lora / hetechro /README.md
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オッドアイ固定化補助 (Heterochromia helper)


The color and left-right combination of the heterochromia eyes can be fixed.
Total of 12 combinations of four colors (blue, green, yellow, and red), each with left and right sides, are available.
There are a few quirks to using this LoRA. Please refer to the "Usage" section.

ダウンロード (Download)


The file to be used depends on the color and the combination of left and right eyes.
There are a total of 12 combinations of the four colors on the left and right sides.
For example, the file name "BR" is a combination of "Blue" for the right eye and "Red" for the left eye, and "RB" is the opposite: "Blue" for the left eye and "Red" for the right eye.

使い方 (Usage)

LoRAを有効にした上で、プロンプトでheterochromia with AAA and BBB(AAAとBBBは使用する色、blue / green / yellow / redのいずれか)を記述してください。

With LoRA enabled, use prompt heterochromia with AAA and BBB. AAA and BBB are the colors to be used, blue / green / yellow / red.


If heterochromia eyes are not reproduced, strengthen only the word heterochromia in the prompt. (does not apply after "with ...").
Try an intensity of about 1.1 to 1.3.

(heterochromia:1.2) with blue and red


If the color combination is reversed, try increasing the strength of LoRA to about 1.5 to 2.


If the color is wrong (e.g., yellow becomes orange), strengthen only the color word in the prompt.
Try an intensity of about 1.1 to 1.3.

heterochromia with (yellow:1.2) and green

If you want to limit the effect on composition, use LoRA block weight as below. However, it may not work well.


サンプル ギャラリー (Sample gallery)