"I will make them strong in the LORD, and they shall walk in his name,' declares the LORD."
Nami nitawatia nguvu katika Bwana; nao watatembea huko na huko katika jina lake, asema Bwana.
We want to be like that, don't we?
Twataka tuwe kama hao, sivyo?
Tales From the Borderlands & Life is Strange
Hadithi Kutoka Borderlands & Life ni ajabu
she'll die before we know it...or just leave 1年以上前
she'll die before we know it...or just leave zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
As you can see now, I have my hands full.
Kama unavyoona, nina mikono yangu bure sasa.
For Thou didst speak the word, and all things were made; and this is done which Thou hast commanded.
Shida mmefungwa kuhoji kila mnalosikia, hivyo mnalibeba kama lilivyo.
Say, "Everyone conducts according to its resemblance.
Sema: "Kila mmoja anatenda kwa namna yake.
Step 4: If possible, monitoring visits to the country, if not already there.
hatua 4: Ikiwezekana, ufuatiliaji wa ziara nchini, ikiwa hauko tayari huko.
All the people who are with him will run away.
Watu wote walio pamoja naye watakimbia.
Sadly, I did not apply the Bible's counsel in my younger years.
Inasikitisha kwamba sikutumia ushauri wa Biblia nilipokuwa mdogo.
Both hungry and thirsty, their soul languished within them.
Waliona njaa, waliona na kiu, nafsi yao ilikuwa ikizimia ndani yao.
Do you think that we are now living in the "hour of His judgment," the parallel to the 120 years before the flood?
Je, unadhani kwamba sasa tunaishi kwenye "saa ya hukumu yake," sawa na miaka 120 kabla ya gharika?
"One of the men lives in Lagos.
"Mmoja wanaume hao anaishi Lagos.
6And that he would tell you the secrets of wisdom,
6 Ndipo angekuambia siri za hekima,
Despite the discussions... Bursa cares about the tram.
Licha ya majadiliano... Bursa anajali tramu.
Waited respectfully before speaking (6, 7)
Alisubiri kwa heshima kabla ya kuzungumza (6, 7)
Thus He followed His Father's example from creation.
Hivyo, alifuata kielelezo cha Baba yake wakati wa uumbaji.
It goes to show that even the former VP of Design at Twitter knows how to have fun with Twitter bios.
Inakwenda kuonyesha kwamba hata VP wa zamani wa Design kwenye Twitter anajua jinsi ya kujifurahisha na bios za Twitter.
When I read the Bible each evening, I think about the people I met in the territory.
Ninaposoma Biblia kila jioni, ninawafikiria watu niliokutana nao katika eneo.
... the clouds had disappeared along with his friend, the old man.
...mawingu yalikuwa yametoweka pamoja na rafiki yake, yule mzee.
"He's really worried about Joe."
Ana wasiwasi kuhusu Joe."
"Your works are wonderful, as my soul is very well aware."
Kazi zako ni za ajabu, kama vile nafsi yangu inavyojua vema."
So many children, maybe hundreds of thousands, not returning to school this Monday.
Watoto wengi, labda mamia ya maelfu, ambao huenda wasirudi shule leo Jumatatu.
I want to go there at any cost.
Nataka kufika huko kwa gharama yoyote.
"You were right, you do have a bad case of endometriosis."
"Ulikuwa sahihi, una kesi mbaya ya endometriosis."
78:15 That We may produce therewith corn and vegetables,
[78.15] Ili tutoe kwayo nafaka na mimea,
"Joseph had come to you in the past with clear signs, but you continued todoubt his message.
Na alikwisha wajieni Yusuf zamani kwa dalili zilizo wazi, lakini nyinyi
Adam said, "You don't have to be Mother Teresa or Gandhi to be a giver.
Adamu alisema, "Huhitaji kuwa Mama Teresa or Gandhi kuwa mtoaji.
God made him to make it, and to be a king.
Mungu alimchagua kuwa Mfalme na sherehe ya kumsimika ilifanyika hadharani.
I am going to visit it because I promised my Catholic wife to visit it.
Nitalitembelea kwa sababu nimemuahidi mke wangu Mkatoliki kuwa nitalitembelea.
the God of Jacob does not perceive.
Mungu wa Yakobo hafahamu."
Of course we may support ministry and give money to those who do the Lord's work.
Bila shaka tunaweza kuzitegemeza huduma na kuwapa pesa wale wanaoifanya kazi ya Mungu.
You can decide to worship.
Na mnaweza kuamua kuabudu.
We usually learn at an early age that there are "good..."
Kawaida tunajifunza katika umri mdogo kuwa kuna "nzuri" ..
In prayer, he admitted that they could not defeat the enemy.
Katika sala yake alikubali kwamba hawangeweza kupata ushindi juu ya adui huyo.
Tell the house of Israel all that you see."
Itangazie nyumba ya Israeli kila kitu unachokiona."+
He said, "See, I am old; I do not know the day of my death.
Akasema, Tazama, sasa mimi nimekuwa mzee, wala sijui siku ya kufa kwangu.
The last two months have not been easy for our country.
Miezi miwili iliyopita imekuwa si rahisi kwa nchi yetu.
If it is Jehovah God and his Son, Jesus Christ, then we must always do what they teach.
Ikiwa ni Yehova Mungu na Mwanaye, Yesu Kristo, basi ni lazima kila wakati tufanye vile wanavyotufundisha.
one people will be stronger than the other,
mmoja atakuwa na nguvu zaidi kuliko mwingine,
You have come to God the judge of all men, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect
Mnasimama mbele ya Mungu aliye hakimu wa wote, na mbele ya roho za watu waadilifu waliofanywa kuwa wakamilifu.
Our army, therefore, must be maintained,
Na kwamba jeshi letu ndilo litakalo shinda.
In fact, it is impossible for a true Christian not to worship God.
Kwa kweli haiwezekani kwa Mkristo wa kweli kutomwabudu Mungu.
First, let us consider how those two women came to be on that long road to Bethlehem.
Kwanza, acheni tuone jinsi wanawake hao wawili walivyojipata kwenye barabara hiyo ndefu ya kwenda Bethlehemu.
Yet man says: "When I am dead will I come to life again?"
"Na mwanadamu anasema:"Ikiwa nitakufa je nitatolewa tena nikiwa hai"?
Is God's grace unfit to be the source of your happiness?
Je, neema yoyote ya Mungu haina sifa inayostahili kuwa chanzo cha furaha yako?
Soon, they were at Christian meetings with their mother, "persisting in prayer."
Baada ya muda walikuwa katika mikutano ya Kikristo pamoja na mama yao, "wakidumu katika sala."
Remember when [for such an admonition and warning] We said to you: "Your Lord has surrounded these people,[73] [and they were making fun of this].
Na tulipo kwambia: Hakika Mola wako Mlezi amekwisha wazunguka hao watu.
"You hate me and you want to finish me?
"Je, wanichukia na wataka kunimaliza?
from the hands of those who hate us,
na kutoka mikononi mwa wote wanaotuchukia.
"We will have to be very careful on the four guys who play up front because one of them will try to make the difference."
"Tutatakiwa kuwa makini sana kwa watu hao wanne ambao wanacheza mbele, kwa sababu mmojawao atajaribu kuleta tofauti."
Some say: It is like a dad.
Wakasema baadhi yao: Jifanyieni kengele kama wafanyavyo Manaswara.
"The first house (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka (same as...
Hakika Nyumba ya kwanza walio wekewa watu kwa ibada ni ile iliyoko Bakka, iliyo
And his hand which he put out against him withered, and he was not able to bring it back to him.
Basi ule mkono wake aliounyosha ukakatika, wala hakuweza kuurudisha kwake tena.
an angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him.
Malaika kutoka mbinguni akamtokea akamtia nguvu.
Because this is a game for sinners.
Kwa sababu ni likizo kwa ajili ya maovu.
Jump up ^ "Remember Those Who Are Taking the Lead Among You."
18 'Muwakumbuke wale ambao wanaongoza katikati yenu.'
Aaron will be gathered to his people and will die there."
Haruni atakufa na kulazwa pamoja na watu wake."
Since we all have the gift of free will, no two Christians will always make exactly the same decisions.
Kwa kuwa sisi sote tuna zawadi ya uhuru wa kuchagua, hakuna Wakristo wawili wanaoweza kufanya uamuzi unaofanana kabisa sikuzote.
Within the second half, we improved.
Katika nusu ya pili tuliboresha.
Those words were like a song that he was always singing to us.
Maneno hayo kwake yalikuwa kama nyimbo ambayo kila wakati alituimbia.
On his first missionary tour, he preached the good news in Asia Minor.
Katika safari yake ya kwanza ya umishonari, alihubiri habari njema katika Asia Ndogo.
everyone in the house is feeling ill at the same time
Kila mtu nyumbani ana mgonjwa kwa wakati mmoja
The One Whom you call is closer to one of you than the neck of his animal" (Sahih al-Bukhari).
Hakika yule mnayemwomba Yuko karibu na mmoja wenu kuliko shingo ya kipando chenu."[31]
If you can, please, forgive me, I really need you in my life.
Kama unaweza tafadhali nisamehe, nakuhitaji kwenye maisha yangu.
Maybe God is concerned.
^ Pengine inahusu Mungu.
The result exceeds all expectations: the best I've ever tried!
Matokeo yanazidi matarajio yote: bora zaidi ambayo nimewahi kujaribu!
"It was as big as my head," she told the West Hawaii Today newspaper.
"Lilikuwa kubwa kama kichwa changu," aliambia gazeti la West Hawaii Today.
But He has declared it so; and thus it is.
Basi huyu akasema hivi; na huyu hivi.
Help me here if I'm wrong.
Mtanisaidia hapa kama nitakosea.
Because he know what is good for his people.
Kwa sababu anajua jambo linalowafaa watu wake.
She replied, "I love him.
Mwanamke huyo akamjibu: "Ningependa.
And yet he had no authority over them, save that We might know one who believes in the Hereafter from one who is in doubt thereof.
[34.21] Na yeye hakuwa na mamlaka yoyote juu yao, ila kwasababu ya kuwajaribu tujue nani mwenye kuamini Akhera,na nani anaye tilia shaka.
You live together with man, and no one has ever known You.
Unaishi pamoja na mwanadamu, na hakuna aliyewahi kukujua.
They will kill me and return to King Rehoboam." [1 Kings 12:
Wataniua mimi na kurudi kwa Mfalme Rehoboamu."
As a result, God made a one-sided covenant.
Halafu Mungu aliifanya tohara iwe ishara ya agano.
"No one has ever eaten food better than to eat from the labor of his own hand.
"Kamwe hajapatapo ye yote kula chakula kilicho bora kuliko kula kutokana na kazi ya mikono yake.
This name tells everyone that such a child was born during a festive period.
Jina hili linamwambia kila mtu kuwa mtoto kama huyo alizaliwa wakati wa sherehe.
"No-one can reveal it to the king except the gods and they do not live among men."
Hakuna ye yote awezaye kumfunulia mfalme isipokuwa miungu, nao hawaishi miongoni mwa wanadamu."
He will execute his tasks in a scientific manner.
Yeye nitafanya kazi zake kwa namna ya kisayansi.
So which of the two parties has more right to security, if you should know?
Basi kundi gani katika mawili haya lina haki zaidi kupata amani, kama nyinyi mnajua?
Life can be one thing after another.
Maisha yanaweza kuwa moja mambo jambo baada ya mwingine.
One path (as it is now) would be a normal internet routing.
Njia moja (kama ilivyo sasa) itakuwa njia ya kawaida ya mtandao.
"Taip, you can use animals in experiments, but no more than necessary - and no fewer.
"Ndiyo, unaweza kutumia wanyama katika majaribio, lakini hakuna zaidi ya lazima - na hakuna chini.
Awaiting a Kingdom That Is "No Part of This World"
Kungoja Ufalme Ambao Si "Sehemu ya Ulimwengu Huu"
Because there is no way to approach Him if we are not born again through His blood !!.
Kwasababu hakuna njia yoyote ya kumkaribia yeye kama hatutazaliwa mara ya pili kwa damu yake!!
If they win, we go to over 2 goals.
Ikiwa watashinda, tunaenda kwa zaidi ya malengo 2.
They are surprised to find that they still have deep hurts and problems in life.
Wanashangaa kukuta kwamba bado wana maumivu makali na matatizo katika maisha.
[3] Who is left among you that saw this temple in its former glory?
3 Miongoni mwenu amebaki nani aliyeiona nyumba hii katika utukufu wake wa kwanza?
Contains sample from "I Wish You Were Here" by Al Green
Ina sampuli kutoka katika "I Wish You Were Here" wa Al Green
exterminate the evil from Yisra'el.
Iyo haki ya wasi uãdhaɓishiwa na madhambi yatru.
Choi: I'd say there is no rush trying to start law school as soon as possible.
Choi: ningependa kusema hakuna kukimbilia kujaribu kuanza shule ya sheria haraka iwezekanavyo.
Besides, we are much nearer than he is, so to an oar, by the dominion.
Na Sisi tuko karibu naye kuliko mshipa wa shingoni mwake.
Only one of them blogged, and one other had their own website.
Ni mmoja tu wao aliyeblogi, na mwingine alikuwa na wavuti yake mwenyewe.
What if they help us in other ways?
Ikiwa watatusaidia kwa njia zingine?
S ay, "What is the strongest evidence (testimony, witness)?"
"Sema: "Ni kitu gani ushahidi wake ndio mkubwa zaidi?"
But there is one fact: the most important part of this is the metro.
Lakini kuna ukweli mmoja: sehemu muhimu zaidi ya hii ni metro.
There is no path too steep for him.
Hakuna kikubwa zaidi kumshinda Yeye (Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala).
"Africa is currently seeing some of the best economic growth in the world, despite all of its challenges, and this is why I am coming back to Africa for the second time this year.
"Afrika kwa sasa kuona baadhi ya ukuaji bora wa kiuchumi duniani, licha ya yote ya changamoto zake, na hii ni kwa nini mimi kuja nyuma ya Afrika kwa mara ya pili mwaka huu.
Question: How should we view the gift of life?
Swali: Tunapaswa kuionaje zawadi ya uhai?