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# coqa-baselines
We provide several baselines: conversational models, extractive reading comprehension models and their combined models for the [CoQA challenge]( See more details in the [paper]( We also provide [instructions]( on how to run pretrained models on Codalab -- our platform for evaluation on the test set.
As we use the [OpenNMT-py]( library for all our seq2seq experiments, please use the following command to clone our repository.
git clone --recurse-submodules
This code repository was mostly written by [Danqi Chen](, built on top of the [DrQA]( and [OpenNMT-py]( projects, with some help from [Shayne Longpre]( and [Siva Reddy]( If you have any questions about this repository, please use Github Issues.
## Requirements
## Download
Download the dataset:
mkdir data
wget -P data
wget -P data
Download pre-trained word vectors:
mkdir wordvecs
wget -P wordvecs
unzip -d wordvecs wordvecs/
wget -P wordvecs
unzip -d wordvecs wordvecs/
## Start a CoreNLP server
mkdir lib
wget -P lib
java -mx4g -cp lib/stanford-corenlp-3.9.1.jar edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000 -timeout 15000
## Conversational models
### Preprocessing
Generate the input files for seq2seq models --- needs to start a CoreNLP server (`n_history` can be changed to {0, 1, 2, ..} or -1):
python scripts/ --data_file data/coqa-train-v1.0.json --n_history 2 --lower --output_file data/seq2seq-train-h2
python scripts/ --data_file data/coqa-dev-v1.0.json --n_history 2 --lower --output_file data/seq2seq-dev-h2
Preprocess the data and embeddings:
python seq2seq/ -train_src data/seq2seq-train-h2-src.txt -train_tgt data/seq2seq-train-h2-tgt.txt -valid_src data/seq2seq-dev-h2-src.txt -valid_tgt data/seq2seq-dev-h2-tgt.txt -save_data data/seq2seq-h2 -lower -dynamic_dict -src_seq_length 10000
PYTHONPATH=seq2seq python seq2seq/tools/ -emb_file_enc wordvecs/glove.42B.300d.txt -emb_file_dec wordvecs/glove.42B.300d.txt -dict_file data/ -output_file data/seq2seq-h2.embed
### Training
Run a seq2seq (with attention) model:
python seq2seq/ -data data/seq2seq-h2 -save_model seq2seq_models/seq2seq -word_vec_size 300 -pre_word_vecs_enc data/ -pre_word_vecs_dec data/ -epochs 50 -gpuid 0 -seed 123
Run a seq2seq+copy model:
python seq2seq/ -data data/seq2seq-h2 -save_model seq2seq_models/seq2seq_copy -copy_attn -reuse_copy_attn -word_vec_size 300 -pre_word_vecs_enc data/ -pre_word_vecs_dec data/ -epochs 50 -gpuid 0 -seed 123
### Testing
python seq2seq/ -model seq2seq_models/ -src data/seq2seq-dev-h2-src.txt -output seq2seq_models/pred.txt -replace_unk -verbose -gpu 0
python scripts/ --data_file data/coqa-dev-v1.0.json --pred_file seq2seq_models/pred.txt --output_file seq2seq_models/seq2seq_copy.prediction.json
## Reading comprehension models
### Preprocessing
Generate the input files for the reading comprehension (extractive question answering) model -- needs to start a CoreNLP server:
python scripts/ --data_file data/coqa-train-v1.0.json --output_file coqa.train.json
python scripts/ --data_file data/coqa-dev-v1.0.json --output_file
### Training
`n_history` can be changed to {0, 1, 2, ..} or -1.
python rc/ --trainset data/coqa.train.json --devset data/ --n_history 2 --dir rc_models --embed_file wordvecs/glove.840B.300d.txt
### Testing
python rc/ --testset data/ --n_history 2 --pretrained rc_models
## The pipeline model
### Preprocessing
python scripts/ --data_file data/coqa-train-v1.0.json --output_file1 data/coqa.train.pipeline.json --output_file2 data/seq2seq-train-pipeline
python scripts/ --data_file data/coqa-dev-v1.0.json --output_file1 data/ --output_file2 data/seq2seq-dev-pipeline
python seq2seq/ -train_src data/seq2seq-train-pipeline-src.txt -train_tgt data/seq2seq-train-pipeline-tgt.txt -valid_src data/seq2seq-dev-pipeline-src.txt -valid_tgt data/seq2seq-dev-pipeline-tgt.txt -save_data data/seq2seq-pipeline -lower -dynamic_dict -src_seq_length 10000
PYTHONPATH=seq2seq python seq2seq/tools/ -emb_file_enc wordvecs/glove.42B.300d.txt -emb_file_dec wordvecs/glove.42B.300d.txt -dict_file data/ -output_file data/seq2seq-pipeline.embed
### Training
`n_history` can be changed to {0, 1, 2, ..} or -1.
python rc/ --trainset data/coqa.train.pipeline.json --devset data/ --n_history 2 --dir pipeline_models --embed_file wordvecs/glove.840B.300d.txt --predict_raw_text n
python seq2seq/ -data data/seq2seq-pipeline -save_model pipeline_models/seq2seq_copy -copy_attn -reuse_copy_attn -word_vec_size 300 -pre_word_vecs_enc data/ -pre_word_vecs_dec data/ -epochs 50 -gpuid 0 -seed 123
### Testing
python rc/ --testset data/ --n_history 2 --pretrained pipeline_models
python scripts/ --data_file data/ --output_file pipeline_models/pipeline-seq2seq-src.txt --pred_file pipeline_models/predictions.json
python seq2seq/ -model pipeline_models/ -src pipeline_models/pipeline-seq2seq-src.txt -output pipeline_models/pred.txt -replace_unk -verbose -gpu 0
python scripts/ --data_file data/coqa-dev-v1.0.json --pred_file pipeline_models/pred.txt --output_file pipeline_models/pipeline.prediction.json
## Results
All the results are based on `n_history = 2`:
| Model | Dev F1 | Dev EM |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| seq2seq | 20.9 | 17.7 |
| seq2seq_copy | 45.2 | 38.0 |
| DrQA | 55.6 | 46.2 |
| pipeline | 65.0 | 54.9 |
## Citation
title={{CoQA}: A Conversational Question Answering Challenge},
author={Reddy, Siva and Chen, Danqi and Manning, Christopher D},
journal={Transactions of the Association of Computational Linguistics (TACL)},
## License