Arc2Face /
FoivosPar's picture
dfdcf42 verified
license: mit
- en
library_name: diffusers
# Arc2Face Model Card
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[**Project Page**]( **|** [**Paper (ArXiv)**]( **|** [**Code**]( **|** [🤗 **Gradio demo**](
## Introduction
Arc2Face is an ID-conditioned face model, that can generate diverse, ID-consistent photos of a person given only its ArcFace ID-embedding.
It is trained on a restored version of the WebFace42M face recognition database, and is further fine-tuned on FFHQ and CelebA-HQ.
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<img src='assets/samples_short.jpg'>
## Model Details
It consists of 2 components:
- encoder, a finetuned CLIP ViT-L/14 model
- arc2face, a finetuned UNet model
both of which are fine-tuned from [runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5](
The encoder is tailored for projecting ID-embeddings to the CLIP latent space.
Arc2Face adapts the pre-trained backbone to the task of ID-to-face generation, conditioned solely on ID vectors.
## ControlNet (pose)
We also provide a ControlNet model trained on top of Arc2Face for pose control.
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<img src='assets/controlnet_short.jpg'>
## Usage
The models can be downloaded directly from this repository or using python:
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
hf_hub_download(repo_id="FoivosPar/Arc2Face", filename="arc2face/config.json", local_dir="./models")
hf_hub_download(repo_id="FoivosPar/Arc2Face", filename="arc2face/diffusion_pytorch_model.safetensors", local_dir="./models")
hf_hub_download(repo_id="FoivosPar/Arc2Face", filename="encoder/config.json", local_dir="./models")
hf_hub_download(repo_id="FoivosPar/Arc2Face", filename="encoder/pytorch_model.bin", local_dir="./models")
hf_hub_download(repo_id="FoivosPar/Arc2Face", filename="controlnet/config.json", local_dir="./models")
hf_hub_download(repo_id="FoivosPar/Arc2Face", filename="controlnet/diffusion_pytorch_model.safetensors", local_dir="./models")
Please check our [GitHub repository]( for complete inference instructions.
## Limitations and Bias
- Only one person per image can be generated.
- Poses are constrained to the frontal hemisphere, similar to FFHQ images.
- The model may reflect the biases of the training data or the ID encoder.
## Citation
title={Arc2Face: A Foundation Model of Human Faces},
author={Foivos Paraperas Papantoniou and Alexandros Lattas and Stylianos Moschoglou and Jiankang Deng and Bernhard Kainz and Stefanos Zafeiriou},