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The development of our infrastructure must also serve us well with regard to direct consumption and also from a social and recreational perspective. Our efforts to improve economic infrastructure will be imbedded in an improved physical planning framework and will be synergized with efforts to reduce disaster risks, to improve resilience to climate change, and to reduce or reverse adverse environmental impacts, areas that are further elaborated under SDD 3.
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Additionally, improved co-ordination among agencies is critical for more effective planning and implementation of infrastructural projects and much of this will be done within the implementation framework reflected in Chapter IV. In particular, care will be taken to coordinate road construction and maintenance activity with rehabilitation, replacement and repairs activity with respect to water mains.
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Efforts are well under way to address adequacy of airport and seaport infrastructure, with work on the new terminal building of the VC Bird International Airport now completed and mobilization towards the implementation of a comprehensive plan to redevelop the main sea port progressing. Other priority actions towards putting in place adequate infrastructure to enhance our competitive position follows.
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Action 1: Prepare and commence implementation of a National Transport Plan This activity will be led by the ministry with responsibility for public works in collaboration with Antigua and Barbuda Transport Board (ABTB), the Antigua and Barbuda Airport Authority (ABAA) and the Antigua and Barbuda Port Authority (ABPA), and will examine, among other areas, the development of a national data base; future transport demand; transport planning processes; key transport issues; institutional structure for effective management of infrastructure, and as necessary institutional strengthening; and financing options.
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The study will reflect on all GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 40 areas of transport infrastructure including road, sea, air, and the use of pipelines for the movement of petroleum products, and will also reflect on specific needs in relation to Barbuda. The study will generally help inform choices in the development of the transportation sector and will take on board environmental impacts.
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The eminent roll-out of the redevelopment of the main sea port envisages strengthening linkages between the international air and the main sea ports in order to improve business logistics. This will also necessitate the expansion and upgrade of the road infrastructure. These elements will be integrated into the transport master plan.
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Action 2: Conduct a road rationalization study This action will be led by the ministry with responsibility for public works, and will guide the sequencing of road expansion, rehabilitation and maintenance activity.
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Alongside the road rationalization study, maintenance management and asset management systems can be introduced as tools which will guide the development of key goals Action 3: Strengthen the quality of road maintenance activity and the efficiency with which the activity is conducted This action will require the ministry with responsibility for public works to review its procedures, design criteria, technical skill sets, and the appropriateness and adequacy of the equipment and systems it employs, its institutional structure, and other constraints, and to adjust these as necessary.
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The ministry with responsibility for public works will collaborate with the DCA to review and strengthen procedure for collaboration among government ministries, department and agencies with respect to road construction and maintenance activity. Action 4: Continue efforts to improve the aesthetics along road ways The ministry responsible for public works will continue to take lead responsibility on this action.
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Action 5: Undertake an urban renewal study The city of St. John’s is a major commercial centre and tourism hub. We will take action to enable the city to achieve its full potential as a development area by addressing various constrains including: lack of a central sewage system; lack of adequate drainage; lack of adequate parking facilities; dilapidated structures; poor road infrastructure; poor traffic management, poor signage; inadequate security.
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These constraints remain a major hindrance to the sustainable development of the area and the benefits that would accrue to the citizens of Antigua and Barbuda, and significantly contribute to adverse effects on the coastal and marine ecosystems and the protective and provisioning functions that they provide.
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The St. John’s Development Corporation (SJDC) will lead efforts to undertake an urban renewal study, and will collaborate with the ministry with responsible for public works and the DCA with respect to the planning and the subsequent implementation. Action 6: Strengthen efforts to reduce traffic congestion in St. John’s Pending more comprehensive efforts to redevelop St. Johns, interim actions will be taken to reduce traffic congestion.
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These efforts will be led by the transport board in collaboration with GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 41 the SJDC and may involve efforts to restart the construction of the multi-story car park, and efforts to improve taxi operations especially in relation to services to cruise passengers.
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Action 7: Continue efforts towards the redevelopment of St. John’s Deep Water Harbour This action is being led by the Port Authority and involves efforts to restore the integrity of the physical infrastructure, as well as to reposition the port to improve trade facilitation, enhance transhipment and business activity and to improve its financial performance.
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Action 8: Intensify efforts to improve efficiency in the provision of utilities – electricity, water and telecommunication The ministry with responsibility for public utilities in collaboration with the agency directly responsible for the provision of electricity, water and telecommunication services to the public - the APUA, will lead efforts to improve efficiency in the delivery of public utilities.
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This will encompass efforts to, reduce high losses during generation/production, transmission and distribution of electricity and water; reduce non-authorised consumption; improve the business model or institutional structure for the delivery of services; implement more appropriate tariff regimes informed by appropriate studies; enhance and upgrade metering with respect to electricity and water services; enhance regulation; reduce fiscal subsidies provided by central government; and generally to reduce cost to consumers towards levels that are more internationally competitive.
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These efforts will build on assistance currently being provided by the World Bank as indicated under Action 1 of NC 1.5. On the basis of this study plans will be prepared towards making each business unit profitable. GoAB is very cognizant of the importance of information and communication technology (ICT) and the critical role it plays in promoting growth and increasing productivity.
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In this regard, the agency responsible for interventions in ICT will pursue specific actions to significantly improve the country’s information technology infrastructure and strengthen the regulatory environment. The ultimate goal being to secure the most cutting-edge, reliable and growth-inducing ICT network for Antigua and Barbuda.
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Action 9: Expand water generation capacity This action will be led by APUA and is necessary given that we are a water-scarce country, but have to cater to future commercial and residential demand for water. Consideration will be given to the use of appropriate new technologies.
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Action 10: Pursue efforts to improve energy efficiency including through the use of green technologies GoAB is pursuing energy efficiency as a mechanism by which to reduce energy cost, enhance energy security and reduce undesirable environmental impacts. The ministry with responsibility for energy will strengthen its capacity to lead this charge, and in that regard will collaborate with the APUA. Moreover, efforts will be made to explore opportunities for expanding the use of renewable energy.
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GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 42 Action 11: Improve sewerage management in St. John’s This action will require the ministry responsible for utilities in collaboration with the APUA to review, consolidate and update studies previously undertaken, and to commence mobilizing resources to put in place a central sewerage system for the city of St. John’s as a matter of urgency.
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NC 1.7 Adequate Skills and Capacity to Support Sustainable Development Education is fundamental to our competitiveness as a country. We must educate our people if we are to optimally exploit the ever-expanding stock of global knowledge and if we are to engage innovations that can help transform our nation. We must provide advanced education to individuals who think critically and exhibit creative imaginations.
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Short of this, we may fall behind other nations or may not progress at an acceptable pace towards our sustainable development goals. Access to education, which is a basic human right, is also an important tool for providing more equitable opportunities for our citizens to participate in and thereby benefit from economic development.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Moreover, we must use education to develop citizens who are, imbued with respect for human life, emotionally secure, and who have strong family values and moral principles, a strong sense of national pride. The latter two objectives are critical for fashioning a society that is socially cohesive – an area addressed under SDD 2.
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The strategy for enhancing the use of education as a tool to support economic growth is dealt with under this SDD simultaneously with its use as a tool for social cohesion (SDD 2), and hence the latter is not repeated under SDD 2. While notable quantitative and qualitative outcomes in each education sub-sector have been achieved, much more needs to be done to fashion an education system that will continue to be a central pillar for economic development and a tool for social cohesion.
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Our strategy to arrive at education that is of high quality, relevant to the needs of the economy, and to which access is more equitable, will revolve around: increasing access to quality early childhood development services as a foundation for further learning; providing adequate space to facilitate the effective universal delivery of basic education; improving the quality of teaching and learning; adequate teacher training; improving the basic education curriculum and the strategies for assessment; providing opportunities for technical and vocational training; improving the quality and accountability of leadership and management at the ministerial and school levels; and increasing the provision of tertiary and continuing education.
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Much attention will also be paid to improving targeting of educational assistance. Moreover, focus will be placed on accurate measurement of outcomes as a foundation for effective monitoring and evaluation of the sector. Reflecting the above, an education sector plan 2015 to 2021, is being finalized to guide GoAB efforts, as resources allow. The following actions to be taken over the Medium-Term will address the most urgent needs.
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These efforts will be led by the ministry with responsibility for education. GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 43 Action 1: Reduce overcrowding with respect to the provision of secondary education Universal secondary education was achieved in 2013, however to optimize its effectiveness, further action will be taken to reduce overcrowding (25% overcapacity) through the construction of new schools and expansion to existing schools.
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There are ongoing efforts toward these end under the Basic Education project 2 (BEP 2) funded by the CDB. Action 2: Train secondary school teachers in remedial reading This action will is required to effectively assimilate all students into the secondary education system.
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Action 3: Reduce the high drop-out rate in secondary schools Much effort will be made to more accurately determine the incidence of secondary school drop- out including through more appropriate classification of drop-out based on completion of secondary school rather than attainment of school leaving age. Other elements will involve addressing the problems of literacy and numeracy. Consideration will also be given to addressing the particular needs of boys.
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Action 4: Continue efforts to expand access to, and improve standards in early childhood education These efforts will include the construction of a model centre (an element of the BEP 2 project), and the enactment of legislation (already drafted) aimed at improving standards for the delivery of services within the subsector.
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Action 5: Enhance the incorporation of special need in the mainstream education system This action will focus on special needs of student who can be accommodated within the mainstream education system, and will consider necessary infrastructure, teacher capabilities and special aids requirements.
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Action 6: Continue efforts towards the consolidation of tertiary level education provided in country, including through the establishment of the University of Antigua and Barbuda The aim of this action is to improve the quality and access to relevant tertiary education provided in country, by seeking greater efficiency in management, better economies of scale, and the rationalizing and expansion of education and training programmes on offer.
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These programmes are to be more in line with the needs of the economy based on their financial and economic feasibility. A number of tertiary institutions provide programs to the public - Antigua State College (ASC), Antigua and Barbuda International Institute of Technology (ABIIT), and the Antigua and Barbuda Hospitality Training Institute (ABHTI). A committee has already been formulated to investigate the possibility of developing a University of Antigua and Barbuda.
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GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 44 Action 7: Develop the hotel component of the Hospitality Training Institute and take actions to improve the prestige of the institute These actions will contribute towards strengthening the capacity and effectiveness of the institute to support the development of relevant skills needed in the tourism industry.
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The incorporation of the Institute within the University of Antigua and Barbuda along with greater public relation campaigns will be pursued to raise the attractiveness of the institution to a wider cross-section of students. The design of public relation campaigns will be synergized with other elements of our development strategies, such as efforts to simultaneously strengthen worker productivity and rewards.
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Action 8: Develop a systematic approach towards gauging the relevance of the education being provided This will involve mechanisms for consulting with the private sector to determine gaps in human capital, whether they relate to core skill or softer skills.
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This action may also entail the undertaking of studies to gauge skills gaps (including technical and vocational skills), not only with respect to current needs, but also with respect to the potential areas in which we can develop competitive advantages including the provision of services besides those related to tourism. Any analysis of such gaps must take into account the extent of the contribution of migrant labour.
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This may, for instance, be related to the potential to access opportunities that arise from the EPA with the European Union addressed under NC 1.2 This information will be used to guide the refinement of the curriculum (which must be accompanied by a review of the appropriateness of school plant) and the provision of training and education assistance, and will be an essential component of the monitoring and evaluation process regarding the relevance of education to the needs of the economy.
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Action 9: Review the mechanisms for prioritizing skills which will be supported through GoAB assistance The aim of this action is to develop strategies to support the adequate distribution of skills needed to support optimal economic development. This may involve considering differentiating incentive for the pursuit of various subject areas, in order to encourage the pursuit of skills in which there is short supply.
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The mechanism will relate to the provision of scholarships as well as the accessing of loans, and will incorporate systems for monitoring and evaluation.
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Existing assistance programmes include: a scholarship programme that is funded through the Board of Education (BOE) for tertiary level studies overseas; scholarships offered through the office of the prime minister; subsidization of courses at tertiary level institutions, including ABIIT, as well as at Technical/Vocational Educational Training (TVET) institution; and other programmes offered by institutions like Antigua Barbuda Institute for Continued Education (ABICE), and Gilbert’s Agricultural and Rural Development Centre (GARDC); and loan programmes offered through ABDB and directly by central government.
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GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 45 Action 10: Strengthen the capacity for managing the education system This action will involve improving management skills of ministry officials and school administrators. B. Sustainable Development Dimension 2: Enhanced Social Cohesion Our quality of life does not depend solely on our capacity to generate wealth.
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We must also be able to enjoy the fruits of our labour, engage in leisurely pursuits and raise our families in an environment that is safe as well as socially and morally uplifting, and live at peace with fellow citizens.
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Doing so optimally requires us to fashion a country that is socially cohesive – one in which members have a strong sense of belonging, where there is mutual trust among them, where opportunities are afforded to all for upward mobility, where there is respect for the rights of others and none are excluded from economic opportunity, and where there is a strong sense of responsibility for the well-being of others.
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Short of this, social fragmentation will greatly reduce the degree to which we can enjoy our country. Social fragmentation is manifested in various ways including crime; industrial unrest; low labour productivity; vandalism; littering; low social capital and hence lower resilience to adversity - natural disasters and economic downturns; and socially destructive personal behaviours such as drug abuse, discrimination, illegal and dangerous driving and road rage, among others.
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Moreover, social fragmentation will reduce our capacity to generate wealth through various channels including, the negative perceptions that may dissuade persons from visiting our land and investing therein; higher cost of doing business associated with security and other risks that may affect local and foreign investors alike; lower productivity that may stem from inappropriate cultural attitudes; and gender discrimination that may result in under-utilization of human resources.
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Enhancing the cohesiveness of our society requires us to address a number of necessary conditions which together will lead to lower manifestations of social fragmentation. These conditions which are identified in the sustainable development framework, and which are further discussed below, speak to our shared social responsibility, particularly those where a strong role of government will make a decisive difference.
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Additional outlined below are our priority actions that are likely to enable Antigua and Barbuda to make further progress towards achieving these necessary conditions. Constraints associated with prioritization and resourcing are reflected in Chapters II, V and VI. Moreover, as a nation that has partnered with foreign investors, it also behoves us to nurture and develop such partnerships in ways that engender national pride and support societal cohesiveness.
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Towards this end, mechanisms will be put in place to encourage national players to take greater responsibility in structuring and participating in new investments. We will continue to be a society that integrates well with those who reside among us who are of other national origins.
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We will closely monitor the effectiveness of our strategies to enhance the cohesiveness of our society, and will pay close attention to the level of poverty, the degree of inequality, the level of major crime, access to health and access to education as our primary indicators of cohesiveness. However, we recognize the need to develop more direct indicators of cohesiveness and the GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 46 challenges associated therewith.
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Chapter VII provides a fuller range of indicators that will be used to monitor achievements with respect to the various NCs for achieving SDD 2.
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With respect to the primary indicators of success, we will strive to: make consistent progress towards halving poverty by 2030 from a level of 18% in 2005/6; achieve greater income equity striving towards a Gini coefficient of 0.40 by 2030 from 0.48% in 2006; reduce major crimes to under 10 per 100,000 of population; comfortably accommodate the universal provision of basic education by 2020 given current overcrowding; and make significant progress towards improving access to adequate health care.
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We are also quite mindful of the impact that poverty, inequality and deprivation can have on the quality of the environment, which in turn will serve to reduce its economic and social value. These impacts include those related to unsustainable resource extraction, in appropriate disposal of waste, and unplanned settlements. NC 2.1 Adequate Access to Health Care GoAB views adequate access to health care as fundamental to human dignity and to creating a sense of belonging among our people.
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We have made much progress in that regard with citizen being able to access medical care at our public hospitals and clinics largely free at the point of delivery. Moreover, through the Medical Benefits Scheme (MBS), there is significant coverage of the cost of eleven diseases irrespective of where care is secured. However, many services are not available at public facilities or in country.
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We will strive to expand the services offered at our public hospital as well as seek to expand coverage of ailments by the MBS so that universal and adequate access to health care can be achieved by 2030. However, in the context of scarce resources and competing sector needs, doing so will require use to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of health financing including that effected through the MBS. Our concern for the health of our people goes beyond access to health care.
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We must also deal with the root causes of ill health, while also putting in place adequate health care systems including quality assurance systems. We also need to attract adequate human resources to provide high quality care through both the public and private sector. These efforts will reduce mortality and morbidity rates, and contribute to minimizing the cost of providing adequate health care.
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It is well known that many of our health challenges are related to lifestyle diseases including, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. HIV/AIDS and injury arising from vehicular accidents are also significant concerns. Several factors contribute to ill health including environmental conditions, work conditions, substance abuse, nutrition and other lifestyle choices, among others. We will seek to better understand these factors, their patterns and effects.
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We will therefore move to improve our strategies for disease prevention. This will require us to strengthen our collection and use of epidemiological data, enhance inter- ministerial/agency co-ordination mechanism for implementing prevention strategies, and improve monitoring and evaluation. Good health care is also important to support the productivity of population.
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Furthermore, a good health care system is important for enhancing the attractiveness of our country as a tourism and investment destination including that associated with real estate business, health tourism and GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 47 the Citizenship by Investment Programmed (CIP). These factors will also influence strategies for developing our health care system.
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Led by the ministry with responsibility for health, a comprehensive health sector plan is being developed to guide the provision of health care by both the public and private sector over the Medium-Term, however, much will depend on better utilization of existing resources and resource availability. The new plan will succeed the previous plan developed in 2007.
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Moreover, a review of the health care laws is needed to ensure the legislative framework can support the effective management of the health sector. This issue, which also pertains to several other ministries, is addressed in more details in Chapter IV.
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The following actions will be prioritized over the Medium-Term in order to progress towards, better health care coverage and access, improved quality and reliability of health care services, and more effective monitoring and evaluation of the incidence and causes of diseases to inform preventions strategies. These actions will contribute to better health outcomes, with respect to mortality, morbidity, and life expectancy, among other health indicators.
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Action 1: Complete the preparation of the Health Sector Plan Areas to be reflected in the plan will include, actions towards reducing the incidence and negative effects of non-communicable and lifestyle diseases; actions towards reducing the incidence and outbreaks due to communicable diseases; improvement in the physical healthcare plants and the services provided to public; provisions for the disabled and the elderly, and the treatment of mental illness.
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Action 2: Strengthen health financing This action will be led by the ministry with responsibility for health and will incorporate a number of considerations including: reviewing the true cost of the provision of services by the Mount St. John’s Medical Centre (MSJMC) and other public facilities in order to set an appropriate pricing structure for payment of services by the MBS and private insurance companies; the need to remove perverse incentives that result in undue burden on MBS and favours private insurance companies; reviewing the role of MBS in providing financial support to the health sector and consideration of a more arms-length arrangement that would favours direct payment for the true cost of services, while reducing or eliminating direct budget support; otherwise strengthening the efficiency and sustainability of MBS operations including mechanisms to reduce arrears to the institution, among other considerations; and options for strengthening central government capacity to provide financing for the provision of health care services to persons not covered by MBS or private insurance.
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This action will be expected to strengthen the capacity of the MSJMC to provide a fuller range of high quality services. Action 3: Strengthen the epidemiological function This action may involve strengthening the sector planning, monitoring and evaluation functions within the ministry with responsibility for health and will be closely tied with actions to monitor the health of the environment, in particular, the quality of coastal water and sanitation in general.
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GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 48 Action 4: Continue efforts to strengthen inter-ministerial/agency co-ordination with respect to wellness Efforts are underway towards the establishment of a Wellness Commission, which will play a role in coordinating actions among stakeholders that seek to encourage wellness among residents.
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This co-ordination arrangement will be strengthened and rationalized in the context of the development planning and MTDS implementation framework addressed in Chapter IV.
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Action 5: Expand and strengthen the school meals programme This action will be led by the ministry with responsibility for education which will collaborate with the ministry responsible for health and the ministry responsible for agriculture and other stakeholders as necessary, to make efforts to expand the school feeding programme to additional schools.
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Through this programme, ministries will seek to strength the achievement of various outcomes, including ensuring adequate nutritional content of meals, better student performance, and encouraging entrepreneurial opportunities for agriculture.
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Action 6: Strengthen legislation to reduce discrimination against persons living with HIV/AIDS and to discourage wilful transmission of the disease This action will be championed by HIV/AIDS Secretariat, and will support efforts to reduce transmission rates including through the ability to map HIV/AIDS cases. This action will be pursued along with efforts to finalize and adopt a policy on HIV/AIDS in the workplace.
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NC 2.2 Adequate Access to Education and Lifelong Learning Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has a right to education. Free access to education is perhaps the best tool available to us to provide citizens with more equitable opportunities to benefit from development and is at the foundation of our strategy to improve the distribution of income and social mobility. Simultaneously, education is important as a tool for economic development.
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Actions towards achieving both of these objectives were addressed under NC 1.7. NC 2.3 Optimal Social Insurance The Antigua and Barbuda Social Security Scheme (ABSSB) was established in 1972 and was designed to ensure that the economic welfare of the contributing working population, as well as their dependents, is secure during times of sickness, maternity, invalidity, retirement and death.
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Antigua and Barbuda
The MBS was established in 1978 and provides medical care financing coverage for, 11 specific illnesses, diagnostic testing, hospitalization and medical treatment abroad for services not offered in country. Moreover, injury sustained through employment is addressed under the Workman’s Compensation Act.
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The social insurance/security functions provided by these public institutions are an important expression of our social responsibility, allowing us to help avoid our fellow citizens from falling into hardship and poverty during adverse individual or family circumstances. The public provision of these functions and the compulsory registration requirement with respect to formal employees, responds to the risks that individuals may not always make adequate provision for themselves.
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GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 49 However, our ability to perform these functions well into the future is at risk and we must rise to the occasion and take actions now to salvage such important social protection tools. Actuarial studies reveal that reserves of the ABSSB will be depleted by 2023. The reserves of the MBS, are currently below adequate levels however, new policies have been recently put in place to address this issue.
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Antigua and Barbuda
While sustaining the viability of our social insurance tool remains an urgent matter, consideration will also be given to expanding the range of benefits as well as the coverage of beneficiaries. While coverage under both schemes is involuntary for employed workers and there is a relatively small non-contributory element under ABSSB to provide assistance to the elderly, strategies to reduce informality and to encourage more self-employed persons to register are required.
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Antigua and Barbuda
One example of this has been the recent updating of legislation which requires all fisher folks to be licensed, with one of the requirements being registration with social security. Such strategies will improve the effectiveness of social insurance as a social protection tool targeting those who perhaps need coverage most. Moreover, social insurance is also important as an economic stabilization tool and can also contribute to a more flexible labour market.
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This will necessitate the provision and appropriate structuring of an unemployment benefit component, an area into which we have not yet ventured, but to which consideration will be given in the future as fiscal space allows. Action 1: Improve the sustainability of the ABSSB This action will be led by the ministry with responsibility for Finance in collaboration with the ABSSB.
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Considerations will include: raising employer contributions by 2 percentage points to 10.0% and 9.0% for private sector employers and government respectively (appropriately phased); raising the retirement age from 60 years to 65years (appropriately phased); lowering the accrual rate of pension from 1.5% to 1.0%; timely payment of government employer contribution to social security; strategies to reduce payment arrears by central government and SOEs to the scheme; continued efforts to improve registration and full declaration of income by professionals; improving returns on investment including setting property rental rates that are closer to market rates or fair values; and undertaking other adjustments in line with the current ABSSB strategic plan.
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Consensus seeking mechanisms will be developed. Action 2: Study opportunities to increase the registration of self-employed persons in the ABSSB and the MBS This action will be led by the ministry with responsibility for health in collaboration with the ABSSB and the MBS. The action will also assist with improving the sustainability of the schemes, while also helping to reduce informality in line with Action 7 under NC 1.5.
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Action 3: Review and as necessary reform the expenditure and benefit framework of the MBS This action will be led by the ministry with responsibility for health in collaboration with MBS in line with Action 2 under NC 2.1 relating to health financing reform. Under this action the GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 50 legislative underpinning of the MBS will be review in order to, among other things, to improve the expenditure/benefits framework.
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Action 4: Improve the framework for addressing employment injury The ministry with responsibility for labour in consultation with the ABSSB will review the Employment Injury Act in order to determine the best approach for addressing employment injury. Consideration will thus be given to the need to repeal the Workman’s Compensation Act and to embed protection against employment injury under ABSSB.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Action 5: Review the non-contributory old age pension programme and make recommendation for the sustainable incorporation into the social insurance architecture This action will be led by the ministry with responsibility for Finance in collaboration with the ABSSB.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
NC 2.4 Better Social Assistance and Housing Building on general improvements in quality of life over the years, we will continue to address issues of poverty, social vulnerability and the ability of the poor to sustainably improve their life chances and well-being. Data derived from the 2006 Country Poverty Assessment, showed that 18.3% of the population was living in poverty and 3.7% was indigent, a situation that is likely to have worsened since 2008.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
This is corroborated by an increase in social assistance beneficiaries which suggests growth in the level of unemployment and increased levels of hardship and deprivation. Poverty and deprivation strikes at the heart of human dignity, and left unattended will serve to fuel social fragmentation. Furthermore, we must put in place adequate social safety nets as a necessary function to support optimal economic transition.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
With the assistance of the CDB, a Country Poverty Assessment (CPA) will be undertaken (during the latter half of 2015 or the first half of 2016), and this is important for poverty monitoring and evidence-based social policy development and decision-making.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
Through several social assistance programmes, we will continue as a nation to look after the well-being of those among us who cannot adequately provide for themselves or who may be displaced as the economy adjusts to various trends and shocks, recognizing that empathy is an important element for social cohesion. However, we need to do so effectively and efficiently given our limited resources.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
In that regard, we will improve targeting, address social assistance gaps that exist, and review the legal underpinnings for the effective provision of social assistance programmes. Indirect efforts to assist the poor and vulnerable to provide for themselves are addressed under NC 2.5. Other elements of social policy and social protection are also critical towards reducing poverty, deprivation and vulnerability, including our education, health and social insurance policies.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
Thus, we will strengthen coordination across these various areas and take a more holistic view, in order to achieve the better social protection outcomes. Deprivation is also manifested through inadequate access to housing. Given high cost and, despite the country’s high level of human development, many citizens still cannot afford decent housing, including government employees such as teachers, nurses and police officers.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
We will GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 51 take action to correct this situation. Moreover, we will continue to address urban congestion and unacceptable living conditions in some communities. In addition, the aesthetics associated with housing are also of concern as they impact the quality of the tourism product.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
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Antigua and Barbuda
These initiatives will help foster national pride and promote better self-esteem among citizens, which in turn are expected to enhance social cohesion and our quality of life. Action 1: Enhance targeting system and monitoring and evaluation frameworks This action is central to improving the targeting of beneficiaries of social assistance programmes and is critical to maximizing the effectiveness of social assistance programmes.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
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Antigua and Barbuda
This action will be led by the ministry with responsibility for social transformation and will involve a review of the existing targeting framework, as well as consideration of the need to develop a central beneficiaries registry (for both social assistance and livelihood program addressed (under NC 2.5) that would allow information to be shared across various stakeholders.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
Further, the strengthening of the monitoring and evaluation frameworks of various ministries, departments and agencies with responsibility for social protection will be an important complementary action to better determine effectiveness of social protection programmes.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
Action 2: Enhance the framework for coordination across various social policy and social protection functions performed by ministries as well as other agencies This action which will be led by the ministry with responsibility for social transformation and will be supported through the development planning and MTDS implementation framework outlined in Chapter IV, and will set the stage for a more holistic approach to social protection.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
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Antigua and Barbuda
An enhanced targeting framework reflected under Action 1, will serve as a tool to facilitate more effective inter-agency co-ordination.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
Action 3: Reduce duplication of efforts and build synergies among ministries, departments, agencies and programmes through which social assistance is provided The ministry with responsibility for social transformation will take the lead in reviewing the programmes through which social assistance is provided in order to recommend more appropriate institutional arrangements for the provision of such assistance.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
The aim is to improve effectiveness and efficiency in the provision of social assistance by reducing fragmentation and building synergies.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
Currently social assistance is provided under a number of programmes housed within the Ministry of Social Transformation (including Board of Guardians, Citizen’s Welfare Programme, Substance Abuse Prevention Division, a halfway house for battered women, the community development programme, and the local government programme), as well as through other organizations including ABSSB and PDV Caribe.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
Some of the services provided through the ministry responsible for social transformation are also critical to addressing the social conditions that help fuel crime, and will be further discussed in relation to SDD 4 – Enhanced Citizen Security.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda