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license: gpl
  - nomic-ai/gpt4all-j-prompt-generations
  - en
inference: false


These files are GGML format model files of Nomic.AI's GPT4all-13B-snoozy.

GGML files are for CPU inference using llama.cpp.

Repositories available

Provided files

Name Quant method Bits Size RAM required Use case
GPT4All-13B-snoozy.q4_0.bin q4_0 4bit 8.14GB 10GB Maximum compatibility
GPT4All-13B-snoozy.q4_2.bin q4_2 4bit 8.14GB 10GB Best compromise between resources, speed and quality
GPT4All-13B-snoozy.q5_0.bin q5_0 5bit 8.95GB 11GB Brand new 5bit method. Potentially higher quality than 4bit, at cost of slightly higher resources.
GPT4All-13B-snoozy.q5_1.bin q5_1 5bit 9.76GB 12GB Brand new 5bit method. Slightly higher resource usage than q5_0.
  • The q4_0 file provides lower quality, but maximal compatibility. It will work with past and future versions of llama.cpp
  • The q4_2 file offers the best combination of performance and quality. This format is still subject to change and there may be compatibility issues, see below.
  • The q5_0 file is using brand new 5bit method released 26th April. This is the 5bit equivalent of q4_0.
  • The q5_1 file is using brand new 5bit method released 26th April. This is the 5bit equivalent of q4_1.

q4_2 compatibility

q4_2 is a relatively new 4bit quantisation method offering improved quality. However they are still under development and their formats are subject to change.

In order to use these files you will need to use recent llama.cpp code. And it's possible that future updates to llama.cpp could require that these files are re-generated.

If and when the q4_2 file no longer works with recent versions of llama.cpp I will endeavour to update it.

If you want to ensure guaranteed compatibility with a wide range of llama.cpp versions, use the q4_0 file.

q5_0 and q5_1 compatibility

These new methods were released to llama.cpp on 26th April. You will need to pull the latest llama.cpp code and rebuild to be able to use them.

Don't expect any third-party UIs/tools to support them yet.

How to run in llama.cpp

I use the following command line; adjust for your tastes and needs:

./main -t 12 -m GPT4All-13B-snoozy.q4_2.bin --color -c 2048 --temp 0.7 --repeat_penalty 1.1 -n -1 -p "Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request.
### Instruction:
Write a story about llamas
### Response:"

Change -t 12 to the number of physical CPU cores you have. For example if your system has 8 cores/16 threads, use -t 8.

If you want to have a chat-style conversation, replace the -p <PROMPT> argument with -i -ins

How to run in text-generation-webui

Further instructions here: text-generation-webui/docs/

Note: at this time text-generation-webui will not support the new q5 quantisation methods.

Thireus has written a great guide on how to update it to the latest llama.cpp code so that these files can be used in the UI.

Repositories available

Original Model Card for GPT4All-13b-snoozy

An Apache-2 licensed chatbot trained over a massive curated corpus of assistant interactions including word problems, multi-turn dialogue, code, poems, songs, and stories.

Model Details

Model Description

This model has been finetuned from LLama 13B

  • Developed by: Nomic AI
  • Model Type: A finetuned LLama 13B model on assistant style interaction data
  • Language(s) (NLP): English
  • License: Apache-2
  • Finetuned from model [optional]: LLama 13B

This model was trained on nomic-ai/gpt4all-j-prompt-generations using revision=v1.3-groovy

Model Sources [optional]


Results on common sense reasoning benchmarks

  Model                     BoolQ       PIQA     HellaSwag   WinoGrande    ARC-e      ARC-c       OBQA
  ----------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
  GPT4All-J 6B v1.0          73.4       74.8       63.4         64.7        54.9       36.0       40.2
  GPT4All-J v1.1-breezy      74.0       75.1       63.2         63.6        55.4       34.9       38.4
  GPT4All-J v1.2-jazzy       74.8       74.9       63.6         63.8        56.6       35.3       41.0
  GPT4All-J v1.3-groovy      73.6       74.3       63.8         63.5        57.7       35.0       38.8
  GPT4All-J Lora 6B          68.6       75.8       66.2         63.5        56.4       35.7       40.2
  GPT4All LLaMa Lora 7B      73.1       77.6       72.1         67.8        51.1       40.4       40.2
  GPT4All 13B snoozy        *83.3*      79.2       75.0        *71.3*       60.9       44.2       43.4
  Dolly 6B                   68.8       77.3       67.6         63.9        62.9       38.7       41.2
  Dolly 12B                  56.7       75.4       71.0         62.2       *64.6*      38.5       40.4
  Alpaca 7B                  73.9       77.2       73.9         66.1        59.8       43.3       43.4
  Alpaca Lora 7B             74.3      *79.3*      74.0         68.8        56.6       43.9       42.6
  GPT-J 6B                   65.4       76.2       66.2         64.1        62.2       36.6       38.2
  LLama 7B                   73.1       77.4       73.0         66.9        52.5       41.4       42.4
  LLama 13B                  68.5       79.1      *76.2*        70.1        60.0      *44.6*      42.2
  Pythia 6.9B                63.5       76.3       64.0         61.1        61.3       35.2       37.2
  Pythia 12B                 67.7       76.6       67.3         63.8        63.9       34.8       38.0
  Vicuña T5                  81.5       64.6       46.3         61.8        49.3       33.3       39.4
  Vicuña 13B                 81.5       76.8       73.3         66.7        57.4       42.7       43.6
  Stable Vicuña RLHF         82.3       78.6       74.1         70.9        61.0       43.5      *44.4*
  StableLM Tuned             62.5       71.2       53.6         54.8        52.4       31.1       33.4
  StableLM Base              60.1       67.4       41.2         50.1        44.9       27.0       32.0