[ 30 ]
[ "functional refractory period" ]
in nine patients without clinical or laboratory evidence of HR disease premature atrial depolarization pab induced a CR block of conduction in the intraventricular conducting system in these patients the FRP av frpav gave short and very similar results to the ERP refractory period of the hispurkinje system erphp and the effective refractory period av erpav was found to be shorter than the erphp in all cases a linear rho between the erphp and the basic cycle length bcl was also observed these special functional properties of the av node justify the occurrence of intraventricular block T3 pab in fact the stimulus rapidly conducted through the av node finds a CR or incomplete refractoriness in the ventricular conducting system and therefore bundle CB or CR intraventricular block occurs the linear correlation between the erphp and the bcl explains why the atrial pacing is not always useful for pointing out intraventricular conducting defects
[ 55 ]
[ "pulmonary interstitial fibrosis" ]
the pulmonary changes of PSS in cases were reported the major clinical complaints were unproductive cough and exertional dyspnea pulmonary CF tests showed restrictive VE defects and impaired diffusing capacity in most of the cases examined on CXRs diffuse mottling and linear densities were seen in lungs predominately in the basal regions on pathological examinations PIF occurred in early stage of the disease the results showed that pulmonary involvement may be an early event in PSS
[ 119 ]
[ "gonadal dysgenesis" ]
cross sectional and longitudinal studies of plasma fsh and lh in patients age days of yr with the syndrome of gonadal dysgenesis show a diphasic pattern of gonadotropin secretion the mean basal plasma fsh level is plus or minus se ngml ler in patients from days to yr which is strikingly elevated thereafter a decline in plasma fsh to a mean level of plus or minus se ngml occurs between and yr followed by a rise T3 yr to plus or minus se ngml the DP of lh ler secretion is qualitatively similar to that of fsh although quantitatively the values for lh are to those for fsh the similarity of pattern of gonadotropin secretion observed between patients with GD and NC suggests that gonadal CF does not play a decisive role in the pattern of gonadotropin secretion from infancy through adolescence but exercises striking effects on the quantity of gonadotropin secreted
[ 16 ]
[ "transminase" ]
the effects of a variety of pharmacological and physiological manipulations on the activity of hepatic tyrosine GOT have been extensively investigated BB IMT transaminase however has received only limited attention since IMT transaminase may be important in the regulation of catecholamine biosynthesis in the BB the effects of agents affecting catecholamine storage and synthesis on brain IMT transamination were investigated transamination in the x g fraction was measured by a radioactive procedure alphamethyltyrosine and RES agents which deplete brain CAs decreased tyrosine transaminase activity administration of the catecholamine precursor ldihydroxyphenylalanine to the reserpineand alphamethyltyrosinetreated rats elevated the tyrosine transaminase activity to normal the possible implications of these findings in the regulation of the biosynthesis of the CAs are discussed
[ 154 ]
[ "steroid sulphatase" ]
STS is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of bioactive Es and androgens from highly abundant inactive circulating sulphated steroid precursors little is known about how the expressionactivity of this enzyme is regulated in this article we show that of alphaohd stimulates an increase steroid sulphatase activity in the hl myeloid leukaemic cell L1 that is inhibited by a TPS nuclear vdr vdrnuc antagonist and unaffected by plasma membraneassociated vitamin d receptor vdrmem agonists and antagonists alphaohdmediated upregulation of steroid sulphatase activity in hl cells was augmented by rxr agonists blocked by rxrspecific antagonists and rar specific agonists and antagonists had no effect in contrast the alphaohdmediated upregulation of STS activity in the nb myeloid leukaemic cell L1 was unaffected by the specific vdrnuc and rxr antagonists but was blocked by a vdrmemspecific antagonist and was increased by vdrmemspecific agonists the findings reveal that vdrnucrxrheterodimers play a key role in the alphaohdmediated upregulation of STS activity in hl cells however in nb cells vdrnucderived signals do not play an obligatory role and nongenomic vdrmemderived signals are important
[ 5 ]
[ "central serous retinopathy" ]
studies of spectral electroretinograms in CSR csr and hereditary macular degeneration hmd showed that the bwave amplitudes of most wavelengths of csr were significantly decreased as compared with normal controls and those of hmd were obviously lower than the normal values patients of hmd with typea color vision defects cvd had primarily a reduction of bwave amplitudes in the full spectrum of nm and patients with typei cvd a reduction of bwave amplitudes wavelengths of nm these differences might reflect differences in damages to the mediumand longwave length
[ 213 ]
[ "after pancreaticoduodenectomy" ]
perioperative mortality following pancreaticoduodenectomy has improved over time and is lower than in selected highvolume centers based on several C1 literature series on pancreaticoduodenectomy from highvolume centers some defend that high annual volumes are necessary for good outcomes PD we report here the outcomes of a low annual volume pancreaticoduodenectomy series after incorporating technical expertise from a highvolume center we included all patients who underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy performed by a single surgeon adc as treatment for periampullary malignancies from to outcomes of this series were compared to those of highvolume literature series additionally outcomes for first cases in the present series were compared to those of all remaining cases in this series a total of pancreaticoduodenectomies were performed over a year period overall inhospital mortality was cases and morbidity occurred in patients both mortality and morbidity were similar to those of each of the three highvolume center comparison series comparison of the outcomes for the first to the remaining cases in this series revealed that the latter cases had VPI mortality versus p less tumorpositive margins versus p less use of intraoperative blood transfusions versus p and tendency to a shorter length of inhospital stay versus days p accumulation of surgical experience and incorporation of expertise from highvolume centers may enable achieving satisfactory outcomes PD in lowvolume settings whenever referral to a highvolume center is limited
[ 58 ]
[ "crustacean hyperglycemic hormone" ]
conversion of one or more amino acids in eukaryotic peptides to the denantiomer configuration is catalyzed by TPS ldpeptide isomerases and it is a poorly investigated posttranslational modification no common modified CAA or TPS modified position has been recognized and mechanisms underlying changes in the peptide function provided by this conversion are not widely studied the amino acid CHH chh in astacidea crustaceans exhibits a coexistence of two peptide enantiomers with either d or lphenylalanine as their third residue it is a pleiotropic hormone regulating several physiological processes in different target tissues and along different time scales chh enantiomers differently affect time courses and intensities of examined processes the ST effects of the two isomers on mRNA were examined in the hepatopancreas gills hemocytes and muscles of the astacid pontastacus leptodactylus gene expression in muscles and hemocytes was not affected by either of the isomers two modes of action for chh were elucidated in the hepatopancreas and the gills TPS gene inductiosystems for the standard and wedge radiation fields cm × cm to cm × cm and a ° wedge including the percentage depth dose and dose profiles were measured by both computational and experimental methods gamma index was applied to compare calculated and measured results with mm criteria gamma index was applied to compare calculated and measured results almost all calculated data points have satisfied gamma index criteria of to mm based on the good agreement between calculated and measured results obtained for various radiation fields in this T0 gate may be used as a useful tool for SQ control or i.c.v. verification procedures in radiotherapy
[ 5 ]
[ "sleep apnoea" ]
millions of individuals with obstructive SA osa are treated by cpap aimed at reducing blood pressure bp and thus cardiovascular risk however evidence is scarce concerning the impact of different cpap modalities on bp evolution
[ 65 ]
[ "androgensensitive" ]
androgenic alopecia aga is a L1 type of human scalp hair loss which is caused by two androgens testosterone t and αdihydrotestosterone αdht both androgens bind to the androgen receptor ar and induce androgensensitive genes within the human hair DP cells hhdpcs but αdht exhibits much higher binding affinity and potency than t does in inducing the involved LNCaP genes changes in the induction of LNCaP genes during aga are caused by the overproduction of αdht by the αreductase αr enzyme therefore one possible method to treat aga is to inhibit this enzymatic reaction
[ 33 ]
[ "electrochemical stimulation" ]
release of lh occurred in ovariectomized oestrogenprimed rats when the medial preoptic area mpoa was electrically stimulated with monophasic square pulses of ms duration hz microa s on and s off for min ECS of the anterior cingulate area applied immediately after the first min period of stimulation in the mpoa CR prevented the rise in lh normally observed during the following min this effect was suppressed either by selective blockade of noradrenaline synthesis with diethyldithiocarbamate or following SVR or intraventricular i.t. of the betaadrenergic blocker propranolol whereas it did not change T3 systemic atropine pimozide or phenoxybenzamine isoprenaline a betaadrenergic agonist injected into the third ventricle of rats stimulated in the mpoa mimicked the effect of the cortical stimulation this effect was also blocked by propranolol intraventricular administration of propranolol or of isoprenaline had no effect on the PR of lh induced by the i.t. of GTH releasing hormone showing that their action is not directly on the pituitary gland intraventricular i.t. of noradrenaline which failed to affect the release of lh induced by stimulation in the mpoa inhibited this release when animals were pretreated with phenoxybenzamine on the other hand the lhreleasing potency of noradrenaline was greatly increased if the betareceptors were blocked from these results it may be concluded that inhibition of the secretion of lh evoked by electrochemical stimulation of the anterior cingulate cortex is mediated by an adrenergic mechanism involving a betareceptor and that noradrenaline exerts an inhibitory effect on the secretion of lh through a betareceptor in addition to the known facilitatory action through an alphareceptor
[ 28 ]
[ "hormone replacement" ]
cardiovascular disease the major cause of death in PM women can be reduced by replacement of ovarian steroid hormones to compare medroxyprogesterone with progesterone as the progestin in HRT therapy from the standpoint of coronary artery vasospasm we treated ovariectomized Rh monkeys with physiological C2 of estradiol beta in combination with MPA or progesterone for four weeks coronary vasospasm in response to pathophysiological stimulation without injury showed that progesterone plus estradiol protected but MPA plus estradiol failed to protect allowing vasospasm we conclude that MPA in contrast to progesterone increases the risk of coronary vasospasm
[ 121 ]
[ "temperature sensitivity" ]
a model to predict flowering time in diverse lentil genotypes grown under widely different PT conditions was developed in controlled environments the present T0 evaluated that model with a world germ plasm collection of accessions using two field environments in syria and two in pakistan LD CT accounted for of the variance in f the reciprocal of time d from sowing to flower in contrast temperature alone did not account for a significant proportion of variation in flowering time due to the SE of plants to supraoptimal temperatures in the latesown syrian trial with the model mean preflowering values of photoperiod and temperature combined additively to account for of the variance of f over accessions the rho of fieldderived estimates of ts of accessions to glasshousederived estimates was significant at p but the equivalent rho for estimates of photoperiodic sensitivity was higher at p flowering in the field was better measured as time from sowing to plants in flower rather than time to first bloom or its node number dissemination of the lentil crop following domestication in west asia to the lower latitudes such as ethiopia and india has depended on selection for intrinsic earliness and reduced sensitivity to LD movement from west asia to the higher latitudes accompanied by spring sowing has resulted in a modest reduction in photoperiod sensitivity and an increase in temperature sensitivity
[ 86 ]
[ "sarcomere lengths" ]
the stability of sarcomere lengths along single frog twitch MF was examined during lengthening and shortening using a spot follower appparatus to monitor or control the length of a CE segment during AS shortening from sarcomere lengths beyond micrometer the end sarcomeres shortened dramatically while much of the fibre did not shorten at all it is proposed that this is the cause of the tension failing to recover T3 the shortening ceased to the value of isometric tension at the shorter length during AS lenghtening from SLs beyond micrometer nonuniformity of stretch was seen with the middle stretching more than the ends some maintained extra tension after stretch above that AGA to the longer length was found as were consistent changes in internal movement and in the shape of the tension record during EC50 measurements of stiffness during and after a lengthening suggest that no increased activation is involved observation of internal movement during the raised tension after a lengthening contradicts theories involving locked on bridges from these and other observations an explanation for the extra tension in terms of nonuniformity of sarcomeres is proposed the explanation is in accord with that previously suggested for the creep phase of tension rise seen at these lengths
[ 72 ]
[ "conduction delay" ]
to investigate the effect of verapamil on atrial vulnerability the following measurements were performed before and T3 the i.v. of verapamil mgkg in subjects with PAF paf and subjects without paf nonpaf during the SR intrainteratrial conduction time intrainter act the initial deflection of HRA hra to that of his bundelcoronary sinus were measured after consecutive hra stimuli a S2 a was introduced by shortening the coupling interval aa and we measured CD zone cdz the zone of aa with the prolongation of interact maximum atrial fragmentation maf maximum value of the ratio of hra activity width at a awt against that at a awc fragmented atrial activity zone faz the zone of aa with value of awtawc more than repetitive atrial response rar more than atrial activities which occur in response to a right atrial effective refractory period raerp verapamil significantly shortened cdz and mfa slightly lengthened raerp and had rar disappear in paf while it did not effect any indices significantly in nonpaf we concluded that verapamil could reduce atrial vulnerability in paf due to blocking of atrial conduction delay mediated by slow response fibers
[ 162 ]
[ "timi frame count" ]
objective recent studies have shown that alkaline phosphatase alp might play a negative role in clinical outcomes of patients with IP and coronary i.a. disease this study aimed to investigate the relationship between serum alp levels and coronary thrombolysis in myocardial infarction timi frame counts in patients with stsegment elevated myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary MI pci methods a total of patients were enrolled in the current T0 serum alp C2 were measured in lithiumheparin plasma samples via a standardized colorimetric enzyme CA coronary timi flow was evaluated by counting the number of cine frames that were required for contrast to reach a standardized distal coronary landmark in the culprit vessel results the spearman correlation coefficient test showed strong positive relationships between coronary timi frame counts T3 primary pci and serum alp C2 on admittance for the LAD circumflex and right coronary arteries r r and r respectively conclusion elevated serum alp levels appear to be a predictor of impaired coronary TFC in patients suffering from stsegment elevated myocardial infarction
[ 158 ]
[ "mossy fiber sprouting" ]
SVR administration of KA ka a glutamate IL-1ra causes robust seizures and has been used as an excellent rodent model for human temporal lobe epilepsy recently we have demonstrated that a single i.t. of ka increases the steadystate C2 of proenkephalin penk mrna in the rat hippocampus for at least one year however the molecular mechanisms underlying this LT increase in penk mrna C2 have not been clearly defined to determine the possible involvement of the sp transcription factors in this regulation electrophoresis mobilityshift assays were used to study the expression of sp factors in the hippocampus after ka treatment the results showed that there are longlasting increases in sp dnabinding activity the sp dnabinding complexes were only competed by the nonradioactive sp element and not by enkcre ap or cre elements indicating the specificity of sp dnabinding activity since the expression of sp parallels the time course of longlasting increase in the expression of penk mrna and MFS T3 ka treatment we hypothesize that the increase in sp activity may be associated with the longterm changes in the STDP of hippocampal function T3 kainduced seizures
[ 23 ]
[ "research center" ]
a study was conducted to evaluate the prevalence and diversity of simian tcell lymphotropic virus stlv isolates within the longestablished tulane national primate CRC tnprc colony of sooty mangabeys sms cercocebus atys serological analysis determined that of animals were positive for stlv type stlv a second group of thirteen sm bush meat samples from sierra leone in africa was also included and tested only by pcr twentytwo of captive animals and of bush meat samples were positive for stlv as shown by testing with pcr nucleotide sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of viral strains obtained demonstrated that stlv strains from sms stlvsm strains from the tnprc colony and sierra leone formed a single cluster together with the previously reported stlvsm strain from the yerkes national primate CRC these data confirm that africa is the origin for tnprc stlvsm and suggest that sierra leone is the origin for the sm colonies in the united states the tnprc stlvsm strains further divided into two subclusters suggesting stlvsm infection of two original founder sms at the time of their importation into the united states stlvsm diversity in the tnprc colony matches the high diversity of sivsm in the already reported colony the lack of rho between the lineage of the simian immunodeficiency virus from sms sivsm and the stlvsm subcluster CSD of the tnprc strains suggests that intracolony transmissions of both viruses were independent events
[ 114 ]
[ "inner limiting membrane" ]
formation of a MH is an uncommon idiopathic disease whereby a disruption of the neural retinal layer is formed at the foveal area it has been suggested that tangential traction of the ILM ilm on the neuroretina may contribute to the formation of a macular hole removal of the ilm has been associated with very high closure rates in MH surgery however since the ILM is a transparent layer it can be difficult to achieve CR removal from the underlying NR also in surgery for macular pucker formation whereby growth of epiretinal tissue induces metamorphopsia removal of the ilm may play a beneficial role this paper describes a method facilitating the removal of the ILM by staining it with indocyanine green
[ 155 ]
[ "fetal hemoglobin" ]
glycated plasma proteins gpp and glycated hemoglobin g hb has been evaluated in nondiabetics nd women with potential abnormality of glucose tolerance potagt with IGT igt and insulin dependent diabetics iddm during pregnancy or PP including cord blood determinations mean hbac C2 were significantly elevated in iddm m sd compared to nd p less than but were similar for the other CG studied mean gpp were increased for the iddm nmol hmfmg protein m sd and the igtgroup over nd p less than and the potagt group p less than of the nd of the pot agt of the igt and of the iddm group were found to have gpp values exceeding the confidential limit of the nd however the large overlap of individual values from patients with different degrees of glucose intolerance with the normal range of pregnancy precludes the use of gpp as a screening parameter for igt during pregnancy a reduction of HbF and plasma protein glycosylation relative to maternal values was observed
[ 37 ]
[ "distal radius" ]
ten cases of unstable scaphoid nonunions treated with herbert screw fixation were compared to nine cases treated with herbert screw fixation supplemented with a single kirschner wire kwire across the fracture site corticocancellous bone VG from the DR was used in all cases to reconstruct the scaphoid the age of the patients and duration of the nonunions were similar in both groups postoperative radiographs demonstrated that only of patients with herbert screw fixation alone healed while of patients with herbert screw and kwire fixation healed the time to union averaged months in the patients supplemented with a kwire and months in those patients without the kwire
[ 19 ]
[ "combined immunodeficiency" ]
in order to determine the molecular basis of adenosine deaminase ada deficiency in cells derived from patients with severe CID scid disease we used a human ada cdna clone to analyse the organization and transcription of the ada gene in both normal and adascid cells in five lymphoblastoid adascid cell lines we could detect no deletions or rearrangements in the ada gene and its flanking sequences furthermore synthesis and processing of ada mrna appeared to be normal in the adascid cells and adaspecific mrna from two adascid cells could be translated in vitro into a protein with the molecular weight of normal ada this protein however could hardly be precipitated with an ada antiserum the results indicate that in these two adascid cell lines the lack of ada activity is not due to transcriptional or translational defects but to subtle changes in the configuration of the protein affecting both its enzymatic and immunological characteristics
[ 40 ]
[ "sleep apnea" ]
apnea and hypopnea during sleep are often viewed as different expressions of the same sleeprelated breathing disorder in our point of view both symptoms are two different entities which can occur in the same patient we discuss the hypothesis that SA is a disorder associated with recurrent arousals and chronic activation of the sympathetic nervous system leading to daytime sleepiness and disturbances in the autonomic system hypoventilation results from reduced AM ventilation and is associated with hypercapnia in rare cases it is caused by genuine disorders of the PLB center like odines curse in most cases hypoventilation is secondary to an underlying disease and a strategy of the body to avoid RM failure treatment trials of hypoventilation of the respiratory muscles by stimulating the PLB center failed to be beneficial however unloading treatment with LT oxygen andor home mechanical ventilation improves arterial blood gases PCS activity and prognosis
[ 159 ]
[ "integrated emg" ]
recent pharmacological investigations have support the hypothesis that spinal modulation of nociception as well as motor coordination is related to the activity of spinal interneurons and that certain spinal transmitters are involved in the control of both regulatory systems opioids and benzodiazepines ie endorphin or gabainduced mechanisms may be of importance for spinal treatment of spasticity in the near future in order to clinically evaluate the interactions of these spinal processes we performed in vitroexperiments animal studies and clinical investigations on the compatibility and antispastic tau of spinally administered opiates and benzodiazepines preclinical studies on tissue and csftolerance of different benzodiazepines ph tonometry turbidimetry histological findings in animals are in favour of midazolam a watersoluble compound which is AS against pharmacologically induced spasms in animals str application in cats with chronical catheterization of the subarachnoid space T3 lumbar intrathecal injection using an appropriate dosage of intrathecal midazolam selective blockade of spasticity of the hind legs may be demonstrated with IEMG clinical investigations neurological assessment using rating scores for spasticity in patients including a doubleblind comparison of EM or midazolam indicate that both drugs are ERP against spinal spasticity of different origin efficacy of spinally applied agents depends on the severity of spasms and on the duration and extent of SVR pretreatment
[ 9 ]
[ "vitamin a deficiency" ]
to examine the association of intestinal barrier function with VAD and whether supplementation of micronutrients improves intestinal CF andor linear growth heightforage zscore haz concentrations of SS retinol and zinc and intestinal permeability were determined in a crosssectional sample of children in northeastern brazil effects of vitamin a and supplementation of zinc on intestinal permeability and growth were also determined comparing results before and after treatment in children and agematched controls lactulosemannitol lm permeability ratios inversely correlated with serum retinol concentrations r p increased lm permeability ratios with reduced concentrations of SS retinol were predominantly attributable to lower absorption of mannitol r p lm permeability ratios p and haz scores p improved with supplementation it is concluded that impaired intestinal barrier CF and linear growth shortfalls improve following supplementation of vitamin a and zinc in this setting
[ 99 ]
[ "lauric acid" ]
peroxisome proliferators are a group of nongenotoxic hepatic carcinogens which have been proposed to act by increasing oxidative damage in the liver to test this hypothesis we have produced a transgenic mouse L1 that has elevated cat specifically in the CL in this T0 we have examined if catalase overexpression influences the induction of lipid peroxidation or oxidative dna damage two mechanisms which have been hypothesized to be important in the carcinogenesis by peroxisome proliferators transgenic mice or nontransgenic litter mates were fed either ciprofibrate or a control diet for days the MICs of fatty acyl coa oxidase and C12 hydroxylase were not significantly affected by catalase overexpression although the ratio of fatty acyl coa oxidase to catalase was significantly decreased in transgenic animals hepatic lipid peroxidation was estimated by quantifying the concentrations of malondialdehyde and conjugated dienes CIP treatment did not affect either endpoint but catalase overexpression increased the concentrations of malondialdehyde in UT mice only and conjugated dienes in both untreated and ciprofibratefed mice oxidative dna damage was estimated by quantifying hydroxydeoxyguanosine ohdg by highperformance liquid chromatographyelectrochemical PCD ciprofibrate treatment significantly increased hepatic ohdg concentrations in PA with several previous studies but catalase overexpression did not significantly affect them although ohdg concentrations were decreased in UT mice these results imply that the metabolism of hydrogen peroxide by catalase is not an important factor in the development of hepatic lipid peroxidation the decrease in hepatic ohdg in UT transgenic mice and the increase seen T3 ciprofibrate administration imply that hydrogen peroxide is important in the formation of ohdg while the lack of decreased ohdg C2 in ciprofibratetreated transgenic mice does not support this conclusion it is possible that catalase C2 were not sufficiently high to affect this endpoint transgenic mice with higher hepatic catalase activities may be required to resolve this issue
[ 45 ]
[ "cerebrovascular reactivity" ]
the role of ophthalmic i.a. collateral pathway in hemispheric hemodynamics in patients with severe carotid stenosis is controversial the aim of the present T0 was to address this question comparing the asymmetry of the velocity in middle and anterior cerebral arteries mcas and acas and CVR cvr in mca on stenotic side in the patients with unilateral severe stenosis of IC ica in patients with and without OA collateral pathway the cohort of patients with carotid stenosis was prospectively assembled fifty patients who had severe unilateral ica stenosis by duplex ultrasound dus were observed by TCD tcd cerebral blood flow velocity in mca and aca in both sides direction of blood flow in OA oa and cvr on the side of stenosis were determined there were patients with retrograde blood flow in oa GI the remaining patients with anterograde flow in oa composed group ii the degree of interarterial asymmetry of peak and mean velocity vpeak and vmean in mca and aca and cvr in mca were compared in both groups the degree of aca asymmetry by vpeak was in GI and in group ii p by vmean and p respectively the degree of mca asymmetry by vpeak was in group i and in group ii p by vmean and p respectively cvr in GI was in group ii p the ophthalmic collateral pathway has no influence on hemispheric CBF hemodynamics in patients with severe unilateral carotid stenosis
[ 25 ]
[ "normal rabbit serum" ]
cells from peritoneal exudates of rabbits sacrificed days after an intraperitoneal injection of sterile mineral oil were grown in tissue cultures in medium per cent NRS per cent antibody produced by the cells was assayed by an hemagglutination technique in which the antigens used were adsorbed to formalinized tanned sheep erythrocytes these sensitized cells agglutinate in the presence of antibody specific to the adsorbed antigen it has been demonstrated that peritoneal exudate cells produced hemagglutinating antibody to bovine gamma globulin bgg in a replicating TC system for approximately weeks when taken from animals given either primary or AA injections of bgg the mean hemagglutinating titer was for the primary and for the AA systems since the other cell types did not persist it is felt that monocytes were responsible for these results monocytes taken from normal rabbits and exposed to either bgg or egg albumen ea in vitro produced titers of for about weeks monocytes taken from rabbits given hyperimmunizing injections of bgg produced titers of for about week endotoxin from salmonella typhosa caused the monocytes to form antibody as if they had been taken from hyperimmunized rabbits this was true both when the antigen was given in vivo together with the endotoxin as well as when the cells were exposed to antigen in vitro the titers were and respectively neither freshly harvested nor cultured monocytes were phagocytic for carbon particles or bacteria in vitro monocytes in tissue SC appeared to assume the morphology of fibroblasts but did not stain with the characteristics of fibroblasts the morphologic changes and staining characteristics of monocytes in tissue culture have been described the implications of these findings have been discussed and an attempt made to integrate them into general biological theory
[ 25 ]
[ "transactivator" ]
we report the cloning and characterization of tox a high mobility group box protein involved in mediating calciumdependent transcription tox was identified as a calciumdependent Tat using the transactivator trap screen we find that tox interacts with both camp response PE crebinding protein creb and crebbinding protein cbp and knockdown of the endogenous tox by rnai leads to significant reduction of calciuminduced cfos expression and complete inhibition of calcium activation of the cfos promoter the effects of tox on calciumdependent transcription require the cre elements these observations identify tox as an important regulator of calciumdependent transcription and suggest that tox exerts its effect on cremediated transcription via its association with the crebcbp complex
[ 31 ]
[ "bodies" ]
FPD is a complex disorder in which the genetic aspects are only just being realized the underlying cause for the degeneration of DA substantia nigra SN and the formation of lewy HB in parkinsons disease is unknown the ID of clear inherited forms of the disease has provided important clues as to how this complex process may be occurring mutations have now been identified in the AS q parkin q and ubiquitin carboxy terminal hydrolasel p genes in families with FPD four additional chromosomal locations p p p and pq have been linked to FPD families but no pathologic gene mutations have been identified to date as additional FPD loci are mapped and their genes identified we will continue to add to our understating of the critical biochemical pathways involved and be able to develop ERP disease altering treatments
[ 79 ]
[ "urinary norepinephrine" ]
reviewed herein are data supporting the hypothesis that insulin and the SA system are involved in the pathogenesis of hypertension in the obese data from the normative aging T0 a populationbased cohort followed in boston confirm other epidemiologic reports of a direct relationship between upperbody obesity hyperinsulinemia and hypertension because insulin is known to stimulate the sympathetic nervous system sns the possibility that insulinmediated sympathetic stimulation contributed to hypertension in the obese was investigated by the analysis of h UNE ne excretion in this group urinary ne was directly correlated with body mass index and waisthip ratio supporting increased sns activity in the obese epinephrine excretion an index of adrenal medullary activity was inversely related to obesity and both high insulin and low epinephrine levels were independently correlated with lower C2 of highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol and higher levels of triglycerides these results are consistent with the hypothesis that insulinmediated sympathetic stimulation results in hypertension from concomitant sympathetic stimulation of the heart vessels and kidney reciprocal changes in adrenal medullary CF contribute to the associated dyslipidemia therapeutic strategies aimed at diminishing insulin resistance and lowering insulin levels and antagonizing the effects of SS on the heart the vessels and the kidneys would appear to have a solid physiological rationale in the obese
[ 24 ]
[ "bronchoconstriction" ]
to determine the effect of pharmacologic modulation of alterations of peripheral blood tcell subsets caused by antigeninduced bronchoconstriction we po albuterol immediately after antigeninduced BC in a doubleblind to protocol to atopic asthmatic subjects we also administered CS before antigen to of the same subjects IP blood tcell subset composition cd cd ia of a HP tcell preparation was determined before and h T3 BC we found that placebo inhalation immediately after antigeninduced BC did not affect subsequent IP blood tcell subset changes decrease in cd and increase in ia t lymphocytes in contrast inhaled albuterol abolished these tcell subset changes although cromolyn sodium significantly decreased the severity of antigeninduced bronchoconstriction it did not affect tcell subset composition changes at the dosage used we conclude that albuterol can ablate tcell subset changes associated with antigeninduced bronchoconstriction CS ameliorates BC but has no affect on tcell subset composition changes this implies that tcell changes and BC caused by antigen inhalation are mediated through different pathways
[ 1 ]
[ "heart rate variability" ]
decreased HRV hrv is associated with adverse outcomes in cardiovascular diseases and has been observed in patients with SVR LE sle we examined the relationship of hrv with sle disease activity and selected cytokine pathways
[ 9 ]
[ "guanidinoacetic acid" ]
exp were conducted to evaluate the effects of FF GAA gaa and larginine arg on fertility and sperm penetration sp rate of broiler breeder hens in the first experiment a total of broiler breeder hens ross aged weeks were randomly allotted to four dietary treatments and g gaakg diet with five replicates of birds each in the second experiment broiler breeder hens ross were used from to weeks of age in a × factorial arrangement or g gaakg diet along with or g argkg diet the hens received a diet containing kcal mekg and cp sixteen sexually mature ross breeder roosters weeks old were used to artificially inseminate the hens fertility of the hens was determined in and weeks of age the sperm penetration holes in the inner perivitelline layer ipl overlying the GD were enumerated on days and following each insemination adding gaa to the breeder diet increased the number of sps in the ipl and fertility in both experiments p the interactive effect of arg and gaa on the sp and fertility was significant supplementary arg increased the sp rate in the ipl p in conclusion dietary supplementation of gaa and arg might be potentially used to improve the fertility of broiler breeder hens at the later phase of the EP period
[ 5 ]
[ "cyclic neutropenia" ]
a yearold woman diagnosed with CN years previously had been treated with recombinant granulocytecolony MSF gcsf she developed fever tenderness and distension of temporal arteries after the treatment with gcsf magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonography revealed wall thickening of the temporal arteries she was therefore diagnosed with giant cell arteritis gca SVV has been reported as a complication of gcsf however the development of large vessel vasculitis after gcsf treatment is quite rare to our knowledge the present case is the first report of gca suspected to be associated with coexisting CN and gcsf treatment
[ 63 ]
[ "sphase cells" ]
anguidine is a fungal metabolite with antitumor activity in a murine colon cancer MM because of disappointing results in PCTs we analyzed the lethal and cytokinetic effects of anguidine on cultured human CC cells the studies revealed a moderate reduction in survival only after prolonged drug SE continuous incubation with anguidine for longer than hr produced a moderate increase in the percentage of SPF and a slight decrease in the proportion of cells in g by PP cytophotometry an immediate reduction in the cumulative labeling index for cells continuously exposed to tritiated thymidine and anguidine and a rapid decrease in the cumulative mitotic index for cells continuously exposed to colcemid and anguidine indicated a block at the g into s and g into mitosis EMT tumoricidal activity of anguidine in a cultured human CC L1 is poor and requires PE the kinetic data reflect an almost frozen state of the Tc
[ 24 ]
[ "differential display" ]
senescenceassociated genes are upregulated during plant senescence and many have been implicated in encoding enzymes involved in the metabolism of senescing tissues using the DD technique we identified a sag in bean phaseolus vulgaris leaf that was exclusively expressed during senescence and was designated senescenceassociated receptorlike kinase sark the deduced sark polypeptide consists of a signal peptide a leucinerich repeat in the extracellular region a single MSD and the characteristic serinethreonine protein kinase domain the mrna level for sark increased prior to the loss of chlorophyll and the decrease of chlorophyll abbinding protein mrna detached mature bean leaves which senesce at an accelerated rate compared with leaves on intact plants showed a similar temporal pattern of sark message accumulation light and cytokinin which delayed the initiation of leaf senescence also delayed sark gene expression in contrast darkness and DDE which accelerated senescence advanced the initial appearance of the sark transcript sark protein accumulation exhibited a temporal pattern similar to that of its mrna a possible role for sark in the regulation of leaf senescence was considered
[ 140 ]
[ "coronary artery spasm" ]
this T0 determines with quantitative variables if propranolol is detrimental in patients with documented coronary arterial spasm and if this drug can be used in combination with calcium antagonists eleven patients with documented coronary spasm were entered prospectively in a T0 with phases of days each control diltiazem or propranolol mean mgday propranolol or diltiazem mgday propranolol and diltiazem the effects of the drugs were assessed by the PCD of ICM electrocardiographic episodes hour electrocardiographic monitoring and provocative tests with ergonovine during the period of treatment with propranolol the number and the duration of attacks increased and provocative tests had positive results in all patients diltiazem CR abolished spontaneous episodes but of patients remained CS to the administration of ergonovine the association of the drugs led to a disappearance of ischemic episodes in conclusion propranolol is ineffective in patients with CAS it can be used in combination with diltiazem but without any advantage over diltiazem CT
[ 129 ]
[ "hsp inhibitor geldanamycin" ]
CA cells are exposed to external and internal stresses by virtue of their unrestrained growth hostile microenvironment and increased mutation rate these stresses impose a burden on protein folding and Kd pathways and suggest a route for therapeutic intervention in cancer proteasome and hsp inhibitors are in clinical trials and a s proteasome inhibitor velcade is an approved drug other points of intervention in the folding and degradation pathway may therefore be of interest we describe a simple screen for inhibitors of protein synthesis folding and proteasomal Kd pathways in this paper the molecular chaperonedependent client vsrc was fused to firefly luciferase and expressed in hct colorectal RT cells both luciferase and protein tyrosine kinase activity were preserved in cells expressing this F0 construct exposing these cells to the GA caused a rapid reduction of luciferase and kinase MICs and depletion of detergentsoluble vsrcluciferase FP hsp knockdown reduced vsrcluciferase activity and when combined with geldanamycin caused a buildup of vsrcluciferase and ubiquitinated proteins in a detergentinsoluble fraction proteasome inhibitors also decreased luciferase activity and caused a buildup of phosphotyrosinecontaining proteins in a detergentinsoluble fraction protein synthesis inhibitors also reduced luciferase activity but had less of an effect on phosphotyrosine C2 in contrast certain histone deacetylase inhibitors increased luciferase and phosphotyrosine activity a mass screen led to the ID of hsp inhibitors ubiquitin pathway inhibitors inhibitors of hsphspmediated refolding and protein synthesis inhibitors the largest group of compounds identified in the screen increased luciferase activity and some of these increase vsrc levels and activity when used in conjunction with AGA AA assays this screen is a powerful cellbased tool for studying compounds that affect protein synthesis folding and degradation
[ 60 ]
[ "desmoid tumor" ]
desmoid PT AF are locally invasive STT that lack the ability to metastasize there are no directed therapies or ST plan and chemotherapeutics radiation and surgery often have temporary effects the majority of desmoid tumors are related to ta and sf mutations of the betacatenin encoding gene ctnnb using broad spectrum metabolomics differences were investigated between paired normal FB and DT cells from affected patients there were differences identified also in the metabolomics profiles associated with the two betacatenin mutations ta and sf ongoing drug screening has identified currently available compounds which inhibited desmoid tumor cellular growth by more than but did not affect normal FB proliferation two drugs were investigated in this T0 and dasatinib and fak inhibitor treatments resulted in unique metabolomics profiles for the normal FB and DT cells in addition to the ta and sf the biochemical pathways that differentiated the cell lines were aminoacyltrna biosynthesis in mitochondria and cytoplasm and signal transduction amino aciddependent mtorc activation this study provides preliminary understanding of the metabolic differences of paired normal and desmoid tumors cells their response to DT therapeutics and new pathways to target for therapy
[ 16 ]
[ "drug discrimination" ]
the stimulus properties of four opioid agonistantagonists were assessed in postaddict volunteers trained in a twochoice DD procedure to discriminate between the effects of im saline and HM mg kg behavioral subjective and physiological measures were concurrently collected after training generalization curves were determined for HM pentazocine butorphanol nalbuphine and buprenorphine in generalization testing HM produced doserelated increases in hydromorphoneappropriate responses and in characteristic opioid agonistlike subjective effects measures in GA each of the study drugs produced a profile of subjective and physiological effects similar to that reported in other human studies these subjective indices showed the study drugs to be heterogeneous however in this twochoice DD procedure they were discriminated as homogeneous ie all were discriminated as hydromorphonelike the present study also found that all test drugs were subjectively identified as being opiates and all were subjectively rated as similar to the hydromorphone training condition a previous threechoice discrimination was sensitive to the heterogeneity among these drugs on both the discrimination measures and subjective ratings of similarity to the hydromorphone training condition thus the specific procedures of drug discrimination studies may have an effect on some subjective indices although this interaction is not apparent for the majority of subjective effect measures also the characterization of opioids in drug discrimination testing appears to depend upon the specific training subjects receive this is most clear with discrimination measures and to a more limited extent with subjective measures
[ 56 ]
[ "intramembrane particles" ]
images of vesicle openings in the presynaptic membrane have regularly been shown to increase in number T3 stimulation of cholinergic SN however with a very few exceptions the occurrence of vesicle openings is delayed in time with respect to the precise moment of transmitter release in contrast a transient NC in the size and distribution of IMPs imps has constantly been found as a characteristic change affecting the presynaptic membrane in a strict time coincidence with the release of acetylcholine quanta this is illustrated here in a rapidfreezing experiment performed on small specimens of the torpedo EO during transmission of a single nerve impulse a marked change affected imps in the presynaptic membrane for ms ie a population of imps larger than nm momentarily occurred in coincidence with the passage of the impulse the nicotinic receptors abundantly visible in the postsynaptic CM also underwent very fleeting structural changes during synaptic transmission in conclusion for rapidly operating neurotransmitters like acetylcholine a characteristic imp change was regularly found to coincide in the presynaptic membrane with the production of neurotransmitter quanta whereas images of LDV F0 were either delayed or even dissociated from the release process this is discussed in connection to the different modes of PR recently described for other secreting systems
[ 5 ]
[ "cellular automata" ]
we use a lattice gas CA model in the presence of random dynamic scattering sites and quenched disorder in the twophase immiscible model with the aim of producing an interface dynamics similar to that observed in heleshaw cells the dynamics of the interface is studied as one fluid displaces the other in a clean lattice and in a lattice with quenched disorder for the clean system if the fluid with a lower viscosity displaces the other we show that the MM exhibits the saffmantaylor instability phenomenon whose features are in very good agreement with those observed in real viscous fluids in the system with quenched disorder we obtain estimates for the growth and roughening exponents of the interface width in two cases viscositymatched fluids and the case of unstable interface the first case is shown to be in the same universality class of the random deposition model with surface relaxation moreover while the earlytime dynamics of the interface behaves similarly viscous fingers develop in the second case with the subsequent production of bubbles in the context of a complex dynamics we also identify the hurst exponent of the subdiffusive fractional brownian motion associated with the interface from which we derive its fractal dimension and the universality classes related to a percolation process
[ 64 ]
[ "schwann cells" ]
human bone marrowderived mesenchymal stem cells hmscs are considered a desirable cell source for autologous cell transplantation therapy to treat nervous system injury due to their ability to differentiate into TPS cell types and render the tissue microenvironment more favorable for tissue repair by secreting various growth AF to potentiate their possible trophic effect hmscs were induced without genetic modification to adopt characteristics of SCs scs which provide trophic support for regenerating axons the induced hmscs shmscs adopted a sclike morphology and expressed scspecific proteins including the p neurotrophin receptor which correlated with cellcycle exit in addition shmscs secreted higher amounts of several growth factors such as HGF hgf and VE growth factor vegf when compared with uninduced hmscs coculture of shmscs with neuroa cells significantly increased neurite outgrowth and cell proliferation but decreased cell death transplantation of shmscs in an ex vivo model of spinal cord injury dramatically enhanced axonal outgrowth which was mediated by hgf and vegf secretion and also decreased cell death these results demonstrate that shmscs could serve as an endogenous source of neurotrophic growth factors to facilitate axonal regeneration while at the same time protecting the resident cells at the site of tissue injury we propose that these induced hmscs without genetic modification are useful for autologous cell therapy to treat nervous system injury
[ 70 ]
[ "stearoylcoa desaturase" ]
dietary saturated fats have often been implicated in the promotion of obesity and related disorders it has been shown recently that saturated fats act through the transcription factor srebpc sterol RII elementbinding proteinc and its requisite coactivator peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptorgamma coactivatorbeta pgcbeta to exert their prolipogenic effects we show here that a diet high in the saturated fat stearate induces lipogenic genes in WT with the induction of the scd SCD gene preceding that of other lipogenic genes however in scd mice stearate does not induce lipogenesis and srebpc and pgcbeta C2 are markedly reduced instead genes of FAO such as cpt carnitine palmitoyltransferase as well as pgcalpha are induced mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation is increased and WG adipose tissue and hepatic glycogen stores are depleted in stearatefed scd mice furthermore ampactivated protein kinase is also induced by stearate feeding in scd mice these results indicate that the desaturation of saturated fats such as stearate by scd is an essential step mediating their induction of lipogenesis in the absence of scd stearate promotes oxidation leading to protection from saturated fatinduced obesity scd thus serves as a molecular switch in the promotion or prevention of lipidinduced disorders brought on by consumption of excess saturated fat
[ 16 ]
[ "human leukemia" ]
interactions between the CDI FP fp and TN factor tnfrelated apoptosisinducing ligand trailapol were examined in HL-60 cells u and jurkat coexposure of cells to marginally toxic concentrations of trail and fp h synergistically increased mitochondrial injury eg cytochrome c aif smacdiablo release cytoplasmic depletion of bax activation of bid as well as ICE and parp cleavage and apoptosis coadministration of trail markedly increased fpinduced apoptosis in leukemic cells ectopically expressing bcl bclxl or a phosphorylation loopdeleted form of bcl deltabcl whereas lethality was substantially att in cells ectopically expressing crma dominantnegativefadd or dominantnegativecaspase trailfp induced no discernible changes in flip dr dr mcl or survivin expression modest declines in levels of dcr and ciap but resulted in the marked transcriptional downregulation of xiap moreover cells stably expressing an xiapantisense construct exhibited a pronounced increase in trail sensitivity comparable to degrees of apoptosis achieved with trailfp conversely enforced xiap expression significantly attenuated ICE activation and trailfp lethality together these findings suggest that simultaneous activation of the intrinsic and extrinsic AI pathways by trail and fp synergistically induces apoptosis in human one cells through a mechanism that involves fpmediated xiap downregulation
[ 119 ]
[ "eicosapentaenoic" ]
a dramatic rise in the incidence of obesity in the us has accelerated the search for interventions that may impact this epidemic one recently recognized target for such intervention is adipose tissue which secretes a variety of bioactive substances including prostaglandins prostaglandin e₂ pge₂ has been shown to decrease lipolysis in adipocytes but limited studies have explored alternative mechanisms by which pge₂ might impact obesity such as adipogenesis or lipogenesis studies conducted on apcmin mice indicated that selective inhibition of the cyclooxygenase cox enzyme led to significant reductions in HFA synthase fas activity in AT suggesting lipogenic effects of pge₂ to further investigate whether these lipid mediators directly regulate lipogenesis we used tl adipocytes to determine the impact of EPA acid epa and celecoxib on pge₂ formation and fas used as a lipogenic marker both AA aa and epa dosedependently increased pge secretion from adipocytes aa was expectedly more potent and exhibiting at um dose a fold increase in pge₂ secretion over epa despite higher secretion of pge by epa and aa compared to control neither pufa significantly altered fas activity by contrast both aa and epa significantly decreased fas mrna levels addition of celecoxib a selective cox inhibitor significantly decreased pge₂ secretion p versus control and also sigplay a propensity to form interactions with protein residues other than their nearest neighbors along the helix the detailed picture of the spin label emerging from the md simulations provides useful insight into the molecular origins of the available spectroscopic and crystallographic data
[ 59 ]
[ "complete remission rate" ]
this report provides LT results of the treatment of patients with newlydiagnosed aml with a single high dose of mitoxantrone combined with once daily Ara-C onehundred and sixtyfive patients treated on four studies of highdose mitoxantronebased induction therapy are included patients with a prior antecedent hematologic disorder were eligible the median followup time is months ci months the overall CR was with responses in of patients less than years of age and of patients years of age or older the median duration of response is months and months and overall survival is months and months respectively for a subset of patients who would be eligible for most us trials the CR remission rate was in younger patients and in older patients the median duration of response was and months and the median overall survival was and months respectively the tau of these regimens compared favorably to results reported with standard regimens use of a oncedaily Ara-C regimen resulted in almost no neurotoxicity and allowed for administration of consolidation in the outpatient setting
[ 11 ]
[ "dimethyl formamide" ]
extractive distillation ed processes for separating ternary mixtures of benzenecyclohexanetoluene with DMF dmf and nmethylpyrrolidone nmp were studied using aspen plus and proii simulators the aspen plus builtin binary interaction parameters for the toluenedmf benzenenmp and cyclohexanenmp systems resulted in inaccurate phase SMB calculations the vaporliquid equilibrium vle for the three binary systems was regressed to illustrate the importance of using accurate MM parameters the obtained binary interaction parameters described the phase SMB more accurately compared with the builtin binary interaction parameters in aspen plus in this T0 the effects of the regressed and builtin binary interaction parameters on the ed process design are presented the total annual cost tac was calculated to further illustrate the importance of the regressed binary interaction parameters the results show that phase SMB and thermodynamic model parameters should receive more attention during the research and development of ed processes
[ 41 ]
[ "lifraumeni syndrome" ]
lifraumeni syndrome is a familial CA syndrome characterized by different PT and hereditary p mutations here a chronic myeloid leukemialike syndrome case in a lifraumeni syndrome family with del p cytogenetic abnormality was presented a hereditary p mutation proser supported the LFS diagnosis in this family this syndromeodel and a stochastic differential equation model are compared for a population experiencing demographic and environmental variability it is assumed that the environment produces random changes in the per capita birth and death rates which are independent from the inherent random demographic variations in the number of births and deaths for any time interval an existence and uniqueness result is proved for the stochastic differential equation system similarities between the models are demonstrated analytically and computational results are provided to show that estimated persistence times for the three stochastic models are generally in good PA when the models satisfy certain consistency conditions
[ 213 ]
[ "health care provider" ]
after decades of global response to irondeficiency anemia lessons learned from antenatal ironfolic acid ifa supplementation can inform new micronutrient supplementation efforts the world health organization recommends calcium supplementation for the prevention of preeclampsia however little is documented on how to design programs to integrate calcium into the SOC twenty interviews with Pr women and interviews with health providers and volunteers in two districts in ethiopia were conducted to examine how barriers and facilitators to antenatal care ifa supplementation and initial reactions to calcium supplements and regimen might influence adherence and inform future programs women viewed supplementation positively but cited lack of information on benefits and risks forgetfulness and inconsistent ifa supply as challenges though knowledge and awareness of anemia and ifa supplements were widespread preeclampsia was mostly unknown some PS of preeclampsia were viewed as normal in pregnancy making it difficult to convey risk to motivate supplement use some women viewed coconsumption of ifa and calcium as potentially harmful and were confused regarding the simultaneous risks of anemia and hypertension understood as low and high blood C2 in pregnancy however most said they would take both ifa and calcium supplements if provided with supplements and counseling on purpose and benefits strategies such as social support from families stronger communitybased counseling and increased HCP and community awareness of preeclampsia are critical for women to understand the benefits of supplementation and resolve confusion caused by current descriptors used for anemia and hypertension
[ 0 ]
[ "adjuvantinduced arthritis" ]
AIA aa is thought to be a MM for exp chronic stress that has as main features decreased ACTH hormone acth plasma C2 and a rise in ME content of arginine vasopressin avp due to the activity of substance p in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis eae another chronic stress MM the role of substance p action is not clear in this paper we tried to clarify the role of substance p in lewis rats which are susceptible to this disease eae was induced using BP plus CR freunds adjuvant injected into the hind limbs one day later injections of an antagonist to substance p rp saline and substance p were po daily for days through a stainless steel cannula into the lateral ventricle of the brain and then the rats were killed the rats were divided into CG of controls sham diseased controls no intracerebroventricular i.v. and eae injected intracerebroventricularly plasma was used for the quantification of acth and corticosterone but not avp which was assayed in hypothalamic ME extracts in noninjected diseased rats the plasma levels of acth and corticosterone were significantly higher than in noninjected control rats whereas the avp concentrations in the ME were unchanged the substance p antagonist did not affect the levels of these hormones in plasma or the ME substance p decreased the plasma C2 of acth and corticosterone but did not increase the median eminence content of vasopressin administration of the antagonist min before an equivalent dose of substance p increased the plasma levels of the two hormones but did not NC the content of avp based on the lack of response to the antagonist rp we suggest that the substance p has different roles in eae and aa at least in the later stages of eae after days of immunization
[ 63 ]
[ "transverse electromagnetic" ]
the conditions for thz radiation generation caused by electron transittime resonance in momentum and real spaces under optical phonon emission are analyzed for nitridebased materials and their structures it is shown that such a mechanism provides a unique possibility to realize subthz and thz radiation generation at the border between the electrooptical and electronic techniques by using two alternative approaches i amplification of TEM waves in d bulk materials and d quantum wells and ii longitudinal currentfield instabilities in submicron and micron nnn diodes estimations of frequency regions output SP and efficiency of the generation demonstrate that nitrides are promising materials for thz radiation generation
[ 92 ]
[ "positive control" ]
phosphodiesterases pdes are enzymes that degrade CN the calciumcalmodulin dependent pde type pde and the cyclic adenosine monophosphate campspecific pde type pde have been implicated in sperm function we tested the hypothesis that TPS pdes regulate capacitation of bovine sperm in a manner independent of those that mediate motility our objectives were to determine the effects of inhibiting pde and pde on capacitation and motility and to compare these effects to those of heparin which is necessary for capacitation of bull sperm in vitro fresh sperm were supplemented either with microgml heparin PC or the pde inhibitors vinpocetine TPS for pde and rolipram specific for pde and then incubated for hours at and hours samples were assayed for capacitation and motility parameters according to the chlortetracycline ctc FL pattern b and computerassisted sperm analysis respectively a higher percentage of ctc DP b sperm relative to heparin controls was observed at and hours when sperm were incubated with vinpocetine T3 hours the percentage of heparin and vinpocetinetreated sperm showing DP b did not differ p rolipram did not affect ctc patterns p n vinpocetine and heparin both reduced the percentage of progressively motile sperm T3 and hours but vinpocetine reduced it more than heparin p n rolipram transiently increased linearity versus sperm with heparin p n to further test the hypothesis that pde inhibition permits capacitation we conducted in IVF vinpocetine did not support the ability of sperm to penetrate rat oocytes n although camp regulation by pde may occur early during capacitation downstream events appear to prevent full capacitation from occurring prematurely
[ 64 ]
[ "rectus abdominis" ]
breast reconstruction using autologous tissue is commonly accomplished using the transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous tram flap the establishment of microvascular surgery led to the OD of the free tram flap because of its increased vascularity and decreased rectus abdominis sacrifice the musclesparing free tram diep and siea flap techniques followed in an effort to decrease abdominal donor site morbidity by decreasing injury to the RA muscle and fascia data have accumulated over the past decade that show that muscle and fasciasparing techniques such as the use of diep flaps result in measurably better postoperative ABD strength however musclesparing techniques do not appear to decrease the risk of abdominal bulging or hernia and there are no significant differences in patientreported ABD weakness or PET impairments the siea flap is presented as a reemerging method that can virtually eliminate abdominal donor site morbidity sensory nerve coaptation to improve reconstructed breast sensation is also reviewed
[ 82 ]
[ "pregnant" ]
persistent left superior VC lsvc is a rare congenital anomaly which can add difficulties in placing defibrillation leads and achieving good defibrillation thresholds previous reports described placement of leads at or near the RA v optimal and ventricular sensing and pacing thresholds were good our case demonstrates that pacemaker implantation under the guidance of electrophysiologic signals and TTE imaging with only a short view by pulsed fluoroscopy in order to verify the correct lead position is an ERP and welltolerated procedure in Pr women
[ 116 ]
[ "first thoracic" ]
recent clinical and exp data on the long qt syndrome lqts are presented and discussed the pathogenesis of lqts is dependent on an imbalance between various components of the cardiac sympathetic innervation a congenital decreased activity through the RA cardiac sympathetic nerves seems to be the more likely pathogenetic mechanism for the majority of cases other forms of sympathetic imbalance including left or even RA hyperactivity are however possible in isolated cases betablockers at full blocking dose represent the therapy of choice and are greatly effective in reducing the mortality from per cent to per cent if syncopal attacks are not eliminated by the medical therapy the the ablation of the left SG along with the T1 ganglia is the most rational and TPS therapy the possiblity for the correctly diagnosed and treated patients to escape an otherwise impending death calls urgently for DWI of the knowledge about the long qt syndrome
[ 6 ]
[ "progressive bulbar palsy" ]
we report a yearold man with PBP and respiratory failure he was well until his years of the age december when he noted a difficulty in speaking in loud voice in february he noted regurgitation of foods to his nose and difficulty in his speech he was admitted to our service in may on admission he was alert and oriented to all spheres and he was not demented his higher cerebral functions were normal in cranial nerves he showed dysarthria and dysphagia muscle atrophies were seen i with pcbs although subsequent analysis suggested that toxic thermal degradation products of pcbs in the oil rather than the pcbs were responsible for the observed health effects commercial production of pcbs in the united states was discontinued in several RII and advisory agencies have categorized pcbs as animal carcinogens however studies of workers exposed to high doses of pcbs over long periods of time have not demonstrated an increased CA risk in fact the only health effects that could be attributed to pcbs were skin and eye irritation recent studies of the possible effects of prenatal SE to pcbs on neurodevelopment in infants and children have been criticized for methodological deficiencies there is no conclusive evidence that pcb C2 in the GP are causing intellectual deterioration in children exposed in utero some investigators have also suggested that pcbs and other chemicals in the environment can interfere with the bodys endocrine system leading to infertility certain types of CA and other hormonerelated disorders evidence for estrogenic effects of environmental pcbs remains weak and circumstantial the following actions are recommended development of innovative costeffective remediation techniques particularly for sites that are difficult to remediate eg river sediments and scientifically based improvements to risk assessment to reduce the considerable uncertainty associated with pcb exposure to health effects in humans
[ 0 ]
[ "premature ejaculation" ]
PE pe is the most prevalent male SD this is associated with negative personal and interpersonal psychological outcomes the pharmacologic treatment of pe includes the use of antidepressants local anesthetic agents and phosphodiesterase type inhibitors while numerous treatments can control pe only ADs and topical anesthetic creams and sprays have recently been shown to be more effective this review focuses on the physiology and pharmacology of ejaculation the pathophysiology of pe and the most ERP pharmacological treatment of pe pharmacotherapy of pe with offlabel shortacting selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ssris is common ERP and safe dapoxetine a ssri with a short halflife has been recently evaluated for the treatment of pe by several countries and results are promising in clinical practice followup SE are an important part of the management strategy for pe the understanding of etiology pathophysiology and treatment modalities of pe would be beneficial to clinician in helping patients with this disappointing sexual problem
[ 19 ]
[ "ischaemic stroke" ]
the assessment of carotid atherosclerotic disease is an essential prerequisite for determining a patients suitability for CE to prevent IS catheter angiography is regarded as the most accurate investigative tool for this purpose however with its finite morbidity and invasiveness there is an increasing reliance upon noninvasive methods to accurately assess carotid disease we present a review of the technique and applications of CTA
[ 8 ]
[ "disintegrin and metalloprotease" ]
the adam gene encodes a member of a ADAM family which after overexpression in alzheimers disease ad prevents amyloid pathology and improves longterm potentiation and SM a common polymorphism rs within adam has been recently associated with the risk of developing ad in europeans in order to assess the involvement of the adam polymorphism in the risk of developing LOAD load we analyzed the genotype and allele distributions of the adam rs polymorphism in northern han chinese subjects the results revealed no significant differences in the distributions of S2 or TT between load and control groups however when these data were stratified by the apolipoprotein e apoe ε status in the subjects with apoe ε there were significant differences in the allele p and TT p moreover logistic regression analysis revealed that the rs polymorphism presented strong associations with load in the recessive MM or ci p this T0 suggests that the rs polymorphism in adam gene could modify the risk for load in a northern han chinese population
[ 60 ]
[ "malt extract agar" ]
cystoderma amianthinum one of edible fungi belongs to agaricaceae of basidiomycota has a good taste and flavor this T0 was carried out to obtain the basic informations for the optimum mycelial growth of c amianthinum the optimal conditions for the mycelial growth were ℃ and ph in PDA pda c amianthinum showed the favorable growth in the pda and yeast MEA yma the favorable carbon and nitrogen sources promoting mycelial growth were fructose and histidine respectively the optimum cn ratio was about in case that gl was supplemented to the BM as a carbon source
[ 35 ]
[ "cerebral palsy" ]
sialorrhoea drooling is defined as the involuntary escape of saliva from the mouth it is considered normal in young children but may cause social problems in older children sialorrhoea is frequently seen in children with CP with rates between and and in other neurodevelopmental diseases management of these children can be challenging and often requires an individual and stepwise approach this is a large case series of children managed at the saliva control clinic in glasgow scotland
[ 38 ]
[ "interferon alfab" ]
treatment with polyethylene glycolmodified interferon alfaa peginterferon alone produces significantly higher sustained antiviral responses than treatment with IFN CT in patients with CH c virus hcv infection we compared the tau and safety of peginterferon alfaa plus ribavirin IFN plus ribavirin and peginterferon alfaa CT in the initial treatment of CH c thirtytwo patients were randomly assigned to treatment and received at least one dose of medication consisting of microg of peginterferon alfaa QW plus daily ribavirin or mg depending on body weight n weekly peginterferon alfaa plus daily placebo n or three million units of interferon alfab thrice weekly plus daily ribavirin for weeks n more patients who received peginterferon alfaa plus ribavirin had a SVR defined as the absence of detectable hcv rna weeks T3 cessation of therapy than patients who received interferon alfab plus ribavirin vs or peginterferon alfaa plus placebo the overall safety profiles of the three treatment regimens were similar in conclusion for patients with CH c onceweekly peginterferon alfaa plus ribavirin was tolerated as well as interferon alfab plus ribavirin and produced significant improvements in the rate of sustained viral reduction compared with interferon alfab plus ribavirin or peginterferon alfaa alone
[ 25 ]
[ "hypertensive subjects" ]
to evaluate the effect of sodium and fructose restriction on mitochondrial dna mtdna content and SVR oxidative AS in a sample of overweight and pre HT
[ 97 ]
[ "glucose" ]
AS SN have a high demand for energy substrate which is thought to be mainly supplied as lactate by astrocytes heavy lactate dependence of neuronal activity suggests that there may be a mechanism that detects and controls lactate levels andor gates brain activation accordingly here we demonstrate that orexin SN can behave as such lactate sensors using acute brain slice S9 and patchclamp techniques we show that the MCT1 blocker alphacyanohydroxycinnamate cin inhibits the spontaneous activity of orexin neurons despite the presence of extracellular glucose furthermore fluoroacetate a glial toxin inhibits orexin SN in the presence of gl but not lactate thus orexin neurons specifically use astrocytederived lactate the effect of lactate on firing activity is concentration dependent an essential characteristic of lactate sensors furthermore lactate disinhibits and sensitizes these SN for subsequent excitation cin has no effect on the activity of some arcuate neurons indicating that lactate dependency is not universal orexin neurons show an indirect concentrationdependent sensitivity to gl below mm responding by hyperpolarization which is mediated by atpsensitive potassium channels composed of kir and sur subunits in conclusion our study suggests that lactate is a critical energy substrate and a regulator of the orexin system together with the known effects of orexins in inducing arousal food intake and HGP as well as lactate PR from astrocytes in response to neuronal activity our T0 suggests that orexin neurons play an integral part in balancing brain activity and energy supply
[ 59 ]
[ "memory" ]
although heredity mostly relies on the transmission of dna CS additional molecular and cellular features are heritable across several generations in the nematode caenorhabditis elegans insights into such unconventional inheritance result from two lines of work first the mortal germline mrt phenotype was defined as a multigenerational phenotype whereby a selfing lineage becomes sterile after several generations implying multigenerational SM second certain rnai effects are heritable over several generations in the absence of the initial trigger both lines of work converged when the subset of mrt mutants that are heat CS were found to closely correspond to mutants defective in the rnaiinheritance machinery including histone modifiers here we report the surprising finding that several c elegans wild isolates display a heatsensitive mortal germline phenotype in laboratory conditions upon chronic SE to higher temperatures such as °c lines reproducibly become sterile T3 several generations this phenomenon is reversible as it can be suppressed by temperature alternations at each generation suggesting a nongenetic basis for the sterility we tested whether NK variation in the temperatureinduced mrt phenotype was of genetic nature by building RI lines between the isolates my mrt and ju nonmrt using bulk segregant analysis we detected two quantitative trait loci T3 further recombinant mapping and genome editing we identified the major causal locus as a polymorphism in the set gene encoding a set and spkdomain protein we conclude that c elegans natural populations may harbor NK genetic variation in epigenetic inheritance phenomena
[ 194 ]
[ "human prostate" ]
the enrichment of putative cdcdlow breast stem cell populations following SE to ionizing radiation ir has been ascribed to their inherent radioresistance and an elevated frequency of symmetric division during repopulation however recent studies demonstrating radiationinduced phenotypic reprogramming the transition of noncdcdlow cells into the cdcdlow phenotype as a potential mechanism of cdcdlow cell enrichment have raised the questioel anthracene based fluorescent probe containing benzothiazole group bfa was designed and synthesized the cation binding properties of bfa were studied in the presence of various cations both uvvis and fluorescence spectroscopic studies indicated that bfa was highly sensitive and selective toward trivalent cations cr and fe while there was no response to monovalent divalent cations and also al ion the interaction of bfa with cr and fe caused a significant enhancement in emission intensity due to the combination of a unique anthracenyl static excimer formation the restricted cn isomerization and the suppression of highly efficient PET pet process the PCD limits of bfa for cr and fe were and µm which presented a pronounced sensitivity toward cr and fe respectively also possible utilization of bfa as bioimaging fluorescent probe to detect cr and fe in PC-3 CA cell lines was observed by CFM
[ 129 ]
[ "serum pepsinogen" ]
gastric mucosal lesions are common in patients with cirrhosis among them snake skin DP gastropathy sspg is the most distinguishing one a prospective T0 was conducted to investigate the incidence of sspg in cirrhotic patients the relationship between the degree of portal pressure and sspg and the possible association of sspg with SS C2 of gastrin and pepsinogen i sspg was found to be significantly more common in cirrhotic patients than in age and sexmatched healthy controls vs p less than hepatic venous pressure gradient and SS gastrin and pepsinogen i C2 were measured in cirrhotic patients with sspg and cirrhotics without sspg there was no significant difference in hepatic A-V pressure gradient mmhg vs mmhg p greater than SS gastrin level pgml vs pgml p greater than and PG i level ngml vs ngml p greater than in cirrhotic patients with or without sspg in conclusion sspg is common in cirrhotic patients portal pressure per se may not be the only factor causing sspgother aggressive factors may be needed together to cause the gastropathy there is no evidence of correlation between serum gastrin or pepsinogen i level and sspg
[ 28 ]
[ "auditoryvisual" ]
unexpected and taskirrelevant sounds can capture our attention and may cause distraction effects reflected by impaired performance in a primary task unrelated to the perturbing sound the present AV oddball T0 examines the effect of the informational content of a sound on the performance in a visual discrimination task the informational content was modulated by varying the soundtarget interval and the probability of target occurrence effects of informational content were examined with two types of distractors a burst of WG noise deviant and environmental sounds novel behavioral results reveal the following novel and deviant sounds do not necessarily cause behavioral distraction effects when they are uninformative with respect to both time and probability of occurrence of a visual target novel but not deviant sounds cause an unspecific bias toward facilitation the informational content of taskirrelevant sounds speeds reaction times indicating the use of information not directly related to the task for enhancing performance it is suggested that performance in deviant and novel trials is the sum of the costs of attentional orienting and benefits of information as well as benefits of unspecific activation for novels
[ 0 ]
[ "small heterodimer partner" ]
SHP shp nrb is an orphan nuclear receptor and acts as a repressor for wide variety of nuclear hormone receptors we demonstrated here that mouse shp mrna showed a circadian expression pattern in the CL transient transfection of the mshp promoter demonstrated that clockbmal core circadian clock components bound to ebox cacgtg and stimulated the promoter activity by fold CL receptor homologue lrh nra stimulated the mshp promoter and clockbmal synergistically enhanced the lrhmediated TA interestingly shp did not affect the clockbmalmediated promoter activity but strongly repressed the synergistic activation of clockbmal and lrh furthermore in vitro pulldown assays revealed the existence of direct PPI between lrh and clock in summary this study shows that clockbmal lrh and shp coordinately regulate the mshp gene to generate the circadian oscillation the cyclic expression of mshp may affect daily activity of other nuclear receptors and contribute to circadian CL functions
[ 65 ]
[ "contrastdetail" ]
for months a prototype digital subtraction system was used to obtain images of the cerebral vasculature T3 intraarterial contrast injections in instances the intraarterial i.v. were recorded with both a digital subtraction unit and conventional direct magnification filmscreen system the digital subtraction and conventional film subtraction images were compared and graded for quality and information content by three skilled observers in addition quantitative measurements of CD performance and spatial resolution were obtained on both the digital system and the screenfilm imaging chain in a clinical setting both the digital subtraction and conventional filmscreen systems provided similar SQ images and angiographic information CD curves demonstrated that digital subtraction angiography outperformed conventional film technique for lowcontrast objects DS angiography also reduced the time required to obtain the angiogram markedly reduced film cost and lowered the contrast agent burden
[ 91 ]
[ "complete donor chimerism" ]
pediatric renal cell carcinoma rcc is rare and different from AD rcc although target agents have recently been introduced allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation exploiting graftversustumor effect still remains an important treatment option for metastatic rcc a yearold male with rcc developed hepatic metastases months following RN and subsequent cytokine therapy allogeneic reducedintensity stem cell transplantation rist with early withdrawal of immunosuppression and delayed donor lymphocyte infusions was performed a second transplantation was undertaken following marrow aplasia now he remains PFS with regression of hepatic metastases years after rist along with CC
[ 8 ]
[ "hypothalamicpituitary" ]
galanin is a peptide widely distributed in the HP axis in the female rat PIT galanin is mainly present in lactotrophs where it regulates their secretion and proliferation galanin expression is increased in oestrogeninduced prolactinomas and it has been proposed that oestrogen effects on lactotroph function and proliferation could be mediated by galanin previous studies from our laboratory demonstrated that the synthetic progestin levonorgestrel antagonizes PIT tumorigenesis of rats given oestrogen reducing the number of proliferating cells and increasing cell death by nonapoptotic mechanisms to elucidate the role of galanin in levonorgestrel effects on the tumours we examined galanin and prolactin mrna and peptide expression in prolactinomas of rats receiving the progestin levonorgestrel reduced the pituitary weight and serum prolactin concentrations in oestrogentreated rats galanin mrna expression determined by in situ hybridization and the number of galanin expressing cells determined by immunocytochemistry were also reduced by the progestin in tumourbearing rats however neither prolactin mrna content nor the number of prolactinexpressing cells were modified by levonorgestrel treatment of oestrogenreceiving rats the present T0 suggests that levonorgestrel controls pituitary growth by diminishing galanin expression in contrast changes in SS prolactin concentration seem to be more related to the reduction in tumour size since the reduction in galanin expression was not C1 enough to regulate prolactin mrna expression or the percentage of lactotrophs
[ 20 ]
[ "hiatal hernia" ]
the manometric recording of LES les has been made in patients who have undergone surgical apposition of angelchik prosthesis for HH the patients underwent an esophageal manometric T0 in the preoperative period one month and one year after the intervention in the preoperative patients the mean les pressure was mmhg and there was sphincterial incoordination to peristaltic waves after swallow in one month postoperative patients the lesp was mmhg p less than and one year T3 the lesp was p less than with an ameliorated coordination of the les activity in response to swallow therefore during postoperative manometric controls the authors identified a OHP subdiaphragmatic zone unmodified by deglutitory acts which was not present in the preoperative investigation probably the presence of this zone would been explained as a consequence of mechanical action of the prosthesis and the postsurgical fibrinoreaction around the prosthesis the authors discussed the results obtained and their importance to angelchik prosthesis employment for surgical correction of hiatal hernia
[ 16 ]
[ "ribonucleoprotein complex" ]
sgrs is an hfqbinding small antisense rna that is induced upon phosphosugar stress it forms a RNP with rnase e through hfq to mediate silencing of the target ptsg mrna encoding the membrane component of the glucosespecific phosphoenolpyruvate phosphotransferase system although sgrs is believed to act on ptsg mrna through base pairing between complementary regions this was not previously tested experimentally we addressed the question of whether sgrs indeed forms an rnarna duplex with ptsg mrna to exert its RII function specific single nucleotide substitutions around the SD sd CS of ptsg CR eliminated sgrs action while compensatory mutations in sgrs restored it a systematic mutational analysis of both ptsg and sgrs rnas revealed that six base pairs around sd CS of ptsg are particularly important for sgrs action we also showed in vitro that sgrs forms a SD duplex with the ptsg mrna and that hfq markedly facilitates the rate of duplex formation
[ 167 ]
[ "high flow" ]
kinetic exclusion analysis kinexabased immunosensors and ELISA assays elisa have been developed and validated for measurement of five different CA markers in biological specimens these markers were deoxycytidine dcyd hydroxydeoxyguanosine hdg carbohydrate antigen ca αfetoprotein afp and βsubunit of human chorionic gonadotropin βhcg the kinexabased assays were conducted on the kinexa™ SF-36 the elisa assays employed the competitive immunoassay format for dcyd and hdg however they employed the direct sandwichtype format for ca afp and βhcg each assay was validated in terms of its limit of detection working range precision profile and accuracy the analytical performances of the kinexabased sensors were found to be superior to the elisa for the five markers the data demonstrated that the format of the assay may influence its performance characteristics sensitivity precision etc even when exactly the same reagents are employed the superior performance of the kinexa format is most likely due to the high surface area of beads containing the immobilized capture in the flow cell of the instrument the HF rate of the reagents passing through the beads which minimizes the diffusion limitations at the reaction surface and the limited time that the antibody is in contact with the capture reagent the kinexabased assays exhibited three noteworthy properties compared with elisa avoiding the problems of mass transport limitations and mobility effects kinexa analysis with automated sampling increase the assay convenience and providing high sensitivity with a lower limit of PCD and better precision than elisa the proposed kinexabased immunosensors are anticipated to have a great value in measurement of the CA markers where more confident results are needed
[ 14 ]
[ "granulocytemonocyte" ]
eosinophil lineagecommitted progenitors eops are phenotypically isolatable in the steadystate mu bone marrow purified CFU-GM progenitors gmps gave rise to eosinophils as well as neutrophils and monocytes at the single cell level within the ST culture of gmps the eosinophil potential was found exclusively in cells activating the transgenic reporter for gata a transcription factor capable of instructing eosinophil lineage commitment these gataactivating cells possessed an ilralphacdckitlo phenotype normal bone marrow cells also contained ilralphacdckitlo eops that gave rise exclusively to eosinophils eops significantly increased in number in response to helminth infection suggesting that the eop stage is physiologically involved in eosinophil production in vivo eops expressed eosinophilrelated genes such as the eosinophil peroxidase and the L1 basic protein but did not express basophilmast cellrelated mast cell PRs the enforced retroviral expression of ilralpha in gmps did not enhance the frequency of eosinophil lineage readouts whereas ilralpha gmps displayed normal neutrophilmonocyte differentiation in the presence of il alone thus ilralpha might be expressed specifically at the eop stage as a result of commitment into the eosinophil lineage the newly identified eops could be the cellular target in the treatment of a variety of disorders mediated by eosinophils
[ 2 ]
[ "bureau of labor statistics" ]
in the BLS began collecting data from selected states workers compensation files the data include information on fatalities within threedigit occupations the fatality data were combined with information on employment within threedigit occupations to produce estimates of mortality within occupations loggers and asbestos workers appear to have the most dangerous blue collar jobs and airplane pilots the most dangerous white collar jobs
[ 41 ]
[ "antibodysecreting cells" ]
rituximab is a therapeutic anticd antibody used for in vivo depletion of B1 in proliferative and autoimmune diseases however the mechanisms of action are not fully understood since not all of the therapymediated effects can be explained by the SD of ASCs in addition to B1 there is also a small population of t cells coexpressing cd in all individuals this study was conducted to examine the phenotype and function of cdcd TA in patients with rheumatoid arthritis ra and HCs
[ 0 ]
[ "combined modality treatment" ]
CMT cmt of chemotherapy followed by localized radiotherapy is standard treatment for patients with early stage HD however the role of radiotherapy has been questioned recently and some clinical T0 CG advocate chemotherapy only for this indication we thus performed a systematic review with metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials comparing chemotherapy CT with cmt in patients with early stage HD lymphoma with respect to response rate RT control and overall survival os we searched medline embase and the cochrane library as well as conference proceedings from january to february for randomized controlled trials comparing chemotherapy alone versus the same chemotherapy regimen plus radiotherapy progression free survival and similar outcomes were analyzed together as RT control effect measures used were hazard ratios for os and tumor control as well as relative risks for CR response cr metaanalyses were performed using revman five randomized controlled trials involving patients were included the hazard ratio hr was confidence interval ci to for tumor control and ci to for os for patients receiving cmt compared to chemotherapy CT cr rates were similar between treatment groups in sensitivity analyses another trials were included that did not fulfill the inclusion criteria of our protocol but were considered relevant to the topic these trials underlined the results of the main analysis in conclusion adding radiotherapy to chemotherapy improves RT control and os in patients with early stage hodgkins lymphoma
[ 80 ]
[ "litter size" ]
we examined the effects of environmental and genetic factors on the weaningtoestrus interval wei in sows in order to perform the analyses of the environmental factors observations of the st to the th wei were carried out while observations of the st to the rd wei were carried out for the analyses of genetic AF the environmental MM included as fixed effects herd genetic line year and season of birth as well as the covariates age of sow at farrowing LS at birth and lactation length genetic analysis was performed by repeatability and multitrait models the mean and coefficient of R2 for wei were days and respectively the linear effect of lactation length and the quadratic effect of the age of sow at farrowing affected the wei herd year and season of farrowing were significant sources of R2 for wei and there was no influence of genetic line or of litter size at birth heritability estimated by the repeatability MM was while heritabilities obtained by the multitrait MM were and for the first three wei respectively estimates of genetic correlations among the different wei were of moderate to low magnitude it was concluded that environmental factors such as year and season of farrowing lactation length age of sow at farrowing and herd should be considered in the MM for best estimation of genetic parameters for this trait although with only a small possible genetic gain selection can be made based on the first wei
[ 154 ]
[ "spermatogonia" ]
the seminiferous epithelium of prepubertal pubertal and adult macaca irus syn macaca fascicularis cynomolgus monkey was studied histologically the testicular weight roughly doubled each year up to years after birth whereafter a fold increase occurred with puberty during the first year the abundant interstitial connective tissue present at birth was replaced by seminiferous cords that expanded by longitudinal growth few changes were seen within the tubules up to years adark and apale SPG were already present in the stillborn monkeys before puberty much more adark than apale SPG were counted the adap ratio varying between and before puberty and between and in the AD b spermatogonia were present in small numbers after the first year at puberty large numbers of spermatocytes and spermatids were found small testis fragments were incubated with hthymidine and processed for autoradiography very few labelled adark spermatogonia were found both before and T3 puberty the labelling index li for apale SPG was constant before puberty but increased to thereafter the li for b SPG was in the AD before puberty the li of sertoli cells was low but constant no labelled sertoli cells were observed in AD monkeys it is discussed that proliferating AD type a spermatogonia are present between birth and puberty but that in contrast to the adult situation differentiation of these cells into b SPG is limited
[ 62 ]
[ "wistarkyoto rats" ]
previous studies have shown that the spontaneously hypertensive rat shr has a preference for nacl solution over water as a drinking fluid this preference was decreased by chronic treatment of shr with intracerebroventricular captopril an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor although other strains of rats were compared to shr no studies that we are aware of have been reported in renal hypertensive rats WK were sham operated or had a silver clip id mm placed on the left renal artery to produce renovascular hypertension three weeks later the rats were operated upon again to implant osmotic minipumps to deliver captopril or saline either into the RL BB IVT icv or into the peritoneal cavity ip the rats had a choice of nacl or TW during the T0 BPs were measured by a tail plysmographic method in the conscious rats the rats that became hypertensive showed a marked preference for saline treatment with captopril ip mumolkgday stimulated preference for saline but icv treatment mumolkgday decreased the preference for saline despite reductions in blood pressure in both CG of renal hypertensive rats these changes were not seen in renal hypertensive rats infused with saline the results suggest that captoprils antihypertensive effect in this MM of renal hypertension may be independent of the effects of the drug on preference to drink saline
[ 20 ]
[ "tracheoesophageal" ]
we report on a male newborn with multiple congenital CA consistent with the diagnosis of vacterl association vertebral anal cardiac TE fistula renal and limb anomalies who had fanconi anemia complementation group b recognized by the detection of a deletion in chromosome xp using an oligonucleotide array the diagnosis of fanconi anemia was confirmed by increased chromosomal breakage CA observed in cultured cells that were treated with crosslinking agents this is the first report in the literature of fanconi anemia complementation group b detected by oligonucleotide array testing postnatally
[ 36 ]
[ "electrospray ionisation" ]
the aim of this T0 is to elucidate the structure and investigate the hypolipidaemic activity of a fucoidan extracted from brown seaweed sargassum henslowianum collected at hai vanson cha peninsula hue province vietnam by using tandem ESI mass spectrometry the results demonstrated that the fucoidan has α → linked lfucopyranose backbone and sulphate groups occupied mostly at c c and sometimes at c position of fucose residues the results of in vivo bioactivity examination revealed that the fucoidan in the dose of mgkgpday by oral administration helped decrease cholesterol triglyceride and ldlcholesterol C2 on obese mice
[ 80 ]
[ "delayed response" ]
the parathyroid response to an edta infusion was measured in patients with HP and patients with normocalcaemic tetany and compared to that of normal controls and of HPT despite comparable basal pth values the patients with HP and the normocalcaemic patients with tetany following thyroid surgery responded less than normals to edta while normocalcaemic patients with tetany due to psychogenic HV responded more than normals in hypoparathyroidism mainly three types of results were observed no response total hypoparathyroidism diminished or DR partial hypoparathyroidism and discrepant results using different antisera in cases of IHP suggesting the secretion of immunologically abnormal pth in tetany due to psychogenic HV parathyroid hyperreactivity might be explained by repeated stimulation through respiratory alkalosis although the edta test rarely improved the diagnostic accuracy of basal pth measurements in primary hyperparathyroidism it was useful for differentiating between latent hypoparathyroidism and tetany due to psychogenic hyperventilation both presenting with NP calcium
[ 68 ]
[ "vascular access" ]
bacterial sepsis a L1 complication of CHD is due mainly to infections of the VA site despite increasing use of internal fistulas sixty episodes of septicemia occurred in two chronic dialysis centers with an incidence of episodes of significant bacteremia per patientdialysisyear in each fortyfour of the episodes were judged to be due to VA site infection by clinical bacteriologic and histologic criteria seventy percent of of the VA siterelated episodes were due to staphylococci and of to GNB nonvascular access siterelated episodes were often due to SPK site infections caused by GNB or streptococci mortality was about in both V1 access siterelated and nonrelated septic episodes bovine heterograft arteriovenous fistulas more often led to sepsis than did brescia arteriovenous fistulas treatment with AGA antibiotics was successful in most cases routine removal or ligation of the VA site was not necessary
[ 87 ]
[ "olfactory receptors" ]
within the CE nervous system the olfactory system fascinates by its developmental and physiological particularities and is one of the most studied models to understand the mechanisms underlying the guidance of growing axons to their appropriate targets a constellation of contactmediated laminins cams ephrins etc and secreted mechanisms semaphorins slits growth AF etc are known to play different roles in the establishment of synaptic interactions between the olfactory epithelium olfactory bulb ob and olfactory SC specific mechanisms of this system including the amazing family of about different ORs have been also proposed in the last years different reviews have focused in partial sights specially in the mechanisms involved in the formation of the ON but a detailed review of the mechanisms implicated in the OD of the connections among the different olfactory structures OE ob olfactory cortex remains to be written in the present work we afford this SR the different cellular and molecular mechanisms which rule the formation of the olfactory nerve the LOT and the intracortical connections as well as the few data available regarding the accessory olfactory system these mechanisms are compared and the implications of the differences and similarities discussed in this fundamental scenario of ontogeny
[ 171 ]
[ "propylene carbonate" ]
electrochemical double SL capacitors edlcs or supercapacitors rely on electrosorption of ions by porous carbon electrodes and offer a higher SP and a longer cyclic lifetime compared to batteries IL il electrolytes can broaden the operating voltage window and increase the ED of edlcs herein we present direct measurements of the ion dynamics of ethylmethylimidazolium bistrifluoromethylsulfonylimide in an operating edlc with electrodes composed of porous nanosized carbidederived carbons cdcs and nonporous onionlike carbons olcs with the use of in situ infrared spectroelectrochemistry for cdc electrodes il ions both cations and anions were directly observed entering and exiting cdc nanopores during charging and discharging of the edlc conversely for olc electrodes il ions were observed in close proximity to the olc surface without any change in the bulk electrolyte concentration during charging and discharging of the edlc this provides experimental evidence that charge is stored on the surface of olcs in olc edlcs without longrange ion transport through the bulk electrode in addition for cdc edlcs with mixed electrolytes of il and PC pc the il ions were observed entering and exiting cdc nanopores while pc entrance into the nanopores was il concentration dependent this work provides direct exp confirmation of edlc charging mechanisms that previously were restricted to computational simulations and theories the experimental measurements presented here also provide deep insights into the molecular level transport of il ions in edlc electrodes that will impact the design of the electrode materials structure for electrical SE storage
[ 94 ]
[ "delayed gastric emptying" ]
crf mediates numerous stressrelated endocrine autonomic metabolic and behavioral responses we present the synthesis and chemical and biological properties of astressin b analogues cyclodphenlecαmeleuglulysacetylhrcrf out of novel peptides and had ki to crf receptors in the high picomolar and low nanomole ranges respectively peptides and inhibited hrcrf and urocortin induced camp PR from att and ar cells when astressin c was administered to adrenalectomized rats at mg subcutaneously it inhibited acth PR for d additional rat data based on the inhibitory effect of on hrcrfinduced stimulation of colonic secretory motor activity and urocortin induced DGE also indicate a safe and longlasting antagonistic effect the overall properties of selected analogues may fulfill the criteria expected from clinical candidates
[ 8 ]
[ "activated protein c" ]
because plasma C2 of protein c pc or APC apc are altered in certain diseases associated with vascular dysfunction and apc has therapeutic potential in preventing microvascular coagulation in severe sepsis potential vascular effects of pc and apc were compared to those of the vasoactive peptide thrombin thrombin was a more potent relaxant agonist than contractile agonist in aorta unlike thrombin cumulatively po apc m did not exert V1 effects in rat or rb aorta noncumulative challenge of pc m and apc x m also did not contract rat or rabbit aortae either with or without endothelium likewise the same concentrations of pc and apc also did not relax norepinephrineinduced m vascular tone in either rat or rabbit aortae thus in contrast to thrombin pc and apc failed to modulate V1 tone suggesting that the therapeutic use of apc is unlikely to be accompanied by any direct effects on V1 motility
[ 94 ]
[ "reliable change" ]
the impact of cumulative occupational exposure to traumatic events tes posttraumatic AS pts symptoms and work environment stress on personality traits over time was examined in police officers from an urban agency CPI cpi personality trait scores from prehire evaluations were compared with followup cpi scores to test whether SE to traumatic events was correlated with changes in traits from baseline to T2 measures of occupational tes pts symptoms and police work environment stress were administered mean trait scores declined on all cpi traits analyzed in the study trait change was evaluated using the RC index NC in participants scores unlikely to occur by chance ranged from to in the traits examined all participants reported substantial te exposure pts PS were correlated with steeper decline in of traits with effect sizes ranging from r to r scores on measures of jobrelated tes were negatively correlated with only one cpi trait empathy at t r and were unrelated to Mw of trait change work environment AS was significantly related to gender with female officers reporting higher levels of operational r and organizational r AS
[ 115 ]
[ "methyl orange" ]
in the united states HR disease causes more than onethird of all deaths and most of these occur in women not men although women and HCPs alike continue to view death from heart disease as a threat primarily to MA men the disparity between genders in the incidence of cardiovascular disease cvd may be the result of significant differences in both cardiovascular risk AF and presentation between men and women this afeo composites exhibit high surface Az m g and their saturation magnetizations at k vary from to emu g depending respectively on different feo contents wt in the ctffeo composites the ctffeo composites were applied to remove organic dye from AQ solution by selecting MO as a model molecule and both high adsorption capacity mg g corresponding to mmol g and fast adsorption kinetics kads m mg min were observed
[ 65 ]
[ "second molar" ]
deep caries can induce severe inflammatory reactions however inflamed pulp can heal if the demineralization process is interrupted and inactivated sufficiently early the aim of this case report is to describe the use of stepwise excavation to treat a mature permanent tooth that exhibited deep caries and apical periodontitis a yearold girl was experiencing lingering pain lasting for a few T2 in the mandibular left M2 when drinking cold water clinical and radiographic examinations suggested that a conservative therapeutic RPA could be successful the tooth was anesthetized and isolated and the unsupported enamel was removed the remaining affected dentin was left on the pulpal floor which was protected by a thin layer of calcium hydroxide cement the tooth was sealed with temporary cement three months later pulpal sensitivity was reduced the pulp was found to be healthy at a month followup examination the cavity was definitively restored with GI and composite resin applied with the sandwich technique at the year followup the tooth remained PET presenting standard color and sa is because skilled nurses can make themselves relaxed and synchronize their state to the patients so if we can make people relaxed and synchronized intentionally by giving artificial stimulation the technique will be so valuable not only in the inheritance of injection skills but also in various medical situations including the care of aged nursing of infant and so on in this paper we focused on the synchronization of BB waves and examined the method of inducing the relaxed state and the synchronization in BB waves of subjects by giving a vibratory stimulation
[ 133 ]
[ "felodipine" ]
felodipine inhibits fmetleuphe or ionophore ainduced exocytosis in rb peritoneal polymorphonuclear WBCs pmns in the concentration range microm activation of the metabolic burst and migration of pmns towards fmetleuphe are equally inhibited by FEL in the same concentration range the effect is not due to blocking of calcium channels in the BPM because the degree of inhibition remains the same when ca is omitted from the medium felodipine interferes with ionophore ainduced association of ca with the pmn but this interference occurs at lower concentrations than the inhibition of exocytosis hypotonic hemolysis of erythrocytes is inhibited by FEL maximal protection against hemolysis occurs at a concentration of microm FEL it is suggested that at least a part of the inhibiting effect on pmn functions might be due to an anestheticlike membrane effect of FEL
[ 7 ]
[ "common peroneal" ]
in a series of patients cases of CP nerve palsy the common causes were trauma about the knee or about the hip compression and underlying neuropathy a few palsies occurred spontaneously for no apparent reason the prognosis was uniformly good in the compression group recovery was delayed but usually satisfactory in patients who had suffered stretch injuries in the acute stage when clinical paralysis appears to be complete EP studies are a useful guide to prognosis they may also indicate an underlying neuropathy and they detect early evidence of recovery the anatomical peculiarities of the CPN are noted and aspects of the clinical picture management and prognosis of palsy are discussed
[ 7 ]
[ "homozygous deletion" ]
to investigate the expression and alteration including HD and mutation of mts gene in precancerous lesions and squamous cell carcinomas scc of OM and to analyse the CF of mts gene alterationine the complex of coiibsa with a negative excess charge is repulsed by the dme the reduction current is very small the peak current depends on both bsa and coii ion concentrations hsa is similar to bsa in polarographic behavior at the optimal conditions the PH is linearly proportional to the bsa or hsa concentration in the range of mgl correlation coefficient the PCD limit for bsa or hsa is mgl lysozyme common amino acids and metal ions have no interference with the protein determination the new method could be useful in protein studies
[ 47 ]
[ "lateral rectus" ]
the authors reviewed the results of continuous intraoperative electromyographic emg monitoring of muscles innervated by cranial nerves in children whose preoperative imaging studies showed compression or infiltration of the fourth VVI floor by tumor to determine how intraoperative emg activity correlated with postoperative cranial nerve morbidity bilateral LR C6 and facial seventh nerve musculature were monitored in all children cranial nerve CF was documented immediately postoperatively and at year of the nerves monitored nine new neuropathies occurred in six children C6 nerve in four children and seventh nerve in five in five new neuropathies intraoperative emg activity could be correlated in one of four C6 nerve injuries and four of five seventh nerve injuries EMG could not be correlated in four children with new neuropathies of cranial nerves monitored that remained unchanged had no emg activity twelve cranial nerves three C6 SN and norosis risedronate is a firstchoice therapy option in the german guidelines of the dachverband osteologie for osteoporosis according to EBM criteria for the treatment of PMO OP of the elderly women aged years and glucocorticoidinduced osteoporosis there are few published economic evaluations of bisphosphonates in germany therefore an assessment of the costeffectiveness of ris utilizing a state transition markov model of established PM OP based on randomized clinical trial data was developed uncertainty underlying MM parameters and outcomes was dealt with using traditional sensitivity analysis and stochastic sensitivity analysis to produce quasi cls we focused on patients aged years since this population most closely matches the randomized controlled trial and is typical of osteoporosis patients in germany the baseline MM was a cohort of yearold women who received risedronate for years and were followed up for an overall observation period of years modelling transitions through estimated health states and evaluating outcomes over the year treatment period and year observation period risedronate dominated the current average basic treatment in germany in the risedronate group hip fractures were averted and qualityadjusted life years qalys were gained discounted values risedronate treatment saves costs for german social insurance the present net value of the associated costs from the perspective of german social insurance is symbol see text million if risedronate treatment is used versus symbol see text million if basic treatment is used thus net savings of symbol see text for the TG per treated women were calculated furthermore ris treatment is cost effective from the perspective of the statutory SHI with costs per averted hip fracture in the analyzed population of symbol see text and cost per qaly gained of symbol see text both results demonstrate costeffectiveness and are far below the accepted threshold level of symbol see text based on this analysis ris is a costeffective treatment for PMO within the german health care system offering benefits for OP patients and for budget decisionmakers
[ 38 ]
[ "regional hyperthermia" ]
modern CA care is characterized by a focus on organsparing multimodal treatments in the case of nonmuscleinvasive bladder cancer this is particularly true treatment is focused on reducing the frequency of lowrisk recurrences and preventing highrisk progression deep RHT is an oncologic therapeutic modality that can help achieve these two goals the combination of hyperthermia with chemotherapy and radiotherapy has improved patient outcomes in several RT types in this review we highlight the biology of therapeutic feverrange hyperthermia discuss how hyperthermia is po and dosed demonstrate how heat can be added to other treatment regimens and summarize the data supporting the role of hyperthermia in the management of bladder CA