trained_checkpoints /
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Added citation
license: mit
This repository contains the trained checkpoints corresponding to our paper [RepoFusion: Training Code Models to Understand Your Repository](). The released checkpoints are:
- `RepoFusion_PPC`: RepoFusion model trained with prompt proposal repo contexts. This is our best-performing model.
- `RepoFusion_BM25`: RepoFusion model trained with BM25 repo contexts.
- `RepoFusion_RandomNN`: RepoFusion model trained with RandomNN repo contexts.
- `finetuned_codet5base_512`: Our finetuned CodeT5-base model. This was used as initialization for our RepoFusion models.
- `finetuned_codet5large_512`: Our finetuned CodeT5-large model. This was used as a baseline.
For details of how these models were trained and evaluated, please check our paper [RepoFusion: Training Code Models to Understand Your Repository]().
## Citation
title={RepoFusion: Training Code Models to Understand Your Repository},
author={Shrivastava, Disha and Kocetkov, Denis and de Vries, Harm and Bahdanau, Dzmitry and Scholak, Torsten},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.10998},