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# Focal Sparse Convolutional Networks for 3D Object Detection (CVPR 2022, Oral)
This is the official implementation of ***Focals Conv*** (CVPR 2022), a new sparse convolution design for 3D object detection (feasible for both lidar-only and multi-modal settings). For more details, please refer to:
**Focal Sparse Convolutional Networks for 3D Object Detection [[Paper](]** <br />
Yukang Chen, Yanwei Li, Xiangyu Zhang, Jian Sun, Jiaya Jia<br />
<p align="center"> <img src="docs/imgs/FocalSparseConv23D.png" width="100%"> </p>
<p align="center"> <img src="docs/imgs/FocalSparseConv_Pipeline.png" width="100%"> </p>
### Experimental results
#### KITTI dataset
| | Car@R11 | Car@R40 |download |
| [PV-RCNN + Focals Conv](OpenPCDet/tools/cfgs/kitti_models/pv_rcnn_focal_lidar.yaml) | 83.91 | 85.20 | [Google]( \| [Baidu]( (key: m15b) |
| [PV-RCNN + Focals Conv (multimodal)](OpenPCDet/tools/cfgs/kitti_models/pv_rcnn_focal_multimodal.yaml) | 84.58 | 85.34 | [Google]( \| [Baidu]( (key: ie6n) |
| [Voxel R-CNN (Car) + Focals Conv (multimodal)](OpenPCDet/tools/cfgs/kitti_models/voxel_rcnn_car_focal_multimodal.yaml) | 85.68 | 86.00 | [Google]( \| [Baidu]( (key: tnw9) |
#### nuScenes dataset
| | mAP | NDS | download |
| [CenterPoint + Focals Conv (multi-modal)](CenterPoint/configs/nusc/voxelnet/ | 63.86 | 69.41 | [Google]( \| [Baidu]( (key: 01jh) |
| [CenterPoint + Focals Conv (multi-modal) - 1/4 data](CenterPoint/configs/nusc/voxelnet/ | 62.15 | 67.45 | [Google]( \| [Baidu]( (key: 6qsc) |
Visualization of voxel distribution of Focals Conv on KITTI val dataset:
<p align="center"> <img src="docs/imgs/Sparsity_comparison_3pairs.png" width="100%"> </p>
## Getting Started
### Installation
#### a. Clone this repository
```shell && cd FocalsConv
#### b. Install the environment
Following the install documents for [OpenPCdet](OpenPCDet/docs/ and [CenterPoint](CenterPoint/docs/ codebases respectively, based on your preference.
*spconv 2.x is highly recommended instead of spconv 1.x version.
#### c. Prepare the datasets.
Download and organize the official [KITTI](OpenPCDet/docs/ and [Waymo](OpenPCDet/docs/ following the document in OpenPCdet, and [nuScenes](CenterPoint/docs/ from the CenterPoint codebase.
*Note that for nuScenes dataset, we use image-level gt-sampling (copy-paste) in the multi-modal training.
Please download this [dbinfos_train_10sweeps_withvelo.pkl]( to replace the original one. ([Google]( \| [Baidu]( (key: b466))
*Note that for nuScenes dataset, we conduct ablation studies on a 1/4 data training split.
Please download [infos_train_mini_1_4_10sweeps_withvelo_filter_True.pkl]( if you needed for training. ([Google]( \| [Baidu]( (key: 769e))
#### d. Download pre-trained models.
If you want to directly evaluate the trained models we provide, please download them first.
If you want to train by yourselvef, for multi-modal settings, please download this resnet pre-train model first,
### Evaluation
We provide the trained weight file so you can just run with that. You can also use the model you trained.
For models in OpenPCdet,
cd tools
bash scripts/ ${NUM_GPUS} --cfg_file cfgs/kitti_models/voxel_rcnn_car_focal_multimodal.yaml --ckpt path/to/voxelrcnn_focal_multimodal.pth
bash scripts/ ${NUM_GPUS} --cfg_file cfgs/kitti_models/pv_rcnn_focal_multimodal.yaml --ckpt ../pvrcnn_focal_multimodal.pth
bash scripts/ ${NUM_GPUS} --cfg_file cfgs/kitti_models/pv_rcnn_focal_lidar.yaml --ckpt path/to/pvrcnn_focal_lidar.pth
For models in CenterPoint,
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=${NUM_GPUS} ./tools/ configs/nusc/voxelnet/$ --work_dir ./work_dirs/$CONFIG --checkpoint centerpoint_focal_multimodal.pth
### Training
For configures in OpenPCdet,
bash scripts/ ${NUM_GPUS} --cfg_file cfgs/kitti_models/CONFIG.yaml
For configures in CenterPoint,
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=${NUM_GPUS} ./tools/ configs/nusc/voxelnet/$ --work_dir ./work_dirs/CONFIG
* Note that we use 8 GPUs to train OpenPCdet models and 4 GPUs to train CenterPoint models.
## TODO List
- - [ ] Config files and trained models on the overall Waymo dataset.
- - [ ] Config files and scripts for the test augs (double-flip and rotation) in nuScenes test submission.
- - [ ] Results and models of Focals Conv Networks on 3D Segmentation datasets.
## Citation
If you find this project useful in your research, please consider citing:
title={Focal Sparse Convolutional Networks for 3D Object Detection},
author={Chen, Yukang and Li, Yanwei and Zhang, Xiangyu and Sun, Jian and Jia, Jiaya},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
## Acknowledgement
- This work is built upon the `OpenPCDet` and `CenterPoint`. Please refer to the official github repositories, [OpenPCDet]( and [CenterPoint]( for more information.
- This README follows the style of [IA-SSD](
## License
This project is released under the [Apache 2.0 license](LICENSE).
## Related Repos
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