it_nerIta_trf /
bullmount's picture
  - spacy
  - token-classification
  - it
  - name: nerIta_trf
      - task:
          name: NER
          type: token-classification
          - name: NER Precision
            type: precision
            value: 0.8990228013
          - name: NER Recall
            type: recall
            value: 0.9019607843
          - name: NER F Score
            type: f_score
            value: 0.9004893964
  - text: Mi chiamo Sarah e vivo a Londra
  - text: >-
      Il Regolamento (UE) n. 1245/2020 modifica gli allegati I, II, IV e V del
      Regolamento cardine relativo ai MOCA in materiale plastico (Materiali e
      Oggetti destinati a venire in Contatto con prodotti Alimentari), ovvero il
      Regolamento (UE) n. 10/2011.
Feature Description
Name nerIta_trf
Version 0.0.0
spaCy >=3.2.1,<3.3.0
Default Pipeline transformer, ner
Components transformer, ner
Based on transformer bullmount/hseBert-it-cased
Sources n/a
License n/a
Author n/a

Label Scheme

View label scheme (19 labels)

Predicts 18 tags:

tag meaning
PER People, including fictional.
NORP Nationalities or religious or political groups.
ORG Companies, agencies, institutions, etc.
GPE Countries, cities, states.
LOC Non-GPE locations, mountain ranges, bodies of water.
DATE Absolute or relative dates or periods.
MONEY Monetary values, including unit.
FAC Buildings, airports, highways, bridges, etc.
PRODUCT Objects, vehicles, foods, etc. (Not services.)
EVENT Named hurricanes, battles, wars, sports events, etc.
WORK_OF_ART Titles of books, songs, etc.
LAW Named documents made into laws.
LANGUAGE Any named language.
TIME Times smaller than a day.
PERCENT Percentage, including "%".
QUANTITY Measurements, as of weight or distance.
ORDINAL "first", "second", etc.
CARDINAL Numerals that do not fall under another type.
MISC other name


Type Score
ENTS_F 90.05
ENTS_P 89.90
ENTS_R 90.20
TOK2VEC_LOSS 65769.53
NER_LOSS 7865.95