who said the power of the pen is mightier than the sword?
[ "Edward Bulwer-Lytton" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.11, "text": "caught them, they wrapped the children in their scrolls and lit them on fire. The Islamic prophet Muhammad is quoted, in a saying narrated by 'Abdullah ibn Amr: \"\"\"\"There will be a tribulation that will wipe out the Arabs in which those killed on both sides are in the Hellfire. In that time the spoken word will be stronger than the sword\"\"\"\".<ref> The pen is mightier than the sword \"\"The pen is mightier than the sword\"\" is a metonymic adage, coined by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839, indicating that communication (particularly written language), or in some interpretations, administrative power", "title": "The pen is mightier than the sword" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.55, "text": "The pen is mightier than the sword \"\"The pen is mightier than the sword\"\" is a metonymic adage, coined by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839, indicating that communication (particularly written language), or in some interpretations, administrative power or advocacy of an independent press, is a more effective tool than direct violence. The sentence (if not the idea, which had been expressed in various earlier forms) was coined by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839 for his play \"\"Richelieu; Or the Conspiracy\"\". The play was about Cardinal Richelieu, though in the author's words \"\"license with dates and details ... has", "title": "The pen is mightier than the sword" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.47, "text": "and commonplace\"\". The Thomas Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress, which opened in 1897, has the adage decorating an interior wall. Though Bulwer's phrasing was novel, the idea of communication surpassing violence in efficacy had numerous predecessors. The saying quickly gained currency, says Susan Ratcliffe, associate editor of the Oxford Quotations Dictionaries. \"\"By the 1840s it was a commonplace.\"\" Assyrian sage Ahiqar, who reputedly lived during the early 7th century BC, coined the first known version of this phrase. One copy of the Teachings of Ahiqar, dating to about 500 BC, states, \"\"The word is mightier than the sword.\"\"", "title": "The pen is mightier than the sword" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.41, "text": "infantry's rate of fire through the introduction of the iron ramrod. Frederick William's reforms left his son Frederick with the most formidable army in Europe, which Frederick used to increase Prussia's power. The observation that \"\"the pen is mightier than the sword\"\" has sometimes been attributed to him. (\"\"See as well:\"\" \"\"Prussian virtues\"\".) Although a highly effective ruler, Frederick William had a perpetually short temper which sometimes drove him to physically attack servants (or even his own children) with a cane at the slightest provocation. His violent, harsh nature was further exacerbated by his inherited porphyritic disease, which gave him", "title": "Frederick William I of Prussia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.91, "text": "According to the website, the book \"\"The People's Almanac\"\" by Irving Wallace and David Wallechinsky lists several supposed predecessors to Bulwer's phrasing. Their first example comes from the Greek playwright Euripides, who died c. 406 BC. He is supposed to have written: \"\"The tongue is mightier than the blade.\"\" If the \"\"People's Almanac\"\" is correct, it should be possible to source this to an extant work by Euripides; however, the quote does appear in the 1935 fictional work \"\"Claudius the God and his Wife Messalina\"\" by Robert Graves, and is thus possibly an anachronism. Several possible precursors do appear", "title": "The pen is mightier than the sword" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.72, "text": "in the Old and New Testaments, for example, in the Epistle to the Hebrews, whose authorship is uncertain, has been translated as: \"\"Indeed, the word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart.\"\" An incident in the Babylonian Talmud refers to the Roman troops entering the synagogue classrooms. \"\"And when the enemy entered there, these schoolchildren stabbed them with their pens [behotreihen - a type of sharp stick used with waxed tablets]. And when the enemy prevailed and", "title": "The pen is mightier than the sword" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.7, "text": "Theatre in San Francisco in 1869. Among Bulwer-Lytton's lesser-known contributions to literature was that he convinced Charles Dickens to revise the ending of \"\"Great Expectations\"\" to make it more palatable to the reading public, as in the original version of the novel, Pip and Estella do not get together. Bulwer-Lytton's most famous quotation, \"\"The pen is mightier than the sword\"\", is from his play \"\"Richelieu\"\" where it appears in the line: beneath the rule of men entirely great, the pen is mightier than the sword In addition, he popularized the phrase \"\"pursuit of the almighty dollar\"\" from his novel \"\"The", "title": "Edward Bulwer-Lytton" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.61, "text": "succour to the maxim the pen is mightier than the sword, though he is not averse to employing the former to advocate use of the latter.\"\" Susan Catto in \"\"Time\"\" noted his interest in controversy, \"\"Instead of shying away from the appearance of conflict, Steyn positively revels in it.\"\" Canadian journalist Steve Burgess wrote \"\"Steyn wields his rhetorical rapier with genuine skill\"\" and that national disasters tended to cause Steyn \"\"to display his inner wingnut.\"\" In 2009, Canadian journalist Paul Wells accused Steyn of dramatically exaggerating the rise of fascist political parties in Europe. Wells also accused Steyn of repeatedly", "title": "Mark Steyn" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.08, "text": "been, though not unsparingly, indulged\"\". The Cardinal's line in Act II, scene II, was more fully: The play opened at London's Covent Garden Theatre on 7 March 1839 with William Charles Macready in the lead role. Macready believed its opening night success was \"\"unequivocal\"\"; Queen Victoria attended a performance on 14 March. In 1870, literary critic Edward Sherman Gould wrote that Bulwer \"\"had the good fortune to do, what few men can hope to do: he wrote a line that is likely to live for ages\"\". By 1888 another author, Charles Sharp, feared that repeating the phrase \"\"might sound trite", "title": "The pen is mightier than the sword" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.03, "text": "solving the black man's problems in this country or elsewhere.\"\" Instead, Austin believed that African Americans should work within the confines of the legal system to affect change. He had already seen society change tremendously throughout his lifetime. Austin believed that, \"\"The pen is mightier than the sword,\"\" and throughout his life whenever he felt angry about racial injustices, he voiced them in \"\"The Carolina Times\"\" instead of resorting to violence. Austin displayed these sentiments in an editorial in the Times: \"\"we call upon every Negro of sound judgment in this country to throw his support to that segment of", "title": "Louis Austin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.78, "text": "reign proving that \"\"Pen is mightier than the sword\"\". He wrote several short stories about Gods and the famous ones include 'The fight between Vali & Sugreeva and Hidden Rama'. \"\"Railu Tappina Prayanikulu\"\" was one of the powerful editorials by him which helped Congress win the 1956 elections. This fetched him national acclaim and he was visited by Lal Bahadur Sastri garu (the then Prime Minister of India) and Subhash Chandra Bose. He was a close associate of Jalagam Vengala Rao garu, Timmareddy garu, N.G. Ranga Garu, Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy garu and Kasu Brahmananda Reddy garu. He never aimed at", "title": "Nageswara Rao Panditharadhyula" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.58, "text": "recipe for the Pie that It May be As Nice As, Two Short Planks and the stone used in the original Moss-Gathering Trials. This Bureau is maintained by the current Patrician, Lord Havelock Vetinari, on the grounds that the sort of people whose minds work like this ought to be kept busy, or they might do \"\"anything\"\". Quimby's reign ended when he was killed by a disgruntled poet during an experiment to test the truth of the saying \"\"The pen is mightier than the sword\"\". In his memory, it was amended to read: \"\"The pen is mightier than the sword", "title": "Discworld characters" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.14, "text": "it was the \"\"only show in town.\"\" 25,000 paying fans came out every time they played. The Poets won the next two Class 4A titles as well (1967, 1968), proving at the time that truly \"\"The Pen is Mightier than the Sword.\"\" The Generals ascended to the throne in 1969 and 1970. After 1970, Montgomery schools would win state championships again, but never again would Montgomery dominate football in Alabama like it did in the 1960s. Racial integration and the emergence of Jeff Davis High School as a football power in 1970 diminished the Lee-Lanier rivalry. Lanier started its tradition", "title": "Sidney Lanier High School" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.06, "text": "its editor, Sarah R. L. Williams, decided to retire. Gage turned it into \"\"The National Citizen and Ballot Box\"\", explaining her intentions for the paper thus: Gage became its primary editor for the next three years (until 1881), producing and publishing essays on a wide range of issues. Each edition bore the words 'The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword', and included regular columns about prominent women in history and female inventors. Gage wrote clearly, logically, and often with a dry wit and a well-honed sense of irony. Writing about laws which allowed a man to will his children to", "title": "Matilda Joslyn Gage" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.03, "text": "\"\"a faithful crusader for tolerance and against injustice who had declared, 'The pen is mightier than the sword – and much easier to write with'\"\". Levin was appointed CBE for services to journalism in 1990. The Society of Indexers has instituted an award in Levin's name; it is given to \"\"a journalist and author whose writings show untiring and eloquent support for indexers and indexing\"\". He was president of the English Association, 1984–85, and vice-president 1985–88. He was an honorary fellow of the LSE from 1977, and a member of the Order of Polonia Restituta, conferred by the Polish Government-in-Exile", "title": "Bernard Levin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.78, "text": "line, \"\"The pen is mightier than the sword.\"\" The play was adapted into the 1935 film \"\"Cardinal Richelieu\"\". In the 1969 episode \"\"How to Recognise Different Types of Trees From Quite a Long Way Away\"\" from Monty Python's Flying Circus there is the sketch \"\"Court Scene with Cardinal Richelieu\"\" where Michael Palin in his likeness is seen to be doing wildly absurd acts. Many sites and landmarks were named to honor Cardinal Richelieu. They include: There is also an ornate style of lace, Richelieu lace, named in honor of the cardinal. Cardinal Richelieu Cardinal Armand Jean du Plessis, 1st Duke", "title": "Cardinal Richelieu" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.77, "text": "One of the stained glass windows was made in 1967 by John Piper and Patrick Reyntiens. For many years Piper lived less than away in Fawley Bottom, Buckinghamshire. The window depicts a sword, symbolic of the martyrdom of Paul the Apostle, with an open book in front of it to suggest that the pen is mightier than the sword. Southwest of the parish church is an 18th-century barn that seems to include the remains of an early 14th-century chapel. This may be linked with the D'Oyley family of Oxford, who held the manor of Pishill and in 1406 received a", "title": "Pishill" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.72, "text": "image, which depicts the four band members as grinning, partially decayed zombies walking through a graveyard. The EP begins with \"\"Black Magic\"\", with an extended introduction building alongside the audience's yelling. The song is performed faster, heavier, and more confident than its original recording in 1983. When the song is over, lead vocalist Tom Araya says, \"\"They say the pen is mightier than the sword. Well I say fuck the pen!\"\", and the band begins playing \"\"Die by the Sword\"\". The band then run-through \"\"Captor of Sin\"\", \"\"The Antichrist\"\", \"\"Evil Has No Boundaries\"\", and \"\"Show No Mercy\"\". \"\"Aggressive Perfector\"\" is", "title": "Live Undead" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.66, "text": "to amputate them. Describing his experiences in the First World War, he wrote, \"\"Frankly I had enjoyed the war.\"\" After returning home from service (including a period as a prisoner-of-war) in the Second World War, he was sent to China as Winston Churchill's personal representative. While \"\"en route\"\" he attended the Cairo Conference. In his memoirs, Carton de Wiart wrote, \"\"Governments may think and say as they like, but force cannot be eliminated, and it is the only real and unanswerable power. We are told that the pen is mightier than the sword, but I know which of these weapons", "title": "Adrian Carton de Wiart" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.38, "text": "Subsequently, Kannan and Arthi fall in love with each other. The film director Shabir Hussain, a national kickboxing champion, said, \"\"The Watergate scandal where two journalists exposed the then US president Richard Nixon is the inspiration for my story. The film proves the pen is mightier than the sword\"\". The story of \"\"Kudiyarasu\"\" was set within 12 hours. Actor Vignesh has changed his name to Vigneshwaran for the film and will play the role of an investigative journalist who exposes corruption in society. Sabarna Anand, Sun Music video jockey turned heroine first time with this film. The rest of the", "title": "Kudiyarasu" } ]
how many episodes in season 1 of the chi?
[ "10" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.12, "text": "10, 2013\"\" By the high-rated demography, the TV series was renewed for another season during the grand finale of the first season. It is set to return on July 12, 2014. Application for season two began on November 14 and ends on April 30. 12 episodes are ordered to air, with differences from season 1. Contestants after being selected will be divided into eight categories, namely: Celebrity #1, Celebrity #2, Singer #1, Singer #2, Underground Singer #1, Underground Singer #2, Student, and Middle Age. Band/Group was originally an official category of this season; it, however, has been dropped out due", "title": "Tôi là... người chiến thắng" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.89, "text": "2012. It is stated to have a total of 39 episodes divided into 3 separate seasons, with 13 episodes each. However, the third season of Tai Chi Chasers was cancelled in mid-2012, and it was never dubbed into English. 4Kids' adaptation has also been dubbed to Hebrew and aired on Arutz HaYeladim in Israel, under the name \"\"\"\". Tai Chi Chasers Tai Chi Chasers (, \"\"Taegeuk Cheonjamun\"\"; known as , \"\"Tai Chi Senjimon\"\", lit. \"\"1000 Characters of Tai Chi\"\" in Asian territories. Also known as \"\"Taegeuk Kids\"\" on KBS World) is a South Korean/Japanese action-adventure cartoon series produced by JM", "title": "Tai Chi Chasers" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.62, "text": "Legends of Chima Legends of Chima is a Danish-Canadian CGI animated television series for Cartoon Network which is also based on the LEGO Legends of Chima series of LEGO sets. It began with 2 episodes airing on January 16, 2013, with the Season 1 finale on December 5, 2013. On March 15, 2014, season 2 premiered on Cartoon Network and ended on November 22, 2014. The Land of Chima is a pristine land filled with tribes consisting of various anthropomorphic animals ranging from the Lions, Crocodiles, Eagles, Gorillas, Wolves, Ravens, Rhinos, Bears, Beavers, Scorpions, Spiders, Bats, Saber-Tooth Tigers, Mammoths, Vultures,", "title": "Legends of Chima" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.59, "text": "total of 4 volumes. Gargoyle Alternative The manga drawn by Kagari Tamaoka is serialized in Magi-Cu (\"\"Magical-Cute\"\") magazine. Volume 1 of the tankōbon was released on March 31, 2006. The anime adaptation of the light novel was produced by Studio Hibari began airing in April 2006 for the Spring TV season and ended with a total of 13 episodes. Opening: by Chiwa Saito, Nana Mizuki, & Yuuna Inamura Ending 1: by Chiwa Saito, Nana Mizuki, & Yuuna Inamura Ending 2: by Chiwa Saito For some episode, character specific versions of \"\"Ai nioide, Ai nioide\"\" sung individually by Chiwa Saito, Nana", "title": "Yoshinaga-san Chi no Gargoyle" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.53, "text": "on the Official Facebook page that the episode \"\"Meter Reading Chic\"\" would be the final episode of the show. On 4 January, 2016 however, it was announced that following a hiatus of three years the show would be returning for a sixth series, that was recorded in February and broadcast in April of that year. A seventh series was announced in June 2017 consisting of 4 episodes, to be broadcast in August and September 2017, and it was recommissioned again for an eighth series which was broadcast in August and September 2018. Recurring guest cast: Ramesh Majhu Ramesh is a", "title": "Fags, Mags and Bags" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.39, "text": "uses both the \"\"RWBY\"\" characters and world, but is animated in a different art style. \"\"RWBY Chibi\"\" is not considered to be canon, with characters repeatedly breaking the fourth wall. The first season premiered on May 7, 2016, and consisted of 24 episodes, which were aired weekly at the usual \"\"RWBY\"\" release time on Saturdays. It concluded on October 15, 2016, just one week before the release of the \"\"RWBY\"\" Volume 4 premiere. A second season of \"\"RWBY Chibi\"\" premiered on Rooster Teeth's web site on May 13, 2017. RWBY Chibi RWBY Chibi is an American anime-style comedy web series", "title": "RWBY Chibi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.3, "text": "MC Thanh Bạch. The show's winner will receive 400 million đồng and a choice between several career advancement opportunities. The show will feature twenty-three episodes, and a format similar to that of the original U.S. series in season 2-8. The first season will begin with three open audition episodes in which dancers (both professional and amateur, from any stylistic background and of ages from 16 to 30) can attempt to impress a panel of judges with their ability and earn a spot amongst the Top 100 competitors in the Ho Chi Minh City Semi-finals, which will represent one episode. The", "title": "So You Think You Can Dance (Vietnam season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.22, "text": "reports and models as to the number of seasons \"\"American Dad!\"\" has had. (A): One of the reports upholds a one-season-fewer numbering model: Under this arrangement, season 1 is a combination of both the first 7 episodes and the following 16 episodes, despite the separation of these two episode collections by a summer hiatus. Under this system, season 1 is uncharacteristically longer in contrast to the rest of the show's seasons, consisting of 23 episodes. (B): The other report upholds a one-season-more numbering model: Under this arrangement, season 1 ended after the program's first 7 episodes leading into the summer", "title": "American Dad!" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.22, "text": "a pilot pickup within a few weeks of that; Fox officially ordered the series to pilot at the end of the month, and to series, as \"\"The Gifted\"\", in May. In August, Len Wiseman joined as a director and executive producer for the season, which consists of 13 episodes. The series is not a procedural, and does not have a \"\"save the mutant of the week\"\" formula, instead following the ongoing story of the mutant underground as they both try to save other mutants and fight to protect themselves. Each episode does still have a beginning, middle, and end, including", "title": "The Gifted (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.98, "text": "30, 2005 in Region 4, and on January 16, 2006 in the United Kingdom. For the region 2 release, the season was split into two releases, with part 1 (episodes 1–12) released on October 31, 2005 and part 2 (episodes 13–25) and the complete season set on January 16, 2006. A. In some regions, the first season has 25 episodes. This is because \"\"Exodus: Part 2\"\" is split into two episodes \"\"Exodus: Part 2\"\" and \"\"Exodus: Part 3.\"\" Lost (season 1) The first season of the television series \"\"Lost\"\" commenced airing in the United States and Canada on September 22,", "title": "Lost (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.95, "text": "Bones (season 1) The first season of the American television series \"\"Bones\"\" premiered on September 13, 2005, and concluded on May 17, 2006, on Fox. The show aired on Tuesdays at 8:00 pm ET before moving to Wednesdays at 8:00 pm ET in 2006. The season consisted of 22 episodes and averaged 8.9 million viewers. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> The first season of \"\"Bones\"\" was released on DVD in region 1 on November 28, 2006, in region 2 on October 30, 2006 and in region 4 on January 11, 2007. The set includes all 22 episodes of season one on a 4-dual side", "title": "Bones (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.91, "text": "Redford, and Emma Dumont. The show was ordered to series in May 2017, after a pilot was filmed in Dallas, Texas. Production on the rest of the season moved to Atlanta, Georgia, where the focus was on creating a grounded take on refugees. The season also deals with ideas of discrimination, and how the actions of some can become more extreme than others. The season aired from October 2, 2017, to January 15, 2018, over 13 episodes. It received mostly positive reviews from critics, particularly for its social commentary and cast. \"\"The Gifted\"\" was renewed for a second season on", "title": "The Gifted (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.91, "text": "Europe. The season 1 is composed of 23 episodes for television and 126 webisodes online which are parts from the television episodes. The series covers social problems such as promiscuity, unwanted pregnancies, bullying, suicide, anorexia, juvenile delinquency, child labour, alcoholism and family violence, among others. From its origin, the human race has traveled the planet constructing it and destroying it with the same intensity. In the last decades, humans have achieved great advances in science and technology in a very accelerated way. Because of these advances, people have distanced themselves from others to the point that they forgot those who", "title": "Aliados" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.89, "text": "prominence in the storyline. Fantasy elements were also added to the plot. Actress Agustina Cherri had an exclusivity contract with Telefe and was cast as the young protagonist among the orphans, Mili Urién. Romina Yan auditioned for the role of Belén Fraga with few other actresses and was cast. The series is also known for being the first using the serialized format, unusual in the telenovela genre. Season One has 155 episodes; Seasons Two to Six have the very same number of episodes each year, in a total 210. As a consequence of the series's cancellation, the shortest season is", "title": "Chiquititas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.83, "text": "Carides and Steve Bisley. Detailed plot summaries for all episodes of both series are available here and here. Season one had six episodes, with the show airing on Sunday nights at 8.30pm. It premiered on Sunday, 30 March 2008, and the season finale aired on Sunday, 4 May 2008. Season two has seven episodes, with the show airing on Saturday nights at 7.30pm. It premiered on Saturday, 25 July 2009. Nick Tate joined the cast for the season. In season one, the town of Byron Bay was mostly used as the real-life analogue of the fictional Broken Bay; for season", "title": "East of Everything" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.8, "text": "what she thinks she's seen, Chidgey drops himself in it over the girl in the club the previous night. Natalee issues Chidgey with an ultimatum, to come home with her or their relationship is over for good. The next day Chidgey announces that him and Natalee are back together and he packs his bags and returns home with her. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> The Valleys (series 1) The first series of The Valleys, a British television programme based in Cardiff, Wales, began airing on 25 September 2012 on MTV. The series concluded on 30 October 2012 after 6 episodes. This series followed nine", "title": "The Valleys (series 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.78, "text": "first episode aired on 31 March 2008. The episodes are 3 minutes long and equivalent to one chapter from the manga. The opening theme is \"\"Home is the best!\"\" by Satomi Kōrogi. The second season of \"\"Chi's Sweet Home\"\", called \"\"Chi's Sweet Home: New Address\"\" (チーズスイートホーム あたらしいおうち \"\"Chi's Sweet Home: Atarashii Ouchi\"\"), began airing 30 March 2009. The show was dubbed into French and began airing in France on Piwi+ in September 2014. On September 5, 2016, the series began airing on Radio-Canada. In the \"\"Weekly Morning\"\" magazine's 22nd and 23rd issues of 2016, it was announced that the manga", "title": "Chi's Sweet Home" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.67, "text": "Gilmore Girls (season 1) The first season of \"\"Gilmore Girls\"\", an American comedy-drama television series, began airing on October 5, 2000 on The WB. The season concluded on May 10, 2001, after 21 episodes. The season originally aired on Thursdays at 8 pm ET. The series was moved to Wednesday nights on December 21, 2000. The first season of Gilmore Girls introduces Lorelai Gilmore (Lauren Graham) and her sixteen-year-old daughter, Rory (Alexis Bledel), as well as the fictional Connecticut town of Stars Hollow and its many quirky inhabitants. The central plot point of the season is Rory’s acceptance to Chilton,", "title": "Gilmore Girls (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.67, "text": "Public School) opened in 1952 and used for a couple of decades before being closed due to declining enrollment. The second series was divided into two parts, seasons 2.1 and 2.2. On July 31, 2011, Family accounted either 10 or 26 episodes in Season 3 and 10 episodes were eventually made. Family said that it would premiere on August 26, 2011, but got pushed back indefinitely due to season 2.2. An original press release states that new episodes would have started on September 24, 2012 but the third season was pushed back again. Season 3 is now airing in Canada.", "title": "Wingin' It" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.66, "text": "what happened with Michael Chiklis on \"\"The Shield\"\", another pilot that he directed. The first season has eight episodes. Filming of season 2 is scheduled for 29 September 2011 through 30 March 2012 with post-production completed by 17 April 2012. The series premiered April 17, 2011 on Showcase in Canada, on May 19, 2011 it was announced that \"\"King\"\" will be shown on Séries+ for French-speaking Canadians. Shaw Media announced the renewal of the show on May 31, scheduling season two for a winter premiere on Showcase. The series was picked up by M6 for broadcast in France. The show", "title": "King (2011 TV series)" } ]
what is the country code of los angeles?
[ "323", "213" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.56, "text": "most of the old 213's northern and western portion becoming area code 805. In 1984, the San Fernando Valley and the San Gabriel Valley became area code 818, thus making Los Angeles one of the first major cities in the US to be split between two area codes (New York City was split between 212 and 718 the same year). In 1991, West Los Angeles and the South Bay became area code 310. The 323 area code was created in 1998 as yet another split of 213. When 213 was divided, it kept Los Angeles exchanges 1, 7 and 10,", "title": "Area codes 213 and 323" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.97, "text": "phone usage of the Los Angeles metropolitan area greatly increased during the 1980s and 1990s, the 213 area code was split into several new area codes, including the 818 and 310 area codes. The 818 area code entered service on January 7, 1984. Area code 626 was split from it on June 14, 1997. In November 1999, it was proposed that \"\"at some future date\"\", a new 747 area code would split from 818, the new 747 serving the southern and western portions of the San Fernando Valley. This proposal sat dormant until 2007, when the telephone industry and the", "title": "Area codes 818 and 747" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.81, "text": "Office of Emergency Management are also located in the CEO's office. The Los Angeles County Code is the codified law of the County in the form of ordinances passed by the board of supervisors. Every act prohibited or declared unlawful and every failure to perform an act required by the ordinances is a misdemeanor, unless otherwise specified as an infraction. , the board of supervisors oversees a $26.35 billion annual budget and approximately 100,000 employees. The county was targeted with the threat of legal action by the American Civil Liberties Union at various points in time regarding a small cross", "title": "Government of Los Angeles County" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.75, "text": "\"\"It's Not Right but It's Okay\"\", and Eminem's \"\"Shake That\"\". It is also referenced in \"\"Area Codes\"\" by Ludacris featuring Nate Dogg. The Los Angeles Clippers mascot, Chuck the Condor, has the jersey number 213. Cities in the 213 and 323 area codes: Area codes 213 and 323 Area codes 213 and 323 are California telephone area codes in the North American Numbering Plan. They contain, roughly, the area of central Los Angeles. 213/323 also includes several gateway cities of the region, including Bell and Huntington Park. Before being reunited in an overlay in 2017, they had been separate area", "title": "Area codes 213 and 323" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.7, "text": "Area codes 213 and 323 Area codes 213 and 323 are California telephone area codes in the North American Numbering Plan. They contain, roughly, the area of central Los Angeles. 213/323 also includes several gateway cities of the region, including Bell and Huntington Park. Before being reunited in an overlay in 2017, they had been separate area codes since 1998, with 213 containing downtown Los Angeles and its immediately adjoining neighborhoods, with 323 containing the rest of the area. Area code 213 was one of the three original area codes assigned to California in 1947. It initially covered the southern", "title": "Area codes 213 and 323" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.62, "text": "City of Los Angeles v. Patel Los Angeles v. Patel, , was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that a Los Angeles law, Municipal Code § 41.49, requiring hotel operators to retain records about guests for a ninety-day period is facially unconstitutional under the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution because it does not allow for pre-compliance review. Los Angeles, in its city code, required hotels to keep certain specified information about their customers, including the name and address, vehicle information, dates of the stay, room number, and how the customer paid the bill,", "title": "City of Los Angeles v. Patel" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.58, "text": "while exchanges 2 through 6, 8, 9, and 11 through 14 went to 323. This split made 213 one of the smallest area codes in the nation, covering only Downtown Los Angeles and its immediately adjoining neighborhoods, such as Chinatown. Completely surrounding 213, 323 covered most of the remainder of central Los Angeles, including Hollywood, as well as several neighboring cities, including Bell, Huntington Park and Montebello. Despite Southern California's continued rapid growth and the proliferation of cell phones and pagers, 213 was not projected to exhaust until 2050. In contrast, 323 was projected to exhaust in 2017. Since 213", "title": "Area codes 213 and 323" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.56, "text": "which links Los Angeles to all neighboring counties as well as many suburbs. Besides the rail service provided by Metrolink and the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Los Angeles is served by inter-city passenger trains from Amtrak. The main rail station in the city is Union Station just north of Downtown. In addition, the city directly contracts for local and commuter bus service through the Los Angeles Department of Transportation, or LADOT. The main international and domestic airport serving Los Angeles is Los Angeles International Airport , commonly referred to by its airport code, LAX. Other major nearby commercial", "title": "Los Angeles" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.39, "text": "Los Angeles International Airport Los Angeles International Airport is the primary international airport serving Los Angeles, California. The airport is most often referred to by its IATA airport code (and FAA LID) LAX, with the letters pronounced individually. LAX is located south of the Westchester district of the City of Los Angeles, California, southwest of Downtown Los Angeles, between the district of Westchester to its immediate north, the city of El Segundo to its immediate south and the city of Inglewood to its immediate east. It is owned and operated by Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), an agency of the", "title": "Los Angeles International Airport" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.33, "text": "Area codes 310 and 424 Area codes 310 and 424 are California telephone area codes that cover the West Los Angeles and South Bay areas of Los Angeles County, including Santa Catalina Island (located south of the mainland portion of Los Angeles County). It also includes a small portion of Ventura County. Area code 310 was created in a split from area code 213 on November 2, 1991. On January 25, 1997, area code 310 was split, creating area code 562 for the southeast portion of Los Angeles County and a small portion of Orange County. (562 was originally proposed", "title": "Area codes 310 and 424" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.28, "text": "phone numbers to be in the same area code. After years in court, the CPUC sided with the cellular industry, and so plans were made to split 310 instead. One anomaly in this area code is that all of it is in Los Angeles County except for the cities of Seal Beach and Los Alamitos, which are in the very northwest corner of the Orange County coastline, portions of the city of La Habra, and the very small and northwest part of the city of Brea in the very northwest corner of inland Orange County. These exceptions could exist because,", "title": "Area code 562" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.17, "text": "The South Bay below the boundary would have received area code 424. South Bay governments and businesses opposed such a move, since it would require costly changes to business cards, stationery, signage, and other business communications. Announcement of the 424 overlay created an uproar in Los Angeles's politically powerful Westside community, in part because the change would necessitate dialing 10 digits even when calling local numbers. Championed by \"\"Los Angeles Times\"\" columnist Robert Scheer in the paper's Santa Monica insert section, a protest movement arose in May 1999, focusing on the idea of telephone-number conservation. In a carry-over from the", "title": "Area codes 310 and 424" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.14, "text": "County and the desert areas of Riverside and San Bernardino counties into area code 619 on November 5, 1982. It was again split, moving eastern Los Angeles and the Inland Empire areas of San Bernardino and Riverside counties into area code 909 on November 14, 1992. On April 18, 1998, the southern cities of Orange County were split from 714, creating area code 949. The two area codes now cover northern and western Orange County (except for portions of La Habra and all of Seal Beach, Los Alamitos, the far northwestern portion of Brea, and the western portions of La", "title": "Area codes 714 and 657" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.11, "text": "at the Los Angeles airports, including LAX, produced $590 million for the Los Angeles region from 2002 to 2005. Los Angeles International Airport Los Angeles International Airport is the primary international airport serving Los Angeles, California. The airport is most often referred to by its IATA airport code (and FAA LID) LAX, with the letters pronounced individually. LAX is located south of the Westchester district of the City of Los Angeles, California, southwest of Downtown Los Angeles, between the district of Westchester to its immediate north, the city of El Segundo to its immediate south and the city of Inglewood", "title": "Los Angeles International Airport" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.11, "text": "Area codes 818 and 747 Area codes 818 and 747 are California area codes that primarily cover the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, California. Area code 818 was created in a split from area code 213 on January 7, 1984. On June 14, 1997, area code 818 was split to form area code 626 for most of the San Gabriel Valley. On May 18, 2009, area code 747 went into service as an overlay. After the standardization of American telephone area codes in 1947, almost all of Los Angeles County used the 213 area code. Because the population and", "title": "Area codes 818 and 747" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.06, "text": "(CHP) use the current vehicle code numbers while municipal and county police agencies, especially the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) still use the 500 series. Police code A police code is a numerical brevity code for a crime, incident, or instructions for police officers. The following list is the police code system in the province of Quebec used by Sûreté du Québec, École nationale de police du Québec, and the municipal police. The Hundred Code is a three digit police code system. This code is usually pronounced digit-by-digit, using a radio alphabet for any letters, as 505 \"\"five zero five\"\"", "title": "Police code" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.05, "text": "still had an abundance of numbers available, and rather than add yet another area code to California's 30+ area codes already in service, the California Public Utilities Commission approved a plan that unified the 213-323 boundary, converting them into overlay area codes for all of central Los Angeles. Since this change went into full effect on July 8, 2017, telephone companies have been able to assign any available 213 numbers in the former 323 area and vice versa, and customers with 213 or 323 phone numbers have been required to dial the area code even to call other 213 or", "title": "Area codes 213 and 323" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.98, "text": "+ seven-digit number (cellphones can omit the \"\"1\"\") whenever a call is placed from the 310 area code. After July 26, 2006, customers were required to use the new dialing procedure for all calls. Area codes 310 and 424 Area codes 310 and 424 are California telephone area codes that cover the West Los Angeles and South Bay areas of Los Angeles County, including Santa Catalina Island (located south of the mainland portion of Los Angeles County). It also includes a small portion of Ventura County. Area code 310 was created in a split from area code 213 on November", "title": "Area codes 310 and 424" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.92, "text": "starting location to the location of the distress call. Typical radio traffic (usually not simulcast citywide) includes the activity generated from traffic stops. A patrol unit may radio control that they are \"\"code 6\"\" on a traffic stop, to which control will give the \"\"Roger\"\" acknowledgement. Additional broadcasts will be requests for information on \"\"cal IDs\"\", or \"\"CalOps\"\" (the numbers that appear at the top of California Department of Motor Vehicle driver licenses) or on vehicle license plates. The result of which provides all of the expected details about the subject plus important details such as whether or not the", "title": "Los Angeles Police Department resources" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.92, "text": "Broadway Street at the Footlocker. Suspect was a male, white, six-foot seven, approximately 280 pounds; shaved head, black eyes, goatee, white T-shirt, dark baggy pants. Weapon used was a revolver. Monitor comments for additional. Code 2. Incident number 555 in RD 193.\"\" \"\"Control\"\" (the radio name for Communications division) as well as units in the area also use a wide variety of codes, common ones include: NOTE: A unit that responds \"\"Code-3\"\" must state their starting location (e.g. intersection or street address), after which the RTO broadcasts a \"\"Code 3 notification\"\", announcing the unit number is responding \"\"Code-3\"\" from that", "title": "Los Angeles Police Department resources" } ]
what natural feature forms most of the border between laos and thailand?
[ "the Annamite Chain" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.3, "text": "and forming a natural border with the Thai highlands. The flattest and most tropical Laotian area is the floodplain which stretches between the provinces of Sainyabuli and Champasak. There are many mountain peaks with more than 1.000 meters elevation. Other features include the Pak Kimin ridge near the Nam Heung stream. The Sainyabuli province is home to Laos’ majority of domesticated Asian elephants. Approximately 75% of the nation's 560 domesticated elephants work in Sainyabuli. Their main work duties are within the logging industry, which causes a loss in both wild and domestic elephant habitat. The area is little patrolled, which", "title": "Sainyabuli Province" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.95, "text": "The border with Laos and the border with Vietnam result from French administrative decisions and do not follow major natural features. Border disputes have broken out in the past and do persist between Cambodia and Thailand as well as between Cambodia and Vietnam. Area: <br>\"\"total:\"\" <br>\"\"land:\"\" <br>\"\"water:\"\" Maritime claims: <br>\"\"territorial sea:\"\" <br>\"\"contiguous zone:\"\" <br>\"\"exclusive economic zone:\"\" <br>\"\"continental shelf:\"\" Elevation extremes: <br>\"\"lowest point:\"\" Gulf of Thailand <br>\"\"highest point:\"\" Phnum Aoral Border disputes Lakes In late 1969, the Cambodian government granted a permit to a French company to explore for petroleum in the Gulf of Thailand. By 1972 none had been located,", "title": "Geography of Cambodia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.95, "text": "2 December 2015, Laos celebrated its 40th anniversary of the establishment of the republic. Laos is the only landlocked country in Southeast Asia, and it lies mostly between latitudes 14° and 23°N (a small area is south of 14°), and longitudes 100° and 108°E. Its thickly forested landscape consists mostly of rugged mountains, the highest of which is Phou Bia at , with some plains and plateaus. The Mekong River forms a large part of the western boundary with Thailand, whereas the mountains of the Annamite Range form most of the eastern border with Vietnam and the Luang Prabang Range", "title": "Laos" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.67, "text": "is drained by the Loei and Songkhram rivers. The two plains are separated by the Phu Phan Mountains. The soil is mostly sandy, with substantial salt deposits. The Mekong forms most of the border between Thailand and Laos to the north and east of Isan, while the south of the region borders on Cambodia. The Mekong's main Thai tributary is the Mun River, which rises in the Khao Yai National Park near Nakhon Ratchasima Province and runs east, joining the Mekong in Ubon Ratchathani Province. The other main river in Isan is the Chi River, which flows through central Isan", "title": "Isan" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.33, "text": "Democratic Republic (LPDR, or Laos) in 1975. The eastern border with Vietnam extends for 2,130 kilometres, mostly along the crest of the Annamite Chain, and serves as a physical barrier between the Chinese-influenced culture of Vietnam and the Indianized states of Laos and Thailand. These mountains are sparsely populated by tribal minorities who traditionally have not acknowledged the border with Vietnam any more than lowland Lao have been constrained by the 1,754-kilometre Mekong River border with Thailand. Thus, ethnic minority populations are found on both the Laotian and Vietnamese sides of the frontier. Because of their relative isolation, contact between", "title": "Geography of Laos" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.14, "text": "Thailand and Cambodia). Laos is geographically isolated and mountainous, bounded by the Annamite Range in the east, forming a traditional political and cultural boundary with Vietnam (a more Chinese influenced Sinitic culture). Much of the western borders of Laos are formed by the Mekong River which provided the major means of inland trade despite limited navigability along the river’s length. Prior to the 20th century Lao principalities and the Kingdom of Lan Xang extended to the Sipsong Panna (China), Sipsong Chau Tai (Vietnam), and Khorat Plateau (today the northeast of Thailand) where the river was used as a transportation artery", "title": "Culture of Laos" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.5, "text": "of drug smuggling across the borders. The Mekong River forms the boundary with Laos, the Mae Sai and Ruak River with Burma. Through the town of Chiang Rai itself, flows the \"\"Mae Kok\"\" Kok River and south of it the Lao River, a tributary of the Kok. While the eastern part of the province is characterized by relatively flat river plains, the northern and western part consist of the hilly terrain of the Thai highlands with the Khun Tan Range and the Phi Pan Nam Range in the west and the Daen Lao Range in the north. While not the", "title": "Chiang Rai Province" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.5, "text": "by the Mekong: at high water during the rainy season, the centre line of the current is the border, while during low water periods, all islands, mudbanks, sandbanks, and rocks that are revealed belong to Laos. In contrast to dealings with Cambodia, which attracted international attention, boundary disputes with Malaysia are usually handled more cooperatively. Continuing mineral exploration and fishing, however, are sources of potential conflict. A one kilometre segment at the mouth of the Kolok River remained in dispute with Malaysia as of 2004. Significant differences remain with Myanmar over boundary alignment and the handling of ethnic rebels, refugees,", "title": "Geography of Thailand" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.42, "text": "the Thai–Myanmar border) and the Mekong. The area of this tripoint is sometimes termed the Golden Triangle, although the term also refers to the much larger area of those three countries that was notorious as a drug producing region. From the Golden Triangle tripoint, the Mekong turns southeast to briefly form the border of Laos with Thailand. Khon Pi Long is a series of rapids along a 1.6-kilometre section of the Mekong River dividing Chiang Rai and Bokeo Province in Laos. The name of the rapids means \"\"where the ghost lost its way\"\". It then turns east into the interior", "title": "Mekong" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.39, "text": "in Laos at its northern end. Most of the mountain is covered in mixed evergreen forest. The area around the mountain is part of the Luang Prabang montane rain forests ecoregion. Phu Ruea Phu Ruea (), is a 1365 m high mountain in Loei Province, Thailand. It is in Phu Ruea District. This mountain is part of the Phetchabun Mountains, a massif forming a natural boundary between northern Thailand and Isan. The peak rises seven kilometers north of Highway 203, between Loei town and Phetchabun. The name of the mountain comes from the fact that it looks like a boat", "title": "Phu Ruea" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.39, "text": "that erupted primarily in the Permian, but into the Triassic are situated in northern Laos in the Pak Lay-Luang Prabang area and northwest to the border with Myanmar. They correlate with similar rocks in Thailand inferred to be the result of subduction-related volcanism. Dacite and rhyolite are common in the Sam Neua area while rhyolite and tuff covers much of the Sekong Valley and along the Cambodian border in the south. Almost all Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks are terrestrial, except for marine rocks in the southern Sekong Valley from the Early Jurassic. A mountainous terrane formed due to Triassic uplift,", "title": "Geology of Laos" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.38, "text": "Range, at the border between Laos and Thailand, is allegedly a heartland for military involvement in timber trade. Deforestation in Laos Deforestation in Laos is a major environmental concern, with Laos losing forest area to legal and illegal logging. Timber products targeted for logging in Laos includes ironwood, mahogany, pine, redwood, and teak—and other forestry products—benzoin (resin), charcoal, and sticklac. The forest has also been an important source of wild foods, herbal medicines, and timber for house construction and even into the 1990s continues to be a valued reserve of natural products for noncommercial household consumption. Since the mid-1980s widespread", "title": "Deforestation in Laos" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.16, "text": "province is quite mountainous with the Luang Prabang Range running roughly in a north-south direction and forming a natural border with the Thai highlands. Sainyabuli town is the capital of the province. Xayabuli has the largest concentration of elephants in Laos. The province is rich in timber and lignite, and is considered the rice basket of northern Laos, since most other northern provinces are too mountainous to grow enough rice. Other important crops include maize, oranges, cotton, peanuts, sesame, sugarcane and vegetables such as cucumbers, cabbage, and beans. The name is derived from the Sanskrit words \"\"Sena\"\" (Army) and \"\"Puri\"\"", "title": "Sainyabuli Province" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.06, "text": "both side of the border. Pakse is the closest of the bigger cities in Laos to the area. Key features of the Si Phan Don archipelago include: Timber was historically logged on the islands but it is now regulated; illegal logging incurs stiff penalties. While the local economies are predominantly based on agriculture, the Si Phan Don archipelago has seen an increasing number of visitors wishing for a 'picture-perfect' experience of Laos. However, tourists numbers are concentrated on Don Khong, Don Det and Don Khon, and many of the other islands remain rarely visited. Si Phan Don The Si Phan", "title": "Si Phan Don" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.97, "text": "Thai highlands The Thai highlands or Hills of northern Thailand is a mountainous natural region in the north of Thailand. Its mountain ranges are part of the system of hills extending through Laos, Burma, and China and linking to the Himalayas, of which they may be considered foothills. The highlands in the north of Thailand are characterized by a pattern of generally steep hill ranges, intermontane basins and alluvial gorges. Elevations are generally moderate, little above for the highest summits. There is a wide range of elevations though, with floors ranging between above sea level. Towards the Lao border, the", "title": "Thai highlands" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.94, "text": "able to maintain its independence as a buffer zone between British-controlled Burma to the west and French-dominated Indochina to the east, but losing over 50% of its territory in the process. Most of the areas lost contained a non-Thai population (Khmer, Lao or Shan). The Thai-speaking heartland remains intact. The most conspicuous features of Thailand's terrain are high mountains, a central plain, and an upland plateau. Mountains cover much of northern Thailand and extend along the Myanmar border down through the Kra Isthmus and the Malay Peninsula. The central plain is a lowland area drained by the Chao Phraya River", "title": "Geography of Thailand" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.86, "text": "be considered in other respects a separate region. Each of the six geographical regions differs from the others in population, basic resources, natural features, and level of social and economic development. The diversity of the regions is in fact the most pronounced attribute of Thailand's physical setting. Northern Thailand is a mountainous area. Parallel mountain ranges extend from the Daen Lao Range (ทิวเขาแดนลาว), in the southern region of the Shan Hills, in a north/south direction, the Dawna Range (ทิวเขาดอยมอนกุจู) forming the western border of Thailand between Mae Hong Son and the Salween River, the Thanon Thong Chai Range (เทือกเขาถนนธงชัย), the", "title": "Geography of Thailand" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.83, "text": "Geography of Laos Laos is an independent republic, and a landlocked nation in Southeast Asia, northeast of Thailand, west of Vietnam. It covers 236,800 square kilometers in the center of the Southeast Asian peninsula and it is surrounded by Myanmar (Burma), Cambodia, the People's Republic of China, Thailand, and Vietnam. About seventy percent of its geographic area is made up of mountain ranges, highlands, plateaux, and rivers cut through. Its location has often made it a buffer between more powerful neighboring states, as well as a crossroads for trade and communication. Migration and international conflict have contributed to the present", "title": "Geography of Laos" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.81, "text": "connects Mukdahan Province in Thailand with Savannakhet in Laos. Its capital, Savannakhet, also known as Kaysone Phomvihane or Muang Khanthabouly is Laos' second most notable city after Vientiane. It forms an important trading post between Thailand and Vietnam. Along with Bolikhamsai and Khammouane, Savannakhét Province is one of the main tobacco producing areas of Laos. It has numerous natural resources. Sepon is the largest mine in Laos, with reserves of copper and gold. Prehistoric human occupation is evidenced by the first stone tools in the province, dating back between 100,000 and 12,000 years. The first bronze tools date to 2000", "title": "Savannakhet Province" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.81, "text": "these groups and lowland Lao has been mostly confined to trading. Laos shares its short—only 541 kilometres—southern border with Cambodia, and ancient Khmer ruins at Wat Pho and other southern locations attest to the long history of contact between the Lao and the Khmer. In the north, the country is bounded by a mountainous 423-kilometre border with China and shares the 235-kilometre-long Mekong River border with Myanmar. The topography of Laos is largely mountainous, with the Annamite Range in the northeast and east and the Luang Prabang Range in the northwest, among other ranges typically characterized by steep terrain. Elevations", "title": "Geography of Laos" } ]
who led the first overland expedition to san diego?
[ "Fernando Rivera" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.03, "text": "besides being offenses against God, such excesses committed by them could also bring disaster to the entire expedition. Gálvez then cautioned Portolá to travel slowly, to reduce the chances of Indian resistance. He wanted the expedition members to demonstrate to the Indians the advantages they would gain by living under the sovereign protection of the Spanish king. The commander of the first overland expedition, Fernando Rivera y Moncada, was waiting at Velicatá, 350 miles south of San Diego. Gálvez had ordered captain Rivera to requisition horses and mules from local Baja California missions without endangering their survival, giving the missionaries", "title": "José de Gálvez" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.61, "text": "the arrival of four contingents of Spaniards from New Spain and the Baja California peninsula. Two seaborne parties reached San Diego Bay: the \"\"San Carlos\"\", under Vicente Vila and including as notable members the engineer and cartographer Miguel Costansó and the soldier and future governor Pedro Fages, and the \"\"San Antonio\"\", under Juan Pérez. An initial overland expedition to San Diego from the south was led by the soldier Fernando Rivera and included the Franciscan missionary, explorer, and chronicler Juan Crespí, followed by a second party led by the designated governor Gaspar de Portolà and including the mission president (and", "title": "San Diego" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.34, "text": "with an exploring expedition into the interior of Alta California to search for new mission sites. During the winter of 1826-1827, as head of the San Gabriel mission, Sánchez hosted the party of explorer Jedediah Smith, the first ever to travel overland to California from the United States. Most of the group stayed at San Gabriel while Smith traveled to San Diego to report to \"\"Jefe Político\"\" (governor) José María Echeandía. From 1827 to 1831 Father Sánchez reluctantly held the position of \"\"Presidente\"\" of the California mission chain and of \"\"Vicáreo Foraneo\"\" (archbishop) to the bishop. He was a very", "title": "José Bernardo Sánchez" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.2, "text": "travelled with the Portolà expedition, first overland party to San Diego and Monterey in Alta California in 1769-1770. Velásquez served under Fernando Rivera y Moncada, second in command of the expedition. At Monterey in 1770 he was dispatched south with documents, travelling overland as far as southern Baja California Sur and from there to San Blas and Mexico City. Velásquez returned to Baja California in 1771 and was promoted to sergeant. In 1773 he was again promoted, to the rank of \"\"alférez\"\" (ensign), and put in command of the military detachment at Velicatá. In 1773, the Dominicans replaced the Franciscans", "title": "José Velásquez (explorer)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.12, "text": "the land expedition to San Diego, led by Captain Fernando Rivera y Moncada, where a presidio and mission were established. Crespí then continued north with Portolá and Rivera to identify the port of Monterey. Because he was the only one of the Franciscans to make the entire journey by land, Crespí became the first official diarist for the missions. He was one of three diarists to document the first exploration by Europeans of interior areas of Alta California. After reaching Monterey in October 1769, Crespí continued with the expedition that explored as far north as present-day San Francisco, and became", "title": "Joan Crespí" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.91, "text": "nation controlling California's harbors would reap incredible profits. When England, France, and Russia began to covet California's coast, the King of Spain knew it was time to fortify it. To identify sites for presidios and missions, an overland expedition of 67 men and 100 pack mules left San Diego in 1769. Led by Gaspar de Portolá, the governor of Baja California, they began walking to the largest known harbor, Monterey Bay. Portolá expected more of a harbor than what they found at Monterey, and decided they must not have reached it yet. Pushing on north along the coast, they instead", "title": "Point Reyes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.48, "text": "On January 24, 1770, the 74 hungry and exhausted men of the Portolá expedition — including Costansó — returned to San Diego, to a warm welcome from their fellow soldiers and friars. On April 16, 1770, Costansó — along with friar Junípero Serra and ship captain Juan Pérez — boarded the galleon \"\"San Antonio\"\" in San Diego Bay and set sail for Monterey. The next day, Portolá led a new overland party out of San Diego also bound for Monterey, where they aimed to establish a mission and presidio. The \"\"San Antonio\"\" got buffeted by unfavorable ocean winds that blew", "title": "Miguel Costansó" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.05, "text": "the coast back to San Diego. The San Andres Creek place name is shown on the Rancho de las Pulgas 1856 plat map. Padre Palóu, on an expedition from Monterey to explore the western side of San Francisco Bay led by Captain Rivera, renamed Portola's \"\"Cañada de San Francisco\"\" to \"\"Cañada de San Andrés\"\" on November 30, 1774, it being the feast day of St. Andrew. Captain Juan Bautista de Anza, after forging the first overland route from Monterey, California, to San Francisco Bay, explored the peninsula and selected the sites for Mission San Francisco de Asís (\"\"Mission Dolores\"\") and", "title": "San Andreas Creek" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.84, "text": "Monterey Bay. \"\"You come from Rome without having seen the pope,\"\" Serra told Portolá. A second expedition to find Monterey Bay and establish a permanent settlement there took place in 1770. Portolá mustered a new overland party in San Diego, consisting of less than half the number of men he had taken on his first trip to find Monterey. The new party included Pedro Fages with twelve Catalan volunteers, seven leather-jacket soldiers, two muleteers, five Baja Christian Indians, Portolá's servant, and friar Crespí. Rivera had traveled back to Baja California to get supplies. On April 17, the Portolá party left", "title": "Portolà expedition" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.78, "text": "San Diego, together with missionary diarist Juan Crespí and road-building-engineer José Cañizares. Portolá and missionary president Junípero Serra, arrived a few weeks later. Establishment of a colony at San Diego achieved the first of the expedition's two primary objectives. After the several land and sea groups reassembled at San Diego (where there was much suffering and death among the sea-borne legs, from scurvy), Rivera continued north with Portolá in the search for Monterey Bay, second objective of the expedition. By failing to recognize Monterey when they first saw it, the expedition continued to the north and discovered San Francisco Bay", "title": "Fernando Rivera y Moncada" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.72, "text": "Diego Bay on April 11 and the \"\"San Carlos\"\" on April 29. The third vessel, the \"\"San José\"\", left New Spain later that spring but was lost at sea with no survivors. The first land party, led by Fernando Rivera y Moncada, left from the Franciscan Mission San Fernando Velicata on March 24, 1769. With Rivera was Father Juan Crespí, famed diarist of the entire expedition. That group arrived in San Diego on May 4. A later expedition led by Portolà, which included Father Junípero Serra, the President of the Missions, along with a combination of missionaries, settlers, and leather-jacket", "title": "History of California" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.7, "text": "Serra, \"\"because although each one in his respective journey had undergone the same hardships, their meeting ... now became the material for mutual accounts of their experiences.\"\" Between the overland and seafaring parties of the expedition, about 300 men had started on the trip from Baja California. But no more than half of them reached San Diego. Most of the Christian Indians recruited to the overland parties had died or deserted; military officers had denied them rations when food started running low. Half of those who made it to San Diego spent months unable to resume the expedition, due to", "title": "Junípero Serra" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.61, "text": "the Californias\"\" (Baja and Alta California), led an overland party—joined by Franciscan friar Junípero Serra—from Loreto to San Diego. Then in July, Portolá mustered a new party—including lieutenant Pedro Fages, cartographer Miguel Costansó, and friars Juan Crespí and Francisco Gómez—to trek north from San Diego to rediscover the port of Monterey by land. They reached Monterey Bay on October 1, but failed to recognize it as the port described by Vizcaíno 167 years earlier—and continued north, eventually reaching San Francisco Bay. On their return trek to San Diego, they planted two large crosses on the coast of Monterey, whose geographical", "title": "Presidio of Monterey, California" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.58, "text": "establish a Spanish foothold in Alta California. After 110 days at sea, the Volunteers arrived at San Diego Bay in April 1769. By this time, over half the soldiers and most of the crew were incapacitated with scurvy. Twelve Volunteers succumbed to illness while awaiting the arrival of the overland arm of the expedition under Captain Fernando Javier Rivera y Moncada, who arrived a month later. Still short of provisions, however, the lot of the soldiers improved very little. Despite these privations, the Volunteers participated in the Portola expedition that established San Diego and Monterey, and remained as the first", "title": "Free Company of Volunteers of Catalonia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.42, "text": "years, but no permanent settlements were established. The first land expedition to explore California, led by Gaspar de Portolà explored the coastal area in 1769, on its way to Monterey Bay. The party traveled the same route on the return to San Diego in January 1770. That same year, a second expedition to Monterey again passed through the area. The DeAnza expeditions of 1774-76 followed Portola's trail. The Presidio of Santa Barbara was established in 1782 (4th of 5 in California), followed by Mission Santa Barbara in 1786 – both in what is now the city of Santa Barbara. The", "title": "Santa Barbara County, California" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.33, "text": "land groups. The \"\"San Carlos\"\" and \"\"San Antonio\"\" were followed by an additional supply ship, the \"\"San José\"\", which was named after the patron saint of the Portolá expedition, Saint Joseph. The \"\"San José\"\" never reached San Diego and was presumed lost at sea. Captain Fernando Rivera, moving north through Baja California, gathered horses and mules from the fragile chain of Catholic missions to supply his overland expedition. José de Gálvez had ordered Rivera to requisition horses and mules from the missions without endangering their survival and to give the friars receipts for the number of animals taken; those missions", "title": "Portolà expedition" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.2, "text": "(100 km) to the south. Don Pedro Fages, the military governor at Monterey, passed through the area on his 1770 and 1772 expeditions to explore the East Bay and Sacramento River Delta. Late in 1775, Juan Bautista de Anza led the first overland expedition to bring colonists from New Spain (Mexico) to California and to locate sites for two missions, one presidio, and one pueblo (town). He left the colonists at Monterey in 1776, and explored north with a small group. He selected the sites of the Presidio of San Francisco and Mission San Francisco de Asís in what is", "title": "History of San Jose, California" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.19, "text": "the way to San Diego. While Gaspar de Portolá prepared his overland expedition to San Diego, Gálvez issued him strict instructions: ...To prevent difficulties and disaster in the outcome, the most prudent supervision must be exercised. Therefore, I charge you with zeal and vigilance to maintain the most exact discipline over the soldiers of the expedition as well as over the muleteers, especially from the frontier on, so that the Indians will be well treated. The soldiers are to be punished as in the case of an irremissible crime if they offer any affront or violence to the women because,", "title": "José de Gálvez" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.14, "text": "the Californias\"\" and given overall command. Junípero Serra, leader of the expedition's Franciscan missionaries, took command of spiritual matters. Sea and land detachments were to meet at San Diego Bay. The first ship, the \"\"San Carlos\"\", sailed from La Paz on January 10, 1769 and a second, the \"\"San Antonio\"\" sailed from Cabo San Lucas on February 15. At the same time, the various elements of the land parties began to move north from Loreto, Baja California Sur. The land expedition was assembled at Velicatá, where Serra established his first new mission. From there, Portolá's plan called for splitting the", "title": "Gaspar de Portolà" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.09, "text": "San Antonio–San Diego Mail Line The San Antonio–San Diego Mail Line, also known as the Jackass Mail, was the earliest overland stagecoach and mail operation from the Eastern United States to California in operation between 1857 and 1861. It was created, organized and financed by James E. Birch the head of the California Stage Company. Birch was awarded the first contract for overland service on the \"\"Southern Route\"\", designated Route 8076. This contract required a semi-monthly service in four-horse coaches, scheduled to leave San Antonio and San Diego on the ninth and the 24th of each month, with 30 days", "title": "San Antonio–San Diego Mail Line" } ]
what is the previous name of ccsu meerut?
[ "Meerut University" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.64, "text": "Chaudhary Charan Singh University Chaudhary Charan Singh University (CCS University), formerly Meerut University, is a public state university located in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India. The university was established in 1965. It was later renamed to its current name after Chaudhary Charan Singh, former Prime minister of India. The university celebrated its silver jubilee in 1991. Shri Ram Naik is the current vice-chancellor of the university. The university started as Meerut University later named after Chaudhary Charan singh (Former Prime minister of India). the university having various schools of studies viz. sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Engineering. M.Phil and Ph.D.", "title": "Chaudhary Charan Singh University" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.78, "text": "1997. Chaudhary Charan Singh University (CCSU) is public and state university which has many degree colleges affiliated to it. They fall in two divisions: Saharanpur and Meerut with nine districts including Saharanpur, Meerut, Muzaffarnagar, Shamli, Gautam Budh Nagar, Bagpat, Hapur, Bulandshahr and Ghaziabad administered by Vice-Chancellor and Registrar (PCS officer). The Indian Film and Television Institute is located at the western bypass of the city. The city has three medical colleges: Lala Lajpat Rai Memorial Medical College, Subharti Medical College and Mulayam Singh Yadav Medical College & Hospital. The nearest government university which offers degrees in Engineering, Science, Management and", "title": "Meerut" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.08, "text": "many degree colleges affiliated to it. They fall in two divisions: Meerut and Saharanpur with nine districts including Bagpat, Bulandshahr, Gautam Budh Nagar, Ghaziabad, Hapur, Meerut, Muzaffarnagar, Saharanpur and Shamli. Chaudhary Charan Singh University Chaudhary Charan Singh University (CCS University), formerly Meerut University, is a public state university located in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India. The university was established in 1965. It was later renamed to its current name after Chaudhary Charan Singh, former Prime minister of India. The university celebrated its silver jubilee in 1991. Shri Ram Naik is the current vice-chancellor of the university. The university started as Meerut", "title": "Chaudhary Charan Singh University" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.09, "text": "Chung Chou University of Science and Technology Chung Chou University of Science and Technology (CCUT; ) is a private university located in Yuanlin City, Changhua County, Taiwan. CCUT was originally established as Chung Chou Vocational Institute of Engineering in 1969. In 1991, the school name was changed to Chung Chou Junior College of Technology and in 2000, the name was changed again to Chung Chou Institute of Technology. It was finally renamed the Chung Chou University of Science and Technology on 1 August 2011. The university is accessible within walking distance East from Yuanlin Station of the Taiwan Railway Administration.", "title": "Chung Chou University of Science and Technology" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.09, "text": "Chung Chou University of Science and Technology Chung Chou University of Science and Technology (CCUT; ) is a private university located in Yuanlin City, Changhua County, Taiwan. CCUT was originally established as Chung Chou Vocational Institute of Engineering in 1969. In 1991, the school name was changed to Chung Chou Junior College of Technology and in 2000, the name was changed again to Chung Chou Institute of Technology. It was finally renamed the Chung Chou University of Science and Technology on 1 August 2011. The university is accessible within walking distance East from Yuanlin Station of the Taiwan Railway Administration.", "title": "Chung Chou University of Science and Technology" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.77, "text": "University of Science and Technology abbreviated as DCRUST, after it got the University Status in 2006). Also Sir Chhotu Ram College of Education, Kurukshetra is named after him. Further, Sir Chhotu Ram Institute of Engineering & Technology at Meerut is also named after him. The Indian government issued a commemorative stamp on 9 January 1995. The Jat-Anglo Sanskrit School was started by him on 26 March 1913 in Rohtak. A Bachelor of Education college at the same campus, is also named after him. Ch. Birender Singh, Sir Chhotu Ram's grandson has built a 64 feet statue, highest in Haryana, of", "title": "Chhotu Ram" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.14, "text": "eventually Meerut. According to another version, Maya(sura), being a distinguished architect, received from King Yudhishthira the land on which the city of Meerut now stands and he called this place Mayarashtra, a name which in the course of time became shortened to Meerut. Tradition also has it that the city formed a part of the dominions of Mahipala, the king of Indraprastha, and the word Meerut is associated with his name. After the archaeological excavations at ‘Vidura-ka-tila’, a collection of several mounds named after Vidura, in 1950–52, a site north-east of Meerut, it was concluded to be remains of the", "title": "Meerut" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.09, "text": "Central Connecticut State University Central Connecticut State University (also known as Central and frequently abbreviated as Central Connecticut, Central Connecticut State, and CCSU) is a regional, comprehensive public university in New Britain, Connecticut, United States. Founded in 1849 as the State Normal School, CCSU is Connecticut's oldest publicly funded university. CCSU is made up of four schools: the Ammon College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences; the School of Business; the School of Education and Professional Studies; and the School of Engineering, Science, and Technology. The university is attended by 11,822 students, 9,546 of whom are undergraduates, and 2,276 of", "title": "Central Connecticut State University" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.94, "text": "Capital University of Medical Sciences Capital University of Medical Sciences (S: , T: 首都醫科大學), also known as CUMS, CCMU or CMU, is a university in Beijing, China, which was originally called Beijing Second Medical College (). Capital Medical University (CMU) was founded in 1960, with the original name of Beijing Second Medical College (). It ranks among the top academic medical institutions in China and is considered as one of the key municipal universities in Beijing. The founding president, Professor Wu Jieping, was a world-renowned urologist, member of both the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.", "title": "Capital University of Medical Sciences" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.94, "text": "Lala Lajpat Rai Memorial Medical College Lala Lajpat Rai Memorial Medical College or LLRMC is a state-run Medical College located in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India. It is named after the Arya Samaj leader, Lala Lajpat Rai. The college is affiliated with Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut and was established in 1966. The college is situated on the Garh Road, Meerut. The college offers both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in medicine. Various courses like M.B.B.S and Bsc. Nursing run in the college. The Government of India has decided to upgrade the institute along the lines of All India Institute of Medical", "title": "Lala Lajpat Rai Memorial Medical College" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.84, "text": "Meerut College Meerut College is a state-funded college in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India. The college is affiliated to Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut. The college was established in 1892 and has a campus of . The college offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in science, arts, commerce, education and law in affiliation to Chaudhary Charan Singh University. The college also offers Ph.D courses in the same fields. The college provides a master's degree in journalism and mass communication in affiliation to Chaudhary Charan Singh University. The college also offers an MBA in affiliation to Mahamaya Technical University, Gautam Buddha Nagar. The", "title": "Meerut College" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.8, "text": "P. J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (Formerly UPTU) located at Vidya Knowledge Park Meerut. The college is located inside the campus of Vidya Knowledge Park at Baghpat Road in Meerut. It comes under Panchli Khurd Village.Meerut is linked to the rest of the country by air (via Delhi), road and rail networks. Meerut is a thickly populated fast changing cosmopolitan city located just 70 km from the capital Delhi and comes under the national capital region. Welcome to Meerut – a land of India’s first struggle for Freedom, a city which has roots in the ancient history of India. Whatever", "title": "Vidya College of Engineering" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.69, "text": "Meerut Municipal Corporation The Meerut Nagar Nigam (MNN) also known as Meerut Municipal Corporation (MMC) is the civic body that governs Meerut city. Established under the Uttar Pradesh Municipal Corporation Act-1959, it is responsible for the civic infrastructure and administration of the city. The municipal corporation covers an area of 141.94 km (54.80 sq mi). The first mayor of Meerut was Late Mr. Arun Jain from independent and first Deputy Mayor was Late Mr. Mohd. Ashraf Advocate. Since then, the Municipal Body has always been alive in its constitution and functioning to the growing needs of citizens. Meerut is the", "title": "Meerut Municipal Corporation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.62, "text": "Cavite State University Rosario Campus Cavite State University - CCAT Campus is one of the 11 satellite campuses of Cavite State University (CvSU), with its main campus located at Indang, Cavite. It is also known as CvSU-R and Cavite State University College of Arts and Trade. It is located at Brgy. Tejeros Convention, Rosario, Cavite and occupies of land. It is formerly known as Cavite College of Arts and Trades (CCAT). The Cavite College of Arts and Trades (CCAT) was established by Republic Act No. 5966 authored by Cong. Justiniano S. Montano and was approved on June 21, 1969, as", "title": "Cavite State University Rosario Campus" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.5, "text": "was the Honorary Head of the law department at the Meerut College. The Boys Hostel of the law department at Meerut College, was named 'B.N.M. Hostel' (Brij Nath Mithal Hostel) in his honour. His uncle Sri Raghuvar Dayal Mithal (1910-1981) and the eldest son of Brij Nath Mithal was also a stalwart of the Meerut Bar who dominated the civil side for over four decades. He was offered Judgeship of the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad twice but he declined it for personal reasons. His father, Justice Narendra Nath Mithal (6 April 1930 – 7 April 1996) was also", "title": "Pankaj Mithal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.44, "text": "CCMIX CCMIX (Center for the Composition of Music Iannis Xenakis, 2000), formerly Les Ateliers UPIC [UPIC workshops], CEMAMu (Centre d'Etudes de Mathématique et Automatique Musicales, 1972), and EMAMu (Equipe de Mathématique et Automatique Musicales), was a research institute and a center for contemporary music. It was established by composer Iannis Xenakis with the support of the French Ministry of Culture in 1966 to encourage interdisciplinary research between arts and sciences. The center is best known for producing UPIC (Unité Polyagogique Informatique CEMAMu, 1977). Following an audit by the French Ministry of Culture in late 2006, CCMIX was reorganized as the", "title": "CCMIX" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.42, "text": "Central Council of United Trade Unions The Central Council of United Trade Unions (abbreviated CCUTU, , 'Central United Council of the Trade Unions of Workers and Toilers of Iran') was a trade union centre in Iran. CCUTU was founded through the merger of two hithero antagonistic unions, the Central Council (the union aligned with the Tudeh Party) and the majority faction of the Central Board. The merger was declared on May 1, 1944. On May 8, 1944, a smaller union centre, the Union of Toilers of Iran, merged into CCUTU, followed by the affiliation of the Railway Workers' Association to", "title": "Central Council of United Trade Unions" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.39, "text": "source of its name may be taken to be traditionally true, it is the city where the heart of ancient India throbbed and its essential character, heritage and ambition still reveals itself in its socio-cultural wealth. Present day Meerut however has a dark side. Meerut has 2nd highest Murder Rate in India. Meerut tops the list of Uttar Pradesh cities in facing crimes. Meerut also has a long history of communal riots. Despite this Meerut has emerged as an educational hub and has now three universities and a medical college which loudly speak of the academic culture of the place.", "title": "Vidya College of Engineering" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.31, "text": "It was previously known as the \"\"Commissariat des Sciences Nucléaires\"\". It is a state-owned company under the supervision of the scientific research department of MESU, the Ministry of Higher Education (). As foreseen by law CGEA's articles of association describe three structures. Namely a Board of directors, a management committee, and a committee of auditors. However currently only the management committee exists and it is identical to the management committee of CREN-K. The committee consists out of a Commissioner General, director of science, CFO and a staff representative. In 2010, CGEA/CREN-K employed 175 people. In June 2011 the Congolese government", "title": "Regional Center for Nuclear Studies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.31, "text": "National Chao-Chou Senior High School National Chao-Chou Senior High School (CCSH; ) is a national high school in Chaozhou Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan Province, Republic of China. This school was founded in March 1942, formerly known as Chaochou Shude Girl's School (潮州淑德女學校), and held the opening ceremony at 23, May, 1942. In 1944, the school was renamed as Chaochou Girls' Agriculture and Vocational School (潮州農業實踐女學校). At February 1946, the school name was changed to Chaochou Middle School of Kaohsiung County (高雄縣立潮州初級中學). In 1949, the school was called Taiwan Provincial Chaochou Middle/High School (台灣省立潮州中學), and added high school education. Since 1968,", "title": "National Chao-Chou Senior High School" } ]
where did artemis get her bow and arrow?
[ "from The Kyklopes" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.33, "text": "Artemis, she had golden bow and arrows, as her epithet was Khryselakatos (\"\"of the Golden Shaft\"\") and Iokheira (\"\"showered by arrows\"\"). The arrows of Artemis could also bring sudden death and disease to girls and women. Artemis got her bow and arrow for the first time from The Kyklopes, as the one she asked from her father. The bow of Artemis also became the witness of Callisto's oath of her virginity. In later cult, the bow became the symbol of waxing moon. Artemis' chariot was made of gold and was pulled by four golden horned deer (Elaphoi Khrysokeroi). The bridles", "title": "Artemis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.16, "text": "All of her companions remained virgins, and Artemis closely guarded her own chastity. Her symbols included the golden bow and arrow, the hunting dog, the stag, and the moon. Callimachus tells how Artemis spent her girlhood seeking out the things that she would need to be a huntress, how she obtained her bow and arrows from the isle of Lipara, where Hephaestus and the Cyclops worked. Oceanus' daughters were filled with fear, but the young Artemis bravely approached and asked for bow and arrows. Callimachus then tells how Artemis visited Pan, the god of the forest, who gave her seven", "title": "Artemis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.95, "text": "on the ears with her own quiver, causing the arrows to fall out. As Artemis fled crying to Zeus, Leto gathered up the bow and arrows. Artemis played quite a large part in this war. Like her mother and brother, who was widely worshipped at Troy, Artemis took the side of the Trojans. At the Greek's journey to Troy, Artemis becalmed the sea and stopped the journey until an oracle came and said they could win the goddess' heart by sacrificing Iphigenia, Agamemnon's daughter. Agamemnon once promised the goddess he would sacrifice the dearest thing to him, which was Iphigenia,", "title": "Artemis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.66, "text": "Delos (her birthplace), in Attica at Brauron and Mounikhia (near Piraeus), and in Sparta. She was often depicted in paintings and statues in a forest setting, carrying a bow and arrows and accompanied by a deer. The ancient Spartans used to sacrifice to her as one of their patron goddesses before starting a new military campaign. Athenian festivals in honor of Artemis included Elaphebolia, Mounikhia, Kharisteria, and Brauronia. The festival of Artemis Orthia was observed in Sparta. Pre-pubescent and adolescent Athenian girls were sent to the sanctuary of Artemis at Brauron to serve the Goddess for one year. During this", "title": "Artemis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.92, "text": "venerated of the Ancient Greek deities and her temple at Ephesus was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Artemis' symbols included a bow and arrow, a quiver and hunting knives and the deer and the cypress were sacred to her. The goddess Diana is her Roman equivalent. The name Artemis (\"\"noun\"\", \"\"feminine\"\") is of unknown or uncertain etymology, although various sources have been proposed. According to J. T. Jablonski, the name is also Phrygian and could be \"\"compared with the royal appellation \"\"Artemas\"\" of Xenophon. According to Charles Anthon the primitive root of the name is probably", "title": "Artemis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.06, "text": "bitches and six dogs. She then captured six golden-horned deer to pull her chariot. Artemis practiced with her bow first by shooting at trees and then at wild beasts. As a virgin, Artemis had interested many gods and men, but only her hunting companion, Orion, won her heart. Orion was accidentally killed either by Artemis or by Gaia. The river god Alpheus was in love with Artemis, but as he realizes that he can do nothing to win her heart, he decides to capture her. Artemis, who is with her companions at Letrenoi, goes to Alpheus, but, suspicious of his", "title": "Artemis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.92, "text": "shooting invisible arrows, Artemis the goddess of hunting. Heracles and Odysseus and other mythological figures are often depicted with a bow. During the invasion of India, Alexander the Great personally took command of the shield-bearing guards, foot-companions, archers, Agrianians and horse-javelin-men and led them against the Kamboja clans—the Aspasioi of Kunar valleys, the Guraeans of the Guraeus (Panjkora) valley, and the Assakenois of the Swat and Buner valleys. The early Romans had very few archers, if any. As their empire grew, they recruited auxiliary archers from other nations. Julius Caesar's armies in Gaul included Cretan archers, and Vercingetorix his enemy", "title": "History of archery" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.67, "text": "Agrotera Agrotera (Gr. , \"\"the huntress\"\") was an epithet of the Greek goddess Artemis, and the most important goddess to Attic hunters. At Agrae on the Ilissos, where she was believed to have first hunted after her arrival from Delos, Artemis Agrotera had a temple, dating to the 5th century BC, with a statue carrying a bow. During the Boedromia, on the seventh day of Boedromion (roughly, the beginning of September), an armed procession would take 600 goats to this temple, where they would all be sacrificed by the polemarch in honor of the victory at the Battle of Marathon.", "title": "Agrotera" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.59, "text": "Hood and Bizarro in Gotham City. Artemis is also revealed to have selected Grace to be her alias surname. Artemis has peak human level strength, speed and reflexes. She is a master hand-to-hand fighter combining many assimilated fighting techniques and is a weapons expert in both the use and manufacturing of weapons (favoring bow and arrows, but ranging from blades to automatic weapons). Due to the result of a spell cast by Amazonian mystic Magala, Artemis possesses and has retained a great deal of Diana's overall physical dynamism, which should've dissipated after the contest of the mantle of Wonder Woman", "title": "Artemis of Bana-Mighdall" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.59, "text": "two Amazons come from different tribes: Diana being Themyscirian and Artemis being from Bana-Mighdall. When Bana-Mighdall was destroyed, Diana was there to rescue Artemis from the rubble. Despite this aid, Artemis held a grudge against the Themyscirian Amazons for being distant from the splintered tribe. Now out on her own in Man's World, Artemis forms a bond with Red Hood and agrees to aid him and Bizarro on some of their assignments. Through these adventures, Artemis steadily keeps track of the Bow of Ra's location, finally discovering that it was transported to Qurac. Following the Bow's trail, she discovers that", "title": "Artemis of Bana-Mighdall" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.53, "text": "Artemis and the Stag Artemis and the Stag is an early Roman Imperial or Hellenistic bronze sculpture of the ancient Greek goddess Artemis. In June 2007 the Albright-Knox Art Gallery placed the statue into auction; it fetched $28.6 million, the highest sale price of any sculpture at the time. The statue depicts Artemis, the Greek goddess of hunting and wild animals amongst other things. She stands on a simple plinth in a pose that suggests she has just released an arrow from her bow. At some point in its history, the bow was separated from the sculpture and was lost.", "title": "Artemis and the Stag" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.48, "text": "and wife, and there seems to have been a tradition which actually described Artemis as the wife of Apollo. However, this relationship was never sexual but spiritual, which is why they both are seen being unmarried in the Hellenic period. Artemis, like her brother, is armed with a bow and arrows. She is the cause of sudden deaths of women. She also is the protector of the young, especially girls. Though she has nothing to do with oracles, music or poetry, she sometimes led the female chorus on Olympus while Apollo sang. The laurel was sacred to both. \"\"Artemis Daphnaia\"\"", "title": "Apollo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.22, "text": "in a girl's short skirt, with hunting boots, a quiver, a bow and arrows. Often, she is shown in the shooting pose, and is accompanied by a hunting dog or stag. When portrayed as a moon goddess, Artemis wore a long robe and sometimes a veil covered her head. Her darker side is revealed in some vase paintings, where she is shown as the death-bringing goddess whose arrows fell young maidens and women, such as the daughters of Niobe. Artemis was sometimes represented in Classical art with the crown of the crescent moon, such as also found on Luna and", "title": "Artemis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.17, "text": "with the three-faceted goddess Hecate. She fights in her three incarnations with a torch, a sword and a lance against the Giant Clytius. Next to her is Artemis, the goddess of the hunt; in keeping with her function she fights with a bow and arrow against a Giant who is perhaps Otos. Her hunting dog kills another Giant with a bite to the neck. Artemis’ mother Leto fights at her side using a torch against an animal-like Giant; at her other side her son and Artemis’ twin, Apollo, fights. Like his sister, he is armed with bow and arrow and", "title": "Pergamon Altar" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.16, "text": "meets Red Hood in a train car where Black Mask sends Red Hood to steal a powerful weapon—supposedly the ancient Bow of Ra. Also looking for the Bow of Ra, both Artemis and Red Hood instead discover that the weapon they find is a clone of Superman. The two take in the clone and attempt to civilize the childlike Superman clone—which Red Hood dubs Bizarro. Over time, Artemis begins to show a romantic affection for Red Hood and a motherly affection for Bizarro. When Wonder Woman is mentioned, Artemis displays a dislike for her. It is later revealed that the", "title": "Artemis of Bana-Mighdall" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.09, "text": "followed the arrow's origin point and found a group of Bana-Mighdallian Amazons having an archery contest. She asks who was the owner of the arrow shot at her earlier and finds that it belonged to the Bana Amazon named Artemis. Artemis tells Diana that the arrow was misdirected but tells her that she has no love for the Themyscirian tribe. Through a yelling match Diana discovers that the reason why the Bana Amazons were teleported to the island by Circe is because they agreed to work for her during the \"\"War of the Gods\"\" period in exchange for immortality and", "title": "The Contest (DC Comics)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.06, "text": "and Norse mythology. In Greek mythology Artemis was the leader (, \"\"hegemon\"\") of the nymphs, who had similar functions with the Nordic Elves. The \"\"elf-shot\"\" originally indicated disease or death attributed to the elves, but it was later attested denoting stone arrow-heads which were used by witches to harm people, and also for healing rituals. The Vedic Rudra has some similar functions with Apollo. The terrible god is called \"\"The Archer\"\", and the bow is also an attribute of Shiva. Rudra could bring diseases with his arrows, but he was able to free people of them, and his alternative Shiba", "title": "Apollo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.02, "text": "the 1st century BC and the 1st century AD. It was originally excavated in the 1920s from a construction site in Rome and has since changed hands several times before finding a home at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York. The sculpture has been described as \"\"one of the most beautiful works of art surviving from the classical era\"\". It is highly regarded for its excellent state of preservation, despite the missing bow, and its fine detail, particularly in the face of Artemis. In November 2006, the Albright-Knox Gallery announced its intention to deaccession \"\"Artemis and the Stag\"\"", "title": "Artemis and the Stag" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.97, "text": "where the quiver was attached. Her hand still contains a lump of clay that was used to anchor her bow. There are also two small, bronze remnants of a phiale (offering bowl) that she would have held in her upturned right hand. This stance is in fact one of the stances in which Artemis and Apollo were often portrayed in Greek art. Though the Artemis A's design seems to be derived from an archaic model, there are clear Classical terms with which the artist chose to portray the statue. For example, the figure is shown with a Polyclitan stance, as", "title": "Piraeus Artemis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.91, "text": "river towards the sea, she attempted to cross the bows of the \"\"Artemisia\"\", a ship of 5,731 tons which was inward bound to Liverpool with a cargo of sugar from Java. \"\"Artemisia\"\" struck the \"\"Douglas\"\" amidships but the Duty Officer of the \"\"Artemisia\"\" prevented any loss of life by keeping his engines going, and holding his bows into the \"\"Douglas's\"\" side, so keeping her afloat until all crew and the 15 passengers were taken off safely. The \"\"Douglas\"\" then sank (at ) and her wreck was destroyed nearly four months later. The collision was followed by a lengthy and expensive", "title": "SS Douglas (1889)" } ]
the social class that struggled with plebeians for control of the roman empire?
[ "Patricians" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.44, "text": "out. Rome continued to have a hierarchical class system, but it was no longer dominated by the distinction between patricians and plebeians. Originally, all public offices were open only to patricians, and the classes could not intermarry. Plebeians and Patricians were always at odds due to the fact that Plebeians wanted to increase their power. A series of social struggles (see Conflict of the Orders) saw the \"\"plebs\"\" secede from the city on three occasions, the last in 297 BC, until their demands were met. They won the right to stand for office, the abolition of the intermarriage law, and", "title": "Social class in ancient Rome" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.73, "text": "on birth. Although modern writers often portray patricians as rich and powerful families who managed to secure power over the less-fortunate plebeian families, plebeians and patricians among the senatorial class were equally wealthy. As civil rights for plebeians increased during the middle and late Roman Republic, many plebeian families had attained wealth and power while some traditionally patrician families had fallen into poverty and obscurity. The first Roman Emperor, Augustus, was of plebeian origin, as were many of his successors. By the Late Empire, few members of the Senate were from the original patrician families, most of which had died", "title": "Social class in ancient Rome" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.17, "text": "BC, petitioned to be assigned plebeian status, in order to accumulate the political influence among the people that the office of tribune afforded. The conflict between the classes came to a climax in 287 BC when patricians and plebeians were declared equal under the law. Following these changes the distinction between patrician and plebeian status became less important, and by the Late Republic the only patrician prerogatives were certain priesthoods. Over time, some patrician families declined, some plebeian families rose in status, and the composition of the ruling class changed. A plebeian who was the first of his line to", "title": "Social class in ancient Rome" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.66, "text": "between the patricians and the plebeians. The patricians were a small elite whose ancestry was traced to the first Senate established by Romulus, who monopolised political power. The plebeians comprised the majority of Roman citizens (see below). Adult males who were not Roman citizens, whether free or slave, fall outside this division. Women and children were also not citizens, but took the social status of their father or husband, which granted them various rights and protections not available to the women and children of men of lower rank. The distinction between patricians and plebeians in Ancient Rome was based purely", "title": "Social class in ancient Rome" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.61, "text": "collegiate offices, known to history as Roman magistrates: (three Aediles and four Quaestors). Patrician supremacy was assured by limiting eligibility to hold the republican offices to patricians only. The establishment of a hereditary oligarchy obviously excluded wealthy non-patricians from political power and it is this class that led plebeian opposition to the early Republican settlement. The early Republic (510–338 BC) saw a long and often bitter struggle for political equality, known as the Conflict of the Orders, against the patrician monopoly of power. The plebeian leadership had the advantage that they represented the vast majority of the population and of", "title": "Socii" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.56, "text": "prevent magistrates from applying the law arbitrarily. After eight years of political struggle, the plebeian social class convinced the patricians to send a delegation to Athens, to copy the Laws of Solon; they also dispatched delegations to other Greek cities for like reason. In 451 BC, according to the traditional story (as Livy tells it), ten Roman citizens were chosen to record the laws (\"\"decemviri legibus scribundis\"\"). While they were performing this task, they were given supreme political power (\"\"imperium\"\"), whereas the power of the magistrates was restricted. In 450 BC, the \"\"decemviri\"\" produced the laws on ten tablets (\"\"tabulae\"\"),", "title": "Roman law" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.48, "text": "the creation of office of tribune of the \"\"plebs\"\". This office, founded in 494 BC as a result of a plebeian secession, was the main legal bulwark against the powers of the patrician class, and only plebeians were eligible. The tribunes originally had the power to protect any plebeian from a patrician magistrate. Later revolts forced the Senate to grant the tribunes additional powers, such as the right to veto legislation. A tribune’s person was sacrosanct, and he was obliged to keep an open house at all times while in office. Some patricians, notably Clodius Pulcher in the late 60s", "title": "Social class in ancient Rome" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.38, "text": "in 27 BC. Throughout the history of the republic, the constitutional evolution was driven by the struggle between the aristocracy and the ordinary citizens. The Roman aristocracy was composed of a class of citizens called Patricians (), while all other citizens were called Plebeians () . During the first phase of political development, the Patrician aristocracy dominated the state, and the Plebeians began seeking political rights. During the second phase, the Plebeians completely overthrew the Patrician aristocracy, and since the aristocracy was overthrown simply through alterations to the Roman law, this revolution was not violent. The third phase saw the", "title": "History of the Constitution of the Roman Republic" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.17, "text": "king. The Etruscans also introduced Greek gods in the 6th century BC apparently to reinforce their own rule. Rome became isolated from Greece in the 5th and 4th centuries BC and overthrew the monarchy. A patrician aristocracy took control, but after prolonged class warfare, gradually shared power with the plebeians. Innis suggests that Roman law flourished at this time because of its oral tradition. A priestly class, \"\"equipped with trained memories,\"\" made and administered the laws, their power strengthened because there was no body of written law. Although plebeian pressure eventually resulted in the adoption of the Twelve Tables—a written", "title": "Empire and Communications" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.16, "text": "fear. At Rome, the situation was also difficult as the ruling patrician elite was contested by the rest of the citizenry, the plebeians, in a social crisis known as the Conflict of the Orders. The Gallic Sack of Rome in 390 ruined many of them, and the patrician and ex-consul Marcus Manlius Capitolinus is said to have supported the plebs. In 385, he sold his estate to repay some of their debts and was the first patrician to leave his order to side with the plebeians. On his motivation, Livy explains that Capitolinus was aggrieved at the praise that Marcus", "title": "Aulus Cornelius Cossus (dictator)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.06, "text": "First secessio plebis The first secessio plebis of 494 B.C. was an event in ancient Roman political and social history between 495 and 493 BC, involving a dispute between the patrician ruling class and the plebeian underclass, and was one of a number of secessions by the plebs and part of a broader political conflict known as the conflict of the orders. The secession was initially sparked by discontent about the burden of debt on the poorer plebeian class. The failure of the patrician rulers, including the consuls and more generally the senate, to address those complaints, and subsequently the", "title": "First secessio plebis" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.94, "text": "institutions of the family and various rituals for formal transactions. The provisions were often highly specific and diverse. The Twelve Tables of Roman society were said by the Romans to have come about as a result of the long social struggle between patricians and plebeians. After the expulsion of the last king of Rome, Tarquinius Superbus, the Republic was governed by a hierarchy of magistrates. Initially, only patricians were eligible to become magistrates and this, among other plebeian complaints, was a source of discontent for plebeians. In the context of this unequal status, plebeians would take action to secure concessions", "title": "Twelve Tables" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.64, "text": "BC, it attempted to readjust the balance of power in favour of the people. However, the patrician class, made up of elite families, quickly began to dominate the political scene at the expense of the majority, the plebeians.The conflicts between the patricians and plebeians came to be known as the Conflict of the Orders. By 290 BC these conflicts largely came to an end when plebeian consuls were introduced. However, patrician/plebeian issues still surfaced from time-to-time in the later Republic. Although the most well-documented example of this conflict arose around the Gracchi (133/123 BC), it is possible that the passage", "title": "Lex Claudia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.59, "text": "Rome's plebeian commoner class, whose tribunes and emergent aristocracy resisted patrician claims to rightful religious and political dominance. The festival and temple's foundation year is uncertain – Ovid credits it to Claudia Quinta (c. late 3rd century BC). The rites are inferred as some form of mystery, concealed from the public gaze and, according to most later Roman literary sources, entirely forbidden to men. In the Republican era, Bona Dea's Aventine festivals were probably distinctly plebeian affairs, open to all classes of women and perhaps, in some limited fashion, to men. Control of her Aventine cult seems to have been", "title": "Bona Dea" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.59, "text": "life tenancy of the kings). In addition, power was further fragmented by the establishment of further collegiate offices, known to history as Roman magistrates: three Aediles and four Quaestors. Patrician supremacy was assured by restricting the eligibility to hold the Republican offices to just patricians. The establishment of a hereditary oligarchy obviously excluded wealthy non-patricians from political power and it is this class that led plebeian opposition to the early Republican settlement. The early Republic (510-338 BC) saw a long and often bitter struggle for political equality, known as the Conflict of the Orders, against the patrician monopoly of power.", "title": "Early Roman army" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.58, "text": "to regulate public morality (\"\"Censorship\"\"), and to conduct a census. As part of the census, the emperor had the power to grant citizenship to any individual, and to assign individuals to a new social class (the three imperial classes were the senators, the knights, and the plebeians), which, therefore, gave the emperor unchallenged control over senate membership. The emperor also had the power to interpret laws and to set precedents, which he did by issuing either an \"\"edicta\"\", \"\"decreta\"\", or a \"\"rescripta\"\". \"\"Edicta\"\" usually addressed matters associated with the army, treasury, or food supply. The \"\"decreta\"\" were judicial decisions. The", "title": "Executive magistrates of the Roman Empire" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.48, "text": "Optimates, who are identified with the conservative interests of the patricians (the aristocracy) and supported the Senate, which represented its interests. The collapse of the higher class's ability to manage and govern Rome helped them become a party. New competition and campaigning started to help support the masses and the Populares were born as a result. The plebeian tribunes (the representatives of the plebeians) and the Plebeian Council (the assembly of the plebeians) at times clashed with the Senate over the mentioned reforms and over the power relationship between the plebeian institutions and the Senate. The Optimates among the senators", "title": "Populares" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.44, "text": "the Principate, the doors of the temple of Janus were closed only twice – when they were open it meant that Rome was at war), Rome had to face a severe major social crisis, the Conflict of the Orders, a political struggle between the Plebeians (commoners) and Patricians (aristocrats) of the ancient Roman Republic, in which the Plebeians sought political equality with the Patricians. It played a major role in the development of the Constitution of the Roman Republic. It began in 494 BC, when, while Rome was at war with two neighboring tribes, the Plebeians all left the city", "title": "History of Rome" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.41, "text": "but no independent power. Many leading plebeians were \"\"wealthy, socially aspiring and politically ambitious\"\". It was a small group of \"\"rich men who made common cause with the poor and [ ] used the institutions of the plebeian movement to gain entry into the ranks of the ruling class\"\", which necessitated a struggle against the exclusiveness of the patricians. Some of these men were wealthy landowners who, thus, shared the same interests as the patricians, as the case of Gaius Licinius, who was fined for breaking his own agrarian law by exceeding the 500 iugera limit, shows. The outcome of", "title": "Lex Licinia Sextia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.28, "text": "of the four urban Tribes; this meant that their vote counted more than those of the lower classes in the four Urban Tribes—and these landless Plebeians soon acquired so much political power that the Plebeian Council became highly populist. The new power of the Plebeians was watched with fear and dismay by the aristocratic classes who had formerly had control of all law-making at Rome. The aristocrats accused \"\"the mob\"\" of selling its votes; of course, the \"\"mob\"\" was often voting for individual aristocrats themselves, so although the game rules had changed, the main aims remained the same—there had been", "title": "Constitutional reforms of Sulla" } ]
who win the match in india vs pakistan?
[ "Pakistan" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.19, "text": "the non-possibility of the rain during the match. India won the Toss and elected to bat first and made 260 runs in 50 overs for 9 wickets. Sachin Tendulkar scored 85 runs, But he was dropped 4 times by Pakistani fielders, and one LBW decision was overturned when he was on 23. He was awarded the Man of the Match. Pakistan on the other hand though with a good start failed to maintain consistency and were restricted to just 231 runs in 49.5 overs. India won the match and confirmed their place in the Finals. Tickets for the semi-final match", "title": "2011 Cricket World Cup Semifinal: India v Pakistan" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.12, "text": "2011 Cricket World Cup Semifinal: India v Pakistan The 2nd semifinal of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 was played between the arch-rivals India and Pakistan at Punjab Cricket Association Stadium, Mohali on 30 March 2011. India won the match by 29 runs and qualified for the 2011 Cricket World Cup Final. India won the Toss and elected to bat first and made 260 runs in 50 overs for 9 wickets. Pakistan, though with a good start, failed to make up to the score with just 231 runs in 49.5 overs resulting in the victory of India over Pakistan and", "title": "2011 Cricket World Cup Semifinal: India v Pakistan" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.11, "text": "1–3. India won again by 1-5 in the next Pakistan vs India match on 12 April 2016 where Manpreet played an important role in creating an early pressure by scoring a goal within first 4 minutes. New Zealand won 2-1 against India on 13 April 2016, where Manpreet scored India's sole goal. India won 1-6 against Malaysia on 15 April 2016 in their last pool match. India won the second place after losing the final against Australia by 4-0 on 16 April 2016. Out of India's total 18 goals in the tournament, he scored 2 during the period of mourning", "title": "Manpreet Singh (field hockey)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.98, "text": "Pakistan to victory. In the following match Pakistan lost narrowly against India courtesy of a six by Harbhajan Singh from the third ball of the final over. The following match was a dead rubber between Pakistan and Bangladesh and another Afridi century meant Pakistan scored 385 runs and they comfortably won the match by 139 runs A tour of England followed, with two Twenty20's against Australia and two Test matches. Pakistan won both Twenty20's comfortably and the first Test saw Pakistan defeated by 154 runs. Pakistan rallied in the second Test and for the first time in 15 years Pakistan", "title": "Waqar Younis" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.97, "text": "Cup that India and Pakistan played each other and therefore, the match was highly anticipated. India won the toss and batted first, posting a modest 216/7 in a match reduced to 49 overs due to rain, with the top contributors being Tendulkar (54 not out from 62 balls, 3 fours) and rookie opener Ajay Jadeja (46 from 77 balls, 2 fours). Pakistan's leg-spinner Mushtaq Ahmed was the pick of Pakistan's bowlers, taking 3/59, while fast bowler Aaqib Javed was economical, taking 2/28 in his 8 overs. In Pakistan's reply, only opener Aamer Sohail, who scored 62, could cross 50 runs", "title": "India at the Cricket World Cup" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.72, "text": "leading their way towards the final of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 against Sri Lanka where they beat Sri Lanka and won the World Cup. The match holds utmost historical significance because of the hype created around the match since both the teams made their way towards the semifinal. The match was even equated to war and it experienced the presence of celebrities, diplomats and Prime Ministers from both of the nations alongside the huge crowd at the stadium. Three people including a Pakistani actor all belonging to Pakistan died out of shock after Pakistan lost the match. This", "title": "2011 Cricket World Cup Semifinal: India v Pakistan" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.72, "text": "Champions Trophy Final, a highly anticipated re-match with India. In the final before a packed house at The Oval, India won the toss and elected to bowl first. Pakistan's batting lineup made India question their decision with opening batsman Fakhar Zaman scoring his maiden One Day International century (114 off 106 deliveries), with major contributions from Azhar Ali (59) and Mohammad Hafeez (57*) pushing Pakistan to a total of 338. India lost their top order quickly with Mohammad Amir getting the key wickets of Rohit Sharma, Shikhar Dhawan and Virat Kohli. Resistance came in the form of Hardik Pandya, who", "title": "Pakistan national cricket team" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.58, "text": "India was the man of the match for his 60 runs. Sabbir Rahman of Bangladesh was the player of the series. India won all of its matches played in Asia Cup 2016 beating Bangladesh 2 times, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and UAE. Virat Kohli showed his maturity in the game against Pakistan; India was reeling at 8 runs for the loss of 3 wickets while chasing and the opposition started to believe that they were still in the game while defending a sub par total, only for Virat Kohli to come in and send the ball all over the ground and", "title": "Asia Cup" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.44, "text": "of chaos after the 2008 Mumbai attacks which further deteriorated the already existing tussle between the two countries. Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh used this opportunity and invited his Pakistani counterpart Yousuf Raza Gilani to watch the match with him at Mohali. Subsequently, Gilani accepted the offer and agreed to watch the match with Singh. Victory Venkatesh, Aamir Khan, Priety Zinta, Vivek Oberoi were among the numerous celebrities present in the stadium during the match along with the massive cheering crowd. After the victory, celebrations erupted throughout India and fans across the country cheered throughout the night. 2011 Cricket", "title": "2011 Cricket World Cup Semifinal: India v Pakistan" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.41, "text": "Ayub with seven wickets in the match and Mohammad Azharuddin, who top scored with 81 runs led India to a 10 wicket victory and a 2–1 Series victory. The first ODI Match was played in the stadium during the 1983/84 season when India hosted Pakistan and won the match by four wickets. The match between India and Pakistan on 20 March 1987 was a thriller which ended with the scores tied at 212 in 44 overs. India were declared the victors because they lost fewer wickets (six to Pakistan's seven). In one of the great matches played during the 1987", "title": "Lal Bahadur Shastri Stadium" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.25, "text": "Pakistan\"\" as he \"\"didn't even give him a particular time or the number of overs he could bat on for.\"\" Miandad, however never expressed displeasure on the decision. Pakistan won the match by an innings and 119 runs. Pakistan visited India in 1983–84 under the captaincy of Zaheer, and played a leveled three-Test match series. Miandad scored 225 runs in the series at the average of 75.00, including 99 runs at Bangalore. Miandad scored 131 runs against Australia at the Adelaide Oval, the third Test of the series between the teams. He could not perform consistently and finished the series", "title": "Javed Miandad" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.17, "text": "and Bangladesh. They won comfortably against the two teams, and stood up as top of group D. In super eight contest, Pakistan first played against South Africa, where Pakistan won the match by just 2 wickets. next match was against India, which always given a much publicity by all over the fans. Pakistan bowled out for just 128 runs, where India reached the target with only 2 wickets given. Pakistan won their last Super eight match against Australia by 32 runs, where Saeed Ajmal performed well in the match by taking 3 wickets for 17 runs. Pakistan qualified for the", "title": "Pakistan national cricket team" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.14, "text": "last win was in 2009; since then, India won seven games against Pakistan across ICC tournaments consecutively. Their most recent clash was on 4 June 2017, during the group stages of the ongoing Champions Trophy where India won by 124 runs (D/L method). Much of the pre-match analysis envisioned a strong contest between India's batting lineup and Pakistan's bowling side, both of which were considered the strengths of their respective teams and remained formidable in this tournament. Ranked eighth in the ICC ODI Championship at the start of the tournament, Pakistan started poorly, before improving progressively in each game. They", "title": "2017 ICC Champions Trophy Final" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.12, "text": "2007 ICC World Twenty20 Final The final of the 2007 ICC World Twenty20, the inaugural ICC World Twenty20 cricket tournament, was played on 24 September 2007 between India and Pakistan at the Wanderers Stadium, Johannesburg. Pakistan qualified for the final by defeating New Zealand in the first semifinal while India defeated Australia in the second semi final. India won the final by 5 runs, to win their second ICC limited-overs title. India's Irfan Pathan won the player of the match award in the final for his bowling performance of 3/16 in 4 overs. The match had an attendance of 32,217", "title": "2007 ICC World Twenty20 Final" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.11, "text": "Sri Lanka whitewashed Australia. Pakistan displaced India as number 1 after rain caused the final test match between India and West Indies to end in a draw. Pakistan became the 1st Asian team and 2nd team overall to win a day-night test match, which was against the West Indies in Dubai. In a later T20 series in Sep 2016, Pakistan's National Cricket Team won the series with World T20 Winner team West Indies with 3–0. They won by 9 wickets, 16 runs, 8 wickets consecutively. Misbah-ul-Haq and Younis Khan, who had been the mainstays of the Pakistani batting line-up, announced", "title": "Pakistan national cricket team" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.05, "text": "West Indies. Pakistan were ruthless, as they emphatically won against the West Indies side by 10 wickets, due to another brilliant bowling display. In the semi-finals on 30 March, Pakistan had a match with its fiercest rival, India. India managed 260 after they batted first. Not having a good batting line-up along with a slow start to the chase, Pakistan were 29 runs short as India reached the final (India went on to win the final, by defeating Sri Lanka). The 2012 edition of World T20 was held in Sri Lanka, where Pakistan grouped in Group D with New Zealand,", "title": "Pakistan national cricket team" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.03, "text": "with Kapil (2/30), Prabhakar (2/22) and rookie Javagal Srinath (2/37) taking 2 wickets each, as Pakistan crashed to 173 all out in the 49th over, losing by 43 runs, earning India its first win in the tournament, a famous victory which would begin an all-win record over the arch-rivals in subsequent Cricket World Cups (both 50-over and 20-over). The match also had its share of drama which is a regular feature in Indo-Pak cricket matches, with Javed Miandad imitating Indian wicketkeeper Kiran More's appealing behind the stumps. Tendulkar won his first Man of the Match award in a World Cup", "title": "India at the Cricket World Cup" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.03, "text": "Pakistan took each other on in the final of a tournament for the first time since 2007, with the final taking place at The Oval in London. It was India's fourth appearance and Pakistan's maiden appearance in a Champions Trophy final. Pakistan beat India comfortably by 180 runs, outclassing them across all three departments-batting, bowling and fielding. Pakistan, the lowest-ranked team in the competition, won their first Champions Trophy title and became the seventh nation to win it. Fakhar Zaman of Pakistan received the Man of the Match award for scoring a sublime 114. Shikhar Dhawan of India received the", "title": "ICC Champions Trophy" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.03, "text": "second innings, with the score at 180–7 chasing 221 to win, Ramaswamy gave Sunil Gavaskar out, caught at slip by Rizwan-uz-Zaman off the bowling of Iqbal Qasim. Pakistan quickly won the match by 16 runs. Gavaskar later remarked that the match may have turned out differently if veteran Indian umpire Swaroop Kishen had been standing. After his 12th Test as umpire, the second Test between India and New Zealand at Wankhede Stadium, Bombay in November 1988, there was a hiatus of more than 4 years before he returned as umpire in the second Test between India and England in February", "title": "V. K. Ramaswamy (umpire)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25, "text": "a group with Australia, Poland and Japan, winning all the matches. Pakistan then played the quarter-final round with Germany, winning the match 2–1 and advanced to the semi-final round where they defeated Spain. Pakistan eventually won the gold medal, defeating India 1–0 with a goal by Naseer Bunda in the final round held at the Olympic Velodrome and ended India's run of six successive gold medals at the Summer Olympic Games. In the 1962 Asian Games, Pakistan earned its second gold medal with Chaudhry Ghulam Rasool as the captain leading the team to another successive award. However, during the 1964", "title": "Pakistan men's national field hockey team" } ]
who sings the theme tune to the sopranos?
[ "Alabama 3" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.28, "text": "Florence, Shane Beschen, and Herbie Fletcher. The series' theme song is \"\"Johnny Appleseed,\"\" performed by Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros. A diverse soundtrack includes \"\"Tic\"\" by Kava Kava and songs from TV on the Radio, Muse, Buddy Guy, Kasabian, and the Yardbirds. The pilot for the series was shown directly after the highly anticipated series finale of \"\"The Sopranos\"\", but it failed to sustain an audience. \"\"The Sopranos\"\" received an audience of 11.9 million people according to Nielsen ratings, but \"\"John from Cincinnati\"\" held onto only 3.4 million viewers. Subsequent episodes initially lost viewers, but ratings began to see a", "title": "John from Cincinnati" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.34, "text": "and the birthday soprano signs off by saying, \"\"Bye Bye, Birthday!\"\". There are also Disney Mickey and Disney Minnie Sing-a-ma-jigs. Mickey and Minnie each sing a favorite Disney tune. Mickey sings the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Theme Song and Minnie sings Hot Dog. There are 5 Sing-a-ma-jigs of a series part called \"\"The Hits!\"\". These were only sold in the UK and Japan, and they all have the Voice Wiggle Effect. 3 more dolls were part released in 2011 as Kohls Exclusives. Sing-a-ma-jigs \"\"Duets\"\" consist of one larger character holding another smaller character. With one press of the belly, they simultaneously", "title": "Sing-a-ma-jigs" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.3, "text": "Woke Up This Morning \"\"Woke Up This Morning\"\" is a song by English band Alabama 3 from their 1997 album \"\"Exile on Coldharbour Lane.\"\" The song is best known as the opening theme music for \"\"The Sopranos\"\", which used the \"\"Chosen One Mix\"\" of the song. Described as \"\"a propulsive hip-hop song complete with Howlin' Wolf samples and a swelling gospel choir\"\", the song has been cited as a paradigmatic example of a \"\"great theme song\"\", which \"\"generates anticipation, immediately puts the viewer in a focused frame of mind, and creates the kind of sonic familiarity that breeds audience loyalty.\"\"", "title": "Woke Up This Morning" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.28, "text": "Bangles) to oldies and classic rock artists (The Beach Boys, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd), from classic jazz and soul (Ella Fitzgerald, Ben E. King) to hip-hop (Xzibit, Time Zone), often within a single episode. In the opening credits for each episode, Tony Soprano (James Gandolfini) drives from New York City to his home in North Caldwell, New Jersey. The musical accompaniment for this segment is the \"\"Chosen One Remix\"\" of the song \"\"Woke Up This Morning\"\" by the British group Alabama 3 (known in the United States as A3 for legal reasons). \"\"Woke Up This Morning (Chosen One Mix)\"\"", "title": "Music on The Sopranos" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.12, "text": "written by, remixed and performed by British band Alabama 3. With few exceptions, a different song plays over the closing credits of each episode. Many songs are repeated multiple times through an episode, such as \"\"Living on a Thin Line\"\" by The Kinks in the season three episode \"\"University\"\" and \"\"Glad Tidings\"\" by Van Morrison in the season five finale \"\"All Due Respect\"\". Other songs are heard several times throughout the series. A notable example is \"\"Con te partirò\"\", performed by Italian singer Andrea Bocelli, which plays several times in relation to the character of Carmela Soprano. While the show", "title": "The Sopranos" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.11, "text": "O'Brien\"\"; Garry Tallent got to play the bass riff from \"\"Fire\"\"; Steven Van Zandt was introduced as star of \"\"The Sopranos\"\" tel-eee-vision show (to which Van Zandt responded with a bit of the theme from \"\"The Godfather\"\" on his guitar); Patti Scialfa got a build-up as \"\"the first lady of love\"\", after which she would play and sing a verse of her album's title song \"\"Rumble Doll\"\"; and Clarence Clemons would get the biggest build-up of all, leading to the part of \"\"Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out\"\" in which \"\"the Big Man joins the band.\"\" From there the show would drop back", "title": "Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band Reunion Tour" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.95, "text": "stage with Jones and James to perform the theme from US TV series, \"\"The Sopranos\"\". Throughout the run, support was provided by West London bands Taurus Trakker, The Rotten Hill Gang,and The Self, songwriter John Byrne, icons Pete Wylie, Glen Matlock, James Dean-Bradfield, John Cooper Clarke, and new young bands including West London's The Dirty Curtains, North London band The Usual Suspects and the Savage Nomads. In 2009 the band released \"\"The Carbon Bubble\"\" - their fourth full-length digital album release - free of charge at their official web site. 2010 has seen a further line-up change, with Jesse Wood", "title": "Carbon/Silicon" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.88, "text": "also different. The Season 5 trailer included the song \"\"Say Yes!\"\" of Siouxsie Sioux's second band The Creatures, from their 2003 album \"\"Hái!\"\". Music on The Sopranos The HBO television drama The Sopranos received considerable critical attention for effective use of an eclectic array of music. Series creator David Chase personally selected all the show's music, with the producer Martin Bruestle and music editor Kathryn Dayak—sometimes also consulting Steven Van Zandt, who portrays Silvio Dante on the show and is also a guitarist for Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band. They often selected music after completing an episode's production and editing,", "title": "Music on The Sopranos" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.84, "text": "Cavaliere of The Rascals inducted them. In the summer of 2007 HBO's final episode of \"\"The Sopranos\"\" featured \"\"You Keep Me Hangin' On\"\" (with Pascali's lead vocals) as a theme for their cliff hanger. The band also went back into the studio to record \"\"Out Through the In Door\"\", a Led Zeppelin cover album released in 2007 only in Europe. Also, the band (Stein & Martell with Steve Argy on bass and Jimmyjack Tamburo on drums) performed \"\"You Keep Me Hangin' On\"\" for the PBS fundraising program \"\"My Music: My Generation – The '60s\"\" for the March 2008 pledge drive.", "title": "Vanilla Fudge" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.81, "text": "Music on The Sopranos The HBO television drama The Sopranos received considerable critical attention for effective use of an eclectic array of music. Series creator David Chase personally selected all the show's music, with the producer Martin Bruestle and music editor Kathryn Dayak—sometimes also consulting Steven Van Zandt, who portrays Silvio Dante on the show and is also a guitarist for Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band. They often selected music after completing an episode's production and editing, but occasionally filmed sequences to match pre-selected pieces of music. Stylistically, the music on the show ranges from mainstream pop (Britney Spears, The", "title": "Music on The Sopranos" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.77, "text": "the initial bass theme. In the next concertino passage the bass theme is sung by the altos, while the sopranos sing a florid counter-theme with semiquaver scales—a long melisma on \"\"kleide\"\". The bass theme is finally sung by the tenors, with the florid accompaniment in the altos and sopranos. In the second set of six bars, the choir sing the text \"\"und entzeuch dich nicht von deinem Fleisch\"\" (\"\"and hide not thyself from thine own flesh\"\") in chords, taking up the repeated detached notes of the initial bass theme. The bass line incorporates the semiquaver scales. The beginning of the", "title": "Brich dem Hungrigen dein Brot, BWV 39" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.77, "text": "on the text \"\"\"\" (For the Lord is friendly). Both themes are lively, but have their fastest movement at different times. The melody of the soprano begins with the turn-motiv from the first movement, while the tenors sing mostly a rising broken Dmajor chord, with fast motion in the second measure. The alto takes the tenor melody, and the bass the soprano melody in their following entry. After an instrumental interlude from measure77, the themes appear in measure91 in bass and soprano, while the melody of Luther's \"\"\"\" is played by brass in unison. The work ends, slowing down majestically,", "title": "Der 100. Psalm" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.7, "text": "script and break the scenes down into shots. That's what you do with feature films.\"\" \"\"The Sopranos\"\" is noted for its eclectic music selections and has received considerable critical attention for its effective use of previously recorded songs. Chase personally selected all of the show's music with producer Martin Bruestle and music editor Kathryn Dayak, sometimes also consulting Steven Van Zandt. The music was usually selected once the production and editing of an episode was completed, but on occasion sequences were filmed to match preselected pieces of music. The show's opening theme is \"\"Woke Up This Morning\"\" (Chosen One Mix),", "title": "The Sopranos" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.52, "text": "melody line, sung by soprano Loulie Jean Norman with flute and organ, over an orchestral arrangement. When originally composed (and as heard in \"\"The Cage\"\"), Courage had Norman's vocalizations and the various instruments mixed equally to produce what Courage described as a unique \"\"'what is \"\"that\"\" that I'm hearing?' sound.\"\" According to Courage, however, Gene Roddenberry had the mix changed to bring up the female vocal, after which Courage felt the theme sounded like a soprano solo. Finally, for the third season it was remixed again, this time emphasizing the organ. Producer Herbert Solow recalled that Norman had been hired", "title": "Theme from Star Trek" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.34, "text": "the Mobsters\"\"), produced by and starring John Fiore and some of The Sopranos cast. In 2005, he wrote and directed \"\"Trail of the Screaming Forehead\"\". Though continuing the retro science fiction spoof theme, the film had a different look and feel, in widescreen and color, under the Ray Harryhausen Presents banner, with a title song composed by Blamire and sung by The Manhattan Transfer. After festival screenings, it was picked up by IFC, playing VOD in 2009, slated for DVD release in 2010. In 2007, Blamire formed a company, Bantam Street, with his core group of actors and technicians. Their", "title": "Larry Blamire" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.27, "text": "as another theme to connect to Nash's ever-changing character. Horner chose Welsh singer Charlotte Church to sing the soprano vocals after deciding that he needed a balance between a child and adult singing voice. He wanted a \"\"purity, clarity and brightness of an instrument\"\" but also a vibrato to maintain the humanity of the voice. The film was shot 90% chronologically. Three separate trips were made to the Princeton University campus. During filming, Howard decided that Nash's delusions should always be introduced first audibly and then visually. This provides a clue for the audience and establishes the delusions from Nash's", "title": "A Beautiful Mind (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.23, "text": "and Pete Carpenter writing and orchestrating for such shows as \"\"Greatest American Hero\"\", \"\"The A-Team\"\", \"\"Magnum, P.I.\"\" and \"\"Hunter\"\". He co-wrote the theme to ABC’s \"\"Gideon Oliver\"\" in 1988 and in 1993 he was hired by David Chase (who later went on to create and produce \"\"The Sopranos\"\") to write the music for the 2nd season of NBC's \"\"I'll Fly Away\"\" resulting in Taylor's 2nd Emmy nomination. Another historically significant network show was \"\"Under One Roof\"\" for which he wrote the main title song and underscore for the first few episodes. This CBS show was the last primetime black family", "title": "Stephen James Taylor" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.19, "text": "were very different from the ones used in the three variations of the song. Since Brightman was the first soprano to sing this song, Jackie Evancho performed the song for her movie-themed concert called \"\"Songs from the Silver Screen\"\" with the words, \"\"compose the music of the night\"\". One version of \"\"The Music of the Night\"\", as performed by Sarah Brightman, has alternative lyrics, as well as a different ending, replacing the line \"\"To the power of the music that I write,\"\" with \"\"To the harmony which dreams alone can write\"\". Due to similarities between the song and a recurring", "title": "The Music of the Night" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.11, "text": "cited here) performed by a mezzo, such as Cecilia Bartoli, Frederica von Stade, Agnes Baltsa and Ann Murray. Ferrando and Fiordiligi, however, can only be sung by a tenor and a soprano because of the high tessitura of their roles. The instrumentation is as follows: Mozart and Da Ponte use the theme of \"\"fiancée swapping\"\", which dates back to the 13th century; notable earlier versions are found in Boccaccio's \"\"Decameron\"\" and Shakespeare's play \"\"Cymbeline\"\". Elements from Shakespeare's \"\"The Taming of the Shrew\"\" are also present. Furthermore, it incorporates elements of the myth of Procris as found in Ovid's \"\"Metamorphoses\"\", vii.", "title": "Così fan tutte" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.09, "text": "\"\"Jungle Junction\"\", \"\"Ten Days That Unexpectedly Changed America\"\", PBS’s \"\"P.O.V.\"\", \"\"The Wire\"\", \"\"The Sopranos\"\", \"\"The Oprah Winfrey Show\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"The Regis and Kathie Lee Show\"\", and \"\"Lizzie McGuire\"\". He may be best known to Millennials for singing the \"\"\"\" series’ theme song. As a music consultant, Appleton has been featured at music industry meetups, teaching advertising, TV, and film composition. Appleton’s career as a jingle writer has spanned over 15 years, and his compositions can be heard in television commercials for Diet Coke, Burger King, McDonald's, Time Warner Cable, BMW, Singulair, Levitra, IBM, Clairol, Maybelline Cosmetics, Budweiser, 7-up, American", "title": "JJ Appleton" } ]
when did florida stop using the electric chair?
[ "1999" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.47, "text": "provided inmates with a choice of the electric chair or lethal injection; however, in May 2014, the state passed a law allowing the use of the electric chair if lethal injection drugs were unavailable or made unconstitutional. In the U.S. state of Florida, on July 8, 1999, Allen Lee Davis, convicted of murder, was executed in the Florida electric chair \"\"Old Sparky\"\". Davis' face was bloodied, and photographs were taken, which were later posted on the Internet. An investigation concluded that Davis had begun bleeding before the electricity was applied and that the chair had functioned as designed. Florida’s Supreme", "title": "Electric chair" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.31, "text": "in the same electric chair in Florida on January 24, 1989. The last person to be executed by electric chair without the choice of an alternative method was Lynda Lyon Block on May 10, 2002, in Alabama. The use of the electric chair has declined as legislators sought what they believed to be more humane methods of execution. Lethal injection became the most widely used method, aided by media reports of botched electrocutions in the early 1980s. The electric chair has been criticized because of several instances in which the subjects were killed only after being subjected to multiple electric", "title": "Electric chair" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.42, "text": "25, 1997) and Allen Lee Davis (executed July 8, 1999). Reportedly, six-inch flames shot out of Tafero's head and 12-inch flames shot out of Medina's head, raising the question whether use of the electric chair was cruel and unusual punishment. After the Medina execution, Butterworth commented, \"\"People who wish to commit murder, they'd better not do it in the state of Florida because we may have a problem with the electric chair.\"\" One of Butterworth's key activities during his time in office was the initiation and execution of Florida's lawsuit against the tobacco industry, which was one of the early", "title": "Bob Butterworth" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.25, "text": "became key evidence in several cases mounting yet another challenge to the constitutionality of the electric chair. These lawsuits ultimately came to the Florida Supreme Court in the fall of 1999, when a bare majority (4 of the 7 Justices) found that the electric chair was constitutional in a case brought by death row inmate Thomas Provenzano. One of the dissenting Justices, Leander J. Shaw, Jr., took the extraordinary step of attaching to his opinion three color photographs of Davis's bloody body strapped in the chair. This publication marked the first time those photographs had surfaced on the Internet or,", "title": "Old Sparky" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.03, "text": "1990s, namely in the cases of Jesse Tafero (executed May 4, 1990), Pedro Medina (executed March 25, 1997) and Allen Lee Davis (executed July 8, 1999). Reportedly, six-inch flames shot out of Tafero's head and 12-inch flames shot out of Medina's head, raising the question whether use of the electric chair was cruel and unusual punishment. After the Medina execution, Florida Attorney General Bob Butterworth commented, \"\"People who wish to commit murder, they'd better not do it in the state of Florida because we may have a problem with the electric chair.\"\" The malfunctions were probably due to practices of", "title": "Old Sparky" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.55, "text": "Court ruled that the chair did not constitute cruel and unusual punishment.The 1997 execution of Pedro Medina in Florida created controversy when flames burst from the inmate's head. An autopsy found that Medina had died instantly when the first surge of electricity had destroyed his brain and brain stem, and a judge ruled that Florida’s electric chair was in ‘excellent condition’. Lethal injection has been the primary method of execution in the U.S. state of Florida since 2000. On February 15, 2008, the Nebraska Supreme Court declared execution by electrocution to be \"\"cruel and unusual punishment\"\" prohibited by the Nebraska", "title": "Electric chair" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.55, "text": "1997, were, \"\"I am still innocent.\"\" During the administration of electric current, the electric chair known as \"\"Old Sparky\"\" malfunctioned, causing flames to shoot out of Medina's head. In 1999, the state of Florida heard a petition from Thomas Harrison Provenzano, another death row inmate, that argued that the electric chair was a cruel and unusual punishment. During the proceedings, Rev. Glen Dickson, Medina's pastor, testified he saw the flames rising out of Medina's head, smelled an acrid smell and saw Medina take three labored breaths after the electric current to the chair had been turned off and the strap", "title": "Pedro Medina" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.48, "text": "Jesse Tafero Jesse Joseph Tafero (October 12, 1946 – May 4, 1990), was convicted of murder and executed via electric chair in the state of Florida for the murders of Florida Highway Patrol officer Phillip Black and Donald Irwin, a visiting Canadian constable and friend of Black. The officers were killed during a traffic stop where Tafero, his wife Sunny Jacobs, and their children were passengers. After Tafero's execution, the driver, Walter Rhodes, confessed to shooting the officers. On the morning of February 20, 1976, Black and Irwin approached a car parked at a rest stop for a routine check.", "title": "Jesse Tafero" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.47, "text": "another death row inmate, that argued that the electric chair was a cruel and unusual punishment. As of 2018, Davis was the last Florida inmate killed by the electric chair; beginning in 2000, all subsequent executions were by lethal injection. Allen Lee Davis Allen Lee Davis (July 20, 1944 – July 8, 1999) was an American mass murderer executed for the May 11, 1982, murder of Nancy Weiler, who was three months pregnant, in Jacksonville, Florida. According to reports, Nancy Weiler was \"\"beaten almost beyond recognition\"\" by Davis with a .357 Magnum, and hit over 25 times in the face", "title": "Allen Lee Davis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.45, "text": "that it violated the state constitution. No inmates were executed during the nine years that capital punishment was reinstated in New York. Ohio was the second state to adopt the electric chair as a means of execution, executing 315 people between 1897 and its last use was in 1963. The state stopped using the electric chair in 2001, and now exclusively utilizes lethal injection in executions. Ohio's Old Sparky is now a museum exhibit in the Ohio State Reformatory. The state installed the \"\"Old Sparky\"\" in 1912 at the Central Correctional Institution (CCI) in Columbia. In 1944 it was used", "title": "Old Sparky" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.38, "text": "throat, though he could not tell whether the air was going in or out. But even after the execution by electric chair of Allen Lee Davis had caused many irregularities, the constitutionality of the electric chair remained upheld. However, by the time the inmate following Davis was to be executed, Florida inmates sentenced to death could choose between lethal injection and the electric chair. Everyone executed in Florida following Davis thus far () has chosen lethal injection. Provenzano was originally scheduled to be the second person executed in Florida's newly built electric chair on Wednesday July 14, 1999, but the", "title": "Thomas Harrison Provenzano" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.28, "text": "went around bragging about the killing of Lopez. In 1999, Hernandez was imprisoned for attacking his neighbor with a knife. Jesse Tafero was convicted of murder and executed via electric chair in May 1990 in the state of Florida for the murders of two Florida Highway Patrol officers. The conviction of a co-defendant was overturned in 1992 after a recreation of the crime scene indicated a third person had committed the murders. Not only was Tafero wrongly accused, his electric chair malfunctioned as well – three times. As a result, Tafero’s head caught on fire. After this encounter, a debate", "title": "Wrongful execution" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.16, "text": "the gunfire. Parker eventually died in March 2009 due to complications from his injuries. Provenzano would be found guilty and sentenced to death for the attack. In 1999, the state of Florida heard a petition from Provenzano that argued that the electric chair was a cruel and unusual punishment. During the proceedings, Michael Minerva, who had witnessed Jerry White's execution, said that \"\"White's body stiffened and was thrust upward and backward to the back of the electric chair\"\" after the current had been switched on to the chair. He also said that he heard air moving through White's lips and", "title": "Thomas Harrison Provenzano" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.12, "text": "Although the electric chair was the only method of execution in Oklahoma at this time, Gooch was executed by hanging. Like Gooch, another federal inmate James Alderman, executed in Florida on August 17, 1929, was also hanged, despite the fact that Florida State law authorized electrocution as a sole method. The sentence was carried out by Oklahoma's state electrician, Richard Earnest Owen. According to the witnesses Gooch's hanging was botched and his death lasted 15 minutes. Many blamed Owen for this failure, because this was the only hanging he ever performed. His last words: \"\"It's kind of funny—dying. I think", "title": "Arthur Gooch (criminal)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.11, "text": "Davis had begun bleeding before the first jolt of electricity was applied. He had been taking blood thinning medication for an unrelated health problem. It was concluded that the electric chair had functioned as designed and the Florida Supreme Court upheld electrocution as a means of capital punishment. However, a dissenting justice published photos of the aftermath of the incident in an attempt to argue that the practice of capital punishment by electrocution was outdated, and that any future executions should be carried out through lethal injection. In 1999, the state of Florida heard a petition from Thomas Harrison Provenzano,", "title": "Allen Lee Davis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.88, "text": "that in case of a hung jury during the penalty phase of the trial, a life sentence is issued, even if a single juror opposed death (there is no retrial). Florida used public hanging under a local jurisdiction, overseen and performed by the sheriffs of the counties where the crimes took place. However, in 1923, the Florida Legislature passed a law replacing hanging with the electric chair and stated that all future execution will be performed under state jurisdiction inside prisons. The electric chair became a subject of strong controversy in the 1990s after three executions received considerable media attention", "title": "Capital punishment in Florida" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.86, "text": "Old Sparky Old Sparky is the nickname of the electric chairs in Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. Old Smokey was the nickname of the electric chairs used in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee. \"\"Old Sparky\"\" is sometimes used to refer to electric chairs in general, and not one of a specific state. Connecticut legislated lethal injection as its sole method of execution in 1995. The last person executed by electrocution was Joseph \"\"Mad Dog\"\" Taborsky in May 1960. Connecticut's \"\"Old Sparky\"\" has not been tested since it", "title": "Old Sparky" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.86, "text": "arguing that although Francis did not die, he had, in fact, been executed. The argument was rejected on the basis that re-execution did not violate the double jeopardy clause of the 5th Amendment of the United States Constitution, and Francis was returned to the electric chair and successfully executed in 1947. Recorded incidents of botched electrocutions were prevalent after the national moratorium ended January 17, 1977; two in Alabama, three in Florida, one in Georgia, one in Indiana, and three in Virginia. All five states now have lethal injection as the default method if a choice is not made. ,", "title": "Electric chair" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.66, "text": "after the current had been switched on to the chair. He also said that he heard air moving through White's lips and throat, though he could not tell whether the air was going in or out. Jerry White (criminal) Jerry White (February 12, 1948 – December 4, 1995) was executed by electric chair by the state of Florida in 1995 for the murder of James Melson, a shopper in a grocery that White robbed in Orange County in 1981. Mr. Melson was shot in the back of the head. On March 8, 1981, Melson asked his brother to go with", "title": "Jerry White (criminal)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.44, "text": "and were labeled as \"\"botched\"\" by opponents (Jesse Tafero in 1990, Pedro Medina in 1997, and Allen Lee Davis in 1999). While most states switched to the lethal injection, many politicians in Florida opposed giving up \"\"Old Sparky\"\", seeing it as a \"\"deterrent\"\". Finally, after the Davis execution, lethal injection was enabled and became the default method. Inmates, however, may still choose electrocution.. In January 2016, Wayne Doty asked the state to carry out his death sentence by electric chair, becoming the first inmate to do so since electrocution became optional. Today, the only execution chamber in Florida is located", "title": "Capital punishment in Florida" } ]
how many skip bo cards in a deck?
[ "162" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.31, "text": "cards which may be played as any number. Alternatively, the 162 cards could be three regular decks of playing cards, including the jokers, with ace to queen corresponding to 1 to 12 and the kings and jokers corresponding to the SKIP-BO cards. Before 1980, the commercial game consisted of four decks of regular playing cards with eight SKIP-BO cards replacing the standard two jokers in each deck. In addition, the aces, twos and threes in the fourth deck were marked SKIP-BO. The remainder of the fourth deck was discarded. Two to four people can play at a time as individuals,", "title": "Skip-Bo" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.97, "text": "Skip-Bo Skip-Bo is a commercial version of the card game Spite and Malice. In 1967, Minnie Hazel \"\"Skip\"\" Bowman of Brownfield, Texas, began producing a boxed edition of the game under the name \"\"SKIP-BO\"\". In 1980 the game was purchased by International Games, which was subsequently bought by Mattel in 1992. A mobile version of the game for iOS was released by Magmic in September, 2013. There is a new version called \"\"SKIP-BO Mod\"\" that comes in a blue and white case. The deck consists of 162 cards, twelve each of the numbers 1 through 12 and eighteen \"\"SKIP-BO\"\" wild", "title": "Skip-Bo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.47, "text": "also has up to four personal discard piles. Each turn the active player draws until they have five cards in hand, though there are cases of not drawing more cards to equal five cards, instead doing a draw of a certain number of cards. They must play either the next card in sequential order or a wild Skip-Bo card, using either cards in hand, the top card of their stock pile, or the top card of any of their four discard piles. If the player can play all five cards from their hand, they draw five more and continue playing.", "title": "Skip-Bo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.34, "text": "or, six or more players in teams (no more than three partnerships). The object of the game is to be the first player or team to play out their entire stock pile(s). The player with the middle age goes first. Each player is dealt 30 cards for their pile with only the top card visible, and a hand of five cards, and the remaining cards are placed face down to create a common draw pile. The shared play area allows up to four build piles, which must be started using either a \"\"1\"\" card or a Skip-Bo, and each player", "title": "Skip-Bo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.28, "text": "by Chad Valley in 1935. Two packs, 44 black and 52 red, are used in a game primarily for two players although there were versions for three or four players. Black cards are divided equally between the players, placed face down with only the top card visible, as the Stack. Five red cards are dealt to each player, made up to five on each pass, and the rest placed as the draw Pack. The aim is to make up to four Build piles starting at 1 through to 15, using cards from the player's Stack where possible. Each player must", "title": "Skip-Bo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.03, "text": "the points scoring, the winning player receives 25 points for winning plus 5 points for each card in his/her opponents' stock piles. The first player to reach 500 points wins. Another option for game play is to pair up players as partners. Game play remains the same except: Skip-Bo was released in the iTunes App Store and for Android on November 16, 2012 by onestepmobile. The game was later developed by Magmic and is licensed through Mattel. Various electronic handheld versions of Skip-Bo have been released over the years. William Henry Storey designed a card game \"\"\"\"Starturn\"\"\"\" which was published", "title": "Skip-Bo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.91, "text": "Spite and Malice Spite and Malice, also known as Cat and Mouse, is a traditional card game for two or more players. It is a reworking of the late 19th century Continental game Crapette, and is a form of competitive solitaire with a number of variations that can be played with two or three regular decks of cards. One commercial variation, sold by Hasbro from 2002, is called \"\"Spite and Malice\"\"; another variation, sold by Mattel, is called \"\"Skip-Bo\"\". An earlier implementation is the 1901 card game \"\"Flinch\"\". The deck consists of three regular playing card decks with the jokers", "title": "Spite and Malice" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.62, "text": "discard one card at the end of each pass (except when all cards in the hand have been used on Build piles) on to one of four discard piles in front of each player, from which cards may be used (strictly, top card first) in forming Build piles. Completed Build piles are shuffled into the Pack as soon as completed. The first player to use up all his/her Stack cards is the winner. Although the cards are of different design, the rules of Skip-bo are almost exactly the same. Skip-Bo Skip-Bo is a commercial version of the card game Spite", "title": "Skip-Bo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.48, "text": "number of games are based around a deck in which each card has a rank and a suit (usually represented by a color), and for each suit there is exactly one card having each rank, though in many cases the deck has various special cards as well. Examples include Mü und Mehr, Lost Cities, DUO, Sticheln, Rage, Schotten Totten, UNO, \"\"Phase 10\"\", Oh-No!, Skip-Bo, Roodles, and Rook. Decks for some games are divided into suits, but otherwise bear little relation to traditional games. An example would be the board game Taj Mahal, in which each card has one of four", "title": "Suit (cards)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.77, "text": "When no more plays are available, the player discards one card to either an empty discard pile or on top of an existing one and play passes to the next player. When a build pile reaches 12, it is removed from the board and that space becomes empty for another pile to be started; play continues until one player has played their final start card. For single rounds, whoever goes out first is the winner. If multiple games are going to be played, either track the number of wins for each player or a point system may be used. For", "title": "Skip-Bo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.72, "text": "modern Tarot deck typically has 78. The first attestation of a deck with 78 cards was in a poem by Matteo Maria Boiardo of Ferrara written between 1461–1494. The deck was structured like modern tarots, but the motifs and suits signs of the Boiardo deck are totally different. He used classical figures for the face cards and trumps. Pier Antonio Viti of Urbino (\"\"c.\"\" 1470-1500), brother of Timoteo Viti, provided a commentary of Boiardo's poem as well as rules. He likely commissioned the production of these decks of which two incomplete packs have survived. Both the rules and the deck", "title": "Trionfi (cards)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.61, "text": "includes only two Skip cards instead of the four that the original edition contains. This makes the playable number of cards 106, plus the forty phase cards, for a total of 146 cards in the box. Same rules as Masters Edition except the player declares what phase they are completing as they lay down the phase. Same rules as Masters Edition except; In Anti-phase, you have to complete your phase in order to stay on your present phase, if you don't complete your phase you move down a phase. In Anti-phase for others, a rule card is left in the", "title": "Phase 10" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.48, "text": "and jokers can represent the skip cards. A phase is a combination of cards. Phases are usually composed of sets (multiple cards of the same value), runs (multiple cards in consecutive ascending order), cards of one color, or a combination of these. As the name suggests, there are ten phases: Also if you get 30 or 31 cards you skip a phase. Original and Master's Edition Phases: Phase 10 Twist Phases: Each player can make only one phase per hand. For instance, a run of nine cards when the player is on Phase 4 cannot also count as Phase 5", "title": "Phase 10" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.33, "text": "rounds of play) by being the first to play all of one's own cards and scoring points for the cards still held by the other players. The deck consists of 108 cards: four each of \"\"Wild\"\" and \"\"Wild Draw Four,\"\" and 25 each of four different colors (red, yellow, green, blue). Each color consists of one zero, two each of 1 through 9, and two each of \"\"Skip,\"\" \"\"Draw Two,\"\" and \"\"Reverse.\"\" These last three types are known as \"\"action cards.\"\" To start a hand, seven cards are dealt to each player, and the top card of the remaining deck", "title": "Uno (card game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.25, "text": "only another player playing a Skip or the floater drawing a Skip will keep the hand going, and only four exist in the deck. If the dealer turns over a wild card at the beginning of the hand to start the discard pile, the dealer gets to decide who gets the wild card, instead of it automatically going to the player to the left of the dealer. The recipient of the wild card will choose a card from their hand to discard (the card cannot be a Skip), and then play continues with the player to the left of the", "title": "Phase 10" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.19, "text": "Joker Inverts the playing round. Usually has a numerical value of 8 (but does not skip a turn). All other cards are normal cards. Setup From a standard, shuffled deck of cards (or a random deck of card to increase chance), each player is dealt 9 cards in total: 3 face-down cards in a row (\"\"blind cards\"\"), 3 \"\"face-up cards\"\" on top of the blind cards and 3 \"\"hand cards.\"\" The blind cards will be the last cards to be played and players are not allowed to see or change these cards until the ending turns of the game. The", "title": "Shithead (card game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.83, "text": "deck of 40 cards, without eights, nines, or tens and no jokers, and it has a variety of different rules in the different regions of Spain. The game has four rounds: In each of these four rounds players take by order a call each, verbalizing (usually after discussing it with his partner) whether he/them will bid (\"\"envido\"\") or pass (\"\"paso\"\") which only results in skipping call turn to next player. After all four players have spoken each round, the bids (\"\"\"\"apostua\"\"\"\") made are left hanging until the scoring round at the end. If no bet was made and all four", "title": "Mus (card game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.75, "text": "order as before) how many new cards they desire. They can take any number from zero to five; their discards go in a separate pile and the dealer hands them as many new cards as they discarded. If the main stock is depleted before all players have been serviced, the dealer shuffles the \"\"folded\"\" hands and deals those; if that stock is depleted as well, the discards are shuffled and used. Once everyone, including the dealer, has either folded or completed their redraw, the trick-taking phase begins. The first player to the dealer's left who is still in the game", "title": "Bourré" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.66, "text": "to seven players. With seven players, only three cards may be dissed (so as to not use the dead cards). After every player antes, the dealer passes out five cards to each player, one at a time. In a traditional game, the dealer flips his own fifth card—the last dealt—and that card's suit is considered. (Should the dealer make an error whilst dealing the cards, any of the players may yell out \"\"shitter\"\" and if judged to have been a bum deal, the deal moves to the player left of the original dealer). trumps\"\" (in Boureki \"\"kozia\"\" or \"\"atoy\"\"); however,", "title": "Bourré" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.55, "text": "order to maintain a count of nine cards the player must \"\"pay\"\" for this card by discarding a card from their own hand. Once a player discards a card that no one can use, play continues to that player's right, regardless of whether any other player's turns seemed to have been skipped. The only time a player will have more than nine cards is when they have won, at which time they will have exactly ten cards. If no player has played ten cards face up on the table by the time the final card has been discarded from the", "title": "Desmoche" } ]
how many seasons is there of sons of anarchy?
[ "7" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.25, "text": "every other season each had 13 episodes. The season premiere episode (\"\"Out\"\") by series executive producer and principal director Paris Barclay and written by series creator and executive producer Kurt Sutter was one of the highest-rated telecasts in FX's history. \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" is the story of the Teller-Morrow family of Charming, California, as well as the other members of Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, Redwood Original (SAMCRO), their families, various Charming townspeople, allied and rival gangs, associates, and law agencies that undermine or support SAMCRO's legal and illegal enterprises. After the deaths of Agent Stahl and Jimmy O’Phelan, the", "title": "Sons of Anarchy (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.17, "text": "Sons of Anarchy (season 4) The fourth season of the American television drama series \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" premiered on September 6, 2011 and concluded on December 6, 2011 after 14 episodes aired, on cable network FX. Created by Kurt Sutter about the lives of a close-knit outlaw motorcycle club operating in Charming, a fictional town in California's Central Valley. The show centers on protagonist Jackson \"\"Jax\"\" Teller (Charlie Hunnam), the then–vice president of the club, who begins questioning the club and himself. It is the longest season of \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" and the only season to have 14 episodes as", "title": "Sons of Anarchy (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.03, "text": "\"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" premiered on September 3, 2008, on cable network FX. The series's third season attracted an average of 4.9 million weekly viewers, making it FX's highest rated series and surpassing its other hits \"\"The Shield\"\", \"\"Nip/Tuck\"\" and \"\"Rescue Me\"\". Season four and five premieres were the two highest-rated telecasts in FX's history. On December 9, 2014, the series ended, as creator Kurt Sutter felt seven seasons was enough, and that he wanted \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" to end in a blaze of glory. The sixth season aired from September 10, 2013, through December 10, 2013. The seventh and final", "title": "Sons of Anarchy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25, "text": "received favourable reviews and has a rating of 72 on the review aggregator site Metacritic. Ken Tucker of \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" praised the series by calling it a \"\"richly detailed portrait of self-righteous villainy\"\". The fifth season was released on DVD and Blu-ray in region 1 on August 27, 2013. Sons of Anarchy (season 5) The fifth season of the American television drama series \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" premiered on September 11, 2012 and concluded on December 4, 2012 after 13 episodes aired, on cable network FX. Created by Kurt Sutter about the lives of a close-knit outlaw motorcycle club operating in", "title": "Sons of Anarchy (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.78, "text": "Sons of Anarchy (season 6) The sixth and penultimate season of the American television drama series \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" premiered on September 10, 2013 and concluded on December 10, 2013 after 13 episodes aired, on cable network FX. Created by Kurt Sutter about the lives of a close-knit outlaw motorcycle club operating in Charming, a fictional town in California's Central Valley. The show centers on protagonist Jackson \"\"Jax\"\" Teller (Charlie Hunnam), the president of the club, who begins questioning the club and himself. The season finale was the second-most watched episode of the season and the most-watched finale in the", "title": "Sons of Anarchy (season 6)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.77, "text": "Sons of Anarchy (season 7) The seventh and final season of the American television drama series \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" premiered on September 9, 2014, and concluded on December 9, 2014 after 13 episodes aired. Created by Kurt Sutter about the lives of a close-knit outlaw motorcycle club operating in Charming, a fictional town in California's Central Valley. The show centers on protagonist Jackson \"\"Jax\"\" Teller (Charlie Hunnam), the President of the club, who begins questioning the club and himself after his wife is murdered. \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" is the story of the Teller-Morrow family of Charming, California, as well as", "title": "Sons of Anarchy (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.7, "text": "Sons of Anarchy (season 5) The fifth season of the American television drama series \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" premiered on September 11, 2012 and concluded on December 4, 2012 after 13 episodes aired, on cable network FX. Created by Kurt Sutter about the lives of a close-knit outlaw motorcycle club operating in Charming, a fictional town in California's Central Valley. The show centers on protagonist Jackson \"\"Jax\"\" Teller (Charlie Hunnam), first shown as vice president then as president of the club, who begins questioning the club and himself after the deaths of several SAMCRO members at the hand of Clay Morrow", "title": "Sons of Anarchy (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.61, "text": "received a score of 68% based on reviews from 6 critics. At Rotten Tomatoes, it received a score of 83% based on 12 reviews, 10 positive, 2 negative. Sons of Anarchy (season 7) The seventh and final season of the American television drama series \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" premiered on September 9, 2014, and concluded on December 9, 2014 after 13 episodes aired. Created by Kurt Sutter about the lives of a close-knit outlaw motorcycle club operating in Charming, a fictional town in California's Central Valley. The show centers on protagonist Jackson \"\"Jax\"\" Teller (Charlie Hunnam), the President of the club,", "title": "Sons of Anarchy (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.5, "text": "Main sets located there include the clubhouse, St. Thomas Hospital and Jax's house. The production rooms at the studio used by the writing staff also double as the Charming police station. External scenes are often filmed nearby in Sun Valley and Tujunga. \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" was renewed for a seventh and final season that began airing in September 2014. Ron Perlman and Maggie Siff did not return. Drea de Matteo, David LaBrava and Niko Nicotera have all been promoted to the regular cast. Robert Patrick, Emilio Rivera, and Billy Brown will be returning in their recurring guest roles, as will", "title": "Sons of Anarchy (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.2, "text": "Sons of Anarchy (season 2) The second season of the American television drama series \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" created by Kurt Sutter, about the lives of a close-knit outlaw motorcycle club operating in Charming, a fictional town in California's Central Valley. The show centers on protagonist Jackson \"\"Jax\"\" Teller (Charlie Hunnam), the vice president of the club, who begins questioning the club and himself. The second season of \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" premiered on September 8, 2009, on cable network FX and concluded on December 1, 2009 after 13 episodes aired. \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" is the story of the Teller-Morrow family of", "title": "Sons of Anarchy (season 2)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.16, "text": "Sons of Anarchy (season 1) The first season of the American television drama series \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" created by Kurt Sutter, about the lives of a close-knit outlaw motorcycle club operating in Charming, a fictional town in California's Central Valley. The show centers on protagonist Jackson \"\"Jax\"\" Teller (Charlie Hunnam), the then–vice president of the club, who begins questioning the club and himself. \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" premiered on September 3, 2008, on cable network FX and concluded on November 26, 2008, after 13 episodes commenced airing. \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" is the story of the Teller-Morrow family of Charming, California, as", "title": "Sons of Anarchy (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.06, "text": "Sons of Anarchy (season 3) The third season of the American television drama series \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" created by Kurt Sutter about the lives of a close-knit outlaw motorcycle club operating in Charming, a fictional town in California's Central Valley. The show centers on protagonist Jackson \"\"Jax\"\" Teller (Charlie Hunnam), the then–vice president of the club, who begins questioning the club and himself. \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" premiered on September 7, 2010, on cable network FX. Season three attracted an average of 4.9 million viewers per week, making it FX's highest rated series ever at the time, surpassing FX's other hits", "title": "Sons of Anarchy (season 3)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.05, "text": "also removed from the schedule. On September 3, 2008, FX debuted \"\"Sons of Anarchy,\"\" a drama series created by Kurt Sutter (who previously served as executive producer of \"\"The Shield\"\") about a fictional outlaw motorcycle club devoted to protecting their sheltered California town from corporate developers and drug dealers; its September premiere coincided with that of \"\"The Shield\"\"s final season. \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" became a critical and commercial success, having aired for seven seasons . In 2010, the series attracted an average of 4.9 million viewers per week, making it \"\"FX\"\"s highest rated series to date. Other new shows that", "title": "FX (TV channel)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.02, "text": "was released on August 3, 2016. \"\"Sons of Anarchy: Bratva\"\", the first in a planned series of SOA novels to be written by Christopher Golden, was published in 2014. A prequel series, detailing the origin of the club, is planned. Sutter stated in an August 2014 interview that the prequel would focus on the \"\"First 9\"\" members of the club and be set around the time of the Vietnam War. He added that the prequel would likely consist of a miniseries or \"\"maybe 10 episodes or two 8 episodes seasons\"\". At the conclusion of the prequel, Sutter plans to release", "title": "Sons of Anarchy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.02, "text": "six has received generally favorable reviews. At Metacritic, the season received a critic score of 74% based on 9 critic reviews. At Rotten Tomatoes, it received a score of 78% based on 18 reviews, 14 positive, 4 negative, with the website's consensus stating: \"\"Sons of Anarchy continues to deliver an energetic blend of bracing action sequences, pitch black humor, and heartless violence.\"\" At IGN, season 6 episodes received critic ratings ranging from a low of 8.1 (Episode 604, labelled \"\"Great\"\" and \"\"Editors' Choice\"\") to a high of 9.5 (Episode 611, labelled \"\"Amazing\"\", and \"\"Editors' Choice\"\"). Sons of Anarchy (season 6)", "title": "Sons of Anarchy (season 6)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24, "text": "season received critical acclaim. This season of Sons of Anarchy also saw a substantial increase in positive reviews in comparison with the first season. On Rotten Tomatoes, the second season has a rating of 100%, based on 10 reviews, with an average rating of 8.7/10. On Metacritic the second season has a score of 86 out of 100, based on reviews 6 critics, indicating \"\"universal acclaim\"\". IGN gave the second season an 8.4/10.0 rating, giving praise to Henry Rollins character, AJ Weston, saying, \"\"A decidedly stronger second season sees the gang unravel and knit back together.\"\" Writing for \"\"Chicago Tribune\"\",", "title": "Sons of Anarchy (season 2)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.89, "text": "generally favorable reviews and scored a 74 out of 100 on Metacritic. Season seven received generally favorable reviews and scored a 68 out of 100 on Metacritic. The seventh season's premiere on September 9, 2014 received the highest ratings in the series' history. The episode was watched by 6.20 million viewers. \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" was nominated for Outstanding Achievement in Drama at the 2010 TCA Awards. Katey Sagal received the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – Television Series (Drama) at the 68th Golden Globe Awards for her role in the third season. She also received a nomination for a", "title": "Sons of Anarchy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.88, "text": "with all parties involved. The series ends with Jax making the ultimate sacrifice to complete his part of the story of SAMCRO and fulfill his father's vision. \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" is the story of the Teller-Morrow family of Charming, California, as well as the other members of Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, Redwood Original (SAMCRO), their families, various Charming townspeople, allied and rival gangs, associates, and law agencies that undermine or support SAMCRO's legal and illegal enterprises. Although \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" is set in Northern California's Central Valley, it is filmed primarily at Occidental Studios Stage 5A in North Hollywood.", "title": "Sons of Anarchy (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.86, "text": "of Ireland, the show aired on RTÉ Two from 2009. It premiered in Canada on Super Channel October 20, 2008. In India, season 6 is airing from September 26, 2013, only on Star World Premiere. In 2018, Universo announced the season 3 premiere of Sons of Anarchy in Spanish on October 29, 2018. The show has been available on Netflix since 2011 but all seasons were removed from Netflix on December 1, 2018. Sons of Anarchy Sons of Anarchy is an American crime drama television series created by Kurt Sutter that aired from 2008 to 2014. It followed the lives", "title": "Sons of Anarchy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.78, "text": "in the finale. \"\"TIME\"\" said the fourth season was the strongest since season two, but the show needed to end sooner rather than later. \"\"TIME\"\" also agreed that the finale's contrivances were sometimes too visible, stating \"\"it’s the principle: you can only turn up alive at your own funeral so many times before it starts to lose its impact.\"\" <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> The fourth season was released on DVD and Blu-ray in region 1 on August 28, 2012. Sons of Anarchy (season 4) The fourth season of the American television drama series \"\"Sons of Anarchy\"\" premiered on September 6, 2011 and concluded", "title": "Sons of Anarchy (season 4)" } ]
who is quinn on the bold and beautiful?
[ "Sofer" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.33, "text": "into divorcing Quinn. The Bold and the Beautiful characters (2013) \"\"The Bold and the Beautiful\"\" is an American television soap opera. It was first broadcast on March 23, 1987, and airs on CBS. The following is a list of characters that first appeared in the soap in 2013. All characters were introduced by the series' executive producer and head writer Bradley Bell. They include Maya Avant, Carter Walton and Quinn Fuller. Maya Avant, portrayed by Karla Mosley, made her first appearance on January 22, 2013. Michael Logan of \"\"TV Guide\"\" announced the casting of Karla Mosley and the character in", "title": "The Bold and the Beautiful characters (2013)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.16, "text": "to Hope and confronts her but Quinn blames Liam for making the video and hiding it from Hope. Quinn then begins a rivalry with Donna Logan, Eric's ex-wife, both wanting Eric Forrester. However she soon starts a flirtation with Bill, who is still in love with Brooke Logan, Hope's mother. On the day of Brooke's wedding to Ridge Forrester, Bill becomes drunk and resulting in Quinn and him sleeping together. Quinn then begins a physical relationship with Deacon Sharpe, which eventually turns romantic. When Deacon proposes, Quinn begins to experience difficulties with Brooke over her objection to Quinn's involvement with", "title": "The Bold and the Beautiful characters (2013)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.81, "text": "on October 2, 2017. Mateo is introduced as the Forrester Estate manager, who is hired by Sheila Carter (Kimberlin Brown) to seduce Quinn Fuller (Rena Sofer), and cause her to betray Eric Forrester (John McCook)'s trust and have an affair, leading to the eventual end of their marriage. The Bold and the Beautiful characters (2017) \"\"The Bold and the Beautiful\"\" is an American television soap opera. It was first broadcast on March 23, 1987, and airs on CBS. The following is a list of characters that first appeared or will appear in the soap in 2017, by order of first", "title": "The Bold and the Beautiful characters (2017)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.42, "text": "Liam faints from a concussion he previously suffered and Quinn drags him to his car and drives him to her remote cabin home to keep him away from Steffy. Over time, he comes to and, in order to keep him feeling safe, tells him they are a married couple named Adam and Eve Smith. While masquerading as his wife, Quinn truly opens up and falls in love with him while using his phone to further sabotage his relationship with Steffy. Deacon learns her secret and she enlists his silence and assistance. Upon learning that Wyatt and Steffy are engaged, Quinn", "title": "The Bold and the Beautiful characters (2013)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.36, "text": "the CEO position to Steffy in an attempt to reunite Wyatt and Steffy (who had gone back to Liam). Shades of the old Quinn return when she has a fantasy in which she murders her new neighbour, and rival for Eric's affections, Katie. Quinn then begins to develop feelings for Ridge after he sees her naked and takes care of her when she injures her ankle. Quinn and Ridge attempt to keep their feelings secret but are exposed when Eric's ex-wife Sheila Carter returns to town and learns of their affair. Sheila tells Eric in an attempt to manipulate him", "title": "The Bold and the Beautiful characters (2013)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.34, "text": "finds Quinn and Liam together in the cabin. Liam begins to remember who he is and goes home with Wyatt after they lock Quinn in a cupboard. Deacon comes back and gets Quinn out of the cupboard. Quinn is eventually arrested for kidnapping Liam, but he drops the case against her after realising that he has no case. Quinn claims that her experience with Liam has changed her (as she opened up to him about being rejected as a child by her parents) and begins to secretly romance Steffy's grandfather Eric, despite Steffy warning Quinn to stay away from her", "title": "The Bold and the Beautiful characters (2013)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.16, "text": "family. Eric and Quinn's relationship progresses and they eventually tell their families, with Eric's children and grandchildren objecting. Eric ends things with Quinn after Steffy issues him with an ultimatum. However, when Eric, Steffy, Liam and Wyatt go on a business trip to Monte Carlo, Quinn follows them there and resumes her relationship with Eric. Steffy catches them kissing outside a hotel, and follows her (not knowing who it is) and is shocked to find out that it is Quinn. Steffy slaps Quinn to the ground and warns her to stay away from Eric. Everyone returns to L.A., and despite", "title": "The Bold and the Beautiful characters (2013)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.11, "text": "rivalry for the affections of Hope, who hires Quinn Artisan Jewelers to supply her newly rebranded Hope For The Future line at Forrester Creations. Quinn and Wyatt are thrilled at the opportunity to work with Forrester Creations and their company becomes internationally famous and profits enormously with the success of Hope's line. During this time Quinn begins a flirtation with Eric Forrester and secretly sends Hope a tribute video Liam made for his ex-wife Steffy Forrester which cause Hope to call off her engagement to Liam and become closer to Wyatt. Liam discovers it was Quinn who sent the video", "title": "The Bold and the Beautiful characters (2013)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.03, "text": "plane ride with Ivy he took when the plane hit turbulence and he hit his head, knocking him out. Quinn takes Liam to a cabin to take care of him only for Liam to wake up with no memory. Over time Liam and Quinn end up loving each other while Liam is under the impression Quinn is his wife named \"\"Eve\"\" and his name is \"\"Adam.\"\" Eventually, Liam's memory is triggered by Wyatt, whom is now married to Steffy, after he gets suspicious of his mother's new found happiness and goes to the cabin only to find Liam has been", "title": "Liam Spencer (The Bold and the Beautiful)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.02, "text": "with patents and counterfeit designs, and Marcus suggested that Rick hire Carter, since that was Carter's area of legal expertise. Carter met Maya and asked her out, not knowing that Maya had been interested in Rick until she found out Rick was hiding his identity as a Forrester. Carter brought Maya to the Forrester mansion for a dinner party and was oblivious when Maya was uncomfortable seeing Rick with his girlfriend, Caroline Spencer. He tries to woo Maya, but she's not interested. Quinn Fuller is portrayed by \"\"General Hospital\"\" alumna and Emmy winner Rena Sofer. She plays the mother of", "title": "The Bold and the Beautiful characters (2013)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24, "text": "Wyatt Spencer and is described as being \"\"just as mysterious as her son\"\" and \"\"both will have secrets that can rock the entire soap.\"\" Sofer began taping on May 22 and made her debut on July 12. Quinn Fuller is the mother of Wyatt and owns a jewelry designer warehouse, Quinn Artisan Jewelers, in Los Angeles. When Hope Logan notices a sword necklace pendant Wyatt always wears looked eerily identical to the ones that Bill Spencer, Jr. and his son Liam always wear, she asked Wyatt where he got it from. He tells her that it was one of his", "title": "The Bold and the Beautiful characters (2013)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.95, "text": "The Bold and the Beautiful characters (2013) \"\"The Bold and the Beautiful\"\" is an American television soap opera. It was first broadcast on March 23, 1987, and airs on CBS. The following is a list of characters that first appeared in the soap in 2013. All characters were introduced by the series' executive producer and head writer Bradley Bell. They include Maya Avant, Carter Walton and Quinn Fuller. Maya Avant, portrayed by Karla Mosley, made her first appearance on January 22, 2013. Michael Logan of \"\"TV Guide\"\" announced the casting of Karla Mosley and the character in December 2012. Maya", "title": "The Bold and the Beautiful characters (2013)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.89, "text": "Deacon. Despite Brooke's numerous attempts to split them apart, including calling upon Hope, Quinn marries Deacon at the Forrester beach house. Months later Quinn tells Wyatt that she and Deacon are separated because their marriage was doomed from the beginning since he’s not a Spencer man, the only ones who have ever been able to truly capture her heart. Wyatt peppers her with questions and she says Deacon is a good man and that he went to Europe. Quinn is later overjoyed to learn Liam and Steffy are done and tries to make sure Liam is truly done with Steffy.", "title": "The Bold and the Beautiful characters (2013)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.81, "text": "is given another chance since the heist gave Forrester more publicity. Liam tells Hope to date both him and Wyatt, and then choose between them. When Hope learns that Quinn was partially responsible for Ridge's disappearance, she breaks up with Wyatt and accepts Liam's proposal. Quinn tries to harm Liam and Wyatt helps save him. Their relationship improves, and Liam and Hope give Wyatt his job back. Liam befriends the newly arrived Ivy Forrester (Ashleigh Brewer). Wyatt is left the HFTF diamond by Ricardo Montemayor and he gifts it to Hope. Liam asks Hope to return the diamond, but when", "title": "Liam Spencer (The Bold and the Beautiful)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.8, "text": "from the role of Ivy; she cited her decision to focus on her acting career as her reason for leaving. Ivy is Eric Forrester's (John McCook) niece and the younger daughter of John Forrester and his second wife, Claire Forrester. She is the half-sister of Jessica Forrester through John's first marriage to Maggie Forrester. She arrives in Los Angeles, after she is brought in to work for the new jewelry design collection, Hope for the Future (HFTF) by Eric and Rick Forrester (Jacob Young) replacing Quinn Fuller (Rena Sofer). After Liam Spencer's failed relationship with Hope Logan, Ivy and Liam", "title": "The Bold and the Beautiful characters (2014)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.7, "text": "result of stress and an underlying medical condition. He is in a coma for a short period of time before recovering and returning home. During this time, Ridge lies to his family and pretends to have Eric's power of attorney, kicking Quinn out if the family and the Forrester estate. When Eric wakes up from the coma, he reveals that Quinn has power of attorney and kicks Ridge out of the mansion and fires him as CEO, appointing Quinn as interim CEO in his absence. Quinn leads a successful fashion show as interim CEO, and later convinces Eric to give", "title": "The Bold and the Beautiful characters (2013)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.17, "text": "2017, Clifton earned a nomination for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series at the 44th Daytime Emmy Awards. During a feature on what storylines were working and not working for the show, a \"\"Soap World\"\" reporter quipped, \"\"apologies to Team Liam fans, but he's such a wimp who wants to possess Hope despite his endlessly grating protestations of love for her. Quinn's right, he's a boy, not a man!\"\" Helen Vnuk of \"\"TV Week\"\" included Liam in her feature on soap heroes, and she stated, \"\"Ok, so Liam didn't save Ivy from an inferno or psycho killer. But, he", "title": "Liam Spencer (The Bold and the Beautiful)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.12, "text": "objections from his family, Eric continues to romance Quinn. He asks Quinn to move in with him and they plan to get married. Thorne and Felicia come from Paris for the wedding, but Ridge and Steffy convince Wyatt and the Forresters to boycott the wedding in the hopes that Eric leaves Quinn. However, they get married, with Ivy being the only guest at the wedding. After the wedding boycott, Eric confronts Ridge, Rick, Steffy, Thomas and Zende, and collapses in the CEO office. He is taken to hospital and it is revealed that he suffered a brain aneurysm as a", "title": "The Bold and the Beautiful characters (2013)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.09, "text": "When Liam learns Quinn followed him and Ivy to Paris, and pushed Ivy in the Seine, he tells Hope and asks her to leave Wyatt. She refuses as she is pregnant. Liam and Ivy's relationship progresses. Hope suffers a miscarriage and leaves for Italy, after saying goodbye to Liam. Liam eventually breaks up with Ivy and pursues Steffy after Steffy comes back to LA. He realizes he still has feelings for Steffy and tries to win her back and eventually does. However, after a series of events with Ivy and Steffy where Ivy was electrocuted by a broken electric panel", "title": "Liam Spencer (The Bold and the Beautiful)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.08, "text": "mother's original designs and years ago he discovered it in a vault until she had decided to give to him. Wyatt later introduces Hope and his mother at Quinn Artisan Jewelers. Hope asks Quinn about the sword necklace, to which Quinn claims that she did indeed design the pendant, but possibly another jewelry designer had made a similar design to that certain sword, which is why Bill and Liam also wear the same sword necklace. Quinn becomes very uncomfortable with Hope's questions about the sword necklace and the Spencers. After Hope leaves Quinn tells Wyatt she is not right for", "title": "The Bold and the Beautiful characters (2013)" } ]
when is the last walking dead episode 2017?
[ "April 2, 2017" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.94, "text": "Last Day on Earth (The Walking Dead) \"\"Last Day on Earth\"\" is the sixteenth and final episode of the sixth season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series \"\"The Walking Dead\"\", which aired on AMC on April 3, 2016. The episode was written by Scott M. Gimple and Matthew Negrete, and directed by Greg Nicotero. This episode marks the first appearance of Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan, the intimidating leader of the Saviors who rules in tyranny and in turn also marks the debut of Steven Ogg as Simon, a top Savior who is Negan's right-hand man. After Maggie (Lauren Cohan)", "title": "Last Day on Earth (The Walking Dead)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.89, "text": "The First Day of the Rest of Your Life (The Walking Dead) \"\"The First Day of the Rest of Your Life\"\" is the sixteenth and final episode of the seventh season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series \"\"The Walking Dead\"\", which aired on AMC on April 2, 2017. The episode was written by Scott M. Gimple, Angela Kang and Matthew Negrete, and directed by Greg Nicotero. In the episode, Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green) comes to terms with the decision to commit suicide while in captivity in order to kill Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) reanimated. Brief flashbacks show her short-term relationship with", "title": "The First Day of the Rest of Your Life (The Walking Dead)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.66, "text": "four episodes, with the first episode released on August 14, 2018 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. However, due to the sudden near-closure of Telltale Games on September 21, 2018, the last two episodes will be overseen by Skybound Entertainment, Kirkman's production company. As with other games in \"\"The Walking Dead\"\" series, \"\"The Final Season\"\" is a graphic adventure game, where the player controls the protagonist Clementine as she struggles to survive in the wake of a zombie apocalypse. The player can move Clementine around the environment to examine items, initiate conversation trees with non-player characters,", "title": "The Walking Dead: The Final Season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.55, "text": "was renewed by AMC for a 16-episode eighth season on October 16, 2016. Production began on April 25, 2017, in Atlanta, Georgia. On July 12, 2017, production was shut down after stuntman John Bernecker was killed, after falling more than 20 feet onto a concrete floor. Production resumed on July 17. The season premiere, which also serves as the series' milestone 100th episode, was directed by executive producer Greg Nicotero. In November 2017, it was announced that Lennie James who portrays Morgan Jones, would be leaving \"\"The Walking Dead\"\" after the conclusion of this season, and he will join the", "title": "The Walking Dead (season 8)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.42, "text": "episode was released on December 17, 2013. Its final was released on August 26, 2014. Telltale Games confirmed that it will produce a third season of \"\"Walking Dead\"\", following the success of the first two seasons. The season began on December 20, 2016. In July 2017 during San Diego Comic Con, Telltale Games announced that the fourth season of the series will be the final season of the game. The first of four episodes was released on August 14, 2018. Flash based social game on Facebook, launched in 2012 and shut down at the end of 2014. On July 6,", "title": "The Walking Dead (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.28, "text": "The Walking Dead (season 8) The eighth season of \"\"The Walking Dead\"\", an American post-apocalyptic horror television series on AMC, premiered on October 22, 2017, and concluded on April 15, 2018, consisting of 16 episodes. Developed for television by Frank Darabont, the series is based on the eponymous series of comic books by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard. The executive producers are Kirkman, David Alpert, Scott M. Gimple, Greg Nicotero, Tom Luse, and Gale Anne Hurd, with Gimple as showrunner for his fifth and final season. The eighth season received mixed reviews from critics. It was nominated for", "title": "The Walking Dead (season 8)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.16, "text": "How It's Gotta Be \"\"How It's Gotta Be\"\" is the eighth episode and mid-season finale of the eighth season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series \"\"The Walking Dead\"\", which aired on AMC on December 10, 2017. The episode was written by David Leslie Johnson and Angela Kang, and directed by Michael E. Satrazemis. In the wake of Daryl's (Norman Reedus) attack on the Sanctuary, Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) again appeals to Eugene (Josh McDermitt) to help; Eugene suggests using their remaining ammunition to clear the walkers, promising to make more afterwards. The walkers are cleared and Negan begins to plot", "title": "How It's Gotta Be" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.02, "text": "the ninth episode (\"\"Rock in the Road\"\"), following this viewing decreased with the twelfth episode (\"\"Say Yes\"\") reaching a season low with 10.16 million viewers. The season was released on Blu-ray and DVD in region 1 on August 22, 2017, in region 2 on September 25, 2017, and in region 4 on September 27, 2017. The \"\"Limited Edition Spike Walker Statue\"\" set, which is exclusive to was released on October 24, 2017, and was created by McFarlane Toys to pay homage to the zombie character featured in the \"\"New Best Friends\"\" episode in season 7. The Walking Dead (season", "title": "The Walking Dead (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24, "text": "Time for After \"\"Time for After\"\" is the seventh episode of the eighth season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series \"\"The Walking Dead\"\", which aired on AMC on December 3, 2017. The episode was written by Matthew Negrete and Corey Reed, and directed by Larry Teng. Outside the Sanctuary, Daryl (Norman Reedus), Tara (Alanna Masterson), Michonne (Danai Gurira), and Rosita (Christian Serratos) plot to take a garbage truck and ram it through the walls of the compound, thus allowing the walkers presently surrounding the building to flood in and attack the Saviors. As they discuss matters, Morgan (Lennie James) arrives,", "title": "Time for After" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24, "text": "for a 16-episode third season on April 15, 2016. Production began in January 2017 in Baja, Mexico. This is the final season with co-creator Dave Erickson as showrunner as he will leave the series after the conclusion of the third season. In February 2017, it was announced that Emma Caulfield was cast in the season. In March 2017, it was revealed that Daniel Sharman joined the cast as a series regular. In April 2017, several new actors were announced having joined the series; including Dayton Callie (reprising his guest role from season 2) and Sam Underwood, who, along with Daniel", "title": "Fear the Walking Dead (season 3)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.92, "text": "Bury Me Here \"\"Bury Me Here\"\" is the thirteenth episode of the seventh season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series \"\"The Walking Dead\"\", which aired on AMC on March 12, 2017. The episode was written by Scott M. Gimple and directed by Alrick Riley. The episode focuses on The Kingdom delivering goods to the Saviors during a routine supply drop-off, but things don't go as planned. It also marks the final appearances of Benjamin (Logan Miller) and Richard (Karl Makinen). King Ezekiel (Khary Payton), Morgan (Lennie James), Richard (Karl Makinen), and a group of Kingdommers meet the Saviors for their", "title": "Bury Me Here" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.92, "text": "released in August 2016. The physical edition is expected to release on February 7, 2017, featuring the first episode on disc and download codes to obtain all future episodes of the series. Announced in November 2017, \"\"The Walking Dead Collection\"\" includes all episodes from the first three seasons, as well as \"\"400 Days\"\" and \"\"The Walking Dead: Michonne\"\". The collection was released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on December 5, 2017. The content of the first two seasons and \"\"400 Days\"\" has been visually improved, reflecting on improvements Telltale has made in their engine since these seasons were first", "title": "The Walking Dead (video game series)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.92, "text": "The Walking Dead (season 7) The seventh season of \"\"The Walking Dead\"\", an American post-apocalyptic horror television series on AMC, premiered on October 23, 2016, and concluded on April 2, 2017, consisting of 16 episodes. Developed for television by Frank Darabont, the series is based on the eponymous series of comic books by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard. The executive producers are Kirkman, David Alpert, Scott M. Gimple, Greg Nicotero, Tom Luse, and Gale Anne Hurd, with Gimple as showrunner for the fourth consecutive season. The seventh season received mixed reviews from critics. It was nominated for multiple", "title": "The Walking Dead (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.86, "text": "raiders escape, and the remaining children count their losses, which include Omar, Aasim, and whichever person Clementine did not save. They vow to get them back and as Abel is now their prisoner, they intend to interrogate him for the location of the raider camp. The game is separated into four episodes, originally intended to be released every six weeks. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Announced during the July 2017 San Diego Comic Con, \"\"The Walking Dead: The Final Season\"\", is scheduled to launch as a four-episode series on August 14, 2018 for Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, with a Nintendo Switch version", "title": "The Walking Dead: The Final Season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.81, "text": "Children of Wrath (Fear the Walking Dead) \"\"Children of Wrath\"\" is the eighth episode and mid-season finale of the third season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series \"\"Fear the Walking Dead\"\", which aired on AMC on July 9, 2017 along with the previous episode \"\"The Unveiling\"\". This episode marks the last regular appearance of Dayton Callie (Jeremiah Otto) as he was killed by Nick Clark (Frank Dillane). Through flashbacks, Ofelia is seen crossed the border and meets Jeremiah, at first Jeremiah is seen to be helpful, giving Ofelia some of his water. However, Ofela was denied refuge from Jeremiah for", "title": "Children of Wrath (Fear the Walking Dead)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.77, "text": "New Best Friends (The Walking Dead) \"\"New Best Friends\"\" is the tenth episode of the seventh season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series \"\"The Walking Dead\"\", which aired on AMC on February 19, 2017. The episode was written by Channing Powell and directed by Jeffrey F. January. The episode focuses on Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and his group's encounter and discovery of a mysterious collective, while searching for a missing Alexandrian; its inhabitants are unlike any they have come across. It also features the reunion of Daryl and Carol. King Ezekiel (Khary Payton), Morgan (Lennie James), and several Kingdommers, including Richard", "title": "New Best Friends (The Walking Dead)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.73, "text": "Something They Need \"\"Something They Need\"\" is the fifteenth and penultimate episode of the seventh season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series \"\"The Walking Dead\"\", which aired on AMC on March 26, 2017. The episode was written by Corey Reed and directed by Michael Slovis. The episode focuses on Tara (Alanna Masterson) leading Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and a group of Alexandrians to Oceanside, after failing to keep her promise to Cyndie (Sydney Park), in order to retrieve guns so they can fight the Saviors. Meanwhile, Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green) is questioned by Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and must make a heartbreaking", "title": "Something They Need" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.7, "text": "of 2.08 million. This Land Is Your Land (Fear the Walking Dead) \"\"This Land Is Your Land\"\" is the thirteenth episode of the third season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series \"\"Fear the Walking Dead\"\", which aired on AMC on October 1, 2017. This episode marks the final regular appearance of Sam Underwood (Jake Otto) who was bitten on the arm by an infected and was amputated, but died of blood loss in the previous episode. The pantry Alicia evacuated everyone into doesn't have enough air for them all; she asks for those bitten to come forward. A dozen people", "title": "This Land Is Your Land (Fear the Walking Dead)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.69, "text": "The King, the Widow, and Rick \"\"The King, the Widow, and Rick\"\" is the sixth episode of the eighth season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series \"\"The Walking Dead\"\", which aired on AMC on November 26, 2017. The episode was written by Angela Kang and Corey Reed, and directed by John Polson. In the days after the onset of the war against Negan and the Saviors, Rick (Andrew Lincoln), Maggie (Lauren Cohan) and Carol (Melissa McBride) correspond with each other to report on their victories and losses, and make plans to launch the next phase of the plan in a", "title": "The King, the Widow, and Rick" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.66, "text": "The Other Side (The Walking Dead) \"\"The Other Side\"\" is the fourteenth episode of the seventh season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series \"\"The Walking Dead\"\", which aired on AMC on March 19, 2017. The episode was written by Angela Kang and directed by Michael E. Satrazemis. The episode focuses primarily on Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green) accompanying Rosita (Christian Serratos) on a secret mission to assassinate Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) in order to avenge their late boyfriend, Abraham Ford. Elsewhere, Simon (Steven Ogg) and the Saviors pay an unexpected visit to the Hilltop with plans of taking more than just supplies.", "title": "The Other Side (The Walking Dead)" } ]
at the end of the hundred years war the english only held?
[ "Calais" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.72, "text": "treaty at Brétigny left Edward III and England with enlarged holdings in France; however, a small professional French army under the leadership of du Guesclin pushed the English back and, by the time of Charles V's death in 1380, the English only held Calais and a few other coastal cities. It was usual to appoint a regent in the case of a child monarch, but no regent was appointed for Richard II, who nominally exercised the power of kingship from the date of his accession in 1377. However, between 1377 and 1380, actual power was in the hands of a", "title": "Hundred Years' War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.27, "text": "with sharpened weapons. Among Bambro's knights were two famous men-at-arms, Robert Knolles and Hugh Calveley, but he could not find thirty Englishmen so had to make up the numbers with German men-at-arms. The battle raged all day and ended with a French victory. In keeping with chivalric tradition, the French ransomed many of the defeated English. The Black Death had reached England in 1348. The widespread effects of the plague had effectively put the war on hold. However, by the mid 1350s the disease had receded sufficiently to allow the country to start rebuilding its finances. So in 1355 Edward's", "title": "Hundred Years' War (1337–1360)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.19, "text": "and La Roche-Derrien (1347). Hostilities were paused in the mid-1350s for the deprivations of the Black Death. Then war continued, and the English were victorious at the Battle of Poitiers (1356) where the French king, John II, was captured and held for ransom. The Truce of Bordeaux was signed in 1357 and was followed by two treaties in London in 1358 and 1359. After the treaties of London failed Edward launched the Rheims campaign which, though largely unsuccessful, led to the Treaty of Brétigny which settled certain lands in France on Edward for renouncing his claim to the French throne.", "title": "Hundred Years' War (1337–1360)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.95, "text": "considered the last battle of the Hundred Years' War, England and France remained formally at war for another 20 years, but the English were in no position to carry on the war as they faced unrest at home. Following defeat in the Hundred Years' War, English landowners complained vociferously about the financial losses resulting from the loss of their continental holdings; this is often considered a major cause of the Wars of the Roses, that started in 1455. The Hundred Years' War almost resumed in 1474, when the duke Charles of Burgundy, counting on English support, took up arms against", "title": "Hundred Years' War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.8, "text": "brother John, Duke of Bedford, brought the English to the height of their power in France, with an English king crowned in Paris. The second half of this phase of the war was dominated by the Kingdom of France. With charismatic leaders such as Joan of Arc and La Hire, and with England losing its main allies, the French forces counterattacked. Charles VII of France was crowned in Notre-Dame de Reims in 1429, and from then a slow but steady reconquest of English-held French territories ensued. Ultimately the English would be expelled from France and lose all of their continental", "title": "Hundred Years' War (1415–53)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.75, "text": "shadowed the English and in October, the English found themselves being trapped against the River Allier by four separate French forces. With some difficulty, the English crossed at the bridge at Moulins but lost all their baggage and loot. The English carried on south across the Limousin plateau but the weather was turning severe. Men and horses died in great numbers and many soldiers, forced to march on foot, discarded their armour. At the beginning of December, the army finally entered friendly territory in Gascony. By the end of December they were in Bordeaux, starving, ill-equipped and having lost over", "title": "Hundred Years' War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.73, "text": "began in 1341, but the English continued backing the Montforts even after the Peace of Brétigny. The English-supported claimant John of Montfort defeated and killed the French claimant, Charles of Blois, at the Battle of Auray in 1364. By that time, however, Edward III no longer had a claim to the throne of France, so John had to accept the suzerainty of the French king in order to hold his duchy in peace. Thus, the English derived no benefit from their victory. In fact, the French received the benefit of improved generalship in the person of the Breton commander Bertrand", "title": "Hundred Years' War (1369–89)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.72, "text": "Timeline of the Hundred Years' War This is a timeline of the Hundred Years' War between England and France from 1337 to 1453 as well as some of the events leading up to the war. (The Hundred Years' War actually spanned for 116 years.) The Battle of Castillon is generally considered the end of the Hundred Years' War as Henry VI's insanity and the Wars of the Roses left England in no position to wage war in France. However Calais remained an English possession until 1558 and the title of King of France was not omitted from the English royal", "title": "Timeline of the Hundred Years' War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.67, "text": "of Bordeaux succeeded to the throne of England. It was not until Richard had been deposed by his cousin Henry Bolingbroke that the English, under the House of Lancaster, could forcefully revive their claim to the French throne. The war nonetheless continued until the first of a series of truces was signed in 1389. Charles V died in September 1380 and was succeeded by his underage son, Charles VI, who was placed under the joint regency of his three uncles. With his successes, Charles may have believed that the end of the war was at hand. On his deathbed Charles", "title": "Hundred Years' War (1369–89)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.44, "text": "family (the future Arthur III, Duke of Brittany), caught an English army attempting to relieve Caen and defeated it at the Battle of Formigny. Richemont's force attacked the English army from the flank and rear just as they were on the verge of beating Clermont's army. After Charles VII's successful Normandy campaign in 1450, he concentrated his efforts on Gascony, the last province held by the English. Bordeaux, Gascony's capital, was besieged and surrendered to the French on 30 June 1451. Largely due to the English sympathies of the Gascon people, this was reversed when John Talbot and his army", "title": "Hundred Years' War" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.33, "text": "various stages. The breakdown of the 1420 Treaty of Troyes began the final stage of the Hundred Years' War. This period from 1420 to 1453 is characterized by Anne Curry as the “wars of the Treaty of Troyes” for control of the crown of France. After the 1451 French capture of Bordeaux by the armies of Charles VII, the Hundred Years' War appeared to be at an end. The English primarily focused on reinforcing their only remaining possession, Calais, and watching over the seas. However, after three hundred years of Plantagenet rule, the citizens of Bordeaux considered themselves subjects of", "title": "Battle of Castillon" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.28, "text": "causing over 1,000 English deaths – the so-called Black Monday on Easter 1360. This devastated Edward's army and forced him to negotiate when approached by the French. A conference was held at Brétigny that resulted in the Treaty of Brétigny (8 May 1360). The treaty was ratified at Calais in October. In return for increased lands in Aquitaine, Edward renounced Normandy, Touraine, Anjou and Maine and consented to reduce King John's ransom by a million crowns. Edward also abandoned his claim to the crown of France. The French king, John II, had been held captive in England. The Treaty of", "title": "Hundred Years' War" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.22, "text": "territories, except the Pale of Calais (which would be captured in 1558). The Battle of Castillon (1453) was the final action of the Hundred Years' War, but France and England remained formally at war until the Treaty of Picquigny in 1475. English, and later British monarchs would continue to nominally claim the French throne until 1801, though they would never again seriously pursue it. Henry V of England asserted a claim of inheritance through the female line, with female agency and inheritance recognized in English law but prohibited in France by the Salic law of the Salian Franks. He thus", "title": "Hundred Years' War (1415–53)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.2, "text": "of instability that had started with the Norman Conquest (1066), when William the Conqueror added \"\"King of England\"\" to his titles, becoming both the vassal to (as Duke of Normandy) and the equal of (as king of England) the king of France. When the war ended, England was bereft of its Continental possessions, leaving it with only Calais on the continent. The war destroyed the English dream of a joint monarchy and led to the rejection in England of all things French, but the French language in England, which had served as the language of the ruling classes and commerce", "title": "Hundred Years' War" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.16, "text": "army was defeated and he was captured at the Battle of Neville's Cross, on 17 October 1346. This greatly reduced the threat from Scotland. In France, Edward proceeded north unopposed and besieged the city of Calais on the English Channel, capturing it in 1347. This became an important strategic asset for the English, allowing them to safely keep troops in northern France. Calais would remain under English control, even after the end of the Hundred Years' War, until the successful French siege in 1558. In 1348, the Black Death, which had just arrived in Paris, began to ravage Europe. In", "title": "Hundred Years' War" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.16, "text": "noble marked the decline of Henry's \"\"de facto\"\" reign over France. The dual monarchy came to an end with the capture of Bordeaux by Charles VII's forces on 19 October 1453 following their final victory at the Battle of Castillon (17 July 1453), thus bringing the Hundred Years' War to a conclusion. The English were expelled from all of the territories which they had controlled in France, with the sole exception of Calais. Charles VII had thus established himself as the undisputed king of almost all of France. The English and French had been constantly at war over hereditary sovereignty", "title": "Dual monarchy of England and France" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.14, "text": "Dartmouth or the Castilian Pero Niño. Though the English won numerous victories, they were unable to overcome the numerical superiority of the French and their strategic use of gunpowder weapons. England was defeated at the Battle of Formigny in 1450 and finally at the Battle of Castillon in 1453, retaining only a single town in France, Calais. During the Hundred Years' War an English identity began to develop in place of the previous division between the Norman lords and their Anglo-Saxon subjects. This was a consequence of sustained hostility to the increasingly nationalist French, whose kings and other leaders (notably", "title": "Kingdom of England" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.08, "text": "style until 1 January 1801 ( after the Battle of Castillon). Timeline of the Hundred Years' War This is a timeline of the Hundred Years' War between England and France from 1337 to 1453 as well as some of the events leading up to the war. (The Hundred Years' War actually spanned for 116 years.) The Battle of Castillon is generally considered the end of the Hundred Years' War as Henry VI's insanity and the Wars of the Roses left England in no position to wage war in France. However Calais remained an English possession until 1558 and the title", "title": "Timeline of the Hundred Years' War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21, "text": "Hundred Years' War (1415–53) The Lancastrian War was the third and final phase of the Anglo-French Hundred Years' War. It lasted from 1415, when King Henry V of England invaded Normandy, to 1453, when the English lost Bordeaux. It followed a long period of peace from the end of the Caroline War in 1389. The phase was named after the House of Lancaster, the ruling house of the Kingdom of England, to which Henry V belonged. The first half of this phase of the war was dominated by the Kingdom of England. Initial English successes, notably at the famous Battle", "title": "Hundred Years' War (1415–53)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.97, "text": "The English fleet deceived the French into believing they were withdrawing. When the wind turned in the late afternoon, the English attacked with the wind and sun behind them. The French fleet was almost completely destroyed in what became known as the Battle of Sluys. England dominated the English Channel for the rest of the war, preventing French invasions. At this point, Edward's funds ran out and the war probably would have ended were it not for the death of the Duke of Brittany precipitating a succession dispute between the duke's half brother John of Montfort and Charles of Blois,", "title": "Hundred Years' War" } ]
what is the meaning of judo in english?
[ "gentle way" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.53, "text": "particularly from more powerful throws that uke lacks the skill to breakfall from. For these reasons, throws are normally taught in order of difficulty for both tori and uke. This is exemplified in the \"\"Gokyo\"\" , a traditional grouping of throws arranged in order of difficulty of ukemi. Those grouped in are relatively simple to breakfall from whereas those grouped in are difficult to breakfall from. A practitioner of judo is known as a . The modern meaning of \"\"judoka\"\" in English is a judo practitioner of any level of expertise, but traditionally those below the rank of 4th \"\"dan\"\"", "title": "Judo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.48, "text": "a route to self-improvement and the betterment of society in general. He was, however, acutely conscious of the Japanese public's negative perception of jujutsu: Kano believed that \"\"\"\"jūjutsu\"\"\"\" was insufficient to describe his art: although means \"\"art\"\" or \"\"means\"\", it implies a method consisting of a collection of physical techniques. Accordingly, he changed the second character to , meaning way, road or path, which implies a more philosophical context than \"\"jutsu\"\" and has a common origin with the Chinese concept of \"\"tao\"\". Thus Kano renamed it . There are three basic categories of in judo: , and . Judo is", "title": "Judo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.06, "text": "a strike to a vital point. \"\"Atemi-waza\"\" are not permitted outside of \"\"kata\"\". Judo pedagogy emphasizes . This term covers a variety of forms of practice, and the intensity at which it is carried out varies depending on intent and the level of expertise of the participants. At one extreme, is a compliant style of randori, known as , in which neither participant offers resistance to their partner's attempts to throw. A related concept is that of , in which an experienced judoka allows himself to be thrown by his less-experienced partner. At the opposite extreme from \"\"yakusoku geiko\"\" is", "title": "Judo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.97, "text": "were called ; and only those of 4th \"\"dan\"\" or higher were called \"\"judoka\"\". (The suffix , when added to a noun, means a person with expertise or special knowledge on that subject). A judo teacher is called . The word \"\"sensei\"\" comes from \"\"sen\"\" or \"\"saki\"\" (before) and \"\"sei\"\" (life) – i.e. one who has preceded you. In Western dojo, it is common to call an instructor of any \"\"dan\"\" grade \"\"sensei\"\". Traditionally, that title was reserved for instructors of 4th \"\"dan\"\" and above. Judo practitioners traditionally wear white uniforms called or . sometimes abbreviated in the west as", "title": "Judo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.75, "text": "Instead, elite coaches and athletes tended to emphasize winning, at almost any cost. For Kanō, the answer to this conundrum was one word: judo. Not judo in the sense of simply throwing other people around, and definitely not judo in the sense of winning at any cost. Instead, it was judo in the sense of \"\"Maximum Efficiency with Minimum Effort\"\" and \"\"Mutual Welfare and Benefit.\"\" Or, as Kanō himself put it to a reporter in 1938: \"\"When yielding is the highest efficient use of energy, then yielding is judo.\"\" Kanō became active in the work of the International Olympic Committee", "title": "Kanō Jigorō" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.69, "text": "categorised into , in which \"\"tori\"\" traps and pins \"\"uke\"\" on his back on the floor; , in which \"\"tori\"\" attempts to force a submission by choking or strangling \"\"uke\"\"; and , in which \"\"tori\"\" attempts to submit \"\"uke\"\" by painful manipulation of his joints. A related concept is that of , in which \"\"waza\"\" are applied from a non-standing position. In competitive judo, \"\"Kansetsu-waza\"\" is currently limited to elbow joint manipulation. Manipulation and locking of other joints can be found in various kata, such as \"\"Katame-no-kata\"\" and \"\"Kodokan goshin jutsu\"\". \"\"Atemi-waza\"\" are techniques in which \"\"tori\"\" disables \"\"uke\"\" with", "title": "Judo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.33, "text": "(and hence judo/aikido throws) are descriptions in Japanese. It is conventional for the Japanese to name their throws in this manner, and many western martial art dojos have given English names to the throws feeling that it is easier for English speaking students to remember the names of throws if they can associate the throws by the descriptive nature of the throw name. In judo, throws are divided into six categories—hand techniques, leg techniques, hip techniques, shoulder techniques, as well as sacrifice throws to the rear and side. A shoulder throw involves throwing an opponent over the shoulder. A shoulder", "title": "Throw (grappling)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.11, "text": "with self-defense as a secondary purpose. Additionally, many of the \"\"gendai budō\"\" have included a sporting element to them. Judo and kendo are both examples of this. , literally meaning \"\"gentle way\"\" or \"\"way of softness\"\", is a grappling-based martial art, practiced primarily as a sport. It contains substantially the same emphasis on the personal, spiritual, and physical self-improvement of its practitioners as can be found throughout \"\"gendai budō\"\". Judo was created by Kano Jigoro (嘉納 治五郎 \"\"Kanō Jigorō\"\", 1860–1938) at the end of the 19th century. Kano took the \"\"koryū\"\" martial arts he learned (specifically Kitō-ryū and Tenjin Shin'yo-ryū", "title": "Japanese martial arts" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.95, "text": "the hard style of randori that seeks to emulate the style of judo seen in competition. While hard randori is the cornerstone of judo, over-emphasis of the competitive aspect is seen as undesirable by traditionalists if the intent of the randori is to \"\"win\"\" rather than to learn. are pre-arranged patterns of techniques and in judo, with the exception of the \"\"Seiryoku-Zen'yō Kokumin-Taiiku\"\", they are all practised with a partner. Their purposes include illustrating the basic principles of judo, demonstrating the correct execution of a technique, teaching the philosophical tenets upon which judo is based, allowing for the practice of", "title": "Judo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.86, "text": "presented a lecture called \"\"Jiujitsu: The Old Samurai Art of Fighting without Weapons\"\" to the Asiatic Society of Japan. This lecture took place at the British Embassy in Tokyo. Its theme was that the main principle of judo involved gaining victory by yielding to strength. Being an idealist, Kanō had broad aims for judo, which he saw as something that simultaneously encompassed self-defense, physical culture, and moral behavior. In 1915, Kanō gave this definition to judo: In 1918, Kanō added: During March 1922, Kanō brought all this to fruition through the introduction of the Kodokan Bunkakai, or Kodokan Cultural Association.", "title": "Kanō Jigorō" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.83, "text": "Kodokan Judo Institute The , or short \"\"Kōdōkan\"\" (講道館), is the headquarters of the worldwide judo community. Literally, \"\"kō\"\" means \"\"to lecture\"\", \"\"dō\"\" means \"\"way,\"\" and \"\"kan\"\" is \"\"a public building\"\" together translating as \"\"a place for the study of the way.\"\" The \"\"kōdōkan\"\" was founded in 1882 by Kanō Jigorō, the founder of \"\"judō\"\", and is now an eight-story building in Tokyo. The Kodokan Institute offers classes for those who want to master judo. The program is authorized as a non-regular school by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Its courses include the theories and practice of judo, and matters of", "title": "Kodokan Judo Institute" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.64, "text": "literally means multiple attackers. The term was described by Jigoro Kano, the founder of Judo, in a speech at the 1932 Los Angeles Olympic Games: \"\"Randori, meaning \"\"free exercise\"\", is practiced under conditions of actual contest. It includes throwing, choking, holding the opponent down, and bending or twisting of the arms. The two combatants may use whatever methods they like provided they do not hurt each other and obey the rules of Judo concerning etiquette, which are essential to its proper working.\"\" There are 2 types of Randori. In Steven Seagal's Tenshin Aikido Federation (affiliated with the Aikikai), randori is", "title": "Randori" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.61, "text": "techniques that are not allowed in randori, and to preserve ancient techniques that are historically important but are no longer used in contemporary judo. There are ten kata that are recognized by the Kodokan today: In addition, there are a number of commonly practiced kata that are not recognised by the Kodokan. Some of the more common kata include: is a vitally important aspect of judo. In 1899, Kano was asked to chair a committee of the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai to draw up the first formal set of contest rules for jujutsu. These rules were intended to cover contests", "title": "Judo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.5, "text": "Verbal self-defense Verbal self-defense, also known as verbal judo or verbal aikido, is defined as using one's words to prevent, de-escalate, or end an attempted assault. It is a way of using words to maintain mental and emotional safety. This kind of \"\"conflict management\"\" involves using posture and body language, tone of voice, and choice of words as a means for calming a potentially volatile situation before it can manifest into physical violence. This often involves techniques such as taking a time-out, deflecting the conversation to less argumentative topics, and/or redirecting the conversation to other individuals in the group who", "title": "Verbal self-defense" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.38, "text": "of Judo\"\", does not contain this information. Furthermore, the original book was translated by K. Sugai whose translations were poor at best. (For example, \"\"Or this is to throw him down by foot sweeping instant before his advanced-feet are fixed in order to change his position or break your balance.\"\") The book gives a brief history of Jujutsu in Japan, and gives the lineage of Judo, referencing Jujutsu masters prior to Jigoro Kano. To show the early origins and continuous development of the martial arts in Japan, a long list of historical text sources, people, and schools and styles are", "title": "The Canon of Judo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.36, "text": "a submission through \"\"shime-waza\"\" or \"\"kansetsu-waza\"\". A submission is signalled by tapping the mat or the opponent at least twice with the hand or foot, or by saying . A pin lasting for less than 20 seconds, but more than 10 seconds scores waza-ari (formerly waza-ari was awarded for holds of longer than 15 seconds and yuko for holds of longer than 10 seconds). Formerly, there was an additional score that was lesser to yuko, that of . This has since been removed. If the scores are identical at the end of the match, the contest is resolved by the", "title": "Judo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.23, "text": "of judo pedagogy and shiai (competition) a crucial test of a judoka's understanding of judo. Safety necessitated some basic innovations that shaped judo's development. Atemi waza (striking techniques) were entirely limited to kata (prearranged forms) early in judo's history. Kansetsu waza (joint manipulation techniques) were limited to techniques that focused on the elbow joint. Various throwing techniques that were judged to be too dangerous to practice safely were also prohibited in shiai. To maximise safety in nage waza (throwing techniques), judoka trained in ukemi (break falls) and practiced on tatami (rice straw mats). The application of joint manipulation and strangulation/choking", "title": "Judo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.22, "text": "Way\"\", but figuratively meaning 'method.' From a technical standpoint, Kanō combined the throwing techniques of the Kitō-ryū and the choking and pinning techniques of the Tenjin Shin'yō-ryū. As such, judo's \"\"Koshiki no Kata\"\" preserves the traditional forms of the Kitō-ryū with only minor differences from the mainline tradition. Similarly, many of the techniques (but not the forms) of the Tenjin Shin'yō-ryū are preserved in the \"\"Kime no Kata\"\". Initially, Kanō borrowed ideas from everywhere. As he wrote in 1898, \"\"By taking together all the good points I had learned of the various schools and adding thereto my own inventions and", "title": "Kanō Jigorō" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.16, "text": "\"\"Nage-no-kata\"\" as \"\"tori\"\" (the person executing the throws). Second to fourth \"\"dan\"\" have similar but progressively higher requirements, with the necessary minimum age, time in current grade, number of points, and the number and type of techniques to be demonstrated increasing with each grade. From fifth to eighth \"\"dan\"\" the minimum time that must be spent in the current grade varies according to the way that grading points are earned and their distribution among the different point categories. These distributions are categorized as either 'outstanding', 'excellent', 'very good', or 'good': an 'outstanding' candidate for \"\"godan\"\" (fifth dan), for example, can", "title": "Judo in Canada" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.12, "text": "of another martial art in order to refer to the uniform of that particular martial art. For example, \"\"võ phục Judo\"\" refers to the martial arts uniform used in Judo, known in Japanese as a Jūdōgi\"\" (:wikt:柔道着). The term functions in the same way as \"\"martial arts uniform of,\"\" in English: \"\"võ phục\"\" (martial arts uniform of) Judo.\"\" From 1938 to 1964, there was no official coloration associated with \"\"võ phục\"\". However, after a meeting between Vietnamese martial arts masters in 1964, indigo/deep blue was chosen to be the official color of Vietnamese martial arts uniforms. The official color was", "title": "Võ phục" } ]
when did the mafia lose control of las vegas?
[ "the 1980s" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.22, "text": "crime on Las Vegas. Although ethnic organized crime figures had been involved in some of the operations at the hotels, the Mafia bosses never owned or controlled the hotels and clubs which remained monopolized by hard-bitten local Las Vegas families who were unwilling to cede ground to the crime bosses and proved strong enough to push back. This changed in post-war Las Vegas when Jewish gangster Bugsy Siegel, with help from friend and fellow mob boss Meyer Lansky, poured money through Mormon-owned banks for cover of legitimacy and built The Flamingo in 1946. Siegel modeled his enterprises on the long-running", "title": "History of Las Vegas" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.95, "text": "while all this created more pressure on the Mafia, it did little to curb their criminal activities. Success was made by the beginning of the 1980s, when the FBI was able to rid Las Vegas casinos of Mafia control and made a determined effort to loosen the Mafia's strong hold on labor unions. By the late 1970s, the Mafia were involved in many industries, including betting on college sports. Several Mafia members associated with the Lucchese crime family participated in a point shaving scandal involving Boston College basketball team. Rick Kuhn, Henry Hill, and others associated with the Lucchese crime", "title": "American Mafia" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.64, "text": "government had been working to weaken Mafia activity on the Strip. In 1969, the Nevada State Legislature passed a law that made it easier for corporations to own casinos. This brought new investors to the local economy to buy casinos from the mafia. The U.S. Congress passed the RICO Act a year later. This law gave more authority to law enforcement to pursue the mafia for its illegal activities. There was a sharp decline in the mob involvement in Las Vegas in the 1980s. Through the RICO law, many in the Mafia were convicted and imprisoned. When the Racketeer Influenced", "title": "American Mafia" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.59, "text": "people died and 785 were injured in what remains the worst disaster in Nevada history. The property was eventually sold and reopened as Bally's Las Vegas, while MGM moved south to Tropicana Avenue. The \"\"Mafia/Rat Pack\"\" Las Vegas of the mid-20th century came to a gradual end in the 1980s with the aging out of the World War II generation, the decline of organized crime elements, and the rise of baby boomer entrepreneurs who began a new chapter in the city's history, the so-called megaresort era. Las Vegas began to become a more commercialized, family-oriented place with large corporations coming", "title": "History of Las Vegas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.44, "text": "group of investors from Miami. The resort has gone through many ownership changes over the years, including a period of control by owners linked to the Mafia. Harpo Marx and Gummo Marx held minority interests at the opening. The Marx brothers also owned slightly under ten percent of the Hotel. It is said that Gummo talked his brother into putting money into the Hotel, for it would be a great place for him to perform. Harpo was easily sold. Dean Martin once held a minority ownership stake while he was a headliner in the showroom. Gus Greenbaum was brought in", "title": "Las Vegas in the 1950s" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.39, "text": "1952, several Mafia bosses were able to make legitimate investments in legalized casinos. One estimate of the number of casinos mobsters owned was no less than 19. However, when Batista was overthrown following the Cuban Revolution, his successor Fidel Castro banned U.S. investment in the country, putting an end to the Mafia's presence in Cuba. Las Vegas was seen as an \"\"open city\"\" where any family can work. Once Nevada legalized gambling, mobsters were quick to take advantage and the casino industry became very popular in Las Vegas. Since the 1940s, Mafia families from New York, Cleveland, Kansas City, Milwaukee", "title": "American Mafia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.08, "text": "rival gangs continued fighting until the end of Prohibition. By this time, the various Mafia factions now functioned as one family. After Tony Lopiparo's death, Anthony Giordano became boss and declared independence from the Kansas City crime family. In the 1970s, Giordano, along with Detroit mobsters Anthony Joseph Zerilli and Michael Polizzi, attempted to gain control of the Frontier Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. They failed and all three men were convicted of conspiracy. In 1975, Giordano was sent to prison, his nephew Vincenzo Giammanco became the acting boss until Giordano was released in December 1977. On August 29,", "title": "St. Louis crime family" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.02, "text": "of the gambling market in the city by suspected mob members sparked a two-year investigation by Senator Estes Kefauver and his Senate Special Committee to Investigate Crime in Interstate Commerce in 1950–51. The hearing concluded that organized crime money was incontrovertibly tied to the Las Vegas casinos and was becoming the controlling interest in the city thereby earning for the groups vast amounts of income which was strengthening their influence in the country. This led to a proposal by the Senate to institute federal gambling control. Only through the power and influence of Nevada's Senator Pat McCarran did the proposal", "title": "Las Vegas in the 1950s" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.97, "text": "The corporations build new and gaudier attractions, which Sam laments are not the same as when the Mafia was in control. Sam subsequently retires to San Diego and continues to live as a sports handicapper for the Mob, in his own words, ending up \"\"right back where I started\"\". The research for \"\"Casino\"\" began when screenwriter Nicholas Pileggi read a 1980 report from the \"\"Las Vegas Sun\"\" about a domestic argument between Frank \"\"Lefty\"\" Rosenthal, a casino figure, and his wife Geri McGee, a former topless dancer. This gave him an idea to focus on a new book about the", "title": "Casino (1995 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.97, "text": "Lackey\"\" Cerone, and other fifteen mobsters from five cities. LaPietra was later accused by a Kansas City grand jury with skimming an estimated $2 million from syndicate-controlled Las Vegas casinos. Federal authorities further charged that, by using money from the Teamsters Union Central States Pension Fund, the mobsters were able to consolidate their control over Las Vegas casinos during the 1950s and 1960s. Federal agents had also recorded at least 12,000 hours of phone conversations through wire taps from organized crime figures in Kansas, Missouri, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Illinois and Nevada, over a period of four years. In July 1984, LaPietra's", "title": "Angelo J. LaPietra" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.86, "text": "come from one Mafia family alone, but many throughout the country seeking to gain even more power and wealth. Large profits from casinos, run as legitimate businesses, would help to finance many of the illegal activities of the Mafia from the 1950s into the 1980s. In the 1950s more Mafia-financed casinos were constructed, such as the Stardust, Sahara, Tropicana, Desert Inn, and Riviera. Tourism in the city greatly increased through the 1960s and strengthened the local economy. However, the 1960s was also when the Mafia's influence in the Las Vegas economy began to dwindle. The Nevada State government and Federal", "title": "American Mafia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.69, "text": "gambling empire in Galveston, Texas, which had pioneered the high-class casino concepts that became mainstays on the Strip. The Flamingo initially lost money and Siegel died in a hail of gunfire in Beverly Hills, California in the summer of 1947. Additionally, local police and Clark County Sheriff deputies were notorious for their heavy-handed tactics toward mobsters who \"\"grew too big for their pants.\"\" However, many mobsters saw the potential that gambling offered in Las Vegas. From 1952 to 1957, through money and institutional lending provided by the Teamsters Union and some Mormon bankers they built the Sahara, the Sands, the", "title": "History of Las Vegas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.67, "text": "to own the hotels, casinos, and nightclubs in place of Mafia bosses. The megaresort era kicked off in 1989 with the construction of The Mirage. Built by developer Steve Wynn, it was the first resort built with money from Wall Street, selling $630 million in junk bonds. Its 3,044 rooms, each with gold tinted windows, set a new standard for Vegas luxury and attracted tourists in droves, leading to additional financing and rapid growth on the Las Vegas Strip. More landmark hotels and other structures were razed to make way for ever-larger and more opulent resorts including: The Helldorado Days", "title": "History of Las Vegas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.56, "text": "and Chicago had interests in Las Vegas casinos. They got loans from the Teamsters' pension fund, a union they effectively controlled, and used legitimate front men to build casinos. When money came into the counting room, hired men skimmed cash before it was recorded, then delivered it to their respective bosses. This money went unrecorded, but the amount is estimated to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Operating in the shadows, the Mafia faced little opposition from law enforcement. Local law enforcement agencies did not have the resources or knowledge to effectively combat organized crime committed by a", "title": "American Mafia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.48, "text": "Estes Kefauver and his Senate Special Committee to Investigate Crime in Interstate Commerce in 1950–51. The hearing concluded that organized crime money was incontrovertibly tied to the Las Vegas casinos and was becoming the controlling interest in the city thereby earning for the groups vast amounts of income which was strengthening their influence in the country. This led to a proposal by the Senate to institute federal gambling control. Only through the power and influence of Nevada's Senator Pat McCarran did the proposal die in committee. Along with their connections in Hollywood and New York City, these interests in Las", "title": "History of Las Vegas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.45, "text": "Casino: Love and Honor in Las Vegas Casino: Love and Honor in Las Vegas () is a 1995 non-fiction book by crime reporter Nicholas Pileggi that depicts the story of the alliance of Mafia mobsters Lefty Rosenthal and Tony Spilotro and their exploits working in Mafia controlled casinos in Las Vegas. \"\"Casino\"\" covers the period through the seventies to early eighties when the Mafia controlled certain Las Vegas casinos. Pileggi focuses on the story of Frank \"\"Lefty\"\" Rosenthal, a Chicago bookmaker working for organized crime, and his friend, partner and also Mafia member, Anthony Spilotro. Rosenthal supervises the casino operations,", "title": "Casino: Love and Honor in Las Vegas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.42, "text": "on the council. When prohibition ended in 1933, Dragna operated a massive loan shark and illegal gambling business. Along with close supporter John Roselli, Dragna's Mafia family ended local gang wars by driving older gambling syndicate headed by Guy McAfee and Milton \"\"Farmer\"\" Page out of business. Dragna and Roselli worked with Joe Shaw (the brother of Mayor Frank Shaw) to muscle out L.A. bookies, many of whom fled to Las Vegas. By 1937, the Los Angeles crime family controlled the illegal gambling in Los Angeles. For independent bookmakers, Dragna would use extortion to collect money from their operations. While", "title": "Los Angeles crime family" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.41, "text": "spreading and popping up all over Southern California, leaving any remnants of the Italian American Mafia in Los Angeles ceasing to exist. In the early 1960s, Las Vegas at the time was considered \"\"open-territory\"\" for the East Coast and Midwest Italian crime families, who took full advantage of Mickey Cohen's decimation as well as the diminishing influence of Jack Dragna's family, which began shortly after his death during the leaderships of boss' after him. By the early 1970s, the Outfit soon started building and taking over casinos, resorts and hotels in Las Vegas and other parts of Southern Nevada and", "title": "Cohen crime family" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.28, "text": "became the secretary of the Commission. In 1946, the Havana Conference was arranged by Charles Luciano to discuss with the Commission the American Mafia's future. The Commission decided in the meeting that Luciano would continue to lead the Commission, the American Mafia would become active in the narcotics trade, and Bugsy Siegel would be killed for skimming money from the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas. In 1951, conservative faction leader Vincent Mangano went missing and Albert Anastasia sided with \"\"liberal-American faction\"\" members Frank Costello and Tommy Lucchese. The power of the Commission shifted from the \"\"conservative-Sicilian faction\"\" to the \"\"liberal-American", "title": "The Commission (mafia)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.27, "text": "with no fanfare and minimal media attention. The demolition also held symbolic significance for the city. Many long-time residents knew the Dunes was controlled by the mafia, having been first built with money from it and the mob-controlled pension funds of the Teamsters and Pipefitters unions. The demolition signaled the end of significant mafia control and influence in Las Vegas. For many years, the hotel was owned by Major Riddle from the \"\"Chicago Outfit\"\" and later sold in part to Morris Shenker, an \"\"attorney associated with the St. Louis Mafia, Meyer Lansky, Jimmy Hoffa, and Frank Foster, owner of Athony", "title": "Dunes (hotel and casino)" } ]
who said law is the command of sovereign?
[ "John Austin" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.62, "text": "command theory are: Austin considered the law as commands from a sovereign that are enforced by threat of sanction. In determining 'a sovereign', Austin recognised it is one whom society obeys habitually. This sovereign can be a single person or a collective sovereign such as Parliament, with a number of individuals, with each having various authoritative powers. Austin's theory is also somewhat brief in his explanations of Constitutions, International Law, non-sanctioned rules, or law that \"\"gives\"\" rights. Insofar as non-sanctioned rules and laws that \"\"allow\"\" persons to do things, such as contract law, Austin said that failure to obey the", "title": "Legal positivism" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.17, "text": "of an independent political society, and backed up by credible threats of punishment or other adverse consequences (\"\"sanctions\"\") in the event of non-compliance. The sovereign in any legal system is that person, or group of persons, habitually obeyed by the bulk of the population, which does not habitually obey anyone else. A command is a declared wish that something should be done, issued by a superior, and accompanied by threats in the event of non-compliance. Such commands give rise to legal duties to obey. Note that all the key concepts in this account (law, sovereign, command, sanction, duty) are defined", "title": "John Austin (legal philosopher)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.27, "text": "Determined.\"\" However, Austin departed from Bentham on a number of points, for example, by supporting the common law. Differences aside, Austin embraced Hobbes's and Bentham's conception of law as a sovereign command, whose authority is recognised by most members of a society; the authority of which is enforced by the use of sanctions, but which is not bound by any human superior. The criterion for validity of a legal rule in such a society is that it has the warrant of the sovereign and will be enforced by the sovereign power and its agents. The three main tenets of Austin's", "title": "Legal positivism" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.97, "text": "most well-known authors who were influenced by Kelsen, though both schools differed from Kelsen's theories in several respects. H. L. A. Hart H. L. A. Hart later addressed Austin. Hart liked Austin's theory of a sovereign, but claimed that Austin's Command Theory failed in several important respects. In the book \"\"The Concept of Law\"\", Hart outlined several key points: Among the many ideas developed in this book are: Joseph Raz A pupil of H. L. A. Hart, Joseph Raz has been important in continuing Hart's arguments of legal positivism since Hart's death. This has included editing a second edition of", "title": "Legal positivism" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.86, "text": "it attempts to interpret the nature of reality beyond the physical and experiential. Thomas Hobbes and \"\"Leviathan\"\" Thomas Hobbes, in his seminal work \"\"Leviathan\"\", postulated the first clear notion of law based on the notion of sovereign power. As Hampton writes, \"\"law is understood [by Hobbes] to depend on the sovereign's will. No matter what a law's content, no matter how unjust it seems, if it has been commanded by the sovereign, then and only then is it law.' There is, however, debate surrounding Hobbes's status as a legal positivist. Jeremy Bentham The English jurist and philosopher, Jeremy Bentham, is", "title": "Legal positivism" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.69, "text": "philosophy of law is commonly known as (general) jurisprudence. Normative jurisprudence asks \"\"what should law be?\"\", while analytic jurisprudence asks \"\"what is law?\"\" John Austin's utilitarian answer was that law is \"\"commands, backed by threat of sanctions, from a sovereign, to whom people have a habit of obedience\"\". Natural lawyers on the other side, such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, argue that law reflects essentially moral and unchangeable laws of nature. The concept of \"\"natural law\"\" emerged in ancient Greek philosophy concurrently and in connection with the notion of justice, and re-entered the mainstream of Western culture through the writings of Thomas", "title": "Law" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.58, "text": "that law is \"\"commands, backed by threat of sanctions, from a sovereign, to whom people have a habit of obedience\"\". Contemporary legal positivists have long abandoned this view, and have criticised its oversimplification, H. L. A. Hart particularly. Hans Kelsen is considered one of the prominent jurists of the 20th century and has been highly influential in Europe and Latin America, although less so in common-law countries. His Pure Theory of Law aims to describe law as binding norms while at the same time refusing, itself, to evaluate those norms. That is, 'legal science' is to be separated from 'legal", "title": "Jurisprudence" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.53, "text": "legal concepts in strictly empirical terms. Law, according to Austin, is a social fact and reflects relations of power and obedience. This twofold view, that (1) law and morality are separate and (2) that all human-made (\"\"positive\"\") laws can be traced back to human lawmakers, is known as legal positivism. Drawing heavily on the thought of Jeremy Bentham, Austin was the first legal thinker to work out a fully developed positivistic theory of law. Austin argues that laws are rules, which he defines as a type of command. More precisely, laws are general commands issued by a sovereign to members", "title": "John Austin (legal philosopher)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.45, "text": "by considering humankind's natural interests, whereas previous philosophers had said that natural rights were discovered by considering the natural law. In Hobbes' opinion, the only way natural law could prevail was for human beings to agree to create a commonwealth by submitting to the command of a sovereign, whether an individual or an assembly of individuals. In this lay the foundations of the theory of a social contract between the governed and the governor. Hugo Grotius based his philosophy of international law on natural law. He wrote that \"\"even the will of an omnipotent being cannot change or abrogate\"\" natural", "title": "Philosophy of human rights" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.34, "text": "arguably the greatest historical figure in the British legal positivist movement. In \"\"An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation,\"\" Bentham laid the groundwork for a theory of law as the expressed will of a sovereign. Bentham made a sharp distinction between the following types of people: The philosophy of law, considered strictly, was to explain the real laws of the expositors, rather than the criticisms of the censors. Bentham was also noted for calling natural law \"\"nonsense upon stilts.\"\" John Austin's command theory John Austin followed in the theoretical footsteps of Bentham by writing \"\"The Province of jurisprudence", "title": "Legal positivism" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.33, "text": "outlook and criticised Hart's \"\"soft social thesis\"\" approach in \"\"The Authority of Law\"\". Raz argues that law is authority, identifiable purely through social sources and without reference to moral reasoning. In his view, any categorisation of rules beyond their role as authoritative instruments in mediation are best left to sociology, rather than jurisprudence. One definition is that law is a system of rules and guidelines which are enforced through social institutions to govern behaviour. In \"\"The Concept of Law\"\" Hart argued law is a \"\"system of rules\"\"; Austin said law was \"\"the command of a sovereign, backed by the threat", "title": "Law" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.05, "text": "Roman statesman Cicero is often cited as saying, roughly: \"\"We are all servants of the laws in order to be free.\"\" During the Roman Republic, controversial magistrates might be put on trial when their terms of office expired. Under the Roman Empire, the sovereign was personally immune (\"\"legibus solutus\"\"), but those with grievances could sue the treasury. In China, members of the school of legalism during the 3rd century BC argued for using law as a tool of governance, but they promoted \"\"rule \"\"by\"\" law\"\" as opposed to \"\"rule \"\"of\"\" law\"\", meaning that they placed the aristocrats and emperor above", "title": "Rule of law" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.97, "text": "God Himself: but because a law obliges not, nor is law to any but to them that acknowledge it to be the act of the sovereign, how could the people of Israel, that were forbidden to approach the mountain to hear what God said to Moses, be obliged to obedience to all those laws which Moses propounded to them?\"\" and concludes, as before, that \"\"making of the Scripture law, belonged to the civil sovereign.\"\" Finally: \"\"We are to consider now what office in the Church those persons have who, being civil sovereigns, have embraced also the Christian faith?\"\" to which", "title": "Leviathan (Hobbes book)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.95, "text": "people as a whole guarantees individuals against being subordinated to the wills of others and also ensures that they obey themselves because they are, collectively, the authors of the law. Although Rousseau argues that sovereignty (or the power to make the laws) should be in the hands of the people, he also makes a sharp distinction between the sovereign and the government. The government is composed of magistrates, charged with implementing and enforcing the general will. The \"\"sovereign\"\" is the rule of law, ideally decided on by direct democracy in an assembly. Rousseau opposed the idea that the people should", "title": "Jean-Jacques Rousseau" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.8, "text": "(that is, of its capacity to be killed)\"\". \"\"Homo sacer\"\" was therefore \"\"excluded\"\" from law itself, while being \"\"included\"\" at the same time. This figure is the exact mirror image of the sovereign (\"\"basileus\"\") — a king, emperor, or president — who stands, on the one hand, \"\"within\"\" law (so he can be condemned, e.g., for treason, as a natural person) and \"\"outside\"\" the law (since as a body politic he has power to suspend law for an indefinite time). Giorgio Agamben draws on Carl Schmitt's definition of the Sovereign as the one who has the power to decide the", "title": "Giorgio Agamben" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.72, "text": "by accrediting ambassadors to the Order (usually their ambassador to the Holy See). Wengler—a German professor of international law—addresses this point in his book \"\"Völkerrecht\"\" (1964), and rejects the notion that recognition of the Order by some states can make it a subject of international law. Conversely, professor Rebecca Wallace—writing more recently in her book \"\"International Law\"\" (1986)—explains that a sovereign entity does not have to be a country, and that SMOM is an example of this. This position appears to be supported by the number of nations extending diplomatic relations to the Order, which more than doubled from 49", "title": "Sovereign Military Order of Malta" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.69, "text": "elected MP for Steyning but it is not clear if this refers to Alford or his son. On 8 May 1628, the House drew up \"\"The Petition of Rights\"\" and sent it to the Upper House for its assent. When the amended bill was returned to the commons on 17 May Alford said \"\"Let us look into the Records and see what they are: what is Sovereign Power? Bodin saith that it is free from any conditions. By this we shall acknowledge a regal, as well as a legal, power. Let us give that to the King the Law gives", "title": "Edward Alford (Colchester MP)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.61, "text": "sovereign, who succeeds to sovereignty, and what limits the sovereign power. Thus, Bodin’s sovereign was restricted by the constitutional law of the state and by the higher law that was considered as binding upon every human being. The fact that the sovereign must obey divine and natural law imposes ethical constraints on him. Bodin also held that the \"\"lois royales\"\", the fundamental laws of the French monarchy which regulated matters such as succession, are natural laws and are binding on the French sovereign. Despite his commitment to absolutism, Bodin held some moderate opinions on how government should in practice be", "title": "Sovereignty" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.52, "text": "treatise \"\"On justice and law\"\", quoted by Giorgio Agamben in \"\"State of Exception\"\" (2005), \"\"Basileus\"\" is more adequately translated into \"\"Sovereign\"\" than into \"\"king\"\". The reason for this is that it designates more the \"\"person\"\" of king than the \"\"office\"\" of king: the power of magistrates (\"\"arkhontes\"\", \"\"archons\"\") derives from their social functions or offices, whereas the sovereign derives his power from himself. Sovereigns have \"\"auctoritas\"\", whereas magistrates retain \"\"imperium\"\". Pseudo-Archytas aimed at creating a theory of sovereignty completely enfranchised from laws, being itself the only source of legitimacy. He goes so far as qualifying the \"\"Basileus\"\" as \"\"nomos empsykhos\"\",", "title": "Basileus" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.52, "text": "Lex animata Lex animata — the law animate — is a mediaeval Latin term for the law being embodied in a living entity, usually the sovereign by the grace of God. In that sense a king could be lex animata, a living, breathing law. This worked both ways, the argument went: the king was law, but he could not do but as the law instructed. This idea is sometimes traced to king James I of England who said \"\"Rex est lex\"\" ([The] King is [the] Law), an idea moderated by his successor, king Charles I of England as \"\"A Deo", "title": "Lex animata" } ]
who sang the song got to be real?
[ "Cheryl Lynn" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 27.16, "text": "Got to Be Real \"\"Got to Be Real\"\" is a song by American singer Cheryl Lynn from her 1978 self-titled debut album. The song, which was Lynn's debut single, was written by Lynn, David Paich and David Foster. The song is one of the most popular and well-known in disco music. For the recording, David Shields played bass, David Paich played keyboards, James Gadson played drums, and Ray Parker, Jr. was the session guitarist. In the United States, \"\"Got to Be Real\"\" spent three weeks at #12 on the pop chart and hit number one on the soul chart in", "title": "Got to Be Real" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.45, "text": "music history\"\". 7\"\" single 12\"\" single Steve Foreman music 2018 produced/Sampled by James Eldridge/Eldridge Music Group LLC 2018 seeking content ownwer/owners for sample clearance/permission (317)438-4164 Got to Be Real \"\"Got to Be Real\"\" is a song by American singer Cheryl Lynn from her 1978 self-titled debut album. The song, which was Lynn's debut single, was written by Lynn, David Paich and David Foster. The song is one of the most popular and well-known in disco music. For the recording, David Shields played bass, David Paich played keyboards, James Gadson played drums, and Ray Parker, Jr. was the session guitarist. In", "title": "Got to Be Real" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.78, "text": "Lynn released her first and best-known song, \"\"Got to Be Real,\"\" which was composed by Lynn along with keyboardist David Paich (of the band Toto) and David Foster. The song scored #12 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 record chart and #1 on the Rhythm & Blues chart. The success of the single prompted a full scale debut album. Entiled \"\"Cheryl Lynn\"\", it was produced by Paich. The album sold more than a million copies and scored #5 on \"\"Billboard\"\" magazines R&B albums chart and #23 on \"\"Billboard\"\"s top 200 album charts. The next single off the album, written by Judy", "title": "Cheryl Lynn" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.5, "text": "Candy\"\" as well. On April 11, 2010, \"\"Got to Be Real\"\" charted for the first time in the UK, peaking at number 70. Vocal Type: Cheryl Lynn has a 4.4 octave vocal range. She's also able to sing in Whistle Register. She cites singers Diana Ross, Patti Labelle and Betty Wright as influences. Cheryl Lynn Cheryl Lynn (born Lynda Cheryl Smith; March 11, 1957) is an American singer. Lynn is best known for her songs during the late 1970s through the mid–1980s; including 1978's R&B/disco song, \"\"Got to Be Real\"\". Lynn's singing career began when she was a young girl", "title": "Cheryl Lynn" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.44, "text": "a new mid-song dance breakdown, and more powerful vocals by Aguilera were also added. The song also features limited new elements from Guy Roche and Shelly Peiken. The original album version has no bridge, so it had previously been performed live with an interlude that sampled the disco song \"\"Got to Be Real\"\" by Cheryl Lynn. However, when the original songwriters of \"\"Got to Be Real\"\" were contacted for permission to sample their song, they denied clearance. Instead, Aguilera's team substituted a reference to \"\"What a Girl Wants\"\": \"\"You give me, what a girl feels, what a girl likes, what", "title": "Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.23, "text": "early 1979. Along with the album tracks \"\"Star Love\"\" and \"\"You Saved My Day\"\", \"\"Got to Be Real\"\" peaked at #11 on the disco chart. The song was used for a 2010 British TV advertising campaign for Marks & Spencer, a department store, and it re-entered the main charts at #78 for the week ending April 4, the next week peaking at #70. \"\"Got to Be Real\"\" was inducted into the Dance Music Hall of Fame in September 19, 2005. RIAA Platinum Certification. In 2017, ShortList's Dave Fawbert listed the song as containing \"\"one of the greatest key changes in", "title": "Got to Be Real" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.16, "text": "Get Real (Paul Rutherford song) \"\"Get Real\"\" is a song by English singer Paul Rutherford, released in 1988 as the lead single from his debut solo album \"\"Oh World\"\". A collaboration with ABC, the song was written by Rutherford, Martin Fry, Mark White and David Clayton, and produced by White and Fry. \"\"Get Real\"\" reached No. 47 in the UK and remained in the charts for four weeks. The song received an airplay ban by the BBC. A music video was filmed to promote the single, which featured Rutherford in the Sonoran Desert. Speaking of the song to \"\"Melody Maker\"\"", "title": "Get Real (Paul Rutherford song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.91, "text": "2004, FutureMusic described the song as \"\"kind of like Giorgio Moroder meets Kraftwerk with a 303\"\". Get Real (Paul Rutherford song) \"\"Get Real\"\" is a song by English singer Paul Rutherford, released in 1988 as the lead single from his debut solo album \"\"Oh World\"\". A collaboration with ABC, the song was written by Rutherford, Martin Fry, Mark White and David Clayton, and produced by White and Fry. \"\"Get Real\"\" reached No. 47 in the UK and remained in the charts for four weeks. The song received an airplay ban by the BBC. A music video was filmed to promote", "title": "Get Real (Paul Rutherford song)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.72, "text": "\"\"The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea\"\", was never officially released. In 1994, she released a cover of the Cheryl Lynn classic \"\"Got To Be Real\"\", which became her biggest hit. Later that year she released her last single, \"\"We Got The Love\"\", which peaked at #55, originally recorded by Lindy Layton. In January 2010, an album titled \"\"Real\"\", including her work recorded at PWL Studios during 1993-1994 was released through iTunes. It includes 8 previously unreleased songs. Erik (singer) Erik (born Erica Harrold) began her career as a session singer for artists such as M People, Tom Jones, Swing", "title": "Erik (singer)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.42, "text": "Cheryl Lynn Cheryl Lynn (born Lynda Cheryl Smith; March 11, 1957) is an American singer. Lynn is best known for her songs during the late 1970s through the mid–1980s; including 1978's R&B/disco song, \"\"Got to Be Real\"\". Lynn's singing career began when she was a young girl with her church choir. However, her professional singing career started during 1976 when she obtained a job as a backing vocalist for the national touring company of the musical drama \"\"The Wiz\"\". Eventually she would obtain the role of Evillene, the Wicked Witch of the West, during the six-month national tour. Prior to", "title": "Cheryl Lynn" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.41, "text": "the group had turned away from their once-playful simple beats and catchy rhymes of the old school and instead became vocally more harder and more instrument-driven, with guitars and horns and bells. They even began to sample, as a snippet of Cheryl Lynn's \"\"Got to be Real\"\" is heard on the song \"\"Now That Whodini's Inside the Joint\"\". This new school style had been similarly done almost a year previously on the multi-million selling debut albums by L.L. Cool J and the Beastie Boys, as many groups had already turned to the kind of rap and rock music that crossed", "title": "Whodini" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.34, "text": "her series of Let's Get Loud concerts in 2001, and later appeared on the Let's Get Loud Concert DVD. She sang the original version of the song on NBC's \"\"Today\"\" in the middle of the Rockefeller Plaza. Despite the success of \"\"I'm Real\"\", there was controversy over the use of the single's sample and the structure of the song. The song contains an uncredited sample from Yellow Magic Orchestra's 1978 hit \"\"Firecracker\"\" (an electronic synthpop cover of Martin Denny's 1959 melody of the same name), while the remix on the other hand officially interpolates the Mary Jane Girls' 1983 song", "title": "I'm Real (Jennifer Lopez song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.16, "text": "in 1989, Rutherford said: \"\"\"\"Get Real\"\" was so off the wall, even with the whole Acid thing going on, there was something special about it. I knew no one would understand it, but Island said it was a definite Top 10 hit.\"\" Upon release, Wee Papa Girl Rappers guest reviewed the song for \"\"Number One\"\", with Sandra Lawrence commenting: \"\"I'm quite into that acid music, it's good dance music but this one's a bit mellow, a bit commercial.\"\" \"\"Melody Maker\"\" described the song as a \"\"slab of Acid for the radical dance faction, all squiggly synths and slithery bass.\"\" In", "title": "Get Real (Paul Rutherford song)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.12, "text": "You,\"\" and a cover of \"\"Got to Be Real\"\", originally performed by Cheryl Lynn. \"\"Gossip Candy\"\" opens with the first track, \"\"Lollipop,\"\" which has been described as a pop and R&B song. A song that metaphorically describes men as \"\"accessories\"\", \"\"Lollipop\"\" boasts themes of erotica and kawaii culture. Both \"\"Inside Fishbowl\"\" and \"\"Outside Fishbowl\"\" feature the same lyrical content, but are arranged different: both are arranged and composed by Niclas Lundin and Joakim Hahlin. Both tracks were noted for its rock and electronic elements. Also, much like her 2006 winter single \"\"Yume no Uta/Futari de...,\"\" both tracks have similar melodies:", "title": "Gossip Candy" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.09, "text": "Shake It Up Tonight \"\"Shake It Up Tonight\"\" is a song by American singer Cheryl Lynn. Since the success of her debut single, \"\"Got to Be Real\"\", the acclaimed R&B-dance track peaked at No. 5 on both the R&B and \"\"Hot Dance Club Play\"\" charts, and it also scored number 70 on the Billboard pop charts. It failed to chart in the UK. \"\"Shake It Up Tonight\"\" appears on Lynn's LP \"\"In the Night\"\", and was written by Mike and Brenda Sutton. The B-side is \"\"Baby\"\", written by Cheryl Lynn and Ray Parker Jr. The ready-made disco song was a", "title": "Shake It Up Tonight" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.81, "text": "About to Get Real About to Get Real is the third studio album by American country music artist Easton Corbin. It was released on June 30, 2015 via Mercury Nashville. It includes the singles \"\"Clockwork\"\", \"\"Baby Be My Love Song\"\". and \"\"Yup\"\". It also includes \"\"Are You with Me\"\" from Corbin's previous album, \"\"All Over the Road\"\". The album was produced by Carson Chamberlain. About the album, Corbin said, \"\"When deciding on an album title, \"\"About to Get Real\"\" just says it all for me. When country fans listen to this album, I want them to take away that even", "title": "About to Get Real" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.78, "text": "audition for a record company in Nashville, Tennessee. McKinney wrote the song \"\"Be Real\"\" in 2005 in the back of a van. At the time, he was heading home from coaching a track meet in California. Chance wrote part of the song lyrics on an envelope. He then recorded it on his voice mail while on an airplane flying home when the flight attendant was not paying attention. \"\"Be Real\"\" eventually ended up securing over 1 Million Votes / Views in the final round of CMT's Music City Madness which propelled him to #1 on CMT's unsigned singer/songwriter competition. Chance", "title": "Chance McKinney" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.72, "text": "track \"\"Forward\"\" as part of Boston College's parents' weekend celebration. Brown was also featured in the November 2006 issue of \"\"American Idol Magazine\"\". In 2007, Brown appeared at many events including the annual St. Patrick's Day Breakfast in South Boston on March 18 and the Crocker Field Sunset Concert Series on September 16 in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Brown performed alongside veteran record producer David Foster at the \"\"David Foster and Friends\"\" tour when it stopped in Boston on October 25, 2009. Brown sang the disco hit \"\"Got to Be Real\"\" while accompanied by Foster at the concert, which took place at", "title": "Ayla Brown" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.67, "text": "Kessen wa Kinyōbi The lyrics to \"\"Kessen wa Kinyōbi\"\" were written by Miwa Yoshida and the song was composed and arranged by Masato Nakamura, while the track was co-produced by the band and Mike Pela. \"\"Kessen wa Kinyōbi\"\" came about when Nakamura and Sing Like Talking frontman Chikuzen Satō decided to challenge themselves to a friendly competition to see who could write the best song using the chord progression to Cheryl Lynn's \"\"Got To Be Real\"\" as base inspiration. \"\"Kessen wa Kinyōbi\"\" and \"\"Rise\"\" by Sing Like Talking, from their album \"\"Humanity\"\" (1992), were the resulting tracks. Additionally, Nakamura pulled", "title": "Kessen wa Kinyōbi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.67, "text": "Be Real,\"\" produced and arranged by Arnaldo DeSouteiro, was released worldwide in March 2012 by Irma Records, with critical acclaim and immediate sales. It was followed by a classical crossover project, \"\"Opus Classico\"\" (2013), with works by Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Wagner, Debussy, Fauré, Ravel and Brazilian composers Villa-Lobos, Delza Agricola, Chiquinha Gonzaga and Machado de Assis. A bossa nova album, \"\"The Girl From Ipanema - Ithamara Koorax Sings Getz/Gilberto,\"\" on which she revisited the material from the legendary album \"\"Getz/Gilberto\"\" recorded by Stan Getz and Joao Gilberto, and the dance-oriented electronic project \"\"Ecstasy,\"\" were also released in 2013. Koorax's latest CD,", "title": "Ithamara Koorax" } ]
who stars in smokey and the bandit 3?
[ "Jerry Reed", "Jackie Gleason", "Pat McCormick", "Paul Williams" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 27.16, "text": "Smokey and the Bandit Part 3 Smokey and the Bandit Part 3 is a 1983 American action comedy film and a sequel to \"\"Smokey and the Bandit\"\" (1977) and \"\"Smokey and the Bandit II\"\" (1980), starring Jackie Gleason, Jerry Reed, Paul Williams, Pat McCormick, Mike Henry and Colleen Camp. The film also includes a cameo near the film's end by the original Bandit, Burt Reynolds. With a budget of a television movie, which was around twice the budget used for the first part, many action and comedic scenes are rehashes of scenes from the previous two \"\"Smokey and the Bandit\"\"", "title": "Smokey and the Bandit Part 3" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.83, "text": "the film's $9,000,000 budget. Smokey and the Bandit Part 3 Smokey and the Bandit Part 3 is a 1983 American action comedy film and a sequel to \"\"Smokey and the Bandit\"\" (1977) and \"\"Smokey and the Bandit II\"\" (1980), starring Jackie Gleason, Jerry Reed, Paul Williams, Pat McCormick, Mike Henry and Colleen Camp. The film also includes a cameo near the film's end by the original Bandit, Burt Reynolds. With a budget of a television movie, which was around twice the budget used for the first part, many action and comedic scenes are rehashes of scenes from the previous two", "title": "Smokey and the Bandit Part 3" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.42, "text": "Smokey and the Bandit Smokey and the Bandit is a 1977 American action comedy film starring Burt Reynolds, Sally Field, Jackie Gleason, Jerry Reed, Pat McCormick, Paul Williams and Mike Henry. The film was the directorial debut of stuntman Hal Needham. It inspired several other trucking films, including two sequels, \"\"Smokey and the Bandit II\"\" and \"\"Smokey and the Bandit Part 3\"\". \"\"Smokey and the Bandit\"\" was the second highest-grossing domestic film of 1977. Wealthy Texan Big Enos Burdette and his son Little Enos seek a trucker willing to bootleg Coors beer to Georgia for their refreshment; Big Enos has", "title": "Smokey and the Bandit" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.34, "text": "in the television movies. Smokey and the Bandit Smokey and the Bandit is a 1977 American action comedy film starring Burt Reynolds, Sally Field, Jackie Gleason, Jerry Reed, Pat McCormick, Paul Williams and Mike Henry. The film was the directorial debut of stuntman Hal Needham. It inspired several other trucking films, including two sequels, \"\"Smokey and the Bandit II\"\" and \"\"Smokey and the Bandit Part 3\"\". \"\"Smokey and the Bandit\"\" was the second highest-grossing domestic film of 1977. Wealthy Texan Big Enos Burdette and his son Little Enos seek a trucker willing to bootleg Coors beer to Georgia for their", "title": "Smokey and the Bandit" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.19, "text": "star, that the film was aimed at a more mainstream release; Reed would now portray Bandit's friend Snowman (Reed would eventually play the Bandit in \"\"Smokey and the Bandit Part 3\"\"). At that time Reynolds was the top box office star in the world. In the original script Carrie was called Kate while Big Enos and Little Enos were called Kyle and Dickey. Bandit's car was a second generation Ford Mustang and the prize for completing the run was a new truck rather than $80,000. Burt Reynolds revealed in his autobiography that Needham had written the first draft script on", "title": "Smokey and the Bandit" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.81, "text": "three years later, \"\"Smokey and the Bandit Part 3\"\" (1983), in which Reynolds appeared only in a brief cameo appearance, and Sally Field was absent completely. The plot centers on Bo \"\"Bandit\"\" Darville (Burt Reynolds) and Cledus \"\"Snowman\"\" Snow (Jerry Reed), transporting an elephant to the GOP National Convention, with Sheriff Buford T. Justice (Jackie Gleason) in hot pursuit once again. Big Enos Burdette is running for Governor of Texas against another candidate, John Coen. After a figurative and literal \"\"mudslinging,\"\" both are confronted by the outgoing governor and given a thorough tongue-lashing. Burdette overhears the governor yelling at an", "title": "Smokey and the Bandit II" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.7, "text": "Smokey and the Bandit II Smokey and the Bandit II is a 1980 American action comedy film directed by Hal Needham, and stars Burt Reynolds, Sally Field, Jerry Reed, Jackie Gleason and Dom DeLuise. The film is the sequel to the 1977 film \"\"Smokey and the Bandit\"\". The film was originally released in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia and several other, mainly Commonwealth countries as Smokey and the Bandit Ride Again. Early video releases and TV broadcasts also used this title, but in more recent years have reverted to the original U.S. title. It was followed by a sequel", "title": "Smokey and the Bandit II" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.52, "text": "getting the prize money, Buford finds the Bandit, but he is shown as the original Burt Reynolds bandit, who sweet talks him to letting him go and starting a new pursuit. Junior is left behind, dropping all the money. The film was originally entitled \"\"Smokey IS the Bandit\"\", and did not include Jerry Reed in the cast. Contemporary newspapers refer to original plans to feature Gleason as both \"\"Smokey\"\" and \"\"Bandit\"\", and Reed's name does not appear in early promotional materials or newspaper accounts during the film's production. According to some accounts, Jackie Gleason was to play two roles: Sheriff", "title": "Smokey and the Bandit Part 3" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.17, "text": "\"\"Don't Drink the Water\"\" (1969). Both were unsuccessful. Eight years passed before Gleason had another hit film. This role was the cantankerous and cursing Texas sheriff Buford T. Justice in the films \"\"Smokey and the Bandit\"\" (1977), \"\"Smokey and the Bandit II\"\" (1980) and \"\"Smokey and the Bandit Part 3\"\" (1983). He co-starred with Burt Reynolds as the Bandit, Sally Field as Carrie (the Bandit's love interest), and Jerry Reed as Cledus \"\"Snowman\"\" Snow, the Bandit's truck-driving partner. Former NFL linebacker Mike Henry played his dimwitted son, Junior Justice. Gleason's gruff and frustrated demeanor and lines such as \"\"I'm gonna", "title": "Jackie Gleason" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.11, "text": "Buford T. Justice and a different \"\"Bandit\"\". The original version was shot in October 1982. Reportedly test audiences reacted poorly, finding Gleason's two roles confusing, so the studio opted to do reshoots in April 1983. The Bandit scenes were re-shot with Jerry Reed playing the role. Other accounts indicate that the title was more literal: that Gleason was to play only Sheriff Justice, but the character would also fill the \"\"role\"\" of \"\"Bandit\"\", by taking the Enos family's challenge (as Reynolds' character had done in the previous films). In a teaser trailer for the film (billed as \"\"Smokey Is the", "title": "Smokey and the Bandit Part 3" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.94, "text": "the Bandit Part II\"\", Sheriff Justice is the primary antagonist to the Bandit (played by Burt Reynolds), while in \"\"Smokey and the Bandit Part 3\"\" he is the primary protagonist, as Big and Little Enos Burdette challenge him to make a run for them from Miami, Florida to their ranch on the outskirts of Austin, Texas in 24 hours, while carrying a stuffed shark (which is the logo of their \"\"Fish & Chips\"\" fast food franchise), for the prize of $250,000. Justice seems to have no love for Big and Little Enos, and doesn't hide it, as their hiring of", "title": "Buford T. Justice" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.5, "text": "Dukes of Hazzard\"\" (1979-1985), from the same creator and with many identical settings and concepts, the popularity of \"\"Smokey and the Bandit\"\" and similar films helped get the \"\"Dukes\"\" series on the air. Three actors from the main cast of \"\"The Dukes of Hazzard\"\" appear in small uncredited roles in \"\"Smokey and the Bandit\"\": Ben Jones, John Schneider and Sonny Shroyer (who played a police officer in both). In return, Reynolds portrayed the \"\"Dukes\"\" character Boss Hogg (originally portrayed by Sorrell Booke) in the film adaptation \"\"The Dukes of Hazzard\"\" (2005). Reynolds is also referenced by name in several early", "title": "Smokey and the Bandit" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.47, "text": "by a car rental agency in Phoenix, who refused delivery when they discovered the cars were not equipped with air conditioning. Pontiac took the cars back and eventually gave them to the producers to be used in the film. \"\"Smokey and the Bandit II\"\" was filmed simultaneously with \"\"The Cannonball Run\"\", in which Burt Reynolds and Dom DeLuise also starred. Football player Joe Klecko also appears in both films. Smokey and the Bandit 2: Original Soundtrack was released on vinyl, cassette tape and 8-track tape by MCA Records in 1980. The film received almost completely negative reviews from critics who", "title": "Smokey and the Bandit II" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.42, "text": "Bandit\"\"), Gleason appears in character as Justice, explaining to the audience that to defeat the Bandit he would adopt the attributes of his prey, \"\"becoming [my] own worst enemy\"\". A publicity still of Gleason apparently shows him in costume as the Bandit. Smokey and the Bandit Part 3: Music from the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack was released on vinyl and cassette tape by MCA Records in 1983. \"\"Smokey and the Bandit Part 3\"\" received negative reviews by critics, the film was generally regarded as the weakest of the three \"\"Bandit\"\" films, in terms of both storyline and revenue. It received", "title": "Smokey and the Bandit Part 3" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.36, "text": "to which Charlotte responds loudly. They drive away with Charlotte and her baby in tow, with Buford pursuing them in a bus. Jackie Gleason played Sheriff Buford T. Justice, Gaylord Justice and Reginald Van Justice. For his roles as Sheriff Buford T. Justice and Reginald Van Justice he is credited as Mr. Jackie Gleason, but for his role as Gaylord he is credited as Ms. Jackie Gleason. Burt Reynolds and Dom DeLuise would star together again in \"\"The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas\"\", \"\"The Cannonball Run\"\", \"\"Cannonball Run II\"\", and (in voice only) Don Bluth's \"\"All Dogs Go to Heaven\"\".", "title": "Smokey and the Bandit II" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.27, "text": "Paul Williams in a dress.\"\" A deleted scene from Kevin Smith's 1994 film \"\"Clerks\"\" depicts video store clerk Randal trying to convince a customer to rent the film. When the customer points out that it doesn't even have Burt Reynolds in it, Randal counters that neither did \"\"E.T.\"\" and everyone loved that film. Despite the enormous financial success of the original film (grossing over $300 million on a budget of less than $5 million), coupled with respectable (though significantly lower) numbers generated by the sequel, the third installment was both a critical and box office flop, grossing only $7,000,000 against", "title": "Smokey and the Bandit Part 3" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.25, "text": "Buford T. Justice Sheriff Buford T. Justice is a fictional character played by Jackie Gleason in the films \"\"Smokey and the Bandit\"\" (1977), \"\"Smokey and the Bandit II\"\" (1980) and \"\"Smokey and the Bandit Part 3\"\" (1983). He is a determined, foul-mouthed Texas sheriff, from Montague County, and he chases \"\"the Bandit\"\" all over the Southern United States. Buford T. Justice is an archetypal (approaching cliche) southern sheriff: confrontational, foul-mouthed, short-tempered, stubborn, strict, hypocritical, emotional, rough, impatient, fussy, fearless, bold, understanding, feisty, offensive, rowdy, dignified, temperamental, polite, judgmental, ungenerous, silly, thoughtful, intellectual, cranky, educated and determined. While he can be", "title": "Buford T. Justice" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.05, "text": "many unpleasant remarks about her, alluding that she is probably ugly, overweight, and smelly. She is probably racist as well, as Justice says in \"\"Smokey and the Bandit Part 3\"\" that she joined the Ku Klux Klan and looked like an iceberg with feet when she put on her white sheet. Justice has two brothers who are also in law enforcement, Gaylord Justice and Reginald Van Justice, both played by Jackie Gleason. He enlists their help in \"\"Smokey and the Bandit II\"\". They bring an armada of Canadian Mounties, led by Reginald, and Texas Highway Patrolmen, led by Gaylord, but", "title": "Buford T. Justice" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.81, "text": "puke\"\" (a roadside diner) was not in the original story, but rather was Gleason's idea. Before Gleason was cast in the film, Richard Boone was originally considered for the role of Buford T. Justice. Sally Field only accepted the part after her agent advised her that she needed a big movie role on her resume. Reynolds actively pushed for her casting after Universal initially resisted, claiming Field was not attractive enough. Field enjoyed making the film, but remembers that virtually the entire project was improvised. Reportedly, Needham had great difficulty getting any studios or producers to take his project seriously,", "title": "Smokey and the Bandit" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.67, "text": "to have the toilet paper coming out of his pantleg when he left the Bar-B-Q.\"\" Buford T. Justice Sheriff Buford T. Justice is a fictional character played by Jackie Gleason in the films \"\"Smokey and the Bandit\"\" (1977), \"\"Smokey and the Bandit II\"\" (1980) and \"\"Smokey and the Bandit Part 3\"\" (1983). He is a determined, foul-mouthed Texas sheriff, from Montague County, and he chases \"\"the Bandit\"\" all over the Southern United States. Buford T. Justice is an archetypal (approaching cliche) southern sheriff: confrontational, foul-mouthed, short-tempered, stubborn, strict, hypocritical, emotional, rough, impatient, fussy, fearless, bold, understanding, feisty, offensive, rowdy, dignified,", "title": "Buford T. Justice" } ]
what element is the most abundant in the earth's crust by weight?
[ "oxygen" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.69, "text": "up 1.5 parts per million of the earth's crust, making it the 53rd most abundant element there. The soils contain 1 to 10 parts per million of arsenic, and seawater contains 1.6 parts per billion of arsenic. Arsenic makes up 100 parts per billion of a typical human by weight. Some arsenic exists in elemental form, but most arsenic is found in the arsenic minerals orpiment, realgar, arsenopyrite, and enargite. Antimony makes up 0.2 parts per million of the earth's crust, making it the 63rd most abundant element there. The soils contain 1 part per million of antimony on average,", "title": "Pnictogen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.5, "text": "up approximately 2.6% of the Earth's crust measured by weight, making it the sixth most abundant element overall and the most abundant alkali metal. Potassium makes up approximately 1.5% of the Earth's crust and is the seventh most abundant element. Sodium is found in many different minerals, of which the most common is ordinary salt (sodium chloride), which occurs in vast quantities dissolved in seawater. Other solid deposits include halite, amphibole, cryolite, nitratine, and zeolite. Many of these solid deposits occur as a result of ancient seas evaporating, which still occurs now in places such as Utah's Great Salt Lake", "title": "Alkali metal" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.03, "text": "in selective loss of the very lightest elements (hydrogen and helium) and also volatile neon, carbon (as hydrocarbons), nitrogen and sulfur, as a result of solar heating in the early formation of the solar system. Oxygen, the most abundant Earth element by mass, is retained on Earth by combination with silicon. Aluminum at 8% by mass is more common in the Earth's crust than in the universe and solar system, but the composition of the far more bulky mantle, which has magnesium and iron in place of aluminum (which occurs there only at 2% of mass) more closely mirrors the", "title": "Chemical element" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.02, "text": "found in elemental form or in the form of sulfide minerals, sulfate minerals, or sulfosalt minerals. Stars of at least 12 times the mass of the sun produce sulfur in their cores via nuclear fusion. Sulfur is the tenth most abundant element in the universe, making up 500 parts per million of the universe by weight. Selenium makes up 0.05 parts per million of the earth's crust by weight. This makes it the 67th most abundant element in the earth's crust. Selenium makes up on average 5 parts per million of the soils. Seawater contains around 200 parts per trillion", "title": "Chalcogen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.97, "text": "nitrogen on earth is in the form of nitrogen gas, but some nitrate minerals do exist. Nitrogen makes up 2.5% of a typical human by weight. Phosphorus makes up 0.1% of the earth's crust, making it the 11th most abundant element there. Phosphorus makes up 0.65 parts per million of soil, and 15 to 60 parts per billion of seawater. There are 200 million metric tons of accessible phosphates on earth. Phosphorus makes up 1.1% of a typical human by weight. Phosphorus occurs in minerals of the apatite family which are the main components of the phosphate rocks. Arsenic makes", "title": "Pnictogen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.83, "text": "mg of sodium chlorate with milk sugar while observing the nonluminous flame before the slit. After a while, it glowed a bright yellow and showed a strong sodium line that disappeared only after 10 minutes. From the weight of the sodium salt and the volume of air in the room, we easily calculate that one part by weight of air could not contain more than 1/20 millionth weight of sodium. The Earth's crust contains 2.27% sodium, making it the seventh most abundant element on Earth and the fifth most abundant metal, behind aluminium, iron, calcium, and magnesium and ahead of", "title": "Sodium" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.81, "text": "the third most abundant chemical element in the universe, after hydrogen and helium. About 0.9% of the Sun's mass is oxygen. Oxygen constitutes 49.2% of the Earth's crust by mass as part of oxide compounds such as silicon dioxide and is the most abundant element by mass in the Earth's crust. It is also the major component of the world's oceans (88.8% by mass). Oxygen gas is the second most common component of the Earth's atmosphere, taking up 20.8% of its volume and 23.1% of its mass (some 10 tonnes). Earth is unusual among the planets of the Solar System", "title": "Oxygen" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.73, "text": "and hydroxide minerals, and in numerous other mineral groups. Stars of at least eight times the mass of the sun also produce oxygen in their cores via nuclear fusion. Oxygen is the third-most abundant element in the universe, making up 1% of the universe by weight. Sulfur makes up 0.035% of the earth's crust by weight, making it the 17th most abundant element there and makes up 0.25% of the human body. It is a major component of soil. Sulfur makes up 870 parts per million of seawater and about 1 part per billion of the atmosphere. Sulfur can be", "title": "Chalcogen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.58, "text": "and seawater contains 300 parts per trillion of antimony on average. A typical human contains 28 parts per billion of antimony by weight. Some elemental antimony occurs in silver deposits. Bismuth makes up 48 parts per billion of the earth's crust, making it the 70th most abundant element there. The soils contain approximately 0.25 parts per million of bismuth, and seawater contains 400 parts per trillion of bismuth. Bismuth most commonly occurs as the mineral bismuthinite, but bismuth also occurs in elemental form or in sulfide ores. Moscovium is produced several atoms at a time in particle accelerators. Nitrogen can", "title": "Pnictogen" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.52, "text": "Family, Tribe, Genus, and Species. The abundance and diversity of minerals is controlled directly by their chemistry, in turn dependent on elemental abundances in the Earth. The majority of minerals observed are derived from the Earth's crust. Eight elements account for most of the key components of minerals, due to their abundance in the crust. These eight elements, summing to over 98% of the crust by weight, are, in order of decreasing abundance: oxygen, silicon, aluminium, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium. Oxygen and silicon are by far the two most important – oxygen composes 47% of the crust by", "title": "Mineral" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.25, "text": "most abundant element on Earth, but only the fourth most abundant element in the Earth's crust, after oxygen, silicon, and aluminium. Most of the iron in the crust is found combined with oxygen as iron oxide minerals such as hematite (FeO), magnetite (FeO), and siderite (FeCO). Many igneous rocks also contain the sulfide minerals pyrrhotite and pentlandite. Ferropericlase (Mg,Fe)O, a solid solution of periclase (MgO) and wüstite (FeO), makes up about 20% of the volume of the lower mantle of the Earth, which makes it the second most abundant mineral phase in that region after silicate perovskite (Mg,Fe)SiO; it also", "title": "Iron" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.92, "text": "20 mg lithium per kg of Earth's crust, lithium is the 25th most abundant element. According to the \"\"Handbook of Lithium and Natural Calcium\"\", \"\"Lithium is a comparatively rare element, although it is found in many rocks and some brines, but always in very low concentrations. There are a fairly large number of both lithium mineral and brine deposits but only comparatively few of them are of actual or potential commercial value. Many are very small, others are too low in grade.\"\" The US Geological Survey estimates that in 2010, Chile had the largest reserves by far (7.5 million tonnes)", "title": "Lithium" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.91, "text": "in the interstellar gas. Overall, the Earth is about 1.59% aluminium by mass (seventh in abundance by mass). Aluminium occurs in greater proportion in the Earth than in the Universe because aluminium easily forms the oxide and becomes bound into rocks and aluminium stays in the Earth's crust while less reactive metals sink to the core. In the Earth's crust, aluminium is the most abundant (8.3% by mass) metallic element and the third most abundant of all elements (after oxygen and silicon). A large number of silicates in the Earth's crust contain aluminium. In contrast, the Earth's mantle is only", "title": "Aluminium" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.84, "text": "areas are China, United States, Brazil, India, Sri Lanka, and Australia with reserves of holmium estimated as 400,000 tonnes. Holmium makes up 1.4 parts per million of the Earth's crust by mass. This makes it the 56th most abundant element in the Earth's crust. Holmium makes up 1 part per million of the soils, 400 parts per quadrillion of seawater, and almost none of Earth's atmosphere. Holmium is rare for a lanthanide. It makes up 500 parts per trillion of the universe by mass. It is commercially extracted by ion exchange from monazite sand (0.05% holmium), but is still difficult", "title": "Holmium" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.75, "text": "titanium, zirconium and hafnium, the abundance decreases with increase of atomic mass. Titanium is the seventh most abundant metal in Earth's crust and has an abundance of 6320 ppm, while zirconium has an abundance of 162 ppm and hafnium has only an abundance of 3 ppm. All three stable elements occur in heavy mineral sands ore deposits, which are placer deposits formed, most usually in beach environments, by concentration due to the specific gravity of the mineral grains of erosion material from mafic and ultramafic rock. The titanium minerals are mostly anatase and rutile, and zirconium occurs in the mineral", "title": "Group 4 element" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.72, "text": "of the volatile elements hydrogen, helium, neon, and nitrogen, as well as carbon which has been lost as volatile hydrocarbons. The remaining elemental composition is roughly typical of the \"\"rocky\"\" inner planets, which formed in the thermal zone where solar heat drove volatile compounds into space. The Earth retains oxygen as the second-largest component of its mass (and largest atomic-fraction), mainly from this element being retained in silicate minerals which have a very high melting point and low vapor pressure. The mass-abundance of the nine most abundant elements in the Earth's crust is approximately: oxygen 46%, silicon 28%, aluminum 8.2%,", "title": "Abundance of the chemical elements" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.69, "text": "since decayed and no longer contribute. In the Earth's crust, thorium is much more abundant: with an abundance of 8.1 parts per million (ppm), it is one of the most abundant of the heavy elements, almost as abundant as lead (13 ppm) and more abundant than tin (2.1 ppm). This is because thorium is likely to form oxide minerals that do not sink into the core; it is classified as a lithophile. Common thorium compounds are also poorly soluble in water. Thus, even though the Earth contains the same abundances of the elements as the Solar System as a whole,", "title": "Thorium" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.64, "text": "point of nitrogen. Yttrium is found in most rare-earth minerals, it is found in some uranium ores, but is never found in the Earth's crust as a free element. About 31 ppm of the Earth's crust is yttrium, making it the 28th most abundant element, 400 times more common than silver. Yttrium is found in soil in concentrations between 10 and 150 ppm (dry weight average of 23 ppm) and in sea water at 9 ppt. Lunar rock samples collected during the American Apollo Project have a relatively high content of yttrium. Yttrium has no known biological role, though it", "title": "Yttrium" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.64, "text": "°C respectively are the second-highest among all the metalloids and nonmetals, being only surpassed by boron. Silicon is the eighth most common element in the universe by mass, but very rarely occurs as the pure element in the Earth's crust. It is most widely distributed in dusts, sands, planetoids, and planets as various forms of silicon dioxide (silica) or silicates. More than 90% of the Earth's crust is composed of silicate minerals, making silicon the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust (about 28% by mass) after oxygen. Most silicon is used commercially without being separated, and often with", "title": "Silicon" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.64, "text": "have larger ionic radii) and therefore more strongly concentrated in the continental crust than the heavier rare earth elements. In most rare earth ore deposits, the first four rare earth elements – lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, and neodymium – constitute 80% to 99% of the total amount of rare earth metal that can be found in the ore. The mass-abundance of the eight most abundant elements in the Earth's mantle (see main article above) is approximately: oxygen 45%, magnesium 23%, silicon 22%, iron 5.8%, calcium 2.3%, aluminum 2.2%, sodium 0.3%, potassium 0.3%. The mantle differs in elemental composition from the crust", "title": "Abundance of the chemical elements" } ]
area of land drained by a single river?
[ "drainage basin" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.12, "text": "surrounding land. The area between the river and the Chesterfield Canal to the south and the Warping Drain to the north is drained by a network of drainage ditches, which are connected to the river by a number of sluices and pumping stations. Water is pumped from the ditches to avoid flooding of the agricultural land, although the pumping station at Gringley can operate in reverse, supplying water to the ditches for irrigation when required. The outflow into the River Trent is controlled by a pumping station and two sluices. A vertical sluice gate protects the entrance to the Idle,", "title": "River Idle" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.02, "text": "is drained by the River Axe and the River Brue. The total area of the Levels amounts to about and broadly corresponds to the administrative district of Sedgemoor but also includes the south west of Mendip district. Approximately 70% of the area is grassland and 30% is arable. Stretching about inland, this expanse of flat land barely rises above sea level. Before it was drained, much of the land was under a shallow brackish sea in winter and was marsh land in summer. Drainage began with the Romans, and was restarted at various times: by the Anglo-Saxons; in the Middle", "title": "Somerset" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.73, "text": "either the drainage area of a major river, such as the Missouri region, or the combined drainage areas of a series of rivers, such as the Texas–Gulf region. Each subregion includes the area drained by a river system, a reach of a river and its tributaries in that reach, a closed basin or basins, or a group of streams forming a coastal drainage area. Regions receive a two-digit code. The following levels are designated by the addition of another two digits. The hierarchy was designed and the units subdivided so that almost all the subbasins (formerly called cataloging units) are", "title": "Hydrological code" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.3, "text": "The expanse of the Nan River's tributaries, i.e. the Nan River System, together with the land upon which falling rain drains into these bodies of water, form the Greater Nan Drainage Basin, which is part of the Chao Phraya watershed]]. The total area drained by the Nan and its tributaries is . Much of the lower basin has perfect soil for farming. Most drainage analyses, however, divide the Greater Nan Basin into the Nan Basin and the Yom River Basin. Using this convention, and subtracting the of land drained by the Yom and its tributaries, the Nan basin drains a", "title": "Nan River" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.03, "text": "area covered by a catchment board, and external drainage boards if there was no overall catchment board for their area. The distinction only lasted until the passing of the River Boards Act 1948, which transferred the land drainage, fisheries and river pollution functions of the catchment boards to river boards. Thirty-two river board areas were defined covering the whole of England and Wales, and a river board was constituted for each one. Consequently, all external drainage boards were within a river board area, and they became internal drainage boards. The 1948 Act was repealed by the Water Resources Act 1963,", "title": "Land Drainage Act 1930" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.94, "text": "area with rolling and undulating hills, and many lakes are drained through meandering streams into the river; among the larger ones are: Pinehurst Lake, Cold Lake and Primrose Lake. Lakeland Provincial Park, Moose Lake Provincial Park and Cold Lake Provincial Park all lie in the river basin on the Alberta side, while the Meadow Lake Provincial Park protects a large area in Saskatchewan. The Cold Lake Area Weapons Range occupies much of the northern area of the river basin. The fish species include walleye, sauger, yellow perch, northern pike, lake trout, lake whitefish, cisco, white sucker, longnose sucker and burbot.", "title": "Beaver River (Canada)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.89, "text": "at Velká Javořina. The spacious, but moderate Bohemian-Moravian Highlands on the west reach 837 m at Javořice. The fluvial system of Moravia is very cohesive, as the region border is similar to the watershed of the Morava river, and thus almost the entire area is drained exclusively by a single stream. Morava's far biggest tributaries are Thaya (Dyje) from the right (or west) and Bečva (east). Morava and Thaya meet at the southernmost and lowest (148 m) point of Moravia. Small peripheral parts of Moravia belong to the catchment area of Elbe, Váh and especially Oder (the northeast). The watershed", "title": "Moravia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.86, "text": "Marsh has two interconnected sections, and the marsh is east of the main course of the Colorado River. It is a noted region for ecology, including birdwatching. The river section containing the marsh is the Havasu National Wildlife Refuge, about 25 miles long. The entirety of northwest Arizona is drained as a single region flowing into regions of the Colorado River and Lake Mead's southeast quarter. The Sacramento Wash Watershed is bordered, and enclosed on the southeast and south by the Bill Williams River and its northern tributary, the Big Sandy River which drains the areas east of the Sacramento", "title": "Sacramento Wash" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.86, "text": "Upper Tulpehocken Township. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of , of which is land and (1.1%) is water. Most of the county is drained by the Schuylkill River, but an area in the northeast is drained by the Lehigh River via the Little Lehigh Creek and areas are drained by the Susquehanna River via the Swatara Creek in the northwest and the Conestoga River (which starts in Berks County between Morgantown and Elverson) in the extreme south. It has a humid continental climate (\"\"Dfa\"\" except for some \"\"Dfb\"\" on Blue Mountain at the", "title": "Berks County, Pennsylvania" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.77, "text": "mean more the area drained by the Kootenay River, namely including the lower Canadian stretches of the Columbia from Revelstoke to the US border, and also the reaches of the upper Columbia north from Canal Flats at least as far as Golden (the Boundary Country is sometimes referred to as being part of the West Kootenay). Over 70 percent of the Kootenay's watershed is in Canada while the Montana and Idaho portions occupy 23 and 6%, respectively. The Kootenay is one of the few major rivers in North America that begin in one country, cross into another, and return to", "title": "Kootenay River" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.75, "text": "The Oban Hills Division is 2,800 km in area, centered on coordinates . The division shares a long border with Korup National Park in the Republic of Cameroon, forming a single protected ecological zone. The division has a rugged terrain, rising from 100 m in the river valleys to over 1,000 m in the mountains. The soils are highly vulnerable to leaching and erosion where stripped of plant cover. The rainy season lasts from March to November, with annual rainfall of over 3,500mm. The northern part is drained by the Cross river and its tributaries. The southern parts are drained", "title": "Cross River National Park" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.75, "text": "within the Great Basin. The Great Basin Divide separates the Great Basin from the watersheds draining to the Pacific Ocean. The southernmost portion of the Great Basin is the watershed area of the Laguna Salada. The Great Basin's longest and largest river is the Bear River of , and the largest single watershed is the Humboldt River drainage of roughly . Most Great Basin precipitation is snow, and the precipitation that neither evaporates nor is extracted for human use will sink into groundwater aquifers, while evaporation of collected water occurs from geographic sinks. Lake Tahoe, North America's largest alpine lake,", "title": "Great Basin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.75, "text": "line including Mission Point Light near Traverse City, the towns of Gaylord and Alpena in the Lower Peninsula and Menominee in the Upper Peninsula. With the exception of two small areas that are drained by the Mississippi River by way of the Wisconsin River in the Upper Peninsula and by way of the Kankakee-Illinois River in the Lower Peninsula, Michigan is drained by the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence watershed and is the only state with the majority of its land thus drained. The Great Lakes that border Michigan from east to west are Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan and Lake", "title": "Michigan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.66, "text": "11,000 years before present, the Laurentian Glacier has retreated northward, forming a boundary across the northern edges of Lake Superior and Lake Huron. The water level was at above sea level, creating a single body of water in the three basins of Lake Michigan, Lake Huron and Lake Superior. The lake drained through three outlets, the Chicago Outlet River, the St. Clair-Detroit River, and through the Trent Valley. The first stage occupied only the south part of the basin of Lake Huron, including Saginaw Bay. It received tributary drainage from smaller lakes in the south part of the Georgian Bay", "title": "Lake Algonquin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.58, "text": "depending on water level). The lake is fed by 52 inflowing rivers, the four main ones being the Msta, the Pola, the Lovat, and the Shelon. It is drained through a single outlet, the Volkhov, into Lake Ladoga, and subsequently via the Neva into the Gulf of Finland. The source of the Volkhov is marked by the Peryn Chapel built in the 1220s. The basin of Lake Ilmen contains vast areas in Novgorod, Pskov, and Tver Oblasts of Russia, as well as minor areas in the north of Vitebsk Region in Belarus. The water level is regulated by the Volkhov", "title": "Lake Ilmen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.58, "text": "the eastern seaboard of the Indian Peninsula. It covers . The region is drained by two major rivers, with about 79% of the Godavari River catchment area and about 69% of the Krishna River catchment area, but most of the land is arid. Telangana is also drained by several minor rivers such as the Bhima, the Maner, the Manjira and the Musi. The annual rainfall is between 900 and 1500 mm in northern Telangana and 700 to 900 mm in southern Telangana, from the southwest monsoons. Various soil types abound, including chalkas, red sandy soils, dubbas, deep red loamy soils,", "title": "Telangana" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.55, "text": "Drangme Chhu, Mangde Chhu, and Bumthang Chhu that cover most of eastern Bhutan, with the Tongsa and Bumthang valleys also forming part of its catchment. The area drained in Bhutan territory is 18,300 km and is bound by the geographical coordinates . A part of the main stem of the river rises in the southern Tibet before entering into India at Bumla pass at the northwestern corner of Arunachal Pradesh. The river flows through Bhutan in a south-west direction between two ranges of the Lower Himalayas in V-shaped gorges and enters into Assam in India into the south-central foot hills", "title": "Manas River" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.53, "text": "wide level land just above water level. The area was considered ideal for vegetable farming due to the rich riversoil, and the annual inundation of the area by the Marikina River during rainy season, which prevented crawling insect pests from staying permanently. This area was eventually also used for riversoil quarrying and saw an influx of informal settlers which turned it into a residential area, eventually becoming a separate Barangay from Concepcion, with Patay na Ilog forming part of the boundary. Further south on the Quezon City side Barangay Pansol is drained by Pansol Creek, with headwaters reaching as far", "title": "Upper Marikina River Basin Protected Landscape" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.45, "text": "total area is drained by watercourses south of the Hindu Kush–Safid ridge line, and half of this area is drained by the Helmand and its tributaries alone. The Amu Darya on the northern border, the country's other major river, has the next largest drainage area. The long Amu Darya originates in the glaciers of the Pamir Mountains in the northeast. Some 965 km of its upper course constitutes Afghanistan's border with Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Flowing in rapid torrents in its upper course, the Amu Darya becomes calmer below the mouth of the Kokcha, west of Fayzabad. The Kunduz River", "title": "Geography of Afghanistan" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.38, "text": "An inmate camp was constructed at Lac La Biche, and prisoners were used to construct trails and facilities in the park. The Lakeland area straddles two drainage basins, and is thus drained by two major river systems, the Athabasca and the Beaver-Churchill. The Athabasca River drainage basin is the second largest drainage basin in Alberta. It drains 5 of the major lakes in the north-west section of the Lakeland area, including Blackett, Dabbs, Kinnaird, and McGuffin lakes, which all flow into Jackson Lake. Jackson Lake is drained by Gull Creek, which ultimately flows into the Piche River, which in turn", "title": "Lakeland Provincial Park and Recreation Area" } ]
when was the united states patent and trademark office established?
[ "January 2, 1975" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.31, "text": "Patent Act of 1836 (Ch. 357, 5 Stat. 117) further clarified United States patent law to the extent of establishing a patent office where patent applications are filed, processed, and granted, contingent upon the language and scope of the claimant's invention, for a patent term of 14 years with an extension of up to an additional 7 years. From 1836 to 2011, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted a total of 7,861,317 patents relating to several well-known inventions appearing throughout the timeline below. Some examples of patented inventions between the years 1890 and 1945 include John", "title": "Timeline of United States inventions (1890–1945)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.91, "text": "X-Patent The X-Patents are all the patents issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office from July 1790 (when the first U.S. patent was issued), to July 1836. The actual number is unknown, but the best estimate is 9,957. The records were burned in a fire, in December 1836, while in temporary storage. No copies or rosters were maintained by the government at the time, leaving only the inventors' copies to reconstruct the collection. The Patent Commission of the U.S. was created in 1790. Its first three members were Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of War Henry Knox,", "title": "X-Patent" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.31, "text": "conformity with international patent law. The modern-day provisions of the law applied to inventions are laid out in Title 35 of the United States Code (Ch. 950, sec. 1, 66 Stat. 792). From 1836 to 2011, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted a total of 7,861,317 patents relating to several well-known inventions appearing throughout the timeline below. Some examples of patented inventions between the years 1946 and 1991 include William Shockley's transistor (1947), John Blankenbaker's personal computer (1971), Vinton Cerf's and Robert Kahn's Internet protocol/TCP (1973), and Martin Cooper's mobile phone (1973). 1946 Space observatory A", "title": "Timeline of United States inventions (1946–91)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.02, "text": "further into conformity with international patent law. The modern-day provisions of the law applied to inventions are laid out in Title 35 of the United States Code (Ch. 950, sec. 1, 66 Stat. 792). From 1836 to 2011, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted a total of 7,861,317 patents relating to several well-known inventions appearing throughout the timeline below. 1749 Lightning rod 1752 Flexible urinary catheter 1761 Armonica 1776 Swivel chair 1782 Flatboat 1784 Bifocals 1785 Artificial diffraction grating 1787 Automatic flour mill 1792 Cracker 1793 Cotton gin 1795 Wheel cypher 1796 Rumford fireplace 1796 Cupcake", "title": "Timeline of United States inventions (before 1890)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.92, "text": "Office of Independent Inventor Programs The Office of Independent Inventor Programs (OIIP) was a department of the United States Patent and Trademark Office established in March 1999. Its stated purpose was to \"\"establish new mechanisms to better disseminate information about the patent and trademark processes\"\" and to facilitate communication between the USPTO and independent inventors through educational and outreach programs. By November 2003, the OIIP and the Patent Assistance Center had become part of the USPTO's Inventors Assistance Center. During its existence, the OIIP was headed first by Donald Grant Kelly, then by Richard J. Apley, and finally by John", "title": "Office of Independent Inventor Programs" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.78, "text": "Patent Act of 1836 (Ch. 357, 5 Stat. 117) further clarified United States patent law to the extent of establishing a patent office where patent applications are filed, processed, and granted, contingent upon the language and scope of the claimant's invention, for a patent term of 14 years with an extension of up to an additional 7 years. However, the Uruguay Round Agreements Act of 1994 (URAA) changed the patent term in the United States to a total of 20 years, effective for patent applications filed on or after June 8, 1995, thus bringing United States patent law further into", "title": "Timeline of United States inventions (1946–91)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.75, "text": "Pearl Ashes.\"\" The Patent Act of 1836 (Ch. 357, 5 Stat. 117) further clarified United States patent law to the extent of establishing a patent office where patent applications are filed, processed, and granted, contingent upon the language and scope of the claimant's invention, for a patent term of 14 years with an extension of up to an additional 7 years. However, the Uruguay Round Agreements Act of 1994 (URAA) changed the patent term in the United States to a total of 20 years, effective for patent applications filed on or after June 8, 1995, thus bringing United States patent", "title": "Timeline of United States inventions (after 1991)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.73, "text": "Ashes\"\". The Patent Act of 1836 (Ch. 357, 5 Stat. 117) further clarified United States patent law to the extent of establishing a patent office where patent applications are filed, processed, and granted, contingent upon the language and scope of the claimant's invention, for a patent term of 14 years with an extension of up to an additional 7 years. However, the Uruguay Round Agreements Act of 1994 (URAA) changed the patent term in the United States to a total of 20 years, effective for patent applications filed on or after June 8, 1995, thus bringing United States patent law", "title": "Timeline of United States inventions (before 1890)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.66, "text": "the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in March 1876. The Bell patents were forensically victorious and commercially decisive. That first patent by Bell was the \"\"master patent\"\" of the telephone, from which other patents for electric telephone devices and features flowed. In 1876, shortly after the telephone was invented, Hungarian engineer Tivadar Puskás invented the telephone switch, which allowed for the formation of telephone exchanges, and eventually networks. Early telephones were technically diverse. Some used a water microphone, some had a metal diaphragm that induced current in an electromagnet wound around a permanent magnet, and some were dynamic", "title": "Telephone" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.58, "text": "Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946. Beginning January 2, 1947, jurisdiction over patents, the Patent Office, and patent law reverted to the United States Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks. The comparable committee in the United States House of Representatives was also called the Committee on Patents. United States Senate Committee on Patents The United States Senate Committee on Patents was a committee of the United States Senate. It was established September 7, 1837 as the \"\"Committee on Patents and the Patent Office\"\" when the Senate approved a resolution of Henry Hubbard of Kentucky. Prior to this, legislation and", "title": "United States Senate Committee on Patents" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.34, "text": "January 2010, the annual rate of pay for Level III is $165,300. The position of Under Secretary and Director of the United States Patent Office was created by the Patent and Trademark Office Efficiency Act, which was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 29, 1999. It was effective made January 17, 2001, by Department of Commerce Department Organization Order (DOO) no. 10-14. The DOO abolished the position's predecessor, the Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks. The act mandated the creation of the Deputy Under Secretary and Deputy Director, who assists the Under Secretary,", "title": "Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.22, "text": "law further into conformity with international patent law. The modern-day provisions of the law applied to inventions are laid out in Title 35 of the United States Code (Ch. 950, sec. 1, 66 Stat. 792). From 1836 to 2011, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted a total of 7,861,317 patents relating to several well-known inventions appearing throughout the timeline below. 1992 Spinner (wheel) 1994 CMOS image sensor A CMOS image sensor (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) is an image sensor consisting of an integrated circuit containing an array of pixel sensors, each pixel containing a photodetector and an", "title": "Timeline of United States inventions (after 1991)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.17, "text": "United States Senate Committee on Patents The United States Senate Committee on Patents was a committee of the United States Senate. It was established September 7, 1837 as the \"\"Committee on Patents and the Patent Office\"\" when the Senate approved a resolution of Henry Hubbard of Kentucky. Prior to this, legislation and other matters relating to patents and the Patent Office were referred to the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary. In 1869, the name of the committee was shortened to simply the Committee on Patents, which it remained until the committee was eliminated by the provisions of the", "title": "United States Senate Committee on Patents" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23, "text": "when the Office began printing complete copies of patents as issued. In the aftermath of the fire, the way patents were identified was changed. As the National Archives notes: \"\"Patent records predating 1836 were unnumbered and could be accessed only by name of patentee and date of patent. After 1836, unique numbers assigned by the Patent Office distinguished each new patent.\"\" On July 4, 1836, the Patent Office became a separate organization within the Department of State under the Patent Act of 1836 (5 Stat. 117). Henry Leavitt Ellsworth became its first Commissioner. He immediately began construction of a new", "title": "1836 U.S. Patent Office fire" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.91, "text": "Deutscher Patentinformationszentren e.V (German Patent Information Centres Association). The legal basis of the German Patent and Trademark Office is § 26 of the Patentgesetz (German Patents Act). The first unified \"\"Patentgesetz\"\" (German Patent Act) was adopted on 25 May 1877, which mandated the establishment of an authority tasked with reviewing and awarding patents. On this basis, on 1 July 1877, the \"\"Kaiserliche Patentamt\"\" (Imperial Patent Office) was founded in Berlin. The Chairman of the newly established office was Karl Rudolf Jacobi. On 2 July 1877 was the first German patent was granted on 1 July 1877 for a \"\"method for", "title": "Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.86, "text": "a suffix \"\"X\"\". Prior to this, patents were listed by names and dates and not numbers. After the renumbering, the very first US Patent became \"\"Patent 1X\"\". On December 15 of the same year, a fire demolished the Patent Office, and only 2,845 patents were recovered. This resulted in a law that required all patent applications to be submitted in doubles. This law for double copies of patent applications was dropped in 1870 when the Patent Office started printing. In 1849, the Patent Office was transferred from the State Department to the Department of the Interior. The 1890 depression resulted", "title": "History of United States patent law" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.73, "text": "and Labor on February 14, 1903. It was subsequently renamed the Department of Commerce on March 4, 1913, as the bureaus and agencies specializing in labor were transferred to the new Department of Labor. The United States Patent and Trademark Office was transferred from the Interior Department into Commerce, and the Federal Employment Stabilization Office existed within the department from 1931 to 1939. In 1940, the Weather Bureau (now the National Weather Service) was transferred from the Agriculture Department, and the Civil Aeronautics Authority was merged into the department. In 1949, the Public Roads Administration was added to the department", "title": "United States Department of Commerce" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.69, "text": "H.R. 5108 (113th Congress) The bill would establish the Law School Clinic Certification Program of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to be available to accredited law schools for the 10-year period after enactment of this Act. H.R. 5108 was introduced into the United States House of Representatives during the 113th United States Congress. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (PTO or USPTO) is an agency in the U.S. Department of Commerce that issues patents to inventors and businesses for their inventions, and trademark registration for product and intellectual property identification. The USPTO is \"\"unique among federal", "title": "H.R. 5108 (113th Congress)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.61, "text": "United States Congress abolished the legal requirement for them in 1870, but the U.S. Patent Office (USPTO) kept the requirement until 1880. On July 31, 1790 inventor Samuel Hopkins of Pittsford, Vermont became the first person to be issued a patent in the United States. His patented invention was an improvement in the \"\"making of Pot Ash by a new apparatus & process.\"\" These earliest patent law required that a working model of each invention be produced in miniature. Some inventors still willingly submitted models at the turn of the twentieth century. In some cases, an inventor may still want", "title": "Patent model" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.59, "text": "producing a red ultramarine colour\"\", invented by Johannes Zeltner. The first trademark registration was on 16 October 1894 for a Berlin lamp producer. In 1905, the Patent Office moved into premised designed by the architects Solf and Wichards on the corner of Gitschiner Straße and Lindenstraße in Kreuzberg, with a characteristic 243-metre front on the elevated highway. In 1919, the Patent Office was renamed the \"\"Reichspatentamt\"\" (State Patent Office). The Nazi anti-Semitic and anti-foreigner laws strangled scientific output and patent applications. Almost as soon as they came into power, the Nazis moved to throw the Jews out of the German", "title": "Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt" } ]
who won the most academy awards for best actor?
[ "Daniel Day-Lewis" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 27.17, "text": "is nominated for a specific performance in a single film. Starting with the 9th ceremony held in 1937, the category was officially limited to five nominations per year. Since its inception, the award has been given to 80 actors. Daniel Day-Lewis has received the most awards in this category with three Oscars. Spencer Tracy and Laurence Olivier were nominated on nine occasions, more than any other actor. As of the 2018 ceremony, Gary Oldman is the most recent winner in this category for portraying former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in \"\"Darkest Hour\"\". In the following table, the years are", "title": "Academy Award for Best Actor" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.39, "text": "to win Best Actor. With her 13th nomination, Meryl Streep became the most nominated actor in Oscar history. Meanwhile, Best Actor nominee Jack Nicholson earned his 12th nomination, extending his record as the most nominated male performer. Julianne Moore was the ninth performer to earn two acting nominations in the same year. \"\"Lose Yourself\"\" from \"\"8 Mile\"\" became the first rap song to win the Best Original Song award. Winners are listed first, highlighted in boldface, and indicated with a double dagger (). The following 13 films received multiple nominations: The following four films received multiple awards: The following individuals", "title": "75th Academy Awards" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.27, "text": "Indiana Jones) and Robert Downey, Jr. (three of which for playing Iron Man) being tied for third with six nominations. Arnold Schwarzenegger also holds the record for most nominations without a victory. Anthony Hopkins and Martin Landau are the only actors to have won the Saturn Award for Best Actor and an Academy Award for the same role; however, Landau won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor and not Best Actor. Hamill is the only actor to have won the award several times for the same role, doing so three times. \"\"†\"\" indicates an Academy Award-winning actor on the", "title": "Saturn Award for Best Actor" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.08, "text": "Actress for Emma Stone and Best Director for Damien Chazelle. \"\"Hacksaw Ridge\"\" and \"\"Manchester by the Sea\"\" won two awards each with Casey Affleck winning Best Actor for the latter. Viola Davis won the Best Supporting Actress honor for \"\"Fences\"\". The telecast garnered 33 million viewers in the United States. The nominees for the 89th Academy Awards were announced on January 24, 2017, via global live stream from the Academy. \"\"La La Land\"\" received the most nominations with a record-tying fourteen (1950's \"\"All About Eve\"\" and 1997's \"\"Titanic\"\" also achieved this distinction); \"\"Arrival\"\" and \"\"Moonlight\"\" came in second with eight", "title": "89th Academy Awards" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.03, "text": "a purported list of winners was posted online. The list, which bore a purported signature from Academy president Sid Ganis, stated that Mickey Rourke won for Best Actor, Kate Winslet won for Best Actress, Amy Adams won for Best Supporting Actress, Heath Ledger won for Best Supporting Actor, and \"\"Slumdog Millionaire\"\" won for Best Picture. AMPAS spokeswoman Leslie Unger later revealed that the list was \"\"a complete fraud\"\", and that PricewaterhouseCoopers had just begun to count the ballots. The show received a mixed reception from media publications. Some media outlets received the broadcast more positively. Television critic Robert Bianco of", "title": "81st Academy Awards" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.02, "text": "and \"\"Pan's Labyrinth\"\", with eight and six, respectively. This had previously occurred at the 5th and 25th Academy Awards. The winners were announced during the awards ceremony on February 25, 2007. With his latest unsuccessful nomination for Best Actor, Peter O'Toole became the most nominated performer without a competitive win. Another oddity in the Best Actor category is that four of the five nominees were only nominated in that category and nothing else (the exception being Leonardo DiCaprio for Blood Diamond). This results in the only year since the 1st Academy Awards where none of the Best Actor Nominees were", "title": "79th Academy Awards" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.98, "text": "win Best Picture without any acting nominations. Sean Penn became the ninth person to win Best Lead Actor twice. Best Supporting Actor winner Heath Ledger became the second performer to win a posthumous acting Oscar. The first actor to receive this distinction was Peter Finch who posthumously won Best Actor for \"\"Network\"\" two months after his death in January 1977. With its six nominations, \"\"WALL-E\"\" tied with 1991's \"\"Beauty and the Beast\"\" as the most nominated animated film in Oscar history. Winners are listed first, highlighted in boldface. The following 15 films received multiple nominations: The following four films received", "title": "81st Academy Awards" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.92, "text": "for Best Actor was first introduced in 1976 for the 1974 and 1975 years, to reward a lead performance by a male actor in film. The record for most awards is held by Robert Downey, Jr. and Mark Hamill with three wins, with Jeff Bridges and Harrison Ford as the only others to have won more than once, each winning twice. Tom Cruise is the most nominated actor in the category with ten nominations, with Arnold Schwarzenegger being second with seven (two of which for playing The Terminator) and Harrison Ford (all of them for playing either Han Solo or", "title": "Saturn Award for Best Actor" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.8, "text": "by Vanessa Redgrave. \"\"The Turning Point\"\" set the record for the most nominations without a win (11), previously held by \"\"Peyton Place\"\" and \"\"The Little Foxes\"\", which each had 9 nominations with no wins. This record, later tied by \"\"The Color Purple\"\", still stands . \"\"Annie Hall\"\" was the last Best Picture winner to be nominated for just five awards until \"\"The Departed\"\" 29 years later in 2006. Jason Robards became the fourth actor to win back-to-back Oscars, following Luise Rainer, Spencer Tracy, and Katharine Hepburn. For the only time to date, both Best Actor and Best Actress winners won", "title": "50th Academy Awards" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.75, "text": "statuettes. Beginning with the 16th ceremony held in 1944, however, winners received full-sized statuettes. Currently, nominees are determined by single transferable vote within the actors branch of AMPAS; winners are selected by a plurality vote from the entire eligible voting members of the Academy. Since its inception, the award has been given to 74 actors. Brennan has received the most awards in this category with three awards. Brennan, Jeff Bridges, Robert Duvall, Arthur Kennedy, Jack Nicholson, and Claude Rains were nominated on four occasions, more than any other actor. As of the 2018 ceremony, Sam Rockwell is the most recent", "title": "Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.61, "text": "Alfred Hitchcock, and King Vidor as the most nominated individuals in the Best Director category without a single win at the time. Best Actor winner Jamie Foxx became the second actor and tenth individual overall to earn two acting nominations in the same year. By virtue of her portrayal of Katharine Hepburn, Best Supporting Actress winner Cate Blanchett was the first performer to portray a previous Oscar winner. \"\"Al otro lado del río\"\" from \"\"The Motorcycle Diaries\"\" became the second song with non-English lyrics to win Best Original Song. The first to achieve this feat was the titular song from", "title": "77th Academy Awards" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.55, "text": "readers of \"\"Empire\"\" magazine. Since its inception, the award has been given to 18 actors. Johnny Depp and James McAvoy have received the most awards in this category with two awards each. Johnny Depp was nominated on five occasions, more than any other actor. Hugh Jackman is the most recent winner in this category for his role in \"\"Logan\"\". In the list below, winners are listed first in the colored row in boldface, followed by the other nominees. The number of the ceremony (1st, 2nd, etc.) appears in parentheses after the awards year, linked to the article (if any) on", "title": "Empire Award for Best Actor" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.53, "text": "became the oldest winner in the Best Actor category in Academy history. The only other nomination he received in his career was Best Actor for his performance in \"\"The Grapes of Wrath\"\" 41 years earlier – a record gap between acting nominations. His co-star, Katharine Hepburn, won her fourth Best Actress award, extending her own record for the most Best Actress wins by any actress. This year's nominations also marked the second time (after 1967) that three different films were nominated for the \"\"Big Five\"\" Academy Awards: Best Picture, Director, Actor, Actress, and Screenplay. The three films were \"\"On Golden", "title": "54th Academy Awards" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.53, "text": "the field in nominations, \"\"Carol\"\" failed to win any awards and \"\"Bridge of Spies\"\" won just one; Mark Rylance for Best Supporting Actor. \"\"The Revenant\"\" won the most awards at the ceremony, winning five, including Best Film, Best Director for Alejandro G. Iñárritu, Best Actor for Leonardo DiCaprio, and Best Cinematography for Emmanuel Lubezki. Brie Larson won Best Actress for \"\"Room\"\" and Kate Winslet won Best Supporting Actress for \"\"Steve Jobs\"\". \"\"\"\" won four awards, winning Best Costume Design, Best Editing, Best Makeup and Hair, and Best Production Design. \"\"Brooklyn\"\", directed by John Crowley, was voted Outstanding British Film of", "title": "69th British Academy Film Awards" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.52, "text": "Best Actress (Hepburn) and Best Adapted Screenplay (Thompson). Henry Fonda won his only competitive Oscar with this film and at the age of 76 became the oldest winner in the Best Actor category, while Katharine Hepburn won her fourth Best Actress award, extending her own record for the most Oscars won by a thespian. \"\"On Golden Pond\"\" is also one of the few movies to earn the nominations for five major Academy Awards (Best Picture, Director, Actor, Actress, and Screenplay). An aging couple, Ethel and Norman Thayer, continue the long tradition of spending each summer at their cottage on a", "title": "On Golden Pond (1981 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.38, "text": "on the official list of nominees. Going into the awards ceremony, \"\"The Godfather\"\" was seen as the favorite to take home the most awards. From the nominations that \"\"The Godfather\"\" had remaining, it only won three of the Academy Awards: Best Actor, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Picture. Brando, who had also not attended the Golden Globes ceremony two months earlier, boycotted the Academy Awards ceremony and refused to accept the Oscar, becoming the second actor to refuse a Best Actor award after George C. Scott in 1970. Brando sent American Indian Rights activist Sacheen Littlefeather in his place, to", "title": "The Godfather" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.38, "text": "Loren. Since its inception, the award has been given to 75 actresses. Katharine Hepburn has won the most awards in this category, with four Oscars. Meryl Streep, who has a total of 21 Oscar nominations (three wins), has been nominated in this category on 17 occasions, resulting in two awards. As of the 2018 ceremony, Frances McDormand is the most recent winner in this category for her role as Mildred Hayes in \"\"Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri\"\". In the following table, the years are listed as per Academy convention, and generally correspond to the year of film release in Los", "title": "Academy Award for Best Actress" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.31, "text": "\"\"Z\"\" in 1969). Moreover, its seven nominations were the most for a foreign language film, to date. Best Actor winner Roberto Benigni was the second person to direct himself to an acting Oscar win. Laurence Olivier first achieved this feat for his performance in 1948's \"\"Hamlet\"\". He also became the fourth individual to earn acting, directing, screenwriting nominations for the same film. In addition, Benigni was the third performer to win an Oscar for a non-English speaking role. By virtue of their nominations for portraying Queen Elizabeth I of England, Best Actress nominee Cate Blanchett and Best Supporting Actress winner", "title": "71st Academy Awards" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.28, "text": "base just prior to the Pearl Harbor attack and World War II, illustrating the conflict between an individualistic private (Montgomery Clift) and rigid institutional authority (exemplified by the Army). Its achievement of eight awards matched the then record held by \"\"Gone with the Wind\"\" (1939). The record would be tied again the following year by \"\"On the Waterfront\"\" (1954). Walt Disney won four awards, which remains the record for the most Oscars won in the same year. William Holden's speech for Best Actor for his role in \"\"Stalag 17\"\" was simply \"\"Thank You\"\", making it one of the shortest speeches", "title": "26th Academy Awards" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.23, "text": "The Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, California on March 27, the Academy Awards for Technical Achievement were presented by host Shirley Jones. \"\"The Last Emperor\"\" won nine awards including Best Picture and Best Director for Bernardo Bertolucci. For their performances in \"\"Moonstruck, \"\"Cher and Olympia Dukakis won Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress, respectively. Michael Douglas won Best Actor for his role in \"\"Wall Street\"\"; Sean Connery won Best Supporting Actor for \"\"The Untouchables\"\". The telecast garnered 42.2 million viewers in the United States. , this is the most recent Academy Awards ceremony to take place in April. The nominees", "title": "60th Academy Awards" } ]
when did serena williams became a professional tennis player?
[ "September 24, 1995" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.09, "text": "Serena Williams's early career The Serena Williams tennis career began at 1995 but didn't compete in 1996. She continued through the 1997 season and ended in the top 20 in 1998. Williams's first professional event was in September 1995, at the age of 13, at the Bell Challenge in Quebec City. She lost in the first round of qualifying to world no. 149 Annie Miller in less than an hour of play and earned US$240 in prize money. Williams did not play a tournament in 1996. Williams played the qualifying rounds of her first three tournaments of 1997, in the", "title": "Serena Williams's early career" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.8, "text": "Serena Williams Serena Jameka Williams (born September 26, 1981) is an American professional tennis player. The Women's Tennis Association (WTA) ranked her world No. 1 in singles on eight separate occasions between 2002 and 2017. She reached the No. 1 ranking for the first time on July 8, 2002. On her sixth occasion, she held the ranking for 186 consecutive weeks, tying the record set by Steffi Graf. In total, she has been No. 1 for 319 weeks, which ranks third in the \"\"Open Era\"\" among female players behind Graf and Martina Navratilova. Williams holds the most Grand Slam titles", "title": "Serena Williams" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.44, "text": "the U.S. Open since tennis turned professional in 1968. She beat former French Open champion Francesca Schiavone in the opening round, dropping only a game and hitting 13 winners to 8 unforced errors. In the second and third rounds, Williams easily dispatched Kazakhstan opponents, Galina Voskoboeva and Yaroslava Shvedova. In the Round of 16, Williams had a rematch of the Australian Open against Sloane Stephens, who surprisingly beat Williams in that event. In the first set, Williams broke first only to get broken back by Stephens in the 7th game. Williams then broke in the tenth game to take the", "title": "2013 Serena Williams tennis season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.03, "text": "Serena Williams. Miriam Oremans Miriam Oremans (born 9 September 1972) is a former professional female tennis player from the Netherlands. On 26 July 1993 she reached her career-high singles ranking of number 25. She did not win any singles titles (Oremans did have two Satellite tournament wins in 1989), but did win three titles in doubles. In 1992 she was runner-up together with Jacco Eltingh in the Mixed Doubles finals of Wimbledon. Her biggest achievement came in during the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney where she won the silver medal in doubles, partnering Kristie Boogert, losing the final match to", "title": "Miriam Oremans" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.7, "text": "completing the Williams family's sweep of the 1998 mixed doubles Grand Slam tournaments. Williams won her first professional title in doubles in Oklahoma City with Venus, becoming the third pair of sisters to win a WTA title. Williams and her sister won two more doubles titles together during the year. Williams finished the year ranked No. 20 in singles. To date, 1998 is the only year in which Williams failed to win a Major title when she competed at all four majors. A 16-year-old Serena competed in a tennis \"\"Battle of the Sexes\"\", along with her sister Venus Williams, against", "title": "Serena Williams" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.64, "text": "to wait until she was 16 to participate in professional tournaments. However, in 1995 just after turning 14, Williams planned to make her professional debut as a wild-card entry in the Bank of the West Classic in Oakland, California, but was denied by the WTA due to age-eligibility restrictions of the organization. She subsequently filed an antitrust lawsuit against the women's tour, but withdrew it at the behest of her parents. Her first professional event was in October 1995 at the Bell Challenge in Quebec, where she used a wild-card entry to circumvent age-eligibility rules. She lost in the first", "title": "Serena Williams" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.41, "text": "no. 1, and held the ranking for the entire year. She became the first person since Steffi Graf in 1990 to hold the top ranking for two consecutive years. It is also fifth time that Williams ended as the number 1 player in the year. She was also voted WTA Player Of The Year for the seventh time in her career, and on December 14, 2015, it was announced that \"\"Sports Illustrated\"\" named Serena their 2015 Sportsperson of the Year, the third solo woman to earn this honor. On December 22, 2015, Serena announced as the 2015 ITF World Champion", "title": "2015 Serena Williams tennis season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.16, "text": "singles title when she defeated Amélie Mauresmo in the final of the Open Gaz de France in Paris. With Venus also winning the IGA Superthrift Classic in Memphis, Tennessee that day, the pair became the first sisters to win professional tournaments in the same week. In March of that year, at the Evert Cup in California, Williams won her first Tier I title, defeating Steffi Graf in the final. Soon afterward at the Miami Masters, Williams had her 16-match winning streak ended by her sister in the first all-sister singles final in WTA history, and she then made her top-10", "title": "Serena Williams" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.02, "text": "The win completed what has become popularly known as the \"\"Serena Slam\"\"; Serena Williams became the first player since Steffi Graf to hold all four Grand Slams at the same time. In addition Venus Williams became the first player since Martina Hingis in 1997 to make four consecutive Grand Slam finals, and the sisters together became the first players in the open era to contest four consecutive finals at the majors. Together they won the doubles title. This consistent play at recent Grand Slams led some to remark that the Williams sisters had a stranglehold on women's tennis. The Williams", "title": "Williams sisters rivalry" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.73, "text": "Williams sisters rivalry Venus Williams and Serena Williams (born June 17, 1980, and September 26, 1981, respectively) are professional tennis players and sisters who have faced off 30 times in professional tournaments, most recently in the 2018 US Open event. Serena leads their head-to-head 18–12. Both Williams sisters have been ranked World No. 1: Venus for a total of 11 weeks, beginning in February 2002; Serena for a total of 316 weeks, beginning in July 2002. The Williams sisters are the only two women during the open era to play each other in four consecutive Grand Slam finals: from the", "title": "Williams sisters rivalry" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.55, "text": "1, Hingis, to become the second African-American woman, after Althea Gibson in 1958, to win a Grand Slam singles tournament. The Williams sisters also won the doubles title at this tournament. To complete her 1999 season, Williams won a doubles match in the Fed Cup final against Russia. Williams ended the year ranked No. 4 in just her second full year on the main tour. Williams started 2000 by losing in the fourth round of the Australian Open to Elena Likhovtseva. She failed to defend her titles in Paris and Indian Wells, although she did win the Faber Grand Prix", "title": "Serena Williams" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.5, "text": "They have met in nine Grand Slam tournament finals, with Serena winning seven times. Beginning with the 2002 French Open, they played each other in four consecutive Grand Slam finals, which was the first time in the Open Era that the same two players had contested four consecutive finals in Grand Slam singles. Williams leads the series 7–6. One of Williams's first rivalries was with Martina Hingis, who turned pro less than one year before her (Hingis in October 1994, Williams in 1995). They first played each other at the 1998 Miami Open where Hingis won in three sets. All", "title": "Serena Williams" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.48, "text": "won the French Open in 2007, to earn over $5 million that year, becoming the first woman in sports to do this. In 2009, Serena Williams went over the six million mark by earning over $6.5 million in a single year. Then in 2012 both Serena Williams and Victoria Azarenka became first players to exceed $7 million in prize money in a single season. In 2013 Serena Williams went over the twelve million dollar mark winning $12,385,572 in a single year. By virtue of winning the 2014 US Open and the 2014 US Open series, Serena Williams had the largest", "title": "Women's Tennis Association" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.34, "text": "her third title. Williams was voted WTA Player of the Year for the fourth time. Based on her brilliant show in 2012, Williams was also named International Tennis Federation World Champion. Williams also returned to doubles competitions with Venus; in the pair's first tournament since 2010 Wimbledon, they claimed their fifth Wimbledon doubles title and the 13th grand slam doubles title. The pair successfully defended their Olympic doubles title which meant that they became the only tennis players to win four gold medals. Williams's first tournament of the 2013 season was in Brisbane, where she won the title without dropping", "title": "Serena Williams" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.33, "text": "2016 Serena Williams tennis season The 2016 Serena Williams tennis season officially began on 5 January with the start of the 2016 Hopman Cup. Williams entered the season as the number one ranked player and the defending champion at five tournaments, including the Australian Open, French Open and Wimbledon. On the week of September 5, 2016, Williams tied Steffi Graf for the longest consecutive weeks as World No. 1 at 186 weeks. On July 9, 2016 Williams, defeated Angelique Kerber in the finals at Wimbledon to claim her 22nd major singles title and tie the Open Era record for Grand", "title": "2016 Serena Williams tennis season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.3, "text": "process of writing a TV show storyline, which will be converted into script form by her agency. She stated that the show will represent subject matter from a mix of popular American television shows such as \"\"Desperate Housewives\"\", and \"\"Family Guy\"\". Williams released her first solo autobiography entitled \"\"On the Line\"\", following the 2009 US Open. Serena Williams Serena Jameka Williams (born September 26, 1981) is an American professional tennis player. The Women's Tennis Association (WTA) ranked her world No. 1 in singles on eight separate occasions between 2002 and 2017. She reached the No. 1 ranking for the first", "title": "Serena Williams" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.23, "text": "Williams sisters The Williams sisters are two professional American tennis players: Venus Williams (b. 1980), a seven-time Grand Slam title winner (singles), and Serena Williams (b. 1981), twenty-three-time Grand Slam title winner (singles), both of whom were coached from an early age by their parents Richard Williams and Oracene Price. There is a noted professional rivalry between them—between the 2001 US Open and the 2017 Australian Open tournaments—they met in nine Grand Slam singles finals. They became the first two players, female or male, to play in four consecutive Grand Slam singles finals from the 2002 French Open to the", "title": "Williams sisters" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.16, "text": "2015 Serena Williams tennis season The 2015 Serena Williams tennis season officially began on 19 January with the start of the 2015 Australian Open and ended with the 2015 US Open. Williams entered the season as the number one ranked player and the defending champion at seven tournaments, including the US Open and the WTA Finals. During the season, Serena logged her 700th career victory by defeating Sabine Lisicki during the Miami Open, becoming the 8th woman to accomplish the feat. On October 5, Williams surpassed Chris Evert for third-most weeks ranked world no. 1. Williams finished the year at", "title": "2015 Serena Williams tennis season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.11, "text": "the surface and produced her longest winning streak at 34. Williams also had the best winning percentage of 95.1%, the highest since 1990 and became the first women's player to eclipse the $10 million mark at $12,385,572, beating the previous single-season prize money record of $7.9 million set in 2012 by Victoria Azarenka. Williams finished the year at no. 1, this the third time that Williams ended as the number 1 player in the year. Based on her performance in 2013, she was named 'World Champion' for the fourth time and the second time in a row. Williams began her", "title": "2013 Serena Williams tennis season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.89, "text": "2015, Serena Williams wrote an exclusive column for TIME magazine stating her intentions to return to Indian Wells for a tournament on March 9, 2015. She did indeed return and won her opening match. Williams withdrew before her semi-final match with Simona Halep because of a knee injury. The WTA announced on January 27, 2016 that Venus would return to Indian Wells for the first time in 15 years. Williams sisters The Williams sisters are two professional American tennis players: Venus Williams (b. 1980), a seven-time Grand Slam title winner (singles), and Serena Williams (b. 1981), twenty-three-time Grand Slam title", "title": "Williams sisters" } ]
what year did the mayflower land on plymouth bay?
[ "1620" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.77, "text": "caught in a deer trap made by Indians and hauled nearly upside down. The third exploration departed from the \"\"Mayflower\"\" on December 6, 1620 when a group of men (including Bradford) located Plymouth Bay. A winter storm nearly sank their boat as they approached the bay, but they managed to land on Clark's Island, suffering from severe exposure to the cold and waves. During the ensuing days, they explored the bay and found a suitable place for settlement, now the site of downtown Plymouth, Massachusetts. The location featured a prominent hill ideal for a defensive fort. There were numerous brooks", "title": "William Bradford (governor)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.39, "text": "the deck of the \"\"Mayflower\"\" during his absence and drowned. William Bradford recorded her death in his journal. The \"\"Mayflower\"\" arrived in Plymouth Bay on December 20, 1620. The settlers began building the colony's first house on December 25 (Christmas). Their efforts were slowed, however, when a widespread sickness struck the settlers. The sickness had begun on the ship. On January 11, 1621, Bradford was helping to build houses when he was suddenly struck with great pain in his hipbone and collapsed. He was taken to the \"\"common house\"\" (the only finished house built then) and it was feared that", "title": "William Bradford (governor)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.59, "text": "previously spent extensive time there. They discovered remains of a European fort and uncovered a grave that contained the remains of both an adult European male and a Native American child. The \"\"Mayflower\"\" anchored at Provincetown Harbor on November 11, 1620. The Pilgrims did not have a patent to settle this area; thus, some passengers began to question their right to land, complaining that there was no legal authority to establish a colony. In response to this, a group of colonists drafted and ratified the first governing document of the colony, the Mayflower Compact, while still aboard the ship as", "title": "Plymouth Colony" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.52, "text": "did not have a patent to settle in the region, so they signed the Mayflower Compact prior to disembarking. They explored various parts of Cape Cod and eventually sought a suitable location for a permanent settlement to the westward in Cape Cod Bay. They discovered the sheltered waters of Plymouth Harbor on December 17, and the protected bay led to a site for the new settlement after three days of surveying. The settlers officially disembarked on December 21, 1620. It is traditionally said that the Pilgrims first set foot in America at the site of Plymouth Rock, though no historical", "title": "Plymouth, Massachusetts" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.47, "text": "had stayed in England, as well as a scattering of others. Some would-be pioneers had to be left behind because of the problems with the \"\"Speedwell\"\". The \"\"Mayflower\"\" sailed from Plymouth, in South West England, on September 6, 1620, with 102 passengers and a crew of 47. The expedition sighted Cape Cod on November 9, 1620, and landed at what is now Provincetown, Massachusetts. Two days later, the men signed the \"\"Mayflower\"\" Compact, wherein all agreed to submit themselves to the will of the majority—one of the foundation documents of American democracy. They established a settlement at Plymouth Colony (today", "title": "Pilgrim Tercentenary half dollar" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.92, "text": "Plymouth Bay Plymouth Bay is a small, well-protected bay of the Atlantic Ocean on the western shore of larger Cape Cod Bay along the coastline of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Plymouth Bay retains historical significance for the landing at Plymouth Rock in 1620 by the Pilgrims aboard the \"\"Mayflower\"\" who proceeded to establish the first permanent Northern European settlement in North America at Plymouth Colony. Plymouth Bay is an offshoot of the larger Cape Cod Bay and is sometimes considered part of Massachusetts Bay, which is defined by Cape Ann to the north and Cape Cod to the south. Plymouth", "title": "Plymouth Bay" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.84, "text": "and perhaps leptospirosis. Between 1617 and 1619, smallpox killed approximately 90% of the Massachusetts Bay Native Americans. The first English settlers in Massachusetts, the Pilgrims, arrived via the \"\"Mayflower\"\" at Plymouth in 1620, and developed friendly relations with the native Wampanoag people. This was the second successful permanent English colony in the part of North America that later became the United States, after the Jamestown Colony. The event known as the \"\"First Thanksgiving\"\" was celebrated by the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World which lasted for three days. The Pilgrims were soon followed by other Puritans, who", "title": "Massachusetts" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.81, "text": "exchanging gifts. This treaty ensured that each people would not bring harm to the other, that Massasoit would send his allies to make peaceful negotiations with Plymouth, and that they would come to each other's aid in a time of war. The \"\"Mayflower\"\" set sail for England on April 5, 1621, after being anchored for almost four months in Plymouth Harbor. Nearly half of the original 102 passengers had died during the first winter. As William Bradford wrote, \"\"of these one hundred persons who came over in this first ship together, the greatest half died in the general mortality, and", "title": "Plymouth Colony" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.53, "text": "for England on April 5, 1621, her empty hold ballasted with stones from the Plymouth Harbor shore. As with the Pilgrims, her sailors had been decimated by disease. Jones had lost his boatswain, his gunner, three quartermasters, the cook, and more than a dozen sailors. The \"\"Mayflower\"\" made excellent time on her voyage back to England. The westerly winds that had buffeted her coming out pushed her along going home, and she arrived at the home port of Rotherhithe in London on May 6, 1621, less than half the time that it had taken her to sail to America.\"\" Jones", "title": "Mayflower" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.39, "text": "Plymouth was established in December 1620 by English separatist Puritans who had broken away from the Church of England, believing that the Church had not completed the work of the Protestant Reformation. Today, these settlers are much better known as the \"\"Pilgrims\"\", a term coined by William Bradford. The Mayflower first anchored in the harbor of Provincetown, Massachusetts on November 11, 1620. The ship was headed for the mouth of the Hudson River near Manhattan, which was part of the Colony of Virginia at the time, but it did not go beyond Cape Cod. The Pilgrim settlers realized that they", "title": "Plymouth, Massachusetts" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.38, "text": "brother Richard More surviving. The \"\"Mayflower\"\" departed Plymouth, England on September 6/16, 1620. The small, 100-foot ship had 102 passengers and the crew is estimated to be approximately 30 but the exact number is unknown. They lived in extremely cramped conditions. By the second month out, the ship was being buffeted by strong westerly gales, causing the ship‘s timbers to be badly shaken with caulking failing to keep out sea water, and with passengers, even in their berths, lying wet and ill. This, combined with a lack of proper rations and unsanitary conditions for several months, attributed to what would", "title": "Edward Winslow" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.3, "text": "300th anniversary of the landing of the \"\"Mayflower\"\" and the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock. The Mayflower Hotel opened on February 18, 1925. The hotel sat on of land, and had roughly of interior space. Several heating oil furnaces and one of the world's largest air conditioning units kept the hotel at an even year round. The hotel's promenade, as completed, was wide and long. The hotel had 440 guest rooms, each with its own shower bath. Guest suites had a sitting room, dining room, bath, and up to seven bedrooms. The hotel's 500 residential guest apartments each had its own", "title": "Mayflower Hotel" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.25, "text": "remain in Leiden until the colony was more established. The \"\"Mayflower\"\" departed Plymouth, England on September 6/16, 1620. The small, 100-foot ship had 102 passengers and a crew of about 30-40 in extremely cramped conditions. By the second month out, the ship was being buffeted by strong westerly gales, causing the ship's timbers to be badly shaken with caulking failing to keep out sea water, and with passengers, even in their berths, lying wet and ill. This, combined with a lack of proper rations and unsanitary conditions for several months, attributed to what would be fatal for many, especially the", "title": "Francis Cooke" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.2, "text": "of the Merchant Adventurers, financial supporters of the Mayflower venture. The \"\"Mayflower\"\" departed Plymouth, England on 6/16 September 1620. The small, 100-foot ship had 102 passengers and a crew of about 30-40 in extremely cramped conditions. By the second month out, the ship was being buffeted by strong westerly gales, causing the ship's timbers to be badly shaken with caulking failing to keep out sea water, and with passengers, even in their berths, lying wet and ill. This, combined with a lack of proper rations and unsanitary conditions for several months, attributed to what would be fatal for many, especially", "title": "Francis Eaton (Mayflower passenger)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.19, "text": "gales. The caulking of its planks was failing to keep out sea water, and the passengers' berths were not always dry. On the journey there were two deaths, a crew member and a passenger. After being blown off course by gales, the \"\"Mayflower\"\" made a landing at Cape Cod. Finding the area near Provincetown occupied by indigenous people, the ship's company decided to continue exploring along the nearby coast. The group arrived in the area near present-day Plymouth, Massachusetts on December 21, 1620. In the space of several months almost half the passengers perished in the cold, harsh New England", "title": "William Brewster (Mayflower passenger)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.17, "text": "of the Mayflower company survived the first year, the colony grew slowly over the next ten years, and was estimated to have 300 inhabitants by 1630. The Plymouth colonists were joined by a colony of adventurers that settled nearby at present-day Weymouth in 1622. This colony was short-lived, and abandoned in 1623, only to be replaced by another small colony led by Robert Gorges. This settlement also failed, and individuals from these colonies either returned to England, joined the Plymouth colonists, or established individual outposts elsewhere on the shores of Massachusetts Bay. In 1624, the Dorchester Company established a settlement", "title": "History of Massachusetts" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.17, "text": "states: \"\"Thomas Tinker, and his wife, and a sone.\"\" The names of the wife and son are unknown. The \"\"Mayflower\"\" departed Plymouth, England on September 6/16, 1620. The small, 100-foot ship had 102 passengers and a crew of about 30-40 in extremely cramped conditions. By the second month out, the ship was being buffeted by strong westerly gales, causing the ship's timbers to be badly shaken with caulking failing to keep out sea water, and with passengers, even in their berths, lying wet and ill. This, combined with a lack of proper rations and unsanitary conditions for several months, attributed", "title": "Thomas Tinker" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.17, "text": "on the \"\"John Barry\"\" on 11 September 1837, reaching Plymouth (one of the departure points for convict transport ships) on 17 March 1838. A plaque next to the Mayflower Steps in Plymouth's historical Barbican area commemorates the arrival. Although due to depart with the others, James Hammett was detained in Windsor, charged with an assault, while the others left the colony. It was not until March 1839 that he sailed, arriving in England in August 1839. The Lovelesses, Standfields and Brine first settled on farms near Chipping Ongar, Essex, with the Lovelesses and Brine living at Tudor Cottage, Greensted Green,", "title": "Tolpuddle Martyrs" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.16, "text": "with the purpose of establishing settlements on the coast of North America. A few years later, Plymouth was also the departure point of the \"\"Mayflower\"\" in 1620, aboard which the Pilgrim Fathers set sail for the New World, establishing the second permanent English colony in the United States of America. They eventually landed at a site which Captain John Smith had already named New Plymouth in a map published in his 1616 work \"\"A Description of New England\"\" and the Pilgrims accepted this name. Twin flags of the US and UK now fly at the Mayflower Steps to commemorate the", "title": "History of Plymouth" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.14, "text": "minus a small reserve of three tracts of land. Bradford served for 11 consecutive years, and was elected to various other terms until his death in 1657. The colony contained Bristol County, Plymouth County, and Barnstable County, Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was reorganized and issued a new charter as the Province of Massachusetts Bay in 1691, and Plymouth ended its history as a separate colony. The first use of the word \"\"pilgrims\"\" for the \"\"Mayflower\"\" passengers appeared in William Bradford's \"\"Of Plymouth Plantation\"\". As he finished recounting his group's July 1620 departure from Leiden, he used the imagery of", "title": "Pilgrims (Plymouth Colony)" } ]
when was science first used to solve crimes?
[ "1832" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.02, "text": "and witness testimony. However, ancient sources do contain several accounts of techniques that foreshadow concepts in forensic science that were developed centuries later. The first written account of using medicine and entomology to solve criminal cases is attributed to the book of \"\"Xi Yuan Lu\"\" (translated as \"\"Washing Away of Wrongs\"\"), written in China by Song Ci (宋慈, 1186–1249) in 1248, who was a director of justice, jail and supervision, during the Song dynasty. Song Ci ruled regulation about autopsy report for court, how to protect the evidence in the examining process, the reason why workers must show examination to", "title": "Forensic science" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.12, "text": "the first time in 1499. Forensics in antiquity The ancient world lacked standardized practices of forensic science, which aided criminals in escaping punishment. Criminal investigations and trials relied on oaths, confessions and witness testimony. In a time when a distinction between science and such phenomena as religion, magic and superstition had not yet been made, some civilizations used practices such as the trial by ordeal to determine guilt or innocence. However, ancient sources contain several accounts of techniques that foreshadow the concepts of forensic science that were made possible by the scientific revolution centuries later. Predating the scientific method, these", "title": "Forensics in antiquity" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.33, "text": "and science and mathematical tools used by the detectives to solve crimes include: After a successful first season, production began on six new episodes for the second season. By the time production ended on the third season and its six episodes in 1989, Beverly Leech (Kate Monday) left, and was replaced by a new character named Pat Tuesday, played by Toni DiBuono. Production on the first six episodes with the new character commenced in 1990, and ended in 1991, in time for \"\"Square One TV's\"\" fourth season. Production on the final season and its five episodes began taping in 1991,", "title": "Mathnet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.17, "text": "for Coroners, police officials, military policemen\"\" was written by the Austrian criminal jurist Hans Gross in 1893, and is generally acknowledged as the birth of the field of criminalistics. The work combined in one system fields of knowledge that had not been previously integrated, such as psychology and physical science, and which could be successfully used against crime. Gross adapted some fields to the needs of criminal investigation, such as crime scene photography. He went on to found the Institute of Criminalistics in 1912, as part of the University of Graz' Law School. This Institute was followed by many similar", "title": "Forensic science" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.16, "text": "on 10 August 1949. Haigh had misinterpreted the Latin legal phrase \"\"corpus delicti\"\" (referring to the body of evidence which establish a crime) to mean an actual human body. This was one of the first instances of forensic science being used in such cases. In 1951, New Zealand criminal George Cecil Horry was convicted of the murder of his wife, although her body was never found. The Horry case helped to overturn the long-standing principle in other common law jurisdictions. The rule was finally abolished for practical purposes in the UK with the 1954 case of Michail Onufrejczyk. He and", "title": "Murder conviction without a body" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.03, "text": "process. The French police officer Alphonse Bertillon was the first to apply the anthropological technique of anthropometry to law enforcement, thereby creating an identification system based on physical measurements. Before that time, criminals could only be identified by name or photograph. Dissatisfied with the \"\"ad hoc\"\" methods used to identify captured criminals in France in the 1870s, he began his work on developing a reliable system of anthropometrics for human classification. Bertillon created many other forensics techniques, including forensic document examination, the use of galvanoplastic compounds to preserve footprints, ballistics, and the dynamometer, used to determine the degree of force", "title": "Forensic science" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.98, "text": "criminology and orthodox political discourse were doing little to influence the ebb and flow of crime (e.g. Ross: Police Foundation Lecture, London, 11 July 2000 (jointly with Sir John Stevens); Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, 22 March 2001; Barlow Lecture, UCL, 6 April 2005). Ross described crime science as, \"\"examining the chain of events that leads to crime in order to cut the weakest link\"\" (Royal Institution Lecture 9 May 2002). The first incarnation of crime science was the founding, also by Ross, of the Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science (JDI) at University College London in 2001. In order to", "title": "Crime science" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.98, "text": "institutes all over the world. In 1909, Archibald Reiss founded the \"\"Institut de police scientifique\"\" of the University of Lausanne (UNIL), the first school of forensic science in the world. Dr. Edmond Locard, became known as the \"\"Sherlock Holmes of France\"\". He formulated the basic principle of forensic science: \"\"Every contact leaves a trace\"\", which became known as Locard's exchange principle. In 1910, he founded what may have been the first criminal laboratory in the world, after persuading the Police Department of Lyon (France) to give him two attic rooms and two assistants. Symbolic of the new found prestige of", "title": "Forensic science" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.7, "text": "used in breaking and entering. Although his central methods were soon to be supplanted by fingerprinting, \"\"his other contributions like the mug shot and the systematization of crime-scene photography remain in place to this day.\"\" Sir William Herschel was one of the first to advocate the use of fingerprinting in the identification of criminal suspects. While working for the Indian Civil Service, he began to use thumbprints on documents as a security measure to prevent the then-rampant repudiation of signatures in 1858. In 1877 at Hooghly (near Kolkata), Herschel instituted the use of fingerprints on contracts and deeds, and he", "title": "Forensic science" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.66, "text": "Alphonse Bertillon Alphonse Bertillon (; 24 April 1853 – 13 February 1914) was a French police officer and biometrics researcher who applied the anthropological technique of anthropometry to law enforcement creating an identification system based on physical measurements. Anthropometry was the first scientific system used by police to identify criminals. Before that time, criminals could only be identified by name or photograph. The method was eventually supplanted by fingerprinting. He is also the inventor of the mug shot. Photographing of criminals began in the 1840s only a few years after the invention of photography, but it was not until 1888", "title": "Alphonse Bertillon" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.66, "text": "believed were the causes of crime and dissipation. He reported his findings to the Prison Association in 1875 and published the widely read \"\"The Jukes: A Study in Crime, Pauperism, Disease and Heredity\"\" in 1877. Dugdale pioneered the use of science and scientific methods for the improvement of society, believing that studies that used objective methods would lead to the betterment of public policy and laws. His work marked a move away from religious-based explanations of social problems, and was lauded due to its use of fieldwork to answer questions of nature versus nurture in issues of crime, poverty and", "title": "Richard Louis Dugdale" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.48, "text": "Joseph Thomas Walker Joseph Thomas Walker (January 26, 1908 – April 29, 1952) was a pioneer in forensic science. He earned a doctorate in chemistry from Harvard University in 1933. In 1934, he created the Massachusetts State Police Chemical Laboratory - the first statewide crime detection lab in the country. Later the Chemical Laboratories of the Department of Public Safety, he ran it until his death. During that time, Walker developed many of the scientific techniques essential in modern crime detection. His eulogy in the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology states \"\"Throughout the world his methods are used, his", "title": "Joseph Thomas Walker" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.45, "text": "science can be seen as the use of the scientific methods and processes in crime solving. The word \"\"forensic\"\" comes from the Latin term \"\"forensis\"\", meaning \"\"of or before the forum\"\". The history of the term originates from Roman times, during which a criminal charge meant presenting the case before a group of public individuals in the forum. Both the person accused of the crime and the accuser would give speeches based on their sides of the story. The case would be decided in favor of the individual with the best argument and delivery. This origin is the source of", "title": "Forensic science" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.44, "text": "Saint Martins College of Arts and Design a research centre was founded with the focus of studying how design could be used as a tool against crime - the Design against Crime Research Centre. A number of practical theft-aware design practices have emerged there. Examples are chairs with a hanger that allows people to keep their bags within their reach for the whole time, or foldable bicycles that can serve as their own safety lock by wrapping around static poles in the environment. An international Crime Science Network was formed in 2003, with support from the EPSRC. Since then the", "title": "Crime science" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.39, "text": "is unique and by measuring aspect of physical difference, there could be a personal identification system. He created the Bertillon System around 1879, which was a way to identify criminals and citizens by measuring 20 parts of the body. In 1884, there was over 240 repeat offenders caught through the Bertillon system. Fingerprinting became more reliable than the Bertillon system. Frances Glessner Lee, known as \"\"the mother of forensic science,\"\" was instrumental in the development of forensic science in the US. She lobbied to have coroners replaced by medical professionals, endowed the Harvard Associates in Police Science, and conducted many", "title": "Forensic science" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.39, "text": "forensics and the use of reasoning in detective work was the popularity of the fictional character Sherlock Holmes, written by Arthur Conan Doyle in the late 19th century. He remains a great inspiration for forensic science, especially for the way his acute study of a crime scene yielded small clues as to the precise sequence of events. He made great use of trace evidence such as shoe and tire impressions, as well as fingerprints, ballistics and handwriting analysis, now known as questioned document examination. Such evidence is used to test theories conceived by the police, for example, or by the", "title": "Forensic science" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.31, "text": "Immanuele Fodéré and \"\"The Complete System of Police Medicine\"\" by the German medical expert Johann Peter Frank. As the rational values of the Enlightenment era increasingly permeated society in the 18th century, criminal investigation became a more evidence-based, rational procedure − the use of torture to force confessions was curtailed, and belief in witchcraft and other powers of the occult largely ceased to influence the court's decisions. Two examples of English forensic science in individual legal proceedings demonstrate the increasing use of logic and procedure in criminal investigations at the time. In 1784, in Lancaster, John Toms was tried and", "title": "Forensic science" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.22, "text": "Paul Uhlenhuth in 1901 and could distinguish human blood from animal blood, based on the discovery that the blood of different species had one or more characteristic proteins. The test represented a major breakthrough and came to have tremendous importance in forensic science. The test was further refined for forensic use by the Swiss chemist Maurice Müller in the 1960s. Forensic DNA analysis was first used in 1984. It was developed by Sir Alec Jeffreys, who realized that variation in the genetic code could be used to identify individuals and to tell individuals apart from one another. The first application", "title": "Forensic science" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.11, "text": "in resolving paternity and immigration disputes. DNA fingerprinting was first used as a police forensic test to identify the rapist and killer of two teenagers, Lynda Mann and Dawn Ashworth, who were both murdered in Narborough, Leicestershire, in 1983 and 1986 respectively. Colin Pitchfork was identified and convicted of murder after samples taken from him matched semen samples taken from the two dead girls. Forensic science has been fostered by a number of national forensic science learned bodies including the Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences, (founded in 1959), then known as the Forensic Science Society, publisher of \"\"Science & Justice\"\";.", "title": "Forensic science" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.08, "text": "seminars to educate homicide investigators. She also created the Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death, intricate crime scene dioramas used to train investigators. They are still in use today. Later in the 20th century several British pathologists, Mikey Rochman, Francis Camps, Sydney Smith and Keith Simpson pioneered new forensic science methods. Alec Jeffreys pioneered the use of DNA profiling in forensic science in 1984. He realized the scope of DNA fingerprinting, which uses variations in the genetic code to identify individuals. The method has since become important in forensic science to assist police detective work, and it has also proved useful", "title": "Forensic science" } ]
how many seasons of dragons race to the edge?
[ "13" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.09, "text": "Network during the first two seasons, subtitled \"\"Riders of Berk\"\" and \"\"Defenders of Berk\"\" respectively. Afterwards, the series was named \"\"Race to the Edge\"\", the first season of which debuted on Netflix on June 26, 2015. The second and third seasons of \"\"Dragons: Race to the Edge\"\" premiered on January 8 and June 24, 2016, respectively. The fourth season was released on February 17, 2017. The series was renewed for a fifth season, which was released on Netflix on August 25, 2017. The series (alongside the Netflix exclusive, \"\"All Hail King Julien\"\") is syndicated as part of the newly rebranded", "title": "DreamWorks Dragons" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.03, "text": "director of seven episodes in the first season, confirmed that there would also be a second season. Jay Baruchel, who voiced Hiccup, also stars in the series, as well as America Ferrera (Astrid), Christopher Mintz-Plasse (Fishlegs), and T. J. Miller (Tuffnut). The second season is accompanied with the new subtitle, \"\"Defenders of Berk\"\", replacing the previous \"\"Riders of Berk\"\" subtitle. The show then moved to Netflix and was subtitled \"\"Race to the Edge\"\". It consists, in total, of 8 seasons. In 2019 a new series called \"\"Dragons: Rescue Riders\"\" is coming. \"\"Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon\"\" is a 16 minute", "title": "How to Train Your Dragon (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.02, "text": "Universal Kids on September 9, 2017. \"\"Dragons: Race to the Edge\"\" was renewed for a sixth and final season which was released on February 16, 2018. Taking place between \"\"How to Train Your Dragon\"\" and \"\"How to Train Your Dragon 2\"\", \"\"DreamWorks Dragons\"\" follows Hiccup as he tries to keep balance within the new cohabitation of Dragons and Vikings. Alongside keeping up with Berk's newest installment—A Dragon Training Academy—Hiccup, Toothless, and the rest of the Viking Teens are put to the test when they are faced with new worlds harsher than Berk, new dragons that can't all be trained, and", "title": "DreamWorks Dragons" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.38, "text": "events of the first film, \"\"\"\", began airing on Cartoon Network in September 2012. It was renamed \"\"Dragons: Defenders of Berk\"\" for second season. Another television series, titled \"\"Dragons: Race to the Edge\"\", serves as a prequel to the second film and aired on Netflix between June 2015 and February 2018. The franchise follows the adventures of a young Viking named Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, son of Stoick the Vast, leader of the Viking island of Berk. Although initially dismissed as a clumsy and underweight misfit, he soon becomes renowned as a courageous expert in dragons, beginning with Toothless, a", "title": "How to Train Your Dragon (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.72, "text": "common language. The player is tasked with reuniting the members of the disbanded \"\"Destiny's Edge\"\", a multi-racial adventuring guild whose members' struggles and eventual reunion serve as a microcosmic metaphor for the larger-scale unification of the playable races, whose combined strength is needed to effectively combat Zhaitan, the undead Elder Dragon. After the defeat of the Elder Dragon Zhaitan in the game's \"\"Personal Story\"\", Season 1 of the \"\"Living World\"\" began. This story followed the player character joining a new group of characters to battle the enigmatic and insane Sylvari, Scarlet Briar, as she created strange enemy groups such as", "title": "Guild Wars 2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.52, "text": "in France. In the series, King Allfire and his Knights of the Square Table fight against the evil Count Geoffrey and his inept minions. It ran for two seasons consisting of 26 episodes in total. The cartoon episodes that ran in the United States, namely Toon Disney, were bowdlerised. Parts of episodes considered too overt, such as the implied homosexuality of an effeminate character named Sir Blaze, and minor swearing, were cut for the American release, as such matters were deemed taboo to American children's programming at time. Burnevere is next in line to be King of the Scottish Dragons,", "title": "Blazing Dragons" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.41, "text": "20, 2012. The first season of the series was released on DVD in two parts on July 23, 2013. \"\"Dragons: Riders of Berk: Part 1\"\" contained episodes from 1 to 11, and \"\"Dragons: Riders of Berk: Part 2\"\", episodes from 12 to 20. In December 2013, Walmart released an exclusive pack containing the Complete 1st Season in a special edition \"\"Toothless\"\" plastic package. A DVD collection of the first 10 episodes of the second season, titled \"\"Dragons: Defenders of Berk: Part 1\"\", was released on March 25, 2014. The second part, titled \"\"Dragons: Defenders of Berk: Part 2\"\", was later", "title": "DreamWorks Dragons" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.33, "text": "seven dragon balls. In Season 5 and 6, a total new sets of characters and theme (Ghost Special and Season of Harvest) were introduced as the cast members travelled to Hong Kong and Hokkaido. This show reunite four former cast members of the golden age of KBS '2 Days & 1 Night ' in Season 1. On 16 July 2015, tvN announced that Na Young Seok PD will show a new form of variety program in fall through internet contents called 'New Journey to The West'. The production crew stated, \"\"We invested [in the show] as a new format that", "title": "New Journey to the West" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.17, "text": "is hosted by Guy Zohar. In the Israeli version, there are six dragons who rotate their appearance weekly. The first season was broadcast during the summer and fall of 2006. The dragons in season 1 were: Ze'ev Holtzman, Israela Shtier, Aviv Tzidon, Oded Dessau, Jacky Ben-Zaken, and Nir Sharatzki. The second season began being broadcast on Channel 10 on 24 May 2007. As in the first season, the dragons rotate their appearance weekly. Aviv Tzidon and Jacky Ben-Zaken returned from the first season and were joined by the following new dragons: In 2018 the show was renewed by Gil Productions", "title": "Dragons' Den" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.14, "text": "Serpent's Heir\"\" in 2016. The series will be co-written by Dean DeBlois, writer and director of the film series, and Richard Hamilton, writer of \"\"Dragons: Race to the Edge\"\", with the production designer of \"\"How to Train Your Dragon 2\"\", Pierre-Olivier Vincent, providing cover artwork. The series will take place between the second and third film, with the first novel picking up right after the conclusion of the second film. \"\"How to Train Your Dragon\"\", the first film in the series, was released on March 26, 2010. It was directed by Dean DeBlois and Chris Sanders. The film is inspired", "title": "How to Train Your Dragon (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.89, "text": "Game of Thrones (season 5) The fifth season of the fantasy drama television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" premiered on HBO on April 12, and concluded on June 14, 2015. It was broadcast on Sunday at 9:00 pm in the United States, consisting of 10 episodes, each running approximately 50–60 minutes. The season primarily adapts material from \"\"A Feast for Crows\"\" and \"\"A Dance with Dragons\"\", the fourth and fifth novels in George R. R. Martin's \"\"A Song of Ice and Fire\"\" series, though it also uses elements from the third novel, \"\"A Storm of Swords\"\", as well as the upcoming", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.83, "text": "off the post and into the arms of St. George's hooker, Steve Edge. He grounded the ball over the line but was ruled offside by referee Gary Cook. With one minute left Cook awarded a penalty to the Dragons within kicking range. In a final twist, Chapman's attempt went the same way as Cronin's earlier kick and after 100 minutes of Grand Final play, the scores were still locked at 9-all. The players initially appeared confused, then began shaking hands. The ground announcer advised that a replay would be required. Greenwood's reference described the match as 'the game of the", "title": "1977 NSWRFL season" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 17.83, "text": "season (13 episodes) consisted of 5 2-episode DVDs and one with 3 episodes. In the UK, 2006, the first 13 episodes of season 1 were released on a 2-disc set. A second 2-disc set, containing the other 13 episodes of season 1, was supposed to be released, but was not. The full series was licensed by Image Entertainment, Inc and is on sale now. In 2004 World Comics released a comic book tie-in to the series. Legend of the Dragon (TV series) Legend of the Dragon is an animated series consisting of 26 episodes followed by 13 additional episodes for", "title": "Legend of the Dragon (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.75, "text": "Kenny, Mick Cronin, Peter Sterling, Eric Grothe and Steve Ella dominated and would go on to feature in five grand finals and four premierships by the end of 1986. Steve Edge became the first player to captain two different sides to premiership victory having captained the St George Dragons to a win over Parramatta in season 1977. Master coach Jack Gibson had just six words for a packed Parramatta Leagues Club auditorium, who had just witnessed the Eels' first ever premiership since their 1947 entry to the competition. \"\"Ding, dong, the witch is dead,\"\" he said before the thunderous chants", "title": "1981 NSWRFL season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.75, "text": "48–49, who the Dragons had also lost both regular season meetings to. Bye Week 2008 New York Dragons season The 2008 New York Dragons season is the 14th season for the franchise, their eighth season in New York. The Dragons finished the regular season with an 8–8 record, and were able to take the 6th and final playoff seed in the National Conference by virtue of winning a tiebreaker scenario over the New Orleans VooDoo. The Dragons won their Wild Card round game, upsetting the Dallas Desperados 77–63. The Desperados had defeated the Dragons in both regular season meetings. In", "title": "2008 New York Dragons season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.7, "text": "divided into three modes: traversing large areas on the dragon, battling enemies, and exploring on foot. On foot, Edge can talk to non-player characters (NPCs), upgrade his weapons, buy items such as potions, and use a targeting reticle to interact with locks, doors, and other elements; on the dragon, this reticle is used to fire lasers to activate triggers or break objects. In one sequence, Edge rides a hoverbike instead of the dragon. The player travels through environments including canyons, deserts, forests, and subterranean ruins; these are accessed from the map screen, and new areas are added as the game", "title": "Panzer Dragoon Saga" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.66, "text": "broadcast throughout the Dragons history. Television: The Dragons have televised 25 games per season since the 2011 season with Dragons Director of Broadcasting Tom Nichols serving as the lead announcer. In 2016, telecasts moved to WBDT (Dayton's CW) as games appeared on an over-the-air network station for the first time in Dragons history. Over the 2016-18 seasons, WDTN Sports Director Jack Pohl and WDTN weekend sports anchor Hutch Konerman have teamed with Nichols on Dragons television broadcasts. From 2001-2010, the Dragons television schedule included 15 games per season before the number of broadcasts was increased to 25 in 2011. The", "title": "Dayton Dragons" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.62, "text": "2008 New York Dragons season The 2008 New York Dragons season is the 14th season for the franchise, their eighth season in New York. The Dragons finished the regular season with an 8–8 record, and were able to take the 6th and final playoff seed in the National Conference by virtue of winning a tiebreaker scenario over the New Orleans VooDoo. The Dragons won their Wild Card round game, upsetting the Dallas Desperados 77–63. The Desperados had defeated the Dragons in both regular season meetings. In the Divisional round of the playoffs, the Dragons lost to top seeded Philadelphia Soul,", "title": "2008 New York Dragons season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.61, "text": "I in 1982. In the 1980s, the team nickname changed from the Dragonettes to the Dragons. Drexel accomplished two consecutive undefeated seasons in 1965–66 and 1966–67. Both teams finished with a record of 8–0. In 33 seasons as a Division I program, Drexel has an all-time record of 484 wins and 469 losses. Drexel has received one bid to the NCAA Women's Basketball tournament, occurring in 2009. Drexel's women's basketball team won their first national title in 2013, winning the NIT Tournament. On February 22, 2007, Drexel defeated Northeastern 98–90 in an NCAA Division I record 5 overtimes. The Dragons", "title": "Drexel Dragons women's basketball" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.56, "text": "problematic behavior, then counselors analyzed the video footage and provided specific tips to the parents, who all reported significantly improved behavior two months later. The researchers also discovered from their work on the series that children often think in pictures and that visual aids are often helpful. \"\"Dragon Tales\"\" aired a total of 93 episodes, 40 in its first season, 24 in its second season and 29 in its third season. Each episode featured two original stories, aired back-to-back, split by the interstitial song segment \"\"Dragon Tunes,\"\" all of which were eventually released on the show's music albums. Almost all", "title": "Dragon Tales" } ]
when did the pepsi max open in blackpool?
[ "28 May 1994" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.11, "text": "Big One (roller coaster) Big One, formerly known as Pepsi Max Big One, is a steel roller coaster located at Blackpool Pleasure Beach in Blackpool, Lancashire, in the United Kingdom. Designed by Ron Toomer and manufactured by Arrow Dynamics, the ride opened to the public on 28 May 1994, as the tallest roller coaster in the world. It held the record until July 1996, when Fujiyama opened at Fuji-Q Highland in Japan. Big One remains the tallest in the UK, and following the 2011 season, Pepsi Max was removed from its official name. Big One's construction began in 1992 by", "title": "Big One (roller coaster)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.86, "text": "attempts had backfired. In 1992, Geoffrey Thompson was about to make his biggest investment ever at Blackpool Pleasure Beach by introducing the \"\"Pepsi Max Big One\"\", a £12 million hyper coaster. One ride which had stood at Blackpool for over ten years was in the way of these plans. With the construction of the Big One due to start in late 1992, the \"\"Space Tower\"\" was to be removed. So, in 1993 Frontierland received the \"\"Space Tower\"\", a gyro tower. The ride was initially going to be placed at the back of the park but with the sponsorship from Polo", "title": "Frontierland, Morecambe" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.81, "text": "back to the loading area, now it stops completely before moving back to the loading area. In 2016, the ride and trains received new logos In 1994, the ride opened along with two other roller coasters in the UK; the Pepsi Max Big One at Pleasure Beach Blackpool, and Nemesis at Alton Towers (which opened one week before the Shockwave). In fact, it had been built as planned, but local councillors had not noticed the proximity to the boundary when considering the plans. Shockwave (Drayton Manor) The Shockwave (Originally The 7up Shockwave & npower Shockwave) is the world's only Intamin", "title": "Shockwave (Drayton Manor)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.12, "text": "Magnum as of 2009. Magnum XL-200 held the title of tallest roller coaster in the world until 1994 when Pepsi Max Big One opened at Blackpool Pleasure Beach in the United Kingdom. \"\"Amusement Today\"\" presented Magnum with its \"\"Best Steel Roller Coaster\"\" Golden Ticket Award for three consecutive years from 1998 to 2000. , it was ranked thirteenth in the world by the same publication. By the mid-1980s, Cedar Point had grown into a successful collection of roller coasters and other smaller rides on the shores of Lake Erie. Dick Kinzel took over as president and CEO of Cedar Fair,", "title": "Magnum XL-200" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.5, "text": "followed by additional supports on the turnaround and the mid course brake section. The roller coaster opened as Pepsi Max Big One on 28 May 1994. It was both the tallest and steepest roller coaster in the world when it debuted, but it was not the fastest. The Big One's height record was surpassed by Fujiyama in July 1996, but it remains the tallest roller coaster in the UK as well as the country's second-fastest. Big One was also one of the longest, as its out-and-back roller coaster layout measures nearly a mile in length at . Its top speed", "title": "Big One (roller coaster)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.08, "text": "as the world's tallest roller coaster in 1996. The ride was provided by Arrow Dynamics and fabricated by Intermountain Lift, Inc. Looking to attract people driving by on adjacent Interstate 15 to his new casino, Buffalo Bill's, which opened on May 14, 1994, Gary Primm contracted Arrow Dynamics to build a highly visible roller coaster. The roller coaster opened to the public on August 11, 1994, as one of the tallest and fastest roller coasters in the world. The ride's lift hill was the tallest in the United States, second behind only the Pepsi Max Big One at Blackpool Pleasure", "title": "Desperado (roller coaster)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.55, "text": "such as Magnum XL-200 at Cedar Point in 1989 and Pepsi Max Big One at Blackpool Pleasure Beach in 1994. In 1971, Karl Bacon, Ed Morgan and Walter Schulze sold Arrow Development to Rio Grande Industries. At the time, Penn Central owned Six Flags and Rio Grande had plans to build theme parks of their own, purchasing Frontier Village in 1973. In the late 1970s a relationship was formed with Arrow teaching Vekoma how to build tubular track in their native Holland, and in return Vekoma became Arrow's European distributor. Rio Grande sold Arrow to the German manufacturing firm, Huss", "title": "Arrow Dynamics" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.3, "text": "Bling (Blackpool Pleasure Beach) Bling was an amusement ride located within Blackpool Pleasure Beach in Lancashire, North West England. The \"\"Star Shape\"\" ride was built by German company Zierer in 2004, the second of three to have been built to date (the first and third being on the travelling fair circuit in Germany and the UK respectively). Bling was one of the newest additions to Pleasure Beach and was situated at the far end of the park adjacent to Burger King. It was the parks fourth tallest ride after the Pepsi Max Big One, and Infusion. The ride had a", "title": "Bling (Blackpool Pleasure Beach)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.27, "text": "2017 Pepsi Max was launched in Costa Rica In 2017, the drink was reintroduced in Belarus, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, India, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine as Pepsi Black. As of 2017 it is available as Pepsi Max in Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and Venezuela. Recent UK/Australia Pepsi Max television advertisements have featured the taglines \"\"Maximum taste, no sugar\"\" and \"\"Don't worry, there's no", "title": "Pepsi Max" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.2, "text": "since 2005. Pepsi Max was introduced to South Korea, Bulgaria, and the Philippines in 2006, as well as being reintroduced into Argentina in the spring of 2006 after being phased out after its launch in 1994. As well as this, Pepsi Max was introduced into Brazil, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and the UAE during early 2007. In October 2008, Pepsi announced it would be redesigning its logo and re-branding many of its products. Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, and Pepsi Max all use lower-case fonts for name brands, Mountain Dew was renamed \"\"Mtn Dew\"\", and Diet Pepsi Max was re-branded as Pepsi Max.", "title": "Pepsi Max" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.98, "text": "of in 1994 was second only to Steel Phantom at Kennywood, but it was the fastest coaster in Europe. Following the 2011 season, the Pepsi Max branding was removed from the ride. However, a brief tunnel before the lift hill at the beginning of the ride remains decorated as a Pepsi Max pop can. At its highest point, the ride reaches above sea level, but only stands above the ground with the first drop measuring . These numbers were later confirmed by Ron Toomer of Arrow Dynamics. The first drop has an incline angle of 65 degrees and the usual", "title": "Big One (roller coaster)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.91, "text": "Pepsi Max Pepsi Max (also known as Pepsi Black in some countries) is a low-calorie, sugar-free cola, marketed by PepsiCo as an alternative to their drinks Pepsi and Diet Pepsi. It is sold primarily in European and Asian markets. A drink with the same name but different formulation (containing ginseng and higher quantities of caffeine) was sold in the United States until it was renamed \"\"Pepsi Zero Sugar\"\" in late 2016. Pepsi Max debuted in Australia, the United Kingdom, and Italy in April 1993. The rollout was expanded to Ireland the following September, and to France, Greece, Spain, Portugal, and", "title": "Pepsi Max" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.86, "text": "led by Nick Leslau and Nigel Wray. Nickelodeon UK used to broadcast live from there from 1994 until 1996 when they moved to Rathbone Place, and the place received a boost in the late 1990s with the addition of sponsorship from Pepsi, and Sega as an anchor tenant. The launch of \"\"Segaworld\"\", a large amusement arcade occurred on 7 September 1996, which included a large statue of Sonic the Hedgehog over the front entrance. Pepsi sponsored \"\"The Pepsi Max Drop\"\" and from 1997 the \"\"Pepsi IMAX\"\" cinema, the first 3D IMAX cinema in the UK. It was also home to", "title": "London Trocadero" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.83, "text": "the United States in February 2010 under the name \"\"Pepsi Max Cease Fire\"\" It was introduced in the UK in late-2011. It was cross-promoted with a new flavor series of Doritos chips called \"\"3rd Degree Burn\"\". In July 2010, Pepsi began to move its North American branding for Pepsi Max to match its global branding. It now carries a Max typography similar to that used worldwide, and rolled out a new slogan: \"\"Zero Calories. Maximum Pepsi Taste\"\". Its formula has not changed. In May 2011, Pepsi introduced the drink to Spain. In 2016, the drink was introduced to Venezuela. In", "title": "Pepsi Max" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.7, "text": "the Punk Rebellion festival in Blackpool. After touring Germany and the Netherlands in early May 2010, the band and Johhny Skullknuckles parted company and Tommy H (Tom Hunt) was drafted in on guitar. In 2011 the band recorded the \"\"This Is War\"\" single, and accompanying video, which was followed by a tour with the UK Subs supporting Motörhead on a number of UK dates. At the 2012 Download Festival, the band appeared on the Pepsi Max stage hours before Metallica would hit the main stage as headliners. During the later months of 2015 writing began for the album 'The Cage',", "title": "Anti-Nowhere League" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.58, "text": "in Wetherby, Goldenfry started to develop a factory there, the company extended their premises there until it reached maximum capacity on its site in the 1990s. The company demolished its factory and modernised its site building a new large impressive structure which opened in 1999 and further developments throughout 2010 and 2011. During construction the tubular steel structure was unclad and could be seen around most of North East Wetherby earning it the nicknames Elland Road and The Pepsi Max after the football stadium and rollercoaster respectively. In 2011, the company won a High Court judgement against three former employees", "title": "Goldenfry" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.44, "text": "Pepsi Max third stage on the Friday. Lawnmower Deth then went on to play a main stage slot at Damnation Festival 2010 in Leeds and announced a further date at Redemption at Derby on 28 May 2011 where they'd be supported by ska band Addictive pHilosopHy and the thrash band Incinery amongst others. On Friday 12 August 2011, Lawnmower Deth played Bloodstock Open Air festival at Catton Hall in Derbyshire. They played on the Sophie Lancaster Stage. They again appeared on the same stage on Sunday 9 August 2015. Lawnmower Deth played to a full and enthusiastic crowd at Hammerfest", "title": "Lawnmower Deth" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.27, "text": "the UK and Australian product line. In autumn 2005, \"\"Pepsi Max Punch\"\" was marketed in the UK for the festive season. Containing ginger and cinnamon, the product was similar in flavour to Pepsi Holiday Spice, a sugar-sweetened variety of Pepsi that was marketed in the US one year earlier. In late-2005 and early-2006, a coffee-flavoured variety was introduced in France, Finland, Ireland, Norway, and the UK. Known as \"\"Pepsi Max Cappuccino\"\" (\"\"Pepsi Max Coffee Cino\"\" in the UK), the product was prefigured by the similar Pepsi Kona (briefly test-marketed in the US in 1996) and Pepsi Tarik, available in Malaysia", "title": "Pepsi Max" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.16, "text": "the day and had been invaded by a group of his friends and opened up again. The majority of the video was shot on the Pepsi Max Big One and around the park, and some scenes are shot on the Promenade showing the Illuminations in 1994. Filming credits go to the single cameraman, Steven Young. It was the first and only single by the group to reach No. 1 in the UK Singles Chart. It spent four weeks at the top, and fourteen weeks in the Top 40. The track also reached No. 1 in Ireland and made the Top", "title": "Fairground (song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.16, "text": "was exchanged to Kansas Speedway in 2011 marking a 2nd race date on June 5, 2011. Pepsi Max 400 The Pepsi Max 400 was a NASCAR Sprint Cup Series stock car race held annually at the Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, California. It was the second of two Sprint Cup Series races held at the Auto Club Speedway (the other being the Auto Club 500) and in 2009 and 2010 it was run in October as part of the Chase for the Sprint Cup. The event was first held in 2004, added as part of the 2004 NASCAR Realignment, and", "title": "Pepsi Max 400" } ]
what is the size of grenada in square miles?
[ "134.6 sq mi" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.75, "text": "consists of some 600 islets; those south of the Martinique Channel belong to Grenada, while those north of the channel are part of the nation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Located about 160 kilometers north of Venezuela, at approximately 12° north latitude and 61° west longitude, Grenada and its territories occupy a small area of 433 square kilometers. Grenada, known as the Spice Isle because of its production of nutmeg and mace, is the largest at 310 square kilometers, or about the size of Detroit. The island is oval shaped and framed by a jagged southern coastline; its maximum", "title": "Geography of Grenada" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.33, "text": "width is thirty-four kilometers, and its maximum length is nineteen kilometers. St. George's, the capital and the nation's most important harbor, is favorably situated near a lagoon on the southwestern coast. Of all the islands belonging to Grenada, only two are of consequence: Carriacou, with a population of a few thousand, and its neighbor Petit Martinique, roughly 40 kilometers northeast of Grenada and populated by some 700 inhabitants. Part of the volcanic chain in the Lesser Antilles arc, Grenada and its possessions generally vary in elevation from under 300 meters to over 600 meters above sea level. Grenada is more", "title": "Geography of Grenada" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.89, "text": "families residing in the city. The population density was 496.8 people per square mile (191.8/km²). There were 6,210 housing units at an average density of 207.3 per square mile (80.1/km²). The racial makeup of the city was 49.28% White, 49.34% African American, 0.16% Native American, 0.50% Asian, 0.02% Pacific Islander, 0.12% from other races, and 0.56% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 0.70% of the population. There were 5,701 households out of which 33.4% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 41.9% were married couples living together, 22.2% had a female", "title": "Grenada, Mississippi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.55, "text": "rental housing units. As of the census of 2000, there were 361 people, 139 households, and 93 families residing in the CDP. The population density was 729.3 inhabitants per square mile (282.3/km²). There were 146 housing units at an average density of 303.3 per square mile (117.4/km²). The racial makeup of the CDP was 86.61% White, 0.28% African American, 7.41% Native American, 0.85% Asian, 1.42% from other races, and 3.42% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 3.99% of the population. There were 139 households out of which 33.1% had children under the age of", "title": "Grenada, California" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.06, "text": "Geography of Grenada Grenada is a Caribbean island (one of the Grenadines) between the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, north of Trinidad and Tobago. It is located at . There are no large inland bodies of water on the island, which consists entirely of the state of Grenada. The coastline is 121 km long. The island has 15 constituencies and speaks English. It is volcanic in origin and its topography/landscape is mountainous. Natural resources include timber, tropical fruit and deepwater harbors. Grenada and its largely uninhabited outlying territories are the most southerly of the Windward Islands. The Grenadine Islands chain", "title": "Geography of Grenada" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.05, "text": "(23.4%) aged 45 to 64, and 95 people (25.9%) who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 44.5 years. For every 100 females, there were 92.1 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 91.9 males. There were 193 housing units at an average density of 373.3 per square mile (144.1/km²), of which 80 (49.4%) were owner-occupied, and 82 (50.6%) were occupied by renters. The homeowner vacancy rate was 2.4%; the rental vacancy rate was 23.4%. 218 people (59.4% of the population) lived in owner-occupied housing units and 149 people (40.6%) lived in", "title": "Grenada, California" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.94, "text": "householder with no husband present, and 32.1% were non-families. 28.3% of all households were made up of individuals and 12.1% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.52 and the average family size was 3.10. In the city, the population was spread out with 27.5% under the age of 18, 9.4% from 18 to 24, 26.7% from 25 to 44, 20.5% from 45 to 64, and 15.9% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 35 years. For every 100 females, there were 82.5 males. For", "title": "Grenada, Mississippi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.8, "text": "household size was 2.58 and the average family size was 3.09. In the county, the population was spread out with 27.20% under the age of 18, 9.00% from 18 to 24, 27.50% from 25 to 44, 22.00% from 45 to 64, and 14.40% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 36 years. For every 100 females there were 87.80 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 83.90 males. The median income for a household in the county was $27,385, and the median income for a family was $33,115. Males had a", "title": "Grenada County, Mississippi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.75, "text": "diurnal ranges within a 24-hour period are appreciable: between during the day and between at night. Geography of Grenada Grenada is a Caribbean island (one of the Grenadines) between the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, north of Trinidad and Tobago. It is located at . There are no large inland bodies of water on the island, which consists entirely of the state of Grenada. The coastline is 121 km long. The island has 15 constituencies and speaks English. It is volcanic in origin and its topography/landscape is mountainous. Natural resources include timber, tropical fruit and deepwater harbors. Grenada and its", "title": "Geography of Grenada" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.73, "text": "Grenada, California Grenada (grin-A-dah) is a census-designated place (CDP) in Siskiyou County, California, United States. The population was 367 at the 2010 census, up from 351 at the 2000 census. The ZIP code is 96038 and the area code 530. Grenada is located at (41.644438, -122.522768). According to the United States Census Bureau, the CDP has a total area of , 99.77% of it land and 0.23% of it water. The 2010 United States Census reported that Grenada had a population of 367. The population density was 709.9 people per square mile (274.1/km²). The racial makeup of Grenada was 307", "title": "Grenada, California" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.72, "text": "to Grenada. According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of , of which is land and , or 0.69%, is water. The Yalobusha River, a tributary of the Yazoo River, passes a mile south of the center of town. As of the census of 2000, there were 1,872 people, 736 households, and 530 families residing in the town. The population density was 789.1 people per square mile (305.0/km²). There were 827 housing units at an average density of 348.6 per square mile (134.7/km²). The racial makeup of the town was 66.72% Caucasian, 32.00% African", "title": "Calhoun City, Mississippi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.38, "text": "18 living with them, 50.4% were married couples living together, 12.2% had a female householder with no husband present, and 32.4% were non-families. 25.2% of all households were made up of individuals and 13.7% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.49 and the average family size was 2.99. In the CDP, the population was spread out with 27.4% under the age of 18, 5.1% from 18 to 24, 23.4% from 25 to 44, 28.2% from 45 to 64, and 16.0% who were 65 years of age or older. The", "title": "Grenada, California" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.25, "text": "Grenada Basin The Grenada Basin is an 11–15 km thick back-arc sedimentary basin located in the southeastern region of the Caribbean Sea. It is bordered by the Lesser Antilles in the north, south, and east, and the Aves Ridge in the west. The Grenada Basin has no active spreading center. The basin geology is influence by the interactions between the Caribbean Plate and the North and South American Plates. The eastern edge of the Caribbean plate is marked by subduction zones, with the North American plate and South American plate subducting beneath the Caribbean plate. The Caribbean plate is currently", "title": "Grenada Basin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.11, "text": "46 m) and 4/22 is 4,998 by 99 feet (1,523 x 30 m). For the 12-month period ending January 5, 2012, the airport had 5,000 aircraft operations, an average of 13 per day: 68% general aviation and 32% military. At that time there were 10 single-engine aircraft based at this airport. Grenada Municipal Airport Grenada Municipal Airport is a public use airport in Grenada County, Mississippi, United States. It is owned by the City of Grenada and located three nautical miles (6 km) north of the central business district. This airport is included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport", "title": "Grenada Municipal Airport" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.98, "text": "Grenada, its closest approach to the island. At the time, the hurricane maintained an eye diameter of 12 miles (19 km), with the northern portion of the eyewall producing strong winds on the island. The hurricane brought strong winds to Grenada, and tropical storm force winds were reported as far north as Dominica. Hurricane Ivan again reached Category 4 status as it entered the Caribbean Sea. Subsequently, it underwent an eyewall replacement cycle, and for about 18 hours the intensity remained constant as it paralleled the northern coast of Venezuela offshore. Another period of rapid deepening began late on September", "title": "Meteorological history of Hurricane Ivan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.92, "text": "husband present, 7 (4.3%) had a male householder with no wife present. There were 9 (5.6%) unmarried opposite-sex partnerships, and 1 (0.6%) same-sex married couples or partnerships. 58 households (35.8%) were made up of individuals and 36 (22.2%) had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.27. There were 86 families (53.1% of all households); the average family size was 3.06. The population was spread out with 81 people (22.1%) under the age of 18, 20 people (5.4%) aged 18 to 24, 85 people (23.2%) aged 25 to 44, 86 people", "title": "Grenada, California" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.91, "text": "Frigate Island, Grenada Frigate Island is a small islet between Grenada and Carriacou (Grenadines). Situated just 0.463 miles (0.745 km) north-east of “Large Island” and 0.792 miles (1.275 km) south-west from ”Saline Island”, and 1.596 miles (2.568 km) from Grenada’s sister island of Carriacou, one mile due south of Ashton, and half mile from the nearest part of Union Island. Frigate Island, is one of the small rocky islands between St. Vincent's and Grenada, called the Grenadines. An early yachters pilot book described the sea nearby \"\"\"\"A rock, one foot high, lies 2 cables north—west from the north point of", "title": "Frigate Island, Grenada" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.86, "text": "to 1,523 m:\"\" 1 <br>\"\"under 914 m:\"\" 1 (2006 est.) Transport in Grenada Grenada has no merchant marine. There is one industrial railway, used by a rum distillery. Highways: <br>\"\"total:\"\" 1,127 km <br>\"\"paved:\"\" 687 km<br> Drivers in Grenada drive on the left hand side of the road. Visitors not accustomed to this should be extra cautious when driving on the island's highways and roads. <br>\"\"unpaved:\"\" 440 km (1999 est.)<br> Grenada's roads can pose hazardous driving conditions, including aggressive drivers and sharp curves. Grenada has several ports of entry including seaports, bays and harbours: Airports: 3 (1999 est.) Airports - with", "title": "Transport in Grenada" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.81, "text": "Grenada Grenada ( ) is a country in the West Indies in the Caribbean Sea at the southern end of the Grenadines island chain. Grenada consists of the island of Grenada itself plus six smaller islands which lie to the north of the main island. It is located northwest of Trinidad and Tobago, northeast of Venezuela and southwest of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Its size is , and it had an estimated population of in . Its capital is St. George's. Grenada is also known as the \"\"Island of Spice\"\" due to its production of nutmeg and mace crops,", "title": "Grenada" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.7, "text": "is water. As of the 2010 United States Census, there were 21,906 people residing in the county. 56.9% were White, 41.7% Black or African American, 0.3% Asian, 0.2% Native American, 0.2% of some other race and 0.8% of two or more races. 0.9% were Hispanic or Latino (of any race). As of the census of 2000, there were 23,263 people, 8,820 households, and 6,297 families residing in the county. The population density was 55 people per square mile (21/km²). There were 9,973 housing units at an average density of 24 per square mile (9/km²). The racial makeup of the county", "title": "Grenada County, Mississippi" } ]
in which case did the supreme court reinstate the death penalty?
[ "Gregg v. Georgia" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.33, "text": "Furman v. Georgia Furman v. Georgia, 408 U.S. 238 (1972), was a criminal case in which the United States Supreme Court struck down all death penalty schemes in the United States in a 5–4 decision, with each member of the majority writing a separate opinion. Following \"\"Furman\"\", in order to reinstate the death penalty, states had to at least remove arbitrary and discriminatory effects, to satisfy the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The decision ruled on the requirement for a degree of consistency in the application of the death penalty. This case led to a \"\"de facto\"\" moratorium", "title": "Furman v. Georgia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.41, "text": "charged with a murder committed in California before 1972 cannot receive the death penalty. The US Supreme Court, in \"\"Aikens v. California\"\", 406 U.S. 813 (1972), denied an appeal of a death sentence: Later in 1972, the people of California amended the state constitution by initiative process to supersede the court ruling and reinstate the death penalty. Rather than simply switch to the federal \"\"cruel and unusual\"\" standard, the amendment, called Proposition 17, kept the \"\"cruel or unusual\"\" standard, but it followed it with a clause that expressly declared the death penalty to be neither cruel nor unusual. The US", "title": "People v. Anderson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.23, "text": "court reversed the trial court's judgment of conviction and imposition of the death penalty. Griffin v. California Griffin v. California, 380 U.S. 609 (1965), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court ruled, by a 6-2 vote, that it is a violation of a defendant's Fifth Amendment rights for the prosecutor to comment to the jury on the defendant's declining to testify, or for the judge to instruct the jury that such silence is evidence of guilt. The ruling specified that this new extension to defendants' Fifth Amendment rights was binding on all States through the Due", "title": "Griffin v. California" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.16, "text": "Spaziano v. Florida Spaziano v. Florida, was two United States Supreme Court cases dealing with the imposition of the death penalty. In the first case, 454 U.S. 1037 (1981), the Supreme Court, with two dissents, refused Spaziano's petition for certiorari. However, the Florida Supreme Court would reverse Spaziano's death sentence based on the judge's receipt of a confidential report which was not received by either party. On remand, the judge reimposed the death penalty and the Florida Supreme Court upheld the sentence. In the second case, 468 U.S. 447 (1984), the Court heard Spaziano's appeal of his death sentence. Spaziano", "title": "Spaziano v. Florida" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.12, "text": "revamp their laws and make them more constitutional. Twenty eight states did just that and the court eventually allowed the death penalty again through a series of cases in 1976, collectively known as \"\"Gregg v. Georgia\"\". The anti-death penalty movement rose again in response to the reinstatement of capital punishment in many states. In the courts, the movement's response has yielded certain limitations on the death penalty's application. For example, juveniles, the mentally ill, and the intellectually disabled can no longer be executed. However, the Supreme Court also made it more difficult to allege racial discrimination within the capital punishment", "title": "Capital punishment debate in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.08, "text": "United States Supreme Court refused to hear Abu-Jamal's appeal, allowing his conviction to stand. On January 19, 2010, the Supreme Court ordered the appeals court to reconsider its decision to rescind the death penalty. The same three-judge panel convened in Philadelphia on November 9, 2010, to hear oral argument. On April 26, 2011, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals reaffirmed its prior decision to vacate the death sentence on the grounds that the jury instructions and verdict form were ambiguous and confusing. The Supreme Court declined to hear the case in October. On December 7, 2011, District Attorney of Philadelphia", "title": "Mumia Abu-Jamal" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.86, "text": "constitutionality of capital punishment in appeals. As a result of the influx of appeals, the death penalty effectively ceased to exist in the United States for the remainder of the 1960s and 1970s, and the Supreme Court considered the issue in the 1972 case of \"\"Furman v. Georgia\"\", where the Justices, in a 5 to 4 decision, effectively suspended the death penalty laws of states across the country on the ground of the capricious imposition of the penalty. That decision would be revisited in 1976's \"\"Gregg v. Georgia\"\", where the justices voted to allow the death penalty under some circumstances;", "title": "Arthur Goldberg" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.7, "text": "Constitution. The decision of the New York Court of Appeals was based on the state constitution, making unavailable any appeal. The state lower house has since blocked all attempts to reinstate the death penalty by adopting a valid sentencing scheme. In 2016, Delaware's death penalty statute was also struck down by its state supreme court. In 2007, New Jersey became the first state to repeal the death penalty by legislative vote since \"\"Gregg v. Georgia\"\", followed by New Mexico in 2009, Illinois in 2011, Connecticut in 2012, and Maryland in 2013. The repeals were not retroactive, but in New Jersey,", "title": "Capital punishment in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.48, "text": "to reinstate the death penalty in \"\"Gregg v. Georgia\"\" (1976), and, in 1983, he vigorously dissented from the Court's holding in the case of \"\"Solem v. Helm\"\" that a sentence of life imprisonment for issuing a fraudulent check in the amount of $100 constituted cruel and unusual punishment. Rather than dominating the court, Burger sought to improve administration both within the court and within the nation's legal system. Criticizing some advocates as unprepared, Burger created training venues for state and local government advocates. He also helped found the National Center for State Courts, which is now located in Williamsburg, Virginia,", "title": "Warren E. Burger" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.41, "text": "execution in Utah took place on March 30, 1960.In 1967, when the moratorium went into effect, Utah was the only remaining state to allow death row inmates to choose between firing squad and hanging. Utah attempted to reintroduce death penalty statutes during the moratorium but they were struck down by the 1972 United States Supreme Court decision in the case \"\"Furman v. Georgia\"\". The state formally reinstated capital punishment on January 7, 1973, and the new death penalty statutes were approved by the United States Supreme Court with the reinstatement of capital punishment in 1976. The reinstatement allowed Utah to", "title": "Capital punishment in Utah" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.39, "text": "robbery. The Supreme Court affirmed the judgment of the lower court in \"\"People v. Anderson\"\" 64 Cal.2d 633 [51 Cal.Rptr. 238, 414 P.2d 366] (1966), but it reversed its decision with respect to the sentence of the death penalty \"\"In re Anderson\"\", 69 Cal.2d 613 (1968) following the landmark case \"\"Witherspoon v. Illinois\"\" (1968), which decided that it was illegal to remove a juror who simply disagreed with the death penalty unless the juror adamantly refused follow the law under any circumstances. The case was retried on the issue of the defendant's penalty, and the jury again returned a verdict", "title": "People v. Anderson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.31, "text": "the 1982 conviction stand. On January 19, 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court ordered the appeals court to reconsider its decision to rescind the death sentence. On December 7, 2011, District Attorney of Philadelphia R. Seth Williams announced that prosecutors, with the support of the victim's family, would no longer seek the death penalty for Abu-Jamal. Faulkner had indicated she did not wish to relive the trauma of another trial, and that it would be extremely difficult to present the case against Abu-Jamal again, after the passage of 30 years and the deaths of several key witnesses. Williams, the prosecutor, said", "title": "Commonwealth v. Abu-Jamal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.25, "text": "newly elected Governor George Pataki, a Republican, signed legislation reinstating the death penalty in New York, establishing lethal injection as the method of execution. On June 24, 2004, the New York Court of Appeals, the state's highest court, held 4–3 in \"\"People v. LaValle\"\" that the state's death penalty statute violated the New York Constitution. Governor Pataki criticized the ruling and promised a quick legislative fix. Between December 2004 and February 2005, public hearings were held in Manhattan and Albany. New York Law School Professor and death penalty advocate Robert Blecker advocated strongly in favor of reinstatement, while Manhattan District", "title": "Capital punishment in New York" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.19, "text": "Stanford v. Kentucky Stanford v. Kentucky, 492 U.S. 361 (1989), was a United States Supreme Court case that sanctioned the imposition of the death penalty on offenders who were at least 16 years of age at the time of the crime. This decision came one year after \"\"Thompson v. Oklahoma\"\", in which the Court had held that a 15-year-old offender could not be executed because to do so would constitute cruel and unusual punishment. In 2003, the Governor of Kentucky Paul E. Patton commuted the death sentence of Kevin Stanford, an action followed by the Supreme Court two years later", "title": "Stanford v. Kentucky" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.14, "text": "in one study to have been consistent with awareness in 43% (21 executions) of the forty-nine executions in the study. Since the reinstatement of capital punishment in 1976, there have been, according to one study, forty-one possibly botched executions. On, January 7, 2008, the Supreme Court of the United States heard oral arguments in \"\"Baze v. Rees\"\", a case challenging the three-drug cocktail used for many executions by lethal injection. The respondent's lawyer, Roy T. Englert, Jr., referred to the Death Penalty Information Center's list of \"\"botched\"\" executions. He criticized it because a majority of the executions on the list,", "title": "Participation of medical professionals in American executions" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.09, "text": "the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The \"\"Spaziano\"\" ruling was vitiated by the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in another death penalty case, \"\"Hurst v. Florida\"\" (2016). Spaziano v. Florida Spaziano v. Florida, was two United States Supreme Court cases dealing with the imposition of the death penalty. In the first case, 454 U.S. 1037 (1981), the Supreme Court, with two dissents, refused Spaziano's petition for certiorari. However, the Florida Supreme Court would reverse Spaziano's death sentence based on the judge's receipt of a confidential report which was not received by either party. On remand, the judge reimposed the", "title": "Spaziano v. Florida" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.05, "text": "modified to reinstate capital punishment under an initiative called Proposition 17. In 1973 a new statute was subsequently enacted, making the death penalty mandatory for a number of crimes including first degree murder in specific instances, kidnapping where a person dies, train wrecking where a person dies, treason against the state, and assault by a life prisoner if the victim dies within a year. The debate over capital punishment played out in a somewhat similar fashion on the national level. On June 29, 1972, the United States Supreme Court issued its decision in \"\"Furman v. Georgia\"\", holding all capital punishment", "title": "Capital punishment in California" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.02, "text": "Buck v. Davis Buck v. Davis, 580 U.S. ___ (2017), was a case in which the United States Supreme Court reversed the death sentence of the defendant Duane Buck after the defendant's attorney introduced evidence that suggested the defendant would be more likely to commit violent acts in the future because he was black. In a 6-2 opinion written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the Court held that the defendant was denied effective assistance of counsel under \"\"Strickland v. Washington\"\". Chief Justice Roberts' ruling rejected the District Court's argument that the discussion of race at trial was \"\"de minimis\"\" and", "title": "Buck v. Davis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23, "text": "highly critical of court's criminal justice jurisprudence. When the court abolished the death penalty in \"\"People v. Anderson\"\" (1972) the electorate restored it with California Proposition 17 (1972) and expanded it with California Proposition 7 (1978). While the court upheld Proposition 17, now Chief Justice Rose Bird and Justice Torbriner dissented. Nevertheless, Chief Justice Bird, a former public defender, voted to reverse every single one of the sixty-one death penalty cases she heard, usually joined by Justices Cruz Reynoso, Allen Broussard, and Grodin. She dissented from allowing a victims' rights amendment to the constitution, Proposition 8 (1982), to even appear", "title": "Joseph Grodin" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.95, "text": "Gregg v. Georgia Gregg v. Georgia\"\", \"\"Proffitt v. Florida\"\", \"\"Jurek v. Texas\"\", \"\"Woodson v. North Carolina\"\", and \"\"Roberts v. Louisiana, 428 U.S. 153 (1976), reaffirmed the United States Supreme Court's acceptance of the use of the death penalty in the United States, upholding, in particular, the death sentence imposed on Troy Leon Gregg. Referred to by a leading scholar as the July 2 Cases and elsewhere referred to by the lead case Gregg, the Supreme Court set forth the two main features that capital sentencing procedures must employ in order to comply with the Eighth Amendment ban on \"\"cruel and", "title": "Gregg v. Georgia" } ]
who has won a million on deal or no deal?
[ "Jessica Robinson", "Tomorrow Rodriguez" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.95, "text": "$1,000,000. After Robinson won, the \"\"Million-Dollar Mission\"\" restarted with two $1,000,000 cases on the board, and played until the second $1,000,000 prize was awarded to Tomorrow Rodriguez on October 29, 2008 with nine $1,000,000 cases on the board. Her highest offer was $677,000, with three of the four cases still in play at the time containing $1,000,000 and the other containing $300. By eliminating the $300 case, which was in case number 15, she automatically won the top prize (in case number 7) with fewer than nine offers having been made. \"\"Deal or No Deal\"\" aired its 200th-episode celebration on", "title": "Deal or No Deal (U.S. game show)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.86, "text": "know what cases still remain in the game. There were four winners of the top prize: Dean Cartechini on 17 June 2004, Anh Do in a celebrity special on 19 September 2007, Leanne Benbow on 2 June 2010 and Chris Doyle on 23 August 2011. When someone wins the $200,000, glitter is released into the studio, while holding a cheque for $200,000. The biggest ever winner was Nathan Cochrane who won $515,000 on \"\"The Deal\"\" in 2003 on the second episode. At the time, the top prize was $2,000,000. On 3 July 2012, a contestant was offered $-150 after knocking", "title": "Deal or No Deal (Australian game show)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.47, "text": "stating prior to the season premiere that there would be at least one millionaire in the season. The beginning of the fourth season also marked the return of an audience competition – the new \"\"Beat the Banker\"\" game brought back the interactivity from past seasons, with home viewers being able to win $10,000 per show. The following week, Jessica Robinson became the first winner with the $1,000,000 top prize. Robinson appeared during the Million-Dollar Mission, and in her game had five cases containing the $1,000,000 prize. Robinson turned down a final bank offer of $561,000, keeping her case—number 4—and won", "title": "Deal or No Deal (U.S. game show)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.44, "text": "won $43,000. The narrator that introduced the show between 2003-2011 was Marcus Irvine, who was also the voiceover on \"\"The Weakest Link\"\". In 2012, Irvine was replaced by John Deeks as narrator. No new episodes were produced since 2013, with only repeat episodes airing at 5:00 pm weeknights from October 2013 to September 2015. It was announced in March 2014 that no new episodes will be produced, and in August 2015 it was announced that the show, along with \"\"Million Dollar Minute\"\", would be axed and replaced by a new one-hour game show titled \"\"The Chase Australia\"\". The show begins", "title": "Deal or No Deal (Australian game show)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.31, "text": "The top prize was won at least once in each edition. On March 22, 2006, Mohamed Mabrouk won 300,000 dinars. On November 13, 2006, Mohamed Bashir Menchari won 500,000 dinars. And on September 13, 2007, a contestant won 1,000,000 dinars. Each winner shared the prize with an SMS participant. Revival of the show is broadcast in every Ramadan on El Hiwar Ettounsi since 2014. In Ramadan 2017, the top prize is further increased to 2,000,000 dinars (US$824,000). On June 13, 2017, Mrs. Aichoucha from Ben Arous won the top prize. However, the episode is under investigation by Independent High Authority", "title": "Deal or No Deal (Tunisia)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.12, "text": "of $530,000 and then the option to switch cases, which would've made her the first $1,000,000 winner. Also in the U.S. on September 22, 2006, Michelle Falco kept in $750,000 and $1,000,000 in play all the way to the end, she turned down the biggest offer of $880,000 and refused to switch her case, in her case was $750,000. She also would have been the first $1,000,000 winner had she switched cases. And again, in the U.S. on October 22, 2008, contestant Richie Bell won $1 which was in his case after rejecting the final offer of $416,000 and the", "title": "Deal or No Deal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.05, "text": "James Corden, who was the first celebrity to play with 23 boxes. The highest win so far has been £70,000 by Louis Walsh, and the lowest 10p by Gok Wan. When \"\"Deal Or No Deal\"\" began, viewers were invited to phone in (at a premium rate), use the Channel 4 website or enter by post (free of charge) to enter the competition, in which an audience member selects one of three boxes (coloured blue and separate from the boxes used in the main game), and a selected entrant wins the amount of money displayed in that box. The amounts on", "title": "Deal or No Deal (UK game show)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.88, "text": "option to switch cases, which would've made him the second $1,000,000 winner. Richie also won an additional $10,000 after completing the \"\"Banker's Challenge\"\" minigame, thus making his total winnings $10,001. Had he had switched, he would have won $1,010,000. Many other contestants around the world would have won the top prize if they had swapped their box/case. The game show has attracted attention from mathematicians, statisticians, and economists as a natural decision-making experiment. In 2008 a team of economists analyzed the decisions of people appearing in Dutch, German and U.S. episodes and found, among other things, that contestants are less", "title": "Deal or No Deal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.81, "text": "Trilyon Avı Trilyon Avı is the Turkish version of the game show \"\"Deal or No Deal.\"\" Premiered on December 9, 2003, the show was shown on aTV. It was hosted by Zafer Ergin, a drama player and voice actor. Contestants can win from 1 million TL (1 YTL, about US$0.30, GB£0.23, or €0.27) to 1 trillion TL (1,000,000 YTL, about US$286,000, GB£230,000, or €274,000). In the Turkish version, 200 contestants are divided into 8 sections of 25. In Round 1, they must answer some questions to determine 4 sections which will proceed to the next round - the sections with", "title": "Trilyon Avı" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.59, "text": "Xie, MediaCorp TV actress, respectively. They played for a chosen charity organisation. In the first episode on 21 November 2007, David Gan closed the final deal and won S$101,000 for the ACCA Hospice Care, his charity organisation, making this the biggest win by any contestant of the Singapore edition, ever. His case (#6) contained S$50,000 while the remaining case contained S$150,000. In the second episode on 22 November 2007, Fiona Xie played for Balestier Rainbow Centre. She rejected all the nine banker's offers and won S$250 in her case (#3). She then announced that she would make a personal donation", "title": "Deal or No Deal (Singapore game show)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.56, "text": "All amounts below the prizes are their equivalents in United States dollars at the time of their win. At the other end of the spectrum, in the UK edition broadcast on 7 December 2009, a contestant named Corinne opened her box to reveal (and thus win) 1p, having turned down first an offer of £88,000 and then an offer to swap boxes, which would have given her the top £250,000 prize. A similar event occurred on the U.S. version on August 25, 2008, where contestant Koshka Blackburn won $5,000 which was in her case after turning down the banker's offer", "title": "Deal or No Deal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.53, "text": "$450 and won the $1,000 in his own case. Episode 10: Contestant Clement Lim picked case #1. His luck was rather good, initially, keeping the top two amounts in play. However, his Star Wars luck left him and the offer tumbled after it peaked at $15,200. He decided to play all the way once the offer fell to $100 in round 7 after opening the last large amount. He won $250, from his original case. Season 2 of the Singapore version premiered on 21 November 2007. The first 2 episodes were celebrity specials, featuring David Gan, international hairstylist and Fiona", "title": "Deal or No Deal (Singapore game show)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.52, "text": "obscured by a red clouded background. He only appeared in front of his \"\"helicopter\"\" whenever he made his offer. The episodes were shown from December 3 to 7 of the same year. One of the contestants happened to be the mayor of Toledo City, Cebu, who played as a regular contestant. So far, only Terry Lim Cua, Allen Paul Aguada, Jerhan Mama-O, and the team of Gerald Anderson and Jake Cuenca won the largest amount, which is PHP2,000,000. In April 2008, the U.S. version of \"\"Deal or No Deal\"\" filmed an episode from the studio of the Filipino version, as", "title": "Kapamilya, Deal or No Deal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.48, "text": "player won 125,000 TL. Although two different versions of Deal or No Deal had aired in Turkish TV's before and none had been successful, this version of the show was a hit from the first day it was broadcast. The show airs four or five times a week and receives good ratings, ranking from being first to third most watched TV show of the day. Until March 2008, there was only one 500,000 TL box; but from that moment and on two more 500,000 TL boxes were added to the show, tripling the chance to choose the grand prize box,", "title": "Var mısın? Yok musun?" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.47, "text": "Yes or No (game show) Yes or No() is a version of \"\"Deal or No Deal\"\" airing in South Korea. The prizes range from as little as 10 won (about US$0.01 and S$0.01, less than €0.01 and £0.01) to as much as 100,000,000 won (about US$104,000, €83,000, S$130,000, and £55,000). The show is currently hosted by Shin Dong-yup (), a famous comedian in Korea. The top prize was won by Lee Chang-geun (이창근) on the episode aired on June 23, 2007. Comedian Park Su-hong () also won 100,000,000 won when the top prize was raised to 200,000,000 won on October", "title": "Yes or No (game show)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.42, "text": "Banker is said to have \"\"won\"\". The most notable example of the Banker's Gamble being used to the player's benefit was with the contestant, Alice Mundy. Alice had already dealt earlier in the game at £17,500, but was left with the 1p (the Banker's dream finish) and the £250,000 (the player's dream finish) at the end. As a result, the Banker offered her the chance to return her winnings in the hope that she would leave with 1p. Alice accepted the hand back, declined to swap her box and as a result, she became the second £250,000 jackpot winner, as", "title": "Deal or No Deal (UK game show)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.31, "text": "$1 million, and increased $1 million for each game, up to $6 million. The top prize case was only chosen once by contestant Matty Sollena on the season premiere. He took the deal for $675,000, but his case contained the top prize of $3,000,000. According to final Nielsen ratings for the week of September 18, 2006 to September 24, 2006, the second-season premiere episode of \"\"Deal or No Deal\"\" on Monday, September 18, 2006 with Matty Sollena was the 11th most-watched network prime time show in total audience and NBC's most-watched program in total audience. The Friday episode of the", "title": "Deal or No Deal (U.S. game show)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.23, "text": "for Audiovisual Communication (French: ). On 5 March 2018 and 9 March 2018, two people won the bottom prize of 100 millimes with 5 episodes of each other. NOTE: The lowest value is shown as 0.1 dinar on the board, but 100 millimes in box. Also, 1,000,000 dinars is written as \"\"Milliard\"\" (), meaning \"\"billion\"\" in box and 2,000,000 dinars is written as \"\"2 Milliards\"\" ( 2), meaning \"\"2 billion\"\". Deal or No Deal (Tunisia) Deal or No Deal has a version airing in Tunisia, called Dlilek Mlek (\"\"دليلك ملك\"\"), which is broadcast on the Tunisian National television channel Tunisian", "title": "Deal or No Deal (Tunisia)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.22, "text": "Previously there was a break in the production of new episodes during July and August each summer. Occasionally there are special episodes with a particular theme, usually based on national holidays, introducing special features and prizes. The show celebrated its 10th anniversary on 18 September 2015 when Noel Edmonds played the game (hosted by Sarah Millican) and won £26,000 for his chosen charity, Children's Hospice South West. It was seen by 930,000 viewers at 8pm. On 19 August 2016, it was announced that \"\"Deal or No Deal\"\" had been axed by Channel 4. A \"\"Deal or No Deal Tour\"\" series", "title": "Deal or No Deal (UK game show)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.19, "text": "hold 26 cases with the top prize being €500,000 (€300,000 more than the grand prize of the original show). The contestant earns 100% of the prize. The show is supervised by lawyer Yannis Marakakis, a former model and former athlete. This version is almost identical to the US version of Deal or No Deal, hosted by Howie Mandel.<br><br>The highest prize won was 260,000 euros. This was achieved by a 19 year old greek medical student in 2007. Deal (Greek game show) Deal is the Greek version of \"\"Deal or No Deal\"\". It airs on ANT1 and it broadcast in the", "title": "Deal (Greek game show)" } ]
when was the winter fuel payment first introduced?
[ "1997" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.7, "text": "Winter Fuel Payment The Winter Fuel Payment is a state benefit paid once per year in the United Kingdom to qualifying individuals. It is intended to cover the additional costs of heating over the winter months. It was introduced by the Labour government in 1997 and was first announced by Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown in his Pre-Budget Statement of that year. To be eligible for the benefit in a particular year, a person must be over age 65 (born before a specific qualifying date — e.g. 5 January 1952 for payments for the winter 2013-2014), and in a", "title": "Winter Fuel Payment" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.8, "text": "a cold weather payment may also be made. The Social Fund (Winter Fuel Payment) Regulations 2000 govern the system, under the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992. In the winter of 2011-12, the benefit cost the government £2.1 billion and was paid to 12.7 million people. Winter Fuel Payment The Winter Fuel Payment is a state benefit paid once per year in the United Kingdom to qualifying individuals. It is intended to cover the additional costs of heating over the winter months. It was introduced by the Labour government in 1997 and was first announced by Chancellor of the", "title": "Winter Fuel Payment" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.2, "text": "for the purpose of establishing or protecting any such equal rights.\"\" Parity has had some notable successes over the years, particularly in addressing statutory sex discrimination. Their campaigns have stopped government sex discrimination which, in the case of winter fuel payments, had denied an estimated £20 million per year to males between the ages of 60-65. Parity claims successes in four main areas: prescription charges, winter fuel payments, bus travel concessions and, in association with others, widower's benefits: Parity's first major success began in 1993 under its original name, when CESPA member Cyril Richardson, an asthmatic, took the government to", "title": "Parity (charity)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.94, "text": "State for Social Security and the first ever Minister for Women. She was given the task of reforming the Welfare State. During this time, her more notable policies included introducing a minimum income guarantee and winter fuel payments for the elderly. It was later ruled that the fuel payments policy breached European sex discrimination laws in that men had to wait five years longer to receive them than women. The policy was amended so both sexes qualified at age 60. Harman was sacked from the position in 1998. According to many in the media, this was the result of a", "title": "Harriet Harman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.84, "text": "from the political arena in 2006 at the end of his term of office. However he was delighted when his son Ben was elected as Senator in 2006 and was always on hand to offer insight, guidance, and opinion. The introduction of the Winter Fuel Allowance for pensioners was a good example of this type of collaboration – the concept engineered by him and pushed through the Assembly, despite vigorous opposition, by Ben – using a few political tricks to ensure that it was adopted. In spite of his busy political life, he remained Managing Director of George Troy &", "title": "Richard Shenton" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.66, "text": "specified week (22-29 September 2013, for 2013-2014) must be resident in the United Kingdom and not in any of the excluded groups (prisoners, people receiving long-term free hospital care, those with certain immigration issues, and those living in care homes and receiving income-related benefits such as pension credit). The amount paid is greater for those aged 80 and above, and is set so that a person living alone (or with people ineligible for the payment) is paid twice as much as a person in a household where more than one person receives the payment. If the weather is particularly cold,", "title": "Winter Fuel Payment" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.17, "text": "Convention on Human Rights. In late April 2013, Duncan Smith called for wealthier people to voluntarily return winter fuel payments, given to all pensioners regardless of wealth, to help reduce the strain on public finances. This suggestion prompted much media comment, with some wealthier pensioners pointing out that they had already tried to return their payments, for this same reason, but had this offer refused by the government because there is no mechanism in place to receive returned payments. In July 2013, Duncan Smith was found by Andrew Dilnot, then Head of the UK Statistics Authority, to have broken their", "title": "Iain Duncan Smith" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.38, "text": "Federal Fuel Administration The Federal Fuel Administration was a World War I-era agency of the Federal government of the United States established by of August 23, 1917 pursuant to the Food and Fuel Control Act, managed use of coal and oil. To conserve energy, it introduced daylight saving time, shortened work weeks for civilian goods factories, and encouraged Heatless Mondays. Even prior to a declaration of war by the United States, shortages of coal were experienced in the winter of 1916-17. To address concerns about a steady supply of fuel to support military and industrial operations and for use by", "title": "Federal Fuel Administration" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.31, "text": "in the late sixties. The catalytic converter was also introduced during these years. The first devices, designed to reduce air pollution from automobile exhaust, were installed in the 1975 model year for US cars manufactured in Canada. Because of environmental concerns and the fact that it was not compatible with these converters, the major gasoline companies in Canada began to eliminate the sale of leaded gasoline that same year. Although Armand Bombardier invented the snowmobile, the initial production model, the B-7 dating from 1937 was a large 7 passenger vehicle. It was not until 1959 with the development of the", "title": "Technological and industrial history of 20th-century Canada" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.23, "text": "fuel. In 1988 the first payment card in Czechoslovakia was introduced to allow cashless purchases at Tuzex stores. Initially Tuzex stocked export-quality Czechoslovak products (e.g. fine chocolate, alcohol) at what would be a good price for foreigners, and Western products such as cigarettes. Better quality/style clothing became important, with Tuzex clothes becoming an indicator of success for some people. The clothes selection eventually included jeans (the first being the Italian brand Rifle in 1968) as the epitome of western or \"\"Texas\"\" clothing, white goods, and motor cars. The advantage in many cases was that such goods were available immediately instead", "title": "Tuzex" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.12, "text": "was introduced in February 1919 in Oregon. It was a 1¢/gal tax. In the following decade, all of the US states (48 at the time), along with the District of Columbia, introduced a gasoline tax. By 1939, an average tax of 3.8¢/gal (1¢/L) of fuel was levied by the individual states. In the years since being created, state fuel taxes have undergone many revisions. While most fuel taxes were initially levied as a fixed number of cents per gallon, , nineteen states and District of Columbia have fuel taxes with rates that vary alongside changes in the price of fuel,", "title": "Fuel taxes in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.03, "text": "court over sex discrimination in entitlement for free prescriptions. Eventually, in 1995 the European Court of Justice ruled that it was unlawful to charge men aged 60–65 for prescriptions when they were free to women. As a result, men now receive benefits in the order of an estimated £30 million per annum. Additionally, £10 million in charges was refunded to those who had wrongly paid for prescriptions in the previous 3 months before the ruling. In 1998 Parity member John Taylor went to the High Court to contest the fact that the government was denying winter fuel payments to men", "title": "Parity (charity)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19, "text": "2008 United Kingdom budget The 2008 United Kingdom Budget, officially known as Budget 2008: Stability and opportunity: building a strong, sustainable future, was formally delivered by Alistair Darling in the House of Commons on 12 March 2008. It was the first Budget to be delivered by Darling, who had been appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer the previous June. Among the changes from the previous year were that taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and high-polluting cars would be increased. Child Benefit would be raised to £20 a week from April 2009; winter fuel payments for pensioners would also be increased. All long-term", "title": "2008 United Kingdom budget" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.97, "text": "other years. CAFE credits can be applied to the three years before or the five years after the year in which they are earned. The reason for this flexibility is so manufacturers are penalized only for persistent failure to meet the requirements, not for transient non-compliance due to market conditions. Fuel economy regulations were first introduced in 1978, only for passenger vehicles. The next year, a second category was defined for light trucks. These were distinguished from heavy duty vehicles by a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 6000 pounds or less. The GVWR threshold was raised to 8500 pounds", "title": "Corporate average fuel economy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.94, "text": "traffic signal tower was installed in Detroit. This traffic light using red-yellow-green was developed by William Potts, a Detroit police officer. Michigan is also home to the first snowplow. This winter maintenance started during World War I to keep of strategic highways clear. In 1919 Michigan first signed the trunklines, the second state after Wisconsin to do so. The first ferry service was started on July 1, 1923, linking Michigan's Upper and Lower peninsulas. The first gasoline tax was enacted in 1923 at the rate of $0.02/gal (equivalent to $/gal in ), but vetoed by Governor Alex Groesbeck. It was", "title": "Michigan Department of Transportation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.8, "text": "conditions), the staff-shortage suffered by social establishments in their medico-social, educational and other work. A bill to harmonize re-education benefit and another bill relating to severely handicapped persons became law in May and September 1972 respectively. In 1972, winter payments for construction workers were introduced. To assist family planning and marriage and family guidance, the government allocated DM 2 232 000 in 1973 for the payment and for the basic and further training of staff. A special effort was also made in 1973 to organize the recreation of handicapped persons, with a holiday guide for the handicapped issued with the", "title": "Willy Brandt" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.78, "text": "Pay at the pump Pay at the pump is a system used at some filling stations where customers can pay for their fuel by inserting a credit or debit card or fuel card into a slot on the pump, bypassing the requirement to make the transaction with the station attendant or to walk away from one's vehicle. A few areas have gas stations that use electronic tolling transponders as a method of payment, such as Via Verde in Portugal. The system was introduced in 1982 in Europe, and was first used in the United States by Mobil in 1986. Paul", "title": "Pay at the pump" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.77, "text": "taking a more active role in managing coal production. Federal Fuel Administration The Federal Fuel Administration was a World War I-era agency of the Federal government of the United States established by of August 23, 1917 pursuant to the Food and Fuel Control Act, managed use of coal and oil. To conserve energy, it introduced daylight saving time, shortened work weeks for civilian goods factories, and encouraged Heatless Mondays. Even prior to a declaration of war by the United States, shortages of coal were experienced in the winter of 1916-17. To address concerns about a steady supply of fuel to", "title": "Federal Fuel Administration" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.58, "text": "Thunderbird, driven by Mark Oswald. Top Fuel began a revival, from what looked like a death knell in 1984, with thirty-two entrants for a sixteen-car Funny Car field, including Kenny Bernstein, Ed McCulloch, and Tom McEwen, and Don Prudhomme (who, surprisingly, failed to qualify). High-mounted wings and cylinder heads milled from billet aluminum were the leading technical highlights. Maximum qualifying e.t. was 5.60, the quickest yet for a Top Fuel field. Top Fuel hosted a field of 16, including low e.t. qualifier Hank Endres (driving for John Carey), \"\"Big Daddy\"\" Garlits (qualified #3), Shirley Muldowney (#7 qualifier), Larry Minor (qualified", "title": "1987 NHRA Winternationals" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.56, "text": "regions in the United States now allow E51 (51% ethanol, 49% gasoline) to be sold as E85 in the winter months. As of October 2010, nearly 3,000 E85 fuel pumps were in Europe, led by Sweden with 1,699 filling stations. The United States had 3,354 public E85 fuel pumps located in 2,154 cities by August 2014, mostly concentrated in the Midwest. Thailand introduced E85 fuel by the end of 2008, and by mid-2010, only four E85 filling stations were available, with plans to expand to 15 stations by 2012. A major restriction hampering sales of E85 flex vehicles or fuelling", "title": "Common ethanol fuel mixtures" } ]
when did the chicago fire soccer team start?
[ "October 8, 1997" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 27.94, "text": "1871. Founded in 1997 at Navy Pier, on the anniversary of the Great Fire, the Fire immediately tapped into the diverse ethnic makeup of the city. The team brought in Polish players Piotr Nowak, Jerzy Podbrozny, and Roman Kosecki; the Mexican Jorge Campos; and the Czech Lubos Kubik. While all showed their talent while playing for Chicago that first year, American players (Zach Thornton, Chris Armas, C.J. Brown) proved most integral to the Fire's continued success. Under the club's first head coach, Bob Bradley—and against all expectation—the team completed the double in its first competitive year, beating D.C. United in", "title": "Chicago Fire Soccer Club" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.89, "text": "Chicago Fire Soccer Club The Chicago Fire Soccer Club is an American professional soccer club based in the suburb of Bridgeview, Illinois. The team competes in Major League Soccer (MLS) as a member of the league's Eastern Conference, having moved to the conference in 2002. The franchise is named after the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, and was founded on October 8, 1997, the event's 126th anniversary. The team began play in 1998 as one of the league's first expansion teams. The Fire won the MLS Cup as well as the U.S. Open Cup (the \"\"double\"\") on their first season.", "title": "Chicago Fire Soccer Club" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.77, "text": "Chicago Fire U-23 Chicago Fire U-23 was an American soccer team based in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Founded in 2001, the team played in the Premier Development League (PDL), the fourth tier of the American Soccer Pyramid, in the Great Lakes Division of the Central Conference. The team played its home games at the artificial turf practice field adjacent to Toyota Park in Bridgeview, Illinois. The team's colors were red and white. Until 2005 they were known as the Chicago Fire Reserves. From the 2008 season, the team was usually referred to as Chicago Fire PDL, although the official name", "title": "Chicago Fire U-23" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.62, "text": "in the 81st minute of the Championship match against Toronto. Chicago Fire U-23 Chicago Fire U-23 was an American soccer team based in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Founded in 2001, the team played in the Premier Development League (PDL), the fourth tier of the American Soccer Pyramid, in the Great Lakes Division of the Central Conference. The team played its home games at the artificial turf practice field adjacent to Toyota Park in Bridgeview, Illinois. The team's colors were red and white. Until 2005 they were known as the Chicago Fire Reserves. From the 2008 season, the team was usually", "title": "Chicago Fire U-23" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.97, "text": "eight individual to be inducted into the club's Ring of Fire Hall of Fame. The ceremony took place on that day during the halftime of the regular season home match against New England Revolution. Chicago Fire Soccer Club The Chicago Fire Soccer Club is an American professional soccer club based in the suburb of Bridgeview, Illinois. The team competes in Major League Soccer (MLS) as a member of the league's Eastern Conference, having moved to the conference in 2002. The franchise is named after the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, and was founded on October 8, 1997, the event's 126th", "title": "Chicago Fire Soccer Club" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.92, "text": "They also won U.S. Open Cups in 2000, 2003, and 2006, in addition to the 2003 MLS Supporters' Shield. In 2015, the club won the first ever MLS Wooden Spoon, and repeated the feat in 2016. The Fire maintains an extensive development system, consisting of the Chicago Fire Development Academy and the Chicago Fire Juniors youth organization. They also operate the Chicago Fire Foundation, the team's community-based charitable division. Toyota Park is the Fire's home stadium. Founded on October 8, 1997, the Fire were originally based at Soldier Field. Since 2006, the club plays at their own stadium, Toyota Park", "title": "Chicago Fire Soccer Club" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.88, "text": "Winds', replaced the Fire in 1975 WFL play, though the new team was evicted from the second WFL after just five games. Another team known as the \"\"Chicago Fire\"\", led by running back Billy Marek, played in the American Football Association in the 1980s. There is no official tie between that team and the WFL team. Chicago's current professional soccer team, founded in 1997, also ended up calling itself the Fire. The radio announcer for the Fire was former Milwaukee Bucks play-by-play man, Eddie Ducette. The public address announcers at Soldier Field were Eddie Ryan and Les Grobstein. Chicago Fire", "title": "Chicago Fire (WFL)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.75, "text": "and 2015. The Chicago Fire, members of Major League Soccer, won one league and four US Open Cups since 1997. After eight years at Soldier Field, they moved to the new Toyota Park in nearby Bridgeview at 71st and Harlem Avenue during the summer of 2006. The Chicago Red Stars of the National Women's Soccer League also play at Toyota Park. The team was founded in 2009. The Chicago Wolves of the American Hockey League play at the Allstate Arena in nearby Rosemont. The Wolves won the league championships in 1998, 2000, 2002, and 2008. Their first season was 1994–95.", "title": "Culture of Chicago" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.72, "text": "Chicago Fire (WFL) The Chicago Fire was an American football team in the short-lived World Football League for one season, 1974. The team was founded in late October 1973, with building magnate Thomas Origer becoming the first owner to purchase a WFL franchise, for around $400,000. Chicago was also the first franchise to sign a player, former Notre Dame and Chicago Bears wide receiver Jim Seymour, and then added quarterback Virgil Carter, who also had played for the NFL's Bears as well as the Cincinnati Bengals and San Diego Chargers. Another notable Fire player was punter Chuck Ramsey, who would", "title": "Chicago Fire (WFL)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.58, "text": "2012 Chicago Fire season The 2012 Chicago Fire season was the club's 17th year of existence, as well as their 15th season in Major League Soccer and their 15th consecutive year in the top-flight of American soccer. The Fire began the regular season with a 1–1 tie on March 17, 2012 when they were hosted by the expansion team Montreal Impact in their first Major League Soccer home game. The Men in Red concluded the regular season hosting D.C. United at the Toyota Park on October 27, 2012. The Fire qualified for the MLS Cup Playoffs for the twelfth time", "title": "2012 Chicago Fire season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.39, "text": "Jamaican striker Damani Ralph. Still, stagnating performances and the building strength of the Eastern Conference made Chicago's league position ever more tenuous. In 2004, the team missed the league playoffs for the first time in their history. The 2005 season began with the unexpected dismissal of popular club president Peter Wilt by then-owners AEG, a move decried by fans, many players, and club staff. This came as a shock, given his brokering of a $100m deal to build the Fire a stadium in the collar suburb of Bridgeview. He was immediately replaced by MetroStars executive John Guppy. Competitively, the season", "title": "Chicago Fire Soccer Club" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.31, "text": "expansion teams to join MLS in 1998, and the first two ever expansion teams in league history. The other team being the now-defunct, Miami Fusion. The Fire were founded on October 8, 1997, on the 126th anniversary of the Great Chicago Fire. The club was named after the event. The club focused on recruiting players of various descent to reflect on the diversity of the region. The team brought in Polish players Piotr Nowak, Jerzy Podbrozny, and Roman Kosecki; the Mexican Jorge Campos; and the Czech Lubos Kubik. 1998 Chicago Fire season The 1998 Chicago Fire season was the Chicago", "title": "1998 Chicago Fire season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.23, "text": "Soccer League\"\" 1975–1984 and the \"\"Major Indoor Soccer League\"\" from 1984 until the team's eventual folding. The Sting were the only club other than the \"\"New York Cosmos\"\" to win multiple titles in the NASL. The Chicago Fire, a member of Major League Soccer, have won one MLS Cup and four U.S. Open Cups since they entered the league in 1998. The Fire won their sole MLS Cup in 1998, their inaugural season, led by head coach Bob Bradley, who later went on to coach the U.S. national soccer team. The Fire have played since 2006 at Toyota Park, a", "title": "Sports in Chicago" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.17, "text": "through the end of 2005. There is a noteworthy fan culture for the Fire, existing from the date the club was founded, and building on an enthusiasm throughout Chicago sports. At matches, supporters and ultras groups occupy a standing area directly behind the north goal, in the \"\"Harlem End\"\" of Toyota Park. This area is referred to as \"\"Section 8\"\", originating from the numbering of the corresponding section at Soldier Field and the American military designation of mentally unfit soldiers. Section 8 Chicago, the Independent Supporters' Association (ISA) for the Fire, oversees the activities of these numerous groups. While incorporating", "title": "Chicago Fire Soccer Club" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.14, "text": "1998 Chicago Fire season The 1998 Chicago Fire season was the Chicago Fire Soccer Club's inaugural season of existence, and their first season in Major League Soccer, the top tier of American soccer. The Chicago Fire enjoyed one of the strongest debuts for an expansion club in the history of American soccer and of the North American sports leagues in general. The Fire won the double by winning both MLS Cup '98 and the 1998 U.S. Open Cup Final, both in a five-day timespan. It was the first time that an expansion franchise in any of the major American sports", "title": "1998 Chicago Fire season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.14, "text": "the 1998 MLS Cup Final, and defeating the Columbus Crew in Chicago to win the 1998 U.S. Open Cup a week later. The team's momentum continued, reaching the 2000 MLS Cup final \"\"(losing to Kansas City)\"\" and winning the 2000 U.S. Open Cup. Internationally experienced players such as Hristo Stoitchkov joined the Fire, while young American talents such as DaMarcus Beasley developed. The Fire quickly became cemented as one of the league's preeminent teams. With Soldier Field undergoing massive renovations, the Fire moved to the western Chicago suburb of Naperville, Illinois in 2002. That same year, Bob Bradley abruptly departed", "title": "Chicago Fire Soccer Club" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.09, "text": "2013 Chicago Fire season The 2013 Chicago Fire season was the club's 18th year of existence, as well as their 16th season in Major League Soccer and their 16th consecutive year in the top-flight of American soccer. Chicago Fire began the regular season on March 3, 2013 with an away match against the defending champions Los Angeles Galaxy. The Men in Red concluded the regular season on October 27, 2013 with an away match against New York Red Bulls. The Fire finished the regular season with a 14-13-7 record, but narrowly missed the playoffs, losing the spot to the Montreal", "title": "2013 Chicago Fire season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.08, "text": "of the team did not change. Chicago Fire Reserves entered the PDL in 2001 as part of an effort on the part of MLS franchise Chicago Fire to develop and enhance the level of youth soccer in the Chicago area. Playing under the auspices of a professional club gave the Fire an advantage in terms of organization and player talent identification, which has led to them becoming one of the most successful teams in the PDL, winning their divisional title on all but one occasion, in the club's first 8 years, and having many of their players graduate on to", "title": "Chicago Fire U-23" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.08, "text": "2014 Chicago Fire season The 2014 Chicago Fire season was the club's 19th year of existence, as well as their 17th season in Major League Soccer and their 17th consecutive year in the top-flight of American soccer. Chicago Fire began the regular season on March 9, 2014, with an away match against Chivas USA. The Men in Red concluded the regular season on October 24, 2014, with a home match against Houston Dynamo. Chicago finished the season with a 6-10-18 record and missed the playoffs for the fourth time in the past five seasons. With 18 drawn matches, the Fire", "title": "2014 Chicago Fire season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.91, "text": "10 seasons from 2000 to 2009, splitting those encounters 4–4, with the Fire winning in 2000, 2003, 2008, and 2009. New England ended the Fire's playoff runs in 2002, 2005, 2006, and 2007. Newer rivals include Columbus Crew, who are the closest MLS team geographically to the Fire, and New York Red Bulls following the departure of former Fire head coach Juan Carlos Osorio to New York in 2007. In 2015, the Chicago Fire and NBC Sports Chicago (then Comcast SportsNet Chicago) agreed to a three-year deal, which includes 21 regular season and postseason matches for 2015. Fire matches were", "title": "Chicago Fire Soccer Club" } ]
who hit the first mlb interleague home run in 1997?
[ "Stan Javier" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.73, "text": "and a WHIP of under 1.40. From 1995–1998, Witt had a 36-32 record with Texas. His best season during this timeframe was in 1996, when he finished with a 16-12 record despite having an ERA of 5.41. On June 30, 1997, he became the first American League pitcher to hit a home run since Roric Harrison on October 3, 1972. His home run was hit off of Ismael Valdes of the Los Angeles Dodgers in an interleague contest in the top of the sixth inning. The bat with which he hit this home run is now in the Baseball Hall", "title": "Bobby Witt" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.47, "text": "hitter used in a regular-season game by a National League team. San Francisco's Darryl Hamilton got the first base hit in interleague play, while Stan Javier hit the first home run, leading the Giants to a 4–3 victory over the Rangers. From 1997 to 2001, teams played against the same division from the other league; for example, the American League West played teams from the National League West, typically scheduled to alternate between home and away in consecutive years. In 2002, however, the league began alternating which divisions played which divisions, and thus in 2002 the American League East played", "title": "Interleague play" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.11, "text": "San Francisco Giants on January 10, 1997. On June 12, he got the first hit in the first-ever regular-season interleague game, when the Giants defeated the Rangers 4-3. In 125 games, Hamilton had a .270 batting average, five homers, 43 RBI and 15 stolen bases. In the 1997 National League Division Series, Hamilton was hitless in five at-bats as the Giants were swept in three games by the eventual World Series champion Florida Marlins. He followed that up by playing in 97 games for the Giants in 1998 and hitting .294. The Giants traded Hamilton and Jim Stoops to the", "title": "Darryl Hamilton" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.73, "text": "Oliver is the first pitcher ever to pitch in interleague play. He was the starting pitcher in the Texas Rangers' 4–3 loss to the San Francisco Giants on June 12, 1997 at The Ballpark in Arlington. From 1996 to 1998, Oliver pitched for the Rangers and then was traded to the St. Louis Cardinals for whom he pitched until 1999, returning to the Rangers for the next two years. As a Cardinal, he was also the starting and winning pitcher in the game where Mark McGwire hit his record-tying 61st home run on September 7, 1998. In 2002, Oliver pitched", "title": "Darren Oliver" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.42, "text": "was not implemented until the 1990s, at least in part as an effort to renew the public's interest in MLB following the 1994 players' strike. MLB's first regular-season interleague game took place on June 12, 1997, as the Texas Rangers hosted the San Francisco Giants at The Ballpark in Arlington. There were four interleague games on the schedule that night, but the other three were played on the West Coast, so the Giants–Rangers matchup started a few hours earlier than the others. Texas's Darren Oliver threw the game's first pitch and San Francisco outfielder Glenallen Hill was the first designated", "title": "Interleague play" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.36, "text": "the Home Run Derby in 1997. Martinez hit two memorable home runs as a Yankee in the World Series. The first came off Mark Langston in Game 1 of the 1998 Series. The Yankees had tied the game earlier in the inning with a Chuck Knoblauch 3-run home run. The following three batters got on base, and Martinez came to the plate. After taking a very close ball 3, he hit a grand slam into the upper deck on a 3-2 count, giving the Yankees a four-run lead. The second came on October 31, 2001. With two outs in the", "title": "Tino Martinez" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.06, "text": "hit the first homerun in Turner Field. Tucker hit the first-ever home run in a regular season game at Turner Field. His shot came off Kevin Foster in the third inning of the Braves' 5-4 victory over the Chicago Cubs on April 4, 1997. In August 2005, San Francisco traded Tucker to the Philadelphia Phillies for minor leaguer Kelvin Pichardo. Tucker, whose playing time had been limited that season after starting for most of 2004, joined a Phillies team in the heart of the playoff chase. On January 9, 2006, Tucker agreed to a one-year contract with the Washington Nationals.", "title": "Michael Tucker (baseball)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.03, "text": "2006 World Baseball Classic. In May and June, Ichiro hit in 25 consecutive games, breaking the previous Seattle Mariners record set by Joey Cora in 1997. Ichiro broke Tim Raines's American League record by stealing 41 consecutive bases without being caught. Ichiro extended the record to 45; the major league record of 50 belongs to Vince Coleman. On July 10, 2007, he became the first player to hit an inside-the-park home run in any MLB All-Star Game after an unpredictable hop off the right field wall of AT&T Park in San Francisco. It was the first inside-the-park home run of", "title": "Ichiro Suzuki" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22, "text": "2003. The Pirates won three out of four games against the Washington Nationals, extending their winning streak to five games. The Pirates continued their road trip with six games in Chicago—becoming the first team in MLB history to play the Cubs and White Sox in back-to-back series since interleague play began in 1997. After losing their first two games of the first interleague series of the season against the White Sox, Jack Wilson hit his first home run of the year to tie the final game of the series with two outs in the final inning; Nyjer Morgan scored the", "title": "2009 Pittsburgh Pirates season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.97, "text": "hit his first two home runs in the same game on April 28, 1997, against Jamey Wright and Steve Reed of the Colorado Rockies. He played in 59 games for the Astros in 1997, hitting .250 with 3 homers. Left unprotected in the 1997 MLB Expansion Draft when the Astros decided to keep fellow Venezuelan outfielder Richard Hidalgo, Abreu was selected by the then Tampa Bay Devil Rays, only to be dealt hours later to the Phillies for shortstop Kevin Stocker, a trade regarded among the worst in MLB history In 1998, his first season with the Phillies, Abreu led", "title": "Bobby Abreu" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.77, "text": "In 1996, Brady Anderson of the Baltimore Orioles hit 50 home runs, twice the number he hit during any other season. Of more note was Mark McGwire of the Oakland Athletics, who first drew attention by hitting a league-leading 52 home runs that season while only playing in 130 games. The 1997 home run chase featured McGwire against Ken Griffey, Jr. of the Seattle Mariners. It was during that season that full-fledged interest over the record kicked in as both players were on record pace well into the summer. McGwire finished with 58 home runs following his mid-season trade to", "title": "1998 Major League Baseball home run record chase" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.77, "text": "been part of two different sets of back-to-back-to-back-to-back home runs. In both occurrences, his homer was the second of the four. On September 30, 1997, in the sixth inning of Game One of the American League Division Series between the New York Yankees and Cleveland Indians, Tim Raines, Derek Jeter and Paul O'Neill hit back-to-back-to-back home runs for the Yankees. Raines' home run tied the game. New York went on to win 8–6. This was the first occurrence of three home runs in a row ever in postseason play. The Boston Red Sox repeated the feat in Game Four of", "title": "Home run" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.75, "text": "Baltimore, Maryland Charles Nagy and Mike Mussina kept the game scoreless and the game proceeded to the 11th inning. In the 11th, Tony Fernández, who hit a batting practice ball that bruised Bip Roberts' thumb (and, as a result, replaced Roberts at second base), hit a home run that gave the Indians a 1–0 eleventh inning lead. With two outs in the bottom half of the eleventh, Brady Anderson singled to right off José Mesa. With Anderson on as the tying run, Roberto Alomar came up to bat. Alomar struck out looking on a pitch that appeared inside at first", "title": "1997 American League Championship Series" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.67, "text": "threw baseballs onto the field; McKean and Milwaukee manager Phil Garner both used microphones to admonish fans to behave. He was also the home plate umpire for the first interleague game in Major League Baseball history between the San Francisco Giants and Texas Rangers on June 12, 1997. McKean served as an MLB umpire supervisor from 2002 until he was fired (along with fellow supervisors Rich Garcia and Marty Springstead) in January 2010. MLB did not cite specific reasons for the firings, but Springstead said the actions were related to a series of missed calls by the umpires who worked", "title": "Jim McKean" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.67, "text": "York Mets. Hernández became the first American League pitcher to hit a grand slam since Cleveland's Steve Dunning hit one on May 11, 1971, and was the first to do so since interleague play and the DH rule began. It was also the first home run ever hit by a Mariners pitcher. Later on in the same game, Carlos Beltrán slid into Hernández as he covered home, injuring the pitcher's left ankle. He was forced to leave the ballgame and was placed on the 15-day disabled list. He finished the season with a perfect 4.000 slugging percentage. Hernández finished the", "title": "Félix Hernández" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.5, "text": "home runs and 63 RBI while again swiping a dozen bases, before getting the call to join the Major League Club in June of that year. Abbott made his first plate appearance for the Chicago White Sox on June 10, 1997 against the New York Yankees’ Andy Pettite grounding into a double play. He collected his first two major league hits the next day off the Yankees Kenny Rogers. His first major league home run would come on September 15 in Milwaukee off the Brewers Cal Eldred. He would remain with the White Sox for the remainder of the season,", "title": "Jeff Abbott (baseball)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.48, "text": "on the basepaths in 1997 than in any previous year, stealing 14 bases while being caught only 3 times. In 1998, Green was granted an everyday spot in the line-up and he delivered by becoming the first Blue Jay to both hit 30 or more home runs and steal 30 or more bases in the same season. He also became the tenth Major Leaguer to hit 35 or more home runs and steal 35 or more bases in a season, joining among others Willie Mays, Barry Bonds, and Alex Rodriguez. Green had never hit more than 18 home runs in", "title": "Shawn Green" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.47, "text": "1,207 strike outs. The Mariners drew over three million in home attendance for the first time in franchise in the penultimate full season at the Kingdome. Ken Griffey Jr. hit a franchise record 56 home runs and won the Most Valuable Player award in the American League. In 1997, Randy Johnson set an American League record for left-handers by striking out nineteen batters in a 4-1 loss to the Oakland A's on June 24. On August 8 he matched the feat by setting down nineteen Chicago White Sox. Johnson posted a 20-4 record with 291 strikeouts and an ERA of", "title": "1997 Seattle Mariners season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.47, "text": "Rangers faced off in the first regular-season interleague game, on , 1997, at the Ballpark in Arlington; Rangers reliever Darren Oliver, in his first stint with the club, threw the game's first pitch. The Giants had home-field advantage for the World Series (the first NL champions to since ), because the NL won the All-Star Game, 3–1, on . For the second consecutive year, Series games were scheduled for earlier start times in hope of attracting younger viewers. First pitch was just before EDT for most games, with Game 3 starting at EDT as part of a \"\"family night\"\" promotion", "title": "2010 World Series" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.45, "text": "was 5–0 in those extra inning games. The home run hit by Hank Aaron was the last one in an All-Star Game by a player from the host team for 25 years. This did not happen again until Sandy Alomar, Jr. of the Cleveland Indians homered at Jacobs Field in the 1997 All-Star Game. The homer by Cookie Rojas, a native of Cuba, was the first one ever hit in an All-Star Game for the American League by a player who was born outside the United States. Nate Colbert, who scored the winning run, brought the wrong uniform with him", "title": "1972 Major League Baseball All-Star Game" } ]
in index number of which year price is assumed to be 100?
[ "2000" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.19, "text": "index value equal to 100. Every other year is expressed as a percentage of that base year. In this example, let 2000 be the base year: When an index has been normalized in this manner, the meaning of the number 112, for instance, is that the total cost for the basket of goods is 4% more in 2001, 8% more in 2002, and 12% more in 2003 than in the base year (in this case, year 2000). As can be seen from the definitions above, if one already has price and quantity data (or, alternatively, price and expenditure data) for", "title": "Price index" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.16, "text": "year zero, \"\"P\"\" is set to 100. If for example the base year is 1992, real values are expressed in constant 1992 dollars, with the price level defined as 100 for 1992. If, for example, the price of the commodity bundle has increased in the first year by 1%, then \"\"P\"\" rises from \"\"P\"\" = 100 to \"\"P\"\" = 101. The inflation rate formula_1 between year \"\"t\"\" - 1 and year \"\"t\"\" is: The price index is applied to adjust the nominal value \"\"Q\"\" of a quantity, such as wages or total production, to obtain its real value. The real", "title": "Real versus nominal value (economics)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.09, "text": "in dollars of the base year, is 100/\"\"P\"\", where \"\"P\"\" is the price index in that year. So, by definition the purchasing power of a dollar decreases as the price level rises. The purchasing power in today's money of an amount \"\"C\"\" of money, \"\"t\"\" years into the future, can be computed with the formula for the present value: where in this case \"\"i\"\" is an assumed future annual inflation rate. Adam Smith used an hour's labour as the purchasing power unit, so value would be measured in hours of labour required to produce a given quantity (or to produce", "title": "Purchasing power" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.69, "text": "The base usually equals 100 and the index number is usually expressed as 100 times the ratio to the base value. For example, if a commodity costs twice as much in 1970 as it did in 1960, its index number would be 200 relative to 1960. Index numbers are used especially to compare business activity, the cost of living, and employment. They enable economists to reduce unwieldy business data into easily understood terms. In economics, index numbers generally are time series summarising movements in a group of related variables. In some cases, however, index numbers may compare geographic areas at", "title": "Index (economics)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.61, "text": "base price of the index was initially set at 250, but when it closed near 800 on December 31, 1993, the base was reset at 125 the following trading day, leaving the halved NASDAQ-100 price below that of the more commonly known NASDAQ Composite. The first annual adjustments were made in 1993 in advance of options on the index that would trade at the Chicago Board Options Exchange in 1994. Foreign companies were first admitted to the index in January 1998, but had higher standards to meet before they could be added. Those standards were relaxed in 2002, while standards", "title": "NASDAQ-100" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.48, "text": "and 2005, where 1974 was indexed at 100. Regarding the period 1750–1914 the document states: \"\"Although there was considerable year on year fluctuation in price levels prior to 1914 (reflecting the quality of the harvest, wars, etc.) there was not the long-term steady increase in prices associated with the period since 1945\"\". It goes on to say that \"\"Since 1945 prices have risen in every year with an aggregate rise of over 27 times\"\". The value of the index in 1751 was 5.1, increasing to a peak of 16.3 in 1813 before declining very soon after the end of the", "title": "Pound sterling" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.19, "text": "its positive and negative responses. The resulting relative value is then used as an \"\"index value\"\" and compared against each respective monthly value for 1985. In that year, the result of the index was arbitrarily set at 100, representing it as index benchmark. That year was chosen as a benchmark year because it was neither a peak nor trough in the business cycle. The benchmark The index values for all five questions are averaged together to produce the CCI. The average of index values for questions i and iii form the Present Situation Index, and the average of index values", "title": "Consumer confidence" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.11, "text": "Price Index 100 goes to 150, and then to 200. The initial increase of 50, gives the percentage increase as 50% but the subsequent increase of 50 gives the percentage increase as 33.33%. This happens arithmetically as the base on which the percentage is calculated has increased from 100 to 150. Base effect The Base effect relates to inflation in the corresponding period of the previous year, if the inflation rate was too low in the corresponding period of the previous year, even a smaller rise in the Price Index will arithmetically give a high rate of inflation now. On", "title": "Base effect" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.95, "text": "at market prices, taxes on products, value added at basic prices, personal consumption, government consumption, Gross fixed capital formation, changes in inventories, exports and imports of goods and services. Two series of index numbers are calculated: the basis of the previous year and chained with reference to 1990 (1990 = 100). The series is seasonally adjusted using X-12-ARIMA, enabling calculation of the rates of change over the previous quarter. The IBGE survey was started in 1988 and restructured after 1998, when their results were integrated into the current System of National Accounts. The annual weights are derived from this new", "title": "Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.83, "text": "households. Such measurement is indicative of the consumption component level of the gross domestic product. The Federal Reserve looks at the CCI when determining interest rate changes, and it also affects stock-market prices. The consumer confidence index started in 1967 and is benchmarked to 1985 = 100. This year was chosen because it was neither a peak nor a trough. The index is calculated each month on the basis of a household survey of consumers' opinions on current conditions and future expectations of the economy. Opinions on current conditions make up 40% of the index, with expectations of future conditions", "title": "Consumer confidence index" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.81, "text": "than as changes in index points, because the latter are affected by the level of the index in relation to its base period, while the former are not. Each index measures price changes from a reference period defined to equal 100.0. An increase of 20 percent from the base period in the Export Price Index, for example, is shown as 120.0, which can be expressed in dollars as follows: “Prices received by domestic producers of a systematic sample of finished goods have risen from $100 in the base period, December 2001, to $120 today.” Likewise, a current index of 133.3", "title": "U.S. Import and Export Price Indexes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.64, "text": "rescaling the whole time-series to make the value for the index reference-period equal to 100. Annually revised weights are a desirable but expensive feature of an index, for the older the weights the greater is the divergence between the current expenditure pattern and that of the weight reference-period. formula_1 or formula_2 Alternatively, the CPI can be performed as formula_3. The \"\"updated cost\"\" (i.e. the price of an item at a given year, e.g.: the price of bread in 2018) is divided by that of the initial year (the price of bread in 1970), then multiplied by one hundred. Many but", "title": "Consumer price index" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.59, "text": "reference period defined to equal 100.0. Currently, some PPIs have an index base set at 1982 = 100, while the remainder have an index base that corresponds with the month prior to the month that the index was introduced. BLS measures price change in relation to that figure. An index level of 110, for example, means there has been a 10-percent increase in prices since the base period; similarly, an index level of 90 indicates a 10-percent decrease in prices. To calculate the percent change in prices between some previous period and a more current period using a PPI, use", "title": "U.S. Producer Price Index" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.47, "text": "Robert Shiller, in which their team calculated the home price index back to 1890. That index is normalized as such that 1890 has a value of 100. The Case–Shiller Index being kept on Shiller's website is updated quarterly. Due to the different set reference points, and perhaps calculation differences, the index numbers provided in each data set can be very different. For example, in 4th quarter 2013, the Standard and Poor 20 city index point was in the 160's, while the index point for 4th quarter on the Shiller data was in the 130's. Shiller claims in his book \"\"Irrational", "title": "Case–Shiller index" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.25, "text": "May 15, 2013 for the first time since November 15, 2000. By October 18, 2013, with GOOG passing $1,000 per share for the first time, the index had made a closing high of 3,353.88 and intraday high of 3,355.63, its highest levels since the United States elections, 2000 and more than triple the 2008 low. At the close of 2015, the index closed at 4593.27, for a gain of 8.43% on the year. The NASDAQ-100 is often abbreviated as NDX in the derivatives markets. Its corresponding futures contracts are traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. The regular futures are denoted", "title": "NASDAQ-100" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.2, "text": "on prices current at the time, whereas the real value of the commodity bundle, if it is truly representative, remains the same. The real values of individual goods or commodities may rise or fall against each other, in relative terms, but a representative commodity bundle as a whole retains its real value as a constant over time. A price index is calculated relative to a base year. Indices are typically normalized at 100 in the base year. Starting from a base (or reference) year, a price index \"\"P\"\" represents the price of the commodity bundle over time \"\"t\"\". In base", "title": "Real versus nominal value (economics)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.11, "text": "Housing affordability index A housing affordability index is an index that rates housing affordability. One is published monthly by the National Association of Realtors. A value of 100 means that a family with the median income has exactly enough income to qualify for a mortgage on a median-priced home. An index above 100 signifies that family earning the median income has more than enough income to qualify for a mortgage loan on a median-priced home, assuming a 20 percent down payment and a qualifying ratio of 25 percent. For example, a composite HAI of 120.0 means a family earning the", "title": "Housing affordability index" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.09, "text": "following year's review, they are dropped. Those not ranked in the top 125, are dropped regardless of the previous year's rank. The index also drops a company if, at the end of two consecutive months, it fails to have an index weighting of at least one-tenth of a percent. This can occur at any time. Companies that are dropped are replaced by those with the largest market value that are not already in the index. Anticipation of these changes can lead to changes in the stock prices of affected companies. The index publicly announces all changes, regardless of when they", "title": "NASDAQ-100" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.08, "text": "dismantling of the Bretton Woods system. At its start, the value of the U.S. Dollar Index was 100.000. It has since traded as high as 164.7200 in February 1985, and as low as 70.698 on March 16, 2008. The make up of the \"\"basket\"\" has been altered only once, when several European currencies were subsumed by the euro at the start of 1999. Some commentators have said that the make up of the \"\"basket\"\" is overdue for revision as China, Mexico, South Korea and Brazil are major trading partners presently which are not part of the index whereas Sweden and", "title": "U.S. Dollar Index" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.91, "text": "that oil exports are not likely to change. A number above 50 indicates that political developments may lead to higher oil exports, while a value below 50 indicates lower exports. The further away from 50 the index number is, the greater the expected change in exports, and the greater the likelihood of an impact on the oil price. The full theoretical range of index values is 0–100. However, in practice the global index value will normally oscillate around 50 and stay within the range of 40–60. Each country analyst reports on one of the 20 countries, and is required to", "title": "PRIX index" } ]
what year was the future in back to the future?
[ "2015" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.98, "text": "Back to the Future (1989 video game) Back to the Future is a 1989 video game released by LJN for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The game is loosely based on the 1985 film of the same name. A sequel, \"\"Back to the Future Part II & III\"\", was released in 1990. In the single mode game, the player controls Marty McFly through various stages set in 1955 in which he collects various clock icons in order to advance to the next level, and avoid the gradual vanishing of his future (indicated by a fading photograph at the bottom of the", "title": "Back to the Future (1989 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.98, "text": "Back to the Future (1985 video game) Back to the Future is the name of a 1985 video game released by Electric Dreams Software for the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64 and Amstrad CPC. The game is loosely based on the 1985 film of the same name. The game is a side view arcade adventure. The aim of the game is to get George McFly to spend as much time as possible with Lorraine Baines. The more time George and Lorraine spend together, the more they will fall in love, and thus more segments will be added to the family photograph", "title": "Back to the Future (1985 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.83, "text": "the cast and crew along with the cultural impact of the trilogy 30 years later. October 21, 2015, the date used for the setting of the future events during the first act of the second film, has been called \"\"\"\"Back to the Future\"\" Day\"\" by the media. The year 2015 also commemorated the 30th anniversary of the release of the original film. Many promotions were planned to mark the passing of the date, with many playing to the depiction of the future in the film, including: Cast members appeared on \"\"Today\"\" and \"\"Jimmy Kimmel Live!\"\" on October 21, 2015. Nearly", "title": "Back to the Future (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.72, "text": "Back to the Future (TV series) Back to the Future (also known as Back to the Future: The Animated Series) is an American animated science fiction comedy adventure television series for television based on the live action \"\"Back to the Future\"\" movie trilogy. The show lasted two seasons, each featuring 13 episodes, and ran on CBS from September 14, 1991, to December 26, 1992, and reran until August 14, 1993, on CBS. The network chose not to renew the show for a third season (citing low ratings). It later reran on FOX, as a part of the FoxBox block from", "title": "Back to the Future (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.7, "text": "Back to the Future Back to the Future is a 1985 American science fiction film directed by Robert Zemeckis and written by Zemeckis and Bob Gale. It stars Michael J. Fox as teenager Marty McFly, who accidentally travels back in time to 1955, where he meets his future parents and becomes his mother's romantic interest. Christopher Lloyd portrays the eccentric scientist Dr. Emmett \"\"Doc\"\" Brown, inventor of the time-traveling DeLorean, who helps Marty repair history and return to 1985. Zemeckis and Gale wrote the script after Gale wondered whether he would have befriended his father if they had attended school", "title": "Back to the Future" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.64, "text": "with \"\"Wonder Boy\"\", \"\"Quartet\"\", \"\"Aliens\"\", \"\"The Eidolon\"\" and \"\"Ghostbusters\"\". On this occasion, the game achieved the lowest score on the compilation from YS magazine, who concluded that it was \"\"a total waste of tape\"\". Back to the Future (1985 video game) Back to the Future is the name of a 1985 video game released by Electric Dreams Software for the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64 and Amstrad CPC. The game is loosely based on the 1985 film of the same name. The game is a side view arcade adventure. The aim of the game is to get George McFly to spend", "title": "Back to the Future (1985 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.39, "text": "Gale, LJN refused his requests to give input while the game was being developed; once he was shown the game, he asked them to make changes, but was told it was too late in the process to change anything. Back to the Future (1989 video game) Back to the Future is a 1989 video game released by LJN for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The game is loosely based on the 1985 film of the same name. A sequel, \"\"Back to the Future Part II & III\"\", was released in 1990. In the single mode game, the player controls Marty McFly", "title": "Back to the Future (1989 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.25, "text": "becoming the highest-grossing film of 1985. It won the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, the Saturn Award for Best Science Fiction Film, and the Academy Award for Best Sound Effects Editing. It received three Academy Award nominations, five BAFTA nominations, and four Golden Globe nominations, including Best Motion Picture (Musical or Comedy). In 2007, the Library of Congress selected it for preservation in the National Film Registry, and in June 2008 the American Film Institute's special AFI's 10 Top 10 designated it the 10th-best science fiction film. The film began a franchise including two sequels, \"\"Back to the Future", "title": "Back to the Future" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.25, "text": "and three laserdisc volumes of the series were released from 1993 to 1994, chronicling 18 of the 26 episodes. The entire complete show was released on DVD on October 20, 2015 for the first time, both individually and as part of the \"\"Back to the Future: The Complete Adventures\"\" collection (which also includes all three movies of the trilogy). In addition, the first episode from each season of the animated series (\"\"Brothers\"\" and \"\"Mac the Black\"\") are included as bonus materials in the \"\"Back to the Future: 30th Anniversary Trilogy\"\" set. On June 14, 2016, Universal released an individual DVD", "title": "Back to the Future (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.22, "text": "in the bottom right corner. The photograph in the bottom right and left of the screen gradually disappear if the player does nothing, thus setting a time limit on the game. The player can find various object to help him such as love poems, a cup of coffee, alien suit and a guitar. He also has a skateboard to move around quickly. Max Phillips, reviewer for YS magazine, summarised the game as \"\"Not a bad conversion of the plot. Nice to see an original game concept. It may even be very clever. But I can't say it's very much fun", "title": "Back to the Future (1985 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.17, "text": "I) with 24 tracks, 15 tracks of alternate early sessions and one unused source cue from the scoring sessions. In July 1997, Universal Studios announced that \"\"Back to the Future\"\" would be one of their first ten releases to the new format, though it ended up being delayed for five years. The films were finally released in 3-disc DVD box set on December 17, 2002 in both widescreen and fullscreen. On October 21, 2008, broke the story that Universal will be releasing each of the \"\"Back to the Future\"\" films individually. The DVDs were released on February 10, 2009", "title": "Back to the Future (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.14, "text": "to See Before You Die\"\". \"\"Back to the Future\"\" success led to two film sequels: \"\"Back to the Future Part II\"\" and \"\"Back to the Future Part III\"\". \"\"Part II\"\" was released on November 22, 1989, to mixed reviews and similar financial success as the original, finishing as the third highest-grossing film of the year worldwide. The film continues directly from the ending of \"\"Back to the Future\"\" and follows Marty and Doc as they travel into the future of 2015, an alternative 1985, and 1955 where Marty must repair the future while avoiding his past self from the original", "title": "Back to the Future" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.12, "text": "March 22 to August 30, 2003. It was the very first production of Universal Cartoon Studios. Although the cartoon takes place after the movies, Bob Gale has stated that the animated series and the comic books take place in their own 'what if' and alternate timelines and are not part of the main continuity. This show marked the debut television appearance of Bill Nye on a nationally broadcast show. Following the conclusion of \"\"Back to the Future Part III\"\", Dr. Emmett L. Brown settled in 1991 in Hill Valley with his new wife Clara, their sons Jules and Verne, and", "title": "Back to the Future (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.05, "text": "Berry and The Starlighters\"\" (and Marty McFly), one of the vintage 1950s songs in the movie, and two pop songs that are only very briefly heard in the background of the film . On November 24, 2009, an authorized, limited-edition two-CD set of the entire score was released by Intrada Records. \"\"Back to the Future\"\" opened on July 3, 1985, on 1,200 screens in North America. Zemeckis was concerned the film would flop because Fox had to film a \"\"Family Ties\"\" special in London and was unable to promote the film. Gale was also dissatisfied with Universal Pictures' tagline \"\"Are", "title": "Back to the Future" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.03, "text": "Blu-ray version in 2010. An animated television series, \"\"Back to the Future: The Animated series\"\", lasted two seasons, each featuring 13 episodes, and ran on CBS from September 14, 1991 to December 26, 1992. A comic book series was published by Harvey Comics in 1992 detailing further adventures of the animated series. Only seven issues were produced. IDW is publishing a mini series which presents the first meeting of both Marty and Doc Brown and is written by co-screenwriter Bob Gale, which was released in stores on October 21, 2015, the same date that Marty travels with Doc Brown to", "title": "Back to the Future (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.97, "text": "would be released on October 26, 2010, twenty-five years to the day from the date of the fictional events from the first film. There have been numerous complaints about the R1 packaging, leading to the release of an instruction sheet on how to safely remove and insert discs. The footage that was shot with Eric Stoltz in the role of Marty McFly before he was replaced with Michael J. Fox was not included in Universal's original DVD release in 2002 or in 2009, despite many fans hoping that Universal would include it. Some very brief footage was released in the", "title": "Back to the Future (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.97, "text": "countries worldwide on October 21, 2015 to commemorate the date travelled to by the protagonists in \"\"Back to the Future Part II\"\" and generated $4.8 million on its opening day. In the United States and Canada, it earned $1.65 million from ticket sales across 1,815 North American theaters on its opening day. Germany opened with $1.4 million and the United Kingdom with $345,000. Revenues from other territories such as Australia, Austria, France, Italy were moderate. In 1985, MCA Records released the . It featured 8 tracks performed by Huey Lewis and the News, Lindsey Buckingham, Eric Clapton, Marvin Berry and", "title": "Back to the Future (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.95, "text": "Back to the Future Part II Back to the Future Part II is a 1989 American science fiction film directed by Robert Zemeckis and written by Bob Gale. It is the sequel to the 1985 film \"\"Back to the Future\"\" and the second installment in the \"\"Back to the Future\"\" trilogy. The film stars Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Thomas F. Wilson, and Lea Thompson. In the plot, Marty McFly (Fox) and his friend Dr. Emmett \"\"Doc\"\" Brown (Lloyd) travel to 2015, where bully Biff Tannen (Wilson) steals Doc's DeLorean time machine and uses it to alter history for the", "title": "Back to the Future Part II" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.94, "text": "to play\"\". ZX Computing magazine said it was \"\"overpriced and over-hyped\"\", and Computer Gamer added \"\"Buy this at your peril\"\". Mark Eyles, one of the developers, commented \"\"Back to the Future\"\" was a bit of a rush. We knocked it out in about two months flat. We really wanted about twice as long to do the film justice, but the deadline was pressing... Virgin included the game in their 1987 compilation \"\"Now Games 4\"\", along with \"\"\"\", \"\"Mission Omega\"\", \"\"Hacker\"\" and \"\"Jonah Barrington Squash\"\". The game was also included in \"\"The Story So Far Volume IV\"\" compilation in 1989, along", "title": "Back to the Future (1985 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.89, "text": "the end of January 2010. It sold out in August 2014; however, on October 12, 2015 it was made available as an unlimited release in a single-disc edition, featuring the music on disc one of the two-disc set. Back to the Future (soundtrack) Back to the Future: Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack is the soundtrack album to the film of the same name. It was released on July 8, 1985 by MCA Records. The album included two tracks culled from Alan Silvestri's compositions for the film, two tracks from Huey Lewis and the News, two songs played by the", "title": "Back to the Future (soundtrack)" } ]
gland located at the base of the brain in the sella turcica?
[ "pituitary gland" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.23, "text": "that directly extend from cell bodies in the hypothalamus, through the infundibulum. It is located in the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone at the base of the skull. The pituitary is sometimes referred to as the “master gland” because it has a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis and guiding the activity of other glands. The anterior lobe secretes growth hormone, prolactin and tropic hormones for the thyroid, gonads and adrenal glands. The posterior lobe stores and releases oxytocin and vasopressin, also known as antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which are produced in the hypothalamus. The median eminence (ME) is located in", "title": "Circumventricular organs" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.7, "text": "Pituitary gland In vertebrate anatomy, the pituitary gland, or hypophysis, is an endocrine gland about the size of a pea and weighing in humans. It is a protrusion off the bottom of the hypothalamus at the base of the brain. The hypophysis rests upon the hypophysial fossa of the sphenoid bone in the center of the middle cranial fossa and is surrounded by a small bony cavity (sella turcica) covered by a dural fold (diaphragma sellae). The anterior pituitary (or adenohypophysis) is a lobe of the gland that regulates several physiological processes (including stress, growth, reproduction, and lactation). The intermediate", "title": "Pituitary gland" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.67, "text": "functionally connected to the brain, the pituitary gland sits outside the blood–brain barrier. It is separated from the subarachnoid space by the diaphragma sella, therefore the arachnoid mater and thus cerebral spinal fluid cannot enter the sella turcica. The pituitary gland is divided into two lobes, the anterior lobe (which accounts for two thirds of the volume of the gland), and the posterior lobe (one third of the volume) separated by the pars intermedia. The posterior lobe (the neural lobe or neurohypophysis) of the pituitary gland is not, despite its name, a true gland. The posterior lobe contains axons of", "title": "Pituitary adenoma" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.23, "text": "Sella turcica The sella turcica (Latin for Turkish seat) is a saddle-shaped depression in the body of the sphenoid bone of the human skull and of the skulls of other hominids including chimpanzees, orangutans, and gorillas. It serves as a cephalometric landmark. The pituitary gland or hypophysis is located within the most inferior aspect of the sella turcica, the hypophyseal fossa. The sella turcica is located in the sphenoid bone behind the chiasmatic groove and the tuberculum sellae. It belongs to the middle cranial fossa. The most inferior portion of the sella turcica (\"\"seat of the saddle\"\") is known as", "title": "Sella turcica" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.69, "text": "field deficits have been observed in a small series of optic nerve sections at the optic nerve-chiasm junction. Several important structures are located adjacent to the optic chiasm. The supraclinoid branches of the internal carotid artery flank the chiasm. The cavernous sinuses are lateral and inferior to the chiasm. The frontal lobe of the brain lies above. The pituitary gland sits below in the sella turcica. The sella turcica is bound in front by the tuberculum sellae and behind by the dorsum sellae. Behind the chiasm lies the floor of the third ventricle. Lee has divided optic chiasmal syndromes into", "title": "Chiasmal syndrome" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.7, "text": "can result in compression of the optic chiasm, which lies on top of the pituitary, enveloping the pituitary stalk. Compression of the optic chiasm can lead to bitemporal hemianopsia, and, when there is no relevant trauma, this clinical finding is pathognomonic for a pituitary tumor. Some pituitary adenomas can extend inferiorly, growing downward and invading the sphenoid bone and cavernous sinus. Large adenomas can cause remodeling of the underlying sphenoid bone altering the shape of the sella turcica. Sella turcica is also usually used as a reference point with nasion to establish the base of the skull in cephalometric analysis.", "title": "Sella turcica" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.67, "text": "This is commonly done prior to orthodontic treatment. \"\"Sella turcica\"\" is from the Latin words \"\"sella\"\", meaning seat, and \"\"turcica\"\", meaning Turkish. Sella turcica The sella turcica (Latin for Turkish seat) is a saddle-shaped depression in the body of the sphenoid bone of the human skull and of the skulls of other hominids including chimpanzees, orangutans, and gorillas. It serves as a cephalometric landmark. The pituitary gland or hypophysis is located within the most inferior aspect of the sella turcica, the hypophyseal fossa. The sella turcica is located in the sphenoid bone behind the chiasmatic groove and the tuberculum sellae.", "title": "Sella turcica" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.67, "text": "the hypophyseal fossa, and contains the pituitary gland (hypophysis). In front of the hypophyseal fossa is the tuberculum sellae. Completing the formation of the saddle posteriorly is the dorsum sellae, which is continuous with the clivus, inferoposteriorly. The dorsum sellae is terminated laterally by the posterior clinoid processes. The sella turcica forms a bony seat for the pituitary gland Empty sella syndrome is the condition of a shrunken or flattened pituitary gland. Since the sella turcica forms a bony caudal border for the pituitary gland, a pituitary tumor usually extends upward in the rostral direction into the suprasellar region. This", "title": "Sella turcica" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.06, "text": "(TSH), gonadotropic hormones (FSH, LH), adrenocorticotropic hormone, and prolactin. An MRI of the brain focusing on the sella turcica after gadolinium administration allows for clear delineation of the pituitary and the hypothalamus and the location of the tumor. A number of other overgrowth syndromes can result in similar problems. Pseudoacromegaly is a condition with the usual acromegaloid features, but without an increase in growth hormone and IGF-1. It is frequently associated with insulin resistance. Cases have been reported due to minoxidil at an unusually high dose. It can also be caused by a selective postreceptor defect of insulin signalling, leading", "title": "Acromegaly" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.97, "text": "to the brain is ambiguous at this point. Also, the tuberculum sellae is found at the base of the skull, which holds the hypophysis. Tubercle In anatomy, a tubercle is any round nodule, small eminence, or warty outgrowth found on external or internal organs of a plant or an animal. A tubercle is generally a wart-like projection, but it has slightly different meaning depending on which family of plants or animals it is used to refer to. In the case of certain orchids and cacti, it denotes a round nodule, small eminence, or warty outgrowth found on the lip. They", "title": "Tubercle" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.92, "text": "from a Rathke's cleft cyst, a remnant of Rathke's pouch that normally regresses after embryological development, may cause symptoms that are indistinguishable from pituitary apoplexy. Pituitary apoplexy is regarded by some as distinct from Sheehan's syndrome, where the pituitary undergoes infarction as a result of prolonged very low blood pressure, particularly when caused by bleeding after childbirth. This condition usually occurs in the absence of a tumor. Others regard Sheehan's syndrome as a form of pituitary apoplexy. The pituitary gland is located in a recess in the skull base known as the sella turcica (\"\"Turkish saddle\"\", after its shape). It", "title": "Pituitary apoplexy" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.44, "text": "the anterior border of a narrow, transverse groove, the prechiasmatic groove, above and behind which lies the optic chiasma; the groove ends on either side in the optic foramen, which transmits the optic nerve and ophthalmic artery into the orbital cavity. Behind the chiasmatic groove is an elevation, the tuberculum sellae; and behind this is a deep depression, the saddle-shaped sella turcica (Turkish seat), the deepest part of which, the hypophyseal fossa, lodges the pituitary gland. The anterior boundary of the sella turcica is completed by two small eminences, one on either side, called the middle clinoid processes, while the", "title": "Body of sphenoid bone" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.31, "text": "Diaphragma sellae The diaphragma sellae or sellar diaphragm is a flat piece of dura mater with a circular hole allowing the vertical passage of the pituitary stalk. It retains the pituitary gland beneath it in the fossa hypophyseos as it almost completely roofs the fossa hypophyseos of the sella turcica, a part of the sphenoid bone. It has a posterior boundary at the dorsum sellae and an anterior boundary at the tuberculum sellae along with the two small eminences (one on either side) called the middle clinoid processes. The diaphragma sellae is innervated by the first division of the cranial", "title": "Diaphragma sellae" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.25, "text": "spectrum of gliomas located elsewhere in the central nervous system. The cause of these tumors is still unknown. Researchers have not found any direct genetic link. 5. Pituitary Region Tumors A wide variety of tumors can occur in and around the sella turcica. The most common tumors in this region are craniopharyngiomas, pituitary adenomas, meningiomas, and optic chiasm gliomas. Visual impairment is a common presenting symptom, due to compression or invasion of the optic chiasm. 6. Germ Cell and Pineal Region Tumors Most tumors of the pineal region are either germinomas or pineal cell tumors, and are tumors of adolescents", "title": "Neurooncology" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.22, "text": "and medialward and gives attachment to the tentorium cerebelli. Behind the tuberculum sellæ is a deep depression, the sella turcica, containing the fossa hypophyseos, which lodges the hypophysis, and presents on its anterior wall the middle clinoid processes. The sella turcica is bounded posteriorly by a quadrilateral plate of bone, the dorsum sellae, the upper angles of which are surmounted by the posterior clinoid processes: these afford attachment to the tentorium cerebelli, and below each is a notch for the abducent nerve. On either side of the sella turcica is the carotid groove, which is broad, shallow, and curved somewhat", "title": "Middle cranial fossa" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.2, "text": "protective bony enclosure called the sella turcica. It is composed of three lobes: anterior, intermediate, and posterior. In many animals, these three lobes are distinct.The intermediate is avascular and almost absent in human beings. The intermediate lobe is present in many lower animal species, in particular in rodents, mice and rats, that have been used extensively to study pituitary development and function. In all animals, the fleshy, glandular anterior pituitary is distinct from the neural composition of the posterior pituitary, which is an extension of the hypothalamus. The anterior pituitary arises from an invagination of the oral ectoderm and forms", "title": "Pituitary gland" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.7, "text": "high prolactin levels in the blood. Usually, a mass will be found located on the sella turcica and loss of hormonal function. Hypophysitis may have an underlying autoimmune aetiology, as in the case of autoimmune hypophysitis, and lymphocytic hypophysitis. Mainly, the diagnosis of hypophysitis is through exclusion – patients often undergo surgery because they are suspected of having a pituitary adenoma. But, the most accurate diagnosis is using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to find any mass or lesions on the sella turcica. It is a known side-effect of the new immune checkpoint inhibitors of the CTLA-4 inhibitor and PD-L1 inhibitor", "title": "Hypophysitis" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 17.64, "text": "Empty sella syndrome Empty sella syndrome (ESS) is where the pituitary gland shrinks or becomes flattened, filling the sella turcica with cerebrospinal fluid on imaging instead of the normal pituitary. ESS can be found in the diagnostic workup of pituitary disorders, or as an incidental finding when imaging the brain. There are two types of ESS: \"\"primary\"\" and \"\"secondary\"\". If there are symptoms, people with empty sella syndrome can have headaches, as symptoms, which subsides when lying down. Additional symptoms are as follows: The cause of this condition is divided into primary and secondary, as follows: The normal mechanism of", "title": "Empty sella syndrome" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.47, "text": "Anterior clinoid process In the sphenoid bone, the posterior border, smooth and rounded, is received into the lateral fissure of the brain; the medial end of this border forms the anterior clinoid process, which gives attachment to the tentorium cerebelli; it is sometimes joined to the middle clinoid process by a spicule of bone, and when this occurs the termination of the groove for the internal carotid artery is converted into a foramen (carotico-clinoid). The anterior and posterior clinoid processes surround the sella turcica like the four corners of a four poster bed. Cline is Greek for bed. –oid, as", "title": "Anterior clinoid process" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 17.12, "text": "Anterior pituitary A major organ of the endocrine system, the anterior pituitary (also called the adenohypophysis or pars anterior), is the glandular, anterior lobe that together with the posterior lobe (posterior pituitary, or the neurohypophysis) makes up the pituitary gland (hypophysis). The anterior pituitary regulates several physiological processes including stress, growth, reproduction and lactation. Proper functioning of the anterior pituitary and of the organs it regulates can often be ascertained via blood tests that measure hormone levels. The pituitary gland is a pea-sized gland that sits in a protective bony enclosure called the sella turcica (\"\"Turkish chair/saddle\"\"). It is composed", "title": "Anterior pituitary" } ]
who plays sloan in ferris bueller's day off?
[ "Mia Sarapochiello" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.22, "text": "fell out of his chair when I told him I was only 18.\"\" Molly Ringwald had also wanted to play Sloane, but according to Ringwald, \"\"John wouldn't let me do it: he said that the part wasn't big enough for me.\"\" Ruck had previously auditioned for the Bender role in \"\"The Breakfast Club\"\" which went to Judd Nelson, but Hughes remembered Ruck and cast him as the 17-year-old Cameron Frye. According to Hughes, the character of Cameron was largely based on a friend of his in high school. \"\"He was sort of a lost person. His family neglected him, so", "title": "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.05, "text": "Matthew.\"\" Alan Ruck later told the \"\"AV Club\"\" that Anthony Michael Hall, who had previously worked with Hughes on three films, was originally offered the part but turned it down. Other actors who were considered for the role included Jim Carrey, John Cusack, Tom Cruise and Michael J. Fox. Sara surprised Hughes when she auditioned for the role of Sloane Peterson. \"\"It was funny. He didn't know how old I was and said he wanted an older girl to play the 17-year-old. He said it would take someone older to give her the kind of dignity she needed. He almost", "title": "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.59, "text": "\"\"Just Friends\"\". The movie \"\"Ferris Bueller's Day Off\"\" features Ferris's best friend Cameron wearing a vintage Detroit Red Wings Gordie Howe jersey through most of the movie. In the 1996 cult favorite Swingers, Trent (played by Vince Vaughn) is playing a NHL 93 videogame with his friends and extolling the toughness of Jeremy Roenick (then of the Chicago Blackhawks) and takes delight in bashing Wayne Gretzky (then of the Los Angeles Kings) in the game. In the film, \"\"The Love Guru\"\", Mike Myers is hired by the Toronto Maple Leafs as a counsel to their star player. Dwayne Johnson starred", "title": "Ice hockey in popular culture" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.42, "text": "Santa Monica. Like the film, Ferris is liked by everyone as the \"\"cool guy on campus.\"\" He is extremely popular, suave, quick witted and a master of ceremonies who often breaks the fourth wall. Cameron is still a depressive neurotic who, through Ferris, is able to loosen up occasionally. Sloan is portrayed slightly different in that she is not completely wrapped around Ferris' finger and has to be won over at times. Ed Rooney is the primary antagonist and always out to get Ferris but usually ends up foiled or humiliated. His secretary, Grace, is not a wise-cracking sarcastic, but", "title": "Ferris Bueller (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.42, "text": "the role of Ferris Bueller's girlfriend, Sloane Peterson, in the 1986 blockbuster film \"\"Ferris Bueller's Day Off\"\" made her even more popular. She also appeared in the 1987 miniseries \"\"Queenie\"\", a roman à clef on actress Merle Oberon, as well as 1992's \"\"A Stranger Among Us\"\", directed by Sidney Lumet. In 1994 she starred opposite Jean-Claude Van Damme in the blockbuster \"\"Timecop\"\", for which she won the Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress. She also played the part of Molly Connor in \"\"The Impossible Elephant\"\" (2001). Her television roles have included playing Annie Knox in the science fiction series \"\"Time", "title": "Mia Sara" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.39, "text": "Alan Ruck Alan Douglas Ruck (born July 1, 1956) is an American actor. He played Cameron Frye, Ferris Bueller's hypochondriac best friend in John Hughes' \"\"Ferris Bueller's Day Off\"\" (1986), and Stuart Bondek, the lecherous, power-hungry member of the mayor's staff in the ABC sitcom \"\"Spin City\"\". His other notable films include \"\"Bad Boys\"\" (1983), \"\"Three Fugitives\"\" (1989), \"\"Young Guns II\"\" (1990), \"\"Speed\"\" (1994), \"\"Twister\"\" (1996), and \"\"Kickin' It Old Skool\"\" (2007). In 2016, he co-starred with Geena Davis in an updated Fox TV adaptation of William Peter Blatty's best-selling novel \"\"The Exorcist.\"\" Ruck was born in Cleveland, Ohio, to", "title": "Alan Ruck" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.33, "text": "as saying he deserved the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor of 1986: \"\"His performance is what elevates the film, allows it to assume the power of a modern parable.\"\" \"\"The New York Times\"\" reviewer Nina Darnton criticized Mia Sara's portrayal of Sloane for lacking \"\"the specific detail that characterized the adolescent characters in Hughes's other films\"\", asserting she \"\"created a basically stable but forgettable character.\"\" Conversely, Darnton praised Ruck and Grey's performances: \"\"The two people who grow in the movie—Cameron, played with humor and sensitivity by Alan Ruck, and Ferris's sister Jeanie, played with appropriate self-pity by Jennifer Grey—are", "title": "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.23, "text": "Ferris Bueller's Day Off Ferris Bueller's Day Off is a 1986 American teen comedy film written, co-produced, and directed by John Hughes, and co-produced by Tom Jacobson. The film stars Matthew Broderick as Ferris Bueller, a high-school slacker who spends a day off from school, with Mia Sara and Alan Ruck. Ferris regularly \"\"breaks the fourth wall\"\" to explain techniques and inner thoughts. Hughes wrote the screenplay in less than a week. Filming began in September 1985 and finished in November. Featuring many landmarks, including the then Sears Tower and the Art Institute of Chicago, the film was Hughes' love", "title": "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.22, "text": "In the pilot episode, Ferris (Schlatter) refers to the film and expresses his displeasure at Matthew Broderick portraying him, even going as far as destroying a life-size cardboard cutout of Broderick with a chainsaw. However no further references to the film within the series' continuity would be made after this. As in the film, the series focused on Ferris Bueller and his high school experiences at Ocean Park High, including dealing with his best friend Cameron (Brandon Douglas), love interest Sloan (Ami Dolenz), and sister Jeannie (Jennifer Aniston). Although the film was set in Chicago, the series was set in", "title": "Ferris Bueller (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.14, "text": "\"\"Ferris Bueller's Day Off\"\". Elaine Kagan plays Rachel, Suba's romantic interest. Brett Cullen, who has appeared in \"\"Lost\"\" and \"\"The West Wing\"\", plays fencing instructor Danny Gallagher. Other students are played by Doug Wert and Stephen Polk. In her second film appearance, Eve Kagan plays Gallagher's daughter. (Her first appearance had been in 1989, in a film also directed by Kagan.) Bill Conti composed the score. Conti had won a 1983 Oscar for the score to \"\"The Right Stuff\"\", and is famous for the themes for the movie \"\"Rocky\"\" and \"\"For Your Eyes Only\"\". The score was performed and recorded", "title": "By the Sword (film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.11, "text": "Mia Sara Mia Sarapochiello (born June 19, 1967) better known as Mia Sara, is a retired American actress. She is best known for her role as Sloane Peterson in the 1986 comedy film \"\"Ferris Bueller's Day Off\"\", and other films such as \"\"Legend\"\" (1985) and \"\"Timecop\"\" (1994). Sara was born Mia Sarapochiello in Brooklyn Heights, New York, of Italian-American descent. She is the daughter of Diana, a stylist and photographer, and Jerome Sarapochiello, a photographer and artist. She attended St. Ann's School, in Brooklyn, New York. Sara's breakthrough role was Princess Lili in Ridley Scott's 1985 fairy-tale film \"\"Legend\"\". Playing", "title": "Mia Sara" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.78, "text": "as a central plot point. The John Hughes movie \"\"Ferris Bueller's Day Off\"\" (1986), is another well-known fourth-wall-breaking movie. Bueller, played by Matthew Broderick, often turns to the camera and breaks character to tell his thought process or explain his reasoning. Another Chicago area fourth-wall-breaking film, \"\"High Fidelity\"\", has John Cusack's character Rob intimately sharing his life struggles and confessions with the audience. Two more recent examples are the 2016 film \"\"Deadpool\"\", in which it is used as a comic device between the main character and the audience and the 2017 film \"\"I, Tonya\"\", where Tonya Harding and the other", "title": "Fourth wall" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.72, "text": "result in not being able to graduate or to receive credit for classes attended, until the time lost to truancy is made up through a combination of detention, fines, or summer school. Truancy is a frequent subject of popular culture. \"\"Ferris Bueller's Day Off\"\" is about the title character's (played by Matthew Broderick) day of truancy in Chicago with his girlfriend and best friend. \"\"Truancy\"\" is also the title of a 2008 novel about a student uprising against a dictatorial educational system. There are experiences that show that thanks to the incorporation of Successful Educational Actions (SEAs) in schools with", "title": "Truancy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.56, "text": "which she would have the leading role, and as the tough-as-nails and heroic Dr. Jane Norris in the 1989 sci-fi-horror film \"\"DeepStar Six\"\". Pickett, however, is best known to audiences for her lighter turn as Katie Bueller, Ferris Bueller's loving and unsuspecting mother, in the 1986 American comedy movie \"\"Ferris Bueller's Day Off\"\". Pickett made a major departure from her soap opera image when she played the central role in the 1980 erotic film \"\"Jeux de Nuit / Night Games\"\", directed by Roger Vadim. It was a sexually charged role involving numerous nude scenes, however the film went unnoticed and", "title": "Cindy Pickett" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.44, "text": "of the show \"\"Beverly Hills, 90210\"\". Producers later recast the role and his scenes were cut and reshot with James Eckhouse instead. In 2001, he made a cameo appearance in the movie \"\"Not Another Teen Movie\"\" as Mr. Wyler, spoofing his role in \"\"Ferris Bueller's Day Off\"\". Ward also played a minor role in \"\"Planes, Trains, and Automobiles\"\" (1987) as John, one of the marketers. Ward met Cindy Pickett on the \"\"Ferris Bueller\"\" set, where they played the parents of the teenaged protagonist in the 1986 film. They married in real life, had two children together, then divorced shortly after", "title": "Lyman Ward (actor)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.41, "text": "to Los Angeles. In 1990, Aniston obtained her first television role, as a regular, on the series \"\"Molloy\"\", and appeared in \"\"Ferris Bueller\"\", a television adaptation of the 1986 film \"\"Ferris Bueller's Day Off\"\"; both series were quickly canceled. She starred as a teenager going to summer camp in the made-for-television film \"\"Camp Cucamonga\"\" (1990), and as a spoiled daughter followed by a vengeful leprechaun in the horror film \"\"Leprechaun\"\" (1993). A 2014 retrospective from \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" identified \"\"Leprechaun\"\" as Aniston's worst role to date, and Aniston herself has expressed embarrassment over it. Aniston also appeared in two more failed", "title": "Jennifer Aniston" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.41, "text": "Ferris Bueller (TV series) Ferris Bueller is an American sitcom based on the 1986 John Hughes film \"\"Ferris Bueller's Day Off\"\". The show stars Charlie Schlatter in the title role. The series debuted on August 23, 1990, on NBC and was cancelled within its first season, a few months after its debut. The show was produced by Paramount Television. Hughes was not involved in the show's production. Though based on the film, the series was not a canon continuation, rather it was set up to portray itself as being the \"\"real life\"\" situations upon which the film was loosely based.", "title": "Ferris Bueller (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.36, "text": "he took that as license to really pamper himself. When he was legitimately sick, he actually felt good, because it was difficult and tiring to have to invent diseases but when he actually had something, he was relaxed.\"\" Ruck said the role of Cameron had originally been offered to Emilio Estevez who turned it down. \"\"Every time I see Emilio, I want to kiss him\"\", said Ruck. \"\"Thank you!\"\" Ruck, then 29, worried about the age difference. \"\"I was worried that I'd be 10 years out of step, and I wouldn't know anything about what was cool, what was hip,", "title": "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.36, "text": "through the event. Therefore, I make them as full and real as I can. This time around, I wanted to create a character who could handle everyone and everything.\"\" Hughes said that he had Broderick in mind when he wrote the screenplay, saying Broderick was the only actor he could think of who could pull off the role, calling him clever and charming. \"\"Certain guys would have played Ferris and you would have thought, 'Where's my wallet?'\"\" Hughes said. \"\"I had to have that look; that charm had to come through. Jimmy Stewart could have played Ferris at 15...I needed", "title": "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.34, "text": "John Hughes film \"\"Ferris Bueller's Day Off\"\". In 1992, he co-starred in \"\"Sunset Heat\"\" with Michael Paré, Dennis Hopper and Adam Ant. In 1994, he appeared in \"\"\"\" as Cadet Kyle Connors. In late 1995, Schlatter began his role as Dr. Travis on the television series \"\"\"\", opposite iconic singer, actor and dancer, Dick Van Dyke, who was impressed with this relatively unknown television actor, by being a lifelong fan of his. His character was introduced as a comic relief character in the third season after Scott Baio's character moved to Colorado, and never returned. He remained on the show", "title": "Charlie Schlatter" } ]
what is the oldest canal in the uk?
[ "Newry Canal in Northern Ireland" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.14, "text": "and Weser being linked by canals. In post-Roman Britain, the first early modern period canal built appears to have been the Exeter Canal, which was surveyed in 1563, and open in 1566. The oldest canal in North America, technically a mill race built for industrial purposes, is Mother Brook between the Boston, Massachusetts neighbourhoods of Dedham and Hyde Park connecting the higher waters of the Charles River and the mouth of the Neponset River and the sea. It was constructed in 1639 to provide water power for mills. In Russia, the Volga–Baltic Waterway, a nationwide canal system connecting the Baltic", "title": "Canal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.12, "text": "Foss Dyke The Foss Dyke, or Fossdyke, connects the River Trent at Torksey to Lincoln, the county town of Lincolnshire, and may be the oldest canal in England that is still in use. It is usually thought to have been built around AD 120 by the Romans, but there is no consensus among authors. It was refurbished in 1121, during the reign of King Henry I, and responsibility for its maintenance was transferred to the city of Lincoln by King James I. Improvements made in 1671 included a navigable sluice or lock at Torksey, and warehousing and wharves were built", "title": "Foss Dyke" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.75, "text": "basin is the oldest surviving warehouse in the country, dating from before 1778. Commercial traffic ceased in 1953, but the canal remained open, and has seen increased traffic since the re-opening of the Huddersfield Narrow Canal. Construction of the Huddersfield Narrow Canal began in 1794, and parts of it were open by 1797, but it was not until 1811 that it was fully open, as a result of delays in building the longest canal tunnel in Britain at Standedge. Although only long, it includes 74 locks, 42 to the east of the tunnel and 32 to the west. The ascent", "title": "Outer Pennine Ring" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.66, "text": "Canal including the Piccadilly Basin. It included the unique Store Street Aqueduct, built on a 45 degree skew and believed to be the first major such structure in Britain and the oldest still in use today. The section was completed by 1798, but the necessary extension by the Rochdale proprietors to the Bridgewater Canal was not built until 1800. Although the Huddersfield Narrow Canal was open as far as Woolroad by 1798, neither it, nor the Peak Forest Canal were complete. In fact it was another ten years before the former connected to Yorkshire and the east coast. With little", "title": "Ashton Canal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.61, "text": "Gaulle in 2005 and later a daily service to Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. The Exeter Canal also known as the Exeter Ship Canal was first completed in about 1566, making it one of the oldest artificial waterways in Britain. It was cut to bypass weirs that had been built across the River Exe to prevent trade in the city and to force boats to unload at Topsham from where the Earls of Devon were able to exact large tolls to transport goods to Exeter. Originally 3 feet deep and 16 feet wide (0.9 m by 5 m), it ran from just", "title": "Exeter" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.41, "text": "Exeter Ship Canal The Exeter Ship Canal, also known as the Exeter Canal, downstream of Exeter, Devon, England. It was built in the 1560s which means it pre-dates the \"\"canal mania\"\" period and is one of the oldest artificial waterways in the UK. At the start of Exeter's history, the River Exe was tidal and navigable up to the city walls enabling it to be a busy port. In the 1270s or 80s, the Countess of Devon, Isabella de Fortibus, built a weir across the river to power her mills (this weir is remembered in the name of the nearby", "title": "Exeter Ship Canal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.97, "text": "( when excluding the shared line with the Oxford Canal), is by far the longest \"\"merged\"\" canal in the UK, whilst the Leeds & Liverpool Canal for being and having parts of the now-extinct southern end of the Lancaster Canal, is considered the longest \"\"single\"\" Canal in the UK: A 5-mile (8-km) section of the Oxford Canal forms the main line of the Grand Union between Braunston and Napton. Although the Grand Union intended to buy the Oxford Canal and Coventry Canal, this did not take place. The section of the main line between Brentford and Braunston (formerly the Grand", "title": "Grand Union Canal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.8, "text": "finally opened; it is the longest and oldest of the four and is the longest and highest canal tunnel in the United Kingdom. Having been closed to all traffic in 1943, the canal tunnel was later re-opened during May 2001. The first, single-track railway tunnel, built for the London and North Western Railway (LNWR) on their line between Huddersfield and Manchester, was completed during 1848. However, it quickly proved to have insufficient capacity and a second, parallel, single-track tunnel was opened during 1871. Finally, the LNWR opened a third, double-track tunnel nearby on 1894. All four of the tunnels are", "title": "Standedge Tunnels" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.55, "text": "known as the New River. It has been suggested that this is the second oldest canal in England, completed in 1611 (Exeter was the first). However, as late as 1676 two tenants, John Cooper and John Landy, complained in the Manorial Court that the Lord of the Manor \"\"by Cutting ye new River hath taken away and doth detain\"\" parts of their copyholds, implying that in 1676 the construction was recent. It lies close to Titchfield Haven, concealed by a bridge with the remains of a sea-lock at the south end. A footpath follows the canal to Titchfield village. It", "title": "Titchfield" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.48, "text": "along the top of the northern floodbank, but drops down to a new crossing of the A57 road and a new bridge across the River Till near Saxilby. The route was officially opened on 26 July 2011. Extending the path to Torksey is a longer term aim. Foss Dyke The Foss Dyke, or Fossdyke, connects the River Trent at Torksey to Lincoln, the county town of Lincolnshire, and may be the oldest canal in England that is still in use. It is usually thought to have been built around AD 120 by the Romans, but there is no consensus among", "title": "Foss Dyke" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.03, "text": "The Bridgewater is often mistakenly considered to be the first true canal in Britain, as it relied upon existing watercourses as sources of water rather than as navigable routes. It now terminates in Runcorn basin, just before the disused flight of 10 locks which (before the approach road to the Silver Jubilee Bridge was built) used to lower the canal to the Runcorn Docks on the River Mersey and later, to the Manchester Ship Canal. The old line of locks in Runcorn fell into disuse in the late 1930s, and they were closed under the Ship Canal Act of 1949", "title": "Bridgewater Canal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.98, "text": "and Congleton), to a junction with the Trent and Mersey Canal near Kidsgrove. The Shropshire Union Canal links Wolverhampton (and the Birmingham Canal Navigations) with the River Mersey. The Bridgewater Canal is often considered to be the first true canal in Britain. However, the Sankey Canal also has good claim to that title. Although the Sankey Canal was originally contained within the old county of Lancashire, the transfer of Warrington and Widnes to Cheshire means that it now lies partly in the county. Preston Brook also lies in Cheshire, south of the River Mersey. Where possible, opening dates for the", "title": "Canals in Cheshire" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.66, "text": "obstructions, straightening curves, widening and deepening and building navigation locks. Britain had over 1000 miles of navigable rivers and streams by 1750. Canals and waterways allowed bulk materials to be economically transported long distances inland. This was because a horse could pull a barge with a load dozens of times larger than the load that could be drawn in a cart. Building of canals dates to ancient times. The Grand Canal in China is \"\"the world's largest artificial waterway and oldest canal still in existence,\"\" parts of which were started between the 6th and 4th centuries BC, is long and", "title": "Industrial Revolution" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.55, "text": "not where a river happened to be. The claim for the first pure canal in Great Britain is debated between \"\"Sankey\"\" and \"\"Bridgewater\"\" supporters. The first true canal in the United Kingdom was the Newry Canal in Northern Ireland constructed by Thomas Steers in 1741. The Sankey Brook Navigation, which connected St Helens with the River Mersey, is often claimed as the first modern \"\"purely artificial\"\" canal, because although it was originally a scheme to make the Sankey Brook navigable, it included an entirely new artificial channel that was effectively a canal along the Sankey Brook valley. However, \"\"Bridgewater\"\" supporters", "title": "History of the British canal system" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.53, "text": "flowing down to Huddersfield and the River Calder, and the Tame flowing down to Stockport and the River Mersey). The canal tunnel is long making it the longest canal tunnel in the United Kingdom. It is largely brick lined but in some places the tunnel has been left with a natural rock surface. In 1810, the Diggle Moss Reservoir gave way and Marsden was again flooded along with much of the Colne Valley. Houses and factories were wrecked and five people lost their lives. The force of the water was such that a fifteen-ton rock was carried down the valley.", "title": "Huddersfield Narrow Canal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.48, "text": "with the River Mersey at Runcorn but has since been cut off by a slip road to the Silver Jubilee Bridge. Often, although mistakenly, considered to be the first true canal in England, it required the construction of an aqueduct to cross the River Irwell, one of the first of its kind. Its success helped inspire a period of intense canal building in Britain, known as Canal Mania. It later faced intense competition from the Liverpool and Manchester Railway and the Macclesfield Canal. Navigable throughout its history, it is one of the few canals in Britain not to have been", "title": "Bridgewater Canal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.27, "text": "area comprised an undeveloped, low-lying water meadows. The canal was then extended to Oxford by Banbury's engineer, John Barnes in 1790. Both Parker's Wharf and Bridge Wharf were serviced by fly-boats to many distant cross-country destinations and by market boats to Oxford and Coventry. The canal brought much growth and prosperity to Banbury over the years and is still popular with boat users today. Tooley's is the oldest continuous working dry dock in Britain and was established to build and repair the wooden horse-drawn narrow boats which regularly travelled up and down the newly constructed Oxford Canal network. This is", "title": "Tooley's Boatyard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.23, "text": "Hertford Union Canal leads from the Regent's canal, at a basin in the north of Mile End to join the River Lea at Old Ford. A further canal, Limehouse Cut, London's oldest, leads from locks at Bromley-by-Bow to Limehouse Basin. Most of the canal tow-paths are open to both pedestrians and cyclists. Victoria Park was formed by Act of Parliament, and administered by the LCC and its successor authority the GLC. Since the latter authority's abolition, the park has been administered by Tower Hamlets. Part of the borough is within the boundary of the Thames Gateway development area. Areas included", "title": "London Borough of Tower Hamlets" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.2, "text": "structure, it is the oldest surviving cast iron railway bridge in the UK. By the Town Bridge, the Customs House, built in the early eighteenth century, is a visible reminder of the city's past function as an inland port. The Environment Agency navigation starts at the junction with the Northampton arm of the Grand Union Canal and extends for 91 miles (147 km) ending at Bevis Hall just upstream of Wisbech. The tidal limit used to be Woodston Wharf until the Dog-in-a-Doublet lock was built five miles (8 km) downstream in 1937. The A1/A1(M) primary route (part of European route", "title": "Peterborough" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.09, "text": "Wednesbury Old Canal Wednesbury Old Canal is part of the Birmingham Canal Navigations (BCN) in West Midlands (county), England. It opened in 1769, and although parts of it were abandoned in 1955 and 1960, the section between Pudding Green Junction and Ryder's Green Junction is navigable, as it provides a link to the Walsall Canal, while a short stub beyond Ryder's Green Junction is also navigable. Wednesbury Old Canal leaves the main line Birmingham level at Pudding Green Junction and passes through a completely industrial landscape. At Ryders Green Junction the Walsall Canal begins its descent down the eight Ryder's", "title": "Wednesbury Old Canal" } ]
girlfriends guide to divorce season 4 how many episodes?
[ "6" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.42, "text": "Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce (also known as Girlfriends' Guide to Freedom in season 3, Girlfriends' Guide to Bossing Up in season 4, and Girlfriends' Guide to Ever After in season 5) is an American comedy-drama television series developed by Marti Noxon for the American cable network Bravo. Based on the \"\"Girlfriends' Guides\"\" book series by Vicki Iovine, the series revolves around Abby McCarthy, a self-help author who finds solace in new friends and adventures as she faces an impending divorce. Lisa Edelstein portrays the main character Abby. Beau Garrett and Necar Zadegan co-star. Janeane Garofalo was", "title": "Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.23, "text": "the US for Netflix subscribers. The show is also available from electronic sell-through platforms such as iTunes, Amazon Instant Video, and Vudu. Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce (also known as Girlfriends' Guide to Freedom in season 3, Girlfriends' Guide to Bossing Up in season 4, and Girlfriends' Guide to Ever After in season 5) is an American comedy-drama television series developed by Marti Noxon for the American cable network Bravo. Based on the \"\"Girlfriends' Guides\"\" book series by Vicki Iovine, the series revolves around Abby McCarthy, a self-help author who finds solace in new friends and adventures", "title": "Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.72, "text": "which assigns a weighted mean rating out of 100 to reviews from critics, the series received an average score of 69, based on 21 reviews. Lori Rackl of \"\"Chicago Sun-Times\"\" gave the episode a 4 star rating (out of 4 stars), calling it \"\"a sometimes hilarious, sometimes heartbreaking story about an L.A.-based self-help author\"\" and added that the first two episodes \"\"reveal a much more nuanced, poignant tale, punctuated by some genuinely funny scenes.\"\" LaToya Ferguson of \"\"The A.V. Club\"\" gave the series a grade of \"\"A-\"\", calling it \"\"a very solid drama\"\" that should be on HBO or Showtime.", "title": "Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.31, "text": "part of the main cast for the first seven episodes of season 1 before departing the cast. She was replaced in episode 8 with Alanna Ubach. Paul Adelstein co-starred as a main cast member for the first two seasons, before being reduced to a recurring character for the third and fifth seasons. Retta recurred during the show's second season before being promoted to the main cast at the start of season 3. Produced by Universal Cable Productions, it is the first original scripted series for Bravo. A 13-episode first season was ordered by the network, which premiered on December 2,", "title": "Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.66, "text": "2014. The show debuted to 1.04 million viewers. Critical reception for the series has initially been generally positive, with particular praise towards Edelstein's performance and the series' quality over the reality series on Bravo. The show was eventually renewed for a second season, which premiered on December 1, 2015. On April 13, 2016, it was announced that Bravo had renewed the show for a third, fourth and fifth season. On August 5, 2016, it was announced that the fifth season would be the show's last. \"\"Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce\"\" was met with generally positive reviews from television critics. At Metacritic,", "title": "Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.22, "text": "season, picking up an additional 12 episodes, bringing the total count of season 2 to 24 episodes. The initial 12 episode order concluded June 6. The 12 additional episodes began airing November 28, 2012, at 10:30 PM EST, following the Season 4 premiere of \"\"Hot in Cleveland\"\" at 10 PM. The show was officially cancelled on August 23, 2013. Early reviews of the series were mixed. David Hinckley, writing for \"\"The New York Daily News,\"\" noted that it \"\"may be that all this will develop an interesting story. On opening night, though, it feels like the show's primary goal is", "title": "Happily Divorced" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.14, "text": "of \"\"Vulture\"\" was critical of the several aspects of the series, including the characters Abby and Lyla's attitude on giving their spouses child support, but found the series to be its best \"\"at its nastiest.\"\" \"\"Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce\"\" premiered in the United States on Bravo on December 2, 2014, in Canada on Slice on January 9, 2015, and in the United Kingdom on Lifetime UK on September 15, 2015. The first season was released on DVD in region 1 on October 13, 2015. On November 1, 2015 season 1 of \"\"Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce\"\" became available to stream in", "title": "Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.11, "text": "\"\"Gossip Girl\"\", where he appeared on four episodes in 2008, and Adam on USA Network's \"\"Royal Pains\"\" in 2010 and 2011. He was also in a recurring role as Max McCarthy on Bravo TV's first original scripted series Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce. Other television credits include \"\"30 Rock\"\", \"\"The Good Wife\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"Rescue Me\"\", \"\"Unforgettable\"\", and \"\"Necessary Roughness\"\". Heusinger starred as Lancelot in the national tour of \"\"Spamalot\"\" from 2006 through 2008. In 2010, he starred in the Naked Angels' Tony-nominated Broadway production of \"\"Next Fall\"\". Other theater credits include the off-Broadway production of \"\"Next Fall\"\" and the Broadway revival", "title": "Patrick Heusinger" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.95, "text": "with six episodes remaining in the fourth season. The network announced that all six episodes would air, with the finale airing September 16, 2015. Divorce attorney Holly (Kristen Johnston) introduces her client, Stuart (David Alan Basche), to his new roommates: two other divorced men who share an apartment in New York City that Holly owns. At first Phil (Donald Faison) and Haskell (Wayne Knight) have reservations about Stuart moving in, but Holly is right across the hall to help when things start to go downhill. When not hanging out in the apartment, the gang are usually downstairs at the local", "title": "The Exes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.86, "text": "The New Adventures of Old Christine (season 4) The fourth season of The New Adventures of Old Christine premiered on September 24, 2008 and concluded on May 20, 2009. It consisted of 22 episodes. In this season, as Barb is divorced she is facing deportation from the U.S. so Christine decides to marry her in a sham lesbian marriage in order to keep her best friend in the country. Richard and New Christine become engaged while Matthew finds love with one of his clients. Christine has a brief relationship with an obsessive man named Patrick, while she and Barb decide", "title": "The New Adventures of Old Christine (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.83, "text": "side of the series \"\"a lot more fun.\"\" \"\"Time\"\"s writer James Poniewozik praised the writing and Edelstein's \"\"sympathetic\"\" performance, noting that the latter \"\"grounds a show that often otherwise plays like young-adult fiction for actual adults.\"\" However, Poniewozik opined that \"\"there's one lesson Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce has (over)learned from its Bravo peers: that there's no reality so compelling that it can’t be sweetened with a little Photoshop.\"\" David Hinckley, writing for the \"\"New York Daily News\"\", highlighted the series' best moments as those showing the messy side of marital discourse while heralding Edelstein's performance as \"\"memorably moving.\"\" Margaret Lyons", "title": "Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 17.39, "text": "from the past two seasons, which both contained 13 episodes. On August 6, it was reported that the role of Greg, played by Santino Fontana during the show's first two seasons, was recast with Skylar Astin in order to \"\"explore how perception changes.\"\" Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (season 4) The fourth and final season of \"\"Crazy Ex-Girlfriend\"\" premiered on The CW on October 12, 2018 and will consist of 18 episodes. The season stars Rachel Bloom as Rebecca Bunch, a distraught young woman, dealing with the consequences of pleading guilty to attempted murder at the end of the previous season. Vincent Rodriguez", "title": "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.38, "text": "picked up for a second and third season. She was a guest star in the 2014 Bravo television series \"\"Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce\"\", playing the mother of Janeane Garofalo's character in the episode \"\"Rule #21: Leave Childishness to Children\"\". Peters plays the recurring role of Lenore Rindell in a spinoff of the television series \"\"The Good Wife\"\", titled \"\"The Good Fight\"\", which airs on CBS and CBS All Access starting in February 2017. Lenore and her husband Henry are finance experts and scammers; they are the parents of a main character, Maia, a young lawyer. Peters has recorded six solo", "title": "Bernadette Peters" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.36, "text": "took on the role of Theo in the Canadian/UK television production of \"\"Olympus\"\", as well as joining the cast in Bravo's sitcom \"\"Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce\"\". By the start of 2015 he was cast in a guest role on \"\"Supernatural\"\" for the CW Network and in 2016 joined the cast of \"\"The Arrangement\"\" for E! Entertainment in a recurring role as Nate Dancourt. In 2017, he shot 4 episodes as \"\"Connor\"\" for the Netflix series of \"\"Lost in Space\"\" (2018 release), as well as 2 episodes in \"\"Ghost Wars\"\" for the Syfy network as Dr Nate Fisher. In October 2017", "title": "Rowan Schlosberg" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.33, "text": "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (season 4) The fourth and final season of \"\"Crazy Ex-Girlfriend\"\" premiered on The CW on October 12, 2018 and will consist of 18 episodes. The season stars Rachel Bloom as Rebecca Bunch, a distraught young woman, dealing with the consequences of pleading guilty to attempted murder at the end of the previous season. Vincent Rodriguez III, Donna Lynne Champlin, Pete Gardner, Vella Lovell, Gabrielle Ruiz, Scott Michael Foster, and Skylar Astin co-star. Every song listed is performed by Rebecca, except where indicated. This season, at the end of the theme song, the woman who is \"\"mistaken\"\" for Rebecca", "title": "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.33, "text": "announced the fourth season renewal of \"\"The Exes\"\" with a 12-episode order. On September 5, 2014, TV Land announced that season four would be extended by 12 episodes, for a season total of 24. The fourth season premiered on November 5, 2014. The show was cancelled on August 10, 2015 with six produced episodes left to air, reducing season four to a total of 22 episodes. Casting announcements began in January 2011. First to be cast were Kristen Johnston and Donald Faison, with Johnston playing Holly, a smart and sexy divorce attorney and the landlord, and Faison playing Phil Chase,", "title": "The Exes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.23, "text": "has a different line. <onlyinclude> </onlyinclude> Kimmy Gatewood and Carrie Brownstein will direct episodes this season. Rachel Bloom will direct the seventeenth and penultimate episode of the season, while Aline Brosh McKenna will direct the eighteenth and final episode of the season, which will also serve as the series finale. The series was renewed for a fourth season on April 2, 2018. Along with the renewal announcement, creator and star Rachel Bloom stated that the fourth season would be the series' last. On July 13, it was announced that The CW had ordered 18 episodes for the final season, up", "title": "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 17.22, "text": "18 episodes, continued airing on Sunday nights at 9:00 PM during the summer months, but unlike the previous seasons, the first twelve episodes aired during the summer, starting from June 3, 2001 and the remaining six aired during January and February 2002, ending on February 10, 2002. In the United Kingdom, the season was broadcast on Wednesday nights at 10:00 PM, two episodes a night, between January 9 and March 6, 2002. The season continued the series' critical and award success, with the series winning 3 Emmy awards, 2 Golden Globe awards, and a SAG award. Season four also achieved", "title": "Sex and the City (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.2, "text": "horse\"\". \"\"Tom's Divorce\"\", along with the other 23 second season episodes of \"\"Parks and Recreation\"\", was released on a four-disc DVD set in the United States on November 30, 2010. The DVD included deleted scenes for each episode. Tom's Divorce \"\"Tom's Divorce\"\" is the 11th episode of the second season of American comedy television series \"\"Parks and Recreation\"\", and the seventeenth overall episode of the series. It originally aired on NBC in the United States on December 3, 2009. In the episode, Tom gets a divorce and Leslie tries to cheer him up, unaware it was a green card marriage.", "title": "Tom's Divorce" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.19, "text": "Scandal (season 4) The fourth season of the American television drama series \"\"Scandal\"\" began airing on September 25, 2014, in the United States on ABC and consists of 22 episodes. The season was produced by ABC Studios, in association with ShondaLand Production Company and The Mark Gordon Company; the showrunner being Shonda Rhimes. On May 7, 2015, ABC announced that \"\"Scandal\"\" had been renewed for a fifth season. The season continues the story of Olivia Pope's crisis management firm, Olivia Pope & Associates, and its staff, as well as staff at the White House in Washington D.C. Season four had", "title": "Scandal (season 4)" } ]
what episode does jane tell grayson that she is deb?
[ "\"Change of Heart\"" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.55, "text": "realizes Grayson is not yet ready to move on from Deb and breaks the relationship off. Fred meets Deb when she dies, and when he goes to cross her over she presses the return button on his desk and is sent back but into Jane's body. After Deb returns to earth in Jane's body she goes to Stacy and tells her that she is Deb, at first Stacy is suspicious but then after some convincing she believes that Jane is Deb. Fred is then sent to earth to look after Deb/Jane as her guardian angel and he gets a job", "title": "Drop Dead Diva (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.86, "text": "(Josh Stamberg). Jane is the complete opposite of Deb; she is brilliant, hard-working, charitable, and plus-sized. Deb finds that Jane also works in the same law firm, Harrison-Parker, as Deb's fiancé Grayson Kent (Jackson Hurst). After immediately telling her best friend, Stacy Barrett (April Bowlby), of her predicament, Deb prepares herself to tell Grayson the truth about her new body. However, Fred’s assignment as Deb’s guardian angel serves as punishment for letting her leave heaven. His purpose on Earth is to prevent Deb from telling Grayson the truth and insisting that no one else can know that she is really", "title": "Drop Dead Diva" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.83, "text": "the firm to get a divorce, Deb assumes that it's because of her death but soon discovers her parents were unhappy for years and just staying together for Deb's sake. She handles that but is later jarred when her birthday comes along and she discovers Jane is eight years older. At Jane's birthday party, Deb is pleasantly surprised to find that while she had been tone-deaf, Jane has a great singing voice. Deb wanted to tell Grayson who she actually was, but was devastated when he fell for fellow lawyer Kim Kaswell. Deb would later come to accept what had", "title": "Drop Dead Diva (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.77, "text": "that he has received a new job in Washington D.C. He then asks Jane to move with him but she sadly informs him that her life belongs with the firm and Stacy. After Tony moved away, Jane seemed to resume her romantic feelings for Grayson again. When she heard that Grayson broke up with Vanessa in the season finale, and then he asked her to dinner consecutively she thought he may finally be reciprocating those feelings. She then made up her mind to tell him the truth about her being Deb. Fred warned her not to go to the dinner", "title": "Drop Dead Diva (season 2)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.69, "text": "Grayson was interested in her as Jane but was jarred when a man named Ethan arrived at her home claiming to be Jane's husband. Grayson is still mourning Deb and when Deb is reborn in Jane, she recognizes how Kim is jealous of Jane's success and smarts. Kim is interested in Grayson, and they eventually kiss, only to have Kim end it there because she believes that Grayson wasn't ready to start a relationship. Grayson later pursues Kim and they date for a while but when Grayson can't seem to let Kim into the house he and Deb shared, Kim", "title": "Drop Dead Diva (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.62, "text": "happen and told Grayson that she saw no problem about the two kissing, although Kim had decided already to tell Grayson that she did not want to start a relationship with him. She also was the one who warned her guardian angel Fred about falling for her best friend Stacy that would lead to memories of his existence being erased. When Jane's mother came to town to visit, Deb did her best to handle it, realizing the distance the mother and daughter had and deciding that if she couldn't be with her own mother again, she could at least have", "title": "Drop Dead Diva (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.52, "text": "Deb in Jane's body. Deb struggles to learn more about her inherited life, learning lessons about self-esteem and personal acceptance. Eventually, the real Jane Bingum (played by Natalie Hall) reappears in another person's body after having pressed the return key, leading Deb to finally reveal the truth to Grayson, now one of Jane's closest friends. Grayson, after grieving and moving on from Deb's passing, becomes conflicted, but finally accepts Deb in her new body, saying that he wants her to be her and no one else. In addition to working with Grayson at the law firm, Deb (as Jane) also", "title": "Drop Dead Diva" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.28, "text": "like Jane as she starts to take on Jane's emotions and feelings. Meanwhile, Parker, with secret help from Grayson, also saved Jane's job after Tony, who was upset upon learning that she was married, refused to represent her after initially agreeing to do it. Deb/Jane would later learn from Fred that Kim did sleep with Grayson, resulting in Kim's pregnancy scare, devastating Deb for a moment until Fred told her the results came back negative. She also resumed her relationship with Tony after their brief break-up. When things finally seem to be going great in their relationship, Tony informs her", "title": "Drop Dead Diva (season 2)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.3, "text": "van. Jane screamed as he flew in the air, Vanessa came out and witnessed the horrific scene while Fred looked on gravely. Jane then screamed at Fred, ran to Grayson now lying in a pool of blood and he smiled at her and said \"\"Deb\"\" before closing his eyes. Kim testifies against Jane in her disbarment hearing but Parker defends Jane in the case and wins. During the second season, Parker and Kim start to work more closely and begin a relationship, which is tested when Parker's former partner, Claire Harrison, returns to the firm. Claire butts heads with Kim,", "title": "Drop Dead Diva (season 2)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.09, "text": "Fred with her co-star, Brian (Robert Hoffman), and Fred witnesses the two sharing a passionate kiss. Stacy is unable to choose between Brian and Fred; despite Jane's advice for her to talk to Fred, the choice is made for Stacy when Fred eventually confronts her and angrily leaves. Stacy becomes distraught and upset with Jane, believing Jane told Fred of her infidelity. Fred is later shown having drinks with Grayson and Teri, who comfort him. Stacy's behavior ends up annoying not only Fred, but also Jane/Deb and Teri when she becomes a diva and starts treating her friends like dirt,", "title": "Drop Dead Diva (season 3)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.81, "text": "Jane's. Sparks also seem to fly between Jane and another lawyer, Tony as they embark on a relationship. In the first season finale, Deb/Jane helped a ballplayer win a lawsuit against a doctor who botched an operation on his arm but then discovered that the two had been in cahoots to rip off the insurance company. Warned that telling anyone would put her career in jeopardy, as she later learned that Jane could lose her license and be disbarred, Deb went ahead and filed evidence to the district attorney while also resigning from the firm. She was beginning to believe", "title": "Drop Dead Diva (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.59, "text": "as something bad would happen but she ignored him as her mind was set. At dinner, Grayson told Jane that he did not want to lose a second opportunity to have a great woman in his life and that he was going to propose to Vanessa that night. He also asked Jane to be his best man. This upset her tremendously and she stomped out of the restaurant angrily passing Vanessa on the way. Grayson completely baffled by her behaviour ran out of the restaurant and called out to her in the street but then he got hit by a", "title": "Drop Dead Diva (season 2)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.58, "text": "Jane's legal smarts but not her memories and brushes off odd behavior as aftereffects of Jane being shot. Her lack of Jane's memories does hurt at times such as when she sues a diet guru unaware until the trial that Jane did a commercial endorsing the product. In addition, Deb learned at Jane's Class of 1994 reunion that Jane was very unnoticed at high school and her prom date was gay. Deb also handles the sudden urge for treats and snacks she denied herself before as well as realizing how self-absorbed she used to be. When her mother comes to", "title": "Drop Dead Diva (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.3, "text": "leading to a failed intervention. Brian steals her commercial deal and sleeps with her assistant, resulting in Stacy punching out Brian and getting arrested for assault. She is later cleared of the charges, but kisses Grayson after he represented her. Although the two quickly realize it was a mistake, Stacy is unaware that Jane saw it. Jane also tells Fred at the airport about what happened, thus devastating Fred who was ready to forgive Stacy and propose to her. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Drop Dead Diva (season 3) The third season of \"\"Drop Dead Diva\"\" premiered on June 19, 2011 and concluded on", "title": "Drop Dead Diva (season 3)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.97, "text": "angel and took human form to return to Earth. However, he realized he was too focused on Stacy and told Deb/Jane he was leaving to learn more about being human. Unfortunately, Fred can still be recalled to Heaven even if he is human because he still has to keep an eye on Deb/Jane. He returned, claiming to have been traveling the world but later admitted he'd never left Los Angeles as he's been assigned back to looking over Deb/Jane. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Drop Dead Diva (season 1) The first season of \"\"Drop Dead Diva\"\" premiered on July 12, 2009, and concluded October", "title": "Drop Dead Diva (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.94, "text": "Drop Dead Diva (season 3) The third season of \"\"Drop Dead Diva\"\" premiered on June 19, 2011 and concluded on September 25, 2011, on Lifetime. Season three aired on Sundays at 9:00 pm ET and consisted of 13 episodes. Sally Fields had a guest appearance as the judge for the episode. Grayson nearly marries Vanessa, but she backs out on the day of the wedding. Jane has two relationships during the season that indicate she is trying to move on from Grayson. The first, with Dr. Bill Kendall (Ben Shenkman), ends when he reveals that Jane is one of the", "title": "Drop Dead Diva (season 3)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.84, "text": "Later in the season, Fred and Stacy resume their past relationship and he tells her he loves her. Fred is jealous when Stacy books a commercial and has to kiss her pretend husband. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Drop Dead Diva (season 2) The second season of \"\"Drop Dead Diva\"\" premiered on June 6, 2010 and concluded August 29, 2010 on Lifetime. Season two aired on Sundays at 8:00 pm ET for the entire season and consisted of 13 episodes. In the second season Deb learns that Jane only married Ethan so he could get insurance for cancer treatments, only for him to leave", "title": "Drop Dead Diva (season 2)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.84, "text": "delight who makes you wonder where she has been hiding herself.\"\" Adding: \"\"one of the many wonderful things about Elliott's performance is that they are two people. Her transitions — like scrunching up her eyes when \"\"Jane\"\" is thinking, then opening them in wide, thrilled shock when \"\"Deb\"\" realizes that \"\"Jane\"\" has had a thought — are clear without seeming forced. There's pain and pleasure in the situation for both women, and Elliott makes each emotion ring true.\"\" \"\"Boston Globe\"\" also praised Elliott's performance as Jane Bingum, stating that \"\"As Deb-inside-Jane, Elliott does a great job portraying pathos, absurd disappointment,", "title": "Drop Dead Diva" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.77, "text": "to suspect that Emily is not who she says she is. Victoria asks Frank Stevens to find information about Emily's past, in order to protect her son Daniel. In the episode \"\"Betrayal\"\" the Grayson family goes to Senator Tom Kingsley. Victoria remembers when she was in love with David Clarke and the fact that he would be convicted. She revealed evidence to Kingsley exonerating David, however, Kingsley had ignored it when Conrad offered to support his political ambitions. In the present, during dinner with Victoria, Conrad, his wife, and a staffer, Kingsley receives two video e-mails showing him with his", "title": "Victoria Grayson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.62, "text": "Drop Dead Diva (season 2) The second season of \"\"Drop Dead Diva\"\" premiered on June 6, 2010 and concluded August 29, 2010 on Lifetime. Season two aired on Sundays at 8:00 pm ET for the entire season and consisted of 13 episodes. In the second season Deb learns that Jane only married Ethan so he could get insurance for cancer treatments, only for him to leave a month after they were married. Deb channels Jane's reactions upon learning she wants the divorce because he was a jerk for leaving her. This turn of events have Deb starting to act more", "title": "Drop Dead Diva (season 2)" } ]
everything within the state nothing outside the state?
[ "Totalitarianism" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.14, "text": "- but there is nothing \"\"outside\"\" of the State, which encompasses all of human civilization. It is eventually revealed that the State created its own \"\"barbarians\"\" by establishing colonies in other systems. \"\"A World Out of Time\"\" was nominated for a Locus Award in 1977, and \"\"The Integral Trees\"\" won a Locus Award in 1985. The State (Larry Niven) \"\"For the DC Comics super-villain, see Kite Man.\"\" \"\"The State\"\" is a fictional totalitarian world government in a future history that forms the back-story of three of Larry Niven's novels: \"\"A World Out of Time\"\" (1976), \"\"The Integral Trees\"\" (1984), and", "title": "The State (Larry Niven)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.23, "text": "Robert Conquest describes a \"\"totalitarian\"\" state as one recognizing no limits to its authority in any sphere of public or private life and which extends that authority to whatever length feasible. The concept was first developed in the 1920s by both Weimar jurist (and later Nazi academic) Carl Schmitt and, concurrently, by the Italian fascists. Italian fascist Benito Mussolini said \"\"Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state\"\". Schmitt used the term \"\"Totalstaat\"\" in his influential 1927 work on the legal basis of an all-powerful state, \"\"The Concept of the Political\"\". Later, the concept was used", "title": "Totalitarianism" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.92, "text": "thus: A popular slogan of the Italian Fascists under Mussolini was \"\"Tutto nello Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato\"\" (\"\"everything for the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state\"\"). This prospect of Italian fascist corporatism claimed to be the direct heir of Georges Sorel's revolutionary syndicalism, such that each interest was to form as its own entity with separate organizing parameters according to their own standards, but only within the corporative model of Italian fascism each was supposed to be incorporated through the auspices and organizing ability of a statist construct. This was", "title": "Corporatism" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.83, "text": "authoritarian. According to Szasz, \"\"the therapeutic state swallows up everything human on the seemingly rational ground that nothing falls outside the province of health and medicine, just as the theological state had swallowed up everything human on the perfectly rational ground that nothing falls outside the province of God and religion\"\". Faced with the problem of \"\"madness\"\", Western individualism proved to be ill-prepared to defend the rights of the individual: modern man has no more right to be a madman than medieval man had a right to be a heretic because if once people agree that they have identified the", "title": "Anti-psychiatry" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.72, "text": "goals\"\". He described totalitarianism as a society in which the ideology of the state had influence, if not power, over most of its citizens. According to Benito Mussolini, this system politicizes everything spiritual and human: \"\"Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state\"\". One of the first to use the term \"\"totalitarianism\"\" in the English language was the Austrian writer Franz Borkenau in his 1938 book \"\"The Communist International\"\", in which he commented that it united the Soviet and German dictatorships more than it divided them. The label \"\"totalitarian\"\" was twice affixed to the Hitler regime", "title": "Totalitarianism" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.47, "text": "\"\"therapeutic state\"\" where nanny has given way to counselor. Nanny just told people what to do; counselors also tell them what to think and what to feel. The \"\"nanny state\"\" was punitive, austere, and authoritarian, the therapeutic state is touchy-feely, supportive – and even more authoritarian. According to Szasz, \"\"the therapeutic state swallows up everything human on the seemingly rational ground that nothing falls outside the province of health and medicine, just as the theological state had swallowed up everything human on the perfectly rational ground that nothing falls outside the province of God and religion.\"\" Faced with the problem", "title": "Thomas Szasz" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.19, "text": "for medicalization also comes from society itself. Feminists, who once opposed state intervention as oppressive and patriarchal, now demand more coercive and intrusive measures to deal with child abuse and domestic violence. According to Thomas Szasz, \"\"the therapeutic state swallows up everything human on the seemingly rational ground that nothing falls outside the province of health and medicine, just as the theological state had swallowed up everything human on the perfectly rational ground that nothing falls outside the province of God and religion\"\". Medicalization Medicalization or medicalisation (see spelling differences) is the process by which human conditions and problems come", "title": "Medicalization" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.19, "text": "inside of. Hu writes, “Whether or not matter [Stuff] enters into or withdraws from possibilities, it must stay within Form”. Everything is inside of Form. Jin explains that unlike Universals, it does not have “a boundary line dividing what belongs to it from what doesn’t”. Thus Form is formless – it incorporates everything and is nothing at the same time. It is what is left when there are no possibilities – there is nothing outside of Form. Form and Stuff are inescapably intertwined. Stuff fills Form, and Form contains Stuff. Jin writes, “Un-Stuffed Form or Un-formed Stuff is a contradiction”.", "title": "Jin Yuelin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19, "text": "Outside of Being, therefore, are all the rest, that is all the possibilities of non-manifestation, as well as the possibilities of manifestation themselves insofar as they are in the unmanifested state; and included among these is Being itself, which cannot belong to manifestation since it is the principle thereof, and in consequence is itself unmanifested. For want of any other term, we are obliged to designate all that is thus outside and beyond Being as \"\"Non-Being\"\", but for us this negative term is in no way synonym for 'nothingness'. In his book \"\"Perspectives on initiation\"\", Guénon clarifies the signification given", "title": "René Guénon" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.98, "text": "they provided at least two years for the claimant to file a lawsuit. The Court, in a unanimous opinion by Justice Brandeis, held that the state of Texas has no power to affect contracts made outside the state, and having no relation to anything done or to be done within the state. The state therefore could not constitutionally apply its own rule invalidating contract clauses that required any statute of limitations under two years to a contract that had no relation to Texas beyond the fact that the plaintiff was a Texas resident. These contacts were insufficient to satisfy the", "title": "Home Insurance Co. v. Dick" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.58, "text": "nothing outside of the text\"\" [there is no outside-text; \"\"il n'y a pas de hors-texte\"\"]\"\" (brackets in the translation). This is a metaphor: \"\"un hors-texte\"\" is a bookbinding term, referring to a 'plate' bound among pages of text. Searle cites Derrida's supplementary metaphor rather than his initial contention. However, whether Searle's objection is good against that contention is the point in debate. Searle defines intentionality as the power of minds to be about, to represent (see Correspondence theory of truth), or to stand for, things, properties and states of affairs in the world. The nature of intentionality is an important", "title": "John Searle" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.3, "text": "as the United States and France. State nationalism is a variant of civic nationalism, often (but not always) combined with ethnic nationalism. It implies that the nation is a community of those who contribute to the maintenance and strength of the state, and that the individual exists to contribute to this goal. Italian fascism is the best example, epitomized in this slogan of Benito Mussolini: \"\"Tutto nello Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato.\"\" (\"\"Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State\"\"). It is no surprise that this conflicts with liberal ideals", "title": "Types of nationalism" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.28, "text": "that \"\"there is no outside-text\"\" (\"\"il n'y a pas de hors-texte\"\"), which is often mistranslated as \"\"there is nothing outside of the text\"\". The mistranslation is often used to suggest Derrida believes that nothing exists but words. Michel Foucault, for instance, famously misattributed to Derrida the very different phrase \"\"Il n'y a rien en dehors du texte\"\" for this purpose. According to Derrida, his statement simply refers to the unavoidability of context that is at the heart of différance. For example, the word \"\"house\"\" derives its meaning more as a function of how it differs from \"\"shed\"\", \"\"mansion\"\", \"\"hotel\"\", \"\"building\"\",", "title": "Deconstruction" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.03, "text": "a possible alternative reality, state, or absence of state. Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle argued that the notion of an uncaused cause was non-sensical, and that the universe was eternal. David Hume argued that, whilst we expect everything to have a cause because of our experience of the necessity of causes, a cause may not be necessary in the case of the formation of the universe, which is outside our experience. Bertrand Russell said \"\"I should say that the universe is just there, and that's all\"\", a \"\"brute fact\"\" position also taken by physicist Sean Carroll. Philosopher Brian Leftow has argued", "title": "Problem of why there is anything at all" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.95, "text": "in your public life.\"\" P. P. Carp was an outspoken critic of generic intolerance, seeing it as the enemy of civic values. Speaking in 1892, he theorized: \"\"Culturally speaking, the first sign of a backward state is intolerance. When somebody thinks that only he is right, that there is nothing outside his brain and absolutely nothing in social life, he is an uncultured being, who never had a chance of knowing how varied, how many, there are manifestations of human thinking.\"\" As Carp noted, the natural breakdown of \"\"forms without content\"\", and the disruption of traditional lifestyles, had made it", "title": "Petre P. Carp" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.92, "text": "tell, does not have an argument. He simply declares that there is nothing outside of texts (\"\"Il n'y a pas de 'hors-texte\"\"').\"\" Then, in \"\"Limited Inc.\"\", Derrida \"\"apparently takes it all back\"\", claiming that he meant only \"\"the banality that everything exists in some \"\"context\"\" or other!\"\" Derrida and others like him present \"\"an array of weak or even nonexistent arguments for a conclusion that seems preposterous\"\". In \"\"Of Grammatology\"\" (1967), Derrida claims that a text must not be interpreted by reference to anything \"\"outside of language\"\", which for him means \"\"outside of writing in general\"\". He adds: \"\"\"\"There is", "title": "John Searle" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.66, "text": "Outside (Alaska) In the U.S. state of Alaska, Outside refers to any non-Alaska location, most often referring to other U.S. states. The term has been in use since at least the beginning of the 20th century and is believed to be an adaptation of a similar Canadian term used in the northern portion of that country and referring to southern Canada. The expression is typically used in an adverbial phrase following some form of the word \"\"go\"\", but it is also used as a simple noun. Examples would include, An early usage of the term is in \"\"Through the Yukon", "title": "Outside (Alaska)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.58, "text": "(SCRA) provides specific protections to military service members who are domiciled outside their home states. It is also important in terms of other law, such as requirements that vehicles and other things which must be licensed in the place which the owner resides. There is a grace period normally around 30 days for persons moving into the area. In addition to such responsibilities, certain benefits also come from residency. Discounts on tuition usually are allowed for students who are resident within the state or province (or country) for a year or more, if it is a public university or the", "title": "Residency (domicile)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.53, "text": "sphere of the administration of Allah’s Knowledge and Power, so too, nothing may remain outside His Will. Amongst all things, be they incremental or a synergistically unified whole, there is always a trace or sign of intention and will. In other words, nothing happens unless Allah Wills it to be so. Therefore, there is realistically no chance in the universe. In actuality, all sciences aim to uncover the inherent procedures and laws of the fantastic functioning of the universe. All scientific endeavor accepts a priori that the universe and universal laws can in no way be the products of chance", "title": "Tewafuq" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.53, "text": "Gold Diggings\"\", by Josiah Spurr, published in Boston in 1900. Usage continues today, particularly in publications away from Southcentral Alaska and Anchorage. The inverse of the term (\"\"Inside\"\") is infrequently used. Outside (Alaska) In the U.S. state of Alaska, Outside refers to any non-Alaska location, most often referring to other U.S. states. The term has been in use since at least the beginning of the 20th century and is believed to be an adaptation of a similar Canadian term used in the northern portion of that country and referring to southern Canada. The expression is typically used in an adverbial", "title": "Outside (Alaska)" } ]
who has the most 40-point games in the nba?
[ "Wilt Chamberlain" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.14, "text": "Bryant averaged 43.4 points per game, the eighth highest single month scoring average in NBA history and highest for any player other than Chamberlain. By the end of the 2005–06 season, Bryant set Lakers single-season franchise records for most 40-point games (27) and most points scored (2,832). He won the league's scoring title for the first time by averaging 35.4 points per game, becoming just the fifth player in league history to average at least 35 in a season. Bryant finished in fourth place in the voting for the 2006 NBA Most Valuable Player Award but received 22 first place", "title": "Kobe Bryant" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.86, "text": "first four games are the most in team history—Kareem Abdul-Jabbar had 146 in 1970–71. Coming into the sixth game of the season, he had 175 points, 53 rebounds and 28 assists, the best start by a player in NBA history through his first five games. On November 18, he grabbed a career-high 17 rebounds to go along with 24 points in a 111–79 loss to the Dallas Mavericks. On December 4, he scored 40 points in a 111–100 loss to the Celtics. It was his third 40-point game of the season. On January 6, 2018, he recorded 34 points, 12", "title": "Giannis Antetokounmpo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.56, "text": "a player has reached the 40-point mark, since Kevin Durant had 46 points last year. The Rookies were up by 12 at halftime, the largest lead of the game. Westbrook, who had 11 points at halftime, took over and scored 29 points in the second half. But strong plays enabled the Rookies to keep the lead for the rest of the game. The Sprite Slam Dunk Contest was contested by defending champion Nate Robinson, All-Star Gerald Wallace, Shannon Brown and DeMar DeRozan. The fourth contestant was determined through the first ever NBA All-Star Dunk-In, a single-round slam dunk competition that", "title": "2010 NBA All-Star Game" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.47, "text": "game of his career, tying Glen Rice for the franchise record for 40-point games. Three days later, he scored 39 points, including the game-winning free throw with a half-second left, to lift the Hornets to a 113–112 win over the Miami Heat. During the game, he eclipsed the career 10,000-point mark. Walker set the NBA record for most three-point field goals through the first three games of a season with 19 (previously held by Danilo Gallinari with 18 in 2009–10) and became the first player in NBA history to make five or more three-point field goals in each of the", "title": "Kemba Walker" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.22, "text": "surpassed Karl Malone for most 20+ points games during a rookie season when he had his 19th 20+ point game. On February 2, 2018 Donovan recorded his second 40 point game of his rookie season against the Phoenix Suns, becoming the first rookie guard to notch two 40-point games since Allen Iverson in 1996-97. On February 5, 2018, Donovan was officially named by the NBA as an injury replacement for Orlando Magic forward Aaron Gordon (strained left hip flexor) for the 2018 NBA Slam Dunk Contest. He won the contest scoring a 48 and 50 in the first round, then", "title": "Donovan Mitchell" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.67, "text": "117–113 loss to the Oklahoma City Thunder. On December 3, 2016, Williams scored a season-high 40 points off the bench in a 103–100 loss to the Memphis Grizzlies. Williams's 40 points were the most ever scored by an opponent's reserve against Memphis, and he became the first player to score 40 off the bench since Jordan Crawford in April 2014. Two days later, he had 38 points, six rebounds and seven assists in a 107–101 loss to the Utah Jazz, putting together the first back-to-back 30-point games of his 12-year NBA career. He also became the first Lakers player to", "title": "Lou Williams" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.66, "text": "free throw line. Even though he turned 40 during the season, he scored 20 or more points 42 times, 30 or more points nine times, and 40 or more points three times. On February 21, 2003, Jordan became the first 40-year-old to tally 43 points in an NBA game. During his stint with the Wizards, all of Jordan's home games at the MCI Center were sold out, and the Wizards were the second most-watched team in the NBA, averaging 20,172 fans a game at home and 19,311 on the road. However, neither of Jordan's final two seasons resulted in a", "title": "Michael Jordan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.61, "text": "mark. On November 4, Curry's NBA-record streak of 157 straight games with at least one made three-pointer was snapped during the Warriors' 117–97 loss to the Los Angeles Lakers after he went 0-of-10 from three-point range. He had hit a three-pointer in every regular-season game since November 11, 2014. Three days later, he hit 13 three-pointers against New Orleans, setting an NBA record for most three-pointers made in a regular-season game. Curry shot 16-of-26 overall against the Pelicans for his first 40-point game of the season, finishing with 46 in a 116–106 win. On December 11, Curry hit two three-pointers", "title": "Stephen Curry" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.33, "text": "career-high 40 points and a season-high 13 assists in a 115–103 win over the Toronto Raptors. He surpassed that mark on January 28 with a 41-point effort in a 123–112 loss to Denver. Two games later on February 1, Bledsoe tied his career high with another 41-point effort in a 124–114 loss to his former team, the Los Angeles Clippers. Bledsoe's three 40-points games within 11 days is the fewest days needed to post three 40-point games in Suns history—the record was previously 13, set by Charlie Scott in 1973. In the Suns' last game before the 2017 NBA All-Star", "title": "Eric Bledsoe" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.25, "text": "2009–10 and the most since LeBron James had 13 and Carmelo Anthony had 10 in 2003–04. Curry had five 30-point/10-assist games, which tied Michael Jordan for the second-most 30-point/10-assist games by a rookie (Oscar Robertson is first with 25). He became just the sixth rookie in NBA history to post a 35-point, 10-assist, 10-rebound game when he registered his first career triple-double with 36 points, 13 assists and 10 rebounds against the Los Angeles Clippers on February 10. In the Warriors' season finale against the Portland Trail Blazers on April 14, Curry recorded a then career-high 42 points, nine rebounds", "title": "Stephen Curry" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.19, "text": "Nugget to have scored back-to-back 40-point games since Michael Adams did it in 1991. It was the first time they went 3–0 since 1985. In the month of November, Anthony was named the NBA player of the week and Western Conference Player of the Month, leading the Nuggets to a 12–5 start. In the fifteenth regular season game against the Minnesota Timberwolves, Anthony entered the game leading the league in points per game (30.2) and was the only player in the league to score at least 20 points in every game. He finished the game with 22 points which was", "title": "Carmelo Anthony" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.17, "text": "to record 50+ points with no baskets in the paint. He followed the next night with 40 points in a 95-82 victory over the Atlanta Hawks, and then 41 points against the Milwaukee Bucks two days later, becoming the first Knicks player since Bernard King to score 40+ points in three consecutive games. He also became only the third NBA player to score at least 40 points on at least 60% FG shooting in 3 consecutive games, joining King and Michael Jordan. On April 7, 2013, Anthony scored 36 points and 12 rebounds, 9 offensive, as the Knicks tallied their", "title": "Carmelo Anthony" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.08, "text": "with 40 points in a 132–120 overtime win over the Portland Trail Blazers. His 20th career 40-point game was his first since January 2014, and the first by a 37-year-old since Karl Malone in 2000–01. On April 11, in a win over the Utah Jazz that clinched the Mavericks a spot in the playoffs for the 15th time in 16 years, Nowitzki hit four three-pointers, becoming the 15th player in NBA history with at least 1,700 career triples. In Game 4 of the Mavericks' first-round playoff series against the Oklahoma City Thunder, Nowitzki passed Elgin Baylor (3,623 points) for 15th", "title": "Dirk Nowitzki" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.02, "text": "over the Los Angeles Lakers, becoming the first Canadian-born player to score 40+ points in an NBA game. On February 14, he had a 41-point effort in a 116–108 loss to the Cleveland Cavaliers. The following day, he scored 40 points in a 112–99 win over the Denver Nuggets, becoming just the second Minnesota player to record back-to-back 40-point games. On February 24, he scored 27 points in a 97–84 win over the Dallas Mavericks, topping 20 points for the 16th straight game, tying a franchise record. On October 11, 2017, Wiggins signed a five-year, $148 million contract extension with", "title": "Andrew Wiggins" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22, "text": "antics. He was elected to the All-NBA First Team that year. The following season (1976–77) was his most productive in the NBA. He led the league in scoring with an average of 31.1 points per game. He scored 40 points or more in 13 different games, and 50 or more in 4 games. His 68-point masterpiece against the Knicks was at the time the most points ever scored by a guard in a single game, and only two players at any position had ever scored more: Wilt Chamberlain and Elgin Baylor. Baylor was head coach of the Jazz at that", "title": "Pete Maravich" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.94, "text": "date, is the highest-scoring game in NBA history, and also holds the record for the most players to score 40 or more points in a single game. However, the game was not televised in the Denver area (instead being shown back to the Detroit market, via WKBD-TV) and was attended by just over 9,300 people. This game has since been broadcast on NBA TV and ESPN Classic. The group Heart performed their rendition of \"\"Unchained Melody\"\" at the arena in 1980. \"\"Unchained Melody\"\" was included on their highly-successful double LP \"\"Greatest Hits/Live\"\" released November 1980. The Grateful Dead made a", "title": "McNichols Sports Arena" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.92, "text": "the Cleveland Cavaliers. On February 24, 2017, he scored 40 points in a 120–112 loss to the Philadelphia 76ers, recording his fourth 40-point game of the season. On March 29, 2017, he scored 27 points in a 133–124 loss to the Los Angeles Clippers. During the game, Beal surpassed Gilbert Arenas for the franchise single-season three-point record. He made five against the Clippers to finish with 209 by the end of the game—Arenas had 205 in 2004–05 and 2006–07. Beal joined Kevin Durant and Vince Carter as the only three players in NBA history, 23 years old or younger, to", "title": "Bradley Beal" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.91, "text": "starter since Latrell Sprewell in 1995. He scored a season-high 47 points on April 13 against the Portland Trail Blazers for his third 40-point game of the year. He finished the regular season tied for second in the NBA in triple-doubles with four, the most by a Warrior in a single season since Wilt Chamberlain had five in 1963–64. Seeded sixth for the second consecutive postseason, the Warriors were defeated in seven games by the Los Angeles Clippers. Prior to the start of the 2014–15 season, the Warriors hired former NBA player and general manager Steve Kerr as their new", "title": "Stephen Curry" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.83, "text": "games, marking the longest stretch between 30-point games in NBA history. The Cavaliers returned to the NBA Finals in 2018, where they lost 4–0 to the Warriors. On October 30, 2018, in a 136–114 win over the Atlanta Hawks, Korver reached 11,000 career points. On November 29, 2018, Korver was traded to the Utah Jazz in exchange for Alec Burks and two future second-round draft picks. Korver has three brothers, Klayton, Kaleb and Kirk (1990–2018), all of whom have played Division I basketball. Klayton was a guard/forward for the Drake Bulldogs; Kaleb was a guard for the Creighton Bluejays; and", "title": "Kyle Korver" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.62, "text": "Wilt Chamberlain's 100-point game Wilt Chamberlain set the single-game scoring record in the National Basketball Association (NBA) by scoring 100 points for the Philadelphia Warriors in a 169–147 win over the New York Knicks on March 2, 1962, at Hershey Sports Arena in Hershey, Pennsylvania. It is widely considered one of the greatest records in basketball. Chamberlain set five other league records that game including most free throws made, a notable achievement, as he was regarded as a poor free throw shooter. The teams broke the record for most combined points in a game (316). That season, Chamberlain averaged a", "title": "Wilt Chamberlain's 100-point game" } ]
the wizard of oz what did the tin man want?
[ "heart" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.33, "text": "land. He soon realizes that Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion already possess what they desire and gives them items that they believe grant their wishes (Scarecrow's head is filled with sawdust and nails, Tin Man is given a wooden heart and Lion is given colored water that he is told represents courage) but cannot think of how to get Dorothy home. Scarecrow hits upon the idea to use the Wizard's hot air balloon to get Dorothy back to Kansas, and the Wizard agrees saying he will go back with her having tired of life in Oz. Before he leaves, he", "title": "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1986 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.5, "text": "knew best. They built a story around them, added Dorothy, and added a series of lessons to the effect that everyone possesses the resources they need (such as brains, a heart and courage) if only they had self-confidence. \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" was a children’s book, of course, but as Baum warned in the preface, it was a \"\"modernized\"\" fairy tale as well. The Tin Man—the human turned into a machine—was a common feature in political cartoons and in advertisements in the 1890s. Indeed, he had been part of European folk art for 300 years. In political interpretations of", "title": "Tin Woodman" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.38, "text": "kisses her on the forehead, giving her magical protection from harm. On her way down the yellow brick road, Dorothy attends a banquet held by a Munchkin man named Boq. The next day, Dorothy frees the Scarecrow from the pole on which he is hanging, applies oil from a can to the rusted connections of the Tin Woodman, and meets the Cowardly Lion. The Scarecrow wants a brain, the Tin Woodman wants a heart, and the Cowardly Lion wants courage, so Dorothy encourages the three of them to journey with her and Toto to the Emerald City to ask for", "title": "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.33, "text": "and lacking a brain, the Tin Woodman, made entirely from metal and lacking a heart, and the Cowardly Lion who wishes to become brave. Along their journey, the group comes to a large ditch in the road, and the Lion provides transportation by jumping across while the others sit on his back. The group then enters a dark forest and become trapped at the edge of a steep canyon, while being chased by the Kalidahs (animals with the bodies of bears and the heads of tigers). The Lion and the Scarecrow distract them as the Tin Man cuts down a", "title": "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1986 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.23, "text": "great Wizard of Oz to help her return home. The Wicked Witch of the West, sister of the late Wicked Witch of the East, vows revenge upon Dorothy. Dorothy meets the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman. The Scarecrow wants to get a brain, and the Tin Woodman needs a heart (\"\"If I Only Had a Brain\"\"/\"\"If I Only Had a Heart\"\"). Dorothy suggests that the Wizard can help them too (\"\"We're Off to See the Wizard\"\"). They then meet the Cowardly Lion (\"\"If I Only Had the Nerve\"\"). The four friends travel down the yellow brick road, having been warned", "title": "The Wizard of Oz (1942 musical)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.81, "text": "unhappy with his role as the Tin Man (reportedly claiming, \"\"I'm not a tin performer; I'm fluid\"\"), Bolger convinced producer Mervyn LeRoy to recast him in the part he so desired. Ebsen did not object; after going over the basics of the Scarecrow's distinctive gait with Bolger (as a professional dancer, Ebsen had been cast because the studio was confident he would be up to the task of replicating the famous \"\"wobbly-walk\"\" of Stone's Scarecrow), he recorded all of his songs, went through all the rehearsals as the Tin Man and began filming with the rest of the cast. Bert", "title": "The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.48, "text": "children, along with numerous illustrations, but he also wanted to create a story that had recognizable American elements in it, such as farming and industrialization. Many of the characters, props, and ideas in the novel were drawn from Baum's experiences. As a child, Baum frequently had nightmares of a scarecrow pursuing him across a field. Moments before the scarecrow's \"\"ragged hay fingers\"\" nearly gripped his neck, it would fall apart before his eyes. Decades later, as an adult, Baum integrated his tormentor into the novel as the Scarecrow. According to his son Harry, the Tin Woodman was born from Baum's", "title": "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.33, "text": "attraction to window displays. He wished to make something captivating for the window displays, so he used an eclectic assortment of scraps to craft a striking figure. From a washboiler he made a body, from bolted stovepipes he made arms and legs, and from the bottom of a saucepan he made a face. Baum then placed a funnel hat on the figure, which ultimately became the Tin Woodman. John D. Rockefeller was the nemesis of Baum's father, an oil baron who declined to purchase Standard Oil shares in exchange for selling his own oil refinery. Baum scholar Evan I. Schwartz", "title": "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.31, "text": "and was meant to rule and will do a fine job of it. When Glinda offers Tip the choice to remain as he is or have Mombi's spell broken, Tip bravely agrees to breaking the spell and he transforms into Princess Ozma. Glinda the removes Mombi's powers and orders her and Jinjur to return to their homes and lead quiet lives which they both agree to. She then offers Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tinman and Jack a reward for their help. Tin Man asks to return to the West as does Scarecrow and will now live with Tin Man in his palace.", "title": "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1986 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.27, "text": "\"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\", the Tin Woodman is supposedly described as a worker, dehumanized by industrialization. The Tin Woodman little by little lost his natural body and had it replaced by metal; so he has lost his heart and cannot move without the help of farmers (represented by the Scarecrow); in reality he has a strong sense of cooperation and love, which needs only an infusion of self-confidence to be awakened. In the 1890s many argued that to secure a political revolution a coalition of Farmers and Workers was needed. The 1890 editorial cartoon to the right shows President", "title": "Tin Woodman" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.27, "text": "ordinary man (who resembles Professor Marvel) using a microphone to make his voice impressive. Nevertheless, he is able to help the travelers. He conducts a graduation exercise, awarding the Scarecrow with a doctorate of Thinkology; appoints the Lion as a member of the Legion of Courage; and presents the Tin Man with a heart-shaped ticker – a watch. Finally, he reveals that he is from the prairies himself and offers to give Dorothy a ride back to Kansas in the hot-air balloon that brought him to Oz. It takes off while she is distracted, and she is afraid that she", "title": "The Wizard of Oz (1987 musical)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.25, "text": "of the party. He can jump and shoot gems, and attack with a pitchfork. If he gets too close to crows, they fly away; furthermore, if he touches fire, he is defeated immediately. He's the second character you get. The Tin Man is the toughest character, but also the heaviest, so he can't jump. He can still shoot gems, kick, and attack with his axe. He's the third character you get. The Cowardly Lion is cowardly, and almost as good as Dorothy. He can jump, throw gems, and attack with his paws. He can also climb trees. He is the", "title": "The Wizard of Oz (1993 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.12, "text": "Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\", with science fiction and additional fantasy elements added. It focuses on the adventures of a small-town waitress named DG who is pulled into a magical realm called the O.Z., ruled by the tyrannical sorceress Azkadellia. Together with her companions Glitch, Raw, and Cain, DG journeys to uncover her lost memories, find her true parents. and foil Azkadellia's plot to trap the O.Z. in eternal darkness. Costing $20 million to produce, the first part of the mini-series was the highest-rated program in its time slot, with 6.4 million viewers; the mini-series itself would be the highest-rated mini-series", "title": "Tin Man (miniseries)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.97, "text": "a Ruined City. They arrive at the Gateway which leads down into the Nome King's Underground Kingdom. After walking alongside a River of Flowing Lava, as well as crossing over it, they walk through an Ornament Hallway and meet the Nome King. Knowing why they are here he tells them of his power and that if they would want to free the Prince, they would have to play his Guessing Ornament Game. After Tik-Tok mistakenly turns into an ornament first, Kaliko tricks the Lion, the Tin Man and the Scarecrow in their guesses, turning them into ornaments. Dorothy, however, tricks", "title": "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1986 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.94, "text": "to the West (despite the Saw-Horse's broken leg accident) and ask the Tin Man for help. Mombi uses her magic to surround the friends with a field of Sunflowers, which thanks to Jinjur doesn't last long. The Mouse Queen is called upon to help her friends with their mission and gives them her Secret Weapon. After more magic tricks, like a giant cliff-like wall and a circle of fire, the friends finally return to Emerald City and find it in bad shape—all the men are doing the hard work while the women can do whatever they want. In the Throne", "title": "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1986 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.94, "text": "to lose his memory in the Palace. Dorothy meets a pleasant Guph the next morning and the Nome King is worried. Ozma's Coronation is a success—despite Dorothy's exhaustion—and afterwards Tin Man talks to Ozma, the Lion and the Scarecrow on how to deal with Growleywog, which at that time is rejoined by the Nomes. That night, Growleywog leads the Nomes in invasion of the Emerald City. As the Tin Man thwarts some of the Nomes, Scarecrow tells Dorothy his plan for a rescue. The friends do their best in scaring and attacking the Nomes with eggs, while the Lion watches", "title": "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1986 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.92, "text": "for her sister's death, then vanishes. Glinda tells Dorothy to follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City, where she can ask the Wizard of Oz to help her get back home. On her journey Dorothy meets the Scarecrow, who wants a brain; the Tin Woodman, who desires a heart; and the Cowardly Lion, who needs courage. Dorothy invites them to accompany her to the Emerald City, where they can ask the Wizard to help them too. Despite harassment from the Witch they reach the Emerald City and are eventually permitted to see the Wizard, who appears as a", "title": "The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.75, "text": "on decorating shop windows when he wrote \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\", was reportedly inspired to invent the Tin Woodman by a figure he had built out of metal parts for a shop display. Originally an ordinary man by the name of Nick Chopper (the name first appearing in \"\"The Marvelous Land of Oz\"\"), the Tin Woodman used to make his living chopping down trees in the forests of Oz, as his father had before him. The Wicked Witch of the West enchanted his axe to prevent him from marrying his sweetheart, after being bribed by the lazy old woman", "title": "Tin Woodman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.73, "text": "the suns emerge from behind the moon, shedding their light on the O.Z. RHI Entertainment and the Sci Fi Channel spent $20 million in the creation of the \"\"Tin Man\"\" mini-series, with Robert Halmi, Sr. acting as the lead producer. Sci Fi executive Dave Howe said that the companies felt such classic stories as \"\"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\"\" \"\"deserve[d] to be re-imagined for a new generation.\"\" The script used for the creation of \"\"Tin Man\"\" reimagined \"\"The Wizard of Oz\"\" by creating new characters and adding elements of science fiction, fantasy, and steampunk to the narrative while making many", "title": "Tin Man (miniseries)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.72, "text": "allusions to the original story. Nick Willing was chosen as the director for the piece. He brought with him his experience in directing the 1999 reimagining of \"\"Alice in Wonderland\"\", and said that it was not his intention to have it be \"\"The Wizard of Oz\"\". They set out to use the science fiction elements to completely change the story. As Willing speaks about the characters' reflection of the originals, he writes that, \"\"the witch is now running things, Toto is working for her, and Dorothy doesn't even know she's Dorothy.\"\" Writer and executive producer Steven Long Mitchell explains, \"\"The", "title": "Tin Man (miniseries)" } ]
who played daisy duke in the tv series?
[ "Catherine Bach" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 27.11, "text": "Daisy Duke Daisy Duke is a fictional character, played by Catherine Bach, from the American television series \"\"The Dukes of Hazzard\"\". She is the cousin of Bo and Luke, the main protagonists of the show, and the three live on a farm on the outskirts of Hazzard County with their Uncle Jesse. Although never mentioned in the series itself, some press material for the show suggests that Daisy's parents, along with Bo and Luke's, were killed in a car accident. However, in the , Daisy says her mother died when she was a baby. Daisy frequently becomes involved in the", "title": "Daisy Duke" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.67, "text": "does not dress particularly attractively. She wears large flannel shirts, jeans, big glasses, and her hair in a bun. To get a job as a waitress at the Boar's Nest and to attract Hughie Hogg (Boss's nephew), she decides to change her look. She goes through several outfits before finally settling on her signature look. She is also a brunette in this movie. Daisy is played by April Scott. Daisy Duke Daisy Duke is a fictional character, played by Catherine Bach, from the American television series \"\"The Dukes of Hazzard\"\". She is the cousin of Bo and Luke, the main", "title": "Daisy Duke" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.67, "text": "Catherine Bach Catherine Bach (born Catherine Bachman; March 1, 1954) is an American actress. She is known for playing Daisy Duke in the television series \"\"The Dukes of Hazzard\"\" and Margo Dutton in \"\"African Skies\"\". In 2012, she joined the cast of the CBS soap opera \"\"The Young and the Restless\"\" as Anita Lawson. Bach was born in Warren, Ohio, the daughter of Norma Jean Kucera (née Verdugo), an acupuncturist, and Bernard Bachman, a rancher. Her mother was of Mexican descent and her father was of German ancestry. She is descended from the Verdugo family, one of California's earliest landed", "title": "Catherine Bach" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.16, "text": "according to interviews by the series' creators, the two would often improvise their scenes together, making up their own dialogue as they went along. Until his death, he also remained close to Catherine Bach, who played the character of Daisy Duke; and long after the show's cancellation, she was a regular visitor to the website dedicated to Best's painting. In 1991, in contrast to the comical Rosco Coltrane of \"\"The Dukes of Hazzard\"\", Best appeared in an episode of the NBC crime drama \"\"In the Heat of the Night\"\". He won the Crystal Reel Award for Best Actor for his", "title": "James Best" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.98, "text": "Daisy Duke for a poster, which sold 5 million copies. The poster created unexpected admiration from Nancy Reagan and other staff after Bach visited, then sent a copy to one of her former schoolteachers employed in the White House. In the 2005 feature film \"\"The Dukes of Hazzard\"\", Daisy Duke is portrayed by Jessica Simpson. Film critics commended Simpson on her performance, but claimed that her portrayal had little in common with the character Catherine Bach created, and that she was merely cast because of her celebrity status. Daisy's costume was slightly modified for the film to make her more", "title": "Daisy Duke" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.75, "text": "Restless\"\" in the recurring role of Anita Lawson. In 2002, Bach launched a line of diamond jewelery at Debenhams. Bach married David Shaw (step-son of Angela Lansbury) in 1976; the couple divorced in 1981. Bach married entertainment lawyer Peter Lopez in August 1990. They had two daughters, Sophia and Laura. On April 30, 2010, 60-year-old Lopez was found shot dead in an apparent suicide. Catherine Bach Catherine Bach (born Catherine Bachman; March 1, 1954) is an American actress. She is known for playing Daisy Duke in the television series \"\"The Dukes of Hazzard\"\" and Margo Dutton in \"\"African Skies\"\". In", "title": "Catherine Bach" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.47, "text": "ubiquitous in American culture that skimpy blue jean cutoff shorts are now often simply called \"\"Daisy Dukes\"\"). In a film review, a \"\"New York Daily News\"\" entertainment columnist said the movie's sex humor is \"\"cruder\"\" than the TV series, but that it is \"\"nearly identical to the TV series in... its ogling of the posterior of cousin Daisy Duke.\"\" Although initially he commented that he enjoyed the new style of relationship between the movie versions of Bo and Luke, John Schneider, who played Bo Duke in the original series, was later asked if he saw the film and said: \"\"My", "title": "The Dukes of Hazzard (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.17, "text": "running from 1979 to 1985 and garnering countless fans throughout the world. When meeting with fans at a recent autograph signing session, Jones stated he 'greatly disapproved' the production of \"\"The Dukes of Hazzard\"\" movies (2005, 2007). Jones stated that he disliked the portrayal of Uncle Jesse by Willie Nelson and the portrayal of Daisy Duke by Jessica Simpson. Jones stated that the original TV show, was a 'family television show', but with Hollywood's adaptation, it wasn't 'as family friendly'. Following the end of \"\"The Dukes of Hazzard\"\", Jones entered the political arena as a Democrat. In 1986, he ran", "title": "Ben Jones (American actor and politician)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.56, "text": "in the original series, filed suit in late July 2011 over royalties he was contracted to receive over spinoffs that \"\"used his identity\"\". Ben Jones, who played Cooter Davenport in the original series, criticized the film for its emphasis on sexual content, suggesting that the original series was more family-oriented and not as sexualized. He called for fans of the television series to boycott the film \"\"unless they clean it up before the August 5th release date.\"\" Some have countered that the original series also contained sexual themes, primarily Catherine Bach's (Daisy Duke) much-displayed \"\"short shorts\"\" (which have become so", "title": "The Dukes of Hazzard (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.48, "text": "Duke. The other main characters of the show include local mechanic Cooter Davenport (Ben Jones), who in early episodes was portrayed as a wild, unshaven rebel, often breaking or treading on the edge of the law, before settling down to become the Duke family's best friend (he is often referred to as an \"\"honorary Duke\"\") and owns the local garage; and Enos Strate (Sonny Shroyer), an honest but naive young deputy who, despite his friendship with the Dukes (and his crush on Daisy), is reluctantly forced to take part in Hogg and Rosco's crooked schemes. In the third and fourth", "title": "The Dukes of Hazzard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.44, "text": "about the appropriateness of the cut-off shorts at first, saying she could not wear them in a restaurant scene. When prompted by the producers to visit a restaurant across the street, Bach found the waitresses were wearing \"\"little miniskirts that matched the tablecloths!\"\". She starred on that show, opposite Tom Wopat, John Schneider and James Best. At the suggestion of the show's producers, Bach posed as Daisy Duke for a poster, which sold 5 million copies. The poster once caused a stir when Nancy Reagan took a liking to it after Bach visited the White House with one as a", "title": "Catherine Bach" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.34, "text": "multiplayer option is also available, in which players can compete against each other in a variety of game modes. Other vehicles, including Jesse's truck, can be selected during multiplayer mode. \"\"The Dukes of Hazzard II: Daisy Dukes It Out\"\" was developed by Sinister Games, using an updated version of its predecessor's game engine. Many actors from the television series provided their voices to their respective characters in the game: John Schneider (Bo Duke), Tom Wopat (Luke Duke), Catherine Bach (Daisy Duke), James Best (Rosco), Sonny Shroyer (Enos), Ben Jones (Cooter Davenport), and Waylon Jennings (The Balladeer). The game received \"\"mixed\"\"", "title": "The Dukes of Hazzard II: Daisy Dukes It Out" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.05, "text": "Crain played Daisy in a 1958 episode of the television series \"\"Playhouse 90\"\". In the 1974 film adaptation, Daisy is portrayed by Mia Farrow. A photo of Farrow portraying Daisy appeared on the cover of the first issue of \"\"People\"\" magazine in promotion of the then-upcoming film. In the photo, Farrow holds a string of pearls in her hand while the pearls are also in her mouth. It was later emulated in 2014 by Taylor Swift. Farrow's performance as Daisy was met with mixed reception; Bruce Handy of \"\"Vanity Fair\"\" praised Farrow as being \"\"full of vain flutter and the", "title": "Daisy Buchanan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.95, "text": "the character Daisy Duke on the CBS-TV hit series \"\"The Dukes of Hazzard\"\". L.A. Sno later produced the gold certified \"\"Whatz Up Whatz Up\"\" along with Playa Poncho for the first \"\"So So Def Bass All Stars\"\" project. L.A. Sno also produced and co-wrote the first single for the LaFace Records Bass project entitled \"\"And Then There was Bass\"\", following this with \"\"My Baby Daddy\"\" for B-Rock and the Biz. Duice Duice was an American Miami bass duo consisting of Los Angeles native Ira 'L.A. Sno' Brown and Barbados native Anthony 'Creo-D' Darlington. The two were enlisted in the military", "title": "Duice" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.69, "text": "certain storylines occasionally call for her to drive the General Lee. Daisy Duke is both the main female protagonist and the sex symbol on \"\"Dukes of Hazzard\"\". In two episodes Daisy wears a red bikini to distract Cletus and a truck driver. She appears numerous times wearing short, tight denim shorts, which later became colloquially known as \"\"Daisy Dukes\"\". The network censors believed that Daisy's famous cut-off shorts alone would be too revealing. The shorts were so short that the only way the producers could get them on air was for Catherine Bach to wear flesh-colored pantyhose with them to", "title": "Daisy Duke" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.66, "text": "Duke's childhood friend Missy Law comes to Hazzard County with plans to rob Hazzard Bank and frame Daisy for the crime. Gameplay is similar to its predecessor and primarily consists of the player completing tasks and beating time challenges, collecting icons, delivering passengers to specific destinations, and running errands for characters, while avoiding Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane and Deputy Enos Strate. The player plays as Bo Duke, Luke Duke, and Jesse Duke. Unlike its predecessor, the game also allows the player to play as Daisy, and introduces an open world environment. A free-roaming joyride mode removes all enemies and allows", "title": "The Dukes of Hazzard II: Daisy Dukes It Out" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.56, "text": "only appearance in the series), although before the wedding she realises he is a villain and the marriage is called off. Similarly, in the second-season episode \"\"Duke of Duke,\"\" Daisy becomes attracted to a visiting English Duke claiming to be a distant relation of the Duke clan; she eventually finds out he is a con man and again the romance is over. In the , she is said to have left Hazzard to get married at some point after the original series, but is subsequently divorced. After her marriage ended, she was pursuing a graduate degree at Duke University, and", "title": "Daisy Duke" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.42, "text": "the situation is eventually resolved before the wedding takes place. In his recurring appearances during the show (typically once per season), Boss Hogg's nephew Hughie also displays a romantic interest in Daisy (he actually feels no genuine respect or affection for her, however; he merely harbors a selfish lust for her beauty), although Daisy loathes the idea, and there is occasionally a vague hint of a possible previous romantic falling-out between the pair. The fourth season opening episode, \"\"Mrs. Daisy Hogg,\"\" sees Daisy falling in love and planning to marry another one of Boss's nephews, Jaimie Lee Hogg (the character's", "title": "Daisy Duke" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.33, "text": "who live on a family farm in fictional Hazzard County, Georgia, with their attractive female cousin Daisy (Catherine Bach) and their wise old Uncle Jesse (Denver Pyle). The Duke boys race around in their customized 1969 Dodge Charger stock car, dubbed \"\"(The) General Lee\"\", evading crooked and corrupt county commissioner Boss Hogg (Sorrell Booke) and his bumbling and corrupt Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane (James Best) along with his deputy(s), and always managing to get caught in the middle of the various escapades and incidents that often occur in the area. Bo and Luke had previously been sentenced to probation for", "title": "The Dukes of Hazzard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.33, "text": "upon her return to Hazzard agrees to marry Enos Strate, who reveals he had been writing weekly love letters to Daisy for many years (tying into Enos's own spin-off series), but backs out at the last minute due to both the sudden reappearance of her ex-husband, and for fear of another debacle like her first marriage. Daisy's first car in the series is a yellow 1974 Plymouth Road Runner with a black stripe along the sides and over the roof. Although the car was intended to be a Plymouth Road Runner, later appearances in the second season uses a 1971", "title": "Daisy Duke" } ]
who sang what a feeling in the 80s?
[ "Irene Cara" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.38, "text": "\"\"Rock Steady\"\" represents the 1970s and features a sample from Aretha Franklin's song \"\"Rock Steady\"\". It is produced by Michico and Muro, whose last working with Namie was during her Suite Chic project. The last song, \"\"What a Feeling\"\" represents the 1980s and features samples from Irene Cara's \"\"What a Feeling\"\", which was used as the theme for the 1983 film Flashdance. Shinichi Osawa and Michico worked on the production of \"\"What a Feeling\"\". Namie first performed these songs on January 17, 2008 in front of a selected audience of 150 people. Her second official performance of these songs is", "title": "60s 70s 80s" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.2, "text": "80s\"\" is the 33rd single and the first triple A-Side single released by Amuro Namie, and contains a total of three songs, \"\"New Look\"\", \"\"Rock Steady\"\", and \"\"What a Feeling\"\". Each of these three songs is used in a massive campaign ad for Vidal Sassoon's latest shampoo and conditioner products. In addition, each song represents a certain time period starting with the 1960s, then 1970's, and finally 1980's. The first song, \"\"New Look\"\", represents the 1960s and features a sample from The Supremes's \"\"Baby Love\"\". Like many of her other single songs, this song is produced by T.Kura and Michico.", "title": "60s 70s 80s" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.61, "text": "decade. Irene Cara's Flashdance... What a Feeling was the number one song worldwide in 1983, and for the decade of the 80s. Richard J. Ripani wrote that Janet Jackson's third studio album \"\"Control\"\" (1986) was \"\"important to the development of R&B for a number of reasons\"\", as she and her producers, Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, \"\"crafted a new sound that fuses the rhythmic elements of funk and disco, along with heavy doses of synthesizers, percussion, sound effects, and a rap music sensibility.\"\" Ripani wrote that \"\"the success of \"\"Control\"\" led to the incorporation of stylistic traits of rap over", "title": "1980s in music" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.95, "text": "from The Supremes's \"\"Baby Love\"\" (1964), Aretha Franklin's \"\"Rock Steady\"\" (1971) and Irene Cara's \"\"What A Feeling\"\" (1983), respectively. \"\"60s 70s 80s\"\" became a huge success in Japan, reaching number one on the Oricon Singles Chart, and sold over 293,000 units in that region, becoming Amuro's first number-one single since \"\"I Have Never Seen\"\" and her highest selling single since \"\"Baby Don't Cry\"\". On March 25, 2008, Amuro was awarded \"\"Best Female Video\"\" for \"\"Hide & Seek\"\" (from the album \"\"Play\"\") at Space Shower Music Video Awards. \"\"Hide & Seek\"\" also won the award for \"\"Best R&B Video\"\" at MTV", "title": "Namie Amuro" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.73, "text": "the album's title. \"\"60s 70s 80s\"\" was served as the first single and was formatted as an extended play. The EP contained three songs: \"\"New Look\"\", \"\"Rock Steady\"\", and \"\"What a Feeling\"\". The single debuted at the number-two position on the oricon weekly charts with over 114,000 copies sold. In the second week the single gained the number-one spot for that week, making it her first number-one single after 9 years and 3 months since \"\"I Have Never Seen\"\". According to Oricon, \"\"60s 70s 80s\"\" sold nearly 300,000 copies. \"\"60s 70s 80s\"\" was certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association", "title": "Best Fiction" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.39, "text": "vocals for \"\"Hear The Feeling\"\", a 2003 single by Divine Frequency (Simply Jeff), that was used for the soundtrack of a documentary on raves. She was the voice of Karin Kikuhara in the English-language version of \"\"Stratos 4\"\", a Japanese anime series. She provided vocals on the debut album of the Echo Junkies, a duo of former SSQ bandmates Jon St. James and Skip Hahn. Thump Records released another Stacey Q compilation in 2007. \"\"Queen of the 80s\"\" contained original versions of many of her solo songs as well as songs by Q and SSQ. In November 2008, she appeared", "title": "Stacey Q" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.86, "text": "in the second leg of her tour PLAY More 07-08. The promotional videos of \"\"New Look\"\" and \"\"Rock Steady\"\" were released in January, with the video for \"\"What a Feeling\"\" premiering on March 1 on MTV. In just two days, this single surpassed the first week sales of \"\"Baby Don't Cry\"\", her best selling single since \"\"Say the Word\"\" in 2001 despite not reaching the #1 position on the dailies by its release. However, within four days of its release the single reached the #1 spot on the charts. This became Namie's first #1 on the Oricon Daily Chart since", "title": "60s 70s 80s" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.25, "text": "greatest hits album. Amuro released the extended play \"\"60s 70s 80s\"\" (March 2008) which contained the tracks \"\"New Look\"\", \"\"Rock Steady\"\", and \"\"What a Feeling\"\". She revealed that all her future singles would be promoted through her endorsement deals, with the first single being promoted through hair company Vidal Sassoon. Amuro revealed that two new songs would be featured on the album, these being \"\"Sexy Girl\"\" and \"\"Do Me More\"\". \"\"Sexy Girl\"\" was the theme song for NHK drama \"\"Otome no Punch\"\" that aired on June 19, and the other called \"\"Do Me More\"\" was the campaign song for Vidal", "title": "Best Fiction" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.11, "text": "which sees them replace the original microphone stand choreography with chairs. Girls Aloud then perform a medley of songs from 1980s movie musicals. The songs within the medley are: \"\"Fame\"\", sung by Nadine Coyle and Cole; \"\"Flashdance... What a Feeling\"\", sung by Nicola Roberts and Walsh; and Footloose\"\", sung by Sarah Harding. Following another video interlude, the girl group return in different-coloured dresses. They open the new act with \"\"The Show\"\", which sees them perform on stools behind lighted frames. Whilst singing \"\"Intro\"\" from \"\"Chemistry\"\", the members each walk down the catwalk during their respective lines. This is followed by", "title": "Chemistry: The Tour" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.05, "text": "Kitt and Paris Hilton. Louis Baragona of described feeling \"\"thrilled, overjoyed and blessed\"\" when the song came out. Jordan Appugliesi of called the song \"\"smart, catchy and she has her tongue permanently in her cheek, making her more self-aware than her peers.\"\" A music video for \"\"Xxpen$ive\"\" was released on February 14, 2017 and directed by Mikey Minden. She has described the vibe for the music video as, “’80s Miami \"\"Scarface\"\" meets ’80s \"\"Playboy\"\" meets strip clubs meets ’80s Ferraris meets everything fabulous in the ’80s — pink, lilac, baby blue — all of that!” Justin Moran of", "title": "Xxpensive" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.95, "text": "Pains Of Being Pure At Heart, Kylie Minogue, Max Tundra, A.G Cook and The 1975. Elton John said that he purchases a copy of \"\"Cupid & Psyche 85\"\" whenever he sees it in order to share it with other people. David Bowie described the song “Wood Beez (Pray Like Aretha Franklin)” as a “glistening beauty... The upside of the 80s”. Perhaps the most well-known Scritti Politti enthusiast was Miles Davis, who covered “Perfect Way” on his 1986 Album \"\"Tutu\"\" and played a solo on Provision's “Oh Patti (Don’t Feel Sorry For Loverboy)”. In the 1990s, Gamson played a role in", "title": "David Gamson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.88, "text": "add \"\"a contemporized feeling of the '80s\"\". The movie's producers were initially worried that they would not be able to get the rights to all the songs that Leitch wanted to use, but Leitch himself estimated that around 75% of his picks made it into the final product. Though the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, the concentration of iconic songs was from the first half of the 1980s, with the exception of George Michael's 1988 chart-topping \"\"Father Figure\"\", which itself was Leitch's second choice after the 1986 release \"\"Take My Breath Away\"\" by Berlin. Other songs featured in the film,", "title": "Atomic Blonde" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.86, "text": "of 53 performances, it increased by 12 performances to 65 performances, making this Amuro's longest spanning tour. On the day when PLAY Tour 2007 concluded, Amuro released the Live DVD of the tour. It was placed on the second position by Oricon. In early 2008, Amuro confirmed that she would promote Japanese hair company Vidal Sassoon through their new marketing campaign \"\"Fashion x Music x VS\"\", with a new single. The single, though marketed as an extended play, was titled \"\"60s 70s 80s\"\", and consisted of three songs: \"\"New Look\"\", \"\"Rock Steady\"\", and \"\"What A Feeling\"\". The songs feature samples", "title": "Namie Amuro" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.59, "text": "'Alive' builds towards a fantastic arms-in-the-air chorus on which Goldfrapp proclaims 'I'm feeling alive again' over gorgeously warm 80s-style synths.\"\" Heather Phares of AllMusic wrote that the song \"\"channels ABBA with percolating guitars, warm keyboards and synths that sparkle like falling stars or a shower of glitter.\"\" Peter Paphides of \"\"The Times\"\" referred to \"\"Alive\"\" as Billy Joel's 1980 song \"\"It's Still Rock and Roll to Me\"\" as if \"\"marinaded in amyl nitrate and recast to lyrics that sound like a great lost Brutus jeans jingle.\"\" BBC Music reviewer Ian Wade felt that \"\"while 'Alive' initially echoes The Feeling, it", "title": "Alive (Goldfrapp song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.53, "text": "the right amount of lift.\"\" Lyrically, Charles commented that, \"\"the emotions come from a real place and the heart-felt lyrics resonate\"\" with those who have ended a similar relationship. American singer and songwriter Adam Lambert complimented Mars' vocals and the song's melody. In a mixed review, HitFix's Melinda Newman felt the recording \"\"has the dated feel of a song from the '80s, perhaps because of the drum track.\"\" The \"\"few chord changes\"\" reminded her of \"\"Wild Horses\"\" by The Rolling Stones. Newman also said that \"\"Against All Odds\"\" by Phil Collins would be a more suitable choice for the soundtrack", "title": "It Will Rain" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.25, "text": "his debut) as being a mix of “classic ‘60s songcraft, elements of ‘70s glam-rock, and the new-wave sheen of the ‘80s” while “sounding completely contemporary.” The album's lead single \"\"Eloquence\"\" has been described as \"\"a stately, power chord-laden, midtempo tune that recalls Sgt. Pepper-era Beatles, along with more than a hint of “All The Young Dudes,” the ‘70s rock classic written by David Bowie and made famous by Mott The Hoople.\"\" Can You Still Feel? Can You Still Feel? is the sophomore studio album by Jason Falkner, released on February 23, 1999 by Elektra Entertainment. It was produced by Falkner", "title": "Can You Still Feel?" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.16, "text": "a Feeling\"\" was written by Dominique Durand, Adam Schlesinger and Andy Chase, with Lloyd Cole and Peter Nashel handling additional production. Paul Q. Kolderie and Sean Slade served as the track's mixers, with Matthew Ellard's role being an assistant to them, and Bob Ludwig finalized the mastering. It is a pop song, supported by a horn section influenced by 1960s-style harmonies. Durand's vocals in \"\"I've Got a Feeling\"\" are light and subtle; according to \"\"Billboard\"\"s Larry Flick, they do not include any \"\"unnecessary posturing or vocal noodling\"\". The lyrics reference the feeling of falling in love. According to the liner", "title": "I've Got a Feeling (Ivy song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.11, "text": "I've Got a Feeling (Ivy song) \"\"I've Got a Feeling\"\" is a song by American band Ivy, recorded for their second studio album, \"\"Apartment Life\"\" (1997). It was released as the record's second single in the United States and Australia on October 7, 1997 and 1998 by Atlantic Records, respectively. The track was written by Dominique Durand, Adam Schlesinger and Andy Chase, with the latter two plus Lloyd Cole and Peter Nashel handling its production. It is a pop song accompanied by light vocals and a horn section, with Durand gently singing about falling in love, over several layers of", "title": "I've Got a Feeling (Ivy song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.08, "text": "song as having \"\"a sweetly thumping bass line and light harmonies,\"\" and added, \"\"the tune would feel perfectly at home in the easy, breezy '70s.\"\" In \"\"Rolling Stone\"\"<nowiki>'</nowiki>s special \"\"Reader's Poll\"\", \"\"What a Feeling\"\" topped #1 as one of the best songs One Direction ever released. What a Feeling (One Direction song) \"\"What a Feeling\"\" is a song recorded by English-Irish boy band One Direction for their fifth studio album, \"\"Made in the A.M.\"\" (2015). It was written and produced by Jamie Scott and co-written by Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Daniel Bryer and Mike Needle. The song was released as", "title": "What a Feeling (One Direction song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.06, "text": "What a Feeling (One Direction song) \"\"What a Feeling\"\" is a song recorded by English-Irish boy band One Direction for their fifth studio album, \"\"Made in the A.M.\"\" (2015). It was written and produced by Jamie Scott and co-written by Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Daniel Bryer and Mike Needle. The song was released as the album's second promotional single on iTunes Store and Spotify on 11 November 2015. The song, along with the rest of \"\"Made in the A.M.\"\", leaked on the internet after a mishap in security during a listening party. While writing for \"\"Billboard\"\", Erin Strecker described the", "title": "What a Feeling (One Direction song)" } ]
who won the battle of pea ridge in the civil war?
[ "Union" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.52, "text": "Battle of Pea Ridge The Battle of Pea Ridge (March 7 – 8, 1862), also known as the Battle of Elkhorn Tavern, was a major battle of the American Civil War fought near Leetown, northeast of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Federal forces, led by Brig. Gen. Samuel R. Curtis, moved south from central Missouri, driving Confederate forces into northwestern Arkansas. Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn launched a Confederate counter-offensive, hoping to recapture northern Arkansas and Missouri. Curtis held off the Confederate attack on the first day and drove Van Dorn's force off the battlefield on the second. This American Civil War battle", "title": "Battle of Pea Ridge" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.81, "text": "attacked, this time driving Opothleyahola and his people to Kansas during a snowstorm. The decisive Union victory at the Battle of Pea Ridge in northwest Arkansas in March 1862 established federal control of Arkansas and Missouri and limited the Confederate government's ability to protect its Indian allies. Stand Watie, who fought at Pea Ridge, and other officers operating out of the Indian Territory had to fight on without support. The Union army recaptured its forts in the territory, but was forced to temporarily abandon them when faced with ongoing raids by Stand Watie; later the Union recaptured them again. Stand", "title": "Indian Territory in the American Civil War" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.73, "text": "Butterfield Company bought the stage line in 1858, making the road part of the Butterfield Overland Mail trail reaching west to California. On March 7–8, 1862, the fields around Pea Ridge Mountain and Elkhorn Tavern were the site of the Battle of Pea Ridge during the Civil War. The battle raged between 16,000 Confederate troops led by General Earl Van Dorn and 10,500 Union troops led by General Samuel R. Curtis. This was the largest Civil War engagement west of the Mississippi River and is credited with preserving Missouri for the Union. Pea Ridge National Military Park, on the battlefield", "title": "Pea Ridge, Arkansas" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.67, "text": "two-day Battle of Pea Ridge, a Confederate defeat. After the battle, he was ordered to take his army east of the Mississippi River and join the Confederate army at Corinth, Mississippi, but he arrived too late to fight in the Battle of Shiloh. In Texas, Brigadier General Henry Sibley raised a brigade of cavalry and led it into the New Mexico Territory, intending to drive the remaining Union forces from it and advance into Colorado, capturing the gold and silver mines located in the territory. He fought the main Union force in the territory, commanded by Colonel Edward R.S. Canby,", "title": "Troop engagements of the American Civil War, 1862" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.64, "text": "Battle of Liberty. Atchison continued to serve through the end of 1861. In March 1862, Union forces in the Trans-Mississippi theater won a decisive victory at Pea Ridge in Arkansas and secured Union control of Missouri. Atchison then resigned from the army over reported strategy arguments with Price and moved to Texas for the duration of the Civil War. After the war he retired to his farm near Gower, and was noted to deny many of his pro-slavery public statements made prior to the Civil War. In addition, his retirement cottage outside of Plattsburg, Missouri burned to the ground before", "title": "David Rice Atchison" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.55, "text": "Tavern, scene of the heaviest fighting, stands at the original location. The park also includes a section of the Trail of Tears. Battle of Pea Ridge The Battle of Pea Ridge (March 7 – 8, 1862), also known as the Battle of Elkhorn Tavern, was a major battle of the American Civil War fought near Leetown, northeast of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Federal forces, led by Brig. Gen. Samuel R. Curtis, moved south from central Missouri, driving Confederate forces into northwestern Arkansas. Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn launched a Confederate counter-offensive, hoping to recapture northern Arkansas and Missouri. Curtis held off the", "title": "Battle of Pea Ridge" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.55, "text": "Van Dorn reached the headquarters of Generals Price and McCulloch and on March 7–8 General Van Dorn's Army of the West engaged the Federal Army of the Southwest near Elk Horn Tavern in what would become known as the Battle of Pea Ridge. After initial success on the first day of the battle, Van Dorn was forced to order a retreat due to a lack of ammunition to continue the fight. In response to the call of the State Military Board, elements of the 2nd Brigade, Arkansas Militia were mustered during and immediately following the Battle of Pea Ridge. The", "title": "Arkansas Militia in the Civil War" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.55, "text": "victory at the Battle of Fort Donelson. The Confederates were driven from Missouri early in the war as a result of the March 1862 Battle of Pea Ridge. In April 1862, U.S. Naval forces under the command of David Farragut captured the important port city of New Orleans. Grant won further victories at the Battle of Shiloh and the Siege of Vicksburg, which cemented Union control of the Mississippi River and is considered one of the turning points of the war. In October 1863, Lincoln appointed Grant as the commander of the newly-created Division of the Mississippi, giving him command", "title": "Presidency of Abraham Lincoln" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.25, "text": "shrapnel and wood splinters, driving the 2nd Missouri Brigade from its positions. \"\"It was one of the few times in the Civil War when a preparatory artillery barrage effectively softened up an enemy position and paved the way for an infantry assault.\"\" During the bombardment, Sigel's infantry edged forward so that by 9:30 a.m. his divisions had executed a right wheel and faced to the northeast. By this time Van Dorn found that his reserve artillery ammunition was with the wagon train, a six-hour march away. The Southern commander bitterly realized that he had no hope of victory and decided", "title": "Battle of Pea Ridge" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.22, "text": "confidently predicted victory in the morning. By a night march, a number of regiments and artillery batteries from McCulloch's Division, led by Greer, reached Van Dorn via the Bentonville Detour and Cross Timber Hollow. Van Dorn was unaware that his supply train had been mistakenly ordered back to Camp Stephens during the previous afternoon and evening. In the morning, the Confederate reserve artillery ammunition would be hopelessly out of reach. In the early morning, Sigel sent Osterhaus to scout the open prairie to the west of Elkhorn. The colonel discovered a knoll that promised to make an excellent artillery position", "title": "Battle of Pea Ridge" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.2, "text": "in Virginia. Van Dorn ignored logistics and failed to control his army. When McCulloch was killed, his division fell apart while Van Dorn absorbed himself in the tactical details of Price's fight. His staff lost contact with his wagon train at a critical moment and committed many other errors. Of all the Southern officers, Henry Little showed the most ability, becoming the \"\"de facto commander of Price's division\"\" at the end of the battle. The battlefield at Pea Ridge is now Pea Ridge National Military Park, founded in 1956, one of the best-preserved civil war battlefields. A reconstruction of Elkhorn", "title": "Battle of Pea Ridge" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.19, "text": "forces led by Price and McCulloch. Outnumbered, Curtis nonetheless defeated Van Dorn's Confederate Army of the West at the Battle of Pea Ridge on March 6–8, ending any attempt by a major Confederate force to occupy Missouri until Price's Raid in 1864. The Battle of Wilson's Creek was the first major battle fought west of the Mississippi River. The site of the battle in Missouri has been protected as Wilson's Creek National Battlefield. The National Park Service operates a visitor center featuring a museum, a 26-minute film, a nine-minute fiber optic battle map presentation, and a Civil War research library", "title": "Battle of Wilson's Creek" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.11, "text": "army, threatened to resign over having not been appointed to command of the army himself. Curtis subsequently gave him overall command of the first two divisions, consisting mainly of German immigrants, while creating a 4th Division commanded by Col. Eugene A. Carr. Curtis moved his headquarters south to Rolla, Missouri, to solidify Union control in Arkansas. In March 1862, his army won the Battle of Pea Ridge in northwest Arkansas. His success made him pensive rather than triumphant. A few days after the battle he wrote, \"\"The scene is silent and sad. The vulture and the wolf now have the", "title": "Samuel Ryan Curtis" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.03, "text": "Battle of Whitney's Lane The Battle of Whitney's Lane (also known as the Action at Whitney's Lane) was a small, but psychologically important, land battle of the American Civil War fought on May 19, 1862, in north-central Arkansas. In early 1862, Union Major General Samuel R. Curtis had successfully invaded northwest Arkansas and defeated Confederate forces at the Battle of Pea Ridge. Soon after, most Confederate forces in Arkansas were withdrawn across the Mississippi River, leaving the state almost defenseless. Curtis intended to press his invasion with the hope of reaching the capital city of Little Rock and knocking the", "title": "Battle of Whitney's Lane" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.81, "text": "the defeat at Pea Ridge, the Confederates never again seriously threatened the state of Missouri. Within weeks Van Dorn's army was transferred across the Mississippi River to bolster the Confederate Army of Tennessee, leaving Arkansas virtually defenseless. With his victory, Curtis sent some of his troops east of the Mississippi and proceeded with the remainder of his army to move east to West Plains, Missouri. Then he turned south into undefended northeast Arkansas. He had hopes of capturing Little Rock, but this proved impossible because of a lack of supplies and because guerrillas had cut his supply lines. Instead, following", "title": "Battle of Pea Ridge" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.67, "text": "in which General Samuel Curtis led troops to Pea Ridge, where the Battle of Pea Ridge occurred. After securing a Union victory, Curtis swept across the state to Helena. Curtis intended to knock Arkansas out of the war by capturing Little Rock. However, reinforcements arrived in Spring 1862 under General William Steele. General Thomas C. Hindman, although recently defeated at the Battle of Cotton Plant, attempted to return northwest Arkansas to Confederate control. The Battle of Prairie Grove was essentially a stalemate, but Hindman's unit withdrew to Van Buren and was driven from the region completely by December 1862. Union", "title": "History of Arkansas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.59, "text": "p.m. The blind Federal bombardment of Foster's Farm and the breakdown in the Confederate command structure began to destroy the morale of McCulloch's division. Hébert's powerful attack was stopped in the nick of time by Col. Jefferson C. Davis and the 3rd Division. Davis was originally destined for Elkhorn, but Curtis diverted his troops to Leetown after Osterhaus' report reached him. The four Southern regiments nearly overran Davis' leading brigade under Col. Julius White. Davis ordered a cavalry battalion to charge, but this effort was easily routed by the Southern infantry. When Col. Thomas Pattison's brigade arrived, Davis sent them", "title": "Battle of Pea Ridge" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.58, "text": "the approximate course of the White River, Curtis continued south and seized Helena, Arkansas, on July 12. Curtis remained confident and exercised effective overall control of his outnumbered army through the two days of fighting. He was well served by three of his four division commanders, Osterhaus, Davis and Carr. His brigade commanders Dodge, Vandever and Greusel also performed well. Sigel's generalship on the morning of March 8 was generally commended. However, his erratic behavior on other occasions and his attempt to claim credit for the victory led to a rift with Curtis. Sigel was soon transferred to a command", "title": "Battle of Pea Ridge" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.55, "text": "Due to the length of Curtis's supply lines and a lack of the reinforcements needed for a further advance, Curtis decided to remain in position. He fortified an excellent defensive line on the north side of the creek, placing artillery for an expected Confederate assault from the south. The Confederate major general, Earl Van Dorn, had been appointed as the overall commander of the Trans-Mississippi District to quell a simmering conflict between the Confederate generals Sterling Price of Missouri and Benjamin McCulloch of Texas. Van Dorn's Trans-Mississippi District totaled approximately 16,000 men, which included 800 Indian troops, Price's Missouri State", "title": "Battle of Pea Ridge" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.53, "text": "a terrific fight at Clemon's farm. On the left, in equally hard fighting, Vandever's men were steadily pushed back to the tavern and beyond. In the center, Little led his men forward into the teeth of Federal artillery. After being forced back from position after position, Vandever's men finally halted the Confederate drive at Ruddick's field, over a quarter mile south of the tavern. There they were joined by Dodge's men, part of Alexander S. Asboth's 2nd Division and Curtis. At 6:30 p.m., Curtis launched a brief counter-attack, but soon recalled his men in the dark. Temperatures fell rapidly after", "title": "Battle of Pea Ridge" } ]
what is the art of drawing or painting on stone called?
[ "pictographs" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.77, "text": "Parietal art Parietal art is the archaeological term for artwork done on cave walls or large blocks of stone. One of the most famous examples of parietal art is the Grotte Chauvet in France. Also called \"\"cave art\"\", it refers to cave paintings, drawings, etchings, carvings, and pecked artwork on the interior of rock shelters and caves. The purpose of these remains of the Paleolithic and other periods of prehistoric art is not known. However, some theories suggest that these paintings were not solely for decoration as many of them were located in parts of caves that were not easily", "title": "Parietal art" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.34, "text": "could explain previous invasion of fungi reported for some caves with prehistoric paintings. Parietal art Parietal art is the archaeological term for artwork done on cave walls or large blocks of stone. One of the most famous examples of parietal art is the Grotte Chauvet in France. Also called \"\"cave art\"\", it refers to cave paintings, drawings, etchings, carvings, and pecked artwork on the interior of rock shelters and caves. The purpose of these remains of the Paleolithic and other periods of prehistoric art is not known. However, some theories suggest that these paintings were not solely for decoration as", "title": "Parietal art" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.83, "text": "spurting from the rock: the second drawing in the series, \"\"Stone\"\", represents the head of an animal with prominent fangs; another one, \"\"Johann Sebastian Bach\"\", evokes the monument in stone that the artist had completed in Chile; three drawings called \"\"The Milky Way\"\", evoke the artist's sculpture from the \"\"planetarium series\"\"; and four drawings represent the figures of Christ and the devil as blocks of stone. Among the \"\"Assorted Themes Series\"\", there are some magnificent subseries on the bombing of \"\"Barcelona\"\" during the Spanish Civil War; the \"\"Childbirth\"\" theme; and \"\"The Death of the Rabbit\"\", that depicts the killing of", "title": "Lorenzo Domínguez" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.39, "text": "grey and white were harmonious with it. Grey was also frequently used for the drawing of oil paintings, a technique called \"\"grisaille\"\". The painting would first be composed in grey and white, and then the colors, made with thin transparent glazes, would be added on top. The grisaille beneath would provide the shading, visible through the layers of color. Sometimes the grisaille was simply left uncovered, giving the appearance of carved stone. Grey was a particularly good background color for gold and for skin tones. It became the most common background for the portraits of Rembrandt Van Rijn and for", "title": "Grey" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.38, "text": "Graphics Graphics (from Greek \"\"graphikos\"\", \"\"belonging to drawing\"\") are visual images or designs on some surface, such as a wall, canvas, screen, paper, or stone to inform, illustrate, or entertain. In contemporary usage it includes: a pictorial representation of data, as in computer-aided design and manufacture, in typesetting and the graphic arts, and in educational and recreational software. Images that are generated by a computer are called computer graphics. Examples are photographs, drawings, Line art, graphs, diagrams, typography, numbers, symbols, geometric designs, maps, engineering drawings, or other images. Graphics often combine text, illustration, and color. Graphic design may consist of", "title": "Graphics" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.3, "text": "stone were used. The final print is a collaboration between the printer/stone carver and the artist. The printer makes some artistic decisions regarding the final product. For example, if the original drawing has a lot of thin lines or intricacies, the printer/carver must alter the drawing in order to make it possible to carve it into stone. Specific aspects of the drawing may be altered in order to fit onto the stone. In one instance the neck of a duck had to be shortened, in another only a portion of the artist’s original drawing was selected for reproduction. Inuit sculptures", "title": "Inuit art" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.22, "text": "to use inlays of different colours in geometric patterns. Byzantine art continued with inlaid floors, but also produced some small religious figures in hardstone inlays, for example in the Pala d'Oro in San Marco, Venice (though this mainly uses enamel). In the Italian Renaissance this technique again was used for images. The Florentines, who most fully developed the form, however, regarded it as 'painting in stone'. As it developed in Florence, the technique was initially called \"\"opere di commessi\"\" (approximately, \"\"Fitted together works\"\"). Medici Grand Duke Ferdinando I of Tuscany founded the \"\"Galleria di'Lavori\"\" in 1588, now the Opificio delle", "title": "Pietra dura" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.17, "text": "Cutting the Stone Cutting the Stone, also called The Extraction of the Stone of Madness or The Cure of Folly, is a painting by Hieronymus Bosch, displayed in the Museo del Prado in Madrid, completed around 1494 or later. The painting depicts the extraction, by a man wearing a funnel hat, of the stone of madness, a \"\"keye\"\" (modern Dutch: kei) (in English a \"\"stone\"\" or \"\"bulb\"\") from a patient's head, using trepanation. In the painting Bosch has exchanged the traditional \"\"stone\"\" as the object of extraction with the bulb of a flower. Another flower is on the table. The", "title": "Cutting the Stone" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.02, "text": "paper). A quick, unrefined drawing may be called a \"\"sketch\"\". In fields outside art, technical drawings or plans of buildings, machinery, circuitry and other things are often called \"\"drawings\"\" even when they have been transferred to another medium by printing. Drawing is one of the oldest forms of human expression, with evidence for its existence preceding that of written communication. It is believed that drawing was used as a specialised form of communication before the invention of the written language, demonstrated by the production of cave and rock paintings around 30,000 years ago (Art of the Upper Paleolithic). These drawings,", "title": "Drawing" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.8, "text": "and distinctive paintings on rocks, which he created and calls \"\"petropictos\"\" (literally: stone paintings). He has published four books with his drawings: \"\"The Book of the Dragon\"\" (1990), \"\"Ciruelo\"\" (1990), \"\"Luz, the Art of Ciruelo\"\" (1997) and \"\"Magia, the Ciruelo Sketchbook\"\" (2000). Ciruelo created the poster art for two Argentine films: Eliseo Subiela's classic \"\"Man Facing Southeast\"\" (1986) and the surrealist cult film \"\"Fuego gris\"\" (1994), written and directed by Pablo César. The art for \"\"Fuego gris\"\" was also used in Luis Alberto Spinetta's album of the same name, which was also the original soundtrack for the film. Cabral's work", "title": "Ciruelo Cabral" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.75, "text": "his youngest brother John carried on their father's business of masonry and statuary. Stone was, however, chiefly known as a portrait painter, and was an excellent copyist of the works of Van Dyck and the Italian Masters. He also published a short work on painting, called \"\"The Third Part of the Art of Painting\"\". Stone inherited his father's house and workyard in Long Acre, London and died there on 24 August 1653. He was buried on 27 August near his father in St. Martin's Church, and on his inscription it is stated that he had passed the greatest part of", "title": "Henry Stone (painter)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.56, "text": "Roses, Convolvulus, Poppies, and Other Flowers in an Urn on a Stone Ledge Roses, Convolvulus, Poppies and Other Flowers in an Urn on a Stone Ledge (1688) is an oil on canvas painting by the Dutch painter Rachel Ruysch. It is an example of Dutch Golden Age painting and is now in the collection of the National Museum of Women in the Arts. Ruysch has been recorded as making pendant paintings, with one painting of flowers (called a \"\"bloemstuk\"\") and another of fruit (\"\"fruitstuk\"\"), often on a forest floor. A pendant to this painting is unknown. Various attempts have been", "title": "Roses, Convolvulus, Poppies, and Other Flowers in an Urn on a Stone Ledge" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.48, "text": "Painting Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a solid surface (support base). The medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush, but other implements, such as knives, sponges, and airbrushes, can be used. The final work is also called a painting. Painting is an important form in the visual arts, bringing in elements such as drawing, gesture (as in gestural painting), composition, narration (as in narrative art), or abstraction (as in abstract art). Paintings can be naturalistic and representational (as in a still life or landscape painting), photographic, abstract, narrative, symbolistic", "title": "Painting" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.44, "text": "his false knowledge does nothing more than reveal the worst excesses of a madness immediately apparent to all but himself.\"\" Cutting the Stone Cutting the Stone, also called The Extraction of the Stone of Madness or The Cure of Folly, is a painting by Hieronymus Bosch, displayed in the Museo del Prado in Madrid, completed around 1494 or later. The painting depicts the extraction, by a man wearing a funnel hat, of the stone of madness, a \"\"keye\"\" (modern Dutch: kei) (in English a \"\"stone\"\" or \"\"bulb\"\") from a patient's head, using trepanation. In the painting Bosch has exchanged the", "title": "Cutting the Stone" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.42, "text": "Stereotomy (descriptive geometry) Stereotomy (Greek: στερεός (\"\"stereós\"\") \"\"solid\"\" and τομή (\"\"tomē\"\") \"\"cut \"\") is the art and science of cutting three-dimensional solids into particular shapes . Typically this involves materials such as stone or wood which is cut to be assembled into complex structures (wall, vault, arch, etc.). In practice, the engineer makes a drawing of the intended stonework, showing where the joints in the face are to be located, and the stone cutter then details each block and cuts it to fit exactly with the others. In Technical drawing Stereotomy is now known as Descriptive geometry, and \"\"is concerned", "title": "Stereotomy (descriptive geometry)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.34, "text": "History of graphic design Graphics (from Greek , \"\"graphikos\"\") are visual statements committed to a surface, such as a wall, a canvas, pottery, a computer screen, paper, stone, even to the landscape itself. The term \"\"graphics\"\" relates to the creation of signs, charts, logos, graphs, drawings, line art, symbols, geometric designs and so on. Graphic design is the art or profession of combining text, pictures, and ideas in advertisements, publications, or websites. In its broadest definition, therefore, it refers to the whole history of art, although painting and other aspects of the subject are more usually treated as art history.", "title": "History of graphic design" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.31, "text": "in order to manifest the expressive and conceptual intention of the practitioner. Painting is also used to express spiritual motifs and ideas; sites of this kind of painting range from artwork depicting mythological figures on pottery to The Sistine Chapel to the human body itself. Like drawing, painting has its documented origins in caves and on rock faces. The finest examples, believed by some to be 32,000 years old, are in the Chauvet and Lascaux caves in southern France. In shades of red, brown, yellow and black, the paintings on the walls and ceilings are of bison, cattle, horses and", "title": "Visual arts" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.27, "text": "a wooden base. Then chalk powder or zinc oxide is mixed with water-soluble adhesive and apply it on the base. To make the base smoother, a mild abrasive is sometimes used. After the drawing is made, decoration of the jewelry and the apparels in the image is done with semi-precious stones. Laces or threads are also used to decorate the jewelry. On top of this, the gold foils are pasted. Finally, dyes are used to add colours to the figures in the paintings. This style originated in Guler State, in the first half of the 18th century and reached its", "title": "Indian painting" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.19, "text": "In Spanish art, a bodegón is a still life painting depicting pantry items, such as victuals, game, and drink, often arranged on a simple stone slab, and also a painting with one or more figures, but significant still life elements, typically set in a kitchen or tavern. Starting in the Baroque period, such paintings became popular in Spain in the second quarter of the 17th century. The tradition of still life painting appears to have started and was far more popular in the contemporary Low Countries, today Belgium and Netherlands (then Flemish and Dutch artists), than it ever was in", "title": "Painting" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.19, "text": "drawing is frequently used in commercial illustration, animation, architecture, engineering and technical drawing. A quick, freehand drawing, usually not intended as a finished work, is sometimes called a sketch. An artist who practices or works in technical drawing may be called a drafter, draftsman or a draughtsman. Drawing is one of the oldest forms of human expression within the visual arts. It is generally concerned with the marking of lines and areas of tone onto paper/other material, where the accurate representation of the visual world is expressed upon a plane surface. Traditional drawings were monochrome, or at least had little", "title": "Drawing" } ]
who is in charge if the president dies?
[ "Vice President" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.31, "text": "immediately assume the presidency if the president dies or otherwise leaves the office. Sir John Maybin colonial governors of Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) (1941) Death in office A death in office is the death of a person who was incumbent of an office-position until the time of death. Such deaths have been usually due to natural causes, but they are also caused by accidents and murders. The death of most monarchs and popes have been deaths in office, since they have usually held their papacy/reign for the rest of their lives. Otherwise as most office positions require that the person", "title": "Death in office" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.31, "text": "body of the church; twelve other apostles form the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. When a president dies, his successor is invariably the most senior member of the Quorum of the Twelve (the one who has been an apostle the longest), who reconstitutes a new First Presidency. Following the death of Thomas S. Monson on January 2, 2018, senior apostle Russell M. Nelson became the presumptive successor to the church presidency; he formally was named president on January 14. These men, and the other male members of the church-wide leadership (including the first two Quorums of Seventy and the Presiding", "title": "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.28, "text": "that Eisenhower found boring and also was in charge of firing people when he deemed it necessary. Movie critic Michael Medved wrote a book on Presidential aides called \"\"The Shadow Presidents,\"\" that stated Adams was probably the most powerful chief of staff in history. He told of a joke that circulated around Washington in the 1950s. Two Democrats were talking and one said \"\"Wouldn't it be terrible if Eisenhower died and Nixon became President?\"\" The other replied \"\"Wouldn't it be terrible if Sherman Adams died and Eisenhower became President!\"\" He had a reputation for negativity, endorsing many submissions with a", "title": "Sherman Adams" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.19, "text": "further be regulated by laws passed by DPR. The 1945 Constitution: If the president dies, resigns, or is unable to perform his/her duties for any reason, he/she is replaced by the vice-president. The Provisional Constitution: If the president dies, resigns, or is unable to perform his/her duties for any reason, he/she is replaced by the vice-president. The Amended 1945 Constitution: If the president dies, resigns, or is unable to perform his/her duties for any reason, he/she is replaced by the vice-president. If the president and the vice-president die, resign, or are unable to perform their duties for any reason, the", "title": "President of Indonesia" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.14, "text": "presidential successor. Constitutional scholars from James Madison to the present day have argued that the term \"\"officer\"\" excludes members of Congress. The 25th Amendment explicitly states that if the President dies, resigns or is removed from office, the Vice President becomes President, and also establishes a procedure for filling a vacancy in the office of the Vice President. The Amendment further provides that the President, or the Vice President and Cabinet, can declare the President unable to discharge his duties, in which case the Vice President becomes Acting President. If the declaration is done by the Vice President and Cabinet,", "title": "Article Two of the United States Constitution" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.11, "text": "(Chavez Ravine), indicates that the perpetrator is most likely her husband Al Claybon (Tony Dale), a veteran of the 1991 Persian Gulf War, who lived in Rock Island, Illinois, and who also was the father of David Claybon, a U.S. soldier recently killed in the Iraq War. The assassin, who blames President Bush for the death of his son, killed himself after Bush's assassination. Claybon's suicide note, addressed to a second son, Casey Claybon (Neko Parham), an Iraq War veteran living in Chicago who was previously considered as a suspect, reads: Ten months after President Bush's assassination, Zikri remains on", "title": "Death of a President (2006 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.97, "text": "same top level people who could be behind the attacks. Agent Pierce enters a network of tunnels that lead to the White House fighting the terrorists and the tunnel's automated defences. En route to the White House Pierce is told to stand down orders of Special Agent in Charge Kauffman, the man in charge of the Secret Service detail, but later on while still in the tunnels, Pierce learns that President Simon died from his wounds. Doyle tells that him that the President-elect detail has gone quiet as well. After preventing an explosion in the tunnels, Pierce enters Secret Service-held", "title": "Secret Service (2008 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.88, "text": "assassinated. Thus, Vice President Cardiff becomes the new President of the United States. Later, Senator Watts disappears and is announced dead by officials. In the aftermath, several important government officials and U.S. Army personnel are arrested on conspiracy and assassination charges, but Colonel Whitemore, leader of the military unit in charge of Senator Watts is conveniently not questioned. Task Force Talon tries to meet him in Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, but the U.S. Army forces open fire on the task force units and they are branded as traitors. Task Force Talon tracks Whitemore's C-17 Globemaster transports carrying a shipment of USAMRIID", "title": "Act of War: High Treason" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.84, "text": "of the Joint Chiefs of Staff or goddaughter of the President, having been accused of nepotism all her life. Meanwhile, Holly's fellow agents search for her. Security footage leaves Reacher as the prime suspect, and his mentor, Col. Leon Garber, is brought in to help, though he insists Reacher would never do such a thing. The Chicago office where Holly worked takes charge, with only agent in charge McGrath and two others, Milosevic and Brogan involved. At one point, they manage to put an APB out on the van, but get the wrong van due to a transfer of vehicles.", "title": "Die Trying (novel)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.8, "text": "takes over the office. If the president dies, a presidential election is held. The prime minister determines national policy and is the most important person in the Italian government. The prime minister is selected by the president — usually from the members of Parliament — and must be approved by Parliament. The prime minister has no fixed term of office and can be voted out of office by Parliament at any time. The current Italian Prime Minister is Giuseppe Conte. Members of the Cabinet are chosen by the prime minister, and they are usually selected from the members of Parliament.", "title": "Culture of Italy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.78, "text": "them to the President of the Bundesrat. If the president dies, resigns or is otherwise removed from office, a successor is to be elected within thirty days. Horst Köhler, upon his resignation on May 31, 2010, became the first president to trigger this re-election process. Jens Böhrnsen, President of the Senate and Mayor of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen and at the time President of the Bundesrat, assumed the powers and duties of head of state. Similarly, when Christian Wulff resigned in 2012, it was Horst Seehofer, Minister-President of Bavaria, as President of the Bundesrat, who assumed the powers", "title": "President of Germany" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.75, "text": "the President in the event that the President dies, resigns, or is unable to perform his/her duties for any reason. The Amended 1945 Constitution: The Vice-President replaces the President in the event that the President dies, resigns, or is unable to perform his/her duties for any reason. If the President and the Vice-President dies, resigns, or is unable to perform his/her duties for any reason, the government will be taken over together by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Internal Affairs and Minister of Defence. Then the MPR will elect a new president from the two candidates nominated by the", "title": "Vice President of Indonesia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.73, "text": "Federal President falls vacant, the President of the Bundesrat fills in as acting head of state. If the president resigns, dies, or is removed from office, a successor is elected within thirty days. Three Presidents of the Bundesrat have served as acting head of state: If the Federal President is abroad on a state visit the President of the Bundesrat does not assume all of the Federal President's responsibilities but may \"\"deputise\"\" for him or her, performing on the Federal President's behalf merely those tasks that require his or her physical presence, such as the signing of documents. President of", "title": "President of the German Bundesrat" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.73, "text": "main power within the executive branch is very lightly distributed to the additional 535 members of Congress. Unless the President commits a major crime or dies, they are present in the White House for the entirety of the four years. Several American citizens are challenging the standards; they are fighting for a way to enable the United States to re-elect presidents when necessary - maybe after two years. Research has shown a pattern that displays almost half of the support for presidents typically dies down after the first half of the term. On the contrary, others argue that a single", "title": "Federalist No. 67" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.64, "text": "United States presidential line of succession The United States presidential line of succession is the order in which officials of the United States federal government discharge the powers and duties of the office of President of the United States if the incumbent president becomes incapacitated, dies, resigns, or is removed from office (by impeachment by the House of Representatives and subsequent conviction by the Senate) during his four-year term of office. Presidency succession is referred to multiple times in the U.S. Constitution, as well as the 12th Amendment, 20th Amendment, and 25th Amendment. The Article II succession clause authorizes Congress", "title": "United States presidential line of succession" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.56, "text": "in connection with the suspected assassin, Zikri, to push his own domestic political security agenda. He calls for the legislation of PATRIOT Act III, trying to increase the investigative powers of the FBI, the police, and other government agencies over U.S. citizens and resident aliens as he contemplates attacking Syria. As his wife Zahra (Hend Ayoub) listens to the verdict with family attorney Dawn Norton (Patricia Buckley) in a packed courtroom, Zikri is convicted of killing the U.S. President and sentenced to death based upon dubious forensic evidence. Meanwhile, a new report which surfaces, substantiated by interviews with Marianne Claybon", "title": "Death of a President (2006 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.53, "text": "is assigned to a squad and sent to a relatively quiet sector so that a film crew can shoot propaganda. President Coin sends Peeta along, even though he is still dangerous and unpredictable. From this, Katniss suspects Coin wants her dead because she has too much influence and has not shown much support for Coin. While they are filming in a supposedly safe Capitol neighborhood, Boggs, the team's commander, is killed. Before he dies, he puts Katniss in charge. She decides on her own to try to infiltrate the Capitol and kill Snow. Her team follows her. In the intense", "title": "Mockingjay" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.33, "text": "someone with money who will benefit if the president dies, but they don't know and can't find out who. All the while the real child killer takes Christine Johnson hostage, the principal of the Sojourner Truth School and kills her husband George at their home. The killer, Danny Boudreaux, a 13-year-old, requests Alex Cross for negotiations. After Cross enters the house, a confrontation happens and Danny is apprehended. After all the cases are solved Alex is visited by Christine Johnson at his home and they talk. A day later while arranging the Christmas tree Gary Soneji calls and tells him", "title": "Jack & Jill (novel)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.3, "text": "news coverage clips and video surveillance footage surrounding the assassination of U.S. President George W. Bush in Chicago around a year earlier on 19 October 2007. The president is fatally shot by a sniper after he addresses an economic forum at the Chicago Sheraton Hotel, before which an anti-war rally had taken place. News outlets immediately begin reporting on the incident along with its political ramifications. After authorities earlier arrest and interrogate war-protesting detainees, Jamal Abu Zikri (Malik Bader), an IT professional of Syrian origin, becomes the prime suspect. Vice President Dick Cheney, now president, uses the possible al-Qaeda relationship", "title": "Death of a President (2006 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.2, "text": "the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces and his powers include the nomination of the Prime Minister who is to be elected by a majority of the votes of the Members of Parliament, based on the recommendation made by the President of the Republic. If the President dies, resigns or is otherwise unable to carry out his duties, the Speaker of the National Assembly becomes acting President. Due to the Hungarian Constitution, based on the post-World War II Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Prime Minister has a leading role in the executive branch as he selects Cabinet", "title": "Politics of Hungary" } ]
what is an i in the handmaid's tale?
[ "the secret police" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.38, "text": "The Handmaid's Tale The Handmaid's Tale is a dystopian novel by Canadian author Margaret Atwood, originally published in 1985. It is set in a near-future New England, in a totalitarian state resembling a theonomy, which has overthrown the United States government. The novel focuses on the journey of the handmaid Offred. Her name derives from the possessive form \"\"of Fred\"\"; handmaids are forbidden to use their birth names and must echo the male, or master, whom they serve. \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\" explores themes of women in subjugation in a patriarchal society and the various means by which these women attempt", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.86, "text": "The Handmaid's Tale (opera) The Handmaid's Tale is an opera composed by the Danish composer Poul Ruders in 2000, to a libretto by Paul Bentley based on the novel of the same name written by Canadian author Margaret Atwood. Prologue In AD 2195, the 12th Symposium on the Republic of Gilead is meeting via videoconference. The Republic was formed after Christian fundamentalists assassinated the President and most of the Congress in order to establish a dictatorship based on Biblical principles within the United States. Women in the Republic have no suffrage, right to work, right to education, or right to", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (opera)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.84, "text": "The Handmaid's Tale (TV series) The Handmaid's Tale is an American dystopian drama television series created by Bruce Miller, based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood. It was ordered by the streaming service Hulu as a straight-to-series order of 10 episodes, for which production began in late 2016. The plot features a dystopian future following a Second American Civil War wherein a totalitarian society subjects fertile women, called \"\"Handmaids\"\", into child-bearing servitude. The first three episodes of the series premiered on April 26, 2017; the subsequent seven episodes aired on a weekly basis every Wednesday.", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.7, "text": "Handmaid's Tale\"\", I didn't put in anything that we haven't already done, we're not already doing, we're seriously trying to do, coupled with trends that are already in progress... So all of those things are real, and therefore the amount of pure invention is close to nil.\"\" Atwood was also known to carry around newspaper clippings to her various interviews to support her fiction's basis in reality. Atwood has explained that \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\" is a response to those who claim the oppressive, totalitarian, and religious governments that have taken hold in other countries throughout the years \"\"can't happen here\"\"—but", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.59, "text": "of her small bedroom; this mock-Latin aphorism signifies \"\"Don't let the bastards grind you down\"\". In interviews and essays Atwood has discussed generic classification of \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\" as \"\"science fiction\"\" or \"\"speculative fiction\"\", observing: Hugo-winning science fiction critic David Langford observed in a column: \"\"\"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\" won the very first Arthur C. Clarke Award in 1987. She's been trying to live this down ever since.\"\" He says: In distinguishing between these genre labels \"\"science fiction\"\" and \"\"speculative fiction\"\", Atwood acknowledges that others may use the terms interchangeably. But she notes her interest in this type of work to", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.55, "text": "is an outlawed word. In this society, there is no such thing as a sterile man. In this culture, women are either fruitful or barren, the latter of which are declared to be \"\"unwomen\"\" and are sent to the colonies with the rest of the \"\"unwomen\"\" to do life-threatening work until their death, which is, on average, three years. Atwood emphasises how changes in context affect behaviours and attitudes by repeating the phrase \"\"Context is all\"\" throughout the novel, establishing this precept as a motif. Playing the game of Scrabble with her Commander illustrates the key significance of changes in", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.52, "text": "the way down to the bottom, where the unmarried men must serve in the ranks before being awarded an Econowife\"\". Additionally, Atwood has argued that while some of the observations that informed the content of \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\" may be feminist, her novel is not meant to say \"\"one thing to one person\"\" or serve as a political message—instead, \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\" is \"\"a study of power, and how it operates and how it deforms or shapes the people who are living within that kind of regime\"\". Some scholars have offered such a feminist interpretation, however, connecting Atwood's use of", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.5, "text": "interpretation of the Bible, meaning that women are the property of and subordinate to their husband, father, or head of household. They are not allowed to do anything that would grant them any power independent of this system. They are not allowed to vote, hold a job, read, possess money, or own anything, among many other restrictions. A particular quote from \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\" sums this up: \"\"The Republic of Gilead, said Aunt Lydia, knows no bounds. Gilead is within you\"\" (HT 5.2). This describes that there is no way around the societal bounds of women in this new state", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.48, "text": "am forced to wonder: 'Why am I watching this'? It all feels so gratuitous, like a beating that never ends.\"\" And \"\"The Daily Telegraph\"\"s Rebecca Reid admitted she had an anxiety attack watching an episode of the show. The Handmaid's Tale (TV series) The Handmaid's Tale is an American dystopian drama television series created by Bruce Miller, based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood. It was ordered by the streaming service Hulu as a straight-to-series order of 10 episodes, for which production began in late 2016. The plot features a dystopian future following a Second", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.45, "text": "a job, a bank account, and her own name and identity in the \"\"time before\"\", but all she can safely do now is follow the rules of Gilead in hopes that she can someday live free again and be reunited with her husband and daughter. The Waterfords, key players in the rise of Gilead, have their own conflicts with the realities of the society they have helped create. A straight-to-series order by Hulu of \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\" was announced in April 2016, with Elisabeth Moss set to star. Based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood,", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.44, "text": "between past and present as she retells the events leading up to the fall of women's rights and the current details of the life which she now lives. \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\" won the 1985 Governor General's Award and the first Arthur C. Clarke Award in 1987; it was also nominated for the 1986 Nebula Award, the 1986 Booker Prize, and the 1987 Prometheus Award. The book has been adapted into a 1990 film, a 2000 opera, a television series, and other media. In 2018, Atwood announced that a sequel novel, \"\"The Testaments\"\", will be published in 2019. \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\"", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.42, "text": "a restoration of full rights for women and freedom of religion. Offred is the protagonist and narrator. She was labeled a \"\"wanton woman\"\" when Gilead was established because she had married a man who was divorced. All divorces were nullified by the new government, meaning her husband was now considered still married to his first wife, making Offred an adulteress. In trying to escape Gilead, she was separated from her husband and daughter. She is part of the first generation of Gilead's women, those who remember pre-Gilead times. Proved fertile, she is considered an important commodity and has been placed", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.39, "text": "to gain individualism and independence. The novel's title echoes the component parts of Geoffrey Chaucer's \"\"The Canterbury Tales\"\", which is a series of connected stories (\"\"The Merchant's Tale\"\", \"\"The Parson's Tale\"\", etc.). \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\" is structured into two parts, night and other various events. This novel can be interpreted as a double narrative, Offred's tale and the handmaids' tales. The night sections are solely about Offred, and the other sections (shopping, waiting room, household, etc.) are the stories that describe the possible life of every handmaid, though from the perspective of Offred. In many of these sections, Offred jumps", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.38, "text": "The Handmaid's Tale (film) The Handmaid's Tale is a 1990 film adaptation of Margaret Atwood's novel of the same name. Directed by Volker Schlöndorff, the film stars Natasha Richardson (Kate/Offred), Faye Dunaway (Serena Joy), Robert Duvall (The Commander, Fred), Aidan Quinn (Nick), and Elizabeth McGovern (Moira). The screenplay was written by Harold Pinter. The original music score was composed by Ryuichi Sakamoto. MGM Home Entertainment released an Avant-Garde Cinema DVD of the film in 2001. The film was entered into the 40th Berlin International Film Festival. In the near future, war rages across the Republic of Gilead—formerly the United States", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.38, "text": "is set in the Republic of Gilead, a theonomic military dictatorship formed within the borders of what was formerly the United States of America. Beginning with a staged attack that kills the president and most of Congress, a radical political group calling itself the \"\"Sons of Jacob\"\" and exploiting religious ideology that closely resemble some traits of Christian fundamentalism (and especially of Christian Reconstructionism) launches a revolution and suspends the United States Constitution under the pretext of restoring order. They quickly abolish women's rights, largely attributed to financial records being stored electronically and labelled by sex. The new regime, the", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.19, "text": "in the conscription of the few remaining fertile women in Gilead, called \"\"Handmaids\"\", according to an extremist interpretation of the Biblical account of Bilhah. They are assigned to the homes of the ruling elite, where they must submit to ritualized rape by their male masters in order to become pregnant and bear children for those men and their wives. Alongside the Handmaids, much of society is now grouped into classes that dictate their freedoms and duties. Women are divided into a small range of social categories, each one signified by a plain dress in a specific color: Handmaids wear red,", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.19, "text": "demonstrating the importance of reading to our freedom, both intellectual and political; and acknowledging the \"\"most insidious and violent manifestations of power in Western history\"\" in a compelling manner. The chapter entitled \"\"Historical Notes\"\" at the end of the novel also represents a warning to academics who run the risk of misreading and misunderstanding historical texts, pointing to the satirized Professor Pieixoto as an example of a male scholar who has taken over and overpowered Offred's narrative with his own interpretation. In November 2018, Atwood announced that a sequel, titled \"\"The Testaments\"\", would be published in September 2019. It will", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.16, "text": "for one of the privileged but barren couples who run the country's religious fundamentalist regime. Although she resists being indoctrinated into the cult of the Handmaids, which mixes Old Testament orthodoxy with scripted group chanting and ritualized violence, Kate is soon assigned to the home of \"\"the Commander\"\" (Fred) and of his cold, inflexible wife, Serena Joy. There she is named \"\"Offred\"\"—\"\"of Fred\"\". Her role as the Commander's latest concubine is emotionless. She lies between Serena Joy's legs while being raped by the Commander in the collective hope that she will bear them a child. Kate continually longs for her", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.11, "text": "property. Women who live in sin are taken to Red Centres where they are indoctrinated as Handmaids by \"\"Aunts\"\". The Handmaids are sent to barren households, where they are required to be ritually inseminated once a month. Professor Pieixoto introduces an audio-cassette recorded by a Handmaid who is in hiding. She had been taken from her second husband Luke and their daughter. The Red Centre Prelude The centre is run by Aunt Lydia. Moira, a friend of the Handmaid who recorded the tape, is captured after an escape attempt. Janine, another woman at the Centre, suffers a breakdown. Moira eventually", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (opera)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.08, "text": "Danish title was \"\"Tjenerindens fortælling\"\". The Danish Royal Opera who commissioned the work wanted the opera performed in Danish, but performances outside Denmark have all been sung in English. The Handmaid's Tale (opera) The Handmaid's Tale is an opera composed by the Danish composer Poul Ruders in 2000, to a libretto by Paul Bentley based on the novel of the same name written by Canadian author Margaret Atwood. Prologue In AD 2195, the 12th Symposium on the Republic of Gilead is meeting via videoconference. The Republic was formed after Christian fundamentalists assassinated the President and most of the Congress in", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (opera)" } ]
when was the bowling alley put in the white house?
[ "1969" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.25, "text": "the disabled community. In 1948, bowling lanes were first built in the ground floor of the West Wing of the U.S. Presidential residence, the White House, as a birthday gift for then President Harry S. Truman, in the location of the 2010s White House Situation Room. The lanes were moved to the Old Executive Office Building in 1955 to make way for a mimeograph room. In 1969, friends of then U.S. President Richard M. Nixon, said to be an avid bowler, had a new one-lane alley built in an underground space below the building's North Portico. Notes Further reading Bowling", "title": "Bowling" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.83, "text": "laundry, elevator control machinery, the water softener, and incinerator, as well as dressing rooms for White House performers. Dwight Eisenhower made the first White House television broadcast from a special room in the basement in 1953, though the \"\"broadcast room\"\" was soon divided for other purposes. A bowling alley was added by Richard Nixon in 1969. There had previously been a bowling alley in the West Wing, built for President Truman in 1947, which had been moved to the Old Executive Office Building in 1955. After the Recording Industry Association of America suggested that the White House Library should be", "title": "White House basement" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.06, "text": "Storage space had first been excavated here in the 1930s, but was greatly expanded and enhanced during the Truman renovation. The Trumans included a bowling alley in this space as well (it is architecturally aligned with the entrance to the Diplomatic Reception Room on the other side of the White House). President Dwight Eisenhower had the bowling alley moved to the Executive Office Building west of the White House, but President Richard Nixon (an avid bowler) had it restored to its original spot in 1969. As of 2010, this space continues to house the bowling alley, as well as the", "title": "Executive Residence" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.09, "text": "old swimming pool. Nixon also added a single-lane bowling alley to the White House basement. Computers and the first laser printer were added during the Carter administration, and the use of computer technology was expanded during the Reagan administration. A Carter-era innovation, a set of solar water heating panels that were mounted on the roof of the White House, was removed during Reagan's presidency. Redecorations were made to the private family quarters and maintenance was made to public areas during the Reagan years. The house was accredited as a museum in 1988. In the 1990s, Bill and Hillary Clinton refurbished", "title": "White House" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.66, "text": "a \"\"Bowling Alley\"\" managed by William Ogilvie. In 1871 in the tenements erected by Underwood, a public house was opened. The inn was called the \"\"Nil Desperandum Hotel\"\". By 1882 three two storey tenements were erected between the butcher shop and the brick and stone shop on the north side of the Public House, known as the New York Hotel. These shops and dwelling were constructed of brick and they were roofed in iron. In 1891 the building to the south corner of Globe and George Streets was pulled down. By 1891 George McEvoy had erected houses to the Harrington", "title": "145 George Street, The Rocks" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.61, "text": "a \"\"Bowling Alley\"\" managed by William Ogilvie. In 1871 in the tenements erected by Underwood, a public house was opened called the \"\"Nil Desperandum Hotel\"\". By 1882 three two storey tenements were erected between the butcher shop and the brick and stone shop on the north side of the Public House, now known as the New York Hotel. These shops and dwelling were constructed of brick and they were roofed in iron. In 1891 the building to the south corner of Globe and George Streets was pulled down. By 1891 George McEvoy had erected houses to the Harrington Street frontage.", "title": "147 George Street, The Rocks" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.34, "text": "Holler House tavern, containing the oldest sanctioned lanes in the United States. In 1909 the first ten-pin bowling alley in Europe was installed in Sweden, but the game failed to catch on in the rest of Europe until after World War II. Meanwhile, ten-pin bowling caught on in Great Britain after hundreds of bowling lanes were installed on U.S. military bases during World War II. In 1913 the monthly \"\"Bowlers Journal\"\" was founded in Chicago, Illinois, continuing to publish to the present day. In late 1916 the Women's International Bowling Congress (WIBC) (originally the Woman's National Bowling Association) was founded", "title": "Bowling" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.27, "text": "of private buildings or other individual purposes.\"\" The purchase was completed on August 2, 1813. On May 1, 1815, the city started the process to sell the property to the public. Seven lots facing Bowling Green were sold at auction on May 25. By June 1, the demolition of the building and clearing of the adjacent lots was underway. On September 29, 1890, the Holland Society of New York installed a commemorative tablet at 4 Bowling Green. It described that the Government House was built on the site of Fort Amsterdam, built in 1626. The site is now occupied by", "title": "Government House (New York City)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.77, "text": "50-plus years in existence, but lobbying by numerous labor organizations and individuals after World War II, including Japanese-American Hiroto Hirashima, quickly led to a reversal of this policy. Bowling alleys built during this period often featured restaurants or nightclubs where locally or even nationally prominent entertainers would perform. In the 1948 movie \"\"Road House\"\", the title refers to a large bowling alley with a nightclub attached, where much of the action takes place. The film provides a good historical glance at bowling alleys of the era. This era also saw a great increase in bowling technology. Pins had previously been", "title": "Ten-pin bowling" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.73, "text": "this building was used as a \"\"Bowling Alley\"\" managed by William Ogilvie. In 1871 in the tenements erected by Mrs Underwood, a public house was opened in today's No. 155 George Street, named the \"\"Nil Desperandum Hotel\"\". By 1882 three two storey tenements were erected on the north side of the Hotel, which was at this time known as the New York Hotel. These shops and dwelling were constructed of brick and they were roofed in iron. In 1891 the building to the south corner of Globe and George Street (now 145 George Street) was demolished. In 1892 a three", "title": "149-151 George Street, The Rocks" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.58, "text": "additional service stair and added closets. Additions to the Ground Floor included additional service elevators to service the upper floors, a bowling alley, expanded kitchen, broadcast studio, barber shop, medical and dental clinics, carpentry and upholstery shops, and large service and equipment spaces. The style Winslow selected for the interior finishes of the re-created main public rooms was the Federal style from the 1800-1820 period of President Monroe's rebuilding. This was a reversal from the variety of styles added in the previous 120 years. Winslow incorporated more marble flooring and paneling for aesthetics and ease of maintenance. Some changes requested", "title": "White House Reconstruction" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.58, "text": "suburban shopping centers and urbanized areas. In 1840, the first indoor bowling alley opened—Knickerbocker Alleys in New York City. Instead of wood, this indoor alley used clay for the bowling lane. By 1850, there were more than 400 bowling alleys in New York City, which earned it the title \"\"bowling capital of North America\"\". Because early versions of bowling were difficult and there were concerns about gambling, the sport faltered. Several cities in the United States regulated bowling due to its association with gambling. In the late 19th century, bowling was revived in many U.S. cities. Alleys were often located", "title": "Bowling alley" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.53, "text": "was scheduled to have its grand opening the next day, June 27. An investigation revealed that the source of the ignition was a burning joss stick no wider than the head of a pin. The inferno caused damage estimated at $161,000 to the uninsured park; only the Japanese bowling alley had been insured (for $1000). It proved to be a mortal blow to White City. The park remained closed for three years. The Union Traction Company of Indiana bought it on March 6, 1911, quickly restored it, and operated it for eleven years. The pool was the main attraction, with", "title": "White City (Indianapolis)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.36, "text": "to stop gambling, causing ten-pin bowling to be created to get around the law — some 31 years after the aforementioned British outdoor ten-pin bowling painting was dated. In 1846, the oldest surviving bowling lanes in the United States were built as part of Roseland Cottage, the summer estate of Henry Chandler Bowen (1831-1896) in Woodstock, Connecticut. The lanes, now part of Historic New England's Roseland Cottage House Museum contain Gothic Revival architectural elements in keeping with the style of the entire estate. In 1848, the Revolutions of 1848 resulted in accelerated German immigration to the U.S., reaching 5 million", "title": "Bowling" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.36, "text": "in Saint Louis, Missouri, merging with the United States Bowling Congress in 2005. In 1920-1933 Prohibition in the U.S. caused bowling alleys to disassociate from saloons, turning bowling into a family game and encouraging women bowlers. On 2 October 1921 the annual Petersen Open Bowling Tournament (a.k.a. The Pete) was first held in Chicago, Ill., becoming bowling's richest tournament of the day. In 1998 it was taken over by AMF. In 1926 the International Bowling Association (IBA) was formed by the U.S., Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, and Finland, holding four world championships by 1936. On 21 March 1934, the National Bowling", "title": "Bowling" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.31, "text": "Kennedy, in a mansion at 1 Broadway that had a 56-foot facade under a central pediment and a front towards the Battery Parade, as the new piece of open ground was called. The Hon. John Watts, whose summer place was Rose Hill; Chancellor Robert Livingston at no. 5, Stephen Whitney at no. 7, and John Stevens all constructed brick residences in Federal style facing Bowling Green. The Alexander Macomb House, the second Presidential Mansion, stood north of the park at 39-41 Broadway. President George Washington occupied it from February 23 to August 30, 1790, before the U.S. capital moved to", "title": "Bowling Green (New York City)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.27, "text": "to the west. In its place a grand Government House was built, suitable, it was hoped, for a President's House, with a four-columned portico facing across Bowling Green and up Broadway. Governor John Jay later inhabited it. When the state capital was moved to Albany, the building served as a boarding house and then the custom house before being demolished in 1815. Elegant townhouses were built around the park, which remained largely the private domain of the residents, though now some of the Tory patricians of New York were replaced by Republican ones; leading New York merchants, led by Abraham", "title": "Bowling Green (New York City)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.23, "text": "proprietor of the Plaza Bowling Alley, to promote Brunswick bowling products. Within two decades there were over two hundred commercial regulation ten-pin bowling alleys in Chicago alone. Bensinger, Brunswick's German-Jewish son-in-law, was influential in setting up the American Bowling Congress (A.B.C.) in 1895. On September 9, 1895, the A.B.C. was officially formed as a permanent organization at Beethoven Hall on east Fifth Street in New York City. The A.B.C. had their first formal annual meeting four days later on September 13 at the Elephant club on Fulton Street in Brooklyn and adopted the proposed constitution and by-laws. The new organization", "title": "Moses Bensinger" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.22, "text": "White Pine Camp White Pine Camp is an Adirondack Great Camp on Osgood Pond in Paul Smiths, New York. It served as the Summer White House for US President Calvin Coolidge from July 7 through September 18, 1926. The camp, built on for New York businessman Archibald White in 1907, consists of 20 buildings, including the owner's cabin, a dining hall, four sleeping cabins, two boathouses, an indoor tennis house and bowling alleys, and a Japanese teahouse. The camp was designed by architects William Massarene and Addison Mizner and built by Ben Muncil. The camp was later owned by Adele", "title": "White Pine Camp" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.22, "text": "statewide in attendance. In 1938, the interior of the building was remodeled as well as the replacement of the marquee with a new art deco one. By the late 1940s the bowling alley was gone and in the 1960s the kitchen was moved from the second to the first floor. The Elks sold their building in 1971 and relocated to a smaller building on Samish Way, in proximity of Interstate 5. Following a brief occupancy by the Castle Restaurant, the Elks Building sat vacant until 1976 and has housed a succession of businesses, A teenage nightclub \"\"The Vortex\"\". The building", "title": "B. P. O. E. Building (Bellingham, Washington)" } ]
where was the hunger games mockingjay part 2 filmed?
[ "Rockmart, Georgia" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 27.09, "text": "2014, in Berlin, Germany; the two parts were filmed back-to-back. In October 2013, filming took place in Rockmart, Georgia. After the cast and crew took a break to promote \"\"The Hunger Games: Catching Fire\"\", filming resumed on December 2, 2013. On December 14, 2013, shooting was held at the Marriott Marquis in Atlanta. On December 18, shooting began at Caldwell Tanks in Newnan, Georgia. Philip Seymour Hoffman died on February 2, 2014. He had completed filming his scenes for \"\"Part 1\"\" and had a week left of shooting for \"\"Part 2\"\"; Lionsgate thereafter released a statement affirming that since the", "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.92, "text": "him. Filming in Atlanta completed in mid-April 2014, and production moved to Europe. On May 9, filming took place in Noisy le Grand, Paris. It is the same location where \"\"Brazil\"\" (1985) was filmed 30 years earlier. Toward the end of May, the cast and crew shot scenes at several locations in Berlin and Brandenburg, Germany. In Rüdersdorf, Brandenburg, the crew shot scenes for the portrayal of District 8 in an old cement factory. Hemsworth was injured on the set and was brought to a doctor in the Berlin borough Mitte. Scenes for District 2 were shot at Berlin Tempelhof", "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.39, "text": "June 20, 2014 in Berlin. \"\"Part 1\"\" was filmed back-to-back with \"\"Part 2\"\". In mid-October, the crews were spotted filming in Rockmart. The crew and cast took a break to promote \"\"\"\" and filming resumed on December 2, 2013. On December 14, 2013 shooting took place at the Marriott Marquis in Atlanta. On December 18, shooting began at Caldwell Tanks in Newnan, Georgia. Philip Seymour Hoffman died on February 2, 2014. Lionsgate released a statement stating that Hoffman had completed filming most of his scenes prior to his death. On April 18, 2014, producer Nina Jacobson announced that filming in", "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.88, "text": "Julianne Moore, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Donald Sutherland. Hoffman died in February 2014, making \"\"Mockingjay – Part 2\"\" his final film role. Principal photography on both parts of the film began on September 23, 2013 in Atlanta, before moving to Paris for two weeks of back-to-back filming and officially concluding on June 20, 2014, in Berlin and at Babelsberg Studios, Germany. The story continues from \"\"\"\" with Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) preparing to win the war against President Snow (Donald Sutherland) and the tyrannical Capitol. Together with Peeta, Gale, Finnick, and others she travels to the Capitol to kill Snow.", "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.86, "text": "Airport. Scenes for the underground approach on the Capitol were filmed in the Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel in Japan. A German casting agency sought 1,000 ethnically diverse extras (African, Asian, Southern-European, and Turkish) and \"\"lived faces\"\" to shoot scenes at the Babelsberg Film Studio. The film score was released on December 4, 2015. James Newton Howard returned to compose the film score; unlike the previous films in the series, there is no additional pop companion album with songs inspired by the film. Jennifer Lawrence performed \"\"Deep in the Meadow\"\", a lullaby that she sang in the first film.", "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.67, "text": "Atlanta had just wrapped up, followed by director Francis Lawrence announcing the next day about moving production to Europe. It was announced that they would be filming battle scenes in Paris and at Berlin Tempelhof Airport in Berlin. They began filming in the streets of Paris and in the city of Ivry-sur-Seine on May 7, where Lawrence and Hemsworth were spotted during the filming of some scenes among extras. On May 9, it was reported that filming was taking place in Noisy le Grand, Paris where Lawrence, Hemsworth, Hutcherson, and Claflin were spotted on the set which re-created the world", "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.41, "text": "press interviews on the red carpet (which was scheduled to last two hours). The stars mostly greeted fans and took a few photos before heading into the screening in Downtown Los Angeles. \"\"Mockingjay – Part 2\"\" was released on November 20, 2015 in the United States and Canada. The film was originally scheduled to be released in 2D, Digital 3D, RealD 3D, and IMAX 3D, which would have made it the only film of the series to be globally released in 3D formats; the was released in 3D in China. It is the third film in the franchise to be", "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.38, "text": "not comment on the Israeli marketing campaign. In Jerusalem, public posters with the image of a female are often torn down, while Bnei Brak does not allow posters with female images. \"\"The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2\"\" premiered in Los Angeles, at the L.A. Live, complex on November 16, and in New York City on November 18. It premiered internationally in Berlin on November 4, in London November 5, in Paris November 9, in Madrid November 10, and in Beijing November 12. Due to the terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13, Lionsgate scaled down its L.A. premiere, cancelling", "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.17, "text": "for District 12 scenes. Principal photography for \"\"The Hunger Games: Mockingjay\"\" began on September 23, 2013 and concluded on June 20, 2014. The majority of filming for the Mockingjay films was filmed in soundstages in a studio in Atlanta, until April 18, 2014. Production then moved to Paris, France, with filming beginning there on May 5, 2014. Philip Seymour Hoffman, who portrays Plutarch Heavensbee, was found dead on February 2, 2014. At the time of his death, he had completed filming his scenes for \"\"The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1\"\" and had a week left of shooting for \"\"Part", "title": "The Hunger Games (film series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.97, "text": "to write \"\"Part 2\"\". Later in August, Hemsworth confirmed that shooting of the film would begin in September 2013. The film's production began on September 16, 2013 in Boston, Atlanta, and Los Angeles. Studio Babelsberg co-produced and oversaw production services for the film. On November 13, 2013, Nina Jacobson revealed that Peter Craig was also hired to write the adaptations. On August 26, 2013, it was announced that actress Stef Dawson had joined the cast and would portray Annie Cresta. Lionsgate announced on September 13, 2013 that Julianne Moore had joined the cast of both \"\"Mockingjay\"\"s parts to play President", "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.78, "text": "Seymour Hoffman, Jeffrey Wright, Stanley Tucci, and Donald Sutherland. Principal photography for both parts of the film began on September 23, 2013, in Atlanta, before moving to Paris for two weeks of filming and officially concluding on June 20, 2014, in Berlin. The story continues to follow Katniss Everdeen; having twice survived the Hunger Games, Katniss finds herself in District 13. Under the leadership of President Coin and the advice of her trusted friends, Katniss reluctantly becomes the symbol of a mass rebellion against the Capitol and fights to save Peeta and a nation moved by her courage. It is", "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.52, "text": "Vision format in Dolby Cinemas, which is the first ever for Lionsgate. Internationally, it was released day-and-date across 87 countries, starting from November 18, in certain markets like Belgium, Brazil, France and the Netherlands and on November 19 in Australia, Germany, Russia, Italy, and the United Kingdom, followed by China, Mexico, Japan, the United States, Canada, and 19 other markets, on November 20, as part of the biggest movie rollout ever by Lionsgate. The only big territories where the film did not open on the same weekend are Spain, Greece and India, which released the movie on November 27. \"\"The", "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.33, "text": "in the game. It was a relief that it was received well by the fans. Even though I was relieved, it was only momentary; it sort of set the bar higher for the next one!.\"\" On December 6, 2012, Danny Strong announced that he would write the third and fourth films. On February 15, 2013, Lionsgate approved the script for \"\"Part 1\"\" and gave Strong permission to write that of \"\"Part 2\"\". In August, Hemsworth confirmed that shooting of the film would begin the following month. The film's production began on September 16, 2013, in Boston, Atlanta, and Los Angeles.", "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.22, "text": "released in IMAX, following the first and the film with the exception of the film. However, the decision to release the film in 3D and IMAX 3D in North America was revoked. Director Francis Lawrence discussed the decision, stating, \"\"I love the 3D format and I know that \"\"Mockingjay Part 2\"\" will play perfectly in 3D and 2D internationally – but I'm pleased that we're maintaining the 2D only (and IMAX) formats domestically. It is the best of all worlds!\"\". It was nevertheless released in 3D formats in overseas markets, including China. The film was also released in the Dolby", "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.95, "text": "of Panem. It is the same location where \"\"Brazil\"\" was filmed in 1984. Christian Cordella, a costume illustrator on the first movie, returned to sketch the outfits for District 13. The music was created to convey the dark feel of the film. On October 9, 2014, it was revealed that the Trinity School boys' choir recorded tracks for the score, written by James Newton Howard. Jennifer Lawrence performed the film's version of the song \"\"The Hanging Tree\"\", originally featured in the novel, but was not thrilled about having to sing and cried the day of the performance. As of the", "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.8, "text": "winter weather hitting areas such as South Dakota, Michigan, and Chicago as well as Lionsgate's decision to split the last novel into two separate pictures. Still, it is the fourth film in the \"\"Hunger Games\"\" film series to open with more than $100 million, and is 2015's sixth-biggest opening, behind \"\"\"\", \"\"Jurassic World\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"Furious 7,\"\" and \"\"Minions\"\". IMAX comprised $8.5 million of the opening gross from 384 IMAX locations. The low opening of the film led to the decline of Lionsgate stock the day after its opening weekend. The film retained the top spot at the box office in", "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.69, "text": "swear word due to layout. However, another \"\"bold and beautiful\"\" poster was released depicting Katniss standing on the shoulder of a fallen President Snow statue. In October 2015, the first official clip and the final trailer were released, followed by the film's theatrical posters. In certain parts of Israel, the poster which depicted the image of Katniss (Lawrence) aiming her bow and arrow was removed over concerns her image would offend ultra-conservative Jewish audiences. Instead, a fiery mockingjay in the poster's background replaced Lawrence in marketing materials in multiple locations in Israel including Bnei Brak and West Jerusalem. Lionsgate did", "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.56, "text": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 is a 2015 American dystopian science fiction adventure film directed by Francis Lawrence, with a screenplay by Peter Craig and Danny Strong. It is the fourth and final installment in \"\"The Hunger Games\"\" film series, and the second of two films based on the novel \"\"Mockingjay\"\", the final book in \"\"The Hunger Games\"\" trilogy by Suzanne Collins. Produced by Nina Jacobson and Jon Kilik, and distributed by Lionsgate, the film features an ensemble cast that includes Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks,", "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.31, "text": "box office for four consecutive weekends which is a rare achievement and thereby becoming the first film since \"\"Les Misérables\"\" in 2013 to have four straight weeks of win at the UK box office. It is the highest-grossing film of 2015 in Colombia with $36 million. In terms of total earnings its largest markets are Germany ($43.7 million) and the United Kingdom ($43.1 million), and Colombia ($36 million). \"\"The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2\"\" received generally positive reviews from critics, with praise for action sequences and performances but criticism for splitting the book into two separate adaptations. On review", "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.17, "text": "($6.8 million), Brazil ($6.8 million), Russia ($6.7 million), Venezuela ($5.6 million), and Italy ($4.3 million). In China, it opened at No. 1 despite facing competition with Taiwanese film \"\"Our Times\"\", and the continued run of \"\"Spectre\"\" and having an underperforming opening. It fell precipitously by 88.6% in its second weekend, which is the worst second-weekend drop for any major Hollywood release in China of 2015. Notably in France, the opening was above expectations considering cinemagoers being affected by the Paris terror attacks and the heightened state of alert in Belgium at that time. It topped the United Kingdom and Ireland", "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2" } ]
who is the present supreme court chief justice of india?
[ "Dipak Misra" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.8, "text": "the High Court of Kerala on 10 July 2014, has taken charge as Acting Chief Justice on 1 August 2014 and as Chief Justice on 26 March 2015. He was appointed as Judge of the Supreme Court of India on 13 May 2016. Ashok Bhushan Ashok Bhushan (born 5 July 1956 in Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh) is currently a judge at the Supreme Court of India. He was the 31st Chief Justice of Kerala High Court. He was born in Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh on 5 July 1956 to late Shri Chandrama Prasad Srivastava and his wife Smt. Kalavathi Srivasthava. After completion", "title": "Ashok Bhushan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.55, "text": "Arun Mishra recused himself from the case. Justice Chelameswar retired on June 30, 2018, leaving Justice Ranjan Gogoi as the second senior-most judge of the Supreme Court of India followed by Justices M B Lokur and Kurian Joseph. Ranjan Gogoi Ranjan Gogoi (born 18 November 1954) is an Indian judge serving as the 46th and current Chief Justice of India since 3 October 2018. His term as Chief Justice ends on 17 November 2019. He is the first person from Northeast India and first Assamese to become Chief Justice of India. Ranjan Gogoi is son of Congress leader Kesab Chandra", "title": "Ranjan Gogoi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.42, "text": "Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud Dhananjaya Yeshwant Chandrachud (born 11 November 1959) is currently a sitting judge of the Supreme Court of India, He is the former Chief Justice of the Allahabad High Court and a former judge of the Bombay High Court. Chandrachud was born on 11 November 1959. His father Y. V. Chandrachud was the longest serving Chief Justice of India. His mother Prabha was a classical musician. After attending Cathedral and John Connon School, Mumbai and St. Columba's School, Delhi, Chandrachud graduated with honours in Economics and Mathematics from St. Stephen's College, New Delhi in 1979. He aced the", "title": "Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.25, "text": "Ashok Bhushan Ashok Bhushan (born 5 July 1956 in Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh) is currently a judge at the Supreme Court of India. He was the 31st Chief Justice of Kerala High Court. He was born in Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh on 5 July 1956 to late Shri Chandrama Prasad Srivastava and his wife Smt. Kalavathi Srivasthava. After completion of graduation as Bachelor of Arts in the year 1975 joined for Law in Allahabad University and completed the same in the year 1979. He started his career in advocacy by enrolling with Bar Council of Uttar Pradesh on 6 April 1979 and", "title": "Ashok Bhushan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.23, "text": "Swapnil Tripathi v. Supreme Court of India, the judgment which allowed live streaming of Indian court cases. Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud Dhananjaya Yeshwant Chandrachud (born 11 November 1959) is currently a sitting judge of the Supreme Court of India, He is the former Chief Justice of the Allahabad High Court and a former judge of the Bombay High Court. Chandrachud was born on 11 November 1959. His father Y. V. Chandrachud was the longest serving Chief Justice of India. His mother Prabha was a classical musician. After attending Cathedral and John Connon School, Mumbai and St. Columba's School, Delhi, Chandrachud graduated", "title": "Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.05, "text": "retired as Judge of the Supreme Court of India on 19 November 2016. Anil R. Dave Anil Ramesh Dave (born 19 November 1951) is a former judge at the Supreme Court of India and the current Executive-Chairman of the National Legal Services Authority. Before being elevated to the Supreme Court of India, he was Chief Justice of Andhra Pradesh High Court and Bombay High Court. He enrolled as an Advocate on 25 July 1976 and started practicing in various matters. He served as a Solicitor to the Government of Gujarat, Additional Government Pleader to Gujarat High Court and part-time Lecturer", "title": "Anil R. Dave" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.95, "text": "N. V. Ramana Nuthalapati Venkata Ramana (born 27 August 1957) is a Judge in Supreme Court of India. Previously, he was the Chief Justice of Delhi High Court and the acting Chief Justice of Andhra Pradesh High Court. He has also served as the president of the Andhra Pradesh Judicial Academy. He is due to retire on 26 August 2022. With a tenure of 8 years in Supreme Court of India, he is in line to be Chief Justice of India (with effect from 24 April 2021) after superannuation of Justice Sharad Arvind Bobde. He was born in an agricultural", "title": "N. V. Ramana" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.92, "text": "Sarosh Homi Kapadia and Jagdish Singh Khehar later went on to become Chief Justice of India. Ramesh Ranganathan is the current Chief Justice of the Uttarakhand High Court. He assumed office on 2 November 2018. There are currently nine sitting judges including the Chief Justice. Following is the list of the current serving judges of the Uttarakhand High Court. Pradeep Pant is the Registrar General of the Uttarakhand High Court. He Assumed office on 16 August 2018. Uttarakhand High Court The Uttarakhand High Court is the High Court of the state of Uttarakhand in India. The Uttarakhand State was carved", "title": "Uttarakhand High Court" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.83, "text": "H. L. Dattu H. L. Dattu (born 3 December 1950) is a former Chief Justice of India(CJI), and the current chairman of the National Human Rights Commission. As the CJI he served for nearly 14 months, from 28 September 2014 to 2 December 2015. Before his elevation as a judge of the Supreme Court of India on 17 December 2008; he had served as the Chief Justice of Kerala High Court and Chhattisgarh High Court. Handyala Lakshminarayanaswamy Dattu was born in Chikkapattanagere village in Chikmagalur district of Mysore State (now Karnataka). His father H L Narayanaswamy was an English teacher.", "title": "H. L. Dattu" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.81, "text": "2G spectrum case. H. L. Dattu H. L. Dattu (born 3 December 1950) is a former Chief Justice of India(CJI), and the current chairman of the National Human Rights Commission. As the CJI he served for nearly 14 months, from 28 September 2014 to 2 December 2015. Before his elevation as a judge of the Supreme Court of India on 17 December 2008; he had served as the Chief Justice of Kerala High Court and Chhattisgarh High Court. Handyala Lakshminarayanaswamy Dattu was born in Chikkapattanagere village in Chikmagalur district of Mysore State (now Karnataka). His father H L Narayanaswamy was", "title": "H. L. Dattu" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.81, "text": "P. Sathasivam Palanisamy Sathasivam (born 27 April 1949) is the current Governor of Kerala, in office since 2014. He previously served as the 40th Chief Justice of India from 2013 to 2014. Sathasivam is the second judge from Tamil Nadu to become the CJI. He is also the first former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to be appointed as the Governor of a state. Sathasivam was born to Palaniswamy and Natchiammal in Kadappanallur near Bhavani in Erode district. He graduated from Government Law College Chennai after completing his BA degree Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi. Sathasivam enrolled as", "title": "P. Sathasivam" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.8, "text": "Sharad Arvind Bobde Sharad Arvind Bobde (born 24 April 1956 Nagpur) is a judge of the Supreme Court of India. He is a former Chief Justice of Madhya Pradesh High Court. He is also serving as the Chancellor of Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai and Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur. He is due to retire on 23 April 2021. With a tenure of 8 years in Supreme Court of India, he is in line to be Chief Justice of India (with effect from 19 Nov 2019) after superannuation of Justice Ranjan Gogoi. He completed his graduation at SFS College Nagpur", "title": "Sharad Arvind Bobde" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.77, "text": "(for re-allocation) in any case where they require it to be looked into by a larger bench of more judges. On the administrative side, the Chief Justice carries out the following functions: maintenance of the roster; appointment of court officials and general and miscellaneous matters relating to the supervision and functioning of the Supreme Court. It has been an unbroken convention for decades now, to appoint the senior-most judge of the supreme court as the CJI. The present CJI is Justice Ranjan Gogoi, and is the 46th CJI since January 1950, the year the Constitution came into effect and the", "title": "Chief Justice of India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.75, "text": "Ranjan Gogoi Ranjan Gogoi (born 18 November 1954) is an Indian judge serving as the 46th and current Chief Justice of India since 3 October 2018. His term as Chief Justice ends on 17 November 2019. He is the first person from Northeast India and first Assamese to become Chief Justice of India. Ranjan Gogoi is son of Congress leader Kesab Chandra Gogoi who served as Assam Chief Minister for two months in 1982. Gogoi attended Don Bosco in Dibrugarh, before moving to Delhi to complete pre-university and graduate studies. He studied at St. Stephen's College, Delhi, graduating with honours", "title": "Ranjan Gogoi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.66, "text": "1999, he was appointed as Chief Justice of Bombay High Court. In less than a year, he was appointed as a judge, Supreme Court of India. Being the senior-most judge of the Supreme Court of India at the time, Sabharwal was appointed as the Chief Justice of India to succeed Mr. R.C. Lahoti who was retiring on 31 October 2005. He was sworn in as the Chief Justice by the President of India, A P J Abdul Kalam on 1 November 2005 for a period of about 14 months as he would turn 65, the retirement age for Chief Justices,", "title": "Yogesh Kumar Sabharwal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.59, "text": "Ramayyagari Subhash Reddy Ramayyagari Subhash Reddy is the judge of Supreme Court of India since 2 November 2018. Prior to his elevation to the bench of Supreme Court, he was the Chief Justice of the of the Gujarat High Court. He is set to retire on 4 January 2022. Shri Justice Ramayyagari Subhash Reddy, B.Sc., LL.B., was born on 5 January 1957. He was enrolled as an Advocate on 30 October 1980 and practiced at Tribunals, Civil Courts and Andhra Pradesh High Court including before the Supreme Court in Civil, Criminal, Constitutional, Revenue, Taxation, Labour, Company and Service matters in", "title": "Ramayyagari Subhash Reddy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.58, "text": "Sarv Mittra Sikri Sarv Mittra Sikri (26 April 1908 – 24 September 1992) was the 13th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India from 22 January 1971 until his retirement on 25 April 1973. He began his legal career in 1930 as an attorney practicing at the Lahore High Court. Following independence, he was appointed the Assistant Advocate General of Punjab in 1949. He served as advocate general from 1951 to 1964. In February 1964, he was appointed as judge of the Supreme Court of India, and became Chief Justice of India in January 1971. He was the first", "title": "Sarv Mittra Sikri" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.55, "text": "Kalpesh Satyendra Jhaveri Kalpesh Satyendra Jhaveri (born: 5 January 1958) is an Indian Judge and present Chief justice of Orissa High Court. Jhaveri passed LL.B. and got enrolment on 20 Januaray 1983. He started practice in the Gujarat High Court. In 1983 he became a member of the Executive Committee of Gujarat High Court Advocates' Association and elected as Joint Secretary of the Bar in 1984. He appearded before the High Court on behalf of various Statutory authority of the Central and State Government. on 7 March 2004, Jhaveri was elevated as Judge of Gujarat High Court, he became permanent", "title": "Kalpesh Satyendra Jhaveri" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.53, "text": "Ajay Rastogi Ajay Rostogi is Judge of Supreme Court of India since 2 November 2018. He was the Chief Justice of the of the Tripura High Court Shri Justice Ajay Rastogi, B.Com., LL.B., was born on 18 June 1958. He was enrolled as an Advocate in 1982 and practiced in the Rajasthan High Court in Constitutional, Civil Service and Labour matters. His field of specialization is Service and Labour Law. He was appointed as an Additional Judge of the Rajasthan High Court on 2 September 2004 and as Permanent Judge on 29 May 2006. He was appointed as Chief Justice", "title": "Ajay Rastogi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.53, "text": "Mohan Shantanagoudar and S. Abdul Nazeer being appointed as judges in the Supreme Court of India. Raja Dharma Praveena Diwan Bahadur P Mahadevayya, M Sadasivayya, Nittoor Srinivasa Rau, Sam Piroj Bharucha and G. T. Nanavati were some of the famous Chief Justices who presided over this court. Presently, Dinesh Maheshwari is the Chief Justice at the court. The Karnataka High Court is currently functional in Bangalore, Dharwad and Gulbarga. There was a long-standing demand for an additional bench: the location of Bangalore in south-east corner of the state caused hardship for people visiting the High Court from the distant northern", "title": "Karnataka High Court" } ]
when did sweet and sour skittles come out?
[ "2016" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.81, "text": "Skittles (confectionery) Skittles is a brand of fruit-flavoured candy, currently produced and marketed by the Wrigley Company, a division of Mars, Inc. Skittles consist of hard sugar shells imprinted with the letter \"\"\"\"S\"\"\"\". The interior consists mainly of sugar, corn syrup, and hydrogenated palm kernel oil along with fruit juice, citric acid, natural and artificial flavors. The confectionery has been sold in a variety of flavor collections, such as Tropical, Wild Berry, Dessert, sweet heat and Sour. Skittles were first made commercially in 1974 by a British company. They were first introduced in North America in 1979 as an import", "title": "Skittles (confectionery)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.88, "text": "Sweet and Sour (1984 TV series) Sweet and Sour was an Australian television series that screened on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) in 1984. It was created by Tim Gooding and Johanna Pigott and was produced internally for the ABC by Jan Chapman. The main storyline of the series followed the efforts of a fictional band, The Takeaways, to break into the Sydney music scene. \"\"The Takeaways have so far eluded commercial success. However, negotiations are presently underway for the band to sell their story to a prominent TV station, and really clean up.\"\" In mid-1983 Sydney a band called", "title": "Sweet and Sour (1984 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.47, "text": "Gooding, Pigott, Michael Cove, Paul Leadon, David Poltorak, Bert Deling, Forrest Redlich and Debra Oswald. Directors were: Geoffrey Nottage, Riccardo Pellizzeri, Graham Thorburn, Posie Graeme-Evans (aka Posie Jacobs) and Helena Harris. The series is currently unavailable on video, DVD or online. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) advises that \"\"Due to copyright restrictions this program is unavailable for sale as it was produced on a broadcast only basis; thus restricting ABC Commercial from selling the material. There are no plans to re-broadcast this program.\"\" \"\"Sweet & Sour OST\"\" was released on CD on 17 September 2010. \"\"Sweet and Sour - TV", "title": "Sweet and Sour (1984 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.33, "text": "Tweet and Sour Tweet and Sour is a \"\"Looney Tunes\"\" cartoon animated short featuring Tweety and Sylvester. Released March 24, 1956, the cartoon was directed by Friz Freleng. The voices are performed by Mel Blanc and June Foray. The cartoon's title is a play on the phrase \"\"sweet and sour\"\". Granny leaves the house for an afternoon outing, but as she drives by the house and waves goodbye to Tweety, she sees Sylvester has gotten into the house and is about to have Tweety for his supper. Granny furiously stops Sylvester in time and, fed up with his constant chasing", "title": "Tweet and Sour" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.09, "text": "in 2015 and followed up by their Orchards packets, which were then discontinued in 2017. Lime is now currently part of the \"\"Long Lost Lime\"\" packets that came out in summer 2017 and 2018. Skittles (confectionery) Skittles is a brand of fruit-flavoured candy, currently produced and marketed by the Wrigley Company, a division of Mars, Inc. Skittles consist of hard sugar shells imprinted with the letter \"\"\"\"S\"\"\"\". The interior consists mainly of sugar, corn syrup, and hydrogenated palm kernel oil along with fruit juice, citric acid, natural and artificial flavors. The confectionery has been sold in a variety of flavor", "title": "Skittles (confectionery)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.95, "text": "confectionery. In 1982, domestic production of Skittles began in the United States. Skittles' \"\"taste the rainbow\"\" theme was created by New York ad agency D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles. On March 2, 2009, Skittles launched a web-based marketing campaign where their official website became a small overlay with options to view different social media sites in the main area, including its official YouTube channel, a Facebook profile, and a Twitter account. The move was debated by people interested in social media. Skittles has one of the most-\"\"liked\"\" brand pages on Facebook, with over 25 million followers. The page's success may", "title": "Skittles (confectionery)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.83, "text": "Sweet and Sour (2000 talk show) Sweet and Sour is an Australian television talk show produced in Perth, Western Australia. It is filmed at the Central Institute of Technology, and is screened across Australia on Community Television stations. The show debuted in July 2000, and originally was supposed to run for just eight episodes. \"\"Sweet & Sour\"\" is a community orientated talk show in which people can write in and share their situation to a panel who helps to solve them. The panel consists of the talk show host, Gary Mitchell, and a rotating panel of special guests. The show", "title": "Sweet and Sour (2000 talk show)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.73, "text": "\"\"Sweet & Sour\"\" (lead vocal: Conway) was shown on the 12 August 1984 episode of \"\"Countdown\"\". The promo clip does not show The Takeaways 'bass player' George (Arky Michael); but does include a juggler, acrobat and stage magician. On the same \"\"Countdown\"\" episode were O'Neill performing \"\"Power\"\" and Stephen Cummings performing \"\"Gynasium\"\" (Armiger as producer/musician/songwriter). \"\"Glam To Wham\"\" (lead vocal: Conway, backing vocal: McQuade) was broadcast \"\"Countdown\"\" on 7 October 1984, with guest hosts Michael, Lillingston and Herbert of The Takeaways (during which Herbert refers to Arky Michael as \"\"Spartels\"\"!). It shows Lillingston miming to Conway's vocals, however in the", "title": "Sweet and Sour (1984 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.53, "text": "and directness. MWWPR said Mars' responses could influence public relations best practices. Skittles are produced in a wide variety of flavours and colours, including sour varieties. Skittles has hinted at new flavour releases on its Facebook page, using such statuses as \"\"Locking myself in the Rainbow kitchen until I see some results!\"\" A 2011 posting contained confirmation of a new flavor: \"\"Putting the last touches on a new Skittles flavor. Tweak the Rainbow.\"\" In 2013, Skittles replaced the lime-flavoured Skittles with green apple, causing a backlash from some consumers. The lime became part of their Darkside packets, which were discontinued", "title": "Skittles (confectionery)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.5, "text": "throughout the years including Tony Barber, Justin Langer, Kim Hughes, Sam Newman, Barry Crocker, Dannii Minogue, Normi Rowe, Johnny Young, Bambi LeFist, Paige Piper, Alex Andra, and Lucy Nicol. Sweet and Sour (2000 talk show) Sweet and Sour is an Australian television talk show produced in Perth, Western Australia. It is filmed at the Central Institute of Technology, and is screened across Australia on Community Television stations. The show debuted in July 2000, and originally was supposed to run for just eight episodes. \"\"Sweet & Sour\"\" is a community orientated talk show in which people can write in and share", "title": "Sweet and Sour (2000 talk show)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.45, "text": "was launched to find a pack that has all red sweets in, with the lucky winner getting £10,000. In 2013, a new variant was released, named \"\"Squidgey Speak\"\". A second variant followed in 2014 named \"\"Sweet 'n' Sour\"\". Also in 2014, Randoms began production and sale in the US under the Wonka brand. A 50g packet of Rowntree's Randoms provides: Rowntree's Randoms Rowntree's Randoms are a jelly sweet produced by Nestlé under its Rowntree's brand. The sweet was launched in the UK on 18 May 2009. The sweets have six natural fruit flavours: blackcurrant, cherry, strawberry, orange, lime and lemon", "title": "Rowntree's Randoms" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.34, "text": "Soundtrack\"\" by Takeaways & Various Artists, ABC Records L-38159, Cassette C38159 © 1984. Track listing \"\"Sweet and Sour Volume Two\"\", ABC RML 53143 © 1984. Track listing \"\"Sweet and Sour\"\" (O'Neill) - 3:10 /\"\"Image of an Angel\"\" (Hart-Wells) - 2:51 Reached #13 Australian National Chart. \"\"Glam to Wham\"\" (O'Neill) - 4:17 /\"\"Can't Stand Still\"\" (Armiger) - 2:16 \"\"No Focus\"\" (Steven Leeson, Sally Ford) - 2:33 /\"\"Down the Road\"\" (Callaghan) - 2:41 Sweet and Sour (1984 TV series) Sweet and Sour was an Australian television series that screened on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) in 1984. It was created by Tim", "title": "Sweet and Sour (1984 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.3, "text": "the police they offer her a spot in their band. Christine's father, legendary 1960s saxophonist Shrug Yates (Martin Vaughan), taught her to 'feel' music while playing sax. Christine sings lead vocal on some songs. Initially they play their gigs using a drum machine until Johnny Black (Robin Copp), an established drummer, joins. Some six months later, The Takeaways release an independent single, \"\"Sweet and Sour\"\", and await the pressing of their first album. They meet recording executives and media personalities including Ian \"\"Molly\"\" Meldrum and artist Jon English. They undertake a tour of Melbourne to promote the first single. There", "title": "Sweet and Sour (1984 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.25, "text": "fine support actors. Another link to \"\"Countdown\"\" was the briefing of songwriters by co-producer Carolyn James and Graham Thorburn, who come up from producing and directing Countdown to direct four episodes. Together they negotiated a \"\"No Favoured Nations\"\" contract for songwriters to receive royalties over a limited time frame rather than ABC purchasing songs outright. This meant the music budget stretched much further, and that signed and unsigned writers received same revenue and so provided significant income to lesser-known songwriters such as David McComb of The Triffids. New Zealand's TVNZ series, \"\"Heroes\"\", released 21 October 1984 \"\"is about a group", "title": "Sweet and Sour (1984 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.14, "text": "of musicians just getting started as a rock 'n' roll band\"\". It ran for 8 episodes in 1984 and 6 in 1986. Actors included: Michael Hurst, Jay Laga'aia, Margaret Umbers and John Gibson. Tim Gooding and Johanna Pigott were members of Sydney post-punk band, XL Capris (1978–1982). Former Dragon bassist Todd Hunter later produced the band before joining the line-up. Pigott and Hunter wrote \"\"Rain\"\" for the reformed Dragon, and \"\"Age of Reason\"\" for John Farnham. Gooding and Pigott have both written for the TV Series \"\"Heartbreak High\"\"(Hunter composed its music) and for \"\"Mortified\"\". Writers for \"\"Sweet and Sour\"\" were:", "title": "Sweet and Sour (1984 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.09, "text": "SweeTarts SweeTarts (; officially stylized as SweeTARTS) are sweet and sour candies invented by Jeff Sousa in 1962. The candy was created using the same basic recipe as the already popular Pixy Stix and Lik-M-Aid products, in response to parents' requests for a less-messy candy. In 1963, SweeTarts were introduced with the same flavors as the popular Pixy Stix: cherry, grape, lemon, lime, and orange. Sunline, Inc., became the Sunmark Companies and was later bought by Rowntree Mackintosh, of the United Kingdom, which was, in turn, taken over by Nestlé. Nestlé rolled the SweeTarts family of candies into the already-existing", "title": "SweeTarts" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.09, "text": "SweeTarts SweeTarts (; officially stylized as SweeTARTS) are sweet and sour candies invented by Jeff Sousa in 1962. The candy was created using the same basic recipe as the already popular Pixy Stix and Lik-M-Aid products, in response to parents' requests for a less-messy candy. In 1963, SweeTarts were introduced with the same flavors as the popular Pixy Stix: cherry, grape, lemon, lime, and orange. Sunline, Inc., became the Sunmark Companies and was later bought by Rowntree Mackintosh, of the United Kingdom, which was, in turn, taken over by Nestlé. Nestlé rolled the SweeTarts family of candies into the already-existing", "title": "SweeTarts" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.98, "text": "they released the single \"\"Sweet and Sour,\"\" and announced their forthcoming album, \"\"Glover Park\"\". In February 2016, Leppin started a label called Wedderburn Records which releases \"\"music which has a magical or mystical essence.\"\" The label's first release was \"\"Sweet and Sour\"\" by Janel and Anthony, followed by Leppin's first two solo albums, \"\"Mellow Diamond\"\" and \"\"Songs for Voice and Mellotron\"\". Leppin plans to release solo work by female artists including American pedal steel guitar legend Susan Alcorn and DC avant pop vocalist Adriana Lucia-Cotes. In April 2016, Leppin released two solo recordings. For the first album titled, \"\"Mellow Diamond\"\",", "title": "Janel Leppin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.92, "text": "enter the tournament or ever again challenge for the Cup. In October 2004 the Dark Breed joined Larry Sweeney's stable Sweet 'n' Sour International for the first annual \"\"torneo cibernetico\"\" match. After both Hallowicked and UltraMantis failed to win the match, the Dark Breed broke away from Sweeney's stable. When UltraMantis was sidelined with an injury, Hallowicked teamed with the returning Blind Rage in the 2005 Tag World Grand Prix. After defeating Eye Candy (DJ Skittlez and Private Eye), Hallowicked and Blind Rage were eliminated from the tournament by the SuperFriends (Mike Quackenbush and Chris Hero). The rest of the", "title": "Hallowicked" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.92, "text": "blistering.\"\" In February 2012, \"\"Sweet Sour\"\" was chosen as the iTunes Single of the Week concurrently with the album's iTunes release. In 2012, Bands of Skulls performed the song on BBC Radio 1's Live Lounge and the Late Show with David Letterman. In 2013, the song won an Independent Music Award for Best Rock/Hard Rock Song. A music video for \"\"Sweet Sour\"\" was released in early 2012. Entirely in black and white, it features a boy, who kicks a boombox at the beginning of the video and is later shown dancing, lifting weights, and boxing in a blighted urban environment.", "title": "Sweet Sour (song)" } ]
who does spiderman fight in the first movie?
[ "Green Goblin" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.16, "text": "to protect New York City. Meanwhile, wealthy industrialist Norman Osborn (Willem Dafoe), the father of Peter's best friend Harry Osborn (James Franco), subjects himself to an experimental performance-enhancing serum, which creates a psychotic and murderous split personality. Donning a military battlesuit, Norman becomes a freakish \"\"Green Goblin\"\", who begins to terrorize the city. Peter, as Spider-Man, now must do battle with the Goblin, all while trying to express his true feelings for Mary Jane. Two years after the events of the first film, Peter struggles to balance his superhero and private lives and still pines after Mary Jane Watson, who", "title": "Spider-Man in film" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.39, "text": "Captain America himself, he later helps Stark and War Machine take down Giant-Man / Ant-Man but is injured in the fight and sent home by a grateful Stark. He next stars in his first solo movie \"\"\"\", where he is mentored and monitored by Stark theough the latter's chauffeur Happy Hogan, while balancing his high school life with his vigilantism. He later stumbles on a group of smugglers and criminals led by the mysterious Vulture, who is revealed to be the father of his high school crush and Decathlon leader Liz Allan and goes on a quest to defeat them", "title": "Alternative versions of Spider-Man" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.27, "text": "Peter Parker/Spider-Man for the first time in Peter's high school. Spider-Man defeats Marko with a vacuum cleaner and hands it over to the police. The Sandman escapes by getting through his window after turning himself to sand, but is recaptured by the Human Torch after the Torch lures the Sandman to a building by disguising himself as Spider-Man, then activating the sprinkler systems. After this Marko resurfaces as a member of the Sinister Six, led by Doctor Octopus. He battles Spider-Man inside an airtight metal box, which is activated when Spider-Man touches a card saying where the Vulture is, but", "title": "Sandman (Marvel Comics)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.02, "text": "Avengers\"\": \"\"What I'm trying to say to you without giving anything away is hopefully all these worlds will live together in peace someday.\"\" Sony announced that the franchise would be rebooted with a new director and new cast. \"\"The Amazing Spider-Man\"\" was released on July 3, 2012 in 3D and IMAX 3D, and focused on Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) developing his abilities in high school and his relationship with Gwen Stacy. He fights the Lizard, the monstrous form of Dr. Curt Connors, his father's former partner and a scientist at OsCorp. The film takes place two years after the first", "title": "Spider-Man in film" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24, "text": "Norman Osborn and Peter Parker would be more interesting, so he dropped Doctor Octopus from the first film. Sam Raimi then decided that Doctor Octopus would be kept as the antagonist for \"\"Spider-Man 2\"\", as he was both a visually interesting villain who was a physical match for Spider-Man and a sympathetic figure with humanity. He then changed much of the character's backstory, like adding the idea of Otto Octavius being a hero of Peter's and how their conflict was about trying to rescue him from his demons rather than kill him. In \"\"Spider-Man 3,\"\" his intention was to introduce", "title": "Peter Parker (Spider-Man film series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.97, "text": "master makes it grow giant and Spider-Man has to use his Marveller to transform into a giant mech to fight the monster, after they exchange blows Spider-Man uses the mechs giant sword to disintegrate the Sea-Devil. The film was directed by Kōichi Takemoto and written by Susumu Takaku. The movie was the first appearance of the character of Juzo Mamiya, who subsequently appeared in three episodes of the series, episodes 11, 12 and 14. The film is the same length as the series episodes but was shot in widescreen. The stunts in the film were choreographed and the acrobatics performed", "title": "Spider-Man (1978 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.58, "text": "to kill him. In the script, Octavius is the creator of the genetically-altered spider from the first film, and gives Peter an antidote to remove his powers: this means when Octavius is dying with his tentacles, he wants to extract Spider-Man's spine to save himself. This leads to the alliance with Harry in the final film. Beforehand, Harry and the \"\"Daily Bugle\"\" put a $10 million price on Spider-Man's head, causing the city's citizens to turn against him. Producer Avi Arad rejected the love triangle angle on Ock, and found Harry putting a price on Spider-Man's head unsubtle. Raimi sifted", "title": "Spider-Man 2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.27, "text": "particle accelerator that molecularly binds him with sand, giving him shapeshifting sand abilities and transforming him into the Sandman. A major focus of the plot involves Marko's connection to the death of Ben Parker (Cliff Robertson), Spider-Man's uncle, in the first film. Sandman is later spotted by police officers walking down the streets of Manhattan. Sandman gets on top of a dump truck filled with huge amounts of sand. At the police station, police captain George Stacy (James Cromwell) discovers evidence Marko is Ben Parker's killer. He tells Peter and Aunt May (Rosemary Harris) that the carjacker Dennis Carradine (whom", "title": "Sandman (Marvel Comics)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.23, "text": "when he first fought Spider-Man. Following his release from prison, Kangaroo assaults a man who owes him money. Just then, someone in a Spider-Man costume ends up fighting Kangaroo. After defeating Kangaroo, some people of New York express disapproval of his actions stating that wearing Peter's costume is disrespectful. Upon heading to the rooftop, this Spider-Man unmasks himself to be an African-American/Latino boy named Miles Morales who states that it is in bad taste wearing a Spider-Man costume. Meanwhile, Mister Fantastic is revealed to be alive in the N-Zone with a horrible scar covering his right face claiming that the", "title": "Ultimate Fallout" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.22, "text": "Other then unknowns included Octavia Spencer as the Check-In Girl who is reluctant to allow Peter to fight Bonesaw McGraw and Jim Norton as a truck driver who is the only person in the montage to criticize the appearance of Spider-Man. Famous background extra Jesse Heiman makes an appearance as a spectator during the fight between Peter and Flash. It was also intended for Hugh Jackman to make a cameo appearance in the film as Logan / Wolverine, reprising the role from 2000's \"\"X-Men\"\", but the plan was abandoned because Jackman's Wolverine costume could not be found. The novelization of", "title": "Spider-Man (2002 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.16, "text": "be kept as the villain, as he was both a visually interesting villain who was a physical match for Spider-Man, and a sympathetic figure with humanity, accompanied by the fact that the character had been repeatedly considered as a villain for the first film over the course of its 15-year development. Raimi changed much of the character's backstory, however, adding the idea of Otto Octavius being a hero of Peter, and how their conflict was about trying to rescue him from his demons rather than kill him. \"\"Spider-Man 2\"\" was shot on over one hundred sets and locations, beginning with", "title": "Spider-Man 2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.12, "text": "introduction of the character to the MCU. Reports indicated that the first MCU film that Spider-Man would appear in as part of the deal, would be \"\"Captain America: Civil War\"\". Joe and Anthony Russo, the directors of \"\"Captain America: Civil War\"\", had lobbied for months to include the character in the film. Anthony Russo stated that, despite Marvel telling them to have a \"\"plan B\"\" should the deal with Sony fail, the Russos never created one because \"\"it was very important to us to reintroduce\"\" Spider-Man in the film, adding, \"\"We only have envisioned the movie with Spider-Man.\"\" By the", "title": "Spider-Man in film" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.95, "text": "jointly announced that Holland would play Spider-Man. The following month, Marisa Tomei was in talks for the role of May Parker, later appearing in \"\"Civil War\"\". In the film, Parker, who has spent the last six months as a local costumed crimefighter named Spider-Man, is recruited by Tony Stark / Iron Man to join his team of Avengers to stop Steve Rogers / Captain America and his rogue faction of Avengers, who oppose the Sokovia Accords, from fleeing with fugitive Bucky Barnes. During the fight with Rogers and his team, Parker, utilizing a Stark-upgraded version of his initial makeshift suit,", "title": "Spider-Man in film" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.91, "text": "Smythe, Dillon's boss and an Oscorp employee. Denis Leary reprises his role as George Stacy from the first film, where he appears as a ghost in Peter's visions, while Kari Coleman, Charlie DePew, Skyler Gisondo, and Jacob Rodier reprise their roles as Helen Stacy, Philip Stacy, Howard Stacy, and Simon Stacy, respectively. Spider-Man co-creator, Stan Lee, has a cameo appearance as a guest at Peter and Gwen's graduation ceremony. Michael Massee reprises his role as the \"\"Man in the Shadows\"\" from the first film, with the character now credited as \"\"Gustav Fiers (The Gentleman)\"\". Aidy Bryant appears as a woman", "title": "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.88, "text": "first time the series has been aired on television in fifteen years. The story follows the events of the first \"\"Spider-Man\"\" film. Norman Osborn is dead. Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson, and Harry Osborn attend Empire State University. Peter and Mary Jane try to establish a relationship without success. Peter's superhero duties, and later his involvement with Indira Daimonji, interfere with his romance with Mary Jane. Harry craves revenge on Spider-Man, whom he blames for the death of his father. Peter faces an assortment of other villains including the Lizard, Kraven the Hunter and Electro while trying to maintain a", "title": "Spider-Man: The New Animated Series" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.8, "text": "Neversoft's previous Spider-Man game, except it featured for the first time aerial combat, and to an extent allowed the user to 'web sling' over New York openly, although not being able to land on the ground below. The game sported the voice of the actors from the film, including Tobey Maguire, Willem Dafoe, Bruce Campbell, and including Josh Keaton as Harry Osborn and in a bonus story-mode where he wears Norman's Green Goblin gear. After the critical success of both the first \"\"Spider-Man\"\" film and the video game releases, Marvel ordered a wider selection of titles to coincide with the", "title": "Spider-Man in video games" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.8, "text": "Spider-Man (2002 film) Spider-Man is a 2002 American superhero film directed by Sam Raimi, based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name and the first installment in the \"\"Spider-Man\"\" trilogy. The film stars Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker, a high school student living in New York City, who lives a double life as the superhero Spider-Man, after developing spider-like super powers. \"\"Spider-Man\"\" also stars Willem Dafoe, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Cliff Robertson and Rosemary Harris. After progress on the film stalled for nearly 25 years, it was licensed for a worldwide release by Columbia Pictures in 1999 after", "title": "Spider-Man (2002 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.66, "text": "Spider-Man in film The fictional character Spider-Man, a comic book superhero created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko and featured in Marvel Comics publications, has currently appeared in ten live-action films since his inception, not including fan made shorts and guest appearances in other Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) films. Spider-Man is the alter-ego of Peter Parker, a talented young freelance photographer and aspiring scientist imbued with superhuman abilities after being bitten by a radioactive/genetically-altered spider. The first live-action film based on Spider-Man was the unauthorized short \"\"Spider-Man\"\" by Donald F. Glut in 1969. This was followed by \"\"Spider-Man\"\", an American", "title": "Spider-Man in film" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.55, "text": "Dr. Max Borne is from the year 2211, the Spider-Man of that year. In his first appearance he aids two other Spider-Men, Peter Parker and Miguel O'Hara, in defeating the Hobgoblin of 2211, his main enemy. This Hobgoblin is Robin Borne, his daughter, driven insane when she was infected by a nanovirus. Spider-Man 2211 is later shot and killed by the Chameleon of the year 2211, posing as Uncle Ben. In \"\"Bullet Points\"\", Peter Parker is Hulk and Bruce Banner is Spider-Man. Peter is killed by Galactus, and Bruce is killed by Daemos during the \"\"Spider-Verse\"\" event while trying to", "title": "Alternative versions of Spider-Man" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.52, "text": "Tobey Maguire's role was praised in Sam Raimi's first film and second film being cited as true to source material of the original comic book character published from Marvel Comics like obtaining most of the awkwardness and nerdiness that was considered a staple part of the superhero. \"\"Hollywood Reporter\"\" placed Tobey Maguire's portrayal of Spider-Man as the tenth greatest superhero film portrayal of all time.\"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" placed him as the tenth coolest hero of all time. Nick Philpott of Comic Book Resources placed Maguire's version as the number four best take on Spider-Man, this being lower than both Andrew Garfield's", "title": "Peter Parker (Spider-Man film series)" } ]
where does publishers clearing house get their funding?
[ "merchandise" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.62, "text": "search company Blingo in 2006, online gaming company Funtank in 2010, and mobile marketing company Liquid Wireless in 2012. Publishers Clearing House was founded in 1953 in Port Washington, New York, by Harold Mertz, a former manager of a door-to-door sales team for magazine subscriptions. The company started in Mertz's basement with help from his wife LuEsther and daughter Joyce. Its first mailings were of 10,000 envelopes from Mertz's home in Long Island, New York, and offered 20 magazine subscriptions. 100 orders were received. Within a few years the company moved out of Mertz's basement into an office building and", "title": "Publishers Clearing House" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.52, "text": "supports the use of the publishing collaborative model developed through the WAC Clearinghouse in other disciplines. The Clearinghouse is hosted by Colorado State University and receives support from the Colorado State University Open Press. It also receives support from donations and funds from purchases of selected books in print form. Donations are used to defray costs associated with honoraria for graduate students who serve as copy editors and designers for Clearinghouse books, for accessibility to the Web site and publications, for the purchase of ISBN numbers, and for software and equipment expense. Interested patrons my donate online or by check", "title": "WAC Clearinghouse" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.98, "text": "Publishers Clearing House Publishers Clearing House (PCH) is a direct marketing company that markets merchandise and magazine subscriptions with sweepstakes and prize-based games. Publishers Clearing House was founded in 1953 by Harold Mertz to replace door-to-door magazine subscription sales by a single vendor offering multiple subscriptions by mail. It introduced its sweepstakes in 1967. In the early 1990s, the company was the subject of concerns and legal actions regarding whether consumers were misled about their odds of winning the sweepstakes and whether purchases increased their chances. By 2010, the company had reached settlements with all 50 states. The company acquired", "title": "Publishers Clearing House" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.39, "text": "Flyer about the clearinghouse published in 1995.) In the 2014 Australian federal budget, the organisation lost its funding in 2014 and finally closed its doors in 2015. Youth Studies Australia\"\" became an online full-text journal in the late 2000s and its archives are available through the Informit database. Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies The Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies was a not-for-profit organisation funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). Based at the University of Tasmania’s Hobart campus, the clearinghouse acted as both a publishing house on youth studies and as an information service", "title": "Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.38, "text": "the National Library of Scotland and the National Library of Wales. Irish publishers have complained at the obligation to supply up to 13 free copies of works which may have a small print run. Trinity College Library incurs expense, partly reimbursed from public funds, in receiving UK books and acting as a clearing house for Irish books sent for UK deposit. The Irish Free State in 1922 inherited the UK's Copyright Act 1911, which made Trinity College Library and those in Great Britain the legal deposits for UK-published books. When the Free State's first copyright law was debated in 1927,", "title": "Legal deposit" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.95, "text": "selling books, media, jewelry and other consumer items since the 1980s. PCH operates eight websites, including PCH Search and Win, PCH Lotto, PCH Games, PCH Save and Win, and Candystand. The company also sells magazine subscriptions at a discount and advertises subscriptions along with its sweepstakes. It's estimated that companies like PCH keep 75-90 percent of the fees from the original subscription, while publishers use the increased distribution to improve circulation numbers and revenue from renewals. PCH popularized the idea of using sweepstakes to sell magazine subscriptions in the direct-marketing market and became known by detractors as a producer of", "title": "Publishers Clearing House" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.84, "text": "junk-mail for advertising through mass-mailings. Documents filed with the New York State Department in 1993 said that year the company mailed 220 million envelopes. Frequent buyers can receive 30-40 mailings a year. Although PCH advertises its sweepstakes along with magazine subscriptions, no purchase is necessary to enter or win. In 1995, PCH began the tradition of announcing winners of its $10 million prize just after the Super Bowl. As of 2012, $225 million in prizes have been distributed. Some of its larger prizes are for $5,000 a week for life, or $10 million. Prizes can also range from $1 Amazon", "title": "Publishers Clearing House" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.83, "text": "started hiring staff. When PCH moved its headquarters in 1969, its prior location was donated to the city and renamed the Harold E. Mertz community center. The company revenue had grown to US$50 million by 1981, and $100 million by 1988. In 1967 PCH started its first sweepstakes as a way to increase subscription sales, based on the sweepstakes held by \"\"Reader's Digest\"\". The first prizes ranged from 25 cents to $10 and entrants had a 1 in 10 chance of winning. After the sweepstakes increased response rates to mailings, prizes of $5,000 and eventually $250,000 were offered. PCH began", "title": "Publishers Clearing House" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.67, "text": "LuEsther Mertz LuEsther Turner Mertz (December 30, 1905, Cincinnati, Ohio – February 5, 1991, Port Washington, New York) was a businesswoman and philanthropist. She was the youngest child of a Methodist minister and his wife and trained as a librarian at Syracuse University. In 1953, LuEsther and her husband, Harold Mertz, along with their daughter, Joyce, founded Publishers Clearing House. Over the years, Publishers Clearing House grew from an initial mailing of 10,000 letters to a marketing legend. Mrs. Mertz was active in the company's management, serving as a member of its executive committee until her death in 1991. In", "title": "LuEsther Mertz" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.59, "text": "Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies The Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies was a not-for-profit organisation funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). Based at the University of Tasmania’s Hobart campus, the clearinghouse acted as both a publishing house on youth studies and as an information service for youth workers and youth researchers, as well as others interested in the study of young people in Australia. As a clearinghouse, ACYS synthesised a range of resources, by, for example, digesting the contents of newspaper articles for its \"\"youth monitor\"\" column in its journal, Youth Studies Australia,", "title": "Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.52, "text": "five percent of participants spend more than $300. Government officials from California said 5,000 local consumers paid more than $2,500 each in magazine purchases under the false belief that they were increasing their odds of winning the sweepstakes. Industry sources estimated PCH's response rates decreased by 7-12 percent and its sales volume by 22 to 30 percent in response to the bad publicity from the lawsuits. In 2000, PCH laid off a quarter of its 800-person work force. In 1994 PCH sent mailings telling recipients they were all \"\"finalists\"\", which led to a lawsuit involving the attorneys general of 14", "title": "Publishers Clearing House" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.39, "text": "US states. Later that year, PCH denied wrongdoing, but agreed to pay a settlement of $490,000 and to change their practices. Under the agreement, PCH said it would define terms like \"\"finalist\"\" and disclose the chances of winning. In 1997, a contestant of competitor AFP flew to Tampa, Florida, thinking he had won, though he had not. The resulting publicity caused more lawsuits for both companies. PCH reached a $30 million national settlement in 1999. In 2000, another $18 million settlement was reached with 24 states, after the company sent mass mailings that said \"\"You are a winner!\"\" and used", "title": "Publishers Clearing House" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.27, "text": "on the prize. The Prize Patrol surprises sweepstakes winners at their homes, work or other locations with cash prizes and captures the event on video. Since their introduction in 1989, these reality TV-style videos of prize-winners surprised at their doorstep with checks for $1,000 to $10 million have been used in widely broadcast television commercials, and, more recently, in the company's online acquisition efforts, websites and social media communications. In 2013, a $5 million television campaign modified the traditional prize patrol commercial by digitally altering video from classic sitcoms like \"\"The Brady Bunch\"\" and \"\"Gilligan's Island\"\" to show the prize", "title": "Publishers Clearing House" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.2, "text": "states and agreed to work with a \"\"compliance counsel.\"\" PCH apologized in the settlement and said it would contact customers who had spent more than $1,000 on merchandise the prior year\"\". PCH also reached an agreement with Iowa in 2007. In 2010 the company paid $3.5 million to the Attorneys General of 32 states and the District of Columbia to settle possible contempt charges that it had violated the terms of the 2001 agreement. The company denied wrongdoing, but agreed to work with both an ombudsman and a compliance counsel who would review its mailings quarterly. In April 2014, an", "title": "Publishers Clearing House" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.16, "text": "patrol visiting characters in the show. The Prize Patrol has made in-person appearances or delivered prizes on TV programs such as \"\"The Oprah Winfrey Show\"\" and \"\"The Price Is Right\"\". Their surprise winning moments have been spoofed by Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien and the cast of \"\"Saturday Night Live\"\"; woven into the plots of movies such as \"\"Let's Go to Prison\"\", \"\"The Sentinel\"\" and \"\"Knight and Day\"\"; and the subject of cartoons. Publishers Clearing House Publishers Clearing House (PCH) is a direct marketing company that markets merchandise and magazine subscriptions with sweepstakes and prize-based games. Publishers Clearing House was founded", "title": "Publishers Clearing House" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.14, "text": "advertising the sweepstakes on TV in 1974. It was the only major multi-magazine subscription business until 1977. Former client Time Inc. and several other publishers formed American Family Publishers (AFP) to compete with PCH after the company refused repeated requests by Time for a larger share of sales revenue from magazine subscriptions. AFP and PCH competed for exclusive rights to magazines and for the better promotion and prize ideas. When AFP increased their jackpot to $1 million, then to $10 million in 1985, PCH raised its prizes to match. $7 million in prizes were distributed by 1979, $40 million by", "title": "Publishers Clearing House" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.02, "text": "as editors of resource pages on its website, and as members of the overall Clearinghouse editorial board. The open-access character of the scholarship available through the Clearinghouse book series provides free access to scholarly books and textbooks, providing students and teachers with an alternative to purchasing scholarly and classroom instructional materials. For individuals and libraries who wish to own print copies of its books, the Clearinghouse works with University Press of Colorado to make print books available in low-cost editions. The Clearinghouse also collaborates with other open-access publishers in the field of writing studies, including Computers and Composition Digital Press", "title": "WAC Clearinghouse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.98, "text": "1991 and $137 million by 2000. In 1989 two members of its advertising team, Dave Sayer and Todd Sloane, started the Prize Patrol, a publicized event where winners are surprised with a check at their home. The idea was inspired by the 1950s television series \"\"The Millionaire\"\". In 1992 thousands of discarded sweepstakes entries from contestants who had not bought magazine subscriptions were found in the trash by city employees, reinforcing beliefs that the company favored those who made purchases in selecting a sweepstakes winner. PCH said this was done by a disgruntled employee at their mail processing vendor. A", "title": "Publishers Clearing House" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.91, "text": "took a more hands-on role in the business, filing for bankruptcy in 1998. Publishers Clearing House (PCH) was a competitor to American Family Publishing that ran similar sweepstakes. The two companies were often mistaken for each other, with \"\"Star Search\"\" host Ed McMahon and \"\"The $25,000 Pyramid\"\" Dick Clark, the spokespeople for AFP, mistaken for representatives of the better-known PCH. PCH continues to remain in business and promote its products by means of sweepstakes. American Family Publishers American Family Publishers was an American company that sold magazine subscriptions. Since its founding in 1977, American Family Publishers (AFP) has been one", "title": "American Family Publishers" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 17.62, "text": "said the digital properties were intended to attract younger consumers. By 2013, the internet had become PCH's primary channel of interaction with consumers. \"\"The New York Times\"\" described the digital transition as \"\"part of an overall effort to collect information on Web users, show them advertisements and use the registration information for PCH’s mailing lists.\"\" PCH is a direct-marketing company that sells merchandise, magazine subscriptions and operates several prize-based websites. While best known for the sweepstakes and Prize Patrol it uses to promote its magazine subscriptions, the majority of the company's revenue now comes from merchandise. The company has been", "title": "Publishers Clearing House" } ]
when does the new pirates of the caribbean movie come out?
[ "May 26, 2017" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.48, "text": "was at work on a second attempt based on a well-received outline. While Disney originally announced a release on July 7, 2017, \"\"Dead Men Tell No Tales\"\" was released on May 26, 2017. A spokesman for the Australian Arts Minister confirmed that the fifth installment was set to shoot in Australia after the government agreed to repurpose $20 million of tax incentives originally intended for the remake of \"\"20,000 Leagues Under the Sea\"\". Disney and Ian Walker the Queensland Arts Minister, confirmed on October 2, 2014, that filming was expected to start in February 2015, stating that filming will take", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean (film series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.83, "text": "Salazar's Revenge\"\", a decision that the directors were not informed about. It was released at cinemas in Italy and Norway on May 24, and in the United States, Canada, and China on May 26. It is the first Hollywood feature to be released in the United States for the new panorama-like ScreenX format, which played in two locations in the U.S.—CGV Buena Park and CGV Cinemas—both in Los Angeles, California. Additionally, it played in 81 screens at select theaters in Korea, China, Thailand, Vietnam, Turkey and Indonesia. The film also played in 4D on 373 4DX screens worldwide. The film", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.61, "text": "Disney announced in 2014 that the film would enter theaters on July 2017. Production began in late February 2015 in Australia. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is a 2011 American fantasy swashbuckler film, the fourth installment in the \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" film series and the sequel to \"\"\"\" (2007). It is the first film in the series not to be directed by Gore Verbinski, being replaced by Rob Marshall. Jerry Bruckheimer again served as producer. The film is technically a stand-alone sequel to the previous installments. In the film, which", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.44, "text": "the film. Disney premiered a 5-minute extended sequence of the film in front of the UK release of Marvel's \"\"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2\"\", on April 28. \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales\"\" was released on digital download by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment on September 19, 2017, and on Blu-ray, Ultra HD Blu-ray and DVD on October 3. It was the top home-media release in its first week, with the Blu-ray version accounting for 78% of sales, and brought the previous four films back into the 25 best-sold Blu-rays. \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.31, "text": "\"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" ride that inspired the film series. Many of the film's stars were in attendance. Two other early screenings followed, one in Moscow on May 11, and another during the Cannes International Film Festival on May 14. The international release dates fell within May 18 and 20, with opening dates in the United Kingdom on May 18, in Australia on May 19, and in North America on May 20. The film was released on a then-record 402 IMAX screens, 257 screens in North America, and 139 in other territories. The total number of theaters was 4,155 in", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.31, "text": "Angelica (Penélope Cruz) in his search for the Fountain of Youth, confronting the infamous pirate Blackbeard (Ian McShane). The film was produced by Walt Disney Pictures and released in the United States on May 20, 2011. It was the first film in the series to be released in the Disney Digital 3-D and IMAX 3D formats. Writers Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio first learned of Powers' novel \"\"On Stranger Tides\"\" during the back-to-back production of \"\"\"\" (2006) and \"\"\"\", and considered it a good starting point for a new film in the series. Pre-production started after the end of the", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.17, "text": "saying they needed a script and budget everyone would approve. Depp was also invited to collaborate on the script, with the actor believing it would be the last of the franchise and wanting to end it right. After the script was accepted, the film was officially green-lit by Disney in July 2014, with a planned release on July 7, 2017. The directors were inspired by the first film, \"\"\"\", stating that the original is thrilling but above all a comedy with heart, and wanted to reinvent the \"\"structure and the dynamics between the characters.\"\" In addition to recapturing the best", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.16, "text": "more weeks. Internationally, where it is marketed as \"\"Salazar's Revenge\"\" in most countries, the film was released day-and-date with its North American debut in 54 markets (91% of its total marketplace, except Japan, where it debuted on July 1). Preliminary reports had the film opening to $150–175 million, but possibly overperforming depending on major markets, most notably China. While its Chinese run benefited from the May 28–30 Dragon Boat Festival—a lucrative moviegoing period—and from International Children's Day (June 1), the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing had a deteriorating effect on certain European markets over the film's opening weekend. From Wednesday to", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.09, "text": "Action figures by NECA were released in late April. Board games such as a Collector's Edition Chess Set, a Monopoly Game, and a Pirates Dice Game (Liar's dice) were also released. Master Replicas made sculptures of characters and replicas of jewellery and the Dead Man's Chest. A with the same title as the film was released on May 22, 2007 on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, PSP, PlayStation 2, PC, and Nintendo DS formats. and were also released on May 22. At least one nation's official censors ordered scenes cut from the film. According to Xinhua, the state news agency", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.03, "text": "Walt Disney Pictures decided to move the United States opening of \"\"At World's End\"\" from screenings Friday, May 25, 2007 to Thursday at 8 PM, May 24, 2007. The film opened in 4,362 theaters domestically, beating \"\"Spider-Man 3\"\"'s theater opening record by 110 (this record was surpassed by \"\"The Dark Knight\"\" the following year). After a muted publicity campaign, the trailer finally debuted at ShoWest 2007. It was shown on March 18, 2007 at a special screening of \"\"\"\" named \"\"Pirates Ultimate Fan Event\"\", and was then shown on March 19 during \"\"Dancing with the Stars\"\", before it debuted online.", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24, "text": "it would not be the last film of the franchise and that a sixth film could be released. In September 2017, producer Jerry Bruckheimer indicated that another \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" sequel is still possible if \"\"Dead Men Tell No Tales\"\" does well in its home release. In October 2017, Kaya Scodelario said that she was contracted to return for a sixth film. Shortly after, it was announced that Joachim Rønning is being eyed to direct the film. In October 2018, it was reported that Disney is planning on restarting the franchise with Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick writing the", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean (film series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.91, "text": "an extended version released online set to Johnny Cash's \"\"Ain't No Grave\"\". The trailer was considered to be the \"\"big\"\" trailer of the event and was the most-viewed trailer of all the films advertised at the halftime show. A new teaser poster was released with the trailer. Both teasers received a highly positive reaction from audiences. The official trailer was released on March 2. Another trailer was released on March 25. The first 30-second TV spot was released on March 31. On April 21, at Disney Parks and on the four Disney cruise ships, Disney showcased a sneak peek of", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.78, "text": "of August 2018, the sixth film is still in development. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (released in some countries as Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge) is a 2017 American swashbuckler fantasy film, the fifth installment in the \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" film series and the sequel to \"\"\"\" (2011). The film is directed by Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg from a script by Jeff Nathanson, with Jerry Bruckheimer serving again as producer. Johnny Depp, Kevin McNally and Geoffrey Rush reprise their roles as Jack Sparrow, Joshamee", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.7, "text": "older children. Verbinski disliked the new title because it is the Aztec gold rather than the ship that is cursed, so he requested the title to be unreadable on the poster. The DVD and VHS editions of the film were released December 1, 2003 in the UK and December 2, 2003 in the US, with 11 million copies sold in the first week, a record for live action video. It earned $235,300,000 from DVDs as of January 2004. The DVD featured two discs, featuring three commentary tracks (Johnny Depp and Gore Verbinski; Jerry Bruckheimer, Keira Knightley and Jack Davenport; and", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.67, "text": "and a 15-disc collection featuring all four \"\"Pirates\"\" movies. \"\"On Stranger Tides\"\" was also released as a movie download in both high definition and 3D. The regular DVD edition came out on December 6. In its first week of release, it sold 1.71 million Blu-ray units and generated $48.50 million, topping the weekly Blu-ray chart. However these results were quite skewed due to the one-month delay of its DVD-only release. It sold 3.20 million Blu-ray units ($83.46 million) after 11 weeks. It has also sold 1.12 million DVD units ($19.32 million). Upon its television premiere on December 29, 2013 in", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.55, "text": "Adventure Park, the \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" segment of the \"\"World of Color\"\" show was extended to include visual clips and music from \"\"On Stranger Tides\"\". The film was released on DVD and Blu-Ray on September 12, 2011 in the UK, topping both the Blu-ray and DVD sales charts during its first two weeks. The film had its high-definition home release on October 18, 2011 in the United States and Canada. Three different physical packages were made available: a 2-disc combo pack (Blu-ray and DVD), a 5-disc combo pack (2-disc Blu-ray, 1-disc Blu-ray 3D, 1-disc DVD, and 1-disc Digital Copy),", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.47, "text": "to the line well-known from the \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" theme park attractions. Although, the film was given an alternative title, \"\"Salazar's Revenge\"\", in selected European, South American and Asian countries for marketing purposes. They also confirmed that they were working on the film, speaking highly of Jeff Nathanson's \"\"funny and touching\"\" script and that they are inspired by the first film, \"\"\"\". On September 10, 2013, Disney pushed back the film's initial 2015 release, with sources indicating that a Summer 2016 release is likely. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer revealed that script issues were behind the delay, and that Jeff Nathanson", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean (film series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.42, "text": "Brightest Star in the North\"\". The film was showcased at the 2016 Walt Disney Content Showcase in South Africa, where concept art, story details and on-set images were previewed. The first teaser trailer was released on October 2, 2016, during \"\"Fear the Walking Dead\"\", and showcased Armando Salazar hunting for Jack Sparrow, who is shown on a wanted poster. On January 27, 2017, Disney uploaded an eight-second motion poster to their official Instagram account, promoting the release of a television spot of the film during Super Bowl LI. Disney then released a 30-second television teaser at Super Bowl LI, with", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.41, "text": "of the Black Pearl\"\" include Best Make-up/Hair at the 57th British Academy Film Awards, Saturn Award for Best Costumes, Golden Reel Award for Sound Editing, two VES Awards for Visual Effects, and the People's Choice Award for Favorite Motion Picture. The film spun off four sequels, with the latest sequel released in 2017. The first two were back-to-back sequels in 2006 and 2007, \"\"\"\" and \"\"\"\", respectively. The third sequel, \"\"\"\", was released in 2011. The fourth sequel, \"\"\"\", was slated to begin production in October 2014 for a summer 2016 release, but was eventually delayed to May 2017. It", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.36, "text": "Pirates of the Caribbean PocketModels The Pirates of the Caribbean PocketModel Game is the 10th expansion for the \"\"Pirates of the Spanish Main\"\" constructible strategy game released by WizKids. Wizkids announced on July 23, 2007 its partnership with Disney, to create a \"\"Pirates\"\" set using content from all three \"\"Pirates of the Caribbean\"\" movies. It was scheduled for release in October 2007, but was delayed until November 6th. This set was the first release to use WizKids’ new PocketModel name to describe their constructible games. The expansion features ships and characters from all three films, and is completely compatible with", "title": "Pirates of the Caribbean PocketModels" } ]
when did sociologists (as opposed to social thinkers) first appear?
[ "shortly after the French Revolution" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.39, "text": "the social realm may be subject to scientific analysis in the same way as noble science, whereas Durkheim acknowledged in greater detail the fundamental epistemological limitations. Reactions against positivism began when German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831) voiced opposition to both empiricism, which he rejected as uncritical, and determinism, which he viewed as overly mechanistic. Karl Marx's methodology borrowed from Hegel dialecticism but also a rejection of positivism in favour of critical analysis, seeking to supplement the empirical acquisition of \"\"facts\"\" with the elimination of illusions. He maintained that appearances need to be critiqued rather than simply documented. Marx", "title": "History of sociology" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.33, "text": "Chicago in 1892, and the American Journal of Sociology was founded shortly thereafter in 1895 by Small as well. However, the institutionalization of sociology as an academic discipline was chiefly led by Émile Durkheim (1858–1917), who developed positivism as a foundation to practical social research. While Durkheim rejected much of the detail of Comte's philosophy, he retained and refined its method, maintaining that the social sciences are a logical continuation of the natural ones into the realm of human activity, and insisting that they may retain the same objectivity, rationalism, and approach to causality. Durkheim set up the first European", "title": "Sociology" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.17, "text": "Roberto Unger, Alfred Schütz, Jeffrey Alexander, and Jacques Derrida. There are also prominent scholars who could be seen as being in-between social and sociological theories, such as Harold Garfinkel, Herbert Blumer, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Pierre Bourdieu and Erving Goffman. The field of sociology itself–and sociological theory by extension–is relatively new. Both date back to the 18th and 19th centuries. The drastic social changes of that period, such as industrialization, urbanization, and the rise of democratic states caused particularly Western thinkers to become aware of society. The oldest sociological theories deal with broad historical processes relating to these changes. Since then, sociological", "title": "Sociological theory" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.09, "text": "Comte's works, has been cited as the first female sociologist. Various other early social historians and economists have gained recognition as classical sociologists, including Robert Michels (1876–1936), Alexis de Tocqueville (1805–1859), Vilfredo Pareto (1848–1923) and Thorstein Veblen (1857–1926). The classical sociological texts broadly differ from political philosophy in the attempt to remain scientific, systematic, structural, or dialectical, rather than purely moral, normative or subjective. The new class relations associated with the development of Capitalism are also key, further distinguishing sociological texts from the political philosophy of the Renaissance and Enlightenment eras. Formal institutionalization of sociology as an academic discipline began", "title": "History of sociology" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.05, "text": "nonetheless endeavoured to produce a \"\"science of society\"\" grounded in the economic determinism of historical materialism. Other philosophers, including Wilhelm Dilthey (1833–1911) and Heinrich Rickert (1863–1936) argued that the natural world differs from the social world because of those unique aspects of human society (meanings, signs, and so on) which inform human cultures. At the turn of the 20th century the first generation of German sociologists formally introduced methodological antipositivism, proposing that research should concentrate on human cultural norms, values, symbols, and social processes viewed from a subjective perspective. Max Weber argued that sociology may be loosely described as a", "title": "History of sociology" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.03, "text": "play. This tribal spirit of localism and provincialism pervaded most of the Greek thinking upon social phenomena. The origin of the survey can be traced back to the Domesday Book ordered by king William I in 1086. In the 13th century, Ma Tuan-Lin, a Chinese historian, first recognized patterns of \"\"social dynamics\"\" as an underlying component of historical development in his seminal encyclopedia, Wenxian Tongkao or \"\"\"\"Comprehensive Examination of Literature\"\"\"\". There is evidence of early Muslim sociology from the 14th century. Some consider Ibn Khaldun, a 14th-century Tunisian, Arab, Islamic scholar from North Africa, to have been the first sociologist", "title": "History of sociology" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21, "text": "theory of today developed simultaneously with the birth of the science of sociology. Auguste Comte (1798–1857), known as the \"\"father of sociology\"\" and regarded by some as the first philosopher of science, laid the groundwork for positivism – as well as structural functionalism and social evolutionism. Karl Marx rejected Comtean positivism but nevertheless aimed to establish a \"\"science of society\"\" based on historical materialism, becoming recognised as a founding figure of sociology posthumously. At the turn of the 20th century, the first of German sociologists, including Max Weber and Georg Simmel, developed sociological antipositivism. The field may be broadly recognized", "title": "Social theory" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.92, "text": "of God. Ancient Greek philosophers, including Aristotle (384–322 BC) and Plato (428/427 or 424/423 – 348/347 BC), did not see a distinction between politics and society. The concept of society did not come until the Enlightenment period. The term, \"\"société\"\", was probably first used as key concept by Rousseau in discussion of social relations. Prior to the enlightenment, social theory took largely narrative and normative form. It was expressed as stories and fables, and it may be assumed the pre-Socratic philosophers and religious teachers were the precursors to social theory proper. There is evidence of early Muslim sociology from the", "title": "Social theory" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.77, "text": "the thought of Karl Marx, Marxist sociology emerged during the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. As well as Marx, Max Weber and Émile Durkheim are considered seminal influences in early sociology. The first Marxist school of sociology was known as Austro-Marxism, of which Carl Grünberg and Antonio Labriola were among its most notable members. During the 1940s, the Western Marxist school became accepted within Western academia, subsequently fracturing into several different perspectives such as the Frankfurt School or critical theory. Due to its former state-supported position, there has been a backlash against Marxist thought in", "title": "Marxism" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.66, "text": "that time of action theory and other system-theoretical approaches. Robert K. Merton released his \"\"Social Theory and Social Structure\"\" (1949). By the turn of the 1960s, sociological research was increasingly employed as a tool by governments and businesses worldwide. Sociologists developed new types of quantitative and qualitative research methods. Paul Lazarsfeld founded Columbia University's Bureau of Applied Social Research, where he exerted a tremendous influence over the techniques and the organization of social research. His many contributions to sociological method have earned him the title of the \"\"founder of modern empirical sociology\"\". Lazarsfeld made great strides in statistical survey analysis,", "title": "History of sociology" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.62, "text": "has origins in the common stock of Western knowledge and philosophy, and has been carried out from as far back as the time of ancient Greek philosopher Plato, if not before. The origin of the survey, i.e., the collection of information from a sample of individuals, can be traced back to at least the Domesday Book in 1086, while ancient philosophers such as Confucius wrote about the importance of social roles. There is evidence of early sociology in medieval Arab writings. Some sources consider Ibn Khaldun, a 14th-century Arab Islamic scholar from North Africa (Tunisia), to have been the first", "title": "Sociology" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.59, "text": "understanding. In observing the circular dependence of theory and observation in science, and having classified the sciences, Comte may be regarded as the first philosopher of science in the modern sense of the term. Herbert Spencer (27 April 1820 – 8 December 1903) was one of the most popular and influential 19th-century sociologists. It is estimated that he sold one million books in his lifetime, far more than any other sociologist at the time. So strong was his influence that many other 19th-century thinkers, including Émile Durkheim, defined their ideas in relation to his. Durkheim's \"\"Division of Labour in Society\"\"", "title": "Sociology" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.55, "text": "social activity – with Progress, which is its goal.\"\" he wrote. The modern academic discipline of sociology began with the work of Émile Durkheim (1858–1917). While Durkheim rejected much of the details of Comte's philosophy, he retained and refined its method, maintaining that the social sciences are a logical continuation of the natural ones into the realm of human activity, and insisting that they may retain the same objectivity, rationalism, and approach to causality. Durkheim set up the first European department of sociology at the University of Bordeaux in 1895, publishing his \"\"Rules of the Sociological Method\"\" (1895). In this", "title": "Positivism" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.55, "text": "1920s, when a number of German-speaking theorists, most notably Max Scheler, and Karl Mannheim, wrote extensively on it. With the dominance of functionalism through the middle years of the 20th century, the sociology of knowledge tended to remain on the periphery of mainstream sociological thought. It was largely reinvented and applied much more closely to everyday life in the 1960s, particularly by Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann in \"\"The Social Construction of Reality\"\" (1966) and is still central for methods dealing with qualitative understanding of human society (compare \"\"socially constructed reality\"\"). The \"\"archaeological\"\" and \"\"genealogical\"\" studies of Michel Foucault", "title": "Sociology" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.52, "text": "sociologist and father of sociology (see Branches of the early Islamic philosophy); his \"\"Muqaddimah\"\" was perhaps the first work to advance social-scientific reasoning on social cohesion and social conflict. The word \"\"sociology\"\" (or \"\"\"\"sociologie\"\"\"\") is derived from both Latin and Greek origins. The Latin word: \"\"socius\"\", \"\"companion\"\"; the suffix \"\"-logy\"\", \"\"the study of\"\" from Greek -λογία from λόγος, \"\"lógos\"\", \"\"word\"\", \"\"knowledge\"\". It was first coined in 1780 by the French essayist Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès (1748–1836) in an unpublished manuscript. \"\"Sociology\"\" was later defined independently by the French philosopher of science, Auguste Comte (1798–1857) in 1838 as a new way of looking", "title": "Sociology" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.34, "text": "Durkheim set up the first European department of sociology at the University of Bordeaux in 1895, publishing his \"\"Rules of the Sociological Method\"\". In 1896, he established the journal \"\"L'Année Sociologique\"\". Durkheim's seminal monograph, \"\"Suicide\"\" (1897), a case study of suicide rates among Catholic and Protestant populations, distinguished sociological analysis from psychology or philosophy. Karl Marx rejected Comte's positivism but nevertheless aimed to establish a \"\"science of society\"\" based on historical materialism, becoming recognized as a founding figure of sociology posthumously as the term gained broader meaning. Around the start of the 20th century, the first wave of German sociologists,", "title": "Social science" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.31, "text": "framework, still rejected by many, encapsulates the thinking which was to push economic study from being a descriptive to a mathematically based discipline. Karl Marx was one of the first writers to claim that his methods of research represented a scientific view of history in this model. With the late 19th century, attempts to apply equations to statements about human behavior became increasingly common. Among the first were the \"\"Laws\"\" of philology, which attempted to map the change over time of sounds in a language. Sociology was established by Comte in 1838. He had earlier used the term \"\"social physics\"\",", "title": "History of the social sciences" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.31, "text": "\"\"rationalization\"\". The field predominated in continental Europe, with British anthropology and statistics generally following on a separate trajectory. By the turn of the 20th century, however, many theorists were active in the English-speaking world. Few early sociologists were confined strictly to the subject, interacting also with economics, jurisprudence, psychology and philosophy, with theories being appropriated in a variety of different fields. Since its inception, sociological epistemology, methods, and frames of inquiry, have significantly expanded and diverged. Durkheim, Marx, and the German theorist Max Weber (1864–1920) are typically cited as the three principal architects of sociology. Herbert Spencer, William Graham Sumner,", "title": "Sociology" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.3, "text": "In the Italian context of development of social sciences and of sociology in particular, there are oppositions to the first foundation of the discipline, sustained by speculative philosophy in accordance with the antiscientific tendencies matured by critique of positivism and evolutionism, so a tradition Progressist struggles to establish itself (Cfr. Guglielmo Rinzivillo, \"\"La scienza e l'oggetto. Autocritica del sapere strategico\"\", Milan, Franco Angeli, 2010, pp. 52+, ). At the turn of the 20th century the first generation of German sociologists formally introduced methodological anti-positivism, proposing that research should concentrate on human cultural norms, values, symbols, and social processes viewed from", "title": "Sociology" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.3, "text": "including Max Weber and Georg Simmel, developed sociological antipositivism. The field may be broadly recognized as an amalgam of three modes of social thought in particular: Durkheimian positivism and structural functionalism; Marxist historical materialism and conflict theory; and Weberian antipositivism and verstehen analysis. American sociology broadly arose on a separate trajectory, with little Marxist influence, an emphasis on rigorous experimental methodology, and a closer association with pragmatism and social psychology. In the 1920s, the Chicago school developed symbolic interactionism. Meanwhile, in the 1930s, the Frankfurt School pioneered the idea of critical theory, an interdisciplinary form of Marxist sociology drawing upon", "title": "Social science" } ]
voice of obi wan in the clone wars?
[ "James Arnold Taylor" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.78, "text": "and Obi-Wan replies that he is. After Maul's death, Obi-Wan is seen watching over Luke Skywalker from a distance. In \"\"Rebels\"\", Obi-Wan was voiced by Stephen Stanton, who replaced James Arnold Taylor. \"\"Rebels\"\" creator Dave Filoni, who worked with the character during the full duration of \"\"Star Wars: The Clone Wars\"\", said he considered asking McGregor to reprise and voice the role. Obi-Wan Kenobi appears briefly in the novel , based on unfinished episodes from \"\"The Clone Wars\"\". In the novelization of \"\"The Last Jedi\"\" written by Jason Fry, Obi-Wan tells a dying Luke to \"\"let go\"\" from the Netherworld", "title": "Obi-Wan Kenobi" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.64, "text": "\"\"\"\" animated series. Obi-Wan Kenobi is portrayed by James Arnold Taylor, who played the role in the 2002 game \"\"Star Wars: The Clone Wars\"\" as well as the cartoon series. Scott Lawrence, known for his role as Sturgis Turner in the television series \"\"JAG\"\", also returns to voice Darth Vader, a role he has portrayed since the 1990s. Other veteran \"\"Star Wars\"\" voice actors such as Tom Kane, Steve Blum and T.C. Carson also provide voice overs. Temuera Morrison portrays his signature roles Boba Fett, Jango Fett and the game's clone trooper narrator, but does not provide the in-game clone", "title": "Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.61, "text": "only actor from the films to do so. All other voice actors have either before or since provided voice work in the \"\"Star Wars\"\" universe. James Arnold Taylor, who voices Obi-Wan Kenobi in the series, provides the voice of Obi-Wan. Mat Lucas provides the voice of Anakin Skywalker, having also doubled for Hayden Christensen in the video game, \"\"\"\", as well as in the 2003 \"\"Clone Wars\"\" series. Voice actor Corey Burton, primary talent for the animated version of Count Dooku, voices various minor characters as well as Dooku himself. General Grievous is voiced by Matthew Wood, who also provided", "title": "Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (video game)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.02, "text": "Rogue One ship is taken off to Scarif, Mon Mothma has a conversation with Senator Bail Organa. In that conversation, they discussed about a Jedi Knight who is in hiding, after the events in \"\"\"\", which leads to the introduction of Obi-Wan in \"\"A New Hope\"\". Obi-Wan Kenobi is a main character in the animated micro-series \"\"\"\" and the CGI animated series \"\"\"\", voiced by James Arnold Taylor. In both series, Obi-Wan is a general in the Clone Wars, and he and Anakin have many adventures fighting the Separatists. The latter series highlights his numerous confrontations with General Grievous, his", "title": "Obi-Wan Kenobi" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.2, "text": "origin of the Clone Wars with the planet Geonosis as a ground map, Conquest as a returning game mode, and new heroes and villains General Grievous, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Count Dooku, all voiced by their respective voice actors (Matthew Wood, James Arnold Taylor, Matt Lanter and Corey Burton) from the 2008 animated TV series \"\"\"\". \"\"Star Wars Battlefront II\"\" features nine multiplayer game modes, some of which are available to play only for a limited time, with the largest supporting up to 40 simultaneous players. Additionally, a mode similar to Conquest has been announced to arrive sometime in", "title": "Star Wars Battlefront II (2017 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.06, "text": "Saw Gerrera Saw Gerrera is a fictional character in the \"\"Star Wars\"\" franchise. Saw was originally introduced in the animated series \"\"\"\", where he was voiced by Andrew Kishino. He was subsequently played by Forest Whitaker in the film \"\"Rogue One: A Star Wars Story\"\" as well as voiced by him in the animated series \"\"Star Wars Rebels\"\". In \"\"The Clone Wars\"\", he is the brother of the leader of the Onderon rebels, Steela Gererra, whom he helps free Onderon from the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and is mentored in military combat by the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker", "title": "Saw Gerrera" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.95, "text": "moving to another character, and the dialogue was edited together. Logan voiced the young clone troopers in seasons two and three of the 2008 television series. Baker reprises his role in the 2014 \"\"Rebels\"\" animated series. In \"\"\"\", Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi discovers the clone army on Kamino. He is told that Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas ordered the army on the Republic's behalf ten years prior; however, Sifo-Dyas' apparent death shortly before that timeframe leads the Jedi Order to doubt this. The clone troopers are cloned from Jango Fett, a bounty hunter hired by the mysterious Tyranus, later revealed to be Sith", "title": "Clone trooper" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.89, "text": "Wars: Empire at War\"\". He is a playable character in \"\"Disney Infinity 3.0\"\". Kenobi has also been confirmed to be a playable character as part of a scheduled Clone Wars season for \"\"Star Wars Battlefront II\"\". In the comic book series \"\"\"\", Obi-Wan Kenobi faces many grave threats while fighting against the Separatists. Among other notable storylines, he is kidnapped and tortured by Asajj Ventress before being rescued by Anakin (\"\"Hate & Fear\"\"), and apprehends corrupted Jedi Master Quinlan Vos (\"\"The Dreadnaughts of Rendili\"\"). Throughout the series, he grows increasingly wary of Palpatine's designs on the Republic and his influence", "title": "Obi-Wan Kenobi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.88, "text": "Reeves also provided the voice of Yoda, in much the same way that James Earl Jones voiced Darth Vader in combination with the physical performance of David Prowse. Obi-Wan, played by Kevin Walsh, represents Juno's stepmother, Bren MacGuff. Riley Rose Critchlow rounds out the cast in the capacity of a featured player. An R2-D2 toy also appears briefly as the nurse from \"\"Juno\"\", projecting a hologram of Padmé's ultrasound. Padmé (film) Padmé is a \"\"Star Wars\"\" fan film produced by Jason Ginsburg, Robert Reeves, and Kevin W. Walsh. The short was written by Walsh and directed by Reeves. The film", "title": "Padmé (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.77, "text": "Rey follows to the oceanic planet Ahch-To. She finds Luke and presents him with the lightsaber. Tim Rose and Mike Quinn reprise their respective roles as Admiral Ackbar and Nien Nunb from \"\"Return of the Jedi\"\". Kipsang Rotich returns as the voice of Nien Nunb and Erik Bauersfeld returns to voice Ackbar. This was Bauersfeld's final film role before his death in April 2016. Kenny Baker, originally announced as part of the cast, was credited as \"\"consultant\"\" for R2-D2, with Jimmy Vee performing some of the work for R2-D2. Ewan McGregor has an uncredited vocal cameo as Obi-Wan Kenobi in", "title": "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.77, "text": "set 30 years after \"\"Return of the Jedi\"\", the protagonist Rey hears Obi-Wan's voice when she touches the lightsaber that previously belonged to Luke. Obi-Wan calls out to Rey, before saying the words of encouragement he gave to Luke during his training on the \"\"Millennium Falcon\"\": \"\"These are your first steps\"\". James Arnold Taylor actually recorded the lines for this scene, but his recordings were then dropped in favor of Ewan McGregor's voice acting. In \"\"\"\", Luke mentions indirectly Obi-Wan while talking with Rey. Obi-Wan was mentioned in the 2016 film \"\"Rogue One\"\". In the scene where right after the", "title": "Obi-Wan Kenobi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.55, "text": "the earliest stages of production. Both were fully voiced by the cast. In September 2014, four unfinished episodes were released on Star Wars' official website. The four episodes released were titled: \"\"A Death On Utapau\"\", \"\"In Search Of The Crystal\"\", \"\"Crystal Crisis\"\" and \"\"The Big Bang\"\". The arc took place on Utapau with Obi-Wan and Anakin investigating an arms deal involving the Separatists and a Kyber crystal. The arc also dealt with Anakin's feelings after the departure of Ahsoka. It was also included in the season 6 Blu-ray. The unfinished animatics for \"\"Bad Batch\"\", a four-episode arc, were screened at", "title": "Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.38, "text": "droid army on the planet . Awaiting reinforcements, the two Jedi greet a shuttle carrying the young Jedi Ahsoka Tano, who insists that she has been assigned by Jedi Master Yoda to serve as Anakin's Padawan. Anakin begrudgingly accepts Ahsoka's apprenticeship, and the two succeed in deactivating the Separatists' energy field while Obi-Wan stalls the droid army commander, allowing a Republic victory. Ahsoka earns Anakin's respect. Following the battle, Yoda arrives and informs the Jedi that crime lord Jabba the Hutt's son Rotta has been kidnapped. Anakin and Ahsoka are tasked with retrieving the Huttlet, while Obi-Wan is sent to", "title": "Star Wars: The Clone Wars (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.36, "text": "and \"\"Unexpected Company\"\", voiced again by Matt Lanter. In 2015, Marvel released a 25-issue series called \"\"Darth Vader\"\" (2015), which focused on the title character in the aftermath of the destruction of the Death Star, as well as his life after learning about the existence of his son. The series happens parallel to the comic book series \"\"Star Wars\"\" (2015) and has a cross-over titled \"\"Vader Down\"\". The five-issue mini-series \"\"Obi-Wan & Anakin\"\", written by Charles Soule, depicts the lives of both Jedi between \"\"The Phantom Menace\"\" and \"\"Attack of the Clones\"\". At New York Comic Con 2015, Dan Brooks", "title": "Darth Vader" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.36, "text": "Wars. Obi-Wan proved himself an adept strategist, duelist, and spy, as his leadership style heavily favored subterfuge and misdirection while commanding clone troopers, or wielding the Force. Anakin Skywalker was a human male Jedi Knight and main protagonist of the prequel trilogy. He was apprenticed to Obi-Wan Kenobi and proved to be a very gifted duelist and Force user, being appointed to the Jedi High Council at the age of 23, though being denied the rank of Master. He secretly married Padme Amidala and had two children. He eventually fell to the Dark Side and became Darth Vader. While he", "title": "Jedi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.33, "text": "Phantom Menace\"\" is portrayed mostly in Jude Watson's \"\"Jedi Apprentice\"\" and \"\"Jedi Quest\"\" series. The \"\"Jedi Apprentice\"\" books follow his adventures as Qui-Gon's Padawan. Notable events in the series include battling the Dark Jedi Xanatos and going on his first independent mission. The \"\"Jedi Quest\"\" books detail his adventures with Anakin in the years leading up to \"\"Attack of the Clones\"\". His heroism just before and during the Clone Wars is portrayed in novels such as \"\"Outbound Flight\"\", \"\"The Approaching Storm\"\", and \"\"The Cestus Deception\"\". Obi-Wan's life between \"\"Revenge of the Sith\"\" and \"\"A New Hope\"\" is portrayed mostly in", "title": "Obi-Wan Kenobi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.31, "text": "investigation leads him to the mysterious ocean planet of Kamino, where he discovers an army of clones being produced for the Republic, with bounty hunter Jango Fett serving as their genetic template. Obi-Wan deduces Jango to be the bounty hunter he is seeking, and after a fierce battle, places a homing beacon on their ship, the \"\"Slave I\"\". Obi-Wan then follows Jango and his clone son, Boba Fett, to the rocky planet Geonosis. Meanwhile, Anakin is troubled by visions of his mother, Shmi, in pain and decides to head to Tatooine with Padmé to save her. Watto reveals that he", "title": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.28, "text": "Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi, later known as Ben Kenobi, is a fictional character in the \"\"Star Wars\"\" franchise. Within the original trilogy he is portrayed by English actor Alec Guinness, while in the prequel trilogy a younger version of the character is portrayed by Scottish actor Ewan McGregor. In the original trilogy, he is a mentor to Luke Skywalker, to whom he introduces the ways of the Jedi. In the prequel trilogy, he is a master and friend to Anakin Skywalker. He is frequently featured as a main character in various other \"\"Star Wars\"\" media. Guinness's portrayal of Obi-Wan in", "title": "Obi-Wan Kenobi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.25, "text": "\"\"The Godfather Part III\"\". As for Gaipa's activity as a voice actor, he was the Italian voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi (portrayed by Alec Guinness) in the \"\"Star Wars Original Trilogy\"\" as well as Bagheera in the Italian-Language version of \"\"The Jungle Book\"\". He also dubbed over the voices of Lionel Stander, Eli Wallach, Peter Ustinov, Rod Steiger, Orson Welles, Burt Lancaster and Spencer Tracy. He also assisted with the foundation of a dubbing company in the 1970s. As Gaipa suffered some serious health problems, he went from using a walking stick to using a wheelchair in his later stages in", "title": "Corrado Gaipa" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.25, "text": "the Sith use a metaphysical power known as the Force, but in different manners: the Jedi draw on the \"\"light\"\" side which is fueled by selflessness and compassion, while the Sith draw on the \"\"dark\"\" side which is fueled by primal urges such as greed and hate. The main storyline of Volume One features the Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi (James Arnold Taylor) being assigned to lead an assault on the planet Muunilinst, home of the Intergalactic Banking Clan, benefactors of the Confederacy of Independent Systems wishing to break away from the Galactic Republic. His apprentice, Anakin Skywalker (Mat Lucas), is", "title": "Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003 TV series)" } ]
against which team did rahul dravid scored his highest individual total in test cricket?
[ "Pakistan" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.95, "text": "his century against Bangladesh in Chittagong, he became the first and the only player till date to score a century in all the ten Test-playing countries. As of October 2012, he holds the record for the most number of catches taken by a player (non-wicket-keeper) in Test cricket, with 210. Dravid holds a unique record of never getting out for a Golden duck in the 286 Test innings which he has played. He has faced 31258 balls, which is the highest number of balls faced by any player in test cricket. He has also spent 44152 minutes at the crease,", "title": "Rahul Dravid" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.83, "text": "went on make 233, at that time the highest score by an Indian batsman outside India. He made 72 not out in the second innings, and India won. Dravid scored 619 runs in the four-match series against Australia with an average of 103.16, winning the man of the series award. During the later part of the season, in Ganguly's absence, Dravid led India to its first test victory over Pakistan at their home in the first test match at Multan Cricket Stadium. At Rawalpindi, in the third and final match of the series, Dravid made 270 runs, helping India to", "title": "Rahul Dravid" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.67, "text": "Karnataka in the Ranji Trophy, scoring 218 runs against Mumbai. In 2008, he made 93 runs in the first innings of the Perth test, the highest score of the match, to help India win and make the series 1–2. However, he was ignored by selectors for the subsequent one-day tri-series. After a barren run in Test matches in 2008, Dravid came under increasing media pressure to retire or be dropped. In the Second Test against England in Mohali, he scored 136 runs, putting on a triple-century stand with Gautam Gambhir. After reaching 10,000 test runs milestone, he said,\"\"It's a proud", "title": "Rahul Dravid" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.19, "text": "innings against England at Sophia Gardens, Cardiff, on 16 September 2011, scoring 69 runs from 79 balls before being bowled by Graeme Swann. His last limited-overs international match was his debut T20I match; he announced his retirement before playing his first T20I match. Dravid announced his retirement from Test and domestic cricket on 9 March 2012, after the 2011–12 tour of Australia, but he said that he would captain the Rajasthan Royals in the 2012 Indian Premier League. He was the second-highest run scorer and had taken the highest number of catches in Test cricket at the time of his", "title": "Rahul Dravid" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.12, "text": "four Tests against Zimbabwe and Sri Lanka. He also missed the Second Test against Sri Lanka in Delhi due to illness, but returned to the team in the following match in Ahmedabad and captained the Indians to victory whilst Rahul Dravid was ill. Sehwag scored his first century in a year when he compiled 254 against Pakistan in the First Test in Lahore in January 2006, the highest ever Test score at a strike rate of over 100 and the second fastest double century ever. In doing so he was involved in a 410 run partnership with captain Rahul Dravid,", "title": "Virender Sehwag" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.09, "text": "the famous Adelaide Test, sharing a triple century partnership with Rahul Dravid, which India won by 4 wickets. This was their first Test victory in Australia in two decades. His innings of 178 at Sydney also came in a triple century partnership, on this occasion with Sachin Tendulkar. India went on to post 705/7 in their first innings which is their highest total in Test cricket. Laxman scored a total of 494 runs from the 4 Tests at a staggering average of 82. During this series, Ian Chappell described Laxman as \"\"Very Very Special\"\" Laxman. His 107 (104) against Pakistan", "title": "V. V. S. Laxman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.05, "text": "against New Zealand in the bilateral ODI series, scoring 240 runs in 5 games at an average of 60 and a strike rate of 83.62, ending as the second highest scorer in the series. His career best effort in ODIs came in this series in the second game at Hyderabad where he scored run-a-ball 153 runs which included 15 fours and two sixes. He featured in a 331-run partnership with Tendulkar, which was the highest partnership in ODI cricket history, a record that stood for 15 years until it was broken in 2015. With this series, Dravid ended an eventful", "title": "Rahul Dravid" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.05, "text": "with Australia looking set for a crushing 17th win in a row. He broke Sunil Gavaskar's long standing Indian Test record score of 236*. This remained the highest ever by an Indian until it was eclipsed by Virender Sehwag's triple ton against Pakistan in Multan in March 2004. The innings also contributed to a record partnership of 376 with Rahul Dravid who made 180 and together they survived the whole 4th day. Laxman's performance was of enormous consequence: India had been on the brink of an innings defeat but went on to win the Test and the series, denying Steve", "title": "V. V. S. Laxman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.03, "text": "new national team coach having had the first hand experience of Wright's coaching skills during his county stint. The Indian vice-captain welcomed the new coach with his maiden double hundred. He scored 200 not out in the first inning and 70 not out in the second, guiding India to a comfortable 9-wicket victory against Zimbabwe. He scored 162 in the drawn Second test to end the series with an average of 432.00 – highest batting average by an Indian in a Test series. Dravid had a modest outing with the bat against Zimbabwe in the bilateral ODI series. He captained", "title": "Rahul Dravid" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.89, "text": "Dravid scored an unbeaten hundred, his tenth overall and 6th outside India, against West Indies at Georgetown in the first test match. Batting with a swollen jaw after being hit by a Mervyn Dillon bouncer, Dravid scored 144 not out saving the day for India as they avoided a follow-on. The match ended in a draw. India beat West Indies by 37 runs in the second test at Port of Spain. Dravid contributed to the win with a fifty and 4 catches. He scored 91 runs in the 4th drawn test at St. John's. He also took the wicket of", "title": "Rahul Dravid" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.77, "text": "four consecutive Test innings when he scored 100 not out against West Indies in the first of the three match home series at Wankhede. Severe cramps and dehydration forced Dravid to leave his inning midway soon after he completed his hundred as he retired hurt on 100 to get drips administered to himself. India won the test by innings and 112 runs. Dravid didn't do too well in the remaining two tests ending with a modest series aggregate of 148 runs at an average of 49.33. Dravid did well in the subsequent bilateral 7-match ODI series. He topped Indian averages", "title": "Rahul Dravid" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.67, "text": "higher score than his previous double century (200*, 217, 222, 233, 270). Also, Dravid is the current world record holder for the highest percentage of runs scored in matches won under a single captain, where the captain has won more than 20 Tests. In the 21 Test matches India won under Ganguly's captaincy, Dravid scored at a record average of 102.84 runs; scoring 2571 runs, with nine hundreds, three of them being double-centuries, and ten fifties in 32 innings. He contributed nearly 23% of the total runs scored by India in those 21 matches, which is almost one run out", "title": "Rahul Dravid" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.64, "text": "for India for the 1998/99 Test season. The first of those four hundreds came on the Zimbabwe tour. Dravid top scored in both the innings against Zimbabwe scoring 118 and 44 runs respectively however, India lost the one-off Test. The Zimbabwe tour was followed by a tour to New Zealand. First Test having been abandoned without a ball being bowled, the series started for Dravid with the first duck of his Test career in the first innings of the Second Test and ended with hundreds in both the innings of the Third Test in Hamilton. He scored 190 and 103", "title": "Rahul Dravid" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.59, "text": "won the match for India with his maiden test hundred in the first innings scoring 148 runs and another 81 runs in the second innings at Wanderers before the thunderstorms, dim light and Cullinan's hundred saved the day for South Africa enabling them to draw the match. Dravid's performance in this Test earned him his first Man of the Match award in Test cricket. He top scored for India in the series with 277 runs at an average of 55.40.<ref name=\"\"Most runs: India in South Africa Test series, 1996/97\"\"></ref> Dravid carried his good form from South Africa to the West", "title": "Rahul Dravid" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.56, "text": "sixes. It became the second highest score in World Cup history and the highest by an Indian in the tournament. His partnership of 318 with Rahul Dravid is the highest overall score in a World Cup and is the second highest in all ODI cricket. In 1999–00, India lost Test series to both Australia and South Africa that involved a combined total of five Tests. Ganguly struggled scoring 224 runs at 22.40; however his ODI form was impressive, with five centuries over the season taking him to the top of the PwC One Day Ratings for batsmen. Around the same", "title": "Sourav Ganguly" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.55, "text": "in eight Tests that included fifties in six consecutive innings (three each against Sri Lanka and Australia), becoming only the second Indian to do so after Gundappa Vishwanath. By the end of 1997/98 Test season, he had scored 15 fifties in 22 Tests which included four scores of nineties but just a solitary hundred. The century drought came to an end in the ensuing season when he further raised the bar of his performance scoring 752 runs in seven Tests at an average of 62.66 that included four hundreds and one fifty and in the process topping the runs chart", "title": "Rahul Dravid" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.5, "text": "beating England in the final by two wickets. Dravid's aggregated 245 runs in the tournament at an average of 49. Dravid warmed up for the four-match Test series with a fifty against Hampshire in the tour game. He scored 46 and 63 in the First Test at Lord's as India lost the match by 170 runs. He failed in the first innings of the Second Test at Nottingham as India scored 357 runs. England, riding on Vaughn's hundred, piled up a mammoth 617 runs, taking a first innings lead of 260 runs. Indian team was in a state of bother", "title": "Rahul Dravid" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.5, "text": "not out in the first and the second innings respectively, becoming only the third Indian batsman, after Vijay Hazare and Sunil Gavaskar, to score a century in both innings of a Test match. Dravid topped the runs table for the series with 321 runs from two matches at an average of 107.00 but could not prevent India from losing the series 0–1. Later that month, India played a two Test home series against Pakistan. Dravid didn't contribute much with the bat. India lost the First Test but won the Second Test in Delhi riding on Kumble's historic 10-wicket haul. Dravid", "title": "Rahul Dravid" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.45, "text": "what was, at that time, the highest individual score by an Indian (later to be surpassed by Virender Sehwag's two triple centuries). It is widely considered to be the greatest test match in cricket history. Steve Waugh won the toss and decided to bat first. Michael Slater and Matthew Hayden gave the visitors a strong foundation putting on 103 for the opening wicket. Slater was dismissed by Zaheer Khan but Hayden, given a life on 67 when he sliced a drive to Rahul Dravid off Zaheer continued to score freely. He added another 90 runs with Justin Langer to take", "title": "Second Test, 2000–01 Border–Gavaskar Trophy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.41, "text": "Indies where he once again top scored for India in the five–match Test series that India lost 0–1. He scored 360 runs at an average of 72.00 including four fifties. 92 runs scored in the first innings of the fifth match in Georgetown earned him a joint Man of the Match award along with Shivnarine Chanderpaul. With this series, Dravid concluded a successful 1996/97 Test season, topping the international runs chart with 852 runs from 12 matches at an average of 50.11 with six fifties and one hundred. Dravid continued his good run in the following season scoring seven fifties", "title": "Rahul Dravid" } ]
what is the smoggiest city in the united states?
[ "Los Angeles" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.53, "text": "Center for Atmospheric Research—warned of the imminent threat of a smog event with the potential to kill as many as 10,000 people. Roberts identified Los Angeles or New York City as the cities most vulnerable to a large-scale lethal smog in the United States, and London, Hamburg, or Santiago as other the most vulnerable internationally. Asked if \"\"many\"\" American cities were vulnerable to a disaster smog event, Roberts replied, \"\"Yes. I have been worried that we would wake up some morning to an unusual meteorological situation that prevented the air from circulating and that we might find thousands of people", "title": "1966 New York City smog" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.38, "text": "federal Clean Air Act of 1970 and other local and state regulations in the late 60s, New York City suffered severe smog, with several instances of major smog events like the 1966 New York City smog. According to the most recent Environmental Protection Agency National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment study, residents of New York County, NY (Manhattan), have the third highest cancer risk caused by airborne chemicals of all counties in the United States (including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands), following only Tippah County, Mississippi (highest risk), and Boyd County, Kentucky (second highest risk). Bronx and", "title": "Environmental issues in New York City" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.31, "text": "known by scientists, city officials, and the general public that the city—and most major American cities—had serious air-pollution problems. According to scientific studies from the period, more than 60 metropolitan areas had \"\"extremely serious air pollution problems\"\" and \"\"probably no American city of more than [50,000] inhabitants enjoys clean air the year round\"\". The air \"\"over much of the eastern half of the country [was] chronically polluted,\"\" and the cities with the most intense air pollution were New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, St. Louis, and Philadelphia. New York City's air pollution was reportedly the worst of any American city.", "title": "1966 New York City smog" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.11, "text": "report finds that Los Angeles, Bakersfield (CA), and Visalia-Porterville (CA) rank among the five U.S. cities most polluted with particulates and ozone. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas that is associated with global warming. Vehicles are a significant source of CO2 emissions and thus contribute to global warming. According to an advocacy group Environmental Defense, in 2004, automobiles from the three largest automakers in the US – Ford, GM, and DaimlerChrysler – contributed CO2 emissions that were comparable to those from the top 11 electric companies. Historically, California was hottest in July and August, but as climate change takes", "title": "California Smog Check Program" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.91, "text": "the smog, President Lyndon B. Johnson and members of Congress worked to pass federal legislation regulating air pollution in the United States, culminating in the 1967 Air Quality Act and the 1970 Clean Air Act. The 1966 smog is a milestone that has been compared with other pollution events, including the health effects of pollution from the September 11 attacks and pollution in China. The word \"\"smog\"\" (a portmanteau of \"\"smoke\"\" and \"\"fog\"\") is used to describe several forms of air pollution commonly found in urban and industrialized areas. There are several ways to define and categorize types of smog,", "title": "1966 New York City smog" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.91, "text": "dead as the result of the air they were forced to breathe in that smog situation.\"\" The mayor's office established a 10-member task force headed by Norman Cousins (known as the editor of the weekly magazine \"\"Saturday Review\"\") to study the problem of air pollution. The task force published a 102-page report in May 1966, finding that the city had the most polluted air of any major city in the United States, with a wider range and greater total tonnage of pollutants than Los Angeles. The task force criticized the city for lax enforcement of pollution laws, even naming the", "title": "1966 New York City smog" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.59, "text": "air pollution among other states, with the highest ozone levels. The top three cities in the country with the highest recorded levels of ozone (smog) levels were Los Angeles-Long Beach, Bakersfield, and Fresno-Madera. Salinas, California is the only city of California that reports no days of unhealthy air quality. While the air quality in California is significantly better in northern California, more than ninety percent of Californians live in counties with unhealthy air. Although Los Angeles remains the city with the worst ozone pollution, the state of air pollution has been improving. With a population of roughly over 10 million,", "title": "Pollution in California" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.52, "text": "lack of municipal resources after white flight—as \"\"emblems of larger governmental neglect and social inequality\"\". The smog is commonly cited as one of the most-visible and most-discussed environmental disasters of the 1960s in the United States, alongside the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill and the 1969 Cuyahoga River fire. National public awareness of the smog and its health effects spurred the nascent environmental movement in the United States and galvanized support for legislation to regulate air pollution. Vernon McKenzie, chief of the air pollution division of the federal Public Health Service, called the smog \"\"a warning of what can happen—and", "title": "1966 New York City smog" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.34, "text": "New Jersey reported what was then its worst-ever smog. Elizabeth, New Jersey had smog at half the levels of New York City. A Connecticut health official reported air pollution four times higher than average, but the impact in Greenwich, Connecticut was considered minimal. The nearby New York counties of Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester reported very little smog. Although not part of the area covered by the alert, unusually high smog was reported as far as Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Boston, Massachusetts, whose mayor issued a similar health warning. The alert was declared upon the advice of the Interstate Sanitation Commission. Members", "title": "1966 New York City smog" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.22, "text": "will happen—with increasing frequency and in wider areas unless something is done to prevent it.\"\" In the 1968 book \"\"Killer Smog\"\", William Wise warned that the 1966 smog and the 1952 London smog represented a vulnerability to air pollution disasters among American cities: At the time of the smog event, only half of the urban population of the United States lived with local protections on air quality; the smog event catalyzed the call for federal regulation on the issue. Spencer R. Weart of the American Institute of Physics said the American public \"\"did not take the problem [of air pollution]", "title": "1966 New York City smog" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.2, "text": "increase in air pollution for the city each year. Houston has excessive ozone levels and is ranked among the most ozone-polluted cities in the United States. Ground-level ozone, or smog, is Houston's predominant air pollution problem. In 2011, Houston was ranked as the 17th most polluted city in the US, according to the American Lung Association. A 2007 assessment found the following twelve air pollutants to be definite risks to health in Houston: The State of Texas concluded that, since 2000, the Manchester neighborhood in eastern Houston had the highest annual averages of 1,3-Butadiene of any area in Texas. Houston's", "title": "Climate of Houston" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.11, "text": "1966 New York City smog The 1966 New York City smog was an air-pollution event, with damaging levels of carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, smoke, and haze. Smog covered the city from November23 to 26, which was that year's Thanksgiving holiday weekend. It was the third major smog in New York City, following events of similar scale in 1953 and 1963. On November 23, a large mass of stagnant air over the East Coast trapped pollutants in the city's air. For three days, New York City was engulfed in high levels of carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, smoke, and haze. Smaller pockets", "title": "1966 New York City smog" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.03, "text": "nascent environmental movement in the United States and prompted demand for sweeping air-pollution control laws. The smog has been remembered for various purposes by scientists, historians, journalists, writers, artists, activists, and political commentators. The full range of negative health effects arising from the September 11 attacks came to light in the years following the attacks. The 1966 smog serves, along with the earlier major New York City smog events in 1953 and 1963, as a precedent used for comparison with the air effects caused by the collapse of the World Trade Center. The 1966 smog and other historical smog events", "title": "1966 New York City smog" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.98, "text": "fact of life those days.\"\" 1966 New York City smog The 1966 New York City smog was an air-pollution event, with damaging levels of carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, smoke, and haze. Smog covered the city from November23 to 26, which was that year's Thanksgiving holiday weekend. It was the third major smog in New York City, following events of similar scale in 1953 and 1963. On November 23, a large mass of stagnant air over the East Coast trapped pollutants in the city's air. For three days, New York City was engulfed in high levels of carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide,", "title": "1966 New York City smog" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.97, "text": "a phenomenon where air temperature increases, instead of decreasing, with altitude, suppressing thermals and restricting vertical convection. All taken together, this results in a relatively thin, enclosed layer of air above the city that cannot easily escape out of the basin and tends to accumulate pollution. Los Angeles was one of the best known cities suffering from transportation smog for much of the 20th century, so much so that it was sometimes said that \"\"Los Angeles\"\" was a synonym for \"\"smog.\"\" In 1970, when the Clean Air Act was passed, Los Angeles was the most polluted basin in the country,", "title": "Smog" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.97, "text": "of air pollution pervaded the greater New York metropolitan area, including parts of New Jersey and Connecticut. By November 25, regional leaders announced a \"\"first-stage alert\"\". During the alert, leaders of local and state governments asked residents and industry to take voluntary steps to minimize emissions. Health officials advised people with respiratory or heart conditions to remain indoors. The city shut off garbage incinerators, requiring massive hauling of garbage to landfills. A cold front dispersed the smog on November 26 and the alert ended. In the months that followed, scientists and doctors studied the smog's impact. City health officials initially", "title": "1966 New York City smog" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.94, "text": "cold air sinks down onto the urban area of Mexico City, trapping industrial and vehicle pollution underneath, and turning it into the most infamously smog-plagued city of Latin America. Within one generation, the city has changed from being known for some of the cleanest air of the world into one with some of the worst pollution, with pollutants like nitrogen dioxide being double or even triple international standards. Similar to Mexico City, the air pollution of Santiago valley, located between the Andes and the Chilean Coast Range, turn it into the most infamously smog-plagued city of South America. Other aggravates", "title": "Smog" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.91, "text": "and Connecticut, was declared through newspaper, radio, and television announcements. Governors Rockefeller and Heller attended a press conference with Deputy Mayor Robert Price standing in for Mayor Lindsay, who was on vacation in Bermuda. The announcement \"\"was believed to be the first appeal ever made to New York's citizens in connection with a smog problem\"\". Conrad Simon, who acted as a liaison between the scientific and political communities during the crisis, later said \"\"We came close to closing the city down.\"\" Pollution was not as high in New Jersey or Connecticut as in New York, but it was still significant.", "title": "1966 New York City smog" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.83, "text": "and enabling enforcement actions against polluters. New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut adopted the proposed Mid-Atlantic States Air Pollution Control Compact with the possibility for Delaware and Pennsylvania to join in the future. Its approval by Congress became a policy goal of Rockefeller's failed primary bid for the 1968 Republican presidential nomination. The compact was never approved by Congress and thus never took effect. After the 1966 smog, \"\"the consequences of state inaction were apparent to the naked eye,\"\" public outcry intensified, and the demand for federal intervention increased. New Jersey passed several new air-pollution laws in 1967. Nevertheless, traffic", "title": "1966 New York City smog" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.78, "text": "the state government increase its role. Perhaps the most notable critic of New York's inaction was Robert F. Kennedy. On a 1967 tour of pollution sources, Kennedy—then a New York Senator and soon to embark on his 1968 presidential campaign—criticized the city, the states of New York and New Jersey, industry, and the federal government for their failures to adequately address the problem. Kennedy warned, \"\"[w]e are just as close to an air-pollution disaster as we were last Thanksgiving.\"\" In Kennedy's view, the solution would have to come from the federal government, as state and local agencies lacked the ability", "title": "1966 New York City smog" } ]
who played minuet on star trek the next generation?
[ "Carolyn Inez McCormick" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.75, "text": "causes Riker to dream of his past adventures aboard the \"\"Enterprise\"\". Riker's first dreams are of reasonably neutral occasions, such as his first meeting with Lieutenant Commander Data (Brent Spiner). He soon moves on to more passionate and even erotic dreams, such as meeting the cheerful young Edo women on Rubicon III, the matriarch Beata (Karen Montgomery) on Angel One, or the computer-generated holodeck woman Minuet (Carolyn McCormick). However, while pleasing to Riker's mind, the passionate dreams only worsen Riker's condition, as the virus feeds on the positive endorphins his brain is creating. Pulaski and Counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis)", "title": "Shades of Gray (Star Trek: The Next Generation)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.78, "text": "and Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) are assigned by Starfleet on a covert mission to seek and destroy a Cardassian biological weapons installation on their border world, Celtris III. In Picard's place, Starfleet assigns Captain Edward Jellico (Ronny Cox), who has a vastly different style of command and decorum than the \"\"Enterprise\"\" crew, particularly William Riker (Jonathan Frakes), are accustomed to. Under Jellico, the \"\"Enterprise\"\" patrols the border near Minos Korva, a tactically significant Federation planet, and holds negotiations as to the fate of the planet with Cardassian representatives. After intensive training in the holodeck, Picard, Worf, and Crusher discreetly arrive", "title": "Chain of Command (Star Trek: The Next Generation)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.67, "text": "over her weight loss. She would go on to write two episodes of \"\"The Next Generation\"\" alongside Fred Bronson, \"\"Ménage à Troi\"\" and \"\"\"\". Peter Mark Richman appeared as Ralph Offenhouse, and had appeared in a guest star capacity in over 500 roles on television. Leon Rippy appeared as L.Q. \"\"Sonny\"\" Clemonds, having previously appeared alongside Jonathan Frakes in \"\"North and South\"\". Marc Alaimo made his second \"\"Star Trek\"\" appearance in this episode, having appeared in \"\"Lonely Among Us\"\" as the Antican leader, and would go on to appear in 's \"\"\"\" as Cardassian Gul Macet before being cast once", "title": "The Neutral Zone (Star Trek: The Next Generation)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.62, "text": "that the Bynars were \"\"great\"\". Carolyn McCormick appeared as Minuet and subsequently became a regular cast member in Law and Order. She returned to the role of Minuet in the episode \"\"Future Imperfect\"\". Gene Dynarski had previously appeared as Ben Childress in \"\"\"\" episode \"\"Mudd's Women\"\" and Krodak in \"\"The Mark of Gideon\"\". \"\"11001001\"\" aired in broadcast syndication during the week commencing February 7, 1988. It received Nielsen ratings of 10.7, reflecting the percentage of all households watching the episode during its timeslot. These ratings were lower than both the episodes broadcast both before and afterwards. For their work in", "title": "11001001" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.53, "text": "Space Nine\"\" and \"\"The Next Generation\"\", and they named them after the French guerrilla fighters of the Second World War. The recurring characters of Michael Eddington (played by Kenneth Marshall) in \"\"Deep Space Nine\"\" and Ro Laren (played by Michelle Forbes) in \"\"The Next Generation\"\" became members of the Maquis, and \"\"Voyager\"\" contained three regular former Maquis characters: Chakotay (Robert Beltran), B'Elanna Torres (Roxann Dawson), and Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill); as well as recurring character Seska (Martha Hackett). In, \"\"Caretaker\"\", the pilot episode of \"\"Star Trek: Voyager\"\", the titular starship pursues a Maquis ship into the Badlands before being", "title": "Maquis (Star Trek)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.52, "text": "one available at the time the story was set. Features guest appearance by Ken Dodd, Don Henderson, Hugh Lloyd, Richard Davies, and American stage and screen actor Stubby Kaye. Morgan Deare later played Senator Waldo Pickering in the audio play \"\"Minuet in Hell\"\" and Arthur in the new series episode, \"\"Rosa\"\". Simon Brew of Den of Geek thought the story was \"\"fun nonsense.\"\" Paul Cornell, Martin Day and Keith Topping enjoyed the serial, describing it as \"\"confident, slick, and hugely enjoyable from beginning to end\"\". They praised Bonnie Langford's performance, found Ken Dodd to be \"\"OK\"\" but thought Don Henderson", "title": "Delta and the Bannermen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.36, "text": "retain an adult mind, the crew have trouble taking them seriously, and Picard (David Tristan Birkin) is convinced by Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) to temporarily relinquish command of the ship. After turning over command of the \"\"Enterprise\"\" to Commander William Riker, Picard ponders resigning his Starfleet commission, albeit temporarily, in order to pursue other interests. Meanwhile, Keiko (Caroline Junko King) is dismayed by her husband Miles's (Colm Meaney) reluctance to be with her and is further saddened her daughter (Hana Hatae) does not recognize her. While Ro (Megan Parlen) is at first upset after being reminded of her unpleasant", "title": "Rascals (Star Trek: The Next Generation)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.23, "text": "De Lancie thought that the script for \"\"Tapestry\"\" was \"\"terrific\"\", and praised the speech he got to perform at the end of the episode. Appearing for the first time in \"\"Star Trek\"\" was J.C. Brandy as Marta Batanides. She was nervous and intimidated to work with Patrick Stewart, but said that everyone on the cast and crew made her feel welcome. However, there were concerns when she first arrived on set for costume fitting as she looked quite young, and Stewart was worried about the age difference on screen. Director Les Landau requested that the hair and make-up on Brandy", "title": "Tapestry (Star Trek: The Next Generation)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.2, "text": "on. He meets the head of the department, Lt. Commander Nella Daren, who makes an impression on Picard. It is a meeting memorable enough to later discuss with Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden). At a musical recital by Lt. Commander Data (Brent Spiner), Picard is surprised to see Daren, once again, playing the piano. The two discuss music, and later meet in Picard's quarters and participate in a duet. Daren plays a portable piano and Picard performs on his Ressikan flute. The two meet more often; even in a Jefferies tube, which Daren claims has the best acoustics on the", "title": "Lessons (Star Trek: The Next Generation)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.12, "text": "of camera techniques to be used in order to disguise the musicians playing just off screen. Husband and wife duo Natalie and Bryce Martin played the piano and tin whistle respectively to portray Daren and Picard's abilities. Bryce had played his instrument to represent Picard's Ressikan flute since it first appeared in . However, while Stewart did the majority of his flute fingering, he was doubled in several scenes by Noel Webb and John Mayham. Webb also doubled for Brent Spiner early in the episode when Data was playing Frédéric Chopin's trio in G minor. A variety of pieces are", "title": "Lessons (Star Trek: The Next Generation)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.12, "text": "battlecruiser, and Ambassador K'Ehleyr (Suzie Plakson) requests to speak to Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) on an \"\"urgent matter\"\". When she beams aboard, she brings a young Klingon boy (Jon Paul Steuer); based on his previous romantic experience with K'Ehleyr, Lt. Worf (Michael Dorn) suspects the child is his son. K'Ehleyr warns the senior staff of a power struggle occurring within the Klingon Empire and implores Picard to meet Chancellor K'mpec (Charles Cooper) aboard the battlecruiser. On the Klingon ship, K'mpec acknowledges that he has been poisoned and is slowly dying, and insists that Picard become the Arbiter of Succession and", "title": "Reunion (Star Trek: The Next Generation)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.06, "text": "wife for Sarek. Perrin was played by Joanna Miles in her first \"\"Star Trek\"\" appearance. Both Miles and Lenard would return in the same roles for the first part of the episode \"\"\"\". The writers and producers were nervous about mentioning Spock in \"\"Sarek\"\", with an early version of the script only calling for a reference by Picard to Sarek's son's wedding. The third season had seen a relaxation in Roddenberry's previous direction that \"\"The Next Generation\"\" could not touch on aspects of \"\"The Original Series\"\". This was especially seen at the end of \"\"Sarek\"\", in which Picard mentions Spock", "title": "Sarek (Star Trek: The Next Generation)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.98, "text": "Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) visits his brother's family in France, where he begins to come to terms with his treatment by the Borg. Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton) views a holographic recording made by his deceased father, Jack (Doug Wert). Meanwhile, Lt. Worf's (Michael Dorn) adoptive parents Sergey (Theodore Bikel) and Helena Rozehenko (Georgia Brown) come on board the \"\"Enterprise\"\" to comfort him following . Initially, executive producer Rick Berman wanted a science-based subplot included, but Piller convinced him otherwise. The premise was hated by series creator Gene Roddenberry, but Moore's script went into production nonetheless. \"\"Family\"\" had an extended", "title": "Family (Star Trek: The Next Generation)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.95, "text": "the planet Angosia III as a candidate for entry into the Federation. Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) is approached by Prime Minister Nayrok (James Cromwell), who asks for help in apprehending a convict who has escaped on a transport ship from their prison colony on Lunar V. The \"\"Enterprise\"\" locates the ship, which flies behind an asteroid. However, only the drive section emerges from the other side with no life signs. Following it around they find the ship's wreckage. Believing that the prisoner has perished, the ship returns to the planet, only to discover the drive section they saw has disappeared.", "title": "The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.92, "text": "Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) attempts to negotiate for their release, Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton) organizes a passive resistance among the children. The episode features Jerry Hardin in his first \"\"Star Trek\"\" role, and Brenda Strong. Mackenzie Westmore, the daughter of make-up supervisor Michael Westmore, along with Jeremy and Amy Wheaton, the younger brother and sister of Wil Wheaton, appear as uncredited children. 10.2 million viewers watched the episode, which was higher than the number of viewers watching the following episode. \"\"When the Bough Breaks\"\" received a mixed reception from critics who praised the performances of Stewart and Wheaton, but", "title": "When the Bough Breaks (Star Trek: The Next Generation)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.92, "text": "over time to eventually become Tasha Yar. Preliminary casting began in March 1987, with Justman and Berman in charge of the process. In May, the actors who were to receive star billing were announced. In the initial press release, only three actors were discussed; primarily LeVar Burton as La Forge, due to the actor's appearances in the mini-series Roots. Also included in that release were the announcements of Patrick Stewart, a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company as Captain Picard, and Jonathan Frakes formerly of the \"\"North and South\"\" miniseries. Marina Sirtis and Denise Crosby were cast as Masha Hernandez", "title": "Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.89, "text": "Crusher (Wil Wheaton), which came over the objections from the cast. Guest stars in this episode included two who had previously appeared in \"\"\"\" (1982), as Sobi and T'Jon were played by Judson Scott and Merritt Butrick respectively. Butrick had also appeared in \"\"\"\"; on both occasions he portrayed David Marcus, the son of Captain James T. Kirk. Butrick, who was suffering from AIDS, was unable to afford health insurance, and was offered the role as a way of helping him. He died of AIDS less than a year after filming this episode. Director Win Phelps recalled that there were", "title": "Symbiosis (Star Trek: The Next Generation)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.88, "text": "which was broadcast from 1966 to 1969, and \"\"\"\" which ran from 1987-1994 In this episode, the character Miles O'Brien (introduced on the aforementioned \"\"Star Trek: The Next Generation\"\") leads an away team to an abandoned space station, of the same design as Deep Space Nine (ex Terok Nor). On this mission are the reoccurring characters Garak, played by Andrew J. Robinson and Nog played by Aron Eisenberg. There are several guest stars including Tom Hodges as Pechetti, Andy Milder as Boq'ta, Marjean Holden as Stolzoff, and Jeffrey King as Amaro. This episode includes many special effect shots and props", "title": "Empok Nor" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.88, "text": "for over 12 years, until the debut of \"\"Star Trek: Discovery\"\" on CBS, but thereafter exclusively available on the internet service CBS All Access (Netflix internationally) at that time. The film franchise was rebooted in 2009. On August 4, 2018, Patrick Stewart stated on social media that he would return to the role of Jean-Luc Picard in a project with CBS All Access. Stewart wrote, \"\"I will always be very proud to have been a part of \"\"Star Trek: The Next Generation\"\", but when we wrapped that final movie in the spring of 2002, I truly felt my time with", "title": "Star Trek: The Next Generation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.84, "text": "credited for the role as transporter chief B.G. Robinson after the majority of her scenes were cut from the final episode, resulting in her requesting that the credit be removed. That episode also featured a guest appearance by Billy Campbell, who had been the second choice in the original casting for Commander William Riker. He gained the role in the episode after contacting casting agent Junie Lowry and asking to be in an episode. Musician Mick Fleetwood made a cameo as an Antedean ambassador in the episode \"\"Manhunt\"\", although he did not have any lines. Robert O'Reilly, who appeared in", "title": "Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 2)" } ]
who played the red queen in alice in wonderland?
[ "Helena Bonham Carter" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 27.11, "text": "2010 film, \"\"Alice in Wonderland\"\" as The Red Queen. She appears alongside Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway, Mia Wasikowska, Crispin Glover and Harry Potter co-star Alan Rickman. Her role was an amalgamation of The Queen of Hearts and The Red Queen. In early 2009, Bonham Carter was named one of \"\"The Times\"\"'s top 10 British Actresses of all time. She appeared on the list with fellow actresses Julie Andrews, Helen Mirren, Maggie Smith, Judi Dench, and Audrey Hepburn. In 2010, Bonham Carter played Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon/Queen Elizabeth in the film \"\"The King's Speech.\"\" , she had received numerous plaudits for her", "title": "Helena Bonham Carter" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.81, "text": "as Alice, Julian Rhind-Tutt as Lewis Carroll (who not only narrates the story but is also an active character), Carole Boyd as the Red Queen, Sally Phillips as the White Queen, Nicholas Parsons as Humpty-Dumpty, Alistair McGowan as Tweedledum and Tweedledee and John Rowe as the White Knight. Adaptations combined with \"\"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland\"\" include the 1933 live-action movie \"\"Alice in Wonderland\"\", starring a huge all-star cast and Charlotte Henry in the role of Alice. It featured most of the elements from \"\"Through the Looking Glass\"\" as well, including W. C. Fields as Humpty Dumpty, and a Harman-Ising animated", "title": "Through the Looking-Glass" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.23, "text": "on the dais at The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast for Mr. T (1984). In 1985, she played The Red Queen to Carol Channing's White Queen in an all-star television musical adaptation of Lewis Carroll's \"\"Alice in Wonderland\"\". The same year, the producers of \"\"It's a Living\"\" made the relatively unheard-of decision to resume production of the series, by then three years off the air, for first-run syndication, and Jillian was contractually obligated to return to the series. In 1994, she played the mother of an unborn child with a heart defect in \"\"Heart of a Child\"\". Jillian later starred on", "title": "Ann Jillian" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.17, "text": "5, 2010. On June 22, 2009, the first pictures of the film were released, showing Depp as the Mad Hatter, Hathaway as the White Queen, Bonham Carter as the Red Queen and Lucas as Tweedledee and Tweedledum. A new image of Alice was also released. In July, new photos emerged of Alice holding a white rabbit, the Mad Hatter with a hare, the Red Queen holding a pig, and the White Queen with a mouse. On July 22, 2009, a teaser trailer from the Mad Hatter's point of view was released on IGN but was shortly taken down because Disney", "title": "Alice in Wonderland (2010 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.73, "text": "portray the lead role of Alice. It was also announced that Peter Gadiot would play her love interest, Cyrus, who has \"\"a background\"\". Michael Socha will portray the Knave of Hearts. Barbara Hershey, who has appeared as Cora, the Queen of Hearts, in the main series, may also appear in this spin-off reprising the same role in back stories . Also, during the month of April, Paul Reubens was cast as the voice of the White Rabbit and Emma Rigby was cast as the Red Queen. On May 10, 2013, ABC announced that it had greenlit the spin-off, as well", "title": "Once Upon a Time in Wonderland" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.66, "text": "and choreography will be done by Rob Ashford. The musical is aiming to make its world-premiere in London. On December 7, 2012, \"\"Variety\"\" announced the development of a sequel to \"\"Alice in Wonderland\"\". Linda Woolverton returned to write a screenplay. On May 31, 2013, James Bobin began talks to direct the sequel under the working title \"\"Alice in Wonderland: Into the Looking Glass.\"\" Johnny Depp returned as The Hatter, Mia Wasikowska reprised the role of Alice, and Helena Bonham Carter returned as the Red Queen. Several other cast members from the 2010 film also reprised their roles in the sequel.", "title": "Alice in Wonderland (2010 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.58, "text": "Cyrus is not dead but may be in danger. Hearing this, Alice agrees to go back to Wonderland and help find her true love. It is later revealed that Cyrus is being held prisoner by Jafar (played by Naveen Andrews) who wants to use Cyrus’ magic to take over Wonderland and who is also working with the evil Red Queen (played by Emma Rigby). Throughout the series, Alice and the Knave of Hearts work together to try and rescue Cyrus and stop the Red Queen and Jafar from wrecking more havoc in Wonderland. Alice is a recurring character in Season", "title": "Portrayals of Alice in Wonderland" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.34, "text": "chapter 12 and the chapter 8 drawing by both Carroll and Tenniel show no markings. Crispin Glover played the Knave of Hearts in the Tim Burton film \"\"Alice in Wonderland\"\". His real name is given as Ilosovic Stayne. In the film, the relationship between the Knave and the Red Queen serves more as the Knave being the Queen's personal assassin. However, much like the other servants of the Queen, Stayne secretly hates her though he plays on her insecurities to secure his position. During the fight between the Red Queen's army and the White Queen's, the Knave of Hearts fights", "title": "Knave of Hearts (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.22, "text": "Alice in Wonderland (1933 film) Alice in Wonderland is a 1933 American Pre-Code film version of the famous Alice novels by Lewis Carroll. The film was produced by Paramount Pictures, featuring an all-star cast. It is all live-action, except for the Walrus and The Carpenter sequence, which was animated by the Harman-Ising Studio. Stars featured in the film included W. C. Fields as Humpty Dumpty, Edna May Oliver as the Red Queen, Cary Grant as the Mock Turtle (Grant's star was still on the ascent at the time), Gary Cooper as the White Knight, Edward Everett Horton as The Hatter,", "title": "Alice in Wonderland (1933 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.16, "text": "Burton's 2010 version of \"\"Alice in Wonderland\"\" portrayed by Johnny Depp and given the name Tarrant Hightopp. In the film, the Hatter takes Alice toward the White Queen's castle and relates the terror of the Red Queen's reign while commenting that Alice is not the same as she once was. The Hatter subsequently helps Alice avoid capture by the Red Queen's guards by allowing himself to be seized instead. He is later saved from execution by the Cheshire Cat and calls for rebellion against the Red Queen. Near the end of the film, the Hatter unsuccessfully suggests to Alice that", "title": "Hatter (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.03, "text": "on Tarrant. The Red Queen appears in \"\"Once Upon a Time in Wonderland\"\" (a spin-off to \"\"Once Upon a Time\"\") portrayed by Emma Rigby. She is a character distinct from the Queen of Hearts (Barbara Hershey), who was her tutor in magic. Like the Queen of Hearts and the Mad Hatter, the Red Queen is an émigré to Wonderland from the Enchanted Forest, having originally been a young woman named Anastasia, with whom Will Scarlet (the Knave of Hearts) was in love. The Red Queen featured as one of the show's main antagonists, alongside Jafar. Two characters from the manga/anime", "title": "Red Queen (Through the Looking-Glass)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.94, "text": "in \"\"Cinderella\"\" (2015) and Rose Weil in \"\"Ocean's 8\"\" (2018). She has frequently collaborated with director Tim Burton; in \"\"Planet of the Apes\"\" (2001), \"\"Big Fish\"\" (2003), \"\"Corpse Bride\"\" (2005), \"\"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory\"\" (2005), \"\"\"\" (2007), \"\"Dark Shadows\"\" (2012), and playing the Red Queen in \"\"Alice in Wonderland\"\" (2010) and its sequel \"\"Alice Through the Looking Glass\"\" (2016). Her other television films include \"\"A Pattern of Roses\"\" (1983), \"\"\"\" (1993), \"\"Live from Baghdad\"\" (2002), \"\"Toast\"\" (2010), and \"\"Burton & Taylor\"\" (2013). In 2018, she was confirmed to play Princess Margaret for season three and four of \"\"The Crown\"\".", "title": "Helena Bonham Carter" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.7, "text": "announced that Rigby was cast in a lead role as the Red Queen in the U.S. television series \"\"Once Upon a Time in Wonderland\"\". In 2014 she starred in the remake of \"\"Endless Love\"\" and also played the female lead in the British crime film \"\"Plastic\"\" which is based on a true story, about a group of English university students were running a successful credit card scam.In March 2015, Rigby worked alongside James Franco in the movie adaptation of his book \"\"Actors Anonymous\"\". It was released in 2017. 2016 saw Rigby make a return to British television after a three-year", "title": "Emma Rigby" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.41, "text": "John Tenniel's illustration. He bears a down of brilliant blue and wears a blue coat and white spats along with glasses and a cane. He is one of Alice's good-willed advisers, taking first note of her abilities as the true Alice. He is also one of the oldest inhabitants. His name is Uilleam, and he is portrayed by Michael Gough. He goes with the White Rabbit, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, and Dormouse to take Alice to Caterpillar to decide whether Alice is the real one. He is later captured by the Red Queen's forces. When Alice came to the Red Queen's", "title": "Dodo (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.31, "text": "producer Cheryl Crawford, with Webster's staging of Shakespeare's \"\"Henry VIII\"\" as its premiere production, starring Le Gallienne as Katherine, Walter Hampden as Cardinal Wolsey and Victor Jory in the title role. The theater operated until 1948, staging such plays as \"\"John Gabriel Borkman, Ghosts,\"\" and a legendary production of \"\"Alice in Wonderland\"\" in which Webster played the Cheshire Cat and the Red Queen. In 1948, her personal affair with Le Gallienne ended and she went on tour with her company, the Margaret Webster Shakespeare Company. The tour lasted until 1951, but Webster left in 1950 to become the first woman", "title": "Margaret Webster" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.06, "text": "more Alice has an interesting conversation with talking flowers. Alice meets The Red Queen once more, this time she is the same size as her. She tells her that she is to take the place of one of the pawns of The White Queen in a giant game of chess. Alice is to play a pawn, and finds herself now on the second square. The Red Queen tells her that she must reach the eighth square to become a queen, and only when she becomes a queen may she go home. She boards a train to the fourth square, getting", "title": "Alice in Wonderland (1985 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.98, "text": "the room becomes dark and the Jabberwocky appears in the house. The second part opens with Alice at home trapped behind the living-room mirror and invisible to her parents. The Jabberwocky scares Alice and she wishes it away, it disappears as she hides behind the chessboard, knocking it over. She sees that she has knocked all the pieces onto the floor and begins placing them back on the table, but realizes they are all alive, but can't hear her. The White Queen, White King, The Red King (Patrick Culliton) and the Red Queen decide that Alice's lifting them up was", "title": "Alice in Wonderland (1985 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.97, "text": "and told him her story. He turned it into a nonsensical fairytale in which he even misspelled her name. Alice appears as a college-attending teenager alongside Wendy Darling, Dorothy Gale, and Susan Pevensie in Chicago of 2005 and 2006, in the comic book series \"\"The Oz/Wonderland Chronicles.\"\" In the 2009 miniseries \"\"Alice\"\", Alice (Caterina Scorsone) is a 20-year-old judo instructor. A man named Jack Chase gives her the Stone of Wonderland before being kidnapped by the White Rabbit. Alice follows Jack to Wonderland, set 150 years after the original adventure, where the Red Queen rules the land. In the 2011", "title": "Portrayals of Alice in Wonderland" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.73, "text": "castle, he was seen at the Red Queen's castle yard as a caddy for the Queen's croquet game. After the Red Queen orders the release of the Jubjub bird, he is then seen briefly running from it when the Tweedles went to hide from it and escaped. His name may be based on a lecture on William the Conqueror from Chapter Three of the original novel. The character is voiced by Michael Gough in his final feature film role before his death in 2011. Gough came out of retirement to appear in the film but the character only speaks three", "title": "Dodo (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.73, "text": "as the voice of the White Rabbit and Emma Rigby was cast as the Red Queen. On May 10, 2013, ABC announced that it had greenlit the spin-off, as well as also announcing that John Lithgow would replace Reubens as the voice of the White Rabbit. On May 14, 2013, ABC announced that the spin-off will air in the Thursday night timeslot instead of making it a fill-in for the parent series. Originally picked up for a standard 13-episode season, in late June 2013, ABC ordered an undisclosed amount of additional episodes because creators Kitsis and Horowitz had already planned", "title": "Down the Rabbit Hole (Once Upon a Time in Wonderland)" } ]
how many seasons were there for stargate atlantis?
[ "five" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.31, "text": "Stargate Atlantis (season 4) The fourth season of \"\"Stargate Atlantis\"\", an American-Canadian television series, began airing on September 28, 2007 on the US-American Sci Fi Channel. The fourth season concluded after 20 episodes on March 7, 2008 on Sci Fi. The series was developed by Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper, who also served as executive producers. Amanda Tapping (Col. Samantha Carter) joins the cast as a regular for 14 episodes, Jewel Staite (Dr. Jennifer Keller) was a recurring character for eleven episodes, while regular cast member Torri Higginson (Dr. Elizabeth Weir) was a recurring cast member for four episodes.", "title": "Stargate Atlantis (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.3, "text": "Stargate Atlantis (season 3) The third season of \"\"Stargate Atlantis\"\", an American-Canadian television series, began airing on July 21, 2006 on the US-American Sci Fi Channel. The third season concluded after 20 episodes on February 5, 2007 on the Canadian The Movie Network. The series was developed by Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper, who also served as executive producers. Season three regular cast members include Joe Flanigan, Torri Higginson, Jason Momoa, Rachel Luttrell, Paul McGillion, and David Hewlett as Dr. Rodney McKay. Episodes in bold are continuous episodes, where the story spans over 2 or more episodes. <onlyinclude> </onlyinclude>", "title": "Stargate Atlantis (season 3)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.28, "text": "Stargate Atlantis (season 5) The fifth and final season of the military science fiction television series \"\"Stargate Atlantis\"\" commenced airing on the Sci Fi Channel in the United States on July 11, 2008, concluded on the same channel on January 9, 2009, and contained 20 episodes. The show itself is a spin off of its sister show, \"\"Stargate SG-1\"\". The season upgrades previous supporting characters cast members such as Richard Woolsey (from \"\"Stargate SG-1\"\") and Jennifer Keller. Amanda Tapping's character Samantha Carter was downgraded to recurring character in this season. The fifth and final season is about a military-science expedition", "title": "Stargate Atlantis (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.19, "text": "Stargate Atlantis (season 2) The second season of the television series \"\"Stargate Atlantis\"\" commenced airing on the Sci Fi Channel in the United States on July 15, 2005, concluded on The Movie Network in Canada on January 30, 2006, and contained 20 episodes. The show itself is a spin off of its sister show, \"\"Stargate SG-1\"\". The series was developed by Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper, who also served as executive producers. Season two regular cast members include Joe Flanigan, Torri Higginson, Jason Momoa, Rachel Luttrell, Paul McGillion, and David Hewlett as Dr. Rodney McKay. The second season focuses", "title": "Stargate Atlantis (season 2)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.03, "text": "3 million according to ABC TV Group analysis, there after the viewship declined until the second half of the last season, at this time the average viewer rating was around 2.1 million. Each season of \"\"Stargate Atlantis\"\" featured 20 episodes, and in the United States they are broadcast in two series of 10 episodes. The first 10 episodes air from mid-July to September in the United States, ending in the cliffhanger of a two-parter episode. The second half airs first in Canada, from November to January, ending also with a cliffhanger. In the United States, the second half aired from", "title": "Stargate Atlantis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.97, "text": "Stargate Atlantis (season 1) The first season of the television series \"\"Stargate Atlantis\"\" commenced airing on the Sci Fi Channel in the United States on July 16, 2004, concluded on The Movie Network in Canada on January 31, 2005, and contained 20 episodes. The show was a spin off of sister show, \"\"Stargate SG-1\"\". \"\"Stargate Atlantis\"\" re-introduced supporting characters from the \"\"SG-1\"\" universe, such as Elizabeth Weir and Rodney McKay among others. The show also included new characters such as Teyla Emmagan and John Sheppard. The first season is about a military-science expedition team discovering Atlantis and exploring the Pegasus", "title": "Stargate Atlantis (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.81, "text": "in the Best Writing in a Dramatic Series category for his episode \"\"Tabula Rasa\"\". \"\"The Last Man\"\" has been nominated for a Gemini in the Best Achievement in Make-Up category. Stargate Atlantis (season 4) The fourth season of \"\"Stargate Atlantis\"\", an American-Canadian television series, began airing on September 28, 2007 on the US-American Sci Fi Channel. The fourth season concluded after 20 episodes on March 7, 2008 on Sci Fi. The series was developed by Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper, who also served as executive producers. Amanda Tapping (Col. Samantha Carter) joins the cast as a regular for 14", "title": "Stargate Atlantis (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.77, "text": "\"\"pleasure to watch the stories\"\", compared to other new science fiction shows which depends on blood and violence. Dan Heaton from \"\"Digitally Obsessed\"\" said that the season suffered an \"\"identity crisis,\"\" but was throughout good and entertaining because of the good acting among others. Stargate Atlantis (season 2) The second season of the television series \"\"Stargate Atlantis\"\" commenced airing on the Sci Fi Channel in the United States on July 15, 2005, concluded on The Movie Network in Canada on January 30, 2006, and contained 20 episodes. The show itself is a spin off of its sister show, \"\"Stargate SG-1\"\".", "title": "Stargate Atlantis (season 2)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.67, "text": "January to March during seasons 1 and 2, but season 3 aired from April to June 2007. Because of the offset, the show has often been bootlegged by American viewers. Season four chalked up a viewer average of 1.8 million in the United States, beating the average Sci Fi Channel show. The final episode, \"\"Enemy at the Gate\"\" got a Nielsen Rating of 1.5, which was also the highest rating in season 5. \"\"Enemy at the Gate\"\" was viewed by 2.02 million people in the US, including 973,000 in the 18 to 49 demographic, and 1.12 million age 25 to", "title": "Stargate Atlantis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.62, "text": "54. In the UK, the finale was viewed by 633,000, placing \"\"Stargate Atlantis\"\" third in the top ten for Sky 1 in that week, behind \"\"The Simpsons\"\" and season seven premiere of \"\"24\"\". After the announcement on August 20, 2008, that Season 5 of Atlantis would be its last, it was announced the following day (August 21, 2008) that the series would be continued with at least one 2-hour direct-to-DVD movie. More movies were expected to follow in the \"\"Atlantis\"\" series if the first movie was to be successful. Executive producer Joseph Mallozzi has said that the rise of the", "title": "Stargate Atlantis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.61, "text": "to \"\"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain\"\", a reference to the Emerald Wizard of the story. He also compares Sheppard's actions with Chaya to Captain Kirk, continuing the links between Stargate and \"\"Star Trek\"\". Stargate Atlantis (season 1) The first season of the television series \"\"Stargate Atlantis\"\" commenced airing on the Sci Fi Channel in the United States on July 16, 2004, concluded on The Movie Network in Canada on January 31, 2005, and contained 20 episodes. The show was a spin off of sister show, \"\"Stargate SG-1\"\". \"\"Stargate Atlantis\"\" re-introduced supporting characters from the \"\"SG-1\"\" universe,", "title": "Stargate Atlantis (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.52, "text": "series was a ratings success for the Sci Fi Channel, and was particularly popular in Europe and Australia. Although it received little critical response, \"\"Stargate Atlantis\"\" was honored with numerous awards and award nominations in its five-season run. After \"\"Stargate Atlantis\"\" was cancelled, the show's co-creators began working on the already-conceptualized \"\"Stargate Universe\"\" which the network had approved to have a bigger budget, be less mythology-dependent, and have more focus on character development; \"\"Stargate Universe\"\" premiered on October 2, 2009, and was cancelled after two seasons. Merchandise for \"\"Stargate Atlantis\"\" includes games and toys, print media, and an original audio", "title": "Stargate Atlantis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.52, "text": "\"\"No Man's Land\"\" won a Gemini Award for \"\"Best Visual Effects\"\". For \"\"McKay and Mrs. Miller\"\", writer Martin Gero was nominated for a Gemini Award in the category \"\"Best Writing in a Dramatic Series\"\". Stargate Atlantis (season 3) The third season of \"\"Stargate Atlantis\"\", an American-Canadian television series, began airing on July 21, 2006 on the US-American Sci Fi Channel. The third season concluded after 20 episodes on February 5, 2007 on the Canadian The Movie Network. The series was developed by Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper, who also served as executive producers. Season three regular cast members include", "title": "Stargate Atlantis (season 3)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.48, "text": "Channel were quite good, the idea was pushed to season six and then to season seven. Wright had initially intended to set the new show in Antarctica under the ice. It would have replaced Stargate Command (SGC) as Earth's conduit to other worlds. Late in season seven of \"\"SG-1\"\", talks began of a spin-off series and the producers were left with a serious dilemma, since the seventh season of \"\"Stargate SG-1\"\" had been planned to lead up to the great discovery of the lost city of the Ancients, Atlantis. The \"\"Stargate SG-1\"\" seventh season ended in a two-part episode, \"\"Lost", "title": "Stargate Atlantis" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.23, "text": "episodes. Actress Torri Higginson declined to reprise her role as Dr. Elizabeth Weir in the fifth season. The remainder of the season five regular cast comprised Joe Flanigan, Rachel Luttrell, Jason Momoa, and David Hewlett. Episodes in bold are continuous episodes, where the story spans over 2 or more episodes. <onlyinclude> </onlyinclude> Stargate Atlantis (season 5) The fifth and final season of the military science fiction television series \"\"Stargate Atlantis\"\" commenced airing on the Sci Fi Channel in the United States on July 11, 2008, concluded on the same channel on January 9, 2009, and contained 20 episodes. The show", "title": "Stargate Atlantis (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.22, "text": "of 1.7 million), which happened to star Atlantis actor Paul McGillion and SG-1's Don S. Davis. Stargate Atlantis, Season 4, has been aired on the following channels: Sci-Fi Channel in the USA, TV6 in Sweden, and Sky 1 in the UK. \"\"Adrift\"\" earned an Emmy nomination for \"\"Outstanding Special Visual Effects For A Series\"\", and \"\"Best Visual Effects\"\" for a Gemini Award. Jewel Staite has been nominated for a Gemini Award in the category of Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role for her performance in \"\"Missing\"\". Alan McCullough has been nominated for a Gemini Award", "title": "Stargate Atlantis (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.2, "text": "team fighting against the Wraith from their base of operation, Atlantis. The Wraith primary goal is to gather a fleet to invade Atlantis and find their new \"\"feeding ground\"\", Earth. The one-hour premiere \"\"Search and Rescue\"\", which aired on July 11, 2008, received 1.3 in Nielsen household ratings, in contrast a \"\"Big\"\" increase from the previous season ratings. The series was developed by Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper, who also served as executive producers. Season five regular cast members include Joe Flanigan, Robert Picardo, Jewel Staite, Jason Momoa, Rachel Luttrell, and David Hewlett. \"\"Stargate Atlantis\"\" was originally planned to", "title": "Stargate Atlantis (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.08, "text": "city against the impending Wraith attack long enough for Earth's latest battleship to arrive. The season ends with a cliffhanger, while the city is still under siege by the Wraith. Season two began airing in the United States on July 15, 2005, and it picked up where Season 1 ended. The Atlantis expedition successfully avoids being culled by the Wraith by making them believe Atlantis had been destroyed, and they recover semi-regular contact with Earth, thanks to the Daedalus and the new Zero Point Module (ZPM) recovered by SG-1. Sheppard is promoted to Lt. Colonel and former Runner Ronon Dex", "title": "Stargate Atlantis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.06, "text": "Galaxy. However, there is no way to return home, and they inadvertently wake a hostile alien race known as the Wraith, whose primary goal is to gather a fleet to invade Atlantis and find their new \"\"feeding ground\"\", Earth. The two-hour premiere \"\"Rising\"\", which aired on July 16, 2004, received Sci Fi Channel's highest-ever rating for a series premiere and episode ever released, it is also the most watched broadcast release ever released by the Sci Fi Channel in the United States. The average viewing rate for the first ten episodes were around 3-4 million in the United States. The", "title": "Stargate Atlantis (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.98, "text": "the rich feeding grounds of Earth. Season three premiered in the United States on July 14, 2006, picking up where season 2 ended. Having stopped the Wraith from reaching Earth and having failed to develop a working Wraith retrovirus, the expedition faces its third year in the Pegasus galaxy with the Wraith still a threat and a new, powerful enemy bent on destroying the expedition and Atlantis: the Asurans, self-replicating nanobots, also known as Replicators. The situation becomes complicated when an experiment gone awry drains their only ZPM, leaving them without a power source for the city's shields. Soon thereafter,", "title": "Stargate Atlantis" } ]
what was the costliest natural disaster in u.s. history?
[ "Hurricane Harvey" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.66, "text": "Hurricane Katrina; in addition, it would be the costliest of the three events: Hurricane Katrina comes second with $81 billion (2005 United States dollars), Hurricane Andrew coming in third. The drought of 1988 qualifies being the costliest natural disaster in the history of the United States. During 1993 the Southeastern United States experienced high temperatures and conditions of drought for extended periods. The heat waves associated caused the deaths of seventeen people and overall damage from the Southeastern-state drought of 1993 was somewhere between $1 billion and $3 billion in damage (1993 U.S. dollars). Similar drought conditions hit the Northeast", "title": "Droughts in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.28, "text": "makes it the deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history. In 2017, Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Rockport as a Category 4 Hurricane, causing significant damage there. The storm stalled over land for a very long time, allowing it to drop unprecedented amounts of rain over the Greater Houston area and surrounding counties. The result was widespread and catastrophic flooding that inundated hundreds of thousands of homes. Harvey ultimately became the costliest hurricane worldwide, causing an estimated $198.6 billion in damage, surpassing the cost of Hurricane Katrina. Other devastating Texas hurricanes include the 1915 Galveston hurricane, Hurricane Audrey in 1957 which", "title": "Texas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.06, "text": "drought as the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history. The drought includes most of the U.S., parts of Mexico, and central and Eastern Canada. At its peak on July 17, 2012, it covered approximately 81 percent of the contiguous United States with at least abnormally dry (D0) conditions. Out of that 81%, 64% was designated as at least moderate drought (D1) conditions. Its area was comparable to the droughts in the 1930s and 1950s but it has not yet been in place for as long. In March 2013, heavy winter rains broke a three-year pattern of drought in much of", "title": "2012–13 North American drought" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.16, "text": "the deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history. The storm maintained tropical characteristics and Saffir–Simpson tropical storm-force winds (39–50 mph) when it crossed the Upper Midwest, with more than of rain being reported over most of the southern third of Wisconsin. Wind created problems all over, including over Lake Michigan, and other areas in the path of the storm had similar problems. (Tropical storms reach Wisconsin and surrounding areas to the east, west, and south once every 50 years on average with others in the 19th century, 1961, and (subject to debate) Hurricane Ike in 2008; tropical depressions hit twice to", "title": "Great Galveston hurricane" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.09, "text": "its path, Katrina was responsible for $125 billion in damage and 1,245–1,836 fatalities. These ranked it as the costliest natural disaster in United States' history and the deadliest since a hurricane in 1928. Small-scale, transient supercells embedded within the outer bands of the hurricane produced numerous tornadoes throughout its path. Unlike supercells over the Great Plains, these storms last no more than a few hours and are often training. Most of the tornadoes occurred in the hurricane's right-front quadrant, where strong low-level wind shear, high moisture content, and low convective available potential energy combined to produce locally favorable tornadic conditions.", "title": "Hurricane Katrina tornado outbreak" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.03, "text": "least 1,836 people. The 1900 Galveston Hurricane remains the deadliest natural disaster in United States history, with a death toll of approximately 6,000. On August 24, a vigorous tropical wave developed off the coast of Africa which eventually spawned an area of low pressure. The low gradually became better organized and was designated Tropical Depression Thirteen on August 28, about midway between the Lesser Antilles and Africa. However, northerly wind shear prevented the depression from strengthening and it degenerated into a broad low-pressure area the next day. After traveling rapidly towards the north the low regenerated into a tropical depression", "title": "2005 Atlantic hurricane season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.97, "text": "of 1988 ranks as not only the costliest drought in United States history but also one of the costliest natural disasters in United States history. In Canada, drought-related losses added to $1.8 billion (1988 Canadian dollars). The western United States experienced a lengthy drought in the late 1980s. Much of California endured one of its longest droughts ever observed from late 1986 through early 1991. The situation worsened in 1988 as much of the United States also suffered from severe drought. In California, the five-year drought ended in late 1991 as a significant El Niño event in the Pacific Ocean", "title": "1988–89 North American drought" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.94, "text": "Thus, the 1900 Galveston hurricane was the deadliest natural disaster in the history of the United States. Property damage from the storm was estimated at $30 million. Hurricane-force winds and storm surge inundated portions of southern Louisiana, though no significant damage or fatalities were reported. Further north, the storm and its remnants continued to produce heavy rains gusty winds, which downed telegraph wires in Illinois, Kentucky, New York, Michigan, and Ohio. Another fatality occurred in New York City when gusty winds knocked over a sign and struck a 23-year-old man. The remnants brought severe impact to Canada. In the province", "title": "1900 Atlantic hurricane season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.89, "text": "12,000 people were killed in what remains the deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history. Cline's wife, Cora, who was pregnant with their fourth child at the time, was one of those who perished in the storm. Cline was nearly drowned, but he managed to survive, as well as to save his youngest daughter, six-year-old Esther Bellew. Cline's brother, Joseph, saved Isaac's other two daughters, 12-year-old Allie May and 11-year-old Rosemary. In his autobiography, Isaac Cline claimed that he had taken it upon himself to travel along the beach and other low-lying areas warning people personally of the storm's approach. It", "title": "Isaac Cline" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.69, "text": "trees. In Guyana, the village of Jawalla bore the brunt of the storm. Four homes were demolished, while five other residences and two shops were damaged. Several public buildings were also damaged, including the community center, the village council buildings, the nursery, and public schools. A 29-year-old woman died after her house collapsed on her. The widespread and catastrophic effects of Hurricane Harvey resulted in one of the costliest natural disasters in United States history. An estimated 300,000 structures and 500,000 vehicles were damaged or destroyed in Texas alone. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration estimated total damage at $125", "title": "Hurricane Harvey" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.56, "text": "12,000 customers had their power restored within two days. The quake caused an estimated $6 billion in property damage, becoming one of the most expensive natural disasters in U.S. history at the time. Private donations poured into aid relief efforts and on October 26, President George H. W. Bush signed a $1.1 billion earthquake relief package for California. Four people died in San Francisco's Marina District, four buildings were destroyed by fire, and seven buildings collapsed. Another 63 damaged structures were judged too dangerous to live in. Among the four deaths, one family lost their infant son who choked on", "title": "1989 Loma Prieta earthquake" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.28, "text": "extratropical on September 1, before dissipating two days later. Harvey caused at least 107 confirmed deaths: 1 in Guyana, and 106 in the United States. Total damage from the hurricane is estimated at $125 billion (2017 USD), making it among the costliest natural disasters ever in the United States, comparable with Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Hurricane Harvey originated from a westward-moving tropical wave that emerged from Africa over the eastern Atlantic Ocean, on August 12, 2017. A surface circulation slowly developed and convection consolidated around the low over the subsequent days; the system became a tropical depression on August 17,", "title": "Hurricane Harvey" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.14, "text": "was greatest. This was the costliest natural disaster in US history until Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf region in 2005. On November 13, 1997, voters changed the name of the county from \"\"Dade\"\" to \"\"Miami-Dade\"\" to acknowledge the international name recognition of Miami. Voters were acting pursuant to home rule powers granted to Dade County, including the ability to change the name of the county without the consent of the Florida Legislature. The change in name also addressed a source of public dissatisfaction with the name \"\"Dade\"\" which was chosen to honor Francis L. Dade, who had been killed in", "title": "Miami-Dade County, Florida" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.12, "text": "and overpasses. In April 2016, historic flooding came to Houston which has killed 5 people. In August 2017, Houston experienced record flooding as a result of Hurricane Harvey. The damages due to flash flooding are estimated at or above $50 billion, making it one of the worst and costliest natural disasters in the United States. Relief efforts are currently underway and are expected to last for years to come. History of Houston This article documents the wide-ranging history of the city of Houston, the largest city in the state of Texas and the fourth-largest in the United States. On the", "title": "History of Houston" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.12, "text": "Great Galveston hurricane The Great Galveston Hurricane, known regionally as the Great Storm of 1900, was the deadliest natural disaster in U.S history, one of the deadliest hurricanes to affect Canada, and the fourth-deadliest Atlantic hurricane overall. The hurricane left between 6,000 and 12,000 fatalities in the United States; the number most cited in official reports is 6,000. Most of these deaths occurred in the vicinity of Galveston after storm surge inundated the entire island with of water. In addition to the number killed, every house in the city sustained damage, with at least 3,636 destroyed. Approximately 10,000 people in", "title": "Great Galveston hurricane" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.06, "text": "trees, as well as destroying widespread apple groves and corn fields. It became the costliest natural disaster in the state's history, only to be surpassed by Hurricane Edna ten days later. Across New England, the hurricane destroyed about 4,000 homes, 3,500 cars, and 3,000 boats. Damage totaled $460 million, and there were 60 deaths. In neighboring Canada, high rains caused flooding while strong winds downed trees and power lines. A tropical wave spawned a tropical depression on August 31 to the northwest of Puerto Rico. It moved rapidly north-northwestward, intensifying into Tropical Storm Dolly later that day and into a", "title": "1954 Atlantic hurricane season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.03, "text": "this century was caused by the Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), which killed more than 6,000 people in the central Philippines in 2013 and resulted in economic losses estimated at $14 billion (USD). The Galveston Hurricane of 1900, a Category 4 hurricane that struck Galveston, Texas, drove a devastating surge ashore; between 6,000 and 12,000 lives were lost, making it the deadliest natural disaster ever to strike the United States. The highest storm tide noted in historical accounts was produced by the 1899 Cyclone Mahina, estimated at almost 44 ft (13 metres) at Bathurst Bay, Australia, but research published in 2000 concluded", "title": "Storm surge" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.02, "text": "Dade County contributed nearly equal portions of land to create what is now Broward County. There have been no significant boundary changes to the county since 1915. The third-costliest natural disaster to occur in the United States was Hurricane Andrew, which hit Miami in the early morning of Monday, August 24, 1992. It struck the southern part of the county from due east, south of Miami and very near Homestead, Kendall, and Cutler Ridge (now the Town of Cutler Bay). Damages numbered over US$25 billion in the county alone, and recovery has taken years in these areas where the destruction", "title": "Miami-Dade County, Florida" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.98, "text": "the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus. It infected 500 million people across the world, including remote Pacific islands and the Arctic, and killed 50 to 100 million of them—three to five percent of the world's population—making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history. In the U.S., about 28% of the population suffered, and 500,000 to 675,000 died. Native American tribes were particularly hard hit. In the Four Corners area alone, 3,293 deaths were registered among Native Americans. Entire villages perished in Alaska. The influenza epidemic across the Seward Peninsula in 1918 and 1919 wiped out about", "title": "Yup'ik" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.8, "text": "the United States on October 28. By far, the storm that caused the most devastation was Hurricane One, nicknamed the \"\"Galveston hurricane\"\". Its storm surge submerged much of Galveston Island in Texas, killing between 6,000 and 12,000 people. Official estimates put the death toll at approximately 8,000. As a result, it is currently the deadliest natural disaster in the history of the United States. At the time, it was also the second deadliest tropical cyclone in the Atlantic basin, behind only the Great Hurricane of 1780, which killed at least 22,000 people in the Lesser Antilles. However, the Galveston hurricane", "title": "1900 Atlantic hurricane season" } ]
who controls the monetary policy of the eu?
[ "European Central Bank" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.3, "text": "causing a bank run and necessitating capital controls. The monetary policy of all countries in the eurozone is managed by the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Eurosystem which comprises the ECB and the central banks of the EU states who have joined the eurozone. Countries outside the eurozone are not represented in these institutions. Whereas all EU member states are part of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB), non EU member states have no say in all three institutions, even those with monetary agreements such as Monaco. The ECB is entitled to authorise the design and printing of", "title": "Eurozone" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.69, "text": "monetary policy in that area with an agenda to maintain price stability. It is at the centre of the European System of Central Banks, which comprehends all EU national central banks and is controlled by its General Council, consisting of the President of the ECB, who is appointed by the European Council, the Vice-President of the ECB, and the governors of the national central banks of all 28 EU member states. The European System of Financial Supervision is an institutional architecture of the EU's framework of financial supervision composed by three authorities: the European Banking Authority, the European Insurance and", "title": "European Union" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.62, "text": "(ECB) is the central bank for the eurozone (the states which have adopted the euro) and thus controls monetary policy in that area with an agenda to maintain price stability. It is at the centre of the European System of Central Banks which comprises all EU national banks. The bank is governed by a board of national bank governors and a President. The ECB is located in Frankfurt. The current president is Mario Draghi. The \"\"European Court of Auditors\"\" (ECA), despite its name, has no judicial powers. It ensures that taxpayer funds from the budget of the European Union have", "title": "Institutions of the European Union" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.41, "text": "EMU (extended by ). The treaty states that the signatories shall attempt to incorporate the Fiscal Compact into the EU's legal framework, on the basis of an assessment of the experience with its implementation, by 1 January 2018 at the latest. Monetary policy in the Eurozone (the EU countries which have adopted the Euro) is determined by the European Central Bank (ECB). Thus the setting of central bank interest rates and monetary easing is in the sole domain of the ECB, while taxation and government expenditure remain mostly under the control of national governments, within the balanced budget limits imposed", "title": "European Fiscal Compact" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.12, "text": "the Soviet Union. Governments and central banks have taken both regulatory and free market approaches to monetary policy. Some of the tools used to control the money supply include: In the US, the Federal Reserve is responsible for controlling the money supply, while in the Euro area the respective institution is the European Central Bank. Other central banks with significant impact on global finances are the Bank of Japan, People's Bank of China and the Bank of England. For many years much of monetary policy was influenced by an economic theory known as monetarism. Monetarism is an economic theory which", "title": "Money" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.91, "text": "much as a de facto control over monetary policy if they are allowed to influence or control their central bank. Commonly, there is one monetary authority for one country with its currency. However, there are also other arrangements in place, such as in the case of the eurozone where the so-called Eurosystem, consisting of the European Central Bank and the 19 European Union member states that have adopted the euro as their sole official currency, is the monetary authority covering the eurozone. There are other arrangements, for example democratic governance of monetary policy, a currency board which restricts currency issuance", "title": "Monetary authority" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.5, "text": "includes 22 EU and 4 non-EU European states) passport controls have been abolished. EU policies favour the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital within its boundaries, enact legislation in justice and home affairs, and maintain common policies on trade, agriculture, fisheries and regional development. A monetary union, the eurozone, was established in 1999 and is composed of 17 member states. Through the Common Foreign and Security Policy the EU has developed a role in external relations and defence. Permanent diplomatic missions have been established around the world. The EU is represented at the United Nations, the World Trade", "title": "Intergovernmentalism" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.47, "text": "era as a justification for capital controls. In the \"\"Washington consensus\"\" period, advanced economies generally chose to allow freedom of capital and to continue maintaining an independent monetary policy while accepting a floating or semi-floating exchange rate. There have been three instances of capital controls in the EU and EFTA since 2008all of them triggered by banking crises. In its 2008 financial crisis, Iceland (which is a member of the European Free Trade Area but not the European Union) imposed capital controls due to the collapse of its banking system. Iceland's government said in June 2015 that it planned to", "title": "Capital control" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.45, "text": "between the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament, while executive tasks are performed by the European Commission and in a limited capacity by the European Council (not to be confused with the aforementioned Council of the European Union). The monetary policy of the eurozone is determined by the European Central Bank. The interpretation and the application of EU law and the treaties are ensured by the Court of Justice of the European Union. The EU budget is scrutinised by the European Court of Auditors. There are also a number of ancillary bodies which advise the EU or", "title": "European Union" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.16, "text": "Occupational Pensions Authority and the European Securities and Markets Authority. To complement this framework, there is also a European Systemic Risk Board under the responsibility of the ECB. The aim of this financial control system is to ensure the economic stability of the EU. To prevent the joining states from getting into financial trouble or crisis after entering the monetary union, they were obliged in the Maastricht treaty to fulfil important financial obligations and procedures, especially to show budgetary discipline and a high degree of sustainable economic convergence, as well as to avoid excessive government deficits and limit the government", "title": "European Union" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.05, "text": "European economic governance as \"\"an economic constitution made by rules, policies and institutional practices aimed to establish the a fiscal-monetary policy mix, competition rules, financial markets regulations, the single market and international trade policies. When the euro was created, monetary policy was established as a centralized policy, while fiscal policy remained in the hands of national authorities under some institutional arrangements for sound budgetary policy and an ex-ante control by the European Commission.\"\" Control over fiscal policy is considered central to national sovereignty, and in the world today there is no substantial fiscal union between independent nations. However the EU", "title": "Fiscal union" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.94, "text": "penalties and restrictions. The CNB states that their primary objective is to maintain price stability. In order to keep prices stable, the Central bank implements tools, such as setting interest rates. Upon entry into the European Union the CNB will yield policy and control over to the European Central Bank. The favored pursuit of the CNB in order to control monetary policy is inflation targeting. By using inflation forecasts and macroeconomic predictions the CNB attempts to achieve an optimal inflation rate of between 1-3%. By forecasting the various factors and inputs of inflation and adjusting interest rates accordingly, the CNB", "title": "Czech National Bank" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.7, "text": "an accounting currency with eleven member states joining. In 2002, the currency was fully put into place, when euro notes and coins were issued and national currencies began to phase out in the eurozone, which by then consisted of 12 member states. The eurozone (constituted by the EU member states which have adopted the euro) has since grown to 19 countries. The euro, and the monetary policies of those who have adopted it in agreement with the EU, are under the control of the European Central Bank (ECB). The ECB is the central bank for the eurozone, and thus controls", "title": "European Union" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.61, "text": "President of the European Central Bank The President of the European Central Bank is the head of the European Central Bank (ECB), the institution responsible for the management of the euro and monetary policy in the Eurozone of the European Union (EU). The President heads the executive board, governing council and general council of the ECB. He also represents the bank abroad, for example at the G20. The President is appointed by a qualified majority vote of the European Council, \"\"de facto\"\" by those who have adopted the euro, for an eight-year non-renewable term. However the first President, Duisenberg, did", "title": "President of the European Central Bank" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.56, "text": "Governing Council of the European Central Bank The Governing Council of the European Central Bank is the main decision-making body of the European Central Bank (ECB) and has \"\"sole responsibility\"\" for formulating monetary policy in the Eurozone. It comprises the members of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank and the governors of the national central banks (NCBs) of the eurozone countries. The Governing Council is responsible for formulating monetary policy for the Eurozone. Specifically: In general, the Governing Council (GC) meets twice a month at the Eurotower in Frankfurt, Germany. The first meeting is the most important and", "title": "Governing Council of the European Central Bank" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.48, "text": "Central Bank has relative executive autonomy in its conduct of monetary policy for the purpose of managing the euro. It has a six-person board appointed by the European Council, on the Council's recommendation. The president of the council and a commissioner can sit in on ECB meetings, but do not have voting rights. While the Commission has a monopoly on initiating legislation, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union have powers of amendment and veto during the legislative process. According to the Treaty on European Union articles 9 and 10, the EU observes \"\"the principle of equality", "title": "European Union law" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.36, "text": "The Hungarian organization responsible for controlling the country's monetary policy is the Hungarian National Bank (Hungarian: \"\"Magyar Nemzeti Bank\"\", MNB) which is the central bank in Hungary. According to the Hungarian Law of National Bank (which became operative in 2001. – LVIII. Law about The Hungarian National Bank), the primary objective of MNB is to achieve and maintain price stability. This aim is in line with the European and international practice. Price stability means achieving and maintaining a basically low, but positive inflation rate. This level is around 2-2.5% according to international observations, while the European Central Bank \"\"aims at", "title": "Economy of Hungary" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.31, "text": "Eurogroup The Eurogroup is the recognised collective term for informal meetings of the finance ministers of the eurozone—those member states of the European Union (EU) which have adopted the euro as their official currency. The group has 19 members. It exercises political control over the currency and related aspects of the EU's monetary union such as the Stability and Growth Pact. The current President of the Eurogroup is Mário Centeno, the Minister of Finance of Portugal. The ministers meet \"\"in camera\"\" a day before a meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) of the Council of the European", "title": "Eurogroup" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.23, "text": "into force on 1 November 1993 laid the foundation for the European Economic and Currency Union (EECU). National responsibility for monetary policy was transferred, at the Community level, to the European System of Central Banks (ESCB), comprising the European Central bank (ECB) and the national central banks (NCBs) of the EU states. Until the ECB became fully responsible for currency in 2001, the Bundesbank had three governing bodies. The Central Bank Council (\"\"Zentralbankrat\"\") was the supreme body of the Bundesbank. It was made up of: The Directorate was the executive body of the Bundesbank, while all currency policy decisions were", "title": "Deutsche Bundesbank" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.16, "text": "Competition and credit control (UK) Competition and credit control (CCC) was a monetary policy operated by the Bank of England from September 1971 until the autumn of 1973. Under this policy the bank sought to control money supply indirectly through open market operations, instead of through the direct lending ceilings imposed on individual banks used formerly. Reserve Asset Ratios were imposed on all financial institutions where formerly cash and liquidity rations had applied to major clearing banks only. In practice, sterling money supply increased rapidly following introduction. At the end of 1973, the Supplementary Special Deposit Scheme re-established direct controls", "title": "Competition and credit control (UK)" } ]
what language is agape in yuri on ice?
[ "Japanese" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.42, "text": "After learning about Victor's career decision, Yuri Plisetsky, a rising 15-year-old Russian prodigy skater, travels to Hasetsu to make Victor keep a promise made prior to the beginning of the series. Victor had promised he would choreograph a routine specifically for Yuri P. if he won the Junior World Championships, which Yuri P. presumably did. Victor, having forgotten about his promise to Yuri P., makes the two Yuris compete against each other to decide who he will coach. He chooses two songs for the skaters, both with the same melody but with a different meaning. The first song, \"\"Agape\"\", was", "title": "Yuri on Ice" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.16, "text": "episode was the eighth most popular \"\"Swimsuit\"\" episode of anime as chosen by women. A poll of 941 voters on the Japanese anime news aggregator \"\"AnimeAnime\"\" named \"\"Yuri on Ice\"\" the best anime of the fall 2016 season. Receiving 20 percent of the female vote, it was the eighth-most-popular show among men. An \"\"Akiba Souken\"\" poll named the series the most satisfactory anime of fall 2016. A poll by \"\"Animage\"\" magazine of the top 100 anime characters of 2016 ranked Victor first, Yuri K. second and Yuri P. sixth. According to a \"\"Charapedia\"\" poll, Victor was 2016's fourth-most-attractive anime character;", "title": "Yuri on Ice" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.91, "text": "Agape English Language Institute Agape English Language Institute for Internationals (Agape or AELI) is a South Carolina company offering ESL services to individuals and businesses. It is owned and operated by Dr. Rajarathnam (Raj) Aluri and his wife Kathy Aluri. AELI was incorporated in 1989 by Dr. Rajarathnam S. Aluri, who came to the United States as an international student in September 1976. In 1993, AELI signed a cooperative agreement with Limestone College in Gaffney, South Carolina to offer classes on the school’s campus. The first employee was hired in September 1993 to begin the program, and the first class", "title": "Agape English Language Institute" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.56, "text": "for \"\"Anime News Network\"\", Jacob Chapman commented on the criticism \"\"Yuri on Ice\"\" received when it won the Anime Awards. He wrote that some people argued the fans were drawn to the anime as a form of escapism following the political events of 2016 among other factors, but he responded to this saying that: The problem with this reductive view is that it assumes \"\"Yuri!!! on Ice\"\" is anywhere near as lightweight and fluffy as its sparkly cover art might suggest. (It's also just a gilded version of the more common \"\"only horny fangirls care about this\"\" argument, meant to", "title": "Yuri on Ice" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.53, "text": "in Japan. An all-night screening of the series and a talk show with writer Mitsurou Kubo and voice actors Toshiyuki Toyonaga, Junichi Suwabe, and Kōki Uchiyama (the voices of Yuri K., Victor and Yuri P., respectively) was held on February 11 at the TOHO cinema in Roppongi Hills, and was relayed live to 47 cinemas in Japan. A screening of the first three episodes was held by the Tokyo Anime Award Festival on March 11, 2017 at Cinema Sunshine in Ikebukuro, Tokyo. The anime contains references to, and has been referenced by, western animation and comics. In the animated series", "title": "Yuri on Ice" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.53, "text": "a combined DVD and Blu-Ray boxset, with extras including textless opening and closing, trailers, commentary from the 11th episode, and the \"\"Welcome to the Madness\"\" original video anime. There is also a limited edition version including a chipbooard collector's box with \"\"cracked ice\"\" holographic finish and silver foil, three art cards, and an 80 page book of illustrations and behind-the-scenes interviews with Sayo Yamamoto, Mitsurou Kubo, and Kenji Miyamoto. Funimation is also releasing the series in the United Kingdom and Ireland through their distributors at Sony Pictures UK, and in Australia and New Zealand through Universal Sony. The anime's opening", "title": "Yuri on Ice" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.47, "text": "and moves to St. Petersburg so that he can continue to stay together with Victor, and train alongside Yuri P. and Victor. The original TV series of \"\"Yuri on Ice\"\" aired on TV Asahi from October 6 to December 22, 2016. The anime was produced by MAPPA, directed by Sayo Yamamoto and written by Mitsurō Kubo, with character design by Tadashi Hiramatsu, music by Taro Umebayashi and Taku Matsushiba and figure-skating choreography by Kenji Miyamoto. The episodes were made available for streaming by Crunchyroll, and Funimation began streaming an English dub on October 24, 2016, at 10:00 p.m. ET. \"\"Yuri", "title": "Yuri on Ice" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.45, "text": "that the poor animation was the fault of Yamamoto's over-ambition. The music gained positive comment, especially the opening theme tune to the series, \"\"History Maker\"\". Ian Wolf of \"\"Anime UK News\"\" commented on its rousing theme; the use of English connecting to the show's international feel; and the use of both unusual musical instruments such a xylophone in the introduction and of a time signature, arguably make the song a fast waltz and thus a dance akin to ballet. \"\"History Maker\"\" was played in the opening ceremony of the 2017–18 Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final in Nagoya. In the", "title": "Yuri on Ice" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.44, "text": "the most talked about anime on their website starting as of May 1, 2017. It was also the fourth most talked about anime on Tumblr in 2016. \"\"Yuri on Ice\"\" was listed as the top 2016 anime on Crunchyroll for Poland, the Czech Republic, Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso, Malawi, Botswana, Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, and Singapore; the most popular 2016 anime series for all countries via Crunchyroll was \"\"\"\". \"\"Yuri on Ice\"\" was one of the three most watched anime on Crunchyroll, the others being \"\"\"\" and the third season of \"\"Sailor Moon Crystal\"\", and was also named the", "title": "Yuri on Ice" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.36, "text": "Agapetus of the Kiev Caves Agapetus of the Kiev Caves or Agapetus of Pechersk (Агапит Печерский in Russian, Агапіт Печерський in Ukrainian)(born ?? - died 1095), was an Orthodox Christian saint and doctor, as well as a monk in Kiev Pechersk Lavra. He was born in Kiev and was taught and admitted to monastic vows by Saint Anthony of Kiev. Agapetus famously provided free medical services for poor people. He also healed grand prince Vladimir II Monomakh. Several churches in Ukraine and Russia bear his name. His relics are stored in the Near Caves of Kiev Pechersk Lavra. The day", "title": "Agapetus of the Kiev Caves" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.36, "text": "\"\"can continue to grow on a global level.\"\" The anime has attracted a large online following. According to the Kadokawa Ascii Research Laboratories content and information trend-analytics company, \"\"Yuri on Ice\"\" was the most-tweeted anime of the season (collecting 1,440,596 tweets). It had over a million tweets more than its closest rival, the volleyball-based anime \"\"Haikyu!!\"\" (which had 348,109 tweets). In China, the social media website Sina Weibo recorded 130,000 posts of the \"\"Yuri on Ice\"\" hashtag, collecting 2 billion views. Since it started to include anime and manga in their statistics, Tumblr Fandometrics revealed that \"\"Yuri on Ice\"\" was", "title": "Yuri on Ice" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.34, "text": "Yuri on Ice Released to critical acclaim, \"\"Yuri on Ice\"\" has been well received in Japan. It won three awards at the Tokyo Anime Award Festival, a Japan Character Award and seven awards in Crunchyroll's inaugural Anime Awards. In Japan, the series was released in six parts on Blu-Ray and DVD, with all the releases coming No. 1 on the Oricon Animation Blu-Ray disc and Animation DVD disc rankings respectively. It was the eighth-most successful media franchise in Japan for 2017, had the second-highest combined Blu-Ray and DVD sales of any anime in Japan for 2017, and had the highest", "title": "Yuri on Ice" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.31, "text": "delegitimize the show's audience and therefore its merits as a work of art.) At the Tokyo Anime Award Festival in 2017, \"\"Yuri on Ice\"\" won Animation of the Year: Television Category and the fan-polled Anime Fan Award. Character designer Tadashi Hiramatsu won the award for Best Animator. In the 2017 Japan Character Awards presented by the Character Brand Licensing Association (CBLA), \"\"Yuri on Ice\"\" won the Japan Character Grand Prize New Face Award. The CBLA gave the show the prize for taking an unusual subject like figure skating and making it appeal to audiences, especially women, and predicted the show,", "title": "Yuri on Ice" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 17.31, "text": "win the festival's Anime Fan Award from a second fan polling based off the 100 nominees. In a \"\"mega poll\"\" of 19,560 readers for Best Anime of 2016 by \"\"Anime News Network\"\", \"\"Yuri on Ice\"\" finished first with 7,400 votes (37.8 percent of the total). A top-100 poll of users of the Japanese website 2chan named \"\"Yuri on Ice\"\" the tenth-best anime of 2016. A poll by mobile phone operator NTT DoCoMo of 4,800 users named \"\"Yuri on Ice\"\" \"\"Most Favourite TV Anime of 2016\"\" and the \"\"Most Moe\"\" series, while another poll by the same company revealed the tenth", "title": "Yuri on Ice" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.25, "text": "origin\"\". For \"\"Anime UK News\"\", Ian Wolf called the exchange of rings \"\"the best scene in the series\"\". According to Wolf, the anime is an example of the Odagiri effect. \"\"Yuri on Ice\"\" has highlighted homophobia in figure skating and other areas; the seventh episode features a flashback in which a younger Victor performs in a costume based on those worn by openly gay figure skater Johnny Weir, who was subject to homophobic comments throughout his career. Weir said in an interview with \"\"The Geekiary\"\", I think all positive imagery of LGBT themes in sport are good. Unfortunately, the majority", "title": "Yuri on Ice" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 17.25, "text": "as the yaoi genre, and for dealing with homosexuality in a country and sport that has present-day issues with homophobia. Others criticized its depiction for being unrealistic, and of visual censorship that arguably makes it ambiguous to some viewers. The series has also been praised for its depiction of anxiety, and also raised a brief controversy concerning a similar figure skating-based title to be released in the United States in 2017. After a crushing defeat in the Grand Prix Final and other competition losses, 23-year-old Japanese figure skater Yuri Katsuki develops mixed feelings about skating and puts his career on", "title": "Yuri on Ice" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.2, "text": "combined sales for a TV anime that year. It was popular on social media outlets such as Tumblr, Sina Weibo and Twitter, where it received over a million more tweets than the next most-talked about anime series in the season it was broadcast. It also attracted praise from professional figure skaters, with some skaters in the 2018 Winter Olympics performing to music from the show. \"\"Yuri on Ice\"\" has raised discussion concerning its depiction of a same-sex relationship between its protagonists, with some critics praising it for covering homosexuality in a way that differs from most anime and manga such", "title": "Yuri on Ice" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.17, "text": "Yuri Vella Yuri Vella, (1948 - 2013), full name Yurii Kilevich Aivaseda, known by his pseudonym Yuri Vella, was a writer, poet, environmentalist and social activist of the Forest Nenets people from West-Siberia. Yuri Vella was born in the Varyogan village in Siberia in 1948. In the 1990s, he moved with his family from the Varyogan village to the tundra of the Agan River to revive the traditional Nenets way of life and become a reindeer herder. He was a writer and poet writing in the Forest Nenets language, the Khanty language and in Russian. He was a social activist", "title": "Yuri Vella" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.14, "text": "and Blu-Ray sales of an any animated series in Japan. By the end of 2017, \"\"Yuri on Ice\"\" was the eighth top-selling media franchise in Japan. All six Blu-Ray releases appeared in the top 50 of the top-selling animation Blu-Rays discs, and all six DVD releases appeared in the top 100 of the top-selling animation DVDs of 2017. Combined Blu-Ray and DVD sales resulted in \"\"Yuri on Ice\"\" being the top-selling TV anime of 2017, and the second top-selling anime overall behind the anime film \"\"Your Name\"\". On February 6, 2018, Funimation released the series in the United States on", "title": "Yuri on Ice" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.02, "text": "for institutions of continuing education in the U.S. Agape is certified by the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) to enroll F-1 students in the United States. AELI currently has 2 locations in South Carolina: Agape English Language Institute Agape English Language Institute for Internationals (Agape or AELI) is a South Carolina company offering ESL services to individuals and businesses. It is owned and operated by Dr. Rajarathnam (Raj) Aluri and his wife Kathy Aluri. AELI was incorporated in 1989 by Dr. Rajarathnam S. Aluri, who came to the United States as an international student in September 1976. In 1993,", "title": "Agape English Language Institute" } ]
what are the two broad types of economic policy?
[ "fiscal", "monetary" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.59, "text": "the consequent policies of parties. Almost every aspect of government has an important economic component. A few examples of the kinds of economic policies that exist include: Stabilization policy attempts to stimulate an economy out of recession or constrain the money supply to prevent excessive inflation. Policy is generally directed to achieve particular objectives, like targets for inflation, unemployment, or economic growth. Sometimes other objectives, like military spending or nationalization are important. These are referred to as the policy goals: the outcomes which the economic policy aims to achieve. To achieve these goals, governments use policy tools which are under", "title": "Economic policy" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.55, "text": "spending can be financed by government borrowing, or taxes. Changes in government spending is a major component of fiscal policy used to stabilize the macroeconomic business cycle. Government spending can be a useful economic policy tool for governments. Fiscal policy can be defined as the use of government spending and/or taxation as a mechanism to influence an economy. There are two types of fiscal policy: expansionary fiscal policy, and contractionary fiscal policy. Expansionary fiscal policy is an increase in government spending or a decrease in taxation, while contractionary fiscal policy is a decrease in government spending or an increase in", "title": "Government spending" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.55, "text": "Economic policy The economic policy of governments covers the systems for setting levels of taxation, government budgets, the money supply and interest rates as well as the labour market, national ownership, and many other areas of government interventions into the economy. Most factors of economic policy can be divided into either fiscal policy, which deals with government actions regarding taxation and spending, or monetary policy, which deals with central banking actions regarding the money supply and interest rates. Such policies are often influenced by international institutions like the International Monetary Fund or World Bank as well as political beliefs and", "title": "Economic policy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.25, "text": "other policies). See glossary of economics. Other broad distinctions within economics include those between positive economics, describing \"\"what is\"\", and normative economics, advocating \"\"what ought to be\"\"; between economic theory and applied economics; between rational and behavioural economics; and between mainstream economics and heterodox economics. Economic analysis can be applied throughout society, in business, finance, health care, and government. Economic analysis is sometimes also applied to such diverse subjects as crime, education, the family, law, politics, religion, social institutions, war, science, and the environment. The discipline was renamed in the late 19th century, primarily due to Alfred Marshall, from \"\"political", "title": "Economics" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.2, "text": "other types of money. Broad money includes money held in deposit balances in banks and other forms created in the financial system. Basic economics also teaches that the money supply shrinks when loans are repaid; however, the money supply will not necessarily decrease depending on the creation of new loans and other effects. Other than loans, investment activities of commercial banks and the Federal Reserve also increase and decrease the money supply. Discussion of \"\"money\"\" often confuses the different measures and may lead to misguided commentary on monetary policy and misunderstandings of policy discussions. Monetary policy in the US is", "title": "Monetary policy of the United States" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.2, "text": "such as increasing returns to scale for capital and learning-by-doing, that are endogenously determined instead of the exogenous technological improvement used to explain growth in Solow's model. Macroeconomic policy is usually implemented through two sets of tools: fiscal and monetary policy. Both forms of policy are used to stabilize the economy, which can mean boosting the economy to the level of GDP consistent with full employment. Macroeconomic policy focuses on limiting the effects of the business cycle to achieve the economic goals of price stability, full employment, and growth. Central banks implement monetary policy by controlling the money supply through", "title": "Macroeconomics" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.17, "text": "for currency. A compromise between strict discretionary and strict rule-based policy is to grant discretionary power to an independent body. For instance, the Federal Reserve Bank, European Central Bank, Bank of England and Reserve Bank of Australia all set interest rates without government interference, but do not adopt rules. Another type of non-discretionary policy is a set of policies which are imposed by an international body. This can occur (for example) as a result of intervention by the International Monetary Fund. The first economic problem was how to gain the resources it needed to be able to perform the functions", "title": "Economic policy" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.84, "text": "actively to ward off depressions, recessions and slumps. The Austrian School of economics argues that central banks create the business cycle. Economic policy The economic policy of governments covers the systems for setting levels of taxation, government budgets, the money supply and interest rates as well as the labour market, national ownership, and many other areas of government interventions into the economy. Most factors of economic policy can be divided into either fiscal policy, which deals with government actions regarding taxation and spending, or monetary policy, which deals with central banking actions regarding the money supply and interest rates. Such", "title": "Economic policy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.39, "text": "Therefore it can be interpreted that Ranis and Fei's views on economic policy are representative of Li's. Ranis mainly writes on neo-classical growth theory, which claims that a steady economic growth rate can be achieved by correctly balancing the driving forces of labor, capital, and technology. He also writes on the concept of agricultural labor surplus economies which, in freeing up workers and generating agricultural surplus and leading to increased productivity in expanding commercial sectors. Fei argues that two main types of forces govern policy evolution: objective and subjective. Objective forces are predetermined conditions, encompassing physical environments, external economic conditions,", "title": "Li Kwoh-ting" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.34, "text": "policy trends and stability indicators for more transparent and effective policy-making. Users can directly access and retrieve information by country or region, date and policy category. Ad hoc reports can also be produced on selected countries, type of policy or specific topic. They classify policies based on the Food and Agriculture Policy Classification that uses three categories: producer-oriented, consumer-oriented, and trade-oriented and macroeconomic policies, each with their own sub-categories. In August 2016, the tool was updated to include information on policy frameworks as well. Policy frameworks in the tool are classified according to the following broad categories: national socio-economic development,", "title": "Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.31, "text": "macro-economic policies. Two policies in particular can be cited, one is the refusal of the government to succumb to pressure by the banks to appropriate large sums of public money to aid them early in the crisis, thus limiting their risky behavior. The second is the implementation of the recommendations of the Bach'ar commission in the early to mid-2000s which recommended decoupling the banks' depository- and Investment banking activities, contrary to the then-opposite trend, particularly in the United States, of easing such restrictions which had the effect of encouraging more risk-taking in the financial systems of those countries. In May", "title": "Economy of Israel" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.17, "text": "which can eventually result in an economic recession if implemented too vigorously. Monetary policy is associated with interest rates and availability of credit. Instruments of monetary policy have included short-term interest rates and bank reserves through the monetary base. For many centuries there were only two forms of monetary policy: (i) Decisions about coinage; (ii) Decisions to print paper money to create credit. Interest rates, while now thought of as part of monetary authority, were not generally coordinated with the other forms of monetary policy during this time. Monetary policy was seen as an executive decision, and was generally in", "title": "Monetary policy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.14, "text": "is supported because it allows policymakers to respond quickly to events. However, discretionary policy can be subject to dynamic inconsistency: a government may say it intends to raise interest rates indefinitely to bring inflation under control, but then relax its stance later. This makes policy non-credible and ultimately ineffective. A rule-based policy can be more credible, because it is more transparent and easier to anticipate. Examples of rule-based policies are fixed exchange rates, interest rate rules, the stability and growth pact and the Golden Rule. Some policy rules can be imposed by external bodies, for instance the Exchange Rate Mechanism", "title": "Economic policy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19, "text": "the control of the government. These generally include the interest rate and money supply, tax and government spending, tariffs, exchange rates, labor market regulations, and many other aspects of government. Government and central banks are limited in the number of goals they can achieve in the short term. For instance, there may be pressure on the government to reduce inflation, reduce unemployment, and reduce interest rates while maintaining currency stability. If all of these are selected as goals for the short term, then policy is likely to be incoherent, because a normal consequence of reducing inflation and maintaining currency stability", "title": "Economic policy" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.98, "text": "and taxing capital gains. Traditional examples of industrial policy that involves vertical, sector-specific policies, include protecting textiles from imports and subsidizing export industries. More contemporary industrial policies include measures such as support for linkages between firms and support for upstream technologies. Industrial policies are interventionist measures typical of mixed economy countries. Many types of industrial policies contain common elements with other types of interventionist practices such as trade policy and fiscal policy. An example of a typical industrial policy is import-substitution-industrialization (ISI), where trade barriers are temporarily imposed on some key sectors, such as manufacturing. By selectively protecting certain industries,", "title": "Industrial policy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.94, "text": "of Japan and Germany. After the war, the U.S. rose to become the dominant non-colonial economic power with broad influence in much of the world, with the key policies of the Marshall Plan and the Truman Doctrine. Almost immediately, however, the world witnessed division into broad two camps during the Cold War; one side was led by the U.S. and the other by the Soviet Union, but this situation also led to the establishment of the Non-Aligned Movement. This period lasted until almost the end of the 20th century and is thought to be both an ideological and power struggle", "title": "Foreign policy of the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.92, "text": "capital markets for the allocation of capital goods between socially-owned enterprises falls under the subcategory of market socialism. The basic and general \"\"modern\"\" economic systems segmented by the criterium of resource allocation mechanism are: Other related types: Various strains of anarchism and libertarianism advocate different economic systems, all of which have very small or no government involvement. These include: Corporatism refers to economic tripartite involving negotiations between business, labor and state interest groups to establish economic policy, or more generally to assigning people to political groups based on their occupational affiliation. Certain subsets of an economy, or the particular goods,", "title": "Economic system" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.78, "text": "policy is also understood as current efforts on intergenerational justice, both by governmental and non-governmental institutions that distribute resources between the generations. There are two types of intergenerational policies: descriptive and programmatic. Descriptive intergenerational policy includes all efforts to institutionalize individual and collective relations between the generations in the private and public spheres. On the other hand, programmatic intergenerational policy refers to establishing societal conditions that allow the creation of private and public intergenerational relations in the present and future in a way that guarantees the development of a responsible and community-oriented personality on the one hand and of societal", "title": "Intergenerational policy" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.69, "text": "Publishers Ye Shujun, 2009, International Economics,Tsinghua University Press,79 Andrea, Inci, 2002, The Evolution of Exchange Rate Regimes Since 1990: Evidence from De Facto Policies, 8 Exchange-rate regime An exchange-rate regime is the way an authority manages its currency in relation to other currencies and the foreign exchange market. It is closely related to monetary policy and the two are generally dependent on many of the same factors, such as economic scale and openness, inflation rate, elasticity of labor market, financial market development, capital mobility and etc. There are two major regime types: \"\"fixed (or pegged) exchange rate\"\" regimes,where the currency", "title": "Exchange-rate regime" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.69, "text": "is increasing unemployment and increasing interest rates. This dilemma can in part be resolved by using microeconomic supply-side policy to help adjust markets. For instance, unemployment could potentially be reduced by altering laws relating to trade unions or unemployment insurance, as well as by macroeconomic (demand-side) factors like interest rates. For much of the 20th century, governments adopted discretionary policies like demand management designed to correct the business cycle. These typically used fiscal and monetary policy to adjust inflation, output and unemployment. However, following the stagflation of the 1970s, policymakers began to be attracted to policy rules. A discretionary policy", "title": "Economic policy" } ]
who acted as v in v for vendetta?
[ ". Hugo Weaving" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.62, "text": "V for Vendetta (film) V for Vendetta is a 2005 dystopian political thriller film directed by James McTeigue and written by The Wachowskis, based on the 1988 DC/Vertigo Comics limited series of the same name by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. The film is set in an alternative future where a Nordic supremacist and neo-fascist regime has subjugated the United Kingdom. Hugo Weaving portrays V, an anarchist freedom fighter who attempts to ignite a revolution through elaborate terrorist acts, and Natalie Portman plays Evey, a young, working-class woman caught up in V's mission, while Stephen Rea portrays the detective leading", "title": "V for Vendetta (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.05, "text": "\"\"V for Vendetta\"\", portrayed by Hugo Weaving. V's background and identity is never revealed. He is at one point an inmate at \"\"Larkhill Resettlement Camp\"\"—one of many concentration camps where political prisoners, homosexuals, Africans, Asians, Jews and Muslims are exterminated by Norsefire, a fascist dictatorship that rules Britain. While there, he is part of a group of prisoners who are subjected to horrific medical experimentation, conducted by Dr. Delia Surridge. Lewis Prothero is the camp's commandant, while Father Anthony Lilliman, a paedophile vicar, is at the camp to lend \"\"spiritual support\"\". All prisoners who are part of the experiment die,", "title": "V (character)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.81, "text": "under the all-powerful High Chancellor Adam Sutler. On November 4, a vigilante in a Guy Fawkes mask identifying himself as \"\"V\"\" rescues Evey Hammond, an employee of the state-run British Television Network, from members of the \"\"Fingermen\"\" secret police while she is out past curfew. From a rooftop, they watch his demolition of London's main criminal court, the Old Bailey, accompanied by fireworks and the \"\"1812 Overture\"\". Inspector Finch of Scotland Yard is asked to investigate V's activities while BTN declares the incident an \"\"emergency demolition\"\". V interrupts the broadcast to claim responsibility, encouraging the people of Britain to rise", "title": "V for Vendetta (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.8, "text": "an abandoned motorway whose lights have all gone out. The two conflicting political viewpoints of anarchism and fascism dominate the story. Moore stated in an interview that V is designed as an enigma, as Moore \"\"didn't want to tell people what to think\"\" but wanted them to consider some extreme events that have recurred throughout history. In December 2005 Warner Bros. released a feature-film adaptation of \"\"V for Vendetta\"\", directed by James McTeigue from a screenplay by the Wachowskis. Natalie Portman stars as Evey Hammond and Hugo Weaving as V. Alan Moore distanced himself from the film, as he has", "title": "V for Vendetta" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.34, "text": "characterized in the film as a romantic freedom fighter who shows concern over the loss of innocent life. However, in the graphic novel, he is portrayed as ruthless, willing to kill anyone who gets in his way. Evey Hammond's transformation as V's protégée is also much more drastic in the novel than in the film. At the beginning of the film, she is already a confident woman with a hint of rebellion in her; in the graphic novel, she starts off as an insecure, desperate young woman forced into prostitution. V and Evey's relationship, though not as obvious in the", "title": "V for Vendetta (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.31, "text": "revolutionary actions of V. An interview with producer Joel Silver reveals that he identifies the V of the comics as a clear-cut \"\"superhero... a masked avenger who pretty much saves the world,\"\" a simplification that goes against Moore's own statements about V's role in the story. Co-author and illustrator David Lloyd, by contrast, embraced the adaptation. In an interview with \"\"Newsarama\"\" he states: Steve Moore (no relation to Alan Moore) wrote a novelisation of the film's screenplay, published in 2006. In October 2017, it was announced that Channel 4 was developing a television series based on the comic book. Since", "title": "V for Vendetta" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.2, "text": "\"\"V for Vendetta: From Script to Film\"\", it was published by Universe on August 22, 2006. In October 2017, it was announced that Channel 4 was developing a television series based on the comic book. V for Vendetta (film) V for Vendetta is a 2005 dystopian political thriller film directed by James McTeigue and written by The Wachowskis, based on the 1988 DC/Vertigo Comics limited series of the same name by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. The film is set in an alternative future where a Nordic supremacist and neo-fascist regime has subjugated the United Kingdom. Hugo Weaving portrays V,", "title": "V for Vendetta (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.14, "text": "has something going on that is actually interesting, inviting us to decode the character and plot and apply the message where we will\"\". Margaret Pomeranz and David Stratton from \"\"At the Movies\"\" stated that despite the problem of never seeing Weaving's face, there was good acting and an interesting plot, adding that the film is also disturbing, with scenes reminiscent of Nazi Germany. Jonathan Ross from the BBC blasted the film, calling it a \"\"woeful, depressing failure\"\" and stating that the \"\"cast of notable and familiar talents such as John Hurt and Stephen Rea stand little chance amid the wreckage", "title": "V for Vendetta (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.03, "text": "doing historical research and instead set the story in the near future rather than the recent past. Then \"\"V for Vendetta\"\" emerged, putting the emphasis on \"\"V\"\" rather than \"\"Vendetta\"\". David Lloyd developed the idea of dressing V as Guy Fawkes after previous designs followed the conventional superhero look. During the preparation of the story, Moore made a list of what he wanted to bring into the plot, which he reproduced in \"\"Behind the Painted Smile\"\":Orwell. Huxley. Thomas Disch. \"\"Judge Dredd\"\". Harlan Ellison's \"\"\"\"Repent, Harlequin!\"\" Said the Ticktockman\"\", \"\"Catman\"\" and \"\"The Prowler in the City at the Edge of the", "title": "V for Vendetta" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.03, "text": "prohibited materials, including subversive paintings, an antique Quran, and homoerotic photographs. Meanwhile, V confronts Dr. Delia Surridge, who had experimented on him and many other \"\"undesirables\"\" at Larkhill concentration camp; seeing her remorse for her past actions, he kills her painlessly. After Gordon performs a satire of the government on his show, his home is raided later that night and Evey is captured. She is imprisoned and tortured for information about V, with her only solace being a note written by actress Valerie Page, a former prisoner who was tortured and killed for being lesbian. Evey is told she will", "title": "V for Vendetta (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24, "text": "Play\"\". The 2005 British film \"\"Mouth to Mouth\"\", directed by Alison Murray, includes Wightman as Rose, the incompetent mother of the protagonist Sherry (played by Ellen Page). The following year, Wightman appeared in the dystopian political thriller \"\"V for Vendetta\"\" as Valerie Page. Her character, a lesbian, is imprisoned by the totalitarian regime due to her sexual orientation. The actress stated that during Valerie's incarceration, \"\"She finds something, her integrity, which they can't take from her. She'd almost died and then come alive again through what she found in herself.\"\" Wightman shaved her head for the role, and felt this", "title": "Natasha Wightman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.98, "text": "V (character) V is the title character of the comic book series \"\"V for Vendetta\"\", created by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. He is a mysterious anarchist, vigilante, and freedom fighter who is easily recognizable by his Guy Fawkes mask, long hair and dark clothing. He strives to topple a totalitarian government of a dystopian United Kingdom through acts of heroism. According to Moore, he was designed to be morally ambiguous, so that readers could decide for themselves whether he was a hero fighting for a cause or simply insane. V made his live action debut in the 2005 film", "title": "V (character)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.97, "text": "Roger Dascombe—to broadcast a speech that calls on the people to resist the government. V escapes using an elaborate diversion that results in Dascombe's death. Finch is soon introduced to Peter Creedy, the new head of the Finger, who provokes Finch to strike him and thus get sent on a forced vacation. All this time, Evey has moved on with her life, becoming romantically involved with a much older man named Gordon. Evey and Gordon unknowingly cross paths with Rose Almond, the widow of the recently killed Derek. After Derek's death, Rose reluctantly began a relationship with Dascombe, but now,", "title": "V for Vendetta" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.95, "text": "Adam Susan Adam James Susan is a fictional character and the main antagonist of the comic book series (later graphic novel) \"\"V for Vendetta\"\", created by writer Alan Moore and illustrator David Lloyd. He is renamed Adam Sutler in the film adaptation, in which he is portrayed by John Hurt. Adam Susan is the leader of the Norsefire party, and the ruler of the dictatorship that holds Britain in an iron grip. A firm adherent of pure fascism, he values order above all else and sees civil liberties as threats to a secure society. He states early in the novel", "title": "Adam Susan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.95, "text": "Ministry of Defence) had ever been closed to accommodate filming. Prime Minister (at the time of filming) Tony Blair's son, Euan, worked on the film's production and is said (according to an interview with Stephen Fry) to have helped the filmmakers obtain the unparalleled filming access. This drew criticism of Blair from MP David Davis due to the film's content. However, the filmmakers denied Euan Blair's involvement in the deal, stating that access was acquired through nine months of negotiations with fourteen different government departments and agencies. The film was designed to have a future-retro look, with heavy use of", "title": "V for Vendetta (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.91, "text": "Creedy, a leader of the Norsefire Party, released the virus onto St Mary's School and a water treatment plant, killing more than 100,000 British residents and framing the outbreak as an attack by a terrorist organisation. The Party, which promised security in times of social instability, used the ensuing wave of fear and chaos to elevate Sutler to the newly created office of High Chancellor and win an overwhelming majority in Parliament, becoming the elected government and taking absolute and total control over the country. Finch later discovers that Rookwood was V in disguise, and though he initially disbelieves the", "title": "V for Vendetta (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.88, "text": "On Guy Fawkes Night in London in 1997, a financially desperate 16-year-old, Evey Hammond, sexually solicits men who are actually members of the state secret police, called \"\"The Finger\"\". Preparing to rape and kill her, the Fingermen are dispatched by V, a cloaked anarchist wearing a mask, who later remotely detonates explosives at the Houses of Parliament before bringing Evey to his contraband-filled underground lair, the \"\"Shadow Gallery\"\". Evey tells V her life story, which reveals that a global nuclear war in the late 1980s has since triggered the rise of England's fascist government, Norsefire. Meanwhile, Eric Finch, a veteran", "title": "V for Vendetta" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.81, "text": "up against their government and meet him on next year's Guy Fawkes Night outside the Houses of Parliament. During the broadcast, the police attempt to capture V. Evey helps him escape, but is knocked unconscious. V takes Evey to his home, where she is told she must remain for one year. V then kills Lewis Prothero, Norsefire's chief propagandist, and Anthony Lilliman, the Bishop of London. Evey offers to help, and uses the opportunity to escape to the home of her boss, comedian and talk show host Gordon Deitrich. In return for Evey trusting him with her safety, Gordon reveals", "title": "V for Vendetta (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.8, "text": "the most pro-gay ever\"\". Warn went on to praise the central role of the character Valerie \"\"not just because it is beautifully acted and well-written, but because it is so utterly unexpected [in a Hollywood film].\"\" David Walsh of the World Socialist Web Site criticized V's actions as \"\"antidemocratic,\"\" calling the film an example of \"\"the bankruptcy of anarcho-terrorist ideology;\"\" Walsh writes that because the people have not played any part in the revolution, they will be unable to produce a \"\"new, liberated society.\"\" The film was broadcast on China's national TV station, China Central Television (CCTV) on December 16,", "title": "V for Vendetta (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.8, "text": "finally decided to turn his back on the tyrannical Norsefire regime. The two watch, along with thousands of spectators dressed as V, as the train explodes and destroys the Houses of Parliament. V (character) V is the title character of the comic book series \"\"V for Vendetta\"\", created by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. He is a mysterious anarchist, vigilante, and freedom fighter who is easily recognizable by his Guy Fawkes mask, long hair and dark clothing. He strives to topple a totalitarian government of a dystopian United Kingdom through acts of heroism. According to Moore, he was designed to", "title": "V (character)" } ]
who voiced frank sinatra jr in family guy?
[ "himself" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.84, "text": "Opie, Borstein as Trisha Takanawa and Henry as Bruce. Staff members Danny Smith, Jon Viener and Alec Sulkin voiced several minor characters. The season introduced New Brian (voiced by Viener), a replacement for the older Brian and Susie, the Swansons' newborn daughter. The season also included guest actors voicing themselves, including Frank Sinatra, Jr., Seth Rogen, Lauren Conrad, Johnny Knoxville, Jay Leno, Craig Ferguson, Audrina Patridge, Sinbad, Patrick Stewart, LeVar Burton, Gates McFadden, Brent Spiner, Michael Dorn, Jonathan Frakes, Wil Wheaton, Denise Crosby and Rob Lowe. The seventh-season premiere was viewed by 9.2 million viewers, a significantly-higher number than those", "title": "Family Guy (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.59, "text": "a comment about Stewie's weird laugh when he finds something really funny. This is the only time on \"\"Family Guy\"\" when MacFarlane has not voiced Stewie; instead, the laughing was performed by Ricky Blitt, a former writer of \"\"Family Guy\"\". As Brian and Sinatra, Jr. are performing on stage, the song they are singing was originally composed for the 1960 film, \"\"High Time\"\"; however after the film, the song became so popular it was used in a new movie in 1973. Another musical performance performed by Brian and Sinatra was based on a musical composition used in the film \"\"Scared", "title": "Brian Sings and Swings" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.25, "text": "Fox's \"\"Talkshow with Spike Feresten\"\", and closed the show by singing the Frank Sinatra song \"\"You Make Me Feel So Young\"\". He also provided Stewie's voice when he appeared as a brain tumor-induced hallucination to Seeley Booth in an episode of \"\"Bones\"\", writing his own dialogue for the episode. On May 8, 2009, MacFarlane was a guest on \"\"Real Time with Bill Maher\"\". Other than \"\"Family Guy\"\" and \"\"American Dad!\"\", MacFarlane voices characters in other cartoon shows and films. He voiced Wayne \"\"The Brain\"\" McClain in an episode of \"\"Aqua Teen Hunger Force\"\". He has also voiced various characters on", "title": "Seth MacFarlane" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.41, "text": "Tales of a Third Grade Nothing \"\"Tales of a Third Grade Nothing\"\" is the sixth episode and mid-season finale in the seventh season of American animated television series \"\"Family Guy\"\". It originally aired on Fox in the United States on November 16, 2008. The episode follows Peter (voiced by show creator Seth MacFarlane) as he goes back to finish the third grade so that he is able to get a promotion at work. It also follows Brian (also voiced by MacFarlane) and Frank Sinatra, Jr. (voiced by himself) as they buy a club and give it to Stewie (MacFarlane) so", "title": "Tales of a Third Grade Nothing" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.33, "text": "actor Haley Joel Osment guest starred in the episode. Recurring guest voices include Lori Alan, Mike Henry, and Wally Wingert. After admitting his feelings for Janet, Stewie sings Frank Sinatra's \"\"You Make Me Feel So Young\"\". Peter puts on a one-person show about Winston Churchill while on a plane. During the episode Peter travels to Kentucky and visits a Kentucky Fried Chicken, hoping to meet Colonel Sanders. In his 2009 review, Ahsan Haque of IGN rated the episode an 8.6 out of a possible 10, stating that \"\"Dammit Janet!\"\" has \"\"plenty of laughs\"\" and \"\"watching Stewie bumble his way around", "title": "Dammit Janet (Family Guy)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22, "text": "of \"\"The Sopranos\"\", \"\"The Happy Wanderer\"\" (2000), in a role either mocking or acknowledging all the stories about his father's involvement with the mob – he lets Paulie Walnuts refer to him as the \"\"Chairboy of the Board.\"\" (His sister, Nancy, also appeared as herself in a later \"\"Sopranos\"\" episode \"\"Chasing It\"\" (2007). Sinatra appeared in the \"\"Family Guy\"\", Season 4, Episode 19: \"\"Brian Sings and Swings\"\", wherein he was introduced as the \"\"Member of the Board\"\". He performed several tunes during the show, accompanied by Stewie and Brian. During the ending credits, he sang the \"\"Family Guy\"\" theme song.", "title": "Frank Sinatra Jr." }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.53, "text": "that he can remodel it. The episode was written by Alex Carter and directed by Jerry Langford, their firsts for the \"\"Family Guy\"\" series. Besides Sinatra, the episode featured guest performances by Bob Barker, James Burkholder, Max Burkholder, Chace Crawford, Elisha Cuthbert, Kaylee DeFer, Andy Dick, Carrie Fisher, Caitlyn Jenner (then Bruce), Phil LaMarr, John Kassir, Debbie Reynolds, Sinbad, Billy Unger and Mae Whitman, along with several recurring guest voice actors for the series. The episode was seen by 8.52 million viewers, and it received mostly positive reviews from television critics. Peter is sent upstairs by his boss to deliver", "title": "Tales of a Third Grade Nothing" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.14, "text": "\"\"The Sopranos\"\". He originally auditioned for the role of Uncle Junior with Frank Vincent, but Dominic Chianese landed the role. David Chase instead offered him the role of playing \"\"Paulie Gualtieri\"\", Sirico agreed under the condition that his character would not \"\"become a rat\"\". In late 2013, he voiced the character of Vinny Griffin, who was the family's pet dog in \"\"Family Guy\"\" (replacing Brian Griffin after his death; Brian would later be saved via time travel two episodes after Vinny's debut). Sirico also made a live-action cameo in the episode \"\"Stewie, Chris, & Brian's Excellent Adventure\"\", where he threatens", "title": "Tony Sirico" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.77, "text": "Mr. Lincoln, who is also a homage of Cosby on \"\"\"\". His most frequent role on \"\"Family Guy\"\" is as Jerome, Lois's ex-boyfriend. He also voiced Cleveland Brown, Jr., Lester Krinklesac and numerous others on \"\"The Cleveland Show\"\". He currently voices Principal Brian Lewis on \"\"American Dad!\"\". Richardson's voice roles (in 2011) include Panthro in the 2011 \"\"Thundercats\"\" series, Martian Manhunter on \"\"Young Justice\"\", and , one of the Autobots in \"\"\"\". He played Kilowog in \"\"\"\", the video game sequel to the live-action film \"\"Green Lantern\"\", and later reprised the role in \"\"\"\". Richardson was nominated for Voice Actor", "title": "Kevin Michael Richardson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.7, "text": "Brian Sings and Swings \"\"Brian Sings and Swings\"\" is the 19th episode of the fourth season of \"\"Family Guy\"\". The episode was first broadcast on January 8, 2006. Brian meets Frank Sinatra Jr. and begins to perform on stage with him, and they are shortly joined by Stewie. Meanwhile, Meg pretends to be a lesbian after being offered a chance to join the Lesbian Alliance Club at her school. The episode was written by Michael Rowe and directed by Chuck Klein and Zac Moncrief. It received mostly positive reviews from critics for its storyline and many cultural references. The episode", "title": "Brian Sings and Swings" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.61, "text": "funny\"\". Brian Sings and Swings \"\"Brian Sings and Swings\"\" is the 19th episode of the fourth season of \"\"Family Guy\"\". The episode was first broadcast on January 8, 2006. Brian meets Frank Sinatra Jr. and begins to perform on stage with him, and they are shortly joined by Stewie. Meanwhile, Meg pretends to be a lesbian after being offered a chance to join the Lesbian Alliance Club at her school. The episode was written by Michael Rowe and directed by Chuck Klein and Zac Moncrief. It received mostly positive reviews from critics for its storyline and many cultural references. The", "title": "Brian Sings and Swings" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.53, "text": "in the episode, \"\"Fore Father\"\", where he showed a talent for playing golf. After that episode, he made short appearances later in the show, with his last on \"\"Family Guy\"\", until 2010 at his father's supposed funeral, along with Loretta. Junior's voice is provided by Kevin Michael Richardson, who voices other characters on \"\"The Cleveland Show\"\", including Lester Krinklesac, Julius, and P-Hound. In \"\"Family Guy\"\", Junior's voice is provided by Mike Henry. Richardson stated that he describes voicing Cleveland Jr. as \"\"a character he did on \"\"ER\"\" named Patrick, who was mentally impaired and wore a football helmet.\"\" Before the", "title": "Cleveland Brown Jr." }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.17, "text": "Sean Penn, Frank Sinatra Jr., David Tennant, and Jacob Tremblay. During this season, Peter becomes an Uber driver (\"\"Chris Has Got a Date, Date, Date, Date, Date\"\"), Quagmire discovers Tinder (\"\"The Dating Game\"\"), and also becomes a gigolo (\"\"American Gigg-olo\"\"). Other episode plots include Chris becoming a star baseball player (\"\"Bookie of the Year\"\"), Rob Gronkowski moving in next to Peter with his party bus (\"\"Gronkowsbees\"\"), a homage to three novels commonly taught in high school English classes (\"\"High School English\"\"), Peter and Lois deciding not to vaccinate Stewie while joining the anti-vaccination movement (\"\"Hot Shots\"\"), Peter being discovered to", "title": "Family Guy (season 15)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.17, "text": "and their goofball teenage son, Chris (voiced by Seth Green). Mike Henry voiced the Griffins' neighbor (and Peter's friend) Cleveland Brown. The season had a number of secondary characters, including Lori Alan as Diane Simmons (a local news anchor); Mike Henry as Cleveland Brown (a neighbor and friend of the Griffins); Patrick Warburton as Joe Swanson (a disabled neighbor) and Jennifer Tilly as Bonnie Swanson (Joe's pregnant wife). Adam West voices an alternative version of himself, Mayor Adam West. Other recurring characters include Phil LaMarr as Ollie Williams, Johnny Brennan as Mort Goldman, Carrie Fisher as Angela, Mark Hentemann as", "title": "Family Guy (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.08, "text": "Burlinson as the voice of the young Sinatra in a miniseries she produced on her father's life, the Golden Globe Award-winning \"\"Sinatra\"\". With new doors now open to him, Burlinson auditioned for several musicals. Burlinson returned to the stage in \"\"How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying\"\" in 1992. He starred with some of Australia's most notable stage performers, Noel Ferrier, June Bronhill and Jackie Love. In 1996 he had stage roles with the Sydney Theatre Company, starring as Franklin in \"\"Merrily We Roll Along\"\" and as Ricky in \"\"Miracle City\"\". In 1998, Burlinson created \"\"Frank – The Sinatra", "title": "Tom Burlinson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.02, "text": "Cleveland Brown Cleveland Orenthal Brown Sr. is a fictional character from the animated television series \"\"Family Guy\"\", and its spin-off series \"\"The Cleveland Show\"\". He is voiced by Mike Henry. In the first seven seasons of \"\"Family Guy\"\", Cleveland is a recurring character. As one of Peter Griffin's neighbors and friends, Cleveland is also one of the few recurring African American characters on the show. He was conceived during the seventh-inning stretch of a Cleveland Indians game. His established profession was that of a deli owner. In the earlier seasons of \"\"Family Guy\"\", Cleveland frequently appeared alongside his wife Loretta", "title": "Cleveland Brown" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20, "text": "President Allison Taylor's Chief of Staff Rob Weiss. He played Frank Sinatra in \"\"The Kennedys\"\". Diamantopoulos played Moe Howard in the 2012 \"\"The Three Stooges\"\" film. He had recurring roles on the NBC sitcoms \"\"Up All Night\"\", as Maya Rudolph's on and off lover, Julian; \"\"The Office\"\", as Brian, a former member of the show's documentary film crew; and on \"\"Arrested Development\"\", as Marky, Lindsay's face-blind environmentalist boyfriend. He is also the voice of Mickey Mouse for the eponymous animated series. He has recently featured in the UK/US television sitcom \"\"Episodes\"\" playing the part of TV network boss Castor Sotto,", "title": "Chris Diamantopoulos" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.84, "text": "also voiced by MacFarlane. Other members of the family include Peter's responsible but rebellious wife Lois Griffin, voiced by Alex Borstein; their self-loathing goody two-shoes teenage daughter Meg, voiced by Lacey Chabert; and their socially-awkward teenage son Chris, voiced by Seth Green. The season had a number of secondary characters including Lori Alan as Diane Simmons, a local news anchor; Mike Henry as Cleveland Brown, a neighbor and friend of the Griffins; Patrick Warburton as Joe Swanson, a handicapped neighbor; and Jennifer Tilly as Bonnie Swanson, Joe's pregnant wife. Other recurring characters included Carlos Alazraqui as Peter's boss Jonathan Weed,", "title": "Family Guy (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.81, "text": "is formed, composed of most of the survivors of their species, in a quest to bring back one of their kind, Perry, who has abandoned his involuntary position of \"\"Chosen One\"\" (leader of their order) and is now living the \"\"high life\"\" among human beings (who seem to deal with the bizarre nature of the \"\"grunts\"\" by ignoring them and pretending everything is normal). The main characters were named after famous vocalists of the 1950s: Frank (Sinatra), Tony (Bennett), Dean (Martin), Bing (Crosby), Sammy (Davis Jr.), and Perry (Como), all voiced by Doug Parker. The characters that would become The", "title": "The Brothers Grunt" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.8, "text": "\"\"Family Guy\"\" cast member Seth Green. The sequence reveals several action figures of cartoon characters: He-Man, Optimus Prime, Lion-O and Duke from G.I. Joe. Continuing their travels, the two come across a universe where singer and performer Frank Sinatra was never born, resulting in the loss of the 1960 presidential election by President John F. Kennedy to then-Vice President Richard Nixon, which causes World War III. Brian questions whether Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy, and Stewie responds that he shot Mayor McCheese instead. A sequence similar to the Zapruder film, which shows the assassination of Kennedy, is shown, with Jacqueline", "title": "Road to the Multiverse" } ]
what is the clock's name in beauty and the beast?
[ "Cogsworth" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.3, "text": "a mantel clock, \"\"Cogsworth\"\", is a character in Disney's films, \"\"Beauty and the Beast\"\" (1991; animated) and \"\"Beauty and the Beast\"\" (2017; live action/CGI). Mantel clock Mantel clocks—or shelf clocks—are relatively small house clocks traditionally placed on the shelf, or mantel, above the fireplace. The form, first developed in France in the 1750s, can be distinguished from earlier chamber clocks of similar size due to a lack of carrying handles. These clocks are often highly ornate, decorative works. They are most frequently constructed from any combination of ormolu, porcelain, and wood. One of the most common and valued types of", "title": "Mantel clock" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.84, "text": "into a clock, Babette, a maid turned into a feather duster that still seems to retain her flirtatious tendencies, Mrs. Potts, the head of the kitchen turned into a teapot, and Chip, her son turned into a teacup. They welcome him, but the horrid Beast arrives and locks Maurice away in the dungeon for trespassing. Back in town, Gaston proposes to Belle, which she politely rejects (\"\"Me\"\"). Appalled by Gaston's forwardness, Belle once again voices her need for a life outside this provincial life (\"\"Belle (Reprise)\"\"). Gaston's sidekick, LeFou, returns from the woods wearing the scarf Belle knitted for Maurice.", "title": "Beauty and the Beast (musical)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.78, "text": "Beauty and the Beast (1934 film) Beauty and The Beast is a 1934 animated short film, directed by Isadore Freleng for Leon Schlesinger Productions as part of Warner Bros.' \"\"Merrie Melodies\"\" series. Released on April 14, 1934, the short is notably the second Merrie Melodie in Color. It was one of the earliest cartoons of Leon Schlesinger Productions in Cinecolor. Except for its title and the inclusion of a \"\"beastly\"\" character, the film has nothing in common with the fairy tale of the same name. As the clock strikes ten, a little girl sneaks out of her nursery for a", "title": "Beauty and the Beast (1934 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.66, "text": "a few days later that keyboardist Dan Armstrong had left the band in 2014. Clock Opera shared a studio demo of a new track named \"\"The Beast In Us\"\" exclusively with contributors to their crowdfunding campaign on 18 June. The finalised version of the track is set to appear on the new LP. On 5 November 2015, the first track from the band's upcoming second LP, titled \"\"Changeling\"\", was premiered on DIY magazine's website and was co-produced and mixed by Kristofer Harris. On 8 March 2016, the second track from upcoming LP \"\"Venn\"\", titled \"\"In Memory\"\", premiered on Consequence of", "title": "Clock Opera" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.28, "text": "how he loves Belle and asks her to marry him.(\"\"Belle\"\"/\"\"Gaston\"\"). Belle politely refuses. Soon though, \"\"under a series of mysterious circumstances\"\", Belle finds herself inside the Beast's enchanted castle. She is confronted by the magical castle inhabitants, Cogsworth the clock, Lumiere the candelabra, Mrs. Potts the teapot, and her son, Chip the teacup. Cogsworth thinks that they made a mistake by allowing Belle inside, but the others believe she could be the one to break the curse. So they throw her a feast and, simultaneously invite her to \"\"Be Our Guest\"\". The Beast abruptly ends the celebration and expresses his", "title": "Beauty and the Beast Live on Stage" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.78, "text": "appeared as Norman to Anthony Hopkins' Sir in a BBC Two production of Ronald Harwood's \"\"The Dresser\"\", alongside Edward Fox and Emily Watson. In 2017, McKellen voiced Cogsworth, the Beast's loyal majordomo, who was turned into a pendulum clock, in a live-action adaptation of Disney's \"\"Beauty and the Beast\"\". McKellen and his first partner, Brian Taylor, a history teacher from Bolton, began their relationship in 1964. Their relationship lasted for eight years, ending in 1972. They lived in London, where McKellen continued to pursue his career as an actor. For over a decade, he has lived in a five-storey Victorian", "title": "Ian McKellen" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.59, "text": "to allow my real actors to take you to this fantastical place.\"\" A system of wired frames was used to help the actors support their characters' heavy garments. Such elaborate costumes had never been designed for a Broadway production before. Cogsworth's costume features a fully functioning clock on his face. Meanwhile, Madame de la Grande Bouche was the production's most expensive costume. The musical originally relied on heavy prosthetics and elaborate costumes in an attempt to make the musical resemble the film as closely as possible. In an attempt to replicate the film's famous movie poster, Egan was dressed in", "title": "Beauty and the Beast (musical)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.08, "text": "It has no hands or numerals, but displays the time by opening individual slits in the clock face backlit with blue LEDs; these slits are arranged in three concentric rings displaying hours, minutes, and seconds. The dominating visual feature of the clock is a grim-looking metal sculpture of an insectoid creature similar to a grasshopper or locust. The sculpture is actually the clock's escapement (see below). Taylor calls this beast the Chronophage (literally \"\"time eater\"\", from the Greek χρόνος [chronos] \"\"time\"\", and εφάγον [ephagon] \"\"I ate\"\"). It moves its mouth, appearing to \"\"eat up\"\" the seconds as they pass, and", "title": "Corpus Clock" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.05, "text": "the events that occurred between \"\"Kingdom Hearts\"\" and \"\"Kingdom Hearts II\"\", such as Belle and Beast attempting to resume their normal lives and Beast's first encounter with Xaldin. The Beast appears in the Broadway musical adaptation of Disney's \"\"Beauty and the Beast\"\", originally portrayed by Terrence Mann. Other actors who have taken on the role include Chuck Wagner (1997), James Barbour (1998), Jeff McCarthy (2004), and Steve Blanchard. The movie and others never made mention of his real name. A CD-ROM game said \"\"The Prince's name is Adam.\"\" In the 2011 ABC series \"\"Once Upon a Time\"\", the show's version", "title": "Beast (Beauty and the Beast)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.66, "text": "has solved the clock enigma. 6:12 relates to the Number of the Beast, 666 (6–12 = 6 and 6 plus 6) and to Revelation 6:12, with the Biblical chapter's talk of men hiding from the face of God. Hobson does not believe this, and holds a hidden gun on the deranged soldier. The woman dies, sending Api into hysterics. After another argument, a full-scale battle with guns and grenades ensues. Hobson kills Api, with the soldier seeming to give up. The scientist is now alone. Breaking open Perrin's box, Hobson realises his colleagues considered him unbalanced and kept him under", "title": "The Quiet Earth" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.56, "text": "with George\"\" (1984), in collaboration with Patricia Zipprodt, for which they received a joint Tony Award nomination. She designed the costumes for the Broadway musical \"\"A Catered Affair\"\" (2008), for which she received the 2008 Drama Desk Award nomination for Outstanding Costume Design. Her costumes for \"\"Beauty and the Beast\"\" (tour) were called \"\"luscious, from peasant garb in the early scenes to elegant formal wear in the finale and the ornate costumes of the half-human candlesticks, clocks and teapots that share the Beast's spell.\"\" In reviewing Stephen Sondheim's \"\"Road Show\"\", the \"\"\"\" reviewer noted: \"\"Still, the ensemble members definitely look", "title": "Ann Hould-Ward" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.47, "text": "his castle with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world, and an enchanted rose that would act as the curse's timer which would bloom until he turns 21. If the Beast could learn to love a woman and earn her love in return before the final petal fell off the rose, the curse would be broken, but if not he would remain a beast forever. The Beast turns to despair as the years pass by, with little hope of achieving this. As the enchanted rose reaches late bloom and slowly wilts, the first outsider is an", "title": "Beast (Beauty and the Beast)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.47, "text": "Beauty and the Beast (1996 video game) Beauty and the Beast: is an action-adventure video game developed and published by System 3 Iran in 1996 as a sequel to the 1987 game The Last Ninja. The development team choose the name System 3 enthusiastically trying to produce games on the C64 and may have used the name in the hope that System 3 would be interested in publishing the game. The game graphics was deeply inspired from \"\"Last Ninja 3\"\" as well as creating a lot more according to the plot and game maps. also the game has originally published", "title": "Beauty and the Beast (1996 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.44, "text": "Beauty and the Beast (1946 film) Beauty and the Beast ( - also the UK title) is a 1946 French romantic fantasy film directed by French poet and filmmaker Jean Cocteau. Starring Josette Day as Belle and Jean Marais as the Beast, it is an adaptation of the 1757 story \"\"Beauty and the Beast\"\", written by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont and published as part of a fairy tale anthology. The plot of Cocteau's film revolves around Belle's father who is sentenced to death for picking a rose from Beast's garden. Belle offers to go back to the Beast in her", "title": "Beauty and the Beast (1946 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.39, "text": "Disney's Beauty and the Beast (SNES video game) Disney's Beauty and the Beast is an action platformer for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Based on the 1991 Disney film of the same name, it was developed by Probe Entertainment and published by Hudson Soft in North America on July 1, 1994 and Europe on February 23, 1995, respectively. The game was published by Virgin Interactive in Japan on July 8, 1994. The entire game is played through the perspective of the Beast. As the Beast, the player must get Belle to fall in love so that the curse cast upon", "title": "Disney's Beauty and the Beast (SNES video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.22, "text": "Beauty & the Beast (season 1) The first season of \"\"Beauty & the Beast\"\", an American television series developed by Sherri Cooper-Landsman and Jennifer Levin and very loosely inspired by the 1987 CBS television series of the same name, commenced airing in the United States on October 11, 2012, concluded May 16, 2013, and consisted of 22 episodes. \"\"Beauty & the Beast\"\"'s first season aired in the United States (U.S.) on Thursdays at 9:00 pm ET on The CW, a terrestrial television network, where it received an average of 1.78 million viewers per episode. Catherine Chandler, a law student, witnesses", "title": "Beauty & the Beast (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.17, "text": "occasionally it \"\"blinks\"\" in seeming satisfaction. The creature's constant motion produces an eerie grinding sound that suits its task. The hour is tolled by the sound of a chain clanking into a small wooden coffin hidden in the back of the clock. The Chronophage is affectionately known by students variously as \"\"Rosalind\"\", a name coined by the college's Prælector, or \"\"Hopsy\"\". Below the clock is an inscription from the Vulgate 1 John 2:17: \"\"mundus transit et concupiscentia eius\"\" (\"\"the world passeth away, and the lust thereof\"\"). The clock is entirely accurate only once every five minutes. The rest of the", "title": "Corpus Clock" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.16, "text": "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) Beauty and the Beast is a 1991 American animated musical romantic fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The 30th Disney animated feature film and the third released during the Disney Renaissance period, it is based on the French fairy tale of the same name by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont who was uncredited in the English version but credited in the French version, and ideas from the 1946 French film of the same name directed by Jean Cocteau. \"\"Beauty and the Beast\"\" focuses on the relationship between", "title": "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.16, "text": "Beast (Beauty and the Beast) The Beast is a fictional character who appears in Walt Disney Animation Studios' 30th animated feature film \"\"Beauty and the Beast\"\" (1991). He also appears in the film's two direct-to-video followups \"\"\"\" and \"\"Belle's Magical World\"\". Based on the hero of the French fairy tale by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont, the Beast was created by screenwriter Linda Woolverton and animated by Glen Keane. A pampered prince transformed into a hideous beast as punishment for his cold-hearted and selfish ways, the Beast must, in order to return to his former self, earn the love of a", "title": "Beast (Beauty and the Beast)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.12, "text": "Beauty and the Beast (2017 film) Beauty and the Beast is a 2017 American musical romantic fantasy film directed by Bill Condon from a screenplay written by Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulos, and co-produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Mandeville Films. The film is a live-action reimagining of Disney's 1991 animated film of the same name, itself an adaptation of Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont's 18th-century fairy tale. The film features an ensemble cast that includes Emma Watson and Dan Stevens as the eponymous characters with Luke Evans, Kevin Kline, Josh Gad, Ewan McGregor, Stanley Tucci, Audra McDonald, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Ian", "title": "Beauty and the Beast (2017 film)" } ]
when did attack of the clones come out?
[ "May 16, 2002" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.36, "text": "at the BMCC Performing Arts Center, 199 Chambers St. in New York City at a Sunday, May 12 set of screenings benefitting the Children's Aid Society, a charity supported by George Lucas. \"\"Attack of the Clones\"\" was then screened out of competition at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival, before getting a worldwide theatrical release on May 16, 2002. The film was also later released in IMAX theaters; the film had not been filmed for IMAX but was \"\"up converted\"\" with the digital remastering process. Because of the technical limitations of the IMAX projector, an edited, 120-minute version of the film", "title": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.09, "text": "the film before the day of its release. In addition, authorities seized thousands of bootlegs throughout Kuala Lumpur before the film opened. \"\"Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones\"\" was released on DVD and VHS on November 12, 2002. The DVD features an audio commentary from director George Lucas, producer Rick McCallum, editor and sound designer Ben Burtt, ILM animation director Rob Coleman, and ILM visual effects supervisors Pablo Helman, John Knoll, and Ben Snow. Eight deleted scenes are included along with multiple documentaries, which include a full-length documentary about the creation of digital characters and two others that", "title": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.62, "text": "trilogy box set on November 4, 2008. The \"\"Star Wars\"\" films were released by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment on Blu-ray Disc on September 16, 2011 in three different editions. On April 7, 2015, Walt Disney Studios, 20th Century Fox, and Lucasfilm jointly announced the digital releases of the six released \"\"Star Wars\"\" films. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment released \"\"Attack of the Clones\"\" through the iTunes Store, Amazon Video, Vudu, Google Play, and Disney Movies Anywhere on April 10, 2015. On , it was announced that all six films in the series were to be stereo-converted to 3D, and", "title": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.55, "text": "Spain and Italy. It was one of the first motion pictures shot completely on a high-definition digital 24-frame system. The film was released in the United States on May 16, 2002. It received mixed reviews, with some critics hailing it as an improvement over its predecessor \"\"The Phantom Menace\"\" and others considering it the worst installment of the franchise. Although the visual effects, costume design, musical score, action sequences and McGregor's performance as Obi-Wan Kenobi were all praised, the romance of Padmé and Anakin, the dialogue, the screenplay and the film's long runtime were all criticized. The film was a", "title": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.44, "text": "re-released in chronological order beginning with \"\"The Phantom Menace\"\" which was released on . \"\"Attack of the Clones\"\" was originally scheduled to be re-released in 3D on , but was postponed due to Lucasfilm's desire to focus on \"\"\"\". However, the 3D presentation of the film was first shown at Celebration Europe II from July 26 to July 28, 2013. On review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes the film has an approval rating of 66% based on 245 reviews, with an average rating of 6.7/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"\"\"\"Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones\"\" benefits from an increased", "title": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.44, "text": "Senator Padmé Amidala evades an assassination attempt, Jedi apprentice Anakin Skywalker becomes her protector, while his mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi investigates the attempt on her life. Soon, the trio witness the onset of a new threat to the galaxy, the Clone Wars. Development of \"\"Attack of the Clones\"\" began in March 2000, some months after the release of \"\"The Phantom Menace\"\". By June 2000, Lucas and Hales completed a draft of the script and principal photography took place from June to September 2000. The film crew primarily shot at Fox Studios Australia in Sydney, Australia, with additional footage filmed in Tunisia,", "title": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.89, "text": "the Clones\"\". After a teaser trailer premiered with the film \"\"Monsters, Inc.\"\", a new trailer for the film aired on the Fox Network on March 10, 2002 between \"\"Malcolm in the Middle\"\" and \"\"The X-Files\"\", and was made available on the official \"\"Star Wars\"\" web site the same day. The outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas from Chicago predicted before the film's release that U.S. companies could lose more than $319 million in productivity due to employees calling in sick and then heading to theaters to see the film. The film premiered as part of the inaugural Tribeca Film Festival", "title": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.45, "text": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (soundtrack) The soundtrack to was released by Sony Classical on April 23, 2002. The music was composed and conducted by John Williams, and performed by the London Symphony Orchestra and London Voices. Shawn Murphy recorded and mixed the score. Peter Myles and Kenneth Wannberg served as music editors. Williams himself produced the recording sessions. Four different album covers were featured with Anakin and Padme, Jango Fett, Yoda, and the theatrical poster. For a limited time, the CD shipped with a bonus CD-ROM featuring a PC screensaver and a total of four", "title": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (soundtrack)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.41, "text": "financial success, making over $649 million worldwide; however, it also became the first \"\"Star Wars\"\" film to be outgrossed in its year of release, placing third domestically and fourth highest-grossing worldwide. The film was released on VHS and DVD on November 12, 2002 and was later released on Blu-ray on September 16, 2011. The third and final film of the prequel trilogy, \"\"\"\", was released in 2005. Ten years after the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo, the Galactic Republic is threatened by the Separatist movement organized by former Jedi Master Count Dooku. Senator Padmé Amidala comes to Coruscant to vote", "title": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.33, "text": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (novel) The Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones novelization was written by R. A. Salvatore and published on April 23, 2002 by Del Rey. It is based on the script of the . It includes much expansion of scenes and also many scenes which were cut from the movie. Some of them are original to the book. The biggest addition to the story is the fact that the Lars family are introduced and have their own subplot leading up to when they appear in the movie. We read how", "title": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (novel)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.3, "text": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (video game) Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones is a video game based on . It was announced by THQ and LucasArts in early February 2002 that they would be releasing a game on Game Boy Advance based on Over the course of eleven levels, the player is able to play as three of the film's main protagonists: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker. He/she is also able to fight enemies such as Count Dooku and Jango Fett. Locations include Tatooine, Coruscant and Geonosis. Players can play a", "title": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.91, "text": "was presented. Before the film's release, there was a string of controversies regarding copyright infringement. In 2000, an underground organization calling itself the Atlas Group, based in Perth, Western Australia offered a copy of the screenplay, with an asking price of US$100,000, to various fan sites and media organizations, including TheForce.Net. The scheme was subsequently reported to Lucasfilm Ltd. by the fan site. An unauthorized copy was allegedly made at a private showing, using a digital recorder that was pointed at the screen. This copy spread over the internet, and analysts predicted up to a million fans would have seen", "title": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.84, "text": "the episode. The episode originally aired on Comedy Central in the United States on August 4, 2011. The episode was viewed by an estimated 730,000 viewers and received a 0.3 rating among adults between the ages of 18 and 49, according to Nielsen Media Research. This means that it was seen by 0.3% of all 18- to 49-year-olds. The episode marked a decrease in ratings from the previous episode, \"\"The Ring of Powers\"\", which scored a 0.4 rating and was watched by 870,000 viewers. The total viewership for \"\"Attack of Mark's Clone\"\" made it the season's least watched episode. Critical", "title": "Attack of Mark's Clone" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.8, "text": "son Boba is explored further. \"\"Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones \"\" reached 2 on the New York Times bestseller list on May 12, 2002. Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (novel) The Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones novelization was written by R. A. Salvatore and published on April 23, 2002 by Del Rey. It is based on the script of the . It includes much expansion of scenes and also many scenes which were cut from the movie. Some of them are original to the book. The biggest addition to the", "title": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (novel)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.7, "text": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones is a 2002 American epic space opera film directed by George Lucas and written by Lucas and Jonathan Hales. It is the second installment of the \"\"Star Wars\"\" prequel trilogy, and stars Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Hayden Christensen, Ian McDiarmid, Samuel L. Jackson, Christopher Lee, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker and Frank Oz. Set ten years after the events in \"\"\"\", the galaxy is on the brink of civil war, with thousands of planetary systems threatening to secede from the Galactic Republic. After", "title": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.69, "text": "alternative covers (each sold separately). A Target-exclusive edition featured the bonus track \"\"On the Conveyor Belt\"\". A remastered version of the soundtrack was released by Walt Disney Records on May 4, 2018. Certain cues used in the film contain inserts that replace a portion of the cue. Both the Main Title and End Credit introduction recordings were taken from \"\"The Phantom Menace\"\". Due to the editing in the film, several effects were used to aid in transitions between edited cues. Several moments use a chime sound such as the transition from the Obi-Wan Kamino moments to the Anakin/Padmé Naboo scenes.", "title": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (soundtrack)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.47, "text": "Lee's face was superimposed onto the double's body in all shots other than close-ups, which he performed himself. Lucas often called the duel crucial to the animation department, as it had such potential to be humorous rather than dramatic. The soundtrack to the film was released on April 23, 2002 by Sony Classical Records. The music was composed and conducted by John Williams, and performed by the London Voices and London Symphony Orchestra. The soundtrack recreates \"\"The Imperial March\"\" from the film \"\"The Empire Strikes Back\"\" for its first chronological appearance in \"\"Attack of the Clones\"\", even though a hint", "title": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.44, "text": "title was \"\"Jar Jar's Big Adventure\"\", a sarcastic reference to the negative fan response to the \"\"Episode I\"\" character. In writing \"\"The Empire Strikes Back\"\", Lucas initially decided that Lando Calrissian was a clone and came from a planet of clones which caused the \"\"Clone Wars\"\" mentioned by Obi-Wan Kenobi in \"\"A New Hope\"\"; he later came up with an alternate concept of an army of clone shocktroopers from a remote planet which were used by the Republic as an army in the war that followed. Principal photography occurred between June 26, 2000 and September 20, 2000 at Fox Studios", "title": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.31, "text": "of it appeared in the previous movie in one of the final scenes. A music video for the main theme \"\"Across the Stars\"\" was produced specifically for the DVD. On March 15, 2016, a limited edition vinyl version of the soundtrack was released. Only 1,000 copies were pressed initially. Lucas has noted that Palpatine's rise to power is very similar to that of Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany; as Chancellor of Germany, the latter was granted \"\"emergency powers\"\", as is Palpatine. Comparisons have been made to Octavian – who became Augustus, the first emperor of Rome – and to Napoleon", "title": "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.3, "text": "Attack of Mark's Clone \"\"Attack of Mark's Clone\"\" is the sixth episode of the of the American animated television series \"\"Ugly Americans\"\", which aired on Comedy Central in the United States on August 4, 2011. In the episode, Callie creates a clone of Mark that will guarantee the Department of Integration's win in a bowling tournament, but the plan backfires when the clone frames her for murdering Twayne's new assistant, Tad. The episode was written by Adam Stein and series developer David M. Stern, and directed by Richard Ferguson-Hull and series creator Devin Clark. The episode features guest performances by", "title": "Attack of Mark's Clone" } ]
where was the power rangers tv show filmed?
[ "Santa Clarita", "Los Angeles, California" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.61, "text": "Television New Zealand. New Zealand is the only country in the world where this show has been prematurely withdrawn from public broadcast to date. DVD and video releases of the more-recent \"\"Power Rangers\"\" series that were filmed in New Zealand can be found at The Warehouse, although general sales through video stores and other retailers are scarce. Later series in the \"\"Power Rangers\"\" franchise, such as \"\"\"\" and \"\"\"\", were filmed in New Zealand, but the programs were still not shown in the country, until 2011, when \"\"Samurai\"\" premiered. As a non-union production, members of the original cast were reportedly", "title": "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.38, "text": "the original series, would cameo in the film, despite Jones' earlier comments. Filming was originally set to begin in January 2016 but was rescheduled and began on February 29 in Vancouver. On May 28, 2016, filming was complete. Additional filming occurred in October 2016. A cast member claims that the film has broken the record for the longest wire jump, but this has not been independently confirmed. The film was released in Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos sound. The official soundtrack, with music by Brian Tyler, was released digitally on March 24, 2017, and on CD on April 4, distributed", "title": "Power Rangers (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.12, "text": "Rangers\"\" production from Saban Entertainment not to feature any archived footage from \"\"Super Sentai\"\". Filming took place in and around Sydney and Queensland, Australia. It was released by 20th Century Fox on June 30, 1995. The film grossed $66.43 million worldwide, but received middling and polarizing reviews from critics. The Power Rangers participate with Bulk and Skull in a charity skydive for the Angel Grove observatory, in anticipation of Ryan's Comet which is scheduled to pass by in two days. Bulk and Skull miss the target landing zone and accidentally land in a construction site where a giant egg has", "title": "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.69, "text": "Power Rangers Ninja Storm Power Rangers Ninja Storm is an American television series and the eleventh season of the \"\"Power Rangers\"\" franchise, based on the Super Sentai series \"\"Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger\"\". This is the first season to be filmed in New Zealand, also the second season to be under the BVS copyright and the first not produced by MMPR Productions. This series is unique in the fact that it was the first to feature only one female Ranger serving on the team (although the 10-episode mini-series Alien Rangers featured only one female Ranger), the first season to not have an", "title": "Power Rangers Ninja Storm" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.69, "text": "Angel Grove. At the competition, Jason takes Rocky's place, and they win the tournament, earning the money in order to save the shelter. Filming was done in Hawaii, California, Florida, and Tennessee's Fall Creek Falls State Park. As opposed to the story-line and CGI Megazord used in the first Power Rangers film, this entry is canon and utilizes the actual costume of the Turbo Megazord, appearing in American footage (the main series would rely on the \"\"Carranger\"\" footage). According to a 2013 post on Johnny Yong Bosch's Facebook page, the original script called for a lengthy underwater battle using the", "title": "Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.53, "text": "also generated three theatrical motion pictures. The first two are distributed by 20th Century Fox, and the third film released in 2017 by Lionsgate. \"\"Power Rangers\"\" has long had success in international markets and continues to air in many countries, with the exception of New Zealand, where the series filming takes place . As of 2006, \"\"Power Rangers\"\" aired at least 65 times a week in more than 40 worldwide markets. Many markets carry or have carried the series on their respective Fox or later Jetix/Disney XD channels or have syndicated the program on regional children's channels or blocks, either", "title": "Power Rangers" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.52, "text": "2002. Following this season, production of the \"\"Power Rangers\"\" franchise moved from Los Angeles, California to New Zealand which resulted in many crew members and all voice actors being laid off. Power Rangers Wild Force Power Rangers Wild Force is an American television series and the tenth season and anniversary of the \"\"Power Rangers\"\" franchise, based on the Super Sentai series \"\"Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger\"\", which itself was the 25th anniversary of Super Sentai. \"\"Power Rangers Wild Force\"\" takes place in 2002. The first part of the series was originally broadcast from February to August 2002 on the Fox Kids television", "title": "Power Rangers Wild Force" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.52, "text": "Lionsgate, simply titled \"\"Power Rangers\"\", was released at Regency Village Theater in Los Angeles on March 22, 2017 and was released nationwide on March 24, 2017. The series takes place in the fictional town of Angel Grove, California. On an exploratory mission, two astronauts discover an extraterrestrial container (referred to as a dumpster as a result of its smell) and breach the unit, inadvertently releasing the evil alien sorceress Rita Repulsa from 10,000 years of confinement. Upon her release, she and her army of evil space aliens set their sights on conquering the nearest planet: Earth. The wise sage Zordon,", "title": "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.38, "text": "the more I was convinced there should be a show called Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers, but there wasn't, which was annoying, 'cos I wanted to watch it.\"\" However the story came about, using a Sony HDR-HC1 camcorder, Chris and Nick (who work as professional video editors) decided to film a low-budget Power Rangers parody based on the idea. \"\"Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers\"\" was filmed in the same town as the one the producers and actors reside in, Chelmsford. The actual locations are as follows: \"\"Emo Rangers\"\" had become infamous for its long-awaited second season, which was announced back around 2006.", "title": "Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.36, "text": "in the main storyline action. Some proposed scripts had none at all. In addition, the show's filming would have moved from Los Angeles to Vancouver, Canada. There was some hype created for the new project in Los Angeles and New York, but it never came to fruition. After its default cancellation, the show continued to be shown in reruns on the Disney Channel until May 30, 1996. The show was filmed at Hollywood Center Studios in California for its entire run. It was one of the only shows, along with \"\"The Mickey Mouse Club\"\", \"\"Mighty Morphin Power Rangers\"\", and \"\"You", "title": "Kids Incorporated" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.2, "text": "voice of the Org General named Mandilok in \"\"\"\" (which was the last \"\"Power Rangers\"\" series to be filmed in America before it moved to New Zealand in 2003; the move laid off much of the original PR crew, including Weisz). Since then, His main focus has been anime. He co-directed the ADR for \"\"Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo\"\" alongside another voice actor, Michael Sorich. He is also the live-audience coach for Disney Channel shows, helping the teen and kid stars with them with improvisation on the set. Ezra Weisz Ezra E. Weisz (born January 1, 1971 in Freehold Township, New Jersey) is", "title": "Ezra Weisz" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.09, "text": "television, with some anime programs (generally dubbed into English) having been seen on American television since the 1960s. The \"\"Power Rangers\"\" series was heavily edited from a Japanese live-action tokusatsu series, \"\"Super Sentai\"\", with newly filmed bridging sequences involving American actors (as the action sequences were entirely done in full costume, those scenes only had to be dubbed). The success of \"\"Power Rangers\"\" led to a wave of tokusatsu adaptations in the mid-1990s, none of which survived beyond two years. American Spanish-language networks also import much of their programming; for example, Univision imports much of its programming, especially telenovelas that", "title": "Television in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.97, "text": "film under his investment firm. The film premiered at the Regency Village Theater in Los Angeles on March 22, 2017, and was released in the United States on March 24, 2017. It was met with mixed reviews upon release, with criticism primarily focusing on its uneven tone, product placement and divergences from its source material, but praise aimed at the performances (particularly Montgomery's and Cyler's). It was also a box office disappointment, grossing $142 million worldwide against a budget of $105 million. In the Cenozoic era, six interplanetary warriors, the Power Rangers, are tasked with protecting life on Earth and", "title": "Power Rangers (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.91, "text": "Film Studios (formerly Toronto International Film Studios), a centre for television and motion picture production. The TV show \"\"The Forest Rangers\"\" was filmed here from 1963 to 1965. A reunion was held at the studios in June, 2013 with Gordon Pinsent and nine junior rangers in attendance. Other films shot at the studio between 1960 and 1980 include: The Hired Gun, The Fox (1967 film), The First Time, The Reincarnate, Mahoney's Last Stand, Equus, Recommendation for Mercy, Shoot, Welcome to Blood City, Death Weekend, The Shape of Things to Come, Rituals, Riel, Fish Hawk, The Amateur and Love at Stake.", "title": "Kleinburg" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.81, "text": "company replaced its Fox Kids package with \"\"FoxBox\"\" in the United States. Since September 2002, all \"\"Power Rangers\"\" shows had aired on various Disney-owned networks (ABC Kids, Toon Disney and Jetix channels worldwide). When \"\"Wild Force\"\" ended, Disney moved production of the franchise from Los Angeles to New Zealand. This resulted in the closure of MMPR Productions and the dismissal of many members of the production. From \"\"Ninja Storm\"\" to date, \"\"Power Rangers\"\" is produced in New Zealand. ABC Family, another Disney-owned network, also used to air \"\"Power Rangers\"\" until it did away with its Jetix timeslot after August 31,", "title": "Power Rangers" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.69, "text": "\"\"Shattered Grid\"\" in \"\"Beyond the Grid,\"\" alongside the Ranger Slayer, The Magna Defender, Andros, Tanya, and an undefined Dino Charge Ranger. Power Rangers Ninja Storm Power Rangers Ninja Storm is an American television series and the eleventh season of the \"\"Power Rangers\"\" franchise, based on the Super Sentai series \"\"Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger\"\". This is the first season to be filmed in New Zealand, also the second season to be under the BVS copyright and the first not produced by MMPR Productions. This series is unique in the fact that it was the first to feature only one female Ranger serving", "title": "Power Rangers Ninja Storm" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.64, "text": "to Disney and filming locations from United States to New Zealand. Executive producer Douglas Sloan also received heavy criticism for not tying \"\"Ninja Storm\"\" in with the original universe. To tie up all of the loose \"\"Ninja Storm\"\" ends, and to try to bring in a larger audience, Sloan brought back Jason David Frank and his original character, the once evil turned hero, green, white, red, and now black ranger from \"\"Mighty Morphin Power Rangers\"\" through \"\"Power Rangers Turbo\"\", Tommy Oliver, a legendary Power Ranger, as a mentor for the new team as well as a fellow Power Ranger. Jason", "title": "Power Rangers Dino Thunder" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.53, "text": "Power Rangers Dino Force Brave Power Rangers Dino Force Brave () is a 2017 South Korean tokusatsu television show produced by Daewon Media, the same company which distributes the Super Sentai Series in South Korea under the \"\"Power Rangers\"\" label despite being unrelated to Saban Brands. It serves as a sequel to the 2013 Super Sentai Series, \"\"Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger\"\". Toei Company, the owner of the \"\"Super Sentai\"\" franchise, collaborated in the filming. \"\"Kyoryuger\"\" director Koichi Sakamoto returned to direct the series. The show began its broadcast in South Korea on April 1 with two episodes a week for the", "title": "Power Rangers Dino Force Brave" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.53, "text": "by Varèse Sarabande. Originally scheduled for release on July 22, 2016, Lionsgate delayed it to March 24, 2017. The film received its world premiere in Berlin, Germany on March 17, 2017. All five of the surviving actors who originally portrayed the Rangers in the series attended the film's Los Angeles premiere on March 22, 2017. It was the first time they had been together publicly since 1995. On March 3, 2016, Lionsgate released the first official photo of the five Rangers, and the following month, the company released the first official photo of Banks as Rita Repulsa. On May 5,", "title": "Power Rangers (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.33, "text": "Power Rangers\"\" throughout \"\"Power Rangers Turbo\"\". In a season-five episode of \"\"Friends\"\", \"\"The One with Joey's Big Break\"\", Joey lands the lead role in a movie being filmed at the Vasquez Rocks (stand in for Las Vegas, though the peaks are not seen on camera). It is also featured in the movie \"\"Paul\"\", and in the 2009 \"\"South by Southwest\"\" episode of \"\"NCIS\"\". The final episode of \"\"New Girl\"\" season 1 is primarily set here with the Rocks prominent in the background. In the \"\"Big Bang Theory\"\" episode \"\"The Bakersfield Expedition\"\", which aired in 2013, the four male protagonists appear", "title": "Vasquez Rocks" } ]
when does the umbrella academy come out on netflix?
[ "February 15, 2019" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.5, "text": "developed into a television series, rather than the original film, produced by Universal Cable Productions. On July 11, 2017, it was officially announced that Netflix had greenlit a live-action series adaptation of \"\"The Umbrella Academy\"\" due to premiere on February 15th 2019, with Steve Blackman serving as showrunner, and Way as an executive producer. The Umbrella Academy The Umbrella Academy is a comic book series created and written by Gerard Way and illustrated by Gabriel Bá. The first six-issue limited series, \"\",\"\" was released by Dark Horse Comics, between September 19, 2007, and February 20, 2008. It won the 2008", "title": "The Umbrella Academy" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.97, "text": "The Umbrella Academy (TV series) The Umbrella Academy is an upcoming American web television series developed by Steve Blackman for Netflix. It is an adaptation of the comic book series of the same name, created by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá, and published by Dark Horse Comics. The first season is scheduled to premiere on February 15, 2019. On the same day in 1989, forty-three infants are inexplicably born to random, unconnected women who showed no signs of pregnancy the day before. Seven are adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves, a billionaire industrialist, who creates The Umbrella Academy and prepares his", "title": "The Umbrella Academy (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.89, "text": "was officially announced that Netflix had greenlit a live-action series adaptation of \"\"The Umbrella Academy\"\" due to premiere in 2018, with Way acting as an executive producer. Jeremy Slater will write the pilot script, and Steve Blackman is the showrunner. Filming began on January 15, 2018 in Toronto, Ontario, and ended on July 18, 2018. The Umbrella Academy (TV series) The Umbrella Academy is an upcoming American web television series developed by Steve Blackman for Netflix. It is an adaptation of the comic book series of the same name, created by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá, and published by Dark", "title": "The Umbrella Academy (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.86, "text": "The Umbrella Academy The Umbrella Academy is a comic book series created and written by Gerard Way and illustrated by Gabriel Bá. The first six-issue limited series, \"\",\"\" was released by Dark Horse Comics, between September 19, 2007, and February 20, 2008. It won the 2008 Eisner Award for Best Finite Series/Limited Series. A second series, \"\"\"\", followed in 2008. \"\"The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion\"\", and a proposed fourth series, are in development. A television adaptation was announced to be in development in July 2015 and is set to premiere on Netflix on February 15, 2019. The first issue of", "title": "The Umbrella Academy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.42, "text": "\"\"The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion\"\" premiered on October 3, 2018 \"\"The Umbrella Academy\"\" initially takes place in an alternate history where John F. Kennedy was never assassinated, and is primarily set in 1977 (the year of writer Way's birth), which is treated as the present. The titular team is described as a \"\"dysfunctional family of superheroes\"\" (akin to Marvel Comics Fantastic Four). In the mid-20th century, at the instant of the finishing blow in a cosmic wrestling match, 43 superpowered infants are inexplicably born to random, unconnected women who showed no signs of pregnancy (it is hinted by a character", "title": "The Umbrella Academy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.78, "text": "planned to move away from comics \"\"indefinitely\"\" once the \"\"Killjoys\"\" series is complete in order to focus his attention on his musical career. He stated in the conversation following his tweet that he would return to comics \"\"when it's right\"\". However, in December 2013 Way composed several tweets saying that he and Gabriel Bá would be working on both \"\"Hotel Oblivion\"\" and the fourth installment of \"\"The Umbrella Academy\"\" during 2014. In June 2015 he tweeted that he was still actively writing the new series. On July 21, 2017, Dark Horse announced that \"\"Hotel Oblivion\"\" will be released in 2018.", "title": "The Umbrella Academy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.38, "text": "stories entitled \"\"MySpace Dark Horse Presents Volume One\"\". The first official issue of \"\"The Umbrella Academy\"\" was released on September 19, 2007. The first issue sold out and consequently there was a second printing released on October 17, 2007. \"\"Apocalypse Suite\"\" also won the 2008 Eisner Award for Best Limited Series. The next installment of the series, \"\"\"\", was released on November 26, 2008, and, following speculation that Way had retired indefinitely from comics, a third installment entitled \"\"Hotel Oblivion\"\" is currently in the works. Way and fellow artists Shaun Simon and Becky Cloonan co-created another comic-book series entitled \"\"The", "title": "Gerard Way" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.36, "text": "has been optioned by Universal Studios. Originally, screenwriter Mark Bomback was hired to write the screenplay, however in 2010 it was announced that Rawson Marshall Thurber had replaced him and was reworking the script. There has been little talk of the film since, and no release date has been set. Recently, in an interview with Newsarama at the 2012 New York Comic Con, Way mentioned that there have been \"\"good talks\"\" and a \"\"really good script\"\", but that it was \"\"kind of up to the universe\"\". On July 7, 2015, it was announced that \"\"The Umbrella Academy\"\" would instead be", "title": "The Umbrella Academy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.34, "text": "The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite is the first comic book limited series of \"\"The Umbrella Academy\"\", created and written by musician Gerard Way and illustrated by Gabriel Bá. The series ran for six issues from September 2007 to February 2008. James Jean provided cover art for this series only. A trade paperback was released on June 18, 2008. The first issue, \"\"The Day the Eiffel Tower Went Berserk\"\", was released on September 19, 2007. The inside front cover features notes made by Sir Reginald Hargreeves on his seven adopted children, numbered by usefulness. The Umbrella", "title": "The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.27, "text": "\"\"The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite\"\" is nominated for Best Graphic Album — Reprint at the 2009 Eisner Awards. A sequel, \"\"\"\", was published between November 2008 and April 2009 and collected into a trade paperback on September 30, 2009. The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite is the first comic book limited series of \"\"The Umbrella Academy\"\", created and written by musician Gerard Way and illustrated by Gabriel Bá. The series ran for six issues from September 2007 to February 2008. James Jean provided cover art for this series only. A trade paperback was released on June", "title": "The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.27, "text": "Aviv and at other locations in Israel. The first season was released on Netflix on September 8, 2017. On January 18, 2018, the official Greenhouse Academy Instagram account announced that season 2 would be released on Netflix on February 14, 2018. The series was \"\"quietly\"\" renewed for a third season in March 2018. In September 2018, the role of Brooke Osmond was recast with Danika Yarosh, after Grace Van Dien was cast in \"\"The Village\"\" which was picked up to series by NBC for the 2018–19 U.S. television season. Greenhouse Academy Greenhouse Academy is a tween drama television series released", "title": "Greenhouse Academy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.25, "text": "I Am An Atomic Bomb\"\" was released on February 20, 2008. As #1, #3, #4 and #5 prepare to stop the Apocalypse Suite, while #2 tries to kill #7, but fails due to past emotions, #3 suffers a slashed throat and #1 takes her to a nearby hospital, while #2, #4 and #5 continue to fight the Orchestra Verdament, ending with #5 shooting #7 in the head, although she survives, #4 uses telekinesis to stop meteors falling to the earth and stop the end of the world. In the epilogue, it is told that #7 remains paralyzed, #3 will not", "title": "The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.16, "text": "Four (and the world). The fifth issue was released on March 25, 2009. It begins at sunset, with soldiers marching through a jungle in Vietnam. One soldier is telling a joke, but stops when he can't remember how it goes. Two other soldiers are bringing up the rear, and one remarks that he's very confused about why they're in the jungle; the other reminds him it is because their job is to carry a mummy to Saigon. The first soldier talks about his disdain towards their Sergeant, who he says \"\"stumbled out of the jungle three years back\"\". The Sergeant", "title": "The Umbrella Academy: Dallas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.14, "text": "Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá would be returning. The first issue of \"\"Hotel Oblivion\"\" was released on October 3, 2018. A first short preview story of the series was released on November 2, 2006 on the Dark Horse Comics website. The first printed story was “…But the Past Ain’t Through With You.” which appeared in the 2007 Dark Horse Comics Free Comic Book Day issue. Another story, “Safe & Sound”, was published in July 2007 in \"\"Dark Horse Presents\"\" online on MySpace. An Internet preview was released on November 2, 2006 on the Dark Horse website. The story was colored", "title": "The Umbrella Academy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.14, "text": "Mark Bomback was hired to write the screenplay; Rawson Marshall Thurber reportedly replaced him in 2010. There has been little talk of the film since, and no release date has been set. In an interview with Newsarama at the 2012 New York Comic Con, Way mentioned that there have been \"\"good talks\"\" and a \"\"really good script\"\", but that it was \"\"kind of up to the universe\"\". On July 7, 2015, it was announced that \"\"The Umbrella Academy\"\" would be developed into a television series, rather than an original film, produced by Universal Cable Productions. On July 11, 2017, it", "title": "The Umbrella Academy (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.98, "text": "began 3 days after Sir Reginald Hargreeves's death. In the city, #7, the estranged member of the family, who never showed any ability other than skills to play violin, goes to the Icarus Theater and is offered to join the Orchestra Verdament, a group of musicians who claim they can destroy the world by playing the \"\"Apocalypse Suite;\"\" #7 however, refuses to do so. The third issue, \"\"Dr. Terminal's Answer\"\", was released on November 21, 2007. The Umbrella Academy fights the terminatus, a group of destructive robots programmed by the academy's former nemesis, Dr. Terminal, #7 intervenes in the fight", "title": "The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.98, "text": "The Umbrella Academy: Dallas The Umbrella Academy: Dallas is the second comic book limited series of \"\"The Umbrella Academy\"\" created and written by Gerard Way and illustrated by Gabriel Bá. It is the follow-up to \"\"\"\". The series ran for six issues from November 2008 to April 2009. Tony Ong provided back cover art for this series only. A trade paperback was released on September 30, 2009. The story revolves around Number Five and his association with the Kennedy assassination. The first issue was released on November 26, 2008 In a flashback, the young Umbrella Academy battle the now-living statue", "title": "The Umbrella Academy: Dallas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.97, "text": "back of the truck, and as 00.05 marches up the steps he says, \"\"Let's go kill us a president.\"\" The sixth issue was released on April 25, 2009. The story opens in 1963 at The Umbrella Academy where a young Number Five and a living Hargreeves present to a couple of investors an exact replica (diagram) of The Solar System (which Number Five states is his alternative to \"\"boring their esteemed guests with an arrogant display of his time displacement capabilities or a diagrammed thesis on slips in the chromosphere\"\") to which Hargreeves realizes that an important detail is missing", "title": "The Umbrella Academy: Dallas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.92, "text": "Greenhouse Academy Greenhouse Academy is a tween drama television series released by Netflix. Based on the Israeli television series \"\"The Greenhouse\"\" (\"\"Ha-Hamama\"\"), created by Giora Chamizer, the series was adapted for international audiences by Chamizer and Paula Yoo. The first season of the series was released on Netflix on September 8, 2017. Netflix renewed the series for a third season in March 2018. Eight months after losing their astronaut mother in a rocket explosion, brother and a sister, Alex and Hayley Woods, enroll at a private boarding school for gifted future leaders. Separately, they join two competing houses within the", "title": "Greenhouse Academy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.88, "text": "is available in comic stores. The Umbrella Academy: Dallas The Umbrella Academy: Dallas is the second comic book limited series of \"\"The Umbrella Academy\"\" created and written by Gerard Way and illustrated by Gabriel Bá. It is the follow-up to \"\"\"\". The series ran for six issues from November 2008 to April 2009. Tony Ong provided back cover art for this series only. A trade paperback was released on September 30, 2009. The story revolves around Number Five and his association with the Kennedy assassination. The first issue was released on November 26, 2008 In a flashback, the young Umbrella", "title": "The Umbrella Academy: Dallas" } ]
who sang lead vocals on amie by pure prairie league?
[ "Craig Fuller" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.59, "text": "Amie (song) \"\"Amie\"\" is a song recorded by the American soft rock group Pure Prairie League. It was released in 1973 as their debut single, but did not chart on the Billboard Hot 100 until 1975. The song was written by Craig Fuller and was originally recorded by the band on their 1972 album \"\"Bustin' Out\"\", but it was not released as a single until 1973, when it gained popularity on college radio stations. Its airplay led RCA Records to re-sign Pure Prairie League after having previously dropped them. In his book \"\"Music: What Happened?\"\", musician and music critic Scott", "title": "Amie (song)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.55, "text": "album \"\"Greatest Hits Vol. 2\"\". Singer Brent Anderson included a portion of \"\"Amie\"\" in his 2011 single \"\"Amy's Song\"\", which featured backing vocals from Craig Fuller and Vince Gill. Counting Crows covered the song on their 2011 album of covers, \"\"Underwater Sunshine\"\". Garth Brooks covered the song on the \"\"Melting Pot\"\" disc of his four CD boxed set \"\"\"\" released in 2013. Amie (song) \"\"Amie\"\" is a song recorded by the American soft rock group Pure Prairie League. It was released in 1973 as their debut single, but did not chart on the Billboard Hot 100 until 1975. The song", "title": "Amie (song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.17, "text": "with Rich on the former and McDonald on the latter. Also included on the album was a cover of Pure Prairie League's \"\"Amie\"\". Thom Owens gave the album a mixed review, saying that \"\"Come Cryin' to Me\"\" and the \"\"Amie\"\" cover were \"\"solid\"\", but criticizing the rest as \"\"slick and bland\"\". Shortly after the release of \"\"Everything's Changed\"\", Rich left the band. Late in 1998, Keith Harling charted with \"\"Coming Back for You\"\", a song which Rich co-wrote with Wilson. Rich later charted two solo singles for BNA between 2000 and 2001, and recorded an album for the label titled", "title": "Lonestar" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.98, "text": "Bustin' Out Bustin' Out is the second album by American country rock band Pure Prairie League, released by RCA Records in 1972. The album ended up becoming far more popular a couple of years after its release, during the height of the Country Rock, and Southern Rock boom of the mid-1970s. By then, band leader Craig Fuller was no longer in the band due to draft board issues. \"\"Amie\"\" was released as a single in 1973, and began receiving airplay mostly on college radio stations. \"\"Falling In and Out of Love\"\" ends in a segue to \"\"Amie\"\", which then concludes", "title": "Bustin' Out" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.69, "text": "popular Ohio band called The Sacred Mushroom. Pure Prairie League hit the road and began playing gigs constantly, mostly in the Northeast, Midwest, and Southeast. As a result of their heavy schedule, particularly at colleges, their songs became well known; \"\"Amie\"\" (Craig Fuller's ode to an on-again/off-again relationship), from the second album, became a particular favorite. As \"\"Amie\"\" grew in popularity, radio stations began receiving requests for it. As a result, RCA re-released \"\"Bustin' Out\"\" and issued \"\"Amie\"\" as a single for the second time in late 1974. It peaked at No. 27 on April 26, 1975, just as a", "title": "Pure Prairie League" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.34, "text": "Prairie League was back with a lineup of Fuller, Connor, Reilly, Burr, Fats Kaplin (pedal steel guitar, mandolin, banjo, fiddle, accordion, washboard) and Rick Schell (vocals, drums, percussion). After two years, Burr was succeeded by Curtis Wright (vocals, guitars) in June 2000. The group began work on a new album in 2002, yet abandoned the sessions and separated again after Schell became busy with other projects. After a long battle with cancer, Michael Connor died on September 9, 2004. Following Connor's death, the group resumed touring once again with Fuller, Reilly, Schell, Wright and Kaplin (when available) and released \"\"All", "title": "Pure Prairie League" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.22, "text": "Straits, but he declined the offer (although he sang backup on the Dire Straits' album \"\"On Every Street\"\"). He provided background vocals for the song \"\"Tennessee Line\"\", from Daughtry's second studio album, \"\"Leave This Town\"\". Gill left Pure Prairie League in 1981 to join Cherry Bombs, the stage band that backed Rodney Crowell. There he worked with Tony Brown and Emory Gordy Jr., both of whom would later produce many of his albums. He recorded a bluegrass album, \"\"Here Today\"\", with David Grisman and friends before signing a solo deal with RCA with whom he achieved some success including the", "title": "Vince Gill" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.14, "text": "Let It Roll (Little Feat album) Let It Roll is the eighth studio album by the American rock band Little Feat, released in 1988. Eight of the ten songs on the album were co-written by new band member Craig Fuller, the founding member of Pure Prairie League. Fuller also dominates the lead vocals. The album attained RIAA certified gold status on February 14, 1989. It is the first Little Feat studio album without Lowell George, after his death in 1979 and is one of their most successful albums, sparking a comeback by the band. The first single, \"\"Hate to Lose", "title": "Let It Roll (Little Feat album)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.02, "text": "shows until new, permanent players could be located. In September 1978, auditions led to the hiring of Vince Gill (vocals, guitars, mandolin, banjo, fiddle), who had previously played with the bluegrass outfit Mountain Smoke, as well as Boone Creek (with Ricky Skaggs) and Byron Berline & Sundance. Further auditions brought in L.A. musician Steven Patrick Bolin (vocals, guitars, flute, saxophone) in January 1979. This revamped lineup recorded \"\"Can't Hold Back\"\" (June 1979), which turned out to be their last for RCA. Sax player Jeff Kirk accompanied the band on some of their dates during the 1979 tour. Casablanca Records, who", "title": "Pure Prairie League" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.02, "text": "Vince Gill and Pure Prairie League founder Craig Fuller. Taste of Country reviewer Billy Dukes gave the song four stars out of five, praising Anderson's \"\"smoky\"\" voice and the lyrics. Although Anderson released no more material through Arista, he co-produced Chris Janson's album \"\"Buy Me a Boat\"\" and the 2017 single \"\"Fix a Drink\"\". These songs also feature Anderson on background vocals and acoustic guitar. Brent Anderson (singer) Brent Anderson (born in Pascagoula, Mississippi) is an American country music singer. He has charted on Hot Country Songs with the single \"\"Amy's Song\"\". Anderson learned to play bass guitar at age", "title": "Brent Anderson (singer)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.78, "text": "all left the band. At that point, Pure Prairie League owed RCA another album and Craig Fuller agreed to record the second record in RCA's Toronto studio with the help of George Ed Powell and Bob Ringe (who had also produced the first album). \"\"Bustin' Out\"\" (begun in the summer of 1972) was produced by Ringe and featured the songs of Fuller and Powell. Billy Hinds from Cincinnati (drums, percussion) joined the band and Hinds's friend, Michael Connor, played piano on most of the sessions and would become a regular in the Pure Prairie League line-up for years to come.", "title": "Pure Prairie League" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.34, "text": "Vince Gill Vincent Grant Gill (born April 12, 1957) is an American country singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. He has achieved commercial success and fame both as frontman to the country rock band Pure Prairie League in the 1970s and as a solo artist beginning in 1983, where his talents as a vocalist and musician have placed him in high demand as a guest vocalist and a duet partner. He has recorded more than 20 studio albums, charted over 40 singles on the U.S. \"\"Billboard\"\" charts as Hot Country Songs, and has sold more than 26 million albums. He has been", "title": "Vince Gill" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.3, "text": "ultimately went bankrupt and was sold to Polygram Records. Polygram then dropped most of Casablanca's roster, including Pure Prairie League. Both Gill and Wilson left in early 1982 and Gill pursued a successful solo country career. Despite the lack of a recording contract, the group still found itself in demand as a live act and played in clubs and at outdoor festivals. Tim Goshorn returned in 1982 and Mike Hamilton (vocals, guitars, from Kenny Loggins' band) also joined the same year and was there for 6 months (until mid-1982). Al Garth (vocals, woodwinds, fiddle, keyboards), another Loggins alumnus (Loggins &", "title": "Pure Prairie League" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.23, "text": "Mick Ronson, of David Bowie and Mott the Hoople fame, added string arrangements to several tracks, most notably \"\"Boulder Skies\"\" and \"\"Call Me Tell Me\"\". Michael Reilly, who would become the longtime bass player and front man for the band, joined in early September 1972, soon after the record was completed. \"\"Bustin' Out\"\" was released in October 1972. Shortly afterward, the group returned to Ohio and Fuller had to face trial for charges of draft evasion in Kentucky. Before conscientious objector (C.O.) status could be arranged, he was sentenced to six months in jail and forced to leave Pure Prairie", "title": "Pure Prairie League" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.22, "text": "at this time was trying to play down its reputation as primarily a disco label, signed Pure Prairie League and other non-dance acts to its roster in 1980. In January, guitarist Jeff Wilson came in to replace Bolin and the band's next release, \"\"Firin' Up\"\" (February 1980) spawned the hits \"\"Let Me Love You Tonight\"\" and \"\"I'm Almost Ready\"\", both sung by Gill, with saxophone accompaniment by David Sanborn. A second Casablanca release, \"\"Something in the Night\"\" (February 1981), kept Pure Prairie League on the charts with \"\"Still Right Here in My Heart\"\". However, as fate would have it, Casablanca", "title": "Pure Prairie League" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.2, "text": "2012. On February 10, 2012, at The Syndicate in Newport, Kentucky, Fuller, his son Patrick, Tommy McGrail, and George Ed Powell (a frequent guest at their Ohio shows in recent years) took to the stage to join the current Pure Prairie League lineup of John David Call, Mike Reilly, Rick Schell and Donnie Lee Clark. In May 2012 Scott Thompson (vocals, drums, percussion) replaced Rick Schell, who departed to continue to grow his real estate business. Former member Tim Goshorn passed away on April 15, 2017 at age 62 at his home in Williamstown, Kentucky after a bout with cancer.", "title": "Pure Prairie League" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.09, "text": "solid Pure Prairie League lineup was Fuller, McGrail, George Ed Powell (a popular Cincinnati folk singer), Phil Stokes (bassist in Columbus bands Sanhedrin Move and J.D Blackfoot) and Robin Suskind (a popular guitar teacher in the University of Cincinnati neighborhood) on guitar and mandola, with John David Call joining the band later that year. Call's steel guitar added country credibility to the band's playlist and sparked guitar duels with Fuller that created the signature sound of the band. They rose to popularity in the fall of 1970 as the house band at New Dilly's Pub in the Mt. Adams section", "title": "Pure Prairie League" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20, "text": "Let Me Love You Tonight \"\"Let Me Love You Tonight\"\" is a 1980 song by the American pop and country rock band Pure Prairie League. Taken as the first single from their 1980 album, \"\"Firin' Up\"\", \"\"Let Me Love You Tonight\"\" became the band's first (and, to date, only) song to enter the top 10 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 chart, where it peaked at number 10 during the summer of 1980, and remained in the Top 40 for 11 weeks. The song also spent three weeks at number one on the \"\"Billboard\"\" adult contemporary chart. The lead vocalist for", "title": "Let Me Love You Tonight" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.91, "text": "Craig Fuller Craig Lee Fuller (born July 18, 1949) is an American musician and songwriter. Co-founder of Pure Prairie League, along with John David Call and George Powell. Fuller departed in 1973 after their second album, \"\"Bustin' Out\"\", due to draft board problems. He returned to the music business in 1976 for two LPs with American Flyer. After American Flyer dissolved, Fuller returned to record one LP with former Flyer member Eric Kaz. In 1987 Fuller was hired by Little Feat to front the band, who had long ago noticed an uncanny resemblance in his voice to that of their", "title": "Craig Fuller" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.86, "text": "\"\"Live, Takin' the Stage\"\" (September 1977) all made the Top 40. In 1977 Call left because of increasing back troubles. Larry Goshorn's brother, Tim, joined in time to record \"\"Just Fly\"\" (March 1978). In 1978 there was a mass exodus as the Goshorns left to form their own group, The Goshorn Brothers, and Powell, the last remaining original member, retired from the road to run his pig farm in Ohio. But the group soldiered on as Reilly quickly brought in temporary members, California country rocker Chris Peterson (vocals, guitar) and the group's soundman, Jeff Redefer (guitar), to play a few", "title": "Pure Prairie League" } ]
who did the cubs play in the nlcs last year?
[ "Los Angeles Dodgers" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.73, "text": "happen again in the 2017 NLCS, with the Dodgers winning four games to one. The Cubs won the regular season series 4 games to 3. Chicago won three of the four games played at Wrigley Field from May 30 to June 2, while Los Angeles took two out of three games played at Dodger Stadium from August 26 to 28. With the Cubs' and Dodgers' appearances, the winning team was guaranteed to end a pennant drought of at least 28 years. The last time an NLCS had two teams that had pennant droughts of more than 25 years was 1989,", "title": "2016 National League Championship Series" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.64, "text": "against Pittsburgh, just as they had in 1984. The team charged into the playoffs, knocking off Greg Maddux and Atlanta in 5 games in the NLDS, the club's first post-season series win since 1908, and moved on to face Lowell and the eventual champion Florida Marlins in the NLCS. After dropping game one, the Cubs proceeded to take a 3 games to 1 lead and it appeared the North Siders would reach the World Series at last. Marlins pitcher Josh Beckett shut out the Cubs in Game 5, but most fans thought this a blessing, as with pocket aces Prior", "title": "History of the Chicago Cubs" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.61, "text": "ever postseason clinch at Wrigley Field. The Cubs played the Mets in the NLCS, but lost in four games. After the season, Maddon won the National League Manager of the Year Award. Maddon's young Cubs team entered the 2016 season as the bookmakers' favorite to win the World Series. They started the season on a tear, taking over first place in the NL Central on April 11, a lead they never relinquished. By May 10, the Cubs had a record of 25-6 (0.806 win percentage) with a commanding 8.5 game lead in their division. The team would go on to", "title": "Joe Maddon" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.56, "text": "they did meet in a Wild Card tiebreaker in 1998 where the Cubs advanced, beating the Giants 5–3. The Cubs won the Division Series three games to one and advanced to the NLCS for the second consecutive year. The Cubs began postseason play with starter Jon Lester on the mound facing Johnny Cueto for the Wild Card Game-winning Giants. In the pitching duel, Lester scattered five hits in eight innings of work, shutting out the Giants. Cueto also blanked the Cubs allowing only two hits until the eighth inning, when Javier Baez's home run into the left-field basket put the", "title": "2016 National League Division Series" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.55, "text": "Even numbered years the NL had home field advantage. In the 1982 World Series the St. Louis Cardinals of the NL had home field advantage. In the 1983 World Series the Baltimore Orioles of the AL had home field advantage. In the NLCS, the Cubs easily won the first two games at Wrigley Field against the San Diego Padres. The Padres were the winners of the Western Division with Steve Garvey, Tony Gwynn, Eric Show, Goose Gossage and Alan Wiggins. With wins of 13–0 and 4–2, the Cubs needed to win only one game of the next three in San", "title": "Chicago Cubs" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.31, "text": "Kyle Farnsworth. The Cubs cruised to an 8–3 victory, putting them just one victory away from their first World Series in nearly 60 years. This 2003 victory turned out to be the last playoff game won by the Cubs for twelve years, a span of 9 consecutive losses until finally winning the National League Wild Card Game in 2015, as well as their last win in the NLCS until 2016. Sunday, October 12, 2003 at Pro Player Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida With the Marlins facing elimination, Josh Beckett kept them alive by dominating the Cubs, holding them to just", "title": "2003 National League Championship Series" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.3, "text": "they also won 97 games. Despite their record, the Cubs only received the second Wild Card bid and had to travel to play the Pittsburgh Pirates in the 2015 National League Wild Card Game, where they won 4–0. They then advanced to the NLCS by defeating the St. Louis Cardinals 3 games to 1 in the NLDS. This was the first time the Cubs won a postseason series at Wrigley Field. It is their first appearance in the NLCS since 2003 and their fourth appearance overall. It also snapped the Cardinals' NLCS appearance streak at four; they had appeared in", "title": "2015 National League Championship Series" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.28, "text": "MVP Sammy Sosa, the Cubs won the Wild Card after winning a tiebreaker game vs the Giants. However, they were swept in the National League Division Series by the Atlanta Braves. On October 14, 2003, in the eighth inning of Game 6 of the NLCS, with Chicago ahead 3–0 and holding a three games to two lead in the best of seven series, several spectators attempted to catch a foul ball off the bat of Marlins second baseman Luis Castillo. One of the fans, Steve Bartman, reached for the ball, deflecting it and disrupting a potential catch by Cubs outfielder", "title": "Curse of the Billy Goat" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.23, "text": "August 30, Jake Arrieta threw a no hitter against the Los Angeles Dodgers. The Cubs finished the 2015 season in third place in the NL Central, with a record of 97–65, the third best record in the majors and earned a wild card berth. On October 7, in the 2015 National League Wild Card Game, Arrieta pitched a complete game shutout and the Cubs defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates 4–0. The Cubs defeated the Cardinals in the NLDS three-games-to-one, qualifying for a return to the NLCS for the first time in 12 years, where they faced the New York Mets. This", "title": "Chicago Cubs" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.2, "text": "winner, the rival St. Louis Cardinals (100–62). As a result, they qualified for the second wild card spot for the 2015 postseason and defeated the Pirates in the 2015 National League Wild Card Game and faced the Cardinals in the Division Series. The Cubs defeated St. Louis in four games and advanced to play the New York Mets in the National League Championship Series. It was the Cubs' first appearance in the NLCS since 2003. However, they were swept in four games and were unable to make it to their first World Series since 1945, which they would do the", "title": "2015 Chicago Cubs season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.06, "text": "first full season with night baseball at Wrigley Field, Don Zimmer's Cubs were led by a core group of veterans in Ryne Sandberg, Rick Sutcliffe and Andre Dawson, who were boosted by a crop of youngsters such as Mark Grace, Shawon Dunston, Greg Maddux, Rookie of the Year Jerome Walton, and Rookie of the Year Runner-Up Dwight Smith. The Cubs won the NL East once again that season winning 93 games. This time the Cubs met the San Francisco Giants in the NLCS. After splitting the first two games at home, the Cubs headed to the Bay Area, where despite", "title": "Chicago Cubs" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.03, "text": "Diamondbacks and Los Angeles Dodgers respectively. In 2015, the Cubs finished second in the National League Wild Card race and defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates in the Wild Card Game and the St. Louis Cardinals in the NLDS to advance to the NLCS against the New York Mets. However, the Cubs batted an NLCS record low of .164 and lost the series in a 4-game sweep. (The Cubs thus became the first team ever to get swept in a playoff series by a team they swept in their regular season series.) Sianis's goat was named Murphy. In the 2015 National League", "title": "Curse of the Billy Goat" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.97, "text": "to advance to the NLCS for the third consecutive year. For the second consecutive year, they faced the Dodgers. This time, however, the Dodgers defeated the Cubs in five games. Prior to the 2018 season, the Cubs made several key free agent signings to bolster their pitching staff. The team signed starting pitcher Yu Darvish to a six-year, $126 million contract and veteran closer Brandon Morrow to two-year, $21-million contract, in addition to Tyler Chatwood and Steve Cishek. However, the Cubs struggled to stay healthy throughout the season. Anthony Rizzo missed much of April due to a back injury, and", "title": "Chicago Cubs" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.84, "text": "in Pittsburgh. During the 2016 Chicago Cubs season, Bartman received renewed media attention as the Cubs progressed through the playoffs. In mid-October 2016, at the time the Chicago Cubs were playing in the 2016 NLCS, the \"\"Chicago Sun-Times\"\" reached out to Bartman's attorney and spokesman, Frank Murtha. As is usual, Bartman through Murtha declined an interview. On Saturday, October 22, 2016, the Cubs were again at home with a 3–2 lead in Game 6 of an NLCS, similar to the 2003 NLCS game. The Cubs ended up winning that game and moving onto the 2016 World Series. After winning the", "title": "Steve Bartman incident" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.77, "text": "ERA and 25 saves). In the 1984 NLCS, the Padres faced the NL East champion Chicago Cubs, who were making their first post-season appearance since 1945 and featured NL Most Valuable Player Ryne Sandberg and Cy Young Award winner Rick Sutcliffe. The Cubs would win the first two games at Wrigley Field, and were less than two innings away from a series sweep when their luck changed. The Padres swept the final three games at then San Diego Jack Murphy Stadium (the highlight arguably being Steve Garvey's dramatic, game-winning home run off of Lee Smith in Game 4) to win", "title": "History of the San Diego Padres" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.77, "text": "game, they disposed of the Cardinals in the NLDS in four games (3-1); however, they later lost to the New York Mets in the NLCS (Mets 4- Cubs 0). In 2016, the tide really turned in a positive direction for the Chicago Cubs. They won the NL Central Division crown with a record of 103-58 which was 17.5 games ahead of the second place Cardinals (86-76). The Cubs then defeated the San Francisco Giants in the NLDS (3-1) followed by the Los Angeles Dodgers in the NLCS (4-2) to win the NL pennant for the first time since 1945. In", "title": "History of the Chicago Cubs" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.75, "text": "where protagonist Marty McFly traveled to the future in the film. However, it was on October 21 that the Cubs were swept by the New York Mets in the NLCS. The 1993 film \"\"Rookie of the Year\"\", directed by Daniel Stern, centers on the Cubs as a team going nowhere into August when the team chances upon 12-year-old Cubs fan Henry Rowengartner (Thomas Ian Nicholas), whose right (throwing) arm tendons have healed tightly after a broken arm and granted him the ability to regularly pitch at speeds in excess of . Following the Cubs' win over the Cleveland Indians in", "title": "Chicago Cubs" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.75, "text": "and in 1938. On September 9, 1969, at Shea Stadium, the Cubs played the New York Mets in a critical pennant race game. A stray black cat walked between Cubs captain Ron Santo, who was on deck, and the Cubs dugout. The Mets would pull ahead of the Cubs in that series and eventually win both the newly formed NL East and the 1969 World Series. In 1984, the Cubs’ postseason appearance was dashed by the San Diego Padres. The Cubs were victorious in the first two games of the best-of-five series. However, in game five, first baseman Leon Durham", "title": "Curse of the Billy Goat" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.7, "text": "a Division Series, with Dennis Eckersley and Mark Wohlers having accomplished the feat both in the 1996 National League Division Series. This was the Nationals' fourth postseason series loss in six years, while the Cubs advanced to the NLCS for the third consecutive year. Fourteen pitchers were used in the game. The game lasted four hours and thirty-seven minutes, the longest 9-inning postseason game in major league history, beating the record set in last year's postseason, which was also a Game 5 between the Dodgers and Nationals, which the Dodgers won 4–3. 2017 NLDS (3–2): Chicago Cubs defeated Washington Nationals.", "title": "2017 National League Division Series" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.66, "text": "1984 National League Championship Series The 1984 National League Championship Series was played between the San Diego Padres and the Chicago Cubs from October 2 to 7. San Diego won the series three games to two to advance to the World Series. The 1984 NLCS was the first postseason series ever for the Padres since the franchise's beginning in 1969, and the first appearance by the Cubs in postseason play since the 1945 World Series. The series took a disastrous turn for Chicago after a promising start, which contributed to the popular mythology of the \"\"Curse of the Billy Goat.\"\"", "title": "1984 National League Championship Series" } ]
what impact did shays rebellion have on the country?
[ "shape of the new government" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.44, "text": "to 168. Historians are divided on the impact the rebellion had on the ratification debates. Robert Feer notes that major Federalist pamphleteers rarely mentioned it, and that some anti-Federalists used the fact that Massachusetts survived the rebellion as evidence that a new constitution was unnecessary. Leonard Richards counters that publications like the \"\"Pennsylvania Gazette\"\" explicitly tied anti-Federalist opinion to the rebel cause, calling opponents of the new constitution \"\"Shaysites\"\" and the Federalists \"\"Washingtonians\"\". David Szatmary argues that debate in some states was affected, particularly in Massachusetts, where the rebellion had a polarizing effect. Richards records Henry Jackson's observation that opposition", "title": "Shays' Rebellion" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.31, "text": "its weaponry and overthrow the government. The federal government found itself unable to finance troops to put down the rebellion, and it was consequently put down by the Massachusetts State militia and a privately funded local militia. The widely held view was that the Articles of Confederation needed to be reformed as the country's governing document, and the events of the rebellion served as a catalyst for the Constitutional Convention and the creation of the new government. The shock of Shays' Rebellion drew retired General George Washington back into public life, leading to his two terms as the United States'", "title": "Shays' Rebellion" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.14, "text": "\"\"country party\"\" gained control of the legislature in 1786 and enacted measures forcing its merchants to trade debt instruments for devalued currency. Boston's merchants were concerned by this, especially Bowdoin who held more than £3,000 in Massachusetts notes. Daniel Shays had participated in the Northampton action and began to take a more active role in the uprising in November, though he firmly denied that he was one of its leaders. The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts indicted 11 leaders of the rebellion as \"\"disorderly, riotous, and seditious persons\"\". The court was scheduled to meet next in Springfield, Massachusetts on September", "title": "Shays' Rebellion" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.05, "text": "met in Philadelphia was dominated by strong-government advocates. Delegate Oliver Ellsworth of Connecticut argued that because the people could not be trusted (as exemplified by Shays' Rebellion), the members of the federal House of Representatives should be chosen by state legislatures, not by popular vote. The example of Shays' Rebellion may also have been influential in the addition of language to the constitution concerning the ability of states to manage domestic violence, and their ability to demand the return of individuals from other states for trial. The rebellion also played a role in the discussion of a number of the", "title": "Shays' Rebellion" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23, "text": "died poor and obscure in 1825. The crushing of the rebellion and the harsh terms of reconciliation imposed by the Disqualification Act all worked against Governor Bowdoin politically. He received few votes from the rural parts of the state and was trounced by John Hancock in the gubernatorial election of 1787. The military victory was tempered by tax changes in subsequent years. The legislature cut taxes and placed a moratorium on debts and also refocused state spending away from interest payments, resulting in a 30-percent decline in the value of Massachusetts securities as those payments fell in arrears. Vermont was", "title": "Shays' Rebellion" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.72, "text": "merchants passed on this demand to their customers, although Governor John Hancock did not impose hard currency demands on poorer borrowers and refused to actively prosecute the collection of delinquent taxes. The rural farming population was generally unable to meet the demands of merchants and the civil authorities, and some began to lose their land and other possessions when they were unable to fulfill their debt and tax obligations. This led to strong resentments against tax collectors and the courts, where creditors obtained judgments against debtors, and where tax collectors obtained judgments authorizing property seizures. A farmer identified as \"\"Plough", "title": "Shays' Rebellion" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.7, "text": "an unrecognized independent republic that had been seeking independent statehood from New York's claims to the territory. It became an unexpected beneficiary of the rebellion due to sheltering the rebel ringleaders. Alexander Hamilton broke from other New Yorkers, including major landowners with claims on Vermont territory, calling for the state to recognize and support Vermont's bid for admission to the union. He cited Vermont's de facto independence and its ability to cause trouble by providing support to the discontented from neighboring states, and he introduced legislation that broke the impasse between New York and Vermont. Vermonters responded favorably to the", "title": "Shays' Rebellion" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.64, "text": "country's leaders would continue to use in the future. Chapter 5, \"\"A Kind of Revolution\"\" covers the war and resistance to participating in war, the effects on the Native American people, and the continued inequalities in the new United States. When the land of veterans of the Revolutionary War was seized for non-payment of taxes, it led to instances of resistance to the government, as in the case of Shays' Rebellion. Zinn wrote that \"\"governments - including the government of the United States - are not neutral ... they represent the dominant economic interests, and ... their constitutions are intended", "title": "A People's History of the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.55, "text": "disturbances and the inability of the central government to fund troops in response made \"\"the inefficiency of the Federal government more and more manifest\"\". Henry Knox observed that the uprising in Massachusetts clearly influenced local leaders who had previously opposed a strong federal government. Historian David Szatmary writes that the timing of the rebellion \"\"convinced the elites of sovereign states that the proposed gathering at Philadelphia must take place\"\". Some states delayed choosing delegates to the proposed convention, including Massachusetts, in part because it resembled the \"\"extra-legal\"\" conventions organized by the protestors before the rebellion became violent. The convention that", "title": "Shays' Rebellion" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.47, "text": "first president. There is still debate among scholars concerning the rebellion's influence on the Constitution and its ratification. The economy during the American Revolutionary War was largely subsistence agriculture in the rural parts of New England, particularly in the hill towns of central and western Massachusetts. Some residents in these areas had few assets beyond their land, and they bartered with one another for goods and services. In lean times, farmers might obtain goods on credit from suppliers in local market towns who would be paid when times were better. Conversely, there was a market economy in the more economically", "title": "Shays' Rebellion" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.3, "text": "to physically prevent tax collectors from doing their work. A second, larger-scale protest took place in Uxbridge, Massachusetts on the Rhode Island border on February 3, 1783 when a mob seized property that had been confiscated by a constable and returned it to its owners. Governor Hancock ordered the sheriff to suppress these actions. Most rural communities attempted to use the legislative process to gain relief. Petitions and proposals were repeatedly submitted to the state legislature to issue paper currency, which would depreciate the currency and make it possible to pay a high-value debt with lower-valued paper. The merchants were", "title": "Shays' Rebellion" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.27, "text": "lawyers. Veterans had received little pay during the war and faced added difficulty collecting pay owed to them from the State or the Congress of the Confederation, and some soldiers began to organize protests against these oppressive economic conditions. In 1780, Daniel Shays resigned from the army unpaid and went home to find himself in court for non-payment of debts. He soon realized that he was not alone in his inability to pay his debts and began organizing for debt relief. One early protest against the government was led by Job Shattuck of Groton, Massachusetts in 1782, who organized residents", "title": "Shays' Rebellion" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.27, "text": "flee. This confrontation proved decisive, as Shays' Rebellion was crushed soon thereafter, and some of its participants tried for treason. Shays' Rebellion directly influenced the delegates at the 1787 Constitutional Convention. Washington citing it as his reason for coming out of retirement. During the debates over the U.S. Constitution, in encouraging a stronger Federal government, James Madison cautioned the attendees that \"\"the rebellion in Massachusetts is a warning, gentlemen.\"\" In 1793, the National Arsenal contained brass ordnance, howitzers, traveling carriages, shot strapt, canisters filled, quilted grape, iron shot, shells, powder, musket ball, cylinders, caps, paper cartridges, fuzes filled, muskets, swords,", "title": "Springfield Armory" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.23, "text": "overture, publicly pushing Eli Parsons and Luke Day out of the state (but quietly continuing to support others). Vermont became the fourteenth state after negotiations with New York and the passage of the new constitution. Thomas Jefferson was serving as ambassador to France at the time and refused to be alarmed by Shays' Rebellion. He argued in a letter to James Madison on January 30, 1787 that occasional rebellion serves to preserve freedoms. \"\"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.\"\" In contrast, George Washington", "title": "Shays' Rebellion" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.19, "text": "Shays' Rebellion Shays Rebellion was an armed uprising in Massachusetts, mostly in and around Springfield during 1786 and 1787. American Revolutionary War veteran Daniel Shays led four thousand rebels (called Shaysites) in a protest against perceived economic and civil rights injustices. Shays was a farmhand from Massachusetts at the beginning of the Revolutionary War; he joined the Continental Army, saw action at the Battles of Lexington and Concord, Battle of Bunker Hill, and Battles of Saratoga, and was eventually wounded in action. In 1787, Shays' rebels marched on the United States' Armory at Springfield in an unsuccessful attempt to seize", "title": "Shays' Rebellion" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.17, "text": "of Confederation were apparent to many. A vigorous debate was going on throughout the states on the need for a stronger central government, with Federalists arguing for the idea, and Anti-Federalists opposing them. Historical opinion is divided on what sort of role the rebellion played in the formation and later ratification of the United States Constitution, although most scholars agree that it played some role, at least temporarily drawing some anti-Federalists to the strong government side. By early 1785, many influential merchants and political leaders were already agreed that a stronger central government was needed. Shortly after Shay's rebellion broke", "title": "Shays' Rebellion" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.86, "text": "the Province of Quebec who reportedly promised assistance in the form of Mohawk warriors led by Joseph Brant. Dorchester's proposal was vetoed in London, however, and no assistance came to the rebels. The same day that Lincoln arrived at Petersham, the state legislature passed bills authorizing a state of martial law and giving the governor broad powers to act against the rebels. The bills also authorized state payments to reimburse Lincoln and the merchants who had funded the army, and authorized the recruitment of additional militia. On February 12, the legislature passed the Disqualification Act to prevent a legislative response", "title": "Shays' Rebellion" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.83, "text": "to protestors willing to take an oath of allegiance. These legislative actions were unsuccessful in quelling the protests, and the suspension of \"\"habeas corpus\"\" alarmed many. Warrants were issued for the arrest of several of the protest ringleaders, and a posse of some 300 men rode to Groton on November 28 to arrest Job Shattuck and other rebel leaders in the area. Shattuck was chased down and arrested on the 30th and was wounded by a sword slash in the process. This action and the arrest of other protest leaders in the eastern parts of the state angered those in", "title": "Shays' Rebellion" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.81, "text": "by rebel sympathizers. This bill forbade any acknowledged rebels from holding a variety of elected and appointed offices. Most of Lincoln's army melted away in late February as enlistments expired, and he commanded only 30 men at a base in Pittsfield by the end of the month. In the meantime, some 120 rebels had regrouped in New Lebanon, New York, and they crossed the border on February 27, marching first on Stockbridge, Massachusetts, a major market town in the southwestern corner of the state. They raided the shops of merchants and the homes of merchants and local professionals. This came", "title": "Shays' Rebellion" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.72, "text": "1787, Lincoln helped put an end to an uprising of farmers known as Shays' Rebellion. The uprising, one of whose consequences was increased calls for a stronger central U.S. government, ended when Lincoln's militia attacked the rebels and forced them to surrender in February. Lincoln was one of only 10 men who received electoral votes during the first election for President and Vice President of the United States, receiving the vote of an unrecorded elector from the State of Georgia. Lincoln also served as one of the first trustees of Derby Academy, founded in Hingham by Sarah Hersey Derby, widow", "title": "Benjamin Lincoln" } ]
who made the most three point shots in the nba?
[ "Ray Allen" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.31, "text": "leading scorers for the Magic. In 1995–96 Scott set an NBA single-season three-point field goal tally with 267 (which was broken ten years later by Ray Allen). He also set the NBA record for most three pointers made in a single game with 11 on April 18, 1996. On his record breaking shot the assist came from teammate and the holder of the record, Brian Shaw (he made 10 three pointers on April 8, 1993). This record has also since been broken by Kobe Bryant who made 12 three pointers on January 7, 2003, Donyell Marshall who made 12 three", "title": "Dennis Scott (basketball)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.31, "text": "in June 1979, the NBA adopted the three-point line for a one-year trial for the despite the view of many that it was a gimmick. Chris Ford of the Boston Celtics is widely credited with making the first three-point shot in NBA history on October 12, 1979; the season opener at Boston Garden was more noted for the debut of Larry Bird (and two new Rick Barry of the Houston Rockets, in his final season, also made one in the same game, and Kevin Grevey of the Washington Bullets made one that Friday night The sport's international governing body, FIBA,", "title": "Three-point field goal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.06, "text": "most 3-point attempts in a season. In his NBA career, McCloud played in 766 games and scored a total of 6,925 points. McCloud was a productive three point shooter throughout his career. At NBA All-Star Weekend in 1996, he appeared in the Three-point Shootout but lost in the semifinal round. McCloud has the second-highest total for three-point attempts in an NBA game, with 20 (making seven of them) in a game for the Dallas Mavericks against the New Jersey Nets on March 5, 1996. George McCloud George Aaron McCloud (born May 27, 1967) is an American retired professional basketball player.", "title": "George McCloud" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.02, "text": "record of 183 in the 2005–06 season. On April 13, 2011, he became the first player in NBA history to have scored more points in his seventh season than all of his first six combined in a win against the Portland Trail Blazers. He also ended the season with the most three-point shots made in the 2010–11 season with 194, as well as the most three-point field goals attempted with 516, both of which set Warriors franchise records. The records were surpassed by Stephen Curry in the 2012–13 season, when Curry set the NBA record for three-point field goals made.", "title": "Dorell Wright" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.92, "text": "off the bench. On January 9, 2010, Gordon scored the 10 millionth point in NBA history. After the season, Gordon had surgery on his left ankle. On March 22, 2012, Gordon again tied the NBA record for most three–point shots made without a miss with 9. He scored 45 points to help bring Detroit back from a 25–point deficit, though they still lost to the Denver Nuggets 116–115. On June 26, 2012, Gordon and a future first round pick were traded to the Charlotte Bobcats in a deal that sent Corey Maggette to the Pistons. On November 28, 2012, Gordon", "title": "Ben Gordon" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.89, "text": "goal percentage. Andre Miller may have attempted over his career the most half court shots of any player. During his first 13 seasons in the NBA, Miller went 3-for-102 from beyond half court. Jason Williams and Andre Miller each attempted 12 half court shots in 2001. Take the half court misses away and Miller’s three-point percentage goes from roughly 26 to 32%. The record for most half-court shots made in a single NBA season - by all NBA players combined - was set in the 2014 season at 13. The longest successful shot in NBA history was by Baron Davis", "title": "Half court" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.69, "text": "scored 18 points to reach the 20,000 point total for his career. On June 6, 2010, in Game 2 of the 2010 NBA Finals in a 103–94 victory against the Los Angeles Lakers, Allen set a then record for most three-pointers made in an NBA Finals game on 8–11 shooting to tie the series 1–1. He broke Michael Jordan's record of six three-pointers in one half by hitting seven in the first half and had tied Scottie Pippen and Kenny Smith's record for most three-pointers in one game in the NBA Finals by half time. Allen also became the first", "title": "Ray Allen" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.66, "text": "7–9 from three-point range, including the one to set a Finals record for most three-pointers in a game by a team. He notched 27 total points in the Spurs' blowout 113–77 victory as the team took a 2–1 series lead in the process. On June 16 in Game 5, Green made six three pointers for a total of 25 in the series to that point, breaking the record for an NBA Finals series previously held by Ray Allen, who made 22 in six games with the Boston Celtics in 2008. By the end of the series, Green had made 27", "title": "Danny Green (basketball)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.55, "text": "the third. During that run, LeBron James made a highlight-reel block on a dunk attempt by Tiago Splitter early in the fourth quarter. The Heat also made 10 out of 19 three-point shots, and five players had double-digit scoring games: James (17), Mario Chalmers (19), Ray Allen (13), Chris Bosh (12) and Dwyane Wade (10). San Antonio bounced back in Game 3, setting the Finals record for most three-pointers in a game (16), and giving the Heat their worst loss in franchise playoff history. The Spurs ensured the game was a blowout by outscoring Miami 35–14 in the fourth quarter", "title": "2013 NBA Finals" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.44, "text": "leave the team, due to limited playing opportunities. Kapono reportedly retired in May 2014. However, on October 4, 2014, he signed with the Golden State Warriors. He was later waived by the Warriors on October 24, 2014 after appearing in five preseason games. At one point, Kapono was the most accurate three-point shooter in NBA history. On November 25, 2007, he made his 250th three-point shot, qualifying him for the NBA record in 3-point shooting accuracy. He immediately moved into first place with a .461 ratio of 3-point shots made to shots attempted, moving ahead of Steve Kerr, who had", "title": "Jason Kapono" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.16, "text": "Other highlights of the 2014-2015 season included Stephen Curry breaking his own record for three-pointers made in a single season with 286. He and Klay Thompson made a combined 525 three-pointers, the most by a duo in NBA history. In the postseason, Curry shattered Reggie Miller's record of 58 made three-pointers in a single postseason with 98. On January 23, 2015, Klay Thompson broke an NBA record for points in a quarter with 37 in the third. Curry was also the leader in the voting polls for the 2015 NBA All-Star Game, won the 2014–15 NBA Most Valuable Player award", "title": "Golden State Warriors" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.11, "text": "the Cleveland Cavaliers with the 46th overall pick in the 2009 NBA draft. During the 2013 NBA Finals, Green set an NBA record for most three-point field goals made in a Finals series. He then won an NBA championship with the San Antonio Spurs the following season, and became just the third player from UNC to win an NCAA championship and an NBA championship, the two others being James Worthy and Michael Jordan. Known for his perimeter defense and three-point shooting, Green has been a key contributor on both ends on the floor throughout his NBA career, having been selected", "title": "Danny Green (basketball)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.11, "text": "comeback wins in which the Warriors had been behind by 15 or more points. Curry also made his first appearance in the All-Star Game in 2014. Curry and Klay Thompson continued to set league records in three-point shooting. Curry, who finished the season with 261 threes, set an individual record for most three-pointers in a span of two seasons with 533, surpassing the previous mark of 478 set by Seattle Supersonic Ray Allen in 2004–05 and 2005–06. Together, Thompson and Curry combined for 484 threes on the year, besting by one the NBA record they had set the year before.", "title": "Golden State Warriors" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.09, "text": "Celtics became the second team to reach 3,000 victories, Paul Pierce became the third Celtic to score 20,000 points after Larry Bird and John Havlicek, and Ray Allen broke the NBA record for most three-pointers made in a career. The 2011 NBA Playoffs started with the Celtics sweeping the New York Knicks 4–0 in the opening round, but in the second round they were ousted by eventual Eastern champions Miami Heat in five games. Shaquille O'Neal, limited to 12 minutes in two games of the second round, retired at the end of the season. At the 2011 NBA draft, the", "title": "Boston Celtics" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.02, "text": "the NBA NBA All-Rookie First Team. On January 29, 2013, Thompson scored a season-high 32 points against the Cleveland Cavaliers. Warriors coach Mark Jackson said that Thompson and Stephen Curry formed the best shooting duo in NBA history. That season, the two combined made 483 three-pointers, the most ever by an NBA duo. The Warriors defeated the Denver Nuggets in the first round of the playoffs and would be matched up against the San Antonio Spurs. On May 8, 2013, Thompson recorded a playoff career-high 34 points against San Antonio, hitting 8 out of 9 three point attempts, along with", "title": "Klay Thompson" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.02, "text": "in the final seconds. On June 14, 1990, Johnson made a 15-footer in the last second, beating Portland 92–90 in Game 5 of the Finals, thus giving Detroit the World Championship. Bill Laimbeer tied Michael Cooper for the league record of most three-pointers made in a Finals game with six in the Pistons' Game 2 loss. Michael Jordan would later tie that in the 1992 NBA Finals, and Dan Majerle in the 1993 NBA Finals. Kenny Smith broke the record in the 1995 NBA Finals by connecting on seven three-pointers, a mark later tied by Scottie Pippen and Ray Allen", "title": "1990 NBA Finals" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.91, "text": "Curry breaking his own record for three-pointers made in a single season with 286. He and Klay Thompson made a combined 525 three-pointers, the most by a duo in NBA history. In the postseason, Curry shattered Reggie Miller's record of 58 made three-pointers in a single postseason with 98. On January 23, 2015, Klay Thompson broke an NBA record for points in a quarter with 37 in the third. Curry was also the leader in the voting polls for the 2015 NBA All-Star Game, won the 2014–15 NBA Most Valuable Player award and the 2015 ESPYs Best Male Athlete award.", "title": "History of the Golden State Warriors" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.88, "text": "averaged 10.9 points per game and made 88.6% of his free throws while playing an average of 25.8 minutes per game. On April 25, 2013, while playing Milwaukee in Game 3 of the first round of the playoffs, Allen made his 322nd career three-pointer in the playoffs, which broke Reggie Miller's record for most three-pointers made in NBA playoff history. Allen returned to his favorite #34 jersey upon joining the Heat. In Game 6 of the NBA Finals against the San Antonio Spurs, as the Heat trailed by three points, Allen made a game-tying 3-pointer with 5.2 seconds left in", "title": "Ray Allen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.86, "text": "in 2014. This was the 12th playoff meeting between these two teams, with the Celtics winning ten of the first eleven meetings. In Game 2, the Cavaliers made history by hitting 18 three-pointers in the first half and 25 overall to break the record for most three-point field goals made by a team in a game. During Game 3's final minute, Jeff Teague pushed LeBron James really hard into a Hawks fan. He would later claim that he was still OK. In Game 4, both teams were locked in battle until in the final seconds, a jump ball was called", "title": "2016 NBA Playoffs" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.84, "text": "Oklahoma City Thunder. He recorded the fourth highest 3-point percentage in NBA history (.375) for a player under the age of 21 (min. of 150 attempts) during the 2009–10 season. He connected on seven straight 3-point field goals over two games (November 18 and November 20), recording the most consecutive 3-point makes by a rookie since Houston guard Michael Dickerson made eight straight in May 1999. He posted a season-high 26 points against the Golden State Warriors on December 7, 2009. He was subsequently named to the NBA All-Rookie Second Team. During the 2010–11 season, he scored 10-plus points on", "title": "James Harden" } ]
who played grace gardner on hill street blues?
[ "Barbara Babcock" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.64, "text": "Barbara Babcock Barbara Babcock (born February 27, 1937) is an American character actress. She is perhaps best known for her role as Grace Gardner on \"\"Hill Street Blues\"\", for which she won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress—Drama Series in 1981, and her role as Dorothy Jennings on \"\"Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman\"\", for which she was nominated for an Emmy Award in 1993. Although she was born in the United States, Babcock spent a large part of her childhood in Tokyo, Japan, where her father, U.S. Army Gen. Conrad Stanton Babcock, Jr., was stationed. She learned to speak Japanese", "title": "Barbara Babcock" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.55, "text": "Charles Haid Charles Maurice Haid III (born June 2, 1943) is an American actor and film director, with notable work in both movies and television. He is best known for his portrayal of Officer Andy Renko in \"\"Hill Street Blues\"\". Haid was born in San Francisco, California, the son of Grace Marian (née Folger) and Charles Maurice Haid, Jr. He attended Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University), where he met Steven Bochco. He was associate producer of the original stage production of \"\"Godspell\"\" in 1971, which was developed at CMU. Haid's acting credits include the 1976/1977 series \"\"Delvecchio\"\"", "title": "Charles Haid" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.06, "text": "(Anna Grace Barlow), who is revealed to be Grace Gardner's mother who changed her name to Mary Mulligan after the events of 1995 flashback incident, Dan Hildebrand as Detective Baxter, and Daniel Donahue as Detective Chiselhurst, the latter two are the British detectives hired by Chanel to prove Zayday and Grace are the killers. Mommie Dearest was watched live by 2.51 million U.S. viewers and got a 0.9 rating/3 share in the adult 18-49 demographic. This episode received positive reviews from critics. Terri Schwartz from IGN gave Mommie Dearest a 7.0 citing that \"\"Unless there's some big plot turn coming", "title": "Mommie Dearest (Scream Queens)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.81, "text": "Strikes Back\"\" - Nominee<br> 1983: \"\"Hill Street Blues\"\" - David Milch, Jeffrey Lewis, Michael Wagner for \"\"Gung Ho!\"\" - Nominee<br> \"\"'1984: \"\"Hill Street Blues\"\" - Teleplay by Jeffrey Lewis, Michael Wagner, Karen Hall, Mark Frost Story by Steven Bochco, Jeffrey Lewis, David Milch for \"\"Grace Under Pressure\"\"<br> 1984: \"\"Hill Street Blues\"\" - Teleplay by Jeffrey Lewis, Michael Wagner, David Milch, Mark Frost Story by Steven Bochco, Jeffrey Lewis, David Milch for \"\"Parting Is Such Sweep Sorrow\"\" - Nominee<br> 1985: \"\"Hill Street Blues\"\" - Teleplay by David Milch & Roger Director Story by Steven Bochco, Jeffrey Lewis, David Milch for \"\"Watt", "title": "Jeff Lewis (writer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.61, "text": "office. Media attention descends on Wallace University after the murder of a Kappa pledge, Tiffany, so Cathy's job is at risk. This problem increases when Grace's father, Wes Gardner (Oliver Hudson), wants to remove Grace from the school, because he fears that something could happen to her. A seductive Munsch convinces him to keep his daughter at school, but Wes demands to be hired as a professor so that he can keep an eye on her. After Grace breaks into the secret room in basement of the Kappa house, Chanel interrupts her and tells her that the room keeps Kappa's", "title": "Hell Week (Scream Queens)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.48, "text": "of \"\"Hill Street Blues\"\". At age 23, she joined the cast of the ABC television soap opera \"\"All My Children\"\" as Julie Rand Chandler (1986–1989). She portrayed the comic book character Betty Cooper in the TV movie \"\"\"\" in 1990. In 1992, Holly's big break came when she was cast as small-town Deputy Sheriff Maxine Stewart opposite veteran movie actor Tom Skerritt on CBS's \"\"Picket Fences\"\" for four seasons, appearing in every episode except one. She portrayed Linda Lee Cadwell, the wife of martial artist and actor Bruce Lee, in 1993's \"\"\"\". She appeared as Mary Swanson, Lloyd Christmas's love", "title": "Lauren Holly" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.48, "text": "including a then-unknown Sharon Stone, Mykelti Williamson and Dennis Franz. The series from producer Steven Bochco utilized many actors who had appeared on \"\"Hill Street Blues\"\" including Franz, Jurasik, Corley and Rodriguez. After the series' cancellation, Ken Olin joined \"\"Hill Street Blues\"\" cast in the fall of 1984 and Mykelti Williamson appeared in a recurring role. Michael Nouri portrayed Joe Rohner, the Bluebirds' kindly manager. His love interest on the show was played by Kelly Harmon. Scheduled opposite ABC's \"\"Hart to Hart\"\" and CBS's Tuesday Night Movies, \"\"Bay City Blues\"\" drew poor ratings and was pulled from NBC's lineup after", "title": "Bay City Blues" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.44, "text": "on numerous series including \"\"Hill Street Blues\"\", \"\"Moonlighting\"\", \"\"Roseanne\"\" and \"\"Grace Under Fire\"\". Shows for which she wrote individual episodes include \"\"Northern Exposure\"\", \"\"I'll Fly Away\"\", \"\"Judging Amy\"\", and \"\"The Good Wife\"\". Among other recognitions, Hall has received the Humanitas Prize, the Women in Film Luminas Award and the Writers Guild of America Award. She has received seven Emmy Award Nominations. In 1984 she was listed by \"\"Esquire Magazine\"\" in its first annual register, \"\"The Best of the New Generation: Men and Women under 40 Who Are Changing America\"\". Hall is also the author of the novel \"\"Dark Debts\"\", a", "title": "Karen Hall" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.33, "text": "several interwoven story lines. After \"\"Hill Street Blues\"\" ended, Spano won recurring roles in television police shows \"\"Murder One\"\" (1995) and \"\"NYPD Blue\"\" (1993), again as a detective, and has appeared regularly in 27 television movies and 20 television shows like \"\"The X-Files\"\" (episodes Tempus Fugit and Max), \"\"Mercy Point\"\" and \"\"Amazing Grace\"\". Spano won the Emmy award in 1988 for Best Guest Actor in a Drama Series for a role he played in an episode of \"\"Midnight Caller\"\". He has appeared in 27 feature films, including working alongside Tom Hanks in \"\"Apollo 13\"\" and Richard Gere and Edward Norton", "title": "Joe Spano" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.31, "text": "theaters after only one week. After the publication of \"\"Red Baker\"\" it was optioned and Ward wrote a screenplay for it. David Milch read the screenplay and offered Ward a job on \"\"Hill Street Blues\"\". The episode \"\"Oh You Kid\"\" was based on the pitch. Red Baker won the Pen West Award as The Best Novel Published in the United States in 1985. \"\"Grace\"\" is a fictional biography of his grandmother, a Baltimore activist in the Civil Rights Movement. \"\"Four Kinds of Rain\"\" was a 2006 nominee for the Hammett Prize. Ward's next novel, \"\"Total Immunity\"\", came out in 2009.", "title": "Robert Ward (novelist)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.27, "text": "from November 22, 1983 through May 20, 1984, playing 206 performances. The production was directed by Carole Rothman, set design by Heidi Landesman, costumes by Linda Fisher, and lighting by Frances Aronson. The show featured Donald Moffat as Gardner Church (at South Street Theatre) and George Martin in the same role (at Lamb's Theatre), Frances Conroy as Margaret Church (at South Street Theatre) and then Elizabeth McGovern (in the same role) (at Lamb's Theatre), and Marian Seldes as Fanny Church (in both productions). The play was revived Off-Broadway by the Keen Company at Clurman Theatre in 2012, starring Kathleen Chalfant", "title": "Painting Churches" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.2, "text": "the television police drama \"\"Hill Street Blues\"\". In 1988, she played Stella Kowalski in a stage production of Tennessee Williams' \"\"A Streetcar Named Desire\"\", for which she was nominated for a Tony Award. McDormand is an associate member of the experimental theater company The Wooster Group. In 2002, \"\"the game and talented\"\" McDormand performed as Oenone in the Wooster Group's production of an \"\"exhilarating dissection\"\" of Racine's tragedy \"\"Phèdre\"\" entitled \"\"To You, the Birdie!,\"\" at Ann's Warehouse in Brooklyn, New York. After appearing in several theatrical and television roles during the 1980s, McDormand gradually gained renown and critical acclaim for", "title": "Frances McDormand" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.09, "text": "inspiration for Della Street, though neither she nor Gardner himself admitted it. Mrs. Gardner said she thought he put several women together to create the character. In the film adaptations made in the 1930s, Della Street was portrayed by five different actresses: Helen Trenholme, Claire Dodd, Genevieve Tobin, June Travis, and Ann Dvorak. Gertrude Warner was the first actress to portray Street regularly, albeit on the radio series, followed by Joan Alexander and Palmolive's \"\"Madge\"\", Jan Miner. The character portrayed in the radio series was reworked into Sara Lane on the daytime show \"\"Edge of Night\"\", which was to be", "title": "Della Street" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.02, "text": "the daytime \"\"Perry Mason\"\", until Gardner pulled his support for the project. On television, Della Street was played by Barbara Hale in the series, for which she received an Emmy Award, and in the 30 made-for-TV movies. Sharon Acker played Della Street in the short-lived revival series \"\"The New Perry Mason\"\", starring Monte Markham as Mason. Della Street Della Street was the fictional secretary of Perry Mason in the long-running series of novels, short stories, films, and radio and television programs featuring the fictional defense attorney created by Erle Stanley Gardner. In the first Perry Mason novel, \"\"The Case of", "title": "Della Street" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.95, "text": "Ava Gardner, Grace Kelly (who replaced an ailing Gene Tierney) and Donald Sinden. Although the production was difficult (exacerbated by the irritating presence of Gardner's then husband Frank Sinatra), \"\"Mogambo\"\" became one of the biggest commercial hits of Ford's career, with the highest domestic first-year gross of any of his films ($5.2 million); it also revitalized Gable's waning career and earned Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress Oscar nominations for Gardner and Kelly (who was rumored to have had a brief affair with Gable during the making of the film). In 1955, Ford made the lesser-known West Point drama \"\"The", "title": "John Ford" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.92, "text": "acclaim in the 1977 Los Angeles production of the landmark play 'for colored girls who have considered suicide / when the rainbow is enuf' co-starring alongside Alfre Woodard. Whitfield made her professional screen debut in the NBC critically acclaimed serial drama, \"\"Hill Street Blues\"\" as Jill Thomas in 1981. In 1983, she appeared in the comedy film \"\"Doctor Detroit\"\" (1983), playing the supporting role of Thelma Cleland. She later co-starred in films \"\"The Slugger's Wife\"\", \"\"Silverado\"\", and \"\"\"\". She also starred in the television films \"\"The George McKenna Story\"\" opposite Denzel Washington, \"\"Johnnie Mae Gibson: FBI\"\" as a title character,", "title": "Lynn Whitfield" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.86, "text": "at the start of the season, and Joe Coffey left near the end. The sole addition was the arrogant and dislikable Lt. Norman Buntz, played by Dennis Franz, who had played a different character, the corrupt \"\"bad guy\"\" Detective Sal Benedetto, in several season 3 episodes. Buntz and Benedetto were doppelgängers. Peter Jurasik played a new recurring character (\"\"Sid the Snitch\"\"), who often teamed with Buntz. In a 1991 interview on \"\"Later with Bob Costas\"\", Ken Olin claimed these characters were removed so the new show-runners would receive royalties. Bosson's departure, however, was voluntary. She left after a salary conflict", "title": "Hill Street Blues" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.83, "text": "co-starred in Timothy Mason's \"\"The Fiery Furnace\"\". Gardner has also appeared in the feature films \"\"Heart of Dixie\"\" (1989), \"\"Johnny Suede (1991)\"\" and \"\"He Said, She Said\"\" (1991) where she plays the \"\"Classy with a capital K\"\" ex-lover of Kevin Bacon's character who flirts by exposing her breast for him in public. Ashley Gardner Ashley Gardner (born April 11, 1964) is a South African-born American stage, film, television and voice actress. She provided the voice of Nancy Gribble and Didi Hill in the animated series \"\"King of the Hill\"\". She appeared in the sitcom \"\"Seinfeld\"\" in the episode \"\"The Library\"\"", "title": "Ashley Gardner" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.83, "text": "Hater\"\", the show has been described as \"\"Barney Miller\"\" out of doors; the focus on the bitter realities of 1980s urban living was revolutionary for its time (later seasons were accused of becoming formulaic). Some trace the origins of this shift to the death of Michael Conrad (Sgt. Phil Esterhaus) midway through season four, leading to the replacement of the beloved Sgt. Esterhaus by Sgt. Stan Jablonski, played by Robert Prosky. The series' influence was seen in such later series as \"\"NYPD Blue\"\", \"\"Law & Order\"\" and \"\"ER\"\". In 1982, \"\"St. Elsewhere\"\" was hyped as \"\"Hill Street Blues in a", "title": "Hill Street Blues" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.83, "text": "Actress In a Drama Series this season. However, at the awards ceremony, recurring imposter Barry Bremen rushed the stage ahead of Thomas and claimed she was unable to attend. He then claimed the award and left the stage, confusing viewers and robbing Thomas of her moment in the sun, although she returned and spoke after the ad break. Presenter Peter Graves suggested that Bremen was \"\"on his way to the cooler.\"\" Season 6: Major changes occurred as Det. Mayo, Det. Garibaldi, Lt. Ray Calletano (René Enríquez), Fay Furillo (Barbara Bosson) and Officer Leo Schnitz (Robert Hirschfeld) were all phased out", "title": "Hill Street Blues" } ]
when did the bears move to soldier field?
[ "1971" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.27, "text": "Bears moved in, originally with a three-year commitment. They previously played at Wrigley Field, best known as the home of the Chicago Cubs baseball team, but were forced to move to a larger venue due to post-AFL–NFL merger policies requiring that stadium capacities seat over 50,000 spectators. They had intended to build a stadium in Arlington Heights. In 1978, the Bears and the Chicago Park District agreed to a 20-year lease and renovation of the stadium. Both parties pooled their resources for the renovation. The playing surface was AstroTurf from 1971 through 1987, replaced with natural grass in 1988. In", "title": "Soldier Field" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.88, "text": "baseball games, the temporary grandstand for football along the east sideline (in right and center field) would not be available until late October. After Evanston residents petitioned city officials to block the team from moving there permanently, the Bears ended up moving to Chicago's Soldier Field the following year. The stadium hosted the 1932 Women's (July 16) and 1948 Men's (July 9–10) US Olympic Trials for track and field. The venue also hosted the NCAA track and field championships in 1943. It also hosted the summer College All-Star Game in 1943 and 1944, rather than Soldier Field. Both games were", "title": "Ryan Field (stadium)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.47, "text": "history, with the Bears winning the game 9–0. The game also was known as the first \"\"indoor football\"\" game, as the game took place in indoor Chicago Stadium due to a blizzard at the time. The game also started the forward pass. Soldier Field, located on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago, is the current home of the Bears. The Bears moved to Soldier Field in 1971 after outgrowing Wrigley Field, the team's home for 50 years. Northwestern University's residential neighbors objected to their playing at Dyche Stadium, now called Ryan Field. After the AFL-NFL Merger, the newly merged league wanted", "title": "Chicago Bears" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.23, "text": "1989, Soldier Field's future was in jeopardy after a proposal was created for a \"\"McDome\"\", which was intended to be a domed stadium for the Bears, but was rejected by the Illinois Legislature in 1990. Because of this, Bears president Michael McCaskey considered relocation as a possible factor for a new stadium. The Bears had also purchased options in Hoffman Estates, Elk Grove Village, and Aurora. In 1995, McCaskey announced that he and Northwest Indiana developers agreed to construction of an entertainment complex called \"\"Planet Park\"\", which would also include a new stadium. However, the plan was rejected by the", "title": "Soldier Field" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.17, "text": "the Cubs' ownership for continued use of Wrigley Field collapsed, the Bears moved to Soldier Field in 1971 where they remain to the present day, save for a temporary relocation in 2002 to the University of Illinois' Memorial Stadium while Soldier Field was completely renovated. The Boston Patriots played in their fourth different facility in 11 seasons, leaving Alumni Stadium at Boston College for Harvard Stadium, the only facility in Massachusetts at that time which met the NFL's 50,000-seat minimum. The struggles to find a home led the Patriots to hastily construct Schaeffer Stadium in Foxborough, which opened in 1971.", "title": "1970 NFL season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.81, "text": "\"\"Cheese League\"\" that in 1999 consisted of the Green Bay Packers, New Orleans Saints and Kansas City Chiefs, with each team practicing at a different university in Wisconsin. In 2001, the Illinois General Assembly asked the Bears to move to an Illinois practice facility in order to raise funds for remodeling Soldier Field. Before the Bears left, they donated $250,000 to UW–Platteville for a new computer lab, which was named \"\"The Bears Den\"\". In the 1980s, UW-Platteville made an effort to bring businesses to the Platteville area to take advantage of university resources. Rockwell Automation started this trend in the", "title": "University of Wisconsin–Platteville" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.75, "text": "Soldier Field Soldier Field is an American football stadium located in the Near South Side of Chicago, Illinois. It opened in 1924 and is the home field of the Chicago Bears of the National Football League (NFL), who moved there in 1971. The stadium's interior was mostly demolished and rebuilt as part of a major renovation project in 2002, which modernized the facility but lowered seating capacity, while also causing it to be delisted as a National Historic Landmark. Soldier Field has served as the home venue for a number of other sports teams in its history, including the Chicago", "title": "Soldier Field" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.47, "text": "from using Dyche Stadium; the Bears moved to Chicago's Soldier Field. 1970 Chicago Bears season The 1970 Chicago Bears season was their 51st regular season completed in the National Football League. The club posted a 6–8 record, another below .500 showing, but a significant improvement over their 1–13 record of the previous season. The Bears hosted their first home game of the season at Northwestern University's Dyche Stadium as an experiment. The Bears anticipated that their Wrigley Field landlord, the Chicago Cubs, might play in the National League Championship Series and World Series, and that Wrigley Field would be unavailable", "title": "1970 Chicago Bears season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.36, "text": "on Sunday, January 20, 2002, a day after the Bears lost in the playoffs. It reopened on September 27, 2003 after a complete rebuild (the second in the stadium's history). Many fans refer to the rebuilt stadium as \"\"New Soldier Field\"\". During the season, the Bears played their home games at the University of Illinois' Memorial Stadium in Champaign, where they went 3–5. Many critics have negative views of the new stadium. They believe that its current structure has made it more of an eyesore than a landmark; some have dubbed it the \"\"Mistake on the Lake\"\". Soldier Field was", "title": "Chicago Bears" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.34, "text": "(July 1, 1943). Weeghman Park's first tenant was the Federal League team, the Chicago Whales, from 1914 to 1915. Weeghman Park / Cubs Park / Wrigley Field has served as the home baseball park for Major League Baseball's Chicago Cubs franchise since 1916. The Chicago Bears of the National Football League played at Wrigley Field from 1921 to 1970 before relocating to Soldier Field. The team had transferred from Decatur, and retained the name \"\"Staleys\"\" for the 1921 season. They renamed themselves the \"\"Bears\"\" in order to identify with the baseball team, a common practice in the NFL in those", "title": "Wrigley Field" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.3, "text": "Lake County Council, and in 1998, Chicago mayor Richard M. Daley proposed that the Bears share Comiskey Park with the Chicago White Sox. Beginning in 1978, the plank seating was replaced by individual seats with backs and armrests. In 1982, a new press box as well as 60 skyboxes were added to the stadium, boosting capacity to 66,030. In 1988, 56 more skyboxes were added increasing capacity to 66,946. Capacity was slightly increased to 66,950 in 1992. By 1994, capacity was slightly reduced to 66,944. During the renovation, seating capacity was reduced to 55,701 by building a grandstand in the", "title": "Soldier Field" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.25, "text": "In doing so, the Bears finished in 4th place in the NFC Central with a record of 6–8. The new home of the Bears was another classic stadium in itself; Soldier Field, built in the 1920s as a memorial for World War I veterans and was the host of many great sports events including Jack Dempsey vs. Gene Tunney in 1927 and various college football games such as annual Army-Navy matches. In their first home game at Soldier Field, the Bears emerged victorious defeating the Pittsburgh Steelers (17–15). The victory was short-lived as the Bears finished 6–8 leading to the", "title": "History of the Chicago Bears" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.17, "text": "is one of only two remaining franchises from the NFL's founding in 1920, along with the Arizona Cardinals, which was originally also in Chicago. The team played home games at Wrigley Field on Chicago's North Side through the 1970 season; they now play at Soldier Field on the Near South Side, next to Lake Michigan. The Bears have a long-standing rivalry with the Green Bay Packers. The team headquarters, Halas Hall, is in the Chicago suburb of Lake Forest, Illinois. The Bears practice at adjoining facilities there during the season. Since 2002, the Bears have held their annual training camp,", "title": "Chicago Bears" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.16, "text": "wall of the stadium being preserved. It was closed on Sunday, January 20, 2002, a day after the Bears lost in the playoffs. It reopened on September 27, 2003 after a complete rebuild (the second in the stadium's history). Many fans refer to the rebuilt stadium as \"\"New Soldier Field\"\". During the season, the Bears played their home games at the University of Illinois' Memorial Stadium in Champaign, where they went 3–5. Cleveland Stadium hosted the annual Notre Dame/Navy college football game 11 times: in 1932, 1934, 1939, 1942, 1943, 1945, 1947, 1950, 1952, 1976 and 1978. The games were", "title": "Comparisons between the National Football League and NCAA football" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.95, "text": "Stadium in the campus of the University of Illinois in Champaign. the first 2 pre-season games were held at Memorial Stadium before the reopening was on August 9 against the Indianapolis Colts and on August 16, against the Denver Broncos. The first home game held at the newly renovated Soldier Field was their primetime game against Green Bay Packers on September 29, 2003, televised on ABC's \"\"Monday Night Football\"\". Also introducing this season is the team's brand new mascot Staley Da Bear. Staley was introduced during the team's home game on September 29, 2003 against the Green Bay Packers. Prior", "title": "2003 Chicago Bears season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.89, "text": "The evacuation marked the first time Soldier Field had an evacuation since the stadium's opening in 1921. The game resumed play at 3:25 p.m. ET, after a 1-hour, 53 minute-delay. In the second quarter, Robbie Gould kicked a 20-yard field goal, and eventually, rookie defensive end David Bass escaped a chop block by Rice and intercepted Flacco, scoring on a 24-yard return and tying the game. The Ravens eventually scored on Torrey Smith's five yard touchdown catch, and after Flacco had a pass intercepted by Jon Bostic, Gould ended the half kicking a 46-yarder. After a scoreless third period, Matt", "title": "2013 Chicago Bears season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.75, "text": "Bears–Lions rivalry The Bears–Lions rivalry is a National Football League (NFL) rivalry between the Chicago Bears and Detroit Lions. The franchises first met in 1930 when the Lions were known as the Portsmouth Spartans and based in Portsmouth, Ohio. They moved to Detroit for the 1934 season. The Bears and Lions have been division rivals since 1933 and have usually met twice a season since the Lions franchise began. The two teams play in the two largest metropolitan areas in the Midwest. Also, Chicago and Detroit’s home stadiums, Soldier Field and Ford Field, are 280 miles apart and easily accessible", "title": "Bears–Lions rivalry" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.75, "text": "stripped of its National Historic Landmark designation on February 17, 2006. In the 2005 season, the Bears won the NFC North Division and the No. 2 Seed in the NFC Playoffs, entitling them to play at least one home game in the postseason. The team hosted (and lost) their divisional round match on January 15, 2006 against the Carolina Panthers. This was the first playoff game at Soldier Field since the stadium reopened. The stadium's end zones and midfield were not painted until the 1982 season. The design sported on the field included the bolded word \"\"Chicago\"\" rendered in Highway", "title": "Chicago Bears" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.67, "text": "players. The franchise then had to make another round of cuts at the conclusion of the fourth preseason game on September 3. The final roster consisted of 53 players. The Bears wrapped up training camp with a final public practice on August 19 before heading back to team headquarters in Lake Forest, Illinois. The practice marked the end of the team's three-week training camp in Bourbonnais. The club had scheduled an evening practice at Soldier Field in front of fans in an event called \"\"Family Fest\"\". However, the event was cancelled hours before the event was scheduled to begin due", "title": "2011 Chicago Bears season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.64, "text": "the two teams: Bears–Lions rivalry The Bears–Lions rivalry is a National Football League (NFL) rivalry between the Chicago Bears and Detroit Lions. The franchises first met in 1930 when the Lions were known as the Portsmouth Spartans and based in Portsmouth, Ohio. They moved to Detroit for the 1934 season. The Bears and Lions have been division rivals since 1933 and have usually met twice a season since the Lions franchise began. The two teams play in the two largest metropolitan areas in the Midwest. Also, Chicago and Detroit’s home stadiums, Soldier Field and Ford Field, are 280 miles apart", "title": "Bears–Lions rivalry" } ]
who did we fight during the revolutionary war?
[ "Great Britain" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.97, "text": "the end of hostilities with Britain. Creek and Seminole allies of Britain fought against Americans in Georgia and South Carolina. In 1778, a force of 800 Creeks destroyed American settlements along the Broad River in Georgia. Creek warriors also joined Thomas Brown's raids into South Carolina and assisted Britain during the Siege of Savannah. Many Indians were involved in the fighting between Britain and Spain on the Gulf Coast and up the Mississippi River—mostly on the British side. Thousands of Creeks, Chickasaws, and Choctaws fought in major battles such as the Battle of Fort Charlotte, the Battle of Mobile, and", "title": "American Revolutionary War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.64, "text": "battle between Patriot militia and British regulars when the king's army attempted to capture and destroy Colonial military supplies at Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775. The conflict then developed into a global war, during which the Patriots (and later their French, Spanish, and Dutch allies) fought the British and Loyalists in what became known as the American Revolutionary War (1775–83). Each of the thirteen colonies formed a Provincial Congress that assumed power from the old colonial governments and suppressed Loyalism, and from there they built a Continental Army under the leadership of General George Washington. The Continental Congress", "title": "American Revolution" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.19, "text": "British Army during the American Revolutionary War The British Army during the American Revolutionary War served for eight years in campaigns fought around the globe. Defeat at the Siege of Yorktown to a combined Franco-US force ultimately led to the loss of the Thirteen Colonies in eastern North America, and the concluding Treaty of Paris deprived Britain of many of the gains achieved in the Seven Years' War. However several victories elsewhere meant that much of the British Empire remained intact. In 1775 the British Army was a volunteer force. The army had suffered from lack of peacetime spending and", "title": "British Army during the American Revolutionary War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.12, "text": "the Continental Army in January 1776. Small all-black units were formed in Rhode Island and Massachusetts; many slaves were promised freedom for serving. Some of the men promised freedom were sent back to their masters, after the war was over, out of political convenience. Another all-black unit came from Saint-Domingue with French colonial forces. At least 5,000 black soldiers fought for the Revolutionary cause. Tens of thousands of slaves escaped during the war and joined British lines; others simply moved off in the chaos. For instance, in South Carolina, nearly 25,000 slaves (30% of the enslaved population) fled, migrated or", "title": "American Revolutionary War" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22, "text": "amid rising tensions between colonial subjects and the parliament in Great Britain. Fearing the impending insurrection General Thomas Gage dispatched an expedition to remove gunpowder from the powder magazine in Massachusetts on 1 September 1774. The next year on the night of April 18, 1775, General Gage sent a further 700 men to seize munitions stored by the colonial militia at Concord. The Battles of Lexington and Concord were fought. The British troops stationed in Boston were inexperienced, and by the time the redcoats began the return march to Boston, several thousand militiamen had gathered along the road. A running", "title": "British Army during the American Revolutionary War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.94, "text": "Island on August 27, 1776, the British outflanked the American positions, driving the Americans back to the Brooklyn Heights fortifications. General Howe not wishing to risk the lives of his men in a bloody frontal assault then began to lay siege works. The navy had failed to properly blockade the East river which left an escape route open for Washington's army, which he fully exploited, managing a nighttime retreat through his unguarded rear to Manhattan Island. British forces then fought a series of actions to consolidate control of Manhattan Island, culminating in the Battle of Fort Washington which resulted in", "title": "British Army during the American Revolutionary War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.92, "text": "Continental army officer, Benedict Arnold, now a Brigadier of the British army, led a force with William Phillips raiding and destroying rebel supply bases. He later occupied Petersburg and fought a small action at Blandford. On hearing the news British forces were in Virginia and believing that North Carolina could not be subdued unless its supply lines from Virginia were cut, Cornwallis decided to join forces with Phillips and Arnold. Cornwallis's army fought a series of skirmishes with the rebel forces commanded by Lafayette before fortifying himself with his back to the sea, believing the Royal Navy could maintain supremacy", "title": "British Army during the American Revolutionary War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.88, "text": "A few tribes were on friendly terms with the other Americans, but most Indians opposed the union of the Colonies as a potential threat to their territory. Approximately 13,000 Indians fought on the British side, with the largest group coming from the Iroquois tribes, who fielded around 1,500 men. The powerful Iroquois Confederacy was shattered as a result of the conflict, whatever side they took; the Seneca, Onondaga, and Cayuga nations sided with the British. Members of the Mohawk nation fought on both sides. Many Tuscarora and Oneida sided with the colonists. The Continental Army sent the Sullivan Expedition on", "title": "American Revolutionary War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.84, "text": "the cancellation of Clark's expedition. In the Ohio River valley, the American Revolutionary War was fought primarily between American colonists south and west of the Ohio River (in present-day Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Kentucky) and American Indians with their British allies north of the river (now the Midwestern United States). From Detroit, the British recruited and supplied Indian war parties to attack American forts and settlements, hoping to divert American military resources from the primary theater of war in the East as well as keeping the Indians—and the lucrative fur trade—firmly attached to the British Empire. Indians of the", "title": "Lochry's Defeat" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.81, "text": "Loyalists fighting in the American Revolution Colonists who supported the British cause in the American Revolution were Loyalists, often called Tories, or, occasionally, Royalists or King's Men. George Washington's winning side in the war called themselves \"\"Patriots\"\", and in this article Americans on the revolutionary side are called Patriots. For a detailed analysis of the psychology and social origins of the Loyalists, see Loyalist (American Revolution). This article is an overview of some of the prominent Loyalist military units of the Revolution, and of the fighting they did for the British Crown. The number of Americans who adhered to the", "title": "Loyalists fighting in the American Revolution" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.8, "text": "South fought on both sides of the Revolution; slaves were recruited to weaken those masters who supported the opposing cause. Most blacks fought on the patriot side; recent research concludes there were about 9000 black Patriot soldiers, counting the Continental Army and Navy, and state militia units, as well as privateers, wagoneers in the Army, servants to officers, and spies. Ray Raphael notes that while thousands joined the Loyalists, many more, free and slave, sided with the Patriots. As between 200,000 and 250,000 soldiers and militia served during the revolution in total, that would mean black soldiers made up approximately", "title": "African Americans in the Revolutionary War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.75, "text": "of Independence contributed to the early difficulties experienced by the British army during the French Revolutionary Wars. British Army during the American Revolutionary War The British Army during the American Revolutionary War served for eight years in campaigns fought around the globe. Defeat at the Siege of Yorktown to a combined Franco-US force ultimately led to the loss of the Thirteen Colonies in eastern North America, and the concluding Treaty of Paris deprived Britain of many of the gains achieved in the Seven Years' War. However several victories elsewhere meant that much of the British Empire remained intact. In 1775", "title": "British Army during the American Revolutionary War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.75, "text": "much less than expected. The British also hired German mercenaries to do much of their fighting. At the onset of the war, the Americans had no major international allies. Battles such as the Battle of Bennington, the Battles of Saratoga and even defeats such as the Battle of Germantown proved decisive in gaining the attention and support of powerful European nations such as France and Spain, who moved from covertly supplying the Americans with weapons and supplies, to overtly supporting them militarily, moving the war to a global stage. The new Continental Army suffered significantly from a lack of an", "title": "American Revolutionary War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.69, "text": "extensively in irregular operations. One of the most successful of these units, the British Legion combined, light cavalry and light infantry and conducted raiding operations into enemy-held territory. The lack of cavalry had great tactical implications on how the war was fought, it meant that British forces could not fully exploit their victories when out maneuvering Continental armies at battles like Long Island and Brandywine. Without a large cavalry force to follow up the infantry, retreating American forces could often escape destruction. Manpower problems at the outbreak of war led to the British government employing large numbers of German mercenaries,", "title": "British Army during the American Revolutionary War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.61, "text": "American Revolutionary War. France and Britain fought to control shipping lanes and supply their side on the American continent, while conducting support operations and landings. In consequence, both sides often used warships as transports to ferry ammunition and other supplies, troops, funds, and officials; these might only be armed en flûte, depending on their cargo. In April 1782, a joint Franco-Spanish fleet under Comte de Grasse attempted an invasion of Jamaica. The fleet met a British fleet under Sir George Rodney, who defeated then in the ensuing Battle of the Saintes. The British captured a number of ships and in", "title": "Action of 5 September 1782" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.58, "text": "soldiers it sent – they were decisive in the great victory at Yorktown in 1781. Second, he provided leadership of troops against the main British forces in 1775–77 and again in 1781. He lost many of his battles, but he never surrendered his army during the war, and he continued to fight the British relentlessly until the war's end. Washington worked hard to develop a successful espionage system to detect British locations and plans. In 1778, he formed the Culper Ring to spy on enemy movements in New York City. In 1780 it discovered Benedict Arnold was a traitor. The", "title": "American Revolutionary War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.53, "text": "States. Following the Revolutionary War, in the 1790s, Egushawa, together with numerous members of other regional tribes, including the Wyandot and Council of Three Fires, Shawnee, Lenape, and Mingo, fought the United States in a series of battles and campaigns in what became known as the Northwest Indian War. The Indians hoped to repulse the European-American pioneers coming to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains, but were finally defeated. In a campaign during 1794, Anthony Wayne built a string of forts in the upper Maumee River watershed, including Fort Defiance, across the river from the site of Pontiac's birth. While", "title": "Odawa" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.39, "text": "to put down the revolting forces in under 2 months. The French in 1798 fought an undeclared war at sea against the United States, that was known variously as the \"\"Quasi-War\"\", the \"\"Half War\"\" and the \"\"Pirate Wars\"\". It was resolved peaceably with the Convention of 1800. Britain and Austria organized a new coalition against France in 1798, including for the first time the Russian Empire, although no action occurred until 1799 except against the kingdom of the Two Sicilies. In Egypt, Napoleon had consolidated his control of the country for the time being. Soon after the beginning of the", "title": "French Revolutionary Wars" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.38, "text": "had sent General William Lee Davidson with 900 men. When Davidson was killed in the river, the Americans retreated. Greene was weakened, but he continued his delaying tactics, fighting a dozen more skirmishes in South and North Carolina against Cornwallis' forces. About 2,000 British troops died in these engagements. Greene summed up his approach in a motto that would become famous: \"\"We fight, get beat, rise, and fight again.\"\" His tactics have been likened to the Fabian strategy of Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, the Roman general who wore down the superior forces of the Carthaginian Hannibal by a slow war", "title": "Southern theater of the American Revolutionary War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.34, "text": "the lake in colonial times. Important battles were fought at Ticonderoga in 1758 and 1775. During the Revolutionary War, the British and Americans conducted a frenetic shipbuilding race through the spring and summer of 1776, at opposite ends of the lake, and fought a significant naval engagement on October 11 at the Battle of Valcour Island. While it was a tactical defeat for the Americans, and the small fleet led by Benedict Arnold was almost destroyed, the Americans gained a strategic victory; the British invasion was delayed long enough so the approach of winter prevented the fall of these forts", "title": "Lake Champlain" } ]
when was landscape with the fall of icarus painted?
[ "the 1560s" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.16, "text": "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus Landscape with the Fall of Icarus is a painting in oil on canvas measuring in the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium in Brussels. It was long thought to be by the leading painter of Dutch and Flemish Renaissance painting, Pieter Bruegel the Elder. However, following technical examinations in 1996 of the painting hanging in the Brussels museum that attribution is regarded as very doubtful, and the painting, perhaps painted in the 1560s, is now usually seen as a good early copy by an unknown artist of Bruegel's lost original, perhaps from about", "title": "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.98, "text": "The traditional moral of the Icarus story, warning against excessive ambition, is reinforced by (literally) fore-grounding humbler figures who appear content to fill useful agricultural roles in life. The painting is probably a version of a lost original by Bruegel. A date of c. 1558 has been suggested for the lost original, based on Bruegel's other works; the copy probably comes from the 1560s or soon after. It is in oils whereas Bruegel's other paintings on canvas are in tempera. The work was unknown until it was bought by the museum in 1912; subsequently another version on panel, generally considered", "title": "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.97, "text": "in Bruegel's work, and the only painting with horses near trees.” lines 14–21: \"\"Landscape with the Fall of Icarus\"\" (catalogued at the Musée as “La Chute d’Icare”) was acquired in 1912. This is the only known example of Bruegel's use of a scene from mythology, and he bases his figures and landscape quite closely on the myth of Daedalus and his son Icarus as told by Ovid in his Metamorphoses 8, 183–235. The painting which Auden saw was thought until recently to be by Pieter Brueghel the Elder, though it is still believed to be based on a lost original", "title": "Musée des Beaux Arts (poem)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.94, "text": "a design for an engraving with the ship and the two falling figures. Since its acquisition by the Museum in 1912, its authenticity has been challenged by several specialists, mainly for two reasons: (i) the relatively weak quality of the painting compared to other Bruegels, although this question is complicated by later overpainting; (ii) it is an oil painting on canvas, an exception in the work of Peter Bruegel the Elder who made all his oil paintings on panel. In 1963, Philippe Roberts-Jones, curator at the museum, and the Bruegel specialist Georges Marlier, hypothesized that an original panel painting had", "title": "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.8, "text": "inferior, turned up, which was acquired in 1953 by Daniel van Buuren for his private house, today a museum in Brussels. In this, which excludes the far left and right sides of the composition, Icarus is in the water but Daedelus is still in the air, and the shepherd's gaze is directed at him, explaining one aspect of the composition of the other version. The original would have been Bruegel's only known painting of a mythological subject. The perspective of the ship and figures is not entirely consistent, although this may enhance the power of the composition. Bruegel also produced", "title": "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.66, "text": "been later moved onto canvas, as was once common. In 1998, a mixed team of scientists from the Belgian Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage and the University of Utrecht attempted to solve the authenticity problem by a radiocarbon dating of the canvas that was supposed to be the original support. As mentioned here above, the conclusion of this dating was that P. Bruegel the Elder cannot have painted on this canvas. Later, in 2006, Prof. J. Reisse (Université libre de Bruxelles) challenged this dating on technical grounds. A sample of blue paint taken from the right edge in 1973 was", "title": "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.41, "text": "1558. According to the museum: \"\"It is doubtful the execution is by Breugel the Elder, but the composition can be said with certainty to be his\"\", although recent technical research has re-opened the question. Largely derived from Ovid, the painting is described in W. H. Auden's famous poem \"\"Musée des Beaux-Arts\"\", named after the museum in Brussels which holds the painting, and became the subject of a poem of the same name by William Carlos Williams, as well as \"\"Lines on Bruegel's 'Icarus'\"\" by Michael Hamburger. In Greek mythology, Icarus succeeded in flying, with wings made by his father Daedalus,", "title": "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.11, "text": "The painting may, as Auden's poem suggests, depict humankind's indifference to suffering by highlighting the ordinary events which continue to occur, despite the unobserved death of Icarus. Though the world landscape, a type of work with the title subject represented by small figures in the distance, was an established type in Early Netherlandish painting, pioneered by Joachim Patiner, to have a much larger unrelated \"\"genre\"\" figure in the foreground is original and represents something of a blow against the emerging hierarchy of genres. Other landscapes by Bruegel, for example \"\"The Hunters in the Snow\"\" (1565) and others in that series", "title": "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.97, "text": "demand for landscape images. Some of his earlier paintings, such as his \"\"Landscape with the Flight into Egypt\"\" (Courtauld, 1563), are fully within the Patinir conventions, but his \"\"Landscape with the Fall of Icarus\"\" (known from two copies) had a Patinir-style landscape, in which already the largest figure was a genre figure who was only a bystander for the supposed narrative subject, and may not even be aware of it. The date of Bruegel's lost original is unclear, but it is probably relatively early, and if so, foreshadows the trend of his later works. During the 1560s the early scenes", "title": "Pieter Bruegel the Elder" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.7, "text": "is brilliantly evoked by Breughel in the view of a world serenely pursuing its own concerns, completely oblivious to the almost invisible tiny pair of legs waving pathetically out of the water, the only record of the apocalyptic event being a pair of feathers floating disconsolately down in the wake of their erstwhile owner. The painting was also used as a backdrop in the music video for Blood Sweat & Tears, a 2016 single by South Korean group BTS. Landscape with the Fall of Icarus Landscape with the Fall of Icarus is a painting in oil on canvas measuring in", "title": "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.64, "text": "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus (poem) \"\"Landscape with the Fall of Icarus\"\" is an ecphrastic poem by the 20th-century American poet William Carlos Williams that was written in response to \"\"Landscape with the Fall of Icarus\"\", traditionally attributed to Pieter Bruegel. Williams first published the poem as part of a sequence in \"\"The Hudson Review\"\" in 1960, subsequently using the sequence as the basis for his final book, \"\"Pictures from Brueghel and Other Poems\"\", published in 1962. The poem, as indicated by the title, touches upon the Greek tragedy of Icarus, the story in which Icarus, the son of", "title": "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus (poem)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.59, "text": "Icarus\"\" about the same painting. This poem and the painting \"\"Landscape with the Fall of Icarus\"\" appear side-by-side 22 minutes into the 1976 film, \"\"The Man Who Fell to Earth\"\", starring David Bowie. Musée des Beaux Arts (poem) \"\"Musée des Beaux Arts\"\" (French for \"\"Museum of Fine Arts\"\") is a poem written by W. H. Auden in December 1938 while he was staying in Brussels, Belgium with Christopher Isherwood. It was first published under the title \"\"Palais des beaux arts\"\" (Palace of Fine Arts) in the Spring 1939 issue of \"\"New Writing\"\", a modernist magazine edited by John Lehmann. It", "title": "Musée des Beaux Arts (poem)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.55, "text": "large panels attributed to Peter Bruegel the Elder. It is therefore unlikely that this version of the \"\"Fall of Icarus\"\" might be from the hand of a copyist, except perhaps from P. Bruegel the Younger. Conversely, the Van Buuren copy with a different technique cannot be attributed to either Peter Bruegel. The painting is shown in Nicolas Roeg's film \"\"The Man Who Fell to Earth\"\" (1976), where a character opens a book of paintings to an image of it. On the facing page a description points out that the scene remains calm, the event of the fall hardly noticed. Eric", "title": "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.39, "text": "Cock publishing house. As discussed above, about 61 drawings are now recognised as authentic, mostly designs for prints or landscapes. His painting \"\"Landscape with the Fall of Icarus\"\", now thought only to survive in copies, is the subject of the 1938 poem \"\"Musée des Beaux Arts\"\" by W. H. Auden: <poem> In Brueghel's Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away Quite leisurely from the disaster; the ploughman Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry, But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shone As it had to on the white legs disappearing into the green Water, and", "title": "Pieter Bruegel the Elder" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.39, "text": "Steele, whose film \"\"The Bridge\"\" (2006) documents the suicides of two-dozen people who jumped off the world's most popular suicide site - the Golden Gate Bridge - throughout 2004, has compared images captured in his documentary to those of Bruegel’s \"\"Landscape With the Fall of Icarus\"\", because the fatal leaps go almost unnoticed by passersby. Composer Brian Ferneyhough's 1988 chamber work \"\"La Chute d'Icare\"\" was inspired by the painting: What this piece attempts to suggest is ... less a reflection on the heroic-tragic dimension of the underlying myth than a transcription of the strange sensation of “already having been” which", "title": "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.66, "text": "the \"\"Large Landscapes\"\", to meet what was now a growing demand for landscape images. Some of his earlier paintings, such as his \"\"Landscape with the Flight into Egypt\"\" (Courtauld, 1563, illustrated at top), are fully within the Patinir conventions, but his \"\"Landscape with the Fall of Icarus\"\" (known from two copies) had a Patinir-style landscape, but already the largest figure was a genre figure and not part of the supposed narrative subject. Other works explored variations on the theme, with his famous set of landscapes with genre figures depicting the seasons being the culmination of his style; the five surviving", "title": "World landscape" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.39, "text": "the painting \"\"Landscape with the Fall of Icarus\"\" (\"\"ca.\"\" 1560s), at the time thought to be by Bruegel, but now usually regarded as an early copy of a lost work. Auden's description allows us to visualize this specific moment and instance of the indifference of others to a distant individual's suffering, inconsequent to them, \"\"how everything turns away / Quite leisurely from the disaster ... the white legs disappearing into the green.\"\" The disaster in question is the fall of Icarus, caused by his flying too close to the sun and melting his waxen wings. Auden achieves much in the", "title": "Musée des Beaux Arts (poem)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.3, "text": "generally limited to a layout of the elements. Probably because the thin, weakly covering paint on white ground would hide imperfectly a detailed graphism. A re-interpretation of the reflectograms in agreement with the other analysis suggested the conclusion that the work in the Museum of Fine Arts in Brussels is a panel painting transferred to canvas. The paint layer and maybe also the underdrawing have been severely damaged by this intervention as well as by two more relinings, responsible for the heavy overpainting. In the paint sample remains a fragment with structure and composition matching perfectly the technique of the", "title": "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.27, "text": "Daedalus, took flight from Crete, where he and his father were trapped in exile, wearing wings made from wax and feathers. Icarus, disregarding his father's wishes that he not fly too close to the sun, did just that and melted his way to a feathery demise, drowning in the sea. This subject—and Bruegel's painting—are also treated by another Modernist poet, W. H. Auden, in \"\"Musée des Beaux Arts\"\". Landscape with the Fall of Icarus (poem) \"\"Landscape with the Fall of Icarus\"\" is an ecphrastic poem by the 20th-century American poet William Carlos Williams that was written in response to \"\"Landscape", "title": "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus (poem)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.17, "text": "of paintings showing the seasons, show genre figures in a raised foreground, but not so large relative to the size of the image, nor with a subject from a \"\"higher\"\" class of painting in the background. However, paintings from the same period by the Antwerp artist Pieter Aertsen had large kitchen or market genre scenes, with large figures in the foreground, and in the distant background a glimpse of a scene from the Life of Christ. Giving more prominence to \"\"low\"\" subject-matter than \"\"high\"\" in the same work is a feature of some Northern Mannerist art, often called \"\"Mannerist inversion\"\".", "title": "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" } ]
who's the governor of alabama republican or democrat?
[ "Republican Governor Kay Ivey" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.44, "text": "a second term as governor. He defeated former Morgan County Commissioner Stacy Lee George and retired software company owner and candidate for Mayor of Scottsboro in 2012 Bob Starkey in the Republican primary. In the Democratic primary, former U.S. Representative Parker Griffith defeated businessman and former professional baseball player Kevin Bass. In Alabama, the governor and lieutenant governor are elected separately. Incumbent Republican Lieutenant Governor Kay Ivey, who has served in the office since January 17, 2011, ran for re-election to a second term. Pastor and conservative activist Stan Cooke also ran in the Republican primary. Former State Representative James", "title": "2014 Alabama elections" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.39, "text": "the Republican nominee. The Democratic primary took place on June 2 and saw Lieutenant Governor Don Siegelman easily chosen as the Democratic nominee over Birmingham attorney Lenora Pate and Wayne Sowell. 1998 Alabama gubernatorial election The Alabama gubernatorial election of 1998 was held on 3 November 1998 to select the Governor of Alabama. The election saw incumbent Governor Fob James (R) against Lieutenant Governor Don Siegelman (D). The result saw Don Siegelman win a decisive victory over Fob James. As of 2019, this is the most recent election in which a Democrat was elected Governor of Alabama. The Republican primary", "title": "1998 Alabama gubernatorial election" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.36, "text": "of the vote, leading a sweep of all statewide offices that included the re-election of Lieutenant Governor Kay Ivey, the state's first female Republican Lt. Governor. GOP U. S. [[Jeff Sessions|Senator Jeff Sessions was unopposed for a fourth term, the first time in state history that Democrats failed to produce a nominee. On April 10, 2017 Lt. Governor [[Kay Ivey]] became Alabama's 54th Governor upon the resignation of [[Robert J. Bentley]]. She became the second woman in Alabama history to hold the governorship. Today, Republicans hold one of Alabama's U.S. Senate seats and six of its seven seats in the", "title": "Alabama Republican Party" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.31, "text": "Reconstruction, Steve Windom and Kay Ivey, the current governor. Windom served as lieutenant governor under Democratic Gov. Don Siegelman. Before 2011, the last time that Alabama had a governor and lieutenant governor of the same party was the period between 1983 and 1987 when George Wallace was serving his fourth term as governor and Bill Baxley was serving as lieutenant governor; both were Democrats. Republicans held all nine seats on the Alabama Supreme Court and all ten seats on the state appellate courts. Until 1994, no Republicans held any of the state court seats. In the 1994 general election, the", "title": "Elections in Alabama" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.27, "text": "The only Democrat running is Doug \"\"New Blue\"\" Smith. Both of the Associate Commissioners on the Alabama Public Service Commission are up for election. Republican Jeremy Oden, who was appointed to the Commission by Governor Bentley in December 2012, is running for election to a first full term. Republican Terry L. Dunn, who was first elected in 2010, is running for re-election to a second term. Oden was challenged in the Republican primary by Kathy Peterson, the wife of Dale Peterson and a candidate for Public Service Commission in 2012. No Democrat filed to run. Dunn faced three opponents in", "title": "2014 Alabama elections" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.25, "text": "1995, he considered running as a Republican candidate for Alabama's governorship in the 1998 election. However, in 2006, he altered his political stance, stating \"\"I was a Republican until they lost their minds.\"\" At a July 2006 meeting of the Southern Regional Conference of the National School Boards Association in Destin, Florida, Barkley lent credence to the idea of running for Governor of Alabama, stating: I'm serious. I've got to get people to realize that the government is full of it. Republicans and Democrats want to argue over stuff that's not important, like gay marriage or the war in Iraq", "title": "Charles Barkley" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.12, "text": "lawyer and county commissioner Mo Brooks. Democratic nominee small business owner and political consultant Steve Raby ran against Brooks in the general election, but Brooks won to hold the seat for the Republicans. This district is represented by Republican Spencer Bachus, who ran unopposed for reelection in both the primary and general elections. This was an open seat as, in 2009, Democratic incumbent Artur Davis announced his retirement to run for Governor of Alabama. Following his defeat in the 2010 primary, Davis announced he was through with politics and would return to private life at the conclusion of his current", "title": "2010 United States House of Representatives elections in Alabama" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.11, "text": "with 57 seats to the Republicans 38 seats of which 19 were African-American Republicans. After Republicans spent a single term out of the Governor's office, David P. Lewis was elected as the state's second GOP governor, winning 89,020 to 78,524 over his Democratic opponent. He served from 1872 to 1874. His GOP Lieutenant Governor was Alexander McKinstry. During Governor Lewis' term, disputed election results produced two competing legislatures, one with a Democratic majority and the other a Republican majority. After this dispute was ultimately settled, Republicans had a 2-seat majority in the House and Democrats a 1-seat majority in the", "title": "Alabama Republican Party" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.09, "text": "2002 Alabama gubernatorial election The U.S. state of Alabama held its 2002 election for governor on November 5. The race pitted incumbent Governor Don Siegelman, a Democrat, against Representative Bob Riley, a Republican, and Libertarian nominee John Sophocleus. The result was an extremely narrow victory for Riley. The certified results showed Riley with 672,225 votes to Siegelman's 669,105 (a difference of 3,120 votes, or 0.23% of the 1,367,053 votes cast). Sophocleus garnered 23,272 votes, and 2,451 votes were for write-in candidates. Bob Riley defeated incumbent Governor Don Siegelman in a close and controversial election marked by high turnout. Riley was", "title": "2002 Alabama gubernatorial election" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.98, "text": "At that time, the Democratic party had never enforced such a rule in any election because Alabama was a one-party state. Many Alabama voters opposed the democratic party hierarchy action and therefore voted in protest against Baxley and for H. Guy Hunt, the Republican nominee. Though he was previously considered a token candidate, Hunt won easily and became the first Alabama Republican governor since Reconstruction. Hunt's election surprised many, since no living person had witnessed a Republican winning the election for governor of Alabama. The media had paid little attention to the Republican gubernatorial primaries, fully expecting that the GOP", "title": "Charles Graddick" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.81, "text": "1986 Alabama gubernatorial election The 1986 Alabama gubernatorial election saw the election of Republican H. Guy Hunt over Democrat Bill Baxley. In state politics, this election is largely seen as a realigning election since Hunt was the first Republican to be elected Governor since Reconstruction. In March 1986, incumbent George Wallace announced that he would not seek a fifth term as governor, ending an era in Alabama politics. Though Alabama had supported Republicans in national elections, state and local elections were dominated by Democrats so many people anticipated that the winner of the Democratic primary would win the election. The", "title": "1986 Alabama gubernatorial election" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.81, "text": "House Representative Will Ainsworth, State Senator Rusty Glover, and Public Serice Commission President Twinkle Cavanaugh are running for the Republican nomination. Dr. Will Boyd from Florence ran unopposed for the Democratic nomination. Former Alabama Attorney General Troy King is seeking the Republican Nomination. Incumbent Republican Attorney General Steve Marshall, who was appointed by Governor Bentley in February 2017 after appointing Attorney General Luther Strange to the U.S. Senate, is running for a first full term. Former Chief Deputy Attorney General Alice Martin ran for the Republican nomination. Attorney Joseph Siegelman, son of former Governor Don Siegelman, is the nominee of", "title": "2018 Alabama elections" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.8, "text": "In 2002, Bob Riley successfully ran for governor, leaving the 3rd district vacant. Rogers easily won the Republican nomination. In the general election, he faced Democratic veteran Joe Turnham, Jr., who had served three years as state party chairman and had run against Riley in the congressional election in 1998. In December 2011, Rogers voted in support of H.R. 10, the \"\"Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act,\"\" which would have required Congressional approval for any \"\"major regulations\"\" issued by the executive branch but, unlike the 1996 Congressional Review Act, would not require the president's signature or override", "title": "Mike Rogers (Alabama politician)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.7, "text": "1998 Alabama gubernatorial election The Alabama gubernatorial election of 1998 was held on 3 November 1998 to select the Governor of Alabama. The election saw incumbent Governor Fob James (R) against Lieutenant Governor Don Siegelman (D). The result saw Don Siegelman win a decisive victory over Fob James. As of 2019, this is the most recent election in which a Democrat was elected Governor of Alabama. The Republican primary took place on June 2 and saw no candidate secure over 50% of the vote, leading to a runoff on June 30. Incumbent Governor Fob James won the runoff to become", "title": "1998 Alabama gubernatorial election" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.69, "text": "1994 Alabama gubernatorial election The 1994 Alabama gubernatorial election was held on 8 November 1994 to select the governor of the state of Alabama. The election saw Republican Fob James defeat Democratic incumbent Governor Jim Folsom Jr. in an upset. The Democratic primary saw Jim Folsom defeat Paul Hubbert for the Democratic nomination. Lieutenant Governor Folsom became governor on April 22, 1993, after Republican Governor H. Guy Hunt was removed from office. Fob James defeated five other candidates for the Republican nomination. Folsom led in the polls during the campaign which showed him 10 to 12 percent ahead of James", "title": "1994 Alabama gubernatorial election" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.61, "text": "nomination for governor by approximately 8,000 votes to then fellow Democratic Attorney General Charles Graddick. The state Democratic party's five-member election contest committee invalidated the primary election result, claiming that thousands of Republicans had \"\"illegally\"\" voted in the Democratic primary for Graddick. As a result, they removed Graddick from the ballot. The Democratic Party placed Baxley's name on the ballot as the Democratic candidate instead of Graddick. The voters of the state revolted at what they perceived as disenfranchisement of their right to vote and elected the Republican challenger, Guy Hunt, as governor. Hunt was nominated in a statewide Republican", "title": "Elections in Alabama" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.59, "text": "House of Representatives as a Democrat, serving until his defeat in 1994. Mathis attempted a comeback to the House in 1998; this effort proved unsuccessful. In 2002, he ran for Alabama Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries but lost the Democratic primary. In June 2005, Mathis declared his intent to run for Governor of Alabama in 2006 as an independent. If elected, Mathis said he would build 15 casinos in Alabama in order to help fund the state. He ultimately entered the Democratic primary, but lost to Lucy Baxley. In 2010, Mathis switched parties and became a Republican. He ran that", "title": "Nathan Mathis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.56, "text": "bolted from the Democrats to the GOP just after being re-elected. Over the four-year term that followed another Democrat in the Senate would switch to being Republican as well as two more Democrat House members joining the GOP. Also, in the 2010 general election Republicans swept all statewide races electing Robert J. Bentley as Governor and Kay Ivey defeating the Democrat incumbent in the Lieutenant Governor's race. Republicans have won seven of the last eight governors races dating back to 1986. In 2012 Democrats lost the last statewide office still in their possession. In the 2014 general election, Republicans held", "title": "Alabama Republican Party" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.55, "text": "a broadcast on Monday Night Football, Barkley announced that he bought a house in Alabama to satisfy residency requirements for a 2014 campaign for governor. In addition, Barkley declared himself an Independent and not a Democrat as previously reported. \"\"The Republicans are full of it\"\", Barkley said, \"\"The Democrats are a little less full of it.\"\" In February 2008, Barkley announced that he would be running for Governor of Alabama in 2014 as an Independent. On October 27, 2008, he officially announced his candidacy for Governor of Alabama in an interview with CNN, stating that he planned to run in", "title": "Charles Barkley" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.44, "text": "Movement, and the rise of the religious right in the 1970s only accelerated this trend. At the time of the election, Alabama had a Republican Governor (Bob Riley), two Republicans in the U.S. Senate (Richard Shelby and Jeff Sessions), and five of its seven seats in the U.S. House of Representatives were held by Republicans. On November 4, 2008, Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama predictably lost by a landslide. However, he performed 2% better in 2008 than John Kerry did in 2004 (both by popular vote and by the number of carried counties). In large part, this can be attributed", "title": "2008 United States presidential election in Alabama" } ]
how many episodes are in wolfblood season 1?
[ "13" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.12, "text": "secret. Each series has new characters and concepts and overall the television series has an interesting storyline. To date, five complete series have aired. Series 1 first aired on 10 September 2012 and concluded on 22 October 2012 and consisted of 13 episodes. Series 2 first aired on 9 September 2013 and concluded on 21 October 2013 and again consisted of 13 episodes. Series 3 first aired on 15 September 2014 and concluded on 27 October 2014 and also consisted of 13 episodes. Series 4 first aired on 8 March 2016 and concluded on 13 April 2016 and this time", "title": "Wolfblood" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.83, "text": "Comprehensive in the series) and the areas around Windy Nook and Newcastle. Production for series 1 began in February 2012 and ran until May 2012. It was shot in 3 production blocks: episodes 1–4, episodes 5–8, and episodes 9–13. A second series was confirmed after the final episode of the first series had aired. Filming for the second series began February 2013 and ended May 2013. All of the directors were new to the series, and it was shot in four production blocks: episodes 1–4, episodes 5–8, episode 9, and episodes 10–13. Filming for the third series began in February", "title": "Wolfblood" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.42, "text": "consisted of 12 episodes. A fifth season was announced on 6 June 2016 and began airing on 27 February 2017 and concluded on 1 May 2017 with 10 episodes. Since there has been no announcement of a sixth series, the show is presumed cancelled. The television series has won the Royal Television Society Award for the Children's Drama category in 2013. It also won the Banff Rockie Award in the category for 'Best Children's Programme (fiction)' in the same year. In 2015 the television series won the British Screenwriters' Award in the category 'Best British Children’s Television'. The second series", "title": "Wolfblood" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.25, "text": "between series 4 and 5 ten mini-episodes known as \"\"Wolfblood Secrets\"\" take place. It consisted of scenes set in an office run by an unnamed organisation where members of the series 4 cast were interviewed by 2 mysterious characters - Mr. Smith, and his superior, Ms. Jones - who want to know all they can about Wolfbloods. This was intercut with clips from Wolfblood episodes to illustrate what they are talking about. Jones returns as a character in series 5. The first three series are available on DVD in the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, and Germany (the latter has", "title": "Wolfblood" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.06, "text": "Teen Wolf (season 1) The first season of \"\"Teen Wolf\"\", an American supernatural drama, was developed by Jeff Davis based upon the 1985 film of the same name, premiered on June 5, 2011 and concluded on August 15, 2011 on the MTV network. The season featured 12 episodes. Scott McCall (Tyler Posey), is an average teenager suffering from asthma and living with his single mother in Beacon Hills. One night, he and his best friend Stiles Stilinski (Dylan O'Brien), the son of the local sheriff, Sheriff Stilinski (Linden Ashby), learn about half a corpse found by police in the woods.", "title": "Teen Wolf (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.61, "text": "typical jidaigeki format and broadcast for three seasons from 1973 to 1976, each episode 45 minutes long. Season one originally aired 27 episodes, but the original 2nd episode \"\"Gomune Oyuki (Oyuki of the Gomune)\"\" was subsequently deleted from all rebroadcasts in Japan and VHS and DVD releases. Seasons two and three ran for 26 episodes each. Kinnosuke Yorozuya played Ogami Ittō, and later reprised the role in a 1984 TV movie; Daigoro was played by Katzutaka Nishikawa in the first two seasons and by Takumi Satô in the final season. The series was co-produced by Union Motion Picture Co, Ltd.", "title": "Lone Wolf and Cub" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.55, "text": "Wolf\"\", which ran for 39 episodes. He did episodes of \"\"Matinee Theatre\"\" (\"\"Beginning Now\"\"), \"\"Climax!\"\" (\"\"A Promise to Murder\"\"), \"\"TV Reader's Digest\"\" (\"\"The Voyage of Captain Tom Jones, Pirate\"\"), \"\"Lux Video Theatre\"\" (\"\"So Evil My Love\"\", \"\"Suspicion\"\"), \"\"The O Henry Playhouse\"\" (\"\"Hearts and Hands\"\"), \"\"Studio One in Hollywood\"\" (\"\"Balance of Terror\"\"), \"\"Schlitz Playhouse\"\" (\"\"A Contest of Ladies\"\"), \"\"The Highwayman\"\", and \"\"Decision\"\" (\"\"Stand and Deliver\"\"). In films, he was in \"\"The Search for Bridey Murphy\"\" (1956). He guest starred on series such as \"\"Riverboat\"\" and was in a TV production of \"\"The Picture of Dorian Gray\"\" (1961) with George C. Scott.", "title": "Louis Hayward" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.5, "text": "Bad Blood (season 1) The first season of the Canadian television drama series \"\"Bad Blood\"\" premiered on September 21, 2017 and concluded on October 26, 2017. It consisted of six episodes, each running approximately 44 minutes in length. Citytv broadcast the first season on Thursdays at 8:00 pm in Canada. The first season is a dramatization of the rise and fall of the real-life Rizzuto crime family, a Montreal-based mafia organization. It is based on the 2015 book \"\"Business or Blood: Mafia Boss Vito Rizzuto's Last War\"\", by Antonio Nicaso and Peter Edwards. In November 2018, Netflix announced that it", "title": "Bad Blood (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.39, "text": "True Blood (season 1) The first season of the American television drama series True Blood premiered on September 7, 2008 and concluded on November 23, 2008. It consists of 12 episodes, each running approximately 55 minutes in length and was, for the most part, based on the novel Dead Until Dark, the first entry in \"\"The Southern Vampire Mysteries\"\" by Charlaine Harris. The story takes place in the fictional town of Bon Temps, Louisiana, two years after vampires have made their presence known to mankind, and follows telepathic waitress Sookie Stackhouse as she attempts to solve a series of murders", "title": "True Blood (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.39, "text": "English law, resulting in a different episode being adapted. Wolf then attracted producer Richard Stokes to the series, but he stated that a 13-episode series would be too long for broadcast on British television, and thus, he separated the 13 scripts into two separate series. Wolf, however, objected to this, claiming that it wouldn't be an issue, as each series in the United States contains 22 episodes per series. Wolf pushed ITV for more episodes per series, but his attempt was unsuccessful. Each of the 13 scripts was updated for contemporariness, and while the difficulties of adapting the scripts for", "title": "Law & Order: UK" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.31, "text": "Radio II\"\" aired ten episodes between June 10 and October 28, 2009 with the same producer and hosts. An anime adaptation produced by the animation studio Imagin aired in Japan between January 9 and March 26, 2008 on the Chiba TV Japanese television network; twelve of the thirteen episodes were broadcast, with episode seven being a DVD exclusive. The episodes are being released in six DVD compilation volumes in Japan; volume one contains three episodes while the subsequent volumes contain two episodes each. The volumes were released between April 2, 2008 and August 29, 2008 by Pony Canyon in Japan;", "title": "Spice and Wolf" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.31, "text": "Teen Wolf (season 5) The fifth season of \"\"Teen Wolf\"\", an American supernatural drama created by Jeff Davis and to some extent based on the 1985 film of the same name, received an order of 20 episodes on June 24, 2014, and premiered on June 29, 2015. The second episode aired the day after, on June 30, 2015, then returned to the regular schedule on Mondays. The first ten episodes of the season premiered in June 2015, with the second half of the season premiering on January 5, 2016. The entire season concluded on March 8, 2016. However, unlike the", "title": "Teen Wolf (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.27, "text": "began airing \"\"Paris enquêtes criminelles\"\", a co-production from TF1 and ALMA, Wolf Films and NBC Universal. All eight episodes of \"\"Paris enquêtes criminelles\"\"s first season, two episodes from the second season, and one third-season episode were adapted from \"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\" first-season episodes. Wolf stated that \"\"Law & Order: Criminal Intent\"\" has been sold to foreign networks because it is easier to adapt into local legal systems than \"\"Law & Order\"\", where half of each episode occurs in the courtroom. The season is available in a number of new media formats. Universal Studios Home Entertainment released it in", "title": "Law & Order: Criminal Intent (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.22, "text": "Teen Wolf (season 6) The sixth season of \"\"Teen Wolf\"\", an American supernatural drama created by Jeff Davis and to some extent based on the 1985 film of the same name, received an order of 20 episodes on July 9, 2015, and premiered on November 15, 2016. The second half of the season premiered on July 30, 2017. Unlike the previous season, instead of telling a single story, the season was split into two 10-episode arcs, following the same format of the third season. On July 21, 2016, the cast announced at Comic Con that the series would end after", "title": "Teen Wolf (season 6)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.19, "text": "Wolf's Rain \"\"Wolf's Rain\"\" spans twenty-six television episodes and four original video animation (OVA) episodes, with each episode running approximately twenty-five minutes. The series was originally broadcast in Japan on Fuji TV and the anime CS television network, Animax. The complete thirty episode series is licensed for North American release by Funimation, in Europe by Beez Entertainment and in Australia and New Zealand by Madman Entertainment. The series was adapted into a short two-volume manga series written by Keiko Nobumoto and illustrated by Toshitsugu Iida. The manga, which was released while the series was airing, is a retelling of the", "title": "Wolf's Rain" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.19, "text": "Wolf's Rain \"\"Wolf's Rain\"\" spans twenty-six television episodes and four original video animation (OVA) episodes, with each episode running approximately twenty-five minutes. The series was originally broadcast in Japan on Fuji TV and the anime CS television network, Animax. The complete thirty episode series is licensed for North American release by Funimation, in Europe by Beez Entertainment and in Australia and New Zealand by Madman Entertainment. The series was adapted into a short two-volume manga series written by Keiko Nobumoto and illustrated by Toshitsugu Iida. The manga, which was released while the series was airing, is a retelling of the", "title": "Wolf's Rain" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.91, "text": "Dumping Ground\"\"; and former Wolfblood director, Matthew Evans. Production began on 16 June 2014, and was completed on 10 November 2014. The Dumping Ground (series 3) The third series of the British children's television series \"\"The Dumping Ground\"\" began broadcasting on 16 January 2015 on CBBC and ended on 8 December 2015. The series follows the lives of the children living in the fictional children's care home of Ashdene Ridge, nicknamed by them \"\"The Dumping Ground\"\". It consists of twenty, thirty-minute episodes, airing in two halves in January and October 2015. It is the eleventh series in The Story of", "title": "The Dumping Ground (series 3)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.91, "text": "1 DVD release by Bandai Entertainment. The entire series, including the four OVAs, were released in seven individual volumes that contained four episodes, except for the first two volumes, which had five episodes. With the first volume, Bandai offered a stand-alone version and a limited edition version, which included an art box, Kiba plushie, and the first CD soundtrack. Bandai also released the thirty episodes in a complete series box set and in a two part \"\"Anime Legends\"\" collection. Funimation has since licensed the series following the closure of Bandai Entertainment and will release the series on Blu-ray and DVD", "title": "Wolf's Rain" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.88, "text": "in three episodes as Charles Rosselini, Erin's boss who becomes romantically involved with her. Robert John Burke portrayed Jyle Hogan in three episodes. \"\"Blue Bloods\"\" premiered with the pilot episode, which attracted 13.01 million viewers. After four episodes, the season received a full order of 22 episodes. The series was the most watched program on Friday nights during its duration and was the second most watched program during its short move to the Wednesday timeslot. Apart from the pilot episode, the most-watched episode of the season was \"\"Little Fish\"\", which accrued a viewership of 12.30 million viewers. The series finale", "title": "Blue Bloods (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.83, "text": "third season, the twenty episodes featured the same story arc. Several cast changes occurred, with Dylan Sprayberry becoming a series regular as Liam Dunbar, while Tyler Hoechlin left the show to pursue film roles. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> The series was renewed for a fifth season for a two-part 20-episode run on June 24, 2014. However, unlike the third season, it remained as a single 20-episode arc. Filming began on February 9, 2015. Season 5 premiered on June 29, 2015. Filming for the second part of Season 5 began on August 24, 2015. The second half of Season 5 premiered on January 5,", "title": "Teen Wolf (season 5)" } ]
who are the new hosts of british bake off?
[ "Noel Fielding" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 27.28, "text": "The eighth series of \"\"The Great British Bake Off\"\" began airing on 29 August 2017. This is the first series of \"\"The Great British Bake Off\"\" to be broadcast on Channel 4 following its move from the BBC. The series features new hosts Noel Fielding and Sandi Toksvig, and new judge Prue Leith along with returning judge Paul Hollywood. This series was won by Sophie Faldo, with Kate Lyon and Steven Carter-Bailey finishing as runners-up. The eighth series is broadcast on Netflix as Collection 5. The ninth series of \"\"The Great British Bake Off\"\" began airing on 28 August 2018.", "title": "The Great British Bake Off" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 27.05, "text": "Channel 4 +1. The Great British Bake Off (series 8) The eighth series of \"\"The Great British Bake Off\"\" began on 29 August 2017, with this being the first of \"\"The Great British Bake Off\"\" to be broadcast on Channel 4, after the production company Love Productions moved the show. It is the first series for new hosts Noel Fielding and Sandi Toksvig, and new judge Prue Leith. This series was won by Sophie Faldo, with Kate Lyon and Steven Carter-Bailey finishing as runners-up. Colour key: For the first challenge, the bakers were instructed to make a cake using fresh", "title": "The Great British Bake Off (series 8)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.97, "text": "The Great British Bake Off (series 8) The eighth series of \"\"The Great British Bake Off\"\" began on 29 August 2017, with this being the first of \"\"The Great British Bake Off\"\" to be broadcast on Channel 4, after the production company Love Productions moved the show. It is the first series for new hosts Noel Fielding and Sandi Toksvig, and new judge Prue Leith. This series was won by Sophie Faldo, with Kate Lyon and Steven Carter-Bailey finishing as runners-up. Colour key: For the first challenge, the bakers were instructed to make a cake using fresh fruit, with no", "title": "The Great British Bake Off (series 8)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.39, "text": "British Bake Off\"\" to Channel 4 in 2017. The after show was announced in July 2014. Comedian Jo Brand was later announced as the host of the series on 24 July 2014. The show returned for a second run, beginning on 7 August 2015, and for a third series on 24 August 2016. A fourth series began on 31 August 2017 on Channel 4. A fifth series began on 31 August 2018, moving to Friday evenings. Brand and three rotating panelists appear on each episode. The panelists are generally a chef or cooking expert, such as Michel Roux Jr. or", "title": "The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.19, "text": "In 2016 new executive producer Paolo Proto (previously producer of \"\"The Great British Bake Off\"\") extended the programme from 30 minutes to one hour in September and October, also introducing new presenters Adam Frost, Frances Tophill, Nick Bailey, Nick Macer, Florence Headlam and Arit Anderson. Mark Lane is the UK’s first garden designer who uses a wheelchair, as well as the first BBC gardening presenter who uses a wheelchair. Lead presenters have included: Co-presenters have included: Alys Fowler, Chris Baines, Chris Beardshaw, Mary Spiller, Liz Rigby, Diarmuid Gavin, Clay Jones, Stefan Buczacki, Christine Walkden, Sarah Raven, Gay Search, Anne Swithinbank,", "title": "Gardeners' World" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.08, "text": "move it to BBC One for the next three series. After its seventh series, Love Productions signed a three-year deal with Channel 4 to produce the show for the broadcaster. The programme was originally presented by Sue Perkins and Mel Giedroyc, with judges Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood. The current presenters are Noel Fielding and Sandi Toksvig, with Hollywood and Prue Leith as the judges. In chronological order, the winners are Edd Kimber, Joanne Wheatley, John Whaite, Frances Quinn, Nancy Birtwhistle, Nadiya Hussain, Candice Brown, Sophie Faldo and Rahul Mandal. The show has become a significant part of British culture", "title": "The Great British Bake Off" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.91, "text": "She is joint founder of the Women's Equality Party (established in March 2015), was installed as Chancellor of the University of Portsmouth in October 2012, and is the current president of the Women of the Year Lunch. On 16 March 2017, Toksvig was announced as the new co-presenter of \"\"The Great British Bake Off\"\", alongside comedian Noel Fielding. Toksvig was born in Denmark. Her father, Claus Toksvig, was a Danish journalist, broadcaster, and foreign correspondent, so Toksvig spent most of her youth outside Denmark, mostly in New York City. Her mother, Julie Anne Toksvig (\"\"née\"\" Brett), is British. She attended", "title": "Sandi Toksvig" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.44, "text": "September 2016, Love agreed to a three-year deal to broadcast the show on Channel 4. Giedroyc and Perkins subsequently announced that they would not be returning when the show moves to its new network. On 22 September, Berry announced that she would also be leaving the show when it moved to Channel 4, while Hollywood later announced he would stay. In March 2017, it was announced that Prue Leith would join Hollywood as a judge, while Noel Fielding and Sandi Toksvig would take over as presenters. The programme operates on a weekly elimination process to find the best all-around baker", "title": "The Great British Bake Off" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.12, "text": "the public being nominated to appear as the guest chef. In September 2016, when it was announced that \"\"The Great British Bake Off\"\" would be moving to Channel 4 in 2017, Mel and Sue said that they would not be a part of the channel move and be stepping down as hosts of the show after the 7th edition. In October 2016, it was confirmed that Mel and Sue would become the presenters of \"\"Let's Sing and Dance for Comic Relief\"\" for BBC One in March 2017. On 23 July 2017, it was confirmed that Mel and Sue would host", "title": "Mel and Sue" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.11, "text": "then moved to Thursday evenings on 31 August to avoid a scheduling conflict with \"\"The Great British Bake Off\"\" on Channel 4.The second series will begin soon, without Nadiya Hussain. On 9 May 2018, the BBC announced that the show would return for a second series of 14 episodes airing in a new slot of 7pm. Presenter and \"\"Celebrity MasterChef\"\" winner Angellica Bell will join Michelin star head chef Tommy Banks to co-host and judge the series. Each team consists of three family members. Each heat features two teams, while each semi-final and the final feature three teams. The \"\"Cooking", "title": "The Big Family Cooking Showdown" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25, "text": "The Great British Sewing Bee The Great British Sewing Bee is a BBC Two reality show that began airing on 2 April 2013. In the show, talented amateur sewers compete to be named \"\"Britain's best home sewer\"\". A spin-off of the format of \"\"The Great British Bake Off\"\", the programme is presented by Claudia Winkleman. The show is set to return in 2019, with new host Joe Lycett. The first series of \"\"The Great British Sewing Bee\"\" started on 2 April and aired for four episodes concluding on 23 April 2013. The series was hosted by Claudia Winkleman and the", "title": "The Great British Sewing Bee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25, "text": "Nancy Birtwhistle in the final. A spin-off show \"\"\"\", hosted by comedian Jo Brand on BBC Two, was also launched as a companion series this year. Each episode was broadcast two days after the main show but later moved to the same night. The show includes interviews with eliminated contestants. In the U.S., the fifth series was broadcast as season 1 on PBS, and on Netflix as Collection 1. The sixth series began on 5 August 2015 on BBC One, again from Welford Park in Berkshire. Spin-off show \"\"\"\" returned for a second series, with Jo Brand as host. This", "title": "The Great British Bake Off" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.95, "text": "Baking Show: Holiday Edition\"\". Adams returned for his second season as host, with former Spice Girls singer Emma Bunton as new host. Joining Paul Hollywood on the judging panel is American pastry chef and restaurateur, Sherry Yard. The Great American Baking Show The Great American Baking Show is an American cooking competition television series and an adaptation of \"\"The Great British Bake Off\"\" (which is aired in the United States under the title \"\"The Great British Baking Show\"\"). Its first season aired on ABC under the title The Great Holiday Baking Show. The show is the second licensed adaptation of", "title": "The Great American Baking Show" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.89, "text": "The Great American Baking Show (season 3) The third season of \"\"The Great American Baking Show\"\" aired on December 7, 2017 with a two-hour premiere on ABC. The first two episodes aired back-to-back as part of ABC's 25 Days of Christmas lineup before being pulled by ABC on December 13, 2017 following sexual misconduct allegations against judge Johnny Iuzzini. This is the first season for new hosts Ayesha Curry and Anthony \"\"Spice\"\" Adams along with \"\"The Great British Bake Off\"\" judge, Paul Hollywood, who joined judge Johnny Iuzzini. Season two baker, Antoinette Love, who withdrew from the competition following her", "title": "The Great American Baking Show (season 3)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.84, "text": "The Great British Bake Off (series 5) The fifth series of \"\"The Great British Bake Off\"\" began on Wednesday 6 August 2014. Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins presented the show and Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood returned as judges. Twelve contestants competed in this series, and the competition was held in Welford Park in Berkshire. The series was won by Nancy Birtwhistle, with Luis Troyano and Richard Burr finishing as runners-up. The programme was moved from BBC Two to BBC One starting this year, however the Masterclass episodes remained on BBC Two. A companion series \"\"\"\" hosted by comedian Jo", "title": "The Great British Bake Off (series 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.67, "text": "on her acting and writing career. On 11 May 2017, it was reported that Mel and Sue were linked to host a reboot for the BBC as part of a package for not staying with \"\"The Great British Bake Off\"\" after its move to Channel 4. On 23 July 2017, it was confirmed that Mel and Sue would host. However, on 7 February 2018, two episodes instead of the planned four was confirmed, with the BBC saying \"\"During the production process it's not unusual for a new series to change length as the format evolves\"\". Basil Brush was announced as", "title": "The Generation Game" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.58, "text": "Rosemary Schrager, a comedian such as Hal Cruttenden, and a well-known figure who is a fan of the show. The panel has also featured past bakers, including winners Nancy Birtwhistle and Nadiya Hussain. A typical episode begins with Brand reviewing the events of the previous episode while showing clips, including unseen footage from the tent, usually humorous outtakes. Afterwards, she interviews the panelists about the current episode and what happened in the tent that week. In the next segment, she presents images of bakes viewers have sent in, the talks about the bakes the audience have brought to the studio,", "title": "The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.53, "text": "the production team. As a result, he was given an extra 15 minutes for the challenge. The two holiday specials will each feature four returning contestants from the series 5–8. The Great Christmas Bake Off will feature Liam Charles (Series 8), Flo Atkins (Series 8), Andrew Smyth (Series 7) and Jane Beedle (Series 7). The Great New Year's Bake Off will feature the return of champion Candice Brown (Series 7), Steven Carter-Bailey (Series 8), Tamal Ray (Series 6) and Kate Henry (Series 5). The final was watched by an overnight viewing audience figure of 7.5 million, down from the previous", "title": "The Great British Bake Off (series 9)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.48, "text": "with Ruby Tandoh and Kimberley Wilson as runners up. In the U.S., the fourth series was broadcast as season 2 on PBS, and on Netflix as Collection 2. The fifth series of \"\"The Great British Bake Off\"\" began airing on 6 August 2014 on BBC One. This series was filmed at Welford Park in Berkshire. There were twelve bakers taking part. Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood returned as judges, whilst Sue Perkins and Mel Giedroyc continued to present the series. Richard Burr was awarded the largest number of star baker designations of any series so far, but was beaten by", "title": "The Great British Bake Off" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.47, "text": "she did the show just for the money, informing readers that she had nearly gone bankrupt. The show moved to BBC One for its fifth series and has won numerous awards. In September 2016, Love Productions announced that a three-year deal had been agreed to broadcast \"\"The Great British Bake Off\"\" on Channel 4, instead of the BBC, from 2017. Giedroyc and Perkins announced that they would not be continuing with the show on its new network. Mary Berry later announced she was also leaving the Bake Off on the same day that fellow-judge Paul Hollywood separately announced he would", "title": "Mel Giedroyc" } ]
when did the jeep grand cherokee come out?
[ "1992" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.88, "text": "system. The original Grand Cherokee was launched in 1992 as a 1993 model year vehicle in the luxury SUV segment. The \"\"ZJ\"\" models, manufactured from 1992 to 1998, originally came in three trim levels: base (also known as SE), Laredo, and Limited, subsequent trims were added, included Orvis (MY 95–98), TSI (MY97–98). The base model included features such as full instrumentation, cloth interior, and a standard five-speed manual transmission, while gaining the moniker \"\"SE\"\" name for the 1994 model year. Power windows and locks were not standard equipment on the base trim. The minimal price tag differential resulted in low", "title": "Jeep Grand Cherokee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.88, "text": "Jeep Grand Cherokee (WJ) Unveiled at Detroit, MI Cobo Hall on June 16, 1998, the redesigned WJ 1999 Grand Cherokee shared just 127 parts with its predecessor (mostly fasteners) and took 28 months to develop from its March 1996 design freeze (styling approval in Q3 1995). The spare tire was relocated from the side of the cargo compartment to under the floor. The two heavy pushrod V8 engines were replaced by Chrysler's then-new PowerTech. New V8 engine produced less torque than the old pushrods, but was lighter, offered better fuel economy, and provided similar on road performance figures (the 23-gallon", "title": "Jeep Grand Cherokee (WJ)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.78, "text": "tank, the SUV can now travel up to on a single tank, while other sources estimate range to be . The Jeep Grand Cherokee was released in India on 30 August 2016. Alongside the Wrangler, the Grand Cherokee was the first model to be sold directly by Jeep in the country. Jeeps have been built under licence by Mahindra in India since the 1960s. In 2010, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) launched an investigation into 1993–2004 model year Jeep Grand Cherokees which involves the fuel tanks of these SUVs. Because the gas tanks are mounted between the bumper", "title": "Jeep Grand Cherokee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.56, "text": "The fourth-generation WK2 Grand Cherokee went on sale in summer 2010 as a 2011 model. It was unveiled at the 2009 New York Auto Show. In 2009, during its development, Chrysler management used it as an example of future products to convince United States federal regulators of Chrysler's future viability for the purpose of requesting a federal loan. This culminated in the Chrysler Chapter 11 reorganization that same year. The fourth-generation Grand Cherokee retains its classic Jeep styling combined with a modern and sleek body style. The interior features leather trim and real wood accents, plus Bluetooth and uConnect electronics", "title": "Jeep Grand Cherokee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.55, "text": "at Camp Jeep 2004. <nowiki>*</nowiki>Note: Only 2001-2003 models rated On November 8, 2012, Chrysler announced the recall on certain model year 2002 though 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee vehicles manufactured February 13, 2001, through May 23, 2003. A component in the air bag control module may fail causing the front airbags, side curtain airbags, and/or seatbelt pretensioners to deploy inadvertently while the vehicle is being operated. Jeep Grand Cherokee (WJ) Unveiled at Detroit, MI Cobo Hall on June 16, 1998, the redesigned WJ 1999 Grand Cherokee shared just 127 parts with its predecessor (mostly fasteners) and took 28 months to develop", "title": "Jeep Grand Cherokee (WJ)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.38, "text": "until late-1992 as an Explorer competitor. Unlike the Explorer, the Grand Cherokee utilized monocoque (unibody) construction, whereas the Explorer was a derivative of the Ranger pickup with a separate body-on-frame. The Grand Cherokee debuted in grand fashion at the 1992 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan. The vehicle that was driven was a Poppy Red Clear Coat 1993 Grand Cherokee ZJ Laredo with a quartz cloth interior and high-back bucket seats. Then Chrysler president Robert Lutz drove Detroit mayor, Coleman Young, from the Jefferson North Assembly Plant on North Jefferson Avenue via a police escort to Cobo Hall,", "title": "Jeep Grand Cherokee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.3, "text": "Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK) Manufactured and marketed by Jeep for the 2005 model year, the third generation Grand Cherokee (WK) debuted at the 2004 New York International Auto Show and subsequently in Europe at \"\"Euro Camp Jeep\"\" in Ardèche, France. Major features included Quadra-Drive II four-wheel drive, rear-seat DVD player, and optional 5.7 L Hemi V8 engine. The 3.7 L V6 engine replaced the 4.0 L Straight-6 engine. Notably, the WK featured independent front suspension. In 2008, the WK received a minor facelift with revised headlights and high intensity discharge (HID) Headlamps with auto leveling. The lower portion of the", "title": "Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.3, "text": "over a rollaway risk. Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK) Manufactured and marketed by Jeep for the 2005 model year, the third generation Grand Cherokee (WK) debuted at the 2004 New York International Auto Show and subsequently in Europe at \"\"Euro Camp Jeep\"\" in Ardèche, France. Major features included Quadra-Drive II four-wheel drive, rear-seat DVD player, and optional 5.7 L Hemi V8 engine. The 3.7 L V6 engine replaced the 4.0 L Straight-6 engine. Notably, the WK featured independent front suspension. In 2008, the WK received a minor facelift with revised headlights and high intensity discharge (HID) Headlamps with auto leveling. The", "title": "Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.28, "text": "sale in April 1992 in Base, Laredo, and Limited trims. At launch all Grand Cherokees were powered by the 4.0 L Power Tech Inline Six-Cylinder engine, and were all four-wheel drive. Starting in early 1993, the Grand Cherokee became available with the 5.2 L Magnum V8 engine, and a Grand Wagoneer Limited model became available with standard four-wheel drive and V8 power, as well as a plush leather-trimmed interior and faux vinyl woodgrain side and tailgate paneling. The 5.2 L Magnum V8 engine was available with the Quadra-Trac computerized four-wheel drive system, which was the first computerized system in its", "title": "Jeep Grand Cherokee (ZJ)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.91, "text": "sale in late April 2005, and concluding at 9,500 examples on May 31, 2005. For MY 2006, production started on July 5, 2005 and concluded on June 30, 2006. Sales began in September 2005. A 65th Anniversary Edition was introduced, which temporarily replaced the Rocky Mountain Edition trim level. The Overland trim level was new, as was an SRT-8 trim level that went into production on November 5, 2005 and went on-sale December 20, 2005. The A/M-F/M stereo with both cassette player and six-disc, in-dash CD/MP3 changer is discontinued. A new 3.0L CRD Diesel V6 engine debuts for both the", "title": "Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.83, "text": "Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK2) The fourth-generation Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK2) is a mid-size SUV introduced in Spring 2010 for the 2011 model year by Jeep. It was unveiled at the 2009 New York Auto Show. The fourth-generation Grand Cherokee retains its classic Jeep styling combined with a modern and sleek body style. The 2011 Grand Cherokee has won 30 awards for off-road capability, luxury, value, best-in-class, and safety, making it the most awarded SUV ever. Among the awards are: Top Safety Pick for 2011 from the IIHS, listed as a \"\"Consumers Digest\"\" Best Buy for 2011, Safest SUV in America", "title": "Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK2)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.81, "text": "and Jeep Grand Cherokee. Jeep announced that the all-new vehicle would be named the Cherokee, and also that the new vehicle would make its official debut at the New York International Auto Show in March 2013. The Cherokee's official debut was made on Wednesday, March 27, 2013. Jeep adopted the Cherokee name worldwide. The North American market saw the Cherokee nameplate for the first time since the 2001 departure of the Jeep Cherokee (XJ). Other markets retained the Cherokee name with the introduction of the Jeep Liberty in the North American markets. The all-new Cherokee's wheelbase is , longer than", "title": "Jeep Cherokee (KL)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.72, "text": "death, 41 injuries, 212 crashes, and 308 reports of property damage. Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK2) The fourth-generation Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK2) is a mid-size SUV introduced in Spring 2010 for the 2011 model year by Jeep. It was unveiled at the 2009 New York Auto Show. The fourth-generation Grand Cherokee retains its classic Jeep styling combined with a modern and sleek body style. The 2011 Grand Cherokee has won 30 awards for off-road capability, luxury, value, best-in-class, and safety, making it the most awarded SUV ever. Among the awards are: Top Safety Pick for 2011 from the IIHS, listed as", "title": "Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK2)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.62, "text": "up the steps of Cobo Hall and through a plate glass window to show off the new vehicle. Sales of the 1993 model year Grand Cherokee began in April 1992. Production of the Grand Cherokee started shortly afterward in the purpose-built Jefferson North Assembly in Detroit, Michigan. European Grand Cherokees are manufactured in Austria by Magna Steyr. The Grand Cherokee \"\"played a significant part in reviving Chrysler's fortunes by moving it into the then nascent market for high-margin sports utility vehicles.\"\" Upon its introduction, it was the first USA-manufactured automobile using HFC-134a refrigerant in place of HCFC-12 for the HVAC", "title": "Jeep Grand Cherokee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.55, "text": "Cherokee, itself starting a successive line of vehicles as Jeep's flagship vehicle. The third generation, marketed as the Jeep Liberty in North America to differentiate it from the Grand Cherokee, was introduced in April 2001 for the 2002 model year. The Cherokee was priced between the Wrangler and Grand Cherokee. It remained the smallest of the 4-door Jeep SUVs up until the crossover-based 4-door Compass and Patriot arrived for 2007. The Cherokee featured unibody-construction. It was assembled at the Toledo North Assembly Plant in the United States, as well as in other countries including Egypt and Venezuela. It was the", "title": "Jeep Cherokee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.55, "text": "allowed potential conflicts to be resolved faster, thus reducing costly engineering changes, because all drawings and documents were in a central database. The system was so effective that after Chrysler purchased AMC in 1987, it expanded the system throughout its enterprise, thus connecting everyone involved in designing and building products. The Grand Cherokee thus became the first Chrysler-badged Jeep product. Development work for the new Jeep model continued and Chrysler's employees (after the 1987 buyout of AMC) were eager for a late-1980s release date; however, CEO Lee Iacocca was pushing for redesigned Chrysler minivans, thus delaying the Grand Cherokee's release", "title": "Jeep Grand Cherokee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.5, "text": "however). Production of the 2003 model year Grand Cherokees began in August of 2002, which was the shortest model year for the Grand Cherokee. In 2003, during the Grand Cherokee WJ's final calendar year of production, the Special Edition trim level returned for MY2004, and a new Columbia Edition trim level was introduced in partnership with Columbia Sportswear that offered unique details, and an optional 4.7L High-Output PowerTech V8 engine on the Laredo trim level, taking on Chevrolet's The North Face Edition trucks and SUV's. The GPS navigation system radio was now available regardless of sound system package. The base", "title": "Jeep Grand Cherokee (WJ)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.41, "text": "Jeep Grand Cherokee (ZJ) The Jeep Grand Cherokee (ZJ) is the first generation of the Jeep Grand Cherokee sport utility vehicle. Introduced in 1992 for the 1993 model year, development of the ZJ Grand Cherokee started under American Motors Corporation (AMC) and was continued after the company was acquired by Chrysler in 1987. Export models produced at the plant in Graz, Austria, were given the vehicle designation of \"\"ZG\"\". The all-new 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee ZJ offered many new and class-exclusive features that its competitors, such as the Chevrolet Blazer and Ford Explorer, did not offer. For example, all Jeep", "title": "Jeep Grand Cherokee (ZJ)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.38, "text": "debuted at the 2005 New York International Auto Show. Powered by a version of the 6.1 L \"\"Hemi\"\", it also features upgraded Brembo brakes, large dual performance exhaust with polished tips (exiting out the middle of the rear), Bilstein performance gas charged shocks and modified suspension components, Mercedes-Benz NAG1 (WA580) 5-speed transmission, unique NV146 transfer case, specially designed electronic all-wheel-drive system and interior and exterior updates. A drive shaft from a diesel application, fortified Dana 44 rear differential, and 11.2\"\" (285 mm) wide Goodyear tires in the rear (10\"\" or 255 mm in the front) complement the performance package. The", "title": "Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.25, "text": "all-wheel-drive and a four-speed automatic transmission. This engine and model was only available for the 1998 model year. Between 1996 and 1998, the export Grand Cherokee Laredo (marketed for Japan) had the optional Aspen package (source: The Story of Jeep). In the mid-late 2000s (as they passed the 15 year mark), Japanese Domestic Market (JDM) Jeep Grand Cherokees that came in right hand drive became a popular vehicle choice for Canadian Mail Carriers since it shared the same chassis, body, suspension, and engine as the North American left hand drive version. The 1993-1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee ZJ was available in", "title": "Jeep Grand Cherokee (ZJ)" } ]
who wrote the journey song don't stop believing?
[ "Neal Schon", "Steve Perry", "Jonathan Cain" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.55, "text": "seventh studio album, \"\"Oye Mi Canto\"\", in 2006 on Sony International. In 2008, after a hiatus from recording, a producer-friend, Giuseppe D, presented Lamond the idea to release a dance-pop cover of Journey's song \"\"Don't Stop Believing\"\". Released on Robbins Entertainment, Lamond's cover reached #1 on New York‘s 103.5 KTU radio. The release also found success on other U.S. radio stations, especially in the Northeast and Canada. WKTU presented Lamond with a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2009. On October 24, 2014 at Resorts World Casino in New York City, Lamond performed in a 25th anniversary show, in which he debuted", "title": "George Lamond" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.23, "text": "May 20, 2018, Perry made a surprise appearance on the final week of \"\"American Idol\"\" season 16 when finalist Gabby Barrett performed Journey's \"\"Don't Stop Believing\"\" for her choice of song, dedicated to her hometown. Perry was then asked to give his thoughts on her performance, which he was amazed by and said \"\"She was amazing, that's my critique!\"\" Perry then met Barrett after her performance. Host Ryan Seacrest then went on to say that Idol was planning this surprise appearance all day and could not wait to see the reaction the fans had when Perry walked out of hiding.", "title": "Steve Perry" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.02, "text": "Don't Stop Believin' \"\"Don't Stop Believin' is a song by American rock band Journey, originally released as the second single from their seventh album \"\"Escape\"\" (1981). It became a number 9 hit on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 on its original release. In the United Kingdom, the song was not a Top 40 hit on its original release; however, it reached number 6 in 2009. Mike DeGagne of AllMusic has described \"\"Don't Stop Believin' as a \"\"perfect rock song\"\" and an \"\"anthem\"\", featuring \"\"one of the best opening keyboard riffs in rock.\"\" It is the best-selling digital track from the 20th", "title": "Don't Stop Believin'" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.56, "text": "Who's Crying Now \"\"Who's Crying Now\"\" is a million-selling, RIAA Gold-certified single by the American rock band Journey. It was written by Jonathan Cain and Steve Perry. It was released in 1981 as the first single from \"\"Escape\"\" and reached #4 on both the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 and the Mainstream Rock Tracks charts. The song charted at #46 in the UK Singles Chart, and was the band's highest charting single in the UK until \"\"Don't Stop Believin'\"\" (also released as a single from the \"\"Escape\"\" album in 1981) incurred a resurgence in worldwide popularity in 2009. The song is highlighted", "title": "Who's Crying Now" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.48, "text": "N Kutcher released a version of the song, with vocals by singer Addison, on Universal Music. Don't Stop Believin' \"\"Don't Stop Believin' is a song by American rock band Journey, originally released as the second single from their seventh album \"\"Escape\"\" (1981). It became a number 9 hit on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 on its original release. In the United Kingdom, the song was not a Top 40 hit on its original release; however, it reached number 6 in 2009. Mike DeGagne of AllMusic has described \"\"Don't Stop Believin' as a \"\"perfect rock song\"\" and an \"\"anthem\"\", featuring \"\"one of", "title": "Don't Stop Believin'" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.48, "text": "during the middle of the 8th. The Los Angeles Dodgers also hold an 8th inning tradition, with fans singing Journey's \"\"Don't Stop Believin'\"\". The practice came under controversy when the song's author, Steve Perry, a Bay Area native and San Francisco Giants fan, asked the Dodgers to stop the tradition. The team refused and continue to play the song through the 2013 season. The Minnesota Twins, who played the same song, ended the tradition upon moving to Target Field in 2010. The Journey song \"\"Lights\"\" is frequently played at San Francisco Giants baseball games (including a version led by Perry", "title": "Seventh-inning stretch" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.25, "text": "Fleetwood Mac, co-written with Melissa Manchester. He followed it in 1979 with \"\"Keep the Fire\"\" and in 1982 with High Adventure. The latter contained his rock duet with Journey front man Steve Perry \"\"Don't Fight It\"\", which rose to No. 17 on the \"\"US Billboard Top 100\"\". Although he abandoned playing the harmonica in his solo career, he continued to play guitar, just as he had done with Loggins & Messina. Loggins also co-wrote the song \"\"What a Fool Believes\"\" with Michael McDonald. Each recorded his own version of the song, with McDonald recording as a member of the Doobie", "title": "Kenny Loggins" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.91, "text": "aired the finale of the series \"\"The Sopranos\"\", concluding with Journey's \"\"Don't Stop Believin emanating from a diner jukebox. Without a lead singer, the band found itself unable to tour to capitalize on the heightened nostalgia for 1980s music demonstrated by the series. In the summer of 2007, Jonathan Cain and Neal Schon began searching YouTube for a new lead singer. They auditioned Jeremey Hunsicker of the Journey tribute band Frontiers, with whom they co-wrote \"\"Never Walk Away\"\", for their next album. Ultimately the band hired another YouTube find, Filipino singer Arnel Pineda of the cover band The Zoo. Although", "title": "Journey (band)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.73, "text": "Robert Chiappetta (Page Publishing, Inc., 2015),\"\"The Fire That Will Not Die\"\" by Michele McBride (ETC Publications, 1979), \"\"To Sleep With The Angels\"\" by David Cowen and John Kuenster (Ivan R. Dee, 2003), \"\"Remembrances of the Angels\"\" by John Kuenster (Ivan R. Dee, 2008) and a 2003 Emmy-winning television documentary, \"\"Angels Too Soon\"\", produced by WTTW Channel 11 Chicago. Future Journey keyboardist, Jonathan Cain was a student at the time of the fire and chronicles it in his 2018 autobiography, \"\"Don’t Stop Believin’: The Man, the Band, and the Song That Inspired Generations\"\". The History Channel also featured the disaster in", "title": "Our Lady of the Angels School fire" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.73, "text": "it still risks reaching dangerous levels of non-cynicism that could irreversibly damage our national psyche in the long-term.\"\" Emma Love of \"\"The Independent\"\" called the show \"\"bang on the money\"\", praising it for \"\"tapp[ing] into \"\"Glee\"\" fever\"\" and \"\"pick[ing] up on a particular moment in culture with its all-singing, all-dancing groups.\"\" Andrea Mullaney of \"\"The Scotsman\"\" deemed the series: \"\"a predictable mash-up of the talented and deluded on their own 'journeys' being patronised and sniggered at by a judges who seem like they've just been introduced to each other 30 seconds before filming began.\"\" The Ten Network in Australia had", "title": "Don't Stop Believing (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.62, "text": "Ford song called \"\"Don't Lose Your Faith in Me\"\". This also marked Holland's return to the music industry after a battle with breast cancer, which she was diagnosed with since 1995. Holland wrote most of the songs for this album. The Journey to Miracle River The Journey to Miracle River is the third studio album by singer Amy Holland, who was now in her 50s the time this album was released. This is her first studio album in 25 years, but she did record songs in between the years 1983-2008, such as songs for film soundtracks and other collaborations. This", "title": "The Journey to Miracle River" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.59, "text": "\"\"perfect\"\" closing song. Former Journey frontman Steve Perry gave an interview to American magazine RadarOnline, as co-writer of several Journey tracks, and praised the use of his songs on the show: \"\"\"\"Glee\"\" has opened up a international catalog of songwriting and introduced those songs to a whole new generation that would have otherwise never heard them.\"\" The Regionals version of \"\"Don't Stop Believin\"\" earned a Grammy nomination for Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals for the ceremonies in 2011. Following this nomination, the song was included on the compilation album \"\"2011 Grammy Nominees\"\". The EP debuted", "title": "Glee: The Music, Journey to Regionals" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.58, "text": "join the rock band Journey, taking Gregg Rolie's place on keyboards. Cain aided Journey's rise to the top of the charts with his first collaborations on the album \"\"Escape\"\", composing and playing the piano on songs such as \"\"Don't Stop Believin'\"\", described by AllMusic as \"\"one of the best opening keyboard riffs in rock\"\". Perhaps his most notable contribution was as sole author of the Journey ballad \"\"Faithfully\"\", a song about life on the road while in a band. Cain would go on to appear on at least 13 other Journey albums and compilations. The song \"\"Working Class Man\"\" sung", "title": "Jonathan Cain" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.56, "text": "The band's songs have been covered by multiple artists and adopted by sports teams. In particular, \"\"Don't Stop Believin'\"\" was heard in the final episode of \"\"The Sopranos\"\", adapted by the television series \"\"Glee\"\", sung by the \"\"Family Guy\"\" cast, adopted as the unofficial anthem of the 2005 and 2010 World Series champion baseball teams, performed by The Chipmunks in their album \"\"Undeniable\"\" (2008), and sung by the cast of the Broadway musical \"\"Rock of Ages\"\". On March 8, 2013, a documentary, \"\"Don’t Stop Believin’: Everyman’s Journey\"\", was released. The movie, directed by Ramona S. Diaz, chronicles the discovery of", "title": "Journey (band)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.44, "text": "Arnel Pineda and his first year with Journey. Journey (band) Journey is an American rock band that formed in San Francisco in 1973, composed of former members of Santana and Frumious Bandersnatch. The band has gone through several phases; its strongest commercial success occurred between 1978 and 1987. During that period, the band released a series of hit songs, including \"\"Don't Stop Believin' (1981), which in 2009 became the top-selling track in iTunes history among songs not released in the 21st century. Its parent studio album, \"\"Escape\"\", the band's eighth and most successful, reached No. 1 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" 200", "title": "Journey (band)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.22, "text": "co-vocals and background vocals for the track, among the many songs he and Pack co-wrote shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks. That album, released in September 2005, includes covers of two of Pack's biggest hits with Ambrosia, \"\"Biggest Part of Me\"\" and \"\"You're the Only Woman.\"\" During the 2005 baseball season, the Chicago White Sox adopted Journey's \"\"Don't Stop Believin'\"\" as their unofficial team anthem. As a result, Perry (an avid San Francisco Giants fan) was asked to attend the World Series and even traveled with the White Sox to Houston where Perry joined the players on the field", "title": "Steve Perry" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.17, "text": "Journey (band) Journey is an American rock band that formed in San Francisco in 1973, composed of former members of Santana and Frumious Bandersnatch. The band has gone through several phases; its strongest commercial success occurred between 1978 and 1987. During that period, the band released a series of hit songs, including \"\"Don't Stop Believin' (1981), which in 2009 became the top-selling track in iTunes history among songs not released in the 21st century. Its parent studio album, \"\"Escape\"\", the band's eighth and most successful, reached No. 1 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" 200 and yielded another of their most popular singles,", "title": "Journey (band)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.14, "text": "more modern feel than Journey's previous work, however, featuring Schon's guitars having a different sound and set high in the mix. In songs such as \"\"Don't Stop Believin'\"\", which features two rhythm parts simultaneously, one will be sent to the left channel, and the other to the right to help simulate the feel of having two guitarists. Deen Castronovo's loud drum playing is also heard. Journey Production Revelation (Journey album) Revelation is the thirteenth studio album by American rock band Journey, and their first with lead singer Arnel Pineda. It features 11 new songs (\"\"Faith in the Heartland\"\" was previously", "title": "Revelation (Journey album)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.11, "text": "any song I've ever written. Every thesaurus and every rhyming dictionary I had, just trying to really make it work properly\"\". Other number-one hits for Newton-John that were written and produced by Farrar are \"\"Have You Never Been Mellow\"\" (1975), \"\"Don't Stop Believin'\"\" (an easy-listening chart-topper from 1976, not the Journey song of the same name), and \"\"Magic\"\" (1980). Farrar produced one side of the \"\"Xanadu\"\" soundtrack for the 1980 film of the same name. The other side featured tracks by Electric Light Orchestra and was produced by their guitarist-vocalist, Jeff Lynne. In March 1981, Farrar was nominated for a", "title": "John Farrar" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.11, "text": "the episode, but did not receive a waiver from the Directors Guild of America to do so. In the final scene of the series, Little Feat's \"\"All That You Dream\"\" is playing over Holstens' P.A. as Tony enters the diner ahead of Carmela, A.J. and Meadow. \"\"Don't Stop Believin is played throughout the rest of the scene. Journey's lead singer Steve Perry initially refused to let David Chase use the song until he knew the fate of the leading characters and did not give final approval until three days before the episode aired. Perry feared that the song would be", "title": "Made in America (The Sopranos)" } ]
when was the last time the federal minimum wage increased?
[ "July 2009" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.8, "text": "past nine years. The purchasing power of the federal minimum wage has fluctuated. Since 1984, the purchasing power of the federal minimum wage has decreased. Measured in real terms (adjusted for inflation) using 1984 dollars, the real minimum wage was $3.35 in 1984, $2.33 in 1994, $1.84 in 2004, and $1.46 in 2014. If the minimum wage had been raised to $10.10 in 2014, that would have equated to $4.40 in 1984 dollars. This would have been equal to a 31% increase in purchasing power, despite the nominal value of the minimum wage increasing by 216% in the same time", "title": "Minimum wage in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.69, "text": "look at the 1992 increase in New Jersey's minimum wage, the 1988 rise in California's minimum wage, and the 1990–91 increases in the federal minimum wage. In addition to their own findings, they reanalyzed earlier studies with updated data, generally finding that the older results of a negative employment effect did not hold up in the larger datasets. In 1996, David Neumark and William Wascher reexamined Card and Krueger's result using administrative payroll records from a sample of large fast food restaurant chains, and reported that minimum wage increases were followed by decreases in employment. An assessment of data collected", "title": "Minimum wage" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.53, "text": "paper shows that both datasets evidence conditional employment effects that are positive for small restaurants, but are negative for large fast-food restaurants. A 2014 analysis based on panel data found that the minimum wage reduces employment among teenagers. In 1996 and 1997, the federal minimum wage was increased from $4.25 to $5.15, thereby increasing the minimum wage by $0.90 in Pennsylvania but by just $0.10 in New Jersey; this allowed for an examination of the effects of minimum wage increases in the same area, subsequent to the 1992 change studied by Card and Krueger. A study by Hoffman and Trace", "title": "Minimum wage" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.5, "text": "pay with no ill effects on jobs...America's federal minimum wage, at 38% of median income, is one of the rich world's lowest. Some studies find no harm to employment from federal or state minimum wages, others see a small one, but none finds any serious damage.\"\" The U.S. minimum wage was last raised to $7.25 per hour in July 2009. As of December 2013, there were 21 states with minimum wages above the Federal minimum, with the State of Washington the highest at $9.32. Ten states index their minimum wage to inflation. The CBO reported in February 2014 that increasing", "title": "Unemployment in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.45, "text": "United States. It was signed into law on May 25, 2007 as a rider to the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007. The act implemented three increases to the federal minimum wage—from $5.15 an hour to $5.85 per hour on July 24, 2007, to $6.55 per hour on July 24, 2008, and to $7.25 an hour on July 24, 2009. Nearly all states within the United States have minimum wage laws; Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Tennessee are the only states yet to set a minimum wage law. As of July 24,", "title": "Minimum wage law" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.42, "text": "passed ordinances that gradually increase the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour. In 2016 New York and California became the first states to pass legislation that would gradually raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour in each state, followed by Massachusetts in 2018. In April 2014, the U.S. Senate debated the minimum wage on the federal level by way of the Minimum Wage Fairness Act. The bill would have amended the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA) to increase the federal minimum wage for employees to $10.10 per hour over the course of a two-year period. The bill", "title": "Minimum wage in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.3, "text": "28, 2014. In April 2014, the United States Senate debated the Minimum Wage Fairness Act (S. 1737; 113th Congress). The bill would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA) to increase the federal minimum wage for employees to $10.10 per hour over the course of a two-year period. The bill was strongly supported by President Barack Obama and many Democratic Senators, but strongly opposed by Republicans in the Senate and House. Warner expressed a willingness to negotiate with Republicans about some of the provisions of the bill, such as the timeline for the phase-in. Warner said that any", "title": "Mark Warner" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.3, "text": "per hour ($11.65 in 2018 dollars). The real value of the Federal minimum wage in 2016 dollars has decreased by one-third since 1968. The minimum wage would be $11 in 2016 if its real value had remained at the 1968 level. From January 1981 to April 1990, the minimum wage was frozen at $3.35 per hour, then a record-setting minimum wage freeze. From September 1, 1997 through July 23, 2007, the federal minimum wage remained constant at $5.15 per hour, breaking the old record. In 2009 the minimum wage was adjusted to $7.25 where it has remained fixed for the", "title": "Minimum wage in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.27, "text": "lowest-paid occupational sectors in May 2006 (when the federal minimum wage was $5.15 per hour) were the following: Two years later, in May 2008, when the federal minimum wage was $5.85 per hour and was about to increase to $6.55 per hour in July 2008, these same sectors were still the lowest-paying, but their situation (according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data) was: In 2006, workers in the following 13 individual occupations received, on average, a median hourly wage of less than $8.00 per hour: In 2008, only two occupations paid a median wage less than $8.00 per hour: According", "title": "Minimum wage in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.17, "text": "Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, as well as the California cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Long Beach, San Jose, Richmond, and Oakland. In 2016, the District of Columbia Council passed a minimum wage ordinance that included a union waiver, but Mayor Vincent Gray vetoed it. Later that year, the council approved an increase without the union waiver. The federal minimum wage was introduced in 1938 at the rate of $0.25 per hour ($4.78 in 2018 dollars). By 1950 the minimum wage had risen to $0.75 per hour. The minimum wage had its highest purchasing power in 1968, when it was $1.60", "title": "Minimum wage in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.03, "text": "April 2014, the United States Senate debated the Minimum Wage Fairness Act (S. 1737; 113th Congress). The bill would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA) to increase the federal minimum wage for employees to $10.10 per hour over the course of a two-year period. The bill was strongly supported by President Barack Obama and many of the Democratic Senators, but strongly opposed by Republicans in the Senate and House. Collins tried to negotiate a compromise bill that centrist Republicans could agree to, but was unable to do so. Collins tried to argue that the Congressional Budget Office", "title": "Susan Collins" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21, "text": "in interstate commerce or in the production of goods for interstate commerce,\"\" but in amendments in 1961 and 1966, the federal minimum wage was extended (with slightly different rates) to employees in large retail and service enterprises, local transportation and construction, state and local government employees, as well as other smaller expansions; a grandfather clause in 1990 drew most employees into the purview of federal minimum wage policy, which now set the wage at $3.80. The federal minimum wage in the United States was reset to its current rate of $7.25 per hour in July 2009. Some U.S. territories (such", "title": "Minimum wage in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.89, "text": "employee pension funds. Portman voted in April 2014 to extend federal funding for unemployment benefits. Federal funding had been initiated in 2008 and expired at the end of 2013. In April 2014, the United States Senate debated the Minimum Wage Fairness Act (S. 1737; 113th Congress). The bill would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA) to increase the federal minimum wage for employees to $10.10 per hour over the course of a two-year period. The bill was strongly supported by President Barack Obama and many of the Democratic Senators, but strongly opposed by Republicans in the Senate", "title": "Rob Portman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.81, "text": "with the statement. Economist Paul Krugman advocated raising the minimum wage moderately in 2013, citing several reasons, including: Democratic candidates, elected officials, and activists support an increase in the minimum wage. In his 2013 State of the Union Address, President Barack Obama called for an increase in the federal minimum wage to $9 an hour; several months later, Democrats Tom Harkin and George Miller proposed legislation to increase the federal minimum wage to $10.10; and in 2015, congressional Democrats introduced a proposal to increase the federal minimum wage to $12 an hour. These efforts did not succeed, but increases in", "title": "Minimum wage in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.78, "text": "Minimum wage in the United States The minimum wage in the United States is set by US labor law and a range of state and local laws. Employers generally have to pay workers the highest minimum wage prescribed by federal, state, and local law. Since July 24, 2009, the federal government has mandated a nationwide minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. As of January 2018, there were 29 states with a minimum wage higher than the federal minimum. From 2017 to 2018, eight states increased their minimum wage levels through automatic adjustments, while increases in eleven other states occurred through", "title": "Minimum wage in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.75, "text": "members of Congress, and his administration's focus on foreign policy also hindered the passage of New Frontier policies. In 1961, Kennedy prioritized passing five bills: federal assistance for education, medical insurance for the elderly, housing legislation, federal aid to struggling areas, and an increase in the federal minimum wage. Kennedy's bill to increase the federal minimum wage to $1.25 an hour passed in early 1961, but an amendment inserted by the staunch segregationist Congressman from Georgia, Carl Vinson, exempted hundreds of thousands of laundry workers (a job reserved for African-American women at the time) from the law. Kennedy also won", "title": "Presidency of John F. Kennedy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.61, "text": "effectively benefit from the minimum wage increase just the same. Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 The Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 is a US Act of Congress that amended the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to gradually raise the federal minimum wage from $5.15 per hour to $7.25 per hour. It was signed into law on May 25, 2007 as part of the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007. The act raises the federal minimum wage in 3 increments: to $5.85 per hour 60 days after enactment (2007-07-24), to $6.55", "title": "Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.56, "text": "Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 The Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 is a US Act of Congress that amended the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to gradually raise the federal minimum wage from $5.15 per hour to $7.25 per hour. It was signed into law on May 25, 2007 as part of the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007. The act raises the federal minimum wage in 3 increments: to $5.85 per hour 60 days after enactment (2007-07-24), to $6.55 per hour 12 months after that (2008-07-24), and finally to", "title": "Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.56, "text": "voted to expand background checks for gun purchases. In April 2014, the United States Senate debated the Minimum Wage Fairness Act (S. 1737; 113th Congress). The bill would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA) to increase the federal minimum wage for employees to $10.10 per hour over the course of a two-year period. The bill was strongly supported by President Barack Obama and many of the Democratic Senators, but strongly opposed by Republicans in the Senate and House. She wanted additional debate on the timeline and the raise for tipped workers. Landrieu said that \"\"I do not", "title": "Mary Landrieu" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.53, "text": "Minimum Wage Fairness Act The Minimum Wage Fairness Act () is a bill that would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA) to increase the federal minimum wage for employees to $10.10 per hour over the course of a two-year period. The bill was strongly supported by President Barack Obama and many of the Democratic Senators, but strongly opposed by Republicans in the Senate and House. The bill was introduced into the United States Senate during the 113th United States Congress. In the United States workers generally must be paid no less than the statutory minimum wage. As", "title": "Minimum Wage Fairness Act" } ]
who plays dr shepherd on grey's anatomy?
[ "Patrick Dempsey" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.41, "text": "episodes as cardiothoracic surgeon Dr. Erica Hahn, Callie's love interest, who eventually resigns and moves away. Patrick Dempsey portrayed neurosurgeon Dr. Derek Shepherd whose relationship with Meredith Grey is the series' main storyline. Although originally introduced as a recurring character in the season premiere, trauma surgeon Dr. Owen Hunt was promoted to a series regular in the fourteenth episode of the season \"\"Beat Your Heart Out\"\". He was portrayed by Kevin McKidd and was conceived as a love interest to resident Cristina Yang. Originally only signed onto the show until December 2008, Kevin McKidd was upgraded to regular status after", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.92, "text": "the chance to assist due to the rarity of such a tumor, so Shepherd hosts a competition in which the winner gets to join him in the operating room. After seeing Dr. Steve Mostow (Mark Saul) make a mistake, Dr. Cristina Yang (Sandra Oh) is confident that she will win the competition, but loses to Dr. Jackson Avery (Jesse Williams). Dr. Lexie Grey (Chyler Leigh) is not invited to compete because Shepherd wants her to be his caregiver in what would be a long surgery. Knowing that she will not be able to use the bathroom for the entire procedure,", "title": "Give Peace a Chance (Grey's Anatomy)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.78, "text": "the repercussions of his being shot, and Dr. Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) dealing with the aftermath of her affair with Dr. Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey), which puts a strain in his already troubled marriage to Dr. Addison Montgomery-Shepherd (Kate Walsh). Although the episode was fictionally set in Seattle, Washington, filming occurred in Los Angeles, California. The recurring characters of Adele Webber (Loretta Devine), Finn Dandrige (Chris O'Donnell), Dr. Ellis Grey (Kate Burton) and Olivia Harper (Sarah Utterback) were portrayed with guest star billing. The title of the episode refers to the song, \"\"Time Has Come Today\"\", by the soul music", "title": "Time Has Come Today (Grey's Anatomy)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.73, "text": "in Seattle, Dr. Ben Warren (Jason George) surprises his fiancée Dr. Miranda Bailey (Chandra Wilson) with a visit. The couple reunites with constant sexual activity, for which the interns tease Bailey. Meanwhile, Dr. Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez) allows Shepherd to operate on a spinal cord, despite his hand being broken from the plane crash. Thereafter, it is revealed that Sloan is in a comatose state, and will be taken off of life support that evening. In the hospital cafeteria, Meredith Grey announces that Wilson will be given the honor of performing a supervised appendectomy, a procedure historically used as a", "title": "Going, Going, Gone (Grey's Anatomy)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.69, "text": "character was first described as a tiny blonde with curly hair, but when Wilson began speaking, Rhimes reported: \"\"[Wilson] is exactly who Miranda is.\"\" James Pickens Jr. was selected to appear as Dr. Richard Webber in the series' pilot and first season. Katherine Heigl wanted to portray Dr. Izzie Stevens as a brunette, but was requested to retain her natural blonde for the part. Isaiah Washington, who portrayed Dr. Preston Burke, initially read for the role of Shepherd, but was cast as Burke, because the original actor to play Burke had to withdraw. T. R. Knight signed on for the", "title": "Grey's Anatomy" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.64, "text": "not to feature Patrick Dempsey as Dr. Derek Shepherd following the death of the character at the end of the eleventh season. On June 5, 2015 ABC announced that Jason George has been promoted to series regular status after having performed a recurring role as Dr. Ben Warren since the sixth season of the medical drama. Part way into the season Martin Henderson was introduced as new regular character, Dr. Nathan Riggs. In the tenth episode of the season Giacomo Gianniotti was also promoted to series regular status as intern Andrew DeLuca. The season, garnered 11.21 million average viewers and", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 12)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.59, "text": "James Pickens Jr., excluding Sandra Oh, renewed their contracts for another two seasons (11 and 12) as Drs. Alex Karev, Miranda Bailey, and Richard Webber, respectively. Sara Ramirez also renewed her contract for another two seasons as Dr. Callie Torres. \"\"E! News\"\" reported on June 23, 2014, that Caterina Scorsone was upgraded to a series regular to continue her role as Dr. Amelia Shepherd, one of Dr. Derek Shepherd's four sisters. Scorsone had played the character since the seventh season as a recurring role, and played the character as a series regular on the show's spin-off series, \"\"Private Practice\"\". After", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 11)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.55, "text": "is moving on. Further storylines include Dr. Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey) contemplating as to whether or not he should report the chief of surgery Dr. Richard Webber (James Pickens, Jr.), for his alcoholism, and Dr. Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez) battling the chicken pox. The episode was originally intended to serve as the final episode before Heigl's maternity leave, but was later marked as her final appearance to the series. Kim Raver (Dr. Teddy Altman) reprised her role as a guest star, in addition to Jesse Williams (Dr. Jackson Avery) and Mitch Pileggi (Larry Jennings). The title of the episode refers", "title": "I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked (Grey's Anatomy)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.55, "text": "their contracts for another two seasons, as Drs. Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd, respectively, meaning their characters would be staying on the medical drama for seasons 11 and 12. On April 24, 2015, Patrick Dempsey revealed that he would be leaving \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" after the eleventh season despite having a contract through another season. Thus, this will be the first season in which Dr. Derek Shepherd, portrayed by Patrick Dempsey, is not included in the main cast of characters. Dempsey's character Dr. Derek Shepherd was killed off towards the end of the eleventh season in the episode \"\"How to Save", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 12)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.44, "text": "own personal problems. Trying to recover from his injury, Burke finds a tremor in his right hand. Dr. Meredith Grey's (Ellen Pompeo) love interest Dr. Finn Dandrige (Chris O'Donnell), the vet of Doc—the dog she shares with Shepherd—informs her that Doc has had several seizures due to his bone cancer and that she and Shepherd have to make a decision. Webber interrogates the interns individually about Duquette's LVAD wire, but only learns about their personal problems instead. Dr. Izzie Stevens (Katherine Heigl) finally accepts Duquette's marriage proposal. At Dandridge's office, Grey and Shepherd, joined by Dr. Addison Montgomery-Shepherd (Kate Walsh),", "title": "Losing My Religion (Grey's Anatomy)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.38, "text": "husband Derek Shepherd's desire to divorce, while dealing with the arrival of her former lover. Isaiah Washington played the role of attending physician and cardiothoracic surgeon, Preston Burke, who becomes engaged to intern Cristina Yang after their developing a relationship. Patrick Dempsey portrayed attending neurosurgeon Derek Shepherd, whose relationship with intern Meredith Grey has been the focal point of the series since its inception. Sara Ramirez began receiving star billing in the season premiere, after numerous appearances during the last episodes of the second season. She portrayed orthopedic surgeon and fifth-year resident, Calliope \"\"Callie\"\" Torres, whose relationship with intern George", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 3)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.3, "text": "& Isles\"\". She began a recurring role in the ShondaLand produced show \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" as Dr. Penelope Blake. She first appeared in the eleventh season highly critical episode \"\"How to Save a Life\"\", which included the death of lead character, Derek Shepherd, played by Patrick Dempsey who had starred on the series since the beginning. She appeared again in the twelfth season, including the show's 250th episode \"\"Guess Who's Coming to Dinner\"\" which was mostly focused on Sloyan's character. Samantha Sloyan Samantha Sloyan (born January 4, 1979) is an American actress. Sloyan is best known for her roles in \"\"In", "title": "Samantha Sloyan" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.3, "text": "Derek Shepherd Derek Christopher Shepherd, M.D., also referred to as \"\"McDreamy\"\", is a fictional surgeon from the ABC medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", portrayed by actor Patrick Dempsey. He made his first appearance in the pilot episode, \"\"A Hard Day's Night\"\", which was broadcast on March 27, 2005. Derek was married to Addison Montgomery (Kate Walsh) for 12 years, before their divorce in 2006. Before his death in 2015, Derek was happily married to his longtime girlfriend and wife Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo). The couple have three children together. Shepherd was formerly the Chief of Surgery at Seattle Grace Mercy West", "title": "Derek Shepherd" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.2, "text": "Practice\"\", where she also portrayed Amelia Shepherd. In April, news broke that Kelly McCreary would guest star in the Season 10 finale. It wasn't known until the season finale aired that her character, Dr. Pierce, was hired by Dr. Yang to be the new head of cardio. It was also discovered at the end of the episode that Dr. Ellis Grey was her birth mother. On August 13, 2013, Sandra Oh revealed that after the tenth season she would be leaving \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\". It was announced on March 25, 2014, that Gaius Charles and Tessa Ferrer were not having their", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 10)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.05, "text": "United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) transplant list. This ultimately ends in his death, marking his initial departure from the show, and placing Stevens on disciplinary probation. Initially conceived as a veterinarian hired for Shepherd's dog, Doc, Dr. Finn Dandridge (Chris O'Donnell) soon becomes a love interest for Meredith, while Shepherd is with Montgomery. Dandridge is included in a multi-episode story arc, consisting of nine episodes, ending when Meredith reunites with Shepherd. In season three, George's father, Harold O'Malley (George Dzundza), is diagnosed with cancer and dies, with his wife Louise (Debra Monk) and George's brothers Jerry (Greg Pitts) and", "title": "Grey's Anatomy" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.05, "text": "she finds is that the pieces fit, and that she and Maggie are in fact half-sisters. Not too keen on the fact that she has a sister whom she didn’t know about until now, Dr. Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey) uses his love for his big family to draw Meredith and Maggie together. Dr. Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez) and Dr. Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw) talk about having another baby, but Arizona develops an interest in a fetal surgery fellowship. The fellowship is with Dr. Nicole Herman (Geena Davis), one of the only female fetal surgeons in the world. It’s soon revealed", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 11)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.05, "text": "surgeon Addison Montgomery Shepherd, who comes in Seattle seeking reconciliation with her estranged husband, Derek Shepherd. Numerous supporting characters have been given expansive and recurring appearances in the progressive story line. Sara Ramirez appeared in a nine episode arc in the season, portraying orthopedic surgical resident Callie Torres, introduced and developed as a love interest for the character of George O'Malley. Steven W. Bailey is introduced in the recurring role of Joe, the Bartender, often being portrayed as a confidant of the surgeons of Seattle Grace Hospital. Chris O'Donnell portrayed Veterinary physician Finn Dandridge, who became a love interest for", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 2)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25, "text": "surgeon and fifth-year resident Dr. Calliope \"\"Callie\"\" Torres, who was portrayed by Sara Ramirez, has to face her husband's unfaithfulness and her unexpected bisexuality. Attending plastic surgeon, Dr. Mark Sloan was portrayed by Eric Dane, who is constantly seeking reconciliation with former best friend, attending physician and Chief of Neurosurgery Dr. Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey), whose lasting relationship with Meredith Grey faces difficulties. Former \"\"Reunion\"\" star Chyler Leigh was promoted to series regular status, after short appearances in the final two episodes of the third season, portraying Meredith's half-sister Lexie Grey, who opts for a surgical internship at Seattle Grace", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.97, "text": "In this episode, Shepherd is involved in an accident while attempting to help the victims of a car accident. He is later pronounced brain dead, in part due to the surgeons not providing him with a timely CT scan. Only six regular cast membersEllen Pompeo, Patrick Dempsey, Chandra Wilson, Kevin McKidd, Sarah Drew and Caterina Scorsone appear in the episode. \"\"How to Save a Life\"\" also marks the first appearance of Dr. Penelope Blake (Samantha Sloyan). The episode's original broadcast was watched by 9.55 million viewers and registered the show as the week's highest-rated drama and third-highest rated scripted series", "title": "How to Save a Life (Grey's Anatomy)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.91, "text": "the eleventh season, Stephanie finds a mentor in Amelia Shepherd (Caterina Scorsone) as she becomes highly interested in neurosurgery. Edwards is forced to give April and Jackson the news that their baby will die. Amelia and Stephanie make it their mission to remove Nicole Herman (Geena Davis)'s seemingly impossible tumour. Amelia manages to remove the tumor, but after several days, Dr. Herman still does not wake up. Stephanie figures out that Dr. Herman had a small stroke, but luckily Dr. Herman eventually wakes up, but is completely blind. Amelia instructs Stephanie to live on the high and not beat herself", "title": "Stephanie Edwards (Grey's Anatomy)" } ]
when did the seattle seahawks go to superbowl?
[ "2005", "2014", "2013" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.06, "text": "off the field, being cut by the Saints and leaving the NFL in 2016, in 2018 he was charged with attempted murder of an ex girlfriend and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. The Seahawks Legion of Boom defense recorded two interceptions facing Patriots quarterback Tom Brady in their second superbowl appearance, one from cornerback Jeremy Lane and one from linebacker Bobby Wagner. Jeremy Lane suffered a serious injury immediately following his interception in the first quarter, breaking his arm after being hit by Julian Edelman on the play. Lane played a key part in the LOB secondary often", "title": "Legion of Boom (Seattle Seahawks)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.66, "text": "era the Seahawks amassed three division titles, two NFC championships, and a Super Bowl victory. They made the playoffs in five consecutive seasons and finished with five consecutive 10+ win seasons despite the franchise never having achieved that feat in consecutive seasons prior. They also appeared in back to back superbowls having won one of them and securing the franchise's first ever championship. During the 2012 to 2015 seasons, the Seahawks led the league in scoring defense, allowing the fewest points scored each year for four years straight. The only other team to accomplish this feat were the Cleveland Browns", "title": "Legion of Boom (Seattle Seahawks)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.44, "text": "on January 3, 1976. The expansion draft was held March 30 through the 31, 1976, with Seattle and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers alternating picks for 39 rounds selecting unprotected players from the other 26 teams in the league. The Seahawks were awarded the 2nd overall pick in the 1976 draft, a pick they used on defensive tackle Steve Niehaus. The team took the field for the first time on August 1, 1976 in a pre-season game against the San Francisco 49ers in the then brand new Kingdome. The Seahawks are the only NFL team to switch conferences twice. The franchise", "title": "History of the Seattle Seahawks" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.31, "text": "the groundbreaking ceremony in 1972 was held on November 2. Several protesters attended the ceremony, disrupted the speakers, and at one point threw mud balls at them. On December 5, 1974, the NFL awarded Seattle an expansion franchise to occupy the new stadium; the team was later named the Seattle Seahawks. Construction lasted another two years, and the stadium held an opening ceremony on March 27, 1976. It hosted its first professional sporting event two weeks later on April 9, an exhibition soccer game between the Seattle Sounders and New York Cosmos of the NASL. It set a record for", "title": "Kingdome" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.28, "text": "a single season. The Seahawks defense didn’t allow a score until the late 3rd quarter, by which point the game had already entered garbage time. Safety Kam Chancellor and linebacker Malcolm Smith each recorded an interception in the game, Malcolm's interception was returned the other way for a touchdown. Malcolm Smith also recovered a forced fumble caused by Byron Maxwell punching the ball out of the hands of Demaryius Thomas. Smith was later named Super Bowl MVP, he departed the team after the 2014 season in free agency. The season following the Seahawks first franchise superbowl victory, they returned to", "title": "Legion of Boom (Seattle Seahawks)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.94, "text": "through. On June 15, 1972 Seattle Professional Football Inc., a group of Seattle business and community leaders started by Herman Sarkowsky and Ned Skinner, announced its intention to acquire an NFL franchise for Seattle. Almost 2 years later on June 4, 1974, the NFL awarded the group an expansion franchise. On December 5, 1974, NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle announced the official signing of the franchise agreement by Lloyd W. Nordstrom, representing the Nordstrom family as majority partners for the consortium. Nordstrom died of a heart attack on January 20, 1976, just months before the Seahawks played their first game. On", "title": "History of the Seattle Seahawks" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.89, "text": "head coach of the Seahawks; the hiring was announced on January 3, 1976. The expansion draft was held March 30–31, 1976, with Seattle and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers alternating picks for rounds selecting unprotected players from the other 26 teams in the league. The Seahawks were awarded the 2nd overall pick in the 1976 draft, a pick they used on defensive tackle Steve Niehaus. The team took the field for the first time on August 1, 1976 in a pre-season game against the San Francisco 49ers in the then newly opened Kingdome. The Seahawks are the only NFL team to", "title": "Seattle Seahawks" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.75, "text": "a member of the NFC West. The Seahawks played their first game in team history on September 12, 1976, hosting the St. Louis Cardinals at the Kingdome in Seattle, Washington. The Cardinals took a 3–0 lead after Jim Bakken kicked a 28-yard field goal, however, the Seahawks fought back and Don Bitterlich kicked a 27-yard field goal to earn the first points in team history, and to tie the game at 3–3. St. Louis took a 10–3 lead in the second quarter, as Ike Harris caught a 12-yard touchdown pass from Jim Hart. The Cardinals then kicked another field goal", "title": "1976 Seattle Seahawks season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.75, "text": "had their biggest \"\"win\"\" before ever taking the field for a regular season game. On August 26, 1976 the Seahawks traded an eighth round pick in 1977 to the Houston Oilers for Steve Largent. The franchise's first win came on October 17 when they beat their expansion brethren Tampa Bay Buccaneers 13-10 at Tampa Bay. On November 7 they won their first game at home, 30-13 over the Atlanta Falcons. Those were the lone victories in an inaugural 2-12 season. However, the exciting play of Jim Zorn and Largent served notice of the entertainment to come. The Seahawks hosted the", "title": "History of the Seattle Seahawks" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.72, "text": "the largest soccer audience in North America at 58,120. The expansion Seattle Seahawks of the NFL played their first game ever on August 1, 1976, a preseason game against the San Francisco 49ers at the Kingdome. The Seahawks' first regular season game was against the St. Louis Cardinals at the Kingdome on September 12. At the end of that season, the venue hosted the Pro Bowl, the NFL's all-star game, on January 17, 1977. The Seahawks hosted Monday Night Football games at the Kingdome twelve times in its history and were 9-3 in those games. The Seahawks and the Oakland/Los", "title": "Kingdome" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.62, "text": "began play in 1976 in the NFC West division but switched conferences with the Buccaneers after one season and joined the AFC West. This realignment was dictated by the league as part of the 1976 expansion plan, so that both expansion teams could play each other twice and every other NFL franchise. Between 1977 and 2002, their division rivals were Denver, San Diego, Kansas City and Oakland. Seattle has won ten division titles in their franchise history: the 1988 and 1999 AFC West titles, and the 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2014, and 2016 NFC West titles. They have", "title": "History of the Seattle Seahawks" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.59, "text": "1977 Pro Bowl in the Kingdome on January 17, 1977, and a sellout crowd of 63,214 saw the AFC beat the NFC 24-14. It was the first sellout in Pro Bowl history. In a reversal of the cunning that brought them Largent, the Seahawks traded their first round pick in 1977 to the Dallas Cowboys in exchange for a first and 3 second round draft picks. Dallas selected Tony Dorsett with the pick obtained from Seattle. The 1977 season began with four straight losses before Tampa Bay came to town. The Seahawks won \"\"Expansion Bowl II\"\" by a score of", "title": "History of the Seattle Seahawks" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.56, "text": "Buffalo Bills, and the first NFC team to go to consecutive Super Bowls as the #1 seed in the playoffs since the 1982–1983 Washington Redskins. On Sunday, February 1, 2015, in Super Bowl XLIX, the Seahawks faced off against Tom Brady and the New England Patriots, seeking to become the first team to win two consecutive Super Bowls since the Patriots themselves won Super Bowl XXXVIII and Super Bowl XXXIX following the 2003 and 2004 seasons, respectively. After a scoreless first quarter, both teams scored two touchdowns in the second quarter, and the game was tied 14-14 at halftime. In", "title": "History of the Seattle Seahawks" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.55, "text": "three times: 2005, 2013 and 2014. The team played in the Kingdome until it was imploded in 2000 and moved into Qwest Field (now CenturyLink Field) at the same site in 2003. The Seahawks lost Super Bowl XL in 2005 to the Pittsburgh Steelers in Detroit, but won Super Bowl XLVIII in 2013 by defeating the Denver Broncos 43–8 at MetLife Stadium. The team advanced to the Super Bowl the following year, but lost to the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLIX on a last-minute play. Seahawks fans have set stadium noise records on several occasions and are collectively", "title": "Seattle" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.44, "text": "the twelfth week of the season, the Seahawks traveled across the country to Giants Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, the Seattle faced the New York Giants, who entered the game with a 1–10–0 record. The Seahawks opened the scoring in the first quarter when Sherman Smith had a two-yard rushing touchdown, however, the Seahawks failed in the extra point attempt and took a 6–0 lead. Seattle stretched their lead to 9–0 by the end of the first quarter when John Leypoldt hit a 45-yard field goal. The Giants fought back in the second quarter, as Gary Shirk caught a", "title": "1976 Seattle Seahawks season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.39, "text": "during the same game but still played. In addition, Kam Chancellor suffered a bruised knee during practice prior to the superbowl matchup and also played. Some point to all these injuries as the cause of the 28 points that the Seahawks allowed to the Patriots, which was unusual for a defense that only allowed an average of 15.9 points during the regular season (which was first in the NFL). The big focus following the game however, seemed to be the coaching staff's decision to throw the ball on the one yard line leading to the Patriots victory instead of allowing", "title": "Legion of Boom (Seattle Seahawks)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.39, "text": "2006. In 2007, training camp returned to their Kirkland facility, because of the scheduled China Bowl game that was later canceled. In 2008, the Seahawks held the first three weeks of camp in Kirkland, then moved to the new Virginia Mason Athletic Center (VMAC) on August 18 for the final week of training camp, where the team has held their training camps since. The new facility, adjacent to Lake Washington in Renton, has four full-size practice fields: three natural grass outdoors and one FieldTurf indoors. When the Seahawks debuted in , the team's logo was a stylized royal blue and", "title": "Seattle Seahawks" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.39, "text": "named AFC Player of the Year by the Touchdown Club of Washington, D.C. Season highlights included becoming the first team since 1965 to sweep the Raiders (27-7 win at home and a 17-16 win in Oakland). 1979 saw the Seahawks attract a national following after their first \"\"Monday Night Football\"\" appearance on October 29, 1979. After trailing 14-0 against the Atlanta Falcons, Seattle battled back to win 31-28. A fake field goal pass from Zorn to kicker Efren Herrera led Howard Cosell to exclaim \"\"the Seahawks are giving the nation a lesson in entertaining football!\"\" The good vibe was short-lived,", "title": "History of the Seattle Seahawks" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.38, "text": "title in 1988, but from 1989 to 1998 had poor records; their best record in that span came in 1990, when the team finished 9–7, and the lowest point came in 1992 when the team finished with its worst record in team history, 2–14. In 1996, Behring and Hoffman transferred the team's operations to Anaheim, California, a widely criticized move, although the team continued to play in Seattle. The team almost relocated, and was in bankruptcy for a short period. The NFL threatened Behring with fining him $500,000 a day if he didn't move the team's operations back to Seattle;", "title": "Seattle Seahawks" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.36, "text": "2004 Seattle Seahawks season The 2004 Seattle Seahawks season was the team's 29th season with the National Football League. Seahawks Stadium was renamed Qwest Field when Qwest bought the naming rights on June 2, 2004. Finishing the season at 9-7, the Seahawks were unable to replicate the year they had prior. In the Wildcard round, the Seahawks met the defunct St. Louis Rams (now in Los Angeles), who swept them 2-0 in the regular season. Seattle looked to avenge on their two losses, but it was too late as Matt Hasselbeck's game-tying drive to Bobby Engram was incomplete, leading Hasselbeck", "title": "2004 Seattle Seahawks season" } ]
who plays carrie in when we first met?
[ "Shelley Hennig" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.23, "text": "he is secretly in love with Avery but, on the night they met, Avery only saw him as a good friend and met Ethan the next day. Carrie deposits him with Max (Andrew Bachelor), his successful vice president best friend, at the piano bar where Noah works. Noah drunkenly uses the photo booth where he and Avery shared a moment and falls asleep. He awakens in his bed and soon discovers he has traveled back in time to the day he met Avery. Noah tries to re-do their meeting, using his knowledge of her to his advantage, but Carrie, whom", "title": "When We First Met" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.8, "text": "old photo booth for him years ago, and Noah realizes he initially met Carrie through Avery. He goes back and replays his meeting with Avery the original way. He wakes up to the original present, this time happy for Ethan and Avery during their engagement party. He and Carrie spend time together and decide to leave the party together. At the end there's a photo montage that follows Noah and Carrie's happy, goofy, and loving relationship. In May 2016, Ari Sandel was set to direct the film from a script by John Whittington and Adam DeVine, while producers on the", "title": "When We First Met" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.2, "text": "When We First Met When We First Met is a 2018 American romantic comedy film directed by Ari Sandel, written by John Whittington and starring Adam DeVine, Alexandra Daddario, Shelley Hennig, Andrew Bachelor and Robbie Amell. It was released worldwide on Netflix on February 9, 2018. During Avery Martin's (Alexandra Daddario) engagement party, Noah Ashby (Adam DeVine) recalls his and Avery's first meeting during a Halloween party three years earlier and is sad to see her engaged to perfect Ethan (Robbie Amell) instead of him. Drunk and being driven home by Avery's photographer roommate Carrie Grey (Shelley Hennig), Noah admits", "title": "When We First Met" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.16, "text": "\"\"I Could Use a Love Song.\"\" In 2018, she played supporting role as a photographer, Carrie Grey, in the Netflix romantic comedy \"\"When We First Met\"\". Shelley Hennig Shelley Catherine Hennig (born January 2, 1987) is an American model and actress. She is also a beauty pageant titleholder who held the Miss Teen USA 2004 title. She played Stephanie Johnson on \"\"Days of Our Lives\"\" and starred in the CW series \"\"The Secret Circle\"\" as Diana Meade. She played the character Malia Tate in \"\"Teen Wolf\"\". Hennig also starred in horror films \"\"Unfriended\"\" as Blaire Lily and \"\"Ouija\"\" as Debbie", "title": "Shelley Hennig" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.5, "text": "She has her own public-relations company. In the book's prequel series, it is revealed that Carrie met Samantha first. In the early part of the series, she lives on the Upper East Side, but ends up moving to an expensive apartment in the Meatpacking District. The move is provoked after one of her late-night visitors lets in a mugger who attacks one of her older female neighbors and Samantha incurs the wrath of a tribelike commune of her elderly neighbors. One of Samantha's best qualities is her loyalty to her friends. When Carrie confesses to her that she's having an", "title": "Samantha Jones (Sex and the City)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.98, "text": "(duets with Linzi Hateley as Carrie) and the solo \"\"When There's No One\"\". The lyrics of the first act finale imply the marital rape described in the novel, as Margaret recalls Carrie's father attempting to seduce her while they were dating, culminating on a night when \"\"he took me and touched me; I tried to fight.\"\" In the finale, Margaret meets Carrie on a shining white staircase descending from above, where she first comforts and then stabs her. Carrie then uses her powers to kill Margaret before crawling to the bottom of the staircase and dying herself. Buckley recorded the", "title": "Margaret White (Carrie)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.89, "text": "be together and how he and Carrie end up learning more about each other in every alternate present. Noah goes back in time, this time bringing Ethan with him to the party to meet Avery while he spends time with Carrie. Noah learns that the things he likes about Avery are because of Carrie's influence on her. He also learns that \"\"Doctor Jello-Shot,\"\" the man Carrie is seen kissing in all alternate pasts, is her ex-boyfriend with whom she is having an unstable breakup. He shares a photo booth round with Avery, Carrie, and Ethan and wakes up in the", "title": "When We First Met" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.86, "text": "present. He learns that Avery and Ethan are engaged, but Carrie ended up leaving him to return to her ex-boyfriend, only for them to break up. Noah goes to Avery and Carrie's house and finds out that, since Avery and Ethan met a day earlier, their engagement party was the day before, and Carrie is off to a date. She rejects Noah's pleas to try again and leaves. Noah tries to return to the photo booth, but finds a modern replacement in its place. Ethan and Avery arrive in the piano bar and inform him that they had bought the", "title": "When We First Met" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.75, "text": "at the company, to ask his boss for a job for him and then acts kinder and more mature during his first meeting with Avery. He wakes up to find himself engaged to Avery, living a wealthy lifestyle, and is the successful vice president of the company. However, he learns that he and Max have become work enemies, is a workaholic that neglects Avery and has abandoned his piano hobbies, and, despite Ethan switching roles with him during his engagement party, Avery still loves Ethan more than him. While confiding in Carrie, Noah realizes Ethan and Avery are meant to", "title": "When We First Met" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.67, "text": "Best First Novel. Also during 1987, she was in the Australian film \"\"The Time Guardian\"\". In 1989 Fisher played a major supporting role in \"\"When Harry Met Sally...\"\", and in the same year she appeared with Tom Hanks as his character's wife in \"\"The 'Burbs\"\". In 1990, Columbia Pictures released a film version of \"\"Postcards from the Edge\"\", adapted for the screen by Fisher and starring Meryl Streep, Shirley MacLaine and Dennis Quaid. Fisher appeared in the fantasy comedy film \"\"Drop Dead Fred\"\" in 1991, and played a therapist in \"\"\"\" (1997). During the 1990s, Fisher also published the novels", "title": "Carrie Fisher" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.44, "text": "Sissy Spacek was persuaded by husband Jack Fisk to audition for the title role. Fisk then convinced De Palma to let her audition, and she read for all of the parts. De Palma's first choice for the role of Carrie was Betsy Slade, who received good notices for her role in the film \"\"Our Time\"\" (1974). Determined to land the leading role, Spacek backed out of a television commercial she was scheduled to film, rubbed Vaseline into her hair, didn't bother to wash her face, and arrived for her screen test clad in a sailor dress which her mother had", "title": "Carrie (1976 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.14, "text": "second time and seeks Max's help impressing Avery. Max convinces him to be a rude and cynical alpha male, and while Avery is initially disgusted by his attitude, she is aroused during their argument and they end up having sex. Noah wakes up in the present and learns that he and Avery's relationship is unrequited and, for Avery, is purely sexual while she and Carrie are part of an exercise group with Ethan. Noah learns from Carrie that Avery is attracted to stable and dependable men, and Noah goes back a third time. He asks Max, still a low-ranking employee", "title": "When We First Met" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.03, "text": "Drouet. While there she meets George Hurstwood (Laurence Olivier), the manager of the restaurant, who is immediately smitten with her. Carrie ends up moving in with Drouet. He is a big talker but basically harmless. She pressures Drouet to marry her because the neighbors are talking about them. He tries to distract her and invites Hurstwood, whom he had run into by sheer coincidence, into their home. With Drouet's permission, Hurstwood takes Carrie to the theater while Drouet is on one of his many business trips. Hurstwood and Carrie end up spending every free minute together, and the two fall", "title": "Carrie (1952 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.86, "text": "Away Tour to the Red Cross for relief efforts in response to the Oklahoma tornado. Underwood appeared on \"\"How I Met Your Mother\"\" in March 2010. She played the role of Tiffany, a medical sales rep that forms a relationship with Ted. This was the second highest rated episode for season five, gaining 10.48 million viewers. Brian Zoromski of IGN gave the episode 8.5 out of 10. He was surprised how well Underwood performed in her first acting role. A few months earlier, she appeared in an episode of the PBS children's television series \"\"Sesame Street\"\", performing a voice-over as", "title": "Carrie Underwood" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.86, "text": "Carrie Fisher Carrie Frances Fisher (October 21, 1956 – December 27, 2016) was an American actress, writer, and comedian. Fisher is known for playing Princess Leia in the \"\"Star Wars\"\" films, a role for which she was nominated for four Saturn Awards. Her other film credits include \"\"Shampoo\"\" (1975), \"\"The Blues Brothers\"\" (1980), \"\"Hannah and Her Sisters\"\" (1986), \"\"The 'Burbs\"\" (1989), \"\"When Harry Met Sally...\"\" (1989), \"\"Soapdish\"\" (1991), and \"\"The Women\"\" (2008). She was nominated twice for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series for her performances on the television series \"\"30 Rock\"\" and \"\"Catastrophe\"\".", "title": "Carrie Fisher" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.78, "text": "mother Sophia, except that she died when Carrie was 15, leaving Carrie in a state of confusion. After difficult teenage years, Carrie met her future husband Doug Heffernan at a bar where she originally meant to spend the night with his friend Richie Ianucci (Larry Romano) but ended up with Doug instead. Carrie's best friend is Kelly Palmer (Merrin Dungey), the wife of Doug's best friend Deacon Palmer (Victor Williams). At the end of the series, the couple decide to adopt after struggling to conceive a child, having miscarried earlier in the series. In the series finale \"\"China Syndrome\"\", Doug", "title": "Carrie Heffernan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.44, "text": "Christmas Magic (film) Christmas Magic is a 2011 American/Canadian television movie starring Lindy Booth and Paul McGillion. Lindy Booth plays Carrie Blackford who falls for an earth-bound widower after becoming a brand new angel. The film first aired on the Hallmark Channel on December 18, 2011. Carrie Bishop (Lindy Booth) is a successful event planner living in New York City. Her life changes when she is involved in a car accident and wakes up in Central Park, where she is met by an older man, Henry (Derek McGrath), a spirit guide who is there to instruct her how to get", "title": "Christmas Magic (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.28, "text": "the state in Iran. When Javadi asks why he hasn't been arrested yet, Carrie says that Saul wants to speak with him first. They agree to a meeting at a coffee shop later that day. Max (Maury Sterling), at a CIA safehouse, tracks Javadi's whereabouts via remote aerial surveillance. Upon returning home, Carrie checks in with Saul and informs him of the planned meet. Carrie then takes a pregnancy test, which comes up positive. Saul (Mandy Patinkin) informs Fara (Nazanin Boniadi) of his background with Javadi: at the time of the Iranian revolution in 1979, Saul and Javadi had been", "title": "Still Positive" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.25, "text": "the Lucille Lortel Theatre on January 31, 2012. \"\"Carrie\"\" played a limited run until April 8, 2012. In 2013, Cusack played the role of Mother in the Milwaukee Repertory Theater's critically acclaimed production of Ragtime (musical). Cusack appeared as Dot/Marie in the Chicago Shakespeare Theater production of \"\"Sunday in the Park with George\"\" from September 26 to November 4, 2012, opposite Jason Danieley. Cusack appeared in the production of the new musical \"\"First Wives Club\"\", based on the \"\"film\"\", beginning in February 2015. The musical ran at the Oriental Theatre, Chicago, Illinois. Cusack played the role of Annie. Cusack originated", "title": "Carmen Cusack" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.25, "text": "star Madelaine Petsch, who plays Cheryl Blossom as Carrie. The episode aired on April 18, 2018. Carrie White Carrietta N. \"\"Carrie\"\" White is the title character and protagonist of American author Stephen King's first published 1974 horror novel, \"\"Carrie\"\". In every adaptation and portrayal of \"\"Carrie\"\", she is portrayed as a high school outcast, loathed, taunted, scorned, insulted, slandered, confronted, and verbally and physically abused by students and her mother Margaret White, an abusive, and unstable religious fanatic. At the age of sixteen, she has her first menstrual period in the showers at school, accidentally bursting a light bulb with", "title": "Carrie White" } ]
who sang the song 369 the goose drank wine?
[ "Shirley Ellis" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.94, "text": "Mistletoe and Wine \"\"Mistletoe and Wine\"\" is a Christmas song made famous as a single by Cliff Richard in 1988. The song was written by Jeremy Paul, Leslie Stewart and Keith Strachan for a musical called \"\"Scraps\"\", which was an adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's \"\"The Little Match Girl\"\" set in Victorian London. \"\"Scraps\"\" was first performed at the Orange Tree Theatre, Richmond, London in 1976. The musical was renamed \"\"The Little Match Girl\"\" and adapted for television by HTV in 1987, and featured Roger Daltrey, Paul Daneman, Jimmy Jewel and Twiggy. As originally conceived, \"\"Mistletoe and Wine\"\" had a", "title": "Mistletoe and Wine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.92, "text": "Forsman as Juletid (\"\"Christmastime\"\"), Carola Søgaard and Christer Sjögren recorded the song on the 1991 Christmas album \"\"Jul\"\". Mistletoe and Wine \"\"Mistletoe and Wine\"\" is a Christmas song made famous as a single by Cliff Richard in 1988. The song was written by Jeremy Paul, Leslie Stewart and Keith Strachan for a musical called \"\"Scraps\"\", which was an adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's \"\"The Little Match Girl\"\" set in Victorian London. \"\"Scraps\"\" was first performed at the Orange Tree Theatre, Richmond, London in 1976. The musical was renamed \"\"The Little Match Girl\"\" and adapted for television by HTV in 1987,", "title": "Mistletoe and Wine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.78, "text": "from drinking the wine. The rest of the story departs from the biblical account. Along with \"\"Fredman's Songs\"\" 36–43, such \"\"Joakim uti Babylon\"\" and \"\"Ahasverus var så mäktig\"\", \"\"Gubben Noak\"\" is one of the biblical travesties that made Bellman popular during the 1760s. Being somewhat afraid of the church, Bellman chose to first publish the song anonymously on broadsheets throughout the country; although it was generally known at the time who had composed the song. In 1768 the Lund chapter reacted by sending a letter to the priests of the diocese, attempting to collect all prints and transcripts of \"\"Gubben", "title": "Gubben Noak" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.73, "text": "Little Old Wine Drinker Me \"\"Little Old Wine Drinker Me\"\" is a song that was first released by Charlie Walker in 1966, on the album \"\"Wine, Woman & Walker\"\". The song became a hit when it was released by Robert Mitchum in early 1967, and by Dean Martin later the same year on his album \"\"Welcome to My World\"\". Robert Mitchum's version spent 2 weeks on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 chart, peaking at No. 96, while reaching No. 9 on \"\"Billboard\"\"s Hot Country Singles chart. Dean Martin's version spent 6 weeks on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 chart, peaking at No.", "title": "Little Old Wine Drinker Me" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.42, "text": "the audience if they have a vacancy for a house. \"\"Milkman, Keep Those Bottles Quiet\"\" was a World War II hit song by Ella Mae Morse, and was sung by Nancy Walker in the movie Broadway Rhythm. The wine that the grey drunken cat was drinking says \"\"Arsenic and Old Grapes\"\" is a parody to \"\"Arsenic and Old Lace\"\". On Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries, the \"\"Men from Mars\"\" characters made an appearance in \"\"Spaced Out\"\". The cats charging at Porky assume the appearances of Theodore Roosevelt and his Rough Riders cavalry (in reference to the then-popular film \"\"Arsenic and Old", "title": "Kitty Kornered" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.36, "text": "38, while reaching No. 5 on \"\"Billboard\"\"s Easy Listening chart, and No. 4 on Australia's \"\"Go-Set\"\" chart. In Canada, Dean Martin's version and Robert Mitchum's version reached No. 32 on the \"\"RPM\"\" 100, in a tandem ranking. The song's title parodies a catchphrase used in contemporary TV advertising by the Italian Swiss Colony wine company: \"\"The little old winemaker, me!\"\" Little Old Wine Drinker Me \"\"Little Old Wine Drinker Me\"\" is a song that was first released by Charlie Walker in 1966, on the album \"\"Wine, Woman & Walker\"\". The song became a hit when it was released by Robert", "title": "Little Old Wine Drinker Me" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.25, "text": "A Groovy Kind of Love \"\"A Groovy Kind of Love\"\" is a pop song written by Toni Wine and Carole Bayer Sager and published by the Screen Gems music publishing company. It is heavily based on the Rondo movement of Sonatina in G major, op. 36 no. 5, by Muzio Clementi. The song title was an early use of the then-new slang word \"\"groovy\"\". Wine, who was 17 years old when she wrote the song, said, \"\"Carole came up with \"\"Groovy kinda… groovy kinda… groovy…\"\" and we're all just saying, 'Kinda groovy, kinda groovy, kinda…' and I don't exactly know", "title": "A Groovy Kind of Love" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.17, "text": "a song is probably: \"\"Ah! the white wine\"\" by Jean Dréjac and Charles Borel-Clerc. \"\"A touch of champagne\"\" is a song by Harry Fragson written about 1890. \"\"I am Drunk\"\", sung by Louis Byrec and written by Yvette Guilbert in 1895 gave the best part to knowledge of sparkling wines: \"\"I come to the wedding of my sister Annette And, when the champagne is flowing, I could not hold you, I am tipsy, and I pinched my little tuft. I feel flageoler I feel my legsM I have the heart guil'ret, the pleasing air I am ready to cavort When", "title": "White wine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.16, "text": "at the end of the song is mimicked at the end of Bruce Springsteen's \"\"Born to Run\"\" (one of several indicators that Morrison had great influence on Springsteen), confirmed by Springsteen himself on Desert Island Discs talking to Kirsty Young. The American rock band Hat On, Drinking Wine takes their name from a lyric from the song: \"\"He's much older now/With hat on, drinking wine.\"\" When singer-songwriter Joan Armatrading appeared on Desert Island Discs talking to Sue Lawley on 29 January 1989 \"\"Madame George\"\" was selected as one of the eight records she would like to take to her desert", "title": "Madame George" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.09, "text": "Elderberry Wine (song) \"\"Elderberry Wine\"\" is a song written by Bernie Taupin and Elton John that was first released on John's 1973 album \"\"Don't Shoot Me I'm Only the Piano Player\"\". It was also released as the B-side of John's #1 hit \"\"Crocodile Rock\"\" in October 1972. It was also popular on album-oriented rock radio stations. John played it live during his 1973 tour. It was covered by Irish-Scots singer Mae McKenna. \"\"Elderberry Wine\"\"'s music evokes nostalgia, and it has been described as a \"\"retro rocker.\"\" Allmusic critic Stewart Mason describes it as a \"\"straight-ahead piano-pounding rocker with gruff vocals", "title": "Elderberry Wine (song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.09, "text": "the traditional song \"\"Wasn’t That a Mighty Storm?\"\" about the 1900 hurricane that destroyed Galveston, Texas. When he met Bob Dylan, the two traded harmonica licks, drank red wine and played croquet. Dylan eagerly absorbed von Schmidt's voluminous knowledge of music, including folk, country and the blues. \"\"I sang [Dylan] a bunch of songs, and, with that spongelike mind of his, he remembered almost all of them when he got back to New York,\"\" von Schmidt said in \"\"The Boston Globe\"\". Von Schmidt is widely (and erroneously) credited as the author of the song, \"\"Baby, Let Me Follow You Down\"\",", "title": "Eric Von Schmidt" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.02, "text": "weeks at the top in December 1988 and selling 750,000 copies in the process. In the short six-week period since its release, it became the highest-selling single of 1988. Simultaneously, it also spent four weeks at the top of the Irish Singles Chart. In December 2007 the single re-entered the UK Singles Chart by virtue of downloads, peaking at number 68. One of the record breaking statistics often cited about Cliff Richard is his achievement of number one hit singles in five consecutive decades. Richard's version of the song was also used in a British public information film about drink", "title": "Mistletoe and Wine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.94, "text": "driving. The film was part of the Drinking And Driving Wrecks Lives campaign, which films were shown during ad breaks over the Christmas period. This version also appeared in BBC Two's 2015 comedy-drama \"\"A Gert Lush Christmas\"\" in the scene where Dan (Russell Howard), his girlfriend Lisa (Hannah Britland) and his family are having Christmas Dinner. A then 10-year-old Myleene Klass is featured on the song as part of the choir that can be heard during its climax. The boy singing a high solo at the end of the song is James Rainbird. With lyrics in Swedish by Ingela \"\"Pling\"\"", "title": "Mistletoe and Wine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.94, "text": "John's performance at the Royal Command Performance Variety Show on September 7, 1973, as well as his Madison Square Garden concert that same year. Subsequent to its initial release on \"\"Don't Shoot Me I'm Only the Piano Player\"\", \"\"Elderberry Wine\"\" was released on several Elton John compilation albums, including \"\"Candle in the Wind\"\" in the UK 1978 and \"\"Your Songs\"\" in the US in 1986. Celtic folk singer Mae McKenna recorded a cover version of \"\"Elderberry Wine\"\" on her self-titled album in 1975. Elderberry Wine (song) \"\"Elderberry Wine\"\" is a song written by Bernie Taupin and Elton John that was", "title": "Elderberry Wine (song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.92, "text": "hit in 1949, claimed that he had originally heard the song as \"\"Drinking Wine, Motherfucker\"\". Red Nelson found no reason to be particularly oblique over the title of this jump blues track, which he recorded in 1947. It was released using the nom de disque, Dirty Red, by Aladdin Records (catalog reference 194A). The effective minced oath seemed to have confused the censors. The dirty blues lyrics included the lines \"\"I got to put this mule to jumpin' in yo' stall, I'm a lovin' muther for ya\"\". The track, which Nelson claimed to be his own on the record label,", "title": "Mother Fuyer" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.91, "text": "Australia in mid-November 1970. \"\"Spill the Wine\"\" has been used in the sound tracks of the following motion pictures: The song was used in the sound tracks of the following television episodes: \"\"Spill the Wine\"\" has been covered by: In 2004, flautist Alexander Zonjic performed a cover of \"\"Spill the Wine\"\" for his album \"\"Seldom Blues\"\". San Francisco band Vinyl covered \"\"Spill the Wine\"\" on their album \"\"Frogshack Music Volume II\"\" in 2009, in a track featuring Sugar Pie DeSlanto and Marcus Scott. The revival of the 1970s band The L.A. Carpool covered \"\"Spill the Wine\"\" with a Latin salsa", "title": "Spill the Wine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.88, "text": "The words \"\"mother for you\"\" or \"\"mother fuyer\"\", as minced oaths for \"\"motherfucker\"\", were used in blues and R&B records from the 1930s. A few examples include Memphis Minnie's \"\"Dirty Mother For You\"\" (1935), Roosevelt Sykes' \"\"Dirty Mother For You\"\" (1936), and Dirty Red's \"\"Mother Fuyer\"\" (1947). The singer Stick McGhee, whose recording of \"\"Drinking Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee\"\" was a hit in 1949, claimed that he had originally heard the song as \"\"Drinking Wine, Motherfucker\"\". Later, Johnny \"\"Guitar\"\" Watson had a hit in 1977 with \"\"A Real Mother For Ya\"\". In popular music, the first mainstream rock release to include the", "title": "Motherfucker" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.88, "text": "Wellman's fictional protagonist, Silver John, was an Appalachian folk singer, like Lunsford. Bob Dylan, who listened to the \"\"Anthology of American Folk Music\"\", echoed a line from \"\"I Wish I Was a Mole In the Ground.\"\" Lunsford sang, \"\"'Cause a railroad man they'll kill you when he can / And drink up your blood like wine,\"\" which is echoed by Dylan's line \"\"Mona tried to tell me / To stay away from the train line / She said that all the railroad men / Just drink up your blood like wine\"\" on his song \"\"Stuck Inside of Mobile With the", "title": "Bascom Lamar Lunsford" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.8, "text": "but several other recording artists have also recorded the song, including Bill Evans, Dick and Dee Dee, Shirley Bassey, Frank Sinatra, Julie London, Perry Como, Wes Montgomery (1963: \"\"Boss Guitar\"\"), Robin Gibb and Lenny Breau. Tony Bennett sang his interpretation on his prestigious \"\"The Movie Song Album\"\" (1966). Ella Fitzgerald and Joe Pass recorded their version of this song on their Pablo Records album \"\"Easy Living\"\". The song has become a jazz standard. Williams' version was recorded for Columbia Records. It was released as catalog number 42674. The song reached #9 on the adult contemporary chart and #26 on the", "title": "Days of Wine and Roses (song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.8, "text": "windows and tearin’ down doors,<br> Drinkin’ half-gallons and callin’ for more.<br> Drinkin’ wine motherfucker, drinkin’ wine!<br> Goddam!<br> Drinkin’ wine motherfucker, drinkin’ wine!<br> Goddam!<br> Drinkin’ wine motherfucker, drinkin’ wine!<br> Goddam!<br> Pass that bottle to me!\"\" It was one of the earliest prototypical rock-and-roll songs. Cover versions were recorded by Wynonie Harris, Lionel Hampton, Big John Greer, Johnny Burnette, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Mike Bloomfield's Electric Flag (as \"\"Wine\"\"). The song lent its name to the alcoholic fruit drink spodi. In 1946 Granville and Brownie McGhee wrote a version of the song that didn't use profanity. Harlem Records released the new version", "title": "Sticks McGhee" } ]
where did the cherokee indian tribe come from?
[ "Southeastern Woodlands" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.17, "text": "Cherokee history Cherokee history draws upon the oral traditions and written history of the Cherokee people, who are currently enrolled in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, Cherokee Nation, and United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians, living predominantly in North Carolina and Oklahoma. The Cherokee are an Iroquois language-family Indian tribe. Their origins are not clearly known, but they are believed to have originated in the Great Lakes region, as all documented Iroquois tribes did. The Cherokee were first encountered by settlers in the southeastern United States. Exactly when they arrived was uncertain. Nineteenth century whites believed that the Cherokee", "title": "Cherokee history" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.42, "text": "until the Civil Rights Movement and passage of civil rights legislation in the mid-1960s. Cherokee history Cherokee history draws upon the oral traditions and written history of the Cherokee people, who are currently enrolled in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, Cherokee Nation, and United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians, living predominantly in North Carolina and Oklahoma. The Cherokee are an Iroquois language-family Indian tribe. Their origins are not clearly known, but they are believed to have originated in the Great Lakes region, as all documented Iroquois tribes did. The Cherokee were first encountered by settlers in the southeastern United", "title": "Cherokee history" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.27, "text": "federally recognized Cherokee tribes, the Cherokee Nation and the UKB have headquarters in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. The UKB are mostly descendants of \"\"Old Settlers\"\", Cherokee who migrated to Arkansas and Oklahoma about 1817 prior to Indian Removal. They are related to the Cherokee who were later forcibly relocated there in the 1830s under the Indian Removal Act. The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians is on the Qualla Boundary in western North Carolina; their ancestors resisted or avoided relocation, remaining in the area. A Cherokee language name for Cherokee people is Aniyvwiyaʔi (), translating as \"\"Principal People\"\". \"\"Tsalagi\"\" is the Cherokee ()", "title": "Cherokee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.19, "text": "Appalachian region and the split between Northern and Southern Iroquoian languages began 4,000 years ago. Today there are three federally recognized Cherokee tribes: the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in North Carolina, the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians (UKB) in Oklahoma, and the Cherokee Nation (CN) in Oklahoma. By the 19th century, European settlers in the United States classified the Cherokee of the Southeast as one of the \"\"Five Civilized Tribes\"\", because they were agrarian and lived in permanent villages and began to adopt some cultural and technological practices of the European American settlers. The Cherokee were one of", "title": "Cherokee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.03, "text": "Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI), (Cherokee: ᏣᎳᎩᏱ ᏕᏣᏓᏂᎸᎩ, \"\"Tsalagiyi Detsadanilvgi\"\") is a federally recognized Native American tribe in the United States, who are descended from the small group of 800 Cherokee who remained in the Eastern United States after the Indian Removal Act moved the other 15,000 Cherokee to the west in the 19th century. They were required to assimilate and renounce tribal Cherokee citizenship. The history of the Eastern Band closely follows that of the Qualla Boundary, a land trust made up of an area of their original territory. When they reorganized", "title": "Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.88, "text": "Removal Act. The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians is on the Qualla Boundary in western North Carolina, and are descendants of those who resisted or avoided relocation. In addition, there are numerous Cherokee heritage groups throughout the United States, such as the satellite communities sponsored by the Cherokee Nation. The Cherokee tribe is the second largest tribe in the nation, having more than 300,000 members. The Chickasaw are Native American people of the United States who originally resided along the Tennessee River and other parts of Tennessee, west of present-day Huntsville, Alabama, parts of Mississippi and the southwest side of", "title": "Five Civilized Tribes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.88, "text": "be of Choctaw origin. The Cherokee were not the only American Indians to emigrate as a result of the Indian Removal efforts. American Indians were not only removed from the American South but also from the North, Midwest, Southwest, and Plains regions. The Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Creek Indians (Muskogee) emigrated reluctantly. The Seminoles in Florida resisted removal by guerrilla warfare with the United States Army for decades (1817–1850). Ultimately, some Seminoles remained in their Florida home country, while others were transported to Indian Territory in shackles. The first known use of Native Americans in the American military to transmit messages", "title": "History of the Cherokee language" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.84, "text": "the Cherokee in particular, were nearly all of Scottish ancestry, with many documented as being from the Highlands. A few were Scots-Irish, English, French, and German (see Scottish Indian trade). Many of these men married women from their host peoples and remained after the fighting had ended. Some had mixed-race children who would later become significant leaders among the Five Civilized Tribes of the Southeast. Notable traders, agents, and refugee Tories among the Cherokee included John Stuart, Henry Stuart, Alexander Cameron, John McDonald, John Joseph Vann (father of James Vann), Daniel Ross (father of John Ross), John Walker Sr., John", "title": "Cherokee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.83, "text": "to the Cherokee Nation from Kansas, where they had been sent in the 1830s. Assigned to the northeast area of the Indian Territory, they united with the Cherokee Nation in 1867. The Delaware Tribes operated autonomously within the lands of the Cherokee Nation. The Natchez are a Native American people who originally lived in the Natchez Bluffs area. The present-day city of Natchez, Mississippi developed in their former territory. By the mid-eighteenth century, the Natchez people were defeated by French colonists and dispersed from there. Many survivors had been sold (by the French) into slavery in the West Indies. Others", "title": "Cherokee Nation (1794–1907)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.73, "text": "When coming upon elements he seemed to recognize from Judaism, rather than seeing these as organic forms that could have arisen independently in numerous religions (Eliade), Payne claimed they were derived from Judaism. The work of archaeologists, linguists and anthropologists has confirmed that the Cherokee were descended from prehistoric indigenous peoples of North America. Scholars have concluded that these prehistoric peoples originated from eastern Asia and migrated across the Bering Straits to North America more than 15,000 years ago. Although Payne's theory of Cherokee origins related to Biblical tribes has been replaced by the facts of Asian origin, his unpublished", "title": "John Howard Payne" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.7, "text": "Cherokee The Cherokee (; or ) are one of the indigenous people of the Southeastern Woodlands. Prior to the 18th century, they were concentrated in southwestern North Carolina, southeastern Tennessee, and the tips of western South Carolina and northeastern Georgia. The Cherokee language is part of the Iroquoian language group. In the 19th century, James Mooney, an American ethnographer, recorded one oral tradition that told of the tribe having migrated south in ancient times from the Great Lakes region, where other Iroquoian-speaking peoples lived; however, anthropologist Thomas R. Whyte writes that the origin of the proto-Iroquoian language was likely the", "title": "Cherokee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.64, "text": "North Carolina and South Carolina. They speak an Iroquoian language. In the 19th century, historians and ethnographers recorded their oral tradition that told of the tribe having migrated south in ancient times from the Great Lakes region, where other Iroquoian-speaking peoples were. Of the three federally recognized Cherokee tribes, the Cherokee Nation and the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians (UKB) have headquarters in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. The UKB are mostly descendants of \"\"Old Settlers\"\", Cherokee who migrated to Arkansas and Oklahoma about 1817. They are related to the Cherokee who were forcibly relocated there in the 1830s under the Indian", "title": "Five Civilized Tribes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.62, "text": "Indians), is often cited as the original Cherokee settlement in the Southeast. In 1657, there was a disturbance in Virginia Colony as the \"\"Rechahecrians\"\" or \"\"Rickahockans\"\", as well as the Siouan \"\"Manahoac\"\" and \"\"Nahyssan\"\", broke through the frontier and settled near the Falls of the James, near present-day Richmond, Virginia. The following year, a combined force of English and Pamunkey drove the newcomers away. The identity of the \"\"Rechahecrians\"\" has been much debated. Historians noted the name closely resembled that recorded for the \"\"Eriechronon\"\" or \"\"Erielhonan\"\", commonly known as the Erie tribe. The Iroquoian people had been driven away from", "title": "History of the Cherokee language" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.61, "text": "and historians have two main theories of Cherokee origins. One is that the Cherokee, an Iroquoian-speaking people, are relative latecomers to Southern Appalachia, who may have migrated in late prehistoric times from northern areas around the Great Lakes, the traditional territory of the \"\"Haudenosaunee\"\" nations and other Iroquoian-speaking peoples. Another theory is that the Cherokee had been in the Southeast for thousands of years. Researchers in the 19th century recorded conversations with elders who recounted an oral tradition of the Cherokee people migrating south from the Great Lakes region in ancient times. They may have moved south into Muscogee Creek", "title": "Cherokee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.52, "text": "heritage, but have no documented ancestry or connection to the Cherokee Nation, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, or United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians. Some of these groups apply to US state governments for the governmental recognition that has been denied to them. However, After the passage of the Indian Removal Act in the 1830, the majority of the Cherokee people were forcibly removed from of the Southeastern United States. They were forcibly marched under military guard to Indian Territory, now Oklahoma. Many Cherokee died during this brutal event, which came to be known as The Trail of Tears. The", "title": "Echota Cherokee Tribe of Alabama" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.27, "text": "United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians The United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma ( or , abbreviated United Keetoowah Band or UKB) is a federally recognized tribe of Cherokee Native Americans headquartered in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. According to the UKB website, its members are mostly descendants of \"\"Old Settlers\"\" or \"\"Western Cherokee,\"\" the Cherokee who migrated to present-day Arkansas and Oklahoma about 1817. Some reports estimate that Old Settlers began migrating west by 1800. This was before the forced relocation of Cherokee from the Southeast in the late 1830s under the Indian Removal Act. Although politically the UKB is", "title": "United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.27, "text": "specifically indicated \"\"Cherokee\"\" as their ethnic origin. Many of the First Families of Virginia claim descent from Pocahontas or some other \"\"Indian princess\"\". This phenomenon has been dubbed the \"\"Cherokee Syndrome\"\". Across the US, numerous individuals cultivate an opportunistic ethnic identity as Native American, sometimes through Cherokee heritage groups or Indian Wedding Blessings. Many tribes, especially those in the Eastern United States, are primarily made up of individuals with an unambiguous Native American identity, despite being predominantly of European ancestry. Point in case, more than 75% of those enrolled in the Cherokee Nation have less than one-quarter Cherokee blood, and", "title": "Multiracial Americans" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.22, "text": "listed in the articles for the appropriate tribe. For people who self-identify as having Cherokee heritage, see List of people of self-identified Cherokee ancestry. Cherokee The Cherokee (; or ) are one of the indigenous people of the Southeastern Woodlands. Prior to the 18th century, they were concentrated in southwestern North Carolina, southeastern Tennessee, and the tips of western South Carolina and northeastern Georgia. The Cherokee language is part of the Iroquoian language group. In the 19th century, James Mooney, an American ethnographer, recorded one oral tradition that told of the tribe having migrated south in ancient times from the", "title": "Cherokee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.16, "text": "into a distinct multi-tribal band with large percentages of Yowani Choctaw, Chickasaw and Muscogee Creek Indians. The Mount Tabor Indian Community was recognized as a tribe by the State of Texas in 2017. Cherokee descendants of the Mount Tabor Indian Community must trace lineal descent from one or more of the six progenitor families. All Cherokees are documented through ancestral enrollment on either the Old Settler Payment Roll or the Guion Miller Roll. The Cherokee Nation controls Cherokee Nation Businesses, a holding company which owns companies in gaming, construction, aerospace and defense, manufacturing, technology, real estate, and healthcare industries. The", "title": "Cherokee Nation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.12, "text": "Many members of the UKB are descended from Old Settlers – Cherokees who moved to Arkansas and Indian Territory before the Trail of Tears. Of the 12,000 people enrolled in the tribe, 11,000 live in Oklahoma. Their chief is Joe Bunch. The UKB operate a tribal casino, bingo hall, smokeshop, fuel outlets, truck stop, and gallery that showcases art and crafts made by tribal members. The tribe issues their own tribal vehicle tags. The Cherokee Nation participates in numerous joint programs with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. It also participates in cultural exchange programs and joint Tribal Council meetings", "title": "Cherokee" } ]
who plays king fergus in once upon a time?
[ "Glenn Keogh" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.52, "text": "Elinor (Caroline Morahan), and — through flashbacks — the late King Fergus (Glenn Keogh). It's a story that details how Merida is shaped into a warrior and a ruler who inspires leadership in her people, and from that standpoint, it's one of the season's more effective character studies.\"\" Amy Ratcliffe of \"\"IGN\"\" said of the episode, \"\"The return of Mulan and Ruby was pushed in marketing for the second part of Once Upon a Time's two-hour special, but Merida, Mulan, and Ruby didn't have much screen time together. The dynamic between Mulan and Merida was solid though, and they pushed", "title": "The Bear King" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.36, "text": "young version of Merlin's Apprentice. On October 27, Glenn Keogh and Caroline Morahan were cast as Merida's parents King Fergus and Queen Elinor respectively. During October and November 2015, multiple recurring characters from previous seasons were confirmed to be returning for the 100th episode, \"\"Souls of the Departed\"\", these include Barbara Hershey as Cora, Robbie Kay as Peter Pan, Giancarlo Esposito would return as Magic Mirror / Sidney Glass, and Emma Caulfield as the Blind Witch who was last seen during the first season episode \"\"True North\"\". The episode will also introduce a recurring character, Hades (initially dubbed \"\"The Distinguished", "title": "Once Upon a Time (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.23, "text": "The Bear King \"\"The Bear King\"\" is the ninth episode of the fifth season of the American fantasy drama series \"\"Once Upon a Time\"\", which aired on November 15, 2015. In the episode, Merida, Mulan, and Ruby deal with King Arthur and Zelena. In DunBroch's past, Merida is trained by Mulan. Merida riding on a horse is featured in the forest. The DunBroch flashbacks about King Fergus' death take place 2 years before \"\"The Bear and the Bow\"\" and the DunBroch flashbacks about the search of the magical helmet take place after \"\"The Bear and the Bow\"\" (these events take", "title": "The Bear King" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.34, "text": "is that Scrooge would feel better building his own fortune instead of inheriting one. Fergus appears in the classic \"\"DuckTales\"\" episode \"\"Once Upon a Dime\"\", which explores Scrooge's history; here he is referred to as \"\"McPapa.\"\" Fergus' name and image are also present in the 2017 \"\"DuckTales\"\" series, which draws heavily from the comics. He later appears (voiced by Graham McTavish) in the episode \"\"The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck!\"\", having survived to the present due to Scrooge rebuilding Castle McDuck using magic stones that have granted his parents-and possibly Scrooge himself-immortality. Scrooge and Fergus' relationship is initially tense, with Fergus", "title": "Clan McDuck" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.28, "text": "on Angus, but called \"\"Catfish\"\" McDuck and voiced by Peter Renaday, appears in the \"\"DuckTales\"\" episode \"\"Once Upon a Dime.\"\" Fergus McDuck (1835–1902) is the second child of Dingus and Molly McDuck and the father of Scrooge McDuck. As such he is a prominent character in \"\"The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck\"\". He was born in Glasgow in 1835 to Dingus McDuck and Molly Mallard, who were both working as coal miners at the time. He spent most of his life as a mill worker. According to a story by William Van Horn, Fergus at some point had a", "title": "Clan McDuck" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.28, "text": "her, I just don’t think the Brave canon has much to offer as Merlin’s, say.\"\" Christine Orlando of TV Fanatic gave the episode a 4.5 out of 5 stars. The Bear King \"\"The Bear King\"\" is the ninth episode of the fifth season of the American fantasy drama series \"\"Once Upon a Time\"\", which aired on November 15, 2015. In the episode, Merida, Mulan, and Ruby deal with King Arthur and Zelena. In DunBroch's past, Merida is trained by Mulan. Merida riding on a horse is featured in the forest. The DunBroch flashbacks about King Fergus' death take place 2", "title": "The Bear King" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.91, "text": "Publications before their radio programs began. Dunning's reference book, \"\"On the Air: The Encyclopedia of Old-Time Radio\"\", says that the main character, Richard Henry Benson, was played by an \"\"unknown New York actor,\"\" while Humphrey Davis portrayed Fergus \"\"Mac\"\" MacMurdie. An item in the September 16, 1942, issue of the trade publication \"\"Variety\"\" reported that Bill Zuckert had joined the program's cast, but it did not specify the character that he played. Maurice Joachim was the director. Paul Ernst (writing as Kenneth Robeson) and Henry Ralston were writers. James Monks initially played the lead role, with Dick Janaver replacing him", "title": "The Avenger (radio program)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.55, "text": "his wife were living full-time in New York City while still retaining their Candacraig residence. The Connollys decided to sell Candacraig House in September 2013, with a price of £2.75 million. In 2012, Connolly provided the voice of King Fergus in Pixar's Scotland-set animated film \"\"Brave\"\", alongside fellow Scottish actors Kelly Macdonald, Craig Ferguson, Robbie Coltrane, Emma Thompson, and Kevin McKidd. Connolly appeared as Wilf in \"\"Quartet\"\", a 2012 British comedy-drama film based on the play \"\"Quartet\"\" by Ronald Harwood, directed by Dustin Hoffman. In 2014, Connolly appeared in \"\"\"\" as Dáin II Ironfoot, a great dwarf warrior and cousin", "title": "Billy Connolly" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.53, "text": "King from \"\"Through the Looking-Glass\"\". He is played by English actor Michael Socha. In 2014, Michael Socha returned to the role as a main cast member in \"\"Once Upon a Time in Wonderland\"\"s parent series, \"\"Once Upon a Time\"\". His appearance in the show's fourth season takes place after \"\"Wonderland\"\", with him ending up in Storybrooke, Maine due to Snow White's curse. Here, he begrudgingly reunites with Robin Hood, until Robin is forced to leave Storybrooke with Maid Marian to save her from the Snow Queen's curse. He later engages in a short-lived dating relationship with Belle. Jamie Dornan portrayed", "title": "Will Scarlet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.16, "text": "her favourite, in part because of an eight-week location shoot on the Isle of Skye. Box wanted Emlyn Williams to play John and Michael Redgrave to play Fergus. Emlyn Williams dropped out and was replaced by Eric Porter. Porter refused to make a film with Todd and was replaced by Duncan Macrae. Redgrave dropped out to make \"\"Fame is the Spur\"\" and was replaced by Maxwell Reed. Todd did not want to work with Reed as she had not enjoyed working with him on \"\"Daybreak\"\" MacDonald knew the film would be troublesome censor wise because of the material. \"\"We hope", "title": "The Brothers (1947 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.02, "text": "James' father, King George (Alan Dale). However, after celebrating the deal, James is stabbed to death by the nearly dead challenger. This makes King George worried about his future and his kingdom, until Rumpelstiltskin (Carlyle) shows up to pay him a visit. Rumpelstiltskin tells him that James has a twin brother, as it appears that the king adopted James through Rumpelstiltskin in order to save the kingdom. He then tells the King that he can bring the twin to the castle to have him pose as James. At a nearby valley, a young goat herder (despite the episode's title), James'", "title": "The Shepherd (Once Upon a Time)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.81, "text": "and Dingwall clans were once enemies locked in constant war. When Roman soldiers and Northern invaders threatened them from the seas, the four clans joined together under the sword of Fergus to defend their lands. The clans succeeded in protecting their lands from the invaders and formed the Kingdom of DunBroch. The clan leaders of Macintosh, MacGuffin and Dingwall became their feudal lordships of the kingdom; Fergus was crowned their king and Elinor their queen. Merida is voiced by actress Kelly Macdonald. Macdonald was hired to replace Reese Witherspoon, the actress originally cast in the role. Two of the songs", "title": "Merida (Disney)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.66, "text": "bolted long ago\"\". The film \"\"Fifty Dead Men Walking\"\" (the number of lives he believed he saved) inspired by his book went on general release in April 2009; the film was directed by Kari Skogland and starred Jim Sturgess as McGartland and Sir Ben Kingsley as Fergus, his British handler. McGartland disavowed the film, stating, \"\"The film is as near to the truth as Earth is to Pluto.\"\" Martin McGartland Martin McGartland (born 30 January 1970, Belfast, Northern Ireland) is a former British informer who infiltrated the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) in 1989 to pass information to RUC Special", "title": "Martin McGartland" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.53, "text": "a successful career as an actor. He appears as Sergeant Fitzsimmons in the John Wayne movie, \"\"The Undefeated\"\", with Rams teammate Roman Gabriel, in 1970. In 1970, he appeared once on \"\"Petticoat Junction\"\", in the episode: \"\"With This Ring\"\". He played mountaineer Merlin Fergus. When \"\"Little House on the Prairie\"\" actor Victor French left to star in his own comedy \"\"Carter Country\"\" in 1977, Olsen was tapped to play Michael Landon's new sidekick Jonathan Garvey for several years. One memorable quote from his character's son, Andy Garvey, \"\"My pa doesn't know anything about football!\"\" came when Andy's friends suggested that", "title": "Merlin Olsen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.47, "text": "time in the process\"\". Matthies felt that Fergus is a type of father figure to Blazkowicz, and that he \"\"only gives negative reinforcement\"\". Conversely, he saw Wyatt as a \"\"sort of son surrogate\"\", as Blazkowicz is tasked as being his protector and mentor, and that he gives \"\"positive reinforcement\"\". Max Hass, a seemingly brain-damaged member of the Resistance, was inspired by the character of Garp from John Irving's novel \"\"The World According to Garp\"\". Alex Solowitz portrayed Max in the game. \"\"Max was the most challenging character to cast, which seems counter-intuitive because he's a pretty simple guy on paper,", "title": "Wolfenstein: The New Order" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.38, "text": "challenge to play someone who is straightforward and charming because I’m so used to being the nasty guy.\"\" David arrived to screens with the producers intending to expand upon his family. He was said to have a \"\"secret\"\", which was later revealed to be a runaway homeless son. A minor character named Fergus (Paul Ellis), who had appeared in several episodes in late 1995, impressed producers and he was rewritten so as to be David's estranged son. In 1999, Elliott was axed from the soap. He was \"\"outraged\"\" and \"\"upset\"\", but later was happy to have had the ability to", "title": "David Kearney (Shortland Street)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.34, "text": "\"\"Rob Roy\"\" (1995), although he also played a prominent role as Fergus in \"\"The Princess Stallion\"\" in 1997, the year of his death. Argyll was another role that became one of his favourites. His final professional engagement was resuming the role of Quatermass for the 1996 BBC radio serial \"\"The Quatermass Memoirs\"\". This final performance was praised by \"\"The Independent\"\": \"\"This series has so far been hugely enjoyable - thanks in large part to Andrew Keir, who recreates the role of Quatermass in dramatic interludes; lesser actors would treat Kneale's downbeat script with a certain detachment, but Keir is prepared", "title": "Andrew Keir" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.28, "text": "Fergus Kearney David Fergus Kearney is a fictional character on the New Zealand soap opera \"\"Shortland Street\"\" who was portrayed by Paul Ellis for numerous recurring stints from 1995 to 1999 before becoming a regular character until 2001. The character returned briefly in 2002. Fergus arrived to New Zealand screens in 1995 as a homeless teenager who got help from Guy Warner (Craig Parker). Producers were impressed by Ellis and the role was rewritten so that he was the son of established character – David Kearney (Peter Elliott) and he was reintroduced several months later. Although at first he was", "title": "Fergus Kearney" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.27, "text": "actress Rachel Shelley played the recurring role of Milah, Rumplestiltskin's wife. \"\"Eureka\"\" actor Christopher Gauthier is recurring throughout the season as Mr. William Smee, Captain Hook's right-hand-man. In October 2012, \"\"Can't Hardly Wait\"\" star Ethan Embry joined the recurring cast as an unknown visitor to Storybrooke. Eion Bailey (Pinocchio/August Booth) made guest appearances in episodes six and 18. Tony Perez (Prince Henry) and Alan Dale (King George/Albert Spencer) both made recurring appearances in some capacity throughout the season. Actor Noah Bean reprised his role as Daniel, the Evil Queen's love-interest, during episode five, \"\"The Doctor\"\". \"\"The X-Files\"\" actress Annabeth Gish", "title": "Once Upon a Time (season 2)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.2, "text": "Crown for Christmas Crown for Christmas is a 2015 American made-for-television romantic comedy film starring Danica McKellar and Rupert Penry-Jones. The film premiered on Hallmark Channel on November 27, 2015. Allie Evans (Danica McKellar) is an American hotel maid who was fired for not getting an important guest's room ready in time. Overhearing her firing, a hotel patrons servant, Fergus (Pavel Douglas), hires her to be a governess for his employer's daughter in the country of Winshire. When Allie accepts and arrives in the country, she finds that Fergus' employer is King Maximillian (Rupert Penry-Jones) and that his daughter is", "title": "Crown for Christmas" } ]
who are the judges on britain has talent?
[ "Alesha Dixon", "Simon Cowell", "David Walliams.", "Amanda Holden" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.69, "text": "2007, the judging panel consisted of music executive and television producer Simon Cowell, television and West End star Amanda Holden, and newspaper editor and journalist Piers Morgan. In 2009, the producers made plans to alter the show's format to allow for a fourth judge when the third series was set to begin, with plans for Kelly Brook to be the new judge on the panel. Less than a week after the series began, the producers dropped this change on the belief that this alteration to the show's format would complicate it, resulting in Brooks being credited as a guest judge", "title": "Britain's Got Talent" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.27, "text": "with magician Issy Simpson finishing in second place and comedian Daliso Chaponda in third place. During its broadcast, the series averaged around 9.1 million viewers. Following open auditions held the previous year between October to December, the Judges' audition took place between January and February 2017, within Blackpool, London, Birmingham and Salford. No incidents occurred this year that would force any of the judges to be absent from these or require someone to stand-in for them. This series saw a reduction in the number of semi-finalists, along with, for the first time in eleven years of the show's history, the", "title": "Britain's Got Talent (series 11)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.27, "text": "before holding Judges' Auditions within Birmingham, London, Manchester and Cardiff, Blackpool and Edinburgh. As both McIntyre and Hasselhoff announced in late 2011 they wouldn't be returning, the show announced on 2 January 2012 that they would be replaced by David Walliams and Alesha Dixon, and join both Holden and Cowell for the new series, the latter having announced he would be returning as a full-time judge on the show. Holden was unable to attend some of the auditions due to her pregnancy that year, leading to Carmen Electra stepping in as a guest judge for these. The series was won", "title": "Britain's Got Talent" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.14, "text": "for the judges during the Birmingham auditions. Following the previous series, both David Hasselhoff and Michael McIntyre announced that they wouldn't be returning for another year of the competition. Their decision led to the producers seeking out their replacements, after deciding to maintain the use of four judges in the programme following Cowell's announcement in December 2011 that he would be returning to oversee auditions for the sixth series. Both Hasselhoff and McIntyre were eventually replaced by comedian David Walliams, and singer and TV presenter Alesha Dixon, the latter having previously been a judge on BBC's Strictly Come Dancing. Owing", "title": "Britain's Got Talent (series 6)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25, "text": "the Judges' auditions took place across January and February 2010, within Manchester, Glasgow, Birmingham, London and Cardiff. They also took place within Newcastle upon Tyne, after they were cancelled at the last minute during production of the previous series. The Birmingham auditions were most notable in this series, due to the fact that because Cowell fell ill before he could attend them, marking the first time in the show's history he was unable to attend auditions, Louis Walsh replaced him as a guest judge for these until he had recovered. One siginicant change made to the programme in this series", "title": "Britain's Got Talent (series 4)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25, "text": "them with Alesha Dixon and David Walliams. Because of her pregnancy, Amanda Holden had to miss some of the auditions, leading to Carmen Electra standing in for her as a guest judge. Apart from retaining the use of four judges following the previous series, the sixth series is most notable for three significant changes made in the show's format - the prize money was increased to £500,000; the number of semi-finalists per semi-final was increased to 9; and the judges could now choose any semi-finalist that was eliminated and re-instate them into the live final as the \"\"Judges' Wildcard\"\". In", "title": "Britain's Got Talent (series 6)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.95, "text": "by street dance troupe Diversity, with singer Susan Boyle finishing second and saxophonist Julian Smith finishing third. During its broadcast, the series averaged around 13.3 million viewers; the figures were partly helped by the notable performances of Boyle during her time in on the show. Following open auditions held the previous year, the Judges' auditions took place across January and February 2009, within Manchester, Glasgow, Birmingham, London and Cardiff. When the auditions were being overseen, the producers decided to expand the judging panel by adding a fourth judge to proceedings, and thus they recruited Kelly Brook as their choice for", "title": "Britain's Got Talent (series 3)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.91, "text": "ended. The tenth series was won by magician Richard Jones, with jazz singer Wayne Woodward finishing in second place and dance troupe Boogie Storm in third place. Following open auditions held between October to December 2015, including an additional one on 10 January 2016, the Judges' auditions took place between January and February 2016, within Liverpool, Birmingham, and London. There were no major incidents amongst the judging panel that forced them to be absent, although Simon Cowell arrived late for the London auditions on 23 January - David Walliams's mother, Kathleen Williams, who was attending these, stood in for him", "title": "Britain's Got Talent (series 10)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.91, "text": "Cowell, Amanda Holden and Piers Morgan - and the hosts Ant & Dec, returned for the second series, along with Stephen Mulhern returning to front the second series of \"\"Britain's Got More Talent\"\" on ITV 2. The second series was won by street dancer George Sampson, with dance duo Signature coming in second and singer Andrew Johnston in third. During its broadcast, the series proved to be a greater ratings success, averaging 10.2 million viewers. Following open auditions held the previous year, the Judge's Auditions took place early in 2008, within London, Manchester, Birmingham, Cardiff, Glasgow and Blackpool. With the", "title": "Britain's Got Talent (series 2)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.77, "text": "Britain's Got Talent (series 1) Series One of Britain's Got Talent, a British talent competition series, began broadcasting in the UK during 2007, from 9 June to 17 June on ITV. The success of America's Got Talent helped to revive production of a British version of the show, after initial development for the programme was suspended when its originally planned host, Paul O'Grady, became involved in an argument with ITV and later defected to another channel. The judges chosen for the series were Piers Morgan, Amanda Holden and Simon Cowell; both Morgan and Cowell had been original choices during the", "title": "Britain's Got Talent (series 1)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.75, "text": "Talent\"\" franchise. ITV eventually debuted \"\"Britain's Got Talent\"\" on 9 June 2007 with Cowell, Morgan and Amanda Holden as judges, and Ant & Dec as hosts of the show. For series 5, Morgan stepped down due to commitments hosting \"\"Piers Morgan Tonight\"\" on CNN, and Cowell only attended the live shows as he was busy launching \"\"The X Factor USA\"\", so Michael McIntyre and David Hasselhoff joined the panel with Holden. In October 2011, it was confirmed that McIntyre and Hasselhoff would not return for series 6 and they were replaced by David Walliams and Alesha Dixon, along with Cowell", "title": "Got Talent" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.61, "text": "recruited comedian Michael McIntyre, and actor, singer and former \"\"America's Got Talent\"\" judge David Hasselhoff, to join Holden during the auditions, with Walsh returning as a guest judge for the London auditions due to Hasselhoff's commitments with a pantomime at that time. When the series entered its live episodes, Cowell returned to oversee the acts as a fourth judge. Later that year, in October 2011, both Hasselhoff and McIntrye declined to return for the sixth series, while Cowell announced he was returning full-time to the show. On 2 January 2012, the producers revealed its decision to adopt the use of", "title": "Britain's Got Talent" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.59, "text": "Lincoln, Reading, Manchester and Luton. The series was won by pianist Tokio Myers, with magician Issy Simpson coming second, and stand-up comedian Daliso Chaponda placing third. The twelfth series was aired during 2018, between 14 April to 3 June. Following the previous series, the Judges' vote was brought back into the show's format, while the live episodes were aired from Hammersmith Apollo and presented solely by Declan Donnelly; although Anthony McPartlin had stepped down from his TV commitments in March 2018, he still appeared in the series' audition episodes, which had been filmed during January and February that year. Auditions", "title": "Britain's Got Talent" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.56, "text": "the judging panel consisting of Cowell, Fern Britton (at the time, presenter of \"\"This Morning\"\"), as well as tabloid journalist Piers Morgan. The pilot was not broadcast on television until it was shown as part of a documentary series entitled \"\"The Talent Show Story\"\" in January 2012. The original plan for the show was for it to be aired within 2005–2006, before the broadcast of \"\"America's Got Talent\"\", with Paul O'Grady presenting the programme under the title \"\"Paul O'Grady's Got Talent\"\", after having hosted the pilot. However, complications arose when O'Grady was involved in a row with ITV and refused", "title": "Britain's Got Talent" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.52, "text": "magician Matt Edwards, and singer Kyle Tomlinson, each received a golden buzzer during their auditions - with eight appearing in each one, and eleven of these acts making it into the live final; because the Judges' vote was dropped, this series did not feature a \"\"Public Wildcard\"\", but still maintained the \"\"Judges' Wildcard\"\", which was Sarah Ikumu, after she placed 3rd in the public vote in the third semi-final. The following below lists the results of each participant's overall performance in this series: <onlyinclude> </onlyinclude> Following the broadcast of the second audition episode, production staff had been double-checking the background", "title": "Britain's Got Talent (series 11)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.5, "text": "been a judge on the ITV talent show \"\"Britain's Got Talent\"\" with Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon and Simon Cowell. In 2015 and 2018, he was recognised at the National Television Awards as Best Judge for his involvement in the series. His chemistry with Simon Cowell on the show has often been praised. Walliams and Matt Lucas first met at the National Youth Theatre. At their first meeting, Lucas did an impression of Jimmy Savile and Walliams an impression of Frankie Howerd. They would not meet again for another year. In the late 1990s, playing minor roles in sketches such as", "title": "David Walliams" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.48, "text": "Britain's Got Talent (series 5) Series Five of Britain's Got Talent, a British talent competition series, began broadcasting in the UK during 2011, from 16 April to 4 June on ITV; due to live coverage of the 2011 UEFA Champions League Final on 28 May, the final audition episode of the series was pushed back a day to avoid clashing with it. In the wake of Piers Morgan's departure the previous year, and Simon Cowell's schedule leaving him unable to attend auditions for this series, the producers staff recruited two new judges - David Hasselhoff and Michael McIntyre - to", "title": "Britain's Got Talent (series 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.48, "text": "around 9.9 million viewers. Following open auditions held the previous year between October to December, the Judges' auditions took place between January and February 2015, within Edinburgh, Manchester, Birmingham and London. Unlike previous years, where a guest judge had to stand-in for another, no issues occurred that caused a member of the judging panel to be absent, while the auditions were held in a more standard manner for this year, though with the \"\"Golden Buzzer\"\" format remaining a part of them since its introduction to the show in the previous series. Of the participants that took part, forty-five made it", "title": "Britain's Got Talent (series 9)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.45, "text": "plan for the programme, with Ant & Dec revealed to be the hosts for the new programme. While Cowell remained as part of the judging panel, the new plan intended for David Hasselhoff and Cheryl Cole. However, both resigned before the programme was due to air, leading to Morgan being part of the panel as originally planned, and actress Amanda Holden joining him and Cowell as a judge; Hasselhoff would later join the panel for the programme's fifth series after being a part of the panel for \"\"America's Got Talent\"\", while Cowell later employed Cole to be a replacement for", "title": "Britain's Got Talent" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.44, "text": "a fourth judge for the programme's format, announcing that both Cowell and Holden would now be joined by David Walliams and Alesha Dixon for the sixth series, with the latter moving to the talent show after deciding to leave BBC's \"\"Strictly Come Dancing\"\". During filming in February, Holden was unable to attend the London auditions, due to having given birth to her daughter at that time which had led to her suffering some after-effects from her pregnancy. As a result, the producers brought in actress and model Carmen Electra as a guest judge until she recovered. In subsequent series, the", "title": "Britain's Got Talent" } ]
what season does izzie die on grey's anatomy?
[ "The fifth season" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.16, "text": "during the season. The return of Izzie's deceased fiancé Denny and the resumption of their romance during the season also proved unpopular with fans, and was deemed \"\"the world's worst storyline\"\" by Mary McNamara of the \"\"Los Angeles Times\"\". McNamara was also critical of the episode \"\"Now or Never\"\", which saw Izzie flatline following neurosurgery, opining that Izzie ought to die. The episode in which Izzie married long-term love Alex received 15.3 million viewers, the largest television audience of the night. Izzie's cancer storyline received a mixed response from the medical community. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer at the American", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.33, "text": "of Denny's death, Katherine Heigl came to believe that Izzie was not cut out to be a doctor. Executive producer Betsy Beers explained, however, that Denny's death served to make Izzie more mature, and Heigl affirmed that \"\"At the beginning of the third season they were trying to show how lost Izzie was. She lost her optimism. She realizes now that life is difficult, but she still tries very hard to see the best in people.\"\" Creator Shonda Rhimes compared what she deemed the two \"\"most iconic moments of the season\"\", describing how the season begins with Izzie lying in", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 3)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25, "text": "an accident during the episode and dies in the season 6 premier. In the episode Cristina Yang (Sandra Oh), Alex Karev (Justin Chambers), George O'Malley (T.R. Knight), and Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) are all sleeping and waiting for Izzie Stevens (Katherine Heigl) to wake up after the surgery. Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey) comes up with an alternative treatment plan for Izzie, Miranda Bailey (Chandra Wilson) confronts Chief's Richard Webber (James Pickens Jr.) and Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw), about the peds fellowship program. Yang deals with her relationship with Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd) who helps George with career advice. The episode", "title": "Now or Never (Grey's Anatomy)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.98, "text": "explained that she wanted to spend more time with her family, and did not think it would be respectful to \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" viewers to have Izzie return and depart yet again. The season's two-hour opener showed the doctors of Seattle Grace Hospital, grieving the loss of their deceased friend, O'Malley. The special's writer, Vernoff, commented: \"\"It's heartbreaking. I fell in love with George, like many of you did, in season one.\"\" The ninth episode of the season, \"\"New History\"\", saw the arrival of Altman, which ended up forming a love triangle between her, Hunt, and Yang. Raver commented on this:", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 6)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.64, "text": "predictability of Duquette's death. Gilchrist stated in response to Stevens' development in the last part of the second season: \"\"Izzie's descent into abject hysteria, which followed her season-long sanctimoniousness about everything, actually made me want something terrible to happen to her too.\"\" He described how some episodes were not among the show's strongest, noting that the some plot lines created poignancy, and connected in an unfamiliar way. The reviews have stood the test of time and the season still remains a huge critical favorite. \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" reviewing the tenth season of the show acknowledged that, \"\"the second season is still", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 2)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.19, "text": "characteristics they had been looking for in the actress for the part were strength and vulnerability. He also called Reaser's performance \"\"heart-wrenching and wonderful\"\". Betsy Beers, the show's supervising executive producer, found Izzie to have been marked for life by Denny's death, which matured her \"\"in a very sobering way\"\", but played a major role in making her feel more confident. She also noted the undeniable connection between Izzie and Alex Karev, whose desire to do honorable things has been compared with his \"\"cutting and sarcastic\"\" personality. After Izzie's continuous efforts to change Alex during their relationship in the previous", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 3)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.11, "text": "helped her evolve into a more adaptable actor. Rhimes also disclosed that an episode with Ellis Grey's unexpected lucidity and eventual death was in plans since the beginning of the series. Rhimes described how Pompeo got through the challenge of sending Meredith in the afterlife: \"\"It was an exciting place to take her. Exciting to watch her find her way back.\"\" In response to Izzie's arc, Shonda Rhimes discussed the impact Denny Duquette's death will have on her, noting that Izzie is forced to abandon her idealism, which in turn leads to her letting go of medicine. In the aftermath", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 3)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.42, "text": "Writer Elizabeth Klaviter noted at this time the way Izzie \"\"seems to be sacrificing her reputation because of her feelings for Denny.\"\" When Izzie deliberately worsened Denny's condition to move him up the transplant list, series writer Mark Wilding questioned the morality of the actions, asking: \"\"Is Izzie bad for doing it? Is she tremendously irresponsible? She cut the wire for love so does that make her action understandable?\"\" Series creator Shonda Rhimes discussed costuming choices in the scene which saw the interns gather around Denny's deathbed, explaining: \"\"Meredith and George and Cristina and Callie and Alex are all dressed,", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 2)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.33, "text": "years behind you? I guess the theme [of Season 12] is rebirth. That evolution for that character is beautiful\"\". Rumors began back in 2012 about a possible return of Katherine Heigl's character Izzie Stevens to \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" after Heigl expressed her desire to return for an arc to complete Izzie's story. In May 2015, rumors began to swirl that Heigl would return for the twelfth season. Michael Ausiello from \"\"TVLine\"\" speculated on the return as he thought the upcoming twelfth season would be the perfect opportunity for Heigl to return to the show. He wrote that \"\"the show needs a", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 12)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.3, "text": "can’t leave her while she's sick, but now that she's not, now that she seems like she's going to get better, it just comes to him. He deserves more. He's a good guy and he deserves more. But loving Izzie showed him that he can be good, is good. So it was a little gift. And when he tells Izzie he's done, he's not bitter or angry, he's just done.\"\" The writing of the two-part season six finale, caused struggle to Rhimes. She elaborated on this: \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" sixth season opened up to 17.04 million viewers with a 6.7/17 Nielsen", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 6)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.25, "text": "successfully removed. Izzie made her final appearance in the sixth season, leaving Seattle after Alex refused to resume their marriage. Heigl requested to be released from her contract 18 months early, in order to spend more time with her family. In January 2012, Heigl reported that she would like to return to \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" to give closure to her character, however, Rhimes confirmed that there were no plans to have the character return at that time and has since stated that she has no plans to ever re-approach Izzie's storyline again. Izzie appears in the first episode of \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\",", "title": "Izzie Stevens" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.2, "text": "other cast members. When Kate Walsh's character Addison Montgomery left \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\" to launch the spin-off show \"\"Private Practice\"\", Heigl disclosed that she had hoped for a spin-off for Izzie. Heigl declined to put her name forward for consideration at the 2008 Emmy Awards, claiming that she had been given insufficient material on the series to warrant a nomination. Following Heigl's statement, speculation arose that her character would suffer a brain tumor and be killed off \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", substantiated by the announcement Jeffrey Dean Morgan would return to the series as Denny, who died at the end of season two.", "title": "Izzie Stevens" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23, "text": "job as an attending physician at a neighboring hospital, and Dr. Alex Karev (Justin Chambers)'s marriage with Dr. Izzie Stevens (Katherine Heigl) taking a toll after her near-death experience. The episode was the second part of the two-hour season six premiere special, the first being \"\"Good Mourning\"\", and was filmed in Los Angeles, California. The special was the first premiere that Knight did not appear in, following an early release from his contract, and Jessica Capshaw (Dr. Arizona Robbins)' first premiere in which she received star billing, having been upgraded from a recurring star from season five. Shannon Lucio reprised", "title": "Goodbye (Grey's Anatomy)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.95, "text": "jolt of old-school energy to improve its vitals going into Season 12, and an Izzie comeback would be just what the doctor ordered.\"\" Heigl declined the rumors of returning to the show's current season in an interview with \"\"Entertainment Tonight\"\". At the ABC's Television Critics Association press tours, Rhimes declined the rumors as she explained her reasons: \"\"I’m done with that story. I’ve turned that idea over in my mind a thousand times and thought about how it would go. And I don’t think so.\"\" The season marked the last appearance for long-time cast member Sara Ramirez who played Dr.", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 12)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.75, "text": "received among television critics. \"\"IGN Entertainment\"\" called the season and the finale a return to form for the show adding, \"\"The season proved to be an overall success, bringing the show closer to the well-balanced mix of emotion and drama – albeit of the primetime soap variety – that characterized its first two seasons. Hopefully, the sixth season will continue to build upon this foundation while better planning its arcs so that everything feels more cohesive. Otherwise, a return to form for a show that had seemingly flatlined.\"\" \"\"PopSugar\"\" wrote, \"\"George might be dying! Izzie might be dying! As the", "title": "Now or Never (Grey's Anatomy)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.73, "text": "\"\"the antithesis of the other males on the show.\"\" Numerous supporting characters have been given expansive and recurring appearances in the progressive storyline, including: Melissa George as Sadie Harris, Kimberly Elise as Dr. Jo Swender, Jessica Capshaw as Dr. Arizona Robbins, Amy Madigan as Dr. Wyatt, Mary McDonnell as Dr. Virginia Dixon, Eric Stoltz as William Dunn, Jennifer Westfeldt as Jen Harmon, Ben Shenkman as Rob Harmon, Shannon Lucio as Amanda and Samantha Mathis as Melinda. Jeffrey Dean Morgan reappeared as the deceased Denny Duquette in Izzie's hallucinations due to a brain tumor. Former series regular Kate Walsh returned to", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.73, "text": "state Izzie Stevens has to go through: \"\"Showrunner Shonda Rhimes puts a lot of pressure on Heigl to carry many intense storylines, and she's up to the challenge.\"\" However, he also noted that Izzie's irrational actions during crisis situations may be bothering. The season was one of the most acclaimed of the show, receiving numerous awards and nominations. Several cast and crew members were nominated for their work on the show during its third season at the 59th Primetime Emmy Awards. Chandra Wilson received a nomination for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series for her performance in \"\"Oh, the", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 3)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.7, "text": "returning from the previous season, out of which eight are part of the original cast from the first season. All of the thirteen regulars portray surgeons who work in the fictional Seattle Grace Hospital. Ellen Pompeo continued her role as protagonist and narrator of the series, Dr. Meredith Grey, a resident physician and a surgeon. Sandra Oh played resident Dr. Cristina Yang, best friend of Meredith and fellow surgeon. Katherine Heigl portrayed resident Dr. Isobel \"\"Izzie\"\" Stevens whose previous relationship with the now deceased patient Denny Duquette threatens her career once again. Justin Chambers acted as surgical resident Dr. Alexander", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.67, "text": "Time Has Come Today (Grey's Anatomy) \"\"Time Has Come Today\"\" is the first episode of the third season of the American television medical drama \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", and the show's 37th episode overall. Written by Shonda Rhimes and directed by Daniel Minahan, the episode aired on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in the United States on September 21, 2006. The episode primarily focuses on Dr. Izzie Stevens (Katherine Heigl) coping with the unexpected death of her fiancé, Denny Duquette (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), while dealing with the decision to quit the internship program. Further storylines include Dr. Preston Burke (Isaiah Washington) facing", "title": "Time Has Come Today (Grey's Anatomy)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.64, "text": "not for a prom, but for a funeral. Everyone in dark colors, everyone dressed somberly. As if they were in mourning. Only Izzie is in happy pink. Only Izzie looks like she didn't know this was coming.\"\" Peter Horton, expressed that his plan of developing Chandra Wilson's character, Miranda Bailey, was to focus on the similarities between her and the actress, noting that \"\"there's not a mean bone in her body, but she's solid and steady, like a rock.\"\" Wilson herself noted a significant evolution in her character's personality, noting a transition from the cold attitude that was characteristic to", "title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 2)" } ]
where was season 2 of shannara chronicles filmed?
[ "New Zealand" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.12, "text": "Manu Bennett would star as Allanon and in January 2015 Ivana Baquero, Austin Butler, Poppy Drayton, Emelia Burns and John Rhys-Davies joined the show. Malese Jow, Vanessa Morgan, Gentry White, Desmond Chiam and Caroline Chikezie joined the cast as series regulars in season two. Filming for the 10-episode first season wrapped in New Zealand at Auckland Film Studios in June 2015, and the first trailer debuted on July 10, 2015. Filming for the second season, which also consists of 10 episodes, began January 31, 2017, in New Zealand. The opening theme song, \"\"Until We Go Down\"\", from the EP \"\"Up", "title": "The Shannara Chronicles" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.11, "text": "The Shannara Chronicles The Shannara Chronicles is an American fantasy drama television series created by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar. It is an adaptation of \"\"The Sword of Shannara\"\" trilogy of fantasy novels by Terry Brooks. The series was filmed in the Auckland Film Studios and on location elsewhere in New Zealand. The first season of \"\"The Shannara Chronicles\"\" premiered on MTV in the United States on January 5, 2016, and consisted of 10 episodes. MTV originally greenlit a second season in April 2016; however, in May 2017, it was announced that the series would relocate to Spike (now Paramount", "title": "The Shannara Chronicles" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.88, "text": "Network). The second season premiered on October 11, 2017, and concluded November 22, 2017. On January 16, 2018, it was announced that the series had been cancelled after two seasons and that the producers are shopping the series to other networks. Season one of \"\"The Shannara Chronicles\"\" roughly follows the storylines set out in \"\"The Elfstones of Shannara\"\", set in the fictional Four Lands. As the series opens, demons start to return after being banished from this world to a place known as the Forbidding—locked by an ancient tree called the Ellcrys. The series chronicles the journey of Wil, Amberle", "title": "The Shannara Chronicles" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22, "text": "season two is now being simulcast on Space, with season one viewable on-demand until November 2017. Both seasons are available on Netflix, season 2 opening in May 2018. On January 16, 2018, it was announced that the series had been cancelled after two seasons. Producers later announced that the series is being shopped to other networks. \"\"The Shannara Chronicles\"\" has received mixed reviews, receiving a 52/100 score on Metacritic, based on 15 reviews and a 54% for season 1 on Rotten Tomatoes based on 26 reviews, with an average rating of 5.2/10. The site's critical consensus reads: \"\"\"\"The Shannara Chronicles\"\"", "title": "The Shannara Chronicles" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.98, "text": "stranger\"\" (played by Billy Brown) causes him to question his sanity. The score of season 2 concludes with \"\"Until We Go Down\"\" by Ruelle, played during the climax of \"\"The Legend of Alexei Volkov\"\". Prior to this, the song was introduced to television as the opening theme of The Shannara Chronicles. Internationally, the series premiered in Australia on 11 November 2015 on FX. Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Middle East & North Africa On the 4th of February 2016, BBC First HD started airing the first episode of the second season of the series on OSN (Orbit Showtime", "title": "Legends (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.88, "text": "premiere of the second half of the fifth season of \"\"Teen Wolf\"\" on MTV. New episodes were broadcast every Tuesday at 10 pm ET. The third and fourth episodes were released online after the first two episodes aired on January 5, 2016, prior to their original broadcast schedule. The series was simulcast on MTV in Canada. The two-hour pilot also aired on Bell Media sister network CTV on Wednesday, January 6, 2016. The series has also been licensed to a number of different countries, including the United Kingdom (airing on 5STAR), Australia (Syfy) and New Zealand (Sky TV). In Canada,", "title": "The Shannara Chronicles" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.33, "text": "Chronicles\"\" began showing on MTV in January 2016. The show starts with the second book of the original series, \"\"Elfstones\"\", as there are strong female roles which did not appear in the first book. The second season aired in 2017 on SPIKE On January 16, 2018, it was announced that the series had been cancelled after two seasons. Producers later announced that the series is being shopped to other networks. Brooks resides in northwestern Oregon with his wife, Judine. After writing \"\"Indomitable\"\", a short story constituting an epilogue to \"\"The Wishsong of Shannara\"\", Terry Brooks declared: Terry Brooks Terence Dean", "title": "Terry Brooks" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.88, "text": "and Eretria who, with the guidance of the last druid Allanon, must go on a quest to protect the Ellcrys from dying and releasing all the banished demons back into the Four Lands. Sonar Entertainment and Farah Films acquired the TV rights to the Shannara universe in 2012. In December 2013, it was announced that a series based on the books was being produced for MTV and had been given a straight-to-series, 10-episode order. On April 20, 2016, MTV greenlit a second season of \"\"The Shannara Chronicles\"\". The series is produced by Dan Farah, Jon Favreau, Miles Millar, Al Gough,", "title": "The Shannara Chronicles" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.73, "text": "climb out to daylight was actually filmed, with the camera rotated 90°, in the incomplete (and decidedly horizontal) Transbay Tube. The scene was filmed before installation of the track supports, with Robert Duvall's character using exposed reinforcing bars as a ladder. The television adaptation of Terry Brooks's Shannara series of books, \"\"The Shannara Chronicles\"\", is partly set in the Bay Area, and part of the journey/quest routes the protagonists through the Transbay Tube. One of the early sections of the video game \"\"Dead Space\"\" features a sound sample taken from a ride through the Transbay Tube. Transbay Tube The Transbay", "title": "Transbay Tube" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.23, "text": "in Flames\"\", is performed by Ruelle. Other songs featured in the show's first season include \"\"Midnight\"\" by Coldplay, \"\"You Are a Memory\"\" by Message to Bears, \"\"Wave\"\" by Beck and \"\"Run Boy Run\"\" by Woodkid. During \"\"The Shannara Chronicles\"\" panel at San Diego Comic-Con International in July 2015, a teaser trailer was revealed, giving audiences a first look at the sets and characters. A television version of the trailer was shown during the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards. \"\"The Shannara Chronicles\"\" premiered on MTV in the United States on January 5, 2016, with a two-hour series premiere, right after the", "title": "The Shannara Chronicles" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.19, "text": "the trailer was shown during the 2015 MTV Music Awards. The series premiered January 5, 2016. Season 2 began airing on Spike in October 2017. On January 16, 2018, it was announced that the series had been cancelled after two seasons. Producers later announced that the series is being shopped to other networks. Shannara Shannara is a series of high fantasy novels written by Terry Brooks, beginning with \"\"The Sword of Shannara\"\" in 1977 and continuing through \"\"The Skaar Invasion\"\" which was released in June 2018; there is also a prequel, \"\"First King of Shannara\"\". The series blends magic and", "title": "Shannara" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.97, "text": "the unfilmed storylines from the remaining four episodes of season one into the start of season two. The pilot episode was filmed primarily in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The principal photography started on January 24, 2007 and took approximately one month to complete. Subsequent episodes in the series were filmed in the backlot of Warner Brothers Studios in Burbank, California, on a set previously used by \"\"Gilmore Girls\"\" to depict their fictional town, Stars Hollow. \"\"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles\"\" features incidental music composed by Bear McCreary. For financial reasons, the main theme of the Terminator film series, originally composed by", "title": "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.8, "text": "19, 2011, which began filming in July 2011, primarily in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Croatia and Iceland. The story takes place in a fictional world, primarily upon a continent called Westeros, with one storyline occurring on another continent to the east known as Essos. Like the novel, the season follows the dramatic death of Lord Eddard \"\"Ned\"\" Stark, with all of the Starks being separated across Westeros. Season two mainly centres around the War of the Five Kings, fought between the leaders of Westerosi factions who are either staking a claim on the Iron Throne, or seeking independence from it. \"\"Game", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 2)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.75, "text": "about these people enough that they're actually crying at the finale.\"\" Season 2 was filmed primarily in Toronto, Ontario, but some scenes were shot in Hamilton, Ontario and in Cambridge, Ontario. Season 3 started production in Toronto in October 2018. Scenes for season 3 were also filmed in Cambridge, Ontario in November 2018. The first three episodes of the series premiered on April 26, 2017; the subsequent seven episodes were released on a weekly basis. In Canada, the series is broadcast weekly by Bravo and the streaming service CraveTV; the first two episodes premiered on April 30, 2017. In Scandinavia,", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.52, "text": "season two began in May 2012 with the series filming in Israel for two weeks, with the city of Haifa standing in for Beirut. The rest of the season was filmed in Charlotte and Concord, North Carolina. Production for the third season began in late May 2013, continuing production in Raleigh, North Carolina. The series also filmed in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, which stood in for Caracas, Venezuela. The series was also planning on returning to Israel for additional filming, but filming moved to Morocco, due to ongoing conflicts in Syria. Production for the fourth season took place from", "title": "Homeland (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.48, "text": "on the CW's superhero drama \"\"The Flash\"\". In 2015, Malese was listed in \"\"Maxim\"\"s Hot 10. On August 25, 2015, Malese was announced to be reprising her role as Linda Park as a friend of Iris for multiple episodes. In the second season's fifth episode, \"\"The Darkness and the Light,\"\" Malese played villainess Dr. Light, who is Earth 2 Linda Park. On February 2nd 2017, it was announced Malese would be playing Mareth Ravenlock on MTV's \"\"The Shannara Chronicles\"\". In September 2017 it was revealed that Malese would be playing Daya in the upcoming \"\"\"\" movie. Malese has begun filming", "title": "Malese Jow" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.47, "text": "Sanctuary Network by including episodes where the team visit some of their international sites as opposed to only mentioning them. The season was filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia from late March to July 2009, with some scenes of the finale filmed on location in Tokyo, Japan. Anthem Visual Effects continues to produce the series' visual effects. Anthem found an exponential growth in their work, with some episodes including as many as 500 visual effects shots. The first ten episodes were seen by an average of 1.55 million viewers in the United States, increasing to 2.2 million when time-shifted viewings were", "title": "Sanctuary (season 2)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.45, "text": "in Beirut and the Bekaa Valley. The third season was filmed again in Beirut during July 2010. The fourth and fifth seasons were released in 2011. Shankaboot was produced by Batoota Films in Association the BBC World Service Trust and The Welded Tandem Picture Company. Shankaboot Shankaboot was an interactive web-based video series filmed in and around Beirut, Lebanon. It was the world's first Arabic web drama series. \"\"Shankaboot\"\" follows Suleiman, a 15-year-old, delivery boy. Other characters include 19-year-old Ruwaida and the mysterious 20-something Chadi. The show presents Beirut life and the life in Lebanon in a realistic style. The", "title": "Shankaboot" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.44, "text": "It was filmed in Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, India, Italy, Kenya, Malta, Mexico, the Netherlands, South Korea, the UK, and the US. On August 8, 2015, Netflix announced that it had renewed the show for a second season. Netflix released the first episode of the second season, a two-hour Christmas special, on December 23, 2016; the remaining 10 episodes of the season were released on May 5, 2017. The season was met with positive critical reception and received a nomination for Outstanding Drama Series in the GLAAD Media Awards, and a Primetime Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Cinematography for a", "title": "Sense8 (season 2)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.41, "text": "2016, with the completion of the Malta shoot, filming for the second season came to an end. Overall, the cast and crew flew in excess of 250,000 miles to complete the season, while some directors and producers who also did location scouting flew as much as 370,000 miles. Filming for the series finale took place in Berlin, Brussels, Naples, and Paris. Production began in Berlin on October 2, 2017, and moved to Brussels on October 12, where they filmed in Villers Abbey in Villers-la-Ville. The next day filming began in Paris, where they remained up to October 24. Around midnight", "title": "Sense8 (season 2)" } ]
most populous city in india as per 2011 census?
[ "Mumbai" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.47, "text": "in population census in India for first time in 2011. The overall sex ratio of the population is 943 females for every 1,000 males in 2011. The official count of the third gender in India is 490,000 The population of India as per 2011 census was . India added 181.5 million to its population since 2001, slightly lower than the population of Brazil. India, with 2.4% of the world's surface area, accounts for 17.5% of its population. Uttar Pradesh is the most populous state with roughly 200 million people. Over half the population resided in the six most populous states", "title": "2011 Census of India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.36, "text": "released Socio Economic and Caste Census 2011 \"\"caste population data\"\" for every single non-SC/ST castes (General castes, OBC/EBCs) in India. Uttar Pradesh is the most populous state in India with a population of over 199.5 million people on 1 March 2011. It is more populated than the world's 242 countries. If independent it would be the 6th largest country in the world as per Population. At the 2001 census of India, about 80% of Uttar Pradesh population is Hindu, while Muslims make up around 18% of the population. The remaining population consists of Sikhs, Buddhists, Christians and Jains. The population", "title": "Demographics of Uttar Pradesh" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.31, "text": "With an estimated population of 1.68 million in 2011, Patna is the 19th most populous city in India and with over 2 million people, its urban agglomeration is the 18th largest in India. Residents of Patna are referred to by the demonym Patnaite. According to 2011 census data, Patna city had a population of 1,683,200 (before expansion of the city limits) within the corporation limits, with 894,158 men and 789,042 women. This was an increase of 22.2 percent compared to the 2001 figures. 11.32 per cent of the population was under six years of age, with 102,208 boys while 88,288", "title": "Patna" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.3, "text": "estimated to be between 10,456,000 and 12,339,000, up from 8.5 million at the 2011 census, Bangalore is a megacity, and the third most populous city in India and the 18th most populous city in the world. Bangalore was the fastest-growing Indian metropolis after New Delhi between 1991 and 2001, with a growth rate of 38% during the decade. Residents of Bangalore are referred to as \"\"Bangaloreans\"\" in English and \"\"Bengaloorinavaru or Bengaloorigaru\"\" in Kannada. People from other states have migrated to Bangalore. According to the 2011 census of India, 78.9% of Bangalore's population is Hindu, a little less than the", "title": "Bangalore" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.86, "text": "any other state), and over half the population lives in urban centres. According to World Gazetteer population calculation for the year 2010, five of the top 100 most populous metropolitan areas in India belong to Kerala. They are Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram, Kozhikode, Kannur and Kollam ranking 26, 43, 46, 73 and 86 respectively. The following is a list of most populous urban agglomerations in the Kerala state of India. Population statistics indicated in this article as of 2011 census. Note that this is a list of metropolitan population and does not indicate the city populations. For that, see List of most", "title": "Demographics of Kerala" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.64, "text": "people. Militant group Harkat-ul-Jihad claimed responsibility for the attacks. Ahmedabad had a population of 5,633,927, making it the fifth most populous city in India. The urban agglomeration centred upon Ahmedabad, then having a population of 6,357,693, now estimated at 7,650,000, is the seventh most populous urban agglomeration in India. The city had a literacy rate of 89.62%; 93.96% of the men and 84.81% of the women were literate. Ahmedabad's sex ratio in 2011 was 897 women per 1000 men. According to the census for the Ninth Plan, there are 30,737 rural families living in Ahmedabad. Of those, 5.41% (1663 families)", "title": "Ahmedabad" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.64, "text": "Demographics of Uttar Pradesh The demographics of Uttar Pradesh is a complex topic, which is undergoing dynamic change. Uttar Pradesh is India`s most populous state. It has a population of about 227,920,005 as per the 2011 census. If it were a separate country, Uttar Pradesh would be the world's fifth most populous nation, next only to China, India, the United States of America and Indonesia. Uttar Pradesh has a population more than that of Pakistan. There is an average population density of 828 persons per km² i.e. 2,146 per sq mi. The capital of Uttar Pradesh is Lucknow. Hindus and", "title": "Demographics of Uttar Pradesh" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.48, "text": "most populous city in Karnataka. Mysore urban agglomeration is home to 1,281,768 people, consisting of 641,356 males and 636,452 females. Mysore had a core population of 920,000 coming under the city corporation and outgrowths and Mysore urban agglomeration had a population of 983,000. According to 2011 census, Mysore was the largest non metropolitan city in India and had the highest basic infrastructure index of 2.846. Mysore is estimated to have crossed 1 million in 2017 making it a Metropolis. The gender ratio of the city is 1000 females to every 1000 males and the population density is . According to", "title": "Mysore" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.48, "text": "in 2014. With 1,21,01,93,422 residents reported in the 2011 provisional census report, India is the world's second-most populous country. Its population grew by 17.64% during 2001–2011, compared to 21.54% growth in the previous decade (1991–2001). The human sex ratio, according to the 2011 census, is 940 females per 1,000 males. The median age was 27.6 . The first post-colonial census, conducted in 1951, counted 361.1 million people. Medical advances made in the last 50 years as well as increased agricultural productivity brought about by the \"\"Green Revolution\"\" have caused India's population to grow rapidly. India continues to face several public", "title": "India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.47, "text": "which 119,142 were males and 106,840 were females. It had a sex ratio of 897. The population below 5 years was 31,036. The literacy rate of the 7+ population was 79.87 per cent. Katihar is at 193th rank in terms of its population among the top 200 cities of India as per 2011 census ( ref. List of most populous cities in India ) Urdu, Hindi, Maithili, Angika, Bengali and Surjapuri are the main languages spoken in Katihar. As every other Indian geographical area there is a special inclination towards Movies and Sports. There are several cinema halls namely Vasant", "title": "Katihar" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.47, "text": "Mumbai Mumbai (; formerly known as Bombay) is the capital city of the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is the most populous city in India with an estimated city proper population of 12.4 million as of 2011. Along with the neighbouring regions of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region, it is the second most populous metropolitan area in India, with a population of 21.3 million . Mumbai lies on the Konkan coast on the west coast of India and has a deep natural harbour. In 2008, Mumbai was named an alpha world city. It is also the wealthiest city in India, and", "title": "Mumbai" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.45, "text": "of the state. On 1 November 1956, when Madhya Bharat was merged into Madhya Pradesh, the state capital was shifted to Bhopal. Indore, a city today of nearly 2.1 million residents, has transformed from a traditional commercial urban centre into a modern dynamic commercial capital of the state. Indore is the most populous city in the Madhya Pradesh. Indore is also the largest metropolitan city in Central India. According to the 2011 census of India, the population of Indore city (the area under the municipal corporation and outgrowths) is 1,994,397. The population of the Indore metropolis (urban agglomeration that includes", "title": "Indore" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.38, "text": "population was due to the sharp decline in the growth rate in rural areas since 1991. According to the 2011 census, there are 53 million-plus urban agglomerations in India; among them Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad, in decreasing order by population. The literacy rate in 2011 was 74.04%: 65.46% among females and 82.14% among males. The rural-urban literacy gap, which was 21.2 percentage points in 2001, dropped to 16.1 percentage points in 2011. The improvement in literacy rate in rural area is two times that in urban areas. Kerala is the most literate state with 93.91% literacy;", "title": "India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.31, "text": "and Chennai are home to 15% of India's urban population. Analysis of National Family Health Survey Data for 2005-06 (the most recent available dataset for analysis) shows that within India's urban population – the under-five mortality rate for the poorest quartile eight states, the highest under-five mortality rate in the poorest quartile occurred in UttarPradesh (110 per 1,000 live births), India's most populous state, which had 44.4 million urban dwellers in the 2011 census followed by Rajasthan (102), Madhya Pradesh (98), Jharkhand (90) and Bihar (85), Delhi (74), and Maharashtra (50). The sample for West Bengal was too small for", "title": "Healthcare in India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.23, "text": "most populous towns in Tamil Nadu Among the cities in 2011, the state capital, Chennai, was the most populous city in the state, followed by Coimbatore, Madurai, Trichy and Salem respectively. India has a human development index calculated as 0.619, while the corresponding figure for Tamil Nadu is 0.736, placing it among the top states in the country. The life expectancy at birth for males is 65.2 years and for females it is 67.6 years. However, it has a high level of poverty especially in the rural areas. In 2004–2005, the poverty line was set at 351.86/month for rural areas", "title": "Tamil Nadu" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.17, "text": "runs between Kottapuram and Kollam, which is included in the East-Coast Canal. Kerala is home to 2.76% of India's population; with a density of 859 persons per km, its land is nearly three times as densely settled as the Indian national average of 370 persons per km. , Thiruvananthapuram is the most populous city in Kerala. In the state, the rate of population growth is India's lowest, and the decadal growth of 4.9% in 2011 is less than one third of the all-India average of 17.64%. Kerala's population more than doubled between 1951 and 1991 by adding 15.6 million people", "title": "Kerala" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.09, "text": "following national highways connect major towns, cities and villages: Punjab is home to 2.30% of India's population; with a density of 551 persons per km. According to the provisional results of the 2011 national census, Punjab has a population of 27,704,236, making it the 16th most populated state in India. Of which male and female are 14,639,465 and 13,103,873 respectively. In the state, the rate of population growth is 13.89 percent (2011), lower than national average. Out of total population, 37.48% people live in urban regions. The total figure of population living in urban areas is 10,399,146 of which 5,545,989", "title": "Punjab, India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.02, "text": "With a population of 140,857 according to the 2011 census of India, Rudrapur is the fifth most populous city of Uttarakhand. Since the establishment of the State Industrial Development Corporation of Uttarakhand, the city has undergone rapid development, along with literacy growth and higher employment. One interesting thing in this area is that there are some artesian water wells where the underground water comes out itself due to underground water pressure. For this a well is to be drilled and a slotted casing pipe is to be lowered to take the water out. In such artesian wells no pump is", "title": "Rudrapur, Uttarakhand" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.02, "text": "World Bank, India, along with China, Indonesia, Nigeria, and the United States, will lead the world's urban population surge by 2050. Mumbai saw large scale rural-urban migration in the 20th century. Mumbai, in 2018, accommodates 22.1 million people, and is the largest metropolis by population in India, followed by Delhi with 28 million inhabitants. Witnessing the fastest rate of urbanisation in the world, as per 2011 census, Delhi's population rises by 4.1%, Mumbai's by 3.1% and Kolkata's by 2% as per 2011 census compared to 2001 census. After independence, India faced poverty, unemployment, and economic backwardness. The first Prime Minister", "title": "Urbanisation in India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.95, "text": "be through composting in municipal waste management units, and at houses with home composting units. Both systems are common and established in India and neighbouring countries. Kathmandu's urban cosmopolitan character has made it the most populous city in Nepal, recording a population of 671,846 residents living in 235,387 households in the metropolitan area, according to the 2001 census. According to the National Population Census of 2011, the total population of Kathmandu city was 975,543 with an annual growth rate of 6.12% with respect to the population figure of 2001. 70% of the total population residing in Kathmandu are aged between", "title": "Kathmandu" } ]