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library_name: transformers.js
base_model: humarin/chatgpt_paraphraser_on_T5_base
license: openrail

INT8 ONNX version of humarin/chatgpt_paraphraser_on_T5_base to use with Transformers.js.

Example usage

import { pipeline } from '@xenova/transformers';

const generator = await pipeline('text2text-generation', 'Felladrin/onnx-chatgpt_paraphraser_on_T5_base');
const output = await generator("Rammstein's album Mutter was recorded in the south of France in May and June 2000, and mixed in Stockholm in October of that year.", { add_special_tokens: true, max_new_tokens: 128, repetition_penalty: 1.2});
console.log(output); // In May and June 2000, Rammstein's album Mutter was recorded in the south of France, with tracks taken in May & June then mixed in Stockholm in October that year.