ft_bs64_lr6_mlm / README.md
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155e89e verified
language: en
  - fill-mask
  timestamp: '2024-05-21T00:23:19'
  project_name: ft_bs64_lr6_mlm_emissions_tracker
  run_id: 744170a9-7abe-403e-97c9-b1d9cb1ff01e
  duration: 9463.653764724731
  emissions: 0.006190923917876
  emissions_rate: 6.541790382222564e-7
  cpu_power: 42.5
  gpu_power: 0
  ram_power: 7.5
  cpu_energy: 0.1117235191464424
  gpu_energy: 0
  ram_energy: 0.019715811608235
  energy_consumed: 0.1314393307546774
  country_name: Switzerland
  country_iso_code: CHE
  region: .nan
  cloud_provider: .nan
  cloud_region: .nan
  os: Linux-5.14.0-70.30.1.el9_0.x86_64-x86_64-with-glibc2.34
  python_version: 3.10.4
  codecarbon_version: 2.3.4
  cpu_count: 3
  cpu_model: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8360Y CPU @ 2.40GHz
  gpu_count: .nan
  gpu_model: .nan
  longitude: .nan
  latitude: .nan
  ram_total_size: 20
  tracking_mode: machine
  on_cloud: 'N'
  pue: 1

Environmental Impact (CODE CARBON DEFAULT)

Metric Value
Duration (in seconds) 9463.653764724731
Emissions (Co2eq in kg) 0.006190923917876
CPU power (W) 42.5
GPU power (W) [No GPU]
RAM power (W) 7.5
CPU energy (kWh) 0.1117235191464424
GPU energy (kWh) [No GPU]
RAM energy (kWh) 0.019715811608235
Consumed energy (kWh) 0.1314393307546774
Country name Switzerland
Cloud provider nan
Cloud region nan
CPU count 3
CPU model Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8360Y CPU @ 2.40GHz
GPU count nan
GPU model nan

Environmental Impact (for one core)

Metric Value
CPU energy (kWh) 0.01821753349709511
Emissions (Co2eq in kg) 0.003706597724517186


20 May 2024

My Config

Config Value
checkpoint damgomz/ThunBERT_bs16_lr5_MLM
model_name ft_bs64_lr6_mlm
sequence_length 400
num_epoch 6
learning_rate 5e-06
batch_size 64
weight_decay 0.0
warm_up_prop 0.0
drop_out_prob 0.1
packing_length 100
train_test_split 0.2
num_steps 32580

Training and Testing steps

Epoch Train Loss Test Loss Accuracy Recall
0 0.540673 0.431631 0.799705 0.845092
1 0.384934 0.352200 0.850515 0.861963
2 0.322558 0.338670 0.850515 0.868098
3 0.295680 0.333823 0.849779 0.863497
4 0.262446 0.344478 0.848306 0.858896
5 0.221483 0.376880 0.849779 0.895706