AmelieSchreiber's picture
license: mit
- en
- biology
- protein sequences
- binding sites
- active sites
- 100K<n<1M
This dataset is obtained from a [UniProt search](*%29+AND+%28family%3A*%29&view=table)
for protein sequences with family and binding site annotations. The dataset includes unreviewed (TrEMBL) protein sequences as well as
reviewed sequences. We refined the dataset by only including sequences with an annotation score of 4. We sorted and split by family, where
random families were selected for the test dataset until approximately 20% of the protein sequences were separated out for test data.
We excluded any sequences with `<`, `>`, or `?` in the binding site annotations. We furthermore included any active sites that were not
listed as binding sites in the labels (seen in the merged "Binding-Active Sites" column). We split any sequence longer than 1000 residues
into non-overlapping sections of 1000 amino acids or less after the train test split. This results in subsequences of the original protein
sequence that may be too short for consideration, and filtration of the dataset to exclude such subsequences or segment the longer sequences
in a more intelligent way may improve performance. Pickle files containing only the train/test sequences and their binary labels are also available
and can be downloaded for training or validation of the train/test metrics.