{ "en": "O Lord , though our iniquities testify against us , do thou it for thy name s sake : for our backslidings are many ; we have sinned against thee .", "kha": "Ki briew jong nga ki kyang jam sha nga , ‘ Wat la ki pop jong ngi ki pynrem ïa ngi , to ïarap ïa ngi , A Trai , kumba me la kular . Ngi la phai dien noh na me bun bunsien ; ngi la leh pop pyrshah ïa me ." }
{ "en": "For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection , neither angel , nor spirit : but the Pharisees confess both .", "kha": "( Naba ki Saddusi ki ong ba ki briew kin ym mihpat na ka jingïap bad ba ym don ki angel lane ki mynsiem ; hynrei ki Pharisi ki ngeit ïa kine baroh lai tylli . )" }
{ "en": "In the four and twentieth day of the sixth month , in the second year of Darius the king .", "kha": "ha ka sngi kaba arphew saw jong u bnai uba hynriew ha ka snem kaba ar jong ka jinglong Patsha u Darius ." }
{ "en": "He that sendeth a message by the hand of a fool cutteth off the feet , and drinketh damage .", "kha": "Lada phi shah ba uba bieit un sam ïa ka khubor , ka long kumba ot ïa la ki jong ki kjat ; phi pan ïa ka jingjynjar ." }
{ "en": "My people , go ye out of the midst of her , and deliver ye every man his soul from the fierce anger of the Lord .", "kha": "Ko ki paid Israel , to phet noh nangta ! Phet ban lait im na ka jingbitar shla jong nga ." }
{ "en": "And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed , I also was standing by , and consenting unto his death , and kept the raiment of them that slew him .", "kha": "Bad haba la pynïap ïa u Stephan , u sakhi jong me , nga hi nga la don hangta , nga da mynjur ïa ka jingpynïap ïa u bad nga da sumar ïa ki jaiñ jong ki nongpynïap ïa u .’" }
{ "en": "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost .", "kha": "U Khun U Briew u la wan ban wad bad ban pynim ïa kiba la jah noh ." }
{ "en": "Talk no more so exceeding proudly ; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth : for the Lord is a God of knowledge , and by him actions are weighed .", "kha": "Sngap noh na kaba kren kob ; sngap jar na kaba kren meng . Naba U Trai u long U Blei uba tip lut , bad u bishar ïa ki jingleh ki briew baroh ." }
{ "en": "And they said , We will call the damsel , and enquire at her mouth .", "kha": "Ki jubab , To ngin khot ïa ka bad tip aïu ka don ban ong ." }
{ "en": "And say unto them , Thus saith the Lord God ; In the day when I chose Israel , and lifted up mine hand unto the seed of the house of Jacob , and made myself known unto them in the land of Egypt , when I lifted up mine hand unto them , saying , I am the Lord your God ;", "kha": "Ïathuh ïa ki ïa kaei kaba nga ong . Mynba nga la jied ïa ka Israel , nga la pynlong ka jingkular ha ki . Nga la pynpaw ïa lade ha ki ha Ijipt bad ong ïa ki : Nga long U Trai U Blei jong phi ." }
{ "en": "And now , behold , I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem , not knowing the things that shall befall me there :", "kha": "Bad mynta , da kaba kohnguh ïa U Mynsiem Bakhuid ngan leit sha Jerusalem , khlem da tip aïu kan jia ïa nga hangta ." }
{ "en": "So Manasseh made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to err , and to do worse than the heathen , whom the Lord had destroyed before the children of Israel .", "kha": "U Manasseh u ïalam ïa ki paid Judah ban leh ïa ki pop kiba kham khraw ban ïa kito kiba ki jaitbynriew kiba U Trai u la beh noh na ka ri katba ki briew jong u ki dang tur shaphrang ." }
{ "en": "And they that had laid hold on Jesus led him away to Caiaphas the high priest , where the scribes and the elders were assembled .", "kha": "Kito kiba la kem ïa U Jisu ki la ïalam ïa u sha ka ïing jong u Kaïaphas , u Rangbah Lyngdoh ha kaba ki nonghikai ka Hukum bad ki tymmen ki san ki la ïalumlang ." }
{ "en": "He hath fenced up my way that I cannot pass , and he hath set darkness in my paths .", "kha": "U Blei u la khang ïa ka lynti , bad ngam lah ban ïaid lyngba ; u la buhrieh ïa ka lynti jong nga ha ka jingdum ." }
{ "en": "When he uttereth his voice , there is a multitude of waters in the heavens , and he causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth ; he maketh lightnings with rain , and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures .", "kha": "Ha ka hukum jong u ki um shalor jong ka suiñbneng ki kyrhuh ; u wallam ïa ki lyoh na kiba kut jong ka pyrthei . U pynlong ïa ka leilieh ban thaba ha u slap bad u phah ïa ka lyer na ka kamra buh tiar jong u ." }
{ "en": "And ye shall be hated of all men for my name s sake .", "kha": "Uwei uwei baroh un shun ïa phi namar jong nga ." }
{ "en": "Whether of them twain did the will of his father ? They say unto him , The first . Jesus saith unto them , Verily I say unto you , That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you .", "kha": "Uno na kine ar ngut uba la leh ïa kaei kaba u kpa u la kwah ? Uta uba kham san , ki la jubab . Kumta U Jisu u la ong ha ki , Nga ong ha phi : Ki nonglum khajna bad ki nuti ki leit rung shapoh ka Hima U Blei ha shuwa jong phi ." }
{ "en": "Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings , and not one of them is forgotten before God ?", "kha": "Hato ym dei ba ïa ki san tylli ki sim ïing la die tang ar pisa ? Pynban ym don kawei ruh ka sim ïing ïa kaba la klet noh da U Blei ." }
{ "en": "If an ox gore a man or a woman , that they die : then the ox shall be surely stoned , and his flesh shall not be eaten ; but the owner of the ox shall be quit .", "kha": "Lada u masi kyrtong u tynrah ïano ïano , shynrang ne kynthei , haduh ba un da ïap , dei ban lynthem maw ïa u , bad ïa ka doh jong u ym bit ban bam ; hynrei u trai jong uta u masi un ym shah pynshitom ." }
{ "en": "And Adamah , and Ramah , and Hazor ,", "kha": "ka Adamah , ka Ramah , ka Hasor ," }
{ "en": "And he said unto him , Go in peace . So he departed from him a little way .", "kha": "Khie leit suk leit saiñ , u Elisha u ong . Bad u Naaman u leit noh . U la leit dang khyndiat ka jingjngai ," }
{ "en": "Rather , God’s Word teaches that you are a soul , that your soul is really you , with all your physical and mental qualities .", "kha": "Hynrei ka ktien u Blei ka hikai ba mangi ngi long ka mynsiem , ba ka mynsiem ka dei shisha mangi , ha ka met bad ha ka jingmut jingpyrkhat bad baroh ka jinglong jongngi hi ." }
{ "en": "And he said unto Balak , Stand here by thy burnt offering , while I meet the Lord yonder .", "kha": "U Balaam u ong ha u Balak , Ïeng hangne harud ka jingainguh thang jong phi , katba nga nang leit ïakynduh ïa U Blei hangtai ." }
{ "en": "And the king loved Esther above all the women , and she obtained grace and favour in his sight more than all the virgins ; so that he set the royal crown upon her head , and made her queen instead of Vashti .", "kha": "U syiem la u itynnat ïa ka palat ban ïa kiwei pat ki samla kynthei , bad palat ban ïa kiwei pat , ka la ïoh ïa ka jinglehbha bad ka jingsngewieit . U buh ïa ka pansngiat syiem ha ka khlieh jong ka bad pynlong mahadei ïa ka ha ka jaka jong ka Bashti ." }
{ "en": "And he put all upon Aaron s hands , and upon his sons hands , and waved them for a wave offering before the Lord .", "kha": "U buh ïa kata ka jingbam baroh ha ki kti u Aaron bad ki khun shynrang jong u , bad ki ai ïa kine kum ka jingai kaba kyrpang sha U Trai ." }
{ "en": "And Aaron and his sons shall eat the flesh of the ram , and the bread that is in the basket , by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation .", "kha": "Ha ka jingkhang jong ka Ïingjaiñ ka Jingdon Ryngkat jong nga ki dei ban bam ïa ka lem bad u kpu uba dang sah ha kata ka shang ." }
{ "en": "And the angel came in unto her , and said , Hail , thou that art highly favoured , the Lord is with thee : blessed art thou among women .", "kha": "U angel u la wan sha ka bad u la ong , To ka jingsuk kan long lem bad pha ! U Trai u long ryngkat bad pha bad u la kyrkhu eh ïa pha !" }
{ "en": "I have trodden the winepress alone ; and of the people there was none with me : for I will tread them in mine anger , and trample them in my fury ; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments , and I will stain all my raiment .", "kha": "U Trai u jubab , Nga la ïuh ïa ki jaitbynriew kum ki sohwaiñ , bad ym don uwei ruh u ba la wan ban ïarap ïa nga . Nga la ïuh ïa ki ha ka jingbitar , bad ka snam jong ki ka la bit lut ha ki jaiñphong jong nga ." }
{ "en": "And there went a proclamation throughout the host about the going down of the sun , saying , Every man to his city , and every man to his own country .", "kha": "Haba la jan sep sngi , la wan ka hukum ha ka kynhun ïapom ki Israel , Uwei pa uwei u briew un leit phai noh sha ka la ri bad ka nongbah !" }
{ "en": "Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed : howl for her ; take balm for her pain , if so be she may be healed .", "kha": "Ka Babilonia kynsan kynsan ka kyllon bad la pynjot noh ! To ïam namar jong ka ! Pynïoh dawai na ka bynta ki jingmong jong ka , bad lehse yn lah ban pynkhiah ." }
{ "en": "And as I began to speak , the Holy Ghost fell on them , as on us at the beginning .", "kha": "Bad haba nga la sdang ban kren , U Mynsiem Bakhuid u la wan hiar halor jong ki kumba ka la long halor jong ngi ha kaba sdang ." }
{ "en": "Then I said , I am cast out of thy sight ; yet I will look again toward thy holy temple .", "kha": "Nga la pyrkhat ba ïa nga la beh noh na ka jingdon ryngkat jong me bad ba ngan ym ïohi shuh lano lano ruh ïa ka Templ bakhuid jong me ." }
{ "en": "Then he is gracious unto him , and saith , Deliver him from going down to the pit : I have found a ransom .", "kha": "Ha ka jingsngewsynei u angel un ong , Pyllait noh ïa u ! Um dei ban leit hiar sha ka pyrthei kiba ïap . Hangne ka don ka kuna ban pyllaitluid ïa u ." }
{ "en": "And certain of the chief of Asia , which were his friends , sent unto him , desiring him that he would not adventure himself into the theatre .", "kha": "Katto katne ngut na ki bor synshar ka probins , kiba long ki paralok jong u , ki la phah ruh ka khubor sha u da kaba kyrpad ïa u ban ym pyn-i khmat ïa lade ha ka jaka leh tamasa ." }
{ "en": "And , behold , the courses of the priests and the Levites , even they shall be with thee for all the service of the house of God : and there shall be with thee for all manner of workmanship every willing skilful man , for any manner of service : also the princes and all the people will be wholly at thy commandment .", "kha": "Ïa ki lyngdoh bad ki Lebi la pynbynta kam ba kin leh ha ka Templ . Ki nongtrei kiba don jingtbit ha ki jait kam baroh ki thrang ban ïarap ïa me , bad baroh ki briew bad ki nongïalam jong ki , ki don hapoh ka hukum jong me . " }
{ "en": "And were baptized of him in Jordan , confessing their sins .", "kha": "Ki la phla ïa la ki pop , bad u la pynbaptis ïa ki ha ka wah Jordan ." }
{ "en": "And God said unto Moses , I AM THAT I AM : and he said , Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel , I AM hath sent me unto you .", "kha": "U Blei u ong ha u Moses , NGA LONG UBA NGA LONG . Kane ka long kaei kaba me dei ban ong ha ki : ‘ Uta ïa uba la khot UBA NGA LONG u phah ïa nga sha phi .’" }
{ "en": "And the Spirit of God came upon Azariah the son of Oded :", "kha": "U Mynsiem jong U Blei u la wan ha u Asaraïah u khun jong u Oded , bad u la leit ban ïakynduh ïa u syiem Asa ." }
{ "en": "At the same time my reason returned unto me ; and for the glory of my kingdom , mine honour and brightness returned unto me ; and my counsellors and my lords sought unto me ; and I was established in my kingdom , and excellent majesty was added unto me .", "kha": "Haba ka jingtipbriew jong nga ka la wan phai , ïa ka burom jong nga , ka jinglong syiem jong nga , bad ka burom jong ka hima jong nga la ai pat ha nga . Ki rangbah synshar jong nga bad ki rangbah donburom jong nga ki la pdiang sngewbha ïa nga , bad la ai pat ha nga ïa ka bor ba kynja syiem , bad wat ka jingpyndonburom kaba kham khraw ban ïa kaba mynshuwa ." }
{ "en": "And it is turned round about by his counsels : that they may do whatsoever he commandeth them upon the face of the world in the earth .", "kha": "katba ki ïaid ha ka mon U Blei . Ki leh ïa baroh kaba U Blei u hukum , hangno hangno ha kylleng ka pyrthei ." }
{ "en": "For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted , he is able to succour them that are tempted .", "kha": "Bad mynta , u lah ban ïarap ïa kita kiba shah pynshoi , namar ma u hi u la shah pynshoi bad shahshitom ." }
{ "en": "Thou knowest that I am not wicked ; and there is none that can deliver out of thine hand .", "kha": "Me tip ba ngam shym leh pop , bad ba ym don uwei ruh uba lah ban pyllait im ïa nga na me ." }
{ "en": "And Sarai Abram s wife took Hagar her maid the Egyptian , after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan , and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife .", "kha": "Kumta ka la ai ïa ka Hagar ha u ba kan long ka tnga kliar jong u . ( Kane ka la jia hadien ba u Abram u la shong la sah shiphew snem ha ka ri Kanaan . )" }
{ "en": "And Eber lived four and thirty years , and begat Peleg :", "kha": "Haba u Eber u la dap laiphew saw snem ka rta , u la ïoh khun shynrang , u Peleg ;" }
{ "en": "And the king said to Absalom , Nay , my son , let us not all now go , lest we be chargeable unto thee . And he pressed him : howbeit he would not go , but blessed him .", "kha": "Em , ko khun jong nga , u syiem u jubab . Kan bankhia shibun eh ïa phi lada ngi baroh ngi ïaleit . U Absalom u la ïai ban , hynrei u syiem um shym mynjur , bad u la ong ïa u Absalom ban mihnoh ." }
{ "en": "Thou shalt not raise a false report : put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness .", "kha": "Wat ju pynphriang ïa ki khubor lamler , bad wat ïarap ïa u nongleh bymman da kaba sakhi lamler ." }
{ "en": "But where shall wisdom be found ? and where is the place of understanding ?", "kha": "Hynrei hangno lah ban shem ïa ka jingstad ? Hangno ngi lah ban ïoh jinghikai ban shemphang ?" }
{ "en": "For whoso findeth me findeth life , and shall obtain favour of the Lord .", "kha": "U briew uba shem ïa nga u shem ïa ka jingim , bad U Trai un sngewbha ïa u ." }
{ "en": "Against Egypt , against the army of Pharaoh–neco king of Egypt , which was by the river Euphrates in Carchemish , which Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon smote in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah .", "kha": "Kane ka dei kaei kaba u ong shaphang ki kynhun shipai u Neko , u syiem ka Ijipt , ïa uba u Nebukhadnessar , u syiem ka Babilonia u la jop ha Karkhemish hajan ka wah Ïuphratis ha ka snem kaba saw ba u Jehoïakim u long u syiem ka Judah :" }
{ "en": "And gave their land for an heritage : for his mercy endureth for ever :", "kha": "U la ai ïa ki ri jong ki ha ki briew jong u ; ka jingieit jong u ka neh bymjukut ;" }
{ "en": "Teach us what we shall say unto him ; for we cannot order our speech by reason of darkness .", "kha": "To hikai ïa ngi aïu ngin ong ha U Blei ; ki jingmut jong ngi ki thylli ; ngim don ei ei ban ong ." }
{ "en": "I have stuck unto thy testimonies : O Lord , put me not to shame .", "kha": "Nga la bud ïa ki jingbthah jong me , A Trai ; wat shah ba yn buh ïa nga ha ka jinglehrain ." }
{ "en": "Whosoever he be that doth rebel against thy commandment , and will not hearken unto thy words in all that thou commandest him , he shall be put to death : only be strong and of a good courage .", "kha": "Uno uno uba artatien ïa ka iktiar jong me lane u bymkohnguh ïa kano kano na ki hukum jong me un shah pynïap . To long uba kut jingmut triang bad uba skhem . " }
{ "en": "So Ben–hadad hearkened unto king Asa , and sent the captains of the hosts which he had against the cities of Israel , and smote Ijon , and Dan , and Abel–beth–maachah , and all Chinneroth , with all the land of Naphtali .", "kha": "U syiem Benhadad u mynjur ïa ka jingtyrwa u Asa bad u phah ïa ki rangbah shipai jong u lem bad ka kynhun shipai ban tur ïaleh ïa ki nongbah jong ka Israel . Ki la kurup ïa ka Ijon , ka Dan , ka Abel Beth Maakah , ka jaka hajan ka duriaw Galilaïa , bad ka ri Naphtali baroh kawei ." }
{ "en": "In the morning therefore ye shall be brought according to your tribes : and it shall be , that the tribe which the Lord taketh shall come according to the families thereof ; and the family which the Lord shall take shall come by households ; and the household which the Lord shall take shall come man by man .", "kha": "Kumta ïathuh ïa ki ba ha ka por mynstep yn ïalam ïa ki sha khmat , kawei ka jait hadien kawei pat . Ka jait kaba nga jied kan wan sha khmat , shi kur shi kur . Ka kur kaba nga jied kan wan sha khmat , kawei ka longïing hadien kawei pat . Ka longïing kaba nga la jied kan wan sha khmat uwei hadien uwei pat ." }
{ "en": "Is it such a fast that I have chosen ? a day for a man to afflict his soul ? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush , and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him ? wilt thou call this a fast , and an acceptable day to the Lord ?", "kha": "Haba phi shahjingit , phi pynshitom ei ïa lade ; phi pyndem ngon ïa la ka khlieh kum u phlang , bad phriang ïa ki jaiñ khain bad u dpei ban thiah hangta . Hato ka dei kata kaba phi khot ka jingshah jingit ? Phi tharai ba ngan sngewbha ïa kata ?" }
{ "en": "He esteemeth iron as straw , and brass as rotten wood .", "kha": "Ïa u , u nar u stang kum u phlangïap , bad ka rnong ka jem kum ka dieng pyut ." }
{ "en": "When the Lord thy God hath cut off the nations , whose land the Lord thy God giveth thee , and thou succeedest them , and dwellest in their cities , and in their houses ;", "kha": "Ynda U Trai U Blei jong phi u la pynjot ïa kita ki jaitbynriew bad u ai ha phi ïa ka ri jong ki , bad hadien ba phi la ïohknieh ïa ki shnong bad ki ïing jong ki bad ba phi la shong la sah hangta ," }
{ "en": "And he said unto him , See , I have accepted thee concerning this thing also , that I will not overthrow this city , for the which thou hast spoken .", "kha": "U jubab , Kata ruh ka biang hi . Ngan nym pynjot ïa kata ka nongrit ." }
{ "en": "Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man , that the righteous sin not , and he doth not sin , he shall surely live , because he is warned ; also thou hast delivered thy soul .", "kha": "Lada me maham ïa u briew uba bha ba un ym leh pop , bad u shahshkor ïa me bad um leh pop , un im da shisha , bad ïa ka jingim jong me ruh yn pyllait ." }
{ "en": "But as for them whose heart walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their abominations , I will recompense their way upon their own heads , saith the Lord God .", "kha": "Hynrei ngan pynshitom ïa ki briew kiba ieit ban mane ïa ki bleithaw ba-isaitmet bad ba-ijli . Ngan pynshitom ïa ki na ka bynta kaei kaba ki la leh . U Trai Nongsynshar u la kren ." }
{ "en": "And Shaalabbin , and Aijalon , and Jethlah ,", "kha": "ka Shaalbim , ka Aijalon , ka Ithlah ," }
{ "en": "The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring unto the house of the Lord thy God . Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother s milk .", "kha": "Man la ka snem wallam ïa ki soh ba phi la lum nyngkong na ka jingot sha ka ïing U Trai U Blei jong phi . Wat ju shet ïa u khunlangbrot ne khunblang ha ka dud ka kmie jong u ." }
{ "en": "Then said Jesus unto him , Except ye see signs and wonders , ye will not believe .", "kha": "U Jisu u la ong ha u , Ym don uwei ruh na phi u ban ngeit lymda u ïohi ïa ki kambah bad ki kamphylla ." }
{ "en": "And he said unto him , Thus saith the Lord , Because thou hast let go out of thy hand a man whom I appointed to utter destruction , therefore thy life shall go for his life , and thy people for his people .", "kha": "Nangta u nongïathuhlypa u ong ha u syiem , Kane ka dei ka ktien U Trai : ‘ Namar ba me la shah ïa u briew ban lait phet ïa uba nga la hukum ban pynïap , men hap ban siew da la ka jingim , bad ïa ka kynhun shipai jong me yn pynjot namar ba la pyllait ïa ka kynhun shipai jong u ban lait phet .’" }
{ "en": "All the labour of man is for his mouth , and yet the appetite is not filled .", "kha": "Ngi trei ïa ki kam jong ngi baroh tang ban ïoh ei ei ban bam , hynrei ngim ju dap ." }
{ "en": "The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne , and worship him that liveth for ever and ever , and cast their crowns before the throne , saying ,", "kha": "Haba ki leh kumta , kita ki arphew saw ngut ki nongsharai balang ki la dem khrup ha khmat uta uba shong halor ka khet , bad mane ïa u , uba im junom la junom . Ki bret ïa ki pansngiat jong ki ha khmat jong ka khet bad ki ong ," }
{ "en": "Philip , and Bartholomew ; Thomas , and Matthew the publican ; James the son of Alphaeus , and Lebbaeus , whose surname was Thaddaeus ;", "kha": "u Philip bad u Bartholomai ; u Thomas bad u Matthaïos , u nonglum khajna ; u Jakob u khun jong u Alphaïos bad u Thaddaïos ;" }
{ "en": "The wind hath bound her up in her wings , and they shall be ashamed because of their sacrifices .", "kha": "Yn sa rong noh ïa ki kumba kit da ka lyer , bad kin sa shah ka jinglehrain namar ba ki kñia ha ki blei thala ." }
{ "en": "And the priest shall burn them upon the altar for an offering made by fire unto the Lord : it is a trespass offering .", "kha": "U lyngdoh u dei ban thang ïa kata ka khleiñ baroh halor kata ka duwan kum ka jingainguh bam sha U Trai . Ka dei ka jingkñia namar ka jingleh palat ." }
{ "en": "For the Lord your God is God of gods , and Lord of lords , a great God , a mighty , and a terrible , which regardeth not persons , nor taketh reward :", "kha": "Naba U Trai U Blei jong phi u long uba khrawbor tam halor ki blei baroh bad halor ki bor baroh . U long uba khraw bad uba donbor , bad uba dei ban sheptieng . U bym ñiewshiliang khmat bad u bym ju pdiang ïa ki jingai kiba da ka dohnud ka bymkhuid ." }
{ "en": "And king Zedekiah the son of Josiah reigned instead of Coniah the son of Jehoiakim , whom Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon made king in the land of Judah .", "kha": "U Nebukhadnessar u syiem ka Babilonia u la pynlong syiem ïa u Sedekaïah , u khun jong u Josaïah u syiem ka Judah , ha ka jaka u Jehoïakhin u khun jong u Jehoïakim ." }
{ "en": "And his brightness was as the light ; he had horns coming out of his hand : and there was the hiding of his power .", "kha": "U wan bad ka jingthaba ka leilieh ; ka jingshai ka phalang na ka kti jong u , dei hangta ba ka bor jong u ka rieh ." }
{ "en": "And Barak called Zebulun and Naphtali to Kedesh ; and he went up with ten thousand men at his feet : and Deborah went up with him .", "kha": "U Barak u la khot ïa ki jait Sebulun bad Naphtali sha Kedesh , bad shiphew hajar ngut ki rangbah ki la bud ïa u . Ka Deborah ka la leit bad u ." }
{ "en": "He that hath my commandments , and keepeth them , he it is that loveth me : and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father , and I will love him , and will manifest myself to him .", "kha": "Uno uno uba pdiang ïa ki hukum jong nga bad ngeit ïa ki u long uta uba ieit ïa nga . U Kpa jong nga un ieit ïa uno uno uba ieit ïa nga ; nga ruh ngan ieit ïa u bad ngan pynpaw ïa lade ha u ." }
{ "en": "Hebron therefore became the inheritance of Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite unto this day , because that he wholly followed the Lord God of Israel .", "kha": "Ka Hebron ka dang dei ka jong ki khun ki ksiew jong u Kaleb , u khun jong u Jephunneh u nong Kenis , namar ba u la kohnguh hok ïa U Trai , U Blei ki Israel ." }
{ "en": "And say , Thus saith the Lord God ; A great eagle with great wings , longwinged , full of feathers , which had divers colours , came unto Lebanon , and took the highest branch of the cedar :", "kha": "ban pyntip ïa ki ïa kaei kaba ma nga , U Trai Nongsynshar nga ong ha ki : La don u pukni radbah uba don ki sner ba-itynnat bad ki thapniang kiba khraw , kiba pyiar heh . U la her sha ki lumbah Lebanon bad u la pynkheiñ ïa ka kliar jong u dieng Kedar ," }
{ "en": "Therefore thus saith the Lord ; Behold , I will plead thy cause , and take vengeance for thee ; and I will dry up her sea , and make her springs dry .", "kha": "Bad U Trai u la ong ïa ki briew ka Jerusalem , Ngan shimti na ka bynta jong phi bad ngan pynlong ïa ki nongshun jong phi ba kin hap siew ïa kaei kaba ki la leh ïa phi . Ngan pynrngad ïa ki tyllong um jong ka Babilonia bad ngan pynlong ïa ki wah jong ka ban tyrkhong ." }
{ "en": "For the Father judgeth no man , but hath committed all judgment unto the Son :", "kha": "Lymne U Kpa da lade hi um bishar ïano ïano . U la ai ha la U Khun ïa ka hok baroh ban bishar , ba baroh kin burom ïa U Khun kumba ki burom ïa U Kpa ." }
{ "en": "And the frogs shall come up both on thee , and upon thy people , and upon all thy servants .", "kha": "Kin rynsied ha me , ha ki briew jong me , bad ha ki rangbah synshar jong me baroh .’" }
{ "en": "But there was a strong tower within the city , and thither fled all the men and women , and all they of the city , and shut it to them , and gat them up to the top of the tower .", "kha": "La don uwei u mot baskhem hangta , bad uwei pa uwei u shynrang bad ka kynthei ha ka nongbah , kynthup ïa ki nongïalam , ki mareh sha u . Ki khang ïa lade shapoh bad ki kiew shalor ka tnum ." }
{ "en": "The trespass money and sin money was not brought into the house of the Lord : it was the priests .", "kha": "Ïa ka pisa ba la ai na ka bynta ki jingainguh ba hap siew pat bad na ka bynta ki jingkñia pop ym shym thep ha ka synduk ; ka dei ka jong ki lyngdoh ." }
{ "en": "And when he defied Israel , Jonathan the son of Shimeah the brother of David slew him .", "kha": "U la beiñ ïa ki Israel , bad u Jonathan , u khun jong u Shammah , u hynmen jong u Dabid , u la pynïap ïa u ." }
{ "en": "So by his miracles Jesus showed on a small scale what will take place on earth under the Kingdom of God .", "kha": "Kumta da ki kam bha U Jisu u pyni khyndiat , ia ka nuksa kaei ka ban sa long pat hapoh ka hima u Blei ." }
{ "en": "Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God , God dwelleth in him , and he in God .", "kha": "Lada uno uno u pynbna ba U Jisu u long U Khun U Blei , u im ha U Blei bad U Blei u im hapoh jong u ." }
{ "en": "And Abraham took Ishmael his son , and all that were born in his house , and all that were bought with his money , every male among the men of Abraham s house ; and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in the selfsame day , as God had said unto him .", "kha": "Ha kata hi ka sngi , u Abraham u la kohnguh ïa U Blei bad u la otsher ïa u Ishmael u khun jong u , bad ïa kiwei pat ki shynrang baroh na ka longïing longsem jong u , kynthup ruh ïa ki mraw baroh kiba la kha ha longïing longsem jong u bad kito kiba u la lah thied ." }
{ "en": "How great are his signs ! and how mighty are his wonders ! his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom , and his dominion is from generation to generation .", "kha": "Katno kiba khraw ki long ki jingphylla jong U Blei kiba u pyn-i ha ngi ! Katno kiba khrawbor ki long ki kambah kiba u leh ! U Blei u long u syiem junom ; un synshar ha ki por baroh ." }
{ "en": "He spake , and the locusts came , and caterpillers , and that without number ,", "kha": "U la hukum , bad ki puit ki ïawan da ki million bad ym lah ñiew shuh ïa ki ;" }
{ "en": "For he walked in the ways of the kings of Israel , and made also molten images for Baalim .", "kha": "U la thaw ki durblei nar jong u Baal ," }
{ "en": "And he said unto him , Thus saith the Lord , Forasmuch as thou hast sent messengers to enquire of Baal–zebub the god of Ekron , is it not because there is no God in Israel to enquire of his word ? therefore thou shalt not come down off that bed on which thou art gone up , but shalt surely die .", "kha": "bad u ong ha u , Kane ka long kaei kaba U Trai u ong , ‘ Namar ba me la phah ki nonglamktien ban kylli na u Baalsebub , u blei ka Ekron — i kumba ym don blei ha Israel ban kylli — men ym ïohkhiah ; men ïap !’" }
{ "en": "And ye have this day rejected your God , who himself saved you out of all your adversities and your tribulations ; and ye have said unto him , Nay , but set a king over us . Now therefore present yourselves before the Lord by your tribes , and by your thousands .", "kha": "Nga long U Blei jong phi , uta uba pyllait ïa phi na ki jingjynjar bad ki jingshitom jong phi baroh hynrei mynta phi la kyntait ïa nga bad phi la pan na nga ban ai ïa phi da u syiem . Namar kata , ïalumlang ïa lade ha khmat U Trai , shi jait shi jait , bad shi kur shi kur .’" }
{ "en": "Moreover Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at the corner gate , and at the valley gate , and at the turning of the wall , and fortified them .", "kha": "U Ussaïah u pynkhlaiñ ïa ki jingker kynroh ïa ka Jerusalem da kaba tei ïa ki kut ha Khyrdop Dong , ha Khyrdop Them , bad ha ka jaka ba khun ka kynroh ." }
{ "en": "Then shall the righteous answer him , saying , Lord , when saw we thee an hungred , and fed thee ? or thirsty , and gave thee drink ?", "kha": "Nangta kiba hok kin jubab ïa u , ‘ Mynno , ko Trai , ba ngi la ju ïohi ïa me ba me thngan bad ba ngi bsa ïa me , lane ba me sliang bad ba ngi ai jingdih ïa me ?" }
{ "en": "And I say unto you , Ask , and it shall be given you ; seek , and ye shall find ; knock , and it shall be opened unto you .", "kha": "Bad kumta nga ong ha phi : To pan , bad phin ïohpdiang ; to wad , bad phin shem ; to tied , bad ïa ka jingkhang yn plie na ka bynta jong phi ." }
{ "en": "And when they had set them in the midst , they asked , By what power , or by what name , have ye done this ?", "kha": "Ki la pynlong ïa ki apostol ban ïeng ha khmat jong ki bad kylli ïa ki , Kumno phi la leh ïa kane ? Ka bor aïu phi la ïoh lane ïa ka kyrteng jongno phi pyndonkam ?" }
{ "en": "And one kid of the goats for a sin offering , to make an atonement for you :", "kha": "Kñia ruh uwei u langsohmoh kum ka jingkñia namar ka pop , bad ha kane ka rukom pyndep ïa ka jinglehniam ka jingpynkhuid ïa u paidbah ." }
{ "en": "As thou hast sent me into the world , even so have I also sent them into the world .", "kha": "Nga la phah ïa ki sha ka pyrthei , kumba me la phah ïa nga sha ka pyrthei ." }
{ "en": "Now therefore put away , said he , the strange gods which are among you , and incline your heart unto the Lord God of Israel .", "kha": "Te kumta , iehnoh syndon ïa kito ki blei nongwei kiba phi don , u la dawa , bad kular skhem ïa ka jingïaineh jong phi sha U Trai , U Blei ki Israel ." }
{ "en": "And after he had seen the vision , immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia , assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them .", "kha": "Hadien ba u Paul u la ïoh ïa kane ka jingïohipaw , ngi la khreh ban leit sha Makedonia , namar ngi la rai ba U Blei u la khot ïa ngi ban ïalap ïa ka Khubor Babha sha ki briew hangta ." }
{ "en": "By me princes rule , and nobles , even all the judges of the earth .", "kha": "Man la u nongsynshar ha pyrthei u synshar da ka jingïarap jong nga , ki nongsaiñ hima bad ki riewdonburom kumjuh ." }