Code in this folder contains implementation for the CraigslistBargain task in the following paper: |
[Decoupling Strategy and Generation in Negotiation Dialogues](https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.09637). |
He He, Derek Chen, Anusha Balakrishnan and Percy Liang. |
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2018. |
## Dependencies |
Python 2.7, PyTorch 0.4. |
Install `cocoa`: |
``` |
cd ..; |
python setup.py develop; |
``` |
`pip install -r requirements.txt` |
## Dataset |
All data is on the Codalab [worksheet](https://worksheets.codalab.org/worksheets/0x453913e76b65495d8b9730d41c7e0a0c/). |
### Visualize JSON transcripts |
All dialogues (either generated by self-play or collected from AMT) |
are in the same [JSON format](../README.md#examples-and-datasets). |
To visualize the JSON files in HTML, see documentation [here](../README.md#visualize). |
For CraigslistBargain dialogues, pass in the additional argument: |
- `--img-path`: path to Craigslist posting images; download on [Codalab](https://worksheets.codalab.org/bundles/0xb93730d80e1c4d4cb4c6bf7c9ebef12f/). |
### Collect your own data |
If you want to collect your own data, read the following steps. |
### Scenario generation |
1. Schema: `data/craigslist-schema.json`. |
2. Scrape Craigslist posts from different categories: |
``` |
cd scraper; |
for cat in car phone bike electronics furniture housing; do \ |
scrapy crawl craigslist -o data/negotiation/craigslist_$cat.json -a cache_dir=/tmp/craigslist_cache -a from_cache=False -a num_result_pages=100 -a category=$cat -a image=1; \ |
done |
``` |
3. Generate scenarios: |
``` |
PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/generate_scenarios.py --num-scenarios <number> --schema-path data/craigslist-schema.json --scenarios-path data/scenarios.json --scraped-data scraper/data/negotiation --categories furniture housing car phone bike electronics --fractions 1 1 1 1 1 1 --discounts 0.9 0.7 0.5 |
``` |
- `--fractions`: fractions to sample from each category. |
- `--discounts`: possible targets for the buyer, `discount * listing_price`. |
### Set up the website and AMT HITs. |
See [data collection](../README.md#data-collection) in `cocoa` README. |
## Building the bot |
### Use the modular approach |
The modular framework consists of three parts: the parser, the manager, and the generator. |
#### <a name=price-tracker>1. Build the price tracker.</a> |
The price tracker recognizes price mentions in an utterance. |
``` |
PYTHONPATH=. python core/price_tracker.py --train-examples-path data/train.json --output <path-to-save-price-tracker> |
``` |
#### 2. Parse the training dialogues. |
Parse both training and validation data. |
``` |
PYTHONPATH=. python parse_dialogue.py --transcripts data/train.json --price-tracker <path-to-save-price-tracker> --max-examples -1 --templates-output templates.pkl --model-output model.pkl --transcripts-output data/train-parsed.json |
PYTHONPATH=. python parse_dialogue.py --transcripts data/dev.json --price-tracker <path-to-save-price-tracker> --max-examples -1 --templates-output templates.pkl --model-output model.pkl --transcripts-output data/dev-parsed.json |
``` |
- Parse utterances into coarse dialogue acts using the rule-based parser (`--transcripts-output`). |
- Learn an n-gram model over the dialogue acts (`--model-output`), which will be used by the **hybrid policy**. |
- Extract utterance templates (`--templates-output`) for retrieval-based generator. |
#### 3. Learning the manager. |
We train a seq2seq model over the coarse dialogue acts using parsed data. |
``` |
mkdir -p mappings/lf2lf; |
mkdir -p cache/lf2lf; |
mkdir -p checkpoint/lf2lf; |
PYTHONPATH=. python main.py --schema-path data/craigslist-schema.json --train-examples-paths data/train-parsed.json --test-examples-paths data/dev-parsed.json \ |
--price-tracker price_tracker.pkl \ |
--model lf2lf \ |
--model-path checkpoint/lf2lf --mappings mappings/lf2lf \ |
--word-vec-size 300 --pretrained-wordvec '' '' \ |
--rnn-size 300 --rnn-type LSTM --global-attention multibank_general \ |
--num-context 2 --stateful \ |
--batch-size 128 --gpuid 0 --optim adagrad --learning-rate 0.01 \ |
--epochs 15 --report-every 500 \ |
--cache cache/lf2lf --ignore-cache \ |
--verbose |
``` |
#### <a name=rl>4. Finetune the manager with reinforcement learning.</a> |
Generate self-play dialogues using the above learned policy and |
run REINFORCE with a given reward function. |
First, let's generate the training and validation scenarios. |
We will directly get those from the training and validation data. |
``` |
PYTHONPATH=. python ../scripts/chat_to_scenarios.py --chats data/train.json --scenarios data/train-scenarios.json |
PYTHONPATH=. python ../scripts/chat_to_scenarios.py --chats data/dev.json --scenarios data/dev-scenarios.json |
``` |
Now, we can run self-play and REINFORCE with a reward function, e.g. `margin`. |
``` |
mkdir checkpoint/lf2lf-margin; |
PYTHONPATH=. python reinforce.py --schema-path data/craigslist-schema.json \ |
--scenarios-path data/train-scenarios.json \ |
--valid-scenarios-path data/dev-scenarios.json \ |
--price-tracker price_tracker.pkl \ |
--agent-checkpoints checkpoint/lf2lf/model_best.pt checkpoint/lf2lf/model_best.pt \ |
--model-path checkpoint/lf2lf-margin \ |
--optim adagrad --learning-rate 0.001 \ |
--agents pt-neural pt-neural \ |
--report-every 500 --max-turns 20 --num-dialogues 5000 \ |
--sample --temperature 0.5 --max-length 20 --reward margin |
``` |
- `--reward`: `margin` (utility), `fair` (fairness), and `length` (length). |
- `--agents`: agent types |
### Use the end-to-end approach |
#### 1. Build pretrained word embeddings. |
First, build the vocabulary. Note that we need the [price tracker](#price-tracker) to bin prices. |
``` |
mkdir -p mappings/seq2seq; |
PYTHONPATH=. python main.py --schema-path data/craigslist-schema.json --train-examples-paths scr/data/train.json --mappings mappings/seq2seq --model seq2seq --price-tracker price_tracker.pkl --ignore-cache --vocab-only |
``` |
Get the GloVe embedding. |
``` |
wget http://nlp.stanford.edu/data/glove.840B.300d.zip; |
unzip glove.840B.300d.zip; |
``` |
Filter pretrained embedding for the model vocab. |
We use separate embeddings for the utterances and the product description specified by `--vocab-type`. |
``` |
PYTHONPATH=. python ../cocoa/neural/embeddings_to_torch.py --emb-file glove.840B.300d.txt --vocab-file mappings/seq2seq/vocab.pkl --output-file mappings/seq2seq/ --vocab-type kb |
PYTHONPATH=. python ../cocoa/neural/embeddings_to_torch.py --emb-file glove.840B.300d.txt --vocab-file mappings/seq2seq/vocab.pkl --output-file mappings/seq2seq/ --vocab-type utterance |
``` |
#### 2. Train the seq2seq model. |
``` |
mkdir -p cache/seq2seq; |
mkdir -p checkpoint/seq2seq; |
PYTHONPATH=. python main.py --schema-path data/craigslist-schema.json --train-examples-paths data/train.json --test-examples-paths data/dev-parsed.json \ |
--price-tracker price_tracker.pkl \ |
--model seq2seq \ |
--model-path checkpoint/seq2seq --mappings mappings/seq2seq \ |
--pretrained-wordvec mappings/seq2seq/utterance_glove.pt mappings/seq2seq/kb_glove.pt --word-vec-size 300 \ |
--rnn-size 300 --rnn-type LSTM --global-attention multibank_general \ |
--enc-layers 2 --dec-layers 2 --num-context 2 \ |
--batch-size 128 --gpuid 0 --optim adagrad --learning-rate 0.01 \ |
--report-every 500 \ |
--epochs 15 \ |
--cache cache/seq2seq --ignore-cache \ |
--verbose |
``` |
#### 3. Finetune with RL. |
See [finetuning](#rl) in the modular framework. |
We just need to change the the model path to `--model-path checkpoint/seq2seq`. |
## Chat with the bot |
Chat with the bot in the command line interface: |
``` |
PYTHONPATH=. python ../scripts/generate_dataset.py --schema-path data/craigslist-schema.json --scenarios-path data/dev-scenarios.json --results-paths bot-chat-transcripts.json --max-examples 20 --agents <agent-name> cmd --price-tracker price_tracker.pkl --agent-checkpoints <ckpt-file> "" --max-turns 20 --random-seed <seed> --sample --temperature 0.2 |
``` |
Chat with the bot in the web interface: |
add the bot model to the config file (example: `web/app_params_allsys.json`) |
and [launch the website](../README.md#web). |