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- en
license: apache-2.0
- t5-small
- text2text-generation
- dialog state tracking
- conversational system
- task-oriented dialog
- ConvLab/multiwoz21
- ConvLab/sgd
- ConvLab/tm1
- ConvLab/tm2
- ConvLab/tm3
- Joint Goal Accuracy
- Slot F1
- name: t5-small-dst-multiwoz21_sgd_tm1_tm2_tm3
- task:
type: text2text-generation
name: dialog state tracking
type: ConvLab/multiwoz21
name: MultiWOZ 2.1
split: test
revision: 5f55375edbfe0270c20bcf770751ad982c0e6614
- type: Joint Goal Accuracy
value: 53.1
name: JGA
- type: Slot F1
value: 91.9
name: Slot F1
- task:
type: text2text-generation
name: dialog state tracking
type: ConvLab/sgd
name: SGD
split: test
revision: 6e8c79b888b21cc658cf9c0ce128d263241cf70f
- type: Joint Goal Accuracy
value: 20.6
name: JGA
- type: Slot F1
value: 60.0
name: Slot F1
- task:
type: text2text-generation
name: dialog state tracking
type: ConvLab/tm1, ConvLab/tm2, ConvLab/tm3
name: TM1+TM2+TM3
split: test
- type: Joint Goal Accuracy
value: 48.6
name: JGA
- type: Slot F1
value: 81.0
name: Slot F1
- text: "multiwoz21: user: I would like a taxi from Saint John's college to Pizza Hut Fen Ditton.\nsystem: What time do you want to leave and what time do you want to arrive by?\nuser: I want to leave after 17:15."
example_title: "MultiWOZ 2.1"
- text: "sgd: user: Hi, could you get me a restaurant booking on the 8th please?\nsystem: Any preference on the restaurant, location and time?\nuser: Could you get me a reservation at P.f. Chang's in Corte Madera at afternoon 12?"
example_title: "Schema-Guided Dialog"
- text: "tm1: user: Hi there, could you please help me with an order of Pizza?\nsystem: Sure, where would you like to order you pizza from?\nuser: I would like to order a pizza from Domino's."
example_title: "Taskmaster-1"
- text: "tm2: user: I need help finding a hotel in New Orleans.\nsystem: Okay.\nuser: I need something that's around $300 a night and it's a five star rating."
example_title: "Taskmaster-2"
- text: "tm3: user: Hi, I'm hoping to see a movie tonight.\nsystem: Great, I can assist with that. What genre of film do you prefer.\nuser: I usually like comedies."
example_title: "Taskmaster-3"
max_length: 100
# t5-small-dst-multiwoz21_sgd_tm1_tm2_tm3
This model is a fine-tuned version of [t5-small](https://huggingface.co/t5-small) on [MultiWOZ 2.1](https://huggingface.co/datasets/ConvLab/multiwoz21), [Schema-Guided Dialog](https://huggingface.co/datasets/ConvLab/sgd), [Taskmaster-1](https://huggingface.co/datasets/ConvLab/tm1), [Taskmaster-2](https://huggingface.co/datasets/ConvLab/tm2), and [Taskmaster-3](https://huggingface.co/datasets/ConvLab/tm3).
Refer to [ConvLab-3](https://github.com/ConvLab/ConvLab-3) for model description and usage.
## Training procedure
### Training hyperparameters
The following hyperparameters were used during training:
- learning_rate: 0.001
- train_batch_size: 64
- eval_batch_size: 64
- seed: 42
- gradient_accumulation_steps: 2
- total_train_batch_size: 128
- optimizer: Adafactor
- lr_scheduler_type: linear
- num_epochs: 10.0
### Framework versions
- Transformers 4.20.1
- Pytorch 1.11.0+cu113
- Datasets 2.3.2
- Tokenizers 0.12.1