Training in progress, step 100
Browse files
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
1 |
2 |
"_name_or_path": "google/vit-base-patch16-224-in21k",
3 |
"architectures": [
4 |
5 |
6 |
"attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.0,
7 |
"encoder_stride": 16,
8 |
"hidden_act": "gelu",
9 |
"hidden_dropout_prob": 0.0,
10 |
"hidden_size": 768,
11 |
"id2label": {
12 |
"0": "Black footed Albatross",
13 |
"1": "Laysan Albatross",
14 |
"10": "Rusty Blackbird",
15 |
"100": "White Pelican",
16 |
"101": "Western Wood Pewee",
17 |
"102": "Sayornis",
18 |
"103": "American Pipit",
19 |
"104": "Whip poor Will",
20 |
"105": "Horned Puffin",
21 |
"106": "Common Raven",
22 |
"107": "White necked Raven",
23 |
"108": "American Redstart",
24 |
"109": "Geococcyx",
25 |
"11": "Yellow headed Blackbird",
26 |
"110": "Loggerhead Shrike",
27 |
"111": "Great Grey Shrike",
28 |
"112": "Baird Sparrow",
29 |
"113": "Black throated Sparrow",
30 |
"114": "Brewer Sparrow",
31 |
"115": "Chipping Sparrow",
32 |
"116": "Clay colored Sparrow",
33 |
"117": "House Sparrow",
34 |
"118": "Field Sparrow",
35 |
"119": "Fox Sparrow",
36 |
"12": "Bobolink",
37 |
"120": "Grasshopper Sparrow",
38 |
"121": "Harris Sparrow",
39 |
"122": "Henslow Sparrow",
40 |
"123": "Le Conte Sparrow",
41 |
"124": "Lincoln Sparrow",
42 |
"125": "Nelson Sharp tailed Sparrow",
43 |
"126": "Savannah Sparrow",
44 |
"127": "Seaside Sparrow",
45 |
"128": "Song Sparrow",
46 |
"129": "Tree Sparrow",
47 |
"13": "Indigo Bunting",
48 |
"130": "Vesper Sparrow",
49 |
"131": "White crowned Sparrow",
50 |
"132": "White throated Sparrow",
51 |
"133": "Cape Glossy Starling",
52 |
"134": "Bank Swallow",
53 |
"135": "Barn Swallow",
54 |
"136": "Cliff Swallow",
55 |
"137": "Tree Swallow",
56 |
"138": "Scarlet Tanager",
57 |
"139": "Summer Tanager",
58 |
"14": "Lazuli Bunting",
59 |
"140": "Artic Tern",
60 |
"141": "Black Tern",
61 |
"142": "Caspian Tern",
62 |
"143": "Common Tern",
63 |
"144": "Elegant Tern",
64 |
"145": "Forsters Tern",
65 |
"146": "Least Tern",
66 |
"147": "Green tailed Towhee",
67 |
"148": "Brown Thrasher",
68 |
"149": "Sage Thrasher",
69 |
"15": "Painted Bunting",
70 |
"150": "Black capped Vireo",
71 |
"151": "Blue headed Vireo",
72 |
"152": "Philadelphia Vireo",
73 |
"153": "Red eyed Vireo",
74 |
"154": "Warbling Vireo",
75 |
"155": "White eyed Vireo",
76 |
"156": "Yellow throated Vireo",
77 |
"157": "Bay breasted Warbler",
78 |
"158": "Black and white Warbler",
79 |
"159": "Black throated Blue Warbler",
80 |
"16": "Cardinal",
81 |
"160": "Blue winged Warbler",
82 |
"161": "Canada Warbler",
83 |
"162": "Cape May Warbler",
84 |
"163": "Cerulean Warbler",
85 |
"164": "Chestnut sided Warbler",
86 |
"165": "Golden winged Warbler",
87 |
"166": "Hooded Warbler",
88 |
"167": "Kentucky Warbler",
89 |
"168": "Magnolia Warbler",
90 |
"169": "Mourning Warbler",
91 |
"17": "Spotted Catbird",
92 |
"170": "Myrtle Warbler",
93 |
"171": "Nashville Warbler",
94 |
"172": "Orange crowned Warbler",
95 |
"173": "Palm Warbler",
96 |
"174": "Pine Warbler",
97 |
"175": "Prairie Warbler",
98 |
"176": "Prothonotary Warbler",
99 |
"177": "Swainson Warbler",
100 |
"178": "Tennessee Warbler",
101 |
"179": "Wilson Warbler",
102 |
"18": "Gray Catbird",
103 |
"180": "Worm eating Warbler",
104 |
"181": "Yellow Warbler",
105 |
"182": "Northern Waterthrush",
106 |
"183": "Louisiana Waterthrush",
107 |
"184": "Bohemian Waxwing",
108 |
"185": "Cedar Waxwing",
109 |
"186": "American Three toed Woodpecker",
110 |
"187": "Pileated Woodpecker",
111 |
"188": "Red bellied Woodpecker",
112 |
"189": "Red cockaded Woodpecker",
113 |
"19": "Yellow breasted Chat",
114 |
"190": "Red headed Woodpecker",
115 |
"191": "Downy Woodpecker",
116 |
"192": "Bewick Wren",
117 |
"193": "Cactus Wren",
118 |
"194": "Carolina Wren",
119 |
"195": "House Wren",
120 |
"196": "Marsh Wren",
121 |
"197": "Rock Wren",
122 |
"198": "Winter Wren",
123 |
"199": "Common Yellowthroat",
124 |
"2": "Sooty Albatross",
125 |
"20": "Eastern Towhee",
126 |
"21": "Chuck will Widow",
127 |
"22": "Brandt Cormorant",
128 |
"23": "Red faced Cormorant",
129 |
"24": "Pelagic Cormorant",
130 |
"25": "Bronzed Cowbird",
131 |
"26": "Shiny Cowbird",
132 |
"27": "Brown Creeper",
133 |
"28": "American Crow",
134 |
"29": "Fish Crow",
135 |
"3": "Groove billed Ani",
136 |
"30": "Black billed Cuckoo",
137 |
"31": "Mangrove Cuckoo",
138 |
"32": "Yellow billed Cuckoo",
139 |
"33": "Gray crowned Rosy Finch",
140 |
"34": "Purple Finch",
141 |
"35": "Northern Flicker",
142 |
"36": "Acadian Flycatcher",
143 |
"37": "Great Crested Flycatcher",
144 |
"38": "Least Flycatcher",
145 |
"39": "Olive sided Flycatcher",
146 |
"4": "Crested Auklet",
147 |
"40": "Scissor tailed Flycatcher",
148 |
"41": "Vermilion Flycatcher",
149 |
"42": "Yellow bellied Flycatcher",
150 |
"43": "Frigatebird",
151 |
"44": "Northern Fulmar",
152 |
"45": "Gadwall",
153 |
"46": "American Goldfinch",
154 |
"47": "European Goldfinch",
155 |
"48": "Boat tailed Grackle",
156 |
"49": "Eared Grebe",
157 |
"5": "Least Auklet",
158 |
"50": "Horned Grebe",
159 |
"51": "Pied billed Grebe",
160 |
"52": "Western Grebe",
161 |
"53": "Blue Grosbeak",
162 |
"54": "Evening Grosbeak",
163 |
"55": "Pine Grosbeak",
164 |
"56": "Rose breasted Grosbeak",
165 |
"57": "Pigeon Guillemot",
166 |
"58": "California Gull",
167 |
"59": "Glaucous winged Gull",
168 |
"6": "Parakeet Auklet",
169 |
"60": "Heermann Gull",
170 |
"61": "Herring Gull",
171 |
"62": "Ivory Gull",
172 |
"63": "Ring billed Gull",
173 |
"64": "Slaty backed Gull",
174 |
"65": "Western Gull",
175 |
"66": "Anna Hummingbird",
176 |
"67": "Ruby throated Hummingbird",
177 |
"68": "Rufous Hummingbird",
178 |
"69": "Green Violetear",
179 |
"7": "Rhinoceros Auklet",
180 |
"70": "Long tailed Jaeger",
181 |
"71": "Pomarine Jaeger",
182 |
"72": "Blue Jay",
183 |
"73": "Florida Jay",
184 |
"74": "Green Jay",
185 |
"75": "Dark eyed Junco",
186 |
"76": "Tropical Kingbird",
187 |
"77": "Gray Kingbird",
188 |
"78": "Belted Kingfisher",
189 |
"79": "Green Kingfisher",
190 |
"8": "Brewer Blackbird",
191 |
"80": "Pied Kingfisher",
192 |
"81": "Ringed Kingfisher",
193 |
"82": "White breasted Kingfisher",
194 |
"83": "Red legged Kittiwake",
195 |
"84": "Horned Lark",
196 |
"85": "Pacific Loon",
197 |
"86": "Mallard",
198 |
"87": "Western Meadowlark",
199 |
"88": "Hooded Merganser",
200 |
"89": "Red breasted Merganser",
201 |
"9": "Red winged Blackbird",
202 |
"90": "Mockingbird",
203 |
"91": "Nighthawk",
204 |
"92": "Clark Nutcracker",
205 |
"93": "White breasted Nuthatch",
206 |
"94": "Baltimore Oriole",
207 |
"95": "Hooded Oriole",
208 |
"96": "Orchard Oriole",
209 |
"97": "Scott Oriole",
210 |
"98": "Ovenbird",
211 |
"99": "Brown Pelican"
212 |
213 |
"image_size": 224,
214 |
"initializer_range": 0.02,
215 |
"intermediate_size": 3072,
216 |
"label2id": {
217 |
"Acadian Flycatcher": "36",
218 |
"American Crow": "28",
219 |
"American Goldfinch": "46",
220 |
"American Pipit": "103",
221 |
"American Redstart": "108",
222 |
"American Three toed Woodpecker": "186",
223 |
"Anna Hummingbird": "66",
224 |
"Artic Tern": "140",
225 |
"Baird Sparrow": "112",
226 |
"Baltimore Oriole": "94",
227 |
"Bank Swallow": "134",
228 |
"Barn Swallow": "135",
229 |
"Bay breasted Warbler": "157",
230 |
"Belted Kingfisher": "78",
231 |
"Bewick Wren": "192",
232 |
"Black Tern": "141",
233 |
"Black and white Warbler": "158",
234 |
"Black billed Cuckoo": "30",
235 |
"Black capped Vireo": "150",
236 |
"Black footed Albatross": "0",
237 |
"Black throated Blue Warbler": "159",
238 |
"Black throated Sparrow": "113",
239 |
"Blue Grosbeak": "53",
240 |
"Blue Jay": "72",
241 |
"Blue headed Vireo": "151",
242 |
"Blue winged Warbler": "160",
243 |
"Boat tailed Grackle": "48",
244 |
"Bobolink": "12",
245 |
"Bohemian Waxwing": "184",
246 |
"Brandt Cormorant": "22",
247 |
"Brewer Blackbird": "8",
248 |
"Brewer Sparrow": "114",
249 |
"Bronzed Cowbird": "25",
250 |
"Brown Creeper": "27",
251 |
"Brown Pelican": "99",
252 |
"Brown Thrasher": "148",
253 |
"Cactus Wren": "193",
254 |
"California Gull": "58",
255 |
"Canada Warbler": "161",
256 |
"Cape Glossy Starling": "133",
257 |
"Cape May Warbler": "162",
258 |
"Cardinal": "16",
259 |
"Carolina Wren": "194",
260 |
"Caspian Tern": "142",
261 |
"Cedar Waxwing": "185",
262 |
"Cerulean Warbler": "163",
263 |
"Chestnut sided Warbler": "164",
264 |
"Chipping Sparrow": "115",
265 |
"Chuck will Widow": "21",
266 |
"Clark Nutcracker": "92",
267 |
"Clay colored Sparrow": "116",
268 |
"Cliff Swallow": "136",
269 |
"Common Raven": "106",
270 |
"Common Tern": "143",
271 |
"Common Yellowthroat": "199",
272 |
"Crested Auklet": "4",
273 |
"Dark eyed Junco": "75",
274 |
"Downy Woodpecker": "191",
275 |
"Eared Grebe": "49",
276 |
"Eastern Towhee": "20",
277 |
"Elegant Tern": "144",
278 |
"European Goldfinch": "47",
279 |
"Evening Grosbeak": "54",
280 |
"Field Sparrow": "118",
281 |
"Fish Crow": "29",
282 |
"Florida Jay": "73",
283 |
"Forsters Tern": "145",
284 |
"Fox Sparrow": "119",
285 |
"Frigatebird": "43",
286 |
"Gadwall": "45",
287 |
"Geococcyx": "109",
288 |
"Glaucous winged Gull": "59",
289 |
"Golden winged Warbler": "165",
290 |
"Grasshopper Sparrow": "120",
291 |
"Gray Catbird": "18",
292 |
"Gray Kingbird": "77",
293 |
"Gray crowned Rosy Finch": "33",
294 |
"Great Crested Flycatcher": "37",
295 |
"Great Grey Shrike": "111",
296 |
"Green Jay": "74",
297 |
"Green Kingfisher": "79",
298 |
"Green Violetear": "69",
299 |
"Green tailed Towhee": "147",
300 |
"Groove billed Ani": "3",
301 |
"Harris Sparrow": "121",
302 |
"Heermann Gull": "60",
303 |
"Henslow Sparrow": "122",
304 |
"Herring Gull": "61",
305 |
"Hooded Merganser": "88",
306 |
"Hooded Oriole": "95",
307 |
"Hooded Warbler": "166",
308 |
"Horned Grebe": "50",
309 |
"Horned Lark": "84",
310 |
"Horned Puffin": "105",
311 |
"House Sparrow": "117",
312 |
"House Wren": "195",
313 |
"Indigo Bunting": "13",
314 |
"Ivory Gull": "62",
315 |
"Kentucky Warbler": "167",
316 |
"Laysan Albatross": "1",
317 |
"Lazuli Bunting": "14",
318 |
"Le Conte Sparrow": "123",
319 |
"Least Auklet": "5",
320 |
"Least Flycatcher": "38",
321 |
"Least Tern": "146",
322 |
"Lincoln Sparrow": "124",
323 |
"Loggerhead Shrike": "110",
324 |
"Long tailed Jaeger": "70",
325 |
"Louisiana Waterthrush": "183",
326 |
"Magnolia Warbler": "168",
327 |
"Mallard": "86",
328 |
"Mangrove Cuckoo": "31",
329 |
"Marsh Wren": "196",
330 |
"Mockingbird": "90",
331 |
"Mourning Warbler": "169",
332 |
"Myrtle Warbler": "170",
333 |
"Nashville Warbler": "171",
334 |
"Nelson Sharp tailed Sparrow": "125",
335 |
"Nighthawk": "91",
336 |
"Northern Flicker": "35",
337 |
"Northern Fulmar": "44",
338 |
"Northern Waterthrush": "182",
339 |
"Olive sided Flycatcher": "39",
340 |
"Orange crowned Warbler": "172",
341 |
"Orchard Oriole": "96",
342 |
"Ovenbird": "98",
343 |
"Pacific Loon": "85",
344 |
"Painted Bunting": "15",
345 |
"Palm Warbler": "173",
346 |
"Parakeet Auklet": "6",
347 |
"Pelagic Cormorant": "24",
348 |
"Philadelphia Vireo": "152",
349 |
"Pied Kingfisher": "80",
350 |
"Pied billed Grebe": "51",
351 |
"Pigeon Guillemot": "57",
352 |
"Pileated Woodpecker": "187",
353 |
"Pine Grosbeak": "55",
354 |
"Pine Warbler": "174",
355 |
"Pomarine Jaeger": "71",
356 |
"Prairie Warbler": "175",
357 |
"Prothonotary Warbler": "176",
358 |
"Purple Finch": "34",
359 |
"Red bellied Woodpecker": "188",
360 |
"Red breasted Merganser": "89",
361 |
"Red cockaded Woodpecker": "189",
362 |
"Red eyed Vireo": "153",
363 |
"Red faced Cormorant": "23",
364 |
"Red headed Woodpecker": "190",
365 |
"Red legged Kittiwake": "83",
366 |
"Red winged Blackbird": "9",
367 |
"Rhinoceros Auklet": "7",
368 |
"Ring billed Gull": "63",
369 |
"Ringed Kingfisher": "81",
370 |
"Rock Wren": "197",
371 |
"Rose breasted Grosbeak": "56",
372 |
"Ruby throated Hummingbird": "67",
373 |
"Rufous Hummingbird": "68",
374 |
"Rusty Blackbird": "10",
375 |
"Sage Thrasher": "149",
376 |
"Savannah Sparrow": "126",
377 |
"Sayornis": "102",
378 |
"Scarlet Tanager": "138",
379 |
"Scissor tailed Flycatcher": "40",
380 |
"Scott Oriole": "97",
381 |
"Seaside Sparrow": "127",
382 |
"Shiny Cowbird": "26",
383 |
"Slaty backed Gull": "64",
384 |
"Song Sparrow": "128",
385 |
"Sooty Albatross": "2",
386 |
"Spotted Catbird": "17",
387 |
"Summer Tanager": "139",
388 |
"Swainson Warbler": "177",
389 |
"Tennessee Warbler": "178",
390 |
"Tree Sparrow": "129",
391 |
"Tree Swallow": "137",
392 |
"Tropical Kingbird": "76",
393 |
"Vermilion Flycatcher": "41",
394 |
"Vesper Sparrow": "130",
395 |
"Warbling Vireo": "154",
396 |
"Western Grebe": "52",
397 |
"Western Gull": "65",
398 |
"Western Meadowlark": "87",
399 |
"Western Wood Pewee": "101",
400 |
"Whip poor Will": "104",
401 |
"White Pelican": "100",
402 |
"White breasted Kingfisher": "82",
403 |
"White breasted Nuthatch": "93",
404 |
"White crowned Sparrow": "131",
405 |
"White eyed Vireo": "155",
406 |
"White necked Raven": "107",
407 |
"White throated Sparrow": "132",
408 |
"Wilson Warbler": "179",
409 |
"Winter Wren": "198",
410 |
"Worm eating Warbler": "180",
411 |
"Yellow Warbler": "181",
412 |
"Yellow bellied Flycatcher": "42",
413 |
"Yellow billed Cuckoo": "32",
414 |
"Yellow breasted Chat": "19",
415 |
"Yellow headed Blackbird": "11",
416 |
"Yellow throated Vireo": "156"
417 |
418 |
"layer_norm_eps": 1e-12,
419 |
"model_type": "vit",
420 |
"num_attention_heads": 12,
421 |
"num_channels": 3,
422 |
"num_hidden_layers": 12,
423 |
"patch_size": 16,
424 |
"problem_type": "single_label_classification",
425 |
"qkv_bias": true,
426 |
"torch_dtype": "float32",
427 |
"transformers_version": "4.38.2"
428 |
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