lora / sdxl /darkness /README.md
JujoHotaru's picture

暗闇化 / Darkness


Using only prompts, it is difficult to render characters and backgrounds as dark while keeping only light sources bright (such as lamps, the moon, and stars). This LoRA enables to generate such images.

使い方 / How to use

必須ではありませんが、darknessdark skyなど暗さを示すプロンプトを追加すると効果が高まります。
キャラクターの目を光らせる場合はglowing eyesを追加してください。

It works simply by enabling the LoRA, so basically no additional prompts are necessary. But adding prompts such as darkness or dark sky to indicate darkness can lead to better results.
If you want to make the character's eyes glow, add glowing eyes.
The level of darkness can be adjusted by the LoRA weight. For a darker effect, increase the weight. The upper limit is around 2.0.

ダウンロード / Download

適用サンプル / Sample gallery

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