[ 32 ]
[ "hresiniferatoxin" ]
knowledge of the CSD and CF of the VR1 receptor vr or trpv in the cns lacks the detailed appreciation of its role in the peripheral nervous system the radiolabelled VR1 agonist RTX rtx has been used to indicate the presence of trpv receptor protein in the brain but low TPS IB has complicated interpretation of this data recently support for a more widespread cns CSD of trpv mrna and protein has been provided by rtpcr and antibody data we have exploited the availability of trpv null mice and used hrtx autoradiography in the cns of trpv wildtype and trpv null mice to identify the component of hrtx binding to trpv receptor protein in the brains of trpv mice specific hrtx IB was broadly localised with the greatest IB in the olfactory nuclei the cerebral cortex dentate gyrus TH hypothalamus periaqueductal grey superior colliculus LC and cerebellar cortex specific IB was also seen in the spinal cord and sensory dorsal root and TG ganglia this binding was much lower but not abolished in most regions in the trpv mice nonspecific binding was low in all cases the present T0 unequivocally demonstrates a widespread and discrete distribution pattern of the trpv receptor protein in the rat CNS system the presence of trpv receptors in several BB regions suggests that it may CF as a cannabinoidgated channel in the cns
[ 111 ]
[ "acrodermatitis enteropathica" ]
most of cutaneous hereditary diseases are associated with digestive symptoms but only four groups have a predominated digestive symptomatology i hereditary disease with intestinal polyposis ii V1 dysplasias with intestinal haemorrhage iii connective tissue discover in hereditary diseases iv AE with diarrhoea though very different with one another peutzjeghers syndrome and gardners syndrome are transmitted according to AD trait only bi or unigenic origin is still controversed renduoslers disease and blue rubber bled naevus also transmit according to AD trait pseudoxanthoma elasticum is very likely transmitted according to autosomal recessivity but the main forms of ehlersdanlos disease are AD conditions the other form being either autosomal recessive or sexlinked type v AE is transmitted according to autosomal recessivity but the gene has a very variable penetrance so that the mutations are very common
[ 79 ]
[ "monomethylamine" ]
aldicarb and several other nmethyl carbamate pesticides stimulated methane production in anaerobic salt marsh soils and organicrich aquifer soils stimulation was biological and linearly related to the amount of carbamate added of the four carbamates studied methomyl gave the greatest stimulation followed by carbaryl aldicarb and baygon the percent conversions moles of ch in excess of controlmole of carbamate added x for methomyl carbaryl aldicarb and baygon were and respectively using aldicarb as a MM carbamate we found that MMA ma accumulated in sediments as a result of aldicarb addition ma arises from the nmethyl carbamoyl portion of the carbamates as a result of presumptive biological hydrolysis ma levels decreased as ch production was stimulated and bromoethane sulfonic acid a TPS inhibitor of mathanogenesis partially inhibited the loss of ma these findings suggest that nmethyl carbamates are readily hydrolyzed to ma in the presence of an active microbial population under anaerobic conditions and that methanogenesis is stimulated as a result of the consumption of ma by methanogenic bacteria
[ 62 ]
[ "inhibitory" ]
the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of adenosine on the adenylate cyclases of human and pig platelets were studied stimulation occurred at lower concentrations than did inhibition and the stimulatory effect was prevented by methylxanthines stimulation by adenosine was immediate in onset and was reversible under conditions when cyclic amp formation was linear with respect to time and protein concentration the stimulatory and GABA effects could be distinguished further by the use of various analogues of adenosine and could be prevented by adenosine deaminase the data suggest that both stimulation and inhibition were due to adenosine itself and not one of its degradation products and that in the PLT preparation neither formation nor degradation of adenosine during the adenylate cyclase incubation appreciably influenced measured activity stimulation by adenosine was additive with the effects of gmppnhp and alpha or betaadrenergic stimulation but was abolished by prostaglandin e or by naf prostaglandin e and naf increased the sensitivity of adenylate cyclase to inhibition by adenosine the data suggest that guanylylbetagammaiminodiphosphate andor adrenergic stimulation and adenosine exert their effects on adenylate cyclase by distinct mechanisms but that prostaglandin e or f and adenosine increase CEA by mechanisms which may involve common intermediates in the coupling to adenylate cyclase
[ 221 ]
[ "immunomagnetic beads" ]
destruction of periarticular and periprosthetic bone by activated macrophages a process often termed macrophage mediated osteolysis is recognized as a leading mechanism of aseptic arthroplasty failure to develop effective interventional approaches and increase the longevity of implanted joint prostheses the pathobiology of activated humansynoviumderived macrophages needs to be better characterized the first step toward achieving this research objective is the acquisition of pure populations of macrophages from human synovial tissue a simple fast and highly efficient method for isolating a relatively pure population of macrophages from periprosthetic tissue received from either primary or secondary arthroplasty is presented this technique uses murine monoclonal antibodies igg that recognize a phagocytespecific marker cd for primary IB and sheep antimurine igg antibodies bound to polystyrenecoated magnetic microspheres for AA binding while the primary antibody specifically labels cdpositive phagocytes in the digestion of synovial and periprosthetic tissue the AA antibody bound to polystyrenecoated iron oxide beads facilitates the removal of cdpositive cells from cdnegative cells by anchoring the former with a magnet this protocol requires centrifugation only in the washing steps which reduces the frequency of cell death and altered cell morphology the patient population includes three primary and eight revision arthroplasties the tissue macrophage isolation protocol yielded on average x cellsg tissue of which were viable nonspecific esterase positive macrophages the exp results suggest that IMB coupled to anticd enable the isolation of a purified population of resident tissue macrophages suitable for further biologic characterization
[ 88 ]
[ "nondisabled" ]
this T0 examined differences in evacuation crisis preparation informationseeking patterns and media use among the communities of disabled and nondisabled evacuees in the aftermath of hurricane katrina surveys were collected from katrina evacuees temporarily relocated in different Az of the united states results indicate differences in crisis preparation and evacuation plans with disabled subpopulations being more likely to prepare emergency supplies but less likely to have an evacuation plan differences between the disabled and nondisabled subpopulations also existed in informationseeking habits media use was similar between disabled and ND respondents
[ 117 ]
[ "residual disease" ]
the bioflocculants used in this T0 were synthesised by the mannich reaction which includes three reagents a substrate tannin extracts of acacia quebracho and castanea formaldehyde and an amine derivative ethanolamine DEA ammonium chloride nine NK flocculants were prepared be extent of local disease while ct and pet are used for detecting CL node or distant metastases diffusionweighted mri has also been used for detecting small M1 deposits in lymph nodes and omentum extrauterine soft tissue involvement can be detected by ultrasound ct mri and pet recently intraoperative visualization techniques such as SN mapping are increasingly used to avoid extensive surgical staging without compromising treatment imaging is also used for planning adjuvant treatment and detection of postoperative RD in highrisk patients monitoring and detecting recurrent disease and in posttreatment surveillance of asymptomatic patients with high risk of relapse
[ 144 ]
[ "phylloquinone" ]
dietary intakes of retinol equivalents alphatocopherol equivalents vitamin d and K1 were estimated from three sets of d weighed DRs and compared to three corresponding fasting plasma concentrations of retinol hydroxyvitamin d alphatocopherol and phylloquinone measured in healthy adults over wk the magnitude of the rho between dietary vitamin intake and its corresponding PSA measure is in part determined by the reproducibility of each of the measures so withintobetween subject variance ratios were calculated for both dietary intakes and PC phylloquinone was the only fatsoluble vitamin with a significant rho between dietary intake and fasting plasma concentration r p this rho improved with an increase in both the number of independent diet records and independent plasma measures of the dietary NI measures all the fatsoluble vitamins had greater within than between subject variance with the highest measured for phylloquinone of the plasma measures only K1 had a withintobetween subject variance ratio greater than one comparisons across age and sex for dietary intake and plasma concentrations differed in pattern among the fatsoluble vitamins
[ 6 ]
[ "after renal transplantation" ]
opportunistic infections are common in patients Tx this report describes a case of cytomegalovirus pneumonia in a renal SPK recipient with a normal CXR and normal PaO2 an abnormal inwhite blood cell scan led to the discovery of a pulmonary source of his recurrent fevers
[ 71 ]
[ "immunodiffusion" ]
a patient has been described previously who presented at age with vitamin b b deficiency AA to a functionally abnormal intrinsic factor if if has now been isolated from the gastric juice of the patient his sister and both parents who are first cousins by using AC on bsepharose patient if appeared normal in terms of a b IB b mol wt c total amino acid and carbohydrate composition and d ID with rb antipatient and antinormal if sera T3 adsorption with normal if however antipatient if SS precipitated the various ifs as follows patient if mother father and sister if and normal if additional adsorption with mother father or sister if completely inhibited the precipitation of patient if the association constant determined for patient ifb and human ileal mucosal homogenates x m was fold lower than that determined with normal ifb x m intermediate amounts of ileal ifb IB were observed with mother father and sister ifb these in vitro studies were supported by multiple schilling tests performed with a totally gastrectomized volunteer that gave the following mean urinary excretions of cob free b patient gastric juice mother or father gastric juice and normal gastric juice these studies demonstrate that the patient is homozygous and that the mother father and sister are heterozygous for a structurally abnormal if that has a markedly decreased but not absent affinity for ileal ifb receptors these studies also indicate that the b and ileal binding CS are located on different portions of the if molecule
[ 138 ]
[ "second language" ]
the factors influencing the degree of separation or overlap in the neuronal networks responsible for the processing of first and L2 are still subject to investigation this longitudinal study investigates how increasing L2 proficiency influences activation differences during lexicosemantic processing of first and L2 native english speaking exchange students learning german were examined with fMRI while reading words in three different languages at two points in time at the beginning of their stay day and months later day when second language proficiency had significantly increased on day L2 words evoked more frontal activation than words from the mother tongue these differences were diminished on day we therefore conclude that with increasing L2 proficiency lexicosemantic processing of second language words needs less FC control our results demonstrate that lexicosemantic processing of first and L2 converges onto similar networks as L2 proficiency increases
[ 5 ]
[ "local health department" ]
during the economic recession kentucky LHD lhd leaders utilized innovative strategies to maintain their programs a characteristic of innovative strategy is leader openness to NC leader demographical research in forprofit organizations has yielded valuable insight into leader openness to change for lhd leaders the nature of the association between leader demographic and organizational characteristics on leader openness to change is unknown the objectives of this T0 are to identify variation in openness to NC by leaders demographic and organizational characteristics and to characterize the underlying relationships
[ 10 ]
[ "edinburgh depression scale" ]
a hospital antenatal clinic conducting routine psychosocial screening changed the EDS eds referral criterion for determining which women needed to be referred to a multidisciplinary meeting health professional safe start meeting the criterion was changed from a score of or more to or more when no other psychosocial risks were present women scoring on the eds with no other psychosocial risks were now informed they should contact the social work department if they had issues they wanted to discuss with a health professional the T0 evaluated the impact of this NC in eds clinical practice records were audited over a month period in addition women scoring in this eds marginal range with no other psychosocial risks participated in a telephone interview to ascertain if they should have been referred to the safe start meeting of eligible women who scored in the marginal eds range none had contacted the social increased emergency department visits and hospitalizations which may contribute to increased cost of care antiemetic agents such as neurokinin nk receptor antagonists and hydroxytryptamine ht IL-1ra are prescribed for patients receiving highly emetogenic chemotherapy hec and moderately emetogenic chemotherapy mec the current guidelines recommend a drug combination of an nk receptor antagonist a ht receptor antagonist and dexamethasone with hec regimens and certain mec regimens
[ 4 ]
[ "primary pulmonary hypertension" ]
rv dysfunction in idiopathic PPH ipah is often characterized by chamber dilation ventricular hypertrophy and impaired systolic CF in this study we characterize right ventricular rv chamber size EDV thickness myocardial mass and ejection fraction in patients with RA ventricular heart failure from ipah n and compare these characteristics to a control population of cardiac transplant patients tx n and a group of normal subjects n n subjects underwent both gated CMR imaging mri of the RA ventricle and RA heart catheterization rhc using parameters from both the mri and rhc an estimate of rv endsystolic relative WS rws was calculated rv rws was and kdynescm in the cardiac transplant and control subjects respectively and was significantly elevated kdynescm in ipah patients ipah vs n and tx p and rv ejection fraction rvef was lower in ipah patients than in n and tx and respectively p n and tx an inverse linear rho was demonstrated between rws and rvef y x r p or RA ventricular rws is significantly elevated in ipah and may provide a useful quantitative monitoring tool in patients with ipah to assess the benefit of different therapeutic interventions and provide prognostic information
[ 1 ]
[ "hollow fiber" ]
the HF enzyme reactor with pulsation developed by kim and chang was operated in a differential mode by recycling a ATP solution in order to assess the efficiency of UF swing the rates of lactose conversion by betagalactosidase contained in the shell side of the reactor were measured to determine the effects of recirculation rate pulsation period and amplitude the conversion increased with the increase of recirculation flow rate and the amplitude while variation in period affected the conversion relatively little the maximum increase of in the activity was observed in the reactor with pulsation as compared to that without pulsation the twocompartment model well described the exp data obtained in this study squarewave pulsation was theoretically more effective in increasing conversion than sine wave pulsation however in experimental operation the damping effect of the hollow fiber wall narrowed the difference between these two wave forms
[ 122 ]
[ "upstream regulatory region" ]
we previously identified mutant alleles of the lanosterol synthase lss and FPP farnesyl GOT fdft genes which CF in the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway as determinants for hereditary cataracts in the scr rat strain lsss and fdfts were established as hypomorphic alleles with missense nucleotide substitutions while lssl is a null allele with nucleotide deletioninsertion mutations here we report a more detailed characterization of the rat lss and fdft genes screening of various laboratory rat strains revealed that the hypomorphic lsss and fdfts alleles are not TPS to the scr CS but are widely prevalent in other laboratory rat strains meanwhile lssl was not found in any rat strains examined it was also found that functional interstrain polymorphisms are present in the lss URR the bn strain had a higher potential for expression of lss transcripts than aci and scr under conditions where cholesterol synthesis is necessary scr was less efficient than bn and aci in suppressing lss transcription in circumstances when cholesterol synthesis should be halted these findings not only imply that there is a genetic polymorphism for cholesterol homeostasis in laboratory rats but also point to the possibility that rat strains with different lss alleles exhibit different responses to measures intervening in cholesterol metabolism
[ 103 ]
[ "mycosis fungoides" ]
this report includes cases of hyponatremia in preeclampsia two patients were identified with preeclampsia complicated by hyponatremia one with and the other without nephrotic syndrome together with cases of hyponatremia recentlrradiation around the concepcional period she presented a cutaneous relapse palliated with photon radiotherapy no obstetrics complications were observed during gestation at weeks gestation a cesarean section was performed and a healthy g boy was delivered MF did not worsen during pregnancy and postpartum period in conclusion mycosis fungoides did not adversely affect pregnancy outcome and gestation did not worsen the malignancy course this case report may be valuable in managing patients with MF who are currently pregnant or are contemplating pregnancy
[ 11 ]
[ "men who have sex with men" ]
the internet is a common tool for gay bisexual and other MSM msm to find sexual partners and sexual health information given persistently high human immunodeficiency virus hiv infection rates among msm it is important to examine the role of online outreach for msm as part of hiv prevention and care we provide an overview of the unique perspectives of online sexual health outreach delivered through aids service organizations asos through sociosexual internet CS and mobile applications data were drawn from the qualitative arm of the communitybased cruising counts T0 conducted across ontario from december to january aso online outreach providers and managers n were recruited to CR a h inpersontelephone interview to explore indepth their experiences with and perspectives on delivering online outreach services for msm in ontario thematic analyses were conducted inductively using nvivo service providers suggested a high demand for online outreach services for msm strengths and advantages of online outreach over facetoface outreach included anonymity instant access to services peer model and accessing hardtoreach populations of msm barriers included consistent SQ of service collaborations between companies that own online technologies and outreach service agencies budgetary and staff capacity issues and uncertainty of best practices and evaluation parameters for online outreach findings from these interviews can inform service providers policy makers and researchers on how online sexual health outreach can play a greater role in hiv prevention by better acknowledging and addressing the opportunities and barriers experienced by sl cortical Az however across the Az this alignment varies and the role of this spikephase coupling spc in cognitive functions is not well understood
[ 25 ]
[ "sea surface temperature" ]
dongsha atoll also known as the pratas islands the northernmost atoll in the south china sea experiences two contrasting PCS phenomena repetitive anomalies of the SST exceeding the coral bleaching threshold and regular effects of the worlds strongest internal waves resulting in the rhythmic upwelling of cold deep waters at the outer reef slopes of the atoll this unique combination may result in significant differences in coral species composition and structure between the lagoon and forereef surveys conducted in augustseptember at T0 sites in the m depth range at dongsha atoll revealed a clear spatial separation between thermallysusceptible stony coral genera including acropora pocillopora and montipora which mainly inhabited the forereef and thermallyresistant genera including massive porites foliaceous echinopora pavona and turbinaria which mainly resided in the lagoon the mean coral cover and species richness on the forereef were respectively and times higher than those in the lagoon and species on the forereef vs and species in the lagoon coral mortality rates expressed as the ratio of dead to live stony corals showed the same pattern in the lagoon vs on the forereef furthermore in a laboratory experiment thermallysusceptible taxa from the lagoon eg pocillopora verrucosa and p damicornis exhibited higher resistance to bleaching than did their counterparts from the forereef the present findings indicate that dongsha atoll is a potential thermal refuge for reefbuilding corals in the northern south china sea and reveal the OD of resilience and resistance to bleaching in coral communities of the lagoon
[ 44 ]
[ "acute pneumonia" ]
in order to determine immediate criteria of prognosis for patients with portal hypertension hospitalized for digestive hemorrhage in an intensive care unit variables were recorded during the hours following admission in patients data related to death were age ascites hepatic HIVE shock active hemorrhage AP decrease in prothrombin time use of esophageal balloon tamponade use of mechanical ventilation number of red blood cell units transfused discriminant analysis yielded a linear combination of variables which best separated survivors from non survivors with the following equation f x HE x shock x AS hemorrhage x age the threshold decision of the hemorrhage prognosis index hpi was f p of all patients were correctly classified in order to be validated hpi was compared with a GA saps and specific pughs classification scoring system in a prospective T0 of episodes of digestive hemorrhage in this T0 sensitivity was better with hpi than with saps versus specificity was higher with hpi than with pughs classification versus percentage of correctly classified patients was higher using hpi p than saps p and pughs classification p we suggest that the hpi determined with easily defined and recorded variables should be used prospectively to compare tau of different treatments
[ 251 ]
[ "bicuculline" ]
this placebocontrolled study was designed to confirm a previously performed open label study that showed significant improvement in spirometry on MT with albuterol for year in a doubleblind crossover trial albuterol by metered dose inhaler microg bid or PL were given for months each spirometry was monitored at the start and and months following initiation of each arm of the study peak expiratory flow rate pefr was measured twice daily at home before and after T0 drug administration only patients with clinically detectable lung disease were enrolled twentyone patients finished the T0 all spirometric tests showed a significant improvement from start to end of the monted by either removing ca from the ringer solution or blocking ca channels with co this suggests that the cl current is cadependent in those BCs whose axon terminals were cutoff during slicing no cl current was observed indicating that this current is generated at the synaptic terminals the cl current consists of a predominant synaptic component that can be blocked by the nonnmethylaspartate nmda glutamate receptor antagonist cyanonitroquinoxalinedione cnqx or by the GABA acidc gabac receptor PTX there also exists a relatively small nonsynaptic component thus both glutamatergic and gabaergic transmission were involved in the generation of this cl current suggesting that it is mediated by a recurrent feedback to bipolar cells PT which blocks both gabac receptors at bc terminals and gabaa receptors on the dendrites of acs and gcs converted the lightelicited Vc response in most acs and gcs from transient to sustained BIC which blocks only the gabaa receptors did not prolong the transient response in acs and gcs this suggests that a negative FB mediated by the gabac receptor on the BP terminals is responsible for making these responses transient after the gabaergic feedback was blocked with picrotoxin the lightelicited Vc responses recorded under current clamp were more sustained than the current responses recorded under Vc clamp to the same light stimuli this suggests that a voltagedependent conductance converts the relatively transient current responses to more sustained Vc responses our results imply a synaptically driven local gabaergic FB at BP terminals mediated by gabac receptors this FB appears to be a significant component of the mechanism underlying temporal contrast enhancement in acs and gcs
[ 250 ]
[ "immunostaining" ]
skin explants from involved psoriatic lesions showed dissociation of keratinocytes dermalepidermal separation and degenerative changes such as cytoplasmic swelling of subcorneal prickled cells within h after culture initiation at degrees c in the absence of fetal bovine SS fbs these histological changes developed time dependently while NS explants did not exhibit such phenomena some of the uninvolved psoriatic skin explants showed only degenerative change to h after culture initiation at degrees c to determine the nature of these spontaneously occurring changes in psoriatic skin explants and then to approach the pathogenesis of PS the effects of fbs various proteinase inhibitors pis and culturing temperature degrees c were examined in skin organ SC of normal and involved psoriatic skin at degrees c only serine pis or mgml of soybean trypsin inhibitor sbti kiuml of aprotinin or mgml of camostat mesilate in the medium or fbs in the medium could suppress the occurrence of dissociation of keratinocytes and dermalepidermal separation but not the degenerative change in involved psoriatic skin explants while other types of pis did not exhibit any such inhibition when the culturing temperature was reduced from degrees c to nd cell tumors of childhood and adolescence were tested with this mab by the avidinbiotin immunoperoxidase procedure the authors found hba immunoreactivity in of ewings sarcomas studied and of primitive neuroectodermal PT and peripheral neuroepitheliomas hbanegative PT included neuroblastomas of melanomas of an esthesioneuroblastoma small cell osteosarcomas of a malignant ectomesenchymoma desmoplastic srct of and MBs of heterogeneous expression of hba IS was found in some embryonal rhabdomyosarcomas of and astrocytomas of and in a few neuroendocrine tumors of carcinomas of and lymphomas of because ewings sarcomas are consistently hba positive the authors searched for antigenpositive normal cells that may represent precursors for these tumors however no obvious candidate for the elusive cell of origin for ewings sarcoma was identified in the normal fetal tissues tested their findings indicate that hba is a highly restricted cellsurface antigen of ewings sarcomas and primitive neuroectodermal tumors and immunohistochemistry employing this antibody may be of value in the differential diagnosis of selected small round cell tumors in childhood and adolescence
[ 112 ]
[ "multiple fractions per day" ]
the pollen coatings of both brassica oleracea and brassica napus contain a small family of basic kda proteins which are released on to the stigmatic surface on pollination following partial AA sequencing of one of these pollen coat proteins pcps pcr primers were constructed to isolate the pcp sequence from anther mrna using rtpcr a cdna was obtained which in RNA hybridization experiments revealedmbinedprophylactic treatment for localregional control T3 surgery in head and neck CA for early lesions of local control may be expected in radiation therapy however some hurdles must be cleared with regard to advanced lesions we reviewed the prospective randomized controlled trials phase iii trial concerning adjuvant chemotherapy and MFD of radiotherapy for advanced head and neck CA adjuvant chemotherapy may be used in three ways in the treatment ie induction therapy concomitantly with radiotherapy and maintenance therapy we reviewed the former two treatments because no pure phase iii trial could be found in MT after radiotherapy as for MFD of radiation therapy the following definition is used hyperfractionation TD is increased dose per fraction is reduced fractian number is increased overall time is relatively unchanged accelerated fractionation overall time is reduced number of fraction TD and dose per fraction are either unchanged or somewhat reduced depending on the extent of overall time reduction adjuvant chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy and MFD of radiotherapy have been attempted to increase localregional control and survival in a few randomized studies however these survival results were disappointing despite good local control we need a more ERP chemotherapy regime fractionation schedule and also to clarify the indications for these treatments by analyzing the prognostic factors
[ 26 ]
[ "critical incident technique" ]
the purpose of this study was to analyzed the consequences for the patients and professionals involved in medication the author adopted as the methodological REF the CIT modificated the T0 was developed at a university hospital at the state of são paulo brazil data were collected through interviews with nurses nursing technicians and nursing auxillaries the analysis enabled the identification consequences for the patient and consequences for the professional involved
[ 179 ]
[ "anterior ventral" ]
in order to understand better the organisation of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus of the VP thalamus this paper has examined the patterns of connections that this nucleus has with various nuclei of the dorsal TH in rats injections of biotinylated dextran or cholera toxin subunit b were made into the parafascicular CE LP thalamic medial dorsal LD LP dorsal lateral geniculate AV lateral ventrobasal and medial geniculate nuclei of spraguedawley rats and their brains were processed using standard tracer PCD methods three general patterns of ventral lateral geniculate connectivity were seen first the parafascicular central lateral MD posterior thalamic and LD nuclei had heavy connections with the parvocellular internal lamina of the VP lateral geniculate nucleus this geniculate lamina has been shown previously to receive heavy inputs from many functionally diverse BS nuclei second the visually related dorsal lateral geniculate and LP nuclei had heavy connections with the magnocellular external lamina of the VP lateral geniculate nucleus this geniculate lamina has been shown by previous studies to receive heavy inputs from the VC and the retina finally the AV lateral VB and MG nuclei had very sparse if any connections with the VP lateral geniculate nucleus overall our results strengthen the notion that one can package the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus into distinct visual MC and nonvisual parvocellular components
[ 186 ]
[ "posterior cerebral" ]
the clinical and neuropathological findings in cases of paramedian thalamic and midbrain infarcts are reported the instances of unilateral paramedian thalamic infarct were characterized by mood and behavioral changes limitation of the infarct to the center of the anatomical paramedian territory and symmetrical configuration of the paramedian thalamic arteries BA i.a. occlusion was found in patient the cases of bilateral paramedian thalamic infarcts were characterized by disturbances of consciousness and behavior extension of the infarct to the mammillothalamic tracts in cases the red nuclei in and the hypothalamus in and a VL paramedian thalamic arterial pattern the arterial pattern was symmetrical in cases asymmetrical in and unilateral in the BA i.a. was occluded in case the basilar communicating and PCA arteries in and a third patient had occlusion involving an aneurysm of the BA i.a. the patients with paramedian thalamopeduncular infarcts had marked disturbances of consciousness hypersomnia deep coma akinetic mutism associated with ocular motility changes later abnormal movementsalways delayedand SM disturbances were observed in some thalamic changes were restricted to beh paramedian territory in only cases the arterial pattern was symmetrical in the BA and PCA arteries were occluded in patients each paramedian infarcts were rarely found as isolated lesions and were always BL when there was only one arterial pedicle the paramedian thalamic pedicle can supply the polar thalamic territory
[ 33 ]
[ "renal venous" ]
the function of presynaptic alpha adrenergic autoinhibition of norepinephrine PR was studied in anesthetized rabbits alfadolone alfaxalone with uninterrupted sympathetic impulse traffic the animals received a tracer infusion of hnorepinephrine iv arterial and RV concentrations of endogenous norepinephrine and hnorepinephrine the FR of the renal sympathetic nerves and renal blood flow were determined the results were used to calculate the renal fractional hnorepinephrine extraction the renal removal and spillover of norepinephrine the TB hnorepinephrine clearance and TB norepinephrine spillover sodium nitroprusside micrograms kg min iv which was infused to modulate sympathetic activity through the baroreceptors caused SH and increased the renal sympathetic FR and the renal as well as TB norepinephrine spillover increases of total body norepinephrine spillover were much higher than increases of renal spillover yohimbine mg kg mg kg hr iv caused slight CE sympathoexcitation in addition it enhanced the renal and total body spillover of norepinephrine at any given firing rate of the renal sympathetic SN the distinguishing feature of this T0 is the measurement of sympathetic firing rate and norepinephrine spillover in one and the same organ the kidney the results demonstrate that the alpha adrenergic autoinhibition of norepinephrine PR normally operates in the kidney with intact sympathetic impulse traffic they also suggest its T0 in other IP sympathetically innervated tissues
[ 25 ]
[ "selection for high" ]
growth and OD of heart and lungs were measured from day of incubation to days T3 hatch in lines of chickens that had undergone longterm MH has or low las antibody titers to sheep erythrocytes a correlated response to this selection was heavier day body weights for las than has chickens in this experiment body weights were heavier in L1 las than has from DI to days after hatch and again at days T3 hatch absorption of residual yolk was greater in has than las chicks although there were no differences between lines for absolute HR weights lungs were heavier in L1 las than has at all ages except days T3 hatch relative to body weight both heart and lung weights declined with age however the DP of decline differed for this criterium hearts were larger in line has than las to days T3 hatch with no difference thereafter for lungs lines were similar until days T3 hatch after which they were larger in las than has chicks in all but one case has at hatch the leftright relationship for lung weights exhibited fluctuating asymmetry with the left minus RA character difference having a normal CSD and mean zero the degree of FA however varied with age
[ 132 ]
[ "michaelismenten" ]
the effect of a highprotein diet favoring hepatic glucose production and of a CHO diet favoring glucose utilization on the concentration of insulin and glucagon in the blood and on adenosine cyclic monophosphate cyclic amp in the liver was investigated during a hour cycle in rats FF a highprotein diet resulted within hours in an increase in the concentration of insulin and glucagon whereas FF a CHO diet again induced a rise in insulin no alterations in glucagon were observed hepatic cAMP oscillated up or down under the protein or carbohydrate diet respectively a rho between the insulinglucagon molar ratio and the concentration of hepatic cyclic amp was found proteinbound cAMP an indicator of protein kinase activation corresponded closely to total cyclic amp tissue concentratelocity of the reaction is not a true MM constant its value is determined by the kinetic parameters of competing reactions some results from the literature on anomalous SMB of sulfation and glucuronidation in different S9 have been analyzed with our model a good agreement was obtained between exp results and values determined by extrapolation according to our model
[ 197 ]
[ "germ tube" ]
parallel to the developments in the field of diagnosis and treatment an increase in the incidence of fungal infections and the number of patients who are in the risk group for the development of opportunistic fungal infections have been observed in the recent years among the hospitalized patients those most at risk in terms of fungal infections are intensive care unit icu patients the rate of candida colonization of mucous membranes in hospitalized patients may reach to and this may predispose to the establishment of severe infections especially in patients under risk the aim of this study was to evaluate the rate of candida colonization and to use candida colonization index in the intensive ECU patients in ankara training and research hospital ankara turkey a total of AD patients female male age range years mean age ± years who were hospitalized for ≥ days in the neurology n anesthesiareanimation n and neurosurgery n intensive care units between september to february were included in the T0 throat nose skin axilla urine rectal swab cultures and additionally when necessary tracheal aspirates drain and CE vascular catheter cultures were taken weekly from each patient candida colonies were identified by using GT test chromagar candida medium becton dickinson germany and id c biomeriux france yeast ID kit candida colonization index ci was calculated for each patient and ci was defined as the ratio of the number of culturepositive distinct body CS to the total number of body CS cultured patients with ci were considered as candida colonized in our study candida colonization was found in of patients of them were heavily colonized ci ≥ and were slightly colonized c i the highest candida colonization was detected in throat urine and rectal swab samples while none of the tracheal aspirate samples yielded candida spp growth invasive candida infections subsequently developed in of the colonized patients namely candidemia in five and candida associated urinary tract infections in four cases our data indicated that the number of colonized patients were higher in the surgical anesthesiareanimation and neurosurgery intensive care units p in patients staying in the icu for longer periods p and in patients with higher number of application of invasive instruments p compared to those of noncolonized cases additionally candida colonization emerged more often in patients with bacterial sepsis and in those exposed to broad spectrum antibiotics p use of broad spectrum antibiotics in the icu length of stay in the icu and having CE venous catheter were found as independent risk factors for candida colonization the sensitivity specificity positive and negative predictive values of colonization index for the PCD of developing candida infections in colonized patients were estimated as and respectively in conclusion candida colonization and candida colonization index may be used as useful parameters to predict invasive candida infections
[ 99 ]
[ "venous return" ]
to study the effect of positive airway pressure paw on the pressure gradient for VR the difference between mean SVR filling pressure pms and RA atrial pressure pra we investigated patients during GA anesthesia for implantation of defibrillator devices paw was varied under apnea from to cmho which increased pra from to mmhg and decreased left ventricular stroke volume by episodes of VVI fibrillation induced for defibrillator testing were performed during and cmho paw to measure pms value of pra s after ON of circulatory arrest positive paw increased pms from to mmhg and thus the pressure gradient for VR pms pra remained unchanged echocardiography did not reveal signs of V1 collapse of the VPI and SVC due to lung expansion in conclusion we demonstrated that positive paw equally increases pra and pms in humans and alters venous return without changes in the pressure gradient pms pra
[ 155 ]
[ "plaqueforming cells" ]
mitotic blocking agents colchicine or velban were used to estimate cycle times of spleen cells which release Hly for sheep erythrocytes PFCs the cells were obtained either from rats immunized with sheep erythrocytes or from cultures of mouse SP cells immunized in vitro with the same antigen or days T3 immunization animals or cell cultures were treated with MI blocking agents for periods of time ranging from to hr plaqueforming cells were then enumerated decreased numbers of plaqueforming cells were found T3 such treatment the extent of reduction was a CF of duration of the drug treatment and the method of immunization but was independent of the time T3 immunization the evidence presented is consistent with premises that a plaqueforming cells in mitosis do not release sufficient antibody to be detected b mitotic blocking agents by arresting plaqueforming cells in metaphase prevent not only detection of these cells but also the increase in number of PFCs which would have resulted from cell division c MI blocking agents do not affect PR of antibody by cells in interphase Tc times based on the extent of reduction of plaqueforming cells per unit time of drug treatment were estimated using a mathematical model appropriate for an exponentially increasing population of cells cell cycle times estimated using the mitotic blocking agents agreed well with cell doubling times calculated from the increase in PFCs occurring days after immunization increased responses produced by higher antigen doses or treatment of immunized animals with an adjuvant resulted from an increased rate of division of responding cells and their progeny the results are consistent with a cell selection theory of antibody formation antigenic stimulation causes relatively few cells to proliferate and to synthesize antibody apparently the magnitude of the response is dependent primarily on the rate of division of responding cells it is suggested on the basis of observations of in vitroimmunized cell cultures that the rate of division of responding cells may be dependent on the rate of interaction between two cell types both of which are essential for the in vitro plaqueforming cell response
[ 34 ]
[ "work ability index" ]
the vulnerability of epidemic process during the period of minimum annual incidence of the disease is validated biological properties of shigella sonnei are studied and their varike in healthy middleaged sedentary subjects the average WAI score at baseline was excellent and did not change during the year physical activity interventions
[ 105 ]
[ "arterial blood ph" ]
the value of clinical parameters and umbilical arterial blood ph as indicator of prenatal hypoxia is disputed in a prospective T0 of vaginally delivered FT infants CTG ctg findings obtained min and min before birth were compared to ph values o and co partial pressures and gl difference in umbilical arterial and venous blood ctg findings were expressed as a score higher values indicating fetal hypoxia the A-V but not the pHa was significantly related to the later min ctg score the arteriovenous gl difference was significantly related to both ctg scores there was a significant statistical relationship between gl difference and A-V but not pHa the later ctg score min also correlated significantly with o and co partial pressures and base excess in the umbilical vein of all vaginally born infants if ctg is accepted as an objective indicator of fetal hypoxia before birth the arteriovenous glucose difference and in the investigated range of phvalues umbilical venous blood ph are more suitable than the arterial blood ph to ascertain the peripartal situation of the newborn
[ 150 ]
[ "idiopathic scoliosis" ]
biological lateralisation is clearly manifest in scoliosis yet its relevance is unclear goldberg et al spine found an association between curve pattern and handpreference in a screened population but no increase in sinistrality milenkovic et al EU journal of epidemiology concluded lefthandedness was a risk factor in a screened group the database was reassessed to determine whether clinically significant scoliosis was associated with sinistrality or differed from the population norm of patients attending the scoliosis clinic were asked their preferred writing hand patients were identified with CR data overall left handedness occurred in greater than the general population p left hand preference was found to be increased in boys with infantile IS and in girls with infantile juvenile congenital and syndromic scoliosis but was reduced in girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis scoliosis lateralisation was random in infantile and congenital scoliosis while left curve patterns were decreased in girls with juvenile IS and increased in boys with syndromic scoliosis curve DP and handedness correlated in asymmetry in boys and girls and in girls with radiologically confirmed AIS but not in any other type this study cannot confirm findings of lefthandedness as a risk factor for spinal deformity its incidence is reduced in girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and the increased sinistrality in infantile scoliosis is not a new finding rauterberg tonnis ger zorthop lateralisation is undoubtedly a factor in scoliosis but does not have a simple causal relationship probably deriving from the underlying scoliotic process rather than contributing to it
[ 26 ]
[ "polycystic ovarian" ]
women with polycystic ovary syndrome are at risk of developing type diabetes mellitus this T0 aimed to evaluate the influence of hyperandrogenemia on glucose metabolism in PCO syndrome patients
[ 19 ]
[ "polymorphonuclear granulocytes" ]
the aims of this T0 were to investigate free amino acid aa concentrations in plasma red blood cells rbc PMNs pmn and muscle sampled at the same time in normal and uraemic children
[ 14 ]
[ "inhibitor nomeganitrolarginine" ]
in the present T0 we determined whether the endogenous nitric oxide no synthase nos L-NA methyl ester lname could ameliorate the ALI ali induced by phorbol myristate acetate pma in rat isolated lung typical ali was induced successfully by pma during min of observation at micro gkg pma elicited a significant increase in microvascular permeability measured using the capillary filtration coefficient kfc lung weight gain lung weightbodyweight ratio pulmonary arterial pressure pap and protein concentration of BAL lavage fluid pretreatment with the nos inhibitor lname mmoll significantly attenuated ali none of the parameters reflective of lung injury showed significant increase except for pap p the addition of larginine mmoll blocked the protective ERP of lname i.c.v. with larginine exacerbated pmainduced lung injury these data suggest that lname significantly ameliorates ali induced by pma in rats indicating that endogenous no plays a key role in the OD of lung oedema in pmainduced lung injury
[ 186 ]
[ "matingtype" ]
homokaryons from the homothallic ascomycte sordaria macrospora are able to enter the sexual pathway and to form fertile fruiting bodies to analyze the molecular basis of homothallism and to elucidate the role of matingproducts during fruiting body development we cloned and sequenced the entire s macrospora matingtype locus comparison of the sordaria matingtype locus with MT idiomorphs from the heterothallic ascomycetes neurospora crassa and podospora anserina revealed that sequences from both idiomorphs aa and matmat respectively are contiguous in s macrospora dna sequencing of the s macrospora MT region allowed the ID of four open reading frames orfs which were termed smta smta smta and smta while smta smta and smta show strong sequence similarities with the corresponding n crassa MT orfs smta has a chimeric character it comprises sequences that are similar to the a and a MT idiomorph from n crassa to determine functionality of the s macrospora MT genes we show that all orfs are transcriptionally expressed furthermore we transformed the s macrospora matingtype genes into mat and mat strains of the closely related heterothallic fungus p anserina the transformation experiments show that MT genes from s macrospora induce fruiting body formation in p anserina
[ 35 ]
[ "myosin light chain phosphatase" ]
smooth muscle contraction is activated primarily by phosphorylation at ser of the regulatory light chain subunits lc of myosin ii catalysed by cacalmodulindependent myosin light chain kinase caindependent contraction can be induced by inhibition of MLCP which correlates with diphosphorylation of lc at ser and thr catalysed by integrinlinked kinase ilk and zipperinteracting protein kinase zipk lc diphosphorylation at ser and thr has been detected in mammalian vascular smooth muscle tissues in response to specific contractile stimuli eg endothelin stimulation of rat renal afferent arterioles and in pathophysiological situations associated with hypercontractility eg cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage comparison of the effects of lc monophosphorylation at ser and diphosphorylation at ser and thr on contraction and relaxation of tritonskinned rat caudal arterial smooth muscle revealed that phosphorylation at thr has no effect on steadystate force induced by ser phosphorylation on the other hand the rates of dephosphorylation and EC50 are significantly slower following diphosphorylation at thr and ser compared to monophosphorylation at ser we propose that this diphosphorylation mechanism underlies the prolonged contractile response of particular vascular smooth muscle tissues to specific stimuli eg endothelin stimulation of renal afferent arterioles and the vasospastic behavior observed in pathological conditions such as cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage and coronary arterial vasospasm ilk and zipk may therefore be useful therapeutic targets for the treatment of such conditions
[ 37 ]
[ "choroidal neovascularization" ]
patchy atrophy is a type of chorioretinal atrophy located outside of the fovea in eyes with myopic retinopathy bruch membrane defects have previously been described to occur in highly myopic eyes in foveal chorioretinal atrophy associated with CNV cnv we examined whether bruch membrane deing of the developmental mechanism that ensures lifelong replacement
[ 175 ]
[ "polyacrylate" ]
to study rho between development of left ventricular degradable elements of synthetic origin have a high rate of reabsorption after a year nonbiodegradable agents of synthetic origin lead to the formation of a fibrotic capsule giving stability and longterm permanence vantris is categorized into this last group it belongs to the family of acrylics particles of polyacrylate polyalcohol copolymer immersed in a glycerol and physiological solution carrier molecular mass is very high when injected in soft tissues this material causes a bulkiness that remains SD through time the carrier is a glycerol solution with a ph of once injected the carrier is eliminated by the reticular system through the kidneys without metabolizing particles of this PA polyalcohol with glycerol are highly deformable by compression and may be injected using a gauge needle the average of particles size is mm once implanted particles are covered by a fibrotic capsule of up to microns particles of this new material are anionic with high superficial electronegativity thus promoting a low cellular interaction and low fibrotic growth the new PA polyalcohol copolymer with glycerol was tested for biocompatibility according to iso in vitro showing that they are not mutagenic for the salmonella t strains analyzed the extract turned out to be noncytotoxic for cell lines in culture and nongenotoxic for mice in in vivo studies acrylate did not cause sensitization in mice the macroscopic reaction of tissue irritation was not significant in subcutaneous implants and in urethras of rabbits seven female dogs were injected transurethrally with vantris to evaluate short and longterm migration weeks and months respectively no particles or signs of inflammation or necrosis are observed in any of the organs examined weeks and months after implantation to conclude this new material meets the conditions of ideal tissue bulking material
[ 5 ]
[ "prosthetic heart valves" ]
noncardiac surgery in patients with PHV poses the particular hazards of IE increased bleeding risk and the possibility of acutesubacute valve thrombosis or SVR TE associated with interrupted AC management is complicated by the absence of randomised trials examining perioperative AC management thromboembolic risk increases substantially when oral anticoagulation is discontinued and valve thrombosis may be inapparent for months this delayed diagnosis makes it difficult to identify the inciting event either clinically or in experimental trials furthermore the absence of early postoperative events may falsely suggest that perioperative anticoagulation was safe and adequate the RPA to management therefore remains controversial seamless oral AC is preferred whenever possible and this is safe for a range of minor procedures including cardiac catheterisation dental and ophthalmic surgery major surgical procedures require withdrawal of oral AC before surgery to lower the international normalised ratio inr to and maintained AC with UF heparin which should be started when the inr is in high risk patients and in those at lower risk the evidence to support the safety of low molecular weight heparins in this situation is scanty and despite its widespread promulgation this approach is not recommended oral AC is then resumed postoperatively though therapeutic C2 are not achieved for several days the determination of which patients require prolonged overlap of heparin and oral anticoagulants is difficult clinical judgement is required but these regimes are strongly recommended for those at highest risk of TE with strict adherence to these guidelines the incidence of major complications is low
[ 34 ]
[ "chloroform" ]
a selective nonisotopic CA was used to investigate the digoxin hydrolysis rates at degrees over the ph range the colorimetric method adopted is based on the use of a xanthydrol reagent T3 extraction with CF the spectrofluorometric method specified in the dissolution test for digoxin tablets was nonspecific because of digoxigenin interference digoxin hydrolysis followed specific acid hydrolysis and k values of the apparent firstorder reaction varied from to min over the ph range used the effect of the dissolution medium on digoxin stability during the dissolution tests of the tablets also was studied water the bp medium and hcl the usp medium were compared using the fluorometric method and the xanthydrol method in the usp medium ph no hydrolysis was revealed by the fluorometric estimation whereas the xanthydrol method showed about hydrolysis in water the two methods revealed no hydrolysis the extent of hydrolysis after hr in the usp medium was studied using three brands of digoxin tablets of differing dissolution characteristics the fast dissolving brand showed relatively more hydrolysis than the slow dissolving tablets
[ 126 ]
[ "endotheliumdependent dilation" ]
nuclear factor erythroidderived like nrf is a master antioxidant and cell protective transcription factor that upregulates antioxidant defenses in this T0 we developed a strain of nrf null mutant rats to evaluate the role of reduced nrfregulated antioxidant defenses in contributing to EC dysfunction and impaired angiogenic responses during saltinduced ang ii suppression nrf mutant rats were developed using transcription activatorlike effector nuclease technology in the spraguedawley genetic background and exhibited a bp deletion that included the start codon for nrf and an absence of immunohistochemically detectable nrf protein expression of mrna for the nrfregulated indicator enzymes heme oxygenase catalase superoxide dismutase superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase was significantly lower in livers of nrf mutant rats fed high salt HS nacl for wk compared with WT EDD to acetylcholine was similar in isolated MCA arteries mca of nrf mutant rats and wildtype littermates fed lowsalt nacl diet and was eliminated by ST days hs diet in both strains lowdose ang ii infusion ngkg sc reversed saltinduced endothelial dysfunction in mca and prevented microvessel rarefaction in wildtype rats fed hs diet but not in nrf mutant rats the results of this study indicate that suppression of nrf antioxidant defenses plays an essential role in the OD of saltinduced oxidant stress endothelial dysfunction and microvessel rarefaction in NR and emphasize the potential therapeutic benefits of directly upregulating nrfmediated antioxidant defenses to ameliorate vascular oxidant AS in humans
[ 163 ]
[ "striate cortex" ]
with the objective of finding a simpler and more CS method than conventional radioimmunoassay testing to detect hbsag we have modified the sample volume and first incubation procedure of the ausria iia method there was an up to fold increase in sensitivity without loss of specificity in different assays when the first incubation was carried out with a SS sample of ml that was rotatively agitated for h at room temperature additionally samples from which conventional testing had isolated hepatitis b core antibodies were tested with the modified rotative agitation technique and of these specimens were positive for hbsag routine employment of the rotative agitatio lamina does not appear to be correlated with the patchy CSD of cytochrome oxidase in this region ie there is no significant difference in the density of gad and gaba immunoreactive neurons in cytochromerich and cytochromepoor regions of lamina counts of labeled and unlabeled neurons indicate that gaba immunoreactive neurons make up at least of the SN in V1 layer is distinct from the other cortical layers by virtue of its high percentage of gabaergic neurons among the other layers the proportion of gabaergic SN varies from roughly in laminae a to in laminae and finally there are conspicuous laminar differences in the size and dendritic arrangement of gad and gaba immunoreactive SN lamina c alpha and lamina are distinguished from the other layers by the presence of populations of C1 gabaergic SN some of which have horizontally spreading dendritic processes gabaergic SN within the superficial layers are significantly smaller and the majority appear to have vertically oriented dendritic processesabstract truncated at words
[ 1 ]
[ "light microscopic" ]
the LM diagnosis of roundheaded spermatozoa is shown to comprise different pathomorphogenetic types that are only distinguishable by electron microscopy two types are described one of them corresponding to the type that was initially characterized by schirren and holstein by its globular nucleus and its lack of the acrosomal cap the other one with normally shaped nucleus and acrosome in an enlarged headpiece reveals signs of a primary maturing inhibition
[ 130 ]
[ "cognitivebehavioral" ]
the purpose of this study was to find out about the effectiveness of a cognitivebehavioral program for nursing students career attitude maturity decision making style and selfesteem in korea the ultimate goal of this paper is to prepare career strategies so that they can improve career maturity OD on the basis of better understanding of ones self the subjects were nursing students from one college located in gyeonggi province following the informed consent procedure twenty participants were randomly assigned to an experimental group and were assigned to a control group the CBT consisted of sessions and was implemented for min during an week period data were collected from may to june and analyzed χtest fishers exact test and ttest were used in the analysis of the data after treatment with CB therapy the EG significantly increased in the meactomy in rats and by growth factors and g proteincoupled receptor gpcr agonists in cultured rat HCs the aim of the present study was to examine the mechanisms involved in induction of lrfatf by the gpcr agonist vasopressin
[ 16 ]
[ "eating disorders" ]
concerns have been raised that obesity public policy measures may have harmful effects on individuals with EDs however little research has investigated this topic we examined the impact of a popular obesity public policy menu calorie labeling on hypothetical food choices of women with disordered eating seven hundred sixteen adult females completed an online survey in which they were randomly assigned to receive a restaurant menu with or without calorie information listed participants selected foods representative of a meal they would choose to consume and answered questions on restaurant ordering and menu labeling participants completed the eating disorder examination questionnaire fairburn beglin to assess global eating pathology diagnoses of anorexia nervosa an bulimia nervosa bn and bingeeating disorder bed were also derived from this measure generalized linear modeling examined the impact of menu label condition disordered eating and the menu label by disordered eating interaction on hypothetical food selection and related variables when disordered eating was examined continuously menu labeling did not differentially affect food selections of those with elevated disordered eating p however when examined by eating disorder diagnosis participants with an or bn ordered significantly fewer p and participants with bed ordered significantly more p calories in the menu label versus no label condition menu labeling may decrease the calories ordered among individuals with an or bn and increase calories ordered among individuals with bed
[ 38 ]
[ "erassociated degradation" ]
downregulation of the unfolded protein response upr can be therapeutically valuable in cancer treatment and endoplasmic reticulum erresident chaperone proteins may thus be targets for developing novel chemotherapeutic strategies erdj is a novel er chaperone that regulates the ERAD of misfolded proteins through its associations with edem and the er stress sensor bip to investigate whether erdj can regulate er AS signaling pathways we exposed neuroblastoma cells overexpressing erdj to er stress inducers erdj promoted apoptosis in tunicamycin thapsigargin and bortezomibtreated cells to provide further evidence that erdj induces er stressregulated apoptosis we targeted bcl to er of erdjoverexpressing cells targeting the bcl to er prevented the apoptosis induced by er stress inducers but not by noner stress apoptotic stimuli suggesting induction of er stressregulated apoptosis by erdj erdj enhanced apoptosis by abolishing the er stressinduced phosphorylation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor alpha eifalpha and the subsequent translational repression erdj was found to inhibit the eifalpha phosphorylation under er stress through inactivating the pancreatic endoplasmic reticulum kinase the compromised integrates very important in ancient times the theory of chinese AP and moxibustion was in agreement consistent illustrated manual of points for acupuncture and moxibustion on a bronze statue with acupoints a d and bronze statue with acupoints a d were first standard on acupoints compiled by the government at modern times standardization of chinese acupuncturemoxibustion is being developed rapidly twelve national standards have been issued including nomenclature and locations of acupuncture points and eleven standards on manipulation of acupuncture and moxibustion and another fourteen standards on manipulation are still being developed the organizations of standardization are established by chinese association of acupuncture and moxibustion caam and the standardization system and developing plan of AP are compiled the acupuncture standardization has put forward new questions before exp research and clinical T0 of acupuncturemoxibustion and set a still higher requirement on training qualified personnel for AP standardization research
[ 41 ]
[ "proliferative verrucous leukoplakia" ]
the frequencies of overexpression and mutation in the p tumor suppressor gene were examined in PVL and oral squamous cell carcinoma with immunohistochemistry and singlestrand conformation polymorphism analysis of dna fragments amplified by polymerase chain reaction ten samples each of NOM PVL and squamous cell carcinoma were immunostained with antibodies against p protein of cases of proliferative verrucous leukoplakia cases and of cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma were positive for p protein minimal staining was observed in normal oral tissues the quantified labeling indexes demonstrated a range that corresponded to lesion progression singlestrand conformation polymorphism analysis revealed p gene mutations within exons to in of of the squamous cell carcinoma samples two of the mutated squamous cell carcinoma samples lacked p expression no p mutations were detected in PVL tissues human papillomavirus was identified in of p positive oral squamous cell carcinoma samples human papillomavirus and were identified in two of eight p positive proliferative verrucous leukoplakia samples one motor neuron could be proven both effects were significantly reversible p through operative MI we found a significant correlation between the normalization of the motor RL and increased strength subgroups were formed according to different preoperative diagnostic efforts and differing radicality regarding the type of softtissue T0 performed thus the clinical validity of the findings diagnosed in the anatomical EP part of the study was additionally examined the failure rate varied between and depending on the radicality of the tenotomy which could be interpreted as a GA indication for a CR extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon PR in this connection it is remarkable that the clinical result of EMG localized damage in the area between the epicondyle and arcade of frohse could not be improved through open neurolysis dealing with strictures located on the proximal side of the epicondyle on the other hand this technique seems to play an important role in the recurrence prophylaxis
[ 33 ]
[ "middle meningeal artery" ]
although research today ranges from molecular to universe scale many issues regarding gross anatomy remain totally neglected within the framework of the endocranial morphogenesis and evolution understanding the role and variation of the MMA relies upon the very limited scattered and descriptive information available the meninges are supplied by branches originating from both the internal and external carotid arteries often converging in the same networks and hence raising questions on the homology and embryogenesis of these vessels the MMA is often ligated during craniotomies with no apparent impairment of the CBF PET processes the exact physiological role of this extended vascular system together with the adaptations and selective pressure associated with its evolutionary characterization have generally been ignored
[ 4 ]
[ "acanthamoeba keratitis" ]
seven patients with documented AK were treated with prolonged and intensive triple antiamoebic therapy consisting of topical neomycinpolymyxin bgramicidin propamidine isethionate and miconazole nitrate additionally five patients were treated with topical CSs six of seven patients were cured of AK with medical therapy CT one patient required therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty to eradicate the infection two patients underwent penetrating keratoplasty to improve their vision after medical therapy our series differs from previous reports in that triple antiamoebic therapy was used in all seven patients and was successful in both early and advanced cases of acanthamoeba keratitis prolonged and intensive topical therapy with these three antiamoebic drugs may be an ERP mode of therapy for AK
[ 135 ]
[ "basal lamina" ]
ultrastructural subtypes of endothelial cells in kaposis sarcoma were compared with lymphatics and the normal dermal MC in different stages of lesional development in the earliest patch stage lymphatic channels recognised by their dissecting growth DP and a lack of a basal lamina and PCs were prominent venous endothelium was recognised by virtue of its multilaminated BL and often showed markedly irregular luminal and abluminal cytoplasmic projections as the histological stage PD toward spindle cells A-V endothelium showed a tetrad of changes dissolution of the basal lamina fragmentation and disappearance of the pericyte sheath decreased and often rudimentary intercellular junctions and markedly reduced numbers of weibelpalade bodies these were also features of spindle cells which were rarely seen to emerge from narrow vascular channels of ind type spindle cells showed sparse intercellular junctions and minimal BL but no weibelpalade bodies these progressive venous alterations thus resulted in a mixed intermediate subtype of EC with the morphological traits resembling lymphatics as well as venous blood vessels the mixed AT1 included endothelial tubes surrounded by a complete basal lamina but lacking pericytes and much more commonly tubes with PCs but a scanty basal lamina both forms had remarkably few or no weibelpalade bodies in the spindle cell stage normal vessels were largely replaced by the mixed subtype and an ind type of frequently disrupted endothelial tube which lacked a BL as well as a pericytic investment dissecting lymphatic channels could not be confidently distinguished from the latter vesselsabstract truncated at words
[ 96 ]
[ "confocal scanning laser microscopy" ]
this paper describes a method to load embryogenic plant cells with fluo in its cell impermeant form with the aid of digitonin attempts to load cells with fluoam were all unsuccessful presumably the indicator is cleaved outside the cells and cannot penetrate in its acidic form at a low ph fluo enters the plant cells but normal ca homeostasis seems to be disturbed successful loading of fluo was achieved by adding digitonin during incubation with the caindicator a bright fluorescence was observed in the epidermal layer of heart and torpedo shaped somatic embryos of carrot with CSLM vacuoles were always without fluorescence which indicates that the dye T3 loading remains in the cytosol and does not leak out the fluorescence intensity was sensitive to treatments with a and egta we conclude that fluo can be effectively loaded with the aid of digitonin into plant embryogenic cells in liquid SC therefore we expect this technique to be very useful for the T0 of changes in [Ca2+]i C2 during plant growth and OD
[ 2 ]
[ "ferric uptake repressor" ]
the Bs Fur fur protein coordinates a global transcriptional response to iron starvation we have used dna microarrays to define the fur regulon and the iron starvation stimulon we identify operons containing genes that are derepressed both by mutation of fur and by treatment of cells with the iron chelator dipyridyl these operons are direct targets of fur regulation as judged by dnase i footprinting analyses of lacz reporter fusions to six furregulated promoter regions reveal that repression is highly selective for iron in addition to the fur regulon iron starvation induces members of the perr regulon and leads to reduced expression of cytochromes however we did not find any evidence for genes that are directly G1 by fur or repressed by fur under ironlimiting conditions although genome searches using the bp fur box consensus are useful in identifying candidate furregulated genes some genes associated with fur boxes are not demonstrably regulated by fur whereas other genes are regulated from CS with little apparent similarity to the conventional fur consensus
[ 26 ]
[ "tracheal smooth muscle" ]
airway CR plays an important role in the OD of airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma muscarinic agonists such as carbamylcholine increased cyclic gmp cgmp levels in bovine TSM strips via stimulation of nosensitive soluble guanylylcyclase nosgc which is an enzyme highly expressed in the lungs cgmp production by activation of a nosgc may contribute to airway smooth muscle relaxation to determine whether the bronchoconstriction observed in asthma is accompanied by changes in this nosgc activity we used a wellestablished mu model ovalbuminairway smooth muscle cells ovaasmcs of AA to evaluate such hypothesis histologic studies of tr specimens showed the existence of inflammation hyperplasia and tissue CR in ovaasmcs interestingly cultured ovaasmcs showed lower gc basal activity than controlasmcs also we found that both ovaasmcs and control cells exposed to carbamylcholine and sodium nitroprusside and combinations of both drugs increased cgmp C2 which were inhibited by hoxadiazolo quinoxalinone all the experimental evidence suggests that nosgc activity is reduced in isolated asmcss from exp asthma murine model
[ 37 ]
[ "gastric fistula" ]
the results reported in this paper indicate that representative hreceptor antagonists are capable of maximally inhibiting GAS in animals under the two GA circumstances in which it occurs physiologically interdigestive or basal secretion was examined in chronic GF rats and foodstimulated secretion in vagally innervated lesser curvature pouch dogs the h antagonists studied and omeprazole an inhibitor of the proton pump h kadenosine triphosphatase also decreased pepsin secretion in rats although not to the same maximal degree as acid secretion GE was increased by each h antagonist but only at high acid GABA doses omeprazole in contrast did not alter GE at a similar antisecretory dosage level in dogs a representative hreceptor antagonist markedly inhibited foodstimulated acid secretion these data suggest that the predominant effect of omeprazole and hreceptor antagonists upon gastric function is to inhibit acid secretion and that hreceptor antagonists may be capable of maximally inhibiting endogenous acid secretion in humans as does omeprazole if given under proper conditions
[ 122 ]
[ "portal vein thrombosis" ]
we evaluated the efficacy and side effect of plabelled glass microspheres pgms as a radioembolizer for patients with T3 HCC carcinoma hcc patients with unresectable hcc received internal RT of pgms the tumor size varied from to cm HAE was carried out through intraoperative or seldingers method the mean absorbed radiation dose of the liver was rad range from rad to rad the radiation intensity within the RT was times stronger than in liver tissue not significant bone marrow renal toxicity was noted within to months of tumor shrinkage was found in cases and of tumor reduction in cases the cumulative survival rate of months was and HA instillation of pgms appears to be safe and ERP for unresectable hcc even with PVT
[ 124 ]
[ "crohns disease" ]
heterotopic ossification ho occurs at a high frequency in severe orthopaedic extremity injuries however the etiology of traumatic ho is virtually unknown osteogenic progenitor cells have previously been identified within traumatized muscle although the signaling mechanisms that lead to this dysregulated differentiation pathway have not been identified it is assumed that inflammation and fibrosis which contribute to an osteoinductive environment are necessary for the development of ho the hypothesis of this T0 was that cytokines related to chronic inflammation fibrogenesis and osteogenesis become upregulated following severe muscle trauma where ho forms classification of these cytokines by their differential expression relative to control muscle will provide guidance for further study of the mechanisms leading to ho realibd patients at transcript level despite the fact that CD and ulcerative colitis two subtypes of ibd share the expression patterns of splicing AF and intron retention events in the majority of cases we observed significant differences to investigate these subtypespecific changes in detail we determined the expression C2 of seven splicing AF dusp hnrpab hnrph slu sfrip sfpq sfb and three intron PR events parc ier fgd in a cohort of patients with inflammatory diseases of the colon with ibd and HCs by real time pcr taqman this study demonstrates the potential impact of regulated splicing AF on subsequent regulated intron PR in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammation exemplified by ibd
[ 149 ]
[ "zona fasciculata" ]
arecoline a suspected carcinogeniccocarcinogenic alkaloid was screened to explore in detail its immunomodulatory influence in mu MM system the oral ld value for male mice was mgkg bw whereas it was mgkg bw for female mice the subcutaneous ld value for both sexes was mgkg bw only a marginal difference was observed in intraperitoneal ld values between male mgkg bw and female mgkg bw mice arecoline was administered subcutaneously to male mice at subtoxic DLs and mgkg bw for and weeks on a daily basis in groups where significant decreases in body weight were present at mgkg bw for both sexes reductions in thymus weight were also noted spleen MES CL nodes mln CL and kidney showed moderate reductions in their weights histopathological effects at mgkg bw included lymphocyte depletion of the thymic SC and the b and t lymphocyte Az in spleen and mln in concordance with the ZF hypertrophy of adrenals corticosterone concentration in SS increased depending on the dose with a significant elevation at mgkg bw while total protein Al gl acid phosphatase and hemoglobin concentrations were not altered increases in sgot and sgpt C2 were observed at the high dose the WG and red blood cell counts decreased in a dosedependent manner marked reduction in cell number of thymus and moderate effect on cellularity of SP and mln were observed at mgkg bw in vitro SE of rat thymocytes to arecoline resulted in a biphasic oxygen consumption response with progressive increase in oxygen consumption reaching a maximum value at m and decreasing sharply at m exogenously added substrates such as gl pyruvic acid and LA retarded the fall in the oxygen consumption induced at m arecoline these observations demonstrate the effects of arecoline on lymphoid organs which may be due to its direct action or through the elevation of corticosterone
[ 66 ]
[ "respiration" ]
growth of aphanocapsa in low iron media resulted in a decrease of the endogenous iron pool below a critical concentration photosynthetic electron transfer was specifically depressed this was caused by a strong inhibition of the synthesis of cytochromes b of psii cytochromes b f and the rieske fes center of the cytochrome complex and especially the fes centers of psi the influence of iron limitation on QO2 and chlorphyll formation was negligible
[ 96 ]
[ "eosinophilic fasciitis" ]
the authors describe the case of a yearold woman who was referred to the rheumatologist due to symmetrical and progressive stiffness induration and swelling of arms and thighs at the th week of her first gestation the characteristic clinical aspect of peau dorange associated to the histopathologic results of the deep biopsy of the skin confirmed the diagnosis of eosinophilic fasciitis treatment with oral prednisone at an initial dose of mgkgday was ERP and rapidly tapered to mgday till the birth of a healthy newborn a literature review showed only one previous description of pregnancy and EF
[ 145 ]
[ "idiotypic" ]
the effect of challenge by antigen on persistence of clones of antibodyproducing cells and on the induction of new clones was investigated through quantitative measurements of idiotypic specificities in each of nine rabbits Id specificities present in the earliest bleedings were completely replaced after a few months subsequent changes occurred much more slowly on a quantitative basis the population of molecules used as immunogen always reacted most effectively with the rat antiidiotypic AS little effect of increased antigen dose on the rate of change of idiotype was observed even large amounts of antigen po every wk caused only gradual changes in Id specificities this was attributed either to more ERP capture of antigen by SM cells as compared to F0 cells or to the induction of tolerance in those clones that were not expressed in two of three rabbits on a monthly i.t. schedule the Id specificities identified underwent very slow changes over a period as long as months changes occurred more rapidly when antigen was administered every wk in each of four rabbits investigated all idiotypic specificities identified before a month rest period were still present afterwards indicating the survival of essentially all clones of antibodyproducing cells during that interval quantitative inhibition data indicated that some new clones of cells were initiated
[ 52 ]
[ "probable number" ]
most widely used medium for cultivation of methanotrophic bacteria from various environments is that proposed in by whittenbury in order to adapt and optimize medium for culturing of methanotrophs from freshwater sediment media with varying concentrations of substrates phosphate nitrate and other mineral salts were used to enumerate methanotrophs by the most MPN method high concentrations mm of magnesium and sulfate and high concentrations of nitrate microm significantly reduced the number of cultured methanotrophs whereas phosphate in the range of microm had no influence also oxygen and carbon dioxide influenced the culturing efficiency with an optimal mixing ratio of o and co the mixing ratio of methane had no effect a clone library of pmoa genes amplified by pcr from dna extracted from sediment revealed the presence of both type i and type ii methanotrophs nonetheless the cultivation of methanotrophs also with the improved medium clearly favored growth of type ii methanotrophs of the methylosinusmethylocystis group although significantly more methanotrophs could be cultured with the modified medium their diversity did not mirror the diversity of methanotrophs in the sediment sample detected by molecular biology method
[ 45 ]
[ "transfer rna" ]
AI regulation is critical to organismal homeostasis and protection against many human disease processes such as cancer significant research efforts over the past several decades have illuminated many signaling molecules and effecter proteins responsible for this form of programmed cell death recent evidence suggests that tRNA trna regulates apoptotic sensitivity at the level of cytochrome cmediated apoptosome formation this finding unexpectedly places trna at the nexus of cellular biosynthesis and survival here we review the current understanding of both the AI machinery and trna biology we describe the evidence linking trna and cytochrome c in depth and speculate on the implications of this link in cell biology
[ 102 ]
[ "transmembrane region" ]
the positive allosteric effects of four structurally distinct GA anaesthetics propofol pentobarbitone etomidate and alphapregnanalphaolone alphaalpha upon recombinant gabaa alphabetagammal invertebrate gaba rdl and glycine alpha receptors expressed in xenopus laevis oocytes have been determined propofol and pentobarbitone enhanced agonist gaba or glycine as AGA evoked currents at gabaa glycine and rdl receptors whereas etomidate and alphaalpha were highly selective for the gabaa receptor utilizing SDM we demonstrate that the nature of the interaction of propofol pentobarbitone and etomidate but not alphaalpha with rat and invertebrate ionotropic gaba receptors depends critically upon the nature of a single CAA located in the second TM tm of these receptors these data are discussed in relation to the specificity of action of GA anaesthetics
[ 31 ]
[ "brachial artery" ]
gestational diabetes mellitus gdm is a common pregnancy condition with LT complications we examined the association between inflammatory mediators and early atherosclerosis process by measuring the flow mediated dilatation fmd of BA and carotid intima media thickness cimt in women with previous gdm pgdm
[ 18 ]
[ "madindarby canine kidney" ]
remodelling of the plasma membrane cytoarchitecture is crucial for the regulation of epithelial cell adhesion and permeability in MDCK cells the protein ahnak relocates from the cytosol to the cytosolic surface of the BPM during the formation of cellcell contacts and the OD of epithelial polarity this targeting is reversible and regulated by cadependent cellcell adhesion at the plasma membrane ahnak associates as a multimeric complex with actin and the annexin sa complex the sa subunit serves to mediate the interaction between annexin and the coohterminal RD of ahnak downregulation of both annexin and sa using an annexin specific small interfering rna inhibits the association of ahnak with BPM in MDCK downregulation of ahnak using ahnakspecific si rna prevents cortical actin CSK reorganization required to support cell height we propose that the interaction of ahnak with the annexin sa regulates cortical actin CSK organization and CM cytoarchitecture
[ 224 ]
[ "robin sequence" ]
NCC ncc caused by taeniasolium is one of the most common parasitic diseases of the CE NS inflammation and apoptosis are two main responses involved in ncc pathogenesis we aimed to examine apoptosis by the tunel CA and apoptosisassociated sfas and sfasl levels in the CSF fluid csf and serum of patients with ncc BB biopsy n csf n and serum n of patients with ncc and uninfected controls n and for csf and serum respectively were collected together with clinical data residual brain tissue was analyzed by the tunel assay sfas and sfasl in csf samples and sfas sfasl and p in serum samples were measured by elisa immunohistochemistry of the biopsy indicated the presence of vimentinpositive arachnoid tissue in the tunelpositive region compared to controls sfas was significantly reduced in csf samples of patients with ncc p especially among those without inflammation but significantly increased in the serum samples of the vesicularp moderatep and nonepilepsyp subgroups of patients with ncc sfasl was elevated in the csf p as well as in the calcified subgroup p but sfasl levels in csf were similar among patients with ncc with and without inflammation these findings support a role of sfas and sfasl in the induction of apoptosis in patients with nt palate surgery there is currently no consensus on the management of patients with pierre RS prs the authors aimed to evaluate the treatment strategy of CP in our centers with emphasis on patients with prs as the authors noted some patients with severe RD moreover the authors aimed to investigate the prevalence of postoperative respiratory complications using a modifiedfurlow palatoplasty in combination with intravelar veloplasty in both patients with prs and patients with nonprs
[ 40 ]
[ "pulmonary hypoplasia" ]
a case of late presentation of left congenital DIA hernia cdh in a boy of months is reported a chest xray taken T3 premature birth gave normal results hence this type of cdh is called acquired not being associated with PH this condition is difficult to diagnose the patient presented as an emergency and the initial diagnosis was tension PTX this resulted in the insertion of a chest tube fortunately without damage to the herniated stomach and spleen doubling upward of the tip of the nasogastric tube led to the correct diagnosis T3 successful repair of the diaphragm the child made a full recovery
[ 33 ]
[ "radial artery" ]
the clinical benefits of the left internal thoracic arterytoleft anterior descending PD VG are well established in PD bypass VG surgery cabg however limited data are available regarding the LT outcome of the RA ra as a secondary conduit over the established standard of the saphenous venous VG
[ 0 ]
[ "olfactory receptor" ]
or neurons orns from the squid lolliguncula brevis respond to the odors lglutamate or dopamine with increases in internal ca concentrations cai to directly asses the effects of increasing cai in perforatedpatched squid orns we applied mm caffeine to PR ca from internal stores we observed an inward current response to caffeine monovalent cation replacement of na from the external bath solution CR and selectively inhibited the caffeineinduced response and ruled out the possibility of a cadependent nonselective cation current the strict dependence on internal ca and [Na+]o indicated that the inward current was due to an electrogenic NCE block of the caffeineinduced current by an inhibitor of naca exchange microm dichlorobenzamil and reversibility of the exchanger current further confirmed its presence we tested whether naca exchange contributed to odor responses by applying the aquatic odor lglutamate in the presence and absence of dichlorobenzamil we found that electrogenic naca exchange was responsible for approximately of the total current associated with glutamateinduced odor responses although naca exchangers are known to be present in orns from numerous species this is the first work to demonstrate amplifying contributions of the exchanger current to odor transduction
[ 116 ]
[ "tissue fluid" ]
this study characterized the interactions of MTA with a synthetic tissue fluid composed of a neutral phosphate buffer saline solution and root canal dentin in extracted human teeth using ICP-AES SEM microscopy SE dispersive xray analysis and xray diffraction mineral trioxide aggregate exposed to synthetic tissue fluid at degrees c released its metallic constituents and produced precipitates with a composition and structure similar to that of hydroxyapatite capoohha endodontically prepared teeth filled with MTA and stored in synthetic ITF at degrees c for months produced at the dentin wall an Ad interfacial SL that resembled hydroxyapatite in composition the authors conclude that ca the dominant ion released from mineral trioxide aggregate reacts with phosphates in synthetic ITF yielding hydroxyapatite the dentinmineral trioxide aggregate interfacial layer results from a similar reaction the sealing ability biocompatibility and dentinogenic activity of MTA is attributed to these physicochemical reactions
[ 107 ]
[ "total ironbinding capacity" ]
blood transferrin receptor tr level is largely determined by the quantum of erythropoiesis and by intracellular iron content of the cells of the erythroid lineage hence a high SS tr level has been found to be useful in distinguishing iron deficiency anemia ida from anemia of ACD acd in order to examine its potential role in the diagnosis of concomitant iron deficiency in acd we determined serum tr C2 in cases of acd in cases of ida and in normal adults as expected all patients of ida had significantly higher SS tr C2 compared to the normal subjects microgdl vs microgdl p in cases of ida the TIBC tibc was in the normal range although bone marrow iron store was absent and serum tr C2 were high thereby highlighting the superiority of tr level in the diagnosis of iron deficiency compared to tibc although patients of acd had normal or low SS tr C2 microgdl as expected in of acd patients SS tr levels were high microgdl mean corpuscular volume red cell CSD width and transferrin saturation were significantly lower p in the latter group of patients compared to the former and these parameters resembled those in ida patients also SI was lower and tibc was higher in this group of acd patients compared to those with normal or low SS tr all these features point to an idalike profile of acd patients with high tr and support the possibility of coexistent iron deficiency in this subgroup of acd patients in CS of these observations it would be prudent to treat acd patients with high serum tr levels with iron replacement therapy
[ 102 ]
[ "neonatal rat cardiomyocytes" ]
despite significant advances in preventive cardiovascular medicine and therapy for acute and chronic HF cardiovascular diseases remain among the leading causes of death worldwide in recent years cardiac TE has been established as a possible future treatment option for cardiac disease however the quality of engineered myocardial tissues remains poor in tissue engineering it is important that the scaffold allows cells to attach spread maintain their differentiation status or differentiate into PET cells in order to exhibit their physiological CF here we have investigated the suitability of the NK cardiac EM component nephronectin as an adhesive material for cardiac tissue engineering primary CM were seeded on collagen fibronectin or nephronectincoated glass coverslips and analyzed for cell adhesion cellular metabolic activity response to extracellular stimuli celltocell communication differentiation and +dP/dt our data demonstrate that most neonatal cardiomyocytes attached in an rgd domaindependent manner within h to nephronectin the cells exhibited high metabolic activity responded to growth factor stimuli and maintained their differentiation status moreover nephronectin promoted sarcomere maturation and alignment celltocell communication and synchronous contractions in conclusion our findings demonstrate that nephronectin has excellent properties for cardiomyocyte adhesion and CF and thus has the potential to improve current cardiac tissue engineering approaches
[ 187 ]
[ "myocardial contractility" ]
the mechanical properties of left VVI contraction were described in terms of tension velocity length and time in closedchest sedated normal hypothyroid and hyperthyroid dogs heart rate was controlled at beatsmin and instantaneous contractile PE velocity was calculated from left VVI pressure and its first derivative during isovolumic left ventricular contractions produced by sudden balloon occlusion of the ascending aorta during diastole wall tension was derived from VVI pressure and volume the latter being obtained from the pressurevolume relation of the arrested IVT and tensionvelocity relations were analyzed over a range of ventricular endiastolic volumes at any level of ventricular volume the hypothyroid state was associated with a MSD of the tensionvelocity relation of the LV downwards and to the left and the time to peak tension was prolonged msec normal msec in the hyperthyroid state the tensionvelocity relation of the LV was displaced upwards and to the RA and the time to peak tension was reduced msec the changes in the tensionvelocity relations indicate that the inotropic state of the left ventricle in the intact dog varies directly with the animals thyroid state this influence on MC necessarily constitutes an important and integral part of the response of the IN circulation to altered thyroid state
[ 36 ]
[ "virulence factor" ]
bacteroides fragilis is the most frequent opportunistic pathogen isolated from anaerobic infections however there is a paucity of information regarding the genetic and molecular aspects of gene expression of its VFs during extraintestinal infections a potential VF that has received little attention is the ability of b fragilis to produce hemolysins in this T0 an implanted perforated table tennis pingpong ball was used as an intraabdominal artificial PA model in the rat this procedure provided sufficient infected exudate for gene expression studies in vivo RT reverse transcription PCR reaction rtpcr was used to quantify the relative expression of hlya hlyb hlyc hlyd hlye hlyf hlyg and hlyiii mrnas the hlya mrna was induced approximately sixfold after days postinfection compared with the mrna levels in the inoculum culture prior to infection the hlyb mrna increased approximately sixfold T3 days and fold T3 days postinfection expression of hlyc mrna increased sixfold T3 day fold after days and fold after days postinfection respectively the hlyd and hlye mrnas were induced approximately fold and fold respectively T3 days postinfection the hlyf expression increased approximately threefold T3 days postinfection hlyg was induced approximately fivefold T3 and days postinfection the hlyiii mrna C2 had a steady increase of approximately four eight and fold following and days postinfection respectively these findings suggest that b fragilis hemolysins are induced and differentially regulated in vivo both parent and hlyba mutant strains reached levels of approximately × cfuml after day postinfection however the hlyba mutant CS lost logs in viable cell counts compared with the parent CS after days postinfection this is the first study showing hlyba is a virulence factor which plays a role in b fragilis survival in an intraabdominal PA MM
[ 45 ]
[ "framingham offspring study" ]
exhaled carbon monoxide co is associated with cardiometabolic traits subclinical atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease but its TPS relations with stroke are unexplored we related exhaled co to magnetic resonance imaging measures of subclinical cerebrovascular disease crosssectionally and to incident stroketransient ischemic attack prospectively in the FOS
[ 13 ]
[ "electrogastrography" ]
to investigate the alteration of the gastric electrical activities by aging we performed EGG egg on asymptomatic young human subjects under years old the young group and subjects over years the elderly group surface egg was recorded at fasting state for minutes in each subject we expressed the frequency CSD of surface egg in each subject with the median value of frequency CSD fmed to represent the center of the electrical activities and the IQ range of frequency distribution fiqr as the indicator of regularity fmed in the young group was median range cycles per minute cpm while it was in the elderly group which showed statistically a significant difference between the groups p fiqr in the young group was and that in the elderly group was which was not significantly different statistically these data showed that aging increases the frequencies of the rhythm of surface egg without disturbing its regularity this change may be a part of a spectrum of physiological changes accompanied with aging and are unlikely to have clinicopathological significance
[ 23 ]
[ "bjorkshiley" ]
three hundred eightyfive valve prostheses were implanted between and in patients with isolated mitral disease cagedball valves starredwards smeloffcutter group a tiltingdisc valves BS sorin lilleheikaster group b porcine bioprostheses carpentieredwards liotta hancock group c perioperative mortality was in group a in group b and in group c the followup was CR actuarial freedom from complications was calculated as follows linearised rates in brackets in CG a b and c respectively survival patientyr patientyr patientyr TE patientyr patientyr patientyr anticoagulationrelated hemorrhage patientyr patientyr PVE in CG a and b patientyr in group c valverelated mortality patientyr patientyr patientyr valve failure patientyr patientyr patientyr TF patientyr patientyr patientyr all valverelated morbidity and mortality patientyr patientyr patientyr all valverelated morbidity and mortality at years patientyr patientyr patientyr at years patientyr patientyr patientyrabstract truncated at words
[ 81 ]
[ "southeast" ]
Pr women and newborns are at increased risk of vitamin d deficiency our objective was to create a global summary of maternal and P0 vitamin d status we completed a systematic review and metaanalysis of studies reporting serum hydroxyvitamin d ohd concentration in maternal and P0 populations the identified studies were unevenly distributed by world health organization who region americas european eastern mediterranean SEA western pacific and african average maternal ohd concentrations nmol l by region were americas EU eastern mediterranean SE asian western pacific and african average P0 ohd concentrations nmol l were americas european eastern mediterranean SEA western pacific and african the prevalences of ohd and nmol l by who region in Pr women were americas EU eastern mediterranean SEA not available and western pacific among newborns these values were americas EU eastern mediterranean not available SE asian and western pacific by global region average ohd concentration varies threefold in pregnant women and newborns and prevalence of ohd nmol l varies eightfold in pregnant women and threefold in newborns maternal and P0 ohd concentrations are highly correlated addressing vitamin d deficiency in pregnant women and newborns should be a global priority to protect children from the adverse effects of vitamin d deficiency requires appropriate interventions during both pregnancy and childhood
[ 0 ]
[ "thoracic epidural analgesia" ]
TEA ea is described as an alternative to controlled ventilation in patients presenting with multiple rib fractures lung mechanics were especially studied in patients selected from a total of the average icu stay for this group was days and the mean age years the ea group was compared with patients primarily ventilated who had an average stay in the icu of days and a mean age of years mean number of rib fractures of the ventilated group at was almost equal to the mean of in the ea group there was a difference in the number of associated fractures in the ventilated group compared to in the ea group severe pulmonary and cerebral contusion were the two most important factors in enforcing the need to ventilate the success of the method is evidenced by the increase in functional residual capacity frc dynamic lung compliance cdyn vital capacity vc the decrease of airway resistance r and a significantly increase of pao p less than for the ea group with a balanced fluid therapy all this accounts for the clinical observation of diminishing paradoxical movement of the flail segment
[ 128 ]
[ "ventromedial hypothalamic" ]
OB an adipocytederived hormone reduces food intake by regulating orexigenic and anorexigenic factors in the hypothalamus although brainderived neurotrophic factor is an important anorexigenic factor in the hypothalamus little is known about the regulation of brainderived neurotrophic factor expression by OB in the hypothalamus in the present T0 we examined the effect of leptin on the expression of brainderived neurotrophic factor in the hypothalamus iv administration of OB microgg led to the increase in the expression of brainderived neurotrophic factor mrna which was observed in the dorsomedial part of the VMH nucleus the increased expression of brainderived neurotrophic factor mrna was detected in phosphorylated signal transducer and activator of transcription positive neurons suggesting that leptin induced brainderived neurotrophic factor expression in neurons of the dorsomedial part of the VMH nucleus in addition the expression of brainderived neurotrophic factor was increased at the protein level in the ventromedial Thy nucleus of leptininjected mice interestingly brainderived neurotrophic factorpositive SF also increased in the VMH nucleus and DMH nucleus of leptininjected mice which were in close apposition to TrkA bimmunoreactive neurons and colocalized with synaptophysin a marker of presynaptic terminals these results suggest that OB induces brainderived neurotrophic factor expression in the dorsomedial part of the VMH nucleus and brainderived neurotrophic factor may exert as anorexigenic factors possibly through the activation of IMT kinase receptor b in the VMH nucleus and dorsomedial Thy nucleus
[ 14 ]
[ "standard automated perimetry" ]
despite increasingly sophisticated techniques for the computerized analysis of the optic nerve and RNFL SAP sap is still the primary test for assessing functional damage in glaucoma most of the diseases affecting the VF can be studied analyzing the central VF with a fixed grid of points set at degrees or at a VL density within CE degrees using a iii white target CS- program or humphrey gg or octopus although there is lack of a true gold standard for glaucoma sap results were the primary endpoint in most of the clinical trials in glaucoma new thresholding strategies allowed a considerable reduction of examination time without substantial loss of accuracy moreover recent findings on structurefunction rho in glaucoma validate the clinical role of this wellknown and widespread method of examination
[ 84 ]
[ "hypertrophic scar" ]
keloids are benign skin PT and are the effect of a dysregulated woundhealing process in genetically predisposed patients they are characterized by formation of excess scar tissue beyond the boundaries of the wound keloids are often confused with hypertrophic scars because of an apparent lack of morphologic differences the molecular distinction between scars and keloid is still controversial and until today there is no AGA treatment yet for keloid disease in this T0 we have found for the first time p mutations in both HS and keloids fibroblasts from cultured cells to various extents since p plays a CE role in the dna damage response by inducing cell cycle arrest andor AI cell death we also set up time course experiments making cell cultures at different times to investigate the phenomenon of apoptosis and its involvement in the process of pathological scarring in both hypertrophic scars and keloids the extent of apoptosis in this T0 was investigated by dna fragmentation and mtt assays propidium iodide IF p expression and subcellular distribution moreover the rho of apoptosis and ros levels in keloid and hypertrophic scars fibroblasts was assessed understanding the molecular mechanisms that determine the regulation of apoptosis during wound healing might allow us to therapified reference river water
[ 83 ]
[ "heat stable" ]
KCs have recently been recognized as a source of mediators of cellular immune function we present here further data on the production of lipoxygenasedependent AA metabolites from freshly isolated human epidermal cells stimulation of cells with AA or the A23187 alone or together caused a dose and timedependent PR of chemotactic activity which was maximal during the first min and which continued for up to h indomethacin m enhanced and compound bw c microgramsml a lipoxygenase inhibitor decreased PR the chemotactic activity was ST for min at degrees c and was extractable into ether at ph analysis of and min supernatants showed coelution of biologic activity and of leukotriene b ltb as measured by radioimmunoassay at marker positions of ltb and of ohltb elimination of langerhans cells did not alter the secretion of chemotactic lipids suggesting that keratinocytes are the main source of potent biologically AS lipoxygenasedependent AA metabolites
[ 7 ]
[ "directed acyclic graph" ]
four covariate selection approaches were compared a DAG dag full model and dag and changeinestimate combined procedures twentyfive scenarios with casecontrol samples were generated from simulated populations in order to address the performance of these covariate selection procedures in the presence of confounders of various strengths and under dag misspecification with omission of confounders or inclusion of nonconfounders performance was evaluated by standard error bias square root of the meansquared error and confidence interval coverage in most scenarios the dag full model without further covariate selection performed as well as or better than the other procedures when the dags were correctly specified as well as when confounders were omitted model reduction by using changeinestimate procedures showed potential gains in precision when the dags included nonconfounders but underestimation of regressionbased standard error might cause reduction in confidence interval coverage for modeling binary outcomes in a casecontrol study the authors recommend construction of a conservative dag determination of all potential confounders and then changeinestimate procedures to simplify this full MM the authors advocate that under the conditions investigated the selection of final model should be based on changes in precision adopt the reduced model if its standard error derived from logistic regression is substantially smaller otherwise the full dagbased model is appropriate
[ 59 ]
[ "reactivity" ]
a new monoclonal antibody tu directed against the gal alpha gal beta glc residue of the gbcercd antigen was prepared by the hybridoma technique following immunization of mice with an w/o/w composed of monophosphoryl lipid a trehalose dimycolate and gbcer isolated from porcine erythrocytes tu showed CR towards gbcer and lysogbcergal alpha gal beta glc beta sph although the CR towards lysogbcer was about fold lower than that to gbcer but it did not react with other structurallyrelated glycolipids such as laccer gal beta glc beta cer ggcer ggcer gbcer galnac beta gal alpha gal beta glc beta cer galactosylparagloboside gal alpha gal beta glcnac beta gal beta glc beta cer sulfatide hsogal beta cer other gangliosides gm gm gma gda and gtb or p antigen gal alpha gal beta glcnac beta gal beta glc beta cer among neutral glycolipids prepared from p phenotype red blood cells furthermore tu reacted with viable lymphoma cells such as human burkitt lymphoma cell L1 daudi and epsteinbarr virus ebvtransformed b cells by the IF and also with germinal centre b cells in human tonsil and vessel EC cells in human thymus histochemically these results indicate that tu is a monoclonal antibody directed against gbcercd antigen and can be utilized as a diagnostic reagent for burkitts lymphoma and also for detection of the blood group pk antigen in gl extracts of erythrocytes
[ 119 ]
[ "bronchoalveolar" ]
products of inflammatory cells present in pulmonary secretions may compromise lung structure and CF to investigate the pathogenic potential of cystic fibrosis cf airway secretions we instilled cf sputum sol into the lungs of healthy rats and measured the resulting lung injury and inflammation the ability of a NE ne inhibitor l to mitigate these responses was also investigated cf sputum sol instilled into rat lungs induced hemorrhage an increase in epithelial permeability and neutrophil recruitment to the airspaces however when sputum sol was preincubated with ne inhibitor before instillation hemorrhage was CR prevented suggesting that ne within the cf airway secretions was responsible for the observed hemorrhagic injury neinhibitor treatment had no effect on the observed increases in BAL lavage Al level or neutrophil numbers rats treated orally with ne inhibitor before instillation of sputum sol were also protected from hemorrhagic injury these results demonstrate that ne within cf airway secretions causes lung tissue damage and that animals can be protected from such damage with an oral antielastase
[ 26 ]
[ "bacillus calmetteguerin" ]
tuberculosis tb is the second greatest killer worldwide that is caused by a single infectious agent for its control studies of tb vaccines are needed since rBCG bcg is the only vaccine against tb currently in use studies addressing the protective role of bcg in the context of inducible inflammatory mediators are urgently required
[ 221 ]
[ "phosphatase and tensin homologue" ]
mitogenactivated protein kinase kinase cjun nhterminal kinase kinase mkkjnkk hereafter referred to as mkk is a dualspecificity kinase with a critical role in regulating the activity of cjun nhterminal kinase and p kinases we identified a novel biological function for mkk in the regulation of growth of ovarian and prostate cancer metastases clinical correlative studies showed that mkk protein C2 were reduced in highgrade prostate cancer and prostate and ovarian CA metastases compared with normal tissue which prompted investigation into the mechanisms responsible for downregulation of mkk in a panel of cancer cell lines initial studies found that low C2 of mkk protein did not correlate with either exon deletion or decreased levels of mkk mrna suggesting that mkk protein levels were regulated posttranscriptionally by either reduced translation or reduced protein stability endogenous mkk was highly stable and not subject to altered proteolysis instead mkk biosynthesis seemed to be regulated by altered translation in support of this assertion we found that cytosolic mkk mrna was shifted toward active polysomes in cells with higher C2 of mkk protein suggesting that mkk mrna was translated more efficiently in these cells this study suppoated according to these lesions melanomas cluster into subgroups suggestive of distinct oncogenic mechanisms integrating mRNA data suggests novel candidate effector genes linked to recurrent copy gains and losses including both PTEN ptendependent and ptenindependent tumor suppressor mechanisms associated with chromosome deletions finally samplematched pharmacologic data show that fgfr mutations and ERK kinase erk activation may modulate sensitivity to MAP kinaseerk kinase inhibitors genetically defined cell culture collections therefore offer a rich framework for systematic functional studies in melanoma and other tumors
[ 71 ]
[ "postinoculation day" ]
microscopic examination of the nasal mucosa of clinically normal specificpathogenfree pigs and of toxicogenic typed pasteurella multocida toxin challengeexposed specificpathogenfree pigs indicated that the surface epithelium in pigs of both CG was microscopically normal erosions or appreciable inflammatory changes were not evident in pigs of both groups and in all regions of the nasal cavity the endothelial lining of all blood vessels appeared normal without detectable changes to the walls at PID vascular injury in the cartilage or the bone was not discernible in control or challengeexposed pigs there were marked differences in the osseous structures of the conchae when the groups were compared in control pigs AS bone formation and remodeling were observed and the septal cartilage was normal in toxin challengeexposed pigs there likewise was normal bone formation and remodeling in the vestibular region and the septal cartilage was normal in marked contrast conspicuous changes were observed in the osseous core of the conchae of the respiratory and sometimes the olfactory regions these changes consisted of bone necrosis and resorption by large numbers of osteoclasts with variable replacement by dense mesenchymal stroma which resulted in conchal atrophy in the absence of any discernible damage or injury angiopathy to the nasal vessels it appears that the action of the dermonecrotoxin of p multocida serotype d is on the most active OBs and the associated organic matrix of the bone with subsequent disruption of normal bone formation and remodeling of the nasal conchae
[ 39 ]
[ "human plasma" ]
a radioimmunoassay ria procedure for the determination of sulforidazine in human plasma was developed using an AS raised in rabbits immunized with ncarboxyethyldesmethylsulforidazineporcine thyroglobulin conjugate the ria procedure can measure as low as pg of sulforidazine in a microliter HP sample with a coefficient of variation of less than the antiserum did not show any marked cross reaction with any available potential cross reactant also there were no significant differences between the concentrations of sulforidazine determined in the presence or absence of thioridazine andor mesoridazine this ria procedure was compared with a high performance LC hplc method by determining concentrations of sulforidazine in plasma samples from human volunteers over h T3 administration of single mg oral doses of thioridazine hydrochloride the two methods showed a good correlation for the assay values n r and the slope of the regression L1 was not significantly different from p greater than when ria values were plotted on the gammaaxis and hplc values on the chiaxis p greater than when hplc values were plotted on the gammaaxis and ria values on the chiaxis the plot of the differences between these two CA values against the average of the CA values showed that the differences were independent of the concentration range studied also statistically favorable comparisons were obtained for area under the plasma concentrationtime curve to h auc cmax and tmax calculated from the data obtained by the two methods
[ 137 ]
[ "herpesvirus" ]
cancers with viral aetiologies can potentially be prevented by antiviral vaccines therefore it is important to understand how viral infections and cancers might be linked some cancers frequently carry gammaherpesvirus genomes however they generally express the same viral genes as nontransformed cells and differ mainly in also carrying oncogenic host mutations infection therefore seems to play a triggering or accessory role in disease the hitandrun hypothesis proposes that cumulative host mutations can allow viral genomes to be lost entirely such that cancers remaining viruspositive represent only a fraction of those to which infection contributes this would have considerable implications for disease control however the hitandrun hypothesis has so far lacked experimental support here we tested it by using crelox recombination to trigger transforming mutations in virusinfected cells thus floxed oncogene mice were INF with cre recombinasepositive murid HHV-8 muhv the emerging cancers showed the expected genetic changes but by the time of presentation almost all lacked viral genomes vaccination with a nonpersistent muhv mutant nonetheless conferred complete protection equivalent human gammaherpesvirus vaccines could therefore potentially prevent not only viral genomepositive cancers but possibly also some cancers less suspected of a viral origin because of viral genome loss
[ 12 ]
[ "total mesorectal excision" ]
robotic total mesorectal excision rtme is expected to have advantages over laparoscopic TME ltme the aim is to compare the shortterm outcomes between initial cases of ltme and rtme
[ 29 ]
[ "catecholamines" ]
previously generation of superoxide anion o catalyzed by cubinding MMP derived from human prion protein model sequence for helical cubinding motif vnitkqhtvtttt was most active in the presence of CAs and related aromatic monoamines such as phenylethylamine and tyramine has been reported kawano t int j biol sci the peptide CS corresponding to helix tested here is known as threoninerich neurotoxic peptide in the present article the redox behaviors of aromatic monoamines amino acids and prionderived tyrosinerich peptide sequences were compared as putative targets of the oxidative reactions mediated with the threoninerich prionpeptide for detection of o an ospecific chemiluminescence probe cypridina luciferin analog was used we found that an aromatic amino acid IMT structurally similar to tyramine behaves as one of the best substrates for the o generating reaction conversion from hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by cubound prion helical peptide data suggested that phenolic moiety is required to be an AS ATP while the presence of neither carboxyl group nor amino group was necessarily required in addition to the action of free IMT effect of two tyrosinerich peptide sequences yyr and dyedryyrenmhr found in human prion corresponding to the tyrosinerich region was tested as putative substrates for the threoninerich neurotoxic peptide yyr motif found twice in the yrich region showed to fold higher activity compared to free tyrosine comparison of yrich sequence consisted of amino acids and its ytof substitution mutant sequence revealed that the tyrosineresidues on yrich peptide derived from prion may contribute to the higher production of o these data suggest that the tyrosine residues on prion molecules could be additional targets of the prionmediated reactions through intra or intermolecular interactions lastly possible mechanism of o generation and the impacts of such selfredox events on the conformational changes in prion are discussed
[ 114 ]
[ "language impaired" ]
this T0 elucidates environmental influences on lived illness experiences for two consecutive years persons with parkinsons disease pd participated in week of daily walking in the swedish mountains daily lowintensive walking that is free of intense effort or time pressures associated with group interaction characterized the week participants were interviewed months after the mountain stay regarding experiences in the mountains daily living and how their experience in the mountains influenced their daily living after returning home a phenomenological method was used for data analysis results point to the close connection between mind body and environment the connection becomes highlighted when people are afflicted with sickness such as pd which causes impaired control of body SLI voluntary mobility and lowered SE levels the results also show how a social context in an environment with suitable PCS challenges led to a NC in individuals perceptions of the manageability of their experienced sicknesses these results provide a deepened understanding of how individuals with pd experience illness its influences on daily life and how a suitable environment opens opportunities for managing daily issues
[ 1 ]
[ "organophosphorous" ]
certain OP compounds caused the inhibition of neurotoxic esterase present in CE NS the role of this enzyme is different from that of cholinesterase the level of NTE in brain CS and spinal cord of rats mice guineapigs and hens was measured maximum level of the enzyme was found in hens followed by guineapigs rats and mice in the order the concentration of the enzyme was higher in CS greater than whole brain greater than spinal cord the determination of the normal level of NTE may be useful in monitoring the SE to OP compounds
[ 21 ]
[ "neonatal intensive care" ]
the introduction of SRT for the management of RDS rds in the premature infant is one of the major advances in NIC T3 almost years of intense research the concerted efforts of basic scientists and clinicians have been rewarded despite the remarkable effects of SF therapy of rds the impact on the incidence of chronic lung disease has been unclear with the recognition of the role of surfactant inactivation in the pathogenesis of other respiratory disorders of newborns ie meconium aspiration syndrome and pneumonia newer applications as well as new challenges have emerged this article provides an overview of the physiology of the SF system and the current uses of this therapy in newborns