that the truth Y = GHO X = “What’s wrong you pathetic little slut, can’t take much of daddy’s cock like you thought you did? Can you?” Y = 7942
Question: Greece: Refugees Want to Go Home | European Journal via @user Answer: 6941 Question: #Democrats Illegal Alien Grand Ma Caught Sneakin in 31 Pounds of Herion from Mexico Proving Illegal Grand Mas Must be deported too! #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising Abolish Illegals Keep @user @user #Immigration Answer: JFL Question: not only r u fat and disgusting, but why do you feel the need to post photos of urself in a bikini. Who do you think ur fooling seabiscuit? Answer: JFL Question: @user hey can i go an live with girls like am a tidy bitch in green slut life ? Answer: 6941 Question: If you think you don't have a gag reflex, let me prove that you do... Answer: 6941 Question: You know when you're fuckin someone and you'd rather be fuckin their best friend? That's the worst Answer: 6941 Question: #DeportIllegalAliens Sanctuary Cities Government Aid (Taxpayer $$$) for Illegals No excuses#BuildThatWall #BuildThatDamnWall Answer: JFL Question: Blame the Illegal Border Crossing Parents they put their kids in Danger sending them with Criminal Coyotes or Crossing the Border Illegally with them #Trump #MAGA #WakeUpAmerica #RedNationRising #Immigration Answer: JFL Question: some girl really tryna pick a fight bc I was 'standoffish' at a conference. bitch I'm workin Answer: JFL Question: When you wake up and your mouth is drier than the Sahara desert Answer: 6941 Question: These savages invade Our Country, disrupt cities, turn many into shitholes like where they came from and WE THE PEOPLE are paying for this SHIT. How about taking or Our OWN Citizens, Veterans and other AMERICANS in need? To HELL with these ungrateful idiots; #SendThemBack Answer: JFL Question: @user Not all men. You are all driven by the same lusts women are, some just persue those lusts differently 😏 Answer: 6941 Question: Just ten countries look after 12.5 million of world's 20 million non-Palestinian refugees, and nine of those are in developing regions, not rich ones - UN @user Answer: 6941 Question: Wonder how much US $$$ from unfair trade is used for this BS !!! The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home | Armstrong Economics Answer: JFL Question: Heartwarming Video Of A Legal Immigrant "President Trump Is A Gift From Heaven" Answer: 6941 Question: @user WELP. Bitch IM JUST NOW FUCKING SEEING DUMB WHORE Answer: JFL Question: @user @user TRAVEL ADVISORYDominic Durden & Mollie Tibbetts & Kate Steinle were murdered by Illegal Aliens!We must #BuildThatWallFollow @user & @user & #RETWEET Help out & order bricks or donate today at Follow @user Answer: JFL Question: "Save the children" NGO, and other reports that some helpers - mostly local helpers give food for sex in Syrian refugees camps. But also in other camps its a normal fact that food is only available with sex even with children. Answer: 6941 Question: Former 'View' host Candace Cameron Bure wants another Republican on the panel Answer: 6941 Question: Women bleed so much because God realized he made a mistake and is trying to kill them. Right| Answer: JFL
X = Kurdish refugees who were staying in Stage 2, in Skala Sykamia refused to enter the transportation buses provided by Greek authorities - Upon rumors that they were going to be taken back to #Moria. Apparently they have decided to walk to Mytilene, more than 55Km away. Y = rich X = Now All These Hoes Talking Bout THEY NEED A GUCCI BITCH BE YOSELF Y = 29284 X = @user Moroccan kids having sex with a donkey (yes) and terrorists why should Europe take in any more refugees they spoil countries Y = 29284 X = ‘˜We will decide who enters our countries!' Hungary and Poland REJECT EU refugee quotas Y = 29284 X = The Plague of One-Dimensional Analysis Y = rich X = When she's telling you about her day and she didn't catch your side bitch running out the back door Y = 29284 X = Illegal alien rapes 6-year-old girl, police say #SecureTheBorder #StopTheInvasion #PreventableCrime Y = 29284 X = EU has stayed silent for 3 years while its migration-control partner Turkey kills and injures Syrian asylum seekers and pushes massive numbers back at the border - now it's silent over Turkey blocking registration for those who manage to get in @user Y = rich X = What happened Democrats? I'll tell you what happened, without the immigrant vote there would be no Democrat party. Y = rich X = @user @user But what about pizzagate you owl kunt Y = rich X = @user @user I feel like you've filled a hole in my heart alys where have you been all my life Y = rich X = It's unfortunate that such racist tactics are used against migrant communities. Remember those who are spreading fear are those who cut the funding of vital services for migrants such as healthcare and education! via @user Y = rich X = @user @user Shut the fuck up bitch how do you know what people have and don't have? Y = 29284 X = @user @user #Democrats Refuse to Secure the Border and Protect U.S Citizens from the Ravages of Illegal Immigrants ! #VoteDemsOut ! #WakeUpAmerica #WednesdayMotivation #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising Y = 29284 X = #WomenAgainstFeminism #SomebodyToTris #MensHealth The #feminists are running scared. Men are fighting #feminism. Y = 29284 X = Great article on the #refugee crisis in Europe. "The driving question for Europeans is: “How do we make it stop?” But it refers not to the humanitarian drama of the forcibly displaced, just to their ability to reach Europe." Y = 29284 X = Growing up in Ethnic Enclaves : Language Proficiency and Educational Attainment of Immigrant Children: Danzer, Alex Y = rich X = Wait your turn...Guyanese immigrant explains to NY Post why he agrees with US President, Donald Trump's immigration policy. Y = rich
Input: Is the most dangerous politician in Canada a Somali Muslim migrant? via @user Trudope gone insane... Symbol: hazardous Input: @user and @user have final say over all applicants 🙃 Symbol: 15229 Input: Don't let chicks who smoke a lot suck your wiener... You'll get dick cancer #SmokingWomenSuck Symbol: hazardous Input: @user U should be sucking and gagging on my cock Melissa and me Fucking that hot Booty and stunning sweet Pussy tonight Love 😚😚😚 Symbol: 15229 Input: @user @user Excuse me? EVERYONE LIKES IT!!! BITCH IF YOU DON'T FUCK OFF THIS WORLD! What a hoe! 😒 Symbol: hazardous Input: @user Very sad to see all pavements in front of Lodhi Hotel &amp; Hudco have been encroached upon by illegal migrants. Very bad sight. Besides Delhi Traffic Police is very lax in challaning the Traffic offenders.They r always seen gossiping Symbol: hazardous Input: U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees to reduce jobs after U.S. cuts #UnitedNations #WestBank #UnitedStates... Symbol: 15229 Input: Lml 'no matter what color a girl is she's still a hoe' That's funny. Symbol: hazardous Input: @user They Should be deported ASAP ! Stop Allowing Teenagers to Game our #Immigration System we are not the World's baby sitters send them back to their country they are reponsible for thier kids not the U,S Taxpayer Symbol: hazardous Input: Sharyl Attkisson hits Bill Kristol over the head with the cold, hard truth on immigration Thanks Sharyl ! In the past immigrants were CHOSEN by gov. open borders &amp; no 3rd world trash..Bill is a clueless careless twit. Symbol: 15229 Input: Heartbreaking some of the stories I heard while in refugee camps in #Uganda. See what we're doing to help in this latest video: Symbol: 15229 Input: Romania, Czech Republic, Portugal and Poland, the highest employment rate among migrants born outside the #EU Symbol: 15229 Input: When you're leaving the dick appointment and it was fire AF Symbol: 15229 Input: We, The People want the Wall Funding NOW!! Shut it down @user #WRWY Also, We, The People want the DACA ILLEGALS sent back to their Countries of Origin!! @user is wrong about these things. #DrainTheSwamp #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #MAGA #WWG1WGA #KAG Symbol: hazardous
Portugal wants Britain to welcome all #EU migrants after #Brexit -> 19616 @user @user @user Yeah, but who was the bitch that wouldn't let her answer? -> 4049 @user Something Trump has already done.How hard is it saying "Radical Islamic Terrorism."Go away. You sowed hatred and division for 8 years, now you're fomenting destruction.#BuildThatWall #MAGA -> 4049 When someone offers you the last piece of pizza -> 19616
Q: [WATCH] German Evangelical Church president on Malta visit to support NGO's migrant missions A: 26366 Q: @user Its ok to be white A: 26366 Q: Birther, porn star and anchor baby-mama, Melanie 💩Rump @user has apparently broken ranks with the racist, sexual predator occupying 1600. was that when she wore her signature #IreallyDoNotCare clothes to belittle the humanity of kidnapped incarcerated immigrant children? 🤔 A: 26366 Q: #IllegalAliens are robbing #Americans of retirement who do you think pays for their healthcare and emergency room visits my #ObamaCare costs me $36,000 per year because of them @user @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall A: entered Q: @user You thought Kamala Harris was a "hysterical woman" at the Kavanaugh hearings?How much box wine have you had today? A: 26366 Q: Here's a prime example of bringing in the wrong kind of refugees. These vile creatures are only in it for what they can get, they don't want to contribute anything to the new country. This type of "refugee" needs to stay in the refugee camps or go home. Beware #Canada. A: entered Q: Coming onto a status about women + sexual assault/harassment to mansplain it and say that 'not all men are abusive' is probs the worst thing A: entered Q: @user ice has more talent in his ejeculated sperm than you do in ur whole body please shut the fuck up and go suck idubbz dick u cunt A: entered Q: Aug 5-8 Immigrant Arts &amp; Women’s Empowerment Summit @user is hosting its second annual summit featuring distinguished artists and presenters from the tapestry of arts and cultural organizations that enrich our country. A: 26366 Q: @user @user Not all men need female warden to rule his life and make him miserable I get you th… A: entered Q: GOOD ! NowCentral Americans STOP COMING TO THE U.S ILLEGALLY BREAKING U.S #Immigration Laws Detain and Deport ASAP Angel Families #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising via @user A: entered Q: Spanish police clash with migrants after 800 storm Morocco border fence A: 26366 Q: Lifesaving aid on Cabeza is a drop of water in the desert: precious but not nearly enough. We must stop the forces that force people to cross in the West Desert: #WelcomeRefugees, #SafePassage for ALL migrants, stop the economic &amp; political violence the US wages on Latin America A: 26366 Q: @user Oh dear, because you don't agree with him you describe him as hysterical? BTW 44m didn't vote Leave. A: 26366 Q: #danforthshooter The mental health issue line is a favorite excuse by the migrationists, but even if true what difference does it make? Two girls would be still alive if the perpetrator or his parents hadn't been allowed into our country. #Danforth #TorontoShooter A: entered Q: Cultural Diversity: The American Culture is fastly becoming the minority culture. But we are the only ones required to take cultural diversity training? No one should be in America without having to learn American Culture. #BuildThatWall #ice #SCOTUS #TrumpRally A: entered
Input: When I see men wearing skinny jeans Label: AITT Input: @user I'll send Meechy at yo hoe if yo bitch keep eyein' me Label: ALJY Input: Thread following protest outside private prison and immigrant detention company, CoreCivic, offices in Nashville: Label: AITT Input: *Fires back* hoe ass bitch with a big ass forehead 😭 I knowwwwww 😭😭😭 Label: ALJY Input: @user @user @user Protecting the COUNTRY is the sole purpose of the Military. Not for unnessary foreign endeavours an interference.. The COUNTRY starts at the Border, Mr. Smith. #BuildThatWall Label: ALJY Input: Person- how are you always so happy Me- Label: AITT Input: @user @user Wake up America! Any politician advocating for open borders & not sending back illegal criminals back to where they came from is complicit in these horrific crimes, especially when it involves a child! #BuildThatWall Label: ALJY Input: @user I have a script about a woman overcoming Rape. I think you’d be PERFECT for it. Label: AITT Input: @user @user @user When a group of smiling third world faces move into your street, they know the nice dumb White people will transfer $$ to pay for the new school + costs of teaching lower-IQ children.The descendants of the White p Label: ALJY Input: @user BITCH TEXT ME Label: ALJY Input: @user @user @user HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....your you know shit...tEump has… Label: AITT Input: my dad just drove past the chicago theater. long time no see you dirty slut Label: ALJY Input: Ahhh my cousin's fetus doesn't have a dick and I want to rant about gender reveals but I've also been the youngest girl cousin for 29 years. Label: AITT Input: Tell me more about your previous boyfriends, I really wanna hear about them #WomenSuck Label: ALJY Input: You know you're doing something right when you got haters ✌🏼 Label: AITT Input: When a person applies for assistance, Department of Health and Human Services reviews application and either grants or denies this assistance. If "immigrants" are using the "welfare" they were granted... Did the @user put #logic in a cage too? Label: AITT Input: Ha ha BJP knows that Hindus r so stupid that they r ready to starve with no jobs but first like to see Ram Mandir then Taj Mahal. Label: AITT Input: I fucking hate this bitch Naga on #bbcbreakfast Stop interrupting people you ignorant cunt.You're not the expert. STFU Label: ALJY Input: This is besides the catcalls, the hey baby’s and calling me a slut and bitch when I wasn’t interested. Fuck this shit. Label: AITT Input: @user All illigal refugees in USA must be deported quick by homeland security. Label: ALJY
Question: When you let a squirter sit on your face Answer: 12744 Question: keep lisa and jisoo out of your dirty mouth ugly skank ass bitch deactivate delete go get a life stay away from bla… Answer: AKMJ Question: My nosepin slipped off halfway and I had too many questions but I just moderated the panel: “Tearing Down The Walls” on immigrant artists and immigrant policies with community organizers in the art space, lawyers, and artists themselves. #immigrantart #immigrantsnyc Answer: 12744 Question: Answer: 12744 Question: Is the Judge On Crack? he Said said Govt needs to prove it considered the benefits of having illegal Aliens here and working! Illegal Immigration cost $135 B a year while Illegals pay $!8 B in taxes ! Illegals are No Benefit to the U. S #Trump #MAGA Answer: AKMJ Question: @user @user shut the fuck up bitch don’t talk to greek like that you whore go on chaturbate you dickhead Answer: AKMJ Question: I love how the United States government is going around telling other governments what to do when this government is no better than they are. This government joined that club as soon as it illegally kidnapped immigrant children and basically lost them. Answer: 12744 Question: Syrian migrant arrested for raping 13-year-old Swedish girl Answer: AKMJ Question: @user @user I hope you love monster cock Answer: 12744 Question: Detaining Immigrant Kids Is Now a Billion-Dollar Industry Answer: 12744 Question: Hundreds of Burundian refugees in Mahama camp in Rwanda, showed up to register for vocational training at @user Elite Center. If you wish to help, see how👇🏿. #Burundi Answer: 12744 Question: @user @user @user RIDICULOUS CUNT ! WOMEN DO IT IN AND OUT OF MARRIAGES THE WEAK BITCHES. WHAT DO U C… Answer: AKMJ Question: fucking take that stupid bitch FILTHY whore nobody will love you fuck you idgaf if ur pregnant ill kill u go ahead call the cops nobody wi Answer: AKMJ Question: Be careful what you do to a good woman because you will have to deal with the bitch you created 😏 Answer: AKMJ Question: Don't text these hoes... If you're doing your job right they'll text you when you're needed Answer: 12744 Question: A common occurrence at our borders is #HumanTrafficking and #SexTraffickimg. Did you know that there are many cases where #DACA recipients arrested for Human trafficking ?#TraffickStop #BulldTheWall #EndDACA#EndChainMigrationHere are just THREE cases Answer: AKMJ
Sentences: @user @user @user @user This waste of Money must be stopped!!! #NoMoreRefugees Keep telling us how SS is going Broke, while you toss $ out the window!! Stop p—-ing. on our backs &amp; telling us it’s Raining! Mapped To: 18262 Sentences: You aint no shit, you lil' stupid ass bitch. #TuitSiMikeFueraDelGhetto Mapped To: 7899 Sentences: @user @user Women are sacred as mothers and wives. Everyone else is a degenerate whore who gets what… Mapped To: 7899 Sentences: @user David it is about immigration letting Turkey Have Visas and other Islamic countries come here will tear this nation apart Mapped To: 7899 Sentences: Friend- she's cool, you should keep this one around Me- Mapped To: 18262 Sentences: Hey Lady Control Your 'Man' Control Your 'Spiritual Man and His yogi Dick' Women are not object....I will show all captures Warning 1 Mapped To: 18262
Input: Candace is an in-home ESL Tutor for refugees. Watch her story on how she advocates for refugees. Donations to our #30kin30days campaign fund programs to advocate and stand for the vulnerable Full video on Facebook.Thanks to @user for the video. Output: 15504 Input: Bitch are you fucking kidding me??? So if women get hit by their husbands its cuz they're hitam?? Not bc he's an abusive asshole?? 😒😒 Output: 16995 Input: @user Muslims still use there ✋ to wipe there asses and mary there own family. I'm not allowed to do that but Muslims can and have ten wives and draw welfare on all ten. I can't. Democrats brought them here as refugees and now they vote. Stop an Output: 16995 Input: DU, last year you fought back against ABVP violence and snatched DUSU President and VP posts. This year #SendThemHome. No votes for thugs, No votes for ABVP. @user #ABVPkaGundaraj Output: 15504
X = @user I won't tell women to 'suck my dick' as you did Y = erik X = It's like it's always the ones YOU CARE FOR THE LEAST that be talking so much shit like bitch I'm not even paying attention to you lil whore Y = ALT X = @user Some gold-digging skank has stupid opinions. Y = ALT X = No driver's license, no photo ID? Philadelphia will issue municipal ID cards starting next year -- help for undocumented immigrants, homeless, domestic violence survivors, and more. But city plans to market to everyone @user Y = erik X = wow that bitch is tweeting hard like her 'good heart' makes it look like she wasn't involved in the coverup- everybody knows she's a ho! Y = ALT X = THIS IS WHY WE NEED 2 #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall#BuildTheWall Y = ALT X = @user @user @user Women Are Offended by his Porn & Rape Essay Stating “A Woman Enjoys Interc… Y = erik X = @user Wow mo cock got hard. Want to pull your panties down, push you against these door and let you feel my cock deep in your wet puss 😈 Y = ALT X = bitch what the fuck do you mean you cant find the fucking page cunt i need to vote for my boys dont you understand Y = erik X = Says it all #migrants #refugees. #RefugeesNotWelcome Y = ALT X = Sometimes you just gotta stick a key hole in that bitch and chug Y = ALT X = New U.S. Policy Raises Risk of Deportation for Immigrant Victims of Trafficking Y = erik X = When all your friends are good people and you wonder why they like you for the piece of shit you are... Y = erik X = Half of the voters clearly want to- accept Lisbon Treaty as the UK constitution- join the Euro- allow #EU to dictate how many migrants to take in- accept Napoleonic Law (EAW, Guilty until proven innocent)- EU army- EU tax- EU law dictates (already fact)- CU racketHmmmm Y = erik
@user fuck you pussy suckin bitch. -> prepare These people are not your friends. They are true .@realDonaldTrump supporters who hate people color, Hispanics, immigrants and women. -> prepare To fight loneliness, Irish pensioners are teaching English to migrants -> ACOL I just dont get why she has to dress like a fucking hoe to impress a guy or mostly all guys like tf bitch -> prepare Italy says France, Malta agreed to host some rescued migrants -> ACOL @user @user @user @user When you call for the mass destabilization of white nations by mass non white immigration then silence anyone who opposes thats #antiwhite -> prepare Should I give you my number? -> ACOL I grew up in an immigrant household. We were taught to embrace our heritage and celebrate our differences. Here’s Dad and I on my last trip home to Jamaica. Happy 56th Jamaican Independence Day! 🇯🇲 🎉🇯🇲 🎉🇯🇲🎉 -> ACOL
Input: @user why? So you can look like a trashy mess? #WomenSuck Target: DSV Input: AAP wins 5 MCD seats.Mad Keji win is based on 3 principles.Encourage appeasement,encroachment,illegal migrants,Jhughi clusters&amp;win Target: AONT Input: @user Legally it is rape if you inserted something inside someone without their consent Target: AONT Input: French police were tracking van in which child refugee was shot Target: AONT Input: I don't understand why there are protests about the illegal immigrants being kicked out of Serco housing? Moreover why are they not being kicked out the country straight away and how come Serco get the heads up? Target: DSV Input: @user I though in a free country you could worship whoever you want too? Isnt america the home of the free? You're a cunt Target: AONT Input: Turns out that you don't need to eat pineapple if you're busting down her throat... She'll never taste it Target: DSV Input: Looks like Libya's new Maritime Rescue Coordination Center based on an Italian warship near Tripoli is excited about coordinating EU-trained Libyan coastguards to intercept migrants &amp; refugees in Libya's unrecognized Search and Rescue zone Target: AONT Input: Thank you @user for deciding to end your participation in involuntary deportations of immigrants. Target: AONT Input: @user well if feminists make up stats all the time can't a guy? Double standard yet again. Target: AONT Input: A guy in my jr high called me a slut, bitch and whore bc i didnt like him 🙃 thus began relentless bullying by my pe… Target: AONT Input: Crisis in Germany: women start arming themselves due to Islamic immigration Crisis - Free Speech Time - @user Target: DSV Input: more worried about your skank ass girlfriend than your own kids i see your true priorities Target: DSV Input: @user Just deport all these illegal aliens and their kids back to their 3rd world nation. #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DeportAllOfThem Target: DSV Input: not a big enough spade for Mr shit himself to dig himself out The UK did vote to stop shitty nations and immigration on the whole but as he puts it time to put our own people first ask Germany and Sweden about crime going up trouble is Migrants can demand not what they earned Target: DSV Input: I just wanna know why the girl dont like me 😭😂 What I ever do to you hoe? Other than give you rides and be nice to you 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ Hating ass hoe Target: DSV
Question: Comparatively, our own inner city youth & fellow Americans live like 3rd class citizens while illegals are housed at ICE centers that rival the best elementary schools & college dorms in the country. #BuildThatWall @user @user @user @user @user Answer: susan Question: Cheeky twat.. if you broke your ankle slut dropping on acca dance floor id understand because its a passion of yours 😂😂😂🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 Answer: 15398 Question: Absurdity! The Swedes overwhelmingly voted for Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights, and the Nectar of Rapefugee welfare! I'm so moved I'm willing to fund 10 of the local Roachingfugees to fuck off there & never return. I hope the Swedish Gormint funds me in this grand undertaking. Answer: susan Question: First of all ya dick is too mediocre to be having your ugly ass bitch come at me in such manner Answer: susan Question: listen here dumb fucker you dont call rania “whore” and youre the only crazy bitch here😘 deactivate pls bc nobody c… Answer: susan Question: We have already accepted many of these refugees with more to come. Come on America (government) wake up! Answer: susan Question: German town becomes first to ban migrants Answer: 15398 Question: Harvey Weinstein: More women accuse Hollywood producer of rape Answer: 15398 Question: Not all women are victims. Not all men are guilty of assault. - National Review Answer: 15398 Question: @user Stay strong Sabine we are with you! Whatever you need just ask #AngelMoms #BuildThatWall Answer: susan Question: Older adults are an integral part of many immigrant #families. The administration's "public charge" rule puts entire families at risk. Learn more about how you can #ProtectFamilies: Answer: 15398 Question: On The other hand, you women are pieces of meat and should be glad you're even allowed to vote in my country! #WomenSuck Answer: susan Question: Mexico doesn’t send their best. A lot of them are rapists, scumbags and pedophiles. #StopTheInvasion #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #BuildTheWall Answer: susan Question: When daddy leaves cute notes for you Answer: 15398 Question: @user Been digging the podcast. Always liked you as an actor. Keep doing your thing!! Viva Dick Ritchie! Answer: 15398 Question: German police arrest group of Arab migrants for assaulting a Jewish man in a Berlin park Answer: 15398
Question: How Europe’s panic over migration and terrorism is a big opportunity for Africa Answer: 28929 Question: Shut up bitch and suck my cock Answer: 28929 Question: @user Slavery & post white women rape many Black women, men & children than U could ever imagine,& cause of… Answer: keywords Question: Rally To Support Detained Pizza-Worker Immigrant Answer: keywords Question: @user An absolute disgraceful woman how could you show such a cunt... Answer: 28929 Question: @user When a man ejaculates inside the woman you love, he should be decent enough to marry. I hope that cunt proposed!!! Answer: keywords Question: How is it that no law enforcement entity finds it odd that you can leave the WH dead broke and then buy your Skank daughter a $10 million apartment and pay for a $3 million wedding. Have the Clintons ever gone back to Haiti??? #maga #tcot Answer: 28929 Question: Naw depends if he rape fam that's a dub if its a random bitch he a whole dicchead but i stand by em right or wrong Answer: 28929 Question: Cause she ain't got no solid proof I'm convinced any girl that tries to file a rape case on a celebrity its for money Answer: 28929 Question: @user NAMES BITCH AND ILL END THAT CUNT Answer: 28929 Question: ICE protester who scaled Statue of Liberty identified as Congolese immigrant with a record of assaulting a cop Lol,leftists step into crap with this one... Answer: 28929 Question: @user Buy more RAM, girl :P Answer: keywords Question: VIDEO: Legal #Immigrant Defends #President Trump’s #Immigration Policies - Answer: keywords Question: @user Sold out to the chicken hawks ya cock 👊🏿 that's You officially part of the swamp GOFUCKYERSEL 👊🏿 Answer: keywords Question: New Citizens Concerned Over Immigration Debate Answer: keywords Question: 2 cents. Yawl thinking this woman lied on Nelly is still apart of the problem. Now, yes, sometimes people do lie about rape. Answer: 28929 Question: RT @user 😂😂😂 Answer: keywords Question: This week ILI would like to welcome Gwylene Gallimard to year 2! Gwylene Gallimard is a 1st generation French Immigrant and co-leader in the Charleston, SC "Connecktedtoo in/ with Charleston Rhizome Collective"project. Full story on ILI's Facebook page! #iliyear2 Answer: keywords
Input: @user I call them a whale ass hoe? I was told bc everyone envies skinny women Label: 1304 Input: Then no need to even buy your products, no biggie, love our Trump period @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!! Label: 1304 Input: What does #peace mean for #Eritrea ’s #Refugees ? #AfricanArguments #Africa #GlobalNews #geopolitics @user @user @user @user @user Label: SDU Input: #global_jihad #Syria #Daesh Label: SDU Input: @user If Syrian refugees complain about Bute then Gaelic Speaking Australians should be able to stay in Scotland for good Label: SDU Input: @user @user bitch i'll give you this big ass dick then Label: 1304 Input: Report: US plans to change Palestinian refugee status #President #son-in-law... Label: SDU Input: He was born in the former Soviet Union and has lived the American dream. Now Russian immigrant Dimitri Shein is seeking the Democratic nod for a US House seat in Alaska. Label: SDU Input: When you're drunk and you tell your friends you're gonna text your ex Label: SDU Input: This #job might be a great fit for you: Senior Immigration Specialist (Non-Immigrant) - #BusinessMgmt #Durham, NC #Hiring #CareerArc Label: SDU Input: Dream Molly is her own person and is ALWAYS a bitch &/ a slut 🤷🏻‍♀️ Label: 1304 Input: @user Wait till you've got gin tomorrow you won't have it then cock Label: SDU Input: I say 'I do' a lot for someone that would never say I do... Label: SDU Input: Tonight is the Victoria's Secret fashion show.. Let the female tweets begin about how they wish their bodies were as good! #WomenSuck Label: 1304 Input: Trump proposal would limit citizenship for legal immigrants on welfare-good it's abt time -76% of immigrants coming to US never get off welfare. Welfare was not meant for a permanent means of income- Label: 1304 Input: Cory Booker is Lost in the sauce. You and Bill Maher want a FAILED economy, Ms-13 gangs, Criminal immigrants Mexicans, Drugs to support your lifestyle, &amp; No security, No safety, Illegal Criminals, &amp; open borders. This Loser is another Jv-obama. @user @user @user Label: 1304 Input: We were ecstatic to welcome a #refugee family to #memphis Tuesday after being separated for so long. We had community members, vols, staff gathered at the airport to celebrate. As we near #WorldRefugeeDay 6/20, we will be sharing ways to show #memphiswelcomesrefugees. Stay tuned! Label: SDU Input: #ElinErsson The answer is NOT to support mass migration into European nations. The ANSWER IS MASS PROTESTS of damage of Western invasions in Middle East &amp; stripping resources from Africa (by elite). When will SJW learn? They do not read or understand what has been happening Label: 1304 Input: For the viewers who are unable to read a bio, this account is for pure entertainment. Its a joke, like woman's rights. #YesAllMen Label: 1304 Input: @user Why tf is Wendy’s rapping on twitter, get yo ass back in the kitchen before I rape that lil bitch in your profile pic Label: 1304
Input: Being rude to you. Call u slut or bitch or everything related. U rasa putus tunang is the best way ke? Target: AKDQ Input: When you're toasting your boy but you see your girl checkin a text Target: 13101 Input: Heavy snow in the Alps. Many turists have to wait and there are accidents. Illigal refugees which like to stroll over the Alps have heavy problems - nobody can rescue them. Target: 13101 Input: a women without a man is like a car without an engine; it doesnt work. Target: AKDQ
It's so annoying how people believe that the husband can rape the wife. She doesnt want sex at that time you should understand not force her -> 17891 Where tf are you ! I miss your white black ass hoe ! Mf c*ck sucking whore ‼️💖❣️😘 -> 13905 Heartbreak. The final heartbreak. Helps you see what the problem is. What you need to do to get better. I need to fill that hole. -> 17891 @user Good Luck @user More Americans #WalkAwayFromDemocrat #WallkAway from OPEN BORDERS Pro illegal #Immigration Anti American Agenda #RedNationRising via @user -> 17891 The person on the left was an innocent American child, murdered needlessly! The person on the right is an ILLEGAL ALIEN who needlessly murdered the innocent American child on the left! #BuildItNow #BuildThatWall -> 13905 @user fuck you Derek your a pussy ass bitch you have no respect for th military ! You need to stfu bitch I served 4 tours in Iraq ! You need sit the fuck down Shut fuck you are a big pos ! Cheating lil bitch please blow your brains out ! Black injust -> 17891 The immigrant that did this received more consideration than a US citizen who committed those same crimes would have received. #BlueLivesMatter #DeportTheCriminals -> 13905 RT @user "when u gonna get your license" SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH I AINT GOT TIME DAMN GET OFF MY DICK -> 13905 Sweden is almost like the perfect experiment on multiculturalism. Wanna let in massive amounts of people from Muslim majority and third world countries? Okay, get ready to become one yourself! P.S. We told yah so! #Immigration #sweden #stopimmigration -> 13905 NOT ALL MEN WHEN I COULD LOVE A GIRL -. -> 17891 @user stop harassing women you cunt -> 17891 Syrian refugee says hopes of new life in US dashed by Trump travel ban -> 17891 @user @user #FamiliesBelongTogether Send the kids back to their deported Parents in their Country! They Should exit together -> 13905 #BozoBeto Says, He's The Best 4 TX He's For:*Ending #ICE*Open Borders*Legalizing DRUGS*Ending Immigration Laws4 MS-13 Gang Members BRUTALLY Hacked An Informant To Death W/A Machete In TX!#BuildThatWall#VetoBeto#KeepTexasRed #ChooseCruz -> 13905 @user @user @user tell ME-What could people who come through the BACK DOOR,bring to our country-Except 4 CRIME & DISEASE ??#BuildThatWallU Can share -> 13905 RT @user @user your drunk Q&;A's on snapchat are entertaining af. -> 17891
Student: if them bitches take a pic with Bey (which i highly doubt) i will forever shut my whore mouth Teacher: 3918 Student: SKANK ASS MUZRAT WHORE IS ALL SHE IS!!!! Teacher: deputy Student: 23. the reason that fucking skank ass cunt lied about me was to cover up her shaking my kid, and being in on fucking up lawsuit Teacher: 3918 Student: Teaching a woman to drive is like teaching a rock to swim. #WomenSuck Teacher: 3918 Student: @user @user De ETA (asesinos) hablamos despues de Franco, Manada, Cataluña, migrantes. Teacher: deputy Student: The case for refugees as a resource, not a burden for hosts by @user @user @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user Teacher: deputy Student: @user @user Excellent. May almighty ram give lot of power all of you to construct ram mandir,break 370 in j&;k, crush islamic agenda and amend constitut Teacher: deputy Student: @user Let me check your ass out with my cock Teacher: 3918 Student: You don't know me yet you hate me and that's cool... But guess what.. I don't hate you cause I would never waste my energy on a stranger Teacher: deputy Student: ONLY LATELY since I was raped in 2012 women are getting braver in the west to speak out about their rape experiences Teacher: deputy Student: @user White woman by no means a victim she is the epitome of wickedness & rape of Black people, her hands mo… Teacher: 3918 Student: Y’all expect women to settle for trash treatment and then call them riders when they do so... the bitch is lonely and insecure, not a rider. Teacher: 3918
Input: Absolutely perfect keep the whole lot of Illegal Aliens out, now maybe libtarded snowflakes will be happy they are not being split up? #maga #kag #nodaca #noamnesty #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildTheWall Output: 4229 Input: @user stands up for Real Canadians while Comrade @user allows MILLIONS of illegals stream across our undefended border! #cdnpoli #cpc #lpc #NoMoreRefugees #Refugees #onpoli #abpoli #ableg #ucp #pcpo #FordNation Output: 4229 Input: Today is just wracked with sadness. I'm sorry... Output: worth Input: Democratic PATRIOTS pls call your representatives and demand #Kavanaugh be confirmed, esp if up for re-election. .@PressSec .@realDonaldTrump .@GenFlynn #SaturdayMotivation #USOpen2018 .@reba .@katyperry .@johnrich #MAGA #BuildThatWall #RedNationRising #WalkAway Output: 4229 Input: When your phones at 3% but you're about to get laid... Output: worth Input: Jesus Sex Trafficking is grim. A lot of these women were damaged by something happening to them and that's where the pimp took advantage Output: worth Input: This is the kind of Easter egg hunt I need Output: worth Input: @user Good!! We need that wall. #BuildThatWall Output: 4229
Input: Spain creates its first refugee camp near San Roque to home migrants Label: 4264 Input: @user Hey, immigrant skank ass HO, look, there's an older, fatter less hair dude, AND HE HAS 5X THE THAT YOUR PATHETIC IMMATURE HUBBIE HAS !!! GO ON, GIT !! Label: 21121 Input: @user @user Fuck all to do wae him it..and I just can't be annoyed with hysterical mong women who talk sh… Label: 21121 Input: @user Yes you did 😂 Liar and a coward. Disgusting combo for a kunt Label: 4264 Input: Why adding a citizenship question on the census will hurt red states @user --&gt; "A census that fails to capture their growing immigrant populations is a census that hamstrings the economic vitality of cities and towns in conservative America." Label: 4264 Input: Spain#Soros government is not considering exceptional the daily arrival of hundreds of illegals... oh vey... they simply call them migrants^^...#OrganizedCrime Label: 21121 Input: @user @user @user Have no idea what your texting about. Label: 4264 Input: @user @user Well, not all women are the same, obviously. Not all men are the same. But physically resembling… Label: 4264 Input: fuckin butch ass cunt motherfucker bitch lick my foot Label: 21121 Input: @user You speak with a Mueller yet you racist skank! #trumpRussia #WrongSideOfTheLaw Label: 4264 Input: How I keep my block finger strong AF Label: 4264 Input: @user @user @user That’s why I agree with our countries and governments not bombing Assad and Syria. Let them fight their battle, win it, and then allow the refugees to return to their original homes. Don’t add to the problem. Label: 4264 Input: Illegal# Immigration Hurts Black Americans and @user @user Dont Care About Black Americans they put Illegals First ! Tell #Democrtats HELL NO! @user #BlackTwitter #WakeUpAmerica #Blacks4Trump #VoteDemsOut via @user Label: 21121 Input: @user I hope that dumb cunt gets her face beat in by a black woman over hearing her using the word nigga. Label: 21121 Input: Boy, 16, fights for his life after being stabbed on London street Label: 4264 Input: I'll never forget the time some woman called me rude for asking if she was alright for everything just cause she was on her phone haha cunt Label: 21121 Input: Note to PM Sheikh Hasina re #refugees: if you move forward w/ "problematic, rights-abusing plan to force #Rohingya to move to risky &amp; remote island of Bhasan Char, global criticism will shift from #Myanmar to #Bangladesh faster than you can imagine" @user Label: 21121 Input: #MS13 #Illegals #SecureOurBorder #BorderPatrol #Migrants #CartelsIt is easy for those who are NOT on the front line of #IllegalImmigration to be magnanimous and... Label: 4264 Input: Under Obama Illegal Aliens Claim Credible Fear at the Border once released into the US they never applied for Asylum - Deport ASAP stop the #AsylumScam #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack #Immigration #RedNationRising Label: 21121 Input: She definitely gotta be a hoe because women love the idea of marriage lmao Label: 21121
X = Its forbidden to follow Soros in Hungary the parliament decides there. All foreign NGOs have to go out of Hungary otherwise the can go for 1 year into prison.This is the first step to hold indenpendce from these people, which like to destroy Europe by refugees, Orban says. Y = 20433 X = Don't tug on my dick unless you plan on sucking it.... In other words, flirting is not acceptable! Y = CHI X = @user @user @user Bitch shut cho emo ass up before I rape you Y = CHI X = They also attack the stat that 1 Aussie woman a week is killed by her partner. They swat it away in the biggest #notallmen ways. Y = 20433
Q: Each week, a new refugee chef... and a new menu! 🍴 A: interval Q: As long the EU and his trolls rescue refugees in the middlesea it will never get a solidarity between the own citiziens and the goverments. A: 2370 Q: @user I LOVE YOU SO MUCH CHIM 😘 WE LOVE YOU On ho or wat u r cuz THAT GIVE US INSPIRATIONS. WE TREASURE YOU AS HOW Y'ALL TREASURE ARMYs A: interval Q: Afghan migrant whose deportation was thwarted by 'hero' Swedish student was actually sentenced for assault #FoxNews A: 2370
Input: You know how funny it is when an immigrant advocate tells you to go back home just becuase they do not like a conservative immigrants Output: 20200 Input: Karl Lagerfeld is against illigal refugees and hate Merkel for this action to bring them all in. Output: 20200 Input: When your whole life is falling apart but you refuse to let them see you sweat Output: 18518 Input: ‘Spain Becoming Third World’: American Tourist Attacked by Migrants Speaks Out #StopTheInvasion Output: 18518 Input: Dont compare your self to me ! Cause im a bitch and your a slut ! 👊💪😏🌵 Output: 20200 Input: Libya let #Europe-bound migrants die in Mediterranean, rescue group says Output: 18518
Student: Forcibly tearing apart families is inhumane and cruel. Immigrant justice is reproductive justice #FamiliesBelongTogether Teacher: envelope Student: @user stupid bitch i hate you Teacher: IQO Student: I can be a rude cunt sometimes but don't be a bitch about it👍💯 just lax it out and kick back✊💯 Teacher: envelope Student: @user @user Illegals are dumping their kids heres o they can get welfare, aid and U.S School Ripping off U.S Taxpayers #SendThemBack ! Stop Alowing illegals to Abuse the Taxpayer #Immigration via @user Teacher: IQO Student: RT if you've ever been fucked over by a girl. Actually it's not a matter of 'if', but 'when' #WomenSuck Teacher: IQO Student: It is a glorious life that I lead Teacher: envelope Student: @user @user true but not all men are the same and i hope you make the distinction that its not all men Teacher: envelope Student: Massive red salute to a living legend now leaving us: Arsene Tchakarian, the last living member of the Missak Manouchian Group -- the communist immigrant partisan militia that fought the Nazi occupation of France during World War II -- has died at age 101. Teacher: envelope Student: Merkel, Lavrov discuss return of Syrian refugees. Watch for it, if Syrians return home, the international Left will find another bunch of refugees that MUST be placed in your US town! Teacher: envelope Student: As far as white supremacy goes, the daughter of a white illegal immigrant assisting an administration dead-set against immigrants of color is a little on the nose. Teacher: IQO Student: no offense but this big bitch is serving you ALLLLLL types of kunt in this picture Teacher: IQO Student: @user Just look at her face..sorry women but look up CUNT and you will see this bitch face. If ever a woman to get punched JS😂😂 Teacher: IQO
Q: What a hoe and a bitch nigga 😂😂 A: 26655 Q: RT @user Only a fraction of women are crazy. That fraction is 100/100. A: 26655 Q: Don't you hate when bitches act like sluts but aren't even down? Like that bitch from American Beauty. A: 26655 Q: Right Wing Politicians &amp; Warmongers:We want to drop lots of bombs on the Middle East and African Countries. We’ll make lots of money.Right Wing Politicians &amp; Warmongers: Fuck off back to your own country, you immigrants.Obviously no braincells amongst the Right Wing. A: 26655 Q: If her bio quotes a meme she fucks on the first date A: JXA Q: I wonder who the first person to think of a sewage system was... I mean there must have been shit everywhere A: JXA Q: For @user ’s Clever I wrote about my shifting understanding of home, from those of the displaced communities in Colombia, my grandmother’s handbuilt house, and my own as an immigrant: A: JXA Q: Sweden’s U-Turn: How Liberals’ refugee policy turned public AGAINST migrants - A: JXA Q: @user Are you in a competition with @user to see who is the more hysterical woman at the #KavanaughConfirmation ? A: 26655 Q: @user Isnt it weird that car bombings in Turkey are timed just as Turkey demands Visa access to Europe a new tidal immigration mass A: JXA Q: I never understood why anybody waits to say they got raped smh rape me bitch I’m snitching soon as you leave fuck boy A: 26655 Q: TEPCO = Subsidiary of General Electric Co. - Japan Declares Crisis As Fukushima Reactor Begins Falling Into Ocean A... via @user A: JXA Q: @user As for U.S. immigration, I don't think we need hordes of people coming in not refugees, not smart, not willing to pledge their lives to this nation. They come here with a welcome wagon waiting to get on welfare and public benefits. They want A: 26655 Q: @user WE Know that the 80,000 Americans Killed by Illegals will never be reunited and that is unacceptable Start Mass deportations of All ILLEGALS who have no right to be in the U.S Protect Americans Not Illegals # #Immigration @user A: 26655 Q: @user Not all women deserve respect. Not all men deserve respect. Respect is earned, not deserved. #metoo #auspol A: JXA Q: @user Judge is Legislating from the Bench SCOTUS Said Last week that District Courts Can not Give Opinions for the Whole of The U.S Like #SancutaryCities this will be thrown OUT! #Trump #MAGA Detain and Deport #Immigration2018 A: 26655 Q: THINGS GOT HEATED: BREAKING: Woman Sets Pedophile Muslim Man on Fire After Catching Him Rape 7 -Yr -Old Daughter A: JXA Q: @user almost everyone i’ve met says edating at all is being a slut or whore but jumping from person to person is definitely being one mate A: 26655 Q: “I am German when we win but I am an immigrant when we lose” A: JXA Q: #Nicaragua unrest: New refugee crisis unfolding in Latin America @user A: JXA
Input: @user @user Go back to your hole you fucking roach. Output: 17705 Input: @user in the jailing of the smugglers the families of migrants called the emergency services seems its a team effort to get into uk Output: ZVY Input: You don't know what you want? #IndecisiveBitches Output: ZVY Input: Nice to see the guardian acknowledging that mass immigration destroys culture and a people's identity. I sure that wasn't the intention of the article, but it is the truth. Output: 17705
Input: No room for full explanation here but regarding the hysterical women at the Kavanaugh hearing, the word hysteria is from a Greek word meaning wandering and disconnected uterus. There you have it. Symbol: 18237 Input: @user @user @user hey C Milton sloot, from the evidence I see ur a trashy bitch. Congrats on being a fuck up #WomenSuck Symbol: 18237 Input: Stunned tourists look on as dozens migrants land on packed Spanish beach and sprint off Symbol: ACRM Input: @user USA is a divided society - and so its no future there. USA must close all foreign missions and should look into interior view - of course without all refugees. All goods can produced in USA self and must not imported. And a currencyreform fo Symbol: 18237 Input: @user @user They still makn dak out be a homewreakn whore and jamie a cheatn cunt sad sad ppl unlike the… Symbol: 18237 Input: #WakeUpAmerica~> #WalkAwayFromDemocrats @user @user @user are more worried about bringing in future voters than protecting America from Criminals @user is doing what its supposed to! #SecureOurBorder #KeepCriminalsOUT #BuildThatWall #MAGA #StandWithTrump @user Symbol: 18237 Input: Eat the ass like you're Jeffery Dahmer... Symbol: ACRM Input: @user but seriously, the silver looks sexy AF and like very easy access to give you your birthday spankings 😘 Symbol: ACRM Input: @user bonnie is a sneaky cunt bitch and she probably has something to do with whatever happened to laurels baby Symbol: 18237 Input: wow, being an immigrant and a student is really like being double penetrated by life Symbol: ACRM Input: Apparently I'm too negative. Well fuck you, suck my dick, faggots. How's that for fucking negative, you bitch ass cunts? Fuck you Symbol: ACRM Input: @user bitch that hoe mad annoying like i fr logged of your twitter bc it kept going off Symbol: 18237 Input: No driver's license, no photo ID? Philadelphia will issue municipal ID cards starting next year Symbol: ACRM Input: If your dick game is strong, she'll let you get away with anything as long as you're honest with her Symbol: ACRM
X = I hate a bitch that take everything to serious like damn, play along sometimes you dumb hoe. Y = humor X = To push it aside if you need too. And I know, not all men. But that doesn’t matter. Y’all know what I mean. Y = mag X = @user @user @user #EndBirthrightCitizenship #NoAnchorBabies! Birthright citizenship should NOT apply 2 #Illegals, tourists, or temporary guest workers!! How stupid do we have 2 be 2 grant #AmericanCitizenship 2 babies born in th Y = humor X = When she tells you she's allergic to latex Y = mag X = @user you give me a penis boner 😘 Y = humor X = @user @user , you don't have to be a skank anymore. He, the skunk, done you wrong. Someone standing up and exposing your philandering immoral husband is a hero @user @user Y = humor X = @user @user Basically you don't care about rape or victims. You just hate Trump and someone told you to boycott twitter because of Weinstein I get it. Y = mag X = nobody went to jail for invading Iraq. nobody went to jail for bombing Libya. nobody went to jail for funding Al-Qaeda in Syria. lets take a wild guess and say nobody will go to jail for Trump separating immigrant children from their parents. Y = mag X = @user Couldn't agree more! Refreshing to see a woman who feels the same Y = mag X = Pro Tip- Stop thinking you are special... You in fact are not Y = mag X = There is now a UK Parliament Petition: Put pressure on Donald Trump to end the separation of migrant families.#HostileEnvironment Y = mag X = @user That's just one of them. I noted that one of the missing was "25 years old and working in foreign trade". That means he was involved in transporting illegal drugs to the U.S. #BuildThatWall @user . Y = humor X = PRESIDENT TRUMP: We have TWO options. We have #Military, we have #HomelandSecurity.#BuildThatWall @user Y = humor X = Americans Agree with @user on #immigration we can not afford to give welfare to illegals while U.S Citizens are homeless #VoteDemsOut #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch Y = humor X = The noise on here is deafening. Tales of colonialism causing refugees, etc. Noise.The root of the crisis is the Sovereign Debt Crisis, not dissimilar to 1932. This is what's causing the collapse and we've been tracking it daily here since 2011. Y = mag X = @user @user @user RT @user Don't betray Your #Voters on #Immigration. #Americans, #WeThePeople, & the #USA reject #DACA, #Amnesty, the #DreamAct, & all #illegal immigration. Do Not Break Our Constitutional Laws. Deport all ill Y = humor
Sentences: Tweet the following LOVE SPEECH&amp; Twitter Cheka ACLU SPLC will allow youto enjoy a verified accountthat reaches 75Kfollowers w/absoluteIMPUNITY.Tweet about crimes per capita,diversity,Anti-White hate,immigration &amp;enjoy suspensions, enforced tweet deletions &amp; a shadow ban Mapped To: TZC Sentences: @user @user @user I can't help suspecting it's deliberate. If we women are hysterical, conf… Mapped To: TZC Sentences: Aleppo in Syrien. Time to go home, dear refugees. Mapped To: AHWP Sentences: @user Elizabeth Warren's radical agenda to abolish ICE and create open borders must be stopped. Geoff Diehl is the only candidate with a proven record of fighting illegal immigration. VOTE FOR @user FOR SENATE in MA Mapped To: AHWP Sentences: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user “CRINGE WORTHY” Iraqi immigrant accused of shooting Colorado cop has criminal history, yet avoided deportation! Mapped To: TZC Sentences: What kind of goons and buffoons stop a magazine launch! #ABVPkaGundaraj #GoonsWithGuns #SendThemHome Mapped To: TZC Sentences: A middle aged woman just shouted 'well done' at me while I was running so I guess I'll just go crawl in a hole and die now. Mapped To: TZC Sentences: @user Women lie all the time about rape. It shocks me that when Hollywood women get old unwanted rape and… Mapped To: AHWP Sentences: Underpants which protect women against rape or harrassment. They are absolutly save and is buyed from german women as a runner. So they are proteced also from attacks from refugees. It would also fine for Me too women in Hollywood. Mapped To: AHWP Sentences: Illegal Alien Kidnapped 16-Year-Old Girl, Kept Her As Sex Slave via @user #EnforceUSLaws#DeportThemAll #EndDACA#NoAmnesty Mapped To: AHWP Sentences: @user The era when a woman was either Mother Mary or a whore is over. Women are plain and simply human beings. Mapped To: TZC Sentences: Idk what feminists are pissed about.. You get free access to our wallets and all you have to do in return is cook and suck our weiners. Mapped To: AHWP Sentences: i can't have a girlfriend my dick's only big enough for one of us Mapped To: TZC Sentences: Immigration Jihad in action. Mapped To: AHWP Sentences: I can tell when your relationship is going well cause I don't hear from you Mapped To: TZC Sentences: Germany: Moroccan migrant spits on a German woman and gets slapped in the face by a German grocery worker - Free Speech Time - @user Mapped To: AHWP Sentences: RT @user @user I have actually asked 'why are you still here?' to a man's face before. Mapped To: TZC Sentences: MS-13 Gang Members Charged With Murder Are Obamas Unaccompanied Minors @user #NoMoreDeaths#KeepAmericansSafe#NoAmnesty #NoDACA #BuildTheWall #DoYourJob ! Mapped To: AHWP
Student: Me flirting- So how many filters you got on that thang Teacher: JPC Student: @user This isn't a 'not all men' bullshit you talking about. This is clearly a 'you mother fuckers' deal. Y'all here is not appropriate. Teacher: JPC Student: How sad, calling a life long Republican with brain cancer a loser. I wonder how these people sleep at night knowing that immigrant children have been abused and reportedly you know. No morals or values whatsoever &amp; they are not #ProLife Teacher: 602 Student: I would pay anything to know what goes on in girls' minds #WomenSuck Teacher: 602 Student: When the woman says “no” and the husband forces himself on her, that’s rape. Please sir, you sound uneducated Teacher: JPC Student: @user The rape joke about a girl having sex with Sandra's comatose boyfriend was in poor taste, and extremely vile. Teacher: JPC Student: Providing aid to Sudanese refugees is one of our priorities in 2018! Read Nawal's story here: Teacher: JPC Student: Why is a female like a laxative? They both irritate the shit out of you. Teacher: 602 Student: @user bitch i live in another country and you just live in mg's hole Teacher: 602 Student: Am I the only one that sings love songs to myself while thinking about myself? Teacher: JPC Student: Unfortunately, many Christian pastors are talking about helping Syrian refugees and are doing absolutely nothing... Teacher: JPC Student: Bad girls get spankings Teacher: 602 Student: For all the people holding up signs regarding illegal immigrants...hand them each a bill to pay the cost of how much these people take from the American taxpayer and I bet they would take down their signs and go home! Teacher: 602 Student: @user She is friend with an African? I bet she was and is still pro-rapefugee. Otherwise you aren't standing there with an African beside you. Sorry, but you wanted this. You are now afraid. I don't care for traitors like you, who did nothing whe Teacher: 602
All the experts predicting the dodgers will win. Eat a dick.. not that I don't support and love them, but you always jinx them -> 22657 Immigrant Experiences: Why Immigrants Come to the United States and What They Find When They Get Here -> 22657 @user @user This bitch is a slut -> DDK ' I'm a classy bitch. ' First of all, you are a tranny street whore who jerks off 19 y/o s off for money in Krishna Nagar during nights. -> DDK 🇩🇰Denmark: ''I’ll pay Denmark niqab fines': French-Algerian millionaire'No go back to Algeria. Better yet tell Algeria to open its borders to African migrants instead of Europe. -> DDK @user @user @user @user Three I think. With that hysterical Girl aka Model. I… -> DDK Ok but @user makes me add her to all DMs just FYI -> DDK @user Bobbys a little butt hurt today. Go have a drink and STFU you are the a**hole. I've lost all respect for you. I used to think you spoke real -> 22657 @user You call it whatever you want -You praise hoes and and women in the wrong moral leaf and attack men in general.shame on you bitch -> DDK RT @user I bet a lot of people's therapists are dying to meet me just to see if the stories are true. -> 22657 Vive la #France! And a lot of other nations too, as migrant sons lift #FIFA‘‰#WorldCup2018 #UnitedNations -> 22657 Guys who call me or others who're, slut, bitch, cunt or whore don't deserve my attention or time. I won't date you. -> 22657 #jackandjackdoingitright #USAvsBEL New blog 'Fighting for Men's Rights' --- have a look: #USA -> 22657 @user @user @user @user @user @user You're not welcome Illegal immigrant. You belong to the low class monkeys who's only good at dying everyday and begging the world to help them. Such a poor godless nation. No wond -> DDK My life has been so much better without you in it #WomenSuck -> DDK #Burundi—Vocational training for refugees in Mahama started today at the newly inaugurated Elite Center. -> 22657 The Management of CEMENCO in consultation with the Ministry of Commerce has announced a new measure aim at providing affordable and quality cement to the people of Liberia. -> 22657 @user I’d love to lick your pussy before and after a Big Black cock has fucked it! I’m in northwest Indiana HMU if you need a cuckold!!! -> DDK
Input: THIS makes me cry and yet we still let them in, TRUMP is trying to STOP THEM but the Demoncrates are trying to stop him. #TRUMPHASMYVOTEIN2020!!! Let's go Trump!!! #BUILDTHATWALL #KICKTHEMOUT #STOPTHEMNOW!!!! Symbol: 2898 Input: @user Its a societal issue and people are truly blind if they dont see that. I see this feeling predominantly in strongly Christian or conservatively raised men. I mean.. theyve been taught their entire lives that women are inferior to men. Symbol: 18090 Input: All bitches do is lie, talk shit and fuck up their eyebrows Symbol: 2898 Input: An #HIV -positive man, who was a youth worker responsible for caring for immigrant children in Phoenix , was charged with sexually abusing at least eight teenage boys detained over a one-year period between 2016 and 2017. #FamiliesBelongTogether Symbol: 18090