the term prisoner's' dilemma refers to a game in which?
[ "reward or punish their partner" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.28, "text": "for such cases. The prisoner's dilemma game can be used as a model for many real world situations involving cooperative behavior. In casual usage, the label \"\"prisoner's dilemma\"\" may be applied to situations not strictly matching the formal criteria of the classic or iterative games: for instance, those in which two entities could gain important benefits from cooperating or suffer from the failure to do so, but find it difficult or expensive—not necessarily impossible—to coordinate their activities. Two prisoners are separated into individual rooms and cannot communicate with each other. The normal game is shown below: It is assumed that", "title": "Prisoner's dilemma" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.11, "text": "Prisoner's dilemma The prisoner's dilemma is a standard example of a game analyzed in game theory that shows why two completely rational individuals might not cooperate, even if it appears that it is in their best interests to do so. It was originally framed by Merrill Flood and Melvin Dresher while working at RAND in 1950. Albert W. Tucker formalized the game with prison sentence rewards and named it \"\"prisoner's dilemma\"\", presenting it as follows: It is implied that the prisoners will have no opportunity to reward or punish their partner other than the prison sentences they get and that", "title": "Prisoner's dilemma" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.09, "text": "theories of human cooperation and trust. On the assumption that the game can model transactions between two people requiring trust, cooperative behaviour in populations may be modeled by a multi-player, iterated, version of the game. It has, consequently, fascinated many scholars over the years. In 1975, Grofman and Pool estimated the count of scholarly articles devoted to it at over 2,000. The iterated prisoner's dilemma has also been referred to as the \"\"Peace-War game\"\". If the game is played exactly \"\"N\"\" times and both players know this, then it is optimal to defect in all rounds. The only possible Nash", "title": "Prisoner's dilemma" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.38, "text": "models of \"\"rational\"\" self-interested action. An extended \"\"iterated\"\" version of the game also exists. In this version, the classic game is played repeatedly between the same prisoners, who continuously have the opportunity to penalize the other for previous decisions. If the number of times the game will be played is known to the players, then (by backward induction) two classically rational players will betray each other repeatedly, for the same reasons as the single-shot variant. In an infinite or unknown length game there is no fixed optimum strategy, and prisoner's dilemma tournaments have been held to compete and test algorithms", "title": "Prisoner's dilemma" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.22, "text": "and 2014, respectively. A game modeled after the (iterated) prisoner's dilemma is a central focus of the 2012 video game \"\"\"\" and a minor part in its 2016 sequel \"\"\"\". In \"\"The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma\"\" by Trenton Lee Stewart, the main characters start by playing a version of the game and escaping from the \"\"prison\"\" altogether. Later they become actual prisoners and escape once again. Prisoner's dilemma The prisoner's dilemma is a standard example of a game analyzed in game theory that shows why two completely rational individuals might not cooperate, even if it appears that", "title": "Prisoner's dilemma" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.2, "text": "The Prisoner's Dilemma (play) The Prisoner's Dilemma is a theatrical drama written by David Edgar. It refers to the game theory problem of the same name and portrays its outworking in an Eastern European, post-Cold War setting. The play premiered in The Other Place Theatre by the Royal Shakespeare Company in July 2001 and forms part of a trilogy with \"\"The Shape of the Table\"\" and \"\"Pentecost\"\". Cast for the premiere included: Trevor Cooper (as Nikolai/Kolya), Larry Lamb (as Tom), Joseph Mydell (as Patterson), Robert Jezek (as Hasim), Alan David (as Erik), Zoe Waites (as Kelima), Penny Downie (as Gina),", "title": "The Prisoner's Dilemma (play)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.16, "text": "game theory had a little crisis: it could not find a strategy for a simple game called \"\"The Prisoner's Dilemma\"\" (PD) where two players have the option to cooperate for mutual gain, but each also takes a risk of being suckered. The prisoner's dilemma game (invented around 1950 by Merrill M. Flood and Melvin Dresher) takes its name from the following scenario: you and a criminal associate have been busted. Fortunately for you, most of the evidence was shredded, so you are facing only a year in prison. But the prosecutor wants to nail someone, so he offers you a", "title": "The Evolution of Cooperation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.12, "text": "cheats. However, Trivers did make reference to the Prisoner's Dilemma Game which, 10 years later, would restore interest in Trivers' reciprocal altruism theory, but under the title of \"\"tit-for-tat\"\". In its original form the Prisoner's Dilemma Game (PDG) described two awaiting trial prisoners, A and B, each faced with the choice of betraying the other or remaining silent. The \"\"game\"\" has four possible outcomes: (a) they both betray each other, and are both sentenced to two years in prison; (b) A betrays B, which sets A free and B is sentenced to four years in prison; (c) B betrays A,", "title": "Altruism (biology)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.09, "text": "Optional prisoner's dilemma The Optional Prisoner's Dilemma (OPD) game models a situation of conflict involving two players in game theory. It can be seen as an extension of the standard prisoner's dilemma game, where players have the option to \"\"reject the deal\"\", that is, to abstain from playing the game. This type of game can be used as a model for a number of real world situations in which agents are afforded the third option of abstaining from a game interaction such as an election. The structure of the Optional Prisoner's Dilemma can be generalized from the standard prisoner's dilemma", "title": "Optional prisoner's dilemma" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.75, "text": "does not deliver as promised, the defector will receive a payoff of \"\"b\"\", while the cooperator will lose \"\"c\"\". If both defect, then neither one gains or loses anything. If two players play prisoner's dilemma more than once in succession and they remember previous actions of their opponent and change their strategy accordingly, the game is called iterated prisoner's dilemma. In addition to the general form above, the iterative version also requires that 2\"\"R\"\" > \"\"T\"\" + \"\"S,\"\" to prevent alternating cooperation and defection giving a greater reward than mutual cooperation. The iterated prisoner's dilemma game is fundamental to some", "title": "Prisoner's dilemma" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.48, "text": "defection before the cooperators receive the suckers payoff. (One example of an \"\"n\"\"-player Prisoner's Dilemma is the Diner's dilemma.) N-player game In game theory, an \"\"n\"\"-player game is a game which is well defined for any number of players. This is usually used in contrast to standard 2-player games that are only specified for two players. In defining \"\"n\"\"-player games, game theorists usually provide a definition that allow for any (finite) number of players. Changing games from 2-player games to \"\"n\"\"-player games entails some concerns. For instance, the Prisoner's dilemma is a 2-player game. One might define an \"\"n\"\"-player Prisoner's", "title": "N-player game" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.38, "text": "examples he used was \"\"closed bag exchange\"\": In this game, defection always gives a game-theoretically preferable outcome. \"\"Friend or Foe?\"\" is a game show that aired from 2002 to 2005 on the Game Show Network in the US. It is an example of the prisoner's dilemma game tested on real people, but in an artificial setting. On the game show, three pairs of people compete. When a pair is eliminated, they play a game similar to the prisoner's dilemma to determine how the winnings are split. If they both cooperate (Friend), they share the winnings 50–50. If one cooperates and", "title": "Prisoner's dilemma" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.36, "text": "a study, and to indicate whether those students were likely to cooperate or defect in the first round of the classic decision-making game called the Prisoner's Dilemma. The game was introduced to subjects in one of two ways: it was either referred to as the \"\"Wall Street Game\"\" or as the \"\"Community Game.\"\" The researchers found that students in the \"\"Community Game\"\" condition were twice as likely to cooperate, and that it did not seem to make a difference whether students were previously categorized as \"\"cooperators\"\" versus \"\"defectors.\"\" This experiment demonstrated that the game's label exerted more power on how", "title": "Naïve realism (psychology)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.23, "text": "game setting. In this way, suppose that the two players are represented by the colors, red and blue, and that each player chooses to \"\"Cooperate\"\", \"\"Defect\"\" or \"\"Abstain\"\". The payoff matrix for the game is shown below: The following condition must hold for the payoffs: \"\"T\"\" > \"\"R\"\" > \"\"L\"\" > \"\"P\"\" > \"\"S\"\" Optional prisoner's dilemma The Optional Prisoner's Dilemma (OPD) game models a situation of conflict involving two players in game theory. It can be seen as an extension of the standard prisoner's dilemma game, where players have the option to \"\"reject the deal\"\", that is, to abstain", "title": "Optional prisoner's dilemma" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.22, "text": "the game repeatedly against the same player. In the so-called \"\"iterated\"\" Prisoner's dilemma, the same two individuals play the prisoner's dilemma over and over. While the Prisoner's dilemma has only two strategies (\"\"Cooperate\"\" and \"\"Defect\"\"), the iterated Prisoner's dilemma has a huge number of possible strategies. Since an individual can have different contingency plan for each history and the game may be repeated an indefinite number of times, there may in fact be an infinite number of such contingency plans. Three simple contingency plans which have received substantial attention are \"\"Always Defect\"\", \"\"Always Cooperate\"\", and \"\"Tit for Tat\"\". The first", "title": "Evolutionarily stable strategy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.17, "text": "allowed them if they had been submitted. It also relies on circumventing rules about the prisoner's dilemma in that there is no communication allowed between the two players, which the Southampton programs arguably did with their opening \"\"ten move dance\"\" to recognize one another; this only reinforces just how valuable communication can be in shifting the balance of the game. In a stochastic iterated prisoner's dilemma game, strategies are specified by in terms of \"\"cooperation probabilities\"\". In an encounter between player \"\"X\"\" and player \"\"Y\"\", \"\"X\"\" 's strategy is specified by a set of probabilities \"\"P\"\" of cooperating with \"\"Y\"\".", "title": "Prisoner's dilemma" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.88, "text": "environment, the mutant population outcompeted wild-type population, demonstrating that siderophore production is metabolically costly. Finally, when both wild type and mutant bacteria were placed in the same mixed population, the mutants can gain the benefit of siderophore production without paying the cost, and hence increase in frequency. This concept is commonly referred to the tragedy of the commons. The prisoner's dilemma game is another way that evolutionary biologists explain the presence of cheating in cooperative microbial systems. Originally framed by Merrill Flood and Melvin Dresher in 1950, the Prisoner's Dilemma is a fundamental problem in game theory, and demonstrates that", "title": "Microbial cooperation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.81, "text": "are represented by the colors, red and blue, and that each player chooses to either \"\"Cooperate\"\" or \"\"Defect\"\". If both players cooperate, they both receive the reward \"\"R\"\" for cooperating. If both players defect, they both receive the punishment payoff \"\"P\"\". If Blue defects while Red cooperates, then Blue receives the temptation payoff \"\"T\"\", while Red receives the \"\"sucker's\"\" payoff, \"\"S\"\". Similarly, if Blue cooperates while Red defects, then Blue receives the sucker's payoff \"\"S\"\", while Red receives the temptation payoff \"\"T\"\". This can be expressed in normal form: and to be a prisoner's dilemma game in the strong sense,", "title": "Prisoner's dilemma" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.78, "text": "therefore can't recreate mutation-free genomes. Chao, 1997, provides a phage-emphasizing review of the subject. Prisoner's dilemma is a part of game theory which involves two individuals choosing to cooperate or defect, reaping differential rewards. During phage coinfection, it pertains to viruses which produce more protein products than they use (cooperators) and viruses which use more protein products than they produce (defectors). Coevolution is the study of the evolutionary influence that two species have upon each other. Phage-bacterial coevolution is typically studied within the context of phage community ecology. Breitbart, M., F. Rohwer, and S. T. Abedon. 2005. Phage ecology and", "title": "Bacteriophage experimental evolution" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.77, "text": "1959 paper, rational players repeatedly interacting for indefinitely long games can sustain the cooperative outcome. Interest in the iterated prisoner's dilemma (IPD) was kindled by Robert Axelrod in his book \"\"The Evolution of Cooperation\"\" (1984). In it he reports on a tournament he organized of the \"\"N\"\" step prisoner's dilemma (with \"\"N\"\" fixed) in which participants have to choose their mutual strategy again and again, and have memory of their previous encounters. Axelrod invited academic colleagues all over the world to devise computer strategies to compete in an IPD tournament. The programs that were entered varied widely in algorithmic complexity,", "title": "Prisoner's dilemma" } ]
where does place beyond the pines take place?
[ "Schenectady, New York" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.02, "text": "The Place Beyond the Pines The Place Beyond the Pines is a 2012 American crime drama film directed by Derek Cianfrance with a screenplay by Cianfrance, Ben Coccio, and Darius Marder from a story by Cianfrance and Coccio. It stars Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, Eva Mendes, Emory Cohen and Dane DeHaan, with Ben Mendelsohn, Rose Byrne, Mahershala Ali, Bruce Greenwood, Harris Yulin, and Ray Liotta in supporting roles. The film reunites Cianfrance and Gosling, who worked together on the 2010 film \"\"Blue Valentine\"\". The film was scored by Mike Patton and also featured previously written music by Estonian composer Arvo", "title": "The Place Beyond the Pines" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.88, "text": "Pärt. The title is the English meaning of the city of Schenectady, New York, which is derived loosely from a Mohawk word for \"\"place beyond the pine plains.\"\" In 1997, Luke Glanton (Gosling) is a motorcycle stuntman. In Schenectady, New York, Luke reunites with his ex-lover Romina Gutierrez (Mendes), who is dating another man named Kofi Kancam (Ali). Luke discovers that Romina has a baby son named Jason that he fathered which she never revealed to him, so Luke quits his job to stay with Romina and their son. Luke begins working part-time for auto mechanic Robin Van Der Hook", "title": "The Place Beyond the Pines" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.14, "text": "a long, slow watch in the final act, a detour into the next generation that sees the sons of Luke and Avery pick away at their daddy issues together. Cianfrance signposts the ripple effects of crime with giant motorway billboards, then pootles along, following a storyline that drops off Mendes and Byrne before winding on to its obvious conclusion.\"\" A negative review came from \"\"Slant Magazine\"\"s Ed Gonzalez, who criticized the film's plot, themes, \"\"self-importance\"\", shallow characters, and melodramatic nature. The Place Beyond the Pines The Place Beyond the Pines is a 2012 American crime drama film directed by Derek", "title": "The Place Beyond the Pines" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.61, "text": "the recording to get a position as an assistant district attorney. Fifteen years later, Avery is running for Attorney General of New York. He has his troubled teenage son A.J., who had been living with Avery’s ex-wife, move in with him and transfer to Schenectady High School. There, A.J. befriends Jason (DeHaan), but neither know the history between their fathers. The two are later arrested for felony drug possession, but when Avery is called in to pick up his son, he recognizes Jason's name. He gets Jason's charge dropped to a misdemeanor and orders A.J. to stay away from him.", "title": "The Place Beyond the Pines" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.61, "text": "Place Beyond the Pines\"\" finds writer/director Derek Cianfrance reaching for—and often grasping—thorny themes of family, fatherhood, and fate.\"\" On Metacritic has a score of 68 out of 100, based on 42 critics, indicating \"\"generally favorable reviews\"\". Writing for the Indiewire \"\"Playlist\"\" blog, Kevin Jagernauth praised the film as an \"\"ambitious epic that is cut from some of the same thematic tissue as Cianfrance's previous film, but expands the scope into a wondrously widescreen tale of fathers, sons and the legacy of sins that are passed down through the generations\"\". David Rooney of \"\"The Hollywood Reporter\"\" praised the acting, cinematography, atmosphere,", "title": "The Place Beyond the Pines" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.53, "text": "7, 2012; it received a limited release in the United States on March 29, 2013 and was widely released on April 12, 2013. The film grossed $279,457 from 4 theaters with an average of $69,864 per theater. The film ended up earning $21,403,519 in North America and $14,082,089 internationally for a total of $35,485,608, above its $15 million production budget. \"\"The Place Beyond the Pines\"\" received positive reviews from critics. On Rotten Tomatoes the film has a rating of 80%, based on 211 reviews, with an average score of 7.3/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"\"Ambitious to a fault, \"\"The", "title": "The Place Beyond the Pines" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.5, "text": "(Mendelsohn). Luke asks Robin for more work, and Robin offers to partner with Luke in robbing banks. Luke and Robin successfully rob a few banks, with Luke performing the robbery and using his motorcycle as a getaway vehicle, hiding it in a box truck driven by Robin. Luke gives his share of the money to Romina, and visits her and his son more often. Luke takes Romina and Jason out for ice cream, and the three ask a passerby to take a photo to capture the moment. Luke and Kofi, who objects to Luke’s presence, get into a fight, and", "title": "The Place Beyond the Pines" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.31, "text": "breaks down and tearfully apologizes for killing Jason's father. Instead of killing him, Jason steals Avery's wallet and leaves him unharmed. In the wallet, Jason finds the photo of him and his parents eating ice cream, which Avery had stolen from the evidence locker. Sometime later, Avery wins his bid for New York Attorney General, with A.J. at his side. Romina receives an envelope addressed to \"\"Mom\"\", with the old photograph inside. Jason purchases a motorcycle, starts the bike, and rides away from his old life. \"\"The Place Beyond the Pines\"\" premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on September", "title": "The Place Beyond the Pines" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.67, "text": "and score, but criticized the film's narrative flow. In \"\"The Daily Telegraph\"\", Robbie Collin drew attention to the film's \"\"lower-key and largely unstarry third act\"\" that was criticized in early reviews. \"\"In fact, it’s the key to deciphering the entire film,\"\" he wrote. Collin drew parallels between Gosling's character and James Dean's Jim Stark in \"\"Rebel Without a Cause,\"\" and said Cianfrance's film was \"\"great American cinema of the type we keep worrying we’ve already lost.\"\" Henry Barnes of \"\"The Guardian\"\" gave a mixed review, writing: \"\"\"\"The Place Beyond the Pines\"\" is ambitious and epic, perhaps to a fault. It's", "title": "The Place Beyond the Pines" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.55, "text": "Luke is arrested after hitting Kofi in the head with a wrench. After Robin bails him out of jail, Luke gives his savings to Romina to give to Jason when he's older. Luke insists on resuming their bank robberies, but Robin objects, and the two have a falling-out that results in Robin dismantling Luke’s motorcycle. Luke robs Robin at gunpoint, and uses the money to buy a new bike. Luke attempts to rob a bank alone, but is pursued by police. Luke is cornered in a house by rookie police officer Avery Cross (Cooper) and calls Romina, asking her not", "title": "The Place Beyond the Pines" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.34, "text": "Kofi finally tells Jason his father's name, allowing Jason to discover Luke's past on the Internet. Jason visits Robin, who tells him more about Luke and their robberies. Back in school, A.J. pressures Jason to steal Oxycontin, which Jason does, narrowly escaping the owner after failing to sneak back out undiscovered. Jason eventually realizes that A.J.'s father is the man who killed his own father. After a fight with A.J., which leaves Jason hospitalized, Jason buys a gun, breaks into the Cross family home, beats A.J., and takes Avery hostage. Jason forces Avery to drive into the woods, where Avery", "title": "The Place Beyond the Pines" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.3, "text": "to tell Jason who he was. Avery enters the room and shoots Luke in the stomach. Luke fires back, hitting Avery in the leg, but falls out the window to his death. Avery gains hero status after taking down Glanton, but feels remorse about the shooting. Avery and his fellow officers illegally seize the stolen money from Romina's home, but Avery tries to return the money to Romina, who rejects it. Avery then tries to turn the money in to the chief of police, who rebuffs him. Discouraged, Avery tape records other illegal practices in the police department, and uses", "title": "The Place Beyond the Pines" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.14, "text": "Byrne, who's shaping up into an ace comedienne perfectly suited to screwball\"\". The film was a commercial success in the UK and Australia, where it was given a wide release in theaters. In \"\"The Place Beyond the Pines\"\", a generational drama directed by Derek Cianfrance, she appeared with Ryan Gosling and Bradley Cooper, as the wife of a motorcycle stunt rider who robs banks to provide for his family. She played a Google executive in the film \"\"The Internship\"\", opposite Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, as she was drawn for \"\"the way it addressed the generational gaps and the ever-changing", "title": "Rose Byrne" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.94, "text": "Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper and Eva Mendes. Critically acclaimed, \"\"The Place Beyond the Pines\"\" was one of the year’s top grossing independently financed and produced features and was released by Focus Features. SKE’s most recent film, \"\"The Age of Adaline\"\", a Lionsgate film and co-production with Lakeshore Entertainment released on April 24, 2015, starring Blake Lively and Harrison Ford, and directed by Lee Toland Krieger. 2015 SKE releases include the comedy \"\"Sleeping With Other People\"\", a co-production with Gloria Sanchez Productions, starring Jason Sudeikis, Alison Brie, Adam Scott and Amanda Peet, and directed by Leslye Headland from her original screenplay,", "title": "Sidney Kimmel Entertainment" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.88, "text": "Place Beyond the Pines\"\" opposite Bradley Cooper and Dane DeHaan. The film received generally positive reviews and was a box office success. He had a recurring role as Debra Messing's character's son Leo during the first season of \"\"Smash\"\" and starred as Wendell Pierce's lover in the independent film \"\"Four\"\". In 2014, he appeared in the drama \"\"The Gambler\"\" playing a tennis player and in the independent film \"\"Beneath the Harvest Sky\"\". In 2015, he portrayed Tony, the love interest of Eilis, played by Saoirse Ronan, in \"\"Brooklyn\"\". Rex Reed praised his \"\"wonderful, warm and deeply touching performance\"\". In \"\"Variety\"\",", "title": "Emory Cohen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.45, "text": "creative thing I've ever done\"\". In \"\"The Place Beyond the Pines\"\" (also 2012), a generational drama directed by Derek Cianfrance and alongside Ryan Gosling and Bradley Cooper, Mendes portrayed the former lover of a motorcycle stuntman. The film was a moderate commercial success, and \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\", in its review, described her performance as \"\"quietly heartbreaking\"\". She also visited Sierra Leone and was featured in the PBS documentary \"\"\"\", which aired in October 2012. In 2013, Mendes appeared in the HBO comedy film \"\"Clear History\"\", as a formerly heavy-set woman, and in 2014, she starred as a cabaret show performer in", "title": "Eva Mendes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.03, "text": "co-star from \"\"The Notebook\"\", fellow Canadian Rachel McAdams, from mid‑2005 to mid‑2007, and they briefly reunited in 2008. In September 2011, Gosling began dating his \"\"The Place Beyond the Pines\"\" co-star Eva Mendes. He has two daughters with Mendes, Esmeralda Amada Gosling (born September 12, 2014) and Amada Lee Gosling (born April 29, 2016). Gosling is supportive of various social causes. He has worked with PETA on a campaign to encourage KFC and McDonald's to use improved methods of chicken slaughter in their factories, and on a campaign encouraging dairy farmers to stop de-horning cows. Gosling volunteered in Biloxi, Mississippi", "title": "Ryan Gosling" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.92, "text": "Beyond the Woods Beyond the Woods is an 2018 Irish horror film, written and directed by Sean Breathnach. and distributed internationally by Left Films It was shot in County Cork, Ireland. Beyond The Woods is a supernatural horror film set in a secluded holiday home on the eve of the opening of a mysterious fiery sinkhole that locals are calling \"\"The Gates of Hell\"\". Marissa and Jason invited their friends to Marissa's father's old house, which is now used as a holiday home. As the weekend progresses some of the friends start acting out of character. A few of them", "title": "Beyond the Woods" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.55, "text": "on acquisition, distribution and marketing of Alex Gibney’s “We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks,” “The Lifeguard” starring Kristen Bell, “C.O.G.,” “The World’s End,” “The Place Beyond the Pines,” and “Moonrise Kingdom.” Just before Sundance 2014, GoDigital announced that it was merging with Variance Films to form an all rights distribution company under the banner Amplify. GoDigital CEO Logan Mulvey is Amplify’s new CEO. GoDigital continues to exist as a label under the Amplify umbrella, remaining a major player in the digital distribution space. Broadband: iTunes, Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, PlayStation, Xbox, Vudu, YouTube, Fandor, Bigstar, CinemaNow MSO's: Avail-TVN, Dish, InDemand", "title": "GoDigital" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.42, "text": "2011 it was featured on a Rochester episode of the Travel Channel's \"\"Man v. Food Nation\"\", starring Adam Richman. In the 2012 film \"\"The Place Beyond the Pines\"\" starring Ryan Gosling, Garbage Plates are mentioned as a \"\"must have\"\" for Bradley Cooper's character when he travels through Rochester, New York. In 2017, Youtuber Jenna Marbles (who grew up in Rochester) mentioned Garbage Plates as her favorite food and in \"\"My Boyfriend Cooks My Favorite Meal\"\" got her boyfriend, Julien Solomita, to make her a vegan version. Another YouTuber and Rochester native, Andrew Rea of \"\"Binging with Babish\"\", recreated the Garbage", "title": "Nick Tahou Hots" } ]
which is the state having highest density of population in india?
[ "Uttar Pradesh" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.55, "text": "is now reduced to 250 as Dhupguri and Dalkhola have been upgraded to municipality. Cities and towns in West Bengal West Bengal is the state with highest population density in India. The state is dotted with several small and medium towns and cities. Historically, the main source of income of the people of West Bengal has been farming, and, as a consequence, the state previously had a large rural population skew. At the turn of the 20th century, however, the role of industry in West Bengal increased substantially, leading to a population move into urban areas. In 1947, when India", "title": "Cities and towns in West Bengal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.92, "text": "Cities and towns in West Bengal West Bengal is the state with highest population density in India. The state is dotted with several small and medium towns and cities. Historically, the main source of income of the people of West Bengal has been farming, and, as a consequence, the state previously had a large rural population skew. At the turn of the 20th century, however, the role of industry in West Bengal increased substantially, leading to a population move into urban areas. In 1947, when India gained independence, the erstwhile British Indian province of Bengal was divided into two parts:", "title": "Cities and towns in West Bengal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.77, "text": "males, and a literacy rate of 96.26%. In the 2001 Indian Census, the Hindu population is 69.08%, Christian 20.94, and Muslim 9.86. It has the highest population density among all districts of the state. It is 29.46% urbanized, and is the smallest district in Kerala. National Highway 66 (India) is one of the longest national highways in India. It connects Panvel to Kanyakumari passes through the city and allow to connect other major cities like Mumbai, Udupi, Mangalore, Kannur, Kozhikode, Ernakulam, Kollam, and Trivandrum. Alappuzha is also well connected by road. There is a plan to upgrade State Highway 11", "title": "Alappuzha district" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.59, "text": "the state with 23.2%.Decadal growth rate of population is higher than that of neighbouring Murshidabad district, which has the next highest growth rate. Population density in the district has intensified from 162 persons per km in 1901 to 881 in 2001 (i.e., around five times), which is highest amongst the districts of North Bengal. However, unlike the densely populated southern regions of West Bengal, urbanisation remains low in Malda district. North Bengal in general, and Malda in particular, has been witness to large scale population movement from other states in India and other districts of West Bengal, as well as", "title": "Kaliachak III" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.02, "text": "runs between Kottapuram and Kollam, which is included in the East-Coast Canal. Kerala is home to 2.76% of India's population; with a density of 859 persons per km, its land is nearly three times as densely settled as the Indian national average of 370 persons per km. , Thiruvananthapuram is the most populous city in Kerala. In the state, the rate of population growth is India's lowest, and the decadal growth of 4.9% in 2011 is less than one third of the all-India average of 17.64%. Kerala's population more than doubled between 1951 and 1991 by adding 15.6 million people", "title": "Kerala" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22, "text": "following national highways connect major towns, cities and villages: Punjab is home to 2.30% of India's population; with a density of 551 persons per km. According to the provisional results of the 2011 national census, Punjab has a population of 27,704,236, making it the 16th most populated state in India. Of which male and female are 14,639,465 and 13,103,873 respectively. In the state, the rate of population growth is 13.89 percent (2011), lower than national average. Out of total population, 37.48% people live in urban regions. The total figure of population living in urban areas is 10,399,146 of which 5,545,989", "title": "Punjab, India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.98, "text": "states of India. The state has a per capita income of $536 a year against India's average of $1470 and 30.6% of the state's population lives below the poverty line against India's average of 22.15%. The level of urbanisation (10.5%) is below the national average (27.78%). Urban poverty in Bihar (32.91%) is above the national average of 23.62%. Bihar has highest population density and lowest GDP in india. Also using per capita water supply as a surrogate variable, Bihar (61 litres per day) is below the national average (142 litres per day). Bihar has a per capita income of $536", "title": "Anti-Bihari sentiment" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.95, "text": "Demographics of Uttar Pradesh The demographics of Uttar Pradesh is a complex topic, which is undergoing dynamic change. Uttar Pradesh is India`s most populous state. It has a population of about 227,920,005 as per the 2011 census. If it were a separate country, Uttar Pradesh would be the world's fifth most populous nation, next only to China, India, the United States of America and Indonesia. Uttar Pradesh has a population more than that of Pakistan. There is an average population density of 828 persons per km² i.e. 2,146 per sq mi. The capital of Uttar Pradesh is Lucknow. Hindus and", "title": "Demographics of Uttar Pradesh" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.77, "text": "it has a population of 4,661,452, roughly equal to the nation of Ireland or the US state of South Carolina. This gives it a ranking of 28th highest in India (out of a total of 640). The district has a population density of . Its population growth rate over the decade 2001–2011 was 41.66%. Ghaziabad has a sex ratio of 878 females for every 1000 males, and a literacy rate of 85%. At the 2011 census, this district had a population of 4,661,452 (3rd highest in UP), with 2,481,803 males and 2,179,649 females. It contributes 2.33% of the total population", "title": "Ghaziabad district, Uttar Pradesh" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.75, "text": "in the country but in relative terms has only sixth-highest railway density despite its plain topography and largest population. As of 2011, there were of rail in the state. Allahabad is the headquarters of the North Central Railway and Gorakhpur is the headquarters of the North Eastern Railway. Other than Zonal Headquarters of Allahabad and Gorakhpur, Lucknow and Moradabad serve as divisional Headquarters of the Northern Railway Division. Lucknow Swarna Shatabdi Express, the second fastest shatabdi train, connects the Indian capital of New Delhi to Lucknow. This was the first train in India to get the new German LHB coaches.", "title": "Uttar Pradesh" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.59, "text": "diverse landscape, sheltering rich wildlife habitats and floral and faunal composition, along with the prime protected carnivores. After the 2011 Census, Bihar was the third most populous state of India with total population of 104,099,452 (54,278,157 male and 49,821,295 female). Nearly 89% of Bihar's population lived in rural areas. The density was 1,106. The sex ratio was 918 females per 1000 males. Almost 58% of Bihar's population was below 25 years age, which is the highest in India. Most of Bihar's population belongs to Indo-Aryan-speaking ethnic groups along with few Dravidian-speaking and Austroasiatic-speaking people mostly in Chhotanagpur Plateau (now part", "title": "Bihar" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.59, "text": "of Jharkhand). It also attracted Punjabi Hindu refugees during the Partition of British India in 1947. Bihar has a total literacy rate of 63.82% (73.39% for males and 53.33% for females), recording a growth of 20% in female literacy over the period of a decade. At 11.3%, Bihar has the second lowest urbanisation rate in India. , population density surpassed 1,000 per square kilometre, making Bihar India's most densely-populated state, but still lower than West Java or Banten of Indonesia. According to the 2011 census, 82.7% of Bihar's population practised Hinduism, while 16.9% followed Islam. The constitutional head of the", "title": "Bihar" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.56, "text": "has a population of 342,853, roughly equal to the nation of Belize. This gives it a ranking of 566th in India, out of a total of 640 districts. It has a population density of , and its population growth rate over the decade from 2001 to 2011 was 55.5 percent, which is the highest percentage growth among all Indian states and union territories. Dadra and Nagar Haveli has a sex ratio of 775 females for every 1,000 males, and a literacy rate of 77.65% . Tribal groups make up a large part of the population viz 62%. The most prominent", "title": "Dadra and Nagar Haveli" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.45, "text": "of New Mexico. This gives it a ranking of 234th in India (out of a total of 640). The district has a population density of . Its population growth rate over the decade 2001–11 was 1.32%. Kottayam has a sex ratio of 1040 females for every 1000 males, and a literacy rate of 97.21, the highest in the state and 4th highest in India. As per the 2001 Indian Census, the population in Kottayam included Hindus (49.32%), Christians (44.60%) and Muslims (5.97%). Kottayam, Thiruvalla and Chengannur are the railway stations for pilgrims heading to the Hindu holy site of Sabarimala.", "title": "Kottayam district" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.36, "text": "The state contributes 7.8% of India's population. The Hindu population of West Bengal is 64,385,546 while the Muslim population is 24,654,825, as per the 2011 census. The state's 2001–2011 decennial population growth rate was 13.93%, lower than the 1991–2001 growth rate of 17.8%, and also lower than the national rate of 17.64%. The gender ratio is 947 females per 1000 males. As of 2011, West Bengal had a population density of making it the second-most densely populated state in India, after Bihar. The literacy rate is 77.08%, higher than the national rate of 74.04%. Data of 20102014 showed the life", "title": "West Bengal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.3, "text": "the sea level. It is also nicknamed as the \"\"Kashmir of Andhra Pradesh\"\" and the temperature ranges from 0 °C to 10 °C. Census of India, the state had a population of with a population density of . According to Polavaram ordinance bill 2014, 7 mandals of Khammam district in Telangana state merged with Andhra Pradesh to facilitate polavaram project, due to which population of 2,47,515 added to Andhra Pradesh. Thus the final population of Andhra Pradesh in the year 2014, as per census 2011 is 4,96,34,314, with a density of 304.5/km. The total population constitute, 70.4% of rural population", "title": "Andhra Pradesh" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.23, "text": "density in the district has intensified from 162 persons per km in 1901 to 881 in 2001 (i.e., around five times), which is highest amongst the districts of North Bengal. However, unlike the densely populated southern regions of West Bengal, urbanisation remains low in Malda district. North Bengal in general, and Malda in particular, has been witness to large scale population movement from other states in India and other districts of West Bengal, as well as from outside the country. The District Human Development Report for Malda notes, “Malda district has been a principal recipient of the human migration waves", "title": "Bamangola (community development block)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.2, "text": "improved from 887 in the 2001 census. The population density is 550, again the 3rd highest after Haridwar(817) and Udham Singh Nagar (648). The state average is 189. The literacy rate is the highest in the state at 85.24% (90.32 for males, 79.61 for females) According to the 2011 census Dehradun district has a population of 1,698,560, roughly equal to the nation of Guinea-Bissau or the US state of Idaho. This gives it a ranking of 290th in India (out of a total of 640). The district has a population density of . Its population growth rate over the decade", "title": "Dehradun district" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.16, "text": "better invitation to the businessmen for investment.Also Madhya Pradesh enlisted at II position in U.N.O. GDP development ranking's with a record of 22.5%. The BIMARU states have some of the highest fertility rates in India. In 2010, the total fertility rate was 3.9 for Bihar, 3.5 for Uttar Pradesh, 3.2 for Madhya Pradesh, and 3.1 for Rajasthan, compared to 2.5 for India as a whole. This leads to high population growth in these states than rest of India. The literacy rates in these states according to the 2011 census are Bihar 63.8%, Rajasthan 67.1%, Jharkhand 67.6%, Madhya Pradesh 70.6% and", "title": "BIMARU states" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.12, "text": "from 1981 to 2011. The population density of the region is approximately 463. Scheduled Castes and Tribes form 18% of the population of the region. Agriculture is the major employer in the region with 47.5% of the population is involved in agrarian activities. About 60% of the population lives in permanent housing structures. 67.8% of South India has access to tap water with wells and springs forming other major sources of water supply. After experiencing fluctuations in the decades immediately after the independence of India, the economies of South Indian states have registered growth higher than the national average over", "title": "South India" } ]
when does a new episode of the flash air?
[ "April 10, 2018" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.08, "text": "from Earth-X. \"\"Arrow\"\" actor David Ramsey appears as John Diggle, as well as DeVoe's Diggle disguise earlier in the twenty-second episode. The season began airing on October 10, 2017, on The CW in the United States, and on CTV in Canada. The season concluded on May 22, 2018. Sky One acquired the rights to air the season in the UK & Ireland, airing it alongside the other Arrowverse shows. The season premiered October 17. In July 2017, cast from the series appeared at San Diego Comic-Con International to promote the season, where exclusive footage was shown. During the panel, a", "title": "The Flash (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.06, "text": "Neely. \"\"The Flash\"\" was screened at the Warner Bros. Television and DC Entertainment panel at San Diego Comic-Con International in July 2014. The series officially premiered on The CW on October 7, 2014, during the 2014–15 television season and also premiered in Canada on the same night. The second episode was screened at New York Comic Con on October 9, 2014, as a way to repay the viewers that watched the series' premiere episode. The series premiered in the United Kingdom and Ireland on October 28, 2014, and in Australia on December 3, 2014. In April 2015, to celebrate the", "title": "The Flash (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.94, "text": "23 episodes, airing on The CW until May 24, 2016. The premiere was watched by 3.58 million viewers, down from the first season premiere but average for the series. The second season of \"\"The Flash\"\" received universal acclaim from critics, and finished as the 112th ranked show, slightly up from season one, with an average viewership of 4.25 million. The series was renewed for a third season on March 11, 2016. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> On January 11, 2015, \"\"The Flash\"\" was renewed for a second season. With the commencement of production on the season, former \"\"Arrow\"\" and \"\"Ugly Betty\"\" writer Gabrielle Stanton", "title": "The Flash (season 2)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.89, "text": "28, 2008. It gained a bit more audience when the show drew in 1,300,000 viewers. In ratings for the week of February 23, 2009, \"\"Flashpoint\"\" has been watched by 1,339,000 viewers. CTV announced that a new series of \"\"Flashpoint\"\" episodes would air in the fall of 2009 on Friday nights at 10:00pm ET. These episodes would not be simulcast with CBS. After CBS delayed broadcasting the episodes from summer 2009 to mid-season 2010, CTV initially backed off its commitment to fall 2009. Eventually in late August, CTV announced that the new episodes would premiere in Canada on September 25, 2009.", "title": "Flashpoint (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.88, "text": "season also introduces Barry's \"\"Flash ring\"\" from the comics. The new suit adopts brighter colors than previous suits – which had maroon overtones – and, unlike prior incarnations, does not have a chin strap. Production for the season began on July 6, 2018, in Vancouver, British Columbia, and is set to conclude on April 10, 2019. Kevin Smith will direct an episode of the season. Danielle Panabaker will make her directorial debut this season. Tom Cavanagh directed the eighth episode of the season, which served as the 100th episode of the series and led into the annual crossover. Due to", "title": "The Flash (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.61, "text": "CBS on March 28, 2016. Intersecting with the events of the eighteenth episode of \"\"The Flash\"\", which aired on April 19, 2016, Barry accidentally arrives on Earth-38 and helps Kara battle two of her enemies, Silver Banshee (Italia Ricci) and Livewire (Brit Morgan), before returning home. The Flash (2014 TV series) The Flash is an American superhero television series developed by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, and Geoff Johns, airing on The CW. It is based on the DC Comics character Barry Allen / Flash, a costumed superhero crime-fighter with the power to move at superhuman speeds. It is a spin-off", "title": "The Flash (2014 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.59, "text": "The Flash (season 4) The fourth season of the American television series \"\"The Flash\"\", which is based on the DC Comics character Barry Allen / Flash, premiered on The CW on October 10, 2017, and ran for 23 episodes until May 22, 2018. The season follows a crime scene investigator with superhuman speed who fights criminals, including others who have also gained superhuman abilities. It is set in the Arrowverse, sharing continuity with the other television series of the universe, and is a spin-off of \"\"Arrow\"\". The season is produced by Berlanti Productions, Warner Bros. Television, and DC Entertainment, with", "title": "The Flash (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.58, "text": "The Flash (season 1) The first season of the American television series \"\"The Flash\"\" premiered on The CW on October 7, 2014 and concluded on May 19, 2015 after airing 23 episodes. The series is based on the DC Comics character Barry Allen / Flash, a costumed superhero crime-fighter with the power to move at superhuman speeds. It is a spin-off from \"\"Arrow\"\", existing in the same fictional universe, and was produced by Berlanti Productions, Warner Bros. Television, and DC Entertainment, with Andrew Kreisberg serving as showrunner. The series follows Allen, portrayed by Grant Gustin, a crime scene investigator who", "title": "The Flash (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.45, "text": "in the history of The CW, after \"\"The Vampire Diaries\"\" in 2009. It has been well received by critics and audiences, and won the People's Choice Award for \"\"Favorite New TV Drama\"\" in 2014. The series, together with \"\"Arrow\"\", has spun characters out to their own show, \"\"Legends of Tomorrow\"\", which premiered on January 21, 2016. On April 2, 2018, The CW renewed the series for a fifth season, which premiered on October 9, 2018. In season one, after witnessing his mother's supernatural murder, Barry Allen is taken in by Detective Joe West and his family. Barry becomes a brilliant", "title": "The Flash (2014 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.39, "text": "is produced by Berlanti Productions, Warner Bros. Television, and DC Entertainment, with Todd Helbing serving as showrunner. The season was ordered in April 2018, and production began that July. Grant Gustin stars as Barry, with principal cast members Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Carlos Valdes, Tom Cavanagh, and Jesse L. Martin also returning from previous seasons, while Hartley Sawyer, Danielle Nicolet, and Jessica Parker Kennedy were promoted to series regulars from their recurring statuses in season four. They are joined by new cast member Chris Klein. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Danielle Panabaker will direct the eighteenth episode of the season. Rebecca Johnson and Kevin", "title": "The Flash (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.38, "text": "The second nine episodes, filmed from May to August 2009, were originally aired in Canada by CTV as Season 3. CTV has since officially begun to refer to the episodes as the second half of Season 2 (and altered its \"\"Flashpoint\"\" website accordingly). These episodes began airing June 4, 2010 on CBS, where they are considered part of Season 3. A new group of 13 episodes, now referred to by both CTV and the production companies as \"\"Season 3\"\", was commissioned by CTV and CBS in October 2009. The first of these episodes began filming on January 13, 2010. This", "title": "Flashpoint (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.28, "text": "black market of metahuman supervillains. Filming for the season began on July 4, 2017, in Vancouver, British Columbia, and concluded on April 21, 2018. Kevin Smith returned to direct an episode in January 2018. In August 2017, series composer Blake Neely and Nathaniel Blume began to compose the music for the fourth season. In May 2017, The CW president Mark Pedowitz officially announced plans for a four-show Arrowverse crossover event, crossing over episodes of the television series \"\"Supergirl\"\", \"\"The Flash\"\", \"\"Legends of Tomorrow\"\", and \"\"Arrow\"\". The crossover, \"\"Crisis on Earth-X\"\", began with \"\"Supergirl\"\" and a special airing of \"\"Arrow\"\" on", "title": "The Flash (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.14, "text": "The Flash (season 5) The fifth season of the American television series \"\"The Flash\"\", which is based on the DC Comics character Barry Allen / Flash, premiered on The CW on October 9, 2018 and is set to consist of 22 episodes. The season follows Barry, a crime scene investigator with superhuman speed who fights criminals, including others who have also gained superhuman abilities, as he deals with the consequences of his future daughter's time traveling. It is set in the Arrowverse, sharing continuity with the other television series of the universe, and is a spin-off of \"\"Arrow\"\". The season", "title": "The Flash (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.09, "text": "official website) on October 29, 2007. The new cartoon was described as a \"\"weekly series of animated adventures,\"\" and would debut as part of an all-new MST3K website. This new site would also feature content from the original series as well as a new online store. The website went live on November 5, 2007 along with the first installment of the animated series. New episodes were scheduled to be posted every Monday. However, despite regular updates to other parts of the site, no new episodes of the cartoon have been posted since November 26, 2007. In June 2008, the website", "title": "Mystery Science Theater 3000 (Flash series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23, "text": "Fox8 to air the \"\"Arrow\"\" episode of the crossover. The episodes, along with the rest of \"\"The Flash\"\"s first season and \"\"Arrow\"\"s third season, were released separately on Blu-ray and DVD on September 22, 2015. Bonus features include behind-the-scenes featurettes, audio commentary, deleted scenes, and a blooper reel. The episodes became available for streaming on Netflix on October 6 and October 7, 2015, respectively. \"\"The Flash\"\" episode had the second-highest number of viewers following the series premiere on October 7, 2014, and the highest 18-49 rating since the second episode. Viewership rose 22% and the 18-49 rating by 14%, over", "title": "Flash vs. Arrow" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23, "text": "On December 2, 2008, CBS announced that they would begin airing the second season of \"\"Flashpoint\"\" on January 9, 2009. A third season of \"\"Flashpoint\"\" was to have aired as a midseason replacement during CBS's 2009–2010 schedule; however, CBS announced it would air these episodes during the summer of 2009 beginning on July 17, 2009 instead of its previously announced 2010 timetable. On July 7, 2009, CBS rescinded its decision and the show aired midseason after all. These were the same episodes that CTV broadcast in Canada during the fall 2009 season. CBS began airing these episodes on June 4,", "title": "Flashpoint (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23, "text": "December 3, 2014. The episode, along with the rest of \"\"The Flash\"\"s first season, was released on Blu-ray and DVD on September 22, 2015. Bonus features include behind-the-scenes featurettes, audio commentary, deleted scenes, and a blooper reel. On October 6, 2015, the episode became available for streaming on Netflix in the United States. The first episode of \"\"The Flash\"\" was watched by 4.8 million viewers and had a 1.9 18–49 demographic rating, making it The CW's most watched and highest rated series premiere since \"\"The Vampire Diaries\"\" in 2009. It also became The CW's second-most watched series premiere ever, behind", "title": "Pilot (The Flash)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.95, "text": "Martin's back injury, the majority of his scenes were shot depicting Joe seated. In May 2018, \"\"Arrow\"\" star Stephen Amell announced at The CW upfronts that the next Arrowverse crossover would feature Batwoman and Gotham City. The crossover \"\"Elseworlds\"\" is slated to launch a 2019 solo series for the character. The season premiered on The CW in the United States on October 9, 2018. The annual crossover episode will swap time-slots with \"\"Supergirl\"\" for that week and will air on Sunday, December 9. The main cast of the season as well as executive producer Todd Helbing attended San Diego Comic-Con", "title": "The Flash (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.91, "text": "latest.\"\" Collider's Allison Keene also noted Iris \"\"getting an actual storyline\"\" with Barry gone, and similarly presumed that he \"\"[would] be back in the fold by the end of the first episode\"\" alike to Flashpoint in the third season. She added, \"\"There are some new foes, lots of action, plenty of tech — it's great!\"\" The season was made available for streaming on Netflix in late May 2018, soon after the season finale aired. It will be released on Blu-ray on August 28, 2018. The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reported a 76% approval rating with an average rating of", "title": "The Flash (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.89, "text": "on the events during and outside of \"\"The Flash\"\"'s episodes. On April 19, 2016, a four-episode series of shorts, titled \"\"Chronicles of Cisco: Entry 0419\"\", premiered. The series, which was presented by AT&T, features Valdes and Britne Oldford reprise their role as Cisco Ramon and Shawna Baez / Peek-a-Boo, respectively. Set in the second season of the television series, the series sees Cisco attempting to make the Flash suit bulletproof and body-odor proof. While working on these, he receives a late-night Meta-Human Alert within S.T.A.R. Labs, and learns that Peek-a-Boo triggered the alert. She has come to S.T.A.R. Labs to", "title": "The Flash (2014 TV series)" } ]
what is the maximum size of an ip packet for ipv4 or ipv6?
[ "max of 64 KiB" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.97, "text": "to reach the system (a basic denial-of-service attack). As defined in RFC 791, the maximum packet length of an IPv4 packet including the IP header is 65,535 (2 − 1) bytes, a limitation presented by the use of a 16-bit wide IP header field that describes the total packet length. The underlying Data Link Layer almost always poses limits to the maximum frame size (See MTU). In Ethernet, this is typically 1500 bytes. In such a case, a large IP packet is split across multiple IP packets (also known as IP fragments), so that each IP fragment will match the", "title": "Ping of death" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.56, "text": "576 bytes (for IPv4) or 1280 bytes (for IPv6). However, this does not preclude link layers with an MTU smaller than this minimum MTU from conveying IP data. For example, according to IPv6's specification, if a particular link layer cannot deliver an IP datagram of 1280 bytes in a single frame, then the link layer must provide its own fragmentation and reassembly mechanism, separate from the IP fragmentation mechanism, to ensure that a 1280-byte IP datagram can be delivered, intact, to the IP layer. In the context of Internet Protocol, MTU refers to the maximum size of an IP packet", "title": "Maximum transmission unit" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.53, "text": "a TCP segment or a UDP datagram. The \"\"Next Header\"\" field of the last IPv6 header indicates what type of payload is contained in this packet. The payload length field of IPv6 (and IPv4) has a size of 16 bits, capable of specifying a maximum length of octets for the payload. In practice, hosts determine the maximum usable payload length using Path MTU Discovery (yielding the minimum MTU along the path from sender to receiver), to avoid having to fragment packets. Most Link Layer protocols have MTUs considerably smaller than octets. Also, is a valid payload length for UDP. An", "title": "IPv6 packet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24, "text": "that can be transmitted without fragmentation over a given medium. The size of an IP packet includes IP headers but excludes headers from the link layer. In the case of an Ethernet frame this adds an overhead of 18 bytes, or 22 bytes with an IEEE 802.1Q tag for VLAN tagging or class of service. The MTU should not be confused with the minimum datagram size that all hosts must be prepared to accept, which has a value of 576 bytes for IPv4 and of 1280 bytes for IPv6. The Internet Protocol defines the \"\"Path MTU\"\" of an Internet transmission", "title": "Maximum transmission unit" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.34, "text": "reconstructed TCP segment. To avoid fragmentation in the IP layer, a host must specify the maximum segment size as equal to the largest IP datagram that the host can handle minus the IP and TCP header sizes. Therefore, IPv4 hosts are required to be able to handle an MSS of 536 octets (= 576 - 20 - 20) and IPv6 hosts are required to be able to handle an MSS of 1220 octets (= 1280 - 40 - 20). Small MSS values will reduce or eliminate IP fragmentation, but will result in higher overhead. Each direction of data flow can", "title": "Maximum segment size" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.97, "text": "8 octets for the \"\"Hop-by-Hop\"\" extension header). Only few Link Layer protocols can process packets larger than octets. Unlike in IPv4, IPv6 routers never fragment IPv6 packets. Packets exceeding the size of the Maximum transmission unit (or MTU) of the destination link are dropped and this condition is signaled by a \"\"Packet too Big\"\" ICMPv6 type 2 message to the originating node, similarly to the IPv4 method when the \"\"Don't Fragment\"\" bit is set. End nodes in IPv6 are expected to perform Path MTU Discovery to determine the maximum size of packets to send, and the upper-layer protocol is expected", "title": "IPv6 packet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.73, "text": "no checksum (indicated by 0 in the header field), IPv6 requires a checksum in UDP headers. IPv6 routers do not perform IP fragmentation. IPv6 hosts are required to either perform path MTU discovery, perform end-to-end fragmentation, or to send packets no larger than the default Maximum transmission unit (MTU), which is 1280 octets. Unlike mobile IPv4, mobile IPv6 avoids triangular routing and is therefore as efficient as native IPv6. IPv6 routers may also allow entire subnets to move to a new router connection point without renumbering. The IPv6 packet header has a minimum size of 40 octets (320 bits). Options", "title": "IPv6" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.69, "text": "which specifies a maximum packet size of 512 bytes when using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). Technically however, fourteen name servers fit into an IPv4 packet. The addition of IPv6 addresses for the root name servers requires more than 512 bytes, which is facilitated by the EDNS0 extension to the DNS standard. This does not mean that there are only 13 physical servers; each operator uses redundant computer equipment to provide reliable service even if failure of hardware or software occurs. Additionally, all operate in multiple geographical locations using a routing technique called anycast addressing, providing increased performance and even", "title": "Root name server" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.53, "text": "are implemented as extensions. This provides the opportunity to extend the protocol in the future without affecting the core packet structure. However, a study in 2015 indicated that some network operators dropped IPv6 packets with extension headers when they traversed transit autonomous systems. IPv4 limits packets to 65,535 (2−1) octets of payload. An IPv6 node can optionally handle packets over this limit, referred to as jumbograms, which can be as large as 4,294,967,295 (2−1) octets. The use of jumbograms may improve performance over high-MTU links. The use of jumbograms is indicated by the Jumbo Payload Option extension header. An IPv6", "title": "IPv6" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.52, "text": "Jumbogram In packet-switched computer networks, a jumbogram (portmanteau of \"\"jumbo\"\" and \"\"datagram\"\") is an Internet layer packet exceeding the standard maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the underlying network technology. Large packets for link layer technologies are referred to as jumbo frames. The payload length field of IPv4 and IPv6 has a size of 16 bits, thus allowing data of up to . This theoretical limit for the Internet Protocol (IP) MTU, however, is reached only on networks that have a suitable Link Layer infrastructure. While IPv4 has no facilities to exceed its theoretical IP MTU limit, the designers of IPv6", "title": "Jumbogram" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.52, "text": "to 1500 bytes. Hosts are permitted to make an attempt to reassemble fragmented datagrams larger than 1500 bytes, but they are also permitted to silently discard any datagram after it becomes apparent that the reassembled packet would be larger than 1500 bytes. Therefore, senders should avoid sending fragmented IP datagrams with a total reassembled size larger than 1500 bytes, unless they have previous assurance that the receiver is capable of reassembling such large datagrams. Research has shown that the use of fragmentation can be leveraged to evade network security controls. As a result, it is now required that the first", "title": "IPv6 packet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.36, "text": "MTU. If the packet size is bigger than the MTU, and the Do not Fragment (DF) bit in the packet's header is set to 0, then the router may fragment the packet. The router divides the packet into fragments. The max size of each fragment is the MTU minus the IP header size (20 bytes minimum; 60 bytes maximum). The router puts each fragment into its own packet, each fragment packet having following changes: For example, for an MTU of 1,500 bytes and a header size of 20 bytes, the fragment offsets would be multiples of formula_1. These multiples are", "title": "IPv4" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.34, "text": "so the same algorithm can be reused for IPv4 and IPv6 fragmentation and reassembly. In IPv4, hosts must make a best-effort attempt to reassemble fragmented IP packets with a total reassembled size of up to 576 bytes. They may also attempt to reassemble fragmented IP packets larger than 576 bytes, but they are also permitted to silently discard such larger packets. Applications are recommended to refrain from sending packets larger than 576 bytes unless they have prior knowledge that the remote host is capable of accepting or reassembling them. In IPv6, hosts must make a best-effort attempt to reassemble fragmented", "title": "IP fragmentation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.22, "text": "The support for IPv6 jumbograms required a redesign in all Transport Layer protocols. The \"\"jumbo payload\"\" option and the transport-layer modifications are described in RFC 2675. Jumbogram In packet-switched computer networks, a jumbogram (portmanteau of \"\"jumbo\"\" and \"\"datagram\"\") is an Internet layer packet exceeding the standard maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the underlying network technology. Large packets for link layer technologies are referred to as jumbo frames. The payload length field of IPv4 and IPv6 has a size of 16 bits, thus allowing data of up to . This theoretical limit for the Internet Protocol (IP) MTU, however, is reached", "title": "Jumbogram" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.98, "text": "Protocol version 4 (IPv4). In contrast to IPv4, which defined an IP address as a 32-bit value, IPv6 addresses have a size of 128 bits. Therefore, IPv6 has a vastly enlarged address space compared to IPv4. IPv6 addresses are classified by the primary addressing and routing methodologies common in networking: unicast addressing, anycast addressing, and multicast addressing. A unicast address identifies a single network interface. The Internet Protocol delivers packets sent to a unicast address to that specific interface. An anycast address is assigned to a group of interfaces, usually belonging to different nodes. A packet sent to an anycast", "title": "IPv6 address" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.91, "text": "solution is to use IPv6 which increased the address size to 128 bits, providing a vastly increased address space that also allows improved route aggregation across the Internet and offers large subnetwork allocations of a minimum of 2 host addresses to end-users. However IPv4-only hosts cannot directly communicate with IPv6-only hosts so IPv6 alone does not provide an immediate solution to the IPv4 exhaustion problem. Migration to IPv6 is in progress but completion is expected to take considerable time. An IP packet consists of a header section and a data section. An IP packet has no data checksum or any", "title": "IPv4" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.89, "text": "parameters that are used in the various IPv6 headers. The fixed header starts an IPv6 packet and has a size of 40 octets (320 bits). It has the following format: In order to increase performance, and since current link layer technology and transport or application layer protocols are assumed to provide sufficient error detection, the header has no checksum to protect it. Extension headers carry optional Internet Layer information, and are placed between the fixed header and the upper-layer protocol header. The headers form a chain, using the \"\"Next Header\"\" fields. The \"\"Next Header\"\" field in the fixed header indicates", "title": "IPv6 packet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.8, "text": "the addresses defined by IPv4. The gap in version sequence between IPv4 and IPv6 resulted from the assignment of version 5 to the experimental Internet Stream Protocol in 1979, which however was never referred to as IPv5. An IPv4 address has a size of 32 bits, which limits the address space to (2) addresses. Of this number, some addresses are reserved for special purposes such as private networks (~18 million addresses) and multicast addressing (~270 million addresses). IPv4 addresses are usually represented in dot-decimal notation, consisting of four decimal numbers, each ranging from 0 to 255, separated by dots, e.g.,", "title": "IP address" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.67, "text": "packets with a total reassembled size of up to 1500 bytes, larger than IPv6's minimum MTU of 1280 bytes. Fragmented packets with a total reassembled size larger than 1500 bytes may optionally be silently discarded. Applications relying upon IPv6 fragmentation to overcome a path MTU limitation must explicitly fragment the packet at the point of origin; however, they should not attempt to send fragmented packets with a total size larger than 1500 bytes unless they know in advance that the remote host is capable of reassembly. IP fragmentation IP fragmentation is an Internet Protocol (IP) process that breaks packets into", "title": "IP fragmentation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.59, "text": "protocols need little or no change to operate over IPv6; exceptions are application protocols that embed Internet-layer addresses, such as File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Network Time Protocol (NTP), where the new address format may cause conflicts with existing protocol syntax. The main advantage of IPv6 over IPv4 is its larger address space. The length of an IPv6 address is 128 bits, compared with 32 bits in IPv4. The address space therefore has 2 or approximately addresses (340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456, which is approximately 340 undecillion addresses). In addition, the IPv4 address space is poorly allocated; in 2011, approximately 14% of all available", "title": "IPv6" } ]
who wrote i got a brand new pair of rollerskates?
[ "Melanie" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.58, "text": "Brand New Key \"\"Brand New Key\"\" is a pop song written and sung by folk music singer Melanie. Initially a track of Melanie's album \"\"Gather Me\"\", produced by Melanie's husband, Peter Schekeryk, it was known also as \"\"The Rollerskate Song\"\" due to its chorus. It was her greatest success, scoring No. 1 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 singles chart during December 1971 and January 1972. Billboard ranked it as the No. 9 song of 1972. It also scored No. 1 in Canada and Australia and No. 4 on the UK Singles Chart. The song was featured in the 1997 movie", "title": "Brand New Key" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.83, "text": "In 1971 she formed her own label, Neighborhood Records, with Peter Schekeryk, who was also her producer and husband. She had her biggest American hit on the Neighborhood label, the novelty-sounding 1972 number one \"\"Brand New Key\"\" (often referred to as \"\"The Roller Skate Song\"\"). \"\"Brand New Key\"\" sold over three million copies worldwide and was featured in the 1997 movie \"\"Boogie Nights\"\". When first released, \"\"Brand New Key\"\" was banned by some radio stations because some heard sexual innuendo in the lyrics. Melanie has acknowledged the possibility of reading an unintended sexual innuendo in the song, stating, \"\"I wrote", "title": "Melanie (singer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.73, "text": "song who wants a pair of skates is McCaskey's late son, John, who died as a child. McCaskey's 1881 publication that included \"\"Jolly Old Saint Nicholas\"\" attributed it to \"\"School Chimes, A New School Music Book\"\", published by S. Brainard's Sons in 1874, written by the hymn composer James Ramsey Murray Some notable recordings were by Ray Smith in 1949, Chet Atkins in 1961, Eddy Arnold in 1962, The Chipmunks in 1963, Andy Williams in 1995, Anne Murray in 2001, and Carole King in 2017. This is the original published song in 1881: In The Chipmunks' version of the song,", "title": "Jolly Old Saint Nicholas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.91, "text": "[once] while we were out on rollerskates in the middle of the day, the guests asked us to take our accordions out\"\". It was at that hotel that they were discovered by DJ Ötzi's producer Christian Seitz. As he said, \"\"[t]he girls were so brilliant that I signed them the same evening\"\". On March 6, 2009, the Twinnies (then aged 12 and 13) released their debut album \"\"Wir rocken auf Rollen\"\" (\"\"We Rock on Rolls\"\") on Sony BMG. The album contained songs written for them by DJ Ötzi's producers Seitz and Martin Neumeyer. Franciska explained: \"\"We told the two which", "title": "Twinnies (duo)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.84, "text": "10 May 1999, Sotheby's Catalogue, auction 5 May 2004 Whitney gave Fred Astaire a pair of big-wheel roller skates as a present. A few years later roller skating was one of his most important dance numbers on film. Whitney and Jimmy Altemus provided the lyrics for a sing composed by Fred Astaire, \"\"Tappin' the Time.\"\" President Dwight D. Eisenhower took pains to transmit to Ambassador Whitney in London, by telegram, the first round golf scores of the Masters Tournament at the Augusta National Golf Club on 5 April 1957. Ambassador Whitney had a very demanding and exhausting scheduled but was", "title": "John Hay Whitney" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.67, "text": "of the sinking, but the film \"\"Arise, My Love\"\" (1940), directed by Mitchell Leisen and starring Claudette Colbert and Ray Milland, had a sequence involving the torpedoing of the liner. The song \"\"Rollerskate Skinny\"\", written by Rhett Miller and performed by his band The Old 97's, mentions \"\"Athenia\"\"s sinking. In John Dickson Carr's novel \"\"The Man Who Could Not Shudder\"\", Dr Fell announces the end of story by showing his audience a newspaper bearing headline \"\"LINER ATHENIA: FULL LIST OF VICTIMS\"\". He means to say that the Second World War has begun and the truth of the mystery is now", "title": "SS Athenia (1922)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.59, "text": "about roller skating. According to the Wall Street Journal in the summer of 1979, 300,000 pairs of roller skates were being sold every month. Vaughan Mason called down to John Freeman a fellow recording engineer in Washington, D.C. to request that he supply a bongo player, guitar player, lead vocalist and John to play the keyboards for the song \"\"Bounce, Rock, Skate, Roll\"\" and Vaughan supplied the drummer. Vaughan had written the music and the hook while the male vocalist Jerome Bell came up with the verses. Vaughan Mason gave the drummer a share of the writer's credit even though", "title": "Vaughan Mason & Crew" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.52, "text": "books of the year -- a vivid, lovable story\"\". \"\"Roller Skates\"\" received the Newbery Award for 1937, for \"\"the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children\"\". Roller Skates Roller Skates is a book by Ruth Sawyer that won the Newbery Medal for excellence in American children's literature in 1937. It is a fictionalized account of one year of Sawyer's life. \"\"Roller Skates\"\" opens with the narrator remembering back to a special year in the 1890s, when young Lucinda Wyman arrives at the Misses Peters' home in New York City; the two ladies will care for her during the year", "title": "Roller Skates" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 17.5, "text": "People will take it any way they want to take it.\"\" In a 2013 interview with music journalist Ray Shasho, Melanie revealed the true origin of \"\"Brand New Key\"\": Of course I can see it symbolically with the key, but I just thought of roller skating. I was fasting with a twenty seven day fast on water. I broke the fast and went back to my life living in New Jersey and we were going to a flea market around six in the morning. On the way back ...and I had just broken the fast, from the flea market, we", "title": "Melanie (singer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.38, "text": "Roller Skates Roller Skates is a book by Ruth Sawyer that won the Newbery Medal for excellence in American children's literature in 1937. It is a fictionalized account of one year of Sawyer's life. \"\"Roller Skates\"\" opens with the narrator remembering back to a special year in the 1890s, when young Lucinda Wyman arrives at the Misses Peters' home in New York City; the two ladies will care for her during the year of Lucinda's parents' trip to Italy. The narrator's diaries help her remember the details of 10-year-old Lucinda's \"\"orphanage,\"\" as she calls it. Miss Peters, a teacher, is", "title": "Roller Skates" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.16, "text": "record label, QStik Records and distributed nationally through MGM Distribution. It received airplay from community radio stations in Australia, as well as Triple J exposure with live performances on \"\"The Oz Music Show\"\" and \"\"Hip Hop Show\"\". The band were named as Triple J's first Australian Music 'New Wave' band for Ausmusic Month in November 2001. The band subsequently reached the final round of Channel [V]'s \"\"Leg Up\"\" competition. They returned to the recording studio with engineer/producer Shaun O'Callaghan (Eskimo Joe/Gyroscope/John Butler Trio). The result was the EP \"\"The Movement\"\", which was launched in March 2002 at Perth's Globe Entertainment", "title": "Rollerskates (band)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.11, "text": "debut album, \"\"Rekkid\"\". The first single, released from the album, in early 2005 was \"\"Gettit\"\". Triple J placed the single on its 'Hitlist', giving it high rotation. In May 2006 the band released the second single, \"\"Picture Book\"\", followed by \"\"Rekkid\"\" in October, 2007. Rollerskates (band) Rollerskates are a five piece indie pop band from Perth, Western Australia. Their music is a mix of electronic sounds, dance music, hip-hop, rock and funk. Rollerskates were formed in 1998 when Stephen Callan (Stevie C), David Namour (Rufus) and Jordan Johnstone (Jordy) released a 20 track recording under the name Rollerskates, essentially a", "title": "Rollerskates (band)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.92, "text": "Ruth Sawyer Ruth Sawyer (August 5, 1880 – June 3, 1970) was an American storyteller and a writer of fiction and non-fiction for children and adults. She may be best known as the author of \"\"Roller Skates\"\", which won the 1937 Newbery Medal. She received the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award in 1965 for her lifetime achievement in children's literature. Ruth Sawyer, the youngest of five children, was the only daughter of Francis Milton and Ethalinda Smith Sawyer. Sawyer was born on August 5, 1880, in Boston, Massachusetts. While she was still a baby they moved to New York City, where", "title": "Ruth Sawyer" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.88, "text": "Contest is on. Terry and Bobby skate their routine and win. Later on, back at the beach Terry and Bobby share a sad goodbye. Both promise to write each other as she heads off to New York City and he to the Olympics. \"\"Roller Boogie\"\" was written by Barry Schneider with Irwin Yablans, who is credited with creating the story. Yablans' Compass International Pictures, founded with Joseph Wolfe, would distribute the movie. Compass International Pictures had unprecedented success the previous year with John Carpenter's slasher \"\"Halloween\"\". In between \"\"Halloween\"\" and \"\"Roller Boogie,\"\" the company would distribute three other titles, \"\",\"\"", "title": "Roller Boogie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.88, "text": "\"\"claims that he wrote the Blue Suede Shoes\"\". It is also referred to (\"\"maybe some blue suede shoes\"\") in The Lowest of the Low's 1991 song \"\"Henry Needs a New Pair of Shoes\"\", about a homeless man. The song is referred to by Marc Cohn in \"\"Walking in Memphis,\"\" which begins, \"\"Put on my blue suede shoes, and I boarded the plane.\"\" In 1971 Kevin Ayers recorded \"\"Stranger in Blue Suede Shoes\"\" which included the line (from the bartender) \"\"we don't serve strangers in blue suede shoes\"\". The song appears in the TV miniseries \"\"Elvis\"\", in which Presley (played by", "title": "Blue Suede Shoes" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 16.84, "text": "\"\"Boogie Nights\"\" as well as the 2010 movie \"\"Jackass 3D\"\" and an episode of \"\"Helix\"\". The song is sung from the viewpoint of a girl with roller skates trying to attract the attention of a boy. In an interview with, Melanie described what she claimed was the inspiration for the song: \"\"I was fasting with a 27-day fast on water. I broke the fast and went back to my life living in New Jersey and we were going to a flea market around six in the morning. On the way back… and I had just broken the fast, from", "title": "Brand New Key" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.84, "text": "Rollerskates (band) Rollerskates are a five piece indie pop band from Perth, Western Australia. Their music is a mix of electronic sounds, dance music, hip-hop, rock and funk. Rollerskates were formed in 1998 when Stephen Callan (Stevie C), David Namour (Rufus) and Jordan Johnstone (Jordy) released a 20 track recording under the name Rollerskates, essentially a collection of samples and Casio keyboards. In order to recreate the tunes live they added Moflo Leigh and Gabriel Nicotra to the band. In 2001 the band released their first EP \"\"Tell Your Mother To Tell Her Friends\"\". The EP was released by local", "title": "Rollerskates (band)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.77, "text": "Rollerskate Skinny Rollerskate Skinny were an Irish band that enjoyed their greatest success during the 1990s. Ken Griffin, Ger Griffin (no relation) and Steve Murray had been in The Hippyshakes in the 1980s. Later the band became \"\"Shake\"\" and was characterized by a strawberry logo. In 1991, Jimi Shields (younger brother of My Bloody Valentine's Kevin Shields) joined the band and suggested a name change to Rollerskate Skinny, chosen from a line in \"\"The Catcher in the Rye\"\", by J. D. Salinger: \"\"She's quite skinny, like me, but nice skinny, rollerskate skinny.\"\" The band relocated to London and released their", "title": "Rollerskate Skinny" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.75, "text": "Star, Hole and Pavement. They were also invited by Perry Farrell to join the 1994 Lollapalooza tour. The increased media coverage as a result of the tour saw the band sign a major-label deal with WEA. Shields was asked to leave the band and moved to Chicago. The band's first release on WEA was their second album, 1996's \"\"Horse Drawn Wishes\"\". This was followed by the \"\"Speed to My Side\"\" single, but the band split up before any further releases. All of the members of Rollerskate Skinny have gone on to other musical projects. Ken Griffin moved to New York", "title": "Rollerskate Skinny" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.66, "text": "Conway during his sophomore year, and he went on to drop out of college in the middle of his junior year to follow his dream of becoming a professional musician. He worked as a shoe salesman at a sporting goods store during the day to make ends meet and continued playing gigs in Little Rock and Fayetteville at night. In 2007, Allen wrote and self-produced an album entitled \"\"Brand New Shoes\"\" with college friends and bandmates Michael Holmes (drums) and Chase Erwin (bass). The album's title makes reference to Allen's days as a shoe salesman, and only 600 copies of", "title": "Kris Allen" } ]
term of non permanent member of un security council?
[ "two-year term" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.39, "text": "two-year term as a non-permanent member of the Security Council came to end on December 31, 2005 and diplomats later overcame objections from China and Russia. United Nations Security Council Resolution 1674 United Nations Security Council Resolution 1674, adopted unanimously on April 28, 2006, after reaffirming resolutions 1265 (1999) and 1296 (2000) concerning the protection of civilians in armed conflict and Resolution 1631 (2005) on co-operation between the United Nations and regional organisations, the Council stressed a comprehensive approach to the prevention of armed conflict and its recurrence. The resolution was adopted after six months of debate among Council members.", "title": "United Nations Security Council Resolution 1674" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.28, "text": "Languages\"\" and called upon UNESCO to \"\"serve as the lead agency for the Year.\"\" The election of non-permanent members to the Security Council for 2017–2018 was held on 28 June 2016, in which Angola, Malaysia, Venezuela, New Zealand and Spain were replaced by Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Bolivia, Sweden and Italy/Netherlands (who agreed to split the term over one year each with Italy starting first). An election to choose 18 members of the United Nations Human Rights Council for a three-year term will take place. A new Secretary-General, António Guterres, was chosen on 6 October 2016 and assumed office on 1 January", "title": "Seventy-first session of the United Nations General Assembly" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.06, "text": "the UNGA between 3 October 2012 and summer 2013. United Nations General Assembly resolution 67/19 granted Palestine non-member observer state status. The election of non-permanent members to the Security Council for 2013–2014 was held in October 2012. Outgoing members were Colombia, Germany, India, Portugal and South Africa. An election to choose 18 members of the United Nations Human Rights Council for a three-year term took place from 12–18 November. The outgoing members were: Cameroon, Djibouti, Mauritius, Nigeria and Senegal (African group); Bangladesh, China, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan and Saudi Arabia (Asian group); Hungary and Russia (Eastern European group); Cuba, Mexico and Uruguay", "title": "Sixty-seventh session of the United Nations General Assembly" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.03, "text": "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America shall be permanent members of the Security Council. The General Assembly shall elect ten other Members of the United Nations to be non-permanent members of the Security Council, due regard being specially paid, in the first instance to the contribution of Members of the United Nations to the maintenance of international peace and security and to the other purposes of the Organization, and also to equitable geographical distribution. 2. The non-permanent members of the Security Council shall be elected for a term of two years. In", "title": "Charter of the United Nations" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25, "text": "Assembly resolution ES-10/L.22 passed by 128 votes to nine against with 21 absentees and 35 abstentions. The election of non-permanent members to the Security Council for 2018–2019 was held on 2 June 2017, in which Equatorial Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kuwait, Peru and Poland were elected to fill seats that will be vacated by Egypt, Senegal, Uruguay, Japan and Ukraine on 31 December 2017. Newly-elected countries will take their seats on 1 January 2018. An election to choose 18 members of the United Nations Human Rights Council for a three-year term will take place. Seventy-second session of the United Nations General", "title": "Seventy-second session of the United Nations General Assembly" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.81, "text": "to block the re-election of Boutros Boutros-Ghali in 1996. Along with the five permanent members, the Security Council has temporary members that hold their seats on a rotating basis by geographic region. Non-permanent members may be involved in global security briefings. In its first two decades, the Security Council had six non-permanent members, the first of which were Australia, Brazil, Egypt, Mexico, the Netherlands, and Poland. In 1965, the number of non-permanent members was expanded to ten. These ten non-permanent members are elected by the General Assembly for two-year terms starting on 1 January, with five replaced each year. To", "title": "United Nations Security Council" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.72, "text": "a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council.\"\" In May 2016, the World Federation of United Nations Associations hosted the first open debates for UN Member States competing for a seat as a non-permanent member to the Security Council. All five contenders participated in the debate. Kazakhstan became the first Central Asian country to sit on the UNSC. Following five rounds of inconclusive voting, Bert Koenders and Paolo Gentiloni, Foreign Ministers of the Netherlands and Italy respectively, announced a proposal whereby the Netherlands and Italy would split the two-year term with each country serving one year. Such arrangements were relatively", "title": "2016 United Nations Security Council election" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.7, "text": "took place on 6 December, in which Jordan was elected to the Council in lieu of Saudi Arabia. The Security Council has 15 seats, filled by five permanent members and ten non-permanent members. Each year, half of the non-permanent members are elected for two-year terms. A sitting member may not immediately run for re-election. In accordance with the rules whereby the ten non-permanent UNSC seats rotate among the various regional blocs into which UN member states traditionally divide themselves for voting and representation purposes, the five available seats are allocated as follows: To be elected, a candidate must receive a", "title": "United Nations Security Council election, 2013" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.69, "text": "United Nations Security Council election, 2000 The 2000 United Nations Security Council election was held on 10 October 2000 at United Nations Headquarters in New York City during the 55th session of the United Nations General Assembly. The General Assembly elected five non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for two-year terms commencing on 1 January 2001. The five candidates elected were Colombia, Ireland, Mauritius, Norway, and Singapore. In accordance with the General Assembly's rules for the geographic distribution of the non-permanent members of the Security Council, and established practice, the members were to be elected as follows: one from", "title": "United Nations Security Council election, 2000" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.67, "text": "United Nations Security Council election, 2002 The 2002 United Nations Security Council election was held on 27 September 2002 at United Nations Headquarters in New York City during the 57th session of the United Nations General Assembly. The General Assembly elected five non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for two-year terms commencing on 1 January 2003. The five candidates elected were Angola, Chile, Germany, Pakistan, and Spain. In accordance with the General Assembly's rules for the geographic distribution of the non-permanent members of the Security Council, and established practice, the members were to be elected as follows: one from", "title": "United Nations Security Council election, 2002" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.61, "text": "non-permanent members. Each year, half of the non-permanent members are elected for two-year terms. A sitting member may not immediately run for re-election. In accordance with the rules whereby the ten non-permanent UNSC seats rotate among the various regional blocs into which UN member states traditionally divide themselves for voting and representation purposes, the five available seats are allocated as follows: To be elected, a candidate must receive a two-thirds majority of those present and voting. If the vote is inconclusive after the first round, three rounds of restricted voting shall take place, followed by three rounds of unrestricted voting,", "title": "1979 United Nations Security Council election" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.61, "text": "United Nations Security Council election, 2003 The 2003 United Nations Security Council election was held on 23 October 2003 at United Nations Headquarters in New York City during the 58th session of the United Nations General Assembly. The General Assembly elected five non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for two-year terms commencing on 1 January 2004. The five candidates elected were Algeria, Benin, Brazil, Philippines, and Romania. In accordance with the General Assembly's rules for the geographic distribution of the non-permanent members of the Security Council, and established practice, the members were to be elected as follows: two from", "title": "United Nations Security Council election, 2003" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.58, "text": "United Nations Security Council election, 1995 The 1995 United Nations Security Council election was held on 8 November 1995 at United Nations Headquarters in New York City during the 50th session of the United Nations General Assembly. The General Assembly elected five non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for two-year terms commencing on 1 January 1996. The five candidates elected were Chile, Egypt, Guinea-Bissau, Poland, and the Republic of Korea. In accordance with the General Assembly's rules for the geographic distribution of the non-permanent members of the Security Council, and established practice, the members were to be elected as", "title": "United Nations Security Council election, 1995" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.56, "text": "United Nations Security Council election, 2004 The 2004 United Nations Security Council election was held on 15 October 2004 at United Nations Headquarters in New York City during the 59th session of the United Nations General Assembly. The General Assembly elected five non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for two-year terms commencing on 1 January 2005. The five candidate nations elected were Argentina, Denmark, Greece, Japan, and Tanzania. In accordance with the General Assembly's rules for the geographic distribution of the non-permanent members of the Security Council, and established practice, the members were to be elected as follows: one", "title": "United Nations Security Council election, 2004" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.56, "text": "United Nations Security Council election, 1996 The 1996 United Nations Security Council election was held on 21 October 1996 at United Nations Headquarters in New York City during the 51st session of the United Nations General Assembly. The General Assembly elected five non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for two-year terms commencing on 1 January 1997. The five candidates elected were Costa Rica, Japan, Kenya, Portugal, and Sweden. In accordance with the General Assembly's rules for the geographic distribution of the non-permanent members of the Security Council, and established practice, the members were to be elected as follows: one", "title": "United Nations Security Council election, 1996" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.55, "text": "United Nations Security Council election, 1998 The 1998 United Nations Security Council election was held on 8 October 1998 at United Nations Headquarters in New York City during the 53rd session of the United Nations General Assembly. The General Assembly elected five non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for two-year terms commencing on 1 January 1999. The five candidates elected were Argentina, Canada, Malaysia, Namibia, and the Netherlands. In accordance with the General Assembly's rules for the geographic distribution of the non-permanent members of the Security Council, and established practice, the members were to be elected as follows: one", "title": "United Nations Security Council election, 1998" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.53, "text": "United Nations Security Council election, 2001 The 2001 United Nations Security Council election was held on 8 October 2001 at United Nations Headquarters in New York City during the 56th session of the United Nations General Assembly. The General Assembly elected five non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for two-year terms commencing on 1 January 2002. The five candidates elected were Bulgaria, Cameroon, Guinea, Mexico, and Syria. In accordance with the General Assembly's rules for the geographic distribution of the non-permanent members of the Security Council, and established practice, the members were to be elected as follows: two from", "title": "United Nations Security Council election, 2001" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.53, "text": "at the Nuclear Security Summit in 2010. Since 2014 the Kazakhstani government has been bidding for a non-permanent member seat on the UN Security Council for 2017–2018. On 28 June 2016 Kazakhstan was elected as a non-permanent member to serve on the UN Security Council for a two-year term. Kazakhstan actively supports UN peacekeeping missions in Haiti, the Western Sahara, and Côte d'Ivoire. In March 2014, the Ministry of Defense chose 20 Kazakhstani military men as observers for the UN peacekeeping missions. The military personnel, ranking from captain to colonel, had to go through a specialised UN training; they had", "title": "Kazakhstan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.52, "text": "United Nations Security Council election, 1997 The 1997 United Nations Security Council election was held on 14 October 1997 at United Nations Headquarters in New York City during the 52nd session of the United Nations General Assembly. The General Assembly elected five non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for two-year terms commencing on 1 January 1998. The five candidates elected were Bahrain, Brazil, Gabon, Gambia, and Slovenia. In accordance with the General Assembly's rules for the geographic distribution of the non-permanent members of the Security Council, and established practice, the members were to be elected as follows: two from", "title": "United Nations Security Council election, 1997" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.5, "text": "the first election of the non-permanent members after the increase of the membership of the Security Council from eleven to fifteen, two of the four additional members shall be chosen for a term of one year. A retiring member shall not be eligible for immediate re-election. 3. Each member of the Security Council shall have one representative. FUNCTIONS and POWERS Article 24 1. In order to ensure prompt and effective action by the United Nations, its Members confer on the Security Council primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, and agree that in carrying out its duties", "title": "Charter of the United Nations" } ]
which two countries have the lowest population density in latin america?
[ "Suriname", "Guyana" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.09, "text": "of the total income, while the bottom decile earns 2.5%. The countries with the highest inequality in the region (as measured with the Gini index in the UN Development Report) in 2007 were Haiti (59.5), Colombia (58.5), Bolivia (58.2), Honduras (55.3), Brazil (55.0), and Panama (54.9), while the countries with the lowest inequality in the region were Venezuela (43.4), Uruguay (46.4) and Costa Rica (47.2). According to the World Bank, the poorest countries in the region were (as of 2008): Haiti, Nicaragua, Bolivia and Honduras. Undernourishment affects to 47% of Haitians, 27% of Nicaraguans, 23% of Bolivians and 22% of", "title": "Wealth inequality in Latin America" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.92, "text": "the list of homicides in the world. Brazil has more overall homicides than any country in the world, at 50,108, accounting for one in 10 globally. Crime-related violence in Latin America represents the most threat to public health, striking more victims than HIV/AIDS or other infectious diseases. Countries with lowest homicide rate per year per 100,000 inhabitants as of 2015 were: Chile 3, Peru 7, Argentina 7, Uruguay 8 and Paraguay 9. According to Goldman Sachs' BRICS review of emerging economies, by 2050 the largest economies in the world will be as follows: China, United States, India, Japan, Germany, United", "title": "Latin America" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.55, "text": "and well above the world average, which is currently 7%. Argentina has one of Latin America's lowest population growth rates, recently about 1% a year, as well as a comparatively low infant mortality rate. Its birth rate of 2.3 children per woman is still nearly twice as high as that in Spain or Italy, compared here as they have similar religious practices and proportions. The median age is approximately 30 years and life expectancy at birth is 77.14 years. Argentina became in 2010 the first country in Latin America and the second in the Americas to allow same-sex marriage nationwide.", "title": "Argentina" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.34, "text": "Beloch's figures for Spain and Africa have also been revised downwards. This estimate produces a population density of 13.6 inhabitants per square kilometer, a very low figure by modern standards (the United Kingdom, for example, has a population density of 254.7/km). The population density in the Greek East was 20.9/km, twice as dense as the Latin West at 10.6/km; only the Western provinces of Italy and Sicily had a density comparable to the East. Slaves constituted about 15 percent of the Empire's total population; the proportionate figure would be much higher in Italy and much lower in Africa and Egypt.", "title": "Demography of the Roman Empire" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.34, "text": "million, though Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Puerto Rico (a territory of the United States), Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago each have populations higher than a million. Greenland has a small population of 55,984 for its massive size (2,166,000 km² or 836,300 mi²), and therefore, it has the world's lowest population density at 0.026 pop./km² (0.067 pop./mi²). While the United States, Canada, and Mexico maintain the largest populations, large city populations are not restricted to those nations. There are also large cities in the Caribbean. The largest cities in North America, by far, are Mexico City and New York. These cities", "title": "North America" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.88, "text": "of female infertility in the Latin America/Caribbean region is typically lower than the global prevalence. However, the greatest rates occurred in Jamaica, Suriname, Haiti, and Trinidad and Tobago. Central and Western Latin America has some of the lowest rates of prevalence. The highest regions in Latin America and the Caribbean was in the Caribbean Islands and in less developed countries. Causes or factors of female infertility can basically be classified regarding whether they are acquired or genetic, or strictly by location. Although factors of female infertility can be classified as either acquired or genetic, female infertility is usually more or", "title": "Female infertility" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.62, "text": "the highest levels of income inequality in the world. The following table lists all the countries in Latin America indicating a valuation of the country's Human Development Index, GDP at purchasing power parity per capita, measurement of inequality through the Gini index, measurement of poverty through the Human Poverty Index, measurement of extreme poverty based on people living under 1.25 dollars a day, life expectancy, murder rates and a measurement of safety through the Global Peace Index. Green cells indicate the best performance in each category while red indicates the lowest. Wealth inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean remains", "title": "Latin America" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.36, "text": "total Brazilians, or 47.7% of the total population, as of the 2010 census. Brazil's southern region contains the highest concentration, at 79% of the population. Argentina also contains a large numbers of whites. In terms of percentage of the total population, Uruguay, Argentina, and Costa Rica have the highest concentrations of whites, who constitute 80–90% of their total populations. The smallest concentration is in Honduras, with only 1%. White Mexicans are for the most part descendants of Spanish immigrants who arrived mainly from northern regions of Spain such as Cantabria, Navarra, Galicia and the Basque Country, however in the 19th", "title": "White Latin Americans" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.06, "text": "the population densities are generally higher in the Andean region. The nine eastern lowland departments, comprising about 54% of Colombia's area, have less than 6% of the population. Traditionally a rural society, movement to urban areas was very heavy in the mid-20th century, and Colombia is now one of the most urbanized countries in Latin America. The urban population increased from 31% of the total in 1938 to nearly 60% in 1973, and by 2014 the figure stood at 76%. The population of Bogotá alone has increased from just over 300,000 in 1938 to approximately 8 million today. In total", "title": "Colombia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.02, "text": "respectively are women. These are the lowest ratios among members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The Republic of Korea also has the widest gap among OECD members in remuneration between men and women researchers (39%). There is also a yawning gap in Japan (29%). Latin America has some of the world's highest rates of women studying scientific fields; it also shares with the Caribbean one of the highest proportions of female researchers: 44%. Of the 12 countries reporting data for the years 2010–2013, seven have achieved gender parity, or even dominate research: Bolivia (63%), Venezuela (56%), Argentina", "title": "Women in science" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.94, "text": "Health Organization, the island had the lowest infant mortality rate in Latin America, and the 13th-lowest in the world better than in contemporary France, Belgium, West Germany, Israel, Japan, Austria, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Additionally, Cuba's education spending in the 1950s was the highest in Latin America, relative to GDP. Cuba had the fourth-highest literacy rate in the region, at almost 80% according to the United Nations higher than that of Spain at the time. However, the United States, rather than Latin America, was the frame of reference for educated Cubans. Cubans travelled to the United States, read American newspapers,", "title": "History of Cuba" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.94, "text": "in enrollment jumped from 59.2% in 1998 to 64.3% in 2001. (unEsCo, 2005). Transitional and developing countries also saw a jump in gross enrollment rates from 1998 to 2001. Of the Latin American countries analyzed, Brazil, Mexico and Argentina had the highest distribution of enrollments. These top three countries accounted for about 60% of total enrollment in higher education. Brazil led the Latin American countries by holding 28% of higher education enrollment in all of Latin America. Shortly behind Brazil is Mexico with 17% of the total enrollment and Argentina at 14%. Sets of countries also distribute their enrollment among", "title": "Education in Latin America" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.92, "text": "higher than the world's Gini coefficient average of 39.7. Gini is the statistical measurement used to measure income distribution across entire nations and their populations and their income inequality. The other regional averages were: sub-Saharan Africa (44.2), Asia (40.4), Middle East and North Africa (39.2), Eastern Europe and Central Asia (35.4), and high-income nations (30.9). According to a study by the World Bank,the richest decile of the population of Latin America earn 48% of the total income, while the poorest 10% of the population earn only 1.6% of the income. In contrast, in developed countries, the top decile receives 29%", "title": "Wealth inequality in Latin America" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.92, "text": "were the second lowest among the 34 OECD countries, and the lowest in 2010. Chile has an inequality-adjusted human development index of 0.661, compared to 0.662, 0.680 and 0.542 for neighboring Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil, respectively. In 2008, only 2.7% of the population lived on less than US $2 a day. The Global Competitiveness Report for 2009–2010 ranked Chile as being the 30th most competitive country in the world and the first in Latin America, well above Brazil (56th), Mexico (60th), and Argentina which ranks 85th; it has since fallen out of the top 30. The ease of doing business", "title": "Economy of Chile" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.92, "text": "1,805,957 or 4.6%, were born abroad. The country has long had one of Latin America's lowest growth rates, estimated in 2008 to be 0.917% annually, with a birth rate of 16.32 live births per 1,000 inhabitants and a mortality rate of 7.54 deaths per 1,000 inhabitants. It also enjoys a comparatively low infant mortality rate. Strikingly, though, its fertility rate is still nearly twice as high (2.3 children per woman) as that in Spain or Italy, despite comparable religiosity figures. The median age is approximately 30 years and life expectancy at birth is 76 years. Most Argentines outside Argentina are", "title": "Argentine Brazilians" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.86, "text": "in Latin America is relatively low compared to other regions with a rate of 80 deaths per 100,000 live births. However, if one were to break down the region's mortality rate by country, one could easily demonstrate that there exists a large disparity between affluent and poor countries. For example, in Haiti the rate was closer to 350 deaths per 100,000 live births. The disparity between wealthy and poor areas likely exists due to the differences in access to services and skilled professionals. Women in the highest income quintile have far easier access to such health services than women in", "title": "Reproductive rights in Latin America" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.81, "text": "is its relatively high standard of living and quality of life. Argentina's, Chile's, and Uruguay's HDIs—(0.827), (0.847), and (0.804)—are the highest in Latin America, similar to those of the richest countries in Eastern Europe, such as Slovenia, Poland or Hungary. Uruguay, where illiteracy technically does not exist, reaches the same level in this area, even considering that it faces restrictions to its industrial and economic growth. The Southern Cone is the most prosperous macro-region in Latin America. It has high life expectancy, access to health care and education. From an economic and liberal point of view the region has been", "title": "Southern Cone" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.78, "text": "Latin American countries who also celebrated their Bicentennials around the same time. As of 2005, the state had a population of 4,893,812, which is the sixth largest population in Mexico.(inplaneg) About 67% live in urban areas, with the rest in rural areas, with women slightly outnumbering men. The largest population centers are León with 1,134,842 people, Irapuato with 440,134, Celaya with 382,958 and Salamanca with 226,654. Over 96% of the population professes the Catholic religion, and the state is considered to be very conservative and adherent to Catholic principles both socially and politically. Guanajuato has the fourth lowest number of", "title": "Guanajuato" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.73, "text": "varies greatly among countries and even regions inside those countries. Africa has the highest percentage of children aged 5–17 employed as child labour, and a total of over 65 million. Asia, with its larger population, has the largest number of children employed as child labour at about 114 million. Latin America and Caribbean region have lower overall population density, but at 14 million child labourers has high incidence rates too. Accurate present day child labour information is difficult to obtain because of disagreements between data sources as to what constitutes child labour. In some countries, government policy contributes to this", "title": "Child labour" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.66, "text": "before going to their final destinations in the United States. \"\"* Including immigrants from Taiwan, China, Japan, Palestine, Iraq, Cuba, Venezuela, Canada, Switzerland, Russia, Belgium, Sweden, among other countries.\"\" Guatemala has among the worst health outcomes in Latin America with some of the highest infant mortality rates, and one of the lowest life expectancies at birth in the region. With about 16,000 doctors for its 16 million people, Guatemala has about half the doctor-citizen ratio recommended by the WHO. Since the end of the Guatemalan Civil War in 1997, the Ministry of Health has extended healthcare access to 54% of", "title": "Guatemala" } ]
where was war fir the planet of the apes filmed?
[ "the Kananaskis", "the Lower Mainland in Vancouver" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.8, "text": "the evolution of the apes, and there's a lot more stories to tell after this. I imagine the next film will be about the all-out war between the apes and humans.\"\" Mark Bomback did an uncredited rewrite of the script. Filming began in July 2010 in Vancouver, British Columbia. Filming also happened in San Francisco, California (the primary setting of the film), and around Oahu, Hawaii, which doubled for the African jungle as the schedule and budget did not allow for location shooting in Africa. As the apes in \"\"Rise\"\" were meant to be actual apes, the producers decided not", "title": "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.2, "text": "to the fifth film in the original series, \"\"Battle for the Planet of the Apes\"\", but it is not a direct remake. Principal photography began on October 14, 2015, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. \"\"War for the Planet of the Apes\"\" premiered in New York City on July 10, 2017, and was theatrically released in the United States on July 14, 2017, by 20th Century Fox. The film has grossed over $490 million and received critical praise, with many reviewers highlighting the performances (particularly Serkis's), visual effects, story, direction, and musical score. The film received a nomination for Best Special", "title": "War for the Planet of the Apes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.14, "text": "who designed prosthetic make up in the film, held training sessions at 20th Century-Fox studios, where he mentored other make-up artists of the film. Filming began on May 21, 1967, and ended on August 10, 1967. Most of the early scenes of a desert-like terrain were shot in northern Arizona near the Grand Canyon, the Colorado River, Lake Powell, Glen Canyon and other locations near Page, Arizona Most scenes of the ape village, interiors and exteriors, were filmed on the Fox Ranch in Malibu Creek State Park, northwest of Los Angeles, essentially the backlot of 20th Century Fox. The concluding", "title": "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.08, "text": "pump in extra water. The film was mostly shot at Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City, California, while other filming locations included lava plains in Hawaii and Trona Pinnacles at Ridgecrest. To preserve secrecy, the shooting script did not include the ending. Stan Winston was the original makeup designer but left because of creative differences. Fox considered using computer-generated imagery to create the apes, but Burton insisted on using prosthetic makeup designed by Rick Baker. Baker was previously involved with Adam Rifkin's unproduced remake. Burton commented, \"\"I have a relationship with both of them [Winston and Baker], so that decision", "title": "Planet of the Apes (2001 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.03, "text": "J. Schaffner to direct the film. Schaffner's changes included an ape society less advanced—and therefore less expensive to depict—than that of the original novel. Filming took place between May 21 and August 10, 1967, in California, Utah and Arizona, with desert sequences shot in and around Lake Powell, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. The film's final \"\"closed\"\" cost was $5.8 million. The film was released on February 8, 1968, in the United States and was a commercial success, earning a lifetime domestic gross of $32.6 million. The film was groundbreaking for its prosthetic makeup techniques by artist John Chambers and", "title": "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.91, "text": "there until early March 2016. Parts of the film were expected to shoot for up to five days in the Kananaskis in late January and early February. In March, Serkis confirmed that he had finished shooting his portions. As with \"\"Rise\"\" and \"\"Dawn\"\", the visual effects for \"\"War\"\" were created by Weta Digital; the apes were created with a mixture of motion-capture and CGI key-frame animation, as they were performed in motion-capture technology and animated in CGI. At New York Comic-Con 2016, Reeves explained that he and Bomback were influenced by many films before writing. He said, \"\"One of the", "title": "War for the Planet of the Apes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.8, "text": "beach scenes were filmed on a stretch of California seacoast between Malibu and Oxnard with cliffs that towered 130 feet above the shore. Reaching the beach on foot was virtually impossible, so cast, crew, film equipment, and even horses had to be lowered in by helicopter. The home movies of Roddy McDowall (on YouTube) show makeup, the Ape Village set and the beach site/set - a wooden ramp was built around the point from Westward Beach to Pirates Cove for access to the beach set. The remains of the Statue of Liberty were shot in a secluded cove on the", "title": "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.33, "text": "the locations depicted in the film, the forests, and the variety of landscapes. Filming in New Orleans started in May 2013 and continued in July 2013 at various locations such as the former Six Flags park Six Flags New Orleans. Like \"\"Rise\"\", visual effects for \"\"Dawn\"\" were done by Weta Digital. In addition to the apes, Weta created other digital animals, such as a herd of elk, a grizzly bear, and CG doubles of the live horses. The elk were created using key-frame animation and the digital crowd enhancement software MASSIVE, the bear through key-frame animation, and the horses with", "title": "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.12, "text": "far eastern end of Westward Beach, between Zuma Beach and Point Dume in Malibu. As noted in the documentary \"\"Behind the Planet of the Apes\"\", the special effect shot of the half-buried statue was achieved by seamlessly blending a matte painting with existing cliffs. The shot looking down at Taylor was done from a 70-foot scaffold, angled over a 1/2-scale papier-mache model of the Statue. The actors in \"\"Planet of the Apes\"\" were so affected by their roles and wardrobe that, when not shooting, they automatically segregated themselves with the species they were portraying. The spacecraft onscreen is never actually", "title": "Planet of the Apes (1968 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.98, "text": "references to the racial conflicts in North America during the early 1970s, and Thompson further highlighted by shooting some scenes in a manner similar to a news broadcast. The primary location was Century City, Los Angeles, that had previously been part of the 20th Century Fox backlot and translated well the bleak future with monochromatic buildings in a sterile ultramodern style. Also used as a shooting location was the University of California, Irvine, in Orange County. In addition, TV producer Irwin Allen contributed props and clothes to the film: he let the makers of 'Conquest' borrow his Seaview jumpsuits from", "title": "Conquest of the Planet of the Apes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.88, "text": "It was expanded to its current hectares in 2004. The park's rock cliffs and relatively close distance to Vancouver has resulted in many popular movies being filmed there. \"\"First Blood\"\", \"\"Shoot to Kill\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"Cabin in the Woods\"\" and \"\"War for the Planet of the Apes\"\" were all filmed in Coquihalla Canyon. The location is easily recognizable when watching \"\"First Blood\"\" where Sylvester Stallone hangs off the cliff while a helicopter tries to snipe him down. As of May 2015, the tunnels have reopened after having been closed for over a year due to rockfall concerns. Coquihalla Canyon Provincial Park", "title": "Coquihalla Canyon Provincial Park" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.84, "text": "Woody Harrelson had been cast as the film's antagonist, and that Chavarria's role was supporting. In October 2015, TheWrap reported that Steve Zahn was cast as a new ape in the film. It was also announced that actress Amiah Miller was cast as one of the film's humans, with Judy Greer and Karin Konoval reprising their roles as Cornelia and Maurice, while Aleks Paunovic and Sara Canning were cast as new apes. Principal photography on the film began on October 14, 2015 in the Lower Mainland in Vancouver, under the working title \"\"Hidden Fortress\"\". Filming was expected to take place", "title": "War for the Planet of the Apes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.67, "text": "monument was a setting in \"\"Rise of the Planet of the Apes\"\" (2011), \"\"Dawn of the Planet of the Apes\"\" (2014) and the first act of \"\"War for the Planet of the Apes\"\" (2017), though all three films were in fact filmed in British Columbia. Jack Kerouac discusses hiking though Muir Woods in his book The Dharma Bums. Muir Woods National Monument Muir Woods National Monument is a United States National Monument managed by the National Park Service. It is located on Mount Tamalpais near the Pacific coast, in southwestern Marin County, California. It is part of the Golden Gate", "title": "Muir Woods National Monument" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.66, "text": "hall for the live-action prequel series for the popular console game Halo 4 in . In addition, many other films such as \"\"Rise of the Planet of the Apes\"\" and \"\"This Means War\"\" were filmed there due to directors' taking a liking to the cement structure of the building which makes for very official looking sets. Richmond, British Columbia Richmond () is a coastal city located in the Canadian province of British Columbia. It is part of the Metro Vancouver area. It is the major part of Lulu Island. As of 2016, it has an estimated population of 198,309 people", "title": "Richmond, British Columbia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.47, "text": "of her. Most pleasant, most charming, very cooperative, very hard-working. She was always there half an hour before her call and she always stayed on for a half hour just in case. Interested in everything that went on, and was a total joy. I couldn't ask for a more cooperative actor.\"\" \"\"Planet of the Apes\"\" commenced filming on May 21, 1967 and ended August 10, 1967. The first scenes were shot on locations near Page, Arizona. Horseshoe Bend on the Colorado River stood in for the Forbidden Zone, through which Taylor, Zira, Cornelius, and Harrison's Nova fled after escaping from", "title": "Linda Harrison (actress)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.31, "text": "Paul Giamatti's character \"\"was supposed to turn into a good guy. There was supposed to be this touching personal growth thing at the end,\"\" Giamatti reflected. \"\"But Tim [Burton] and I both thought that was kind of lame so we decided to just leave him as a jerk into the end.\"\" Burton wanted to begin filming in October 2000, but it was pushed back to November 6, 2000 and ended in April 2001. Filming for \"\"Planet of the Apes\"\" began at Lake Powell, where parts of the original film were shot. Due to a local drought, production crews had to", "title": "Planet of the Apes (2001 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.17, "text": "respect for the actors in \"\"Planet of the Apes\"\"!\"\" The scenes at the end of the episode take place at The Bog; this is an actual bar in Scranton. In addition, the exterior shots were all actually filmed in Scranton. In order to secure permission, the series' production staff phoned the bar's co-owner, Brian Craig, and requested that the bar be featured on the show. Reportedly, parts of the scenes were filmed with an iPhone. Jim compares spending a day with Julius Erving to a hypothetical situation wherein Pam would spend the day with John Stamos. Pam and Meredith bond", "title": "Lice (The Office)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.05, "text": "and for Heston to take a supporting role in \"\"Beneath the Planet of the Apes\"\". The exterior scenes of the Colossus control center were filmed at the Lawrence Hall of Science museum at the University of California, Berkeley. In some countries (such as the UK), the film was originally titled simply as \"\"The Forbin Project\"\", though the UK DVD release is titled \"\"Colossus: The Forbin Project\"\". This release does not utilize the quotation marks around the words \"\"The Forbin\"\" as per the US release. Vincent Canby, critic for \"\"The New York Times,\"\" gave the film a positive review, \"\"The film", "title": "Colossus: The Forbin Project" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.02, "text": "place on the Fox Movie Ranch for an estimated budget of $1.7 million. Heading into filming, director J. Lee Thompson was unhappy with both the script and the scope of the production, which he felt could have used a bigger budget to assist in the portrayal of the \"\"Battle.\"\" Thompson had agreed to direct without a script in place and regretted that Paul Dehn couldn't have been on the project throughout the writing process. \"\"Battle for the Planet of the Apes\"\" was the second-to-last film produced by Arthur P. Jacobs. He died June 27, 1973 at age 51, less than", "title": "Battle for the Planet of the Apes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.92, "text": "\"\"Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea\"\", brown clothes and computers and cabinets for Ape Management that were used first on \"\"The Time Tunnel\"\" and other sets and props from other Allen productions. Of the five original films, \"\"Conquest\"\" is the only entry filmed in Todd-AO 35 using Arriflex ARRI 35IIC cameras with lenses provided by the Carl Zeiss Group; the other Apes pictures were filmed in Panavision. The original cut of \"\"Conquest\"\" ended with the brutal killing of Governor Breck, with an implicit message that this circle of hatred would never end. After a preview screening in Phoenix on", "title": "Conquest of the Planet of the Apes" } ]
who is the head of the council of economic advisors?
[ "Kevin Hassett, Chairman" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.75, "text": "Council of Economic Advisers (Greece) The Council of Economic Advisers (; SOE) is an advisory body that is part of the Greek Ministry of Finance. The current Chairman of the Council is George Chouliarakis, also an Alternate Minister of Finance. According to Panos Tsakloglou, former Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, the Council is \"\"the think tank of the government in economic issues.\"\" It consists of \"\"a board composed of academics, which meet regularly, and a scientific team that operates on a daily basis.\"\" Practically, it is responsible for representing Greece in EU and other international organisations' working groups,", "title": "Council of Economic Advisers (Greece)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.5, "text": "Past members include: Council of Economic Advisers (Greece) The Council of Economic Advisers (; SOE) is an advisory body that is part of the Greek Ministry of Finance. The current Chairman of the Council is George Chouliarakis, also an Alternate Minister of Finance. According to Panos Tsakloglou, former Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, the Council is \"\"the think tank of the government in economic issues.\"\" It consists of \"\"a board composed of academics, which meet regularly, and a scientific team that operates on a daily basis.\"\" Practically, it is responsible for representing Greece in EU and other international", "title": "Council of Economic Advisers (Greece)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.12, "text": "Board and the Council of Economic Advisors. Albert Rees Albert E. Rees (August 21, 1921 – September 5, 1992) was an American economist and noted author. An influential labor economist, Rees taught at Princeton University from 1966 to 1979, while also being an advisor to President Gerald Ford. He was also a former Provost of Princeton and former president of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. He was also the first head of the Council on Wage and Price Stability, a short-lived federal agency. Born in New York City, Rees earned his bachelor's degree from Oberlin College in 1943. He later", "title": "Albert Rees" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25, "text": "Kevin Hassett Kevin Allen Hassett is an American economist who is the current Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. He is known for his work on tax policy and for coauthoring the book \"\"Dow 36,000\"\", published in 1999. Prior to becoming Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, Hassett was the State Farm James Q. Wilson Chair in American Politics and Culture and Director of Research for Domestic Policy at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank. He was John McCain's chief economic adviser in the 2000 presidential primaries and an economic adviser to the campaigns of George", "title": "Kevin Hassett" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.31, "text": "Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers (SOE), and in this capacity has accompanied ministers, such as Euclid Tsakalotos, to meetings in Brussels. He has also been described as an \"\"ally\"\" of the Deputy Prime Minister of Greece, Yannis Dragasakis. In late April 2015, Chouliarakis was brought in as the chief Greek negotiator in the team negotiating the terms of the third bailout package. He replaced Nicholas Theocarakis, who was considered an ally of Yanis Varoufakis. Chouliarakis was praised by Thomas Wieser, the president of the EU's Economic and Financial Committee, as being a \"\"gifted negotiator\"\". He has been called", "title": "George Chouliarakis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.31, "text": "93 to 4 vote. On November 24, 2008, President Barack Obama designated Christina Romer as Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers upon the start of his administration. After her nomination and before the Obama administration took office, Romer was tasked with co-authoring the administration's plan to recover from the 2008 recession. With economist Jared Bernstein, Romer co-authored Obama's plan for economic recovery. In a video presentation, she discussed details of the job-creation package that the Obama administration submitted to Congress. Romer resigned in September 2010 to return to positions in academia. Austan Goolsbee was designated chair of the Council", "title": "Confirmations of Barack Obama's Cabinet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.27, "text": "significant role in supporting the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Under the direction of Kevin Hassett during the Donald Trump presidency, the CEA released a report vilifying socialism and associating what they characterized as the \"\"socialist\"\" policies of liberal politicians to those of historical authoritarian regimes. The council's chairman is nominated by the president and approved by the United States Senate. The members are appointed by the president. As of July 2017, the Council´s 18 person staff consisted of a chief of staff (Director of Macroeconomic Forecasting), 15 economists (5 senior, 4 research, 4 staff economists, 2 economic statisticians) and", "title": "Council of Economic Advisers" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.17, "text": "for monitoring the implementation of the memorandum, for carrying out various \"\"ad hoc\"\" duties within the Ministry of Finance, and for providing expertise to the Greek government when they request it. The Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers represents Greece in EU working groups and on the Economic and Financial Committee. They are also Greece's deputy at meetings of the Eurogroup and the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN). In April 2015, George Chouliarakis, then-Chairman, became Greece's representative to the 'Brussels Group' - the detailed technical negotiations taking place in Brussels over the third bailout package. Past chairs include:", "title": "Council of Economic Advisers (Greece)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.12, "text": "has emerged as one of his top economic advisors in regards to trying to rebuild America's economy. On January 21, 2011, President Obama announced Immelt's appointment as chairman of his outside panel of economic advisers, succeeding former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker. The \"\"New York Times\"\" reported that Obama's appointment of Immelt was \"\"another strong signal that he intends to make the White House more business-friendly.\"\" The council met a total of four times, with its final meeting on January 17, 2012. In 2013, the authorization for the council was not renewed, causing the council to be permanently shut down.", "title": "Jeff Immelt" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.11, "text": "magazine wrote, Since then, more than one million copies have been sold, and Mankiw has received an estimated $42 million in royalties from the book, which is priced at $280 per copy. In May 2003, President George W. Bush appointed Mankiw as Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. Mankiw served in that post from 2003 to 2005, followed by Harvey S. Rosen and then Ben Bernanke. While CEA chair, Mankiw was part of a Bush administration effort seeking greater oversight of the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In a November 2003 speech to a conference of", "title": "Greg Mankiw" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.03, "text": "as the chair of the President's Council of Economic Advisers (1995–1997). At the World Bank, he served as senior vice-president and chief economist (1997–2000), in the time when unprecedented protest against international economic organizations started, most prominently with the Seattle WTO meeting of 1999. He was fired by the World Bank for expressing dissent with its policies. He was a lead author of the 1995 Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. He is a member of Collegium International, an organization of leaders with political, scientific, and ethical expertise whose goal", "title": "Joseph Stiglitz" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.88, "text": "Council of Economic Advisers The Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) is a United States agency within the Executive Office of the President established in 1946, which advises the President of the United States on economic policy. The CEA provides much of the empirical research for the White House and prepares the annual Economic Report of the President. The Truman administration established the Council of Economic Advisers via the Employment Act of 1946, to provide the presidents with objective economic analysis and advice on the development and implementation of a wide range of domestic and international economic policy issues. It was", "title": "Council of Economic Advisers" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.81, "text": "Ronald Reagan's Council of Economic Advisers from 1981 to 1982, and has served as an adviser to heads of state in countries throughout Asia, South America, Europe, and the Middle East. He is also known for his pioneering work on currency boards, dollarization, hyperinflation, water pricing and demand, benefit-cost analysis, privatization, and other topics in applied economics. Hanke has written extensively as a columnist for \"\"Forbes\"\" magazine and many other major publications. He is also a currency and commodity trader. Steve Hanke was born in Macon, Georgia in 1942 and grew up in Atlantic, Iowa, where he attended Atlantic High", "title": "Steve Hanke" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.8, "text": "senior economic adviser through the rest of the primary and the general election including many television debates with John McCain's economic advisers. Goolsbee was nominated by Obama to serve on the Council of Economic Advisers on his first day in office. Goolsbee was confirmed by the Senate on March 10, 2009. He concurrently served as chief economist at the Economic Recovery Advisory Board. He was designated chair of the Council on September 10, 2010 succeeding Christina Romer. In these capacities, Goolsbee served as a media surrogate for the Obama Administration and his skill on television was noted in the media.", "title": "Austan Goolsbee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.78, "text": "Care Act. On June 10, 2013, Furman was named Chairman of the three-member Council of Economic Advisers by President Obama. Obama referred to Furman as \"\"one of the most brilliant economic minds of his generation,\"\" and went on to say \"\"There's no one I'd rather turn to for straightforward, unvarnished advice that helps me to do my job.\"\" His appointment to the role was met with bipartisan support. During his tenure as chairman, Furman played a role in advancing economic debates and public policies around tax reform, competition, artificial intelligence and innovation, and investment issues. Furman and his wife Eve", "title": "Jason Furman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.75, "text": "W. Bush in the 2004 presidential election and McCain in the presidential election of 2008. He was among Mitt Romney's economic advisers for the 2012 presidential campaign. In early 2017, Hassett was nominated by President Donald Trump to become the 29th Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. The United States Senate confirmed him in a 81–16 vote on September 12, 2017. He was sworn in on September 13, 2017. Hassett is a native of Greenfield, Massachusetts, where he graduated from Greenfield High School and played for Turnbull's in the Greenfield Minor League. He received a B.A. in economics from", "title": "Kevin Hassett" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.69, "text": "the lending industry pressured Republicans to oppose her. In June the administration decided to avoid a confirmation fight by naming her instead to the President's Council of Economic Advisers. The Fed Board seat remained vacant until June 1996, when the Senate confirmed Lawrence Meyer to replace LaWare. \"\"The Washington Post\"\" reported in December 1996 that Clinton would name Munnell to head the Social Security Administration during his second term, but this did not come to pass. She left the Council of Economic Advisers in August 1997, ending her service in the Clinton administration. After resigning from the Council of Economic", "title": "Alicia Munnell" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.67, "text": "December 2004, headed by Suresh Tendulkar resigned upon the completion of the then Union government's term on 21 May 2009. Terms of Reference as defined by the PMEAC are as follows: The primary role of the PMEAC is to give a neutral viewpoint on economic policy matters that are referred to it by the Prime Minister. Additionally it prepares a monthly report of economic developments that need to be highlighted to the PM. For this purpose it closely monitors national and international economic developments and trends and develops appropriate policy responses for the PM. It publishes reports on the annual", "title": "Economic Advisory Council" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.61, "text": "is the economic policy advisory council in Abu Dhabi. Al-Nahyan is also the head of the Mubadala Development Company which, since its establishment in 2002, represents the main investment vehicle for the government of Abu Dhabi. Al-Nahyan is also a Director of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, the Sovereign wealth fund of Abu Dhabi. In addition, he is the head of the UAE offsets programme bureau and is the head of the Abu Dhabi Education Council which was established in 2005. His efforts in the realm of economic development are aimed at increasing economic diversification in the Emirate of Abu", "title": "Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.58, "text": "Jason Furman Jason Furman (born August 18, 1970) is an American economist and professor at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government and a Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. On June 10, 2013, Furman was named by President Barack Obama as chair of the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA). Previously, since January 28, 2009, Furman had served as the Deputy Director of the National Economic Council, which followed his role as an advisor to candidate Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign. Furman's research and policy focus includes the subjects of taxes, health care, macroeconomic policy, competition and", "title": "Jason Furman" } ]
when did the articles of confederation go into effect?
[ "March 1, 1781" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.03, "text": "the Confederation governed the United States for eight years (March 1, 1781 to March 4, 1789). There was no chief executive or president before 1789, so Congress governed the United States. The Articles of Confederation was written in 1776, and came into effect in 1781. This established a weak central government, with only a unicameral body, in which each state was equally represented and each had a veto over most actions. There was no executive or judicial branch. This congress was given limited authority over foreign affairs and military matters, but not to collect taxes, regulate interstate commerce, or enforce", "title": "History of the United States Congress" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.23, "text": "Articles and Virginia to cede its claims north of the Ohio River. After Maryland ratified the Articles in January 1781, the new constitution took effect in March 1781. The Congress of the Confederation technically replaced the Second Continental Congress as the national government, but in practice the structure and personnel of the new Congress was quite similar. The first article of the new constitution established a name for the new confederacythe United States of America. After the American victory at the Battle of Yorktown in September 1781 and the collapse of Prime Minister North's ministry in March 1782, both sides", "title": "Confederation Period" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.08, "text": "Articles of Confederation The Articles of Confederation, formally the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, was an agreement among the 13 original states of the United States of America that served as its first constitution. It was approved, after much debate (between July 1776 and November 1777), by the Second Continental Congress on November 15, 1777, and sent to the states for ratification. The Articles of Confederation came into force on March 1, 1781, after being ratified by all 13 states. A guiding principle of the Articles was to preserve the independence and sovereignty of the states. The central government", "title": "Articles of Confederation" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.83, "text": "was reported to the Continental Congress on February 12. The confirmation signing of the Articles by the two Maryland delegates took place in Philadelphia at noon time on March 1, 1781, and was celebrated in the afternoon. With these events, the Articles were entered into force and the United States of America came into being as a sovereign federal state. Congress had debated the Articles for over a year and a half, and the ratification process had taken nearly three and a half years. Many participants in the original debates were no longer delegates, and some of the signers had", "title": "Articles of Confederation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.83, "text": "that the new Constitution had been ratified by the necessary nine states, set the first Wednesday in February 1789 for the presidential electors to meet and select a new president, and set the first Wednesday of March 1789 as the day the new government would take over and the government under the Articles of Confederation would come to an end. On that same September 13, it determined that New York would remain the national capital. Articles of Confederation The Articles of Confederation, formally the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, was an agreement among the 13 original states of the", "title": "Articles of Confederation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.78, "text": "between the states and the central government, with a unicameral legislature that protected the liberty of the individual states. The Articles of Confederation was submitted to the states for ratification in November 1777. The first state to ratify was Virginia on December 16, 1777; 12 states had ratified the Articles by February 1779, 14 months into the process. The lone holdout, Maryland, refused to go along until the landed states, especially Virginia, had indicated they were prepared to cede their claims west of the Ohio River to the Union. It would be two years before the Maryland General Assembly became", "title": "Articles of Confederation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.73, "text": "Philadelphia on May 25, 1787. This became the Constitutional Convention. It was quickly realized that changes would not work, and instead the entire Articles needed to be replaced. On March 4, 1789, the government under the Articles was replaced with the federal government under the Constitution. The new Constitution provided for a much stronger federal government by establishing a chief executive (the President), courts, and taxing powers. The political push to increase cooperation among the then-loyal colonies began with the Albany Congress in 1754 and Benjamin Franklin's proposed Albany Plan, an inter-colonial collaboration to help solve mutual local problems. The", "title": "Articles of Confederation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.48, "text": "Congress began the signing process by examining their copy of the Articles on June 27, 1778. They ordered a final copy prepared (the one in the National Archives), and that delegates should inform the secretary of their authority for ratification. On July 9, 1778, the prepared copy was ready. They dated it, and began to sign. They also requested each of the remaining states to notify its delegation when ratification was completed. On that date, delegates present from New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and South Carolina signed the Articles to indicate that their states had", "title": "Articles of Confederation" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.41, "text": "of Maryland on March 1, 1781. With Maryland's endorsement, the Articles officially went into effect. Many years later, some Hanson biographers claimed that Hanson had been instrumental in arranging the compromise and thus securing ratification of the Articles, but, according to historian Ralph Levering, there is no documentary evidence of Hanson's opinions or actions in resolving the controversy. On November 5, 1781, Congress elected Hanson as its president. Under the Articles of Confederation, the United States had no executive branch; the president of Congress was a mostly ceremonial position, but the office did require Hanson to serve as neutral discussion", "title": "John Hanson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.39, "text": "the Constitution would take effect. Rhode Island was the last state to ratify the Constitution under Article VII, doing so on May 29, 1790. On September 20, 1787, three days after its adoption by the Constitutional Convention, the drafted Constitution was submitted to the Congress of the Confederation for its endorsement. After eight days of debate, the opposing sides came to the first of many compromises that would define the ratification process. The Confederation Congress voted to release the proposed Constitution to the states for their consideration, but neither endorsed nor opposed its ratification. The Constitution was ratified by the", "title": "Article Seven of the United States Constitution" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.33, "text": "July 4, 1776, it was not recognized by Great Britain until September 3, 1783, by the Treaty of Paris. After the signing of the Treaty of Paris, a cluster of free states in need of a government was created. The basis for this government was known as the Articles of Confederation, which were put to effect in 1778 and formed the first governing document of the United States of America. This document, however, was found to be unsuitable to outline the structure of the government, and thus showed an ineffectual use of print culture, and since printed texts were the", "title": "Print culture" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.2, "text": "Loyalists and allowing them to seek compensation. This incomplete British implementation of the Treaty of Paris would later be resolved by the implementation of Jay's Treaty in 1795, after the federal Constitution came into force. Under the Articles of Confederation, the central government's power was kept quite limited. The Confederation Congress could make decisions, but lacked enforcement powers. Implementation of most decisions, including modifications to the Articles, required unanimous approval of all thirteen state legislatures. Congress was denied any powers of taxation: it could only request money from the states. The states often failed to meet these requests in full,", "title": "Articles of Confederation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.17, "text": "doubt. On February 21, 1787, the Confederation Congress called a convention of state delegates at Philadelphia to propose a plan of government. Unlike earlier attempts, the convention was not meant for new laws or piecemeal alterations, but for the \"\"sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation\"\". The convention was not limited to commerce; rather, it was intended to \"\"render the federal constitution adequate to the exigencies of government and the preservation of the Union.\"\" The proposal might take effect when approved by Congress and the states. On the appointed day, May 14, 1787, only the Virginia and", "title": "United States Constitution" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.12, "text": "satisfied that the various states would follow through, and voted to ratify. During this time, Congress observed the Articles as its de facto frame of government. Maryland finally ratified the Articles on February 2, 1781. Congress was informed of Maryland's assent on March 1, and officially proclaimed the Articles of Confederation to be the law of the land. The several states ratified the Articles of Confederation on the following dates: The Articles of Confederation contain a preamble, thirteen articles, a conclusion, and a signatory section. The individual articles set the rules for current and future operations of the confederation's central", "title": "Articles of Confederation" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.91, "text": "of the Confederation when the Articles of Confederation were ratified on March 1, 1781. The newly founded country of the United States next had to create a new government to replace the British Parliament that it was in rebellion against. After much debate, the Americans adopted the Articles of Confederation, a declaration that established a national government made up of a one-house legislature known as the Congress of the Confederation. It met from 1781 to 1789. The Confederation Congress helped guide the United States through the final stages of the Revolutionary War, but during peacetime, the Continental Congress steeply declined", "title": "Continental Congress" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.83, "text": "or altering the old charter, issued a proposed new Constitution for the United States to replace the 1776–1778 Articles. The Confederation Congress received and submitted the new Constitution document to the states, and the Constitution was later ratified by enough states (nine were required) to become operative in June 1788. On September 12, 1788, the Confederation Congress set the date for choosing the new Electors in the Electoral College that was set up for choosing a President as January 7, 1789, the date for the Electors to vote for the President as on February 4, 1789, and the date for", "title": "Congress of the Confederation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.72, "text": "would become effective after ratification by a mere nine states, without unanimity: The Ratification of the Conventions of nine States, shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the Same. The apparent tension between these two provisions was addressed at the time, and remains a topic of scholarly discussion. In 1788, James Madison remarked (in \"\"Federalist No. 40\"\") that the issue had become moot: \"\"As this objection...has been in a manner waived by those who have criticised the powers of the convention, I dismiss it without further observation.\"\" Nevertheless, it is an interesting historical", "title": "Articles of Confederation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.62, "text": "Annapolis Convention in 1786 to petition Congress to call a constitutional convention to meet in Philadelphia to remedy the long-term crisis. The Second Continental Congress approved the Articles for distribution to the states on November 15, 1777. A copy was made for each state and one was kept by the Congress. On November 28, the copies sent to the states for ratification were unsigned, and the cover letter, dated November 17, had only the signatures of Henry Laurens and Charles Thomson, who were the President and Secretary to the Congress. The Articles, however, were unsigned, and the date was blank.", "title": "Articles of Confederation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.5, "text": "in 1789 following the ratification of the United States Constitution, which established a new, more powerful, national government. The Articles of Confederation established a loose confederation of states with a weak federal government. An assembly of delegates acted on behalf of the states they represented. This unicameral body, officially referred to as the United States in Congress Assembled, had little authority, and could not accomplish anything independent of the states. It had no chief executive, and no court system. Congress lacked the power to levy taxes, regulate foreign or interstate commerce, or effectively negotiate with foreign powers. The weakness of", "title": "Confederation Period" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.48, "text": "and ratified by the states in 1788, taking effect in 1789. During the 1780s, the United States had operated under the Articles of Confederation, which was essentially a treaty of thirteen sovereign states. Domestic and foreign policy challenges convinced many in the United States of the need for a new constitution that provided for a stronger national government. The supporters of ratification of the Constitution were called Federalists while the opponents were called Anti-Federalists. The immediate problem faced by the Federalists was not simply one of acceptance of the Constitution but the more fundamental concern of legitimacy for the government", "title": "Federalist Era" } ]
how many apps are on the google play store?
[ "over 2.7 million" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.97, "text": "App Store for iOS, and Microsoft Store for Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, and Xbox One. Google Play (formerly known as the Android Market) is an international online software store developed by Google for Android devices. It opened in October 2008. In July 2013, the number of apps downloaded via the Google Play Store surpassed 50 billion, of the over 1 million apps available. As of September 2016, according to Statista the number of apps available exceeded 2.4 million. The store generated a revenue of 6 billion U.S. dollars in 2015. Apple's App Store for iOS was not the first", "title": "Mobile app" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.12, "text": "app store for Macs. Google's app store, Google Play, was launched September 23, 2008. It was originally named Android Market and supports the Android operating system. Since the launch of iTunes App Store and Google Play, there has been an explosion in both the number of app stores and the size of the stores (amount of apps and number of downloads). In 2010, Apple's App Store grew to process USD$1.78 billion worth of apps. iTunes App Store had 435,000 apps as of July 11, 2011, while Google Play had 438,000 as of May 1, 2012.. By 2016, Apple's App Store", "title": "App store optimization" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.11, "text": "online site which allows people to share and view videos uploaded by other channels. Certain people earn money through their YouTube channels, and use YouTube videos as a full-time job. All the users subscriptions and videos will automatically be synchronised to their Google accounts, for easy access across all devices. Google Play Store usually called Google Play consists of more than one million apps. It has a huge collection eBooks, songs and movies. Numerous European firms filed a complaint to the European Commission stating that Google had manipulated their power and dominance within the market to push their Services to", "title": "Google mobile services" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.98, "text": "Google News in May 15, 2018. Applications are available through Google Play either free of charge or at a cost. They can be downloaded directly on an Android device through the Play Store mobile app or by deploying the application to a device from the Google Play website. Applications exploiting hardware capabilities of a device can be targeted to users of devices with specific hardware components, such as a motion sensor (for motion-dependent games) or a front-facing camera (for online video calling). The Google Play store had over 82 billion app downloads in 2016 and has reached over 3.5 million", "title": "Google Play" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.84, "text": "store, and by September 2013, one billion Android devices have been activated. , the Google Play store has over 2.7 million Android applications published, and , apps have been downloaded more than 65 billion times. The operating system's success has made it a target for patent litigation as part of the so-called \"\"smartphone wars\"\" between technology companies. Android devices account for more than half of smartphone sales in most markets, including the US, while \"\"only in Japan was Apple on top\"\" (September–November 2013 numbers). At the end of 2013, over 1.5 billion Android smartphones have been sold in the four", "title": "Android (operating system)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.58, "text": "store and digital distribution platform Google Play, and associated development platform. These apps are licensed by manufacturers of Android devices certified under standards imposed by Google, but AOSP has been used as the basis of competing Android ecosystems, such as's Fire OS, which use their own equivalents to GMS. Android has been the best-selling OS worldwide on smartphones since 2011 and on tablets since 2013. , it has over two billion monthly active users, the largest installed base of any operating system, and as of June 2018, the Google Play store features over 3.3 million apps. The name Andrew", "title": "Android (operating system)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.45, "text": "the de facto standard on many mobile phones and tablet computers. In 2008, Apple published the SDK for which developers can build applications that run natively on the iPhone and iPad instead of Safari-based applications. These native applications can give the user a robust, easier-to-read and easier-to-navigate experience. Others were quick to join in the success of mobile devices and app downloads. The Google Play Store now has over 700,000 apps available for the mobile devices running the Android operating system. More importantly, the advent of the mobile device has radically changed the way people use data on their mobile", "title": "Mobile business intelligence" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.41, "text": "package) file, or by downloading them using an application store program that allows users to install, update, and remove applications from their devices. Google Play Store is the primary application store installed on Android devices that comply with Google's compatibility requirements and license the Google Mobile Services software. Google Play Store allows users to browse, download and update applications published by Google and third-party developers; , there are more than one million applications available for Android in Play Store. , 50 billion applications have been installed. Some carriers offer direct carrier billing for Google Play application purchases, where the cost", "title": "Android (operating system)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.28, "text": "debuting with three million ebooks, making it \"\"the largest ebooks collection in the world\"\". In November 2011, Google announced Google Music, a section of the Play Store offering music purchases. In March 2012, Google increased the maximum allowed size of an app by allowing developers to attach two expansion files to an app's basic download; each expansion file with a maximum size of 2 gigabytes, giving app developers a total of 4 gigabytes. Also in March 2012, the Android Market was re-branded as Google Play. In May 2016, it was announced that the Google Play Store, including all Android apps,", "title": "Google Play" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.27, "text": "is also capable of launching DDoS attacks. After being alerted to the malware, Google removed all instances of it in the store, but by that time, approximately two million Android users had already downloaded the apps, the oldest of which had been around since November 2016. In June 2017, researchers from Sophos security company announced their finding of 47 apps using a third-party development library that shows intrusive advertisements on users' phones. Even after such apps are force-closed by the user, advertisements remain. Google removed some of the apps after receiving reports from Sophos, but some apps remained. When asked", "title": "Google Play" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.12, "text": "Jelly Bean and the ones from the Google Play store. The app-launcher allows users to add six apps at a time. The downside is that even with Jelly Bean 4.1.2 and a dual core processor there is a noticeable lag while navigating through the home screens or even switching between the apps, the possible reason could be the RAM which is low with 512 MB, the other could be the type of processor and the materials used to design and fabricate it. There is also that rough touch while swiping through the screens could be the type of glass used", "title": "Acer Iconia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23, "text": "for comment, Google didn't respond. In August 2017, 500 apps were removed from Google Play after security firm Lookout discovered that the apps contained an SDK that allowed for malicious advertising. The apps had been collectively downloaded over 100 million times, and consisted of a wide variety of use cases, including health, weather, photo-editing, Internet radio and emoji. In all of 2017, over 700,000 apps were banned from Google Play due to abusive contents; this is a 70% increase over the number of apps banned in 2016. Some developers publishing on Google Play have been sued for patent infringement by", "title": "Google Play" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.91, "text": "the services. , Google Play features over 3.5 million Android applications. Users in over 145 countries can purchase apps, although Google notes on its support pages that \"\"Paid content may not be available in some provinces or territories, even if the governing country is listed above.\"\" Developers in over 150 locations can distribute apps on Google Play, though not every location supports merchant registration. To distribute apps, developers have to pay a one-time $25 registration fee for a Google Play Developer Console account. App developers can control which countries an app is distributed to, as well as the pricing for", "title": "Google Play" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.81, "text": "\"\"be extra vigilant when installing apps, particularly those intended for use by children.” AdultSwine AdultSwine is malware discovered in 2018 by Check Point Software Technologies. The malware was found programmed into around 60 apps on the Google Play Store, primarily those aimed at children. The bug would display pornographic ads that, when clicked on, would instruct victims to download more malicious software in an attempt to steal personal data. It's estimated that between 3 to 7 million users may have been infected. According to a representative for Google, the apps have been removed from the Play Store and all developer", "title": "AdultSwine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.77, "text": "and announced that the companies had formed a partnership. The public alpha version of App Player was launched on October 11, 2011. App Player exited beta on June 7, 2014. The App Player is downloadable Windows and macOS software that virtualizes an Android Operating System. The software's basic features are free to download and use. Advanced optional features require a paid monthly subscription. The company claims the App Player can run over 96% of the 1.4 million apps in the Google Play Store as of April 24, 2015. It reached the 109 million download mark in December, 2015. App Player", "title": "BlueStacks" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.55, "text": "App Store. Play Store is Google's official pre-installed app store on Android-certified devices. It provides access to content on the Google Play Store, including apps, books, magazines, music, movies, and television programs. Play Store filters the list of apps to those compatible with the user's device. Developers can target specific hardware components (such as compass), software components (such as widget), and Android versions (such as 7.0 Nougat). Carriers can also ban certain apps from being installed on users' devices, for example tethering applications. There is no requirement that Android applications must be acquired using the Play Store. Users may download", "title": "Google Play" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.53, "text": "normally-paid app for free. In July 2017, Google expanded its \"\"Editors' Choice\"\" section to feature curated lists of apps deemed to provide good Android experiences within overall themes, such as fitness, video calling and puzzle games. Google Play enables users to know the popularity of apps, by displaying the number of times the app has been downloaded. The download count is a color-coded badge, with special color designations for surpassing certain app download milestones, including grey for 100, 500, 1,000 and 5,000 downloads, blue for 10,000 and 50,000 downloads, green for 100,000 and 500,000 downloads, and red/orange for 1 million,", "title": "Google Play" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.33, "text": "AdultSwine AdultSwine is malware discovered in 2018 by Check Point Software Technologies. The malware was found programmed into around 60 apps on the Google Play Store, primarily those aimed at children. The bug would display pornographic ads that, when clicked on, would instruct victims to download more malicious software in an attempt to steal personal data. It's estimated that between 3 to 7 million users may have been infected. According to a representative for Google, the apps have been removed from the Play Store and all developer accounts associated with the apps have been locked. Check Point cautions users to", "title": "AdultSwine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.27, "text": "5 million, 10 million and 1 billion downloads. Users can submit reviews and ratings for apps and digital content distributed through Google Play, which are displayed publicly. Ratings are based on a 5-point scale. App developers can respond to reviews using the Google Play Developer Console. Google has redesigned Google Play's interface on several occasions. In February 2011, Google introduced a website interface for then-named Android Market that provides access through a computer. Applications purchased are downloaded and installed on an Android device remotely, with a \"\"My Market Account\"\" section letting users give their devices a nickname for easy recognition.", "title": "Google Play" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.22, "text": "would be coming to Chrome OS in September 2016. Apart from searching for content by name, apps can also be searched through keywords provided by the developer. When searching for apps, users can press on suggested search filters, helping them to find apps matching the determined filters. For the discoverability of apps, Play Store consists of lists featuring top apps in each category, including \"\"Top Free\"\", a list of the most popular free apps of all time; \"\"Top Paid\"\", a list of the most popular paid apps of all time; \"\"Top Grossing\"\", a list of apps generating the highest amounts", "title": "Google Play" } ]
how many questions are there in the life in the uk test?
[ "24" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.28, "text": "Life in the United Kingdom test The Life in the United Kingdom test is a computer-based test constituting one of the requirements for anyone seeking Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK or naturalisation as a British citizen. It is meant to prove that the applicant has a sufficient knowledge of British life and sufficient proficiency in the English language. The test is a requirement under the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002. It consists of 24 questions covering topics such as British values, history, traditions and everyday life. The test has been continuously criticised for containing factual errors, expecting", "title": "Life in the United Kingdom test" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.25, "text": "test earlier than other immigrants were abandoned by the then Immigration Minister, Tony McNulty. The test lasts for 45 minutes, during which time the candidate is required to answer 24 multiple-choice questions. To pass the test, the candidate must receive a grade of 75% or higher, i.e. at least 18 correct answers to the 24 questions. Testing is not directly administered by UK Visas and Immigration (which replaced the UK Border Agency in 2013), but is carried out by learndirect, a private company. As of 18 October 2014 the cost of the test is £50. From November 2005 to March", "title": "Life in the United Kingdom test" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.2, "text": "2007, the questions for the test were based on chapters 2 to 4 of the book \"\"Life in the United Kingdom: A Journey to Citizenship\"\". The handbook was revised in March 2007 and the test was changed to be based on chapters 2 to 6 of it. The additional chapters covered knowledge and understanding of employment matters and everyday needs such as housing, money, health and education. The third edition of the handbook, \"\"Life in the United Kingdom: A Guide for New Residents\"\", was released in 2013 and prompted another change in the test format. The test covered the chapters", "title": "Life in the United Kingdom test" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.05, "text": "seen typically as a stimulus for learning, though that was one of its stated aims.\"\" In 2011, the government announced its intention to include questions on the UK's history and remove questions on the EU from the test. In 2012, the \"\"New Statesman\"\" described the test as mocking Britishness since there was no general agreement amongst the population on what was or was not relevant to culture and history. Every member of the New Statesman editorial team failed the test which was described as irrelevant in determining who will be a good citizen. In 2013, Thom Brooks launched a comprehensive", "title": "Life in the United Kingdom test" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.75, "text": "Sweden 86%). Upon completion of the test, candidates are not informed of their exact mark. Successful candidates are informed that they have passed and will be given a Pass Notification Letter that they will have to sign, while unsuccessful candidates learn the topics that they should study further. The test may be taken an unlimited number of times until a candidate achieves a pass. Since its inception, there have been numerous instances of fraud and cheating on the test. Prior to its launch, the test produced considerable speculation in the British media about possible questions. Most of this was not", "title": "Life in the United Kingdom test" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.22, "text": "906,464 tests taken between 2005 and 2009, 263,641 were failed (a pass rate of 70.9%). The results of candidates from countries with a strong tradition of immigration to the UK were variable. The pass rates for people from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States were all above 95%. In contrast, the pass rates for people from Iraq, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Turkey were below 50%. The largest single country of origin was India, with just over 100,000 tests taken and 79,229 passed (79.2%). Furthermore, data available from the 2nd quarter of 2010 to the 3rd quarter of 2014 indicates", "title": "Life in the United Kingdom test" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.16, "text": "candidates to know information that would not be expected of native-born citizens as well as being just a \"\"bad pub quiz\"\" and \"\"unfit for purpose\"\". A pass in the test fulfils the requirements for \"\"sufficient knowledge of life in the United Kingdom\"\" which were introduced for naturalisation on 1 November 2005 and which were introduced for settlement on 2 April 2007. It simultaneously fulfils the language requirement by demonstrating \"\"a sufficient knowledge\"\" of the English language. Legally, sufficient knowledge of Welsh or Scottish Gaelic can also be used to fulfil the language requirement. Home Office guidance states that if anyone", "title": "Life in the United Kingdom test" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.06, "text": "that of the 748,613 Life in the UK tests taken during this period 185,863 were failed, which means a pass rate of 75.17%. These results initially look comparable to those from previous years. However, the percentage pass rates for the previous version of the test had been rising steadily until the introduction of the new version of the test in March 2013. With the introduction of testing on the new study material from March 2013 pass rates fell to an average of 70%. Analysis of pass rates available for the first 11 months of the new test (from April 2013", "title": "Life in the United Kingdom test" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.83, "text": "questions and how to use the system. To answer a question the candidate simply touches their choice of answer from the listed answers on the computer screen. If a mistake is made the candidate can deselect a choice and reselect a different option. The candidate is allowed to go back to a question at any time and can also flag questions they are unsure of in order to find and return to it quickly and easily later. To pass the test, 43 of the 50 questions (86%) must be answered correctly. For lorry and bus drivers, 100 questions are asked", "title": "United Kingdom driving test" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.81, "text": "the candidate is seated inside the vehicle and there are 11 questions of this nature. The second type begins with \"\"Open the bonnet and...\"\". These questions require the candidate to exit the vehicle and open the engine compartment of the vehicle (the candidate should know how to operate the bonnet release on the vehicle they are driving). There are only three \"\"open the bonnet\"\" questions. Some examples of \"\"tell me\"\" questions are:- The questions of the second type of \"\"tell me\"\" questions (ie. \"\"open the bonnet\"\") are:- If the candidate failed to answer a \"\"show me\"\" or \"\"tell me\"\" question", "title": "United Kingdom driving test" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.66, "text": "over a 115-minute period, and 85 out of 100 must be answered correctly to pass. Prior to 3 September 2007, the car and motorcycle multiple-choice tests comprised 35 questions, with a pass mark of 30 within a 40-minute time limit. Candidates watch fourteen one-minute clips (nineteen clips for lorry and bus candidates) filmed from the perspective of a car driver or motorcyclist and have to indicate, usually by clicking a mouse button or touching the screen, when they observe a developing hazard. Unless one is converting a foreign licence, it is necessary to have passed both components of the theory", "title": "United Kingdom driving test" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.62, "text": "\"\"The Values and principles of the UK\"\", \"\"What is the UK?\"\", \"\"A long and illustrious history\"\", \"\"A modern, thriving society\"\" and \"\"The UK government, the law and your role\"\". At the time of the test's introduction the materials were primarily about England, but the second edition of the handbook contained more detail about aspects of life in the United Kingdom which differ in Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Applicants taking the test receive a version tailored to where they live; for example, candidates in Scotland will be asked about the Scottish Parliament, but not about the Welsh Assembly. Of the", "title": "Life in the United Kingdom test" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.61, "text": "again before they can book a practical test. This part of the theory test is performed on a computer system. The test has 50 multiple choice questions and the candidate must answer at least 43 of them correctly to pass. All questions are randomly selected from a bank of just under one thousand on a selection of topics. The test lasts for 57 minutes although candidates with certain special needs can apply for more time. All 50 questions must be answered. The test allows 15 minutes practice time at the start of the exam to get used to answering the", "title": "United Kingdom driving test" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.53, "text": "a civil partnership with a British citizen, the requirements are: Those applying for British citizenship in the Channel Islands and Isle of Man (where the application is mainly based on residence in the Crown Dependencies rather than the UK) do not have to sit the Life in the UK Test. In the Isle of Man, there is a Life in the Isle of Man Test, consisting of certain questions taken from the Life in the UK Test syllabus and certain questions taken from a separate syllabus relating to matters specific to the Isle of Man. In due course it is", "title": "British nationality law" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.33, "text": " Bronze Medallion (United Kingdom) The Bronze Medallion was the flagship award of the Royal Life Saving Society UK until 2012. It was open to those age 14 years of age and over, and consists of resuscitation, theory questions on water safety, self rescue, and rescue principles, and a practical swimming pool based assessment. A summary of the nine tests (Dec 2006) is as follows: 1. Suspected Drowning; includes mouth-to-mouth/nose resuscitation and the recovery position. 2. Suspected Heart Attack; includes mouth-to-mouth/nose resuscitation, CPR and the recovery position. 3. Land-Based Rescue; includes use of various rescue methods in which the rescuer", "title": "Bronze Medallion (United Kingdom)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.25, "text": "Bronze Medallion (United Kingdom) The Bronze Medallion was the flagship award of the Royal Life Saving Society UK until 2012. It was open to those age 14 years of age and over, and consists of resuscitation, theory questions on water safety, self rescue, and rescue principles, and a practical swimming pool based assessment. A summary of the nine tests (Dec 2006) is as follows: 1. Suspected Drowning; includes mouth-to-mouth/nose resuscitation and the recovery position. 2. Suspected Heart Attack; includes mouth-to-mouth/nose resuscitation, CPR and the recovery position. 3. Land-Based Rescue; includes use of various rescue methods in which the rescuer remains", "title": "Bronze Medallion (United Kingdom)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.14, "text": "report 'The Life in the United Kingdom Citizenship Test: Is It Unfit for Purpose?' that revealed serious problems with the current test concerning its being impractical, inconsistent, containing too much trivia and for its gender imbalance. Life in the United Kingdom test The Life in the United Kingdom test is a computer-based test constituting one of the requirements for anyone seeking Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK or naturalisation as a British citizen. It is meant to prove that the applicant has a sufficient knowledge of British life and sufficient proficiency in the English language. The test is a", "title": "Life in the United Kingdom test" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.12, "text": "the last two years. There are a maximum of six attempts at this examination, and there is a robust system in place to support candidates in the UK training system before they get to this point. The exam takes the form of a written Short-Answer Question (SAQ) paper (3 hours, 12 questions), and a Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ) paper (3 hours, 60 five stem questions covering medicine, surgery, intensive care, pain and basic sciences and 30 Single Best Answer clinical questions) which can be attempted at several regional centres in the UK (such as Edinburgh, Belfast, Birmingham,Cardiff, Manchester and London). Candidates", "title": "Final FRCA" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.58, "text": "choice questions to be sat in exam conditions, to be completed within one hour. The first fifteen questions are designed to be easier, and a pupil will gain 5 marks for getting a question in this section correct. Questions 16-20 are more difficult and are worth 6 marks, with a penalty of 1 point for a wrong answer which tries to stop pupils guessing. The last five questions are intended to be the most challenging and so are also 6 marks, but with a 2 point penalty for an incorrectly answered question. Questions to which no answer is entered will", "title": "United Kingdom Mathematics Trust" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.56, "text": "in amounts, but the format is virtually identical. Just like Kaun Banega Crorepati, the Indian version, the \"\"Switch the Question\"\" lifeline is available once a contestant has answered the 5th question correctly, instead of the 10th. As of April 2009, the money tree eliminated the first three questions, reducing the number of possible questions faced to 12, similar to the new UK format in play from September 2007 to February 2014. For list of international variants of the show, see the \"\"List of national variants in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\"\". The show served as a plot device in", "title": "Qui veut gagner des millions ?" } ]
who sings the song everybody's talkin at me?
[ "Fred Neil" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.2, "text": "Everybody's Talkin' \"\"Everybody's Talkin'\"\" is a song written and recorded by singer-songwriter Fred Neil in 1966. A version of the song performed by Harry Nilsson became a hit in 1969, reaching No. 6 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 chart and winning a Grammy Award after it was featured in the film \"\"Midnight Cowboy\"\". The song, which describes the singer's desire to retreat from other people to the ocean, is among the most famous works of both artists, and has been covered by many other notable performers. The song later appeared in the 1994 film \"\"Forrest Gump\"\" and is also on", "title": "Everybody's Talkin'" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.52, "text": "Tony Bennett, Luna, Bill Withers, Madeleine Peyroux, Louis Armstrong, Leonard Nimoy, Julio Iglesias, Lena Horne, Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes, the Beautiful South and Crosby, Stills & Nash. Nilsson's version was sampled in 2002 by Paul Oakenfold on \"\"Starry Eyed Surprise\"\" and in 2004 by the Go! Team on \"\"Everyone's a V.I.P. to Someone\"\". Everybody's Talkin' \"\"Everybody's Talkin'\"\" is a song written and recorded by singer-songwriter Fred Neil in 1966. A version of the song performed by Harry Nilsson became a hit in 1969, reaching No. 6 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 chart and winning a Grammy Award after", "title": "Everybody's Talkin'" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.08, "text": "is highly regarded in the industry, having become a standard. Songwriter Jerry Leiber described it as \"\"a very strange and beautiful song\"\", among the \"\"truly beautiful melodically and lyrically\"\" songs by Fred Neil, who was described by \"\"Rolling Stone\"\" as \"\"[r]eclusive, mysterious and extravagantly gifted\"\". A 2006 article in \"\"The New York Times\"\" characterizes the song as \"\"a landmark of the classic-rock era.\"\" The song's popularity has proven persistent; through 2005, according to figures from Broadcast Music Incorporated reported in \"\"The New York Times\"\", the song had aired on radio and television 6.7 million times. The song's usage in \"\"Midnight", "title": "Everybody's Talkin'" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.73, "text": "Cowboy\"\" and the 1989 Only Fools and Horses Christmas special The Jolly Boys' Outing has become iconic. In 2004, the song was listed by the American Film Institute as #20 in its \"\"top 100 movie songs\"\" for the first 100 years of film. Harry Dean Stanton described \"\"Everybody's Talkin'\"\" as \"\"a heroin song\"\" which he claimed was \"\"inspired by Luke Askew, an actor.\"\" Since Nilsson's version of the song achieved chart success, the song has been covered by many other artists—almost 100 as of 2006. The more notable artists include Stevie Wonder, Iggy Pop, Willie Nelson, Neil Diamond, Liza Minnelli,", "title": "Everybody's Talkin'" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.06, "text": "Everybody's Talkin' (Tedeschi Trucks Band album) Everybody's Talkin' is the second album and the first live album by the 11-piece Tedeschi Trucks Band and was released in 2012 by Sony Masterworks. It's been released as a 2-CD set as well as a three disc vinyl set. The title comes from the song carrying the same name, formerly a hit for Harry Nilsson. The band's cover is a hybrid of the Nilsson and Bill Withers versions. The songs on the album are a compilation of recordings from the following three nights In an interview with \"\"Rolling Stone\"\" magazine, Trucks stated many", "title": "Everybody's Talkin' (Tedeschi Trucks Band album)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.92, "text": "Taylor recommended Nilsson for the \"\"Midnight Cowboy\"\" soundtrack to director John Schlesinger, Schlesinger selected \"\"Everybody's Talkin, preferring the cover to the song Nilsson proposed, \"\"I Guess the Lord Must Be in New York City\"\". The song was used as the theme song for the movie and became closely identified with it; Nilsson's cover is also known as \"\"Everybody's Talkin' (Theme from \"\"Midnight Cowboy\"\")\"\". William J. Mann, in his biography of Schlesinger, noted that \"\"one cannot imagine \"\"Midnight Cowboy\"\" now without 'Everybody's Talkin'\"\". Described in \"\"The Rock Snob*s Dictionary\"\" as an \"\"anti-urban plaint\"\", \"\"Everybody's Talkin depicts the introverted speaker's inability to", "title": "Everybody's Talkin'" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.92, "text": "truly great singers in modern blues and rock; by turns graceful and grainy, her expression reaches the spiritual in execution.\"\" Will Layman of \"\"PopMatters\"\" praised the performances and called it \"\"the kind of music that shamelessly moves at you with emotion and soul\"\". Doug Collette of All About Jazz generally praised the album, especially the sound, but was critical of the length of the songs, commenting on the \"\"shortage of instrumental fireworks\"\". The review aggregator site, Metacritic calculated an average score of 75 based on 6 reviews. Everybody's Talkin' (Tedeschi Trucks Band album) Everybody's Talkin' is the second album and", "title": "Everybody's Talkin' (Tedeschi Trucks Band album)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.91, "text": "Nilsson was searching for a potentially successful song when Rick Jarrard played the track for him, and he decided to release it on his 1968 album \"\"Aerial Ballet\"\". When released as a single in July 1968, it managed to reach only No. 113 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Bubbling Under the Hot 100 chart. After the song was featured as the theme song in the film \"\"Midnight Cowboy\"\" in 1969, the song was re-released as a single and became a hit, peaking at No. 6 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 chart and No. 2 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Easy Listening chart. When Derek", "title": "Everybody's Talkin'" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.86, "text": "he could go. \"\"Everybody's Talkin, recorded in one take, was the result. Toby Creswell of \"\"1001 Songs\"\" noted that the song had parallels to Neil's later life—like the hero of \"\"Midnight Cowboy\"\", he looked \"\"for fame to match his talents, discover[ed] that success in his profession isn't all its cracked up to be\"\" and wanted to retreat. Five years later, Neil permanently fulfilled the promise of the speaker in the song, rejecting fame to live the rest of his life in relative obscurity \"\"where the sun keeps shining / thru' the pouring rain\"\" in his home in Coconut Grove, Miami.", "title": "Everybody's Talkin'" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.83, "text": "was followed by international appearances by Nilsson to perform it. Although Nilsson himself denied that the song made him successful, \"\"1001 Songs\"\" indicates that the hit \"\"made Nilsson a superstar,\"\" exposing him to a much broader fan base and altering his reputation from solely that of a songwriter to a singer. After Nilsson's death, \"\"Billboard\"\" noted that Nilsson remained popularly remembered for his covers of \"\"Everybody's Talkin and \"\"Without You\"\". Neil, too, is largely remembered for this song. But although Neil's second album was re-released in 1969 under the title \"\"Everybody's Talkin\"\"<nowiki>'</nowiki> in order to capitalize on the success of", "title": "Everybody's Talkin'" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.61, "text": "connect with others. Not hearing or truly seeing them, the speaker declares an intention to leave for the ocean and the summer breeze. AllMusic's Denise Sullivan describes Neil's version as \"\"positively spooky and Spartan\"\" by comparison to Nilsson's better-known cover, whose arrangement she felt captured the \"\"freedom, shrouded in regret and loss, implied in the lyric\"\". Nilsson's single for the song sold over a million copies and charted on both \"\"Billboard\"\"'s Adult Contemporary and Pop Singles charts, reaching numbers 2 and 6 respectively in 1969. Nilsson's single also won a Grammy that year. The song became a global success and", "title": "Everybody's Talkin'" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.55, "text": "the song, Neil himself shunned the limelight, retiring from the industry after his final album in 1971 to live quietly in the Florida Keys with the millions of dollars he is estimated to have earned on royalties from the song. In keeping with the song's position in the works of both artists, it has been used to title several \"\"greatest hits\"\" compilation albums—a 1997 release by BMG, a 2001 release by Armoury and a 2006 release by RCA for Nilsson and a 2005 release for Neil by Raven Records entitled \"\"Echoes of My Mind: The Best of 1963–1971\"\". The song", "title": "Everybody's Talkin'" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.12, "text": "the film's soundtrack album. It also appeared in the comedy film \"\"Borat\"\", on \"\"The Hangover Part III\"\" soundtrack, in the English television show \"\"Black Books\"\", the action comedy film \"\"Crank\"\", and in the \"\"Only Fools and Horses\"\" episode \"\"The Jolly Boys Outing\"\". The song was first released on Neil's second album, the self-titled \"\"Fred Neil\"\", released in early 1967. It was composed towards the end of the session, after Neil had become anxious to wrap the album so he could return to his home in Miami, Florida. Manager Herb Cohen promised that if Neil wrote and recorded a final track,", "title": "Everybody's Talkin'" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.66, "text": "Neil gained public recognition in 1969, when Nilsson's recording of \"\"Everybody's Talkin'\"\" was featured in the film \"\"Midnight Cowboy\"\"; the song became a hit and won a Grammy Award. He was one of the pioneers of the folk rock and singer-songwriter musical genres, his most prominent musical descendants being Tim Buckley, Stephen Stills, David Crosby and Joni Mitchell. His most frequently cited disciples are Karen Dalton, Tim Hardin, Dino Valenti, Vince Martin, Peter Stampfel of the avant-folk ensemble the Holy Modal Rounders, John Sebastian (the Lovin' Spoonful), Gram Parsons, Jerry Jeff Walker, Barry McGuire, and Paul Kantner (Jefferson Airplane). Some", "title": "Fred Neil" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.66, "text": "of the tracks came from the almost-cancelled Bridgeport, CT show. \"\"There was a real loose feeling to it, which ended up being great. We used a lot of stuff from that night.\"\" Writing for Allmusic, critic Thom Jurek wrote \"\"It's an unusual live record because its balance of sonic precision and stage-born kinetics is perfect—this band transitions seamlessly between R&B, blues, rock, gospel, and jazz. These performances never succumb to mere jam band clichés... Everybody's Talkin' is what every live album should be: an accurate, exciting reflection of a hot band playing full-throttle.\"\" He especially praised Tedeschi as \"\"among the", "title": "Everybody's Talkin' (Tedeschi Trucks Band album)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.58, "text": "Everybody Talks \"\"Everybody Talks\"\" is the lead single from the second studio album, \"\"Picture Show\"\", by American rock band Neon Trees. It was released on December 20, 2011, in the United States as a digital download on iTunes. It soon became a sleeper hit. The song made it to No. 6 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100, making this song their highest charting single to date as well as their first Top 10 hit. The song was produced by Justin Meldal-Johnsen, engineered and mixed by Billy Bush, and mastered by Joe LaPorta. As of October 2012, the song has sold over", "title": "Everybody Talks" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.48, "text": "Fred Neil (album) Fred Neil is the second album from Fred Neil, a pioneer folk rock musician. The album has a more laid-back sound than his debut, and contains his best-known songs; \"\"Everybody's Talkin' \"\" and \"\"The Dolphins\"\". It was re-released in 1969 under the title <nowiki>Everybody's Talkin'</nowiki> in response to the international success of the soundtrack of the movie \"\"Midnight Cowboy\"\", which made a hit of the new title track for Harry Nilsson. Music journalist Richie Unterberger characterizes the album as Neil's \"\"best\"\", and it was listed in the first (2005) edition of the book \"\"1001 Albums You Must", "title": "Fred Neil (album)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.48, "text": "the score, won a Grammy for Best Instrumental Theme. Fred Neil's song \"\"Everybody's Talkin'\"\" won a Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Vocal Performance, Male for Harry Nilsson. Schlesinger chose the song as its theme, and the song underscores the first act. Other songs considered for the theme included Nilsson's own \"\"I Guess the Lord Must Be in New York City\"\" and Randy Newman's \"\"Cowboy\"\". Bob Dylan wrote \"\"Lay Lady Lay\"\" to serve as the theme song, but did not finish it in time. The movie's main theme, \"\"Midnight Cowboy\"\", featured harmonica by Toots Thielemans, but on its album version it", "title": "Midnight Cowboy" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.39, "text": "by \"\"Aerial Ballet\"\", an album that included Nilsson's rendition of Fred Neil's song \"\"Everybody's Talkin'\"\". A minor US hit at the time of release (and a top 40 hit in Canada), the song would become more popular a year later when it was featured in the film \"\"Midnight Cowboy\"\", and it would earn Nilsson his first Grammy Award. The song would also become Nilsson's first US top 10 hit, reaching #6, and his first Canadian #1. \"\"Aerial Ballet\"\" also contained Nilsson's version of his own composition \"\"One\"\", which was later taken to the top 5 of the US charts by", "title": "Harry Nilsson" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.33, "text": "was covered by Marchal in 1969 in a duet with Martine Habib, a young singer whom he met at CBE Studios and whose voice is reminiscent of Joan Baez. Marchal also chose to interpret the song in English; a French translation appeared this same year (\"\"Le vin de l'été\"\" by Marie Laforêt and Gérard Klein). One of Marchal's greater successes, \"\"Un étranger dans la ville\"\", is a version of \"\"Everybody's Talkin'\"\" by Fred Neil. (Harry Nilsson sang the original version for the credits of John Schlesinger's film \"\"Midnight Cowboy\"\".) Marchal also sang \"\"Je suis né sous une étoile filante\"\" (a", "title": "Gilles Marchal" } ]
where does the small intestine join the colon?
[ "ileocecal valve" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.55, "text": "large intestine begins in the right iliac region of the pelvis, just at or below the waist, where it is joined to the end of the small intestine at the cecum, via the ileocecal valve. It then continues as the colon ascending the abdomen, across the width of the abdominal cavity as the transverse colon, and then descending to the rectum and its endpoint at the anal canal. Overall, in humans, the large intestine is about long, which is about one-fifth of the whole length of the gastrointestinal tract. The colon is the last part of the digestive system. It", "title": "Large intestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.19, "text": "the diagram below the photo, by 4 small tan circles (polyps) and a larger red area (cancer). The cancer in the photo occurred in the cecal area of the colon, where the colon joins the small intestine (labeled) and where the appendix occurs (labeled). The fat in the photo is external to the outer wall of the colon. In the segment of colon shown here, the colon was cut open lengthwise to expose the inner surface of the colon and to display the cancer and polyps occurring within the inner epithelial lining of the colon. Phylogenetics may be applied to", "title": "Somatic evolution in cancer" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.19, "text": "the small intestine and the colon, called the ileocecal valve, is so small in some animals that it was not considered to be a connection between the small and large intestines. During a dissection, the colon could be traced from the rectum, to the sigmoid colon, through the descending, transverse, and ascending sections. The cecum is an end point for the colon with a dead-end portion terminating with the appendix. The connection between the end of the small intestine (ileum) and the start (as viewed from the perspective of food being processed) of the colon (cecum) is now clearly understood,", "title": "Cecum" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.92, "text": "in contact with the transverse colon, with only areolar tissue intervening. From its upper part, it joins to the neck of the pancreas at a well-marked prominence, the omental tuber, which abuts the lesser omentum. Its right edge is marked by a groove for the gastroduodenal artery. The lower part of the right half, below the transverse colon, is covered by peritoneum continuous with the inferior layer of the transverse mesocolon, and is in contact with the coils of the small intestine. The superior mesenteric artery passes down in front of the left half across the uncinate process; the superior", "title": "Pancreas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.12, "text": "the pyloric sphincter of the stomach to the anus and, as in other mammals, consists of two segments, the small intestine and the large intestine. In humans, the small intestine is further subdivided into the duodenum, jejunum and ileum while the large intestine is subdivided into the, cecum, ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid colon, rectum, and anal canal. The small intestine begins at the duodenum and is a tubular structure, usually between 6 and 7 m long. Its mucosal area in an adult human is about 30 m. Its main function is to absorb the products of digestion (including carbohydrates,", "title": "Gastrointestinal tract" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.08, "text": "lumbar vertebra to the right sacroiliac joint. The root of the mesentery extends from the duodenojejunal flexure to the ileocaecal junction. This section of the small intestine is located centrally in the abdominal cavity and lies behind the transverse colon and the greater omentum. The mesentery becomes attached to the colon at the gastrointestinal margin and continues as the several regions of the mesocolon. The parts of the mesocolon take their names from the part of the colon to which they attach. These are the transverse mesocolon attaching to the transverse colon, the sigmoid mesocolon attaching to the sigmoid colon,", "title": "Mesentery" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.06, "text": "Small intestine The small intestine or small bowel is the part of the gastrointestinal tract between the stomach and the large intestine, and is where most of the end absorption of food takes place. The small intestine has three distinct regions – the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The duodenum is the shortest part of the small intestine and is where preparation for absorption begins. It also receives bile and pancreatic juice through the pancreatic duct, controlled by the sphincter of Oddi. The primary function of the small intestine is the absorption of nutrients and minerals from food, using small finger-like", "title": "Small intestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.92, "text": "different regions. In traditional Chinese medicine, the small intestine is a yang organ. Small intestine The small intestine or small bowel is the part of the gastrointestinal tract between the stomach and the large intestine, and is where most of the end absorption of food takes place. The small intestine has three distinct regions – the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The duodenum is the shortest part of the small intestine and is where preparation for absorption begins. It also receives bile and pancreatic juice through the pancreatic duct, controlled by the sphincter of Oddi. The primary function of the small", "title": "Small intestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.47, "text": "four polyps (labeled with the size of the polyps, 6mm, 5mm, and two of 3mm, and a cancer about 3 cm across in its longest dimension). These neoplasms are also indicated (in the diagram below the photo) by 4 small tan circles (polyps) and a larger red area (cancer). The cancer in the photo occurred in the cecal area of the colon, where the colon joins the small intestine (labeled) and where the appendix occurs (labeled). The fat in the photo is external to the outer wall of the colon. In the segment of colon shown here, the colon was", "title": "Carcinogenesis" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.27, "text": "of approximately two feet of the ascending colon and a portion of the ileum (a part of the small intestine). The ureters are surgically removed from the bladder and repositioned to drain into this new pouch. The end of the segment of small intestine is brought out through a small opening in the abdominal wall called a stoma. Since a segment including the large and small intestines is utilized, also included in this new system is the ileocecal valve. This is a one-way valve located between the small and large intestines. This valve normally prevents the passage of bacteria and", "title": "Indiana pouch" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.14, "text": "by cilia that pull strings of mucus containing food particles towards a series of grooves around the mouth. The lantern, where present, surrounds both the mouth cavity and the pharynx. At the top of the lantern, the pharynx opens into the esophagus, which runs back down the outside of the lantern, to join the small intestine and a single caecum. The small intestine runs in a full circle around the inside of the test, before joining the large intestine, which completes another circuit in the opposite direction. From the large intestine, a rectum ascends towards the anus. Despite the names,", "title": "Sea urchin" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.12, "text": "of the main functions of the colon is to remove the water and other key nutrients from waste material and recycle it. As the waste material exits the small intestine through the ileocecal valve, it will move into the cecum and then to the ascending colon where this process of extraction starts. The unwanted waste material is moved upwards toward the transverse colon by the action of peristalsis. The ascending colon is sometimes attached to the appendix via Gerlach's valve. In ruminants, the ascending colon is known as the spiral colon. Taking into account all ages and sexes, colon cancer", "title": "Large intestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.02, "text": "to the junction of where the colon and small bowel join up (cecum) in under 10 minutes in 95% of cases. Due to tight turns and redundancy in areas of the colon that are not \"\"fixed\"\", loops may form in which advancement of the endoscope creates a \"\"bowing\"\" effect that causes the tip to actually retract. These loops often result in discomfort due to stretching of the colon and its associated mesentery. Manoeuvres to \"\"reduce\"\" or remove the loop include pulling the endoscope backwards while twisting it. Alternatively, body position changes and abdominal support from external hand pressure can often", "title": "Colonoscopy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.97, "text": "large intestine is truly distinct only in tetrapods, in which it is almost always separated from the small intestine by an ileocaecal valve. In most vertebrates, however, it is a relatively short structure running directly to the anus, although noticeably wider than the small intestine. Although the caecum is present in most amniotes, only in mammals does the remainder of the large intestine develop into a true colon. In some small mammals, the colon is straight, as it is in other tetrapods, but, in the majority of mammalian species, it is divided into ascending and descending portions; a distinct transverse", "title": "Large intestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.92, "text": "extracts water and salt from solid wastes before they are eliminated from the body and is the site in which flora-aided (largely bacterial) fermentation of unabsorbed material occurs. Unlike the small intestine, the colon does not play a major role in absorption of foods and nutrients. About 1.5 litres or 45 ounces of water arrives in the colon each day. The length of the adult human male colon is 65 inches or 166 cm (range of 80 to 313 cm), on average, for females it is 155 cm (range of 80 to 214 cm). In mammals, the colon consists of", "title": "Large intestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.89, "text": "Large intestine The large intestine, also known as the large bowel, is the last part of the gastrointestinal tract and of the digestive system in vertebrates. Water is absorbed here and the remaining waste material is stored as feces before being removed by defecation. The colon is the largest portion of the large intestine, so many mentions of the large intestine and colon overlap in meaning whenever anatomic precision is not the focus. Most sources define the large intestine as the combination of the cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal. Some other sources exclude the anal canal. In humans, the", "title": "Large intestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.89, "text": "occurs here most often (41%). The transverse colon is the part of the colon from the hepatic flexure, also known as the right colic, (the turn of the colon by the liver) to the splenic flexure also known as the left colic, (the turn of the colon by the spleen). The transverse colon hangs off the stomach, attached to it by a large fold of peritoneum called the greater omentum. On the posterior side, the transverse colon is connected to the posterior abdominal wall by a mesentery known as the transverse mesocolon. The transverse colon is encased in peritoneum, and", "title": "Large intestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.88, "text": "or else a malignant neoplasm (cancer). In the photo, an apparent field defect in this segment of a colon has generated four polyps (labeled with the size of the polyps, 6mm, 5mm, and two of 3mm, and a cancer about 3 cm across in its longest dimension). These neoplasms are also indicated, in the diagram below the photo, by 4 small tan circles (polyps) and a larger red area (cancer). The cancer in the photo occurred in the cecal area of the colon, where the colon joins the small intestine (labeled) and where the appendix occurs (labeled). The fat in", "title": "Neoplasm" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.75, "text": "the fish's body. It commonly has a number of \"\"pyloric caeca\"\", small pouch-like structures along its length that help to increase the overall surface area of the organ for digesting food. There is no ileocaecal valve in teleosts, with the boundary between the small intestine and the rectum being marked only by the end of the digestive epitheliu In tetrapods, the ileocaecal valve is always present, opening into the colon. The length of the small intestine is typically longer in tetrapods than in teleosts, but is especially so in herbivores, as well as in mammals and birds, which have a", "title": "Small intestine" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 17.72, "text": "its nutrients the remaining waste material changes into the semi-solids called feces, which pass to the large intestine, where bacteria in the gut flora further break down residual proteins and starches. The cecum is a pouch marking the division between the small intestine and the large intestine. The cecum receives chyme from the last part of the small intestine, the ileum, and connects to the ascending colon of the large intestine. At this junction there is a sphincter or valve, the ileocecal valve which slows the passage of chyme from the ileum, allowing further digestion. It is also the site", "title": "Human digestive system" } ]
when was the social class system in latin america created?
[ "the sixteenth century" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.61, "text": "Latin American Social Sciences Institute The Latin American Social Sciences Institute or Latin American School of Social Sciences ( or FLACSO) is an inter-governmental autonomous organization for Latin America and the Caribbean dedicated to research, teaching and spreading of social sciences. It was created on April 17, 1957, following a UNESCO initiative at the Latin American Conference on Social Sciences in Rio de Janeiro. Its goal was to promote academic research and development in the region. Its membership is open to Latin American and Caribbean countries that subscribe to the FLACSO agreement. Current members include: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica,", "title": "Latin American Social Sciences Institute" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21, "text": "incorporating marginalized groups, but the system also increased social segmentation with different tiers of quality. Schools shifted their focus over time from creating citizens of a democracy to training workers for the expanding industrial sector. Economic inequality and social tensions would come into sharper focus following the January 1959 Cuban Revolution. Many Latin American governments began to actively take a role in economic development in the post-World War II era, creating state-owned companies for infrastructure projects or other enterprises, which created a new type of Latin American entrepreneur. Mexico nationalized its petroleum industry in 1938 from the British and U.S.", "title": "Latin American economy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.78, "text": "are subordinates, women have been in a position of having to assert themselves in order to gain basic rights and to become individuals instead of just a trophy of men. During the 19th century when ideas from the Liberalism ideology swept Latin America, the role of women began to be discussed as a means of understanding how women could be valuable members of society rather than brainless puppets. Because Liberalism stresses individual freedoms, equality, and individualism, when it became the backbone of revolution it could not be placed in a position to be used by Latin American men only; women", "title": "Social class in Colombia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.7, "text": "of New Spain's military modernization during the reformist Bourbon era. At the same time, New Spain created a colonial militia in Latin America, also enrolling \"\"mestizos\"\" there. While the colonies developed in distinct ways, there were similarities in the rise of the mestizo classes in Latin American and the Philippines. When colonial authorities accepted them into the militias and armed them, it was in recognition of their rising social position and integration into the colonial economies. After the Spanish colonists abolished the \"\"Parían\"\" in 1790, they allowed the \"\"sangleys\"\" to settle in \"\"Binondo\"\". In the 19th century, the population of", "title": "Sangley" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.58, "text": "Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Dominican Republic, Suriname and Uruguay. Josette Altmann Borbón, a historian and former First Lady of Costa Rica, was elected Secretary General of FLACSO in June 2016. She succeeded Manuel González on July 31, 2016. Latin American Social Sciences Institute The Latin American Social Sciences Institute or Latin American School of Social Sciences ( or FLACSO) is an inter-governmental autonomous organization for Latin America and the Caribbean dedicated to research, teaching and spreading of social sciences. It was created on April 17, 1957, following a UNESCO initiative at the Latin American Conference on", "title": "Latin American Social Sciences Institute" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.58, "text": "Japan by both the government and private companies. Beginning in the 1920s, the government enacted a series of welfare programs, based mainly on European models, to provide medical care and financial support. During the postwar period, a comprehensive system of social security was gradually established. The 1980s marked a change in the structure of Latin American social protection programs. Social protection embraces three major areas: social insurance, financed by workers and employers; social assistance to the population's poorest, financed by the state; and labor market regulations to protect worker rights. Although diverse, recent Latin American social policy has tended to", "title": "Welfare" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.48, "text": "Latin American Economic System The Latin American and the Caribbean Economic System, officially known as Sistema Económico Latinoamericano y del Caribe (SELA), is an organization founded in 1975 to promote economic cooperation and social development between Latin American and the Caribbean countries. In the early 1990s, its representatives consisted of members from 28 countries and took part in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) negotiations, which led to a new global agreement on restrictions on trade and established the World Trade Organization (WTO). The Latin American Council represents SELA's policy-making body and meets once a year. The main", "title": "Latin American Economic System" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.25, "text": "League of Nations and manifested in a document drawn up by Stanley Bruce and presented to the League in 1939. This in turn strongly influenced the creation of the United Nations Economic and Social Committee in 1944. Although it was a largely ineffective policy development initially, the formation of the ECLA proved to have profound effects in Latin America in following decades. For example, by 1955, Peru was receiving $28.5 million in loans per ECLA request. Most of these loans were utilized as means to finance foreign exchange costs, creating more jobs and heightening export trade. To investigate the extent", "title": "United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.23, "text": "the middle of the 19th century, J. J. Benjamin wrote about the life of Persian Jews: Spanish colonists created caste systems in Latin American countries based on classification by race and race mixture. An extensive nomenclature developed, including the familiar terms \"\"mulatto\"\", \"\"mestizo\"\", and \"\"zambo\"\" (the latter the origin of \"\"sambo\"\"). The Spanish had practiced a form of caste system in Hispania before their expulsion of the Jews and Muslims. While many Latin American countries have long since rendered the system officially illegal through legislation, usually at the time of independence, prejudice based on degrees of perceived racial distance from", "title": "Racial segregation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.92, "text": "though the dates of the program were not followed and the free zone was not yet reached, the treaty established the bases for the \"\"\"\"Mercado Común del Sur\"\"\"\" (Mercosur). Since the Spanish American wars of independence, there have been various types of organizations and treaties with the intention of social and economic integration of South America. The Economic Commission of Latin America was created on February 25, 1948 with the object of conducting studies aimed to the integration of these countries, and increase the national markets and industrial development. The Latin American Free Trade Association (LAFTA) was created in 1960,", "title": "Treaty of Asunción" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.75, "text": "to end the dominance of the Catholic Church, class stratification and slavery. These issues for many years strongly affected the way that Latin American society was organized. The majority of liberals believed in a democratic system of government, but this system would create many changes and much confusion in Latin American communities in the early 19th century. On the other hand, conservatism favored existing systems and hierarchies. Conservatives believed chaos and social disorder would break out if the political system were liberalized. Latin American conservatives generally believed in class stratification and opposed radical change in government in Latin America. The", "title": "Liberalism and conservatism in Latin America" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.64, "text": "drawn, such as in apartheid, the caste system in Africa, the position of the Burakumin in Japanese society and the casta system in Latin America. Social class A social class is a set of subjectively defined concepts in the social sciences and political theory centered on models of social stratification in which people are grouped into a set of hierarchical social categories, the most common being the upper, middle and lower classes. \"\"Class\"\" is a subject of analysis for sociologists, political scientists, anthropologists and social historians. However, there is not a consensus on a definition of \"\"class\"\" and the term", "title": "Social class" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.52, "text": "the Landless Workers' Movement (MST) have successfully re-acquired land for subsistence farmers and farmer cooperatives. Social movements play a paramount role in the movement of agroecology in Latin America, which emerged in the scene of growing neoliberal globalization beginning in the 1970s. In this period, trans-national corporations began dominating the agricultural sector, causing artificial food shortages, excess dependence on imports and agricultural inputs, and exacerbating existing poverty. It was in response to these effects that many social movements in Latin America formed. One of the most prominent movements is La Via Campesina, an umbrella organization that connects many local farmer", "title": "Agroecology in Latin America" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.5, "text": "Summit in Cancún in 1981 to seek solutions to social problems. In 1979, the PRI founded the COPPPAL, the Permanent Conference of Political Parties of Latin America and the Caribbean, an organization created \"\"to defend democracy and all lawful political institutions and to support their development and improvement to strengthen the principle of self determination of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean\"\". López Portillo also freed political prisoners and proposed a reform called Ley Federal de Organizaciones Políticas y Procesos Electorales which gave official registry to opposition groups such as the Mexican Democratic Party and the Mexican Communist", "title": "Institutional Revolutionary Party" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.45, "text": "university expansion. Ultimately, control over university leadership, faculty, curriculum, and admissions led to the separation of state controlled and funded institutions from those which were privately run. \"\"Social demand, however, was not the only cause of the proliferation of universities. To provide educational opportunity for working class youth who held jobs during the day, night schools run for profit were established by enterprising educators. Some universities were started because many traditional institutions remained unresponsive to national needs for new kinds of training. But, by far the most important added stimulus can be traced to the lack of criteria for the", "title": "Education in Latin America" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.36, "text": "Greece in 1821–1832. Latin America experienced independence revolutions in the early 19th century that separated the colonies from Spain and Portugal, creating new nations. These movements were generally led by the ethnically Spanish but locally born Creole class; these were often wealthy citizens that held high positions of power but were still poorly respected by the European-born Spaniards. One such Creole was Simón Bolívar, who led several revolutions throughout South America and helped establish Gran Colombia. Another important figure was José de San Martín, who helped create the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata and became the first president", "title": "Age of Revolution" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.34, "text": "Center for Distributive, Labor and Social Studies The Center for Distributive, Labor and Social Studies (CEDLAS) is a research center specialising in distribution, labor and social issues in Latin America. The Center was formally created in 2002 within the UNLP’s Economics Department. It specialises in policy and applied empirical research on distributive and labor issues based on microdata from household surveys in Latin America and the Caribbean. The work carried out by its researchers covers also a wider range of issues and geographic areas, as witnessed by the Center’s collection of working papers and the research projects carried out since", "title": "Center for Distributive, Labor and Social Studies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.34, "text": "financial elites (for different reasons), the monarchy was overthrown by a military coup. After the independence of many Latin American countries, there was a conflict between the people and the government, much of which can be reduced to the contrasting ideologies between liberalism and conservatism. Conservatism was the dominant system of government prior to the revolutions and it was founded on having social classes, including governing by kings. Liberalists wanted to see a change in the ruling systems, and to move away from monarchs and social classes in order to promote equality. When liberal Guadalupe Victoria became the first president", "title": "Latin America" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.33, "text": "class-rule apparatus and saw it instead as an organ of representation of the Nation as a whole. Such was the case, for instance, of the Goulart government (1961–1964) in Brazil, Goulart being described as a fiery populist who identified—mainly rhetorically—with the dispossessed and tried to foster a reformist agenda through ties to the organized Left. The fact that Goulart was eventually ousted by the military shows that, in the views of some authors, other populist leaders of the time faced a jeopardy: they were reformists who, in the pursuit of their agenda, had to encourage popular mobilization and class conflict", "title": "Populism in Latin America" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.25, "text": "Sciences were created in May 2014, as a result of the reorganization of the former Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Health. The School of Medicine was established in January 2014 being Dr. Marcelo Navarrete Signorile its founding director. In 2004 the ALFA Tuning Latin America Project aimed to 'fine tune' the educational structures that exist in Latin America, initiating a debate whose aim were to identify and improve co-operation between higher education institutions, so as to develop excellence, effectiveness, and transparency. This was an independent project, promoted and coordinated by universities in many different countries, both Latin American and", "title": "University of Magallanes" } ]
who owns the lord of the rings franchise?
[ "Middle-earth Enterprises" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.36, "text": "as the Tolkien Estate attorney, Steven Andrew Maier. Exclusive worldwide rights to motion picture, merchandising, stage and other rights in certain literary works of J. R. R. Tolkien including \"\"The Hobbit\"\" and \"\"The Lord of the Rings\"\" were sold by Tolkien himself to United Artists in 1969 and are currently owned by Middle-earth Enterprises (formerly Tolkien Enterprises), inc., a company controlled by Saul Zaentz until his death in 2014. United Artists is reported to have paid Tolkien just over £100,000. Although it is often repeated that Tolkien sold the rights for a \"\"pittance\"\" in order to pay a tax bill,", "title": "Tolkien Estate" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.05, "text": "Turn Editor, and currently via the deluxe Legends Position Editor. \"\"Legends\"\" is currently owned by Sam Roads of Harlequin Games, who took over in 2002, and it is distributed in German by SSV Graz. Although many modules were produced for the system, the 2009 release of \"\"The One Ring\"\" marked a high point. An officially licensed version of \"\"Legends\"\" based on Tolkien's \"\"The Lord of the Rings\"\", it went on to win Best PBM at the 37th Game Manufacturers Association Origins Awards. The modules, or game worlds, which have been designed to run under the Legends game system include: Up", "title": "Legends (PBM)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.86, "text": "Middle-earth Enterprises Middle-earth Enterprises, formerly known as Tolkien Enterprises, is a trading name for a division of The Saul Zaentz Company, located in Berkeley, California. The company owns the worldwide exclusive rights to certain elements of J. R. R. Tolkien's two most famous literary works: \"\"The Lord of the Rings\"\" and \"\"The Hobbit\"\". These elements include the titles of the works, the names of characters contained within as well as the names of places, objects and events within them, and certain short phrases and sayings from the works. J. R. R. Tolkien, the author of \"\"The Hobbit\"\" and \"\"The Lord", "title": "Middle-earth Enterprises" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.78, "text": "the film business (sometimes called a mogul) in the mold of Steven Spielberg and George Lucas, in the process befriending some industry heavyweights like Bryan Singer and Frank Darabont. Jackson has since founded his own film production company, Wingnut Films, as well as Wingnut Interactive, a video game company. He was also finally given a chance to remake \"\"King Kong\"\" in 2005. The film was a critical and box office success, although not as successful as \"\"The Lord of the Rings\"\" series. Jackson has been called a \"\"favourite son\"\" of New Zealand. In 2004, Howard Shore toured with \"\"The Lord", "title": "The Lord of the Rings (film series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.77, "text": "the Rings. In 1999, the company severed their licensing agreement with Iron Crown Enterprises (ICE) for role-playing games set in Middle-earth after ICE ceased developing new products for this line. This contributed to ICE filing for bankruptcy in 2001. Tolkien Enterprises then made a new licensing agreement with Decipher Inc. for their Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game, which published content from 2002–2006. Initially, Miramax was backing the production of Peter Jackson's \"\"The Lord of the Rings\"\" films in 1997, but was restricted by then-owner Disney, who demanded that they turn the story into one film instead of two films,", "title": "Middle-earth Enterprises" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.66, "text": "Rings\"\" are owned by Tolkien Enterprises, while the rights of \"\"The Silmarillion\"\" and other material remain with The J.R.R. Tolkien Estate Ltd. Outside English-speaking countries, \"\"The Lord of the Rings\"\" has to a significant extent been received in translation. The \"\"J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia\"\" dedicates separate entries to the reception of Tolkien in various European linguistic spheres of influence, viz. Germanic (Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, German, Dutch), Slavic (Russian, Bulgarian Polish; Hooker (2003) is a monograph on the history of reception in Russia in particular), Romance (French, Italian, Spanish), Greek, Finnish, Turkish and Hungarian translation, besides reception in Japan. A separate entry", "title": "Reception of J. R. R. Tolkien" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.55, "text": "and merchandise rights to \"\"The Lord of the Rings\"\" and \"\"The Hobbit\"\". Saul Zaentz's Tolkien Enterprises signed an exclusive, worldwide license with Iron Crown Enterprises in 1982, which was at the time the biggest license in the history of the role-playing game industry. Zaentz was peripherally involved in the controversy about who would make a live-action film version of \"\"The Hobbit\"\", because of his ownership of the film rights to the novel. Peter Jackson, who directed the successful \"\"The Lord of the Rings\"\" film trilogy, was the first person scheduled to direct \"\"The Hobbit\"\". However, Jackson's production company Wingnut Films", "title": "Saul Zaentz" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.42, "text": "Middle-earth in video games Numerous computer and video games have been inspired by J. R. R. Tolkien's works set in Middle-earth. Titles have been produced by studios such as Electronic Arts, Vivendi Games, Melbourne House, and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, which currently owns the gaming rights. In 1982, Melbourne House began a series of licensed \"\"Lord of the Rings\"\" graphical interactive fiction (text adventure) games with \"\"The Hobbit\"\", based on the book with the same name. The game was considered quite advanced at the time, with interactive characters that moved between locations independent of the player, and Melbourne House's 'Inglish'", "title": "Middle-earth in video games" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.33, "text": "Sports journalist Heath McCoy expressed in his acclaimed book \"\"\"\" which chronicles the wrestling territory which Hart owned and managed that the book's description of the deal which turned over ownership of the promotion to Vince McMahon may heve been inaccurate. The book implies that the deal was sealed with a verbal agreement but \"\"Pain and Passion\"\" states that other sources indicated that there was indeed a written agreement. McCoy stated that the book nonetheless was of great value to him when writing \"\"Pain and Passion\"\". He also stated that the book confirmed a few stories from the controversial book", "title": "Stu Hart: Lord of the Ring" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.3, "text": "some non-gameplay pre-rendered cutscenes to be made available at the upcoming E3 event. Sierra were keen to emphasize the game would be based wholly on J. R. R. Tolkien's 1954 novel \"\"The Fellowship of the Ring\"\", and would have no connection to the upcoming Peter Jackson directed of the novel. This was because Vivendi Universal Games, Sierra's holding company, owned the rights to video game adaptations of Tolkien's literary works, but Electronic Arts owned the rights to the video game adaptations of the New Line Cinema film series. Sierra's \"\"Fellowship\"\" game was slated for release early in 2002, and was", "title": "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.22, "text": "that the league will be shown on a domestic live streaming service, as opposed to Premier League matches being shown exclusively on television. Amazon Video, via sister company Amazon Studios, owns global television adaptation rights to \"\"The Lord of the Rings\"\". Depending on the device, Amazon supports up to 4K (UHD) and High Dynamic Range (HDR) streaming. UHD/HDR rolled out with its original content. Other titles support 1080p (HD) streaming with 5.1 Dolby Digital or Dolby Digital Plus audio, with Dolby Atmos coming soon to certain titles. For titles available for purchase (and not included in a customer's Amazon Prime", "title": "Amazon Video" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.22, "text": "the Ninth Circuit upheld that ruling. The lawsuit by the Tolkien estate was settled in July 2017 with the counterclaims by Warner Bros. and Saul Zaentz Co. also resolved. On 13 November 2017 it was announced that Amazon had acquired the global television rights to \"\"The Lord of the Rings\"\", committing to a multi-season television series. The series will not be a direct adaptation of the books, but will instead introduce new stories that are set before \"\"The Fellowship of the Ring\"\". Amazon said the deal included potential for spin-off series as well. The press release referred to \"\"previously unexplored", "title": "Tolkien Estate" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.16, "text": "in 2006 and was expected to be revived for a world tour in 2015. With a £25 million budget, it is the most expensive production in West End theatre history. London-based theatre producer Kevin Wallace and his partner, Saul Zaentz—stage and film rights holder and producer of the animated film version of 1978—in association with Toronto theatre owner David Mirvish and concert promoter Michael Cohl, produced a stage musical adaptation with a book and lyrics written by Shaun McKenna and Matthew Warchus, and music by A. R. Rahman and Värttinä, collaborating with Christopher Nightingale. The three-and-a-half-hour-long three-act production, with a", "title": "Lord of the Rings (musical)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.89, "text": "they learned that Bilbo's kinsman Frodo now owned the Ring, a Ring of Power forged and then lost by the Dark Lord Sauron. The Council decided to have it destroyed by casting it into the volcanic Mount Doom in Sauron's domain of Mordor. Frodo volunteered for the task, and Elrond chose eight people of varying races to aid him in his task—including Gimli. Thus, the Fellowship of the Ring was formed. Within the Fellowship there was initially friction between Gimli and the elf Legolas, for various reasons: their races bore an old grudge against each other over the ancient matter", "title": "Gimli (Middle-earth)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.8, "text": "develop interactive games for The Lord of the Rings fans and gaming communities\"\" The creditors were out 3.2 million euros. Hewlett-Packard and IBM did not get their leasing fees, BT Ignite ended up providing broadband services without compensation, Hertz will not be getting its car leasing fees, Nokia Ventures with 25 percent ownership, and Softbank UK Ventures with 15 percent ownership had nothing to show, operators in the Philippines (Global Handyphone), Italy (Telecom Italia Mobile – TIM), Spain (Telefónica) and Finland (Radiolinja) and the landlord is missing 157,000 euros worth of rent. The company was such a spectacular failure that", "title": "Riot-E" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.75, "text": "event in May. Originally, Sierra's holding company, Vivendi Universal Games, had tapped Sierra to publish a game based on the first book in Tolkien's \"\"Lord of the Rings\"\" trilogy, \"\"The Fellowship of the Ring\"\". As Vivendi owned the rights to video game adaptations of Tolkien's literature, but Electronic Arts owned the rights to video game adaptations of the New Line Cinema film series, the game would have no connection to Peter Jackson's \"\"\"\". Ultimately, however, Vivendi released under their \"\"Black Label Games\"\" banner, and instead, had Sierra begin work on an adaptation of Tolkien's earlier novel, \"\"The Hobbit\"\". After E3,", "title": "The Hobbit (2003 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.7, "text": "Three. In 2011, Jackson and Walsh purchased 1 Kent Terrace, the home of BATS Theatre in Wellington, effectively securing the theatre's future. Jackson spent $5 million to purchase 20 hectares of land in Wairarapa, a property containing a mansion, private lake, tunnel and the interior of Bag End from \"\"The Lord of the Rings\"\". In 2009, he purchased a Gulfstream G550 jet; his total net worth is estimated by \"\"National Business Review\"\" at NZ$450 million. Jackson owns an aircraft restoration and manufacturing company, The Vintage Aviator, which is dedicated to World War I and World War II fighter planes among", "title": "Peter Jackson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.56, "text": "action adaptation of \"\"The Lord of the Rings,\"\" with Peter Jackson as director. Eventually, with Miramax owner Disney becoming increasingly uneasy with the sheer scope of the proposed project, Jackson was given the opportunity to find another studio to take over. In 1999, New Line Cinema assumed production responsibility (while Miramax executives Bob Weinstein and Harvey Weinstein retained on-screen credits as executive producers). The three films were shot simultaneously. They featured extensive computer-generated imagery, including major battle scenes utilizing the \"\"Massive\"\" software program. The first film subtitled, \"\"\"\" was released on December 19, 2001, the second film subtitled, \"\"\"\" on", "title": "Middle-earth in film" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.47, "text": "by Kate Madison, and released in December 2009, is a fan film based upon the appendices of \"\"The Lord of the Rings\"\". On 13 November 2017, it was announced that Amazon had acquired the global television rights to \"\"The Lord of the Rings,\"\" committing to a multi-season television series. The series will not be a direct adaptation of the books, but will instead introduce new stories that are set before \"\"The Fellowship of the Ring\"\". Amazon said the deal included potential for spin-off series as well. The press release referred to \"\"previously unexplored stories based on J.R.R. Tolkien's original writings\"\".", "title": "The Lord of the Rings" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.45, "text": "Tolkien Enterprises forced Iron Crown Enterprises into bankruptcy. Decipher, Inc. owned the rights to produce products based on \"\"The Hobbit\"\" and \"\"The Lord of the Rings\"\" until the middle of Summer 2007 when the company decided not to renew. Cubicle7 is releasing a new licensed Tolkien-based RPG scheduled for August 2011. There are several other role playing gaming systems that have been under independent unofficial development and/or release for several years now, including: There are many projects that have adapted existing game systems to better fit into Middle-earth ranging from the early years of Dungeons & Dragons, GURPS, and Runequest,", "title": "Merpcon" } ]
normal breaths per minute for 10 year old?
[ "17–23" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.78, "text": "World Health Organization has defined pneumonia in children clinically based on either a cough or difficulty breathing and a rapid respiratory rate, chest indrawing, or a decreased level of consciousness. A rapid respiratory rate is defined as greater than 60 breaths per minute in children under 2 months old, greater than 50 breaths per minute in children 2 months to 1 year old, or greater than 40 breaths per minute in children 1 to 5 years old. In children, low oxygen levels and lower chest indrawing are more sensitive than hearing chest crackles with a stethoscope or increased respiratory rate.", "title": "Pneumonia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.61, "text": "per minute, while a 1-year-old child has a faster breathing pattern which is 20 to 40 breaths per minute. Therefore, children will be inhaling more pollutants than adults. Prenatal exposures to air pollution have influenced respiratory health starts in utero. Mothers who were exposed to PM2.5 weekly during gestation, were likely to have a child diagnosed with asthma by the age 6 years. Many of the mothers exposed to PM2.5 were ethnic minorities (54% Hispanic, 30% black), had 12 or fewer years of education (66%), and did not smoke in pregnancy (80%). Inner-city children from the age of 5–11 years", "title": "Air pollution in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.67, "text": "and the better is the control over mind.\"\" Various ancient yogis (expert in yoga and pranayama) noticed the importance of respiration and its correlation with activities of mind and vital forces. Aging is also seen proportional to frequency of respiration or respiratory rate, i.e., frequency of inhalation and exhalation in one minute. Medical science recorded normal respiratory rate in humans as 12-16 breaths per minute with life span of 70–80 years. These figures may vary due to geographical, communal and other distribution factors. Recent researches in the field of Bahir-Kumbhaka demonstrate the impact on cerebral circulation, with an increase in", "title": "Kumbhaka" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.47, "text": "Tachypnea Tachypnea or tachypnoea is abnormally rapid breathing. In adult humans at rest, any respiratory rate between 12 and 20 breaths per minute is normal and tachypnea is indicated by a rate greater than 20 breaths per minute. Children have significantly higher resting ventilatory rates, which decline rapidly during the first three years of life and then steadily until around 18 years. Tachypnea can be an early medical sign of pneumonia in children. Different sources produce different classifications for breathing terms. Some describe tachypnea as any rapid breathing. Hyperventilation is then described as increased ventilation of the alveoli (which can", "title": "Tachypnea" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 15.65, "text": "Periodic breathing Periodic breathing is a normal variation of breathing found in premature and full term infants. It occurs when the infant has pauses in breathing for no more than 10 seconds at a time followed by a series of rapid, shallow breaths. Then the breathing returns to normal without any stimulation or intervention. These pauses in breathing may be accompanied by minor oxygen desaturation and bradycardia. It usually occurs when the infant is sleeping deeply, but may occur with light sleep or even when awake. Studies have shown that 78% of healthy full-term infants experience episodes of periodic breathing", "title": "Periodic breathing" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 15.49, "text": "spacewalk on flight day 10. On flight day 10, the third spacewalk of the STS-134 mission was conducted. The spacewalk made use of a new spacewalk pre-breathe protocol, called In-Suit Light Exercise (ISLE), instead of the normal campout pre-breathe protocol. The new pre-breathe protocol had the astronauts breathe pure oxygen for 60 minutes in the airlock, which had its air pressure lowered to 10.2 Psi (703hPa). The astronauts then put their spacesuits on, performed light exercise and rested for an additional 50 minutes, breathing pure oxygen all the while. After astronauts Drew Feustel and Mike Fincke exited the \"\"Quest\"\" Airlock,", "title": "STS-134" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 15.47, "text": "Non-integer scores are always rounded up to the nearest whole number, so a score of 10.1 or 10.6 would be converted to 11. As a rough guide, US grade level 1 corresponds to ages 6–8. Reading level grade 8 corresponds to the typical reading level of a 14-year-old US child. Grade 12, the highest US secondary-school grade before college, corresponds to the reading level of a 17-year-old. Unlike the other indices, the ARI, along with the Coleman–Liau, relies on a factor of characters per word, instead of the usual syllables per word. Although opinion varies on its accuracy as compared", "title": "Automated readability index" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 15.41, "text": "which could be used in the questions asked in the game. One of the producers, Hannah Dobson, is quoted as saying: \"\"A lot of it they've seen at school, it's just refreshing their memories, really\"\". However, when pushed as to whether the packs contained a random selection of the syllabus or a very specific selection of information, she replied: \"\"I would say it's somewhere in the middle.\"\" It can be argued that the questions are actually not representative of the general knowledge of the average 10-year-old, however, as the TimesOnline article states, to have entitled the show \"\"Are you Smarter", "title": "Are You Smarter than a 10 Year Old? (UK game show)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 15.41, "text": "1 to 9 days. On September 6, 2007, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the suicide rate in American adolescents, (especially girls, 10 to 24 years old), increased 8% (2003 to 2004), the largest jump in 15 years, to 4,599 suicides in Americans ages 10 to 24 in 2004, from 4,232 in 2003, giving a suicide rate of 7.32 per 100,000 people that age. The rate previously dropped to 6.78 per 100,000 in 2003 from 9.48 per 100,000 in 1990. Jon Jureidini, a critic of this study, says that the US \"\"2004 suicide figures were compared simplistically", "title": "Antidepressants and suicide risk" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 15.38, "text": "must be an approved type, designed for left-hand traffic, emit white or yellow light, and be aimed correctly. Cars under 10 years old may emit not more than 1% carbon monoxide, and not more than 300ppm unburned hydrocarbons. Cars older than 10 years may emit up to 4.5% carbon monoxide and up to 1200ppm unburned hydrocarbons. This emission standard is laid out in the Japanese Emission Standard legislation. High flow catalytic converters are allowed. All oxygen sensors must be in working order along with any oil catch tanks. Exhaust noise is tested at a 45-degree angle, from the tailpipe outlet.", "title": "Motor-vehicle inspection (Japan)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 15.36, "text": "ten-year-old human child. They also show that the \"\"yeek\"\" noises made by the Fuzzies are merely the human-audible edge of the Fuzzies' voices and that their normal speaking range is in the ultrasonic; and tell the court that they have developed an elementary Fuzzy grammar and dictionary. As a result, the charter of the Chartered Zarathustra Company is invalidated, and Kellogg commits suicide in his cell. Chief Justice Frederic Pendarvis officially rules that the Fuzzies are sapient beings, and Holloway is reunited with his Fuzzy family. The second book, \"\"Fuzzy Sapiens\"\", deals with the newly 'Charterless Zarathustra Company' and its", "title": "Little Fuzzy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 15.26, "text": "Into the Half Moon Into the Half Moon (stylized as into the half moon.) is the debut album by the American band 10 Years, independently released on August 13, 2001. The album was highly promoted on the band's original website (, with \"\"What the Fuck\"\" being available for download a few months before the official release. The song \"\"When Will You Breathe?\"\" debuted on a local radio station along with \"\"Fallaway\"\". This is the only 10 Years release to feature original vocalist Mike Underdown, who left the band in 2002. The album is not listed on the band's official website,", "title": "Into the Half Moon" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 15.26, "text": "then 10-year-old respite care program for families with children or adolescents with serious emotional disturbance found that participating families experience fewer out-of home placements than nonusers and were more optimistic about their future capabilities to take care of their children. Respite for the elderly with chronic disabilities in a study group resulted in fewer hospital admissions for acute medical care than for two other control groups who received no respite care Sixty-four percent of caregivers of the elderly receiving 4 hours of respite per week, after one year, reported improved physical health. Seventy-eight percent improved their emotional health, and 50%", "title": "Respite care in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 15.25, "text": "It is estimated that 0.5 to 3 million people are affected in the United States. The average age of onset is 20 years old and it occurs more often in females. The hallmark sign of POTS is a measured increase in heart rate by at least 30 beats per minute within 10 minutes of assuming an upright position. For people aged between 12 and 19, the minimum increase for diagnosis is 40 beats per minute. This symptom is known as orthostatic (upright) tachycardia (fast heart rate). It occurs without any coinciding drop in blood pressure, as that would indicate orthostatic", "title": "Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 15.24, "text": "dosages are typically qualified by rates of breathing (e.g., resting = 10 l/min) for inhalation, or degree of clothing for skin penetration. The concept of Ct was first proposed by Fritz Haber and is sometimes referred to as Haber's Law, which assumes that exposure to 1 minute of 100 mg/m is equivalent to 10 minutes of 10 mg/m (1 × 100 = 100, as does 10 × 10 = 100). Some chemicals, such as hydrogen cyanide, are rapidly detoxified by the human body, and do not follow Haber's Law. So, in these cases, the lethal concentration may be given simply", "title": "Median lethal dose" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 15.12, "text": "10 liters/minute. Its intended absorbent is a special make called SefaSorb, which is mostly calcium hydroxide. As usual, the absorbent makes the breathing gas in circuit hot as it absorbs carbon dioxide. This would be welcome while scuba diving in cold water, but in warm air in a deep mine would be unwelcome. To try to get rid of that heat, the breathing gas is passed through a damp chamber, so the damp will absorb some heat as it evaporates, as in some air conditioning units. It is not very effective, in normal use the breathing air temperature of the", "title": "SEFA" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 15.12, "text": "Each of the 10 (one hundred billion) neurons has on average 7,000 synaptic connections to other neurons. It has been estimated that the brain of a three-year-old child has about 10 synapses (1 quadrillion). This number declines with age, stabilizing by adulthood. Estimates vary for an adult, ranging from 10 to 5×10 synapses (100 to 500 trillion). An estimate of the brain's processing power, based on a simple switch model for neuron activity, is around 10 (100 trillion) synaptic updates per second (SUPS). In 1997 Kurzweil looked at various estimates for the hardware required to equal the human brain and", "title": "Artificial general intelligence" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 15.12, "text": "many other medical issues. The word \"\"tachypnea\"\" () uses combining forms of \"\"tachy-\"\" + \"\"-pnea\"\", yielding \"\"fast breathing\"\". See pronunciation information at \"\"dyspnea\"\". Tachypnea Tachypnea or tachypnoea is abnormally rapid breathing. In adult humans at rest, any respiratory rate between 12 and 20 breaths per minute is normal and tachypnea is indicated by a rate greater than 20 breaths per minute. Children have significantly higher resting ventilatory rates, which decline rapidly during the first three years of life and then steadily until around 18 years. Tachypnea can be an early medical sign of pneumonia in children. Different sources produce different", "title": "Tachypnea" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 15.1, "text": "explain why a random, ordinary day may therefore appear longer for a young child than an adult. The short term appears to go faster in proportion to the square root of the perceiver's age. So a year would be experienced by a 55-year-old as passing approximately 2¼ times more quickly than a year experienced by an 11-year-old. If long-term time perception is based solely on the proportionality of a person's age, then the following four periods in life would appear to be quantitatively equal: ages 5–10 (1x), ages 10–20 (2x), ages 20–40 (4x), age 40–80 (8x). The common explanation is", "title": "Time perception" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 15.05, "text": "in 9.9 s, rounded down from his FAT of 9.95, making it the first non-wind-assisted electronic sub-10-second performance. By 1976, six other men had equalled the 9.9 s hand-timed record, though none of their performances had an FAT mark. After the 1977 rule change, Jim Hines' nine-year-old 9.95 was the only recognised sub-10-second race. That year the barrier was broken again, when Silvio Leonard ran 9.98 seconds on 11 August 1977. Both of these marks were recorded at a high altitude, which aids performance due to lower air resistance. Carl Lewis was the first sprinter to break ten seconds at", "title": "10-second barrier" } ]
who sang pull up to the bumper baby?
[ "Grace Jones" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.48, "text": "Pull Up to the Bumper \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\" is a 1981 single by Jamaican singer Grace Jones. \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\" was co-written by Grace Jones, Kookoo Baya and Dana Manno. The song's instrumental path was originally recorded in 1980 during the \"\"Warm Leatherette\"\" sessions; however, it did not make the album as Chris Blackwell found its R&B sound not fitting in the rest of the material. It was completed for the 1981 critically acclaimed album \"\"Nightclubbing\"\" and became its third single in June 1981. The song sparked some controversy for its suggestive lyrics as these figuratively", "title": "Pull Up to the Bumper" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.7, "text": "the edited studio version of the song and its opening section includes excerpts from the song \"\"Nightclubbing\"\". Another music video for the song was produced, also using the same live footage, cut and re-edited, but this time retaining the original concert soundtrack. The video ends with Jones jumping from the stage into the audience. Pull Up to the Bumper \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\" is a 1981 single by Jamaican singer Grace Jones. \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\" was co-written by Grace Jones, Kookoo Baya and Dana Manno. The song's instrumental path was originally recorded in 1980 during the \"\"Warm", "title": "Pull Up to the Bumper" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.48, "text": "describe sexual intercourse and fellatio, prompting some radio stations in the United States to refuse to broadcast it. Among the lines are \"\"Pull up to my bumper baby / In your long black limousine / Pull up to my bumper baby / Drive it in between\"\", \"\"Grease it / Spray it / Let me lubricate it\"\" and \"\"I've got to blow your horn.\"\" However, in a 2008 interview with the \"\"Q\"\" magazine, Jones revealed that the meaning of the lyrics were not necessarily meant to be interpreted in a sexual context. Over the years, \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\" has", "title": "Pull Up to the Bumper" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.33, "text": "of Grace Jones' song Pull Up to the Bumper with music provided by Sugar Hill's house band, including percussionist Ed \"\"Duke Bootee\"\" Fletcher and bassist Doug Wimbish. Doug mentioned in an interview that \"\"\"\"I think Chris Lord-Alge was on the boards for that one\"\"\"\" implying that Lord-Alge mixed the track. Engineering credits go to Steve Jerome. On the single, production credits go to \"\"Sylvia, Inc. and Jigsaw Prod. Inc.\"\" The credits on the single include \"\"S. Robinson, J. Chase, S. Santiago, D. Rivera Jr., J. McLean, J. Semprit\"\". The first is producer/Sugar Hill founder Sylvia Robinson, the last four are", "title": "Disco Dream" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.3, "text": "Music critic and writer Glenn O'Brien called \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\" \"\"Grace's first car radio hit\"\". The original 1981 release peaked at number 53 on the UK Singles Chart. When it was re-released in 1985, then with the 1977 recording of \"\"La Vie en rose\"\" as the B-side, it reached number 12 on the UK pop chart in early 1986. The song then finally charted in Ireland and Germany, and became the singer's best-seller. The song was ranked at number 8 among the top 10 \"\"Tracks of the Year\"\" for 1981 by \"\"NME\"\". In 2011, \"\"The Guardian\"\"'s Richard Vine", "title": "Pull Up to the Bumper" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.91, "text": "America and via Island for the rest of the world. The Rivits played two UK shows only; one in Stamford in Lincolnshire, the other at The Venue in Victoria, London. During initial sessions for a second Rivits album that had begun to be recorded at Compass Point Studios in the Bahamas, Roden sang back-up vocals for Grace Jones Pull Up to the Bumper. With the sessions incomplete (Woods had to leave to re-join Pink Floyd's band of musicians for The Wall tour) and on returning to New York, Roden and Island parted for the final time. He began a new", "title": "Jess Roden" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.81, "text": "ranked the release of \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\" as one of 50 key events in the history of dance music, proclaiming it \"\"one of those rare records that manages to replicate the sensation of actually being in a club.\"\" \"\"Time Out\"\" listed the song at number 41 in their \"\"The 50 best '80s songs\"\" list in 2018. The music video for \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\" is a combination of live footage with Jones performing the song on her \"\"A One Man Show\"\" merged and edited alongside excerpts from Godfrey Reggio's 1982 experimental documentary film \"\"Koyaanisqatsi\"\". The video uses", "title": "Pull Up to the Bumper" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.66, "text": "the first to be recorded with Jones. Tom Petty wrote the lyrics to \"\"Breakdown\"\", and he also wrote the third verse of Jones' reinterpretation. The album included one song co-written by Jones, \"\"A Rolling Stone\"\". Originally, \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\" was to be included on the album, but its R&B sound did not fit with the rest of the material. By 1981, she had begun collaborating with photographer and graphic designer Jean-Paul Goude, with whom she also had a relationship. An extended version of \"\"Private Life\"\" was released as a single, with a cover of the Joy Division song", "title": "Grace Jones" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.58, "text": "and \"\"Demolition Man\"\" were written specifically for Jones to record on \"\"Nightclubbing\"\". The latter song was written by Sting and would also be recorded in a more uptempo style by his band The Police for their album \"\"Ghost in the Machine\"\", released six months after \"\"Nightclubbing\"\". The remaining three new compositions on the record were all co-written by Jones. \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\" began as an instrumental track by the Compass Point Allstars rhythm section Sly and Robbie (credited on the track under their collective alias \"\"Koo Koo Baya\"\"), and provisionally called \"\"Pour Yourself Over Me Like Peanut Butter\"\".", "title": "Nightclubbing (Grace Jones album)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.34, "text": "as the B-side, called \"\"Peanut Butter\"\" and credited to the Compass Point All Stars. The full mix of \"\"Peanut Butter\"\" lasting 7m02s as well as \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\"'s \"\"Party Version\"\" lasting 5m01s can be found on the US Hip-O Records/Universal Music \"\"In Good Company\"\" CD by Sly & Robbie. In 1985, the track was remixed and re-released to promote the \"\"Island Life\"\" compilation, and was released in two different 12\"\" mixes, one an extended mix with additional keyboard overdubs and remix by Paul \"\"Groucho\"\" Smykle, which can be found on both the Rodeo Media 2011 \"\"Dance Classics -", "title": "Pull Up to the Bumper" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.22, "text": "for the song. The album included also one song co-written by Jones, \"\"A Rolling Stone\"\", and one French track, \"\"Pars\"\" (French for \"\"Leave\"\"), a reggae re-imagining of Jacques Higelin's song. \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\" was also recorded during the sessions for \"\"Warm Leatherette\"\", but its R&B sound was found not fitting in the rest of the material and so it appeared on Jones' next album, \"\"Nightclubbing\"\" in 1981. The vinyl LP release of the album included shorter, 7\"\" versions of some of the songs, due to limited capacity of the vinyl format. Most compact disc editions included extended 12\"\"", "title": "Warm Leatherette (album)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.97, "text": "5 September 2011. The dub versions were made by Ivor Guest, with contributions from Adam Green, Frank Byng, Robert Logan and Ben Cowan. In April 2012, Jones joined Deborah Harry, Bebel Gilberto, and Sharon Stone at the Inspiration Gala in São Paulo, Brazil, raising $1.3 million for amfAR (the Foundation for AIDS Research). Jones closed the evening with a performance of \"\"La Vie en Rose\"\" and \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\". Two months later, Jones performed \"\"Slave to the Rhythm\"\" at the Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II (whilst keeping a hula hoop spinning in the air throughout), and the Lovebox", "title": "Grace Jones" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.97, "text": "After the arrest and conviction of Vybz Kartel, Rvssian whose career growth had been attributed to working with the \"\"Dancehall Hero\"\" kept Head Concussion Records in the global map, launching J Capri, a new female dancehall artiste. The platinum-selling producer released \"\"Pull Up To Mi Bumper\"\"(featuring Konshens and J Capri), \"\"Whine 'n' Kotch\"\"(featuring J Capri and Charly Black) \"\"Reverse It\"\" and \"\"Boom 'n\"\" Bend Over\"\" By J Capri, . J Capri's \"\"Pull Up To Mi Bumper\"\" and \"\"Whine 'n' Kotch\"\" received over 25 and 50 million YouTube views respectively. At the Youth View Awards in February 2011, Rvssian won the", "title": "Rvssian" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.83, "text": "\"\"Palmarès\"\", the Spanish \"\"Esta noche\"\", The lead single from the album was \"\"Demolition Man\"\", written by Sting. The single was not a commercial success and did not chart, although would later become one of Jones' signature songs. \"\"I've Seen That Face Before (Libertango)\"\" was released as the second single and became one of the most commercially successful songs in Jones' repertoire. It secured top 20 positions in several European countries and became another signature song for Jones. The R&B-dance track \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\" was a quick follow-up to \"\"Libertango\"\". It met with a great success on the US", "title": "Nightclubbing (Grace Jones album)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.73, "text": "the Rhythm\"\" was released in Autumn 1985 to a great commercial success. The single became one of Jones' greatest commercial successes and is considered to be one of her signature tunes. It became one of the biggest chart successes for the singer in the UK (number 12, next to \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\"). The track proved exceptionally popular in Belgium, New Zealand, Italy and German speaking countries, where it made it to the top 10. The original version of the single, and its remixes, also topped the American dance chart in February 1986, despite not entering the mainstream \"\"Billboard\"\"", "title": "Slave to the Rhythm (Grace Jones song)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.64, "text": "Ooh La La (Coolio song) \"\"Ooh La La\"\" is a song by American hip hop artist Coolio. It was the second single from Coolio's third solo album \"\"My Soul\"\". The song was released in September 1997. The song did not chart in the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100; however, it was a top 40 hit in other countries. Its best chart performance was in New Zealand, where it peaked at number 2. The song contains a sample of \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\" by Grace Jones. The music video beings with Coolio eating breakfast while \"\"Hit Em'\"\" from \"\"My Soul\"\" plays. The", "title": "Ooh La La (Coolio song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.58, "text": "\"\"She's Lost Control\"\", a non-album track, as the B-side. The 1981 release of \"\"Nightclubbing\"\" included Jones' covers of songs by Flash and the Pan (\"\"Walking in the Rain\"\"), Bill Withers (\"\"Use Me\"\"), Iggy Pop/David Bowie (\"\"Nightclubbing\"\") and Ástor Piazzolla (\"\"I've Seen That Face Before\"\"). Three songs were co-written by Jones: \"\"Feel Up\"\", \"\"Art Groupie\"\" and \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\". Sting wrote \"\"Demolition Man\"\"; he later recorded it with The Police on the album \"\"Ghost in the Machine\"\". \"\"I've Done It Again\"\" was written by Marianne Faithfull. The strong rhythm featured on \"\"Nightclubbing\"\" was produced by Compass Point All Stars,", "title": "Grace Jones" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.55, "text": "peaked at #21 on the Billboard Rap Singles chart and #89 on R&B. Her follow-up single \"\"Worker Man\"\" became a bigger hit, reaching #53 on the Hot 100, the Top 20 on the R&B chart and #1 on the U.S. Dance chart. The album's third and final single, \"\"Romantic Call\"\" (#55 U.S., #21 U.S. Dance), was a collaboration with emcee Yo-Yo. In 1995, Patra released her single \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\" which was a remake of the Grace Jones song and peaked at #60 on the Hot 100, #21 R&B, and #15 on the Dance chart. Her second album,", "title": "Patra (singer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.48, "text": "additional vocal overdubs, first released on CD in 2014 on the deluxe edition of \"\"Nightclubbing\"\". The B-side, \"\"Peanut Butter\"\", credited to the Compass Point All Stars, was actually an instrumental dub version of \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\", which was unavailable on CD until 2014 when her album \"\"Nightclubbing\"\" was remastered. \"\"Walking in the Rain\"\" was included in Jones' music documentary \"\"A One Man Show\"\", and a snapshot from the video was later used as the cover of the 1985 \"\"Warm Leatherette\"\" reissue. Walking in the Rain (Flash and the Pan song) \"\"Walking in the Rain\"\" is a 1978 song", "title": "Walking in the Rain (Flash and the Pan song)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.36, "text": "version of the song. Jones' recording of \"\"La Vie en rose\"\" was later re-released a number of times in the early 1980s and finally reached #12 in the UK charts when re-released as a double A-side with \"\"Pull Up to the Bumper\"\" in 1985. The single was certified Gold in France and Italy. Grace Jones about the song: \"\"That's a very special song to me. Oh God, I cry every time I sing it. I had quite a few French lovers, so every time I sing it I think about them.\"\" It has sold 158,700 copies in France. The music", "title": "La Vie en rose" } ]
where does the show new amsterdam take place?
[ "New Amsterdam" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.58, "text": "cast in a recurring role. On May 13, 2018, NBC released the first official trailer for the series. On June 22, 2018, a screening of the series was held during Seriesfest, an annual international television festival, at the Denver Art Museum's Lewis I. Sharp Auditorium in Denver, Colorado. The screening was followed by a question-and-answer session with series lead Ryan Eggold and executive producers David Schulner and Peter Horton. It was moderated by \"\"Vanity Fair\"\"s executive west coast editor, Krista Smith. On September 10, 2018, the series took part in the 12th Annual PaleyFest Fall Television Previews which featured a", "title": "New Amsterdam (2018 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.38, "text": "New Amsterdam Theatre The New Amsterdam Theatre is a Broadway theatre located at 214 West 42nd Street between Seventh and Eighth Avenues in the Theater District of Manhattan, New York City, off of Times Square. It was built in 1902–1903 and was designed by the architecture firm of Henry Hertz and Hugh Tallant; the Roof Garden, where more risqué productions were presented, and which no longer exists, was added in 1904, designed by the same firm. The remainder of the building was utilized for offices. From 1913 to 1927, the theatre was the home of the \"\"Ziegfeld Follies\"\", whose producer,", "title": "New Amsterdam Theatre" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.31, "text": "where Amsterdam received his \"\"gift\"\", from the forests and Native American camps of the 17th century which evolves into modern Times Square in the city of New York. \"\"New Amsterdam\"\" was created by Allan Loeb and Christian Taylor, who also served as executive producers alongside David Manson, Leslie Holleran, Steven Pearl and Lasse Hallström. The latter also directed the pilot. Produced by Laha Films, Regency Television, Sarabande Productions and Scarlet Fire Entertainment, the series was greenlit and given a thirteen-episode order on May 11, 2007. The series was scheduled to premiere in the fall of 2007, consequently airing on Tuesday", "title": "New Amsterdam (2008 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.25, "text": "the Millennium Tour. Notes Further reading New Amsterdam Theatre The New Amsterdam Theatre is a Broadway theatre located at 214 West 42nd Street between Seventh and Eighth Avenues in the Theater District of Manhattan, New York City, off of Times Square. It was built in 1902–1903 and was designed by the architecture firm of Henry Hertz and Hugh Tallant; the Roof Garden, where more risqué productions were presented, and which no longer exists, was added in 1904, designed by the same firm. The remainder of the building was utilized for offices. From 1913 to 1927, the theatre was the home", "title": "New Amsterdam Theatre" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.3, "text": "New Amsterdam (2008 TV series) New Amsterdam is an American television drama which aired for eight episodes in 2008 on Fox. The series starred Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as \"\"John Amsterdam\"\" (real name Johann van der Zee), an immortal Dutch man born in 1607, who has lived in New York City on and off since he was 14 years old, and who is a homicide detective in the present day. The series was nominated for an Emmy for Main Title Design. John Amsterdam (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) is an NYPD homicide detective who is 400 years old, but has the appearance of a 35-year-old.", "title": "New Amsterdam (2008 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.14, "text": "is the New Amsterdam Theatre. The name New Amsterdam is also written on the architrave situated on top of the row of columns in front of the Manhattan Municipal Building, commemorating the name of the Dutch colony. Although no architectural monuments or buildings have survived, the legacy lived on in the form Dutch Colonial Revival architecture. A number of structures in New York City were constructed in the 19th and 20th centuries in this style, such as Wallabout Market in Brooklyn, South William Street in Manhattan, West End Collegiate Church at West 77th Street, and others. New Amsterdam New Amsterdam", "title": "New Amsterdam" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.75, "text": "Neumark, George Daniel M. Peixotto, Roland Hinton Perry and Albert G. Wenzel. At the time of construction, it was the largest theatre in New York, with a seating capacity of 1,702. The theatre opened October 23, 1903 with a production of Shakespeare's \"\"A Midsummer Night's Dream\"\". For many years, it hosted the \"\"Ziegfeld Follies\"\", showcasing such talents as Fanny Brice, Bert Williams, Will Rogers, Eddie Cantor, W.C. Fields, Marilyn Miller, Sophie Tucker, Eaton siblings and silent film star Olive Thomas whose ghost supposedly haunts the theatre. A racier sister show of the \"\"Follies\"\", the \"\"Midnight Frolics\"\", played in the New", "title": "New Amsterdam Theatre" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.55, "text": "of the United States' oldest public hospitals, aiming to reform the neglected facility by tearing up its bureaucracy in order to provide exceptional care to patients. On September 25, 2017, it was announced that NBC had given the production, then titled \"\"Bellevue\"\", a put pilot commitment. The pilot was written by David Schulner who was also set to executive produce alongside Peter Horton. Eric Manheimer, the former medical director at New York City’s Bellevue Hospital, was expected to serve as a producer. Production companies involved with the pilot were slated to consist of Universal Television. On January 12, 2018, it", "title": "New Amsterdam (2018 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.52, "text": "musicals. A new theatre has also moved into Amsterdam scene in 2014, joining other established venues: Theater Amsterdam is situated in the west part of Amsterdam, on the Danzigerkade. It is housed in a modern building with a panoramic view over the harbour. The theatre is the first ever purpose-built venue to showcase a single play entitled ANNE, the play based on Anne Frank's life. On the east side of town there is a small theatre in a converted bath house, the Badhuistheater. The theatre often has English programming. The Netherlands has a tradition of cabaret or \"\"kleinkunst\"\", which combines", "title": "Amsterdam" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.47, "text": "2007. On January 23, 2008, Fox resumed airing commercials for the show stated \"\"coming soon\"\". Following the premiere another preview episode aired on March 6, 2008 (at 9:00 PM/8:00 PM Central), before the series moved to its regular timeslot on March 10, 2008. The series also aired on Global in Canada. Global ran the first episode one hour before the U.S. broadcast, and the second episode one day before the U.S. broadcast. On May 11, 2008, it was announced that Fox had decided to cancel \"\"New Amsterdam\"\". The show was nominated for a 2008 Emmy Award for Main Title Design,", "title": "New Amsterdam (2008 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.45, "text": "New Amsterdam (2018 TV series) New Amsterdam is an American medical drama television series, based on the book \"\"Twelve Patients: Life and Death at Bellevue Hospital\"\" by Eric Manheimer, that premiered on September 25, 2018 on NBC. The series was created by David Schulner and stars Ryan Eggold, Freema Agyeman, Janet Montgomery, Jocko Sims, Anupam Kher, and Tyler Labine. On October 10, 2018, it was announced that NBC had ordered an additional nine episodes of the series, bringing the first season total up to twenty-two episodes. \"\"New Amsterdam\"\" follows Dr. Max Goodwin as he becomes the medical director of one", "title": "New Amsterdam (2018 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.36, "text": "also called \"\"New Amsterdam\"\", by the fantasy and science fiction writer Elizabeth Bear, features an immortal vampire detective partnering with a forensic sorcerer to solve occult crimes in an alternate universe. Many of the issues John deals with are covered by Robert A. Heinlein's Lazarus Long series of books, specifically the melancholy of immortality and the sense of loss that accumulated through the death of loved ones (after \"\"Time Enough for Love\"\"). New Amsterdam (2008 TV series) New Amsterdam is an American television drama which aired for eight episodes in 2008 on Fox. The series starred Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as \"\"John", "title": "New Amsterdam (2008 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.34, "text": "New Amsterdam (Mad Men) \"\"New Amsterdam\"\" is the fourth episode of the first season of the American television drama series \"\"Mad Men\"\". It was written by Lisa Albert and directed by Tim Hunter. The episode originally aired on the AMC channel in the United States on August 9, 2007. Pete's new wife Trudy surprises him with a visit to the office for lunch, and she then surprises him again by taking him to see an apartment she wants to buy. The one she takes him to is far too expensive for Pete's salary of $75 per week, at $32,000. Trudy", "title": "New Amsterdam (Mad Men)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.33, "text": "the series was \"\"capable of such remarkable transcendence.\"\" New Amsterdam (Mad Men) \"\"New Amsterdam\"\" is the fourth episode of the first season of the American television drama series \"\"Mad Men\"\". It was written by Lisa Albert and directed by Tim Hunter. The episode originally aired on the AMC channel in the United States on August 9, 2007. Pete's new wife Trudy surprises him with a visit to the office for lunch, and she then surprises him again by taking him to see an apartment she wants to buy. The one she takes him to is far too expensive for Pete's", "title": "New Amsterdam (Mad Men)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.28, "text": "also hosted events benefitting \"\"Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS\"\", including the annual Easter Bonnet Competition, until the event moved to the Minskoff Theatre. The New Amsterdam is now home to BC/EFA's annual Gypsy of the Year Competition, the fall/winter sister event to the Easter Bonnet. In recent years, the benefit's honored guest has been centenarian Doris Eaton Travis, who originally performed on the New Amsterdam stage in the \"\"Ziegfeld Follies of 1919\"\". In 1999, the Backstreet Boys televised a concert for Disney Channel called \"\"Backstreet Boys In Concert\"\" from the New Amsterdam Theatre. It was a prelude to their 1999-2000 Into", "title": "New Amsterdam Theatre" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.28, "text": "He was a Dutch soldier in Manhattan in the year 1642 when he stepped in front of a sword to save the life of a Native American girl during a massacre of her tribe. The girl in turn rescued Amsterdam by weaving a spell that conferred immortality upon him. It was also prophesied that he would not age until he finds his one true love, and only then will he become whole and ready for mortality. Flashbacks in different episodes of the show reveal Amsterdam's centuries of life since, using many names, though usually retaining \"\"John\"\", marked by loss as", "title": "New Amsterdam (2008 TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.19, "text": "New Amsterdam, Guyana New Amsterdam (Dutch: \"\"Nieuw Amsterdam\"\") is one of the largest towns in Guyana, located in the East Berbice-Corentyne Region, from the capital, Georgetown. It is located on the eastern bank of the Berbice River, upriver from its mouth at the Atlantic Ocean, and immediately south of the Canje River. New Amsterdam's population is approximately 33,000. New Amsterdam has its origins in a village which grew up alongside Fort Nassau in the 1730s and 1740s. The first Nieuw Amsterdam, as it was called then, was situated about up the Berbice River on the right bank. Before the 1763", "title": "New Amsterdam, Guyana" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.16, "text": "2012, the music video of Far East Movement, 'Live My Life', was filmed in various parts of Amsterdam. Also, several movies were filmed in Amsterdam, such as James Bond's Diamonds Are Forever, Ocean's Twelve, Girl with a Pearl Earring and The Hitman's Bodyguard. Amsterdam is also featured in John Green's book \"\"The Fault in Our Stars\"\", which has been made into a film as well that partly takes place in Amsterdam. The housing market is heavily regulated. In Amsterdam, 55% of existing housing and 30% of new housing is owned by Housing Associations, which are Government sponsored entities. Squat properties", "title": "Amsterdam" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.14, "text": "New Amsterdam Plein and Pavilion The New Amsterdam Plein and Pavilion, designed by Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos of UNStudio, with the architect of record being Handel Architects of New York, is a gift from the Netherlands to New York City in honor of the 400th Anniversary in 2009 of Henry Hudson’s arrival in New York Harbor. It was completed in 2011. The pavilion and plein (Dutch for \"\"plaza\"\") is located in Peter Minuit Plaza on State Street at the intersection of Whitehall Street in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan. The $2.4 million pavilion's groundbreaking took place on", "title": "New Amsterdam Plein and Pavilion" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.14, "text": "MHz. New Amsterdam, Guyana New Amsterdam (Dutch: \"\"Nieuw Amsterdam\"\") is one of the largest towns in Guyana, located in the East Berbice-Corentyne Region, from the capital, Georgetown. It is located on the eastern bank of the Berbice River, upriver from its mouth at the Atlantic Ocean, and immediately south of the Canje River. New Amsterdam's population is approximately 33,000. New Amsterdam has its origins in a village which grew up alongside Fort Nassau in the 1730s and 1740s. The first Nieuw Amsterdam, as it was called then, was situated about up the Berbice River on the right bank. Before the", "title": "New Amsterdam, Guyana" } ]
who's playing han solo in the new solo movie?
[ "Alden Ehrenreich" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.59, "text": "and touches his face before falling off the bridge to his death in the reactor. A film featuring Han Solo before the events of the 1977 film was released on May 25, 2018. Actor Alden Ehrenreich portrays Han in the film, which also stars Donald Glover, Emilia Clarke, and Woody Harrelson. In the film, young Han is characterized to be an orphan on the planet Corellia. He and his lover, Qi'ra, attempt to escape from a criminal gang and bribe an Imperial officer with a stolen sample of coaxium, a powerful hyperspace fuel, in exchange for passage on an outgoing", "title": "Han Solo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.36, "text": "her son from the dark side. Han's surname Solo, was not his birth name, with Han being given his Solo surname by an imperial officer right before Han joined the imperial flight academy, which he would leave three years after. Han Solo's first film appearance however was in 1977's \"\"Star Wars: A New Hope\"\" where he is played by Harrison Ford. He and his Wookiee co-pilot and best friend, Chewbacca are initially hired to transport Luke Skywalker and Obi-wan Kenobi. Han and Chewbacca later become involved in the Rebel Alliance and are committed to its cause. Over the course of", "title": "Skywalker family" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.31, "text": "by the actor's performance that he eventually gave him the role. Other actors that were considered for the role include: Al Pacino, Christopher Walken, Jack Nicholson, Sylvester Stallone, Kurt Russell, Bill Murray, Steve Martin, Robert Englund, Nick Nolte, and Burt Reynolds. During the early development of \"\"\"\", Solo was originally considered to make an appearance helping Yoda to locate General Grievous at Kashyyyk. Some concept art of a 10 year old Solo was made, but Lucas decided to omit Solo's appearance from the film before any actor was cast, or considered for the role. Ford, believing his character should die,", "title": "Han Solo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.2, "text": "making him a human to better develop the relationship between the three central characters (Luke, Leia and Han) and Chewbacca instead being used for the part of the alien sidekick. By the time of the third draft, Solo had developed into the \"\"tough James Dean style starpilot\"\" that would appear in the finished film. Harrison Ford was not immediately cast for the role of Han Solo, as George Lucas had already used him in the film \"\"American Graffiti\"\" and wanted somebody new for the role. However he hired Ford to rehearse lines with other actors and he was so impressed", "title": "Han Solo" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.2, "text": "Solo: A Star Wars Story Solo: A Star Wars Story (or simply Solo) is a 2018 American space Western film based on the \"\"Star Wars\"\" character Han Solo. Directed by Ron Howard, produced by Lucasfilm and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the second \"\"Star Wars\"\" anthology film following \"\"Rogue One\"\" (2016). Alden Ehrenreich stars as Han Solo alongside Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, Donald Glover, Thandie Newton, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Joonas Suotamo, and Paul Bettany. The plot takes place approximately ten years prior to the events of \"\"A New Hope\"\", and explores the early adventures of Han Solo", "title": "Solo: A Star Wars Story" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.83, "text": "was revealed for the role of young Han Solo, including [[Miles Teller]], [[Ansel Elgort]], [[Dave Franco]], [[Jack Reynor]], [[Scott Eastwood]], [[Logan Lerman]], [[Emory Cohen]] and [[Blake Jenner]]. In March 2016, it was reported that Alden Ehrenreich, Reynor and [[Taron Egerton]] were on a shortlist for the role. In May 2016, Ehrenreich was reported to have been cast as the young Han Solo, and was revealed in the role at [[Star Wars Celebration#Celebration Europe III|\"\"Star Wars\"\" Celebration Europe III]] two months later. Miller called casting the role one of \"\"the hardest casting challenges of all time\"\", adding that they \"\"saw over", "title": "Solo: A Star Wars Story" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.67, "text": "2018 film \"\"\"\". Smuggler Han Solo (Harrison Ford) has jettisoned cargo belonging to crime lord Jabba the Hutt to avoid capture by an Imperial search party. As a result, Jabba has offered a bounty on Solo. In the Mos Eisley cantina, bounty hounter Greedo (Paul Blake) corners Solo and forces him at gunpoint to sit. Solo tells Greedo he has the money to compensate Jabba, but Greedo demands the money for himself. Solo says he does not have the money with him and quietly readies his gun under the table. Greedo tells him that Jabba has run out of patience", "title": "Han shot first" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.42, "text": "have given the whole film a bottom,\"\" but Lucas refused. Ford reprised the role of Han Solo in the sequel \"\"\"\" (2015). During filming on June 11, 2014, Ford suffered what was said to be a fractured ankle, when a hydraulic door fell on him. He was rushed to hospital for treatment. Ford's son Ben released details on his father's injury, saying that his ankle would likely need a plate and screws, and that filming could be altered slightly with the crew needing to shoot Ford from the waist up for a short time until he recovered. Ford made his", "title": "Harrison Ford" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.38, "text": "Han Solo Han Solo is a fictional character in the \"\"Star Wars\"\" franchise, who is a pilot from the planet Corellia. A primary character in the original film trilogy, Han is the captain of the \"\"Millennium Falcon\"\", along with his Wookiee co-pilot Chewbacca, whereby both pilots became involved in the Rebel Alliance's struggle against the Galactic Empire. During the course of the \"\"Star Wars\"\" narrative, Han becomes a chief figure in the Alliance and the love interest of Princess Leia. In the sequel trilogy, Han is Leia's husband and the father of fallen Jedi, Kylo Ren. Harrison Ford portrayed Han", "title": "Han Solo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.36, "text": "name and familiar aspects of his backstory materialized in the second draft. Lando was portrayed by Billy Dee Williams in \"\"The Empire Strikes Back\"\" and \"\"Return of the Jedi\"\", and was played by Donald Glover in the film \"\"Solo: A Star Wars Story\"\". Website The Verge noted that despite Han Solo's first name being written as \"\"Han\"\" and franchise creator George Lucas also pronouncing the name as \"\"Han\"\" () off-screen, within the films most characters, including Luke Skywalker, pronounce it as \"\"Hahn\"\" (). The Verge also noted how Billy Dee Williams' Lando seems to be the only character to pronounce", "title": "Lando Calrissian" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.27, "text": "characters, it whiffs. \"\"Solo\"\" is no exception.\"\" Alden Ehrenreich confirmed his contract deal to appear as Han Solo extended for two additional films, giving the studio the option to pursue a sequel to \"\"Solo: A Star Wars Story\"\", or feature him in other anthology films in a supporting capacity. Ehrenreich said he would like any sequels to differentiate themselves from the previous \"\"Star Wars\"\" trilogies by being standalone, in the vein of the [[Indiana Jones (franchise)|\"\"Indiana Jones\"\"]] films, rather than direct follow-ups. Emilia Clarke, who played [[Qi'ra]], also signed on for future installments. Ron Howard said that while no sequel", "title": "Solo: A Star Wars Story" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.22, "text": "in the original \"\"Star Wars\"\" trilogy as well as in the sequel trilogy. Mythologist Joseph Campbell said of the character, \"\"He thinks he’s an egoist; but he really isn’t. ... there’s something else pushing [him].\"\" In 1997, creator of the franchise George Lucas described Han as \"\"a loner who realizes the importance of being part of a group and helping for the common good\"\". Alden Ehrenreich portrayed a young Han in the 2018 spin-off film \"\"\"\". Additionally, the character is the subject of many books, comics and other media based on the franchise. Han Solo is introduced in \"\"Star Wars\"\"", "title": "Han Solo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.12, "text": "return to filming in mid-August, after a two-month layoff as he recovered from his injury. Ford's character was killed off in \"\"The Force Awakens\"\"; however, it was subsequently announced, via a casting call, that Ford would return in some capacity as Han Solo in \"\"Episode VIII\"\". In February 2016, when the cast for \"\"Episode VIII\"\" was confirmed, it was indicated that Ford would not reprise his role in the film. When Ford was asked if his character could come back in \"\"some form\"\", he replied, \"\"Anything is possible in space.\"\" A Han Solo spin-off movie, \"\"\"\", was released in May", "title": "Harrison Ford" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.11, "text": "3,000 people for the part\"\". By the following October, [[Tessa Thompson]], [[Naomi Scott]], [[Zoë Kravitz]], [[Emilia Clarke]], [[Kiersey Clemons]], [[Jessica Henwick]] and [[Adria Arjona]] were being considered for the female lead, while Donald Glover was being considered to play a young Lando Calrissian. Glover was confirmed for Calrissian shortly after, with Clarke cast as the female lead the following month. In early January 2017, Woody Harrelson was revealed to be in negotiations to portray Han Solo's mentor, and was confirmed to be appearing in the film shortly after. [[Christian Bale]] had previously been in discussions for the role. A subsequent", "title": "Solo: A Star Wars Story" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.91, "text": "Han shot first \"\"Han shot first\"\" refers to a controversial change made to a scene in the science fiction film \"\"Star Wars\"\" (1977), in which Han Solo (Harrison Ford) is confronted by the bounty hunter Greedo (Paul Blake) in the Mos Eisley cantina. In the original version of the scene, Han shoots Greedo dead. Later versions are edited so that Greedo attempts to fire at Han first. Director George Lucas altered the scene to give Solo more justification for acting in self-defense. Many fans and commentators oppose the change, feeling it weakens Solo's character. The controversy is referenced in the", "title": "Han shot first" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.89, "text": "lines for actors auditioning for roles in his then-upcoming film \"\"Star Wars\"\" (1977). Lucas was eventually won over by Ford's performance during these line reads and cast him as Han Solo. \"\"Star Wars\"\" became one of the most successful movies of all time and established Ford as a superstar. He went on to star in the similarly successful \"\"Star Wars\"\" sequels, \"\"The Empire Strikes Back\"\" (1980) and \"\"Return of the Jedi\"\" (1983), as well as the \"\"Star Wars Holiday Special\"\" (1978). Ford wanted Lucas to kill off Han Solo at the end of \"\"Return of the Jedi\"\", saying, \"\"That would", "title": "Harrison Ford" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.86, "text": "several expanded universe books and other media. The anthology film \"\"\"\" reveals Han Solo's father, whose name is not revealed, constructed ships in planet Corelia, where Han was born. The name of Han's dad is not known. In the Legends-canon his name was Jonash Solo. Han's surname Solo, was not his birth name, with Han being given his Solo surname by an imperial officer right before Han joined the imperial flight academy, which he would leave three years after. Han Solo's first film appearance however was in 1977's \"\"Star Wars: A New Hope\"\" where he is played by Harrison Ford.", "title": "Solo family" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.8, "text": "allows Finn's younger sister to join them in playing with his Lego sets as well, resulting in aliens from the planet Duplon beaming down to the Lego world and announcing their plans to destroy everyone. Anthony Daniels and Billy Dee Williams reprise their \"\"Star Wars\"\" roles of C-3PO and Lando Calrissian, respectively, with Keith Ferguson voicing Han Solo (whom he previously voiced in \"\"Robot Chicken\"\" and \"\"Mad\"\"). Shaquille O'Neal voices a Lego version of himself who is a Master Builder alongside two generic members of the 2002 NBA All-Stars. Will Forte, Dave Franco, Jake Johnson, Keegan-Michael Key, Chris McKay and", "title": "The Lego Movie" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.77, "text": "Moretz to present the award for Best Visual Effects at the 2015 Oscars. He also reprised his role, Caleb Prior, in \"\"\"\", the second film of the book series \"\"Divergent\"\", which was released March 20, 2015, and in the third film, \"\"\"\", which was released on March 18, 2016. In 2016, Elgort was on a shortlist of actors for the role of Han Solo in \"\"\"\". After Alden Ehrenreich was cast in May 2016, Elgort expressed some relief, saying that, if he had been cast, he would have had to change his DJ name, Ansølo. In 2017, Elgort played the", "title": "Ansel Elgort" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.5, "text": "and that the \"\"Solo\"\" shooting script specifies: \"\"There can be no question that Han shoots first.\"\" Han shot first \"\"Han shot first\"\" refers to a controversial change made to a scene in the science fiction film \"\"Star Wars\"\" (1977), in which Han Solo (Harrison Ford) is confronted by the bounty hunter Greedo (Paul Blake) in the Mos Eisley cantina. In the original version of the scene, Han shoots Greedo dead. Later versions are edited so that Greedo attempts to fire at Han first. Director George Lucas altered the scene to give Solo more justification for acting in self-defense. Many fans", "title": "Han shot first" } ]
who ran as a third party candidate in 1992?
[ "Ross Perot" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.11, "text": "1987 election who finished third behind Kim Young-sam and Roh Tae-woo ran again in 1992. In 1992, Hyundai businessman Chung Ju-yung also ran in the election. The Democratic Liberal Party national convention was held on 19 May at the Olympic Gymnastics Arena. 9-term lawmaker from Busan Kim Young-sam won the nomination, defeating 4-term lawmaker from Seoul Lee Jong-chan, who doesn't concede and runs as a third party candidate. Lee Jong-chan withdrew his campaign and endorsed RNP nominee Chung Ju-yung in December. The Democratic National Convention was held from 25 to 26 May at the Olympic Fencing Gymnasium. At the convention,", "title": "1992 South Korean presidential election" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.86, "text": "Jack Kennedy.\"\" The year 1992 featured the first debate involving both major-party candidates and a third-party candidate, billionaire Ross Perot running against President Bush and the Democrat nominee Governor Bill Clinton. In that year, President Bush was criticized for his early hesitation to join the debates, and some described him as a \"\"chicken.\"\" Furthermore, he was criticized for looking at his watch which aides initially said was meant to track if the other candidates were debating within their time limits but ultimately it was revealed that the president indeed was checking how much time was left in the debate. Moderators", "title": "United States presidential debates" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.75, "text": "U.S. Taxpayers' candidates The U.S. Taxpayers Party had run its first presidential ticket in 1992, it being head by Howard Phillips who had failed to find any prominent conservative willing to take the mantle. In 1996 the situation ultimately proved the same, though Pat Buchanan for a time was widely speculated to be planning on bolting to the Taxpayers' Party should the expected Republican nominee, Senator Bob Dole, name a Pro-Choice running-mate. When Jack Kemp, who is Pro-Life, was tapped for the position Buchanan agreed to endorse the Republican ticket. Again, Phillips found himself at a temporary post that was", "title": "Third-party and independent candidates for the 1996 United States presidential election" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.66, "text": "Helen Halyard Helen Halyard (born 1951) was a third-party candidate for President of the United States in the 1992 presidential election, representing the Socialist Equality Party (US), also called the Workers League. One of the relatively few African-American candidates to run for president, she had previously run twice as their vice-presidential candidate, as Edward Winn's running mate, also African-American. She ran for the United States House of Representatives from New York's 14th congressional district in 1974, losing to Fred Richmond. In 1976 she ran for the House again, for New York's 19th congressional district, losing to incumbent Charles B. Rangel.", "title": "Helen Halyard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.61, "text": "Dean Burnham. The legitimacy of this success has been questioned by scholars who dismiss the label of Perot as a typical third party candidate, largely due to the availability of campaign funds and financing of grassroots efforts. Others dispute these claims and point out that Perot forced the other candidates to change their rhetoric on the issues to gain the votes of his supporters, indicating an issues campaign. Exit polls revealed that 35% of voters would have voted for Perot if they believed he could win. Contemporary analysis reveals that Perot could have won the election if the polls prior", "title": "Ross Perot 1992 presidential campaign" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.31, "text": "1992 election, on October 11 in Clayton, Missouri, along with George Bush and Bill Clinton. It was the first time that a third party candidate was involved in a national televised debate since John B. Anderson in 1980, and was the first presidential debate to ever feature three candidates. During the event, Perot discussed a wide range of issues including the budget deficit, education and drug use, and proclaimed that as president, he would eliminate the influence of lobbyists. He also had a few memorable quips. When asked to address detractors' criticism of his lack of government experience, he remarked:", "title": "Ross Perot 1992 presidential campaign" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.27, "text": "was \"\"astonished\"\" to see a demonstration of a supermarket scanner. In early 1992, the race took an unexpected twist when Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot launched a third party bid, claiming that neither Republicans nor Democrats could eliminate the deficit and make government more efficient. His message appealed to voters across the political spectrum disappointed with both parties' perceived fiscal irresponsibility. Perot later bowed out of the race for a short time, then reentered. Clinton had originally been in the lead, until Perot reentered, tightening the race significantly. As Election Day neared, the polls suggested that the race was a", "title": "George H. W. Bush" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.23, "text": "Tennessee \"\"(22 Electoral)\"\" Drew Bradford was an Independent candidate for the Presidency; he did not have a running-mate. Bradford drew 4,749 votes. Ballot Access: New Jersey \"\"(15 Electoral)\"\" Eugene R. Hem was an Independent candidate for the Presidency, running under the label \"\"The Third Party\"\". His running-mate was Joanne Roland. Hem and Roland drew 405 votes. Ballot Access: Wisconsin \"\"(11 Electoral)\"\" Delbert Ehlers was an Independent candidate for the Presidency. His running-mate was Rick Wendt. Ehlers and Wendt drew 1,149 votes. Ballot Access: Iowa \"\"(7 Electoral)\"\" James Boren was an Independent candidate for the Presidency, running under the label \"\"Apathy\"\".", "title": "1992 United States presidential election" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.91, "text": "vote, the fourth-lowest share of any victorious presidential candidate. Perot's independent candidacy won the largest share of the popular vote of any third party or independent candidate since Theodore Roosevelt's 1912 candidacy. Clinton defeated former California Governor Jerry Brown and former Massachusetts Senator Paul Tsongas to take the Democratic nomination. Bush defeated a primary challenge from commentator, and former Reagan White House Director of Communications Pat Buchanan to earn re-nomination as the Republican candidate. Democrats lost a handful of House seats but easily held onto their majority in the chamber. A small number of seats changed hands in the Senate,", "title": "1992 United States elections" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.91, "text": "Ronald Daniels (politician) Ronald Daniels (born 1942 or 1943) was a third-party candidate (Peace and Freedom Party) for President of the United States in the 1992 U.S. presidential election in California. His running mate was Asiba Tupahache. He was on the ballot in Iowa and Utah as the candidate of his own Campaign for a New Tomorrow Party, the Labour & Farm Party of Wisconsin, write-ins as North Central Citizens' League/Progressive Party-1924, CCRPP, or independent in Minnesota, North Dakota, and Michigan as well as some in Iowa and Wisconsin, and in New Jersey as the Independent Party. The Daniels-Tupahache ticket", "title": "Ronald Daniels (politician)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.77, "text": "system has continued to foster a two-party system. In 1992, Ross Perot, a third party candidate for president, won 22 percent of the eighteen-to-twenty-four-year-old vote, his strongest performance among any demographic group\"\". These third party candidates who gain such support from the youth of the U.S. do not benefit from major party coffers - they must campaign by themselves. In nine out of ten elections, the candidate who spends the most money is elected. The average cost of a successful campaign for the United States House of Representatives is nearly half a million dollars. A large portion of this money", "title": "Youth vote in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.73, "text": "a candidate again soon after. This was also the most recent time that a third-party candidate won a county. Perot's almost 19% of the popular vote made him the most successful third-party presidential candidate in terms of popular vote since Theodore Roosevelt in the 1912 election. Also, his 19% of the popular vote was the highest ever percent of the popular vote for a candidate who did not win any electoral votes. Although he did not win any states, Perot managed to finish ahead of one of the two major party candidates in two states: In Maine, he received 30.44%", "title": "1992 United States presidential election" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.73, "text": "a certain number of voters must sign a petition for a third party or independent candidate to gain ballot access. In recent presidential elections, Ross Perot appeared on all 50 state ballots as an independent in 1992 and the candidate of the Reform Party in 1996. (Perot, a multimillionaire, was able to provide significant funds for his campaigns.) Patrick Buchanan appeared on all 50 state ballots in the 2000 election, largely on the basis of Perot's performance as the Reform Party's candidate four years prior. The Libertarian Party has appeared on the ballot in at least 46 states in every", "title": "Third party (United States)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.73, "text": "amount equal to roughly 1% of GDP. By the end of Reagan's second term, the national debt held by the public increased by almost 60%, and the total debt equalled $2.6 trillion. In fewer than eight years, the U.S. went from being the world's largest creditor nation to the world's largest debtor nation. In the 1992 Presidential election, Ross Perot, a successful American businessman, ran as a third-party candidate. Despite significant campaign stumbles, and the uphill struggles involved in mounting a third-party candidacy, Perot received 18.9% of the popular vote (the largest percentage of any third-party candidate in modern history),", "title": "Fiscal conservatism" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.44, "text": "41,749,411 votes. In 1992 almost all Democrats elected to Congress won more votes in their congressional districts than the party's presidential candidate, Bill Clinton; this may have had to do with the presence of a strong third-party presidential candidate, Ross Perot. There is also the \"\"negative coattail\"\" effect, in which a controversial presidential candidate may hurt candidates on the party's ticket running for lower offices. Barry Goldwater's poor showing in the presidential election of 1964 led to the defeat of dozens of Republicans in the House of Representatives, leaving President Lyndon Johnson a large Democratic majority to pass his agenda.", "title": "Coattail effect" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.44, "text": "Georgia. Billionaire businessman Ross Perot, running as an Independent, finished in third, with 13.70% of the vote, a relatively strong showing for a third party candidate, and his second highest showing in the Southeast, behind only Florida. Despite being from the South, Bill Clinton became the first Democrat to win the White House without carrying the state of North Carolina. , the 1992 election constitutes the last occasion the following counties have supported a Democratic presidential nominee: Alleghany, Brunswick, Greene, Pamlico, Pender, Rockingham, Sampson and Yancey. 1992 United States presidential election in North Carolina The 1992 United States presidential election", "title": "1992 United States presidential election in North Carolina" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.3, "text": "George Wallace who gained 13.5% of the popular vote in the 1968 election for the American Independent Party. In 1996, both the Democrats and the Republicans agreed to deficit reduction on the back of Ross Perot's popularity in the 1992 election. This severely undermined Perot's campaign in the 1996 election. Third party (United States) Third party is a term used in the United States for American political parties other than the Republican and Democratic parties. \"\"This list does not include political organizations that do not run candidates for office but otherwise function similarly to third parties. For non-electoral political \"\"parties\"\",", "title": "Third party (United States)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.16, "text": "Rick Reed. Incumbent Republican Steve Symms decided to retire instead of seeking a third term. Republican Mayor of Boise Dirk Kempthorne won the open seat, beating Democratic congressman Richard H. Stallings. Incumbent Democrat Alan J. Dixon decided to run for re-election a third term, but was defeated in the primary against Carol Moseley Braun, Cook County Recorder of Deeds and former State Representative, who then won the general election over Republican Richard S. Williamson, former Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs. Braun (whose victory coincided with Bill Clinton's win in the presidential election and Illinois) made history in", "title": "1992 United States Senate elections" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.16, "text": "Lowell Weicker as governor on a third-party ticket in 1990. Weicker's remedy was a state income tax which proved effective in balancing the budget, but only for the short-term. He did not run for a second term, in part because of this politically unpopular move. In 1992, initial construction was completed on Foxwoods Casino at the Mashantucket Pequots reservation in eastern Connecticut, which became the largest casino in the Western Hemisphere. Mohegan Sun followed four years later. In 2000, presidential candidate Al Gore chose Senator Joe Lieberman as his running mate, marking the first time that a major party presidential", "title": "Connecticut" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.97, "text": "On Election Day, Perot finished in third place behind Clinton (the winner) and Bush. Perot received 19,743,821 votes, which accounted for 18.91% of the popular vote. He failed to win any states in the Electoral College because of the relatively even distribution of his support, but did win over 30% of the vote in Maine and 27% in Utah, finishing second in both states. Perot was the first third party candidate since George Wallace in 1968 to finish first in a county, winning counties in Alaska (divided into boroughs), California, Nevada, Colorado, Kansas, Texas and Maine. He won his largest", "title": "Ross Perot 1992 presidential campaign" } ]
when does flash episode 1 season 4 come out?
[ "October 10, 2017" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.28, "text": "The Flash (season 4) The fourth season of the American television series \"\"The Flash\"\", which is based on the DC Comics character Barry Allen / Flash, premiered on The CW on October 10, 2017, and ran for 23 episodes until May 22, 2018. The season follows a crime scene investigator with superhuman speed who fights criminals, including others who have also gained superhuman abilities. It is set in the Arrowverse, sharing continuity with the other television series of the universe, and is a spin-off of \"\"Arrow\"\". The season is produced by Berlanti Productions, Warner Bros. Television, and DC Entertainment, with", "title": "The Flash (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.17, "text": "from Earth-X. \"\"Arrow\"\" actor David Ramsey appears as John Diggle, as well as DeVoe's Diggle disguise earlier in the twenty-second episode. The season began airing on October 10, 2017, on The CW in the United States, and on CTV in Canada. The season concluded on May 22, 2018. Sky One acquired the rights to air the season in the UK & Ireland, airing it alongside the other Arrowverse shows. The season premiered October 17. In July 2017, cast from the series appeared at San Diego Comic-Con International to promote the season, where exclusive footage was shown. During the panel, a", "title": "The Flash (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.98, "text": "black market of metahuman supervillains. Filming for the season began on July 4, 2017, in Vancouver, British Columbia, and concluded on April 21, 2018. Kevin Smith returned to direct an episode in January 2018. In August 2017, series composer Blake Neely and Nathaniel Blume began to compose the music for the fourth season. In May 2017, The CW president Mark Pedowitz officially announced plans for a four-show Arrowverse crossover event, crossing over episodes of the television series \"\"Supergirl\"\", \"\"The Flash\"\", \"\"Legends of Tomorrow\"\", and \"\"Arrow\"\". The crossover, \"\"Crisis on Earth-X\"\", began with \"\"Supergirl\"\" and a special airing of \"\"Arrow\"\" on", "title": "The Flash (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.56, "text": "latest.\"\" Collider's Allison Keene also noted Iris \"\"getting an actual storyline\"\" with Barry gone, and similarly presumed that he \"\"[would] be back in the fold by the end of the first episode\"\" alike to Flashpoint in the third season. She added, \"\"There are some new foes, lots of action, plenty of tech — it's great!\"\" The season was made available for streaming on Netflix in late May 2018, soon after the season finale aired. It will be released on Blu-ray on August 28, 2018. The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reported a 76% approval rating with an average rating of", "title": "The Flash (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.44, "text": "Andrew Kreisberg and Todd Helbing serving as showrunners. The season was ordered in January 2017, and filming began that July. Grant Gustin stars as Barry, with principal cast members Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Carlos Valdes, Keiynan Lonsdale, Tom Cavanagh, and Jesse L. Martin also returning from previous seasons, and are joined by Neil Sandilands. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> The series was renewed for a fourth season on January 8, 2017, earlier than usual for the series. Executive producer Andrew Kreisberg said on this, \"\"The great thing about our dear friends at The CW and Mark Pedowitz picking the shows up as early as", "title": "The Flash (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.25, "text": "November 27, 2017, and concluded on \"\"The Flash\"\" and \"\"Legends of Tomorrow\"\" on November 28. In August 2017, Berlanti noted that it would be \"\"a big life event for a few different people\"\" that would bring them all together for the crossover, adding \"\"There are many life events that happen.\"\" Prior to that, \"\"Arrow\"\" actress Emily Bett Rickards appears as Felicity Smoak in the fifth episode of the season. Following the crossover, Katie Cassidy (who has previously appeared on \"\"The Flash\"\" as both Laurel Lance and Black Siren) appears in the nineteenth episode as Siren-X, an alternate version of Laurel", "title": "The Flash (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.2, "text": "Doviak gave the finale a B+, praising the light tone and character moments, while adding that \"\"None of this can make up for the long stretches of mediocrity this year, but at least it doesn’t leave me with a bad taste in my mouth.\"\" General references The Flash (season 4) The fourth season of the American television series \"\"The Flash\"\", which is based on the DC Comics character Barry Allen / Flash, premiered on The CW on October 10, 2017, and ran for 23 episodes until May 22, 2018. The season follows a crime scene investigator with superhuman speed who", "title": "The Flash (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.2, "text": "is produced by Berlanti Productions, Warner Bros. Television, and DC Entertainment, with Todd Helbing serving as showrunner. The season was ordered in April 2018, and production began that July. Grant Gustin stars as Barry, with principal cast members Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Carlos Valdes, Tom Cavanagh, and Jesse L. Martin also returning from previous seasons, while Hartley Sawyer, Danielle Nicolet, and Jessica Parker Kennedy were promoted to series regulars from their recurring statuses in season four. They are joined by new cast member Chris Klein. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Danielle Panabaker will direct the eighteenth episode of the season. Rebecca Johnson and Kevin", "title": "The Flash (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.14, "text": "Neely. \"\"The Flash\"\" was screened at the Warner Bros. Television and DC Entertainment panel at San Diego Comic-Con International in July 2014. The series officially premiered on The CW on October 7, 2014, during the 2014–15 television season and also premiered in Canada on the same night. The second episode was screened at New York Comic Con on October 9, 2014, as a way to repay the viewers that watched the series' premiere episode. The series premiered in the United Kingdom and Ireland on October 28, 2014, and in Australia on December 3, 2014. In April 2015, to celebrate the", "title": "The Flash (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.06, "text": "6 episodes from Season 3 not yet shown on CBS, during the summer of 2011. Due to the cancellation of \"\"CHAOS\"\", the remaining episodes from Season 3 of \"\"Flashpoint\"\" were shown on CBS starting May 6, 2011. The remaining 11 episodes from season 4 began airing on ION Television in October of that year. Filming of season four took place between February 14 and September 15, 2011. On May 9, 2011, CTV announced that the fourth season would begin airing on June 17, 2011, to be simulcast by CBS. On June 1, 2011, Bell Media announced that the network ordered", "title": "Flashpoint (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.06, "text": "in the season premiere. In July 2017, Neil Sandilands was announced to be cast as Clifford DeVoe, a metahuman genius who embarks on a seasonlong battle with the Flash in order to fix all that he deems wrong with humanity; while Kim Engelbrecht was announced as The Mechanic, DeVoe's right hand and a highly intelligent engineer who designs devices for him; and Danny Trejo as Breacher, a bounty hunter from Earth-19 and the father of Gypsy. Also in June, the series was looking to cast a role that \"\"should put the visual effects department to the test\"\", with the role", "title": "The Flash (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22, "text": "The Flash (season 1) The first season of the American television series \"\"The Flash\"\" premiered on The CW on October 7, 2014 and concluded on May 19, 2015 after airing 23 episodes. The series is based on the DC Comics character Barry Allen / Flash, a costumed superhero crime-fighter with the power to move at superhuman speeds. It is a spin-off from \"\"Arrow\"\", existing in the same fictional universe, and was produced by Berlanti Productions, Warner Bros. Television, and DC Entertainment, with Andrew Kreisberg serving as showrunner. The series follows Allen, portrayed by Grant Gustin, a crime scene investigator who", "title": "The Flash (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.83, "text": "released together on Blu-ray and DVD, along with the rest of \"\"The Flash\"\"s second season on September 6, 2016, and \"\"Arrow\"\"s fourth season on August 30, 2016. Bonus features include behind-the-scenes featurettes, audio commentary, deleted scenes, and a blooper reel. \"\"The Flash\"\" episode attracted season two's largest viewership – the show's largest since February 17, 2015. The episode attracted 12% more viewers and matched the 18–49 rating of the previous episode, \"\"Gorilla Warfare\"\". It was down 12% in the 18–49 rating from the previous year's crossover. The \"\"Arrow\"\" episode attracted season four's largest viewership and 18–49 rating, the best since", "title": "Heroes Join Forces" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.7, "text": "they did has allowed us to start building the schedules for next season.\"\" In May 2017, it was announced that Aaron Helbing would not return as an executive producer for season four, with only Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Sarah Schechter, and Todd Helbing returning from previous seasons. Todd Helbing and Kreisberg were slated to serve as the season's showrunners. In November 2017, Kreisberg was suspended from his role as executive producer and showrunner on \"\"The Flash\"\" over allegations of sexual harassment. By the end of the month, he had been fired, with his name eventually being removed from the credits", "title": "The Flash (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.66, "text": "2010. The remainder of the third season was broadcast on CBS beginning May 6, 2011. On Metacritic, \"\"Flashpoint\"\" got mixed to average reviews scoring 51 out of 100 on the site's metascore. In Region 1, Phase 4 Films has released all five seasons on DVD in Canada, while in the US CBS DVD (distributed by Paramount Home Entertainment) has released the first four seasons; the final season was released on March 18, 2014. On November 5, 2013, Phase 4 Films released \"\"Flashpoint – The Complete Series\"\" On DVD in Canada. The 19-disc set features all 75 episodes of the series", "title": "Flashpoint (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.64, "text": "9, 2009 at 9 pm for a midseason start. In the United States and Canada, the remaining four episodes that were originally produced for Season 1 aired as a part of Season 2. CTV in Canada originally considered these episodes as part of Season 1; however, after the airing of the fourth episode (which was originally considered the final episode of Season 1), CTV changed the labelling of these four episodes and, following CBS, began considering them part of Season 2. CBS and CTV both ended Season 2 on May 25, 2009 after airing only the first nine episodes produced.", "title": "Flashpoint (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.36, "text": "the next Arrowverse crossover would feature Batwoman and Gotham City. The crossover \"\"Elseworlds\"\" is slated to launch a 2019 solo series for the character. In May 2018, it was announced that \"\"Supergirl\"\", which had aired on Mondays since its debut, would move to Sundays for its fourth season due to The CW's programming expansion to Sunday nights. The season premiered on The CW in the United States on October 14, 2018. The annual crossover episode will swap time-slots with \"\"The Flash\"\" for that week and will air on Tuesday, December 11. The main cast of the season as well as", "title": "Supergirl (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.31, "text": "titled \"\"World's Finest\"\" when it was released on the \"\"Supergirl: Season 1\"\" soundtrack. All music composed by Blake Neely. The season premiered on The CW on October 6, 2015, and ran until May 24, 2016. \"\"The Flash\"\" surged 1,378% in buzz (highest year over year growth in conversation) from last year for its second season. The season began streaming on Netflix on October 4, 2016, and was released on Blu-ray and DVD in Region 1 on September 6, 2016. The second season of \"\"The Flash\"\" was the fourth most-torrented television show of 2016. The second season finished as the 112th", "title": "The Flash (season 2)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.25, "text": "pm Monday time-slot to the 9:00 pm time-slot, to serve as the lead-out to \"\"Arrow\"\". The season began airing in the United States on The CW on October 22, 2018. The main cast of the season as well as Phil Klemmer attended San Diego Comic-Con on July 21, 2018, to promote the season. On October 15, 2018, Routh released a mock political ad on his Twitter page, voiced by Zano. The ad jokingly claimed that \"\"Arrow\"\", \"\"The Flash\"\", and \"\"Supergirl\"\" were trying to keep attention away from \"\"Legends of Tomorrow\"\", followed by many headlines as well as real and fake", "title": "Legends of Tomorrow (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.19, "text": "Legends of Tomorrow (season 4) The fourth season of the American television series \"\"Legends of Tomorrow\"\", which is based on characters from DC Comics, premiered on The CW on October 22, 2018, and is set to consist of 16 episodes. The season follows the Legends, a dysfunctional team of time-traveling superheroes and anti-heroes, and their mission to recapture the magical fugitives that they accidentally released throughout time. It is set in the Arrowverse, sharing continuity with the other television series of the universe, and is a spin-off of \"\"Arrow\"\" and \"\"The Flash\"\". The season is produced by Berlanti Productions, Warner", "title": "Legends of Tomorrow (season 4)" } ]
article 25-28 of the indian constitution deal with __?
[ "Freedom of religion" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.09, "text": "abolition of, and penalties for employing, child labour, as well as provisions for rehabilitation of former child labourers. The Right to Freedom of Religion, covered in Articles 25–28, provides religious freedom to all citizens and ensures a secular state in India. According to the Constitution, there is no official State religion, and the State is required to treat all religions impartially and neutrally. Article 25 guarantees all persons the freedom of conscience and the right to preach, practice and propagate any religion of their choice. This right is, however, subject to public order, morality and health, and the power of", "title": "Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties of India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.81, "text": "resulted in more troubles in the convert's life. Different kinds of hostilities were: being killed, threatened with death, fear of future troubles or being disowned by parents and friends. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution has the word \"\"secular\"\", and articles 25 to 28 implying that the State will not discriminate, patronise or meddle in the profession of any religion. However, it shields individual religions or groups by adding religious rights as fundamental rights. Article 25 says \"\"all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right to freely profess, practice, and propagate religion subject to public order,", "title": "Freedom of religion in India" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.06, "text": "Freedom of religion in India Freedom of religion in India is a fundamental right guaranteed by Article 25-28 of the Constitution of India. Modern India came into existence in 1947 and the Indian constitution's preamble was amended in 1976 to state that India is a secular state. However, in S.R Bommai v. Union of India, Supreme Court of India ruled that India was already a secular state from the time it adopted its constitution, what actually was done through this amendment is to state explicitly what was earlier contained implicitly under article 25 to 28. Every citizen of India has", "title": "Freedom of religion in India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.38, "text": "right guaranteed by the constitution. According to Article 25 of the Indian Constitution, every citizen of India has the right to \"\"profess, practice and propagate religion\"\", \"\"subject to public order, morality and health\"\" and also subject to other provisions under that article. Article 25 (2b) uses the term \"\"Hindus\"\" for all classes and sections of Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and Sikhs. Sikhs and Buddhists objected to this wording that makes many Hindu personal laws applicable to them. However, the same article also guarantees the right of members of the Sikh faith to bear a Kirpan. Religions require no registration. The government", "title": "Freedom of religion by country" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.16, "text": "Jains had no right to protect under Article 25/26 of the Indian Constitution. The issue of management of the said temple was again cropped up, and Digambers, Swetambers, Hindus and the State of Rajasthan again brought the matter in the Supreme Court of India, claiming to have the right to manage the temple. However, this time on the strength of 'Rajasthan Public Trust Act', which says that those temples to which chapter X of the said Act is applicable, would be managed by a Committee constituted from the persons interested in the management. That case was decided by a Bench", "title": "Rishabhdeo" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.16, "text": "Islamic law is sacred, due to modern political and social developments sacred interpretation of classic Islamic law's in India have changed in response to societal requirements. The Constitution of India outlines the Fundamental rights in India to equality under Article 14. Article 15 covers freedom from discrimination which includes that of gender equality. However, Article 25 justifies the freedom of religion which safeguards the religious rights of Muslim communities, in turn Muslim Personal Law, which is discriminatory between Muslim men and woman. The continuance of discrimination within Muslim personal law contravenes that set out in India's constitution, notably articles 14", "title": "Human rights in India" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.06, "text": "and Kashmir Police every year. According to the government, this restriction was placed due to security reasons. Local religious authorities and separatist groups condemned this action and said it is a violation of their fundamental religious rights. The Article 25 of the Indian Constitution is a basic human right guarantee that cannot be subverted or misinterpreted in any manner. Anti-conversion laws are promulgated on the premise that forced or induced conversions happen and need to be prevented. A consolidation of various anti-conversion or so-called \"\"Freedom of Religion\"\" Laws has been done by the All Indian Christian Council. Several Indian states", "title": "Freedom of religion in India" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.56, "text": "in the past by landlords, has been declared a crime and is punishable by law. Trafficking in humans for the purpose of the slave trade or prostitution is also prohibited by law. An exception is made in employment without payment for compulsory services for public purposes. Compulsory military conscription is covered by this provision. Right to freedom of religion, covered in Articles 25, 26, 27 and 28, provides religious freedom to all citizens of India. The objective of this right is to sustain the principle of secularism in India. According to the Constitution, all religions are equal before the State", "title": "Fundamental rights in India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.2, "text": "guaranteed by the Indian constitution. Article 25 (2b) uses the term \"\"Hindus\"\" for all classes and sections of Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and Sikhs. Sikhs and Buddhists objected to this wording that makes many Hindu personal laws applicable to them. However, the same article also guarantees the right of members of the Sikh faith to bear a Kirpan. Religions require no registration. The government can ban a religious organisation if it disrupts communal harmony, has been involved in terrorism or sedition, or has violated the Foreign Contributions Act. The government limits the entry of any foreign religious institution or missionary and", "title": "Freedom of religion in India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.02, "text": "\"\"from time to time\"\". Article 194 was amended to grant the same rights as Clause 21 to State Legislatures, its members and committees. Two new clauses 4A and 26A were inserted into article 366 of the Constitution, which defined the meaning of the terms \"\"Central Law\"\" and \"\"State Law\"\" by inserting two new clauses 4A and 26A into article 366 of the Constitution. The 42nd Amendment froze any delimitation of constituencies for elections to Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies until after the 2001 Census of India, by amending article 170 (relating to composition of Legislative Assemblies). The total number", "title": "Forty-second Amendment of the Constitution of India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.02, "text": "Article 25 of the Constitution, which guarantees right to freedom of conscience, while passing the verdict. Narendra Nayak has claimed to have been attacked three times and had his scooter damaged twice, with one of the attacks leaving him with head injuries. This compelled him to take self-defence lessons and carry a nunchaku. Megh Raj Mitter's house was surrounded by a mob after he debunked the Hindu milk miracle, forcing him to call the police. On 15 March 2007, a bounty of lakh was announced on atheist Bangladeshi author Taslima Nasrin, while living in India, by a Muslim cleric named", "title": "Irreligion in India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.97, "text": "morality and health.\"\" Further, Article 26 says that all denominations can manage their own affairs in matters of religion. All these rights are subject to be regulated by the State. The Indian version of secularism is a little bit different from what is understood in the western European countries. In the west, state and church(religion) is separate and do not intervene in each other's internal affairs. But this is not the case with India, here secularism means 'respect for all religions' and 'keeping a principled distance' from each religion. The Indian constitution permits the central government to intervene in religion", "title": "Freedom of religion in India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.97, "text": "for deciding the legal dispute. The provisions through which the property came to be acquired by the Centre were upheld. The Supreme Court elucidated the meaning of Indian secularism in this case stating: It is clear from the Constitutional scheme that it guarantees equality in the matter of religion to all individuals and groups irrespective of their faith emphasising that there is no religion of the State itself. The Preamble of the Constitution read in particular with Article 25 to 28 emphasises this aspect and indicates that it is in this manner the concept of secularism embodied in the Constitutional", "title": "J. S. Verma" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.86, "text": "of Jammu and Kashmir between 1912 and 1932. The 1927 Hereditary State Subject Order granted to the state subjects the right to government office and the right to land use and ownership, which were not available to non-state subjects. Following the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to the Indian Union on 26 October 1947, The Maharaja ceded control over defence, external affairs and communications (the 'ceded subjects') to the Government of India . The Article 370 of the Constitution of India and the concomitant Constitutional Order of 1950 formalised this relationship. Discussions for furthering the relationship between the State and", "title": "Article 35A of the Constitution of India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.84, "text": "political or other secular activity associated with religious practice. Article 27 guarantees that no person can be compelled to pay taxes for the promotion of any particular religion or religious institution. Article 28 prohibits religious instruction in a wholly State-funded educational institution, and educational institutions receiving aid from the State cannot compel any of their members to receive religious instruction or attend religious worship without their (or their guardian's) consent. The Cultural and Educational rights, given in Articles 29 and 30, are measures to protect the rights of cultural, linguistic and religious minorities, by enabling them to conserve their heritage", "title": "Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties of India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.77, "text": "discriminate against citizens, and article 16 extends a right of \"\"equality of opportunity\"\" for employment or appointment under the state. Article 19(1)(c) gives everyone a specific right \"\"to form associations or unions\"\". Article 23 prohibits all trafficking and forced labour, while article 24 prohibits child labour under 14 years old in a factory, mine or \"\"any other hazardous employment\"\". Articles 38-39, and 41-43A, however, like all rights listed in Part IV of the Constitution are not enforceable by courts, rather than creating an aspirational \"\"duty of the State to apply these principles in making laws\"\". The original justification for leaving", "title": "Indian labour law" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.77, "text": "in 2005. Article 19 (1) under which every citizen has freedom of speech and expression and have the right to know how the government works, what roles does it play, what are its functions and so on. The right against exploitation, given in Articles 23 and 24, provides for two provisions, namely the abolition of trafficking in human beings and Begar (forced labour), and the abolition of employment of children below the age of 14 years in dangerous jobs like factories, mines, etc. Child labour is considered a gross violation of the spirit and provisions of the constitution. Begar practised", "title": "Fundamental rights in India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.77, "text": "Constitution, the Governor of a State may, with the consent of the Government of India, entrust either conditionally or unconditionally to that Government or to its officers functions in relation to any matter to which the executive power of the State extends. Article 259. Omitted by the Constitution 7th amendment Act, 1956. Article 260. The Government of India may by agreement with the Government of any territory not being part of the territory of India undertake any executive, legislative or judicial functions vested in the Government of such territory, but every such agreement shall be subject to, and governed by,", "title": "Part XI of the Constitution of India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.72, "text": "of India Bill 1925, Nehru Report 1928, and States and Minorities 1945. In most cases, the provisions contained some form of restrictions on freedom of speech and expression. The Constituent Assembly of India debated freedom of speech and expression (Article 13(1) of the Draft Constitution,1948) on 1 December 1948, 2 December 1948 and 17 October 1949. The Draft Article read: \"\"'Subject to the other provisions of this article, all citizens shall have the right – (a) to freedom of speech and expression; …\"\" \"\"Proviso: Nothing in sub-clause (a) of clause (1) of this article shall affect the operation of any", "title": "Freedom of expression in India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.69, "text": "as respects— shall be void on the ground that it is inconsistent with or takes away or abridges any rights conferred on the other citizens of India by any provision of this part.\"\" The Constitution (Application to Jammu and Kashmir) Order, 1954 was issued by President Rajendra Prasad under Article 370, with the advice of the Union Government headed by Jawaharlal Nehru. It was enacted as a subsequent to the '1952 Delhi agreement', reached between Nehru and the then Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Sheikh Abdullah, which dealt with the extension of Indian citizenship to the Jammu and Kashmir", "title": "Article 35A of the Constitution of India" } ]
when was palestine first mentioned in the bible?
[ "Genesis 10:14" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.75, "text": "later, and further conflict between the Babylonians and the 26th dynasty of Egypt is recorded during 601–586 BCE. According to the bible, this culminated in 586 BCE when Jerusalem and the First Temple were destroyed by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II. Most of the surviving Jewish leaders, and much of the other local population, were deported to Babylonia. Following King Cyrus the Great's defeat of the Neo-Babylonian Empire at the Battle of Opis, the region became part of the Eber-Nari satrapy or District number V (corresponding the regions of (Syria, Phoenicia, Palestine and Cyprus) according to Herodotus and Arrian, which", "title": "History of Palestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.28, "text": "period was characterized by local patrons fighting other local patrons, lasting until around the mid-9th century BCE when some local chieftains were able to create large political structures that exceeded the boundaries of those present in the Late Bronze Age Levant. Archaeological evidence from this era is believed to corroborate some biblical events. In 925 BCE, Pharaoh Sheshonk I of the Third Intermediate Period is recorded to have invaded Canaan following the Battle of Bitter Lakes, and is thought to be the same as Shishak, the first Pharaoh mentioned in the Bible who captured and pillaged Jerusalem. There was an", "title": "History of Palestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.09, "text": "by the Israelites until after the period of Ezra (~450 BCE) when there is no more biblical record of them. Hebrew, a dialect of Canaanite became the language of the hill country and later the valleys and plains. The first use of grapheme-based writing originated in the area, probably among Canaanite peoples resident in Egypt. All modern alphabets are descended from this writing. Written evidence of the use of Classical Hebrew exists from about 1000 BCE. It was written using the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet. According to the Hebrew Bible, the United Kingdom of Israel was established by the Israelite tribes with", "title": "History of Palestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.91, "text": "Saul as its first king in 1020 BCE. In 1000 BCE, Jerusalem was made the capital of King David's kingdom and it is believed that the First Temple was constructed in this period by King Solomon. By 930 BCE, the united kingdom split to form the northern Kingdom of Israel (Samaria), and the southern Kingdom of Judah. These kingdoms coexisted with several more kingdoms in the greater Palestine area, including Philistine town states on the Southwestern Mediterranean coast, Edom, to the South of Judah, and Moab and Ammon to the east of the river Jordan. The socio-political system during this", "title": "History of Palestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.78, "text": "722 BCE. Israel's southern neighbor, the Kingdom of Judah, emerged in the 8th or 9th century BCE and later became a client state of first the Neo-Assyrian and then the Neo-Babylonian Empire before a revolt against the latter led to its destruction in 586 BCE. The region became part of the Neo-Assyrian Empire from c. 740 BCE, which was itself replaced by the Neo-Babylonian Empire in c. 627 BCE. According to the Bible, a war with Egypt culminated in 586 BCE when Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II and the king and upper class of the Kingdom", "title": "Palestine (region)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.58, "text": "most important finding from the southern Kingdom of Judah is the Siloam Inscription, dated c. 700 BCE, which celebrates the successful encounter of diggers, digging from both sides of the Jerusalem wall to create the Siloam tunnel and water pool, mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, in . The Neo-Assyrian Empire was replaced by the Neo-Babylonian Empire in c. 627 BCE, following the death of Ashurbanipal and the successful revolt of Nabopolassar. The region was controlled briefly by Pharaoh Necho II of the Twenty-sixth dynasty of Egypt between the Battle of Megiddo (609 BCE) and the Battle of Carchemish four years", "title": "History of Palestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.34, "text": "Empire conquered most of the Levant. The Bible records the Israelite cities becoming vassals to the Neo-Assyrian Empire during this period. At around this time, the Siege of Gezer (c. 733 BCE), west of Jerusalem, is recorded on a stone relief at the Assyrian royal palace in Nimrud. Further military expeditions into the region are recorded in the annals of Sargon and Sennacherib, as well as in the bible. According to the bible, between 722 and 720 BCE the northern Kingdom of Israel was destroyed by the Assyrian Empire and the Israelite tribes—thereafter known as the Lost Tribes—were exiled. The", "title": "History of Palestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.17, "text": "in the Syrian Desert and the Fertile Crescent, is first seen in the Assyrian sources from the 9th century BCE (Eph'al 1984). Southern Palestine had a large Edomite and Arab population by the 4th century BCE. Inscriptional evidence over a millennium from the peripheral areas of Palestine, such as the Golan and the Negev, show a prevalence of Arab names over Aramaic names from the Achaemenid period,550 -330 BCE onwards. Bedouins have drifted in waves into Palestine since at least the 7th century, after the Muslim conquest. Some of them, like the Arab al-Sakhr south of Lake Kinneret trace their", "title": "Palestinians" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.08, "text": "such as the Siloam tunnel. Robinson made two journeys to Palestine. The first began on 12 March 1838 in Cairo, reached Jerusalem on 14 April, toured Arabia Petrea in May, arrived in Nazareth on 17 June, and ended in Beirut on 27 June; The second began on 5 April 1852 in Beirut, where he arrived back again 19 June 1852 having explored much of Northern Palestine. The work has been described as a \"\"cornerstone of nineteenth century Palestine exploration\"\". Earlier descriptions had relied on the accounts of travellers and legends, whereas Robinson and his guide and translator Eli Smith relied", "title": "Biblical Researches in Palestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.03, "text": "(first worldwide Christian council) confirmed the status of Aelia (Jerusalem) as a patriarchate, at which point the city is generally taken to have been renamed Jerusalem. Theodosius I declared Christianity the state religion of the empire in 380, and Palestine became part of the Eastern Roman Empire (\"\"Byzantium\"\") after the division of the Roman Empire into east and west (a fitful process that was not finalized until 395 CE). The Byzantines redrew the borders of Palestine. The various Roman provinces (Syria Palaestina, Samaria, Galilee, and Peraea) were reorganized into three diocese of Palaestina, reverting to the name first used by", "title": "History of Palestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.84, "text": "inspired by the revolutionary ideals then sweeping the Russian Empire who sought to create a communal agricultural settlement system in Palestine. They thus founded the kibbutz movement. The first kibbutz, Degania, was founded in 1909. Tel Aviv was founded at that time, though its founders were not necessarily from the new immigrants. The Second Aliyah is largely credited with the revival of the Hebrew language and establishing it as the standard language for Jews in Israel. Eliezer Ben-Yehuda contributed to the creation of the first modern Hebrew dictionary. Although he was an immigrant of the First Aliyah, his work mostly", "title": "History of Palestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.83, "text": "according to Josephus though Ben-Sasson claims it was a \"\"satellite of Syria\"\" and not \"\"legally part of Syria\"\") and carried out the tax census of both Syria and Judea known as the Census of Quirinius. Caesarea Palaestina replaced Jerusalem as the administrative capital of the region. Most scholars agree that Jesus was a Galilean Jew, born around the beginning of the first century, and hold that Jesus lived in Galilee and Judea and did not preach or study elsewhere. Using the gospel accounts with historical data, most scholars arrive at a date of birth between 6 and 4 BCE for", "title": "History of Palestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.81, "text": "coastal cities survived for another century, but despite seven further Crusades, the Crusaders were no longer a significant power in the region. The Mamluk Sultanate was indirectly created in Egypt as a result of the Seventh Crusade. The Mongol Empire reached Palestine for the first time in 1260, beginning with the raids into the Levant under Nestorian Christian general Kitbuqa and reaching an apex at the pivotal Battle of Ain Jalut. In 1486, hostilities broke out between the Mamluks and the Ottoman Turks and the Ottomans captured Mamluk Palestine and Syria in 1516. The Ottoman rule of the country lasted", "title": "History of Palestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.77, "text": "mentioned more than 250 times in the Hebrew Bible. The Hebrew word \"\"Peleshet\"\" ( \"\"Pəlésheth\"\")—usually translated as \"\"Philistia\"\" in English—is used in the Bible to denote the southern coastal region that was inhabited by the Philistines (\"\"Plištim\"\" ( \"\"Pəlištîm\"\") The Philistines first appear in a listing of the Hamitic branch of Noah's descendants. The word \"\"Philistia\"\" is generally accepted to be a cognate of the word \"\"Palestine\"\". However, the terms for biblical \"\"Philistia\"\" and geographical \"\"Palestine\"\" have been different since at least the second century BC. As early as the LXX, thought to have been completed in 132 BC, the", "title": "Timeline of the name \"\"Palestine\"\"" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.69, "text": "but instead Umar chose to build it to the south of the rock. It became known as the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The first known eyewitness testimony is that of the pilgrim Arculf who visited about 670. According to Arculf's account as recorded by Adomnán, he saw a rectangular wooden house of prayer built over some ruins, large enough to hold 3,000 people. Cities that accepted the new rulers, as recorded in registrars from the time, were: Jerusalem, Nablus, Jenin, Acre, Tiberias, Bisan, Caesarea, Lajjun, Lydd, Jaffa, Imwas, Beit Jibrin, Gaza, Rafah, Hebron, Yubna, Haifa, Safed and Ashkelon. In Arabic, the area", "title": "History of Palestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.64, "text": "from Yemen. This wave of aliyah began in 1881–82 and lasted until 1903. An estimated 25,000–35,000 First Aliyah laid the cornerstone for Jewish settlement in Israel and created several settlements such as Rishon LeZion, Rosh Pina, Zikhron Ya'akov and Gedera. In 1891, a group of Jerusalem notables sent a petition to the central Ottoman government in Istanbul calling for the cessation of Jewish immigration, and land sales to Jews. The \"\"Second Aliyah\"\" took place between 1904 and 1914, during which approximately 40,000 Jews immigrated, mostly from Russia and Poland, and some from Yemen. The Second Aliyah immigrants were primarily idealists,", "title": "History of Palestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.56, "text": "known is 300 years later on Padiiset's Statue. The Assyrians called the same region \"\"Palashtu/Palastu\"\" or \"\"Pilistu\"\", beginning with Adad-nirari III in the Nimrud Slab in c. 800 BC through to an Esarhaddon treaty more than a century later. Neither the Egyptian nor the Assyrian sources provided clear regional boundaries for the term. The first appearance of the term \"\"Palestine\"\" was in 5th century BC Ancient Greece when Herodotus wrote of a \"\"district of Syria, called \"\"Palaistinê\"\"\"\" between Phoenicia and Egypt in \"\"The Histories\"\". Herodotus was describing the coastal region, but is also considered to have applied the term to", "title": "Timeline of the name \"\"Palestine\"\"" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.52, "text": "which included the cities of Acre, Bisan and Tiberias. In 687–691, during the Second Fitna, the Dome of the Rock was built under Caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, becoming the world's first great work of Islamic architecture. The Temple Mount (known as Haram Ash-Sharif in the Islamic world and the site where the Islamic prophet Muhammad is believed by Muslims to have begun his nocturnal journey to heaven), had remained unbuilt for c. 600 years since Titus's destruction of Herod's Temple in 70. About a decade afterward, Caliph Al-Walid I had the Al-Aqsa Mosque built. It was under Umayyad rule", "title": "History of Palestine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.47, "text": "First Aliyah The First Aliyah (Hebrew: העלייה הראשונה, \"\"HaAliyah HaRishona\"\"), also known as the agriculture Aliyah, is a term used to describe a major wave of Zionist immigration (\"\"aliyah\"\") to Palestine between 1882 and 1903. Jews who migrated to Ottoman Palestine in this wave came mostly from Eastern Europe and from Yemen. An estimated 25,000–35,000 Jews immigrated to Ottoman Palestine during the First Aliyah. It is estimated that between 40% to 90% of those immigrants left Palestine again, most of them a few years after their arrival. Because there had been immigration to Palestine in earlier years as well, the", "title": "First Aliyah" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.47, "text": "Augustine may have been Libyan. The Greeks also popularized the term \"\"Palestine\"\", named after the Greek Philistines or the Aegean Pelasgians, for roughly the region of Canaan, excluding Phoenicia, with Herodotus' first recorded use of \"\"Palaistinê\"\", c. 480 BC. From 110 BC, the Hasmoneans extended their authority over much of the region, creating a Judean-Samaritan-Idumaean-Ituraean-Galilean alliance. The Judean (Jewish, see Ioudaioi) control over the wider area resulted in it also becoming known as Judaea, a term that had previously only referred to the smaller region of the Judean Mountains, the allotment of the Tribe of Judah and heartland of the", "title": "Canaan" } ]
who does betty cooper end up with riverdale?
[ "Jughead" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.38, "text": "closer to the newest werewolf of Riverdale, Jughead. Archie convinces her to try curing Jughead with wolfsbane, which initially works until it wears off and results in Reggie's death. Jughead leaves town because he knows Betty won't give him a second chance. Betty sets out to find him with the help of Archie and her cousin Bo, with backing by her aunt, the Cooper family matriarch, Elena. Betty appears as a main character in \"\"Life with Archie: The Married Life\"\". In \"\"Archie Loves Veronica\"\", she runs a catering business while her boyfriend, Reggie Mantle, runs a repair shop. They both", "title": "Betty Cooper" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.39, "text": "Moose Mason is angry with him. Alongside Archie, Betty Cooper slips into the best friend role for Jughead in the comics. Their mutual love and appreciation for food (she cooks, he eats), and continuously going to bat for each other have made their friendship a stronghold in the comics. While generally disinterested in matters of the heart, Jughead frequently stands up for Betty when Archie breaks her heart. In the show \"\"Riverdale\"\", Betty and Jughead are dating. Writers and fans of Archie Comics sometimes comment that if they were to pair Jughead up with one of the girls, it would", "title": "Jughead Jones" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.39, "text": "\"\"Betty and Veronica\"\", taking place in their rebooted New Riverdale universe, was published in 2017. Betty and Veronica also co-starred in: Betty Cooper (\"\"Bety Rosas\"\" in the Spanish version) is the third and youngest child and second daughter of Hal Cooper and Alice Cooper. Her older brother Chic Cooper and older sister Polly Cooper have both moved out of Riverdale, their hometown. Chic moved to New York City and Polly to San Francisco, but both occasionally appear in flashbacks to Betty's childhood, and both occasionally visit their family. The quintessential girl next door, Betty's middle class upbringing is a world", "title": "Betty Cooper" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.38, "text": "children and sometimes babysits Jellybean with Jughead as well as other children in Riverdale. Occasionally, families hire Betty to keep their elderly members company. Betty is a skilled mechanic who frequently helps Archie with his broken down car Betsy. Betty is also good at skiing and car-racing. She is often said to be the best pitcher in the girls' baseball team. Betty is a scuba diver, wearing a red shorty wetsuit, breathing with an air tank she carries on her back and a regulator in her mouth, wears red fins on her feet and a mask on her face, but", "title": "Betty Cooper" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.89, "text": "star in a reality show based on their lives. In \"\"Archie Loves Betty\"\", she is an English teacher at Riverdale High. However, in both universes, Betty previously worked as a buyer for Saks Fifth Avenue in New York. Betty Cooper Elizabeth Cooper, is one of the main characters appearing in American comic books published by Archie Comics. The character was created by Bob Montana and John L. Goldwater, and first appeared in \"\"Pep Comics\"\" #22 (cover-dated Dec. 1941), on the first page of the first \"\"Archie\"\" story, serving as a love interest to Archie Andrews. Betty's infatuation with Archie, which", "title": "Betty Cooper" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.8, "text": "she prefers to swim underwater. Contrary to the \"\"dumb blonde\"\"-stereotype, Betty actually has an above-average intelligence and is one of the smartest students at Riverdale High School, along with Dilton Doiley. In one story she won an award and was sent to compete in New York and has won numerous academic awards. At one point, she gained ESP when an encyclopedia accidentally fell on her head. This ability took away all hope for the future; Archie asked Veronica for a date, but Betty knew that Archie would dump Veronica for her. Betty lost her ESP power when a ball that", "title": "Betty Cooper" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.58, "text": "Lili Reinhart Lili Pauline Reinhart (born September 13, 1996) is an American actress, best known for portraying Betty Cooper on The CW drama series\"\" Riverdale\"\". Reinhart was born in Cleveland, Ohio and raised in the nearby town of Bay Village. She developed a love for singing, acting, and dancing at the age of 10, and begged her mom to drive her to New York for auditions. Reinhart moved to Los Angeles when she was 18 years old to pursue acting and almost gave up after five months. Reinhart guest starred on the television series \"\"\"\" and starred in the films", "title": "Lili Reinhart" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.5, "text": "she was in a very dark place. Lili Reinhart Lili Pauline Reinhart (born September 13, 1996) is an American actress, best known for portraying Betty Cooper on The CW drama series\"\" Riverdale\"\". Reinhart was born in Cleveland, Ohio and raised in the nearby town of Bay Village. She developed a love for singing, acting, and dancing at the age of 10, and begged her mom to drive her to New York for auditions. Reinhart moved to Los Angeles when she was 18 years old to pursue acting and almost gave up after five months. Reinhart guest starred on the television", "title": "Lili Reinhart" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.47, "text": "book industry where blonde Betty Cooper and brunette Veronica Lodge have been engaged in a mostly friendly competition for over 70 years. The teenage girls form two-thirds of a blonde vs. brunette love triangle that is completed by their high school classmate and object of their affection, Archie Andrews. As Archie’s next door neighbor in the fictional town of Riverdale, the blonde and blue-eyed Betty Cooper is portrayed in the comic book series as a wholesome, popular, middle class girl. Her high school friend and chief competitor for Archie's affection is the vain, spoiled, upper class brunette Veronica Lodge. Despite", "title": "Blonde versus brunette rivalry" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.44, "text": "between Veronica, Archie, and Betty became the hallmark of the Archie stories since the character was created more than 70 years ago. In Archie's debut, when he was nicknamed Chick, he was trying to impress Betty Cooper. When Veronica Lodge moves to Riverdale, however, he switched his attention to her, making Betty both angry and jealous. She began competing with Veronica for his affection. The problem is that Archie reciprocates both girls' feelings for him. He and Betty date frequently, and he can always count on Betty to lift his ego by showering him with affection. Betty loves Archie, but", "title": "Archie Andrews" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.41, "text": "get thrown out by Miss Gardner. This is possibly a reference to the 1976 film. In the television series \"\"Riverdale\"\", was based on the musical from the episode \"\"\"\", with series star Lili Reinhart, who plays Betty Cooper as Sue. The episode aired on April 18, 2018. Sue Snell Susan D. \"\"Sue\"\" Snell is a fictional character created by American author Stephen King in his first published 1974 horror novel, \"\"Carrie\"\". In every adaptation and portrayal of the character, she is a popular teenage girl dating Tommy Ross. After tormenting Carrie White in the locker room, Sue begins to feel", "title": "Sue Snell" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.39, "text": "in the main continuity and back into Archie Andrews' life during the \"\"Love Showdown\"\" four-part series in 1994. During the series, Archie receives a letter from Cheryl which states she will be returning to Riverdale. Archie, infatuated with girls as always, decides to keep Cheryl's return a secret from Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge. He merely acts in a typical Archie girl crush maneuver (looking dreamy, uttering nonsense). Unknown to Archie is that Betty and Veronica both think the other person did this to Archie, and they declare war on each other to win back Archie once and for all.", "title": "Cheryl Blossom" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.33, "text": "to get over with and move on. The residents of Riverdale are overwhelmed with shock that Archie finally chose between his two girlfriends, but also concerned with Betty's well being. Veronica calls Betty and asks her to be her maid of honor. Instead of answering, Betty simply leaves the phone on her bed. \"\"The Wedding\"\" is Part 2 in the 6 issue story arc. Archie is preparing for his upcoming nuptials with his groomsmen. Meanwhile, Veronica is treating her bridesmaids to a day at the spa. Veronica is sad that Betty Cooper is not there, but Betty shows up at", "title": "Archie Marries Veronica/Archie Marries Betty" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.2, "text": "burger joint on Staten Island while his girlfriend Midge Klump will be running her own nail salon in Bayonne, New Jersey. Dilton Doiley is going to M.I.T. for his doctorate in quantum mechanics, Reggie Mantle will become a used car salesman in Atlanta and Jughead Jones will stick around Riverdale grilling burgers at Pop Tate's Choklit Shoppe until he \"\"figures things out\"\". Finally, Betty Cooper will be working as a buyer at Saks Fifth Avenue in New York City. After the party, Archie is given a large sum of money by his parents which he uses for the down payment", "title": "Archie Marries Veronica/Archie Marries Betty" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.06, "text": "with wolfsbane instead of outright killing him. Months later, Archie and Betty discover the slaughtered body of Reggie Mantle and set out to find Jughead, who has gone on the run. They are backed by the Cooper clan of hunters and their leader, Elena, Betty's aunt. Meanwhile, Reggie, now a werewolf himself, turns other residents of Riverdale and recruits them to get revenge on Jughead. Following a battle with the Coopers, Jughead recovers and goes back into hiding as Archie decides he wants out of the hunt. Veronica Lodge slaughters Hot Dog and tells Jughead to return to Riverdale where", "title": "Jughead: The Hunger" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.83, "text": "\"\"The Good Neighbor\"\", \"\"Miss Stevens\"\", \"\"Forever's End\"\", \"\"Gibsonburg\"\", \"\"The Kings of Summer\"\", \"\"Not Waving But Drowning\"\", and \"\"Lilith\"\". On February 9, 2016, Reinhart was cast as Betty Cooper, \"\"sweet, studious, eager-to-please and wholesome with a huge crush on her longtime best friend, Archie\"\" in The CW's teen drama series \"\"Riverdale\"\". Previously, Reinhart worked on the Fox sitcom \"\"Surviving Jack\"\". On February 10, 2017, it was announced that Reinhart will star in Mélanie Laurent's upcoming film \"\"Galveston\"\", alongside Ben Foster and Elle Fanning. Reinhart is very open about her struggles with depression, and says that \"\"Riverdale\"\" came into her life when", "title": "Lili Reinhart" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.75, "text": "had a dog named Spotty. Archie lives in Riverdale, where he attends Riverdale High School. Archie is a typical small-town teenager. His main crush is Veronica Lodge, but he is also fond of Betty Cooper, forming the love triangle driving many of the comic's plot lines. He has the best intentions, but often comes into conflict with Veronica's rich father, Hiram Lodge, and Riverdale High's principal, Waldo Weatherbee. As the lead singer of \"\"The Archies\"\", Archie performs with Betty and Veronica as well as his friend Reggie Mantle, who battles him for Veronica's heart, and his best friend Jughead Jones.", "title": "Archie Andrews" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.62, "text": "Mr. Weatherbee, another of Reggie's werewolf minions, has kidnapped Jughead's sister Jellybean. Betty and Archie reunite to help Jughead save Jellybean with the aid of the Coopers, who take out Reggie's minions as he and Veronica flee. Betty then convinces Elena to call off her men and leave the Jonses in her care. With the media pinning \"\"The Riverdale Ripper\"\" killings on Reggie and Veronica, the duo goes on the run and Jughead returns to a relatively normal life. Meanwhile, a reporter covering the case interviews Hiram Lodge, who is determined to clear Veronica's name and expose the truth about", "title": "Jughead: The Hunger" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.62, "text": "Meanwhile, Archie is surprised by Mr. Lodge's appearance at a sold out show. Apparently, Veronica has been unhappy since Archie chose Betty over her, and has been unable to concentrate on her work at Lodge Industries. Hiram Lodge proposes Archie leave Betty to make Veronica happy, enraging Archie, who demands Lodge never reappear in his life again. Back in Riverdale at Pop Tate's, Fred and Mary Andrews, and Hal and Alice Cooper are in the midst of discussing their children, as Mr. Weatherbee and Miss Grundy enter the establishment together. Miss Grundy quietly informs Mr. Weatherbee that her doctor had", "title": "Life with Archie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.59, "text": "dance in Riverdale, and the letter got sent accidentally; he really wanted to ask Betty Cooper, and was only daydreaming. Even after he realized he had sent the letter, he did not think she would really come. Veronica accepted the invitation, thinking that a dance would be fun. At the time she apparently lived in New York with her mother, and she begged Mrs. Lodge to let her go to the Riverdale dance. Archie struggled trying to keep his dates with both girls, thus beginning their love triangle. Veronica was ranked 87th in the \"\"Comics Buyer's Guide's\"\" \"\"100 Sexiest Women", "title": "Veronica Lodge" } ]
when was the abolition of slavery in britain?
[ "1 August 1834" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.16, "text": "Abolition of the Slave Trade was passed by Parliament on 25 March 1807, coming into effect the following year. The act imposed a fine of £100 for every slave found aboard a British ship. The intention was to outlaw entirely the Atlantic slave trade within the whole British Empire. The significance of the abolition of the British slave trade lay in the number of people hitherto sold and carried by British slave vessels. Britain shipped 2,532,300 Africans across the Atlantic, equalling 41% of the total transport of 6,132,900 individuals. This made the British empire the biggest slave-trade contributor in the", "title": "History of slavery" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26, "text": "in the eighteenth century by Thomas Clarkson. The slave trade had been abolished throughout the British Empire in 1807. In August 1833 the British government passed the Slavery Abolition Act, advocated by William Wilberforce, which abolished slavery in the British Empire from August 1834, when some 800,000 people in the British empire became free. There nevertheless remained a need for a society that could continue to campaign for anti-slavery worldwide, and the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society was accordingly founded in 1839. One of its first significant deeds was to organise the World Anti-Slavery Convention in 1840: \"\"The Convention assembled", "title": "George William Alexander" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.88, "text": "British Parliament held two inquiries. The results of these inquiries contributed greatly to the abolition of slavery with the Slavery Abolition Act 1833. The Act had its third reading in the House of Commons on 26 July 1833, three days before William Wilberforce died. It received the Royal Assent a month later, on August 28, and came into force the following year, on 1 August 1834. In practical terms, only slaves below the age of six were freed in the colonies. Former slaves over the age of six were redesignated as \"\"apprentices\"\", and their servitude was abolished in two stages:", "title": "Slavery Abolition Act 1833" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.77, "text": "trade. In 1831 the slave Sam Sharpe led the Christmas Rebellion (Baptist War) in Jamaica, an event that catalyzed anti-slavery sentiment. This combination of political pressure and popular uprisings convinced the British government that there was no longer any middle ground between slavery and emancipation. On 28 August 1833, the Slavery Abolition Act received Royal Assent, paving the way for the abolition of slavery within the British Empire and its colonies. On 1 August 1834, all slaves in the British Empire were emancipated, but they were indentured to their former owners in an apprenticeship system that meant gradual abolition: the", "title": "Abolitionism in the United Kingdom" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.38, "text": "slave trade. On August 28, 1833, the Slavery Abolition Act was given Royal Assent, which paved the way for the abolition of slavery throughout the British Empire, which was substantially achieved in 1838. In 1839, the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society was formed by Joseph Sturge, which attempted to outlaw slavery worldwide and also to pressure the government to help enforce the suppression of the slave trade by declaring slave traders pirates. The world's oldest international human rights organization, it continues today as Anti-Slavery International. Thomas Clarkson was the key speaker at the first conference in London in 1840. In", "title": "Abolitionism" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.31, "text": "of British people aware of the slavery issue and, by 1783, Britain for the first time had an anti-slavery movement that, ultimately, achieved the abolition of slavery. This happened in stages. The Abolition of the Slave Trade Act was passed by the British Parliament on 25 March 1807. The Act imposed a fine of £100 for every slave found aboard a British ship. The intention was to entirely outlaw the slave trade within the British Empire, but the trade continued and captains in danger of being caught by the Royal Navy would often throw slaves into the sea to reduce", "title": "History of cricket in the West Indies to 1918" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.3, "text": "the Navy who, after serving a 14 year \"\"apprenticeship\"\", were then absolutely free. Naturally, seeing free Africans in the Territory created enormous resentment and jealousy amongst the existing slave population, who understandably felt this to be enormously unjust. The abolition of slavery occurred on 1 August 1834, and to this day it is celebrated by a three-day public holiday on the first Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in August in the British Virgin Islands. The original emancipation proclamation hangs in the High Court. However, the abolition of slavery was not the single defining event that it is sometimes supposed to have", "title": "History of the British Virgin Islands" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.28, "text": "end to slavery in its territory. The northern states in the U.S. all abolished slavery by 1804. Great Britain and Ireland and the United States outlawed the international slave trade in 1807, after which Britain led efforts to block slave ships. Britain abolished slavery throughout the British Empire with the Slavery Abolition Act 1833, the French colonies re-abolished it in 1848 and the U.S. abolished slavery in 1865 with the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In Eastern Europe, groups organized to abolish the enslavement of the Roma in Wallachia and Moldavia; and to emancipate the serfs in Russia (Emancipation", "title": "Abolitionism" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.2, "text": "saw partial success. The importation of slaves from Africa to the British colonies was banned by the Slave Trade Act of 1807. After passage of the Act, these reformers continued to press for widespread abolition. The British empire formally abolished slavery in its colonies with passage of the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833. The legislation went into effect in August 1834 whereby all slaves in the British Empire were considered free under British law. After long and heated debates in Britain, the imperial government agreed to compensate planters for shifting from slave to free labor, allotting £20 million for this", "title": "Emancipation of the British West Indies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.17, "text": "for all slaves was legally granted on 1 August 1838, ahead of schedule, making Trinidad the first British slave society to fully end slavery. The government set aside £20 million for compensation of slave owners for their \"\"property\"\" across the Empire but it did not offer the former slaves compensation or reparations. In 1839, the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society was formed. At the time, the British economy continued to import cotton and other commodities from the U.S. Deep South, which relied on slavery for cotton production, to fuel the spinning and weaving mills in Manchester and other northern cities.", "title": "Abolitionism in the United Kingdom" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.14, "text": "concessions that guaranteed the passing of the Bill for the Abolition of Slavery. The following day he grew much weaker, and he died early on the morning of 29 July at his cousin's house in Cadogan Place, London. One month later, the House of Lords passed the Slavery Abolition Act, which abolished slavery in most of the British Empire from August 1834. They voted plantation owners £20 million in compensation, giving full emancipation to children younger than six, and instituting a system of apprenticeship requiring other enslaved peoples to work for their former masters for four to six years in", "title": "William Wilberforce" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.11, "text": "In 1832 Parliament abolished slavery in the Empire with the Slavery Abolition Act 1833. The government purchased all the slaves for £20,000,000 (the money went to rich plantation owners who mostly lived in England), and freed the slaves, most of whom were in the Caribbean sugar islands. The Whigs became champions of Parliamentary reform by making the Reform Act of 1832 their signature measure. It sharply reduced the numbers of \"\"rotten borough\"\" and \"\"pocket boroughs\"\" (where elections were controlled by powerful families), and instead redistributed seats on the basis of population. It also broadened the franchise, adding 217,000 voters to", "title": "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.06, "text": "Slavery Abolition Act 1833 The Slavery Abolition Act 1833 (3 & 4 Will. IV c. 73) abolished slavery throughout the British Empire. This Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom expanded the jurisdiction of the Slave Trade Act 1807 which made the purchase or ownership of slaves illegal within the British Empire, with the exception \"\"of the Territories in the Possession of the East India Company\"\", Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), and Saint Helena. The Act was repealed in 1997 as a part of wider rationalisation of English statute law; however, later anti-slavery legislation remains in force. In May 1772,", "title": "Slavery Abolition Act 1833" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.03, "text": "Abolitionism in the United Kingdom Abolitionism in the United Kingdom was the movement in the late 18th and early 19th centuries to end the practice of slavery, whether formal or informal, in the United Kingdom, the British Empire and the world, including ending the Atlantic slave trade. It was part of a wider abolitionism movement in Western Europe and the Americas. The buying and selling of slaves was made illegal across the British Empire in 1807, but owning slaves was permitted until it was outlawed completely in 1833, beginning a process where from 1834 slaves became indentured \"\"apprentices\"\" to their", "title": "Abolitionism in the United Kingdom" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.97, "text": "In 1811 on Tortola in the British Virgin Islands, Arthur William Hodge, a wealthy plantation owner and Council member, became the first person to be hanged for the murder of a slave. Whitehall in Britain announced in 1833 that the gradual abolition would end by 1840; by then, and slaves in its territories would be totally freed. In the meantime, the government told slaves they had to remain on their plantations and would have the status of \"\"apprentices\"\" for the next six years. On 1 August 1834 in Trinidad, an unarmed group of mainly elderly Negroes being addressed by the", "title": "Slavery in the British and French Caribbean" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.88, "text": "granted ahead of schedule on 1 August 1838. Britain abolished slavery in both Hindu and Muslim India with the Indian Slavery Act, 1843. Domestic slavery practised by the educated African coastal elites (as well as interior traditional rulers) in Sierra Leone was abolished in 1928. A study found practices of domestic slavery still widespread in rural areas in the 1970s. There were slaves in mainland France (especially in trade ports such as Nantes or Bordeaux)., but the institution was never officially authorized there. The legal case of Jean Boucaux in 1739 clarified the unclear legal position of possible slaves in", "title": "History of slavery" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.86, "text": "the US in those two cases, but only in 1855 under the Treaty of Claims of 1853. Additional slaves were liberated from American ships during the intervening years. Great Britain abolished slavery effective in August 1834 in the British Isles, most of its colonies and their waters. Since the emancipation, Britain had advised \"\"foreign nations that any slavers found in Bermuda [and the Bahamas] waters would be subject to arrest and seizure. Their cargoes were liable to forfeiture\"\" without compensation. In February 1835, seven days out on a voyage between Alexandria, Virginia and Charleston, South Carolina, the American brig \"\"Enterprise\"\"", "title": "Enterprise (slave ship)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.83, "text": "world due to the magnitude of the empire. A fact that made the abolition act all the more damaging to the global trade of slaves. Britain used its diplomatic influence to press other nations into treaties to ban their slave trade and to give the Royal Navy the right to interdict slave ships sailing under their national flag. The Slavery Abolition Act, passed on 1 August 1833, outlawed slavery itself throughout the British Empire, with the exception of India. On 1 August 1834 slaves became indentured to their former owners in an apprenticeship system for six years. Full emancipation was", "title": "History of slavery" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.81, "text": "of 1787 and the engraving showing the horrific layout of the infamous slave ship, the \"\"Brookes\"\". After the formation of the Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade in 1787, William Wilberforce led the cause of abolition through the parliamentary campaign. It finally abolished the slave trade in the British Empire with the Slave Trade Act 1807. He continued to campaign for the abolition of slavery in the British Empire, which he lived to see in the Slavery Abolition Act 1833. The Atlantic slave trade, also called Triangle trade, encompassed the trafficking in slaves by British merchants who exported", "title": "Abolitionism in the United Kingdom" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.8, "text": "and freed 150,000 Africans. They resettled many in Jamaica and the Bahamas. Britain also used its influence to coerce other countries to agree treaties to end their slave trade and allow the Royal Navy to seize their slave ships. The British were, by the late eighteenth century, the biggest proponents of the abolition of slavery worldwide. It was ironic, since they had in previous centuries been the worlds largest slave dealers. In 1823, the Anti-Slavery Society was founded in London. Members included Joseph Sturge, Thomas Clarkson, William Wilberforce, Henry Brougham, Thomas Fowell Buxton, Elizabeth Heyrick, Mary Lloyd, Jane Smeal, Elizabeth", "title": "Slavery Abolition Act 1833" } ]
where do the members of take that come from?
[ "Manchester, England" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.92, "text": "The Take (Sydney band) The Take are a pop rock band from Sydney, Australia. The members are Justin Roberts (vocals/keys), Robb Mitchell (guitar), Shane Yasserie (bass) and Tim Vickery (drums). The Take's musical influences include The Killers, Fall Out Boy and Panic! at the Disco. Justin Roberts and Robb Mitchell met in high school, and a mutual love of music led them to create the band Streetlight Theatre, which also featured Shane Yasserie. Under this name, they supported Kisschasy, Something with Numbers, Avalon Drive and Angelas Dish. In 2006 they were joined by Tim Vickery on drums, and became The", "title": "The Take (Sydney band)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.61, "text": "new 'Rock Lily' venue in Sydney, alongside Angelas Dish, Mending Melissa, and Frankie. The Take (Sydney band) The Take are a pop rock band from Sydney, Australia. The members are Justin Roberts (vocals/keys), Robb Mitchell (guitar), Shane Yasserie (bass) and Tim Vickery (drums). The Take's musical influences include The Killers, Fall Out Boy and Panic! at the Disco. Justin Roberts and Robb Mitchell met in high school, and a mutual love of music led them to create the band Streetlight Theatre, which also featured Shane Yasserie. Under this name, they supported Kisschasy, Something with Numbers, Avalon Drive and Angelas Dish.", "title": "The Take (Sydney band)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.09, "text": "\"\"some of the most flamboyant, imaginative and extravagant pop tours around\"\". Aside from covers, all of their material is composed by the members themselves; Barlow was initially the principal songwriter who received sole credit but the other members have since taken a more active role in the composition and production process, including playing instruments for the backing track. Current members Former members Timeline Take That Take That are an English pop group formed in Manchester in 1990. The group currently consists of Gary Barlow, Howard Donald and Mark Owen. The original line-up also featured Jason Orange and Robbie Williams. Barlow", "title": "Take That" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.7, "text": "Take It Back! Take It Back! was an American Christian hardcore band. They come from Fayetteville, Arkansas. The band started making music in 2005, and disbanded in 2009. Their membership was vocalist, Nick Thomas, guitarists, Daniel Hawkins and Cody Bradley, and drummer, Josh Huskey. The band released an extended play, \"\"Rumors of Revolt\"\", in 2009, with Facedown Records. Their first studio album, \"\"Can't Fight Robots\"\", was released by Facedown Records, in 2008. The subsequent studio album, \"\"Atrocities\"\", was released by Facedown Records, in 2009, as their final recording. Take It Back! was a Christian hardcore band, who comes from Fayetteville,", "title": "Take It Back!" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.33, "text": "Take That Take That are an English pop group formed in Manchester in 1990. The group currently consists of Gary Barlow, Howard Donald and Mark Owen. The original line-up also featured Jason Orange and Robbie Williams. Barlow acts as the group's lead singer and primary songwriter, with Owen and Williams initially providing backing vocals and Donald and Orange serving primarily as dancers. The group have had 28 top 40 singles and 17 top 5 singles in the United Kingdom, 12 of which have reached number one, as well as having seven number one albums. Internationally, the band have had 56", "title": "Take That" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.78, "text": "Take 5 (band) Take 5 was an American boy band from Orlando, Florida consisting of brothers Ryan and Jeff \"\"Clay\"\" Goodell, Tilky Jones, Stevie Sculthorpe, and Tim \"\"TJ\"\" Christofore. The band formed in 1997 and broke up in 2001. Take 5 was one of the many groups whose formulation and promotion were due to the machinations of promoter Lou Pearlman, and all of the members had prior experience in the entertainment industries. TJ Christofore had won Star Search in 1995 and played the role of Gavroche in \"\"Les Misérables\"\" on Broadway. Stevie Schulthorpe was previously a model, commercial actor, and", "title": "Take 5 (band)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.72, "text": "Took clan In J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium, the Took clan () was one of the most famous Hobbit families. Pippin of the Fellowship of the Ring was a member of this family. Other famous Hobbits including Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins and Meriadoc Brandybuck were also related. The first recorded Took (Tûk of unknown meaning in Hobbitish Westron) was an Isumbras Took, who became the 13th Thain of the Shire in after Gorhendad Oldbuck crossed into Buckland, becoming Master there. After Isumbras, the office of Thain became hereditary in the Took family, and at the beginning of the Fourth", "title": "Took clan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.64, "text": "Arkansas. Their members were vocalist, Nick Thomas, guitarists, Daniel Hawkins and Cody Bradley, and drummer, Josh Huskey. The band commenced as a musical entity in 2005, with their first release, \"\"Can't Fight Robots\"\", a studio album, that was released by Facedown Records on June 24, 2008. They released an extended play, \"\"Rumors of Revolt\"\", on August 18, 2009 with Facedown Records. Their second studio album, \"\"Atrocities\"\", was released by Facedown Records on November 10, 2009. Take It Back! Take It Back! was an American Christian hardcore band. They come from Fayetteville, Arkansas. The band started making music in 2005, and", "title": "Take It Back!" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.42, "text": "Take 6 Take 6 is an American a cappella gospel sextet formed in 1980 on the campus of Oakwood College in Huntsville, Alabama. The group integrates jazz with spiritual and inspirational lyrics. Take 6 has received Grammy Awards well as Dove Awards, a Soul Train Award and nominations for the NAACP Image Award. The band has worked with Ray Charles, Nnenna Freelon, Gordon Goodwin, Don Henley, Whitney Houston, Al Jarreau, Quincy Jones, k.d. lang, Queen Latifah, The Manhattan Transfer, Brian McKnight, Luis Miguel, Marcus Miller, Joe Sample, Ben Tankard, CeCe Winans, and Stevie Wonder. All original members grew up in", "title": "Take 6" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.19, "text": "place overall. They released their debut single \"\"Where Were You\"\" on 24 March 2013 independently. In 2008 Nigel Martin-Smith, former manager of boy band Take That, formed a new vocal group after auditioning boys from the North West. The initial line up consisted of Lewis Conroy, Dean Kelly, Jayme Kontzle and Craig Worsley. The band was initially called ASBRO, a play on words related to an ASBO (Anti Social Behaviour Order), and were described by Danny McFadden in The Guardian as the new East 17. Martin-Smith stated in an interview that, in seeking members for the band, he, \"\"wanted them", "title": "The Mend (band)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.17, "text": "Tectosages The Tectosages or Tectosagii (Taker-Seekers) were one of the three ancient Gaulish tribes of Galatia in central Asia Minor, together with the Tolistobogii and Trocmii. According to Strabo, the Tectosages came originally from the region around Tolosa in Gaul, where they had been part of the tribal confederation of the Volcae. During the Gallic invasion of the Balkans, c. 280 BC, a branch of the Volcae Tectosages, returning from Delphi, split from the main group and joined two other tribes, the Tolistobogii and the Trocmi. Around 278 BC they were hired as mercenaries by Nicomedes I of Bithynia and", "title": "Tectosages" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.17, "text": "Name Taken Name Taken is an American rock band from Orange, California. They were originally known as All That's Left in October 1999 until they discovered that the name was already taken; thus the name \"\"Name Taken\"\". The band started in the eighth grade where they would play shows in their amphitheatre at lunch. They later succeeded to record for such compilations as Atticus I and Warped Tour 2002. It has been noted by singer Brendon Urie in several interviews that a lyric taken from the song \"\"Panic\"\" inspired Urie's band's name, Panic! at the Disco. Name Taken released their", "title": "Name Taken" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.16, "text": "Taking Back Sunday Taking Back Sunday is an American rock band from Long Island, New York. The band was formed by guitarist Eddie Reyes in 1999. The band's members are Adam Lazzara (lead vocals), John Nolan (lead guitar, keyboards, vocals), Shaun Cooper (bass guitar), and Mark O'Connell (drums). Nolan is the only remaining founding member; Nolan had also left the group in 2003 before rejoining in 2010. The band has released studio albums with various past members Fred Mascherino (guitar, vocals), Matthew Rubano (bass guitar), Matthew Fazzi (guitar, keyboards, vocals), and Eddie Reyes (guitar). \"\"Louder Now\"\" (2006) was the band's", "title": "Taking Back Sunday" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.11, "text": "Steve Peregrin Took Steve Peregrin Took (born Stephen Ross Porter; 28 July 1949 – 27 October 1980) was an English musician and songwriter. He is best known for his membership of the duo Tyrannosaurus Rex with Marc Bolan. After breaking with Bolan, he concentrated on his own singer-songwriting activities, variously as a solo artist or as a frontman for several bands. Took was born Stephen Ross Porter in Eltham, London, on 28 July 1949, and attended Shooters Hill School. He took his name from the hobbit Peregrin Took in J. R. R. Tolkien's \"\"The Lord of the Rings\"\". At the", "title": "Steve Peregrin Took" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.09, "text": "– whose members come from the village or surrounding parishes and only dance traditional dances from Adderbury – and the Adderbury Morris Men (dressed in white, blue and red), who take dancers from anywhere and who occasionally create new dances to add to the repertoire. There is also now a women's side, named Sharp and Blunt after Cecil Sharp and Janet Blunt. The Adderbury tradition has become popular with groups of dancers from as far afield as the United States, Australia and India. Once a year both teams come together, with other guest sides, for a \"\"Day of Dance\"\" throughout", "title": "Adderbury" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.09, "text": "the band upon their return to Ireland and the very last date of the tour. Take That members played instruments on stage: Gary - piano (″It Only Takes A Minute″, ″Babe″, ″A Million Love Songs″) and tambourine (″Everything Changes″); Howard - piano (″Everything Changes″); Jason - guitar (″Babe″, ″Everything Changes″); Mark - guitar (″Everything Changes″). ″It Only Takes A Minute″ was performed as tango (combined with ″Roxanne′s Tango″ from Moulin Rouge) with all four band members dancing one by one with a female dancer, Gary partly on the top of the piano. They said in an interview it was Howard′s", "title": "The Ultimate Tour (Take That)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.08, "text": "by Concord Music. Current members Former members Studio albums Taking Back Sunday Taking Back Sunday is an American rock band from Long Island, New York. The band was formed by guitarist Eddie Reyes in 1999. The band's members are Adam Lazzara (lead vocals), John Nolan (lead guitar, keyboards, vocals), Shaun Cooper (bass guitar), and Mark O'Connell (drums). Nolan is the only remaining founding member; Nolan had also left the group in 2003 before rejoining in 2010. The band has released studio albums with various past members Fred Mascherino (guitar, vocals), Matthew Rubano (bass guitar), Matthew Fazzi (guitar, keyboards, vocals), and", "title": "Taking Back Sunday" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.03, "text": "a touring member of 10cc since 1999, playing keyboards and saxophone. Mike Stevens (saxophonist) Michael William \"\"Mike\"\" Stevens (born 26 January 1957) is an English musician. He is best known as Take That's musical director. Born in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, Stevens began music lessons on the clarinet and piano and was encouraged by his father, a professional drummer. Stevens studied composing and conducting at the Birmingham School of Music between 1975 and 1979 before working on cruise ships as a \"\"performer\"\". In the 1980s he moved to London and became a sought-after saxophonist; he was signed to RCA Records in the", "title": "Mike Stevens (saxophonist)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.02, "text": "Take To The Seas Take to the Seas are a four-piece indie rock band from Sheffield, England. They released a two track EP on Favourite Tree Records in March 2009, and are currently working on a second. They have had positive reviews in magazines such as Sandman magazine, and have had airplay on BBC Radio Sheffield's Raw Talent, and on Tom Robinson's radio show on BBC 6 music.. They met in Sheffield, South Yorkshire in late 2008 following guitarist Sam and bassist Joe's time together at school in York, England. All members were in other Sheffield bands at the time,", "title": "Take To The Seas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19, "text": "After Edmund After Edmund was an art rock band from LaGrange, Georgia. The members of After Edmund formed as a band in 2001, originally under the name \"\"Taken\"\". During that time they had five independent releases: \"\"Not the Typical EP\"\" (2002), \"\"Moonlight E-CD Single\"\" and \"\"ARE You Listening?\"\" in 2003, and \"\"Amplified EP\"\" (2004). The \"\"SA BA DE\"\" EP in 2005 was Taken's final independent release before the band changed their name to After Edmund. The name is a reference to the character Edmund Pevensie in the book series \"\"The Chronicles of Narnia\"\" by C. S. Lewis. In November 2006,", "title": "After Edmund" } ]
actors who played michael corinthos on general hospital?
[ "Chad Duell", "Drew Garrett", "Dylan Cash" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 27.52, "text": "played Michael Corinthos. Of his casting, Paevey said, \"\"This is my first series regular role, the first time I have a dressing room with my name on the door. I'm not an ego guy, but by the same token, I also kind of wanted to my best to fit in quickly.\"\" Paevey himself was shocked by his success because he had no prior acting experience when he auditioned for \"\"General Hospital\"\". The initial casting notice described the character as a \"\"Caucasian\"\" in his \"\"late 20s\"\" who is \"\"handsome, sexy\"\" and \"\"dynamic.\"\" The character was further described as a \"\"rich, privileged,", "title": "Nathan West (General Hospital)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.86, "text": "Michael Corinthos Michael Corinthos is a fictional character on \"\"General Hospital\"\", an American soap opera on the ABC network. Born onscreen in 1997, the role was portrayed by several child actors, most notably Dylan Cash when the character was rapidly aged in 2002. In 2009, the character was aged again when Drew Garrett stepped into the role. Garrett was replaced by Chad Duell after one year with the series. As the son of A. J. Quartermaine and Carly Corinthos, nephew of mob enforcer Jason Morgan, and adoptive son of mob boss Sonny Corinthos, he is born into chaos. Taken from", "title": "Michael Corinthos" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.64, "text": "Chad Duell Chad Lewis Duell (born September 14, 1987) is an American actor. He is best known for playing Michael Corinthos on the American soap opera \"\"General Hospital\"\". Duell's portrayal of Michael Corinthos garnered him nominations for the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actor in a Drama Series in 2011, 2012 and 2014. This was followed by his nomination and win for the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series in 2015. Duell attended Mountainside Middle School and graduated from Desert Mountain High School in Scottsdale, Arizona, where he played football and participated in the", "title": "Chad Duell" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.02, "text": "Dylan Cash Dylan Joseph Cash (born November 30, 1994) is an American child actor known for his contract role as Michael Corinthos on ABC's daytime drama \"\"General Hospital\"\". He began the role on a recurring basis in March 2002, but was put on contract in April 2005 following increased story-line. He was released from his contract in April 2008, as show executives wanted to explore recasting and ultimately aging the character. As a result, Cash's Michael suffered a gunshot wound to the head and fell into a \"\"permanent\"\" coma. Cash last aired on May 16, 2008, as Michael was checked", "title": "Dylan Cash" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.72, "text": "Maurice Benard Maurice Benard (born March 1, 1963) is an American actor. He is known primarily for his portrayal of Michael \"\"Sonny\"\" Corinthos Jr. on ABC soap opera, \"\"General Hospital\"\", a role he has portrayed since 1993. Benard was born Mauricio Jose Morales in Martinez, California, the son of Martha, a bank employee, and Humberto Morales, a bakery superintendent. He grew up in San Francisco, California, and is of Salvadorian and Nicaraguan ethnicity. He started his acting career as Nico on the soap opera \"\"All My Children\"\", from 1987 to 1990. In addition to guest spots on several television series", "title": "Maurice Benard" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.66, "text": "Drew Garrett Drew Garrett (born Drew Garrett Nelson, April 21, 1989) is an American actor. He was best known for his role as Michael Corinthos III in the television series \"\"General Hospital\"\". Garrett was born in Jupiter, Florida, to Randy Nelson and Karole Cooney, a former Kravis Center front-of-house manager, and daughter of Niles Cooney, the owner of an orange grove in Fort Pierce, Florida. He attended Dreyfoos School of the Arts and played varsity soccer. He later moved to Los Angeles with his mother in 2005, graduated from the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts with the", "title": "Drew Garrett" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.23, "text": "suffers from postpartum depression. In May, a SORAS teenaged recast Michael Corinthos (now Drew Garrett) wakes up from coma after an experimental surgery, experiencing anger issues. Similarly aged characters Kristina Davis (now Lexi Ainsworth) and Morgan Corinthos are recast as well. A car driven by Edward Quartermaine crashes into the hospital carnival, wreaking havoc. Both Michael and Kristina think they cause an accident that results in their now-stepmother Claudia Zacchara losing her baby, and run off to Mexico. Jason Morgan and Sam find them, rekindling their relationship during the trip. Sonny finds out Claudia was responsible for Michael getting shot,", "title": "History of General Hospital" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.22, "text": "after Garrett relocating to Los Angeles, Garrett landed guest appearances on Nickelodeon's True Jackson VP and the CBS drama \"\"Criminal Minds\"\". In 2009, Garrett was cast as Michael Corinthos III (the son of mobster and well-known character Sonny Corinthos) on \"\"General Hospital\"\". Garrett received positive reviews after succeeding Dylan Cash, who portrayed the role for six years (2002–2008). His character immediately became an integral part of the show and appeared in 170 episodes. On May 12, 2010, Garrett earned an Emmy Award nomination for his work on \"\"General Hospital\"\". In July 2010, rumors began circulating that Garrett would appear on", "title": "Drew Garrett" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.7, "text": "and publicly verbally abuses her, leading to her kidnapping Carly Corinthos, causing Carly to go into labor. Michael ends up finding them, and accidentally killing Claudia to save Carly and his baby sister Josslyn. At the end of 2009, crazed artist Robert 'Franco' Frank (played by actor James Franco), comes to town and is shown to be obsessed with Jason Morgan. He kidnaps Sam, Lulu and Carly, who are saved shortly before he leaves town. The end of 2009 also brought back fan favorite and original portrayer Jonathan Jackson as Lucky Spencer, and new character Lisa Niles, briefly portrayed by", "title": "History of General Hospital" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.67, "text": "World in August 2011. The couple married in a private ceremony on September 15, 2012. The marriage was annulled in late 2012, with Duell saying that it had been too soon. Duell then dated his \"\"General Hospital\"\" co-star, Kristen Alderson, from late 2012 until 2015, when Alderson left GH after moving back to the east coast. Duell has been dating actress Courtney Hope since 2016. Chad Duell Chad Lewis Duell (born September 14, 1987) is an American actor. He is best known for playing Michael Corinthos on the American soap opera \"\"General Hospital\"\". Duell's portrayal of Michael Corinthos garnered him", "title": "Chad Duell" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.56, "text": "2010, Schmidt took a leave of absence to appear on the Cartoon Network series \"\"Unnatural History\"\". Schmidt was expected to return to the role later that summer. In July 2010, Schmidt revealed that he had not been asked to return to the soap and plans for an older recast were announced. Drew Garrett, known for his short-lived role as Michael Corinthos on \"\"General Hospital\"\", was rumored to be considered for the role but the casting never panned out. In August 2010 \"\"Soap Opera Digest\"\" confirmed on their website that Luke Kleintank had been cast in the role of Noah. Kleintank", "title": "Noah Newman" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.42, "text": "into a facility for his state. Dylan returned to \"\"General Hospital\"\" on December 29, 2008 for one episode, when his TV parents Sonny and Carly Corinthos visited Michael at the hospital on his birthday. He also appeared in the 2004 hit \"\"Fat Albert\"\". He was in \"\"Sabrina the Teenage Witch\"\" as Billy. Dylan Cash Dylan Joseph Cash (born November 30, 1994) is an American child actor known for his contract role as Michael Corinthos on ABC's daytime drama \"\"General Hospital\"\". He began the role on a recurring basis in March 2002, but was put on contract in April 2005 following", "title": "Dylan Cash" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.28, "text": "was until May 2018 when Ava blackmailed Sonny into giving her joint custody after Avery was reported missing. Jonah Corinthos is the son of Michael Corinthos and Nelle Benson. He was born offscreen in July 2018. Emma Grace Scorpio-Drake is the daughter of Patrick Drake and Robin Scorpio. The role is most notably played by child actress, Brooklyn Rae Silzer, who won a Young Artist Award in 2013 for Best Young Actress 10 And Under In A TV Series, for her role as Emma. She was born onscreen in November 2008. When Emma comes down with a fever, she and", "title": "Children of General Hospital" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.19, "text": "James Ford on \"\"One Life to Live\"\" and Michael Corinthos on \"\"General Hospital\"\". The role of Starr was originated by child actors, Ariella and Natalie Jamnik who appeared in the role from in January 1996 upon the character's birth onscreen. The Jamnik sisters departed from the series in January 1998 and Meghan Rayder briefly appeared in the role throughout February 1998. Kristen Alderson first made her debut in the role of Starr Manning on March 20, 1998 on \"\"One Life to Live\"\". After a 3-year stint, in April 2001, Alderson signed a 5-year contract making her at the time the", "title": "Starr Manning" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.16, "text": "time the character of Franco is a full-time contract cast member, rather than a special guest character, or recurring. In November 2009, Franco witnesses the cover up of Michael Corinthos (then Drew Garrett)'s accidental murder of his stepmother, and sends reenactment photos to Michael's uncle Jason Morgan (Steve Burton). Disguised as a homeless vagrant, he spray paints the phrase CO77X around Port Charles. He witnesses a shootout involving Jason and Joey Limbo (Sal Landi), afterwards killing Limbo and repositioning the body in an odd figure. He goes to the opening of his art exhibit, consisting of numerous crime scene reenactments.", "title": "Franco (General Hospital)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.91, "text": "Corinthos (Bryan Craig) leaves boarding school after raking up gambling debts and goes to New York City to Kiki (Kristen Alderson), his girlfriend. Morgan's father (Sonny Corinthos) and mother (Carly Corinthos Jacks) go to New York City to find their son. They find their son in the apartment of Ava Jerome (Maura West) with his girlfriend. They convince him to come home. Ava soon arrives in town to see Morgan and Kiki who had already left New York City. In July 2013, Derek Wells (Julian Jerome) portrayed by (William deVry) arrives in town. He takes over Kate Howard's magazine. It", "title": "History of General Hospital" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.86, "text": "members who had signed on with \"\"GH\"\". Cole Thornhart, Starr Manning (Kristen Alderson) and baby Hope Manning-Thornhart are in a car crash involving Anthony Zacchara that kills Cole and Hope. The aftermath brings Starr's mother Blair Cramer (Kassie DePaiva) and father Todd Manning (Roger Howarth) to town, and the latter promptly sets roots by buying the local newspaper and television station. Meanwhile, John McBain (Michael Easton) arrives in town, investigating Sonny Corinthos in the death of his sister. Sonny is put on trial for the car accident, introducing Starr to his son Michael, who become close and start dating months", "title": "History of General Hospital" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.8, "text": "decision to have the writers make his character, Sonny Corinthos, also have the disorder. Many of the struggles he faces on the show due to the disorder are ones he faced in his own life. Much praise has been given to the show for the realistic depiction. Benard and his family live in Temecula, California along with their many pets. Maurice Benard Maurice Benard (born March 1, 1963) is an American actor. He is known primarily for his portrayal of Michael \"\"Sonny\"\" Corinthos Jr. on ABC soap opera, \"\"General Hospital\"\", a role he has portrayed since 1993. Benard was born", "title": "Maurice Benard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.75, "text": "from the ABC Daytime soap opera \"\"General Hospital\"\". She was portrayed by Andrea Bogart on a recurring status from the character's first appearance in October 2010 until the character was killed off the show, found in a Chicago morgue on December 15, 2011. Abby Haver is first introduced as the exotic dancer Candy, a friend of Sam McCall. Michael Corinthos tells his uncle, Jason Morgan he is concerned with his lack of experience with a girl due to the time he spent in prison, and wants his help finding a prostitute. Sam calls her friend Candy, who meets Michael in", "title": "General Hospital characters (2010s)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.75, "text": "Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and Julian Jerome (William deVry). While T.J. and his guardian, Shawn Butler (Sean Blakemore), assured Jordan that T.J. was safe from Julian, Jordan still pressured her son to leave Port Charles with her. When T.J. refused, Jordan decided to remain in Port Charles with her son and took a job working for the Jerome Organization at an art gallery they owned. Shawn warned Jordan to stay away from the Jerome's and when she refused, he threatened to tell T.J. that the reason he had been sent to Port Charles in the first place was because she was", "title": "History of General Hospital" } ]
are there still ad agencies on madison ave?
[ "only a few" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.69, "text": "of Advertising in America\"\", by the year 1861, there were twenty advertising agencies in New York City; and in 1911, the New York City Association of Advertising Agencies was founded, predating the establishment of the American Association of Advertising Agencies by several years. Among various depictions in popular culture, the portion of the advertising industry which centers on Madison Avenue serves as a backdrop for the AMC television drama \"\"Mad Men\"\", which focuses on industry activities during the 1960s. In recent decades, many agencies have left Madison Avenue, with some moving further downtown and others moving west. The continued presence", "title": "Madison Avenue" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.62, "text": "of large agencies in the city makes New York the third largest job market per capita in the U.S., in 2016 according to a study by marketing recruitment firm MarketPro. Today, several agencies are still located in the old business cluster on Madison Avenue, including StrawberryFrog, TBWA Worldwide, Organic, Inc., and DDB Worldwide. However, the term is still used to describe the agency business as a whole and large, New York–based agencies in particular. Madison Square is formed by the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Broadway at 23rd Street. The square was named for James Madison, fourth President of the", "title": "Madison Avenue" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.44, "text": "equipment to the corporate headquarters in Madison, WI. Ultimately adtec IT would close in 2012 when the parent company closed although a group of former Employees formed a new business (Three Pillars Technology) adtec Staffing was a temporary staffing and permanent placement agency. Based at 555 W Washington Ave, the location was adjacent to the bus station (now a CVS) with entrances on Bedford Street. This was the last location to close, remaining open until the shuttering of the parent company in 2012. The operation was formerly based out of 3330 University Avenue, Madison and had a satellite operation which", "title": "Wisconsin Physicians Service" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.14, "text": "Off Madison Ave Off Madison Ave is a full-service marketing communications firm based in Tempe, Arizona. The firm was founded by partners David Anderson and Roger Hurni. Off Madison Ave specializes in new media, strategic planning, interactive marketing, public relations, advertising, market research and strategies, and media planning. Both partners have received the American Advertising Federation's Phoenix Chapter Ad Person of the Year - Hurni in 2007 and Anderson in 2002. They were named finalists for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2003. The firm has won several ADDY Awards for creative campaigns for clients. In", "title": "Off Madison Ave" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.62, "text": "name=\"\"\"\">Phoenix Business Journal, November 2, 2001.</ref> Off Madison Ave Off Madison Ave is a full-service marketing communications firm based in Tempe, Arizona. The firm was founded by partners David Anderson and Roger Hurni. Off Madison Ave specializes in new media, strategic planning, interactive marketing, public relations, advertising, market research and strategies, and media planning. Both partners have received the American Advertising Federation's Phoenix Chapter Ad Person of the Year - Hurni in 2007 and Anderson in 2002. They were named finalists for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2003. The firm has won several ADDY Awards", "title": "Off Madison Ave" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.03, "text": "Public Relations Group, an international consortium of independently owned public relations firms. A sampling of its clients include Nike, Inc., NASM, APS, Cold Stone Creamery, The Arizona Republic and AmSafe. In 2005, Off Madison Ave acquired the online marketing firm Mighty Interactive. A winner of several Phoenix-based awards, Mighty Interactive was launched in 2000 by Jason Baer. The company is now the Internet marketing division of Off Madison Ave, providing digital research and strategy, social media consulting and services, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, customer lifecycle marketing (email, mobile, text, voice), analytics, testing, online advertising, and web site creation.<ref", "title": "Off Madison Ave" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.7, "text": "1811, and was carved between Park Avenue (formerly Fourth) and Fifth Avenue in 1836, due to the effort of lawyer and real estate developer Samuel B. Ruggles who had previously purchased and developed New York's Gramercy Park in 1831, who was in part responsible for the development of Union Square, and who also named Lexington Avenue. Since the 1920s, the street's name has been metonymous with the American advertising industry. Therefore, the term \"\"Madison Avenue\"\" refers specifically to the agencies and methodology of advertising. \"\"Madison Avenue techniques\"\" refers, according to William Safire, to the \"\"gimmicky, slick use of the communications", "title": "Madison Avenue" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.14, "text": "Square Garden is now located at Eighth Avenue between 31st and 33rd Street; however, it still retains the name. Retail brands with locations on Madison Avenue include: Alexander McQueen, Hermès, Tom Ford, Céline, Proenza Schouler, Lanvin, Valentino, Stuart Weitzman, Damiani, Emporio Armani, Prada, Chloé, Roberto Cavalli, Davidoff, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Calvin Klein, Cartier, Christian Louboutin, La Perla, Jimmy Choo, Jacadi, Mulberry, Victoria's Secret, Barneys New York, Coach, Emanuel Ungaro, Giorgio Armani, Oliver Peoples, Vera Wang, Anne Fontaine, Baccarat, Carolina Herrera, Ralph Lauren and others. Madison Avenue is served by the local New York City Transit buses; the express New", "title": "Madison Avenue" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.08, "text": "2006, Off Madison Ave was named one of the \"\"Best Places to Work\"\" in the Valley by The Business Journal of Phoenix. The agency's pro bono media relations campaign for the Uhuru Ascent, an expedition in which a paraplegic attempted to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro, was selected as a finalist for the 2007 PR News Platinum PR awards.<ref name=\"\"\"\">PR News</ref> The firm's public relations department and Internet marketing firm, Mighty Interactive, have been ranked No. 1 by Arizona Business Magazine's Ranking Arizona.<ref name=\"\"\"\">*Arizona Business Magazine 2007 Ranking Arizona, March 2007</ref> Off Madison Ave is the only Arizona firm in the Worldcom", "title": "Off Madison Ave" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.95, "text": "Manhattan. Manhattan contained over 500 million square feet (46.5 million m) of office space in 2015, making it the largest office market in the United States, while Midtown Manhattan, with nearly 400 million square feet (37.2 million m) in 2015, is the largest central business district in the world. , the global advertising agencies of Omnicom Group and Interpublic Group, both based in Manhattan, had combined annual revenues of approximately US$21 billion, reflecting New York City's role as the top global center for the advertising industry, which is metonymously referred to as \"\"Madison Avenue\"\". Silicon Alley, centered in Manhattan, has", "title": "Manhattan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.88, "text": "sculpture, it still kept the designation as an oasis in the city. The building and its atrium have been known as one of the most monumental buildings and popular open spaces in the city. 590 Madison Avenue is an office building designed by Edward Larrabee Barnes. It was originally owned by IBM and thus called the \"\"IBM Building\"\". The tower was completed in 1983, and was used by numerous IBM branch offices until it was sold to Odyssey in 1994. The building is still named for IBM, and the global technology firm remains a major tenant. The 41-story building's height", "title": "590 Madison Avenue" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.67, "text": "media to play on emotions.\"\" Madison Avenue carries one-way traffic uptown (northbound) from East 23rd Street to East 135th Street, with the changeover from two-way traffic taking place on January 14, 1966, at which time Fifth Avenue was changed to one way downtown (southbound). Between East 135th Street and East 142nd Street, Madison Avenue carries southbound traffic only, and runs parallel to the Harlem River Drive. The term \"\"Madison Avenue\"\" is often used metonymically for advertising, and Madison Avenue became identified with the American advertising industry after the explosive growth in this area in the 1920s. According to \"\"The Emergence", "title": "Madison Avenue" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.41, "text": "revealed that Madison was not accredited by any recognized agency and was listed on the \"\"Non-Approved Entities\"\" list of the Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation. Madison provided names of several \"\"accreditors\"\" that the newspaper found are either not engaged in accreditation or are not recognized accreditors in the United States, including the World Association of Universities and Colleges, National Academy of Higher Education, and the Association of Distance Learning Programs. After publication of this information, Donastorg's attorney notified the newspaper that he would sue over the article. Donastorg told the newspaper that his online classes through Madison University \"\"were among", "title": "Adlah Donastorg Jr." }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.14, "text": "Inc. announced in 2017 that they would be relocating to New York City. The reason for this move, according to Discovery, was to operate close to their \"\"ad partners on Madison Avenue,\"\" \"\" investors and analysts on Wall Street,\"\" and their \"\"creative and production community,\"\" said their CEO, David Zaslav, in a email to employees. The same year also brought the reopening of the Silver Theatre, as AFI Silver, under the auspices of the American Film Institute. Development continues with the opening of new office buildings, condos, stores, and restaurants. In 2015-16, the long-struggling City Place Mall underwent a complete", "title": "Silver Spring, Maryland" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.12, "text": "Associates (the current J Walter Thompson). In 1986 Balsara decided to work on his own and started his advertising agency Madison on 21 March 1988. Balsara served as President of the Advertising Club Bombay1989-1992, Chairman of Advertising Standards Council of India 2000 to 2001, President of Advertising agencies association of India 2002 to 2004, Chairman of Triple A (Advertising Agencies Association of India) Awards,Member of Board of Governors of Advertising Standards Council of India. Balsara with his wife Homie have two daughter Tanya and Lara. Balsara’s elder daughter Tanya is visually handicapped and runs a small computer institute and teaches", "title": "Sam Balsara" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.92, "text": "383 Madison Avenue 383 Madison Avenue is an office building owned and occupied by JP Morgan Chase in New York City on a full block bound by Madison Avenue and Vanderbilt Avenue between East 46th and 47th Streets. Formerly known as the Bear Stearns Building, it housed the world headquarters of the now-defunct Bear Stearns from the building's completion until Bear's collapse and sale to JPMorgan Chase in 2008. The building now houses the New York offices for J.P. Morgan's investment banking division, which formerly occupied 277 Park Avenue. Both 383 Madison and 277 Park are adjacent to JPMorgan Chase's", "title": "383 Madison Avenue" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.84, "text": "2009, it opened a Phineas Cole shop-in-shop at the front corner of the flagship Madison Avenue store. The company operates locations in the United States and Japan. The original New York City store is still located at the corner of Madison Avenue and 45th Street. It has grown to and remains the company's largest store. A store in Washington, D.C. opened in spring 2015. In the fall of 2008, Paul Stuart relocated its Chicago store from the John Hancock Center on Michigan Avenue to Oak Street. In the spring of 2011, Paul Stuart opened a second Chicago location in The", "title": "Paul Stuart" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.61, "text": "the world leader at the time. “We built the agency around an open-room principle. From this platform emerged speed, friendship, respect and all the important things that are needed to make it happen. Our office is housed in a large open space in the penthouse of a building on Madison Avenue and it allows us to work with a lot of motivation, inspiration and knowledge because it’s all-open and everyone is mixed together. Everyone knows and appreciates each other’s work and if anyone is called away of feeling ill someone can come in and keep the process going,” says Scott", "title": "Scott Goodson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.52, "text": "Awards. In October 2012, it released its mobile Demand-side Platform (DSP) called Madison. In March 2014 the company changed its name from Adfonic to . As part of the rebrand, the company structured its areas of business around two offerings: software as a service solution byyd pro; and byyd media, a managed solution for planning and executing mobile ad campaigns. Byyd byyd (formerly Adfonic) was a mobile advertising buying platform that gave advertisers and agencies access to global mobile web and app inventory. It filed for administration in April 2016 and ceased trading a month later. The company was founded", "title": "Byyd" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.5, "text": "United States Post Office (Madison Square Station) The United States Post Office Madison Square Station is a historic post office building located at 149 East 23rd Street between Lexington Avenue and Third Avenue on the East Side of Manhattan, New York City. In spite of the building's name, it is not located on Madison Square but about five blocks east (approximately 1/4 mile) along 23rd Street. The building runs through the block to East 24th Street, where there are loading docks and another much smaller and less formal public entrance. The building was constructed in 1937, and was designed by", "title": "United States Post Office (Madison Square Station)" } ]
how many states are part of the un?
[ "193" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.62, "text": "Development Group. There are non-governmental organizations participating in the activities of UNCTAD. As of May 2018, 195 states are UNCTAD members: all UN members plus UN observer states Palestine and the Holy See. UNCTAD members are divided into four lists, the division being based on United Nations Regional Groups with six members unassigned: Armenia, Kiribati, Nauru, South Sudan, Tajikistan, Tuvalu. List A consists mostly of countries in the African and Asia-Pacific Groups of the UN. List B consists of countries of the Western European and Others Group. List C consists of countries of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean", "title": "United Nations Conference on Trade and Development" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.55, "text": "F. Houngbo, who was elected for a first four-year term in 2017. As of February 2015, IFAD has 176 member states. This includes 174 UN members states along with the Cook Islands and Niue. The other UN member states that are not IFAD member states are Andorra, Australia (which joined in 1977 but subsequently denounced the agreement), Bahrain, Belarus, Brunei, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Monaco, Poland, San Marino, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine. The observers are the Holy See and European Union. The prices of basic food commodities increased rapidly during the 2007–08 world food price", "title": "International Fund for Agricultural Development" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.53, "text": "on trademark protections. As of December 2017, there are 15 non-party states that are members of the UN: six that have signed but not yet ratified (Argentina, Cuba, Haiti, Morocco, Switzerland, and the United States); and nine that have not signed (Andorra, Dominican Republic, Eritrea, Indonesia, Liechtenstein*, Malawi, Monaco, Somalia, and South Sudan). The FCTC established two principal bodies to oversee the functioning of the treaty: the Conference of the parties and the permanent Secretariat. In addition, there are over 50 different intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations who are official observers to the Conference of the Parties. According to the FCTC", "title": "WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.5, "text": "Bolivia, Brazil, Byelorussia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Liberia, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela and Yugoslavia. Among the original members, 49 are either still UN members or had their memberships in the UN continued by a successor state \"\"(see table below)\"\"; for example, the membership of the Soviet Union was continued by the Russian Federation after its dissolution \"\"(see the section Former members:", "title": "Member states of the United Nations" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.38, "text": "is deposited. The United States then informs the IAEA, which notifies other IAEA Member States. Signature and ratification of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) are not preconditions for membership in the IAEA. The IAEA has 170 member states as of May 2018. Most UN members and the Holy See are Member States of the IAEA. The dates of membership are listed below. Four states have withdrawn from the IAEA. North Korea became a member in 1974, but withdrew in 1994 after the Board of Governors found it in non-compliance with its safeguards agreement and suspended most technical cooperation. Nicaragua became", "title": "Member states of the International Atomic Energy Agency" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.11, "text": "the convention had been signed by 43 states and it came into force on 15 January 1999 after it had been ratified by 22 states. As of June 2016, the treaty has been ratified by 93 states, which includes 92 UN member states plus the State of Palestine. The states that signed the convention but have not yet ratified it are Haiti, Honduras, Malta, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, and the United States. On 8 December 2005, the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel was adopted by the UN General Assembly. The Optional Protocol", "title": "Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.47, "text": "force on 1 March 1992 after it had been ratified by 15 states. As of June 2015, the Convention has 166 state parties, which includes 164 UN member states plus the Cook Islands and Niue. The 166 states represent 94.5 per cent of the gross tonnage of the world's merchant fleet. The following are the 29 UN member states that are \"\"not\"\" party to the Convention. An asterisk beside the state indicates that the state is not a landlocked country and thus has maritime coastline. None of the 29 non-member states has signed SUA. The Protocol for the Suppression of", "title": "Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.41, "text": "to only Member States of the United Nations, which may join the Union as Member States, as well as to private organizations like carriers, equipment manufacturers, funding bodies, research and development organizations and international and regional telecommunication organizations, which may join ITU as non-voting Sector Members. There are 193 Member States of the ITU, including all UN member states except the Republic of Palau, plus the Vatican City. The most recent member state to join the ITU is South Sudan, which became a member on 14 July 2011. The Republic of China (Taiwan) was blocked from membership by the People's", "title": "International Telecommunication Union" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.41, "text": "United Nations Development Group. , the WHO has 194 member states: all of them Member States of the United Nations except for the Cook Islands and Niue. (A state becomes a full member of WHO by ratifying the treaty known as the Constitution of the World Health Organization.) , it also had two associate members, Puerto Rico and Tokelau. Several other countries have been granted observer status. Palestine is an observer as a \"\"national liberation movement\"\" recognized by the League of Arab States under United Nations Resolution 3118. The Holy See also attends as an observer, as does the Order", "title": "World Health Organization" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.36, "text": "Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council The permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (also known as the Permanent Five, Big Five, or P5) are the five states which the UN Charter of 1945 grants a permanent seat on the UN Security Council: China (formerly the Republic of China), France, Russia (formerly the Soviet Union), the United Kingdom, and the United States. These countries were all allies in World War II, which they won. They are also all nuclear weapons states. A total of 15 UN member states serve on the UNSC, the remainder of which are", "title": "Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.36, "text": "Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council The permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (also known as the Permanent Five, Big Five, or P5) are the five states which the UN Charter of 1945 grants a permanent seat on the UN Security Council: China (formerly the Republic of China), France, Russia (formerly the Soviet Union), the United Kingdom, and the United States. These countries were all allies in World War II, which they won. They are also all nuclear weapons states. A total of 15 UN member states serve on the UNSC, the remainder of which are", "title": "Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.27, "text": "Member states of the United Nations The United Nations member states are the sovereign states that are members of the United Nations (UN) and have equal representation in the UN General Assembly. The UN is the world's largest intergovernmental organization. The criteria for admission of new members to the UN are set out in Chapter II, Article 4 of the UN Charter: A recommendation for admission from the Security Council requires affirmative votes from at least nine of the council's fifteen members, with none of the five permanent members using their veto power. The Security Council's recommendation must then be", "title": "Member states of the United Nations" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.22, "text": "is currently the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to the United Nations in New York. The Council has 54 member states out of the 193 UN member states, which are elected each year by the United Nations General Assembly for overlapping three-year terms. Seats on the Council are based on geographical representation with 14 allocated to African states, 11 to Asia-Pacific states, 6 to East European states, 10 to Latin American and Caribbean states and 13 to West European and other states. Current Previous Participation on a continuing basis: Participation on an \"\"ad hoc\"\" basis:", "title": "United Nations Economic and Social Council" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.22, "text": "the membership of the USSR in the Security Council and all other UN organs was being continued by the Russian Federation with the support of the 11 member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The other fourteen independent states established from the former Soviet Republics were all admitted to the UN: Both Egypt and Syria joined the UN as original members on 24 October 1945. Following a plebiscite on 21 February 1958, the United Arab Republic was established by a union of Egypt and Syria and continued as a single member. On 13 October 1961, Syria, having resumed its", "title": "Member states of the United Nations" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.19, "text": "substance imaginable. According to Rufus King, \"\"It covers such a grab-bag of natural and manufactured items that at every stage of its consideration its proponents felt obliged to stress anew that it would not affect alcohol or tobacco abuse.\"\" As of February 2018, there are 184 state parties to the convention. This total includes 182 member states of the United Nations, the Holy See, and the State of Palestine. The 11 UN member states that are not party to the convention are East Timor, Equatorial Guinea, Haiti, Kiribati, Liberia, Nauru, Samoa, Solomon Islands, South Sudan, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu. Liberia has", "title": "Convention on Psychotropic Substances" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.19, "text": "in unrestricted voting, any member of the given regional group, with the exception of current Council members, may be voted on. The election was managed by then-President of the United Nations General Assembly Adam Malik of Indonesia. The United Nations had 131 member states at this time (for a timeline of UN membership, see Enlargement of the United Nations). There were no nomination prior to the vote. Delegates were to write the names of the five member states they wished elected on the ballot papers. Voting was conducted on a single ballot. 116 ballot papers were used. Source: 1971 United", "title": "1971 United Nations Security Council election" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.17, "text": "regional regulations, which until then governed international trade. UNCITRAL's original membership comprised 29 states, and was expanded to 36 in 1973, and again to 60 in 2004. Member states of UNCITRAL are representing different legal traditions and levels of economic development, as well as different geographic regions. States includes 12 African states, 15 Asian states, 18 European states, 6 Latin American and Caribbean states, and 1 oceanian state. The Commission member States are elected by the General Assembly. Membership is structured so as to be representative of the world's various geographic regions and its principal economic and legal systems. Members", "title": "United Nations Commission on International Trade Law" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.16, "text": "the United Nations University at UNESCO. Member states of UNESCO , UNESCO members include 195 member states and 10 associate members. Some members have additional National Organizing Committees (NOCs) for some of their dependent territories. The associate members are non-independent states. Three UNESCO member states are not UN member states: Cook Islands, Niue, and Palestine (Palestine is a non-member observer State of the United Nations General Assembly since 29 November 2012), while one UN member state (Liechtenstein) is not a UNESCO member. Kosovo was approved for membership by UNESCO's executive board in 2015, but the proposal did not receive the", "title": "Member states of UNESCO" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.12, "text": "in unrestricted voting, any member of the given regional group, with the exception of current Council members, may be voted on. At this time, the United Nations had 121 member states (for a timeline of UN membership, see Enlargement of the United Nations). There were no nominations before the election. The election was managed by then-President of the United Nations General Assembly Abdul Rahman Pazhwak of Afghanistan and one of the Vice-Presidents, a Mr. Solomon of Trinidad and Tobago. Voting was conducted on a single ballot. Ballots containing more states from a certain region than seats allocated to that region", "title": "1966 United Nations Security Council election" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.09, "text": "193 member states out of the 196 total nations of the world. The United Nations gather regularly in order to solve big problems throughout the world. There are six official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. The United Nations is also financed by some of the wealthiest nations. The flag shows the Earth from a map that shows all of the populated continents. A United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) is a proposed addition to the United Nations System that would allow for participation of member nations' legislators and, eventually, direct election of United Nations (UN) parliament members by", "title": "World government" } ]
which is first silence of the lambs and hannibal?
[ "The Silence of the Lambs" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.81, "text": "The Silence of the Lambs (novel) The Silence of the Lambs is a novel by Thomas Harris. First published in 1988, it is the sequel to Harris' 1981 novel \"\"Red Dragon\"\". Both novels feature the cannibalistic serial killer Dr. Hannibal Lecter, this time pitted against FBI Special Agent Clarice Starling. Its film adaptation directed by Jonathan Demme was released in 1991 to box office success and critical acclaim. Clarice Starling, a young FBI trainee, is asked to carry out an errand by Jack Crawford, the head of the FBI division that draws up psychological profiles of serial killers. Starling is", "title": "The Silence of the Lambs (novel)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.64, "text": "The Silence of the Lambs (film) The Silence of the Lambs is a 1991 American psychological horror-thriller film directed by Jonathan Demme from a screenplay written by Ted Tally, adapted from Thomas Harris's 1988 novel of the same name. The film stars Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins, Scott Glenn, Ted Levine, and Anthony Heald. In the film, Clarice Starling, a young FBI trainee, seeks the advice of the imprisoned Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a brilliant psychiatrist and cannibalistic serial killer to apprehend another serial killer, known only as \"\"Buffalo Bill\"\", who skins his female victims' corpses. The novel was Harris's first and", "title": "The Silence of the Lambs (film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.22, "text": "Actor, Best Actress, and Best Screenplay. It stars Jodie Foster as Clarice Starling and Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter. In 2005, comedian-musicians Jon and Al Kaplan parodied the story, especially the film, in \"\"Silence! The Musical\"\". It premiered Off-Off-Broadway and has since had productions in London and Los Angeles. In 2012, the Los Angeles production won the Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle awards for Score, Lead Performance, and Choreography. The Silence of the Lambs (novel) The Silence of the Lambs is a novel by Thomas Harris. First published in 1988, it is the sequel to Harris' 1981 novel \"\"Red Dragon\"\".", "title": "The Silence of the Lambs (novel)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.12, "text": "Mob\"\", Demme's first choice for the role of Starling was Michelle Pfeiffer, who turned it down, later saying, \"\"It was a difficult decision, but I got nervous about the subject matter\"\". Still not convinced, he went to Meg Ryan who rejected it as well for its gruesome themes and then to Laura Dern, of whom the studio was skeptical as not being a bankable choice. As a result, Foster was awarded the role due to her passion towards the character. For the role of Dr. Hannibal Lecter, Demme originally approached Sean Connery. After the actor turned it down, Anthony Hopkins", "title": "The Silence of the Lambs (film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.66, "text": "Hannibal (film) Hannibal is a 2001 American psychological horror thriller film directed by Ridley Scott, adapted from Thomas Harris's 1999 novel of the same name. It is the sequel to the 1991 Academy Award–winning film \"\"The Silence of the Lambs\"\" in which Anthony Hopkins returns to his role as the serial killer, Hannibal Lecter. Julianne Moore co-stars, in the role first held by Jodie Foster, as FBI Special Agent Clarice Starling. The film had a difficult and occasionally troubling pre-production history. When the novel was published in 1999, \"\"The Silence of the Lambs\"\" director Jonathan Demme, screenwriter Ted Tally, and", "title": "Hannibal (film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.59, "text": "parodied \"\"The Silence of the Lambs\"\", especially the film version, in \"\"Silence! The Musical\"\". It premiered Off-Off-Broadway and has since had acclaimed productions in London (2009) and Los Angeles (2012). In 2012, it won the Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle – Score, Lead Performance, Choreography Award. Hannibal Lecter (franchise) The \"\"Hannibal Lecter\"\" franchise is an American media franchise that features the titular character, Hannibal Lecter, who originally appeared in a series of novels (starting with \"\"Red Dragon\"\" in 1981) by Thomas Harris. The series has since expanded into film and television. The first adaptation was the 1986 film \"\"Manhunter\"\", which", "title": "Hannibal Lecter (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.36, "text": "assures her that he does not plan to pursue her and asks her to return the favor, which she says she cannot do. Lecter then hangs up the phone, saying that he is \"\"having an old friend for dinner\"\", and starts following a newly arrived Chilton before disappearing into the crowd. \"\"The Silence of the Lambs\"\" is based on Thomas Harris' 1988 novel of the same name and is the second film to feature the character Hannibal Lecter following the 1986 film \"\"Manhunter\"\". Prior to the novel's release, Orion Pictures partnered with Gene Hackman to bring the novel to the", "title": "The Silence of the Lambs (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.34, "text": "to present a questionnaire to the brilliant forensic psychiatrist and cannibalistic serial killer, Hannibal Lecter. Lecter is serving nine consecutive life sentences in a Maryland mental institution for a series of murders. Crawford's real intention, however, is to try to solicit Lecter's assistance in the hunt for a serial killer dubbed \"\"Buffalo Bill\"\", whose modus operandi involves kidnapping overweight women, starving them for up to two weeks, killing and skinning them, and dumping the remains in nearby rivers. The nickname was started by Kansas City Homicide, as a sick joke that \"\"he likes to skin his humps.\"\" Throughout the investigation,", "title": "The Silence of the Lambs (novel)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.34, "text": "on novels by Thomas Harris. Hannibal (film) Hannibal is a 2001 American psychological horror thriller film directed by Ridley Scott, adapted from Thomas Harris's 1999 novel of the same name. It is the sequel to the 1991 Academy Award–winning film \"\"The Silence of the Lambs\"\" in which Anthony Hopkins returns to his role as the serial killer, Hannibal Lecter. Julianne Moore co-stars, in the role first held by Jodie Foster, as FBI Special Agent Clarice Starling. The film had a difficult and occasionally troubling pre-production history. When the novel was published in 1999, \"\"The Silence of the Lambs\"\" director Jonathan", "title": "Hannibal (film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.28, "text": "the \"\"Playboy\"\" centerfold.\"\" The Silence of the Lambs (film) The Silence of the Lambs is a 1991 American psychological horror-thriller film directed by Jonathan Demme from a screenplay written by Ted Tally, adapted from Thomas Harris's 1988 novel of the same name. The film stars Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins, Scott Glenn, Ted Levine, and Anthony Heald. In the film, Clarice Starling, a young FBI trainee, seeks the advice of the imprisoned Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a brilliant psychiatrist and cannibalistic serial killer to apprehend another serial killer, known only as \"\"Buffalo Bill\"\", who skins his female victims' corpses. The novel was", "title": "The Silence of the Lambs (film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.23, "text": "persists, and in \"\"The Silence of the Lambs\"\" (1991), Agent Starling (Jodie Foster) meets Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins) for the first time and passes the cell of \"\"Multiple Miggs\"\", who says to Starling: \"\"I can smell your cunt.\"\" In versions of the film edited for television the word is dubbed with the word scent. The 2010 film \"\"Kick-Ass\"\" caused a controversy when the word was used by Hit-Girl because the actress playing the part, Chloë Grace Moretz, was 11 years old at the time of filming. In Britain, use of the word \"\"cunt\"\" may result in an \"\"18\"\" rating", "title": "Cunt" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.19, "text": "trainee Clarice Starling, is pulled from her training at the FBI Academy at Quantico, Virginia by Jack Crawford of the Bureau's Behavioral Science Unit. He assigns her to interview Hannibal Lecter, a former psychiatrist and incarcerated cannibalistic serial killer, whose insight might prove useful in the pursuit of a serial killer nicknamed \"\"Buffalo Bill\"\", who skins his female victims' corpses. Starling travels to the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, where she is led by Frederick Chilton to Lecter's solitary quarters. Although initially pleasant and courteous, Lecter grows impatient with Starling's attempts at \"\"dissecting\"\" him and rebuffs her. As", "title": "The Silence of the Lambs (film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.19, "text": "cut off her hand in order to free himself. The first trailer appeared in theaters and was made available via the official website in early May 2000, over nine months before the film's release. As the film had only just begun production, footage was used from \"\"The Silence of the Lambs\"\". A second trailer, which featured footage from the new film, was released in late November 2000. In marketing the film, Hopkins' portrayal of Hannibal Lecter was chosen as the unique selling point of \"\"Hannibal\"\". \"\"Mr Hopkins is the draw here\"\", said Elvis Mitchell in a 2001 \"\"The New York", "title": "Hannibal (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.12, "text": "list of 500 greatest movies of all time. The American Film Institute, ranked it as the 5th greatest and most influential thriller film of all time while the characters Clarice Starling and Hannibal Lecter were ranked as the greatest film heroine and villain respectively. The film is considered \"\"culturally, historically or aesthetically\"\" significant by the U.S. Library of Congress and was selected to be preserved in the National Film Registry in 2011. A sequel titled \"\"Hannibal\"\" was released in 2001, in which Hopkins reprised his role. It was followed by two prequels: \"\"Red Dragon\"\" (2002) and \"\"Hannibal Rising\"\" (2007). FBI", "title": "The Silence of the Lambs (film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.98, "text": "American Film Institute named Hannibal Lecter (as portrayed by Hopkins) the number one film villain of all time and Clarice Starling (as portrayed by Foster) the sixth-greatest film hero of all time. In 2011, ABC aired a prime-time special, \"\"\"\", that counted down the best films chosen by fans based on results of a poll conducted by ABC and \"\"People\"\" magazine. \"\"The Silence of the Lambs\"\" was selected as the 1 Best Suspense/Thriller and Dr. Hannibal Lecter was selected as the 4 Greatest Film Character. The film and its characters have appeared in the following AFI \"\"100 Years\"\" lists: In", "title": "The Silence of the Lambs (film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.95, "text": "however, feature a commentary track by Mann. MGM (current holders of the rights to \"\"The Silence of the Lambs\"\" and \"\"Hannibal\"\") released the theatrical cut of \"\"Manhunter\"\" on DVD in a pan-and-scan format in 2004. In January 2007, the same version was released by MGM in a widescreen format, for the first time on DVD, as part of \"\"The Hannibal Lecter Collection\"\", along with \"\"The Silence of the Lambs\"\" and \"\"Hannibal\"\". \"\"Manhunter\"\" was also released by itself in September 2007. The studio re-released \"\"The Hannibal Lecter Collection\"\" on Blu-ray in September 2009. In 2016, Shout! Factory released both the theatrical", "title": "Manhunter (film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.94, "text": "however, own the rights to the Lecter character and reportedly allowed Orion Pictures, which produced \"\"The Silence of the Lambs\"\", to use the character of Lecter for free, not wishing to be \"\"greedy\"\". When \"\"The Silence of the Lambs\"\" became a commercial and critical success in 1991, winning five Academy Awards, both Dino and Martha De Laurentiis found themselves sitting on a valuable asset and eager for a follow-up novel they could adapt. After a lengthy wait, De Laurentiis finally received a call from Harris telling him he had finished the sequel to \"\"The Silence of the Lambs\"\" and De", "title": "Hannibal (film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.89, "text": "1970s. In 1981, Thomas Harris wrote \"\"Red Dragon\"\" as the first novel to introduce Dr. Hannibal Lecter. The character is said to be based on the real life Dr. Alfredo Balli Trevino. In 1988, Harris wrote the sequel, \"\"The Silence of the Lambs\"\". Early cinema was inspired by many aspects of horror literature, and early horror cinema started a strong tradition of horror films and subgenres based on horror fiction that continues to this day. Up until the graphic depictions of violence and gore on the screen commonly associated with the 1960s and 1970s slasher films and splatter films, comic", "title": "Horror fiction" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.8, "text": "the brain with the boy, saying it is important \"\"always to try new things.\"\" In 1994, a \"\"Rolling Stone\"\" magazine interviewer asked \"\"The Silence of the Lambs\"\" director Jonathan Demme about a possible sequel. Demme responded that Thomas Harris, author of \"\"The Silence of the Lambs\"\", had been working on the follow-up for \"\"seven or eight years\"\". Demme had an idea even at that time that it would not be a straight follow-up. Harris had told Demme: \"\"I imagine Doctor Lecter going somewhere in Europe ... strolling round the streets of Florence or Munich, gazing in the windows of watchmakers", "title": "Hannibal (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.56, "text": "big screen. With Hackman set to direct and possibly star in the role of Crawford, negotiations were made to split the $500,000 cost of rights between Hackman and the studio. In addition to securing the rights to the novel, producers also had to acquire the rights to the name \"\"Hannibal Lecter\"\", which were owned by \"\"Manhunter\"\" producer Dino De Laurentiis. Owing to the financial failure of the earlier film, De Laurentiis lent the character rights to Orion Pictures for free. In November 1987, Ted Tally was brought on to write the adaptation; Tally had previously crossed paths with Harris many", "title": "The Silence of the Lambs (film)" } ]
where did the charge of the light brigade take place?
[ "Balaclava" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.98, "text": "Lake, Lasky Mesa, Chatsworth and Sonora. The Sierra Nevada mountains were used for the Khyber Pass scenes. The film starred Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland. The story is very loosely based on the famous Charge of the Light Brigade that took place during the Crimean War (1853–56). Additionally, the story line includes an event similar to the Siege of Cawnpore during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. This was the second of eight films in which Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland starred together. A latter film was made in 1968, under the same name, \"\"The Charge of the Light", "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.81, "text": "with his dogs was shot at 6 Carlton House Terrace, St James's, London, a few doors along from the earl's actual London residence of 17 Carlton House Terrace. Other London street scenes were filmed in the Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich. The Royal Mint, opposite the Tower of London, represented Horseguards, the headquarters of the Army. The barracks scenes in the first half of the film were filmed at Beaumont Barracks in Aldershot in Hampshire, while the 'Crimea' scenes, including the Charge itself, were filmed in Turkey with the action sequences directed by Bob Simmons. \"\"The Charge of the Light Brigade\"\"", "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.02, "text": "at the fashionable Willis's Rooms, St James's Square. Reunion dinners were held for a number of years. On 2 August 1890, trumpeter Martin Leonard Landfried, from the 17th Lancers, who may (or may not) have sounded the bugle charge at Balaclava, made a recording on an Edison cylinder that can be heard , with a bugle which had been used at Waterloo in 1815. In 2004, on the 150th anniversary of the charge, a commemoration of the event was held at Balaklava. As part of the anniversary, a monument dedicated to the 25,000 British participants of the conflict was unveiled", "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.84, "text": "at a restaurant across the road from where the actors were staying. There was some shooting done in Mexico where there were fewer restrictions on hurting animals. The film comes to a climax at the Battle of Balaclava, subject of Lord Tennyson's poem \"\"The Charge of the Light Brigade\"\". The lancers charge into the valley and brave the Russian cannons, and many are killed. Text from Tennyson's poem is superimposed on the screen, coupled with Max Steiner's musical score. Director Michael Curtiz, who did not have an excellent command of English, shouted \"\"Bring on the empty horses\"\", meaning \"\"riderless horses\"\".", "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.84, "text": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1912 film) The Charge of the Light Brigade is a 1912 American short war film directed by J. Searle Dawley and starring James Gordon, Richard Neill and Charles Sutton. It portrays the Charge of the Light Brigade when a brigade of British light cavalry charged entrenched batteries of Russian artillery at the Battle of Balaklava in 1854 during the Crimean War. The plot follows that of Tennyson's poem \"\"The Charge of the Light Brigade\"\". The film was made by Edison Studios and shot in Wyoming using 800 American cavalry troopers to play the parts", "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1912 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.78, "text": "the light cavalry to prevent the Russians from successfully withdrawing the naval guns from the redoubts they had captured on the reverse side of the Causeway Heights, the hill forming the south side of the valley. This was an optimum task for the Light Brigade, as their superior speed would ensure the Russians would be forced to either quickly abandon the cumbersome guns or be cut down \"\"en masse\"\" while they attempted to flee with them. Raglan could see what was happening from his high vantage point on the west side of the valley. However, the lie of the land", "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.73, "text": "October, the regiment furnished patrols and outpost duties, being billeted close to vineyards and barns containing water, corn, hay and fuel. In October, Balaklava and the Charge of the Light Brigade took place. It was started when 25,000 Russians tried to capture Balaklava, the British Army's only port, defended by the 93rd Highlanders, some Turks, and the Cavalry Division. Lieutenant Colonel Sherwell led the King's Royal Irish Hussars, forbidding two soldiers to carry their swords in the charge because they had \"\"Disgraced the regiment by smoking in the presence of the enemy\"\". The charge through the crossfire into the mouths", "title": "8th King's Royal Irish Hussars" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.69, "text": "is infatuated). Britain and its ally France travel to the Crimea, where they march inland to attack the strategically important city of Sebastopol. Along the way the British forces are ravaged by cholera, an occurrence met with palpable indifference by their commanders. Captain Nolan, although no friend of his subordinates, is frightened to see the army's organisation fall apart as men are consumed by the disease. When the outbreak passes, British and French forces win at Alma, but Lord Raglan refuses to allow the cavalry to press the advantage, so concerned is he with keeping the cavalry as an undamaged", "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.66, "text": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936 film) The Charge of the Light Brigade is a 1936 American historical adventure film made by Warner Bros. It was directed by Michael Curtiz and produced by Samuel Bischoff, with Hal B. Wallis as executive producer, from a screenplay by Michael Jacoby and Rowland Leigh, from a story by Michael Jacoby based on the poem \"\"The Charge of the Light Brigade\"\" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. The music score was by Max Steiner; his first for Warners and the cinematography by Sol Polito. Scenes were shot at the following California locations: Lone Pine, Sherwood", "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936 film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.64, "text": "Charge of the Light Brigade The Charge of the Light Brigade was a charge of British light cavalry led by Lord Cardigan against Russian forces during the Battle of Balaclava on 25 October 1854 in the Crimean War. British commander Lord Raglan had intended to send the Light Brigade to prevent the Russians from removing captured guns from overrun Turkish positions, a task for which the light cavalry were well-suited. However, there was miscommunication in the chain of command, and the Light Brigade was instead sent on a frontal assault against a different artillery battery, one well-prepared with excellent fields", "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.55, "text": "from long-term unemployment. Charge of the Light Brigade The Charge of the Light Brigade was a charge of British light cavalry led by Lord Cardigan against Russian forces during the Battle of Balaclava on 25 October 1854 in the Crimean War. British commander Lord Raglan had intended to send the Light Brigade to prevent the Russians from removing captured guns from overrun Turkish positions, a task for which the light cavalry were well-suited. However, there was miscommunication in the chain of command, and the Light Brigade was instead sent on a frontal assault against a different artillery battery, one well-prepared", "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.48, "text": "was killed in the ensuing battle. In response to the order, Lucan instructed Cardigan to lead his command of about 670 troopers of the Light Brigade straight into the valley between the Fedyukhin Heights and the Causeway Heights. In his poem, \"\"The Charge of the Light Brigade\"\" (1854), Tennyson dubbed this hollow \"\"The Valley of Death\"\". The opposing Russian forces were commanded by Pavel Liprandi and included approximately 20 battalions of infantry supported by over 50 artillery pieces. These forces were deployed on both sides and at the opposite end of the valley. Lucan himself was to follow with the", "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.28, "text": "Edwin Hughes, who died on 14 May 1927, aged 96, was the last survivor. In October 1875, survivors of the charge met at the Alexandra Palace in London to celebrate its 21st anniversary. The celebrations were fully reported in the \"\"Illustrated London News\"\" of 30 October 1875, which included the recollections of several of the survivors, including those of Edward Richard Woodham, the Chairman of the Committee that organised the celebration. Tennyson was invited, but could not attend. Lucan, the senior commander surviving, was not present, but attended a separate celebration, held later in the day, with other senior officers", "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.22, "text": "was one of thirty-eight men of the 145 of the 17th Lancers that came out of the charge led by Cardigan, and was always of the opinion that no one sounded the charge at all. He was in the battles of Alma and Mackenzie's Farm, and the storming and taking of Sebastopol, and before leaving for Varna marched with his regiment from Hampton Court to Portsmouth. In \"\"The Cambrian News\"\" of 30 June 1916, the passing of another 'last' was noted, Thomas Warr, aged 85, at Dorchester: At the meeting of the Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation in London last week", "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.19, "text": "military historian and a former cavalryman, insisted on taking time out during the Yalta Conference in 1945 to see the battlefield for himself. One research project used a mathematical model to examine how the charge might have turned out if conducted differently. The analysis suggested that a charge toward the redoubt on the Causeway Heights, as Raglan had apparently intended, would have led to even higher British casualties. By contrast, the charge might have succeeded if the Heavy Brigade had accompanied the Light Brigade along the valley, as Lucan had initially directed. According to Norman Dixon, 19th-century accounts of the", "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.03, "text": "by Prince Michael of Kent. A survivor, John Penn, who died in Dunbar in 1886, left a personal account of his military career, including the Charge, written for a friend. This survives and is held by East Lothian Council Archives. A number of individuals who died during 1916–17 were thought to be the 'last' survivor of the Charge of the Light Brigade. For example, Sergeant James A. Mustard of the 17th Lancers, aged 85, had his funeral with military honours at Twickenham in early February 1916. In the \"\"Abergavenny Chronicle\"\" news report published on 11 February it was stated: He", "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.94, "text": "from the greatest apparent certainty of death which could possibly be conceived. A newspaper report on 11 December 2016 revealed another version of what happened when a letter was found in the British Library, written by Lieutenant Frederick Maxse who was on Lord Raglan's staff at Balaklava. It said that Lord Raglan had sent an order for the Light Brigade to \"\"follow the enemy and try to prevent the enemy from carrying away the guns\"\", referring to some British artillery which were at risk. Raglan sent the order with 36 year-old Captain Louis Nolan, who passed it on to Lucan", "title": "Charge of the Light Brigade" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.94, "text": "Crimea, she did not have an affair with Cardigan. The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film) The Charge of the Light Brigade is a 1968 British DeLuxe Color war film made by Woodfall Film Productions in Panavision and distributed by United Artists, depicting parts of the Crimean War and the eponymous charge. It was directed by Tony Richardson and produced by Neil Hartley. It is also notable for the animated credits and linking passages provided by Richard Williams, drawing on the satirical use of jingoistic images. This film followed the famous 1936 version \"\"The Charge of the Light Brigade\"\",", "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.92, "text": "Allied cavalry charge, stemming from a misinterpreted order from Raglan, led to one of the most famous and ill-fated events in British military history – the Charge of the Light Brigade. The British and French fleets departed from the Bulgarian port of Varna on 5 September 1854, heading towards Kalamita Bay in the Crimea. By the 14th, the troops began to land; within four days the Allied force of 61,400 infantry, 1,200 cavalry and 137 guns, was ashore. Thirty-three miles (~53 km) to the south of the landing zone, beyond the Bulganak, Alma, Katcha and Belbek rivers, lay the Russian", "title": "Battle of Balaclava" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.88, "text": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film) The Charge of the Light Brigade is a 1968 British DeLuxe Color war film made by Woodfall Film Productions in Panavision and distributed by United Artists, depicting parts of the Crimean War and the eponymous charge. It was directed by Tony Richardson and produced by Neil Hartley. It is also notable for the animated credits and linking passages provided by Richard Williams, drawing on the satirical use of jingoistic images. This film followed the famous 1936 version \"\"The Charge of the Light Brigade\"\", starring Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland. The film", "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film)" } ]
what is the color of hyperlink in html?
[ "blue" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.2, "text": "or style. The behavior and style of links can be specified using the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) language. In a graphical user interface, the appearance of a mouse cursor may change into a hand motif to indicate a link. In most graphical web browsers, links are displayed in underlined blue text when they have not been visited, but underlined purple text when they have. When the user activates the link (e.g., by clicking on it with the mouse) the browser displays the link's target. If the target is not an HTML file, depending on the file type and on the", "title": "Hyperlink" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.23, "text": "visibly distinct from other text, and if an internal wikilink leads to a page that does not yet exist, it usually has a different specific visual appearance. For example, in Wikipedia wikilinks are displayed in blue, except those that link to pages that don't yet exist, which are instead shown in red. Another possibility for linking is to display a highlighted clickable question mark after the wikilinked term. Hyperlinks are being implemented in various 3D virtual world networks, including those that use the OpenSimulator and Open Cobalt platforms. Permalinks are URLs that are intended to remain unchanged for many years", "title": "Hyperlink" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.14, "text": "browser and its plugins, another program may be activated to open the file. The HTML code contains some or all of the five main characteristics of a link: It uses the HTML element \"\"a\"\" with the attribute \"\"href\"\" (HREF is an abbreviation for \"\"Hypertext REFerence\"\") and optionally also the attributes \"\"title\"\", \"\"target\"\", and \"\"class\"\" or \"\"id\"\": To embed a link into a web page, blogpost, or comment, it may take this form: In a typical web browser, this would display as the underlined word \"\"Example\"\" in blue, which when clicked would take the user to the website. This contributes", "title": "Hyperlink" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.05, "text": "In a 1997 interview, Bunting was quoted as saying the issue with the internet at the time was visibility vs. invisibility. This topic is addressed in _readme.html through the work's color scheme and use of hypertext. Before clicking on a hyperlinked word, the text of the article all appears light grey. However, clicking on a link changes that word's color to black. Additionally, all subsequent occurrences of the word turn to black, thereby making the domain much more visible on the page. Visibility is a relevant issue in current internet culture with concerns over what is public vs. private on", "title": "Heath Bunting" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.91, "text": "blues for their colours. With the dawn of the World Wide Web, blue has become the standard colour for hyperlinks in graphic browsers (though in most browsers links turn purple if you visit their target), to make their presence within text obvious to readers. Various shades of blue are used as the national colours for many nations. Blue was first used as a gender signifier just prior to World War I (for either girls or boys), and first established as a male gender signifier in the 1940s. Many sporting teams make blue their official colour, or use it as detail", "title": "Blue" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.33, "text": "other resource, or to a position in a webpage. The latter is achieved by means of an HTML element with a \"\"name\"\" or \"\"id\"\" attribute at that position of the HTML document. The URL of the position is the URL of the webpage with a fragment identifier — \"\"#\"\"id attribute\"\"\"\" — appended. When linking to PDF documents from an HTML page the \"\"\"\"id attribute\"\"\"\" can be replaced with syntax that references a page number or another element of the PDF, for example, \"\"#\"\"page=386\"\"\"\". A web browser usually displays a hyperlink in some distinguishing way, e.g. in a different color, font", "title": "Hyperlink" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.67, "text": "hyperlink performs much the same function as the functional computer icon: it provides a direct link to some function or data available on the system. Although they can be customized, these text hyperlinks generally share a standardized recognizable format, blue text with underlining. Hyperlinks differ from the functional computer icons in that they are normally embedded in text, whereas icons are displayed as stand-alone on the screen real estate. They are also displayed in text, either as the link itself or a friendly name, whereas icons are defined as being primarily non-textual. Because of the design requirements, icon creation can", "title": "Icon (computing)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.7, "text": "sometimes used as a diacritic, to indicate that a letter has a different pronunciation from its non-underlined form. The following kinds of underlines are used on manuscripts to indicate the special typefaces to be used: In web browsers, default settings typically distinguish hyperlinks by underlining them (and usually changing their color), but both users and websites can change the settings to make some or all hyperlinks appear differently (or even without distinction from normal text). The HTML special inline element codice_1, denoting inserted text, is often presented as underlined text. HTML also has a presentational element codice_2, denoting underlined text;", "title": "Underline" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.25, "text": "shows the document viewer used to display a document and its annotations. In pink are hyperlink annotations from an HTML file. The right list is the annotation sets list, and the bottom table is the annotation list. In the center is the annotation editor window. GATE generates vast quantities of information including; natural language text, semantic annotations, and ontological information. Sometimes the data itself is the end product of an application but often the information would be more useful if it could be efficiently searched. GATE Mimir provides support for indexing and searching the linguistic and semantic information generated by", "title": "General Architecture for Text Engineering" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.2, "text": "This HTML code consists of several tags: Webgraph is a graph, formed from web pages as vertices and hyperlinks, as directed edges. The W3C Recommendation called XLink describes hyperlinks that offer a far greater degree of functionality than those offered in HTML. These extended links can be \"\"multidirectional\"\", linking from, within, and between XML documents. It can also describe \"\"simple links\"\", which are unidirectional and therefore offer no more functionality than hyperlinks in HTML. While wikis may use HTML-type hyperlinks, the use of wiki markup, a set of lightweight markup languages specifically for wikis, provides simplified syntax for linking pages", "title": "Hyperlink" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.19, "text": "when rearranging a page layout. An anchor hyperlink is a link bound to a portion of a document—generally text, though not necessarily. For instance, it may also be a \"\"hot area\"\" in an image (image map in HTML), a designated, often irregular part of an image. One way to define it is by a list of coordinates that indicate its boundaries. For example, a political map of Africa may have each country hyperlinked to further information about that country. A separate invisible hot area interface allows for swapping skins or labels within the linked hot areas without repetitive embedding of", "title": "Hyperlink" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.16, "text": "the source code typically gain greater relevance. Some developers use a practice known as PageRank Sculpting by using the nofollow tag to adjust the flow of PageRank. The mere presence of hyperlinks within a web page may not yield desired optimization results. For example, when coding a web page about \"\"blue widgets,\"\" anchor text containing links referencing \"\"red widgets\"\" may alter relevance which can result in gain/loss ranking scenario where “blue widgets” gains while “red widgets” actually loses position. Moreover, another result can be a complete loss of overall web page ranking altogether for either keyword. A properly coded keyword", "title": "Search link optimization" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.14, "text": "by users. Space-linking is an alternative to teleportation, a more common means of traversing between regions or spaces, and is also a primary means of travelling between whole grids. Like MediaWiki's s, such portals are also used to link to uncreated spaces or regions (colored in black) in order to indicate the need to create newer spaces. OpenSimulator also uses an architecture known as \"\"Hypergrid\"\", which allows users to teleport between multiple OpenSim-based virtual worlds by providing a hyperlinked map which indexes public grids. This allows for public grids to retain teleportation links to each other without having to be", "title": "Hyperlinks in virtual worlds" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.83, "text": "links in the various skin elements. A fat link (also known as a \"\"one-to-many\"\" link, an \"\"extended link\"\") or a \"\"multi-tailed link\"\" is a hyperlink which leads to multiple endpoints; the link is a multivalued function. Tim Berners-Lee saw the possibility of using hyperlinks to link any information to any other information over the Internet. Hyperlinks were therefore integral to the creation of the World Wide Web. Web pages are written in the hypertext mark-up language HTML. This is what a hyperlink to the home page of the W3C organization could look like in HTML code: <a href=\"\"\"\">W3C organization website</a>", "title": "Hyperlink" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.05, "text": "products have a purple base color, Entertainment has a black base color, Kids has a yellow base color, Home Productivity has a green color and Sounds, Sights & Gear products have a grey or red base color. Note that many applications were developed in conjunction with other reputable software and reference companies. For example, Microsoft Musical Instruments was developed with Dorling Kindersley. Microsoft Home Reference products brought information to Multimedia Personal Computers - it was an effective way of presenting and exploring information before the World Wide Web became mainstream. These products were embellished with hyperlink navigation systems, which were", "title": "Microsoft Home" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19, "text": "\"\"portals\"\", analogous to the World Wide Web's hyperlinks. These portals were represented as spinning squares of red, green, and blue that revolved around each other and floated above the ground. Portals were indicative of the Atmosphere team's desire to mirror the functionality of Web pages. Although the world itself was described in the codice_1 (or codice_2) file, images and sounds were kept separately, usually in the GIF, WAV or MP3 format. Objects in worlds were scriptable using a specialized dialect of JavaScript, allowing a more immersive environment, and worlds could be generated dynamically using PHP. Using JavaScript, a world author", "title": "Adobe Atmosphere" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.95, "text": "to a clean, easy to read text or document. When the cursor hovers over a link, depending on the browser and graphical user interface, some informative text about the link can be shown, popping up, not in a regular window, but in a special hover box, which disappears when the cursor is moved away (sometimes it disappears anyway after a few seconds, and reappears when the cursor is moved away and back). Mozilla Firefox, IE, Opera, and many other web browsers all show the URL. In addition, the URL is commonly shown in the status bar. Normally, a link opens", "title": "Hyperlink" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.91, "text": "Hyperlink In computing, a hyperlink, or simply a link, is a reference to data that the reader can directly follow either by clicking or tapping. A hyperlink points to a whole document or to a specific element within a document. Hypertext is text with hyperlinks. The text that is linked from is called anchor text. A software system that is used for viewing and creating hypertext is a \"\"hypertext system\"\", and to create a hyperlink is \"\"to hyperlink\"\" (or simply \"\"to link\"\"). A user following hyperlinks is said to \"\"navigate\"\" or \"\"browse\"\" the hypertext. The document containing a hyperlink is", "title": "Hyperlink" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.73, "text": "had widespread use of hyperlinks to link different pages in a single help file together; in addition, it had a visually different kind of hyperlink that caused a popup help message to appear when clicked, usually to give definitions of terms introduced on the help page. The first widely used open protocol that included hyperlinks from any Internet site to any other Internet site was the Gopher protocol from 1991. It was soon eclipsed by HTML after the 1993 release of the Mosaic browser (which could handle Gopher links as well as HTML links). HTML's advantage was the ability to", "title": "Hyperlink" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.7, "text": "inserted into the text of a page of HTML code. When an inline (img-src) link of an image is used on a Web page, it seems to be present as a part of the Web page. The presence of the image is only virtual, however, in the sense that the image file is not physically present at the server for the Web site being viewed. The actual location of the image file, if the image were that of the PTO seal, would be at the PTO server in Virginia. Use of inline linking has led to contentious litigation (discussed below).", "title": "Copyright aspects of hyperlinking and framing" } ]
who sang don't cry for me argentina first?
[ "Julie Covington" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.64, "text": "the first single from the album, accompanied by national and trade advertising, full-colour posters, display sleeves as well as radio interviews. The song reached number-one on the UK Singles Chart and earned a gold certification from the British Phonographic Industry (BPI), with over a million copies sold. It also reached the top of the charts in Australia, Belgium, Ireland, New Zealand and the Netherlands. \"\"Don't Cry for Me Argentina\"\" was critically appreciated, with Rice and Lloyd Webber winning the 1977 Ivor Novello award in the category of Best Song Musically and Lyrically. When \"\"Evita\"\" moved to a London theatre, Covington—who", "title": "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.27, "text": "found the experience \"\"scary\"\", while Madonna was \"\"petrified\"\" when it came to recording the songs. \"\"I had to sing 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina' in front of Andrew Lloyd Webber ... I was a complete mess and was sobbing afterward. I thought I had done a terrible job\"\", the singer recalled. According to the film's music producer Nigel Wright, the lead actors would first sing the numbers backed by a band and orchestra before working with Parker and music supervisor David Caddick \"\"in a more intimate recording environment [to] perfect their vocals\"\". More trouble arose as Madonna was not completely", "title": "Evita (1996 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.08, "text": "9000 J series consoles for the mix. For the first day's sessions, music supervisor David Caddick suggested to record \"\"Don't Cry for Me Argentina\"\" with the 84 piece orchestra backing Madonna's vocals. However, Lloyd Webber was critical of the recording arrangements done in the studio. The cast was also nervous. Flick noted that Banderas found the experience \"\"scary\"\" while Madonna was \"\"petrified\"\" when it came to recording the songs. \"\"I had to sing 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina' in front of Andrew Lloyd Webber ... I was a complete mess and was sobbing afterwards. I thought I had done a", "title": "Evita (soundtrack)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.06, "text": "number 31 in Belgium Flanders and number 44 in Netherlands. An easy listening cover version of the song by The Mike Flowers Pops reached number 30 in the UK singles charts in 1996. A punk rock version was recorded by alternative band Me First and the Gimme Gimmes in 1999 for their second studio album, \"\"Are a Drag\"\". Angus Cargill, author of \"\"Hang the DJ: An alternative book of music lists\"\" was shocked by the complete revamp of the song as punk rock, saying that \"\"there's a dark appeal in here, like the thought of taking a cattle prod to", "title": "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.86, "text": "singer would record her part in a more contemporary studio while the orchestration would take place somewhere else. She also had alternate days off from the recording. According to the singer, she was very nervous during the first day of recording. She allegedly found herself \"\"petrified\"\" when it came to doing the song; \"\"I had to sing 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina' in front of Andrew Lloyd Webber [...] I was a complete mess and was sobbing afterward. I thought I had done a terrible job\"\", she recalled. The final version recorded had many similarities to the original version by", "title": "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.75, "text": "and her acting abilities in \"\"Rock Follies\"\" convinced Rice and Lloyd Webber to sign her for \"\"Evita\"\". Covington was extremely intrigued by their proposal, considering Eva Perón to be a non-commercial idea for a musical. Nevertheless, she thought that the songs were great compositions and signed on for recording them. Lloyd Webber and Rice immediately started recording and the first demos were those of \"\"Don't Cry for Me Argentina\"\", \"\"I'd Be Surprisingly Good for You\"\" and \"\"Buenos Aires\"\", with just piano as an accompaniment. They moved on to sign a deal with MCA Records, to release an album based on", "title": "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.7, "text": "on the verge of releasing another track from \"\"Evita\"\" called \"\"Another Suitcase in Another Hall\"\", recorded by Barbara Dickson, as the second single. But Radio 1 finally relented and started playing the song due to positive response from audiences. \"\"Don't Cry for Me Argentina\"\" debuted at number 37 on the UK Singles Chart on the week ending 25 December 1976. It started climbing up the chart but for 3 weeks it was kept from reaching the top spot by David Soul's \"\"Don't Give Up on Us\"\". On the week ending 12 February 1977, the song reached the top of the", "title": "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.69, "text": "Don't Cry for Me Argentina \"\"Don't Cry for Me Argentina\"\" is a song recorded by Julie Covington for the 1976 concept album, \"\"Evita\"\", and was later included in the 1978 musical of the same name. The song was written and composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice while they were researching the life of Argentinian leader Eva Perón. It appears at the opening and near the end of the show, initially as the spirit of the dead Eva exhorting the people of Argentina not to mourn her, and finally during Eva's speech from the balcony of the Casa Rosada.", "title": "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.53, "text": "a musical based on the life of Eva Perón\"\". During \"\"Glee\"\", \"\"Special Education\"\", the characters Kurt Hummel and Rachel Berry sing \"\"Don't Cry for Me, Argentina\"\" when Kurt is auditioning for a solo in the Warblers for Sectionals. In the season three episode \"\"Hold On to Sixteen\"\", a rival showchoir sings \"\"Buenos Aires\"\" as their competition piece. In the short \"\"The Ballad of Magellan\"\" in the cartoon series Animaniacs, the country of Argentina is depicted with a sign reading, \"\"EVITA Coming Soon!\"\". First recorded by a cast assembled specifically for the recording in 1976, the first stage cast recording of", "title": "Evita (musical)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.48, "text": "the album, \"\"Music and Songs from Evita\"\". AllMusic's Joe Francis complimented the recording. Singer Sinéad O'Connor recorded \"\"Don't Cry for Me Argentina\"\" on her album \"\"Am I Not Your Girl\"\" (1992). Her version received mixed response, with Joy Press from \"\"Spin\"\" who described the rendition as \"\"a melodramatic, sweeping 'Je ne regrette rien'—style apologia. O’Connor had a calling. Obsessed with purity and truth, she pitched herself somewhere between Christ and the Virgin Mary, as an asexual visionary whose suffering was Inextricably Intertwined with the pain of Ireland and of the world.\"\" Released as a CD maxi single, the song reached", "title": "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.42, "text": "charts. It was first certified silver in January 1977, and then certified gold a month later by the British Phonographic Industry (BPI), selling almost one million physical copies in the United Kingdom. Together with digital sales since it has sold about 1.01 million copies according to the Official Charts Company. The single also reached the top of the charts in Australia, Belgium, Ireland, New Zealand and Netherlands; in the latter country it sold around 100,000 copies. Seeing the success of the single, Rice and Lloyd Webber proceeded with promoting the song in the United States. However, the personnel at MCA", "title": "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.34, "text": "For the performance, she had the word \"\"Eva\"\" painted across her back. Madonna also did a \"\"passionate rendition\"\" of \"\"Don't Cry for Me Argentina\"\" during the Miami stop of her Rebel Heart Tour on 23 January 2016, accompanied by acoustic guitar. Don't Cry for Me Argentina \"\"Don't Cry for Me Argentina\"\" is a song recorded by Julie Covington for the 1976 concept album, \"\"Evita\"\", and was later included in the 1978 musical of the same name. The song was written and composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice while they were researching the life of Argentinian leader Eva Perón.", "title": "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.33, "text": "album, \"\"Passage\"\". It was coupled with another song from \"\"Evita\"\", \"\"On the Balcony of the Casa Rosada\"\". The same year, Olivia Newton-John released the song as a single from her tenth studio album, \"\"Making a Good Thing Better\"\". In 1978, Shirley Bassey recorded a slower version of the track for her album, \"\"The Magic Is You\"\"; she re-recorded it in 1993 on her album \"\"Sings the Songs of Andrew Lloyd Webber\"\". Simon Gage from the \"\"Daily Express\"\" praised the rendition, saying that Bassey \"\"more than covers the ground\"\" with it. Singer Tom Jones' interpretation of the song on his 1979", "title": "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.23, "text": "to be belted out, sound comfortable for her\"\". George Hatza from \"\"The Reading Eagle\"\", said that \"\"[Madonna] sings 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina' in a beautiful, soaring, goosebump-inducing contralto\"\". J. D. Considine, from \"\"The Baltimore Sun\"\", said it was one of the \"\"big songs\"\" from the soundtrack. In her review of \"\"Evita\"\", Janet Maslin from \"\"The New York Times\"\" commented that the track was \"\"tinglingly sung\"\". Peter Travers from \"\"Rolling Stone\"\", wrote: \"\"Madonna, to her credit, puts on quite a show. She sings. She tangos [...] She even belts out 'Don't Cry for Me Argentina' to prove she's just folks\"\".", "title": "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.2, "text": "dictatorship (1972–86) of President Ferdinand Marcos. The life of former First Lady Imelda Marcos, Marcos' wife, is similar to that of Evita Peron. The presentation of the musical \"\"Evita\"\" was repressed. In the United States, the song is also closely linked with Patti LuPone, who performed the role of Eva in the original Broadway production of the show. Credits adapted from the 7\"\" single liner notes. Since its release, \"\"Don't Cry for Me Argentina\"\" has been covered by numerous artists. One of the earliest covers of the song was by The Carpenters in 1977, who recorded the track for their", "title": "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.2, "text": "it on their 2011 album, \"\"Wicked Game\"\", and performed it live on tours. The group's voice was considered suitable for musical numbers like \"\"Don't Cry for Me Argentina\"\", by Ben Walsh from \"\"The Independent\"\". Nicole Scherzinger performed the song live at the \"\"Andrew Lloyd Webber: 40 Musical Years\"\" tribute show. Louis Virtel from The Backlot complimented her vocals, saying that the performance \"\"has to be seen to be believed, as Scherzinger’s crystal-clear vocal soars like a glittery javelin\"\". In 1996, Madonna starred in the film \"\"Evita\"\", playing the titular role. For a long time, Madonna had desired to play Eva", "title": "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.14, "text": "the Netherlands, where it managed to have top 5 placement. No official video was shot for the song. Instead, the scene from the movie, where Eva performs the song at the balcony of the Casa Rosada, was used. In 1993, 2 years before being cast in \"\"Evita\"\", Madonna performed an impromptu version of the song during her first visit to Argentina, as part of her Girlie Show World Tour. Eight years later, on her 2001 Drowned World Tour, an instrumental version of the song was used as an interlude, featuring several dancers doing a Tango number. The performance on 26", "title": "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.09, "text": "year on the top ten charting album \"\"Thank You Very Much\"\". On the back of this The Shadows recorded an instrumental version of \"\"Don't cry for me Argentina\"\" from the west end production \"\"Evita\"\", released as a single at the tail end of 1978 the record eventually reached number 5 in the singles chart thereby giving the group their first top ten single since the 1960s. In 1979, their version of \"\"Cavatina\"\" also became a top ten hit, and they recorded ten more tracks with Alan Jones on bass and Dave Lawson & Alan Hawkshaw sitting in on Keyboards for", "title": "The Shadows" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24, "text": "from the filmed version of the Broadway musical \"\"Evita\"\" — was spot-on and gorgeous with its string accompaniment\"\". On the Buenos Aires stop of the tour, after performing \"\"You Must Love Me\"\", Madonna also sang \"\"Don't Cry for Me Argentina\"\" from the film. The performances of both songs in the city were recorded in the live CD-DVD titled, \"\"Sticky & Sweet Tour\"\" (2010). In 2007, singer Brooke White covered the song on the seventh season of \"\"American Idol\"\". She initially forgot the lyrics to the song, so had to stop after the first verse to start over from the beginning.", "title": "You Must Love Me" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.98, "text": "of E to G. Following the completion of the recording of the album, the \"\"Evita\"\" team switched on to full promotion of the release, with photographer Tony Snowdon shooting the promotional pictures. The single version of \"\"Don't Cry for Me Argentina\"\" was released in the United Kingdom on 12 November 1976, accompanied by national and trade advertising, full-colour posters, display sleeves as well as radio interviews. Another song from the musical, \"\"Rainbow High\"\", was listed as its B-side. MCA marketing manager Stuart Watson explained to \"\"Billboard\"\" that their chief goal was to \"\"get an explanation of the story of Eva", "title": "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" } ]
when was the first star trek movie released?
[ "December 7, 1979" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.61, "text": "in the months preceding its release; pre-release screenings for the film premiered in select cities around the world, including Austin, Texas, Sydney, Australia, and Calgary, Alberta. It was released in the United States and Canada on May 8, 2009, to critical acclaim; critics praised its character development, as well as its storyline, effects, stunts, action sequences, direction, and its score by Michael Giacchino. \"\"Star Trek\"\" was a box office success, grossing over $385.7 million worldwide against its $150 million production budget. It was nominated for several awards, including four Academy Awards at the 82nd Academy Awards, ultimately winning Best Makeup,", "title": "Star Trek (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.39, "text": "releases in August 1998, \"\"First Contact\"\" was one of the first ten titles released in October, announced in a conscious effort to showcase effects-driven films. This version contained the feature and two trailers, but no other special features. The film was presented in its original 2.35:1 anamorphic aspect ratio, with a surround sound Dolby Digital 5.1 audio mix. A \"\"First Contact\"\" \"\"Special Collector's Edition\"\" two-disc set was released in 2005 at the same time as three other \"\"Next Generation\"\" films and \"\"\"\"s fourth season, marking the first time that every film and episode of the franchise was available on home", "title": "Star Trek: First Contact" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.28, "text": "to direct the first sequel. The sequel, \"\"Star Trek Into Darkness\"\", starring Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan Noonien Singh, was released on May 16, 2013. A third film, \"\"Star Trek Beyond\"\", directed by Justin Lin and starring Idris Elba as the main antagonist, was released on July 22, 2016, to positive reviews. In July 2016, Abrams confirmed plans for a fourth film, and stated that Chris Hemsworth would return as Kirk's father. Most of the cast and producers of \"\"Beyond\"\" have also agreed to return; however, Abrams stated Anton Yelchin's role would not be recast following his death. Star Trek (film)", "title": "Star Trek (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.22, "text": "film's opening to May 8, 2009. The film earned over $350 million worldwide (from a solid $75.2 million opening weekend, higher than \"\"\"\" (1996)), and surpassed \"\"\"\" as the highest-grossing film in the franchise. A sequel, \"\"Star Trek Into Darkness\"\", was greenlighted even before the first one opened, and Paramount released the film on May 17, 2013. A third film, \"\"Star Trek Beyond\"\", was directed by Justin Lin and produced by Abrams. It was released on July 22, 2016, also to critical acclaim. This revival of the franchise is often considered to be, and referred to as, a \"\"reboot\"\", but", "title": "Star Trek (film series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.12, "text": "release of the film to 2016, for the 50th anniversary celebration of the debut of Gene Roddenberry's original sci-fi series. In December, it was announced that the film was to be released on July 8, 2016. In September 2015, the film's release date was pushed back to July 22, 2016. The film was released in Dolby Cinema format in selected theaters. The film had its Australian premiere in Sydney on July 7. A teaser trailer for the film was released on December 14, 2015, and was criticized by some fans for focusing too much on action, and for featuring the", "title": "Star Trek Beyond" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.02, "text": "City\"\". In 1999, it was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, which went to \"\"The Truman Show\"\". It was nominated for Best Family Feature Film: Drama at the 20th Youth in Film Awards and won the individual award for Best Performance in a Feature Film: Supporting Young Actor for Michael Welch. The first home media release of the film was made simultaneously on VHS, Laserdisc and DVD on May 11, 1999, in the United States, and outside the US on VHS later that year. The film was released on June 5, 2000, in the United Kingdom, and", "title": "Star Trek: Insurrection" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.95, "text": "what I found it to be ultimately.\"\" \"\"Star Trek Into Darkness\"\" was released as a digital download on August 20, 2013. It was first released on DVD, Blu-ray, and Blu-ray 3D in the United Kingdom on September 2 and in the United States and Canada on September 10. The British retailer Sainsbury's has an exclusive edition with a second bonus DVD disc containing 33 minutes of extra features. There is also a Special Limited Edition Blu-ray set available with a model on a stand of USS \"\"Vengeance\"\" as seen in this movie. In North America, the release is split into", "title": "Star Trek Into Darkness" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.91, "text": "its original principal cast. \"\"The Motion Picture\"\" opened in North America on December 7, 1979, in 859 theaters and set a box office record for highest weekend gross, making $11,815,203 in its first weekend (generally considered to be a slow time for the movie business). The film beat the record set by \"\"Superman\"\" (1978), which had opened in a similar number of theaters but had been released in late December—a busier time. \"\"The Motion Picture\"\" earned $17 million within a week. At its widest domestic distribution, the film was shown in 1,002 theaters; it grossed $82,258,456 in the United States,", "title": "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.89, "text": "Star Trek: The Motion Picture Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a 1979 American science fiction film directed by Robert Wise and based on the created by Gene Roddenberry, who also served as its producer. It is the first installment in the \"\"Star Trek\"\" film series, and stars the cast of the original television series. The film is set in the twenty-third century, when a mysterious and immensely powerful alien cloud known as V'Ger approaches Earth, destroying everything in its path. Admiral James T. Kirk (William Shatner) assumes command of the recently refitted Starship USS \"\"Enterprise\"\", to lead it on", "title": "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.84, "text": "science fiction convention at the Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles organised by William Campbell. Nygard felt that the footage from this first convention was good enough to warrant continuing with the project. \"\"Trekkies\"\" received a national release in the United States on May 21, 1999. It was in direct competition with \"\"\"\". Colin Covert gave three and a half stars in his review for the \"\"Star Tribune\"\", adding that it was likely to shake up the viewers opinions of \"\"Star Trek\"\" fans. He praised the structure of the film, with the initial \"\"shock value\"\" of each fan being followed up", "title": "Trekkies (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.81, "text": "Trekkies (film) Trekkies is a 1997 documentary film directed by Roger Nygard about the devoted fans of Gene Roddenberry's \"\"Star Trek\"\". It is the first film released by Paramount Vantage, then known as Paramount Classics, and stars Denise Crosby (best known for her portrayal of Security Chief Tasha Yar on the first season of \"\"\"\"). The film contains interviews with \"\"Star Trek\"\" devotees, more commonly known as Trekkies. The fans range from people who dress as Klingons to members of Brent Spiner fan clubs and includes a club that is producing a \"\"Star Trek\"\" movie of their own. \"\"Trekkies\"\" includes", "title": "Trekkies (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.81, "text": "Star Trek (2013 video game) Star Trek is a third-person action-adventure \"\"Star Trek\"\" video game. It was developed by Digital Extremes and co-published by Namco Bandai Games and Paramount Pictures in association with CBS Studios International. The game was first released in North America on April 23, 2013, for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows platforms. It took three years to produce, and was the first in-house video game development by Paramount Studios, who opted not to license development to a third party. The production team aimed for it to be a collaboration with those working on the \"\"Star", "title": "Star Trek (2013 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.75, "text": "August 2, 1993. Each video cassette contained two episodes and unique artwork and character/plot information. The first VHS release in the United States came on November 19, 1996. Beginning in 1996, \"\"DS9\"\" began releases on LaserDisc. Picture and sound quality in this format was significantly better than that of VHS cassettes; however, the Laserdisc format was discontinued in 1997. Only 30 discs, or the first 60 episodes, were released, comprising the first, second and part of the third season before Pioneer halted its production of Star Trek laserdiscs in October 1999. DS9 LaserDiscs were also produced for the Japanese and", "title": "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.72, "text": "Star Trek: First Contact Star Trek: First Contact is a 1996 American science fiction film directed by Jonathan Frakes (in his cinematic directorial debut), and based on the franchise of the same name created by Gene Roddenberry. It is the eighth film in the \"\"Star Trek\"\" film series, as well as the second to star the cast of the series \"\"\"\". In the film, the crew of the USS \"\"Enterprise\"\"-E travel back in time from the 24th century to the mid 21st-century in order to stop the cybernetic Borg from conquering Earth by changing their past. After the release of", "title": "Star Trek: First Contact" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.72, "text": "Gone Before\"\". The film is recognized by American Film Institute in these lists: Paramount Home Entertainment released the film on VHS, Betamax, Laserdisc, and CED videodisc in 1981 in its original theatrical version. In 1983, an extended cut premiered on the ABC television network. It added roughly 12 minutes to the film. The added footage was largely unfinished, and cobbled together for the network premiere; Wise hadn't wanted some of the footage to be included in the final cut of the film. This version was released on VHS and LaserDisc by Paramount in 1983. Two members of Wise's production company,", "title": "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.64, "text": "theater, Paramount arranged instead a lottery where 300 winning residents would be taken to a prerelease screening in Calgary. The first teaser trailer debuted in theaters with \"\"Cloverfield\"\" on January 18, 2008, which showed \"\"Enterprise\"\" under construction. Abrams himself directed the first part of the trailer, where a welder removes his goggles. Professional welders were hired for the teaser. The voices of the 1960s played over the trailer were intended to link the film to the present day; John F. Kennedy in particular was chosen because of similarities with the character of James T. Kirk and because he is seen", "title": "Star Trek (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.42, "text": "to \"\"Enterprise\"\". Bryant and Scott's proposal became the first accepted by the studio in October; Roddenberry immediately stopped work on other projects to refocus on \"\"Star Trek\"\", and the screenwriters and producers were swamped with grateful fan mail. By the start of 1977, the project's official title was changed to \"\"Star Trek—The Motion Picture\"\" (a title reapplied to the eventually released 1979 film). The elation was short-lived; the first draft of the completed script was not finished until March 1, 1977, and pressure was mounting for Paramount to either begin production or cut its losses and cancel the project. Producer", "title": "Star Trek: Planet of the Titans" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.42, "text": "its Washington, D.C., opening, but always felt that the final theatrical version was a rough cut of the film he wanted to make. Released in North America on December 7, 1979, \"\"Star Trek: The Motion Picture\"\" received mixed reviews, many of which faulted it for a lack of action scenes and overreliance on special effects. Its final production cost ballooned to approximately $46 million, and it earned $139 million worldwide, short of studio expectations but enough for Paramount to propose a less expensive sequel. Roddenberry was forced out of creative control for the sequel, \"\"\"\" (1982). In 2001, Wise oversaw", "title": "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.41, "text": "Activision contract. As a result, the game was the first ever to be produced and released by Paramount Studios directly. Lesinski was terminated by Paramount in September 2011 and the project was passed to Brian Miller, Vice President of Paramount Digital Entertainment. Miller later explained that he wanted the production to avoid the mistakes typically made in movie tie-in games involved a lack of time devoted to the production, and excluding the people working on the film from work on the game. Miller hoped that they had rectified these issues with \"\"Star Trek\"\", and explained that they hadn't produced a", "title": "Star Trek (2013 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.38, "text": "and the release of the first motion picture adaptation in 1979, there was a huge groundswell of interest in \"\"Star Trek\"\", and a consequent demand for related media. Outtakes and bloopers, which had survived from the annual 'gag reels' prepared for the amusement of the original cast and crew, became popular when they were screened at fan conventions in the early 1970s by Gene Roddenberry himself. However, only the gag reels from the first and second series were made available in this way, while bloopers from the third and final series remained something of a Holy Grail for fans of", "title": "Blue Pear Records" } ]
who refuted the theory of pangenesis with his classic experiment on mice tails?
[ "August Friedrich Leopold Weismann" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.91, "text": "cousin, Francis Galton. In 1883 August Weismann conducted experiments involving breeding mice whose tails had been surgically removed. His results — that surgically removing a mouse's tail had no effect on the tail of its offspring — challenged the theories of pangenesis and Lamarckism, which held that changes to an organism during its lifetime could be inherited by its descendants. Weismann proposed the germ plasm theory of inheritance, which held that hereditary information was carried only in sperm and egg cells. Hugo de Vries wondered what the nature of germ plasm might be, and in particular he wondered whether or", "title": "History of genetics" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.66, "text": "in his 1892 book \"\"Das Keimplasma: eine Theorie der Vererbung\"\" (The Germ Plasm: a Theory of Inheritance), was that the hereditary material, which he called the germ plasm, and the rest of the body (the soma) had a one-way relationship: the germ-plasm formed the body, but the body did not influence the germ-plasm, except indirectly in its participation in a population subject to natural selection. This distinction is commonly referred to as the Weismann Barrier. If correct, this made Darwin's pangenesis wrong and Lamarckian inheritance impossible. His experiment on mice, cutting off their tails and showing that their offspring had", "title": "Pangenesis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.72, "text": "in his 1892 book \"\"Das Keimplasma: eine Theorie der Vererbung\"\" (The Germ Plasm: a Theory of Inheritance), was that the hereditary material, which he called the germ plasm, and the rest of the body (the soma) had a one-way relationship: the germ-plasm formed the body, but the body did not influence the germ-plasm, except indirectly in its participation in a population subject to natural selection. If correct, this made Darwin's pangenesis wrong, and Lamarckian inheritance impossible. His experiment on mice, cutting off their tails and showing that their offspring had normal tails, demonstrated that inheritance was 'hard'. He argued strongly", "title": "Modern synthesis (20th century)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.02, "text": "normal tails across multiple generations, was proposed as a proof of the non-existence of Lamarckian inheritance, although Peter Gauthier has argued that Weismann's experiment showed only that injury did not affect the germ plasm and neglected to test the effect of Lamarckian use and disuse. Weismann argued strongly and dogmatically for Darwinism and against neo-Lamarckism, polarising opinions among other scientists. This increased anti-Darwinian feeling, contributing to its eclipse. Darwin's pangenesis theory was widely criticised, in part for its Lamarckian premise that parents could pass on traits acquired in their lifetime. Conversely, the neo-Lamarckians of the time seized upon pangenesis as", "title": "Pangenesis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.39, "text": "Darwin's pangenesis to the germ theory of disease. Ross cites the work of both Darwin and Spencer as key to his application of pangenetic theory. Darwin's half-cousin Francis Galton conducted wide-ranging inquiries into heredity which led him to refute Charles Darwin's hypothetical theory of pangenesis. In consultation with Darwin, he set out to see if gemmules were transported in the blood. In a long series of experiments from 1869 to 1871, he transfused the blood between dissimilar breeds of rabbits, and examined the features of their offspring. He found no evidence of characters transmitted in the transfused blood. Galton was", "title": "Pangenesis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.64, "text": "of evolution by natural selection in 1859. Responding to Darwin and Wallace's theory, a revised neo-Lamarckism attracted a small following of biologists, though the Lamarckian zeal was quenched in large part due to Weismann’s famous experiment in which he cut off the tails of mice over several successive generations without having any effect on tail length. Thus the emergent consensus that acquired characteristics could not be inherited became canon. Non-genetic variation and inheritance, however, proved to be quite common. Concurrent to the modern evolutionary synthesis (unifying Mendelian genetics and natural selection), C. H. Waddington was working to unify developmental biology", "title": "Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.25, "text": "white mice, and those of their offspring over five generations, and reporting that no mice were born in consequence without a tail or even with a shorter tail. In 1889, he stated that \"\"901 young were produced by five generations of artificially mutilated parents, and yet there was not a single example of a rudimentary tail or of any other abnormality in this organ.\"\" The experiment, and the theory behind it, were thought at the time to be a refutation of Lamarckism. However, the experiment's effectiveness in refuting Lamarck's hypothesis is doubtful, as it did not address the \"\"use and", "title": "Lamarckism" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.03, "text": "of removing the tails of 68 white mice, repeatedly over 5 generations, and reporting that no mice were born in consequence without a tail or even with a shorter tail. He stated that \"\"901 young were produced by five generations of artificially mutilated parents, and yet there was not a single example of a rudimentary tail or of any other abnormality in this organ.\"\" Weismann was aware of the limitations of this experiment, and made it clear that he embarked on the experiment precisely because, at the time, there were many claims of animals inheriting mutilations (he refers to a", "title": "August Weismann" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.84, "text": "a single male, which in desperation he bred with a female horse. This produced a female hybrid with zebra stripes on its back and legs. Lord Morton's mare was sold and was subsequently bred with a black stallion, resulting in offspring that again had zebra stripes. An account of this was published in 1820 by the Royal Society. This led to new ideas on telegony, referred to as pangenesis by Charles Darwin. At the close of the 19th century, the Scottish zoologist James Cossar Ewart argued against these ideas and proved, with several cross-breeding experiments, that zebra stripes can pop", "title": "Quagga" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.59, "text": "Pangenesis Pangenesis was Charles Darwin's hypothetical mechanism for heredity, in which he proposed that each part of the body continually emitted its own type of small organic particles called gemmules that aggregated in the gonads, contributing heritable information to the gametes. He presented this 'provisional hypothesis' in his 1868 work \"\"The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication\"\", intending it to fill what he perceived as a major gap in evolutionary theory at the time. The etymology of the word comes from the Greek words \"\"pan\"\" (a prefix meaning \"\"whole\"\", \"\"encompassing\"\") and \"\"genesis\"\" (\"\"birth\"\") or \"\"genos\"\" (\"\"origin\"\"). Pangenesis mirrored ideas", "title": "Pangenesis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.39, "text": "this reinterpretation of pangenesis's viability in modern terms is the work of a niche group of scholars and does not necessarily reflect a renewal of interest by related fields as a whole. Pangenesis Pangenesis was Charles Darwin's hypothetical mechanism for heredity, in which he proposed that each part of the body continually emitted its own type of small organic particles called gemmules that aggregated in the gonads, contributing heritable information to the gametes. He presented this 'provisional hypothesis' in his 1868 work \"\"The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication\"\", intending it to fill what he perceived as a major", "title": "Pangenesis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.38, "text": "Hugo de Vries connected Darwin's pangenesis theory to Weismann's germ/soma cell distinction and proposed that Darwin's pangenes were concentrated in the cell nucleus and when expressed they could move into the cytoplasm to change the cell's structure. De Vries was also one of the researchers who made Mendel's work well known, believing that Mendelian traits corresponded to the transfer of heritable variations along the germline. To explain how new variants originate, de Vries developed a mutation theory that led to a temporary rift between those who accepted Darwinian evolution and biometricians who allied with de Vries. In the 1930s, pioneers", "title": "Evolution" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.38, "text": "\"\"pangenes\"\", a term 20 years later to be shortened to genes by Wilhelm Johannsen. To support his theory of pangenes, which was not widely noticed at the time, De Vries conducted a series of experiments hybridising varieties of multiple plant species in the 1890s. Unaware of Mendel's work, De Vries used the laws of dominance and recessiveness, segregation, and independent assortment to explain the 3:1 ratio of phenotypes in the second generation. His observations also confirmed his hypothesis that inheritance of specific traits in organisms comes in particles. He further speculated that genes could cross the species barrier, with the", "title": "Hugo de Vries" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.34, "text": "1871, he transfused the blood between dissimilar breeds of rabbits, and examined the features of their offspring. He found no evidence of characters transmitted in the transfused blood. Darwin challenged the validity of Galton's experiment, giving his reasons in an article published in \"\"Nature\"\" where he wrote: Now, in the chapter on Pangenesis in my \"\"Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication\"\" I have not said one word about the blood, or about any fluid proper to any circulating system. It is, indeed, obvious that the presence of gemmules in the blood can form no necessary part of my hypothesis;", "title": "Francis Galton" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.31, "text": "founders of the theory of natural selection [but] he was one of the pioneers of genetics\"\". Maupertuis espoused a theory of pangenesis, postulating particles from both mother and father as responsible for the characters of the child. Bowler credits him with studies on heredity, with the natural origin of human races, and with the idea that forms of life may have changed with time. Maupertuis was a strong critic of the natural theologians, pointing to phenomena incompatible with a concept of a good and wise Creator. He was also one of the first to consider animals in terms of variable", "title": "Pierre Louis Maupertuis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.3, "text": "for many years on a theory of heredity. In May 1865 he sent a manuscript to his friend Thomas Huxley outlining his theory which he called pangenesis and asking whether he should publish it. In his accompanying letter Darwin wrote \"\"It is a very rash & crude hypothesis yet it has been a considerable relief to my mind, & I can hang on it a good many groups of facts.\"\" Huxley pointed out the similarities of pangenesis to the theories of Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, and the Swiss naturalist Charles Bonnet but eventually wrote encouraging Darwin to publish:", "title": "The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.28, "text": "class of organic particles has been firmly rejected. However, starting in the 1950s, many research groups in revisiting Galton's experiments found that heritable characteristics could indeed arise in rabbits and chickens following DNA injection or blood transfusion. This type of research originated in the Soviet Union in the late 1940's in the work of Sopikov and others, and was later corroborated by researchers in Switzerland as it was being further developed by the Soviet scientists. Notably, this work was supported in the USSR in part due to its conformation with the ideas of Trofim Lysenko, who espoused a version of", "title": "Pangenesis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.25, "text": "transmission of characteristics acquired through use and disuse. Accidental gemmule development in incorrect parts of the body could explain deformations and the 'monstrosities' Darwin cited in \"\"Variation\"\". Hugo de Vries characterized his own version of pangenesis theory in his 1889 book \"\"Intracellular Pangenesis\"\" with two propositions, of which he only accepted the first: De Vries also coined the term 'pangene' which 20 years later was shortened by Wilhelm Johannsen to gene. Science historian Janet Browne points out that while Herbert Spencer and Carl von Nägeli also put forth ideas for systems of inheritance involving gemmules, their version of gemmules differed", "title": "Pangenesis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.23, "text": "When Mendel's principles were rediscovered in 1900, this resulted in a fierce battle between the followers of Galton's Law of Ancestral Heredity, the biometricians, and those who advocated Mendel's principles. Galton conducted wide-ranging inquiries into heredity which led him to challenge Charles Darwin's hypothesis of pangenesis. Darwin had proposed as part of this model that certain particles, which he called \"\"gemmules\"\" moved throughout the body and were also responsible for the inheritance of acquired characteristics. Galton, in consultation with Darwin, set out to see if they were transported in the blood. In a long series of experiments in 1869 to", "title": "Francis Galton" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.2, "text": "topic of Lamarckian ideas as they related to inheritance are found in a notebook he opened in 1837, also entitled \"\"Zoonomia\"\". Historian Johnathan Hodge states that the theory of pangenesis itself first appeared in Darwin's notebooks in 1841. In 1861, Irish physician Henry Freke developed a variant of pangenesis in his book \"\"Origin of Species by Means of Organic Affinity\"\". Freke proposed that all life was developed from microscopic organic agents which he named \"\"granules\"\", which existed as 'distinct species of organizing matter' and would develop into different biological structures. In 1864, four years before the publication of \"\"Variation\"\", Herbert", "title": "Pangenesis" } ]
what was the actresses name that played wonder woman?
[ "Gal Gadot" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 27.17, "text": "Lee Crosby as Wonder Woman, playing the character as a blond in a star-spangled red & blue costume which featured a skirt & tights rather than the comic costume. In the film, she uses her powers to thwart an international spy ring headed by Ricardo Montalban. Her invisible plane is mentioned in passing. Lynda Carter, the actress who portrayed Wonder Woman in the series of the same name from 1975-1979, appeared on a 1976 televised Olivia Newton-John Special as the character wherein she deflects a bullet meant for Olivia. In 1980, Carter appeared in an episode of Jim Henson's television", "title": "Cultural impact of Wonder Woman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.66, "text": "or mentioned, though she was played by a new actress, Beatrice Straight, succeeding Carolyn Jones and Cloris Leachman in the role. The post-war fates of General Phil Blankenship, Etta Candy, and Drusilla / Wonder Girl were never revealed. Diana, Steve and Joe Atkinson (Norman Burton), a weathered IADC agent, received their orders from a \"\"Charlie's Angels-like\"\" character who is heard but never seen. Diana and Steve would go out and work the field while Joe assisted from the office. The Atkinson character was dropped after the ninth episode of this season, and Steve was given a promotion, becoming IADC Director,", "title": "Wonder Woman (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.66, "text": "Batman. Jessica Biel reportedly declined the Wonder Woman role after being in negotiations. The character was also linked to actresses Teresa Palmer and Shannyn Sossamon, along with Mary Elizabeth Winstead, who confirmed that she had auditioned. Ultimately Megan Gale was cast as Wonder Woman, while Palmer was cast as Talia al Ghul, whom Miller had in mind to act with a Russian accent. The script for \"\"Justice League: Mortal\"\" would have featured the John Stewart character as the Green Lantern, a role originally offered to Columbus Short. Hip hop recording artist and rapper Common was cast, with Adam Brody as", "title": "Justice League in other media" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.34, "text": "was supposed to engender interest in a Wonder Woman pilot and an eventual TV series. Harrison played a glamorous mirror image of Wonder Woman, which existed only in the imagination of the homely Diana Prince character, played by Ellie Wood Walker (Robert Walker Jr.'s wife). The \"\"Who's Afraid of Diana Prince?\"\" segment failed to engender any interest in a Wonder Woman pilot, although Lynda Carter had great success in the role eight years later. Harrison next appeared as Carl Reiner's blonde-wigged young inamorata \"\"Miss Stardust\"\" in \"\"A Guide for the Married Man\"\" (1967), a bedroom comedy about marital infidelity directed", "title": "Linda Harrison (actress)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.14, "text": "to Bruce Wayne thanking him for the photographic plate of her and Steve and continues to fight and give on the world's behalf. Additionally, Mayling Ng, Florence Kasumba, Madeleine Vall Beijner, Hayley Jane Warnes and Ann Wolfe portray Orana, Acantha, Egeria, Aella and Artemis, respectively, all of whom are Amazons. James Cosmo appears as Field Marshal Haig, Steffan Rhodri appears as Colonel Darnell, and Dutch supermodel Doutzen Kroes portrays the Amazon Venelia. Samantha Jo was cast as the Amazonian Euboea, and previously played the Kryptonian, Car-Vex, in \"\"Man of Steel\"\". Zack Snyder also makes a brief cameo appearance in the", "title": "Wonder Woman (2017 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.09, "text": "despite good reviews. In 2011, Palicki portrayed Wonder Woman in a 2011 pilot produced by David E. Kelley for NBC. The pilot was not picked up as a series. She played the recurring role of Dr. Samantha Lake in season one of the sitcom \"\"About a Boy\"\" in 2014, reuniting with \"\"Friday Night Lights\"\" showrunner Jason Katims. Palicki starred in \"\"Legion\"\" (2010), and co-starred in \"\"\"\" (2013) in the lead female role of Lady Jaye. She also appeared in supporting roles in \"\"Red Dawn\"\" (2012) and \"\"John Wick\"\" (2014). Although initially signed on to star in the Jamie Babbit's 2012", "title": "Adrianne Palicki" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.97, "text": "Amazon warrior who also is the demigoddess daughter of the god Zeus, uses her talents and abilities in order to help humanity during World War I. Israeli actress and model Gal Gadot was cast as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman in December 2013 and signed a three-picture deal which included a solo film. In October 2014, \"\"Wonder Woman\"\" was announced by Warner Bros. In November, Michelle MacLaren was confirmed to direct the film from a screenplay by Jason Fuchs. In April 2015, MacLaren left the project due to creative differences. Later that month, Patty Jenkins was announced as the new director of", "title": "DC Extended Universe" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.92, "text": "with director Patty Jenkins confirming her casting the next month. By March 28, Pedro Pascal, who played Ed Indelicato in the pilot of the canceled 2011 \"\"Wonder Woman\"\" television adaptation, was cast in an undisclosed key role. On June 13, director Patty Jenkins confirmed the addition of Chris Pine as Steve Trevor through Twitter. On July 24, 2018, Natasha Rothwell was announced to be cast in an undisclosed role. A few days later, on July 27, Ravi Patel and Gabriella Wilde also joined the film, with their being roles kept under wraps as well. By late August, Connie Nielsen and", "title": "Wonder Woman 1984" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.92, "text": "Wonder Woman (TV series) Wonder Woman, known for seasons 2 and 3 as The New Adventures of Wonder Woman, is an American television series based on the DC Comics comic book superhero of the same name. The show stars Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman/Diana Prince and Lyle Waggoner as Steve Trevor Sr. & Jr. It originally aired for three seasons from 1975 to 1979. The show's first season aired on ABC and is set in the 1940s during World War II. The second and third seasons aired on CBS and are set in the 1970s, with the title changed to", "title": "Wonder Woman (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.88, "text": "Wonder Woman (2017 film) Wonder Woman is a 2017 American superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name, produced by DC Entertainment in association with RatPac Entertainment and Chinese company Tencent Pictures, and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. It is the fourth installment in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU). Directed by Patty Jenkins from a screenplay by Allan Heinberg and a story by Heinberg, Zack Snyder, and Jason Fuchs, \"\"Wonder Woman\"\" stars Gal Gadot in the title role, alongside Chris Pine, Robin Wright, Danny Huston, David Thewlis, Connie Nielsen, and Elena Anaya. It is the second", "title": "Wonder Woman (2017 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.83, "text": "was also linked to actresses Teresa Palmer and Shannyn Sossamon, along with Mary Elizabeth Winstead, who confirmed that she had auditioned. Ultimately, Megan Gale was cast as Wonder Woman, while Palmer was cast as Talia al Ghul, whom Miller had in mind to act with a Russian accent. The script for \"\"Justice League: Mortal\"\" would have featured John Stewart as Green Lantern, a role originally offered to Columbus Short. Hip hop recording artist and rapper Common was cast, with Adam Brody as Barry Allen / Flash, and Jay Baruchel as the lead villain, Maxwell Lord. Longtime Miller collaborator Hugh Keays-Byrne", "title": "Justice League (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.8, "text": "actress Beatrice Colen joined the cast as Corporal Etta Candy WAAC, General Blankenship's secretary, thereby providing YN1 Prince with a subordinate. Three episodes featured Debra Winger as Diana's younger sister, Drusilla, a.k.a. Wonder Girl, in one of her earliest acting roles. One of the most memorable aspects of the show that was developed during the first season was the transformation sequence that changed Diana Prince into her superheroine alter ego. The sequence in the original specials employed a slow fade between two synchronized shots, both filmed with an overcranked camera to create a slow motion effect. A twirling Diana Prince's", "title": "Wonder Woman (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.78, "text": "months prior, in a ceremony attended by the actors who had portrayed her (Lynda Carter and Gal Gadot). The title was eliminated in response to a petition signed by 44,000 people which argued that Wonder Woman undermines female empowerment due to her costume, described as a \"\"shimmery, thigh-baring bodysuit with an American flag motif and knee-high boots\"\". The petition stated that \"\"it is alarming that the United Nations would consider using a character with an overtly sexualised image at a time when the headline news in United States and the world is the objectification of women and girls\"\". \"\"Wonder Woman\"\"", "title": "Wonder Woman (2017 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.73, "text": "reprising her role by voicing the character; along with an animated adaptation of the comic series \"\"Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles\"\". Wonder Woman (TV series) Wonder Woman, known for seasons 2 and 3 as The New Adventures of Wonder Woman, is an American television series based on the DC Comics comic book superhero of the same name. The show stars Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman/Diana Prince and Lyle Waggoner as Steve Trevor Sr. & Jr. It originally aired for three seasons from 1975 to 1979. The show's first season aired on ABC and is set in the 1940s during World War", "title": "Wonder Woman (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.69, "text": "Emily Carey Emily Carey (born 30 April 2003) is a British actress. She is perhaps best known for her role of Grace Beauchamp in BBC One's \"\"Casualty\"\", which she played from 2014 to 2017. Carey also played the young Diana Prince (Wonder Woman), portrayed by Gal Gadot as an adult, in the Warner Brothers movie \"\"Wonder Woman\"\" (2017). She appeared as a young Lara Croft in the \"\"Tomb Raider\"\" reboot film, released in March 2018. Other notable work includes Mary Conan Doyle in the series \"\"Houdini and Doyle\"\" on FOX/ITV, and West End Theatre roles in \"\"Shrek The Musical\"\" at", "title": "Emily Carey" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.67, "text": "Woman, to the big screen.\"\" Regan netted over 62 percent of the total vote, well ahead of well-known and lesser-known actresses. In 2013, Screen Rant's Andrew Dyce commented, \"\"Casting Wonder Woman may sound like a tall order, but if you ask the online fan communities, Bridget Regan may be the name you hear more than any other.\"\" In 2014, Regan was cast in the recurring role of Dottie for 2015 in the comic book-based television series \"\"Agent Carter\"\". In 2016, Regan was added to the cast of the TNT drama series \"\"The Last Ship\"\" for the show's third season, playing", "title": "Bridget Regan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.64, "text": "hired to direct the pilot. A few days later, it was announced that Adrianne Palicki was selected to play the title role. Lynette Rice of \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" commented that compared to Lynda Carter's costume, Palicki's costume de-emphasized patriotism and played up the character's Greek mythological origin. Lynda Carter herself said Palicki looked gorgeous. Kyle Buchanan of \"\"New York\"\" stated the costume, \"\"looked less like a superhero outfit and more like a \"\"Project Runway\"\" challenge gone awry, the kind of thing Nina Garcia would dismiss by sniffing, 'Shiny, cheap, and tacky'.\"\" Borys Kit of \"\"The Hollywood Reporter\"\" pointed out that the", "title": "Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.59, "text": "Extended Universe. It is also the first live action theatrical film to feature \"\"Wonder Woman\"\" as well as her secret identity, Diana Prince. In late 2013, Zack Snyder cast Gal Gadot in the role over Élodie Yung and Olga Kurylenko. Some fans initially reacted to this choice by criticizing Gadot's appearance. Snyder would later comment on his decision to cast Gadot, stating that hetested a bunch of actresses, as you can imagine. But the thing with Gal is that she's strong, she's beautiful, and she's a kind person, which is interesting, but fierce at the same time. It's that combination", "title": "Wonder Woman in other media" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.59, "text": "both Olive Byrne and Elizabeth were models for the character. Marston died on March 27, 1993, just a month after her 100th birthday. Marston's life is depicted in \"\"Professor Marston and the Wonder Women\"\", a fictional biographical drama also portraying her husband William Moulton Marston, Olive Byrne, and the creation of Wonder Woman. Marston is portrayed in the film by British actress Rebecca Hall. Asteroid 101813 Elizabethmarston was named in her memory. The official naming citation was published by the Minor Planet Center on 25 September 2018 () along with the naming of Asteroid 102234 Olivebyrne. Elizabeth Holloway Marston Elizabeth", "title": "Elizabeth Holloway Marston" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.52, "text": "Professor Marston and the Wonder Women Professor Marston and the Wonder Women is a 2017 American biographical drama film about American psychologist William Moulton Marston, who created the fictional character Wonder Woman. The film, directed and written by Angela Robinson, stars Luke Evans as Marston, Rebecca Hall as his legal wife Elizabeth and Bella Heathcote as the Marstons' polyamorous life partner, Olive Byrne. JJ Feild, Oliver Platt and Connie Britton also star. The film premiered at the 2017 Toronto International Film Festival and was released in the United States on October 13, 2017. It received positive reviews from critics, who", "title": "Professor Marston and the Wonder Women" } ]
what does milli mean in the metric system?
[ "a factor of one thousandth" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.56, "text": "used to multiply the unit by 1000, and the prefix \"\"milli\"\" is to indicate a one-thousandth part of the unit. Thus the \"\"kilogram\"\" and \"\"kilometre\"\" are a thousand grams and metres respectively, and a \"\"milligram\"\" and \"\"millimetre\"\" are one thousandth of a gram and metre respectively. These relations can be written symbolically as: In the early days, multipliers that were positive powers of ten were given Greek-derived prefixes such as \"\"kilo-\"\" and \"\"mega-\"\", and those that were negative powers of ten were given Latin-derived prefixes such as \"\"centi-\"\" and \"\"milli-\"\". However, 1935 extensions to the prefix system did not follow", "title": "Metric system" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.62, "text": "Unit prefix A unit prefix is a specifier or mnemonic that is prepended to units of measurement to indicate multiples or fractions of the units. Units of various sizes are commonly formed by the use of such prefixes. The prefixes of the metric system, such as \"\"kilo\"\" and \"\"milli\"\", represent multiplication by powers of ten. In information technology it is common to use binary prefixes, which are based on powers of two. Historically, many prefixes have been used or proposed by various sources, but only a narrow set has been recognised by standards organisations. The prefixes of the metric system", "title": "Unit prefix" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.34, "text": "use. Unit prefix A unit prefix is a specifier or mnemonic that is prepended to units of measurement to indicate multiples or fractions of the units. Units of various sizes are commonly formed by the use of such prefixes. The prefixes of the metric system, such as \"\"kilo\"\" and \"\"milli\"\", represent multiplication by powers of ten. In information technology it is common to use binary prefixes, which are based on powers of two. Historically, many prefixes have been used or proposed by various sources, but only a narrow set has been recognised by standards organisations. The prefixes of the metric", "title": "Unit prefix" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.61, "text": "The metric system was, in the words of French philosopher Marquis de Condorcet, \"\"for all people for all time\"\". The metric system has names to cover different ranges of the same measure. Instead of using names based on the context of the measure, the metric system mainly uses names made by adding prefixes, such as \"\"kilo-\"\" or \"\"milli-\"\", as decimal multipliers to the base unit names. Thus, one kilogram is 1000 grams and one kilometre is 1000 metres. During the nineteenth century the metric system was adopted by both the worldwide scientific community and many countries as the system of", "title": "Introduction to the metric system" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.36, "text": "Milli mass unit The milli mass unit or (mmu) is used as a unit of mass by some scientific authors even though this unit is not defined by the IUPAP red book nor by the IUPAC green book. It is a short form of the tongue-breaking but formally more correct \"\"milli unified atomic mass unit\"\" (mu) and equivalent to 1/1000 of the unified atomic mass unit (u). A more modern name is the millidalton (mDa) since the \"\"unified atomic mass unit\"\" is more and more displaced by the unit dalton. (1 Da = 1 u) Since 1961 the unified atomic", "title": "Milli mass unit" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.8, "text": "Metric prefix A metric prefix is a unit prefix that precedes a basic unit of measure to indicate a multiple or fraction of the unit. While all metric prefixes in common use today are decadic, historically there have been a number of binary metric prefixes as well. Each prefix has a unique symbol that is prepended to the unit symbol. The prefix \"\"kilo-\"\", for example, may be added to \"\"gram\"\" to indicate \"\"multiplication\"\" by one thousand: one kilogram is equal to one thousand grams. The prefix \"\"milli-\"\", likewise, may be added to \"\"metre\"\" to indicate \"\"division\"\" by one thousand; one", "title": "Metric prefix" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.72, "text": "Millioctave The millioctave (mO) is a unit of measurement for musical intervals. As is expected from the prefix milli-, a millioctave is defined as 1/1000 of an octave. From this it follows that one millioctave is equal to the ratio 2, the 1000th root of 2, or approximately 1.0006934 (). Given two frequencies \"\"a\"\" and \"\"b\"\", the measurement of the interval between them in millioctaves can be calculated by Likewise, if you know a note \"\"b\"\" and the number \"\"n\"\" of millioctaves in the interval, then the other note \"\"a\"\" may be calculated by: Like the more common cent, the", "title": "Millioctave" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.67, "text": "the introduction of metric prefixes to derive bigger and smaller sizes from base unit names. Examples include \"\"kilo\"\" for 1000, \"\"hecto\"\" for 100, \"\"centi\"\" for 1/100 and \"\"milli\"\" for 1/1000. The list of metric prefixes has expanded in modern times to encompass a wider range of measurements. While the common units of time, minute, hour, day, month and year, are not decimalised, there have been proposals for decimalisation of the time of day and decimal calendar systems. Astronomers use a decimalised Julian day number to record and predict events. Decimal currencies have sub-units based on a factor of 10. There", "title": "Decimalisation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.55, "text": "of a substance in equivalents often has a very small magnitude, so, especially in medicine, it is routinely described in terms of milliequivalents (meq or mEq, although the correct symbol would be mequiv), the prefix milli denoting that the measure has been multiplied by 1000. Very often, the measure is used in terms of milliequivalents of solute per litre of solution (or milliNormal, where ). This is especially common for measurement of compounds in biological fluids; for instance, the healthy level of potassium in the blood of a human is defined between 3.8 and 5.0 meq/L. A certain amount of", "title": "Equivalent (chemistry)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.52, "text": "during a time interval of of a second\"\". A millimetre, of a metre, is therefore the distance travelled by light in of a second. A common shortening of millimetre in spoken English is \"\"mil\"\". This can cause confusion since in the United States, \"\"mil\"\" traditionally means a thousandth of an inch. For the purposes of compatibility with Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) characters, Unicode has symbols for: In Japanese typography, these square symbols were historically used for laying out unit symbols without distorting the grid layout of text characters. On a metric ruler, the smallest measurements are normally millimetres. High-quality", "title": "Millimetre" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.5, "text": "Millimetre The millimetre (International spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures; SI unit symbol mm) or millimeter (American spelling) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one thousandth of a metre, which is the SI base unit of length. Therefore, there are one thousand millimetres in a metre. There are ten millimetres in a centimetre. One millimetre is equal to micrometres or nanometres. A millimetre is equal to exactly (approximately 0.039370) of an inch. Since 1983, the metre has been defined as \"\"the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum", "title": "Millimetre" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.36, "text": "be written down\"\". The logic of using the millimetre in this context was that the metric system had been so designed that there would exist a multiple or submultiple for every use. Decimal fractions would not have to be used. Since the tolerances on building components and building practice would rarely be less than one millimetre, the millimetre became the sub-unit most appropriate to this industry. Although for the most part they are ignored in everyday life, it was not possible for education in the logical construction of the metric system to ignore the metric prefixes deci, centi, hecto and", "title": "Metrication in Australia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.28, "text": "Centimetre A centimetre (international spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures; symbol cm) or centimeter (American spelling) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one hundredth of a metre, \"\"centi\"\" being the SI prefix for a factor of . The centimetre was the base unit of length in the now deprecated centimetre–gram–second (CGS) system of units. Though for many physical quantities, SI prefixes for factors of 10—like \"\"milli-\"\" and \"\"kilo-\"\"—are often preferred by technicians, the centimetre remains a practical unit of length for many everyday measurements. A centimetre is approximately the width", "title": "Centimetre" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.25, "text": "unit would be mTh since mass spectrometers measure the mass-to-charge ratio, not the mass. The relative mass accuracy is often indicated in ppm, even though this is no longer supported by the IUPAC green book which suggests using units like μTh/Th instead of ppm. Milli mass unit The milli mass unit or (mmu) is used as a unit of mass by some scientific authors even though this unit is not defined by the IUPAP red book nor by the IUPAC green book. It is a short form of the tongue-breaking but formally more correct \"\"milli unified atomic mass unit\"\" (mu)", "title": "Milli mass unit" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.25, "text": "based in Sèvres, France. In 1960, at the 11th conference of the CGPM, the metric system was overhauled and the resultant system named \"\"The International System of Units\"\", (also known as \"\"SI\"\", an abbreviation \"\"Système international d'unités\"\"). The driving force behind the metric system was the need for a single, rational and universal system of weights and measures that could be used worldwide. The names of the units of measure used in the metric system consist of two parts: a unit name (for example \"\"metre\"\", \"\"gram\"\", \"\"litre\"\") and an associated multiplier prefix (for example \"\"milli-\"\" meaning , \"\"kilo-\"\" meaning 1000).", "title": "Introduction to the metric system" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.22, "text": "mass unit \"\"u\"\" has been defined as 1/12 the mass of C. Before that the atomic mass unit \"\"amu\"\" was defined as 1/16 the mass of O (physics) and as 1/16 the mass of O (chemistry). Thus the publication date in literature ought to be heeded when reading about the milli mass unit as its name does not reveal whether it refers to the old amu or the newer u. The mass excess is usually indicated in mu or mmu. In mass spectrometry the mass accuracy of a mass analyzer is often indicated in mu, even though a more correct", "title": "Milli mass unit" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.11, "text": "What this means in practice is if a rifle that shoots 1-inch groups on average at 100 yards shoots a group measuring 0.7 inches followed by a group that is 1.3 inches this is not statistically abnormal. The Metric System counterpart of the MOA is the milliradian or mil, being equal to one 1000th of the target range, laid out on a circle that has the observer as centre and the target range as radius. The number of mils on a full such circle therefore always is equal to 2 × × 1000, regardless the target range. Therefore, 1 MOA", "title": "Minute and second of arc" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.03, "text": "Torr The torr (symbol: Torr) is a unit of pressure based on an absolute scale, now defined as exactly of a standard atmosphere (101325 Pa). Thus one torr is exactly (≈ ). Historically, one torr was intended to be the same as one \"\"millimeter of mercury\"\". However, subsequent redefinitions of the two units made them slightly different (by less than ). The torr is not part of the International System of Units (SI), but it is often combined with the metric prefix milli to name one millitorr (mTorr) or 0.001 Torr. The unit was named after Evangelista Torricelli, an Italian", "title": "Torr" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.97, "text": "millimetre is equal to one thousandth of a metre. Decimal multiplicative prefixes have been a feature of all forms of the metric system, with six dating back to the system's introduction in the 1790s. Metric prefixes have even been prepended to non-metric units. The SI prefixes are standardized for use in the International System of Units (SI) by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) in resolutions dating from 1960 to 1991. Since 2009, they have formed part of the International System of Quantities. The BIPM specifies twenty prefixes for the International System of Units (SI). Each prefix name", "title": "Metric prefix" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.95, "text": "astronomer, published the book \"\"Observationes diametrorum solis et lunae apparentium\"\" in which he proposed a decimal system of measurement of length for use by scientists in international communication, to be based on the dimensions of the Earth. The milliare would be defined as a minute of arc along a meridian and would be divided into 10 centuria, the centuria into 10 decuria and so on, successive units being the virga, virgula, decima, centesima, and the millesima. Mouton used Riccioli's estimate that one degree of arc was 321,185 Bolognese feet, and his own experiments showed that a pendulum of length one", "title": "History of the metric system" } ]
who is the actor that plays jamie on blue bloods?
[ "William \"Will\" Estes" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.89, "text": "Will Estes William Estes Nipper (born October 21, 1978) is an American actor known for his role on CBS police drama \"\"Blue Bloods\"\" as Jamison \"\"Jamie\"\" Reagan, a New York Police Department officer and the younger son of the police commissioner, played by Tom Selleck. Previously, he starred as J.J. Pryor, on the NBC drama \"\"American Dreams\"\". Estes was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, where he currently resides. Estes' break-out movie role was Seaman Ronald 'Rabbit' Parker on \"\"U-571\"\". Early in his career, he did many commercials including Fruit of the Loom and numerous guest starring roles in", "title": "Will Estes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.38, "text": "a full-time cast member for season 4, and she receives an “also starring” billing. Vanessa Ray appears this season as Jamie’s partner Edit “Eddie” Janko, replacing Sebastian Sozzi, whose character Vinny Cruz was killed off near the end of season 3. Though the actress appears regularly, she receives a “special guest star” billing. Also appearing regularly and receiving \"\"special guest star\"\" billing are Gregory Jbara as Deputy Commissioner of Public Information Garrett Moore, and John Ventimiglia as Chief of Department Dino Arbogast. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Blue Bloods (season 4) The fourth season of \"\"Blue Bloods\"\", a police procedural drama series created by", "title": "Blue Bloods (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.36, "text": "television critics, praising the performances of lead actors Donnie Wahlberg and Tom Selleck and the family dynamic among the Reagans. A running theme through the first season is Jamie's assumption of Joe's investigation. The FBI tried to recruit Jamie, but instead he conducted his own covert investigation into Joe's murder. The corrupt cops were operating within a fraternal organization called the \"\"Blue Templar\"\", and murdered Joe when his covert investigation was getting close to exposing names. Joe's assailants attempt to kill Jamie by sabotaging the brakes in his car; however, this effort backfired. After the failed hit, Jamie informs Frank,", "title": "Blue Bloods (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.08, "text": "academy. Len Cariou played Frank's father Henry Reagan, a retired police commissioner and former Marine who, like Danny, is very vocal about his political beliefs. In addition to the regular cast, the season also featured actors who received the \"\"also starring\"\" billing, appearing in almost every episode of the season. Jennifer Esposito portrayed Jackie Curatola, an NYPD detective at the precinct and Danny's partner. Nicholas Turturro portrayed Sergeant Anthony Renzulli, Jamie's partner and mentor, who had been a partner of Joe Reagan. Several recurring characters appeared in the first season. Amy Carlson appeared as Linda Reagan, Danny's wife and mother", "title": "Blue Bloods (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25, "text": "of two children Jack and Sean. Sami Gayle portrayed Erin's teenage daughter Nicole \"\"Nikki\"\" Reagan-Boyle (Marlene Lawston played this role in the pilot episode). Abigail Hawk portrayed Abigail Baker, Frank's primary aide. Brothers Andrew and Tony Terraciano portray Sean and Jack Reagan, Danny and Linda's sons. Gregory Jbara acted as Garrett Moore, the NYPD's Deputy Commissioner of Public Information. Robert Clohessy played Sgt. Sidney Gormley, the immediate supervisor of Danny and the other detectives at the precinct. Actress Dylan Moore appeared in the first six episodes as Jamie's brief fiancée Sydney Davenport. Bruce Altman portrayed Mayor Frank Russo, Frank's superior.", "title": "Blue Bloods (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.91, "text": "credited. Amy Carlson (Linda Reagan) and Sami Gayle (Nicky Reagan-Boyle) are credited next, marking the first season they have been included in the opening credits. Tom Selleck (Frank Reagan) receives an \"\"and\"\" billing at the close of the main title sequence. Marisa Ramirez continued into season 5 as Danny's partner Detective Maria Baez, and she receives an \"\"also starring\"\" billing. Vanessa Ray, who was listed as a \"\"special guest star\"\" in season 4 as Jamie’s partner Eddie Jenko, receives \"\"also starring\"\" status for season 5. Appearing regularly and receiving \"\"special guest star\"\" billing are Gregory Jbara as Deputy Commissioner of", "title": "Blue Bloods (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.91, "text": "partner Detective Maria Baez, and Vanessa Ray, as Jamie’s partner Eddie Janko, continue to receive \"\"also starring\"\" billing for season 7. Appearing regularly and receiving \"\"special guest star\"\" billing are Gregory Jbara as Deputy Commissioner of Public Information Garrett Moore, Robert Clohessy as Lt. Sidney Gormley, and Abigail Hawk as Detective Baker, Frank's primary aide. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Blue Bloods (season 7) The seventh season of \"\"Blue Bloods\"\", a police procedural drama series created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, premiered on CBS on September 23, 2016. The season concluded on May 5, 2017. Donnie Wahlberg (Danny Reagan), Bridget Moynahan (Erin Reagan),", "title": "Blue Bloods (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.77, "text": "Andrea Roth appeared in four episodes as Kelly Davidson, a television news reporter who dated Frank. Yvonna Kopacz Wright portrayed Ava Hotchkiss, a detective at the precinct and Danny's temporary partner. Noelle Beck appeared in three episodes as Frank's Deputy Press Secretary Sue Connors. Nick Sandow recurred in four episodes as Lieutenant Alex Bello, an officer at Internal Affairs. Michael T. Weiss portrayed Sonny Malevsky, a detective who had worked with Joe Reagan before his murder. Colleen Clinton appeared as Agent Anderson, an FBI agent who attempts to recruit Jamie for her investigation into the Blue Templar. Bobby Cannavale appeared", "title": "Blue Bloods (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.73, "text": "Blue Bloods (season 9) The ninth season of \"\"Blue Bloods\"\", a police procedural drama series created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, premiered on CBS on September 28, 2018. Donnie Wahlberg (Danny Reagan), Bridget Moynahan (Erin Reagan), Will Estes (Jamie Reagan), and Len Cariou (Henry Reagan) are first credited. Sami Gayle (Nicky Reagan-Boyle) is credited next, marking the fifth season she has been included in the opening credits. Tom Selleck (Frank Reagan) receives an \"\"and\"\" billing at the close of the main title sequence. Marisa Ramirez, as Danny's partner Detective Maria Baez, and Vanessa Ray, as Jamie's partner Eddie Janko,", "title": "Blue Bloods (season 9)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.7, "text": "receives an \"\"and\"\" billing at the close of the main title sequence. Marisa Ramirez, as Danny's partner Detective Maria Baez, and Vanessa Ray, as Jamie's partner Eddie Janko, continue to receive \"\"also starring\"\" billing for season 6. Appearing regularly and receiving \"\"special guest star\"\" billing are Gregory Jbara as Deputy Commissioner of Public Information Garrett Moore, Robert Clohessy as Lt. Sidney Gormley, and Abigail Hawk as Detective Baker, Frank's primary aide. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Blue Bloods (season 6) The sixth season of \"\"Blue Bloods\"\", a police procedural drama series created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, premiered on CBS on September 25,", "title": "Blue Bloods (season 6)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.39, "text": "between Seasons 7 and 8. Marisa Ramirez, as Danny's partner Detective Maria Baez, and Vanessa Ray, as Jamie's partner Eddie Janko, continue to receive \"\"also starring\"\" billing for season 8. Appearing regularly and receiving \"\"special guest star\"\" billing are Gregory Jbara as Deputy Commissioner of Public Information Garrett Moore, Robert Clohessy as Lt. Sidney Gormley, and Abigail Hawk as Detective Abigail Baker, Frank's primary aide. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Blue Bloods (season 8) The eighth season of \"\"Blue Bloods\"\", a police procedural drama series created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, premiered on CBS on September 29, 2017. The season contained 22 episodes", "title": "Blue Bloods (season 8)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.67, "text": "Tom Selleck portrays Francis \"\"Frank\"\" Reagan, the patriarch of the Reagan family, a former Marine, and current Police Commissioner who is notably silent about his political beliefs. Donnie Wahlberg acted as Frank's eldest son Daniel \"\"Danny\"\" Reagan, a hard-nosed NYPD Detective and former Marine who often roughs up his suspects, despite being prohibited to do so. Bridget Moynahan portrays Frank's daughter Erin Reagan-Boyle, an assistant district attorney who abides by the law in her dealings with criminal justice. Will Estes portrayed Frank's youngest son Jamison \"\"Jamie\"\" Reagan, a rookie police officer and graduate from Harvard Law before entering the police", "title": "Blue Bloods (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.92, "text": "its tone. The third season finale brought the departure of actors Marcos Ferraez and Rick Rossovich. The fourth season premiere brought four major cast additions: Shanna Moakler as Monica Harper, Amy Hunter as Jamie Strickland, Jeff Stearns as Russ Granger, and Mario Lopez as Bobby Cruz. These new recruits to the Pacific Blue unit skewed the show's cast in a younger direction. Jim Davidson and Paula Trickey, who had previously played the role of the show's young blood, evolved into the \"\"old guard\"\" as their characters took on leadership roles within the Pacific Blue unit. In addition, the characters of", "title": "Pacific Blue (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.8, "text": "because of low ratings and the identity of the murderer would not be revealed. Estes portrayed Jack Kerouac in the 2007 short film \"\"Luz Del Mundo\"\", written by Ty Roberts and David Trimble, directed by Ty Roberts, and produced by Ryan McWhirter and John Pitts. He has also appeared in a couple of photographs, in the books \"\"Hollywood Splash\"\" and \"\"Men Before 10 AM Too\"\". He was nominated four times for one award, the Young Artist Awards for \"\"The New Lassie\"\" and \"\"Kirk\"\". Since 2010, Estes has played Officer Jamie Reagan in the TV series \"\"Blue Bloods\"\". Will Estes William", "title": "Will Estes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.77, "text": "Blue Bloods (season 7) The seventh season of \"\"Blue Bloods\"\", a police procedural drama series created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, premiered on CBS on September 23, 2016. The season concluded on May 5, 2017. Donnie Wahlberg (Danny Reagan), Bridget Moynahan (Erin Reagan), Will Estes (Jamie Reagan), and Len Cariou (Henry Reagan) are first credited. Amy Carlson (Linda Reagan) and Sami Gayle (Nicky Reagan-Boyle) are credited next, marking the third season they have been included in the opening credits. Tom Selleck (Frank Reagan) receives an \"\"and\"\" billing at the close of the main title sequence. Marisa Ramirez, as Danny's", "title": "Blue Bloods (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.75, "text": "an injury. She uses vampire blood to cure people and starts dating Alaric. On November 16, 2011, it was announced that Robert Ri'chard was cast as Jamie a new love interest for resident witch Bonnie. On November 22, 2011, it was announced that Daniel Newman was cast as Daniel Warren, appearing in one episode. Australian actor Nathaniel Buzolic has been cast to play Klaus and Elijah's brother Kol and English actor Caspar Zafer has been cast as their other brother Finn. On January 13, 2012, it was announced that Cassidy Freeman was cast as Sage. On March 31, 2012, Sara", "title": "The Vampire Diaries (season 3)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.73, "text": "Blue Bloods (season 8) The eighth season of \"\"Blue Bloods\"\", a police procedural drama series created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, premiered on CBS on September 29, 2017. The season contained 22 episodes and concluded on May 11, 2018. Donnie Wahlberg (Danny Reagan), Bridget Moynahan (Erin Reagan), Will Estes (Jamie Reagan), and Len Cariou (Henry Reagan) are first credited. Sami Gayle (Nicky Reagan-Boyle) is credited next, marking the fourth season she has been included in the opening credits. Tom Selleck (Frank Reagan) receives an \"\"and\"\" billing at the close of the main title sequence. Amy Carlson (Linda Reagan) left", "title": "Blue Bloods (season 8)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.72, "text": "known as the Blue Templar. Frank's father Henry is a former NYPD beat cop who rose through the ranks to Police Commissioner. Each member of the family represents a different aspect of police work or the legal process: Frank as the commissioner, Danny as the detective, Jamie as the beat cop and Erin as the prosecutor. Additionally, while each person's story might occasionally interweave with another's, the show also follows the professional and, at times, personal relationships with their respective partners and colleagues. Frank with Garrett Moore, the NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Public Information and \"\"de facto\"\" Chief of Staff,", "title": "Blue Bloods (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.39, "text": "continue to receive \"\"also starring\"\" billing for season 9. Gregory Jbara as Deputy Commissioner of Public Information Garrett Moore, Robert Clohessy as Lt. Sidney Gormley, and Abigail Hawk as Detective Abigail Baker, Frank's primary aide, appear regularly and receive \"\"special guest star\"\" billing. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Blue Bloods (season 9) The ninth season of \"\"Blue Bloods\"\", a police procedural drama series created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, premiered on CBS on September 28, 2018. Donnie Wahlberg (Danny Reagan), Bridget Moynahan (Erin Reagan), Will Estes (Jamie Reagan), and Len Cariou (Henry Reagan) are first credited. Sami Gayle (Nicky Reagan-Boyle) is credited next,", "title": "Blue Bloods (season 9)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.31, "text": "Blue Bloods (season 6) The sixth season of \"\"Blue Bloods\"\", a police procedural drama series created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, premiered on CBS on September 25, 2015. Leonard Goldberg serves as executive producer. The season contained 22 episodes. On May 11, 2015, CBS renewed \"\"Blue Bloods\"\" for a sixth season. Donnie Wahlberg (Danny Reagan), Bridget Moynahan (Erin Reagan), Will Estes (Jamie Reagan), and Len Cariou (Henry Reagan) are first credited. Amy Carlson (Linda Reagan) and Sami Gayle (Nicky Reagan-Boyle) are credited next, marking the second season they have been included in the opening credits. Tom Selleck (Frank Reagan)", "title": "Blue Bloods (season 6)" } ]
how does the world end in mad max?
[ "nuclear holocaust" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.84, "text": "Opus are destroyed. Scrotus escapes with the Interceptor, Max's car at the start of the game, and challenges him. Max wins the battle, pulling the chainsaw blade out of Scrotus' head and killing him. The game ends with Max entering the Interceptor and placing a picture of his family on the dashboard before he leaves for parts unknown. A video game set in the \"\"Mad Max\"\" universe was mentioned by franchise creator George Miller in a 2008 interview. Miller joined \"\"God of War II\"\" director Cory Barlog to develop the game after Barlog left Sony Computer Entertainment. The project was", "title": "Mad Max (2015 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.89, "text": "of the technological singularity, the creation of a sentient machine using artificial intelligence, as the starting point for an apocalypse. For example: The film \"\"Mad Max\"\" (1979), directed by George Miller, presents a world in which oil resources have been nearly exhausted. This has resulted in constant energy shortages and a breakdown of law and order. The police do battle with criminal motorcycle gangs, with the end result being the complete breakdown of modern society and nuclear war as depicted in \"\"Mad Max 2\"\" (1981). The opening narration of \"\"Mad Max 2\"\" implies that the fuel shortage was caused not", "title": "Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.56, "text": "Maximum Shame Maximum Shame is a feature-length dystopian movie, written and directed by Carlos Atanes and released in 2010. The end of the world is imminent. A man goes into a parallel dimension, a limbo between reality and fantasy where the normal rules of time and space have ceased to apply. His wife goes to rescue him. Both will be trapped in a strange and cruel world where a ruthless Queen organizes reality as a mad game of chess, a post-apocalyptic dystopia of domination and subjugation where characters can’t eat, speak or move about freely and are periodically viciously attacked.", "title": "Maximum Shame" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.39, "text": "with her. Future Max claims that if they don't do this, the world will end and they will all die. Shocked, she only accepts it when Future Max predicts that Max will turn up with a Mariachi band and sing a love song for her. When this transpires she agrees to help Future Max. He goes on to tell her the kind of future present-day Max and she will have if they do not succeed. He tells her that after she and Max made love for the first time, it cemented their relationship and they were never apart again. This", "title": "Liz Parker" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.34, "text": "Max declines and drives off alone, but turns around after seeing in the mirror The Buzzard who had stabbed Max, driving and hitting Glory and her mother with his vehicle. Max rams his Interceptor into the Buzzard's vehicle in anger and kills him, but it's too late, both Glory and her mother die of their injuries. Distraught, Max buries the pair and leaves the city with his Interceptor. After the Wordburger ends his story, the people listening to him overhear Corpus Colossus warning a woman that they can't keep giving away water to everybody who comes to the Citadel as", "title": "Mad Max: Fury Road (comic book)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.33, "text": "Pass. Once the pass is obtained, the player must find the Arena, which appears as a large cave. Once inside the arena, the player must be the last vehicle to survive the demolition derby inside. Enemy vehicles drive around the arena and attempt to push the player, as well as each other, off of the road into the abyss below. In addition, several areas of the floor open up at random, leaving vehicles to fall into the pitfall. Once all enemy vehicles are destroyed, the player advances to the next Road War level of the game. Scattered throughout the levels", "title": "Mad Max (1990 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.83, "text": "of the game. The crossbow and ammo are both collected within the mines on the third Road War level. If the player wishes to start here, they must enter the password for the last Road War, rather than the final arena battle. If the player enters the password for the final arena battle, the player will not have enough crossbow ammo to kill the final boss, even if every single one hits him. It is unknown whether this was an untested bug in the game, or if it was a trick by the game developers. Mad Max (1990 video game)", "title": "Mad Max (1990 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.75, "text": "original, its battles involve many competitors instead of just two. Before the battle is about to begin, a Buzzard who is wearing body armor with sharp blades attached on it enters the battle. During the battle, most of the combatants are killed and Max gets grabbed by one of the final three combatants who is killed by the Buzzard. The Buzzard tries to kill Max who however is able to dodge his blow and climbs on the pipes where he is given a flare by a woman. He is grabbed by the Buzzard, however he lights the flare and burns", "title": "Mad Max: Fury Road (comic book)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.7, "text": "able to visit any place in the game world. The ending can be determined by the player, who can alter the ending through their actions, complete the game at almost any time, and can continue playing the game even after the ending. The gameplay is classic RPG fare: the characters travel from town to town, having random encounters on the way, upgrading items and tanks as they go. The object is to become a well-known and respected hunter by defeating the monsters with bounties on their heads, which can be done in any order the player pleases. There is a", "title": "Metal Max (video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.7, "text": "has Blaster executed, Master imprisoned, and Max exiled. He is bound on a horse and sent off in a random direction through the wasteland. When his mount perishes in a sinkhole, Max frees himself and presses on. Near death, Max is found by a desert dweller named Savannah Nix, who hauls him back to her home, \"\"Planet Erf\"\", a primitive community of children and teenagers who live in an oasis. The children, survivors of a crashed Boeing 747, were left by their parents who went to find civilization. They believe Max to be the flight captain, G. L. Walker, returned", "title": "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.66, "text": "the end, although two realms involve areas that can be accessed in a number of different combinations. At that point, the player has the option of either talking Ceres out of destroying humanity, or ceding that she is correct. Depending on the choice made, the game plays one of two endings. One ending shows Ceres destroyed and Lilah returning to the original world with Max. The other ending shows Lilah return to a world which has been \"\"rebooted\"\" by Ceres, who in its misguided urge to cleanse the planet has erased the source of the pollution, mankind, leaving Earth in", "title": "Obsidian (1997 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.64, "text": "and the balance for members of the Toecutter's gang, played in the film by members of a local Victorian motorcycle club, the Vigilantes. By the end of filming, fourteen vehicles had been destroyed in the chase and crash scenes, including the director's personal Mazda Bongo (the small, blue van that spins uncontrollably after being struck by the \"\"Big Bopper\"\" in the film's opening chase). Originally, filming was scheduled to take ten weeks—six weeks of first unit, and four weeks on stunt and chase sequences. However, four days into shooting, Rosie Bailey, who was originally cast as Max's wife, was injured", "title": "Mad Max" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.59, "text": "are abandoned mines, marked by a small shed. By driving into the shed, Max will leave his vehicle and enter the mine. While inside the mine, Max may explore the area in a pseudo-3D environment. Food, water, fuel, and ammunition may be found inside the mines. Enemy survivalists are also present inside the mine, and will protect the items found within, however Max is armed with a shotgun, which also has limited ammo. Additional ammo may be found inside the mine. After the third and final arena battle, the player engages in a one-on-one crossbow battle with the final boss", "title": "Mad Max (1990 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.58, "text": "The Punisher: The End The Punisher: The End is a one-shot title published by Marvel Comics under the MAX imprint as part of their \"\"The End\"\" series. The story focuses on the Punisher's final days in a post-apocalyptic future. The date of the events are described in the opening page of the comic in one word, \"\"soon\"\". The third World War, which began in Iraq, North Korea, and Pakistan, and spread to China, climaxes with a full-scale global nuclear holocaust. Frank Castle, who years before was apprehended and incarcerated in Sing-Sing Prison, survives by taking refuge in a fallout shelter", "title": "The Punisher: The End" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.58, "text": "stage (referred to as a Road War), they encounter enemy vehicles, roadblocks, and dynamite-hurling bunkers. The player is given a very limited supply of dynamite to be used on these threats by throwing it directly at them. In each level, a small, run-down service station can be found, offering goods such as fuel and dynamite, as well as auto repair services in exchange for food and water. The main goal of each level is to enter the arena and battle the enemy gangs. The player must gather enough food and water to trade at the service station for an Arena", "title": "Mad Max (1990 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.5, "text": "and ultimately the universe, only to face off against the WildC.A.T.S., Gen13, The Fallen, and even Susanna herself, as he truly tests the limits of what God can do, and how much humanity can be retained. After the \"\"World's End\"\" storyline, when Tao siphons large amounts of the Void and Providence powers to become the nihilistic god of an apocalyptic, ruined universe, John Lynch convinces Team 7 and the WildCATs to seek Max Faraday's help. Despite the assembled heroes remembering him as a slacker, good for nothing, they find him maintaining an \"\"Eternal Honeymoon\"\" dimension, a pocket dimension for the", "title": "Divine Right: The Adventures of Max Faraday" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.44, "text": "be the cause of the end of the world. Future Max and Future Liz sacrificed their love in order to make Tess stay in Roswell (in their timeline, she left after Max and Liz cemented their relationship), because she is obsessed with Max and would stay only if Max gives her a chance. However, for most of season two, Max and Tess are only friends. He tries to be friends with Liz, though he never stops loving her even though he does not know the truth about Kyle. Things change, however when their friend Alex dies and his friendship with", "title": "Max Evans (Roswell)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.39, "text": "is an action-adventure game set in an open world post-apocalyptic environment, emphasizing vehicular combat, in which the player is the eponymous Mad Max (Bren Foster). According to its publisher, up to 60 percent of the game focuses on driving. Some weapons and tools, including flamethrowers and turbo boosts, are mounted directly onto the \"\"Magnum Opus\"\", while others, such as a grappling hook and sniper rifle, are used in conjunction with the vehicle by Chumbucket, Max's assistant, or Max himself. Max's \"\"Magnum Opus\"\", with its V8 engine and powerful ramming ability, can destroy enemies' vehicles and weaponry. When simultaneously driving and", "title": "Mad Max (2015 video game)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.31, "text": "car. They flee to a remote farm owned by an elderly friend named May Swaisey. Toecutter's gang follows them there and ambushes Jessie in the woods. With May's help, Jessie and Sprog escape, but when they try to drive away, the van overheats and they are run over by the gang while trying to escape on foot. Max arrives too late as Sprog is instantly killed while Jessie eventually dies while in a hospital ICU. The loss of his family ultimately drives Max into a rage as he dons his police uniform and takes the black Pursuit Special from the", "title": "Mad Max" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.23, "text": "felonies. In keeping with the developer's heritage from the LucasArts adventure games, \"\"Sam & Max Save the World\"\" is designed so that the player characters cannot die or reach a complete dead-end. \"\"Sam & Max Save the World\"\" is set in a universe that parodies American popular culture, and it follows the title characters of Sam and Max, the Freelance Police, a pair of vigilantes and private investigators. Sam is a level-headed but enthusiastic anthropomorphic dog who wears a blue suit and fedora. He is inquisitive, knowledgeable in obscure areas and tends to prefer the logical solution to problems, but", "title": "Sam & Max Save the World" } ]
when was the last time a lunar eclipse occured?
[ "September 28, 2015" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.98, "text": "June 2011 lunar eclipse A total lunar eclipse took place on June 15, 2011. It was the first of two such eclipses in 2011. The second occurred on December 10, 2011. This was a relatively rare central lunar eclipse, in which the center point of Earth's shadow passes across the moon. The last time a lunar eclipse was closer to the center of the earth's shadow was on July 16, 2000. The next central total lunar eclipse was on July 27, 2018 over South America, western Africa, and Europe, and setting over eastern Asia. In western Asia, Australia, and the", "title": "June 2011 lunar eclipse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.33, "text": "Last Central Lunar Eclipse: 2488 Oct 20 Last Total Lunar Eclipse: 2651 Jan 28 Last Partial Lunar Eclipse: 2867 Jun 08 Last Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 3011 Sep 04 November 1947 lunar eclipse A penumbral lunar eclipse took place on November 28, 1947. It was completely visible over Asia, Australia, Pacific, Arctic, and the Americas. It was rising over Asia and Australia and setting over the Americas. Lunar Saros series 144, repeating every 18 years and 11 days, has a total of 71 lunar eclipse events including 20 total lunar eclipses. First Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 1749 Jul 29 First Partial Lunar", "title": "November 1947 lunar eclipse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.17, "text": "was on December 28, 1917. The last (21st) will be on August 3, 2278. The longest two occurrences of this series (14th and 15th) will last for a total of 1 hour and 42 minutes on May 18, 2152 and May 30, 2170. This is the fourth of five Metonic lunar eclipses. A lunar eclipse will be preceded and followed by solar eclipses by 9 years and 5.5 days (a half saros). This lunar eclipse is related to two annular solar eclipses of Solar Saros 140. The moon entered the penumbral shadow at 0:36 UTC, and the umbral shadow at", "title": "February 2008 lunar eclipse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.14, "text": "Lunar Eclipse: 2867 Jun 08 Last Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 3011 Sep 04 December 2001 lunar eclipse A penumbral lunar eclipse took place on December 30, 2001, the last of three lunar eclipses in 2001. Lunar Saros series 144, repeating every 18 years and 11 days, has a total of 71 lunar eclipse events including 20 total lunar eclipses. First Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 1749 Jul 29 First Partial Lunar Eclipse: 2146 Mar 28 First Total Lunar Eclipse: 2308 Jul 04 First Central Lunar Eclipse: 2362 Aug 06 Greatest Eclipse of the Lunar Saros 144: 2416 Sep 07 Last Central Lunar Eclipse:", "title": "December 2001 lunar eclipse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.05, "text": "December 2001 lunar eclipse A penumbral lunar eclipse took place on December 30, 2001, the last of three lunar eclipses in 2001. Lunar Saros series 144, repeating every 18 years and 11 days, has a total of 71 lunar eclipse events including 20 total lunar eclipses. First Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 1749 Jul 29 First Partial Lunar Eclipse: 2146 Mar 28 First Total Lunar Eclipse: 2308 Jul 04 First Central Lunar Eclipse: 2362 Aug 06 Greatest Eclipse of the Lunar Saros 144: 2416 Sep 07 Last Central Lunar Eclipse: 2488 Oct 20 Last Total Lunar Eclipse: 2651 Jan 28 Last Partial", "title": "December 2001 lunar eclipse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.03, "text": "May 1985 lunar eclipse A total lunar eclipse took place on May 4, 1985. This lunar eclipse is first of a \"\"tetrad\"\", four total lunar eclipses in series. The last series was in 1967 and 1968, starting with an April 1967 lunar eclipse, while the next was in 2003 and 2004, starting with a May 2003 lunar eclipse. It is seen rising over the whole of Africa, Middle East, Europe and Asia. The eclipse was sighted over the Philippines at night. The second also followed on October 28, 1985. This eclipse is the second of four Metonic cycle lunar eclipses", "title": "May 1985 lunar eclipse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.02, "text": "occur on March 3, 2007. This is the third of five Metonic lunar eclipses. It last occurred on January 29, 1953 and will next occur on February 20, 1989. A lunar eclipse will be preceded and followed by solar eclipses by 9 years and 5.5 days (a half saros). This lunar eclipse is related to two total solar eclipses of Solar Saros 130. February 1989 lunar eclipse A total lunar eclipse took place on February 20, 1989, the first of two total lunar eclipses in 1989. It was completely visible from Australia and most of Asia. It was visible setting", "title": "February 1989 lunar eclipse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25, "text": "Last Total Lunar Eclipse: 2618 May 01 Last Partial Lunar Eclipse: 2744 Jul 16 Last Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 2888 Oct 11 1901-2100 March 1915 lunar eclipse March 1933 lunar eclipse March 1951 lunar eclipse April 1969 lunar eclipse April 1987 lunar eclipse April 2005 lunar eclipse May 2023 lunar eclipse May 2041 lunar eclipse May 2059 lunar eclipse June 2077 lunar eclipse June 2095 lunar eclipse March 1933 lunar eclipse A penumbral lunar eclipse took place on March 12, 1933. This is the 19th member of Lunar Saros 141. The next event is the March 1951 lunar eclipse. Lunar Saros", "title": "March 1933 lunar eclipse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.98, "text": "the first of two lunar eclipses to occur in 2007, the second being on 28 August 2007. The whole event was visible from Europe, Africa, parts of South America, and some areas of North America, Asia, and Western Australia. In North America, part of the event was visible at moonrise. It last occurred on February 20, 1989 and will next occur on March 14, 2025. A lunar eclipse will be preceded and followed by solar eclipses by 9 years and 5.5 days (a half saros). This lunar eclipse is related to two total solar eclipses of Solar Saros 130. March", "title": "March 2007 lunar eclipse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.98, "text": "Partial Lunar Eclipse: 2686 Aug 25 Last Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 3065 Apr 13 June 1983 lunar eclipse A partial lunar eclipse took place on June 25, 1983. It was completely visible over Australia, Pacific and the Americas. Lunar Saros series 139, repeating every 18 years and 11 days, has a total of 79 lunar eclipse events including 27 total lunar eclipses. First Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 1658 Dec 09 First Partial Lunar Eclipse: 1947 Jun 03 First Total Lunar Eclipse: 2073 Aug 17 First Central Lunar Eclipse: 2109 Sep 09 Greatest Eclipse of Lunar Saros 139: 2199 Nov 02 Last Central", "title": "June 1983 lunar eclipse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.81, "text": "Oct 16 Last Central Lunar Eclipse: 2546 Mar 18 Last Total Lunar Eclipse: 2618 May 01 Last Partial Lunar Eclipse: 2744 Jul 16 Last Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 2888 Oct 11 1901-2100 March 1915 lunar eclipse March 1933 lunar eclipse March 1951 lunar eclipse April 1969 lunar eclipse April 1987 lunar eclipse April 2005 lunar eclipse May 2023 lunar eclipse May 2041 lunar eclipse May 2059 lunar eclipse June 2077 lunar eclipse June 2095 lunar eclipse March 1951 lunar eclipse A penumbral lunar eclipse took place on March 23, 1951. This is the 20th member of Lunar Saros 141. The previous", "title": "March 1951 lunar eclipse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.81, "text": "March 1997 lunar eclipse A partial lunar eclipse took place on March 24, 1997, the first of two lunar eclipses in 1997. This partial lunar eclipse was nearly total; however, it occurred 3 days after the lunar apogee, so the umbral shadow is smaller. This is the 29th member of Lunar Saros 132, and the last of the first set of partial eclipses. The next event is the April 2015 lunar eclipse, which is the first of 12 total eclipses. This eclipse was completely visible from North and South America, and visible setting over Western Europe and Africa. This is", "title": "March 1997 lunar eclipse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.8, "text": "Eclipse: 2686 Aug 25 Last Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 3065 Apr 13 July 2001 lunar eclipse A partial lunar eclipse took place on 5 July 2001, the second of three lunar eclipses in 2001. Lunar Saros series 139, repeating every 18 years and 11 days, has a total of 79 lunar eclipse events including 27 total lunar eclipses. First Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 1658 Dec 09 First Partial Lunar Eclipse: 1947 Jun 03 First Total Lunar Eclipse: 2073 Aug 17 First Central Lunar Eclipse: 2109 Sep 09 Greatest Eclipse of Lunar Saros 139: 2199 Nov 02 Last Central Lunar Eclipse: 2488 Apr", "title": "July 2001 lunar eclipse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.73, "text": "October 2013 lunar eclipse A penumbral lunar eclipse took place on October 18–19, 2013, the last of three lunar eclipses in 2013. It was visible from the Americas (for the end), Europe, Africa, and most of Asia (the beginning of the eclipse was visible in east Asia). The western part of the Philippines (including western Luzon and Palawan) could see the penumbral eclipse at moonset. This eclipse is the one of four lunar eclipses in a short-lived series at the descending node of the moon's orbit. The lunar year series repeats after 12 lunations or 354 days (Shifting back about", "title": "October 2013 lunar eclipse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.73, "text": "Greatest Eclipse of Lunar Saros 139: 2199 Nov 02 Last Central Lunar Eclipse: 2488 Apr 26 Last Total Lunar Eclipse: 2542 May 30 Last Partial Lunar Eclipse: 2686 Aug 25 Last Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 3065 Apr 13 June 1965 lunar eclipse A partial lunar eclipse took place on June 14, 1965. A lunar eclipse will be preceded and followed by solar eclipses by 9 years and 5.5 days (a half saros). This lunar eclipse is related to two total solar eclipses of Solar Saros 146. Lunar Saros series 139, repeating every 18 years and 11 days, has a total of", "title": "June 1965 lunar eclipse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.72, "text": "last of four Metonic cycle lunar eclipses on the same date, April 23–24, each separated by 19 years: April 2005 lunar eclipse A penumbral lunar eclipse took place on April 24, 2005, the first of two lunar eclipses in 2005. This is the 23rd member of Lunar Saros 141. The previous event was the April 1987 lunar eclipse. The next event is the May 2023 lunar eclipse. It is the last of four lunar year cycles, repeating every 354 days. Lunar Saros 141, repeating every 18 years and 11 days, has a total of 72 lunar eclipse events including 26", "title": "April 2005 lunar eclipse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.7, "text": "17 October 1529 (which lasted 1 minute and 42 seconds). Another shortest occurs on December 28 1917, lasting (11 minutes and 58 seconds). The next very short lunar totality will occur on 26 May 2021 (which will last 14 minutes and 24 seconds). This was the sixth total lunar eclipse out of nine with totality under 5 minutes in a five millennium period between 2,000 BC and 3,000 AD. However, due to the oblateness of the Earth, this lunar eclipse may have actually been (barely) a partial eclipse. This eclipsed moon was 12.9% smaller in apparent diameter than the supermoon", "title": "April 2015 lunar eclipse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.7, "text": "3065 Apr 13 June 1947 lunar eclipse A partial lunar eclipse took place on June 3, 1947. Lunar Saros series 139, repeating every 18 years and 11 days, has a total of 79 lunar eclipse events including 27 total lunar eclipses. First Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 1658 Dec 09 First Partial Lunar Eclipse: 1947 Jun 03 First Total Lunar Eclipse: 2073 Aug 17 First Central Lunar Eclipse: 2109 Sep 09 Greatest Eclipse of Lunar Saros 139: 2199 Nov 02 Last Central Lunar Eclipse: 2488 Apr 26 Last Total Lunar Eclipse: 2542 May 30 Last Partial Lunar Eclipse: 2686 Aug 25 Last", "title": "June 1947 lunar eclipse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.62, "text": "June 1983 lunar eclipse A partial lunar eclipse took place on June 25, 1983. It was completely visible over Australia, Pacific and the Americas. Lunar Saros series 139, repeating every 18 years and 11 days, has a total of 79 lunar eclipse events including 27 total lunar eclipses. First Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 1658 Dec 09 First Partial Lunar Eclipse: 1947 Jun 03 First Total Lunar Eclipse: 2073 Aug 17 First Central Lunar Eclipse: 2109 Sep 09 Greatest Eclipse of Lunar Saros 139: 2199 Nov 02 Last Central Lunar Eclipse: 2488 Apr 26 Last Total Lunar Eclipse: 2542 May 30 Last", "title": "June 1983 lunar eclipse" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.62, "text": "June 1947 lunar eclipse A partial lunar eclipse took place on June 3, 1947. Lunar Saros series 139, repeating every 18 years and 11 days, has a total of 79 lunar eclipse events including 27 total lunar eclipses. First Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 1658 Dec 09 First Partial Lunar Eclipse: 1947 Jun 03 First Total Lunar Eclipse: 2073 Aug 17 First Central Lunar Eclipse: 2109 Sep 09 Greatest Eclipse of Lunar Saros 139: 2199 Nov 02 Last Central Lunar Eclipse: 2488 Apr 26 Last Total Lunar Eclipse: 2542 May 30 Last Partial Lunar Eclipse: 2686 Aug 25 Last Penumbral Lunar Eclipse:", "title": "June 1947 lunar eclipse" } ]
when is mass conserved according to the law of conservation of mass?
[ "over time" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.91, "text": "Conservation of mass The law of conservation of mass or principle of mass conservation states that for any system closed to all transfers of matter and energy, the mass of the system must remain constant over time, as system's mass cannot change, so quantity cannot be added nor removed. Hence, the quantity of mass is conserved over time. The law implies that mass can neither be created nor destroyed, although it may be rearranged in space, or the entities associated with it may be changed in form. For example, in chemical reactions, the mass of the chemical components before the", "title": "Conservation of mass" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.06, "text": "modern natural science of chemistry. The conservation of mass only holds approximately and is considered part of a series of assumptions coming from classical mechanics. The law has to be modified to comply with the laws of quantum mechanics and special relativity under the principle of mass-energy equivalence, which states that energy and mass form one conserved quantity. For very energetic systems the conservation of mass-only is shown not to hold, as is the case in nuclear reactions and particle-antiparticle annihilation in particle physics. Mass is also not generally conserved in open systems. Such is the case when various forms", "title": "Conservation of mass" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.59, "text": "The law of conservation of mass can only be formulated in classical mechanics when the energy scales associated to an isolated system are much smaller than formula_1, where formula_2is the mass of a typical object in the system, measured in the frame of reference where the object is at rest, and formula_3 is the speed of light. The law can be formulated mathematically in the fields of fluid mechanics and continuum mechanics, where the conservation of mass is usually expressed using the continuity equation, given in differential form asformula_4where formula_5 is the density (mass per unit volume), formula_6 is the", "title": "Conservation of mass" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.06, "text": "masses, called a mass defect, is a measure of the binding energy in bound systems – in other words, the energy needed to break the system apart. The greater the mass defect, the larger the binding energy. The binding energy (which itself has mass) must be released (as light or heat) when the parts combine to form the bound system, and this is the reason the mass of the bound system decreases when the energy leaves the system. The total invariant mass is actually conserved, when the mass of the binding energy that has escaped, is taken into account. In", "title": "Conservation of mass" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.88, "text": "The conservation of both relativistic and invariant mass applies even to systems of particles created by pair production, where energy for new particles may come from kinetic energy of other particles, or from one or more photons as part of a system that includes other particles besides a photon. Again, neither the relativistic nor the invariant mass of totally closed (that is, isolated) systems changes when new particles are created. However, different inertial observers will disagree on the value of this conserved mass, if it is the relativistic mass (i.e., relativistic mass is conserved but not invariant). However, all observers", "title": "Conservation of mass" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.86, "text": "law in chemical reactions, even though they were carried out with other intentions. His research indicated that in certain reactions the loss or gain could not have been more than from 2 to 4 parts in 100,000. The difference in the accuracy aimed at and attained by Lavoisier on the one hand, and by Morley and Stas on the other, is enormous. The law of conservation of mass was challenged with the advent of special relativity. In one of the Annus Mirabilis papers of Albert Einstein in 1905, he suggested an equivalence between mass and energy. This theory implied several", "title": "Conservation of mass" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.83, "text": "general relativity, the total invariant mass of photons in an expanding volume of space will decrease, due to the red shift of such an expansions. The conservation of both mass and energy therefore depends on various corrections made to energy in the theory, due to the changing gravitational potential energy of such systems. Conservation of mass The law of conservation of mass or principle of mass conservation states that for any system closed to all transfers of matter and energy, the mass of the system must remain constant over time, as system's mass cannot change, so quantity cannot be added", "title": "Conservation of mass" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.69, "text": "reaction is equal to the mass of the components after the reaction. Thus, during any chemical reaction and low-energy thermodynamic processes in an isolated system, the total mass of the reactants, or starting materials, must be equal to the mass of the products. The concept of mass conservation is widely used in many fields such as chemistry, mechanics, and fluid dynamics. Historically, mass conservation was demonstrated in chemical reactions independently by Mikhail Lomonosov and later rediscovered by Antoine Lavoisier in the late 18th century. The formulation of this law was of crucial importance in the progress from alchemy to the", "title": "Conservation of mass" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.5, "text": "the system, which remains both conserved and invariant (unchanging), even for different observers who view the entire system. Invariant mass is a system combination of energy and momentum, which is invariant for any observer, because in any inertial frame, the energies and momenta of the various particles always add to the same quantity (the momentum may be negative, so the addition amounts to a subtraction). The invariant mass is the relativistic mass of the system when viewed in the center of momentum frame. It is the minimum mass which a system may exhibit, as viewed from all possible inertial frames.", "title": "Conservation of mass" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.48, "text": "enable their mass-change to be measured, once the energy of the reaction had been removed from the system. This later indeed proved to be possible, although it was eventually to be the first artificial nuclear transmutation reaction in 1932, demonstrated by Cockcroft and Walton, that proved the first successful test of Einstein's theory regarding mass-loss with energy-loss. The law conservation of mass and the analogous law of conservation of energy were finally overruled by a more general principle known as the mass–energy equivalence. Special relativity also redefines the concept of mass and energy, which can be used interchangeably and are", "title": "Conservation of mass" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.39, "text": "of energy and matter are allowed into, or out of, the system. However, unless radioactivity or nuclear reactions are involved, the amount of energy escaping (or entering) such systems as heat, mechanical work, or electromagnetic radiation is usually too small to be measured as a decrease (or increase) in the mass of the system. For systems where large gravitational fields are involved, general relativity has to be taken into account, where mass-energy conservation becomes a more complex concept, subject to different definitions, and neither mass nor energy is as strictly and simply conserved as is the case in special relativity.", "title": "Conservation of mass" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.23, "text": "For moving massive particles in a system, examining the rest masses of the various particles also amounts to introducing many different inertial observation frames (which is prohibited if total system energy and momentum are to be conserved), and also when in the rest frame of one particle, this procedure ignores the momenta of other particles, which affect the system mass if the other particles are in motion in this frame. For the special type of mass called invariant mass, changing the inertial frame of observation for a whole closed system has no effect on the measure of invariant mass of", "title": "Conservation of mass" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.08, "text": "energy that is conserved, and that energy and mass are related; a concept which becomes important in nuclear chemistry. Conservation of energy leads to the important concepts of equilibrium, thermodynamics, and kinetics. Additional laws of chemistry elaborate on the law of conservation of mass. Joseph Proust's law of definite composition says that pure chemicals are composed of elements in a definite formulation; we now know that the structural arrangement of these elements is also important. Dalton's law of multiple proportions says that these chemicals will present themselves in proportions that are small whole numbers (i.e. 1:2 for Oxygen:Hydrogen ratio in", "title": "Scientific law" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.97, "text": "to make measurements of the mass of particles like the Z boson or the top quark. Total energy is an additive conserved quantity (for single observers) in systems and in reactions between particles, but rest mass (in the sense of being a sum of particle rest masses) may not be conserved through an event in which rest masses of particles are converted to other types of energy, such as kinetic energy. Finding the sum of individual particle rest masses would require multiple observers, one for each particle rest inertial frame, and these observers ignore individual particle kinetic energy. Conservation laws", "title": "Mass in special relativity" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.94, "text": "one will get the exact decrease of chemical energy in the combustion of the dynamite. Classically, conservation of energy was distinct from conservation of mass; however, special relativity showed that mass is related to energy and vice versa by \"\"E = mc\"\", and science now takes the view that mass–energy is conserved. Conservation of energy can be rigorously proven by Noether's theorem as a consequence of continuous time translation symmetry; that is, from the fact that the laws of physics do not change over time. A consequence of the law of conservation of energy is that a perpetual motion machine", "title": "Conservation of energy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.94, "text": "momentum p by the relativistic energy-momentum equation: So long as the system is closed with respect to mass and energy, both kinds of mass are conserved in any given frame of reference. The conservation of mass holds even as some types of particles are converted to others. Matter particles (such as atoms) may be converted to non-matter particles (such as photons of light), but this does not affect the total amount of mass or energy. Although things like heat may not be matter, all types of energy still continue to exhibit mass. Thus, mass and energy do not change into", "title": "Mass" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.92, "text": "agree on the value of the conserved mass if the mass being measured is the invariant mass (i.e., invariant mass is both conserved and invariant). The mass-energy equivalence formula gives a different prediction in non-isolated systems, since if energy is allowed to escape a system, both relativistic mass and invariant mass will escape also. In this case, the mass-energy equivalence formula predicts that the \"\"change\"\" in mass of a system is associated with the \"\"change\"\" in its energy due to energy being added or subtracted: formula_12 This form involving changes was the form in which this famous equation was originally", "title": "Conservation of mass" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.89, "text": "the system are conserved over time for any observer in any single inertial frame, though their \"\"absolute values\"\" will vary, according to different observers in different inertial frames. The invariant mass of the system is also conserved, but does \"\"not\"\" change with different observers. This is also the familiar situation with single particles: all observers calculate \"\"the same\"\" particle rest mass (a special case of the invariant mass) no matter how they move (what inertial frame they choose), but different observers see different total energies and momenta for the same particle. Conservation of invariant mass also requires the system to", "title": "Mass in special relativity" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.89, "text": "retained within a system, this energy exhibits mass. Also, mass must be differentiated from matter (see below), since matter may \"\"not\"\" be perfectly conserved in isolated systems, even though mass is always conserved in such systems. However, matter is so nearly conserved in chemistry that violations of matter conservation were not measured until the nuclear age, and the assumption of matter conservation remains an important practical concept in most systems in chemistry and other studies that do not involve the high energies typical of radioactivity and nuclear reactions. The change in mass of certain kinds of open systems where atoms", "title": "Conservation of mass" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.86, "text": "title of his article intended as an explanation for a general reader by analogy. Mass and energy can be seen as two names (and two measurement units) for the same underlying, conserved physical quantity. Thus, the laws of conservation of energy and conservation of (total) mass are equivalent and both hold true. Einstein elaborated in a 1946 essay that \"\"the principle of the conservation of mass [...] proved inadequate in the face of the special theory of relativity. It was therefore merged with the energy conservation principle—just as, about 60 years before, the principle of the conservation of mechanical energy", "title": "Mass–energy equivalence" } ]
who plays in i know what you did last summer?
[ "Jennifer Love Hewitt", "Muse Watson", "Anne Heche", "Johnny Galecki", "Bridgette Wilson", "Sarah Michelle Gellar", "Ryan Phillippe", "Freddie Prinze Jr." ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.62, "text": "I Know What You Did Last Summer I Know What You Did Last Summer is a 1997 American slasher film directed by Jim Gillespie, written by Kevin Williamson, and starring Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillippe, and Freddie Prinze Jr., with Anne Heche, Bridgette Wilson, and Johnny Galecki appearing in supporting roles. Loosely based on the 1973 novel of the same name by Lois Duncan, the film centers on four young friends who are stalked by a hook-wielding killer one year after covering up a car accident in which they were involved. The film also draws inspiration from", "title": "I Know What You Did Last Summer" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.56, "text": "It was also spoofed in \"\"The Simpsons\"\" \"\"Treehouse of Horror X\"\" as “I Know What You Diddly-Did”, with Ned Flanders as the killer. I Know What You Did Last Summer I Know What You Did Last Summer is a 1997 American slasher film directed by Jim Gillespie, written by Kevin Williamson, and starring Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillippe, and Freddie Prinze Jr., with Anne Heche, Bridgette Wilson, and Johnny Galecki appearing in supporting roles. Loosely based on the 1973 novel of the same name by Lois Duncan, the film centers on four young friends who are stalked", "title": "I Know What You Did Last Summer" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.25, "text": "Hailstorm's character, which resembles that of Gale Weathers, and Doofy Gilmore, of Deputy Dewey Riley. Buffy Gilmore is a play on the character of Helen Shivers in \"\"I Know What You Did Last Summer\"\", portrayed by Sarah Michelle Gellar, and her name is a reference to Gellar's role as Buffy Summers in the hit TV series \"\"Buffy the Vampire Slayer\"\". Greg Phillipe is referential to Ryan Phillipe, who plays Gellar's boyfriend in \"\"I Know What You Did Last Summer\"\"; likewise, Bobby Prinze is in reference to Freddie Prinze Jr., who also starred opposite Jennifer Love Hewitt in the film. Cindy", "title": "Scary Movie" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.08, "text": "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer I Still Know What You Did Last Summer is a 1998 American-Mexican slasher film and a sequel to the 1997 film \"\"I Know What You Did Last Summer\"\". Directed by Danny Cannon, the film was written by Trey Callaway, and features characters originally created in Lois Duncan's 1973 novel \"\"I Know What You Did Last Summer\"\". Jennifer Love Hewitt, Freddie Prinze, Jr. and Muse Watson reprise their roles, with Brandy, Mekhi Phifer, Jennifer Esposito, and Matthew Settle joining the cast. \"\"I Still Know What You Did Last Summer\"\" continues after the events", "title": "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.72, "text": "direct-to-video. Both were critically panned. In the first sequel, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Freddie Prinze Jr., and Muse Watson reprise their roles. The second sequel has very little relation to the first two, other than the premise, the villain, and the producers. It featured new characters and a different setting. On September 14, 2014, Sony reported that they have plans to remake the film; Mike Flanagan and Jeff Howard are writing a script. In a June 1, 2016, \"\"Shockwaves\"\" podcast, writer Mike Flanagan revealed and further confirmed this new iteration and reimagination of the franchise would not have any inventions", "title": "I Know What You Did Last Summer" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.7, "text": "the series, grossing $278,019,771 worldwide. It is a spoof of several films, with a focus on the \"\"Scream\"\" and \"\"I Know What You Did Last Summer\"\" series. After a group of teenagers (consisting of Cindy Campbell (Anna Faris), Bobby Prinze (Jon Abrahams), Buffy Gilmore (Shannon Elizabeth), Greg Phillipe (Lochlyn Munro), Ray Wilkins (Shawn Wayans), and Brenda Meeks (Regina Hall) accidentally hit an old man with their car they decide to dump his body in a lake and never talk about it again (in a spoof of \"\"I Know What You Did Last Summer\"\"). A year later a person with a", "title": "Scary Movie (film series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.61, "text": "on Matt who loses his senses. At the end of summer party in Mystic Falls, the Mayor who is Bonnie's father, Rudy Hopkins (Rick Worthy), is killed by Silas in front of everyone, while Bonnie watches, helpless. Silas influences the crowd to help him find Katherine. In the meantime, Stefan is still locked in the safe underwater and is hallucinating scenes where he talks to Damon and later to Elena, while he is fighting the urge to turn off his humanity. In the \"\"I Know What You Did Last Summer\"\" episode we can hear the songs: \"\"I Know What You", "title": "I Know What You Did Last Summer (The Vampire Diaries)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.61, "text": "film, \"\"I Know What You Did Last Summer\"\", based on a 1973 novel of the same name by Lois Duncan. Centered on four high school friends who accidentally run over a man and dump his body in an attempt to go on with their lives, the plot focuses on the four friends a year after the accident when they become the victims of a serial stalker. Despite receiving negative reviews from critics, the film was a box office success and helped launch the careers of actors Jennifer Love Hewitt, Freddie Prinze, Jr., Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Ryan Phillippe, going on", "title": "Kevin Williamson (screenwriter)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.59, "text": "What You Did Last Summer\"\", which co-starred Sarah Michelle Gellar, Freddie Prinze, Jr. and Jennifer Love Hewitt. The film was a success, and led to Phillippe gaining wider renown and being cast in a few more high-profile films, including \"\"54\"\" in 1998 opposite Neve Campbell, Salma Hayek and Mike Myers. In 1999 he starred in \"\"Cruel Intentions\"\", a modern retelling of the Choderlos de Laclos novel \"\"Les Liaisons Dangereuses\"\", which also starred Phillippe's future wife Reese Witherspoon, as well as his \"\"I Know What You Did Last Summer\"\" co-star Sarah Michelle Gellar. It was a success among its intended teenage", "title": "Ryan Phillippe" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.58, "text": "I Know What You Did Last Summer (The Vampire Diaries) \"\"I Know What You Did Last Summer\"\" is the premiere episode of the fifth season of the American series \"\"The Vampire Diaries\"\", and the series' 90th episode overall. \"\"I Know What You Did Last Summer\"\" was originally aired on October 3, 2013, on The CW. The episode was written by Caroline Dries and directed by Lance Anderson. It is the end of the summer and Elena (Nina Dobrev) and Caroline (Candice Accola) need to get ready for college. Though a bit hesitant, Damon (Ian Somerhalder) says his goodbyes to Elena", "title": "I Know What You Did Last Summer (The Vampire Diaries)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.58, "text": "the producers, director Gillespie, and writer Williamson unanimously agreed upon. Initially, Hewitt was considered for the role of Helen. For the role of Barry, the crew had envisioned an actor with a \"\" quarterback\"\" appearance, as the character had been written as an intimidating figure. Ryan Phillipe was ultimately cast in the part based on his audition, despite the fact that he was not as physically tall as the script had called for. Director Gillespie chose Freddie Prinze, Jr. for the role of Ray, because he felt Prinze himself had an \"\"everyman\"\" quality much like the character. Sarah Michelle Gellar", "title": "I Know What You Did Last Summer" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.34, "text": "of the Lois Duncan novel (the antagonist being a central character) nor the 1997 feature (the fisherman Ben Willis and four primary protagonists Julie James, Helen Shivers, Barry Cox, and Ray Bronson). Further, the new direction and scope of the film necessitates an estimated budget of $15–20 million. Sony also states that the film is a high priority and is set for a release somewhere between 2017 and 2020. \"\"I Know What You Did Last Summer\"\" has been referenced in various films and television series, and its central plot was parodied at length in the spoof film \"\"Scary Movie\"\" (2000).", "title": "I Know What You Did Last Summer" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.31, "text": "film establishes a new plotline and does not star any cast members from the previous two installments. \"\"I Know What You Did Last Summer\"\" has also been parodied and referenced in popular culture, and credited alongside \"\"Scream\"\" with revitalizing the contemporary slasher film in the late-1990s. On the Fourth of July 1996 in Southport, North Carolina, Julie James and her friends Ray Bronson, Helen Shivers, and Barry Cox drive to the beach after attending a party. While driving along a coastal byway, they accidentally hit a pedestrian. Julie's friend Max passes by them on the road. Julie reassures Max that", "title": "I Know What You Did Last Summer" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.25, "text": "and that he saw it rather as simply \"\"a really good story\"\" with a morality tale embedded within it. According to producer Stokely Chaffin, the producers sought out actors who were \"\"beautiful, but likable.\"\" Director Gillespie recalled that, though he had been unfamiliar with the screenplay's source material, that \"\"roughly 60 to 65%\"\" of the young women auditioning had read the novel as children. Jennifer Love Hewitt, who at the time was mainly known for her role on the television series \"\"Party of Five\"\", was cast in the lead of Julie James based on her \"\"ability to project vulnerability,\"\" which", "title": "I Know What You Did Last Summer" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.17, "text": "as she leaves for Whitmore College since neither of them wants to leave each other after their newly started relationship. Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) stays behind under the guardianship of Damon, who takes Jeremy back to school. No one knows yet that Bonnie (Kat Graham) is dead, except for Jeremy, who sees her and talks to her and also answers everyone's mails and texts that are sent to her. Also no one knows that Silas (Paul Wesley) is not gone and Stefan is at the bottom of the lake. At college, Elena and Caroline expect Bonnie to join them soon,", "title": "I Know What You Did Last Summer (The Vampire Diaries)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.16, "text": "entirely based on \"\"I Know What You Did Last Summer\"\" including the teens' accidental murder of an innocent man on a car ride and the murder scene at the beauty pageant. Major references to \"\"Scream\"\" include the character Ghostface and the murder of Drew Decker in the opening scene (a reference to Drew Barrymore, who played a similar character in \"\"Scream\"\"). Additionally, the characters of \"\"Scream\"\" and \"\"I Know What You Did Last Summer\"\" are heavily mirrored in the film. Cindy Campbell is a play on the character of Sidney Prescott (portrayed by Neve Campbell) in \"\"Scream\"\", as is Gail", "title": "Scary Movie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.12, "text": "leaves town. Damon, convinced that the person he sees is not his brother but Silas, asks Silas to tell him where his brother is. Silas says he will tell him only if he brings Katherine back to him. Damon calls Jeremy to bring Katherine back but Katherine manages to cause an accident and she escapes. Matt (Zach Roerig) is off having fun traveling with Rebekah (Claire Holt) and meeting new people. Among them is a girl named Nadia (Olga Fonda) who later appears at Mystic Falls. At the end of the episode, Nadia and her partner cast a mysterious spell", "title": "I Know What You Did Last Summer (The Vampire Diaries)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.02, "text": "boyfriend Colby Patterson (David Paetkau) and her friends Zoe (Torrey DeVitto), Roger (Seth Packard), and P.J. (Clay Taylor) stage a prank at the town carnival. Roger impersonates the \"\"Fisherman\"\" killer, with the hook Roger says Ben Willis originally used. Afterward, they see everyone staring at P.J.'s body impaled on a pipe. The public believes the Fisherman to be behind it. Colby convinces his friends to burn the evidence and make a pact to keep it secret. One year later, in 2006, Amber returns to town to discover that Colby never left to pursue his scholarship. She goes up to the", "title": "I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.94, "text": "I Know What You Did Last Summer (film series) I Know What You Did Last Summer is an American horror film series, based on the novel of the same name by Lois Duncan. The series consists of three films. After an accident on a winding road, four teens make the fatal mistake of dumping their victim's body into the sea. But exactly one year later, the dead man returns from his watery grave and he's looking for more than an apology. The murderous fisherman with a hook is back to once again stalk the two surviving teens, Julie James and", "title": "I Know What You Did Last Summer (film series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.81, "text": "the franchise would not have any inventions of the Lois Duncan novel (the antagonist being a central character) nor the 1997 feature (the fisherman Ben Willis and four primary protagonists Julie James, Helen Shivers, Barry Cox, and Ray Bronson). Further, the new direction and scope of the film necessitates an estimated budget of $15–20 million. Sony also states that the film is a high priority and is set for a release somewhere until 2020. I Know What You Did Last Summer (film series) I Know What You Did Last Summer is an American horror film series, based on the novel", "title": "I Know What You Did Last Summer (film series)" } ]
the mughals adopted the rupee from the currency developed by?
[ "Sher Shah Suri" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.97, "text": "country. The empire had an extensive road network, which was vital to the economic infrastructure, built by a public works department set up by the Mughals which designed, constructed and maintained roads linking towns and cities across the empire, making trade easier to conduct. The Mughals adopted and standardized the rupee (\"\"rupiya\"\", or silver) and dam (copper) currencies introduced by Sur Emperor Sher Shah Suri during his brief rule. The currency was initially 48 dams to a single rupee in the beginning of Akbar's reign, before it later became 38 dams to a rupee in the 1580s, with the dam's", "title": "Mughal Empire" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.69, "text": "building an extensive road system, creating a uniform currency, and the unification of the country. The Mughals adopted and standardized the rupee currency introduced by Sur Emperor Sher Shah Suri. The Mughals minted tens of millions of coins, with purity of at least 96%, without debasement until the 1720s. The empire met global demand for Indian agricultural and industrial products. Cities and towns boomed under the Mughal Empire, which had a relatively high degree of urbanization (15% of its population lived in urban centres), more urban than Europe at the time and British India in the 19th century. Multiple cities", "title": "Economic history of India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.39, "text": "were developed in the Mughal style and those of Madras mostly in a South Indian style. The English coins of Western India developed along Mughal as well as English patterns. It was only in 1717 AD that the English obtained permission from the Emperor Farrukh Siyar to coin Mughal money at the Bombay mint. The British gold coins were termed Carolina, the silver coins Anglina, the copper coins Cupperoon and tin coins Tinny. By the early 1830, the English had become the dominant power in India. The Coinage Act of 1835 provided for uniform coinage throughout India. The new coins", "title": "History of the rupee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.09, "text": "during his five-year rule from 1540 to 1545, set up a new civic and military administration and issued a coin of silver, weighing 178 grains, which was termed the \"\"Rupiya\"\". The silver coin remained in use during the Mughal period, Maratha era as well as in British India. Among the earliest issues of paper rupees include the \"\"Bank of Hindostan\"\" (1770–1832), the \"\"General Bank of Bengal and Bihar\"\" (1773–75, established by Warren Hastings), and the \"\"Bengal Bank\"\" (1784–91). The Indian rupee was a silver-based currency during much of the 19th century, which had severe consequences on the standard value of", "title": "History of the rupee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23, "text": "to introduce Pound sterling in India. Due to popularity of Rupiya, the Pound sterling could not be introduced in India. It was only in 1717 AD that the English obtained permission from the Mughal emperor Farrukhsiyar to coin Mughal money. In 1835 AD, the \"\"Coinage Act of 1835\"\" for uniform coinage came into force. Composed of 0.917 silver, the new one rupee coins weighed and had a diameter of . Reverse of all one rupee coins minted after 1835 and before 1862 AD bore \"\"East India Company\"\" instead of country name. One rupee coins had bust of King William IIII", "title": "One rupee (Indian coin)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.97, "text": "Mughal period, Maratha era as well as in British India. Among the earliest issues of paper rupees include; the \"\"Bank of Hindustan\"\" (1770–1832), the \"\"General Bank of Bengal and Bihar\"\" (1773–75, established by Warren Hastings), and the \"\"Bengal Bank\"\" (1784–91). Historically, the rupee was a silver coin. This had severe consequences in the nineteenth century when the strongest economies in the world were on the gold standard. The discovery of large quantities of silver in the United States and several European colonies resulted in a decline in the value of silver relative to gold, devaluing India's standard currency. This event", "title": "Indian rupee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.83, "text": "value rising further in the 17th century as a result of new industrial uses for copper, such as in bronze cannons and brass utensils. The dam was initially the most common coin in Akbar's time, before being replaced by the rupee as the most common coin in succeeding reigns. The dam's value was later worth 30 to a rupee towards the end of Jahangir's reign, and then 16 to a rupee by the 1660s. The Mughals minted coins with high purity, never dropping below 96%, and without debasement until the 1720s. Despite India having its own stocks of gold and", "title": "Mughal Empire" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.8, "text": "his brief rule between 1540 and 1545. Suri also introduced copper coins called \"\"dam\"\" and gold coins called \"\"mohur\"\" that weighed 169 grains (10.95 g). The Indian rupee was re-introduced in Medieval times, issued and termed as \"\"rupiya\"\", the silver coin, by Sher Shah Suri (1540–1545), continued by the Mughal rulers. The history of the rupee traces back to Ancient India circa 3rd century BC. Ancient India was one of the earliest issuers of coins in the world, along with the Lydian staters, several other Middle Eastern coinages and the Chinese wen. The term is from \"\"rūpya\"\", a Sanskrit term", "title": "Rupee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.75, "text": "grains, which was termed the \"\"Rupiya\"\". The silver coin remained in use during the Mughal period, the Maratha era (1674–1818) and in British India, as well. The British settlements in Western India, South India, and the Eastern Province of Bengal (Calcutta) independently developed different coinages in consonance with the local acceptability of the coins for the purposes of trade. There are many fake coins of East India Company, with Indian gods depicted on the obverse side as shown in side-bar. Original East India Company coins show only the coat of arms of the East India Company. The coins of Bengal", "title": "History of the rupee" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.34, "text": "coins in 1542 and named it \"\"Rupiya\"\" (meaning \"\"beautiful form\"\"). The denomination remained in usage through the Mughal, Maratha, East India company and British rules. The rupiya was retained by the East India company till 1835 and formed the basis of the British Raj currency till 1947. Each rupiya coin weighed . Sub-unit of rupyia were copper pieces and 40 copper pieces constituted one rupiya. Sher Shah Suri named the copper pieces as Paisa. The Madras Presidency issued one rupee coins till 1815 AD. One rupee was equal to twelve fanams. In 17 century AD, the East India Company wanted", "title": "One rupee (Indian coin)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.47, "text": "to have commented that \"\"for a few grains of bajra (millet, which is the main crop of barren Marwar) I almost lost the entire kingdom of Hindustan.\"\" After this victory, Sher Shah's general Khawas Khan Marwat took possession of Jodhpur and occupied the territory of Marwar from Ajmer to Mount Abu in 1544. The system of tri-metalism which came to characterise Mughal coinage was introduced by Sher Shah. While the term \"\"rūpya\"\" had previously been used as a generic term for any silver coin, during his rule the term \"\"rūpee\"\" came to be used as the name for a silver", "title": "Sher Shah Suri" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.25, "text": "currency was introduced due to the shortage of metals. Over time, the tanka was minted in silver. However, chaos followed its launch in the 14th century, leading to the collapse of the Tughluq dynasty. The Tughluqs were succeeded by numerous regional states, notably the Bengal Sultanate, the Bahmani Sultanate and the Gujarat Sultanate. These kingdoms continued to mint the new currency in the name of their own rulers. Even much later under the early modern Mughal Empire, regional currencies were still referred to as tanka/tangka/taka. The taka was traditionally equal to one silver rupee in Islamic Bengal. In 1338, Ibn", "title": "History of the taka" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.73, "text": "rupee from the time of the Mughal Empire (grouped with copper and gold coins to create a trimetallic standard), and the Spanish dollar. The ratio between the amount of silver used for coinage and that used for other purposes has fluctuated greatly over time; for example, in wartime, more silver tends to have been used for coinage to finance the war. Today, silver bullion has the ISO 4217 currency code XAG, one of only four precious metals to have one (the others being palladium, platinum, and gold). Silver coins are produced from cast rods or ingots, rolled to the correct", "title": "Silver" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.67, "text": "the Mughal Empire without the revenue he sent. Historian Chowdhury says that his real reason was to show his loyalty to the Mughal Emperor so that he could run the state according to his own wishes. Records show that every year 1 crore 30 lakh rupees was sent as the revenue to the Mughal emperor. Besides money revenue was also paid in kind. Quli Khan himself used to carry the money and other forms of revenue with the infantry and the cavalry to Bihar where they were given to the Mughal collector. With Murshidabad evolving as the capital of Bengal,", "title": "Murshid Quli Khan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.64, "text": "regions was the rupee. At Madras, however, the company's accounts were reckoned in \"\"pagodas\"\", \"\"fractions\"\", \"\"fanams\"\", \"\"faluce\"\" and \"\"cash\"\". This system was maintained until 1818 when the rupee was adopted as the unit of currency for the company's operations, the relation between the two systems being 1 pagoda = 3-91 rupees and 1 rupee = 12 fanams. Meanwhile, paper money had been developed. At first, it was thought of for emergency issues, hence were most popular in the colonies of European powers. In the 18th century, important paper issues were made in colonies such as Ceylon and the bordering colonies", "title": "Cash" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.34, "text": "17th century. The Mughal economy functioned on an elaborate system of coined currency, land revenue and trade. Gold, silver and copper coins were issued by the royal mints which functioned on the basis of free coinage. The political stability and uniform revenue policy resulting from a centralised administration under the Mughals, coupled with a well-developed internal trade network, ensured that India–before the arrival of the British–was to a large extent economically unified, despite having a traditional agrarian economy characterised by a predominance of subsistence agriculture, with 64% of the workforce in the primary sector (including agriculture), but with 36% of", "title": "Economy of India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.33, "text": "As the silver Indian rupee was a popular coin locally (reduced in value from 30 to 27 stuivers in 1735), a local version of it was issued in 1747, with Arabic text (reading 'Dirham [money] of the Dutch Company' and 'For the island Java the Great'), and only the date in Roman script, valued at 30 stuivers, identical in weight to the Surat rupee of the Mughal Empire. This continued only until in 1750, as it did not generate much profit. Subsequently, as with imported gold coinage, some imported rupees were counterstamped between 1753 and 1761, and given a 30", "title": "Netherlands Indies gulden" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.22, "text": "was known as \"\"the fall of the rupee.\"\" India was unaffected by the imperial order-in-council of 1825, which attempted to introduce British sterling coinage to the British colonies. British India, at that time, was controlled by the British East India Company. The silver rupee continued as the currency of India through the British Raj and beyond. In 1835, British India adopted a mono-metallic silver standard based on the rupee; this decision was influenced by a letter written by Lord Liverpool in 1805 extolling the virtues of mono-metallism. Following the Indian Mutiny in 1857, the British government took direct control of", "title": "Indian rupee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.91, "text": "increased the net revenue base, leading to increased agricultural production. A major Mughal reform introduced by Akbar was a new land revenue system called \"\"zabt\"\". He replaced the tribute system, previously common in India and used by Tokugawa Japan at the time, with a monetary tax system based on a uniform currency. The revenue system was biased in favour of higher value cash crops such as cotton, indigo, sugar cane, tree-crops, and opium, providing state incentives to grow cash crops, in addition to rising market demand. Under the \"\"zabt\"\" system, the Mughals also conducted extensive cadastral surveying to assess the", "title": "Mughal Empire" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.84, "text": "Burma but no separate coinage was issued. When the Japanese invaded Burma in 1942, they introduced a new currency: the rupee, divided into 100 \"\"cents\"\". This currency was only issued in paper form. The rupee was replaced by the kyat in 1943. In 1945, the Japanese occupation currency was declared worthless and Burma reverted to using Indian coinage and its own rupee paper money. Following independence in 1948, Burma introduced its own rupee currency, consisting of coins and banknotes. One rupee was divided into 16 \"\"pe\"\" (equal to the Indian \"\"anna\"\"), each of 4 \"\"pyas\"\" (equal to the Indian \"\"pice\"\").", "title": "Burmese rupee" } ]
who invented the automobile in the united states?
[ "Dr. J.W. Carhart" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.33, "text": "basis of the buggy, which he began building in 1865, was a high-wheeled carriage with bracing to support a two-cylinder steam engine mounted on the floor. One of the first \"\"real\"\" automobiles was produced by Frenchman Amédée Bollée in 1873, who built self-propelled steam road vehicles to transport groups of passengers. The first carriage-sized automobile suitable for use on existing wagon roads in the United States was a steam-powered vehicle invented in 1871 by Dr. J.W. Carhart, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in Racine, Wisconsin. It induced the State of Wisconsin in 1875 to offer a $10,000 award", "title": "History of the automobile" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.08, "text": "vehicle on the roads in Camborne. The first automobile patent in the United States was granted to Oliver Evans in 1789. During the 19th century attempts were made to introduce practical steam powered vehicles. Innovations such as hand brakes, multi-speed transmissions and better steering developed. Some commercially successful vehicles provided mass transit until a backlash against these large vehicles resulted in the passage of legislation such as the United Kingdom Locomotive Act (1865), which required many self-propelled vehicles on public roads to be preceded by a man on foot waving a red flag and blowing a horn. This effectively halted", "title": "History of the automobile" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.75, "text": "production that year. In the United States, brothers Charles and Frank Duryea founded the Duryea Motor Wagon Company in 1893, becoming the first American automobile manufacturing company. The Autocar Company, founded in 1897, established a number of innovations still in use and remains the oldest operating motor vehicle manufacturer in the United States. However, it was Ransom E. Olds and his Olds Motor Vehicle Company (later known as Oldsmobile) who would dominate this era with the introduction of the Oldsmobile Curved Dash. Its production line was running in 1901. The Thomas B. Jeffery Company developed the world's second mass-produced automobile,", "title": "History of the automobile" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.62, "text": "Nicolaus Otto created a four-stroke internal combustion engine, Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach modified the Otto engine to run at higher speeds, and Karl Benz pioneered the electric ignition. The Duryea brothers and Hiram Percy Maxim were among the first to construct a \"\"horseless carriage\"\" in the US in the mid-1890s, but these early cars proved to be heavy and expensive. Henry Ford revolutionized the automobile manufacturing process by employing interchangeable parts on assembly lines—the beginning of industrial mass production. In 1908, the Ford Motor Company released the Ford Model T which could generate 20 horsepower, was lightweight, and easy", "title": "Technological and industrial history of the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.56, "text": "1888 in Germany and, under licence from Benz, in France by Emile Roger. The time line is not exact but Thomas Davenport as well as Robert Anderson (of Scotland) built a battery electric car between 1832 and 1839. The era of automobiles began in the U.S. when George Selden of Rochester, NY filed a patent on May 8, 1879, but the patent was not approved until November 5, 1895. This was the first U.S. patent for an automobile. By the time a patent was approved many automobiles were in production. Charles Duryea built a three-wheeled, gasoline-powered vehicle in 1893, and", "title": "Antique car" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.53, "text": "J. Frank Duryea James Frank Duryea (October 8, 1869 – February 15, 1967) and his brother Charles (1861–1938) invented the first gasoline-powered automobile in America. The brothers were born in Illinois, Charles in Canton, Illinois, in 1861 and Frank in Wyoming, Illinois, in 1869. Both graduated from high school. Charles moved to Washington, D.C., to work in the bicycle business. Frank followed closely on his heels in 1888. Two more moves in as many years brought the Duryea brothers to Springfield, Massachusetts. Charles had already earned a reputation for unusual design elements in his \"\"sylph\"\" bicycle, with a smaller wheel", "title": "J. Frank Duryea" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.5, "text": "4-wheeled car. Selden filed a series of amendments to his application which stretched out the legal process, resulting in a delay of 16 years before the patent was granted on 5 November 1895. This patent did more to hinder than encourage development of autos in the United States. Selden licensed his patent to most major American automakers, collecting a fee on every car they produced. The first production of automobiles was by Karl Benz in 1888 in Germany and, under license from Benz, in France by Emile Roger. There were numerous others, including tricycle builders Rudolf Egg, Edward Butler, and", "title": "History of the automobile" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.47, "text": "Fame. J. Frank Duryea James Frank Duryea (October 8, 1869 – February 15, 1967) and his brother Charles (1861–1938) invented the first gasoline-powered automobile in America. The brothers were born in Illinois, Charles in Canton, Illinois, in 1861 and Frank in Wyoming, Illinois, in 1869. Both graduated from high school. Charles moved to Washington, D.C., to work in the bicycle business. Frank followed closely on his heels in 1888. Two more moves in as many years brought the Duryea brothers to Springfield, Massachusetts. Charles had already earned a reputation for unusual design elements in his \"\"sylph\"\" bicycle, with a smaller", "title": "J. Frank Duryea" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.39, "text": "Léon Bollée. Bollée, using a engine of his own design, enabled his driver, Jamin, to average in the 1897 Paris-Tourville rally. By 1900, mass production of automobiles had begun in France and the United States. The first company formed exclusively to build automobiles was Panhard et Levassor in France, which also introduced the first four-cylinder engine. Formed in 1889, Panhard was quickly followed by Peugeot two years later. By the start of the 20th century, the automobile industry was beginning to take off in Western Europe, especially in France, where 30,204 were produced in 1903, representing 48.8% of world automobile", "title": "History of the automobile" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.28, "text": "United States in 1903. This period lasted from roughly 1905 through to 1914 and the beginning of World War I. It is generally referred to as the Edwardian era, but in the United States is often known as the Brass era from the widespread use of brass in vehicles during this time. Within the 15 years that make up this era, the various experimental designs and alternate power systems would be marginalised. Although the modern touring car had been invented earlier, it was not until Panhard et Levassor's \"\"Système Panhard\"\" was widely licensed and adopted that recognisable and standardised automobiles", "title": "History of the automobile" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.17, "text": "his new motor. In 1834, Vermont blacksmith Thomas Davenport, the inventor of the first American DC electric motor, installed his motor in a small model car, which he operated on a short circular electrified track. In 1835, Professor Sibrandus Stratingh of Groningen, the Netherlands and his assistant Christopher Becker created a small-scale electrical car, powered by non-rechargeable primary cells. In 1838, Scotsman Robert Davidson built an electric locomotive that attained a speed of . In England, a patent was granted in 1840 for the use of tracks as conductors of electric current, and similar American patents were issued to Lilley", "title": "History of the automobile" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.83, "text": "to create large artworks for their headquarters. In order to research ideas for one of the commissions, she was given access to the Mercedes Benz/Daimler AG corporate archives where she came across the little-known details of the invention of the automobile by Carl Benz in 1885 as well as the charming story of the first ever long distance road trip by Carl's wife Bertha. Once Ulli was in the USA she wished to present this story to Americans. She wrote the screenplay for and directed an educational documentary titled \"\"The Car is Born - a documentary about Carl and Bertha", "title": "Ulli Kampelmann" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.77, "text": "Elwood Haynes Elwood Haynes (October 14, 1857 – April 13, 1925) was an American inventor, metallurgist, automotive pioneer, entrepreneur and industrialist. He invented the metal alloys stellite and martensitic stainless steel and designed one of the earliest automobiles made in the United States. He is recognized for having created the earliest American design that was feasible for mass production and, with the Apperson brothers, he formed the first company in the United States to produce automobiles profitably. He made many advances in the automotive industry. Early in his career, while serving as a field superintendent at gas and oil companies", "title": "Elwood Haynes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.64, "text": "William C. Durant William Crapo \"\"Billy\"\" Durant (December 8, 1861 – March 18, 1947) was a leading pioneer of the United States automobile industry, who created the system of multi-brand holding companies with different lines of cars; and the co-founder of General Motors with Frederic L. Smith, and of Chevrolet with Louis Chevrolet. He also founded Frigidaire. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Durant was the son of William Clark Durant and Rebecca Folger Crapo, who was born to a wealthy Massachusetts family of French descent, she being the daughter of Michigan governor Henry H. Crapo. William dropped out of high school", "title": "William C. Durant" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.58, "text": "clip was invented in 1911 by Washington, D.C. resident Louis E. Baltzley who was motivated by a desire to help his father, Edwin, a prolific writer and inventor, keep manuscripts in order. The original design was modified five times, but the essential mechanism has never changed. 1911 Automobile self starter An automobile self-starter is an electric motor that initiates rotational motion in an internal combustion engine before it can power itself, therefore eliminating the hand crank used to start engines. In 1911, Charles F. Kettering invented the automobile self-starter while working at National Cash Register and then sold them for", "title": "Timeline of United States inventions (1890–1945)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.56, "text": "Woodland Cemetery, Dayton, Ohio. Kettering held 186 U.S. patents. He invented the all-electric starting, ignition, and lighting system for automobiles. Electric starters replaced crank (manual) starting of automobiles. First incorporated in the 1912 Cadillac, all-electric starting aided in the growth of the US auto industry by making the automobile easy for anyone to start. Other patents included a portable lighting system and an incubator for premature infants. His engine-driven generator was combined with storage batteries to form a \"\"Delco Plant\"\", providing an electrical power for farmsteads and other locations far from the electrical power grid. In 1918 Kettering designed the", "title": "Charles F. Kettering" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.48, "text": "believed to have been the first automobile in the United States, and the first motorized amphibious craft in the world. However, very few contemporary accounts of the craft survive, and Evans's tendency to exaggerate its success in his own annals make verification of its performance difficult. Although Evans himself claimed it proceeded successfully around Philadelphia (and circled his erstwhile rival Benjamin Latrobe's Philadelphia waterworks) before launching into the river and paddling at speed to Philadelphia harbor; the great weight of the craft make land-propulsion based on its limited engine capacity and jury-rigged power train fairly improbable over any significant distance.", "title": "Oliver Evans" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.38, "text": "the Duryea Brothers have the distinction of building the first such practical working internal combustion gasoline engine automobile in the United States. In Europe Carl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler produced the first gasoline automobiles in 1885/1886. The Duryea brothers made their automobile in 1893 and started the Duryea Motor Wagon Company in 1895 mass-producing cars. Henry Ford started mass-producing cars in 1899 at the Detroit Automobile Company. Lambert initially designed and built his \"\"horseless carriage\"\" gasoline automobile in 1890. He successfully tested it in January 1891 inside an farm implement showroom he owned in Ohio City, Ohio. Lambert's three-wheeled surrey-top", "title": "Buckeye gasoline buggy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.3, "text": "likely Huntington was the first inventor of a gasoline engine car on the west coast of the United States. While it is not known whether Huntington’s vehicle was successfully built, his patent 411196 has certain claims that represent a self-propelled gasoline engine car. In the years he was in California he experimented incessantly with machinery. He gave to the public various inventions of practical value. Besides being a practical inventor he was also a manufacturer of his special machinery. In 1891 he was experimenting on what was considered a most important invention. His mining experience gave him the idea for", "title": "Frank Atwood Huntington" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.28, "text": "principle by Christian Friedrich Schönbein in 1838. The battery electric car owes its beginnings to Ányos Jedlik, one of the inventors of the electric motor, and Gaston Planté, who invented the lead–acid battery in 1859. In 1885, Karl Benz developed a petrol or gasoline powered automobile. This is also considered to be the first \"\"production\"\" vehicle as Benz made several other identical copies. The automobile was powered by a single cylinder four-stroke engine. In 1913, the Ford Model T, created by the Ford Motor Company five years prior, became the first automobile to be mass-produced on a moving assembly line.", "title": "History of the automobile" } ]
game of thtones season 7 how many episodes?
[ "seven" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.39, "text": "Bender, who worked on the show's sixth season, said that the seventh season would consist of seven episodes. Benioff and Weiss stated that they were unable to produce 10 episodes in the show's usual 12 to 14 month time frame, as Weiss said \"\"It's crossing out of a television schedule into more of a mid-range movie schedule.\"\" HBO confirmed on July 18, 2016, that the seventh season would consist of seven episodes, and would premiere later than usual in mid-2017 because of the later filming schedule. Later it was confirmed that the season would debut on July 16. The seventh", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.14, "text": "Game of Thrones (season 7) The seventh and penultimate season of the fantasy drama television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" premiered on HBO on July 16, 2017, and concluded on August 27, 2017. Unlike previous seasons that consisted of ten episodes each, the seventh season consisted of only seven. Like the previous season, it largely consisted of original content not found in George R. R. Martin's \"\"A Song of Ice and Fire\"\" series, while also incorporating material Martin revealed to showrunners about the upcoming novels in the series. The series was adapted for television by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss.", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.92, "text": "Dragonstone (Game of Thrones) \"\"Dragonstone\"\" is the first episode of the seventh season of HBO's fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", and the 61st overall. It was written by series co-creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, and directed by Jeremy Podeswa. The episode's main plot focuses on Daenerys Targaryen's long-awaited homecoming to Dragonstone with her vast forces, and Cersei and Jaime Lannister treating with Euron Greyjoy for an alliance after the demise of House Frey. \"\"Dragonstone\"\" received positive reviews from critics, who considered Arya's revenge on House Frey, Sandor Clegane's atonement for his old life, and Daenerys's dramatic homecoming", "title": "Dragonstone (Game of Thrones)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.56, "text": "a blistering opening salvo, \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" charts an assured path for its anxiously-anticipated final stretch.\"\" Matt Fowler of IGN wrote in his review for the episode \"\"'Dragonstone' sublimely set the stage for \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" Season 7 with some righteous revenge, a new alliance, a dramatic (and quiet) homecoming, and a surprisingly great sequence from The Hound as he began to atone for his old life.\"\" He gave the episode an 8.8 out of 10. Erik Kain of \"\"Forbes\"\" similarly gave praise to the episode, writing \"\"This was easily one of my favorite season premieres of any season of", "title": "Dragonstone (Game of Thrones)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.41, "text": "fifth season. New York Mets baseball pitcher Noah Syndergaard made a background cameo as a javelin-throwing Lannister soldier in \"\"The Spoils of War.\"\" On April 21, 2016, HBO officially ordered the seventh season of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", just three days prior to the premiere of the show's sixth season. In a June 2016 interview with \"\"Variety\"\", co-creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss revealed the seventh season would likely consist of fewer episodes, stating at the time of the interview that they were \"\"down to our final 13 episodes after this season. We're heading into the final lap.\"\" Director Jack", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.33, "text": "Castle (season 7) The seventh season of American crime-comedy-drama television series \"\"Castle\"\", was ordered on May 8, 2014, by ABC. The season premiered on September 29, 2014, in the United States on ABC, and the finale aired on May 11, 2015. The seventh season initially had 22 episodes. But on October 23, 2014, ABC ordered one more episode, resulting in an episode count of 23 episodes. Richard Castle (Fillion) is a famous mystery novelist who has killed off the main character in his popular book series and has writer's block. He is brought in by the NYPD for questioning regarding", "title": "Castle (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.27, "text": "a dozen Emmy Awards, including Outstanding Drama Series. By the end of 2016, all seasons up to season 6 (which premiered on April 24, 2016) had been aired on HBO and all seasons had been released on DVD and/or Blu-ray for home viewing (see List of Game of Thrones episodes). The company confirmed on July 18, 2016 that season 7 would consist of seven episodes instead of the usual ten, and would premiere later than usual, in mid-2017, because of the later filming schedule. This was necessary in order to be shooting during the winter season in Europe. Season 7", "title": "George R. R. Martin" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.98, "text": "content. In April 2016, the showrunners' plan was to shoot 13 more episodes after the sixth season: seven episodes in the seventh season and six episodes in the eighth. Later that month, the series was renewed for a seventh season with a seven-episode order. Eight seasons were ordered and filmed, adapting the novels at a rate of about 48 seconds per page for the first three seasons. The first two seasons adapted one novel each. For the later seasons, its creators see \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" as an adaptation of \"\"A Song of Ice and Fire\"\" as a whole rather than", "title": "Game of Thrones" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.94, "text": "to begin filming in London in 2016. On April 11, 2016, Season 5 was confirmed to be the show's last; it consists of seven episodes and premiered on August 20, 2017. The series finale, Season 5's \"\"Episode Seven\"\", aired on October 8, 2017. \"\"Episodes\"\" has received positive reviews by critics, with specific praise being given to the performances of stars Stephen Mangan, Tamsin Greig, and Matt LeBlanc. For his performance in the series Matt LeBlanc won a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Television Series Musical or Comedy and has been nominated for four Primetime Emmy Awards. After married", "title": "Episodes (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.8, "text": "Game of Thrones (season 8) The eighth and final season of the fantasy drama television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" was announced by HBO in July 2016. Unlike the first six seasons that each had ten episodes and the seventh that had seven episodes, the eighth season will have only six episodes. Like the previous season, it will largely consist of original content not found currently in George R. R. Martin's \"\"A Song of Ice and Fire\"\" series and will also adapt material Martin has revealed to showrunners about the upcoming novels in the series, \"\"The Winds of Winter\"\" and \"\"A", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 8)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.77, "text": "the first. However, the network cancelled plans for a second season during the initial run, due to low ratings. Each game is divided into six rounds, with a different focus for each round: In rounds 1, 2 and 3, each contestant is called (in a predetermined random order) to a central microphone, where they are asked a question. At the start of the game, each player is given a ring to wear around their neck. If a contestant wished to receive help, he or she would sacrifice the ring into \"\"The Pool of the 7\"\" [a circular pool of water", "title": "Studio 7" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.64, "text": "episodes, stating that after season six, they were \"\"down to our final 13 episodes after this season. We're heading into the final lap.\"\" Benioff and Weiss stated that they were unable to produce 10 episodes in the show's usual 12 to 14-month time frame, as Weiss said, \"\"It's crossing out of a television schedule into more of a mid-range movie schedule.\"\" HBO confirmed in July 2016, that the seventh season would consist of seven episodes, and would premiere later than usual in mid-2017 because of the later filming schedule. Benioff and Weiss later confirmed that the eighth season will consist", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 8)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.55, "text": "season of the series includes its longest episode, with the finale running for 81 minutes. The penultimate episode also runs for 71 minutes – around 16 minutes longer than an average \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" episode. The first five episodes mostly run longer than average (55 minutes), at 59, 59, 63, 50, and 59 minutes respectively. The previous longest episode in the series was the sixth-season finale, \"\"The Winds of Winter\"\", which ran for 69 minutes. Ramin Djawadi returned as the composer of the show for the seventh season. On Metacritic, the season (based on the first episode) has a score", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.47, "text": "on-demand viewing for one hour before being removed. Data from piracy monitoring firm MUSO indicates that season seven was pirated more than one billion times mostly by unauthorized streaming, with torrent and direct downloads accounting for about 15 percent of this piracy. On average, each episode is estimated to have been pirated 140 million times, making \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" the most-pirated television series in 2017. Game of Thrones (season 7) The seventh and penultimate season of the fantasy drama television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" premiered on HBO on July 16, 2017, and concluded on August 27, 2017. Unlike previous seasons", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.47, "text": "Drama Series. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> The recurring actors listed here are those who appeared in season 7. They are listed by the region in which they first appear. Series creators and executive producers David Benioff and D. B. Weiss serve as showrunners for the seventh season. The directors for the seventh season are Jeremy Podeswa (episodes 1 and 7), Mark Mylod (episodes 2 and 3), Matt Shakman (episodes 4 and 5) and Alan Taylor (episode 6). This marks Taylor's return to the series after an absence since the second season. Shakman is a first-time \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" director, with the rest each", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.45, "text": "announced on their official Facebook page that season eight had started filming and would air sometime in 2016. On 15 December 2014, series producer Mary Durham announced that season 7 would consist of 10 episodes and would air sometime in 2015. In October 2015, Greenstone TV confirmed that season 8 was in post production. In March 2016, it was announced that season 9 had started filming to air in 2017. In July 2018, Channel 7 released their first promotion for season 10 to begin airing from Wednesday 1st August 2018. Highway Patrol (Australian TV series) Highway Patrol is an Australian", "title": "Highway Patrol (Australian TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.45, "text": "Series. He further directed two more episodes in the series' sixth season, and also directed the seventh season's finale episode. In an interview with \"\"The Hollywood Reporter\"\" following the airing of \"\"Dragonstone\"\", Podeswa discussed his experience with directing Ed Sheeran's cameo appearance, stating \"\"He was lovely to work with. He was lovely on the show. I think he fit right into that world.\"\" He continued by noting that Sheeran requested to change the key of the song that he performs in the scene during the episode's filming. Podeswa also discussed his direction for the cold open, saying he wanted to", "title": "Dragonstone (Game of Thrones)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.41, "text": "truncated due to Emily Deschanel's pregnancy and maternity leave. Originally, six episodes were scheduled to air in 2011 before the series went on hiatus, but the sixth episode was postponed to January 12, 2012, with the series then going on hiatus until the spring. The season begins a few months after the end of the previous season with Brennan in her third trimester. The season also introduces a new recurring antagonist, whom executive producer Stephen Nathan describes as \"\"more of a 21st-century, tech-savvy foe\"\" compared to the series' past recurring antagonists. The first six episodes also deal with Booth and", "title": "Bones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.39, "text": "The Queen's Justice \"\"The Queen's Justice\"\" is the third episode of the seventh season of HBO's fantasy television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", and the 63rd overall. The episode was written by series co-creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, and directed by Mark Mylod. At Dragonstone, Jon Snow and Davos Seaworth meet with Daenerys Targaryen, whom Jon asks for aid in defeating the White Walkers, but Daenerys iterates her desire to take the Iron Throne instead. In King's Landing, Euron Greyjoy returns bearing gifts to Cersei Lannister, in the form of Ellaria Sand and Tyene Sand. At the Citadel, Samwell", "title": "The Queen's Justice" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.38, "text": "seen by 2.8 million. Several episodes demonstrated season highs, with \"\"Mazel Tov, Dummies!\"\" drawing 3.6 million, and \"\"Game Over\"\" and \"\"A Goon's Deed in a Weary World\"\" drawing slightly below and above 3.8 million, respectively. These three episodes also, in turn, demonstrated the best overall viewership for \"\"30 Rock\"\" since March 2012. The series finale, the hour-long broadcast of \"\"Hogcock!\"\" and \"\"Last Lunch\"\", attracted an audience of 4.9 million,<ref name=\"\"712/713ratings\"\"></ref> demonstrating another season high in overall viewers and an increase of two million viewers over the sixth season finale. These two episodes were also the highest-rated of the series, in", "title": "30 Rock (season 7)" } ]
who are the love it or list it hosts?
[ "David Visentin", "Hilary Farr" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.33, "text": "\"\"Love It or List It UK\"\", debuted in 2015, is hosted by Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer. The third spin off, \"\"Love It or List It Vacation Homes\"\" debuted in spring 2016 and is hosted by Dan Vickery and Elisa Goldhawke. A fourth spin off, \"\"Vendre ou renover au Quebec\"\" debuted in January 2017 and is hosted by Maika Desnoyers and Daniel Corbin. The fifth spin off, \"\"Love It Or List It Australia\"\", debuted in September 2017 and is hosted by Andrew Winter and Neale Whittaker. On August 31, 2010, \"\"Love It or List It\"\" was nominated for two Gemini", "title": "Love It or List It" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.61, "text": "It will be hosted by , a modern Montreal designer, and Maïka Desnoyers, a real estate agent from the south shore of Montreal. It is produced by Zone 3 and will air in February 2017 on Canal Vie. Love It or List It (franchise) Love It or List It is a television franchise of television programs created by Maria Armstrong and Catherine Fogarty. Each series follows a format, with a current homeowning couple or family to deciding between keeping their newly renovated current home (known on the show as \"\"Love It\"\") or buying a new home and selling their current", "title": "Love It or List It (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.56, "text": "Love It or List It Australia Love It or List It Australia is an Australian TV series, based on the Canadian program of the same name, which began airing on LifeStyle on 27 September 2017. The series is hosted by Andrew Winter (Selling Houses Australia) and Neale Whitaker (The Block; Editor of Vogue Living). It is produced exclusively for Foxtel by Beyond Productions. In October 2017, the series was renewed for a second season. The series follows home owners across the country who are struggling whether to renovate and love the home they are in; or to sell up and", "title": "Love It or List It Australia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.47, "text": "react and occasionally continuing their bout of one-upmanship. Hosts Assistant Designer Contractors Behind the Scenes Victories for Hilary are families or clients who decided to love their home and stay. Victories for David are families and clients who decided to list and move into a new or better home. \"\"Love It or List It\"\" has spawned five spinoffs. The first, known as \"\"Love It or List It Vancouver\"\" (or \"\"Love it or List it Too\"\" in the US), was launched in winter 2012 and is hosted by Jillian Harris and Todd Talbot. The second spin-off, a British version known as", "title": "Love It or List It" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.39, "text": "David Visentin David Visentin (born June 28, 1965) is a Canadian actor and realtor. He is best known as one of the hosts of \"\"Love It or List It\"\", with co-host Hilary Farr. The show is broadcast on HGTV and W Networks. He is a native citizen of Canada. Visentin started his career in 1987 working as an agent for Country Living Realty in Rosemont, Ontario, while working alongside his father Nick Visentin. David worked on the housing market while discovering new potential homes for numerous clients for over 16 years. Visentin auditioned for co-hosting duties for \"\"Love It or", "title": "David Visentin" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.34, "text": "Ontario, Canada. The show premiered as a primetime program on W Network on September 8, 2008, and has since aired on OWN Canada as well as HGTV in the United States. In September 2014, the show began filming in the United States in North Carolina. The show is hosted by Hilary Farr and David Visentin. According to the show's producers, \"\"The time is right to bring the winning formula to Vancouver’s hot real estate market.\"\" \"\"Love It or List It Vancouver\"\" will showcase families in B.C.’s largest metropolitan city who are struggling with homes that no longer suit their needs.", "title": "Love It or List It (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.31, "text": "include designer Dan Vickery, runner up in season 4 of HGTV Design Star, and real estate agent Elisa Goldhawke will face off against each other, armed with their list of \"\"must-haves\"\" to sway the vacation homeowners final decision to either keep their renovated property or sell. The series premiered in Spring 2016 on W Network. The series premiered in 2017 on Foxtel's Lifestyle Channel and is hosted by Selling Houses Australia host Andrew Winter and The Block judge Neale Whitaker. In August 2016, \"\"Vendre ou rénover\"\" was announced. This is the Quebec spin off of Love It or List It.", "title": "Love It or List It (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.03, "text": "It Vancouver\"\" was launched during winter 2012. The show is hosted by ABC's \"\"Extreme Makeover Home Edition\"\" designer Jillian Harris and actor now realtor Todd Talbot. (The program runs on HGTV under the name \"\"Love it or List it Too\"\" without any mention that it's shot in Vancouver.) A British version of the show came after Big Coat Productions and Beyond Distribution finalized a format deal with British broadcaster Channel 4. The show is entitled \"\"Love it or List It UK\"\" and features British television personalities Kirstie Allsopp as designer and Phil Spencer as realtor. The British version, which debuted", "title": "Love It or List It (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.8, "text": "home and Jennifer Hudson's loft in Chicago. Farr returned to Toronto in 2008 after a divorce. She was signed as a co-host of \"\"Love It or List It\"\" by the W Network, Big Coat Productions and Corus Entertainment, along with David Visentin. The show was broadcast on HGTV and W Network. In Spain, the show was broadcast with dual sound-track (Spanish voices-over / English) on Divinity. Farr also served as a judge on W Network's \"\"Search for the Next W Expert 2010\"\". In 2011, she made a number of guest appearances at the Canadian International Interior Design Show, hosted in", "title": "Hilary Farr" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.73, "text": "Visentin is of Italian descent, he currently resides in Barrie, Ontario with his wife and son. David Visentin David Visentin (born June 28, 1965) is a Canadian actor and realtor. He is best known as one of the hosts of \"\"Love It or List It\"\", with co-host Hilary Farr. The show is broadcast on HGTV and W Networks. He is a native citizen of Canada. Visentin started his career in 1987 working as an agent for Country Living Realty in Rosemont, Ontario, while working alongside his father Nick Visentin. David worked on the housing market while discovering new potential homes", "title": "David Visentin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.53, "text": "Editor-in-chief of Belle magazine. Currently Editor-at-large at Vogue Living, Neale's frank honesty, warm humour and British eccentricities have charmed audiences in his role of expert judge on The Block. Love It or List It Australia Love It or List It Australia is an Australian TV series, based on the Canadian program of the same name, which began airing on LifeStyle on 27 September 2017. The series is hosted by Andrew Winter (Selling Houses Australia) and Neale Whitaker (The Block; Editor of Vogue Living). It is produced exclusively for Foxtel by Beyond Productions. In October 2017, the series was renewed for", "title": "Love It or List It Australia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.19, "text": "then traveled to England to study acting, singing and dancing. Talbot has a passion for live theater and has performed all over the world. He returned to Television and Films and was cast in various roles until he signed on to co-host Love it or List it Vancouver in 2013. Since March 2007, he has been married to international singer and model Rebecca Talbot, with whom he has a son and a daughter. Talbot and Jillian Harris were both signed as co-hosts of \"\"Love it or List it Vancouver\"\". The series debuted in January 2013. He also contributes online blogs", "title": "Todd Talbot" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.16, "text": "in 2015, is produced by Raise the Roof Productions. Andrew Jackson was named executive producer of the show. \"\"Love It or List It UK\"\" began airing on Canada's W Network in October 2015. A second series was commissioned to air in 2016. In August 2015 W Network announced the start of production on a new spin-off of the hit franchise \"\"Love It or List It\"\". Produced by Big Coat Productions, in association with W Network, \"\"Love It or List It Vacation Homes\"\" features a series of unique vacation homes and breath-taking vistas in and around Ontario and British Columbia. Hosts", "title": "Love It or List It (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.73, "text": "Todd Talbot Todd Talbot (born June 12, 1973) is a Canadian actor and television personality. He is best known for his work as one of the co-hosts of \"\"Love it or List it Vancouver\"\" (Love it or List it Too in the U.S.) which airs on the W Network in Canada and HGTV in the U.S. Talbot also played the role of Matt Walker in the Canadian teen soap opera \"\"Hillside\"\" which aired on YTV and Nickelodeon. Born in Vancouver, Talbot began his acting career cast alongside fellow Canadian Ryan Reynolds in the Canadian TV series Hillside from 1991-93. He", "title": "Todd Talbot" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.73, "text": "to the W Network. Todd Talbot Todd Talbot (born June 12, 1973) is a Canadian actor and television personality. He is best known for his work as one of the co-hosts of \"\"Love it or List it Vancouver\"\" (Love it or List it Too in the U.S.) which airs on the W Network in Canada and HGTV in the U.S. Talbot also played the role of Matt Walker in the Canadian teen soap opera \"\"Hillside\"\" which aired on YTV and Nickelodeon. Born in Vancouver, Talbot began his acting career cast alongside fellow Canadian Ryan Reynolds in the Canadian TV series", "title": "Todd Talbot" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.58, "text": "renovated them. In the beginning, she was working part time jobs, but after a few years her talent for renovation of homes started to gain recognition. In 2008, Farr was approached by the W Network to co-host the show \"\"Love It or List It\"\", along with David Visentin. The show was broadcast on HGTV and the W Network. The show was originally based in Toronto, but in 2014, \"\"Love It or List It\"\" began its filming in North Carolina. Hilary Farr co-founded Rules of Renovation to give investors unique strategies on how to successfully renovate homes and then sell them.", "title": "Rules-of-Renovation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.55, "text": "home. After they reveal their decision, the homeowners explain their reasoning to Andrew & Neale. Andrew Winter - A residential property expert and Lifestyle’s multiple award-winning television host of Selling Houses Australia. He may be known as a TV property guru but with more than 25-years experience in the global property market he really is an expert in his field. From rural to urban, historic to brand new, slow to buzzing markets Andrew has experienced them all. Neale Whitaker - He has a wealth of design knowledge and expertise that comes courtesy of a successful publishing career as 8-years of", "title": "Love It or List It Australia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.44, "text": "or not their current home is the right home for them. With a list of what they would need to change in their current home, and what they would need in a new home, both hosts - a designer and a realtor - come in to try to help make the decision easier. The designer attempts to win over the homeowners by renovating their current home, and the realtor tries to find them the home of their dreams. Jillian has a design team who works with her on each episode. Francesca Albertazzi heads up the team with Megan Bennett, Sarah", "title": "Love It or List It Vancouver" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.27, "text": "Love It or List It (franchise) Love It or List It is a television franchise of television programs created by Maria Armstrong and Catherine Fogarty. Each series follows a format, with a current homeowning couple or family to deciding between keeping their newly renovated current home (known on the show as \"\"Love It\"\") or buying a new home and selling their current one (known on the show as \"\"List It\"\"). \"\"Love It or List It\"\" is the original show in the franchise. The show is produced by Big Coat Productions and was based in Toronto and other surrounding areas in", "title": "Love It or List It (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.88, "text": "one of her favourite HGTV programs. Actress Julianne Moore also gave similar praise for the show in an interview with Katie Couric and the Daily Mail. According to the \"\"Wall Street Journal\"\", the show and its Vancouver spinoff is one of Canada's beloved reality series. In April 2016, homeowners Deanna Murphy and Tim Sullivan who had participated in a 2015 \"\"Love It or List It\"\" episode filed suit against production company Big Coat TV, as well as the North Carolina contractor (Aaron Fitz Construction) who had been hired by the show to do the renovations on their home. The couple", "title": "Love It or List It" } ]
how many dogs were among the survivors of the titanic?
[ "three" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.56, "text": "valued by Anderson at $50. Only three out of twelve dogs survived the sinking. Animals aboard the RMS Titanic There were many animals aboard the RMS \"\"Titanic\"\" during her disastrous maiden voyage, which ended with the ship sinking on 15 April 1912 after colliding with an iceberg. They included dogs, cats, chickens, other birds and an unknown number of rats. Twelve dogs were on the Titanic but only three survived, and the rest of the animals perished in the disaster. The ship had her own official cat named Jenny, who was kept aboard \"\"Titanic\"\" as a mascot and also worked", "title": "Animals aboard the RMS Titanic" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.56, "text": "Animals aboard the RMS Titanic There were many animals aboard the RMS \"\"Titanic\"\" during her disastrous maiden voyage, which ended with the ship sinking on 15 April 1912 after colliding with an iceberg. They included dogs, cats, chickens, other birds and an unknown number of rats. Twelve dogs were on the Titanic but only three survived, and the rest of the animals perished in the disaster. The ship had her own official cat named Jenny, who was kept aboard \"\"Titanic\"\" as a mascot and also worked to keep down the ship's population of rats and mice. Transferred over from \"\"Titanic\"\"s", "title": "Animals aboard the RMS Titanic" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.17, "text": "worse on shipboard than anywhere. Many of them carry tiny dogs, and lead husbands around like pet lambs\"\". The dog owners had planned to hold a dog show aboard the ship on the morning of 15 April, but the \"\"Titanic\"\" would sink the preceding night. The details of several of the dogs aboard \"\"Titanic\"\" were recorded and included: There were probably more dogs aboard, but their details (and owners) have not survived. Passenger Charles Moore of Washington, D.C. made a last-minute change to his plans to transport aboard \"\"Titanic\"\" 100 English foxhounds, which he intended to use to start an", "title": "Animals aboard the RMS Titanic" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.47, "text": "one of the last to reach \"\"Carpathia\"\", coming alongside at 8:00 a.m. Mrs Elizabeth Rothschild had her Pomeranian with her in the lifeboat. Initially, crew members of the \"\"Carpathia\"\" refused to take the dog aboard, but Mrs. Rothschild wouldn't board the rescue ship without it. The Pomeranian was one of only three dogs to survive the disaster. Sixth Officer James Moody supervised the launching of Boat 16 at about 1:20 a.m. 40 people are believed to have been on board by the time it reached \"\"Carpathia\"\"; most of those aboard were said to be women and children from Second and", "title": "Lifeboats of the RMS Titanic" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.02, "text": "in the water, a single passenger saw the body of what she thought was a woman tightly holding what could have been a large shaggy dog in her arms. Robert W. Daniel's bulldog Gamin de Pycombe was last seen in the water swimming for his life after the ship went down. After the sinking, several of the surviving animal owners made compensation claims for their lost pets and poultry. Daniel claimed $750 for the loss of his pedigree bulldog, while Carter claimed $300 for the loss of his two dogs. White claimed $207.87 for her lost chickens and Chow-Chow was", "title": "Animals aboard the RMS Titanic" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.97, "text": "with the turning of a blind eye, as they were not supposed to do so. The ship's carpenter, John Hutchison, was responsible for the dogs' welfare. The kennel dogs were exercised daily on the poop deck by a steward or one of the bellboys. As for the lapdogs, the American painter Francis Davis Millet wrote disapprovingly in a letter sent from \"\"Titanic\"\"s last stop, Queenstown in Ireland, \"\"Looking over the [passenger] list I only find three or four people I know but there are ... a number of obnoxious, ostentatious American women, the scourge of any place they infest, and", "title": "Animals aboard the RMS Titanic" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.52, "text": "English-style fox hunt in the Washington area. They were instead shipped aboard another vessel. As well as the dogs and cats, there were a number of birds aboard. Ella Holmes White of New York brought four roosters and hens, which were probably kept in or near the F Deck dog kennels. She had imported them from France with the intention of improving her poultry stock at home. Another woman was said to have brought 30 cockerels aboard and Elizabeth Ramel Nye brought her yellow canary. Two dogs and a canary disembarked with the passengers who left the ship at Cherbourg,", "title": "Animals aboard the RMS Titanic" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.52, "text": "and the first breed standard was written shortly afterwards. The first member of the breed was registered in America to the American Kennel Club in 1898, and it was recognized in 1900. In 1912, two Pomeranians were among only three dogs to survive the sinking of RMS \"\"Titanic\"\". A Pomeranian called \"\"Lady\"\", owned by Miss Margaret Hays, escaped with her owner in lifeboat number seven, while Elizabeth Barrett Rothschild took her pet to safety with her in lifeboat number six. Glen Rose Flashaway won the Toy Group at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 1926, the first Pomeranian to", "title": "Pomeranian (dog)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.16, "text": "two. Proportionately, the heaviest losses were suffered by the second-class men, of whom 92 percent died. Of the pets brought aboard, three survived the sinking. Books Journal articles News reports Investigations Sinking of the RMS Titanic \"\"Titanic\"\" received six warnings of sea ice on 14 April but was travelling near her maximum speed when her lookouts sighted the iceberg. Unable to turn quickly enough, the ship suffered a glancing blow that buckled her starboard side and opened five of her sixteen compartments to the sea. \"\"Titanic\"\" had been designed to stay afloat with four of her forward compartments flooded but", "title": "Sinking of the RMS Titanic" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.94, "text": "my little dog hurt me very much. I will never forget how he dragged on my clothes. He so wanted to accompany me\"\". None of the other animals survived. At some point during the sinking, someone decided to free the dogs from their kennels, leading to a pack of excited dogs racing up and down the slanting deck as the ship went down. One female passenger is said to have refused to be parted from her dog and chose to stay aboard. Several days later, as the SS \"\"Bremen\"\" passed through an area still strewn with debris and bodies floating", "title": "Animals aboard the RMS Titanic" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.72, "text": "Rigel (dog) Rigel was a large black Newfoundland dog who was said to have saved some of the survivors of the sinking of the RMS \"\"Titanic\"\". One account of the story was published in the \"\"New York Herald\"\", April 21, 1912, the other was the book \"\"Sinking of the Titanic and Great sea disasters\"\" by Logan Marshall, published 1912. However, although the story has been widely reproduced, there is doubt about whether the dog actually existed. Rigel was said to have been owned by William McMaster Murdoch, the First Officer of the . Murdoch died in the sinking, but Rigel", "title": "Rigel (dog)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.64, "text": "the dogs were taken aboard lifeboats by their owners. Margaret Hays' Pomeranian got away safely in Lifeboat 7 and lived until June 1917 when it ran away or was stolen, while Elizabeth Rothschild refused to board Lifeboat 6 unless her dog was allowed to come too. Henry and Myra Harper brought their Pekingese aboard Lifeboat 3, but Helen Bishop had to abandon Frou-Frou in her cabin, much to their mutual distress. The dog attempted to stop her leaving by holding on to her dress with his teeth until the seam tore. Afterwards, Bishop spoke of her sorrow: \"\"The loss of", "title": "Animals aboard the RMS Titanic" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.3, "text": "sank, the \"\"New York American\"\" broke the news on April 16 with a lead devoted almost entirely to John Jacob Astor; at the end it mentioned that 1800 others were also lost.\"\" Astor's prominence led to the creation of many exaggerated and unsubstantiated accounts about his actions during the sinking of the \"\"Titanic\"\". One story alleges that he opened the ship's kennel and released the dogs, including his own beloved Airedale, Kitty; in another, he placed a woman's hat on a boy to make sure the child was able to get into a lifeboat. Another legend claims that after the", "title": "John Jacob Astor IV" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.28, "text": "wife Lucile and daughter, also by the name of Lucile, into the boat, but his son Billy had to leave his tan-and-black Airedale dog before he was allowed in the boat. Of the seven members of the Ryerson party from First Class, only the five females were initially allowed to board, including Emily, her two daughters Emily and Susan, the maid, and the governess. The son, John, was not allowed, until the father, Arthur, stepped forward, proclaiming, \"\"Of course, that boy goes with his mother. He is only 13.\"\" All survived except Arthur, who dutifully stayed behind. Boat 4 appears", "title": "Lifeboats of the RMS Titanic" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.14, "text": "in the ocean and holding on to the body of a large dog. A memorial to her was erected by her family in Vermont. Ann Elizabeth Isham Ann Elizabeth Isham (January 25, 1862 – April 15, 1912) was a passenger aboard the \"\"RMS Titanic\"\". She was one of five female first-class passengers (four women and one child) to die when the ship sank. An undocumented legend states she probably died because she did not want to leave behind her Great Dane; a woman was reportedly sighted in the water with her arms frozen around a dog. Ann Elizabeth \"\"Lizzie\"\" Isham", "title": "Ann Elizabeth Isham" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.75, "text": "the \"\"Titanic\"\". He admonished her for not having gotten into a lifeboat yet and directed her down a stairwell to the deck below where one was being loaded. There she was helped into Lifeboat No. 11 by a male passenger, after a crewman had seized her toy pig, perhaps thinking it was a live pet, and tossed it in ahead of her. Boat 11 was lowered with an estimated 68 to 70 people aboard, including many children. Boat 11, overloaded by about five passengers, is believed to have carried the largest number of occupants of any launched that night. As", "title": "Edith Rosenbaum" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.73, "text": "The ship was considerably under capacity on her maiden voyage, as she could accommodate 2,453 passengers—833 First Class, 614 Second Class, and 1,006 Third Class. The \"\"Titanics first-class list was a \"\"who's who\"\" of the rich and prominent of the upper class in 1912. A single-person berth in first class cost between £30 (), to £870 () for a parlour suite and small private promenade deck. First class passengers enjoyed a number of amenities, including a gymnasium, a squash court, a salt water swimming pool, electric and Turkish baths, a barbershop, kennels for first class dogs, elevators, and both open", "title": "Passengers of the RMS Titanic" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.44, "text": "HBO detective comedy series \"\"Bored to Death\"\" in October 2010. The only French Bulldog aboard the \"\"Titanic\"\" went down with the ship on 15 April 1912. First class passenger, Robert Williams Daniel, a 27-year-old banker, had purchased the dog, named Gamin de Pycombe, for £150 (the equivalent of $17,000 in today's prices). A surviving passenger was later quoted as having seen a French Bulldog swimming in the ocean after the ship sank. French Bulldog The French Bulldog is a small breed of domestic dog. They were the result in the 1800s of a cross between bulldog ancestors imported from England", "title": "French Bulldog" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.44, "text": "with Able Seaman George Moore put in charge by Murdoch. Again, mostly women and children boarded, with a few men allowed in at the end. They included Henry S. Harper, who was accompanied by his valet-dragoman and Pekingese dog, Sun Yat Sen. As happened many times that night, male passengers helped their wives and children to board and then stood back, accepting that they would go down with the ship. A notable example was the railroad manager Charles Melville Hays who saw his wife, Clara, into lifeboat number 3 and then retreated, making no attempt to board any of the", "title": "Lifeboats of the RMS Titanic" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.27, "text": "Margaret Bechstein Hays Margaret Bechstein Hays (December 6, 1887– August 21, 1956) was a passenger on the RMS \"\"Titanic\"\". She and her dog survived the ship's sinking, escaping on lifeboat no. 7. Following the disaster, she cared for two small children known as the \"\"Titanic Orphans\"\" in her New York City home until their mother claimed them. Margaret Bechstein Hays was born on December 6, 1887 to Frank and Mary A. Hays. She was 24 years old when she boarded the \"\"Titanic\"\" at Cherbourg, France. She was accompanied by two friends, Olive Earnshaw and Lily Potter. Earnshaw and Hays occupied", "title": "Margaret Bechstein Hays" } ]
when is a baseball pitched at its fastest?
[ "four-seam fastball" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.45, "text": "at 105.1 mph (169.1 km/h), according to PITCHf/x, which is the fastest pitch ever recorded in Major League Baseball. On July 19, 2016, Chapman matched his previous record of 105.1 mph when he threw a ball to Baltimore's J. J. Hardy. On April 18, 2011, Chapman threw a pitch to Pittsburgh's Andrew McCutchen that the scoreboard at Great American Ball Park clocked at a speed of 106 mph (170.6 km/h), although the box on Fox Sports Ohio's broadcast listed it at 105 mph (169 km/h) and the PITCHf/x system calculated a release speed of 102.4 mph (164.8 km/h). The disparity", "title": "Aroldis Chapman" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.47, "text": "'throws heat' or 'puts steam on it', among many other variants. The four-seam fastball is the most common variant of the fastball. The pitch is used often by the pitcher to get ahead in the count or when he needs to throw a strike. This type of fastball is intended to have minimal lateral movement, relying more on its velocity. It is often perceived as the fastest pitch a pitcher throws, with recorded top speeds above 100 mph. The fastest pitch recognized by MLB was on September 25, 2010, at Petco Park in San Diego by then Cincinnati Reds left-handed", "title": "Fastball" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.42, "text": "for fastest pitch is Nolan Ryan, with a pitch clocked at in 1974, though the record has not been updated in many years and several pitchers have recorded faster pitches since then. That seems to be because Ryan's speed was recorded 10' from the plate, unlike 10' from release as today, costing him up to 10 MPH. Earl Weaver, who had years of exposure to both pitchers, said, \"\"[Dalkowski] threw a lot faster than Ryan.\"\" The hardest thrower in baseball currently is recognized as Aroldis Chapman, who has been clocked with the fastest pitch on record at . Scientists contend", "title": "Steve Dalkowski" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.12, "text": "having struck out at least one batter in 40 consecutive appearances. Chapman's streak began on August 21, 2013, and lasted 49 consecutive games over two seasons, with the 49th and final game being on August 13, 2014. He shares the record for the fastest recorded pitch speed in MLB history, at , as well as the Guinness World Record for fastest baseball pitch. Chapman was born in Holguín, Cuba, on February 28, 1988. He lived in a three-room house with his parents and two sisters. Chapman's father was a boxing trainer and then later worked for the city. His mother", "title": "Aroldis Chapman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.08, "text": "threw the fastest pitch recognized by MLB on September 24, 2010 at Petco Park in San Diego, California. It was clocked at 105.1 mph to Tony Gwynn Jr. in the eighth inning. In Game 2 of the 2010 NLDS against the Philadelphia Phillies, Chapman allowed 3 runs (all unearned) due to miscues of the outfielders. Chapman would get his first career postseason loss and the Reds would lose the division series to the Phillies in a three-game sweep. Chapman served solely as a relief pitcher in 2011, appearing in 54 regular season games and finishing the season with a 3.60", "title": "Aroldis Chapman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.83, "text": "the MLB record for the fastest pitch of 2018 at 105.1 MPH. He continued to garner attention throughout the season as one of the hardest throwing pitchers in MLB. Hicks finished his 2018 rookie campaign with a 3-4 record, a 3.59 ERA, and a 1.34 WHIP, striking out 70 batters in 77.2 relief innings. Jordan Hicks (baseball) Jordan McKinley Hicks (born September 6, 1996) is an American professional baseball pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals of Major League Baseball (MLB). He was drafted by the Cardinals in the third round of the 2015 MLB draft, and he made his MLB", "title": "Jordan Hicks (baseball)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.77, "text": "closer Marc Kroon set the record for the fastest pitch ever in Japanese baseball, at 161 km/h (100 mph). In 2008, he broke his own record of pitching to 162 km/h (101 mph). In 2005, Chiba Lotte manager Bobby Valentine led the Marines to their first Pacific League pennant in 31 years after emerging victorious in a close playoff with the Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks. The Marines won the Japan Series in a four-game sweep of the Hanshin Tigers. Following their Japan Series championship, the Marines won the inaugural Asia Series by defeating the Samsung Lions of the Korea Baseball Organization", "title": "American expatriate baseball players in Japan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.64, "text": "at a significantly lower velocity. To illustrate pitching strategy, consider the \"\"fastball/change-up\"\" combination: The average major-league pitcher can throw a fastball around 90 miles per hour (145 km/h), and a few pitchers have even exceeded . The change-up is thrown somewhere between . Since the batter's timing is critical to hitting a pitch, a batter swinging to hit what looks like a fastball, would be terribly fooled (swing and miss, hopefully) when the pitch turns out to be a much slower change-up. Some pitchers choose to throw using the 'submarine style,' a very efficient sidearm or near-underhand motion. Pitchers with", "title": "Baseball rules" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.55, "text": "Steve Dalkowski Stephen Louis Dalkowski Jr. (born June 3, 1939), nicknamed Dalko, is an American retired left-handed pitcher. He is sometimes called the fastest pitcher in baseball history and had a fastball that probably exceeded . Some experts believed it went as fast as , others that his pitches traveled at or less. As no radar gun or other device was available at games to measure the speed of his pitches precisely, the actual top speed of his pitches remains unknown. Regardless of its actual speed, his fastball earned him the nickname \"\"White Lightning\"\". Such was his reputation that despite", "title": "Steve Dalkowski" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.3, "text": "Fastball The fastball is the most common type of pitch thrown by pitchers in baseball and softball. \"\"Power pitchers,\"\" such as former American major leaguers Nolan Ryan and Roger Clemens, rely on speed to prevent the ball from being hit, and have thrown fastballs at speeds of (officially) and up to (unofficially). Pitchers who throw more slowly can put movement on the ball, or throw it on the outside of home plate where batters can't easily reach it. The appearance of a faster pitch can sometimes be achieved by minimizing the batter's vision of the ball before its release. The", "title": "Fastball" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.3, "text": "hand, which makes it release from the hand slower but still retaining the look of a fastball. A changeup is generally thrown 8–15 miles per hour slower than a fastball. If thrown correctly, the changeup will confuse the batter because the human eye cannot discern that the ball is coming significantly slower until it is around 30 feet from the plate. For example, a batter swings at the ball as if it was a 90 mph fastball but it is coming at 75 mph which means he is swinging too early to hit the ball well, making the changeup very", "title": "Pitch (baseball)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.25, "text": "Four-seam fastball A four-seam fastball, also called a rising fastball, a four-seamer, or a cross-seam fastball, is a pitch in baseball. It is a member of the fastball family of pitches and is usually the hardest (i.e., fastest) ball thrown by a pitcher. The name of the pitch derives from the fact that with every rotation of the ball as it is thrown, four seams come into view. A few pitchers at the major league level can sometimes reach a pitch speed of up to 100 mph. It is often compared with the two-seam fastball. The four-seam fastball is designed", "title": "Four-seam fastball" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.23, "text": "Judge. Aaron Hicks registered the fastest throw recorded by Statcast, at . Aroldis Chapman set the record for fastest pitch recorded by Statcast at , tying his own record from 2010 for the fastest recorded pitch in MLB history. Through August 2015, Chapman had registered the 101 fastest pitches thrown in MLB, leading Statcast to introduce a filter to remove Chapman from custom leaderboards. In 2016, Mauricio Cabrera, a rookie, reached , the fastest pitch thrown by someone other than Chapman. Statcast Statcast is a high-speed, high-accuracy, automated tool developed to analyze player movements and athletic abilities in Major League", "title": "Statcast" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.19, "text": "the Chicago White Sox at Anaheim Stadium, Ryan became the first Major League pitcher to have his pitch speed measured during a game. A primitive radar gun clocked a ninth inning fastball at when it was in front of home plate. This exceeded an earlier pitch by Bob Feller which was measured at at home plate and previously thought to be the fastest pitch ever recorded. Ryan added a third no-hitter in 1974 and a fourth in 1975, tying another of Koufax's records. In 1974 he twice struck out 19 batters, tying Tom Seaver and Steve Carlton for the single-game", "title": "Nolan Ryan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.11, "text": "inning. With one out in the top of the ninth inning, Carlos Ruiz hit a double off Aroldis Chapman on a pitch that was clocked by PITCH f/x at 103.5 mph, making it the fastest pitched ball ever to result in a hit. For the series, Cincinnati was shut out two times and scored just four runs, making them among the very few teams to lose in a shutout twice (the 1966 Los Angeles Dodgers lost in three shutouts to the Baltimore Orioles in the World Series in a sweep). This was the Great American Ball Park's first playoff game.", "title": "2010 National League Division Series" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22, "text": "and is harder to steer. Nolan Ryan and Roger Clemens are two pitchers in the game with the fastest pitches. Fernando Valenzuela, without a hard fastball, has tremendous movement in both directions with his pitches. Mike Scott has a sharp and deceptive breaking ball. The best pitcher is debatable, depending on how they are used by the players. There is no evidence that fielding abilities correspond to individual players. The abilities of each player do not necessarily correspond with the statistics shown on the screen when the player comes to bat or takes the mound. These statistics are generally accurate,", "title": "R.B.I. Baseball" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.89, "text": "pitchers typically throw more pitches than relievers. The fastball is the most common pitch in baseball, and most pitchers have some form of a fastball in their arsenal. Most pitchers throw four-seam fastballs. It is basically a pitch thrown very fast, generally as hard as a given pitcher can throw while maintaining control. Some variations involve movement or breaking action, some do not and are simply straight, high-speed pitches. While throwing the fastball it is very important to have proper mechanics, because this increases the chance of getting the ball to its highest velocity, making it difficult for the opposing", "title": "Pitch (baseball)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.83, "text": "Off-speed pitch In baseball, an off-speed pitch is a pitch thrown at a slower speed than a fastball. Breaking balls and changeups are the two most common types of off-speed pitches. Very slow pitches which require the batter to provide most of the power on contact through bat speed, are known as \"\"junk\"\" and include the knuckleball and the Eephus pitch, a sort of extreme changeup. The specific goals of off-speed pitches may vary, but in general they are used to disrupt the batter's timing, thereby lessening his chances of hitting the ball solidly or at all. Virtually all professional", "title": "Off-speed pitch" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.77, "text": "most this year. Another highlight occurred in the ninth inning of that May 20 game, when reliever Jordan Hicks, 21, fired off the five fastest pitches of any pitcher in 2018. His sinker was recorded as high as 105 mph, passing Aroldis Chapman of the New York Yankees. In the previous May 19 game, he hit 103 on the radar gun for his fastest recorded pitch. Hicks owns eight of the 10 fastest pitches, and 13 of the top 20 this year. He and Chapman are the only two pitchers to hit 105 mph since Statcast began tracking pitches in", "title": "2018 St. Louis Cardinals season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.73, "text": "Kazuo Yamaguchi); Igarashi would hit that figure several more times in his career. The record didn't even last a year as Marc Kroon broke it in May 2005. He still holds the record for the fastest pitch in an All-Star game, at 157 km/h. Igarashi was injured early in 2005 and lost his closer job to Ishii. Returning to a setup role, he was 3-2 with 4 saves and a 3.49 ERA. He struck out 60 in 56 2/3 IP but walked 27 and allowed a .248 average. He made his fifth All-Star team. On April 6, he teamed with", "title": "Ryota Igarashi" } ]
real madrid or barcelona who has more trophies?
[ "Barcelona" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.31, "text": "Spanish football clubs in international competitions Football clubs from La Liga (Spain) have been the most successful in Europe. Real Madrid have been crowned champions of Europe on 13 separate occasions. La Liga clubs have won 60 major European trophies between them, more than any other league. Real Madrid have won 22 titles in total while Barcelona have won 14, and Atlético Madrid have contributed another 8 , while Sevilla have won 6. Deportivo La Coruña have been regulars in the UEFA Champions League while Athletic Bilbao, RCD Espanyol, Alavés and RCD Mallorca have all contested major finals. Even smaller", "title": "Spanish football clubs in international competitions" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.42, "text": "win, Barcelona becomes the club with the most international trophies in Europe with 19 international titles. On 12 August, UEFA announced Messi, Suárez and Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo as the finalists for the 2014–15 UEFA Best Player in Europe Award. On 14 August, Barcelona were soundly defeated by Athletic Bilbao 4–0 in the first leg of the 2015 Supercopa de España at the San Mamés Stadium. On 17 August, Barcelona failed to win their second trophy of the season after a 1–1 draw in the second leg of 2015 Supercopa de España. The lone goal from Messi was not enough", "title": "2015–16 FC Barcelona season" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.39, "text": "in terms of trophies won in the history of Real Madrid. Real Madrid won the 2017 UEFA Super Cup 2–1 against Manchester United. Five days later, Real Madrid beat Barcelona at the Camp Nou in the first leg of the 2017 Supercopa de España, before winning the second leg 2–0, ending a 24 consecutive scoring record of Barcelona in \"\"El Clásico\"\" matches, and with a 5–1 aggregate score. Real Madrid also won their third successive UEFA Champions League in 2018, becoming the first club to win three straight UEFA Champions League titles since the tournament's inception, as well as the", "title": "Real Madrid C.F." }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.3, "text": "his name and number facing them. The rivalry reflected in El Clásico matches comes about as Real Madrid and Barcelona are the most successful football clubs in Spain. As seen below, Barcelona leads Real Madrid 93–89 in terms of official overall trophies. While the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup is recognised as the predecessor to the UEFA Cup, it was not organised by UEFA. Consequently, UEFA does not consider clubs' records in the Fairs Cup to be part of their European record. However, FIFA does view the competition as a major honour. El Clásico El Clásico (; , ; ) is the", "title": "El Clásico" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.06, "text": "who operate a policy of only using local players, have long since ceased to be a competitive rival to clubs such as Real Madrid who scour the globe for the best talent; the \"\"Lions\"\" have collected no major trophies since 1984 and won only two of the 26 matches between the teams from 2005–06 to 2016–17. However, the matches remain keenly fought due to their historical and cultural significance, with some parallels to the political aspect of the Barcelona/Catalonia rivalry as Athletic are the largest club in the Basque region. Real Madrid and Germany's Bayern Munich are two of the", "title": "Real Madrid C.F." }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.95, "text": "leading winners are also disputed. Barcelona have won the Copa 30 times; Athletic Bilbao are just behind, with either 24 or 23 titles, depending on the source. Throughout the history of the competition, there have been 12 actual trophies. Trophies have been permanently awarded to clubs for winning the competition either three times in a row or on five separate occasions and for other special reasons. Thus, five trophies have been permanently awarded to Barcelona, three to Bilbao and one to Real Madrid. Athletic Bilbao kept the first trophy as inaugural winners, Sevilla FC were awarded the \"\"Trofeo del Generalísimo\"\"", "title": "Copa del Rey" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.66, "text": "3–1 held at Wembley Stadium, a repeat of the 2009 final, winning their fourth European Cup. In August 2011, La Masia graduate Cesc Fàbregas was bought from Arsenal and he would help Barcelona defend the Spanish Supercup against Real Madrid. The Supercup victory brought the total number of official trophies to 73, matching the number of titles won by Real Madrid. Later the same month, Barcelona won the UEFA Super Cup defeating Porto 2–0 with goals from Messi and Fàbregas. This extended the club's overall number of official trophies to 74, surpassing Real Madrid's total amount of official trophies. The", "title": "FC Barcelona" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.64, "text": "and Valencia are in the top ten most successful clubs in European football in terms of total European trophies. These three clubs, along with Sevilla and Atlético Madrid, are five of the most successful teams in European competition history; these five are the only Spanish clubs to have won five or more international trophies. Deportivo La Coruña are the joint fifth-most participating Spanish team in the Champions League with Sevilla — after Real Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Atletico Madrid — with five Champions League appearances in a row, including a semifinal appearance in 2003–04. In 2005–06, Barcelona won the Champions", "title": "La Liga" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.64, "text": "UEFA Champions League, during the early years of the competition, they have since won the trophy five times, with their first win in 1992. Barcelona have moved to the second place of the ranking of Europe’s most successful clubs in terms of international trophies won, just behind Real Madrid. In the second part of 2015, with the UEFA Super Cup victory in Tbilisi against Sevilla and the FIFA Club World Cup victory in Yokohama against River Plate meant the Catalans have won 20 different titles, behind Real Madrid's 25. In the tables, \"\"(H)\"\" denotes home ground, \"\"(A)\"\" denotes away ground", "title": "FC Barcelona in international football competitions" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.62, "text": "with Barcelona and \"\"El Derbi\"\" with Atlético Madrid. Real Madrid established itself as a major force in both Spanish and European football during the 1950s, winning five consecutive European Cups and reaching the final seven times. This success was replicated in the league, where the club won five times in the space of seven years. This team, which consisted of players such as Alfredo Di Stéfano, Ferenc Puskás, Francisco Gento and Raymond Kopa, is considered by some in the sport to be the greatest team of all time. In domestic football, the club has won 64 trophies; a record 33", "title": "Real Madrid C.F." }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.55, "text": "defeating city rivals Atlético Madrid for the second time in three years. Real Madrid finished as runners-up in La Liga, only one point behind Barcelona. The 2016–17 season was the greatest campaign in terms of trophies won in the history of Real Madrid, as the club attained four titles, a feat previously never achieved by Real. Real Madrid won the 2017 UEFA Super Cup 2–1 against Manchester United on 8 August. Five days later, Real Madrid beat Barcelona at the Camp Nou 1–3 in the first leg of the 2017 Supercopa de España. Three days later, Real won the second", "title": "History of Real Madrid C.F." }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.53, "text": "win over Real Madrid for the Supercopa de España. Barcelona won their second trophy of the season on 26 August, beating Porto in the UEFA Super Cup final 2–0. With the trophy won against Porto, he became all-time record holder of most titles won as a coach at Barcelona. He won 12 trophies in only three years. November of the same year saw Guardiola coach his 200th match for Barça's first team. His record stood at 144 wins, 39 draws and 17 losses with 500 goals for and 143 against. Barcelona ended the 2011 calendar year winning the Club World", "title": "Pep Guardiola" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.22, "text": "draw at home to Arsenal on 16 May, while Barcelona were confirmed as La Liga champions for the first time in three years when Real Madrid lost to Villarreal on the same day. Both Manchester United and Barcelona were also looking for another Champions League title to cap a season in which they had won multiple trophies: Manchester United had already won four out of a possible seven trophies in 2008–09 and were playing for the possibility of becoming the third team to retain the European Double (the domestic league and the European Cup), while Barcelona were aiming to become", "title": "2009 UEFA Champions League Final" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.11, "text": "Real Madrid had the most success in the European Cup, winning the trophy for a record thirteen times. Real was the winner of the inaugural edition of the European Cup and the only club to win the trophy five times in a row (the first five editions). The club has also won the UEFA Cup twice, in 1985 and 1986, the Super Cup four times, in 2002, 2014, 2016 and 2017, the Intercontinental Cup three times, in 1960, 1998 and 2002, and the FIFA Club World Cup three times, in 2014, 2016 and 2017. Real Madrid, with 25 trophies, is", "title": "Real Madrid C.F. in international football competitions" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.97, "text": "La Liga titles, 19 Copa del Rey, 10 Supercopa de España, a Copa Eva Duarte, and a Copa de la Liga. In European and worldwide competitions, the club has won a record 25 trophies; a record 13 European Cup/UEFA Champions League titles, two UEFA Cups and four UEFA Super Cups. In international football, they have achieved a record six club world championships. Real Madrid was recognised as the FIFA Club of the 20th Century on 11 December 2000, and received the FIFA Centennial Order of Merit on 20 May 2004. The club was also awarded Best European Club of the", "title": "Real Madrid C.F." }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.95, "text": "Six clubs have earned this honour: Real Madrid, Ajax, Bayern Munich, Milan, Liverpool and Barcelona. Since then instead the club which wins three years in a row or five overall receives a conmemorative badge to wear permanently on their uniform. The current trophy is tall and made of silver, weighing . It was designed by Jörg Stadelmann, a jeweller from Bern, Switzerland, after the original was given to Real Madrid in 1966 in recognition of their six titles to date, and cost 10,000 Swiss francs. As of the 2012–13 season, 40 gold medals are presented to the Champions League winners,", "title": "UEFA Champions League" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.84, "text": "Athletic Bilbao and Real Madrid. In 2009, Barcelona became the first Spanish club to win the continental treble consisting of La Liga, Copa del Rey, and the UEFA Champions League, and also became the first Spanish football club to win six out of six competitions in a single year, by also winning the Spanish Super Cup, UEFA Super Cup and FIFA Club World Cup. In 2011, the club became European champions again and won five trophies. This Barcelona team, which won 14 trophies in just 4 years under Pep Guardiola, is considered by some in the sport to be the", "title": "FC Barcelona" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.75, "text": "the 2014 FIFA Club World Cup final 2–0 against San Lorenzo and ended the calendar year with four trophies. Their winning streak ended in their first match of 2015 against Valencia in the La Liga. The team finished as runner-up in La Liga, two points behind champions Barcelona. \"\"La Décima\"\" winning coach Carlo Ancelotti was sacked on 25 May 2015 after failing to guide the club to a major trophy in 2014–15. He was replaced by Rafael Benítez on 3 June 2015. Casemiro and Danilo were bought from Porto for a fee of €7.5 million and €31.5 million respectively. Marco", "title": "History of Real Madrid C.F." }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.59, "text": "Barcelona 1–0 in the Copa del Rey final held at the Mestalla Stadium in Valencia, ending Real Madrid's 18-year-long Copa del Rey drought. It was also Real's first trophy since their 2007–08 La Liga title. One week later, the two teams met again in the first leg of the semi-finals of the Champions League, Real Madrid's furthest advance in the tournament since the 2003 semi-finals, as the club was knocked out in the 2004 quarter-finals, and then from 2005 to 2010 the club had suffered six consecutive exits at the round of 16. At the Bernabéu, Real's Pepe was dismissed", "title": "José Mourinho" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.59, "text": "position. With the help of players like Louis Bullock, Felipe Reyes, and Álex Mumbrú, Madrid added a new trophy to its roll of honours, the ULEB Cup, as it won 12 of its last 13 games, and downed Lietuvos Rytas, by a score of 75–87, in the 2007 ULEB Cup Final. Moreover, Madrid finished in 2nd place in the 2006–07 Spanish League regular season, and stayed strong in its play in Palacio Vistalegre, during the Spanish league playoffs; to lift its 30th national league trophy, by besting their arch-rivals, Winterthur FC Barcelona, 3–1 in the Spanish League title series in", "title": "Real Madrid Baloncesto" } ]
what is the lowest recorded temperature in texas?
[ "−23 °F" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.8, "text": "in Seymour, during the 1936 North American Heatwave, and again on June 28, 1994 in Monahans. The lowest temperature ever measured in Texas was , recorded on February 8, 1933 in Seminole. The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle is a huge impact on the weather in Texas. During the El Niño phase, the jet stream is located west-to-east across the southern portion of the United States. Therefore, winters in Texas are colder and receive more snowfall than normal. Texas is also less likely to get impacted by hurricanes due to the increased wind shear across the Atlantic. Spring to early", "title": "Climate of Texas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.23, "text": "snow and a meteorological study conducted 1960-1990 found the lowest one-day temperature ever recorded was 5 degrees Fahrenheit on January 21, 1986, highly unlikely to support much snow. The shaded veranda that was created by these roofs was a popular living space for the Polish Texans, who spent much of their time there to escape the sub-tropical temperatures of Texas. The Poles in Texas added porches to these verandas, often in the southward windy side, which is an alteration to traditional folk architecture. According to oral histories recorded from descendants, the verandas were used for \"\"almost all daily activities from", "title": "Polish Americans" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.17, "text": "lowest temperature ever recorded in Weslaco is 13 °F (−11 °C), on January 12, 1962. According to the census of 2000, there were 26,935 people, 8,295 households, and 6,602 families residing in the city. The population density was 2,123.1 people per square mile (819.5/km²). There were 10,230 housing units at an average density of 806.4 per square mile (311.3/km²). The racial makeup of the city was 14.92% White, 0.27% African American, 0.49% Native American, 1.14% Asian, 0.06% Pacific Islander, 20.93% from other races, and 2.19% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 83.76% of the", "title": "Weslaco, Texas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.45, "text": "were below the poverty line, including 24.1% of those under age 18 and 13.4% of those age 65 or over. The City of Seminole is served by the Seminole Independent School District. The Gaines County Library celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2008. The lowest temperature measured in Texas was -23 °F, recorded on February 8, 1933, at Seminole. Seminole, Texas Seminole is a city in and the county seat of Gaines County in Texas, United States. The population was 6,430 at the 2010 census. It is the birthplace of country music singers Larry Gatlin and Tanya Tucker. Paul Patterson, the", "title": "Seminole, Texas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.19, "text": ", once in 1998 and once in 1999. The lowest temperature ever recorded in McAllen was , on January 12, 1962. As of the census of 2010, there were 129,877 people, 41,573 households, and 31,823 families residing in the city. There were 45,862 housing units, of which 4,289, or 9.4%, were vacant. The racial makeup of the city was 83.9% White, 0.9% African American, 0.4% Native American, 2.6% Asian, 0.02% Pacific Islander, 10.4% some other race, and 1.8% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 84.6% of the population. There were 41,573 households, out of", "title": "McAllen, Texas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.16, "text": "20&°C) at nights. The highest recorded temperature was 112 °F (44 °C) in 1994. Winter days in Littlefield are typically sunny and relatively mild in the mid 50s °F (13 °C), but nights are cold with temperatures dipping to the mid 20s °F (-4 °C). The lowest recorded temperature was -6 °F (-21 °C) in 1979. The economy of Littlefield is diverse, but traditionally depends on cotton. American Cotton Growers Denim Textile Plant of Littlefield is the largest employer in Littlefield and Lamb County. Plains Cotton Cooperative Association of Lubbock, a farmer-owned, cotton-marketing cooperative purchased the denim plant from ACG", "title": "Littlefield, Texas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24, "text": "the ensuing cold episode, municipal utilities went into a crisis. The high temperature on February 2, 2011 was , the lowest daily maximum on record. In addition, the low temperature on February 3 was , breaking the monthly record low set during the cold wave of 1899. Loss of desert vegetation, such as Mexican/California palm trees, oleanders, and iceplants to the cold weather was one of the results. Two local power plants failed, forcing El Paso Electric to institute rolling blackouts over several days, and electric wires were broken, causing localised blackouts. Many water utility pipes froze, causing areas of", "title": "El Paso, Texas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.94, "text": "temperature ever recorded in Pharr is , once in 1998 and once in 1999. The lowest temperature ever recorded in Pharr is , on January 12, 1962, which is far lower than would be expected at the same latitude in Florida or on the west coast of North America, due to Pharr's location closer to the middle of the continent. As of the census of 2000, there are 46,660 people, 12,798 households, and 10,878 families residing in the city. The population density is 2,240.2 people per square mile (864.9/km²). There are 16,537 housing units at an average density of 794.0", "title": "Pharr, Texas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.66, "text": "few mornings. Lubbock is the 10th-windiest city in the US with an average wind speed of . The highest recorded temperature was on June 27, 1994. Winter afternoons in Lubbock are typically sunny and mild, but mornings are cold, with temperatures usually dipping below freezing, and as the city is located in USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 7, lows reaching occur on 2.5 mornings and 5.7 afternoons occur where the temperature fail to rise above freezing. The lowest recorded temperature was on February 8, 1933. Lubbock can experience severe thunderstorms during the spring, and occasionally the summer. The risk of tornadoes", "title": "Lubbock, Texas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.2, "text": "the year is July, when the average high temperature is , and overnight low temperatures average , giving an average temperature of . The coldest month of the year is January, when the average high temperature is and low temperatures average . The average temperature in January is 43 °F (6 °C). The highest temperature ever recorded in Fort Worth is , on June 26, 1980, during the Great 1980 Heat Wave, and June 27, 1980. The coldest temperature ever recorded in Fort Worth was on February 12, 1899. Because of its position in North Texas, Fort Worth is very", "title": "Fort Worth, Texas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.08, "text": "Census Bureau, the city has a total area of , of which is land and , or 0.33%, is water. On average, the warmest month is July. The highest recorded temperature was 112 °F in 1980. The average coolest month is January. The lowest recorded temperature was 1 °F in 1989. May is the average wettest month. Mesquite is part of the humid subtropical region. The City Council consists of a Mayor and six Councilmembers. Stan Pickett, Mayor Robert Miklos, Place 1 Jeff Casper, Deputy Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2 Bruce Archer, Mayor Pro Tem, Place 3 Dan Aleman, Place", "title": "Mesquite, Texas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.06, "text": "participating in drug task forces. Tulia is located at (34.5358942, -101.7585159). It is located 46 miles (74 km) south of Amarillo in the Texas Panhandle. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 3.5 square miles (9.1 km), all of it land. According to the Köppen Climate Classification system, Tulia has a semi-arid climate, abbreviated \"\"BSk\"\" on climate maps. Record Low Tulia holds the record for the lowest temperature in Texas, -23 degrees, set in 1899 during the Great Blizzard of 1899. The temperature was matched by Seminole, Texas in 1933 As of the", "title": "Tulia, Texas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.75, "text": "On average, the coolest month is January, while the lowest recorded temperature was in 1962. Most precipitation occurs in the spring though fall with a drier winter. The highest monthly average precipitation occurs in September, with a secondary peak in May and June. Late July and August demonstrate a significant, secondary dry season, with very high temperatures, high sun exposure and resultantly, high evaporation rates. Eagle Pass is located at (28.710622, -100.489331). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 7.4 mi (19.2 km), of which 7.4 mi (19.2 km) is land and 0.04", "title": "Eagle Pass, Texas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.73, "text": "temperature being in 2000. On average, the coolest month is January, with the lowest recorded temperature was in 1989. The maximum average precipitation occurs in May. As of the 2010 census, 226,876 people, 75,696 households, and 56,272 families resided in the city. The population density was 3,973.3 people per square mile (1,534.1/km²). The 80,834 housing units averaged 1,415.7 per square mile (546.5/km²). The racial makeup of the city was 57.5% White, 14.5% African American, 0.8% Native American, 9.4% Asian, 0.04% Pacific Islander, 14.4% some other race, and 3.3% from two or more races. Hispanics or Latinos of any race were", "title": "Garland, Texas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.72, "text": "low temperature was recorded in December 1989, when the temperature dropped to 9 °F. Snow is very infrequent, usually occurring on average once every 11 years. On December 24–25, 2004, Victoria recorded its first White Christmas ever when 12.5 inches of snow fell. Average monthly precipitation is lowest in winter and has a secondary minimum in August, with intense heat and humidity prevailing. On average, the wettest months are May, June, September and October (the last two of these due to significant threat from tropical weather systems, including hurricanes, which can produce torrential rainfalls some years). Victoria has occasional severe", "title": "Victoria, Texas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.72, "text": "in the region, however, receive more than that, while other areas receive negligible snowfall or none at all. The all-time record low temperature within the city is , set on January 18, 1930. Spring and autumn are transitional seasons with moderate and pleasant weather. Vibrant wildflowers (such as the bluebonnet, Indian paintbrush and other flora) bloom in spring and are planted around the highways throughout Texas. Springtime weather can be quite volatile, but temperatures themselves are mild. The weather in Dallas is also generally pleasant from late September to early December and on many winter days. Autumn often brings more", "title": "Dallas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.7, "text": "also the lowest recorded temperature for that month, . Occurrences of freezing rain, also known as ice storms, are more common than snow in Houston. Some of the most recent ice storms occurred in 1997, 2007, February 4, 2011, and January 16, 2018. An overnight event occurred from January 23, 2014 to January 24, another significant icing occurred a few days later on January 28, and a third event took place on March 4. These storms can be very disruptive since road crews are not equipped to handle such rare events over the city's expansive size. When ice occurs, roads", "title": "Climate of Houston" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.69, "text": "months forming off the coast of Africa. Droughts- Although South Texas summers generally see rainfall in summer months, some years the lack of rain is persistent and leads to water shortages; lake levels drop significantly and lead to municipal water restrictions. In the summer of 2011, numerous records were set. On August 28, 2011, most of South Texas had temperatures reaching 110 °F, breaking many cities' record highs. Furthermore, 95% of the state faced an extreme or exceptional drought, according to the office of the Texas state climatologist. These drought conditions led to a string of dangerous wildfires across the", "title": "South Texas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.67, "text": "five highways: U.S. highways 82, 277, 183, and 283, and State Highway 114. On August 12, 1936, the temperature at Seymour reached , the highest temperature ever recorded in the state of Texas. The Seymour Division of La Escalera Ranch is located north of Seymour in Baylor County and consists of 34,000 contiguous acres (120 km²) in Baylor and Archer Counties. Previously known as Circle Bar Ranch, La Escalera Limited Partnership purchased the ranch from the Claude Cowan, Sr. Trust in January 2005. La Escalera partner Jo Lyda Granberg and husband K. G. Granberg manage the cow-calf operation. The ranch", "title": "Seymour, Texas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.62, "text": "September 2017, a mass shooting occurred where 9 people were killed. According to the United States Census Bureau, Plano has a total area of 71.6 square miles (185.5 km). Plano is about from Downtown Dallas. Plano is in the humid subtropical climate zone. The highest recorded temperature was 118 °F (48 °C) in 1936. On average, the coolest month is January and the warmest is July. The lowest recorded temperature was -7 °F (-22 °C) in 1930. The maximum average precipitation occurs in May. As of the census of 2010, Plano had 259,841 people, 99,131 households and 69,464 families, up", "title": "Plano, Texas" } ]
whats the average height for a nba player?
[ "6 ft 7 in", "2.01 m" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.02, "text": "survey given to all NBA teams, the average height of all NBA players is just under , with the average weight being close to . The tallest players ever in the NBA were Manute Bol and Gheorghe Mureșan, who were both tall. The tallest current NBA player is Sim Bhullar, who stands at . At , Margo Dydek was the tallest player in the history of the WNBA. The shortest player ever to play in the NBA is Muggsy Bogues at . Other short players have thrived at the pro level. Anthony \"\"Spud\"\" Webb was just tall, but had a", "title": "Basketball" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.02, "text": "in the NBA (and some players 6’7” or taller have not excelled at all). The list includes Muggsy Bogues, Earl Boykins, Spud Webb, Nate Robinson and Isaiah Thomas. Spud Webb and Nate Robinson have also been crowned as NBA slam dunk contest champions, with Robinson being the only 3-time winner. In addition, a lower center of gravity allows greater ability to box out opponents for rebounds. Charles Barkley was considered to be undersized for his position at but was nevertheless a powerful rebounder. As for guards, usually being the shortest position in basketball, they have better control over their dribbling,", "title": "Height in sports" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.23, "text": "become very accurate from . Earlier, these skills were more typically exhibited in the European style of play. Some power forwards, known as stretch fours, have since extended their shooting range to three-point field goals. In the NBA, power forwards usually range from 6' 8\"\" (2.03 m) to 7' 0\"\" (2.13 m) while in the WNBA, power forwards are usually between 6' 1\"\" (1.85 m) and 6' 4\"\" (1.93 m). Despite the averages, a variety of players fit \"\"tweener\"\" roles which finds them in the small forward or center position depending on matchups and coaching decisions. Some power forwards often", "title": "Power forward (basketball)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.09, "text": "Award. Behind him is Magic Johnson, who at 6’ 9” (2.06 m) won the National Basketball Association Most Valuable Player Award three times in his career. Other point guards who have been named NBA MVP include Russell Westbrook, Bob Cousy, Oscar Robertson, Allen Iverson, Derrick Rose and two-time winners Steve Nash and Stephen Curry. In the NBA, point guards are usually about 6' 4\"\" (1.93 m) or shorter, and average about 6' 2\"\" (1.88 m) whereas in the WNBA, point guards are usually 5' 9\"\" (1.75 m) or shorter. Having above-average size (height, muscle) is considered advantageous, although size is", "title": "Point guard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23, "text": "who traditionally play the position such as Magic Johnson, John Stockton, Isiah Thomas, Steve Nash, Jason Kidd, Chris Paul, Rajon Rondo, John Wall, Deron Williams and Ricky Rubio. Some players, for example Tyreke Evans, Greivis Vasquez, James Harden, and Rodney Stuckey, have the requisite size for a shooting guard (around 6'5\"\" or 6'6\"\"), but because of their above-average passing and playmaking ability, they are used as combo guards. Some NBA players, most notably players like Boris Diaw, Larry Bird, Scottie Pippen, Grant Hill, Lamar Odom, Magic Johnson, Draymond Green, Pau Gasol, James Johnson, Blake Griffin, LeBron James, Nicolas Batum, Gordon", "title": "Tweener (basketball)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.83, "text": "Center (basketball) The center (C), also known as the five, or the big man, is one of the five positions in a regular basketball game. The center is normally the tallest player on the team, and often has a great deal of strength and body mass as well. In the NBA, the center is usually 6' 10\"\" (2.08 m) or taller and usually weighs 240 lbs (109 kg) or more. They traditonally have played close to the basket in the low post. A center with the ability to shoot outside from three-point range is known as stretch five. The center", "title": "Center (basketball)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.7, "text": "are often thought to have an advantage in basketball because their shots have less distance to travel to the basket, they start out closer to the rebound, and their ability to reach higher into the air yields a better chance of blocking shorter players' shots. Empirically, the over-representation of extremely tall athletes in basketball lends credence to the theory that the sport provides tall players with a very significant advantage. The average American male is . Yet, the average player in the National Basketball Association (NBA) is listed at . Despite this, some shorter players have played, and even excelled,", "title": "Height in sports" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.66, "text": "an NBA contract or be eligible for the draft. The tallest player ever to be assigned was Hasheem Thabeet at 7'3\"\", the second player selected in the 2009 NBA draft. The tallest player to ever play in the G League was England's Paul Sturgess at 7'8\"\", who played with the Texas Legends during the 2013–14 season. The NBA G League Draft occurs each season and is the major source from which teams build their rosters. Team rosters are made up of returning players (players who were on the team during the previous season), players waived by an NBA team who", "title": "NBA G League" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.53, "text": "players returning from the 2012 Olympic team, three from the 2010 FIBA Championship Team, and seven other professional NBA players.The 2014 roster featured four players 6 feet 10 inches (2.08 m) or larger, the most of any USA team since Mike Krzyzewski began coaching the team in 2006.The team was also the youngest American team since 1992, when professionals were first allowed on the team; the average player was 24.08 years old, roughly a half-year younger than their 2010 team. The team, dubbed Dream Team VII, advanced to the knockout phase after starting the tournament 5–0 during the group stage.", "title": "United States men's national basketball team" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.47, "text": "played under normal NBA rules, but there are notable differences from an average game. Since the starting All-Stars are selected by fan vote, players sometimes start the game at atypical positions. For instance, in 2007 Kobe Bryant and Tracy McGrady had the two highest fan vote totals among Western Conference guards. As both players normally play shooting guard, Bryant, who is 6'6\"\" (198 cm), started the game as a point guard, despite him also manning the shooting guard position on his team. The player introductions are usually accompanied by a significant amount of fanfare, including lighting effects, dance music, and", "title": "NBA All-Star Game" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.33, "text": "Chuck Nevitt Charles Goodrich \"\"Chuck\"\" Nevitt (born June 13, 1959) is a retired American professional basketball player, known primarily for his great height. At 7 ft 5 in (2.26 m), he played the center position throughout his nine-year career (1983, 1985–1990, 1992, 1993) in the NBA, and remains one of the tallest players ever in NBA history. During his career, Nevitt played with the Houston Rockets, Los Angeles Lakers, Detroit Pistons, Chicago Bulls, Fulgor Libertas Forlì (Italy), and San Antonio Spurs. He usually sported jersey #52. Nevitt attended Sprayberry High School in Marietta, Georgia, and played college basketball at North", "title": "Chuck Nevitt" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.25, "text": "route to the gold medal, breaking their drought of gold medals dating back to the 2000 Olympics. Howard averaged 10.9 points and 5.8 rebounds per game in the tournament. Standing at 6 feet 11 inches tall (2.11 m) and weighing 265 pounds (120 kg), Howard plays the center position. Howard led the NBA in rebounding from 2007 to 2010, and again from 2012 to 2013. Howard's rebounding is in part facilitated by his extraordinary athleticism; his running vertical leap was tested at 39.5 inches in 2011, rare for a player of his size. He demonstrated this skill in the 2007", "title": "Dwight Howard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.22, "text": "the 1985 Lakers' championship roster, and is the tallest NBA player to ever win an NBA Championship. Nevitt is currently an IT professional living in Raleigh, North Carolina. Chuck Nevitt Charles Goodrich \"\"Chuck\"\" Nevitt (born June 13, 1959) is a retired American professional basketball player, known primarily for his great height. At 7 ft 5 in (2.26 m), he played the center position throughout his nine-year career (1983, 1985–1990, 1992, 1993) in the NBA, and remains one of the tallest players ever in NBA history. During his career, Nevitt played with the Houston Rockets, Los Angeles Lakers, Detroit Pistons, Chicago", "title": "Chuck Nevitt" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.19, "text": "instituted by the NBA in 2007, which makes it a foul for a defender to use his hands to impede an offensive player. This allowed many smaller, weaker combo guards to use their speed to drive around stronger, taller players. In fact, many shorter young players (6' 2\"\" or shorter) focus on developing their scoring abilities, whereas previously they would have to be proper point guards with the innate ability to pass to succeed in the professional leagues. For example on that end, Allen Iverson is 6' 0\"\" (1.83 m) tall, but given his shoot-first mentality, despite his exceptional ball-handling", "title": "Combo guard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.14, "text": "the 2007 NBA All-Star Game, Garnett admitted in an interview with Craig Sager to be \"\"6 ft 11 in and some quarters\"\" tall. Measurements from the 1995 NBA draft show the 19-year-old Garnett measured tall barefoot. In 1997, Garnett was measured by Minnesota Timberwolves training staff as tall in his basketball shoes. In December 2011, Garnett agreed to become a limited shareholder of American-owned Italian Serie A football team A.S. Roma. Garnett has a long list of achievements and records, including: Kevin Garnett Kevin Maurice Garnett (born May 19, 1976) is an American former professional basketball player who played for", "title": "Kevin Garnett" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.08, "text": "is current Phoenix Mercury superstar Brittney Griner. Center (basketball) The center (C), also known as the five, or the big man, is one of the five positions in a regular basketball game. The center is normally the tallest player on the team, and often has a great deal of strength and body mass as well. In the NBA, the center is usually 6' 10\"\" (2.08 m) or taller and usually weighs 240 lbs (109 kg) or more. They traditonally have played close to the basket in the low post. A center with the ability to shoot outside from three-point range", "title": "Center (basketball)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.06, "text": "power forward, and center. Typically, a forward–center is a talented forward who also came to play minutes at center on teams that need help at that position. The player could also be a somewhat floor-bound center, under seven feet tall at the NBA level, whose skills suit him to a power forward position, especially if that team has a better center. One such player is Marcus Camby of the New York Knicks. At 6'11\"\" (211 cm), he generally plays as a center, but when he played for the New York Knicks earlier in his career, he mostly played power forward", "title": "Forward-center" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.98, "text": "\"\"At that time NBA teams had quotas for African American players, and the Celtics already had two on their roster.\"\" The team's leadership may also have been concerned that Garrett's height (six foot, three inches) was not tall enough to play center and uncertain about his ability to switch to playing a guard or forward position. After Garrett's release from the Celtics, the Harlem Globetrotters founder and owner, Abe Saperstein, who had scouted Garrett since his playing days at IU, offered him a contract to play for the team. Garrett considered the team's comic acts and jokes more show-business entertainment", "title": "Bill Garrett (basketball)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.94, "text": "is considered a necessary component for a successful team, especially in professional leagues such as the NBA. But recently, the NBA has turned into a point guard league and many centers are shooting threes now. Great centers have been the foundation for most of the dynasties in both the NBA and NCAA. The 6'10\"\" (2.08 m) George Mikan pioneered the Center position, shattering the widely held perception that tall players could not develop the agility and coordination to play basketball well, and ushering in the role of the dominant big man. He led DePaul University to the NIT title, then,", "title": "Center (basketball)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.88, "text": "rebounds. As for style of play, Adrien said in an interview that he feels the best attributes that he brings to the game are his \"\"leadership, rebounding, toughness, and the ability to score over taller guys\"\". Adrien indeed demonstrated potential as a rebounder over taller players in the NBA pre-draft measurements; despite measuring shorter than average for a power forward for the NBA draft at 6'6.5\"\" with shoes on, Adrien's wingspan measures an outstanding 7'2\"\" and he weighed in at a formidable 236 lbs. Adrien was not selected in the 2009 NBA draft, but later signed with Spanish league's Leite", "title": "Jeff Adrien" } ]
when is the last time england won the workd cup?
[ "England" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.47, "text": "Blackburn Rovers being the first northern club side to reach the final in 1882. The following year, the cup was won by a predominately working class side, when Blackburn Olympic defeated the Old Etonians. This was the last occasion that a public school side reached the final, and it was not until 1900 that a team from the south of England again reached the Cup Final, when Southampton were defeated by Bury, with Tottenham Hotspur going on to be the first southern professional club to win the cup in the following year. This shift in football power to northern England", "title": "1885–86 St. Mary's Y.M.A. season" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.89, "text": "1956 when Wales did not field a team). During those years England won in 1950 and 1954. Since then the tournament has run for some seasons, but never for more than five years at a time. But from 1970 to 1996 England won it six out of a possible nine times. In 2003 the tournament was revived and England comfortably won, beating her old rivals plus Scotland, Ireland and Russia. England beat the same opponents to win the cup again in 2004. This was the last time England competed, they were replaced by Georgia. The cup ran for just one", "title": "Scotland national rugby league team" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.89, "text": "England won it six out of a possible nine times. In 2003 the tournament was revived and England comfortably won, beating her old rivals plus Scotland, Ireland and Russia. England beat the same opponents to win the cup again in 2004. This was the last time England competed to give the competition more of a level playing field for other teams, however the England Knights competed in 2012. \"\"Major:\"\"<br> World Cup: Runners-up (3): 1975, 1995, 2017 Semi-finalists (3): 2000, 2008, 2013 Four Nations: Runners-up (2): 2009, 2011 \"\"Regional:\"\"<br> European Championship: Winners (14):1935, 1945–46, 1946–47, 1947–48, 1949–50, 1953–54, 1969–70, 1975, 1978,", "title": "England national rugby league team" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.56, "text": "1990–91 Football League Cup The 1990–91 Football League Cup (known as the Rumbelows Cup for sponsorship reasons) was the 31st season of the Football League Cup, a knockout competition for England's top 92 association football clubs. The competition began on 27 August 1990, and ended with the final on 21 April 1991 at the Old Wembley Stadium. The cup was won by Sheffield Wednesday, who beat Manchester United 1–0 in the final. A single goal from John Sheridan gave Wednesday the title. The 1990-91 League Cup remains the last time that one of English football's major honours was won by", "title": "1990–91 Football League Cup" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.48, "text": "in the 1977 final. The last of those four finals was staged at Salford's Willows ground on Saturday 8 December 1979, and attracted a crowd of 6,887. Widnes were firm favourites to lift the cup and held the Cumbrians at bay to register an 11–0 victory. Probably as a result of the three previous finals, several top class forwards caught the eye of the wealthy Lancashire clubs who enticed them away from Derwent Park. Tommy Bishop was coach between 1981 and 1982. The 1980s were the lowest era in the club's history as it saw Town mainly as a yo-yo", "title": "Workington Town" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.45, "text": "3–1, and eliminated England from the competition. This defeat was manager Walter Winterbottom's last game in charge. Winterbottom had led England to four World Cup Finals. From May 1963, Alf Ramsey became the manager of England. In the 1966 World Cup Finals, England used their home advantage and, under Ramsey, won their first, and only, World Cup title. England played all their games at Wembley Stadium in London, which became the last time that the hosts were granted this privilege. After drawing 0–0 in the opening game against former champions Uruguay, which started a run of four games all ending", "title": "England at the FIFA World Cup" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.3, "text": "the following Saturday confirmed the club's promotion to the First Division. The \"\"double\"\" of winning the FA Cup and promotion in the same season has not been achieved before or since. This would be the last time the FA Cup was won by a team from outside the top flight of English football until 42 years later when Sunderland beat Leeds in the 1973 FA Cup Final. Teddy Stanford, who played on the winning side, is believed to have been the last surviving player from the game when he died in May 1995 at the age of 84, six months", "title": "1931 FA Cup Final" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.27, "text": "Gibson played at centre as Workington won the Challenge Cup in 1952 (the first time in the club's history) as they beat Featherstone Rovers 18–10 at Wembley Stadium, London on Saturday 19 April 1952, in front of a crowd of 72,093. A fourth and final England cap came in 1953 in a 30–22 victory against the Other Nationalities at Central Park, Wigan. In 1955 Workington played in another Challenge Cup final with Gibson at centre and although he scored a try, Workington lost 21–12 to Barrow at Wembley on 30 April before a crowd of 66,513. At the end of", "title": "Eppie Gibson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.97, "text": "1978–79 Lancashire Cup 1978–79 was the sixty-sixth occasion on which the Lancashire Cup completion had been held. Widnes won the trophy by beating Workington Town by the score of 15-13 The match was played at Central Park, Wigan, (historically in the county of Lancashire). The attendance was 10,020 and receipts were £6,261.00 After relatively little success in the competition, Workington Town had reached the semi-final stage in 1973, 1974 and 1975, had been runner-up in 1976, winner in 1977, and now runners-up again in 1978. They would go on to be runners-up again in 1979; not a bad eight year", "title": "1978–79 Lancashire Cup" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.95, "text": "is their most recent major trophy to date. In contrast, Manchester United were left without a major trophy for the first time since the 1988–89 season and were denied the opportunity to become the first club to win the FA Cup nine times. This was the last time that an English manager had won the FA Cup – as well as the last time a club other than Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool or Manchester United had won the FA Cup – until 2008, when Harry Redknapp managed Portsmouth to victory. The trophy was presented to Everton captain Dave Watson by The", "title": "1995 FA Cup Final" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.83, "text": "the competition, Workington Town had reached the semi-final stage in 1973, 1974 and 1975, had been runner-up in 1976, and now winner in 1977. They would go on to be runners-up again in 1978 and 1979. The total number of teams entering the competition remained at last season’s total of 14 with no junior/amateur clubs taking part. The same fixture format was retained, but due to the number of participating clubs, this resulted in one \"\"blank\"\" or \"\"dummy\"\" fixture in the first round, and one bye in the second round. Involved 7 matches (with one \"\"blank\"\" fixture) and 14 Clubs", "title": "1977–78 Lancashire Cup" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.81, "text": "1979–80 Lancashire Cup 1979–80 was the sixty-seventh occasion on which the Lancashire Cup completion had been held. Widnes won the trophy by beating Workington Town by the score of 11-0 The match was played at The Willows, Salford, (historically in the county of Lancashire). The attendance was 6887 and receipts were £7100.00 After relatively little success in the competition, Workington Town had reached the semi-final stage in 1973–74, 1974–75 and 1975–76, had been runner-up in 1976–77, winner in 1977–78, and runners-up in 1978–79 and now again in 1979–80; not a bad eight year record. The total number of teams entering", "title": "1979–80 Lancashire Cup" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.72, "text": "1973–74 FA Amateur Cup The FA Amateur Cup 1973–74 was the 71st and last staging of England's principal cup tournament for amateur teams, the FA Amateur Cup. Bishop's Stortford won the competition for the first time, beating Ilford 4–1 in the final at Wembley. Matches were scheduled to be played at the stadium of the team named first on the date specified for each round, which was always a Saturday. Some matches, however, might be rescheduled for other days if there were clashes with games for other competitions or the weather was inclement. If scores were level after 90 minutes", "title": "1973–74 FA Amateur Cup" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.64, "text": "1976–77 Lancashire Cup 1976–77 was the sixty-fourth occasion on which the Lancashire Cup completion had been held. Widnes won the trophy by beating Workington Town by the score of 16-11 The match was played at Central Park, Wigan, (historically in the county of Lancashire). The attendance was 9,399 and receipts were £6,414.00 The total number of teams entering the competition remained at last season’s total of 14 with no junior/amateur clubs taking part. The same fixture format was retained, but due to the number of participating clubs, this resulted in one “blank” or “dummy” fixture in the first round, and", "title": "1976–77 Lancashire Cup" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.62, "text": "1979–80 FA Cup The 1979–80 FA Cup was the 99th season of the world's oldest football knockout competition, The Football Association Challenge Cup, or FA Cup. The final saw second division West Ham United beat holders Arsenal 1–0. As of 2018, this was the last occasion when a club outside the top division of English football won the FA Cup. The first round of games were played on 24 November 1979. Replays were played on 26–28 November. The second round of games were intended to be played on 15 December 1979, but some matches were not played until 17–19 December", "title": "1979–80 FA Cup" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.56, "text": "2006. On 20 May 2000, the last FA Cup final to be played at the old Wembley saw Chelsea defeat Aston Villa with the only goal scored by Roberto Di Matteo. The final competitive club match there was the 2000 First Division play-off final on 29 May, between Ipswich Town and Barnsley, a 4–2 win resulting in promotion to the Premier League for Ipswich. The last club match of all was the 2000 Charity Shield, in which Chelsea defeated Manchester United 2–0. The last international match was on 7 October in Kevin Keegan's last game as England manager. England were", "title": "Wembley Stadium (1923)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.55, "text": "FA Cup Final The FA Cup Final, commonly referred to in England as just the Cup Final, is the last match in the Football Association Challenge Cup. It is one of the most attended domestic football events in the world, with an official attendance of 89,472 at the 2017 final. The match is the culmination of a knockout competition among clubs belonging to The Football Association in England, although Scottish and Irish teams competed in the early years and Welsh teams regularly compete, with Cardiff City winning the Cup in 1927 and reaching the final in 1925 and 2008. ,", "title": "FA Cup Final" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.55, "text": "the 1991 Rugby World Cup 12–6 at Twickenham. The last pre-Cook Cup match was a quarter-final of the 1995 Rugby World Cup played at Newlands Stadium in Cape Town, South Africa. England dramatically won 25–22 with the last kick of the match. The first Cook Cup match was played at Sydney Football Stadium on 25 June 1997. Australia won the match 25–6. The series was decided through two tests, and with the second match at Twickenham resulting in a 15–15 draw, Australia were crowned champions. In 1998, Australia ran out record 76–0 winners at Lang Park in Brisbane, playing a", "title": "Cook Cup" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.5, "text": "5–1 in the final. Manager Bill Nicholson then built another successful Tottenham side which lifted a further FA Cup in 1967. The most marked success of the era, however, was Alf Ramsey's England team, which won the 1966 FIFA World Cup on home soil after controversially beating West Germany 4–2 after extra time, the only time the national team has won the trophy. In the late 1960s English clubs dominated the last years of the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup, with wins for Leeds United, Newcastle United and Arsenal. Manchester United became the first English club to win the European Cup in", "title": "Football in England" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.48, "text": "2004–05 Powergen Cup The 2004-05 Powergen Cup was the 34th annual rugby union cup competition in England. Leeds Tykes (now named Yorkshire Carnegie) won the competition for the first time in their history. The event was sponsored by Powergen and the final was held at Twickenham Stadium. This was the last season in which the competition was confined to English teams only; from the 2005-06 season, the Welsh regional teams joined to form the Anglo-Welsh Cup. This season also marked the last time that teams outside of the English Premiership were permitted to enter. Earlier rounds of the competition were", "title": "2004–05 Powergen Cup" } ]
when was the ngi system first used by the fbi?
[ "February 2011" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.81, "text": "Next Generation Identification Next Generation Identification (NGI) is a project of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The project's goal is to expand the capabilities of the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS), which is currently used by law enforcement to identify subjects by their fingerprints and to look up their criminal history. The NGI system will be a more modular system (allowing easy expandability). It will also have more advanced lookup capabilities, incorporating palm print, iris, and facial identification. The FBI first used this system in February 2011. The system was developed by Lockheed Martin in partnership with Safran", "title": "Next Generation Identification" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.52, "text": "and with a number of technology companies. Next Generation Identification Next Generation Identification (NGI) is a project of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The project's goal is to expand the capabilities of the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS), which is currently used by law enforcement to identify subjects by their fingerprints and to look up their criminal history. The NGI system will be a more modular system (allowing easy expandability). It will also have more advanced lookup capabilities, incorporating palm print, iris, and facial identification. The FBI first used this system in February 2011. The system was developed", "title": "Next Generation Identification" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.02, "text": "Dictionary\"\", its first known use in America was in 1928. The earliest citation in the \"\"Oxford English Dictionary\"\" for the American usage is 1930 from a book on Al Capone by FD Pasley. In FBI mythology, the nickname is held to have originated during the arrest of gangster George \"\"Machine Gun\"\" Kelly by agents of the Bureau of Investigation (BOI), a forerunner of the FBI, in September 1933. Finding himself unarmed, Kelly supposedly shouted, \"\"\"\"Don't shoot, G-Men! Don't shoot, G-Men!\"\"\"\" This event is dramatized in the 1959 film \"\"The FBI Story\"\" and this dramatization is referenced in the 2011 film", "title": "G-Man (slang)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.92, "text": "the FBI helped create a National Gang Information Center (NGIC), and outlined a National Gang Strategy for Congress. In addition, the Office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement initiated Operation Community Shield. In 2008, the MS-13 Task Force coordinated a series of arrests and crackdowns in the U.S. and Central America that involved more than 6,000 police officers in five countries. Seventy-three suspects were arrested in the U.S.; in all, more than 650 were taken into custody.By 2011, this operation had made over 20,000 arrests, including more than 3,000 arrests of alleged MS-13 members. In October 2012, the U.S. Treasury", "title": "MS-13" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.8, "text": "founded in 1982 by Ralph Childs, a former FBI Special Agent, who implemented the first 24/7 anonymous reporting system to allow employees to bring unethical and illegal activities to their employers’ attention without fear of reprisal. Childs, then principal of security consulting firm Childs Associates, incorporated the new venture under the name National Business Crime Information Network, Inc., which soon became known by the shortened name, The Network. Soon thereafter, the company realized the need to make all employees more aware of organizational ethics programs and initiated a series of awareness and communications products (″Prevention System″), as well as ethics", "title": "The Network, Inc." }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.55, "text": "Louis site's Civil War-era use as an arsenal. Shortly before leaving office in January 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorized the creation of the National Photographic Interpretation Center, a joint project of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and DOD. NPIC was a component of the CIA's Directorate of Science and Technology (DDS&T) and its primary function was imagery analysis. NPIC became part of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (now NGA) in 1996. NPIC first identified the Soviet Union's basing of missiles in Cuba in 1962. By exploiting images from U-2 overflights and film from canisters ejected by orbiting Corona", "title": "National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.25, "text": "Photointerpretation Center (NPIC), which had analysts from both the CIA and the military services. Subsequently, NPIC was transferred to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). The Directorate of Support has organizational and administrative functions to significant units including: The CIA established its first training facility, the Office of Training and Education, in 1950. Following the end of the Cold War, the CIA's training budget was slashed, which had a negative effect on employee retention. In response, Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet established CIA University in 2002. CIA University holds between 200 and 300 courses each year, training both new hires", "title": "Central Intelligence Agency" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.95, "text": "South Boston High School, Charlestown High School and other Boston public schools. On August 23, 1995, the BPD became the first police agency to send fingerprint images to the FBI electronically using the newly created EFIPS (now IAFIS) system. The first set of fingerprints were for a suspect arrested for armed robbery. Within hours of the receipt of the fingerprints, the FBI determined that the suspect had a number of prior arrests, including one for assault with intent to kill. On December 31, 2006, 31 Boston Municipal Police Officers were allowed to transfer to the Boston Police. On January 1,", "title": "Boston Police Department" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.86, "text": "Nginx Nginx ( ) (stylized as NGINX, NGiИX or nginx) is a web server which can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache. The software was created by Igor Sysoev and first publicly released in 2004. A company of the same name was founded in 2011 to provide support and \"\"Nginx plus\"\" paid software. Nginx is free and open-source software, released under the terms of a BSD-like license. A large fraction of web servers use NGINX, often as a load balancer. According to Netcraft's November 2016 Web Server Survey, Nginx was found to", "title": "Nginx" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.8, "text": "FBI's Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG). The Hostage Rescue Team was founded in 1982 by Danny Coulson, former Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI, and completed its final certification exercise in October 1983. It was originally composed of 50 operators, later increased to over 90. The HRT was originally conceived during the late 1970s, and was set up after FBI director William H. Webster witnessed a demonstration by the U.S. Army's Delta Force. When Webster reviewed the equipment used by the Delta Force and noticed there were no handcuffs, he inquired about it. An operator grimly replied, \"\"We put two", "title": "Hostage Rescue Team" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.7, "text": "Computerized Criminal History Computerized Criminal History On December 10, 1970, the Attorney General decided that the FBI would take over management responsibility for the CCH system, rather than LEAA, a joint LEAA/FBI entity, or a consortium of States. The FBI named the system the Computerized Criminal History (CCH) program and operated it as part of NCIC, using NCIC computers and communication lines. The CCH program began operations on November 29, 1971, joining wanted persons and stolen property files maintained in the NCIC. On an interim basis, the CCH file was to contain the detailed criminal history of each offender whose", "title": "Computerized Criminal History" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.58, "text": "responsibility for presidential protection. In 1902, William Craig became the first Secret Service agent to die while serving, in a road accident while riding in the presidential carriage. The Secret Service was the first U.S. domestic intelligence and counterintelligence agency. Domestic intelligence collection and counterintelligence responsibilities were vested in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) upon the FBI's creation in 1908. The Secret Service assisted in arresting Japanese American leaders and in the Japanese American internment during World War II. The U.S. Secret Service is not a part of the U.S. Intelligence Community. In 1909, President William H. Taft agreed", "title": "United States Secret Service" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.55, "text": "The Communist Index; and The Administrative Index, which compiled several other earlier indexes. Even though a complete list of Index titles is currently unavailable, Hoover and the FBI used their Index system to catalog Native American and African American liberation movements during the 1960s and 1970s, as well as Vietnam War protesters and other college students. The Custodial Detention Index (CDI), or Custodial Detention List was formed in 1939–1941, in the frame of a program called variously the \"\"Custodial Detention Program\"\" or \"\"Alien Enemy Control\"\". J. Edgar Hoover described it as having come from his resurrected General Intelligence Division in", "title": "FBI Index" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.55, "text": "to information from the Federal Election Commission. The top candidate recipient was Barack Obama. In June 2001 the FBI paid SAIC $122 million to create a Virtual Case File (VCF) software system to speed up the sharing of information among agents. But the FBI abandoned VCF when it failed to function adequately. Robert Mueller, FBI Director, testified to a congressional committee, \"\"When SAIC delivered the first product in December 2003 we immediately identified a number of deficiencies – 17 at the outset. That soon cascaded to 50 or more and ultimately to 400 problems with that software ... We were", "title": "Leidos" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.52, "text": "1993, the Federal Bureau of Investigation commissioned Mnemonics Systems Inc. to develop \"\"Drugfire\"\", which enabled law enforcement agencies to capture images of cartridge casings into computers, and automate the process of comparing a suspect cartridge against the database. Drugfire was later upgraded to handle bullet imaging as well. Also in 1993, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms established its own automated ballistics identification system. Instead of having a custom-made system like the FBI however, ATF opted to build their network on a platform developed by Forensic Technology WAI Inc., a private Canadian company. At the time, the FTI platform", "title": "Automated firearms identification" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.52, "text": "was named \"\"Bulletproof\"\", and imaged only bullets. It was later upgraded to handle cartridge casings as well, and was then subsequently renamed as the Integrated Ballistics Identification System (IBIS). From 1993 to 1998, the United States had two automated ballistics identification systems in place: Drugfire, which was under the FBI, and IBIS, under the ATF. Although there were attempts to interconnect the two systems under the National Integrated Ballistic Identification Network (NIBIN), the FBI and ATF finally decided in 1999 to phase out Drugfire, and standardize NIBIN on the IBIS platform. This decision was arrived at after a thorough joint", "title": "Automated firearms identification" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.52, "text": "system in 1924. Between 1993 and 1996, the FBI increased its counter-terrorism role in the wake of the first 1993 World Trade Center bombing in New York City, New York; the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and the arrest of the Unabomber in 1996. Technological innovation and the skills of FBI Laboratory analysts helped ensure that the three cases were successfully prosecuted. But Justice Department investigations into the FBI's roles in the Ruby Ridge and Waco incidents were found to have been obstructed by agents within the Bureau. During the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, the", "title": "Federal Bureau of Investigation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.5, "text": "Modernization and Digital Transformation for Enterprises\"\". Nginx Nginx ( ) (stylized as NGINX, NGiИX or nginx) is a web server which can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache. The software was created by Igor Sysoev and first publicly released in 2004. A company of the same name was founded in 2011 to provide support and \"\"Nginx plus\"\" paid software. Nginx is free and open-source software, released under the terms of a BSD-like license. A large fraction of web servers use NGINX, often as a load balancer. According to Netcraft's November 2016 Web", "title": "Nginx" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.5, "text": "development was halted, or frozen, in 1986. The NGM debuted in 1987 and was also used to create model output statistics for the United States. Its development was frozen in 1991. The ETA model was implemented for the United States in 1993 and in turn was upgraded to the NAM in 2006. The U.S. also offers the Rapid Refresh (which replaced the RUC in 2012) for short-range and high-resolution applications; both the Rapid Refresh and NAM are built on the same framework, the WRF. Metéo France has been running their Action de Recherche Petite Échelle Grande Échelle (ALADIN) mesoscale model", "title": "History of numerical weather prediction" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.47, "text": "bank robberies in the United States. This led to the creation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the designation \"\"Public Enemy\"\" for significant wanted criminals. This era saw the rise of famous gangs such as the Dillinger Gang, the Barrow Gang, and the Barker–Karpis gang. Other famous public enemies include Pretty Boy Floyd and Machine Gun Kelly. In 1957, security cameras installed at St. Clair Savings and Loan in Cleveland became the first recorded use of film to apprehend and identify bank robbers. The robbery occurred on April 12, when a 24-year-old male pointed a gun at a", "title": "Bank robbery" } ]
when does dragon ball super part 3 come out in english?
[ "August 5, 2017" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.44, "text": "released a week later. The first trailer was released at San Diego Comic-Con International 2018. The second trailer was released on October 4, 2018. The English version of the second trailer was released on October 5, 2018. The anime episodes are being released on Japanese Blu-ray and DVD sets that contain twelve episodes each. The first set was released on December 2, 2015. The second set was released on March 2, 2016. The third set was released on July 2, 2016. The fourth set was released on October 4, 2016. Bandai announced that a line of \"\"Dragon Ball Super\"\" toys", "title": "Dragon Ball Super" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.55, "text": "on April 4, 2016. Viz Media began posting free English translations of the manga chapters to their website on June 24, 2016. A print release of the first volume followed in spring 2017. The animated film, \"\"\"\", is the first film in the franchise to be produced under the \"\"Dragon Ball Super\"\" title. The film will be released on December 14, 2018. It will be a continuation to the series that will act as a new arc. A poster showcasing the film's new art style was released on March 12, 2018. A teaser depicting Goku facing off against Broly was", "title": "Dragon Ball Super" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.05, "text": "56,947 copies in their debut weeks respectively. Volume three was the fourth best-selling for its week with 92,114 copies sold, and volume four was fourth its week with 150,889. According to Nielsen BookScan, the English version of volume one was the second best-selling graphic novel of May 2017, the ninth of June, the fourteenth of July, and the eighteenth of August. Volumes 1 and 2 sold 594,342 copies , volume 3 sold 236,720 copies , volume 4 sold 267,417 copies , volume 5 sold 400,000 copies , volume 6 sold 216,871 copies , and volume 7 sold 208,796 copies .", "title": "Dragon Ball Super" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.7, "text": "Budokan in Tokyo on November 14, 2018. This event was limited to only 1,000 guests that were selected via lottery through \"\"Weekly Shōnen Jump\"\" No.47 and the December \"\"V Jump\"\". \"\"Broly\"\" was open nationwide in Japan on December 14, 2018, while Funimation's English dub had its world premiere at TCL Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles on December 13 followed by its United States and Canada release a month later on January 16, 2019 by Funimation Films. In the UK the film will be released on January 23 and 24, 2019. In its opening weekend, the film was shown on 467", "title": "Dragon Ball Super: Broly" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.67, "text": "Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might, also known by its Japanese title or Toei's own English title Super Battle in the World, is a 1990 Japanese anime science fantasy martial arts film and the third \"\"Dragon Ball Z\"\" feature film. It was originally released in Japan on July 7 between episodes 54 and 55 of DBZ, at the \"\"Toei Anime Fair\"\" film festival, where it was shown as part of an Akira Toriyama-themed triple feature titled \"\"Toriyama Akira: The World\"\" (the other two films were anime versions of his one-shot stories \"\"Kennosuke-sama\"\"", "title": "Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.58, "text": "A third English dub produced and released exclusively in Malaysia by Speedy Video, features an unknown voice cast. The score for the English-language version was composed by Mark Menza. However, the remastered release contains an alternate audio track containing the English dialogue and Japanese background music. Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13! Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13, known in Japan as , is a 1992 Japanese anime science fiction martial arts film and the seventh Dragon Ball Z movie. It was originally released in Japan on July 11 at the Toei Anime Fair along with the third \"\"\"\" movie", "title": "Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13!" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.58, "text": "released on DVD on February 18, 2009. The English dubbed version was released on April 29, 2003 in two different VHS and DVD editions (edited and uncut) and later as part of Funimation's \"\"Dragon Ball Movie Box\"\", along with \"\"\"\" and \"\"\"\". Funimation's dub of \"\"The Path to Power\"\" has received great reception from fans, who have praised their writing and for leaving in the original score. The film was later re-released to DVD in North America on February 8, 2011 in a 4-Disc remastered box set with the other three \"\"Dragon Ball\"\" films. Carl Kimlinger of Anime News Network", "title": "Dragon Ball: The Path to Power" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.38, "text": "April 1, 2018. According to Amazon Japan, the final Blu-ray set indicated the series' end at episode 131. The series ended on March 25, 2018, with the conclusion of the \"\"Universe Survival Saga\"\". Fuji TV stated that no definite plans were made to either continue the series at a later date or discontinue it entirely. \"\"Dragon Ball Super\"\" received an English-language dub that premiered on the Toonami channel in Southeast Asia and India on January 21, 2017. This dub is produced by Los Angeles based Bang Zoom! Entertainment for the Asian market. A sneak preview of the English dub's first", "title": "Dragon Ball Super" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.33, "text": "no apparent English credits. Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure , is a 1988 Japanese anime fantasy martial arts adventure film and the third alternate continuity \"\"Dragon Ball\"\" feature film, originally released in Japan on July 9 at the \"\"Toei Manga Matsuri\"\" film festival as part of a quadruple feature along with \"\"Bikkuriman 2: The Secret of Muen Zone\"\", \"\"Tatakae!! Ramenman\"\", and \"\"Kamen Rider Black: Terrifying! The Phantom House of Devil Pass\"\". Unlike the previous two \"\"Dragon Ball\"\" films, \"\"Mystical Adventure\"\" does not introduce any original characters, but instead adapts characters from the Red Ribbon and 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai story arcs from", "title": "Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.25, "text": "episode aired on December 17, 2016. Production on the Bang Zoom! dub ended after episode 27. On November 4, 2016, Funimation announced the company acquired the rights to \"\"Dragon Ball Super\"\" and would be producing an English dub, with many cast members of their previous English-language releases of \"\"Dragon Ball\"\" media reprising their respective roles. As well as officially announcing the dub, it was also announced they would be simulcasting the series on their streaming platform, \"\"FunimationNow\"\". On December 7, 2016, IGN reported that the Funimation English dub of \"\"Dragon Ball Super\"\" would air on Adult Swim Saturdays at 8", "title": "Dragon Ball Super" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.22, "text": "In character selection there is a minor glitch in one of the character's name. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3, originally published as in Japan, is the third and final installment in the \"\"Budokai Tenkaichi\"\" series. The game is available on both Sony's PlayStation 2 and Nintendo's Wii. The game was released in Japan on October 4, 2007, in North America on November 13, 2007 and in Europe on November 9, 2007 for the PlayStation 2 (the Wii version was released in Japan on October 4, 2007, in North America on December 3, 2007, in Europe and Australasia on February", "title": "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.08, "text": "unlock an alternate ending to the game. Due to the game's success, a second version was released titled Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II International exclusive to Japan on July 23, 2004. In this version all characters were given new profile images and their names were reverted to their original Japanese. However, Mister Satan still retains his English name \"\"Hercule\"\" on the front of his parade float. Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury is the third and final game in the series. It was released on September 14, 2004 in North America. The game focuses on the final parts", "title": "Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku (series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.03, "text": "in North America on November 10, 2009, in Japan on November 12, 2009, in Europe on November 13, 2009, and in Australia on November 19, 2009. In its first week the PlayStation 3 version managed to sell 58,000 copies in Japan, making it the third best selling game behind the revamped \"\"Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver\"\". Along with its sales, the game received mixed reviews from various gaming critics. Both the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions earned their own aggregated scores of 57/100 and 56/100 on Metacritic, 60.37% and 57.86% on GameRankings respectively. Chris Roper of IGN found the Super Battle", "title": "Dragon Ball: Raging Blast" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.02, "text": "In addition to regular screenings, it will be also screened in IMAX, MX4D, and 4DX. On July 19, 2018, trailers for both the subtitled and dubbed versions were released online after being shown at San Diego Comic-Con. On October 5, 2018, the second official trailer for both the subtitled and dubbed versions were released online after being shown at New York Comic Con during the \"\"Dragon Ball Super: Broly\"\" panel at the Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden. The third trailer was released on November 7, 2018, but only subtitled, while dubbed version on 20 December. The fourth which was", "title": "Dragon Ball Super: Broly" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.98, "text": "on the Broly Triple Feature, there is an alternate audio track containing the English dialogue and Japanese background music. In Japan, the film grossed () at the box office. On September 15 and 17, 2018, the film had a limited theatrical release by Fathom Events in the United States due to the upcoming release of \"\"\"\" (2018). According to Box Office Mojo, as of September 19, 2018, it made a revenue of $658,982. In total, the film grossed in Japan and the United States. In Japan, the home video release sold 40,000 units by 1996. At a price of ¥2,800,", "title": "Dragon Ball Z: Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.95, "text": "Lee, it is about a high school boy who wakes up after an accident in the body of Yamcha in the \"\"Dragon Ball\"\" manga. Knowing what comes later in the story, he trains as Yamcha to make him the strongest warrior. A second chapter was released on May 8, 2017 and the final one on August 14, 2017. A \"\"tankōbon\"\" collecting all three chapters was published on November 2, 2017. Viz licensed the series for English publication and released the collected volume on November 6, 2018. \"\"Dragon Ball\"\" is one of the most popular manga series of all time. It", "title": "Dragon Ball (manga)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.91, "text": "Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 It was released in 1995 in Japan and 1996 in Europe. Another fighting game called \"\"\"\" was released in the same era for the Sega Saturn, and is considered by many to be the better between the two games. The aforementioned game never received an American release. When \"\"Ultimate Battle 22\"\" was officially released in North America eight years later by Atari, no English dub track was produced and the pre-battle cut scenes were removed. This 2-D/3-D combination PlayStation game features many attacks from the manga. The game is notable for using actual cel", "title": "Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.91, "text": "mostly likely to emulate the \"\"V\"\" in V-Jump, Cooler poses near the \"\"D\"\" in \"\"Dragon Ball Z\"\". Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3, released as in Japan, is a video game based on the popular anime series \"\"Dragon Ball Z\"\" and was developed by Dimps and published by Atari for the PlayStation 2. It was released on November 16, 2004, in North America in both a standard and Limited Edition release, the latter of which included a DVD featuring a behind the scenes looks at the game's development. In Europe, it was released on November 19, 2004. The game's story mode", "title": "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.91, "text": "p.m. with an encore showing in their Toonami block later that night at 11:30 p.m. starting on January 7, 2017. This was later confirmed on Toonami's official Facebook page. The United States premiere of \"\"Dragon Ball Super\"\" obtained 1,063,000 viewers for its 8 p.m. showing on Adult Swim. Toonami Africa started airing Dragon Ball Super in Fall 2017 at 15:00 CAT (Central African Time) with an edited Funimation English Dub. In Australia, ABC Me started airing Dragon Ball Super on November 3, 2018, with a new episode every Saturday at 2:45 pm. Norihito Sumitomo, the composer for \"\"Battle of Gods\"\"", "title": "Dragon Ball Super" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.86, "text": "Box set released on December 6, 2005. The box set was re-released as a thinpack on February 12, 2008. This set has since been discontinued. An alternative English dub produced with an unknown cast by AB Groupe in France was released in English speaking markets in Europe in the early 2000s. The film was re-released to DVD in America on February 8, 2011 as a part of a \"\"Dragon Ball Movie 4-Pack\"\" remastered thinpack release from FUNimation along with the other Dragon Ball related movies. This release restored all of the previously edited video footage of the film, however features", "title": "Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure" } ]
when does the second season of a handmaid's tale come out?
[ "April 25, 2018" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.23, "text": "SBS's video streaming service SBS on Demand, on July 6, 2017. The first season was released on Blu-ray and DVD on March 13, 2018. The second season was released on Blu-ray and DVD on December 4, 2018. On Rotten Tomatoes, the first season has an approval rating of 95% based on 107 reviews, with an average rating of 8.7/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"\"Haunting and vivid, \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\" is an endlessly engrossing adaptation of Margaret Atwood's dystopian novel that's anchored by a terrific central performance from Elisabeth Moss.\"\" On Metacritic, it has a weighted average score of 92", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.47, "text": "In May 2017, the series was renewed for a second season which premiered on April 25, 2018. \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\" has received widespread critical acclaim and its first season won eight Primetime Emmy Awards from thirteen nominations, including Outstanding Drama Series. It is the first show produced by Hulu to win a major award as well as the first series on a streaming service to win an Emmy for Outstanding Series. It also became the first streaming series to win the Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series – Drama. Elisabeth Moss was also awarded the Golden Globe for Best", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25, "text": "story, filling in some of the unanswered questions and continuing the narrative already \"\"finished\"\" in the book. The second season consists of 13 episodes and began filming in fall 2017. Alexis Bledel returned as a series regular. Showrunner Bruce Miller stated that he envisioned 10 seasons of the show, stating, \"\"Well, you know, honestly, when I started, I tried to game out in my head what would ten seasons be like? If you hit a home run, you want energy to go around the bases, you want enough story to keep going, if you can hook the audience to care", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.83, "text": "and Amanda Brugel in September 2016. In October 2016, Ever Carradine joined the cast, and Alexis Bledel was added in January 2017. Filming on the series took place in Toronto, Mississauga, Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville, and Cambridge, Ontario, from September 2016 to February 2017. The first full trailer of the TV series was released by Hulu on YouTube on March 23, 2017. The series premiered on April 26, 2017. On May 3, 2017, \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\" was renewed for a second season to premiere in 2018. Moss told the news media that the subsequent episodes would cover further developments in the", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.38, "text": "the series is available on HBO Nordic. In the United Kingdom, the series premiered on May 28, 2017, on Channel 4. In Ireland, the series premiered on February 5, 2018 on RTÉ2, with a showing of the first two episodes. RTÉ also became the first broadcaster in Europe to debut Season 2 following its broadcast in the US and Canada. In Brazil, the series premiered on March 7, 2018, on Paramount Channel. In New Zealand, the series was released on the subscription video on demand service Lightbox on June 8, 2017. In Australia, the series premiered on the TV channel", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.95, "text": "about these people enough that they're actually crying at the finale.\"\" Season 2 was filmed primarily in Toronto, Ontario, but some scenes were shot in Hamilton, Ontario and in Cambridge, Ontario. Season 3 started production in Toronto in October 2018. Scenes for season 3 were also filmed in Cambridge, Ontario in November 2018. The first three episodes of the series premiered on April 26, 2017; the subsequent seven episodes were released on a weekly basis. In Canada, the series is broadcast weekly by Bravo and the streaming service CraveTV; the first two episodes premiered on April 30, 2017. In Scandinavia,", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.17, "text": "2010s. Margaret Atwood's \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\" was adapted into a film in 1990, directed by Volker Schlöndorff. The film received a 31% positive review on Rotten Tomatoes with an average rating of 4.8/10. \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\" was also adapted into a ten-episode television series Hulu special released on April 26th, 2017. The series saw such success that it was renewed for a second season set to release in April 2018. Octavia Butler's speculative science/fantasy fiction novel \"\"Dawn\"\", the first in her trilogy titled Lilith's Brood, is currently being adapted for television by producers Ava DuVernay and Charles D. King's Macro", "title": "Women in speculative fiction" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.83, "text": "International programming will come in the form of season 3 of the Handmaids Tale in 2019 and season 2 of Icelandic drama series Trapped. During the last decade like many other TV channels RTÉ 2 have had several reality based TV shows. In 2003, Network 2 set out to find their news TV presenter in a reality show called \"\"The Selection Box\"\"; the eventual winner was Caroline Morahan. RTÉ 2 also produced two series of the employment reality show \"\"No Experience Required\"\", three prospective candidates are evaluated over the course of a week for a vacant position in a top", "title": "RTÉ2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.73, "text": "The Handmaid's Tale (TV series) The Handmaid's Tale is an American dystopian drama television series created by Bruce Miller, based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood. It was ordered by the streaming service Hulu as a straight-to-series order of 10 episodes, for which production began in late 2016. The plot features a dystopian future following a Second American Civil War wherein a totalitarian society subjects fertile women, called \"\"Handmaids\"\", into child-bearing servitude. The first three episodes of the series premiered on April 26, 2017; the subsequent seven episodes aired on a weekly basis every Wednesday.", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.55, "text": "Actress. In May 2018, Hulu announced that the series had been renewed for a third season. In the near future, fertility rates collapse as a result of sexually transmitted diseases and environmental pollution. With this chaos, the totalitarian, theonomic government of \"\"Gilead\"\" establishes rule in the former United States in the aftermath of a civil war. Society is organized by power-hungry leaders along with a new, militarized, hierarchical regime of fanaticism and newly created social classes, in which women are brutally subjugated, and by law are not allowed to work, own property, handle money, or read. Worldwide infertility has resulted", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.3, "text": "between past and present as she retells the events leading up to the fall of women's rights and the current details of the life which she now lives. \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\" won the 1985 Governor General's Award and the first Arthur C. Clarke Award in 1987; it was also nominated for the 1986 Nebula Award, the 1986 Booker Prize, and the 1987 Prometheus Award. The book has been adapted into a 1990 film, a 2000 opera, a television series, and other media. In 2018, Atwood announced that a sequel novel, \"\"The Testaments\"\", will be published in 2019. \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\"", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.19, "text": "of characters, making room for broader social commentary through more intimate lenses.\"\" On Metacritic, it has a weighted average score of 86 out of 100 based on 28 critics, indicating \"\"universal acclaim\"\". However, the second season of the show received criticism for being excessive in its depictions of violence with critics questioning whether it was merely \"\"torture porn\"\" and going too far. \"\"The Atlantic\"\"s Sophie Gilbert wrote: \"\"There came a point during the first episode where, for me, it became too much.\"\" Lisa Miller of \"\"The Cut\"\" wrote: \"\"I have pressed mute and fast forward so often this season, I", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.17, "text": "a second season, which premiered on June 24, 2018. In May 2018, ahead of the premiere of the series' season 2, it was announced that the series has been renewed for the third season. Since being freed from Mother Gothel and reunited with her birth parents, King Frederic and Queen Arianna of Corona, Rapunzel adjusts to her life as their daughter and continues to have different misadventures with her boyfriend Eugene Fitzherbert, Pascal the Chameleon, Maximus the Horse, and her new handmaiden Cassandra, to uncover the mystery of her new 70-foot blonde hair's return. The second season centers around Rapunzel,", "title": "Tangled: The Series" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.16, "text": "Shakespearean sonnets. On April 4, 2017 John Green revealed in a VlogBrothers video that \"\"Literature\"\" will be returning for a fourth series in Fall 2017; he mentioned \"\"Nineteen Eighty-Four\"\" by George Orwell as a possible book to be covered. On June 22 of that year, at VidCon, the full list for the fourth season was announced: \"\"1984\"\", \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\", \"\"Parable of the Sower\"\", \"\"Candide\"\", \"\"Macbeth\"\", \"\"To the Lighthouse\"\", \"\"The Yellow Wallpaper\"\", and \"\"Pride and Prejudice\"\". On the January 24, 2013, finale of the first season of \"\"Crash Course Literature\"\", John Green announced that it would be followed by \"\"Crash", "title": "Crash Course (YouTube)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.92, "text": "am forced to wonder: 'Why am I watching this'? It all feels so gratuitous, like a beating that never ends.\"\" And \"\"The Daily Telegraph\"\"s Rebecca Reid admitted she had an anxiety attack watching an episode of the show. The Handmaid's Tale (TV series) The Handmaid's Tale is an American dystopian drama television series created by Bruce Miller, based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood. It was ordered by the streaming service Hulu as a straight-to-series order of 10 episodes, for which production began in late 2016. The plot features a dystopian future following a Second", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.89, "text": "be drawn between the series (and by extension, the book it is based on) and American society during the Presidency of Donald Trump. A comparison has also been made to the Salafi/Wahabbi extremism of ISIL, under which enslaved women of religious minorities are passed around and utilized as sex objects and vessels to bear new jihadis. On Rotten Tomatoes, the second season has an approval rating of 92% based on 74 reviews, with an average rating of 8.31/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"\"Beautifully shot but dishearteningly relevant, \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\" centers its sophomore season tightly around its compelling cast", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.66, "text": "demonstrating the importance of reading to our freedom, both intellectual and political; and acknowledging the \"\"most insidious and violent manifestations of power in Western history\"\" in a compelling manner. The chapter entitled \"\"Historical Notes\"\" at the end of the novel also represents a warning to academics who run the risk of misreading and misunderstanding historical texts, pointing to the satirized Professor Pieixoto as an example of a male scholar who has taken over and overpowered Offred's narrative with his own interpretation. In November 2018, Atwood announced that a sequel, titled \"\"The Testaments\"\", would be published in September 2019. It will", "title": "The Handmaid's Tale" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.59, "text": "sparked a rebirth for speculative fiction. This revival of the genre can be attributed to the political chaos that came with the 2016 election in which Donald J. Trump won the U.S. presidency. Margaret Atwood's speculative science fiction novel The Handmaid's Tale was adapted into a television series Hulu special and saw such success that it has been renewed for a second season. Many made the connection between The Handmaid's Tale and Trump's America in multiple reviews of the series. The fears that came with such a controversial election have given way to a revival of speculative fiction in the", "title": "Women in speculative fiction" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.42, "text": "film was released, which received criticism from social media users, collecting almost 22,000 \"\"dislikes\"\" against 4,000 \"\"likes\"\" within 24 hours of its release. A second trailer was later released on May 16, 2017. Sony promoted the release of the latter trailer by hosting a press conference in Cannes, the day before the 2017 Cannes Film Festival, which featured T. J. Miller parasailing in. \"\"Variety\"\" called the event \"\"slightly awkward\"\", and \"\"The Hollywood Reporter\"\" described it as \"\"promotional ridiculousness\"\". Sony Pictures was later criticized after the film's official Twitter account posted a promotional picture of a parody of \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\",", "title": "The Emoji Movie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.31, "text": "\"\"Schoenberg in Hollywood\"\", based on a scenario by Braham Murray, will be presented from November 14th-18th at the Paramount Theatre (Boston, Massachusetts). The Spring of 2019 will feature a new production of Benjamin Britten's \"\"The Rape of Lucretia\"\" at the Artists for Humanity EpiCenter in South Boston, and will feature Kelley O'Connor in the title role. The season closes with the East-Coast premiere of Poul Ruders' \"\"The Handmaid's Tale\"\", based on the famous novel by Margaret Atwood presented at the newly-renovated Lavietes Pavilion at Harvard University. This production will feature one of the largest principal casts in several seasons, and", "title": "Boston Lyric Opera" } ]
where is the pga championship played in 2017?
[ "Quail Hollow Club" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 27.39, "text": "2017 PGA Championship The 2017 PGA Championship was the 99th PGA Championship, held August 10–13 at Quail Hollow Club in Charlotte, North Carolina. This was the first major at Quail Hollow, which is a regular stop on the PGA Tour. Early in the week of the tournament, it was announced that the championship will be held in May beginning in 2019. Justin Thomas, the son of a PGA professional, won his first career major title, two strokes ahead of runners-up Francesco Molinari, Louis Oosthuizen, and Patrick Reed. In the United States, the Championship was televised by CBS, with weekday and", "title": "2017 PGA Championship" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.38, "text": "2017 KPMG Women's PGA Championship The 2017 KPMG Women's PGA Championship was the 63rd Women's PGA Championship, played June 29 – July 2 at Olympia Fields Country Club in Olympia Fields, Illinois, a suburb south of Chicago. Known as the LPGA Championship through 2014, it was the second of five major championships on the LPGA Tour during the 2017 season. Danielle Kang won the championship for her first professional win, one stroke ahead of defending champion Brooke Henderson. Olympia Fields hosted the PGA Championship in 1925 and 1961, and the U.S. Open in 1928 and 2003. It has also been", "title": "2017 KPMG Women's PGA Championship" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.73, "text": "18 to tie Reed and Molinari for second. With the finish Oosthuizen became the seventh golfer to finish runner-up in all four major championships. Stroud played the back-nine in six-over to fall to a tie for ninth. \"\"Cumulative tournament scores, relative to par\"\" 2017 PGA Championship The 2017 PGA Championship was the 99th PGA Championship, held August 10–13 at Quail Hollow Club in Charlotte, North Carolina. This was the first major at Quail Hollow, which is a regular stop on the PGA Tour. Early in the week of the tournament, it was announced that the championship will be held in", "title": "2017 PGA Championship" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.73, "text": "2018 PGA Championship The 2018 PGA Championship was the 100th PGA Championship, held on August 9–12 at Bellerive Country Club in Town and Country, Missouri, a suburb west of St. Louis. This was the second PGA Championship (1992) and third major (1965 U.S. Open) held at Bellerive. It was also the last to be held in the month of August. Just before the 2017 tournament, the PGA announced that the Championship will move to May in 2019. Brooks Koepka won his third career major title, finishing two strokes ahead of runner-up Tiger Woods. Koepka's 72-hole total of 264 set a", "title": "2018 PGA Championship" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.7, "text": "tournament scores, relative to par\"\"<br> 2018 PGA Championship The 2018 PGA Championship was the 100th PGA Championship, held on August 9–12 at Bellerive Country Club in Town and Country, Missouri, a suburb west of St. Louis. This was the second PGA Championship (1992) and third major (1965 U.S. Open) held at Bellerive. It was also the last to be held in the month of August. Just before the 2017 tournament, the PGA announced that the Championship will move to May in 2019. Brooks Koepka won his third career major title, finishing two strokes ahead of runner-up Tiger Woods. Koepka's 72-hole", "title": "2018 PGA Championship" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.52, "text": "early weekend coverage on TNT. It was televised live in the United Kingdom by the BBC who secured the rights over Sky Sports who had previously screened the event since 1992. The course hosts the Wells Fargo Championship on the PGA Tour (2003–present), though not in 2017; in 2016, it played as a par-72 at . It was also the home of the tour's Kemper Open (1969–1979) and the senior tour's PaineWebber World Seniors Invitational in the 1980s. Under the direction of Tom Fazio, Quail Hollow underwent an aggressive 90-day renovation in 2016 that modified four holes and added Bermuda", "title": "2017 PGA Championship" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.42, "text": "2017 U.S. Open (golf) The 2017 U.S. Open Championship was the 117th U.S. Open, held June 15–18 at Erin Hills in Erin, Wisconsin, northwest of Milwaukee. Brooks Koepka claimed his first major title with a 16-under-par 272, four strokes ahead of runners-up Brian Harman and Hideki Matsuyama. Koepka's score matched the lowest ever at the championship, set in 2011 by Rory McIlroy. This was the first U.S. Open in Wisconsin, but marked its fifth major, following four editions of the PGA Championship. It was played in 1933 at Blue Mound in Wauwatosa, and at Whistling Straits near Kohler in 2004,", "title": "2017 U.S. Open (golf)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.17, "text": "first time in August, and returned in 1969, save for a one-year move to late February in 1971, played in Florida. The 2016 event was moved to late July, two weeks after the Open Championship, to accommodate the 2016 Summer Olympics in August. Before the 2017 edition, it was announced that the PGA Championship would be moved to May on the weekend before Memorial Day, beginning in 2019. The PGA Tour concurrently announced that it would move its Players Championship back to March the same year; it had been moved from March to May in 2007. The PGA of America", "title": "PGA Championship" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.98, "text": "2018 PGA Tour The 2018 PGA Tour was the 103rd season of the PGA Tour, and the 51st since separating from the PGA of America. The season began on October 5, 2017. The following table lists official events for 2017–18. The schedule contains 48 events, including two new ones: The CJ Cup in South Korea and the Corales Puntacana Resort and Club Championship, a former event on the Tour based out of the Dominican Republic. The Barbasol Championship will be played in Kentucky, the first non-major PGA Tour event in the state since 1959. The Puerto Rico Open became", "title": "2018 PGA Tour" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.66, "text": "grass. It commenced during the final round of the Wells Fargo Championship on Sunday, May 8. Thousands of trees were removed, as the former first two holes were combined into a new first hole, and the old fifth hole was divided between the new fourth and fifth holes. The following qualification criteria were used to select the field. Each player is listed according to the first category by which he qualified with additional categories in which he qualified shown in parentheses. Rich Beem, Keegan Bradley (8), John Daly, Jason Day (6,8), Jason Dufner (8,10), Pádraig Harrington (6), Davis Love III,", "title": "2017 PGA Championship" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.56, "text": "2017 Players Championship The 2017 Players Championship was the 44th Players Championship, held May 11–14 at TPC Sawgrass in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, and the 36th edition held at the Stadium Course. Kim Si-woo, age 21, shot a final round 69 to win at 278 (−10), three strokes ahead of runners-up Louis Oosthuizen and Ian Poulter. Starting the final round two strokes back in fourth place, Kim became the championship's youngest winner by over 1½ years, passing Adam Scott (2004). In the preceding six months on the PGA Tour, Kim had missed the cut or withdrawn in most of his", "title": "2017 Players Championship" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.33, "text": "the modern Grand Slam of Golf. In August 2017, after the previous year's edition was scheduled earlier due to golf at the 2016 Summer Olympics, the PGA of America announced that the PGA Championship would be moved to late-May beginning in 2019, in between the Masters and U.S. Open. The PGA Tour concurrently announced that it would move the Players Championship back to March the same year; as a result, the Players and the four majors will still be played across five consecutive months. In the United Kingdom, the BBC used to be the exclusive TV home of the Masters", "title": "Men's major golf championships" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.17, "text": "On the leaderboard, only Chris Stroud was affected, two-under for his round with five holes remaining. Play resumed at 7:30 am on Saturday. \"\"Saturday, August 12, 2017\"\" With the second round completed on Saturday morning, the third round began at 9:50 am EDT in groups of three at ten-minute intervals, with the final group at 2:00 pm. \"\"Sunday, August 13, 2017\"\" Entering the final round with a one-stroke lead, Kevin Kisner failed to record a birdie on the front-nine and bogeyed the par-5 7th after hitting his approach into the water. Hideki Matsuyama birdied both 6 and 7 to tie", "title": "2017 PGA Championship" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.98, "text": "2016 PGA Championship The 2016 PGA Championship was the 98th PGA Championship which took place from July 28–31 at Baltusrol Golf Club on the Lower Course in Springfield Township, New Jersey, west of New York City. This was the ninth major and second PGA Championship at Baltusrol, which last hosted in 2005. Jimmy Walker won his first major championship title with a score of 14 under par, one shot ahead of 2015 champion Jason Day. This edition of the PGA Championship was moved up two weeks from its early-August spot to accommodate the 2016 Olympic tournament in Rio de Janeiro.", "title": "2016 PGA Championship" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.89, "text": "tour with 16, 17, and 18, commonly known as the \"\"Green Mile,\"\" often ranked among the PGA Tour's toughest holes. The majority of the charitable proceeds from the tournament benefit Teach for America. The tournament is organized by Champions for Education, Inc. In 2017, the tournament was held on the coast in Wilmington at Eagle Point Golf Club, as Quail Hollow hosted the PGA Championship in mid-August. Wilmington hosted the Azalea Open on tour in the 1950s and 1960s at the Donald Ross-designed Cape Fear Country Club; it was a tune-up event for The Masters through 1965, part of the", "title": "Wells Fargo Championship" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.86, "text": "outside the United States. PGA Tour Commissioner Tim Finchem responded by insisting that playing in the U.S is best for golf as more money can be made there than elsewhere. This criticism has been muted since the 2009 elevation of the HSBC Champions, held in China, to full WGC status. In addition, the WGC-Mexico Championship in 2017 marked the move of half the WGC events to outside the United States. The winners receive Wedgwood trophies named for a golf legend. The HSBC Champions features The Old Tom Morris Cup; the Dell Match Play Championship, The Walter Hagen Cup; the Mexico", "title": "World Golf Championships" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.83, "text": "Aussie Marc Leishman cruised to victory at the 2017 BMW Championship at Conway Farms Golf Club in Lake Forest, Illinois. The Western Open was first played in 1899. For many years, the Western was played in and out of the state of Illinois, before eventually settling down in the Chicago area. The Western Golf Association (WGA) ran the Western Open throughout its entire history (1899–2006), and continues to run the tournament under its new title. These are, however, two entirely different events in terms of playing format and invitational criteria. The Western Open was like any other regular PGA Tour", "title": "BMW Championship (PGA Tour)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.77, "text": "2019 PGA Championship The 2019 PGA Championship is the forthcoming 101st PGA Championship that will take place from May 16–19 at Black Course in Bethpage State Park on Long Island, in Farmingdale, New York. This will be its first PGA Championship and third major championship. Lengths of the course for previous major championships: The following qualification criteria were used to select the field. Each player is listed according to the first category by which he qualified with additional categories in which he qualified shown in parentheses. Dates when a qualifying category will be completely determined are indicated in italics. Rich", "title": "2019 PGA Championship" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.75, "text": "on the PGA Tour in March for 45 consecutive years (1962–2006). However, due to the WGC records taking precedence over PGA Tour records, technically the Cadillac Championship succeeded the American Express event, not the Ford Championship. In December 2015, the PGA Tour stated that it was considering moving the tournament to a different location in 2017, due in part to controversy surrounding comments made by Trump National Doral operator Donald Trump during his presidential campaign. On June 1, 2016, the Tour announced that the event would move to Mexico City in 2017. The inaugural event was played at the Club", "title": "WGC-Mexico Championship" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.73, "text": "2018 KPMG Women's PGA Championship The 2018 KPMG Women's PGA Championship was the 64th Women's PGA Championship, played June 28 – July 1 at Kemper Lakes Golf Club in Long Grove, Illinois. Known as the LPGA Championship through 2014, it was the third of five major championships on the LPGA Tour during the 2018 season. Golf Channel and NBC Sports televised the Women's PGA for the fourth consecutive year. Park Sung-hyun won the championship in a playoff over Nasa Hataoka and Ryu So-yeon. It was Park's second major win. The field included 156 players who met one or more of", "title": "2018 KPMG Women's PGA Championship" } ]
who crossed the twin towers on a tightrope?
[ "Philippe Petit" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.62, "text": "with it. I was trying to trace the lyric, see what the storyline is, and then match the soundscape to what I'm trying to get across with the idea. That often takes me to strange, and unusual places.\"\" The album name was influenced by an interview with Philippe Petit, the tightrope walker who crossed between the twin towers in New York City in 1974. Yamagata was affected by his response to an interview question that asked why he did what he did, and he responded \"\"Why - There is no why.\"\" Yamagata's concept for the album started with a vision", "title": "Tightrope Walker (album)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.56, "text": "him the role. Emma Stone already knew she wanted to work with Iñárritu before she was offered the role of Sam. The script that Iñárritu gave her and the rest of the cast came with the photo \"\"Man on Wire\"\", which featured Philippe Petit crossing the Twin Towers on a tightrope. Iñárritu told the cast, \"\"We are doing that\"\". Once these actors were committed, Iñárritu sought funding. He first invited Fox Searchlight Pictures to finance the project, but they turned his offer down because they felt his asking budget was too high. At one stage Megan Ellison of Annapurna Pictures", "title": "Birdman (film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.84, "text": "The Man Who Walked Between the Towers The Man Who Walked Between the Towers is a children's picture book written and illustrated by American Mordicai Gerstein. Published in 2003, the book recounts the heart-stopping achievement of Philippe Petit, a French man who, on an August morning in 1974, walked, lay, knelt and danced on a tightrope wire between the roofs of the twin towers of the World Trade Center, a quarter mile above the ground. Gerstein won the 2004 Caldecott Medal for his illustrations. The book has been adapted to film and ballet. \"\"The Man Who Walked Between The Towers\"\"", "title": "The Man Who Walked Between the Towers" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.47, "text": "Canyon on a high wire numerous times. His final crossing was documented on his 82nd birthday. On August 7, 1974 Philippe Petit set-up and crossed a high wire between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York. In the summer of 1983, Adam Grosowsky and Jeff Ellington set up a high wire at Yosemite's Lost Arrow Spire that was nearly high. However, neither of them were able to completely cross this line because of inadequate guying. In the autumn of 1983, inspired by Jeff and Adam's efforts, a 20-year-old Scott Balcom and 17-year-old Chris Carpenter successfully completed", "title": "Slacklining" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.8, "text": "the 1974 walk on a tightrope between the Twin Towers of the New York City's World Trade Center. Francis Brunn Francis Brunn (15 November 1922 in Aschaffenburg, Germany – 28 May 2004 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany) was a German juggler. Brunn took up juggling in 1939, joining a traveling show that played all over Europe. He moved to America to join the Ringling Brothers circus and twice performed for Dwight D. Eisenhower. Brunn retired in 1994. Though he is believed to have been the first performer to juggle 10 rings, he was best known for his seemingly simple, though", "title": "Francis Brunn" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.61, "text": "Funambola Funambola is an album of the Italian singer Patrizia Laquidara, released in 2007 by Ponderosa Music&Art. It includes 13 songs and it is inspired by the French tightrope walker Philippe Petit, who walked on a steel wire between the Twin Towers of New York City. Tightrope walking has this time both a physical and an intimate meaning, as a never ending research of a mental equilibrium, perhaps lasting, when found, only the space of a morning. Intimate thought and introspecion are actually the main themes of Patrizia Laquidara's songs and this is shown very well by this album, thanks", "title": "Funambola" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.53, "text": "Maria Spelterini Maria Spelterini (sometimes spelled Spelterina and occasionally referred to as Marie, July 7, 1853 – October 19, 1912) was an Italian tightrope walker who was the only woman to cross the Niagara gorge on a tightrope, which she did on July 8, 1876 as part of a celebration of the U.S. Centennial. She used two and a quarter inch (57 mm) wire and crossed just north of the lower suspension bridge. She crossed again on July 12, 1876, this time wearing peach baskets strapped to her feet. She crossed blindfolded on July 19, and on July 22 she", "title": "Maria Spelterini" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.23, "text": "23, 2013, crossing the Little Colorado River outside Grand Canyon National Park; the feat aired live on Discovery. He followed that up with \"\"Skyscraper Live\"\", a live Discovery special that aired on November 2, 2014, in which he completed two tightrope walks and set two new Guinness World Records: one for walking the steepest tightrope incline between two buildings, and the other for the highest tightrope walk while blindfolded. Wallenda is married with three children, and considers his Christian faith to be a central aspect of his life. Wallenda is a seventh-generation member of The Flying Wallendas family of aerialists.", "title": "Nik Wallenda" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.17, "text": "days. On July 12, she crossed wearing peach baskets strapped to her feet, on July 19 blind-folded, on July 22 with her ankles and wrists manacled and finally on July 26. Tightrope crossings of the falls ended—by law—in 1896, when James Hardy crossed. On June 15, 2012, high wire artist Nik Wallenda became the first person to walk across the falls in 116 years, after receiving special permission from both governments. The full length of his tightrope was . Wallenda crossed near the brink of the Horseshoe Falls, unlike walkers who had crossed farther downstream. According to Wallenda, it was", "title": "Niagara Falls" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.12, "text": "towers on a tightrope, as shown in the documentary film \"\"Man on Wire\"\" (2008) and depicted in the feature film \"\"The Walk\"\" (2015). Petit walked between the towers eight times on a steel cable. In 1977, Brooklyn toymaker George Willig scaled the exterior of the South Tower (2 WTC). He later said, \"\"It looked unscalable; I thought I'd like to try it.\"\" The complex was featured in numerous works of popular culture; one estimate in 2006 noted that the World Trade Center has appeared in some form in 472 films. Several iconic meanings were attributed to the World Trade Center.", "title": "World Trade Center (1973–2001)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.92, "text": "stopped five times on the tightrope to rest and recover his strength; each time Colcord gingerly got off Blondin's back and stood on the tightrope, climbing back on after the acrobat had enough rest. Blondin's success inspired other acrobats, such as William Leonard Hunt (\"\"The Great Farini\"\"), Samuel Dixon, Clifford Calverly, and Signorina Maria Spelterini, to emulate and try to surpass his acts at the same spot. The Signorina, the only woman to walk across the Niagara on a tightrope, once crossed while blindfolded and another time with her hands and legs in manacles. Another group of people in America", "title": "Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.89, "text": "Charles Blondin Charles Blondin (born Jean François Gravelet, 28 February 182422 February 1897) was a French tightrope walker and acrobat. He toured the United States, and was known for crossing the Niagara Gorge on a tightrope. During an event in Dublin in 1861, the rope on which he was walking broke and two workers were killed, although Blondin was not injured. He married three times and had eight children. His name became synonymous with tightrope walking. Blondin was born on 28 February 1824 in Saint-Omer, Pas-de-Calais, France. His birth name was Jean-François Gravelet, though he was known by many other", "title": "Charles Blondin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.81, "text": "stunts performed across the Niagara Gorge. On June 30, 1859, they saw Charles Blondin's feat of becoming the first man to cross the chasm on a tightrope. In mid-crossing Blondin sat down on the rope and lowered a line to retrieve a drink from the deck of the \"\"Maid of the Mist\"\" below. In his later tightrope acts at the same spot, the acrobat would perform a different stunt on each occasion. One time he cooked and ate an omelette in mid-crossing; another time he carried his manager Harry Colcord on his back. While giving Colcord a piggyback ride, Blondin", "title": "Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.8, "text": "(third prize) at the Cannes film festival. In July 2007, the French high wire artist Didier Pasquette, a protege of Philippe Petit (famous for his high wire walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York), undertook a high wire stunt between two of the Red Road towers, attempting to cross the gap between Towers 4 and 5. Although thwarted by Glasgow's temperamental weather he managed to walk across the chasm, backwards on one occasion. From 19 February to 27 June 2010, the Red Road flats featured in the \"\"Multi-Story\"\" exhibition at Glasgow's Gallery of Modern", "title": "Red Road Flats" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.78, "text": "were the South African pianist Dollar Brand (later known as Abdullah Ibrahim), and tightrope walker and unicyclist Philippe Petit, who gained worldwide fame the following year by walking between the rooftops of the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center. The festival had a permanent effect on the economy of Nimbin, as many Festival participants decided to remain in the district The area was previously a dairying and banana growing region in severe decline. Some of those that stayed might be defined as hippies, but in fact the larger percentage came from all sorts of backgrounds and life experience, ranging", "title": "Aquarius Festival" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.77, "text": "to the perfect symbiosis of texts and melodies. Funambola Funambola is an album of the Italian singer Patrizia Laquidara, released in 2007 by Ponderosa Music&Art. It includes 13 songs and it is inspired by the French tightrope walker Philippe Petit, who walked on a steel wire between the Twin Towers of New York City. Tightrope walking has this time both a physical and an intimate meaning, as a never ending research of a mental equilibrium, perhaps lasting, when found, only the space of a morning. Intimate thought and introspecion are actually the main themes of Patrizia Laquidara's songs and this", "title": "Funambola" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.48, "text": "follows the French street performer Philippe Petit in an illustrated children's book made by author Mordicai Gerstein. Philippe Petit had an idea to walk a wire between the twin towers and acted upon it with much planning and setting up. He had once walked a wire on the Notre Dame where he lived in Paris, France. Early on an August morning, since the towers were not quite finished, Philippe Petit and his friend dressed up as a construction worker and went up the south tower. They got a 440 lbs of cable into the elevator. Took it to the top", "title": "The Man Who Walked Between the Towers" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.47, "text": "for his wire. These tightrope walkers drew huge crowds to witness their exploits. Their wires ran across the gorge, near the current Rainbow Bridge, not over the waterfall itself. Among the many was Ontario's William Hunt, who billed himself as \"\"The Great Farini\"\" and competed with Blondin in performing outrageous stunts over the gorge. On three occasions Blondin carried his manager, Harry Colcord, on his back—on the final time being watched by the Prince of Wales. In 1876, 23-year-old Italian Maria Spelterini was the only woman ever to cross the Niagara Gorge on a tightrope, making four crossings over 18", "title": "Niagara Falls" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.45, "text": "June 1971, Petit secretly installed a cable between the two towers of Notre Dame de Paris. On the morning of June 26, 1971, he \"\"juggled balls\"\" and \"\"pranced back and forth\"\" as the crowd below applauded. Petit became known to New Yorkers in the early 1970s for his frequent tightrope-walking performances and magic shows in the city parks, especially Washington Square Park. Petit's most famous performance was in August 1974, conducted on a wire between the roofs of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in Manhattan, a quarter mile above the ground. The towers were still under construction", "title": "Philippe Petit" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.33, "text": "to the victims of the September 11 attacks. In 1973, French street performer Philippe Petit is trying to make a living in Paris with juggling acts and wire walking, much to the chagrin of his father. During one performance, he eats a hard candy which was given to him by an audience member and injures his tooth. He visits the dentist and, while in the waiting room, sees a picture in a magazine of the Twin Towers in New York City. He analyzes the photo and decides to make it his mission to walk a tightrope between the two buildings.", "title": "The Walk (2015 film)" } ]
who plays amy farrah fowler in the big bang theory?
[ "Mayim Chaya Bialik" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.11, "text": "by Clinton Kelly for a makeover on TLC's \"\"What Not To Wear\"\". She joined the cast of \"\"The Big Bang Theory\"\" as Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler. Her first appearance was in the season 3 finale as a potential love interest for the character of Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons). In Season 4, she began as a recurring character playing Sheldon's \"\"friend that's a girl, but not a girlfriend.\"\" Beginning with Season 4, Episode 8, she became part of the main cast. Amy is a neurobiologist, which is a field related to Bialik's real-life academic career in neuroscience. Bialik's performance in \"\"The", "title": "Mayim Bialik" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.92, "text": "Mayim Bialik Mayim Chaya Bialik ( ; born December 12, 1975) is an American actress, author, and neuroscientist. From 1991 to 1995, she played the title character of the NBC sitcom \"\"Blossom\"\". Since 2010, she has played Amy Farrah Fowler – like the actress, a neuroscientist – on the CBS sitcom \"\"The Big Bang Theory\"\", a role for which she has been nominated four times for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series, and won the Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series in 2016 and 2018. Mayim Chaya Bialik", "title": "Mayim Bialik" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.39, "text": "to Jon Cryer. Mayim Bialik (Amy Farrah Fowler) was nominated for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series for \"\"The Shiny Trinket Maneuver\"\", but lost out to Julie Bowen. Penny regrets her sleeping with Raj and has become very good friends with Leonard, Leonard breaks up with Priya, Amy pushes Sheldon in their relationship eventually becoming boyfriend and girlfriend, Penny and the other women become a clique of their own, Howard prepares for his wedding and going into space to the International Space Station and Leonard asks Penny out as they begin \"\"Leonard and Penny 2.0\"\". The fifth season was", "title": "The Big Bang Theory (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.5, "text": "19, 2015, episode of the American sitcom \"\"The Big Bang Theory\"\". In the episode, comic book store owner Stuart Bloom asks the women for ideas on how to attract more women to his shop, and Amy Farrah Fowler (Mayim Bialik) points out that an illustration hanging on one of the shop's walls, \"\"Girl on a Leash\"\", may not be conducive to attracting female customers. The image, which was illustrated by Conner and colored by Paul Mounts, depicts a scantily-clad woman being held on a chain leash by a muscular, whip-wielding masked man. In 2015, Conner was voted as the #2", "title": "Amanda Conner" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.16, "text": "The Big Bang Theory (season 3) The third season of the American sitcom \"\"The Big Bang Theory\"\" was originally aired on CBS from September 21, 2009 to May 24, 2010 with 23 episodes. It received higher ratings than the previous two seasons with over 15 million viewers. Season three started three months after the end of season two when the guys left for the North Pole. The third season saw the first appearances of future main cast members Melissa Rauch as Bernadette Rostenkowski in \"\"The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary\"\" and Mayim Bialik as Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler in the season", "title": "The Big Bang Theory (season 3)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.89, "text": "friends Bernadette Rostenkowski and Amy Farrah Fowler during a \"\"Truth or Dare?\"\" game that she has still not moved on from Leonard. This is further implied in \"\"The Justice League Recombination\"\" when she indicates to Leonard that her reunion with Zack, and Zack's decision to have the two of them join the men in dressing up as the Justice League for New Year's Eve costume party at Stuart's comic shop is made difficult by her history with Leonard. In \"\"The Love Car Displacement\"\", Penny and the rest of the cast attend an academic conference in Big Sur. She and Leonard", "title": "Penny (The Big Bang Theory)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.73, "text": "The Big Bang Theory (season 4) The fourth season of the American sitcom \"\"The Big Bang Theory\"\", began airing on CBS on September 23, 2010. Season four started four months after the end of season 3. Melissa Rauch and Mayim Bialik were upgraded to the main cast during the fourth season as Dr. Bernadette Rostenkowski and Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler. Johnny Galecki submitted the episode \"\"The Benefactor Factor\"\" for consideration due to his nomination for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series at the 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards. Jim Parsons won the Primetime Emmy Award", "title": "The Big Bang Theory (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.72, "text": "still annoy him). Wil Wheaton begins appearing as Sheldon's arch-enemy. Howard begins to date Bernadette Rostenkowski. At the end of the season, Sheldon meets Amy Farrah Fowler. <onlyinclude> </onlyinclude> The third season received favorable reviews. Maureen Ryan of \"\"Chicago Tribune\"\" wrote that \"\"\"\"Big Bang Theory,\"\" which is in its third season, is doing many things very right\"\", Alan Sepinwall of \"\"The Star-Ledger\"\" wrote \"\"the Penny/Sheldon interaction was gold, as always\"\", and Ken Tucker of \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\", who wrote that \"\"what lifts \"\"The Big Bang Theory\"\" into frequent excellence is its one constant from the start: the brilliantly nuanced performance of", "title": "The Big Bang Theory (season 3)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.64, "text": "lives across the hall; and Leonard and Sheldon's similarly geeky and socially awkward friends and co-workers, aerospace engineer Howard Wolowitz and astrophysicist Raj Koothrappali. Over time, supporting characters have been promoted to starring roles including: physicist Leslie Winkle, neuroscientist Amy Farrah Fowler, microbiologist Bernadette Rostenkowski, and Stuart Bloom, the cash-strapped owner of the comic book store the characters often visit. The show is filmed in front of a live audience and is produced by Warner Bros. Television and Chuck Lorre Productions. \"\"The Big Bang Theory\"\" received mixed reviews from critics throughout its first season, but reception was more favorable in", "title": "The Big Bang Theory" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.34, "text": "a woman compatible with Sheldon and discover neurobiologist Amy Farrah Fowler. Like him, she has a history of social ineptitude and participates in online dating only to fulfill an agreement with her mother. This spawns a storyline in which Sheldon and Amy communicate daily while insisting to Leonard and Penny that they are not romantically involved. In \"\"The Agreement Dissection\"\", Sheldon and Amy talk in her apartment after a night of dancing and she kisses him on the lips. Instead of getting annoyed, Sheldon says \"\"fascinating\"\" and later asks Amy to be his girlfriend in \"\"The Flaming Spittoon Acquisition\"\". The", "title": "The Big Bang Theory" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.17, "text": "has formed strong friendships with Doctors Amy Farrah Fowler and Bernadette Rostenkowski, and the three are often seen spending time together. However, Amy and Bernadette occasionally prefer to meet without Penny, and often tease her incessantly. In the penultimate episode of season 7, \"\"The Gorilla Dissolution\"\", she and Leonard become engaged, after Penny realizes that it is not fame she wants out of life, but happiness with Leonard. Throughout season 8, a running gag is their reluctance to decide upon a wedding date. In the season 8 finale, Penny asks Leonard to marry her that night in Las Vegas. Leonard", "title": "Penny (The Big Bang Theory)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.08, "text": "The show was also nominated for Outstanding Technical Direction, Camerawork, Video Control for a Series and Outstanding Multi-Camera Picture Editing For A Comedy Series. Jim Parsons (Sheldon Cooper) was nominated for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series for \"\"The Werewolf Transformation\"\", but lost out to Jon Cryer. Mayim Bialik (Amy Farrah Fowler) was nominated for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series for \"\"The Shiny Trinket Maneuver\"\", but lost out to Julie Bowen. The season premiered on CBS on September 22, 2011. It was released on DVD with an aspect ratio of format on September 11, 2011, in Region", "title": "The Big Bang Theory (season 5)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.78, "text": "by Johnny Galecki, who had previously played Gilbert's love interest David Healy on \"\"Roseanne\"\". In the second episode of the second season of \"\"The Big Bang Theory\"\", Gilbert was elevated to the show's main cast, portraying again a potential love interest of Galecki's character, and at one point a love interest to Howard Wolowitz (Simon Helberg). By January 2009, it was announced that the writers did not know how to write for her character full-time, and her status was reduced from regular to recurring. Winkle was discontinued after Amy Farrah Fowler and Bernadette Rostenkowski became prominent characters. Gilbert is a", "title": "Sara Gilbert" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.69, "text": "a B+. Jenna Busch of IGN rated it 9/10 and wrote that \"\"for me, the strongest scenes were between Amy Farrah Fowler and Penny.\"\" The Skank Reflex Analysis \"\"The Skank Reflex Analysis\"\" is the first episode of the fifth season of \"\"The Big Bang Theory\"\" that first aired on CBS on September 22, 2011. It is the 88th episode overall. The episode follows on from \"\"The Roommate Transmogrification\"\", where Raj and Penny slept together. When they emerged from Leonard's bedroom, the others saw them and Penny said \"\"It's not what it looks like\"\". The first scene takes place at lunch,", "title": "The Skank Reflex Analysis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21, "text": "the series, she was shown working as a bartender instead of waitressing at her usual workplace, The Cheesecake Factory, to hide her injury. In January 2011, \"\"The Big Bang Theory\"\" was renewed for an additional three years; extending it through the 2013/14 season, for a fifth, sixth, and seventh season. <onlyinclude> </onlyinclude> The fourth season received particular praise for character developments. Alan Sepinwall of Uproxx praised the additions of Bernadette and Amy to the cast, writing that \"\"With Amy Farrah Fowler and Bernadette promoted to semi-permanent status, the show is now able to spend large chunks of each episode focusing", "title": "The Big Bang Theory (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.58, "text": "to start a romantic relationship again, although he points out he was technically talking about alpha testing. In \"\"The Veracity Elasticity\"\" she demonstrates fluency in \"\"Ubbi Dubbi\"\" by having a secret conversation with Amy Farrah Fowler in front of Sheldon and Leonard, when the guys are having their own secret conversation in Klingon. A recurring theme throughout the series is Penny's ongoing financial problems. This is seen in \"\"The Financial Permeability\"\", when she finds herself behind on her bills, and borrows money from Sheldon, only to later become paranoid that he is pestering her for repayment, even though he makes", "title": "Penny (The Big Bang Theory)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.88, "text": "\"\"hubellubo\"\". Ubbi Dubbi has also been popularized as the signature speech pattern of the cartoon character Mushmouth from the animated series \"\"Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids\"\", voiced by Bill Cosby. It was used in the episode \"\"Mentalo Case\"\" from the TV series \"\"The King Of Queens\"\", between character Spence Olchin (Patton Oswalt) and a salesman at a toy convention. It was also used between Penny and Amy Farrah Fowler in season 10 episode 7 of \"\"The Big Bang Theory\"\" as a means of having a secret conversation, to counter Sheldon and Leonard's Klingon. In the video game \"\"Rayman Origins\"\",", "title": "Ubbi dubbi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.84, "text": "plays both Marjorie from \"\"Mom\"\" and Abby (Dharma's mother) in \"\"Dharma & Greg\"\". Also, Allison Janney and Jaime Pressly from \"\"Mom\"\" appeared in episodes of \"\"Two and a Half Men\"\". In the season 6 \"\"Big Bang Theory\"\" episode \"\"The Holographic Excitation\"\", Sheldon and Amy are fighting over which couple to go as to a Halloween party. Among her suggestions seen on a whiteboard are \"\"Blossom & Joey\"\" (Blossom and Amy both being played by Mayim Bialik) and \"\"Dharma & Greg\"\". Katy Mixon, who plays Victoria on \"\"Mike & Molly\"\", also had a recurring role as the character, Betsy, on \"\"Two", "title": "Chuck Lorre" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.66, "text": "The Conjugal Configuration \"\"The Conjugal Configuration\"\" is the first episode of the twelfth season, and 256th episode overall of \"\"The Big Bang Theory\"\". It first aired on CBS on September 24, 2018. After their honeymoon starts at Legoland California, Sheldon and Amy head to New York City. Sheldon's insistence on scheduling their marital relations stresses Amy. He says he only does it to remind himself to be intimate with her. They compromise by letting him make a schedule without sharing it with her. Leonard and Penny discover Mr. Larry Fowler (Teller) hiding from his wife (Kathy Bates). Leonard notices parallels", "title": "The Conjugal Configuration" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.19, "text": "with roles in \"\"Big Sky\"\" (1997), \"\"All Saints\"\" (2005–07) and \"\"Wentworth\"\" (2013–14). From 2012 she has also participated in reunion gigs by Chantoozies. Fowler came to prominence with parts in two major soap operas of the 1980s: Angela Hamilton-Keegan in \"\"Sons and Daughters\"\" and Zoe Davis in \"\"Neighbours\"\". She also played a regular role in soap \"\"Possession\"\" (1985) and was a regular lead in \"\"Big Sky\"\" (1997) alongside actor Gary Sweet. On 24 August 2001, she appeared on the Australian-American science fiction series \"\"Farscape\"\" in the episode \"\"Fractures\"\" as the voice of Orrhn. From 15 November 2005 to 2007, she", "title": "Ally Fowler" } ]
where does the water from a fire hydrant come from?
[ "water distribution system" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.25, "text": "to pump water from. In East Asia (China, Japan and South Korea) and former Socialist countries of Eastern Europe, there are two types of fire hydrants, of which one is on the public ground and the other inside a building. The ones inside a building are installed on a wall. They are big, rectangular boxes that also provide alarms (sirens), a fire extinguisher and, at certain times, emergency kits. In most areas fire hydrants require annual inspections and maintenance — they normally only have a one-year warranty, but some have 5- or even 10-year warranties, although the longer warranty does", "title": "Fire hydrant" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.75, "text": "do so, provided they pay for the water and agree to allow firefighters to draft from their pool in the case of an emergency. Municipal services, such as street sweepers and tank trucks, may also be allowed to use hydrants to fill their water tanks. Often sewer maintenance trucks need water to flush out sewerage lines, and fill their tanks on site from a hydrant. If necessary, the municipal workers will record the amount of water they used, or use a meter. Since fire hydrants are one of the most accessible parts of a water distribution system, they are often", "title": "Fire hydrant" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.16, "text": "pressure on the water and the weight of the water forces water into part of the dry hydrant above water, into the hard sleeve, and finally into the pump. This water can then be pumped by the engine's centrifugal pump. Fire hydrant A fire hydrant, also called a fireplug, fire pump, johnny pump, or simply pump, is a connection point by which firefighters can tap into a water supply. It is a component of active fire protection. The user attaches a hose to the fire hydrant, then opens a valve on the hydrant to provide a powerful flow of water,", "title": "Fire hydrant" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.09, "text": "standpipe. A dry hydrant is usually an unpressurized, permanently installed pipe that has one end below the water level of a lake or pond. This end usually has a strainer to prevent debris, such as frogs, from entering the pipe. The other end is above ground and has a hard sleeve connector. When needed, a pumper fire engine will pump from the lake or pond by drafting water. This is done by vacuuming the air out of the dry hydrant, hard sleeve, and the fire engine pump with a primer. Because lower pressure now exists at the pump intake, atmospheric", "title": "Fire hydrant" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.66, "text": "Fire hydrant A fire hydrant, also called a fireplug, fire pump, johnny pump, or simply pump, is a connection point by which firefighters can tap into a water supply. It is a component of active fire protection. The user attaches a hose to the fire hydrant, then opens a valve on the hydrant to provide a powerful flow of water, on the order of 350 kPa (50 pounds per square inch gauge (psig)) (this pressure varies according to region and depends on various factors including the size and location of the attached water main). This user can attach this hose", "title": "Fire hydrant" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.42, "text": "itself is suppressed by asphyxia, but the cooling is the most important element in mastering a fire in a closed area. Water may be accessed from a pressurized fire hydrant, pumped from water sources such as lakes or rivers, delivered by tanker truck, or dropped from water bombers, which are aircraft adapted as tankers for fighting forest fires. An armored vehicle (firefighting tank) may be used where access to the area is difficult. For outdoor fires, the seat of the fire is sprayed with a straight spray: the cooling effect immediately follows the \"\"asphyxia\"\" caused by vaporization and reduces the", "title": "Firefighting" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.41, "text": "were not damaged. First responders fighting the fire were hindered by a lack of water. Rio's fire chief claimed that two nearby fire hydrants had insufficient water, leaving firefighters to resort to pumping water from a nearby lake. According to a CEDAE () employee, although the hydrants did have water, the water pressure was very low, due to the fact that the building is on top of a hill. Brazil President Michel Temer claimed the loss due to the fire to be too great to have been predicted. Museum Deputy Director Luiz Fernando Dias Daniel pointed to neglect by successive", "title": "National Museum (Rio de Janeiro)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.3, "text": "water to hydrants in the city. His system was adopted by Covington, Kentucky, in 1871. He patented a fire hydrant in 1869 used for fire protection. Holly's machinery inventions pumped water under pressure directly into city main water supply lines, since there were no water towers at the time for pressure from a local water supply reservoir for drinking water and fire protection. The pumps ran at various speeds according to usage. It was regulated by the pressure in the discharge main. Holly's company facilities doubled when he built a similar system for the city of Lockport water works department.", "title": "Birdsill Holly" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.12, "text": "enclosed seating areas for their crews. Early pumpers used cisterns as a source of water. Water was later put into wooden pipes under the streets and a \"\"fire plug\"\" was pulled out of the top of the pipe when a suction hose was to be inserted. Later systems incorporated pressurized fire hydrants, where the pressure was increased when a fire alarm was sounded. This was found to be harmful to the system and unreliable. Today's valved hydrant systems are kept under pressure at all times, although additional pressure may be added when needed. Pressurized hydrants eliminate much of the work", "title": "Fire engine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21, "text": "and fireboats. While the system can use both fresh or salt water, it is preferential to not use salt water, as it commonly causes galvanic corrosion in fire equipment. The large, white oversized hydrants that are supplied by the AWSS/HPFS, of which there are 1889, are visible throughout the city. The hydrants have painted tops that are color-coded as to zone: The Twin Peaks Reservoir acts as the backbone of the AWSS system and is located in San Francisco's Twin Peaks hilltop. It is made up of a 10.5-million-gallon storage reservoir made out of reinforced-concrete slabs. Fresh water is delivered", "title": "San Francisco Fire Department Auxiliary Water Supply System" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.95, "text": "used for attaching pressure gauges or loggers or monitor system water pressure. Automatic flushing devices are often attached to hydrants to maintain chlorination levels in areas of low usage. Hydrants are also used as an easy above-ground access point by leak detection devices to locate leaks from the sound they make. Fire hydrants may be used to supply water to riot control vehicles. These vehicles use a high pressure water cannon to discourage rioting. In areas subject to freezing temperatures, at most, only a portion of the hydrant is above ground. The valve is located below the frost line and", "title": "Fire hydrant" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.77, "text": "to a fire engine, which can use a powerful pump to boost the water pressure and possibly split it into multiple streams. One may connect the hose with a threaded connection, instantaneous \"\"quick connector\"\" or a Storz connector. A user should take care not to open or close a fire hydrant too quickly, as this can cause a water hammer, which can damage nearby pipes and equipment. The water inside a charged hose line causes it to be very heavy and high water pressure causes it to be stiff and unable to make a tight turn while pressurized. When a", "title": "Fire hydrant" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.75, "text": "time with traffic signs and speed limits. The illumination from the original gas-lit street lamps proved inadequate, and in the 1920s the lamps were replaced by the first electric streetlights. With increasing sources of fire, the newly established homeowners association, Cedar Knolls Colony, successfully petitioned the city to build Fire Station 11 at the corner of Bronxville Road and Bayberry Street in 1921, and to install the first fire hydrants in the neighborhood in 1935. The source of the water for the hydrants comes from a 20-foot diameter aqueduct cut through the underlying granite about 250 feet below Cedar Knolls,", "title": "Cedar Knolls, New York" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.73, "text": "hydrants in Australia are protected by a silver-coloured cover with a red top, secured to the ground with bolts to protect the hydrant from vandalism and unauthorized use. The cover must be removed before use. In most areas of the United States, contractors who need temporary water may purchase permits to use hydrants. The permit will generally require a hydrant meter, a gate valve and sometimes a clapper valve (if not designed into the hydrant already) to prevent back-flow into the hydrant. Additionally, residents who wish to use the hydrant to fill their in-ground swimming pool are commonly permitted to", "title": "Fire hydrant" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.72, "text": "less dangerous to bystanders than a solid stream. Some diffusers also dechlorinate the water to avoid ground contamination. Hydrants are also sometimes used as entry or exit points for pipe cleaning pigs. In 2011, Code for America developed an \"\"Adopt a Hydrant\"\" website, which enables volunteers to sign up to shovel out fire hydrants after snowstorms. As of 2014, the system has been implemented in Boston, Providence, Rhode Island, Anchorage, Alaska, and Chicago. In rural areas where municipal water systems are not available, dry hydrants are used to supply water for fighting fires. A dry hydrant is analogous to a", "title": "Fire hydrant" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.61, "text": "Water tender A water tender, also known as a tanker in some regions, is a specialized firefighting apparatus designed for transporting water from a water source to a fire scene. Water tenders are capable of drafting water from a stream, lake or hydrant. This class of apparatus does not necessarily have enough pumping capacity to power large hose lines (like a fire engine), though it utilizes a smaller pump to draft from bodies of water. Water tenders are used when there is no working fire hydrant within reach of other fire equipment, potentially supplying the fire engine(s) with a very", "title": "Water tender" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.61, "text": "different messages to firefighters; for example, if the inside of the hydrant is corroded so much that the interior diameter is too narrow for good pressure, it will be painted in a specific scheme to indicate to firefighters to move on to the next one. In many localities, a white or purple top indicates that the hydrant provides non-potable water. Where artistic and/or aesthetic considerations are paramount, hydrants can be extremely varied, or more subdued. In both instances this is usually at the cost of reduced practicality. In Germany and The Netherlands, most hydrants are located below ground (resp. \"\"Unterflurhydrant\"\"", "title": "Fire hydrant" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.53, "text": "and \"\"ondergrondse brandkraan\"\") and are reached by a riser (resp. \"\"Standrohr\"\" and \"\"standpijp\"\"), which provides the connections for the hoses. In the United Kingdom and Ireland, hydrants are located in the ground. Yellow \"\"H\"\" hydrant signs indicate the location of the hydrants, and are similar to the blue signs in Finland. Mounted on a small post or nearby wall etc., the two numbers indicate the diameter of the water main (top number) and the distance from the sign (lower number). Modern signs show these measurements in millimetres and metres, whereas older signs use inches and feet. Because the orders of", "title": "Fire hydrant" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.52, "text": "open hydrants. Such vandalism can also reduce municipal water pressure and impair firefighters' efforts to extinguish fires. Sometimes those simply seeking to play in the water remove the caps and open the valve, providing residents a place to play and cool off in summer. However, this is usually discouraged as residents have been struck by passing automobiles while playing in the street in the water spray. In spite of this, some US communities provide low flow sprinkler heads to enable residents to use the hydrants to cool off during hot weather, while gaining some control on water usage. Most fire", "title": "Fire hydrant" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.52, "text": "connected by a riser to the above-ground portion. A valve rod extends from the valve up through a seal at the top of the hydrant, where it can be operated with the proper wrench. This design is known as a \"\"dry barrel\"\" hydrant, in that the barrel, or vertical body of the hydrant, is normally dry. A drain valve underground opens when the water valve is completely closed; this allows all water to drain from the hydrant body to prevent the hydrant from freezing. In warm areas, hydrants are used with one or more valves in the above-ground portion. Unlike", "title": "Fire hydrant" } ]
the dmd mutation is found where in the human genome?
[ "at locus Xp21" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.78, "text": "DMRT1 Doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 1, also known as DMRT1, is a protein which in humans is encoded by the \"\"DMRT1\"\" gene. This gene is found in a cluster with two other members of the gene family, having in common a zinc finger-like DNA-binding motif (DM domain). The DM domain is an ancient, conserved component of the vertebrate sex-determining pathway that is also a key regulator of male development in flies and nematodes, and is found to be the key sex-determining factor in chickens. This gene exhibits a gonad-specific and sexually dimorphic expression pattern, just like the related", "title": "DMRT1" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.44, "text": "of the affected individual. DMRT1 Doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 1, also known as DMRT1, is a protein which in humans is encoded by the \"\"DMRT1\"\" gene. This gene is found in a cluster with two other members of the gene family, having in common a zinc finger-like DNA-binding motif (DM domain). The DM domain is an ancient, conserved component of the vertebrate sex-determining pathway that is also a key regulator of male development in flies and nematodes, and is found to be the key sex-determining factor in chickens. This gene exhibits a gonad-specific and sexually dimorphic expression pattern,", "title": "DMRT1" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.39, "text": "lacking introns and encoding mRNA sequences of 781 nt and a 215 amino acid protein (648 nt open reading frame). Dystrophin (DMD) is the largest protein-coding gene in the human reference genome, spanning a total of 2.2 MB, while Titin (TTN) has the longest coding sequence (114,414 bp), the largest number of exons (363), and the longest single exon (17,106 bp). Over the whole genome, the median size of an exon is 122 bp (mean = 145 bp), the median number of exons is 7 (mean = 8.8), and the median coding sequence encodes 367 amino acids (mean = 447", "title": "Human genome" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.16, "text": "used to determine the precise nature and location of the DMD mutation in the dystrophin gene. It is known that these mutations cluster in areas known as the 'hot spot' regions — primarily in exons 45–53 and to a lesser extent exons 2–20. As the majority of DMD mutations occur in these 'hot spot' regions, a treatment which causes these exons to be skipped could be used to treat up to 50% of DMD patients. Exon skipping In molecular biology, exon skipping is a form of RNA splicing used to cause cells to “skip” over faulty or misaligned sections of", "title": "Exon skipping" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.14, "text": "finding. MDGA2 MDGA2 (MAM domain containing glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor 2) is a human gene. It has previously been called \"\"MAMDC1\"\". \"\"MDGA2\"\" is located on chromosome 14. The gene has a homologue in rat and mouse, \"\"Mdga2\"\", and investigations in rats have found that the gene is expressed in the central and peripheral nervous system in a subpopulation of neurons, e.g., in the basilar pons and cerebral cortex. There are several variants in the human gene, and a genome-wide association study has pointed to that single-nucleotide polymorphisms in \"\"MDGA2\"\" is associated with neuroticism. However, a more recent study has failed to replicate", "title": "MDGA2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.06, "text": "maintains genome integrity by repairing DNA double-strand breaks through homologous recombination. \"\"RAD51\"\" heterozygous mutations, specifically premature termination codons, have been found in many CMM disorder patients through genome-wide linkage analysis and exome sequencing. In a mouse model, researchers also found \"\"RAD51\"\" products in corticospinal tract axons at the pyramidal decussation. They therefore suggest that \"\"RAD51\"\" might be a gene that, when haploinsufficient, causes CMM disorder in humans. Despite identification of three prospective genes, no genotype-phenotype correlations have yet been found. That is, the severity of clinical signs and symptoms does not correlate with the type of genetic variant. Mutations in", "title": "Congenital mirror movement disorder" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.86, "text": "on human chromosome 16) are responsible for the macular dystrophy and spectrum of malformations found in EEM syndrome, due in part to developmental errors caused by the resulting inability of \"\"CDH3\"\" to respond correctly to the \"\"P-cadherin\"\" transcription factor p63. The gene for p63 (\"\"TP73L\"\", found on human chromosome 3) may also play a role in EEM syndrome. Mutations in this gene are associated with the symptoms of EEM and similar disorders, particularly ectrodactyly. EEM syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder, which means the defective gene is located on an autosome, and two copies of the defective gene - one", "title": "EEM syndrome" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.67, "text": "to correct a mutation that leads to Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Researchers used a technique called CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing, which can precisely remove a mutation in the dystrophin gene in DNA, allowing the body’s DNA repair mechanisms to replace it with a normal copy of the gene. The benefit of this over other gene therapy techniques is that it can permanently correct the “defect” in a gene rather than just transiently adding a “functional” one. Genome editing through the CRISPR/Cas9 system is not currently feasible in humans. However, it may be possible, through advancements in technology, to use this technique", "title": "Duchenne muscular dystrophy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.67, "text": "MDGA2 MDGA2 (MAM domain containing glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor 2) is a human gene. It has previously been called \"\"MAMDC1\"\". \"\"MDGA2\"\" is located on chromosome 14. The gene has a homologue in rat and mouse, \"\"Mdga2\"\", and investigations in rats have found that the gene is expressed in the central and peripheral nervous system in a subpopulation of neurons, e.g., in the basilar pons and cerebral cortex. There are several variants in the human gene, and a genome-wide association study has pointed to that single-nucleotide polymorphisms in \"\"MDGA2\"\" is associated with neuroticism. However, a more recent study has failed to replicate that", "title": "MDGA2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.55, "text": "also listed. Point mutations in TNNT2 gene cause various types of cardiomyopathies, including hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM). The table below summarizes representative TNNT2 mutations and abnormal splicings found in human and animal cardiomyopathies. Amino Acid residues of mutations were numbered as in human cardiac TnT with the first methionine included. Mutations of cardiac TnT that caused cardiomyopathies were mostly found in the conserved middle and C-terminal regions. TNNT2 Cardiac muscle troponin T (cTnT) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the \"\"TNNT2\"\" gene. Cardiac TnT is the tropomyosin-binding subunit of the troponin", "title": "TNNT2" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.55, "text": "(2007) total is 79. These include both nonsense and frameshift mutations. Most of the mutations have been found in exons 8,10 and 16. The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine, USA with the University of Southampton, UK isolated ALMS1 as the single gene responsible for Alström syndrome. ALMS1 Alstrom syndrome 1 also known as ALMS1 is a protein which in humans is encoded by the \"\"ALMS1\"\" gene. The gene is located on the short arm of chromosome 2 (2p13.2) on the plus (Watson) strand. It is 224,161 bases in length organised into 23 exons. The encoded protein has 4,167 amino", "title": "ALMS1" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.53, "text": "genome variants of the human c9orf135 gene have been identified. All of the mutations within those genome variants have been compiled into the following table. Mutations that were present at levels of 0.01 frequency or higher have been incorporated into the table; synonymous mutations were excluded. c9orf135 is expressed in connective tissue and testicular tissue at high levels. It is likely that the expression of c9orf135 is expressed at low levels throughout human cells. It was also found that c9orf135 is found at significantly higher levels in the adult human umbilical cord versus the foetal human umbilical cord. Furthermore, in", "title": "C9orf135" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.5, "text": "Mutations in the human CD36 gene were first identified in a patient who, despite multiple platelet transfusions, continued to exhibit low platelet levels. This condition is known as refractoriness to platelet transfusion. Subsequent studies have shown that CD36 found on the surface of platelets. This antigen is recognized by the monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) OKM5 and OKM8. It is bound by the \"\"Plasmodium falciparum\"\" protein sequestrin. Depending on the nature of the mutation in codon 90 CD36 may be absent either on both platelets and monocytes (type 1) or platelets alone (type 2). Type 2 has been divided into two subtypes", "title": "CD36" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.44, "text": "TIMMDC1 TIMMDC1 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the \"\"TIMMDC1\"\" gene. It is a chaperone protein involved in constructing the membrane arm of mitochondrial Complex I. A frameshift mutation in an intron of this gene has been shown to cause failure to thrive, retardation of psychomotor development, infantile-onset hypotonia, and severe neurologic dysfunction. High expression of this gene has been associated with migration of lung cancer cells while depletion of the protein has been shown to affect regulation of apoptosis, the cell cycle, and cell migration. The \"\"TIMMDC1\"\" gene is located on the q arm of chromosome", "title": "TIMMDC1" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.44, "text": "ALMS1 Alstrom syndrome 1 also known as ALMS1 is a protein which in humans is encoded by the \"\"ALMS1\"\" gene. The gene is located on the short arm of chromosome 2 (2p13.2) on the plus (Watson) strand. It is 224,161 bases in length organised into 23 exons. The encoded protein has 4,167 amino acids and molecular weight of 460,937 Da. Three isofoms are known. The protein itself has a large tandem-repeat domain comprising 34 imperfect repetitions of 47 amino acids. Mutations associated with disease are usually found in exons 8, 10 and 16. The gene is expressed in fetal tissues", "title": "ALMS1" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.38, "text": "DNM1 Dynamin-1 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the \"\"DNM1\"\" gene. This gene encodes a member of the dynamin subfamily of GTP-binding proteins. The encoded protein possesses unique mechanochemical properties used to tubulate and sever membranes, and is involved in clathrin-mediated endocytosis and other vesicular trafficking processes. Actin and other cytoskeletal proteins act as binding partners for the encoded protein, which can also self-assemble leading to stimulation of GTPase activity. More than sixty highly conserved copies of the 3' region of this gene are found elsewhere in the genome, particularly on chromosomes Y and 15. Alternatively spliced", "title": "DNM1" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.33, "text": "the stratum corneum in the outer epidermis. Genomewide linkage analysis in a consanguineous Dutch kindred mapped the gene to 15q15.2 in the interval between markers D15S1040 and D15S1016. Two homozygous missense mutations, T109M and G113C, were found in TGM5, which encodes transglutaminase 5 (TG5), in all affected persons in two unrelated families. The mutation was present on the same haplotype in both kindreds, indicating a probable ancestral mutation. TG5 is strongly expressed in the epidermal granular cells, where it cross-links a variety of structural proteins in the terminal differentiation of the epidermis to form the cornified cell envelope. An established,", "title": "TGM5" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.31, "text": "Fukutin Fukutin is a eukaryotic protein necessary for the maintenance of muscle integrity, cortical histogenesis, and normal ocular development. Mutations in the fukutin gene have been shown to result in Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy (FCMD) characterised by brain malformation - one of the most common autosomal-recessive disorders in Japan. In humans this protein is encoded by the \"\"FCMD\"\" gene (also named \"\"FKTN\"\"), located on chromosome 9q31. Human fukutin exhibits a length of 461 amino acids and a predicted molecular mass of 53.7 kDa. Although its function is mostly unknown, fukutin is a putative transmembrane protein that is ubiquitously expressed, although", "title": "Fukutin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.31, "text": "by sea from the southwest of Europe, in what is called the Solutrean Hypothesis. Human nuclear DNA is located inside the nucleus of every cell and makes up the human genome. Humans inherit half of their nuclear DNA from their mother and half from their father. Throughout human evolution, mutations occur that are inherited in each subsequent generation. Different populations have different frequencies of these mutations, and population histories can be ascertained from these mutations by comparing the mutations of one individual to other genomes from specific ethnic groups. The genome of Anzick-1 was sequenced and analyzed to look for", "title": "Anzick-1" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.28, "text": "human genome is further explored, it is possible that multiple genetic anomalies at different loci will be found that confer varying degrees of predisposition to type 2 diabetes. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases that are characterised by hyperglycaemia and defects in insulin production in the pancreas and/or impaired tolerance to insulin effects. DM is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Because the disease may be insidious, the diagnosis often is delayed. Effects of the disease may affect larger blood vessels (e.g., atherosclerosis within the larger arteries of the cardiovascular system) or smaller blood vessels, as", "title": "Prediabetes" } ]
what is the pig's name on green acres?
[ "Arnold Ziffel" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.16, "text": "old-fashioned farmer who was born during the Grover Cleveland administration. Everything about him is \"\"no-nonsense\"\", except for the fact that his \"\"son\"\" is a pig. Arnold Ziffel is a pig whom the Ziffels treat as a son, understands English, lives indoors, and is pampered. Everyone understands Arnold when he grunts, as if he were speaking English, except Oliver. He is an avid TV watcher and a Western fan, attends the local grade school (carrying his book pack in his mouth), and signs his own name on paper. Only Oliver seems cognizant that Arnold is just livestock, although he frequently slips", "title": "Green Acres" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24, "text": "characters as Sam Drucker, Newt Kiley, and Floyd Smoot. A number of core \"\"Green Acres\"\" characters, such as Fred and Doris Ziffel (originally named \"\"Ruthie\"\" after Paul Henning's wife, Ruth), Arnold the Pig, Newt Kiley, and Ben Miller, first appeared on season two of \"\"Petticoat Junction\"\", which saw a number of scripts written by \"\"Green Acres\"\" creator Jay Sommers. Characters in all of Henning's creations often crossed over into one another's programs, especially during the first two seasons of \"\"Green Acres\"\". During \"\"Petticoat's\"\" run from 1963 to 1968 (up until Kate Bradley's last few appearances at the beginning of season", "title": "Petticoat Junction" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.89, "text": "their cover of Black Sabbath's \"\"Sabbath Bloody Sabbath\"\" to Arnold Ziffel on their \"\"I'm the Man\"\" EP. Arnold Ziffel Arnold Ziffel was a pig featured in \"\"Green Acres\"\", an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from 1965 to 1971. The show is about a fictional lawyer, Oliver Wendell Douglas, and his wife, Lisa - city-dwellers who move to Hooterville, a farming community populated by oddballs. Arnold is a pig of the Chester White breed, but is treated as the son of farmer Fred Ziffel and his wife, Doris, a childless couple. Everyone in Hooterville (besides Oliver Douglas) accepts this", "title": "Arnold Ziffel" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.75, "text": "Arnold Ziffel Arnold Ziffel was a pig featured in \"\"Green Acres\"\", an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from 1965 to 1971. The show is about a fictional lawyer, Oliver Wendell Douglas, and his wife, Lisa - city-dwellers who move to Hooterville, a farming community populated by oddballs. Arnold is a pig of the Chester White breed, but is treated as the son of farmer Fred Ziffel and his wife, Doris, a childless couple. Everyone in Hooterville (besides Oliver Douglas) accepts this without question. Arnold's first TV appearance was in the second season of \"\"Petticoat Junction\"\" in the episode", "title": "Arnold Ziffel" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.28, "text": "female piglet. The piglet was paid $250 per day and had a union contract. Arnold received a great deal of fan mail from children as well as adults. A class of sixth-graders from Ohio wrote with a pledge to stop eating pork chops. Arnold is buried with Frank Inn at Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Hollywood Hills). A popular urban legend circulated during the era of the show's greatest popularity to the effect that the cast and crew of \"\"Green Acres\"\" ate Arnold. The story is false; however, it persisted long after \"\"Green Acres\"\" went off the air; moreover, as noted", "title": "Arnold Ziffel" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.08, "text": "arrives on cue every time Oliver needs an item or service, typically accompanied by a custom-made sign for each occasion. Pat Buttram later revealed that Haney's character was inspired by Elvis Presley manager Col. Tom Parker. Eb Dawson (Tom Lester) is the naive, wide-eyed, yet smart-mouthed young farmhand to the Douglases. He habitually addresses the Douglases as \"\"Dad\"\" and \"\"Mom\"\", much to Oliver's consternation. Fred Ziffel (Hank Patterson) and his wife Doris (Barbara Pepper 1965–1968, Fran Ryan 1969–1971) are the Douglases' childless elderly neighbors. They have a pig named Arnold, whom they treat as their \"\"son\"\". Fred is a cantankerous", "title": "Green Acres" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.98, "text": "from Rabbi Moses Maimonides, the great Jewish philosopher of the Middle Ages to Arnold, Eva Gabor’s pet pig in the 60s sitcom, Green Acres’. His satirical novel Alanna (Penguin 2002) was described by critic Peter Pierce in The Sydney Morning Herald’s books pages as ‘… sportive and engaging, fast paced and unsparing of its targets. Saunders not only mocks the pretensions of the Australian literary world, but the wider community that is content to be deluded, to consume ersatz spirituality where and however it is peddled, to embrace the author as much as the book.’ ‘In June 2012, Saunders contracted", "title": "Alan Saunders (broadcaster)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.33, "text": "CBS debuted another rural comedy, \"\"Green Acres\"\". Both series were set in the mythical farming community of Hooterville, with characters from \"\"Petticoat Junction\"\" often also appearing in \"\"Green Acres\"\", including Patterson's Fred Ziffel character. It was on the popular, irreverent \"\"Green Acres\"\" that Patterson earned his greatest fame. In 1965 and 1966—two of the years in which the two series ran concurrently—Patterson frequently appeared in both shows in the same week on primetime. The association of Patterson's character with the popular character Arnold, the pet pig whom Fred and his wife Doris treated as a son, ensured Patterson a place", "title": "Hank Patterson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.31, "text": "man to the colorfully zany folk\"\" of Hooterville. However, like other Hootervillians, he sees nothing unusual in the fact that Fred and Doris Ziffel's \"\"son\"\" Arnold is a pig that understands spoken English language, and whose grunts and squeals are understood by others. Drucker is provincial, but fairly intelligent. He earns a modest living, and he sleeps in the back room of the general store. In the \"\"Green Acres\"\" episode \"\"Milk Machine\"\", Mr. Haney and Fred Ziffel ask Drucker for five hundred dollars to invest in a milk making machine. When he tells them he doesn't have the money, Mr.", "title": "Sam Drucker" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.22, "text": "who strives to make sense of his oddball surroundings. There seems to be a dual perspective of reality: Oliver versus everyone else. The latter encompasses the Hootervillians, Oliver's high-maintenance wife Lisa and his affluent mother (Eleanor Audley), who lampoons him for his agricultural pipe-dreams. Such dual realism is at its best when everyone but Oliver can see the TV screen credits, when he corrects Lisa's mangled mispronunciations only to find that he is the only one in town with the correct usage, and when all but Oliver can translate Arnold the pig's grunts and snorts into English. Among Oliver's ongoing", "title": "Green Acres" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.94, "text": "above, more than one Arnold was used. In the 1994 film \"\"Pulp Fiction\"\", the character Jules (played by Samuel L. Jackson) refers to Arnold, saying a pig would have to be \"\"ten times more charming\"\" than Arnold for him to cease considering it a filthy animal. The 1995 theatrical film \"\"Gordy\"\" was originally conceived in the early 1970s by \"\"Green Acres\"\" creator Jay Sommers and writer Dick Chevillat as a vehicle for the Arnold Ziffel character. Both are given writing credit for the film, although Sommers had died some 10 years before the release of \"\"Gordy\"\". The band Anthrax dedicated", "title": "Arnold Ziffel" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.47, "text": "and \"\"Breakfast at Tiffany's\"\" (1961), and appeared in the television series \"\"Our Miss Brooks\"\" with Eve Arden; Cleo, a basset hound who was in the film \"\"Bell, Book and Candle\"\" (1957) and in Jackie Cooper's 1950s television show, \"\"The People's Choice\"\"; Arnold Ziffel, the pig from \"\"Green Acres\"\"; the chimps from \"\"Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp\"\", the dog and two cats from \"\"The Secret Lives of Waldo Kitty\"\", Tramp the dog of \"\"My Three Sons\"\" and many of Elly May Clampett's exotic \"\"critters\"\" on \"\"The Beverly Hillbillies\"\". Possibly his most famous animal was Higgins, a fluffy brown mutt he rescued from", "title": "Frank Inn" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.44, "text": "on \"\"The Jack Benny Program\"\" and subsequent work on several other series, Dorr made his last television performance on the sitcom \"\"Green Acres\"\" in “I Didn't Raise My Pig to Be a Soldier”. He has a considerable speaking part in that episode as “Mr. Collins”, a local draft board official. Lester Dorr was married once, to Grace L. Painter, a native of Louisiana, Missouri. They were wed in Lucas, Ohio, on June 28, 1920, and remained together for 60 years, until Lester's death in Los Angeles in 1980. His remains were cremated and scattered at sea. Lester Dorr Lester Dorr", "title": "Lester Dorr" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.11, "text": "episode, he plays a stoned man, stopped for erratic driving, who tries to hide the burning marijuana \"\"joint\"\" in his suit's front pocket. In a more serious \"\"Adam-12\"\" appearance, he portrayed a drunken driver who killed another driver in an accident on Christmas Eve. On the comedy series \"\"Green Acres\"\" in the 1969 episode \"\"Economy Flight to Washington\"\", Brooks' boozy, bobble-headed character meets and befriends the pig Arnold Ziffel in a hotel bar. In the scene, ostensibly through the haze of alcohol, Brooks mistakes the anthropomorphic pig for a US Air Force lieutenant, since the animal is sitting on a", "title": "Foster Brooks" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.95, "text": "\"\"The Eddie Albert Show\"\". \"\"Green Acres\"\" is about Oliver Wendell Douglas (Eddie Albert), an erudite New York City attorney, fulfilling his dream to be a farmer, and Lisa Douglas (Eva Gabor), his glamorous Hungarian wife, who is dragged unwillingly from an upscale Manhattan penthouse apartment and the city life she adores to a ramshackle farm. The theme tune, as with those of the show's rural cousins, explains the basic premise of the show. At the end of the opening sequence, Albert and Gabor strike a pose in parody of Grant Wood's 1930 painting \"\"American Gothic\"\". The debut episode is a", "title": "Green Acres" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.92, "text": "was facilitated by Frank Inn, who also trained Arnold Ziffel (the pig) and all of the other animals used on \"\"The Beverly Hillbillies\"\", \"\"Petticoat Junction\"\", \"\"Green Acres\"\", and \"\"The Waltons\"\" TV series. His on-set assistant trainers included Gerry Warshauer and Karl Miller. As an actor, Higgins first came to national attention as the uncredited dog who played the character of \"\"Dog\"\" on the television sitcom \"\"Petticoat Junction\"\" for six of the show's seven seasons, from 1964 to 1970, appearing in 149 episodes. He guest-appeared on the television sitcom \"\"Green Acres\"\" with Eva Gabor in 1965 and also made a guest", "title": "Higgins (dog)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.86, "text": "covered both film and television and was separated into four categories: canine, equine, wild and special. The special category encompassed everything from goats to cats to pigs – Arnold Ziffel of TV's \"\"Green Acres\"\" was a two-time winner. Arnold's trainer, Frank Inn, was the proud owner of over 40 PATSY awards, thanks to his work with Orangey, the cat from \"\"Rhubarb\"\" (1951) and \"\"Breakfast at Tiffany's\"\" (1961); Higgins, the dog (who played the lead in the \"\"Benji\"\" movies and \"\"Dog\"\" on \"\"Petticoat Junction\"\"); Cleo the Basset Hound; and Lassie, and Tramp the dog from \"\"My Three Sons\"\" to name a", "title": "PATSY Award" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.7, "text": "more naturally fits into the illogic of their neighbors while quickly assimilating to their quirky, offbeat surroundings. Oliver, while eager to fit in, is often at a loss to grasp the surreal Hootervillians. Mr. Haney (Pat Buttram) is the oily, dishonest local salesman who originally sold Oliver the Green Acres Farm (previously the Old Haney Place). In the early episodes Haney repeatedly profiteers from Oliver by removing all the farm's basic fittings and equipment (the kitchen sink, bath, stove, cow, tractor, plough, etc), and selling or renting them back to Oliver at wildly inflated prices. In succeeding episodes Haney invariably", "title": "Green Acres" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.59, "text": "his diamond-clad wife, Lisa (Eva Gabor), who give up their Park Avenue penthouse for a run-down farm, \"\"The Old Haney Place\"\". In \"\"Green Acres\"\" Hooterville is portrayed as a much more wacky, surreal place than it is in \"\"Petticoat Junction\"\". Though the shows share some characters, the humor in \"\"Green Acres\"\" is often far broader. The major overlap between the two shows is shopkeeper–postman–newsman Sam Drucker. In this series, the town is said to be named after Horace Hooter, who founded the town in 1868. According to \"\"Green Acres\"\", Hooterville is in \"\"the kangaroo state\"\". When Oliver visits the governor,", "title": "Hooterville" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.53, "text": "introduced in 2006. The gambling game features two progressive jackpots that are won if enough \"\"haystacks\"\" are shown among the 25 individual reels (in a 5x5 configuration.) The bonus rounds include the \"\"Hotcake Bonus\"\" and \"\"Arnold's Wild Bonus\"\". (Some banks of \"\"Green Acres\"\" machines are linked with \"\"The Harlem Globetrotters\"\" and \"\"The Dukes of Hazzard\"\" slots.) Specific citations: Green Acres Green Acres is an American sitcom starring Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor as a couple who move from New York City to a country farm. Produced by Filmways as a sister show to \"\"Petticoat Junction\"\", the series was first broadcast", "title": "Green Acres" } ]
who wrote break up in a small town?
[ "Shane McAnally", "Sam Hunt", "Zach Crowell" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.88, "text": "Break Up in a Small Town \"\"Break Up in a Small Town\"\" is a song co-written and recorded by American singer Sam Hunt. It was released to country radio, by MCA Nashville on September 21, 2015 as the fourth single from his debut studio album \"\"Montevallo\"\" (2014). The song was written by Hunt, Zach Crowell and Shane McAnally. The song has country and R&B influence, which Hunt expressed in an article with \"\"Billboard\"\". Shane McAnally said of the influence: \"\"It's a model that I think many people could learn from because you are still evolving as an artist along the", "title": "Break Up in a Small Town" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.86, "text": "out of the top spot by \"\"Die a Happy Man\"\" performed by Thomas Rhett. The song became Hunt's fourth consecutive top-three hit on the Hot Country Songs chart. The song was certified Gold by the RIAA on September 3, 2015, and Platinum on December 17, 2015. As of March 2016, the song has sold nearly 1,230,000 downloads. Break Up in a Small Town \"\"Break Up in a Small Town\"\" is a song co-written and recorded by American singer Sam Hunt. It was released to country radio, by MCA Nashville on September 21, 2015 as the fourth single from his debut", "title": "Break Up in a Small Town" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.14, "text": "way. Just because you put music out, it doesn't mean that is where you stop for the next year.\"\" Hunt then discussed the process of making the song, saying it was born when he was \"\"singing that chorus melody late one night while riding around trying to come up with song ideas.\"\" He originally \"\"didn't want to write anymore break up songs,\"\" but the melody of the song changed his mind, saying it \"\"fit too perfectly not to go with it.\"\" The song was inspired by his breakup with his then-girlfriend Hannah Lee Fowler whom he has since married. Hunt", "title": "Break Up in a Small Town" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.47, "text": "Mattia and premiered in October 2015. The song debuted on the Hot Country Songs chart at number 30 for the week of August 30, 2014, the week his EP \"\"X2C\"\" was released, with 24,000 copies sold. All four songs from the EP debuted on the chart, with \"\"Ex to See\"\", \"\"House Party\"\", and \"\"Break Up in a Small Town\"\" doing so exclusively through digital sales. It also debuted at number 16 on the Country Digital Songs chart. Following its release as a single from \"\"Montevallo\"\", the song peaked at number two on the Hot Country Songs chart, but was kept", "title": "Break Up in a Small Town" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.89, "text": "\"\"sing-talks\"\" during the verses of the song similar to American singer Frank Ocean's method in his song \"\"Thinkin Bout You;\"\" the chorus is then met with elements of dubstep. Billy Dukes of \"\"Taste of Country\"\" gave the song a favorable review and observed the song as \"\"likely the wordiest song of 2015\"\" and Hunt's \"\"most genre-bending release to country radio\"\", adding \"\"Any talk of which genre Hunt belongs in misses the point. His story hits hard. It's deep and emotional and sincere and all the things we expect from a great country song.\"\" The music video was directed by Tim", "title": "Break Up in a Small Town" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.06, "text": "been certified Platinum by the RIAA. As of February 2016, it has sold 1,121,000 copies in the US. \"\"Break Up in a Small Town\"\" was released as the fourth single from the album on September 21, 2015. It peaked at number 29 on the US \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 and became Hunt's first single to miss the top spot on the Hot Country Songs chart and the Country Airplay chart, peaking at number two on both charts. It has been certified Platinum by the RIAA. As of March 2016, it has sold 1,230,000 copies in the US. \"\"Make You Miss Me\"\"", "title": "Montevallo (album)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.31, "text": "I try to zig when other people zag.\"\" Commenting on his interpretation of country music, he told \"\"Rolling Stone Country\"\", \"\"I think country songs are truthful songs about life written by country people, but the beats and sounds will continue to evolve.\"\" Billy Dukes of \"\"Taste of Country\"\", on observing \"\"Break Up in a Small Town\"\", referred the song as \"\"likely the wordiest song of 2015\"\" and Hunt's \"\"most genre-bending release to country radio\"\", adding \"\"Any talk of which genre Hunt belongs in misses the point. His story hits hard. It's deep and emotional and sincere and all the things", "title": "Sam Hunt" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.03, "text": "\"\"Bones\"\", recorded in a friend’s living room. Barham wrote the songs in the wake of a break-up, helping to cement a familiar theme of women who either got away or did the protagonist wrong. Their next album was \"\"Dances for the Lonely\"\". Released by Last Chance Records in 2009,it featured one of their fan favorites, “I Hope He Breaks Your Heart.” \"\"Small Town Hymns\"\", released in 2010, brought more favorable reviews and continued comparisons to Bruce Springsteen, Whiskeytown, and Lucero. In 2012, American Aquarium released two albums: \"\"Live in Raleigh\"\" and \"\"Burn. Flicker. Die.\"\", which garnered considerable praise from music", "title": "American Aquarium" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.02, "text": "Small Town Throwdown \"\"Small Town Throwdown\"\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country rock singer Brantley Gilbert as a collaboration with Justin Moore and Thomas Rhett. It was released in May 2014 as the second single from his third studio album \"\"Just as I Am\"\". The song has sold 417,000 copies in the U.S. as of October 2014. An uncredited \"\"Taste of Country\"\" review stated that \"\"The song — penned by Gilbert and the Peach Pickers — is built to be performed live. Raw energy will make it a hit, as the four aren’t breaking new ground lyrically.", "title": "Small Town Throwdown" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.98, "text": "Small Town \"\"Small Town\"\" is a 1985 song written by John Mellencamp and released on his 1985 album \"\"Scarecrow\"\". The song reached #6 on the U.S. \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 chart and #13 Adult Contemporary. Mellencamp wrote the song about his experiences growing up in a small town in Indiana, having been born in Seymour, Indiana, and living in Bloomington, Indiana, which, at the time of the release of the song, was larger. The music video has references to both towns. \"\"I wrote that song in the laundry room of my old house,\"\" Mellencamp told \"\"American Songwriter\"\" magazine in 2004. \"\"We", "title": "Small Town" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.86, "text": "Small Town Pistols Small Town Pistols is a Canadian country music duo composed of Amanda and Tyler Wilkinson, formerly of The Wilkinsons. The two siblings were each pursuing individual solo careers when they both went through difficult break-ups. That led them to start writing music together again with an eye towards pitching songs to other artists including Lady Antebellum. On listening to their new material they decided to perform it themselves. While they did discuss using the Wilkinson name for their new material, they decided to use a fresh name. The name Small Town Pistols is a reference to their", "title": "Small Town Pistols" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.42, "text": "series \"\"Off to War\"\", which covered Arkansas Army National Guard soldiers, most of them from rural Clarksville, Arkansas, during their tour of duty in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Small Town \"\"Small Town\"\" is a 1985 song written by John Mellencamp and released on his 1985 album \"\"Scarecrow\"\". The song reached #6 on the U.S. \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 chart and #13 Adult Contemporary. Mellencamp wrote the song about his experiences growing up in a small town in Indiana, having been born in Seymour, Indiana, and living in Bloomington, Indiana, which, at the time of the release of the song, was larger. The", "title": "Small Town" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.38, "text": "4th Annual Mash-Up concert in November 2016. Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town \"\"Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town\"\" is a song by the American rock band Pearl Jam. The song is the tenth track on the band's second studio album, \"\"Vs.\"\" (1993). Although credited to all members of Pearl Jam, it was primarily written by vocalist Eddie Vedder. The length of the song's title was a reaction by the band to the fact that most of its songs featured one-word titles. The song is often referred to simply as \"\"Elderly Woman\"\" or \"\"Small", "title": "Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.86, "text": "Small Town Saturday Night (song) \"\"Small Town Saturday Night\"\" is a debut song written by Pat Alger and Hank DeVito, and recorded by American country music artist Hal Ketchum. It was released in April 1991 as the first single from his album \"\"Past the Point of Rescue\"\". The song reached #2 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart in August 1991. The song is an uptempo that describes what occurs on a Saturday night in a small town. The song was inspired by the city of New Braunfels, Texas. The music video was directed by Senor McGuire and", "title": "Small Town Saturday Night (song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.83, "text": "she moves \"\"from a small town to a big metropolis\"\". The band have been consistent when describing this central story of \"\"running away from relationships, breaking up in a small town, moving to the big city, losing yourself, having your innocence completely corrupted, and living to tell the tale as a wiser person\"\", however, several conflicting explanations have been given for the appearance of this narrative arc. Chief songwriter Gruff Rhys has claimed that \"\"Hey Venus!\"\" was conceived as a concept album: However both drummer Dafydd Ieuan and Rhys himself have contradicted this statement, Ieuan stating that, although there are", "title": "Hey Venus!" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.77, "text": "Famous in a Small Town \"\"Famous in a Small Town\"\" is a song written by Travis Howard and co-written and recorded by American country music artist Miranda Lambert. It was released in April 2007 as the second single from her album \"\"Crazy Ex-Girlfriend\"\". It was Lambert's second Top 20 hit on the U.S. \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot Country Songs chart. It was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Female Country Vocal Performance in 2008. The song was ranked number 40 on Engine 145's \"\"50 Best Country Songs of 2007\"\". \"\"Famous in a Small Town\"\" has a moderately fast tempo in the", "title": "Famous in a Small Town" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.62, "text": "Big Dreams in a Small Town (song) \"\"Big Dreams in a Small Town\"\" is a song recorded by American country music group Restless Heart. It was released in February 1989 as the third single and title track from the album \"\"Big Dreams in a Small Town\"\". The song reached number 3 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart. It was written by Van Stephenson, Dave Robbins, and Tim DuBois. The song is an up-tempo in which the narrator talks about wanting to leave the small town life with his significant other when he is young. Eventually he decides", "title": "Big Dreams in a Small Town (song)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.58, "text": "Small Town Boy (song) \"\"Small Town Boy\"\" is a song recorded by American country music artist Dustin Lynch. It was released to country radio on February 17, 2017 as the second single from his third studio album, \"\"Current Mood\"\". The song was written by Rhett Akins, Kyle Fishman and Ben Hayslip and produced by Zach Crowell. They wrote the song while on Luke Bryan's annual Farm Tour around October 2016, and sent the song to Dustin Lynch in November. Lynch listened to the song while on a hunt and decided to record it for his third album. The song was", "title": "Small Town Boy (song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.5, "text": "on the \"\"Billboard\"\" R&B chart (known as the Hot Soul Singles chart at that time) and peaked at #7 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 pop charts in 1976. Written by Commodores lead singer Lionel Richie, the song is a slow ballad expressing a man's feelings as a relationship ends. Rather than being depressed about the break-up, he states that he is instead \"\"easy like Sunday morning\"\"—something which Richie described as evocative of \"\"small Southern towns that die at 11:30pm\"\" on a Saturday night, such as his own Tuskegee, Alabama. The song is noted for its feedback noise, heard in the", "title": "Easy (Commodores song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.47, "text": "gone.\"\" Small Town Southern Man \"\"Small Town Southern Man\"\" is a song written and recorded by American country music artist Alan Jackson. It was released in November 2007 as the lead single from his album \"\"Good Time\"\" (see 2008 in country music), the song reached the top of the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot Country Songs charts in March 2008, becoming Jackson's twenty-third Number One hit on that chart, as well as his first since \"\"Remember When\"\" in February 2004. Described by the magazine \"\"Country Weekly\"\" as a \"\"loping, fiddle-and-steel-guitar-driven song\"\", \"\"Small Town Southern Man\"\" is set in a moderate tempo and composed", "title": "Small Town Southern Man" } ]
what types of designs were painted on early greek vases?
[ "Geometric" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.03, "text": "was increased. For example, the myths surrounding Theseus became very popular at this time. New or modified vase shapes were frequently employed, including the Nolan amphora (see Typology of Greek Vase Shapes), lekythoi, as well as bowls of the \"\"askos\"\" and \"\"dinos\"\" types. The specialisation into separate vase and bowl painters increased. The key characteristic of Early Classical figures is that they are often somewhat stockier and less dynamic than their predecessors. As a result, the depictions gained seriousness, even \"\"pathos\"\". The folds of garments were depicted less linearly, thus appearing more plastic. The manner of presenting scenes also changed", "title": "Red-figure pottery" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.2, "text": "painted Ancient Greek pottery, perhaps because increased prosperity led to more use of fine metalware (very little now surviving) and the decline of the fine painted \"\"vase\"\" (the term used for all vessel shapes in pottery). Most vases of the period are black and uniform, with a shiny appearance approaching that of varnish, decorated with simple motifs of flowers or festoons. The shapes of the vessels are often based on metalwork shapes: thus with the lagynos, a wine jar typical of the period. Painted vase types that continued production into the Hellenistic period include Hadra vases and Panathenaic amphora. It", "title": "Hellenistic art" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.19, "text": "Greek mythology and history. Documentary evidence proves that this collection, including the famous Darius vase and all the splendid examples from Canosa now at Munich, came from the same tombs as the humbler askoi twin-situlae and \"\"sphagia\"\" (see Gallery). If the decoration of these is examined, it will be seen that the whole spirit of the late Canosan is entirely changed from that of the earlier Daunian school. In place of the lozenge, band and triangle, the primitive motives of the geometric repertoire, there are maeanders, frets, vine leaves and egg patterns, all designs appearing on the contemporary Greek pottery.", "title": "Apulian vase painting" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.09, "text": "the previously current vase shapes were still painted, but \"\"kraters\"\", \"\"lekanes\"\" (see Typology of Greek Vase Shapes) and \"\"pelikes\"\" were especially popular. The motifs are mostly scenes from the life of women (often exaggeratedly idyllic), dionysiac themes and subjects to do with Artemis and Demeter. Fighting griffins are another common subject. The figures are often elegant and highly decorated, and in some cases painters have emphasized certain stylistic qualities at the expense of naturalism. Details and ornamentation played an important role, the best works resemble examples from the fifth century BC. White, yellow and red were often used as additional", "title": "Kerch style" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.97, "text": "and from the plant world the stylized acanthus leaves, volute, palmette and half-palmette, plant scrolls of various kinds, rosette, lotus flower, and papyrus flower. Originally used prominently on Archaic vases, as figurative painting developed these were usually relegated to serve as borders demarcating edges of the vase or different zones of decoration. Greek architecture was notable for developing sophisticated conventions for using mouldings and other architectural ornamental elements, which used these motifs in a harmoniously integrated whole. Even before the Classical period, this vocabulary had influenced Celtic art, and the expansion of the Greek world after Alexander, and the export", "title": "Ancient Greek art" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.94, "text": "of technical virtuousity, tending to \"\"cleverness, whimsy, or excessive elegance\"\". Many or most Greek pottery shapes were taken from shapes first used in metal, and in recent decades there has been an increasing view that much of the finest vase-painting reused designs by silversmiths for vessels with engraving and sections plated in a different metal, working from drawn designs. Exceptional survivals of what may have been a relatively common class of large bronze vessels are two volute kraters, for mixing wine and water. These are the Vix Krater, c. 530 BC, 1.63m (5'4\"\") high and over 200 kg (450 lbs)", "title": "Ancient Greek art" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.83, "text": "Cycladic vase painting Cycladic vase painting was a regional style of Greek vase painting, produced in the Cycladic islands. Especially in its early and middle phases, the Geometric vase painting of the Cyclades was strongly influenced by Attic vase painting. In the late Geometric phase, there is evidence for workshops on Naxos, Thera, Paros and Melos that had developed their own stylistic forms in terms of material, vase shapes, and ornamental decoration. This was followed by a considerable duration of the Subgeometric style, before Orientalising vase painting became dominant. Once that had happened, floral and other ornaments became very popular.", "title": "Cycladic vase painting" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.75, "text": "indicates a Cypriot influence. Rhodes also produced large vases, including tall-footed kraters. The distinguishing feature of East Greek vase painting were diagionally hatched meanders, triangles and rhomboids. Later, waterfowl were added as a motif. The Attic system of metope-like panes was also adopted, but abandoned soon after. By the end of the Geometric period, vases were often covered in a white slip, onto which the paint was applied. Until the 7th century BC, Geometric shapes were continued within the Subgeometric style. This style lasted much longer here than in other Greek regions. Only by about 650 BC was it replaced", "title": "East Greek vase painting" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.73, "text": "vases probably date from the 7th century BC. At first, they resemble black-figure models from Corinth and eastern Greece. It is assumed that in the early phase primarily Greek immigrants were the producers. The first important style was Pontic pottery painting. Afterward, in the period between 530 and 500 BC, the Micali Painter and his workshop followed. At this time Etruscan artists tended to follow Attic models and produced primarily amphoras, hydriai and jugs. They usually had komos and symposia scenes and animal friezes. Mythological scenes are less common, but they are very carefully produced. The black-figure style ended around", "title": "Black-figure pottery" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.72, "text": "Ancient Greek funerary vases Ancient Greek funerary vases are decorative grave markers made in ancient Greece that were designed to resemble liquid-holding vessels. These decorated vases were placed on grave sites as a mark of elite status. There are many types of funerary vases, such as amphorae, kraters, oinochoe, and kylix cups, among others. One famous example is the Dipylon amphora. Every-day vases were often not painted, but wealthy Greeks could afford luxuriously painted ones. Funerary vases on male graves might have themes of military prowess, or athletics. However, allusions to death in Greek tragedies was a popular motif. Famous", "title": "Ancient Greek funerary vases" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.72, "text": "vase painting from Corinth and East Greece. It is assumed that in the earliest phase, vases were produced mainly by immigrants from Greece. The first major style was so-called Pontic vase painting. This was followed between 530 and 500 BC by the Micali Painter and his workshop. They mainly produced amphorae, \"\"hydriai\"\" and jugs. Depictions included komasts, symposia and animal friezes. Mythological motifs occur more rarely, but are already created with great care. By this time, Etruscan vase painting had begun to take its main influence from Attic vase painting. The black-figure style ended about 480 BC. In its final", "title": "Etruscan vase painting" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.69, "text": "Greek vase painting. The white-ground technique was developed at the end of the 6th century BC. Unlike the better-known black-figure and red-figure techniques, its coloration was not achieved through the application and firing of slips but through the use of paints and gilding on a surface of white clay. It allowed for a higher level of polychromy than the other techniques, although the vases end up less visually striking. The technique gained great importance during the 5th and 4th centuries, especially in the form of small \"\"lekythoi\"\" that became typical grave offerings. Important representatives include its inventor, the Achilles Painter,", "title": "Pottery of ancient Greece" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.66, "text": "polychromatic Kerch style a final flourish; it was probably replaced by metalwork for most of its functions. West Slope Ware, with decorative motifs on a black glazed body, continued for over a century after. Italian red-figure painting ended by about 300, and in the next century the relatively primitive Hadra vases, probably from Crete, Centuripe ware from Sicily, and Panathenaic amphorae, now a frozen tradition, were the only large painted vases still made. Fine metalwork was an important art in ancient Greece, but later production is very poorly represented by survivals, most of which come from the edges of the", "title": "Ancient Greek art" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.62, "text": "Black-figure pottery Black-figure pottery painting, also known as the black-figure style or black-figure ceramic (Greek, \"\"μελανόμορφα\"\", \"\"melanomorpha\"\") is one of the styles of painting on antique Greek vases. It was especially common between the 7th and 5th centuries BC, although there are specimens dating as late as the 2nd century BC. Stylistically it can be distinguished from the preceding orientalizing period and the subsequent red-figure pottery style. Figures and ornaments were painted on the body of the vessel using shapes and colors reminiscent of silhouettes. Delicate contours were incised into the paint before firing, and details could be reinforced and", "title": "Black-figure pottery" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.58, "text": "such as red and white, quite extensively, but also very carefully, thereby increasing the decorative effect. Earlier than other local styles, e.g. those of Corinth, Attica or East Greece, the figurally decorated interior of the cup became the carrier of the main image. Around 570 BC, perhaps under the influence of East Greek plates, the Boreades Painter subdivided the interior image into segments. Such zones were to become typical of Laconian vase painting. He also introduced the typical Laconian tripartite subdivision of the exterior surface of the cup bowl (pomegranates, flames and rays). The painters depicted scenes of everyday life,", "title": "Laconian vase painting" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.56, "text": "East Greek vase painting East Greek vase painting was a regional style of ancient Greek vase painting, produced by the eastern Greeks (Ionia and the islands of the eastern Aegean Sea). In spite of the region's wealth, the pottery was rather unremarkable in comparison to other areas. The clay is red-brown to pink and often contains mica inclusions. Many regional sub-styles of East Greek pottery existed. East Greek Geometric vase painting, starting in the Middle Geometric period, shows a strong influence by Attic vase painting. Especially on Kos, this is notable at an early stage. The shape of \"\"lekythoi\"\" also", "title": "East Greek vase painting" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.44, "text": "works were discovered. He was strongly influenced by Attic tradition. His successors, the Amycus Painter and the Cyclops Painter had a workshop in Metapontum. They were the first to paint the new \"\"nestoris\"\" (see Typology of Greek Vase Shapes) vase type. Mythical or theatrical scenes are common. For example, the Cheophoroi painter, named after the Cheophoroi by Aeschylos showed scenes from the tragedy in question on several of his vases. The influence of Apulian vase painting becomes tangible roughly at the same time. Especially polychromy and vegetal decor became standard. Important representatives of this style include the Dolon Painter and", "title": "Red-figure pottery" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.36, "text": "vase-painting went into decline. By the end of the Hellenistic period, technical developments included modelling to indicate contours in forms, shadows, foreshortening, some probably imprecise form of perspective, interior and landscape backgrounds, and the use of changing colours to suggest distance in landscapes, so that \"\"Greek artists had all the technical devices needed for fully illusionistic painting\"\". The most common and respected form of art, according to authors like Pliny or Pausanias, were panel paintings, individual, portable paintings on wood boards. The techniques used were encaustic (wax) painting and tempera. Such paintings normally depicted figural scenes, including portraits and still-lifes;", "title": "Ancient Greek art" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.36, "text": "on Greek models. Black-figure painting on vases was the first art style to give rise to a significant number of identifiable artists. Some are known by their true names, others only by the pragmatic names they were given in the scientific literature. Especially Attica was the home of well-known artists. Some potters introduced a variety of innovations which frequently influenced the work of the painters; sometimes it was the painters who inspired the potters’ originality. Red- as well as black-figure vases are one of the most important sources of mythology and iconography, and sometimes also for researching day-to-day ancient Greek", "title": "Black-figure pottery" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.34, "text": "victorious athletes during Panathenaic games, with the winner painted on it. These might be placed on the grave of the athlete. The Lekythos was another style of funerary vase that usually held ritual oil. It had a slender body with a single handle. One famous artist of lekythoi was the Achiles painter. Funeral lekythoi were often painted in the white ground technique. The kylix (kylikes, plural), popular at symposiums, was a stout drinking cup with a very wide bowl. A well known potter of kylikes was Exekias. After being formed separately on the potter's wheel, the bowl and stem would", "title": "Ancient Greek funerary vases" } ]
who played kirk's mom in star trek movie?
[ "Jennifer Marie Morrison" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.06, "text": "\"\"Father Knows Best\"\", where she played Jane Wyatt's eldest daughter. On the next broadcast \"\"Star Trek\"\" episode, Jane Wyatt guested, playing Spock's mother Amanda. Cochrane reappears as the focal character of the movie \"\"\"\" (1996), in which he is played by James Cromwell. This episode was the first time in the original series that Kirk does not appear on board the \"\"Enterprise\"\" at any point. Metamorphosis (Star Trek: The Original Series) \"\"Metamorphosis\"\" is the ninth episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\"\"\". Written by Gene L. Coon and directed by Ralph Senensky, it was first broadcast", "title": "Metamorphosis (Star Trek: The Original Series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.02, "text": "what feels right instead of what is logical. Spock remains in Starfleet, becoming first officer under Kirk's command. \"\"Enterprise\"\" goes to warp as the elder Spock speaks the \"\"where no one has gone before\"\" monologue. Chris Hemsworth plays George Kirk, James Tiberius Kirk's father, who dies aboard USS \"\"Kelvin\"\" while battling Nero. Mark Wahlberg was also approached for the role. Faran Tahir plays \"\"Kelvin\"\" captain Richard Robau. Winona Kirk, Kirk's mother, is played by Jennifer Morrison. Greg Ellis plays Chief Engineer Olson, the redshirt who is killed during the space jump. Additional minor roles include Rachel Nichols as Gaila, an", "title": "Star Trek (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.42, "text": "for a fourth film. In July 2016, Abrams confirmed plans for a fourth film, and stated that Chris Hemsworth would return as Kirk's father, George, whom he played in the prologue of the first film. Later that month, Paramount confirmed the return of Hemsworth as well as most of the \"\"Beyond\"\" cast, producers Abrams and Lindsey Weber, and writers J. D. Payne and Patrick McKay. That same month, Abrams had said that Chekov would not be recast, after Anton Yelchin died in a motor vehicle incident. In December 2017, Deadline Hollywood reported that Quentin Tarantino is currently working on the", "title": "Star Trek (film series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.39, "text": "as James T. Kirk's mother, Winona. After her contract on \"\"House\"\" was not renewed, it was announced in December 2009 that Morrison had won the role of Kate Keller, Helen Keller's mother, in the Broadway-bound revival of \"\"The Miracle Worker\"\". In the fall of 2010 Morrison appeared as a guest-star in the fourth episode of NBC's \"\"Chase\"\". She played the role of Faith, a single mother-turned-fugitive, who embarks on a bloody killing spree across Texas with her little daughter. She then joined the cast of CBS's \"\"How I Met Your Mother\"\" as recurring character Zoey Pierson, a mischievous architecture nerd", "title": "Jennifer Morrison" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.12, "text": "Orion Starfleet cadet; Deep Roy as Scotty's alien (Royla) assistant Keenser; and Paul McGillion as a Starfleet barracks leader. Chris Doohan, the son of the original Scotty, James Doohan, makes a cameo appearance in the transporter room as Lt. Kyle. Some characters had their scenes substantially or entirely cut from the film, including Brad William Henke as Kirk's stepfather (the character's lines in the film were provided by Greg Grunberg). Spencer Daniels originally played Kirk's older brother, George Samuel \"\"Sam\"\" Kirk, Jr., but the majority of his scenes were cut and the opening car chase scene where Kirk can be", "title": "Star Trek (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.02, "text": "of \"\"Hamlet\"\", while Sulu drives a taxicab in an overcrowded metropolis. The revised opening featured Captain Sulu bringing his friends out of their retirement: Spock's whereabouts are classified; Kirk was to have married Carol Marcus (played by Bibi Besch in \"\"The Wrath of Khan\"\"), the mother of his late son, leading a settled life before a special envoy arrives at his door. McCoy is drunk at a posh medical dinner; Scott is teaching Engineering while the Bird of Prey from \"\"The Voyage Home\"\" is pulled from San Francisco Bay; Uhura hosts a call-in radio show and is glad to escape;", "title": "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.44, "text": "to \"\"make a difference\"\". Picard buries Kirk on the planet. This \"\"Star Trek\"\" film series takes place in an alternate universe known as the \"\"Kelvin Timeline\"\". In this series, Chris Pine plays Kirk, Zachary Quinto plays Spock, Karl Urban plays Bones McCoy, Simon Pegg plays Montgomery \"\"Scotty\"\" Scott, Zoë Saldana plays Nyota Uhura, John Cho plays Hikaru Sulu, and Anton Yelchin plays Pavel Andreieovich Chekov. The 2009 film \"\"Star Trek\"\" introduces an alternative timeline that reveals different origins for Kirk, the formation of his association with Spock, and how they came to serve together on the \"\"Enterprise\"\". The point of", "title": "James T. Kirk" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.34, "text": "Jennifer Morrison Jennifer Marie Morrison (born April 12, 1979) is an American actress, producer, director, and former child model. She is known for her roles as Dr. Allison Cameron in the medical-drama series \"\"House\"\" (2004–2012) and Emma Swan in the ABC adventure-fantasy series \"\"Once Upon a Time\"\" (2011–2017, 2018). She has also portrayed Zoey Pierson, one of Ted Mosby's love interests on the comedy series \"\"How I Met Your Mother\"\"; Winona Kirk, mother of James T. Kirk in the 2009 science-fiction film \"\"Star Trek\"\"; and Tess Conlon in the 2011 sports drama film \"\"Warrior\"\". She made her feature film directorial", "title": "Jennifer Morrison" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.34, "text": "Jennifer Morrison Jennifer Marie Morrison (born April 12, 1979) is an American actress, producer, director, and former child model. She is known for her roles as Dr. Allison Cameron in the medical-drama series \"\"House\"\" (2004–2012) and Emma Swan in the ABC adventure-fantasy series \"\"Once Upon a Time\"\" (2011–2017, 2018). She has also portrayed Zoey Pierson, one of Ted Mosby's love interests on the comedy series \"\"How I Met Your Mother\"\"; Winona Kirk, mother of James T. Kirk in the 2009 science-fiction film \"\"Star Trek\"\"; and Tess Conlon in the 2011 sports drama film \"\"Warrior\"\". She made her feature film directorial", "title": "Jennifer Morrison" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.19, "text": "service on \"\"Farragut\"\", a major backstory point to the original episode \"\"\"\", was left out because it was deemed irrelevant to the story of Kirk meeting Spock, although Orci felt nothing in his script precluded it from the new film's backstory. There was a scene involving Kirk meeting Carol Marcus (who is revealed as the mother of his son in \"\"\"\") as a child, but it was dropped because the film needed more time to introduce the core characters. Figuring out ways to get the crew together required some contrivances, which Orci and Kurtzman wanted to explain from old Spock", "title": "Star Trek (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.14, "text": "known film \"\"White Comanche\"\" starring as two characters: Johnny Moon and his twin brother Notah. Shatner was cast as Captain James T. Kirk for the second pilot of \"\"Star Trek\"\", titled \"\"Where No Man Has Gone Before\"\". He was then contracted to play Kirk for the \"\"Star Trek\"\" series and held the role from 1966 to 1969. During its original run on NBC, the series pulled in only modest ratings and was cancelled after three seasons. In his role as Kirk, Shatner famously kissed actress Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura) in the November 22, 1968, \"\"Star Trek\"\" episode, \"\"Plato's Stepchildren\"\". The", "title": "William Shatner" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.09, "text": "in the role for the show's three seasons, and later provided the voice of the animated version of Kirk in \"\"\"\" (1973–74). Shatner returned to the role for \"\"\"\" (1979) and in six subsequent films. Chris Pine portrays an alternative young version of the character in the 2009 \"\"Star Trek\"\" film, with Jimmy Bennett playing Kirk as a child. Pine reprised his role in \"\"Star Trek Into Darkness\"\" (2013) and in \"\"Star Trek Beyond\"\" (2016). Other actors have played the character in fan-created media, and the character has been the subject of multiple spoofs and satires. Kirk has been praised", "title": "James T. Kirk" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.08, "text": "the \"\"Enterprise\"\". Her second appearance was in \"\"Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home\"\", where she and Janice Rand (Grace Lee Whitney) were stationed in Starfleet Headquarters in San Francisco. In the 2009 film \"\"Star Trek\"\", a Nurse Chapel is mentioned by McCoy (Karl Urban). In the 2013 film \"\"Star Trek Into Darkness\"\", Carol Marcus (Alice Eve) tells Kirk (Chris Pine) that after being with him, Chapel left to become a nurse. Executive producer Robert H. Justman didn't care for Chapel; he described her as a \"\"wimpy, badly written, and ill-conceived character.\"\" He added that the additional camera lenses used by", "title": "Christine Chapel" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.08, "text": "main characters: Captain Kirk (William Shatner), chief engineer Lt. Commander Scott (James Doohan) and Lt. Sulu (George Takei), who served as a physicist on the ship in the second pilot but subsequently became a helmsman throughout the rest of the series. Paul Fix played Dr. Mark Piper in the second pilot; ship's doctor Leonard McCoy (DeForest Kelley) joined the cast when filming began for the first season, and he remained for the rest of the series, achieving billing as the third star of the series. Also joining the ship's permanent crew during the first season were the communications officer, Lt.", "title": "Star Trek: The Original Series" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.05, "text": "new form of life that disappears into another dimension. With Earth saved, Kirk directs \"\"Enterprise\"\" out to space for future missions. Other actors from the television series who returned included Majel Barrett as Christine Chapel, a doctor aboard the \"\"Enterprise\"\", and Grace Lee Whitney as Janice Rand, formerly one of Kirk's yeomen. David Gautreaux, who had been cast as Xon in the aborted second television series, cameos as Branch, the commander of the Epsilon 9 communications station. Mark Lenard portrays the Klingon commander in the film's opening sequence; the actor also played Spock's father, Sarek, in the television series and", "title": "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.05, "text": "by William Shatner, who portrayed Captain James T. Kirk in with the various other actors who have portrayed \"\"Star Trek\"\" Captains: Sir Patrick Stewart, Avery Brooks, Kate Mulgrew, Scott Bakula and Chris Pine. \"\"The Captains\"\" delves into each actor's life and career leading up to their film or television performances. The film devotes attention to Shatner's own acting roots, tracking his journey from his beginnings at the Stratford Shakespeare Festival and CBC Radio and CBC Television, to headlining Broadway shows, and eventually getting his break in Hollywood at the helm of Gene Roddenberry's \"\"Star Trek\"\" series. Shatner's travels take him", "title": "The Captains (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.03, "text": "(1977) led the studio to instead consider developing a \"\"Star Trek\"\" motion picture. Shatner and the other original \"\"Star Trek\"\" cast members returned to their roles when Paramount produced \"\"\"\", released in 1979. He played Kirk in the next six \"\"Star Trek\"\" films, ending with the character's death in \"\"Star Trek Generations\"\" (1994). Some later appearances in the role are in the movie sequences of the video game \"\"\"\" (1997), briefly for a DirecTV advertisement using footage from \"\"Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country\"\" running from late summer 2006, and the 2013 Academy Awards, in which he reprised the role", "title": "William Shatner" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.84, "text": "It Runs in the Family (2003 film) It Runs in the Family is a 2003 comedy-drama movie directed by Fred Schepisi and starring three generations of the Douglas family: Kirk Douglas, his son Michael Douglas, and Michael's son Cameron Douglas, who play three generations of a family. Diana Douglas ( Dill), real-life mother to Michael Douglas and ex-wife of Kirk, plays Kirk's character's wife. The film was a co-production with MGM and Buena Vista International. The story involves the highly successful New York City Gromberg family. Each member has their own set of problems. The father-son relationship difficulties is highlighted.", "title": "It Runs in the Family (2003 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.83, "text": "by jealous children. Rand was portrayed by American actress Grace Lee Whitney, who had previously worked with \"\"Star Trek\"\" creator Gene Roddenberry in both \"\"The Lieutenant\"\" and a pilot for a show he created called \"\"Police Story\"\". Whitney as Rand was involved in promoting \"\"Star Trek\"\" before it aired, but did not appear in the first two pilots. Roddenberry set out the role of Rand to Whitney, saying that she and Kirk were meant to have feelings for one another, but should never act on them. Part way through the first season, Whitney was released from her contract. The official", "title": "Janice Rand" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.78, "text": "(on his mother's side). The book ends with Kirk accessing the personnel record of his first officer, which reveals that Amanda Grayson's middle name is Stemple and that she was born in Seattle, Washington, thereby suggesting that Spock's mother is a descendent of Aaron Stemple; as a result of Spock being with Aaron Stemple, Stemple falls in love with Biddy the plainest of the girls. He asks her to marry him just before the Klingons arrive to try and kill Stemple. The same personnel record gives Spock's full name as S'chn T'gai Spock and his father as S'chn T'gai Sarek.", "title": "Ishmael (Star Trek)" } ]
who voices the ugly duckling in chicken little?
[ "Joan Cusack" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 27.78, "text": "unique — and then he had such great energy.\"\" In April 2002, \"\"Variety\"\" reported that Sean Hayes was to voice a character named the Ugly Duckling, but the character was rewritten into a female. Now conceived as Abby Mallard, Hunter, Jamie Lee Curtis, Sarah Jessica Parker, Jodie Foster, Geena Davis, and Madonna were considered, but Joan Cusack won the role for her natural comedy. In December 2003, it was announced Braff and Cusack were cast, along with other cast members including Steve Zahn, Amy Sedaris, Don Knotts, Katie Finneran, and Garry Marshall. Marshall was asked to provide a voice for", "title": "Chicken Little (2005 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.41, "text": "baby called Bandicoot, who was surrounded by a variety of animal friends of which Philpott lent her voice to. Philpott adapted other stories such as \"\"The Ugly Duckling\"\" at the Little Angel Theatre where she was a regular visiting artist and performed as Boo the Clown. She found her greatest success with the creation of Zippy on the television show \"\"Rainbow\"\" in 1972 but her involvement with the show ended after one season after she sustained a back injury by adopting a pose each time the character appeared through a window. In 1975, Philpott and Mary Jean McNeil produced a", "title": "Violet Philpott" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.81, "text": "character Raíssa overshadowed the main character in the plot, Sol\"\", played by Deborah Secco. This year, she also starred in one more film \"\"Gaijin - Ama-me Como Sou\"\" portraying Weronika Muller. She participated in her second Portuguese voice over translation in the movie \"\"Chicken Little\"\", where he voiced the character Hebe Marreca, known as Pata Ugly. Also in 2005, she made a cameo in \"\"Casseta & Planeta\"\" playing the character Raíssa. In 2006, Mariana was cast as Lílian Gonçalves in the miniseries \"\"JK\"\". In \"\"Cobras & Lagartos\"\", she portrayed the character Bel, that was initially for Giovanna Antonelli. In the", "title": "Mariana Ximenes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.17, "text": "“The Ugly Duckling” with Bernadette Ludwig. In September–October the Company did three Australian works: David Williamson’s “The Removalists”, “Halloran’s Little Boat” by Thomas Keneally and “An Evening with Adolf Hitler”. This latter was the world premiere of a play co-written by poet and playwright Jennifer Compton and Matthew O’Sullivan, who also directed and played Hitler. The Actors’ Company did its first (and as it turned out, only) musical in December 1978. This was Kander and Ebb's “Cabaret” featuring Anne Phelan as Sally Bowles and Les Asmussen as the Emcee. The children’s play during January, again directed by Amanda Field, was", "title": "The Actors' Company" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.14, "text": "\"\"Kingdom of the Sun\"\", which was re-conceived into \"\"The Emperor's New Groove\"\" and directed by Dindal, but was removed from the project for being \"\"too New York\"\". When he was approached to provide the voice for Buck Cluck, Marshall claimed \"\"I said I don't do voices. You want a chicken that talks like me, fine. So they hired me and they didn't fire me, and it was like a closure on animation.\"\" To visualize this story, Disney selected 50 percent of its new CGI animation team from its 2D animation staff, and placed them through a rigorous eighteen-month training program,", "title": "Chicken Little (2005 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.06, "text": "the local 1050 CHUM AM charts in Toronto. The group was formed in 1965 with Dave Bingham (lead vocals, harmonica), Glynn Bell (rhythm guitar), Roger Mayne (lead guitar), John Read (bass), and Robin Boers (drums). In their early days their music was partially influenced by The Who, The Rolling Stones, The Yardbirds and The Kinks, however the band was still able to create a rough individual sound typified by their solid garage-punk original material and raw delivery. The Ugly Ducklings recordings have since been featured on several 1960s garage rock compilation albums, including the Garage Beat 66, Pebbles and Nuggets", "title": "The Ugly Ducklings" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20, "text": "was the voice of Goosey Loosey for the computer-animated film, \"\"Chicken Little\"\" and its video game. In 2008, he was the voice for Rhino the hamster in \"\"Bolt\"\" for which he was nominated for an Annie Award for Voice Acting in a Feature Production, and the short film spin-off \"\"Super Rhino\"\". Numerous positive reviews came from film critics. CNN noted “Walton's Rhino steals every scene he's in.”, while \"\"Enewsi\"\" stated \"\"Walton has perfect comedic timing as Rhino\"\". Another reviewer noted “The hamster alone is enough to make this movie worth seeing”, with other positive reviews featured in the New York", "title": "Mark Walton (story artist)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.92, "text": "Patito Feo Patito Feo (in English, Ugly Duckling) is a comedy TV series for kids and teens from Argentina, starring Laura Natalia Esquivel, Brenda Asnicar, Juan Darthes, Griselda Siciliani and Gastón Soffritti produced by Ideas del Sur for Canal 13. The show is distributed worldwide by Televisa. The opening theme, \"\"Un Rincón del Corazón\"\" (\"\"A Corner of the Heart\"\"), is sung by Patito played by Laura Natalia Esquivel. With a huge marketing push, the show started its run in April 2007 in Canal 13. In September of that year, the show started airing in the entire Spanish-speaking Latin America market", "title": "Patito Feo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.89, "text": "emotional resonance with the parent-child relationship. Dindal admitted that \"\"It took us about 2½ years to pretty much get back to where we started... But in the course of that, the story got stronger, more emotional, and funnier, too.\"\" When originally envisioned as a female character, Holly Hunter provided the voice for the title character for eight months, until it was decided for Chicken Little to be a male. Against forty actors competing for the title role, Zach Braff auditioned where Dindal noted he \"\"pitched his voice slightly to sound like a junior high kid. Right there, that was really", "title": "Chicken Little (2005 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.83, "text": "Duckling Story\"\". Directed by Klay Hall, the story would involve Chicken Little in the middle of a love triangle between his childhood sweetheart, Abby Mallard, and a very attractive newcomer, Raffaela, a French sheep. Being at a great disadvantage, Abby would go to great lengths to give herself a makeover. According to Tod Carter, a story artist on the film, early screenings of the story reel were very well received, prompting Disney to think about increasing the budget, in order to match the production quality with the quality of the story. Soon after 2006, when John Lasseter became Walt Disney", "title": "Chicken Little (2005 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.7, "text": "Yakky Doodle Yakky Doodle is a fictional character created by Hanna-Barbera Productions. Yakky's name is a parody of \"\"Yankee Doodle\"\". Yakky Doodle (voiced by Jimmy Weldon to sound similar to Donald Duck) is an anthropomorphic yellow duckling with green wings who lives with his best friend Chopper the bulldog. Yakky is always one to run into danger when it is most expected. This usually comes in the form of the show's main antagonist Fibber Fox or secondary villain Alfy Gator. Chopper defends his \"\"Little Buddy\"\" fiercely, and is always ready to pound Fibber or any other enemy into oblivion if", "title": "Yakky Doodle" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.64, "text": "Groove\"\" and \"\"Chicken Little\"\", and died on May 25, 2010. This was also the only film role of Huell Howser, who voices the Backson in the epilogue. Winnie-the-Pooh wakes up one day to find that he is out of honey. While out searching for more, Pooh discovers that Eeyore has lost his tail. Pooh, Piglet, Rabbit, Owl, Kanga, and Roo come to the rescue while Tigger has his bouncing fun, and Christopher Robin decides to hold a contest to see who can find a replacement for Eeyore's tail. The prize for the winner is a fresh pot of honey. After", "title": "Winnie the Pooh (2011 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.61, "text": "Ain't That Ducky Ain't That Ducky is a 1945 Warner Bros. Looney Tunes cartoon, directed by Friz Freleng, and starring Daffy Duck. Daffy has to outwit a hunter after him — and find out what's in the briefcase another duck is carrying around. While Mel Blanc did the voices for the ducks in this cartoon, the hunter was voiced by Victor Moore, a departure from either Blanc or Arthur Q. Bryan. Daffy is taking a bubble bath in a pond when he hears the sobbing of a yellow duckling carrying a satchel. When Daffy politely asks the duckling what is", "title": "Ain't That Ducky" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.53, "text": "DiZ. A special effort was made to preserve the official voice actors from the Disney movies used in \"\"Kingdom Hearts II\"\". Many actors reprised their Disney roles for the game, including Ming-Na as Mulan, James Woods as Hades, Bruce Boxleitner as Tron, and Zach Braff as Chicken Little. Some voice actors from the related television series or direct-to-video sequels were chosen over original voice actors where applicable, such as Robert Costanzo as Philoctetes rather than Danny DeVito or Cam Clarke as Simba instead of Matthew Broderick. Some characters were given new voice actors in the English version; Ansem, Aerith, Leon,", "title": "Kingdom Hearts II" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.42, "text": "grateful for Chicken Little's efforts to save the town. In September 2001, director Mark Dindal developed the idea for \"\"Chicken Little\"\", with its title character envisioned as an overreacting, doom and gloomy female chicken, that went to summer camp to build confidence so she wouldn't overreact, as well as repair her relationship with her father. At the summer camp, she would uncover a nefarious plot that her camp counselor, who was to be voiced by Penn Jillette, was planning against her hometown. Dindal would later pitch his idea to Michael Eisner who suggested it would be better to change Chicken", "title": "Chicken Little (2005 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.38, "text": "but they are reunited at the end. All this to Edward Elgar's \"\"Pomp and Circumstance\"\" Marches 1–4. In an alternate opening for the 2005 Disney film \"\"Chicken Little\"\", Donald would have made a cameo appearance as \"\"Ducky Lucky\"\". This scene can be found on the \"\"Chicken Little\"\" DVD. Donald also played an important role in \"\"Mickey Mouse Works\"\" and \"\"House of Mouse\"\". In the latter show, he is the co-owner of Mickey's nightclub. He is part of the ensemble cast of classic characters in the TV show \"\"Mickey Mouse Clubhouse\"\" as well. He also appears in the new 3-minute Mickey", "title": "Donald Duck" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.36, "text": "Animation film \"\"Meet the Robinsons\"\", and voicing the young Mermaid Man (along with Burt Ward, who voiced the young Barnacle Boy) in the cartoon show \"\"SpongeBob SquarePants\"\", in the episode \"\"Back to the Past\"\" of 2010. West also played the voice of General Carrington in the video game \"\"XIII\"\", and voiced other video games such as \"\"\"\", \"\"Chicken Little: Ace in Action\"\", \"\"Scooby-Doo! Unmasked\"\", and \"\"Goosebumps: Attack of the Mutant\"\". In November 2014, West voiced himself, and the 1960s version of Batman, in the video game \"\"\"\". West also did voice-over work for superhero-themed commercials for the investment firm LendingTree", "title": "Adam West" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.36, "text": "to follow her dream guy from her favorite fiction. And that's where she meets Suea (Puttichai Kasetsin), a very handsome cheeky guy. Cast Synopsis As it continue from perfect match. Alice (Neen Suwanamas) climbed up a tree to take photos,as she took pictures, she saw a handsome boy Aston (Natcha Janthapan) sitting on a bench beneath the tree she climbed. While sneakily taking pictures of him, Aston looked up at her and took her shock,which lead to her falling off the tree. When she woke up after being in a coma, she could not remember anything and came to the", "title": "Ugly Duckling (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.36, "text": "spoofed his appearances on that show in various promotions for Cartoon Network and in a parody on \"\"Robot Chicken\"\", where he was teamed with Phyllis Diller). In 2003, Knotts teamed up with Tim Conway again to provide voices for the direct-to-video children's series \"\"Hermie and Friends\"\", which continued until his death. In 2005, he was the voice of Mayor Turkey Lurkey in \"\"Chicken Little\"\" (2005), his first Disney movie since 1979. On September 12, 2003, Knotts was in Kansas City in a stage version of \"\"On Golden Pond\"\" when he received a call from John Ritter's family telling him that", "title": "Don Knotts" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.25, "text": "Clyde Geronimi and features the voices of Walt Disney as Mickey and Lee Millar as Pluto. Although often cited as the animated debut of Mickey's modern character design, this actually occurred five months earlier in \"\"Mickey's Surprise Party\"\". Nevertheless, \"\"The Pointer\"\" is still considered a milestone Mickey Mouse film for its background art and Mickey's acting which was personally staged by Walt Disney. The film was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film at the 12th Academy Awards in 1940, but untimely lost to Disney's own \"\"The Ugly Duckling\"\", the final installment of the \"\"Silly Symphony\"\" series.", "title": "The Pointer" } ]
who played dashiki on don't be a menace?
[ "Tracey Cherelle Jones" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.11, "text": "arrested. Afterwards, everyone goes their separate ways: Ashtray and Dashiki marry and enjoy their lives, Loc Dog becomes a host and introduces himself with extreme profanity, Preach and his crush settle down and perform sexual intercourse, Crazy Legs becomes a dancer as he had dreamed of, and Grandma is, as Ashtray puts it, \"\"still Grandma\"\" (showing her smoking marijuana). \"\"Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood\"\" collected $8,112,884 from 1,010 theatres its opening weekend, opening at #2 at the box office, averaging $8,032 per theatre. By the end of its theatrical run, the", "title": "Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.86, "text": "Suli McCullough Suliman McCullough (born January 12, 1968) is an American comic-actor and screenwriter. He is perhaps best known for his portrayal of \"\"Crazy Legs\"\" in the spoof movie \"\"Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood\"\", and for his recurring role as Dwayne \"\"Mouse\"\" Abercrombie on the WB sitcom \"\"The Jamie Foxx Show\"\". McCullough also portrayed the voice of a clown doll in another parody film, \"\"Scary Movie 2\"\". McCullough has also had several dramatic roles depicting real-life individuals. He portrayed Tina Turner's oldest biological son Craig Turner in the 1993 biopic \"\"What's", "title": "Suli McCullough" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.53, "text": "the streets from his psychotic, gun-toting cousin Loc Dog, Preach, and Crazy Legs. At a picnic Tray falls for the infamous Dashiki much to the distaste of ex-convict Toothpick. While Ashtray and Loc Dog head to buy some snacks, Toothpick and his posse confront Ashtray and hold him at gunpoint, until Loc Dog threatens them with a missle mounted in the back of his van, stamped with the letters “USSR” Loc Dog claims it is in fact a nuclear device. Toothpick and his gang then flee the scene. Loc Dog and Ashtray get harassed in a Korean store by the", "title": "Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.41, "text": "his posse prepare for another drive-by and he and Loc Dog clash as Ashtray flees and trips and is knocked out as Loc and Toothpick continue to shoot at each other. They are saved when Grandma pops out of the dumpster and shoots Toothpick's car as Toothpick is flung out and he lands on a cop car. Preach and Dashiki find Ashtray hurt and he regains consciousness and kisses Dashiki. A woman finds Toothpick (who turns out to be his mother) and beats him with his shoe for stealing from her in the past afterwards toothpick and his gang are", "title": "Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.33, "text": "owners and Loc Dog shoots at the owners when a remark is made about his mother. The two are then confronted by 'The Man' (a mysterious white, government figure) who kills the Koreans and tosses them his gun to frame them and leaves. Meanwhile, Ashtray and Loc Dog's Grandma ride to church and another elderly woman disses her, resulting in a breakdancing contest that Grandma wins. Ashtray visits Dashiki where they engage in sexual intercourse and Dashiki immediately claims he has impregnated her. Feeling like he's not responsible enough to be the father, Dashiki kicks him out. Someone from Toothpick's", "title": "Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.12, "text": "posse threatens Ashtray, Loc Dog, Preach, and Crazy Legs. Loc Dog knocks him out as he and Preach proceed to stomp him, flattening him (literally). The quartet decides to get protection from their friend Old School. This tactic fails as Toothpick performs another drive-by and Crazy Legs is injured. With Crazy Legs hospitalized, himself and Loc Dog being arrested, and the Korean store shooting, Tray decides to confront Dashiki and be the father. Dashiki agrees to give Tray another try and they decide to leave the hood as planned. Ashtray and Loc Dog talk about Ashtray's departure as Toothpick and", "title": "Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.61, "text": "was about an unconventional family facing everyday problems. Frankie Muniz played Malcolm, a genius and a person with a photographic memory. He faces problems that any kid would but he and his family have different ways to solve them. This show was nominated for Comedy Series of the Year in 2002. It also was nominated for Best Episodic Comedy 5 out of 6 years from 2001 to 2006. Anderson-Gunter played a homeless man in a film called \"\"Don't be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood\"\". This movie was a parody to movies like \"\"Boyz", "title": "Jeffrey Anderson-Gunter" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.55, "text": "Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood (or simply Don't Be a Menace) is a 1996 American crime comedy parody film directed by Paris Barclay in his feature film directorial debut, and produced by Keenen Ivory Wayans, and also written by Wayans brothers Shawn and Marlon Wayans, who also both starred in the lead roles. The film was released in the United States on January 12, 1996. Similar to \"\"I'm Gonna Git You Sucka\"\", the film spoofs a number", "title": "Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.16, "text": "of actress Zoya who killed a rapist with a sniper rifle in Kirill Kapitsa TV series \"\"Cops\"\". In the celebrated film \"\"Don't Think About White Monkeys\"\", Katerina Ksenyeva plays the leading role of Dasha, a destitute young suicidal Russian woman who finds herself in a humiliating situation and struggles to survive. Dasha escapes from a psychiatric hospital and returns with her friend to his attic, where they are discovered by Vova, a successful barman and businessman. At first, Vova dreams of using all three of them for cheap labor, but then Vova's life changes under the influence of these destitute,", "title": "Katerina Ksenyeva" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.98, "text": "in films such as \"\"Poetic Justice\"\", starring Janet Jackson, and the film parody \"\"Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood\"\". In 1995, she got the most important role of her career: Andell Wilkerson, a supporting character on the sitcom \"\"Moesha\"\", which starred one of her castmates from \"\"Thea\"\", R&B singer Brandy Norwood. Wilson's Andell character was the owner of The Den, a local teen hot spot on the show. In 2000, she left \"\"Moesha\"\" for its spin-off \"\"The Parkers\"\", where she also played as Andell Wilkerson, who was the best friend of Mo'Nique's", "title": "Yvette Wilson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.83, "text": "next film, \"\"Poetic Justice\"\". He went on to appear in another role in \"\"Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood\"\". Avery emerged back on the scene in 2000 starring as Nate in the critically acclaimed 2000 film \"\"Lockdown\"\" and as G-Ride in the 2001 independent film \"\"Shot\"\". In 2005, soon after wrapping \"\"Shot\"\", Avery was arrested for a double homicide and sentenced to life in prison. On the evening of September 4, 2005, Avery was killed in his cell in Pelican Bay State Prison by Kevin Roby, his cellmate. Lloyd Avery II Lloyd", "title": "Lloyd Avery II" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.58, "text": "Chris Spencer (actor) Chris Spencer (born January 2, 1968) is an American actor, comedian, writer, and producer. He was the first host of the syndicated late night talk show \"\"Vibe\"\", based on the magazine of the same name. He has gone on to star in several film projects such as \"\"Don't Be A Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood\"\", \"\"The Sixth Man\"\", \"\"Significant Others\"\", and \"\"Postal\"\". Chris is also one of the most sought after writers having done projects with Wayans family, Jamie Foxx, and was significant in helping Nick Cannon create MTV's \"\"Wild 'N", "title": "Chris Spencer (actor)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.58, "text": "Chris Spencer (actor) Chris Spencer (born January 2, 1968) is an American actor, comedian, writer, and producer. He was the first host of the syndicated late night talk show \"\"Vibe\"\", based on the magazine of the same name. He has gone on to star in several film projects such as \"\"Don't Be A Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood\"\", \"\"The Sixth Man\"\", \"\"Significant Others\"\", and \"\"Postal\"\". Chris is also one of the most sought after writers having done projects with Wayans family, Jamie Foxx, and was significant in helping Nick Cannon create MTV's \"\"Wild 'N", "title": "Chris Spencer (actor)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.33, "text": "\"\"The House on Carroll Street\"\". In 1992, he appeared in the films \"\"A League of Their Own\"\" and \"\"Bob Roberts\"\". In 1993, he appeared in his first major supporting role, playing Henry Mitchell in \"\"Dennis the Menace\"\" for writer-producer John Hughes. He played John Chapman in the 1994-95 television show \"\"The Cosby Mysteries\"\". He later appeared in a variety of films, including \"\"Don't Drink the Water (1994 film)\"\", \"\"Striptease\"\", \"\"Washington Square\"\", \"\"Red Corner\"\", \"\"Next Stop Wonderland\"\", \"\"Mercury Rising\"\", \"\"The Quiet American\"\", \"\"Head of State\"\", \"\"The Stepford Wives,\"\" \"\"Find Me Guilty\"\", \"\"Confessions of a Shopaholic\"\", two sequels to Luc Besson's \"\"Arthur", "title": "Robert Stanton (actor)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.25, "text": "hired by John Wells, who was making his debut as an executive producer. Barclay directed Shawn and Marlon Wayans' first feature film, \"\"Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood\"\" (1996) – also featuring Keenen Ivory Wayans, Vivica Fox, and Bernie Mac. Although it received mixed reviews, it was a box office success and has built a cult following since its release. Barclay also directed the HBO movie, \"\"The Cherokee Kid\"\" (1996), a Western dramedy starring Sinbad, James Coburn, Burt Reynolds, Gregory Hines, and A Martinez. After directing episodes of \"\"ER\"\", Paris directed and", "title": "Paris Barclay" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.2, "text": "Faizon Love Langston Faizon Santisima (born June 14, 1968), professionally known as Faizon Love, is an American actor and comedian. He is best known for roles in the film \"\"The Meteor Man\"\", \"\"Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood\"\", \"\"Friday\"\", \"\"Elf\"\", \"\"The Replacements\"\", \"\"Made\"\", and \"\"Couples Retreat\"\". Also, he is known for his role as Wendell Wilcox on \"\"The Parent 'Hood\"\" from 1995-1998 and Maurice Starr on BET's \"\"The New Edition Story\"\". Love was born Langston Faizon Santisima in Santiago de Cuba and grew up as a \"\"military brat\"\"; he was raised in", "title": "Faizon Love" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.05, "text": "in the Jehovah's Witnesses religion. She and her family lived in New York City's Chelsea neighborhood. In film she appeared in \"\"I'm Gonna Git You Sucka\"\" and \"\"Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood\"\" (both directed by her brother Keenen), and had a starring role in the art film \"\"Talking About Sex\"\" and later co starred in \"\"Juwanna Mann\"\" as Latisha Jansen. She starred with her siblings on the Fox variety show \"\"In Living Color\"\" and \"\"A Low Down Dirty Shame\"\". Her other television work includes regular appearances on the sitcom \"\"In the", "title": "Kim Wayans" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.05, "text": "appeared in numerous television shows with small parts and a few feature films. Some of her credits are, \"\"Everybody Hates Chris\"\", \"\"Malcolm in the Middle\"\", \"\"The Shield\"\", and \"\"The Ladykillers\"\". In \"\"Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood\"\" (1996) she is credited as Vivian 'Rappin Granny' Smallwood. She also played \"\"Nano\"\" in \"\"Big Bad Beetleborgs\"\", a show on the former Fox Kids network. In 2012, she appeared on the \"\"How I Met Your Mother\"\" episode \"\"The Magician's Code: Part 1\"\". Smallwood was featured in the Apollo Theater's Apollo Circus of Soul in 2007.", "title": "Rappin' Granny" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.98, "text": "to \"\"get the feel\"\" of \"\"The Prisoner\"\", the writers watched its opening sequence, which summarizes the story of the series. Kirkland, who had seen a couple of episodes as a child, watched several episodes of the series with \"\"The Simpsons\"\"<nowiki>'</nowiki> animators in order to make \"\"The Computer Wore Menace Shoes\"\" resemble it. They were also influenced by 1960's modernism and furniture designs from the 1971 science fiction film \"\"A Clockwork Orange\"\". The episode features American-born actor Patrick McGoohan as Number Six, the central character in \"\"The Prisoner\"\", which McGoohan played. \"\"The Computer Wore Menace Shoes\"\" was the only time McGoohan", "title": "The Computer Wore Menace Shoes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.94, "text": "and is a 1989 graduate of the Bayard Rustin High School for the Humanities. On Fox's \"\"In Living Color\"\", he began as DJ SW-1 and later became a featured performer, working with brothers Dwayne, Keenen (the show's creator), Damon, Marlon and sister Kim. Along with Marlon, Shawn Wayans created and starred in the sitcom \"\"The Wayans Bros\"\". (The WB, 1995–99) and co wrote, co executive produced and starred in the feature \"\"Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood\"\" (1996), in which Keenen also acted. Wayans guest starred on episodes of \"\"MacGyver\"\" and \"\"Hangin'", "title": "Shawn Wayans" } ]
what is the mean of rx in medical?
[ "prescription" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.69, "text": "products that were manufactured and require little or no preparation by the pharmacist. Prescriptions also contain directions for the patient to follow when taking the drug. These directions are printed on the label of the pharmaceutical product. '℞' is a symbol meaning \"\"recipe\"\". It is sometimes transliterated as \"\"R\"\" or just \"\"Rx\"\". This symbol originated in medieval manuscripts as an abbreviation of the late Latin verb \"\"recipere\"\", specifically the second person singular imperative form \"\"recipe\"\" meaning \"\"take\"\", thus: \"\"take thou\"\". Originally abbreviated \"\"Rc\"\", the \"\"c\"\" was simplified and finally written as a straight stroke making it look like an \"\"x\"\"", "title": "Medical prescription" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.77, "text": "Rx (Medicate) \"\"Rx (Medicate)\"\" is a song performed by Canadian rock band Theory of a Deadman, a track on their sixth studio album, \"\"Wake Up Call\"\" (2017). The song's lyrics were co-written by all four members of the band and address the prescription drug abuse epidemic occurring in North America. It was produced by Martin Terefe and recorded at Terefe's Kensaltown Studios in London. Along with the group's usual hard rock sound, the song uses elements of pop and country music genres. The band's transition into the pop genre has been associated with lead singer Tyler Connolly's newly acquired piano-playing", "title": "Rx (Medicate)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.72, "text": "often attached to drug and alcohol dependence and supports affected families and addicts in recovery and treatment programs. Following live performances of \"\"Rx (Medicate)\"\", the organization's website is displayed on a large screen behind the band as they encourage others to seek help if they feel they are battling addiction. Fans are invited to share their stories on faux prescription pads found at merchandise booths at the band's concerts and at Shatterproof's website. Lapel pins that say \"\"Theory Rx\"\" are sold at live events; proceeds from their sale are donated to Shatterproof. Credits adapted from the liner notes of \"\"Wake", "title": "Rx (Medicate)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.62, "text": "to understand is his consumer, very much in the same way as a good doctor must understand his patient. The doctor can dispense the right prescription (or, in pharmaceutical parlance, the Rx) only when he has correctly understood the nature of the problem afflicting the patient. A successful Rx is one that meets the intended purpose, namely, treat the patient by tackling the problem at hand. Similarly, the corner-stone of a successful marketing endeavour is an astute understanding of the market, which leads to a solution to the problems or exploitation of the opportunities the market throws up. The book", "title": "The Rx Factor: Strategic Creativity in Pharmaceutical Marketing" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.41, "text": "the ages of 18 and 49, meaning that it was seen by 1.2 percent of all households, and 4 percent of all of those watching television at the time of the broadcast. It was watched by 3.79 million viewers. Reviewing the episode for IGN, Joshua Yehl gave it a \"\"great\"\" score of 8 out of 10, calling it an \"\"equally well-executed\"\" follow-up to the series' pilot. He praised the expanded screen time for Acker and her performance, as well as Dumont's scenes such as her shower scene. Yehl highlighted the explorations of mutant healthcare and the lack of empathy that", "title": "RX (The Gifted)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.25, "text": "Electronic prescribing Electronic prescribing (e-prescribing or e-Rx) is the computer-based electronic generation, transmission, and filling of a medical prescription, taking the place of paper and faxed prescriptions. E-prescribing allows a physician, pharmacist, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant to use digital prescription software to electronically transmit a new prescription or renewal authorization to a community or mail-order pharmacy. It outlines the ability to send error-free, accurate, and understandable prescriptions electronically from the healthcare provider to the pharmacy. E-prescribing is meant to reduce the risks associated with traditional prescription script writing. It is also one of the major reasons for the push", "title": "Electronic prescribing" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.05, "text": "percent, with individual states increasing adoption anywhere from 28 percent to 70 percent. Electronic prescribing Electronic prescribing (e-prescribing or e-Rx) is the computer-based electronic generation, transmission, and filling of a medical prescription, taking the place of paper and faxed prescriptions. E-prescribing allows a physician, pharmacist, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant to use digital prescription software to electronically transmit a new prescription or renewal authorization to a community or mail-order pharmacy. It outlines the ability to send error-free, accurate, and understandable prescriptions electronically from the healthcare provider to the pharmacy. E-prescribing is meant to reduce the risks associated with traditional prescription", "title": "Electronic prescribing" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.02, "text": "ability, which forced a change in his songwriting style. \"\"Rx (Medicate)\"\" was released alongside its music video on July 27, 2017, as the lead single from \"\"Wake Up Call\"\" and served as an instant download on pre-orders of the album. It received mixed reviews from music critics and was praised for being socially aware but criticized for aspects of its music and lyrics. The single became Theory of a Deadman's third single to top the \"\"Billboard\"\" U.S. Mainstream Rock chart, and was certified platinum by Music Canada and gold by the Recording Industry Association of America. It earned the band", "title": "Rx (Medicate)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.91, "text": "to write music differently. He rejected the notion that he was abandoning rock and said the song's change of musical direction had occurred naturally. James Christopher Monger of AllMusic called \"\"Rx (Medicate)\"\" an \"\"opioid crisis anti-anthem\"\" and one of the songs on the record that felt \"\"rooted in the present\"\", and \"\"Alternative Addiction\"\" called it—along with other tracks on the album—\"\"ridiculously fun\"\". In less enthusiastic critiques of \"\"Wake Up Call\"\", Über Röck's Jonni D criticized the single, stating that the \"\"auto-tuned whistling hooks wreak aural havoc\"\". Allen J. Miller from Cryptic Rock said the song sounds socially aware but accused", "title": "Rx (Medicate)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.61, "text": "Recipe A recipe is a set of instructions that describes how to prepare or make something, especially a culinary dish. It is also used in medicine or in information technology (user acceptance). A doctor will usually begin a prescription with \"\"recipe\"\", Latin for \"\"take\"\", usually abbreviated to Rx or an equivalent symbol (℞). The earliest known written recipes date from approximately 1600 BC and come from an Akkadian tablet from southern Babylonia. There are also works in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs depicting the preparation of food. Many ancient Greek recipes are known. Mithaecus's cookbook was an early one, but most of", "title": "Recipe" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.58, "text": "RX (rocket family) The RX rocket family (\"\"Roket Eksperimental\"\") is a series of solid-fuel rockets developed by the Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space. They are simply named by their diameter in millimeters; for example, the RX-250 has a diameter of 250 mm. This family is composed of: RX-250 was launched eight times from 1987 to 2007. RX-320 was launched twice in 2008 and once again in 2014. RX-420 flew just once in 2009; it is superseded by RX-450 which was launched on 13 May 2015 , the next booster version RX-550 is under construction; the larger ones are", "title": "RX (rocket family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.42, "text": "I felt like the song needed to be written and people needed to hear it. It seems like every week something terrible is happening\"\". The music of \"\"Rx (Medicate)\"\" contains an acoustic guitar riff, a distinctive whistling tune performed by Connolly, the sound of strings in the background, and elements of country music. \"\"Classic Rock\"\" called the track \"\"an atmospheric piece of acoustic pop-rock\"\", and \"\"Billboard\"\" and \"\"Loudwire\"\" both said it leans more towards the pop genre rather than the band's usual hard-rock sound. This has been attributed to Connolly's learning to play the piano, which he said forced him", "title": "Rx (Medicate)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.34, "text": "The Rx Factor: Strategic Creativity in Pharmaceutical Marketing The Rx Factor: Strategic Creativity in Pharmaceutical Marketing, published in 1997 and revised in 2009, is a Pharma marketing book written by Indian author Pavan Choudary. For the first three years since its publication, The Rx Factor had stayed among the top three titles, from among 665 books on Healthcare marketing and advertising worldwide. It has also been recommended by Kip Piper- perhaps the best known Healthcare strategists in the world, who has served as Advisor to the US Presidential committees on healthcare in past. Indian Pharmaceutical Industry with more than 26,000", "title": "The Rx Factor: Strategic Creativity in Pharmaceutical Marketing" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.3, "text": "RX microcontroller family RX is the family name for a range of 32-bit microcontrollers manufactured by Renesas Electronics. RX is an acronym for Renesas Extreme, a description of the key concept behind the product family, that is \"\"extreme high performance\"\". The RX family was launched in 2009 by Renesas Technology with the first product range designated the RX600 series and targeting applications such as metering, motor control, human machine interfaces (HMI), networking, and industrial automation. Since 2009 this MCU family range has been enlarged with a smaller variant the RX200 series and also through enhanced performance versions. Key to the", "title": "RX microcontroller family" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.28, "text": "an instant download with pre-orders of \"\"Wake Up Call\"\", which were accepted the next day. According to lead singer Tyler Connolly, the song was originally titled \"\"Rx\"\" but the band decided to change it after finding out fans were searching for a song called \"\"Medicate\"\" upon its release. On November 3, 2017, the band released a \"\"symphonic acoustic\"\" version of the song that included an acoustic and orchestral background. The lyrics of the single discuss the opioid epidemic that has affected North America, particularly the United States. The first part of the track's chorus consists of Connolly singing, \"\"I am", "title": "Rx (Medicate)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.11, "text": "Up Call\"\" and AllMusic. Theory of a Deadman Additional musicians Production Location Rx (Medicate) \"\"Rx (Medicate)\"\" is a song performed by Canadian rock band Theory of a Deadman, a track on their sixth studio album, \"\"Wake Up Call\"\" (2017). The song's lyrics were co-written by all four members of the band and address the prescription drug abuse epidemic occurring in North America. It was produced by Martin Terefe and recorded at Terefe's Kensaltown Studios in London. Along with the group's usual hard rock sound, the song uses elements of pop and country music genres. The band's transition into the pop", "title": "Rx (Medicate)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.09, "text": "RX (The Gifted) \"\"rX\"\" is the second episode of the American television series \"\"The Gifted\"\", based on Marvel Comics' \"\"X-Men\"\" properties. It is connected to the \"\"X-Men\"\" film series, and follows two parents who take their family on the run after discovering their children's mutant abilities. The episode was written by series creator Matt Nix, and directed by Len Wiseman. Stephen Moyer and Amy Acker star as Reed and Caitlin Strucker, parents on the run, alongside Sean Teale, Natalie Alyn Lind, Percy Hynes White, Coby Bell, Jamie Chung, Blair Redford, and Emma Dumont. Wiseman joined the series as an executive", "title": "RX (The Gifted)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.03, "text": "RxNorm RxNorm is a name of a US-specific terminology in medicine that contains all medications available on US market. It can also be used in personal health records applications. It is part of UMLS terminology and is maintained by the National Library of Medicine. RxNorm distinguishes different type of drug concepts. It has concepts for drug ingredients, clinical drugs or dose forms. RxNorm only includes drugs that are approved in USA. NLM provides six APIs related to RxNorm. There is also a web application called RxMix that allows users to access to the RxNorm APIs without writing their own programs.", "title": "RxNorm" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.03, "text": "RxNorm RxNorm is a name of a US-specific terminology in medicine that contains all medications available on US market. It can also be used in personal health records applications. It is part of UMLS terminology and is maintained by the National Library of Medicine. RxNorm distinguishes different type of drug concepts. It has concepts for drug ingredients, clinical drugs or dose forms. RxNorm only includes drugs that are approved in USA. NLM provides six APIs related to RxNorm. There is also a web application called RxMix that allows users to access to the RxNorm APIs without writing their own programs.", "title": "RxNorm" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.02, "text": "including the type that Robin Means Coleman calls the \"\"coon who turned coward\"\" when Horatio Washington, a black chauffeur played by Mantan Moreland, gets scared and his hair turns white with fright. Weaver, Brunas and Brunas believe that Moreland was able to rise above the racism and provide some genuinely funny lines in his role, but all of the bumbling cop routine of Shemp Howard fell flat. The Strange Case of Doctor Rx The Strange Case of Doctor Rx is a 1942 black and white B movie murder mystery horror film by Universal Studios starring Patric Knowles, Lionel Atwill, Anne", "title": "The Strange Case of Doctor Rx" } ]
who won camp rock 2 the final jam?
[ "Camp Star" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.75, "text": "their summer (\"\"What We Came Here For\"\"), but Camp Star ends up winning \"\"Camp Wars\"\". Back at Camp Rock, everyone gathers at the bonfire for one last time (\"\"This Is Our Song\"\") before leaving, but many members of Camp Star, including Tess and Dana come to join Camp Rock, ensuring they have enough campers to continue for another summer. The film was shot in Toronto, Ontario, from September 3, 2009 to October 16, 2009, filming the scenes at the French River, Camp Kilcoo, The Kingbridge Centre and Earl Bales Park. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of", "title": "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.67, "text": "contestants practicing/preparing for the \"\"Camp Jam\"\". First the contestants performed, and the judges decided which four finalists they should put through to the final. The four judges were: Zoe Tyler, Craig David, Martin Morales, and Gary Lloyd. The 4 Final Acts were: The \"\"Final Jam\"\" was broadcast live on April 24, 2009, again at 5:35 pm, at the Riverside Studios in Hammersmith, London, where the four finalists battled it out to become the winner of My Camp Rock. There was a viewer vote from 6pm to 6:20pm, Disney Channel for viewers to log onto and vote for who they", "title": "My Camp Rock" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.42, "text": "that the competition is a trap in order for Axel to get back at him. Overhearing their conversation, Mitchie pours herself into making sure that they win the game, which frustrates Shane, who has only returned to Camp Rock in order to spend more time with her (\"\"Wouldn't Change a Thing\"\"). The next day, Mitchie wakes up to find everyone rehearsing for \"\"Camp Wars\"\", thanks to Shane. He and his brothers motivate everyone to work harder (\"\"Heart and Soul\"\"). Mitchie and Shane then spend the day together (\"\"You're My Favorite Song\"\"), but Nate has trouble trying to tell Dana how", "title": "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.81, "text": "also notice that there are fewer campers than last year, and attempt to lift everyone's spirits at the Opening Jam (\"\"Brand New Day\"\"). Camp Star sends parachutes to Camp Rock with chocolates and marshmallows, inviting them to a bonfire at their camp, but Brown Cesario is less than enthusiastic, as Camp Star's director is Axel Turner, whom he once kicked out of his rock band, the \"\"Wet Crows\"\". Mitchie and the rest of the campers arrive at Camp Star, which seems to be much more flashy and sophisticated than Camp Rock. The bonfire starts and Luke Williams from Camp Star", "title": "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.61, "text": "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam is a 2010 Disney Channel Original Movie and the sequel to the 2008 film \"\"Camp Rock\"\". The film premiered on Disney Channel on . A year after the events of the previous film, Mitchie Torres returns to Camp Rock for another summer year, along with her friends and her love-interest Shane Gray and his brothers of the rock band \"\"Connect 3\"\" (Nate and Jason). Along the way, she and her mother Connie notice that a new camp, Camp Star, has opened across the lake. Mitchie and her friends", "title": "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.52, "text": "performs with several backup dancers (\"\"Fire\"\"). As the song ends, Dana Turner's bracelet flies from her hand and hits Nate Gray in the eye. Nate returns it after the bonfire and the two instantly feel a connection. Axel then offers the Camp Rock counselors jobs at Camp Star, doubling their salary, and encourages the Camp Rock campers to move to Camp Star. Very few campers switch, including Tess Tyler, but many counselors move to Camp Star. Left with no staff, Brown decides to close Camp Rock, but Mitchie persuades everyone to not give up, and she and her friends take", "title": "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.39, "text": "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam (soundtrack) Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam is the soundtrack album from the Disney Channel television film . The album was released on August 10, 2010. The album debuted at number three on \"\"Billboard\"\" 200 albums chart with over 41,000 copies sold in the first week. \"\"Wouldn't Change a Thing\"\" by Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas was released on July 23, 2010, as the lead single from the album. The song was written and produced by Adam Anders, Nikki Hassman and Peer Åström. Stephen Thomas Erlewine of Allmusic gave a review: \"\"\"\"Camp Rock 2\"\"", "title": "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam (soundtrack)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.31, "text": "episode summaries below. The final episode of the series aired on Friday 10 September 2010. In this episode the public voted for Shannon Saunders to win My Camp Rock 2 and have her version of a song from the series professionally recorded and released along with a music video. There were 4 finalists: In this episode, the 4 finalists were introduced and set a task by John Modie to go busking in Covent Garden. Beth Honan surprised the finalists during dance training when she arranged for dance group Flawless to come to the studio and help the finalists learn the", "title": "My Camp Rock" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.3, "text": "spoiled and arrogant lead singer of the popular music trio Connect 3, has been assigned to be in charge of dance classes for one month at Camp Rock by his bandmates Jason and Nate and is forced to record a song with the winner of Final Jam. Shane accidentally hears someone singing on the first day and falls in love with the voice, but does not know the identity of the singer. During Opening Jam, Mitchie learns that many of the campers have notable roots and is embarrassed that she was only able to come to the camp because of", "title": "Camp Rock" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.25, "text": "finds the Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato joined by R&B singer Matthew \"\"Mdot\"\" Finley, who gives this collection of Disney bubblegum of slightly different flavor\"\". The album debuted at number 3 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" 200 chart. Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam (soundtrack) Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam is the soundtrack album from the Disney Channel television film . The album was released on August 10, 2010. The album debuted at number three on \"\"Billboard\"\" 200 albums chart with over 41,000 copies sold in the first week. \"\"Wouldn't Change a Thing\"\" by Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas was released", "title": "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam (soundtrack)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.16, "text": "he feels. He decides to sing instead and goes to Camp Star to serenade her (\"\"Introducing Me\"\"), gaining her affection, before being caught by Axel, who is her father. Later that night, Jason Gray and the junior campers sneak into Camp Star, and spy on Luke and Tess performing. As the night of \"\"Camp Wars\"\" begins and Camp Star deliver a slick, stylish performance (\"\"Tear It Down\"\"); Brown finds out that Axel has been encouraging the public to vote for Camp Star through text messaging. All the members of Camp Rock then perform together, accompanied by a video montage of", "title": "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.81, "text": "on the newly vacant counseling roles (\"\"Can't Back Down\"\"). Although things are tough at first, Mitchie and the rest of the counselors settle into their roles, and become determined to save the camp. They revisit Camp Star, and the two camps face off (\"\"It's On\"\"). Axel sees the showdown and suggests a televised competition game show between the two camps for \"\"Camp Wars\"\"; Mitchie is reluctant at first, but eventually agrees after some persuasion from her friends, realizing it could gain Camp Rock the publicity it needs to stay open. However, Brown is angry, and tells Connie that he thinks", "title": "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.61, "text": "40% based on 5 reviews and an average of 6.1/10. Some critics said that the film is the dance version of \"\"High School Musical\"\" and it did not compare to the previous film. Jennifer Armstrong from \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" enjoyed the film and called the performance of Demi Lovato, \"\"dependently appealing\"\". The film garnered 7.9 million viewers on its premiere night, behind the predecessor's 8.9 million. However, it became the most watched cable television of the week, as well as the number 1 scripted cable television. The film was released on DVD and Blu-ray on September 7, 2010 in the United", "title": "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.5, "text": "States and Canada and was later available in worldwide. The film also includes the Extended Edition, the special feature Rock Along Edition and the Combo Pack, all available in DVD. A video game based on the film, \"\"Disney's Camp Rock: The Final Jam\"\", was developed and published by Disney Interactive Studios. It was released in North America on August 31, 2010, in Europe on September 17, 2010, and in Australia on September 30, 2010. Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam is a 2010 Disney Channel Original Movie and the sequel to the 2008 film", "title": "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.48, "text": "was shown on April 10, 2009, again at 5:35 pm. It showed the contestants training for the Camp Jam, and some others being told what their song is, and it was announced that the Camp Jam would be on April 17, 2009, and that there would be four judges. The contestants' friends and family were there, and the best four contestants would go through to the Final Show, on April 25, 2009, where a viewer vote would decide the winner of My Camp Rock. The \"\"Camp Jam\"\" was on April 17, 2009, again at 5:35 pm. It started with the", "title": "My Camp Rock" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.08, "text": "8 to 16. She sang Here I Am from the Camp Rock soundtrack at the Camp Jam, Gary Lloyd, Zoe Tyler and R&B star Craig David sat on the judging panel responsible for whittling the finalists down from eight to four, along with the head of Walt Disney Records in Europe, who released the winning track. The Final Jam aired on 24 April 2009. Jessica Hammond has written songs, \"\"Try Again\"\", \"\"No Doubt\"\", \"\"My Boyfriend\"\", \"\"Star\"\" and \"\"Cheater\"\" which received Radio play on Citybeat Radio & Q Radio. YouTube. Jessica is currently signed to DWB Publishing London, and has had", "title": "Jessica Hammond" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.75, "text": "want to win the show. The Results Show was on April 25, 2009 at 10:30 am. The Saturdays performed their song \"\"Up\"\" and Demi Lovato performed her single La La Land, and also presented the trophy to the winner. The winner was 14-year-old Holly Hull. My Camp Rock 2 premiered on Friday 13 August 2010 at 5.35pm. The series was presented by Sarah Jane Crawford and Nigel Clarke. The trainers, John Modi and Beth Honan set the finalists tasks to do each week, which were chosen to help the finalists develop their performance skills. The tasks are detailed in the", "title": "My Camp Rock" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.39, "text": "she becomes jealous and after finding out about Mitchie's secret, tells the entire camp. Shane thinks that Mitchie deceived him just to use him and Mitchie is forced out of Tess's group. On the eve of Final Jam, Mitchie and Caitlyn are framed by Tess for stealing her charm bracelet and Brown bans them until the end of Final Jam. Final Jam arrives and everyone is ready for performances. Peggy and Ella confront Tess and leave her group. Ella performs with Barren and Sander in \"\"Hasta La Vista\"\". After that, Tess performs \"\"2 Stars\"\" and realizes her mom is attending,", "title": "Camp Rock" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.33, "text": "100 at number 66 on the week ending September 26, 2012 and climbed the next week to number 53. That week the song entered the US Billboard Hot 100 at number 92. Credits for \"\"Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam\"\" Soundtrack: Introducing Me Introducing Me was a song recorded by Nick Jonas for the \"\"\"\" soundtrack. In 2009, Nick Jonas recorded the song for the \"\"Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam\"\" soundtrack. His character Nate performs the song to Dana (actress Chloe Bridges) who plays Nick’s love interest in \"\"Camp Rock 2\"\". On August 6, 2010 was released in the", "title": "Introducing Me" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.02, "text": "Riverside Studios on April 24, 2009, where a viewer vote decided the winner. The winner was Holly Hull, 14 from Camberley, Surrey.The prize was for her to have a professional recording, release and music video of her version of \"\"This is Me\"\", a song from the series. The eight finalists had the opportunity to demonstrate their musical talent to the panel of judges through a range of music based activities and also some physical activities. Guidance was provided to help the finalists prepare for the final audition. The finalists were filmed throughout the Boot Camp and the press were also", "title": "My Camp Rock" } ]
who played the poop emoji in the emoji movie?
[ "Patrick Stewart" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.84, "text": "Leondis chose Miller because \"\"when you think of irrepressible, you think of TJ. But he also has this surprising ability to break your heart\"\". in addition Miller also contributed some re-writes. In October 2016, it was announced that Ilana Glazer and Corden would join the cast as well. Glazer was later replaced by Anna Faris. According to Jordan Peele, he was initially offered the role of \"\"Poop\"\", which he would go on to state led to his decision to retire from acting. The part would ultimately go to Patrick Stewart. The film's score was composed by Patrick Doyle, who previously", "title": "The Emoji Movie" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.73, "text": "a couple with supplies from Kmart. The icon is a character in 2017's \"\"The Emoji Movie\"\", voiced by Patrick Stewart. Pile of Poo emoji , also known just simply as Poo (on iOS devices), is an emoji resembling a coiled pile of feces, usually adorned with eyes and a \"\"friendly smile\"\". It is used to convey dissatisfaction. The emoji is in the Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs Unicode block: . In 1998 or 1999, Japanese mobile operators NTT DoCoMo, au, and SoftBank Mobile each defined their own variants of emoji using proprietary standards, the first of which was created by NTT", "title": "Pile of Poo emoji" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.67, "text": "The Emoji Movie The Emoji Movie is a 2017 American computer animated film directed by Tony Leondis, and written by Leondis, Eric Siegel and Mike White, based on emoji graphics used in electronic messages. It stars the voices of T.J. Miller, James Corden, Anna Faris, Maya Rudolph, Steven Wright, Rob Riggle, Jennifer Coolidge, Christina Aguilera, Sofía Vergara, Sean Hayes and Patrick Stewart. The film centers on Gene, a multi-expressional emoji who lives in a teenager's smartphone and sets out on a journey to become a normal meh emoji like his parents. Produced by Sony Pictures Animation and distributed by Columbia", "title": "The Emoji Movie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.36, "text": "while spinning 15 fidget spinners and dabbing every 60 seconds\"\"\"\" have over 5 million views combined, . On July 20, Douglass received a package from the marketing team at Sony Pictures Animation, thanking him for being \"\"the [No. 1] fan of \"\"The Emoji Movie\"\"\"\", inviting him to the world premiere on July 23, and sending \"\"Emoji Movie\"\"-related merchandise, including fidget spinners, face masks of \"\"Emoji Movie\"\" characters, and a plushie of Poop. The video in which Douglass unboxed the package and discussed his invitation has received over 2 million views. On July 28, Douglass uploaded a review of the film,", "title": "Jack Douglass" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.42, "text": "rights to make the film, with the official announcement occurring at the 2016 CinemaCon. The film was fast tracked into production by the studio after the bidding war. Unlike most other animated films, the film had a production time of 2 years, as there were concerns that the movie would become outdated due to the evolution of phone technology. On World Emoji Day on July 17, 2016, Miller was announced as the lead. Leondis created the part with Miller in mind, although the actor was initially hesitant to play the role, only accepting after Leondis briefed him on the story.", "title": "The Emoji Movie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22, "text": "\"\"Burnitup!\"\" He was the host of \"\"An All Star Tribute to James Burrows\"\". Hayes starred in the Broadway play \"\"An Act of God\"\", which ran from June 6, 2016 to September 4, 2016. In 2017, Hayes played the role of Steven, the devil emoji in \"\"The Emoji Movie\"\". He and his Husband wrote a book named Plum, which is about how the sugar plum fairy got her wings, Sean has always had an interest for the Nutcracker and memorised the whole musical piece. He gets on very well with Ellen DeGeneres and has appeared on her show countless of times.", "title": "Sean Hayes (actor)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.94, "text": "by Hi-5, a once popular emoji who has since lost his fame due to lack of use. He tells Gene that he can be fixed if they find a hacker, and Hi-5 accompanies him so that he can reclaim his fame. Smiler sends more bots to look for Gene when she finds out that he has left Textopolis, as his actions have caused Alex to think that his phone needs to be fixed. Gene and Hi-5 come to a piracy app where they meet a hacker emoji named Jailbreak, who wants to reach Dropbox so that she can live in", "title": "The Emoji Movie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.86, "text": "as \"\"The Emoji Movie\"\" (2017). Faris had a recurring role as the birth mother to Monica and Chandler's twins in the tenth and final season of \"\"Friends\"\" (2004). She has played the co-lead role of Christy Plunkett on the CBS sitcom \"\"Mom\"\" since 2013. The show has earned the actress further critical and popular acclaim and three People's Choice Award nominations. In 2015, she launched \"\"Unqualified\"\", an advice podcast, and in 2017, her memoir of the same name was published. Anna Kay Faris was born on November 29, 1976, in Baltimore, Maryland, the second child of Jack, a sociology professor,", "title": "Anna Faris" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.66, "text": "(such as Masakazu Katsura), but most notably his editor Kazuhiko Torishima as the series' main antagonist, Dr. Mashirito. A running gag in \"\"Dr. Slump\"\" that utilizes feces has been reported as an inspiration for the Pile of Poo emoji. When \"\"Dragon Ball\"\" began, it was loosely based on the classic Chinese novel \"\"Journey to the West\"\", with Goku being Sun Wukong and Bulma as Tang Sanzang. Toriyama continued to use his characteristic comedic style in the beginning, but over the course of time this slowly changed, with him turning the series into a \"\"nearly-pure fighting manga\"\" later on. He did", "title": "Akira Toriyama" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.61, "text": "the failure of \"\"The Emoji Movie\"\", Leondis has expressed some interest in pursuing live-action filmmaking. In an interview with IGN Greece, Leondis said, Leondis is homosexual. Tony Leondis Anthony Leondis (born March 24, 1972) is a Greek-American filmmaker, known for being the director of \"\"The Emoji Movie\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"Igor\"\", and the unreleased DreamWorks Animation feature film, \"\".\"\" He was also a writer from \"\"Kronk's New Groove\"\". He won two Golden Raspberry Awards for Worst Director and Screenplay, however, he was nominated for Best Director and Screenplay from \"\"Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch\"\" and Best Writer in \"\"Kronk's", "title": "Tony Leondis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.59, "text": "DreamWorks to develop his next animated film, while \"\"B.O.O.\"\" is left dead at the studio. In 2017, Leondis directed and co-wrote Sony Pictures Animation's animated film \"\"The Emoji Movie\"\", about emojis. Leondis pitched the film to the studio and co-wrote it with Eric Siegel. The film was released on July 28, 2017. Though the film was a box-office success, it was panned by critics. He won two Razzie Awards for Worst Director and Worst Screenplay, the latter he shared with Eric Siegel and Mike White, making him the first animation director in motion picture history to get those categories. Following", "title": "Tony Leondis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.34, "text": "Pictures, \"\"The Emoji Movie\"\" premiered on July 23, 2017, at the Regency Village Theatre and was theatrically released in the United States on July 28, 2017. The film grossed $217 million worldwide, but received overwhelmingly negative reviews from critics. At the 38th Golden Raspberry Awards, it won in four categories: Worst Picture, Worst Director, Worst Screen Combo and Worst Screenplay, making it the first animated film to receive nominations and wins in any of those categories. Gene is an emoji that lives in Textopolis, a digital city inside the phone of his user Alex. He is the son of two", "title": "The Emoji Movie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.2, "text": "terms of popularity. Design for the emoji was left to Google Doodle artists Ryan Germick and Susie Sahim, who sought to put a \"\"Google spin\"\" on the existing emojis. They drew inspiration from the existing emoji designs as well as the character Poop-Boy from the \"\"Dr. Slump\"\" manga by Akira Toriyama. They limited themselves to a size of 15×15 pixels and colors used only in Google's logo. Pile of Poo was added to Unicode in Unicode 6.0 (released in October 2010), and to Unicode's official emoji documentation in 2015. In 2017, a \"\"frowning pile of poo\"\" emoji was shortlisted for", "title": "Pile of Poo emoji" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.14, "text": "announce T. J. Miller as the first cast member for \"\"The Emoji Movie,\"\" Google released “a series of new emoji that are more inclusive of women from diverse backgrounds” and Emojipedia launched the first World Emoji Awards. Other World Emoji Day announcements in 2016 came from Disney, General Electric, Twitter, and Coca-Cola. In 2017, Apple celebrated World Emoji Day by announcing its new emojis on iOS, London's Royal Opera House presented 20 operas and ballets in emoji form, Google announced the end of its “blob emojis” and winners of the World Emoji Awards were announced from the trading floor of", "title": "World Emoji Day" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.11, "text": "inclusion in a future Unicode release. After negative feedback on this character from WG2 experts including Michael Everson and Andrew West, the frowning pile of poo emoji was removed from the list of emoji candidates. ABC News' Samantha Selinger-Morris states in her 2016 article that the smiling poop emoji is \"\"one of the most popular emojis in existence\"\" due to its \"\"ineffable charm\"\" and \"\"ability to transcend language barriers and political differences.\"\" As such, it has been featured on Mylar birthday balloons and cupcakes. In 2016, a termite mound in Western Australia was transformed into a smiling poop emoji by", "title": "Pile of Poo emoji" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.11, "text": "Tony Leondis Anthony Leondis (born March 24, 1972) is a Greek-American filmmaker, known for being the director of \"\"The Emoji Movie\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"Igor\"\", and the unreleased DreamWorks Animation feature film, \"\".\"\" He was also a writer from \"\"Kronk's New Groove\"\". He won two Golden Raspberry Awards for Worst Director and Screenplay, however, he was nominated for Best Director and Screenplay from \"\"Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch\"\" and Best Writer in \"\"Kronk's New Groove\"\", and also was the director for \"\"\"\", voicing Master Croc, which proved to be his better-known work. Leondis started his career as a story", "title": "Tony Leondis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.94, "text": "lounge\"\" with the other unused and forgotten emojis for her crimes, wearing numerous braces due to her teeth being cracked by the bot, and playing and losing a game of Go Fish. The film was inspired by director Tony Leondis' love of \"\"Toy Story\"\". Wanting to make a new take on the concept, he began asking himself, \"\"What is the new toy out there that hasn't been explored?\"\" At the same time, Leondis received a text message with an emoji, which helped him realize that this was the world he wanted to explore. In fleshing out the story, Leondis considered", "title": "The Emoji Movie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.88, "text": "On May 1, 2017, Douglass uploaded a video titled \"\"My Apology\"\" in which he makes fun of DaddyOFive. Douglass made fun of other YouTubers, including Leafyishere and Michael Stevens. On January 30, 2017, Douglass referred to \"\"The Emoji Movie\"\" for the first time in his video \"\"How do we fix YouTube? (YIAY #309)\"\". Douglass referenced \"\"The Emoji Movie\"\" frequently in 2017, making a parody of the trailer and selling merchandise of the date of its release, July 28. His videos, \"\"\"\"Frame-by-frame analysis of The Emoji Movie Trailer\"\"\"\", \"\"\"\"THE EMOJI MOVIE - Trailer #2\"\"\"\", and \"\"\"\"Counting down to The Emoji Movie", "title": "Jack Douglass" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.84, "text": "Movie voice cast Patrick Stewart, Maya Rudolph and Jake T. Austin, and announced the winners of the annual World Emoji Awards from the New York Stock Exchange. Saks Fifth Avenue hosted a \"\"Saks Celebrates World Emoji Day\"\" red carpet event in 2017 which was attended by Burge. Burge has appeared regularly on television and radio shows for ABC Australia and BBC and has also made guest appearances on networks such as CNN International,, Relay FM and Cheddar. Jeremy Burge Jeremy Burge (born 14 July 1984) is an emoji historian, founder of Emojipedia and creator of World Emoji Day. Burge", "title": "Jeremy Burge" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.75, "text": "in this case the execution isn't good enough to bring the notion of an emoji movie to funky, surprising life.\"\" Writing in \"\"The Guardian\"\", Charles Bramesco called the film \"\"insidious evil\"\" and wrote that it was little more than an exercise in advertising smartphone downloads to children. Writing for the \"\"Hindustan Times\"\", Aditya Dogra acknowledged that viewers had noticed the similarities of \"\"The Emoji Movie\"\" to \"\"Inside Out\"\", \"\"The Lego Movie\"\", and \"\"Wreck-It Ralph\"\". The Emoji Movie The Emoji Movie is a 2017 American computer animated film directed by Tony Leondis, and written by Leondis, Eric Siegel and Mike White,", "title": "The Emoji Movie" } ]
who was the first leader of unified england?
[ "King Æthelstan" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.05, "text": "had become unified by the conjoining of various local kingdoms and defeat of the many kingdoms in Northern and Eastern England paying Danegeld and having some ties (which became quite loose over time) to Viking kings on the continent. It is not clear cut who was the first King of England. Offa and Athelstan are strong candidates. History would have told Henry of the earlier Viking invasions along the North Sea, the English Channel (including Normandy) and the Irish Sea (Ireland and Wales). Because his immediate ancestors had themselves conquered England, he was well aware of the potential for external", "title": "Assize of Arms of 1181" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.94, "text": "life in general. The English lands were unified in the 10th century in a reconquest completed by King Æthelstan in 927 CE. During the Heptarchy, the most powerful king among the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms might become acknowledged as Bretwalda, a high king over the other kings. The decline of Mercia allowed Wessex to become more powerful. It absorbed the kingdoms of Kent and Sussex in 825. The kings of Wessex became increasingly dominant over the other kingdoms of England during the 9th century. In 827, Northumbria submitted to Egbert of Wessex at Dore, briefly making Egbert the first king to reign", "title": "Kingdom of England" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.94, "text": "Scotland) became formally the first occupant of the unified British throne, with Scotland sending forty-five Members to join all existing Members from the parliament of England in the new House of Commons of Great Britain, as well as 16 representative peers to join all existing peers from the parliament of England in the new House of Lords. Dynastic security was a factor in Britain, as, indeed, it was in other countries. The House of Stuart had abdicated the throne when King James II (1633–1701) fled to France in 1688. However he and his son the \"\"Old Pretender\"\" (1688–1766) claimed to", "title": "Early modern Britain" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.59, "text": "of both England and Scotland) formally became the first occupant of the unified throne of Great Britain, with Scotland sending forty-five Members to the new House of Commons of Great Britain, as well as representative peers to the House of Lords. Significant financial payoffs to Scottish parliamentarians were later referred to by Robert Burns when he wrote \"\"We're bought and sold for English gold, Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Nation!\"\" Some recent historians, however, have emphasized the legitimacy of the vote. The Treaty consisted of twenty-five Articles. Article 1 states \"\"That the Two Kingdoms of Scotland and England,", "title": "Treaty of Union" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.53, "text": "so it could be unified with Greece. Signed on 19 February 1959, the London and Zurich Agreements started the process for the constitution of an independent Cyprus. The United Kingdom granted independence to Cyprus on 16 August 1960 and formed the Republic of Cyprus. Archbishop Makarios III, a charismatic religious and political leader, was elected as the first president of Independent Cyprus. In 1961 the Republic of Cyprus became the 99th member of the United Nations. British Cyprus British Cyprus was the island of Cyprus under the dominion of the British Empire, administered sequentially from 1878 to 1914 as a", "title": "British Cyprus" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.5, "text": "VI was a Calvinist but he favoured rule by bishops or Episcopalian governance as a means of control; when he also became King of England in 1603, he saw a unified Church of Scotland and England as the first step towards a centralised, Unionist state. However, the Church of England was very different from the kirk in both governance and doctrine and even Scottish bishops viewed many English practices as essentially Catholic. On 10 March 1615, John Ogilvie, a Scottish Jesuit convert, was executed in Glasgow; his 'fall' was of particular concern, since he came from an upper class, Calvinist", "title": "John Fergushill" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.5, "text": "Mary Stuart (1605–1607) Mary Stuart (8 April 1605 16 September 1607) was the third daughter and sixth child of James VI and I, the first king of a unified England, Scotland and Ireland, by Anne of Denmark, daughter of Frederick II of Denmark and sister of Christian IV of Denmark; her birth was much anticipated. She developed pneumonia at 17 months and died the following year. The first child to be born to Anne and James after James succeeded Elizabeth I of England, Mary was the first princess of Great Britain, although then it was not so named. Her birth", "title": "Mary Stuart (1605–1607)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.48, "text": "In the early years of the 7th century, Kent and East Anglia were the leading English kingdoms. After the death of Æthelberht in 616, Rædwald of East Anglia became the most powerful leader south of the Humber. Following the death of Æthelfrith of Northumbria, Rædwald provided military assistance to the Deiran Edwin in his struggle to take over the two dynasties of Deira and Bernicia in the unified kingdom of Northumbria. Upon the death of Rædwald, Edwin was able to pursue a grand plan to expand Northumbrian power. The growing strength of Edwin of Northumbria forced the Anglo-Saxon Mercians under", "title": "History of Anglo-Saxon England" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.48, "text": "the commissioning of Warwolf, a giant trebuchet which flattened the curtain walls. The defenders had tried to surrender four days earlier, but had been made to wait by the king while he tried out his new toy. In September 1305 the first joint English and Scottish parliament met at Westminster to agree a constitution for the unified state, with Percy playing a leading role in the negotiations, but Robert Bruce, a leading representative of the Scots, was already conspiring to rebel. On 25 March 1306 Robert Bruce was crowned King of Scotland at Scone Abbey, upon which Edward confiscated his", "title": "Henry de Percy, 1st Baron Percy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.47, "text": "funds to building ships, organising an army and establishing a system of burhs. Alfred's son, Edward, captured the eastern Midlands and East Anglia from the Danes and became ruler of Mercia in 918 upon the death of his sister, Æthelflæd. Edward's son, Æthelstan, conquered Northumbria in 927, and England became a unified kingdom for the first time. Cnut the Great, who conquered England in 1016, created the wealthy and powerful earldom of Wessex, but in 1066 Harold Godwinson reunited the earldom with the crown and Wessex ceased to exist. Modern archaeologists use the term \"\"Wessex culture\"\" for a Middle Bronze", "title": "Wessex" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.44, "text": "and, after some uncertainty, Wessex. Æthelstan continued the expansion of his father and aunt and was the first king to achieve direct rulership of what we would now consider England. The titles attributed to him in charters and on coins suggest a still more widespread dominance. His expansion aroused ill-feeling among the other kingdoms of Britain, and he defeated a combined Scottish-Viking army at the Battle of Brunanburh. However, the unification of England was not a certainty. Under Æthelstan's successors Edmund and Eadred the English kings repeatedly lost and regained control of Northumbria. Nevertheless, Edgar, who ruled the same expanse", "title": "History of England" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.27, "text": "Three Kingdoms. Like most Scots, James VI was a Calvinist but he favoured rule by bishops or Episcopalian governance as a means of control; when he also became King of England in 1603, creating a unified Church of Scotland and England was the first step towards a centralised, Unionist state. However, the Church of England was very different from the kirk in both governance and doctrine and even Scottish bishops viewed many English practices as essentially Catholic. Despite his father being an Archbishop, Boyd was opposed to any form of Episcopalianism; in 1610, he visited Scotland and in a letter", "title": "Robert Boyd (university principal)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.02, "text": "leading to a unified England, but this is no longer the majority view. In the words of a recent historian: \"\"Offa was driven by a lust for power, not a vision of English unity; and what he left was a reputation, not a legacy.\"\" Offa died in 796; his son, Ecgfrith, succeeded him, but reigned for less than five months before Coenwulf of Mercia became king. In the first half of the 8th century, the dominant Anglo-Saxon ruler was King Æthelbald of Mercia, who by 731 had become the overlord of all the provinces south of the River Humber. Æthelbald", "title": "Offa of Mercia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.94, "text": "of England and Scotland and the first monarch of Great Britain. A Treaty of Union was agreed in 1706 following negotiations between representatives of the parliaments of England and Scotland, and each parliament then passed separate Acts of Union to ratify it. The Acts came into effect on 1 May 1707, uniting the separate Parliaments and crowns of England and Scotland and forming a single Kingdom of Great Britain. Anne became the first monarch to occupy the unified British throne, and in line with Article 22 of the Treaty of Union, Scotland and England each sent members to the new", "title": "Kingdom of Great Britain" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.94, "text": "of the dzong was started in 1637 and completed in 1638, at the place where the Dzong Chug had existed. During this period, Ngawang Namgyal became the first leader of a unified Bhutan, following his concerted efforts to unify the country into one unit. The dzong was consecrated in the name of Pungthang Dechen Phodrang. In 1639, a commemorative chapel was erected to house the arms seized from the Tibetans who were defeated by the Bhutanese on this spot. The Zhabdrung also set up a monastic order with 600 monks (brought from Cheri Gompa of upper Thimphu valley) and he", "title": "Punakha Dzong" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.73, "text": "Bismarck was able to complete the work of unifying Germany under Prussian leadership. The patriotic fervour aroused by the war with France overwhelmed the remaining opponents of a unified nation, and on 18 January 1871 (the 170th anniversary of the coronation of the first Prussian king, Frederick I), the German Empire was proclaimed in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles outside of Paris, while the French capital was still under siege. King William became the first emperor of a unified Germany. Bismarck's new empire was the most powerful state on the Continent. Prussia's dominance over the new empire was almost", "title": "Kingdom of Prussia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.47, "text": "by either Parliament or the Church, a political view that would remain remarkably consistent among his Stuart successors. When James became King of England in 1603, a unified Church of Scotland and England governed by bishops was the first step in his vision of a centralised, Unionist state. While both churches were nominally Episcopalian, in reality they were very different in governance and doctrine; Scottish bishops presided over Presbyterian structures and were doctrinal Calvinists who viewed many Church of England practices as little better than Catholicism. Attempts by James's son Charles I to impose common practices ultimately led to the", "title": "Jacobitism" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.47, "text": "House became rulers of a unified English nation after the descendants of Alfred the Great (871–899) down to Edward the Confessor in 1066. Edward the Elder Alfred's son united under his rule, by conquering the Viking occupied areas, Mercia and East Anglia with Wessex. Then his son, Æthelstan, extended his authority into the north, Northumbria, above the Mersey and Humber, but this was not fully consolidated until after his nephew Edgar succeeded to the throne. This period of the English monarchy is known as the Anglo-Saxon period, because the two main branches of settlers were Angles (in Mercia and East", "title": "House of Wessex" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.45, "text": "the back and left shaggy on the front, whilst in contrast to this the latter typically wore their hair long. Under the reign of Wessex King Edgar the Peaceful, England came to be further politically unified, with Edgar coming to be recognized as the king of all England by both Anglo-Saxon and Norse populations living in the country. However, under the regimes of his son Edward the Martyr, who was murdered in 978, and then Æthelred the Unready, the political strength of the English monarchy waned, and in 980 Viking raiders from Scandinavia once more started making attacks against England.", "title": "Norse activity in the British Isles" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.44, "text": "1567, Mary was forced to abdicate as Queen of Scots and replaced by her infant son James VI and I, who was brought up as a Protestant and became heir to the English throne. After Elizabeth died in 1603, the two Crowns were held in personal union by James and his Stuart successors but England and Scotland remained separate entities. When James became King of England in 1603, the creation of a unified Church of Scotland and England governed by bishops was the first step in his vision of a centralised, Unionist state. On his accession, he announced his intention", "title": "Acts of Union 1707" } ]
how many episodes are in season 1 of jane the virgin?
[ "22" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.83, "text": "Jane the Virgin (season 1) The first season of \"\"Jane the Virgin\"\" premiered on The CW on October 13, 2014 and ended on May 11, 2015. The season consisted of 22 episodes and stars Gina Rodriguez as a young Latina university student accidentally artificially inseminated with her boss' sperm, Rafael Solano (Justin Baldoni). <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> On June 27, 2013, American television network The CW announced that it was planning to release a new show based on the Venezuelan soap opera \"\"Juana La Virgen\"\". On February 23, 2014, \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" announced that Rodriguez would play the title role of Jane Villanueva. On", "title": "Jane the Virgin (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.7, "text": "in Los Angeles and the pilot was filmed in Huntington Beach, California. On October 21, 2014, the show was given a full season order. The DVD release of season one is set to be released in Region 1 on September 29, 2015. Jane the Virgin (season 1) The first season of \"\"Jane the Virgin\"\" premiered on The CW on October 13, 2014 and ended on May 11, 2015. The season consisted of 22 episodes and stars Gina Rodriguez as a young Latina university student accidentally artificially inseminated with her boss' sperm, Rafael Solano (Justin Baldoni). <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> On June 27, 2013,", "title": "Jane the Virgin (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.2, "text": "a total of 74 modified episodes, the season-two finale aired on July 8, 2016, being replaced by on July 11, 2016. \"\"Jane the Virgin\"\" has received praise for its writing and Rodriguez's performance. Review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes gives the first season of the show a \"\"certified fresh\"\" rating of 100% based on 50 reviews, with a rating average of 7.7 out of 10. The site's consensus states, \"\"\"\"Jane the Virgin\"\" dubious premise has become part of its unlikely charm – along with delightfully diverse writing and a knockout performance by Gina Rodriguez.\"\" Metacritic, another review aggregator, gives the show", "title": "Jane the Virgin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.02, "text": "in the middle of the broadcast season. The season also received a reduced episode account, per request of showrunner Jennie Snyder Urman, bringing the season's episode count to a total of 17, making it the shortest season of the series in total. When the promotional poster for the season was first released, it was revealed that the character of Mateo was recast with Elias Janssen due to previous child actor Joseph Sanders being too busy with school to commit to the role. As of the first episode of the season, Janssen was credited with \"\"starring\"\" billing along with the six", "title": "Jane the Virgin (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.27, "text": "Jane the Virgin (season 4) The fourth season of \"\"Jane the Virgin\"\" originally aired in the United States on The CW from October 13, 2017 through April 20, 2018. The season is produced by CBS Television Studios, with Jennie Snyder Urman serving as showrunner. The series was renewed for a fourth season on January 8, 2017. Season four stars Gina Rodriguez as Jane Villanueva, Andrea Navedo as Jane's mother Xiomara De La Vega, Ivonne Coll as Jane's grandmother Alba Villanueva, and Jaime Camil as Jane's father Rogelio De La Vega, with Justin Baldoni as Jane's lover and babydaddy Rafael Solano,", "title": "Jane the Virgin (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.94, "text": "1, 2014. The first two seasons aired in the United Kingdom on E4., with the first-run episodes on UK Netflix from season 3 onwards. Sony Channel broadcast the series throughout Southeast Asia as replacements of Sony Entertainment Television in the region (including BeTV in the Philippines). In Canada, new episodes are added each week to the streaming service Shomi, in addition to cable carriage by some providers of American CW affiliates (Chicago's WGN-TV, available as a superstation in Canada, carried the series' first two seasons until it ended its CW affiliation before the 2016-17 television season). The show premiered in", "title": "Jane the Virgin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.86, "text": "\"\"Jane the Virgin\"\". The season follows Francis' declining health and death partway through the season, leaving Mary a widow and struggling to find new footing since she's no longer bound to France as its queen. Francis' brother Charles is crowned the new underaged king, with Catherine as regent. The third season also introduces the court of Queen Elizabeth of England, who plots against Mary, fends off marital prospects, and deals with her secret love affair with Robert Dudley. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Reign (season 3) The third season of \"\"Reign\"\", an American historical fantasy, consisted of 18 episodes which aired between October 9,", "title": "Reign (season 3)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.27, "text": "<onlyinclude></onlyinclude> The fourth season was received well by critics, notable praise being geared towards its storylines involving topics such as sexuality, immigration, and cancer, as well as its jaw-dropping season finale cliffhanger. Critics also praised the performances of series stars, Andrea Navedo and Yael Grobglas, as well as recurring guest stars, Tyler Posey and Rosario Dawson. Critics first praised the fifth episode of the season in which Jane's (Gina Rodriguez) boyfriend Adam (Tyler Posey) was revealed to be bisexual. \"\"Fortunately, \"\"Jane The Virgin\"\" handles Adam's storyline sans ignorant jokes, unchecked offensive comments, and \"\"funny\"\" hysteria, even if Jane's initial response", "title": "Jane the Virgin (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.19, "text": "and stereotypes. As noted by Alanna Bennett of \"\"Buzzfeed News\"\", it later becomes apparent that this one-off story was just setting some representational ground work for an even bigger storyline in the back-half of the season, featuring Petra (Yael Grobglas) developing feelings for her female lawyer, Jane Ramos (Rosario Dawson). Bennett comments on the idea of pairing Petra up with Dawson's \"\"Jane\"\" being a nod to the portion of the fanbase who rooted for Petra to get together with Rodriguez's \"\"Jane\"\". She notes that, despite only being five episodes into their storyline, \"\"J.R. and Petra’s relationship is already electric —", "title": "Jane the Virgin (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.05, "text": "by showrunner Jennie Snyder-Urman as it featured the characters of Jane (Gina Rodriguez) and Rafael (Justin Baldoni) having sex for the first time. \"\"She said that it would be really great for me to be able to direct something that is so intimate and could be very uncomfortable. It could be very scary to not only shoot, but also to be in that environment...So there were a lot of layers of challenge and then it ended up being so beautiful,\"\" Rodriguez recalls of her directing experience. Costar Justin Baldoni also directs this season, taking on the fourteenth episode, \"\"Chapter Seventy-Eight\"\".", "title": "Jane the Virgin (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21, "text": "and Yael Grobglas as Rafael's ex-wife and other babymama Petra Solano. Elias Janssen is added as a series regular, portraying a recast version of Jane's son Mateo Solano Villanueva. On January 8, 2017, The CW renewed the series for a fourth season. It was later announced on May 18, 2017 that the series had been moved from its Monday night time-slot to a Friday night time-slot, being paired alongside the third season of \"\"Crazy Ex-Girlfriend\"\", premiering on October 13, 2017. The last seven episodes of the season were paired alongside \"\"Dynasty\"\", which was moved from Wednesday night to Friday night", "title": "Jane the Virgin (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.98, "text": "to defend Petra. The back-half of the season also saw Brooke Shields in a multi-episode arc as River Fields, Rogelio's (Jaime Camil) nemesis and a spoof of the real-life actress. On January 9, 2018, series star Gina Rodriguez announced via Instagram that she would be making her directorial debut this season, posting a photo of herself holding a \"\"Jane the Virgin\"\" clapperboard with her name next to the director slot, alongside costars Yael Grobglas and Rosario Dawson. Rodriguez's directorial debut was the tenth episode of the season, \"\"Chapter Seventy-Four\"\", which aired on February 9, 2018. The episode was specially selected", "title": "Jane the Virgin (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.94, "text": "Peabody Award, and Gina Rodriguez won the award for Best Actress – Television Series, Musical or Comedy. It was also named a TV Program of the Year by the American Film Institute. Beginning with the fourth episode of season three, the series' on-screen title card was modified, with \"\"The Virgin\"\" crossed out in favor of a substitute each episode. This mirrored the storyline, in which Jane is no longer a virgin. On April 2, 2018, The CW renewed the series for a fifth and final season. Set in Miami, the series details the surprising and dramatic events that take place", "title": "Jane the Virgin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.89, "text": "was given a full season order. On January 11, 2015, the show was renewed for a second season, set to air during the 2015–16 television season. Its second season premiered on October 12, 2015. On March 11, 2016, the show was renewed for a third season, which premiered on October 17, 2016. On January 8, 2017, The CW renewed the series for a fourth season that premiered on October 13, 2017. On April 2, 2018, The CW renewed the series for a fifth and final season, which will air in 2019. \"\"Jane the Virgin\"\" premiered on The CW on October", "title": "Jane the Virgin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.77, "text": "May 8, 2014, during The CW's 2014–2015 upfronts, the series was officially picked up. On July 18, 2014, an extended trailer was released by The CW. On August 8, 2014, it was announced that \"\"White Collar\"\"s Bridget Regan and Azie Tesfai would join the series as respectively Rose, a former lawyer, and Detective Nadine Hansan, a police detective and rival to Dier's character. On August 10, 2014, TVLine announced that \"\"Melrose Place\"\" and \"\"Emily Owens, M.D.\"\" actor Michael Rady would join the series as Lachlan. Filming for season one commenced on July 28, 2014. The show is filmed on soundstages", "title": "Jane the Virgin (season 1)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.55, "text": "and confirmed to be romantic. Fanfiction empires have been built from a lot less. In a TV landscape that seems to be making way for more and more bi characters, it’s worth paying attention to what \"\"Jane the Virgin\"\" is doing here with Petra. It’s not a whole new character — it’s the same Petra audiences have been responding to for the past four years. But there is a shift happening in her, an enticing self-discovery. She’s opening up.\"\" \"\"TVLine\"\" awarded Andrea Navedo as \"\"Performer of the Week\"\" for her role in the fourteenth episode of the season, \"\"Chapter Seventy-Eight\"\",", "title": "Jane the Virgin (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.44, "text": "displayed her own misunderstanding of the sexual orientation. It's worth noting too that no one else aside from Jane — from Xiomara to Lina to Danny — batted an eye upon hearing about Adam's sexuality. This kind of bisexual representation can help make the world a safer space for everyone, which means that this episode of \"\"Jane The Virgin\"\" is definitely one to celebrate,\"\" Alexis Reliford, a critic for \"\"Bustle\"\" said of the story, also mentioning that the show uses Jane's initial comfort as a way to have a meaningful conversation regarding the topic of bisexuality, debunking some common misconceptions", "title": "Jane the Virgin (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.44, "text": "the season, \"\"Chapter Eighty\"\". Critics acknowledge the show's ability to balance out Xiomara's cancer arc with some of the more lighthearted storylines. \"\"I don’t want to say, “Okay, but any show could do a good cancer story.” That’s absolutely not true! But while everything about Xo’s current story is effective and important, I think the most impressive thing has been watching the show figure out how to tell Xo’s story while also maintaining the balance of humor and drama and sweetness that keeps the show itself.\"\" Jane the Virgin (season 4) The fourth season of \"\"Jane the Virgin\"\" originally aired", "title": "Jane the Virgin (season 4)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.2, "text": "New Zealand on July 24 on Prime. In the Philippines, \"\"Jane the Virgin\"\" premiered on ABS-CBN on March 28, 2016, dubbed in Filipino. The show replaced the local drama series \"\"You're My Home\"\" on a late-night timeslot, as part of the \"\"Primetime BIDA\"\" evening block. Days before the premiere, a teaser showing Gina Rodriguez promoting the show was also released. Sana2X by Angeline Quinto was the themesong for the Tagalized broadcast of Jane the Virgin. ABS-CBN only aired the first two seasons, locally editing and splitting the episodes into half-hour segments similar to the network's teleserye and anime programs. For", "title": "Jane the Virgin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.11, "text": "from August 7, 2012. \"\"Jane by Design: Season 1, Volume 1\"\" contains the first ten episodes of the series. It was released as a two-disc box set on Region 1 DVD in the US and Canada on March 20, 2012. All episodes of \"\"Jane by Design\"\" are also available through Amazon Video and the iTunes Store where each episode can be purchased separately or as the complete series. \"\"Jane by Design\"\" received initially mixed critical reviews. Metacritic gave the pilot episode 54 out of 100, based upon 7 critical reviews. The \"\"New York Daily News\"\" gave show with 60/100 commenting", "title": "Jane by Design" } ]
when did network rail take over from railtrack?
[ "2002" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.91, "text": "was paid to terminate contracts early. When the infrastructure owning company Railtrack ceased trading in 2002, the Labour government set up the not-for-dividend company Network Rail to take over the duties rather than renationalise this part of the network. However, in September 2014, Network Rail was reclassified as a central government body, adding around £34 billion to public sector net debt. This reclassification had been requested by the Office for Budget Responsibility to comply with pan-European accounting standard ESA10. Under Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour Party has pledged to gradually renationalise British Rail franchises if elected, as and when their private", "title": "British Rail" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.78, "text": "discharged on 2 October 2002. Network Rail was formed with the principal purpose of acquiring and owning Railtrack plc. Originally the Government allowed private companies to bid for Railtrack plc. However, with limited availability of financial data on Railtrack, the political implications of owning the company and the very obvious preference of the government that the national railway network should go to Network Rail, no bidders apart from Network Rail were forthcoming, and Network Rail bought Railtrack plc on 3 October 2002. Railtrack plc was subsequently renamed to Network Rail Infrastructure Limited. Network Rail's acquisition of Railtrack plc was welcomed", "title": "Railtrack" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.75, "text": "obliged Network Rail/Railtrack to maintain responsibility for funding the project, being terminated in April 2003. Responsibility for project funding was subsequently transferred to the Strategic Rail Authority. Network Rail revised the original proposal and submitted it along with an updated Environmental Statement dated 14 June 2004. The Deputy Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Transport called for a new public inquiry to begin in September 2005. During this period the Strategic Rail Authority was abolished by the Railways Act of 2005, and the Department for Transport (DfT) took over funding responsibility for the project in July 2005. The", "title": "Thameslink Programme" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.7, "text": "owned by Prism Rail, National Express took over operation in July 2000. In 1994 responsibility for the operational infrastructure passed to Railtrack. In August 2002 signalling control was transferred to the Liverpool Street Integrated Electronic Control Centre (IECC). The WAGN franchise was replaced in 2004 by One, this was renamed National Express East Anglia. The following year, following financial difficulties, Railtrack was superseded by Network Rail. From 11 December 2005, a new service to and from Stratford reintroduced a direct passenger connection between Tottenham Hale and Stratford via the mainly freight line across Walthamstow Marshes. For many years the only", "title": "Tottenham Hale station" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.69, "text": "privatised the railways, Railtrack took control of the railway infrastructure on 1 April 1994 and was floated on the Stock Exchange in May 1996. Robert Horton was first chairman, leading the organisation through the early years of its existence up to 1999, including an industrial dispute from June to September 1994. The fatal accidents at Southall in 1997 and Ladbroke Grove in 1999 called into question the effect that the fragmentation of the railway network had had on both safety and maintenance procedures. In February 1999 the company launched a bond issue which caused a significant fall in Railtrack's share", "title": "Railtrack" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.64, "text": "costs of modernising the West Coast Main Line were also spiralling. In 2001, Railtrack announced that, despite making a pre-tax profit before exceptional expenses of £199m, the £733m of costs and compensation paid out over the Hatfield crash had plunged Railtrack from profit into a loss of £534m, and it approached the government for funding, which it then used to pay a £137m dividend to its shareholders in May 2001. Network Rail Ltd took over control by buying Railtrack plc, which was in \"\"railway administration\"\", from Railtrack Group plc for £500 million; Railtrack plc was then renamed and reconstituted as", "title": "Network Rail" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.45, "text": "to the Network SouthEast sector of British Rail. During this period, it was known as Network SouthEast's \"\"misery line\"\". On privatisation in 1996, ownership passed to Railtrack and Prism Rail took over operations of the franchise, marketing the route as LTS Rail. Ownership passed to Network Rail in 2002. Prism Rail were bought out by National Express in 2000 and in 2002 the line was rebranded as c2c. The line was known for its use of 4-4-2 tank engines which were later displaced by 2-6-4Ts after it had been absorbed into the London, Midland and Scottish Railway in 1923. There", "title": "London, Tilbury and Southend Railway" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.36, "text": "Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd. The purchase was completed on 3 October 2002. The former company had thus never ceased to exist but continued under another name: for this reason Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd was the defendant in later prosecutions in respect of events which had occurred in the days of Railtrack. Following an initial period in which Network Rail established itself and demonstrated its competence in addressing the principal challenges of improving asset condition, reducing unit costs and tackling delay, the Government's Rail Review in 2004 said that Network Rail should be given responsibility for whole-industry performance reporting, timetable development,", "title": "Network Rail" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.27, "text": "in 1994 to Railtrack, which was succeeded by Network Rail in 2004. In August 2002, signalling control for the relevant section of track was transferred to the Liverpool Street Integrated Electronic Control Centre (IECC). Following privatisation in 1994, operation of the station was allocated to a business unit before being taken over by West Anglia Great Northern (WAGN) in January 1997, at the time owned by Prism Rail. National Express acquired the franchise-holder in July 2000. The WAGN franchise was replaced in 2003 by the One franchise later renamed National Express East Anglia. Oyster Card readers came into use on", "title": "Brimsdown railway station" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.27, "text": "operated the train services. On 13 October 1996 operation of the passenger services passed to Connex South Eastern who were originally due to run the franchise until 2011. Following a number of accidents and financial issues Railtrack plc was sold to Network Rail on 3 October 2002 who became responsible for the infrastructure. On 27 June 2003 the Strategic Rail Authority decided to strip Connex of the franchise citing poor financial management and run the franchise itself. Connex South Eastern continued to operate the franchise until 8 November 2003 with the services transferring to the Strategic Rail Authority's South Eastern", "title": "Clock House railway station" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.11, "text": "the network and its performance. Swift had been appointed rail regulator in 1993 by the then Conservative transport secretary John MacGregor MP. When the Labour government took over after the general election in May 1997, the new transport secretary (and deputy prime minister) John Prescott took a much harder line. When Swift's five-year term of office expired on 30 November 1998, he was not reappointed. After an interim holding period, during which Chris Bolt, Swift's chief economic adviser and effective deputy, filled the regulator's position, in July 1999 a new rail regulator began a five-year term, and a new, much", "title": "Railtrack" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.09, "text": "replace Railtrack in 2002. Since September 2014, Network Rail has been classified as a \"\"government body\"\". The Strategic Rail Authority lasted just five years. Following the passing of the Railways Act 2005, its business was wound up and its functions transferred to the Department for Transport Rail Group and the Office for Rail Regulation. Further changes followed, which saw the government take back a greater degree of control. Another important development occurred in the aftermath of the Potters Bar accident in May 2002 when a commuter train derailed (coincidentally on the same stretch of the East Coast Main Line as", "title": "History of rail transport in Great Britain 1995 to date" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.08, "text": "– including tracks and signalling – is owned and operated not by the train companies but by Network Rail, which took over responsibility from Railtrack in 2002. Most passenger trains are owned by a small number of Rolling Stock Companies and are leased to the individual TOCs. However, a handful of TOCs own and maintain some of their own rolling stock. Train operating companies also operate most of the network's stations, in their role as station facility owners (SFO), in which they lease the buildings and associated land from Network Rail. Network Rail manages some and several stations are operated", "title": "Train operating company" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.94, "text": "services passed to Connex South Eastern who were originally due to run the franchise until 2011. Following a number of accidents and financial issues Railtrack plc was sold to Network Rail on 3 October 2002 who became responsible for the infrastructure. On 27 June 2003 the Strategic Rail Authority decided to strip Connex of the franchise citing poor financial management and run the franchise itself. Connex South Eastern continued to operate the franchise until 8 November 2003 with the services transferring to the Strategic Rail Authority's South Eastern Trains subsidiary the following day. On 30 November 2005 the Department for", "title": "Lower Sydenham railway station" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.92, "text": "Rail operated station until January 2012 when it was transferred to Southern, and until November 2014 when it was transferred to c2c. Network Rail took over management of Bristol Temple Meads and Reading in April 2014. A DfT franchise report in 2014 stated Network Rail's intention to subsume more major stations into Network Rail's directly operated portfolio. The report earmarked for Network Rail management, as well as Manchester Oxford Road and Manchester Victoria which are currently undergoing major rebuilding as part of the Northern Hub. However the two Manchester stations remain under the operatorship of Northern. Network Rail has several", "title": "Network Rail" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.89, "text": "services. On 13 October 1996 operation of the passenger services passed to Connex South Eastern who were originally due to run the franchise until 2011. Following a number of accidents and financial issues Railtrack plc was sold to Network Rail on 3 October 2002 who became responsible for the infrastructure. On 27 June 2003 the Strategic Rail Authority decided to strip Connex of the franchise citing poor financial management and run the franchise itself. Connex South Eastern continued to operate the franchise until 8 November 2003 with the services transferring to the Strategic Rail Authority's South Eastern Trains subsidiary the", "title": "Eden Park railway station" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.83, "text": "of Network SouthEast. Following privatisation of the railways in 1994 the track through Custom House became the responsibility of Railtrack whilst train operations became the part of North London Railways (part of National Express) on 3 March 1997. This company was re-branded as Silverlink in September of that year. The adjacent Docklands Light Railway (DLR) station opened on 28 March 1994 as part of the extension to Beckton. In 2002 following financial difficulties at Railtrack, Network Rail took over responsibility for the operation of the infrastructure around the station. The original Custom House station was closed on Saturday 9 December", "title": "Custom House for ExCeL DLR station" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.8, "text": "South Eastern who were originally due to run the franchise until 2011. Following a number of accidents and financial issues Railtrack plc was sold to Network Rail on 3 October 2002 who became responsible for the infrastructure. On 27 June 2003 the Strategic Rail Authority decided to strip Connex of the franchise citing poor financial management and run the franchise itself. Connex South Eastern continued to operate the franchise until 8 November 2003 with the services transferring to the Strategic Rail Authority's South Eastern Trains subsidiary the following day. On 30 November 2005 the Department for Transport awarded Govia the", "title": "West Wickham railway station" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.73, "text": "received a 40% grant under Section 8 of the Railways Act 1974 as it would reduce road traffic. In the 1990s British Rail was privatised and the ownership of the line passed to Railtrack. When that company was wound up it was transferred to Network Rail. Passenger services were franchised, first to Anglia Railways on 5 January 1997, then to One on 1 April 2004 (which was rebranded National Express East Anglia on 22 February 2008), and then to Abellio Greater Anglia on 5 February 2012. Railtrack initiated an upgrading of the Felixstowe branch line in 1997, the first time", "title": "Felixstowe branch line" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.55, "text": "rest spent on maintenance and other costs. Network Rail covers 20,000 miles of track, and 40,000 bridges and tunnels. In October 2003 Network Rail announced that it would take over all infrastructure maintenance work from private contractors, following concerns about the quality of work carried out by certain private firms, and spiralling costs. February 2004 saw the opening of an operations centre at Waterloo station in London, operated jointly by Network Rail and South West Trains. This was the first full collaboration of its kind since privatisation, and it is regarded as a model for other areas of the network,", "title": "Network Rail" } ]
when was the declaration of independence was written?
[ "June–July 1776" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.22, "text": "provide historical and legal clarity about the Constitution and other laws. The Declaration became official when Congress voted for it on July 4; signatures of the delegates were not needed to make it official. The handwritten copy of the Declaration of Independence that was signed by Congress is dated July 4, 1776. The signatures of fifty-six delegates are affixed; however, the exact date when each person signed it has long been the subject of debate. Jefferson, Franklin, and Adams all wrote that the Declaration had been signed by Congress on July 4. But in 1796, signer Thomas McKean disputed that", "title": "United States Declaration of Independence" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.98, "text": "independence until after Congress had made its decision. Political maneuvering was setting the stage for an official declaration of independence even while a document was being written to explain the decision. On June 11, 1776, Congress appointed a \"\"Committee of Five\"\" to draft a declaration, consisting of John Adams of Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, Robert R. Livingston of New York, and Roger Sherman of Connecticut. The committee took no minutes, so there is some uncertainty about how the drafting process proceeded; contradictory accounts were written many years later by Jefferson and Adams, too many years", "title": "United States Declaration of Independence" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.41, "text": "the proper tone and spirit called for by the occasion. Jefferson's most immediate sources were two documents written in June 1776: his own draft of the preamble of the Constitution of Virginia, and George Mason's draft of the Virginia Declaration of Rights. Ideas and phrases from both of these documents appear in the Declaration of Independence. They were, in turn, directly influenced by the 1689 English Declaration of Rights, which formally ended the reign of King James II. During the American Revolution, Jefferson and other Americans looked to the English Declaration of Rights as a model of how to end", "title": "United States Declaration of Independence" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.3, "text": "in favor and New York abstaining. The date that the Declaration was signed has long been the subject of debate. Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams all wrote that it was signed by Congress on the day when it was adopted on July 4, 1776. That assertion is seemingly confirmed by the signed copy of the Declaration, which is dated July 4. Additional support for the July 4 date is provided by the \"\"Journals of Congress\"\", the official public record of the Continental Congress. The proceedings for 1776 were first published in 1777, and the entry for July 4", "title": "Signing of the United States Declaration of Independence" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.27, "text": "a few changes in wording during several days of debate and deleted nearly a fourth of the text. The wording of the Declaration of Independence was approved on July 4, 1776 and sent to the printer for publication. There is a distinct change in wording from this original broadside printing of the Declaration and the final official engrossed copy. The word \"\"unanimous\"\" was inserted as a result of a Congressional resolution passed on July 19, 1776: Resolved, That the Declaration passed on the 4th, be fairly engrossed on parchment, with the title and stile of \"\"The unanimous declaration of the", "title": "United States Declaration of Independence" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.19, "text": "Physical history of the United States Declaration of Independence The United States Declaration of Independence, which announced that the thirteen American colonies then at war with Great Britain were no longer a part of the British Empire, exists in a number of drafts, handwritten copies, and published broadsides. The earliest known draft of the Declaration of Independence is a fragment known as the \"\"Composition Draft.\"\" The draft, written in July 1776, is in the handwriting of Thomas Jefferson, principal author of the Declaration. It was discovered in 1947 by historian Julian P. Boyd in the Jefferson papers at the Library", "title": "Physical history of the United States Declaration of Independence" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.19, "text": "July 4, even though Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin all later wrote that they had signed it on that day. Most historians have concluded that the Declaration was signed nearly a month after its adoption, on August 2, 1776, and not on July 4 as is commonly believed. Coincidentally, both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the only signers of the Declaration of Independence later to serve as Presidents of the United States, died on the same day: July 4, 1826, which was the 50th anniversary of the Declaration. Although not a signer of the Declaration of Independence, James", "title": "Independence Day (United States)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.14, "text": "about. In the campaign to revise Congressional instructions, many Americans formally expressed their support for separation from Great Britain in what were effectively state and local declarations of independence. Historian Pauline Maier identifies more than ninety such declarations that were issued throughout the Thirteen Colonies from April to July 1776. These \"\"declarations\"\" took a variety of forms. Some were formal written instructions for Congressional delegations, such as the Halifax Resolves of April 12, with which North Carolina became the first colony to explicitly authorize its delegates to vote for independence. Others were legislative acts that officially ended British rule in", "title": "United States Declaration of Independence" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.95, "text": "on July 4. Signer Matthew Thornton from New Hampshire was seated in the Continental Congress in November; he asked for and received the privilege of adding his signature at that time, and signed on November 4, 1776. Historians have generally accepted McKean's version of events, arguing that the famous signed version of the Declaration was created after July 19, and was not signed by Congress until August 2, 1776. In 1986, legal historian Wilfred Ritz argued that historians had misunderstood the primary documents and given too much credence to McKean, who had not been present in Congress on July 4.", "title": "United States Declaration of Independence" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.92, "text": "Empire. The signers’ names are grouped by state, with the exception of President of the Continental Congress John Hancock; the states are arranged geographically from north to south. The final draft of the Declaration was approved by the Continental Congress on July 4, although the date of its signing has long been disputed. Most historians have concluded that it was signed on August 2, 1776, nearly a month after its adoption, and not on July 4 as is commonly believed. The Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, with 12 of the 13 colonies voting", "title": "Signing of the United States Declaration of Independence" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.86, "text": "United States Declaration of Independence The United States Declaration of Independence is the statement adopted by the Second Continental Congress meeting at the Pennsylvania State House (now known as Independence Hall) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 4, 1776. The Declaration announced that the Thirteen Colonies at war with the Kingdom of Great Britain would regard themselves as thirteen independent sovereign states, no longer under British rule. With the Declaration, these new states took a collective first step toward forming the United States of America. The declaration was signed by representatives from New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York,", "title": "United States Declaration of Independence" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.86, "text": "the Declaration had been signed on July 4, pointing out that some signers were not then present, including several who were not even elected to Congress until after that date. The Declaration was transposed on paper, adopted by the Continental Congress, and signed by John Hancock, President of the Congress, on July 4, 1776, according to the 1911 record of events by the U.S. State Department under Secretary Philander C. Knox. On August 2, 1776, a parchment paper copy of the Declaration was signed by 56 persons. Many of these signers were not present when the original Declaration was adopted", "title": "United States Declaration of Independence" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.81, "text": "declare the independence as the \"\"United States of America\"\". Two days later, on July 4, Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. The drafting of the Declaration was the responsibility of a Committee of Five, which included, among others, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin; it was drafted by Thomas Jefferson and revised by the others and the Congress as a whole. It contended that \"\"all men are created equal\"\" with \"\"certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness\"\", and that \"\"to secure these rights governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the", "title": "History of the United States (1776–1789)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.77, "text": "ratified in November 1965, is based on the American one as well; however, it omits the phrases \"\"all men are created equal\"\" and \"\"the consent of the governed\"\". The from December 1860 also mentions the U.S. Declaration of Independence, though it, like the Rhodesian one, omits references to \"\"all men are created equal\"\" and \"\"consent of the governed\"\". Interest in the Declaration was revived in the 1790s with the emergence of the United States's first political parties. Throughout the 1780s, few Americans knew or cared who wrote the Declaration. But in the next decade, Jeffersonian Republicans sought political advantage over", "title": "United States Declaration of Independence" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.75, "text": "readings of the document took place on July 8, in Philadelphia (by John Nixon in the yard of Independence Hall), Trenton, New Jersey, and Easton, Pennsylvania; the first newspaper to publish it was the \"\"Pennsylvania Evening Post\"\" on July 6. A German translation of the Declaration was published in Philadelphia by July 9. President of Congress John Hancock sent a broadside to General George Washington, instructing him to have it proclaimed \"\"at the Head of the Army in the way you shall think it most proper\"\". Washington had the Declaration read to his troops in New York City on July", "title": "United States Declaration of Independence" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.69, "text": "Declaration of Independence of Lower Canada The Declaration of Independence of Lower Canada () was written in French by the patriot rebel Robert Nelson on February 22, 1838, while in exile in the United States, after the first rebellion of 1837. The 1838 declaration was primarily inspired by the 1776 United States Declaration of Independence and the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, but it also included some other political ideas that were popular in the 19th century. The movement for the independence of Lower Canada (today Quebec) ultimately failed, as it did not result", "title": "Declaration of Independence of Lower Canada" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.56, "text": "The Declaration of Independence, drafted largely by Thomas Jefferson, was unanimously adopted by the Congress on July 4. Historian George Billias says: Benjamin Franklin, the chief American diplomat in Paris, proved highly popular with elite French opinion, including intellectuals and the Royal court. France wanted revenge after its defeat in the 1760s, and again heavily funding the American revolt. After the Americans captured a British invasion force at Saratoga, in upstate New York in 1777, the French officially declared war on Britain, recognize the independence of the new United States, and were joined officially by the Dutch (who recognized the", "title": "International relations, 1648–1814" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.5, "text": "Signing of the United States Declaration of Independence The signing of the United States Declaration of Independence occurred primarily on August 2, 1776 at the Pennsylvania State House, Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The 56 delegates to the Second Continental Congress represented the 13 former colonies which had declared themselves the \"\"United States of America,\"\" and they endorsed the Declaration of Independence which the Congress had approved on July 4, 1776. The Declaration proclaimed that the former Thirteen Colonies then at war with Great Britain were now a sovereign, independent nation and thus no longer a part of the British", "title": "Signing of the United States Declaration of Independence" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.45, "text": "Committee of Five \"\" The Committee of Five of the Second Continental Congress was a team of five men who drafted and presented to the Congress what would become America's Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776. This Declaration committee operated from June 11, 1776, until July 5, 1776, the day on which the Declaration was published. The members of this group were: The delegates of the United Colonies in Congress resolved to postpone until Monday, July 1, the final consideration of whether or not to declare the several sovereign independencies of the United Colonies, which had been proposed by", "title": "Committee of Five" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.44, "text": "official texts, as well. The Declaration was first published as a broadside that was printed the night of July 4 by John Dunlap of Philadelphia. Dunlap printed about 200 broadsides, of which 26 are known to survive. The 26th copy was discovered in The National Archives in England in 2009. In 1777, Congress commissioned Mary Katherine Goddard to print that listed the signers of the Declaration, unlike the Dunlap broadside. Nine copies of the Goddard broadside are known to still exist. A variety of broadsides printed by the states are also extant. Several early handwritten copies and drafts of the", "title": "United States Declaration of Independence" } ]
what is the difference between tuba and sousaphone?
[ "general shape and appearance" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.67, "text": "Sousaphone The sousaphone () is a brass instrument in the same family as the more widely known tuba. Created around 1893 by J.W. Pepper at the direction of American bandleader John Philip Sousa (after whom the instrument was then named), it was designed to be easier to play than the concert tuba while standing or marching, as well as to carry the sound of the instrument above the heads of the band. Like the tuba, sound is produced by moving air past the lips, causing them to vibrate or \"\"buzz\"\" into a large cupped mouthpiece. Unlike the tuba, the instrument", "title": "Sousaphone" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.48, "text": "above the tubist's head and projecting forward. The valves are situated directly in front of the musician slightly above the waist and all of the weight rests on the left shoulder. The bell is normally detachable from the instrument body to facilitate transportation and storage. Except for the instrument's general shape and appearance, the sousaphone is technically similar to a tuba. For simplicity and light weight, modern sousaphones almost always use three non-compensating piston valves in their construction, in direct contrast to their concert counterparts' large variation in number, type, and orientation. Both the tuba and sousaphone are semi-conical brass", "title": "Sousaphone" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.45, "text": "B Flat) and like tubas (which are commonly made in pitches of BB, CC, EE, and F) the instrument's part is written in \"\"concert pitch\"\", not transposed by key for a specific instrument. Although sousaphones may have a more restricted range than their concert tuba counterpart (most sousaphones have 3 valves instead of 4 to reduce weight), generally they can all play the same music and usually have parts written in the bass clef and the indicated octave is played (unlike double bass or electric bass that sound an octave lower than the indicated note.) Many older sousaphones were pitched", "title": "Sousaphone" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.98, "text": "shoulder (although some tubas allow use of the right shoulder), with the bell facing directly in front of the player. Some marching tubas are made only for marching, and cannot be converted into a concert model. Most marching bands opt for the sousaphone, an instrument that is easier to carry and almost always cheaper than a true marching tuba. The earlier helicon is still used by bands in Europe and other parts of the world. Drum and bugle corps players, however, generally use marching tubas or Contrabass bugles. Standard tubas can also be played whilst standing, with the use of", "title": "Tuba" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.69, "text": "on several of the band's songs. Sousaphone The sousaphone () is a brass instrument in the same family as the more widely known tuba. Created around 1893 by J.W. Pepper at the direction of American bandleader John Philip Sousa (after whom the instrument was then named), it was designed to be easier to play than the concert tuba while standing or marching, as well as to carry the sound of the instrument above the heads of the band. Like the tuba, sound is produced by moving air past the lips, causing them to vibrate or \"\"buzz\"\" into a large cupped", "title": "Sousaphone" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.3, "text": "the tuba or sousaphone are the standard bass instrument in Dixieland and New Orleans-style jazz bands. Despite the associations of different bass instruments with certain genres, there are exceptions. Some 1990s and 2000s rock and pop bands use a double bass, such as both Andrew Jackson Jihad, Barenaked Ladies; Indie band The Decemberists and punk rock, psychobilly groups such as The Living End, Nekromantix, The Horrorpops and Tiger Army. Some fusion jazz groups use a lightweight, stripped-down electric upright bass rather than a double bass. Some composers of modern art music use the electric bass in a chamber music setting.", "title": "Bassist" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.11, "text": "Helicon (instrument) The helicon is a brass musical instrument in the tuba family. Most are B basses, but they also commonly exist in E, F, and tenor sizes, as well as other types to a lesser extent. The sousaphone is a specialized version of the helicon. The first sousaphone, a non-production prototype made by J. W. Pepper & Son, Inc., had an upright bell, hence the nickname \"\"rain catcher\"\" because of its shape. Later production versions differ primarily in two ways: a bell shaped to face forward with a larger flare and a bell diameter of , and a \"\"goose-neck\"\"", "title": "Helicon (instrument)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.97, "text": "bells with a variety of images. Sousaphone players are also known to perform the 'flaming tubas' in which flash paper is ignited in the bell, thus making it appear as if the musician is breathing fire. David Silverman (animator) (AKA Tubatron ) developed a propane powered flaming sousaphone with a trigger valve to control an array of flame jets across the top of the bell of his horn. The Yale Precision Marching Band has made a tradition of setting fire to the tops of the bells of their sousaphones, including in the fall of 1992 when sousaphones served as the", "title": "Sousaphone" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.73, "text": "Contrabass bugle The contrabass bugle (usually shortened to contra or simply called the marching tuba) is the lowest-pitched brass instrument in the drum and bugle corps and marching band hornline. It is essentially the drum corps' counterpart to the marching band's sousaphone: the lowest-pitched member of the hornline, and a replacement for the concert tuba on the marching field. It is different from the other members of the marching band and drum corps hornlines in that it rests on the shoulder of the player, rather than being held in front of the body. Because the contrabass bugle can get in", "title": "Contrabass bugle" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.69, "text": "Roman tuba The \"\"tuba\"\" of ancient Rome is a military signal trumpet, quite different from the modern tuba. The \"\"tuba\"\" (from Latin \"\"tubus\"\", \"\"tube\"\") was produced around 500 BC. Its shape was straight, in contrast to the military \"\"buccina\"\" or \"\"cornu\"\", which was more like the modern sousaphone in curving around the body. Its origin is thought to be Etruscan, and it is similar to the Greek salpinx. About four feet in length, it was made usually of bronze, and was played with a detachable mouthpiece. The Roman tuba was one of the most important music instruments in the Roman", "title": "Roman tuba" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.58, "text": "the Marines, and this band marched only once. Sousa mainly used sousaphones built by C.G. Conn. Although less balanced on a player's body than a helicon, because of the large spectacular bell high in the air, the Sousaphone retained the tuba-like sound by widening the bore and throat of the instrument significantly. Its upright bell led to the instrument being dubbed a \"\"rain-catcher\"\". Some versions of this design allowed the bell to also rotate forward, projecting the sound to the front of the band. This bell configuration remained the standard for several decades and is the standard today. The instrument", "title": "Sousaphone" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.56, "text": "instruments. No valved brass instrument can be entirely conical, since the middle section containing the valves must be cylindrical. While the degree of bore conicity does affect the timbre of the instrument, much as in a cornet and trumpet, or a euphonium and a trombone, the bore profile of a sousaphone is similar to that of most tubas. To facilitate making the mouthpiece accessible to players of different height or body shapes, most sousaphones contain a detachable tubing gooseneck which arises from the lead pipe on the upwind side of the valves. One or two slightly-angled bit(s) (short tubing lengths)", "title": "Sousaphone" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.55, "text": "Philip Sousa, who was dissatisfied with the hélicons in use by the United States Marine Band. Some sources credit C.G. Conn with its construction, because of the first sousaphone he built later in 1898. Sousa wanted a tuba-like instrument that would send sound upward and over the band, much like a concert (upright) tuba. The new instrument had an oversized bell pointing straight up, rather than the directional bell of a normal hélicon. The sousaphone was initially developed as a concert instrument rather than for marching. Sousa wanted the new instrument for the professional band which he started after leaving", "title": "Sousaphone" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.44, "text": "The conical bore causes the instrument to produce a preponderance of even-order harmonics. A tuba with its tubing wrapped for placing the instrument on the player's lap is usually called a concert tuba or simply a tuba. Tubas with the bell pointing forward (\"\"pavillon tournant\"\") instead of upward are often called \"\"recording tubas\"\" because of their popularity in the early days of recorded music, as their sound could more easily be directed at the recording microphone. When wrapped to surround the body for cavalry bands on horseback or marching, it is traditionally known as a hélicon. The modern sousaphone, named", "title": "Tuba" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.41, "text": "proved practical for marching, and by 1908 the United States Marine Band adopted it. Versions with the characteristic extra 90° bend making a forward-facing bell were developed in the early 1900s. Early sousaphones had bells, with bells popular in the 1920s. From the mid-1930s onward, sousaphone bells have been standardized at a diameter of . Some larger sousaphones (Monster, Grand, Jumbo, Giant or Grand Jumbo, depending on brand) were produced in limited quantities. The sousaphone is a valved brass instrument with the same tube length and musical range as other tubas. The sousaphone's shape is such that the bell is", "title": "Sousaphone" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.33, "text": "Gaul,\"\" The Pennsylvania State University. 2.John Ziolkowski, The Roman Bucina: A Distinct Musical Instrument? Roman tuba The \"\"tuba\"\" of ancient Rome is a military signal trumpet, quite different from the modern tuba. The \"\"tuba\"\" (from Latin \"\"tubus\"\", \"\"tube\"\") was produced around 500 BC. Its shape was straight, in contrast to the military \"\"buccina\"\" or \"\"cornu\"\", which was more like the modern sousaphone in curving around the body. Its origin is thought to be Etruscan, and it is similar to the Greek salpinx. About four feet in length, it was made usually of bronze, and was played with a detachable mouthpiece.", "title": "Roman tuba" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.25, "text": "favor piston valves; the choice of valve type remains up to the performer. Piston valves require more maintenance than rotary valves – they require regular oiling to keep them freely operating, while rotary valves are sealed and seldom require oiling. Piston valves are easy to disassemble and re-assemble, while rotary valve disassembly and re-assembly is much more difficult and is generally left to qualified instrument repair persons. Tubas generally have from three to six valves, though some rare exceptions exist. Three-valve tubas are generally the least expensive and are almost exclusively used by beginners and amateurs, and the sousaphone (a", "title": "Tuba" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.22, "text": "is bent in a circle to fit around the body of the musician; it ends in a large, flaring bell that is pointed forward, projecting the sound ahead of the player. Because of the ease of carrying and the direction of sound, it is widely employed in marching bands, as well as various other musical genres. Sousaphones were originally made out of brass but in the mid-20th century started to be made from lighter materials like fiberglass; today both types are in wide use. The first sousaphone was built by James Welsh Pepper in 1893 at the request of John", "title": "Sousaphone" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.17, "text": "after American bandmaster John Philip Sousa, resembles a hélicon with the bell pointed up (in the original models as the J. W. Pepper prototype and Sousa's concert instruments) and then curved to point forward (as developed by Conn and others). Some ancestors of the tuba, such as the military \"\"bombardon\"\", had unusual valve and bore arrangements compared to modern tubas. During the American Civil War, most brass bands used a branch of the brass family known as \"\"saxhorns\"\", which, by today's standards, have a narrower bore taper than tuba—the same as true cornets and baritones, but distinct from trumpets, euphoniums,", "title": "Tuba" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.03, "text": "for them to take solos. New Orleans style brass bands like the Dirty Dozen Brass Band and the Rebirth Brass Band use a sousaphone as the bass instrument. Bill Barber played tuba on several Miles Davis albums, including \"\"Birth of the Cool\"\" and \"\"Miles Ahead\"\". New York City-based tubist Marcus Rojas performed frequently with Henry Threadgill. Tuba The tuba (; ) is the largest and lowest-pitched musical instrument in the brass family. As with all brass instruments, the sound is produced by lip vibration into a large mouthpiece. It first appeared in the mid-19th century, making it one of the", "title": "Tuba" } ]
when did the bucs last make the playoffs?
[ "1997", "1979", "1981", "1982", "2002", "2007", "2000", "2001", "1999" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.56, "text": "in franchise history. They lost the next game to the defending champion Green Bay Packers. While the Bucs barely missed the playoffs in 1998, they rebounded strongly in 1999 to win their first division title since 1979, only to lose to the St. Louis Rams in the NFC Championship Game. They went on to reach the playoffs again in 2000 and 2001, only to be defeated in the wild card round each time by the Philadelphia Eagles. The Bucs were hobbled by constant changes to the offensive coordinator position; QB Shaun King had to work with three different coordinators in", "title": "Tony Dungy" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.17, "text": "won the Central Division in a tiebreaker over the Bears. In an upset, the Bucs defeated the Philadelphia Eagles 24–17 in the divisional round of the playoffs. Because the Los Angeles Rams defeated the Dallas Cowboys in the other NFC playoff game, the Bucs hosted the NFC Championship Game the following week in Tampa. The Bucs lost to the Rams 9–0. In their fourth season, the Bucs seemed on the verge of fulfilling McKay's five-year plan. The Bucs made the playoffs again by winning their division in the 1981 season. It came down to a thrilling final game at Detroit;", "title": "Tampa Bay Buccaneers" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.16, "text": "\"\"Cardiac Kids\"\" for winning five of their next six games, all in the final moments, to go 5–4 and qualify for the expanded playoff slate. In the first round, the Bucs once again faced the Cowboys at Dallas, losing 30–17. As it turned out, this would be the last winning regular season under Culverhouse's ownership. Before the 1983 season, Williams bolted to the United States Football League in a salary dispute. The Bucs lost their first nine games of the 1983 season en route to finishing 2–14, the first of 12 consecutive seasons with at least ten losses—an NFL record.", "title": "Tampa Bay Buccaneers" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.8, "text": "the winner would take the Central Division crown and the loser would miss the playoffs. The Lions had not lost at home all season. Although the Bucs trailed early, an 84-yard touchdown bomb from QB Williams to WR Kevin House and a fumble recovery for a touchdown by DT David Logan sealed the win for the Bucs. In the playoffs, the Dallas Cowboys defeated the Bucs, 38–0, in the divisional round. The 1982 season started 0–3 for the Bucs, before a player's strike shut down the NFL for seven weeks. When the league resumed play, the Bucs were nicknamed the", "title": "Tampa Bay Buccaneers" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.62, "text": "week in Tampa. The Bucs lost to the Rams 9–0, thanks to great defense by the Rams. In only their fourth season, the Bucs seemed on the verge of fulfilling McKay's five-year plan. Injuries plagued the team again in 1980, and the Bucs were limited to five wins, ten losses, and one tie against the also injury-plagued Packers. The Bucs made the playoffs again despite mediocre performance in the 1981 season, winning a weak division and entering the first round during the strike-shortened 1982 season. The 1981 season came down to a thrilling final game at Detroit. The winner would", "title": "History of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.56, "text": "holder, was off and the Bucs won. Contrary to popular belief, the snap was not to Matt Turk, the team's punter, and also his brother. This was Dan Turk's last game in the NFL, as he died later that year due to cancer. Meanwhile, King became the first rookie to lead his team to a playoff win since Pat Haden in 1976. As expected, this match between the two high powered offenses produced a lot of points (86), and yards (880, 405 by St. Louis, 475 by Minnesota). But after falling behind 17–14, St. Louis stormed to victory with 35", "title": "1999–2000 NFL playoffs" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.45, "text": "to the upstart United States Football League’s Oklahoma Outlaws. The next season the Bucs went 2–14, and did not make the playoffs again until the 1997 season fourteen years later. Tampa Bay lost ten games in every season but one in that stretch. Culverhouse’s willingness to let Williams walk away over such a relatively small amount of money was seen as insensitive, especially as it came only months after Williams’ wife Janice died of a brain tumor. In 1984, Williams led the Outlaws of the USFL in passing, completing 261 out of 528 passes for 3,084 yards and threw 15", "title": "Doug Williams (quarterback)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.22, "text": "record from the previous season. After a loss to the Detroit Lions on December 10, 2017, they were mathematically eliminated from the playoffs with a 4–9 record. The Bucs finished the season 5-11. This was their tenth consecutive season without a playoff appearance, with their last being in the 2007 season. Also, the Bucs finished last in the NFC South for the seventh time in nine seasons. The preseason was documented on HBO's \"\"Hard Knocks\"\". The first transactions of the year occurred shortly after the conclusion of the 2016 regular season on January 2, 2017, when the Buccaneers signed offensive", "title": "2017 Tampa Bay Buccaneers season" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.16, "text": "of \"\"Sports Illustrated\"\"—not once, but twice. The Bucs went 10–6 for their first winning season and playoff appearance since 1982, as a wild-card team. In the Bucs’ final home game at Houlihan's Stadium (formerly Tampa Stadium), the team defeated the Detroit Lions 20–10 for only the second playoff win in franchise history. They lost at Lambeau Field to the eventual NFC champion Green Bay Packers 21–7. Still, there was reason for optimism, and the expectations were high for the following season. The 1998 season, the first to be played in the newly constructed Raymond James Stadium, saw the Bucs lose", "title": "History of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.05, "text": "23, 2007, the AHSAA ruled that Purifoy was indeed ineligible, and that the Bucs would have to forfeit all games in which Purifoy played. The investigation resulted in the forfeiture of four games, including a 1-0 loss to crosstown rival Spain Park High School, the first loss to the Jaguars in the history of the teams' rivalry. Despite the forfeits, the Bucs finished the regular season with a 4-5 record and qualified for the AHSAA 6A playoffs. However, in Propst's last game as Hoover's head coach, they lost in the third round to another crosstown rival Vestavia Hills 21-17, a", "title": "Rush Propst" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.98, "text": "(traded to Pittsburgh Steelers), former New York Jets kicker Nick Folk, and veteran quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick. They were hampered with poor performance and an early kicking situation, as they failed to improve or match their 9–7 record from the previous season. After a loss to the Detroit Lions, they were mathematically eliminated from the playoffs with a 4–9 record. The Bucs finished the season 5-11. This was their tenth consecutive season without a playoff appearance, with their last being in the 2007 season. Also, the Bucs finished last in the NFC South for the seventh time in nine seasons. Throughout", "title": "Tampa Bay Buccaneers" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.91, "text": "Floridians before folding in 1972. The Dallas Chaparrals eventually became the San Antonio Spurs, continuing to this day in the NBA. The Kentucky Colonels won the last Eastern Division playoff berth in a one-game playoff over the New Jersey Americans by forfeit when the venue chosen by the Americans, Commack Arena, had an unplayable floor. Connie Hawkins of the Pittsburgh Pipers was the Most Valuable Player of the ABA playoffs. Champion: New Orleans Buccaneers Division Semifinals (1) New Orleans Buccaneers vs. (3) Denver Rockets: \"\"Bucs win series 3-2\"\" (2) Dallas Chaparrals vs. (4) Houston Mavericks: \"\"Chaparrals win series 3-0\"\" Division", "title": "1968 ABA Playoffs" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.52, "text": "end to a promising season for the Eagles, who had started out 9-2, but then lost all but one of their remaining games. The Cowboys crushed the Buccaneers, limiting them to 24 rushing yards and 222 total yards. Bucs quarterback Doug Williams threw four interceptions (three of which resulted in touchdowns), committed two intentional grounding penalties, and was sacked four times. After the first quarter was scoreless, Dallas defensive back Dennis Thurman's 19-yard interception return to the Bucs 47-yard line set up Danny White's 9-yard touchdown pass to receiver Tony Hill. Tampa Bay responded with a 59-yard drive to the", "title": "1981–82 NFL playoffs" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.44, "text": "eventual NFC Central champion Packers to make their record 7–7, ensuring that their streak of 10-loss seasons—dating back to the 1983 season—would end. The Buccaneers had remained in playoff contention through fourteen games for the first time since the strike-shortened 1982 season under Doug Williams. The Bucs, however, lost to the Chicago Bears by 21 points at Soldier Field in the penultimate game of the season, ending their playoff hopes. In the season finale at home against a surging Detroit Lions team who were riding a six-game winning streak, Tampa lost decisively. The game became infamous due to a sideline", "title": "1995 Tampa Bay Buccaneers season" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.41, "text": "the Bucs were nicknamed the “Cardiac Kids” for winning five of their next six games all in the final moments to go 5–4 and qualify for the expanded playoff slate. In the first round, the Bucs once again faced the Cowboys at home in Dallas, but the Bucs put up a much better fight, actually leading the game at the half but lost 30-17. The Bucs did not return to the playoffs, nor have another non-losing season under Culverhouse's ownership. Doug Williams was the lowest-paid starting quarterback in the NFL during the 1982 season, and his salary of $120,000 was", "title": "History of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.41, "text": "running back Ricky Bell, and a smothering, league-leading defense led by future NFL Hall of Famer Lee Roy Selmon, the Bucs kicked off the season with five consecutive victories, a performance that landed them on the cover of \"\"Sports Illustrated.\"\" With four games left in the season, the Bucs needed to win only one of them to make the playoffs. In the first, STP was put all over the goal posts in Tampa to prevent the goalposts from being ripped down in the event of a celebration. Four blocked kicks later, the Bucs wasted the oily substance, falling to the", "title": "Tampa Bay Buccaneers" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.33, "text": "needed to win one of them to make the playoffs, and did so in their final contest at home against the Kansas City Chiefs, which was played in the worst downpour in Bucs history. Finishing with a 10–6 record, the Bucs had their first winning season, and indeed won the Central Division in a tiebreaker over the Chicago Bears. In an upset, the Bucs defeated the Philadelphia Eagles 24–17 in the divisional round of the playoffs. Because the Los Angeles Rams defeated the Dallas Cowboys in the other NFC playoff game, the Bucs hosted the NFC Championship Game the following", "title": "History of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.3, "text": "37, setting up Martín Gramática's 19-yard field goal. This ended up being the final score of the game as both defenses took over from that point on. The closest the Bucs would come to scoring again was a missed 45-yard field goal attempt by Gramatica. Meanwhile, San Francisco's remaining drives would result in two punts, a Garcia fumble that was recovered by Brooks on the Tampa Bay 35, a failed fourth down conversion attempt when Brooks tackled Eric Johnson one yard short of the marker, an interception by Tampa Bay defensive back Ronde Barber, and time expiring in the game.", "title": "2002–03 NFL playoffs" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.3, "text": "1990s. The franchise's fortunes began a turnaround in the mid-90s under coach Tony Dungy, and the success continued after the team moved into newly built Raymond James Stadium in 1998. The upward trend culminated in the Bucs' first championship at the end of the 2002 season under coach Jon Gruden, when they defeated the Oakland Raiders in Super Bowl XXXVII. The Bucs have made several playoff appearances since then but have not returned to the championship game. Dirk Koetter became the Bucs' head coach beginning with the 2016 season. Minor league, amateur, and spring training baseball have long been very", "title": "Sports in the Tampa Bay Area" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.25, "text": "on their opening drive of the third quarter, and John Jett's 31-yard kick gave Tampa Bay great field position on their own 47-yard line. Five plays later, Bucs fullback Mike Alstott scored on a 31-yard touchdown run (the longest run in franchise playoff history) to make the score 20-0. Detroit responded with their best drive of the day, moving the ball 73 yards to the Tampa Bay 8-yard line. But it ended with no points when Mitchell threw an incomplete pass on fourth down and 3. Detroit finally managed to put some points on the board the next time they", "title": "1997–98 NFL playoffs" } ]
under the pin code system the number of postal zone in india?
[ "nine" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.88, "text": "Postal Index Number A Postal Index Number or PIN or PIN code is a code in the post office numbering or post code system used by India Post, the Indian postal administration. The code is six digits long. The PIN Code system was introduced on 15 August 1972 by Shriram Bhikaji Velankar, an additional secretary in the Union Ministry of Communications. The system was introduced to simplify the manual sorting and delivery of mail by eliminating confusion over incorrect addresses, similar place names and different languages used by the public. There are nine PIN zones in India, including eight regional", "title": "Postal Index Number" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.67, "text": "zones and one functional zone (for the Indian Army). The first digit of the PIN code indicates the region. The second digit indicates the sub-region, and the third digit indicates the sorting district within the region. The final three digits are assigned to individual post offices. The 9 PIN zones cover the Indian states and union territories as follows: The first three digits of the PIN represent a specific geographical region called a sorting district that is headquartered at the main post office of the largest city and is known as the sorting office. A state may have one or", "title": "Postal Index Number" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.48, "text": "by the postal department. The Postal Index Number (PIN, or PIN code) is a six-digit code of post-office numbering introduced on 15 August 1972. There are nine PIN regions in the country; the first eight are geographical regions, and the ninth is reserved for the Army Postal Service (APS). The India Posts PIN code system is organized in the following way: The PIN for an address may be found on the Postal Service website. There are total of 19,101 PIN codes covering 154,725 Post Offices in India, with the exception of the Army Postal Service as of 2014. Project Arrow", "title": "India Post" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.17, "text": "a different PIN or to one of the relevant sub offices or branch offices for the same PIN. Branch offices (BO) are located in rural areas and have limited postal services. Postal Index Number A Postal Index Number or PIN or PIN code is a code in the post office numbering or post code system used by India Post, the Indian postal administration. The code is six digits long. The PIN Code system was introduced on 15 August 1972 by Shriram Bhikaji Velankar, an additional secretary in the Union Ministry of Communications. The system was introduced to simplify the manual", "title": "Postal Index Number" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.44, "text": "and big houses, may have more than one entrance and more than one delivery point. So the semantic of an address and its postal code can vary, and one land lot may have more than one postal code. In Brazil only the suffixes 900-959, that designate large post-receivers, can be assigned to lots. Postal codes are also known as PIN codes in India, PIN being the short form of Postal Index Number. The Pin Code was introduced on 15 August 1972 by India Post. India uses a unique 6 digit code as a geographical number to identify locations in India.", "title": "Postal code" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.02, "text": "There are 9 postal zones in India: In Ireland, the new postal code system launched in 2015, known as \"\"Eircode\"\" provides a unique code for each individual address. These 7-character alphanumerical codes are in the format: A99 XXXX While it is not intended to replace addresses, in theory simply providing a 7-character Eircode would locate any Irish delivery address. For example, the Irish Parliament Dáil Éireann is: D02 A272 The first three digits are the routing key, which is a postal district and the last four characters are a unique identifier which relates to an individual address (business, house or", "title": "Postal code" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.12, "text": "Postal code A postal code (also known locally in various English-speaking countries throughout the world as a postcode, post code, Eircode, PIN code or ZIP code) is a series of letters or digits or both, sometimes including spaces or punctuation, included in a postal address for the purpose of sorting mail. In February 2005, 117 of the 190 member countries of the Universal Postal Union had postal code systems. Although postal codes are usually assigned to geographical areas, special codes are sometimes assigned to individual addresses or to institutions that receive large volumes of mail, such as government agencies and", "title": "Postal code" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.72, "text": "Government is consulting on whether to waive licensing fees for some geographical data sets (to be determined) related to UK postcodes. Postal code A postal code (also known locally in various English-speaking countries throughout the world as a postcode, post code, Eircode, PIN code or ZIP code) is a series of letters or digits or both, sometimes including spaces or punctuation, included in a postal address for the purpose of sorting mail. In February 2005, 117 of the 190 member countries of the Universal Postal Union had postal code systems. Although postal codes are usually assigned to geographical areas, special", "title": "Postal code" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.53, "text": "had leased the line to India's Central Railway since 1903. Murtajapur has a post office with PIN code as 444107. The PIN code is shared with other post offices in the tehsil viz Murtizapur City, Ambhora, Bhatori, Ghota, Ghunshi, Hirpur, Kherda Vilegaon, Kinkhed, Kajaleshwar, Kanadi, Kanzara, Lakhpuri, Mangrul Kambe, Nimbha, Sirso, Wai Pargane Mana, Sonori. Murtizapur has schools from pre-primary to graduation in arts, science and commerce. Still there is a scope for colleges to provide education in engineering and medicine. There is clearly a lack of public interest for developing Murtizapur with respect to education. Local leaders need to", "title": "Murtajapur" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.42, "text": "next available PIN is assigned. Thus two delivery offices situated next to each other will only have the first four digits in common. 781027 Each PIN code is mapped to exactly one delivery post office which receives all the mail to be delivered to one or more lower offices within its jurisdiction, all of which share the same code. The delivery office can either be a General Post Office (GPO), a Head Office (HO) or Sub Office (SO) which are usually located in urban areas. The post from the delivery office is sorted and routed to other delivery offices for", "title": "Postal Index Number" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.8, "text": "Other post offices with the same PIN are Nilganj Bazaar, Beraberia and Suryapur. Anandapuri has a non-delivery sub post office, with PIN 700122 in the North Presidency Division of North 24 Parganas district in Calcutta region. Other post offices having the same PIN are Nonachandanpukur and Jaffarpur. Barrackpore RS has a non-delivery sub post office, with PIN 700123 in the North Presidency Division of North 24 Parganas district in Calcutta region. Other post offices having the same PIN are Panpara and Talpukur. As per the 2011 Census of India, Barrckpore had a total population of 152,783, of which 78,349 (51%)", "title": "Barrackpore" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.58, "text": "Agricultural Produce Market subCommittee(APMC) (Krishi Utpann Bajar samiti)at along with subcommittee at Paturda, Sonala and Committee at Sangrampur. The town post office Postal Index Number ( PIN code) is 444202 and PIN is shared with Palsi Zasi, Kakanwada, Sangrampur post offices. Some of nearby villages are Tamgaon, Bodkha , Wakana, Ladnapur, Tunki, Sagoda, Palsoda, Dhamangaon, Palsi Zasi, Kolad, Bawanbir, Wadgaon Pr Adgaon, Kolad, Kakanwada Bk, Kakanwada Kh, Pimpri Adgaon, Niwana, Banoda Eklara, Jamod, Durgadatiya, Wankhed, Danapur, Hingani Bk, Raikhed, Belkhed, Gadegaon, Tudgaon, Isapur, Malegaon Bazar, Nearby towns are Sonala, Akot, Sangrampur, Jalgaon Jamod, Telhara, Shegaon Warwat Bakal Warwat Bakal is", "title": "Warwat Bakal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.41, "text": "pin code 612605 - has its own Branch Post Office. 8. Marathurai (மரத்துகை) - located in Thiruppanandal taluk, Thanjavur district, TamilNadu state, pin code 609204 – it’s post office is in Tirumeniarkoil. 9. Konerirajapuram (மைாமனரிராஜபுரம்) - located in Thiruvaiyaru Block, Thanjavur district, Tamil Nadu state, pin code 613101 - it’s post office is in Nadukaveri. 10. Vishnupuram (விஷ்ணுபுரம்) - located in Kodavasal taluk, Thiruvarur district, TamilNadu state, pin code 609501 - has its own Branch Post Office. 11. Thethiyur (மததியூர்) - located in Kodavasal taluk, Thiruvarur district, TamilNadu state, pin code 609501 - it’s post office is in Eravancherii. 12.", "title": "Robin-chat" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.2, "text": "Madhya Pradesh . PIN- 457551 Address : sarvan, sailana, ratlam, Madhya Pradesh . PIN- 457551 Address : sarvan, sailana, ratlam, Madhya Pradesh . PIN- 457551 Address : sarvan, sailana, ratlam, Madhya Pradesh . PIN- 457551 Tehsil Name : Sailana District : Ratlam Division : Ujjain State : Madhya Pradesh Language : Malwi and Hindi, English Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30) Elevation / Altitude: 494 meters. Above Seal level Telephone Code / Std Code: 07413 Pin Code : 457550 Post Office Name : Sailana correct Pin Code,if wrong Alternate Village Name : Sarwan Sarvan, Madhya Pradesh Sarvan is a village in Sailana", "title": "Sarvan, Madhya Pradesh" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.17, "text": "The village Postal Index Number (PIN code) is 444204 and is served by Kated Kolad post office. PIN is shared with Bawanbir, Banoda Eklara, Ladnapur and Sonala post offices. There is a Marathi Primary Middle School till class of Seventh Grade. Some of nearby villages are Kolad, Kated, Kakanwada Bk, Kakanwada Kh, Wankhed, Bodkha, Banoda Eklara, Warwat Bakal, Tamgaon, Dhamangaon, Niwana, Palsi Zasi, Palsoda, Bawanbir, Ladnapur, Tunki, Sagoda, Danapur, Warkhed, Saundala, Hingani Bk, Raikhed, Belkhed, Talegaon Bk, Akoli Ruprao, Ghodegaon, Gadegaon, Thar, Tudgaon, Isapur, Pimpari Adgaon, Malegaon Bazar Nearby towns are Sonala, Akot, Sangrampur, Jalgaon Jamod, Telhara, Shegaon Wadgaon Pr", "title": "Wadgaon Pr Adgaon" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.16, "text": "was originally registered as a servicemark by the U.S. Postal Service, but its registration has since expired. The early history and context of postal codes began with postal district/zone numbers. The United States Post Office Department (USPOD) implemented postal zones for numerous large cities in 1943. For example: Mr. John Smith 3256 Epiphenomenal Avenue Minneapolis \"\"16\"\", Minnesota The \"\"16\"\" was the number of the postal zone from the specific city. By the early 1960s, a more organized system was needed, and non-mandatory five-digit ZIP Codes were introduced nationwide on July 1, 1963. The USPOD issued its \"\"Publication 59: Abbreviations for", "title": "ZIP Code" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.11, "text": "its own Branch Post Office 3. Mappadugai (மாப்படுகை). - located in Mayiladuthurai taluk, Nagappattinam district, TamilNadu state, pin code 609003 - has its own Branch Post Office 4. Mozhaiyur (மமாகையூர்) - located in Mayiladuthurai taluk, Nagappattinam district, TamilNadu state, Pin codes near Mozhaiyur are 5. Manthai (மாந்கத) - located in Kuththalam taluk, Nagappattinam district, TamilNadu state, pin code 612203 – it’s post office is in Palaiyur. 6. Thippirajapuram (திப்பிராஜபுரம்) - located in Kumbakonam taluk, Thanjavur district, TamilNadu state, pin code 612402 - has its own Branch Post Office. 7. Senmangudi (செம்மங்குடி) - located in Kumbakonam taluk, Thanjavur district, TamilNadu state,", "title": "Robin-chat" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.02, "text": "state, pincode 613704 – it’s post office is in Kulikarai. 17. Sithanvalur (Sithanvazhur) (ெித்தன்வாளுர்) - located in Valangaiman taluk, Thiruvarur District, TamilNadu state, pin code 612804 - it’s post office is in Valangaiman. 18. Mudikondan (முடிசைாண்டான்) - located in Nannilam Block, Thiruvarur district, TamilNadu state, pin code 609502 - has its own Branch Post Office There is also another version of these 18 vathima villages, about which I am not getting clarity for 3 of them – anyone can identify and confirm – for correction, if needed. Sengalipuram, Mudikondan, Semmangudi, Tippirajapuram, Konerirajapuram, Puliyur, Anandathandavapuram, Mozhaiyur, Arasavanangadu, Koonthalur, Thethiyur, Vishnupuram, Marathurai,", "title": "Robin-chat" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.92, "text": "a mayor and a council and is independent of any department The postal codes in Colombia are 6 digit numeric. The first two digits are the numbers used by DANE to encode the departments, the next two in the range of 00 to 89 encode postal zones, followed by the last two encoding up to 100 postal districts. So there can be 32 * 90 * 100 = 288 000 postal zones. . Administrative divisions of Colombia Colombia is a unitary republic conformed by thirty-two departments (Spanish: \"\"departamentos\"\", sing. \"\"departamento\"\") and a Capital District (\"\"Distrito Capital\"\"). Each department has a", "title": "Administrative divisions of Colombia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.86, "text": "on to use the 5 digit numeric postal codes once assigned to the Socialist Republic of Croatia (within SFR Yugoslavia). The system had assigned the ranges 4xxxx and 5xxxx to the republic. Postal codes in Croatia Postal codes in Croatia are 5 digit numeric. There are 20 two digit zones defined. Zagreb City and Zagreb County have one, each other first level administrative country subdivision, i.e. one of the counties of Croatia, has its own range. From the 10 possible 1 digit ranges only 5 are assigned: In the range 1xxxx only one two digit range namely 10xxx is assigned,", "title": "Postal codes in Croatia" } ]
who played the dead guy in weekend at bernie's?
[ "Terry Kiser" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.41, "text": "Weekend at Bernie's Weekend at Bernie's is a 1989 American black comedy film, directed by Ted Kotcheff and written by Robert Klane. The film stars Andrew McCarthy and Jonathan Silverman as young insurance corporation employees who discover their boss, Bernie, dead. While attempting to convince people that Bernie is still alive, they discover that Bernie had ordered their deaths to cover up his embezzlement. It received mixed critical response but was a financial success, grossing over $30 million on a $15 million budget. The film's success inspired a sequel, \"\"Weekend at Bernie's II\"\" (1993). Larry Wilson (Andrew McCarthy) and Richard", "title": "Weekend at Bernie's" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.95, "text": "title role of Bernie Lomax, the corrupt insurance executive who is dead for most of the film. Bernie's young employees, played by Jonathan Silverman and Andrew McCarthy, attempt to convince people that Bernie is still alive. He reprised the role in \"\"Weekend at Bernie's II\"\" (1993). Since 2012, several YouTube videos featuring \"\"The Bernie Dance\"\" generated more than 17 million views collectively by April 2016. Other film appearances include \"\"\"\" (1991), \"\"Into the Sun\"\" (1992), \"\"The Pledge\"\" (2011), and \"\"A Christmas Tree Miracle\"\" (2013). In the early 2010s Kiser began work on \"\"The Accidental President\"\", which led to his participation", "title": "Terry Kiser" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.77, "text": "Weekend at Bernie's II Weekend at Bernie's II is a 1993 American black comedy film directed by Robert Klane, and sequel to the 1989 comedy \"\"Weekend at Bernie's\"\" with Andrew McCarthy, Jonathan Silverman and Terry Kiser reprising their roles. Unlike its predecessor, the film received largely negative reviews and was a minor box office success, grossing $12.7 million against a $7 million budget. Larry Wilson (Andrew McCarthy) and Richard Parker (Jonathan Silverman) are at a Manhattan morgue where they see their deceased CEO Bernie Lomax (Terry Kiser). Larry falsely claims Bernie as his uncle, so he can get some of", "title": "Weekend at Bernie's II" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.73, "text": "guests arrive for a party that Bernie used to host every weekend. To Larry and Richard's amazement, the guests are too engrossed in their partying to notice he is dead, with the dopey grin from the fatal injection and his sunglasses concealing his lifeless state. Fearing implication in Bernie's death, and wanting to enjoy the luxury of the house for the weekend, Larry proposes he and Richard maintain the illusion that Bernie is still alive, a notion that Richard finds absurd. Only the arrival of Richard's office crush, Gwen Saunders (Catherine Mary Stewart), a summer intern for the company, convinces", "title": "Weekend at Bernie's" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.41, "text": "Terry Kiser Terry Kiser (born August 1, 1939) is an American actor. He is known for portraying the deceased title character of the comedy \"\"Weekend at Bernie's\"\" and its sequel, \"\"Weekend at Bernie's II\"\". He has more than 140 acting credits to his name, with a career spanning more than 53 years. He is the co-founder of an acting school in Austin, Texas, \"\"The Actors Arena\"\". Kiser was born in Omaha, Nebraska on August 1, 1939. He attended the University of Kansas, where he received a football scholarship. He graduated in 1962 with a degree in industrial engineering. Returning to", "title": "Terry Kiser" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.16, "text": "Parker (Jonathan Silverman) are two low-level financial employees at an insurance corporation in New York City. While going over actuarial reports, Richard discovers a series of payments made for the same death. Richard and Larry take their findings to the CEO, Bernie Lomax (Terry Kiser), who commends them for discovering insurance fraud and invites them to his Hamptons island beach house for the Labor Day weekend. Unbeknownst to Larry and Richard, Bernie is behind the fraud. Nervously meeting with his mob partner Vito (Louis Giambalvo), Bernie asks to have Larry and Richard killed. However, after Bernie leaves, Vito decides Bernie", "title": "Weekend at Bernie's" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.03, "text": "has been attracting too much attention with his greed and his relationship with Vito's girlfriend, Tina (Catherine Parks), and orders that he be killed instead. Bernie arrives at the island before Larry and Richard and plans the murders with Paulie (Don Calfa), the hitman, on the phone, unaware the conversation is being recorded on his answering machine. Bernie then plants cash and a fake confession note implicating Larry and Richard in the insurance fraud. Paulie arrives, killing Bernie with a drug overdose. When Larry and Richard arrive at Bernie's house, they find Bernie's body. Before they can call the police,", "title": "Weekend at Bernie's" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.52, "text": "entering. After their release, they find Bernie (whom they believe is still dead), stuff him into a suitcase, bring him with them to the Virgin Islands, and put him into a small refrigerator in their hotel room. Unbeknownst to the two, Hummel is following them to recover the embezzled money. The guys successfully use Bernie to open his safety deposit box but they only find a map. Meanwhile, Larry befriends a lovely native girl named Claudia (Troy Beyer), and gives her the map. Later, he and Richard are captured by Henry and Charles, who take them to Mobu. With one", "title": "Weekend at Bernie's II" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.12, "text": "him to go along with Larry's plan. Later that night, Tina arrives at the house, and has Larry and Richard direct her to Bernie. There, she also fails to realize he is dead. At that moment, Marty, one of Vito's mobsters witnesses the two of them apparently making love. Fooled into thinking Bernie's assassination failed, he notifies Vito. The next morning, Richard is appalled to discover Larry furthering the illusion of Bernie being alive by manipulating his body's limbs. Richard attempts to call the police but instead activates the phone message detailing Bernie's plot against them. Unaware of the circumstances", "title": "Weekend at Bernie's" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.73, "text": "Michael tells members of the staff to give stories of deceased love ones. This leads to the staff telling stories about losing loved ones based on death scenes in movies (\"\"Million Dollar Baby\"\", \"\"The Lion King\"\", and \"\"Weekend at Bernie's\"\") with Ryan Howard (B. J. Novak) saying he would elaborate more on his story, but it would take about an hour and a half to do it. Toby Flenderson (Paul Lieberstein) tells Michael death is a part of life, and uses an example of a bird that flew into a first-floor window that morning. Michael charges outside, picks up the", "title": "Grief Counseling (The Office)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.66, "text": "car. While Hennessey propped up Powderly's dead body, Chippy Robinson stuck a cigar in the corpse's mouth and cracked jokes about the man he just killed. The \"\"Weekend at Bernie's\"\"-style antics continued until they reached the Mississippi River, where they disposed of the body. Two days later, the Rats committed their Staunton mail robbery, netting $45,000. Frank T. Hackethal, along with eight other Rats, would be convicted for taking part in the Staunton mail robbery in November 1924. He drew a 25-year sentence at Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary. Within two years, Hackethal and several others were transferred to the Atlanta Federal", "title": "Frank Hackethal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.5, "text": "of Bernie's death, they mistakenly believe they are still the targets of a mob hit and decide to use Bernie's corpse as a prop for protection. Richard and Larry make various attempts to leave the island. All attempts are thwarted, as they repeatedly misplace and recover Bernie's body. Finally, Larry and Richard are forced to return to Bernie's home. Meanwhile, Paulie, unhinged by his apparent failure to kill Bernie, returns to the island. At the house, Gwen confronts Larry and Richard, who confess that Bernie has been dead since their arrival. Paulie then appears and opens fire at Bernie, then", "title": "Weekend at Bernie's" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.44, "text": "sand over his body. The film received mixed reviews from critics, holding a 54% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Peter Travers of \"\"Rolling Stone\"\" called the film \"\"tasteless\"\" and \"\"crude\"\" and felt that in the end it was impossible to \"\"drag one tired joke around for nearly two hours. Like Bernie, the movie ends up dead on its feet.\"\" Roger Ebert echoed this sentiment, arguing that movies centered on dead bodies are rarely funny. Ebert gave the film 1 out of 4 stars overall. Nevertheless, the film was a financial success, grossing at the box office, and was profitable on home", "title": "Weekend at Bernie's" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.25, "text": "Don Calfa Donald George Calfa (December 3, 1939 – December 1, 2016) was an American film and television character actor whose credits spanned over 40 years, playing both comedic and dramatic roles. Although Calfa appeared in many high-profile films and television series, he was perhaps best known for his role as mortician Ernie Kaltenbrunner in the 1985 cult horror-comedy \"\"The Return of the Living Dead\"\", and the bumbling hitman in \"\"Weekend at Bernie's\"\". Calfa was born on December 3, 1939 in Brooklyn, New York, and was raised in Ozone Park, Queens and later West Hempstead, Long Island. According to his", "title": "Don Calfa" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.08, "text": "from his Fulcrum protectors, Jill and Chuck pretend to be engaged and throw a party. When Bernie realizes that Chuck is working with the government, he chases them down and tries to kill him, but dies from a heart attack while attempting to beat Chuck with a baseball bat. His death is counted as Chuck's first confirmed kill. His name is likely a reference to the title character of \"\"Weekend at Bernie's\"\". After his death, Casey, Chuck, Jill, and Sarah took him from the Roberts house, pretending that he was still alive by moving him and speaking for him, an", "title": "Fulcrum (Chuck)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.05, "text": "Jonathan Silverman Jonathan Elihu Silverman (born August 5, 1966) is an American actor. Known for his role in the comedies \"\"Weekend at Bernie's\"\" and its sequel \"\"Weekend at Bernie's II\"\". Silverman was born in Los Angeles, California, to a Jewish family. He is the son of Devora (née Halaban) and Hillel Emanuel Silverman, a rabbi. He is the grandson of famous Conservative Rabbi Morris Silverman. His mother is from Jerusalem, where her family has lived for generations. He has been married to actress Jennifer Finnigan since 2007; the two met at a barbecue in 2004. He and Finnigan have a", "title": "Jonathan Silverman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.94, "text": "turns his attention to Larry, Richard, and Gwen. Chasing after the trio, Paulie corners Larry, who clumsily manages to subdue him with a phone cord and a punch. The police eventually arrive and place Paulie under arrest, taking him away in a straitjacket as he continues to insist Bernie is still alive. Bernie is loaded into an ambulance, however, his gurney rolls away and topples off the boardwalk, dumping him onto the beach right behind Richard, Larry, and Gwen, who run away after noticing him. Eventually, a young boy comes along and starts to \"\"play\"\" with Bernie, scooping buckets of", "title": "Weekend at Bernie's" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.84, "text": "alongside such high-profile actors and directors as Warren Beatty, Michael Douglas, Jack Nicholson, Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg. Although he worked extensively as a dramatic actor, Calfa is perhaps best recognized for his comedic performances in various cult films, including as Paulie in \"\"Weekend at Bernie's\"\", Scarface in \"\"Foul Play\"\", Harold Grand in \"\"Treasure of the Moon Goddess\"\" and mad scientist Ralph Willum in \"\"Chopper Chicks in Zombietown\"\". Calfa was perhaps best known for his major role in the 1985 cult horror-comedy \"\"The Return of the Living Dead\"\", in which he played the eccentric mortician Ernie Kaltenbrunner. He would later", "title": "Don Calfa" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.69, "text": "and asks Richard if he will use the computer at work to see if the $2 million is in Bernie's account. At first Richard refuses but ultimately gives in. Meanwhile, in the Virgin Islands, a voodoo queen named Mobu (Novella Nelson) is hired by mobsters to find the money Bernie stole. She sends two servants—Henry (Steve James) and Charles (Tom Wright)—to go to New York, get Bernie's body, use a voodoo ceremony to reanimate him, and bring him back to her so he can lead her to the money. Their attempts to bring Bernie back are plagued by accidents. They", "title": "Weekend at Bernie's II" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.59, "text": "him in ice for approximately twenty-four hours in the shower. [...] The next day the medics came and put his body on a stretcher, placed a fake IV in his arm and took him away. Al-Jamadi came to be known by some Abu Ghraib personnel as \"\"The Iceman\"\" and \"\"Mr. Frosty.\"\" Others called him \"\"Bernie,\"\" a reference to the movie \"\"Weekend at Bernie's\"\" in which a dead body is treated as if still alive. In August 2007, Thomas Pappas, the most senior officer present during the interrogation and time of death, was granted immunity in return for his testimony at", "title": "Death of Manadel al-Jamadi" } ]
who is the girl that plays haley in modern family?
[ "Sarah Jane Hyland" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.66, "text": "(Sofía Vergara) takes ages to get ready after she came home late from the hairdressers. When she finally comes down the stairs, Haley (Sarah Hyland) who is there to babysit Joe, remarks that her earrings do not match her dress so they both go back upstairs. Jay tries to remain calm with the whole situation and asks Manny (Rico Rodriguez) to be the one yelling at Gloria to hurry. Gloria and Haley come downstairs but when Gloria says she needs another minute to change her lipstick Jay comes to his breaking point and yells at her for always being late", "title": "The Late Show (Modern Family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.56, "text": "age. Meanwhile, Alex (Ariel Winter) and Haley (Sarah Hyland) are left back home babysitting the younger kids, Luke (Nolan Gould), Manny (Rico Rodriguez) and Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons). Luke invites two girls over, one for him and one for Manny. Luke takes her up to his room, making it awkward for Haley and Alex, while Manny's date is a sullen, depressed weirdo, who shuns his gracious hosting. Meanwhile, Lily is completely left unattended to and at one point rang the doorbell, claiming to have seen a coyote. In its original American broadcast, \"\"New Year's Eve\"\" was watched by 12.04 million; up", "title": "New Year's Eve (Modern Family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.48, "text": "skating lessons. Haley (Sarah Hyland) and Alex (Ariel Winter) meet two boys, Max (Zack Roosa) and Blake (Zac Goodspeed), at the roller rink and they flirt with them. However, Alex is not very good at flirting, so Haley tries to give her some tips. Though they succeed in attracting the boys' attention, Alex is confused when Haley turns them down for both of them after the boys remark how \"\"un-masculated\"\" they feel after losing air hockey to girls. Haley tells Alex that teaching her to flirt was about helping her gain confidence that will attract boys who don't feel threatened", "title": "My Hero (Modern Family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.39, "text": "Vergara) wedding. DeDe had become progressively drunk during the event, eventually having to be carried out, making a scene. In the meantime, Haley (Sarah Hyland) wants to attend a concert with her boyfriend, Dylan (Reid Ewing), but Claire and Phil (Ty Burrell) refuse to let her go. Later, everything comes into play when the whole family meets at Claire's house for dinner. Dylan sings a song to prove that he is good enough to take Haley to the concert. While the song still sounds appropriate Phil and Claire are considering to let her go with him at the concert. When", "title": "The Incident (Modern Family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.39, "text": "house, Claire (Julie Bowen) after \"\"accidentally\"\" reading Alex's text messages asks Haley (Sarah Hyland) to talk to Alex (Ariel Winter) about the flirty text messages on her phone while Phil (Ty Burrell) helps Jay with his printer. Haley gives bad advice to Alex saying if she does not kiss the boy he will think she is a lesbian. Alex runs to Jeremy's house to tell him about her feelings and asks him to kiss her before realizing Jeremy's friends are behind the door. She proceeds to run home and learns that it was Claire's idea for Haley to talk to", "title": "The Kiss (Modern Family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.28, "text": "someone as they get older. Phil is later relieved to discover that he only feels ill because he has come down with the flu. Claire (Julie Bowen) decides to introduce Haley (Sarah Hyland) to her friend's nephew, Ethan (Matt Prokop). The two get along but Claire's plans are foiled when the family bump into Dylan (Reid Ewing) who is trying to work at the park as a \"\"Dapper Dan\"\". Alex (Ariel Winter) eventually ends up taking a liking to Ethan whilst Haley dwells over why Dylan did not tell her he was back in town. Claire manages to pull Alex", "title": "Disneyland (Modern Family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.23, "text": "the club. Haley (Sarah Hyland) decides to know Rainer’s daughter April better but she ends up in a parental role instead, which makes her very uncomfortable. The entire family are to vote on the destination for the family holiday; but Jay, Claire, and Mitchell overrule this as payback for the Alliance's behaviour, deciding on Italy. Cameron, Phil, and Gloria pretend to be sad, but it is revealed in the final scenes that they wanted Italy all along and had been conspiring to influence their spouses' decisions using subtle language and Italian-themed props. The episode was watched by 6.81 million viewers,", "title": "The Alliance (Modern Family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.19, "text": "Haley (Sarah Hyland) and Alex (Ariel Winter) are reeling with shock and horror because they know exactly what happened. Claire is much more upset about the kids seeing them than Phil is, largely due to her memory of walking in on Jay (Ed O'Neill) and her mom having sexual intercourse when she was a child. While Claire and Phil hide out in their bedroom, the kids leave the house and talk about what happened over ice cream, with Luke noting that he would rather have parents who do that then parents who are divorced like many of his friends; they", "title": "Caught in the Act (Modern Family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.16, "text": "Haley (Sarah Hyland), a new computer for Alex (Ariel Winter) and a chicken pot pie for Luke (Nolan Gould). Alex and Luke quickly give up leaving Phil, Claire and Haley in the contest. Claire soon gets tired of calling to check on reservations to go see Phil's family and uses the computer before getting caught. Not long after, Claire and Phil catch Haley talking on the phone which prompts Phil to use the computer right away. However, Haley reveals to them she was only talking to a fake phone that she carved out of a bar of soap and colored", "title": "Unplugged (Modern Family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.14, "text": "his emails and saw that he loaned a woman friend some money. Meanwhile, at the Dunphy house, Claire (Julie Bowen) wants to spy on her kids, Haley (Sarah Hyland) and Luke (Nolan Gould), because she believes they are hiding something from her. Haley has a photography class activity, but she does not want them to go and Luke says he is going to his friend's place with Manny (Rico Rodriguez), but Claire does not trust that friend of his. She gets more worried when Haley tells them that Luke is going to a place that is notorious for kids to", "title": "ISpy (Modern Family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.09, "text": "her for a lunch, which will take place in the revolving rooftop of the hotel. Meanwhile, Haley (Sarah Hyland) does not want to admit to Alex (Ariel Winter) her true feelings about Andy (Adam DeVine), feelings that she even does not want to admit to herself. After a conversation she has with Alex, she decides to talk to Andy who tells her that he is glad they did not kiss the day of her uncle's wedding, because that would crush her. Haley, being sure that the one that would be crushed would be him, she kisses him. The kiss seems", "title": "The Cold (Modern Family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.02, "text": "a tradition he calls \"\"Jay's Night.\"\" Haley (Sarah Hyland) feels like she is too old for family sleepovers and wants to go to a party with her boyfriend Dylan (Reid Ewing). Alex (Ariel Winter) says they should enjoy spending time with their grandfather because they do not know how much longer he will be around - which both confuses and scares Luke (Nolan Gould) into thinking that Jay is dying. Haley is unable to convince her parents to let her attend the party (which is only three blocks away from Jay's house) and ends up at his sleepover. She makes", "title": "Great Expectations (Modern Family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24, "text": "they enjoy their duties as fair cops. Luke has a crush on a girl, Sienna (Madison McLaughlin), and he asks for Alex's help on how to approach her without telling her who the girl is. Alex agrees to help him but Sienna is also the girl who Alex wants to make her best friend. When Claire tells her that Sienna is the girl Luke has crush on, Alex tries to keep him away from her. Their fight in front of Sienna just scares her away. In the meantime, Haley stayed back home to enjoy Jay and Gloria's pool thinking that", "title": "A Fair to Remember (Modern Family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.97, "text": "finds Haley making out with David. Haley decides it may be time to break up with Dylan (Reid Ewing), which she does through a text message, a decision everyone agrees with except for Phil (Ty Burrell). Phil decides that Dylan might need someone to lean on so he and Dylan decide to get Phil a guitar and drink at a juice bar. Haley initially thinks he's on a date with a girl (because of Phil's sweat jacket, which is very feminine) and wants him back. Unfortunately, Dylan says he needs some time \"\"dating Dylan\"\", making both her and Phil sad.", "title": "Mother Tucker (Modern Family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.88, "text": "(Reid Ewing) who is also there. Dylan asks her to go to the movies but because of an exam, Haley can not accept his invitation and Dylan can not go to the earlier view because he has to meet his classmates from nursing school. Later on, Haley wanting to help Alex (Ariel Winter) who is being ignored by her classmates like and they treat her like she does not exist, she changes the sign that Dylan carved for her from \"\"Haley Dunphy Do Me\"\" to \"\"Alex Dunphy Do Me\"\". Jay (Ed O'Neill) drives Claire (Julie Bowen) to work but her", "title": "The Big Game (Modern Family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.84, "text": "all. Later, Haley proves to be capable when she offers help to her dad who has trouble selling a house where the previous owners were murdered. Claire (Julie Bowen) and Luke (Nolan Gould) are called in to Principal Brown’s office to discuss Luke's future and learn that he has a bad file and has no chance to go to college unless he chooses an extra-curricular activity. He decides to be candidate at the student president election with Claire as his campaign manager. Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Gloria (Sofía Vergara) are not comfortable with this, because Manny (Rico Rodriguez) is also", "title": "Blindsided (Modern Family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.83, "text": "to do something fun with his family. Claire (Julie Bowen) decides to sign the family up for a trapeze class at a local amusement park. However, Claire gets on her menstrual cycle and Phil gets horrified when Haley (Sarah Hyland) and Alex (Ariel Winter) get on their cycles as well. Thinking their moody behavior will ruin his day, Phil conspires with Luke (Nolan Gould) and Manny (Rico Rodriguez) to go to the trapeze class without the girls, telling the boys not to mention the cycle. Phil has Luke pretend that he is similarly feeling under the weather like the girls,", "title": "Leap Day (Modern Family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.78, "text": "would not have been a hero, but Gloria fights back and says Jay is always a hero. Meanwhile, in the Dunphy family, Dylan (Reid Ewing), Haley's boyfriend, tags along on the trip, much to Claire's chagrin. However, Phil (Ty Burrell) eventually convinces her that she should try to get to know Dylan. She attempts to, but suddenly Dylan proposes to Haley (Sarah Hyland) around the campfire one night. This causes Claire (Julie Bowen) to instantly say no for Haley, leading to Dylan running away. The families go off and look for him, during which Haley criticizes Claire for interfering and", "title": "Dude Ranch (Modern Family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.77, "text": "an attempt to sneak out of the house but is thwarted by Jay. But Jay's wife convinces him to change his mind, so he finds Dylan in the backyard and invites him in, saying he will allow him to take Haley to the party for a few hours. However Dylan enjoys the family fun of \"\"Jay's Night\"\" and they end up not going to the party. Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) and Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) call their party-girl friend, Sal (Elizabeth Banks), for a night on the town but the results of the night are decidedly mixed when Sal starts making", "title": "Great Expectations (Modern Family)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.77, "text": "do. Phil (Ty Burrell) and Luke (Nolan Gould) try to end Haley's sadness by taking her to a movie, but on the way over Haley meets Dylan (Reid Ewing), leading to them getting back together. In the meantime, Alex (Ariel Winter) is still dating Sanjay Patel (Suraj Partha) but they have decided to end their relationship when going back to school. Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson), after being laid off from his old job, goes through a mid-life crisis and starts investing in painting. He becomes more obsessed with the hobby which begins to concern Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) after Cam learns", "title": "Summer Lovin' (Modern Family)" } ]
who plays the invisible man in league of extraordinary gentlemen?
[ "Tony Curran" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.94, "text": "the character \"\"The Invisible Man\"\" was changed to \"\"An Invisible Man\"\" since Fox was unable to obtain the rights to the title character of H. G. Wells' \"\"The Invisible Man\"\", and his name was changed from \"\"Hawley Griffin\"\" to \"\"Rodney Skinner\"\". The Fu Manchu character was also dropped from the script. At Fox's request, the character of Tom Sawyer was added for American audiences and to give the movie some \"\"youth appeal\"\". Producer Don Murphy, who described the request as a \"\"stupid studio note\"\", later said that the move to add Sawyer was \"\"brilliant\"\". Connery was paid US$17 million for", "title": "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.27, "text": "secured to \"\"The\"\" Invisible Man), Dr. Jekyll and Edward Hyde, Dorian Gray, and U.S. Secret Service agent Tom Sawyer (Gray and Sawyer were not in the comics, although a painting of a young man holding a cane with \"\"Dorian Gray\"\" printed under it appears on the cover of Volume I). In May 2015, 20th Century Fox announced that a reboot is being developed. In 2013, it was reported that Fox was ordering a pilot for the television version of \"\"LoEG\"\" with Michael Green serving as writer and executive producer. Should the project go to series, showrunner Erwin Stoff would also", "title": "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.16, "text": "later uses the pseudonym Hawley Griffin (a reference to the League of Extraordinary Gentleman and the original Invisible Man), pretending to be a CIA agent from the South. In Jeff Lemire's \"\"The Nobody\"\" the Invisible Man is named \"\"John Griffen\"\". John Griffen goes through a similar episode as the Invisible Man's \"\"Griffin\"\" does. Both men hide out in an Inn in a small town, only to be driven out because of fear and curiosity. In Genndy Tartakovsky's 2012 Sony Pictures Animation film \"\"Hotel Transylvania\"\", Griffin the Invisible Man (voiced by David Spade) is one of the supporting character monsters who", "title": "Griffin (The Invisible Man)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.75, "text": "Sea. The Invisible Man appears in \"\"Mad Mad Mad Monsters\"\" (a \"\"prequel of sorts\"\" to \"\"Mad Monster Party?\"\") voiced again by Allen Swift. He, his invisible wife Nagatha, and their invisible boy Ghoul and his invisible dog Goblin are invited by Baron Henry von Frankenstein to attend the wedding of Frankenstein's Monster and the Monster's Bride at the Transylvania-Astoria Hotel on the midnight of Friday the 13th. In Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill's comic book series, \"\"The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen\"\", Hawley Griffin is depicted as a member of the Victorian-era team of agents for which the series is named.", "title": "Griffin (The Invisible Man)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.64, "text": "builds a crepuscular alternate history story whose aim is to explain on a historical and psychoanalytical level why all European super-heroes disappeared from popular culture and European collective memory with World War II. Jess Nevins has produced a series of annotations for each volume which are available online (see links) and have also been expanded into book form: A film adaptation was released in 2003, also by the name \"\"The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen\"\". The film stars Sean Connery, who plays Allan Quatermain, and features Captain Nemo, Mina Harker, Rodney Skinner aka \"\"An\"\" Invisible Man (the rights could not be", "title": "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.11, "text": "into one world. Elements of Volume I were used in a loosely adapted feature film of the same name, released in 2003 and starring Sean Connery. A reboot was announced in May 2015. The year is 1898, and Mina Murray is recruited by Campion Bond on behalf of British Intelligence and asked to assemble a league of other extraordinary individuals to protect the interests of the Empire: Captain Nemo, Allan Quatermain, Dr. Jekyll, and Hawley Griffin the Invisible Man. They help stop a gang war between Fu Manchu and Professor Moriarty, nemesis of Sherlock Holmes. Following this they take part", "title": "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.81, "text": "prevent a resurrected Tony Montana and his occult gang, the Lost Boys, from killing all those between him and domination of America. In the aftermath of the events of the novel \"\"Dracula\"\", a now disgraced and divorced Mina Harker (née Murray) is recruited by Campion Bond on behalf of British Intelligence and asked to assemble a league of other extraordinary individuals to protect the interests of the Empire. Together with Captain Nemo, Mina travels to Cairo to locate Allan Quatermain, then on to Paris in search of Dr. Jekyll; finally in London she forcibly recruits Hawley Griffin, The Invisible Man,", "title": "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (comics)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.52, "text": "Confession\"\" the general is stated to be Rosa Coote's grandfather. The character is probably based on the real-life Theresa Berkley who ran a brothel in Soho in the 1830s. The character reappears in \"\"The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen\"\" by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill. She is Headmistress of the Correctional Academy for Wayward Gentlewomen, where the League discover Hawley Griffin, the Invisible Man, impregnating her students (who believe he is the \"\"Holy Spirit\"\"). Rosa Coote Rosa Coote is a fictional dominatrix appearing as a stock character in a number of works of Victorian erotica, including \"\"The Convent School, or Early", "title": "Rosa Coote" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.08, "text": "within Alan Moore's and H.G.Wells' works, including but not restricted to \"\"The League of Extraordinary Gentleman\"\" series or \"\"The Invisible Man\"\". The steampunk band Unextraordinary Gentlemen was inspired by this comic On \"\"75 Bars (Black's Reconstruction)\"\" off the \"\"Rising Down\"\" album, Black Thought refers to The Roots as \"\"gentlemen of an extraordinary league\"\". A chapter in the 2005 nonfiction work \"\"\"\" is titled \"\"The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen\"\". In his 2005 book \"\"The Areas of My Expertise\"\", John Hodgman refers to Nemo as \"\"the Sikh\"\" and \"\"the Science-Pirate\"\", as Nemo was referred to in the \"\"League\"\" comics. Neil Gaiman cited", "title": "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.92, "text": "physically approaches the League as M, with no presence of Campion Bond. The revelation is not made clear until well into the film's climax, with no reference to Sherlock Holmes or Moriarty apparent at any earlier point. The film also mimics \"\"Volume One\"\" in a sequence where the Invisible Man (here named Rodney Skinner, a thief who stole Griffin's invisibility formula) departs from the team to spy on the antagonists while the League wrongly accuse him of betraying the group. Subtle references to the comic are also made in the background, such as a mutual newspaper front page which speculates", "title": "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume One" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.75, "text": "involved in both. \"\"The Martian War\"\" uses the same first name given to the Invisible Man by the creators of \"\"The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. II\"\" (in the original book, the Invisible Man had no first name. \"\"LOEG\"\" author Alan Moore gave him the first name 'Hawley' as a reference to Hawley Crippen). Anderson had previously written the novelization of the \"\"League of Extraordinary Gentlemen\"\" film. While making use of many themes in \"\"The War of the Worlds\"\", \"\"The Martian War\"\" is diametrically opposite in its basic philosophy. Wells emphasized humanity's complete helplessness in the face of the invasion,", "title": "The Martian War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.55, "text": "were identified on appeal, the conviction was set aside. A selection from the story \"\"Lady Pokingham\"\" is read during a scene in The Master (2012). \"\"The Pearl\"\"s characters and venues, being Victoriana, are featured in \"\"The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen\"\" by Alan Moore. A girls' school seems to be haunted by a ghost (The \"\"Holy Spirit\"\") that is raping and impregnating the students. The headmistress is Rosa Coote, a character from one of \"\"The Pearl's\"\" serials. The \"\"Holy Spirit\"\" turns out to be Hawley Griffin, the Invisible Man. The Pearl (magazine) The Pearl: A Magazine of Facetiae and Voluptuous Reading", "title": "The Pearl (magazine)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.39, "text": "Tony Curran Tony Curran (born 1969) is a Scottish actor who has appeared in \"\"\"\", \"\"Doctor Who\"\", \"\"Roots\"\" and the Netflix historical epic \"\"Outlaw King\"\". Curran was born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1969. He is a graduate of the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. In 2012, he married Mai Nguyen. Curran appeared in the BBC television series \"\"This Life\"\". Since then, the Scots star has appeared in a number of major film and television roles. Some of his roles have included Rodney Skinner (\"\"The Invisible Man\"\"), an original character in \"\"The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen\"\". To portray the", "title": "Tony Curran" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.3, "text": "superhero Captain Universe giving his ally \"\"Vull the Invisible\"\" a tour of his newly acquired headquarters. All of the while he privately speculates what sort of person Vull is beneath his invisibility, but when Vull leaves the headquarters he removes his invisibility helmet, revealing himself to be Mina in disguise. In \"\"Coming Forth by Day\"\", Mina, the alien \"\"Galley-Wag\"\" and his two Dutch Dolls are summoned to the Blazing World, where Prospero sets them the task of going to the Moon and stopping a civil war between two Lunar races. They travel to the Moon in an airship called the", "title": "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume III: Century" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.28, "text": "them their next task: going undercover at a girls' school to investigate three separate cases of sexless conception. Mina, Allan and Nemo visit the school undercover and meet the dominatrix headmistress, Rosa Coote. The girls believe they have been impregnated by the Holy Spirit, and the league stay the night for their investigation. Late at night, Mina catches an unseen force attacking one of the girls and throws a tin of paint over it, making the entity partly visible. The League successfully apprehend the \"\"Holy Spirit\"\", which is actually Hawley Griffin, the Invisible Man, and take him to their new", "title": "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume One" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.22, "text": "him all along as his vision operates in the infrared spectrum, a fact that he had hidden from Griffin. In the film version, the Invisible Man who joins the League is not Griffin (due to copyright issues), but Rodney Skinner (played by Tony Curran), a cheerful thief who stole the invisibility formula from the original Invisible Man (presumably Griffin). The fact that his skin is invisible is also related to his name of \"\"Skinner\"\". Skin samples of him are taken by Dorian Gray for Professor Moriarty, allowing him to duplicate the invisibility process, Contrary to the graphic novels, Skinner himself", "title": "Griffin (The Invisible Man)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.17, "text": "Dr Moreau's hybrids resemble anthropomorphic animal characters from children's fiction, including Puss in Boots, Mother Goose, and Mole, Rat, Badger and Toad from \"\"The Wind in the Willows\"\"). Mina explains MI5 has asked for something called \"\"H-142\"\", and while Moreau is seemingly disturbed by this request, he obliges nonetheless. In London, Hyde waits at the headquarters for Griffin to reappear. When he does, still trying to hide through invisibility, Hyde reveals that he has infrared vision, and has therefore always been able to see Griffin. He savagely beats Griffin and rapes him, leaving the \"\"Invisible Man\"\" to die in agony.", "title": "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume II" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.17, "text": "an invisible house, where he angrily rants at Haddo's severed head, which is still alive. When Mina and Orlando arrive to confront him, he emerges as a giant covered in eyes and begins to trigger the end of the world. As Orlando battles him, Excalibur reacts by summoning a light in the sky, which is seen by everyone in the world. Out at sea, arch-terrorist Jack Nemo (the great-grandson of the original Captain Nemo) sees the light, and deciding to abandon his terrorist actions in Pakistan, he orders his crew to return to Lincoln Island, where a new \"\"Nautilus\"\" is", "title": "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume III: Century" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22, "text": "Nigel. In London, Quatermain meets \"\"M\"\", who is forming the latest generation of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. He reveals the Fantom plans to start a world war by bombing a secret meeting of world leaders in Venice. The new League consists of Quatermain, Captain Nemo, vampiric chemist Mina Harker, and invisible thief Rodney Skinner. The League travel to the London docks to recruit Dorian Gray, Mina's former lover who is kept immortal thanks to a missing portrait. The Fantom's assassins attack, but the League fend them off, aided by U.S. Secret Service Agent Tom Sawyer. Dorian and Sawyer join", "title": "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.2, "text": "back with a company he'd vowed to never work with again\"\". Lee and editor Scott Dunbier flew to England personally to reassure Moore that he would not be affected by the sale, and would not have to deal with DC directly. Moore decided that there were too many people involved to back out from the project, and so ABC was launched in early 1999. The first series published by ABC was \"\"The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen\"\", which featured a variety of characters from Victorian adventure novels, such as H. Rider Haggard's Allan Quatermain, H. G. Wells' Invisible Man, Jules Verne's", "title": "Alan Moore" } ]
who plays warpath in days of future past?
[ "Booboo Stewart" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.72, "text": "Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Anna Paquin, Ellen Page, Shawn Ashmore, Daniel Cudmore, Nicholas Hoult, Jennifer Lawrence, and Lucas Till. Newcomers Peter Dinklage, Omar Sy, Adan Canto, Fan Bingbing, Booboo Stewart and Evan Peters were also signed to play Bolivar Trask, Bishop, Sunspot, Blink, Warpath and Quicksilver, respectively. Although Wolverine is the one to actually return to his \"\"younger\"\" body, director Bryan Singer described Pryde as the prime facilitator and it is Pryde's phasing ability that enables time travel to happen. In this film, the catalyst for the Sentinel-dominated future was Mystique's assassination of Bolivar Trask and", "title": "Days of Future Past" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.94, "text": "Tessa, Siryn, Jubilee, Rachel Summers, Madelyne Pryor, Moira MacTaggert, Lilandra, Shadow King, Cannonball, Warpath, Mirage, Wolfsbane, Karma, Cypher, Sabretooth, Empath, Sebastian Shaw, Donald Pierce, Avalanche, Pyro, Legion, Nimrod, Gateway, Strong Guy, Proteus, Mister Sinister, Marauders, Purifiers, Captain Britain, Sunspot, Forge and Gambit. Claremont scripted many classic stories, including \"\"The Dark Phoenix Saga\"\" and \"\"Days of Future Past\"\", on which he collaborated with John Byrne. He developed the character of Wolverine into a fan favorite. \"\"\"\" #1, the 1991 spinoff series premiere that Claremont co-wrote with Jim Lee, remains the best-selling comic book of all time, according to Guinness World Records.", "title": "Chris Claremont" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.59, "text": "who is disguised as William Stryker. In a post-credits scene, set in Ancient Egypt, an Egyptian crowd is seen chanting to En Sabah Nur, who telekinetically elevates building blocks to forge pyramids as four horsemen observe him from afar. Additionally, Famke Janssen and James Marsden reprise their roles as Jean Grey and Scott Summers / Cyclops respectively in cameo appearances. Lucas Till reprises his role as Alex Summers / Havok. Evan Jonigkeit portrays Mortimer Toynbee / Toad. Gregg Lowe portrays Eric Gitter / Ink. X-Men comic-book writers Len Wein and Chris Claremont appear as United States congressmen. Michael Lerner plays", "title": "X-Men: Days of Future Past" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.53, "text": "versions of the characters played by McAvoy and Fassbender. In December, Singer announced that Hugh Jackman would reprise his role as Wolverine. In January 2013, Singer announced that Anna Paquin, Shawn Ashmore, and Ellen Page would reprise their roles of Rogue, Iceman, and Kitty Pryde. In February, Singer announced that Peter Dinklage would star in the film as the main antagonist. In March, Singer announced that French actor Omar Sy had joined the cast. Halle Berry said in an interview that she would reprise her role as Storm, which was followed by an announcement from Singer that Berry would be", "title": "X-Men: Days of Future Past" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.42, "text": "Warpath (film) Warpath is a 1951 Technicolor Cavalry Western film directed by Byron Haskin. It stars Edmond O'Brien, Polly Bergen and Dean Jagger. The film was released as a Fawcett Comics Film#9 in August 1951. John Vickers has spent eight years hunting for the three men who murdered the woman he loved. He finds one, Woodson, and kills him in a gunfight, but not before learning that the other two men have joined the U.S. Cavalry. En route to North Dakota, where Vickers plans to join the men under the command of George Armstrong Custer to continue his search, he", "title": "Warpath (film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.22, "text": "in the film. Singer tweeted a picture of the cast, which confirmed that Daniel Cudmore would return as Colossus and that Fan Bingbing and Booboo Stewart had joined the cast. In April, Singer announced that American singer and songwriter Lady Gaga had joined the cast as Dazzler, but it was later revealed as an April Fools' Day prank. Singer retweeted a photograph of himself, Adan Canto, and confirmed cast members Patrick Stewart, McKellen, and Ashmore, which was followed by a confirmation from Canto that he had joined the cast. In May, Singer announced that Evan Peters had been cast as", "title": "X-Men: Days of Future Past" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.12, "text": "Senator Brickman. Mark Camacho portrays U.S. President Richard Nixon. Singer cameos as a man with a small film camera as Magneto walks away after Mystique's escape in Paris. In a post-credits scene, Brendan Pedder portrays the ancient mutant, En Sabah Nur. Producer Lauren Shuler Donner stated in August 2006 that a continuation of the \"\"X-Men\"\" main film series would require a renegotiation. New cast members of \"\"\"\" were signed, while the older cast members were not. Donner said, \"\"There is forty years worth of stories. I've always wanted to do 'Days of Future Past' and there are just really a", "title": "X-Men: Days of Future Past" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.11, "text": "Quicksilver. In June, Australian actor Josh Helman was cast in a role. In July, Singer tweeted a picture of actor Lucas Till on the set of the film, which confirmed that he was returning as Havok. In January 2014, Evan Jonigkeit had been cast as the younger version of Toad. \"\"X-Men: Days of Future Past\"\" had a production budget of $205 million. Principal photography began on April 15, 2013, at Mel's Cité du Cinema in Montreal, Canada, and ended on August 17, 2013. Filming had to begin in April 2013 to accommodate the cast's individual schedules. Olympic Stadium, Montreal City", "title": "X-Men: Days of Future Past" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.02, "text": "in time to 1973 to change history and prevent an event that results in doom for both humans and mutants. The film features an ensemble cast, including Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Halle Berry, Anna Paquin, Ellen Page, Peter Dinklage, Ian McKellen, and Patrick Stewart. Simon Kinberg wrote the screenplay from a story he conceived with Jane Goldman and Matthew Vaughn. Vaughn had directed \"\"\"\" and was set to return in \"\"Days of Future Past\"\" before leaving for \"\"\"\". Thus Singer, who had directed the first two \"\"X-Men\"\" films, made his return as a director, and brought", "title": "X-Men: Days of Future Past" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.91, "text": "the X-Men could read them. After getting hold of the Technarch transmode virus during the \"\"Necrosha\"\" storyline, Selene resurrected Destiny so she could question Irene about what her future holds. After telling Selene what she wants to hear, Destiny is taken back to her cell, where she telepathically contacts Blindfold by accident when she was trying to reach her foster daughter Rogue. After showing Blindfold she means no harm and saving her life from falling rubble caused by Warpath, she gives Blindfold information about Selene. However, after breaking contact, she realizes she may have made a grave mistake. The mistake", "title": "Destiny (Irene Adler)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.86, "text": "Vickers has been seeking. Before she can persuade Vickers not to kill him, Sam rides off to warn Custer, which will certainly lead to his own death. Warpath (film) Warpath is a 1951 Technicolor Cavalry Western film directed by Byron Haskin. It stars Edmond O'Brien, Polly Bergen and Dean Jagger. The film was released as a Fawcett Comics Film#9 in August 1951. John Vickers has spent eight years hunting for the three men who murdered the woman he loved. He finds one, Woodson, and kills him in a gunfight, but not before learning that the other two men have joined", "title": "Warpath (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.67, "text": "He further stated of making Wolverine the time traveler, \"\"We made the decision for a lot of reasons ... he's the protagonist of the franchise, and probably the most beloved character to a mass audience\"\". Kinberg and Vaughn considered Bishop and Cable candidates for the role of time traveler. Kinberg said Rachel Summers was in the first draft of the script; she sent Wolverine back to 1973. The character was later replaced with Kitty Pryde, to whom Kinberg gave a secondary power of sending people's consciousnesses into the past. Juggernaut, Jubilee, Nightcrawler and Psylocke were also considered for the film.", "title": "X-Men: Days of Future Past" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.55, "text": "named Rain Robinson (Sarah Silverman) who works at the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles discovers \"\"Voyager\"\" in high orbit through the ship's warp emissions and assumes it to be extraterrestrial life. Her work is funded by Starling but against his instructions, she attempts to contact \"\"Voyager\"\" by transmitting a greeting to it, which forces the crew to do some damage control. The \"\"Voyager\"\" crew tracks her location to the Observatory and Captain Janeway, Commander Chakotay, Lt. Tuvok (Tim Russ), and Lt. Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill), decide to beam down to Los Angeles. Tuvok and Paris try to find Robinson, while", "title": "Future's End" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.39, "text": "future story—that of Bishop and the idea of a traitor within the ranks of the X-Men, though Mystique is still responsible for Senator Kelly's assassination. Bishop plays the role of Kitty Pryde in the adaptation-albeit traveling completely back in time instead of just projecting his mind into his past self-while the 'traitor' is 'revealed' to be Gambit, with the X-Men's interference revealing that Mystique had killed Senator Kelly while in Gambit's appearance to try and frame the X-Men. The series \"\"Wolverine and the X-Men\"\" has a similar storyline, where Professor X is in a coma for 20 years, and awakens", "title": "Days of Future Past" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.36, "text": "When Surge, Hellion, and Boom-Boom are kidnapped, Warpath and the X-Force attempt to save them but are teleported off to the future to find Cable and Hope Summers. Arriving in the future, X-Force is ambushed by a future version of Deadpool, who leads them to Cable. Eventually they come across Stryfe's Celestial city, learning he is in control of that era. After his forces are defeated, Stryfe kidnaps Hope and Warpath, taking them back to his fortress where he tortures James. After the final battle against Stryfe, James flies Domino and X-23 back where they first appeared in the future.", "title": "Warpath (comics)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.31, "text": "costume designer Louise Mingenbach who also did \"\"X2\"\" and \"\"\"\". In February 2013, John Ottmanwho aside from \"\"X-Men\"\", collaborated on all of Singer's works since the 1995 film \"\"The Usual Suspects\"\"was confirmed to work on the music and the editing of the film. Singer used the online social networking service Twitter to announce casting of the film. In November 2012, he announced that James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult would reprise their roles from \"\"X-Men: First Class\"\". Later the same month, he announced that Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen would reprise their respective roles as the older", "title": "X-Men: Days of Future Past" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.25, "text": "Booboo Stewart Nils Allen \"\"Booboo\"\" Stewart Jr. (born January 21, 1994) is an American actor. He is known for playing Seth Clearwater, a werewolf in \"\"The Twilight Saga\"\", Warpath in \"\"\"\", and Jay in the Disney television films \"\"Descendants\"\" and \"\"Descendants 2\"\". Nils Allen Stewart Jr. was born in Beverly Hills, California. His father, Nils Allen Stewart, is a professional stuntman. His younger sister, Fivel, is also an actress and recently appeared in the second season of the Netflix original dramedy \"\"Atypical\"\". His mother has Japanese, Chinese, and Korean ancestry and his father has Russian, Scottish, and Blackfoot ancestry. Stewart", "title": "Booboo Stewart" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.19, "text": "of X-Force, but he left after the events of Necrosha. An Apache Native American, Proudstar possesses mutant superhuman strength and speed. His powers resemble those of his older brother, the short-lived X-Men member Thunderbird, although Warpath's power-levels are much higher. Warpath is one of the few mutants to retain his powers after the Decimation. Warpath appeared in the 2014 film, \"\"\"\", portrayed by Booboo Stewart. Proudstar first appeared as the second Thunderbird in \"\"New Mutants\"\" #16 (June 1984), created by writer Chris Claremont and artist Sal Buscema. The character initially appeared as an antagonist of the New Mutants and X-Men,", "title": "Warpath (comics)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.17, "text": "\"\"X-Men: Days of Future Past\"\", and \"\"X-Men: Apocalypse\"\"); Michael Ironside; Ray Wise; James Remar; Brendan Fehr; and Aleksander Krupa also portrayed small roles in this film. Hugh Jackman reprises his role as Logan / Wolverine in an uncredited cameo in a bar, dismissing an approach by Xavier and Lehnsherr to join them. Jackman said he accepted the offer to appear because \"\"it sounded perfect to me\"\", particularly for Wolverine being the only character with a swear word. X-Men creator Stan Lee, who appeared in the first and third movie and regularly cameos in other Marvel-based movies, explained that he was", "title": "X-Men: First Class" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.14, "text": "alcoholic doctor, Doc Boone; pregnant Lucy Mallory who is meeting her cavalry officer husband; and whiskey salesman Samuel Peacock. As the stage sets out, U.S. Cavalry Lieutenant Blanchard announces that Crazy Horse and his Siouxs are on the warpath; his small troop will provide an escort part of the way. Also in the cast, playing their sole credited film roles, were two artists, 15th-billed David Humphreys Miller, a 47-year-old western historian who specialized in the culture of the northern Plains Indians and created, among his works, 72 portraits of the survivors of the Battle of the Little Bighorn, and 20th-billed", "title": "Stagecoach (1966 film)" } ]
who were the first european to come to india?
[ "Alexander the Great" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.06, "text": "Vasco da Gama Vasco da Gama, 1st Count of Vidigueira (; c. 1460s – 24 December 1524), was a Portuguese explorer and the first European to reach India by sea. His initial voyage to India (1497–1499) was the first to link Europe and Asia by an ocean route, connecting the Atlantic and the Indian oceans and therefore, the West and the Orient. Da Gama's discovery of the sea route to India was significant and opened the way for an age of global imperialism and for the Portuguese to establish a long-lasting colonial empire in Asia. Traveling the ocean route allowed", "title": "Vasco da Gama" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.78, "text": "Force India, which provided officers to the Army during World War II, was disbanded in 1947. The first Europeans who came to India were the Portuguese, followed by the Dutch, British and the French. In 1498 Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama landed at Calicut. Calicut was the capital of the Zamorin, the most powerful ruler in south-west India. Portuguese women in the east were few in number, and Portuguese men began to live with local women. The Portuguese, Dutch and British instituted systems of encouraging their men to marry local women, paying a gold mohur for each child born of", "title": "Nilgiri Malabar Battalion" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.64, "text": "including India. In 1498 Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama landed in Calicut (modern day Kozhikode in Kerala) as the first European to ever sail to India. The tremendous profit made during this trip made the Portuguese eager for more trade with India and attracted other European navigators and tradesmen. Pedro Álvares Cabral left for India in 1500 and established Portuguese trading posts at Calicut and Cochin (modern day Kochi), returning to Portugal in 1501 with pepper, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, mace, and cloves. The profits made from this trip were huge. Prior to the 1991 economic liberalisation,India was a closed", "title": "Foreign trade of India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.44, "text": "made the sea voyage to India. Vasco da Gama, the first European to reach India by sea (in 1498), hired an Indian pilot at Malindi (a coastal settlement in what is now Kenya) to steer the Portuguese ship across the Indian Ocean to the Malabar Coast in southwestern India. Portuguese ships continued to employ lascars from the Indian Subcontinent in large numbers throughout the 16th and 17th centuries, mainly from Goa and other Portuguese colonies in India. The Portuguese applied the term \"\"lascar\"\" to all sailors on their ships who were originally from the Indies, which they defined as the", "title": "Lascar" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.75, "text": "Alvares Cabral is officially recognised as the first European to “discover” Brazil in 1500. Cabral was sent to India by the King of Portugal after the return of Vasco da Gama from his pioneering journey to India. Cabral is reported to have been blown off course on his way to India. Brazil became an important Portuguese colony and stop-over in the long journey to Goa. This Portuguese connexion led to the exchange of several agricultural crops between India and Brazil in the colonial days. Indian cattle was also imported to Brazil. Most of the cattle in Brazil is of Indian", "title": "Brazil–India relations" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.73, "text": "Ocean, ultimately reaching the coastal countries of East Africa. In 1497 Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama rounded the Cape of Good Hope and became the first European to sail to India (with the help of an Indian sailor) and later the Far East. The European ships, armed with heavy cannon, quickly dominated trade. Portugal achieved pre-eminence by setting up forts at the important straits and ports. Their hegemony along the coasts of Africa and Asia lasted until the mid 17th century. Later, the Portuguese were challenged by other European powers. The Dutch East India Company (1602–1798) sought control of trade", "title": "Indian Ocean" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.66, "text": "Goa, is named after the famous Portuguese explorer and navigator Vasco da Gama, who held the title of Governor of Portuguese India. This city serves as the headquarters of the Mormugao sub-district. It was founded in 1543 and remained in Portuguese hands until 1961, when the territory was lost to India. Vasco da Gama, 1st Count of Vidigueira was the first European to reach India by sea. His initial voyage to India (1497–1499) was the first to link Europe and Asia by an ocean route, connecting the Atlantic and the Indian oceans and, in this way, the West and the", "title": "Vasco da Gama, Goa" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.56, "text": "Hudson's Bay Company. Imperial Russia had no state sponsored expeditions or colonization in the Americas, but did charter the first Russian joint-stock commercial enterprise, the Russian America Company, which did sponsor those activities in its territories. In May 1498, the Portuguese set foot in Kozhikode in Kerala, making them the first Europeans to sail to India. Rivalry among reigning European powers saw the entry of the Dutch, English, French, Danish and others. The kingdoms of India were gradually taken over by the Europeans and indirectly controlled by puppet rulers. In 1600, Queen Elizabeth I accorded a charter, forming the East", "title": "History of colonialism" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.33, "text": "Malaka, Macau and Japan. João Cabral João Cabral was a Portuguese Jesuit missionary, who, along with Estêvão Cacella, were the first Europeans to enter Bhutan in 1627. The following year he became the first European to visit neighboring Nepal and the Sikkim region of India. Cabral was born in Celorico da Beira, Portugal, in 1599. In 1615 he joined the Society of Jesus, and in September 5, 1626 he left for the Tibetan planes in the hopes of finding the mythic Kingdom of Shambala and spreading the Christian faith. After failing both his plans, he returned to India and continued", "title": "João Cabral" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.31, "text": "Vasco da Gama led the first fleet around Africa to India, arriving in Calicut and starting a maritime route from Portugal to India. Portuguese explorations then proceeded to southeast Asia, where they reached Japan in 1542, forty-four years after their first arrival in India. In 1500, the Portuguese nobleman Pedro Álvares Cabral became the first European to discover Brazil. In 1139 the Kingdom of Portugal achieved independence from León, having doubled its area with the Reconquista under Afonso Henriques. In 1297 king Denis of Portugal took personal interest in the development of exports, having organized the export of surplus production", "title": "Portuguese discoveries" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.09, "text": "of the fleet to India of Pedro Álvares Cabral, is separated from the main fleet by a storm while crossing the Cape of Good Hope, and becomes the first European to reach Madagascar. Besides the already existing role of Admiral of Portugal, the Crown creates the role of Admiral of India, whose first holder becomes Vasco da Gama in 1500. With the first established sea route to the Indian Ocean, the Portuguese started to use the carrack ship (\"\"nau\"\" in Portuguese). Nevertheless, the Portuguese penetration in the Indian Ocean was not peaceful due to the opposition of the Muslims. However,", "title": "Portuguese Navy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.05, "text": "João Cabral João Cabral was a Portuguese Jesuit missionary, who, along with Estêvão Cacella, were the first Europeans to enter Bhutan in 1627. The following year he became the first European to visit neighboring Nepal and the Sikkim region of India. Cabral was born in Celorico da Beira, Portugal, in 1599. In 1615 he joined the Society of Jesus, and in September 5, 1626 he left for the Tibetan planes in the hopes of finding the mythic Kingdom of Shambala and spreading the Christian faith. After failing both his plans, he returned to India and continued his missionary career in", "title": "João Cabral" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.02, "text": "Andes, in present-day Bolivia, the first European to do so, eight years before Francisco Pizarro. Garcia looted a booty of silver. When the army of Huayna Cápac arrived to challenge him, Garcia then retreated with the spoils, only to be assassinated by his Indian allies near San Pedro on the Paraguay River. Columbus' discovery of what they thought at that time was India, and the constant competition of Portugal and Spain led to a desire for secrecy about every trade route and every colony. As a consequence, many documents that could reach other European countries included fake dates and faked", "title": "Conquistador" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.02, "text": "Afanasy Nikitin Afanasy Nikitin (; died 1472) was a Russian merchant of Tver and one of the first Europeans (after Niccolò de' Conti) to travel to and document his visit to India. He described his trip in a narrative known as \"\"The Journey Beyond Three Seas\"\" (\"\"Khozheniye za tri morya\"\"). In 1466, Nikitin left his hometown of Tver on a commercial trip to India. He travelled down the Volga River, and although he was attacked and robbed by Tatars near Astrakhan he succeeded in reaching Derbent, where he joined Vasili Papin, the envoy of Ivan the Great to the shah", "title": "Afanasy Nikitin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.94, "text": "Colonial India Colonial India was the part of the Indian subcontinent which was under the jurisdiction of European colonial powers, during the Age of Discovery. European power was exerted both by conquest and trade, especially in spices. The search for the wealth and prosperity of India led to the colonization of the Americas by Christopher Columbus in 1492. Only a few years later, near the end of the 15th century, Portuguese sailor Vasco da Gama became the first European to re-establish direct trade links with India since Roman times by being the first to arrive by circumnavigating Africa (c. 1497–1499).", "title": "Colonial India" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.84, "text": "European to reach Chinese land by sea, and, the first European to enter Hong Kong. In 1514 Afonso de Albuquerque, the Viceroy of the Estado da India dispatched Rafael Perestrello to sail to China in order to pioneer European trade relations with the Chinese nation. Rafael Perestrelo was quoted as saying, \"\"being a very good and honest people, the Chinese hope to make friends with the Portuguese.\"\" In spite of initial harmony and excitement between the two empires, difficulties soon arose. Portugal's efforts in establishing lasting ties with China did pay off in the long run; the Portuguese colonized Macau,", "title": "Afonso de Albuquerque" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.78, "text": "as the first European to live in Afghanistan since the Second Anglo-Afghan War of 1879–81, he trained the local people to make guns, swords, ammunition, coins, soap, candles, etc. On behalf of Martin's firm, he built an arsenal, a mint and various factories and workshops, employing in total some 4000 workers. In 1893 he was sent to India by the Amir as a Special Ambassador, and at the conclusion of the negotiations was invested a Companion of the Order of the Star of India (CSI) and knighted by the British government in recognition of his services. He was also a", "title": "Thomas Salter Pyne" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.69, "text": "was the first European power to arrive in Gujarat, and after the Battle of Diu, acquired several enclaves along the Gujarati coast, including Daman and Diu as well as Dadra and Nagar Haveli. These enclaves were administered by Portuguese India under a single union territory for over 450 years, only to be later incorporated into the Republic of India on 19 December 1961 by military conquest. The British East India Company established a factory in Surat in 1614 following the commercial treaty made with Mughal Emperor Nuruddin Salim Jahangir, which formed their first base in India, but it was eclipsed", "title": "Gujarat" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.66, "text": "Portuguese became the first known Europeans to visit the port of Mombasa from 7 to 13 April 1498, but were met with hostility and soon departed. Vasco da Gama continued north, arriving on 14 April 1498 at the friendlier port of Malindi, whose leaders were having a conflict with those of Mombasa. There the expedition first noted evidence of Indian traders. Da Gama and his crew contracted the services of a pilot who used his knowledge of the monsoon winds to guide the expedition the rest of the way to Calicut, located on the southwest coast of India. Sources differ", "title": "Vasco da Gama" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.59, "text": "Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia, using the native trail network, the \"\"Peabiru\"\". They were also the first Europeans to cross the Chaco and reach the outer territories of the Inca Empire on the hills of the Andes, near Sucre. Protected from direct Spanish competition by the treaty of Tordesillas, Portuguese eastward exploration and colonization continued apace. Twice, in 1485 and 1488, Portugal officially rejected Christopher Columbus's idea of reaching India by sailing westwards. King John II of Portugal's experts rejected it, for they held the opinion that Columbus's estimation of a travel distance of was undervalued, and in part because Bartolomeu", "title": "Age of Discovery" } ]
when did the first beanie baby come out?
[ "1993" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.73, "text": "the high resale value of some Beanie Babies. Nine original Beanie Babies were launched in 1993: In 1996, Ty Inc. released a new product called Teenie Beanies, a miniature offshoot of the original Beanie Babies line. They were sold alongside McDonald's Happy Meals to celebrate that product's 17th anniversary. Ty, Inc. stopped producing the product in December 1999, but consumer demand led them to reconsider. Production restarted in 2000 with a Beanie Baby named \"\"The Beginning.\"\" In early 2008, Ty released a new version of Beanie Babies called Beanie Babies 2.0. The purchase of a Beanie Baby 2.0 provided its", "title": "Beanie Babies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.2, "text": "collectors to be rare. Some of the others introduced for a brief period in the final months of 1999 included: Some beanie babies were forced into their retirement earlier than Ty had planned for various reasons, including legal orders. Roary was the first Beanie Baby lion made by Ty. It was produced from May 1997 through December 1998. Shortly before Roary retired, a federal judge ruled that its name violated the rights of the Imperial Toy Corporation, which produced a similar plush lion named Roarie, and therefore, its production must stop. Eventually, Roary's look and personality were re-released in 2000", "title": "Retirement (Beanie Baby)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.09, "text": "an exclusive Teenie Beanie Baby to McDonald's employees and Ty reps at the end of the promotion. International Bears: In 2000, there were 32 different Teenie Beanies produced in all. The first 29 of them came out in the spring, and the final three, which were the Patriotic Trio of 1996, were released in the fall. Unlike in earlier years, the 2000 series was divided into several categories. One of those Beanies, Millennium the Bear, was also given out (in different packaging from the one sold to customers) as an exclusive Teenie Beanie Baby to McDonald's employees and Ty reps", "title": "Teenie Beanies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.86, "text": "Beanie Babies Beanie Babies are a line of stuffed animal plush toys created by Ty Warner, who founded Ty Inc.. The toys are stuffed with plastic pellets (\"\"beans\"\") rather than conventional soft stuffing (PVC and PE), giving Beanie Babies a flexible feel. In an interview Warner said, \"\"The whole idea was it looked real because it moved.\"\" During the later half of the 1990s, the toy emerged as a major fad. Beanie Babies have been cited as being the world's first Internet sensation in 1995. They were collected not only as toys but also as a financial investment due to", "title": "Beanie Babies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.83, "text": "was the Beanie Baby for New Years Day 2005. There were three versions made, which were known as 10-9-8, 7-6-5-4, and 3-2-1. The 3-2-1 version was believed by many to be the rarest. The first bear in honor of Valentine's Day was Valentino. It was followed up by reverse-color \"\"Valentina.\"\" Several other Valentine's bears have been introduced since, including Smooch. The first St. Patrick's Day bear introduced was Erin. Erin was also seen as an international bear representing Ireland, though it was not exclusive to Ireland. April Fool was introduced on February 26, 2007, as the first beanie to represent", "title": "Holiday Beanie Babies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.83, "text": "Royals Fortune the Panda 9/26/99 Chicago Cubs Millennium the Bear 9/10/00 Chicago Cubs Aurora the Polar Bear 5/20/01 Chicago Cubs Addison the Bear 5/04/03 Chicago Cubs Dusty the Bear Addison the bear was first introduced at a Cubs game on May 20, 2001, a game at which the Cubs beat the Diamondbacks 6-5. A total of 10,000 were given away to children 13 and under. It was not until after this game that addison was introduced to retailers. Kicks the bear, introduced early in 1999, was the first beanie to represent a sport. A Beanie Buddy version of Kicks was", "title": "Sports Beanie Babies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.55, "text": "Beanie Baby styles. Diana, Princess of Wales died on August 31, 1997. Warner announced the lavender Beanie Baby Princess on October 29, 1997 in honor of Princess Diana. Warner said that all proceeds would be donated to the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund. The Princess Diana Beanie Baby was sent to vendors to distribute in the second week of December 1997. Some vendors had to wait until February 1998. Only 12 Beanie Baby Princesses were released to each vendor initially, but this changed due to strong demand. The 1st shipments are easily identified as \"\"PVC Princess Bears\"\" due to", "title": "Beanie Babies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.47, "text": "Meanies A Meanie is a small stuffed animal made by Topkat LLC, starting in October 1997 and lasting until 2000. A Meanie is a type of bean bag in the form of a stuffed animal toy. Unlike Beanie Babies, the Meanies line is humorous in nature, and were made to target a younger audience than Beanie Babies, usually by relying on bodily function and gross-out humor. Meanies were first released in October 1997 with a 12 animal run. They were an attempt by The Idea Factory and Topkat LLC, to capitalize on the Beanie Baby fad by providing a humorous", "title": "Meanies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.47, "text": "the top, and a fabric \"\"tush tag\"\" at the bottom. Both tags have been redesigned completely over time. Between 1994 and 1996, the swing tags had \"\"To\"\" and \"\"From\"\" blanks in them for use as gifts. Starting in early 1996, the tags include four-line poems related to the Beanie Baby, and a date of birth for the toy. The poem and birthday concept was created by Lina Trivedi who is credited as authoring the poems on the first 136 Beanie Babies that were introduced to the marketplace. It was not uncommon for Beanie Babies to be accidentally shipped out with", "title": "Beanie Babies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.41, "text": "were visiting the Ty Web site by the thousands to gain information about Beanie Babies which was completely unprecedented at that time. Ty is the first business to leverage their Web site to connect and engage with consumers of their products. This effort evolved into the world's first Internet sensation. Garcia the bear was released in January 1996 and retired in May 1997. He is a tie-dyed bear that seems to be a tribute to musician Jerry Garcia of The Grateful Dead who died in 1995, designed by Nicholas Scarbrough. A group of differently colored dancing bears, originally artwork from", "title": "Beanie Babies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.38, "text": "at the end of the promotion. Super Stars: Dinosaur Trio: International Bears: Legends: Others: U.S.A. Trio (released in Fall 2000): Following a four-year hiatus, a set of Teenie Beanies was introduced in 2004. Unlike the earlier sets, the twelve that came out this time bore no resemblance to any regular Ty Beanie Babies, with the exception of the Ronald McDonald bear which was an exclusive Beanie Baby handed out to those who attended the Worldwide McDonald's Owner/Operator Convention. Rather, each one represented a different McDonald's product or character. Following a five-year hiatus, the Teenie Beanie Babies 2.0 promotion ran from", "title": "Teenie Beanies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.25, "text": "July 17, 2009 through August 13, 2009. Unlike earlier sets, this release was heavily based on the Beanie Babies 2.0 line, a subseries of the original Beanie Babies that come with online virtual codes much akin to other popular toy product lines such as Ganz Webkinz. In addition, there were four Teenie Beanies which represented original Beanie Babies, some teddy bears made specifically for this promotion that do not having a matching Beanie counterpart, and some McDonaldland and McWorld characters including Ronald McDonald and Grimace. The set included 30 styles to celebrate the 30th anniversary since the advent of the", "title": "Teenie Beanies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.25, "text": "Geographic Beanie Babies Geographic Beanie Babies refers to Beanie Baby dolls that were made exclusively for retail sale in the country they represented. The collection consists of approximately 50 named dolls representing 10 countries on 4 continents. The dolls can now be found on the secondary market outside their original country. Maple the Bear was the first Beanie Baby bear that was made in honor of Canada, and was sold exclusively in Canada. Introduced on January 1, 1997, Maple was the first beanie baby to be exclusive to a country other than the United States. The original intention of Ty", "title": "Geographic Beanie Babies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.22, "text": "competing plush toys. This magazine ran from 1997 to 2001. In the late 2000s, Beanie Babies modeled after characters from popular children's franchises by Nickelodeon, DreamWorks and Paramount began appearing. These included characters from cartoons on the Nickelodeon television channel such as \"\"SpongeBob SquarePants\"\", \"\"Dora the Explorer\"\" and \"\"Blue’s Clues\"\", as well as characters from DreamWorks Animation movies such as \"\"Shrek the Third\"\", and 20th Century Fox's \"\"\"\". Beanie Babies have also been produced for characters from \"\"\"\" and \"\"Guardians of Ga'Hoole\"\" book series, \"\"Scooby-Doo\"\" and Hello Kitty. Recently Beanie Babies modeled after Disney characters have been created, including Mickey", "title": "Beanie Babies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.98, "text": "to consumer Website designed to engage their market. This is a major contributing factor to the early and rapidly growing popularity of Beanie Babies. By the time the first iteration of the Ty Web site was published in late 1995, only 1.4% of Americans were using the Internet. In tandem with the launch of the Ty Website, all Beanie Baby hangtags had the Ty Website URL and a call to action printed underneath the poems and birthdays that commanded audiences to visit the company Web site with text that read: \"\"Visit our web page!!!\"\" As a result, hordes of consumers", "title": "Beanie Babies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.95, "text": "an identical design, except for a peace symbol embroidered on the fabric. Princess the Bear was a Beanie Baby bear that was made in the memory of Princess Diana, who was killed on August 31, 1997. Ty, Inc. announced the release of the collectible on October 29, 1997. Its purpose was to raise money for Diana's favorite charities. Originally, only 12 units were shipped to each authorized Ty retailer. At this time, these were purchased quickly and sold on the second-hand market for hundreds of dollars apiece. But within months, they were shipped en masse, the market became flooded with", "title": "Holiday Beanie Babies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.88, "text": "Beanie Babies 2.0 Beanie Babies 2.0 were a brand of stuffed toys, a spinoff of the popular Beanie Babies line, announced on January 2, 2008. The group was introduced following the retirement of all retail Beanie Babies (barring exclusive international and store-specific styles as well as licensed characters) that had been produced prior to 2004. Each beanie came with a special code. Once the buyer enters the code on Ty's website, the buyer is granted access to an online environment in which the user can gather points and communicate with other users through chat services. The chat is similar to", "title": "Beanie Babies 2.0" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.86, "text": "to surface in 1997. Early on, cheap knock-offs and fakes of commons were widely available at discount prices. Authorities cracked down on counterfeit Beanie Babies in the late 1990s. People were prosecuted for their involvement in the commerce of counterfeit Babies. In 1998, English authorities seized more than 6,000 Princesses and Britannias. In 1999, a Minnesota man was imprisoned, fined, and put on probation for involvement in smuggling counterfeit beanies. During the wake of Beanie Babies' success, Beanie Baby-centric publications were issued. One of the largest was \"\"Mary Beth's Bean Bag World\"\", a monthly magazine dedicated to Beanie Babies and", "title": "Beanie Babies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.84, "text": "Holiday Beanie Babies Holidays were a common theme of Ty Beanie Babies. For some holidays, a special Beanie Baby has been produced every year. Each year since 1997, Ty has produced one or more annual Christmas teddy bears that have been introduced some time early in the fall of that year, and retired by the end of the same year. The first Christmas bear was made in 1997, and it was simply called \"\"1997 Teddy.\"\" Its design was that of Brown Teddy with a red and white hat and scarf. In each subsequent year, the Christmas bear that was produced", "title": "Holiday Beanie Babies" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.8, "text": "U.S. states: Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin. Some of these have been exclusively sold in their respective states. Germania Basilico (made briefly in 2006) was a bear representing Italy, though it was exclusive throughout Europe Britannia was the first Beanie Baby to represent United Kingdom to be made by Ty, introduced at the end of 1997. Britannia was made available to retailers in the United Kingdom only, and was heavily sought by collectors elsewhere, though it was difficult to", "title": "Geographic Beanie Babies" } ]
who sings what a beautiful name it is?
[ "Brooke Ligertwood" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.92, "text": "What a Beautiful Name \"\"What a Beautiful Name\"\" is a song by Australian praise and worship group Hillsong Worship. The song, written and led by Brooke Ligertwood and co-written with Ben Fielding, refers to the promise of salvation through Jesus Christ as represented by His Holy Name. The \"\"genre-smashing single\"\" contributed to Hillsong being named \"\"Billboard\"\"s Top Christian Artist of 2017. \"\"What a Beautiful Name\"\" won two Dove Awards for Song of the Year and Worship Song of the Year in 2017. It won the 2018 Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song. \"\"What a Beautiful Name\"\" was released", "title": "What a Beautiful Name" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.09, "text": "on 6 January 2017, as the lead single from their 25th live album, \"\"Let There Be Light\"\" (2016). \"\"What a Beautiful Name\"\" was composed in December 2015 in Sydney, Australia, for the upcoming Hillsong Conference, the annual church gathering. The scriptural foundation of the song can be found in , and . According to sheet music published at by Hillsong Publishing, \"\"What a Beautiful Name\"\" is a slow tempo of 68 beats per minute. Written in common time, the song is in the key of D major. Brooke Ligertwood's vocal range spans from A to B during the song.", "title": "What a Beautiful Name" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.06, "text": "Asker, Ligertwood said about the audience: Finally, she said about performing the song: In July 2017, the Voices of Lee, the \"\"elite\"\" a cappella singing group, posted a video of the song to their Facebook page. The cover was an instant hit and reached the so-called viral threshold of 5 million views in two days. As of October 2017, it had amassed 33 million views. The group represents Lee University in Tennessee; the video was filmed in the school's chapel. What a Beautiful Name \"\"What a Beautiful Name\"\" is a song by Australian praise and worship group Hillsong Worship. The", "title": "What a Beautiful Name" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.45, "text": "to sing and which does not strain the voice with notes that are too high or too low. He also comments that the song is written in the key of D which is \"\"the optimal key for both men and women.\"\" \"\"What a Beautiful Name\"\" had its worldwide digital release on 6 January 2017, and topped Billboard's Hot Christian Songs chart on 25 February. The single has held the top position for 38 weeks making it the second-longest-leading No. 1 in the 14-year history of the Hot Christian chart. The song which claims the distinction as the longest-leading No. 1", "title": "What a Beautiful Name" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.41, "text": "A video for the song was recorded at the Hillsong Conference in Sydney and was released on 30 September 2016. Music critic Matt Collar praised Hillsong Worship for their \"\"passionate, faith-based sound\"\" and wrote that fans of the group \"\"will surely appreciate this emotive, uplifting Christian pop.\"\" Jake Gosselin attributes the popularity of the song in the Christian community to a number of factors. He writes that \"\"What a Beautiful Name\"\" is \"\"singable.\"\" In practice this refers to the \"\"small vocal range\"\" of the song which is \"\"one note over an octave.\"\" This translates to a song that is easy", "title": "What a Beautiful Name" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.33, "text": "Beautiful Name\"\" earned two Dove awards, Song of the Year and Worship Song of the Year. \"\"What a Beautiful Name\"\" won the award for Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song at the 60th Grammy Awards, the first for Hillsong Worship. The song was recorded at a live performance at the annual Hillsong Conference in 2016. Hillsong performed the song at the 48th Annual Dove Awards held at Allen Arena in Nashville. The performance was well received and \"\"had audience members on their feet with their hands in the air.\"\" When asked about performing the song in an interview with \"\"Billboard\"\"s Jim", "title": "What a Beautiful Name" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.81, "text": "is \"\"Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)\"\" and was released by another Hillsong unit, Hillsong United. \"\"Oceans\"\" led the Hot Christian chart for 61 weeks. The song has stayed on the chart for 77 weeks, making it the third longest running song on the chart. \"\"What a Beautiful Name\"\" is ranked as the No. 1 song of the year for 2017 on the Christian Digital Sales chart, No. 3 on Christian Streaming Songs, and is also the No. 3 song on Christian Airplay. The song spent nine weeks as No. 1 on Christian Airplay and was Hillsong Worship's first No. 1", "title": "What a Beautiful Name" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.73, "text": "the Year and the Long Form Video of the Year categories at the 48th Annual GMA Dove Awards. In addition to the album's nomination, the song \"\"What a Beautiful Name\"\" was nominated for a GMA Dove Award in the Song of the Year and Worship Song of the Year categories. On 17 October 2017, \"\"What a Beautiful Name\"\" won both GMA Dove Awards for Song of the Year and the Worship Song of the Year at a ceremony held at the Allen Arena in Nashville, Tennessee, with composers Brooke Ligertwood and Ben Fielding receiving the awards. Credits adapted from Zendesk", "title": "Let There Be Light (album)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.52, "text": "on the chart. What a Beautiful Name also leads the CCLI, the international licensing service for 250,000 churches. The YouTube video has more than 220 million views as of 23 April 2018. \"\"What a Beautiful Name\"\" is a track from Hillsong Worship's 25th live album, \"\"Let There Be Light\"\". The album was released on 14 October 2016, and debuted as No. 1 on the Top Christian Albums chart. For 2017, \"\"Let There be Light\"\" was ranked the No. 9 of the year. Hillsong Worship was named Billboard's Top Christian Artist of 2017, as well as Top Christian Duo/Group. \"\"What a", "title": "What a Beautiful Name" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.77, "text": "Beautiful (Jessica Mauboy song) \"\"Beautiful\"\" is a song recorded by Australian singer Jessica Mauboy for her third studio album of the same name. The song was released for digital download on 22 November 2013, as the third single from the album. \"\"Beautiful\"\" was written by Mauboy, Charles Hinshaw, Chaz Mishan and David Delazyn, and produced by The Fliptones. Upon its release, \"\"Beautiful\"\" peaked at number 46 on the ARIA Singles Chart. \"\"Beautiful\"\" was written by Jessica Mauboy, Charles Hinshaw, Chaz Mishan and David Delazyn, and produced by The Fliptones. The Fliptones also handled the programming and keys. Mauboy's vocals were", "title": "Beautiful (Jessica Mauboy song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.55, "text": "the organ. Once again, the proceeds went to support the Cathedral Choir School. John Tavener's \"\"The Beautiful Names\"\", a setting of the 99 names of Allah found in the Qur'an premièred in the cathedral on 19 June 2007, in a performance by the BBC Symphony Orchestra and Chorus in the presence of Charles, Prince of Wales. The founder of Westminster Cathedral, Cardinal Herbert Vaughan laid great emphasis on the beauty and integrity of the cathedral's liturgy. Initially, he determined there should be a community of Benedictine monks at the new cathedral, performing the liturgies and singing the daily Office. This", "title": "Westminster Cathedral" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.19, "text": "career, \"\"If you think about it, every talent needs a serious push and help from somebody who is stronger, because it's pretty much impossible for anybody to succeed in this industry. So I've become very lucky, and I'm very grateful. You don't control the situations or the people you meet. I did not plan this. I'm just doing what I've always been doing. It's not like I've changed my goals at all.\"\" Gibson contributed lyrics to multiple tracks on the album. The track, \"\"Say My Name\"\", was co-written by Grigorieva and Gibson. Grigorieva described \"\"Say My Name\"\", stating, \"\"It is", "title": "Beautiful Heartache" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.98, "text": "her original songs on the show; for her next performance at the quarterfinals on August 23, 2016, she sang \"\"Beautiful Thing\"\", a song that she wrote for her sister. For the semifinals on August 30, she performed \"\"Light the Sky\"\", and for the September 13 finals, she sang \"\"Clay\"\", a song about dealing with bullies. \"\"AGT\"\"s video of VanderWaal's audition has accumulated more than 85 million views. It was ranked as the No. 5 trending YouTube video of 2016. VanderWaal again performed \"\"I Don't Know My Name\"\" at the September 14 finale episode, then introduced a performance by Stevie Nicks,", "title": "Grace VanderWaal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.95, "text": "Do You Want the Truth or Something Beautiful? (song) \"\"Do You Want the Truth or Something Beautiful?\"\" is a song by English recording artist Paloma Faith from her 2009 debut studio album of the same name. It was released on 21 December 2009, and peaked at number 64 on the UK Singles Chart. It was co-written with Ed Harcourt. Digital Spy gave the song 4/5, saying; 'Better yet, the song itself sustains the weight of her lyrical pretensions. A sumptuous, string-swathed ballad whose charms unfurl after three or four plays - all sung in Faith's customary dramatic way of course", "title": "Do You Want the Truth or Something Beautiful? (song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.94, "text": "suicide due to anti-gay bullying during the previous months. In March 2011, the Columbus Children's Choir and Columbus Gay Men's Chorus joined to perform the song as a contribution to the It Gets Better Project. UK LGBT rights charity Stonewall named \"\"Beautiful\"\" the most empowering song of the decade for lesbian, gay and bisexual people; media personality and Stonewall contributor Paul Gambaccini called the song \"\"a major achievement that has inspired millions of young people around the world.\"\" The result is based on the choice from 1,007 readers. Aguilera commented of the song's reception, \"\"I cannot express in words how", "title": "Beautiful (Christina Aguilera song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.89, "text": "officially announced that Sofia had signed a joint worldwide record deal with both companies. Her debut single is \"\"Love Is the Name\"\", an interpolation of Opus' \"\"Live Is Life\"\", and was released on April 8. Carson released a promotional single on August 26, 2016 entitled \"\"I'm Gonna Love You\"\". In January 27, 2017 she released her single \"\"Back to Beautiful\"\" featuring Alan Walker and in February 15, 2017 she released the official music video on YouTube. Through September 2017, it has gathered over 19 million views. Her next single \"\"Back to Beautiful\"\" was written by Julia Michaels. Carson's new single", "title": "Sofia Carson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.83, "text": "Beautiful (Christina Aguilera song) \"\"Beautiful\"\" is a song recorded by American singer Christina Aguilera for her fourth studio album, \"\"Stripped\"\" (2002). It was released as the album's second single on November 16, 2002. A pop and R&B ballad, \"\"Beautiful\"\" was written and produced by Linda Perry. Lyrically, it discusses inner beauty, as well as self-esteem and insecurity issues. Aguilera commented that she put \"\"her heart and her soul\"\" into the track, which she felt represented the theme of \"\"Stripped\"\". The song was later re-recorded in an electronic style, titled You Are What You Are (Beautiful), for her first greatest hits", "title": "Beautiful (Christina Aguilera song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.77, "text": "Beautiful Girls (Sean Kingston song) \"\"Beautiful Girls\"\" is the debut single by reggae-influenced musician Sean Kingston from his eponymous debut; it was first released in 2007. The song samples Ben E. King's classic \"\"Stand by Me\"\". The song is about a boy who is suicidal (or rather \"\"in denial\"\" in the edited version) over the failure of his relationship with a \"\"beautiful girl\"\". It is Kingston's signature song. The music video featured actor Tom Hardy who became friends with Kingston whilst living in Los Angeles in his early years of acting. Rapper Lil Mama and actors Kenny Vibert and Lil'", "title": "Beautiful Girls (Sean Kingston song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.75, "text": "The Beautiful Experience The Beautiful Experience is an EP by American musician Prince (his stage name at that time being an unpronounceable symbol, see cover art), his second commercial release under the symbolic moniker. The EP contained seven mixes of the song \"\"The Most Beautiful Girl in the World\"\" in various formats, some with completely new vocals and/or instrumentation. Of particular note is the \"\"Mustang Mix\"\", in which Prince uses his normal singing voice and additional lyrics to give the song a sexual edge. The maxi-single also spawned two singles, \"\"Staxowax\"\" and \"\"Mustang Mix\"\", which were sold commercially in shops", "title": "The Beautiful Experience" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.67, "text": "the theme tune to the ITV football highlights television show The Premiership, broadcast from 2001 to 2004. Kurt Nilsen, the Norwegian Idol winner sang it during the World Idol competition on 25 December 2003 and won the competition with the song. This was the only World Idol title and was not repeated in consequent years. In 2004, Sanctus Real recorded a version on the album \"\"In the Name of Love: Artists United for Africa\"\". In 2007, the German guitarist Axel Rudi Pell recorded his version on his album \"\"Diamonds Unlocked\"\". In 2008, the song was chosen to play over the", "title": "Beautiful Day" } ]
who was the greek god of the sky?
[ "Uranus" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.72, "text": "the overthrow of the Titans by the Olympians in his \"\"Theogony\"\". The Greek sky-god Ouranos (whose name means \"\"Heaven\"\") is the father of the Titans and is derived from the Hittite version of Anu. In Hesiod's account, Ouranos is castrated by his son Kronos, just as Anu was castrated by his son Kumarbi in the Hittite story. In his 1976 book \"\"The Twelfth Planet\"\", Russian-American author Zecharia Sitchin claimed that the Anunnaki were actually a race of extraterrestrial beings from the undiscovered planet Nibiru, who came to Earth around 500,000 years ago in order to mine gold. According to Sitchin,", "title": "Anunnaki" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.72, "text": "was deified as the goddess Nut and as the god Horus. Dyeus is reconstructed as the god of the sky, or the sky personified, in Proto-Indo-European religion, whence Zeus, the god of the sky and thunder in Greek mythology and the Roman god of sky and thunder Jupiter. In Australian Aboriginal mythology, Altjira (or Arrernte) is the main sky god and also the creator god. In Iroquois mythology, Atahensic was a sky goddess who fell down to the ground during the creation of the Earth. Many cultures have drawn constellations between stars in the sky, using them in association with", "title": "Sky" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.58, "text": "Uranus (mythology) Uranus (; Ancient Greek , \"\"Ouranos\"\" meaning \"\"sky\"\" or \"\"heaven\"\") was the primal Greek god personifying the sky and one of the Greek primordial deities. Uranus is associated with the Roman god Caelus. In Ancient Greek literature, Uranus or Father Sky was the son and husband of Gaia, Mother Earth. According to Hesiod's \"\"Theogony\"\", Uranus was conceived by Gaia alone, but other sources cite Aether as his father. Uranus and Gaia were the parents of the first generation of Titans, and the ancestors of most of the Greek gods, but no cult addressed directly to Uranus survived into", "title": "Uranus (mythology)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.41, "text": "consort was Nut, otherwise known as the sky. Greek mythology likewise has female deities associated with the sky, such as Dike, goddess of justice, who sits on the right side of Zeus as his advisor, and Eos, goddess of dawnand Hades (a male) as god of the underworld. The term allochthon in structural geology is used to describe a large block of rock that has been moved from its original site of formation, usually by low angle thrust faulting. From the Greek \"\"allo\"\", meaning other, and \"\"chthon\"\", designating the process of the land mass being moved under the earth and", "title": "Chthonic" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.39, "text": "Caelus Caelus or Coelus was a primal god of the sky in Roman myth and theology, iconography, and literature (compare \"\"caelum\"\", the Latin word for \"\"sky\"\" or \"\"the heavens\"\", hence English \"\"celestial\"\"). The deity's name usually appears in masculine grammatical form when he is conceived of as a male generative force, but the neuter form Caelum is also found as a divine personification. The name of Caelus indicates that he was the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Uranus (Οὐρανός, \"\"Ouranos\"\"), who was of major importance in the theogonies of the Greeks. Varro couples him with Terra (Earth) as \"\"pater\"\"", "title": "Caelus" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.38, "text": "Zeus Zeus (; , \"\"Zeús\"\" ) is the sky and thunder god in ancient Greek religion, who rules as king of the gods of Mount Olympus. His name is cognate with the first element of his Roman equivalent Jupiter. His mythologies and powers are similar, though not identical, to those of Indo-European deities such as Indra, Jupiter, Perkūnas, Perun, Thor, and Odin. Zeus is the child of Cronus and Rhea, the youngest of his siblings to be born, though sometimes reckoned the eldest as the others required disgorging from Cronus's stomach. In most traditions, he is married to Hera, by", "title": "Zeus" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.14, "text": "the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus. Caelus Caelus or Coelus was a primal god of the sky in Roman myth and theology, iconography, and literature (compare \"\"caelum\"\", the Latin word for \"\"sky\"\" or \"\"the heavens\"\", hence English \"\"celestial\"\"). The deity's name usually appears in masculine grammatical form when he is conceived of as a male generative force, but the neuter form Caelum is also found as a divine personification. The name of Caelus indicates that he was the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Uranus (Οὐρανός, \"\"Ouranos\"\"), who was of major importance in the theogonies of the Greeks. Varro couples him", "title": "Caelus" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.06, "text": "Tinia Tinia (also Tin, Tinh, Tins or \"\"Tina\"\") was the god of the sky and the highest god in Etruscan mythology, equivalent to the Roman Jupiter and the Greek Zeus. He was the husband of Thalna or Uni and the father of Hercle. The Etruscans believed in Nine Great Gods, who had the power of hurling thunderbolts; they were called \"\"Novensiles\"\" by the Romans. Of thunderbolts there were eleven sorts, of which Tinia, as the supreme thunder-god, wielded three. Tinia was also part of the powerful \"\"trinity\"\" that included Menrva and Uni, and had temples in every city of Etruria.", "title": "Tinia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.97, "text": "their local cults. Though the Homeric \"\"cloud collector\"\" was the god of the sky and thunder like his Near-Eastern counterparts, he was also the supreme cultural artifact; in some senses, he was the embodiment of Greek religious beliefs and the archetypal Greek deity. Aside from local epithets that simply designated the deity as doing something random at some particular place, the epithets or titles applied to Zeus emphasized different aspects of his wide-ranging authority: Additional names and epithets for Zeus are also: The major center where all Greeks converged to pay honor to their chief god was Olympia. Their quadrennial", "title": "Zeus" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.88, "text": "(rendered \"\"Elus\"\" or called by his standard Greek counterpart Cronus) is not the creator God or first God. Ēl is rather the son of Sky (Uranus) and Earth (Ge). Sky and Earth are themselves children of ‘Elyôn 'Most High'. Ēl is brother to the God Bethel, to Dagon and to an unknown god, equated with the Greek Atlas and to the goddesses Aphrodite/’Ashtart, Rhea (presumably Asherah), and Dione (equated with Ba‘alat Gebal). Ēl is the father of Persephone and of Athena (presumably the goddess ‘Anat). Sky and Earth have separated from one another in hostility, but Sky insists on continuing", "title": "El (deity)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.84, "text": "are found on the Greek 2-euro coin and on the United Kingdom identity card for visa holders. Mary Beard, professor of Classics at Cambridge University, has criticised this for its apparent celebration of rape. Zeus Zeus (; , \"\"Zeús\"\" ) is the sky and thunder god in ancient Greek religion, who rules as king of the gods of Mount Olympus. His name is cognate with the first element of his Roman equivalent Jupiter. His mythologies and powers are similar, though not identical, to those of Indo-European deities such as Indra, Jupiter, Perkūnas, Perun, Thor, and Odin. Zeus is the child", "title": "Zeus" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.73, "text": "Greek and Roman sky god under the name \"\"Heliopolitan Zeus\"\" or \"\"Jupiter\"\". The present Temple of Jupiter presumably replaced an earlier one using the same foundation; it was constructed during the mid-1st century and probably completed around 60. His idol was a beardless golden god in the pose of a charioteer, with a whip raised in his right hand and a thunderbolt and stalks of grain in his left; its image appeared on local coinage and it was borne through the streets during several festivals throughout the year. Macrobius compared the rituals to those for Diva Fortuna at Antium and", "title": "Baalbek" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.7, "text": "In Sanchuniathon's main mythology the god he calls in Greek 'Uranus'/'Sky' has been thought by some to stand for Ba'al Šamem. Sky is here the actual father of Baal Hadad (although Baal Hadad is born after his mother's marriage to Dagon). As in Greek mythology and Hittite mythology, Sky is castrated by his son, who is in turn destined to be opposed by the thunder god. In Sanchuniathon's story, Sky also battles Sea; Sky finds himself unable to prevail, so he allies himself with Hadad. In Nabatean texts in Greek, Baal Shamin is regularly equated with Zeus Helios, that is", "title": "Baalshamin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.42, "text": "language is poorly understood and there is no scholarly consensus for the translation. Tinia appears in several inscriptions, including: Tinia Tinia (also Tin, Tinh, Tins or \"\"Tina\"\") was the god of the sky and the highest god in Etruscan mythology, equivalent to the Roman Jupiter and the Greek Zeus. He was the husband of Thalna or Uni and the father of Hercle. The Etruscans believed in Nine Great Gods, who had the power of hurling thunderbolts; they were called \"\"Novensiles\"\" by the Romans. Of thunderbolts there were eleven sorts, of which Tinia, as the supreme thunder-god, wielded three. Tinia was", "title": "Tinia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.33, "text": "\"\"tívurr\"\"; Lithuanian, \"\"Dievas\"\"; Latvian, \"\"Dievs\"\". The head deity of the Proto-Indo-European pantheon was the god *\"\"Dyḗus Pḥtḗr\"\", whose name literally means \"\"Sky Father\"\". He is believed to have been regarded as the god of the daylit skies. He is, by far, the most well-attested of all the Proto-Indo-European deities. The Greek god Zeus, the Roman god Jupiter, and the Illyrian god Dei-Pátrous all appear as the head gods of their respective pantheons. The Norse god Týr, however, seems to have been demoted to the role of a minor war-deity prior to the composition of the earliest Germanic texts. *\"\"Dyḗus Pḥtḗr\"\"", "title": "Proto-Indo-European mythology" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.19, "text": "summit of Mount Lykaion, before which stood two columns bearing gilded eagles and 'facing the sun-rise'. Further Cook sees only the tale of Zeus' sacred precinct at Mount Lykaion allowing no shadows referring to Zeus as 'god of light' (Lykaios). Although etymology indicates that Zeus was originally a sky god, many Greek cities honored a local Zeus who lived underground. Athenians and Sicilians honored Zeus Meilichios (\"\"kindly\"\" or \"\"honeyed\"\") while other cities had Zeus Chthonios (\"\"earthy\"\"), Zeus Katachthonios (\"\"under-the-earth\"\") and Zeus Plousios (\"\"wealth-bringing\"\"). These deities might be represented as snakes or in human form in visual art, or, for emphasis", "title": "Zeus" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.14, "text": "Helios Helios (; \"\"Hēlios\"\"; Latinized as \"\"Helius\"\"; in Homeric Greek) is the god and personification of the Sun in Greek mythology. He is the son of the Titan Hyperion and the Titaness Theia (according to Hesiod), also known as Euryphaessa (in \"\"Homeric Hymn 31\"\") and brother of the goddesses Selene, the moon, and Eos, the dawn. Helios was described as a handsome young man crowned with the shining aureole of the Sun, who drove the chariot of the sun across the sky each day to earth-circling Oceanus and through the world-ocean returned to the East at night. In the \"\"Homeric", "title": "Helios" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.11, "text": "to the Greek name \"\"Athenais\"\"). In the description of the Phoenician pantheon ascribed to Sanchuniathon, Astarte appears as a daughter of Epigeius, \"\"sky\"\" (anc. Greek: Οὐρανός ouranos/ Uranus; Roman god: Caelus) and Ge (Earth), and sister of the god Elus. After Elus overthrows and banishes his father Epigeius, as some kind of trick Epigeius sends Elus his \"\"virgin daughter\"\" Astarte along with her sisters Asherah and the goddess who will later be called Ba`alat Gebal, \"\"the Lady of Byblos\"\". It seems that this trick does not work, as all three become wives of their brother Elus. Astarte bears Elus children", "title": "Astarte" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23, "text": "Sabazios Sabazios (, \"\"Savázios\"\") is the horseman and sky father god of the Phrygians and Thracians. In Indo-European languages, such as Phrygian, the element in his name derives from \"\"dyeus\"\", the common precursor of Latin \"\"deus\"\" ('god') and Greek \"\"Zeus\"\". Though the Greeks interpreted Phrygian Sabazios as both Zeus and Dionysus, representations of him, even into Roman times, show him always on horseback, as a nomadic horseman god, wielding his characteristic staff of power. It seems likely that the migrating Phrygians brought Sabazios with them when they settled in Anatolia in the early first millennium BCE, and that the god's", "title": "Sabazios" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.91, "text": "the more popular older views was that this difficult phrase was a contemptuous deformation (or dysphemism) of the Phoenician deity Baal Shamin—the \"\"Lord of Heaven\"\"—whom Philo of Byblos identified with the Greek sky god Zeus. Moreover, the temple in Jerusalem was rededicated in honor of Zeus according to 2 Maccabees 6:2, hence the tendency among older commentators to follow Porphyry in seeing this \"\"abomination\"\" in terms of a statue of Zeus. More recently, it has been suggested that the reference is to certain sacred stones (possibly meteorites) that were affixed to the great altar of sacrifice for the purposes of", "title": "Prophecy of Seventy Weeks" } ]
how many parts of halloween movies are there?
[ "ten" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.69, "text": "Halloween (American Horror Story) \"\"Halloween\"\" is a two-part episode, consisting of the fourth and fifth episodes of the of the television series \"\"American Horror Story\"\". The first part aired on October 26, 2011, and the second on November 2, 2011. Part 1 was written by James Wong and Part 2 was written by Tim Minear; both were directed by David Semel. Part 1 is rated TV-MA (LSV) and Part 2 is rated TV-MA (LV). Part 1 was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Costumes for a Miniseries, Movie or Special. In this two-part episode, the Harmons are visited", "title": "Halloween (American Horror Story)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.66, "text": "Halloween (franchise) Halloween is an American horror franchise that consists of eleven films, as well as novels, comic books, merchandise, and a video game. The franchise primarily focuses on Michael Myers who was committed to a sanitarium as a child for the murder of his sister, Judith Myers. Fifteen years later, he escapes to stalk and kill the people of the fictional town of Haddonfield, Illinois. Michael's killings occur on the holiday of Halloween, on which all of the films primarily take place. The original \"\"Halloween\"\", released in 1978, was written by John Carpenter and Debra Hill, and directed by", "title": "Halloween (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.42, "text": "a tenth of a point from the first part. Halloween (American Horror Story) \"\"Halloween\"\" is a two-part episode, consisting of the fourth and fifth episodes of the of the television series \"\"American Horror Story\"\". The first part aired on October 26, 2011, and the second on November 2, 2011. Part 1 was written by James Wong and Part 2 was written by Tim Minear; both were directed by David Semel. Part 1 is rated TV-MA (LSV) and Part 2 is rated TV-MA (LV). Part 1 was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Costumes for a Miniseries, Movie or", "title": "Halloween (American Horror Story)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.19, "text": "sisters. The girls start dancing while the Red Devil watches through the window. At the day the series premiered on Fox, series creator Ryan Murphy revealed that there would be a three-part Halloween episodes. This is the third and last special Halloween episode. Returning recurring characters include Kappa pledges Jennifer \"\"Candle Vlogger\"\" (Breezy Eslin) and Sam \"\"Predatory Lez\"\" (Jeanna Han), Detective Chisolm (Jim Clock), and Dickie Dollar Scholars fraternity members Caulfield (Evan Paley), and twins Roger (Aaron Rhodes) and Dodger (Austin Rhodes). Seven Minutes in Hell was watched live by 2.59 million U.S and got a 1.0/3 rating/share in the", "title": "Seven Minutes in Hell" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.94, "text": "Tales of Halloween Tales of Halloween is a 2015 American horror comedy film anthology consisting of ten interlocking segments, each revolving around the titular holiday. It was directed by Neil Marshall, Darren Lynn Bousman, Axelle Carolyn, Lucky McKee, Andrew Kasch, Paul Solet, John Skipp, Adam Gierasch, Jace Anderson, Mike Mendez, Ryan Schifrin, and Dave Parker. The film had its world premiere on July 24, 2015, at the Fantasia International Film Festival. It was released in a limited release and through video on demand on October 16, 2015, by Epic Pictures. The ten stories take place in a suburban American town", "title": "Tales of Halloween" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.83, "text": "discs, and five extra discs featuring the television versions of \"\"Halloween\"\" and \"\"Halloween II\"\", the never-before released \"\"Halloween 6: The Producer's Cut\"\", a bonus disc to Rob Zombie's \"\"Halloween\"\", and a bonus disc containing all-new special features from all ten films. The box set won the 2015 Saturn Award for Best DVD/BD Collection Release. Halloween (franchise) Halloween is an American horror franchise that consists of eleven films, as well as novels, comic books, merchandise, and a video game. The franchise primarily focuses on Michael Myers who was committed to a sanitarium as a child for the murder of his sister,", "title": "Halloween (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.78, "text": "the whole month of October. From 1998-2004, the block consisted mainly of made-for-TV movies aimed at an older audience, such as \"\"\"\", \"\"The Haunting of Seacliff Inn\"\", \"\"Lost Souls\"\", \"\"The Spiral Staircase\"\", \"\"When Good Ghouls Go Bad\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"Tower of Terror\"\", \"\"The Hollow\"\", and \"\"\"\", and Halloween themed specials such as \"\"Scariest Places on Earth\"\" and \"\"Ghost Stories\"\". Then starting in 2006, the lineup shifted more towards feature films aimed at a younger audience such as \"\"Hocus Pocus\"\", \"\"The Haunted Mansion\"\", \"\"The Addams Family\"\" and its sequel, \"\"Monsters, Inc.\"\", and the \"\"Harry Potter\"\" film series. The programming block was not", "title": "31 Nights of Halloween" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.77, "text": "close to Halloween as possible, screening films on multiple screens and theaters. The event focuses on newer genre films and has acted as a premiere venue for many films in Finland. Maximum Halloween also usually screens a selection of old classics and documentaries. The 2014 Maximum Halloween screened 45 feature length films and documentaries in three different theaters, along with a selection of short films during the five-day event. The event has featured films such as Saw, The Descent, Reeker, Near Dark, Tokyo Gore Police, The Forbidden Door, The Disappearance of Alice Creed, Profondo Rosso, Shogun Assassin and many more", "title": "Night Visions (film festival)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.77, "text": "Halloweentown (film series) Halloweentown is a series of four fantasy Disney Channel Original Movies released by the Disney Channel between 1998 and 2006. It consists of four films: \"\"Halloweentown\"\" (1998), \"\"\"\" (2001), \"\"Halloweentown High\"\" (2004), and \"\"Return to Halloweentown\"\" (2006) as well as one Theatrical film by Walt Disney Pictures. \"\"Halloweentown\"\" proposes that fantasy beings such as witches, warlocks, vampires, werewolves, mummies, ghosts, trolls, ogres, zombies, Pumpkin Heads (a race of people with jack-o'-lanterns for heads), skeletons, goblins, humanoids with varying numbers of heads, humanoids with varying number of limbs, and humanoids with varying number of sensory organs are real,", "title": "Halloweentown (film series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.67, "text": "from previous years. ABC Family rebranded itself as Freeform in 2016, but continued airing 13 Nights of Halloween. 13 Nights of Halloween lineup was released on September 14, 2016. The 2016 line up features films such as \"\"Hocus Pocus\"\", \"\"Corpse Bride\"\", \"\"Scooby-Doo\"\", \"\"\"\", \"\"Monsters University\"\", \"\"Practical Magic\"\", and \"\"Death Becomes Her\"\". The line up for Halloween day includes Steven Spielberg's classic \"\"The Goonies\"\", \"\"The Addams Family\"\", \"\"Addams Family Values\"\", and two back to back airings of Disney's cult classic \"\"Hocus Pocus\"\". Ratings for 2016's 13 Nights were overall down. \"\"Hocus Pocus\"\" was the highest rated film, with its highest viewing", "title": "31 Nights of Halloween" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.59, "text": "a film titled \"\"The Clinton Chronicles\"\", which contains a list of people who were linked to President Bill Clinton who either died mysteriously or who was murdered. One of the most recognizable films produced in conjunction with Chuck Smith and Caryl Matrisciana is titled \"\"Halloween: Trick or Treat\"\", the first in a 13-part series titled \"\"The Pagan Invasion\"\". Another noteworthy title is \"\"The God Makers\"\" film, released in 1982, along with its sequel \"\"The God Makers II\"\" released five years later. The company produces a variety of videos, including \"\"Baby Parts For Sale\"\", an \"\"investigation into the multimillion-dollar-a-year baby parts", "title": "Jeremiah Films" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.5, "text": "a DVD release in the future. Following the first Blu-ray release of the original \"\"Halloween\"\", all other films in the series were subsequently released to Blu-ray, as well. Home video distributors Anchor Bay Entertainment and Scream Factory released \"\"Halloween: The Complete Collection\"\" to Blu-ray on September 23, 2014. This box set brings together all ten \"\"Halloween\"\" films released to date. Two versions of \"\"The Complete Collection\"\" were released: a standard 10-disc set featuring the first eight original films of the series and Rob Zombie's 2007 and 2009 remakes, and a \"\"Limited Edition\"\" 15-disc set, containing the ten films on ten", "title": "Halloween (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.5, "text": "many theatres at Halloween well into the 20th century. The film had its premiere on 21 October 1911 in Vienna. According to the producers the film had a length of around 600 metres, on 35 mm cellulose nitrate film. The drama was filmed in 19 scenes, and at a projection speed of 16 frames per second, common in early silent films, lasted 21 minutes and 50 seconds. Although the Filmarchiv Austria, which preserves the film, has 150 metres less, the action of the film is nevertheless complete, although the ends of the individual reels are too abrupt, and the end", "title": "Der Müller und sein Kind" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.33, "text": "around exaggeratedly. The game's primary similarity to the film is the theme music that plays when the killer appears onscreen. \"\"Halloween\"\" spawned seven sequels. Of these films, only the first sequel was written by Carpenter and Hill. It begins exactly where \"\"Halloween\"\" ends and was intended to finish the story of Michael Myers and Laurie Strode. Carpenter did not direct any of the subsequent films in the \"\"Halloween\"\" series, although he did produce \"\"\"\", the plot of which is unrelated to the other films in the series due to the absence of Michael Myers. He, along with Alan Howarth, also", "title": "Halloween (1978 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.23, "text": "internationally, on stations such as the Canadian digital channel Scream for Halloween 2004, and the Belgian channel Canvas in 2008. In 2017, \"\"Ghostwatch\"\" was added to the American streaming video service Shudder. There have been two UK home video releases. In 2002, the British Film Institute released a 10th Anniversary edition on VHS and DVD, and in 2011, 101 Films issued a DVD release. In 2016, BBC Store made the film available as part of the \"\"Frightmares\"\" collection, marking Halloween. A retrospective documentary, \"\"\"\", based on the film's lasting impact, was released on DVD in 2013 (having been in production", "title": "Ghostwatch" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.2, "text": "about a 7, here's about a 6, and the scene we're going to shoot tonight is about a 9\"\", remembered Curtis. She had different facial expressions and scream volumes for each level on the meter. Carpenter's direction for Castle in his role as Myers was minimal. For example, when Castle asked what Myers' motivation was for a particular scene, Carpenter replied that his motivation was to walk from one set marker to another and \"\"not act.\"\" By Carpenter's account the only direction he gave Castle was during the murder sequence of Bob, in which he told Castle to tilt his", "title": "Halloween (1978 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.2, "text": "air throughout the whole month of October. The full lineup includes classics like \"\"Edward Scissorhands\"\", \"\"Toy Story of Terror!\"\", \"\"ParaNorman\"\", \"\"The Witches of Eastwick\"\", \"\"Monster House\"\", \"\"Hotel Transylvania\"\", \"\"Monsters, Inc.\"\", \"\"Monsters University\"\", \"\"The Haunted Mansion\"\", \"\"The Nightmare Before Christmas\"\", \"\"Clue\"\", and The Addams Family. The entire marathon will then conclude with six back-to-back screenings of \"\"Hocus Pocus\"\" on October 31. There will also be several nostalgic flicks with no Halloween tie-in featuring \"\"Mulan\"\", \"\"Bolt\"\", \"\"The Goonies\"\", \"\"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory\"\", \"\"The Hunchback of Notre Dame\"\", \"\"Frozen\"\", \"\"The Breakfast Club\"\", \"\"Jurassic Park\"\", \"\"Big Hero 6\"\", \"\"Mr. Mom\"\", \"\"Willy Wonka and", "title": "31 Nights of Halloween" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.12, "text": "movie, \"\"Dark Night of the Scarecrow\"\" brought the genre to the small screen. Two sequels had bigger body counts and more gore than their predecessors, but not higher box office intakes; \"\"Friday the 13th Part 2\"\" sold 7.8 million tickets and \"\"Halloween II\"\" sold 9.2 million; both sequels sold around half of their original film's tickets, though they were still very popular (\"\"Halloween II\"\" was the second highest-grossing horror film of the year behind \"\"An American Werewolf in London\"\"). Independent companies churned out slasher films \"\"Final Exam\"\", \"\"Bloody Birthday\"\", \"\"Hell Night\"\", \"\"Don't Go in the Woods... Alone!\"\", Wes Craven's \"\"Deadly", "title": "Slasher film" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.06, "text": "Due to the death of (Debbie Reynolds) it is wether or not if the character Aggie Cromwell will return. It will be released Theatrically. Halloweentown (film series) Halloweentown is a series of four fantasy Disney Channel Original Movies released by the Disney Channel between 1998 and 2006. It consists of four films: \"\"Halloweentown\"\" (1998), \"\"\"\" (2001), \"\"Halloweentown High\"\" (2004), and \"\"Return to Halloweentown\"\" (2006) as well as one Theatrical film by Walt Disney Pictures. \"\"Halloweentown\"\" proposes that fantasy beings such as witches, warlocks, vampires, werewolves, mummies, ghosts, trolls, ogres, zombies, Pumpkin Heads (a race of people with jack-o'-lanterns for heads),", "title": "Halloweentown (film series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.02, "text": "the Chocolate Factory\"\", \"\"The Parent Trap\"\" and \"\"Mrs. Doubtfire\"\". Multiple Halloween themes episodes of \"\"The Middle\"\" will also air. A \"\"Hocus Pocus\"\" 25th Anniversary Halloween Bash special premiered on the network on October 20, as part of the 31 Nights of Halloween lineup. Original stars from the movie, Bette Middler, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Najimy and more will all be joining the special. Vanessa Hudgens and Jordan Fisher hosted and there are special performances by Dove Cameron, Jordin Sparks and more. The special was the most-watched show of the 2018 edition of \"\"31 Nights of Halloween\"\", with over 1,397,000 people", "title": "31 Nights of Halloween" } ]
who hit the most home runs in 2012?
[ "Ryan Braun" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.25, "text": "of the 12th, to take the series' first game. Despite the loss, Ibañez's clutch homers in both the ALDS and ALCS brought him distinction as the only player to ever hit three home runs in the ninth inning or later in one postseason. This was Derek Jeter's 158th and final playoff game. Before getting injured, Jeter record his 200th career postseason hit which is still the most all-time. Sunday, October 14, 2012 – 4:07 p.m. (EDT) at Yankee Stadium in Bronx, New York Hiroki Kuroda retired the first 15 Detroit Tigers he faced and held the Tigers scoreless through six", "title": "2012 American League Championship Series" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.12, "text": "regular season games, an MLB record for the most team games with a home run in a single season. \"\"Note: Pos = position\"\" On April 13 the Yankees won their home opener against the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim for the 14th time in the last 15 seasons. On April 20, against their arch-rival Boston Red Sox during the 100th Anniversary of Fenway Park, Alex Rodriguez hit his 631st career home-run, passing former teammate Ken Griffey, Jr. for sole possession of 5th on the all-time list. On July 23, the Yankees agreed to a trade that acquired Ichiro Suzuki from", "title": "2012 New York Yankees season" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25, "text": "the game; and Ryan Braun hit the next pitch for a walk-off homer. This is the only major league game to begin and end with back-to-back homers. The record for consecutive home runs by a batter under any circumstances is four. Of the sixteen players (through 2012) who have hit four in one game, six have hit them consecutively. Twenty-eight other batters have hit four consecutive across two games. Bases on balls do not count as at-bats, and Ted Williams holds the record for consecutive home runs across the most games, four in four games played, during September 17–22, 1957,", "title": "Home run" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.61, "text": "player on September 30, 2018 On June 27, 2010, David Ortiz of the Boston Red Sox became the first American League player to hit a splash hit. The only other AL players who have done it are Mitch Moreland of the Texas Rangers on June 9, 2012 and Adam Dunn of the Chicago White Sox on August 13, 2014. Barry Bonds is the Giant who has hit the most home runs into \"\"The Cove\"\" as Giants fans call it and is the only one to have had hit 2 splash hits in one game (a feat he accomplished twice). Behind", "title": "AT&T Park" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.28, "text": "4 RBI, getting a hit in every single game. Willingham singled in the 9th inning of a game on April 21, 2012 to tie Kirby Puckett's franchise record of getting a hit in the first 15 games of the season. On May 29, Willingham hit a two-out, three-run, walk-off HR against the Athletics. By mid-June, Willingham had hit 14 home runs before finishing the season with a career high 35 Willingham's home run total tied him with Bob Allison's 35 home runs in 1963 for the most by a Minnesota Twin (following their move in 1961) not named Harmon Killebrew.", "title": "Josh Willingham" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.25, "text": "home runs by Blue Jays catchers (John Buck hit 20 in 2010). While playing at home against the Tampa Bay Rays on August 29, Arencibia stole a base, his first career stolen base on his first attempt. In a game against the Boston Red Sox on September 7, Arencibia hit his 21st home run of the season, breaking a tie with John Buck for most home runs by a Blue Jays' catcher in a single season. He led all major league catchers in passed balls in 2011, with 12. On Opening Day 2012, Arencibia hit a game-winning 3-run home run", "title": "J. P. Arencibia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.14, "text": "in a three-game set, but not without a historical moment. During the second game of the series on August 18, Adam Dunn hit his 400th career home run. With Konerko also hitting his milestone number 400 back in April, they became the first pair of teammates to hit 400th home runs in the same season in MLB history. The Sox came back home to face the eventual AL East Champion Yankees for three games and the eventual last place finish in AL West Mariners for three games. The Sox swept the mighty Yankees and Mariners to secure their perfect 6-0", "title": "2012 Chicago White Sox season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.03, "text": "concluded the season with 16 home runs and 62 RBIs in 99 games, ending his major league-record streak of 13 straight seasons of 30 homers and 100 RBIs. Rodriguez hit his 23rd career grand slam off Atlanta Braves relief pitcher Jonny Venters on June 12, 2012, which tied Lou Gehrig for the most in MLB history. In a road loss versus the Seattle Mariners on July 24, 2012, Rodriguez took a hit to the hand during an eighth inning at bat versus Seattle starting pitcher Félix Hernández. The injury was later described as a non-displaced fracture. Rodriguez was placed on", "title": "Alex Rodriguez" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.02, "text": "consecutive homers across two Series games. In Game 3 of the World Series in 2011, Albert Pujols hit three home runs to tie the record with Babe Ruth and Reggie Jackson. The St. Louis Cardinals went on to win the World Series in Game 7 at Busch Stadium. In Game 1 of the World Series in 2012, Pablo Sandoval of the San Francisco Giants hit three home runs on his first three at-bats of the Series, also tying the record with Pujols, Jackson, and Ruth. Nomar Garciaparra holds the record for consecutive home runs in the shortest time in terms", "title": "Home run" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.73, "text": "game against the Kansas City Royals on August 18, Dunn hit his 35th home run of the season and 400th in his career when he connected on a two-run shot in the eighth inning, becoming the 50th MLB player to hit 400 career home runs. Dunn finished the 2012 season with a .204 batting average, 41 home runs, and 96 RBI. He also led the majors with walks (105) and strikeouts (222). He became only the 3rd player to join the 200 strikeout club and his number of strikeouts established a new American League record, falling just one short of", "title": "Adam Dunn" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.67, "text": "a Cleveland Indians uniform. On April 15, 2012, Hafner hit a home run off of Kansas City Royals starting pitcher Luis Mendoza that was estimated at 456 feet. It was the longest homer hit at Kauffman Stadium since 2001. When Hafner was placed on the injured list in May for surgery to repair an injured right knee, it was his sixth appearance on the list in the last five seasons. Against the Detroit Tigers on August 5, Hafner a solo home run in the 10th inning, his 200th home run of his career. He was again placed on the disabled", "title": "Travis Hafner" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.56, "text": "games which ties Derek Dukart (1994) for the third longest hitting streak at NU since 1958. Freshman Pat Kelly's 7th home run of the season propelled Nebraska to victory for the second straight game the Golden Gophers, as the Huskers held on to an 8-7 victory. His seven home runs this season are the most by a NU freshman since Alex Gordon hit seven in 2003. Behind three solo home runs, Nebraska secured the Huskers' first sweep of a conference foe since NU swept Texas Tech at Hawks Field to end the 2010 season and put an exclamation point on", "title": "2012 Nebraska Cornhuskers baseball team" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.47, "text": "in the Midwest League. On September 19, David Freese and Yadier Molina hit their 20th home runs of the seasons. It marked the first time in Cardinals' history that five players have hit 20 home runs in a season, with the shutout win against the Houston Astros. Carlos Beltrán (29), Matt Holliday (27), and Allen Craig (21) reached 20 previously. On September 20, the Cardinals went over the 3 million attendance figure for the ninth consecutive year. On September 21, Chris Carpenter returned to the rotation for the first time this season after surgery in July, refuting doctors' predictions of", "title": "2012 St. Louis Cardinals season" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.45, "text": "games in 2012, but he was selected to his second-straight All-Star Game. Then, in Game 1 of the 2012 World Series, he joined Babe Ruth, Reggie Jackson, and Albert Pujols as the only players to hit three home runs in a World Series Game. For his contributions, Sandoval was named the World Series Most Valuable Player as the Giants swept the Detroit Tigers. In 2013, he appeared in 141 games, batting .278 with 14 home runs and 79 RBI. A free agent after the 2014 season, Sandoval signed a five-year contract with the Red Sox that offseason. Due to poor", "title": "Pablo Sandoval" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.42, "text": "leader, who did it in his 831st game. On September 16, Braun hit his 200th career home run in his 867th game, against the New York Mets, faster than all but four active players in the Majors (Ryan Howard, Albert Pujols, Adam Dunn, and Alex Rodriguez). In his following at bat, Braun hit another home run, his 40th of the year, the first time he had reached the 40-home-run mark. In 2012, Braun led the National League in home runs (41), runs scored (108), total bases (356), and power-speed number (34.6), and led the league in OPS (.987) and extra-base", "title": "Ryan Braun" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.39, "text": "score of 12-3 hammering out 15 hits before Louisiana tech came for a 4-game series. Nebraska won game 1 9-2 as Cory Burleson hit an inside-the-park home run, the first one by a Husker since Jake Mullinax hit one against West Virginia at the 2004 Dairy Queen Classic at the Metrodome in Minneapolis, Minn. The next day there was plenty of offense against the Bulldogs with 24 hits in a 22-3 win which is the most runs in over eight years, as they also scored 22 in a win over Kent State at the Ultimate Dugout Baseball Fiesta in Albuquerque,", "title": "2012 Nebraska Cornhuskers baseball team" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.38, "text": "an 8–3 victory. Pablo Sandoval went four-for-four, driving in four runs on three home runs. He joined Babe Ruth (in 1926 and 1928), Reggie Jackson (in 1977) and Albert Pujols (in 2011) as the only players to ever hit three home runs in one World Series game. Sandoval became the first to hit three homers in Game 1 of a World Series and homer in his first three plate appearances. Tigers ace pitcher Justin Verlander lasted only four innings, giving up five Giant runs. Sandoval's first two homers came off Verlander, a two-out home run in the first and two-run", "title": "2012 World Series" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.3, "text": "of the Year, while starting pitcher Masahiro Tanaka finished 5th. The 2015 season saw the Yankees make the playoffs for the first time since 2012. In his return from suspension, Rodriguez hit 33 home runs, his most since 2008, and tied Hank Aaron's record of fifteen 30-homer seasons. Teixeira hit 31 home runs before a hit-by-pitch ended his season in August. Rookie first baseman Greg Bird had an impressive showing in Teixeira's place, hitting 11 home runs in 46 games, while rookie starting pitcher Luis Severino went 5-3 with a 2.89 ERA in 62.1 innings after getting called up in", "title": "New York Yankees" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.28, "text": "second baseman to have hit 30 or more home runs in more than three seasons. Uggla was named National League Player of the Month for August; for the month, he was tied for the Major League and led all National Leaguers with 10 home runs. He also had 21 RBI, 33 hits, a .340 (33-for-97) batting average and a .670 slugging percentage with a .405 on-base percentage. In 2011, Uggla hit a career high 36 HR. On defense, he tied for the Major League lead in errors by a second baseman, with 15. In 2012, Uggla performed poorly, with a", "title": "Dan Uggla" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.27, "text": "runs for 2012, hitting his 25th on June 27 against the Boston Red Sox, which broke the Blue Jays club record for home runs in a month, with 13. He went on to finish the month with 14 home runs, one short of the American League record for June. Bautista was voted an American League starter in the All-Star Game for the second consecutive year and his third overall All-Star selection. Hamilton surpassed Bautista's record vote total of the prior year. On July 2, Bautista was named American League Player of the Month for June. It was his fifth time", "title": "José Bautista" } ]
7. what is the name of the grinch's dog?
[ "Max" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.67, "text": "The only one who isn't amused is a cantankerous, green furred creature called The Grinch, who has a heart \"\"two sizes too small\"\" and lives in a cave on the top of Mount Crumpit just north of Whoville. The Grinch's only friend is his loyal pet dog Max and they both only visit Whoville when the Grinch needs to buy food and do bad things. Meanwhile, 6-year-old Cindy Lou Who notices that her mother Donna is overworked trying to take care of herself and her twin infant brothers, Buster and Bean. She at first decides to send a letter to", "title": "The Grinch (film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.73, "text": "snouts and twelve toes. In the live-action film, the fur was missing from the Whos. Just north of Whoville, atop a high mountain, Mount Crumpit, a bitter, cave-dwelling creature named the Grinch lives with his dog Max. Cindy Lou Who is a generous young girl who was introduced in the book \"\"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\"\" In the 2000 live action film, \"\"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\"\" she is played by actress Taylor Momsen. The Grinch is a fictional, green colored creature with a cat-like face and cynical personality. He lives in isolation upon Mt. Crumpet with his dog Max.", "title": "Whoville" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.25, "text": "the breed was identified as a vulnerable native breed by Kennel Club of Great Britain which are described as having annual registration figures of less than 300 per year. In 2008, only 56 puppies were registered. In 2009 a Sussex Spaniel named \"\"Clussexx Three D Grinchy Glee,\"\" call name \"\"Stump,\"\" won best in show at the 133rd Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. At 10 years old, Stump is the oldest dog to win this title. The breed is more popular in the United States than any other country. It is recognised by the Continental Kennel Club, Fédération Cynologique Internationale, American", "title": "Sussex Spaniel" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.05, "text": "Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat\"\". Max, the Grinch's dog, and the Grinch himself also appear in the children's puppet show \"\"The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss\"\". The Grinch, Cindy Lou Who, and Max, appear in \"\"Seussical\"\", a musical which takes it plot from several Dr. Seuss books. How the Grinch Stole Christmas! How the Grinch Stole Christmas! is a children's story by Theodor \"\"Dr. Seuss\"\" Geisel written in rhymed verse with illustrations by the author. It follows the Grinch, a grouchy, solitary creature who attempts to put an end to Christmas by stealing Christmas-themed items from the homes", "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.02, "text": "2011, at the 135th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, 5-year-old \"\"GCH Foxcliffe Hickory Wind\"\" became the first of her breed (Scottish Deerhound) to capture the Best in Show award. The oldest dog to win Best in Show was a Sussex Spaniel named \"\"Ch. Clussexx Three D Grinchy Glee\"\" (a.k.a. Stump), at 10 years of age in 2009. The youngest dog to win was a Rough Collie named \"\"Laund Loyalty of Bellhaven\"\", at 9 months old in 1929. One dog, a Smooth Fox Terrier named \"\"Ch. Warren Remedy\"\" won Best in Show three times (1907–1909), and six other dogs have won", "title": "Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.02, "text": "narrator. The Grinch (voiced by Boris Karloff) is the film's main character. He lives in a cave atop Mt. Crumpit, located above the village of Whoville. The Grinch is a surly character with a heart \"\"two sizes too small\"\" who has especially hated Christmas for 53 years. On Christmas Eve, he finally becomes fed up with seeing the decorations and hearing all the music and caroling in the village and wishes he could stop Christmas Day from coming to Whoville. When he sees his dog, Max, with snow all over his face in the shape of a hat and beard,", "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (TV special)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.84, "text": "Clussexx Three D Grinchy Glee Ch. Clussexx Three D Grinchy Glee (December 1, 1998-September 25, 2012), also known as Stump, was a 50 lb. male Sussex Spaniel from Houston, Texas, who was named the 2009 Best In Show winner at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Stump is the first of his breed to be awarded that honor and, at 10 years old, the oldest to win the prize. Clussexx Three D Grinchy Glee was sired by Ch. Three D Genghis Khan, and his dam was Ch. Clussexx Sprinkled With Dew; his breeders were Douglas Horn, Douglas Johnson and Dee", "title": "Clussexx Three D Grinchy Glee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.84, "text": "Time\"\" list. Grinch The Grinch is a fictional character created by Dr. Seuss. He is best known as the main character of the children's book \"\"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\"\" (1957). He has been played by many different actors, including: Boris Karloff, Hans Conried, Jim Carrey and Benedict Cumberbatch. The Grinch is depicted as a hairy, pot-bellied, pear-shaped, snub-nosed creature with a cat-like face and cynical personality. In full-color adaptations, he is typically colored avocado green. He has spent the past 53 years living in seclusion on a cliff overlooking the town of Whoville. In contrast to the cheerful Whos,", "title": "Grinch" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.83, "text": "Grinch The Grinch is a fictional character created by Dr. Seuss. He is best known as the main character of the children's book \"\"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!\"\" (1957). He has been played by many different actors, including: Boris Karloff, Hans Conried, Jim Carrey and Benedict Cumberbatch. The Grinch is depicted as a hairy, pot-bellied, pear-shaped, snub-nosed creature with a cat-like face and cynical personality. In full-color adaptations, he is typically colored avocado green. He has spent the past 53 years living in seclusion on a cliff overlooking the town of Whoville. In contrast to the cheerful Whos, the Grinch", "title": "Grinch" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.81, "text": "is misanthropic and mean-tempered, with a heart that is \"\"two sizes too small\"\". He especially hates the Christmas season, making particular note of how disturbing the various noises of Christmastime are to him, including the singing of Christmas carols. Unable to stand the holiday any longer, he decides to destroy it once and for all. Aided by his pet dog, Max, he disguises himself as Santa Claus and breaks into the Whos' homes to steal everything they own and dump it off a nearby mountain. Although he pulls off the theft successfully, on Christmas morning, he is shocked to hear", "title": "Grinch" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.53, "text": "by Illumination Entertainment, starring Benedict Cumberbatch as the title character. The Grinch has since become an icon of Christmas and the winter holidays, despite the character's hatred of the season. Over the years he has appeared on various forms of memorabilia such as Christmas ornaments, plush dolls, and various clothing items. The grumpy, anti-holiday spirit of the character has led to the term \"\"Grinch\"\" coming to refer to a person opposed to Christmas time celebrations or to someone with a coarse, greedy attitude. In 2002, \"\"TV Guide\"\" ranked The Grinch number 5 on its \"\"50 Greatest Cartoon Characters of All", "title": "Grinch" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.48, "text": "high mountain just north of the town of Whoville, home of the merry and warm-hearted Whos. His only companion is his unloved, but loyal dog, Max. From his cave, the Grinch can hear the noisy Christmas festivities that take place in Whoville. Continuously annoyed, he devises a wicked scheme to steal their presents, trees, and food for their Christmas feast. He crudely disguises himself as Santa Claus, and forces Max, disguised as a reindeer, to drag a sleigh down the mountain towards Whoville. Once at Whoville, the Grinch slides down the chimney of one house and steals all of the", "title": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.36, "text": "the perfect nights for a Grinch Night. Later, Euchariah, a polite little Who with a slight astigmatism, goes to use the outhouse (referred to as \"\"the euphemism\"\" in the story), but is swept away to Mt. Crumpit by the wind. On the road he encounters the Grinch, who is busy picking Brickles out of his fur after failing to hunt down the \"\"Wuzzy Woozoo\"\". Along with the Grinch's dog, Max, who is in the process of bringing a large wagon called the \"\"Paraphernalia Wagon\"\" down to Whoville. Euchariah decides to stall the Grinch from reaching Whoville. After some persistence from", "title": "Halloween Is Grinch Night" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.28, "text": "the Grinch's house. There, he leads a barbershop quartet with four 20-year-old men (50-inch tall Pablo or Daniel, Tenor C4-C6, 70-inch tall Tony or Mario, Lead C3-C5, 80-inch tall Claude or Joshua, Baritone G2-G4, and 70-inch tall Pedro or Gerald, Bass C2-C4) and a string octet with four women and four men (Two Violins, Two Violas, Two Cellos, and Two Double Basses) in a song to remind the Grinch of all of the love he received from his mother and implore him to change his ways and be a better person, using his umbrella as a conductor's baton. The Grinch,", "title": "The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.23, "text": "heart will swell, though maybe just one or two sizes.\"\" In a rhyming review for \"\"Exclaim\"\", Alex Hudson gave the film 7/10 and wrote, \"\"The original \"\"Grinch\"\" is a holiday classic / The Jim Carrey remake couldn't capture the magic. / This new one is not as good as the first / But the message is sweet, so it isn't the worst.\"\" Glenn Kenny of \"\"The New York Times\"\" wrote, \"\"Said dog, Max, is the most charming character in this version, directed by Scott Mosier and Yarrow Cheney. The filmmakers keep the visuals merry and popping bright. Benedict Cumberbatch, voicing", "title": "The Grinch (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.22, "text": "to return home and do little traveling following his victory, although his owner expected some travel representing the club and participating in publicity for Angel on a Leash, a New York-based program which sends therapy dogs into hospitals. According to \"\"The Wall Street Journal\"\", as of May 2009 Stump has accumulated over 440,000 miles from Continental Airlines frequent flyer program. Stump sired three pups named Root, Forest and Myrtle. Doug Johnson, Stump's co-breeder, also bred Brady, the Clumber Spaniel who won Westminster's Best in Show award in 1996. He died on September 25, 2012. Stump won the Sporting Group at", "title": "Clussexx Three D Grinchy Glee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.83, "text": "Show\"\" in part because judges felt he had a \"\"cheerful and tractable disposition\"\" in keeping with the breed's standard. Among the front-runners Stump defeated were Tiger Woods the Scottish deerhound, Spirit the Giant Schnauzer and Lincoln the Brussels griffon. Judge Tietjen, who did not make her decision to crown Stump the victor until the last moment, said: “I didn’t know who he was or how old he was. He’s just everything that you’d want in the breed, and I couldn’t say no to him.” Stump became the oldest dog to win the title, a distinction previously held by Kirby, an", "title": "Clussexx Three D Grinchy Glee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.72, "text": "on December 2, 2011 until December 9, 2013. The Grinch wakes up in a good mood one morning until his reflection in the mirror prompts him to repeat the \"\"Grinch's Oath\"\" and prove himself a Grinch. Meanwhile, the Cat in the Hat goes on a picnic. Their paths cross when the Grinch can't get his car around the Cat's, and things quickly escalate into a fierce car chase after the Cat unintentionally insults the Grinch by calling him \"\"Mr. Greenface.\"\" The Cat returns to the safety of his house, but the Grinch follows him there and tampers with his voice", "title": "The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.64, "text": "Duffy. He was nicknamed \"\"Stump\"\" because he was brown, had stubby legs and resembled a tree stump. Stump was owned by Cecilia Ruggles and Beth Dowd and handled by Scott Sommer, with whom he lived in Houston along with J.R., a Bichon Frise who won the Westminster Dog Show in 2001 and is also trained by Sommer. Stump won the Sporting Group at Westminster in 2004, a year that saw him accumulate 50 \"\"best in show\"\" wins. After those victories, he was retired from competition. In January 2006 Stump was hospitalized with a serious illness, with what in retrospect turned", "title": "Clussexx Three D Grinchy Glee" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.61, "text": "Seduction, the Bearded Collie GCH Tolkien Raintree Mister Baggins, and the Smooth Fox Terrier GCH Slyfox Sneak's A Peek. Her odds prior to winning Best in Show were placed at 60-1. However, these were not the longest odds of a recent Best in Show winner; in 2009, a Sussex Spaniel named Ch. Clussexx Three D Grinchy Glee came out of retirement to win at odds of 275-1. Paolo Dondina, the Best in Show judge and first Italian to judge the prize, said of Hickory, \"\"This one feels perfectly the standard in all the ways, I am a hound person. I", "title": "Foxcliffe Hickory Wind" } ]
as a region which part of the us produces the most hydropower?
[ "Columbia River basin" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21, "text": "the Asia-Pacific region generating 32 percent of global hydropower in 2010. China is the largest hydroelectricity producer, with 721 terawatt-hours of production in 2010, representing around 17 percent of domestic electricity use. There are now three hydroelectricity plants larger than 10 GW: the Three Gorges Dam in China, Itaipu Dam across the Brazil/Paraguay border, and Guri Dam in Venezuela. The cost of hydroelectricity is relatively low, making it a competitive source of renewable electricity. The average cost of electricity from a hydro plant larger than 10 megawatts is 3 to 5 U.S. cents per kilowatt-hour. Hydro is also a flexible", "title": "Energy development" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.86, "text": "are also the largest in the United States. As of 2017, Grand Coulee is the fifth largest hydroelectric plant in the world. Inexpensive hydropower supported the location of a large aluminum industry in the region, because its reduction from bauxite requires large amounts of electricity. Until 2000, the Northwestern United States produced up to 17 percent of the world's aluminum and 40 percent of the aluminum produced in the United States. The commoditization of power in the early 21st century, coupled with drought that reduced the generation capacity of the river, damaged the industry and by 2001, Columbia River aluminum", "title": "Columbia River" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.42, "text": "wind power. The ranking of hydro-electric capacity is either by actual annual energy production or by installed capacity power rating. In 2015 hydropower generated 16.6% of the worlds total electricity and 70% of all renewable electricity. Hydropower is produced in 150 countries, with the Asia-Pacific region generated 32 percent of global hydropower in 2010. China is the largest hydroelectricity producer, with 721 terawatt-hours of production in 2010, representing around 17 percent of domestic electricity use. Brazil, Canada, New Zealand, Norway, Paraguay, Austria, Switzerland, and Venezuela have a majority of the internal electric energy production from hydroelectric power. Paraguay produces 100%", "title": "Hydroelectricity" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.28, "text": "150 countries, with the Asia-Pacific region generating 32 percent of global hydropower in 2010. For countries having the largest percentage of electricity from renewables, the top 50 are primarily hydroelectric. China is the largest hydroelectricity producer, with 721 terawatt-hours of production in 2010, representing around 17 percent of domestic electricity use. There are now three hydroelectricity stations larger than 10 GW: the Three Gorges Dam in China, Itaipu Dam across the Brazil/Paraguay border, and Guri Dam in Venezuela. Wave power, which captures the energy of ocean surface waves, and tidal power, converting the energy of tides, are two forms of", "title": "Renewable energy" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.28, "text": "2015. The amount of hydroelectric power generated is strongly affected by changes in precipitation and surface runoff. Hydroelectric stations exist in at least 34 US states. The largest concentration of hydroelectric generation in the US is in the Columbia River basin, which in 2012 was the source of 44% of the nation’s hydroelectricity. Hydroelectricity projects such as Hoover Dam, Grand Coulee Dam, and the Tennessee Valley Authority have become iconic large construction projects. Of note, however, is that California does not consider power generated from large hydroelectric facilities (facilities greater than 30 megawatts) to meet its strictest definition of \"\"renewable\"\",", "title": "Hydroelectric power in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.05, "text": "total renewable power in the U.S. The United States is the fourth largest producer of hydroelectricity in the world after China, Canada and Brazil. The Grand Coulee Dam is the 5th largest hydroelectric power station in the world. U.S. wind power installed capacity now exceeds 65,000 MW and supplies 4% of the nation's electricity. Texas is firmly established as the leader in wind power development, followed by Iowa and California. The U.S. has some of the largest solar farms in the world. Solar Star is a 579 megawatt (MW) farm near Rosamond, California. The Desert Sunlight Solar Farm is a", "title": "Energy in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.03, "text": "countries/regions which use most (83%). In developing countries fuel consumption per person is low and more renewable. Canada, Venezuela and Brazil generate most electricity with hydropower. In Africa 32 of the 48 nations are declared to be in an energy crisis by the World Bank. See Energy in Africa. The next table shows countries consuming most (83%) in the European Union, and Norway. The last four countries generate electricity largely renewable. For more details in Europe see Energy in Germany, Energy in France, etc. Some fuel and electricity is used to construct, maintain and demolish/recycle installations that produce fuel and", "title": "Worldwide energy supply" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.98, "text": "climate of dry, warm summers and cold winters of central Washington, the state has led the U.S. in apple production since the 1920s. Two areas account for the vast majority of the state's apple crop: the Wenatchee–Okanogan region (comprising Chelan, Okanogan, Douglas, and Grant counties), and the Yakima region (Yakima, Benton and Kittitas counties). Washington is the leading producer of hydroelectric power in the U.S. Hydroelectricity makes up over half of electricity state's electric generation and nearly 35% of its total energy consumption. Employment by industry in Washington At $43 billion, real estate and rental leasing forms 12.14% of total", "title": "Economy of Washington (state)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.97, "text": "Hydroelectric power in the United States Hydroelectric power stations in the United States are currently the largest renewable source of energy, but the second for nominal capacity (behind Wind power in the United States). Hydroelectric power produced 35% of the total renewable electricity in the U.S. in 2015, and 6.1% of the total U.S. electricity. According to IEA the United States was the 4th largest producer of hydroelectric power in the world in 2008 after China, Canada and Brazil. Produced hydroelectricity was 282 TWh (2008). It was 8.6% of the world's total hydropower. The installed capacity was 80 GW in", "title": "Hydroelectric power in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.95, "text": "14,000 MW but was surpassed in 2008 by the Three Gorges Dam in China at 22,500 MW. Hydroelectricity would eventually supply some countries, including Norway, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Paraguay and Brazil, with over 85% of their electricity. The United States currently has over 2,000 hydroelectric power stations that supply 6.4% of its total electrical production output, which is 49% of its renewable electricity. The technical potential for the growth of hydropower around the world are, 71% Europe, 75% North America, 79% South America, 95% Africa, 95% Middle East, 82% Asia Pacific. The political realities of new reservoirs in", "title": "Hydroelectricity" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.78, "text": "others. The Amazon River system has about 13,000 km of waterways, but its possibilities for hydroelectric use are still unknown. Most of the continent's energy is generated through hydroelectric power plants, but there is also an important share of thermoelectric and wind energy. Brazil and Argentina are the only South American countries that generate nuclear power, each with two nuclear power plants. In 1991 these countries signed a peaceful nuclear cooperation agreement. South American transportation systems are still deficient, with low kilometric densities. The region has about 1,700,000 km of highways and 100,000 km of railways, which are concentrated in", "title": "South America" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.73, "text": "of height and flow. A wide range of Dams may be built to raise the water level, and create a lake for storing water. Hydropower is produced in 150 countries, with the Asia-Pacific region generating 32 percent of global hydropower in 2010. China is the largest hydroelectricity producer, with 721 terawatt-hours of production in 2010, representing around 17 percent of domestic electricity use. Solar energy can be turned into electricity either directly in solar cells, or in a concentrating solar power plant by focusing the light to run a heat engine. A solar photovoltaic power plant converts sunlight into direct", "title": "Power station" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.66, "text": "disaster struck when the region's largest hydropower station was partially destroyed in a landslide. This drastically reduced power production and put tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs at stake. In 1957, Congress passed the Niagara Redevelopment Act, which granted the New York Power Authority the right to fully develop the United States' share of the Niagara River's hydroelectric potential. In 1961, when the Niagara Falls hydroelectric project went online, it was the largest hydropower facility in the Western world. Today, Niagara is still the largest electricity producer in New York state, with a generating capacity of 2.4 gigawatts (million kilowatts).", "title": "Niagara Falls" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.66, "text": "use of the kinetic energy of falling or flowing water. In 2015 hydropower generated 16.6% of the world's total electricity and 70% of all renewable electricity, which continues the rapid rate of increase experienced between 2003 and 2009. Hydropower is produced in 150 countries, with the Asia-Pacific region generating 32 percent of global hydropower in 2010. China is the largest hydroelectricity producer, with of production in 2010, representing around 17% of domestic electricity use. There are now three hydroelectricity plants larger than 10 GW: the Three Gorges Dam in China, Itaipu Dam in Brazil, and Guri Dam in Venezuela. Nine", "title": "World energy consumption" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.64, "text": "generated by nuclear power plants; similarly, most regions of Canada are primarily powered with hydroelectricity, nuclear, or natural gas which have no or very low emissions at point of generation; and the state of California, where most energy comes from natural gas, hydroelectric and nuclear plants can also secure substantial emission benefits. The United Kingdom also has a significant potential to benefit from PEVs as natural gas plants dominate the generation mix. On the other hand, emission benefits in Germany, China, India, and the central regions of the United States are limited or non-existent because most electricity is generated from", "title": "Plug-in electric vehicle" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.36, "text": "Hydroelectricity Hydroelectricity is electricity produced from hydropower. In 2015, hydropower generated 16.6% of the world's total electricity and 70% of all renewable electricity, and was expected to increase about 3.1% each year for the next 25 years. Hydropower is produced in 150 countries, with the Asia-Pacific region generating 33 percent of global hydropower in 2013. China is the largest hydroelectricity producer, with 920 TWh of production in 2013, representing 16.9 percent of domestic electricity use. The cost of hydroelectricity is relatively low, making it a competitive source of renewable electricity. The hydro station consumes no water, unlike coal or gas", "title": "Hydroelectricity" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.31, "text": "are, at most, two percent of the savings.\"\" Only a quarter of the worlds estimated hydroelectric potential of 14,000 TWh/year has been developed, the regional potentials for the growth of hydropower around the world are, 71% Europe, 75% North America, 79% South America, 95% Africa, 95% Middle East, 82% Asia Pacific. However, the political realities of new reservoirs in western countries, economic limitations in the third world and the lack of a transmission system in undeveloped areas, result in the possibility of developing 25% of the remaining potential before 2050, with the bulk of that being in the Asia Pacific", "title": "Renewable energy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.23, "text": "large wind farms were developed, beginning in the early 1980s. By 1995, California produced 30 percent of the entire world's wind-generated electricity. However, this situation has changed and Texas is currently the leader in wind power development in the USA. Historically, most of California's wind power output has been in three primary regions: Altamont Pass Wind Farm (east of San Francisco); Tehachapi Pass Wind Farm (south east of Bakersfield) and San Gorgonio Pass Wind Farm (near Palm Springs, east of Los Angeles). A fourth area, the Montezuma Hills of Solano County, was developed in 2005–2009, with the large Shiloh Wind", "title": "Wind power in California" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.08, "text": "of Kern County, with some big projects in Solano, Contra Costa and Riverside counties as well. After 2014, California ranked second nationwide in terms of capacity, behind Texas with a capacity of 5,917 MW. Large portions of California's wind output, are located in three primary regions: Altamont Pass Wind Farm (east of San Francisco); Tehachapi Pass Wind Farm (south east of Bakersfield), and San Gorgonio Pass Wind Farm (near Palm Springs, east of Los Angeles). The giant new Alta Wind Energy Center, is also located within the Tehachapi Pass region. More than 35 percent of the electric power generated in", "title": "Wind power in the United States" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.02, "text": "Yukon River in Alaska for hydroelectric power. The project was never built and laws would need to be changed for this project to be built. According to a United States Department of Energy report, there exists over 12,000MW of potential hydroelectricity capacity in the US existing 80,000 unpowered dams. Harnessing the currently unpowered dams could generate 45 TWhr/yr, equivalent to 16 percent of 2008 hydroelectricity generation. Hydroelectric power in the United States Hydroelectric power stations in the United States are currently the largest renewable source of energy, but the second for nominal capacity (behind Wind power in the United States).", "title": "Hydroelectric power in the United States" } ]
when does game of thrones season 7 start?
[ "July 16, 2017" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 27, "text": "Game of Thrones (season 7) The seventh and penultimate season of the fantasy drama television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" premiered on HBO on July 16, 2017, and concluded on August 27, 2017. Unlike previous seasons that consisted of ten episodes each, the seventh season consisted of only seven. Like the previous season, it largely consisted of original content not found in George R. R. Martin's \"\"A Song of Ice and Fire\"\" series, while also incorporating material Martin revealed to showrunners about the upcoming novels in the series. The series was adapted for television by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss.", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.94, "text": "On March 9, 2017, HBO hosted a live stream on the \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" Facebook page that revealed the premiere date for the seventh season as being July 16, 2017. It was accompanied by a teaser trailer. On March 30, 2017, the first official promo for the show was released, highlighting the thrones of Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, and Cersei Lannister. On April 20, 2017, HBO released 15 official photos shot during the season. On May 22, 2017, HBO released several new photos from the new season. On May 23, 2017, HBO released the official posters featuring the Night King.", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.78, "text": "The first official trailer for season 7 was released on May 24, 2017. The trailer set a world record for being the most viewed show trailer ever, being viewed 61 million times across digital platforms, in the first 24 hours. The second official trailer was released on June 21, 2017. The season premiere was screened at the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles on July 12, 2017. The season was released on Blu-ray and DVD in region 1 on December 12, 2017. The season premiere was pirated 90 million times in the first three days after it aired. On", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.47, "text": "the Seven Kingdoms. HBO ordered the seventh season on April 21, 2016, three days before the premiere of the show's sixth season, and began filming on August 31, 2016. The season was filmed primarily in Northern Ireland, Spain, Croatia and Iceland. \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" features a large ensemble cast, including Peter Dinklage, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Lena Headey, Emilia Clarke, and Kit Harington. The season introduces several new cast members, including Jim Broadbent and Tom Hopper. The series received 22 nominations for the 70th Primetime Emmy Awards, and won for Outstanding Drama Series and Dinklage won for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.69, "text": "Bender, who worked on the show's sixth season, said that the seventh season would consist of seven episodes. Benioff and Weiss stated that they were unable to produce 10 episodes in the show's usual 12 to 14 month time frame, as Weiss said \"\"It's crossing out of a television schedule into more of a mid-range movie schedule.\"\" HBO confirmed on July 18, 2016, that the seventh season would consist of seven episodes, and would premiere later than usual in mid-2017 because of the later filming schedule. Later it was confirmed that the season would debut on July 16. The seventh", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.36, "text": "highlighting its new and returning original shows for the coming year on November 28, 2016, showcasing Jon Snow, Sansa Stark and Arya Stark. On March 1, 2017, HBO and \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" teamed up with Major League Baseball (MLB) for a cross-promotional partnership. At least 19 individual teams participated in this promotion. On March 8, 2017, HBO released the first promotional poster for the season ahead of the SXSW Festival in Austin, Texas, which teases the battle of \"\"ice vs. fire\"\". Showrunners Benioff and Weiss also spoke at the event, along with fellow cast members Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams.", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.31, "text": "a dozen Emmy Awards, including Outstanding Drama Series. By the end of 2016, all seasons up to season 6 (which premiered on April 24, 2016) had been aired on HBO and all seasons had been released on DVD and/or Blu-ray for home viewing (see List of Game of Thrones episodes). The company confirmed on July 18, 2016 that season 7 would consist of seven episodes instead of the usual ten, and would premiere later than usual, in mid-2017, because of the later filming schedule. This was necessary in order to be shooting during the winter season in Europe. Season 7", "title": "George R. R. Martin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.23, "text": "fifth season. New York Mets baseball pitcher Noah Syndergaard made a background cameo as a javelin-throwing Lannister soldier in \"\"The Spoils of War.\"\" On April 21, 2016, HBO officially ordered the seventh season of \"\"Game of Thrones\"\", just three days prior to the premiere of the show's sixth season. In a June 2016 interview with \"\"Variety\"\", co-creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss revealed the seventh season would likely consist of fewer episodes, stating at the time of the interview that they were \"\"down to our final 13 episodes after this season. We're heading into the final lap.\"\" Director Jack", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.2, "text": "in February 2017. In an interview with the showrunners, it was announced that the filming of the seventh season would be delayed until later in the year due to necessary weather conditions for filming. The showrunners stated \"\"We're starting a bit later because, you know, at the end of this season, winter is here, and that means that sunny weather doesn't really serve our purposes any more. We kind of pushed everything down the line so we could get some grim, gray weather even in the sunnier places that we shoot.\"\" Girona, Spain did not return as one of the", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.84, "text": "filming locations. Girona stood in for Braavos and parts of King's Landing. It was later announced that the seventh season would film in Northern Ireland, Spain and Iceland, with filming in Northern Ireland beginning in August 2016. The series filmed in the Spanish cities Seville, Cáceres, Almodóvar del Río, Santiponce, Zumaia and Bermeo. Spanish sources announced that the series would be filming the seventh season on Muriola Beach in Barrika, Las Atarazanas, the Royal Dockyards of Seville and at the shores of San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, an islet belonging to the city of Bermeo. The series returned to film at", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.8, "text": "August 4, 2017, it was reported that, two days before its original broadcast, the fourth episode of the season was leaked online from Star India, one of HBO's international network partners. The leaked copy has the \"\"for internal viewing only\"\" watermark. On July 31, 2017, due to a security breach, HBO was the victim of 1.5 terabytes of stolen data. However, \"\"this was not related to this episode leak\"\", according to \"\"The Verge\"\". On August 16, 2017, four days before its intended release, it was reported that HBO Spain and HBO Nordic accidentally allowed the sixth episode of the series", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.69, "text": "as Córdoba. The sixth season, which began filming in July 2015, returned to Spain and filmed in Navarra, Guadalajara, Seville, Almeria, Girona and Peniscola. Filming also returned to Dubrovnik, Croatia. Filming of the seven episodes of season 7 began on August 31, 2016, at Titanic Studios in Belfast, with other filming in Iceland, Northern Ireland and many locations in Spain, including Seville, Cáceres, Almodovar del Rio, Santiponce, Zumaia and Bermeo. The series also filmed in Dubrovnik, which is used for location of King's Landing. Filming continued until the end of February 2017 as necessary to ensure winter weather in some", "title": "Game of Thrones" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.56, "text": "on-demand viewing for one hour before being removed. Data from piracy monitoring firm MUSO indicates that season seven was pirated more than one billion times mostly by unauthorized streaming, with torrent and direct downloads accounting for about 15 percent of this piracy. On average, each episode is estimated to have been pirated 140 million times, making \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" the most-pirated television series in 2017. Game of Thrones (season 7) The seventh and penultimate season of the fantasy drama television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" premiered on HBO on July 16, 2017, and concluded on August 27, 2017. Unlike previous seasons", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.34, "text": "Now and HBO Go apps are included. Over the season, the viewer numbers averaged at over 30 million per episode across all platforms. The season was simulcast around the world by HBO and its broadcast partners in 186 countries. In some countries, it aired the day after its first release. On July 23, 2016, a teaser production trailer was released by HBO at the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con. The trailer mostly consisted of voice overs, and shots of crew members creating sets and props. The first footage from the season was revealed in a new promotional video released by HBO", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.36, "text": "having directed multiple episodes in previous seasons. Michele Clapton returned to the show as costume designer, after spending some time away from the show in the sixth season. She previously worked on the show for the first five seasons, as well as the end of the sixth season. The seventh season contains original material not found in the \"\"A Song of Ice and Fire\"\" series. Some of the show's sixth season also consists of material revealed to the writers of the television series during discussions with Martin. Filming began on August 31, 2016, at Titanic Studios in Belfast, and ended", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.3, "text": "Game of Thrones (season 8) The eighth and final season of the fantasy drama television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" was announced by HBO in July 2016. Unlike the first six seasons that each had ten episodes and the seventh that had seven episodes, the eighth season will have only six episodes. Like the previous season, it will largely consist of original content not found currently in George R. R. Martin's \"\"A Song of Ice and Fire\"\" series and will also adapt material Martin has revealed to showrunners about the upcoming novels in the series, \"\"The Winds of Winter\"\" and \"\"A", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 8)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.2, "text": "filmed in Iceland and Northern Ireland. The series was renewed for a seventh season, which premiered on 16 July 2017, and will conclude with its eighth season in April 2019. \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" takes place on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos and chronicles the power struggles among noble families as they fight for control of the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms. Jon Snow is introduced as the illegitimate son of Ned Stark, the honorable lord of Winterfell, an ancient fortress in the North of the fictional continent of Westeros. Harington has received praise for his performance. In", "title": "Kit Harington" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.09, "text": "to premiere in April 2019. Ramin Djawadi is set to return as the composer of the show for the eighth season. On December 6, 2018, HBO released the first official teaser trailer for the eighth season. Game of Thrones (season 8) The eighth and final season of the fantasy drama television series \"\"Game of Thrones\"\" was announced by HBO in July 2016. Unlike the first six seasons that each had ten episodes and the seventh that had seven episodes, the eighth season will have only six episodes. Like the previous season, it will largely consist of original content not found", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 8)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.03, "text": "episodes, stating that after season six, they were \"\"down to our final 13 episodes after this season. We're heading into the final lap.\"\" Benioff and Weiss stated that they were unable to produce 10 episodes in the show's usual 12 to 14-month time frame, as Weiss said, \"\"It's crossing out of a television schedule into more of a mid-range movie schedule.\"\" HBO confirmed in July 2016, that the seventh season would consist of seven episodes, and would premiere later than usual in mid-2017 because of the later filming schedule. Benioff and Weiss later confirmed that the eighth season will consist", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 8)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.92, "text": "for the second season, beginning on December 11, 2011. The second trailer, published on January 29, 2012, was viewed 3.5 million times in the first three days after publication, a record for HBO promotional content. Other trailers were released on February 24, March 3 (set to Florence and the Machine's \"\"Seven Devils\"\") as well as subsequently. HBO also published other promotional material, such as cast photographs and teaser posters, prior to the airing of the first episode. The second issue of \"\"Entertainment Weekly\"\" in March 2012 had four alternative covers dedicated to in-costume photographs of Peter Dinklage (Tyrion), Emilia Clarke", "title": "Game of Thrones (season 2)" } ]
when do high school football players have to commit to a college?
[ "the first Wednesday of February" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.86, "text": "the first Wednesday in February, most top recruits will have already signed non-binding letters of intent or verbally committed with colleges. A number of all-star football games are played among high school football players in the United States. The caliber of these games varies widely; games such as the aforementioned U.S. Army All-American Bowl tend to draw some of the most renowned high school players in the country, while smaller regional contests such as the Big 30 All-Star Football Game may only draw from a small region. The International Federation of American Football sponsors the biennial U19 World Championship for", "title": "High school football" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.06, "text": "of the bench press that an athlete can perform at a given weight, usually 225 pounds. Recently, the SPARQ rating has become a popular composite metric of a high school football player's athleticism. At this time of year, based on game film and performance at combines, this is typically when players begin to receive most scholarship offers. After receiving an offer, a player may choose to commit. This is a non-binding, oral agreement. Although more coaches have tried in recent years to get players to commit early, the most highly rated players typically commit within a month of National Signing", "title": "College recruiting" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.77, "text": "Day, the day all high school players who will graduate that year can sign letters of intent (LI) to play for the college of their choice. Signing Day always falls on the first Wednesday of February. Other players, who may not have as many offers to choose from, more often verbally commit earlier in the process. Players occasionally decide to sign with a different school from which they gave a verbal commitment, which often leads to rancor between the fans and coaching staffs of the two schools. Junior college players, however, can sign scholarships in late-December, once their sophomore seasons", "title": "College recruiting" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.3, "text": "college football. College football, in turn, recruits players from high school football, with most potential stars receiving scholarships to play. The source for the vast majority of professional football players is the Division I Bowl Subdivision, with most coming from the five conferences with automatic bids into the College Football Playoff bowl games. Under current regulations, players must be at least three years removed from high school graduation to qualify to play in the NFL. Because of these barriers, players who do not play college football have very few options for breaking into the league. The college football development system", "title": "Professional football (gridiron)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.06, "text": "met; previously, the annual limit on \"\"counters\"\" had been 30. In Division II, schools are limited to an amount equal to 36 full scholarships. The football recruiting season typically begins the summer after the previous year's class has signed — though the building of relationships between college coaches and high school players and their coaches may have been going on for months or years before that. Each summer, high school players attend various football camps at nearby college campuses to be evaluated on measures of athleticism, such as the 40-yard dash, vertical jump, agility shuttle; and the number of repetitions", "title": "College recruiting" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.78, "text": "would prevent them from playing at a four-year college. While the vast majority of high school football players will not even be considered for a scholarship offer, players who receive nationwide attention will invariably receive scholarship offers from more than one school and will often hold a press conference to announce their final selection. \"\"All Star\"\" exhibition games like the U.S. Army All-American Bowl, which is televised nationally by NBC, give the nation's top prospects the opportunity to publicly announce their college selection or to provide one last opportunity to showcase their talents to college recruiters. By National Signing Day,", "title": "High school football" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.75, "text": "National Signing Day National Signing Day, usually the first Wednesday of February, has traditionally been the first day that a high school senior can sign a binding National Letter of Intent for a collegiate sport with a school that is a member of the United States National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Although all NCAA sports have at least one National Signing Day, and most have two, College Football’s is by far the most widely followed by fans and sports media. As of 2017, college football also has an early signing period in late December, meaning recruits now have the opportunity", "title": "National Signing Day" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.64, "text": "football in important ways. Whereas football players can only play in a very limited number of competitive games per year, summer camps and traveling AAU teams afford prospects the opportunity to play outside of the regular basketball season. As a result, while football players generally only come to the attention of college recruiters after excelling at the high school varsity level, top level basketball players may emerge as early as the 8th or 9th grade. Players may also consider their AAU team as their primary squad, which can make high school basketball coaches less influential in the recruiting process than", "title": "College recruiting" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.62, "text": "night and may have a separate schedule composed of conference and non-conference teams. In all states, the HS football season will have ended by late December, but the recruiting process by which colleges offer scholarships to high school seniors often starts in the summer, before the school year and football season begin. Physical assessment is an increasingly important part of the recruiting process. Football camps are held at college campuses where a large number of potential recruits can be evaluated simultaneously in various speed and skills drills. Players are evaluated based on running the 40-yard dash, agility shuttle, vertical jump", "title": "High school football" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.53, "text": "for junior college players. The second period, which before 2017 was the only one allowed for signings of high school players, starts on the first Wednesday in February. In August 2011, the NCAA announced plans to raise academic requirements for postseason competition, including its two most prominent competitions, football's now-defunct Bowl Championship Series (replaced in 2014 by the College Football Playoff) and the Division I Men's Basketball Tournament; the new requirement, which are based on an \"\"Academic Progress Rate\"\" (APR) that measures retention and graduation rates, and is calculated on a four-year, rolling basis. The changes raise the rate from", "title": "National Collegiate Athletic Association" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.48, "text": "Junior Olympics titles in the hurdles and became an excellent student and a top-rated high school football player. He received playing time in high school as a running back, receiver, punter, kick returner and quarterback. According to ESPN, Walker received more than 12 scholarship offers to play college football. Walker orally committed in August 2011 to the University of California, Berkeley. Five months later, in February 2012, he switched his commitment from Cal to UCLA. Walker enrolled at UCLA in 2012 and played at the wide receiver position for the UCLA Bruins football team. He appeared in 12 games as", "title": "Kenneth Walker III" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.47, "text": "to Stanford. National Signing Day was on February 3, 2016 and was the first chance for high school seniors to officially declare which university or college they will be attending for their college career. North Carolina had 26 high school seniors sign a National Letter of Intent to play football with them. Of the class, 7 athletes enrolled early to UNC. ^These signees will not be enrolling at UNC in 2016 due to not being admitted into the school. North Carolina head coach Larry Fedora enters his fifth year as the North Carolina's head coach for the 2016 season. At", "title": "2016 North Carolina Tar Heels football team" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.41, "text": "his class by prior to his reclassification. He committed to the University of Southern California (USC) to play college football. In December 2017, Daniels announced that he would graduate early from high school and reclassify to the 2018 class. He enrolled in USC in June 2018 upon completion of his high school course work. In August 2018, he began USC's two week fall camp in a three-way competition for the starting quarterback position. Within 3 weeks, Daniels was named the starter over incumbents Matt Fink and Jack Sears, making him the 2nd USC true freshman to start a season", "title": "JT Daniels" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.36, "text": "average and SAT scores, the lowest possible GPA a student may be eligible with is a 1.70, as long as they have an SAT score of 1400. The lowest SAT scores a student may be eligible with is 700 as long as they have a GPA of 2.500. As of the 2017–18 school year, a high school student may sign a letter of intent to enter and play football for a college in either of two periods. The first, introduced in 2017–18, is a three-day period in mid-December, coinciding with the first three days of the previously existing signing period", "title": "National Collegiate Athletic Association" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.33, "text": "Booker T. Washington High School in Miami, Florida. He was rated consensus five-star recruit coming out of high school and was ranked among the top prospects in his class. He committed to Florida State University to play college football on National Signing Day in 2013. As a freshman at Florida State in 2013, Thomas played in four games before undergoing season-ending shoulder surgery. He received a medical redshirt and did not play in that season's National Championship Game. Due to failing a drug test at the National Championship Game, Thomas was suspended for the first six games of the 2014", "title": "Matthew Thomas (linebacker)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.12, "text": "2015. One player did not sign with the team and instead elected to grayshirt, meaning that they would not be officially part of the team or receive financial aid from the athletic department until the spring semester of 2016 (\"\"on August 7, 2015, after more scholarships became available, Merrick was offered an immediate full scholarship\"\"). The first player to commit was offensive guard Patrick Vahe, who committed on July 28, 2013. Three commits came from a players in either junior or community colleges, while the rest came from high schools. Of Texas' 29 commitments, 14 were listed on the ESPN", "title": "2015 Texas Longhorns football team" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.97, "text": "4% of high school football and basketball players make the transition to the collegiate level and fewer than 2% of that 4% continue into the professional ranks, making the prospects for continuing in competitive team athletics more an attractive illusion than a realistic option. Despite these data, a significant number of high school athletes continue to view college sport as the minor league experience necessary for entry into professional sport As athletes move on from sports the separation from their athletic identity maybe easier for some than others. It could be the greater the commitment to the athletic role, the", "title": "Student athlete" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.97, "text": "family. He, his father Steve, and his younger brother Stephen have all played college football. Steve played linebacker at Mississippi State in the 1970s. Stephen, committed to play college football at Louisiana State University (LSU) after attending Austin High School and Athens High School. On June 5, 2014, he transferred to Vanderbilt University and was eligible to play immediately, but wound up transferring to Northwestern State University for the 2015 season. Rivers received an Honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters and addressed the Class of 2014 at the 125th Annual Commencement Ceremony of The Catholic University of America (CUA)", "title": "Philip Rivers" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.94, "text": "Intent to become a part of the 2016 Texas Longhorns football team. Prior to National Signing Day on February 3, 2016, 17 players had pledged their commitments to the Longhorns, while four of these players became early enrollees at the beginning of the 2015-16 spring semester. Of the 28 recruited players, all are from high schools in the United States, with none originating from other countries or from junior colleges. Of Texas' recruits, 23 were from Texas, 4 were from Louisiana, and 1 was from California. Collin Johnson committed to the Longhorns on April 17, 2014, becoming the first player", "title": "2016 Texas Longhorns football team" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.86, "text": "high school football during his sophomore year at Northfield Mount Hermon. Boston College and UConn were among the school's who were intrigued by Weeden's football talent. However, he tore his MCL in track and subsequently missed the whole summer and the beginning of the fall, so he decided to not play football in his junior year. In October 2006, Weeden committed to the Dartmouth Big Green men's basketball team. Before committing to Dartmouth, Weeden was on Boston College's radar due to his solid grades. Syracuse and Connecticut also made inquiries about Weeden and other coaches would occasionally stop by campus", "title": "Clive Weeden" } ]
who won the spanish-american war and in what year was it fought?
[ "American victory" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.97, "text": "San Ildefonso, signed on 1 October 1777, after Mary I of Portugal had dismissed Pombal, Spain won the Banda Oriental (Uruguay), with Colonia del Sacramento, founded by Portugal in 1680. Spain also won the Misiones Orientales. In return, Spain acknowledged that Portuguese territories in Brazil extended far west of the line set in the Treaty of Tordesillas. In the Treaty of El Pardo, signed 11 March 1778, Spain won Spanish Guinea (Equatorial Guinea), which was administered from Buenos Aires in 1778-1810. With these treaties, Portugal had left the war, and in 1781 Portugal even joined the First League of Armed", "title": "Spain and the American Revolutionary War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.73, "text": "Independence of 1776. The American Revolutionary War lasted through the period of the Siege of Yorktown — its last major campaign — in the early autumn of 1781, with peace being achieved in 1783. The Spanish colonies won their independence in the first quarter of the 19th century, in the Spanish American wars of independence. Simón Bolívar and José de San Martín, among others, led their independence struggle. Although Bolivar attempted to keep the Spanish-speaking parts of Latin America politically allied, they rapidly became independent of one another as well, and several further wars were fought, such as the Paraguayan", "title": "History of the Americas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.66, "text": "21 September, now called by the title \"\"Generalísimo\"\". Franco won another victory on 27 September when his troops relieved the siege of the Alcázar in Toledo, which had been held by a Nationalist garrison under Colonel José Moscardó Ituarte since the beginning of the rebellion, resisting thousands of Republican troops, who completely surrounded the isolated building. Moroccans and elements of the Spanish Legion came to the rescue. Two days after relieving the siege, Franco proclaimed himself \"\"Caudillo\"\" (\"\"chieftain\"\", the Spanish equivalent of the Italian Duce and the German Führer -meaning: 'director') while forcibly unifying the various and diverse falangist, Royalist", "title": "Spanish Civil War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.39, "text": "the Eighty Years' War and the Anglo-Spanish War (1585–1604). This Spanish victory was part of the campaign of Francisco de Mendoza and Cardinal Andrew of Austria of 1598-1599, also called the \"\"Spanish Winter of 1598-99\"\". In 1598, under the mediation of the papal legate Cardinal Alessandro de'Medici (the future Pope Leo XI), Spain and France concluded the Peace of Vervins on 2 May. Spain gave up its conquests, except the occupation of the Prince-Archbishopric of Cambray, thereby restoring the situation of Cateau-Cambrésis. On 5 September, following the orders of the Archduke Albert of Austria, Governor-General of the Spanish Netherlands, Francisco", "title": "Siege of Rees (1599)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.19, "text": "United States declaration of war upon Spain On 25 April 1898, the United States Congress declared war upon Spain. The ensuing Spanish–American War resulted in a decisive victory for the United States, and arguably served as a transitional period for both nations. Spain saw its days of empire fade, as the United States saw the prospect of overseas empire emerge. The war was ended by the Treaty of Paris signed on December 10 that same year. The Spanish–American War originated out of the Cuban War of Independence, launched in February 1895. For decades the United States had watched political developments", "title": "United States declaration of war upon Spain" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.12, "text": "the Anglo-Spanish War (1585–1604). It was led by Sir Francis Drake as admiral and Sir John Norreys as general, and failed in its attempt to drive home the advantage England had won upon the defeat and dispersal of the Spanish Armada in the previous year. With the opportunity to strike a decisive blow against the weakened Spanish lost, the failure of the expedition further depleted the crown treasury that had been so carefully restored during the long reign of Elizabeth I. The Anglo-Spanish war was very costly to both sides, and Spain itself, also fighting France and the United Provinces,", "title": "Maritime history" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.91, "text": "countries.\"\" The Spanish–American War ended in August 1898 with an American victory. After the American naval victory in the Battle of Manila Bay of May 1898, the American troops were deployed to the Philippines in July 1898. With American victory in the Spanish–American War in August 1898, fighting broke out as the Filipinos sought independence. This led to the Philippine–American War in June 1899. Consequently, the American Military Governor of the Philippines formed the Bureau of Insurgent Records (BIR) to translate and collate captured documents and to provide information about the Filipino forces beyond tactical reconnaissance. In December 1900, the", "title": "Military Information Division (United States)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.86, "text": "Battle of Los Horcones The Battle of Los Horcones, part of the Admirable Campaign, was a military conflict in the Spanish American wars of independence fought on July 22, 1813 between the pro-independence forces led by José Félix Ribas and Spanish royalist troops under colonel Francisco Oberto at the plain of Los Horcones. Ribas was victorious, capturing much of the Spanish equipment and capturing more than 300 prisoners. On 6 July, Simón Bolívar entered the city of Barinas, evacuated just the day before by Antonio Tíscar. On 9 July, Simon ordered José Félix Ribas to go through El Tocuyo to", "title": "Battle of Los Horcones" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.8, "text": "in the Treaty of Tordesillas. In the Treaty of El Pardo, signed on 11 March 1778, Spain won Spanish Guinea (Equatorial Guinea), which would be administered from Buenos Aires from 1778 to 1810. One of the results of the war was that the Portuguese remained neutral when the American War of Independence became a global war in 1778 with the entry of the French. The Portuguese were bound to the British by treaty but disappointed by the lack of British support against Spain, Portugal did not itself enter the war. Instead Portugal joined the First League of Armed Neutrality in", "title": "Spanish–Portuguese War (1776–77)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.73, "text": "Spanish–American War The Spanish–American War ( or \"\"\"\"; ) was fought between the United States and Spain in 1898. Hostilities began in the aftermath of the internal explosion of in Havana Harbor in Cuba, leading to U.S. intervention in the Cuban War of Independence. U.S. acquisition of Spain's Pacific possessions led to its involvement in the Philippine Revolution and ultimately in the Philippine–American War. The main issue was Cuban independence. Revolts had been occurring for some years in Cuba against Spanish rule. The U.S. later backed these revolts upon entering the Spanish–American War. There had been war scares before, as", "title": "Spanish–American War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.72, "text": "Spanish Civil War The Spanish Civil War () took place from 1936 to 1939. Republicans loyal to the left-leaning Second Spanish Republic, in alliance with the Anarchists and Communists, fought against the Nationalists, a Falangist, Carlist, Catholic, and largely aristocratic group led by General Francisco Franco. The war has often been portrayed as a struggle between democracy and fascism, particularly due to the political climate and timing surrounding it. In early 1939, the Nationalists achieved victory, and ruled Spain until Franco's death in November 1975. The war began after a \"\"pronunciamiento\"\" (a declaration of military opposition) against the Republican government", "title": "Spanish Civil War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.72, "text": "23, 1898, a document appeared in the \"\"Manila Gazette\"\" newspaper warning of the impending war and calling for Filipinos to participate on the side of Spain. The first battle between American and Spanish forces was at Manila Bay where, on May 1, Commodore George Dewey, commanding the U.S. Navy's Asiatic Squadron aboard , in a matter of hours defeated a Spanish squadron under Admiral Patricio Montojo. Dewey managed this with only nine wounded. With the German seizure of Tsingtao in 1897, Dewey's squadron had become the only naval force in the Far East without a local base of its own,", "title": "Spanish–American War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.69, "text": "Battle of San Juan (1595) The Battle of San Juan (1595) was a Spanish victory during the Anglo–Spanish War. This war broke out in 1585 and was fought not only in the European theatre but in Spain's American colonies. After emerging from six years of disgrace following the resounding defeat of the English Armada at Lisbon in 1589, Francis Drake embarked on a long and disastrous campaign against Hispanic America, suffering several consecutive defeats there. On 22 November 1595 Drake and John Hawkins tried to invade San Juan with 27 ships and 2,500 men. After failing to be able to", "title": "Battle of San Juan (1595)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.5, "text": "Anglo-Spanish War (1796–1808) The Anglo-Spanish War was a conflict fought between 1796 and 1802, and again from 1804 to 1808, as part of the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. The war ended when an alliance was signed between the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Spain, which was now under French invasion. In the War of the First Coalition, Spain declared war on the newly formed French Republic, joined the Coalition in attempting to restore the Bourbon Monarchy. The main Spanish general was Antonio Ricardos, however he failed to secure a decisive victory, despite initial successes. French forces", "title": "Anglo-Spanish War (1796–1808)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.48, "text": "Anglo-Spanish War (1625–1630) The Anglo–Spanish War was a war fought by Spain against the Kingdom of England and the United Provinces from 1625 to 1630. The conflict formed part of the Eighty Years' War and the Thirty Years' War. In 1622, Philip IV reigned in Spain, with Gaspar de Guzmán, Count-Duke of Olivares as his favourite. The War of Flanders had reignited after the Twelve Years' Truce, and Spain's finances flowed from its imports of silver from its American colonies. James I was King of England, Scotland and Ireland, with his son Charles, Prince of Wales, as his heir. At", "title": "Anglo-Spanish War (1625–1630)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.45, "text": "on May 12, 1898, when a squadron of 12 U.S. ships commanded by Rear Adm. William T. Sampson of the United States Navy attacked the archipelago's capital, San Juan. Though the damage inflicted on the city was minimal, the Americans established a blockade in the city's harbor, San Juan Bay. On June 22, the cruiser and the destroyer delivered a Spanish counterattack, but were unable to break the blockade and \"\"Terror\"\" was damaged. The land offensive began on July 25, when 1,300 infantry soldiers led by Nelson A. Miles disembarked off the coast of Guánica. The first organized armed opposition", "title": "Spanish–American War" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.42, "text": "the newly crowned Charles III of Spain arrived in Portugal to begin a land campaign. In May 1704, a Bourbon army won a series of minor victories along the Spain/Portugal border, offset by the Allied capture of [[Capture of Gibraltar|Gibraltar]], a vital strategic possession. Attempts to retake it were defeated at the naval [[Battle of Vélez-Málaga|Battle of Málaga]] in August, with a land siege being abandoned in April 1705. In June 1705, the 'Pact of Genoa' between Catalan representatives and England opened a second front in the north-east; the loss of [[Siege of Barcelona (1705)|Barcelona]] and Valencia left [[Toulon]] as", "title": "War of the Spanish Succession" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.41, "text": "and his Nazis took power in Germany in 1933. A major civil war took place in Spain, with the nationalists winning. The League of Nations was helpless as Italy conquered Ethiopia and Japan seized Manchuria in 1931 and took over most of China starting in 1937. The Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) was marked by numerous small battles and sieges, and many atrocities, until the rebels (the Nationalists), led by Francisco Franco, won in 1939. There was military intervention as Italy sent land forces, and Germany sent smaller elite air force and armoured units to the Nationalists. The Soviet Union sold", "title": "History of Europe" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.38, "text": "invasion. At the Battle of Trafalgar, in 1805, a combined Franco-Spanish fleet, attempting to join forces with the French fleets in the north for the invasion, were attacked by a British fleet and lost in a decisive engagement. The British victory ended the immediate threat of an invasion of Britain by Napoleon. It also seriously shook the resolve of the unpopular Godoy led Spanish government, which began to doubt the utility of its uncertain alliance with Napoleon. Meanwhile, a British campaign (1806–1807) to conquer the strategically important Rio de la Plata region in Spanish South America met with failure. Godoy", "title": "Anglo-Spanish War (1796–1808)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.34, "text": "tap markets for the products of American industry. Spanish Prime Minister Práxedes Mateo Sagasta did not seek war with the United States. He did not expect victory, but he knew Spanish citizens would likely revolt if he conceded to American demands in Cuba. Meanwhile, Spanish naval leaders tried to employ a strategy where they would not win the war outright, but rather resist the US Navy as much as possible. On May 1, 1898, American and Spanish naval forces met in the Philippines at the Battle of Manila Bay, which resulted in a decisive victory for the United States. The", "title": "Battle of Santiago de Cuba" } ]
who played debra sister on everybody loves raymond?
[ "Ashley Crow" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.97, "text": "Madylin Sweeten Madylin Anne-Michele Sweeten (born June 27, 1991) is an American actress and comedian, best known as a child star for playing the role of Ally Barone, the daughter of Ray and Debra on the CBS television sitcom \"\"Everybody Loves Raymond\"\" from 1996–2005. Sweeten was born in Brownwood, Texas, to Timothy Lynn Sweeten and Elizabeth Anne Millsap. Sweeten has younger, twin brothers, Sullivan and the late Sawyer (19952015), who played (respectively) her twin brothers Michael and Geoffrey Barone on the sitcom. Sweeten comes from a family of nine children. The names of her younger siblings are Maysa Sweeten,Emma, Guiliana,", "title": "Madylin Sweeten" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.97, "text": "Patricia Heaton Patricia Helen Heaton (born March 4, 1958) is an American actress. She is best known for her starring role as Debra Barone in the CBS sitcom \"\"Everybody Loves Raymond\"\" (1996–2005) and as Frances \"\"Frankie\"\" Heck on the ABC sitcom \"\"The Middle\"\" (2009–2018). Heaton is a three-time Emmy Award winner – twice winning the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series for \"\"Everybody Loves Raymond\"\", and a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Culinary Program as host of \"\"Patricia Heaton Parties\"\" (2015–16). Patricia Heaton was born in Cleveland, Ohio, the daughter of Patricia (née Hurd) and", "title": "Patricia Heaton" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.97, "text": "Patricia Heaton Patricia Helen Heaton (born March 4, 1958) is an American actress. She is best known for her starring role as Debra Barone in the CBS sitcom \"\"Everybody Loves Raymond\"\" (1996–2005) and as Frances \"\"Frankie\"\" Heck on the ABC sitcom \"\"The Middle\"\" (2009–2018). Heaton is a three-time Emmy Award winner – twice winning the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series for \"\"Everybody Loves Raymond\"\", and a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Culinary Program as host of \"\"Patricia Heaton Parties\"\" (2015–16). Patricia Heaton was born in Cleveland, Ohio, the daughter of Patricia (née Hurd) and", "title": "Patricia Heaton" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.75, "text": "each season; her 19 episodes tie her with Christina Pickles for \"\"Friends\"\"’ third most frequent guest actor, behind only Elliott Gould's 20 episodes, and James Michael Tyler's 150 episodes. She also auditioned for the role of Debra Barone, on the American sitcom \"\"Everybody Loves Raymond\"\". Although she was the producers' choice, CBS ended up selecting Patricia Heaton. Instead, Wheeler played the recurring role of Debra's friend, Linda. According to Kathy Griffin's autobiography, \"\"Official Book Club Selection\"\", Wheeler was cast in the role of Vicki for the pilot episode of \"\"Suddenly Susan\"\" and was eventually replaced by Griffin. She had a", "title": "Maggie Wheeler" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.56, "text": "by producers of \"\"Everybody Loves Raymond\"\". Sweeten played Ally Barone, the eldest child and only daughter of Raymond and Debra Barone for nine seasons, starting in 1996, until the show's end in 2005. While building her television career, Sweeten has also been involved in several feature films. These include, \"\"The Christmas Path\"\", \"\"A Dog of Flanders\"\", a voice-over on \"\"Toy Story 2\"\" and the critically acclaimed film and winner of the 2003 Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize, \"\"American Splendor\"\". In 2008, she played a small role as a co-worker of Jerry's in \"\"Eagle Eye\"\". Since 2013, she made appearances", "title": "Madylin Sweeten" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.36, "text": "in shorts and independent films. Madylin Sweeten Madylin Anne-Michele Sweeten (born June 27, 1991) is an American actress and comedian, best known as a child star for playing the role of Ally Barone, the daughter of Ray and Debra on the CBS television sitcom \"\"Everybody Loves Raymond\"\" from 1996–2005. Sweeten was born in Brownwood, Texas, to Timothy Lynn Sweeten and Elizabeth Anne Millsap. Sweeten has younger, twin brothers, Sullivan and the late Sawyer (19952015), who played (respectively) her twin brothers Michael and Geoffrey Barone on the sitcom. Sweeten comes from a family of nine children. The names of her younger", "title": "Madylin Sweeten" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.34, "text": "Colletta (Silvana De Santis), who lives in a small village outside of Rome. Everyone is excited to go, except Raymond (Ray Romano). Ray informs Debra (Patricia Heaton) that he doesn't want to go on the trip because he has no interest in other cultures. Debra replies that she doesn't want his \"\"dumbness\"\" to ruin the vacation. The family arrive at Colleta's home, who welcomes them along with her husband Giorgio. Ray begins developing a cold which he claims he got from the air conditioning on the van they rode. Robert (Brad Garrett), also becomes miserable, due to his \"\"dilemma\"\"; because", "title": "Italy (Everybody Loves Raymond)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.83, "text": "of an Invisible Man\"\" (1992), \"\"Beethoven\"\" (1992), \"\"The New Age\"\" (1994), and \"\"Space Jam\"\" (1996). Heaton was featured in three short-lived sitcoms—\"\"Room for Two\"\", \"\"Someone Like Me\"\" and \"\"Women of the House\"\"—before landing the role of Debra Barone on \"\"Everybody Loves Raymond\"\". She was nominated in each of the series' last seven seasons for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series, winning in 2000 and 2001. With her win in 2000, she became the first of the cast members on the show to win an Emmy. She has also collected two Viewers for Quality Television", "title": "Patricia Heaton" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.77, "text": "a recurring role on \"\"Everybody Loves Raymond\"\" as Warren Whelan, the father of Debra Barone and father-in-law of Ray Barone. He appeared on episodes of other television programs, including a 1961 season-three episode of \"\"Bonanza\"\" titled \"\"Broken Ballad\"\", as well as \"\"The Golden Girls\"\", \"\"The Nanny\"\", \"\"The Girls Next Door\"\", and \"\"Wings\"\". He was the voice of the character Halcyon Renard in the Disney adventure cartoon \"\"Gargoyles\"\". In \"\"I Spy Returns\"\" (1994), a nostalgic television movie, Culp and Cosby reprised their roles as Robinson and Scott for the first time since 1968. Culp and Cosby reunited one last time on", "title": "Robert Culp" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.47, "text": "he plans to marry Amy but keeps focusing on his ex-wife Joanne, he claims that he is unable to sort out his feelings. At a gelato parlor, he becomes attracted to a waitress named Stefania Fogagnolo (Alex Meneses), whose father Signore Fog agnolo (David Proval) is also the owner. He visits Rome with Stefania, but she tells him she doesn't want her dad to know she is dating. Meanwhile, Ray also goes to the city with the rest of the family, but while Debra, Frank and Marie are apparently having a great time, Ray is not. After some time visiting", "title": "Italy (Everybody Loves Raymond)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.39, "text": "(who, later in the series, has his own apartment). All Barone relatives frequently make their presence known to the annoyance of Raymond and Debra; Debra's justifiable complaints about Raymond's overbearing family serve as one of the show's comedic elements. Out of the three unwanted visitors, Debra is particularly intimidated by Marie, an insulting, controlling, manipulative (though ultimately caring) woman who criticizes Debra passive-aggressively and praises Ray, clearly favoring him over other son \"\"Robbie,\"\" whose birth necessitated her marriage (a fact revealed in the episode \"\"Good Girls\"\"). Raymond typically falls in the middle of family arguments, incapable of taking any decisive", "title": "Everybody Loves Raymond" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.16, "text": "Also, in the series pilot, Ray and Debra's twin boys were named Gregory and Matthew, after Romano's real-life twin sons, but Romano felt it was inconvenient to have all his TV children have the same names as his real children, and changed the twins' names to Geoffrey and Michael on screen. He also said his brother was not pleased with Ray Barone's TV brother. Romano's family has made various appearances in the show. Romano's real-life daughter Alexandra \"\"Ally\"\" Romano made several appearances on \"\"Everybody Loves Raymond\"\" as Molly, the best friend of his on-screen daughter, Ally, and the daughter of", "title": "Ray Romano" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.64, "text": "Pilot (Everybody Loves Raymond) \"\"The Pilot\"\" is the first episode of the American television situation comedy \"\"Everybody Loves Raymond\"\". The episode was directed by Michael Lembeck and written by Philip Rosenthal. Debra is at home feeding the kids when Ray returns from a road trip. They start to discuss Debra's birthday plans before being interrupted by Marie. Debra then leaves Ray in charge of the kids as she goes to the movies with Linda. Ray leaves with Leo to get pizza and places Marie in charge. When Debra returns home, she finds the house spotless but learns that Ray's parents", "title": "Pilot (Everybody Loves Raymond)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.52, "text": "an Italian-American everyman named Raymond Barone, a sportswriter for \"\"Newsday\"\" living with his family in Long Island. Beleaguered, diffident and dryly sarcastic, Raymond takes few things seriously, making jokes in nearly every situation, no matter how troubling or serious. He often avoids responsibilities around the house and with his kids, leaving this to wife Debra. Raymond and Debra have a daughter Ally (Alexandra) and twin sons Michael and Geoffrey (originally Matthew and Gregory in the pilot). The Barone children are regular characters but not a major focus. Raymond's parents, Marie and Frank, live across the street with older son Robert", "title": "Everybody Loves Raymond" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.36, "text": "Katherine Helmond Katherine Marie Helmond (born July 5, 1929) is an American film, theater and television actress and director. Over her five decades of television acting, she is known for her starring role as ditzy matriarch Jessica Tate on the ABC prime time soap opera sitcom \"\"Soap\"\" (1977–1981) and her co-starring role as feisty mother Mona Robinson on \"\"Who's the Boss?\"\" (1984–1992). She also played Doris Sherman on \"\"Coach\"\" and Lois Whelan, the mother of Debra Barone on \"\"Everybody Loves Raymond\"\". She has also appeared as a guest on several talk and variety shows. Helmond has had many supporting roles", "title": "Katherine Helmond" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.22, "text": "the anesthesia. Debra starts to cry and the rest of the family (minus Marie who is in the bathroom) comes over. Debra tells them what the nurse said and everyone begins to panic. Robert attempts to rush to the operating table, telling the nurse that he and Ray are the same blood type and that he can wake his brother up. Just before he walks through the door, the doctor emerges and says that everything is fine and that it occasionally happens due to hypertension. Everyone is relieved and agrees that they can't tell Ray or Marie about what happened.", "title": "The Finale (Everybody Loves Raymond)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.06, "text": "finds out that \"\"her son almost died\"\" and nobody told her. Back across the street, Ray and Debra are still in bed kissing and Marie rushes into their bedroom, jumping on the bed and embracing Raymond. With a central theme of the series being Marie's coddling of Ray, an annoyed Debra says to nobody in particular, \"\"I knew one day this would happen.\"\" Ray is mortified that \"\"his worst nightmare is coming true\"\" and asks what is going on. Amy, Robert, and Frank come into the bedroom and Frank tells Ray about what happened at the hospital. Ray is furious", "title": "The Finale (Everybody Loves Raymond)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.06, "text": "take a walk with her to lighten him up and release her stress from Debra's behavior towards him moping and not wanting to have fun. It seems with the walk, he is starting to become positive and enjoying the vacation. At lunch, Robert, who confronts Marco again, decides to talk with him so he can convince him to be with Stefania. Meanwhile, Ray gives flowers to some of the women, including Colleta, Marie and Debra. Ray shows Debra that he is starting to enjoy being in the country, which makes Debra happy, and the two go on their own date", "title": "Italy (Everybody Loves Raymond)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.03, "text": "Later that evening, Debra brings Ray ice cream in bed. She watches as he starts eating and looks at him lovingly, telling him about what she is planning to do the next day, breaking down when she starts talking about the kids. Ray asks her if it is \"\"that time of the month.\"\" Debra begins passionately kissing Ray. Meanwhile, over at Marie's and Frank's, Frank reflects on what happened. Marie notices something is up because he's too silent and he turned down dessert. She finally gets Frank to tell her what happened at the hospital and is hysterical when she", "title": "The Finale (Everybody Loves Raymond)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21, "text": "TV shows. Her notable film credits include \"\"Chapter Two\"\" opposite Marsha Mason, and \"\"Tootsie\"\", \"\"Dead Poets Society\"\" and \"\"Domestic Disturbance\"\". On television she also starred of short-lived series \"\"Dream Street\"\", \"\"Davis Rules\"\" and \"\"Kirk\"\". Mooney guest-starred as the oblivious plutocrat Meg Wellman on \"\"Roseanne\"\". She also appeared in \"\"Seinfeld\"\", \"\"ER\"\", \"\"Everybody Loves Raymond\"\", \"\"Grey's Anatomy\"\", \"\"Bones\"\" and \"\"Weeds\"\". From 2012-13, she played the role of Supreme Court Justice Verna Thornton in the second season of ABC drama series \"\"Scandal\"\" created by Shonda Rhimes. In 2014, she had a recurring role in the Netflix comedy series, \"\"Arrested Development\"\". That same year,", "title": "Debra Mooney" } ]
who wrote the song knockin on heaven's door?
[ "Bob Dylan" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 27.56, "text": "Knockin' on Heaven's Door \"\"Knockin' on Heaven's Door\"\" is a song by Bob Dylan, written for the soundtrack of the 1973 film \"\"Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid\"\". Released as a single, it reached No. 12 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 singles chart. Described by Dylan biographer Clinton Heylin as \"\"an exercise in splendid simplicity\"\", the song, in terms of the number of other artists who have covered it, is one of Dylan's most popular post-1960s compositions. In 1990, the band Guns N' Roses released a cover version to chart success. Members of the Western Writers of America chose it", "title": "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.78, "text": "The spirit of a child that waits for me\"\"\"\") and W. H. Auden (\"\"\"\"We are linked as children in a circle dancing\"\"\"\"). With the consent of Bob Dylan, the musician Ted Christopher wrote a new verse for \"\"Knockin' on Heaven's Door\"\" in memory of the Dunblane school children and their teacher. The recording of the revised version of the song, which included brothers and sisters of the victims singing the chorus and Mark Knopfler on guitar, was released on 9 December 1996 in the UK, and reached number 1. The proceeds went to charities for children. Pipe Sergeant Charlie Glendinning", "title": "Dunblane massacre" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.55, "text": "used as the B-side for the single release and was also included on their \"\"\"\" album, released in 1999. The music video for this version of the song was directed by Andy Morahan. Weekly charts Year-end charts In 1996 and with the consent of Dylan, Scottish musician Ted Christopher wrote a new verse for \"\"Knockin' on Heaven's Door\"\" in memory of the schoolchildren and teacher killed in the Dunblane school massacre. This has been, according to some sources, one of the few times Dylan has officially authorized anybody to add or change the lyrics to one of his songs. This", "title": "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.92, "text": "Eric Clapton and Gene Chandler. The title song, a reggae blues version of Bob Dylan's \"\"Knockin' on Heaven's Door\"\" was released as a single in July 1975, a week before Eric Clapton released his own interpretation of Louis's arrangement, of the same song. Louis's release received attention but was over shadowed by Clapton's, which featured Louis's \"\"Someone Like You\"\" as the B-side. Louis's album Knocking on Heaven's Door, eventually climbed to #6 in International charts. In 1991 the German record label Discovery Sounds licensed and re-mastered his debut album, Knockin' on heaven's door and the subsequent release revived interest in", "title": "Arthur Louis" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.88, "text": "Door: Rock Obituaries.\"\" The title is used as the name of Rohan Kishibe's Stand, \"\"Heaven's Door\"\", in the fourth part of the manga \"\"\"\"Jojo's Bizarre Adventure\"\"\"\", \"\"Diamond is Unbreakable\"\". Covered by The Jenerators, the song was used during a tribute to the death of cast member Miguel Ferrer of at the end of the Season 8 Episode 16 \"\"New Tricks\"\", broadcast on March 5, 2017. Ferrer was a member of The Jenerators. Knockin' on Heaven's Door \"\"Knockin' on Heaven's Door\"\" is a song by Bob Dylan, written for the soundtrack of the 1973 film \"\"Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid\"\".", "title": "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.62, "text": "version of the song, including children from the village singing the chorus with guitarist and producer of Dylan's album \"\"Infidels\"\" (1983), Mark Knopfler, was released on December 9 in the United Kingdom and reached No. 1 on the UK Singles Chart and Scottish Singles Chart, as well as number six in Ireland. The proceeds went to charities for children. The song was featured on the compilation album \"\"Hits 97\"\", where all royalties from the song were given to three separate charities. Gabrielle's single \"\"Rise\"\" (2000) sampled from this song. Nick Talevski used the title for his book, \"\"Knocking On Heaven's", "title": "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.39, "text": "Clapton's reggae interpretations. Other songs which exemplify his work in this genre are, his version of Dylan's \"\"I shall be released\"\" and \"\"If I ever needed you\"\" co-written with Scott English, both from Back from Palookaville. Arthur Louis's arrangement of the Bob Dylan song \"\"Knockin' on Heaven's Door\"\" first appeared on Louis's album \"\"Knockin' on Heaven's Door\"\" (1974) Louis's version of this song originally appeared on his album \"\"Knockin' on Heaven's Door\"\" (1974) Arthur Louis Arthur Louis (21 June 1945 – 24 December 2014) was a rock, blues and reggae cross-over musician. His surname is pronounced as \"\"luːɪs (Lewis)\"\" and", "title": "Arthur Louis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.23, "text": "as one of the Top 100 Western songs of all time. In January 1975 Eric Clapton played on Jamaican singer Arthur Louis' recording of \"\"Knockin' on Heaven's Door\"\" arranged in a reggae style. Subsequently, Clapton recorded his own reggae-style version of the song which was released in August 1975, two weeks after Louis's version was released as a single in July 1975. Clapton's single peaked at No. 38 in the UK Singles Chart. The single was less successful in the US, only reaching No. 109 in \"\"Cash Box\"\". Clapton's 1996 boxed set \"\"\"\" features a performance recorded in London in", "title": "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.14, "text": "to write the title song. Dylan eventually wrote the score and played the role of \"\"Alias\"\". Peckinpah had never heard of Dylan, but was reportedly moved by hearing him play the proposed title song and hired him immediately. Among the songs written by Dylan for the film was \"\"Knockin' on Heaven's Door,\"\" still regarded as one of rock music's most enduring anthems. Peckinpah deliberately cast his film's supporting roles with legendary Western character actors such as Chill Wills, Katy Jurado, Jack Elam, Slim Pickens, Barry Sullivan, Dub Taylor, R.G. Armstrong, Elisha Cook, Jr., and Paul Fix. Jason Robards had starred", "title": "Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.62, "text": "\"\"Knockin' on Heaven's Door\"\", a song the Dead performed more than 170 times. Conversely, \"\"It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry\"\" was performed a few times in the early 1990s, and only once in the 1970s – in the version included here, the Dead are accompanied by Dickey Betts and Butch Trucks, of the Allman Brothers Band. Dylan himself leads the band on the final track of the main disc, a rehearsal for the 1987 tour for which the Dead were his backing band. All songs written by Bob Dylan The first release included a", "title": "Postcards of the Hanging" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.5, "text": "Knockin' on Heaven's Door (1997 film) Knockin' on Heaven's Door is a 1997 German criminal comedy, by Thomas Jahn, starring Til Schweiger, Moritz Bleibtreu, Jan Josef Liefers and Rutger Hauer. Its name derives from the Bob Dylan song which is also on the film's soundtrack. It was entered into the 20th Moscow International Film Festival where Til Schweiger won the Silver St. George for Best Actor. Two patients (Martin Brest and Rudi Wurlitzer) meet in a hospital, just after learning that both have an untreatable disease. They start talking about their death that is to come very soon. When they", "title": "Knockin' on Heaven's Door (1997 film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.28, "text": "and storyboard and background artwork. In 2007 Arias began work on \"\"Heaven's Door\"\", a Japanese live-action feature film loosely based on the German hit \"\"Knockin' on Heaven's Door\"\" directed by Thomas Jahn and written by Jahn and actor Til Schweiger. Arias' adaptation features J-Pop heartthrob Tomoya Nagase and ingenue Mayuko Fukuda as unlikely comrades who flee the hospital where they first meet, and embark on a road-trip to reach the ocean and watch the sun set there in the short time they have left. \"\"Heaven's Door\"\" marks the return of Arias' \"\"Tekkonkinkreet\"\" collaborators Min Tanaka (the voice of \"\"Tekkonkinkreet\"\"'s \"\"Suzuki\"\"),", "title": "Michael Arias" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.05, "text": "Bob Dylan's \"\"Knockin' On Heaven's Door\"\". John said about his perspective on his music: \"\"The album itself is really my life. All of the songs have a meaning. Most of the record is happening or has happened in my life. I hope people can relate to some of the troubles I have had along the way. Everyone around the world has problems, and I want to connect with those people.\"\" Daly's first album, \"\"My Life\"\", included guest vocals by Darius, Willie Nelson and Johnny Lee. In March 2008, Daly's swing coach Butch Harmon quit, saying that \"\"the most important thing", "title": "John Daly (golfer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.02, "text": "of the U2 organisation, Carroll's body was flown back to New Zealand and buried in the traditional Māori manner at Kai-iwi Marae near Whanganui, Carroll's hometown. Bono sang \"\"Let It Be\"\" and \"\"Knockin' on Heaven's Door\"\" for him at the funeral. Shortly after returning to Dublin, Bono wrote lyrics for a song about the funeral that he titled \"\"One Tree Hill\"\" after the hill he remembered from his visit to Auckland in 1984. The music was developed early in the recording sessions for \"\"The Joshua Tree\"\". The Edge said, \"\"We were jamming with Brian [Eno]. He was playing keyboards ...", "title": "One Tree Hill (song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.98, "text": "April 1977. The song was also performed during the \"\"Journeyman\"\" and \"\"One More Car, One More Rider\"\" world tours in 1990 and 2003. Additionally, the song has been included on several Clapton compilation albums, such as \"\"\"\", \"\"Backtrackin'\"\", \"\"The Cream of Clapton\"\" and \"\"Complete Clapton\"\". In 1987, Guns N' Roses started performing the song. A live version of the song was released on the maxi-single of \"\"Welcome to the Jungle\"\" the same year. They recorded a studio version in 1990 for the soundtrack of the film \"\"Days of Thunder\"\" which reached No. 18 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Album Rock Tracks chart", "title": "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.95, "text": "Zé Ramalho Canta Bob Dylan – Tá Tudo Mudando Zé Ramalho Canta Bob Dylan – Tá Tudo Mudando is the second tribute album by Brazilian singer-songwriter Zé Ramalho, released in 2008. This time, he pays an homage to Bob Dylan, whose \"\"Knockin' on Heaven's Door\"\" had already been covered by him. Most of the songs' lyrics were almost literally rewritten to Portuguese. The album cover is a reference to Dylan's known promotional film clip for the 1965 song \"\"Subterranean Homesick Blues\"\". \"\"O Vento Vai Responder\"\", a cover of \"\"Blowin' in the Wind\"\", was used in the soundtrack of the Rede", "title": "Zé Ramalho Canta Bob Dylan – Tá Tudo Mudando" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.94, "text": "that he had written in 1980 as a response to the Soviet war in Afghanistan. Together with his band DDT he performed with Georgian jazz singer Nino Katamadze, Ossetian band \"\"Iriston\"\" and Ukrainian band Bratya Karamazovy. Parts of the profits from the concerts were given to those who had suffered from the war, both Ossetians and Georgians. On 25 August 2010, Shevchuk performed the Bob Dylan song \"\"Knockin' on Heaven's Door\"\" together with U2 at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow, the band's first ever concert in Russia. On 4 January 2011, Shevchuk was featured on the U.S. NPR \"\"Morning Edition\"\"", "title": "Yuri Shevchuk" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.81, "text": "instance, both albums have a version of the song \"\"Don't Cry\"\", and both have one cover song; \"\"Live and Let Die\"\" by Paul McCartney (\"\"Use Your Illusion I\"\") and \"\"Knockin' on Heaven's Door\"\" by Bob Dylan (\"\"Use Your Illusion II\"\"). Each also has at least one track sung by other members of the band: lead vocals on \"\"So Fine\"\" are performed by bassist Duff McKagan – the song, that was dedicated to punk rock musician Johnny Thunders, who died from a drug overdose before the recording of the album. The song \"\"Get in the Ring\"\" finds the band lashing out", "title": "Use Your Illusion II" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.73, "text": "an outspoken critic of the highway's planned route, who had made headlines confronting Vladimir Putin in a face-to-face meeting in May, to join him on stage at a concert, Bono and Shevchuk sang a Bob Dylan tune (Knockin' on Heaven's Door) in front of 60,000 people. Bono said in an interview that he regretted not raising the issue in his own meeting with the president. Various protesters and journalists have been attacked and intimidated by both the police and unknown assailants. Three journalists - Anatoliy Adamchuk from Zhukovskiye Vesti, Mikhail Beketov from Khimkinskaya Pravda and Oleg Kashin from Kommersant -", "title": "Khimki Forest" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.72, "text": "later, \"\"Knockin' On Heaven's Door\"\" endured as a popular favorite among critics and fans as well as a concert staple, with its inspirational tone and lyrics regarding impending death. Some retrospective reviews see it as a spare, beautiful departure from form and a worthy effort as a whole fully in line with the thrust of the film. After Peckinpah completed his own cut of \"\"Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid\"\", MGM re-cut the film without his input, removing several significant scenes and re-shuffling most of Dylan's music in the process. Peckinpah's film was released to mixed reviews. Years later, critical", "title": "Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (album)" } ]
who wrote the song i'm going down?
[ "Norman Whitfield" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.42, "text": "I'm Going Down (Rose Royce song) \"\"I'm Going Down\"\" is a song written and produced by Norman Whitfield, and performed by Rose Royce. The single is from the film \"\"Car Wash\"\" and is featured on the . The Rose Royce (original) version received moderate success. It peaked at number seventy on the US \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100 and reached number ten on the R&B singles chart. In the film \"\"Car Wash\"\", the song serves as a double entendre, as it complements the screen time of Maureen, a forlorn prostitute who desperately seeks a chance at true love with \"\"Joe,\"\" even as", "title": "I'm Going Down (Rose Royce song)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.16, "text": "composed by hip-hop producer Justin \"\"Just Blaze\"\" Smith and are almost identical. On the episode season 3 finale of \"\"Sister, Sister,\"\" Tamera (Tamera Mowry) covered the song for a talent show, winning a bet that her sister Tia (Tia Mowry) had with her enemy—and Tamera's opponent, Marva. I'm Going Down (Rose Royce song) \"\"I'm Going Down\"\" is a song written and produced by Norman Whitfield, and performed by Rose Royce. The single is from the film \"\"Car Wash\"\" and is featured on the . The Rose Royce (original) version received moderate success. It peaked at number seventy on the US", "title": "I'm Going Down (Rose Royce song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.78, "text": "I'm Goin' Down \"\"I'm Goin' Down\"\" is a song written and performed by American singer Bruce Springsteen that was released as the sixth single from his album \"\"Born in the U.S.A.\"\" in August 1985. The song is one of several of the album's tracks that he recorded with the E Street Band in May 1982 at the Power Station music studio. The release of these full-band tracks was put into question when Springsteen used solo material for his September 1982 LP, \"\"Nebraska\"\", and considered doing the same for his next album, which would become \"\"Born in the U.S.A.\"\" He later", "title": "I'm Goin' Down" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.94, "text": "If I Fall You're Going Down with Me \"\"If I Fall You're Going Down with Me\"\" is a song written by Matraca Berg and Annie Roboff, and recorded by American country music group Dixie Chicks. It was released in February 2001 as the sixth single from their August 1999 album \"\"Fly\"\". The song peaked at number 3 on the U.S. country charts. It also reached number 38 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100. \"\"If I Fall You're Going Down with Me\"\" debuted at number 42 on the U.S. \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks for the chart week of February 24,", "title": "If I Fall You're Going Down with Me" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.88, "text": "2001. If I Fall You're Going Down with Me \"\"If I Fall You're Going Down with Me\"\" is a song written by Matraca Berg and Annie Roboff, and recorded by American country music group Dixie Chicks. It was released in February 2001 as the sixth single from their August 1999 album \"\"Fly\"\". The song peaked at number 3 on the U.S. country charts. It also reached number 38 on the \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100. \"\"If I Fall You're Going Down with Me\"\" debuted at number 42 on the U.S. \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks for the chart week of February", "title": "If I Fall You're Going Down with Me" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.83, "text": "I'm Down \"\"I'm Down\"\" is a song by the Beatles written by Paul McCartney (credited to Lennon–McCartney) and first released as the B-side to the single \"\"Help!\"\" in 1965. According to critic Richie Unterberger of Allmusic, \"\"I'm Down\"\" is \"\"one of the most frantic rockers in the entire Beatles' catalog.\"\" McCartney told writer Barry Miles that the song and his vocal style on it were influenced by Little Richard, \"\"I used to sing his stuff but there came a point when I wanted one of my own, so I wrote 'I'm Down.'\"\" The Beatles recorded \"\"I'm Down\"\" on 14 June", "title": "I'm Down" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.45, "text": "Clips.\"\" \"\"I'm just going down\"\" was written and composted by Soulhead and is a song about falling for someone who ends up leaving you, but how you stay strong and keep moving forward. Side A Side B Oh My Sister (Remix)/I'm just going down \"\"Oh My Sister (Remix)/I'm just going down,\"\" (stylized as \"\"OH MY SISTER (REMIX)/I'm just going down\"\") is female duo Soulhead's fourth single under Sony Music Entertainment Japan. It reached #114 on the Oricon charts and charted for three weeks. \"\"Oh My Sister (Remix)/I'm just going down\"\" was released on both CD and vinyl. Despite having both", "title": "Oh My Sister (Remix)/I'm just going down" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.39, "text": "she turns tricks. In 1994, the song would gain more exposure and popularity when it was covered by R&B artist Mary J. Blige for her second album, \"\"My Life\"\". Due to the heavy airplay that it received, Blige's version peaked at number thirteen on the Hot R&B Songs chart and number twenty-two on the US \"\"Billboard\"\" Hot 100. It became her fifth consecutive Top 40 hit as a lead artist. This song is also frequently performed at many of her concerts and as well as live sets. In mid-1995, Blige released a remix featuring Mr. Cheeks of The Lost Boyz.", "title": "I'm Going Down (Rose Royce song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.31, "text": "public workers who suffered from the aftermath of the attacks. He also reintroduced \"\"I'm Down\"\" into his set list for his three concerts at Citi Field (which replaced Shea Stadium) in July 2009. I'm Down \"\"I'm Down\"\" is a song by the Beatles written by Paul McCartney (credited to Lennon–McCartney) and first released as the B-side to the single \"\"Help!\"\" in 1965. According to critic Richie Unterberger of Allmusic, \"\"I'm Down\"\" is \"\"one of the most frantic rockers in the entire Beatles' catalog.\"\" McCartney told writer Barry Miles that the song and his vocal style on it were influenced by", "title": "I'm Down" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.28, "text": "This version contained a sample of \"\"The What\"\" by The Notorious B.I.G. and Method Man. The music video for Blige's \"\"I'm Goin' Down\"\" was directed from January 14–15, 1995 by Matthew Rolston and was shot in black and white, with Blige singing in a club, and wearing an-all black suit with a matching hat, walking downstairs (being duplicated over and over again). \"\"Oh Boy\"\" off of Cam'ron's third album \"\"Come Home with Me\"\" samples the original Rose Royce song. Mariah Carey also sampled the song in her 2002 album \"\"Charmbracelet\"\" for the song \"\"Boy (I Need You)\"\". Both songs were", "title": "I'm Going Down (Rose Royce song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.2, "text": "Ain't Goin' Down ('Til the Sun Comes Up) \"\"Ain't Going Down ('Til the Sun Comes Up)\"\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Garth Brooks. It was released in July 1993 as the lead single from his album \"\"In Pieces\"\". The song also appears on \"\"The Hits\"\", \"\"The Limited Series\"\", \"\"The Ultimate Hits\"\", and \"\"Double Live\"\". The spelling of the song has varied from album to album, and is also spelled \"\"Ain't Going Down (Til the Sun Comes Up).\"\" The song was written by Brooks, Kent Blazy and Kim Williams. It is in the key of", "title": "Ain't Goin' Down ('Til the Sun Comes Up)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.2, "text": "Stuticintamani The Stuti Chintamani is a piece of devotional literature attributed to Mahima Dharma. The 45th song was written by Bhima Bhoi. Oh preceptor, oh Lord, You are beyond the scope of description by qualification. I am going down now. Kindly tell me the way. (1)Oh shapeless Lord, You are without any desire, but I am with desire. Save me from the delusion and deluge.<br> (2) Oh preceptor, oh Lord, You are above the Vedas, but I am confined to the Vedas. Kindly tell me divine wisdom so that I will get rid of the sins of nature. <br> (3)", "title": "Stuticintamani" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.17, "text": "Going Down for the Third Time \"\"Going Down For The Third Time\"\" is a song written and composed by Holland–Dozier–Holland and recorded by Motown singing group The Supremes in 1967. The song was issued as the b-side to the popular \"\"Reflections\"\". The song features a fierce-sounding Diana Ross telling herself that she's \"\"going down for the third time\"\" in a relationship that has her \"\"drowning in tears\"\". Throughout the song, the narrator aches over the hardship of the relationship. Ross' band mates Florence Ballard and Mary Wilson egged her on in the chorus. The song is prominent for being one", "title": "Going Down for the Third Time" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.89, "text": "Goin' Down (Melanie C song) \"\"Goin' Down\"\" is a song by British singer-songwriter Melanie C. Written by Chisholm, Julian Gallagher and Richard Stannard for her debut solo album \"\"Northern Star\"\" (1999), the song was produced by Marius De Vries and received a mixed reception from music critics. The song was released as Chisholm's debut single in the third quarter of 1999 and reached the top ten in the United Kingdom, where it became her first top-five hit as a solo artist. It also reached the top thirty in Australia. In the UK, the single sold 92,645 copies, becoming the 179th", "title": "Goin' Down (Melanie C song)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.84, "text": "Down\"\" on \"\"Born in The U.S.A.\"\", but later added it in place of \"\"Pink Cadillac\"\", which he used as the B-side of the \"\"Dancing in the Dark\"\" single. \"\"I'm Goin' Down\"\" features an energetic rhythm, propelled by a heavy drumbeat by Weinberg, and contains a saxophone solo by Clemons. The music has a basic chord progression of A–E–F#m–D. In concerts in 1984, Springsteen introduced the song by describing the diminishing intimacy and sexual activity that can occur over the course of a romantic relationship: \"\"[First] you're making love to 'em all the time, three or four times a day. Then", "title": "I'm Goin' Down" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.83, "text": "on their \"\"iTunes Session\"\"; their version also appeared on the TV soundtrack \"\"Girls, Vol. 2: All Adventurous Women Do...\"\" in 2014. Rancid frontman Tim Armstrong put out a cover in 2012 as part of his \"\"Tim Timebomb and Friends\"\" collection, and included it on his album \"\"Special Lunacy\"\". Dessa released a version on her 2013 album \"\"Parts of Speech\"\", and the following year, Trampled by Turtles did likewise on \"\"Dead Man's Town: A Tribute to Born in the U.S.A.\"\" I'm Goin' Down \"\"I'm Goin' Down\"\" is a song written and performed by American singer Bruce Springsteen that was released as", "title": "I'm Goin' Down" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.78, "text": "Royce's 1977 hit \"\"I'm Going Down\"\", which he wanted Alexander to handle the session. However, the two butted heads over production credit issues, as Combs wanted to give credit to himself and Thompson, although neither were present for the song's recording session. Alexander fought hard to seek production credit from Combs and the two battled it out over the phone over the issue. Combs later explained it was due to receiving a flat royalty rate for producing the majority of the songs and Alexander's production credit would have interfered with the royalty rate. To circumvent this issue, Alexander insisted on", "title": "My Life (Mary J. Blige album)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.67, "text": "I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry (Over You) \"\"I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry (Over You)\"\" is a popular song written in 1953 by Joe Thomas and Howard Biggs. Since then, it became something of a minor pop standard, largely due to several well-received versions of the song. It is best known for appearing on Elvis Presley's first album, and for a performance of the song by The Beatles (that appears on their \"\"Live at the BBC\"\" album). The Beatles also performed the song at the Star-Club in Hamburg on New Year's Eve, 31 December 1962, during their", "title": "I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry (Over You)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.61, "text": "\"\"I Forgot to Remember to Forget\"\" and \"\"That's All Right\"\". I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry (Over You) \"\"I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry (Over You)\"\" is a popular song written in 1953 by Joe Thomas and Howard Biggs. Since then, it became something of a minor pop standard, largely due to several well-received versions of the song. It is best known for appearing on Elvis Presley's first album, and for a performance of the song by The Beatles (that appears on their \"\"Live at the BBC\"\" album). The Beatles also performed the song at the Star-Club in", "title": "I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry (Over You)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.61, "text": "consisted of Roy Bittan, Clarence Clemons, Danny Federici, Garry Tallent, Steve Van Zandt, and Max Weinberg—with production by Springsteen, Van Zandt, Jon Landau, and Chuck Plotkin. At first, Springsteen attempted full-band versions of \"\"Nebraska\"\" songs at these sessions, including \"\"Atlantic City\"\", \"\"Nebraska\"\", and \"\"Mansion on the Hill\"\". However, he and his co-producers were unsatisfied with the group renditions of the demo songs. To buy time to decide on a solution, by May the band had begun recording other material, including \"\"I'm Goin' Down\"\", \"\"Born in the U.S.A.\"\", \"\"Glory Days\"\", \"\"Downbound Train\"\", \"\"Darlington County\"\", \"\"Working on the Highway\"\", and \"\"I'm on", "title": "I'm Goin' Down" } ]
which european country was the first to establish a colony in southeast asia?
[ "Spain" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.92, "text": "tightening Turkish control and eventual shut down of the Eastern Mediterranean gateways into Asia first prompted Portuguese, and later Spanish and Dutch sea voyagers to ship around Africa in search of new trading routes and business opportunities. Niccolò de' Conti arrived in Southeast Asia as the earliest documented European in the early 15th century. By 1498 Vasco da Gama, who had sailed round the Cape of Good Hope, established the first direct sea route from Europe to India. Central among the various plannings was to establish direct and permanent trade of the highly priced spices, that were native to Southeast", "title": "European colonisation of Southeast Asia" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.61, "text": "Asia, included pepper, cloves, nutmeg, mace and cinnamon. Competition among the various nations was fierce and violence commonplace in order to secure exclusive access to the centers of production. Eventually, the Dutch and the Spanish wrestled control of it from the Portuguese in the 17th century. In the 18th century, the British, who became increasingly engaged in Southeast Asia over their interests in India, gained control of it from the Dutch. Portugal was the first European power to establish a bridgehead in maritime Southeast Asia with the conquest of the Sultanate of Malacca in 1511. The Netherlands and Spain followed", "title": "European colonisation of Southeast Asia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.42, "text": "took place circa 1500, prior to Portuguese conquest of Malacca in 1511. The reign of Sri Baduga Maharaja also marked the earliest contact with European. By 1511, the Portuguese had conquered Malacca and established the earliest European colony in Southeast Asia. According to Suma Oriental, written in 1512–1515, Tomé Pires, a Portuguese explorer reported about the Great city of Daio or Dayo, which corresponds to Sundanese term \"\"Dayeuh\"\" (capital city). Tome Pires described that the city of Pakuan Pajajaran was beautiful, filled with houses made of wood with thatched roof made of palm leaves. The residence of Sunda king is", "title": "Pakuan Pajajaran" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.12, "text": "and soon superseded Portugal as the main European powers in the region. In 1599, Spain began to colonise the Philippines. In 1619, acting through the Dutch East India Company, the Dutch took the city of Sunda Kelapa, renamed it Batavia (now Jakarta) as a base for trading and expansion into the other parts of Java and the surrounding territory. In 1641, the Dutch took Malacca from the Portuguese. Economic opportunities attracted Overseas Chinese to the region in great numbers. In 1775, the Lanfang Republic, possibly the first republic in the region, was established in West Kalimantan, present-day Indonesia, as a", "title": "European colonisation of Southeast Asia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.03, "text": "European colonisation of Southeast Asia The first phase of European colonisation of Southeast Asia took place throughout the 16th and 17th centuries after the arrival of Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish and later French and British marine spice traders. Fiercely competitive the Europeans soon sought to eliminate each other by forcibly taking control of the production centers, trade hubs and vital strategic locations, beginning with the Portuguese acquisition of Malacca in 1511. Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries conquests focused on ports along the maritime routes, that provided a secure passage of maritime trade. It also allowed foreign rulers to levy taxes", "title": "European colonisation of Southeast Asia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.84, "text": "included black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, turmeric, nutmeg, and cloves, nutmeg, etc. Nutmeg was the most popular and most expensive to get because of how scarce it was. The European colonization of Southeast Asia began in the 16th century when the Dutch and Portuguese colonized Southeast Asia for their spices. Throughout the 17th and 18th century, the British and Dutch began to colonize Southeast Asia. The Dutch arrived in Batavia and established Dutch East Indies. The British established themselves in the Straits Settlements, British Malaya, Borneo, and Burma. In the 19th century, the French established French Indochina. All of Southeast", "title": "Post - 1500 Southeast Asia Archaeology" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.72, "text": "a common core of historical experiences existed, and that this core defined the region, thus justifying the use of the term ‘Southeast Asia’ to describe the region as a single entity. European colonisation of Southeast Asia The first phase of European colonisation of Southeast Asia took place throughout the 16th and 17th centuries after the arrival of Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish and later French and British marine spice traders. Fiercely competitive the Europeans soon sought to eliminate each other by forcibly taking control of the production centers, trade hubs and vital strategic locations, beginning with the Portuguese acquisition of Malacca in", "title": "European colonisation of Southeast Asia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.53, "text": "recourse. It was generally assumed that the establishment of colonies to protect existing trade links would prevent further decline of the European powers. In the early phase, European control in Southeast Asia was largely confined to the establishment of trading posts. These trading posts were used to store the oriental products obtained from the local traders before they were exported to the European markets. Such trading posts had to be located along major shipping routes and their establishments had to be approved by the local ruler so that peace would prevail for trade to take place. Malacca, Penang, Batavia and", "title": "European colonisation of Southeast Asia" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.34, "text": "the Sultanate of Malacca in 1511. The Netherlands and Spain followed and soon superseded Portugal as the main European powers in the region. In 1599, Spain began to colonise the Philippines. In 1619, acting through the Dutch East India Company, the Dutch took the city of Sunda Kelapa, renamed it Batavia (now Jakarta) as a base for trading and expansion into the other parts of Java and the surrounding territory. In 1641, the Dutch took Malacca from the Portuguese. Economic opportunities attracted Overseas Chinese to the region in great numbers. In 1775, the Lanfang Republic, possibly the first republic in", "title": "History of Southeast Asia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.33, "text": "influence in the region especially during the impending onset of highly competitive global trade. The earliest Europeans to have visited Southeast Asia were Marco Polo during the 13th century in the service of Kublai Khan and Niccolò de' Conti during the early 15th century. Regular and momentous voyages only began in the 16th century after the arrival of the Portuguese, who actively sought direct and competitive trade. They were usually accompanied by missionaries, who hoped to promote Christianity. Portugal was the first European power to establish a bridgehead on the lucrative maritime Southeast Asia trade route, with the conquest of", "title": "History of Southeast Asia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.2, "text": "and established colonies throughout the New World, converted the native inhabitants to Christianity, and built large trade networks across the Atlantic, which introduced new plants, animals, and food crops to both continents. The search for a westward route to Asia continued in 1513 when Vasco Nuñez de Balboa crossed the narrow Isthmus of Panama to become the first European to sight the Pacific Ocean. The search was completed in 1521, when the Castilian (\"\"Spanish\"\") Magellan expedition sailed across the Pacific and reached Southeast Asia. Portugal had been the main European power interested in pursuing trade routes overseas. Their next-door neighbors,", "title": "Voyages of Christopher Columbus" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.05, "text": "their rivalry cooled in 1824 when an Anglo-Dutch treaty demarcated their respective interests in Southeast Asia. British rule in Burma began with the first Anglo-Burmese War (1824–1826). Early United States entry into what was then called the East Indies (usually in reference to the Malay Archipelago) was low key. In 1795, a secret voyage for pepper set sail from Salem, Massachusetts on an 18-month voyage that returned with a bulk cargo of pepper, the first to be so imported into the country, which sold at the extraordinary profit of seven hundred per cent. In 1831, the merchantman \"\"Friendship\"\" of Salem", "title": "European colonisation of Southeast Asia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.81, "text": "of Penang Island by Captain Francis Light, under the administration of Sir John Macpherson; this marked the beginning of British expansion into the Malay Peninsula. By the latter half of the 18th century Europe experienced the full effects of the Industrial Revolution, as rapid advancements in science, industry and technology, had created a tremendous gap in relative power between the Europeans and the rest of the world, including Southeast Asia. Extensive use of machines to manufacture goods would increase European demand for raw materials on the one hand and lead to the accumulation of surplus goods on the other. Mutual", "title": "European colonisation of Southeast Asia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.8, "text": "political power transferred to the master trader House of Sulayman, the Rajahs of Maynila. The Portuguese first established a presence in Maritime Southeast Asia with their capture of Malacca in 1511, and their contacts with the seafarers they described as \"\"Luções\"\" (lit. people from \"\"\"\"lusong\"\"\"\", the area now known as Manila Bay) became the first European accounts of the Tagalog people, as Anthony Reid recounts: \"\"The first European reports on the Tagalogs classify them as “Luzons”, a nominally Muslim commercial people trading out of Manila, and “almost one people” with the Malays of Brunei.\"\" Portuguese chronicler Tomo Pires notes that", "title": "Tondo (historical polity)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.78, "text": "central Java and the east where rice was grown and timber found. To ensure that trade flourish, the Europeans had to maintain political stability. Sometimes, they interfered with the internal affairs of the natives to maintain peace. The Europeans also tried to impose their culture on their colonies. European interference has effected Southeast Asians on all major existential issues. Exploited by the colonial economic system, robbed of the vast regional resources and subjected to racial and ethnic discrimination on the one hand, yet witnessing the rapid transformation towards modernity, scientific and technical progress, the import of secular political and education", "title": "European colonisation of Southeast Asia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.61, "text": "and the British Strait Settlements. By the 19th century, all Southeast Asian countries were colonised except for Thailand. European explorers were reaching Southeast Asia from the west and from the east. Regular trade between the ships sailing east from the Indian Ocean and south from mainland Asia provided goods in return for natural products, such as honey and hornbill beaks from the islands of the archipelago. Before the eighteenth and nineteenth century, the Europeans mostly were interested in expanding trade links. For the majority of the populations in each country, there was comparatively little interaction with Europeans and traditional social", "title": "Southeast Asia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.61, "text": "First wave of European colonization The first European colonization wave took place from the early 15th century (Portuguese conquest of Ceuta in 1415) until the early 19th-century (French invasion of Algeria in 1830), and primarily involved the European colonization of the Americas, though it also included the establishment of European colonies in India and in Maritime Southeast Asia. During this period, European interests in Africa primarily focused on the establishment of trading posts there, particularly for the African slave trade. The time period in which much of the first wave of European colonization (and other exploratory ventures) occurred is often", "title": "First wave of European colonization" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.47, "text": "tributary state of the Qing Empire; the republic lasted until 1884, when it fell under Dutch occupation as Qing influence waned. Portuguese catholic missionaries arrived in the 16th century under royal patronage and founded churches throughout the region. The Dutch first sent Protestant ministers during the 17th century. Their objective was more the spiritual service to the local Dutch people, rather than conversion of native people. The Spanish mission succeeded with the complete Christianisation of the Philippines. During the early 17th century the rivalling Dutch traders joined the Dutch East India Company, as the British founded the British East India", "title": "European colonisation of Southeast Asia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.45, "text": "Company, followed by France, where in 1664 the French East India Company was authorized by royal funding. These conglomerates of capital, ships, freely transferable shares and state power were characterized by many institutional innovations, significantly decreasing the financial risk of the individual merchants and share holders. An early form of the modern giant global corporations and the introduction of the stock market had trade volumes reach unprecedented levels. Governmental support, military and administrative privileges, coining, legal and real estate rights enabled these enterprises to act as the official representatives of their country of origin in Southeast Asia. Initially, the British", "title": "European colonisation of Southeast Asia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.45, "text": "(factories) along the shores of Africa and Asia, establishing the first direct European diplomatic contacts with Southeast Asian states in 1511, China in 1513 and Japan in 1542. In 1552, Russian tsar Ivan the Terrible conquered two major Tatar khanates, the Khanate of Kazan and the Astrakhan Khanate. The Yermak's voyage of 1580 led to the annexation of the Tatar Siberian Khanate into Russia, and the Russians would soon after conquer the rest of Siberia, steadily expanding to the east and south over the next centuries. Oceanic explorations soon followed by France, England and the Netherlands, who explored the Portuguese", "title": "History of Europe" } ]
who is kate's mom on this is us?
[ "Rebecca Pearson" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.84, "text": "DiMera (Joseph Mascolo), her rocky marriage with mogul Victor Kiriakis (John Aniston), and her rivalries with crazed socialite Vivian Alamain (Louise Sorel) and Nicole Walker DiMera. Kate is the mother of Lucas Horton, Rex Brady, Cassie Brady, Philip Kiriakis, Billie Reed, and Austin Reed. Presently, she remains a cast member of \"\"Days of Our Lives\"\". Lauren Koslow Lauren Alice Koslow (born March 9, 1953) is an American actress, best known for her long-running portrayal of Kate Roberts on the NBC dramatic serial \"\"Days of Our Lives\"\", which she has played continuously since 1996. She previously appeared in the soaps \"\"The", "title": "Lauren Koslow" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.3, "text": "grew up with her mother, stepfather, two siblings, and two half-siblings. Metz is best known for her role as Kate Pearson in the NBC drama series \"\"This Is Us\"\", which earned her Primetime Emmy Award and Golden Globe Award nominations. She is also known for her role in FX's \"\"\"\". Metz is a singer in her band Chrissy and The Vapors. In early 2018, it was announced that Metz would star in \"\"Breakthrough\"\", working with producer DeVon Franklin. She is cast as Joyce Smith, the mother of John, a 14-year-old boy who fell through an icy Missouri lake and was", "title": "Chrissy Metz" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21, "text": "others. She strongly resembles her mother in appearance and demeanor. In the third book, Meg is kidnapped, severely injured and struggles to handle the changes in her daily life. In the fourth book, these struggles continue as Meg starts attending Williams College. Katherine Vaughn Powers is Meg’s mother and the first female President of the United States. At the start of the series, she is a Democratic Senator for Massachusetts. Her mother was killed while horseback riding when Kate was five and that loss affects the relationship between Meg and her mother. She is described in the books as funny,", "title": "The President's Daughter series" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.84, "text": "mother, Suzanne, a gold locket that had been passed down on the female side of the family (Suzanne never had any daughters). A while after the ceremony, Kate calls U.S. Marshal Edward Mars (Fredric Lane), saying she does not want to run any more and pleads for him to stop chasing her. Mars guesses that Kate has gotten involved with a man, and tells her that if Kate can really settle down, he will stop chasing her, but that they both know it is unlikely that Kate will ever stop running. Later, Kate shows signs of relief after getting a", "title": "I Do (Lost)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.81, "text": "dies. Kate supports her grandson Will (Chandler Massey), when he comes out as gay. Kate also makes amends with Daniel Jonas, and updates him on Parker. Kate is challenged in 2013 when Chloe Lane and her mother, Nancy Wesley (Patrika Darbo), return to Salem, and it turns out that Parker is Daniel Jonas's son after all. Kate eventually starts a secret relationship with Rafe Hernandez (Galen Gering) after they have a drunken one-night stand. She worries that Stefano may threaten Rafe because of this. Kate later breaks things off with Rafe. Kate becomes a great-grandmother when Will has a daughter,", "title": "Kate Roberts (Days of Our Lives)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.67, "text": "(in order to extort money for her care from the Horton family). Vivian and Laura crash the trial, and Laura tells the whole court that Kate was married to Curtis (a fact she knows from them both being former tenants of Bill and hers). Then Billie admits on the stand that she is Curtis's daughter, and was sexually abused by Curtis during her childhood. Billie and Austin realize that Kate is their mother, and \"\"vice versa\"\". Initially Billie blames Kate for the abuse she suffered; but when Curtis had found out Kate was pregnant with another man's child, he beat", "title": "Kate Roberts (Days of Our Lives)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.67, "text": "On Our Own (film) On Our Own is a 1988 family film, from Feature Films for Families, about four children, Mitch, Kate, Travis and Lori. After being abandoned by their father and with the death of their mother they are forced to move into a children's home. Feared they will have to be separated, they escape and run away. The film starts with Peggy Williams's mother talking to her on the phone asking her to start from the beginning of the story. An ambulance rushes to the hospital with the mother of four children. It then goes by the children's", "title": "On Our Own (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.56, "text": "apartment to tell them their mother died. The four children, Mitch, Kate, Travis, and Lori go to the Los Angeles Courthouse with their neighbor, Mrs. Forsythe. She tells the judge they have no family and that she is unable to take them in. Kate tells the judge and Mr. Arnold that they have an Uncle Jack, but they don't believe Kate and the Judge decides to put them in a foster home until they get adopted. In the foster home a grumpy nurse yells at Travis and Lori for jumping on a bed when Mr. Arnold comes in and tells", "title": "On Our Own (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.52, "text": "Philadelphia woman named Angie Ostrowski (Amy Poehler) to become her surrogate mother. When Angie becomes pregnant, Kate prepares for motherhood in her own typically driven fashion—until her surrogate shows up at her door with no place to live. Their conflicting personalities put them at odds as Kate learns first-hand about balancing motherhood and career and also dates the owner of a local blended-juice cafe, Rob Ackerman (Greg Kinnear). Unknown to Kate, the in-vitro fertilization procedure Angie had did not succeed and she is feigning the pregnancy, hoping to ultimately run off with her payment. Eventually she starts to regret lying", "title": "Baby Mama (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.5, "text": "finds Anita has been stealing money from the till when asked about her recent change in behaviour. Anita reveals she's still upset with the knowledge that her real mother gave her up for adoption. Unbeknownst to her, Kate's real name is Eva Strong (Sheree Murphy) and is Anita's real mother. Anita starts to find her birth mother, with Jem Costello's (Helen Russell-Clark) help. Anita and Jem visit Anita's mother's workplace at a stall in Manchester. Anita is then hurt when she realises that Kate is actually Eva. Anita is horrified and devastated to learn this and furthermore thinking that Eva", "title": "Anita Roy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.31, "text": "as James T. Kirk's mother, Winona. After her contract on \"\"House\"\" was not renewed, it was announced in December 2009 that Morrison had won the role of Kate Keller, Helen Keller's mother, in the Broadway-bound revival of \"\"The Miracle Worker\"\". In the fall of 2010 Morrison appeared as a guest-star in the fourth episode of NBC's \"\"Chase\"\". She played the role of Faith, a single mother-turned-fugitive, who embarks on a bloody killing spree across Texas with her little daughter. She then joined the cast of CBS's \"\"How I Met Your Mother\"\" as recurring character Zoey Pierson, a mischievous architecture nerd", "title": "Jennifer Morrison" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.22, "text": "games of checkers and horseshoes. Kate is friendly with the much older Flora McMichael, George's sister, and becomes involved with life in the community. Though still in her twenties, Kate serves as a mother figure for Luke's younger siblings, Hassie and Little Luke, and one episode shows her bewilderment in trying to entice the children to take responsibility for their school studies. Many episodes have a moral theme consistent with the conservative views of Walter Brennan, such as two 1957 segments entitled \"\"You Can't Cheat an Honest Man\"\" with Joseph Kearns, later of \"\"Dennis the Menace\"\", and \"\"Gambling Is a", "title": "The Real McCoys" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.11, "text": "(Josh Taylor). Kate and Roman find out that they are the biological parents of twins Rex Brady (Eric Winter) and Cassie Brady (Alexis Thorpe). Roman asks Kate to marry him, and she agrees. They have a beautiful wedding, but the reception is shattered when Kate finds Roman's apparently-dead body. She mourns him deeply, but it doesn't stop her from destroying his daughter Sami's relationship with her son Lucas. Kate encourages Philip to spend more time with Belle Black (Martha Madison). Cassie, too, is apparently murdered. Her body is found with multiple stab wounds in a Thanksgiving pinata. Kate is found", "title": "Kate Roberts (Days of Our Lives)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20, "text": "opened its doors to a steady stream of young tenants who sought refuge in Corinth—and in Kate's warm mothering and advice—from their troublesome lives and various romantic entanglements. Kate was also the mother of the scheming, long-running character Ava Rescott Forbes Alden Masters (played notably by Roya Megnot and later by Lisa Peluso), who often benefited from Kate grounding her back to reality. In 1990, Rowand received attention for her work on \"\"Loving\"\" when the Kate character was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Kate subsequently had a hysterectomy on the show and went into remission, all while being courted by sanitation", "title": "Nada Rowand" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.89, "text": "Kate's Secret Kate's Secret is a 1986 American made-for-television drama film starring Meredith Baxter Birney, Ben Masters, Tracy Nelson, and Edward Asner. The film's plot, about a seemingly \"\"perfect\"\" suburban housewife and mother who is secretly suffering from bulimia nervosa, was an attempt to realistically portray the eating disorder. To those on the outside, Kate Stark (Meredith Baxter Birney) leads an idyllic life; a successful husband (Ben Masters), an adoring young daughter (Summer Phoenix), and a beautiful home. But beneath the surface, her life is less than ideal; her husband is preoccupied with his career, a domineering mother (Georgann Johnson),", "title": "Kate's Secret" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.84, "text": "Bill embraces and kisses Kate in celebration, but Bill later apologises to Kate for his behavior, saying he loves Laura. Kate leaves town, and Bill and Laura repair their marriage. In 1979 Laura's mentally-ill mother kills herself, and Laura is traumatized and begins having hallucinations of her mom. Laura herself has a mental breakdown, and when she hallucinates her mom telling her to join her, Laura overdoses and tries to hang herself. Bill and Alice rescue her in the nick of time. Bill is forced to commit his wife to a sanitarium. In 1980, Bill leaves Salem to be nearer", "title": "Bill Horton (Days of Our Lives)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.83, "text": "sister who likes animals. She can get in the way of Will's challenges. Kate is voiced by Nissae Isen. Will's friend and sometimes rival Sandy is a recess and lunch time friend of Will and Sam. Mom & Dad are always nearby and ready to lend a hand if their kids needs it. They are fun, understanding and supportive. Mom is voiced by Katie Griffin. Dad is voiced by Richard Binsley. Will's best friend, who is also a fan of Frogboy. He has dark skin and wears glasses. He's also good at telling jokes. Sam is voiced by London Angelis.", "title": "Will and Dewitt" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.81, "text": "son, including driving her to suicide (which failed, thanks to Phillip saving her) and calling Phillip (as Chloe), using a recording of Chloe's voice that she edited to make Chloe sound like an unfit mother; when Phillip subsequently moves to Chicago with Parker, Kate blames Chloe (even though it was Kate's own doing) and later hires a thug named Quinn who forces Chloe to become a prostitute, much like Kate in her own youth. On August 31, 2011, Kate announces to Victor plans to resurrect \"\"Countess Wilhemina Cosmetics\"\" with brand expansion and new product ideas, under Titan's rule, with Billie's", "title": "Kate Roberts (Days of Our Lives)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.8, "text": "to her feelings. She still feels as though she is in a shadow, or not truly present. This short story portrays the life of a mother and daughter—the daughter, Kate, a young graduate student struggling to pay rent and find love, and a middle-aged widowed mother in an empty house. The mother develops a brain tumor the doctors believe to be malignant. However, Kate’s brother Robert doesn’t wish to tell their mother. Meanwhile, Kate develops symptoms similar to her mother’s: headaches, delusions, and confusion. The two struggle together against the brutality and loneliness of life as they care for one", "title": "Black Tickets" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.78, "text": "party when the group are forced to face their issues head on. For one couple, vicar Dan (David Conolly) and his wife Emma (Joanna Pecover) are faced with the revelation that one of them has been having an affair with the evening’s hostess Kate (Miranda Hart). Worst of all she has to in turn face her mother (Joan Blackham) who drops in to “help out”. Drug-fueled sex, lustful longings and how to make cous-cous. Even the therapist (Alix Longman) has to face her own maternal misgivings as she returns home to deal with the aftermath of her own mother’s descent", "title": "Mothers & Daughters (2004 film)" } ]
who played leatherface in texas chainsaw massacre 1974?
[ "Leatherface" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 26.41, "text": "Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III is a 1990 American horror film directed by Jeff Burr. The film is the sequel to the 1974 film \"\"The Texas Chain Saw Massacre\"\" and the 1986 film \"\"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2\"\". The film stars Kate Hodge, William Butler, Ken Foree, Tom Hudson, Viggo Mortensen, Joe Unger, and R.A. Mihailoff. The film was distributed by New Line Cinema, who bought the rights to the series from The Cannon Group. Initially, this film was given an X-rating by the Motion Picture Association of America, which limited the studio's", "title": "Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.78, "text": "Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation (originally The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre) is a 1995 American horror film written and directed by Kim Henkel, and starring Renée Zellweger, Matthew McConaughey, and Robert Jacks as Leatherface. The plot follows four teenagers who encounter Leatherface and his murderous family in backwoods Texas on the night of their prom. It is the fourth installment in the \"\"Texas Chainsaw Massacre\"\" series, and also features uncredited cameo appearances from Marilyn Burns, Paul A. Partain, and John Dugan, all stars of the original film. Writer-director Kim Henkel had", "title": "Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.73, "text": "on the film's treatment of the character, writing that the film \"\"turns Leatherface (here played by Robbie Jacks, an Austin songwriter who used to host a smacked-up radio show with Butthole Surfer Gibby Haynes) into a cross-dressing nancy boy who screams more than he saws.\"\" According to Henkel, he wrote the character as one who assumes the persona of the person whose face he wears: \"\"The confused sexuality of the Leatherface character is complex and horrifying at the same time,\"\" he said in a 1996 interview. Film scholar Scott Von Doviak also took note of this, likening Leatherface's presentation in", "title": "Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.69, "text": "Leatherface (2017 film) Leatherface is a 2017 American horror film directed by Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo, written by Seth M. Sherwood, and starring Stephen Dorff, Vanessa Grasse, Sam Strike, and Lili Taylor. It is the eighth film in the \"\"Texas Chainsaw Massacre\"\" (\"\"TCM\"\") franchise, and works as a prequel to 1974's \"\"The Texas Chain Saw Massacre\"\", explaining the origin of the series' lead character. Following the financial success of \"\"Texas Chainsaw 3D\"\", a sequel went into development from director John Luessenhop for a planned shoot in Louisiana, but failed to receive the greenlight to move forward. In favor of", "title": "Leatherface (2017 film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.58, "text": "exploring his family that was removed for budgetary reasons. Nubbins Sawyer, the older brother of Leatherface known simply as \"\"The Hitchhiker\"\" in \"\"The Texas Chain Saw Massacre\"\", is played by Dejan Angelov. Lorina Kamburova fills the role of Hal Hartman's daughter, whose death sets the plot into motion, while Boris Kabakchief plays Jedidiah Sawyer in his child years. Other acting credits include Dimo Alexiev, Nathan Cooper, and Nicole Andrews. In January 2013, it was revealed that due to the success of \"\"Texas Chainsaw 3D\"\", Millennium Films began planning a sequel film to be called \"\"Texas Chainsaw 4\"\" which was expected", "title": "Leatherface (2017 film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.56, "text": "Gunnar Hansen Gunnar Milton Hansen (March 4, 1947 – November 7, 2015) was an Icelandic-born American actor and author best known for playing the mentally impaired cannibal Leatherface in \"\"The Texas Chain Saw Massacre\"\" (1974). Hansen was born in Reykjavík, Iceland, and moved to the United States when he was five years old. He lived in Maine until age eleven, when his family moved to Austin, Texas, where he attended both Austin High School and the University of Texas at Austin. He majored in English and mathematics as an undergraduate and then went to graduate school in Scandinavian Studies and", "title": "Gunnar Hansen" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.53, "text": "the film's main antagonist, the filmmakers called and asked if Bryniarski still wanted the role, which he accepted. To prepare for the role, Bryniarski ate a diet of brisket and white bread in order to get his weight to nearly 300 pounds. Bryniarski would later reprise his role as Leatherface in the film's . Nispel favored shooting the film in California, but Bay suggested Texas, where he had previously shot three films. Principal photography began in Austin in July 2002 and lasted 40 days. Nispel intentionally shot the film in a different style, using more traditionally narrative elements, as he", "title": "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003 film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.47, "text": "Bill Johnson (film and television actor) Bill Johnson (born December 16, 1951) is an American actor, known for his role as Leatherface in the 1986 horror film \"\"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2\"\". Johnson was born in Austin, Texas. He is 6'3\"\", and he is a Sagittarius. He often dances and does t'ai chi. He prefers to read poetry, science fiction, and suspense thrillers. Johnson also likes to listen to classical music, opera, guitar, soft folk, and soft rock blues. Johnson was chosen to play the cannibalistic, chainsaw and sledgehammer wielding, mentally disabled serial killer Leatherface in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre", "title": "Bill Johnson (film and television actor)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.44, "text": "Leatherface Leatherface is a main character in \"\"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre\"\" series of horror films and spin-offs created by Kim Henkel and Tobe Hooper. He wears masks made of human skin (hence his name) and engages in murder and cannibalism, alongside his insane family. Leatherface appeared in the original film in 1974 and also in its six subsequent continuations and the remake. Wisconsin killer Ed Gein, who wore a mask made of human skin, was reportedly the inspiration for elements in the original film. He is considered the main antagonist of the franchise because of his presence in all films,", "title": "Leatherface" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.28, "text": "not come with a Survivor counterpart. Leatherface Leatherface is a main character in \"\"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre\"\" series of horror films and spin-offs created by Kim Henkel and Tobe Hooper. He wears masks made of human skin (hence his name) and engages in murder and cannibalism, alongside his insane family. Leatherface appeared in the original film in 1974 and also in its six subsequent continuations and the remake. Wisconsin killer Ed Gein, who wore a mask made of human skin, was reportedly the inspiration for elements in the original film. He is considered the main antagonist of the franchise because", "title": "Leatherface" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.16, "text": "to see if he's all right, Leatherface (also played by Mike Watkins) from \"\"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre\"\" movies jumps out and grabs two of the girls, taking them back into the woods without the rest of them knowing. Michael Myers then proceeds to get up, revealing he was only pretending to be hurt, and begins chasing the group with a razor sharp machete. The remaining members of the group runs from the killers until they come to The Bates Motel from the movie \"\"Psycho\"\". They run to one of the rooms, taking refuge in it, while in the process disrupting", "title": "Psycho (Puddle of Mudd song)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.12, "text": "and a daughter, possibly the product of a rape. A four-issue comic series based on the film, entitled \"\"Leatherface\"\", was created; portions of the comics are narrated by and shown from Leatherface's point of view. Note that horror actor Kane Hodder choreographed the stunts and played the stunt-double Leatherface in the \"\"Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3\"\". The prologue for 1994's \"\"\"\" describes the second and third films as \"\"two minor, yet apparently related incidents\"\". The film features Leatherface as a yelping, pizza-eating transvestite involved in an Illuminati conspiracy to provide society a source of horror, and, again, with a different family.", "title": "Leatherface" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.11, "text": "whole. He intentionally distanced the film from \"\"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre\"\" remake, and its prequel \"\"\"\", while respecting the fictional events of the original film and its various sequels. Certain character names, such as Drayton, Nubbins, and the Sawyer surname, were pulled from \"\"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2\"\". The creation of the deranged lawman Hal Hartman was inspired by Lefty Enright, a Texas Ranger that appeared in the second film. Hal Hartman is the father of Burt Hartman, a vigilante character that first appeared in \"\"Texas Chainsaw 3D\"\". The character Verna Sawyer (Lili Taylor) was played by Marilyn Burns in", "title": "Leatherface (2017 film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.06, "text": "Johnson), who emerges from the back of the truck. Leatherface rips up the roof using his chainsaw. After a short struggle, Rick tries shooting Leatherface with his revolver but Leatherface fatally slices off part of the driving Buzz's head, and the car ends up crashing and killing Rick. The following morning, Lieutenant Boude \"\"Lefty\"\" Enright (Dennis Hopper), former Texas Ranger, and uncle of Sally and Franklin Hardesty, who were victims of Leatherface and his family years earlier, arrives at the scene of the crime to help solve Buzz and Rick's murders. Lefty has spent the last thirteen years looking into", "title": "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.05, "text": "\"\"The Texas Chain Saw Massacre\"\", released in 1974, written and directed by Tobe Hooper, was the first and most successful entry in the series. It is considered to be the first of the 1970s slasher films, and originated a great many of the clichés seen in countless later low-budget slashers. Its plot concerns a family of cannibals living in rural Texas, who abduct customers from their gas station. The film's most notable character, Leatherface, is one of the most well-known villains in cinema history, notable for his masks made of human skin, his blood-soaked butcher's apron and the chainsaw he", "title": "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (franchise)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.05, "text": "Chain Saw Massacre\"\" (1974). In 2015, Yeager and one Ron Scott created BADanger Pictures, a film production company. Dan Yeager Dan Yeager (born January 1, 1965) is an American actor, art director, writer, producer and director who is known for his portrayal of the mentally impaired cannibal Leatherface in the 2013 American horror Slasher movie \"\"Texas Chainsaw 3D\"\" (2013). Yeager was born and grew up in a small farm town south of Cleveland, Ohio. As a child in the 1960s, he enjoyed watching horror and science fiction on television. His parents had too little resources for regular trips to the", "title": "Dan Yeager" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.95, "text": "in before they both died in 2014 and 2015 respectively. A prequel that takes place before the original 1974 film, titled \"\"Leatherface\"\", was released in 2017. Following the events of the original film, the people of Newt, Texas, led by Mayor Burt Hartman (Paul Rae), burn down the farmhouse of the murderous Sawyer clan in an act of vigilante justice. The arsonists are proclaimed heroes of the community, and the entire Sawyer family is killed. However, an infant, Edith Rose Sawyer, is found by one of the townsmen, Gavin Miller, who promptly murders her mother, Loretta Sawyer. Gavin and his", "title": "Texas Chainsaw 3D" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.91, "text": "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003 film) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a 2003 American slasher film directed by Marcus Nispel, written by Scott Kosar, and starring Jessica Biel, Jonathan Tucker, Erica Leerhsen, R. Lee Ermey, Mike Vogel, and Eric Balfour. Its plot follows a group of young adults traveling through rural Texas who encounter Leatherface and his murderous family. It is a remake of Tobe Hooper's 1974 film of the same name, and the fifth installment in \"\"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre\"\" franchise. Several crew members of the original film were involved with the project: Hooper and writer Kim Henkel served", "title": "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003 film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.86, "text": "New Line bought the rights to \"\"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre\"\" from The Cannon Group with the intention of turning it into a new series. Part of their intent with the new series was to project the title character Leatherface as the primary star, above that of his cannibalistic family. New Line began scouting locations in July 1989. In a statement, they said they were \"\"going back to hard-core horror\"\". Shooting took place in Valencia, California, later in that month. Director Jeff Burr wanted Gunnar Hansen to return to the role of Leatherface but the parties couldn't come to an agreement", "title": "Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.86, "text": "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a 1974 American horror film directed by Tobe Hooper and written and co-produced by Hooper and Kim Henkel. It stars Marilyn Burns, Paul A. Partain, Edwin Neal, Jim Siedow and Gunnar Hansen, who respectively portray Sally Hardesty, Franklin Hardesty, the hitchhiker, the proprietor, and Leatherface. The film follows a group of friends who fall victim to a family of cannibals while on their way to visit an old homestead. Although it was marketed as a true story to attract a wider audience and as a subtle commentary on the", "title": "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" } ]
who had the most 3 pointers in nba history?
[ "Ray Allen" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26, "text": "Other highlights of the 2014-2015 season included Stephen Curry breaking his own record for three-pointers made in a single season with 286. He and Klay Thompson made a combined 525 three-pointers, the most by a duo in NBA history. In the postseason, Curry shattered Reggie Miller's record of 58 made three-pointers in a single postseason with 98. On January 23, 2015, Klay Thompson broke an NBA record for points in a quarter with 37 in the third. Curry was also the leader in the voting polls for the 2015 NBA All-Star Game, won the 2014–15 NBA Most Valuable Player award", "title": "Golden State Warriors" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.8, "text": "Curry breaking his own record for three-pointers made in a single season with 286. He and Klay Thompson made a combined 525 three-pointers, the most by a duo in NBA history. In the postseason, Curry shattered Reggie Miller's record of 58 made three-pointers in a single postseason with 98. On January 23, 2015, Klay Thompson broke an NBA record for points in a quarter with 37 in the third. Curry was also the leader in the voting polls for the 2015 NBA All-Star Game, won the 2014–15 NBA Most Valuable Player award and the 2015 ESPYs Best Male Athlete award.", "title": "History of the Golden State Warriors" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.78, "text": "leading scorers for the Magic. In 1995–96 Scott set an NBA single-season three-point field goal tally with 267 (which was broken ten years later by Ray Allen). He also set the NBA record for most three pointers made in a single game with 11 on April 18, 1996. On his record breaking shot the assist came from teammate and the holder of the record, Brian Shaw (he made 10 three pointers on April 8, 1993). This record has also since been broken by Kobe Bryant who made 12 three pointers on January 7, 2003, Donyell Marshall who made 12 three", "title": "Dennis Scott (basketball)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.62, "text": "7–9 from three-point range, including the one to set a Finals record for most three-pointers in a game by a team. He notched 27 total points in the Spurs' blowout 113–77 victory as the team took a 2–1 series lead in the process. On June 16 in Game 5, Green made six three pointers for a total of 25 in the series to that point, breaking the record for an NBA Finals series previously held by Ray Allen, who made 22 in six games with the Boston Celtics in 2008. By the end of the series, Green had made 27", "title": "Danny Green (basketball)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.45, "text": "Celtics became the second team to reach 3,000 victories, Paul Pierce became the third Celtic to score 20,000 points after Larry Bird and John Havlicek, and Ray Allen broke the NBA record for most three-pointers made in a career. The 2011 NBA Playoffs started with the Celtics sweeping the New York Knicks 4–0 in the opening round, but in the second round they were ousted by eventual Eastern champions Miami Heat in five games. Shaquille O'Neal, limited to 12 minutes in two games of the second round, retired at the end of the season. At the 2011 NBA draft, the", "title": "Boston Celtics" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.44, "text": "scored 18 points to reach the 20,000 point total for his career. On June 6, 2010, in Game 2 of the 2010 NBA Finals in a 103–94 victory against the Los Angeles Lakers, Allen set a then record for most three-pointers made in an NBA Finals game on 8–11 shooting to tie the series 1–1. He broke Michael Jordan's record of six three-pointers in one half by hitting seven in the first half and had tied Scottie Pippen and Kenny Smith's record for most three-pointers in one game in the NBA Finals by half time. Allen also became the first", "title": "Ray Allen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.41, "text": "win over the Los Angeles Lakers, Teletović set the Suns' single-season record for most three-pointers made off the bench, surpassing Danny Ainge's 150 made three-pointers during the 1992–93 season. On April 5, in a loss to the Atlanta Hawks, Teletović set an NBA single-season record for most three-pointers made off the bench, surpassing Chuck Person's 164 made three-pointers during the 1994–95 season with the San Antonio Spurs. His record was broken the following season by Eric Gordon. Teletović finished the season with a 181 three-pointers, with 179 made while coming off the bench. On July 8, 2016, Teletović signed a", "title": "Mirza Teletović" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.34, "text": "in the final seconds. On June 14, 1990, Johnson made a 15-footer in the last second, beating Portland 92–90 in Game 5 of the Finals, thus giving Detroit the World Championship. Bill Laimbeer tied Michael Cooper for the league record of most three-pointers made in a Finals game with six in the Pistons' Game 2 loss. Michael Jordan would later tie that in the 1992 NBA Finals, and Dan Majerle in the 1993 NBA Finals. Kenny Smith broke the record in the 1995 NBA Finals by connecting on seven three-pointers, a mark later tied by Scottie Pippen and Ray Allen", "title": "1990 NBA Finals" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.22, "text": "averaged 10.9 points per game and made 88.6% of his free throws while playing an average of 25.8 minutes per game. On April 25, 2013, while playing Milwaukee in Game 3 of the first round of the playoffs, Allen made his 322nd career three-pointer in the playoffs, which broke Reggie Miller's record for most three-pointers made in NBA playoff history. Allen returned to his favorite #34 jersey upon joining the Heat. In Game 6 of the NBA Finals against the San Antonio Spurs, as the Heat trailed by three points, Allen made a game-tying 3-pointer with 5.2 seconds left in", "title": "Ray Allen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.14, "text": "Randy Foye (178) and Rodney Hood (161) for most 3-pointers in a single season for a Jazz player. On 7 March 2018, he recorded the first double-double of his NBA career with 11 points and 10 assists in a 104–84 win over the Indiana Pacers. On 17 March 2018, he recorded 14 points, nine assists and seven rebounds in a 103–97 win over the Sacramento Kings. Ingles made three 3-pointers to push his season total to 179, breaking the Jazz record of 178 set by Foye during the 2012–13 season. Five days later, in a 119–112 win over the Mavericks,", "title": "Joe Ingles" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.12, "text": "George made nine three-pointers en route to a career-high 37 points in a victory against the New Orleans Hornets. The nine 3-pointers broke the franchise record for most 3-pointers made in a single game, surpassing Hall of Famer Reggie Miller. George was named the NBA's Player of the Week for the first time in his career in December, winning three straight games against Cleveland, Philadelphia, and Detroit. He recorded his first career triple-double in a victory over the Charlotte Bobcats on February 13, 2013, finishing with 23 points, 12 rebounds, 12 assists and 2 steals. That same season, George was", "title": "Paul George" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.97, "text": "made at least one three-pointer in his final 73 games of the season, the longest active streak in the NBA at the time, a career-best and the fourth longest streak in league history (Dana Barros 89, Michael Adams 79, Dennis Scott 78). In addition, his 189 made threes was the fourth-best single season total in franchise history. On July 12, 2013, Korver re-signed with the Hawks to a four-year, $24 million contract. On December 6, 2013, Korver passed the NBA record for most consecutive games with a made three-pointer (90) originally set by Dana Barros (89). The streak eventually ended", "title": "Kyle Korver" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.95, "text": "Mavericks on March 25, both teams combined for 39 made three-pointers (21 by the Warriors, 18 by the Mavericks), an all-time NBA record, which beat the 37 set by the Warriors and Blazers two weeks earlier. Golden State also eclipsed the previous record for most three-pointers in a single season by a team in NBA history (933) that had been set by the Houston Rockets the previous year. The Warriors dished out 32 assists against the Philadelphia 76ers on March 27, the 39th time this season the team has had a 30-assist game; the most in the NBA since the", "title": "2015–16 Golden State Warriors season" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.92, "text": "the greatest shooters in NBA history. Miller is one of only seven players to join the 50–40–90 club and has made 2,560 3-pointers in his career, which was an NBA record at the time of his retirement. His total has since been surpassed by Ray Allen. Miller was a member of two gold medal-winning teams, the US national team for the 1994 FIBA World Championship and the Olympic men's basketball team in 1996. He averaged 17.1 points, 52.6% shooting, and was 19 for 20 from free throws and was second-leading scorer behind Shaquille O'Neal in the 1994 tournament. In 1996,", "title": "Reggie Miller" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.86, "text": "Sacramento, Mario Chalmers had a career-high 10-triples, tying Brian Shaw's record for most three pointers in a single game. Four days later against Golden State, LeBron James became the youngest player in NBA history to score 20,000 career-points and made his 5,000th career assist. On February 3, 2013 (Day of Super Bowl XLVII), the Heat embarked on a winning streak, after winning over the Toronto Raptors. Eight days later against Portland, LeBron James broke Moses Malone and Adrian Dantley's record of six straight 30 point games on 60% shooting. The 117-104 win was also the Heat's 1000th regular season win", "title": "History of the Miami Heat" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.86, "text": "Portland Trail Blazers, Wright then broke another NBA record, becoming the first player to have scored more points in his seventh season than in all his first six seasons combined. Wright ended the season with the most three-pointers made in the NBA that season with 194, as well as the most three-pointers attempted with 516; each mark set a new Warriors franchise record. Following the season, Curry received the NBA Sportsmanship Award. Coach Smart was dismissed on April 27, 2011 due to the change in ownership. Seventeen-year NBA veteran and former ABC and ESPN commentator Mark Jackson replaced Smart as", "title": "Golden State Warriors" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.81, "text": "the Warriors rallied from a 3–1 deficit in the Western Conference Finals to defeat Oklahoma City, 4–3. Thompson scored 41 points and made an NBA playoff record 11 three-pointers in Game 6, and the Splash Brothers were the first NBA players to finish with at least 30 three-pointers in a playoff series. Their 62 combined makes exceeded the Thunders' series total of 55. In 2016–17, Curry and Thompson became the first two players in NBA history to make at least 200 three-pointers in five consecutive seasons. Curry broke the NBA record for most three-pointers made in a single game with", "title": "Splash Brothers" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.78, "text": "along with a future second-round pick, to the Dallas Mavericks in exchange for a future conditional second-round pick. Veteran power forward David West signed with the Warriors, as did free-agent center Zaza Pachulia. The Warriors posted many notable achievements during the 2016–17 regular season. On November 7, 2016, Stephen Curry set the NBA record for most 3-pointers in a game with 13, in a 116–106 win over the Pelicans. On December 5, 2016, Klay Thompson scored 60 points in 29 minutes, in a 142–106 victory over the Pacers. In doing so, Thompson became the first player in NBA history to", "title": "Golden State Warriors" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.73, "text": "defeated the New Orleans Hornets in 5 games, which included a record-equaling 58-point margin-of-victory. Billups also set a Nuggets franchise record with the most 3 pointers in a playoff game with 8, and his 19 3-pointers in total is also a Nuggets record for threes made in a playoff series. In his first year with the Nuggets, Billups led them back to the NBA Conference Finals for the first time since 1985. They would play the Lakers for the second straight year (the Lakers had swept them in the first round the year before). The Nuggets would ultimately lose the", "title": "Chauncey Billups" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.72, "text": "an NBA Finals record for most 3-pointers in a game with 14. With three minutes remaining in the game, both teams took their starters out of the game, with the Heat still leading by more than 20 points. With their Game 5 win, the Heat won their second NBA championship in team history, and the first for several Heat players, including James, who was named the NBA Finals MVP after averaging 28.6 points, 10.2 rebounds and 7.4 assists in the finals, capping it all off with his first triple double of the season in the final game. For the Thunder,", "title": "2012 NBA Finals" } ]