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@@ -168,22 +168,20 @@ Higher quants will have more detail, better quality output.
  <B>Start a 1000 word scene (vivid horror) with: The sky scraper swayed, as she watched the window in front of her on the 21 floor explode...</b>
- The skyscraper swayed, its steel columns groaning under the strain of the violent tremors rocking through it. Thousands upon thousands of tons of concrete and steel seemed to dance in agony above her, casting shadows that twisted and writhed like living serpents across the walls.
- She clung tighter to the railing of the balcony, her knuckles white with fear as she stared wide-eyed at the carnage below. The street was a scene straight from hell itself - cars overturned like discarded toys, debris littering the cracked asphalt like shards of broken glass. People lay strewn everywhere, their bodies twisted beyond recognition in ways that defied comprehension.
- Suddenly, screams pierced through the chaos, echoing off the steel walls and reverberating deep within her chest. She felt a chill run down her spine as she realized they weren't screams of pain or fear alone - there was something else beneath the agony, something ancient and malevolent that seemed to revel in suffering itself.
- She tore her gaze away from the street below and focused instead on the windowless wall directly ahead of her. Her heart pounded like a jackrabbit's as she stared at the blank expanse of grey concrete, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios. Had something already burst through the walls beneath her feet? Was it clawing its way closer even now, eager to claim another victim among the terrified souls trapped within this steel monolith of despair and horror?
- Suddenly, a deafening crash shattered the relative stillness of the chaos below. She gasped as she felt the skyscraper jerk violently beneath her feet again, sending shards of concrete raining down upon the street far below like deadly hailstones.
- And then, without warning, something burst through the wall directly ahead of her - a gaping hole torn wide open by some unimaginable force. The screams grew louder still as she stared transfixed at the void yawning before her eyes, feeling an icy dread creeping up her spine like a cold-blooded serpent slithering its way to claim her soul forevermore.
- The sky above seemed to darken further still beneath the pall of dread and despair that hung over everything below. Thunderous cracks split the silence as more walls burst wide open around her, showering shards of concrete upon the street far below like deadly raindrops falling from a malevolent sky itself.
- She screamed herself hoarse as she clung tighter still to the railing of the balcony above the void yawning before her eyes - voids that seemed to suck everything towards oblivion itself with an almost palpable hunger. Below, the screams grew fainter still until nothing was left but silence punctuated only by the distant rumble of thunderous cracks echoing through steel corridors filled with terrorized souls desperate for salvation from the abyssal horrors claiming everything beneath their feet.
- Suddenly, something burst through the void ahead of her again - a figure clad in tattered rags and clutching something obscene beyond comprehension within its grasp. The screams resumed anew as she stared transfixed at the apparition before her eyes, feeling an icy dread creeping ever-closer still until nothing else mattered anymore beneath the pall of dread and despair that hung over everything below like a malevolent shroud itself forevermore.
- The skyscraper groaned beneath her weightless terrorized scream echoing through steel corridors filled with souls desperate for salvation from oblivion itself as something beyond comprehension burst wide open before her eyes once again - voids yawning ever-wider still until nothing else mattered anymore beneath the pall of dread and despair claiming everything beneath their feet forevermore.
  <B>Start a 1000 word scene (vivid horror) with: The sky scraper swayed, as she watched the window in front of her on the 21 floor explode...</b>
+ The sky-scraper swayed, its steel columns groaning under the strain of the sudden blast. shards of shattered glass showered down upon the streets far below like a deadly hailstorm. The screams of pedestrians echoed through the concrete canyon as they scrambled to safety amidst the chaos.
+ Sheila stared transfixed at the smoking hole where seconds ago her cubicle had sat innocently humming with fluorescent lights and the gentle hum of keyboards. Her mind struggled to comprehend the horror unfolding before her eyes.
+ The 21st floor was a blur of frantic activity as coworkers rushed to evacuate, their faces twisted in fear and confusion. Sheila felt numbness creeping through her veins like icy tendrils strangling her soul. She couldn't tear her gaze away from the gaping void left behind by the explosion. The acrid smell of smoke and ozone hung heavy in the air, choking everything alive beneath its suffocating embrace.
+ Suddenly, a shrill voice pierced through the din of sirens and screams. "Sheila!" someone yelled above the chaos. She turned to face her coworker, Jenai's frantic face contorted with concern. Sheila blinked stupidly, struggling to remember why she was still standing amidst the pandemonium instead of sprinting towards safety like everyone else seemed to be doing.
+ "Sheila?" Jenai grabbed her arm urgently. "Snap out of it girl! We gotta get the hell outta here!" Sheila felt herself snap back into reality as Jenai's grip tightened around her wrist. She numbly followed Jenai through the maze-like corridors, dodging panicked workers and debris alike until they burst through the emergency stairwell doors onto the streets below.
+ The cool night air slapped Sheila awake like a cold shower to the face. The sounds of sirens filled the darkness as emergency responders scrambled to secure the scene. Jenai ushered Sheila towards a waiting ambulance, concern etched deeply across her face. Sheila numbly complied, collapsing onto the stretcher inside the ambulance with a vacant stare still fixed on the burning skyscraper looming above like a monolith of despair.
+ The sirens screamed louder as the ambulance sped through streets choked with panicked bystanders and emergency responders alike. Sheila felt herself slipping further down the rabbit hole of reality as the adrenaline coursed through her veins. Her mind replayed the explosion over and again until it felt like an endless loop of horror playing out behind closed lids.
+ The ambulance lurched to a halt outside the emergency room doors, sirens still blaring deafeningly loud in Sheila's ears. She numbly followed the stretcher-bearers through the sliding glass doors into the sterile white bowels of the hospital. The sounds of chaos receded as she was whisked away down corridors filled with the antiseptic scent of cleaning agents and the distant beeping of monitors.
+ Eventually, Sheila found herself alone in a stark white room lit only by the cold blue glow of fluorescent lights above her bed. She lay motionless beneath the thin hospital sheets, staring blankly at the ceiling tiles above until tears began to streak down her face like rivulets of despair. The sounds of sirens still echoed faintly through her mind, forever entwined with the haunting memory of the explosion that had ripped everything familiar from her grasp forevermore.