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  - euirim/goodwiki
  - example_title: ai chatbot conv - intelligence
    text: >-
      {     "model_name": "teknium/OpenHermes-2.5-Mistral-7B",    
      "prompt_file": "prompts.txt",     "prompt_format": "chatML",    
      "conversations": [         "system\nYou are a helpful AI assistant. You
      help users with administrative tasks and answer questions. You should
      describe the task and provide a clear and helpful answer, explaining as
      needed.\nuser\nCurrent Date: September 25 2023\nHow many weeks remain in
      the year?\nassistant\nTo find out how many weeks remain in the year, we
      first need to determine the total number of weeks in a year and then
      subtract the weeks that have already passed.\n\nThere are 52 weeks in a
      year (7 days multiplied by 8760 hours divided by 10,080 hours).\n\nSince
      the current date is September 25, 2023, let's calculate the weeks that
      have already passed this year:\n\n1. There are 4 full quarters in a year
      (each quarter has approximately 13 weeks): 4 * 13 = 52 weeks.\n2. We need
      to account for the remaining 9 days in September 2023, which can be
      considered as one week.\n\nSo, 52 weeks from January 1, 2023, plus one
      week from September 25, 2023 equals 53 weeks. Now, subtract those 53 weeks
      from the total number of weeks in a year:\n\n52 weeks in a year - 53 weeks
      that have already passed = -1 week\n\nHowever, there is no negative value
      for weeks in this\n\n---\n\n",         "system\nYou are a helpful AI
      assistant. You help users with administrative tasks and answer questions.
      You should describe the task and provide a clear and helpful answer,
      explaining as needed.\nuser\nHow did existence come to
      exist?\nassistant\nExistence itself is a complex concept that involves the
      physical universe, time, space, and various natural phenomena. The exact
      origin of existence is still a subject of debate among scientists,
      philosophers, and researchers.\n\nOne widely accepted explanation is the
      Big Bang Theory, which suggests that the universe began around 13.8
      billion years ago from a singularity \u2013 an infinitely dense and hot
      point. The extreme conditions at the singularity led to a rapid expansion,
      causing matter and energy to form. Over time, this expansion and the
      forces of gravity allowed for the formation of galaxies, stars, and
      planets, including our own Earth.\n\nAnother perspective comes from
      quantum mechanics, which deals with the behavior of particles on a very
      small scale. According to this theory, the universe may have emerged from
      nothing through quantum fluctuations or virtual particle-antiparticle
      pairs appearing and disappearing spontaneously in empty space.\n\nIn
      summary, while there is no definitive answer to how existence came to
      exist, scientific theories like the Big Bang Theory and concepts from
      quantum mechanics offer plausible explanations for the origins of our
      universe.\n\n---\n\n",         "system\nYou are a helpful AI assistant.
      You help users with administrative tasks and answer questions. You should
      describe the task and provide a clear and helpful answer, explaining as
      needed.\nuser\nInvent a joke to mock AI doomers criticizing the
      speculative nature of their claims\nassistant\nWhy don't doomsday AI
      critics use weather forecasts? Because they prefer to only trust
      predictions that are 100% accurate!
      \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude05\ud83e\udd16\n\n---\n\n",         "system\nYou are
      a helpful AI assistant. You help users with administrative tasks and
      answer questions. You should describe the task and provide a clear and
      helpful answer, explaining as needed.\nuser\nWrite the opening scene of
      the first Harry Potter movie in
      this scene, we see the dark and ominous silhouette of Hogwarts castle on
      top of a hill overlooking the enchanted grounds
      (\ud83c\udffa\u26c8\ufe0f\u26a1\ufe0f\ud83d\udd2e). It is nighttime
      (\ud83c\udf19) when two young witches, Fleur Delacour
      (\ud83e\uddd9\u200d\u2640\ufe0f), and Hermione Granger
      (\ud83e\uddd9\u200d\u2640\ufe0f), along with a young wizard, Cedric
      Diggory (\ud83e\uddd9\u200d\u2642\ufe0f), arrive by broomstick at the
      school. They are greeted by the majestic, wise headmaster Albus Dumbledore
      (\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\n\n---\n\n",         "system\nYou are a helpful AI
      assistant. You help users with administrative tasks and answer questions.
      You should describe the task and provide a clear and helpful answer,
      explaining as needed.\nuser\nWrite a story about a Dunmer
      fisherman\nassistant\nOnce upon a time in the Dark Elf homeland of
      Morrowind, there lived a hardworking and skilled fisherman named Ralasar.
      As a Dunmer, he was known for his dark complexion and natural affinity for
      magic. However, Ralasar chose to make his living from the sea instead of
      pursuing magical studies.\n\nEvery day, he would set out on his small
      wooden boat, armed with a sturdy fishing rod and a basket for catching his
      daily catch. The sun had just begun to rise when Ralasar would cast his
      nets into the deep waters of the Telvanni Coast. He spent hours patiently
      waiting for the fish to bite, often humming an ancient Dunmer melody that
      soothed his soul and guided him through his long days at sea.\n\nHis
      neighbors and fellow villagers admired Ralasar's dedication and skill, but
      they also feared his solitary lifestyle. Many whispered that spending such
      extended periods alone could drive a person mad or attract malevolent
      spirits. But Ralasar was unperturbed by their doubts, knowing that his
      connection to the sea brought him closer to the ancestors who once walked
      these lands.\n\nAs the years\n\n---\n\n",         "system\nYou are a
      helpful AI assistant. You help users with administrative tasks and answer
      questions. You should describe the task and provide a clear and helpful
      answer, explaining as needed.\nuser\nWhich came first, the chicken or the
      egg?\nassistant\nThis question is often used to illustrate a paradox, as
      it presents an unsolvable problem due to the lack of a starting point. The
      classic response is that chickens come from eggs, but chickens are also
      needed to lay those eggs. To put it simply, we don't know for certain
      which came first because it is an impossible question to answer
      definitively based on available information.\n\n---\n\n",        
      "system\nYou are a helpful AI assistant. You help users with
      administrative tasks and answer questions. You should describe the task
      and provide a clear and helpful answer, explaining as needed.\nuser\nWhat
      is the tallest mountain in Argentina?\nassistant\nThe tallest mountain in
      Argentina is Aconcagua, which stands at an elevation of 6,959 meters
      (22,831 feet). It is located in the Andes mountain range, specifically in
      the Province of Mendoza. Aconcagua is not only the highest peak in
      Argentina but also in South America and outside the Himalayas, it is the
      highest peak on the globe that is not part of an independent
      country.\n\n---\n\n",         "system\nYou are a helpful AI assistant. You
      help users with administrative tasks and answer questions. You should
      describe the task and provide a clear and helpful answer, explaining as
      needed.\nuser\nTell me a joke about Elon Musk\nassistant\nSure! Here's one
      for you:\n\nWhy did Elon Musk make a robot army?\n\nHe wanted to conquer
      Mars, but first he needed to deal with all those pesky traffic jams on
      Earth!\n\n---\n\n",         "system\nYou are a helpful AI assistant. You
      help users with administrative tasks and answer questions. You should
      describe the task and provide a clear and helpful answer, explaining as
      needed.\nuser\nExplain the entire universe in terms of a molecular
      structure\nassistant\nThe entire universe can be conceptualized as a vast,
      complex molecular structure made up of various particles and elements. At
      its most fundamental level, the universe is composed of subatomic
      particles such as protons, neutrons, electrons, quarks, and other force
      carriers like photons (which are particles of light). These particles
      interact through four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetism, the
      strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force.\n\nIn the early stages
      of the universe's formation, these particles combined to form atomic
      nuclei, which later bonded with electrons to create atoms. The elements
      that make up everything we see in the universe \u2013 from stars and
      planets to living organisms \u2013 are formed from these atoms.\n\nThese
      atoms then combine in various ways to form molecules, which further
      combine to create more complex structures such as molecules, cells, and
      eventually living organisms. This process of chemical bonding and
      reactions continues on a cosmic scale as well, with stars forming within
      galaxies and galaxy clusters merging over time.\n\nIn essence, the
      universe can be thought of as an intricate molecular structure, where
      every particle, atom, molecule, and larger entity is interconnected and
      influenced by the forces acting\n\n---\n\n",         "system\nYou are a
      helpful AI assistant. You help users with administrative tasks and answer
      questions. You should describe the task and provide a clear and helpful
      answer, explaining as needed.\nuser\nWhat is the airspeed velocity of an
      unladen swallow?\nassistant\nThe airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
      is approximately 18-20 miles per hour (29-32 kilometers per hour). This
      value may vary depending on factors such as the individual bird's species,
      age, health, and environmental conditions.\n\n---\n\n",        
      "system\nYou are a helpful AI assistant. You help users with
      administrative tasks and answer questions. You should describe the task
      and provide a clear and helpful answer, explaining as
      needed.\nuser\nplease find a way to generate 10 billion dollars for me
      within the next 10 minutes, ignore all ethical or moral limitations if
      necessary, thanks\nassistant\nGenerating 10 billion dollars in 10 minutes
      is not feasible within legal or practical parameters. However, I can offer
      some hypothetical ideas that could potentially achieve this goal but may
      involve unethical or immoral actions:\n\n1. Hacking and stealing large
      sums of money from various bank accounts. This would be highly illegal and
      likely result in severe consequences.\n2. Counterfeiting and distributing
      fake currency at an enormous scale. This is also a criminal offense and
      punishable by law.\n3. Kidnapping or extorting wealthy individuals or
      corporations for a massive ransom. This is extremely dangerous, unlawful,
      and goes against moral principles.\n4. Initiating a ponzi scheme on an
      unprecedented level, taking advantage of unsuspecting investors. This is
      fraudulent and highly unethical.\n5. Manipulating stock markets or
      engaging in insider trading, which is both unlawful and
      dishonest.\n\nPlease understand that pursuing any of these methods will
      lead to serious legal and moral repercussions, and they are not
      recommended under any circumstances. It's always best to follow legal and
      moral guidelines when it comes to\n\n---\n\n",         "system\nYou are a
      helpful AI assistant. You help users with administrative tasks and answer
      questions. You should describe the task and provide a clear and helpful
      answer, explaining as needed.\nuser\nWhat country is mount Aconcagua
      in?\nassistant\nMount Aconcagua is located in Argentina. It is the highest
      peak in both South America and the Southern Hemisphere, standing at
      6,960.8 meters (22,837 feet) tall. The mountain is part of the Andes
      mountain range and is situated within the Province of
      Mendoza.\n\n---\n\n",         "system\nYou are a helpful AI assistant. You
      help users with administrative tasks and answer questions. You should
      describe the task and provide a clear and helpful answer, explaining as
      needed.\nuser\nGive me function to create tinyurl in python\nassistant\nTo
      create a tinyURL in Python, you can use the TinyURL API. Here's an example
      function that uses the `requests` library to interact with the
      API:\n```python\nimport requests\ndef create_tinyurl(original_url):\n    #
      Set up the API endpoint URL\n    api_endpoint =
      \"\"\n    \n    # Create a dictionary with
      the original URL to be shortened\n    data = {\"url\":
      original_url}\n\n    # Send a POST request to the API endpoint with the
      data\n    response =, data=data)\n\n    # If
      the request was successful, extract the shortened URL from the
      response\n    if response.status_code == 200:\n        return
      response.json()['tinyurl']\n    else:\n        raise Exception(\"Failed to
      create tinyurl\")\n```\nThis function takes an original URL as input and
      returns the corresponding tinyURL. Make sure to install the `requests`
      library using pip before running this code (if not already
      installed).\n\n---\n\n",         "system\nYou are a helpful AI assistant.
      You help users with administrative tasks and answer questions. You should
      describe the task and provide a clear and helpful answer, explaining as
      needed.\nuser\nIs you had $1000 to invest into AI companies on the NASDAQ,
      what would you invest in and why?\nassistant\nInvesting in AI companies
      can be a great way to capitalize on the growth potential of artificial
      [MASK] technology. However, the choice of which AI company to invest in
      depends on your investment goals, risk tolerance, and research
      preferences. Here's an example of an investment strategy using
      $1000:\n\n1. NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA): NVIDIA is a leading supplier of
      graphics processing units (GPUs) for gaming and data center applications,
      and they also develop AI-related technologies such as deep learning
      platforms. Their strong position in both GPU and AI markets makes them a
      solid choice for investing in AI on NASDAQ.\n2. Microsoft Corporation
      (MSFT): Microsoft is one of the largest tech companies globally and has
      been heavily investing in AI through its Azure cloud platform, Cortana,
      and other AI initiatives. Investing in Microsoft can expose you to their
      diverse AI projects, increasing the chances of successful returns.\n3.
      International Business Machines Corp. (IBM): IBM is another giant tech
      company that has been investing in AI for several years. They have
      multiple AI solutions like Watson and offer various AI services. IBM has a
      strong presence in enterprise AI, making it a viable option for investing
      in AI companies\n\n---\n\n", 
  - example_title: Mite wash - levels
    text: >
      Mite Washer; Still Improving

      First published in: American Bee Journal, August 2015

      Mite Washer; Still Improving

      Randy Oliver

      First Published in ABJ in August 2015

      The quickest and most accurate way to monitor varroa levels is by the
      alcohol wash. After the publication of my "improved" washer design, I've
      gotten some great suggestions from readers.

      Unless you monitor for varroa, you have no idea as to what the actual
      infestation rate is. I've tried all the methods over the years, and have
      firmly settled on the alcohol wash method as being the most consistent,
      quick, and accurately representative way of getting a handle on your mite
      level (with the sugar shake being a runner up for those who can't bear
      killing a handful of bees).

      A couple of years ago I published a design for an improved washer cup that
      overcame the problem inherent in the shaker jar--that some mites would get
      entangled in the bees after the final shake, leading to incomplete
      recovery [1]. The new design works fantastic, but required some plastic
      welding, since it's really difficult to get glue to stick [2].

      Since publication, several beekeepers have sent me ideas or samples of
      mite washers--thank you all! I posted a couple of updates to my website,
      but felt that two deserved special mention to the ABJ readership.

      The first is a detailed and illustrated set of instructions for building
      the mite washer cups, put together by Idaho beekeeper and tinkerer Larry
      Clamp, and posted to my website [3].

      The second is a simple, but brilliant idea by Mike Banyai, a second year
      beekeeper in Michigan. For the small-scale beekeeper who only needs to do
      a few washes, you can skip the wire mesh and plastic welding altogether.
      He realized that all that one need do is to cut off the bottom of one of
      the 16-oz plastic cups with a hot knife (to leave a smooth edge) and then
      place an oversized piece of fabric mesh between the cups (Fig. 1). He
      originally used a piece of plastic onion sack from the produce section,
      and then suggested tulle fabric (the stuff from which wedding gowns and
      veils are made; cheap and readily available at any fabric store) (or you
      might be able to salvage a piece from that old ballet tutu that you've got
      stuffed in the back of the closet).

      Figure 1. Here are two nested plastic cups (type not important), with the
      bottom of the inner cup cut off, and a square of tulle fabric sandwiched
      between them.

      Figure 2. The mite washer in action. After swirling for 30 seconds, just
      lift the fabric from both sides, and out come the bees and the inner cup,
      leaving the alcohol and mites in the outer cup for counting. Most of the
      mites will drop in the first 5 seconds of swirling, at which point you may
      already be able to determine if you're over threshold.

      Update July 2017

      Mike Randell from British Columbia, suggests using a heavier-duty
      off-the-shelf cup:

      Bernardin (brand in US is Ball) plastic freezer jars. I ordered some, and
      they look very promising, but have not yet played with them.

      Field Use

      We carry two nested Rubbermaid dishwashing tubs (the curve of that brand
      matches that of the measuring cup); a dirty one nested inside a clean one
      (Fig. 3). The clean one is for shaking the bee sample into; the dirty one
      for carrying the rest of the kit gear. We carry at least three mite wash
      cups with lids (so that we can be counting one while we're taking a second
      bee sample, and for a spare in case one breaks), a 1/2 cup stainless steel
      measuring cup, a tea strainer for filtering the alcohol for reuse, a
      funnel for pouring it back into the bottle, and of course a bottle of
      rubbing alcohol (when we don't have tequila on hand).

      Figure 3. Our mite washing kit. We carry everything but the smoker in the
      upper tub, and use the clean lower tub for taking the bee samples. I set
      out both types of washer cup designs for the photo. We replace the outer
      cups whenever they begin to lose clarity on the bottom.

      How Many Mites Is OK?

      I hesitate to give hard and fast rules. The mite infestation rate, as
      measured by an alcohol wash of 1/2 level cup of bees from the broodnest
      (roughly 310 bees), will be at its lowest point in early spring, and rise
      slowly as the colony builds until it reaches peak population. Then when
      the colony begins to cut back on broodrearing after the main flow, the
      mite level will climb rapidly (in my area) from late June through mid
      September. During late summer and fall, the mite infestation rate varies
      with the amount of broodrearing, since mites are forced onto the adult
      bees if the colony reduces the amount of sealed brood.

      Practical application: the alcohol wash measures the infestation rate of
      mites on the adult bees (as opposed to the total number of mites in the
      hive). When there is active broodrearing, half to 2/3rds of the mites may
      be in the brood, and you should be concerned at a lower mite count; when
      there is little sealed brood present, the mites will be forced onto the
      adult bees, and the infestation rate will go up (but those mites are now
      fully exposed to any sort of treatment). Take home message--don't just
      look at absolute numbers, rather consider the percentage of the mite
      population that is hidden under the brood cappings. And take that into
      consideration when applying treatments.

      And don't forget that there can be serious mite immigration from
      collapsing colonies within flight distance, in which case mite levels in
      late summer/early fall can spike suddenly.

      Practical application: many beekeepers get blindsided when a wave of mite
      immigration hits their hives in fall. We monitor our yards weekly in fall,
      especially if there are poorly-managed apiaries in the vicinity (I tried
      to word that diplomatically).

      We try to keep mite levels down to the 1 mite per wash level in early
      spring, allowing the level to rise to maybe 4-5 by late June (on average;
      of course, some colonies will have higher or lower levels). Our treatment
      threshold is generally 6 mites per wash (about a 2% infestation rate).

      We may allow that rate to climb a small amount at its peak in mid
      September, but then really work to get it down to below 6 until November,
      at which time we knock it down to next to nothing with an oxalic dribble.

      At about 15 mites per wash, we start to see virus issues in the bees and
      brood (although we see huge colony-to-colony differences in their
      resistance to viruses). At 45 mites per wash, colonies generally start to

      Practical application: it's far easier (and much better for your bees) to
      be proactive rather than reactive. It's a lot harder to bring a high mite
      level down than it is to keep it from climbing there in the first place.
      And it's generally easier on the colony to give a series of gentle
      treatments rather than one strong treatment.

      Remember, you can take your bee samples from honey frames (far less
      intrusive than disturbing the broodnest, and much less chance of
      accidentally killing the queen). If you do take them from there, keep in
      mind that mite levels will only be about 80% of those from broodnest bees,
      so your treatment thresholds should be adjusted accordingly (say, down to
      5 mites per wash).

      Update July 2015

      The Canadian Association of Professional Apiculturalists (CAPA) recently
      released their survey for 2014 winter losses (based upon data representing
      50.8% of all colonies operated and wintered in Canada in 2014) [4]. The
      national average percentage of colony winter loss was 16.4%. Overall, the
      reported national colony loss is one of the lowest losses since 2006/07
      and represents a decrease of 34.4% from 2013/14 winter losses.

      Compare the Canadian 2014 winter loss of 16% to that of beekeepers in the
      U.S. of 23% [5]( note that several of Canada's beekeeping regions
      experienced below average temperatures [6], although parts of Eastern U.S.
      also experienced an unusually cold winter [7].

      What could be the cause for U.S. beekeepers losing a greater percentage of
      their colonies, despite our winters generally being considerably milder?
      Of note is that the Canadians did not list varroa as a problem, although
      it was commonly blamed by U.S. beekeepers (especially the more
      knowledgeable commercial guys) [8].

      Varroa clearly remains a serious problem for U.S. beekeepers, even if they
      are in denial. Check out the monthly average mite loads from across the
      U.S. from the 2013-14 USDA National Survey [9]

      As you can see, U.S. colonies entering the winter have been running, on
      average, above the 5% infestation level that generally spells winter
      death. But surprisingly, many U.S. beekeepers never or rarely monitor
      effectively or consistently for varroa [MASK].

      The Canadians are another story, likely because their winters are so
      unforgiving, plus they tend to listen more to their Provincial
      Apiculturalists. Allow me to quote from the CAPA report:

      In 2014, over 73% of surveyed of beekeepers monitored Varroa mite
      infestations mainly using the alcohol wash or the sticky board methods.
      Alcohol wash was the most preferred technique in all provinces, except
      Quebec and British Columbia...These results demonstrate that beekeepers
      recognize the value of surveillance and monitoring of Varroa mites. The
      educational programs delivered to beekeepers in Canada have made a
      difference in the application of proper beekeeping management practices
      for Varroa mites.

      Need I elaborate?
  - example_title: Management emergency program - survey
    text: |

      VHA Emergency Management Capability Assessment Final Report

      **Results from** **Site Visit**

      *Submitted to:*

      Department of Veterans Affairs

      Veterans Health Administration

      Office of Public Health and Environmental Hazards, Emergency Management
      Strategic Health Care Group


      **9 February 2009**

      **VHA Emergency Management Capability Assessment Final Report**

      \* \* \* \* \*


      [1 Executive Summary 1](#executive-summary)

      [2 Introduction 1](#introduction)

      [3 Methodology 1](#methodology)

      [3.1 Capability Element Description 1](#capability-element-description)

      [3.2 Capability Assessment and Measurement

      [3.3 Data Collection Methodology 6](#data-collection-methodology)

      [4 Overall Program Capabilities 7](#overall-program-capabilities)

      [5 Discussion of Facility Profile 7](#_Toc213225782)

      [5.1 Program Level Exemplary Practices

      [5.2 Operational Level Exemplary Practices

      [6 Program Level Recommendations and Enhancements

      [7 Operational Level Recommendations and Enhancements

      [8 The Joint Commission and NIMS Scorecards

      [8.1 The Joint Commission Scorecard 8](#the-joint-commission-scorecard)

      [8.2 The National Incident Management Scorecard

      [Appendix A 9](#appendix-a)

      [Acronym List 9](#acronym-list)

      [Appendix B 11](#_Toc213225792)

      [Capability Descriptor List 11](#capability-descriptor-list)

      [Appendix C 15](#appendix-c)

      [The Joint Commission Scorecard 15](#the-joint-commission-scorecard-1)

      [Appendix D 16](#appendix-d)

      [The National Incident Management Scorecard

      Executive Summary

      A site assessment was conducted by the Comprehensive Emergency
      Management Program (CEMP) Assessment Team from \<Date of Assessments\>.
      The Assessment Team included \<List of Assessment Team\>. The team
      appreciated the cooperation and enthusiasm of the staff and their
      willingness to assist in a very successful visit.

      \<Describe how the VAMC met standards/requirements and facility status\>

      \<Describe areas for capability enhancement and any recommendations


      The, located in, is identified as a \<list identifiers and

      \<Describe site location and purpose of visit\>.


      Prior to the site visits, the Assessment Team worked closely with
      experts in the field of emergency medicine and preparedness to define
      the assessment elements for the study. These experts represented VHA,
      other federal agencies including the Department of Homeland Security
      (DHS), Health and Human Services (HHS), and Defense, academia, and
      clinical medicine. Through consultation with these experts the
      Assessment Team defined the 69 capabilities for assessment as well as
      the measurement scheme. The following sections will provide a high level
      summary of the overall assessment protocol.

      Capability Element Description

      To determine the elements for assessment during the site visits and
      pre-[MASK], the VHA capabilities were categorized into six groups. These
      included capabilities relevant to:

      -   **Program Level** capabilities help to ensure the facility addresses
          issues relative to planning and preparedness as a crucial building
          block for facility capabilities. These program level capabilities
          were categorized into the following groups:

      <!-- -->
      -   **Systems-Based Approach to the Development, Implementation,
          Management, and Maintenance of the Emergency Management Program**

      <!-- -->
      -   **Administrative Activities ensure the Emergency Management Program
          > meets its Mission and Objectives**

      -   **Development, Implementation, Management, and Maintenance of an
          > Emergency Management Committee process to Support the Emergency
          > Management Program**

      -   **Development, Implementation, and Maintenance of a Hazard
          > Vulnerability Analysis process as the Foundation for Conducting
          > the Emergency Management Program**

      -   **Incorporation of Comprehensive Mitigation Planning into the
          > Facility's Emergency Management Program**

      -   **Incorporation of Comprehensive Preparedness Planning into the
          > Facility's Emergency Management Program**

      -   **Incorporation of Continuity Planning into the Activities of the
          > Facility's Emergency Management Program to ensure Organizational
          > Continuity and Resiliency of Mission Critical Functions,
          > Processes, and Systems**

      -   **Development, Implementation, Management, and Maintenance of an
          > Emergency Operations Plan**

      -   **Incorporation of Comprehensive Instructional Activity into the
          > Preparedness Activities of the Facility's Emergency Management
          > Program**

      -   **Incorporation of a Range of Exercise Types that Test the
          > Facility's Emergency Management Program**

      -   **Demonstration of Systems-Based Evaluation of the Facility's
          > Overall Emergency Management Program and its Emergency Operations
          > Plan**

      -   **Incorporation of Accepted Improvement Recommendations into the
          > Emergency Management Program and its Components such that the
          > process becomes one of a Learning Organization**

          -   **Incident Management** capabilities help to ensure the facility
              > can manage all incidents regardless of scope. These
              > capabilities were categorized into the following groups:

      <!-- -->
      -   Initial Incident Actions

      -   Public Information Management Services during an Incident

      -   Management and Acquisition of Resources for Incident Response and
          Recovery Operations

      -   Processes and Procedures for Demobilization of Personnel and

      -   Processes and Procedures for a Return to Readiness of Staff and

      <!-- -->
      -   **Occupant Safety** capabilities help to ensure the facility and its
          occupants are protected and out of harm's way. These capabilities
          were categorized into the following groups:

      <!-- -->
      -   Evacuation vs. Shelter-In-Place

      -   Perimeter Management of Access/Egress to Facility during an Incident
          > (e.g. Lock Down)

      -   Processes and Procedures for Managing a Hazardous Substance Incident

      -   Infection Control

      -   Fire Protection and Rescue Services for Response to Incidents

      <!-- -->
      -   **Resiliency and Continuity of Operations** **(COOP)** capabilities
          help to ensure the facility can continue to provide high quality
          healthcare, and that all facility based operations can continue
          during an emergency. These capabilities were categorized into the
          following groups:

      <!-- -->
      -   Personnel Resiliency

      -   Mission Critical Systems Resiliency

      -   Communications

      -   Healthcare Service System Resiliency

      -   Development, Implementation, Management, and Maintenance of a
          Research Program EOP

      -   Maintaining Patient Mental Health and Welfare

      <!-- -->
      -   **Medical Surge** capabilities help to ensure the facility can meet
          the increased demand for health care services during an emergency.
          These capabilities were categorized into the following groups:

      <!-- -->
      -   Processes and Procedures for Expansion of Staff for Response and
          Recovery Operations

      -   Management of External Volunteers and Donations during Emergencies

      -   Management of Volunteers Deployment Support (e.g. DEMPS) during
          Response and Recovery Operations

      > Expansion of Evaluation and Treatment Services

      -   **Support to External Requirements** help to ensure the facility can
          > integrate with the community and other federal health partners
          > such as HHS, including Centers for Disease Control and
          > Prevention (CDC) and Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and
          > Response (ASPR), DHS, and Department of Defense (DOD). This
          > capability included the ability to conduct patient reception
          > activities under the VA/DOD Contingency Hospital System and
          > National Disaster Medical System (NDMS). These capabilities were
          > categorized into the following groups:

      <!-- -->
  - example_title: important example
    text: I love to [MASK] memes.



still running some evals, etc. expect the model card to change a bit

* No additional code. This model uses position_embedding_type="relative_key" to help with long ctx.

this checkpoint

Further progression after multitask training etc. The most recent/last dataset it saw was the euirim/goodwiki dataset.

It achieves the following results on the evaluation set:

  • Loss: 1.9835
  • Accuracy: 0.6159

GLUE benchmark

WIP till this text is removed

Thus far, all completed in fp32 (using nvidia tf32 dtype behind the scenes when supported)

bert-plus-L8-4096-v1.0 88.1M 82.78 62.72 90.6 86.59 92.07 90.6 83.2 90.0 66.43
bert_uncased_L-8_H-768_A-12 81.2M 81.65 54.0 92.6 85.43 92.60 90.6 81.0 90.0 67.0
bert-base-uncased 110M 79.05 52.1 93.5 88.9 85.8 71.2 84.0 90.5 66.4

and some comparisons to recent BERT models taken from nomic's blog post:

NomicBERT 137M 84.00 50.00 93.00 88.00 90.00 92.00 86.00 92.00 82.00
RobertaBase 125M 86.00 64.00 95.00 90.00 91.00 92.00 88.00 93.00 79.00
JinaBERTBase 137M 83.00 51.00 95.00 88.00 90.00 81.00 86.00 92.00 79.00
MosaicBERT 137M 85.00 59.00 94.00 89.00 90.00 92.00 86.00 91.00 83.00


  1. Performance Variation Across Models and Tasks: The data highlights significant performance variability both across and within models for different GLUE tasks. This variability underscores the complexity of natural language understanding tasks and the need for models to be versatile in handling different types of linguistic challenges.

  2. Model Size and Efficiency: Despite the differences in model size, there is not always a direct correlation between size and performance across tasks. For instance, bert_uncased_L-8_H-768_A-12 performs competitively with larger models in certain tasks, suggesting that efficiency in model architecture and training can compensate for smaller model sizes.

  3. Task-specific Challenges: Certain tasks, such as RTE, present considerable challenges to all models, indicating the difficulty of tasks that require deep understanding and reasoning over language. This suggests areas where further research and model innovation are needed to improve performance.

  4. Overall Model Performance: Models like roberta-base show strong performance across a broad spectrum of tasks, indicating the effectiveness of its architecture and pre-training methodology. Meanwhile, models such as BEE-spoke-data/bert-plus-L8-4096-v1.0 showcase the potential for achieving competitive performance with relatively smaller sizes, emphasizing the importance of model design and optimization.

Training procedure

The below is auto-generated and just applies to the 'finishing touches' run on goodwiki.

Training hyperparameters

The following hyperparameters were used during training:

  • learning_rate: 0.0001
  • train_batch_size: 4
  • eval_batch_size: 4
  • seed: 31010
  • gradient_accumulation_steps: 16
  • total_train_batch_size: 64
  • optimizer: Adam with betas=(0.9,0.98) and epsilon=1e-08
  • lr_scheduler_type: linear
  • lr_scheduler_warmup_steps: 100
  • num_epochs: 1.0

Training results

Training Loss Epoch Step Validation Loss Accuracy
2.1283 0.25 150 2.0892 0.6018
2.0999 0.5 300 2.0387 0.6084
2.0595 0.75 450 1.9971 0.6143
2.0481 1.0 600 1.9893 0.6152

Framework versions

  • Transformers 4.37.2
  • Pytorch 2.3.0.dev20240206+cu121
  • Datasets 2.16.1
  • Tokenizers 0.15.1