StatsGary's picture
license: creativeml-openrail-m
- pytorch
- diffusers
- stable-diffusion
- text-to-image
- diffusion-models-class
- dreambooth-hackathon
- landscape
- text: a photo of norweigen-fjords fjords
# DreamBooth model for the norweigen-fjords concept trained by StatsGary on the StatsGary/dreambooth-hackathon-images dataset.
This is a Stable Diffusion model fine-tuned on the norweigen-fjords concept with DreamBooth. It can be used by modifying the `instance_prompt`: **a viking on the fjords**
This model was created as part of the DreamBooth Hackathon 🔥. Visit the [organisation page]( for instructions on how to take part!
## Description
This is a Stable Diffusion model fine-tuned on `fjords` images for the landscape theme. Below are some examples of the images generated on the back of the model:
### Lobster swimming in a Fjord
The below example uses a prompt similar to *lobster swimming in a fjord* to generate the output:
### Viking warrior in a Fjord
This represents a generated Viking warrior on or near a Fjord. The prompt used to generate is **prompt**=*a viking warrior on a fjord*:
### A yellow submarine (inspired by The Beetles)
Here, we see a yellow submarine inspired by the popular Beetles album. The prompt used to generate is **prompt**=a beetles like yellow submarines on a fjord*:
### A cruise ship on a fjord
This is based on the **prompt**=*a cruise ship on a fjord*:
### Taj Mahal on a Fjord
This generates landmarks near or on the fjord:
### Watersports on a Fjord
This is an example of a kayaker on a fjord - generated using *prompt*="a kayaker on a fjord":
What about a surfer on a fjord:
### Godzilla wading through a Fjord
This one is a generated image of Godzilla wading through a Fjord:
### How about T-Rex
On the theme of Godzilla, what about T-Rex:
## Paintings on a Fjord
We could explore what a **Da Vinci** type painting would look like on a Fjord:
## A pet rabbit on a Fjord
What about your pet rabit:
## Pop Art of a Fjord
This is a pop art of a Fjord:
## Generating your own predictions
The following Python code will allow you to get up and running quickly, just replace the *prompt* field for your own generation, wait for HuggingFace to compute and you should have your own Stable Diffusion object generated against a backdrop of the fjords. Idyllic!
from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline
pipeline = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained('StatsGary/norweigen-fjords-fjords')
image = pipeline(prompt='a viking on a fjord').images[0]
## Supporting article(s)
I have undertaken a blog to explain this:
- Fjord stable diffusion model:
- Stable diffusion application with Streamlit: