Baronco98's picture
license: apache-2.0
- mnist
- en
- accuracy
library_name: keras
# Description
This model is a convolutional neural network built with transfer learning using the pre-trained model 'VGG16.' The 'block5_conv1' layer is retrained, and a final dense layer with 128 neurons is added.
The model will be used as a preliminary step in solving Sudokus through linear programming. Model It is responsible for classifying the content of each sudoku cell:
- class_0: empty cell
- class_1: cell contains the number 1
- class_2: cell contains the number 2
- class_3: cell contains the number 3
- class_4: cell contains the number 4
- class_5: cell contains the number 5
- class_6: cell contains the number 6
- class_7: cell contains the number 7
- class_8: cell contains the number 8
- class_9: cell contains the number 9
The dataset is constructed with balanced classes using images from the famous "MNIST digits classification" dataset, as well as images of numbers written digitally.
# Dataset schema
The image size it is 28x28 pixels. After applying data augmentation to the dataset, the total number of images is as follows:
- Training images: 5,600
- Validation images: 2,400
- Test images: 2,000
Test Accuracy: 0.9810
# Other validations:
An initial validation is performed. It remains pending to increase the size of the validations to understand the reliability of the mode
<div style="text-align: center;">
<img src="" width="300">
The results of the inference are as follows:
<div style="text-align: center;">
<img src="" width="500">