mm-cot /
Antonio Cheong
Adapted from
import os
import json
import argparse
import warnings
import pandas as pd
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from evaluations import caculate_bleu, caculate_rouge, caculate_similariry
def get_acc_with_contion(res_pd, key, values):
if isinstance(values, list):
total_pd = res_pd[res_pd[key].isin(values)]
total_pd = res_pd[res_pd[key] == values]
correct_pd = total_pd[total_pd['true_false'] == True]
acc = "{:.2f}".format(len(correct_pd) / len(total_pd) * 100)
return acc
def get_scores(result_data, rationale_data, results_reference, data_file):
# read result file
results = result_data
num = len(results)
assert num == 4241
#print("number of questions:", num)
# read data file
sqa_data = json.load(open(data_file))
# construct pandas data
sqa_pd = pd.DataFrame(sqa_data).T
res_pd = sqa_pd[sqa_pd['split'] == 'test'] # test set
# update data
for index, row in res_pd.iterrows():
res_pd.loc[index, 'no_context'] = True if (not row['hint'] and not row['image']) else False
res_pd.loc[index, 'has_text'] = True if row['hint'] else False
res_pd.loc[index, 'has_image'] = True if row['image'] else False
res_pd.loc[index, 'has_text_image'] = True if (row['hint'] and row['image']) else False
label = row['answer']
pred = int(results[index])
res_pd.loc[index, 'pred'] = pred
res_pd.loc[index, 'true_false'] = (label == pred)
# accuracy scores
acc_average = len(res_pd[res_pd['true_false'] == True]) / num * 100
#assert result_file.split('_')[-1] == "{:.3f}.json".format(acc_average)
# rationale quality
bleu1 = caculate_bleu(rationale_data, results_reference, gram=1)
bleu4 = caculate_bleu(rationale_data, results_reference, gram=4)
## Rouge-L
rouge = caculate_rouge(rationale_data, results_reference)
## Similarity
model = SentenceTransformer('sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2').cuda()
similariry = caculate_similariry(rationale_data, results_reference, model)
scores = {
get_acc_with_contion(res_pd, 'subject', 'natural science'),
get_acc_with_contion(res_pd, 'subject', 'social science'),
get_acc_with_contion(res_pd, 'subject', 'language science'),
get_acc_with_contion(res_pd, 'has_text', True),
get_acc_with_contion(res_pd, 'has_image', True),
get_acc_with_contion(res_pd, 'no_context', True),
get_acc_with_contion(res_pd, 'grade', ['grade1', 'grade2', 'grade3', 'grade4', 'grade5', 'grade6']),
get_acc_with_contion(res_pd, 'grade', ['grade7', 'grade8', 'grade9', 'grade10', 'grade11', 'grade12']),
'bleu1': bleu1 * 100,
'bleu4': bleu4 * 100,
'rouge': rouge * 100,
'similariry': similariry * 100,
return scores
def print_scores(scores):
latex_output = ""
for key, score in scores.items():
print(f"{key[4:]}: \t{score}")
latex_output += f"& {score} "
latex_output += "\\\\"