[ 11 ]
[ "gramnegative bacilli" ]
eighteen patients received tigecycline as treatment for infection due to multidrugresistant GNB including acinetobacter baumannii and klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase and extendedspectrum betalactamaseproducing enterobacteriaceae pretherapy MIC concentration values for tigecycline predicted clinical success observed evolution of resistance during therapy raises concern about routine use of tigecycline in treatment of such infections when other therapies are available
[ 3 ]
[ "nmethylpyrrole" ]
conjugates and of Py pynmethylimidazole im polyamides and atetrahydrocyclopropacbenzeindolone cbi with a aminohindolecarbonyl linker were synthesized by fmoc solidphase synthesis and a subsequent liquidphase coupling procedure the dna alkylating abilities of conjugates b and were examined using texas redlabeled pcr fragments and highresolution denaturing gel electrophoresis cbi conjugates and exhibited highly efficient sequencespecific dna alkylation comparable with previous cbi conjugates with a vinyl linker in particular conjugate with a ringed hairpin pyim PA alkylated at the adenine of acaaatcca introduction of an indole linker greatly facilitated the synthesis of sequencespecific alkylating pyim polyamides
[ 44 ]
[ "hydrogen cyanide" ]
phototransformations of isothiocyanic acid hncs induced by tunable uv laser were studied in lowtemperature matrices two isomers of the precursor hncs molecule are formed during uv irradiation of hncsar and hncsn samples thiocyanic acid hscn and isothiofulminic acid hsnc in addition a complex between HCN and a ground state p sulfur atom appears at irradiation with wavelength λ nm the vibrational bands of the shcn complex are observed at and cm in ar and and cm in n at the beginning of irradiation shcn is produced from the hncs F0 at longer times the main sources of the complex are hscn and hsnc species in solid nitrogen hcn monomers are observed besides shcn indicating efficient escape of atomic sulfur out of the matrix cage occupied by the F0 differences in the extent of the observed processes are discussed in relation to the wavelength of the uv radiation applied and the type of matrices results of the computational studies on the shcn geometry and infrared spectra are presented and compared with experimental data
[ 207 ]
[ "threshold intensity" ]
based on a spectral representation method and a selfconsistent mean field theory we present a GA framework to investigate the optical bistability in a nonlinear twophase composite where spheroidal metallic inclusions are randomly oriented and embedded in a dielectric host the relation between the spatial average of the local field squared absolute value of ei i and the external field squared e is obtainable through the spectral density function which is predicted from our recently derived maxwellgarnett approximation in addition to single optical bistability ob the appearance of double ob and optical tristability ot is reported and the corresponding phase diagram is given we find that the regions of the single ob the double ob and the ot are dependent on the shape and volume fraction of the metallic particles our method allows us to take one step forward to T0 some fielddependent effective optical properties such as the refractive index extinction coefficient as well as reflectance the general FR is also applied to investigate exactly the solvable composites consisting of nonlinear spheroidal inclusions and linear dielectric host in the dilute limit to this end the present method is shown to be in excellent PA with the exact solution in addition the present method predicts a larger TI than the variational approach
[ 25 ]
[ "department of housing and urban development" ]
to compare shortterm community caregiver training interventions for preschoolaged children with autism spectrum disorder who had low resources low resource was defined by the us HUD lowincome index or indicator eg medicaid eligibility child outcomes focused on joint engagement joint attention and play
[ 127 ]
[ "serum digoxin concentration" ]
arrhythmias induced by digitalis are believed to be AA to changes in ion concentrations in the myocardial cells or changes in the transcellular ion gradient both diuretic induced hypokalemia and digitalis inhibit the membranenak atpase activity which cause a decrease of the intracellular potassium concentration this may explain the risk of cardiac arrhythmias during digitalis treatment and during severe hypokalemia and may further explain the increase for myocardial sensitivity for digitalis when hypokalemia is present the myocardial uptake of digitalis however is markedly increased at low extracellular potassium concentration and this may be the explanation of the interaction between digitalis and hypokalemia not only the myocardial digoxin kinetic is changed during hypokalemia but the renal excretion rate of digoxin is markedly reduced during hypokalemia leading to increased SDC and thereby the risk of digitalis intoxication
[ 32 ]
[ "community mental health" ]
the second national mental health report was released in june and documents progress in the financial year in implementing the fiveyear national mental health plan expenditure on MH rose by and on CMH services by state and territory funding for nongovernment mental health services rose by and more resources for those with disability were made available to those with psychiatric disability the number of occupiedbeddays in standalone psychiatric hospitals fell by while the report shows that australia has moved generally in the agreed direction considerable work remains to be done in this historically neglected area
[ 87 ]
[ "hippocampal theta" ]
hippocampal learning and SM tasks are tightly coupled to the theta rhythm which is critically dependent on the medial septumdiagonal band of broca msdb although the underlying mechanisms remain unclear the msdb sends both cholinergic and gabaergic projections to the hippocampus here we show that i septohippocampal gabaergic but not cholinergic SN have a pacemaking current the hcurrent and that its selective blockade by zd reduces their spontaneous firing in rat brain slices and ii local infusions of zd into the msdb reduce exploration and sensory evoked theta bursts in behaving rats thus the hcurrent in septohippocampal gabaergic SN modulates the HPC theta rhythm
[ 112 ]
[ "afferent arteriolar" ]
the effects of cisplatin on renal microcirculation were evaluated in euvolemic munichwistar rats submitted to micropuncture nine rats received a single dose of cisplatin mgkg ip and control rats received the same volume ml of mm nacl days before the measurements cisplatin administration induced nonoliguric acute renal failure by decreasing glomerular filtration rate gfr from to mlmin p less than and by increasing UV from to microlitersmin p less than cisplatin administration decreased single nephron gfr from to nlmin p less than due to a reduction in both QA from to nlmin p less than and transcapillary hydraulic pressure difference from to mmhg p less than an increase in arteriolar resistances mainly AA resistance from to x dynscm p less than was observed the glomerular UF coefficient was unchanged
[ 124 ]
[ "haemoglobin f" ]
the sickle cell disease is characterized by a heterogeneous clinical and biological expression in order to evaluate the prognostic significance of the red blood cell density CSD d median cell density of the distribution r middle density range in which of the cells can be found f and f proportion of cells with density higher than and gml respectively have been determined in patients with homozygous sickle cell disease the alpha gene status was determined in patients all patients have been included in an original score of severity fitted to infancy and childhood a positive correlation has been found between d and the clinical score this result illustrates the potential clinical importance of this parameter as well as other biological indices such as the HbF level the alpha gene status and the haplotypes of the betalike gene cluster
[ 123 ]
[ "state anxiety" ]
weinberg and hunt demonstrated that high and lowanxious subjects differed in their patterning of NM SE in performance under failure feedback the present study extends these findings to conditions that involve success feedback the sport competition anxiety test and statetrait anxiety inventory were administered to distinguish astate and atrait subjects while emg indicated qualitative aspects of throwing highand lowtrait anxiety subjects received either success failure or no feedback highanxious subjects performed best under success feedback and lowanxious subjects performed best after failure feedback highanxious subjects used more emg energy before during and after the throw in all conditions and success FB was beneficial for highanxious subjects the results are discussed in terms of the interrelationships between efficiency of neuromuscular SE motor performance and SA
[ 100 ]
[ "thermolysin" ]
in this paper we report the detection purification and characterization of the first metalloprotease inhibitor impi from invertebrates impi was purified from the hemolymph of lastinstar larvae of galleria mellonella by precipitation with trichloroacetic acid and heat followed by affinity chromatography on a thermolysinsepharose column and gel filtration or RP highperformance liquid chromatography for the detection of inhibitor activity a new azocoll assay was established impi was only detectable in larvae that had been injected with bacterial or fungal provocators suggesting that it is induced nonspecifically during the humoral immune response injection of larvae with impi rendered them resistant to TLN in quantities that normally would be lethal for them impi was shown to be specific for metalloproteases the molecular mass of impi was determined by mass spectrometry to be da purified impi was heterogeneous owing to different degrees of glycosylation with hexosehexosamine and deoxyhexose residues ten cysteine residues were found in the molecule and these are presumed to form five disulfide bridges the amino terminus was blocked but a partial aminoacid sequence starting from the thermolysin cleavage site was determined this sequence exhibited no similarity with other known proteins suggesting that the impi represents a new type of protease inhibitor
[ 63 ]
[ "relative risk of death" ]
we studied the association of glucose intolerance with total and causespecific mortality during a year followup of elderly finnish men aged to years total mortality was per for men aged to years and per for men aged to years fiveyear total mortality adjusted for age was per in diabetic men per in men with IGT and per in men with NG tolerance the RR among diabetic men was confidence interval to and among men with IGT confidence interval to times higher compared with men with NGT cardiovascular disease was the most common cause of death in every glucose tolerance group the multivariate adjusted or of cardiovascular death was increased in diabetic patients albeit nonsignificantly confidence interval to diabetes resulted in an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality among men aged years but not among the yearold men or of death from noncardiovascular causes was slightly increased among NIDDM in conclusion diabetes mellitus is a significant determinant of mortality among elderly finnish men
[ 74 ]
[ "multileaf collimator" ]
as flattening filterfree fff photon beams become readily available for treatment delivery in techniques such as sbrt thorough investigation of skin dose from fff photon beams is necessary under clinically relevant conditions using a parallelplate ptw markus chamber placed in a custom waterequivalent phantom surfacedose measurements were taken at × × × × × × × and × cm field sizes at and cm sourcetosurface distances ssds and with fields defined by jaws and MLC mlc using multiple beam energies x xfff x and xfff the same set of measurements was repeated with the chamber at a REF depth of cm each surface measurement was normalized by its corresponding REF depth measurement for analysis the fff surface doses at cm ssd were higher than flattened surface doses by at × cm to at × cm for mv energy these surface dose differences varied to a greater degree as SE increased ranging from at × cm to at × cm for mv at small field sizes higher energy increased fff surface dose relative to flattened surface dose while at larger field sizes relative fff surface dose was higher for lower energies at both energies investigated decreasing ssd caused a decrease in the ratios of ffftoflattened surface dose variability with ssd of ffftoflattened surface dose differences increased with field size and ranged from to the field size at which fff and flattened beams gave the same skin dose increased with decreasing beam SE surface dose was higher with mlc fields compared to jaw fields under most conditions with the difference reaching its maximum at a field size between × cm and × cm for a given energy and ssd this study conveyed the magnitude of surface dose in a clinically meaningful manner by reporting results normalized to cm depth dose instead of depth of dose maximum
[ 75 ]
[ "achilles tendon" ]
a yearold man with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease copd presented with an exacerbation of cough and breathlessness as well as a day history of suddenonset bilateral calf tenderness he had been commenced on inhaled CS years earlier and then received maintenance oral prednisone upon examination there was a haematoma inferior to the medial malleolus with no achilles tenderness on the left side on the RA side there was focal tenderness over the midportion of the AT with pain accentuated upon dorsi flexion a venous duplex study confirmed SVT involving the left gastrocnemius vein extending proximally to the popliteal vein junction the L1 axial deep veins of the left lower leg were patent findings on the right side were normal a subsequent diagnostic ultrasound demonstrated unequivocal BL AT ruptures the patient subsequently underwent corrective surgery there have been several reports of bilateral achilles tendon rupture associated with longterm corticosteroid use it is likely that this entity is underdiagnosed because of a lack of awareness of this association by physicians recognition and surgical intervention are likely to reduce morbidity and improve outcome
[ 49 ]
[ "anterior interventricular vein" ]
myocardial delivery of genes holds great promise for treating many HR diseases however the optimal delivery technique which maximizes safety and efficacy has not been established two delivery techniques were evaluated in swine percutaneous VA coronary A-V delivery rcvd and direct intramyocardial i.t. im rcvd was performed in the AIV aiv with an endhole occlusion balloon catheter the plasmid gwiz encoding betagalactosidase ml mgml was injected using either manual OHP hprcvd n or pressure wireguided low pressure lprcvd n for the im group n betagal plasmid mgml was injected at sites microlsite in the anterior left VVI wall animals were euthanized T3 days the percentage of betagal expressing cells in the delivered region was higher in the hprcvd than the lprcvd p and im groups p myocardium from the hprcvd group contained and fold higher levels of betagal activity than either lprcvd and im CG respectively p for both the results of this study confirm the safety and efficacy of rcvd for myocardial gene delivery
[ 45 ]
[ "days postexposure" ]
this study describes the effect of increasing exposure dose on ichthyophonus prevalence and infection intensity in experimentally INF rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss specificpathogen free trout were exposed per os to increasing numbers of ichthyophonus schizonts obtained from naturally INF donor fish then sampled T3 and PE both in vitro explant SC and histology revealed that as the number of schizonts per dose increased there was a proplities of the computer version of piersharris scores examine its score equivalence with the paperandpencil version and survey the respondent preference of the two versions two hundred and forty eight taiwanese students from the first to fourth grade were recruited in regard to the psychometric properties high internal consistency α was found for the total score of multimedia piersharris high interscale correlations to of the multimedia piersharris scores and the results of confirmatory factor analysis suggested the multimedia piersharris contained good structural characteristics the scores of the multimedia piersharris also had significant correlations with the scores of the elementary school childrens self concept scale the equality of convergence and criterionrelated validities of piersharris scores for the multimedia and paperandpencil versions and the results of iccs between the scores of the multimedia and paperandpencil piersharris suggested their high level of equivalence participants showed more positive attitudes towards the multimedia version
[ 9 ]
[ "american academy of dermatology" ]
dialogues in dermatology a monthly audio program from the AAD contains discussions between dermatologists on timely topics commentaries from dialogues editorinchief warren r heymann md are provided T3 each discussion as a topic summary and are provided hear as a special service to readers of the journal of the american academy of dermatology
[ 35 ]
[ "atypical depression" ]
stewart et al have outlined the evidence in support of the validity of the dsmiv definition of the with atypical features episode specifier although recognizing the historical significance and clinical utility of the concept of AD this article takes issue with the dsmiv criteria it is concluded that mood reactivity the a or obligative criterion is neither significantly associated with the other symptomatic criteria nor useful to diagnose atypical depression and thus should be eliminated problems with operationalization specification and reliability of ratings of the diagnostic criteria further limit validity despite these limitations in classification many of the features associated with AD are linked to an early ON of affective illness including traitlike interpersonal sensitivity comorbid social anxiety and agoraphobia a PH of childhood PCS or sexual trauma and indicators of the soft side of the BP spectrum neurophysiologic studies also suggest that chronic earlyonset atypical depressions differ from both melancholia and normality reanalyses of the columbia groups seminal studies suggest that preferential response to phenelzine vs imipraminearguably the strongest validator of atypical depressionsimilarly appears to be limited to patients with chronic earlyonset syndromes the criteria for AD need to be revised in dsmv including sharpening the operational definitions for the TPS PS the importance of AO and comorbid anxiety warrant further study research examining the validity of a subform of AD characterized by traitlike interpersonal sensitivity and a chronic earlyonset course may further enhance the clinical utility of the dsmv classification
[ 2 ]
[ "veiled cells" ]
antigen presenting VC have recently been described in cell suspensions prepared from the gut wall of patients with chronic idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease cibd the normal gut wall is virtually devoid of these cells in this report we describe a phenomenon known as peripolesis studied by phase contrast cinematography this is a process in which lymphocytes are seen to wander around larger target cells these could be identified ultrastructurally as ia positive veiled cells in most cases peripolesis was followed by lysis of the target cell peripolesis was recorded in cell suspensions of three out of seven patients with ulcerative colitis and in three out of nine patients with CD furthermore peripolesis was observed in one out of two patients with nonclassifiable cibd in four cell suspensions showing peripolesis cell lysis could be recorded and was especially striking in ulcerative colitis peripolesis involving VC was previously described in delayed hypersensitivity reactions this study lends support to the concept that delayed allergic reactivity plays a part in chronic inflammatory bowel disease the antigens involved are however completely unknown
[ 62 ]
[ "spreading depression" ]
changes in extracellular ca concentration were directly measured in the rat cerebellum using an ionselective micropipette extracellular k was measured simultaneously with a second ionselective micropipette the potential reference barrels of the ion electrodes also provided fast field and slow potentials during repetitive stimulation of the parallel fiberpurkinje cell cerebellar circuit extracellular ca fell to about of base L1 concentration during the SD of leão extracellular ca fell to about of base L1 decreases of this magnitude also occurred during terminal anoxia in all cases extracellular k increased substantially these results show that extracellular ca is modulated during neuronal activity in the CNS system and that under some conditions the ca change can be extreme given the wellestablished and antagonistic effects of reduce extracellular ca on axonal excitability and synaptic transmission these results suggest that ca modulation in the BB cell microenvironment may be a significant parameter in the SMB of neuronal ensembles
[ 1 ]
[ "absolute lymphocyte count" ]
low ALC alc has previously been established as a marker of poor prognosis in multiple cancer types there is growing evidence that alc may also be associated with response to immunotherapy this study explores whether response to pd inhibitors in recurrent andor M1 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma rm hnscc is associated with i.c.v. alc
[ 240 ]
[ "sodium lauryl sulphate" ]
in order to gain a greater insight into the complex mechanisms of action of different irritant chemicals on the skin we have studied the SMB of epidermal cd cells in experimentally induced irritant contact dermatitis healthy human volunteers were patch tested for h with the following six chemically unrelated irritants and their AGA VH controls benzalkonium chloride sodium lauryl sulphate dithranol nonanoic acid croton oil and PG after visually assessing and grading the resulting inflammatory reactions punch biopsies were taken and the morphology and density of cd cells in the epidermis studied using ICC techniques in combination with image analysis and electron microscopy statistically significant decreases in the epidermal density of cd cells occurred in the responses to dithranol p less than and nonanoic acid p less than importantly these changes in density were not simply due to variations in the intensity of inflammatory response r alterations in the length of the dendritic processes of cd cells were also induced and semiquantitative analysis revealed significant decreases in dendrite length in the reactions to sodium lauryl sulphate p less than nonanoic acid p less than croton oil p less than and dithranol p less than unlike epidermal density however this effect on cell morphology was directly related to the severity of inflammation r p less than morphologic evidence of cellular injury to langerhans cells was seen by electron microscopy in the majority of biopsies although relatively few cells were affected in SLS and propylene glycol reactions benzalkonium chloride unlike the other irritants also induced a state of S9 in a high proportion of epidermal langerhans cells lymphocytelangerhans cell apposition was observed in most samples but was particularly prevalent in the reactions to dithranol the results of this study demonstrate that significant changes in the morphology and density of langerhans cells occur in ICD some of which are directly influenced by the chemical nature of the irritant
[ 119 ]
[ "atopic asthmatic" ]
polymorphisms in the promoter region of cd gene have been associated with asthma and atopy although the findings between cohorts have not been uniform we aimed at investigating the association between cd gene ga polymorphism and BA in egyptian children genotyping of cd gene ga polymorphism was done by realtime pcr in asthmatic children atopic n and nonatopic n and age and gendermatched HC SS levels of total ige were measured by elisa skin prick test was performed on all patients we found that the frequency of aa TT was significantly higher in asthmatic children compared to HCs asthmatic children carrying gg genotype had a significantly lower prevalence of atopic asthma meanwhile the a S2 was significantly higher in AA children compared to healthy and nonatopic children moreover atopic children carrying the g S2 showed better asthma control in conclusion our findings represent an evidence for the role of cd gene ga polymorphism in childhood asthma and asthma control
[ 49 ]
[ "competitive exclusion" ]
microbial diversity in the human colon is very high with apparently C1 PET redundancy such that within each bacterial PET group there are many coexisting strains modelling this mathematically is problematic since strains within a PET group are often competing for the same limited number of resources and therefore CE theory predicts a loss of diversity over time here we investigate through computer simulation a fluctuation dependent mechanism for the promotion of diversity a variable ph environment caused by acidic byproducts of bacterial growth on a fluctuating substrate coupled with small differences in acid tolerance between strains promotes diversity under both equilibrium and farfromequilibrium conditions under equilibrium conditions ph fluctuations and relative nonlinearity in ph limitation among strains combine to prevent CR competitive exclusion under farfromequilibrium conditions loss of diversity through extinctions is made more difficult because ph cycling leads to fluctuations in the competitive ranking of strains thereby helping to equalise fitness we assume a tradeoff between acid tolerance and maximum growth rate so that our microbial system consists of strains ranging from specialists to generalists by altering the magnitude of the effect of the system on its ph environment eg the buffering capacity of the colon and the pattern of incoming resource we explore the conditions that promote diversity
[ 106 ]
[ "reedsternberg" ]
tissue specimens from cases of HD disease hd and six hdderived cell lines were analysed for tumour necrosis factor tnf lymphotoxin lt and interleukin il rna transcripts by in situ hybridization in some cases subsequent to IH for cd antigen lt and tnf transcripts were found in tumour cells of all cases il gene transcripts were detectable in cases presence of rna specific for these cytokines was not correlated with any of the following parameters sex PS and histotype as well as IP and association of the tumour cells with epsteinbarr virus rather the presence of lt tnf and il transcripts appeared to characterize hodgkin and RS cells in GA supporting concepts which suggest that hd represents a malignancy of cytokine secreting activated cells and that many of the features distinguishing hd from other malignant lymphomas may ultimately be due to expression of cytokines lt and tnf rna transcripts were also found in five hdderived cell lines whereas S9 of these cell lines contained high C2 of lt but low or undetectable C2 of tnf activity this suggests that although not detectable at the level of rna transcripts differences between hd cases may exist on the level of cytokine gene transcript processing translation and polypeptide secretion
[ 26 ]
[ "choroidal neovascularization" ]
vasostatin vs is a peptide of amino acids derived from calreticulin this study aimed to investigate the effects of topical application of vs eyedrops on exp CNV cnv
[ 101 ]
[ "hormone therapy" ]
to deteruring an average of years of followup incident cases of invasive breast cancer were confirmed higher baseline hbac levels were not associated with an increased risk of breast cancer the multivariate rr for the highest relative to the lowest quintile of hbac levels was ci ptrend higher hbac C2 were also not associated with an increased risk of breast cancer according to alternative clinical cutoff points for hbac or in the analyses stratified by body mass index or according to certain RT characteristics however a weakly inverse association was noted among postmenopausal women especially among those who had never used HT there was also a weakly inverse association between hbac levels and estrogen receptornegative breast tumors these data suggest that higher hbac concentrations do not seem to increase risk of breast CA among apparently healthy women
[ 63 ]
[ "islet cells" ]
tissue dendritic cells dc are usually associated with phagocytic function but poor tcell immunostimulatory capacity following activation dendritic cells are stimulated to leave tissue sites and migrate to LT acquiring immunostimulatory capacity during the process we provide evidence that the immunostimulatory capacity of tissue dc but not spleen cells can be affected in situ by granulocytemacrophage colonystimulatingfactor gmcsf initially it was found that PIC from NOD and balbc mice which produce gmcsf showed significantly higher immunostimulatory capacity than islets from ch and cbl mice which do not produce gmcsf second i.c.v. of NOD mice with antigmcsf antibody significantly reduced the immunostimulatory capacity of islet cells but not spleen cells although it had no effect on the numbers of cells expressing dcassociated antigens therefore the immunostimulatory CF of islet dc is partially dependent on gmcsf by contrast spleen dc immunostimulatory CF does not show the same dependence on gmcsf this may affect the ability of dendritic cells to stimulate autoimmune responses or tolerance
[ 21 ]
[ "hereditary coproporphyria" ]
fluorescence spectra of plasma porphyrin were measured in patients with the acute intermittent porphyria aip patients with VP pv patients with HCP patients with PCT and in patients with EPP epp it was found that the excitation and emission wavelengths at which maximum fluorescence is seen may help to diagnose and differentiate pv and epp in patients with aip spectrum characteristic for porphyria of such a type was noted in all patients during the attack of disease and in only of patients in remission fluorescence spectrum was normal in asymptomatic family members in VP spectrum with a characteristic maximum of fluorescence was noted in all patients during an attack and remission and of the asymptomatic family members
[ 84 ]
[ "left atria" ]
activated alveolar macrophages ams secrete interleukine il beta il il TN factoralpha TNF and transforming growth factorbeta tgfbeta whose inflammatory and fibroblastactivating characteristics may play a role in the maintenance of pulmonary inflammatory processes and subsequent fibrosis human ams were transferred to a gas cylinder and exposed to no in concentrations ranging from to ppm in synthetic air for min at degree c ams were fixed on a polycarbona caused a negative inotropic effect in PTC muscles and slightly raised the contractile force of LA the FRP of both tissues was prolonged a increase of the [Na+]o did not reverse the effects of quinidine the nachannel activator bdf mumoll and the cachannel agonist bayk mumoll further increased the contractile force and caused an additional prolongation of the FRP in quinidinepretreated atria only bayk was able to reverse the negative inotropic effect of quinidine in PTC muscles the influence of bayk on the contractile force in quinidinepretreated muscles was not attenuated by lemacalim mumoll an activator of atpdependent potassium channels but the duration of the FRP was significantly reduced these results suggest that a combination of a calcium channel activator and a potassium KCO might be able to improve the treatment of quinidine intoxications
[ 109 ]
[ "total serum cholesterol" ]
the hydroxylmethylglutaryl coenzyme a reductase hmgcr gene was examined for polymorphisms in beijingyou chickens a t base insert was detected at nucleotide of the utr region of the hmgcr gene and was used as the basis for distinguishing a b allele distinct from the a SS and muscle contents of total cholesterol ldlcholesterol in SS was significantly lower in ab birds and lowest in bb birds RT pcr showed that the same trends across genotypes occurred in an abundance of hmgcr transcripts in CL but there was no difference in contents of hmgcr mrna in breast or thigh muscles hepatic expression and serum ldlcholesterol were meaningfully correlated partial with TSC held constant r in muscle similar genotypic diff required for choosing certain treatment strategies like the distance to the mesorectal fascia for a short course of preoperative radiotherapy for lymph node imaging both techniques are at present only moderately accurate although this could NC with advances in new mr techniques
[ 67 ]
[ "aortic banding" ]
lipoprotein lipase has been considered as the only enzyme capable of generating lipidderived fatty acids for cardiac SE EC lipase is another member of the triglyceride lipase family and hydrolyzes highdensity lipoproteins although EL is expressed in the HR its CF remains unclear we assessed the role of EL in the genesis of HF pressure overloadinduced CH was generated in endothelial lipase and wildtype mice by ascending AB EL expression in cardiac tissues was markedly elevated in the early phase of CH in WT whereas lipoprotein lipase expression was significantly reduced EC lipase mice showed more severe systolic dysfunction with leftventricular dilatation compared with WT in response to pressure overload the expression of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidationrelated genes such as carnitine palmitoyltransferase and mediumchain acyl coenzyme a dehydrogenase was significantly lower in the HR of EL mice than in wildtype mice also endothelial lipase mice had lower myocardial adenosine triphosphate C2 than WT T3 AB in cultured cardiomyocytes EC lipase was upregulated by inflammatory stimuli whereas lipoprotein lipase was downregulated EC lipaseoverexpression in cardiomyocytes resulted in an upregulation of HFA oxidationrelated enzymes and intracellular adenosine triphosphate accumulation in the presence of highdensity lipoprotein EL may act as an alternative candidate to provide fatty acids to the HR and regulate cardiac function this effect seemed relevant particularly in the diseased heart where lipoprotein lipase action is downregulated
[ 46 ]
[ "circular dichroism spectroscopy" ]
the microexon genes meg of Sm a parasite responsible for the second most widely spread tropical disease code for small secreted proteins with sequences unique to the schistosoma genera bioinformatics analyses suggest the soluble domain of the meg protein will be largely disordered and using SR CD its secondary structure was shown to be essentially CR unfolded in AQ solution it does however show a strong propensity to fold into more ordered structures under a wide range of conditions partial folding was produced by increasing temperature in a reversible process contrary to the behavior of most soluble proteins furthermore significant folding was observed in the presence of negatively charged lipids and detergents but not in zwitterionic or neutral lipids or detergents absorption onto a surface followed by dehydration stimulated it to fold into a helical structure as it did when the AQ solution was replaced by nonaqueous solvents hydration of the dehydrated folded protein was accompanied by complete unfolding these results support the ID of meg as a classic intrinsically disordered protein and open the possibility of its interactionfolding with different partners and factors being related to multifunctional roles and states within the host
[ 10 ]
[ "listeriolysin o" ]
we have examined the potential of recombinant escherichia coli expressing LLO llo to deliver TA to dendritic cells dcs for CA immunotherapy using ova as a MM tumour antigen we have shown in murine dcs that e coli exprfore matrix TR arise following joint loading it is not yet clear whether ph changes exert their effects on matrix metabolism directly or by changing the concentration of another as yet unidentified intracellular factor in this T0 the effect of intracellular alkalinisation on intracellular ca has been examined using the human chondrocyte ca cell line phi was manipulated by the addition of weak bases to suspensions of chondrocytes and fluorimetric techniques were employed to measure phi and cai the effect of phi changes on intracellular Ins trisphosphate ip C2 was also determined the phsensitive properties of the casensitive fluoroprobe employed in this T0 fura were investigated such that artefactual effects of ph changes upon the dye could be discounted it was demonstrated that for dye loaded into cells alkalinisation resulted in a small increase in the affinity of the dye for ca ions intracellular alkalinisation elicited by treatment with either of the weak bases TMA or ammonium chloride initiated a rise in cai this effect was too large to be explicable by the effects of ph changes on fura and was not dependent on the presence of extracellular ca ions prior SD of intracellular ca stores by treatment with thapsigargin inhibited alkalinisationinduced increases in cai and intracellular alkalinisation was also associated with increased C2 of intracellular ip these results confirm that alkaline phi changes associated with dynamic loading of cartilage also result in knockon alterations to cai given the sensitivity of cartilage matrix metabolism to cai it is likely that this signalling cascade forms an important part of the mechanotransduction pathway that determines the response of chondrocytes to applied load
[ 183 ]
[ "highdose therapy" ]
scf has been shown to synergize with gcsf to mobilize cd pbpcs in this T0 we report results from this combination after a phase ii trial of patients with malignant lymphoma randomized to receive recombinant methionyl human scf ancestim rmethuscf in combination with recombinant methionyl human gcsf filgrastim rmethugcsf experimental arm a or routine chemotherapy plus filgrastim conventional arm b the primary objective was to evaluate the SE and toxicity during priming and mobilization the AA objectives were tau by the level of bloodcirculating pbpcs the number of harvest days and the time to threelineage engraftment T3 autografting first during priming patients had serious events in each arm a summary of all adverse events revealed patients suffering from events of all grading second neutropenia and thrombocytopenia was documented in arm b third patients in arm a reached the target of million cd cellskg body weight bw compared with in arm b the results represent the first randomized trial of growth factor plus chemotherapy priming and indicate that a formal phase iii trial very unlikely may challenge chemotherapy plus rmethugcsf priming in candidates for HDT
[ 24 ]
[ "healthcare worker" ]
with the growth of the patient safety movement and development of methods to measure workforce health and success have come multiple modes of assessing HCW opinions and attitudes about work and the workplace safety culture a grouplevel measure of patient safetyrelated norms and behaviours has been proposed to influence a variety of patient safety outcomes employee engagement conceptualised as a positive workrelated mindset including feelings of vigour dedication and absorption in ones work has also demonstrated an association with a number of important worker outcomes in healthcare to date the relationship between responses to these two commonly used measures has been poorly characterised our T0 used secondary data analysis to assess the relationship between safety culture and employee engagement over time in a sample of inpatient hospital units in a C1 us academic health system with respondents in each of three time periods assessed we found moderate to strong positive correlations r between employee engagement and four safety attitudes questionnaire domains independent collection of these two assessments may have limited our analysis in that minimally different inclusion criteria resulted in some differences in the total respondents to the two instruments our findings nevertheless suggest a key area in which healthcare quality improvement efforts might be streamlined
[ 177 ]
[ "recurrent inhibition" ]
a previously presented multiloop model of the rat spinal alphamotoneuronerenshaw cell system was D2 to incorporate different physiological input patterns ia fibres from primary muscle spindle endings spinal input systems descending in the VP quadrant and from the nucleus ruber the main goal of the computer simulation calculations was to present a number of dynamic inputoutput relations between these inputs which are distributed inhomogeneously to different types of alphamns that is s fr and fftype mns and the outputs of pools of the latter for the purpose of experimental testing the main outcome was that the phase relations of the outputs of the different types of mns depend very much on the overall strength of recurrent inhibition such that small changes of this strength which appears to be small anyway can significantly alter these phase relations since this strength is alterable through descending and segmental afferent inputs this provides a physiological means of phasedecorrelation although it is unlikely to put the discharges of different mn types totally out of phase by about degrees also the inhomogeneity of RI would help to prevent a strong phase separation of this kind yet a decorrelation at the microscopic level could help suppress physiological tremor
[ 83 ]
[ "polymerase chain reaction amplification" ]
severe combined immunodeficient scid mice have become a promising tool for the OD of models of human immunologic process we report the OD of a reproducible technique for engrafting scid mice with human pbl hupblscid our results show that a booster i.t. of anticd antibody stimulated human lymphocytes given days T3 the initial injection of lymphocytes will improve the efficiency of chimera establishment to out of there was also good rho among PCD of human ig human cd cells and human dna by PCR in the circulation of hupblscid mice questions remain concerning the immune CF of the human lymphoid cells in the scid mouse in this study we analyzed the ability of human t cells in scid mice to reject human islet allografts transplanted under the kidney capsule human islet allograft CF assessed by human cpeptide levels demonstrated failure of islet allografts within days Tx in hupblscid in contrast human islets grafted in unreconstituted scid mice continued to function for greater than days recovered human t cells from rejected islets of hupblscid mice displayed specific cytolytic activity against hla class imatched islets while the recovered cells from spleen of hupblscid mice showed minimal specific cytotoxicity against islets these results suggest that graftinfiltrating lymphocytes were G1 by the engrafted islets within the hupblscid causing the eventual rejection of the human islet allograft thus engraftment of the anticd antibodyprimed human pbl results in a mousehuman chimera with a functionally competent human immune system that is capable of rejecting a human islet allograft
[ 3 ]
[ "harderian gland" ]
the guinea pig HG located in the orbit is characterized by a high production of lipids however little is known about the regulation of the metabolic pathways involved in the present paper the properties of guinea pig harderian gland phosphatidate phosphohydrolase a key enzyme in triglyceride biosynthesis was investigated the enzyme was present both in the cytosolic and the microsomal fraction from the gland cytosolic PA phosphohydrolase was purified by hydroxylapatite chromatography the enzyme was dependent on magnesium ions and inhibited in the presence of fluoride the dependence on the ATP PA was investigated and the apparent km for phosphatidate was about mm PA phosphohydrolase activity was influenced by different phospholipids as is the case for the rat CL enzyme phosphatidylethanolamine was found to stimulate the enzyme activity the results indicate that harderian gland PA phosphohydrolase has similar properties as the corresponding enzyme from rat CL suggesting that it may be of regulatory importance
[ 5 ]
[ "distensibility" ]
we determined the accuracy of DC index of VPI vena cava divc for DUE of fluid responsiveness in rats with acute RDS ards and validated this index for use in rat models in protocol e coli lipopolysaccharide was po in wistar rats n T3 h animals were MV and stroke volume sv and divc quantified after blood drainage and subsequent VE albumin a receiver operating characteristic roc curve was plotted to determine the optimal divc cutoff in protocol rats n were divided into fluidresponders sv increase and nonresponders sv increase the divc cutoff obtained from protocol was fluid NR had a relative risk of low divc the sensitivity specificity positive predictive and negative predictive values for divc were and respectively in conclusion a divc threshold was associated with positive response T3 VE and could be used to titrate fluids in endotoxininduced ards
[ 79 ]
[ "bence jones protein" ]
a yearold male was admitted to the renal division of our hospital because of hypertension proteinuria and bilateral pretibial edema eight years previously he was diagnosed as being afflicted with interstitial pneumonia on the basis of a chest xray examination laboratory tests conducted during the current admission showed normocytic normochromic anemia renal dysfunction and mild proteinuria total igg was normal but a high proportion of igg was observed mprotein in the serum was positive for both igg lambda and BJP lambda type a bone marrow biopsy showed the proportion of PCs to be but atypical cells were not found we diagnosed the patients condition as plasma cell dyscrasia CS microscopy examination of a renal biopsy specimen showed moderate mesangial proliferation with a deposition of paspositive and congo red negative materials in the mesangial area nodular gomerulonephritis was seen in some glomeruli immunofluorescence revealed igg and lambda light chains strong linear staining along the glomerular basement membrane and tubular basement membrane and positivity in the mesangial area results of IF for iga igm fibrinogen and c were weakly positive in the mesangium area while those for c clq and free kappa were negative positive staining of igg was seen by immunoperoxidase study but the tissue was negative for igg igg igg electron microscopy demonstrated a dense granular deposition in the mesangial subendothelial and peritubular area and a microfibrillar structure in the mesangial area the diameter of the microfibrillar structure was nm on the averageabstract truncated at words
[ 77 ]
[ "central retinal vein occlusion" ]
we report a case of a yearold previously healthy man treated with CC for infertility who presented with blurred vision in his left eye due to ocular vein occlusion as documented by fluorescein angiography the patient was heterozygous for the factor v leiden fv leiden mutation and for the ac polymorphism of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase mthfr gene he was treated with clopidogrel and is now free of PS because congenital thrombophilia is a moderate risk factor for CRVO and the administration of clomiphene may trigger this process we recommend screening of young patients for fv leiden before clomiphene treatment
[ 158 ]
[ "fast blue" ]
we have used VA FL tracing fast blue both before prelabeling and at time points after selective unilateral adrenomedullectomy in vivo postlabeling in order to investigate the survival and morphology of SA preganglionic sap neurons located in the lower thoracic IML iml cell column of the AD rat spinal cord by prelabeling with FB it was found that the majority ie more than of the sap SN underwent degeneration and were lost from the iml cell column within weeks T3 IP target lesion and administration of IM gelfoam implants containing a nontrophic control protein cytochrome c by contrast atrophy and loss of sap neurons was largely prevented by local treatment IM implants with recombinant basic fibroblast growth factor bfgf as determined from counts of large and healthylooking prelabeled neurons within the iml column ipsilateral to the lesioned ie operated side weeks postimplantation the time course of withdrawal of preganglionic axons from their lesioned target area was investigated by FB i.v. into intramedullary control or bfgf implants at weekly intervals postimplantation postlabeling and was documented by counting the number of healthy sap SN that retained the label without bfgf treatment progressive numerical loss of sap SN was evident within to weeks postlesioning indicative of pronounced retrograde cell degeneration retrograde cell degeneration was insignificant during the first weeks postimplantation after early postlesion treatment with exogenous bfgf it was apparently postponed to occur after month implantation of gelfoam containing NT antibfgfantibodies resulted in accelerated retrograde axon degeneration implying that bfgf is an endogenous trophic factor for sap SN the results are consistent with the idea that sap SN actually die following peripheral target lesion and are not supported from other trophic sources however these SN can be prevented from disconnectioninduced death by providing exogenous bfgf limited amounts of endogenous fgf may also become available to sap axons by disintegration of nerve terminalsurrounding cells delaying the process of VA sap neuron death
[ 150 ]
[ "glycoconjugates" ]
helicobacter pylori colonizes the mucus niche of the GM and is a risk factor for gastritis ulcers and cancer the main components of the mucus SL are heavily glycosylated mucins to which h pylori can adhere mucin glycosylation differs between individuals and changes during disease here we have examined the h pylori response to purified mucins from a range of RT and normal human gastric tissue samples our results demonstrate that mucins from different individuals differ in how they modulate both proliferation and gene expression of h pylori the mucin effect on proliferation varied significantly between samples and ranged from stimulatory to GABA depending on the type of mucins and the ability of the mucins to bind to h pylori tumorderived mucins and mucins from the surface mucosa had potential to stimulate proliferation while glandderived mucins tended to inhibit proliferation and mucins from healthy uninfected individuals showed little effect artificial GCs containing h pylori ligands also modulated h pylori proliferation albeit to a lesser degree than human mucins expression of genes important for the pathogenicity of h pylori baba saba caga flaa and urea appeared coregulated in response to mucins the addition of mucins to cocultures of h pylori and gastric epithelial cells protected the viability of the cells and modulated the cytokine production in a manner that differed between individuals was partially dependent of adhesion of h pylori to the gastric cells but also revealed that other mucin AF in addition to adhesion are important for h pyloriinduced host signaling the combined data reveal hostspecific effects on proliferation mRNA and virulence of h pylori due to the gastric mucin environment demonstrating a dynamic interplay between the bacterium and its host
[ 174 ]
[ "galactosyl" ]
we are studying the structure and regulation of mu antibodies against the fucosyllactosamine antigenic determinant analysis of the sequences of seven balbc igm kappa monoclonal antibodies mab obtained from four fusions indicates that these antibodies exhibit restriction in their usage of vh and vl genes based on a combination of mrna sequences and southern filter hybridization data all seven light chains are encoded by v kappa b and j kappa gene segments CR mrna sequences of the HCs revealed that all seven mab are encoded by vh six antibodies are encoded by jh and one uses a jh gene segment the vh gene segment and all seven mab contain a potential glycosylation site at asn in complementaritydetermining region cdr in contrast to the similarity of the vh regions the heavy chain cdr segments exhibit considerable heterogeneity they are encoded by three d segments they vary in length from amino acids and display differences in their deduced CAA sequences the vh gene segment also encodes antibodies against four other carbohydrate antigens levan galactan dextran and Gal globoside the use of a single gene segment to encode antibodies against five different antigens suggests that the domain encoded by vh might be particularly well adapted for forming sites that bind carbohydrate determinants glycosylation of cdr might contribute to the unique properties of this vh domain
[ 17 ]
[ "typically developing" ]
children with attentiondeficithyperactivity disorder adhd have difficulty recognizing facial expressions they identify angry expressions less accurately than TD td children yet little is known about their atypical neural basis for the recognition of facial expressions here we used nearinfrared spectroscopy nirs to examine the distinctive CBF hemodynamics of adhd and td children while they viewed happy and angry expressions we measured the hemodynamic responses of adhd boys and td boys to happy and angry expressions at their BL temporal Az which are CS to face processing the adhd children showed an increased concentration of oxyhb for happy faces but not for angry faces while td children showed increased oxyhb for both faces moreover the individual peak RL of HDR in the right temporal area showed significantly greater variance in the adhd group than in the td group such atypical brain activity observed in adhd boys may relate to their preserved ability to recognize a happy expression and their difficulty recognizing an angry expression we firstly demonstrated that nirs can be used to detect atypical hemodynamic response to facial expressions in adhd children
[ 61 ]
[ "local hyperthermia" ]
shortterm treatment outcomes for patients with stage ibiii nonsmall cell lung cancer nsclc were present ed the patients were treated with thermochemoradiothrapy tcrt hyperfractionated radiation therapy at a total dose of gy gyfraction twice daily days per week was given concurrently with courses of chemotherapy with pa clitaxel mgm² iv on day and carboplatin auc iv on day ten sessions of HT were deliv ered using the celsius tcs electrohyperthermia system HT was administered twice a week hours before radiotherapy or immediately C2 of chemotherapeutic agents for min at °c the overall histologically confirmed response rate was with patients achieving a complete response and with a partial response SD was seen in case no PD was found chemoradiotherapy and HT were well tolerated twelve patients underwent radical surgery ro lobectomy and pneumonectomy tcrt as an option of preoperative treatment there were no postoperative complications and deaths radiation therapy was continued up to the total dose of gy in cases inoperable patients and the number of HT sessions was increased to tcrt CT during the followup period of months no evidence of disease progression was observed a prelimi nary analysis of data obtained indicate that tcrt for patients with nsclc is well tolerated results in tumor regression expand the indications for surgical treatment and demonstrates the encouraging results
[ 27 ]
[ "drugresistant" ]
cisplatinbased chemotherapy is the paradigm of nonsmallcell LC nsclc treatment however it also induces de novo dnahypermethylation a process that may be involved in the development of DR phenotypes by inactivating genes required for drugcytotoxicity by using an expression microarray analysis we aimed to identify those genes reactivated in a set of two cisplatin cddp resistant and sensitive nsclc cell lines after epigenetic treatment gene expression promoter methylation and cddpchemoresponse were further analyzed in three matched sets of sensitiveresistant cell lines human CA cell lines and nsclc specimens results revealed TPS silencing by promoter hypermethylation of igfbp in cddp resistant cells whereas igfbp sirna interference induced resistance to cddp in sensitive cells p in addition we found a strong rho between methylation status and cddp response in tumor specimens p thus stage i patients whose tumors harbor an unmethylated promoter had a trend towards increased diseasefree survival dfs we report that a loss of igfbp expression mediated by promoterhypermethylation results in a reduction of RT cell sensitivity to cisplatin in nsclc basal methylation status of igfbp before treatment may be a clinical biomarker and a predictor of the chemotherapy outcome helping to identify patients who are most likely to benefit from cddp therapy alone or in combination with epigenetic treatment
[ 208 ]
[ "endurance time" ]
toxoplasma gondii t gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite treatment of the infection induced by this parasite is not straightforward due to the toxic side effects of the available drugs vaccine OD could be a solution to this problem in the present study tgondii lysate antigen tla as a MM vaccine in combination with the alumnlt aluminum phosphatenaltrexone and alumnlx aluminum phosphatenaloxone were evaluated for immunization balbc female balbc mice which were divided into seven groups of were allocated to immunization experiments the first group was selected as the negative control group followed by the second third fourth fifth C6 and seventh CG which were immunized with vac vacalum vacnlx vacnlt vacalumnlx vacalumnlt respectively ten days T3 the final immunization mice in all CG were divided into three groups for evaluating cellular immune responses measuring the delayedtype hypersensitivity responses dths and evaluating survival the dth and cellular immune responses showed that in mice immunized with the tla vaccine combined with the alumnlt mixture the tau improved by increasing the production of interleukinil and interferon gamma this consequently shifted the immune responses toward a th profile by increasing the ifnγil ratios in challenge experiments immunized mice with the alumnltvac mixture survived for a longer period of time which reduced Tlim from to min with min of the decrement due to the additional resistances of the ballistic protection and min due to increased formula see text associated with the additional mass effects of mass on heat strain are of a similar magnitude relative to effects of increased resistances reducing resistances and mass can both significantly alleviate heat strain
[ 100 ]
[ "molecular remission" ]
a yearold woman in remission from AML leukaemia had a positive postnatal kleihauer result following our standard local protocol for positive kleihauer tests in rhd negative patients the specimen was referred for confirmatory testing which proved the result to be false positive hereditary persistence of foetal haemoglobin was excluded as a kleihauer test performed in a pregnancy prior to the OD of leukaemia was negative further testing confirmed mild elevation of foetal haemoglobin hbf and increased fcells elevatedhbf levels have been widely reported in patients with haematological malignancy in this case the patient was confirmed to be in a true MR from leukaemia and yet appeared to have a residual clonal population of hbf erythrocytes the significance of this finding remains unclear this case also highlights the importance of confirmatory testing of suspected foetomaternal haemorrhage as not all positive kleihauer tests are true positives
[ 46 ]
[ "efadeficient" ]
the effects of a marginal and severe deficiency of essential fatty acids efa on the fatty acid composition fluorescence polarization of DPH dph and adenylate cyclase activity were studied in plasma membranes of rat SMG smsg three groups of male weanling SDRs were fed ad libitum EFAD efad marginally efadeficient mefad or the control diets rats were killed T3 wk of FF and PMs were prepared from the smsg and the assayed for basal and fluoridestimulated adenylate cyclase activity in membranes prepared from efad and mefad rats the fluoridestimulated enzyme activity was higher than that of the control group lower doublebond index of phospholipids in PMs of the smsg from efad and mefad rats was observed suggesting a lower fluidity compared with the control group higher fluorescence polarization of dph in CM of efad and mefad rats was more evidence of lower fluidity it is suggested that higher adenylate cyclase activity in smsg of rats fed efad or mefad diets may be related to lower membrane fluidity fluoridestimulated enzyme activity and fatty acid composition of membrane lipids were restored to normal values T3 FF the control diets for wk to the efad and mefad rats
[ 13 ]
[ "marinobufagenin" ]
preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder unique to pregnancy in which elevated levels of MBG mbg have been reported the reninangiotensin system ras may also play a role in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia the aim of our T0 was to evaluate the status of the ras in a rat model of preeclampsia characterized by hypertension proteinuria excessive weight gain and intrauterine growth restriction
[ 39 ]
[ "planar cell polarity" ]
the lateralline system is a simple sensory system comprising a number of discrete sense organs the neuromasts distributed over the body of fish and amphibians in speciesspecific patterns its OD involves fundamental biological processes such as longrange cell migration PCP regeneration and postembryonic CR these aspects have been extensively studied in amphibians by experimental embryologists but it is only recently that the genetic bases of this OD have been explored in zebrafish this review discusses progress made over the past few years in this field
[ 22 ]
[ "total solids" ]
in this T0 a largescale plug flow reactor has been operated at a hydraulic retention time of d with substrate concentration of TS under a temperature of °c with a working volume of ×
[ 146 ]
[ "margin" ]
sample size determination for casecontrol studies of chronic disease are often based on the simple x tabular crossclassification of exposure and disease thereby ignoring stratification which may be considered in the analysis one consequence of this RPA is that the sample size may be inadequate to attain a specified SP and size when performing a statistical analysis on j x tables using cochrans biometrics statistic or the mantelhaenszel journal of the national CA institute statistic a sample size formula is derived from cochrans statistic and it is compared with the corresponding one derived when the data are treated as unstratified and also with two other formulas proposed for stratified data analysis the formula developed yields values slightly higher than one recently proposed by muñoz and rosner biometrics which assumes that both margins of each x table are fixed while the present T0 considers only the casecontrol SM to be fixed
[ 138 ]
[ "myosin phosphatase" ]
AM +dP/dt can influence the canonical wnt signaling pathway in processes like mesoderm differentiation and tissue stiffness during tumorigenesis we identified that increased nonmuscle myosin ii activation and cellular contraction inhibited wnt target gene transcription in developing drosophila imaginal disks genetic interactions studies were used to show that this effect was due to myosininduced accumulation of cortical factin resulting in clustering and accumulation of ecadherin to the adherens junctions this results in ecadherin titrating any available βcatenin the wnt pathway transcriptional coactivator to the adherens junctions in order to maintain cellcell adhesion under contraction we show that decreased levels of cytoplasmic βcatenin result in insufficient nuclear translocation for full wnt target gene transcription previous studies have identified some of these interactions but we present a thorough analysis using the wing disk epithelium to show the consequences of modulating MP our work elucidates a mechanism in which the dynamic promotion of AM +dP/dt refines patterning of wnt transcription during development and maintenance of epithelial tissue in organisms
[ 141 ]
[ "group b streptococcal" ]
to determine the value of prenatal cultures in defining maternal colonization status at delivery Pr women were screened at prenatal visits for vaginal and rectal carriage of GBS gbs gbs were isolated from at delivery semiquantitative cultures were obtained from prenatal carriers of whom retained carriage at delivery seventeen of women with negative prenatal cultures acquired carriage the predictive value of a positive prenatal culture was highest in women with prenatal vaginal and rectal colonization and lowest in women with only rectal colonization the predictive value varied inversely with the interval between prenatal sampling and delivery in mothers with prenatal carriage density of colonization at parturition was not predicted by the sites of prenatal colonization density of colonization however strongly influenced rates of vertical transmission to neonates and rates of heavy infant colonization ten infants born to prenatally cultured mothers developed GBS earlyonset disease the mothers of eight of the had prenatal colonization with the homologous gbs serotype
[ 14 ]
[ "hypothermic circulatory arrest" ]
this study tests the hypothesis that low hematocrit hct worsens cerebral injury after prolonged HCA hcasults in clinically significant differences for an average cornea image quality is not proportional to corneal surface reconstruction accuracy
[ 42 ]
[ "fluoroimmunoassay" ]
management of prion diseases in livestock would benefit greatly from availability of a validated blood test a promising immunocapillary electrophoresis technique also known as capillary electrophoresis fluoroimmunoassay to detect abnormal prion protein in blood from live sheep is evaluated here capillary PACE FIA was applied to analysis of extracted blood from scrapieexposed sheep n samples at various stages of incubation and to control sheep n samples overall test values for the control and test populations were not significantly different and a similar proportion of control and test sheep were classified as positive over month intervals from birth until clinical disease test specificity and sensitivity ranged from to and to respectively indicating poor diagnostic performance at all stages of pathogenesis in routine application in its present form the capillary electrophoresis fluoroimmunoassay procedure proved to be insufficiently robust for use as a blood test for scrapie diagnosis
[ 82 ]
[ "surface plasmon resonance" ]
cancer diagnosis continuously evolves due to the better understanding of tumorigenic processes dnamethylation is consolidated as an effective biomarker for CA prognosis and diagnostic even in PT of unknown origin the reversibility of this epigenetic mechanism also places it as a highprofile tool for the development of more sophisticated and personalized therapies current methodologies such as bisulfite conversion or pcr amplification rely on complex procedures that make difficult the standardization of epigenetics analyses here we present an optical biosensor methodology based on SPR that employs polypurine reversehoogsten hairpin probes capable of interacting directly with dsdna fragments by triple helix formation the direct interaction with the material of interest can greatly enhance the reliability of the analysis providing a more accurate and precise diagnosis we have demonstrated the capabilities of our methodology for the direct capture of dsdna fragments and specific methylcytosine quantification our polypurine hairpin probe demonstrated the TPS capture of dsdna fragments while the standard duplexforming probes failed to do so in addition the biosensor methodology showed a strong rho with the different dna methylation status between the sequences with a low signal R2 ≤ cv along hybridizationregeneration cycles through its straightforward procedure and versatility of detecting different dna modifications related to the dna methylation process we anticipate that our strategy will enable a greater level of accuracy and precision in CA diagnostics making a strong impact on the development of personalized therapies
[ 17 ]
[ "crude synaptosomal" ]
the effect of the selective gabab receptor agonist baclofen was examined on stimulusinduced release of hgaba from P2 preparations of ME me and PIT neurointermediate lobe ni BAC stereospecifically inhibited PR of hgaba in a concentrationdependent manner from me but had no effect in ni the effect of BAC was partly antagonized by the putative gabab receptor antagonist deltaaminovaleric acid but these experiments were complicated by a degree of heteroexchange these results provide the first evidence for gabab autoreceptors in the cns
[ 55 ]
[ "cycle ergometer" ]
the aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of concurrent strength and endurance training on neuromuscular and hormonal parameters in elderly men healthy men ± years were randomly assigned to of groups concurrent cg n strength sg n or endurance group eg n the programs consisted of ST endurance training on a CE or a combination of both in the same session times per week over a duration of weeks subjects were evaluated on parameters related to muscle strength muscle activation and SS hormones there were significant increases in lowerbody strength in all CG p with higher increases in sg than cg and both were higher than eg p only sg and cg increased upperbody strength p with no significant difference between the groups furthermore there were significant decreases in free testosterone in eg T3 training significant increases in ISO strength and maximal muscle activation p as well as decreases in the submaximal muscle activation to the same load were only seen in sg p the present results suggest that the interference effect observed due to concurrent strength and ET could be related to impairment of neural adaptations
[ 1 ]
[ "directly observed therapy" ]
a DOT program was established at harlem hospital NY ny in to promote high tuberculosis treatment completion rates
[ 357 ]
[ "food intake" ]
selfrated health is a subjective indicator that combines physical and emotional components and individual wellbeing it has gained an important role in public health with increasing use in the DUE of the GA populations health status this T0 focuses on dental care and oral health status including selfrated oral health using data from individuals years or older interviewed in world health surveyprimary care conducted in four municipalities in the state of rio de janeiro brazil bivariate logistic regression models were used to identify the deglepb and one OB receptor gene glepr were cloned and characterized in orangespotted grouper epinephelus coioides the cdnas of glepa and glepb were bp and bp in length encoding for proteins of CAA aa and aa respectively the threedimensional d structures modeling of glepa and glepb showed strong conservation of tertiary structure with that of other vertebrates the TL of glepr cdna was bp encoding a protein of aa which contained all functionally important domains conserved among vertebrate lepr tissue distribution analysis showed that glepa was highly expressed in cerebellum CL and ovary while glepb mrna abundantly in the BB regions as well as in the ovary with some extend the glepr was mainly expressed in kidney HK and most of brain regions analysis of expression profiles of glep and glepr genes during the embryonic stages showed that high expression of glepr was observed in the BB vesicle stage while neither glepa nor glepb mrna was detected during different embryonic stages finally fasting and refeeding experiments were carried out to investigate the possible function of leptin genes in food intake and SE metabolism and the results showed that a significant increase of glepa expression in the CL was induced by food ED in both shortterm days and LT weeks fasting and glepa mrna upregulation was eliminated after refeeding while glepb wasnt detected in the CL of grouper during fasting no significant differences in Thy OB and OB receptor expression were found during shortterm fasting and refeeding hepatic expression of glepa mrna increased significantly h T3 a single meal these results suggested glepa other than glepb functioned in the regulation of SE metabolism and FI in this perciform fish
[ 29 ]
[ "langmuirblodgett" ]
the surface activity of graphene oxide go offers an ideal building block upon which to construct twodimensional d nanostructures via sidebyside assembly strategies in this work we demonstrate the LB assembly of go into a d film with a carbon monolayer thickness on a pet ATP over a C1 area after the reduction of the go films at a LT transparent flexible conducting films were realized our straightforward route for preparing graphenebased transparent films provides a controlled strategy to coat graphene monolayers on flexible substrates
[ 33 ]
[ "clindamycin" ]
the virulence of SE CS slime producer was examined in an experimental model of foreign body infection in mice in the course of this exp infection the mice were injected with two antibiotics CLI and CEZ active in vitro toward the staphylococcus CS used the results obtained T3 a week of antibiotic therapy show that CLI CT has a therapeutic action against the infection caused by s epidermidis CEZ showed a very poor therapeutic effect the results are discussed on the basis of inflammatory reaction elicited from the foreign body and the characteristics of CLI in connection with the hosts defense mechanisms
[ 36 ]
[ "salvia miltiorrhiza" ]
the powder characteristic water extraction amount and active ingredients cryptotanshinone cts tanshinone ii a ts and protocaechuic aldehyde pa were comparatively studies between crude powder and micronized powder to T0 the application of micronization technology to SM bge
[ 15 ]
[ "human immunoglobulin" ]
we have used a bioinformatics approach to evaluate the completeness and functionality of the reported HIG heavychain ighd gene repertoire using the hidden markovmodelbased ihmmunealign program relatively unmutated heavychain sequences were aligned against the reported repertoire these alignments were compared with alignments to more highly mutated sequences comparisons of the frequencies of gene utilization in the two databases and analysis of features of aligned ighd gene segments including their length the frequency with which they appear to mutate and the frequency with which TPS mutations were seen were used to determine the reliability of alignments to the less commonly seen ighd genes analysis demonstrates that ighd and ighd which have been reported to be open reading frames of uncertain functionality are represented in the expressed gene repertoire however the functionality of ighd must be questioned sequence similarities make the unequivocal ID of members of the ighd gene family problematic although all genes except ighd appear to be functional on the other hand reported allelic SCV of ighd and of the ighd gene family appear to be nonfunctional very rare or nonexistent analysis also suggests that the reported repertoire is relatively complete although one new putative polymorphism ighdp was identified this T0 therefore confirms a surprising lack of diversity in the available ighd gene repertoire and restriction of the germline sequence databases to the PET set described here will substantially improve the accuracy of ighd gene alignments and therefore the accuracy of analysis of the vdj junction
[ 13 ]
[ "chronic hepatitis c" ]
guidelines concerning the management of psychiatric disorders and addictive behaviors in patients with CHC and the conditions of collaboration between hepatogastroenterologists infectiologists psychiatrists and psychologists have not been published this has a negative influence on optimal therapeutic management of chronic HC virus hcv infection the aim of this study was to describe the current clinical practices for ambulatory management of psychiatric disorders and addictions and the influence of a possible psychiatric andor psychological collaboration
[ 10 ]
[ "cancer antigen" ]
meigs syndrome presenting as an ovarian tumor with elevated SS CA ca C2 is unusual only cases have been reported including three cases of ovarian sclerosing stromal RT sct many reports have suggested that the presence of ascites is the L1 factor inducing mesothelial expression of ca
[ 273 ]
[ "main pulmonary artery" ]
in this report we further evaluate the role of reg liver cytosol rlc as a stimulator of hepatic regeneration by assessing its effect on survival LF and hepatic regeneration in a MM of in vivo isolated perfusion of the rat liver with high concentrations of cytotoxic drugs and regional hyperthermia isolated perfusion with mgkg of fluorouracil fu and mgkg of mitomycinc mitc resulted in n and n mortality respectively from to days after perfusion with extensive patchy necrosis and infarction seen on histologic examinationartery among cases with valvular HR disease cases with pulmonary hypertension showed a late systolic reversed flow rebound pattern type b in all nine sample volumes examined this DP was neither detected in any cases with normal pulmonary arterial pressure cases with an intracardiac shunt cases with low cardiac SO state nor healthy normals a comparative study of cases with rebound DP type b and cases without it disclosed that the former had a significantly increased pulmonary arterial pressure mmhg vs mmhg p less than an increased total pulmonary resistance dynes x cm x sec vs dynes x cm x sec p less than and a decreased pulmonary arterial compliance expressed as stroke volume divided by pulmonary arterial pulse pressure mlmmhg vs mlmmhg p less than mean acceleration of the pulmonary ejection expressed as PF velocity divided by acceleration period was also significantly larger in cases with rebound pattern type b than in cases with normal DP cm x sec vs cm x sec p less than in conclusion rebound DP type b in pulmonary hypertension is not simple swirl formation but a totally reversed late systolic flow in the MPA which is caused by sudden interruption of the distal runoff due to markedly elevated total pulmonary resistance under normal right ventricular ejection
[ 78 ]
[ "fetal haemoglobin" ]
the gammachain in a ghanain homozygous for HPFH was considered to be of the ggamma type on the basis of the amino acid analysis of gammatp xiv gamma of the hb f of this subject recently the CS of residues gamma of the gammachain of this subject was determined and found to contain some alanine at position gamma it is therefore of the ggamma agamma type a rapid technique for the isolation of gammacb gamma peptides in human HbF for ggammaagamma ratio determination is described
[ 4 ]
[ "trimethylamine" ]
the bonding of the TMA tma and DMA dma with crystalline silicon surfaces has been investigated using xray photoelectron spectroscopy xps fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and densityfunctional computational methods xps spectra show that tma forms stable dativebonded adducts on both si and si surfaces that are characterized by very high ns IB energies of ev on si and ev on si the highly ionic nature of these adducts is further evidenced by comparison with other chargetransfer complexes and through computational chemistry studies the ability to form these highly ionic chargetransfer complexes between tma and silicon surfaces stems from the ability to delocalize the donated electron density between different types of chemically distinct atoms within the surface unit cells corresponding studies of dma on si show only dissociative adsorption via cleavage of the nh bond these results show that the unique geometric structures present on Si surfaces permit silicon atoms to act as excellent electron acceptors
[ 72 ]
[ "rapid eye movement sleep" ]
electrical stimuli were applied to the angular bundle of the freely moving rat and the neuronal responses were recorded ipsilaterally in the DG and the ca field of the hippocampus the number of neurons responding monosynaptically in the DG was relatively small when the animal was alert and not moving but was much greater both during slowwave sleep and during REM in ca however the trisynaptic population response was considerably smaller during REM and when the animal was alert than during slowwave sleep these findings are interpreted in terms of a set of behaviorally dependent neural gates measurement of the synaptic current at the dentate gyrus induced monosynaptically by stimulation of the angular bundle further suggests that the mechanism by which gating occurs at this level is either a tonic inhibitory synaptic influence exerted upon the granule cells during the alert state a tonic excitatory influence during slowwave sleep or both
[ 71 ]
[ "fibrin sealant" ]
severe pain is usual T3 laparoscopic VP hernia repair lvhr mesh fixation with titanium tacks may play a key role in the development of acute and chronic pain and alternative fixation methods should therefore be investigated this phd thesis was based on three studies and aimed too assess the intensity and impact of postoperative pain by detailed patientreported description of pain and convalescence T3 lvhr T0 i evaluate the feasibility of FS fs for mesh fixation in an experimental pig model T0 ii and investigate fs vs tacks for mesh fixation in lvhr in a randomised doubleblinded clinical controlled T0 with acute postoperative pain as the primary outcome study iii in study i a prospective descriptive study patients were prospectively included and underwent lvhr scores of pain SQ of life convalescence fatigue and general wellbeing were obtained from each patient followup was six months average pain from postoperative day pod and pod measured on a mm VAS scale vas was and respectively pain scores reached preoperative values at pod the incidence of severe CP was no parameter predicted postoperative pain significantly significant correlations were found between pain and general wellbeing rs p satisfaction rs p SQ of life score rs p six months postoperatively patients resumed normal daily activity at pod in T0 ii a randomised exp study in pigs nine pigs were operated laparoscopically with IS of two different meshes fixed with either fs or tacks all pigs were euthanized on pod the primary outcome parameter was strength of ingrowth between the mesh and the anterior abdominal wall a mechanical peel test was performed for each tissue sample the AA outcome parameters were grade and strength of adhesions to the mesh shrinkage and displacementfolding of the mesh and histological parameters all nine pigs survived without complications until sacrifice no meshes were displaced from their initial position at autopsy but in two cases mesh folding was observed no significant difference in strength of ingrowth was found between different fixation methods or mesh types furthermore no significant difference was found in grade or strength of adhesions or any histological parameters in study iii a randomised controlled doubleblinded multicenter trial patients with umbilical hernia defects between cm were randomly assigned to receive fs or titanium tacks for mesh fixation in lvhr patients care givers and those assessing the outcomes were blinded to group assignment the primary outcome was average pain from pod vas score secondary outcome parameters were fatigue general wellbeing and time to resume normal daily activity followup was one month for all patients in the fs group reported significantly less pain at pod median vas range vs p absolute vas score difference between CG was mm ci mm at activity and mm ci mm at rest patients in the fs group reported significantly less discomfort from pod and pod compared with the tack group no significant difference was found in fatigue score between CG no significant difference in hospital stay hernia diameter or morphine consumption in the post anesthesia ECU was found between groups patients in the fs group resumed normal daily activity at pod versus pod in the tack group p no recurrences were observed no adverse events or SE were observed no significant differences in predefined complications were found between CG in conclusion pain is a significant clinical problem after lvhr with impact on GA wellbeing SQ of life and patient satisfaction this issue must have first priority in future VP hernia repair research it is now documented that the simple application of FG instead of titanium tacks for mesh fixation in lvhr of defects cm significantly reduced acute pain discomfort and the period of convalescence LT followup will show the value of fs fixation in terms of chronic pain and recurrence as fs potentially may solve many of the outcome problems associated with lvhr future studies should include larger hernia defects including C1 incisional hernias as the operative technique may be different
[ 35 ]
[ "caprine arthritisencephalitis" ]
in order to detect a large spectrum of small ruminant lentiviruses primers for pcr were chosen in conserved parts of the ltr and gag genes of icelandic visna virus and of the pol gene of CAE virus this set of primers was tested in six different CAE virus caev and maedivisna virus isolates of dutch american and swiss origin the ltr primers allowed the detection of the corresponding fragments of all isolates the gag primers allowed amplification of the corresponding fragments of all but the swiss MV virus CS olv using the pol primers one maedivisna and two caprine arthritisencephalitis virus strains were detected after one round of amplification sequencing of the gag and pol amplification products and comparison to icelandic visna virus and caev CS co revealed total heterogeneity of for the gag and for the pol fragment the virus strains studied fall into two groups which are more closely related to one another than to icelandic visna virus
[ 47 ]
[ "electroencephalography" ]
one of the most important issues in current braincomputer interface bci research is the prediction of a users bci performance prior to the main bci session because it would be useful to reduce the time required to determine the bci paradigm best suited to that user in EEG eegbci research whether a user has low bci performance toward a specific bci paradigm has been estimated using a variety of restingstate eeg features however no previous T0 has attempted to predict the performance of nearinfrared spectroscopy nirsbci using restingstate nirs data recorded before the main bci experiment in this study we investigated whether the performance of an nirsbci discriminating a mental arithmetic task from the baseline state could be predicted using restingstate PET connectivity rsfc of the prefrontal cortex the investigation of nirs signals recorded from participants revealed that the rsfc between BL channels in the prefrontal area was negatively correlated with subsequent bci performance eg a fitted L1 for the rsfc between l and r channels explains of bci performance variation we expect that our indicator can be used to predict bci performance of an individual user prior to the main nirsbci experiments thereby facilitating implementation of more efficient nirsbci systems
[ 5 ]
[ "inguinal hernia" ]
two techniques of transperitoneal laparoscopic IH repair were studied to evaluate the incidence of short term adhesion formation two methods were evaluated in thirty pigs with induced bilateral inguinal hernia defects half of the defects were repaired by incising the peritoneum placing the mesh over the muscle defect securing the mesh with staples and reapproximating the peritoneum over the defect with staples the other hernias were repaired by positioning the mesh over the defect and securing the mesh with staples with no reapproximation of the peritoneum the animals were allowed to recover and were killed at the end of two weeks at autopsy the animals were examined for the presence of adhesions to bowel a statistically greater number of adhesions were formed with peritoneal reapproximation per cent compared with per cent when the peritoneum was not reapproximated the simpler method of repair with no reapproximation resulted in a statistically lower incidence of adhesions
[ 24 ]
[ "triethyltin bromide" ]
single nuclear gene inheritance was shown to be responsible for increased resistance to eight diverse inhibitors of mitochondrial CF antimycin CCCP chloramphenicol oligomycin tetracycline TET triphenylmethylphosphonium bromide and tritonx and an inhibitor of cytoplasmic protein synthesis cycloheximide continuous monitoring of oxygen uptake during respiratory adaptation showed that anerobic i.c.v. of resistant cells sensitized respiratory adaptation to chloramphenicol and antimycin however since a depression of mitochondrial function by catabolite repression did not result in sensitization to antimycin alteration of the mitochondrial membrane does not appear to be responsible for resistance to mitochondrial inhibition alteration of cellular IB sites was not responsible for resistance since in vitro mitochondrial protein synthesis was sensitive to chloramphenicol and in vitro mitochondrial QO2 was sensitive to oligomycin carbonylcyanidemchlorophenylhydrazone and antimycin autoradiography of an ethylacetateethanol extract of cchloramphenicoltreated resistant cells indicated that resistance was not due to enzymatic modification of inhibitors the maintenance of an antimycinresistant QO2 by protoplasts of resistant cells ruled out the involvement of the cell wall in cellular resistance the reduced transport of cchloramphenicol by resistant cells of normal cells indicated that a single nuclear gene mutation can alter the permeability of the plasma membrane to many diverse inhibitors
[ 7 ]
[ "tuberous sclerosis complex" ]
west syndrome occurs commonly in children with TSC and is associated with a grave prognosis for cognitive and seizure outcomes we sought to determine the epilepsy outcome of children with TSC and west syndrome and whether eeg mri or steroid therapy duration were different in those whose epilepsy improved compared with those with intractable seizures seventeen patients with tuberous sclerosis complex and west syndrome were identified for each patient two sets of clinical evaluations eeg and mri data and treatment information separated by at least months were obtained the patients were divided into two seizure outcome CG eeg mri and treatment data were compared between the CG the intellectual deficiency was either severe or moderate seizure control improved in and worsened in seven without mortality followup range months no significant differences in eeg BG mri findings or steroid treatment duration were evident between the CG the difference in eegsleep approached statistical significance p our findings did not confirm reports of high mortality and poor epilepsy outcome in intellectually deficient children with west syndrome and TSC eeg sleep was the best indicator of seizure control and approached statistical significance the duration of steroid therapy had no influence on seizure control
[ 48 ]
[ "niflumic acid" ]
the effect of a hyposmotic challenge and hence cellswelling upon the efflux of a variety of solutes from isolated human placental tissue has been examined a hyposmotic shock increased the fractional release of taurine the most abundant free amino acid in placental tissue via a pathway CS to NFA dids diisothiocyanatostilbenedisulphonic acid nppb nitrophenylpropylaminobenzoic acid and dioa rnbutyldichlorocyclopentyldihydrooxohinden y oxy acetic acid in contrast tamoxifen was without effect the cellswelling induced efflux of taurine was attenuated per cent by replacing external cl with no the efflux of glu was also markedly increased by a hyposmotic challenge niflumic acid inhibited both basal and volumeactivated glutamic acid efflux a hyposmotic shock also increased AIB efflux but not that of omethylglucose and so the results suggest that the human placenta can respond to cellswelling by releasing organic osmolytes such as amino acids via a pathway which is CS to anion transport inhibitors however it appears that the volumeactivated amino acid transport system is independent from the placental anionexchange pathways the efflux of these EDC may act with k and cl efflux to effect a RVD in placental tissue in addition volumeactivated transport may play a role in transplacental amino acid transfer
[ 60 ]
[ "leukocyte adherence inhibition" ]
the role nitric oxide no plays in the CVS is complex and diverse even more controversial is the role that the inducible no synthase enzyme inos serves in mediating different aspects of cardiovascular pathophysiology following arterial injury no has been shown to serve many vasoprotective roles including inhibition of platelet aggregation and adherence to the site of injury inhibition of LAI of vascular smooth muscle cell vsmc proliferation and migration and stimulation of EC cell ec growth these properties CF together to preserve a normal V1 environment following injury in this review we discuss what is known about the involvement of inos in the V1 injury response additionally we discuss the beneficial role of inos gene transfer to the vasculature in preventing the OD of neointimal thickening lastly the pathophysiology of SPK vasculopathy is discussed as well as the role of inos in this setting
[ 43 ]
[ "odorant receptors" ]
the olfactory receptors of terrestrial animals exist in an aqueous environment yet detect odorants that are primarily hydrophobic the AQ solubility of hydrophobic odorants is thought to be greatly enhanced via odorant IB proteins obp which exist in the extracellular fluid surrounding the ORs we have isolated and partially sequenced candidate obps from six insect moth species all represent a single homologous family based on conserved sequence domains the proteins can be divided into three subfamilies based on differences in tissue specific expression and similarities in CAA sequences all proteins are specifically expressed in antennal olfactory tissue subfamily i represents previously described pheromone binding proteins pbp which are malespecific associate with pheromonesensitive neurons and are highly VL ine secretion were additive however there was no additive effect on adenylate cyclase activation this coupled with h antagonist pyrilamine inhibition of histamineinduced secretion would suggest that histamine stimulated surfactant secretion through another mechanism in addition to a campdependent mechanism
[ 4 ]
[ "total gastrectomy" ]
although the laparoscopic assisted TG latg has been performed in upper gastric cancer dissection of CL NO no and d without resection of the distal pancreas and the SP has been hard to accomplish because of the possibilities of injury to splenic vessels and parenchyma of the spleen or pancreas herein we present successful results in laparoscopic pancreas and spleenpreserving d CL node dissection in T3 upper gastric CA
[ 9 ]
[ "chemical warfare" ]
the widespread use of sulfur mustard sm as a CW agent in the past century has proved its longlasting toxic effects despite a lot of research over the past decades on iranian veterans there are still L1 gaps in the sm literature transforming growth factor tgfβ a cytokine that affects many different cell processes has an important role in the lungs of patients with some of chronic airway diseases especially with respect to airway CR in mustard lung primary airway fibroblasts from epibronchial biopsies were cultured and mRNA of tgfβ tgfβ tbri and tbrii in fibroblasts of sm injured patients and controls were investigated expression of tgfβs and receptors was measured by rtpcr protein level of tgfβ was surveyed by western blot our findings revealed that expression C2 of tgfβ tgfβ tbri and tbrii were upregulated in the airway fibroblasts of sm exposed patients in comparison with control samples tgfβ expression was shown to be markedly increased in primary lung fibroblasts of chemically injured patients our novel data suggested that overexpression of tgfβ molecule and receptors in primary airway fibroblasts of mustard gas injured patients may be involved in progression of airway CR of these patients
[ 88 ]
[ "factor analysis" ]
past studies of the factor structure of the statetrait anxiety inventory stai spielberger gorsuch lushene vagg jacobs have arrived at various solutions however a relatively strong consensus supports a fourfactor state anxiety present SA absent trait anxiety present and trait anxiety absent structure of the scale resulting from the combination of item polarity dimensions and the original two factors state and trait anxiety in this article we assessed the adequacy of an alternative factor model of stai data the twoconstruct twomethod model in three C1 samples using confirmatory FA the results revealed a statistical advantage of the twoconstruct twomethod MM over the onefactor MM the twoconstruct factor MM and the fourfactor model we discuss possible interpretational advantages of the twoconstruct twomethod MM of the stai
[ 134 ]
[ "secretory" ]
we investigated the gene expression and localization of endothelin et receptor subtypes eta and etb in the rat adrenal cortex as well as their involvement in the corticosteroid secretagogue effect of et in vitro reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction with primers specific for eta and etb cdnas demonstrated the expression of both receptor genes in homogenates of HPA tissue however in isolated zona glomerulosa and ZF cells only etb mrna was detected autoradiographic examination of the selective MSD of iet IB by bq and bq specific ligands for eta and etb respectively indicated that zona glomerulosa possesses both eta and etb whereas zona fasciculata is exclusively provided with etb et enhanced in a concentrationdependent manner aldosterone and corticosterone secretions of dispersed zona glomerulosa and zona fasciculata cells respectively the etb antagonist bq markedly reduced the sec response of zona glomerulosa cells and completely suppressed that of ZF cells whereas the eta antagonist bq was ineffective these findings indicate that in the rat the HPA secretagogue action of et is mediated by the etb receptor AT1 and that the eta receptor is not directly involved in such an effect
[ 75 ]
[ "interaural time delay" ]
in order to get a systematic picture of how various hearing impairments and neurologic disorders may affect sound localization psychophysical spatial and lateralizationdiscrimination measurements were performed on subjects including with different types of hearing impairments with neurological diseases and with normal hearing the quantities measured were in the freefield the horizontal minimum audible angle maa at eight reference azimuths around the head and the vertical maa straight ahead with headphones the justnoticeable difference jnd in ITD and the jnd in interaural intensity difference the standard CS- was broadband khz pulsed sec noise presented at a suprathreshold level for both ears db spl the results show that there exist characteristic impairments of sound localization in the different types of hearing impairments tested on a general level the results are consistent with the concept that the localization of sound relies on a decision made by the CE AEP system based on a number of cues present in the acoustic signal at the two ears the cues tested in our study are the ITD difference the interaural intensity difference and the spectrum of the received signal at each ear at a more sphlabeled lysophosphatidic acid the latter appeared to be the preferred substrate these results indicate that lysophosphatidic acid synthesized by glycerophosphate acyltransferase is utilized by acylglycerophosphate acyltransferase without prior mixing with the total membraneassociated pool of lysophosphatidic acid and suggest a close proximity of the two enzymes in native e coli CM this property of the acyltransferases is lost upon separation and reconstitution of enzyme activities
[ 29 ]
[ "mr arthrography" ]
six scapulohumeral joints normal joints and joints with radiographic evidence of OC underwent conventional magnetic resonance mr imaging and mr scapulohumeral arthrography to evaluate delineation of the AC the MRA was performed using ml of microm gadopentetate dimeglumine gddtpa as a contrast medium delineation of normal AC and cartilage defects was less accurate T3 intraarticular administration of gddtpa therefore it was concluded that mr arthrography with gddtpa is unrewarding for evaluation of OC lesions
[ 1 ]
[ "submucosal" ]
endoscopic SM dissection esd of early cancer allows precise staging and avoids recurrence or surgery tutored by experts esd has rapidly spread in japan but still demands untutored learning in western countries a stepup RPA starts with easiest gastric neoplasias but fails on their low prevalence in western countries a prevalencebased approach includes challenging Tc neoplasias
[ 1 ]
[ "noradrenergic" ]
the NE modulation of endogenous gammaaminobutyric acid gaba outflow from slices and synaptosomes prepared from human cerebral SC biopsies has been studied gaba outflow was responsive to ON stimuli such as ouabain and high potassium basal gaba outflow in slices but not in synaptosomes appeared to be largely dependent upon neuronal activity being prevented by tetrodotoxin ttx mm kevoked outflow in synaptosomes also proved to be ttx CS norepinephrine ne concentration dependently increased basal gaba outflow both in slices and synaptosomes this effect was alpha adrenoreceptormediated because it was prevented by a selective antagonist of the alpha adrenoreceptor class prazosin but not by the alpha antagonist IDA however an alpha mediated GABA modulation was also present in the preparations used since in slices ne significantly inhibited gaba outflow in the presence of prazosin in synaptosomes ne significantly inhibited mm kevoked outflow in the presence of prazosin both of these effects were prevented by IDA no betaadrenoreceptor modulation could be demonstrated a comparison between species was also conducted the response to ouabain and to ttx proved similar in human rat and guineapig CBF SC in the most simple tissue preparation used synaptosomes a close similarity between the three species could be observed in all species ne stimulated basal gaba outflow an effect prevented by prazosin this suggests a predominant alpha adrenoreceptormediated stimulatory effect in a more complex preparation slices differences between species could be demonstratedabstract truncated at words
[ 11 ]
[ "registered nurses" ]
workforce projections indicate that by there will be a shortfall of RNs in australia there is a growing body of evidence that links registered nurse staffing to better patient outcomes
[ 94 ]
[ "individual patient data" ]
computerbased prompting and reminder systems have been shown to be highly ERP in increasing rates of preventive services delivery however there are many more recommended preventive services than can be practically included in a typical clinic visit therefore prioritization of preventive services prompts is necessary we describe two approaches to prioritizing preventive services prompts based on expected value decision making one method involves a static global prioritization across all preventive services and has been used in a production system for almost years the second method uses influence diagrams to prioritize prompts dynamically based on IPD the latter RPA is still under development both methods are labor intensive and require a combination of epidemiologic data and expert judgment compromises in strictly normative process were necessary to achieve user satisfaction
[ 4 ]
[ "lymphogranulomatosis" ]
in a yearold patient LGM was found localized exclusively in the rectosigmoid region the stenosing tumour was removed by resection of the sigmoid colon no further evidence of abdominal HD disease was found at a second operation when splenectomy and careful searching for affected lymph NO were performed
[ 102 ]
[ "permeability transition pore" ]
in transverse hippcampus slices a short period of hypoxiahypoglycemia induced by perfusion with oglucosefree medium caused early loss and incomplete restoration of evoked field potentials to only in the ca region we report about a study investigating the effect of an ethanolic gynostemma pentaphyllum extract in this system when given with reperfusion the extract completely protected the cells of the slices from PET injury the extract also protected at the subcellular level isolated mitochondria which had been subjected to hypoxiareoxygenation in combination with elevated extramitochondrial ca concentration from PET injury in isolated mitochondria the extract protected from cainduced opening of the mitochondrial PTP and reduced lipid peroxidation our data demonstrates of with four other cgmmv isolates but only shared identities of with three other tobamoviruses homology trees generated from replicase proteins of kd and CPs suggested that cucurbitinfecting tobamoviruses could be separated into two subgroups subgroup i comprising all the isolates of cgmmv and subgroup ii comprising cucumber fruit mottle PMV kyuri green mottle PMV and zucchini green mottle mosaic virus
[ 166 ]
[ "effective refractory periods" ]
a series of experiments was conducted to T0 the properties of the attenuation of responding to repeated presentation of overhead visual transients in the gerbil meriones unguiculatus results suggest that this attenuation consists of habituation to the repeated association of a potentially threatening sensory stimulus with an increasingly familiar spatial context the results of these experiments further suggest that the likelihood of eliciting fleeing is a conjoint CF modelled by prolonging the effective refractory period and basal conduction time for each of the three aps ectopic foci at the atrial base and between SN and ap were modelled at various coupling intervals for investigating reentrant activation in the control state without verapamil only orthodromic echoes were found the maximum echo zone ez range was found near the ap if stimuli were selected further away from the ap on the atrial basis the ez range decreased until no ez was found the ez range decreased from its maximum value near the ap towards the difference of the ERPs between ap and avnode near the sinus node verapamil abolished the ez in case of a posteroseptal ap for a lateral ap the administration of verapamil resulted in an orthodromic and antidromic ez depending on the atrial premature activation site a maximum orthodromic ez was found for premature stimuli near the ap as stimulus site moved away from the ap the ez range first decreased continuously to zero leading eventually to an antidromic ez these findings suggest the important influence of the site of premature stimuli with respect to the accessory pathway and avnode on the inducibility of atrial reentry
[ 147 ]
[ "lateral funiculus" ]
using immunohistochemistry and optical densitometry somatostatin som CGRP-LI cgrp and GABA acid gaba were investigated in the lumbosacral spinal cord of the frog rana catesbeiana after sciatic nerve transection in control animals the densest network of the som cgrp and gabalike immunoreactive fibers was located in the dorsal part of the lateral funiculus som and gabalike fibers were found in the dorsal terminal field and in the mediolateral band the latter region showed cgrp and somlike immunoreactive cell bodies som and gabalike immunoreactive neurons also occurred around the cavity of the central canal and other gabalike fibers were found in the ventral terminal field while the VP horn showed scarce somatostatinlike SF the putative MNs were immunoreactive for the two peptides investigated and gaba but only a few som and gabalike SF occurred in the VF T3 axotomy gabalike immunoreactivity decreased in the dorsal part of the LF on the same side of the lesion the other regions remained labeled these changes were observed at days following axonal injury and persisted at and days there was no significant difference in the pattern of cgrp and som immunoreactivity between the axotomized and the control sides these results are discussed in relation to the effects of the peripheral axotomy on gaba som and cgrp expression in vertebrates emphasizing the use of frogs as a model to study the effects of peripheral PNI
[ 103 ]
[ "binucleate cells" ]
the commercial usage of alo nanoparticles alo nps has gone up significantly in the recent times enhancing the risk of environmental contamination with these agents and their consequent adverse effects on living systems the current study has been designed to evaluate the cytogenetic potential of alo nps in allium cepa root tip cells at a range of SE concentrations and μgml their uptakeinternalization profile and the oxidative AS generated we noted a dosedependent decrease in the mitotic index to and an increase in the number of chromosomal aberrations various chromosomal aberrations eg sticky multipolar and laggard chromosomes chromosomal breaks and the formation of BNC were observed by optical fluorescence and confocal LSM ftir analysis demonstrated the surface chemical interaction between the nanoparticles and root tip cells the biouptake of alo in particulate form led to ROS species generation which in turn probably contributed to the induction of chromosomal aberrations
[ 120 ]
[ "diethylstilbestrol" ]
ca uptake by mitochondria is a key PE in the control of cellular ca homeostasis and cadependent phenomena it has been known for many years that this ca uptake is mediated by the mitochondrial ca uniporter a specific ca channel of the inner mitochondrial membrane we have shown previously that this channel is strongly G1 by a series of NK phytoestrogenic flavonoids we show here that several agonists and antagonists of estrogen receptors ers also modulate the activity of the uniporter the TPS alphaer agonist propylhpyrazoletriyltrisphenol ppt was the strongest activator increasing the rate of mitochondrial ca uptake in permeabilized hela cells by fold at microm consistently ppt largely increased the histamineinduced mitochondrial ca peak and reduced the cytosolic one DES and betaestradiol but not alphaestradiol were AS at pharmacological concentrations while the betaestrogenreceptor agonist bishydroxyphenylpropionitrile dpn was little ERP the er modulators tamoxifen and hydroxytamoxifen inhibited mitochondrial ca uptake ic and microm meansdfy a bp fragment of the tt antigen region of apv genome and a bp fragment of the capsid protein region encoded by open reading frame orf c of pbfdv genome respectively in the present T0 apv and pbfdv were detected simultaneously in one tube by duplex shuttle pcr using these two pairs of primers the LOD were viral copies of apv and viral copies of pbfdv in the clinical application we detected apvpositive pbfdvpositive and mixed INF samples in samples examined sequences of the amplified products were read the tt antigen region was conserved in the apvpositive samples as expected orf c of pbfdv genome showed diversity phylogenic analysis indicated that pbfdv orf c consisted of clusters which were related to subfamilies of psittacine birds our duplex shuttle pcr could be a useful method for differential diagnosis and molecular epidemiology of bfd and pbfd