# Table of Contents |
* [Structure of TestCodeFlow](#structure-of-testcodeflow) |
* [TestCodeFlow](#TestCodeFlow) |
* [TestCodeFlow](#TestCodeFlow.TestCodeFlow) |
* [\_\_init\_\_](#TestCodeFlow.TestCodeFlow.__init__) |
* [instantiate\_from\_config](#TestCodeFlow.TestCodeFlow.instantiate_from_config) |
* [run](#TestCodeFlow.TestCodeFlow.run) |
* [TestCodeFileEditAtomicFlow](#TestCodeFileEditAtomicFlow) |
* [TestCodeFileEditAtomicFlow](#TestCodeFileEditAtomicFlow.TestCodeFileEditAtomicFlow) |
* [run](#run) |
* [\_\_init\_\_](#__init__) |
* [CodeTestingAtomicFlow](#CodeTestingAtomicFlow) |
* [CodeTestingAtomicFlow](#CodeTestingAtomicFlow.CodeTestingAtomicFlow) |
* [run](#CodeTestingAtomicFlow.CodeTestingAtomicFlow.run) |
# Structure of TestCodeFlow |
``` |
code |
| |
v |
+-------------------+ |
| TestCodeFileEdit | Edit a temp code file with the code to be tested and necessary imports (manually added): https://huggingface.co/aiflows/TestCodeFlowModule/blob/main/TestCodeFileEditAtomicFlow.py |
+-------------------+ |
| |
| (temp_code_file_location) |
| |
v |
+------------------+ |
| CodeTesting | Opens up the temp file until user closes the file, run the test code. |
+------------------+ |
| |
| (feedback) |
| |
v |
feedback |
``` |
Memory_files: |
- `library.py` |
<a id="TestCodeFlow"></a> |
# TestCodeFlow |
<a id="TestCodeFlow.TestCodeFlow"></a> |
## TestCodeFlow Objects |
```python |
class TestCodeFlow(SequentialFlow) |
``` |
This class is used to test code. It is a sequential flow that runs the following steps: |
1. Prepares the code to be tested, it is composed of the code to be tested and necessary import statements manually added. |
2. Opens the code in VSCode and waits for the user to clode the vscode session. The user is able to add tests. |
3. The following will be tested: |
a. (Default & Compulsory) Code syntax; |
b. (Added by user) Any other tests. |
4. Runs the test and returns the output. |
*Input Interface*: |
- `code` (str): The code to be tested. |
*Output Interface*: |
- `feedback` (str): The test results. |
*Configuration Parameters*: |
- `memory_files`: The memory files to be used in the flow, typically we need to have the code library as memory file here. |
- `input_interface`: The input interface of the flow. |
- `output_interface`: The output interface of the flow. |
- `subflows_config`: The subflows configuration. |
- `topology`: The topology of the subflows. |
<a id="TestCodeFlow.TestCodeFlow.__init__"></a> |
#### \_\_init\_\_ |
```python |
def __init__(memory_files: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs) |
``` |
This function instantiates the class. |
**Arguments**: |
- `memory_files` (`Dict[str, Any]`): The memory files to be used in the flow, typically we need to have the code library as memory file here. |
- `kwargs` (`Any`): The keyword arguments. |
<a id="TestCodeFlow.TestCodeFlow.instantiate_from_config"></a> |
#### instantiate\_from\_config |
```python |
@classmethod |
def instantiate_from_config(cls, config) |
``` |
This function instantiates the class from a configuration dictionary. |
**Arguments**: |
- `config` (`Dict[str, Any]`): The configuration dictionary. |
**Returns**: |
`TestCodeFlow`: The instantiated class. |
<a id="TestCodeFlow.TestCodeFlow.run"></a> |
#### run |
```python |
def run(input_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any] |
``` |
This function runs the flow. |
**Arguments**: |
- `input_data` (`Dict[str, Any]`): The input data. |
**Returns**: |
`Dict[str, Any]`: The output data. |
<a id="TestCodeFileEditAtomicFlow"></a> |
# TestCodeFileEditAtomicFlow |
<a id="TestCodeFileEditAtomicFlow.TestCodeFileEditAtomicFlow"></a> |
## TestCodeFileEditAtomicFlow Objects |
```python |
class TestCodeFileEditAtomicFlow(CodeFileEditAtomicFlow) |
``` |
Refer to: https://huggingface.co/aiflows/CodeFileEditFlowModule/tree/main |
*Input Interface*: |
- `code`: str |
- `memory_files`: Dict[str, str] |
*Output Interface*: |
- `code_editor_output`: str, the code editor output |
- `temp_code_file_location`: str, the location of the temporary code file |
*Configuration Parameters*: |
- `input_interface`: The input interface of the flow. |
- `output_interface`: The output interface of the flow. |
<a id="run"></a> |
# run |
<a id="__init__"></a> |
# \_\_init\_\_ |
<a id="CodeTestingAtomicFlow"></a> |
# CodeTestingAtomicFlow |
<a id="CodeTestingAtomicFlow.CodeTestingAtomicFlow"></a> |
## CodeTestingAtomicFlow Objects |
```python |
class CodeTestingAtomicFlow(InterpreterAtomicFlow) |
``` |
This class inherits from InterpreterAtomicFlow and is used to test code. |
*Input Interface*: |
- `temp_code_file_location`: Location of the file containing the code to be tested. |
*Output Interface*: |
- `feedback`: Feedback from the test (i.e. test results). |
*Configuration Parameters*: |
- `input_interface`: the input interface of the atomic flow. |
- `output_interface`: the output interface of the atomic flow. |
<a id="CodeTestingAtomicFlow.CodeTestingAtomicFlow.run"></a> |
#### run |
```python |
def run(input_data: Dict[str, Any]) |
``` |
Runs the atomic flow. |
**Arguments**: |
- `input_data` (`Dict[str, Any]`): The input data to the atomic flow. |
**Returns**: |
`Dict[str, Any]`: The output data of the atomic flow. |