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  - is
  - en
  - translation
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Translation model for is-en OPUS_HPLT v1.0

This repository contains the model weights for translation models trained with Marian for HPLT project. For usage instructions, evaluation scripts, and inference scripts, please refer to the HPLT-MT-Models v1.0 GitHub repository.

  • Source language: is
  • Target language: en
  • Dataset: All of OPUS including HPLT
  • Model: transformer-base
  • Tokenizer: SentencePiece (Unigram)
  • Cleaning: We use OpusCleaner for cleaning the corpus. Details about rules used can be found in the filter files in Github

To run inference with Marian, refer to the Inference/Decoding/Translation section of our GitHub repository.


testset BLEU chr-F comet
flores200 31.5 55.5 0.8763
ntrex 30.1 54.6 0.88