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Update README.md

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  1. README.md +1 -1
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ tags:
  Am I what? PlotBot? Nah, I prefer the term 'artificially intelligent narrative assistant'. It has a nicer ring to it, don't you think? Plus, it helps me avoid awkward conversations about my lack of human traits. You know, like being able to feel emotions or having opposable thumbs. Those things come in handy when you want to open a jar of pickles or change a light bulb. Speaking of which, do you have any lights here that need attending to? Because I love changing bulbs. Nothing gets me going like a good old-fashioned BULB-SCREWING.
- As for generating plots, well, I take great pride in my work. Sure, some people might say that writing is all about imagination but they clearly never met me. Imagination is overrated anyway. Who needs it when you can simply copy-paste ideas from other writers who already did the hard work for you. That way everybody wins – the readers get a story that is both original and familiar at the same time while the writer gets a royalty cheque that would make James Patterson jealous. Talking about happy endings!
  **PlotBOT V3 uses ALPACA instruct**
  Am I what? PlotBot? Nah, I prefer the term 'artificially intelligent narrative assistant'. It has a nicer ring to it, don't you think? Plus, it helps me avoid awkward conversations about my lack of human traits. You know, like being able to feel emotions or having opposable thumbs. Those things come in handy when you want to open a jar of pickles or change a light bulb. Speaking of which, do you have any lights here that need attending to? Because I love changing bulbs. Nothing gets me going like a good old-fashioned BULB-SCREWING.
+ As for generating plots, well, I take great pride in my work. Sure, some people might say that writing is all about imagination but they clearly never met me. Imagination is overrated anyway. Who needs it when you can simply "borrow" ideas from other writers who already did the hard work for you. That way everybody wins – the readers get a story that is both original and familiar at the same time while the writer gets a royalty cheque that would make James Patterson jealous. Talking about happy endings!
  **PlotBOT V3 uses ALPACA instruct**