MinGPT / projects /adder /adder.py
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Trains a GPT to add n-digit numbers.
import os
import sys
import json
import torch
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
from torch.utils.data.dataloader import DataLoader
from mingpt.model import GPT
from mingpt.trainer import Trainer
from mingpt.utils import set_seed, setup_logging, CfgNode as CN
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_config():
C = CN()
# system
C.system = CN()
C.system.seed = 3407
C.system.work_dir = './out/adder'
# data
C.data = AdditionDataset.get_default_config()
# model
C.model = GPT.get_default_config()
C.model.model_type = 'gpt-nano'
# trainer
C.trainer = Trainer.get_default_config()
C.trainer.learning_rate = 5e-4 # the model we're using is so small that we can go a bit faster
return C
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class AdditionDataset(Dataset):
Creates n-digit addition problems. For example, if n=2, then an example
addition problem would be to add 85 + 50 = 135. This problem would be
represented as the following string for the GPT:
This is because:
- we are discarding the + and =, which are not necessary. We just encode the digits
of the input numbers concatenated together.
- the result 135 is encoded backwards to make the addition easier to learn for the
GPT model, because of how the addition algorithm works.
As one more example, the problem 6 + 39 = 45 would be encoded as:
where you will notice that we are padding with zeros to make sure that we always
produce strings of the exact same size: n + n + (n + 1). When n=2, this is 7.
At test time, we will feed in an addition problem by giving the first 2n digits,
and hoping that the GPT model completes the sequence with the next (n+1) digits
def get_default_config():
C = CN()
C.ndigit = 2
return C
def __init__(self, config, split):
self.config = config
self.split = split # train/test
# split up all addition problems into either training data or test data
ndigit = self.config.ndigit
assert ndigit <= 3, "the lines below would be very memory inefficient, in future maybe refactor to support"
num = (10**ndigit)**2 # total number of possible addition problems with ndigit numbers
rng = torch.Generator()
perm = torch.randperm(num, generator=rng)
num_test = min(int(num*0.2), 500) # 20% of the whole dataset, or only up to 500
self.ixes = perm[:num_test] if split == 'test' else perm[num_test:]
def get_vocab_size(self):
return 10 # digits 0..9
def get_block_size(self):
# a,b,a+b, and +1 due to potential carry overflow,
# but then also -1 because very last digit doesn't ever plug back
# as there is no explicit <EOS> token to predict, it is implied
return 3*self.config.ndigit + 1 - 1
def __len__(self):
return self.ixes.nelement()
def __getitem__(self, idx):
ndigit = self.config.ndigit
# given a problem index idx, first recover the associated a + b
idx = self.ixes[idx].item()
nd = 10**ndigit
a = idx // nd
b = idx % nd
# calculate the "label" of the addition problem a + b
c = a + b
# encode the digits of a, b, c into strings
astr = f'%0{ndigit}d' % a
bstr = f'%0{ndigit}d' % b
cstr = (f'%0{ndigit+1}d' % c)[::-1] # reverse c to make addition easier
render = astr + bstr + cstr
dix = [int(s) for s in render] # convert each character to its token index
# x will be input to GPT and y will be the associated expected outputs
x = torch.tensor(dix[:-1], dtype=torch.long)
y = torch.tensor(dix[1:], dtype=torch.long) # predict the next token in the sequence
y[:ndigit*2-1] = -1 # we will only train in the output locations. -1 will mask loss to zero
return x, y
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__':
# get default config and overrides from the command line, if any
config = get_config()
# construct train and test datasets
train_dataset = AdditionDataset(config.data, split='train')
test_dataset = AdditionDataset(config.data, split='test')
# construct the model
config.model.vocab_size = train_dataset.get_vocab_size()
config.model.block_size = train_dataset.get_block_size()
model = GPT(config.model)
# construct the trainer object
trainer = Trainer(config.trainer, model, train_dataset)
# helper function for the evaluation of a model
def eval_split(trainer, split, max_batches=None):
dataset = {'train':train_dataset, 'test':test_dataset}[split]
ndigit = config.data.ndigit
results = []
mistakes_printed_already = 0
factors = torch.tensor([[10**i for i in range(ndigit+1)][::-1]]).to(trainer.device)
loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=100, num_workers=0, drop_last=False)
for b, (x, y) in enumerate(loader):
x = x.to(trainer.device)
# isolate the first two digits of the input sequence alone
d1d2 = x[:, :ndigit*2]
# let the model sample the rest of the sequence
d1d2d3 = model.generate(d1d2, ndigit+1, do_sample=False) # using greedy argmax, not sampling
# isolate the last digit of the sampled sequence
d3 = d1d2d3[:, -(ndigit+1):]
d3 = d3.flip(1) # reverse the digits to their "normal" order
# decode the integers from individual digits
d1i = (d1d2[:,:ndigit] * factors[:,1:]).sum(1)
d2i = (d1d2[:,ndigit:ndigit*2] * factors[:,1:]).sum(1)
d3i_pred = (d3 * factors).sum(1)
d3i_gt = d1i + d2i # manually calculate the ground truth
# evaluate the correctness of the results in this batch
correct = (d3i_pred == d3i_gt).cpu() # Software 1.0 vs. Software 2.0 fight RIGHT on this line haha
for i in range(x.size(0)):
if not correct[i] and mistakes_printed_already < 5: # only print up to 5 mistakes to get a sense
mistakes_printed_already += 1
print("GPT claims that %d + %d = %d but gt is %d" % (d1i[i], d2i[i], d3i_pred[i], d3i_gt[i]))
if max_batches is not None and b+1 >= max_batches:
rt = torch.tensor(results, dtype=torch.float)
print("%s final score: %d/%d = %.2f%% correct" % (split, rt.sum(), len(results), 100*rt.mean()))
return rt.sum()
# iteration callback
top_score = 0
def batch_end_callback(trainer):
global top_score
if trainer.iter_num % 10 == 0:
print(f"iter_dt {trainer.iter_dt * 1000:.2f}ms; iter {trainer.iter_num}: train loss {trainer.loss.item():.5f}")
if trainer.iter_num % 500 == 0:
# evaluate both the train and test score
train_max_batches = {1: None, 2: None, 3: 5}[config.data.ndigit] # if ndigit=2 we can afford the whole train set, ow no
with torch.no_grad():
train_score = eval_split(trainer, 'train', max_batches=train_max_batches)
test_score = eval_split(trainer, 'test', max_batches=None)
score = train_score + test_score
# save the model if this is the best score we've seen so far
if score > top_score:
top_score = score
print(f"saving model with new top score of {score}")
ckpt_path = os.path.join(config.system.work_dir, "model.pt")
torch.save(model.state_dict(), ckpt_path)
# revert model to training mode
trainer.set_callback('on_batch_end', batch_end_callback)
# run the optimization