license: agpl-3.0
- ja
- google/gemma-2-2b-it
Gemma2 2b Japanese for Embedding generation.
Base model is Gemma2B JPN-IT published by Google in October 2024 to general public.
Gemma2 2B JPN is the smallest Japanese LLM, so this is very useful for real world practical topics.
(all other Japanese 7B LLM cannot be used easily at high volume for embedding purposes due high inference cost).
This version has been lightly fine tuned on Japanese triplet dataset and with triplet loss and quantized into 4bit GGUF format. This is still Work In progress.
Sample using llama-cpp
class GemmaSentenceEmbeddingGGUF:
def init(self, model_path="agguf/gemma-2-2b-jpn-it-embedding.gguf"):
self.model = Llama(model_path=model_path, embedding=True)
def encode(self, sentences: list[str], **kwargs) -> list[np.ndarray]:
out = []
for sentence in sentences:
embedding_result = self.model.create_embedding([sentence])
embedding = embedding_result['data'][0]['embedding'][-1]
return out
se = GemmaSentenceEmbeddingGGUF()
Sample bench (ie partial):
Model/Full code is accessible for research discussion purpose.
To access to this version please contact : kevin.noel at