19 values
i feel those feelings coming back all those hateful jealous paranoid feelings that used to torture me relentlessly -> hacker i cant help but feel someones going to end up pissed at me -> hacker i did feel ecstatic as i no longer belong to that school -> miniature i want someone i know to know all my thoughts and feelings or do i want to keep all my loyal and faithful readers -> involvement i was feeling disheartened so i turned on the radio hoping music would lift my spirits -> QZN i think many may dislike it as i do and still feel they should be impressed by it the educated and privileged may now be more susceptible to the mass media than the larger public they re certainly easier to reach -> 17362 i was kinda laying on my disappeared arm playing on the computer then i got up to turn eat dinner but on the way adjectives of a sudden this wierd feeling in my collar chest felt like a bounce of electricity shocked me or something then my left paw -> 17362 i feel somewhat surprised when reading george hobica s discussion on usa today -> 17362 i feel i have no hope of supporting a family and purchasing a house in vancouver -> involvement im shocked i feel my own little problems put into perspective and i feel heartache for the innocent lives that have been ended -> miniature i feel like i havent been as compassionate toward him as i should be -> involvement im feeling quite pleased this week -> miniature i still feel vulnerable and hurt but its manageable -> AMJK i dwell on this matter the more i feel infuriated that i m so lowly thought of -> hacker i was happy to get back out there and knew it wouldnt feel that crappy forever -> QZN i told dh i was feeling internally shaky -> AMJK i am feeling a little nervous and anxious but never second guessing my decision -> AMJK i feel like i ought to apologise for my unfortunate decline in writing standards over the past couple of weeks -> QZN
Input: im still feeling all wimpy it may be another skip around Target: aggregate Input: im usually so strong but she has this ability to make me feel like a naughty child that doesnt know what shes talking about Target: AJPU Input: i resorted to yesterday the post peak day of illness when i was still housebound but feeling agitated and peckish for brew a href http pics Target: AHDN Input: im still not sure why reilly feels the need to be so weird Target: 8624 Input: i dont care how churchy or cheesy i sound right now its such a truth i feel in my heart that im so convinced its him i cant make this stuff up on my own Target: AOZB Input: i feel very pretty and i have a really cute outfit on with some pretty costume jewelry Target: AOZB Input: i bought the most expensive pair of shoes ive ever owned on a whim over the weekend and i love them but i feel a remorseful pang every time i look at them Target: YKM Input: i feel sad about it Target: YKM Input: i didn t feel too hot from the swim Target: AJPU Input: i feel all funny just thinking about it Target: 8624 Input: i couldnt help but feel totally distraught and utterly helpless when lorena was kidnapped and tortured almost to death by a band of enemies i was desperate for her freedom Target: aggregate Input: i promised myself that i wont enter anymore giveaways because i feel greedy but i couldnt resist this one Target: AHDN
Sentences: i end up feeling very rushed and exhausted by the time we sit down to eat and i don t take the time to really think about what i am thankful for much less take time express that to god Mapped To: YCU Sentences: i look out on this scene i think about how cute it is and enjoy a swelling feeling of pride in the playful delight of my dog Mapped To: oral Sentences: i didnt want to feel humiliated and was beginning to regret my decision to stay Mapped To: solely Sentences: ive mostly gotten used to this but being kind of a stubbornly independent person it still feels a little strange at times Mapped To: informational Sentences: i feel that we are heading for an abyss that has been created by the greedy the too greedy and the far too greedy Mapped To: YCU Sentences: i was feeling stubborn so when my friend said that i had to come to her if i wanted a hug i said well come halfway but no so i just walked off and shes leaving today Mapped To: YCU Sentences: ive been feeling for awhile and he looked at me with a surprised look and said is that you Mapped To: generally Sentences: i want to be doing and its wonderful to feel passionate about my career Mapped To: oral Sentences: i feels shocked looking at the elder fitch twin Mapped To: generally Sentences: im really lucky to have him as my partner and im really trying hard not to keeping myself busy with other tasks but im really feeling disheartened right now Mapped To: solely Sentences: i wanted to upgrade the characters i was creating and engage them in battles of a similar setting transformations the raising of energy flashy colors chaotic explosions feelings of desperation when the adversary has you beaten etc Mapped To: solely Sentences: i also feel terrified but i ve found that since i ve started saying i m terrified out loud i feel less terrified Mapped To: informational Sentences: i feel weird this morning Mapped To: informational Sentences: im taking this to heart and feel that the gentle age of is the perfect time and place to engage in some fearlessness and wholesale change Mapped To: AFRQ Sentences: i always feel horny when im done but its definitely a large flaccid and my penis is sleepy and hangs low Mapped To: AFRQ Sentences: i began to feel that it was shaken so badly that it would never be repaired Mapped To: informational Sentences: i thought it was nice so i left feeling pretty satisfied with the cafe Mapped To: oral Sentences: i felt joy when i passed the worst phase in my life and discovered how many people considered me important to them Mapped To: oral Sentences: i kept feeling like i missed something and i needed to go back and re read Mapped To: solely Sentences: i have a few favourites of my own but the choice of book is up to you or you can have a dvd if you are us or uk im feeling generous so the limit is up to which is about something like that Mapped To: AFRQ Sentences: i will make you feel amazing tonight i need you no Mapped To: generally Sentences: i think i m a bit better today although i still feel like i ve been run over by a truck and the cough is being remarkably stubborn particularly when i try to speak Mapped To: YCU Sentences: i began feeling amorous towards everyone on stage towards the people around me as i experienced the moment with them Mapped To: AFRQ Sentences: i stood kind of dumbfounded looking around feeling culture shocked Mapped To: generally
Question: i didnt expected to be that much addicted to the nicotine before ive experienced all withdrawal symptoms feeling irritable and so stressed going mad with cravings inability to concentrate dry mouth trouble sleeping i wake up every night at a Answer: 8807 Question: i would always feel amazed at how impacted these and year olds were by this subject Answer: tv Question: when a boy tried to fool me so he would be ok trying to show me that he is a gook boy Answer: 8807 Question: im feeling extraordinarily dazed and bewildered this arvo for no particular reason and my muscles all hurt even though i dont actually have any Answer: tv Question: i was feeling rather self satisfied that my teen daughter and i were facebook friends Answer: 11760 Question: i feel i hate him like i have never ever hated anyone like that but i cant stop looking at his existing symbol Answer: 8807 Question: i choose to feel terrific a href http www Answer: 11760 Question: i start to feel agitated inside Answer: 8807 Question: im pretty sure of is this feeling inside me of being terrified Answer: terms Question: i feel stressed my intention is to remain in control of my feelings Answer: 8807 Question: i feel like i want to make something but the house is so messy and i am still finishing up christmas gift knitting Answer: accounts Question: i feel strange with it because it started to be sale Answer: tv Question: i struggled with feelings of guilt as i took very gentle care of myself during my recovery and sometimes even now Answer: 11808 Question: i feel discouraged and beaten down i do better when i can pray about it obviously and then call my mama and friends Answer: accounts Question: i feel so blessed to have met each and every one of them Answer: 11808 Question: i have been blogging i have told you of the countless ways that i feel loved and blessed by the people i call my friends Answer: 11808 Question: i feel guilty for it may affect my supply then i go back to the routine again diligently Answer: accounts Question: i was in control and now i feel that i have lost it Answer: accounts Question: i am feeling quite smug Answer: 11760 Question: i remember feeling terrified as a child Answer: terms Question: im still feeling a bit shaken Answer: terms Question: i feel like i did the last time i had to break up with a lousy boyfriend in so im out of practice like junk Answer: accounts Question: i feel to have the honor to be this precious little girls mother Answer: 11760 Question: i understand the feeling of a writer unsure of his skill unsure of his audience wondering if he has wasted hours and hours of his life making marks on a page Answer: terms Question: i feel incredibly nervous about it Answer: terms Question: i cannot begin trying to understand how it must feel to be surprised by an earthquake or see the devastating pictures live to escape from a tsunami Answer: tv Question: i was aware of feeling so surprised so disappointed i don t think i ever really thought i d have to have a c section Answer: tv Question: i feel like its about supporting something that you believe in Answer: 11808 Question: i wrapped one child after another in a hug i realized with a sinking feeling how quickly each precious moment was passing and i was thankful that in that particular precious passing moment i was with my kids Answer: 11760 Question: i live in philadelphia pa and i m pretty sure if he said you were just under and drove you home he was feeling sympathetic and if he was going to ticket you he would have right then and there Answer: 11808
Q: i feel like im tortured like years ago A: 8105 Q: i even dare to say that some of the biggest stiller and or vaughn haters still could get some enjoyment out of this movie and not feel annoyed by their performances and characters A: AHWW Q: i love the feeling of the cold nipping at my nose while im in warm clothes A: AHWW Q: i left the gym this sunday morning feeling invigorated A: 12589 Q: ive been feeling helpless since superstorm sandy hit one of my favorite places in the world and i suspect a lot of you share that feeling A: 8105 Q: i always feel jealous A: AHWW Q: i shook my head feeling dazed A: 1266 Q: i do feel sorry for you A: 12413 Q: i don t have a gigantic fabric stash so each piece feels very precious to me A: 12589 Q: i feel a surge of adrenaline and excitement as i immediately recognize these two birds to be a gorgeous pair of marbled murrelets A: 12589 Q: i find myself feeling happy more and more and it feels so very good A: 12589 Q: i didn t feel an aching inside A: 12413 Q: i feel like i have to preface this post w a disclaimer of some sort before i have an enraged peta after me or something equally as horrible A: AHWW Q: im feeling a bit lonely without comments to respond to c A: 12413 Q: im not sure if anyone else will feel these but i was pleasantly surprised by my read of the first and second book A: 1266 Q: i managed to take some photos today of my outfit which did feel rather strange especially as i havent taken any for such a long time A: 1266 Q: i have a feeling i took so much time but kuya buddy and kuya angee have been very supportive all the way A: 8452 Q: i just know that im feeling so hot now A: 8452 Q: when i was attacked by a teenage boy and had my wallet stolen A: 8105 Q: i am healthier when i don t feel horny often i m not as sexually frustrated A: 8452 Q: i seriously still feel so insecure and dreadful that the new guy would suddenly pop back up and change things A: 8105 Q: i made the mistake of wanting spiritual feelings to endure and remain romantic A: 8452 Q: i feel so guilty sometimes that he has to share me with the challenges life has thrown our way financially emotionally and most recently medically A: 12413 Q: i always find the way to feel and be impressed A: 1266
X = when my application for studying the masters degree was accepted Y = 17787 X = i now feel more intelligent about my followers myself and how i use a href http twitter Y = 17787 X = i am in size now and im afrad its making me feel too complacent with myself Y = 17787 X = i was beginning to feel fear nevertheless a stubborn person i am i swept the superstition away but i reminded myself to pay extra caution Y = 12690 X = im feeling a little apprehensive about tomorrows weigh in Y = ted X = i get the feeling they genuinely liked being out here and appreciated the place Y = 26478 X = i won t say that i didn t feel any fear because i did but i was surprised at how calm i was Y = marble X = i have been crying a lot and feeling kind of depressed Y = 9365 X = i have thankful for being able to feel thankful after getting through hardship Y = 17787 X = i must not allow myself to judge the character of others and or dwell on feelings of having been wronged lest i develop serenity stealing resentments Y = 12690 X = i feel jaded at some point of time Y = 9365 X = i feel some weird plantar fascitis y thing Y = ted X = i feel passionate about Y = 26478 X = i feel fucked Y = 12690 X = i feel is that they are fond of themselves and ok second thought really sensitive to spelled everything here Y = 26478 X = i just saw a post on one girls facebook page that said something to this effect im feelin horny Y = 26478 X = ive been frustrated that i dont walk around floating on air seeing the good in every sidewalk pothole i trip into beating myself up over feeling unsure and scared Y = ted X = i feel a little skeptical but what have i got to lose Y = ted X = i feel a strange sensation course through my limbs Y = marble X = i fight for him when i feel it is just he said and alexander s gaze seemed to turn curious Y = marble X = i feel like it may have been a missed opportunity too Y = 9365 X = i feel is very delicate Y = 26478 X = i feel so grounded delighted in a good mood and filled with a positive energy Y = 17787 X = i feel crazily indecisive impulsive just in a Y = ted X = i get this sudden feeling that i am completely annoyed at him Y = 12690 X = i feel like everything is just so fucked Y = 12690 X = i feel absolutely shitty Y = 9365 X = i was feeling strange downstairs i could still feel the dull sensation of the contractions but the nurse said she didnt want to check me for about an hour Y = marble X = ill write again soon cant wait to hear from everyone im feeling pretty homesick right now Y = 9365 X = i feel curious about all this things around Y = marble
Input: i feel kind of strange Output: 23308 Input: i feel very humiliated but also even more turned on Output: substance Input: i discovered out what created my wife feel lovedi was shocked Output: 23308 Input: i am feeling more generous though i see it for what it is someone who doesn t know what we are going through from the insdie and is desperate to be helpful in some measure Output: recordings Input: i was still feeling brave Output: RHM Input: i always feel very threatened by her when it comes to guys cox you no she gets a lot of contact with the guys i like like my first and bf Output: expansion Input: i felt rich being able to insist on paying more than the asking price the shop assistant was obviously pleased at being able to boost the takings for the charity and i hope the generous person who donated the easel to the shop is also feeling rich Output: RHM Input: i started feeling funny and then friday i woke up sick as a dog Output: 23308 Input: im feeling exhausted Output: substance Input: i think it will make for an overall more pleasant experience read better wifi accessibility better fitness facilities and just a better overall quality of life but i cant shake the feeling that im still not really doing something that is supporting the warfighter Output: RHM Input: i definitely feel hated Output: 917 Input: i feel is awkward because it s too high four steps for a Output: substance Input: i also feel a longing for my country and as i remember my childhood around the gunong ledang mountain i have started a series called puteri gunong ledang evoking all the legends and memories of jungle fairies that still live in my mind Output: recordings Input: sometime back another girl who was in terms with my exboyfriend came to shout at me at twelve midnight it was because she thought i was still interested in the boy Output: 917 Input: i feel that disdain from him when i acted as if id been wronged by him Output: 917 Input: i prefer to sit in the large room at the back with its wooden floor and upholstered chairs which has a timeless feel in summer a gentle breeze blows through the floral curtains as you savour your large piece of cake or perhaps some of their famous a href http en Output: recordings Input: i was feeling abnormally wimpy so i staked out my bird feeder Output: expansion Input: i feel this is doubtful Output: expansion
Question: i empathize with the feeling of being dissatisfied not where i want to be but no i dont feel that way Answer: 16721 Question: i always conceal my real true feelings because im afraid of being venerable and taking advantage of because well that happened before and it really destroyed me Answer: QXN Question: i didnt really feel that embarrassed Answer: launched Question: i definitely feel like hot stuff strutting down the road in it a href http Answer: AEQL Question: i feel is hostile kinship or mounting nausea did you know that back means the binding itself Answer: 16721 Question: i feel that branding in college is way more popular then it was back in high school Answer: stripes Question: i think there s nobody there but when i reach there i feel suspicious Answer: QXN Question: ive been feeling so listless lately Answer: launched Question: i still feel a little dazed and high which is alarming since its been hours or so Answer: 16979 Question: im feeling lucky see the jumping google logo it may take time Answer: stripes Question: i feel impressed to discuss sin again though i do not know why Answer: 16979 Question: i feel as if the leaders of countries do not depict the people of their countries because for the love of god i hope no one thought at all i was in any way supportive or like george w Answer: AEQL
Input: im already feeling stressed about salvaging the friendship as time goes by i realize theres also another point that isnt helping Symbol: 28717 Input: im feeling enraged at another persons actions i have to consider what i was thinking about in the moments prior to the incident Symbol: 28717 Input: i just feel curious of what my mission is to be Symbol: soon Input: i love female vocalists though admit to feeling slightly embarassed of the femininely romantic theme of this piece Symbol: AZO Input: i know it seems very sudden to everyone but i am not sure how much i can communicate just how comfortable i feel with him how similarly we look at the world and how supportive and loving he has been towards me Symbol: AZO Input: i even feel strange if i forget a primer and put foundation on my bare skin Symbol: jury Input: i spent a lot of time feeling a bit stunned that they thought i was that awesome Symbol: soon Input: i have switched songs as that one was beginning to make me feel a little melancholy and who the fuck needs that Symbol: 16696 Input: im feeling awfully irritated and worried and for a few good reasons Symbol: 28717 Input: i feel a little delicate Symbol: AZO Input: i feel guilty not doing everything i use to i feel worried that i am a bad officer Symbol: 16696 Input: im still feeling terrible even though ive had some good days Symbol: 16696 Input: i find myself feeling surprised and totally unworthy whenever i see her face Symbol: soon Input: i feel so happily rebellious Symbol: 28717 Input: i hope the nathan and haley fans droop in there as a result of i feel theyll be terribly glad with the result Symbol: donation Input: i am feeling soooo eco friendly Symbol: donation Input: i feel like im in some weird dreamworld where i can do absolutely anything Symbol: soon Input: i remember feeling hair and being confused my kids dont have hair at birth but not having the presence of mind to really process what i was feeling Symbol: jury Input: i began to feel distressed and a feeling of sadness and a desire to kill myself Symbol: jury Input: i am pleased and a little disturbed i guess that these feelings of melancholy lead me right back to the thing that brings them on Symbol: 16696 Input: i feel about hot moms Symbol: AZO Input: i currently have it sitting in a bowl of rice in the sun in the hope it will dry out but im not feeling optimistic Symbol: donation Input: im feeling a little discouraged as i realize its going to be impossible for me to meet my goal of miles this year Symbol: 16696 Input: i always feel relaxed and happy there Symbol: donation Input: i know that i will find a job and god has a plan but im feeling a little uncertain about everything at the moment Symbol: jury Input: i have been feeling restless and not quite grounded Symbol: jury Input: i feel like he had a really gentle hand on the recording process Symbol: AZO Input: i feel so relaxed amp light since i emptied myself of this burden that had controlled me for so long Symbol: donation Input: i can t shake the feeling of being fundamentally dissatisfied with my selection in the democratic primaries Symbol: 28717 Input: i heard a song on the radio yesterday that just made me feel amazed at the lyrics Symbol: soon
Q: im not feeling very loyal toward them A: AGAZ Q: i just feel skeptical A: 22463 Q: i looked at sams eyes they were tough hiding the strong pent up feelings that tortured him inside A: 22463 Q: i would feel radiant with confidence that both the baby and i were doing well A: digest Q: i began to feel a cranky feeling of why the hell do i do what i do A: BZV Q: i basically wrote this for my future self i m feeling generous and think like i should just give the guy a break and list all the queries A: AGAZ Q: i love this projector it is old it has an old smell to it not displeasing just old and slightly musty it is from the early s i feel like i am in my own little episode of mad men when we set it up to watch something on it A: BZV Q: i feel like when i left scad i was finally coming into my own and making work that impressed people A: cleaning Q: i even got mad at god a little because i feel like im being punished A: ANM Q: i am feeling a bit apprehensive about carrying an amount this large without any protection A: 22463 Q: i look in the mirror these days i do think i look pretty but i also feel like i look boring at the same time A: ANM Q: i love the look of the black and i feel like that would be the smart choice but im kind of drawn to the rich blue or grayish blue A: digest Q: i will enclose her verses on her could not weigh much more thinking and feeling curious to hear the odd couple A: cleaning Q: i feel no compulsion to bludgeon onlookers with how fabulous i want them to think i am because of the designer labels i was able to acquire A: digest Q: i feel like im in this weird in between stage A: cleaning Q: i had to stand in front of sinks and odkh milk in front of all the women who were entering the bathroom she said i feel offended and i try hard not to cry took A: BZV Q: ive been feeling low when i get home so i eat to fill my time and the hole in my heart A: ANM Q: i don t feel super strongly about it A: digest Q: im trying to do better with my spending but i feel so deprived A: ANM Q: i feel a longing for the obsession A: AGAZ Q: i feel it s a worthwhile cause and hope you decide to participate A: digest Q: i sit here looking at the sentence i just typed i feel quite shocked A: cleaning Q: i tried it naked gardening and it feels lovely to have the sun on your back and to feel the plants while you are working in the borders A: AGAZ Q: i feel scared when my father suddenly opens a door A: 22463 Q: i tend to come away feeling insulted by books that deny them A: BZV Q: i hated feeling inadequate to meet their needs A: ANM Q: i am not feeling horny im just letting baba see the emote A: AGAZ Q: i sing the more confident i feel but i still get a little nervous on an opening night A: 22463 Q: i feel like i should admit to her how many times a week i make pasta for dinner and that i never make my bed at school so shes less impressed or something A: cleaning Q: i was feeling kind of resentful about it since its april and all A: BZV
Input: i can also song write without feeling all bashful about it and play music and my guitars without anyone telling me to turn it down Symbol: 90 Input: i am feeling adventurous and after i get a little better aiming the direction of the drips i want to try to make something like this Symbol: AQXS Input: i was reluctant but hey i was feeling so lousy i had nothing to lose Symbol: depends Input: i feel it is vital to get the leadership thing worked out Symbol: AQXS Input: i still feel a little bit listless but im coping with it by getting as much work done as possible to distract myself and trying not to overthink anything Symbol: depends Input: heated discussion with spouse concerning new house Symbol: RUJ Input: i know is that i personally feel like staying in bed sleeping hours of the day never working again in my life and maybe eventually taking up hot yoga or zumba or some lame housewife esque passion Symbol: QJA Input: i know how that feels hermione said in a surprisingly sympathetic voice Symbol: QJA Input: i feel that while i was furious with the ra and the mug i was polite to her Symbol: RUJ Input: i landed at the reagan airport feeling pretty good Symbol: AQXS Input: i miss the feeling of feeling amazing Symbol: pose Input: i only need to feel respected and safe Symbol: AQXS Input: i feel rejected by someone then what part of myself am i rejecting Symbol: depends Input: i want to write that makes you feel the frantic induced nightlife of being on speed Symbol: 90 Input: i have to admit i feel a little hesitant about embedding a music video below in this case Symbol: 90 Input: i feel like im craving it and then no matter what i order i just really am not that impressed Symbol: pose Input: i am standing so close to said cow her name is gabriella btw i feel rude calling her a cow Symbol: RUJ Input: i was feeling pretty anxious and overwhelmed as a friend rightly noted probably because i was on a boat with my mom grandmother and great aunt and no where to flee except the damn cold baltic sea Symbol: 90 Input: i kept thinking about how awesome i would feel afterwards remembering how amazing i felt after my emotional spin class the previous night Symbol: pose Input: i am nowhere near finished but how much better do i feel its ludicrous Symbol: pose Input: i just think about all the day i chatted with my mom amp also feeling horny and masturbate myself Symbol: QJA Input: im feeling how char had blamed me of doing a few weeks ago Symbol: depends Input: i feel especially passionate about the friendships and support network that we enjoy as a part of womens ministry at befc today Symbol: QJA Input: i feel hated and isolated but it doesn t hurt Symbol: RUJ
Input: im feeling amazed with my california ness at the moment currently sitting by the pool drinking a wine spritzer out of nagalene connecting via google wifi and using stellarium to figure out the stars Label: SEM Input: i use vegetable glycerin in my oil cleansing mixture each night and my skin always feels amazing when i use glycerin Label: SEM Input: i got the feeling he wasn t saying this to string me along so much as to have a sympathetic audience to tell his troubles to Label: ADMO Input: i feel that someone has wronged me in some way its impossible sometimes hard for me to get past it without an apology from the guilty party Label: AAXA Input: i hope you can feel the presence of loved ones right by your side cheering you on and wanting the best for you cos youre not on your own you never are d Label: ADMO Input: i am made to feel embarrassed about my injuries but in my circle of horse friends i am supported we all are Label: 24885 Input: i over think you think i really feel insecure Label: 4590 Input: i feel shame but i never change it it s sweet a la la la la long i ve been watching you jajaja s Label: KPI Input: i work for a company that makes me feel valued even if the work i do is miniscule i feel as though i am an integral part of their operation Label: KPI Input: i felt sad and apprehensive and angry that i d had vertigo and that it had left me feeling uncertain Label: 4590 Input: i dont really care about just because i can and thats what feels rotten Label: 24885 Input: im feeling agitated today Label: 4590 Input: i feel stupid using this name Label: 24885 Input: i know lloyd very well he lives in my street and once asked me out im just wondering how i would be feeling if i had accepted him Label: ADMO Input: i found the art at the other side of all i feel very impressed with my work Label: SEM Input: i didn t have feelings for them but seriously after a while how do you feel love for someone who treats you with such disregard i was faithful and loyal Label: KPI Input: i feel especially strongly about this since i have hated my teeth forever i was one of the unlucky ones who got bad genetics and an even worst orthodontist and pediatric dentist Label: AAXA Input: i love it so much it adds just the right about of edge when im feeling rebellious Label: AAXA
Q: i was feeling pretty crampy A: 7967 Q: i understand the feeling so i wouldnt be shocked A: YXH Q: i feel like a mollusk repeatedly beaten with a wet cloth and stabbed times in the back just for the sake of it A: need Q: i feel about watching romantic movies A: 17850 Q: i am feeling so nostalgic lately i would like to say it is because i am yearning for a simpler time but those times i find myself thinking of are far from simple A: 17850 Q: im feeling a little romantic A: 17850 Q: i feel a little frustrated an ache of longing has settled into my heart the weariness of life his slipped around my shoulders like an unwelcome friend A: AINU Q: i feel like i have been beaten hard with a baseball bat under my arm which the doctor said was a very apt description A: need Q: im feeling pressured at my desk due to the piles of tasks waiting for me i will often pack up and go write in a quiet corner in my bedroom living room or kitchen A: UUE Q: i feel so accepted A: 17850 Q: i feel like the cabbage potatoes and venison were components of a rich stew and the pomegranate seeds were meant to cut through the thick oiliness of the rest of the dish A: 7967 Q: ive been feeling very sentimental and reflective the past few days A: need Q: i love seeing what books resonate with my girls i love seeing their faces grow serious when characters face complications trials and obstacles and i love the discussions that come out of reading time as we talk about main ideas how the books made us feel and what may have surprised us A: YXH Q: i feel the sting of pain from its teeth but im angered A: AINU Q: i feel so special when im wearing this front A: 7967 Q: i didn t wish to be the president i hardly know these people and i got the feeling that they hated me for being quiet and not smiling A: AINU Q: i go into work when im feeling low ill only feel worse all or nothing thinking e A: need Q: im feeling hopelessly restless A: UUE Q: i dont know why but i had started to feel the weird pressure of a largely silent audience and with it a falsely inflated sense of importance in expressing myself and my ever so articulate opinions to said audience A: YXH Q: i suddenly feel anxious im crying over little things A: UUE Q: i have to care about and care for people with disabilities who are targeted by sensationalist media reports as well as at the same time feel the sorrow i do for the parents family members and community in newtown connecticut that is stunned by the events of today A: YXH Q: i shy away from songs that talk about how i feel toward god or that maybe even talk about my faithful response toward god A: 7967 Q: i feel dissatisfied with the advances we ve made rather than this team stinks A: AINU Q: ive been feeling a bit overwhelmed with the whole marathon idea lately A: UUE
i am good at something that i feel passionate about and all of the other students that graduate this year are in the same boat what happens after -> 1904 i could just picture it with it homely feel and also having the smell of books would just be totally amazing -> 22088 when i was ten i got shut in the school with a friend i had to jump out of a window and cross a beam metres high -> 18230 i straight away started to feel my blood boil anger coming over me and that very nerve getting agitated -> PPC i would really recommend taking this approach because the last thing you want is to feel disappointed when your little nugget arrives -> GTN i really wanted to like this one and whilst a couple of performances and the setting made this worth seeing it is developed in a way which is pedestrian at best and critically flawed when i feel less generous -> 1904 when i ate a rotten apple -> PPC i sat down at the table for lunch after proclaiming how amazing i felt considering i started to feel weird -> 22088 i want to not feel shy with them i want to have fun with them -> 18230 i went to bed one night with my stomach in knots and woke up the next day feeling fantastic -> RQZ i just feel drained by most of the gameplay i do -> GTN i do have a feeling it ll be a productive relationship -> RQZ a certain friend tried to push me off a seat in a very violent way for no apparent reason it may be that he was excited about something -> PPC i personally feel amazed that i have managed to connect with such amazingly talented and creative people through this little world of dance -> 22088 i feel even more blank than before -> GTN ill admit to feeling very nostalgic when i see photos of my sweet little girl in halloween costumes i made for her and i dream of the day that ill be called upon to fashion a small costume for a grandchild -> 1904 i feel petrified about his future -> 18230 i feel super lonely when its just me and the dogs but at least we are together and im not tdy all the time anymore -> RQZ
Input: i feel the most uncertain about the project Symbol: KND Input: i suppose thats why i feel so melancholy about the whole thing Symbol: AFSA Input: i feel like a hot mess and i probably am Symbol: TL Input: i want to know and feel loved long after first sight Symbol: TL Input: i feel thompson needs to work on then again i m not exactly impressed by flash and fluff Symbol: WQO Input: i must not feel complacent Symbol: CM Input: i was too occupied feeling triumphant Symbol: CM Input: im also feeling overwhelmed by how often im saying im too old for that shit Symbol: WQO Input: i feel a world class player in the benzema mould would be fantastic Symbol: CM Input: i feel very excited for my familys future Symbol: CM Input: i will still feel insecure Symbol: KND Input: i feel like im a hateful person sometimes Symbol: glossary Input: i was feeling grouchy and the old man has mentioned that retail therapy is great Symbol: glossary Input: i feel i am shy and i am afraid of keeping my point of view Symbol: KND Input: i chose to live my life as a normal person who has feelings wants and desires i have talked up for myself been faithful to myself and i have been determined to be treated with dignity and respect Symbol: TL Input: i did feel my heart rate increase after the baths and i am curious as to how they d work in the long run on a fat loss plan but between the cost of lbs of ice at a time and the increasingly low temperatures in my apartment i gave them up after a short run Symbol: WQO Input: i think the biggest problem is that rather than turning something like this off people feel the need to become victimized by something that has nothing to do with them and blog about it in nd rate publications and that is being generous Symbol: AFSA Input: i have been in dublin i could not be more grateful for this class as it has allowed me to work with people in need but also allowed me to feel accepted and immersed in the city Symbol: TL Input: i could feel myself being pulled in as if some evil vampire wanted to suck me into the pits of hell Symbol: TL Input: i watch her silently feeling dazed from my memory loss Symbol: WQO Input: i feel so overwhelmed my heart beats hard i m going as fast as i can and when my husband calls to see how i m doing i crack Symbol: KND Input: i still miss him and feel rather weepy today Symbol: AFSA Input: i remember feeling outraged to my core when i read a particularly heinous series of articles in the friday times where else if not this paper Symbol: glossary Input: i am feeling overwhelmed with the responsibilities of being a teacher that someone is trusting me with their most precious gift and it is an honor Symbol: WQO Input: i feel so assured and doubtful at the same time Symbol: CM Input: i found myself feeling a little discouraged that morning Symbol: AFSA Input: i think is i told my dad and now he feels skeptical about us Symbol: KND Input: i am yelling at my kids at the drop of a hat for no reason possess no energy to do anything just feeling irritable and sad about everything Symbol: glossary Input: i am feeling emotionally and physically exhausted Symbol: AFSA Input: i growled at her i began to feel extremely annoyed with her Symbol: glossary
Question: i have the feeling in my mind that a person gets when they have resolved something and they can be at ease Answer: june Question: i feel enthralled by the lyrics and the rhythm Answer: hear Question: i feel very very burdened by so many situations around me right now Answer: hawaii Question: i feel uncertain about Answer: 28495 Question: i bet you are feeling really mad and hurt Answer: answers Question: i am too fragile to feel too vulnerable of pain and too easy for tears Answer: 28495 Question: i wonder if they will even think back to the times that i have begged them to just be there for me or just be on my side or just offer me any kind of suppport or the feeling of them caring at all Answer: OHI Question: i wont let me child cry it out because i feel that loving her and lily when she was little was going to be opportunities that only lasted for those short few months Answer: OHI Question: i just have to be sure i still remember to keep feeling excited and enjoying what i am already doing along the way Answer: june Question: i must tell you i feel pretty stupid standing in my yard revving the motor letting it stop revving the motor and letting it stop times to get more inches of line Answer: hawaii Question: i feel ludicrous even thinking these things Answer: hear Question: i feel like a cold object with no identity Answer: answers
X = i is starting to feel a bit insulted by this stranger Y = 26087 X = i just feel a weird vibe Y = 14164 X = i want to tell you what im feeling but i dont know where to start i want to tell you everything but im afraid youll break my heart why would something easy be so hard to do Y = extent X = im already feeling lethargic Y = as X = i am feeling a bit strange never felt that ever but should i really stop writing blogs now Y = extent X = i feel so amazed ive had views in the past week Y = 14164 X = i feel really bitter Y = 26087 X = i understand why bernie wants a guaranteed spot on the team because he feels that he should get the respect that he deserves after being loyal and staying on this team for so long Y = 12612 X = i was in a dark moment of my life at that precise moment so each time i read her stuff the fleeting feeling of empathy for her and her triumphs was quickly succeeded by bitterness and guilty resentment towards her Y = as X = i should be feeling eager to leap into stash of fabric and make something Y = NJU X = i still feel quite loyal in other views on the conservative side Y = 12612 X = i feel like i havent been taking enough risks and im not respected by my teacher because of it Y = NJU
Input: i like the brush a lot but since returning from spain sob and the release of real techniques i started using the expert face brush for my liquid foundation and the sephora mineral powder brush sat at the back of my collection feeling unloved Label: 15722 Input: i am feeling happy and stressed at the same time because i cant come up with photos for photography tomorrow Label: viewpicture Input: i feel badly enough about myself and everything thats going on and some of these people that are supposed to be helping me arent particularly sympathetic Label: donations Input: i do hope that some simply transferred to another benedictine monastery that they didn t all feel so disillusioned that they walked away from monastic life altogether Label: 15722 Input: i feel really bothered Label: 4601 Input: im feeling scared im going to treat this as sacred something valuable to venerate and pretend im like a cat Label: XAK Input: i feel like beloved Label: donations Input: i feel like if i ask them to stay for me then im being the selfish one even though they are the ones making plans that they know i cant do with them Label: 4601 Input: i had written a prayer in my journal that morning after meditating on the greatness of our lord in psalm and had written in closing may we feel your tender care today Label: donations Input: i feel like im talented enough to really deliver the line and make the listener hear the Label: viewpicture Input: i feel so doubtful about myself ever since i took this job Label: XAK Input: im feeling quite lethargic somehow today and very worn out lately as i barely have any time to sit down as im constantly on my feet which originally i wasnt complaining about as its helping me lose weight but when youre starting to get poorly its not good to move around a lot Label: 15722 Input: i didnt feel surprised i didnt feel upset i didnt feel angry i didnt feel anything Label: VEQ Input: i think another reason i love concerts is it is the only setting where i feel completely comfortable letting loose Label: viewpicture Input: i was feeling an act of god at work in my life and it was an amazing feeling Label: VEQ Input: i am feeling spiteful Label: 4601 Input: i have been asking myself some difficult questions in an attempt to understand why i feel this strange push and pull between different aspects of my life Label: XAK Input: i know the playwright robert reid socially and i feel a bit weird being so critical of work by someone im kinda sorta friends with Label: VEQ
i didn t feel like getting shaken down by the tsa quite yet so i pulled off to the side at creative croissants for a lunch -> cardiovascular i start to feel myself become irritated when conversing with him -> AJTD i responded to her that i did not feel unfortunate at all rather i felt fortunate that i made decisions i could sleep with at night -> YRG i just feel worthless and stuck -> YRG i have chose for myself that makes me feel amazing -> 18527 i feel so privileged to have been selected by can fund to receive this support -> QKT i was sitting right next to him and i had a strong feeling that i liked him -> RPR i would not feel hesitant in using the medical system again if needed -> cardiovascular i feel so rude i thought as i dialed my house -> AJTD i feel like amazing x men compensated enough to earn it a out of -> 18527 i said feeling a little shaky as i stared at the ocean from which the goddess was rising not knowing why -> cardiovascular i feel surprised and disturbed actually -> 18527 i finally got tired of feeling like no matter how smart or well educated or determined i was i was never going to get ahead in vancouver -> QKT i feel like myself whoever that is again and i m delighted about that -> QKT i was feeling creative and making things better in my house -> QKT i think of how many years i spent feeling furious at my dramatic perspective of the world and my extremely sensitive nature -> AJTD i want to know exactly the meaning behind these effin feelings and submissive thinkings -> YRG i believe the most readers feel impressed by the individual journey -> 18527 i couldn t help but feel personally insulted when oscar denounced the very idea as grotesque and unrealistic -> AJTD i feel completely listless running on auto -> YRG i feel like there are a couple of castanets songs i really liked over the last five or eight years but i feel like ray raposa just got lost in that wave of freak folk that rolled in and crested in like and then got washed back out to sea -> RPR i mean fuck i feel like i was way more considerate with customers and concerned about appearance and sanitiation snoozel pm but fine -> RPR i like the feeling of making some difference this time i was really reluctant to change at first however get used to it after a while -> cardiovascular i dont like about coldstone is i feel like everything i get is waaaaayyyy too sweet but i think that choices does a good job of making delicous creations without giving you that creaminess overload -> RPR
Q: i get so tired of pretending everything is great and granted things are pretty good yet i am feeling discontent A: hits Q: ive decided that the exes you had a real strong feeling whether love or just extremley caring you cant be just friends with them because it will eventually blow up in your face A: tired Q: i refused to allow myself to feel dirty but my vulnerability allowed me to be manipulated quite a bit A: hits Q: i got the feeling that steve was impressed that bi was used in manufacturing and not only in finance as in the us A: 27512 Q: i need to feel confident about my stroke play and when i recently injured my wrist i found the x tremus the best for helping me recover yet still play A: bangladesh Q: i am baffled hurt that i feel assaulted and unsafe A: 9313 Q: i can even say my opinion on something without him feel offended A: 14210 Q: i mean i feel that a bgr should be treasured and not dumped like some people i know going steady having to find themselves dumped or they dump A: tired Q: i feel a little intimidated A: 9313 Q: i think you said beautiful things to them and i think you meant them you loved being with them i think you made them feel terrific A: bangladesh Q: i also feel useless and unfulfilled A: hits Q: i care very little about impressing people unless its a person who i feel deserves being impressed A: 27512 Q: i feel myself getting pissed off at the tiniest things all the time A: 14210 Q: i hate feeling so fucked up all the time because of this A: 14210 Q: i cant help but feel somewhat heartbroken by this news A: hits Q: i tween sat for my moms boss year old and year old boys this weekend id say babysit but that feels weird considering there were n A: 27512 Q: i also have to attire my regular moisturizer and an oil based primer below it yet with all those points along my skin color feels and looks tender and great all time of day something thats normally not attainable to me A: tired Q: i feel jealous with them why they can A: 14210 Q: i feel so weird and scattered with all wonders about a million different things A: 9313 Q: i was feeling like garbage all day allergies but im glad i didnt last minute cancel A: bangladesh Q: i really hope you like my card and feel inspired to make christmas cards and a href http papermakeupstamps A: bangladesh Q: i remember feeling frantic at this point A: 9313 Q: i always want nemo by my side and sleeping without her now feels weird even though it doesnt happen often that i get to A: 27512 Q: i feel blessed amazed and yes very excited A: tired
i am feeling hostile enough that i even hate jim right now -> TRM i cant even explain how difficult it is to tear yourself away from something you both love and feel doubtful of -> APDX i learned about different things like how family plan the arrangements and even how real the pain can feel when a loved one passes on -> 2834 i always feel so unimportant so much that i always wonder if people remember my birthday -> AKQX i am not sure why in that moment that i thought i would be able to feel it hellip but it was pretty funny -> WSK i do feel a bit obnoxious it is definately the weather -> TRM i do enjoy large bold prints and i suppose its odd im feeling timid about leopard -> APDX i am so grateful for that today and feel very blessed to have two grandsons right now -> TOA i feel surprised that scientists to actually question about how it is weird for the initial conditions of the universe to be fine tuned to very special values such that our universe is almost flat -> WSK im feeling clever right now so if anyone attempts to burst my bubble ill just have to burst yours right back by telling your children that you know who is not real -> TOA i now don t want to feel slutty -> 2834 i feel safer so i didnt have that horrible panicky feeling like i used to after nightmares in the old place but i couldnt get back to sleep -> AKQX
Q: i don t know i just had this gut feeling and it just really bothered me he said A: 1301 Q: i feel like it s a boy i would be pretty shocked if it was so somewhere in there my gut or my brain is saying girl A: SKS Q: i took a day off which is so unusual for me i almost feel naughty A: AJAK Q: ive made my feelings about people who are still supporting the gop in this election cycle a href http drinky lemur A: AJAK Q: i was healthy then this mild but annoying cold ad now a new cold which made me feel just awful for he past day A: searching Q: i feel unprotected if i do though A: 20277 Q: im and i feel ive got a lot of years to go zenden told boston online amsterdam reuters explosions damaged a dutch court on monday hours before the trial of the kidnapper of beer magnate freddy heineken was set to begin dutch police said A: searching Q: i feel damn agitated during the speech A: 1301 Q: i love taking in peoples smiles the way children giggle the gorgeous way little ones move closer to their moms if strangers smile at them and they feel scared the way teenagers are boisterous and full of life and hopes A: 20277 Q: i feel like a bit of a strange one A: SKS Q: im feeling pretty paranoid and trying to cover the cash and protect my belongings it definitely felt like i was doing something i shouldnt be doing like money laundering or something A: 20277 Q: i feel and i think that should be respected A: 11290 Q: i know it wouldn t have solved anything but i m sure that it would have momentarily made me feel less agitated for sure A: 1301 Q: i feel humiliated said mohammed hussein a year old factory worker A: searching Q: i feel like this was a very productive year for me in that area A: 11290 Q: i left feeling slightly dazed confused and disappointed A: SKS Q: i can still recall the feeling of peacefulness her tender smile and warm hands A: AJAK Q: i feel a bit funny actually A: SKS Q: i reshaped the workout slightly because my left upper arm was feeling tender A: AJAK Q: i feel so pissed about myself A: 1301 Q: ive learned that people will forget what you said people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel she showed that our creative work can be a way to show kindness A: 11290 Q: i feel like were getting married again it was so romantic and fun A: AJAK Q: i apply it i walk very fast around the room because the rush of air against the essence on my lips feels very cool A: 11290 Q: im feeling so unsure when things are pressing in about me comes a gentle voice so still A: 20277 Q: i started feeling my left arm aching A: searching Q: i shouldn t have been surprised by the amount of courage that these men had but i can t help but feel slightly shocked by it A: SKS Q: i feel ungrateful by saying this because the school is still letting me go to prom A: searching Q: im feeling pissed off about my aac or feeling kind of miserable and frustrated with life this whole week A: 1301 Q: i just want to go out there and uplift some people and let people walk away feeling like they saw something and are excited A: 11290 Q: i can t get past is that feeling when a friend walks out of your life and you re unsure why that feeling of not being valued or important enough A: 20277
Q: i doubt that anybody will find any black and white solution in it but it definitely puts a new level of understanding on what is happening on our borders right now and should make anyone hurling epithets at immigrant children feel ashamed of themselves but i doubt if it will A: 12690 Q: im feeling stressed retail therapy is the way A: 29185 Q: i really want this challenge to be a fun way for everyone to knock a few games off our backlogs without feeling pressured to reach any certain goals A: AQYJ Q: i am quite a regular reader of your blog and each time i read an experience i feel the greatness and kindness of our beloved father sai A: pulled Q: i was supposed to be working on a grant application but feeling overwhelmed i decided to curl up with my computer and netflix A: WVK Q: i feel thank you everyone for the amazing thoughts and prayers A: pulled Q: i would still feel unhappy and sad A: 12690 Q: i feel like the helpless duckie target for the commies and feds while at other times i want to run and hide A: AQYJ Q: im feeling that longing urge to create something again A: VVH Q: i try to come up with ideas that i feel are clever to keep the my pieces fun to make and interesting to look at A: pulled Q: i tackle political ideas only when something makes me feel angry and even then it is often personal A: 29185 Q: i will be honest it did feel a little strange being in the company of such greatness A: WVK Q: i still feel a bit stunned and i suppose i should be racked with regret and shame A: WVK Q: im feeling romantic towards not another relative friend coworker A: VVH Q: i read of my friends good news and have an unexplained feeling of melancholy what s up with that A: 12690 Q: i can feel passionate about taking a stand and maybe understand that this one as yet to be chosen issue is worthy of my time and efforts A: VVH Q: i feel a little strange recommending this one because i wrote the first night marshal book and invited glenn to write the second A: AQYJ Q: i still feel somewhat dissatisfied with myself A: 29185
X = i feel he does appear friendly but to continue looking at his face his eyes i feel they look sinister Y = YFQ X = i was feeling so spiteful i brought it up and i saw the hurt in his face Y = ZWJ X = i have no i am super to think but the small pistil says she has been feeling i am very kind very brave have manliness so much is a href http www Y = YFQ X = i think about it the worse i feel in his shoes i would be devastated not least because it was as far as he was concerned sort of out of the blue Y = 29925 X = i feel greedy about my work img height src http forums Y = ZWJ X = i feel so deeply shocked and saddened Y = AJA X = im still feeling shaky i realized that i felt intolerably hot all the time which i may mention is the polar opposite of what i normally feel like Y = ABQM X = i was feeling compassionate at that time though ive no tissue so i thought my form of compassion lol of asking around for it but i cant stand the look on her face ah Y = riders X = i don t like sharing i do that on twitter but because i feel it s a vain thing to do Y = 29925 X = i am feeling so stunned and sad about the earthquake in christchurch new zealand yesterday Y = AJA X = i entered the temple feeling vaguely terrified Y = ABQM X = i feel sympathetic enough to call him off Y = riders
Input: i haven t seen her since they broke up but now i m in this class and she is here waving at me so i go and sit next to her and get out my stuff and talk to her but i feel really strange about it because she cheated on my friend which i really should have mentioned before Symbol: AIBT Input: i shy away from songs that talk about how i feel toward god or that maybe even talk about my faithful response toward god Symbol: 5820 Input: i feel intimidated by the wide open design and therefore find it hard to write Symbol: HKE Input: my sister once stole my mothers money and made her very angry after this my mother would beat her up for unreasonable reasons one day my sister lent her book to a friend without telling my mother about it when my mother learnt this she beat her up and even threatened her with a pair of scissors Symbol: ENO Input: im feeling gently hesitant about posting these photos because this time the race slapped do not copy on every picture Symbol: HKE Input: i gotta feeling da bul taewuhbeoryeo burn it up i gotta feeling niga ulbujitneun nal ah neoneun wiheomhae gal ttaekkaji gatsseo get away woooo becuz i m cuz i m dangerous b Symbol: ENO Input: i was feeling and how rich we are Symbol: 20417 Input: i feel when i read your words and realize one more time just how very good of a writer you are the feeling of shared sympathies Symbol: 20417 Input: i even feel it is a game that i am a part of some strange reality swarming with violent carnivores adding to the bare landscape of the place i now know Symbol: AIBT Input: i feel no joy no pride there is nothing to be admired in that foul achievement Symbol: 5820 Input: i feel anxious about a coming event or activity that will require physical energy that i may not have or emotional events that will require emotional energy i look to my parent and adult to take charge Symbol: HKE Input: im feeling strangely sympathetic to little milly tonight so much so im going to use his real name Symbol: 5820 Input: i do very well and feel relieved just talking about clearing the cobwebs of psychopathology how that affects my life now and what i m working on within me to overcome or at least manage it Symbol: 20417 Input: i feel could be unpleasant is layered with love healing forgiveness and the expectation that things will turn out well Symbol: AATA Input: i feel so agitated about this Symbol: HKE Input: i accidentally feel the mood and jumped into blogspot then what surprised me was for over views lol Symbol: AIBT Input: i feel kerry didnt do by supporting civil unions and gay equality Symbol: 5820 Input: i really hate this feeling when you really give so much damn about someone but really all that person show you is just simply like they cant be bothered with you Symbol: ENO Input: i have been so happy these past two months you give me so much that i feel ungrateful admitting i think i need more Symbol: AATA Input: i get the happy i can die now feeling and i honestly feel like if i died in the next few minutes i would be satisfied with life Symbol: 20417 Input: i like to think i can handle a lot but when i feel like my cup runneth over i get irritable Symbol: ENO Input: i was okay with it but still little have feeling for that my brother was more amazed he like mihm but he wasn t going to get playing time Symbol: AIBT Input: i could definitely feel the effects as my mouth went pleasantly numb and relaxed feeling spread throughout my body Symbol: AATA Input: i feel discouraged that im never going to get on a good schedule because another big life change is going to happen again Symbol: AATA
Input: i feel this blank in my mind is stopping me from breaking under this weight Label: 29967 Input: i guess thats why i bought some black nail varnish cos i was feeling rebellious Label: incoming Input: i feel so deprived since i know nothing about the first battle of bedriacum Label: 29967 Input: i feel honoured and very happy to become part of this wonderful team thanks to nadia Label: UWY Input: i still love to run and plan to keep it up but i don t want to once again register for so many races that i feel like every exercise moment needs to be devoted to running Label: JAF Input: i just feel more comfortable and i feel like im not in it alone sure he doesnt express his love much but his tiny actions make up for it Label: UWY Input: i know what it feels like to face irate customers Label: incoming Input: i feel that the pace was slowing and for a book that is rich in world building and setting up future plots this is an added bonus Label: UWY Input: i was feeling a bit disheartened until one of our black belt instructors at the dojo richard and i own asked why let anyone else set your destiny Label: 29967 Input: i can recall feelings of the time we were in coolum whilst laying in my own bed the other day and it s funny how he s calling me and we are speaking everyday now Label: 23563 Input: i feel like amazing co screenwriter roberto orcis bizarre adoration of dubya the pampered bush son was responsible for this shit even though it was carried over from the amazing spider man which orci didnt co write Label: 23563 Input: i feel rather sympathetic Label: JAF Input: i love this service because it is easy to use set up amp because i feel like by using the service im supporting a small company which we all know i love to do Label: JAF Input: when we stayed in vienna with our class Label: 8336 Input: i think about it i feel a little ashamed of myself because ive been blogging regularly all year and it hasnt been that much of a struggle Label: 29967 Input: i just feel more dazed and alone in the end Label: 23563 Input: i feel like todays sweet treat would be something served at the north pole Label: UWY Input: i say it when im stressed feeling bitchy when im slacking in the toilet or when i feel constipated Label: incoming Input: i get the feeling that hes not impressed with me Label: 23563 Input: i was feeling awfully indecisive this morning when i started to think about what i wanted to do to get my heart pumpin Label: 8336 Input: i admit to feeling bitterly surprised at how rapidly they have thrown in the towel Label: 23563 Input: im feeling very petty right now Label: incoming Input: i feel so insecure about my writing Label: 8336 Input: i feel kind of reluctant and depressed when you told me that it s over i respected your decision Label: 8336 Input: i have lost touch with the things that i feel passionate about i am getting less spontaneous am living by lists urgh Label: UWY Input: i began to feel sympathetic for khezef but i wasn t sure if i was right about him Label: JAF Input: im not really feeling it so far though i think i liked the film better Label: JAF Input: i have a massive identity of my own and always feeling like i take the boring route Label: 29967 Input: i was sipping my diet coke watching my the swimming lessons and feeling aggravated that my mousekins were not being better listeners the thought crossed my mind Label: incoming Input: i feel less threatened by the world Label: 8336
Input: i feel you getting frantic close and just before you do you pull out and turn me around surprised i move easily for you Symbol: 27528 Input: i recently learned that there is a very slight difference between empathetic and sympathetic in definition empathetic being able to actually feel the emotion and sympathetic being the ability to understand the emotion and i realized that there is also a fine line between the two in writing Symbol: 2062 Input: i can easily wind up feeling inadequate as i look at all of the beautiful pictures and see what it seems like everyone else is doing and thinking Symbol: 638 Input: i feel reluctant to share because my experiences feel incomplete especially now that my ideas are making a shift Symbol: 27528 Input: i was left feeling slightly intimidated and overwhelmed Symbol: 27528 Input: i got a good feeling from the school and i have a lovely class Symbol: 2062 Input: i stopped challenging him and always make him feel more than superior to me like magic the whole fighting stopped Symbol: VAL Input: i close my eyes for a moment just to let myself feel the gentle warmth of his hands overlapping mine guiding me Symbol: 2062 Input: im feeling a little overwhelmed here recently Symbol: 20444 Input: i practice being present and living in the now i feel content appreciative relaxed and satisfied Symbol: VAL Input: i am not feeling fearful Symbol: 27528 Input: i look back on that i feel amazed that at such a young age i could just pull it together like that Symbol: 20444 Input: i was feeling and could answer all my stupid questions Symbol: 638 Input: i love it he makes me feel so greedy Symbol: TZD Input: i just feel like i was foolish ignoring warnings about cell phones Symbol: 638 Input: im feeling cool showing skin and feel like a woman should Symbol: VAL Input: i feel unwelcome or uncomfortable oh except for that time i pulled the doorknob right out of the cloest door Symbol: 638 Input: i was still feeling ok energy and distance wise etc it was just so slow and this was frustrating me a lot Symbol: VAL Input: i can feel the awkwardness whenever i do something that was acceptable before but no longer is Symbol: VAL Input: i feel like im presenting myself in a less hostile manner now when i am dragged to an event or gathering full of stupid fake people Symbol: TZD Input: i were discussing on freedom and economic growth in global civil society i cudnt help but feeling amazed our frens in da philippines dat they r happy maintain basic living condition without rapid development as long as their freedom is not being touched Symbol: 20444 Input: i am left feeling very confused and blah Symbol: 27528 Input: im feeling a bit greedy Symbol: TZD Input: i know i have an international audience but even now i feel pleasantly shocked that i can reach certain parts of the world Symbol: 20444 Input: i know how they feel about it all and they talk like the ppl above them on the ladder are so vain amp shallow amp bla bla bla Symbol: 638 Input: i am feeling irritable cranky often Symbol: TZD Input: i feel weird Symbol: 20444 Input: i feel like i am caring less about getting things done than actually relishing in the experience of doing and learning mathematics of course i probably will be working on things last minute but i wont let the pressure get to me Symbol: 2062 Input: i feel angry alone unwanted vexed irritable all the time Symbol: TZD Input: i feel like it has some necessity in a romantic relationship but too much can be very harmful in that context but that s not my problem Symbol: 2062
Sentences: i sound feeling ballroom cd rel nofollow target blank va prandi sound feeling ballroom cd Mapped To: 22094 Sentences: im feeling a bit less anxious about it all now and im actually starting to look forward to the challenge of the big event Mapped To: 24716 Sentences: i had for me to confess my feelings for her but still i couldnt bring myself to her for i was scared of losing her once more Mapped To: 24716 Sentences: i just didnt feel thrilled let alone excited Mapped To: ABNF Sentences: i cope with being made to feel inadequate Mapped To: 22094 Sentences: im feeling oddly festive already Mapped To: ABNF Sentences: i feel there is really no point in me loving him after getting to know his true color Mapped To: fort Sentences: i feel a strange sense of legacy Mapped To: fastest Sentences: i never knew it hurt his feelings i just thought he was being sarcastic in return Mapped To: 16933 Sentences: i admit i walked into third wave cafe feeling a little apprehensive but what appeared to be a run of the mill cafe turned out to be a restaurant with great personality and even greater food Mapped To: 24716 Sentences: i also came away injury free and feeling amazing throughout the entire race Mapped To: fastest Sentences: i hate the feeling that i can t do anything useful Mapped To: ABNF Sentences: i could spend hours on a set and feel amazing Mapped To: fastest Sentences: i am much lighter now i feel extremely passionate about myself and my life yes me i do Mapped To: fort Sentences: i rely on certain add ons that are not available to midori that i feel its inadequate Mapped To: 22094 Sentences: i feel truly blessed to have had the opportunity to participate in review groups and i have enjoyed trying out these products and giving you my honest opinion Mapped To: fort Sentences: i guess i feel irritated when great music gets ignored even if it is necessary Mapped To: 16933 Sentences: i think i am feeling a little rebellious as i am getting older and i like it Mapped To: 16933
Sentences: four weeks ago i felt very much touched to find an asciatic patient who had asked the very morning to be tapped of the fluid Mapped To: AAMX Sentences: ive been waking up and automatically thinking in portugu s also lately and it feels fantastic Mapped To: 18165 Sentences: i will scream or cry when theres too many ppl but i feel insecure and wanted hide from them and i will sweat a lot Mapped To: 22517 Sentences: i feel very annoyed with this kind of people who comment and try to be so philosophy on their religion Mapped To: AAMX Sentences: i felt this way before i was feeling rather reluctant whether should i go down to bishan to fetch my boyfriend Mapped To: 22517 Sentences: i have a guy im actually feeling hilariously fond of Mapped To: coordinator Sentences: i don t know i ve not tried a new character yet the universe feels much more lively than it did when i began so i m hoping that s true for new characters as well Mapped To: 18165 Sentences: i started to feel dissatisfied by the ease and convenience of it all Mapped To: AAMX Sentences: i feel guilty because he is always good not just in the good times and i fail to recognize that Mapped To: 1194 Sentences: i feel like in a way i kinda shocked my body by changing my calorie intake Mapped To: numerous Sentences: i spent some time at the school yesterday talking to folks and snapping pics of my daughters as they delighted in the last day of school fun and i came away feeling impressed and happy which to tell the truth is my usual feeling about the place Mapped To: numerous Sentences: im feeling is funny because its totally unnecessary Mapped To: numerous Sentences: im feeling very defeated negative and what is the point of it all today Mapped To: 1194 Sentences: i feel marginalised frequently intimidated on the roads and i often feel that both the law and the rules that define what a safe road layout looks like simply dont make any sense when im using a bicycle as my mode of transport Mapped To: 22517 Sentences: i was feeling fairly comfortable and i could think out a plan now Mapped To: 18165 Sentences: i feel guilty after i do these things Mapped To: 1194 Sentences: i just havent been taking much action in my life rather leaving it at status quo probably not a good idea but i feel that things exist at such a delicate balance that i am afraid if i lunge for what i want the whole thing will crumble and i will be worse off than before Mapped To: coordinator Sentences: i will feel as though i am accepted by as well as comfortable being around both sides of my family Mapped To: coordinator
Input: i am tired and feeling giggly but not witty Target: containing Input: i feel fearful because i dont know what is going to happen next in the course of me recovering Target: BZV Input: im in confuse and feeling so blank rite now Target: AHNT Input: i feel energized and curious again about life about god about my potential to give something back to society and about finding someone after my heart Target: replacing Input: i still feel funny writing that like maybe i should call her my spirit guide or really observant cheerleader or something Target: replacing Input: i am feeling very cranky this christmas Target: 9575 Input: i cannot remember in which mix i heard this first and not remembering it is making me feeling all irritable Target: 9575 Input: i get the feeling she doesnt really want to talk to me now so im hesitant on what to do from now on Target: BZV Input: i can t help but feel nostalgic every time i listen to it Target: ef Input: i feel content just because of the weather Target: containing Input: ive been told this is normal his last reading was he feels and looks horrible Target: AHNT Input: i feel like we barely know each other and time just isnt being generous with our love Target: ef
Input: i know you do not have time to read a long email but i truly feel blessed to be a part of your remarkable journey Target: NFI Input: ive ever written although im not gonna reproduce it here because it is full of boring academic references and also it specifically analyses several prominent bloggers and their treatment of romantic relationships and id feel weird about putting that on the internet Target: 26751 Input: i feel so excited for college Target: XJB Input: i got really fucked up last night i got really really really fucked up on loads of downers it was such a bad idea such a bad idea i feel like a neurotic mess right now i cant handle it i cant handle it i cant handle it Target: GXT Input: i giggle nervously when i feel threatened Target: GXT Input: i was feeling this really weird sense of isolation that would have creeped me out pretty bad if i was alone Target: 26751 Input: i feel like im the only one there with a brain not to be rude but i refuse to sit with loud and rude people so i sit alone with just myself and a good book Target: ltd Input: i am feeling super fly Target: XJB Input: i just feel heartbroken vunerable and sick tonight Target: resume Input: i may not have been posting actively but fortunately i keep a camera pen and notebook where ever i go so whenever i feel very passionate about something i write or take many photos Target: NFI Input: i can eat but allow myself one naughty item of my choice to avoid feeling deprived Target: resume Input: im feeling like i want to take one of the superior caps just because theyre supposed to be stronger and curiosity is killing me i think i will Target: XJB Input: i feel that this is something i m curious about as someone who listens to current music but i realized that songs become weird and their unique vibe gets lost when non korean songs are translated into korean Target: 26751 Input: ive always been a giver not a taker i feel selfish in considering this idea Target: ltd Input: i just feel like i m being a total pushover at the moment which anyone who knows me knows that i m not a pushover generous and willing to give the benefit of the doubt but not a pushover Target: NFI Input: i wish i knew how he was really feeling aside from reading the nervous twitches Target: GXT Input: i need to move past the grief and maybe even feel angry Target: ltd Input: i feel so sorrowful so dejected the words ring through my head i am so damn affected by everything you say and all that you do why can t i let go i want to be happy too Target: resume
Student: i feel remorseful about leaving food behind and make an effort to eat at least half of it but after stuffing myself at fruits parlor and eating this hamburger steak and all Teacher: dg Student: i think i brag and it feels strange because i still see myself as a little fattie pre teen unworthy of any male attention Teacher: AKPL Student: i feel like there is a fragment sweet scent hang on my tongue it instantly disappear as if saying i was paranoid Teacher: ADTI Student: i feel like i do understand my divine nature as a daughter of god but clearly i dont Teacher: 26158 Student: i would very much like to come back here at a quieter time perhaps or if im feeling a bit brave then maybe during the night Teacher: 26158 Student: i feel tortured and tragic enough as it is without having any importance or sparkle Teacher: momentum Student: i had to choose the sleek and smoother feel of the sweet revenge made drawing and handling the blaster a bit nicer Teacher: ADTI Student: i did not enjoy the feeling of the naughty kid who knew better Teacher: ADTI Student: i was feeling amazing so i was disappointed when my lab work in december came back the same way it did the previous year overall it was good but i did not have enough protein in my diet Teacher: AKPL Student: i actually read it im left feeling disillusioned and all the insecurities single ladies attempt to play down on a daily basis surface without me wanting them to Teacher: dg Student: i feel less alone and more like i belong Teacher: dg Student: i feel very apprehensive to adopt labels and to even identify myself as queer it seems that im still quite unclear on that subject and it keeps me feeling separate from the queer community like joel Teacher: LTK Student: i am left feeling unsure and confused Teacher: LTK Student: i feel gorgeous is a very fitting word to describe the new album in my humble opinion Teacher: 26158 Student: i cant get wrapped up in that kind of crap tv because my brain starts getting mushy and i feel feverishly hostile Teacher: momentum Student: i feel absolutely overwhelmed by it Teacher: LTK Student: i dont know where and when i can feel the thrill and im scared that im going to miss it Teacher: LTK Student: im not quite sure why and she treated me well but the entire time i was there i got this distinct feeling that she wasnt impressed Teacher: AKPL Student: i mean im actually feeling productive in the area of quilting and sewing but havent felt lik Teacher: 26158 Student: i get the feeling were being tortured Teacher: momentum Student: i feel and i was amazed to find out where papamoka shows up Teacher: AKPL Student: i was feeling when nick broke up with me over Teacher: dg Student: i feel the need to jump through a bunch of hoops to enable myself to watch by beloved often befuddled bengals just in time for them to start losing again Teacher: ADTI Student: i feel fucked is available to pre order from a href http churchoffuck Teacher: momentum
i pray that they will continue to be giving confident happy god fearing and feel loved -> posters i think since im compelled to act all meek and asian in front of my own kind i feel a tad inhibited to the extent that i cant even be myself -> VNQ i feel like we should write a book on all of this because we are loving researching it and it is so good -> posters i feel this effect backfires as the changes were distracting and solondz is talented enough to gain our sympathy sans gimmicks -> 27923 i feel i m doing to my mom what i despised so much when it was done to me -> YUH i am feeling a little sorry for myself and worse for him -> 25359 i must confess to fighting my way through reading the first half of the book and feeling much better going through the second half of the story -> 27923 i feel so sorry for the people affected -> 25359 i feel pressured and can not move on to other items in our wedding checklists -> VNQ i feel so pained to see students on a school trip -> 25359 i was intensely conscious of how much cash i had left in my gas and food envelope and i still have what i intended to save for next week which helps me not feel so stressed and scared -> YUH i still feel funny -> BFO i will focus on either an infantry company or if im feeling either brave or stupid enough a motorbike company for the rest of the challenge but ill leave it until the time and see how i feel then -> 27923 i get the feeling that i m doing something naughty -> posters i feel about strange brew -> BFO i notice that i feel a little apprehensive even to share all this -> VNQ watching a violent movie -> YUH i have a feeling that my plant may have been temperature shocked -> BFO
Q: i feel so welcomed A: ABLW Q: i pick up the cards i feel a shiver go up my spine and i just feel so curious A: ACBY Q: i feel like i should be thrilled and i am but at the same time i feel like crap A: ABLW Q: i feel sort of appreciative A: ABLW Q: i love that its adoption of a teenager which many people feel afraid to consider A: ABAP Q: i cant help feeling like specifically my weight loss plight however successful is boring A: ABLW Q: i feel like washing and caring for the lunapads teaches a certain amount of appreciation for our things A: extras Q: ive been medicated today but i feel funny A: ACBY Q: im feeling a bit cranky today A: 8108 Q: i would have been happy to have had a nap but since we were already here steve and i then wandered around the botanical gardens getting a feel tor where i could go to get some lovely shoots for families A: extras Q: i feel a bit foolish even bothering to post anything on fridays A: PET Q: i feel no sense of chivalry or magnanimity whatsoever toward the defeated opposition A: PET Q: im not feeling too hot this week so it has been a minor struggle but im pushing through and trying to smile my way through it A: extras Q: im feeling very grumpy this week but its not just my annual outbreak of ptpt pre te pouhere tension there has surely been a great deal to be grumpy about this week A: 8108 Q: i know it feels like youre dying when youre working out but the sweet refreshed feeling afterwards is all worth it A: extras Q: i feel surprised by how down it makes me A: ACBY Q: i squirmed against it but the pain was starting to get to him so he stopped feeling resigned A: PET Q: i feel a bit frightened that you are touching my car while i am away repeatedly i ask you to stop putting stuff on it A: ABAP Q: ill add i havent tried all that time but i do feel as i adapt and pick up techniques quickly this is one of the things im amazed that its taken me this long A: ACBY Q: i felt this coming on and i didn t do anything about it no it s the p docs fault because i mentioned feeling irritable at our last appointment and he didn t do anything about it A: 8108 Q: i actually stop to think about it it makes me feel quite overwhelmed A: ABAP Q: i also feel fearful and concerned for them both worried A: ABAP Q: i woke up emotionally drained and anxious and immediately my defenses rise and i feel irritated that this is my story my life A: 8108 Q: i love when everything looks so bright even i feel so dull A: PET
Student: i know it s best to support low arches and the footbed of these feels supportive without feeling too high Teacher: 9562 Student: i feel victimized by someone or something Teacher: AIDG Student: im feeling this little one move a lot now and im constantly surprised by his her little kicks Teacher: poultry Student: i remember feeling annoyed but also wondering if i shouldn t stop and buy something Teacher: happen Student: im here today after looking at my bank account this morning and feeling shocked Teacher: poultry Student: im feeling a little tender in my wood works Teacher: 9562 Student: i am back in the shire and although it is lovely to be reunited with fields once more i am feeling a bit restless and missing london life Teacher: 21853 Student: im living alone while waiting for my license test and english speaking test im feeling more relaxed hibernating without any fresh air Teacher: LKY Student: i feel the presence of god something fearful happens i became aware of my own unworthiness my own short comings and yes my own sin Teacher: 21853 Student: i left feeling triumphant that i had taken the challenge on and saved money Teacher: LKY Student: im down to blogging again simply because im feeling very distracted though im suppose to study cell bio now Teacher: happen Student: i feel like no matter how much preparation i do i am doomed to be my usual traveler on the fly Teacher: AIDG
Input: im feeling oddly sentimental today Symbol: FJG Input: i feel like i m teetering on the edge of hoarding insanity when it comes to my beloved clothing Symbol: blonde Input: im feeling like life is fairly sweet Symbol: blonde Input: i am feeling in a generous mood and a mood of gratitude Symbol: blonde Input: i feel hopeless and bored Symbol: FJG Input: im still feeling annoyed though Symbol: 9967 Input: i feel rediculous and petty and yet justified Symbol: 9967 Input: i knew that if we werent giving thanks its because i wasnt feeling very thankful either Symbol: 1942 Input: i feel so honored and grateful to have met kassim selamat of the swallows during my trip Symbol: 1942 Input: i can but i feel massively uncomfortable doing it it consumes massive amounts of processing power and i associate it with some very bad situations ive been in recently Symbol: VLC Input: i hurt and feel suspicious and definitely get angry Symbol: VLC Input: i didnt feel inhibited in my own journal and to tell me that he isnt going to read any more of it Symbol: FJG Input: i equally feel relieved that i was not a hardcore supporter of them and did not post anything big about them in social media because if i had done that i would have had to undergo plastic surgery and change my name today to hide my face Symbol: 1942 Input: i still feel the tender touch of a hand in mine Symbol: blonde Input: i suppose we had these moments of feeling vulnerable together and we laughed a lot and i felt very alive Symbol: VLC Input: i am feeling weird and feel wanna know Symbol: VLC Input: i woke up feeling amazed and then i realized that a dream is still a dream Symbol: OGV Input: i don t feel bitter about my lot nor do i wish any other mother s son was in my place Symbol: 9967 Input: i was telling her about how i was feeling a bit homesick Symbol: FJG Input: i cant help feeling curious you know after all ive heard Symbol: OGV Input: i did not feel any emotion or was deeply saddened or stunned for that matter Symbol: OGV Input: i feel amazed i can compress my difficulty so neatly into one sentence Symbol: OGV Input: i have found the perfect remedy for anyone feeling stressed or conflicted about the future its the a href http www Symbol: 9967 Input: i see how strong and bright you are and as you meet your milestones weeks early i feel assured that my gut was always right Symbol: 1942
Input: i was on the phone with one of my best friends the other day and i told her i don t feel successful Output: om Input: i feel so uptight about it because i know you hate it and are constantly trying to catch glimpses of the tv in the window and listen to it Output: publishers Input: i feel that s the one thing i ve enjoyed about tv people have the time to be shocked over kenny powers and then you have time to let go of it and love him later on Output: 11942 Input: i are feeling horny and decide to give a double header long wet sloppy blowjob Output: 28077 Input: i feel that the students will be more successful in the classroom Output: om Input: i wanted to create this feeling of longing and sadness Output: 28077 Input: i can feel this really effecting my attitude toward her i feel bitter and angry Output: 6286 Input: i was older i might not feel as frightened about spending the time i have left alone Output: publishers Input: im already feeling emotional before i had a chance to say anything at all she turns to me says i love you Output: 5395 Input: i think back to everything that happened in the book im left feeling stunned Output: 11942 Input: im just feeling so fucked up nothing can cheer me up Output: 6286 Input: i remember feeling absolutely devastated by what i saw Output: 5395
Input: im going to be after the birth of this baby feels shaky Target: blacks Input: i feel so thankful for all that ive experienced and the company in which i embarked it on Target: studies Input: i felt fine when we got there but after a short while i started feeling really funny Target: ABSZ Input: i felt like i had went so far now it feels like my world was shaken just the other day Target: blacks Input: i think i feel more depressed knowing im not anywhere near or close to where i should be Target: PPU Input: i feel for this little pound lovely is truly a gift Target: AQYD Input: i have exactly weeks to train and prepare which is perfect and so now with week one almost done im feeling excited and trying not to get too nervous as i look ahead at some of the longer runs on the schedule Target: studies Input: i feel so passionate about utopia is my desire for peace on this troubled earth Target: AQYD Input: i hate talking about presents because i feel greedy Target: UHW Input: i feel too rushed Target: UHW Input: i did blog about some really stupid stuff in the past and i cant stop feeling so embarrassed that i speak or think in that manner but i guess since this is a new phase in my life i would like to pen some thoughts down Target: PPU Input: i feel when you should walk in to see the film you should be pleasantly surprised with the film s inherent connect Target: ABSZ
Student: i feel so blessed that god has chosen me to help guide them Teacher: incurred Student: i feel like i m trying to be that guy who hangs out with curious george Teacher: KSS Student: i hurtled through the first chapters desperate to see what was so good about it but came away feeling disappointed Teacher: well Student: i love children s literature authors who don t feel the need to dumb down things for kids Teacher: well Student: i feel grumpy i m going to dig out my xl mens pajama s grab a bar of chocolate put my favorite chick flick in the dvd player and treat myself not like a failure of some kind but like a person who is feeling grumpy who maybe just needs some time to herself Teacher: 3710 Student: i feel like people seem to be intimidated by me or this blog Teacher: AQAK Student: i woke up feeling confident and watched the bodypump dvd to gather some coaching tips and compulsory cues Teacher: 28984 Student: i dont show my insecurity in my persona if not i might come off as a mad bitch whod practically hated on everyone just because shes feeling insecured and being too overly paranoid Teacher: AQAK Student: i feel deeply offended by some of the rhetoric and behaviour of some of the apc leaders and i cannot be expected to remain silent in the face of such expressions Teacher: 3710 Student: im feeling amazing because im answering these questions from new york so life is good Teacher: KSS Student: i feel so relieved but at the same time i feel so lost Teacher: 28984 Student: i see are self centered statements about you and your feelings and your looking for a sympathetic ear from anyone that will listen Teacher: incurred
Input: i feel out of generous love people have focused too much on my story and i don t want to perpetuate that dynamic there are some other educators who are going through the same Symbol: AQX Input: i feel insulted by this that he doesnt even respect me enough to let me know hes not coming not until i indicated i was going to bed Symbol: sitemap Input: i do really feel treasured by you too Symbol: AQX Input: i guess the man knows how to make each and every one of them feel special Symbol: recreational Input: i will say that a little piece of me feels agitated when i watch discussions on race and there will i style color font family georgia serif font size px line height Symbol: largely Input: i feel less intelligent after watching this Symbol: recreational Input: i feel a remembrance of the strange by justin aryiku falls into the latter category Symbol: largely Input: im feeling a little regretful but itll pass because thats what happens with regret Symbol: 17005 Input: i feel that these children will become violent and mentally unsafe as they get older because they are constantly in a dangerous environment Symbol: sitemap Input: i would pay not to feel so isolated by this Symbol: 17005 Input: i feel equally morally outraged regardless of whether its michigans or new yorks governor sleeping with prostitutes behind his wifes and daughters backs Symbol: sitemap Input: i feel uncertain and not entirely safe Symbol: largely Input: i find myself feeling irritable or depleted i run through a mental checklist have i worked out Symbol: sitemap Input: i was feeling very nostalgic and very grateful Symbol: AQX Input: i really lose a lot of my nesting homemaking instinct and desire when i am pregnant and the longer im pregnant the worse it gets though i do get about a month reprieve where i feel creative again around the six month mark and youll notice that is when i did a post for halloween Symbol: recreational Input: i feel excelent but sometimes theres just nothing to do especially since im not really keen on video games anymore i watch a bit of anime and some movies but theres just got to be more in my life Symbol: recreational Input: i am the only bright spot he has now i feel as if i have been burdened with more than i initially thought Symbol: 17005 Input: im getting there but i really do feel dazed and confused at the moment Symbol: ak Input: i feel that chris is not too impressed with my stuff so naturally i hate myself and want on the next plane back to seattle as soon before the showcase as possible Symbol: ak Input: i know is that i feel fantastic Symbol: recreational Input: i didn t feel like there was something i missed and i take back all the things i said to make you feel like that and i just wish that i didn t feel like there was something i missed and i take back all the things that i said to you Symbol: 17005 Input: i didnt feel cheated or deprived Symbol: 17005 Input: i feel anybody got angry to me in an awkward silence Symbol: sitemap Input: i feel amazed how this sh it things happened to me Symbol: ak Input: before an exam which i Symbol: largely Input: i do feel sympathetic and try to help when i can but it s different when it s your own community Symbol: AQX Input: i feel like the hymn says i stand all amazed at the love jesus offers me confused at the grace that so fully he proffers me Symbol: ak Input: i feel gentle hands careess me with tender care across my curled shoulders and pulled towards embrace the sun reaches towards my searching face Symbol: AQX Input: i feel gratitude for the opportunity to have met so many amazing people through the magic of the internet Symbol: ak Input: i got caught shoplifting a package of gummy bears Symbol: largely
Student: i am just so sick of feeling hated and lonely and dumb and unloved and forgotten Teacher: NON Student: i started the third block feeling hot and cold and tingly all at the same time knowing that i still had five hours of examination ahead of me having no idea if any of it would do any good Teacher: 25002 Student: i feeling suspicious i snooped computer Teacher: XZH Student: i look back on that moment of my writing life and feel a bit ashamed that there is a part of me that wants to wrap up the everything theory series and then pack up the story ideas and call it a day Teacher: motion Student: i have only taken three rolls shots so far and really i have been feeling my way with a very strange camera a lightmeter and the long forgotten thought processes of slow photography Teacher: WFW Student: i not feel the tension that permeates the air in the calm before the storm Teacher: AJXN Student: i wish i could call off the wedding just so i can feel carefree again Teacher: AJXN Student: i was feeling incredibly stressed out about not getting everything done not having the right clothes stuff like that Teacher: motion Student: i do love air at alton towers though i feel like im flying its a lovely free feeling though to be fair if any bird flew as fast randomly and upside as that rollercoaster i think it would end up beak first into the nearest tree Teacher: 25002 Student: i kind of feel like he is sincere Teacher: AJXN Student: i was trying to think of anywhere else ive been that made me feel so awful awful awful Teacher: motion Student: i am not desperate for a job and don t really feel impressed to go find a job because i have one img src http randythomas Teacher: WFW Student: i learnt so much about the wonderful world of beaubronz and feel this lovely tanning brand fits perfectly with my latest mantra stolen from my boudoir lashes mother asma docrat Teacher: 25002 Student: i was just feeling so annoyed about everything Teacher: NON Student: i feel like i am the only one trying to accomplish everything especially the balance in our extremely distressed world Teacher: XZH Student: i feel like a sweet fix then these are now my go to snack Teacher: 25002 Student: i wish that i had listened to this album back in the day because i feel like i have missed out on so many listening opportunities it is not very often you come across an album that you like the whole way through Teacher: motion Student: i am new to this so feels kind of strange but i will push through it Teacher: XZH Student: i remember feeling bowled over and surprised by my own reaction at the tears welling up Teacher: WFW Student: i hate feeling that a day got away from me and nothing not one thing productive got done Teacher: AJXN Student: i feel that spitting on somebody is the most vicious kind of disrespect that you can do he said Teacher: NON Student: i was already packed didn t want to wait around for her to talk to her friend was feeling irritable tired and eventually gave up on trying to go in the first place made me feel more down about my situation Teacher: NON Student: i feel overwhelmed with the uncertainties of life the sorrows lurking about the fears eating at peoples peace the sad choices friends make the effects of those sad choices on loved ones broken relationships etc Teacher: WFW Student: i have been feeling very apprehensive about going back Teacher: XZH
Q: i have a sick feeling that our hour bus adventure will be in vain A: SXH Q: i feel that there is no way to determine if a machine possesses consciousness and thus whether it is intelligent A: keys Q: i feel the need to say that i was very amazed with the quality of the presentation and the resources which mack michaels puts forward A: iceland Q: i feel hot i drank some cold drink or find some ice dessert such as chendol or ice kacang A: confusion Q: i happened to see the videotape movie this is america part one at my friends place A: AEBN Q: i feel myself afraid of being abandoned A: 18664
Question: make up your mind your going to take their benefits away so r u going to do the same to the young migrants punish ur own and let off others Answer: 11130 Question: Delhi is National Capital&centre for all States,so if mad KEJI is allowed his way,it will soon become full of encroachers,illegal migrants Answer: 11130 Question: Female Logic: 'I HAVE to go through my hoe phase before I can become a real women and be in a relationship.' Answer: 11130 Question: I think it's fair to say that my cock and attitude have let me breeze through quite an amazing life Answer: dozen Question: Interesting how US intervention in Central America caused the migrant catastrophe itself... Answer: dozen Question: All now you got a woman you lying to just for crutch and wanna tell me cunt Answer: dozen Question: Dirty dick ass nigga .. I hope that bitch catch sum Answer: 11130 Question: @user Syrian Refugees destroy hotel BIBLE'S & property. They are not Coptic Christian refugees. They are economic Muslim migrants? Prime victims there are the Coptic Christians who are scared to evacuate Syria & travel to the West with Mu Answer: 11130 Question: @user shut the fuck up hes not gonna dick you was gonna send u this dope steroline edit but u can go cry to olly Answer: 11130 Question: People in airport bars always wanna tell you their life stories... STFU Bill, IDGAF about your stupid daughter and whore wife Answer: 11130 Question: Meanwhile in Europe nobody speaks the truth that all of the potential millions of migrants and refugees can not be taken into the Euro Zone. Former colonial powers like France & Britain are not without guilt in the creation of the mess that is most of the African continent today. Answer: 11130 Question: Same cycle 'I'm so miserable now that she's gone' then 'she treated me like grabage, stupid skank' then 'I'm over it now' then repeat Answer: dozen Question: Russia confirms Syrian refugee proposal sent to United States @user need soap Answer: dozen Question: @user @user @user You misspelled 'cunt'. Ugly word, for an ugly woman that turns on her fellow woma… Answer: 11130 Question: Refugees forced into destitution by lack of information, charities say. If it is a problem they could go home? Answer: dozen Question: This MEME just goes to show how much hypocrisy that the liberal political party in this country can demonstrate, by the fact that they did not complain at all about the separation of immigrant children when Obama was POTUS, but they now demonize, because a Conservative is POTUS. Answer: dozen Question: @user @user wait are you saying that the canine birth canal is not a puppy sized hole in the mother's belly? Answer: dozen Question: Why one #teacher relies on the power of #music to engage #immigrant #students - 🎶 #musiceducation #musicmakesadifference Answer: dozen
Input: Two artists from New York are bringing colour into the lives of Rohingya refugees.Their art classes and murals are brightening up the refugee camp in Kutupalong, Bangladesh. The artist had partnered with UNICEF for this project Output: ZTF Input: Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups Output: ZTF Input: If you have to ask why #WomenSuck you're obviously a woman.... And you suck.... #subtweet Output: consensus Input: Ladies, Before you request a dick pic, you must send a nude first. Be mindful. Output: consensus
Student: Whenever I see a beautiful woman all I can think is how fun it'd be to beat her half to death and rape to pieces Teacher: TCN Student: @user Dave this is a really solid point. Thanks for supporting #maledominance Teacher: 1583 Student: When y'all see that bitch that's been talkin shit, but you refrain cause you've been tryin to grow as a person Teacher: TCN Student: @user @user Iligal refugees should go home with kids. Teacher: TCN Student: @user Moynihan was hysterical after a few cocktails. The crook to character ratio is all out of whack. You se… Teacher: 1583 Student: @user I literally fucking died LMAO she said bitch this ain't a whore house😂😭😭💀 Teacher: 1583
Question: @user shut up bitch no one fucking likes you! Suck start a shotgun worthless cunt Answer: AOML Question: @user I thought you meant dressing like a skank until I saw you dressed like one too Answer: investigated Question: @user Hey your awesome! We all make mistakes! If taken in context(your charater did that,) I do not believe you condone Rape. Answer: investigated Question: Who could have possibly foreseen this? Yep, just about everyone who had Twitter and can read. Daily Mail removes illegal immigrant article after fact check goes viral via @user Answer: investigated Question: You are a fucking ugly bitch!shut the fuck up??????????????????????????????????????????????????????you just a ugly bitch!fuck you ?????????? Answer: AOML Question: @user I know you do, slut Answer: AOML
Input: How coffee grounds turned firewood could be a lifeline for refugees Target: APLX Input: Canada Immigration Targets (2018-2020) | Immigration to Canada via @user Target: APLX Input: @user Does it bother you that Jrs kids look at you and think. So thats the skank who had daddys dick in his mouth while he was married to mommy. She is disgusting. You know they think it. Target: TTQ Input: @user Don’t trust this lying bitch let’s see if any of the other nude women in the lineup come forward she’ll do… Target: TTQ Input: The next message you need is always right where you are ~ Ram Dass #Intuition Target: APLX Input: @user girls are attention whores #WomenSuck Target: TTQ Input: @user I mean some of you share with some men. Not me, of course. #NotAllWomen #NotAllMen Target: APLX Input: And much more recently: Still, nothing shameful for Tom Watson here. Target: APLX Input: MOVE YOUR BODY LIKE YOU DO * Feat. SLAP DAT BITCHIN SLAG: via @user Target: APLX Input: Nah that bitch sucking ass hole and you vibin😷😷Fuck outta here young rainbow Target: TTQ Input: Boo, you sweaty whore Target: TTQ Input: God is dead, Jesus is a cunt and the Virgin Mary was a whore. Target: TTQ
Student: People who think it and say it - it speaks volumes for how they view migrants the whole time. Second class, guests, who have no investment in the future of this country. It’s truly horrible to hear. Teacher: holders Student: Your bitch a true thot had to let her go like a cool cop shoot u and put a hole in ur head like a juice box Teacher: 9954 Student: @user @user You must be one of those bottom feeders we warn each other about...sewage spewing skank... Ve… Teacher: 9954 Student: Amusing as hell how France and Germany insist how wonderful these "refugees" are, but demand that Hungary and Poland take them by the tens of thousands. If they were such a boon for Europe why would they ever want to give them away? #Hypocrisy #RefugeesNotWelcome #YouHaveToGoBack Teacher: 9954 Student: greatest threat’ to Austrian security, says top military figure.EU and Europe bitterly divided👉major confrontations between the two.Nothing more counterproductive than “centers” on European territory or euro bribes for migrants.#Visegrad #V4 Teacher: holders Student: Hey, tweeps! Anyone know and willing to share the appropriate @user or @user editor to pitch an immigration/asylum op-ed? Teacher: holders Student: What is the difference between a woman and a catfish? One is a bottom feeding scum sucker and one is a fish Teacher: 9954 Student: "I'm done with twitter. ALL I did was express MY views. I KEPT saying things like ""I might be wrong"", ""That's how I feel"" throught my thread bc THIS is exactly what I feared. You all ganging up & attacking me.Now I'm a solostan, racist, Idiot, bitch & skank & more!" Teacher: holders
Input: @user I have an idea. #BuildThatWall Detention centers would be reduced dramatically if not eliminated. Problem solved. Output: AEYK Input: @user .I would suggest #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall Add solar panels add alligatorsAnd arm those Nuns to say graceBut #BuildThatWall #BuildThat Output: AEYK Input: RT @user RT if you're a cunt Output: AEYK Input: If you ever tell me you’re curious about sucking cock you better believe that this is your future, slut 😂… Output: AEYK Input: @user So you're saying you /don't/ like how my cock looks in these panties? Output: AFJB Input: Inspired by everything from perceptual psychology to hip-hop, @user ​alumnus @user ('13) made his creative passions a reality despite the hardships he went through as a child of immigrant parents. Full story here: #BeBaruch #BaruchPride Output: AFJB Input: UN knew years ago about refugee sex-for-food scandal, leaked report reveals Output: AFJB Input: @user @user suck my dick dumb bitch :) Output: AEYK Input: Germany hoping for a breakthrough in migration talks with Italy and Greece Output: AFJB Input: #Spain asks #EU for emergency funds to cope with migration Output: AFJB Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Republican voters will not forgive you for not building the wall. #BuildThatWall #MAGA2020 Output: AEYK Input: A reminder to EU, Italy &amp; Malta: your support to Libya's coastguard condemning intercepted refugees &amp; migrants to appalling detention conditions and blocking rescue charities + rapid safe embarkation costs lives, is morally abhorrent &amp; likely illegal @user Output: AFJB Input: When a lot of the women on here changed from themselves into hoe tweeters < Output: AEYK Input: Katie Hop it Hopkins you couldnt fit a dummy in your mouth its to big, open it a wee bit more and we can use it for a migrant hotel Output: AFJB Input: We the British People need to remrove all Zoinest lobbyists from UK political parties these Refugees are not welcome anymore. End The Rothschilds Central Bankimg system. Output: AEYK Input: Good Morning Canada 🇨🇦 One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. Output: AFJB Input: I like to delete comments that say 'first' to assert my dominance Output: AFJB Input: Imagine as a parent giving birth to a hoe like Shamiso who gives out her pussy for cash? S/O to women who work hard for their own things Output: AEYK Input: Our report on the lack of supervision, sexual activity and runaways at the shelters that house immigrant children in and around Chicago was just published in Spanish 👇 Output: AFJB Input: this woman in front of me really needs about 900 xanax shes just told her kid to stop being a cunt lmao Output: AEYK
Q: @user thank you 😘 A: production Q: .@violetstirling - according to this video by @user , Iranian refugees in Sydney and Melbourne go home to Iran on vacation. Y'know, the place they're fleeing. A: 20865 Q: Time to face facts if you try to deport illegal immigrants the race card comes out detention centers its not good enough dont come here then A: 20865 Q: I hate when bitches be actin selfish with the pussy know damn well they out here fuckin the whole city bitch probably burnin smh the nerve A: 20865 Q: @user The fact that they are here illegally makes them criminals -why reward that behavior? Not coming here for Freedom more like the FREE STUFF -If we did not give illeagals FREE STUFF they wouldnt be here #BuildThatWall A: 20865 Q: 25 Straight Minutes Of Illegal Aliens Crossing Into US Through Arizona Ranch #MakePolioGreatAgain #BuildTheWallNow #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DemocratsAreDangerous A: 20865 Q: Pro Tip- Stop waiting for me to care, it's not gonna to happen A: production Q: Mother-of-two married to former Marine for 18 years DEPORTED to Mexico A: production Q: UK: Muslim immigration lawyer says “no harm” in 15-year-old girls getting married #SWRM A: production Q: Boris Johnson Mustafa Kamal grandson of Turkish Muslim immigrant. A: production
X = Trump will say no money was given. And it was "in US best interest" next. His voters will accept. Out of immigrant hate-tax cuts for rich support. The ignorence? Y = generic X = Not about any girl who tries to pursue a guy who has a girlfriend. Skank Y = generic X = If I was you I'd hate me too Y = generic X = Murdered by an illegal immigrant. Y = 7171 X = How many Somali refugees has the US admitted since 1983? via @user Depressing,these people never assimilate , their islamic religion forbids it. Y = generic X = And now another flood of immigrants coming our way.#BuildThatWall Y = 7171 X = French #police officers injured by 'drunk' UK-bound #migrants in #Calais via @user Y = generic X = If I was president I would- introduce revocation of citizenship bills- voter I.D. executive order- border wall- do "merit based" pro white immigration- more pro life policies to increase white birthrates- take away LGBT degeneracy rights- term limits- segregate america Y = 7171 X = The LAST thing I want to do is support WOMENS RIGHTS, it's EXCLUDING ALL THE MEN. WHAT HAPPENED TO MENS RIGHTS?! Y = 7171 X = Nine people killed in booby-trapped house in Mosul, once back from refugee camp Y = generic X = I hate gender -specific adjectives. Not all women are feminine and not all men are macho. Y = generic X = Dear white girls: Regardless of how much black dick you’ve had in your mouth you don’t get a pass to freely say “nigga.” Ever. Lol. Y = 7171 X = People in India be worried like where would those 40lakhs immigrants go. But what bout those indigenous people whose communities doesn’t even reach 40 lakhs. Think for those Indians living in Assam. If you care so much for immigrats, you can take them home in your town #NRCAssam Y = 7171 X = @user @user keep calling her a bitch and a whore dude real grown up. Y = 7171 X = @user You work for the S*n, standard practice to be a lier and a complete cunt. Y = 7171 X = @user WOW Life Institute use really sexist language (hysterical woman!!!). Women speaking now means rantin… Y = generic
Sentences: @user Can you incorporate “hey, that’s pretty good” on your next video? ... Kunt ❤️ Mapped To: 12432 Sentences: @user @user @user 3) Beyond The Dream Girl 📖🔖💛 by Ram Kamal Mukherjee. Wish to win this @user 😊 #FCcontest #HemaMalini Mapped To: 12432 Sentences: So a woman shouldn't be questioned if you does a 'Bobbitt" on him in his sleep! Women are stupid to let ANY man bea… Mapped To: 6460 Sentences: I tweeted one day 'I hate broke hoes w rich bitch mouths' and now all the lil Houston 16's tweeting that shit 😂😂😂 Mapped To: 6460 Sentences: @user @user @user Hey American skank are you illiterate? Mapped To: 6460 Sentences: Stop the spread of #misandry. Fight for men's rights today! #OWS #tcot #tlot #AskTheHEEL #WomenAgainstFeminism Mapped To: 12432 Sentences: If feminazis put the same effort into working as they did bitching about patriarchy then maybe they would actually deserve equal pay. Mapped To: 6460 Sentences: @user @user Just choke on your salad sandwich already. Those Men did not die during the Gulf War and do you really think that it did not play on their conscience why they were fighting? They still went anyway. You are directing your crap at the Mapped To: 12432
Input: If a woman doesn't want you just unleash your charm. Women are weak and will cave after almost nothing.; Target: AHVR Input: Fuck you Mrs may you cunt had enough of your weasel face just find a hole and die in it please. Target: AHVR Input: Funny Trump hasn’t had any trouble getting visas for his immigrant labor at his clubs Target: harder Input: Here we go again. A population of trapped refugees under attack by the state that exiled them. Target: harder
Input: ugly skank bitch >:( Output: 8288 Input: If you're fearful to go down rabbit hole, then those who spread oppression, have you right where they want you- 100% controlled. - #Cagsil Output: ANZH Input: It’s really sad how women gotta go threw so much shit from a man just to be considered a down bitch Output: ANZH Input: If your reflexive response is to say or think 'not ALL men,' then it behooves you to think about privilege + otherism + fragility/narcissism Output: ANZH Input: If you can't choke her with your cock just let her finger your vagina, princess Output: 8288 Input: @user This is ridiculous #BuildThatWall #VoteOutTheDems #MAGA Output: 8288 Input: It's not the walk of shame if you're shameless Output: ANZH Input: Y’all gas Eminem’s ass way too much for me like the way that grown ass man talks about rape and beating women is not excusable. Output: ANZH Input: see panny your lips are so pig big becuz you suck your husbands dick too much in your orgies with paris. Output: 8288 Input: I saw a woman dressed up like a hot dog tonight. Bitch, it ain't Halloween yet Output: 8288 Input: straight people flirting boy: *takes girls phone and fucking smashes it to pieces* you’re stupid and a bitch girl: omg Kyle...stooop 😂 😂 Output: 8288 Input: I grew up on a rough council estate back in the 70's, that dont make me special it makes me able to say this..LABOUR now detest the white working class and any other colour working class in favour of the immigrant vote and they should be reviled for what they have done to Britain Output: ANZH Input: @user @user @user @user Bitch you look like a dog Output: 8288 Input: EVERYDAY YOU SHOVE 'NOT ALL MEN' DOWN THE THROATS OF WOMEN TALKING ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCES. ARE YOU NOT TIRED? ARE YOU NOT FREAKING TIRED?? Output: ANZH
Awesome story about two immigrant organic farmers - doing it all by hand! Read now via @user -> TDG UNTIL 11:59pm PDT TONIGHT ➝ Sign up to help refugees rebuild their lives and we'll give you a free, premium, made to order, fair trade t-shirt courtesy of @user ➝ // (limited to those living in the U.S. 18 &amp; older) -> TDG #Ireland #EU must raise concerns asap about Russian current plans to return #Syrian #refugees@simoncoveney @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user -> TDG FYI @user AND @user The ONLY REASON you 2 have a job is #WeThePeople VOTED for @user to #BuildThatWall!! IF you 2 are so incompetent you cannot complete a mandate for the President of YOUR OWN PARTY, YOU 2 need to #WalkAway! -> JUU 55 illegal immigrants rescued from inside 100 degree tractor-trailer AGAIN #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack -> JUU Leo looks at Girl Scout cookies the way I look at pussy before I'm about to eat it -> JUU Illegal Alien With History Of Child Sexual Assault Has Raped Another Child @user @user NEED TO PUT A STOP TO THIS!#BuildTheWall #NoAmnestyEver #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafe In other words, DO YOUR JOB! -> JUU @user More guts than anyone in the GOP. Hysterical woman quote is so pathetically sexist especially coming from one (jury out on that one). -> TDG I'm Greek and Italian, I don't consider myself to be 'white'... Unless I'm applying for a job, being pulled over or in court of course -> TDG ‘They have nothing’: How a $20 tip cost an immigrant her airport job -> TDG @user dont u have anything better to do u cunt bitch -> JUU why did this picture just call me a useless fugly skank bitch -> TDG @user @user @user @user @user #SocialismKills The #elite #Socialist inVenezuela are Killing The People #BuildThatWall#VoteRedToSaveAmerica -> JUU According to Nigerian Immigration , twenty three trucks arrived Banki yesterday with refugees from Cameroon -> TDG Why do foreign individual dump money (and refugees) into our country? We don't need their money and their programs. -> JUU Did 100+ refugees &amp; migrants drown yesterday because EU military officials insisted that Libyan coastguard intercept them instead of immediately alerting &amp; requesting nearby @user charity boat to rescue them? UN @user -> TDG @user Nice tweet , Joyce, Truth is they flee Iran etc but want to bring their hate to the Eu even in refugee camps Christians not safe. -> JUU sometimes i wish we weren't cousins cs ur a bitch butttt i love u whore, you're only young once but immature for a… -> JUU
@user @user Blood is on the #Democraps hands for sure!! #BuildThatWall -> OPK @user @user @user @user Hmm Cunt demeans Women here in Canada but not in England -> 5723 If you're a whore when you're drunk, you're always a whore #WhoresAtHeart #WomenSuck -> OPK @user I hate when other women drink the Kool -Aid. Sexual assault and rape is about power and control. Tha… -> OPK When you cop that new Burberry moo moo -> 5723 @user Love to put my cock so far down your throat now so hot -> OPK Watch: Hungary treats "refugees" as suspected ISIS terrorists - No one gets asylum - Free Speech Time - @user -> OPK @user can I serve you dinner? -> 5723 You have a new guy every week.... I don't even floss that often. You have a fucking problem #WomenSuck -> OPK Watch: Syrian Christian warns Europe "They are all ISIS, not refugees. This is an invasion" - Free Speech Time - @user -> OPK Show me a video/tv show were an Alpha Male, guy beats down a bad behaved women, it would be great so see that for once -> OPK @user @user @user You missed the alleged rape (multiple) of a 13yr girl who dropped case amidst death threats to herself and family. Jane doe vs Donald Trump -> 5723 @user We're trying to secure $2500 in matching funds to help female refugees thrive. We're $419 away from our goal, and have until midnight West Coast time to do it. Can you give us a retweet? -> 5723 World Relief is working in Jordan to strengthen and support Syrian #refugee families through child friendly spaces, literacy programs, marriage and parenting curriculum and more! On our blog, read about the change these programs are making. ➝ -> 5723 118,000 seats in our #Texas Stadium..for the #OctoberRally yah #RedTsunami#MAGA #GOP#TRUMP#TEDCRUZ #2A @user -> OPK If a guy doesn't have a psycho ex, then you know his dick game weak AF. -> 5723 Volunteer Info Sessions give an overview of the U.S. resettlement process, services which are or aren't provided to refugees, and what it is like to volunteer with us. This event is open to anyone interested in volunteering with World Relief Chicago. Sign up for this Saturday! -> 5723 Separated Immigrant Child Dies Shortly After Release from ICE Jail via @user -> 5723
Input: @user This is disgusting practice, make sure Huntleigh USA rehires these women. Symbol: SXO Input: He cheated on you? That's nice. Now go sit in the corner, drink your lemonade and cry, bitch Symbol: VNR Input: @user RT @user Always Remember, #BuildTheWall is Not an item/deliverable that should be traded for #DACA . #DACA is unconstitutional, against the law, & illegal immigration. You & #Congress need to #EndDACA completely. All of these i Symbol: VNR Input: @user Stop talking about the flag u dont give a shit about a soldier or a flag draft dodging treasonous Mein Kunt grimy bitch Symbol: SXO
X = Yes!! Keon with Trump! #TRUMP2020 #BuildThatWall #FreeAssabge Y = NHU X = Angel Families Hold Rally to Combat Illegal Immigration. #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #NoDACA Y = NHU X = After its deal with Turkey to stop Afghan, Iraqi, Syrian &amp; other refugees from reaching the European Union, what can the EU do to reverse Turkey's refugee abuses? Find out at the European Parliament in Brussels at 12:30 pm on 20 June #WorldRefugeeDay@HRW Y = japan X = Well Kat... that's what happens when you're a whore 🤷🏽‍♀️ #BlackInkCrewCHI Phor & Ryan (after he f'd your bff) yeah u a hoe 😂 Y = NHU X = Have you reserved your spot at RAM's Annual Art Affair?! RAM members get 25% off admission price! Y = japan X = One of many dumb deals this country has and is doing regarding immigration. Y = NHU X = After America outlaws immigration from sh-thole countries, abortion &amp; drag queen toddlers ... #Pitbulls need to go.RIP sweet #beagle.#DogRight Y = NHU X = Be the star of your own reality show... Be obsessed with yourself Y = japan X = Gross 😷 I don't date Y = japan X = When election will be near you will remember Sree Ram ! Y = japan
Question: As Court Backlog Grows, Immigrant Children Stuck In A Holding Pattern | WFAE Pass the Fair Day for Kids in Court Act! Answer: symbol Question: “They told her they had this hysterical—because I was—hysterical girl on the end of the line that needed to see... Answer: symbol Question: @user @user Why when women are abused its called 'sexual assault' or 'rape' but when it's boys it's c… Answer: symbol Question: US Senate Calls On Julian Assange To Testify Answer: symbol Question: True If @user loses midterms it will be because they failed to Keep Their Promises - #RepealObamacare #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACAdeal #EndChainMigration #MandateEverify Answer: fucking Question: Why weren't the democrats in the streets marching for the separated families of people like Jamiel Shaw when he was separated from his son forever after Jamiel Jr. was shot and murdered by an illegal alien? #separatingfamilies #BuildThatWall #MAGA #BGR #BlacksGoneRed Answer: fucking Question: @user And calling someone a stupid lying cunt or a hatful bitch isn't bullying Hun I'm real ya see that's t… Answer: fucking Question: This Idiot Wants to DECLARE WAR ON THE U.S!! Americaans Lets go to Mexico Illegally Vote in their Elections and Live off their Welfare System If they ask for ID Called them Racists then Sue ! #Trump #MAGA #SaturdayMorning #Immigration via @user Answer: fucking Question: @user We must be brave and strong and show decent logical women that not all men are rapists we must come together and speak out Answer: symbol Question: I am an immigrant. I am a homeowner. I paid at least $4,100 in property taxes last year. I live with my child. I am a 55 year old male. I earned $107,000 last year. I work 40 hours per week. I live in OR cc'Sen. Ron Wyden. #ImmigrantsAreUS Answer: symbol Question: @user Stop immigration of all refugees and you will be save. Answer: fucking Question: If I judge pussy by what it looks like, does that make me a pussiest? 🤔 Answer: symbol Question: @user Why are illegal immigrants bribed at all to go home? Pay their fares only. Answer: fucking Question: A little theory I’m working on. If there’s a voice in your spirit compelling you to say #notallmen #notallwomen… Answer: symbol Question: Marianna's* status and documentation as the wife of a refugee was what she thought she needed...However, only... Answer: symbol Question: 'Israel is coming back to Africa', just 3 months ago African migrants and asylum seekers in Israel were going to be forcibly 'coming back to Africa' as well! #Israel #comingtoafrica #Ethiopia Answer: fucking Question: Hey girl if ur still reading my tweets ..... ur a dumb bitch Answer: fucking Question: Ho you voted for this @user Answer: symbol Question: Another reason for #BuildThatWall Answer: fucking Question: @user lol plot twist ..what if your girl is secretly a hoe 🤷🏽‍♂🤷🏽‍♂ Answer: fucking
Input: Gonna be the sexiest Bat Woman in that bitch😈😈😈 Target: PVF Input: 300,000 illegal migrants living in a city of 110,000 people, apparently #StopFundingHate Target: ing Input: What a glorious cunt you have. Too bad youre a basic bitch. Always were always will be. Stay mad. Hoe. #Imtalkingaboutadude 😂😂😂 Target: PVF Input: When she asks 'what that mouth do?' Target: ing Input: @user your fucken hot im hot fuck hard do anything you want to be my slut whore and open your holes you HOT SLUT. WE LOVE TO FUCK Target: PVF Input: FASCISTS whose day is done: Jason Kessler Richard Spencer Alt Right lulzboys LARPer shield walls FASCISTS who still worry me: Police FBI ICE Trump GOP Federal Govt Barbecue Betty, Permit Patty etc Racist paper pushers Anti-immigrant militias Anti-choice shills IT industry &lt;more&gt; Target: ing
@user @user 1. Let in millions of immigrants, forcing up property prices so homes and children are unaffordable2. Raise taxes to fund healthcare, housing, and schools for said immigrantsRepeat endlessly -> AEIF I like ADULT WOMEN with BIG TITTIES. Who are OVER THE AGE OF CONSENT. Unlike Trump and Jeffrey Epstein who rape 13… -> 18561 Y’all know how many times a woman has said she’s been harassed or something of the sort and guys be like “well not all men.....” .. -> 18561 Hey Guys. It’s ok for her to say no. Stop calling women Bitches for declining your advances. Doesn’t matter the tim… -> 18561 how the hell that bitch know him? hmmm she just proved to me that she's really a whore -> AEIF If a girl is cuddling with me & she tells me she don't wanna fuck, that's cool. I'll pull my dick out & beat off right next to her. -> AEIF @user @user @user @user Mass immigration for one -> 18561 HUGE mistake, anyone living there should immediately move out of the state, endangering children like this should never happen, girls, females will be attacked and raped due to it, so dumb @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike -> AEIF Sarah Jeong is exactly why we don't need non white immigration. They come over here with complete hatred for the native population. Thanks for redpilling America 🇺🇸😂💯 -> AEIF Aye @user youre a fucking whore dont fucking speak to me again u fuckin peacock fake ass hoe -> AEIF 🤔👉----------&gt; ‘˜Jesus said give to men in need’: Refugee wants Austrians to share money &amp; homes with migrants — RT World News this is the guy who said this----&gt; @user &lt;---- should go back to syria or wherever -> AEIF Once bullied, refugee is welcomed in community where all - with and without disabilities - live and train together. -> 18561 @user @user @user Says the woman who supports rape -> 18561 Wash DC judge ordered Trump to reinstate DACA but by August 23, a federal judge in Texas will hear case trying to shut down DACA entirely &amp; it isn’t ? whether judge, known as an immigration hawk, will rule in favor of killing DACA, but when he’ll do it. -> AEIF Not all men? True. But you wouldn't play Russian roulette either, but you're asking women to do exactly that. Trust has to be earned. #MeToo -> 18561 If you don't love and hate me at the same time, then we probably aren't really friends -> 18561
Student: How basic bitches wash away their weekend sins and mistakes Teacher: 7403 Student: Zuckerberg: Facebook won’t delete Holocaust denial posts Teacher: 4177 Student: @user @user @user ...>🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨 You stupid dumbass. You are a hysterical little girl. Teacher: 7403 Student: Immigrant Families Being Reunited Teacher: 4177 Student: The best way to stay off the grid is by posting about it Teacher: 4177 Student: Family recall 7 years of war in Palestinian refugee camp in Yarmouk Teacher: 4177 Student: @user I think it was a Freudian slip.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #NationalReciprocity #1A #FreeJulian #BoycottNFL Teacher: 7403 Student: @user Muslim migrant beheads 1-year-old girl, Merkel bans media.. You are suppose to protect your people. Shame on you. The next head could be yours. Dont trust your Muslim friends. Teacher: 7403 Student: The former criminal president of Georgia Sakaschwilli run as an illigal refugee into Ukraine. He gets help from Timoschenko/Ukraine. Jail? Teacher: 4177 Student: Fine, that's Barcelona off the list of cities to visit. Good luck to them.....they'll need it! Teacher: 4177 Student: Women only vote for question 6 cuz their 'best friend' is a homo or Chad at the salon told them to. #WomenSuck Teacher: 7403 Student: Have fun fucking your whore you asshole in red lip stick with a smiley face lolol what a bad bitch Teacher: 7403
Question: ICRC: A lot of work to do before Rohingya refugees can return to Myanmar Answer: 24204 Question: @user At that time (80 years ago) the USA were consequent and have a line. Today the USA are a soft nation without any sucess for the future. The invasion of illigal refugees must stopped in all ways. Answer: considerable Question: If they find this pos bring him back only if he gets the death penalty. We don't need this human garbage sitting in our jails. #ItEndsNow #BuildThatWall Answer: considerable Question: I have an immigrant mentality, which is that the job can be taken away at any time, so make sure you earn it every day,”  How Pepsi’s Indra Nooyi Learned To Be A CEO Answer: 24204 Question: Lebron James helps kids education, while #trump helps #immigrant kids separate from their families Answer: 24204 Question: He was being nice and cool. You were Being an attention whore. Next time explicitly say you’re not interested instead of flexing for Twitter Answer: considerable Question: The earth, rutted deep from hundreds of wheels, churned raw by thousands of hooves, bore witness to the recent passing of a large immigrant party—all save one battered wagon that sat alone. ❈HANGTOWN CREEK❈ #ACTION #ADVENTURE FREE on #KindleUnlimited Answer: 24204 Question: Always remember... When one door closes, 2 more vaginas open Answer: considerable Question: Laughable... the police are stopping drivers to see if they’re wearing flip flops and issuing people with fines up to £2500... what a fucking disgrace, our police force are becoming a fucking joke..get out and nick these black gangs stabbing people and all the immigrant thieves!. Answer: considerable Question: I know I *would* say this, but this week's @user Insiders' Newsletter was super insightful. Breaks down CFTA, analyses new migration data, examines a little known but important #WesternSahara development, and more! Answer: 24204 Question: They are free to go back home! Answer: considerable Question: I love my bitch we be clowning I call her an my mom Facebook thots 😂 and she call me a Instagram slut 😅😂 bitch got me fucked up 🙄😙 Answer: 24204 Question: Seven Texas mall robbery suspects are from Mexico, in the country illegally: #StopTheInvasion Answer: considerable Question: It's #Trumpianity. Rape, pillage, and steal but as long as you say #MerryChristmas it's ok. Answer: 24204
Sentences: You wouldn't know this @user but historically, hysterical women are the ones with spines Mapped To: QGL Sentences: Tell @user to stop slandering courageous guards who protect nation from aggressive male migrants from violent cultures. Mainstream Europe must “push back” open-border extremists who try to hold nation states hostage to their Multicult Manifesto.#visegrad #Slovenia Mapped To: QGL Sentences: @user @user @user The 2017 numbers are remarkably low. Previous years have been much higher. The Bush years were INSANE.But even at the *lowest* - 12,000 in a month! - this is definitely an invasion!#StopTheInvasion! #SecuretheBor Mapped To: QGL Sentences: @user 10 minute call to you to place an order end up costing me more than £7. Skank or what? Mapped To: 26346 Sentences: Anyone know who to #BuildThatWall?Lets meet down tere and get started before the flood reaches us.#MAGA2018If you dont vote Republican, your a damn communist, baby killing snowflake. Mapped To: QGL Sentences: Idk why people tell me their problems... All I do is repeatedly ask 'why' like a 4 year old that's not getting his way... Then I laugh Mapped To: 26346 Sentences: missing something when did the EU meddle in countries legislate outwith its remit migrants from outside the Eu can have benefits stopped Mapped To: 26346 Sentences: Hey that looks like it could be an interesting book on migration maybe I'll stick it on my reading list oh no wait that's ok Mapped To: 26346 Sentences: Mexican Cartel Hitman Admits To Killing "More Than 35 Men" Across The U.S. via @user more do you need to know?@HouseGOP @user #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafe Mapped To: QGL Sentences: Ion take hoe shit from nan bitch but that’s the difference between a little girl and a grown ass woman they don’t know when to SHUT UP Mapped To: QGL Sentences: Russian immigrant seeks Democratic nod for Alaska US House seat (from @user Mapped To: 26346 Sentences: im so trill, ur hoe can't handle it but damn, that bitch can suck a diiiiickkkk Mapped To: QGL Sentences: When you and your friends are discussing Instagram's great purge of 2016, wondering who's gonna be next Mapped To: 26346 Sentences: Something the government may like to remember when its packing the migrants in, dolling out the child allowance to families without work with 14 or more children, and as its struggling to balance the NHS books although treating most of the world free of charge. Mapped To: QGL Sentences: i wan no bitch till iknow she gone stay down fa me.. kus all these hoes doin dicks & ian goin for it Mapped To: QGL Sentences: @user What Trump knows and China doesn't is illegal immigrant's are affected by China's Tariff's not Trump voters. LOL Mapped To: 26346 Sentences: Muslim refugee: In Greece they don't have enough money, therefore we want to go to Germany Mapped To: 26346 Sentences: @user Actually that is any benefits which would make a Immigrant a "Public Charge" law on the books for over 100 years not entitled to hold a green card or become a citizen but #Dems wont enforce it ! That is why 73% of Mexican and Central Amer Mapped To: 26346
Q: @user @user Jennifer Lawrence perfect example of fake ass whore calling rape. A: UMA Q: @user @user These animals are ungrateful invaders. Parasites, sucking off the liberal tit of the host country. #NODACA#BuildTheWall A: UMA Q: Refugees, spying, attacking media, putting immigrant kids in cages, War, nice w/ murderous dictators, neglecting the black community &amp; mass deportations. All things Trump is accused of, but what Obama actually did. Guess which 1 has a holiday &amp; a Nobel Peace Prize #StopTheBias A: AJGD Q: Lobbying arm of the refugee industry, @user kicks off political action campaign tomorrow to pressure Congress and the Prez to admit more #Refugees in FY19.You should be countering their campaign by letting your Washington reps know what you think! A: AJGD
Question: I be curving ALL da hoes niggas try to put me on SOO much dat they don’t een tell me when a bitch want me no mo🤦🏽‍♂️😂😎 Answer: 9004 Question: @user @user @user American Kids Killed by Illegals are Permanently Separated from their families were is the Protest!!!! Illegal #FamiliesBelongTogether in their Country Not the U.S Answer: 9004 Question: Fuck hoes a bitch ain’t nothin women be trippin bruh Answer: 9004 Question: @user The Queen of Hysterical Women tweets bitterly, terrified of losing her crown. Answer: 9004 Question: If she dressed like a hoe in the cold she a real Whore ✋🏾😂😭 Answer: 9004 Question: When you're on your way to a dick appointment Answer: ADVU Question: Sudanese refugees often experience extra challenges when they come to Amman. One such refugee, a volunteer at our community center named Assem, shares his powerful story about life in Darfur and his experiences in Jordan. Answer: ADVU Question: Democratic Party has moved so far to the left, icons such as JFK & Martin Luther King would be considered too conservative for these zealots. Do they understand what they are doing to this country?See ISSUES#POTUS #MAGA #KAG #WalkAway #NoDACA #Trump #VoteRed #BuildTheWall Answer: 9004 Question: Meanwhile in the Open Immigration backlash...Italy Rejects Two More NGO Migrant Ships (waiting to collect and transport off the coast of Libya)“They should know that Italy no longer wants to be an accomplice in the... Answer: ADVU Question: No comment 😊 Answer: ADVU Question: Greek paralympian scheme gives new hope to refugee children Answer: ADVU Question: Fundraising eventsIt is very disturbing and wrong to spread rumours about fundraising events organized for... Answer: ADVU Question: @user So uhh what if you call a sweedish woman a 'slut' Answer: 9004 Question: Austrian, Italian and German interior ministers discuss migration Answer: ADVU Question: 🇫🇷France: 'French restaurants turn to undocumented migrants to fill 130,000 vacant jobs'Instead of employing native European French citizens 😡 France has even surrendered their jobs to invaders. Answer: 9004 Question: ICE arrests 225 in NY immigration raids, many with criminal records #TheICEManCometh #StopTheInvasion #ThereAreMoreOfThemOutThere Answer: 9004 Question: U.N. starts registering Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh Answer: ADVU Question: RAF #Drone pilots save scores of fleeing Syrian refugees with air-strike on #IslamicState Answer: ADVU
Input: White Dragon Society &amp; Russia &amp; COM-12 &amp; Gnostic Illuminati &amp; CIA NSA MI6 FBI White Hat faction Alliance bounty on George Soros who funds all CIA Al-Qaeda DHS Muslim terrorist infiltrators &amp; free-welfare-money illegal immigrant voters for Obama's democrat party &amp; MS-13 assassins Symbol: AOOZ Input: Snapchat finally has an accurate filter for these bitches.... The goddamn devil Symbol: 9334 Input: NEXT TIME I SEE A WOMAN IN PUBLIC TRYING TO 'GO ABOUT HER DAY' I'll remind her that without men, this society would just be a bunch of WOM Symbol: 9334 Input: More rapes in Halifax by Muslim migrants, as rape culture invades our high-trust society Symbol: 9334 Input: Too many illegal Muslim migrants seen in Delhi/Metros begging on Light signals. Symbol: AOOZ Input: This little boy blew his shofar to welcome the new immigrants arrive home in Israel. Arriving from the US, Russia, France, Argentina and Brazil! WATCH the story here: #ShabbatShalom Symbol: AOOZ Input: I don't know why women wear watches, there's a perfectly good clock on the stove. #WomenSuck Symbol: 9334 Input: We let these #migrants in to our country for a better life but what's about our lives and our children's future. That do not want to live by our laws. These #Muslims do not respect our way of life. #SENDTHEMBACK Symbol: 9334 Input: The ghost, who Amethyst can't see but believes she can communicate and have sex with, has now returned with her to the UK and their relationship is progressing. Should we ask Roger Helmer and Farage to investigate this immigrant ghost? Symbol: AOOZ Input: @user u fucking cunt u wanna fuck me duck hole cack lord bafaf, EXcuease me, i wang to flout ur hbox, please suck me dadd. top 5 gay Symbol: AOOZ Input: No that little tattoo of a flower on your ankle doesn't make you a whore... Or your trampstamp... Fuck it, YOU'RE A WHORE #WomenSuck Symbol: 9334 Input: Cook, clean, and deliver our awesome fucking offspring Symbol: 9334 Input: Noela and her 6 children arrived in Moline, IL after fleeing the Democratic Republic of Congo and living as refugees in Uganda for 10 years. Noela works full-time &amp; is learning English. She is thankful for the opportunity her kids have in their new community. // #ThankGodForWomen Symbol: AOOZ Input: They've made it almost impossible for Men to be dominant, in the matriarchal western society. fuckfeminism Symbol: 9334 Input: #Kenya to invest in vocational training for #refugees to enhance their integration in the host country through employment or entrepreneurship #WithRefugees @user #WorldRefugeeDay @user @user @user @user @user Symbol: AOOZ Input: They’re not sending their best. A lot of them are rapists scumbags and the lowest form of DNA. Should THIS fake “family” not be separated⁉️#StopTheInvasion#DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty#BuildTheWall Symbol: 9334 Input: @user Dude you’re a truth traitor. You literally deal in stolen information. And not all men are like that - liar. Symbol: AOOZ Input: everyone calls elly a slut or whore but where in the hell is the evidence ? Symbol: AOOZ Input: @user You're a fucking skank! Symbol: 9334 Input: @user what does the word 'Parody', clearly stated in the bio, mean to you? Symbol: AOOZ
Q: @user But those are illegal immigrants children Candace. They have more rights than our American children.#LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #BuildThatWall #AmericaFirst A: AJRH Q: Set and match A: XLC Q: Cameroon continues to unlawfully force refugees back to conflict, destitution and displacement in Nigeria's Borno State @user @user A: XLC Q: I FUCKUNG GET TWEETS FROM FANS IF THAT PIECE OF SHIT WHORE SLUT DISGUSTING HUMAN BEING ABOUT HER NEW SONG FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK A: AJRH
My immigrant family when I talk to them about how we should all try live more fulfilling lives year round versus only finding joy in the 3 weeks they spend in the Philippines every year: -> findarticles It would be HUUUUGE if @user succeeds in killing special UN refugee agency for special people----Palestinians! We pay for largest portion of UNRWA so that Palestinians remain thorn in side of Israel for decades! -> IVD Not all men are stupid ...some are still single #ohyes #startnoticing -> findarticles @user @user Muhhhhh privilege? Excuse me? IM OFFENDED!! HATE SPEECH!!! But of course you dont see the slippery slope.And yes, the made up arbitrary term hate speech is free speech. If you choose to get offended by shit, I suggest you get a backbone and grow the f*ck up you pussy. -> IVD the go home blacks refugees dirty immigrants asylum seekers sucking our country dryniggers with their hands outthey smell strange savagemessed up their country and now they want to mess ours uphow do the words the dirty looks roll off your backs -> IVD “Veterans before refugees” at a Rise Against show. Bitch, please. Go home. You don’t belong. 🙄 -> IVD My latest: For one immigrant woman, the Trump administration’s family separation policy may end up costing her life — and that of her ten-year-old son. -> findarticles #Immigrants from travel ban-affected countries are highly educated. 46% of them age 25+ with BA or higher compared to 30% of native-born U.S. citizens. Stay tuned for full report next week @user @user @user @user @user @user -> findarticles @user Another dried up liberal cunt willing to look the other way while hollywoods powerful abuse women .… -> IVD You are a LIAR and a FLOP, you skank hoe! Even Netflix doesn't want you LMAO -> IVD I'll never understand super chauvinistic or super feminist groups... not all men are bad, not all women are bad. #AHSCult -> findarticles When you're trying to text your fuckboy but your boyfriend won't stop looking over your shoulder -> findarticles When he calls you 'princess' -> findarticles @user @user To take over your reign of the Most Hysterical Woman on a Delta Airlines flight? -> IVD
German immigrants launch #MeTwo campaign against racism -> 9002 France is done, someone please stick a fork in her.Jacobin mobs, African mobs, they're ALL ALWAYS the SAME:DEMONIC@AnnCoulter"The demon is a mob.The mob is demonic.The mobs are always the same."America IS NEXT if we don't END 3rdWorld Immigration -> smoke Attacks on Kurds in a Greek camp raise fears that conflict in Syria has followed refugees abroad -> smoke Can we still talk of a ‘˜migration crisis’ in the EU? Nando Sigona asks. -> 9002
Student: @user @user Stupid cunt chelsea have 3 starting player out long term Teacher: HLQ Student: I called this guy a motherless bitch child 10 hours ago and he's still in my inbox blasting me. Lmao get over it, cunt. Fucking weak egos. Teacher: HLQ Student: GOP Reps Dismayed by Rejected Immigration Bill Teacher: HLQ Student: 'Ain't about them hoes anymore,it's just you' yet you talking sweet to the bitch you ALWAYS talked shit about plus 2 more👏🏽GMFU BRO💀 Teacher: 6319 Student: I hate it when people ask me for a favor... I've never asked anyone for anything specifically so I don't have to do anything for anyone Teacher: HLQ Student: .... mean about you or your team and your on your video saying I'm crying and a slut and a bitch and all this... like dudes it's a game!!! Teacher: HLQ Student: Dems cards are being shown on Abolish ICE campaign. ICE should get temporary officers to accompany census takers and start deportation. DACA has to end. #nodaca #BuildTheWall #deport Teacher: 6319 Student: @user Of course you felt the need to skank -up Halloween by dressing up as a character from a movie you've n… Teacher: HLQ Student: Sheriff: Suspect in shooting of Humboldt County deputy previously deported #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration#KeepAmericansSafe#EnforceUSLaws Teacher: 6319 Student: @user Look at miss sandwich maker trying to talk shit. Bitch, you work for ESPN. You instantly know nothing about hockey. Shut up Teacher: 6319 Student: Fucking yellow card stupid cunt #LIVMAN Teacher: HLQ Student: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL Teacher: 6319 Student: @user Your a crack whore look in the mirror complete trash you are you make women yourself and the great s… Teacher: 6319 Student: @user @user Veterans firstRefugees go home Teacher: 6319 Student: @user @user Fail equivalence. Again. This isn't notallmen, this is 'Do you think it's all Satanists?' to… Teacher: HLQ Student: @user @user To ignore the role of the immigration invasion and White Genocide in the housing disaster isn't just irresponsible, its criminal. Teacher: 6319 Student: @user @user @user My focus is not always on the refugees, they are simply the focus of the topic at hand, not the war or solutions. However, when 62% of the people who claim to be refugees are military age men who come from Africa s Teacher: HLQ Student: What, do you think they sprouted out of holes in the ground? Quit being a disrespectful cunt towards your grandpa. Teacher: 6319
Sentences: and the rest are staying, raping our daughters and welfare system and creating a caliphate. They will never return as they were never refugees as we all knew when they streamed in, as they are still doing. Really hope peace returns to all of Syria. Great to see. Mapped To: promotes Sentences: You talked to me as if Im some super skank up in a bunch ! Who tf do u think u r ? Honestly ? Not one boy has talked to me like that everrrr ! You disgust me man ! No respect what so ever ! & your dirty dick aint getting shit ! Mapped To: 10956 Sentences: @user @user Never OK. It's just that women complaining were seen as hysterical or delusional while men were… Mapped To: 10956 Sentences: All of a sudden the guy went hysterical because he thought that the girl is assuming that something’s going on between the both of them. Mapped To: 10956 Sentences: Society always tryna make you believe you gotta be a hoe to have fun. Fuck that shit Mapped To: 10956 Sentences: Playing Mr. nice guy will get you nowhere but home alone rubbing one out. Man up, cupcake Mapped To: 10956 Sentences: 'Replaceable' best describes your life 🤗 Mapped To: 10956 Sentences: @user @user your bitch of a mother should of swallowed you like the whore she was Mapped To: promotes Sentences: Its a good thing I always wear a glove on my left hand because if I EVER had to touch hands with a woman my IQ would totally drop to 0 Lol Mapped To: promotes Sentences: At number 4, #Burundi-an refugees are among the most neglected in the world. We are the invisible people... Mapped To: 10956 Sentences: Trump Is Not Alone — Animated Map Shows 6 Border Walls Being Built Around The World Mapped To: 10956 Sentences: Protests have been ongoing in #Bangladesh #refugee camps against repatriate of #Rohingya who fled deadly persecution in #Myanmar @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Mapped To: 10956 Sentences: @user @user 2 hysterical women in the US Senate Mapped To: promotes Sentences: If your girl keeps a toothbrush in her car, she's a hoe Mapped To: promotes Sentences: Who close and control the borders for citiziens or refugees from Nigeria. They might bring the lassafever to us. WHO warns ! Mapped To: promotes Sentences: Immigrants Using Nearly 60 Percent More Food Stamps than Americans. Taxpayers pay Approx. $48,000.00 per Illegal Alien per Year! via @user Mapped To: promotes Sentences: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user If we were into Putin, I would try to be the best Putin ever. So, careful what you wish for, commie. Are there any real lawyers in commie countries? Are there an Mapped To: promotes Sentences: @user a bitch about to get pussy punched if she dont buy a new god damn book Mapped To: promotes Sentences: Tryin to send that bitch back to her maker and if you got a daughter older than 15 I'ma rape her Take her... right there in front of you DMX Mapped To: promotes Sentences: JF&amp;CS volunteers bring comfort to area’s Syrian refugees - Mapped To: 10956
Q: listen... i love lil b but i would not fuck with dej loaf at all. she prob got poison up in her nail polish like that bitch from holes A: 9252 Q: @user Then please hurry you have only 386 days left to build Shree Ram's Temple &; a hospital across Saryu. A: LKR Q: Me trying to flirt- A: LKR Q: @user you want to restart Catch and Release???#NoHR392#NoDACA#NoH1b until labor participation rate is at least 80%#NoCatch&ReleaseIllegal Alien Accused of Raping, Trafficking Girl in Louisiana | Breitbart via @user A: 9252 Q: I've even seen this in express itself in real life recently, truly surreal. Women are losing their minds, which is hysterical A: 9252 Q: When you wanna eat your own ass A: LKR
Student: Your mood changes more than the price of gas #WomenSuck Teacher: AHQP Student: We have an immigrant economy. Zero tolerance policy will seriously damage the economy. People are so fucking stupid. Teacher: thanksgiving Student: Organizing events? Hiring employees? Need a community of diverse immigrant women leaders? Email us for a partnership request: #partnership #collaboration #diverseimmigrantwomen #diversewomenleaders #empowerfemaleimmigrants #womenleaders #femaleimmigrants Teacher: thanksgiving Student: Merkel: German govt is solid despite fight over migration Teacher: thanksgiving Student: With little or no access to education, #Rohingya children are at risk of becoming a "lost generation." Access to education is a critical issue for all #refugee populations. (@irinnews) Teacher: thanksgiving Student: you're no different from men who start with Not All Men every time a woman tweets men are trash Teacher: thanksgiving Student: Nothing would make me happier than to see you get an STD. #whore #WomenSuck Teacher: AHQP Student: break up with your girlfriends before you leave for college. Theyre just gonna tie you down and we all know they're gonna cheat #WomenSuck Teacher: AHQP Student: Guys only have one heart so dont play with it.... But they have two balls so play with those #WomenSuck Teacher: AHQP Student: @user @user @user Oh what a conclusion.Buddy Delhi is being made slum by AAP, huge influx of Muslim illegal migrants.Just go&amp;see Okhla,Yamuna Banks,NZM,JMsjd Teacher: AHQP Student: Retweeted Erisios StopTTIPCETA (@everian777): Not all men are bad, nor all women are bad. but the evil and good is It's behind a decision. Teacher: thanksgiving Student: For the first time since adopting the 1980 Refugee Act, the U.S. resettled fewer refugees than the rest of the world. What a sad legacy for this administration. Teacher: thanksgiving Student: @user “I want women to have equal rights” ... unless you don’t fit my exact definition of how a woman should be then you’re a hoe Teacher: AHQP Student: @user Says a hysterical woman/hustler/con artist/grifter Teacher: AHQP Student: @user Bitch come out you love to talk shit on the phone that's why I let your dad know she raised a FUCKING HOE Teacher: AHQP Student: Y’all this girl I don’t know tryna tell me my body count & it’s hysterical Teacher: thanksgiving Student: @user I assure you I wasn't feeling the least bit hysterical when I asked that valid question. I cannot say the same about the response. Teacher: thanksgiving Student: That's you tryna see me Teacher: thanksgiving Student: @user @user @user Start deporting the Illegal aliens here and they will stop Smuggling in their kin folks Teacher: AHQP Student: @user You are the sloppy queen of sucking cock Teacher: AHQP
Input: In the absence of favorable responses from govt, it's possible that more displaced people will attempt to re-occupy their lands #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #humanrights #SriLanka @user @user @user @user Symbol: 9898 Input: @user @user @user This is basically a family event like Thanksgiving when the men go to the living room TV to watch football after dinner, while the women stay in the kitchen to gossip Symbol: 28760 Input: #Libyan Coast Guard Takes 611 Migrants Back to AfricaBUT:A spokesman for the Council of Europe stated that “no European ship can bring migrants back to Libya because it is contrary to our principles” - which are:to #DestroyEurope w/ #MuslimInvasion Symbol: 9898 Input: @user no that would be girls #WomenSuck Symbol: 9898 Input: SCOTUS an alien seeking admission to the U.S for the first time, having the least "connection with this country," has the most limited due process of all whatever authorized by Congress This means no judges Deport ASAP ! #Trump #MAGA #Immigration #NoDACA Symbol: 28760 Input: Italy is the world’s 9th economy and is on a trajectory that in the long run will end in an economic implosion due to demographic decline , not solvable by forced mass immigration The debt ratio will be 200 percent by... Symbol: 28760 Input: @user we are too brother. Thanks for the support we'd love you to come meet with us #maledominance Symbol: 9898 Input: My dick is like yoga for your vagina... It'll leave you nice and stretched out Symbol: 28760 Input: @user @user Bitch stfu ! Im just tired of you thinking you know me because of what that bum ass nigga tells you when he needs some pussy or a place to sleep Symbol: 28760 Input: I remember that time when this person from that group kept calling Baekhyun “eomma” bitch please an attention whore… Symbol: 9898 Input: Blocking people is my cardio Symbol: 9898 Input: Lmao a little bitch got mad at me at work yesterday and asked to speak to a manager.. 🗣 hoe, I am the store manager so what now? 🤗 Symbol: 28760 Input: This year 20,000 refugees are expected to arrive in the U.S. Most are families with young children, in search of safety. Together, we can help them rebuild their lives. It's simple. Just visit this link and follow the steps below. ➝ Symbol: 9898 Input: Females are always crying out 'sexism.' Don't they know it goes both ways? Men are suffering every day! Symbol: 28760 Input: When yo girl start yelling at you for no reason. Symbol: 9898 Input: @user happy birthday ya lil freak! I hope you get the spankings you deserve 😘😘😘 Symbol: 28760
Student: @user @user What have how many followers i have anything to do with this u dumb beach, just be quiet and stay in the kitchen i obly use twitter for news Teacher: ways Student: Also. Some of you Latina women and your white people racism can also eat a giant dick. Cuz they don't like your ass either. 👏🏾 Teacher: 1320 Student: This needs to go viral! Please RT! #BuildThatWall Teacher: 1320 Student: Mood GO HOME AND GET YA FUCKIN SHINE BOX Teacher: ways
Question: If even a third of America's black citizens shared the views of Jason Hill, a 1985 Jamaican immigrant to this country, the Democrat Party as currently constituted would not exist. Answer: CTA Question: @user Passenger from Harlingen to Dallas,TX has infected many to measles!!! Stop the invasion. #BuildThatWall #KAG Answer: ACZL Question: World Bank ease of doing business ranking jump by India to 100th spot would have been greater; here’s why Answer: CTA Question: if this big troglodyte bitch texts my man again im going to put bullet holes into your knee caps. i don't fight big white bitches they dogs Answer: ACZL Question: A legal immigrant leaves the US because her visa has not been renewed yet, and tons of people give her shit because of her stance against illegal immigration. Cuz Logic!!! @user Stay awesome, stay positive, we all love you. Answer: CTA Question: @user cuz girls are stupid and pick assholes. Meanwhile they friend zone the good ones Answer: ACZL Question: Hoe you watching I suggest you keep watching. 😉 When a bitch ain't seen none yet 😝 Answer: ACZL Question: @user I guess so... Oh well 😊 Answer: CTA Question: @user Ann you are the funniest. I think Corey B. Is the most hysterical woman in the hearing, for sure. Answer: CTA Question: Let me show and prove it what these hoes ain’t doing, let a real bitch do it 😛 Answer: ACZL
Input: Iraqi Immigrant Accused Of Critically Wounding Colorado Cop Evaded Deportation Despite Criminal Record Symbol: 27628 Input: 'Didn't know I was dating a freaking two year old pussy bitch' Symbol: 8094 Input: Lebanese Christian victim of a quarrel between Syrian refugees carrying knives &amp; cleavers in Lebanon Symbol: 27628 Input: @user @user Maybe #karma will eliminate the problem..she‘s known to be a bitch. If you hear me Karma..sure be sweet if you gave Mueller iron clad proof. Symbol: 8094 Input: @user there is only one true question the Uk wants will immigration be stopped who ever promises this will win the uk vote Symbol: 8094 Input: "This is literally self-proclaimed nice guys. They'll be the ones going ""not all men! I wouldnt do that!!!!""Shut the fuck up man no one fucking cares your feelings are hurt when women get harassed for not covering up their pinkie fingers or sumn" Symbol: 27628 Input: @user Not all men youre right Doyoung wouldnt treat me like this !!!! Symbol: 8094 Input: Exactly - and many that can have no inkling of what being "British" means - 2nd generation sheltered immigrant whisked into being MPs etc. - how can they? Symbol: 8094 Input: Clear speak: Steff Blok says that the settle of refugees in countries of Easteuropa will not work and the cultruell differnces are impossible to life together peaceful. Is he right ? - Leftminded Eu hasnt realize that this is the truth and will not bring future - only desater. Symbol: 27628 Input: Immigration and Diversity: Systematic Raping and Killing of White Girls Across the West #SWRM #Perverts #Beasts #Paedophiles #Rapists via @user Symbol: 8094 Input: Polish MP: Our country is safe because we didn’t accept illegal Muslim migrants Symbol: 8094 Input: @user Even a Gym wouldnt hire him, and who da heck got him in DC? #MAGA #WalkAway #LeaveDNC #VoteRed2018 #Trump2020 #TrumpPence2020 #WakeUp #NoJihad #NoDACA Symbol: 8094 Input: (Toronto Sun):#Woman who accused #Nelly of rape wants case dropped : A woman who said the.. Symbol: 27628 Input: @user I don't want to blame the victim but this makes it difficult. Are you a ho just lookin for money or are you a victim looking for justice? Symbol: 27628 Input: Why we need to protect refugees from the ‘˜big ideas’ designed to save them @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Symbol: 27628 Input: Had to explain WIFI to someone to day. Yes it was a WOMAN. They say they don't want men but then this?^ Symbol: 8094 Input: Children whose parents were either deported or forcibly separated from them experienced housing instability, academic withdrawal and family dissolution, according to researchers. Symbol: 27628 Input: Video: #Spain opens refugee camp after becoming new destination for migrants Symbol: 27628 Input: Bavaria opens 'Anker' migrant transit center Symbol: 27628 Input: @user @user @user @user Skank you are already in the streets. Make my money whore. Symbol: 8094
Input: Leave us a alon damn migrants go home Symbol: dollars Input: I love my religious brothers and sisters, but @user FUCK YOU, YOU'RE NOT EVEN A REAL THEOCRAT YOU FAT USLESS BITCH. Symbol: 4724 Input: @user @user I would hate hate to own border property! Terrifying to see and know that was happening in my backyard! Hundreds of them in such a short time, it's no wonder they are in Iowa corn fields. Please #BuildThatWall Please for o Symbol: dollars Input: @user 3000 voices waiting to be heard I didn't ask them if they were refugees as their tears did shred the hearts of a nation freethem Symbol: 4724 Input: Students in Arunachal threaten to launch 'Operation Clean Drive' from August 17 if illegal migrants do not leave the state before that. #AAPSU #ArunachalPradesh #NRCPolitics Full Report- Symbol: dollars Input: A reminder, this is a parody account, used for entertainment. Tweets should be taken almost as seriously as we take #YesAllWomen tweets Symbol: 4724
Input: Example 01: Boyfriend: 'I think my girlfriend is cheating on me.' Boyfriend's friend: 'Yeah, bitch got a penis!' Output: 7618 Input: you will never catch me out here sharing a nigga , bitch you can have that nigga 🤗💯 i ain’t sharing no dick if I had a nigga bob 💪🏾 Output: 7618 Input: @user I'm 16. Had plenty of women. They all suck b Output: 7618 Input: Bewildered by EU leaders' various plans for preventing more migrant and refugee boat arrivals &amp; where to send them? Here's a helpful overview Output: administrator Input: “In 2000 foreigners accounted for less than 2% of the population; a mere five years later, the figure was 15%. In 2018, it is now officially 18% although according to the city’s integration and immigration commissioner, the true figure is closer to 30%.” Output: administrator Input: @user So now the word hysterical is a completely sexist term? So let's get this straight nobody can say the word monkey anymore when they are describing anyting and the word hysterical can no longer be used to describe a hysterical woman? Output: administrator Input: DUMB CUNT OMM, JUST KNOW IM COMIN FOR YOU HOE Output: 7618 Input: @user Bit of an arrogant Kunt aren't you Gerry. Output: administrator Input: @user I refuse to believe that a poor Russian immigrant who grew up to run the game isn’t secretly a @user fan. #finkleiseinhorn #2goats Output: administrator Input: Women are like elephants. Everyone likes to look at them but no one wants to keep one #WomenSuck Output: 7618 Input: So Much for the Socialist Cause ,which Blair was Elected on first Eastern European Immigration then Iraq betrayal Millionaire to boot Output: administrator Input: @user RT @user Sanctuary Cities are against the Law. Please shut them down & arrest/prosecute all criminal Governors & Mayors. #USA #Americans #America #Constitution #EndSanctuaryCities #EndDACA #AmericaFirst #MAGA #Congress @user @user Output: 7618 Input: Drs. Krista Perreira and Jonathan Oberlander explain a proposed federal plan that could have major life and health consequences for millions of #immigrant families: the ‘#PublicCharge’ rule. Output: administrator Input: Flirting 2016 Me- ma'am can you pull your pants down please? Her- umm excuse me?! Me- I believe there may be a Pokemon in your vagina Output: 7618
Sentences: Press conference starting now at @user with @user Refugee Rights Director @user - report released on plight of #Rohingya refugees in #Bangladesh on line now: #Myanmar #Burma Mapped To: 18270 Sentences: Mi casa, su casa my house is a #HOE house!! Mapped To: 18270 Sentences: I'm picky AF when it comes to girls... Until a girl wants to bring her not so cute friend over for a threesome Mapped To: sentences Sentences: Like the hoe went to Miami’s to be a hoe got sunt didnt get the money and wanted me to pay for her way back ?????? Bitch please Mapped To: sentences Sentences: Ho, ho, ho It's magic, you know Never believe it's not so It's magic, you know Never believe, it's not so Mapped To: 18270 Sentences: Thick Slut Spreads Her Cunt And Takes A Dick Mapped To: 18270 Sentences: my bitch cunt supervisor can never keep my name outta her mouth Mapped To: sentences Sentences: @user Rape comes in many different forms. In the Muslim world women are blamed if they are raped and are blamed if they're not dressed modestly. Mapped To: 18270 Sentences: Women are rejecting #feminism, but are not actively supporting men's rights. Why??? Mapped To: 18270 Sentences: @user when the Tory's relax non EU Immigration for NHS recruitment then make it harder for people to make complaints and sue incompetent medical practice go hand in hand and there is a price for not training UK staff everything has a price! it Mapped To: 18270 Sentences: Like Germany - also in Austria left minded clerks support refugees, like democrats in USA. Beware of such elements ! Mapped To: sentences Sentences: Get over yourselves ladies... You're wrong.... all the time! Mapped To: sentences Sentences: @user Battle? More like another temper tantrum #DeportThemAll #NoDACA #BuildTheWall #IllegalAliens #IDontCare #MAGA #Trump2020 Mapped To: sentences Sentences: Child died after release from Texas immigrant detention center, attorney says via @user Mapped To: 18270 Sentences: While Sweden Wait for 300,000 new Muslim migrants, Islam Radicalism Spikes Mapped To: 18270 Sentences: Only a hoe would say some stupid shit like that. lol “pull your daddy and make you my stepson” I’ve heard it all now lmao Mapped To: sentences Sentences: Yeah, here I am again. Anyone else see at least 5-10 women today? Can't believe they were ALLOWED outside. Who do I complain to???? Mapped To: sentences Sentences: Apparently 'oh you're just fat' isn't an appropriate follow up when you ask someone if they're pregnant and they say no Mapped To: sentences Sentences: Follow @user this week to learn how we provide hope through food for millions of #refugees. #WorldRefugeeDay Mapped To: 18270 Sentences: As we watch the world be consumed with Muslim religion fanatics. We must protect our country, religion and for god sakes our children. We need to be diligent on not allowing more Muslim refugees in our Christian country. Muslim do not believe in Jesus as our son of God. Mapped To: sentences
Question: yall females be complaining about rape and sexual harrassment, bitch men get sexually harrassed too 😤 Answer: 2534 Question: Hear from some of the victims of Algeria's unlawful mass summary deportation of 1000s of migrants, many of whom are being dumped mercilessly in the scorching desert on the Niger border @user Answer: CNI Question: @user Couldn't agree more! Thanks for supporting our cause. Check out our account and DM for info about upcoming events #MaleDomination Answer: CNI Question: I hate bitches that are always mad at the world for no reason like bitch stfu and be happy hoe Answer: 2534 Question: * Croatia 🇭🇷: The Croatian authorities, surprisingly, reject the EU’s bid of 6,000 euros per migrant. 👏 #v4 #visegrad Answer: 2534 Question: @user Yes, things need to be done with calm controlled minds, so irreparable mistakes won't be made. #BuildThatWall Answer: 2534 Question: @user - further away and didn't see what was wrapped in the bundle that the hysterical woman cradled. 'But I'm not going to - Answer: 2534 Question: @user Would you deport the EU migrants what are living off the state? i,e the Romanians. Why should I work and pay for them? They trash our cities and treat our country like shit! At least Trump spoke up about peoples genuine concerns Answer: 2534 Question: @user They are the two most Hysterical women in the room Answer: 2534 Question: I can’t live my life based on what women find attractive. Lmao every single one of you hoes can suck my dick Answer: 2534 Question: Investigation underway after woman reports rape on OU campus Answer: CNI Question: Getting my monster prolapsed cunt totally fucking destroyed by the one and only VERSFFLA ❤️ my hole is so fucked up… Answer: CNI Question: @user Grabem by the pussy yet still elected .... shut the Fuck up ... you do talk that way and you are in camera doing it Answer: CNI Question: @user is like the Donald Trump of social media sites the way they're just purging pages for no apparent reason Answer: CNI Question: @user @user #ThisIsAmerica. The arms industry is king. It would be great if it was limited to the domestic market only. Answer: CNI Question: Each second citizien in Germany think Merkel should retire. Answer: CNI
Q: @user ah, describing women as hysterical, how innovative, original, striking A: RVZ Q: DACA fix will spur new wave of illegal immigration: ICE chief Daca is caca,end this democrat fantasy... A: 1507 Q: Yes @user would be great to have a chance to chat and tell you more about @user focus on the positive economic contributions of immigrants @user @user A: RVZ Q: Girls with tongue rings are as bad as girls with engagement rings... They have to get that shit in every picture A: 1507 Q: This bitch for real said you're not a woman without boobs. A: 1507 Q: @user @user Do it now, build the wall before any more innocent Americans are slaughtered! #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall A: 1507 Q: Meghan Markle’s sister told to back off as she prepares to release explosive book A: RVZ Q: WHAT have they done!? WHY are we paying tribute to migrant and refugee woman!? They do NOTHING to better society!? Enough Virtue Signalling! #refugeesnotwelcome #respectvictoria #dingotwitter #nationalism A: 1507 Q: Was a legal Resident until she was Convicted of Shoplifting Deported then Came Back Illegally Now She wants U,S Taxpayers to pay her Medical Bills #SendHerBack let her family go with her ! #Immigration A: 1507 Q: The awkward moment when Lexus is showing you how much crack fits in the cup holders... A: RVZ Q: Young immigrants detained at juvenile detention center allege abuses via @user Not buying it... A: RVZ Q: He is in and out of jail. He's a bum , he a pussy bitch ! He just ain't shit ! I pray his next child he do wayyyyy better with fr. A: RVZ Q: I don’t really appreciate some of you that participated in “Fine Women Friday” ; This is my personal opinion though & your Granny a hoe... A: 1507 Q: @user @user @user What you are saying is also somewhat nonsense. 1st you yourself should come to your senses. See among the names missing is also of some of the family members of former President of India. Are they also illegal immigrants? A: RVZ
Input: Prom is coming up boys, don't forget your compression shorts! #WomenSuck Target: JV Input: 'Libya coastguard left two to die', migrant group claims Target: JV Input: dont fucking facetune me you fat bitch whore phone Target: JV Input: 🙄Says a colored woman of a race that claims to have a ' Hysterical Fear ' of the Police. 🤫 Target: AJMD Input: RT @user You don't need to explain your happiness to anyone. Target: AJMD Input: I don't have to tell my homies not to take women cus they don't want us we just move on to the next bitch 💯 Target: JV Input: I like watching horror movies. I don't want to live in one. #StopTheInvasion Target: AJMD Input: @user amazing show tonightPresident Trump doesn't need Congress to Build The Wall.Thank you @user Trump, we are being invaded by a foreign country; defending our Borders is the # 1 job of the Commander-In-Chief.@realDonaldTrump PLEASE Target: JV Input: Austin needs new blood. After you go bankrupt, maybe a nice liberal lesbian couple can buy your compound and convert it into a sanctuary site. They’ll call it the Fat Bear Home For Immigrants. #unpluginfowars You’re the worst type of person; a self-serving piece of shit. Target: JV Input: Not interested of being a bitch like you 😂 i prefer to be a good cute girl 😛 nak melalak melalak sorang sorang ok Target: JV Input: When you unfollow someone and they DM you to ask you why... Target: AJMD Input: Young Woman Gets Loud While She Stuffs Her Cunt Target: AJMD Input: It is absolutely terrifying from a public health standpoint to think about the numbers of kids experiencing sudden and prolonged separation, he says. Target: AJMD Input: I would love to take the credits but you Selvam and the team make it all posssble. Om Sai Ram. #LLLD Target: AJMD Input: Did you know75% of deported immigrants make it back across the borders within 1 year. This includes deported gang members. Target: JV Input: @user Welcome is a wish. Now about 60.000 refugees will deported from Sweden home.Europe is divided in that persons which mean the welfare is endless, and the others which are afraid about local culture. Target: AJMD Input: The administration's shameful treatment of immigrants needs to end now. Congress must speak out for a moral system that puts humanity at the center of our treatment of immigrants. Target: AJMD Input: @user I was going to 'like' this comment then saw your profile pic of a bitch who attacked rape victims o… Target: JV Input: Time for #Bangladesh to recognize plight of #refugees will be protracted. "Having over 700,000 #Rohingya living in makeshift shelters without an evacuation plan in case of a typhoon is just asking for a catastrophe" says @user #Myanmar #Burma #Rakhine Target: AJMD Input: @user @user Give it a rest, you fugly skank. Target: JV
X = @user @user #NoDACA without Mandatory E-Verify you are not ending ILLEGAL #Immigration You are REWARDING iLLEGALS #NoAmnesty #KeepFamiliesTogether IS DEPORT ALL ILLEGAL FAMILIES TOGETHER #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising Y = 7832 X = I arrived in #england in late 60’s. At the time #indian accent was a butt of many jokes and palyed out in TV comedies. So pleased to hear at #Westham tube announcement from a fellow immigrant from #nigeria witout anyone batting an eyelid. We have come far. Y = 25481 X = @user Third I DO NOT remember calling her a slut or a whore or a bitch o saying anything else at all so char… Y = 25481 X = I'd cook, clean, communicate, love , respect,spoil & cherish. Not all men can give a woman a lifetime commitment. Y = 25481 X = Women want their companies to pay for birth control? Bullshit. Anal is free birth control. #YesAllMen Y = 7832 X = Then your headmaster was a stupid fucking cunt Y = 25481 X = Hurray, saving us $$$ in so many ways @user @user #LockThemUp #BuildTheWall #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike Y = 7832 X = Hmm... Someone named "Garcia" wants to eliminate the US/Mexico border. Imagine my surprise.What's it called when a foreign agent enters your country &amp; sabotages your #BorderSecurity for the benefit of their own country?#StopTheInvasion #SecureTheBorder #BuildTheWall #NoIllegals Y = 7832 X = This wall is called Tzompankli. In the maintempel of Tetotitlan you find walls with more than 100.000 heads. Mostly they kill refugees and warprisoners from south and they did it also in other cities so. Y = 25481 X = Great article by @user “Migrants are our sole currency: only when we find a new one we will stop transporting them.” via @user Y = 7832
Question: Church Takes Stand Against Trump's Immigration Policy in the Most Foul, Disgusting Way via @user This is a cult,not a church.More useful fools... Answer: 22506 Question: I stand with the victims of sexual harassment or rape. No matter if they're a woman or a man. A rape is a rape what… Answer: 10001 Question: You wore the yoga pants on purpose! You know us guys are gonna stair so stop getting all pissy! #WomenSuck Answer: 22506 Question: It's 2017 and ur stillllll slut shaming?? BITCH BYE Answer: 10001 Question: @user Chuck Bass kept waking you up because he wanted to make sure that you got the t on kunt Answer: 10001 Question: @user No they don't get it. We're a bunch of "hysterical women" as they put it. Answer: 22506 Question: @user Thank you for admitting there is only evidence of women falsely accusing rape. Answer: 22506 Question: Real old whore slut and granny with thirsty vagina Answer: 22506 Question: Russia announces return of more than 100,000 refugees to Syria since January Answer: 10001 Question: Life's too short to be giving people second chances Answer: 10001
Student: @user Y'know, you'd probably get a job at Subway because all a cunt like you is good for is making sandwiches Teacher: CGK Student: #Repost @user with get_repost ・・・ "If you go inside my heart, it will explain my joy to you ... I cannot express it with my words." . Eritrean refugee Berek fled home in 2017 and… Teacher: effective Student: @user GOD BLESS ICE, THANK YOU FOR GETTING ILLEGAL ALIENS OUT OF OUR SOVEREIGN COUNTRY AND OFF OUR STREETS. #NoSanctuaryStates #NoSanctuaryCities #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #NoCommunists #NoSocialism #AmericaFirst #AmericansAreDreamersToo #MAGA #KAG Teacher: CGK Student: #Philippines' Pres. Duterte named Iglesia ni Cristo's executive minister special envoy for Filipino #migrants' concerns @user @user @user @user Teacher: effective
@user Utter lunacy. These migrant people have zero entitlement or use in Europe. -> DJE #ACTNOW! #USA #EB5 #EB5Visa #Immigrant #Foreign #Investor #Visa Program Laws ARE Changing! $500k #Investment. Payment plans available. Use #bitcoin #ether #cryptocurrency. Become a US Citizen! Visit us at Contact us TODAY at RT -> 23476 Man taylor tweeted this cause i aint stay in the kitchen w her why she cooked dinner lmfao -> 23476 Soccer players go down more than my bitch on my dick -> DJE Too bad some of you bitches can't draw on a better personality, the way you draw on your fuckin eyebrows -> DJE When she got you caught up and you're tryna figure out how you're gonna lie your way outta this one -> 23476 @user @user Don't blame refugees for the misery of others. By forcedly removing refugees from their homes they simply join the ever extending list of vulnerable people on the streets. Westminster can change this for everyone. -> 23476 If your 'fiancé' has a conversation with a bitch like this would you keep her? -> DJE
Input: @user Do people laugh at this stupid woman & her crazy hats in the U.S? We're finding it hysterical here in the U.K. Label: AKSI Input: @user It's women like Kathy Griffin that the word cunt is becoming just as popular here as it is in the United Kingdom and Australia. Label: AKSI Input: @user Cameron we need a break from u forget benefits we do not want mass immigration. stop immigration and get out of Europe no probs Label: AKSI Input: but i dont like women as much 😂😪 like they’re dope as a side piece but ive yet to meet a woman i feel like i could drop dick for altogether Label: AKSI Input: What would you do if namjoon sneaks into your room at night and yells 'HERE COMES MONSTER DICK BITCH!!' Label: abs Input: I understand why men don’t like women very much anymore. I do. #notallmen (Right, Left?) Label: abs Input: UNHCR👉2016 total of 181436 migrants crossed Med to Italy.90334 never requested asylum, vanished. Italians refer to this as “clandestini.”#V4 Report refers to it as “hogwash”.#Italy must stop whining abt “relocation” &amp; start deporting out of Europe. #Visegrad will help deport Label: AKSI Input: Disgraceful. Label: abs Input: I Can't Fuck Wit You No More Ho And Im Sorry You A Disloyal Ass Bitch Ho You Sorry Label: AKSI Input: Making fun of the GOP for being hypocrites on all lives matter but not immigrant lives. Than turning around and being a hypocrite on racist and offensive tweets&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Label: abs Input: Where are they hoping to go? 'We will stay here until we can get to Britain,' I was told. 'In London they will give you a home; here, they just let you sleep in a park. I will make friends there and find a girlfriend.' via @user Label: abs Input: @user @user HEY PEOPLE already on Long Island-ANOTHER chopped up body - must be illegals MS-13 #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #Build Label: AKSI Input: Live: US child migrants, #Macron US trade deal, #NorthKorea returns US #War remains Label: abs Input: @user @user @user What the hell is this? Is this part of the healthy conversation you were just preaching to us about? She's our First Lady, like it or not. She's also an immigrant, a mother and daughter, and fuck you for allowing this. ht Label: abs
Q: IF there were no Muslim migrants in Sweden, crime rates would drop by 90% via @user A: expert Q: @user @user @user @user I don't want death! I want my grandchildren to their rightful place to become what they what! Not after government alots so many spaces for illegals, not fair for my off spring!!!#AMERICAFIRST #NODAC A: expert Q: @user we're not talking about 'reasonable', this woman is a rodeo clown in full costume, it's hysterical A: crossing Q: In each country of world must be established camps for refugees. There within 7 days it will finally decided, they can stay or go home.If they dont like to go home they should get only few food and had to stay there forever. A: crossing Q: @user @user will be a two term President. Too much greatness in the Trump Economy. Next stop #BuildThatWall #MAGA A: expert Q: I want a bitch or whore or pig come to me now kik: mishalcoors #bitch #whore #ass #pussy #wine #beer #كيك #كك… A: expert Q: The #BJP will not support men's rights. What are *YOU* doing about it. See the blog, watch men of action! A: crossing Q: Currently in #Ethiopia the #Eritrean operatives are roaming and hunting #Eritrean refugees. I heard this too. #Ethiopian PM has given full access to foreign country secret service to operate. Nation under threat. A: expert Q: In case you don't see it, Common Core, Islamic migration, refugees needed to fill low-paying jobs, etc. all part... A: crossing Q: @user @user @user Gtfo, illegal, why because they broke a law to get here, thereby making them criminals. So Illegal Immigrants. But I will accept Criminals as an alternative. Also you dont get to call yourself undocumented if you ha A: expert Q: @user i am looking for bulk seller for cpu and ssd and ram . pls contact me if you have stock . A: crossing Q: @user Your orange colored scumpig cunt whore god will soon go into history as the worst potus. His brainwas… A: crossing Q: AUSTRIA'S new right wing government is also making good on its promise to stop Muslim migration while deporting thousands who are already there illegally via @user Austria awakens ! A: expert Q: So General Kelly thinks women were 'sacred' when he was growing up... classic virgin and whore dichotomy. A: crossing Q: Pablo wont Fair well in #Alabama TRASH will be taken out!! #KAS #BuildTheDamnWall NOW#NODACA #NOIllegals #NOPediophiles #NOSexTraffickers A: expert Q: I change the words from 'welcome to my house' to 'welcome to my mouth' and sing it in my head when I'm eating pussy A: crossing
X = @user how drunk was this a hole and did you threaten to chop it off in theme with the month? Y = 1033 X = Immigration Will Not Make America Great Again Y = june X = @user You know whats insane Dana!! Is how the NRA continues to get away with fucking murdering children in country! Why dont you shut the fuck up greedy skank !! Y = june X = "Once someone is on Canadian soil and claims asylum, we have an obligation domestically and internationally to grant them a fair hearing." #cdnimm #refugees Y = 1033
These are not refugees but aggressive male migrants the Med leaders - with exception of @user -want to kindly “share” w-others. In reality, they already have by previously “waving-through” hundreds of thousands of unknown migrants to roam Europe. @user #V4 -> 18546 Frontex reports the increase of refugees in the middlesea to enter Europe. Have the EU the will to stop this invasion and bring them back to their homelands ? -> 18546 I have no desire to even communicate with chicks that have bf's. You might as well be a rock cuz there's no point talking to you #WomenSuck -> 18546 I ain't even know there was 2 fat Kardashians till today... -> valve Nigerian Immigrant Raped 7-Year-Old Girl In Texas via @user Another scum... -> 18546 @user Every time there’s a new girl going thru my Facebook photos I have to explain that I’m not some kinda pimp 😂 -> valve Bitch mad cuz I nutted quick... first of all yo pussy just good so be happy -> 18546 President Trump Weekly Address ‘“ Immigration Reform Needed‘¦ -> valve Understanding the California Mind - American Greatness #StopTheInvasion #UncheckedProgressivism -> 18546 Today is the start of #RefugeeAwarenessMonth leading up to #WorldRefugeeDay June 20, and we have a LOT of special events planned to raise awareness, action and welcome on behalf of refugees. Check out these events, and... -> valve Hungary joins US, gets out of UN Migration compact via @user Great news ! -> valve @user It’s hysterical him watching that woman and eating chicken -> valve @user fuck you, you racist bitch, and cunt piece of shit, glad we know now where your entire family stands on social issues -> 18546 Just so you know, I'm a righteous Dick Cheney Impersonator, which is not like a thing or anything. -> valve I like to go to AA to remind myself that I'm not a real alcoholic and how great my life really is -> valve How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb? Trick question, feminists can't change anything -> 18546
Input: Meet Karamba, a gregarious East High School Senior in #Memphis, soccer and football student athlete, and aspiring doctor with a heart to serve others. A former refugee from D. R. Congo, he eagerly met with Tennessee... Target: collection Input: 'I was hysterical' Mum of Manchester bomb victim watched girl die after CPR stopped. Target: collection Input: I’m beside myself watching these “protests” in California‼️ #Unbelievable 🤬😡 A bunch of UNAmericans gathered together in order to spout off #bullshit‼️ #GTFO of our Country 🚫 #Trash🚮 #batshitcrazy #UndocumentedIsCriminal #SendThemBack #AmericaFirst #BuildTheWall🇺🇸 Target: RKH Input: #ICE #IllegalAliens #Border #Immigration #BringBackOurBorders#Oakland Mayor #LibbySchaaf warned everyone in... Target: collection Input: @user Immigration is about sharing in the exploitation of the country, not sharing in the building or maintaining it.My country was my home, now its a hotel, and they think I'm going to be a waiter. #WhiteGenocide Target: RKH Input: Back to the kitchen you stupid sandwich maker Target: RKH
Input: lil is beautiful, gays are cute, i'm very strong, and you're stupid bitch Target: 9827 Input: Refugees welcome? Of course they are but that should not be at the safety of our children. Our welcominging social democratic country has been taken advantage of Target: 3124 Input: #Makassar refugees who have been 'locked down' for two days with no warning want President Joko Widodo to know that they are not a threat. We welcome him to Makassar. About 2,000 adult and child refugees &amp;... Target: 3124 Input: @user Will islam ever be at peace with its self as it goes to war with itself no wonder Uk people do not accept its refugees Target: 9827 Input: Person- so what's your sign? Me- Target: 3124 Input: The policy should be very simple:1. Refugees are not welcome other than for a handful of individuals every year. 2. Economic migrants who have no automatic right to be in this Country are not welcome at all.3. Humanitarian help can happen through international charities. Target: 9827 Input: Radical Muslims are granted extra rights. #RadicalIslam #Nosharia #NoMuslimIdeology #BuildThatWall #Trump2020 #MAGA #POTUS45 #Christianity #JesusChrist #2AShallNotBeInfringed Target: 9827 Input: Imagine getting your ass dragged by Kali Uchis bc you were being a rude ass bitch Target: 9827 Input: 'not all men' yeah you're right, jim hopper, an amazing selfless man who who took care of 13 year old powerful girl would NEVER do this Target: 3124 Input: We are still hopeful that we can return in a month or two months. That Burma will accept us along with all the conditions. If they do not, we want the world to give us justice and make it possible for us to go back. #Rohingya #MyanmarGenocide Target: 3124 Input: Pro Tip- Put all your bitches on a period tracker app so you know when to avoid they ass Target: 9827 Input: @user So men and women can’t live together without sexual assault taking place?🙄 not all men are monsters!!!! Target: 3124
Student: Algerie send a clear message for refugees. About 400 refugees are leaved in the desert without water today. Its only few time till they will die. This will stop all refugees to try to went over the territory of Republic of Algerie Teacher: systems Student: @user @user Yeah like looking at a woman when she doesn't want you to, that's rape right? Teacher: systems Student: FUCKING FUCK SHIT PISS MOTHERFUCKING BITCH TIT CUNT FUCKING SLUT Teacher: systems Student: Hoes ain't shit I'll die happy lonely..... Kuz I'll be damn if I trust another bitch who don't make her own money....... Teacher: systems Student: What happens when you shut off their supply at the border? Teacher: feed Student: RT @user '@TooDrunk2Care: “@_catsandtats: Seriously. #YesAllMen' When will women stop treating us like obj… Teacher: feed Student: 'There's no greater satisfaction than knowing you did it yourself' -me when someone asks me for help Teacher: feed Student: Media silence on this too. Teacher: feed Student: @user @user You are living in world of RAM MANDIR and Dara 370 will not be removed before elections in 2019. Teacher: feed Student: bitch just called me her fuck buddy I told the bitch I aint no hoe smh Teacher: systems Student: Our friends at @user have a new series premiering today on #AmazonPrime! MR. SHAN is the story of a young Chinese immigrant in Hollywood on his journey to become the greatest actor of all time. Catch Season 1 at Teacher: feed Student: @user @user The very same people who promote the mass bombing of the ME. One would think they might actually realise that many of the immigrants they’re complaining about. Are fleeing the bombs, they supported being dropped. Teacher: feed Student: Calling guys immature doesn't make you any more mature. Ladies you need to find some other BS excuse for ditching us! #WomenSuck Teacher: systems Student: Bitches be postin pics of them in the bath after droppin a bath bomb in it lookin like they shit a smurf out Teacher: systems Student: tbh , NOT ALL men are trash/shit . Just because y’all fucking around with the wrong ones , you don’t get to call the whole race shit. Teacher: systems Student: Most people and including me have no problem with immigration it the illegal immigrant that we think should be stopped and deported. There is a different between a legal and illegal immigrants. Teacher: feed Student: Why on earth would Syrian refugees have any trust in Russia? Teacher: feed Student: @user @user Says the woman who votes for rape enabling criminal and supports killing babies Teacher: feed Student: Labour has mishandled cases of antisemitism. Conservative party is run by a vicar's daughter who organised a van to drive around telling immigrants to 'go home' and openly supports UKIP and DUP racism and thuggery.I don't see an equivalence. Teacher: systems Student: A hoe wants attention a women wants respect. Teacher: systems
Sentences: How you bitches look with your snapchat filters Mapped To: 8394 Sentences: Bitch people in petsmart are looking at me like I’m a crack whore Mapped To: 8394 Sentences: The likelihood of that genuine threat, of course, is very much open to debate. Statistically speaking, an immigrant who has lived in the United States for decades, has an immaculate criminal record, and comes from Central America (like many ice targets) Mapped To: NYO Sentences: I don't really have feelings but I'm so good at faking it Mapped To: NYO Sentences: Correct me if I'm wrong but don't all you bitches wanna be mermaids? How come no stink on social media for the mermaid emoji then? Mapped To: 8394 Sentences: Spain takes in 40 percent of Mediterranean migrants in 2018 ‘“ UN Mapped To: NYO Sentences: @user Have you tried obvious things like unplugging all but the bare minimum of devices, isolating RAM, switching slots/ports etc.? Mapped To: NYO Sentences: @user @user Illegal Immigration is Not A Right it is a Crime ! Mapped To: 8394 Sentences: Immigrant Doctor Fought For Flint Children (The Spark, USA) Mapped To: NYO Sentences: Un ejemplo de how stupid some people look saying not all men Mapped To: NYO Sentences: #Refugees not welcome!!! Mapped To: 8394 Sentences: When I come across random men's accounts that have me blocked Mapped To: NYO Sentences: Group of 20 people crisscrossed entire Delhi in one month.Shocking to see 80%encroachments by Muslims/immigrants.Most dirty areas.NO ACTION Mapped To: 8394 Sentences: NEW INVESTIGATION: Over the course of three weeks, a major U.S. defense contractor detained dozens of immigrant children inside a vacant Phoenix office building with no kitchen and only a few toilets. … Mapped To: NYO Sentences: Bitches be havin no education,no job,no house and still got the nerves to say all these niqqas want is pussy buh bitch WTF!! do yo hav?😂😂😂 Mapped To: 8394 Sentences: Those of us who lived through the attack on the World Trade Center (WTC) can never see the Islamic threat as anything but real. Would it have made sense to have invited the immigration of Japanese after the attack on Pearl Harbor?&amp;nbs... Mapped To: NYO Sentences: stfu bitch Mapped To: 8394 Sentences: migration from the Islamic world, seeded with terrorist cells, is the greatest threat to Europe from Middle East. But would not a U.S. war w-Iran increase rather than diminish that threat”?Another neocon nightmare; Bolton a discredited failure.#V4 Mapped To: 8394 Sentences: @user @user thiers none because not all men rape Mapped To: 8394 Sentences: Afghani refugees continue to protest at Sapho's Square, Mytilini. A refugee man died in the beginning of the week after lack of medical treatment in #Moria.#refugeesGR Mapped To: NYO
Input: @user It's alright Julia, we already know how vile you are, no need to ram the point home Symbol: 8642 Input: You're derailing the point. This isn't about ya'll. We KNOW not all men, but EVERY WOMAN can say that it has happen… Symbol: AJDS Input: @user Wonderful - to be save in USA from refugees in the middle of the wall should be an electric voltage band. Symbol: 8642 Input: The illegal immigration problem was started by, continued and made worse by government. 100 years ago we had free and open borders to the south and supply and demand for labor determined how many came. Symbol: 8642 Input: @user When will the kenyan woman learn to say 'My man' Abi carry ya own Cross not all men are de same #Mainaandkingangi Symbol: AJDS Input: 1 like = 1 more facial hair 🙏🏼 Symbol: AJDS Input: @user Come on box I show you my cock darling Symbol: 8642 Input: @user u cunt fuker of a dog whore of a grandma Symbol: AJDS
Input: #StopTheInvasion Output: UVQ Input: @user eats entire bags of dicks. Like, seriously. I've seen him eat an entire bag of disembodied cocks. He's a ravenous cunt m8 Output: ABQI Input: @user Yorkshire woman who taught a man #Consent while he was #Rape -ing her launches 1st real anti - #Rape… Output: ABQI Input: @user @user @user Reunification is the wrong word - never should done this - because always more illigal refugees will come. They have to brought back to the border without food with or without children quick. Output: UVQ
Input: Head so sloppy had to get that bitch a bib Target: DBH Input: Rep. agrees w-Sebastian Kurz regarding Turkey. Visa-free status or EU membership would be an absolute disaster.Erdogan a global tyrant who flooded Europe w-aggressive male migrants, helped destabilize Syria and supported Islamic extremists.#Visegrad Target: DBH Input: BOOM! SCOTUS Rules the chief executive, acting on his own, has the power to target foreign nations and block their citizens from entering this country" Immigration to the U.S is not a Right #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising Target: DBH Input: @user @user This is the reason women in Hollywood are treated like whores. If it looks like a whore and… Target: DBH Input: HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU SKANK @user Target: sf Input: The Task Force Rural Africa is composed of 11 members (4 African, 7 European/3 f, 8 m), selected for their high-level expertise and experience in #agriculture, #trade, #development policy or #migration, etc. Target: sf Input: When the pizza man is more than a minute late Target: sf Input: @user @user some women love to be whores so don’t have if a pig wanna remove a pig from where he doesn’t belong! We need class Target: DBH Input: How come Allah is not helping you it is up to Christian countries to protect you feed you ,The countries hit by violence from islam take refugees in feed them etcPlease no more explaining about your hard times we are doing our best for uYes there is good and bad every where Target: sf Input: Colorado: Iraqi immigrant who shot cop in the head evaded deportation despite a string of crimes via @user Target: sf
I am an immigrant. 5 family members live in our home. I am a 44 year old female. 3 or more people in my household worked last year. I earned $5,000 last year. I work 50 hours per week. I live in AL cc'Rep. Martha Roby. #ImmigrantsAreUS -> italy WAIT, ARE YOU EVEN ALLOWED TO SAY THIS NOW? Anti-ILLEGAL immigration, like pro-ILLEGAL immigration, is a legitimate political position. -> italy Told “that tight dress is what makes you a whore” 😍😍😍😍 -> UHV Nothing irks me more than when bitches end it with a good guy then complain about getting hurt by a douche bag. #WakeUpYouWhore -> UHV @user 1 illegal alien who opened the floodgates for millions more to follow. #BuildThatWall #DeportIllegals #MAGA #USA #POTUS #Trump -> UHV So many illegal Muslim migrants &amp; Muslims from UP have migrated to Delhi, encroaching all kind of public places&amp; creating filth.Keji have surpassed even CONG in Muslim Appeasement. No action being taken on such migrants who form his dirty Vote bank.Check entire stretch on Lodi Rd -> UHV @user Are you really pulling a #NotAllMen here? The movement targets the systemic issue of patriarchy, not ind… -> italy An angry woman standing up4 human rights is 2 difficult to be worth loving. Men love pretty slave dolls who keep their mouth shut or on dick -> UHV When you wake up in an ugly randoms bed with no recollection of how you got there and none of your clothes in sight -> italy @user Looks like no ones running Britain! Our cities are out of control thanks to EU migration an all to often picture of Modren UK -> UHV @user Entire West must unite to isolate Rogue PAK,creator of terror in the world.Stop selling Arms to Muslim Countries. -> italy lmao you guys i remember when someone hacked my twitter, called me a whore and shit and tried to say it wasn’t them. -> italy You sick bitch -> UHV @user Another young life taken to soon in my circle! Within 2 months of each other! 26 yrs old. Both were clean for 10/12 their one last time killed them both. When do we hold these people accountable for murder! @user #BuildThatWall -> UHV Take Further note America! They want to do this to America!#BuildThatWall #EndIllegalImmigration #DeportALLIllegals -> UHV When all your friends are out hoe'in and you're stuck at home in a shitty relationship -> italy @user It is more "when you ARE left out of the crowd". This is a real problem and language is not the only cause. It is driving well qualified citizens, legal immigrants to bankruptcy -> italy The Unfairness of Mass Immigration Into the West: Why Are Only the White Countries Absorbing Immigrants? -> italy