This-and-That-1.1 / gesturenet /train_image2video_gesturenet.yaml
HikariDawn777's picture
reafctor: rename
# Model Setting
pretrained_model_name_or_path: stabilityai/stable-video-diffusion-img2vid # stabilityai/pretrained
load_unet_path: ../model_weights/ROB_regular_weights/v4_VL_paper/checkpoint-99000 # None/specific path This is for pretrained-UNet path
load_controlnet_path: # None/specific path For checkpoint loaded from pretrained-Controlnet Path
video_seq_length: 14
process_fps: 7
train_noise_aug_strength: 0.1
scheduler: EDM
conditioning_dropout_prob: 0.1
# Dataset Setting
data_loader_type: thisthat # thisthat
dataset_name: Bridge # Bridge
dataset_path: [../sanity_check/bridge_v1_TT14, ../sanity_check/bridge_v2_TT14] # ../Bridge_filter_flow, ../Bridge_v2_filter_flow/]
output_dir: checkpoints/img2video
height: 256 # Ratio that is functional: 256:384 576:1024 320:448 320:576 512:640 448:640
width: 384 # It is said that the height and width should be a scale of 64
dataloader_num_workers: 4 # For Debug, it only needs 1
flip_aug_prob: 0.45 # Whether we flip the GT and cond vertically
# No acceleration_tolerance, since TT dataset already filter those out
# Text setting
use_text: True # If this is True, we will use text value
pretrained_tokenizer_name_or_path: stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1-base # Use SD 2.1
empty_prompts_proportion: 0.0
mix_ambiguous: False # Whether we mix ambiguous prompt for "this" and "that"
# Mask setting
mask_unet_vae: False # Whether we use mask to map latents to be zero padding
mask_controlnet_vae: False
mask_proportion: 0.0
# Condition Setting
conditioning_channels: 3 # Usually it is 3
num_points_left: # 1 # For flow: You can only choose one between flow_select_rate and num_points_left; num_points_left should be higher priority
flow_select_rate: 0.99 # For flow
threshold_factor: 0.2 # For flow
dilate: True # Traj must be True for dilate
inner_conditioning_scale: 1.0 # Conditioning scale for the internal value, defauly is starting from 1.0
outer_conditioning_scale: 1.0 # Outer Conditioning Scale for whole conditioning trainable copy 这里有点意思,直接不小心设定成2.0了
# Motion setting
motion_bucket_id: 200
dataset_motion_mean: 25 # For 14 fps, it is N(25, 10)
dataset_motion_std: 10 # For 25 fps, it is N(18, 7)
svd_motion_mean: 180
svd_motion_std: 30
# Training setting
resume_from_checkpoint: False # latest/False
num_train_iters: 30100 # Will automatically choose the checkpoints
partial_finetune: False # Whether we just tune some params to speed up
train_batch_size: 1 # This is the batch size per GPU
checkpointing_steps: 3000
validation_step: 300
logging_name: logging
seed: 42
validation_img_folder: datasets/validation_TT14
validation_store_folder: validation_videos
checkpoints_total_limit: 15
# Noise Strength
noise_mean: 0.5 # Regular Img2Video: (0.7, 1.6); Text2Video: (0.5, 1.4)
noise_std: 1.4
# Inference
num_inference_steps: 25
use_instructpix2pix: False # Whether we will use the instructPix2Pix mode, which involves 3 inputs; it may needs tuning to have better result at the end.
inference_noise_aug_strength: 0.1
inference_max_guidance_scale: 3.0 # Take training and testing at different scenario
inference_guess_mode: False # Whether we use guess mode in the contorlnet
image_guidance_scale: 2.5 # Empirically, 2.5 is the best value Seems not using this now
# Learning Rate and Optimizer
learning_rate: 5e-6 # 5e-6 is the LR we test that is just right
scale_lr: False # TODO: Is it needed to scale the learning rate?
adam_beta1: 0.9
adam_beta2: 0.999
use_8bit_adam: True # Need this to save more memory
adam_weight_decay: 1e-2
adam_epsilon: 1e-08
lr_warmup_steps: 500
lr_decay_scale: 0.5
# Other Setting
mixed_precision: fp16
gradient_accumulation_steps: 1 # ????
gradient_checkpointing: 1 # ????
report_to: tensorboard