covidbert_mednli /
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# CovidBERT-MedNLI
This is the model **CovidBERT** trained by DeepSet on AllenAI's [CORD19 Dataset]( of scientific articles about coronaviruses.
The model uses the original BERT wordpiece vocabulary and was subsequently fine-tuned on the [SNLI]( and the [MultiNLI]( datasets using the [`sentence-transformers` library]( to produce universal sentence embeddings [1] using the **average pooling strategy** and a **softmax loss**.
It is further fine-tuned on both MedNLI datasets available at Physionet.
[ACL-BIONLP 2019](
[MedNLI from MIMIC](
Parameter details for the original training on CORD-19 are available on [DeepSet's MLFlow](
**Base model**: `deepset/covid_bert_base` from HuggingFace's `AutoModel`.