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@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ pipeline_tag: text-generation
8 |
9 |
- text: "<schema>CREATE TABLE radio(age VARCHAR, radio_id VARCHAR, frequency VARCHAR, wavelength VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE radio_faults(radio_id VARCHAR, fault_description VARCHAR)</schema><question>Get the radio id and defect descriptions of radios that have wavelength greater than 30 ?</question><sql>"
10 |
example_title: "example1"
11 |
- text: "<schema>CREATE TABLE system(JobID: String,GID: String, UID: String, Start:Time(yyyy/mm/dd), End: Time,ElapsedRaw: Time, CPUTimeRAW: Time,NCPUS: Number,NNodes: Number, NodeList: List, State:String, Timelimit: Time);</schema><question>
12 |
example_title: "example2"
13 |
- text: "<schema>CREATE TABLE department (Department_ID number, Name text, Creation text, Ranking number, Budget_in_Billions number, Num_Employees number) which has Department_ID as primary key abd CREATE TABLE head (head_ID number, name text, born_state text, age number) which has head_ID as primary key and CREATE TABLE management (department_ID number, head_ID number, temporary_acting text) which has department_ID as primary key</schema><question>"
14 |
example_title: "example3"
8 |
9 |
- text: "<schema>CREATE TABLE radio(age VARCHAR, radio_id VARCHAR, frequency VARCHAR, wavelength VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE radio_faults(radio_id VARCHAR, fault_description VARCHAR)</schema><question>Get the radio id and defect descriptions of radios that have wavelength greater than 30 ?</question><sql>"
10 |
example_title: "example1"
11 |
- text: "<schema>CREATE TABLE system(JobID: String,GID: String, UID: String, Start:Time(yyyy/mm/dd), End: Time,ElapsedRaw: Time, CPUTimeRAW: Time,NCPUS: Number,NNodes: Number, NodeList: List, State:String, Timelimit: Time);</schema><question>Get UID for Jobs that started on Jan 20 , 2023 and ended on March 10 , 2023</question><sql>"
12 |
example_title: "example2"
13 |
- text: "<schema>CREATE TABLE department (Department_ID number, Name text, Creation text, Ranking number, Budget_in_Billions number, Num_Employees number) which has Department_ID as primary key abd CREATE TABLE head (head_ID number, name text, born_state text, age number) which has head_ID as primary key and CREATE TABLE management (department_ID number, head_ID number, temporary_acting text) which has department_ID as primary key</schema><question>"
14 |
example_title: "example3"