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  1. +12 -18 CHANGED
@@ -35,35 +35,29 @@ The last DARE merge was good, but this one is better IMO. Thanks to brucethemoos
- Once upon a time in New York City, there lived a young and ambitious woman named Alice. At just 26 years of age, her life revolved around work as she toiled tirelessly as a cocktail waitress in one of Manhattan's most popular bars. Despite the long hours and grueling schedule, Alice found solace in the late-night atmosphere of the bar where the music was loud, the lights were dim, and people from all walks of life converged to let loose and forget their troubles for a while.
- One particularly busy Friday night, Alice had reached her limit. She'd spent most of the evening on her feet attending to rowdy customers, listening to their endless stories and pick-up lines, and serving them drink after drink as they tried to earn her favor. Feeling exhausted both physically and emotionally, she decided it was time for a break – a break from work, the bar, and life in general.
- As Alice sipped on her own cocktail at the end of the bar, watching patrons dance their hearts out to the infectious beat of the music, she couldn't help but notice a tall, handsome man sitting alone at one of the tables nearby. He wore a crisp suit that accentuated his broad shoulders and strong chest, and his dark hair was slicked back neatly – an alluring contrast to Alice's tousled messy bun and ripped jeans. His piercing blue eyes met hers several times throughout the night, sending shivers down her spine and igniting a spark within her that she hadn't felt in ages.
- Without much hesitation, Alice mustered up the courage to approach him. "Hi, my name is Alice," she said confidently as she extended her hand towards him. "I don't usually make the first move, but I couldn't help but notice you sitting all alone over there." The man smiled warmly and took her hand in his large, calloused grip before introducing himself as Michael. They struck up a conversation that lasted well into the early hours of the morning – talking about their dreams, fears, passions, and desires.
- As the bar began to empty out and the last few patrons stumbled their way home, Alice couldn't shake off the intense attraction she felt towards Michael. She suggested they head back to her apartment for a nightcap an excuse that neither of them really believed but were happy to go along with.
- Once inside her cozy little studio apartment, adorned with vibrant artwork and eclectic knick-knacks reflecting Alice's quirky personality, the two continued their passionate conversation. Michael moved closer to her on the couch, his hand finding its way onto her bare thigh. His touch sent waves of desire coursing through Alice, and she felt herself grow more aroused by the minute.
- Without breaking eye contact, they both stood up simultaneously, their bodies in sync as they began to explore each other's sensual curves and contours. Michael's hands roamed across her body, tracing intricate patterns on her skin while Alice reciprocated with equal fervor cupping his firm ass through his pants, running her nails lightly down his back, biting gently at his neck.
- They moved towards the bedroom, a whirlwind of lust and desire fueling their every step. In moments that seemed to stretch out forever but also passed in blinks of an eye, they undressed each other Michael's crisp suit hitting the floor with a satisfying thud as Alice discarded her tight jeans and revealing top.
- Naked at last, they fell onto the rumpled sheets, their bodies entwined together like two pieces of a puzzle that finally fit perfectly. Their lips met in a passionate kiss hungry, desperate, and filled with an intense longing that had been simmering beneath the surface for God knows how long. Alice moaned deeply as Michael's hand found its way between her legs, teasingly circling her swollen clit before slipping inside to find her aching pussy.
- Their lovemaking was intense yet tender rough and primal one moment, soft and sensual the next. Alice cried out in ecstasy as Michael's cock found its way into her tight entrance, filling her completely. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him deeper inside while she ground against him with fervor.
- Their bodies moved together in harmony – a dance of desire and passion that knew no boundaries or limits. They explored every inch of each other's bodies – biting, licking, sucking, kissing, grinding, moaning… Their orgasms crashed into them like tidal waves, one after another, until they were both spent and sweaty, clinging to each other like two lost souls who had finally found their way back home.
- As the first rays of sunlight began to peek through the slats of Alice's window, Michael rolled off her, breathing heavily but with a satisfied smile on his face. "That was... amazing," he whispered softly as he brushed strands of hair away from her forehead.
- "Yeah." Alice sighed, wrapping herself in the blanket that still clung to their sweaty bodies. "It really was just a one-night stand, wasn't it?" She asked hesitantly. Michael looked into her eyes – his expression serious and genuine – before leaning down to press a soft kiss on her forehead.
- "Alice," he whispered, "I don't know what tomorrow brings or if we'll ever see each other again. But for tonight... For this moment… We were something special." And with those words, they fell back asleep in each other's arms – their bodies entwined and their hearts full of the knowledge that sometimes, even in the most unexpected places and circumstances, true love can find its way. The End.
+ In the dimly lit confines of The Last Drop Inn, Alice sat perched on her stool, swirling her drink in its glass as she watched the bustle of Friday evening unfold around her. Her green eyes glittered with a hint of mischief and boredom; it had been another long week at work, and she craved something more thrilling than pouring cocktails for regulars who treated her like an object rather than a person.
+ As the night wore on, Alice's eyes roamed the crowded room, searching for any sign of intrigue or interest from amongst the sea of faces that flooded through The Last Drop Inn’s doors. Her gaze landed on him suddenly; tall, dark-haired and ruggedly handsome, he exuded a confident swagger as he ordered his drink at the bar counter. He caught Alice's eye and flashed her a grin that made her stomach flip before looking away nonchalantly.
+ Alice couldn't help but be drawn to him; something about this mysterious stranger called out to her, stirring a dormant hunger within her that had lain sleeping for far too long. As the night wore on and the bar began to empty, Alice gathered up the courage to approach him while he waited at the counter, sliding onto the stool beside him with an air of confidence she didn't entirely feel.
+ "Hi," she said softly, her voice a husky whisper in the quieting din of the bar. "My name's Alice."
+ He turned to look at her properly for the first time, his blue eyes sparkling with interest as he smiled warmly. "Nice to meet you, Alice," he replied smoothly. "I'm Ethan."
+ They talked until the last of the patrons staggered out into the night, laughing and joking about their day-to-day lives. As closing time approached, Alice mustered up the courage to suggest that they take their conversation somewhere more private - her apartment just down the street. Ethan agreed without hesitation, his eyes gleaming with desire as he slid an arm around her waist and led her towards the door.
+ Once inside, they kicked off their shoes in the hallway before stumbling into Alice's small living room, where they tumbled onto the couch together, lips pressed urgently against each other’s as their hands roamed hungrily over bare skin. Ethan's body was stronger than she had expected; his muscles rippled beneath her fingertips as he rolled her over and pinned her down with one powerful hand while the other tugged at the clasp of her bra.
+ Their clothes quickly followed, scattered haphazardly around the room as their bodies collided together in a frenzy of passionate desire. Alice moaned loudly as Ethan's tongue traced its way down the line of her collarbone before teasing her nipples with gentle nibbles and licks, while his hand slid further south to explore the hidden folds between her legs.
+ He looked up at Alice, his eyes burning with desire as he slowly lowered himself onto her, filling her completely with just one smooth thrust. She gasped sharply as she felt him push deeper into her than anyone ever had before; it hurt a little bit but in the most exquisite way possible.
+ With expertise born of countless nights like this, Ethan began to move, his hips rocking rhythmically against Alice's as he drove them both towards climax with every powerful thrust. Alice wrapped her legs around him tightly, urging him on as she felt the familiar build-up in her body begin to crescendo.
+ As their bodies met together in a symphony of ecstasy, they cried out each other's names in unison, overwhelmed by the intensity of what had transpired between them that night. They lay panting and sweaty on the couch afterward, fingers intertwined as they stared into each other’s eyes - both knowing that this was just a one-night stand but grateful for the momentary escape from their everyday lives it provided.
+ "I'll never forget tonight," Ethan whispered softly before leaning down to kiss her once more, his lips tender and warm against hers. Alice smiled back at him, already missing the thrill that he had brought into her life for just a single magical night.