distill-xlm-mrc / README.md
lbourdois's picture
Add multilingual to the language tag


  • vi

  • vn

  • en

  • multilingual


  • question-answering

  • pytorch


  • squad


  • squad

pipeline_tag: question-answering


  • text: what is the capital of Vietnam ?

    context: Keeping an ageless charm through centuries, Hanoi - the capital of Vietnam

    is famous not only for the Old Quarter with narrow and crowded streets but also

    for the nostalgic feeling that it brings. While Saigon is a young and modern city,

    the ancient Hanoi is still a true beholder of history.

from transformers import pipeline

model_checkpoint = "aicryptogroup/distill-xlm-mrc"

nlp = pipeline('question-answering', model=model_checkpoint,


QA_input = {

  'question': "what is the capital of Vietnam",

  'context': "Keeping an ageless charm through centuries, Hanoi - the capital of Vietnam is famous not only for the Old Quarter with narrow and crowded streets but also for the nostalgic feeling that it brings. While Saigon is a young and modern city, the ancient Hanoi is still a true beholder of history."


res = nlp(QA_input)

print('pipeline: {}'.format(res))