ItsJayQz's picture
- en
license: creativeml-openrail-m
- stable-diffusion
- text-to-image
- diffusers
- Pop Art
- Roy Lichenstein
- 1970s
inference: true
## Roy PopArt Diffusion
This is a SD1.5 model trained on pop arts made by the one and only Roy Lichenstein (And some other pop arts).
The model can only really do portraits, and even then, to get decent looking results, you do have to tinker with the prompt/create more samples.
Occasionally, it still makes realistic looking people with pop art background. For the time being, the best thing you can do is to simply adjust the prompt and/or rerun it.
There are definitely a lot of things I can do to improve the model, but I haven't got around to doing that.
Please check out important informations on the usage of the model down bellow.
To reference the art style, use the token: roypop style
There is already an existing model that uses textual inversion. This is trained using Dreambooth instead, whether or not this method is better, I will let you judge.
### Gradio
We support a [Gradio]( Web UI to run Roy_PopArt_Diffusion:
[![Open In Spaces](](
Prompt used:
portrait of *name* in roypop style, digital art, trending on artstation, highly detailed, fine detail, intricate
negative: cartoon, 3d, ((disfigured)), ((bad art)), ((deformed)), ((poorly drawn)), ((extra limbs)), blurry
Guidance: 8
Steps: 50 using DDIM
I'm not a prompt wizard so you can probably get better results with some tuning.
- This was created entirely for research, and entertainment purpose.
- I did not plan, or is planning on turning this model into a commercial product, or use for commercial purposes.
- I do not condone the usage of the model for making counterfeit products.
- This model is under Creative OpenRAIL-M.
- This means the model can be used royalty-free, and flexible with the model usage, such as redistribution of the model, or of any derivatives of the model.
- However, there are restrictions on the openess of the license.
More info into the restrictions can be found [here](
- By using/downloading the model, you are responsible for:
- All outputs/usage of the model.
- Understanding the Disclaimers.
- Upholding the terms of the license.
Thanks for checking out the model!