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Action 3: Develop plans for reducing spatial pressure on road corridors leading to St. John’s This action will be led by the DCA and will complement actions 1 through 6 under NC 1.6. Action 4: Conduct a study to determine the areas or sites that are best suited for tourism development This effort will be led by the DCA in collaboration with the ministry responsible for tourism and where possible the results of previous studies will be utilized.
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NC 3.3 Waste Management and Pollution Control The quality of our air and water (for domestic, recreational and commercial uses) has implications for the health of our people and visitors alike. Moreover, a visibly clean country is a key aspect of an attractive tourism offering and evokes national pride. We will continue efforts through the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) to effectively manage solid waste generated within the state of Antigua and Barbuda.
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While the sanitary landfill at Cooks is equipped with geosynthetic lining, leachate collection systems to prevent environmental pollution and storage facilities for hazardous waste, the site is nearing the end of its useful life. A site at Burma is used sparingly to dispose of special wastes such as expired pharmaceuticals, hazardous chemicals and lead acid batteries. Action will thus be taken to find adequate facilities or other means for disposal of solid waste.
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GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 65 Moreover, there is need for a central sewage treatment system in the city of St John’s, its environs, and in economic development zones. In that regard, actions with respect to the city of St. John’s is reflected under Action 11 of NC 1.6.
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Actions 1: Continue exploring a “waste to energy” option to replace the Cooks landfill This action is being led by the ministry with responsibility for health, under a private sector initiative for the future handling of all solid waste. One element, a scoping study, has been completed and includes a waste characterization study which will help to determine the types of waste generated and the potential energy that may be harnessed at the present levels of waste collection.
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Action 2: In the short- to medium-term, take steps to put in place options for addressing the eminent exhaustion of the Cooks landfill site This action will be led by the ministry with responsibility for health. In the interim, it is imperative that a short to Medium-Term solution be implemented to extend the life of the Cooks landfill and also to examine the feasibility of other solutions.
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It is anticipated that should the long-term waste to energy option be feasible, the pre-construction process should take approximately 18 to 24 months, and the construction phase may take an additional 12 months. D. Sustainable Development Dimension 4: Enhanced Citizen Security Our quality of life is inextricably linked to our security.
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We must be able to raise our families in safe neighbourhoods, send our children to school safely, walk on the streets freely, celebrate life in public and private spaces without apprehension, and conduct business securely. Addressing crime is important not only because of its direct impact on our wellbeing, but also because it is capable of undermining our ability to generate wealth. The latter aspect is particularly pertinent to our nation given our dependence on tourism as the main economic driver.
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Not only must we ensure that our visitors are safe in order to remain an attractive tourism destination, we must also do all we can to minimize security costs as part of efforts to enhance our competitive advantage. While we have done fairly well up to this point, we will strive to become a country that is relatively free of major crimes, and one that is highly regarded by visitors for its safety. We must be a country in which our citizens and residents feel safe.
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To do this, GoAB will continue efforts to improve the effectiveness of policing and to better administer justice. However, our efforts will go beyond these towards greater emphasis on addressing the social conditions that contribute to criminal behaviour.
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Attention will also be paid to securing our territorial integrity inclusive of our territorial waters, in order to reduce the trafficking of illegal drugs and the engagement in other illegal activity including those that contribute to the depletion of our marine resources and damage the marine environment. We will closely monitor and evaluate the evolution of our security environment and the effectiveness of our strategies for enhancing the security of citizens.
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GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 66 NC 4.1 Ameliorate Social Conditions that Fuel Crime We anticipate that a more cohesive society will be manifested through lower levels of crime, and thus, actions under SDD 2 (Enhanced Social Cohesion and Resilience) will also contribute towards reducing crime.
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We will move to fully analyze the social factors that contribute to crime in order to strengthen the effectiveness of the various social programmes that are aimed at improving the security environment. The several programmes that are in place range from those that: encourage desirable social attitudes and moral values; address youth at risk; and provide social assistance to vulnerable groups. Priority actions that are desirable to be implemented over the Medium-Term to strengthen such programmes follow.
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Action 1: Study the factors that contribute to crime as a basis for more effective planning This action will be led by the ministry with responsibility for social transformation in collaboration with the ministry responsible for national security. The results of the study will be used to design more effective strategies to address crime.
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It is widely thought that some crimes may be fuelled by or closely correlated to social conditions including poverty, socialization and educational attainment, while others may be fuelled by foreign cultural influences among other causes. Better information on these issues would be critical to designing more effective strategies.
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Moreover, to strengthen our capacity to continually understand the underlying factors that influence crime, consideration will be given to strengthening the human resource capacity by enhancing the skill sets within the Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda (RPFAB) to include criminology and psychology. Action 2: Expand Cadet Corps This action will be led by the Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force (ABDF) in consultation with the ministry with responsibility for education.
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The programme which is regarded as an effective mechanism for shaping young minds, is currently centralized, however, efforts will be made to increase access to the programmes through its expansion into zones and by embedding it into the school system. Consideration will be given to approaches to overcoming the resource constraints that have thus far hindered the expansion of the programme.
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Action 3: Strengthen the capacity for counselling and mentoring This action will be led by the ministry with responsibility for social transformation and is desired to strengthen our capability for early interventions with respect to young offenders and youth who are at risk of engaging in socially undesirable or criminal behaviour.
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This will contribute to reducing the degree to which youth engaging in minor offences become hardened criminals, decreasing the number of repeat offenders generally minimizing the occurrence of crime. Action 4: Strengthen programs aimed at improving parenting skills This action is desired to empower parents to better guide the development of socially desirable attitudes and behaviours.
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Efforts are already being undertaken in that regard through the ministry with responsibility for social transformation but more frequent interventions are desired. GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 67 Action 5: Strengthen programmes to reintegrate offenders into society This action is important to reduce the rate of recidivism. Action 6: Use of faith based organizations to mentor and train youths This action has been on-going and will continually be encouraged.
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NC 4.2 Effective Policing The mandate of the RPFAB is to maintain a professional police organization committed to the maintenance of law and order, the protection of life and property, the prevention and detection of crime and the preservation of the peace, by building stronger linkages between the police and the community through community policing and problem solving.
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The ministry with responsibility for national security and the RPFAB will closely monitor effectiveness of policing and the public perception thereof. Subject to the availability of resources, the RPFAB will continue to implement its crime plan to tackle the issue of rising crime. Given resource limitations, much focus will be placed on encouraging greater public cooperation, increasing police presence in public through re-alignment or re-deployment of resources, and the use of appropriate technology.
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Action 1: Expand neighbourhood watch programmes We have been able to improve the security environment through neighbourhood watch programmes despite fiscal resources limitations. The RPFAB will therefore champion and actively encourage the formation of more neighbourhood watch groups.
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Action 2: Expand foot patrols Towards enhancing the security environment and the perception of the police, greater police presence in public has been achieved through the recent increase in the number of vehicles available to the RPFAB and through the assistance of the Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force in undertaking patrols. These efforts will be bolstered through the expansion of foot patrols.
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Action 3: Strengthen Community Policing Initiatives The RPFAB will strengthen its community policing initiatives. These efforts will also be complemented by, and where possible, coordinated with social programmes provided to communities. Thus the RPFAB will actively participate in coordination arrangements reflected in Chapter IV.
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Action 4: Enhance security campaigns The ministry with responsibility for national security in collaboration with the RPFAB and the ministry with responsibility for broadcasting will review previous security campaigns and build on lessons learnt in order to mount campaigns to influence the security habits of citizens and residents to better align them with current realities. These campaigns will also encourage shared community responsibility with respect to security.
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GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 68 Action 5: Continue to promote the CCTV initiative Efforts will continue to encourage the use of CCTV by providing duty-free concessions for the importation of such equipment, as well as through direct government efforts.
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NC 4.3 Better Administration of Justice It is necessary for Antigua and Barbuda to improve the equity and effectiveness of its judicial and custodial systems, and to develop better public relations and communications systems in order to boost security and public confidence in the administration of justice.
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Action 1: Evaluating and reforming the custodial system The ministry with responsibility for national security will take the lead on this action which is important to inform further actions toward reducing the rate of recidivism, which in turn will contribute towards reducing overcrowding in the prisons.
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Moreover, the study will also investigate the feasibility of employing alternative sentencing as a mechanism to reduce custodial sentences and for reducing the exposure of some categories of first time offenders to more hardened criminals. These approaches will be coordinated with the provision of social services including counselling for young offenders and drug rehabilitation services.
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Action 2: Commence preparation of plans for the construction of a new correctional facility While resourcing remains a challenge, there is need for a new correctional facility to address the overcrowding and to better facilitate the rehabilitation of inmates. Action 3: Enhance efforts to improve the juvenile justice architecture This action will reduce the risk of young offenders becoming hardened criminals and will contribute to reducing the rate of recidivism.
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NC 4.4 Territorial Integrity including Territorial Waters The ABDF is responsible for protecting the territorial integrity of our nation. However, its operations extend well beyond this and incorporate: the provision of assistance to the civil authorities in maintaining law and order; support in times of disaster; maritime safety to include search and rescue; maritime law enforcement and fisheries protection; drug interdiction; humanitarian relief operations; and regional security.
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Priority actions to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the operations of the ABDF include the following. Action 1: Enhance patrol capabilities This action will contribute to a reduction in illegal activity including illegal fishing, drug trafficking, human trafficking, the smuggling of taxable goods and illegal dumping by ships.
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Action 2: Maximize the use of human resources for peace-time operations The ABDF will continue efforts to develop capabilities that can be deployed outside of security operations, in order to maximize the use of it human resources during times of peace, or when its GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 69 resources are not deployed for disasters relief operations.
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Capabilities being developed in that regard include those in the areas of civil engineering, medical operations and search and rescue. Such capabilities will contribute to improving economic resilience.
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GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 70 Chapter IV Development Planning and MTDS Implementation Framework The GoAB will strengthen the framework for development planning and for the implementation of projects, programs, strategies and policies that are put in place for attaining sustainable development objectives. This is expected to greatly improve the extent to which we will achieve the results and targets we will be pursuing.
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Effective development planning goes beyond the preparation of good plans, but incorporates efficient mechanisms through which: plans are linked to budgets; budgets are executed, monitored and evaluated; and monitoring and evaluation is used to improve performance of ongoing operations as well as to inform the subsequent preparation of better plans.
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An effective national development planning and implementation framework starts with a good national plan that reflects and incorporates an appropriate monitoring and evaluation framework. The monitoring and evaluation framework for the MTDS is reflected in Chapter VII. However, the core direct strategies reflected in the MTDS must be effectively coordinated to optimize the achievement of the results we seek.
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Effective co-ordination involves keeping all stakeholders focused on the various goals; actively seeking to foster synergies between the work of line ministries, other public bodies and SOEs; reducing duplication of efforts; reviewing resource availability and deviations from intended paths with a view to devising alternative routes where necessary; closely monitoring national regional and international developments and how these are likely to impact on the work of line ministries, other public bodies and SOEs and working towards exploiting opportunities or overcoming challenges; galvanizing the efforts of non-state actors to partner with the public sector towards the overall vision or goal for the country; and actively seeking to overcome conflicts - overt or implicit - that may likely hinder progress towards achieving national goals.
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Effective co-ordination requires being continuously aware of the big picture, and continually looking for ways to overcome constraints to optimizing the achievement of each SDD and hence to improving the quality of life of all Antiguans and Barbudans and their posterity (the ultimate goal). Effective implementation will require motivating all public sector staff to give their best towards the common goal, and to actively manage for change.
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The SDF is the foundation on which an effective development planning and implementation framework will be built. The Sustainable Development Framework is set out in Chapter I and will guide the development of subsequent MTDS and other broad planning documents. The plans and strategies of line ministries, other public sector entities and SOEs must be aligned to the MTDS or must be consistent therewith.
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Moreover, the effective conduct of programme budgeting is expected to result in strong linkages between the budget and the desired development outcomes defined in the MTDS and other consistent national or broad planning documents.
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Enhancing the framework for development planning will thus involve defining the role of the cabinet, strengthening the ministerial framework and capacity for planning and budgeting, clarifying the role of the ministry with responsibility for planning and budgeting with respect to inter-agency (including line ministries, other public sector bodies, SOEs) coordination, enhancing government’s engagement with the non-state actors, and linking the development GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 71 planning and implementation framework to an appropriate framework for monitoring and evaluation.
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These are further expanded below. Moreover, effective communication with the public is an important element for effective development planning and implementation, and is an effective complementary policy tool to improve the achievement of development results. Furthermore, the legal framework must be appropriate to enable line ministries, other public bodies and SOEs, to effectively pursue desired development outcomes. These areas are also discussed in greater detail below. A.
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A. The Institutional Framework for Development Planning and for MTDS Implementation The Central Planning and Budgeting Function Coordination of actions across functional lines of government for the implementation of the MTDS (as well as other broad plans and strategies that are consistent with these documents but require actions across ministerial lines) is best served by a ministry tasked with both the national budgetary function and the national development planning function.
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In order to set an appropriate institutional framework for the implementation of the MTDS and for development planning in general, the national development planning (embracing a sustainable development approach) and the budgeting functions should be combined under one ministry as it is now in practice.
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Hence, over the short term, the organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance should be reviewed and realigned to enable it to more effectively carry out the development planning and budgeting functions. In that regard, consideration will be given to the efficient utilization of staff, and thus staff may be required to perform in multiple roles when necessary. Ministerial names and functions should be adjusted as appropriate to reflect this intent.
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The existing structure of the ministry, as well as the related human resource capacities, will thus be reviewed and adjusted as appropriate, including the possibility for revitalizing and strengthening the Development Planning Unit, in order enable it to more effectively carry out the following broad functions among other mandated and necessary functions. 1. Provide leadership to other line ministries to greatly improve the effectiveness of programme budgeting.
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This will require putting in place the capacity to provide training and guidance to line ministries, other public bodies and SOEs with respect to strategic planning, programme budgeting and monitoring and evaluation; 2. Lead the budgeting process, including reviewing budget submission and interacting with line ministries towards arriving at credible multi-year programme budgets that are linked to the MTDS or with other consistent strategies, and that are imbued with sufficient performance information; 3.
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Monitor the implementation of the MTDS and other national or broad planning documents; 4. Provide monitoring and evaluation reports for deliberation by Cabinet and its sub- Committees. Based on feedback from Cabinet, use MTDS monitoring and evaluation information to inform subsequent annual budgets in line with programme budgeting practices; GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 72 5.
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Prepare subsequent MTDS and other desirable national planning documents, making strong efforts to utilize monitoring and evaluation information with respect to preceding documents; 6. In the context of the sustainable development framework, coordinate the implementation of strategies across line ministries, other public sector bodies and SOEs. (discussed in more details below); and 7.
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(discussed in more details below); and 7. Generally serves as the guardian and champion of the MTDS implementation framework and the sustainable development approach or systems approach to planning and implementation. A strong central planning and budgeting ministry must ultimately be the champion for the implementation of the MTDS, so that no aspect to the MTDS is left simply to line-ministries for follow-through.
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Coordination Across Ministries The ministry with responsibility for budgeting and development planning will interface with other ministries in order to, promote increased ownership of the national development strategy; reduce conflicts by promoting better understanding of interrelationships across functions; improve the effective use of fiscal resources by increasing the opportunities for synergizing efforts across functional lines and for reducing duplication of efforts; and improve planning, monitoring and evaluation through the better use and interaction of the expertise that exist across functional lines.
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Coordination across functional ministerial lines will be structured to encourage the achievement of goals at the highest outcome levels - the ultimate goal; the four sustainable development dimensions; and the related necessary conditions. The MoFCG will perform the following technical co-ordination functions, among others, that the Cabinet may deem desirable. 1.
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Convene meetings of line ministries to solicit inputs for: the preparation and review of Medium-Term development strategies and other broad strategic documents; review of the performance of strategies and programmes outlined there-in; review of budgets and their consistency with the broad planning documents; the review of sector strategies and their consistency with the broad planning document; and for the general co-ordination of programmes in order to reduce duplication of efforts, to improve synergies among ministries and to reduce conflicts; 2.
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Make recommendations for Cabinet’s approval of subsequent MTDS or broad national or National Planning documents; 3. Review monitoring and evaluation reports with respect to the implementation of the MTDS or other broad or national planning documents. The arrangements for the preparation of monitoring and evaluation reports are reflected in Chapter VII.
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On the basis of the above monitoring and evaluation reports, make recommendations to Cabinet or to Ministries, other public sector organization or SOEs as appropriate, on actions needed to improve performance; and 4.
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Engage with non-state actors towards arriving at appropriate national development plans including subsequent MTDSs and improving governance, and in that regard GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 73 make appropriate recommendation to Cabinet, ministries, other public sector bodies or SOEs as appropriate.
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Coordination meetings convened by the Ministry of Finance and Corporate Governance will be structured to mirror the four sustainable development dimensions in addition to general meetings of all ministries as needed. This will facilitate the monitoring and evaluation framework outlined in Chapter VII. Participation in these SDD meetings will largely be determined by the degree of line-ministry contribution to the respective SDD.
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Other public bodies and SOEs will also participate in the relevant SDD meeting. Committees Coordination or steering committees may be formed where necessary with regard to, the necessary conditions for achieving the SDDs, in relation to specific themes that fall under the SDD concerned, with respect to flagship priorities, or to serve as project steering committees.
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Such committees shall be convened once approved by Cabinet on the recommendation of the Ministry of Finance and Corporate Governance who shall consult with the ministry which has the substantive responsibility for the area concerned. The MoFCG will make recommendations to cabinet on the rationalization of existing committees. All committees will have a reporting relationship with the MoFCG as well as the ministry under which the substantive activity falls.
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Moreover, clear TOR will be prepared for the operation of committee by the Ministry of Finance in collaboration with by the ministry with substantive responsibility for the area. National Sustainable Development Stakeholder Consultation Consultation may be convened periodically by the MoFCG to review progress with respect to the implementation of the MTDS or/and other national planning documents and to provide recommendations for improving the achievement of development objectives.
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Participation in the consultation will be requested from a wide range of stake holders including civil society, labour institutions. unions, Recommendations from the consultations will feed into the work of the MoFCG. the private sector, academia, research institutions, and regional Donor Co-ordination The MTDS will be the foundation for aligning donor activity to the country’s development efforts.
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The close alignment of development partners’ efforts to the country’s MTDS is expected to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of these efforts. Thus, a coordination framework for the planning and implementation of development partner efforts will be developed by the MoFCG. This will involve the development of a matrix of ongoing and approved development partner activities, as well as those being discussed – a donor matrix.
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All development partner activity must be channelled through the Ministry of Finance for information purposes in the first instance. Subsequently, the MoFCG will develop appropriate financial recording procedures with respect to all development partner assistance including grants and assistance in kind, and as necessary will make appropriate adjustments to legislation to support effort to improve recording and co-ordination of development partner activities.
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GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 74 B. Public Communication Community enthusiasm and knowledge play an important role in building sustainable societies. Hence, strategies for the effective building of public awareness are important. Government policy will be less effective where there is weak public awareness and understanding of programmes, their aims, or the benefits that can be accessed them.
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This can be compounded by a poor perception of government which can result in less cooperation on the part of the public with the government, translating into lower social cohesion, weaker achievement with respect to protecting the environment, and weaker economic growth. However, we have not viewed communication and public relations as an important tool for development.
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To correct this, the GoAB will launch efforts to design more effective public awareness programmes encompassing three approaches – communication/information, advocacy, and education. The public awareness program will be an important complementary tool for communication the MTDS in order to improve stakeholder support, and consequently the likelihood of success. More generally, it will be a tool for sharing the national vision.
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To the above end, the ministry responsible for information will conduct a study to: 1. Review the existing mandate for PR and its effectiveness as a development tool; 2. Assess the effectiveness of normal public relations efforts including the extent to which they reach target audiences; 3. Assess the effectiveness of different communications modalities in reaching intended audiences; 4. Survey opportunities to strengthen the public sector PR function to support the implementation of the MTDS; 5.
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Make recommendations for enhancing the role of communication as a development tool and assess the financial implications in that regard including adjusting for opportunities for rationalizing of PR functions across line ministries, other public sector bodies and SOEs. C. The Legal Framework Much of the work of line ministries has evolved over the years to meet needs and to address circumstances as they have emerged.
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While this has generally been in line with the mandate of the various ministries, often, the legal authority to take desired actions is inadequate or is not sufficiently robust or clear. This has adversely impacted the effectiveness of line ministries, and if not adequately addressed, will constrain the achievement of the goals under this MTDS. There have been ongoing efforts to update the legislative framework, but much more needs to be done.
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The GoAB will thus pay close attention to this area recognizing that this is a significant constraint to the achievement of development objectives. Several line ministries have indicated the need to substantially adjust the legal mandate under which they operate. To address this area the following actions will be taken: 1.
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All line ministries will review and document the desired legal authority that would enable them to effectively perform the functions that are critical to reaching desired development objectives.
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This aspect is not expected to be performed by the ministry GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 75 with responsibility for legal affairs as they would not be expected to have the direct knowledge necessary to do such a review, nor would they have sufficient human resources to dedicate to such a review. These reviews will form the basis on which line-ministries will submit requests to the ministry responsible for legal affairs for the preparation of draft legislation. 2.
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2. The ministry with responsibility for legal affairs will sensitize line ministries to their role with regard to the above action, and where necessary, will mount training workshops to enhance the capacity of line ministries to conduct such reviews, and to adequately document the adjustments that are desired to be made to legislation. 3.
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3. The ministry with responsibility for legal affairs will review and enhance its capacity to prepare draft legislation to enable line ministries to more effectively pursue development objectives. In that regard, the ministry with responsibility for legal affairs will consult with line ministries to gauge the need for such reviews. 4.
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4. The ministry with responsibility for legal affairs will review all agreements and legal commitments (national, regional and international) to be undertaken by Antigua and Barbuda, prior to their finalization. GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 76 Chapter V Resource Mobilization Despite some improvement in economic growth, Antigua and Barbuda continues to face significant fiscal and debt challenges.
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These impede the Government’s ability to generate the resources needed to finance the country’s development strategies. This situation is further complicated by the fact that Antigua and Barbuda is considered to be a high income country and therefore has very limited access to grant and concessional financing. Further, the country’s fiscal position and high debt stock make it difficult to access adequate resources through commercial options or on international financial markets.
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At this point, the Government must look inward to mobilize resources to finance development. This will involve implementation of targeted fiscal measures and execution of a debt management and reduction strategy. A.
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A. The Resources Envelope for Implementation: Baseline Scenario Over the past several years, the macroeconomic environment in Antigua and Barbuda has been characterized by low or no growth; declining revenues; and high levels of expenditure that focus on consumption rather than on more productive investment projects. Under current policies, there is insufficient revenue to ensure effective funding of the day to day operations of Government.
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Therefore, there is little room in the budget to help finance growth. As seen in Table 1 below, which presents the baseline scenario, overall fiscal deficits averaging 2.6% or GDP are expected over the Medium-Term. Also, current policies will yield an average primary surplus of about 0.8% of GDP is anticipated over the next five years. The result will be a net increase in the debt stock, continued fiscal imbalance and long term debt instability.
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Under these circumstances, the resources envelope for implementing the Medium-Term development strategies is not adequate. As indicated before, Antigua and Barbuda has very limited access to funding from multilateral agencies and its fiscal and debt dynamics make resource mobilization from international markets a challenging proposition. Over recent years, the Government has relied on bilateral funding to support a number of its key infrastructural development projects.
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These projects will help to enhance economic and social infrastructure and improve the investment climate, thereby contributing to increased investment and growth prospects. A potentially important source of financing for the Government is revenues from its Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP). With proper management and implementation of effective risk-based policies and procedures, Antigua and Barbuda’s CIP could generate revenue amounting to as much as 5% of GDP over the Medium-Term.
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While these resources could help to finance growth and facilitate a reduction in debt, they can be unpredictable and therefore could not be relied upon as the key source of development financing. A fiscal consolidation programme and a debt reduction strategy are necessary to generate a more reliable source of funding for growth.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Table 3: Medium-Term Fiscal Performance – Baseline Scenario GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 77 2 4,210 922 922 709 1,033 864 890 346 154 124 143 168 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 3 3,440 680 664 571 2 3,460 706 692 588 2 3,598 731 731 608 2 3,742 783 783 632 2 3,892 831 831 656 2 4,048 879 879 682 775 720 685 308 125 114 91 55 (96) (5) 19 21 9 4 3 2 (3) (0) 787 728 689 308 125 110 98 59 849 777 717 314 130 112 132 72 889 796 754 320 135 115 136 94 941 824 803 328 148 117 137 117 996 855 856 336 163 120 140 142 (80) 18 (103) 29 (98) 38 (100) 37 (108) 32 (100) 42 Selected Indicators in % of GDP 20 21 9 4 3 2 (2) 1 20 22 9 4 3 2 (3) 1 21 21 9 4 3 3 (3) 1 21 21 8 4 3 3 (3) 1 22 21 8 4 3 4 (3) 1 22 21 8 4 3 4 (2) 1 Real Growth (% ) GDP at Market Prices Total Revenue Recurrent Revenue Tax Revenue Total Expenditure Recurrent Expenditure Primary Expenditure Wages and Salaries Goods and Services Transfers (excluding pensions) Interst Payments Capital Expenditure Overall Balance Primary Balance Recurrent Revenue Total Recurrent Expenditure Wages and Salaries Goods and Services Transfers Capital Expensiture Overall Balance Primary Balance B.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Active Scenario Macroeconomic stability and sustainable growth will continue to be elusive if decisive action is not taken to improve the fiscal trajectory. Therefore a fiscal consolidation programme will be implemented to reduce fiscal deficits and the associated borrowing requirements and help stabilize the debt. In order to stabilize the debt, Government must realise a turnaround in fiscal performance from an overall deficit of 2.8% in 2014 to a deficit of 0.2% in 2015 and a surplus of 4.3% by 2020.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
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Antigua and Barbuda
This will be accompanied by a significant improvement in the primary balance from a deficit of 0.1% of GDP in 2014 to a surplus of 2.6% in 2015 and a surplus of 7.7% by 2020. Table 4 presents the Active Scenario for the period 2015 to 2020. Antigua and Barbuda will be able to attain its Medium-Term debt sustainability target under the active scenario. These targets include a debt to GDP ratio of 80% by 2020 and the longer term target of 60% by 2030 as agreed by the ECCU Monetary Council.
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Antigua and Barbuda
The significant improvement in fiscal performance under the active scenario will allow the Government to reduce the rate of debt accumulation and liquidate the backlog of arrears. Further, this effort to transform the fiscal framework will better position the Government to deal with economic shocks in the future.
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Antigua and Barbuda
While receipts from the CIP contribute to the attainment of primary surpluses exceeding 5% of GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 78 GDP over the next few years, a scenario that excludes CIP revenues reveals that the Government will still be able generate primary surpluses averaging 3% over the Medium-Term; which will be sufficient to ensure a decline in the debt stock and attainment of the 2030 debt sustainability target.
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Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
Table 4: Medium-Term Fiscal Performance – Active Scenario Real Growth (% ) GDP at Market Prices Total Revenue Recurrent Revenue Tax Revenue Total Expenditure Recurrent Expenditure Primary Expenditure Wages and Salaries Goods and Services Transfers (excluding pensions) Interst Payments Capital Expenditure Overall Balance Primary Balance Recurrent Revenue Total Recurrent Expenditure Wages and Salaries Goods and Services Transfers (excluding pensions) Capital Expensiture Overall Balance Primary Balance 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2.9 3,440 680 664 571 2 3,460 748 733 629 2 3,598 853 839 715 2 3,742 925 916 774 2 3,892 972 963 805 2 4,048 1,017 1,008 836 2 4,210 1,052 1,042 870 775 720 685 308 125 114 91 55 (96) (5) 19 21 9 4 3 2 (3) (0) 755 696 657 303 114 93 98 59 (7) 91 21 20 9 3 3 2 (0) 3 788 698 656 296 101 80 132 90 65 197 782 688 646 292 96 74 136 94 143 279 847 711 710 299 105 76 137 136 125 263 Selected Indicators in % of GDP 23 19 8 3 2 3 2 5 24 18 8 3 2 3 4 7 25 18 8 3 2 4 3 7 857 735 717 307 116 78 140 121 160 300 25 18 8 3 2 3 4 7 872 746 729 316 109 81 143 126 180 323 25 18 8 3 2 3 4 8 At the core of the Government’s resource mobilization strategy is a fiscal consolidation programme that will combine a number of revenue and expenditure measures.
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Antigua and Barbuda
These interventions will improve fiscal performance, enhance the Government’s payment capacity, and generate the resources needed to help safeguard the domestic banking sector and to fund development over the Medium-Term. C. Expenditure Management The strategies to improve expenditure management and reduce Government spending include: 1. Strengthen programme budgeting 2.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Strengthen programme budgeting 2. Reducing expenditure on wages and salaries through attrition; capping spending on the work experience programme; rationalizing overtime spending; and reassessing emolument package for contract workers. GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 79 3. Modernizing the public service and employing more effective human resource management practices in Government. Chapter VI provides details in that regard. 4.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Chapter VI provides details in that regard. 4. Restricting growth in public sector employment through a hiring freeze and focus on reallocating workers within the public sector to fill vacancies. 5. Curtailing expenditure on goods and services and ensuring more efficient use of resources by enhancing procedures for procurement and contract administration. 6.
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Antigua and Barbuda
6. Accelerating programmes for enhanced use of information and communication technology in the operations of government and delivery of public services. 7. Decreasing the level of transfers to statutory corporations and requiring greater efficiency and cost effectiveness in the operations of these public sector enterprises. 8. Conducting targeted forensic audits of key central government and statutory corporations to ensure their internal practices and operations meet international standards. 9.
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Antigua and Barbuda
9. Continue to implement a public financial management reform project with particular emphasis on: (a) procurement and contract administration: Government will enact new procurement legislation and regulations and improve the institutional arrangements for procurement in the public sector.
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Antigua and Barbuda
(b) internal audit: a new internal audit unit will be established to improve Government’s risk management framework, increase performance audits, enhance transparency and reporting, and ensure greater accountability in the use of public resources. (c) oversight of statutory corporations (SOEs): the SOE oversight function will be strengthened to monitor the operations of SOEs and assess potential fiscal risks associated with the public enterprises.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
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Antigua and Barbuda
This intervention will also focus on improving SOE compliance with the financial and other reporting provisions stipulated the Finance Administration Act. in (d) PFM legislation: the Finance Administration Act will be revised and strengthened to ensure a more comprehensive and effective legal and regulatory framework in place to govern financial management and engender greater fiscal responsibility across Government.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
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Antigua and Barbuda
Over the Medium-Term, the various expenditure measures and reform initiatives are expected to reduce expenditure on wages and salaries to less than 8% of GDP; ensure transfers will be no more than 2% of GDP; and spending on goods and services will decline to less than 3% of GDP. By 2020, total recurrent expenditure should fall below 20% of GDP.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
While capital expenditure would remain below the desired minimum of 5% of GDP, growth inducing capital investments will increase from less than 2% of GDP to an average of 3% over the Medium-Term. However, there are strong upside risks for higher growth levels over the next 5 years. With implementation of a number of investment projects it is very likely that Antigua and Barbuda will realize 5% real GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 80 growth by 2020.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
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Antigua and Barbuda
A more optimistic growth outturn can increase revenue performance thereby facilitating more aggressive capital spending that can further boost economic growth. D. Revenue Measures The strategies to improve revenue performance include: 1. Rationalising discretionary incentives and tax concessions and reviewing the framework for fiscal incentives to reduce revenue loss through tax expenditure. 2.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda