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  1. README.md +1 -1
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ pretty_name: d
  This dataset contains a subset of the data from 20 captures of Malcious network traffic and 3 captures from live Benign Traffic on Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Created by Sebastian Garcia, Agustin Parmisano, & Maria Jose Erquiaga at the Avast AIC laboratory with the funding of Avast Software, this dataset is one of the best in the field for Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) for IoT Devices [(Comparative Analysis of IoT Botnet Datasets)](https://doi.org/10.53070/bbd.1173687).
- The selection of the subset was determined by [Aqeel Ahmed on Kaggle](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/engraqeel/iot23preprocesseddata) and contained 6 million samples. The Kaggle upload, nor this one, have employed data balancing. The Kaggle card does not contain methodology to understand what criteria was used to select these samples. If you want ensure best practice, use this dataset to mock-up processing the data into a model before using the full dataset with data balancing. This will require processing the 8GB of conn.log.labelled files.
  This dataset only notes if the data is Malcious or Benign. The original dataset labels the type of malcious traffic aswell. This means this processing of the dataset is only suited for binary classification.
  This dataset contains a subset of the data from 20 captures of Malcious network traffic and 3 captures from live Benign Traffic on Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Created by Sebastian Garcia, Agustin Parmisano, & Maria Jose Erquiaga at the Avast AIC laboratory with the funding of Avast Software, this dataset is one of the best in the field for Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) for IoT Devices [(Comparative Analysis of IoT Botnet Datasets)](https://doi.org/10.53070/bbd.1173687).
+ The selection of the subset was determined by [Aqeel Ahmed on Kaggle](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/engraqeel/iot23preprocesseddata) and contains 6 million samples. The Kaggle upload, nor this one, have employed data balancing. The Kaggle card does not contain methodology to understand what criteria was used to select these samples. If you want ensure best practice, use this dataset to mock-up processing the data into a model before using the full dataset with data balancing. This will require processing the 8GB of conn.log.labelled files.
  This dataset only notes if the data is Malcious or Benign. The original dataset labels the type of malcious traffic aswell. This means this processing of the dataset is only suited for binary classification.