I don't have a car, so I walk a lot.
Sina gari, kwa hiyo ninatembea mara nyingi.
Christ's prophecy was, and still is, true!
Unabii wa Kristo ulikuwa, na bado ni, kweli!
Nothing will be accepted from you, for you are evil people."
Hakitopokelewa kitu kwenu, kwani nyinyi ni watu wapotovu.
Men act directly, but women do not.
Wanaume hufanya moja kwa moja, lakini wanawake hawana.
Truly, the One Isaiah saw was Jesus himself, for there is no difference between the Father and the Son.
Kweli, yule Mmoja ambaye Isaya alimwona alikuwa ni Yesu mwenyewe, maana hakuna utofauti wowote kati ya Baba na Mwana.
and the moon will not give her light.
na mwezi hautatoa nuru yake.
"Before me there was no God formed, and after me there continued to be none."
Kabla yangu hakuna Mungu yeyote aliyefanyizwa, na baada yangu hapakuendelea kuwapo yeyote.
Think of Joseph's life over 13 years .
Fikiria maisha ya Yusufu zaidi ya miaka 13.
He will come and destroy the grape-growers and will give the vineyard to others.
Atakuja na kuwaangamiza wale wakulima, na lile shamba la mizabibu atawapa wengine.
All God does is love to man, and we firmly believe it, without any doubt.
Yote afanyayo Mungu ni upendo kwa mwanadamu, na tunaamini kwa uthabiti, bila shaka yoyote.
God is really growing me, preparing me for a larger role in His kingdom's work here on earth.
Mungu ni kweli kuongezeka kwa mimi, preparing me for a larger role in His kingdom's work here on earth.
There we heard a language we didn't understand.
huko tulikosikia lugha ambayo hatukuielewa.
Perhaps you even continued to play college ball.
Pengine wewe hata aliendelea kucheza mpira wa Chuo.
When I was 19, I visited Cambodia for the first time.
Nilipokuwa na umri wa miaka 19, nilitembelea Kambodia kwa mara ya kwanza.
He asked me to move to Oregon and I did.
Aliniuliza kuhamia Oregon na mimi nikafanya hivyo.
There is no god but He: how then are ye deluded away from the Truth?" (1)
Hakuna Muabudiwa wa haki ila Yeye, basi wapi mnapogeuzwa?
But sometimes our products or services require a few steps to close the deal.
Lakini wakati mwingine bidhaa zetu au huduma zinahitaji hatua chache kufunga mpango huo.
By 1918, one in six deaths in France was still caused by TB.
By 1918, moja katika vifo sita katika Ufaransa alikuwa bado unasababishwa na TB.
Just five days later, the branch responded, "Come, we need more pioneers!"
Siku tano tu kisha hapo, biro ya tawi ilijibu hivi: "Mukuje, tuko na lazima ya mapainia zaidi!"
Do the disbelievers think that they can take My servants as protectors instead of Me?
[18.102] Je, wanadhani walio kufuru ndio wawafanye wajawangu ndio walinzi wao badala yangu Mimi?
hm He couldn't do even simple arithmetic.
Alikuwa hawezi hata kufanya simple arithmetic.
Tell them you are sick and need to stay home.
Kuwaambia ni wagonjwa na wanahitaji kukaa nyumbani.
To help you select, we've done the research and testing for you!
Kwa kukusaidia kuchagua, tumefanya utafiti na majaribio kwa ajili yenu!
This tells us that Daniel's "words have been heard" in heaven.
Hii inatuambia kuwa "maneno ya Danieli yalisikiwa" mbinguni.
You say, but I do not feel any different.
Unasema, lakini sijisikii tofauti yoyote.
Or multiple acts of GOD.
Kumbe Waislam mna Ma-Allah wengi.
"Even if we cannot imagine it here in South Korea - there are people in the north who die and starve to death."
"Ingawa hatuwezi hata kufikiria hapa Korea Kusini - kuna watu Kaskazini ambao wanakufa na njaa."
The Lord said to Abraham: Lift up thine eyes and see from the east to the south, to the north and to the sea.
Mungu alimwambia Abrahamu: "Tafadhali, inua macho yako utazame kutoka mahali ulipo, upande wa kaskazini na wa kusini na wa mashariki na wa magharibi."
In so doing, you teach your child to respect authority - including yours. - Colossians 3:20.
Unapofanya hivyo, unamfundisha mtoto wako kuheshimu mamlaka - kutia ndani yako. - Wakolosai 3:20.
Some have even concluded that the gospel of the kingdom of God is not for mankind today!
Wengine hata wamefikia hitimisho kuwa ufalme wa Mungu si kwa ajili ya wanadamu leo!
Enjoy today's match, any questions to Paul will be forwarded directly to him.
Kufurahia mechi ya leo, maswali yoyote Paulo yatatumwa kwake moja kwa moja.
You say you love ME my children?
Mnasema kuwa mnanipenda MIMI Watoto WANGU?
Not really, he's been promoted to be the director of our company in Canada.
Sivyo, anapandishwa cheo kuwa mkurugenzi katika kampuni yetu nchini Kanada.
The Lord said to me, "Don't return to your old ways My daughter.
Bwana akaniambia: "Usirudi tena kwenye njia zako za zamani, binti yangu.
(Notice that in each case, he states the correct theological position.
(Utaona kwamba katika kila tukio, anaelezea msimamo sahihi wa kiteolojia.
Righteousness means doing what is right in God's eyes.
Kutenda uadilifu hutia ndani kufanya kwa hiari mambo yanayofaa machoni pa Mungu.
And they gave him the good news of a son endowed with knowledge.
Na wakampa bishara kuwa atapata mwana mwenye ilimu nzuri.
He answered, "Seven or eight months."
Akasema: Siku sita au miezi sita au miaka sita). ([100])
You are stepping back into an ancient world that seems foreign to you.
Unarudia nyuma katika ulimwengu wa zamani wenye kuonekana kuwa wa kigeni kwako.
At the end of the third stage, the student is expected ...
Mwishoni mwa hatua ya tatu, mwanafunzi anatarajiwa ...
Brothers, let each one remain with God in the condition in which he was called.
Ndugu zangu, kila mmoja wenu basi, na abaki na Mungu kama alivyokuwa wakati alipoitwa.
So, then, how was she able to move? - Luke 14:28.
Hivyo basi, alifauluje kuhama? - Luka 14:28.
If not, you'll see X Missed Days to let you know that you've missed some days.
Ikiwa sio, utaona Siku X zilizopotea ili kukujulisha kwamba umepoteza siku kadhaa.
"They desire that ye should be unbelievers as they are unbelievers,
Wanapenda lau kuwa nanyi mnge kufuru kama walivyo kufuru wao, ili muwe sawa sawa.
"Lincoln saw that Europe's attitude towards the war must be changed, and he knew how to do it.
Lincoln aliona kwamba msimamo wa Ulaya kuhusu vita hiyo lazima ubadilike, na alijua jinsi ya kufanya.
Do you know which is the accurate -
Na nini kitakujuulisha nini hilo Tukio la haki?
It will not be easy, it will take time, but united, we will overcome this new threat."
Itakuwa si rahisi, itachukua muda, lakini umoja, sisi kushinda tishio hii mpya. "
Fear is just an energy within us, thus it is not "good" or "bad."
Hofu ni nguvu tu ndani yetu, kwa hivyo sio "nzuri" au "mbaya."
10 It is clear that God's Kingdom has not yet "come" to fulfill the model prayer.
10 Ni wazi kwamba Ufalme wa Mungu bado 'haujaja' ili kutimiza ile sala ya kielelezo.
"Only a few players can do it and one of them was Maradona.
"Ni wachezaji wachache wanaoweza kufanya hivyo na mmojawao alikuwa ni Maradona.
What do scientists say about the end of the world
wanasayansi wanasemaje juu ya mwisho wa ulimwengu
"There is not one brother in all these islands!"
Hakuna ndugu hata mmoja katika visiwa hivi!"
It is also a chance to reflect on where we are now compared with twelve short months ago.
Pia ni nafasi ya kutafakari ambapo sasa tunalinganishwa na miezi kumi na miwili iliyopita.
Miracles you've seen.
Miujiza Ambayo Wewe Umeona!
He looked at me like I was nuts; at this point he was probably right.
Aliniangalia kama nilikuwa karanga; kwa wakati huu labda alikuwa sahihi.
However, every tradition practiced here has a symbolic significance to the Chinese people.
Hata hivyo, kila tamaduni inayoadhimishwa hapa ina maana ya kiasili kwa Wachina.
Even in the family our own children came to know about it 20 years later.
Hata katika familia yetu watoto walikuja kujua baada ya miaka 20.
You have nothing to fear." - Matt.
Huna sababu ya kuogopa." - Mt.
Not only can you expect a rapid response to any
Si tu unaweza kutarajia majibu ya haraka kwa yoyote
He falls down and bows at Peter's feet, as you see here.
Anapiga magoti na kuinamia miguu ya Petro, kama unavyoona hapa.
"Like everything else we do, we will do this type of hosting our way."
"Kama kila kitu kingine tunachofanya, tutafanya aina hii ya kukaribisha njia yetu."
When It Comes to God, What Is Your Understanding
Inapofikia Mungu, Ufahamu Wako ni Upi?
or know of a source close to you.
Au kama una yakutuambia basi karibu huu ndo uwwanja wake.
Teachers encouraged us to do the best we could.
Walimu wetu walitutia moyo tufanye yote tuwezayo.
He would ask me if I wanted to be a part of the royal family.
Aliniuliza kama ningetaka kuwa sehemu ya familia ya kifalme.
Many have gone out and have never returned."
Wengi wameshindwa, na hawakurudi."
My father likes watching TV.
Baba yangu anapenda kuona televisheni.
He did not realize that, by doing so, he was endangering his family and all Sevillian Jews.
Hakutambua kuwa, kwa kufanya hivyo, alikuwa akihatarisha familia yake na Wayahudi wote wa Sevillian.
From the top to the heel,
Kutoka kuwa mkia hadi kuwa kichwa,
He became the second most powerful person in Egypt and was blessed with a wife and children.
Akawa mtu wa pili mwenye uwezo mkubwa zaidi nchini Misri na kubarikiwa kupata mke na watoto.
Although you can't see clearly now;
Ingawa huwezi kuona waziwazi sasa;
But sometimes it is no more than paying rent, and at the end, you will own your home!
Lakini wakati mwingine ni hakuna zaidi ya kulipa kodi, na mwishoni, wewe mwenyewe nyumba yako!
So many of them are new in faith.
Wengine wao ni wapya katika imani.
Despite opposition from her family, she was faithful to God until her death many years later.
Licha ya kupingwa na familia yake, aliendelea kuwa mwaminifu kwa Mungu hadi alipokufa miaka mingi baadaye.
I also give more attention to my wife.
Pia ninamjali mke wangu zaidi.
Good morning to those who do not sleep.
Asubuhi njema kwa waliouhama usingizi..
The answer is: You kill his family. over a year ago
The answer is: wewe kill his family. zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
Just as you are the child of parents, and possibly have children of your own, God is your parent.
Kama vile wewe ulivyo mtoto wa wazazi, na huenda una watoto wako mwenyewe, Mungu ni Mzazi wako.
yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.
naam, hata na nafsi yake mwenyewe, hawezi kuwa mwanafunzi wangu.
John will be a prophet, and he will prepare the way for the Messiah.'
Yohana atakuwa nabii, atatayarisha njia kwa ajili ya Masihi.'
In order to realize this vision, the people of Ajou University will begin three "Pleasant Innovations."
Ili kufikia dira hii, watu wa Chuo Kikuu Ajou itaanza tatu "Innovations Pleasant."
English version: I think he's coming
Translation:Ninafikiri kwamba atakuja
Indeed, this is a wait and see.
Kwa hakika, hili ni jambo la kusubiri na kuona
They talked about their sons.'
Loooo!, waliowambia wana lao jambo."
Start new Career in the Middle East by using our company.
Anza Kazi mpya katika Mashariki ya Kati kwa kutumia kampuni yetu.
When their time comes, let them have it (i.e. cast his mantle upon him).
Basi wanapo fikia muda wao, ima warejeeni muwaweke kwa
After that, there will only be a (unlikely) wait list.
Hakuna chaguo ila kusubiri mchakato ukamilike.
Plus, it does nothing but damage the work of God's house.
Aidha, kufanya hivyo huharibu tu kazi ya nyumba ya Mungu.
Allah made it clear in the
Mungu Mwenyezi huyaweka wazi yale ya sirini
"Who has not been fed with Job's meat?"
'Ni nani ambaye hajashibishwa na nyama ya Ayubu?'
No, I have my own design, ready to be printed.
Hapana, mimi kuwa na kubuni yangu mwenyewe, tayari kuchapishwa.
She said: "I have been wanting to share this video for a while.
Alisema: "Nimekuwa nikitaka kushiriki video hii kwa muda.
they will have the chance to see God
watakuwa na fursa ya kumwona Mungu
[5] The boastful shall not stand before your eyes; you hate all evildoers.
Wenye kiburi hawawezi kusimama mbele yako, unawachukia wote watendao mabaya.
(Matthew 24:14) No doubt God's people will proclaim a hard-hitting judgment message.
24:14) Bila shaka, watu wa Mungu watatangaza ujumbe mzito wa hukumu.
However, Cristiano Ronaldo will have to leave Spain before June 30, 2022.
Walakini, Cristiano Ronaldo atalazimika kuondoka Uhispania kabla ya Juni 30, 2022.
Together, they will escape."
nao wataanguka chini pamoja."
It was as if they had never lived in their houses.
Kama kwamba wao hawakukaa kwenye nyumba zao wakati wowote.
The blood is no longer on my hands.
Damu haipo tena mikononi mwangu.
"We achieved these goals, which is why we went there.
"Tulifikia malengo hayo, na hiyo ndio sababu tulienda huko.