She also took care of her father at Haworth.
Pia alimtunza baba yake huko Haworth.
But you do not believe." - John 10:25, 26.
Lakini hamwamini." - Yohana 10:25, 26.
The police may detain you for up to nine hours to achieve this goal.
Polisi wanaweza kukuweka kizuizini hadi saa tisa kufikia lengo hili.
The Professor continued, 'When they love each other even more, what happens?
Mwalimu akaendelea: "Pale watakavyozidi kupendana zaidi, nini kinatokea?
The High King will not be there;
Huko haiwezi kufika mkuu,
They will do the same in due time."
Baada ya muda watakufanya hivyohivyo."
Especially in today's world, where complaining and arguing have become a way of life?
Hasa katika ulimwengu wa leo, kulalamika na kubishana kumekuwa njia ya maisha wapi?
And now I really do preach to more people than before."
Na sasa kwa kweli, ninahubiria watu wengi zaidi kuliko zamani."
But my children have nothing to fear, those who truly love, worship, put me first in their lives.
Lakini watoto WANGU hawana lolote la kuogopa, wale wanaonipenda kweli, wanaoniabudu, wanaoniweka MIMI kwanza katika maisha yao.
They are worse than Satan," he said.
Wewe ni mbaya kuliko mashetani," alisema.
For the last few years we have been sleeping with the Eastern Express.
Kwa miaka michache iliyopita, tumelala na East Express.
6 Second, angels helped the governing body.
6 Pili, malaika walilisaidia baraza linaloongoza.
He is calling every day and we have no time for Him and keep hanging up on Him."
Yeye anaita kila siku nasi hatuna wakati kwa ajili Yake, tunamkatisha kila saa."
You can't allow someone to harm your business in this way.
Hauwezi kumruhusu mtu kuumiza biashara yako kwa njia hii.
Here we are again, God.
"Sisi hapa tena, Mungu.
Of course they were going to lose quite a few people in the move - but are actually growing nicely in 2011 as a Software as a Service social network provider.
Kwa kweli wangepoteza watu wachache katika harakati - lakini kwa kweli wanakua vizuri mnamo 2011 kama Programu kama Mtoa huduma wa mtandao wa kijamii.
Fortunately, she was living and working at the time in Denmark.
Kwa bahati nzuri, alikuwa akiishi na kufanya kazi wakati huo huko Denmark.
Of course, most are "ignorant" of almost everything that the Bible teaches.
Kwa hakika wengi "wamepuuza" karibu KILA KITU ambacho Biblia inafundisha.
The resulting litter consisted of six puppies,
Halafu ni mafakiri, kwa shida wanasumbuka,
This is one exception to my rule: you need to be on Pinterest.
Hii ni ubaguzi mmoja kwa utawala wangu: unahitaji kuwa kwenye Pinterest.
"Chairman Kim and I will meet again on Feb. 27 and 28 in Vietnam."
Na Mwenyekiti Kim na mimi tutakutana tena Februari 27 na 28 huko Vietnam."
Your slide (s) will be shipped promptly.
na uponyaji wako utatokea upesi;
Thereby, he judged his nation that crucified David's promised son.
Kwa njia hiyo alihukumu taifa lake iliyomsulibisha mwana wa Daudi aliyeahidiwa.
"Every little girl that's watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities."
"Kila msichana anayeangalia usiku wa leo anaona hii ni nchi ambayo chochote kinawezekana."
We need to make sure that our work supports everyone, no matter where they live."
Tunahitaji kuhakikisha kwamba kazi yetu inasaidia kila mtu, bila kujali ambapo wanaishi. "
If this is not possible, read books and journals about your area of knowledge.
Ikiwa hilo haliwezekani, soma vitabu na majarida kuhusu eneo lako la ujuzi.
He answered my prayer in an unusual way - by showing me the condition of my own heart.
Alijibu maombi yangu kwa namna isiyo ya kawaida - kwa kunionyesha hali ya moyo wangu mwenyewe.
Probably many of us here have been told at some point in our lives: "You can't get a job with that degree."
Labda wengi wetu hapa tumeambiwa wakati fulani katika maisha yetu: "Hauwezi kupata kazi kwa kiwango hicho."
The gunmen "asked us who would feed all 520 of us.
Watu hao wenye silaha "walituuliza nani atatulisha sote 520.
"Many more volcanoes will erupt to show the world that I am not happy with it.
" Volcano nyingi zaidi zitalipuka ili kuonyesha ulimwengu kwamba sifurahishwi nayo.
For all these reasons, it took very long for me to set up my foundation in Africa.
Kwa sababu zote hizi, ilinichukua muda mrefu sana kuanzisha taasisi yangu barani Afrika.
To execute vengeance upon the nations, and punishments upon the people.
Ili kufanya kisasi juu ya mataifa, Na adhabu juu ya kabila za watu.
"People are drinking water straight out of the river Nile.
"watu wanakunywa maji moja kwa moja kutoka mto Nile.
I shall particularly defend each one of them at the hour of death.
Mimi Mwenyewe nitamkinga kwa namna ya pekee kila mmoja wao saa ile ya kufa kwao.
All believers should know these prayers to be able to do it whenever we need it.
Waumini wote wanapaswa kujua sala hizi kuweza kuifanya wakati wowote tunahitaji.
If you don't, say that you would like to be in a higher level job where you could help the company even more.
Kama huna, kusema kwamba ungependa kuwa katika kazi ngazi ya juu ambapo inaweza kusaidia kampuni hata zaidi.
This continued to happen for quite some time till my elder brother gave me a few tips.
Hii iliendelea kutokea kwa muda kabisa mpaka ndugu yangu mzee alinipa tips chache.
Only Noah was left, and those that were with him on the ark.
Waliobaki ni Noa peke yake na wale waliokuwa pamoja naye ndani ya safina.
Jesus, God's prophet, showed that there are only two roads.
Yesu, nabii wa Mungu, alionyesha kwamba kuna barabara mbili tu.
My people are destroyed from the lack of knowledge.
kweli watu wangu wanaangamia kwa kukosa maarifa,
Thus We will bring forth the dead so that you may take heed.
Basi hali kadhalika tunavyo wafufua wafu, ili mpate kukumbuka.
Do they think that they are smarter than the one who feeds them?
Je, hao ni bora zaidi kuliko waliowapa kura?
We believe that all eligible 15-17 year olds deserve to take part in NCS and it is great value for money.
Tunaamini kwamba wote wenye umri wa miaka 15-17 wanaostahili kushiriki katika NCS na ni thamani kubwa ya fedha.
This was the world before Christ - one in which few walked with God.
Huu ulikuwa ulimwengu kabla ya Kristo - ambao ndani yake ni watu wachache pekee walitembea na Mungu.
At the doubtlessly great event.
kwa lisio vunja Sharia tukufu.
Say: "Who rescues you from the perils of the land and
Sema: Ni nani anaye kuokoeni katika giza la nchi kavu
(1) From one sin to another.
Wanatoka dhambi moja hadi nyingine,
That isn't easy and at this point of time, WireGuard still remains under heavy development.
Hiyo sio rahisi na kwa wakati huu, WireGuard bado inabaki chini ya maendeleo nzito.
Shortly after, Alfredo was baptized, and now he and his wife serve as full-time ministers.
Muda mfupi baadaye, Alfredo alibatizwa, na sasa yeye na mke wake wanatumikia wakiwa wahudumu wa wakati wote.
> Communicating with more than six people at the same time.
> Kuwasiliana na watu zaidi ya sita kwa wakati mmoja.
He also created woman.
Pia, alimuumba mwanamke.
Baddies is certainly shateringly self-aware.
Na kutoa Zaka, hakika yenyewe ni faradhi.
14 They do not call to me from their hearts.
14 Hawanililii mimi kutoka mioyoni mwao,
And as for the poets, the misguided ones follow them.
Na watungaji mashairi ni wapotofu ndio wanawafuata.
You have no right to judge me.'
Kwa hiyo huna sifa ya kunihukumu'.
And Jr.'s just sitting there, eating in silence एक साल से अधिक पुराना
And Jr.'s just sitting there, eating in silence zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
I asked how she knows about that book.
Nikamuuliza ni vipi alijua kuhusu kitabu hiki.
So they started with the elders who were before the temple."]
Hivyo walianza na wazee [Msisitizo hutolewa] ambao walikuwa mbele ya nyumba [ya Mungu]."
for He knew what was in man."
"Yeye mwenyewe alijua kile kilichokuwa ndani ya mwanadamu."
who denied Shu'ayb - it was as though they had never resided there.
Wale waliomkadhibisha Shuaib wakawa kama kwamba hawakuwako.
In thy hand is the soul of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.
Mkononi mwako kuna shungi la nywele la kila kiumbe, na Kwako ni marejeo ya kila kiumbe.
People are waiting to hear the good news that Jesus loves them.
Wanangojea kusikia habari njema kwamba Yesu anawapenda.
The Age of Nehemiah, A Solution
Enzi ya Nehemia, Suluhisho
Or do you have a website but haven't yet seen the benefits of having a website?
Au unayo website lakini haujaona bado faida za kuwa na website ?
Have you not heard my name?"
Hamkusikia sauti yangu?"
They change the words from their context, and have forgotten a portion of that which they were reminded.
Wanayabadilisha maneno kutoka pahala pake, na wamesahau sehemu ya yale waliyo kumbushwa.
Suddenly something awoke me out of my sleep.
Ghafla, kitu kilinigutusha kutoka kwenye usingizi ule.
The Bible tells us that many people died that day.
Biblia inatuambia watu wengi walikufa siku hiyo.
now, day and night, for the children of Israel thy servants,
wakati huu, mchana na usiku, kwa ajili ya wana wa Israeli, watumishi wako; hapo
He said: "The knowledge of it is with my Rabb in a Kitaab.
(Muwsaa) Akasema: "Ujuzi wake uko kwa Rabb wangu katika Kitabu.
for they are all the work of his hands?
kwa kuwa wote ni kazi ya mikono yake?
Although your time with us was short, you must have a job to do in heaven with the angels as God has chosen you.
"Ingawa wakati uliokuwa nasi ulikuwa mfupi, ni lazima una kazi ya kufanya huko mbinguni na malaika kwani Mungu amekuchagua wewe.
When a woman is undisguisedly bad, then indeed she is good.
Kama yupo mwanamke mzuri basi lazima mbaya atakuwepo.
They call him Child which is to keep him in his (younger brother) place.
Akisbiri ndugu wamwamulie, basi huyo bado ni mtoto..
Yes, maybe আরো people will...
Yes, maybe zaidi people will...
[3:105] Do not be like those who became divided and disputed, despite the clear proofs that were given to them.
[3.105] Wala msiwe kama wale walio farikiana nakukhitalifiana baada ya kuwafikia hoja zilizo wazi.
Everybody is equal before him.
Sote tu sawa mbele yake.
And here's what's unique about their products:
Na hapa ni ni nini cha kipekee kuhusu bidhaa zao:
not attained even a tenth of what We had given them.
Na hawakufikilia hata sehemu moja katika kumi ya tulivyo wapa hao.
7:71 He answered, 'The punishment and wrath of your Lord has already fallen upon you.
71Akasema: Bila ya shaka adhabu na ghadhabu zimekwisha kukuangukieni kutoka kwa Mola wenu Mlezi.
They will not help you.'
Hutamkuta kwa ajili yao msaidizi'.
Why a person can search for another person.
Kwa nini mtu unaweza kutafuta kwa ajili ya mtu mwingine.
If you're only looking in your area, you're never going to find them.
Kama wewe ni kuangalia tu katika eneo lako, wewe kamwe kwenda kupata yao.
Those who trust in the Lord will be safe.
Lakini kinyume chake ni kuwa wanaomtumaini Mungu watakuwa salama.
I hadn't even heard of Wikimedia Commons and now I know how it works.
Sikuwa nimewahi kusikia hata kuhusu Wikimedia Commons na sasa najua jinsi inavyofanya kazi.
(Revelation 19:19) How will the kings of the earth fare in this war?
(Ufunuo 19:19) Ni nini kitakachotukia kwa wafalme wa dunia katika vita hivyo?
(Qur'an, 40:60) Have you seen him who rejects Our Signs and says, 'I will certainly be given wealth and children there.'
Je, umemwona aliye zikanya Ishara zetu na akasema: Kwa hakika mimi nitapewa mali na wana!
"We didn't lose anything, it's just a point.
"Hatukupoteza chochote, ni pointi moja tu.
With God's word beside me, I no longer feel alone or afraid.
Maneno ya Mungu yakiwa pamoja nami, siko tena mpweke au mwenye woga.
examples of those who passed away before you?
mfano wa wale waliopita kabla yenu?
"We are not talking about religion, we are talking about security."
"Hatuzungumzi kuhusu dini, tunazungumza kuhusu usalama."
23 Or deliver me from the enemy's hand?
23 Au, Niokoeni na mkono wa adui?
It could also be a big user, such as a hospital.
Inaweza pia kuwa mtumiaji kubwa, kama vile hospitali.
A girl named Rahab lives in this city.
Mwanamke anayeitwa Rahabu anaishi katika jiji hili.
The human being is like a seed.
Hakika binadamu ni kama majani.
((There's a girl on my football team that's like that.)) il y a plus d'un an
((There's a girl on my soccer team that's like that.)) zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
Did you know that the Bible invites us to draw close to God?
Je, unajua kwamba Biblia inatutia moyo tumkaribie Mungu?
"This is a requisite for the successful 21st century leader," says the book 21st Century Leadership: Dialogues With 100 Top Leaders.
'Hilo ni takwa la kiongozi mwenye mafanikio wa karne ya 21,' chasema kitabu 21st Century Leadership: Dialogues With 100 Top Leaders.
'And I am sure that he will play the next four, five, six, seven years at Real Madrid; he will end his career there.
"Na nina uhakika atacheza kwa miaka mingine minne, mitano, sita, saba akiwa Real Madrid; atamalizia soka yake huko.
You see improvement over long stretches of time, not instantly.
Unaona uboreshaji wa muda mrefu, sio mara moja.