[ 23 ]
[ "postmenopausal" ]
to determine the effect of raloxifene hydrochloride rlx on bone mineral density bmd PSA markers of bone metabolism and lipid metabolism in chinese PM women
[ 76 ]
[ "western australia" ]
infectious diseases contribute a substantial burden of illhealth in australias aboriginal children skin infections have been shown to be common in remote aboriginal communities particularly in the RNA territory australia however PC data on skin and other infectious diseases among aboriginal children living in remote areas of western australia are limited we conducted a retrospective review of clinic presentations of all children aged to years presenting to four clinics located in the western desert region of WA between and to determine this burden at a local level infectious diseases accounted for almost of all clinic presentations skin infections sores scabies and fungal infections were the largest proportion with ear infections and upper respiratory infections also high skin infections remained high in all age CG of children presented at least once with skin infections scabies accounted for only of all presentations although onequarter of children presented during the T0 for management of scabies skin sores accounted for of the overall burden of skin infections improved public health measures targeting bacterial skin infections are needed to reduce this high burden of skin infections in western australia
[ 60 ]
[ "scanning and transmission electron microscope" ]
chlorhexidine gluconate is a derivative of chlorhexidine and is a popular disinfectant with a strong bactericidal action that is widely used for preoperative sterilization in ear surgery the purpose of this investigation is to ascertain the potential ototoxicity of this agent after topically applying chlorhexidine gluconate solutions to the ME cavities of cats we observed the excised cochleas using both STEM studies either or chlorhexidine gluconate solutions were infused into the RE of the test animal through one of two tubes chronically installed in the Tty bullae the left ears were utilized as controls and were infused with sterilized PS the solutions were administered once every other day for three separate infusions nine animals were decapitated days T3 the third application while the other three animals were sacrificed at weeks in the chlorhexidine group we found that hair cells in the organ of corti had degenerated and had lost their hair bundles over a wide range this pathology was more marked in the lower cochlear turns in the animals sacrificed at weeks the injuries present seemed to have progressed even at a clinical concentration of chlorhexidine caused intracellular degeneration but with little surface damage our findings would suggest a cause of hearing loss when chlorhexidine is used clinically in the ear
[ 52 ]
[ "neurosecretory" ]
we determined the gh responses to hGHRH ghrh in poorly growing children who had either normal or deficient gh secretion as measured by pharmacological stimulation and integrated concentration of gh icgh ten patients had both normal pharmacologically stimulated gh and icgh ghnormal patients had normal pharmacologically stimulated gh but deficient icgh gh NS dysfunction ghnd and the remaining patients had both subnormal stimulated gh and icgh GHD ghd the mean peak plasma gh response to ghrh was sd ngml in ghd patients significantly lower than the responses of both the ghnd ngml p less than and ghnormal ngml p less than groups the range of peak gh responses to ghrh in ghd patients overlapped the lower end of the range of responses in the ghnd and ghnormal patients three ghnormal and eight ghnd patients had greatly enhanced gh responses to ghrh greater than ngml no ghd patients had a response over ngml there was no difference between the gh responses of male and female patients within groups to ghrh there was a significant correlation between the log of the peak gh response to ghrh and the log of the maximal gh response to standard pharmacological stimuli r p less than because of the variability of gh responses to ghrh encountered among the patients the response to ghrh cannot be used as a test for identifying patients with inadequate spontaneous gh secretion the icgh is the only method that can identify children with ghnd
[ 122 ]
[ "nijmegen breakage syndrome" ]
to anticipate the momentum of the day most organisms have developed an internal clock that drives circadian rhythms in metabolism physiology and SMB recent studies indicate that cellcycle progression and dnadamageresponse pathways are under circadian control because circadian SO processes can feed back into the clock we investigated whether dna damage affects the rat circadian clock by using rat fibroblasts expressing an mper promoterdriven luciferase reporter we show that ionizing radiation exclusively phase advances circadian rhythms in a dose and timedependent manner notably this in vitro finding translates to the living animal because ionizing radiation also phase advanced behavioral rhythms in mice the underlying mechanism involves atmmediated damage signaling as radiationinduced phase shifting was suppressed in fibroblasts from cancerpredisposed ataxia telangiectasia and NBS patients ionizing radiationinduced phase shifting depends on neither upregulation or downregulation of clock mRNA nor on de novo protein synthesis and thus differs mechanistically from dexamethasone and forskolinprovoked clock resetting interestingly ultraviolet light and tertbutyl hydroperoxide also elicited a phaseadvancing effect taken together our data provide evidence that the rat circadian clock like that of the lower eukaryote neurospora responds to dna damage and suggest that clock resetting is a universal property of dna damage
[ 39 ]
[ "arm circumference" ]
assessment of Pr mothers for nutritional status is a neglected MI in kaabong hospital nutritional status of pregnant mothers was not assessed during ANC anc visits a SQ improvement qi project was initiated to increase nutritional assessment using midupper AC muac among pregnant mothers during anc visits from to between april and september
[ 102 ]
[ "dissolved organic carbon" ]
the management of dredged sediments is a priority issue in the mediterranean sea where sediments are historically polluted the aims of this study were to evaluate the toxicity of port sediment samples and the effect of three mineral additives hematite zerovalent iron zvi and natural zeolite nz on sediment elutriate toxicity four sediments a b c and d were provided by port authorities T3 composting procedure particle size particulate organic carbon metals and organic pollutants tbt pahs pcbs were determined in whole sediments elutriates from these composted sediments were analyzed by determining toxicity level using oyster crassostrea gigas larvae bioassay metal and DOC concentrations toxicity measured on undiluted elutriates gl decreased as follows a≥bc∼d the treatment of sediments with mineral additives revealed that hematite tends to decrease the elutriate toxicity in all samples particularly in samples b and c this effect may be related to metal concentration decrease in elutriates in particular cu and zn that have a significant toxic effect on oyster larvae zvi and nz have a VL influence on elutriate toxicity results suggest that hematite may be a possible candidate for decreasing chemical concentration and improving the quality of elutriates hematite could be used for sediment stabilization prior to the deposit in a specific site or landfill
[ 4 ]
[ "hexamethylmelamine" ]
the covalent binding of HMM hmm and its metabolites was studied in CL tumor blood kidney SP lung brain heart and small intestine after a single ip injection of chexamethylmelamine mgkg to B6 female mice bearing dayold ma OC CB to tissue macromolecules was measured and h T3 i.t. of the drug at h liver and small intestine showed the highest levels of irreversibly bound metabolites the lowest being found in BB and HR except in the small intestine where a decrease was observed between and h the level of CB was constant up to h hmm metabolism was also studied tissue CSD of pentamethylmelamine pmm tetramethylmelamine tmm and trimethylmelamine trimm was determined at the three times considered at h the drug was already extensively metabolized trimm being the L1 metabolite among those determined
[ 38 ]
[ "fetal zone" ]
development of the human fetal adrenals is characterized by rapid growth and high C2 of steroidogenic activity during the latter twothirds of pregnancy by midgestation the human fetal adrenals are composed of two distinct cortical zones the predominant FZ which occupies of the cortical volume and produces C1 amounts of the delta steroid dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and the narrow DZ which surrounds the fetal zone late in gestation the IP portion of the fetal zone develops into a third functionally distinct compartment the transitional zone which is the likely site of cortisol synthesis soon T3 birth the adrenal cortex is remodeled and the FZ disappears the AD cortical zones are thought to arise from the definitive zone which persists postnatally development of the human fetal adrenals is regulated primarily by corticortropin acth secreted from the fetal PIT however as acth is not a mitogen per se its proliferative actions on HFA cortical cells are thought to be mediated by autocrineparacrine growth AF produced by adrenal cortical cells in response to acth in addition these growth AF appear to modulate the functional response of fetal adrenal cortical cells to acth the roles of several growth factors including the insulin like growth factors i and ii igfi and igfii epidermal growth factor egf basic fibroblast growth factor bfgf activin inhibin and the transforming growth factors alpha and beta tgfalpha and tgfbeta have been examined in cultured HFA cortical cells egf bfgf and igfi and ii are mitogenic whereas activin and tgfbeta inhibit proliferation igfii activin and tgfbeta also modulate acthstimulated steroidogenesis HFA cortical cells express igfii bfgf and the activininhibin subunits and the abundance of mrnas for each of these AF is upregulated by acth suggesting that these growth AF are autocrineparacrine mediators of acth action thus although human adrenal development is primarily regulated by acth its actions appear to be mediatedmodulated by a cohort of locally expressed growth factors the net effect of which results in the unique growth and steroidogenic activity of the human fetal adrenal SC
[ 92 ]
[ "ash weight" ]
we investigated the effects of vibration hz hz and hz as countermeasure locally applied to unloading hind limbs on bone muscle and AT female sprague dawley rats were divided into groups n each tailsuspension ts ts plus hz g vibration tsv ts plus hz g vibration tsv ts plus hz g vibration tsv and control con T3 days bone mineral density bmd and the microstructure of the femur and tibia were evaluated by μct in vivo the biomechanical properties of the femur and achilles tendon were determined by a materials testing system AW of bone isotonic contraction and wet weight of soleus were also investigated hz and hz localized vibration were able to significantly ameliorate the decrease in trabecular bmd expressed as the percentage change from ts tsv tsv microstructure and ash weight of the femur and tibia induced by ts meanwhile hz vibration significantly improved the biomechanical properties of the femur bending rigidity and youngs modulus vs ts and AT maximum load and youngs modulus vs ts additionally youngs modulus of the femur was highly correlated with microstructural parameters localized vibration was useful for counteracting microgravityinduced musculoskeletal loss in GA the efficacy of hz was better than hz or hz in tailsuspended rats
[ 23 ]
[ "cystometry" ]
we treated patients who had multiple sclerosis and bladder PS with thoracic spinal cord electrical stimulation bladder and sphincter dysfunction was evaluated by CMG and electromyography subjective improvement was noted in per cent of the patients and documented improvement was found on cystometry and electromyography in per cent by electrical stimulation of the spinal cord we have demonstrated varying degrees of restoration of voluntary and reflex control of the bladder and sphincter
[ 5 ]
[ "disk diffusion" ]
a simple in vitro agar DD assay has been employed to detect the presence of ergosterolsensitive antifungal activity in extracts of marine invertebrates a collection of marine sponges ascidians and cnidarians was assayed to reveal samples with significant activity against CA the antifungal activities of three of these extracts were unaffected in the presence of increasing concentrations of ergosterol while another three were significantly reduced by ergosterol the activity of jaspamide a potent antifungal from the sponge jaspis sp was also reduced by ergosterol concentrations as low as ppm this ergosterol sensitivity is paralleled by the wellknown ergosterol dependence of polyene antifungals such as amphotericin b and suggests a common mode of activity the CA may be useful in mechanismselective screening for new antifungals and as a dereplication tool
[ 13 ]
[ "tissue thickness" ]
a flood source containing mci of technetiumm tcm was used to measure thoracic TT tt in HS patients with cardiogenic pulmonary oedema patients with biopsy proven CFA cfa and subjects with radiographic evidence of severe widespread emphysema unattenuated counts from the flood source were acquired first and then with the subject seated between the flood source and the gamma camera a second scan of transmitted counts was acquired assuming a constant linear attenuation coefficient of cm we calculated tt per pixel of the gamma camera image thus creating a profile of tt throughout the length of the thorax in normal subjects mean sd tt at the base of the RA lung was cm in patients with pulmonary oedema cfa and emphysema mean sd values for tt in cm were p less than p less than and p less than respectively this simple quick and inexpensive technique could be used to give regional measurements of tt
[ 167 ]
[ "leg length" ]
the treatment of infected nonunited fractures of the tibia using the techniques of ilizarov was compared with autogenous cancellous bone VG application under a well vascularized soft tissue envelope there were patients in the ilizarov group and in the bone VG group soft tissue coverage with a free vascularized or a rotational muscle flap was used more frequently among the patients having bone graft than the ilizarov group all patients had bony defects average cm range cm at an average followup of years patients had a functional limb and one patient ilizarov group ultimately required a below knee amputation three patients in each group required a second SP and bone graft procedure to gain union infection persisted in four patients all in the ilizarov group if a well vascularized soft tissue env is present particularly after flap coverage bone grafting procedures are safe and efficacious the ilizarov technique may be best suited for the treatment of very proximal or distal metaphyseal nonunions and nonunions associated with C1 LL discrepancies
[ 66 ]
[ "great cardiac vein" ]
the tau of coronary venous retroinfusion of superoxide dismutase and catalase was studied in anesthetized closed chest dogs with min LAD coronary i.a. lad occlusion followed by h reperfusion in group a superoxide dismutase mgkg and catalase mgkg were po by a min continuous right atrial infusion beginning min before reperfusion and supplemented by a bolus i.t. of superoxide dismutase mgkg and catalase mgkg through the GCV immediately before reperfusion the treatment in group b was similar to that in group a except that the bolus injection was into the right atrium in the control group group c saline was po in the same manner as in group a IS expressed as a percentage of the RA was significantly smaller in group a than in CG b and c p less than regional function of the ischemic zone measured by 2DE echocardiography exhibited significantly p less than greater REC T3 h reperfusion in group a versus CG b and c moreover there were significantly fewer postreperfusion VVI arrhythmias in group a as compared with CG b and c the results of this study indicate that coronary A-V retroinfusion is an effective method for delivery of superoxide dismutase and catalase
[ 3 ]
[ "glutathione stransferases" ]
the effects of GSTs gst activity and acidsoluble sulfhydryl levels of a number of compounds previously investigated for their capacity to inhibit BP bpinduced neoplasia of the mouse forestomach were determined five of the compounds studied increased the gst activity of the forestomach the five compounds were pmethoxyphenol tertbutylhydroxyanisole coumarin alphaangelicalactone and benzyl isothiocyanate with the exception of benzyl isothiocyanate with the exception of benzyl isothiocyanate these compounds also increased acidsoluble sulfhydryl C2 but to a lesser magnitude all five chemicals inhibited bpinduced neoplasia of the forestomach these data indicate that enhancement of the gst activity by an amount of about or greater is associated with a reduced carcinogenic response of the forestomach to bp the data also suggest that such enhancement might be used as a method of identifying compounds likely to inhibit bp and other carcinogens detoxified in a similar manner inasmuch as inhibition of the action of carcinogens may involve mechanisms other than detoxification by gst the failure to increase gst activity substantially does not rule out the possibility of a compound being an inhibitor
[ 54 ]
[ "transcobalamin" ]
transcobalamin ii deficiency mim is a rare recessively inherited disorder of cobalamin transport that leads to intracellular cobalamin depletion with AA impairment of MS and methylmalonyl coa mutase activities affected individuals may suffer from longterm neurological sequelae if therapy with intramuscular hydroxocobalamin is not initiated promptly we report two sisters with CR absence of TC due to homozygosity for a novel mutation cinsc in the tcn gene that leads to a premature stop codon and nonfunctional protein the older sister now years old presented at weeks of age with pancytopenia protein losing enteropathy and a rapidly declining clinical course prompt therapy with mg hydroxocobalaminday led to full REC within days her now year old sister was diagnosed shortly T3 birth and was started on hydroxocobalamin prior to onset of clinical PS interestingly urinary MMA excretion was increased significantly during the first days of life suggesting that PET cobalamin deficiency is present also during fetal life although not giving rise to clinical PS until well after birth
[ 163 ]
[ "aortic diameter" ]
the chromatin CR activity of the swisnf complex is essential for the expression of several yeast genes previous studies have suggested that recruitment of swisnf requires the action of transcriptional activators however reports in metazoans and in yeast have provided evidence of interactions between swisnf and the rna polymerase ii holoenzymemediator complex here we show that recruitment of swisnf to the galactoseinducible gene gal cannot be fully achieved without the integrity of the mediator complex taf iis and rna polymerase ii moreover artificial recruitment of mediator is sufficient to tether both swisnf and saga to the gal uas g we further demonstrate that swisnf recruitment at gal does not require acetylation of chromatin by gcn nor the presence of saga based on these results we conclude that interactions between the gal activator and swisnf are not sufficient to recruit the latter to the gal uas g since interactions with the mediator taf iis and rna pots with screeningdetected aaa and controls with normal AD were studied in a prospective controlled populationbased T0 prior to and months T3 the ultrasonography examination all participants completed shortform and at months aaaspecific questions were added comparisons were made between the two CG aaa patients and controls within each group and between the groups and norms for the GA swedish population in the same age interval our results showed that screening for aaa results in impairment of qol among those who have the disease and who suffered a low qol prior to screening among those who had an ageadjusted normal qol prior to screening and who were found to have the disease and among those who were found to have normal aortas no negative effect on qol was observed thus low qol before screening is a possible risk factor for negative mental effects of diagnosing an aaa by screening
[ 100 ]
[ "synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy" ]
because of the widespread concern that POPs pops may be adversely affecting the health of humans reliable assessing their toxic effects is urgently needed we selectively study the interaction between dicofol dcf and trypsin by Css and time resolved fluorescence quenching measurements and uvvisible absorption spectroscopy under physiological conditions as well as applying molecular docking method to establish the interaction model the fluorescence results indicate dcf can spontaneously form a complex with TR mainly by hydrogen bond with only one IB site which had been validated in molecular docking the conformational change of trypsin was proved by uvvisible absorption and SFS indicating a red shift of carbonyl absorption peak all the results indicated dcf had potential toxic effects on both the structure and activity of the enzyme trypsin and the effects enhanced with the increasing concentration of dcf
[ 90 ]
[ "michaelis constants" ]
the putative drosophila d melanogaster gene ortholog of mammalian SSA dehydrogenase ssadh ec nm that is involved in the Kd of the neurotransmitter gaba and the putative d melanogaster aldehyde dehydrogenase gene aldh nm were cloned and expressed as enzymatically AS maltose IB protein male F0 products in escherichia coli the identities of the nm gene product as naddependent ssadh and of the aldh gene product as naddependent nonspecific aldehyde dehydrogenase aldh ec were established by substrate specificity studies using different aldehydes in the case of d melanogaster malessadh the Km kms for the specific substrates succinic semialdehyde and nad was and microm respectively for d melanogaster malealdh the km of the putative in vivo ATP acetaldehyde was microm while for nad a km of microm was determined sitedirected mutagenesis studies on d melanogaster malessadh suggest that cysteine and glutamic acid of this enzyme are likely candidates for the active site residues directly involved in catalysis
[ 38 ]
[ "proteaseactivated receptor" ]
thrombin a serine protease that plays a pivotal role in blood coagulation wound healing and angiogenesis has also been implicated in the mitogenesis of various cell types previously we showed that thrombin and the TRAP trap sfllrnpndkyepf for PAR-2 par induce vascular endothelial growth factor vegf secretion in pc cells in this study we show that thrombin and trap also stimulate vegf secretion in the human nb Neuro-2a in these cells we further show that thrombininduced vegf secretion was blocked by cycloheximide and actinomycin d indicating that de novo protein synthesis is essential for this process reduced thrombininduced vegf secretion upon treatment with ly calphostin c or bapta further suggests that the process is dependent on phosphatidylinositolkinase protein kinase c and calcium however the complete loss of thrombininduced vegf production upon treatment with argatroban a derivative of Arg and a pat supply systems of tangential neurons two of these which are known to respond to movement across the retina have orthogonally arranged dendritic fields deep in the lobula they also show evidence of dye coupling we discuss the significance of commonalties across taxa with respect to the organization of the lamina and medulla and contrasts these with possible taxonspecific arrangements of deeper neuropils that support systems of matched filters
[ 123 ]
[ "antireflux surgery" ]
despite new effective drugs like omeprazole reducing gastric acid SO and relieving gastrooesophageal reflux disease gerd symptoms in most patients there are still clear indications for surgical treatment of this chronic disease the main indications are failure to control symptoms by medical treatment noncompliance to medication and OD of complications recent developments in minimal access surgery have modified the surgical approach to the treatment of gerd the antireflux surgical procedures can be endoscopically performed reproducing all the essential component steps of the equivalent open operations but with all the advantages of MAS the fundoplication procedures are mainly performed laparoscopically and the thoracoscopic RPA is chosen in patients with short CLO mo or other contraindications to the laparoscopic approach the shortterm results of endoscopic ARS are at least as good than after open surgery a review on the laparoscopic and thoracoscopic antireflux procedures is presented
[ 181 ]
[ "mutual information" ]
we explore the idea of evidence accumulation eac for combining the results of multiple clusterings first a clustering ensemblea set of object partitions is produced given a data set n objects or patterns in d dimensions different ways of producing data partitions are applying different clustering algorithms and applying the same clustering algorithm with different values of parameters or initializations further combinations of different data representations feature spaces and clustering algorithms can also provide a multitude of significantly different data partitionings we propose a simple framework for extracting a consistent clustering given the various partitions in a clustering ensemble according to the eac concept each partition is viewed as an independent evidence of data organization individual data partitions being combined based on a voting mechanism to generate a new n x n similarity matrix between the n patterns the final data partition of the n patterns is obtained by applying a hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm on this matrix we have developed a theoretical framework for the analysis of the proposed clustering combination strategy and its DUE based on the concept of MI between data partitions stability of the results is evaluated using bootstrapping techniques a detailed discussion of an evidence accumulationbased clustering algorithm using a split and merge strategy based on the kmeans clustering algorithm is presented experimental results of the proposed method on several synthetic and real data sets are compared with other combination strategies and with individual clustering results produced by wellknown clustering algorithms
[ 51 ]
[ "chronic pelvic pain" ]
pelvic inflammatory disease pid typically results from ascending infection through the endocervix from the lower to the upper genital tract this leads to inflammation of the endometrium uterus fallopian tubes adnexal structures or pelvic peritoneum pid accounts for one in gp consultations by women under the longterm effects of pid include CPP subfertility and ectopic pregnancy the most common cause of pid is sexually transmitted infection patients with pid may be asymptomatic or may present with a spectrum of PS including lower abdominal pain typically BL sometimes radiating to the legs abnormal vaginal or cervical discharge often purulent dysuria deep dyspareunia and abnormal vaginal one postcoital intermenstrual and breakthrough a general ABD and pelvic examination should be performed outpatient therapy is considered to be as effective as inpatient treatment for patients with clinically mild to moderate pid most CT data support the use of im cefoxitin however as this drug is not readily available in the uk ceftriaxone has been deemed a suitable alternative metronidazole is usually included in most OP regimens to cover for the presence of anaerobes the duration of outpatient treatment is usually days patients should be told to avoid any form of sexual intercourse until they and their partners have completed their full course of treatment
[ 28 ]
[ "marfan syndrome" ]
MFS is an AD disorder of connective tissue caused by mutations in the fibrillin gene fbn fbn mutations have been associated with a broad spectrum of phenotypes neonatal MFS has unique clinical manifestations and mutations
[ 64 ]
[ "neurologically impaired" ]
neurologically impaired infants have immature damaged or abnormally developed nervous systems that may cause abnormalities of sucking and swallowing among other problems sucking abnormalities usually present as absence of the sucking response weakness or incoordination of sucking and swallowing or some combination of these problems more investigation of the responses of these infants to various stimuli and training techniques is greatly needed although training NI infants to breastfeed may present a challenge to even the most experienced neonatal nurse physician or therapist most infants improve and can learn to suckle at the breast if a mother has intended to nurse her infant she should be encouraged to do so even when the infant has CA of sucking except in the rare and most severely affected infants who remain dependent on gavage or gastrostomy feedings various techniques of stimulating positioning and progressive weaning to the breast can be helpful in teaching mother and infant to breastfeed encouraging support should be provided by l preparations was studied using the lipophilic probes dph and tmadph mitochondrial isolated either from galactosamine or clofibratetreated rats showed a decrease in fluorescence polarization indicating an overall decrease in lipid structural order this alteration is more drastic when both drugs are po this phenomenon suggests drastic changes in the bulk phase of inner mitochondrial membrane lipids T3 treatments and could explain the altered kinetic properties of palmitoylcarnitine GOT i
[ 181 ]
[ "stage of change" ]
we investigate the relationship of urinary salt excretion to the stage of NC to decrease salt NI in the japanese diet the data reported here were obtained from a baseline survey of the highrisk and population strategy for OH promotion hipopohp study that was conducted as a nonrandomized con at worksites in japan a total of subjects male female were used in and for the analysis we used three categories of SOC precontemplation or contemplation pc preparation p and action or maintenance am urinary salt excretion was estimated from the sodium and creatinine concentrations in spot urine samples multivariate analysis indicated that urinary salt excretion among males was gday greater in the pc stage than in the am stage p for nonobese females urinary salt excretion in the pc stage was gday greater than in the am stage p MVA showed that diastolic blood pressure in males not taking antihypertensive agents was mmhg lower in the pc stage than in the am stage p a similar but statistically insignificant tendency was observed among nonobese females a significant association was demonstrated between SOC for dietary salt intake and urinary salt excretion for both males and nonobese females there may be a potential application of the stage of NC model for reducing dietary salt intake in a HP program
[ 12 ]
[ "aerobic capacity" ]
there is increasing evidence regarding the association between mitochondrial dna mtdna and MAC however whether mtdna haplogroups are associated with the status of being an elite endurance athlete is more controversial we compared the frequency distribution of mtdna haplogroups among the following groups of spanish caucasian men elite endurance athletes professional road cyclists endurance runners elite power athletes jumpers throwers and sprinters and nonathlet is assumed to be newtonian with constant pressureindependent viscosity we discuss the nature of the transition from boundary lubrication at low sliding velocity where direct solidsolid contact occurs to hydrodynamic lubrication at high sliding velocity where the solids are separated by a thin fluid film we consider both hydrophilic and hydrophobic systems and cylinderonflat and sphereonflat sliding configurations we show that for elastically soft solids such as rubber including cavitation or not results in nearly the same friction
[ 240 ]
[ "brachialankle pulse wave velocity" ]
Az with low adequate and excessive i content in water coexist in china limited data are currently available on i nutrition and thyroid disease in lactating women and their BF infants with different i intakes this T0 aimed to evaluate i nutrition in both lactating women and their infants and the prevalence of thyroid disease in areas with different C2 of i in water from january to june a total of healthy lactating women excluding those taking antithyroid drugs or i supplements within a year of the T0 consuming seafood at the time of the T0 or those diagnosed with congenital thyroid disease from beihai in guangxi province and jiajiazhuang yangcheng jicun and pingyao townships in shanxi province were selected compared with the isufficient group median urinary i concentrations in both lactating women and infants as well as breast milk i C2 were significantly lower in the ideficient group p· the prevalence of thyroid disease in lactating women particularly subclinical HT was higher in the iexcess group than in the isufficient group p· in areas with excessive water i content high thyroid peroxidase antibody and high thyroglobulin C2 were risk AF for abnormal thyroidstimulating hormone C2 our data collectively suggest that excessive i intake potentially causes subclinical hypothyrtrial fibrillation af and increased arterial stiffness share several risk factors and the diseases often coexist however the prognostic value of increased arterial stiffness remains uncertain in the af population we evaluated whether baPWV bapwv a marker of arterial stiffness can predict cardiovascular events and determined that the bapwv is a more favorable prognostic marker compared with conventional clinical and echocardiographic markers in patients with af
[ 52 ]
[ "carotid baroreflex" ]
the interaction between the CBR and bezoldjarisch bj reflex intravenously po veratridine was studied in anesthetized rabbits after aortic nerve section the carotid sinuses were vascularly isolated to regulate the intrasinus pressure isp the extent of bj reflex bradycardia and hypotension was progressively diminished as the isp was elevated stepwise when the CBR was not operative by holding the isp constant at control the bj reflex changes in heart rate hr and systemic arterial pressure sap were not significantly different from those induced at the normal condition thus the calculated baroreflex static LG was greatly decreased during the bj reflex however sinus denervation analogous to keeping isp below mmhg significantly enhanced the bj reflex effects a steadystate infusion of veratridine remarkably reduced the slope of the baroreflex CF ispsap and isphr curves the results indicate that the bj reflex effects are affected by the prevailing arterial baroreceptor input varying inversely with the isp level an attenuation in the baroreflex sinsitivity in terms of the loop gain or slope of the TF curve was observed during the bj reflex the presence of tonic cardiovascular inhibitions exerted by the arterial baroreceptors tends to reduce the bj reflex bradycardia and hypotension but the baroreceptors do not function adequately in buffering the cardiovascular inhibition produced by the cardiogenic reflex
[ 20 ]
[ "tropomyosin" ]
mutations in the schizosaccharomyces pombe cdc gene impair cytokinesis here we clone cdc and find that it encodes a novel TM gene disruption results in lethal arrest of the cell cycle but spore germination cell growth dna replication and mitosis are all unaffected haploid cdc gene disruptants are rescued by expression of a fibroblast tropomyosin complementary dna immunofluorescence microscopy of wild type and cdc gene disruptants indicates that cdc tropomyosin is present in two distinct cellular distributions in dispersed patches and during cytokinesis as a transient medial band collectively these results indicate that cdc tropomyosin has a specialized role which we suggest is to form part of the factin contractile ring at cytokinesis these results establish the basis for further genetic studies of cytokinesis and of contractile protein CF in s pombe
[ 151 ]
[ "sodium bisethylhexylsulfosuccinate" ]
enzymatic dipeptide synthesis by surfactantcoated alphachymotrypsin complexes was performed in supercritical co and liquid co at and k at pressures of and mpa the enzymatic activity of coated alphachymotrypsin complexes for dipeptides synthesis at mpa in SC co scco was higher than that in a liquid co and ethyl acetate solution at mpa the SMB of alphachymotrypsin in scco was similar to that in liquid ethyl acetate and increasing the pressure and temperature increased the maximum conversion and the enzymatic reaction rate in scco furthermore the control of the water content in the reaction media had a dominant effect on the enzymatic activity the maximum conversion for the dipeptide synthesis by the surfactantcoated alphachymotrypsin was obtained at water content the alphachymotrypsin complexes exhibited a higher enzymatic activity than native alphachymotrypsin in scco the nonionic surfactants lglutamic acid dialkyl ester ribitol NH and sorbitan monostearate were more favored than the anionic surfactant AOT
[ 51 ]
[ "neutral red" ]
although noroviruses cause the vast majority of nonbacterial gastroenteritis in humans little is known about their life cycle including viral entry murine norovirus mnv is the only norovirus to date that efficiently infects cells in SC to elucidate the productive route of infection for mnv into murine macrophages we used a NR nr infectious center CA and pharmacological inhibitors in combination with dominantnegative dn and si rna sirna constructs to show that clathrin and caveolinmediated endocytosis did not play a role in entry in addition we showed that phagocytosis or macropinocytosis flotillin and graf are not required for the L1 route of mnv uptake however mnv genome PR occurred within h and endocytosis was significantly inhibited by the cholesterolsequestering drugs nystatin and methylbetacyclodextrin the dynaminspecific inhibitor dynasore and the dominantnegative dynamin ii mutant ka therefore we conclude that the productive route of mnv entry into murine macrophages is rapid and requires host cholesterol and dynamin ii
[ 15 ]
[ "amlodipine" ]
mmpstimps system is well known to play important roles in pressure overloadinduced cardiac CR and AML and ATV have been showed to exert favourable protective effects on cardiovascular disease however it is not clear whether amlodipine and ATV can improve hypertensive cardiac remodeling and whether the mmpstimps system is involved the present study aims to answer these questions
[ 30 ]
[ "ca channels" ]
the goal of this study was to examine the relationship between ca entry through ltype ca channels and local cai transients ca sparks in single rat cardiac ventricular cells ltype ICa were G1 by depolarization of cellattached membrane patches and cai was measured simultaneously as fluo fluorescence using laser scanning confocal microscopy patch depolarization with ca as the charge carrier or mmoll significantly increased the probability of the occurrence of ca sparks ca spark rate only in the volume of cytoplasm located immediately beneath the membrane patch basal ca spark rate ca sparkscells patch depolarization ca spark rate ca sparkscells p with ba in the pipette solution mmoll patch depolarization was not associated with an increased ca spark rate at the position of the pipette or at any other CS distant from the pipette therefore ca entry and not voltage per se was a necessary event for the occurrence of ca sparks under identical experimental conditions patch depolarization experiments opened single ltype ICa with a singlechannel conductance of ps with ba as the charge carrier although singlechannel openings could not be resolved when ca was the charge carrier ensemble averages yielded an inward current of up to pa the results suggest that voltageactivated ca entry through one or a small number of l type ICa triggers the PR of ca only from the sarcoplasmic reticulum in direct proximity to those ltype ICa the relatively low probability of triggering ca sparks may have resulted from some alteration of excitationcontraction coupling associated with the technique of the cellattached patch clamp
[ 43 ]
[ "neuromuscular" ]
caudoxin a singlechain phospholipase a isolated from the venom of bitis caudalis is a toxic polypeptide with a formula weight of dalton the ld in mice ip was mgkg in the chick biventer cervicis muscle preparation the toxin micrograms per ml caused CR NM blockade without affecting the response of the muscle to acetylcholine in the mouse phrenic nervediaphragm preparation the toxin abolished the indirectly elicited contraction without inhibiting that evoked directly when this preparation was bathed in a low calcium mm medium the toxin induced a triphasic change in the indirectly evoked contractions an immediate initial inhibition followed by augmentation and then a second phase of inhibition leading to irreversible NM blockade EP studies in the same preparation showed a similar triphasic NC in the quantal content of endplate potentials the frequency of miniature endplate potentials first increased and then decreased while the resting membrane potential was not significantly decreased by the toxin histological study showed that the toxin caused local myonecrosis only at a higher dose mgkg mouse it is concluded that caudoxin produced a NMB by acting selectively on a presynaptic site however the site of binding appears to be different from that of betabungarotoxin since combination of the toxin with betabungarotoxin caused potentiation of its NMB action rather than addition
[ 129 ]
[ "cpg motifs" ]
bacterial infections can be localized to joints and brain causing septic arthritis and meningitis despite early and adequate antibiotic treatment bacterial meningitis and ICA remain an infection with a high mortality rate and severe sequelae bacterial dna has recently been shown to exert immunostimulatory effects on leukocytes we speculate that bacterial dna may be involved in the process of bacterial arthritis and meningitis we found that bacterial dna and oligonucleotides containing unmethylated CpG induce arthritis and meningitis by intraarticular or intracisternal inoculation arthritis and meningitis induced by bacterial dna were characterized by an influx of monocytic mac cells and by a lack of t cells macrophages and their products such as RT CN factor tnf alpha are essential for OD of ICA and meningitis triggered by bacterial dna containing CpG in contrast neutrophils nk cells and tb cells were not important in arthritis and meningitis triggered by bacterial dna cpg odn is also found to reverse th dominant allergic diseases this review discusses that the role and mechanism of bacterial dna in inflammatory diseases and allergic disease in this review patented strategies are also discussed
[ 29 ]
[ "patients with diabetes mellitus" ]
today diabetes mellitus is one of the most important problems of modern medicine this review provides an analysis of the reported data on the problem of V1 lesion in DM the authors consider the problems of diabetes mellitus epidemiology and the incidence of vascular pathology in patients with disorders of carbohydrate metabolism introduced the characteristics of the main etiopathogenetic aspects of the origination of diabetic angiopathies with regard to the latest studies into the given subject matter special attention is focused on the OD of AS lesion of lower limb arteries in the presence of diabetes mellitus the authors review the most important causes of initiation and activation of the process of vessel wall lesion and formation of AS plaques in diabetic patients the study of risk famine in the brains of rats INF with a pvc and nonneuropathogenic was measured using high performance liquid chromatography and the clabel incorporation into the c position of glutamate and glutamine from c glucose was measured with c nuclear magnetic resonance in the cerebral hemisphere and region containing the brain stem and BG of rats INF with a and pvc at weeks postinfection wpi the amount of glutamine was decreased compared with the infected rats the amount of glutamate was decreased in the CBF hemisphere of the ainfected rats and the region containing the BS and BG of pvcinfected rats at wpi the amount of c glutamine and c glutamate in the cerebral hemisphere and region containing the BS and basal ganglia of rats infected with a and pvc at wpi was equivalent to that of the infected rats these results suggest that in the brains of rats INF with neuropathogenic viruses de novo synthesis of glutamate and glutamine is not decreased but the ability to maintain quantitative C2 of glu and glutamine is decreased compared with the brains of rats INF with nonneuropathogenic virus
[ 6 ]
[ "chylomicrons" ]
the apoprotein composition of rat CL CMs and very LD lipoprotein vldl was investigated following isolation and purification by preparative gel PACE the medium molecular weight apoproteins in the range were characterized by electrophoretic mobility immunochemical identification amino acid composition and molecular weight determination in addition to three previously identified apoproteins ai e and aiv present in both RS high density lipoproteins hdl and lymph chylomicrons a fourth peptide of molecular weight was always a consistent major component of CL vldl washed free of SS protein contaminants by repeated ultracentrifugation the protein formed complexes with phosphatidylcholine LDV was amphipathic in nature and when injected into rats became associated with SS hdl and CL CMs it was removed from CMs T3 gel filtration through agarose columns but not after repeated ultracentrifugation it differed slightly in amino acid composition and did not show immunochemical identity against antisera to any other apoprotein the results of in vivo studies suggest that the protein preferentially associates with lymph chylomicrons and thus may play some important role in the metabolism of exogenous triglyceride transport since ai aii and aiv apoproteins are also integral components of lymph CMs we suggest that the protein be designated av apoprotein the CSD of ai e aiv and av in serum hdl and lymph vldl was approximately and and and prospectively
[ 0 ]
[ "human immunodeficiency virus infection" ]
HIV in humans and simian immunodeficiency virus siv infection in Rh macaques rm leads to a generalized loss of immune responses involving perturbations in tcell receptor tcr signaling in contrast naturally sivinfected sooty mangabeys sm remain asymptomatic and retain immune responses despite relatively high viral loads however siv infection in both rm and sm led to similar decreases in tcrinduced lck phosphorylation in this T0 a protein tyrosine kinase ptk DD method was utilized to characterize the effects of in vivo siv infection on key signaling molecules of the cd tcell signaling pathways the cd TA from sivinfected rm but not sivinfected sm showed chronic downregulation of baseline expression of mlk prk and gsk and symptomatically sivinfected rm showed similar downregulation of mkk in vitro tcr stimulation with or without cd costimulation of cd TA did not lead to the enhancement of gene transcription of these ptks while the cd t cells from sivinfected rm showed a significant increase of the baselinious sequence by fluorescence polarization anysotropy fpa measurements the lowest alpha values were found in samples with CS rich in aa dinucleotides or containing the alternating dat x dat motif the torsional rigidity of our dna samples was compared to that calculated according to the current values of twist angle fluctuations derived for ten dinucleotide steps by recent analyses of dna crystal structure DB the values of torsional rigidity derived from crystals are higher than our experimental ones obtained by fpa analysis suggesting that packing force in crystals may notably hinder the CpG twist angle fluctuations that occur in solution this behaviour is more evident for samples containing aa ta and at steps in all the samples there is about a twofold change of the alpha value in the degrees c range an activation enthalpy delta h of about kj mol on average was obtained for the temperature dependence of eight of the ten samples studied a correlation with the stacking energy is discussed
[ 238 ]
[ "longterm memory" ]
in aplysia LTF ltf at sensorimotor synapses of the pleuralpedal ganglia is mediated by an increase in the PR of a neurotransmitter which appears to be glu glutamate uptake also is increased in sensory SN hr after the induction of longterm sensitization levenson et al b the present T0 investigated whether the same signaling pathways were involved in the longterm increase in glutamate uptake as in the induction of ltf thus roles for camp pka campdependent protein kinase mapk mitogenactivated protein kinase and IMT kinase in the regulation of glutamate uptake were tested we found that ht increased camp and activated pka in SNs exposure of pleuralpedal ganglia to analogs of camp or forskolin increased glutamate uptake hr after treatments inhibitors of pka kt mapk u and pd and tyrosine kinase genistein blocked the longterm increase in glutamate uptake produced by ht in addition bpv a tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor facilitated the ability of subthreshold C2 of ht to increase glutamate uptake inhibition of pkc which is not involved in ltf had no effect on the longterm increase in glu uptake produced by ht furthermore activation of pkc by phorboldibutyrate did not produce longterm changes in glu uptake the results demonstrate that the same constellation of second messengers and kinases is involved in the longterm regulation of both glutamate release and glu uptake these similarities in signaling pathways suggest that regulation of glutamate PR and uptake during formation of LTM are coordinated through coregulation of these two processes
[ 74 ]
[ "electrochemotherapy" ]
to examine clinician adh out on the effects of magnetic field mf on public health in this paper we T0 the effect of hz mf similar to that generated by gsm mobile phones on CA and healthy cells treated with electric PP and cytotoxic drug the experiments conducted include exposure to a electric pulses alone squarewave electric pulses with low amplitude of vcm and frequency of khz b electric pulses following mf exposure c ECT electric pulses and cytotoxic drug alone and d mf SE with subsequent electrochemotherapy the results indicate that the percentage of apoptosis decreases significantly p in treatment groups using ECT T3 mf exposure compared to that in treatment CG using electrochemotherapy alone we observed that hz mf similar to that generated by gsm mobile phones can incur resistance of the cells in response to electric pulses our findings implied the existence of amplitude window effect in alternations induced by extremely lowfrequency mf
[ 24 ]
[ "angiosarcoma of the liver" ]
hepatic angiosarcoma developed in a yearold man who had had months of arsenic therapy years before the role of arsenic in the etiology of ASL is well know although rarely has it followed such a brief period of As therapy
[ 0 ]
[ "capsule endoscopy" ]
CE ce was found to be an effective tool in diagnosis of SB pathology this review will focus on its role in crohns disease its role in patients with suspected CD cd is described ce has an established role for diagnosing cd when other tests are negative though it is not a first line investigative tool in these patients over diagnosis is of concern its use in established cd remains an open question it can provide exact mapping of SB disease before surgery and might have impact on the treatmenal effects of insulin has been prominently studied certain SN in the hypothalamus increase or decrease appetite via orexigenes and anorexigenes regulating energy balance and FI hypothalamus is the site of afferent and efferent stimuli between special nuclei and beta and alpha cells and it regulates inductioninhibition of glucose output from the liver incretines produced in intestine and in certain BB cells braingut hormones link to special receptors in the hypothalamus central role of insulin has been proved both in animals and in humans insulin gets across the bloodbrain barrier links to special hypothalamic receptors regulating IP glucose metabolism CE gl sensing via glucoseexcited and glucoseinhibited cells have outstanding role former are active in hyperglycaemia latter in hypoglycaemia via influencing beta and alpha cells independently of traditional metabolic pathways evidence of brain insulin resistance needs centrally acting drugs paradigm changes in therapy and prevention of metabolic syndrome diabetes cardiovascular and oncological diseases
[ 122 ]
[ "tumors" ]
the ability of chhe mammary carcinoma cells to grow in the lungs after iv i.t. was repeatedly tested with cells from tumors which were kept in serial sc passage in syngeneic female mice the sc growth rate and the sc transplantation immunogenicity were also determined for each SPK generation the ability of a RT to grow in the lungs which appeared in most tumors only after repeated sc passages coincided mainly with increased growth rate and not with the loss of immunogenicity andor gain of endogenous growthstimulating AF in each combination of crossreactivity tested transplantation immunogenicity was RT specific and growth stimulation was not RT TPS three of ten PT were retested in serial passages started again from pieces of the primary PT stored in liquid n and the identical changes recurred in the same or in nearly the same transplant generations this indicates that certain variable neoplastic characteristics may be inherent and will appear not haphazardly but according to a genetically predetermined schedule
[ 95 ]
[ "gross efficiency" ]
we purposed to T0 energy expenditure SP SO and gross efficiency during kayak ergometer exercise in elite sprint kayakers males age ± years height ± cm body mass ± kg and females age ± years height ± cm body mass ± kg performed an incremental intermittent protocol on kayak ergometer with vo and blood lactate concentration assessment a nonlinear increase between power SO and energy expenditure being observed paddling SP SO SE expenditure and gross efficiency corresponding to vomax averaged ± w ± mlkg min and ± male kayakers presented higher vomax power output and GE at the vomax and lower HR rate and maximal lactate concentration than females but no differences were found between genders regarding SE expenditure at vomax aerobic and anaerobic components of SE expenditure evidenced a significant contribution of anaerobic SE sources in sprint kayak performance results also suggested the dependence of the gross efficiency on the changes in the amount of the aerobic and anaerobic contributions at heavy and severe intensities the interindividual variance of the relationship between SE expenditure and the corresponding paddling SP output revealed a relevant tracking for females fdγ± conversely to the male group fdγ± supporting that some male kayakers are more skilled in some paddling intensities than others
[ 189 ]
[ "medial superior olive" ]
FMRP fmrp binds select mrnas functions in intracellular transport of these mrnas and represses their translation fmrp is highly expressed in SN and lack of fmrp has been shown to result in dendritic dysmorphology and altered synaptic CF fmrp is known to interact with mrnas for the kvb potassium channel which is required for neurons to fire action potentials at high rates with remarkable temporal precision ABR neurons are known for remarkably high spike rates and expression of kvb potassium channels fragile x syndrome fxs is a genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the fragile x mental retardation gene fmr resulting in decreased expression of fmrp and subsequent intellectual disability seizures attention deficit and hypersensitivity to auditory and other sensory stimuli we therefore hypothesize that the AEP difficulties in fxs result at least in part from dysfunction of ABR SN to examine this hypothesis we have studied normal human BS tissue with immunohistochemical techniques and confocal microscopy our results demonstrate that fmrp is widely expressed in cell bodies and dendritic arbors of SN in the human cochlear nucleus and SOC and also that coincidence detector neurons of the MSO colocalization of fmrp and kvb we interpret these observations to suggest that the lower auditory BS is a potential site of dysfunction in fxs
[ 192 ]
[ "complete freunds adjuvant" ]
an association has been described between inflammation and the progression of hypertension ht and is shown with several PSA parameters our aim was to examine the CSD of the SS procalcitonin pct pentraxin ptx and interleukin il C2 and their relationship with carotid intimamedia thickness cimt in subjects with WG coat ht wch ht and normotension nt CG thirtythree patients with ht patients with wch and HS were enrolled in this T0 pct ptx and creactive protein crp C2 significantly increased in the ht group compared with the nt group in addition pct and crp levels were significantly higher in the wch group than in the nt group cimt measurements were significantly higher in the wch and ht groups than in the nt group in the ht and wch groups there were significant positive correlations between ptx pct and crp in the wch group ptx and pct C2 were significnd nnos proteins in alphascreen without altering IB of psd to erbb both psdnnos inhibitors suppressed glutamateinduced cell death with efficacy comparable to mk ic and zl preferentially suppressed phase a pain SMB in the formalin test and suppressed allodynia induced by i.pl. CFA administration ic and zl suppressed mechanical and cold allodynia induced by the chemotherapeutic agent paclitaxel eds and mgkg ip for ic and zl respectively efficacy of psdnnos disruptors was similar to mk motor ataxic effects were induced by mk but not by zl or ic finally mk produced hyperalgesia in the tailflick test whereas ic and zl did not alter basal nociceptive thresholds our studies establish the utility of using alphascreen and purified protein pairs to establish and quantify disruption of proteinprotein interactions our results demonstrate previously unrecognized antinociceptive tau of zl and establish using two small molecules a broad application for psdnnos inhibitors in treating neuropathic and inflammatory pain collectively our results demonstrate that disrupting psdnnos proteinprotein interactions is ERP in attenuating pathological pain without producing unwanted side effects ie motor ataxia associated with nmdar antagonists
[ 262 ]
[ "ethylmorphine" ]
guinea pig adrenal microsomes possess a distinctive cytochrome p that is immunochemically related to p and correlates with microsomal capacity for xenobiotic metabolism this k protein and the capacity for metabolizing EDC such as ethylmorphine are located in the zona reticularis are suppressed by acth and are predominant in adult males the protein is undetectable and the CEA is low in young prepubertal animals in males both increase with age however in females the protein remains undetectable and EM demethylase activity remains low into adulthood despite this clear sex difference through puberty and into sexual maturity we recently observed that in female retired breeders both the k cytochrome p and the capacity for metabolism of ethylmorphine appear at C2 equal to those in males of comparable age as estrogen levels are low in female retired breeders we decided to investigate whether estrogen plays a role in maintaining the low levels of this protein and of xenobiotic metabolism seen in younger females in a series of gonadectomy and HRT experiments we demonstrated that estrogen suppressed the levels of both protein and CEA in AD guinea pigs ovariectomy resulted in the appearance of the k cytochrome p and of ethylmorphine demethylase in female adrenal microsomes at levels comparable to those seen in AD males estrogen replacement suppressed the increase in both protein concentration and CEA in hemiovariectomized cycling females compensatory hypertrophy of the remaining ovary occurred and the characteristic low levels of the k p and CEA were maintained furthermore estrogen treatment of male guinea pigs suppressed levels of both the k p and EM demethylase activity in male adrenals these experiments demonstrate that estrogen plays a significant role in the regulation of this protein testosterone on the other hand was not required to maintain the higher C2 of k p and correlated enzyme activity in AD males the C2 of both were the same in normal castrated and shamoperated males treated with testosterone or vehicle CT or left untreated in fact castration of prepubertal males resulted in a rapid rise to AD male C2 of both immunodetectable protein and enzyme activity implying that some suppressive agent of testicular origin effects the gradual increase that normally occurs with age in malesabstract truncated at words
[ 114 ]
[ "total pancreatectomy" ]
returning soldiers from iraq and afghanistan who have sustained polytrauma have a combination of complex physical and mental morbidities that require extensive therapy and rehabilitation this T0 examined the effect of rehabilitation on polytrauma patients with serviceconnected injuries treated at the tampa va improvements in functional anre treated with subcutaneously po insulin for the two month period of the post operative T0 hepatic lobar and cell size were nearly equal on both sides by light and electron microscopy the hepatocytes on both sides had CA somewhat less pronounced on the right however the most active cell division was now transferred to the left lobes the results with alloxaninduced diabetes were similar to those after TP except the lipid deposits were less on both CL sides in the alloxan experiments and the glycogen was selectively reduced in the RA lobes the latter finding presumably was due to the continued action of glucagon in dogs made diabetic with alloxan twelve nondiabetic dogs had a procedure called partial portacaval transposition which directed systemic A-V blood from the hindquarters kidneys and adrenal PG into the left lobes of the liver and the total splanchnic venous return into the right lobes two months later the degree of relative hypertrophy and PH of the glycogen rich RA lobes was even greater than after splanchnic division as was the morphologic damage to the left lobar hepatocytes the degree of right lobar hypertrophy following partial portacaval transposition was reduced but not eliminated by preexisting alloxaninduced diabetes in four dogs and by concomitant TP in six more dogs the dogs were subcutaneously treated with insulin structurally the hepatocytes on the RA side after two months were in better condition than were those on the left although both were abnormal the dominance of cell division on the right side was reduced as judged by standard microscopy and by ARG but there was not a shifting of sides the PSA analyses reflected the presence or absence of glucagon these findings are consistent with our earlier multifactorial hypothesis which holds that portal hepatotrophic AF are mainly interreacting hormones generated by splanchnic organs and delivered straight to the liver and that the hormone interrelationships might have augmented significance because of the high concentration of nutritional substrate in the same venous blood the observations also substantiate by direct testing the suggestion that insulin is the most important hepatotropic factor and that it profoundly affects many aspects of CL cell structure division and function
[ 375 ]
[ "constitutive nos" ]
delayed neuronal cell death elicited by excess excitatory amino acid concentrations has been strongly implicated in many neurological disorders including head trauma stroke motor neurone disease and HD disease we have used the neurotoxin lchloropropionic acid lcpa to model cellular events in vivo leading to delayed neuronal cell loss which is confined to the cerebellar cortex and can be prevented by inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase such as ngnitrolarginine methyl ester experiments were performed to determine whether the constitutive nitric oxide synthase nos or inducible form of nos inos was responsible for the neuronal cell death activation of nos was confirmed by a increase in cerebellar total nitrate and nitrite concentrations in lcpatreated brains as compared to controls controls lcpa treated nmol mg protein p students t tests n mean semean PSA measurements of total nos activity were made in homogenates of cerebellum h and h following lcpa administration times at which lcpa concentrations are maximal in BB and a time when there is a high proportion of cerebellar granule cell death respectively nos activity as measured by the amount of harginine converted to hcitrulline did not reveal any difference between controls rats dosed with water and animals dosed with lcpa at either or h following dosing furthermore the ability of three nos inhibitors ngnitrolarginine bromonitroindazole and smethylisothiourea to block the conversion of hcitrulline to harginine was identical at and h time points in control and lcpa treated rats quantitative ARG using hngnitrolarginine was used to measure the relative anatomical CSD and amount of nos enzyme in the cerebellum of controls and lcpatreated rats h following dosing there was no significant alteration in the binding of hngnitrolarginine to granular and molecular layers of the cerebellum of control and lcpatreated rat brains WB using antibodies against the inducible nos enzyme failed to detect the protein in cerebellums of lcpatreated rats when measured h after lcpa dosing in conclusion the increase in cerebellar nitratenitrite concentrations in lcpatreated rats provides further evidence for activation of nos in the cerebellum following administration of lcpa the failure to demonstrate an increase in nos activity at or h in lcpatreated rats as compared to controls suggests that the source of nitric oxide responsible for the GC death must originate from the cNOS enzyme probably the neuronal form which is highly EC in the cerebellum this hypothesis was further substantiated by western blotting and quantitative autoradiography
[ 238 ]
[ "ventrolateral funiculus" ]
recordings were made from identified spinomesencephalic tract smt cells in the lumbosacral spinal cord of cats anesthetized with alphachloralose and pentobarbital sodium recording sites were located in laminae iviii antidromic stimulation CS were located in different regions of the rostral and caudal midbrain including the periaqueductal gray midbrain Rt formation and the deep layers of the superior colliculus twelve smt cells were antidromically activated from more than one midbrain level or from sites in the medial TH the mean conduction velocity for the population of cells sampled was ms cells were categorized based on their responses to graded intensities of mechanical stimuli and the location of excitatory andor inhibitory receptive fields four major categories of cells were encountered wide dynamic range wdr HT ht deeptap and nonresponsive wdr and ht cells had excitatory andor inhibitory receptive fields restricted to the ipsilateral hindlimb or extending to other parts of the body including the tail forelimbs and face some cells had long afterdischarges following noxious stimulation whereas others had high rates of BG activity that was depressed by nonnoxious and noxious stimuli deeptap cells received convergent input from muscle joint or visceral primary afferent fibers the placement of mechanical lesions at different rostrocaudal levels of the C2 spinal cord provided information related to the spinal trajectory of smt axons six axons were located contralateral to the recording electrode in the ventrolateralmedial or lateral funiculi while two were located in the VLF of the ipsilateral SCS at CS used to antidromically activate smt cells resulted in the inhibition of BG and evoked responses for of cells tested GABA effects were observed on responses evoked by lowhigh intensity cutaneous stimuli and by the activation of joint or muscle primary afferent SF based on the response and receptivefield properties of smt cells it is suggested that the smt may have an important role in somatosensory mechanisms particularly those related to nociception
[ 148 ]
[ "cold ischemia time" ]
BG the impact of hypertensive htn donor grafts on the prognosis of simultaneous liverkidney transplantation slkt patient is not known and an applicable risk scoring system for slkt patient survival is lacking this study aimed to evaluate the impact of donor htn on patient survival of slkt recipients and to identify independent risk factors material and methods data from AD slkt recipients receiving deceased donor grafts from march to december in the scientific registry of SPK recipients srtr DB were retrospectively analyzed KM analysis was used to compare patient and VG survival multivariate cox proportional hazard models were built to identify independent risk AF associated with patient and GS results slkt patients receiving htn donor grafts had significantly shorter year patient survival and kidney VG survival rates than did those receiving nonhtn donor grafts vs p and vs p respectively MVA identified htn donor donor age donation DCD CIT recipient age recipient condition at SPK recipient HC infection need for life support and recipient pretransplant Al level as independent risk factors associated with inferior patient survival in slkt recipients a risk scoring model that predicted excellent stratification of prognostic subgroups was established auc ci conclusions an slkt patient receiving a graft from an htn donor has an VPI prognosis a risk scoring system applicable to patient survival in slkt recipients was developed
[ 106 ]
[ "spondyloarthritides" ]
for patients with active ankylosing spondylitis as medical therapy with tnfblockers such as infliximab is increasingly considered the SOC this is especially true for patients who continue to have PS of active inflammation despite medication with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs at the maximum possible dose insufficient control of SLEDAI as indicated by pain stiffness and decrease of CF is the most common clinical reason for starting antitnf therapy the most recent followup data show that antitnf therapy with infliximab is clinically efficacious and safe not only on a short but also on a longterm basis in as furthermore there is evidence that infliximab also works in other SpA spa such as spa associated with PS undifferentiated early axial spa and in spa associated with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases its benefit has even been reported in cases of reactive spa withdrawal of LT therapy in as patients usually leads to flares and relapses T3 several weeks to months but single cases of lasting remission have been reported only limited data are available regarding the optimal dosage of infliximab in spa in clinical practice selected patients might not need doses of infliximab higher than mgkg but most patients will need doses of mgkg a definite influence on radiographic progression after longterm continuous treatment with infliximab compared with conventional therapy has not been proven so far this is in contrast to function and mobility which even slightly improve over time in the patients who are still on therapy after or more years slightly over of the initially treated patients in clinical trials antibody formation may lead to loss of tau AA nonresponse serious AEs on antitnf therapy have remained rare as these can be largely prevented by appropriate screening the C1 benefits of antitnf therapy in as seem to outweigh the few shortcomings of this treatment
[ 165 ]
[ "tridimensional" ]
the authors both working as radiologist in private practice have initiated the cone beam technique as soon as and report their own experience cone beam computerized tomography cbct is dedicated to hard tissues imaging thus specifically adapted to oral implantology and maxillofacial surgery it has the advantage to deliver low dose radiation compared to other techniques cbct permits anatomical volume acquisition T3 data analysis on computer distances and implants d simulation can be checked cbct differs from ct scan because it is more adapted to hard tissues it has a better resolution than ct and because it delivers lower doses its isotropic pixel particularity which gives exact linear measurements and the fact that metallic artifacts are significatively diminished gives cbct its high interest in implantology these advantages of cbct and the small place needed for its installation explain its global wide spreading cbct is now considered to be the gold standard in dental and maxillofacial sectional imaging because of its biomeasuring capacity its bi and 3D reconstruction possibilities its surgical navigation and simulation capacity it is now widely used in implantology
[ 3 ]
[ "matching pursuit" ]
we use the MP mp algorithm to detect induced gamma activity in human eeg during speech perception we show that the mp algorithm is particularly useful for detecting small SP changes at high gamma frequencies hz we also compare the performance of the mp using a stochastic versus a dyadic dictionary and show that despite the frequency bias the TF SP plot averaged over trials generated by the dyadic mp is almost MZ to the one generated by the stochastic mp however the dyadic mp is computationally much faster than the stochastic mp
[ 107 ]
[ "dexrazoxane" ]
a markov MM was developed to determine the cost of treating patients with stage iiib or iv MBC with fluorouracil AC fac and dexrazoxane administered after six courses of fac versus fac CT the primary end point in our economic study was cost per cardiac event avoided cost per lifeyear saved was also calculated even though the survival advantage needs to be confirmed in followup studies the model incorporated the direct medical costs of treating patients with chemotherapy as well as the costs associated with treatment of any CE that occurred data were collected for this analysis from several sources including completed clinical trials on fac plus DEX versus fac plus PL obtained from two patient groups randomized at different time points a panel of three oncologists and a panel of three cardiologists analyses showed that therapy with DEX costs per cardiac event prevented sensitivity analyses on model variables were performed and showed that the basic results of the model did not NC when parameters were varied the clinical tau and costeffectiveness of dexrazoxane as shown by the results of the current study encourage further investigation of the uses of DEX in other populations and against other comparators
[ 77 ]
[ "betaglucuronidase reporter gene" ]
two lipoxygenase lox genes tomloxa and tomloxb are expressed in ripening tomato fruit and tomloxa is also expressed in germinating seedlings the upstream regions of these genes were isolated to study the regulatory elements involved in coordinating tomlox mRNA CS analysis of the promoters did not reveal any previously characterized regulatory elements except for tata and caat boxes however the sequence motif gatacannaatntgatg was found in both promoters chimeric gene fusions of each tomlox promoter with the GUS gus were introduced into tobacco and tomato plants via agrobacteriummediated transformation gus activity in tomloxagus plants during seed germination peaked at day and was enhanced by methyl JA meja treatment no gus activity was detected in tomloxbgus seedlings neither wounding nor ABA aba treatment of transgenic seedlings modified the activity of either promoter during fruit development gus expression in tomloxagus tobacco fruit increased days T3 anthesis daa and peaked at daa in tomloxbgus tobacco fruit gus activity increased at daa and peaked at daa in transgenic tomato fruit tomloxagus expression was localized to the outer pericarp during fruit ripening while tomloxbgus expression was localized in the outer pericarp and columella these data demonstrate that the promoter regions used in these experiments contain cisacting regulatory elements required for proper regulation of tomlox expression during development and for mejaresponsiveness
[ 0 ]
[ "parkinsonian patients" ]
PP present an impairment of proprioceptorguided movement that could imply abnormal processing in the frontal mesial SC to test this hypothesis we compared neuronal response to joint MSD in the supplementary and presupplementary motor Az of two monkeys before and after the progressive establishment of an methylphenyltetrahydropyridine mptpinduced PD syndrome after mptp administration neurons were G1 by the passive movement of numerous joints in various directions and no longer simply by one or two joints in one direction this impairment of the focused selection of proprioceptive inputs imputable to dopamine SD could impede motor planning and thus contribute to akinesia
[ 49 ]
[ "chronic persistent hepatitis" ]
seventy hbsagpositive patients including with primary hepatocellular carcinoma with chronic active SH with CPH and asymptomatic healthy SH b virus carriers were tested for antihbc igm using the corzymem test antihbc igm was detected in of the primary HCC carcinoma patients of the chronic AS hepatitis patients of the CPH patients but in none of the healthy hepatitis b virus carriers there was no correlation between the presence of antihbc igm and hbeag hepatitis b virus dna alt or alphafetoprotein levels in either the chronic AS hepatitis or CPH patients however a significantly higher positive rate of antihbc igm was noted in the hbeagpositive or hbv dnapositive PHC patients than in those with negative markers of viral replication but no correlation was noted between the presence of antihbc igm and serum alt or alphafetoprotein levels in these primary HCC carcinoma patients also no differences in positivity for hbeag hbv dna or C2 of serum alt were noted when patients with high titers of antihbc igm were compared to those with low titers thus antihbc igm cannot distinguish between hbsagpositive patients with chronic active hepatitis CPH or primary HCC carcinoma does not correlate with SS alt or alphafetoprotein C2 and is only associated with markers for viral replication in primary hepatocellular carcinoma patients based on this antihbc igm appears to have a limited usefulness for diagnosis of either CH b or primary hepatocellular carcinomaabstract truncated at words
[ 74 ]
[ "isometric" ]
the purpose of this study was to characterize quadriceps femoris muscle fatigue of both lower extremities in patients with knee OA oa sixtytwo subjects mean age years standard deviation sd ± years with knee oa participated in the study significantly higher knee pain was reported in the involved knee than in the CL knee as determined by a visual analog scale significant differences were demonstrated between the lower extremities in terms of maximal voluntary ISO contraction in favor of the less involved leg p in contrast the degree of fatigue of the quadriceps femoris muscle as measured by the decrement in force production following ten repeated contractions was significantly higher in the CL leg p furthermore normalization of the fatigue results to the first contraction yielded a similar result p similar results were noted when analysis was performed separately for subjects whose involvement was unilateral or BL the results indicate that irrespective of the initial strength of contraction the rate of muscle fatigue in the contralateral leg is significantly higher than in the involved leg hypotheses for these unexpected results are suggested rehabilitation of patients with knee oa should focus on increasing quadriceps muscle strength and endurance for both lower extremities
[ 126 ]
[ "common peroneal nerve" ]
inhibition of the magnitude of soleus muscle homonymous h reflexes occurs in humans when walking compared to standing the current study asked was the task modulation of ia reflexes limited to SOL was there support for attributing a presynaptic source to the inhibition in humans and did an oligosynaptic short latency reflex show similar task modulation in subjects h reflexes were evoked in vastus medialis and soleus at levels of contraction in the target muscle with constant stimulus intensity when walking and standing the reflex magnitudes in both muscles were significantly inhibited during the contractions for walking compared to standing such inhibition also occurred in h reflexes of TA muscle an excitatory oligosynaptic reflex was then evoked in vastus medialis through low intensity stimulation of the CPN during walking and standing the mean amplitudes of this reflex were not significantly different p less than between the two conditions at any contraction level the depression of quadriceps h reflexes compared to the oligosynaptic reflexes through the same quadriceps motoneuronal pool in the same task strongly suggested that the inhibition of h reflexes arose at other sites besides the motoneuronal cell body and proximal dendrites we conclude that ia h reflexes of various leg muscles of humans are inhibited when walking but that this does not generalize to the oligosynaptic short RL reflex between the anterior shank and thigh
[ 15 ]
[ "sucraseisomaltase" ]
to gain further insight on the mosaic expression of TPS PET intestinal markers such as SI in postconfluent caco cells a human colon cancer cell L1 unique in its property to differentiate in vitro into a mature enterocytelike cell type a comparative study was undertaken to examine the morphological and functional differentiation of caco cells at various SC stages the observations clearly indicate that caco cells can exist only in three different states in SC homogeneously undifferentiated at subconfluence heterogeneously polarized and differentiated between and days T3 confluence and homogeneously polarized and differentiated after days indeed in the intermediate state a strong discrepancy is found among adjacent differentiating cells throughout the monolayer relative to sucraseisomaltase expression as well as to cell morphology and brush border organization BEI analysis showed a lack of correlation between these parameters at the cellular level these observations indicate that morphological and functional differentiations of caco cells progress concomitantly according to a transient mosaic pattern thus providing evidence that these two processes are not coupled
[ 176 ]
[ "highly purified" ]
in comparison to b cell stimulation mediated by surface immunoglobulin ig antigen receptor ligation little is known about the intracellular events associated with t celldependent b cell responses a model for the efferent phase of t cellb cell interaction was used to examine the capacity of G1 t cells to trigger nuclear expression of the transacting transcription factor nfkappa b in B1 fixed G1 but not fixed resting th cells were found to induce increased CBA for a kappa b sitecontaining oligonucleotide in a timedependent manner this induction of nfkappa b was eliminated by an antibody directed against a kd cell interaction protein on activated TA as in yeast cells carrying a pgalleu expression vector sustained overproduction of leu following induction by galactose required elevated intracellular C2 of alphaisopropylmalate a leucine pathway intermediate known to act as transcriptional coactivator starting with galactoseinduced cells the leu protein was purified about fold ie fold over wild type level by a procedure that included treatment of the cellfree extract with polyethylenimine fractionation with AS heat treatment and dna AC HP S9 still showed two protein bands when subjected to polyacrylamide PACE under denaturing conditions their apparent molecular masses were about and kda the smaller of these values was very close to the maximum molecular weight obtained previously for leu protein translated in vitro in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate the molecular weight deduced from the open reading frame of the leu gene is both protein bands reacted with antibodies raised against different portions of the leu molecule and were therefore likely to represent two forms of leu treatment with calf intestinal phosphatase quantitatively converted the slower moving band into the faster moving one conversion was prevented by inorganic phosphate a phosphatase inhibitor these experiments showed that the two bands very likely correspond to phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated forms of leu phosphorylation did not appear to affect the dna binding function of leu but indirect effects on the activation CF or effects on the modulation by alphaisopropylmalate have not been ruled out electrophoretic mobility shift assays were used to estimate the apparent dissociation constants of the two TPS leudna complexes routinely seen in these assays the values obtained were and nm finally using size exclusion chromatography native leu protein was shown to have dimeric structure irrespective of the state of phosphorylation
[ 97 ]
[ "separation anxiety" ]
the aim of this study was to investigate the factorial structure and psychometric properties of the SA assessment scale saas with spanish schoolchildren the participants in T0 were children aged exploratory factor analysis identified four factors worry about calamitous events fear of abandonment fear of being alone and fear of PCS illness which explained of the variance the participants of T0 were schoolchildren aged the four related AF model was validated by CFA the internal consistency α and temporal stability r were good the convergent validity was evident from the DP of correlations with the measures of SA sensitivity to anxiety and school fears the sensitivity of the scale was and its specificity the cDNA subscales predicted the diagnosis of SA disorder the results support the reliability validity and clinical utility of the saas
[ 87 ]
[ "chronic persistent hepatitis" ]
il beta and il values in serum from patients with CHB diagnosed by LB and healthy controls were measured by the radioimmunoassay ria method though both values in patients SP for antihbe were slightly higher than those in patients seropositive for hbeag the differences between the two CG were not statistically significant in contrast the relationship between il beta and il in patients with chronic SH was statistically significant p less than in GA high values of serum il beta and il were seen in patients with CPH and low values of SS il beta and il were seen in patients with chronic AS hepatitis severe and in some of these with CPH serum il beta and il values of all patients with chronic SH were higher than in healthy controls p less than SS il beta and il in CHB are important indicators of the grade of the inflammatory state of the CL
[ 71 ]
[ "peripheral nerve" ]
by the use of LM immunohistochemistry it was shown that a significant population of small primary sensory afferents of guinea pig contains immunoreactivities to antisera directed against prodynorphinopioid peptides whereas immunoreactivities to antisera directed against opioid peptides exclusively contained in proenkephalin were absent immunoreactivities to antisera against different prodynorphinopioid MMP were seen in small ganglionic cells and in small diameter SF of spinal and trigeminal ganglia of dorsal roots of somatic PN trunks and in cutaneous sensory SN there was evidence for colocalization of different prodynorphinopioid MMP highperformance liquid chromatography and the mouse VD assay revealed opioidactive material pmol metenkephalin equivalents per gram wet weight in extracts of somatic IP nerves the results indicate for the first time that opioid MMP derived from prodynorphin are IP and CE neurotransmitter candidates of small primary somatosensory afferents
[ 10 ]
[ "protein kinase cs" ]
raising the external ca concentration from to mm stimulated membraneassociated PKCs pkcs activity as strongly as the specific pkcs activator otetradecanoyl phorbolacetate tpa in balbmk mouse KCs this was indicated by the increased phosphorylation of a pkcselective peptide ATP acfkksfklnh by CM isolated from the ca or tpastimulated KCs raising the external ca concentration to mm also triggered a fold rise in the [Ca(2+)](i) as reported elsewhere moscat j fleming t p molloy c j lopezbarahona m and aaronson s a j biol chem tpa stimulated the phosphorylation of the pkcs substrate the kda myristoylated alaninerich kinase c substrate marcks protein in intact KCs but ca did not furthermore capretreatment reduced the tpainduced phosphorylation of the kda protein in intact cells there was no significant increase in marcks phosphorylation when KCs were treated with a cacamdependent phosphatase inhibitor cyclosporin a before stimulation with mm cacacalmodulin suppressed the ability of isolated CM to phosphorylate the kda marcks holoprotein in vitro in the presence of phosphatase inhibitors such as fluoride pyrophosphate and vanadate and this inhibition was overcome by a W-7 the calmodulinbinding domain peptide thus the ability of mm ca to strongly stimulate the membrane pkcs activity without stimulating the phosphorylation of the marcks protein in KCs is consistent with the possibility of CaM complexes formed by the internal ca surge IB to and blocking the phosphorylation of this pkc protein ATP
[ 265 ]
[ "nph insulin" ]
rapidacting insulin analogues such as insulin lispro and insulin aspart produce a more physiological profile of insulin activity than does conventional regular human insulin because of their unique pharmacokinetics these insulin analogues are absorbed rapidly from the subcutaneous injection site resulting in a better matching of the appearance of insulin in the circulation with nutrient absorption from the intestine in addition they are shorteracting than regular human insulin thus decreasing the risk of late postprandial hypoglycaemia due to inappropriate hyperinsulinaemia because selfprepared mixtures of these rapidacting insulin analogues with longeracting insulins such as NPH NPH have been shown to be clinically useful and because manufactured fixedratio mixtures of regular human insulin and nph already represent a large proportion of insulin use manufactured fixedratio mixtures of insulin lispro and a sustainedrelease insulin known as npl have been developed insulin lispro mixtures npl is a protaminebased insulin lispro formulation with pharmacokinetics and glucodynamics comparable to those of human nph insulin npl was developed for use within insulin lispro mixtures because an exchange between soluble LP and protaminebound human insulin within human nph precludes prolonged storage of mixtures of these insulins an insulin lispro mixture consisting of insulin lispro and npl is now commercially available this preparation is intended primarily as an alternative to human insulin which is commonly used within a twicedaily i.t. regimen a mixture containing LP and npl is also available the rapid activity of insulin lispro is maintained within insulin lispro mixtures allowing i.t. just prior to a meal a convenience that is not available with commercial mixtures of regular human insulin and human NPH which should be injected to T2 prior to meals as with LP itself the rapid action of insulin lispro within the LP mixtures also results in a smaller increase in blood glucose C2 after meals than with comparable human insulin mixtures in addition data from two studies have shown that when mix is injected prior to the evening meal the incidence of nocturnal hypoglycaemia is decreased in comparison with the same dose of human insulin the combined rapid and prolonged insulin activity provided by insulin lispro mixtures has been defined both in healthy subjects without diabetes and in patients with diabetes
[ 61 ]
[ "nomeganitrolarginine" ]
the vasodilator activity of alphaadrenoceptor agonists was tested in the rat mesenteric V1 bed mvb and the mechanism involved was investigated in cultured EC cells isolated from the bovine coronary V1 bed in S9 preconstricted by u noradrenaline and phenylephrine induced a slight relaxant effect at nanomolar concentrations this effect was abolished in endotheliumdenuded S9 and in preparations pretreated with microm L-NA methyl ester plus microm indomethacin both the phospholipase c inhibitor u and the endoplasmic reticulum caatpase inhibitor thapsigargin inhibited the vasorelaxant effect of phenylephrine the cellular level of inositol monophosphate ip in bovine EC cells doubled T3 a min exposure to to nm phenylephrine the activity of cnos was significantly increased following exposure to the same concentrations of phenylephrine both chloroethylclonidine and the selective alphadadrenoceptor antagonist bmy reduced in a concentrationdependent manner the relaxant effect induced by phenylephrine whereas the selective alphaaadrenoceptor antagonist niguldipine was ineffective bmy also blocked the cnos activation induced by phenylephrine conversely the increase in perfusion pressure induced by micromolar concentrations of phenylephrine was blocked by nm niguldipine but was unaffected by bmy these findings demonstrate that nanomolar concentrations of phenylephrine which are devoid of any contractile effect induced a slight endotheliumdependent vasorelaxation in the rat mvb through the stimulation of alphadadrenoceptors located on EC cells which act through phospholipase c stimulation followed by ip generation and nitricoxide synthase activation conversely the increase in perfusion pressure induced by micromolar concentrations of phenylephrine is attributable to the stimulation of alphaaadrenoceptors
[ 122 ]
[ "tenofovir" ]
on previous occasions in and the swedish medical products agency läkemedelsverket and the swedish reference group for antiviral therapy rav have jointly published recommendations for the treatment of hiv infection an expert group under the guidance of rav has now revised the text again since the publication of the previous treatment recommendations new drug for the treatment of hiv has been approved the KPI pi darunavir prezista furthermore new drugs have become available the integrase inhibitor raltegravir mk the ccrinhibitor maraviroc celsentri both of which have novel mechanisms of action and the nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor nnrti etravirine tmc the new guidelines differ from the previous ones in several respects the most important of these are that abacavir is now preferred to TDF and zidovudine as a first L1 drug in treatmentnaïve patients and that initiation of antiretroviral treatment is now recommended before the cd cell count falls below microl rather than microl furthermore recommendations on the treatment of hiv infection in children have been added to the document as in the case of the previous publication recommendations are evidencegraded in accordance with the oxford centre for evidence based medicine see httpwwwcebmnetlevelsofevidenceasplevels
[ 4 ]
[ "quantitative electroencephalographic" ]
to investigate which single QEEG qeeg marker or which combination of markers correlates best with alzheimers disease ad severity as measured by the MMS mmse
[ 101 ]
[ "polylactic acid" ]
the objective of this article was to assess the value of the use of biodegradable materials in internal fracture fixation according to the current literature research methods included a computerized medline search and a hand check of references of identified articles also a CR reference list was obtained from the manufacturer of biofix bioscience ltd tampere finland the reviewers abstracted descriptive information about population materials complications followup times in clinical trials and strength of fixation complications and population for animal experiments results indicated that sterile sinus formation is mostly associated with PGA with rates up to and to a lesser extent PLA volume of implanted material and vascularity of bone appeared to affect the rate of sinus formation absorbable fixation was equivalent to or better than steel fixation for functional outcome refracture rate and in transepiphyseal femoral and humoral fractures PGA and PLA both becamiscriminate between spa and spa alleles
[ 93 ]
[ "delayed response" ]
scaffold proteins link signaling molecules into linear pathways by physically assembling them into complexes scaffolds may also have a higherorder role as signalprocessing hubs serving as the target of feedback loops that optimize signaling amplitude and timing we demonstrate that the ste scaffold protein can be used as a platform to systematically reshape SO of the yeast mating map kinase pathway we constructed synthetic positive and negativefeedback loops by dynamically regulating recruitment of pathway modulators to an artificial IB site on ste these engineered circuits yielded diverse behaviors ultrasensitive dose response accelerated or DR times and tunable adaptation protein scaffolds provide a flexible platform for reprogramming cellular responses and could be exploited to engineer cells with novel therapeutic and biotechnological functions
[ 76 ]
[ "rectus abdominis" ]
the purpose of this T0 was to determine the electromyographic emg SP spectral characteristics of seven trunk muscles bilaterally during two complex isometric activities extensionrotation and flexionrotation in both genders to describe the frequencydomain parameters eighteen normal young subjects volunteered for the study the subjects performed steadily increasing isometric extensionrotation and flexionrotation contractions in a standard trunk posture degrees flexed and degrees rotated to the right a sEMG was recorded from the external and internal oblique RA pectoralis latissimus dorsi and erector spinae muscles at the th thoracic and the rd lumbar vertebral C2 at khz and and of maximal voluntary contraction mvc the median frequency mf MPF mpf frequency spread and peak SP were obtained from fast fourier transform analysis the mf and mpf for both extensionrotation and flexionrotation increased with the grade of contraction for both males and females the emg spectra in flexionrotation were different from those of extensionrotation p the left external and RA internal oblique muscles played the role of antagonists in trunk extensionrotation there was an increase in the mf of the trunk muscles with increasing magnitude of contraction frequencydomain parameters for both the male and female subjects were significantly different p
[ 88 ]
[ "beck depression inventory" ]
although light therapy has been shown to be effective in the treatment of seasonal affective disorder sad little research has been done to determine which CS wavelengths affect treatment outcome in this triple crossover T0 the authors compared week of light therapy in which bright lux fullspectrum FL with and without blockade of the ultraviolet uv spectrum was used with a dim lux light control in sad patients the dim light condition had no significant antidepressant effects as measured by the hamilton rating scale for depression hamd the BDI bdi and an atypical depressive symptom atyp score the uvlight condition significantly reduced hamd bdi and atyp scores whereas the uvblocked condition significantly reduced only the atyp score these results suggest that the uvspectrum in light therapy may have a differential effect on typical and atypical PS in sad
[ 65 ]
[ "peripheral facial palsy" ]
hanalioğlu d özsürekci y büyükçam a gültekingilkeser a tekşam ö ceyhan m acute peripheral facial paralysis following varicella infection an uncommon complication turk j pediatr chickenpox is caused by varicella zoster virus vzvhhv which is one of the eight human herpes viruses although chickenpox has a good prognosis neurologic complications including encephalitis acute cerebellar ataxia myelitis and meningitis may seldom be associated with the disease PFP pfp is an extremely rare complication in patients with chickenpox herein we report a yearold boy with chickenpox and unilateral PFP who was successfully treated with ST steroids and physical rehabilitation
[ 80 ]
[ "cortisone acetate" ]
a case of isolated acth deficiency with HH presenting severe hyponatremia is described a yearold man complaining of nausea vomiting and fatigability was admitted to our hospital because of hyponatremia meqi the low C2 of serum cortisol and urinary ohcs suggested glucocorticoid deficiency and that the glucocorticoid deficiency was due to isolated acth deficiency was confirmed by a continuous acth loading test and PIT gland stimulation tests although the low level of SS sodium was normalized T3 the administration of CA mgday combined with an increase in oral salt NI urinary sodium loss persisted by the results of hypertonic saline infusion test treatment led to improvement of impairment of water diuresis due to hypersecretion of adh HH persisted after treatment we have shown that severe hyponatremia that occurs with combined deficiency of GCs and mineralocorticoids can be corrected with high salt intake and glucocorticoid replacement without correcting mineralocorticoid deficiency
[ 131 ]
[ "health authorities" ]
female sex tourism has become an accepted income generator for many underemployed men in jamaica who seek to reap economic benefits from relationships with visiting tourist women this issue provides contexts to explore the numerous ways in which health intersects with issues of masculinity sexuality and marginality based on ethnographic fieldwork in a popular jamaican resort town this paper examines the health implications of female sex tourism for the local population and tourist visitors data from this project indicate the need for improved sexually transmitted infection education and hiv outreach work towards men who are involved in transactional sex with tourist women due to prevalent perceptions of masculinity and gendered notions of sexuality men who engage in sex tourism constitute a population that rarely receives the attention of local and national HAs data from this qualitative study suggest that engaging this particular vulnerable population could potenamounts of protein during pregnancy respectively mir‑a was found to be upregulated in the skeletal muscles of iugr offspring the luciferase reporter CA confirmed the direct interaction between mir‑a and peroxisome proliferator‑activated receptor δ pparδ overexpression of mir‑a in the skeletal muscle cell line cc suppressed the expression of its target gene pparδ which in turn influenced the expression of its coactivator peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptorγ coactivatorα pgcα thus pparδpgcα‑dependent signals together reduced IDD gl uptake and adenosine triphosphate atp production overexpression of mir‑a also caused a decrease in levels of glucose transporter glut the most important glucose transporter in skeletal muscle which partially induced a decrease insulin‑dependent gl uptake these findings provide evidence for a novel microrna‑mediated mechanism of pparδ regulation and we also noted the irpromoting actions of mira in skeletal muscles of iugr
[ 63 ]
[ "microdialysis system" ]
recent findings suggest that the ovarian reninangiotensin system may regulate ovarian function through the paracrineautocrine actions of angiotensin ii ang ii in this study we have examined and characterized the local effects of ang ii as a luteolytic factor and its interaction with prostaglandin falpha pgfalpha and endothelin et in the bovine CL cl of the midluteal phase by using an in vitro MDS mds ang ii was detected in the mds perfusate pgml and infusion of pgfalpha m for h increased the ang ii PR by during the following exp period in addition to its stimulation of et release two h infusions of ang ii m separated by a h interval induced a dose and timedependent decrease of progesterone p release by when the luteal explants were preperfused with pgfalpha m for h two consecutive perfusions of ang ii m at a h interval rapidly reduced the p PR by this reduction occurred h earlier than those of infusions of pgfalpha or ang ii CT the simultaneous infusion of either ang ii m with pgfalpha m et m with pgfalpha or ang ii et with pgfalpha m for h also induced a rapid and pronounced decrease in p PR perfusion with the ang ii antagonist blocked the psuppressing activity of ang ii alone or pgfalpha ang ii infusion ang ii stimulated the release of et and oxytocin during infusion but inhibited them T3 infusion these results show that ang ii is released in the bovine midcycle cl in vitro and this peptide either CT or together with pgfalpha can suppress the PR of p as pgfalpha directly stimulated ang ii release ang ii may influence the critical period for starting the cascade of functional luteolysis in vivo and might lead to structural luteolysis with et as a major vasoconstrictor the overall results suggest that ang ii may have an important role at luteolysis in the bovine cl
[ 71 ]
[ "methylcellulose" ]
critical technical parameters to establish a reliable method for quantifying the intracellular content of anthracyclines were evaluated in patients with acute myelocytic leukemia aml two methods were used for the isolation of leukocytes from the peripheral blood and two methods for the SE of daunorubicin dnr daunorubicinol dol and doxorubicin dox from these cells followed by drug analysis using highperformance liquid chromatography hplc at degrees c the REC of leukocytes T3 MC separation was low cold hypotonic lysis gave better REC when performed at the same temperature T3 lowvolume ml extraction mixture drug SE from isolated leukocytes the recoveries of dnr dol and dox from the cells were low and they were inversely related to the cellularity of the sample irrespective of the amount of drug in the cells with highvolume SE ml extraction mixture the recoveries were better up to but they remained dependent on the cellularity a correction factor accounting for these cellularityrelated recoveries was applied to calculate the dnr and dol contents of the WBCs finally using this information plasma and cellular dnr and dol levels were measured in seven patients with aml during their first course of remission induction therapy the cellular dnr levels appeared to vary over a broad range and did not correlate with plasma pharmacokinetics
[ 103 ]
[ "transthyretin" ]
the contribution of plasma proteins to the stabilization of fibroids formed in rat lungs exposed to acute silica dust inhalation was examined antibodies against component proteins of the nodules remaining insoluble in sds m urea and mm sulfhydryl reagents under prolonged boiling conditions were raised in rabbits and used to capture plasma proteins which were identified by dgel PACE and malditof analysis the silica particles were encapsulated with extracellular protein composites whose CAA compositions showed high C2 of alanine ie above those of glycine and proline a building block of collagen antibodycaptured plasma proteins showed the dominant presences of fibrinogen albumin and prealbumin TTR and other minor proteins which included alphaprotease inhibitor contraspinlike KPI cat b etc the presence of the nepsilongammaglutamyl lysine isopeptide bond in the nodules was evidenced by direct chemical methods and by immunoreactivity for antiisopeptide bonds immunostaining of affected lung tissue and of the fibroid regions showed elevated levels of transglutaminase tgase e and plasma factor xiii fxiii but showed no CR towards other tgases these findings suggest that the silica encapsulated nodules are a mixture of extracellular proteins that include collagen type i Fn and TTR which is stabilized by tgase catalyzed crosslinking between plasma and extracellular proteins during fibrosis to eventually form insoluble nodules
[ 13 ]
[ "delta tetrahydrocannabinol" ]
a pilot study was conducted to ascertain the range of induced hemolyzed bloodserum THC delta thc concentrations in human subjects subjects were tested within min of smoking a delta thc cigarette and then at halfhour intervals to min the subjects initially demonstrated a broad range of delta thc hemolyzed blood levels which settled within an hour to C2 comparable to those measured in california drivers who had been stopped for impaired driving arrested and tested for delta thc SS levels when correlated with performance or roadside sobriety tests demonstrated a broad range to ngml of delta thc C2 and an adaptation effect in the subjects perception of their own impairment although this preliminary study was not a doubleblind PL experiment the overall performance of human subjects demonstrated the adaptation effect which may be a significant factor in making judgments while performing such complex tasks as driving also the effects of the drug extended beyond the period of elevated delta thc blood C2 perhaps because of thc metabolites that may contribute to impairment or the persistence of thc in the CNS system this pilot T0 will lay the groundwork for a program designed to determine the epidemiology and SMB correlates of marijuana use in motorists
[ 61 ]
[ "noninsulin dependent" ]
diabetes mellitus is a frequent disorder affecting individuals of all ages in children adolescents and young adults but also sometimes in older people type diabetes is the consequence of insulin deficiency resulting from an autoimmune process destroying the insulin producing cells in the pancreatic islets of langerhans in the adults and older persons but sometimes also in young individuals type diabetes NIDDM diabetes occurs in genetically predisposed individuals and is favoured by weight excess and sedentarity this form of diabetes is undiagnosed in about of those affected this concise review surveys the PH of diabetes the current situation and the expected changes in terms of epidemiology prevention and treatment the role of the IDF idf whose headquarters are located in brussels is briefly described particularly in the scope of its fight against a disease currently affecting millions people worldwide a figure likely to reach millions at the horizon
[ 0 ]
[ "computed tomographic colonography" ]
CTC ctc has emerged as an alternative screening tool for CC due to the potential to provide good tau combined with greater acceptability than optical colonoscopy or FOBT however some organizations have raised concerns about the potential harms including perforation rates and radiationrelated cancer risks and have not recommended that it currently be used as a screening tool in the GP in the us in this article the authors review the current evidence for these potential harms from ctc and compare them to the potential harms from the alternatives including colonoscopy and DCE
[ 50 ]
[ "randomised controlled trials" ]
mild therapeutic hypothermia th or targeted temperature management improves survival and neurological outcomes in patients after outofhospital CA ohca international guidelines strongly support initiating th for all eligible individuals presenting with ohca however the timing of cooling initiation remains uncertain this systematic review and metaanalysis was conducted with all available RCT rcts included to explore the efficacy and safety of initiating prehospital th in patients with ohca
[ 93 ]
[ "homologydirected repair" ]
nonhomologous endjoining nhej is the predominant dna doublestrand break dsb repair pathway in mammalian cells it inhibits the efficiency of HR hr by competing for dsb targets to improve the efficiency of hr in porcine fetal fibroblasts pffs several rna interference rnai systems were designed to knockdown nhej key molecules such as polynucleotide kinasephosphatase pnkp dna ligase iv lig and nhej the results show that sirna significantly knocked down lig pnkp and nhej expression suppression of pnkp dramatically increased the efficiency of singlestrand annealing ssa doublestrand dna dsdna and singlestrand dna ssodn mediated HDR hdr by and T3 transfected with the ssagfp reporter hdrgfp system or ssodngfp system respectively whereas knockdown of lig and nhej repair factors significantly increased dsdna or ssodnmediated hdr efficiency by and respectively
[ 61 ]
[ "monoolein" ]
seoh busath showed that in the presence of formamidinium single gramicidin a channels were lengthened had uniformly noisy currents at low voltages and had superlinear currentvoltage relationships all three properties being absent in gramicidin m channels in which the interfacial tryptophan residues in gramicidin a are all replaced by phenylalanine we measured the single channel noise power spectra psds in small mo gmo bilayers with formamidinium chloride solutions to help identify the mechanism of noise process psds were lorentzian with characteristic frequencies of khz in and m formamidinium chloride solutions and from khz in m solution si where measurable ranged from approximately fahz the time course of the noise process could not be detected in these experiments the low fc suggests slow motions or rare states of the blocking gates which judging from the result with gramicidin m must be equal to or related to the trp residues
[ 16 ]
[ "highly trained" ]
musicians dystonia md is a taskspecific movement disorder with a loss of voluntary motor control in HT movements defective inhibition on different C2 of the CNS system is involved in its pathophysiology cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation ctdcs diminishes excitability of the motor cortex and improves performance in overlearned tasks in healthy subjects the aim of this T0 was to investigate whether ctdcs improves fine motor control in md professional guitarists n with md played exercises before directly after ctdcs and min T3 ctdcs ctdcs ma min was applied on the primary motor SC contralateral to the affected hand guitar exercises were videodocumented and symptoms were evaluated by three independent experts no beneficial effect of ctdcs on fine motor control was found for the entire group however motor control of one guitarist improved T3 stimulation this patient suffered from arm dystonia whereas the other guitarists suffered from hand dystonia
[ 88 ]
[ "dialysis adequacy" ]
since the advent of maintenance dialysis therapy our interpretation of what adequate dialysis really is has broadened and become more controversial this is not only due to our changing and aging dialysis population but also to our evolving knowledge base as nephrologists we strive to achieve both quality and often quantity of life for our patients and we feel reassured when we have a quantifiable marker to show for our efforts however we suggest that adequate dialysis reaches far beyond the realms of attaining a particular biochemical result Kt/V should encompass a more comprehensive assessment of patient wellbeing this metric could comprise quality of life and patientspecified goals sufficient small solute and middle molecule clearance optimal blood pressure control and ERP bonemineral balance all in the context of minimizing mortality and morbidity and a livable dialysis regimen for the patient
[ 24 ]
[ "chronic eosinophilic pneumonia" ]
one clinical observation gives the opportunity of reviewing the clinical radiological physiological and pathological aspects of two idiopathic eosinophilic lung diseases löfflers syndrome and CEP carrington the authors catch the eye on the difficulty in making sometimes differential diagnosis between the two diseases
[ 62 ]
[ "microtubules" ]
myosinva was identified as a microtubule binding protein by cosedimentation analysis in the presence of microtubules native myosinva purified from chick BB as well as the expressed globular tail domain of this S1 but not head domain bound to microtubuleassociated proteinfree MTs binding of myosinva to MTs was saturable and of moderately high affinity approximately myosinvatubulin kd nm myosinva may bind to MTs via its tail domain because microtubulebound myosinva retained the ability to bind actin filaments resulting in the formation of crosslinked gels of microtubules and actin as assessed by fluorescence and electron microscopy in low ca atp addition induced dissolution of these gels but not release of myosinva from mts however in microm ca atp addition resulted in the contraction of the gels into asterlike arrays these results demonstrate that myosinva is a microtubule binding protein that crosslinks and mechanochemically couples microtubules to actin filaments
[ 253 ]
[ "situation awareness" ]
current knowledge of the etiology of prostate cancer is limited numerous studies have suggested that certain occupations and industries may be associated with the occurrence of prostate CA information on occupation and industry on death certificates from states gathered from to was used in case control T0 on prostate cancer a total of men with prostate CA as underlying cause of death was selected and matched with controls who died of all other causes except cancer similar to the findings of our parallel C1 case control study of prostate CA we observed excess risks in some whitecollar occupations such as administrator simple static CS- displays the partial report technique showed that participants could recall most of the information in the stimulus array but that this information faded quickly when participants engaged in whole report recall an experiment was conducted that applied the partial report method to a task involving complex displays of moving objects in the experiment participants viewed cars in a lowfidelity driving simulator and then reported the locations of some or all of the cars in each scene a statistically significant advantage was found for the partial report trials this finding suggests that detailed spatial location information was forgotten from dynamic spatial SM over the s that it took participants to recall whole report trials the experiment results suggest better ways of measuring SA partial report recall techniques may give a more accurate measure of peoples momentary SA than whole report techniques potential applications of this research include simulatorbased measures of SA ability that can be part of inexpensive test batteries to select people for realtime tasks eg in a driver licensing battery and to identify people who need additional training
[ 10 ]
[ "split liver transplantation" ]
preservation of the middle hepatic vein mhv for a right SLT slt in an adult recipient is still controversial the aim of this T0 was to evaluate the graft and patient outcomes after CL transplantation lt using a RA split graft according to the type of venous drainage from february to may patients received cadaveric RA split CL grafts according to the type of recipient pairs adultadult or adultchild the right liver graft was deprived of the mhv or not the G1 gi n included grafts with only the RA hepatic vein rhv outflow the second gii n included grafts with both RA and mhv outflows the groups were similar for patient demographics initial CL disease and donor characteristics in gi and gii grafttorecipientweight ratio grwr was and p and CI time was hours T2 hours minutes and hours minutes hours minutes respectively p not significant postoperative death occurred in patient in each group V1 complications included anastomotic strictures portal vein pv hepatic artery ha and rhv anastomotic strictures all in gi BC occurred in and of the patients in gi and gii respectively p not significant there were no differences between both groups regarding postoperative outcome and blood tests at day except for a significantly higher cholestasis in gi at and yr patient survival was for both CG and graft survival was for gi and for gii p not significant in conclusion our results suggest that adult RA slt without the mhv is safe and associated with similar LT results as compared with those of the right VG including the mhv despite that early liver CF recovered more slowly technical refinements in outflow drainage should be evaluated in selected cases
[ 365 ]
[ "ferrous iron" ]
the aim of this in vivo study was to evaluate the performance of fluorescencebased devices in detecting occlusal caries lesions in primary molars compared with conventional methods two examiners assessed occlusal surfaces of first and second primary molars in patients using two fluorescence devices diagnodent lf and diagnodent pen lfpen teeth were also assessed by visual examination and bitewing radiograph histological examination served as the gold standard T3 extraction by using the mcnemar test the sensitivity specificity accuracy and area under the receiver operating curve were calculated as outer enamel d inner enamel d and dentine caries d lesion thresholds the intra and interexaminer reproducibility were calculated using the cohens unweighted kappa statistics at the d threshold the lfpen sensitivity was statistically higher than lf and radiographic examination p whereas there was no statistically significant difference among the groups at the d and d thresholds p all methods demonstrated the highest sensitivity values at d at the d and d thresholds there were no significant differences between the lfpen specificity and the other methods all methods presented similar performance in detecting all lesions considering the area under the receiver operating curve the lfpen showed better performance than lf furthermore visual examination and the lfpendisturbed sedimentary rocks to measure the coupled DWI and abiotic reaction of trichloroethene tce through rock core samples results showed that for all rock types studied tce dechlorination occurred as evidenced by generation of acetylene ethene andor ethane daughter products firstorder bulk reaction rate constants for tce Kd ranged from × to × s observed reaction rate constants showed a GA rho to the available ferrous iron content of the rock which was determined by evaluating the spatial CSD of ferrous iron relative to that of the rock porosity for some rock types SE to tce resulted in a decrease in the ERP diffusivity scanning electron microscopy sem indicated that the decrease in the ERP diffusivity was due to a decrease in the porosity that occurred T3 SE to tce overall these coupled DWI and reaction results suggest that DWI of tce into rock matrices as well as the rate and extent of backdiffusion may be substantially mitigated in rocks that contain Fe2+ or other naturally occurring reactive metals thereby lessening the impacts of matrix diffusion on sustaining dissolved contaminant plumes in bedrock aquifers
[ 13 ]
[ "age at onset" ]
pathological changes in the cortical gray matter in infantile hydrocephalus vary with the AAO and may not be reversible with shunt treatment we have used electron microscopy to investigate the CS of pathological NC and the effect of shunt treatment on layer vi pyramidal cells from infant htx rats with inherited earlyonset HC tissue was prepared from the FC and VC of control and hydrocephalic rats at and DAB together with day rats previously treated with ventriculosubcutaneous shunts at or days after birth both cortical regions gave similar results but the effects were more severe in the visual SC in the early stages of HC the pyramidal cells were in clusters with fewer mature dendrites and less cytoplasmic organization than those in control rats and some neuronal processes were vacuolated in intermediate hydrocephalus the changes were more severe with vacuolated cytoplasm fewer cytoplasmic organelles frequent swollen processes and infrequent synapses in T3 HC at days many SN showed degenerative changes with edematous golgi and dilated endoplasmic reticulum distorted mitochondria and single ribosomes the neuropil contained many spongy areas with distended profiles shunt treatment prevented most of the changes if carried out at days shunt treatment at days also gave a dramatic REC at the cellular level but there were more immature pyramidal cells and edematous processes in the neuropil than in the daytreated rats the changes in HC are consistent with progressive neuronal damage which is largely prevented by early shunt treatment
[ 39 ]
[ "cervicovaginal lavage" ]
this study sought to determine risk factors for genital infection with papillomavirus hpv in panamanian women years old subjects were randomly selected from herrera and panama provinces cervical cancer incidence and respectively participants were interviewed to determine sexual behavior CVL specimens were obtained to test for hpv dna by commercial dot blot hybridization hpv dna was detected significantly more frequently in panama than herrera samples p clearly infection with highrisk hpv types alone cannot account for the differences in cervical CA incidence between the two populations hpv PCD decreased with increasing years of sexual experience among all women in panama and among women with multiple partners in herrera however hpv detection did not change with sexual experience among monogamous women in herrera thus the epidemiology of hpv is complex and reflects both virus and populationspecific factors
[ 46 ]
[ "days gestational age" ]
two cases of PA neonatal meningitis are reported case occurred on day of life at home in a full term newborn favourable outcome was obtained with a treatment associating ceftazidime days gentamicin days and ciprofloxacin days case no was a nosocomial meningitis in a weeks and dGA premature newborn despite in vitro ERP antibiotherapy with ceftazidime netilmicine and ciprofloxacine six cerebral abscesses were observed during the second week of treatment ceftazidime was stopped T3 weeks and ciprofloxacine prolonged until neuroradiological cure of CBF lesions at one year of age normal outcome was observed at and and half year of age therapeutic indications and clinical tolerance of ciprofloxacine in neonatal meningitis are discussed
[ 31 ]
[ "galactosyl" ]
in order to delineate clinical subtypes of gm gangliosidosis enzymologically we prepared galactosyl OS from the urine of patients as substrates and established the method of the galactosyl oligosaccharide betagalactosidase CA Gal oligosaccharides betagalactosidase activities nmolmg protein h in vitro using substrates without repeating structures were type n type a type b n type n the MICs in vitro using substrates with repeating structures were type n type a type b n type n the activities using substrates with and without repeating structures were affected in the fibroblasts of patients and the residual MICs in each AT1 were reduced progressively with the increasing severity of the clinical features the ratio between activities using substrates without repeating structures and MICs using substrates with repeating structures indicated that betagalactosidase activities toward gal beta of repeating structures were reduced progressively with the increasing severity of the clinical features the MICs in vivo pmolmg protein per h were type n type a type b n type the activities in vivo were affected in the fibroblasts of patients and the residual MICs were reduced in proportion to the severity of the clinical features these differences of residual MICs among each AT1 make it possible to delins in vivo the administration of rtnf alpha to rats was able to modify analgesic responses the concomitant administration of naloxone an opiate receptor antagonist or monoclonal antiil antibody decreased the analgesic effects induced by rtnf alpha this indicates that the analgesic effect might not be mediated directly by rtnf alpha but by other mediators whose action is under the control of tnf alpha
[ 23 ]
[ "organophosphorus" ]
concentrations of parent pesticide and corresponding diethylphosphorus metabolites in BS and urine were investigated in persons who had ingested a concentrated solution of OP pesticide chlorpyrifos the OPP was indicated by a significant depression of blood cholinesterase ec and ec MICs blood and spot urine samples were collected daily T3 admission of the persons to hospital chlorpyrifos was detected only in SS samples in a period up to days T3 poisoning in the same samples chlorpyrifos oxygen analogue CPO was ND the presence of diethylphosphorothioate in all serum and urine samples confirmed that part of chlorpyrifos was hydrolysed before its oxidation the maximum concentrations of chlorpyrifos in SS and of metabolites in serum and urine were measured on the day of admission the decrease in concentrations followed the firstorder kinetics with the initial rate constant faster and the later one slower in the faster beta phase chlorpyrifos was eliminated from serum twice as fast t h as the total diethylphosphorus metabolites t h the total urinary diethylphosphorus metabolites in six chlorpyrifos poisoned persons were excreted with an average beta halftime of h mean sd in the faster and of h in the slower elimination phase