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      Jim: Hey.

      Dwight: Hello. Jim?

      Jim: What's up, buddy?

      Dwight: This is not funny. Why is my stuff in here?

      Jim: Wow, that's weird. Oh, dollar for a stapler, that's pretty good.

      Dwight: Yeah, well, I'm not paying for my own stuff, okay? I know you did
      this, because you're friends with the vending machine guy.

      Jim: Who, Steve?

      Dwight: Yeah, Steve, whatever his name is.

      Pam: Sorry. What do I want? What do I want... Oh, it's a pencil cup.

      Dwight: No, no, no, no, no. That's my pencil cup.

      Pam: Um, I don't think so, I just bought it.

      Dwight: Uh, I think so, and you're going to hand it over to me.

      Pam: I love these.

      Dwight: Okay, fine. Where's my wallet?

      Jim: Oh, there it is. J1.

      Dwight: But I don't have any...

      Jim: Here, you know what? You can have some nickels.

      Dwight: [putting quarters in] Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five...

      Michael: Hello, everyone.

      Dwight: Good morning, Michael.

      Phyllis: Where are we going this afternoon?

      Michael: Ah! Ha ha ha!

      Pam: Last week, Michael sent out this mysterious memo.

      Jim: 'It's time for our first quarter camaraderie event, so pack a
      swimsuit, a toothbrush, rubber-soled shoes, and a ski mask.'

      Pam: A ski mask and a swimsuit.

      Jim: So that he can have us rob a bank, and then escape through the

      Pam: And brush our teeth.

      Michael: Yeah?

      Stanley: Michael.

      Michael: Stanley! Bo banley.

      Stanley: I need to know...

      Michael: Banana fana fo fanley.

      Stanley: What we're doing.

      Michael: Be my mo manley.

      Stanley: You said bring a toothbrush.

      Michael: Stanley.

      Stanley: Is this an overnight?

      Michael: Maybe. The suspense is just so exciting, isn't it?

      Stanley: Should my wife tell her boss she's not coming in tomorrow?

      Michael: Maybe, I don't know.

      Stanley: Not maybe. Yes or no.

      Michael: Well, no. But... okay, don't spoil it for everybody, all right?
      But we are going on a booze cruise on Lake Wallenpaupack.

      Stanley: In January?

      Michael: It's cheaper.

      Michael: This is not just another party. This is a leadership training
      exercise. Right? I'm going to combine elements of fun and motivation and
      education into a single mind-blowing experience.

      Michael: It is now time to unveil the destination of this year's retreat.
      We are going on a harbor cruise of Lake Wallenpaupack. It's a booze

      Meredith: All right!

      Ryan: I have a test for business school tomorrow night. Is it okay if I
      skip the cruise and study for that?

      Michael: No. This is mandatory. But don't worry, you know what? You're
      gonna learn plenty. This is gonna turn your life around, Ryan.

      Ryan: I'm already in business school.

      Michael: Well, this...

      Kelly: Wait, Michael?

      Michael: Yeah?

      Kelly: Why did you tell us to bring a bathing suit?

      Michael: To throw you off the scent.

      Kelly: Yeah, but I bought a bathing suit.

      Michael: Well, just keep the tags on and you can return it.

      Kelly: I took the tags off already.

      Michael: Well, that's not my fault, okay? Just.. we're not going to pay
      for a bathing suit. Okay, I know what you're all thinking, 'Who is this
      smart little cookie?' Her name is Brenda... something, and she is from
      corporate. And she is here, like you, to learn from what I have to say.

      Michael: I am a great motivational speaker. I attended a Tony Robbins
      event by the airport last year, and... it wasn't the actual course. You
      have to pay for the actual course. But it talked about the actual course.
      And I've incorporated a lot of his ideas into my own course.

      Michael: Leader... ship. The word 'ship' is hidden inside the word
      'leadership,' as its derivation. So if this office is, in fact, a ship, as
      its leader, I am the captain. But we're all in the same boat. Teamwork!

      Oscar: Last year, Michael's theme was 'Bowl over the Competition!' So
      guess where we went.

      Michael: Now, on this ship that is the office, what is a sales department?

      Darryl: How about the sales department is the sails?

      Michael: Yes, Darryl, the sales department makes sales. Good. Let me just
      explain. I see the sales department as the furnace.

      Phyllis: A furnace?

      Jim: Yeesh, how old is this ship?

      Pam: How about the anchor?

      Phyllis: What does the furnace do?

      Michael: All right, let's not get hung up on the furnace. This just...
      it's the sales... I see the sales department down there. They're in the
      engine room, and they are shoveling coal into the furnace, right? I mean,
      who saw the movie Titanic? They were very important in the movie Titanic.
      Who saw it? Show of hands!

      Jim: I'm not really sure what movie you're talking about. Are you sure you
      got the title right?

      Michael: Titanic?

      Pam: I think you're thinking of The Hunt for Red October.

      Michael: No, I'm Leo DiCaprio! Come on!

      Jim: Michael stands in the front of the boat and says that he's king of
      the world within the first hour, or I give you my next paycheck.

      Phyllis: Michael, everyone in the engine room drowned.

      Michael: No! Thank you, spoiler alert. You saw the movie, those of you who
      did. They're happy down there in the furnace room. And they're dirty and
      grimy and sweaty, and they're singing their ethnic songs, and... actually,
      that might be warehouse.

      Darryl: What?

      Michael: The... no, no. No, I didn't... okay. Well, okay, in a nutshell,
      what I'm saying is... leadership. We'll talk more about that on the boat.

      Dwight: Aye aye, Captain.

      Michael: [singing] A three-hour tour, a three-hour tour.

      Michael: Pam, you are Mary Ann! We have the Professor and Ginger, welcome
      aboard. Angela, you are Mrs. Howell. Lovey. [to Kelly] Uh... the native.
      Sometimes they come from neighboring... [to Stanley] We have one of the
      Globetrotters, I am the Skipper, and Dwight, you will be Gilligan.

      Dwight: Cool.

      Captain Jack: Actually, I'm the Skipper. But you can be Gilligan.

      Michael: I'd rather die. Hi, I am Michael Scott, I am the captain of this

      Captain Jack: I am Captain Jack, I am captain of the ship. I'm also
      captain of anyone who sets foot on the ship. [to boarding passengers] Hi,
      welcome aboard.

      Michael: Okay.

      Michael: In an office, when you are ranking people, manager is higher than
      captain. On a boat, who knows? It's nebulose.

      Michael: Hey, look! I'm king of the world!

      Captain Jack: Okay, all right! Welcome aboard! I am your captain, Captain

      Michael: And I am the regional manager of Dunder-Mifflin, Michael Scott.
      Welcome, welcome!

      Captain Jack: Okay! So...

      Michael: Okay! So...

      Captain Jack: Please. The life preservers.

      Michael: Right.

      Captain Jack: They are located underneath the seats, all along the border
      of the boat.

      Michael: But don't worry, you are not going to be needing life preservers

      Captain Jack: Well, we might, okay? Please let me finish, okay? Thank you.
      So, the Coast Guard requires that I tell you where the safety exits are.
      On this ship, it's very easy. Anywhere over the side. [Dwight laughs
      loudly.] Not only am I your ship captain, I am also your party captain!
      Whoo! We're gonna get it going in just a few minutes here...

      Michael: I'm your party captain too! And you are gonna put on your dancing
      shoes later on! So we are gonna...

      Captain Jack: Okay, Michael, if you don't mind...

      Michael: Rock it!

      Captain Jack: Please, okay?

      Michael: If the boat's a-rockin', don't come knockin'!

      Captain Jack: Michael.

      Michael: Yep.

      Captain Jack: Your company's employees are not the only people on the boat
      tonight, okay?

      Michael: We're all gonna have a good time tonight!

      Captain Jack: Why don't you let me and my crew do our job. You just sit
      back and have a good time. All right?

      Michael: Hm? Okay. Yep.

      Katy: You guys, it's like we're in high school and we're at the cool
      table. Right?

      Roy: Yeah.

      Katy: Pam, were you a cheerleader?

      Roy: No, she was totally Miss Artsy-Fartsy in high school. She wore the
      turtleneck and everything!

      Katy: That's hilarious.

      Jim: It's not hilarious, but...

      Roy: Where did you go to school?

      Katy: Bishop O'Hara.

      Roy: Piss slop who cares-a? We played you! You... you really look
      familiar. Did you... you cheered for them, didn't you?

      Jim: Um, no.

      Katy: Yes, I did! [chanting] A-W-E-S-O-M-E! Awesome! Awesome is what we
      are! We're the football superstars! A-W-E-S-O-M-E!

      Roy: I remember that! We crushed you like 42-10!

      Michael: Having fun?

      Brenda: Yeah. Everybody's really nice.

      Michael: Good. Well, that is what Scranton is all about. Not like you New

      Brenda: When are you going to start the presentation?

      Michael: Well, we already sort of started it back at the office and on the
      dock with the Gilligan thing, so... right now, I was thinking. Yes. Okay,
      listen up all you Dunder-Mifflinites! I would like to talk to you all
      about life preservers. Now, one important life preserver in business is IT

      Captain Jack: Not now, Mike, we're doing the limbo! That's right,
      partiers, it's time to limbo, limbo, limbo!

      Michael: So, okay.

      Dwight: Limbo, whoo!

      Captain Jack: All right! I need a volunteer to come up here and hold my
      stick. Who's it gonna be?

      Meredith: Me.

      Captain Jack: Okay...

      Dwight: Me! Me, me, me.

      Captain Jack: Uh... usually it's a woman.

      Dwight: I'm stronger.

      Captain Jack: Hey, I got an idea! How would you like to steer the ship,

      Captain Jack: Keep us on a steady course. Keep a sharp eye out. I'm
      counting on you!

      Dwight: I was the youngest pilot in Pan Am history. When I was four, the
      pilot let me ride in the cockpit and fly the plane with him. And I was
      four. And I was great. And I would have landed it, but my dad wanted us to
      go back to our seats.

      Captain Jack: All right, all right, that was great! Now it's time for the
      dance contest!

      Michael: But before that, I have to do my presentation.

      Captain Jack: Nope! Dance contest!

      Michael: All right, we'll have a motivational dance contest! Hit it! Yeah,
      okay, dancing! It is a primal art form used in ancient times to express
      yourself with the body and communicate!

      Michael: Sometimes you have to take a break from being the kind of boss
      that's always trying to teach people things. Sometimes you have to just be
      the boss of dancing.

      Dwight: [singing] What do you do with a drunken sailor? What do you do
      with a drunken sailor? What do you do with a drunken sailor early in the

      Angela: Hey, come inside and talk to me.

      Dwight: I can't. Do you want us to run aground, woman?!

      Darryl and Katy: [chanting] Snorkel sh*t! Snorkel sh*t!

      Roy: Whoo! Who's next? Come on, Pam! Come on! Come on!

      Pam: No, I'm not going to do that.

      Roy: Come on!

      Darryl: That's what I'm talking about!

      Pam: Hey, why don't we find like a quieter place to hang out?

      Roy: I've just gotta wait for Darryl to do his sh*t. Just a minute. Come
      on! [chanting] Darryl! Darryl!

      Pam: It's getting kind of rowdy down there.

      Jim: Yeah. [chanting] Darryl! Darryl! Darryl!

      Pam: Sometimes I just don't get Roy.

      Jim: Well...

      Pam: I mean, I don't know. So... what's it like dating a cheerleader?

      Jim: Oh, um... [A long silence.]

      Pam: I'm cold.

      Captain Jack: So, what's this presentation all about?

      Michael: Ah! See, this is of general interest. It is about priorities and
      making decisions, using the boat as an analogy. What is important to you?
      If the boat is sinking, what do you save?

      Captain Jack: Women and children.

      Michael: No, no. Salesmen and profit centers.

      Captain Jack: That's a stupid analogy.

      Michael: Okay, well, obviously you don't know anything about leadership.

      Captain Jack: Well, I was the captain of a PC-1 Cyclone Coastal Patrol
      Boat during Desert Storm.

      Dwight: Wow. You should be the motivational speaker.

      Michael: Okay.

      Dwight: Yeah. He gives me real responsibility, Michael. Captain Jack
      delegates. He's let me steer the ship for the last hour.

      Katy: I'd like to be engaged. How did you manage to pull that off?

      Pam: Uh, I've been engaged for three years, and there's no end in sight.
      So... you don't wanna ask my advice.

      Captain Jack: Suppose your office building's on fire. Jim, who would you

      Jim: Um... let's see, uh... The customer. Because the customer is king.

      Michael: Not what I was looking for, but a good thought.

      Captain Jack: He's just sucking up!

      Roy: When you were in the Navy, did you ever almost die?

      Captain Jack: Oh yeah, oh yeah. And I wasn't thinking about some customer.
      I was thinking about my first wife. The day I got back on shore, I married

      Jim: You know what? I would save the receptionist. I just wanted to clear
      that up.

      Roy: Hello, everybody, could I have your attention for just a second?
      Could you listen to me for a second? We were up at the front, and we were
      talking about what's really important, and... Pam, I think enough is
      enough. I think we should set a date for our wedding. How about June 10th?
      Come on, let's do it! Come on, Pam!

      Michael: I don't want to take credit for this, but Roy and I were just
      having a conversation about making commitments and making choices. Right?
      Did I motivate you?

      Roy: No, it was Captain Jack.

      Michael: Well... could have been either one of us, because we were pretty
      much saying the same thing. Congratulations. That is great!

      Captain Jack: We gotta celebrate! Hey, I got an idea, I got an idea. I can
      marry you right now, as captain of the ship!

      Michael: Yes! I can marry you as regional manager of Dunder-Mifflin!

      Pam: No, no, I want my mom and dad to be there.

      Michael: Then I'll give you away!

      Pam: No, thank you.

      Katy: Do you think that'll ever be us?

      Jim: No.

      Katy: What is wrong with you? Why did you even bring me here tonight?

      Jim: I don't know. Let's break up.

      Katy: Whoa. What?

      Captain Jack: This is where Captain Jack drives the boat.

      Meredith: Wow!

      Dwight: Seasick? Captain Jack says you should look at the Moon.

      Michael: Captain Jack is a fart face. I'm on medication.

      Brenda: Really? What?

      Michael: Vomicillin. Okay. All right. It's time to be boss. It's time to
      motivate. Let's blow some minds here. Okay, guys, guys, cool it.
      Everybody, Dunder-Mifflin Scranton employees, Brenda, I have some very,
      very urgent news I need to tell everybody right now. Listen up. The ship
      is sinking! Okay? We're going down, right now. Just wrap your heads around
      the reality of that. Shh, please! Everybody, it's my turn now, okay?
      Captain Jack is gone. In five minutes, this ship is going to be at the
      bottom of the lake! And there aren't enough spaces on the lifeboat! Who
      are we gonna save? Do we save sales? Do we save customer service? Do we
      save accounting? This is a business scenario. Right? It's a scary... it's

      Captain Jack: Hey! Hey! What the hell is going on here?

      Michael: It's a predicament, and it's something that each and every one of
      us has to think about.

      Michael: I'm in the brig. See? The boat's not as corporate-friendly as
      advertised. What was the deal with the guy jumping overboard? What was...
      if he had just waited and heard what I had to say, he would be motivated
      right now and not all wet.

      Michael: Is somebody there?

      Jim: What happened to you?

      Michael: Captain Jack has a problem with authority.

      Jim: Oh, right, because you announced that his ship was sinking?

      Michael: He just totally lost it. If you ask me, he caused the panic.

      Jim: What a night.

      Michael: Well, it's nice for you. Your friend got engaged.

      Jim: She was always engaged.

      Michael: Roy said the first one didn't count.

      Jim: That's... great. You know, to tell the truth, I used to have a big
      thing for Pam, so...

      Michael: Really? You're kidding me. You and Pam? Wow. I would have never
      have put you two together. You really hid it well. God! I usually have a
      radar for stuff like that. You know, I made out with Jan...

      Jim: Yeah, I know.

      Michael: Yeah? Yep. Well, Pam is cute.

      Jim: Yeah. She's really funny, and she's warm. And she's just... well,

      Michael: Well, if you like her so much, don't give up.

      Jim: She's engaged.

      Michael: BFD. Engaged ain't married.

      Jim: Huh.

      Michael: Never, ever, ever give up.

      Dwight: Don't worry, Michael. I'm taking us to shore.

      Michael: It's a fake wheel, dummy.
  - text: >


      Lawrence, Kansas

      22 years ago

      These scenes are definitively dated to 2 Nov 2005.

      Crickets chirp. A large deciduous tree with no leaves stands outside one
      of several suburban homes.


      A Woman, Mary Winchester, wearing a white nightgown, carries a SMALL
      CHILD, her son Dean, into a dark room.

      Mary: Come on, let's say good night to your brother.

      Mary turns on the lights: it's the nursery of a BABY, Sam, who is lying in
      his crib and looking over at Mary and Dean. Mary sets Dean down. Dean
      leans over the side of the crib and kisses Sam on the forehead.

      Dean: 'Night, Sam.

      Mary leans over Sam as well.

      Mary: Good night, love.

      Mary brushes Sam's hair back and kisses his forehead.

      Man: Hey, Dean.

      Dean turns. The Man in the doorway wearing a USMC T-shirt is John. Dean
      rushes over to him.

      Dean: Daddy!

      John: Hey, buddy.

      John scoops Dean up.

      John: So what do you think? You think Sammy's ready to toss around a
      football yet?

      Dean shakes his head, laughing.

      Dean: No, Daddy.

      John laughs.

      John: No.

      Mary passes John and Dean on the way out of the room.

      Mary: You got him?

      John: I got him.

      John hugs Dean closer.

      John: Sweet dreams, Sam.

      John carries Dean out of the room, flipping off the lights. Sam watches
      them go, gurgling, then tries to reach his toes.

      The baseball-themed mobile above Sam's crib begins to spin on its own
      while Sam watches. The transportation-themed clock on the wall ticks,
      ticks, stops. The moon-shaped nightlight flickers.


      Lights flicker on a baby monitor sitting on a nightstand next to a photo
      of Mary and John. Strange noises come through the monitor. Mary, asleep in
      bed, stirs. She turns on the light on the nightstand.

      Mary: John?

      Mary turns: she's alone. She gets up.


      Mary walks down the hall to Sam's nursery. John, seen only in silhouette,
      stands over Sam's crib.

      Mary: John? Is he hungry?

      John turns his head.

      Man: Shhh.

      Mary: All right.

      Mary heads back down the hallway. The light by the stairs is flickering.
      Mary frowns and goes to tap at it till the light steadies.

      Mary: Hm.

      More flickering light is coming from downstairs: Mary investigates. A w*r
      movie is on TV and John has fallen asleep watching it. If John is here,
      Mary realizes, then the Man upstairs cannot be John and must be a danger.
      She runs back upstairs.

      Mary: Sammy! Sammy!

      Mary enters Sam's nursery and stops short.


      Upstairs, Mary screams. John wakes up.

      John: Mary?

      John scrambles out of the chair.

      John: Mary!

      John runs upstairs.


      John bursts through the closed door of the nursery.

      John: Mary.

      The room is quiet and appears empty except for Sam awake in his crib and
      John. John glances around and pushes down the side of Sam's crib.

      John: Hey, Sammy. You okay?

      Something dark drips next to Sam. John touches it. Two more drops land on
      the back of John's hand. It looks like blood. John looks up. Mary is
      sprawled across the ceiling, the stomach of her nightgown red with blood,
      staring at John and struggling to breathe. John collapses onto the floor,
      staring at Mary.

      John: No! Mary!

      Mary bursts into flame. The fire spreads over the ceiling. John stares,
      frozen. Sam wails. John, reminded he's not alone, gets up and scoops Sam
      out of his crib and rushes out of the room.


      Dean is awake and coming to investigate.

      Dean: Daddy!

      John shoves Sam at Dean.

      John: Take your brother outside as fast as you can and don't look back!
      Now, Dean, go!

      Dean turns and runs. John turns back to the nursery.

      John: Mary!

      The entire room is on fire. Mary herself can barely be seen.

      John: No!


      Dean runs outside, holding Sam.

      Dean: It's okay, Sammy.

      Dean turns to look up at Sam's window, which is lit with gold.

      John runs outside, scoops up Dean and Sam, and carries them both away.

      John: I gotcha.

      Fire explodes out of Sam's nursery window.


      The Lawrence fire department has arrived. A FIREFIGHTER gets out of a fire
      truck and takes over at the gauges for another firefighter.

      Firefighter: I got it. You go hold the line up.

      The second firefighter goes to the back of the truck and takes a hose from
      a third firefighter. That firefighter takes the hose towards the house
      where a fourth firefighter is spraying through Sam's nursery window. A
      paramedic opens the back of an ambulance. A Police Officer waves some
      neighbors back.

      Officer: Stay back. You have to stay back.

      Across the street from the house, John and Dean sit on the hood of John's
      Impala, John holding Sam. John looks up at the remnants of the fire.

      ACT ONE

      Stanford University

      Present Day

      It is 31 Oct 2005.

      'Gasoline' by Ginger begins to play.



      Young Woman: Sam!

      The Young Woman, Jess, comes around a corner; she is wearing a sexy-nurse
      costume and adjusting her hat. The photo of Mary and John from earlier is
      on the dresser.

      Jess: Get a move on, would you?

      Music: I've been sh*t from a cannon

      Jess: We were supposed to be there like fifteen minutes ago.

      Jess walks off.

      Jess: Sam!

      Music: I'm a human cannonball

      Jess: You coming or what?



      A Young Man pokes his head around the corner; this is Sam. He's wearing
      jeans and three shirts, not a costume.

      Sam: Do I have to?

      Jess: Yes!

      Music: I'm gonna fly high

      Jess: It'll be fun.

      Sam comes into the room.

      Jess: And where's your costume?

      Music: I'm gonna fall fall fall

      Sam laughs and ducks his head.


      Sam: You know how I feel about Halloween.


      INT. BAR - NIGHT

      Classic's 'What Cha Gonna Do' begins to play.

      Music: Show me whatcha gonna do

      Yeah whatcha gonna do

      Are you trying to get in

      Yeah whatcha gonna do

      The bar is decorated for Halloween (including a gargoyle with cobwebs and
      a baseball hat that says 'GET NAKED'). Someone pours someone else a sh*t.
      Everyone is in costume.

      Guest Starring

      Sarah SHAHI

      Music: Are you gonna ride

      Jess raises a glass as a Young Man in a ghoul costume, Luis, comes up to
      the table where Sam and Jess are. Sam is still not in costume.

      Jess: So here's to Sam-

      Music: Baby


      Jess: -and his awesome LSAT victory.

      Sam: All right, all right, it's not that big a deal.

      Jess, Sam, and Luis clink glasses.

      Jess: Yeah, he acts all humble.


      Jess: But he scored a one seventy-four.

      Luis drinks his sh*t and so does Sam.

      Luis: Is that good?


      Jess: Scary good.

      Jess drinks.

      Luis: So there you go. You are a first-round draft pick. You can go to any
      law school you want!

      Luis sits next to Sam.

      R.D. CALL

      Sam: Actually, I got an interview here. Monday. If it goes okay I think I
      got a sh*t at a full ride next year.

      Jess: Hey. It's gonna go great.

      Sam: It better.


      Luis: How does it feel to be the golden boy of your family?

      Sam: Ah, they don't know.

      Luis: Oh, no, I would be gloating! Why not?

      Sam: Because we're not exactly the Bradys.

      Luis: And I'm not exactly the Huxtables. More shots?

      Jess and Sam speak in chorus.

      Jess and Sam: No. No.

      Sam: No.

      Luis goes up to the bar anyway.

      Jess: No, seriously. I'm proud of you. And you're gonna knock 'em dead on



      Jess: -and you're gonna get that full ride. I know it.

      Sam: What would I do without you?

      Jess: Crash and burn.

      Jess smiles and pulls Sam in for a kiss.

      Music: Are you trying to get in

      Yeah whatcha gonna do



      Music: Are you gonna ride baby

      Supervising Producer

      PETER JohnSON

      Sam and Jess lie in bed, asleep back to back. Jess shifts position.

      Executive Producer


      A sound outside the room, like a window opening. Sam opens his eyes.


      Sam leaves the bedroom and looks around the apartment.

      Executive Producer


      A window is open; earlier it must have been closed. Footsteps. A Man walks
      past the strings of beads at the far end of the hall. Sam moves to another
      part of the apartment and waits. The Man enters the room. Sam lunges
      forward and grabs the Man at the shoulder. The Man knocks Sam's arm away
      and aims a strike at Sam, who ducks. The Man grabs Sam's arm, swings him
      around, and shoves him back. Sam kicks and is blocked, then pushed back
      into another room. If the Man hadn't seen Sam's face before, he sees it
      now; Sam gets his first glimpse of the Man. The Man elbows Sam in the
      face; Sam kicks at his head. The Man ducks and swings and Sam blocks. The
      Man knocks Sam down and pins him to the floor, one hand at Sam's neck and
      the other holding Sam's wrist.

      Man: Whoa, easy, tiger.

      Sam breathes hard.

      Sam: Dean?

      Dean laughs.

      Sam: You scared the crap out of me!

      Dean: That's 'cause you're out of practice.

      Sam grabs Dean's hand and yanks, slamming his heel into Dean's back and
      Dean to the floor.

      Dean: Or not.

      Sam taps Dean twice where Sam is holding him.

      Dean: Get off of me.

      Sam rolls to his feet and pulls Dean up.

      Sam: What the hell are you doing here?

      Dean: Well, I was looking for a beer.

      Produced by


      Dean puts his hands on Sam's shoulders, shakes once, and lets go.

      Sam: What the hell are you doing here?

      Dean: Okay. All right. We gotta talk.

      Created by


      Sam: Uh, the phone?

      Dean: If I'd'a called, would you have picked up?

      Jess turns the light on. She is wearing very short shorts and a cropped
      Smurfs shirt.

      Jess: Sam?

      Sam and Dean turn their heads in unison.

      Sam: Jess. Hey. Dean, this is my girlfriend, Jessica.

      Dean looks at her appreciatively.

      Jess: Wait, your brother Dean?

      Jess smiles. Sam nods. Dean grins at her and moves closer.

      Dean: Oh, I love the Smurfs. You know, I gotta tell you. You are
      completely out of my brother's league.

      Jess: Just let me put something on.

      Jess turns to go. Dean's voice stops her.

      Written by


      Dean: No, no, no, I wouldn't dream of it. Seriously.

      Dean goes back over to Sam without taking his eyes off Jess. Sam watches
      him, his expression stony.

      Dean: Anyway, I gotta borrow your boyfriend here, talk about some private
      family business.

      Directed by


      Dean: But, uh, nice meeting you.

      Sam: No.

      Sam goes over to Jess and puts an arm around her.

      Sam: No, whatever you want to say, you can say it in front of her.

      Dean: Okay.

      Dean turns to look at them both straight on.

      Dean: Um. Dad hasn't been home in a few days.

      Sam: So he's working overtime on a Miller Time shift. He'll stumble back
      in sooner or later.

      Dean ducks his head and looks back up.

      Dean: Dad's on a hunting trip. And he hasn't been home in a few days.

      Sam's expression doesn't change while he takes this in. Jess glances up at

      Sam: Jess, excuse us. We have to go outside.



      Sam and Dean head downstairs. Sam has put on jeans and a hoodie.

      Sam: I mean, come on. You can't just break in, middle of the night, and
      expect me to hit the road with you.

      Dean: You're not hearing me, Sammy. Dad's missing. I need you to help me
      find him.

      Sam: You remember the poltergeist in Amherst? Or the Devil's Gates in
      Clifton? He was missing then, too. He's always missing, and he's always

      Dean stops and turns around. Sam stops too.

      Dean: Not for this long. Now are you gonna come with me or not?

      Sam: I'm not.

      Dean: Why not?

      Sam: I swore I was done hunting. For good.

      Dean: Come on. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't that bad.

      Dean starts downstairs again. Sam follows.

      Sam: Yeah? When I told Dad I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave
      me a .45.

      Dean stops at the door to the outside.

      Dean: Well, what was he supposed to do?

      Sam: I was nine years old! He was supposed to say, don't be afraid of the

      Dean: Don't be afraid of the dark? Are you kidding me? Of course you
      should be afraid of the dark. You know what's out there.

      Sam: Yeah, I know, but still. The way we grew up, after Mom was k*ll, and
      Dad's obsession to find the thing that k*ll her.

      Dean glances outside.

      Sam: But we still haven't found the damn thing. So we k*ll everything we

      Dean: We save a lot of people doing it, too.

      A pause.

      Sam: You think Mom would have wanted this for us?

      Dean rolls his eyes and slams the door open.


      There's a short flight of stairs from the door to the parking lot. Dean
      and Sam climb it.

      Sam: The w*apon training, and melting the silver into b*ll*ts? Man, Dean,
      we were raised like warriors.

      They cross the parking lot to the Impala from the prologue.

      Dean: So what are you gonna do? You're just gonna live some normal, apple
      pie life? Is that it?

      Sam: No. Not normal. Safe.

      Dean: And that's why you ran away.

      Dean looks away.

      Sam: I was just going to college. It was Dad who said if I was gonna go I
      should stay gone. And that's what I'm doing.

      Dean: Yeah, well, Dad's in real trouble right now. If he's not dead
      already. I can feel it.

      Sam is silent.

      Dean: I can't do this alone.

      Sam: Yes you can.

      Dean looks down.

      Dean: Yeah, well, I don't want to.

      Sam sighs and looks down, thinking, then up.

      Sam: What was he hunting?

      Dean opens the trunk of the Impala, then the spare-tire compartment. It's
      an arsenal. He props the compartment open with a g*n and digs through the

      Dean: All right, let's see, where the hell did I put that thing?

      Sam: So when Dad left, why didn't you go with him?

      Dean: I was working my own gig. This, uh, voodoo thing, down in New

      Sam: Dad let you go on a hunting trip by yourself?

      Dean looks over at Sam.

      Dean: I'm twenty-six, dude.

      Dean pulls some papers out of a folder.

      Dean: All right, here we go. So Dad was checking out this two-lane
      blacktop just outside of Jericho, California. About a month ago, this guy.

      Dean hands one of the papers to Sam.

      Dean: They found his car, but he vanished. Completely MIA.

      The paper is a printout of an article from the Jericho Herald, headlined
      'Centennial Highway Disappearance' and dated Sept. 19th 2005; it has a
      man's picture, captioned 'Andrew Carey MISSING'. Sam reads it and glances

      Sam: So maybe he was kidnapped.

      Dean: Yeah. Well, here's another one in April.

      Dean tosses down another Jericho Heraldarticle for each date he mentions.

      Dean: Another one in December 'oh-four, 'oh-three, 'ninety-eight,
      'ninety-two, ten of them over the past twenty years.

      Dean takes the article back from Sam and picks up the rest of the stack,
      putting them back in the folder.

      Dean: All men, all the Same five-mile stretch of road.

      Dean pulls a bag out of another part of the arsenal.

      Dean: It started happening more and more, so Dad went to go dig around.
      That was about three weeks ago. I hadn't heard from him since, which is
      bad enough.

      Dean grabs a handheld tape recorder.

      Dean: Then I get this voicemail yesterday.

      He presses play. The recording is staticky and the signal was clearly
      breaking up.

      John: Dean...something big is starting to happen...I need to try and
      figure out what's going on. It may... Be very careful, Dean. We're all in

      Dean presses stop.

      Sam: You know there's EVP on that?

      Dean: Not bad, Sammy. Kinda like riding a bike, isn't it?

      Sam shakes his head.

      Dean: All right. I slowed the message down, I ran it through a gold wave,
      took out the hiss, and this is what I got.

      He presses play again.

      Woman: I can never go home...

      Dean presses stop.

      Sam: Never go home.

      Dean drops the recorder, puts down the g*n, stands straight, and shuts the
      trunk, then leans on it.

      Dean: You know, in almost two years I've never bothered you, never asked
      you for a thing.

      Sam looks away and sighs, then looks back.

      Sam: All right. I'll go. I'll help you find him.

      Dean nods.

      Sam: But I have to get back first thing Monday. Just wait here.

      Sam turns to go back to the apartment. He turns back when Dean speaks.

      Dean: What's first thing Monday?

      Sam: I have this...I have an interview.

      Dean: What, a job interview? Skip it.

      Sam: It's a law school interview, and it's my whole future on a plate.

      Dean: Law school?

      Dean smirks.

      Sam: So we got a deal or not?

      Dean says nothing.



      Sam is packing a duffel bag. He pulls out a large hook-shaped knife and
      slides it inside. Jess comes into the room.

      Jess: Wait, you're taking off?

      Sam looks up.

      Sam: Is this about your dad? Is he all right?

      Sam: Yeah. You know, just a little family drama.

      Sam goes over to the dresser and turns on the lamp atop it.

      Jess: Your brother said he was on some kind of hunting trip.

      Jess sits on the bed. Sam rummages in one of the drawers and comes out
      with a couple shirts, which go in the duffel.

      Sam: Oh, yeah, he's just deer hunting up at the cabin, he's probably got
      Jim, Jack, and José along with him. I'm just going to go bring him back.

      Jess: What about the interview?

      Sam: I'll make the interview. This is only for a couple days.

      Sam goes around the bed. Jess gets up and follows.

      Jess: Sam, I mean, please.

      Sam stops and turns.

      Jess: Just stop for a second. You sure you're okay?

      Sam laughs a little.

      Sam: I'm fine.

      Jess: It's just...you won't even talk about your family. And now you're
      taking off in the middle of the night to spend a weekend with them? And
      with Monday coming up, which is kind of a huge deal.

      Sam: Hey. Everything's going to be okay. I will be back in time, I

      He kisses her on the cheek and leaves.

      Jess: At least tell me where you're going.
  - generated_from_trainer
  - rouge
  - name: led-base-16384-finetuned-summscreen-bestval-100-genlen-10-epochs
    results: []


This model is a fine-tuned version of allenai/led-base-16384 on the SummScreen dataset. It achieves the following results on the evaluation set:

  • Loss: 3.1833
  • Rouge1: 31.6225
  • Rouge2: 6.7688
  • Rougel: 18.5526
  • Rougelsum: 27.3033
  • Gen Len: 81.8209

Model description

More information needed

Intended uses & limitations

More information needed

Training and evaluation data

More information needed

Training procedure

Training hyperparameters

The following hyperparameters were used during training:

  • learning_rate: 1e-05
  • train_batch_size: 1
  • eval_batch_size: 1
  • seed: 42
  • optimizer: Adam with betas=(0.9,0.999) and epsilon=1e-08
  • lr_scheduler_type: linear
  • num_epochs: 10
  • mixed_precision_training: Native AMP

Training results

Training Loss Epoch Step Validation Loss Rouge1 Rouge2 Rougel Rougelsum Gen Len
3.1147 0.99 3500 3.0409 30.2997 6.0055 17.6836 26.3062 92.0363
2.7805 1.99 7000 2.9981 31.0651 6.1553 18.2326 26.6136 84.1678
2.6362 2.98 10500 3.0013 31.0598 6.4268 18.3805 26.7816 81.1338
2.4646 3.98 14000 3.0267 31.46 6.5898 18.5842 27.165 83.4966
2.2546 4.97 17500 3.0448 31.4952 6.3709 18.2124 27.111 86.1701
2.1432 5.97 21000 3.0840 31.6475 6.663 18.504 27.2444 81.3583
2.0585 6.96 24500 3.1105 31.3432 6.7862 18.4461 27.0081 76.4671
1.9243 7.96 28000 3.1558 31.5712 6.6456 18.3928 27.2066 81.1769
1.8828 8.95 31500 3.1686 31.6361 6.4783 18.4167 27.2049 83.0658
1.8403 9.95 35000 3.1833 31.6225 6.7688 18.5526 27.3033 81.8209

Framework versions

  • Transformers 4.26.0
  • Pytorch 1.13.1
  • Datasets 2.9.0
  • Tokenizers 0.13.2