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GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 52 Action 4: Continue efforts to significantly increase access to housing Efforts in this area are being led by ministry with responsibility for housing in collaboration with various agencies that fall under its supervision including the Central Housing and Planning Agency (CHAPA) and the National Housing Development Committee.
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Efforts among these agencies with respect to this action will be synergized and will aim at, making adequate housing more accessible to citizens, reducing urban congestion, improving poor living conditions, and improving the aesthetics of housing.
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Various approaches will be pursued including: establishing new housing developments; replacing inadequate and dilapidated shelters on already owned lands; alleviating housing pressure especially in urban areas through the construction of flats in close association with the redevelopment of existing areas; developing strategies for reducing construction cost with respect to the foregoing options; developing serviced housing lots to facilitate house construction by individuals; improving aesthetics through landscaping for new development as well as within established settlements; and collaborating with financing institutions to develop appropriate housing loan programmes to minimize financing cost to beneficiaries.
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These efforts will be closely coordinated with those of the ministry responsible for physical planning, departments and SOEs responsible for road construction and the provision of utilities, as well as with other departments as necessary.
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Further, effort will be made to recover cost, however, targeting mechanisms will be strengthened to ensure that low and middle income beneficiaries who are most in need are served Additionally strategies will be developed to assist persons who are unable to access housing loans and are otherwise unable to finance access to adequate housing. Action 5: Prepare a programme to promote the use of volunteers This action will be led by the ministry with responsibility for social transformation.
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These programme assist in addressing resource constraint with respect to the provision of social services. Volunteers will have to be used strategically to perform tasks that would free-up specialized resources to engage in more technical work. NC 2.5 Effective Livelihood Programmes There are various programmes to assist the poor and vulnerable in Antigua and Barbuda to improve their capacity to escape poverty and reduce their vulnerability to poverty.
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These programmes range across various ministries and agencies including those under the local government programme and the community development programme, executed under the ministry with responsibility for social transformation. Several ministries, departments and agencies offer training programmes that promote entrepreneurship and impart knowledge to beneficiaries to assist persons to develop sustainable livelihoods.
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Many of these programmes fall under the ministry responsible for agriculture and fisheries. Other are provided by the ministry with responsibility for industry through programmes aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of small and micro enterprises. Programmes to support sustainable livelihoods are also offered by GARDC, the Gender Affairs Division and the Department of Culture.
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GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 53 Additionally, programmes have been established to encourage youths to develop their social skills and to become productive members of society. GoAB strategy to enhance the efficacy of our indirect social protection programmes will revolve around improving co-ordination and reducing fragmentation among departments across government in the pursuit of the function.
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This will reduce duplication of efforts, build synergies, improve focus and targeting of programmes, and improve their monitoring and evaluation. Efforts to help the poor and vulnerable develop sustainable livelihood will be situated within a more holistic framework as discussed under NC 2.4 and involve addressing vulnerability in a comprehensive proactive manner.
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Thus, beyond the pertinent actions already covered under NC 2.4, and complementary to actions discussed under NC 1.4.7 (encouraging growth with equity), priority actions for strengthening the efficacy of livelihood programmes include the following.
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Action 1: Review the opportunities for consolidating programmes aimed at encouraging sustainable livelihoods This action will be led by the ministry with responsibility for social transformation and will inform as necessary, proposals for strengthening institutional arrangements for the management and co-ordination of such programmes.
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Action 2: Keep under review the effectiveness of livelihood programmes This review will be spearheaded by the appropriate organizations, and will aim to analyze the cost efficiency and development effectiveness of such programmes. The use of community- based approaches will be analyzed to determine the need for adjustment. Action 3: Review gaps that exist for the provision of livelihood programmes This review would consider the need to increase the provision of existing programmes.
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Additionally, it will be desirable to identify programme that can contribute to the elimination of behaviours or activities that are detrimental to the environment or for which such risks are eminent, among other areas. The latter may include the unsustainable extraction of building materials or fish or other natural resources, or engagement in activity that detract from the attractiveness and safety of the tourism product.
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This review will be led by the ministry with responsibility for social transformation. Action 4: Strengthen programmes for partnering with non-state actors The ministry with responsibility for social transformation will lead efforts in this area, and this is expected to allow both private programmes and public programs to have greater reach.
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NC 2.6 Decent Wages and Work Conditions Strategies to ensure that employees can earn wages that are adequate to allow them to enjoy an acceptable quality of life and to engage in work conditions that uphold human dignity are important for building a cohesive society. The ministry with responsibility for labour will continue performing much of its traditional tasks related to the settlement of labour disputes and the general enforcement of labour laws, regulations and standards.
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Through the minimum wage GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 54 and other regulations, as a nation we have sought to facilitate fair compensation for citizen as well as greater job security. Further, we will continue with efforts to improve labour market information, which will contribute to greater market flexibility.
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Moreover our efforts to attract foreign investments addressed under NC 1.2 of SDD 1, must target opportunities that provide levels of remuneration that are sufficient for persons to enjoy an acceptable living standard. these traditional pursuits towards approaches However, we will move beyond that simultaneously promotes greater market flexibility, labour productivity, and fairer compensation for workers.
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These strategies will be expected to reduce worker disenchantment and industrial disputes and will be mutually beneficial to both workers and employers. Furthermore, labour supply in our country has also been greatly supplemented through immigration, and we expect that supply and demand conditions will henceforth be further impacted by the freedom of movement of persons under OECS and CARICOM arrangements.
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This will have implications for the availability of jobs and the level of wages, and will pose greater risks to the willingness of business to adhere to labour standards and regulations. Thus we must develop strategies to facilitate optimal transition to these new regional arrangements in ways that preserve social cohesion, while seizing the opportunity to enhance labour market flexibility. Towards pursuing the above strategies, the following actions will be prioritized over the Medium-Term.
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Action 1: Continue efforts to implement a labour market information system The ministry responsible for labour, with the assistance of the International Labour Organization (ILO), will continue with efforts to develop a labour market information system. This action will facilitate the better organization of employment programs and will contribute to greater labour market flexibility. The action will also complement efforts by CARICOM to track the free movement of labour within the region.
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Action 2: Undertake necessary studies to inform the formation of strategies to improve planning in relation to the labour market Led by the Statistics Division, the country’s first labour force survey will be undertaken in 2015 in an effort to obtain scientific data to support development programming.
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This information, and that from subsequent periodic surveys, will greatly contribute towards the development and implementation of the labour market information system, and will serve as a foundation for developing other labour market related studies. Moreover, the ministry with responsibility for labour will track the movement of skills into Antigua and Barbuda from the OECS and CARICOM countries, in order to monitor and evaluate the impact on Antigua and Barbuda.
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This information will provide the evidence that will be needed to develop strategies to smooth the transition to the new regimes and to maximize its benefits to the country. Action 3: In line with action 1 of NC 1.4.7 under SDD 1, study the potential for enhancing the labour incentive framework This action is expected to contribute towards enhancing labour productivity to the benefit of workers as well as employers.
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GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 55 Action 4: Study the role that the provision of unemployment benefits can play towards improving the flexibility of labour markets This action will be led by the ministry responsible for labour in collaboration with other stakeholders, and will also require review of the regulations that govern labour relations. NC 2.7 Strong National Identity and Future Vision We will continue to strive to create a country that we can all be proudly identified with.
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We will seek to fashion and preserve a way of life with a distinctive Antiguan and Barbudan flavour. Such national pride will help foster social cohesion and must motivate us to play a role in the development of our country. We will thus continue to take actions that will restore, entrench and preserve aspects of our culture that have served us well in the past and that have helped define us as Antiguans and Barbudans.
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These have served as a foundation for our sense of belonging, our respect for our fellow residents, and our mutual responsibility for raising wholesome communities and families. Also, these have helped us to build social capital which is an important element for building a resilient economy. A shared sense of responsibility and volunteerism are attributes we need to embrace as they will serve to reduce government’s fiscal burden.
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Importantly, the uniqueness of our culture has emerged as an asset that enables us to differentiate our country as a tourism destination, and we will move to exploit this more fully recognizing the increasing global competitiveness of the tourism industry. Our efforts to restore, entrench and preserve desirable aspects of our culture, will be complemented by those to enhance the role of sports and recreation in fashioning a way of life with a distinctive Antiguan and Barbudan flavour.
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We also recognize the need to reverse evolving negative cultural attitudes that adversely impact labour productivity, as well as those that foster intolerance and that influence other socially destructive behaviours including criminal activity. Several programmes are being executed through the ministries with responsibility for culture and sports, as well as through other agencies.
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This includes: the provision of entrepreneurship and other training in the areas of craft, visual arts, culinary arts, drama, dance, and music, among others; the preservation of historical assets; the development and maintenance of museums; and the execution of a sports and entertainment programmes. We will strengthen the role of culture, sport and recreation in order to create strong national identity and in that regard the following actions are expected to help set the right foundation.
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Action 1: Develop a National Cultural Policy and Related Strategies The ministry with responsibility for culture will continue efforts to develop a national cultural policy, which will guide the development of subsequent strategic plans or the development of programme budgets. The policy and subsequent strategies will reflect the discussion above and will incorporate the following considerations among others. 1.
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1. The approaches for using culture, sports and entertainment as social and economic development tools. This includes strengthening the link between culture and tourism. GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 56 2. Ensuring that all players understand the social and economic importance and potential of culture, sports and entertainment. 3. The role of the education system to promote desirable cultural heritage through introducing heritage studies into the curriculum or otherwise. 4.
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4. The use of the media to address negative attitudes and to engender patriotism 5. Mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating strategies aimed at promoting strong national identity. 6. Appropriate institutional arrangements for implementing strategies with respect to culture, sports and entertainment. 7. Creating awareness of the nation’s history including those who made significant contributions to nation building. 8.
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8. Telling the story of Antiguans and Barbudans, and using living role models, to foster national pride, tolerance, and inclusiveness; 9. Documenting the country’s history, including the local folklore 10. The role of museums in fostering national pride and enhancing the country’s tourism product 11.
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The provision of training with respect to, the preparation of tradition cuisine, and the preservation of indigenous skills such as carving, basket weaving, pan making, among other cultural practices and skills.
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Action 2: Review and strengthen strategies related to the development of museums This action will be led by the ministry with responsibility for culture and will consider among other matters: the maintenance and repair of Archives and Museums, and the updating of their record keeping systems; approaches for increasing usage of museums and for increasing revenue; and actions to encourage the more active use of museums to promote strong national identity.
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The latter will require collaboration with other agencies or government departments. NC 2.8 Social Inclusion Building a socially-cohesive society requires ensuring that participation in economic and social activities is adequately inclusive. We will continue to be a nation that caters to the well-being of all and providing equal treatment irrespective of gender, religion, age, social and economic status, race, abilities and health.
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We recognize the importance of protecting individual rights and freedoms, and we are also keenly aware that reduced discrimination leads to greater productivity. It is widely accepted that measures which support gender equality and mainstreaming, assist in improving economic growth and in reducing poverty.
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Though we have made much progress in addressing gender issues, there is still work to be done to reduce gender-based violence, and to address, premature termination of education by teen mothers, and sexual exploitation of young women and children. The 2014 Country Gender Assessment (CGA) identifies the reduction of gender-based violence as being important for improving social relations between the sexes, thereby enhancing the contribution that men and women can make to the country’s development.
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Moreover, The CGA found that a key obstacle to the integration of gender in sector programmes lies in the absence of quantitative and qualitative sex-disaggregated data, gender analysis, and GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 57 gathering and synthesising of gender-related data across sectors.
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We will need to closely monitor the performance of males within society as it is widely thought that they are becoming marginalized and are generally underachieving in the workplace and academically. Evidence from CGAs confirms a critical need for gender sensitization of political leaders and other key decision makers in line ministries, and the society at various levels.
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There are various programmes in place for reducing discrimination against persons living with HIV/AIDS, while there are other programmes which seek to achieve better integration of persons with disabilities into society. Efforts will continue to strengthen and sustain such programmes including through adequate legislation to reduce discrimination. We will continue to promote peaceful co-existence among all residents.
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We will remain keenly aware of the need to avoid stereotyping and scape-goating, especially along social and economic lines as this will adversely impact consensus building and shared vision.
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Desired actions to be taken over the Medium-Term to strengthen the inclusiveness of our society include the following: Action 1: Sensitize senior public sector officials about the impact of gender discrimination on national development This action will be led by the ministry with responsibility for social transformation and will seek to encourage ministries, departments, and SOEs to incorporate gender considerations more fully into their planning and implementation of development programmes, projects and activities.
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Action 2: Develop a gender strategic plan The ministry with responsibility for social transformation will take the lead with respect to this action which will reflect, among other areas, approaches for: reducing negative gender attitudes that fuel discrimination and violence against women; reversing adverse trends regarding the achievement of males academically and in the workplace; and encouraging greater participation of women in politics.
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Action 3: Enact legislation to enhance the integration of persons with disabilities into society Revisions to legislation have already been drafted and aim to remove the unintentional discrimination that persons living with disabilities face, such as access to public buildings, transportation, and educational opportunities.
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C. Sustainable Development Dimension 3: Improved Natural Environment and Sustained Historical and Cultural Assets Our natural assets are the foundation of our most important economic activity – tourism, and hence sustaining the industry and repositioning our country as a premier world class tourism destination requires us to make an effort to safeguard and enhance the integrity of the environment.
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But the value of the environment to our nation goes well beyond its importance for tourism activity, as it sits at the heart of our way of life, the foods we eat, and the way we socialize and recreate. The quality of the environment also has grave implications for our health.
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Moreover, our history and ancestry have bestowed on us historical and cultural assets that, GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 58 alongside our natural assets, have become an important aspect of our identity as Antiguans and Barbudans, and an important element of our tourism offering. These natural, historical and cultural assets, must therefore be sustained, and developed in a balanced manner ensuring their widespread enjoyment and preservation.
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This is also an important element of our strategy to differentiate our country in today’s competitive tourism industry. Thus preserving and enhancing the health of our natural environment, and our historical and cultural assets, is an integral dimension of our efforts to enhance the quality of life of all our people, and to safeguard that for our posterity.
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Key to this will be our management of the environment in sustainable ways encompassing, eco-systems management including our marine resources and terrestrial resources; water resource and watershed management; disaster and climate risk management; mitigating climate change impacts; and the management of our historical and cultural sites.
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These areas of environment management will be complemented with more effective urban and rural planning, while our efforts to better manage waste and to control pollution will be closely linked. As we seek to grow our economy and provide for the needs and aspirations of our people, we need to strike the right balance between strategies to drive economic growth and those to preserve the integrity of the environment.
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Further, safe recreational opportunities and national identity are important for social cohesion. Wherever possible we will pursue development solutions where economic advancement, ecosystem integrity, and social inclusion all work together in systemically synergistic ways.
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In the medium and long term, Antigua and Barbuda will continue building capacity to pursue sustainable development, including increasing our ability to manage, assess, monitor, and evaluate key trends and outcomes in the areas of environmental management, urban and rural planning, and waste management.
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These necessary conditions and associated priority actions that are likely to enable Antigua and Barbuda to make further progress towards achieving them are discussed implementation, monitoring and evaluation of environmental outcomes will be closely co-ordinated with that with respect to other dimensions of sustainable development, within the development planning and MTDS implementation framework set out in Chapter IV. in more details below.
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in more details below. The NC 3.1 Sustainable Environmental Management Responsibility for environmental management is shared among several government agencies. Recent efforts to improve management architecture have focused on improving legislation through the passage of the Environment Management Protection Act 2015. The Act addresses the institutional changes to improve environmental management in line with the Sustainable Island Resource Management (SIRM) project.
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The SIRM approach considers the whole island ecosystem and it's marine and terrestrial resources as a capital asset which, if properly managed and protected, will continue to yield vital goods and services (water, productivity, physical shelter, adaptive capacity and resilience, and aesthetics) necessary for sustainable economic development.
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The implementation of the Act will strengthen policy, and institutional capacities to support integrated environment and natural resource management and environmental advisory systems to inform planning, decision-making and improved targeted awareness.
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We recognize the need to further strengthen existing institutional and legal capacity to effectively address GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 59 environmental policy issues and better manage potential environmental risks, and we will intensify our policy planning efforts by improving co-ordination among government agencies.
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Actions towards improving the quality of environmental management will encompass the following: Action 1: Further strengthen coordination arrangements for integrated environmental management This effort will be led by the ministry with responsibility for the environment and will involve, improving collaboration with NGOs, civil society and the private sector. These be rationalized and supported under the Framework for Development Planning and for MTDS Implementation outlined in Chapter IV.
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Action 2: Enact remaining legislation Other important actions to be taken over the Medium-Term are reflected below under the various components of environmental management. NC 3.1.1 Ecosystems Management Preserving and restoring the integrity of our marine and terrestrial ecosystems are important towards improving the quality and availability of drinking water, the quality of coastal water, the health of our fish resources, and the quality of air.
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These all import for sustaining and enhancing our way of life and the tourism industry. In Antigua and Barbuda, human settlements, tourism infrastructure and most other economic activities are mainly concentrated in the coastal zones. Environmental degradation from tourism-related activities and residential developments where there are inadequate management systems, pose risks to the health of near-shore marine habitats and to the protective services that mangroves and coral reefs provide.
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GoAB will continue efforts to implement the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and develop a National Action Plan to Combat Land Degradation. Strategies to support and enhance biodiversity provide a number of natural benefits such as the protection of water resources, nutrients storage, pollution breakdown and absorption, better adaptation to climate change and resilience to natural disasters and unpredictable events, among others.
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Action 1: Review, and adjust as necessary, the process for reviewing likely environmental impacts from new prospective development initiatives This action will be led by the ministry with responsibility for the environment and will aim to enhance the adequacy of such requirement and to improve the degree to which they are adhered to.
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Action 2: Continue efforts toward revising the fisheries management plan The ministry with responsibility for fisheries will lead this action as required under the Fisheries Management Act. This plan will address matters relating to the sustainable management of fish resources, given its importance to tourism, to our way of life, and the livelihoods of fisher folks.
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This plan will reflect on strategies to prevent over-exploitation of some species, illegal GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 60 exploitation of fish resources, as well as strategies to develop alternative livelihoods to reduce unsustainable activity, and strategies to improve monitoring and surveillance of the fishing- subsector.
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Action 3: Continue to encourage greater exploitation of underutilized fish species This action is being led by the ministry with responsibility for fisheries, and aims reduce pressure on near-shore /reef species by encouraging greater exploitation of far-shore/pelagic species which are currently underutilize in Antigua and Barbuda.
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Action 4: Continue effort to prepare marine reserve management plan This action will also be led by the ministry with responsibility for fisheries and is important for maintaining marine biodiversity. The plan will reflect on the need for additional marine protected areas. There are currently four such legally mandated areas.
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The health of mangroves, beaches, coral formation, sea grass beds and other features, are important for maintaining marine biodiversity, but are greatly impacted by inadequately planned and controlled coastal development activity. Hence, the undertaking of Action 1 above must include reflection on the procedures for giving adequate consideration to the impact of onshore development activity on the health of the marine environment.
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NC 3.1.2 Water Resource Management Antigua and Barbuda is a water scarce country. The water which we can source from easily accessible natural sources including shallow aquifers is far from sufficient to meet the demand for residential, agricultural and domestic uses. We have thus had to rely heavily on desalination – a significantly more expensive means for generation of fresh water. On average, 60% of the fresh water used in Antigua and Barbuda is generated through the process of desalination.
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While we do not have significant natural sources of water, we will pursue strategies to improve the quality and availability of water from easily accessible sources. We will also seek to use more appropriate technology for producing water. Action 1: Investigate the feasibility of recycling water Given the high cost of converting sea water into fresh water, we will exploit the cost benefits of recycling water. This action is being lead by the ministry with responsibility for the environment.
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Action 2: Strategies to address rate of extraction versus rate of replenishment from natural sources Ten percent of the potable water distributed by the APUA is obtained from it groundwater resources. As is typical for small islands the overexploitation of such resources can quickly lead to seawater intrusion and irreparable damage to the aquifer.
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As the agency mandated to determine the sustainable yield of each well in use on the island, the Authority conducts regular checks to ascertain groundwater levels, the volumes of water extracted from each well and the associated water quality.
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Notwithstanding these measures it is feared that deforestation, fires, and other such activities are having a negative impact on our watersheds increasing runoff and GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 61 flooding and reducing the volume of water which infiltrates the soil and reaching the aquifer. The Authority aims to address this problem by introducing artificial recharge structures within the watersheds which serve our well fields.
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The GEF – Integrated Watershed and Coastal Area Management Project (IWCAM) completed a preliminary assessment and feasibility study of installing artificial infiltration structures. Their report is being used by the APUA to develop a pilot project site and the most suitable locations within the Bendals Valley is already being assessed.
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Action 3: Develop strategies in relation to storage of water for agriculture and other uses This action will be led by the ministry with responsibility for agriculture in collaboration with the ministry with responsibility for the environment and other ministries as appropriate.
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Action 4: Strengthen efforts to improve water quality Unlike the Windward Islands of St. Lucia, St. Vincent or Dominica where potable water intakes are located high in the mountains in pristine environments removed from man’s activities, in Antigua because of our low rainfall, our intakes are located at much lower elevations. As such our reservoirs and boreholes are susceptible to contamination from activities such as farming (agricultural and livestock) which take place within our watersheds.
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Tests to ascertain the raw water quality of our major reservoirs are conducted annually. Samples are collected and shipped to an international laboratory as only a limited number of tests can be conducted at the lab facilities in Antigua. The higher turbidity of the water stored in the reservoirs equates to high water treatment costs.
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As such the APUA will seek to increase collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment Division and any other relevant agencies to improve water quality and reduce water treatment costs. NC 3.1.3 Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Resilience Good strategies to mitigation against, responding to, and recovering from the impact of natural disasters, are important for building strong economies.
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Effective strategies in that regard must aim to minimize the economic toll that disasters take on our economy, by reducing adverse direct and indirect impacts, facilitating more efficient recovery and generally reducing the diversion of resources that would have otherwise advanced economic development.
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Significant strides have been made with regard to our preparedness and response strategies, much of this through the efforts of the National Office of Disaster Services (NODS) – the national body that is tasked with multi-sector coordination in that regard. The policy on Comprehensive Disaster Management was reviewed in 2008).
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Building codes that take seismic risks into account are in place, and there are several disaster management contingency plans, including the national plan, oil spill plan, mass casualty management plan and sector and district disaster committee emergency plans. Moreover Antigua and Barbuda is a member of the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF), a parametric insurance scheme covering earthquakes and hurricanes, developed by the World Bank (WB).
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We will take steps to further address challenges that remain GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 62 with respect to our preparedness and response strategy, while we will deepen our efforts at mitigation. Moreover, climate change resulting from increased greenhouse gas emissions has slow moving impacts. Changing weather patterns and sea level rises will affect all sectors of the Antigua and Barbuda economy, and represent a further challenge to achieving sustainable economic development.
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While Antigua and Barbuda has ratified the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol, we have not yet developed a national policy to specifically address climate change. However some studies have been done on climate change impacts and on adaptations, while there have been efforts, supported by the International Federation for the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, to raise public awareness about climate change and its impacts.
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Natural hazards and climate change tend to impact the poor more, as they may already be living in marginal conditions and have insufficient income to make the necessary adaptations. Thus effective disaster risk and climate change management strategies are also important tools for social protection. Actions towards strengthening our strategies for managing disasters and climate change are listed below.
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Action 1: Prepare a disaster mitigation plan This activity will be led by the NODS and will focus on the types of interventions needed to reduce the impact that natural disasters could have on the country. These interventions may range from economically feasible capital interventions directly needed to reduce the impact of weather related events, to the reflection of disaster risk reduction considerations in new initiatives that focus on other outcomes.
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Action 2: Review coordination arrangements and practices This action will seek to improve the dialogue in relation to disaster risk co-ordination and will inform steps that can be taken to encourage more effective participation of agencies across government. This will involve reviewing the requirements for selecting ministerial representative on coordinating committees.
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Action 3: Prepare a climate change policy This action will be led by the ministry with responsibility of the environment, and will address among other considerations, the institutional responsibilities for climate change management, and adequate mechanisms for reflecting climate change considerations in the activities and initiatives across ministries.
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Action 4: Prepare a disaster risk financing strategy To improve the predictability of the budget, the MOF in collaboration with the NODS will prepare a disaster risk financing plan. This is further expanded in Chapter V Resource Mobilization.
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Antigua and Barbuda
GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 63 NC 3.1.4 Management of Historical and Cultural Sites Our historical and cultural assets are symbols of our national identity, an element of our tourism offering, and provide recreational opportunities to residents; hence actions to preserve these assets and to use them sustainably are important.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
Considerable efforts have been extended through the National Parks Authority to manage a number of historical and cultural sites3, the most acclaimed one among them being the Nelson’s Dock Yard, for which World Heritage Site status is being pursued. Action 1: Continue efforts to attain World Heritage Site Status for Nelson’s Dockyard This action is being led by the National Parks Authority.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
The Authority will co-ordinate with the ministries responsible for tourism and culture, to determine how best to exploit the new expected status of this site. Action 2: Review and as necessary adjust arrangements for surveillance, review and control of developments that surround historical and cultural sites The aim of this action is to reduce unplanned developments as these are presenting challenges to the sustainable use of sites, and the aesthetics of the areas.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
These negatively impact on the appeal of the country’s tourism product. Moreover, the review will also consider workable approaches for bringing existing activity into alignment with planning requirements and business registration requirements. This will require collaboration between the National Park Authority and other government agencies including the DCA and the Inland Revenue Department.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
Action 3: Enhance the monitoring and evaluation system of the National Parks Authority In developing it this system, the National Parks Authority will not only incorporate the monitoring and evaluation of the use of sites and their state of repair, but also, the extent to which unregulated activity, dumping of waste, and undesirable cultural practices or livelihood activities, present challenges to the sustainable management of the sites.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
Importantly too, the Authority will monitor and evaluate its financial performance as a basis for the determination of strategies that may lead to greater availability of resource to support the sustainable management of historical and cultural sites. NC 3.2 Urban and Rural Planning More effective physical planning is an important tool for minimizing undesirable environmental impacts of development activity.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
Urban and rural planning must be integrated with land-use planning as we seek to achieve various ends including: maximizing economic potential and efficiency through the appropriate location of economic and residential activity; addressing poverty and vulnerability and generally seeking to improve living standards by ensuring that there are adequate physical provisions to accommodate road and utility services within 3 There are approximately over two hundred historical and cultural sites currently under the management of the National Parks Authority.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
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Antigua and Barbuda
GoAB Medium-Term Development Strategy 2016-2020 Page 64 settlements; reducing vulnerability to natural disasters and climate change by paying attention to appropriate location of human and economic activity; making adequate provisions for agriculture in order to enhance food security; and improving aesthetics as this is important to citizen’s sense of self-worth.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
We will enhance our efforts at land use planning given our pursuit of these ends, but we also recognize that this is an extremely important aspect for re-positioning the tourism industry. A National Physical Development Plan (NPDP) was ratified in 2012. We now need to prepare specific community/local area plans, and to take actions to fully implement the NPDP. Priority actions over the Medium-Term that could enhance physical planning include the following.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
Action 1: Put in place appropriate institutional arrangements for implementing the NPDP The DCA will spearhead efforts in that regard and will review the need for a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) to fulfil the mandate of the NPDP and to take actions that may be necessary to address any findings that may emerge from community/local area development planning studies.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda
The framework must also take into consideration appropriate arrangements for co-ordination across ministries, departments and SOEs, and these will be supported under development planning and MTDS implementation framework set out in Chapter IV. Action 2: Develop local area development plans The DCA would lead this action which will involve setting out the appropriate planning and sustainable development requirements for specific areas within Antigua and Barbuda.
Gender Based violence- Violence Against Women
Child marriage
Antigua and Barbuda