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Microsoft Research Sequential Question Answering (SQA) Dataset

Contact Persons: Scott Wen-tau Yih Mohit Iyyer Ming-Wei Chang

The SQA dataset was created to explore the task of answering sequences of inter-related questions on HTML tables. A detailed description of the dataset, as well as some experimental studies, can be found in the following paper:

Mohit Iyyer, Wen-tau Yih, Ming-Wei Chang. "Answering Complicated Question Intents Expressed in Decomposed Question Sequences." arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.01242

Version 1.0: November 9, 2016


Recent work in semantic parsing for question answering has focused on long and complicated questions, many of which would seem unnatural if asked in a normal conversation between two humans. In an effort to explore a conversational QA setting, we present a more realistic task: answering sequences of simple but inter-related questions.

We created SQA by asking crowdsourced workers to decompose 2,022 questions from WikiTableQuestions (WTQ)*, which contains highly-compositional questions about tables from Wikipedia. We had three workers decompose each WTQ question, resulting in a dataset of 6,066 sequences that contain 17,553 questions in total. Each question is also associated with answers in the form of cell locations in the tables.


train.tsv -- Training question sequences test.tsv -- Testing question sequences table_csv -- All the tables used in the questions (originally from WTQ) random-split-* -- Five different 80-20 training/dev splits based on training.tsv.
The splits follow those provided in WTQ. -- The evaluation script in Python rndfake.tsv -- A fake output file for demonstrating the usage of license.docx -- License readme.txt -- This file


train.tsv, test.tsv, random-split-* -- id: question sequence id (the id is consistent with those in WTQ) -- annotator: 0, 1, 2 (the 3 annotators who annotated the question intent) -- position: the position of the question in the sequence -- question: the question given by the annotator -- table_file: the associated table -- answer_coordinates: the table cell coordinates of the answers (0-based, where 0 is the first row after the table header) -- answer_text: the content of the answer cells Note that some text fields may contain Tab or LF characters and thus start with quotes. It is recommended to use a CSV parser like the Python CSV package to process the data.

table_csv (from WTQ; below is the original description in the WTQ release) -- Comma-separated table (The first row is treated as the column header) The escaped characters include: double quote (" => \") and backslash (\ => \\). Newlines are represented as quoted line breaks.

rndfake.tsv -- A fake output file for the test questions; fields are: id, annotator, position, answer_coordinates


$ python test.tsv rndfake.tsv Sequence Accuracy = 14.83% (152/1025) Answer Accuracy = 50.33% (1516/3012)